#i frustrate myself so fucking much gd
arrow-guy · 2 years
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
the thing is i have always been the type to get very Frustrated when i repeatedly am not able to do something and get ery Worked Up About It in the process. and also the type to get really embarrassed when i'm visibly struggling in front of other people, which only makes me more frustrated and worked up etc. so uh. rehearsal was not. great for me tonight
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animazed · 8 months
k this may be the withdrawal irritation talking, but literally I need to just channel my aggravation towards yehudit and her failings and just apply them to myself next time I need to do something
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hinamie · 7 days
ok i have composed myself i have transcribed the lyrics for wish you were here as best as i could. i am going to listen to this and only this until i lose interest or the ability to hear, whichever happens first
this song is SUCH a bop the soft guitar intro in2 the main beat is so good but can we TALK . about how . HE STARTS IT WITH A "MWAH" WHAT A FUCKING ICON I LOVE HIM I LOVE THEMMMMM the percussion is so good i love the soft offbeat claps in th bg they add such a nice lil pep n especially in verse 2 after "love you even if you hate my guts" they add like 4 extra clap beats and i am !!!!!!! ASCENDING
verse 1 is iconic i love the line "pack up my head might mail it back to your house" its so fucking funny it reminds me of that post thts like "i didn't know how to deal with the fact that i had a crush so i wrote her a note that said get out of my school" . but listenok listen. verse 2 is the one they posted a snippet of last year and first of all i love the electric-y/tv-turning off/guitar slide/quiet video game laser effect as the vocals start it makes my brain buzz aNYWAY this verse is my favourite between the two and has absolutely s tier lines such as "as long as you think of me I don't care what" and "love you even if you hate my guts" PLUS the lil clappy bits i mentioned they r so GOOD. not to mention his voice pls.,,, he sounds so good when he belts,,, his voice has a slight rasp to it that they lean into with the slightly muffled old speaker sound god he sounds so good all the TIME his vocals are so clear when he hangs on the words "singing" and "myself" into the chorus PLS. also the bg vocal 'a t-t-t-touch too sentimental' is so gd CATCHY
speaking of the chorus oh my god the CHORUS. the desperate cry of "don't you miss me? / don't you want me around?" is so devastating and heartfelt head in HANDS also the lyrics . im so excited abt them i cannot put into words how !!!!!!!! they make me just. gestures helplessly
wishful thinking is all that’s holding me down  lost on a blue moon  i wish you were here right now
in chorus 2 especially the way the beat cuts out after "lost on a blue moon" n comes back after "I wish you were here"??? AUDIBLE SEROTONIN TO ME ((plus in the final chorus changing the "lost on a blue moon" to "not like you used to" ??????? OW ???????????? that had a lil kick that got me a bit.. , being stuck with ur own wishful thinking as a stand-in for the physical affection of the person u like,,, ....fushiguro touch starved megu- *is shot dead*)))
HOWEVER the absolute lyrical Backbone of this song is the fucking bridge. i knew it would be i heard the snippet ages ago and i was like holy shit these lyrics go hard what are they from only to b dismayed to find that whatever song they were from did not yet exist. but now it DOES and i can listen to the way the bridge sounds like lights dimming. like headlights passing through a hazy window. it sounds like clouds parting
nobody else in this life or next  will ever have me the way that you do nothing in hell, heaven, earth, or the rest could ever take me away from you
THAT FUCKING EMOTIONAL BOMBSHELL against the original soft guitar from the intro drop the drums just reverb-y lyrics and background vocals and some of the most romantic fucking lyrics i've had the pleasure of reading let alone hearing one of my favourite artists sing.
i am going to once again fuse my fv brainrot with my megumi brainrot. realistically ik this is probably a missing your ex song but i do not care. this is a longing megumi song to me i dont CARE argue with a WALL (said to no one). the verses and chorus are pine-y and a bit snarky n very i like-like you and don't know what to do with how much i miss you. it's wry and frustrated n just tsundere enough but then u get to the bridge n there lies the sheer undying devotION god im unweLL this is all i'm going to listen to. this was worth waiting a year for if this is part of a new album they have in production im actually going to die
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aha-chuu · 1 year
It really frustrates me how HSR chose to dole out information in 1.2. Ofc, mystery is important and good! I don't need to know why Luocha is here or what he's up to, and Blade's past can remain vague rn that's fine.
My issue is Dan Heng/Dan Feng and how poorly they've explained the stakes of that situation.
Like, think about this:
Do Vidyadharas remember their past lives?
If so, how much do they remember?
If not usually, do the elders get that privelage?
If not at all, why are so many characters worried about Dan Heng being a criminal in a past life?
Does Dan Heng specifically remember his past life?
If not, how did he know how to break the seals?
If yes, can he only remember some things?
If he can remember everything, why is he lying about it?
Is he lying??
How do Vidyadhara powers work?
How does Dan Heng have high elder powers if Bailu is the new high elder?
Do the powers usually get passed down through past lives (so Feng -> Heng) or are they picked fresh every hatching rebirth (Feng -> Bailu)?
How did Feng's actions make all vidyadhara weaker?
What were the actual consequences of his actions?
How did Blade stabbing Heng give him the body & powers of Feng but not the memories/personality?
I wanna make it clear: not all of these need answers. But when it's all either poorly explained or straight up unclear, I find myself struggling to care about the dynamics at play. When JY is sad that Heng isn't Feng, should I feel sympathy that he can't let his friend go? Or, like so many characters say, are Heng and Feng much, much closer than Heng ever says? When the Xianzhou characters can't see past the rebirth thing, it implies stuff about the vidyadhara culture that should flip how we see it.
When Heng distances himself from Feng, we don't know if that's a reasonable thing (like, "guy you never met who looks like you committed a crime so ofc you're not responsible"), or if he's being insensitive ("you got blackout drunk and stabbed someone, but you don't remember now so you don't believe you should be held accountable"). There can be a middle ground in there, but what is the morality here? It might be grey, but I could form completely misguided opinions if I consider JY as rude now when Hoyo actually want us to think Heng is the problem.
It's really late but like. I think the 1.2 quest really needed a moment to explain some of the vocab (all that vidyadhara stuff gd) and to outline the characters' understanding of the context. If JY knows that vidyadhara can't remember past lives and knows that Dan Heng is no different, and that he and Feng are essentially different people, then how is any of his behaviour justified? I understand Blade not getting it (he's crazy), but JY is all over the place.
And as I think about it now, Dan Heng must remember being Feng! Like, he opens the seals for one, but he also recognises the Alchemy commission (and that it borders the vidyadhara realm) even though we know he only saw the inside of a cell during his time on the xianzhou as Dan Heng. So if he can remember then he's lying, but that would mean Hoyo really wants us to think he's not and it's like!! This is the sort of thing you kind of need an answer for.
They mention that Feng's rebirth got fucked up. Here's how you deal with confusion while maintaining mystery:
"usually vidyhadara can remember their past lives, but we fucked up this one so idk" "I don't remember" "shit"
"usually vidyhadara can't remember their past lives, but we fucked up this one so idk" "I don't remember" "cool but we can't trust that"
Like, it's also totally likely that this is answered in game. But I've watched multiple playthroughs at this point and most people I've seen don't know what's going on either.
Hoyo dumped a ton of terminology on us, introduced new factions to the enemy roster (and secret behind-the-scenes alliances between pre existing ones) and then said "here's a bunch of lore that the characters will be openly confused and contractadictory about". I'm starting to miss Paimon requiring simple summaries of every lore plot point in order for any dialogue to continue.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
sigh. taps the sign.
you should not shame authors for marketing the representation in their wips in an effort to get their book in front of those who would want and need it most AND marketing your product solely based on checkboxes and tropes your work hits can be frustrating because it prioritizes identity over the actual contents of the story are statements that do coexist
for example (using one of my own wips, jenna the reaper): my book features a teen autistic black ace spec lesbian and her qpr partner/best friend who is an afro brazilian aroace dude. you should read it! buy it right now! (well you can’t cuz i’m not working on it right now but you get the idea).
this information is GREAT to know for people who are black or afrolatino in some way and want to see rep of themselves, GREAT for someone who wants to see ace/aro spec characters take a center stage and see more attention given to a qpr instead of a traditional romance. as far as you can tell this has everything you’re looking for in a story!
but let’s say, you don’t like reading horror. it makes you uncomfortable or squicks you out for some reason. but you pick up jenna the reaper anyway just based on the summation of what Types of characters are in the book.
well, SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER this book is horror!! and now you’ve gone and bought a book you can’t fundamentally enjoy because by me not telling you what the story is ACTUALLY about ON TOP OF what types of characters it represents, it’s left you in the dark and you’re unable to curate your own space!!
i am all for more representation in books. i check of several boxes myself and i want to see more of me in media. every marginalized person does. HOWEVER. THAT. DOES. NOT. MEAN. I. WILL. LIKE. EVERYTHING. THAT. IS. PRESENTED. TO. ME. i don’t care if a book features trans masc mcs. what is it about? i hate coming out stories regardless of what the context is, therefore even if you say oh this mc is a transmasc vampire for instance, if the story is about him coming out i don’t want to read it. it’s my right to be able to curate what media i want to read regardless of how much or how little the representation of myself is. and it’s your right too!! it’s everyone’s right!! the only way that we will get past this issue is to have more queer and marginalized characters in stories generally speaking and to make their identities the cherry on top. if you were to tell me for instance, that you were writing a magical cowboy story where the mcs are forced to face the emotional demons of their past— i’d be into it!! but THEN you add on top of that that the mc is trans masc and the story has nothing to do with him coming out, IM READING IT ALREADY!
marginalized identities should add to a story not be the sole fucking point of the story. that’s why we have this constant media barrage of boring copy paste coming out story after coming out story after oh society treated me bad for my identity or blah blah blah like y’all. Y’ALL. we deserve more media that is fantastical and fun and appeals to anyone’s taste without the gd identity politics being the only thing to give it weight. make complex stories with queer people IN them for fucks sake i’m so TIRED.
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Things that bother me that I don’t bother speaking about
1. Nothing fits me anymore. None of my clothes. Certainly none of my dresses. Nothing. I’ve gained so much weight since December that the $200 dresses I bought for my brothers wedding etc. this year don’t fit and the wedding is next week. I feel disgusting. I don’t take pictures anymore. I rarely ever wear anything but sweatshirts and yoga pants and I can’t buy anything from my favorite store literally ever anymore.
2. Because of the above, it’s taking everything I have in me not to fall back into my 15 year old selfs habit of just ✨not eating✨ but still working out and running miles every other day just to feel like I was skinny enough for it to be acceptable. I think about it every day and quite honestly it’s very hard for me to eat more than one meal without hating myself. Groceries are too expensive to manage an actual diet and be healthy. I have no extra income. It’s hard and frustrating and unhealthy and I’m exhausted and I HATE myself.
3. I spend every single one of my days wondering how my best friend of six years could just leave and not tell me why.
4. I also spend every single day thinking about how I ruined another girls life both entirely on accident and on purpose because even after I found out the truth of things I still pursued. I’m literally the asshole I swore I would never ever be.
5. I wonder all the time if I’m going to wake up one day and be told by my husband that he hates the way I show love and always has and he doesn’t know why he married me (because it happened before) and I don’t think I’ll survive another heartbreak like that
6. I want to do something constructive with my time like a regular yoga class or a gym membership somewhere structured and take care of myself and whatever but I can’t because I am a mom and it’s expensive. I’m lowkey resentful of my fiancé for having jiu jitsu even if he gets paid to do part of it. He gets to fuck off for several hours every week and do what he loves and I just…don’t. Ever. I’m always at work or always a mom and even when I go out with friends etc. I’m still a mom. I have to take the baby everywhere and I’m tired and I just want to exist outside of being depended on literally every second of the day. There is no reprieve.
7. I don’t like one of our dogs.
8. I’m not even sure I want to have any pets ever again after the ones we do have are gone. They’re like kids and some days it takes everything in me to get out of bed and pay attention to them.
9. I quit my job partly for money but mostly because I have a debilitating fear of failure and the moment I started getting micromanaged over missing the expiration on some fruit despite spending an entire day going above and beyond to be as perfect as perfect can be…something shifted and I spent days wanting to throw up over the stress of fucking up again. I can’t do it. I’m also beyond sick of the “social media content” I’m supposed to create EVERY. FCKING. DAY. Work isn’t they interesting and put menu rarely changes. I can’t take 900 pictures of the same damn thing. 3-5 images a day is asinine and I hate myself so why would I post videos of myself doing anything? Look like a gd land 🐋
10. I want to tell a lot of people to stfu up and I literally don’t care when they tell me their problems. Like literally 99.9% of people. I’m so tired of negativity and always having to try to figure out how to respond without sounding disingenuous.
11. I didn’t think I was depressed but nothing is bringing me Joy or has in a long time. I’m simply existing and dealing in a neutral state and idk if that’s testament to the coping skills I learned year ago or if I’m just in a weird kind of autopilot. But the more time goes on the more I start to realize I might actually need professional help.
12. I’ve started stuttering and having a harder time getting words out in the last year or so and I wonder if something is amiss. They thought I had a stroke when I was pregnant that was really just a horrible migraine…but what if something is really off?
13. I think I fucked up by not getting my tachycardia meds refilled thinking it was only exacerbated by pregnancy and I’d be fine because I’ve almost passed out several times lately. The cause could also be I’ve gained my baby weight back. It’s stupid and I’m worried. I like that it still beats and I’m alive.
That’s all for now.
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bunnyb34r · 4 years
So instead of doing something destructive but in a healthy way while I watched skating I played Zelda and got to the last dungeon before deciding to quit
I don't even remember who's in first place rn... lmao
#I'll look it up on twitter later but I was so focused on my game that I was like oh yeah skatings on mmm#maimais 49 and 100 almost had to spend digital eternity in Hell but I found them by accident and with the guide but mostly by accident sgsgg#I literally ran into my moms room with my ds to show her that I went back for number 49 and she was like um... what're you showing me? Sgsgs#this'll be the second time finishing LBW and I wanna try hero mode again but oh fuck agsggs#I might just do a third run of the normal mode sgsgsg#oot is looking at me like 🥺 bc I haven't touched it in years but I've played this one so much sgdgdgd and I've been watching oot/mm#randomizers but I won't pick up either to play myself for some reason#even to just mess around in a new save file#marquilla#in oot I stopped at death mountain where you get the hammer bc I got frustrated and mm I uh... I never finished hide and seek AGGSGSSG those#kids are in digital Hell for eternity now sgsgd forever waiting for me to come back#gd it's gotta have been at least 5 years now AGSGSGGS maybe closer to 8? bc I know I got lbw after those two and I KNOW that was in 2014/15#bc junior year that's all I would do in study hall much to the dismay of my teacher agsgdggd this underclassman started bringing his in to#play (idr what games) and she was like '''mmm back on your game boys I see'' and the kid would ALWAYS get irritated and tell her that theyre#3DS-es not gameboys! and it made me laugh bc 1. the gameboy will forever be the best handheld to me and 2. all adults seem to call handhelds#gameboys after a certain age and I find that endearing for some reason
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
repeating myself here i know but everytime i think about dave malloy’s moby dick musical i go a little wild in the brain...genuinely contains some of his best writing imo. like i think the high points of mdamr rival those of octet compositionally and preludes/comet literarily. have you LISTENED to ahab? sermon?? a squeeze of the hand?? plus there’s the variety of the more fun numbers with bosom friend and cetology and stubb kills a whale and the whale as a dish...it’s good writing! it’s good music!! or the numbers that blend drama/emotion with a deceptively sweet tune like shanty and the pacific...and then the serious/dramatic scenes. some of them are fucking gutting, brought to life and emotion even greater than melville’s original prose. whalesong interlude iii/roll on. the pequod meets the rachel (my GD i cannot listen to the pequod meets the rachel without getting weepy. i swear.) but between all the highest highs of the show there’s some deep and utter low points in the writing...i think the script is bloated, the show tries to say too much at once, it’s clumsy and meandering...and ugh, the fedallah monologue...overall the whole product as it is right now makes me so Frustrated cause i see SUCH promise in it (cause there’s So Much there already that’s amazing!!) but the combination of the high points with the lows and all the connective tissue between makes for a messy final product. i really really hope that the show gets revised and revived at some point in the future because i genuinely really want to (and hope to) see it succeed, i think it has something wonderful to offer audiences if it could just find its sea legs (as it were)
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slippery-minghus · 4 years
me: i do not have the energy to do multiple things in one day
dad: have you tried trying harder?
me: yes i have, and when i do i end up in sensory overload
dad: have you tried treating it like anxiety?
me: sensory overload doesn’t work like that
dad: then, have you tried trying harder?
#thank you father you are so helpful#how many times to i have to explain to you that i am disabled#just because you dont understand what it's like for me doesn't mean it isn't real???#ugh he wants to 'keep working with me on this' like bruh#you're not gonna talk me into being able to function without understanding what the issue is#and i'm not gonna TELL you what the issue is bc it's none of your gd business#i'm an adult and can manage this on my own thank you very much#i dont need a parent constantly watching over my shoulder#and certainly not one who couldn't be bothered to even treat me like a human being as a child#he's just so fucking abrasive and part of what's been stressing me out so much is dealing with HIM on the regular#but i cant exactly tell him that and i'm no good at talking when i have to deal with him#i need to work up the courage to tell him to lay off but i dont know that i can do it#it's just a matter of time until unemployment comes through and then i can go back to normal#and i mean yeah it is frustrating to struggle with doing things as much as i do but there's nothing i can really think of to change that??#antidepressants have never increased my energy and when i was working it wasn't much different#and with his fucking rhetoric it's even harder to accept that this may just be my reality#that the way i am wired really does mean this is my limit and i'm not just ~trying hard enough~#and i start to doubt myself bc maybe it is just a self fulfilling prophecy and i could do more things without ending up in meltdown#but then i look at last night where i went from 100% fine to a meltdown that left me too exhausted to even watch tv#maybe someday i'll find a way to be able to find a balance i'm happy with but that will be on my own terms#and goddamnit my life has been so hard#and i'm only just starting to understand how my brain works OFC i'm struggling with what i can and cant do#and fuck it. maybe i never will be able to do much more than i can now. maybe i will be exhausted forever.#but that's the life i have and i'll make the most of it#personal
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gothreigen · 5 years
luv... that dont make no cents....x
#not to sound like a hermit but i really wish i could just live in the woods all by myself#grow strawberrys and flowers and just not have to talk to people unless i want to#and i do want to! im not like anti-social i just have boundaries u know??? and like...jesus#every day i dream of people who knock on my door before entering. where are you all#the only reason i would want to date is so people would stop just running into my room at breakneck speed but rlly wed just be painting#each others nails. gd its just so frustrating i feel like i had more autonomy as a 15 yr old girl like wtf#me: oh remember a time your parents would knock before they came in? when you could tell them when they were being shitty? god what a dream#the only think that's changed is that now they believe im mentally ill and oh they know im trans now lol#ok. i think it's actually time to accept that my situation isn't actually great lol.#just because i get £20 a week doesn't mean im living the high life i guess#and doesn't mean i have to put up with#constantly feeling like im on the edge of being shouted at or having ultimatums thrown at me#and i know im not fucking crazy bc my brother is mad at it as well#sigh ok. well whatever#parents: stay at home so u can recover#also parents: im going to make your life a nightmare and trigger ur anxiety/etc in every single way possible. just fucking watch#literally they just feel like the biggest roadblock to me getting better right now they stress me out so much and im just rlly upset rn but#also i feel so dumb for it??? like they can b nice and they do do nice things sometimes and like they're paying for me to learn to drive and#stuff like that?? but the more i think of it the more im like the nice things are monetary things i dont care abt just feel guilty abt#and the second they're mad at me it's like *gone*#like my dad rlly upset me today bc he was shouting at me abt money while i was on the phone with my granddad and then later he was like#[about a related topic] oh well i have to pay for everything dont i! and i just feel like absolute crap about that#i need to move out. but i need to not be so anxious so i can actually get a job. but my parents are a big source of my anxiety.#so i need to get away from them. so i need to move out. rinse and repeat#sorry if u read to the end but i just feel so frustrated and hopeless rn
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forgive-the-sea · 2 years
why is my life so complicated?
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boognish-worshipper · 3 years
Sunrise, Sunset
switching it up with a franklin and lamar centered fic (not exactly as a ship buuut more or less some one sided feelings?) jus a silly little idea i had that was originally gonna be a one shot sorta thing or whatever,, changed my mind tho n i’m jus gonna split it up, this is part one !!
i feel like lamar would be very oblivious about his feelings towards frank tbh LMFAOOO
Lamar and Franklin sometimes drove out to the highest point in Los Santos to watch the sunrise. Well, more Lamar than Franklin, seeing as Franklin preferred to sleep in. He often dragged him out of bed to go take Chop out and see the sun peak up from the horizon, lighting the city up with natural reds and yellows.
“C’mon you lazy fuck, we gon’ miss it!”
“Lamar, the sun rises every fuckin’ day! Trust me, it’ll be there tomorrow.”
“You jus’ a lazy bum who don’t wanna get his lazy bum ass outta bed. Man get up already!”
Chop barked, and Lamar nodded to him.
“Yeah, you right Chop. This muhfucker don’t wanna budge, huh? Don’t even wanna take his precious dog for a walk. You oughta be ashamed of yoself Frank.”
“Chop wasn’t even my dog to begin with!”
“Man fuck you, you became co-parent of him when you had to take him in!”
Franklin could only groan into his pillow, missing the blissful sleep he had been shaken awake from.
“Just go away Lamar! Damn!”
He felt the taller man looming over him, grabbing his shoulders to shake him further awake.
“We’re running outta time, fool. C’mon, I’ll let you ride shotgun this time.”
Chop barked in protest.
“Chop, it’s the only way we might get him out the house.”
Accepting that arguing would get him nowhere, Franklin sat up right, glaring at Lamar.
“For fucks sake man, fine. I’ll go. Jus’ lemme throw on some clothes that ain’t the shit I wore to bed.”
Lamar grinned widely at him.
“Fuck yeah! Chop, let’s go wait in the car.”
The small dog trotted not too far behind Lamar’s long legs. Franklin wondered what force he disturbed that landed him in this position. He sighed, knowing that he wasn’t exactly a saint, so there wasn’t much to wonder at all. If this was his punishment then so be it. The car ride wasn’t too long, especially not after Franklin moving out of Strawberry to Vinewood Hills, making it easier for them to get there. Minimal traffic because of how early it was helped too. Lamar never dropped his grin, just happy to do his favorite thing with his favorite person. Who wouldn’t love watching the sunrise with their best friend? Especially seeing the way the sun lit his face up, a delicate smile on his face seeing an excellent sunrise and- Woah. Where’d that come from? Lamar figured it was just his excitement to see a particularly gorgeous sunrise, using that as an excuse for the feeling that sat in his gut. As soon as they pulled up to the spot, he bounced out of his seat, keeping the door open for Chop.
“We here homie!”
“Mhm.. so where the fuck’s the sunrise?”
“Patience Frank, patience.”
“But you jus’ fuckin’ bitched at me for the last half hour about how we was gon’ miss it! Fuck you mean patience?!”
“It’s coming! Don’t ruin a moment that’s gon’ be special, F.”
He grunted in Lamar’s direction, turning around to go play with Chop for the time being. The sunrise crept up, a ray of sunlight hitting Lamar in the eye. He blocked the light with his hand, hitting Franklin with his free one.
“Ay Frank, look!”
The sunrise that crawled up from the depths of the horizon shone in glimmers of gold and pretty shades of orange. Lamar smiled again.
“Man.. look at that. It’s beautiful ain’t it-“ He turned to face Franklin, who was caught in a trance. The sun hit his face just right, and he looked incredible. Like some sort of focused statue or whatever. It was alright to admire your homies like that, right? Nothin’ wrong with admiring a dude. Franklin turned back to answer him.
“Yeah, it sure is.. you good man?”
Lamar coughed slightly, shifting his weight onto one of his feet.
“Uh.. yeah man, just thought I saw a bug crawling on yo face or sum’. But damn, I’m glad we caught this.”
“Me too. But I’m still pissed you dragged me outta bed so fuckin’ early.”
“Man what’d I say? Don’t bitch while we havin’ a moment!”
Franklin only laughed and Lamar felt something in him stir. It was good to hear him laugh.
“So now what?”
“Well, if we leave now by the time we get back into the city some of them diners should be open for breakfast.”
“This early in the day?”
“Believe it or not Frank but the rest of society does their shit earlier than you. So ya, people eat this early.”
They went back to the car, with Chop riding shotgun this time. Franklin wanted to rest his eyes until they got to whatever food place Lamar was taking them to, earning a snarky comment from him. Lamar wanted to pick a decent place to eat and eventually settled on an old diner they went to as kids. He poked Franklin, reanimating him back to life.
“Look where we at dog.”
“Ohh shit, this that diner we used to go to after school everyday! It’s still in business?”
“Guess so man. Let’s go!”
“Wait! What about Chop?”
Shit. Right. Chop looked at the two men, tilting his head sadly.
“You wanna jus’ bring the food back to yo crib?”
“Eh fuck it. Why not.”
They decided on some basic breakfast food and brought it back to Franklin’s place. The big windows in his kitchen would illuminate the room well enough, and Lamar could value the view from there.
“So tell me Lamar, why’s it you only wanna go see the sunrise? You never mention watchin’ the sunset dog.”
“Ion really know myself homie. One day I just started gettin’ up early wit’ Chop to go walkin’ n shit.”
“Can we watch the sunset sometime then? I am tired of gettin’ up at the asscrack of dawn.”
“That’s cuz you ain’t get yo 9 hours dog.”
“Man, shut the fuck up. Who the hell gets 9 hours at our age? Bozo.”
“I’m just sayin’ maybe if you got some normal sleep for fuckin’ once you wouldn’t be such a GD grouch.”
“Whatever you say bro.”
The two finished their food in comfortable silence, with Franklin scolding Lamar at least once or twice for feeding Chop table scraps.
“So whatchu wanna do now?”
“We could always go catch a movie or sum’, maybe go see that Meltdown movie ya boy Mike was talkin’ ‘bout.”
“Yeah, I never did get the chance to go see it, with all the chaotic bullshit goin’ on.”
They left Chop at home after a long goodbye from Lamar, telling him that as soon as they got back that he would get all the treats in the world and all that other mushy shit. Franklin mocked the high-pitched voice he used to speak to Chop, earning a smack in the arm from Lamar.
They arrived for a matinee showing at the the theater closest to Franklin’s house, getting a bunch of complimentary snacks and some drinks. The movie was awful, but in a way that it was enjoyable to watch. A movie so bad it was good. Franklin kept leaning in to whisper to Lamar how corny the whole thing was, saying that it was definitely right up Michael’s alley. He ignored the closeness between him and his friend as best as he could, but he still shuffled in his seat awkwardly.
“Hey uh, Frank. I’mma go to the bathroom real quick, stretch my legs n shit.”
“Aight, see you in a minute homie.”
His walk to the bathroom felt stagnant, and when he got there all he could do was look at himself in the mirror. What the fuck was his problem right now?
“Get it the fuck together LD. It’s just Frank, it’s nothing weird. Chill out.” He spoke aloud to himself.
He splashed water in his face and walked back to the room showing Meltdown. The movie was almost over and Franklin didn’t make anymore comments. Lamar sighed inwardly, just wanting to get out of there already, despite the whole going-to-see-a-movie thing being his idea to begin with. He didn’t know why he was feeling the way he did right now, and he didn’t know how to make it go away. Franklin leaned over to whisper in his ear once more, sending a chill down Lamar’s spine.
“Dog, this movie sucks and it’s almost over anyway, you wanna just get out of here?”
“Uh.. yeah, yeah. Chop’s prolly missin’ us right now anyway.”
Lamar drove them back this time, driving a lot faster than he should’ve been.
“Woah, homie slow down! What’s the fuckin’ rush for?!”
“I jus’.. Ion know I’m not feelin’ too hot right now and I really jus’ wanna get back to yo place. Maybe lie down or sum’..”
“That ain’t gon’ happen if we get in a fuckin’ car wreck though!”
He slowed it down a bit hearing Franklin’s concerned tone, frustrated by that feeling again. It was like an itch he couldn’t scratch. They pulled up into Frank’s driveway, Lamar nearly knocking over his recycling can, earning another disgruntled comment from Franklin.
“You been actin’ so weird bro, what’s goin’ on?”
“I honestly don’t know. Maybe the food we had jus’ not sittin’ right wit’ me.”
“Well, like you said go lie down or sum’. You wanna sleep in my bed for now? I’ll go take care of Chop or-“
“Uh sure, aight. I’mma go.. do that.”
Franklin looked at him like he had two heads, lifting a brow up in suspicion.
“Aight then, holla at me when you feel somewhat better.”
Lamar basically ran down the stairs to Franklin’s room, closing the door tight behind him. He slid down the door, looking straight ahead. Why did he feel so- so weird right now? He had a pleasant day overall with his best friend, what could possibly be bothering him?? He tossed his head back, making a small thud sound against the door. Groaning out loud, he did a walkthrough of today. He drove to Franklin’s, wanting to see the sunrise. Nothing unusual, this was a common thing they did. The sunrise was pretty, and lit everything up wonderfully. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. Franklin wasn’t entirely a buzzkill when they made it there, if anything he looked tranquil, the sun making his brown eyes glow. Then what? They got food, which tasted just like how he remembered from when Frank and him were just teens. Went to a movie which they basically talked the whole way through, Franklin continuously whispering in his ear. His voice so low and close made him feel hot all over, but it was just because whispering was like that no matter who was doing it. So what the hell was his problem right now? He must not have noticed how long he was in there, because he heard a light tap at the door.
“Lamar? You good homie?”
He rushed to stand up, pretending like he just woke from a short nap.
“Uh, yeah dog, doin’ just fine. Think layin’ down helped.”
“Good. You want me to take you home or do you wanna stay here?”
Part of Lamar wanted to stay just to be around Franklin a little while longer. The other part of him wanted to run right out the door. He thought it over, and figured he might need time to himself. He didn’t think he had it in him to be around Franklin after such a strange day. At least, a strange day for him. Franklin was thankful for the fact they had one normal day to hangout without shenanigans on Lamar’s part… besides the way he had been acting up to now.
“I think I’mma jus’ head back.”
“Aight then.”
The car ride back was silent. Lamar felt like the air was suffocating him, like any minute he’d pass out. He shifted in his seat to look out the window, familiar streets coming up. He didn’t want to look at Franklin for some reason, turning away from him.
“Hey, we here.”
He sat up, getting ready to get out of the car, until Franklin grabbed his wrist. Lamar felt like he was burning him with the contact.
“Ay man, what the fuck’s your problem today?”
“I already told you, it was the food or sum’, chill out dog.”
He loosened his grip, looking unsatisfied with his answer.
“Man fine, but if you hidin’ somethin’ from me I wanna fuckin’ know.”
“I’m not, I promise you.”
“You better not be, you mysterious bitch. Remember, you dragged me out of bed to hangout today.”
He winced, feeling guilty somehow.
“Yeah F, I know.”
Lamar looked back at his house, not wanting to get caught in Franklin’s death stare.
“I’ll see ya later or sum’ Frank.”
“See ya homie.”
He turned back, watching Franklin drive away. Torn between a relieved mood, and a pang of loneliness. As he walked inside his house, he slammed the door in frustration. Franklin and him were on the same page- he didn’t know why he was acting the way he was. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he went to a last resort to get an idea of something. That stupid psychic shoutout website that was growing in popularity. At least it was free.
Hello. What brings you to Miss Marcy’s site?
fuck you think, lady. help me out here
What with?
some fuckin explanation for why i feel weird rn
Were you just with a friend?
uh yeah
kinda why i’m here to begin with
I see. How close are you to said friend?
well, he like a brother to me ig? idk
never thought 2 deeply abt it.
A family friend? Hmm… I’m seeing the letter F, or T.
damn, you kinda good. it’s f
Wait a minute, I’m getting another letter. L!
yeah! my name starts with l!
You wouldn’t happen to be… I see it now… Lamar?
woah, you really fuckin good lady.
Well, I know I’m a psychic, but I have a feeling I spoke to your friend already.
you did?
Since when did Franklin visit stupid sites like this? He felt a blush creeping onto his face, wondering if Franklin might’ve been in the same boat as him at some point.
Yes. I think I have the answer to your problem, Lamar
anything’ll help
Are you absolutely sure you want to hear it?
When I spoke to your friend, he didn’t seem too pleased with what I had to say.
c’mon lady don’t be a cocktease rn i need help
Well… okay.
You love him.
uh duh
he’s my best friend
why wouldn’t i?
No, I mean
You’re… *in* love with him.
His jaw went slack. He stared blankly at the screen. What?
the fuck?
uh no
ain’t no way.
I’m seeing a long time friendship. Lots of pining.
you ain’t seeing shit lady
u got it wrong
I knew you would say this - you can be mad at me all you want, but think it over
seriously, just think it over.
“Fuck.” He whispered to himself.
He tossed his phone across the room onto his worn down couch. That didn’t solve his problem. If anything, it just made it worse. Love? Franklin? Him? What the fuck was that bitch smoking? He threw his palms over his face, groaning. He didn’t wanna think about what the fuck she meant. Because there was no way in hell he was in love with Frank. He couldn’t be. That was his day one. His best friend. That would be wrong, right? He paced around his living room, mind racing too quick for his liking. That couldn’t be the explanation for today. No way. That’s just ridiculous. There’s no way… no way he-
Then he thought about it. Like, really thought about it. The gears in his head were running at full speed now.
“Oh shit.”
//end of pt 1!!!!! this is already long as is, and i think i’m gonna finish it in another part or so. apologies for any grammatical errors ofc 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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bisluthq · 2 years
Tbh she got a lot of hate for not courting sexual fantasies explicitly. I've seen a lot of men call her names because they were frustrated with how covered up she used to be. Until the red era she wasn't getting male attention that much honestly. Also I don't get why you say Madonna and whore when Madonna was explicitly sexual almost like a whore lol
“the red era she wasn't getting male attention that much honestly” untrue literally Google hug for Taylor and adjoining stuff of straight boy fans - she was more popular tbh before like RED and the dating literally every famous boy. “Also I don't get why you say Madonna and whore when Madonna was explicitly sexual almost like a whore lol” holy shit do u think Madonna only refers to Madonna the pop star? Not Jesus Mary mother of Gd? Bruh fix your brain get offline learn BASIC SHIT like where the name Madonna comes from imagine being this fucking STUPID that Madonna means the pop star and again not like the namesake bro I would genuinely stupid Dobby myself for an hour if I said something this pathetic.
You’re so stupid like it’s made me feel better so thank u.
Like literally Wikipedia could’ve helped u but you said dumb shit instead:
Taylor embodies both the Madonna and the whore hence the obsession.
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dromaeo-sauridae · 3 years
Art ask game. 7 & 9
7: favorite art works of all time excluding your own
THIS ONE WAS HARD AS FUCK BRO. cuz theres so fucking much lmao, here are a few that i could think of off the top of my head/find easily
this one by @/rema-rin. the vibes are amazing and i love the way they did the hair and lighting
this and this by my dad @/moondoodles (his art blog. the first is colored so gd well i can hear the music, the vibes are perfect yk. the second is rendered like a fucking god, the moon looks real, the anatomy is amazing, its just awesome
this one by @/soap-ful. the emotion is all there, the poses the glow its everything. it makes me want to cry
this one by my friend techno @/karda. the colors the shine on his wings the halo its all just INSANE. i come back and look at it all the time i just love it a lot
this by @/samara03. the atmosphere and colors have such a specific feeling, it fuckin hurts bro. i love it.
that got long, jesus. and thats not even everything, its just the things that i could find without having to search for hours, lmao.
9: what are you currently trying to improve
uuuuhhh. everything lol. nah but specifically like. i want to get better at drawing buildings, textures, food, lighting, fur, inanimate objects, clothes… yeah everything actually. i never really get the chance to practice these things since i cant use a computer and my phone is so garbage i cant use IT to draw, so i just kind of…. sketch endlessly. i dont even have a place to set up and finish/color my sketches. so its pretty frustrating. i dont think i’ll ever be good enough for myself tbh
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strvwberryblcnde · 4 years
👫 preston & scout
send a 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons i have about our muses’ relationship.
i cn imagine them somehow being wrangled into babysitting fr her sister bethan one time n.... she has three kids who r all young (like 6, 7 n 7 bc she had twin boys then a girl) n they’re all a handful in their own way. the boys r SO boisterous n loud like they’re truly feral n the girl is very.... like scout bt..... an outspoken n absolutely fearless version...... the only time she’s quiet is when she’s reading a book. anyway. i cn see scout n preston being run RAGGED hving to look after these demons like the boys wld slap mud prints onto the wallpaper..... they’d pull drawers out looking fr their confiscated toys when they misbehaved n cutlery wld crash bc it’d fall on the floor... they’d run away frm the scene of this crime after..... bebe scout wld be like..... UR THE UGLIEST BOYS I’VE EVER KNOWN..... AND I HATE U!!!!! hurling crayons at her brothers fr their mischief... n scout n preston wld have to somehow neutralise all of this chaos. it wld be exhausting. i cn anticipate it mounting frustrations n tensions to the point where scout n preston might even bicker between themselves jst over stupid stuff like scout being like preston u can’t give them chocolate before they’ve had their dinner n preston being like cmon.... let them live a little...... this isn’t a dictatorship... n scout being like do u WANT them to b bouncing off the WALLS???? literally like a married couple.... they’d finally manage to put them to bed in bethan’s room (which ws renovated into a room w three beds fr them to stay in when bethan needs help aka needs scout to babysit) n scout wld usher preston frm the room to let them settle n once she thought he wasn’t watching she’d tuck each in n kiss their heads n be like love u hell spawns. then she’d go dwn n eye preston on the couch frm the doorway like >_> bt still go to get them a beer each..... i cn picture literally by the time she returns frm the kitchen preston being asleep bc the children r relentless.... n even if they’d been bickering a bunch scout wld roll her eyes n kind of smile abt it n swig her beer then put it dwn n grab a blanket n carefully tuck it over him so he didn’t catch a cold in their drafty house w a faulty boiler.......... sickening.
this is related to scout’s nephews n niece again bt in summer they always play in the yard w the hose n i can picture scout n preston having like.... a fight in the morning mayb n her storming dwnstairs n leaving him to get dressed n leave or whatever jst childishly........ n then by the time he got down if it ws summer the kids wld be prancing around outside n shrieking up a storm as scout sat angrily in a fold out chair watching over them........ mayb they’d all b like PRESTON PRESTON STAY N PLAY n he’d be like i’m gna head home............... n they’re like NO PLAY W US PLAY W US n one of the boys even sprays him w the hose. mayb preston wld join in playing w them just picking him up n pretending to fling him around n they’d all be laughing n screaming n scout wld be a tiny bit mellowed by this bt still stubbornly clinging to being mad...... her niece is like SCOUT PLAY WITH US PLAY WITH US n she’s like maybe in a bit. i cn imagine preston spraying her w a little bit of water frm the hose to b childish kind of joining in w the kids being a nuisance n scout being like WTF??????? n then snatching the hose off him n spraying him bk n it just breaking into an all out war where they’re trying to get the hose off each other n both end up soaking wet n she breaks  n laughs n he’s picking her up as the kids all cackle n scream. their fight jst somehow resolved in the space of half an hr when they were jst on the verge of another stupid breakup............. this tumultuous relationship........ no wonder their friends r sick of them.
scout’s dad is...... certainly a character n she hasn’t heard from him in yrs bt he made a big reputation fr himself in town to say the least.... was just in w some rly shady ppl n always fucking everyone over fr his own selfish agenda.... truly jst a liability to b associated w nvm to have as a husband/father so the wilders rly.... went thru it a bit w him. it ws like being buckled into a rollercoaster. nw he’s been gone a few yrs they’ve managed to pick up some of the shrapnel he left behind bt there’s still pieces n tht’s evident in the fact tht every so often guys he used to run w will come knocking trying to shake them dwn fr debts Poppa Wilder still owes them. he’s on the run frm the law nw n they hv no idea where he is bt they still have to deal w these repercussions. anyway. scout is very much like... I Will Deal With Everything In The World On My Own bt with luca in prison, jasper out n about all the time n rarely home sometimes bc he’s a free spirit, her mum working long night shifts n sleeping thru the day n her sister bethan being moved out w kids a lot of the time it’s..... just scout in the house which she wld never admit gets rly lonely after growing up w a big hectic family. i cn imagine one of these guys waiting fr scout after her shift at the diner n just asking her again when he’s gna get his money n her being like fr the last time idk where my waste of space father is!!!!!! n he wouldn’t make a threat or anything bt he knows where they live so tht night i feel like scout wld be kind of nervous n peering out of the curtains a lot jst On Guard in case he shows up to take wht he’s owed by fleecing the place or smthn. mostly paranoia idk if he actually wld bt. scout wld just be kind of scared sleeping there alone n even if she’d wna deal w it on her own i feel like she’d put off contacting preston until pretty late when she’d eventually snap n just be like. can u stay over tonight? n she wouldn’t text it either which is kind of unusual fr her bc she mostly texts bt she’d wna hear his voice to calm her a little i think. again none of this wld b verbalised she wouldn’t even tell him abt this situation bc she tries to be independent as possible n not rely on anyone else fr anything bt......... it would calm her down a lot when he arrived n ws sleeping nxt to her. i feel like his laidback attitude is quite gd for her in tht respect like it has a soothing effect at times..... others perhaps not bt <3 miley cyrus life’s a climb.....
i feel like her ex............. wld not be happy abt scout dating preston. he’s quite a loose canon / volatile character n jst............... scrappy.......... n antagonistic sometimes...... not the worst bt definitely not the best! honestly i feel like if he ever bumped into preston he wld maybe even pick a fight w him except he wouldn’t mention scout he would just act like it wasn’t related bt it Would Be. if preston ws injured in any way via this then i can’t even express hw furious scout wld be she’d actually lose it a bit.... KJGFKHFKGHSFKGHS hell hath no fury like a scout wilder scorned <3 she’d nurse preston better if he had a bust lip or whtever (she’s quite gd at doing these things after yrs of living w reckless brothers who were always getting into fights n also hving a mother who’s in nursing n taught her first aid etc) n she literally wld refuse if he tried to be like i can do this myself she’d b like SIT. DOWN. stomping around the place grabbing her supplies n being so angry until it actually came to like.... dabbing his face where she’d b extremely gentle. stark contrast. she’d keep ranting abt how she was gna confront her ex fr it n even if preston was like just leave it she’d refuse at first then eventually be like ok :) w a tight lipped smile bt. the next day bc she knows where her ex hangs out she’d storm up to him on the street n jst fking RIP him a new one she’d b fully shouting at him unleashing such an ungodly rant w no fks given to who was watching..............if it was in a tv show i’d imagine her rampage all silent as opera music plays over the top n she’s jst yelling in slow motion as a child across the street gasps so loud at the multitude of swear words raining in his direction.... honestly i cn imagine this getting bk to preston w how public it was bt i get the feeling tht even tho he might’ve been like nah leave it he wld find her unbridled wrath funny n know it ws rooted in hw protective she is of those she loves which. as reluctant as she ever likes to admit it definitely includes him at this point.....
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