#i get allistic all the time telling me ‘’well if you can do that thing then you must not have any struggles at all’’
vanderdyks · 5 months
I geniunely cannot stand when allistics try to say Resident Alien is actually making fun of autistic people because they believe Harry is too childish now because I JUST-
In the beginning, Harry tried SO MUCH HARDER to fit in with the humans around him. He mimicked their speech patterns, consistently observed them, emersed himself in their activities so they wouldn't suspect he was different.
The Harry now? He doesn't care. He's loud in places he should be quiet. He talks how he wants. He laughs FREELY. He's learned large crowds of people? Not for him. He doesn't like being touched by strangers.
He's just Harry. Himself. Because he can be. Because he's realized even if some of the people of Patience find him strange, it doesn't matter. They'll never guess he's from outer space.
Have you noticed that every other alien we have seen is not like Harry? Not the greys, or the half human hybrids, not even Heather. When Heather is around humans who know she is an alien, we get to see the difference, but when she isn't? She fits in so well with any other neurotypical human.
Not Harry though. So yes, he is autistic because I said he is. Because I am autistic. And if you're allistic, you don't get to tell autistic people they shouldn't headcanon Harry as autistic (even though it is very obvious they're purposefully playing him as neurodivergent now.)
When you take an autistically coded character that a lot of autistic individuals relate to, and try to argue the character is actually a "child" and being "infantalised," you're actually being ableist.
You're saying that the traits we have resonated with are childish... Harry seems like he's "regressed" because instead of trying to adapt and pretend to be human, he is becoming something else entirely. Not human, but not fully alien either.
The body of doctor Harry Vanderspeigle was once just a disguise. Now it IS Harry's. It's his body, his own skin. And he's gotten comfortable in it and you know this because you deliberately witness times where he might be holding his hands like he would his claws (primarily when he's sleeping.) His brain doesn't realize he's not in his normal form, because in many ways, this is his new normal form.
He has emotions. He cares. He's in completely new territory and finding himself. And in doing so, that carefully crafted human mask? It's fallen a bit.
So that thing you label as "regression" is a thing I label as progress. He's learning still. Let him learn. Let him be. And give it time. And I hope to GOD Harry never becomes fully human to the point we can't recognize him. I hope he never loses his unique inflictions, or his love for pizza and pie. I hope he continues to love the quiet. I hope he ALWAYS laughs obnoxiously. I hope he always runs like he doesn't know what to do with his limbs. I hope you always see his emotions throughout his body because they simply cannot be contained. I hope he continues to jump when excited or pace when he's angry. I hope he stays obsessed with Law & Order forever.
Because if you take all that away, you're taking away the bits that make him Harry. You want a carbon copy human. I want the autistic alien struggling to understand human nature.
That being said, of course you can express your opinion him. And it can be discussed because everyone is going to have a different perspective.
But you don't get to dictate an autistic perspective if you are not autistic. Or try to cancel anyone for it either.
I love Harry. And I relate to him SO MUCH. And I love how much representation I can see him through him for me. Because I personally believe Alan and the writers have chosen to keep presenting this character as ND.
It's okay to dislike the direction of his character development. It's okay to find the flaws. It's okay to share that perspective. What's NOT okay is dictating the feelings of others because they might not agree with you.
I don't find him childish. I see him as an autistic individual trying to navigate a society that his brain hasn't been hardwired to understand.
And if you think he's too childish, please look closer at the why you think he is. Really be introspective on this one.
Because Harry is a parent. And has a child. And he has relationships. And he takes care of himself. Not only that, he is the town doctor and takes care of everyone else too. He is the smartest. He is the strongest. None of the characters have had to worry about the wellfare of Harry specifically. Its why no one realizes the greys have captured him. Because of course Harry would be fine, hes the alien expert. He knows what he's doing. So while everyone else spent so much time worrying about each other, no one was left to worry about Harry.
So ask yourself why you believe Harry has become "too childish" and if your answer comes down to any of his quirky traits or his misunderstandings of human nature, then you really need to consider if what you're actually uncomfortable with is autism/autistic traits.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Just something on my mind right now.
Allistic people, if you have an autistic friend, what you should be mindful of is that if you want your friend to go out and hang out with you and company, you ought to refrain from giving them a hard time about what they have to do in order to keep themselves safe and sane while they're away from their safe space (home) no matter the circumstances.
Speaking from personal experiences here, I know I want to get out of the house, go to places, spend time with friends, have fun. But if me leaving my comfort zone (which is never an easy thing to begin with) is met with the punishment of no accommodation and no consideration, well, guess what, I ain't going to want to do it again, at least not with the same people again.
It's not a switch that can be turned on and off. I can't make myself 100% socially palatable on the best of and highest masking days. As I was telling my husband the other night after us returning from a summer fest, a little bit of advocacy such as "this place is overwhelming/overstimulating/sensory overloading for her" goes a long way. (Context: I snapped after I was made the butt of jokes for the evening, for being "oblivious", because I was bombarded by noises, crowds, smells, and heat from all sides in every direction, and therefore couldn't focus on anything, because sensory hell, because autism.)
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sunnywalnut · 5 months
I miss when autistic rep was on accident. I feel like every time a neurotypical/allistic person tries to write somebody with autism on purpose, it just comes off as "he's a total jerk, but he's REALLY GOOD at what he does" instead of "this guy's facial expression doesn't change very much, but I promise you he's absolutely happy to help. Also talk to him about birds. He fucking loves birds."
And I don't mean "he loves birds" as in "this guy wears bird shirts 24/7 and corrects you if you accidentally call a pigeon a dove." No. I mean "he loves birds" as in "he's able to name the sound of the bird just by it's song and point to it and it's just sitting on the rooftop next to you" and if you ask questions he gets this little smile to his face and answers them all and even tells you about some drama about two researchers who were unsure of they could call two birds different species since they were so similar and then gives you the answer of they can, because their beaks are different and that means their diet is different or whatever.
Not every autistic dude in media has to be "UwU save me from the world and take care of me bc I'm just a smol beannn✨"
Sometimes they're just Chad from maintenance who seems to love his job a bit more than he should, but it's all good bc everything that's fixed works even better than it was before it was broken. He's not creepy or anything. But he WILL call you over if he sees you walk past in order to show off his latest repair and talk to you about what he did. Everyone loves Chad. They're happy that he's as dedicated to his job as he is. Plus it makes the office a lot more bearable to have him around because he always seems to wear this gigantic grin and talk with his hands.
You're absolutely able to have "cute" autistic characters. I have cute autistic characters.
I have a little elf girl that counts each individual strand of her hair when she's nervous and climbs trees. She loves baking, so much so that she will make everything gluten free, kosher, dairy free, vegan, whatever you need in order to make sure you're included. As soon as she steps into a garden, she's completely covered in dirt. And yes, she's extremely friendly and doesn't understand social cues. And sure. She has her boyfriend take care of things for her, like keeping her safe from creeps when she's in public, and shutting down scammers before she can pay them, but it's not because she's dumb. It's because he elected himself into that space. And he knows full well that if she decides to scurry off to whatever wonderful thing that has caught her eye, that she'll wander back to him when she's ready. She knows how to defend herself. And he trusts her. And she does things for him as well. Which is something I don't see in autistic/allistic relationships in media at all.
Like do y'all really think our partners are just our glorified babysitters???
We're not just there to sit still and look pretty.
We're there to be your emotional rock. We tend to have high empathy. We can listen to your problems and validate your emotions. And sure, we might give you some advice that seems a bit wonky at best, but anyone can do that. Not just autistic people.
Sometimes we take over financial decisions, for one reason or another. I had a partner that would always come to me for financial advice despite living on their own and having more than enough money to do what they wanted with, but they knew that I could budget better. I'm good at math. And no, not a "math wiz" all A's kind of good. But a "I can do big number addition/subtraction and sometimes multiplication within seconds in my head" which was also really helpful in my culinary class when my teacher would put me in charge of making sure we were on target with how many servings of food we had. Not every autistic person has to be leagues above the rest academic to be autistic. My allistic brother had straight A's for YEARS. Much longer than I did. I had A's and B's.
You can come to us if you need a hug. Or to cuddle. Or to body double. Or just to hang out. Some autistic people like touch. We crave it. I can guarantee you that if we were friends and you climbed up on the couch next to me and laid your head in my lap, I would let you. No questions asked. I'd even pet your hair. And I'd ask you about your day. I can't count how many times high fives have turned to hand holding with my friends because they needed a loving talking to about how great they are. Or a back rub when they're crying. Not all of us are going to stand there, staring down at you while you're curled up on the floor and be like "STATISTICALLY SPEAKING-" yeah no. And the people who DO that likely are trying to relay information that they know that they think will help you feel better. We're odd, but we're not heartless. Let me get down on your level. Sit with you. And then I'll talk to you about how tears are actually really healthy and it's good that you're able to cry. And also I'm proud of you and let's get you some water, okay?
We can take care of you too!!
I give all my friends hair care advice bc I've spent too much time watching hair stylist videos. I tell them to make sure they lotion after every shower when they complain about dry skin or body acne. I tell them to drink water after they cry. Or wash their face. Or alternate ways they can get around invisible barriers and still get what they need done. You know how many times I've had to sit down problem solve with my loved ones for over an HOUR bc their ADHD decided not to let them brush their teeth or take a shower? I have a whole ARSENAL of advice to give you. And yeah. If you're close enough where I can head over to your place, I WILL do your dishes(bc somehow they're less gross than mine). I WILL wash your hair for you, or fold your clothes or clear the counters of trash. Not because I think you're lazy or nothing. But because I see something that needs to be done, and I do it. Because I love you, it's simple, and hey, I'm here anyways, right?
Like shit. Every night I have a sleepover with my best friend, I do the dishes that were in her sink before I even came over while she starts on dinner. Because I love her. And that's my way of paying her back for picking me up. I clear all our trash, and the scraps of tea bags that she missed in the mornings. Because I love her. And it's simple enough I can do it myself. I chop the garlic as we cook together because we're working as a team. And yeah. After it's all over. We sit on the couch like a bunch of lazy dogs and watch TV and chat and do whatever. And sometimes. We don't do anything but just enjoy each other's company. Because as adults, we don't get a lot of time to just relax.
We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. And sure. Being friends with an autistic person isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes our behaviors or our tenancies can be stressful. Like sensory meltdowns, or our bluntness(which is honestly usually just us saying exactly what is true without sugar coating it. Like if you said the sky was purple I'd be like "nah it's blue rn" and people find that blunt and rude. But to me, that's just a fact. I'm not saying you're dumb. I'm just saying it's blue right now.) or sometimes, even when we get super hyper about our interests. I would know. I'm autistic myself. And I irritate myself.
But it seems like in media, the irritation is all people can see. Even in "supportive" families that I see in shows and such, everyone's always stressed all the time.
You're telling me ONE LITTLE CHILD is tearing this entire family apart? (*COUGH COUGH Young Sheldon COUGH*) Not only is that stupid, that's just inaccurate.
If you wanna be accurate, maybe don't have every autistic person you write be a "high functioning" male in a doctor's coat who's transphobic as fuck and his excuse being he's autistic.
If you know the bitch is outwardly transphobic, don't fucking put him in the room with trans people.
And also?
Autistic people are allowed to learn the difference between sex and gender. We're ALLOWED to learn about queer identities. And we're ALLOWED to be queer ourselves without being labeled as idiots who don't know any better.
I've YET to see a show about an outwardly queer autistic girl who is able to make awesome friends and overcome her challenges WITHOUT succumbing to being an asshole on purpose.
Except for The Owl House. And Luz isn't even canonically autistic. It's just speculated.
THAT is good autistic representation.
Not whatever the fuck "The Good Doctor" is supposed to be.
My Personal List Of Good Autism Rep Recs(non canon, sadly):
-Good Omens(not explicitly canon, but multiple characters behave in a way that could be labeled as autistic. Plus Neil Geiman, the writer himself is autistic)
-The Owl House(again. Not explicitly canon. But great. The whole show is about accepting yourself as you are and is kinda along the lines of Gravity Falls. In fact, she was in a relationship with Alex Hirsh, creator of Gravity Falls. And also she's bisexual with a CANONICALLY BISEXUAL LEAD!! Also is lovely for mental health allegories too)
-Gravity Falls (the whole Pines family just REEKS autism to me. Noncannon.)
-How To Train Your Dragon(Hiccup is autistic as hell and you can't convince me otherwise. Non canon)
-Adventure Time (some of the humor is dated, but enjoyable. Also Princess Bubblegum. Need I say more?)
-We Bare Bears (slice of lifey. Sometimes childish. Sweet as hell though. Grizz feels very autistic to me, but that could also be because I enjoy how huggable and easily excitable he is. Everyone loves him. He's loud, he can absolutely be obnoxious, but he loves his bros and tries his best to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. He also does his best to fix any problems he makes. Which in my book, makes him a good guy. Some people also claim Ice Bear is autistic. But personally, I feel like he just doesn't talk much. What do you guys think?)
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flickersprout · 8 months
hello would you be willing to say your million opinions about the mystery twins?
I am unwell about these people thank you so much for asking /gen (long post incoming)
I'm a little more familiar with Cellbit's character than Bagi's, so probably have more headcanons about him. I am actively trying to get more unhinged about Bagi because she is so cool and everyone should tell me their Bagi headcanons
Bagi headcanons/opinions:
She should be transfem. as a treat. her being transfem lets me make the twins identical, and anything that makes it more obvious how related they are makes them funnier
Her being transfem also adds fun layers to her relationship with Tina, as Tina is a demon pretending to be human. All I'm saying is you could do some fun parallels and contrasts about presentation and the self
Also if you make her and Jaiden and Baghera all transfem, you get the fun fed-sisters-plus transfem solidarity that exists only in my head
She can only barely cook. She never learned as a kid and then got fucking frozen, and she's tried to learn as an adult but it's not going well
When she thinks about raising Empanada, she gets kinda caught between wanting to pass on the pacifist, live-and-let-live mentality that she pretends to have and the more defensive/aggressive ideas she actually has. She does like the idea of pacifism and doesn't want Empanada to grow up bitter, but... peace isn't what's kept her safe and alive
Empanada's first death resolved a lot of those conflicts. A kinder world isn't coming, so she has to raise a fighter
Her "pretending to be an ethical vegetarian" thing is hilarious to me. girl you aren't pretending to be a vegetarian you just are one. you can lie about your reasons but girl. you don't eat meat
Cellbit headcanons/opinions:
He can't cook even a little bit. Federation pet -> child soldier -> jail-> struggling adult? yeah he never fucking learned to cook
Relatedly I think he's a picky eater but has weird tastes. Like i think he eats instant microwave/just add water foods raw and likes it because he learned to eat it like that at some point, but can't stand a lot of "real food" because he just never got used to it (this is partly based on me lsjkhd)
He owns a butterfly knife and he's good with it. He picked it up as a hobby after Fuga when he was in therapy because he needed something to fill his time and it was a socially acceptable way to carry a knife. He can do all kinds of tricks now
Just pre-purgatory (and probably still now tbh) sometimes the butterfly knife suddenly reminds him too much of a real knife or triggers some kind of intrusive thought that scares him. His reaction to this is to just let go of the knife midair. He's very lucky no one's gotten hurt yet
He 100% remembers more of his childhood with Bagi than he admits. He pretends he doesn't because even acknowledging that he was a child once undermines his image of himself as a monster (upsetting, unhealthy self-image, sure, but one that's kept him safe. monsters aren't afraid of anything. monsters can't be hurt. children, though?)
As much as I understand and will read about autistic!Cellbit headcanons, I don't agree (i am autistic, for the record). He's actually really good with social cues, like scary good, and obviously has really strong theory of mind. Like I get where people are coming from but we need to defend an allistic guy's right to just be a fucking freak (/lh /nm)
I want to call Cellbit and Baghera "hunters" instead of "chainsaw killers." again I get where people are coming from. it's funny and I'll use it. however hunters would go so hard. same genre as codebreakers and bloodhounds. do you see my vision
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solardrake · 9 months
There was a post on here a while back which described navigating social spaces while Autistic like trying to walk through a minefield. One wrong move and, well, you blow up. blowing up hurts, so you create systems, rules, you try and find a rhyme or reason as to how the explosives are laid out so that you might make it through unscathed. I've come to know this as "Masking".
There's a moment where every autistic realizes that they are different, because they step on a mine that, to an allistic, isn't even there. It's a crushing weight to know that there is a seemingly invisible force that will hurt them again and again unless they hide who they are (begin to mask) and try to forge a path. For me it was middle school when I learned this; when I realized I didn't truly have any friends because public school is cruel and othering. So, I changed how I spoke, learned how to tell jokes, developed hobbies that would make me more likable (which is how I started art) until, finally, 8 years later It seemed like I was on the other of the field: I had finally made it.
That all shattered in an instant, in 2021, a decisive step ended with a fireball so large fragments of me are still being found in the field. So, hurt and stricken with the loss of acceptance that I so briefly had, I did the other option that post talked about: I stayed still. Just..didn't move, because if I did I risked being hurt again. New year's 2022 I had moved up north, but still I remained where I was. 2023 came and began to pass, and instead of keeping pace I watched as it sped by.
To put it bluntly, I was burnt out both socially and in my art, full of resentment for what hurt me and shame for not being able to mask as effectively; that version of me had died in the explosion. All these terrible feelings reached a boil when my shame and resentment towards myself was inadvertently aimed towards someone I loved. In that moment I saw that I was rotting...
And I saw how empty I was.
So much of myself previously was dedicated solely to masking in an attempt to fit in, that when fitting in became no longer an option that huge part of myself became void of purpose, and so that part of me itself became a void.
I don't really remember the months after that, but in October I had gotten my hands on a book: "Unmasking Autism" by Devon Price. The introduction to that book was like an electric shock to my heart, revitalizing me and reversing the decay- his and other autistic folk's experiences described in the book was so alike mine that I suddenly understood my emptiness and was aware of the fractured mask hanging from my face. Armed with knowledge of my ailment the author then gave me a path out of the minefield...back from whence I came. Retrace my steps. Understand previous blunders, forgive myself for them, and exit the field to forge my own way to live and navigate life freely without fear of being reduced to bits.
I will struggle to post this, I know I will. Part of me masking, one of my guiding rules through the mines was to *never* make sincere personal posts because "sincerity from someone you follow who's not known for it is uncomfortable" (getting into the why of this is a whole other can of worms). But I will do it anyways, because the time for me being avoidant of my feelings are over.
In 2024, I will be fully embracing my autism. I don't know what i'll look like without the mask- I probably still haven't gotten rid of it fully- But I will be more genuine...probably uncomfortably so, My blog will be more self-serving (and probably my art too once I detangle my worth as an artist from how "good" it looks), I'll reblog cringy fandom stuff and say weird things and blog at length about how much I love airplanes and large industrial systems and freak furry things. I will be deadpan and monotone and just be so unapologetically autistic, because then i'll truly be me. ok bye bye
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arecaceae175 · 2 years
Autistic LU chain headcannons!
Including some gender and sexuality bc for me those are very tied to my autism. Most of this is rooted in their personalities, but some of this just appeared in my mind and didn't go away XD. Infodump incoming!!! :D
Time uses they/them pronouns bc they literally have no idea what gender is
Has a lot of verbal shutdown episodes. They're able to communicate with sign language most of the time
Almost completely nonverbal as a child (Mask era)
When they do speak it's very monotone
More shutdowns than meltdowns
Time does really prolonged eye contact (to the point of awkward for allistics) bc it's all or nothing for them
Favorite stims: humming, playing ocarina, tapping their chest/collarbone
Lots of verbal stims, so nonverbal episodes and shutdowns can be hard to recover from since they can't do their favorite stims
If given the opportunity, they will only drink milk. No other sustenance.
Must be reminded to eat, can't interpret their bodies' internal cues very well
Very confrontational - will absolutely throw hands at ableists
So incredibly loyal. Once they think you're family, they will never, ever, ever let you go or let anything happen to you
Special interests: cows, masks (as a child, not as prominent anymore), and Time has memorized every single "dad joke" they've ever heard and LOVE telling jokes to break tension or cheer the others up
Asexual, biromantic, sex-positive
Highest masking because of his time as a soldier
Hard for allistics to identify as autistic bc he's so good at masking
He has a lot of anxiety surrounding unmasking and showing his autistic traits, so he simply does not
That obviously doesn't work, so during the war he was constantly stressed and had meltdowns or shutdowns very frequently
Zelda and Impa tried to help, but there was so much going on that they couldn't do much
Mask and Wind helped a LOT during the war. Warriors wanted to make sure they were taken care of and could show their autistic traits, so he became a lot more comfortable with his own and created a more accepting environment
SO good at people reading, because he just memorized everything and watched everyone's every move
That gets quite overwhelming and causes shutdowns a lot
Doesn't have verbal shutdown episodes super often, but when he did in the war Proxi would copy his voice and speak for him. He's able to communicate with sign
Scarf is comfort item
The most ritualistic of the whole chain. Wars has very specific routines for most things that he does, and breaking routine is the biggest reason he has meltdowns
His meltdowns are very internalized, and he just likes to be left alone
He is now very confrontational about ableism
Also very very very loyal
He also has a lot of black and white thinking, and a strong sense of justice
Favorite stims: swaying while standing, shifting weight from foot to foot, spinning
When he's really happy he'll bring his arms up and like shake them back and forth in front of himself? Like his hands are flapping/shaking back and forth, but in fists, and his elbows are bent to his hands are almost in front of his face (I can see it in my mind but I'm having trouble explaining it)
Special interests: battle strategizing (could tell you very specific facts about any battle from any point in time that he's studied), loves to sew
Asexual, aromantic, sex-neutral
He has never once sat still in his entire life
Has never finished anything in a timely manner, ever
Always asks a lot of clarification questions, and he gets confused when allistic people get offended by his questions
Also has ADHD
Little to no voice volume control
That becomes an issue with the Links that are more sound sensitive, so it's something they're all trying to work on finding a compromise for
Favorite stims: rocking, chewing
He has a chewy stim toy that he wears around his neck. Grandma made it for him so he would stop putting things in his mouth
Loves the sensory aspects of being underwater
Always walking on his toes. As a child he was always toe walking, but his Grandma didn't know to correct that, so now Wind physically can't stand flat footed for long periods of time
He has a lot of trouble with routine. The autistic part of him wants the routine, but the ADHD wants spontaneity and usually wins
Has a lot of trouble keeping his things tidy and with personal hygiene (Wars helps with hygiene bc he is excellent at it due to his routines)
He doesn't really have shutdowns, just meltdowns
They involve a lot of loud screaming and self-injurious behavior
Biggest sensory issues: FOOD (bc he wasn't introduced to a lot of different foods and textures on Outset Island), under-stimulation
Special interests: sailing, pirates, also characters from a storybook his Grandma used to read to him and Ayrll every single night (at Wind's insistence)
Most likely to infodump
Asexual, aromantic, sex-repulsed
No gender. What's gender. Genderfluid, changes pronouns based on mood, and usually sticks with one set for long periods of time
Lost the ability to mask when they lost their memories
So they're the easiest for allistics to identify as autistic
Most people in their world don't care, but they have experienced some ableism since they can't mask
Entirely nonverbal. They use the sheikah slate as an AAC device
Cloak is comfort item
Favorite stims: hand flapping and bouncing on their toes
They walk almost exclusively on their toes and always have the dinosaur hands
Even mix of meltdowns and shutdowns
SO so so bad at understanding body language, sarcasm, etc.
They have a lot of trouble existing in a group. Like they'll wander off or do something dangerous and then not really understand why what they did was wrong (BUT they still love the chain of course)
Biggest sensory issues: crowds, lots of voices talking at once
LOVE deep pressure
Special interest: cooking, horses, cataloguing plants in the sheikah slate
Pre-calamity one of their special interests was sheikah tech, so they secretly LOVED going around with Flora researching sheikah tech
Asexual, panromantic, sex-repulsed
(Despite these being my autistic wild headcannons, I use almost none of these in Authenticity lol. Wild's autistic traits in that fic are primarily based on my own)
Gender?? Who's she?? Genderfluid, similar to Wild, but pronouns change more frequently
Not very good at accommodating themself
They often push themself WAY past their limits and then have long burnout periods
But they've gotta save the world, so it's fine, right? (Answer is no. It is very bad)
Must be reminded to sleep, and they have a lot of issues with sleeping
They often come across as rude to allistics, but that is generally not their intention, they're just bad at (allistic) communication
When they intend to be rude you'll KNOW
They have a really hard time communicating feelings and emotions, which frustrates them a lot and is hard for people trying to help them
This is especially an issue for the chain bc most of the time none of them can "read between the lines" and figure out what Legend is trying to say
Has never once gotten rid of anything because what if they need it? And also it is a part of their stuff and it has it's very specific place, so if it was gone then that place would be empty and then what would they do??????
Everything has a Place and they HATE when people touch or move their stuff
Biggest sensory issues: clothing, textures
Pants are a battle. People have given up.
Pants make Legend's legs THROB and feel like thousands of tiny knives are stabbing their skin. So they simply do not wear pants
Favorite stims: twirling their rings and other jewelry, rubbing good textures, humming (Marin's song)
Harmful stims: hitting things or themself (usually hitting their thighs)
Special interests: magical items, jewelry (jewelry with magical properties are the COOLEST SHIT)
Pansexual, polyamorous
There is no gender here. Gender makes no sense. They/them
They also have ADHD
Love asking questions because they want to understand every single detail of all these new exciting eras
Absolutely can't tell what tone they speak in
Really bad at paying attention to their surroundings
Attention span is practically nonexistent
They often wander off without even meaning to and don't realize until they're completely lost
Sometimes need to be reminded to do self care tasks
Have frequent verbal shutdown episodes that last for a long time. They can communicate with sign, and they also sometimes stick close to Wild and use Wild's AAC slate function
Favorite stim: running their hands through their hair (their hair is almost always dirty bc of this), shaking/twisting their hands
Harmful stim: skin picking
The skin picking is an ISSUE because it sometimes causes blood, and the blood curse is a thing
Biggest sensory issues: crowds and voices and also bright lights
Tendency to freeze and shut down when overwhelmed (this was an issue a lot during their adventures, but not so much now that the chain has their back)
Special interests: biology/anatomy, and there's a series of books they once found in an abandoned town that they LOVE. Books are hard to come by in their era so those are their absolute most prized possession
Asexual, aromantic, sex-repulsed
Bi-gender, he/she
Comfort items: sailcloth, Loftwing plush toy from Zelda, Master Sword
He carries around the loftwing plush absolutely everywhere he goes. She has a special protected pocket in his bag for when it isn't safe to carry her in his hands. Her name is Brenda (because my favorite stuffed animal friend is named Brenda and I'm in charge XD)
Favorite stims: jumping/bouncing in place, flapping his arms like a loftwing, humming, moving his fingers in the motions of playing his harp
Harmful stims: pulling her hair, hitting his ears when overstimulated
Eye contact???? Absolutely not. She will look everywhere except the person speaking to her
His biggest sensory sensitivity is sound
There was never much going on in Skyloft (other than things he was used to) and it's pretty small, so he got VERY easily overwhelmed on the Surface when he first started his adventure. Fi often had to guide her to a safe spot where he could get through a meltdown or shutdown
She still gets really easily overwhelmed and usually is nonverbal for the first bit of time after a portal shift while he adjusts to his surroundings
He's not great at communicating at all during his verbal shutdown episodes
When she gets overwhelmed she freezes and shuts down. He's more likely to have a meltdown once he's in a safe place
Since he gets overwhelmed so easily, Sky needs a LOT of sleep. More so than the other Links. Sky is banned from taking middle watch
She loves doing tasks that require intricate detail, like woodcarving and embroidery
Special interests: loftwings of course
As a child Sky related much more to her loftwing than he did any people, so his relationship with his loftwing is one of the most important things in her life
Bisexual, polyamorous
Got SO confused when people say he isn't supposed to have more than one partner
Like why??? He likes them both??? The more the merrier???? Makes no sense, does not comprehend
Very good at routines. He loves routines. They're so great
Also, similarly, patterns. Twilight can pick out patterns in anything
He gets really irritated when something breaks pattern or is slightly uneven
He loves being on a farm and doing morning routines of feeding the animals
He's always always always related more to animals than people
Animals make sense, people don't
He's still not very good at allistic "social standards," so he's among the easiest for allistics to identify as autistic
But he doesn’t always know how to help. Wolfie is great for this
He has trouble with the sensory changes that come with shifting to/from his wolf form. Wolves and Hylians have very different sensory experiences, so adjusting between the two takes him a while. Once he's adjusted it's fine, it's just the adjusting itself that's hard
Has verbal shutdown episodes after meltdowns. They don't last super long, and he can usually talk again after a good night's sleep. He can communicate with sign during the episodes
Wolf pelt is comfort item
Favorite stims: touching good textures, rocking, humming
Harmful stims: biting his knuckles
Absolute favorite stim is rubbing his soft wolf pelt on his face, specifically over his mouth and on his upper lip
Special interests: goats, wolves. He knows every. Single. Fact.
Second most likely to infodump
Asexual, biromantic, sex-positive
Too much gender to pick just one. They/them
Comfort item: a little wooden action figure toy thing their grandpa made for them. Four's had it their whole life and never ever goes anywhere without it. It's usually in a special pocket on the inside of their tunic
Most black and white thinker of the group
Four can't grasp or comprehend any nuance or sarcasm or anything in the abstract
They ask SO MANY questions, bc that is their way of understanding the world
They don't really understand most of Time's dad jokes, but they like it when the others laugh
Must be reminded to eat and drink water
Does not like touching other people or being touched by other people
Has more meltdowns than shutdowns
Their little body can't contain all the big feelings and the feelings have to come out somehow
Like Legend they also have a lot of trouble communicating feelings and needs
Biggest sensory issue: sensory symmetry. Everything must be even!!! Also big feelings ^
Favorite stims: they really like the smell of metal, bouncing on toes, spinning, love stim toys
Four never really stops stimming, but they've learned to do it discreetly (bc masking)
They love tinkering, and they love stim toys, so they've made themself a LOT of stim toys. They also love making stim toys for the rest of the chain. (They made a perfectly silent and very discreet one for Wars bc he has the most trouble unmasking)
Harmful stims: head banging
Special interest: tools. Four wants collect every tool in existence, and wants to know exactly what it does. Especially blacksmithing tools, bc Four also really likes blacksmithing
Demisexual, biromantic
Disclaimer: every autistic person has a different way of experiencing the world. I am only one person, so my experience is largely limited to myself. I tried to have links be very diverse in their experiences :)
Feel free to add some of your own autistic or otherwise neurodivergent headcannons!!!!!
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thewhumpcaretaker · 16 days
♥︎ Whump Dating Sim: Longing for Flight - Part 2 ♥︎
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Current Heart Level: ♡♡♡♡♡ (0/5)
Last Poll | Masterlist | Image Source
Last week, the winning answer was to kick the medical supplies towards Allister and let him patch himself up. You get two relationship points!! I think I forgot to mention this, but each heart costs five relationship points. The second response would have given one point, and the third one would have given zero points, if you're curious.
Time to pick up where we left off...
CW: passing out, hospitalization, panic attack
“Suit yourself. I won’t come any closer.” You kick the medical supplies towards him and they slide to a stop next to his lap. He looks between you and the box for a minute as if he’s expecting it to explode. Then their brows furrow in confused gratitude. “…Thank you,” he says, but it sounds more like a question. They're still holding the gun on you as they open the box with shaking hands and start looking for what they need. But at least they don’t seem quite as paranoid about your presence.
You watch him sadly. He’s not going to get much done without your help. The blood is draining out of his face. He struggles for a minute, then tips his head back against the window and curses, fighting a wave of wooziness. His gun arm is becoming too heavy. It drops to his side and he starts slumping sideways. You rush forward and catch him before his head can hit the floor. So much for his protests. But at least he felt like he was in control for a moment before passing out.
You manage to slip him out of the building without incident, carrying them down the stairwell while the next wave of guards emerges from the elevator. It’s easy enough to get them back to headquarters, but it was a close call. The medical team confirms that they were only minutes from death when you brought them in.
The first thing to do after he’s stable is embed a tracking chip under his skin, in case he escapes. He looks so innocent with his eyes closed and his flesh covered in bruises, an IV trailing from his arm. It’s difficult to believe that he’s killed almost a hundred people just from the counts your own team knows about. But the fact remains that he’s dangerous.
The wallet in his pocket contains a huge amount of cash and a fake ID that reads “Bruce Silver.” But when he finally wakes up, he gives a different first name – Allister. You tell him yours as well, and apologize for the situation that he find himself in. You also confirm what you had thought - that he goes by he/they. But they won’t give a last name no matter what you try. So you'd better just start your main line of questioning, preferably by making him feel safe enough to talk.
Tagging: @bluelolblue
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veryferaldistributions · 11 months
Why “Some Like it Bot” Hits Differently
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The season 12 finale of “Bob’s Burgers” is a fantastic, Tina-centered two-part episode called “Some Like it Bot.” Most of the episode is comprised of Tina’s “Blade Runner” friend fiction in which she, Jimmy Jr., and Zeke are robots that have to pretend to be human and avoid getting “wiped,” or having their personalities erased. She writes this because she was excited about a new t-shirt she bought that she was eager to show off at school, but that Tammy said on the Wagstaff News was “weird.”
Even in this fantasy world, Tina is a babysitter, and there’s a part where the girl’s mom finds out Tina is a robot and thinks she is “dangerous” and calls the police, despite never having evidence that Tina means the kid any harm. This is a great analogy for how allistic people may view autistic people as potentially harmful.
Towards the end of part one, Tina sings this amazing song called “What if They’re Right.” And for me, and many other neurodivergent viewers, something really hit home about the lyrics. Specifically this one: “Feel’s like something’s wrong with me and they know it/they took one look my way and exposed it.”
Growing up undiagnosed is brutal specifically for this reason. It really does feel like everyone can tell there’s something “wrong” with you except for you. It’s like bullies can smell it. No matter how hard you try to fit in, to wear the right clothes, to say the right things, something never quite clicks. And you end up asking yourself for years and years what that thing could be. And when you finally know, it’s this overwhelming sense of “my god, all those wasted years! Why did I try so hard? Why couldn’t I just be me and know I’d never make them happy no matter what?”
And Tina’s sense of justice in this episode, slightly warped as it may be, just adds to the autism part of her character. We do go too far, we can make split decisions that cost us our jobs, our schooling, even our relationships. And we may think we’re doing the right thing the whole time even when we’re doing something very damaging. But we can still mean well.
I love that the show keeps adding depth and dimensions to these already well-formed characters. This episode felt so raw and personal and real. It’s one of the best Tina episodes, if not THE best Tina episode.
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alliumdykes · 1 year
I don’t like dteam at all either but from my understanding wasn’t the air horn just gnf? He’s the 26 y/o that always acts like a middle schooler.
it’s so funny to me that two years ago I hated gnf but couldn’t really explain why because everyone would tell me I was getting mad at his “autistic traits” whenever I would get annoyed at his whole loud = funny bit. To me he’s the most immature and boring streamer ever who only cares about money idk why he was even in that stream if he didn’t even care.
he has no empathy for anyone at all which I’ve been saying for years but every time I did I got called ableist even though IM AUTISTIC
will never understand why people like watching him besides the fact that people project their gay and autistic tendencies on him and he never apologizes for anything so they can pretend like he’s never done anything wrong
Im Autistic as well and honestly I’ve never seen him have any autistic traits too, plus loud = funny doesn’t seem like autistic humour (to me at least, I cannot stand loud noises)
Plus the no empathy thing is most likely from only allistic fans, I get that as an autistic person who is very empathetic I hate it when we are shown to have no empathy, but dude literally has done so much bullshit to other members on the dsmp (Eret is an example I think of, as well as bee duo with Micheal) when it was still around.
And i think it’s also because he looks physically attractive (short brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, no glasses) in western societies anyways where most George/dteam fans are from. And more attractive you are, the more good of a person you are. This isn’t me bullshitting either, we are more likely to believe a physically attractive person then an ugly person.
I think it’s also because of the kind of culture that dteam fans have, where the dteam can do no wrong and are perfect little angels that can do anything.
Also I wasn’t sure who was doing the airhorns exactly, I’m really bad with loud noises and from what I’ve read people say it was George or George and dream. I was asleep and had things to do so I couldn’t watch any of the streams. Still it doesn’t really matter since it was incredibly disrespectful what he did.
Idk maybe I’m looking too far into this, I never interacted with the dteam side of the dsmp fandom except for when I first joined for like a week. It’s probably just George never realising that he’s no longer twelve and that his actions affect other people too.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Being autistic is weird as fuck, because you’ve never experienced NOT being autistic. Like autism is unfortunately measured by how not allistic we are. Like it’s directly proportional. It’s not autistic people decided that were different and that difference is wrong. But HOW THE FUCK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW WERE DIFFERENT?
I’ve never been anyone but myself. How am I supposed to know that I don’t feel things the same way as everyone else? How am I supposed to know that I talk weird? Like how should I know that I can’t read social cues, if I’m unable to read social cues? Hello? My inability to understand the task, makes me unable to understand that I’m unable to understand the task!
Like to get an official diagnosis you have to rely on the fact that other people looked at you as a kid and went “that’s weird, it’s not supposed to do that!” And then their “cure” is to just tell you “well stop doing that.” Like gee thanks bud, never thought of that. If I could just turn off my autism you think I wouldn’t have tried by now? You’re the reason my autism is even stigmatised in the first place!
My autism specifically comes with the complete inability to introspect. Like so much of my problems as a kid would have been solved if I just realised “oh, this is an autism thing” instead of being like “oh, well I just must suck at everything, and this is how everyone feels, so why am I the only one having a mental breakdown?”
But also phrases like “everyone’s on the spectrum” are so harmful, cause they just aren’t true!!!! When I was having anxiety attacks as a kid, my mom would always say “well everyone has anxiety.” Which made me think I was just weak, when in reality I have a mental illness that had treatment options and I could have gotten help the whole time, if people stoped minimising disorders.
“We’ll everyone’s a little depressed.” No- no they are not. There are people out there that have never experienced having a brain with mental illness. But my brains always been sick, and when you can only view the world from a sick brain, how would you ever know there were healthy brains out there?
Especially since things like mental illness and learning disabilities or physical disabilities are all hush hush. We aren’t supped to talk about them because it’s “inappropriate” somehow. And then they make you feel crazy when you do talk about it. Like parents who beg their kids to “just be normal” THIS IS MY NORMAL!!! I can’t be like you because I’m not you, and I don’t know how to pretend to be. And I shouldn’t have to!
You don’t suddenly become autistic when someone slaps the label on you. Which is why I always respect self diagnosis, because you know you better than anyone else ever could.
Another story to prove my point. Let’s talk about being LGBT on top of that. My entire life I always thought everyone was Bi. Like I assumed everyone just happened to end up in straight relationships, because how could people not think boys and girls are both pretty? I had no reference to know otherwise.
And after that, I assumed everyone was asexual. I didn’t have a term for it at the time, but I genuinely though everyone was joking about enjoying sex or being horny. Because I’d never experienced those things before, I couldn’t fathom what they were meant to feel like. And if I didn’t feel it as a “normal” human, everyone must just be playing an inside joke I don’t understand right?
But if I just had labels when I was young, I would have understood these things. People who ask “why would you want to diagnose your kid, they’re so young?” Or parents who withhold a diagnosis cause you think if you ignore it, your kid will be “normal” somehow. That’s not how it works. A diagnosis or label can make the world less scary, and often times it can bring you to people who can help you navigate the world. Instead of trying to force you to see it through their eyes.
Autism isn’t dirty. Mental illness isn’t dirty. Disabilities aren’t dirty. And being LGBTQ isn’t dirty!
Children of all ages should have access to knowledge of these things. Because to the people who are part of these groups, labels and information are vital. They’re a huge part of who we are and they aren’t going to go away just because you don’t want to say the words.
Children should have access to knowledge about how their bodies and brains function. This would help kids feel less ostracised and alone, and prevent a lot of pain and trauma in the world.
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soupbabe · 1 year
Could I request Viviano Westwood and Thunder McQueen (either poly or separate I don’t mind!) with a chubby autistic male reader please?
I’ve been having a bad time at work with sensory overload and communication issues :,) I just need a big jojo mans to validate me lmao
(also I love your plus-sized reader content SO MUCH ❤️)
Poly!Thunder McQueen and Viviano Westwood with a Chubby! Autistic! Boyfriend
ANON ILY !! I've been wanting to write for McQueen for a while, thank you!! Especially w a fat reader 😭💕💕
- My first thought was them both prioritizing communication cards !!
- If you are or tend to go non verbal, these are absolute life savers for them
- Both men can get pretty anxious when you don't talk and having blunt, but effective cards to show them can ease Viviano's and then eventually McQueen's worries about your well-being
- You all are very attentive to each other's needs please don't ever be shy in telling them if you're not feeling okay
- Viviano the kind of guy to see that you're overstimulated in a public space and start yelling at everyone to shut up so his boyfriend can have some peace and quiet 😭 /hj
- He means well but he's very loud and does not think
- I do think that McQueen and you share stim toys
- I think he knows his luck and overprepares when going out, so in case you forget something he always has an extra pair of headphones or something to help you self soothe
- Wait wait head empty only thinking about a bf pile
- Ugh the pressure <33 like two big n stupid weighted blankets <33
- I just know they want to be as close to you as you allow them to be, they love feeling how soft you are omg
- McQueen loves your chest sm, "world Harsh and cold bf chest soft and warm kind" of thing
- Viviano is pretty much the same, but he's a bit embarrassed about it. He's never been too good at communicating his wants so he just likes to keep his arms around you, maybe give you a lil squeeze, and hope you don't say anything
- tbh I think all 3 of you have big staring problems
- While you and McQueen have trouble making direct eye contact, Viviano will pierce into your soul and mean nothing of it
- He'd be so hard to read because you think you accidentally made him mad, his face gives you no hints, but he just think you look good today and he can't help but stare
- McQueen too because he's just so emotional- he might need something to help communicate too because it's hard to decipher happy tears from ones of distress
- tbh I think this post is a long way of me saying that there's something neurodivergent about everyone in this group
- seriously there's not a single allistic man in here
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bloodheartz · 2 years
Misc. Medic TF2 Headcanon Post
Because I have so many opinions on this silly silly man.
Just heads up I’m not going to be sharing any of my more serious headcanons in this post ^^
Narcissist who experiences mild psychotic delusions and before you say anything I have NPD and experience delusions, this isn’t me stereotyping him because he’s a mad scientist it’s me projecting onto a middle aged man.
Now for an actual explanation I think we can all agree there’s more than enough evidence that Medic has a strong god complex. That doesn’t inherently make him a Narcissist but that as well as his personality and how he interacts with the other mercs is what swayed me.
His internal thought process, especially during battle greatly reflects this. His role in the fight is not to serve and tend to your needs, your role is to protect and serve his current goals. And yes he is very vocal about what he believes your priorities are and how bad of a job he thinks you’re doing. Gets himself in a twist whenever anyone disagrees with his vision on what the team should be tactically be doing.
As for the delusions it’s like 90% me projecting sorry bout that I don’t really have an explanations.
Also autistic king, look at that man and tell me he’s allistic. You can’t. First thing he did after bringing a man back to life was infodump to him about his great achievements. Autistic Narcissist Icon.
Okay now onto completely random headcanons that bounce around in my brain live a DVD player logo
Despite being a muscular 6ft tall man and fall and winter being his favorite time of the year, he cannot stand the cold at all. It gets a little chilly outside and he’s bundled up like he’s gone mountain climbing.
Also generally runs cold, and that (along with just wanting to dress professionally) is why he wears so many layers regularly
Casually I one hundred percent believe he’s a button ups and sweaters/sweater vests guy. He has a bunch of fun collar clips to go with his outfits though, like a wing design, maybe a few with human organ designs.
Also think he enjoys some leather clothing, specifically jackets, boots, and maybe certain types of hats (specifically Scally Caps and Searchers). I could go more into depth on this but that’s for another post ;)
Enjoys drinking, especially beer. That being said he cannot hold his drinks easily. He’ll be one pint in and as drunk as Demo. When the team goes out for drinks they have to deal with him being a giggly mess over half the time.
Spends a lot of his free time with Heavy. Usually quietly reading together in the common area sharing thoughts on their book of choice, playing chess, or even just having gentle conversation, even if sometimes the gentle conversation is in the middle of some ludicrous invasive procedure.
Also cooking and baking for the team together, though that’s less often.
He loves his doves so so so so much you guys. He lets them free roam around the infirmary, and sometimes takes some of them to the common areas on base. He could tell stories about them, rant about proper caring techniques, and just share general information on doves and pigeons for hours, wether asked or not.
Archimedes is his favorite though he’d never admit that out loud.
Oops now I have archimedes on the brain alright bonus archimedes headcanon tangent
He is a horrible horrible little bird (affectionate)
Very territorial and just a very “attitudy” bird. The kind of pet that acts like the world is ending the moment you stop showering them with attention and affection.
Very curious about whatever procedure Medic is doing. “Oh you’re looking inside this person? I better hop in there too!”
Ludwig is of course his favorite person, but I think he would like Misha a lot as well. Flying over the land on his head or shoulder whenever he comes into the infirmary.
He pecks though. The only way he greets people he likes is by a strong strike from his beak.
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ravenousnightwind · 1 year
The illusion is that "I'm better than this, I can get better". While things can improve, if you have depression, it doesn't just go away. It doesn't just get better because you try harder. People used to tell me "if you just tried I know you could do better" or "you need to try harder, believe in yourself" people said this, to me, a then 8-12 year old who had zero idea of what was going on. Zero understanding about what depression or adhd or autism even is/was
(To be fair, back in the 90s there wasn't as much info, but it's no excuse to be cruel. I wouldn't count this as cruel exactly but a lot of people equate it to being lazy, which it isn't.)
People would ask me why I didn't want to go to school, and I really didn't know, but looking back I remember how I felt and I can identify what it was now. It was because it was hard to get up, it was hard to do anything. I knew I had a problem, but at that age, I just didn't understand why I couldn't do things. Yet people would physically attack me because I was "being lazy". Like not getting up in time. But of course, when you literally try to pick up an autistic child of that age who doesn't feel well, you're gonna be met with a bad reaction.
It's only now at age 35 that I can identify not just how cruel my parents were but the school officials that literally mentally, emotionally, and even physically abused me. While I did grow up in a better setting than some people I've met or known, it was the one area in which my parents failed me. They didn't know why, just as I didn't know, but it's hard to..forgive it, because I feel like I would have made a different choice.
It wasn't that my parents didn't try to understand, but it was that they made choices that were just less cruel than what the school officials did to me. It set me back as a person. It stopped me from living what allistic and non-disabled people call a "normal life". Secretly unbeknownst to me. My entire family didn't believe that I could actually take care of myself. It was only after I moved that they saw what I was capable of. They literally told me this was the case after the fact, and it hurt me, because they told me all those years to believe in myself..but they...didn't even believe in me!!!!!
All those years I hated myself, I literally believed I was nothing and worthless. That I was a burden, that I was just bad. Even the school counselor told my mom that I was a bad student!!!!! Like..just because I couldn't do work, or because I..had problems. And..even though I'm passed all that now, it's still there. The pain sometimes rushes back in and I feel it all over again.
But you know...I say to all you right now who have read this far. Never give up on yourself. Never let anyone tell you you're bad or evil. To deal with what you, what we have to deal with. It isn't easy. They can't understand the weight of what we have to carry every single day of our lives. So I say, you're not lazy, you're not a burden, you're not bad. We're just people with problems. It's okay to have problems. It isn't our fault. We never chose this life.
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aeide-thea · 2 years
god that one poll that's like 'what do you call your mother's friends' and every time i see it i'm just like. sitting! on! my hands! bc i am Not the Target Audience for that post in so many ways lol…
like 'well, nothing now bc she's dead, where's the Dead Mother option in yr poll, but also even before she was dead she had no friends bc my parents both just absolutely retreated into the toxic claustrophobic bubble of our little family when they became parents, as far as i can tell, and gave up on socializing outside it! so i've literally never needed any language to describe 'my parents' friends' bc that isn't a category that's ever been part of my life!'
which is like. upsetting to say because we jump so quickly to equating 'no friends' with 'unpleasant loser' and while my mother was frequently very unpleasant to me, cf many past entries on this blog, she was in fact capable of being really enthusiastic and charming! it's pretty clearly where i get my own capacity for that from (insofar as it hasn't totally atrophied lol), which is ironic bc she did so much to smother it in me! so she absolutely could have had friends, is the thing, she was just too depressed &c to either maintain the ones she'd had when she was younger or cultivate new ones. which i have enormous sympathy for, for obvious reasons! so i hate to be like 'she had no friends' bc it feels like a really unsympathetic reductive summation of a life that was bookended by real suffering and suffused with it too. but. on a factual level it's true. :/
so—i don't know what i'd call parents' friends, because the situation never arose! but frankly i suspect it would be exactly the same as friends' parents, namely: you do your desperate best to avoid ever having to address them at all, which is not actually ime all that hard? (assuming everyone involved is sighted and possibly also allistic, that is, because eye contact, or at least 'who your face is turned towards when you're speaking,' is a major factor in making this strategy work.)
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cheemken · 1 year
Where do each of the champions go after Diantha disappears? Do they go to their leagues and discuss what happened? And how to protect their regions if Diantha ever comes there. Or do they just hide from the public
But what about the champions on Diantha side? I imagine if they ever go back to their leagues then they’re gonna threaten the gym leaders and elite fours. That if they don’t stay on their side than they’d face a worse consequence than death. Or maybe they don’t want to go to hard so they threatened to have their lives ruined if they betray them
But like uygnhh Lance, Iris, and Hau have family in their leagues. I don’t think Clair, Drayden, or Hala would take well to being threatened, so they’ll try argue back or reason with their champions only for them to let out one of their Pokémon who quickly attacks, not enough to kill but it definitely injured them well. Seeing their champion attack family would definitely show the rest of the league that they aren’t joking around
One more thing I wanted to ask, do you think the leagues, or at least the family members, would realize or suspect that Geeta/Lance/Iris/Hau is being manipulated and/or brainwashed by Diantha? Like they know that a strong enough Gardevoir can manipulate emotions? Or do they just think that this is a side of their champions that they’ve never seen
The champions did head back to their own respective region, Leon especially became so paranoid he discussed matters abt it w his own League. But I also wanna say that even his Gym Leaders start to low-key question him, not really saying it to his face y'know just being quiet when he talks, bc ofc, Dia was right, Rose did threaten them. Raihan got threatened the most, and Nessa knows how much Rose threatened Sonia to the point she gave up on the gym challenge in fear of being killed. I want Bea to be protective of Allister too, Leon would ask where the Ghost Gym Leader is, and Bea would just tell him he's at home, he may be Gym Leader, but he's still a child. Leon insists that next time Allister joins their meeting, he doesn't care if he's a child, he's a Gym Leader, it's still his responsibility.
Idk if the others would be that paranoid, I wanna say that maybe Steven kinda is, but he believes Wallace so much when he says that there's smth in Diantha that can still be saved, and Steven isn't one for giving up on his friends, especially since that friend also helped him out at one point and gave him Metagross' mega stone. But the two did became a bit more cautious, in case that uproar would encourage more fights and an actual war
Idt they'd stay out of the public, especially now since there are actually people on Diantha's side of the argument, justifying her actions too. I wanna say that the champions who were loyal to her were helping them justify those actions too, and told them that Diantha could still be saved, that maybe they should also help each other out on purging all the evil of their world
And just cbdmnd man idk I really don't think Hau would attack, neither would Iris, since the entirety of the Unova League is kinda like her family. Geeta I believe would just threaten, but y'know she does care abt her league, and her voice is too weak and too tired to be considered as an actual threat. Lance tho? Lance will kill. Like this mfer had his Dragonite Hyper Beam someone, and he will do it again, no matter who's at the receiving end.
Can you imagine the parallels between Lance/Clair and Diantha/Augustine tho😭
Lance is there glaring at Clair, his Dragonite right beside him, and Clair glares back, her own Kingdra preparing to battle.
"This is my last warning, Clair."
"So, it's okay for you to hurt others and none of us can ever question it?"
"You told me you weren't like the elders, Lance."
"I'm not."
"Hah! Right, you're so much worse."
God that low-key fucks me up hahaha
But y'know, idt Lance would attack Clair, more like get pissed at her more and threaten her to retire her of her E4 duties (since Clair is one of Lance's E4 in my hcs, and Silver's the one in charge of Blackthorn's Gym) and he'd take her pokemon away. But Clair thinks that's all a bluff, and just left to head back to Blackthorn. The other members of the league do follow Lance, Clair just kept quiet now, if Lance won't listen to her then so be it, whatever happens will happen, and she's just gonna accept and watch that shit show go down. Will she join a side? Perhaps, maybe Diantha would convince her to join Lance, or maybe... Clair would see that Lance is right, and Diantha's cause was right too, that it really would be better to rid the world of all things evil. It would be nice, recreating a world, reliving her life, but this time around no one would be there to tell her everyday just how much of a disappointment she is
As for the family members,,, Drayden and Hala did think abt the kids being controlled by Diantha, Hala believes it. Hala believes that it's bc of Diantha Hau is acting strange, the boy would always say how he'd like to be in Kalos w her. Hala's not sure why, but even back then he didn't trust Diantha that much, or maybe that was his own envy over the fact that she could somehow make Hau happy, more than he ever could. Drayden doubts it a bit bc he had met Diantha before, and the Kalos Champion was so nice and kind and so caring to Iris. And even from the stories Iris tells him, she could ask for anything she ever wanted, and Dia would be happy to give it to her, Diantha even gave her a Goomy egg, since she knows how much Iris loves Dragons. So for Drayden it was,,, something,,, he does think maybe Diantha's just controlling the kids, but he also thinks that Gardevoir's or maybe even Yveltal's influence made Diantha like that
Geeta's league fully fucking believes Diantha controls her. They already know just how loyal Geeta is to Diantha, she wouldn't even question her no matter what, and that's one of the downsides of their own Champion. And maybe they think it's their fault too, Diantha showed Geeta kindness when they were still young, until now, accepted her despite how eccentric she was, despite the fact Geeta can't feel anything that much, and maybe if the Paldea League did just that too, maybe Geeta wouldn't have been easily manipulated.
Lance tho? His own League knows how hard he can get, he's always driven by his own beliefs and conviction, they don't think it's Diantha's influence, rather they believe that Lance finally snapped or maybe he thinks this is a mission he should finish, and Arceus above knows how fucked up he can get just to finish a mission he had set for himself. That fight w Rocket was actually really bloody, the news just won't tell you that. Some do believe Diantha had some sort of influence on him, but that was overridden considering that Lance was already brutal when it comes to criminals or just anyone who goes against him, even before he met Diantha.
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straightlightyagami · 2 years
Really shouldn't HC Light as autistic.
I will assume this is in good faith and answer it in that manner. So I think there are two possibilities for what this is saying and I will address both:
“This headcanon makes no sense or is not supported by canon.” To each their own! I said it in a kind of jokey way, but I personally do think you could do an interesting reading of DN as a story about autism/neurodivergence. This does not mean it is “correct”; often times in media analysis there are conflicting readings that you can get different things out of and that is ok (for another example in Death Note, see discussion of religious themes in the text. I personally do not think Christianity is the best way of viewing the text, but my mutual made some good arguments for a biblical reading).
“This is harmful to autistic people.” Well, I am autistic, and I think we face much greater issues in society than what characters people hc as autistic. I don’t care what characters people hc as autistic, if they are not being ableist (for example discussing autistic people in an infantilizing or dehumanizing way) it does not matter. I think media representation is important, but what that means to me is that there should be different types of canonically autistic characters in media and they should be treated with the same depth that the other characters are. This is important both for allistics to understand that we are different and for autistic people to feel represented (often times this is actually why people hc characters as autistic or whatever else). I’m guessing you mean this is bad representation, but like, most of the characters in DN are kind of shitty by some metric. I don’t think DN is about morality, like it represents a pretty nihilist view of the world, but by most standards it would be hard to argue that Light is a lot worse than L (or worse than say Misa).
by the way, don’t take this as invitation to involve me in all tumblr discourse. If I say something bad, let me know and tell me what I did wrong so I can do better or we can have a normal conversation, but I am in this fandom and analyze stuff for fun, so just keep it in mind.
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