#i got the frosty boy today!
star-shard · 9 months
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your honor, I love them
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Hey! I love your Cregan fics💕 is it okay if i ask for another fluff Cregan fic?👉👈 i just can't get enough of Cregan fluff
Poison Berries
Who would win? 100 tongues slandering the lady of Winterfell or 1 Cregan Stark?
Cregan Stark x Reader | 700< | cw: fem!reader, wife!reader, insecurities, implied body shaming, protective!cregan, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: this is totally me projecting cos my sis and i got body shamed today. it be ur own family i swear
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"Where is my wife?" is the first thing Lord Stark says when he returns from his errands. He grunts as he dismounts his horse, eyes fixed upon the stable boy who takes his horse by the reins.
He grunts again at the lack of response and explains, "she told me she would be here when I returned."
The boy shrugs, "I don't know, milord. 've not seen milady all day."
He huffs and nods. He decides to simply look for you in your shared chambers, thinking you would probably be there. Finding your quarters empty, he heads to the library, then the solar, the kitchen, and soon- "where is my wife?!" is heard and repeated all across Winterfell.
Someone tells him you went into the woods to forage, and so naturally, he asks who you left with. He receives no name, and quickly it dawns you had left the safety of stronghold alone. His heart races. How long have you been out? By the old gods, how long have you been out?
Cregan mounts his horse at once and patrols the land. He screams your name out so loudly it disrupts the surrounding wildlife.
He snaps when he hears a response. He is unmistaken; that was your voice calling out his name. Quickly, he answers your call and rides toward you. He nearly leaps from his horse when he spots you, face crestfallen, hair frosty.
He calls your name again, much softer now, voice laced in worry. He captures your cheeks in his hands, hissing when he feels it's unnatural coolness, "are you well?"
You hold a guilty expression as he moves to rub your shoulders.
"Why have you left unaccompanied?" Cregan huffs hotly, his breath condensing with the air, "has something happened?"
"Cregan-" you place your hands on his chest. He stops rubbing your arms.
He watches how you lower your gaze. His face hardens with concern, "my love, speak to me."
You look up at him, eyes now pinkish and teary.
His jaw clenches. He huffs through his nostrils.
"I overheard... ..."
Cregan's expression softens. He clutches your cheeks, "speak," he rubs your skin with his thumbs, "I implore you to speak."
Your sigh turns to fog. You shrug, "they do not think I... I am a true Northern bride."
"True?" he snaps, "you are a Northern bride," he brushes your hair back, "I am Northern and you are my bride."
Your tears become too heavy.
Cregan's stomach churns as he wipes your tears. He hushes you and mutters under his breath, "there can be no truer bride than that of the Lord of Winterfell's."
"I fare horribly in the cold."
"You will grow accustomed to it."
"I do not know how to start a fire."
"Then I shall teach you, if you must lear-"
"But I do not look the part!"
Cregan's face drops.
Your tears begin to turn to frost. Your voice is small, "I do not look like the other ladies. I do not wear the furs well, I do not look shapely... I feel beastly. I was not forged by steel as you are, husband."
He rubs your cheeks, determined to warm you, "and who would slander my wife? Force her to feast on lies?"
You scoff and lower your gaze
"Would that you need be forged by steel-"
You shake your head, "it does not matter."
"It matters greatly," he releases your cheeks, "I will have them answer to their accusations," he clenches his fists, "and we shall see how their furs suit them when they've wet them."
You look up at Cregan, brows furrowing at the sight of his increasing fury.
"I would have them grovel," he mutters, "and sentence them to the Wall if they do not-"
You lips part, "Cregan-"
"Do they believe I would not do that much for the lady of mine own house? My lady?"
"Cregan," you rub the collar of his cloak.
He examines you. A line forms between his brows as he reaches for your wrist.
You look at each other for a moment. His thumb rubs circles on your skin. You raise your brows, "I... I picked a few berries for you," you turn to the basket that laid forgotten on the ground.
His gaze shifts to it.
"Though, I must admit... I am uncertain if they are edible."
He chuckles and takes your hand in his. He kisses your knuckles.
You offer him a soft smile.
The man hums, "perhaps we shall see by feeding them to the slanderers."
You whip your head back, "Cregan."
"A jest... a jest, my lady."
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soulofapatrick · 9 months
They Find Out You're Pregnant: One Piece Boys
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Summary: How each boy finds out you're pregnant
Words: 5.7K altogether
warnings: unplanned pregnancy but mostly fluff
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The scent of sizzling spices fills the air as Sanji orchestrated a culinary symphony in the Thousand Sunny’s kitchen. His deft hands move with practiced grace, a dance that spoke of passion and expertise but for once his cooking wasn’t what got my attention. I’m sidling around Sanji, who’s lost in his world of sizzling pans and aromatic spices. The kitchen is his main, a place where he commands both ingredients and flames with the finesse of a maestro. Today, however, my attention isn’t fixed on his culinary mastery. It’s drawn, instead, to the sizeable tub of salted caramel ice cream tucked away in the freezer, calling to me with its irresistible allure. 
With a casual lean, I snag a spoon from the drawer and make a beeline for the freezer. The cold air greets me as I retrieve the tub, feeling its frosty chill through the container. My taste buds dance in anticipation; there’s something about this particular flavour that has become inexplicably magnetic. 
Returning to the kitchen island, I take a seat, propping myself up on one of the stools, spoon in hand. Sanji, ever engrossed in his culinary creation, doesn’t seem to notice my ice cream indulgence. He moves with a fluidity that’s almost hypnotic, each movement deliberate and purposeful. 
I twist off the lid of the ice cream tub, the gentle scent of caramel filling the air. With a satisfying clink, the spoon dips into the creamy goodness, gathering a generous scoop. As I lift it to my lips, the richness of the caramel mixed with the slight saltiness dances on my taste buds, a delightful sensation that brings an unexpected comfort.
Glancing over at Sanji, I marvel at his expertise. Despite my seemingly distracted state, his instincts as a chef seem to extend beyond just the realm of cooking. His attention to detail is impeccable, noticing even the subtlest shifts in preferences. Sanji hums a tune under his breath, his focus unwavering. I continue to enjoy my impromptu dessert, relishing the smooth, cold sweetness against the backdrop of Sanji's culinary artistry. 
As Sanji begins to fry food, the enticing aroma of spices fills the air once more. He orchestrates the sizzle and crackle of ingredients in a symphony of flavours, the tantalising scent mingling with the lingering sweetness of the ice cream. But as I sit there, spoon poised for another scoop, an unexpected wave of nausea washes over me. The once delightful taste of caramel now feels overwhelming. With a sudden heaviness, I place the tub of ice cream on the counter, the thud echoing louder than intended.
Sanji glances over, concern etching into his features as he notices my abrupt change in demeanour. "Are you alright, my love?” His voice, laced with worry, cuts through the sounds of the kitchen.
I manage a weak nod, but the queasiness intensifies. Without another word, I push myself off the stool and dash towards the bin, my footsteps echoing in the galley. The retching sounds reverberate in the room, a stark contrast to the harmonious melody of Sanji's cooking. Embarrassment floods me as I lean against the counter, my breaths ragged, trying to steady myself. Sanji, ever the attentive soul, swiftly moves closer, concern etched in every line of his face.
“Maybe it’s… yeah, it’s the combination of flavours.” I manage between breaths, feeling utterly mortified at the sudden turn of events. An anxiety plating in the back of my mind as I’m late for my period and have been for a week now but that’s not that unusual with the resent stresses. 
Sanji's worry melts into understanding, his eyes softening with compassion. "It happens," he reassures, his hand resting gently on my back. "Sometimes, tastes change unexpectedly. Let's get you some water.” With Sanji’s comforting assurance, I try to shake off the unease gripping me. As he moves to fetch water, a sudden surge of panic knots my stomach. My mind races, the memory of my late period lingering like an unspoken secret.
“Sanji,” I blurt out, my voice quivering, catching him mid-step. His brows furrow in concern. As he turns back to me, his expression a blend of care and curiosity, “I’m late…” I manage to confess, my words stumbling out in a rush. Embarrassment and anxiety collide, painting a flush across my cheeks. 
“Late…?” His voice trails off as he tries to understand me, brows furrowed. 
I tug gently at his wrist, feeling a desperate need for support, for someone to share this unexpected worry with. "I don't know what to do, Sanji. It’s been a week, and… and I don't know if it’s just stress or…”
With my confession hanging between us, Sanji's eyes widen in realisation, the pieces clicking together as my distress becomes palpable. Before either of us can utter another word, another wave of nausea overwhelms me, and I lurch towards the bin once more, heaving with a force that leaves me breathless. Sanji’s concern deepens as he rushes to my side, his hands instinctively reaching for a glass of water. "Here, drink this," he urges gently, his voice laced with worry.
Gasping for air, I manage to steady myself and accept the water, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude. Sanji's swift actions and unwavering support feel like an anchor in this sudden storm of uncertainty. 
”Come on," he says softly, guiding me towards the nearby couch, his arm securely wrapped around my shoulder. He kneels in front of me, his eyes searching mine with a mix of concern and care. "Are you sure?” 
I nod weakly, the weight of the moment heavy on my shoulders. "As sure as I can be," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper, the reality of the situation sinking in with each passing second. Sanji's expression softens, his hand gently resting on mine. "We'll figure this out together," he assures, his voice filled with a determination to be there every step of the way, “I love you so much. We’re gonna be parents.” 
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The sea breeze whips through my hair as I stand on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, watching the waves dance beneath the golden sunlight. Another adventure alongside Luffy and the crew—a thrilling escapade filled with laughter, battles and unforeseen challenges. 
But lately, there’s something different. A subtle fatigue creeps in, and I find myself yawning during moments of respite. It’s unlike me, the one who is usually brimming with boundless energy. Yet, I brush it off, attributing it to the rigorous journey. Each day brings its own set of adventures, and with it, an inexplicable weariness that shadows my every step. Yawning becomes a constant companion, stealing moments of wakefulness in between our exploits. Climbing rigging, engaging in battles, and exploring uncharted territories—all thrilling, yet each exertion seems to compound this unexplained exhaustion.
There's a nagging feeling in the back of my mind, a whisper of something unfamiliar. It tugs at my thoughts during quiet moments, a persistent reminder that something isn’t quite as it should be. Yet, I struggle to grasp its elusive form, brushing it aside amidst the excitement of our journey. 
The crew carries on, oblivious to my inner turmoil, their spirits high as they revel in the thrill of the adventure. Luffy’s infectious laughter, Zoro’s unwavering determination, Nami’s calculating mind—all paint a vibrant picture against the backdrop of the vast ocean. Amidst the chaos and camaraderie, I can’t help but feel a sense of detachment, a solitary island amidst the bustling sea. My fatigue persists, a constant companion whose origin remains an enigma.
Luffy, with his endless curiosity and knack for noticing the smallest details, seems to pick up on my weariness before I even acknowledge it. He catches me dozing off during our travels, his wide grin turning into a puzzled expression. 
"Hey, Y/N! Are you okay?" His voice, filled with genuine concern, cuts through the hustle and bustle of our adventurous escapades. 
I nod, forcing a smile. "Yeah, just a bit tired. It's nothing, really.” 
Luffy's concern persists, evident in the furrow of his brows as he gazes at me with unwavering attention. His wide, innocent eyes betray his curiosity, searching for answers that even I can't provide. "You sure?" He asks, his voice tinged with a childlike sincerity that tugs at my heartstrings. 
Luffy’s concern, like an unwavering beacon of warmth, persists despite my feeble attempts to brush off my weariness. He shifts closer, his arms encircling me in an unexpected but comforting embrace from behind. His embrace is gentle yet reassuring, as if he could shield me from the exhaustion I can't shake. I can't help but chuckle softly at the suddenness of his affection, feeling a sense of ease washing over me as I lean back slightly, finding an unexpected comfort in his embrace. The weariness that had been pulling me down seems to dissipate for a moment, the warmth of his care a soothing balm to my tired soul.
But even amidst this comfort, Luffy’s intuition remains unyielding. His embrace lingers just a moment longer, his gaze still searching for answers, as if he could decipher the unspoken truths hidden behind my worn-out facade. His childlike sincerity tugs at my heart, urging me to share what I can't quite articulate.
"I'll be fine, Luffy," I say softly, trying to reassure both him and myself, though doubt niggles at the edges of my words. His concern is a testament to his unwavering loyalty and care, a reflection of the bonds we share as a crew. 
Despite my attempts at reassurance, Luffy's gaze holds a depth of understanding that transcends words. He doesn't press further, but the lingering concern in his eyes speaks volumes, a silent promise to stand by me, no matter what uncertainties lie ahead. And as we carry on with our adventures, I find solace in the unspoken support of a friend who seeks to understand even the mysteries hidden beneath a worn-out smile.
His wide eyes dart between mine, a silent conversation unfolding, his desire to understand evident in the furrow of his brows. And with that unspoken exchange, he reluctantly accepts my explanation, bounding off with a promise to resume our adventure. He heads off in the direction of Nami and Robin who are talking quietly, asking them something that has them squealing and gushing over something and the three begin tot talk animatedly but too far away for me to hear. 
It doesn’t take long for me to find out as Luffy’s is calling for my attention, “Hey, Y/N!” His voice is tinged with excitement. His finger points at something I hadn’t even noticed,— my slightly protruding belly, a subtle change that had slipped under my own radar as I just thought I had put on weight from the feasts Luffy makes Sanji make for us, “I think you’re gonna have a baby!” His exclamation echoes across the deck, his unfiltered joy a testament to his unique perspective on life. 
The crew halts, their expressions ranging from astonishment to joyous disbelief. I stand frozen, stunned by Luffy’s innocent declaration, a revelation that I had yet to fathom. In the moment that follows Luffy’s proclamation, a bewildering realisation sweeps over me. His words—“you’re gonna have a baby”—linger in the air, and as the crew's astonished gazes shift between us, it finally dawns on Luffy that he's not just declaring my news; he's announcing his own impending fatherhood. 
His wide eyes widen further, mirroring the astonishment painted across the faces of our crewmates. And then, in a flash of comprehension, a radiant grin spreads across Luffy's face, an uncontainable joy that sparks a cascade of laughter. "Wait, wait, wait! We're having a baby?!" His voice rings out, his expression a mix of disbelief and unadulterated happiness. 
Without another thought, Luffy bounds over to me, his infectious laughter filling the air. He scoops me up in his arms, spinning us both around in a whirlwind of uncontainable joy. Laughter erupts from him, a symphony of excitement and wonder as he revels in the revelation. "We're having a baby!" His exclamation echoes across the deck, a declaration that marks the beginning of a new, unforeseen chapter in our adventures. 
The crew, initially stunned by Luffy's proclamation, now erupts into cheers and congratulatory exclamations, their astonishment giving way to celebration. Amidst the whirlwind of laughter and cheers, Luffy's sheer delight becomes infectious, melting away any lingering shock. And as he continues to spin us both around, his joy becomes mine, intertwining our destinies in this unexpected, thrilling journey toward parenthood.
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The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the Thousand Sunny. It's a peaceful afternoon, the gentle sway of the ship lulling me into a sense of tranquility amid our bustling adventures. Zoro, the swordsman of unwavering determination, has always possessed an uncanny ability to notice the subtlest of changes. Today, however, would mark the day he’d discern a change within me that I hadn't yet comprehended.
I find myself sitting at the ship's bow, the soothing melody of the waves a comforting companion as I stare out into the horizon. The day had started like any other, yet a lingering unease gnaws at the edges of my thoughts, a sense of unfamiliarity that dances just beyond reach.
Zoro’s presence, like a shadow eternally by my side, draws closer. He settles nearby, his stoic gaze fixed on the horizon. "Something on your mind?" His voice, gruff yet tinged with a subtle concern, pierces the calm.
I shake my head, trying to dismiss the disquiet that has nestled itself within me. "Just thinking," I reply with a forced smile, hoping to brush off the weight of my contemplation.
But Zoro, with his unwavering perceptiveness, doesn’t seem convinced. He turns slightly towards me, his gaze assessing, as if trying to decipher the unspoken layers of my thoughts. His eyes, a testament to his keen observation, seem to search for answers that even I'm not yet ready to acknowledge.
As the day stretches into twilight, I notice Zoro's observations becoming more pronounced. He notices the slightest changes—a subtle fatigue in my stance during practice, a hesitancy in my movements that betray a newfound caution.
"Training not going as planned?" he asks casually, a hint of curiosity laced in his words.
I chuckle softly, attempting to mask the undercurrent of uncertainty. "Just feeling a bit off today, I guess."
Under the tangerine hues of the evening sky, Zoro’s scrutiny becomes more palpable. Each swing of my practice sword seems to carry an unusual weight, my movements betraying a faltering rhythm I can't seem to shake. Zoro, a steadfast presence beside me, doesn’t miss a beat. His intense focus during our training sessions amplifies, his watchful gaze tracking every subtle shift in my stance, every hesitancy that sneaks into my strikes.
“Having trouble finding your footing?” His question, tossed casually into the air, holds a knowing undertone that catches me off guard. I offer a fleeting smile, a feeble attempt to cloak the turmoil brewing beneath the surface but I wave off his concerns. 
But Zoro, with his uncanny ability to read between the lines, doesn’t let the matter slide. His observant nature persists, his inquiries wrapped in the guise of casual conversation, yet laden with an unwavering determination to unravel the mystery veiled within my uncharacteristic unease. As the sun begins its descent, casting shadows that dance across the ship’s deck, Zoro’s gaze lingers, a silent sentinel amidst the encroaching dusk. His dedication to noticing the subtleties, the nuances that escape ordinary observation, serves as an unspoken reassurance in the face of my growing uncertainty.
The day had settled into a tranquil calmness, the colours of the sky merging into a breathtaking canvas of oranges and purples as the sun dipped toward the horizon. Zoro's concern had become a constant companion, a silent understanding that had evolved beyond mere words.
"Feeling better?" He asks one day, his voice holding a touch of solemnity that catches me off guard.
I hesitate, feeling the weight of his gaze. "Not quite myself, to be honest," I admit reluctantly, feeling a sense of relief in sharing even a fraction of my uncertainty.
Zoro’s expression softens imperceptibly, a rare gesture from the stoic swordsman. "If something's on your mind, you know you can talk about it, right?" His words, though simple, carry an unspoken promise of support. 
I lean into his touch, finding an unexpected solace in his gesture. Resting my head on his sturdy shoulder, we both gaze out at the horizon, where the sun casts its final golden rays over the endless expanse of water.The tranquility of the moment envelops us, a sanctuary within the tumultuous uncertainty. Words become unnecessary as the serenity of the scene seems to bridge the unspoken gap between us. The weight of my worries feels a little lighter, shared in the unspoken language of companionship and understanding.
“I think I’m pregnant.” I mumble and Zoro's hand, which had been gently clasping mine, tightens slightly at my confession. His gaze, usually steady and composed, flickers with a blend of surprise and an emotion I can't quite place. For a fleeting moment, the tranquility of our shared moment is replaced by a charged energy—an anticipation that crackles between us. His grip on my hand relaxes, only to shift purposefully, cupping my chin with a tenderness that catches me off guard. His eyes, a storm of emotions, meet mine, and without a word, he pulls me closer, closing the distance between us with a possessive intensity.
In that instant, our lips meet in a fervent kiss, a silent affirmation of the unspoken dreams that had nestled in the depths of our shared future. His kiss is filled with a passionate reassurance, a promise of unwavering support and a newfound sense of purpose that we hadn't realised we were seeking. 
As the golden hues of the setting sun paint the sky with their final strokes, our connection feels more profound than ever, transcending the unspoken barriers that once stood between us. The weight of my revelation seems to dissipate in the warmth of his embrace, replaced by an overwhelming sense of unity and anticipation for the journey ahead. 
When our lips finally part, the tranquility of the moment returns, albeit tinged with an exhilarating sense of possibility. Zoro’s eyes, though still reflecting surprise, hold an unwavering determination—a silent vow that together, we will embrace this new chapter, our shared future now intertwined with the unexpected joy of impending parenthood.
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The Red Force sails calmly across the cast expanse of the sea, the ship’s sturdy frame cutting through the gentle waves with a reassuring rhythm. Shanks, the legendary and enigmatic pirate, is as astute as he is charismatic. Little did I know, he would be the first to sense the subtle shifts within me that heralded a new chapter in our lives. 
It begins with small gestures—a keen observation and a caring intervention—undetectable threats woven into the fabric of our daily interactions. Shanks, with his affable demeanour and keen intuition, notices the nuances I hadn’t yet recognised within myself. 
One tranquil evening aboard the ship, I reach for a glass of wine, eager to unwind after a day of adventure. Shanks, however, intercepts the bottle before I can take a sip from it, “Not tonight.” He murmurs with a gentle smile, his gaze filled with a knowing reassurance. 
Confusion clouds my features for a fleeting moment, but Shanks’ unwavering resolve speaks volumes. He offers no explanation, but his subtle gesture carries an unspoken wisdom that halts me in my tracks. A realisation flickers within me—an inkling that there might be more to Shanks’ intervention than meets the eye. 
As my hand instinctively reaches for the bottle once more, Shanks, with a graceful and deliberate motion, holds it just out of my grasp. His other arm, strong and reassuring, encircles my waist, drawing me closer until I’m pressed against him, our closeness enveloped by the gentle sway of the ship. Before I can voice my confusion or protest, Shanks silences any questions with a tender yet fervent kiss. His lips, a whisper against mine, convey a message that words couldn’t encapsulate—an unspoken reassurance, a depth of understanding that transcends any explanation.
Caught off guard by the unexpected intimacy of the moment, my initial confusion dissipates in the warmth of his embrace. There’s an inexplicable comfort in the way he holds me, in the way his lips mold against mine, as if he’s communicating a profound truth without uttering a single word. In that fleeting moment, amidst the whispers of the ocean breeze and the lull of the ship, I sense the depth of Shanks’ concern—a concern that goes beyond a simple denial of wine. His actions, though unconventional, carry an unspoken promise of protection, a silent vow to shield me from something I hadn’t yet comprehended.
As the tender moment lingers, Shanks whispers against my skin, his warm breath sending a shiver down my spine. "Be a good girl and stick to water tonight," he murmurs, his voice laced with a mixture of playfulness and genuine concern. His words carry a cryptic weight, an allusion to something I've yet to fathom. His nose nuzzles against the curve of my neck, a gesture that feels both protective and intimate. "Don't want to hurt our prodigy," he adds, his tone hinting at a revelation that eludes my understanding.
Confusion and curiosity dance within me as Shanks kisses my jaw once more before releasing me. He walks away, the bottle of wine in hand, leaving me to decipher the enigmatic puzzle he has laid out. His cryptic words linger in the air, stirring a flurry of thoughts and emotions. "Hurt our prodigy?" I mull over the phrase, trying to unravel its meaning amidst the waves of uncertainty that crash within me.
The realisation dawns gradually—a glimmer of understanding emerging from the depths of my contemplation. Shanks’ words, though veiled in ambiguity, carry a hidden truth—a truth that I'm hesitant to acknowledge but can't dismiss. Could it be? The notion takes root tentatively within my thoughts, an unspoken realisation that I might be carrying something precious, something that Shanks, with his astute intuition, has sensed long before I even considered the possibility. 
In a whirlwind of emotions and burgeoning realisations, I sprint to Shanks’ private quarters aboard the ship. The air crackles with a blend of uncertainty and a burgeoning anticipation that propels me forward. Racing through the door, I almost tear my shirt off, desperation guiding my movements as I position myself before the mirror.
 With an anxious breath, I angle myself sideways, my eyes searching for the slightest hint of change. There it is—a subtle curve, a gentle swell that hadn’t been there before. My hand hesitantly hovers over my stomach, tracing the faint outline, a tangible proof of the truth that begins to solidify in my mind. 
Before I can fully grasp the enormity of the revelation, strong and familiar arms envelop me from behind, gently covering my hands that rest upon my stomach. Shanks, with a silent understanding that transcends words, rests his chin on my shoulder, a comforting presence in this whirlwind of emotions. Tears blur my vision, a mixture of disbelief and an overwhelming rush of emotions cascading through me. Shanks' quiet embrace, his unspoken support, serves as a grounding force amidst the storm of thoughts racing through my mind.
In the mirrored reflection, I glance at Shanks, my voice laden with uncertainty, "You're not upset?" His frown, reflected in the glass, catches me off guard, stirring a fresh wave of apprehension within me.
Shanks gently turns me around to face him, his expression softening into a gentle smile. "Upset? Y/N, I've never been more thrilled," he confesses, his voice a steady reassurance that eases the knot of worry in my chest. "I've wanted this with you, with all my heart.” His words, laden with sincerity and unwavering affection, wash over me like a soothing balm. In that tender moment, surrounded by the depth of his love and his longing for a future we hadn't anticipated, the flood of emotions begins to settle.
As I process his heartfelt confession, Shanks’ demeanour takes on a mischievous glint. "Now, why don’t you get undressed?" he suggests, his voice a playful tease, though his eyes burn with an intensity that stirs a different kind of heat within me. 
Surprised by the sudden shift in tone, my cheeks flush crimson. "Shanks, I..." I stammer, momentarily taken aback by his unexpected boldness but then again it was Shanks. But before I can protest further, his lips capture mine in a fervent kiss, a passionate affirmation of his desire and unwavering affection. His hands trail down my sides, urging me gently to comply with his playful suggestion. 
In that moment, amidst the emotions and revelations, a sense of exhilaration surges through me—a shared understanding that despite the unexpected turn of events, our love and passion for each other remain as fiery and unyielding as ever. And as we lose ourselves in the passionate embrace, the uncertainties and worries of impending parenthood momentarily fade into the background, replaced by an intense and intimate connection that binds us together in this newfound chapter of our lives.
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The Thousand Sunny basks in the warm sunlight as a peaceful day unfolds on the seas. The tranquility is interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Dracule Mihawk, the enigmatic and formidable swordsman. His presence aboard our ship sends a ripple of curiosity among the crew, but for me, it's a moment of both surprise and delight. 
I rush to meet him as he steps aboard the ship, his sharp gaze meeting mine with an inscrutable intensity. His usual stoic demeanour remains unchanged, but a subtle warmth flickers in his eyes as he greets me with a restrained nod. 
“Mihawk.” I breathe, a mix of excitement and curiosity lacing my voice, “What brings you here?” 
He inclines his head slightly, his tone softening imperceptibly, “I wished to see you, nothing more.” As he speaks, I feel a pang of discomfort building within me—a sudden wave of nausea that threatens to overwhelm me. I try to hide it, but Mihawk's perceptive nature doesn't let it slip by unnoticed. His brow furrows ever so slightly, a minute indication of concern. "Are you feeling unwell?" he inquires, his voice carrying an uncharacteristic gentleness.
I attempt to shrug it off, summoning a weak smile. "Just a passing thing, nothing to worry about.” But Mihawk, with his keen observation skills, remains unconvinced. His scrutiny intensifies as he observes me closely, a silent but unmistakable display of attentiveness. As the discomfort escalates, I find myself rushing to the ship's railing, a sudden urge to empty my stomach. The violent bout of vomiting catches both Mihawk and me off guard. 
Concern etches itself onto Mihawk's otherwise impassive features as he moves closer, his hand resting lightly on my back. "This doesn’t seem like 'nothing,'" he observes, his voice tinged with a hint of worry. 
I try to downplay it, despite the relentless churning in my stomach. "Just a bug, probably," I manage between strained breaths, attempting to mask the unease bubbling within me.
But Mihawk, with his unyielding intuition, sees through the facade. "It's more than that," he asserts, his gaze penetrating, seeking answers I'm not yet prepared to acknowledge. The silence between us is charged with unspoken questions, an undercurrent of concern that we both struggle to articulate. Despite my attempts to evade the truth, Mihawk's perceptive nature latches onto the possibility that eludes my own awareness. "Have you noticed any other changes?" His inquiry is gentle but direct, his unwavering gaze locking onto mine. 
I hesitate, grappling with the enormity of what his question implies. "I... I'm not sure," I falter, the weight of his question sinking in. 
Mihawk nods thoughtfully, his expression unreadable yet filled with a palpable sense of understanding. "Let's find out," he suggests, guiding me to a quiet corner of the ship where we can speak privately. The rest of the crew disappearing back downstairs to give us privacy as they can gage the seriousness of the conversation Mihawk and I need to have. 
He sits on the bench and I go to join him, sitting next to him, but in one smooth move he pulls me onto his lap with a surprising ease. His arms wrap securely around my waist, ensuring I’m steady against the rhythmic movements of the vessel. His touch, though firm, carries a comforting assurance, ground me amidst the uncertainty that hangs in the air. 
In the cocoon of his embrace, I feel a rush of emotions—vulnerability, anticipation, and a glimmer of hope intertwined. Mihawk’s presence, his unspoken support, is a reassuring beacon of amidst the tempest feelings swirling within me. He leans in closer, his voice a soft murmur against my ear, “We’ll figure this out.” His words, through simple, carry a weight of determination and a promise of solidarity that resonates deep within me. 
With a steadying breath, I meet his gaze, finding an unexpected solace in the depths of his eyes. The unspoken understanding between us weaves an invisible bond, strengthening our resolve to face the unknown together. As the ship rocks gently with the ocean's sway, our private conversation unfolds—a candid exchange filled with a raw honesty that transcends words. Mihawk listens attentively, his silence a canvas for the emotions and uncertainties I pour out.
“I’ve missed my period Mi,” I tell him softly and Mihawk's demeanour remains composed, yet a subtle shift in his expression betrays a momentary pause, almost imperceptible to the untrained eye. His touch, tender and deliberate as he brushes a strand of hair away from my eyes, betrays the depth of his emotions, concealed beneath his stoic facade. 
The weight of my revelation hangs between us, a pregnant silence punctuated only by the soft sounds of the ship slicing through the gentle waves. Mihawk’s eyes, usually enigmatic and inscrutable, now reflect a spectrum of emotions—concern, contemplation, and a hint of something deeper that I struggle to decipher. He exhales slowly, his gaze never leaving mine, the depths of his eyes a kaleidoscope of emotions. "I see," he responds softly, his voice steady but laced with an underlying current of consideration. 
As the words linger in the air, a wave of apprehension washes over me, uncertain of how he'll receive this unforeseen revelation. But Mihawk, with his characteristic composure, offers a calm reassurance, a quiet strength that anchors me amidst the tempest of emotions.
“Mi?” I ask quietly, shakily playing with the tufts of hair at the back of his head, twirling them through my fingers and avoiding his gaze as he’s a warlord of the sea, he’s not going to want a child, let alone a child with me. 
Mihawk’s hand, strong yet surprisingly gentle, intercepts mine, halting the nervous twirling of his hair. His touch redirects my attention, guiding my trembling fingers away from their anxious fidgeting. With deliberate intent, he lifts my chin, urging me to meet his gaze, his eyes unwavering as they lock onto mine, "Stop those thoughts," he commands, his voice firm but not harsh, resonating with an unspoken intensity. It's as if he can perceive the tumultuous whirlwind of doubts raging within me, and with his unwavering gaze, he attempts to quell the storm of insecurities that threaten to engulf me.
Before I can offer any protest, any further apprehensive whispers, his lips claim mine in a kiss that silences the racing thoughts in my mind. It's a kiss filled with a passion that defies the uncertainties, a kiss that speaks volumes of his unwavering affection and a desire to shield me from my own fears. As our lips meld in a fervent embrace, Mihawk's kiss becomes a testament to his commitment, a reassurance that transcends spoken words. In that moment, amid the tangle of emotions and swirling doubts, his lips become a lifeline, a beacon of certainty in the tumultuous sea of uncertainties.
The kiss lingers, a bridge between our unspoken fears and the unyielding depth of our connection. Mihawk's touch, his fervent kiss, convey a silent promise—a promise that echoes in the depths of my being, a promise that together, we will weather whatever storms lie ahead. As the kiss concludes, a serene tranquility settles within me, a newfound sense of assurance born from Mihawk's unwavering declaration through that intimate gesture. In the quiet aftermath, his gaze holds an unspoken understanding, a mutual acknowledgment that in each other's embrace, we'll find the strength to face the unforeseen challenges ahead. 
After the kiss, a soft yet resolute glint flickers in Mihawk's eyes as he gazes at me. His hand cups my cheek tenderly, his touch conveying a depth of emotion that words struggle to articulate. 
"Y/N," he begins, his voice a steady reassurance, "I want this. I want this child with you." His words, though measured, carry a weight of sincerity that resonates deeply within me, "You're not alone in this," he continues, his tone unwavering. "Whatever lies ahead, we'll face it together. I'm here, and I'm staying.”
The earnestness in his declaration pierces through my uncertainties, weaving a tapestry of assurance and commitment. His unwavering support, a promise anchored in his eyes and echoed in his words, becomes a beacon of hope amidst the labyrinth of doubts, "We'll navigate this, step by step," he assures, his voice a steadfast anchor in the tumultuous sea of uncertainties. "I'm with you every step of the way.” 
In that poignant moment, Mihawk's unwavering commitment and steadfast reassurance carve a path forward—a path illuminated by the warmth of his unwavering support and our shared determination to embrace the unexpected journey that lies ahead.
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One Piece Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
859 notes · View notes
oracle-of-dream · 13 days
A Hard Offer
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Minors DNI
Summary: A continuation of Frame by Frame. If you haven't read that, read that first! Jungwon, Jay's boyfriend, stops you and makes an offer that rocks your world.
Warnings: Male Reader, Cum Eating, Threesome into Foursome, Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex, Blowjobs, Multiple Orgasms, Jungwon is horny and likes kisses, Good boy?, Two mouths on one cock, Deepthroat
Wordcount: 5.9k
You rolled in your bed, chasing after the dream quickly escaping your mind. The memory faded faster than you could register what had happened... then–gone. Your eyes slowly fluttered open, greeted by beams of sunlight streaking into your room.
Just like every morning, as of a few weeks ago, your phone buzzed. You reached over to see your boyfriend, Sunghoon, sending his daily good morning.
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SH: Good morning, lovely
You smiled at his cuteness.
Sunghoon moved on you a few weeks ago. You originally didn't think you'd sleep with him and start dating him so quickly. Or at all...
You texted him back.
YN: Hi, Sunghoon!
As soon as he read the message, your phone rang with Sunghoon's face. You answered, voice still not prepared, you cleared your throat as you answered. "Yes?"
"Did you seriously call me by my name?" Sunghoon pouted.
"It's your name! Why would I not call you that!?"
"You really have to ask!? When are you going to call me something like, "Babe?"
It's not like you hadn't thought about giving Sunghoon a nickname. But you just couldn't think of anything that seemed to fit him.
"I-I don't know... I'm still thinking."
"Babe is fine! Anything!"
"Okay, not that," He said flatly.
You rolled your eyes. "You literally said anything."
"Try again."
There was a long contemplative silence. It took so long for Sunghoon to make a sound, that you had to check to see if he hung up on you. Before you opened your mouth to speak, Sunghoon spoke first. "That works. I'll be your Frosty."
"Okay. Then we'll do that."
"Say it."
Sunghoon grumbled again. "Say it like you love me!"
"I love you, Frosty!"
You could almost hear the smile on his face as he chuckled. "That's much better... So? Are you doing anything today?"
Jay had invited you out to lunch with him and Jungwon, but it was still weird to interact with Sunghoon in front of him. It would be a bad idea to bring him along. "I've gotta go run some errands with Jay. That's about it, but it's a lot. so I may be busy till dinnertime." Your stomach turned at the thought of keeping Sunghoon out, but it needed to be done.
"Oh... Okay. Then, I'll see you later?"
"Yeah. I'll see you later... Frosty."
Sunghoon laughed as he mumbled "I love you" a few more times before you ended the call with him.
You climbed out of bed, jumped down the steps, and launched into the kitchen. You heard the fridge open, Jay must've been getting ready to make breakfast. "Jay~" You cheered. But the person you saw in the kitchen wasn't Jay. It was Jungwon.
"Oh, hi, y/n!" Jungwon giggled.
"Jungwon! You're here?"
"I-I slept over..." He looked at the floor. Jay had banned you from letting Sunghoon sleepover after he got tired of cooking meals for three people instead of the two who live there. But, here Jungwon was... That hypocrite. Jungwon was super sweet but you could tell he was still nervous around you since you knew he was dating Jay.
"I'll just grab this and head back upstairs..." Jungwon slowly took his water bottle and closed the fridge.
"Is Jay here?"
"Yeah, he's upstairs in his room." You turned to leave but Jugnwon stopped you. "I think you should let him sleep a little longer."
"It's fine! He always complains when he sleeps for so long."
Jungwon spoke a little more forcefully. "I think he should stay asleep. He had a long night."
"Jungwon, it's fine! We've still got to get ready for lunch soon."
Jungwon stepped in your way again. "I'll wake him up, then."
You squinted. "Okay... You go do it then." You let Jungwon leave first as he rushed out the doors and up the stairs. You couldn't help but be a bit... nosey. Your bedroom was past Jay's. And you happened to just listen outside the door.
"Holy fuck– Wonnie! I'm dry. Please! Let's stop!" Jay grunted.
"Shhh, your brother's awake. If you're too noisy he'll know what we're doing."
"He's an adult," Jay's words were cut off by a stifled moan. "I... can't anymore."
"Yeah, you can. Drink some water. We're going again!" Jungwon ordered.
"That's t-ten times..." Jay groaned. Ten times!? What the hell were they doing all night? You stepped away from the door, slowly creeping back to your room. They were so comfortable being together with you in the house. It made you think more about Sunghoon and how you shut him out.
You buried your face into your bed, letting the thoughts take over. A knock at your door pulled you free. "Jay?" You called.
"Yup, open up."
You opened the door and let Jay in. Jungwon was hiding around the corner–just out of sight. "What's up? Thought about lunch yet?"
"I did... But I need to talk to you about something different."
Jay's serious face made you shift awkwardly on the bed, trying to find a comfortable position to hit in. He looked back at Jungwon before looking back at you. "I have a favor to ask." You nodded. "Jungwon. Can't you at least be in the room if you're going to watch from the doorway?" Jay groaned. Jungwon hesitantly shuffled into the room, leaning against a far wall. "Okay, I'll just rip the bandaid off. Jungwon wants to have a threesome with you and Sunghoon."
You blinked absent-mindedly, waiting for Jay to tell you he was joking. His ears turned a bright red as his eyes looked away, Jungwon wouldn't even look at you either. "You want to have sex. With us?"
Jay put his hands up, "Not me. Jungwon."
Jungwon lept from the wall in protest. "You said you'd do it too!"
"I'm not having sex with my brother!"
"You don't have to, just focus on everyone else!" Jungwon argued.
Jay shot Jungwon a look that made him quiet before turning to you. "I know it's a weird idea. I've never done anything like this before either but if won is happy then I'm happy. But, you don't have to say yes. Plus, you should also consider Sunghoon." You thought about Sunghoon fucking Jungwon. The sight of him enjoying someone else other than you made your stomach churn in a bad way.
"Can I ask why?"
Jay pointed to Jungwon. "Explain yourself."
Jungwon's pink face met yours as he knelt toward you. "I-I... have an adventurous sense in sex, as Jay calls it. I like trying new things and never found another couple willing to do it with me. And a foursome–"
"A threesome!" Jungwon sighed, "This is something I've always wanted to try. You're beautiful, and I'm verse so I can fit with whatever dynamic you want."
You didn't realize Jungwon was creeping closer until he was already kissing you. His lips were soft and gentle, with a taste of strawberries. His hands found yours and laced fingers together as he pushed further. Your brain couldn't register Jungwon kissing you so passionately, especially while Jay watched you. There was an urge to pull away but when you leaned back–Jungwon followed you until you fell back on the bed. He was on top of you, chests pressed together, making out with you and moaning between breaths.
"Jungwon, let him go," Jay muttered. Jungwon whined as his hands slipped out of yours, and started sliding under your shirt, searching your skin. You couldn't resist him. You didn't want to. But he was ripped away from you as Jay snatched him up. "That's enough," Jay grumbled. "Y/n, talk with Sunghoon and think about the offer. We'll leave you alone." Jay carried Jungwon out of the room with his boyfriend smiling like a fiend, leaving you there with a full hard-on, swollen lips, and a lot to think about.
How could you ask Sunghoon about fucking Jungwon? Or tell him that the two of you already made out? There were too many things going on before you even could eat breakfast... For now, it was better to not think about it and try to go through the day. After snatching a snack from the kitchen, taking a long shower, and getting dressed, it was a little past 1 pm, another knock at the door.
"Y-Yes?" You called. When you didn't get an answer you opened the door. Jungwon's dark eyes greeted you with a smile.
"Hi, y/n. We're getting ready to head out for errands, are you still coming with us?"
You nodded. "I just finished." It felt awkward talking to Jungwon without Jay before but now it was even worse. You glanced at Jungwon's lips, shining and pink.
"You didn't do anything naughty in the shower, did you?"
"N-No!? I didn't!"
Jungwon chuckled. "Saving for tonight? What a good boy. Has Sungoon said anything to you?"
You shook your head. "No, he said he'd be busy. So I haven't gotten the chance to speak to him yet. I'll call him later."
Jungwon nodded. "If he says no, we can still hang out, right?" His tone was dripping with lust. It felt like he'd pounce on you–until Jay emerged from his room.
"Hey, you two, let's go." Jungwon smiled as he turned, jumping to Jay's side. You followed behind as they went into the garage. Jay was in the driver seat, Jungwon was in the front passenger, and you sat in the back. The car roared to life and started rolling out of the garage onto the street. Jay and Jungwon talked to each other but you couldn't pay attention. You looked at your phone, thinking about texting him.
What would Sunghoon say? Would he be grossed out? Or what if he's into it? There's no way he'd be down to sleep with Jungwon... Right?
The thoughts echoed through your brain while you were with Jay and Jungwon. Until something caught your eye, a dark building with lingerie in the window. And the car was pulling into its parking lot! Jungwon smiled as he hopped out of the car and waited for you. You climbed out and Jungwon grabbed you by the arm and dragged you into the store.
"What the hell are we even doing in here!?"
Ignoring your question, Jungwon's eyes darted around the room. "So, what does Sunghoon like?" You were distracted by all the different-sized dildos on the wall to hear him properly. "Y/n, what does Sunghoon like?"
"I don't know... We're not really like this," You motioned to the displays of sex toys.
Jungwon's eyes widened. "You're seriously missing out! Do you know the stuff I've put in Jay–"
Jay cupped his hand over his boyfriend's mouth. "Let's remember you're still speaking to my little brother. I know you're an open book, lovely, but let's not tell him everything about our sex life. It'll scar him."
You tried to dismiss that thought. "Sunghoon is more of a go-with-the-flow kind of person. And, I still haven't asked him if he wants to do it with us."
Jungwon nodded. "Gotcha. So he just doesn't know what he wants then. Let's change that!"
Jungwon pushed you into a dressing room as he grabbed a few bits of clothes. "Put these on and tell me when you're done."
You looked at the lace underwear and robe that you were given. There was no way to get past Jungwon, he was blocking the exit. With no other choice, you change into the outfit. It's tight and revealing, while the robe is soft and gives you the smallest ounce of your dignity.
"I'm done..." You mumbled.
Jungwon comes back in to see you covering yourself. "No! You need to look sexy. Get on the floor, open it just a little, and show Sunghoon something!" He didn't give you much chance to argue as he pulled you to the floor and positioned you as he desired. He took a photo, then another, another. "Yes, yes! You're so sexy, you're hot!" Jungwon kept showering you with compliments. "Okay, now close your eyes."
Without a second thought, you obeyed. Jungwon took one more photo, mumbled, and then snickered. "Can I open my eyes yet?"
Jungwon's voice was close to your ear when he replied, "Of course."
You flinched, pulling away and scrambling to your feet. "Am I done?"
"Yep. Now we need to wait."
"Sunghoon." You frowned until the realization hit you that Jungwon wasn't holding his phone. It was yours. Jungwon handed you the phone, "you're welcome." You frantically checked your messages to see that Jungwon sent almost every photo he'd just taken and sent flirty messages with each one.
Why!? You started typing an explanation when you got a call from Sunghoon. Blood running cold, you answered with shaking hands.
"Sunghoon," You sobbed. "I-I, this isn't–"
"I’ll skip over you calling me that. Please tell me I’ll see you like this at the sleepover."
"Jungwon invited me. Said there's a sleepover you were going to be there for." You cursed silently so he couldn't hear you. Jungwon knew you were dragging your feet on telling Sunghoon and went right over you. Does Sunghoon know the real reason Jungwon wants to see him?
"Did Jungwon say anything else about the sleepover?"
"Um... I asked if I needed to bring anything over and he told me just to bring myself."
"Okay, then I'll see you soon. I gotta go." You hung up before Sunghoon could stop you and ask more about the photos. After changing back into your clothes, Jungwon took the "pajamas" you'd tried on and bought them when you were distracted. He only smiled as he threw the bag at you and skipped toward the car.
Jay was leaning on the car waiting for us to leave the store. "Did you get what you were looking for?"
Jungwon nodded. "Yup! Pajamas secured! For both of us."
Jay raised an eyebrow. "Both? Won, did you buy y/n that stuff with my card?" Jungwon only giggled as he kissed your brother's lips and slid into the car. Jay could only shoot you a sympathetic look as he got in the driver's seat, knowing it was too late to turn back.
Arriving at home, Jay brought in his groceries for dinner and Jungwon smirked at you as he helped him. You went up to your room with your bag of new clothes. Sunghoon had already texted you he was on the way, so he'd be there any minute. You darted around the room to find a place to hide the clothes. You took out one of your drawers in your dresser, stuffed the bag behind it, and pushed the drawer back in. There–now it's gone forever. Just as you finished you heard the front door open and voices talking downstairs. Then you remembered Jungwon was downstairs. With Sunghoon...
You rushed down the stairs to collect your boyfriend and saw Jungwon whispering something in his ear before you could. Just as you approached, Jungwon stopped whispering and smiled at you. "There you are! I thought you'd hide up there forever."
Sunghoon smiled at you, hugging you tightly. "I missed you," He whispered.
"Y-Yeah, I did too," You muttered, still thinking about what Jungwon could've said to him. "Let's go upstairs for a minute, I wanna talk to you."
As you pulled Sunghoon away, Jungwon shouted up the stairs. "Don't have too much fun~!" Your face burned as you pushed Sunghoon into your room and locked the door behind you.
"Fuck, y/n! Why are you pushing and pulling me everywhere?" Sunghoon's large eyebrows pushed together as he studied your face.
"What did Jungwon tell you?" You demanded.
"Jungwon? He just told me you'd wanted to speak to me which clearly he was right. What's got you so upset?" Sunghoon's expression softened after some thought, before moving into a smile/ "Or did you miss me that much?" Sunghoon pulled you into his lap, squeezing your ass with his large hands.
"It's not that... I do miss you. But Jungwon's just been pushing my buttons about something."
"Like what?"
Your brain felt like you'd licked a socket. Your jaw was tight and your body felt weak. "I... You'd– I can't explain it."
"He told me you kissed. Is it that?"
Your grip on Sunghoon's shoulder loosened. "H-He told you that?"
"He texted me and apologized about it this morning. He mentioned you might feel a bit embarrassed about telling me. I promise I'm not mad, as long as he's not a better kisser than me."
You shook your head. "You're the best, ever."
"I know. I just like you telling me."
"Did he tell you anything else? About the sleepover?"
"No, but Jay asked me something. And I feel like you're having trouble telling me about it."
Your brows furrowed. "What the fuck did Jay say to you?"
"He told me Jungwon wants to have a threesome with us. And that he asked you, and you didn't say no..." Sunghoon raised an eyebrow as you hid yourself in the crook of his neck. He stroked your head. "Is that true?" You let out a shaky breath before nodding slowly. "Well, do you want to have sex with him? I don't mind it, as long as you're happy." You looked at Sunghoon's face. He was completely relaxed, looking back at you as he squeezed your ass once more. "Or is it you're iffy about me fucking Jungwon?"
You nodded. "What if you enjoy him more than me?"
Your boyfriend scoffed. "First, that could never happen. And if it did, I'm sure Jay would never let me step back into this house. But if it makes you feel safer, my dick won't even touch Jungwon without your permission. And we'll tell him that too, okay?" You nodded again, kissing his neck. You bit into his skin, earning a deep groan from him. When you released him you left a dark mark on his pale skin. "I didn't know you were so possessive. You're even cuter like this." Sunghoon kissed your neck, about to mark you back when a knock interrupted you.
Jungwon's voice emerged from the other side of the door, "Hello? Y/n? Sunghoon? Can we talk?" Sunghoon looked at you for approval before opening the door. You nodded to him, and he let Jungwon in the room. Jungwon sat on the bed, next to you. "I wanted to say, I know I've been a bit pushy about tonight. But if you don't want it, we can not do it–"
"Won, y/n said he's in."
Jungwon's eyes widened. "Really!? That's awesome~!" Jungwon hugged you. "I was kinda eavesdropping but could only hear some of the conversation, and I started feeling bad. I promise I won't touch Sunghoon unless you say it's okay."
Your face burned at the thought of Jungwon listening in on your insecurities. "I-I..."
Jungwon turned to Sunghoon. "Go sit with Jay, we're going to get dressed!" Sunghoon couldn't argue as Jungwon pushed him out of the room and slammed the door in his face. Now, alone in a room with Jungwon, he started getting underdressed.
You turned around and covered your eyes. "It's alright, you can look. You'll see it soon anyway. And you can change into your clothes too while I'm here, I'll help check everything fits." You tried to shake off the shyness as you turned and peeked at Jungwon's slender yet muscular figure. He was beautiful, if you weren't with Sunghoon you'd probably have a huge crush on him. He was already wearing his underwear, black lace with a flowy top that exposed his abs. He caught you staring and smirked. "You can touch if you want as long as I can touch you too. Where's your clothes? I'll help you put them on."
You went to the drawer and pulled out the bag. You never considered wearing them, but as soon as Jungwon asked you felt your body move. Jungwon dumped out the bag on the bed, a matching outfit to his in a dark red color.
"Do you want help? I can wait–" You touched Jungwon's stomach–rock-hard abs twitching from contact. "Together it is. Arm's up, pretty boy." You raised your arms as Jungwon's hands slid under your shirt, slowly dragged up your chest, and moved your shirt up with it. Jungwon pulled the shirt over your head and kissed your collarbone. Next, he put the top over your head and neatly dressed the fabric so it was practically falling off you. "Now for the bottom half. Ready?"
You nodded.
"I'm good, let's keep going."
Jungwon smiled as he pulled you close, chest-to-chest, as he slid your pants and underwear down past your hips. You felt your cock rub against his leg, poking at his thighs as it rubbed precum on them.
"Now naughty," Jungwon giggled as he slowly sank to the floor to pull your pants past your angles and off you completely. He looked up at you, with your cock covering an inch away from his mouth. You shifted your hips, just a bit, and it touched his lips. A wet spot left on them which he quickly licked up. "Tasty too? You're such a treat." Jungwon took the bottom half of the outfit, which was basically a jock-strap, and slid it up your legs.
It was too much to watch anymore, your head rolled back to look at the ceiling. But it wasn't long before you felt something wet engulf your dick. Your neck snapped back down to see Jungwon throating you with big eyes. He took you completely, not flinching or gagging, and massaged you with his throat.
"Holy fuck..." You covered your mouth to keep any loud noises from escaping. And as quick as it started, it ended, as Jungwon let your cock fall out his mouth and pulled your underwear over your cock–which now strained against the fabric.
"Sorry, I slipped," Jungwon smirked as he patted your cock. "You look amazing... Are you ready to call him up?"
You nodded shyly.
"Then you call him up here."
You approached the door and noticed it wasn't completely closed. You saw Sunghoon peeking through the door, looking at you with heavy-lidded eyes. "Babe–"
"I'm sorry, I got impatient. But that was worth seeing..."
Jungwon spoke, "Come in, Sunghoon, we're waiting for you." You took Sunghoon's hand and the two of you walked together to the bed, where Jungwon was waiting. He looked between you and your partner. "Let's get started, yes?"
Everyone mumbled in agreement, unsure where to start.
Jungwon giggled. "Sunghoon, why don't you get undressed and we'll play a little." Jungwon held your chin as he leaned in and kissed you. He held your head as he guided it to the bed, laying you on your back as he climbed on top of you. He was smaller than Sunghoon but much more directive, every move felt intentional and had a point. Jungwon glided his fingers, gently dragging his nails across your skin, from your elbows to your hands before guiding your hands to his waist. The kiss was loud and Jungwon's hips rolled with every movement, making your cocks dance around each other under the fabric of your clothes. He kissed you like that for almost a full minute before you tapped him, begging for air.
Jungwon pulled away, sitting up straight on your lap and slightly bouncing on your bulge. Just as you took in the sight, Sunghoon's cock landed on your face with a thick slap.
"Suck it, baby," He demanded. Normally he wasn't a commanding person, but you could almost feel how badly he wanted to be touched. His cock couldn't stop pulsing as it moved to your mouth. He moved it back and forth, slotted on your mouth as you licked the bottom half of his cock. You could see Jungwon above you, waiting for his turn. His hips were trembling and he was drooling as he watched you and Sunghoon. You weren't thinking but you pulled Jungwon by this top, bringing him down until his mouth hovered over the exposed section of Sunghoon's dick. You looked into his eyes and nodded as you pushed on his head, making him touch it. Jungwon didn't hesitate as he opened his mouth and met your lips, turning into a wet tunnel for Sunghoon to push through.
"Holy shit, that's so..." Sunghoon moved to touch Jungwon but hesitated. "Can I?" He looked at you for permission. You nodded. Sunghoon carefully held down Jungwong's head for more control as he rolled his hips forward as the two of your kissed around his dick. "This is so fucking hot," Sunghoon panted. This position went on for only a minute before Jungwon rearranged things. Now the two of you were sitting on the floor as Sunghoon stood over you and the two of you took turns sucking him.
Jungwon was so good at it. Sunghoon's fat cock would disappear without a bit of struggle, but your boyfriend only moaned when you were on him. You knew all his sensitive spots to make him twitch and whine as you focused on them. As you were focused on your turn, your attention wasn’t on Jungwon until he started pushing your head down. He slowly whispered to you how to take more, complimenting you over the sounds of Sunghoon's cries of pleasure.
Sunghoond stuttered and tried to pull away. "Guys– Wait, I'm cumming!"
Jungwon took one of his legs to stop him from escaping. You followed his example and took his other leg. "Cum on us, please~"
You joined in. "Cum on us, baby. Please, do it," You said in the sluttiest voice you could muster. Jungwon pushed himself closer to you as he took your free hand and wrapped it around Sunghoon's shaft. Together you jerked him off until he was spraying his cum. Jungwon moved his cock so he came on both of you, each of you getting to swallow some of it. The entire time, Sunghoon can't stop moaning and begging.
"P-Please, stop– I can't anymore..."
Jungwon giggled. "We're not anywhere near done. But I'll help you a bit. Take a deep breath." Without asking why, Sunghoon took in a deep breath which choked into a moan as Jungwon slid a black cock ring down his shaft. "Now, no more cumming until you're told."
"J-Jesus..." Sunghoon grunted as he sat on the bed, his cock still hard and twitching.
Jungwon turned to you. "Wanna fuck me, pretty boy?"
"M-Me? Not Sunghoon?"
"Not Sunghoon, he's only for you. But I don't want to sit out. Either you do it, or I'll call for help."
You raised your eyebrow. "I guess I can try... I might not be very good at it."
"I'll teach you, don't worry. And Sunghoon can help too." Jungwon lay on his stomach on the bed, his ass over the side of the bed. "I brought lube with me, it's in the bag. I got excited and stretched already, so let's get to the good part." You got the lube of the bag Jungwon mentioned. You tried to mock how Sunghoon did it when he was about to fuck you, but it was a little embarrassing with Jungwon looking back at you. Sunghoon stood behind you, his cock poking at your ass.
"It's like this. Coat it first," Sunghoon instructed as he sprayed lube into your hand and guided you into stroking your cock. His large frame overtook yours as he leaned into you. "Any excess, you rub it on the hole." He took your hand and pressed it against Jungwon's waiting hole. It was warm and reacted to you touching it. You wiped off the excess onto Jungwon. "Now, slowly, push into him." Sunghoon moved you closer to Jungwon, pointing your cock as the head slipped into Jungwon.
Jungwon's moan pitched upward as his eyes fluttered. "Oh yeah, that's it. Just go crazy, I don't mind."
Sunghoon smacked Jungwon's ass, earning a gleeful shriek from him. "Stop pressuring him!" He kissed your ear and whispered, "Take your time with it and push in completely." You slowly pushed into Jungwon, feeling him meeting you halfway. It was so tight and warm, it felt like you were melting into him. It was different than you expected... This is what Sunghoon felt when he was with you? "Now, hold it there, don't move just yet. Roll your hips but don't thrust." You listened dutifully and watched Jungwon writhe under you. His back arched as he tried to move on his own.
You were so wrapped up with Jungwon, you didn't initially feel a finger enter you. When the second one entered you, you winced. "Sorry lovely, keep playing with Won. Thrust into him and back up into my fingers." You tried but it was too much for your senses to process. Stimulation on both sides... It was overpowering. Eventually, Jungwon started getting impatient and slammed his hips on your cock, pushing you back onto Sunghoon's fingers. The sound you let out was so weak that your whole body shook. Your mouth drooled as you felt Sunghoon's fingers get replaced by his cock. He knew you weren't fully prepped but he didn't seem to care. "Just lean on me, I'll do the work for the both of us," Sunghoon whispered. You let him take over as he stretched you out and pushed into you completely, pushing your hips forward into Jungwon.
The three of you grunted together.
"I n-need more~" Jungwon cried. "J-Jay~"
Only a second when by before Jay entered the room, unfazed by the sight of his boyfriend getting fucked by his brother, who was getting fucked by their boyfriend.
"Call for me?"
Jungwon's tone with Jay wasn't as gentle as with you. "Pull your cock out. Now." Jay didn't hesitate to pull out his cock and feed it to Jungwon.
Now, every time Sunghoon thrust forward into it, it drove your cock into Jungwon and pushed him into Jay's cock. Jungwon moaned happily as he was tended to by Jay, anything that wasn't in his mouth was in his hands. It was no wonder that Jungwon took cock so easily, Jay had the biggest cock in the room.
"Come on, Hoon. Pick up the pace." Jay complained.
Sunghoon kissed your neck. "You ready?"
You nodded breathlessly.
Sunghoon moved closer to the bed so his hands could grip it. Your hands were around Jungwon's waist, and Jay's hands were on Jungwon's head pushing him. Sunghoon started strong, fucking you. You felt like a cog in a machine. You weren't moving at all but somehow the people on both ends of you were using you as they wanted. Jungwon, on the tips of his toes, was slamming his ass back into your cock as Sunghoon drilled you. You held onto Jungwon tightly, digging into his skin, making him scream even more in delight.
The first one to cum was you. You felt the feeling start bubbling in your stomach. You tried to speak but everyone was moaning so loud that your voice was covered completely. Jungwon felt you unload in him, making his hips shake to a stop. "He came in me~ It's so much!" Sunghoon didn't slow down, even after hearing you finished, he chased his orgasm that was being blocked by the cock ring. Forcing you to keep fucking Jungwon.
Jay was next, but only Jungwon knew since he made no noise, only a grunt. He came into Jungwon's mouth but knew that his boyfriend wouldn't release him just because he finished. Jay's head pulled down by his side as his whole body twitched from Jungwon, sucking the soul out of him, even after he'd given him everything.
The third was Jungwon. He was loud, pulling Jay's cock out of his mouth so everyone could hear him. "Y/n, your cock, it's so awesome. We should fuck all the time! Please, please, say you'll fuck me again!" You could only sob an "okay" as you were being milked. With your promise collected, Jungwon came untouched and his hole clenched down on you, squeezing your second orgasm out of you. Jungwon pulled your cock out of him and collapsed on the bed. Jay carried him out of the room, leaving you with your boyfriend as he continued.
"Please, y/n, it hurts so bad. I wanna cum, in you. So bad." Sunghoon begged. You'd forgotten about Sunghoon's cock ring until now. His voice was wavering and he whimpered as he spoke, "Please, baby. Let me cum. I'll... I'll– I'll be good? I'll be a very good boy! Whatever you want, I'll do it! Whenever you want it, I'll give it to you! I'll buy you anything! Marry you! Give you babies, I'll give you everything–"
You put your head on his shoulder to look at him. "Promise?" Sunghoon took a shaky breath before nodding so fast you thought he'd give himself whiplash. You carefully unbound Sunghoon's cock, which was swollen and red. "Cum in me–now." Sunghoon dove back into you, his legs giving out as he pushed you onto the bed. You were crushed under his body weight, but he didn't stop. He pushed your hips down, forcing you to arch your back, and pounded you. Your mouth hung open but no sound came out as he thrust three more times, hard and uncontrolled, before spilling into you. It was so much, it felt like three loads altogether.
You felt Sunghoon slowly relax as he tried not to collapse on top of you. He rolled to the side and kissed your back. "You okay?"
You groaned.
"About all that I just said..."
"You're marrying me. And you'll give me everything."
He kissed your ear. "I was planning on doing that anyway."
"And, you're a good boy?" Sunghoon's cock twitched inside you, making you grunt from the overstimulation.
"I think I like that better than Frosty." You chuckled as you let your eyes get heavy. "Don't fall asleep yet, we gotta clean. And, you've got a lot in there." He pressed on your stomach, making it grumble angrily. Sunghoon carried you into the bathroom to clean and dress you in new clothes. After washing up, you came downstairs to see Jungwon and Jay finishing dinner.
Jungwon was standing behind Jay, very close while he was focused on the food. "You're so cute when you're working. I could just bend you over this stove, Jay. Don't think I won't–"
"Okay! Jungwon, go play with y/n now." Jay shooed away his boyfriend while looking at you. "Shut the hell up."
You frowned. "I didn't say anything."
"I can see it on your face."
You shrugged. "I just didn't think you were the bottom."
Jungwon chimed in. "Yep. He's my wonderful wife. He's kind, caring, and looks amazing in white." Jay's face turned red as he kicked everyone out of the kitchen, shouting about how everyone was talking nonsense. "So, y/n, remember. You said we'd fuck again sometime, and you can leave Sunghoon at home if you want. I'll show you what a real top can do~"
Sunghoon tongued his cheek. "There's no way he's doing anything without me there. So stay away!" He scooped you into his embrace as you shyly smiled.
You'd already fucked Jungwon but he was still more than fine talking about it so casually. Some people are just... different. The rest of the night was fine, watching movies and playing games together. Jungwon made a few suggestions about continuing upstairs but Jay shut him down. Eventually, you drifted off to sleep in Sunghoon's arms as you listened to his heartbeat.
If you read all the way to here, thank you! This was my way of saying thank you for reading Frame by Frame and loving it so much. Please keep showing me love and support and I'll keep writing. My dream is to make money from writing, and I'm getting attention positively. If you made it to the end, put a heart in the comments to show me how many actually made it to the bottom!
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hah-studios · 10 months
Wish Rewrite
Okay so I got this outta my system. I'm in no way saying this idea is better than the movie. But at least I'm getting my Star Boy fix!
Prologue read via old timey story book:
Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was an island called Rosas. While beautiful, Rosas became terrorized by a monster. The brave, good people of the island tried to slay it, but they were beaten each time.
Then, out of nowhere, came a powerful sorcerer named Magnifico; with his abilities he slayed the beast and freed the people. Rosas was so grateful they named him and, his his beautiful wife, Amaya, king and queen.
The new king would go on to prove how generous and good he truly was: by using his magic to grant wishes…
We are introduced to Asha, who was reading the history of Rosas to her baby goat, Valentino. Several books are surrounding her at home, one of which Valentino is trying to eat. Through talking to the small goat the audience learns more about Asha, while intelligent and hard working, she is shy and a workaholic, always studying and offering tours to visitors. Today is the day she applies to be the apprentice to King Magnifico, like the rest of Rosas she idolizes him and believes following in his footsteps will give her a sense of self. She will look at a picture of her late grandfather who raised her, promising that she will help make wishes come true in honorof his that was never granted.
She goes to guide the newest tour (Welcome to Rosas, with an added on segment talking about the love the king and queen share) where we learn of how King Magnifico and Queen Amaya benevolently rule the island. When citizens turn 18 they offer their wishes to Magnifico who will protect the wish until it is time for it to be granted.
After the tour Asha goes to the royal kitchens were her best and only friend Dahlia is a royal baker. They talk about Asha’s application. Dahlia reassures Asha that she will get the job, and admits she hopes it’ll give her a boost of confidence to maybe make some new friends. Asha says she already has Dahlia and doesn’t need anyone else. It is then Queen Amaya (holding her skinny tabby Lulu) arrives to escort Asha to the king. This version of Amaya feels untouchable, her voice calm and collected as she tells Asha to not waste time, don’t ask to see the wishes, and yes they had received the several letters Asha sent asking for an interview.
Asha is then left in a study where she notices a peculiar door, but Magnifico arrives before she could examine it. He is a charming man, his presence seeming to fill the room as he carries a staff with an emerald tip. Asha is clearly intimidated but he’s polite as he introduces himself, even offer his condolences for her grandfather’s passing-knowing she’s an orphan. Trying not to trip over herself Asha praises the king for his hard work and shows off her knowledge of magic and Rosas. Magnifico is impressed. And after Asha passionately tells him how her ‘wish’ is to help protect Rosas, it’s people and wishes, Magnifico decides she’s worthy to be his apprentice and they’d have the announcement that night.
The people crowd before the castle that night, Asha hurries to tell Dahlia the good news. But Gabo overhears her announcement and makes a snide remark about her overworking and ‘sucking up’ to the king and queen. He is quickly shushed by Bazeema who looks almost afraid of Asha now that she has such a high status. But she returns to the stage to witness Amaya whisper in Magnifico’s ear. He then announces the person to have their wish granted that month; a woman who wants to be a professional dress maker. After using the staff to grant the wish he makes a joking comment that she can now make his wife hundreds of beautiful dresses. He then summons Asha forward to announce her as his new apprentice. Asha happily exclaims how excited she is to help the people, but she is given a frosty reception, murmuring about how they find her weird, are resentful for failing their own applications, and don’t know how this shy girl who never engages with the locals outside tour duty, could become someone as great as their king. Asha takes the doubt but once she can she leaves the stage, tripping in the process and embarrassing herself further. She runs off with Valentino into the forest (This Wish) and ends up noticing one of the brighter stars. She remembers hearing how once upon a time, wishes came from stars. Not seeing any harm to it she wishes to become a wonderful magic user and become as great, if not greater, than the King himself.
The star suddenly seems to glow brighter and get bigger, Asha realizes too late it’s because it’s getting closer. She is knocked into by a human sized ball of light, rolling across the grass before kicking it away from her. It’s to her great shock that the ball of light was…a boy. A handsome boy he glows faintly, his hair a pure golden color that flows like he is underwater, he dusts himself off as he hovers off the ground. They have an awkward but cute introduction, the Star not understanding personal boundaries and getting right up into Asha’s face, giving her a too enthusiastic hand shake when offered and floating around as if there’s no gravity. Asha quickly deduces he’s a star that came down when she summoned him. Her hypothesis is further proven when he tosses some dust on Valentino who then starts to speak. (He is not voiced by Alan Tudyk in this rewrite, instead he will have a voice that better fits his character design. He will be a mixture of Olaf and Jiminy Cricket in terms of personality/role in the story). Asha asks Star to give her the same dust so her wish will be granted, but Star shakes his head. He is mute and tries to explain using sign language, but that’s one book Asha hasn’t read yet. She decides to call him Star before leading him back to the city, he can stay at her house until she figures out what to do with him. On the way he fonds over the animals, hitting them with a few clouds of golden dust (ex. A brown squirrel turns red, a bird’s nest gets an upgrade).
The next morning Asha brings Dahlia over and shows her Star (both he and Valentino would be hiding out in the chicken coop). Dahalia is at first concerned her friend has a man hidden away, but after Asha explains they agree to take him to King Magnifico to see what he has to say. However they want Star to stay under the radar and not get noticed by the townspeople. This is when Star reveals he’s a shapeshifter, transforming into a copy of Valentino, the only different is his eyes are still gold.
The four arrive into town and while things go to plan at first, Star’s natural curiosity has him running off to explore the town, Asha and friends trying not to lose him. He comes across Simon who looks miserable and exhausted at an outside table. Empathetic, Star discreetly puts some star dust in his cup of tea. When he drinks it he’s suddenly energized and is flabbergasted. He turns around just as Asha appears and picks up Star, he asks her if she’s already learned magic from Magnifico, even stating he had just been wishing he could take something that would make him less tired. Asha is awkwardly silent, not wanting to take credit but also not wanting to reveal what Star is. But Simon pays no mind and drags her to his friends so he can show them he’s no longer tired. There is then a montage of the seven dwarves based characters showing off their problems and Star uses his abilities to grant these small unspoken wishes (he gets a jar of honey for Safi to help with his allergies, a chicken coop so Dario can have his own chickens, dancing shoes for Hal, a stress toy for Gabo, Bazeema’s secret introverted hide out, and even a bag of a very rare ingredient for Dahlia so she could make a special recipe she mentioned at the beginning of the film). Throughout this scene we see Asha opening up a bit more to the characters, starting to form friendships. While in Bazeema’s new hideout they talk of having a little party with dancing and treats and in his excitement Star accidentally drops his disguise and reveals his true form. The group is shocked and Asha is forced to explain who he is, though when Gabo tries to accuse Asha of tricking them Star immediately puts himself in front of her, defending her from the accusation. The other characters also come to Asha and Star’s defense and Gabo relents, though snarkily asks if they should tell the King there’s a wish granting, shapeshifting guy from space in Rosas. Asha will go alone to ask, leaving Star with the others.
She arrives at the castle, King Magnifico and Queen Amaya are surprised to see her so soon as he hadn’t summoned her but lets her in. Asha, feeling uncomfortable to just out and say what had happened, asks Magnifico what he knows about stars. The king looks momentarily surprised but quickly shrugs it off, he tells Asha that many years ago stars would grant peoples’ wishes, but only so they could have the human indebted to them. They were malicious creatures pretending benevolence so they could control the masses, one of the worst things was granting evil wishes and having people turn on the ones who wouldn’t make wishes. Amaya retells her how her parents were oppressed by stars after merely asking for food and a roof. Eventually it was decided that the newer generations would never wish on another star, and Magnifico dedicated himself to learning magic so he could help good people have their wishes granted without having to pay him back. And, unlike stars, he has a moral compass, so he would not grant any wishes that would harm people. He then looms over Asha and asks her if there’s something she needs to tell him. Asha looks visibly torn, her respect and admiration for Magnifico clashing with what he told her. Star is not at all like he had just told her, and Asha ends up reassuring him that no, she has nothing to tell him.
She returns to the hide out feeling like a traitor, wanting to talk to Star alone. But the group is already starting their party, dancing and making music. Star, spotting Asha, immediately pulls her onto the dance floor. The group cheers her on as they dance around, and Asha’s anxieties melt away as she’s swept up into the dancing. A spark is lit.
Asha, Star, and Valentino return to her house and this time the two go to her living room where he admires all her books and notices the picture of her grandfather. She tells him how much she loved the man, how he had taken care of her after her parents died, how much she missed how, how she wished his wish could’ve been granted. Star comforts her in her grief and she feels safe enough to tell him about what Magnifico said. Star reassures her the king is lying and Asha finds herself believing him, and yet the King is a great man who has done so much for Rosas-why would he lie to her?
It is Valentino who suggests they go do some snooping (not him though, he’s going to eat a cook book as soon as the two leave).
Star carries Asha into the sky, unable to resist showing off to her first. Asha let’s herself enjoy the feeling of being in the air, feeling like she could reach out and touch the star or hold the moon. They slip inside via the highest balcony, Star transforming into a mouse and riding on her shoulder as Asha sneaks through the castle. They are only spotted by Lulu who tries to eat Star before Asha reaches the study and slams the door, the cat slamming its face into it.
Said study is empty and at first Asha thinks to skim through the books for answers but Star notices the door. Transforming into a flea he slips under the door and opens it from the other side. It leads down a dark stair case with a golden light at the bottom. The two share a glance before starting to go down-only for green light to envelope them both and drag them back up the stairs into the study.
The King and Queen are standing there, Lulu on Amaya’s shoulder, clearly the one who had warned them of the intruders. Magnifico tells Asha she didn’t have to sneak in to deliver them a star, the young girl immediately puts herself between her friend and the king. She tries to tell them he’s not like they think, he’s a good kind person who helped people grant wishes without asking for anything in return. But with his staff Magnificio wraps the green energy around Star like chains and Amaya drags Asha away from him. They call Asha a fool if she thinks they’d let one little star ruin the years of work they’ve put into maintaining their kingdom. That they picked what wishes are to be granted. That the people worshiped them. Asha is forced to realize the kind rulers she wanted to be like-are a lie. Magnifico comments to his wife that Star’s power could be very useful to them. In an act of desperation Asha kicks out, knocking the staff out of the king’s hand. Amaya, not expecting Asha to lash out, looses her grip on her. Once the staff hits the ground the green chains evaporate and Star transforms into a giant golden bird, grabs Asha and flies out of one of the study’s high windows.
Magnifico is furious that they got away but Amaya calms him down, reminding him that the people of Rosas would not believe those two over their loving rulers. She remarks that maybe it’s time to grant Lulu’s wish. Magnifico agrees and his magic mutates the cat into a sabortoothed giant tabby that runs out of the room to go hunt down Asha and Star. The king and queen reprise the segment of Welcome to Rosas dedicated to them, now in a minor key with new context.
Asha and Star escape into the forest, where they first met(they are next to a lake). Asha is crying, heartbroken and scared over what will happen next. Her whole goal in life was built around a lie. How will they stop people as powerful as the royal couple?
Author’s note here; this is a part where I’m not sure how to go about it. My idea is Star comforts Asha and it will lead into a duet, because the demo version of At All Costs is heavily romantic-coded and is perfect to show how much the two have grown to care for each other. But my version of Star is mute so I haven’t figured out how to work around that besides the song being sung over them instead of being sung by them. So please hold that thought
The two share a romantic scene, flying in the sky, dancing among the clouds and coming this close to sharing a kiss.
They are interrupted by the arrival of Lulu who tries to attack them, Star transforms into a giant cat as well, putting himself between Lulu and Asha. But before the Queen’s cat can attack them, Dahlia and the others suddenly appear via carriage and accidentally knock the giant cat into the lake. Lulu splutters out of the water and runs back to Rosas.
The gang tells the two they saw Star flying away and then the king and queen made an announcement that Asha is a traitor and trying to usurp them and ruin Rosas. The news not sitting right with the group they decided to follow, worried for the two. Asha is grateful for their help and touched when they point out its what friends are for. But now they must go hide because the whole town will be looking for them.
On the way back Asha tells them what had happened. Like her they are shocked the king and queen could be villains, but they also don’t think Asha and Star are liars. So they have to make a plan to figure out what the two are hiding and, if necessary, defeat them. (What I Know Now, which adds in a segment for the king and queen ‘lamenting’ that their people don’t know what’s best for them). There is a short moment during this song where it’s revealed Valentino knows sign language, having learned to read from Asha reading to him-and making a point to read books before he eats them. Asha tells him there’s a saying she’d like to learn but the scene cuts before we learn what it is.
The plan is that Star will dash the group with some dust to make them glow and they’d run through the town and forest ‘pretending’ to be Star. This would serve to distract the king and queen long enough for Asha and Star to go back to the study and go through the door. Star also gives Asha a stick and blesses it with his magic for her use. The plan is going off without a hitch, Asha while trying to find information in the study comes across a small journal. She reads it aloud as they open the secret door and go down the stairs:
Years ago, Magnifico wished for magic. A star came down to grant his wish, admiring his ambitions. However Magnificio turned on the star and trapped her, now absorbing her power to grant peoples’ wishes. They reach the bottom of the stairs to see an older woman chained to the ground; the star from the journal. Asha and Star are horrified by this revelation, but before they could free her Magnifico appears having expected them to come back.
Asha accuses him of lying about the stars being malicious, and the king instead says the stars were too scared to risk coming down to grant a human’s wishes. “Except that one, it seems.” He glares at Star and tells him that he would be his new battery and help lead Rosas to even more triumphs. In fact, why stop at Rosas? He could grant wishes of people all over the world, they’d be so grateful they’d do whatever he asked.
Furious Asha lunges at him but Magnificio stops them with his staff and drags them back upstairs to where Amaya is waiting. He offers Asha to his queen, not needing her. Amaya then reminds the young girl of the history of Rosas, how there was a monster that terroized the people…Asha watches in horror as Amaya transforms into a large dragon-esque creature. She is able to escape the study and Amaya chases after her. Star, furious and terrified transforms into his own version of a golden dragon-esque creature and manages to escape Magnifico’s grasp.
Asha is chased outside, nearly killed by Amaya before Star arrives and knocks her away. While the two giants fight Asha hurries back inside to deal with Magnifico.
We cut to a scene of Dahlia and co being surrounded by the villagers, but the townsfolk are starting to waver having seen how much happier the group is thanks to Star granting their wishes. Lulu then appears, prepared to eat them. Valentino, leading an army of the animals Star befriended, chases the big cat off into the woods. Disillusioned the townsfolk follow Dahilia, Valentino, and co back into town to witness the rest of the battle.
Asha, still brandishing the wand Star gave her, witnesses Magnifico dragging the star out of her cell and absorbing so much of her magic that the woman loses the rest of her glow and falls to the ground. Asha tries to attack him but the king teleports the two of them to the roof, ready to throw Asha off and strike Star with his magic. Asha is able to use her wand to keep him from hurting her or Star, but eventually he is able to snatch the wand from her and break it. Desperate, Asha tries to physically wrestle the staff away from him.
 Suddenly there’s a scream, Amaya having bit down on Star’s neck. Magnificio moves to fire at Star to finish him off, but Asha with her own hands still on the staff is able to redirect it and the blast hits Amaya instead. She is evaporated and Magnifico cries out in horror and rage. However the damage is done for Star, transforming back into human form he floats up to Asha slowly losing his golden glow. He holds her cheek for one moment before falling on the roof, completely gray and presumed dead. Asha cries and hugs him, unable to believe this is how the story ends. But then Magnifico grabs her with his magic and drags her away, Asha desperately trying to fight against it, only able to hold onto Star’s hand. The king summons storm clouds to completely cover the sky, vowing revenge against the entirety of Rosas, against the entirety of the world for killing Amaya.
All seems lost, yet Asha starts to softly sing (This Wish (Reprise)), and after a few moments her friends and the townspeople below start singing along, wishing for Star to be revived. We have a short scene of the star woman waking up and hearing the singing from outside. But everyone's sincerity in the wish allows Star to be revived, glowing brighter than ever. Asha, relieved and full of hope, gets up to face against Magnifico. He tries to shoot her with magic but Star’s glow serves as a wall of protection for her, and as she slowly walks toward the man he gets more frantic and desperate, unable to see because of Star’s bright light. He continues to step back until he reaches the edge, loses his balance and starts to fall, Asha grabs his staff as the man vanishes into the roiling ocean below. She then shatters the staff on the roof. The magic shoots out into the sky, wishes given to Magnifico returned to its owners and the star woman brought back to her full strength.
Star is flying around the sky, ecstatic. Asha calls his attention and we see her sign/say the words: “I love you.” (having learned them from Valentino). It is like a firework goes off as Star happily picks her up and twirls through the sky with her, Asha laughing gleefully before finally kissing him.
When the two return to the ground they receive a group hug from their friends. They find the broken stick Magnifico had tossed and Asha apologizes to Star for breaking it, but he simply puts it back together. Dahlia comments that her magic use was pretty impressive considering she had had no real experience. Valentino smugly saying she was greater than the former king. It’s then Asha realizes that Star had helped grant her wish-she just needed to meet him halfway. He winks at her when she makes this realization.
The star woman then appears, stepping out of the castle, looking poised and formidable. Asha tells the townspeople what Magnifico and Amaya had done to her and the people are filled with shame that she had suffered right under their noses. Asha gives her a formal apology and after a moment the star woman nods and smiles kindly, having been impressed by the goodness in these humans. She had thought they would all be vile like the king and queen.
She starts to float, planning on going back to the sky. She looks expectantly at Star, expecting him to come with. Asha is stricken at the thought but reassures him she wouldn’t be like Magnifico and force him to stay. In response Star holds Asha’s hand and gives the star woman a resolute look. She blinks, looking a bit surprised, but then nods and even gives them a small curtsy as if they were royalty. She then shoots upward to become the brightest star in the sky.
At the epilogue Asha and Star are learning all they can on how to lead Rosas, the town wanting them to be their new king and queen. She is getting better at her magic and signs fluidly. They have Dahlia and co be a sort of council for them. With Star’s encouragement people are doing their part to make their wishes come true. Valentino is in charge of Lulu who is going through a program to be nicer, it’s a work in progress.
The final shot is Asha and Star standing at the balcony, sharing a kiss as the scene pans up to show the night sky. The stars look brighter than ever.
Credits roll.
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cherrychilli · 8 months
Steve Harrington x AFAB reader, grumpy dom! Steve, established relationship, PIV sex, car sex
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A/N: I haven't written for Steve in a minute so I pulled this out of the wip vault and dusted it off.
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The time to back out had passed.
Steve knew he couldn't disappoint the whole group now when it had already been decided that he would drive them out to the lake that Saturday afternoon. With Eddie's license suspended and Jonathan's car in the shop, there was no other option.
For someone who, on a regular day, looks golden in every possible way under a perfect cerulean sky, he stuck out like a storm cloud today.
Steve sat out on the dock with his shades on to shield his annoyed squint and a soda pressed to his lips to conceal his scowl, wishing it was a beer instead.
Those of you who weren't driving picked frosty bottles out of the cooler Eddie had stocked for the outing, bottle caps coming loose with a pop, the nutty aroma of grain and barley fizzing into the wind. It was more than a little amusing to you as you eyed Steve from over your beer, watching the poor boy stew.
On the surface you appear oblivious but you're well aware that your boyfriend's eyes are trained on you too, a heated, razor sharp stare behind those reflective lenses.
His simmering displeasure goes unnoticed by the rest of the group but when you start to strip down to your swimsuit with the others and head for the water it's only a matter of moments before they notice one less member wading in the water with them.
Inevitably, what he'd been dreading begins and he has to deal with it all day. Everyone takes turns asking Steve why he isn't getting in the water with them and each time he's forced to mutter out some vague excuse that only lifts more eyebrows.
It's obvious to everyone that he's hiding something and the stubborn way he tries to refute is comically adorable. Some lighthearted teasing ensues and you can almost see the steam rising off his skin.
Robin gets the ball rolling with a quip about him spending too much time on his hair to risk getting it wet. Eddie joins in on the teasing too. Nancy and Jonathan are too polite to add to it but they laugh off to the side and try to suppress their giggles all the same.
None of it is cruel. it's all harmless, well meaning fun between friends and it's all the more enjoyable for you because you're the only one who knows the real reason why Steve wont just peel off his shirt and get in the water.
If he did, then your friends would get to see the result of all your hard work last night. They'd see the messy, lengthy scarlet scratches that rawed the skin all down his back, the half moon indents turning violet on his triceps and shoulders and the many hickeys like splashes of merlot you sucked onto his chest and his stomach.
You've got a few marks on you as well but you're saved from suffering the same torment as Steve thanks to your waterproof concealer. He endures it all, forcing the occasional dry, humorless laugh until the sun begins to wind down and the rest of you towel off before lugging your belongings back to his car under a cotton candy sky.
It's a little snug inside the BMW but you make it work. You buckle yourself in the front seat and the others pile into the back. Nancy finds room in Jonathan's lap while Eddie's somehow been strong armed into the middle by Robin so she can have the window seat. He doesn't concede quietly and the resultant commotion in the back is enough to distract the backseat occupants from noticing the tension between you and Steve. Well, more so the tension that's emanating from Steve because you look no more unbothered than you had all day, humming to yourself inconspicuously. Waiting patiently.
Nancy and Jonathan are the first to be dropped off. Next is Eddie, and then Robin. You wave goodbye to her as Steve slowly presses down on the accelerator to begin the journey to your apartment, twenty minutes of being alone together starting now.
"You really put me through it today", he spoke, breaking the moment long silence.
Your lips form a pleased smile as you fiddle with your fingers in your lap. It was obvious where all of this was heading but riling him up was part of the fun and you didn't want it to end just yet. You wanted a little more before it's all teeth and ripped clothes when he gets you inside your apartment.
"I didn't make them say all those things, Stevie sweetie", you turn your head towards him and bat your lashes, the illusion of sweetness thick on your features.
His eyes stay fixed on the road, the vein near his temple more noticeable now. "You wore it on purpose, didn't you?", he sidesteps your comment like you hadn't even said it at all.
This time when you blink at him it's with confusion. "Don't play dumb, baby", he warns you with a laugh so mirthless that it draws a shiver out of you. "Oh..", you utter when you realize that he's referring to your strappy yellow bikini. The one he really really liked, because he made you keep it on all throughout riding him on on his sun lounger the last time you went over to swim in his pool. Not that you did much swimming in the end.
You'd been so wrapped up in all the teasing and what hid beneath the layers of his clothes that you'd paid little attention to what you'd been wearing all day.
"Wasn't bad enough that I had to deal with the others today. You had me fighting off a fucking hard on top of it all too."
Your gaze instantly drops to his lap. By the looks of the thick imprint of his cock underneath his jeans he seemed to be done fighting it off.
The car slows into a turn and you realize that you don't recognize your surroundings, much more greenery around than what you're familiar with. You'd had your eyes off the road long enough for him to divert from the route to your house, detouring off a backroad and into an unfamiliar clearing thickly nestled by trees and forestry.
You bite down on your lip to stem the grin that threatens to erupt on your face. This was much better than you'd been hoping for and happening much faster than you could stand to wait.
Pulling into the isolated space, he cuts the engine, car going completely still. "Come here", but he's already pulling you with forceful a hand curled around the back of your neck before you have a chance of following through yourself. It's ungainly how you fumble with unbuckling your seatbelt as it presses uncomfortably against your chest but you manage to unfasten it, leaning further over the console to get closer to him.
You whine when he latches onto your neck, sucking at the skin there not at all gently. If the taste of lake water and sunscreen still lingered on your skin, he showed no sign of it. At least not any sign of disliking it as his tongue licked over your skin and his teeth dragged close to your pulse. When he pulls away you can feel the wet warmth of the fresh hickey blooming on your skin and your heart beating in time with the subtle throbbing there.
It wasn't hard to imagine what it looked like. Deep and dark and reminder of who you belong to. "You're not covering it up this time, understand?", he tells you and you nod. As if you'd want to hide it.
He leans over you then and you retract into your seat to make room for him, back pressed firmly against leather. Steve's intention becomes clear when he pulls at the lever to adjust your seat. You squeak when it reclines abruptly and he climbs over you to push it all the way down.
"Get these off. Now", he orders you, not unkind but firm, pulling at the hem of your damp t-shirt and the waistband of your shorts. He's impatient but so are you, wiggling around and maneuvering your limbs messily underneath him as he helps you to peel the clothing off.
You manage to toe you shoes off as well, elbows and knees bumping Steve and parts of the interior until you're left in just your bikini. The frantic rush suddenly halts and things slow down when he runs a finger down your sternum until he reaches the little strap just below your breasts, hooking his finger into it. " 'Played dirty all day, didn't you honey? had your fun while I all I could do was sit back and watch?", he tugged, the bottom curve of your breasts becoming visible as the material slips.
"Couldn't help it", you breathe out, hands sliding up his biceps. " I like it when you get mean", you confessed softly, eyes all big and glossy and wanting. He laughs, hair falling over his forehead. "I know, baby. Gonna take my time getting back at you". He's done with the gentle interval, yanking your bikini down to expose your tits. You yelp, not because it was unexpected but because he'd done it a little harder than you had expected. A welcome roughness that made your core feel sticky.
He's all over you, weight pressing down on you as you writhe under him, gasping as he marks you up. More fresh bruises to match the one on your neck are peppered across your breasts first before his lips trail hot on your stomach and then your hips and your thighs. The noises he's forcing out of you are needy and pathetic, high pitched, breathy whimpers and mewling cries of his name all tumble from your lips until he pulls away to look over his work.
You're left panting as he appraises you, eyes raking all over in search of more space to fit another hickey or two. "Never looked better, babe", he sits back on his knees, grinning happily. "On second thought...", he grips your waist, encouraging you to turn around and get on your knees. You scramble to get into position, pulling loose the knot on your bikini top and tossing it towards the back seat so that it no longer hangs limply on you in a tangled mess. You grab at the headrest, bare tits pressing against leather as you arch your back for him and present your ass. "Now you've never looked better", he scoffs, open palm landing on your left cheek with a swift slap.
"Shit! please just fuck me already, Steve", you whine, beyond the point of playing dumb and coy.
He pulls your bottoms to the side, thumb brushing against your soaking entrance as he lets out a low whistle. It's a little strange being almost completely nude in his car like this. You usually had a little more clothing bunched around you on the off chance the rocking vehicle might attract any passersby's attention. It makes you feel that much more vulnerable. Hidden but still technically in public. Still at risk of being discovered.
It's all so terribly exciting.
The distinct jangle of his belt being undone makes your spine tingle and the crude sound of him spitting onto his palm before he tugs on his cock a makes you clench.
"Not gonna go easy on you", he warns, catching your eye when you look back at him over your shoulder.
"I can take it", you challenge him and you can tell by the way the corner of his mouth twitches against the smirk he's trying to force away that he liked it.
He places one hand on your hip and the other on the foggy window pressing his cock into you in one slow thrust.
"That's my girl"
The next day you anticipate Robin's reaction when she pretends to barf at the sight of the hickeys on your neck and you giggle, amused because you know never to take it seriously.
Eddie's slower to notice because the first thing he does is climb into the back seat of Steve's car after it's been parked, claiming to have dropped his lighter there yesterday.
"Did you find it?", Steve calls out behind him when he joins you and Robin as you get ready to head into a nearby burger joint for lunch.
There's a suspicious pause and some rustling before he finally yells out an answer.
"Nope! Found something better though"
Kicking open the door, Eddie barrels out with your bikini top sloppily thrown on over his shirt, batting his lashes at Steve like some kind of parody of a lovestruck cartoon.
You're too entertained by it to be embarrassed though you can't say the same for Steve who's turned completely red, placing a hand over your mouth as you snicker.
Puckering his lips, the metalhead makes eyes at your boyfriend and you double over with laughter while Robin rolls here eyes and makes her way inside, having had her fill of Eddie's theatrics.
"Come on big boy, fancy another round in the back seat?"
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mango-sp1ce · 1 year
Dan wipes down the bar as the other bartenders chat behind him. It’s all fleeting conversation, nothing of real note as they clean up and get ready to leave.
Unlike them, Dan just got in for his shift. The graveyard shift, how fitting. Not being one for small talk, he gives a simple grunt as a goodbye when the other workers leave, not even turning his head.
The moment the door clicks shut behind them, he brings his hand under the bar and flicks on the switches. Lights, sound, the whole shebang. His sensitive ears easily pick up on the sound of the door locking, and a different door on a different wall unlocking.
And then he sits, and he waits.
The first hour is quiet. A few goons, a few lesser villains. Condiment King is… an entire issue within himself, but even he didn’t pick much of a fight tonight. If anything, the bar just received its most recent restocking of condiments, courtesy of the king.
Washing a few stray dishes in his free time, Dan glances up when the door opens again and a fresh chill finds its way inside. He rolls his eyes as the villain sits down, before letting his core thrum to action and coil the frost back out the door. The man can keep his little aura, but leave your jacket at the door please. Common courtesy.
He makes momentary eye contact before making the drink without instruction or a word said. Seems frosty isn’t here tonight for small talk. Good.
Right as he slides the drink over, the door opens again to another high end villainous celebrity. The Riddler makes his way in, looking a little worse for wear. He take a close seat and does a little hand motion that only takes Dan a minute to decipher.
When he slides his drink over, the man smiles and laughs. “Got it in one! One of these days I’ll stump ya!” Maybe. It is completely possible. Dans only been recognizing the gestures from different books and video guides he’s been watching.
The two big shot villains get to talking and Dan proceeds to do what he likes the most about this job. The chaotic neutral action of… simply ignoring them. He turns and takes note of inventory instead as they plan whatever it is that they’ve planned.
And then the haunting (not to Dan, but certainly to the people of Gotham) sound of a clown car echoes down the street outside. He’s sure it isn’t an actual clown car, but he’s never really stepped outside to look.
The two men at the bar look at each other before sliding to sit further down. Within minutes of their decision, the main man himself makes his way in.
Dans already got his drink ready before he even sits. But yet again as always, the man chooses to sit right in front of wherever Dans standing at the moment.
“So, bartender, what’s it today?” The madman cackles out, taking the drink and swirling the little umbrella Dan had plopped on top. The umbrella didn’t belong there at all really, but Dan had noticed the way the man favored the little item whenever he got it and figured he may as well put one every time.
“Shocked. Chilled.” Dan responds with a nod towards the drink. The joker makes a thrilled little sound before taking a sip and knocking his head back in a laugh.
It’s not as if the words he just said have any actual meaning. At least, not what they might’ve had before. Jokers got his own thing going on, his own mixes and substances and who knows what else he puts in his drinks. Dan wouldn’t be surprised if the little “surprise” packs the Joker’s goons supplied the bar with were just joker gas in water dissolving form.
“That’s certainly got a spark!” He yells, his eyes as wide as ever. Dan doesn’t say anything, after all; everyone who comes here knows how he feels about small talk.
“So, Danny-boy, I’ve got an offer that you certainly can’t refuse!” The man chuckles, sipping his drink and playing idly with the small umbrella. Dan rolls his eyes.
“Don’t call me that. And shoot.”
“Woah now- I haven’t even loaded my gun!” He jokes. Dan just stares blankly until the man continues. “Always such the party pooper. So Casper, I’ve got a guy who needs a little… break. The usual really, but I want you to do this one with pizazz! How do ya like sequins?”
Dan blinks at him. Once. Twice. And then he dumps a cup of ice onto the man. The man cackles and cackles, like a wheezing hyena, before straightening out.
“Yeah, I figured you’d say that.”
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writers-hes · 5 months
In the Bleak Midwinter
SYNOPSIS: You always knew Tommy as the cheerful boy who took care of you. He always knew you as the smart girl that he visited by the docks. The daughter of a prostitute, the son of a deadbeat father; a soldier who protected his country; a whore who protected him; a gangster who controlled Brimingham; and now, a wife. War changes people, you just didn't realize that war could change you both. (angst, abuse, canon-typical themes, death, war, MDNI, mature themes) AN: Don’t look at the comments / reblogs if you don’t want spoilers!! But please discuss what you think once you’re done reading 🤍
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Toy Horses Outside the Brothel | Tommy Shelby x Reader | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
“So fucking close…” he whispers to himself, inhaling. He turns around and looks up, maybe he could conjure you right now. One last time before he died. “Oh and there’s a woman…a woman who I love and I got close. Nearly got fucking everything!” he shouts. “Oh, what the fuck. Get it done, boys,” he tells them. He kneels before the man. 
“In the bleak midwinter…” Tommy says to himself, voice raspy and tired. “In the bleak midwinter…” he whispers to himself, his body shaking. He didn’t know where he was. He just knew that he was going to get killed today. The hole on the ground is where he’ll be buried and he never got the chance to be with you. “In the bleak…in—“
He couldn’t die today. Dread fills his body. You were still at the tracks with Simon. This wasn’t a part of the plan. He was supposed to kill Simon. He was supposed to have fun while doing it while you sat, unaware with Alfie Solomons in the private room. Sweat trickles on his face, and he closes his eyes. The blood on his forehead had dried up and his heart was beating wildly in his chest. He couldn’t believe that the last thing he ever did on this fucking ground was smoke a cigarette. So close. So close…so fucking close. 
The sound of a gun going off echoes in the vast field and he finds himself inside the hole. He stays there, appalled. 
“Get out of the grave, tinker! Be on your fucking way!”
He stumbles out, unbalanced. Shock was still inside his body. He trips and lands on his face, his palms on the wet ground and he screams. So fucking close. He shakes his head, standing up and sobbing as he did so, on the way home…on the way to you. 
He pours himself a glass of Irish whisky. He’s got some ideas for the future of the company…and also, he’s planning on getting something. 
In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan, earth stood hard as iron…
Tommy couldn’t believe his fucking luck. How many times does he have to wait for things to finally fucking settle? How many more years should he wait for you? He didn’t mind—how could he ever mind when it came to you? 
He couldn’t forget the relief that washed over him when Alfie called him to say that the job’s been done. He was supposed to get the locket in his office and go to the tracks but Alfie stopped him. 
“Y/N killed Simon Coventry,” Alfie said. “Shot him dead like…mush, bone, mush. Saw her checking for his heartbeat after. I told her not to cry over spilled milk,” he snickers. “Do you get it, mate? Spilled milk?”
He tells Tommy about how shaken you were after the police investigation…how you kept it to yourself until the last officer went out. You were wailing and stuttering ‘he’s dead’ over and over. Alfie told him that he will get one of his men to send the gun to his office for safekeeping. Tommy knew that he should give you some time but he couldn’t wait anymore. He knew that you sold your London mansion and lived in Birmingham now. He knew that you bought the mansion with the garden; the one where you both used to frequent in as kids. He knew that all because he had some of the Blinders guard the property from afar. He knew that all because he passed by the house to get a glimpse of you but the house was quiet, eerie, and lacked life. Polly nor Ada couldn’t get in yet. It all happened too much…too fast…in a span of years, to have Simon dead at the sound of a gun was shocking. 
It’s been a year and he couldn’t believe he waited that long to come visit you when he knows you the most. He shakes with anticipation everyday. He was looking forward to seeing you last year, to finally telling you all about his love for you. Maybe it was him who needed you more because you made your own world without him, but he couldn’t give a fuck anymore. You’ve both been apart for what felt like decades and he will burn the world if he’s apart from you for a day more. 
It was raining and he drove to your house in his black car. The mansion with a garden. How foolish you both were when you dreamed those dreams. Life was never that easy. Blood was shed, lives were taken for his ambition. It didn’t matter right now. Not in this second. The rain just gets stronger. He forgot his umbrella but it didn’t matter. Nothing else mattered right now. He could see your figure from the back of the house looking through the French windows of your new home. Funny, you both got what you wanted. He got the Arrow House and you had this manor but they were both so fucking lifeless. He imagined a different house. He imagined a house with kids, with you during the war. He was looking at you and frowned when he saw you leave. Should he knock at the door? Should he just go back? Did you even want to see him?
Drops of rain wet his coat and he removed his Peaky hat, tossing it away to fix his hair. He should’ve gotten an umbrella. His shoes slosh with every step and the chill eats away his bones but he will be warm soon.  
Thunder wakes the Birmingham sky and he sees you…a few metres away from him in your dress. 
“Tommy!” you called, an umbrella in your hand. You rushed towards him to give him shelter from the rain. The mud from the grass made your bare feet wet but you didn’t care. Tommy was here…he was finally here. He meets you halfway, underneath your black umbrella. He smiles, chest against yours. 
“We can’t fit,” he chuckled, a glimmer of the youth that you used to see in his eyes appearing. “Y/N,”
“Tommy,” you replied, a bashful smile on your face. “Let’s go inside,” you tell him but he holds your arm to keep you from leaving. “Tom?”
“I’m sorry,” he says, his hand coming up to touch your face but he wasn’t sure. Was it alright to touch you now? “I—I,” he tries to think of words to say, every single emotion getting trapped in his throat. He coughs, shaking his head. “I miss you,”
A single tear trails down your cheek and you wipe it away. 
“Looks like the world is finally quiet,” you replied, smiling at him. “I’ve missed you too, Tom,” you chuckled, laying your head on his chest. “I’ve missed you so, so, so much,”
He nods, wrapping his arms around you. You look at him again, a small smile on your face. 
“Did you know that…that—“ he coughs. Fuck.
“I’ve always thought of ways to tell you this back in the war and I just—I guess the delays and everything and fuck, love. I’ve loved you since we played with your toy horses outside the brothel,” he breathes out. “And I’m sorry, so, so fucking sorry that it took me so long to tell you. That you had to go through all that because you thought that I didn’t love you when I did. I’ve loved you since then and I still love you now. I love you and I just hope that I’m not too late because God, Y/N. You were the one who saved me..who protected me all these years and I can’t lose you again,” he tells you, his hands cradling your face. “I thought…I thought I was going to die when Sabini’s men took me, Y/N and all I could think of was you. How were you? Were you free? You were the only one in my head. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I love you, Y/N. I love you so, so much,” he adds tenderly, his forehead against yours. You were smiling at him, tears streaming down your face. Tommy loves you. Tommy loves you. 
“I love you too, Tommy,” you whispered. “I’ve loved you all this time. I can’t believe we’re finally here,” you smiled at him. Tommy throws away the umbrella in your hand. He takes your chin with his fingers gently. Tommy could feel his heart beat faster and faster. He knew that if he'd kiss you now, he’d dream of your beautiful face and soft lips forever. With bated breath, he takes in your expressions, trying to look for any signs of doubt but he couldn’t see it. Is this how it’s like to kiss the face of an angel? He licks his lips and then…and then, he kisses you. He was reborn. His reincarnation was complete. Earthly lifetimes before this had nothing on the life that he will build with you. He loves you. You love him. Tommy kisses you with years of passion and tenderness in his heart. The crease on his brows melts away and your whimpering sounded like God whispering to his ear. Nevermind the rain, nevermind everything. You were here and so was he. 
Tommy’s been staying over at your house ever since you professed your love for each other. He’d leave in the morning to attend to some business and then come back in the afternoon, shedding layers of today’s work into your arms. 
“How are you so beautiful?” he asks in hushed tones. His finger trails down your cheek gently. “I love you,”
“Tommy,” you chuckled. “You’ve been showering me with praise.”
“I’ve been waiting all my life to say these things to you, love. I’ll make up for those lost years everyday.” 
“I love you, Tommy,” you told him, rising from your position to kiss his cheek. “I don’t think I can love anyone else as much as I love you,”
“Pol knows about us,” he whispers. “I think John and Arthur are wondering where I’m always off to because they never see me home,”
“Nothing escapes past her,” you told him. “I miss her…I still can’t believe she intercepted those letters. I don’t know…I can’t hold a grudge against her but I can’t…”
“It’s alright. I understand,” he replied. “Took me a while to get over it too because…because if she didn’t, we’d have all of this earlier,”
“Why didn’t you tell me that you loved me before?”
“I wanted to tell you before I left but I can’t make you wait for me that long. I knew I was coming back to you but what if I couldn’t?” he asked. He holds your body closer to him. The hushed tones that you spoke in made the bedroom so homey, comfortable, and nice. His chin falls on the top of your head. “Why didn’t you tell me that you loved me?”
“I didn’t want you to love me,” you told him. “I was a prostitute, Tom and I…I don’t want to love you when I can’t give you all of me,” you whispered.
“It wouldn’t have mattered. I would have done something to make sure that you wouldn’t have to do any of that.” he said. He takes your fingers into his, weaving his with yours. 
“Are you off to see Y/N again?” Polly asked, sipping on her tea while she watched her nephew fix his coat. Tommy patted himself down, making sure that everything was in place. 
“Of course, Pol,” he smiles. “Off to see my woman,”
“Can…can you tell her that she’s invited for Sunday’s dinner?” Polly asked, wiping her worries away by rubbing her hands. “I’ve missed her. The family misses her,”
“I’ll try to,” Tommy replied. “But don’t expect anything, Pol,”
“Of course,” she replied. Her lips pursed together. “I wanted to tell her about…how sorry I am for the things I’ve done. It should have been your decision to stay in touch and not mine, no matter how much I justify it. I—I feel as though it was my fault for putting her through all of that, Tom,”
“Thank you, Pol,” Tommy nodded. 
“What has she been up to these days?” she asked.
“Fixing her estate and her properties,” he replied. “She’s been mostly cooped inside the house,” Polly only nods to herself, unsure of what to say. Tommy leaves with a click of his tongue. 
When he arrived at your house, you were in your office, sorting through some of the documents Simon left you. You look up at him from where you were sitting with a smile and he takes that as a sign to come closer. He kisses your shoulder lightly before reading over the documents. 
“You want to rest?” he asked, voice husky. He puts his hands on your shoulders and massages you gently. 
“Thanks, Tommy,”
“Polly’s inviting you to come to Sunday’s dinner,” he says. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to nor do you have to answer now. Ada’s gonna be there along with Karl. John and the kids…Arthur and Finn. Pol and then, me,”
Tommy kisses the top of your head, watching you sort through the papers. 
“Can I…can I think about it?” you asked him. You could see how important it is to him but you couldn’t agree just because he’s Tommy. It didn’t work that way anymore. He hums, satisfied with your reply before sitting on the chair adjacent to the table. 
“Anything I can do to help?” he asked. 
“Just…some of his unsettled accounts,” you sighed. “I want them paid to avoid issues,” you told him. He takes a document and reads it over. Oh. “I want to start a foundation for children or at least, fund an orphanage and a school,” 
“Do it,” he tells you. “Simon has left a considerable amount of properties to last generations.”
“What time should I go to Arrow House for Sunday’s dinner?” you asked. Tommy halts and looks at you with a grateful smile. 
“I’ll come get you,” he says, kissing your cheek. “Thank you. I know it’s not easy,” he tells you. You only nod, if Tommy can look at you like that again, then a thousand awkward dinners don’t mean a thing. 
Sunday comes and you stand at the door of Arrow House with his hand on your back. He could see you fumble nervously. You almost looked shy. An amused smile graces his face. Why would you be so shy when you’ve told John off multiple times? You helped raise Finn. Ada basically considers you as a sister. You were the only person that Arthur respects. Polly thinks of you as her daughter. 
“Are you ready?” he asks, his raspy voice coating you like honey. You nod and he chuckles, opening the door to his mansion.
The Shelbys were everywhere. Ada was running after Karl and John’s kids. Arthur was laughing at something that John probably said. Polly was nowhere to be found, probably fussing in the kitchen. 
“See? It’s like you never left,” he comforts you. He knows better than to have the attention all on you so he tries to slip past everyone without being noticed. Still, your arrival was much awaited and soon enough, you were engulfed in strong arms.
“Y/N!” John greets, hugging you tighter. “Oh, everyone! Y/N’s here!” he announces and you chuckle. 
“John…” Tommy warns but before his little brother can let you go, Arthur slings an arm around your shoulder. 
“How are you, dove?” he asked. 
“I’ve been well,” you replied. Ada comes next, shooing her brothers away to have you all to herself. 
“Y/N. It’s been so long since we last saw each other. You loom as radiant as ever! I hope my idiot brother’s treating you well, hm?” she asked, pointedly looking at an amused Tommy who was leaning by the fireplace. “Seriously, how are you? Are you doing well?” she asks in a  more serious tone.
“I am,” you replied. “Sorry it took me a year to recover,” you replied. 
“We understand, Y/N. We could’ve waited longer but Tommy here couldn’t. He was so fidgety!” she chuckled. “Basically pissed on everyone for a whole year! He almost got in a brawl with Arthur. That’s how miserable Tommy was but then again, you’ve never really seen Tommy being aggressive,”
“I haven’t,” you replied. Honestly, you were so glad that Tommy kept his gang and violence from you. You’ve never seen him land a punch even though you knew that he slept beside a gun. 
“Thank you for coming, though,” Ada says. “We all missed you and we wanted to come visit you but Tommy warned us to give you time and space until you’re ready after what happened,”
“You know that I’m always happy to be here. Everything was just too much at so little time, Ada,” you replied. “I’m sorry if I ever made it seem like I didn’t want you to be with me when I moved back here. I needed room to grow and heal,”
“You don’t have to apologise, Y/N. In any case, I actually feel quite guilty for the things that I allowed myself to put you through. All of us played a part in your marriage with Simon Coventry. I just…if you’re being forced or if there’s an inkling that you don’t want to be with Tommy—“
“Ada!” you laughed lightly. It puts a smile on her face. How long has it been since you laughed like that? “I’m alright. I love Tommy and I love your family. There’s not a day that I don’t want to see him. I’m always looking forward to his visits and when he can't, I still do the same anyway.” you told her. 
“That’s great,” she smiled. “I’m happy for you, Y/N. Tommy’s really lucky,”
You were so engrossed with your conversation with Ada that you didn’t see Polly approaching. It was Ada who called Polly over. Tension settles on your spine; creeping up like ice. Your throat dries and Ada coughs. 
“I’ll leave you two alone,” she says, smiling at you encouragingly before leaving. Polly walks towards you cautiously, scared that she’ll scare you. You smile at her tightly, your cheeks hurting from the control. 
“I…” you sighed, looking away. “I know that you want what is best for me but you didn’t have to intercept the letters,” you started. “I know that we didn’t know when Tommy’s coming back…or if he’s coming back and you wanted me to take the opportunity to–”
“Y/N,” she stops you, a soft hand on your crossed arms. “You don’t have to defend me. I’m so sorry for what happened and for what I did. I had no right to do what I did. If it wasn’t for me, you’d be happy…you’d–” she chokes. “I’m so sorry, my love,” she whispers, a stray tear on her face. She tries to shake it off. “I’m really sorry. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me someday,”
“But I forgive you, Pol,” you told her. “It was hard to do so and it’s harder to repair what we lost but you can’t blame yourself for the things that Simon did. We both didn’t know,” you told her. “Thank you for apologising and…thank you for always looking out for me,”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so, so, so sorry,” she cried. She could feel her throat tighten and her eyes glisten. You smiled at her. Maybe this was what you needed to finally close that part in your life.
The afternoon was filled with reunions and with warmth. A regular weekend at the Shelby’s, just like when you and Tommy were younger. Oh how you’ve missed them–how you’ve missed having a family. 
The night was quiet at the Arrow House. Everybody left at the sight of nightfall, dimming laughter filling the halls. You and Tommy were at the drawing room in the second storey of his mansion, looking at the cars that left one by one. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, his chin on the crook of your neck. He breathes in and kisses what he could kiss. 
“You alright?” he asked, pulling you closer. 
“Very,” you told him. “Made me realise how much I missed having your family around…I miss having a family,” 
“You are a part of us, you know that, right?” he asked.
“I know,” you replied, laying closer to him. 
“You can be a part of us. A real Shelby,” he whispers. “Y/N, look at me,” he asks of you, removing his hands gently and turning your around.
“Did you know Polly told me that only love can blind a man as powerful as me?” he asked. “I realised that wasn’t the case. It was you all along, love. My love for you is secondary. You’re the one who makes me weak, who makes me blind. I love you so much. I’ll burn the world if it means that you’re safe, you’re with me, and you’re happy. Y/N, do you want to be a Shelby?” he asked. He pulls out a ring from his bolster shakily. You’ve never seen him nervous. “I’ve held onto this for so long. This was the first thing I bought when I came back from war,” he says. The gold ring with a single diamond glimmers. “I thought of getting you something else…a bigger diamond, maybe but material things don’t matter to me anymore. The only thing I can promise is my love, my loyalty. I am the only thing I can promise you. I’m quite scared because if you’ll marry me, you’ll marry a man and you will marry a curse. I can’t…I can’t go on like this anymore. I can’t go on without you anymore. It’s selfish, I know but will you marry me, Y/N?” he asked. You stood there, dumbfounded. 
“Tommy–of course, I’ll marry you,” you replied, tears streaming down your face. “I’ve loved you for so long,” you chuckled, extending your hand towards his equally shaky ones. He puts the ring on your ring finger. It has always belonged to you. “I’ll marry you right now. Oh, Tom,” you cried, kissing him feverishly. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer. Is this life even real?
“Let’s go to my bedroom,” he rasps and you nod. He holds your hand with his gentle ones and sits you on the bed. He smiles at you in the dimming light of his bedroom. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers. He was afraid to see you disappear if he was too loud. “So beautiful for me,” he says, tucking a stray hair and kissing the spot under your ear. You hum, fishing for the buttons of his shirt and he chuckles, forcefully removing it from himself. 
“Tom,” you whispered, unbuttoning your dress. He nods, leaning on the headboard and letting you straddle him. The softness of your skin against his was sending him over the edge but he chooses to control himself. He lets your dress and brassiere fall on your shoulders, your breasts bare to him. He angles himself, taking a nipple in his mouth and licking it softly. You whimpered, the feeling of his mouth on one of the most sensitive parts of your body was something that you never thought was going to happen. 
“Is it alright if I bite?” he asked and you nodded. “Say it. Come on, love,”
“Do whatever you want to me, Tommy,” you mewled, hands massaging your silky breasts while he sucks on your nipple.
“Fuck, love,” He groans at your response, bucking his hips unexpectedly. “The things you do to a man, Y/N. The things you do to me,” his hands travel on your sides, goosebumps appearing from the softness of his touch. Tommy cups your heat through your underwear. “Remove your dress for me,”
You nod, the cold hitting you all at once when you raised yourself from him. He watches the fabric flow so softly until you are left with nothing but your underwear. 
“Remove that too,” he says, and you nodded. “You’re so obedient, Y/N,” he praises. “May I?” he asked and you nodded, a thick finger dipping in your wetness. You both moaned at the contact before he removed it slowly. You watched as he brought his finger up to his mouth, making a show of licking you off of him. “You’re so sweet,” 
“Tommy,” you whimpered. “Don’t tease me,” 
“Alright, alright,” he replied. You remove yourself from him, laying down on the bed with your legs spread wide. He can see your pussy glisten and he curses himself, removing his pants hastily before joining you. “Spit,” he orders you, his hand waiting expectedly by your mouth. You obliged and watched him jerk himself off. “Tell me what you want, Y/N,” he says. 
“Please,” he begs. “I’ll do it. I’ll fucking do it,”
“I want you to make love to me, Tommy,” you whimpered. “Please show me how much you love me,” 
“Oh, love,” he groans. Tommy comes towards you, so close, so warm. His hands found your knees and he caressed your knees. “You're so beautiful, darling,” 
“Tom,” you mewled. His prying fingers found your heat. He cups your mound and then parts your folds, rubbing them up and down. He smiles at you, leaning over your figure until his nose brushes yours. 
“Hey,” he tells you. He watches you closely and he wonders why he never had the courage to tell you how much he loved you earlier. The curve of your lips, the lashes on your eyes…he wanted to memorise every part of you and commemorate it. He leans down, his mouth on your mouth, kissing you so slowly. This is love, you thought. Tommy nudges your legs wider apart, his tip pressing into your wetness. “Fuck, love,” he rasps, rutting into your more roughly.
“I need you inside me, Tom,” you breathed. He nods, aligning himself on your wet slit. He feels the anticipation run through his veins. He never would have even dreamed of this. In a slow stroke, Tommy’s cock finds its way inside easily; years of longing, passion, and pent-up emotions seeping through your pores. 
“You’re, ugh—“ he groans. Fuck. “Don’t fucking move yet. I’ll—“
“Tom—“ you mewled, grinding on his pelvis in circles. You felt full; you felt complete. 
“Love, please,” he begs. “Let me…let me savour this. Want this to last,” He feels your body relax and he sighs. Really, if he decided to move now, he’s only going to embarrass himself. He curses to himself, ashamed that he had to pull himself back a little bit. “I’m going to move, yeah?” he asked and you could only nod. Tommy leans his figure over yours, his lips landing on your nipple. He licks on it lightly as he adjusts himself. He pulls out slowly, before going back in slowly. 
You both moan in unison. Tommy continues his movements while he sucked on your nipple. Your hands find their way to his hair, pulling it softly. 
“I love you, Tom,” you whimpered,feeling his cock rubbing inside. “I love you so much,”
“Mmm,” he only hums, his attention on your other nipple now. Your fingers find their way onto your clitoris and you rub circles on it while Tommy fucks you deeper. “Fuck,” he groans, breaking away from the comfort of your arms and leaning back. He removes your hand and raises one of your legs. You watched as Tommy fucks you faster, but now it was deeper and you felt more full because of your new position. “Oh, fuck,” he rasps, his thumb coming in contact with your clit.
“Tommy,” you moaned when you felt his rough thumb rubbing circles. “Fuck, I—“ 
“It’s alright, darling. I will take —good—care—of—you,” he said, thrusting harder into you to make his point. “You won’t have to worry about anything anymore. You have me…your Tommy,”
“My Tommy,” you whispered, as if it was a new concept when Tommy knew that he belonged to you from the very start. Still, hearing the words come from your mouth excites him. 
“Say it again,”
“My Tommy,” you repeated. “Fuck, Tommy,” you mewled, pinching your nipples together. 
“Fuck, you want me to fuck babies into you?” he asked, quickening his pace. 
“Yes, Tommy, please!” you whimpered. “Going to make you a daddy,”
“I’m going to make love to you everyday and cum inside your pretty pussy, yeah?” he rasps, his cock fucking your wet pussy harder. “Oh fuck,”
The lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin, your wetness welcoming him with every thrust fills the room. You were both high, moans and grunts filling every crevice of the room. Tommy fucks you sloppier while your fingers play with your clit. 
“I’m close, ugh—Tommy,” you grunted. “Tom, Tom, Tommy,”
“Let go, love,” he whimpered. “Go on,” 
His words fuelled you and you released a high pitched moan as he felt your walls clench around him. The feeling of your pussy milking him sends him into overdrive and you feel it. You felt his warm cum coating your walls.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he moans, thrusting his hips into you even more to chase his orgasm. “I love you. I fucking love you,” he rasps, collapsing into you.
“I love you, Tommy,” you replied, playing with the soft tendrils of his hair. He lays there, unmoving, his softening cock still inside you. 
“Let’s stay like this forever,” he says, kissing your breast. 
“Now, you’ve seen me,”
“And you’ve seen me,”
“Tom!” you shrieked, looking at the muddy footprints that stained your white carpet. Over the last few years, you both decided that it would be best to stay at your place instead of the Arrow House. You both agreed that it was too dark and too lonely. It was so unlike the lush gardens, the water fountain, and the scurrying feet of the maids in your house. Besides, Tommy liked it here better. It was brighter, happier, and his nephews and nieces loved to visit. 
“Oh no,” he hears a child say. “Oh, no, no, no,”
“Shh,” he crouches down to her height. “If we’re quiet, mum won’t see us,”
“Thomas Shelby! I told you to leave the boots outside whenever you’re out with the horses,” 
“Dad—I don’t want to get mummy mad,” she whispers. “Let’s say sorry,”
Tommy looks at his daughter with wonder in his eyes. He never knew he’d love someone else as much as he loves you.
“Alright,” he nods, bracing himself. “Come on,”
His daughter holds his hands and gets out of the hiding place. She immediately cowers behind her father when she sees the hand on your hip.
“It was dad’s fault!” you heard her say, running towards you and hugging your legs. “Daddy did it!”
You frowned at Tommy but he could see the smile that dared to crack. 
“Oh, bub. Where’s your loyalty to your old man, hmm?” he asked, a hand over his heart. “Darling, I must let you know that…” he trailed off kissing your cheek first. “Our daughter here is a natural,”
“I know, I know,” he soothed, massaging the crease between your eyebrows. “We’re sorry, right, bub?” he asked your little girl. She nodded, looking up at you. “Traitor,” Tommy whispers to himself before ruffling her hair. 
“Just don’t do it again, alright?” you asked him. 
“Do you think there’s a future where the two of us can be together?” Tommy asked. Upon seeing your panicked reaction, he coughs. “What I meant is…that we’ll still be like this,”
“Of course, we will,” you replied. “Only better…because by that time, we won’t have to worry about anything anymore because we’re together.”
“Of course, Tommy. You’re the most important person in my life. I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose you too,” you replied, looking at him, trying to look for his reaction. You looked away when you saw the ghost of a smile paint his features. He’s always been so handsome. 
“You won’t,” he replied, taking your hand to make that promise. “You won’t ever lose me,” he tells you. 
“I guess, I won’t.”
END A/N: I am so sorry for taking so long to upload this. I really am sorry. I'll be uploading a separate author's not soon. But for now, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. TAGLIST:  @shelbydelrey @runnning-outof-time @duckybird101 @thenattitude @swordofawriter @litteltourtius​ @trixie23​ @everythingelseisextra​ @majesticcmey @liveat1am @dumb-wh @denabp16 @yvonna-chan @goldensunflowe-r @therosabel @hunnibearrr @dazecrea @daddyslittleattentionwhore @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @dang-shawty-okay @dasia21 @tsenthusiast1920 @aces-tattooartist @panda-luminary @ttaechi @spencerrxids @i-heart-food @fudge13 @affabletimelady @heartcereql @ce1iat @notalxx @1800-queen-trash @sweetwanderlust05 @globetrotter28 @thebestandworstdayofjune @reggxe-a @verreuckteli @vampireluck @zoexme @liter4ti @quixscentsposts @homosexualjohnwayne @charli123456789 @Maria_elizabeth21
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st4vk1nmybra1n · 8 months
moonstruck mornings !¡
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pairing: gojo satoru x fem!reader.
warnings: none besides explicit language and jokes, suggestive near the end!
wc: 1.4k
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early mornings with gojo satoru were never easy. for a number of reasons, of course.
the first of which was well– his size. standing at a proud 6’5”, with a heavily muscled build. easily towering over you in every situation imaginable.
secondly, his clinginess. not that you minded, but your husband tended to rather enjoy squishing his face into your chest (regardless of the size) and sleeping on top of you. either that, or having you caged in his arms. his large, veiny and strong arms.
you put those two together and you have a nightmarish scenario during the mornings. you couldn't really move around with your hunk of a husband on top, nor could you push him off without him either not moving at all, or tightening his hold on you and absolutely refusing to let go. and today, not only did you have the annoying urge to pee, but you both had work.
“satoru, i know you're awake,” you mumble sleepily, running a hand through his soft hair. he grumbles in response, nuzzling his face even deeper into your stomach, having shifted from his place nestled deep into your chest.
“we've got work. and i need to pee!” you complain, hands moving down to rub at his bare back.
“you're doin’ it on purpose,” he murmured, his morning voice deep and raspy. “you always say that and start using those hands of yours to keep me in bed.”
you gape in response, slapping his shoulder. he lets out a yelp, then follows up with a childish whine. “ouch, baby!” he cries out dramatically, moving up to bury his face into your neck.
“we have work, ‘toru. we're gonna be late. and we'll be even later if you don't get up because i will pee myself and make you clean it up.” you threaten, to no avail of course.
“I'll slurp it up gladly.” he grins, hissing when you land another slap to his back. he pouts, leaning his weight on his arms on either side of your head, as he moves his face directly in front of you.
“hi there.” he greets with a cheeky smile, leaning down to brush his lips against the corner of your mouth. sleepily, he notes just how beautiful you look in the morning light. the navy blue sheets making your sunkissed frame look heavenly in his eyes.
but you always look beautiful to him. even without his blindfold and glasses, he thinks he could probably stare at you and note down each and every detail of you and engrave it into his brain. amidst all the chaos of the world that brings a migraine to his heightened senses, you managed to soothe his eyes like a fabric of silk, shielding his eyes from the sight of anything and everything else.
he'd known you ever since you both started at Jujutsu tech, to which he asked you out within a year or so of knowing you. which lead to you both raising megumi and tsumiki, and later to him proposing to you and you both getting married! he hasn't regretted a single moment with you, not after seeing how you took care of megumi even despite how cold the boy could be, and how you recognised he was still a child. he liked the fact that you were good with kids. maybe he'd give you some of your own.
“satoru?” you called out for the nth time, giving his nose a kiss. belatedly, he realized you'd been calling out to him. huh. he got lost in thought.
“yeah, sweetheart?” he cooed, glancing up at you through his frosty lashes. you huffed in response, rolling your eyes lightheartedly as you cupped his face between your hands, thumb tracing the sharp contours of his visage.
“you blanked out on me for a few seconds there. you looked stupid.” you teased, to which he gasped in offense. him? stupid? not even in his dreams.
“you're stupid,” he stuck his tongue out childishly, watching as you raised a brow.
“am i now?” you challenged, giving him an unimpressed look. he blinks, meeting your gaze. you stare back, unblinking. you both maintain that position, starting an unspoken staring contest. he glances down at your lips for the briefest second, then looks back up. he blinks. with a groan, he sighs and pouts.
“no, ma'am. I'm a liar. a loser, even.” he mumbles dramatically, angling his head down.
“poor baby,” you coo mockingly, leaning up to peck his lips. he hums, leaning down to recapture your lips in a kiss.
“I love you so much,” he mumbles against your lips, pulling away to press kisses to your cheeks, nuzzling his face into the skin.
“i love you too,” you replied with a smile. “i guess..” you added, yelping as he bit into your cheek.
he let out a huff, burying his face into your chest, inhaling deeply. you both relaxed into the bed, taking in the silence. wordlessly, your fingers carded into his hair, caressing his scalp and scratching it. he almost lets out a moan from how good it felt. if he were a cat, he'd probably be purring by now, or at least that's what he thinks.
you both bask in the comforting atmosphere, giving you a moment to admire his frame. you watched as your wedding band glinted, reflecting the morning sun rays as your fingers threaded through angelic white locks. truly a sight to behold.
underneath the mop of hair, you could faintly see some of his features, as one half of his face was buried into your chest. long, white lashes cover up the beautiful sight of his gorgeous blue eyes, the contours of his under eyes hollowed out just the right amount to not induce worry from your end. his cheekbones, as high and sharp as ever, were currently donning a light flush, highlighted by the sun landing against his face.
and oh, his lips. naturally plump and full of life, but even more full as he'd woken up from his slumber, the deep color of them standing out against his pale skin. your eyes trailed easily, landing on his back. untouched. milky, pale skin, filled with dips and curves from his muscles. the only marks donning the skin on his back were from your nails. oops.
“baby?” satoru spoke aloud, interrupting the peaceful silence.
“yes, honey?” you answered, brushing his bangs back from his face. he gave you a toothy grin, eyes closing as he tilted his head up to look at you.
“I'm hard.” he stated sweetly, watching your face shift into a deadpan. “please! it'll be quick. i just need like 3– actually that's too less– i just need 15 minutes! for proper indulgence!” he pleads, fluttering his lashes at you. your lips twitch, mouth opening to start up your familiar complaints to him about his ‘raging morning wood’ until you pause, blinking. you glance towards the clock, then back at him.
“satoru.” the tone of your voice makes him straighten up a little. “if you don't get up right now.” is all you say, and suddenly, he's stood up, carrying you in his arms towards the bathroom.
another reason early mornings with your husband aren't easy is because– well– he’s hard to resist. it's easy to get lost into him, even when he's not doing it on purpose. but you wouldn't have it any other way, you think as you're finally set down on the toilet to tend to your business. you watch as satoru starts up the shower for you both, sticking his hand into the water to make sure the temperature was just right for you.
he nods in approval, beginning to shed himself of his clothes. “oh, and i forgot to mention but nanami said he'll bring in breakfast for us today. which gives us an extra 30 minutes to spare.” he smiles innocently, giving you a cheeky glance. already, you knew where this was headed.
with a sigh, you shake your head. unsurprising. when your husband wants something from you, he gets it. and what kind of wife would you be if you didn't indulge him? you wouldn't say it of course, but you quite liked your intimate moments with satoru. not like you'd need to tell him either, he saw right through you. after all, your husband is the greatest of them all, right?
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percyjavksongf · 11 months
-𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤! 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐’𝟗𝟎𝟎
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐦𝐲 𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
'𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭...𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐳𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐢𝐫...𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮’
-𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐨𝐧
“Anne had come home dancing in the purple twilight across the snowy places. Afar-”
you noticed a small, curious hand shoot up in the corner of your eye and you had to hold back a laugh, shifting your gaze to the young girl sitting attentively in front of you, she was the last one to go home every evening but even as the hour grew late she was as alert as ever.
“yes, Aneria?”
“what does twilight mean?” she spoke in a whisper, already having been shushed twice this evening by the librarian.
“its when the sun has nearly set but there’s still some light coming through, like when the sky turns shades of purple and pink. Do you understand what I mean?”
Aneria nods in a serious way, she was by far your favourite out of all the children you read to in the library, although you know you shouldn’t have favourites she was the most intrigued by the stories you were instructed to read to the kids, who usually were in your care until their parents finished work. Todays read was Anne of Green Gables much to your delight, the story was a favourite of yours since you were Aneria’s age.
“now where were we, uh, yes. Afar in the southwest was the great shimmering, pearl-like sparkle of an evening star-”
“Gilbert Blythe is so dreamy, don’t you think?” you nod your head approvingly at Aneria’s statement, having grown accustomed to her frequent interruptions, she never meant any harm with them. “my mom said to me that she’s seen you walking around with a boy, is that true? She said he’s Sally’s son and I hope so, he’s definitely just as dreamy as Gilbert”
you struggle to compress a laugh at Aneria’s boldness, not surprised at the least that gossip has spread about you and Percy’s evening strolls around the borough, you just didn’t expect to hear about it in this situation.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about missy” you reply with a teasing grin, causing Aneria to whine in annoyance, “come on, I never got to know the truth in gossip”
“that’s usually because there’s not much truth in it, now will we continue reading?”
Aneria sat once again to attention, glad she had forgotten quickly about the topic of yourself and Percy.
“in the sky that was a pale golden and ethereal rose of gleaming white spaces and dark glens of spruce. The tinkle of sleigh bells among the snowy hills-”
a sharp voice echoed through the library making you cringe, “Aneria! Time to go home”
Aneria huffed and rose to her feet quickly, “coming mom!” she swung her bag over her shoulder before turning to you “can we finish the story on Monday?” you smiled and nodded warmly, waving goodbye as you turned to grab your own bags.
“so what happens next?” you gasp sharply and spin on your heels, sending Percy a sour look when he laughs at your shocked expression, “what are you doing in here?” you questioned with fake displeasure, which Percy knew well at this point. “I’m here to find out what happens next, duh” with that he plops himself down by your feet and stares up at you expectingly, you sigh but can’t help the smile that creeps onto your face when you flick back through the pages to finish the sentence.
“The tinkle of sleigh bells among the snowy hills came like elfin chimes through the frosty air, but their music was not sweeter then the song in Anne’s heart and on her lips” you look up from your book and catch Percy’s gaze, you watch each other for a couple of seconds until he blinks and quickly turns away, clearing his throat before shuffling to his feet, “well your book’s right about one thing, its frosty as fuck out there.” you’re quick to shush Percy with a giggle as you hear the librarian huff in annoyance. The two of you are quick to leave the library and step out into the icy street, a shiver runs up your spin and before you can say a word Percy is offering his jacket to you, “come on just take it, seriously I don’t need it” you take the heavy material into your arms gratefully, it slips on easily and you practically melt into it, the smell of Percy cologne lingers on the fabric and you can’t say you hate it.
The streets of Manhattan were dressed accordingly with the season, you adored how the city, as crazy as it was, always felt like something out of a movie this time of year, and if you hadn’t been in a trance watching the lights glimmer around you, then you would’ve felt the weight of Percy’s stare on the side of your face. You had grown accustomed to your shared walk home, Percy was working part time at the skate shop down the road from the library which delighted you both, with the busyness of school it was hard to find time to hang out. At first it was more of a ‘hey if I see you I’ll walk over and talk’ but now it was guaranteed that you’d find Percy waiting outside the Library leaning against the wall like a cliche from an 80’s movie, but instead of starting with a smooth pick up line he’d ask if you had known that sea horses are monogamous (you did not). Apart from the ocean facts yous two would talk about everything, home life, what you were learning about in college, Percy would never fail to mention his long distance friends Annabeth and Grover, he spoke about them so much it felt like they were your friends too.
“so what’s Gilbert like?” the question had you raising a brow at Percy, who faked innocence with a brow raise in return. A breath of warm air travels past your lips and you shift your gaze ahead at the flashing ‘tis the season!’ sign hanging off the Bodega Percy and you visit frequently.
“you heard Aneria talking, didn’t you?” you could practically feel the shit eating grin make its way onto Percy chill flushed face. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but, if I did overhear how absolutely dreamy this guy is and you totally agree and think him and I are just alike-”
“I never said you two were the same Jackson, don’t put words into my mouth”
“I know you definitely think it though, even if you won’t admit it”
You can’t help the laugh that escapes you at that, you could go back and forth with Percy for hours and never grow bored. You have a feeling you cant get yourself out of this conversation though.
“any fish facts for me today?” you blink up at him, hoping it’s a good enough subject change
“you can’t deter me by fluttering your lashes, but we will go back to the fish facts after you tell me about my amazing twin” Percy bumps your shoulder and you nearly go flying on the icy footpath, his annoyingly gorgeous laugh encouraging you to shove him away from you and across the ice, unfortunately for you, Percy seems to hold himself just fine on it, dam him.
“well for one, Gilbert would never do that to Anne”
“oh, so you see us as Anne and Gilbert? How romantic”
“shut up”
a gloved hand reaches out to you and you stare at it suspiciously, though you do notice how he was wearing the gloves you brought him last winter, he complained for weeks about how cold his hands were and that you just had to hold them to keep him warm. The gloves were well received but you found he reached for you still.
“I don’t bite” he teases and you grab onto the hand, even after doing it so many times it still made your heart flutter.
“come here”
you let Percy pull you into him as you continue your walk, removing his hand from yours and you sigh at the loss of warmth, causing him to chuckle “don’t worry baby I’m not going too far” with that an arm wraps around your shoulder and pulls you close, in that moment your grateful for the cold, it’s a good excuse for your burning face. You feel yourself melt under his touch and allow your body to move closer into his, because it’s cold obviously, no other reason.
“so do you think Gilbert is more handsome than me?”
“I think he’s less annoying than you”
“you love me, don’t lie”
you do.
“did you listen to anything else Aneria said, or did you hear a complement about yourself and your brain tuned out”
“I heard that we’re the local gossip, you and I. My mom would be delighted if that were true”
your heart tugs painfully a little at that. it isn’t true, you have to remind yourself, but it feels nice to fall into a dream that it is.
You hum quietly in response and notice you’re only a few blocks away from yours and Percy’s shared apartment complex, Percy, as if sensing your disappointment, turns both your bodies away and continues down another street. Confused ,you send him a look that he returns with a smile “it’s a Friday night, we don’t have to go home now. Besides I though you wanted to go check out that Christmas market at union square?”
you stare up at Percy for a bit and just look, his redding nose and cheeks that complement his tan skin so well, his eyes, god, his eyes. They were always a source of amazement for you, you’ve never seen eyes like Percy’s, you always got lost in them, swearing that they changed into different shades of green and blue.
“I’m definitely more handsome than Gilbert” Percy’s face breaks out in a grin as you pull him towards the nearest subway station.
It was busy of course, like any Friday night in the city would be, Percy had managed to snag a seat for you two quickly and you raced to get yourself sat down before anyone else could come after it. Usually the cramped space made you uncomfortable but you never really minded with Percy, he didn’t seem to either with how he pressed his side against you.
An unspoken agreement to be as close of possible to each other was the norm for you too, you threw your legs over to hang in between his and wrap your arms around his arm closest to you, finally resting your head on his shoulder. You could stay like this forever, you think. Riding a cramped subway that had a familiar mixture of carolling and shouting, shuffling and bumping, crying and laughter. It’s like you couldn’t even hear the ruckus when you were tucked up with Percy, his head resting on top of yours, his strong hands resting on your legs, fingers tapping an familiar tune on your thigh.
You adored it.
“you know I don’t think this is going to help us mush out those rumours” you mumble into his jacket, still pressed firmly against you. Percy turn his head and presses his lips to your hair, “yeah I know”
you hum back softly in acknowledgment, the rush of having Percy so close to you was gorgeous. But after today, what then? You don’t mind the gossip and what if’s of strangers but the feeling of what if with Percy was becoming too much to bear, you didn’t want what if anymore. Percy, now having lifted his head to check out how far away you were from union square, gave you the opportunity to shift your head to look up at him. Sensing your gaze, Percy looks back down at you and admires how pretty your eyes looks gazing up at him through your lashes, the though makes him catch his breath and look away for a second, but you two were magnetic, drawn to each other and it wasn’t long until he was watching you again. His free hand came up to press against your cheek, reddened from happiness. “you’re so warm” Percy whispered, mostly to himself. You were always so warm, he used to joke that you were his portable hot water bottle. You lean slightly to press the fat of your cheek into his hand, just for a second, before moving back to against his shoulder.
“fuck” Percy says to himself again, you shoot him a confused glance and he squeezes your knee in return
“whats wrong? Do you need me to move-”
“no, no, stay there you’re good, you’re so good” the breathiness in his voice combined with his dark eyes freezes you. This felt different, this was all so new to you.
“I just really wish we weren’t on this subway right now, I don’t think Gilbert would kiss Anne on a subway train”
you don’t fight the laughter that echos out of you, of course he’d be worried about something like that
“Percy, I think Gilbert would do that. Besides I don’t care about what Gilbert would do, I don’t like Gilbert”
“well I hope not cus’ I’d be heartbroken”
“oh really”
the train pulls to a halt and Percy rushes to get yous off, your laughter accompanies his movements as you both run up the stairs into the cool night, glancing at each other every few seconds. The streets were alive and bustling, you gripped Percy’s hand tightly as he pulled you away from the crowd to the side of a Bodega, squeezing your hand every few seconds as if to make sure you didn’t disappear.
his hands shook gently in yours and you squeezed them tight, you both stared at each other for what felt like a lifetime, you could feel the nerves creeping up on you now.
“I know”
the loss of his hands in yours was quickly fixed by his hand cupping your face, the wool was comforting against your skin for a moment before it was gone, replaced by Percy’s now ungloved hand.
“i’m sorry this isn’t as pretty as Hester Grey’s old garden” Percy whispers, his thumb running over your cheek
“you have read Anne of green gables” you spoke back accusingly
“my mom read them to me as a kid”
Percy pulled you closer until you stood chest to chest, you tilted your head up and brushed his nose slightly “hey Percy?”
“mh?” you felt hypnotised under his gaze, his eyes almost seem to have darked. You’ve never been so close before.
“please kiss me”
“as you wish” is mumbled against your lips, you can feel his nose pressing against your cheek as he’s kissing you, his mouth so warm and firm against yours. Your arms snake around his shoulders as his hands slide down your back and settle on your waist, gripping tightly. You know that the word will spread by tomorrow morning about the Jackson boy getting handsy outside the Bodega and it makes you smile against Percy, he only pulls back for a second to catch his breath, hands never leaving you once
“do you want to go to the markets?” you take a second to admire how messy Percy looks, face flushed and hair ruffed up from your hands. You must look the same from how Percy’s staring right back at you. You shake your head yes and press back against him “eager girl, you need me that much, huh?” you smack his arm hard.
“says the one who practically dragged me out of the subway to do this”
he presses a quick kiss to your lips to shut you up.
“we’ll check out these markets and then walk home, hows that sound?”
“walk? Why would we walk” yous turn hand in hand back towards the colourful crowd of people, everything seems so much brighter now.
“because then I get to have you to myself for longer” he says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
The next morning you woke to a knock at the door, Percy having dropped you home only hours before. You practically dragged your feet to the door and swung it open, the chill of the wooden floors making you want to get this interaction done and over with quickly. To your surprise no one stood on the other side, you looked down to see a plate full of blue chocolate chip cookies wrapped in cling film with a note on top, taking them inside quickly you pressed your back against the door and read the messy writing.
Meet me at the Bodega in 15 minutes, breakfast on me.
You can’t help but laugh at it, it’s definitely no Gilbert Blythe, but its Percy Jackson, which is so much better.
a/n: hellooooooo i have returned minions. don't really like this fic tbh but i am so ready for Christmas and needed to get something out, and I've fallen back into my pjo phase so expect more of this <3 i also have a Jake Sully fic in the works for my avatar ppl
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
love and mandrakes
sirius black x gn!reader
word count: 5,220
warnings: swearing, fluff, i think that's literally it, but let me know if it's not
a/n: hi! so this is new!!! a new character!! sirius black is the loml, and i've been working on this for what feels like forever. i'm really proud of it, and i hope that maybe some of you will like it. it's been very fun to explore a new universe and the marauders as a whole. i hope you enjoy this!! love you 3000 <333
The greenhouse windows are frosty this morning, and you can feel the chill seeping in through the thin glass panes. You fight the urge to lift your finger, using the tip to draw a face in the condensation gathering on the one nearest you. 
You’re stood at the back of the greenhouse, like always. You’ve never liked to be very close to Professor Sprout–certainly not because of any disdain towards the woman–but for the fear that she’d have something negative to say about your work. This is despite the fact that she’s been nothing but kind to you regarding every plant that’s ever been in your care.
Really it’s just that you’d beat yourself up if you killed a plant that makes you so determined to do well.
You’re twenty minutes early for class today. Early enough that it’s just you and Professor Sprout in the greenhouse. Everyone else likes to stumble in within the five minutes before class begins.
But clearly, that’s not quite the case this morning. The greenhouse doors open, both rather than just one, and Professor Sprout turns to greet whoever it is.
“Good morning, Mr. Black.”
You look up. Sirius Black is never early to class. If anything, he’s usually either not there at all, or the absolute last one to find his way in, perhaps a half hour late, if not more. He sidles up to Remus Lupin, and suddenly they've got a lovely little group project on their hands.
“Remus won’t be in today, Professor.” Sirius gives her a look that you assume is supposed to induce sympathy on her part. “Seems he’s got a cold.”
Pomona has never found it in herself to be frustrated with the boy, unlike the majority of her colleagues. She’s one of the few professors at the school to not harbor particularly malicious feelings towards the boy. He might be a troublemaker, but who isn’t at that age? 
She’s been briefed on what his home life is like, too, and who he has to put up with. And since she was a young girl, Pomona has been determined to give everyone a fair chance.
"Thank you for letting me know," she tells him.
You watch as Professor Sprout heads to a supply closet and begins to pull out heaps of gloves and what look to be earmuffs, messily tossing away the things she doesn’t need. You're lost in observing her, so consequently the voice sounding a few inches from your ear startles you.
"You always in this early?" Sirius has materialized next to you, the beginnings of a smirk playing at the edges of his mouth. 
You glance at his hand where it lingers over the stem of a plant you’re not sure he should dare to touch. He’s got a ring on every finger excepting his thumb.
“Usually,” you say. It occurs to you that these are some of the first words you've ever spoken to the boy, if you don’t count bare minimum exchanges in the odd class. “I like it back here.”
You like it back there because less people can look at you. Because having to sit somewhere else stresses you out, not to mention throws you off. You feel safe in your little corner. 
Sirius withdraws his hand from the questionable plant and raises his head. His eyes bore into yours. They’re the strangest shade of blue. It seems to shift in the light, and sometimes they look almost gray. He grins, and then begins to scan the area around the both of you.
“Suppose it is nice. Maybe I’ll stay back here with you. Wouldn’t want you to be lonely, you know.” 
You snort at that and he quirks a brow at your amusement. Sirius pushes his hair behind his ear and you realize he’s got a silver industrial piercing.
“That hurt too bad?” You ask, gesturing towards the jewelry and hoping he knows what you mean. He does.
His thumb skips over the metal ball at one end, coming back to fiddle with a section of his robes. He leans forward, grinning at you. His smile is wide. The corners of his mouth tick up mischievously, smile lines conveying layers of mischief you know he must have hidden in that mind of his. 
“Probably wouldn’t have as much if I’d gone to a shop.”
You gasp lightly, thinking about it getting infected and Sirius having a bloody mess on his hands.
“You did it yourself?” You ask, eyes wide and full of concern.
He laughs. It’s a gorgeous sound, deep and friendly. Warm.
“I was prohibited,” he says, pressing a scandalized hand to his chest. “Remus did it for me over break, while my brother played nurse.”
“Well it looks nice,” you tell him, palms beginning to sweat. You find his presence to be slightly overwhelming. “I mean I think so.”
“Thank you, sweets.” He bends slightly at the waist, hand over his stomach, and it’s a gesture you might take as being that of an asshole, if it weren’t for his voice being so kind.
You hum in place of a you’re welcome, trying to will away the swarm of butterflies in your tummy. They’re being rather aggressive. 
“And for the record,” he adds, “Remus was very strict with my cleaning regimen, so I did not get any infections if that’s what you’ve been contemplating.”
“That’s good.” You smile. You’re not sure it’s anywhere near as pretty as his.
Professor Sprout claps her hands, startling you. Today is really not your day. Sirius snorts at your jolt, but when you glance at him he’s pretending to be intensely focused on your instructor.
“Morning, everyone!” she begins. “Today, as you may have guessed, we will start our lessons on Mandrakes. This particular lesson will focus on basic knowledge, as well as care, but come next class, your actual project will begin.”
“You’re going to need a partner, so I’ll give you a few minutes now to choose, that way you can prepare with one another prior to the main exercise.”
All at once, everyone turns to this person and that, chattering and deliberating. It seems everyone has someone.
Your heart starts to pound, and you wonder if maybe Professor Sprout might let you work independently. Pairs are forming, and you can feel yourself being left out, pushed to the edges of society. Maybe that’s dramatic, but it’s how you feel. 
You lean against the table behind you, hoping that she won’t call you out for not having a partner. That is until there’s a figure in front of you.
“What’d you think, huh? Shall we work together?” Sirius stands so that you have no other choice but to look back at him. It’d come off rude to not maintain eye contact at this distance. 
You feel yourself burn and can’t help but wonder if this is some sort of cruel joke.
“Wouldn’t you rather wait and join Remus?” You ask, fingernails picking at the wooden underside of the table.
“You think I’m using you as a fill-in?”
You shrug, rubbing your nose. “We’ve quite literally never spoken an actual conversation before today. I just thought you’d want to work with your friend and not some stranger.”
“Well there’s a first for everything, isn’t there? And you’re not a stranger. I see you all the time.” 
You sigh. He grins, ever pleased with himself. 
“You don’t want to be friends with me?” He teases.
“No, it’s quite alright. I’ll see if good ‘ol Mona will help me out.” He turns like he’s going to march away, though his feet barely move. He’s not going anywhere and you both know it. 
“Holy shit,” you start. “Just shut up. Go and get the gloves then.”
Sirius grins. “Demanding, aren’t we?”
He does go and get them though, returning with two sets of gloves and a pair of shears, as Professor Sprout had instructed.
“Today, we will focus on tending to your Mandrakes. I want you, in your pairs, to check the soil and water as needed. I also want you to trim the leaves, as these have been left to run amok for a while. To work!”
Chatter erupts around you, bouncing against the glass walls of the greenhouse.
You fetch a watering can while the area is still free, and Sirius fills it up for you. You notice that your Mandrake is severely lacking the soil it needs. It’s not very well off at all.
“Do you see this?” You ask him, gesturing towards where the roots are showing, clearly dehydrated and with nowhere to sprawl out and grow. “She’s got us treating the wounded.”
Sirius crosses his arms. “That’s a damn shame now, isn’t it? Guess we better heal this thing then.”
“Are you fucking with me?” You ask, eyes darting up to meet his.
“No, I swear. I can tell you’re into this. It’s not my best subject.”
“Well you know what they say.”
“What do they say?” His eyes are gleaming. That’s the best word you can think to use for it. 
“Teamwork makes the dream work.”
He rolls the very same eyes. “I’d like a new partner after that one.”
You laugh, and Sirius feels a pang in his chest. Like he’s taken a blade to the heart, and he can’t do anything but let it happen. Your laugh is such a sweet sound and he worries it might be the death of him.
You slip your gloves on and start trimming the leaves that have to go. There’s quite a few of them, but luckily they seem to be towards the bottom of the stem, and you think once you’re able to water it, the Mandrake might have a chance.
You finish with the shears, and set them down. You look up at Sirius, and your eyes catch a group of buttons on the shoulder of his robes. His hair had been covering them before. You find yourself feeling warm inside, as one in particular tickles your fancy.
“I like your pin,” you say.
His brows shoot up, “Which?”
You use your pinky and tap the glossy finish. He watches. “That one.”
“The Queen one?”
You nod, shoving some more soil into your pot to try and save the roots.
“You listen to them?” Sirius leans down so that his face is next to the Mandrake and in your line of sight. He’s got this brilliant grin. It’s worrying you. For a moment you think he might say something cruel, but the look in his eye is almost boyish.
“Yeah,” you say. “My mom is a muggle. Fell for a dorky wizard boy. So she’s raised me on loads of good stuff.”
“Lucky duck, you.”
You snort and then look up at him, though he's already been looking at you. His eyes haven't left you the whole time you've been working. He finds the way you treat the plant as if it has feelings to be charming. He wonders if you take care of everyone like that. Or maybe even yourself.
You move the soil pouch towards him. "You gonna help me?"
He slips his gloves back on. They really don't match anything he's wearing, and frankly it bothers him a bit. "Of course, of course."
He starts tending to the plant and you watch, noticing the bumps left in the gloves where his rings are hiding underneath.
"Feed her, Seymour," you say, and Sirius whips his head towards you.
"Who the fuck is Seymour?"
"Muggle film. Musical actually. Sorry."
"Don't be sorry for exposing your nerdiness. What's the film about? Talk to me," he proclaims, wincing at the state of his soil work.
“This guy, Seymour, finds a plant, and he tries to take care of it, you know, as you do, but he figures out it only wants blood and meat to eat and that’s what he feeds it, so it keeps growing and growing until it’s big enough that it starts eating people.”
Sirius looks at you with wonder in his eyes, and starts to laugh. "Are you fucking with me, love?"
You start to smile, one that you at first try to suppress, but it ends up spreading across your face, softening your features. Sirius thinks maybe it's the prettiest smile he's ever seen. He can't get over the way the lines around your mouth form, or the way your cheeks bunch and your eyes light up.
"No, I promise."
The boy tugs his gloves off, having finished salvaging the soil for your plant. "Killer plants, huh?"
"Indeed," you say. "You know Mandrakes are killer too, right?"
You start to water the plant, trying your best not to drown the damn thing. "What do you think the earmuffs are for, dumbass?"
You immediately regret calling him a dumbass, thinking you may have crossed a line--it's not like you know him all that well, you've only been speaking for this one class period--but he only smiles at you.
For some reason, you find him easy to be around. He doesn't scare you.
"It's cold."
"Because it's cold? No. After we save the plants we have to re-pot them, and when we take them out they're going to scream. Their cries are fatal, Sirius."
He stares at you. Remus did not tell him this. Technically he could've read his textbook, but clearly he didn't.
"That seems highly uncalled for."
You chuckle and he grins again.
"I agree,” you say. “Have you got the time?”
Sirius pushes his sleeve up, glancing at the watch tight around his left wrist. “We’ve got five minutes left.”
You look up, and notice Professor Sprout removing her gloves. If you’d waited to ask for just a moment longer, she would’ve begun her everyone-get-your-shit-together-and-get-out-of-here speech. 
“Students, your attention please!” Professor Sprout’s cheeks are rosy, tufts of curls sticking out from under the brim of her hat. 
“Next class we’ll try and get the Mandrakes repotted, so that they may grow to their full potential and can then be used as needed for Madam Pomphrey. You’ll need to come and water your plants periodically throughout the week, as these tend to drink rather quickly, so I suggest you alternate days with your companion.”
When you’ve finished and you’re outside once again, it’s misty, your skin dampening with each step you take. 
You feel a hand on your elbow, and Sirius has appeared next to you. Frankly, you hadn’t expected him to continue contact with you. 
The both of you had discussed what days you’d water you plant, and you assumed that was that. 
“I’ve realized we’re co-parenting a Mandrake,” he starts, “and I feel as though I should at least know a little something about the mother of my child.” You raise your eyebrows at him. “You know, to ensure that they don’t grow up lacking proper guardianship.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you say, hopping over a puddle. 
He tosses his head back, laughing, and you feel your insides go all warm and gooey at how his hair moves with the motion. You can’t help but wonder what it feels like. 
“First, you don’t want to be friends, and now, you want our child to be one of divorce.”
You stop, resting your forehead against the cool stone of one of the courtyard walls. 
“Sirius, we haven’t even been married.”
He presses his forehead against the stone next to you, and you turn to look at him. “I’m pretty sure there are a good bit of people who’ve been married and know less about each other than we do,” he says. 
You smile at the wall and he catches it. 
“Besides, we’ve got the same music taste, and that means I’ve got to keep you around.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, that’s how this works. Didn’t you know?”
You brush at the side of your robes where you’ve now gotten moss remains on them. “I was not aware, no.”
“Haven’t you got class or something?” You ask him. His cheeks are pink from the cold, a stark contrast from the chill of his eyes, the sharp black of his hair. 
“Not for another hour. You?” 
“Yeah, actually.”
“So tell me something quick.” He spins a ring around his finger, a chunky silver one with something set into the center. “What’s your favorite color?”
He smiles. It’s gorgeous and full-fledged. You can’t believe he’s looking at you like that. It feels like some big error. 
“Sorry I set myself up for that one,” you say. “Um, it’s green.”
“Lovely. Now what shade of green are we talking?”
“Sirius.” You pout. 
“Come on now, chop chop.” He snaps his fingers. “Thought you had an excuse to ditch me or something?”
You roll your eyes. It seems that cocky ass grin never leaves his face. “Like a forest green. Trees and such.”
Sirius claps his hands together, metal clinking. “That’s fantastic. I’ll be sure to remember it. Mine’s purple, by the way, thank you for asking.”
“I bet you look stunning in purple, Sirius.”
He blushes. He actually blushes. You grab for his wrist and push his sleeve up to peer at his watch. 
“I’ll see you around, okay?”
For the first time in a long time, Sirius Black hasn’t got shit to say. No one ever makes him blush. 
“I don’t come to class one day, and you’ve made a new friend? Why couldn’t you have made a new one any other day? I think I need some time off. Maybe even early retirement.” 
Sirius smacks Remus on the shoulder where the latter lays stretched out in bed. The curtains are drawn one one side so that the only person they’re visible to is James, who is half asleep in the neighboring bed, glasses askew and tie on the brink of choking him. 
“It’s rude to abuse the wounded.” 
“You’re off your rocker, Lupin.”
Remus rubs his face, though he winces, his arms much too sore for any sort of activity. “Tell me about it.” 
“Feeling any better today?” 
“Yes, Sirius. I’m feeling fucking wonderful.”
“He’s being sarcastic.” James’ voice is muffled by the pillow he’s collapsed into. 
Sirius turns to look at his friend. “Yeah, no shit, Prongs. Thank you so much for enlightening me.”
James raises a weak arm, flipping him off. “Eat me.”
“You say that as if I won’t do it.”
James sits up, but only enough so that he may rearrange himself into a poorly structured child’s pose. “Stop being such fucking tease and do it then, babe.”
Remus rubs his eyes aggressively, like it might somehow rid him of his ever permanent longing for sleep. “Shove it, you two.” He peeks out from between his fingers at Sirius. “I thought you were saying how you’ve made someone else miserable with the joys of your friendship.” 
“Fuck you,” Sirius says.
“Yeah, yeah.”
“I did make a new friend. In herbology, since you decided to have a go with the moon and left me to perish.” Remus rolls his eyes. “They’re very kind, if you must know. We are co-parenting a Mandrake.”
James snorts into the mattress. 
“Is it really co-parenting if you’ll make them do all of the work?” Remus asks. 
James snorts again and Sirius leans over to smack him against the back. He lets out a pathetic cry that both of the other boys ignore. 
“I’m helping, asshole,” Sirius begins. “I’m supposed to go water the fucking thing in a bit if either of you need proof of life.” 
“Of your friend or of your child?” Remus reaches his arm out to grab hold of one of the bedposts and heave himself up. 
James slides off of his bed and starts to stretch, and a cacophony of cracking sounds follows, which is slightly concerning considering his age. “Sorry. I’m supposed to go and see Lils. But I expect a full report back, Moons.” He strips off his tie and pulls on a coat. The other two boys watch him bound across the room like they’re at a tennis match.  
James is gone so quickly you’d be amazed that he was half-asleep minutes before. 
“What a prick,” Sirius says from where he sits at the foot of Remus’ bed. He looks away from the door and at his friend. 
Sirius sets his hand on Remus’ knee. “You get any sleep this morning?” 
“Some. Not enough. Though it’s never enough, or whatever.” Sirius gets a pang in his chest. He wishes he could make it all better. 
“You want to get some fresh air? You can come with me to the greenhouses if you want, but you can stay here too. I’ll sneak down to the kitchens and get you something.”
“No, it’s okay. I’ll go with you. Sun’s not out, is it? It’ll kill my head.”
Sirius stands and peers beneath the drawn curtains. It’s cloudy, like it might storm, a thick layer of cloud lying over the grounds. “Nope. She’s hiding from you today.”
Remus nods and his friend walks back over to his bedside. “Come on, Rem.” 
He removes the blankets from over his lap and scoots to the edge of his mattress. Sirius holds out his hands for Remus to take. Sometimes he gets really woozy when he has to stand after nights like the last. His knees shake, but he’s steady once he’s up. Sirius keeps an arm around his back when there isn’t anyone in the halls to question Remus’ condition, but has to settle for watching his friends footing otherwise. 
Sirius gets Remus on a bench and makes a stop by Madam Pomphrey on the way, feigning a headache. She gives him a little bottle of these chewable tablets with instructions on how often to take them and tells him to come back if the ache persists. 
He hands the bottle to Remus when he’s finished, and the boy’s had the medicine for an entire four seconds before he’s chewing. It’s one of those headaches that stays dull, but any sudden movement and your entire skull is throbbing and he thinks he might just die. Remus thinks this every full moon. He is not dead. 
The trip to the greenhouse takes longer than usual, mainly because of Sirius’ tendency to baby Remus during his moon hangovers. He claims it’s because he doesn’t want a death on his hands, something about living up to the Black name, but Remus knows it’s really because Sirius is much more caring than he’d ever admit. 
“See? Look at this fucker. My child.” Sirius gestures dramatically at the potted plant. Remus leans up against one of the tables, only slightly amused, much more out of breath. 
He’s only just gone digging for a watering can when he hears the door open and glances up, assuming it’s another student having to monitor their own dirt ball. 
But it’s you. 
“What’s up, love?”
Remus’ eyebrows shoot up. He hadn’t realized when Sirius said he made a friend he actually meant friend. He’s never really seen Sirius look at someone that way. 
You stand by the doors, kicking the one you came through shut behind you. Sirius pretends like he’s not attracted to the movement. 
“Hi,” you say. You step a little further into the room. “I know it’s not my day to water, but frankly I was kind of worried you’d forget to do it.”
Remus turns to face you and laughs, full on. You grin at him. He’s never really looked at you before, but there’s no denying how sweet you look. He bets you could kick Sirius’ ass if you wanted. He also thinks Sirius might let you do it. 
Sirius straightens and flips his hair back as he does so. “You wound me.”
You shrug. “I was also slightly panicked you’d drown the thing, so there’s that.” 
Sirius walks over to the sinks, filling up his watering can, though you both know he could easily use a spell to do it instead. “So you came to supervise?”
“‘Fraid so.” You chew on the inside of your lip. 
“I don’t blame you,” Remus says. “He’s kind of a flake.”
“Fuck you, Rem.”
“Yeah, sure.” Remus pushes off of the table, moving in the direction of you and the doors. His head is starting to feel better. He leans in next to you, though his voice is anything but a whisper. “I don’t know why you’re putting up with him. Would’ve asked for a different partner myself.”
“She picked me!” You laugh, seeing Sirius put his hands on his hips out of the corner of your eye. 
Remus raises a brow at you. “Oh yeah?” He smiles at you. It’s a knowing expression, an understanding one. He keeps his eyes on you, but speaks to Sirius. “I’m gonna go for a walk, Pads. Come and retrieve me when you’re finished.” 
The squeeze Remus gives to your shoulder is kind. It tells you you’re safe with Sirius. With him. That you’re welcome. The glass door rattles as it shuts. 
“You really have no faith in me?” Sirius asks, spritzing the Mandrakes leaves. You peer into the pot, noticing he’s watered it just right. It’s not going to drown after all. 
“No, I’ve got plenty. Maybe I just wanted to see you again.” 
Sirius sets the bottle he’s holding down. “No shit.”
“Well you see, last time you asked me a question, and I didn’t get to ask you one of my own, and I figured I’d better do that if I want to keep the friendship alive, you know?”
Sirius is smiling at you. He can’t believe this–your teasing. 
He runs the pad of his thumb along your cheekbone. “So what’s the question?”
“Do you like pie?” you question.
“I do.”
“That’s good. Because I feel the same way, and rumor has it you can get into the kitchens, so I thought we could work together on this...and get pie. It’s like a reward. I put up with you and you put up with me kind of thing, so we get something to eat.”
Sirius tosses his head back, letting out a bark of a laugh. Your eyes linger on his neck for a second longer than they should. 
“Well the rumors are indeed true,” he says. “Guess we’ll have to ditch Remus, then. Make it a proper date and whatnot.”
“That seems unkind,” you chuckle.
“He’ll live.”
“What’s happening here?” Sirius throws himself into one of the chairs on the other side of the table where you and Remus sit. 
“We’re reading,” Remus tells him. “Go away.”
Remus had shown you to this table. Said it was his favorite. There are a small group of them in the very back of the library, behind one of the last rows of shelves. You wouldn’t know they were there unless you went looking. 
He said it’s where he goes to hide when James and Sirius won’t shut up and let him work, which is more often than not. 
“You whined about me making new friends,” Sirius says, “so that I’d leave you alone, and now you’ve taken it upon yourself to steal said friend from me?” 
You cover your face with your book, sliding deeper into your chair and trying your very best to fight off a giggle. 
Sirius reaches across the table and snatches the book from your hands. He wants to see the shit-eating grin you’re hiding. He stands and moves in front of you just when you bury your face in your sleeve. 
He tugs on the fabric of your shirt. “Traded me out then, have you?”
You snort into your sweater, and Sirius watched the way your shoulders shake. Remus eyes his friend’s hand, trying to make sure he didn’t lose your page with his frenzied antics. He didn’t though, pale thumb tucked into the paper.
Remus sets his own book down, stretching over the back of the chair. He’s thinking about going to bed. 
Instead of looking at Sirius like you know he wants, you turn to Remus.
“Leavin’ me, Rem?”
Sirius scoffs. Rem his ass. 
Remus lowers his head so that it’s level with yours. “Sleepy,” he says, squeezing his eyes shut. You look at the scar that runs through his brow and across his eyelid. There’s another by his ear. You wonder if he’ll tell you about them someday. 
He bumps his forehead—the gentlest of taps—with yours, and then he’s standing. Sometimes you forget how lanky he is when he’s always so hunched over. 
“Goodnight, Lupin,” you say. 
“Goodnight, you two. Don’t get too wild. This is still a library.”
Sirius takes the chair Remus had been occupying. You look at him, and reach for his hand. He wouldn’t even think about denying you taking it, even if he is being a grump. 
“I have not traded you out, Sirius.” He glares at you, though his eyes are still much too soft for it to be anything malicious. He’s not sure he could ever look at you in a hateful way. 
“You could’ve read with me,” he argues, tickling your palm. You try and wriggle your hand away, but he only presses his fingers firmly into your skin, keeping you there. 
“Come on.”
“No, you could have,” he continues. “I can be very well behaved, if need be.”
“Oh yeah?” You’re the one smirking now. Sirius is afraid he might never get this image of you out of his head. 
“Yeah.” He leans in, nuzzling his nose against your temple. When he pulls away, you realize he has a smattering of freckles under one eye. You have the urge to touch them, and so you do. 
He relaxes against your hand. “You’re very pretty, Sirius.”
“Thank you.” He kisses your knuckle. “You’re very pretty, too, sweets.”
“Thank you.”
In the weeks since your Mandrake project has finished—and the plant did indeed survive—Sirius has grown increasingly attached to you. Frankly he finds himself shocked that you’re willing to deal with him at all, let alone that his friends like you so much. He wasn’t even a little upset that you’re spending time with Remus. You have a lot in common, actually. 
He just likes to tease you. And he’s very good at it. 
“So you come looking for me because you need something? Or are you perhaps attention starved?” You question, taking your hand away from his face, though your other is still within his grasp. 
“Most definitely the latter.”
“What do you want me to do about it?”
He speaks close to your ear as if he’s about to spill the world’s most confidential information. “Is this a safe space?”
“Absolutely,” you assure him. 
“I want you to play with my hair,” Sirius says. 
You gasp, clutching at your nonexistent pearls. 
Your moment's pause makes him a little nervous. “Well let’s get on with it then,” you tell him.
You take Sirius up to your common room, it being much too late for anyone to be up. You slip your fingers into his hair, scratching at his scalp until he’s falling asleep and you’ve made promises of braiding it sooner or later. Eventually, you have to wake him, send him off to bed.
And he pouts. God, does he pout. But it’s okay. He’ll get you to do it again tomorrow.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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5ueckers · 7 months
you belong with me — teaser
a/n : i wanted to have this finished by today but 😢 here's a lil snippet instead! for context, this specific part takes place in july of 2019, before the start of p's senior year of high school, and reader is her best friend and teammate. happy valentine's! 💕
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paige doesn’t get what you see in him.
for one, he’s really not that cute, contrary to what all your other friends believe— there are a million five–foot–ten boys with curly blond hair and green eyes in the world, and you’re pretty enough to have any one of them that you want. for two, he’s so boring. he’s always got you holed up at his ridiculously large house doing something lame, when you could be with her, actually having fun. and lastly, he’s not even that good of a boyfriend. sure, he takes you out on dates and drives you around in his stupid car and surprises you with flowers and gifts, but those are all things she’s done for you and she’s only your friend. it’s the bare minimum, and you deserve a lot better than that; you deserve the world.
she thinks she might actually be sick, watching him tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear and smile at you, leaning in for a kiss. his face is actually so gross, she gags.
“stop, leave her be,” azzi’s voice comes with a little laugh as her hand closes around paige’s forearm, tugging playfully, but the blonde still struggles to tear her eyes away. “paige.”
“they’re disgusting,” paige gripes as she finally looks away, taking a sip of her dr. pepper, not even bothering with her burger and fries anymore. witnessing that interaction ruined her appetite.
“they’re in love,” azzi teases, dragging out the ‘o’, and paige grumbles around her straw, eyes rolling dismissively.
you aren’t in love with him. yeah, it’s been three months since you officially started dating, but paige actually knows you; you’ve liked plenty of guys since she met you in seventh grade, and none of them have ever really meant anything. soon enough, you’ll get bored of him, just like all the others, and it’ll go back to just being you and her again, like it should be.
hopefully, that’s before the season starts in november. she doesn’t want to have to see you with him at homecoming, or even worse, at one of your games— she’d really be revolted, then.
“no, i agree with p,” kayhla chimes in on the conversation. “get a room!” she shouts, hands cupped around her mouth to accentuate the sound, earning the attention of you, him, and everyone else in the wendy’s.
your eyes get all wide and your cheeks tinge red, and the table erupts into giggles at your embarrassed reaction. you step away from him, finally, and turn back to the counter, smiling politely at the cashier as she slides a tray of chocolate and vanilla frosties toward you, and another toward him. paige can’t help but feel a bit smug when you return to the table and reclaim your seat next to her— it’s an end–seat, so he has to sit across from you both. she casually stretches her arm out over your shoulders, and shoves a spoonful of chocolate frosty into her mouth with her free hand.
“you guys are mean,” you say, reaching out for one of her abandoned fries. you don’t do anything about her arm.
“don’t be a freak, then,” paige replies, and you jab her in the side with your elbow, which only makes her laugh harder.
“oh, you have no right to be calling anyone a freak,” you retort playfully. “don’t make me bring up last summer—”
“woah, nah, okay! okay, you win!”
paige throws up her hands in surrender, and everyone at the table laughs again— everyone, except for him. you, on the other hand, laugh especially hard. she can’t lie, it’s vindicating knowing there are parts of you that he hasn’t yet breached, that she can make you laugh this hard and he has no clue why.
that she actually knows you. unlike him, paige isn’t temporary. you’ll get bored of him, and things will go back to being the way they’re supposed to be.
just you and her.
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@steddiemas Day 11 -  Animated Holiday Movies & Pop/Alt Christmas Songs
y'all mind if i use all the movies and one of the songs from today's prompt? no? okay cool
pairing: steddie | word count: 1,612 | rated: G
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“Alright Munson, it’s time to get you in the holiday spirit.” Steve says, pushing him down onto his own couch one Sunday in mid December. “I managed to grab Charlie Brown from work, and Rudolph, The Grinch, and Frosty will be on CBS tonight.”
“Damn alright, no need to get pushy.” Eddie grumbles, crossing his arms in front of him. He’s not looking forward to this, alright? He’s definitely going to get a stomachache.
“Pizza will be here in just a few minutes, Rudolph starts in 30, then The Grinch and Frosty are right after the other,” he’s pacing now, “I’ve got pop and beer, and chips, and leftover cookies—I’ve got to make more soon don’t I—”
“Steve, Stevie!” Eddie grabs his wrist as he passes in another line of worried pacing in front of the couch. “You gotta calm down sweetheart, why are you makin’ such a fuss?” Maybe if he ignores it, Steve won’t notice the pet name that slipped out from between his lips.
Steve heaves a sigh, “Yeah, yeah you’re right.” he drops down beside him, the couch protesting with a creak, “I just want you to have fun, I suppose.”
Eddie pats Steve’s shoulder comfortingly, “How’d you get all this set up anyway, where’s Wayne?”
Eddie had woken up in the late evening when he heard a crash from the kitchen followed by low swearing. Coming out in his ratty sweatpants and no shirt to Steve sweeping up a bowlful of pretzels back into a large mixing bowl in the middle of his kitchen was quite a sight, but before he could fully process, a green Hawkins Swim Team hoodie was shoved over his head, a hairtie pressed into his palm, and the rest of him being 'shoo'-ed into the living room and onto the couch.
His Uncle’s foldaway bed and his Uncle were missing from where they should be in the small family room, Wayne normally didn’t wake up until about now to get ready to head into work.
Steve shrugs, getting back up off the couch to go back into the kitchen, “When I asked him if I could borrow you for a movie marathon, he insisted I have it here. He’ll be back soon,”
“‘Back soon’? Shouldn’t he be sleeping right now?”
Eddie watches as Steve fiddles around in the kitchen for a few moments, picking up the previously be-floored bowl of pretzels and dumping it into the trash can, when the front door opens and Wayne enters with two pizza boxes balanced on one hand.
“Come grab these, will ‘ya Ed?”
Eddie shoots up at once, hopping over the low coffee table to grab the boxes while Wayne takes off his boots and Steve shuffles around them to pay the delivery boy standing on their porch.
The boxes are taken from him only a couple moments later, with Steve bringing them back into the kitchen.
Wayne snaps him back to himself with a hand on his shoulder. “Y’alrigh’ Ed?”
“Wayne. I can’t watch Christmas movies with him.” he says lowly, only to his Uncle. It’s one thing to make cookie cutters with him, but watching some of Maggie Munson’s favorite holiday movies is a whole ‘nother one thing altogether.
Wayne’s crinkled face smoothes out minutely. “Yes y’can, son. I’ll b’here too.”
“Don’t you have work tonight?”
“I swapped shifts with Roger so I could hang out with you boys.” Wayne says at a normal volume, fixing Eddie with a look.
Eddie’s eyes prick with the threat of tears.
That look says “I swapped so I could be here for you.”
“Wayne said he loves Christmas movies!” Steve grins, carrying back two plates with three slices each.
“Didn’ realize they were showin’ all these good’uns tonight!” Wayne says, stepping past them toward the hall, “‘Scuse me boys,”
While his uncle changes out of his coveralls and into his own comfy clothes (which will likely be a flannel and worn Levis), Steve shoves one of the plates of pizza into Eddie’s hands and leads him back to the couch.
He sets the other plate on the side table next to Wayne’s chair, and goes back to the kitchen for a third plate and three beers, all three gripped around their necks in one hand.
“You’re gonna love these, Eds.” Steve plops down beside him, “Charlie Brown is my favorite, but they’re all classics at this point right? That’s why they show them every year.”
Eddie gulps and puts down his plate of pizza on the coffee table. Putting on a brave face, he pulls his hair up into a bun at the back of his head.
“Forgive me if I’m skeptical, Stevie, but let’s get on with it, huh?”
Eddie has fun in the end, that pioneer man with the pickaxe in Rudolph reminds him of Wayne, so it doesn’t surprise him that he’s Wayne’s favorite.
A lot of the tunes and storylines are familiar, of course, it wasn’t like he can wipe the same movies from his mind just because mom is gone, but it was nice to see them again with Wayne and Steve by his side (though Wayne’s been sawing logs from the armchair since even before Rudolph was over).
By time A Charlie Brown Christmas is re-wound and put back in its case, Eddie is bushed. It’s only been a couple hours total that they’ve spent watching, these movies are shorter than he thought, but he’s stuffed full of pizza, beer, and nearly the whole (new) bowl of pretzels he inhaled during their little marathon.
He stretches out on the couch when Steve gets up to clear their plates away and swears he only closes his eyes for a second…only to wake up to the early morning light streaming in through the window behind the TV.
There’s a blanket tucked around him, another is thrown over Wayne (still keeping up with his very astute impression of a chainsaw), and Steve’s Nike’s are missing from the pile next to the door.
He snuggles back down into the cushions and promises to thank Steve later today.
Later today comes after their Hellfire meeting; the party stomps up Mike Wheeler’s stairs from the basement and trickle out the door at 8 o’clock sharp to their respective rides (a stipulation of the Wheelers and the Sinclairs if their boys would still be allowed to be in Hellfire after what happened in March).
Punctual as ever, Steve is already sitting in the Wheeler’s driveway waiting for Dustin and Will. Eddie immediately starts towards the maroon beemer but his steps falter when he hears the music that’s absolutely blasting inside the idling car.
“This yeaarr, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special..” Eddie hears Steve singing along to that accursed new Wham! track, and not just singing along to the lyrics, but vocalizing the instrumentals too.
He manages to get to the driver side window without Steve noticing him, his attention on a book of Sudoku puzzles of all things.
“Knock knock! Earth to Stevie!” Eddie calls, rapping his knuckles on the pane of Steve’s window.
Steve, of course, jumps at the sudden noise, and cranks down the sound along with his window. Well, lowers his window. Stupid BMW with its stupid power windows..
“Jesus Christ, Eddie, you scared the shit outta me.”
“Not my fault you’re not aware of your surroundings, Stevie darling.”
Steve grins up at him, “How was the game?”
“The session was good, I was thiiiis close to killing off Dusty,” Eddie says, holding up his pointer and thumb, nearly pressed together to accentuate his point, “But Will the Wise here saved his ass at the last second.”
“And Dorngar the Monk will be forever grateful.” Speak of the Devil.
“Dorngar the Monk better watch himself next time.” Will says, shaking his head.
Will climbs into the backseat and scoots to the middle of the bench to start going through a play-by-play of the session with Dustin, who gets in the passenger side and kneels backward on the leather seat immediately.
Steve only rolls his eyes at the two of them, his lips curved into a fond smile still turned towards Eddie.
“Hey, I wanted to say thanks, by the way.” Eddie says, leaning his weight onto the roof of the car with his forearm.
Steve’s brows furrow immediately. “For what?” “For last night? I had fun. Surprisingly.”
“You’re welcome, Eds.” Ah good, the smile is back. “Did you sleep good on the couch? I was going to take you into your room before I left, but you looked comfy enough.”
“Oh yeah, I slept like a baby.”
Steve chuckles, “I don’t think a baby could sleep through your uncle’s snores.”
“I did! My mom used to take me over to Wayne’s whenever I’d get too fussy to sleep normally.”
“That’s hilarious!” Steve guffaws, “I can definitely picture it: your uncle asleep in that same chair? Little baby Eddie laid out sound asleep in his lap? Ha!” 
“That’s about how it was,” Eddie grins, thinking of that exact picture his mom had taken during one such visit, the one in the fading photo album tucked away in his closet.
“Dudes, stop fucking around, we gotta get home!” Dustin gripes.
Eddie steps back from the window, raising his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright, I’m leavin’ too, be careful getting these assholes home, Stevie.”
“You too, Eds, watch out for deer.”
Eddie’s heart stutters at the simple phase, the same one he’d asked Wayne why he would always say that every time he and mom left his place.
Wayne had just smirked, “Don’tcha know Ed? That’s midwestern for ‘I love you.’.”
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to anyone outside the midwest: yes, that's a real thing and also watch out for deer on your way home <3
other parts! Pt. 1 (Day 1) | Pt. 2 (Day 2) | Pt. 3 (Day 5) | Pt. 4 (Day 6) | Pt. 5 (Day 7) | Pt. 6 (Day 11) [YOU ARE HERE] | Pt. 7 (Day 13) | Pt. 8 (Day 18) | Pt. 9 (Day 21) | Pt. 10 (Day 25) also on AO3! this year
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zer05trange · 7 months
Roaring Sea
IV. Good Things
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⋆。°✩ (childe x fem!reader)✩°。⋆
⋆。°✩ wc: 3.5k
⋆。°✩warnings: angst, graphic violence, slight gore (blood), mentions of sickness and getting sick
⋆。°✩: series masterlist
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“Ivan, you can go ahead and clock out for today,” You say, with your arms deep within the oven, “I do need you all day tomorrow, though. You’ll probably need to close, if that’s okay with you.” 
“Yes ma’am,” You hear him from behind you. He should be satisfied with that, he was rightfully busy with school over the past few months, so he hasn’t got many hours in recently.
The boy proceeds to leave the store after getting half of the tips, and when he opens the door, a gust of cold wind blows in. You immediately start shivering. Even with the many years you’ve lived in Snezhnaya, her cold touch always froze you half to death. 
As the sun started to set, it began to be more dangerous to be outside for any longer than necessary. Your mind begins to wonder about Tartaglia, and how he’s fairing in the biting weather. It had been around 13 hours since he left you earlier that morning, so he must have felt the frostiness of the winter at some point in the day.
You need to stop thinking about him, though difficult, because the mere thought of him makes you anxious. And at this point, you can’t tell whether the anxiousness is from worriment or excitement. So instead, you try to focus your brain on closing your bakery for the day and serving your last customers. 
By the time that the least customer left your bakery, and all of your. closing tasks were finished, it was close to 11:00pm. You sigh as you turn off the lights and head upstairs, locking the door behind you.
You quickly change into some comfortable house-clothes before walking over to the kitchen to heat up the leftover soup that Tartaglia brought the night before. You heat the bowl on the stove and steeping a pot of tea, flipping through pages of a novel while you wait. Eventually, you take your filled bowl and mug over to your sofa, where you begin to eat your meal. 
You stare at the wall opposite you, looking at the vast amounts of pictures and paintings that mounted it. If anyone saw you, they'd be able to tell that something was bothering you. That may have been because of Tartaglia’s absence, or the whole Tartaglia situation itself. You can't tell.
You continue to eat and stare, trying to keep your peace amongst your sea of thoughts. And you do achieve some sort of peace for a few minutes.
That is, until you hear loud noises coming from outside the window of your back room. 
It makes you jump, at first. There’s yelling, and clashing of metal, and even screams. You quickly, yet quietly, make your way to the source of the sound. The back window faces the other side of Snezhnaya.
There isn’t a nice city street to gaze upon, but rather the isolating and barren landscape of the Snezhanayan mountains. You get close to the window, and even with minimal lighting outside, you can see that there are two groups of people having some sort of… battle. 
One group is being cornered against a large, snow-covered rock, while the other, which is much larger in size, approaches them. You realize that the more powerful group is unmistakably a Fatui squad.
There are a few agents, cicin mages, as well as a legionnaire and a vanguard. They’re massive, as well, but they’re forming a protective u-shape around someone. It must be their leader, you think, as the group seemingly follows each meticulous move from the center. You squint your eyes to get a better look at the group causing so much noise, but the darkness outside hinders your ability to get a clear look.
The vanguard lunges for the main leader of the smaller group, which you think is a band of treasure hoarders, and grabs at him. He turns the hoarder around by the back of the neck, where he’s now facing the Fatui group, about four inches off the ground as well. The Fatui leader gets closer to him, barking something unintelligible at the man before bringing his hand up to the neck of the hoarder.
The Fatuu swipes their hand across the man’s neck causing it to slit open. As the leader does so, you could swear that you saw a flash of purple-like lightning. The man’s throat opens and blood gets everywhere.  Everywhere. You put your hand over your mouth to cover a gasp as the vanguard drops the man to the ground, whose body is convulsing on its way to death. 
This is the first time you’ve seen someone die. Sure, you’ve beat some people up for commissions, even a treasure hoarder or two, but killed someone? Never, and you can’t see yourself doing so. It makes you feel nauseated to see how the man’s life was ripped away so fast. 
But you can't look away. You keep watching as the Fatui are signaled by their leader to ambush the rest of the hoarder group. You witness how they butcher each and every one of the smaller, weaker group. You see the hoarders being bashed by the vanguard’s hammer, slashed to pieces by the agent’s blades, and how cicins and frost are released by the mage and legionnaire. You want to look away, but your eyes remain glued to the scene. 
Their leader gets in on the action and is somehow more violent and bloodthirsty than the rest, despite being less muscular than the others. You can tell from here that the leader is a man, as well.
He begins to slash and stab using some sort of water-like sword, and you know that means he’s not just some Fatui soldier. He has a vision and a delusion, he must be a harbinger.
The blood of the hoarders soaks into the snow, a deep pool of crimson surrounding the entire scene. The Fatui group starts celebrating in victory as the last hoarder goes silent, and they turn around to head the opposite way. Since they now face your general direction, you attempt to hide yourself while still watching the group. They get closer and closer to the streetlights of the strip you live on, and you stay to see what exactly was going on. Their leader gets into a visible light first, and your eyes blow wide.
The leader has a disgusting grimace on his face, with eyes blown wide and a face of pure malice donning on him. His irises are so small you can barely see them, but rather, a sea of white paints over his eyes. He has a grin akin to the cheshire cat, each corner pulled to a supernatural looking upturn. It’s a face of nightmares, one so scary that it distracts you from the fact that the face belongs to
You freeze in place.
No, absolutely no way. It cannot actually be him. There’s no way that the sweet, fun-loving Tartaglia you knew is the same man you were looking at at the moment. It couldn't be possible that the left cheek which is covered in a helpless man’s blood, was the same one that you softly brushed flour off of. The face that you woke up to this morning, the face you kissed this morning, was the same face that donned such a horrifying expression. The eyes that looked at your face with so much adoration, were unrecognizable as they were clouded over in a bloodthirsty haze.
You can’t believe it.
Out the fear of being caught, or pure weakness, you fall to the floor and out of the window's view. You can feel your dinner coming up from your stomach, but you physically cannot move. You’re shaking, you feel so numb that you can’t feel the multiple tears streaming out from your waterline and down your face. 
He didn’t just lie to you about his job, but he actively kept it from you. A harbinger one of the most dangerous and well-known individuals in all of Tevyat, has now been frequenting your bakery almost every day.
There’s no way people don’t know, right? More socially knowledgeable Snezhnayans visit your shop every day and must see you happily chatting to a Fatui Harbinger. 
It begins to make sense to you, even in a state of shock. His body being covered in scars, the fact that he never took you outside of the bakery, or how he always left in the early hours of the morning.
How many people has he killed? How many dark deeds has he done, and then come into your home to hold and kiss you as if nothing happened? 
And his face was so, so horrifying. Distorted to the point where it was almost unrecognizable to the person he’s spent almost every night with. His lightless eyes blown so wide, and even being in the darkness for so long, his pupils were almost invisible.
His smile, not that you could call it that, was so wide and full of pure bloodlust. And there was blood all over his face, the parts that you kissed, held, and brushed over with your thumb almost daily. It was in his mouth, as if he had internal injuries, and matted itself in his hair. The hair you love to brush through, grab at, and ruffle.
Your sobs are silent. At some point, you get yourself to your bathroom, where you sit beside the toilet in case you get sick after what you’ve seen. Through your choked sobs and curled up body, you feel exhaustion setting in. And eventually, with your back against the bathtub, you fall asleep against the cold tile. 
the next day
Today was a good day for Ajax. He got through with training his Fatui underlings before lunchtime, and quickly finished off his day with mandatory, though grueling, paperwork. He was working efficiently, but it was very quick-paced, even for him. He knows exactly why he was so quick in his actions today, too. He can’t deny it any longer, he’s fallen for a woman who runs a bakery.
He never thought he’d see the day. He thought his heart was too cold. He wouldn’t even say he had a heart, not after falling down and witnessing the horrors of the abyss. He cared for his family so deeply that the abyss couldn’t even take it away from him, but one other person in his heart? He couldn’t imagine a world where he could let another person into it. 
But now he’s living that reality. 
He's never felt the feeling of it outside of his immediate family, but he has to be sure about it. The feeling that warmed his frozen heart, is love. It has to be.
And it scares the 11th. 
It scares him how much he worries for you once he leaves your presence. It scares him how for the longest time, you acted as if you denied any idea of a future with him. It scares him when he thinks of you moving on from him, and finding someone else. But that recurring thought is more than fright, it brings on anger and anxiety. 
As he walks down the city, he thinks of the idea, and immediately brushes it off before his electro delusion sets off. Again.
He needs to tell you about his job, and soon.
It’s not like he intentionally meant to keep it from you from the start, it was Teucer who introduced you to Ajax through his stories, and Ajax had to keep that up around his brother. You just got caught in a protective lie.
And his name, you need to know it. He’ll give it a few more dates, Ajax thinks. He needs you in his future, without the lies and without the cover-ups.
It’s only 5:00PM, and he’s sure that he can get you to close the bakery early to go on your planned date with him. He’s wearing a more put-together and warm outfit than his usual uniform and even found himself double-checking his look in the mirror to look good for you. In his eyes, you’re so gorgeous, too beautiful for his tainted eyes to look upon. So, to try and get even get close to your level of beauty, he took some extra time in getting ready. 
He tightens his scarf around the bottom of his face. Man, the weather today is intense. Ajax begins to wonder whether going outside with you is the smartest idea. But it has to be, if it's what you want.
He’s always known that he wants to add to his family, regardless of whether he could ever love again or not. But now, he has someone he loves, and someone that he could see fitting in perfectly to his future. So he has to try, Ajax has to win the battle over your affections.
And if that means he has to be out in the cold, or anywhere else other than the comfort of your little apartment, he would stand out in the weather for thousands of hours. If it meant he could be with you.
He was so caught up in his thoughts that he missed the bakery by a few steps. He quickly retraces them to the front door of the shop, and looks into the bakery from its large glass panes. You aren’t in there, or in sight at least, instead there’s a boy behind the counter. 
Oh hell no. 
He confidently enters the bakery and makes a bee-line to the front counter. 
“Welcome, is there anything I can help you with today?” He hears the man speak.
“Where’s Y/N?” Ajax asks with a friendly tone. But the glint in his eyes is nothing but friendly, instead, he’s staring down the man with dangerous eyes.
“Ms. Y/N is sick at the moment. If you need me to take a word for you, I’ll gladly tell her when she’s bett–”
“No,” Ajax barks at the boy before making his way behind the counter and to the door leading up to your home. He sees who he hopes is just your employee getting ready to defend your privacy, but Ajax just side-eyes him and scoffs before opening the unlocked door, and locking it from behind him.
He makes his way up the steps, as he begins to worry over your health. Sick? In the months he’s known you, you’ve never felt under the weather. Specifically, on the one day he was going to take you out and ask you to be something official with him. That can’t be intentional–right? Not after yesterday morning. 
He reaches the front door to your home, and hesitates to turn the knob. What if you’re too sick to see him, or you don’t want to see him? He finds how disgustingly dependent he is when it comes to you. 
He turns the knob, finding that it is locked. So he tries to knock, three separate times. On the third, he hears your voice. Oh thank the archons, you’re decent enough to speak. Though your voice is hoarse.
“Ivan? Is that you?” You respond from the other side of the door. Who the fuck is Ivan? 
He hears you unlock the door, and open it. He notices you before you notice it’s him, and you do look like you’ve been sick. Your hair is unkempt, and your eyes have darker circles around them, and they’re puffy. You’ve been crying. 
He’ll slaughter the person that made you this upset. 
But before he can say anything, you lock eyes with him, and sharply inhale through your teeth.
A gasp? Why are you
“How did you get up here?” You hiss at him. Your face is full of fear, as well. Ajax thinks of the thousands of reasons you could possibly be so alert, each possibility making him more anxious.
“Your door was unlocked! We were going out today... right?” He says with a nervous chuckle, trying to qualm whatever mood you were in.
“You can’t be in here,” You respond shakily, taking a step backward from him each second.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Ajax says, “Can we talk?” 
He closes the door behind him, against your wishes. His face is now as worried as yours is, yet you’re trembling in his presence. Your face is no longer looking at his, now it faces the floor. 
“You want to talk now?” Your face still looking at the floor, “Yet you didn’t want to tell me that you’re in the Fatui? That you are a harbinger?” 
“Y/N, I–”
“You what? Were you ever going to tell me?" You bark quietly.
He stays silent, so you continue.
"When were you going to tell me that when you weren’t with me, you were mercilessly slaughtering helpless people?” Your words are filled with venom, like you were condemning him with your statements. 
“Y/N, who told you about this?” He responds, his voice getting shaky itself. 
“Why? So you can go kill them too?” Your voice begins to raise before you take a deep breath, “I saw you! and you looked so- so…” 
“Stop it! Stop saying my name,” You yell at him, “If you wanted to keep this from me, you should maybe be quieter when you go and kill someone right outside of my home.” 
“I never meant to keep it from you,” He says, in a voice much quieter than your own.
“Last time I checked, a toy maker was a little different from being a harbinger, Childe.” 
The use of his Fatui alias shocked him. Have you just been mulling and researching over this all day? It’s unlike you, almost too unlike you. He never said that name, did he? Where did you get this information?
“A Toy-maker is what I use to keep what I do from my young brother,” He snaps, then realizing the tone he just took with you. He takes a deep breath and a pause before continuing, “I am so sorry. I really am, and I was going to tell you. But I can’t tell just anyone what I do.”
He knows the second it left his mouth, he knew he fucked up. 
“Just anyone,” You repeat with a small, pained smile, “you need to leave, now.” 
“No– Y/N, I didn’t mean it like that,” He responds, taking a step closer to you. You back away in fear, while simultaneously summoning a sword out of pure elemental energy. You bring your sword in front of you, as a means to protect you.
He stands back, out of respect and shock. You drew your weapon on him... something he never thought you'd do outside of a playful spar. His eyes widen at your gesture, as he puts his hands at his side.
“I am scared,” You almost whisper. He can feel his stomach drop when you mutter it, too. The one person, in all of Tevyat that shouldn’t be scared of him, just declared it right in his presence, "What am I supposed to do, Tartaglia? I mean, I don't even know your name!"
“You have no reason to be scared, you are one of the most protected citizens in this nation. Even when I’m not there, you’re still protected,” He tries to comfort you. But that didn’t work, because your eyes were blown wide at his confession. 
“What do you mean by that? Do you have people stalking me?” You yell at him, “Tartaglia I am scared of you. I was scared by what I witnessed. And I am scared of the face I saw on you last night," You spit out nervously. His heart cracks slightly, an unnerving and unfamiliar feeling.
"You enjoy it, don’t you? You enjoy stripping the lives away of others, I could tell. Honestly, Tartaglia, I would be okay with the whole Fatui thing, I would. But your face, and your smile, after killing someone? I don’t think I can–” You cut yourself off, “Please, just leave. I don’t want people watching me, so stop that too. You don’t need to come back either.”
He can’t find the words to explain himself any longer. He wants to scream that he loves you, and he never meant to keep anything from you.
But in a rare defeat, he begins to take steps backward toward the door. The entire time he gets closer to the door, he’s looking at you. He can see how a few tears escaped your eyes, and how the sword you’re holding is shaking along with your body at this point. 
“Alright Y/N,” He mutters quietly, before turning the knob and softly closing the door behind him. 
He could feel it physically, the heart he thought was no longer there, was breaking. He should’ve seen it coming, he had a few fleeting months of happiness, but all good things must come to an end for him.
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⋆。°✩a/n: this fic is actually anti—situationship propaganda >:). Thank you for reading, next chapter will be out soon!
⋆。°✩tag list: @inlovewithlondonn @zamorazz @ay4tou @kur0melon @boomie-123 @esthelily @i-simp-for-giyuu @itsflowerdomethings @whatamidoing89 @luvrkise
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hutchersonsgurl · 4 months
We're just friends - Clapton Davis Part 1
Paring x fem reader and Clapton Davis
Warnings:, pre-established relationship, SMUT. characters are 18+ and MINORS DNI. This contains depictions of fingering, oral (m receiving). (No use YN)
Summary: You and Clapton have been dating secretly because you were the school nerd, and Clapton didn't want to ruin his "cool" status. But you have had enough of being a secret girlfriend so you changed your image.
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Noah's POV:
It was a bright and sunny morning, and the birds chirped happily outside my window I smashed the pillow into my head not wanting to get up not wanting to deal with school today who wants to spend their 18th birthday in school all day? not me but I have to look at my phone and see that I got a text message from the school's mean girl Brooke it said "Check your email you'll want to see this I put down my phone I walk over to my desk and click on the link on the email thinking it was some dumb video she sends everyone making out with her boyfriend but no this was way worse as I press the video I see Clapton and Brooke sitting together at the party last night in the video Brooke " since your little girlfriend isn't here tonight how about we send her a video" she says with an evil smile "wait what? Noah and aren't dating but we all know she has a huge crush on me but I'd never date a loser like her, I mean come on I'm Clapton and she's the biggest nerd in our school" He says
I feel tears well up in my eyes as I realize the boy who I've been dating in secret for over a year now who told me we'd go public tonight doesn't give a damn about me he cares about his popularity more than me.
I pick up my phone and start to call Jade the phone starts ringing and I hear a pickup
"Hey what's up?" she asks
I couldn't help it I just started crying
"wait hold up did Clapton's dumbass do something? I swear to god if he did I'll beat some ass" she says
"he called me a loser in front of everyone..." I say in between sobs
I explained everything that has happened up to now to Jade and she's pissed off
"Okay so don't bother getting ready for school," Jade says
"why?" I asked
"because it's time for a makeover bitch meet at the mall in 20," she says and hangs up
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20 mins later
I met Jade at the salon and it feels like hours at this point but after 2 hours I turn around to see myself in the mirror my hair is straight and dark Black and My makeup is smoky black eyes and nude lipstick
" Holy shit I can't even recognize myself, " I say in shock
" Nah I still only see you your outer bitch is on the outside," now come on I'll pay since it's your birthday girl, and let's go tonight cute dress for tonight," Jade says paying and then dragging me to the clothing store we go into a chic boutique that always had stylish and unique pieces I try on a few dresses and really don't like them until Jade comes in with the most beautiful black dress on I try it on and I love the way it hugs my curves and I spin around in it and take a few pictures in this dress after I take a few pics I get a bunch of text messages from Clapton
Clapton: babe where r u?
Clapton: u missed the first period is everything okay?
Clapton: fuck I heard you saw the video I didn't mean any of it u know I love u please talk to me
Clapton: Baby please answer me
Clapton: I'll see you at your party tonight and we'll talk then
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I exit out of the text messages and put my phone in my purse and get dressed Jade and I walk up to buy the dress and we walk out of the store
"you know Clapton is going to eat his heart out tonight and speaking of eating let's go get something to eat," Jade says as she drags me to the ice cream shop
we walk up to the counter and we see a really cute guy at the counter
"hey, what can I get you guys today?' Gabriel asks
" I'll have a hot fudge sundae and she'll have an Oreo frosty" I answered
"Hey, I know you your the new kid Gabriel what are you doing here shouldn't you be at school?" Jade questions
"I could ask you two the same thing" he responds with a chuckle
I notice that he's tall and tan and has beautiful black curls in his hair
"Are you doing anything tonight? because if not it's my birthday today and you should come tonight" I asked
" uh yeah sure cool I'll be there see you soon" Gabriel answers
we pay and we leave heading back to my house
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as we got to my house I could see my mom putting up decorations for the party
"Hi, honey how was school today?" Mom asked
"oh actually didn't go...." I answer waiting for a yelling
" you are so lucky today is your birthday young lady we will continue this talk tomorrow" Mom replies
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part 2 coming sooon
Not edited will fix soon
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heartsoji · 1 year
hear me out, KENMA and RINTARO nd NISHINOYA x reader that turns any comment they make dirty 😭 (and a lot of deez nuts jokes bc idc that ppl don’t say them anymore they’re funny 😞)
genre: fluff but just a lil suggestive
warnings: mentions of nudity, dirty jokes but its pretty mild, two swears, idk wtf i was doing on suna's and noya's lol (ok for noya ive never written for him before but wtf happened with suna)
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"chicken fries, ken. chicken fries." you pestered.
"ok, ok. and can i add one order of chicken fries, please?"
"of course!" said the cashier cheerily through the drive-thru mic. "so just to confirm, a bourbon bacon cheeseburger triple, cheese fries, chicken fries, a large sprite, a medium coke, a vanilla frosty, and a chocolate frosty?"
"yep." kenma confirmed.
"ok, please drive up to the window."
once you two got your food, kenma parked in the parking lot and took a spoonful of his chocolate frosty and smiled contentedly. you laughed in response, to which he pouted/glared to and turned away from you.
"i like wendy's." kenma scowled.
"me too. i love it in my mouth, but also.."you paused. "when deez NUTS are in yours!"
you earned a slap to the head.
he simply smiled and went back to eating.
"..hey, pudding-head."
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"our class got a new student today." suna mentioned casually as he scrolled through tiktok.
"yeah, i heard about that! he's from america, right? what's his name?" you asked.
"uhh.. sato. sato phillip." suna answered, struggling to pronounce the first name. "his dad's japanese and his mom's greek."
"phillip, huh?" you wondered aloud. "hey rin, you wanna skip making dinner tonight?"
"huh?" suna asked, confused. "where'd that come from?"
"well, that's kinky. i suppose i wouldnt mind giving it a try." suna replied, deadpan. "have you already ordered the attachable rubber balls?"
this guy thinks hes so cool for that.
"fuck you, rin."
"please do."
this brat.
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"noya, what should i be for halloween this year?" you asked your boyfriend.
"hmm.." he thought about it long and hard. "a maid!" that earned him a slap to the 2-inch hair.
he laughed. "well, i suppose a fairy could be cute too."
"a fairy? then, you should be the goblin!" you beamed.
"HEY!" nova cried, offended. "why am i the goblin?"
noya paused for a second before bursting out cackling.
you gasped. "but we studied together! he gave you a d?!"
"yeah. i'm giving you a d too."
"boy what?"
it was your turn to burst out cackling childishly.
"ok but for real, noya. lets be serious. deez nuts jokes kinda suck." you said, getting dead serious.
noya then POUNCED on you and laughed into your neck, sending ticklish sensations down your spine.
you both doubled down laughing, and you didn't even know what you were laughing at at this point.
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