#i forget if i had a shitpost tag
knamil · 19 hours
This is because of that ace poll (which is a fine poll and I have nothing against it) which proposes that you shouldn't treat ace-spec people like precious babies that are all sex-repulsed and you should ask people if they're ok with risque memes or jokes etc.
I agree! But also...
Could we ask everyone that? please? When I was more active on here with my other art account people would send me links to porn gifs as suggestions for what to draw without asking me and I. did. not. like. that. and it has nothing to do with my sexuality.
I never announced it publicly because I didn't like to draw attention to myself. I'm far enough away from it now to talk about it, but that was a bad time even before all the racists flooded my inbox after that one incident.
Someone asked me to read a fic they wrote inspired by one of my drawings and it was a noncon fic that they insisted wasn't noncon and when I read it sure seemed noncon to me.
I didn't even know that person and the drawing was a face portrait and not suggestive in ANY way and they just hit me with it. And no, they couldn't really force me to read it, but they did kind of guilt me into reading it because "they wrote it for me and they didn't know what to do with it if I didn't read it etc etc." and I am a fucking idiot people pleaser.
Incidentally I won't read 2nd person perspective because of that story. Besides non-con being a completely boring subject matter for me, it was also very poorly written.
Back to the point.
I just feel like the idea that you should check with people before sending them sex-related stuff is for everyone and the idea that it's only wrong if that person doesn't have or want sex is stupid.
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year
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🫡 (wasnt sure abt some of these but. others im v sure abt dmcbdmdj)
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Prism's concept art has been. Deeply on my mind. They had some killer ideas for her and ummm.....sobs in my hands. I love her?
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melanodis · 7 months
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theofreakingbell · 2 years
Hi my name is Jean Jacket Hovery Eldritch Way and I am an animal (that's how I got my name) I am a large flying being with large billowy parts that can fold in or flay out and a big tummy for digesting my food and a lot of people say I look like those creatures from Neon Genesis Evangelion (AN: if u don’t know who they are get da hell out of here!) I also sometimes look like a cloud when I'm just chillin. I'm an alien but I'm not green except for my tummy. I'm often hungry, and I go down to the desert to look for food. I am not a vegetarian (in case you couldn't tell) and eat mostly animals. I love horses and have eaten a lot of them. For example today I was trying to eat another horse someone laid out for me. It was sunny and clear weather outside (good for flying), which I was very happy about. A lot of people stared at me. I ate them.
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rubarb69 · 8 months
Sometimes I wonder why im in such a bad mood, and then I realize... I need to eat food and drink caffeine...
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eldritch-muppetshow · 2 years
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recordkeep-ler 2: this time it’s personal
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Sprout is from my fic (and this tumblr! Ayoooooo)
Selkie reader is from @bones-of-a-rabbit s selkie au! (Author of it was in reality not fine)
The Y/N and Mech were both aus from @mustachebatschaos (author of its not a catwalk)
Yuni is from @queenevac s "Glamrock Waltz"
404 reader is from @crazedauthor s "404: Personal space not found" on ao3!
And the reader from @opudontdonut s nightmare sun and moon au!
Gratz to the winners! It was fun! Apologies for all the @s, ill art is happening based on the hungrr games events and wanted something to reblog off of!
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cornishpixiez · 2 years
got another covid booster shot and now my body is acting really weird
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knamil · 8 days
Mutuals on here who may have just been invited to a community
It may have been me. I made one just to look at what it was and didn't expect it to be approved. It was approved.
It's where we can scream about writing
you know... if you want.
I don't know how communities work and neither does tumblr staff if their posts about it are to be believed.
If you don't want to join no worries, tumblr will probably cancel it in a year or so anyway.
Edit to add:
i don't know what the invite looks like or where it shows up
i don't know how to invite people who don't show up on the list when i search for the name. kind of like tagging people. some people i can't seem to tag. so this communities thing is 100% tumblr so far. a+
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nasa-is-shaking · 4 months
why are you pregaming, we’re going to a baby shower??
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Reality Show (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
Diavolo convinces Lucifer to have him & his brothers do a new demon reality show that revolves around their everyday lives.
»Characters: Demon Bros // ->[Click here for Part 2: Dateables]
»Tags: LUCIFER CAUGHT IN 4K, Shitpost/Humor, Mentions of reader/MC, Husbando Beel Supremacy, Bulleted Style
»Notes: CM = Crew Member ;; Sorry I was gonna upload this sooner but wanted to draw art for it. xD
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"Okay that's enough, go somewhere else."
CM: "We can't, you agreed to this under contract"
Mildly regretted his loyalty to Diavolo, otherwise he would've never done this
His camera crew was always on edge with him
The show stressed him more than usual
Perhaps there were a few embarrassing moments he would prefer not to talk about
Like pushing a door that said pull, forgetting the word spoon and calling it a tiny bowl on a stick
[Camera peeks through Lucifer's study, recording a smiling Lucifer texting on his phone]
CM: "Who were you texting Lucifer? Was it ___? There's been rumors..."
"I was checking the weather."
CM: "You take selfies for the weather?"
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"Hey wait stop recordin' this! Not that what we are doin' is illegal!"
His camera crew had a rough time with him
But it made for good television!
He talked shit about Lucifer the most
"Yeah a lotta people dunno this, but Lucifer cries to me all the time! What can I say, I'm a reliable guy!"[Crew zooms in on an unamused Lucifer in the background]
[Cut to Mammon hanging from the ceiling]
"Can someone get me down from here!? HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOIN'!?"
A lot of the crew's clips had shaky movement from running due to multiple mammon situations
They got a great swoon-worthy shot of Mammon gazing lovingly at you
CM: "Maybe you should confess?"
"I'm confessin' to nothin'! Talk to my lawyer!"
CM: "That's not what we- Nevermind."
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"I already stream online so this isn't any different."
Levi didn't realize they'd be watching his every move
How was he suppose to worship his shrine of Ruri and you in front of them!?
His camera crew couldn't stop cringing around the otaku
it was uncomfortable for everyone
[Camera films secret sweet moment of him awkwardly practicing asking if you want to hang out]
He asked for it to be deleted, it was denied
However his ratings shot up after that clip and the next one:
CM: "Do you have a crush on ___?"
"W-what!? N-no!!! (Incoherent Levi noises and he trips)"
That clip became a viral meme for weeks
I'm talking remixes and everything
In the end his camera crew actually did have a lot of fun with him and they game online together now
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"Watch your step. Oh, don't touch that!"
His camera crew had a difficult time with him
He managed to avoid them frequently so he wasn't overly present in the show, much to the annoyance of Lucifer and the others
If they did catch him, all the clips looked the same, all he did was read
They did manage to catch him feeding some stray devildom kitties
[Camera zooms in on him in his room with a collared cat on his lap]
CM: "I thought you couldn't have pets?"
"It's not mine. Clearly, I can't control what comes in my room as of late."
CM:  "It has a collar?"
"Next question."
CM: "What can you tell us about the Anti-Lucifer League?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. Next question."
CM: "Okay... viewers want to know what's up with you and ___?"
[Satan opens a book and gets sucked in]
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"It's like, Devilgram Live, but longer!"
Most unbothered out of everyone
He did get annoyed when they tried to catch him before he could start his morning beauty routine
He was scary, they caught it on camera...it was the only time the crew deleted a clip on a brothers request
Overall his crew had an easy time, it was standard to what they normally do, Asmo himself was fun
He was a natural, of course everyone loved him, who wouldn't?
Was the one to start drama for the sake of tv
Nothing too crazy just messed with Luci's schedule, got Mammon arrested, hid Levi's Ruri body pillow, little things really!
[Camera catches Asmo cuddling next to you]
CM: "You seem very fond of them!"
"I am! Oh maybe we can do like a one year WEDDING special later on!?"
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"Just don't get in my way I guess."
He wasn't really on board with the idea but not much he could do
His crew had an average time with him, he was easy and chill to film
They caught him doing a lot of activities like, cooking/baking, sports, gaming, it was surprising to viewers
His work out clips got a lot of views too, he was a busy demon
They filmed him helping around the house, even cleaning your room and leaving you little gift snacks
CM: "Wow, snacks? You must really like ___!"
"Yeah. I love them. I want to give them the world."He confidently admitted, smiling brightly
Had high ratings in the polls, the show gave everyone a new perspective of him who wasn't just a gluttonous beast
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CM: "Is he breathing?"
The crew had an easy but boring time with him
There's only so many hours of a sleeping Belphie you can record
The were some soft serene moments with him,Beel and you, gazing at the stars
[Camera catches him sleeping, smiling and mumbling something about you]
CM (poking): "Belphie wanna share what you were dreaming about? We heard you call their name. "
"Only if the network agrees to air it unfiltered. It will be very descriptive."
CM: "That's a wrap guys."
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⬦You might also like: MC's Livestream
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agendabymooner · 3 months
❝birthdays, manila and all that romance fiasco❞
summary: oscar celebrated his birthday a week before japanese gp. it’s safe to say that he’s THE favourite san pedro considering he’s the only one to have been hosted a birthday party every filipino kid dreamed of. (smau from ‘jollibee, madrid and all that romance fiasco)
content warning: shitpost. literal shitpost for oscar’s birthday, sexual innuendo, filipino!ofc, humour, niche theme (jollibee)
note: i just remembered something so i had to make this. also learned that they don’t have jollibee in australia. anyway. this is for you, halo halo homies
a - n masterlist // o - z masterlist
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tagged oscarpiastri
liked by arthur_leclerc
arthur_leclerc mademoiselle why didn’t u tell me :)
lomisanpedro it’s hard to fly people in and out of the philippines i’m afraid
patriciooward that’s kinda lit tho 🔥
ninojames i h8 oscar
user1 girl if my parents hosted a party for someone who isn’t family i’d be mad too
landonorris it feels nice forgetting that i’m an f1 driver for once 😋
oscarpiastri ily or sumn like that 😍
lomisanpedro i love your parents*
oscarpiastri same thing
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liked by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri baby i didn’t mean it (is what i’d say if i lied)
lomisanpedro have fun sleeping on the fucking hallway osk 🤓
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bonus !!!
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico @architect-2015 @hiireadstuff @biancathecool @scorpiomindfuck @stinkyjax @youdontknowmeshh @hyneyedfiz @decafmickey @lightdragonrayne
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lampert3008 · 3 months
"Someone should really clean those floor buttons..."
[ OOC ]
hey freaks, welcome to the lampert regretevator blog. i'm finally getting around to making a funky scuffed little intro post to pin, so feel free to join me below the cut to read a whole bunch of nonsense
okay first of all, calm down
This is an ask/RP blog based off of Lampert from the Roblox game Regretevator. Though, keep in mind it won't be 100% canon, and will both be sprinkled with my own headcanons and also occasionally out of character for Lampert because, shockingly, I am not Lampert Real Life™ and do not know how he would react to everything. I try my best though.
Lampert uses primarily he/him pronouns, but sometimes I sprinkle in some he/they in there. as a treat
I'll try my best to respond to asks with drawings, although I am very fragile old man and am decaying with each passing second so sometimes it is difficult for me to get myself to draw
(i am sixteen years old) (i also have a very shit memory and will forget that i have asks to answer whoopsies) (i may be 16 but i feel like my bones are going to fold in on themselves like a lawn chair and wither away at any given moment constantly)
i'll try to remember to tag asks as #lampertasks and non-asks as #lampposts (haha get it) or #ooc if i'm talking to YOU. (im get you.)
heya, i'm ray, the owner of this blog, i do not have a main blog and you have no proof, nor will you find it. if i. um. if i had one, i mean. which i dont. don't go look for it. because you. wont. find anything. um. yeah
i am genderfluid and use all pronouns, i am the master of pronouns, the pronoun wizard one could say, simply refer to me. full stop
please do not sex me i am a minor (i yearn i yearn i yearn for the tunnels the coal the coal the mines i yearn i yearn for black lung i yearn please put me in the mines please give me a pickaxe i am mentally stable and can be trusted with big sharp objects)
do not sex lampert either. you cannot fuck the lamp i forbid it
if you try i will lock you in the Dungeon for seven thousand years
as i already mentioned, do not try and fuck lampert or you will face the consequences, lampert may be an adult but i am not
sex jokes are fine though. to a point. just dont be creepy. be funny or Die (/hj)
i have no opinions on shipping content, i will probably not take it seriously and will shitpost with most of it. i mean of course i have regretevator ships i enjoy, like come on im a tumblr user what do you expect from me, but i doubt i'll insert them into this blog unless it's for The Funny (or if it's my partner's Unpleasant blog. but that also classifies as being for The Funny)
i'm totally cool with roleplay asks from other RP blogs, canon or OCs, and will respond in-character. i mean like, this blog is connected with three other regretevator RP blogs so i don't see why not
aforementioned three other regretevator blogs:
yeah lmao
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ccrisntok · 11 months
requests 2: electric boogalo
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(sure wonder whos hand that is...) I forgot to screenshot this request before deleting it from my inbox. I think @sunriseindigo requested their fav lil guy Min, but if it wasn't you uh. Hope whoever did request it sees this! I went kinda hard on this bc I have posted Min on this blog ONE time. and that's a crime.
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forgot to screenshot this one to, but an anon suggested: Hu patching up Ace after he falls off of a horse. I feel like even if Hu and Ace don't get along, she'd try to come to his games to support him once in a while as the mom of the group! (even if Ace is her least favorite child.) In like 90 degree heat she'd pull up, with enough sunscreen and waterbottles to keep everyone in a 70 mile radius hydrated and safe from skin cancer. And she wouldn't hesitate to help Ace if he gets hurt, ofc!
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I really fucked up with forgetting to screenshot a good amount of these. whoever needed a pic of Nico beating Ace in a fight, I delivered! The tone in which you asked wasn't too serious, so i hope a shitpost is sufficient for your needs.
(someone requested sora and yuki from sdra2 in drdt and im gonna make that its own post. so just know u were seen anon. also person who asked for more ace and eden, same thing.)
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i can always draw Whace. they are my everything.
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mans even singing it wrong 💀 (thanks for the request i love whace sm im glad they remind you of u and ur bf :D)
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in a better world, Arei is talking to her therapist about Hopes Peak drama rn. (i love drawing arei thank you anon)
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honestly this ship had never crossed my mind. i couldn't rlly think up anything too cute for it so i went silly instead kjfaljdf (thanks for the request @weightedblankettt, I LOVE THAT ONE FIC YOU WROTE WITH LIKE THE NICO AND ACE SWAP THING. i literally went "OH MY GOD???" when i saw you sent in a request fkhfla /pos)
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Hello again @xmicrophonyx :)) thanks for another request
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I feel like Xander would buy a skirt to wear to a protest or something and then he'd go "wait but it matches my hair..." and then wear it like just out and about sometimes. Whit would just have one I think. Just randomly bought it and wears it. And Levi literally makes clothes, so I'm sure hes made a few dresses for himself just to test techniques and such. Ik you didn't ask but I felt like explaining my choices for who I drew 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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Ur so right actually. I feel like Veronika would be like "Ohhh weird morally gray old man??? ILY." and he would actively detest her. thank you anon i haven't drawn a soy-bean (syobai) in a loonggg time lmao
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Ajhskjfafksaflsga gay peiple. i love them. i really do. thank you anon. gay oepeple. aughgshah. /POS
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(people who follow the despair time art tag rn ^^^^^)
Thats it for now!
still doin these so send in some more requests if you feel like it fellas <333
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magnetothemagnificent · 9 months
I know it probably doesn't matter, your blog, your rules. I just wanted to let you know that I was hoping to follow you so I could learn how to be more sensitive to Jewish people, the post I originally saw that made me follow in the first place seemed like you're trying to educate. I'm an educator too, for different topics. I'm also trans.
But because of the jews only thing you have going on (totally your right, no judgment) I can't, because I'll inevitably forget to check the tags and respond to something you don't want gentile input on. Your reactions to people who have done so aren't as kind as I need an educator to be.
I already feel awful because I don't know more about Judaism and your culture. So, I had to unfollow. I only wanted to point out, as another person interested in educating others about my marginalizations, a result you may not have been aware of. If you educate, its really difficult to put blocks like that up and hope for people to learn to do better. Blessings and I hope you do well.
I totally get that, but my blog isn't an education blog. It's a mishmash of a bunch of things I'm passionate about. Sometimes it's stuff about my personal interests, like dentistry, anthropology, and fandoms. Sometimes it's art. Sometimes it's shitposts. Sometimes it's random musings about gender and Judaism and all kinds of stuff. And yes, sometimes it's education. I enjoy educating, but that's not not why I made this blog. If you follow me purely for educational stuff, I'm afraid you're gonna get quite lost.
But that's the issue with people viewing any member of a marginalized group as purely an educator, isn't it?
I don't exist to educate. If you want a blog to follow for just my educational input, I'm a moderator for Is-The-Thing-Jewish. But this blog is my own blog. And currently it's the high holidays and that always means spikes in antisemitism and personal existential crises. Plus my close friend died a few weeks ago, my ex is stalking me again, and my grandfather might have cancer, so forgive me if I'm not going to be the nicest and most welcoming and make more personal posts geared only towards myself or those I consider myself close to. This is my blog, take it or leave it.
And honestly if you only came to my blog to be educated, I'm glad you unfollowed, because I'm not a lesson, I'm a person.
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