#i fluster myself over this kinda stuff as much as i find it kinda funny haha
hardwiredd · 4 months
going thru listings on ebay is kinda like going through profiles on a dating app to me
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psylunari · 7 months
For the ship ask game: kunikidazai, suegiku, atsulucy
NOTE: the post will be long as heck. I'll keep reblogging for every ship addition till I finish.
I'll preface this by saying, yes! I do ship all of these!
(nervous chuckle) buckle up, buttercup.
1. What made you ship it?
TL;DR: ironically enough, writing it made them take over my brain.
Mid-tier answer: It wasn't one specific thing. I watched the show and had 1 (one) plot bunny one year later (my most-read BSD fic). I was writing a MHA OC/canon thing at the time. While passionate about that OC/canon, it was a difficult fic, and I put it on hold.
Writing that knkdz fic proved itself easier. It was flowing. It forced me into a deep dive in their dynamic. The result is what you see.
Long answer: it took me 10+ years in fandom (legit) to like m/m ships. So it's kinda hard?? To watch things with m/m tinted glasses. AKA deliberately looking for m/m chemistry, or interpreting it always that way, or making it up in my head if I can't find it. If I come across a ship, I came across a ship. And I'm the same for any ship.
During my first watch of bongo straycats, I didn't ship much of anything. I looked at those two and went, “yeah, they're haha funny, if I were to ship something it'd probably be this”. I was done with the three seasons out, then, I “forgot” BSD.
I mean. Not that I forgot. I was in-between fandom phases with other stuff. So I didn't pay “the popular ships” much mind. They were there. A thing that existed. I didn't care for them.
Then it went like:
“Hey, I could use some change in my life, lemme style my hair like this anime twink.” “Fic idea for haha funny ship. What if instead of disappearing to commit the die, the anime twink was sick and didn't tell anyone?” ?????? “It is a CRIME that THIS dynamic is on the unpopular side, I'm declaring myself in knkdz hell till further notice and will do something about it.”
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
TL;DR: they are multifaceted, their relationship is a deep rabbit hole of symbolism, and a blast to write about.
Superficial answer: complementary personalities + look good together + attractive + hilarious banter + suspicious moments + annoyances to lovers.
Heartfelt answer: I look at them from a complete perspective. Never one without the other, never caricatures of themselves. There's the caring domestic side, the dumb disagreements, the synergy and mutual respect, the defiance of internal values, the angst past and present… They are complex. The more you dig, the more you find. It's entertaining. It made the brain go brrrrr.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
It isn't often I come across interpretations I disagree with. Dedicated knkdz shippers and I are mostly in the same wavelength. My unpopular opinion, however, boils down to “I interpret both as some flavor of bisexual, not gay” and “mischaracterization”.
Will elaborate on the latter.
On Kunikida: headcanon as the fandom might, IMO, this guy isn't confident about love and sex. Let alone super liberated.
Picture this. Inexperienced + perfectionist + “dear diary, today I dreamt of my perfect wife” + “do girls not like me because I'm a nerd?” = pretty romantic, huh? And out of touch with reality.
Don't get me wrong. He does have carnal desires or kinks, I feel. I see him as shy and easy to fluster in the beginning. He takes time to relax and do his thing, being his own biggest critic.
On Dazai: he isn't helpless and definitely has an edge. I have a catboy agenda to set. Think like a cat's claws. Can and will scratch if unhappy, they're part of him, do not declaw the catboy. The feetsies are soft and adorable. They're also a part of him.
In the love aspect: when he LIKES someone, Dazai goes “brain.exe has stopped working” and does/says the stupidest shit. I think he orbits them out of no idea how to deal with it. Staying in the same space, wanting closure, not asking for it. Literal cat behavior again.
Now, in sex matters, he's shameless for… the most part. Not vulnerable all the time. He can flirt when it's for meaningless flings. What IMO WOULD make him cry is emotional stuff. Which may be tied to a sexual moment. Just not necessarily.
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shytastemakerthing · 10 months
HALLO HALOO I'm here to request a romantic twst matchup since ur open and all teehee, it's the first time I saw your block so I backreadee and all and I love how descriptive your matchups could get and that you have two matchups so I was wondering if I can get two romantic matchups as well, it's okay if not considering you still have to answer some unfished ones just good luck writing them by the way❣️
I'm a 5'4 Intp-A , noticebly reclused and quiet that I'm most often seen by myself but once the walls start to crack due to the penetrating fists of friendship my skin loosens and what reveals underneath is an unhinged freaking wine aunt with a flair of sass and a tad bit too much wine to drink that doesn't hesitate to say sus stuff to get people flustered, not what you expected at all from such a quiet girl
also the fact I tend to act jokingly dramatic like exhagurated facial expressions and tone of speech, like rook but I'm doing it ironically, tend to be a tad bit too carefree at times that I don't really pay attention to my surroundings and don't comprehend it until it's clear I forgot to do my homework and i start writing it last minute before I have to pass it kinda scenerio. but if I realize I have to be serious about something I end up weirdly giving out good advices or telling people what they wanted to hear the most from what my besties told me whenever they vent? I dunno how I don't think I'm that good with words I just make sure to always be there when they want someone to lend an ear or to criticize honestly, but One thing's for sure I'm a ride or die kinda friend
My hobbies are Playing (Mostly grinding) Videgomes I'm interested in and drawing~
My likes are MONEY,fashion lore and Sweet foods
Dislikes:Wasting money on something not worth it,spicy Food and People who don't respect boundaries
Hello! Thank you so much for your request! I hope that you like this match-up!
Tw: None
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I match you with..........
Rook Hunt
I find it funny that you mentioned Rook, because reading through the info, he was really the one that was screaming at my soul for this. Wine aunt meets over-dramatic french man in love with love itself, what could honestly go wrong here?
On a serious note, he really does love your carefree nature. Some people can be a little too uptight, you know? What is life without a little fun? And when you get as carefree as you do, unaware of your surroundings, it makes for the perfect time to keep an eye (stalk) on you. You are his favorite prey, after all (in a non creepy way... just a Rook way)
If you are ever looking for a muse when it comes to your drawings, he would absolutely love to model for you! What would you like him to wear? Where should he be? What pose? Just tell him and he bends to anything that you want to do. Let your creativity run wild!
Honestly, you are possibly the only person that could get under his skin and cause him to get flustered. There are just some things that he was not expecting you to actually say to him and when you do? Oh, you have a clingy but flustered hunter. Honestly, the surprised look on his face makes it all worth it in the end.
This man is in Pomefiore, where one of the biggest fashion gurus in the world is his Housewarden. Believe me when I say that this man knows a thing or two about fashion. He would love to bring you over to the dorm and you both can go all day just talking about anything and everything on the subject. If you're lucky enough, maybe even Vil will join in and even bring in some new clothing for all of you to model.
Overall, the renowned hunter of love itself has found himself in the position of the hunted. There are times where you just catch him off guard and he absolutely loves it. What's life without the thrill of the hunt, after all?
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Hi I was wondering if I could get a matchup for fe3h?
I'm bi but I prefer men
Personality: I tend to come off as snarky and sarcastic, but not in a way that comes off as rude, just to be funny. Otherwise, I can be rather quiet and respectful. I have trouble expressing myself to my full ability because sometimes I feel like I'm putting on a facade causing me to be kinda bland sometimes. I usually say whatever's on my mind without thinking of the consequences
What I want in a partner: Someone who's pretty knightly. Ironic, ik, but I mean someone who's extremely helpful, emotionally available, a good listener, and has courage. Someone who has an okay sense of humor is good enough for me. Someone who's kinda straightforward. Also someone around my height or taller (I'm 5'8)
Me & relationship stuff: I'm pretty clingy and it's completely possible for me to develop a bit of separation anxiety from my s/o but I think that's the only red flag. I'm very much a "this reminded me of you" type of girlfriend and since I'm a writer and artist, writing corny love letters or drawing corny pictures from memory isn't past me.
Icks: People who are too brutally honest (hypocritical but still), people who are too vain, people who are too clumsy
Hobbies: Baking, singing, drawing, witchcraft, weightlifting
I wouldn't call it too hypocritical. But then again I personally don't know you so there's that.
This is a part of 3x Valentines event (All slots are taken)
I match you with...
Personally if I were to describe him, calling him knightly would be one of first things that comes to mind.
He isn't the bravest person there is but with a good enough motivation he'd be able to overcome most of his fears even if for just a moment.
He's honest, and he wouldn't be keeping a lot of secrets from you, as he prefers to be an open book to you.
He definitely knows how to listen, and when you ask him for help he'd drop whatever he was doing prior if you need him.
Knowing your struggles, he makes sure to be with you whenever possible. Of course he also tries to help you overcome your separation anxiety, but he's not sure what'd help you with that.
Whenever you show him something that reminds you that of him he can't help but feel a little flustered over how much you think of him and those things are the proof!
As corny as your letters can get, he finds them very sweet and keeps every last one of them. It usually motivates him whenever he's feeling a little down or when he misses you.
While he might not understand your sarcastic humor, he definitely sees the appeal in it. Sometimes the punchline goes over his head but when it doesn't you can get a light chuckle out of him at least.
~Mod Bernadetta
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Guess who's back
Back again?
🐉 Anon's back
Tell a friend!
Jokes aside, hello again!
I agree completely. I feel mihoyo realized that people might not have felt that strong of a connection to the Traveler (even though they're motives are the entire reason we do the stuff we do in the game) due to how little we actually hear them, how little they might come off as their own living, breathing person. And since they probably it was already too far into the game to rectify this error, they instead elected to have the Trailblazer be voiced more instead. And it really does so much for them, because they really feel like they're a character themself, instead of just another player-insert, it's also super refreshing with just how unhinged, how much of a the Trailblazer can be characterized as. Plus, I especially love the VA for Stelle, and my favorite line that she's delivered so far has got to be:
"Wow... the cringe is strong."
The palpable disgust in that delivery is beautiful.
March is legit so absolutely adorable, 100% would jump in front of the Disaster Beast's disaster-beam to protect her again. Would take photos with her, even though I'm honestly not much of a photographer myself. And again, I just find the sibling dynamic that the main trio have is just to die for. Then we add in certain characters calling Stelle big sister and just... AUGH. I think I may have become so attached, that I have trouble playing different teams. And considering how they'll simply reappear in the dialog sections, is that kinda weird? Eh...
Either way, they all have a special place in my heart, the fucking faces March makes when you choose the trolly dialogue options LMAO
And great! I'll get around to sharing some of them with you in the next day or too! Though be forewarned, there is angst, there is trauma. I swear the spirit of Hoyoverse must've come over me or something, because basically all the characters I've come up with have some sort of issue... does that prospect make you uncomfortable?
Also also, I was wondering if you're open to taking writing requests atm? Because I had a couple of potential ideas for some genshin stuff if you are!
hi lovely welcome back hehe <33
yes i agree!!!!! the trailblazer feels like... an actual character, you know? stelle has her own personality and thoughts and is an actual fleshed-out character. it's endearing. the trailblazer is just so so important to me, i love her sm <33 she feels so much more real than aether or lumine do. also, i personally feel far more connected to stelle's narrative. the traveler's objective is solely to find their sibling, but with stelle, the emphasis of her journey does not seem to be the destination but rather on the journey itself. and i love that. because the traveler's sibling literally DOES NOT want to see them and idk how they don't get tired chasing after someone who isn't interested in reconnecting. like. i don't like that standoffishness, you know? it's really annoying to me. how can lumine (in my case) be so cold and enigmatic towards her literal TWIN BROTHER?? just talk to your brother bro it is not that hard PLEASE i am tired of chasing after you AJSKAGKFHD
UGH SAME. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY STELLE IT IS MY TURN TO THROW MYSELF INTO POTENTIALLY FATAL DANGER IN MARCH'S DEFENSE!!!! i picked up photography last year as a hobby and i honestly love it sm. i would absolutely take photos with her. beloved. also hook calling stelle big sister and getting flustered about it is the cutest to me!!!!! that's my daughter and i will not let anyone hurt her. same i know i will need to change up my team comp eventually (it is the trailblazer, dan heng, march, & hook at the moment) to make combat easier but i love them sm?!?!?!? i do not want to abandon them?!?!?!?!?!
this is actually a bit funny to me! anyone who knows me--knows my ocs--knows very well that i think there is NEVER enough angst. there is always room for more trauma. so no, it does not at all make me uncomfortable!!!! do your worst in my inbox!!!!!
also yep! my reqs are always open, so feel free to send in any thoughts at any time <3 you can send as many as you want as often as you want to! just be sure to send all your reqs seperately.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
For the pride asks!
1. Which labels do you use?
7. Are you the "token" queer person in your family?
15. How has your identity changed over time?
<3 MJ
MJ!!! happy pride 💛💛 i’ll do this for me & ur favorite vampire boys (so darren, gabe, n & beau :>)
1. Which labels do you use?
i personally use queer (my sexuality is mad complicated and i can’t really find a term that i like. if i were to pick something close i’d say achillean or mlnb/mlm really resonates with me & i love that damn toothpaste flag in part out of spite) & transmasc (i consider myself a trans man for the most part but my relationship with being a Man is complicated by being nd/black etc so transmasc in itself feels right but i also like genderqueer — queer is my favorite tbh)
for darren he’s bi!
gabe is demiromantic demisexual & he’s gay. he kinda learns that he’s these things throughout the story bc he’s like deadass never been attracted to anyone until he and darren start getting close and he doesn’t really know what to do with himself lmao
n is a transman & tbh he hasn’t thought about his sexuality too much cuz he’s married to his ambition 💀 he would definitely say he’s queer but he doesn’t really care too much about defining himself too hard bc until beau he had No Plans of being with anyone romantically or sexually lol. not bc he doesn’t feel that kind of attraction or anything, he’s just been more focused on his career lmao
beau is pansexual :3c also he’s a vampire which is just being inherently queer in he & n’s universe.
7. Are you the "token" queer person in your family?
for me, nah. two of my older cousins are gay and there’s probably more but i’m not close to my fam. i am however the token trans person 🤪
for darren nah, both his parents (dave & liz) are bi, and olice has some gender fuckery/aspec vibes going on but she doesn’t really have labels for anything yet.
gabe technically no? but he doesn’t really talk to his mom about this type of stuff lol. + being a millennia+ old celestial vampire… sexuality and labels are just cute human concepts to her. it’s different for gabe bc he was born on earth and while not raised like “human” or anything he doesn’t have the same experience as the few other celestials around.
n, definitely yes. his mom is super supportive but he doesn’t talk to his grandparents.
beau doesn’t know his birth family so that’s a complicated question. apart of the larger vampire “family” definitely not lol. in this universe, even being a vampire is a status of being queer so.
15. How has your identity changed over time?
for darren it was more straightforward he liked boys growing up and realizing he could like girls was kind of a secondary thing? he’d say it’s cuz of the whole cooties debacle from youth and he took that shit too seriously as a kid, so he never really had girl or femme id-ing people he hung out with until olice came into his life and then after that he realized oh, shit. yeah girls hot also awooga. (not bc of her she’s a sister to him but him realizing oh i can talk to girls and not die, oh they’re hot too)
gabe really didn’t have any type of sexuality awakening until darren lmao like it’s kind of funny. if you asked him before he would say he was aroace bc he didn’t like anyone and even his close friends didn’t spark anything in him. darren was different tho—he flustered him and he liked being around him and Maybe wanted to kiss him? so that’s when he realized he was probably demi instead bbhggh
n was one of those i knew i was queer from birth types so he doesn’t feel like the journey was with his identity, just more getting the curtain to match the drapes—or, getting how he presented outwardly to match his feelings inward. he was one of those athletic tomboys who hated being associated with girl shit, etc but had grandparents who raised him try to force him into that box, which is why he doesn’t talk to them now.
beau is also similar to n; bc being a vampire is inherently queer in their universe (in general too probably but yknow), because he was turned so young (around 5) he’s always felt inherently queer so there wasn’t much of a Journey to figuring himself out in that sense.
and then my long ass answer under the cut
when i was younger i never liked being a girl. but i didn’t really think of myself as a boy either? i just thought of myself as “deadname” and that was the extent of everything. i hated being feminine but i didn’t really resonate with being a “boy” because i didn’t like sports and the like. at some point i kind of just accepted that i was a “tomboy” but i still just felt like “deadname” that was my gender lmao. at least up until 8th grade where (2) things happened. (1) i found yaoi and (2) i had a Queer Awakening experience. for the first part i’d been really into japanese anime and shit for a long time but when i discovered yaoi and saw 2 men being able to love each other romantically and sexually it really opened up my worldview. i kinda never thought about having a partner. i’d had people say they liked me before but i just never felt like… into them? but looking back it’s probably bc i knew they saw me as a girl and that’s what i didn’t like i just didnt know that lmao. but seeing yaoi made me subconsciously realize that i would want a partner if it was like That. i didn’t know what That was at the time (the that being, me also being a dude lmao). and the queer awakening was when i was coming back from a school trip and my friend at the time fell asleep on me with her head on my shoulder. and i just remember thinking so so VIVIDLY “omg it’s like i’m her boyfriend” and the idea of it filled me with euphoria?? i tried to think “nah i should be thinking gf bc i’m a girl right?” but my brain rejected that Immediately. after that when i got into tumblr in hs i kind of started learning more about being gender-fluid and so i kind of dabbled in that—bc around that time the friends and gf i had were very like. oh boys suck and shit and i couldn’t just be a boy without feeling some type of way? but i definitely wasn’t Just a girl. i tried to convince myself maybe i wasn’t a boy at all bc i still didn’t feel like i could be one—i still didn’t like boy shit. i liked wearing skirts (at the time), i liked dress up games and feminine shit… so clearly i had to be Partially a girl? so it kept me in the closet for a long bit until i finally was like nah i’m like. just. a dude. a guy. all of this gender shit kind of went hand in hand with my sexuality bc i always hated the insinuation that i was a lesbian (which happened a lot, got called lesbo, my mom kept asking me if i was a lesbian bc i was physically affectionate with my would become hs gf at the time—and i realize now off topic that tbh i wouldn’t have dated her if my mom and her mom and other people weren’t putting pressure on it to be romantic? like friends can hold hands and cuddle for fucks sake Lmao) bc i’m not a girl or a woman lmao. i didn’t really like being bi either bc at the time i thought it was only being attracted to men and women and what about nb people (i’ve learned better now but this was in hs) plus my own gender was up in the air so like???? pan was my go to and i really felt at home in that label for many years. until i think a few years ago where like idk how to explain well but i just realized while i do think women can be pretty and even sexy i’m just not like. attracted to them in the same way that i’m attracted to men or nb people that aren’t femme leaning. so that’s why mlm/mlnb feels right to me? like my partner’s agender for instance lmao, but they’re my self proclaimed goth hibimbo and they tend to dress femme bc they like the fashion so like. it’s not the presentation of femininity that i’m not attracted to? so in that sense i still feel like it’s not quite correct but. words are dumb we move.
this was so long rip
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karatecaulfield · 2 years
Hey I hope your going to have a good day!
I was wondering if you could ship me with someone from Stranger Things (Pref a boy)
I am a female korean who is 4'11 (im not a child i swear just short ) I have black shaggy medium length hair. It's kinda like a wolf cut but with a side part. I have pale skin and wear black circle glasses. I'm about 98 pounds and pretty small ahem chest area. Also a Pisces.

I normally wear baggy clothes sorta vintage/goblincore style its hard to explain. My normal wear is a baggy dark sage green shirt with a black long sleeve under it. With baggy ripped jeans and black worn out converse. No makeup on this face except cherry chapstick.

I'm a shy distant person and very awkward at first. But get to know me i can be sorta funny and goofy. Also a bit weird i try not being to annoying or bother some so thats why sometimes im distant. I tend to over think things and my relationships with people. I have major social anxiety and ADHD well im not that hyper anymore but still i space off, get distracted, forget alot of things, and cant sit still sometimes. I have mommy issues and im very insecure about myself. Also my scars from things on my body. Im often a target for bullying and im pretty clumsy.  Can be oblivious and childish. I get flustered very easily.

Some of the things i like to do is drawing and painting. I also play video games a lot (im sorta a nerd). I love listening to music you can always find me with earbuds in. I mostly listen to vintage, indie, piano, metal, and rock. I play dnd still to this day i first did as a kid. I love reading comics or poetry. I love gardening well most of the time.

I can be such a hopeless romantic sometimes in my opinion daydreaming about my crush or people. I would be the type of partner to draw you stuff or make a playlist for you. I love cuddling, hugs, hand holding, and drawing on your hand if you let me. I always thinking of gifts to give my partner when i have one.
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Jonathan Byers! I feel like he would be really drawn to your aesthetic and overall vibe. Anyone that’s not afraid to embrace things out of the norm is someone he would love to be with. He understands the shyness you convey to others but wants nothing more than to see what you’re like behind closed doors. Jonathan would be so understanding of a neurodivergent s/o because I feel like he also has a lot of quirks that fall into that category. Whenever you’re feeling insecure or get too deep into your own head, he’ll play some music and try his best to get you back down onto earth. Words of affirmation is one of his love languages and he wouldn’t hesitate to let you know how loved you are.
A/N- thank you so much for the request anon! if it isn’t what you were hoping for feel free to request again <3
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warmau · 4 years
love struck!au x tbz
find other love struck!aus here: monsta x | day6 | ateez *this post was commissioned through kofi
confident sangyeon spends half the day flirting with you
then shy sangyeon spends the rest of the day running embarrassment laps around the creker building
he has high spikes of adrenaline where its just quite literally circling you with hearts in his eyes and doves singing 
and then low long silent moments where he sits in a corner, muttering at the wall and everyone is like what is going on with him
if he could he might just spend eternity flip-flopping between the two
it’d take an intervention to get him to just seize the opportunity during one of his more positive moods to just ask you on a date
the only problem is he talks so fast and so jumbled and waves his hands around 
and you’re like wh-
and he’s like datetommorrowcoffeeorteawhichdoyoupreferdoyounotevenwanteitherwhataboutumlikeamoviepleasesayyes
once again you are like ?
and sangyeons meter of confidence is slowly depleting hes about to run away until sunwoo is like 
let me step in and translate: 
sangyeon wants to go on a date with you tomorrow
when you brighten up and accept, sangyeon just breathes a sigh of relief and maybe almost tips over from the intense amount of feelings hitting him at once lol
no one takes him seriously when he starts saying he likes you
not because you’re unlikable but because jacob says it with such normalcy that everyone is like
if you liked them, you would definitely be all mushy and shy and embarrassed about it
and jacob is like what are you talking about im not embarrassed to have a crush on someone i think is really awesome 
even kevin is like dude don’t push it - you shouldnt make jokes about liking people
and jacob is just like *blinks*
but seriously, everyone expects him to be writing lyrics in secret and practicing some kind of grand serenade to ask you out - like you’re literally an angel dude so you have to like someone in the most cupid-esque way possible
which jacob is just like :/ about because there’s no right way to show someone how much you like them-
juyeon: sorry what i was not listening?
you on the other hand, don’t ever even catch wind of it because jacob is so sweet at all times
polite, caring, gentle touches, lots of eye contact, little smiles that make your heart melt, the usual
that you just assume he’s like this to everyone so of course you are clueless and his lack of grandiose confessions is making everyone else clueless too
until one day jacob is like fine if no one believes me ill just tell them a
nd everyone in the room is like pfft would love to see you try-
three seconds later jacob is standing in front of you and saying “want to date me?” and you’re so shocked you can’t speak
but the rest of tbz is so shocked at least three of them nearly faint 
keeps his mouth shut
literally like shut shut like not a WORD to you or to anyone in a five foot distance of you
he’ll be talking to chanhee about something and you’ll walk in and suddenly younghoon just hits pause
chanhee is like hello are you broken hello and younghoon is just _____
until you walk out of the room and then he’s like
“-that’s why i think we shouldn’t include that dance move”
and chanhee is like what the hael just happened
you will be in a conversation and pull younghoon over to join you and when you’re like what do you think!!!!!!!1
he looks at you and the cognitive function for speech just disappears 
maybe its your cute face accelerating his heartbeat or maybe its the all the nerves in his body going haywire because all he wants to say is how much he really really likes you
but he can’t just SAY that so instead he says nothing
sometimes he’s lucky and members who understand this younghoon lovestruck glitch are around can save him
but sometimes its just you and him and silence until youre like ok- well-
you think maybe he just doesnt want to talk to you because he doesnt like you
so you apologize for bothering him
and its like everything that has ever blocked him from speaking before just flies out the window
because suddenly younghoon is holding your hands in his and saying
“no, im sorry. i just dont know what to say because i like you so much.”
it’s the longest sentence you’ve ever heard from him
and you are so flustered but all you can say back is
“you can keep saying ‘i like you’ if you want...........”
younghoon for the rest of the week: i like you
you: giddy
tbz: kinda wishing he’d shut it again 
there’s no lovestruck period, it’s straight up infatuation from day ONE
and it comes at full force
hyunjae is like bubblegum, stuck to you and only you
sugary sweet and always reminding you that he is available whenever you decided you want to take him
it can really overwhelm someone, because his attention is fixated and forthcoming
and i mean you’d really have to lack all the common sense in the world not to see that he’s interested
but that’s the thing interest is not always a form of sincerity so you just kind of chalk it up to him trying to be funny
and he sprawls across your lap like a cat
happy with the fact that you just giggle and smile because ok you might never believe that he’s so in love with you it hurts but at least you still let him near you
really people probably ask you if you’re dating him and when you say you’re not their follow up is usually like well arent you exhausted having someone you dont love always around
and you’re like um - no well - i mean - and you are like ok i mean i do love him but im not going to be a fool and fall into a trap of thinking im special
and hyunjae will literally be like they are special. i feel nothing for anyone else, it is just them
and you’re like see! he’s so sweet!
and at some point i think you either drive hyunjae crazy and he kisses you because words are pointless - actions are everything
or chanhee pushes you two into each other from pure, unfiltered annoyance 
“if you love each other stop pretending like it’s a big joke and just DATE!”
return to kindergarten romance
literally he sees you and goes pink to the ears and slinks behind his friends even though he’s taller than most of them
and he can barely hide the fact that he jumps over the rainbow when your shoulders brush in the halls
if no one knew any better, juyeon probably scribbles your name in hearts on a notebook page somewhere
but then crumples it up and almost eats it if anyone tries to see what he’s up to
but again you enter the vicinity and he’s goo - muttering and forgetting to string nouns to verbs or whatever
everyone is so amazed that someone with so much charisma on stage can turn this goddamn goofy around someone he likes
and you are energetic and bright - you always want to pull juyeon into the loop - and you think the flustered look on his face is just from genuine surprise or confusion
and you’re like “oh! let me explain what we’re doing blah blah blah” and yes juyeon knows you guys are going to play monopoly but like words? dont? come ? out ? of ? his ? mouth?
and just like kindergarten he probably ends up writing you a note about how much he likes you (tick this box for yes and this box for no) or some form of that
maybe like a text where he is like hi do you want to go on a date and it was actually supposed to be like a ten page essay about why he likes you but then he got too nervous to send it so yeah
its a text that comes out of the blue and when you agree and see juyeon in person the next day you’re like why didn’t you just ask me like months ago
and once again, words? dont? come? out? of? his? mouth?
gift giving
nonstop gift giving
like to a point where jacob is worried about kevin’s spending habits 
but it is all like handmade items and cute stuff he sees that reminds him of you 
and everyone knows he has a crush before he can even process it because they’re doing a show halfway across the country and everyone is like practicing or doing something on their own
and kevin’s like guys look i saw this in a shop and it reminded me of-
all of tbz looking at him like: we know who it reminded you of
he plays it off though when he gives you the gifts, he’s like ah this was just like in my bag or whatever or oh i made this extra keychain when i had a day off like do you want it
and kevin thinks he is so sly and covering it up so damn well but he isn’t 
you try to give gifts back, mostly because you feel bad that he’s always offering something to you
and one day you are like - at first as a kind of jest - like “here ill just give you myself in return” 
and you throw your arms around his neck like you’ve done a million times before and oh shit you think kevin is going to pass out with how fast his heart starts beating and how he overheats
and you’re like kevin?!??!?! are you ok!?!??! and he’s like areyouserious
and you’re like wh and he’s like are you serious about that,,,,and you’re like oh well i mean do you even want someone like me
and kevin unblinkingly is like of course you are the only person i want
and suddenly you realize that these gifts youve been getting are kevin’s love language and its so freaking cute
(but also stop spending money just give kisses instead) (kevin agrees but he is still like im buying you anything cute i see because u are cute and cute people deserve cute things we love kevin moon logic)
ignores his feelings by throwing himself into his work
much to the surprise of no one, because he’s naturally a workoholic and perfectionist, but this time something is off
no one should be beating themselves up over such miniscule mistakes like he is
and hyunjae is convinced changmin has finally lost it, like the goddamn lid has flew off the kettle with this one
because they finish practice and everyone is clapping and changmin looks like he’s going to crush the speakers with his bare hands
less lovestruck as he is loveconfused because the real reason he’s so upset is like
he wants to focus so hard on being a great performer and whatnot but when he shuts his eyes or takes a moment to breath
his brain is fuzzy with thoughts of you and not like super romantic flowery thoughts like you see in movies or read in comics
its just little snapshots of you being,,,,,,,,,,,you
laughing along with eric, fixing the hem of your shirt in the mirror, waving at changmin before looking both ways and crossing the street to his side
the worst thing is he can’t seem to find a way for it to stop until like you are actually in front of him
like the real you - not the memories and thoughts he has daily of you - no just you
and you’re putting your hands on his face and he’s sweaty and hot from dancing for god knows how long and you’re like 
“don’t wear yourself out like this, take care of yourself - if you don’t want to do it for you - can you do it for me?”
and changmin realizes oh right - for you, for you he could move mountains, for you he could fly, like seriously for you he could do anything
and he thinks he just says this to himself but he just said it outloud and somewhere in the room hyunjae is slapping his knee like
“AH! he’s not nuts - he’s just in love.”
falls head over heels for you and expects you to read his mind about it
you walk into a room and he sits up a little straighter and is like ok one step two step ok come over to me, look at me, pay attention to me
and you - because you are not a mindreader - go to talk to juyeon first
and chanhee is like OH I SEE HOW IT IS and gets all moody there on out
honest to god he probably knows he’s overreacting but he just does not get why you cant tell how he’s feeling
and he asks like everyone this question and theyre like what? because you aren’t making it obvious at all?
and chanhee is like what the hell do you mean i totally make it obvious and everyone is like did you ask them out? did you get them a gift? did you compliment them?
and chanhee crosses his arms like no......but like......i smiled at them in a way i dont smile at the rest of you clowns
tbz: :/ 
either way, you start to notice this pattern, that when chanhee is not getting your attention he gets a little like a cat and curls himself away from you
so you, much like one with a cat, start to shower him in attention
and he just uncurls and gets all giddy and swats anyone away who tries to get into your little bubble with him
and its a bit entertaining really lol but you think its just chanhee being chanhee
till it keeps happening over and over and over again and you’re like ok wait
and chanhee is like hmm and you’re like why dont we just go somewhere alone together like on a date or something if thats what you like so much
and chanhee, who has been under the suspicion you have been going on dates sitting together in the tbz practice room is like 
“oh right! a date, um i guess sure!”
inside he is screaming 
does not waste time, he puts his detective hat on and makes a plan
for one of the youngest members he probably puts the most diligence into liking someone 
its not just lovestruck butterflies and running away whenever you’re around
haknyeon swats all that gooey-mushy stuff away and is like ok lets see what movies do you like? what kind of food do you like? he has to know so that when he asks you out he is ready to impress
it shocks some of his other members, sangyeon has never seen haknyeon almost bite younghoon’s hand when he tried to as him to get off the shared desktop
haknyeon just wants to know everything about you - which kevin says he could probably do by talking more to you
and haknyeon is like go away grandpa and kevin is like WH-
either way, when it all comes to a head and haknyeon has memorized what he’s going to say in his confession to you for the one millionth time
he does not prepare for what actually happnes
which is you bound up to him with your arms open and you’re like let’s hang out! just the two of us!
and he’s like ok ill go get the other- wait
haknyeon.exe has stopped working
because truth be told he’d spend so much time trying to research and be perfect when all you really like about him is how fun and eccentric he can be
so you just ask him out first and this was not in the plan, but haknyeon is not about to let go of your warm hand as you pull him along beside you
swears to deny it to his grave because one) it’s embarrassing and.........no that’s it. it is embarrassing to have feelings
jacob: feelings aren’t embarrassing! they’re the reason we can care so deeply about others <3
sunwoo: ok nerd........keep it moving
and unlike younghoon who just goes silent around the people he likes or juyeon who tries to find sangyeon to hide behind 
sunwoo just straight up is like cold. and you are like what didi i do?
everyone is just like he’s complicated, it’s just who he is and he’s young so just ignore him
but it makes you sad that sunwoo just doesn’t want to be your friend
he also has such a bad luck, even when he’s not trying to come off mean he probably accidentally spills something on you or breaks something of yours
and instead APOLOGIZING like everyone is telling him to do he just yoinks out of the room and you’re like damn :( 
to be honest, i think the more you guys get distant the more sunwoo falls deeper into it because even with everything
you are always so kind and sweet and how? like how? how are you doing that?
it probably takes a miracle or actually just like someone spilling the beans to you that sunwoo stayed up all night trying to fix the bracelet of yours he broke for it to all change
for you to find sunwoo and hug him and thank him for trying to fix it and the minute you touch him its like 
all these stupid little walls he built melt into nothing and sunwoo is just like i like you so much im sorry im so dumb and you’re like
well you’re like shocked but youre like im sorry i also like you and im also dumb sometimes
both of you standing there wide eyed but also like super super super giddy
one day you aren’t even talking to each other the next day you are cuddling on the couch
kevin: these people are giving me literal whiplash 
thinks you’ll never feel the same way so he does the next best thing, he tries to be your bestest friend
for someone so spunky and confident in himself most of the time you’d think lovestruck eric would just GO for it
but more than he is like outgoing and brave, he is devoted to people he loves
and losing you as a friend over confessing his feelings would probably spiral him into a dark place
so he’ll just take his spot as a super close friend, and horrible wingman 
who tries to get you to admit that you like someone in the group when you have told eric ten times no you dont like changmin like that and yes juyeon is cute but youre not interested
and eric just wants you to be happy and he thinks youre lying and keeping it from him because like you think it would be weird to date someone in tbz
and he’s like cmon tell me! or do you like someone from skz, im friends with felix - do you think he’s cute
and at some point it wears you down and you are just like over to play video games and have fun with eric
and he’s like hey felix said you were pretty when i showed him a photo and you are like ERIC LISTEN TO ME and he’s like blinking like oh?
and you’re like i do like someone but its you and so since that isnt going to happen lets move on
and eric is like lets not move on because from the minute i saw you i thought cupid lodged an arrow so deep in my heart its been stuck their permanently and yes i watched hercules last night so i made that analogy isn’t it about time you kissed me so i would shuttup?
and when you do you’re like ok i have wanted to do that SO many times and he’s like well you should have
and youre like dont be sassy i will bring up every oppurtunity you tried to hook me up with your group member if you do and he’s like
i will shut my mouth forever if that is what you wish <3
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cloudy-rainn · 2 years
greetings and salutations~
hope you’ve been well! id like to request a matchup for bsd, jjk, and tokyorev pleasee
im a 20 year old, 5’3 or 5’4 (one of those two..) pinay. i have short black hair with some bits of dark brown at the ends from when i bleached it before and an undercut at the back. i have big black almond eyes with round glasses and am kinda light to med skinned. im relatively lightweight but still have some tone cuz sis lost sum muscle 😭
personality and etc:
heterosexual/genderfluid (she/her is my go-to default)/asexual
(im not a firm believer in zodiac since i get along with everyone anyway but-)
western zodiac sign: sagittarius
moon: sagittarius :>
rising: libra
eastern zodiac sign: dragon
enneagram: 8w9
(im sure this explains most of my personality but ill jus put into detail here if ya wanna know)
my core personality:
more on the chill and vibey side. i express more ambivert energy. ive been described as patient, kind, realistic, understanding, quiet, straightforward, open, honest, tsundere¿, creative… and wacky?? lmaO i got sum crackhead energy too so gotta love that. i love to take care of those i cherish deeply, im BIG strict on mental health, im kinda quiet and reserved first impression, zero tolerance for toxicity, nocturnal (night owl over here ;-;), hard worker, a bit more tomboyish but womanly if ya know ya know 💅🏼i still embrace my childish antics :3 so i tend to wander and get distracted sometimes and stare off into space o-o, rather sweet and gentle with things i find precious and am naturally kind/affectionate to those i endear, im sometimes clumsy and hurt myself. i was one of those kids that sees a lizard and yells “LIZARD” running after it. im also giddy and stupidly silly :3 like i would laugh at something i found funny even after it has passed LOL. im a teaser :> i love to be playful with people. it’s basically a hobby at this point. like i tend to laugh at my own jokes lmaO im always in for a good time
however, when it gets serious, i can be aggressive. i can b a hypocrite sometimes.. i dont always take care of myself when im super focused, tend to heavily isolate when in the deep end but quite forgiving and understanding nevertheless. im quite comfortable with my dark side and can handle myself well but i require a lot of patience and determination. im quite empathetic with people as i pick up energies in a room. i will scold you if you’re not taking care of yourself and will tell you straight up what i think. if it’s serious time, im respectful and polite. but also im naturally curious and can be keen to seeing things that people dont usually pick up on
Love Language:
physical touch and quality time. so - yes ( ͡≖ ‿ ͡≖) - im a big time cuddle bear for sfw and a bit more dom in the not 🤭. but i get flustered with small affectionate gestures or doting behavior. i jus get so MMMM O////O. im not inclined to superficiality because bonding is what matters most to me
my favorite color is pumpkin orange
acai bowls, jelly beans :3, animals, criminology/forensics, video games, collecting things, formal events (tho i favor more of a humble living than luxury), baking and artsy stuff (sewing, crocheting, drawing, occasional designing, etc), performing arts stuff (dance, music), fashion: streetwear/comfy style and sometimes more bold wear 👀
disrespect, overly sensitive controlling and exclusive people, aggressive confrontation, unreliable people, avocado, sausage, out of tune singers, unsatisfying things, unreasonably-hard-to-open products 🤨
sorry for the essay hope it wasnt too much!
hsjdjdkhaha, it’s okay, the more the better :)
also hello fellow intj 😩✊
i match you with RAMPO EDOGAWA!
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- the agency is tired of the both of you (even though you don’t work there). y’all basically are like twins.
- you are the one that approaches him first. you were just being a normal civilian until you heard rather suspicious noises. you follow the sound and you see rampo. vending machine. his hand was stuck inside the vending machine and he didn’t know what to do. fortunately for him, you quickly helped him while also secretly telling him how to scam the machine.
-and that’s when he knew you were the one. after that encounter he would definitely give you his number and would frequently text you, asking you the most random and weirdest questions.
- he’ll ask you to join during his investigations. very chaotic i say. you two would definitely fool around for a while but will always get the job done.
- you would ask him out first. he’s definitely the type to playfully flirt but when it comes to confessing how he feels, it’s not an easy task for him.
- he would take you to a serene & quiet place for a date. he feels more comfortable and open when it’s only the two of you. he’ll definitely ask a lot of questions because he wants to get to know you better.
- you’re the only person he shares his snacks with.
- a lot of playful fighting. sometimes when he’s being sneaky he’ll steal a kiss or two, to throw you off guard.
- maNS loves giving back hugs. also he constantly kisses the back of your hands and forehead.
i match you with GOJO SATORU!
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- yes y’all are the entp x intj troupe. 🤡
- also please get this man a leash. he is wild.
- you two knew each other from high school days. you used to hang out with him and getou. then everything took a terrible turn and you just lost contact with him.
- then, one day out of the blue as you were walking home with your weekly supply of jellybeans a tall figure stands in front of you. " do you believe in love at first sight or should i walk by again?"
- it definitely took you a couple of seconds to register that annoying voice. you looked him straight in the eye and walked away. of course mr. man whore here followed you, pestering you with millions of questions. you getting annoyed decided to have a catch up with each other at the cafe.
- you noticed how he hasn't changed one bit, still the same annoying brat from before. you missed this.
- you two start to hang out more often. he usually drops by your place, bringing sweets and pastries (when he is supposed to be helping the first years) for the both of you.
- when he asked you out the first time, you turned him down. you weren't exactly sure about your feelings but after some time you did come around and BOOM- y'all were one weird ass couple.
- the most random date night. sometimes this man will BRING you to help him during an investigation and call it a date <3
- megumi can't comprehend what you find appealing about him.
- okay okay, enough gojo slander now but i now he DEFINITELY spoils you. you want it, he buys it.
- mans gets jealous if you spend more time with the first years than him.
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babbling-idiot2 · 3 years
Blissfield Butcher Headcanons
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Requested: Technically yes, I was asked just to do some more Blissfield Butcher stuff so here I be!
Warning: Non
(Hello! So I hope this is good enough for the person who requested! I made headcanons so I could put more out there for him! If you have more requests please do send them in! Enjoy!!)
Well to just start off he does not believe he is “boyfriend material”
He believes that he just a low life that doesn’t deserve love from someone so amazing as you
He does not realize how much you actually love him
Doesn’t believe you either but that’s fine cause all you have to do is show him how much you love him
This can be telling him that you honestly and truly love him with every fiber of your being or literally climbing him like a damn tree to plant kisses all over his face
He’s not much of a blusher, he doesn’t get flustered so to say
He can get embarrassed and awkward because he doesn’t know where to place his hands or look or really do anything
This does reassure him though, in the end he does believe you and it does make him feel better
Now he’s not all that familiar with physical affection or affection at all but he is quite awkward when your both spending time together
He does like to spend time with you though
Especially when he’s not killing anyone or anything he loves to lay down with you and bullshit about pretty much anything
Loves to cuddle
He is literal Big Spoon
This man is the definition of Big Spoon
There is not a chance of you being the Big Spoon
He would literally laugh, place a hand on your shoulder look at you right in the face and sigh out and say “But why though?”
He also loves to tease you
Especially if your short (Which is likely cause I highly doubt you are over 6′5)
He loves to get things that you really need and hold them up in the air and having you literally jump and jump and jump until you pout at him, which makes him laugh
He loves to pick you up, partially to tease you but also to.....yeah just to tease you there is no other reason...sorry...
He likes to say “I could show you a world you’ve never seen before.” Right before he picks you up
Though it ticks you off, it actually is kind of funny
He wants to take you out to dinner but knows how hard that might be so, he kind of hopes to just to steal the stuff he needs to give you dinner
He does not know how to cook
He is a grown man but has no idea how to cook
He does like pancakes though
Will not hesitate to steal batter, butter and everything you might need just so you can make him pancakes.
DOUSE the pancakes in SYRUP
Can and will drink the syrup from the bottle
Will steal more for you if you need him to but do not be surprised when you find out he stole two just so he could drink one
When you make him pancakes you both go to your home
(This is obvious, I mean did you see what his "home" looked like, it was literally shit, even a mouse would say " Aww hell no!" You catch my drift?)
Like you have to make them there for obvious reasons, but also that's where you guys spend alot of your time together
He likes your home, he spends alot of his time laying down on your couch though
But if you have one of those small couches, expect him to just have one leg, up over the back of it and the other over the arm
He knew this would happen, but when he's been killing people, that means he gets dirty, so you ask him to shower alot and you wash his clothes
Deep deep down he loves that you care
But don't tell anyone
Also if someone finds out that you are in fact dating someone, but has no idea who, what he look like or anything, be live me when I say he will embarass the shit out of you over phone calls.
Has to be phone calls, he loves to come in and talk about the most perverted stuff and when you think it couldn't get any worse, he does something way worse
He likes to come up and be like "Babe, I think we may have broke the headboard last night, so I'm going to go pick up a new one." Or some dumb shit like that
Something mild and then as the phone call goes on longer and longer, he adds little pinches of 'what the fuck'
(Hello again so I hope you enjoyed (Got kinda carried away, I was cracking myself up the whole time) and if you did please do leave feedback it helps a whole lot and I really appreciate it! Have an amazing day/night and stay safe out there in the world, Love ya!!)
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mammonshuman92 · 4 years
- Voice Actor  -
(Mammon & Levi x MC)
*tap tap tap*
You pecked on Mammon's door, before letting yourself in. He was sprawled across his bed, messing with his D.D.D., visibly bored. He looked up to see who had entered the room, pleased to see it was you, he eagerly sat up.
"MC! Whatcha up to?" He was practically bouncing in place with excitement like a 5 year old. You couldn't help but smile at how he was always happy to see you.
"Not much. I was studying for the upcoming test in Devildom Law, but I needed a break. I came to see if you wanted to go get coffee or something and get out of the house for a little while" you said.
He jumped up off the bed, excitement all over his face, "Yes! I-I mean I guess I'll go with you." He said, trying to hide his enthusiasm as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked away, trying to act as though he wasn't completely over the moon that you asked HIM to go with you.
"Of course you want to spend time with The Great Mammon" he beamed.
You giggled at him. "You were dying of boredom, weren't you?" You asked him with a smile.
He waved his hand around "That's beside the point. Let's go!"
The two of you walked the streets of the Devildom, talking and laughing until you reached your destination. A little coffee shop nestled snugly on a side street, away from all the hustle and bustle of downtown. You found it (thanks to Satan's recommendation) shortly after arriving in the Devildom. You loved the atmosphere of the quiet, tiny establishment. You walk inside and are met with the warm aroma of various coffees and pastries.
You turn to Mammon, "Order whatever. I'm buying."
He frowns at you, "I'm not always broke, ya know? I just did a photo shoot a couple days ago." He looks away from you and crosses his arms, trying to act pouty.
You know that he hates it when you pay for stuff but as the Avatar of Greed he also isn't going to turn it down. It just kinda hurts his pride a little.
"Don't be like that" you say, elbowing him playfully, "I don't care who is buying, I just need caffeine"
After getting your coffee and snacks, you opt to sit outside at one of the little patio tables since it's such a beautiful day.
You and Mammon chit chat back and forth about RAD and his modeling and whatnot when you see someone familiar across the street. Mammon turns around to see what you're looking at.
"Is that Levi?" He asks, squinting his eyes. "He looks mad"
Levi was visibly angry.
You call out to him and wave when he finally sees you, gesturing for him to join the two of you. Mammon made a face at you and sat back in his chair.
"Why'd ya go and do that?" He pouted. "I can never just have ya to myself" he mumbled dejectedly. You pretened not to hear him as Levi walked up. Something had definitely made him mad. His face was red, eyebrows furrowed and you could practically see smoke coming out of his ears.
"What's wrong, Levi?" You asked as he sat down.
"It's just not fair!" He whined. "A new limited edition merch box for "That time my life got turned upside down because my homework got eaten by a possessed cheeseburger" just came out and I stayed up all night refreshing Akuzon waiting for it to drop and I fell asleep for like 7 minutes and missed it!! It had autographed merch from the voice actors and everything!!" He ranted before laying his head face down on the table.
"Whaaa? Possessed cheeseburger?? That sounds like something Beel would watch" Mammon said.
Levi sat back up, "He's actually the one who showed it to me and then I fell in love and became a superfan. Anyway, I went to the anime shop because I saw on their blog that they had 2 of those merch boxes, but again I was too late!! My life is over!!" He plopped his head back down on the table.
As hard as you tried, you couldn't keep from laughing. Mammon looked at you surprised and Levi lowkey was glaring at you. "It's not funny MC!" He grumbled. You just looked at him with a stupid big smile.
"I forgot that I never told you guys"
They looked at each other puzzled. "Told us what?" Levi inquired.
"Have you all never wondered what I do for money?" You asked.
They thought about it for a second.
"Now that ya mention it, I never have seen you work at Hell's Kitchen or anything. I guess I just assumed you were rich." Mammon said.
You giggled "No, I'm not rich. Although, what I do keeps me from having to get a regular job."
"..So, what is it you do then?" Levi questioned impatiently. He wasn't in the mood for any of this.
"I'm a voice actor. Surprise!" You finally reveal. Without missing a beat, you get into the persona of the main character from Levi's anime.
Mammon just looks at you sort of confused while Levi's eyes get as big as saucers and he starts stammering.
"M-MC!!! W-w-what is happening r-right now?!" His face and ears are bright red. "Is this a d-dream?!"
He launches into a barrage of questions. Demanding to know EVERYTHING. As it turns out, you are a VA from several of his anime. At one point you're pretty sure he stopped breathing.
"Levi? Are you alright?" You ask him. He was better than alright, he was over the moon!
"W-why have you never mentioned this highly important information b-before?! " He stammered. He's so excited he can barely talk.
"The shows I've done aren't very well know in the Devildom so I just assumed you all had never heard of them." You said with a shrug.
"Ya know", you continued "I have merch from the show, I'm only one of the VA's but I'd be more than happy to autograph it for you." You offered.
Levi definitely stopped breathing this time.
After the three of you returned to the House of Lamentation, Mammon went straight to his room. You assumed he was pouting. You were able to escape Levi for a few moments under the guise of wanting to shower. He begrudgingly accepted and eagerly awaited your return. (After all, you were the voice of some of his favorite 2D characters, and an anime marathon was a must!)
You went to Mammon's room, and not bothering to knock, flung open the door.
Oh, he was 100% pouting now that his "alone time" with you was ruined.
He was sitting on the couch with his back turned toward you when you walked into the room. You made your way over and sat next to him. You apologized and swore you'd make it up to him. He didn't budge.
"I'm pretty sure Levi is gonna keep me up all night watching anime, so I'm definitely gonna need more caffeine in the morning." You hinted.
Mammon just kept pouting, head turned away from you.
You stood up and slowly made your way to the door.
"I guess if you're not interested, I'll just have to find another demon to take me on a coffee date." You said over your shoulder.
He jumped up, "W-wait! Don't be askin' nobody else!" He stammered, getting flustered. Trying to backpedal, he crossed his arms, "I guess The Great Mammon accepts your apology.
You smiled at him, causing a dusting of pink to develop on his cheeks.
"I'm pickin' the place though. Don't want anyone interrupting my time with ya again" he grumbled.
"It's a date then." You said with a smile.
Before shutting the door you were pretty sure you saw his cheeks turn even more pink.
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sykilik101 · 3 years
Third Wheel
Ash was never one for expressing his emotions with any kind of subtlety. Courage, pride, anger; he only knew how to articulate his feelings at max power. As it turned out, that also applied to being love-struck. Between all the flushes of red on his cheeks and the ways he’d keep glancing in Misty’s direction, it wasn’t hard to figure out how he felt about her. That, and the picture of her I caught him staring at last week.
It had been an accident, naturally. He’d scrambled to hide the evidence, but at that point it was obvious to us both that I knew. Well, I’d known sooner, but he didn’t need to know that. Not right away, at least.
After taking a vow of silence for his sake, I’d expected Ash to never bring it up again. He hadn’t actually admitted to liking her, and I didn’t feel like coercing a confession out of him. I assumed he’d just deny anything if I asked, as he’d often done to everyone who ever teased him about liking her.
And yet...
“Brock, are you even listening?”
I nodded, swirling the wooden spoon through the stew. “Yeah, sure.”
“Really? Then what did I just say?”
“You think Misty is pretty.”
“...I already said that.”
“You’ve said it every night this past week, after all.”
“Well, that’s because it’s true!”
The night after my photographic discovery, Ash had approached me, his head down and his smile sheepish. Misty was bathing at the river, leaving the two of us alone. Ash coming to me during my preparation of dinner was common; the fluster written all over his face wasn’t.
Before I could say anything he’d simply blurted it out. “I like Misty.” No build up, no warning, as blunt as I’d come to expect from him. I’d nearly fumbled my knife from shock, which would have been terrible; that would mean leaving dinner to them two, and I actually felt like eating that night.
He’d nodded, his smile losing its hesitancy and growing in joy. What followed was a spiel of Ash putting all of those amorous glances at her into words. Even as my focus had been on making sure our dinner was cooking properly, he went on and on about Misty’s traits that had apparently become flattering practically overnight. Every night since, whenever Misty was off bathing, Ash used that time to unload all his sappy thoughts onto me.
Well, I guess it’s not like I hadn’t seen it coming a mile away.
It was funny how Misty was quick to call Ash dense when she’d never caught on to all the ways Ash had started falling for her over the years. I’d certainly noticed, though, like how he always made sure to eat next to her or set his sleeping bag by her side, things like that. I don’t think Ash consciously knew how he felt right away, but he must have caught on at some point, and Misty was none the wiser to any of it.
Ash prodded at my arm with further annoyance. “You’re supposed to be listening here, Brock.”
I offered what I hoped was a sympathetic smile. “Sorry, just focusing on dinner. I’ll listen this time for sure, promise.”
He crossed his arms and huffed, though his face quickly shifted to a more morose expression. “Do you think...does she really only think of me as a friend?”
“Are you talking about earlier?”
For the millionth time over the span of our journey, someone had interpreted Ash and Misty’s antics as romantic, and in the usual fashion they both denied it vehemently. Her remarks revolved around Ash simply being a friend and traveling partner, one who still owed her a bike. It was a common dismissive comment for her, and I’d allowed myself a glance at the little twitch in Ash’s eye when she said it.
“She’s forgotten about it before, so I kinda assumed that she actually likes traveling with m- us.”
I grinned at his little attempt to keep me included and I shook my head. “If it makes you feel better, Ash, I’ve enjoyed traveling with you up until this point. If she’s the Misty that we both know, I think she feels the same way, too.”
“Well, why does she keep bringing it up? Can’t she just say we’re just friends? Not that that’s any better…”
The last sentence was more mumble than exasperation. I gave the pot an extra stir. “She’s probably just used to saying it by now. Y’know, a bad habit. I can’t think of many other reasons she’d stick to the bike excuse.” I actually could, but I didn’t want to assume anything.
He didn’t answer right away, opting to lean forward on the log and lace his fingers together. I could hear him inhale slowly, but sigh sharply. “What do you think she would do if I actually paid her back?”
“How are you planning on doing that?”
He shook his head. “I’m not saying I can right now. I’m just thinking, do you think she’d stay on this journey with us?”
Being so used to Ash’s musings being upbeat and, well, gushy, it was off-putting to hear his tone get so down with regards to Misty. I didn’t have a real answer, but I could at least encourage him. “Y’know, I’m pretty sure she would. Don’t forget, she wanted to go on a journey to become a water Pokémon Master, right? I’d say she’s doing that and being with us. And besides,” I allowed myself another grin, “I’m sure she’d find some excuse to stay by your side even if you got her another bike.”
His face began to brighten. “You really think so?”
“You bet. I could imagine her saying that you’d never win another badge without her help.”
His first laugh of the evening resonated through the campsite and I savored my own delight at having cheered my friend up. “I could win any badge I wanted to all on my own. But…I’m really glad to have her cheering for me.”
“You know, you don’t hear everything she says during your battles.”
“What do you mean?”
I almost felt guilty at how quickly his mood shifted just by giving different context to Misty and her different relations to him, but since I was using this power for good, I swept it under my mental rug. “Sometimes you’ll make a mistake and she’ll say ‘don’t do that, Ash’ or ‘get it together’, you know, stuff like that.”
In a flash his grin plastered itself back onto his face, though it had brought along a pair of rosy cheeks. “Does she really?”
“Mhm, all the time, especially when you’re losing.”
It was like a twinge of annoyance had momentarily tried, but failed, to break through his smirk. “Lucky for me I haven’t lost a match in a while, huh?”
I nodded, sensing that Ash’s ego was starting to flare up, which was a funny thing to happen when talking about a crush of all things. Then again, I’d never gotten the impression Ash would know what to do with romantic feelings if he ever developed them, so I couldn’t say I was surprised.
Actually, what was Ash planning on doing about his crush?
“Are you gonna tell her?”
“...tell her what?”
“That you like her?”
Ideation of his recent win streak was clearly still on his mind and his brain hadn’t processed the question yet. Seconds later his mouth twisted as he sputtered out what I assumed was an answer, but it sounded more like the cry of some Pokémon that hadn’t been discovered yet. I checked the taste of the stew to hide my smirk. “I’m gonna need you to repeat that, Ash.”
“I’m...I’m gonna tell her. Eventually.” I wasn’t really convinced, and judging by his new expression he could probably tell. “I’m just not really sure of the right time. I kinda wondered if it would be okay to tell her when I got her another bike.”
“Whenever that is.”
“I’m really gonna pay her back, okay?”
“Are you worried she’ll say no?”
“To me getting her a new bike?”
His thumbs began rolling in slow circles, the rest of his body still aside from his breathing. He nibbled at his lip. “Even if Misty doesn’t like me back, I don’t think we’ll stop being friends because of it. It’s just...when I think of liking Misty, it makes sense to me, you know? It’s the same with me liking Pokémon. I can’t really explain it, but I know it. I guess I’m kinda scared that I’ll lose something that makes sense to me.”
I gave the stew one last good stir before setting the spoon across the top of the pot. The conversation had gotten to the point where Ash deserved my full attention. “What would be the best case scenario if you told her?”
“I guess...she’d say she likes me back.”
“And then?”
He leaned his head back, a thousand-mile stare matching his now reddened cheeks. It took him a few extra seconds to break away from his fantasy world. “I guess we’d do what people who like each other do. Y’know, holding hand and...all that stuff.” A sudden look of realization straightened his face out, blinking before turning to me. “Actually, Brock, you always seem able to hold a girl’s hand or talk about being in love with them so easily.”
I chuckled nervously, touching my fingers to the back of my neck. “W-well, my case is a little different from yours, that’s all.” I wouldn’t say jealous was the word, but while I was fascinated in finding an everlasting love somewhere out in the world, it was obvious to me that Ash had already found his. He just needed a bit more time and courage to get to her.
He didn’t look fully satisfied with my answer, but shrugged all the same. “I just wonder if it should even be this hard. I want her to like me back, but every time I think about telling her, I get all tense.” He smirked. “That’s kinda why I wanted to tell her when I got her another bike. It’d be like...I’m not just telling her, but showing her, you know?”
It was always my view that Ash was dense to romance, or at the least didn’t understand when it applied to him specifically. However, that little grin and the way his interlaced fingertips started bouncing back and forth said enough about how natural it was for him, at least with regards to Misty. Knowing him he probably didn’t even consider what he’d just said as an act of love, just a solution to his nervousness issue.
“If you think that’s the best move, then that’s what you should go for.”
What else was there to say? My gut told me he’d probably succeed no matter what he did, but if he wanted the bike to be his vehicle for delivering his confession, I didn’t have much room to say otherwise. Not after that kind of admission.
He nodded, but before he could say anything else the sound of footsteps cut him off. “I’m back.”
Our attention was pulled towards Misty re-entering the campsite, her hair down and still damp. Without missing a beat I glanced towards Ash, newly appreciating that giddy little smile he was clearly trying his best to hide. Twice now he’d gushed about how Misty looked with her hair down, but the look on his face said it all.
I still had no idea how Misty hadn’t figured it out yet.
“It’s your turn, Ash, and don’t just jump in and out. Actually clean yourself for once.”
“Misty, I always clean myself! At least I don’t spend forever taking a bath like some people!”
“For your information, I need to wash away all the dirt and sweat from walking all day! Didn’t your mom tell you to clean yourself properly?”
Their squabble was going to last another minute or two, and I used the chance to check the stew once more. Perfectly done, ready to eat.
With a huff, Ash meandered towards the river. I hadn’t noticed if he won the argument, but then it never really mattered between the two. If anything, as I watched Ash vanish around the corner, I could probably imagine the smirk he was wearing. I chuckled to myself; I’d probably have to deal with his nightly gushing for a long while.
“Hey, Brock?”
Misty took a seat next to me, returning her hair to its normal ponytail. Her hands fell to her lap, an uncommon awkwardness plastered on her face.
“What’s up, Misty?”
Her fingers tensed and relaxed over and over as her gaze glued itself to her knees. She drew her bottom lip between her teeth and I felt a strange sense of déjà vu. The sole of her foot bounced up and down, flatting the dirt below it.
“Can I talk to you...about Ash?”
She turned to me with the same reddened cheeks I’d just finished looking at not a minute ago. Same discomfort, same wavering eyes. I almost wanted to fall back in my seat in disbelief, but I settled for a small grin that elicited a curious look from her. Shaking my head I patted the log next to me, turning to face her.
“I’m all ears.”
I guess I wouldn’t just be dealing with Ash’s gushing for a while, either.
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I initially wrote this fic just because I wanted to write about the idea of gushing, but then I ended up using it to practice a slight deviation of my writing style. Hope you all enjoyed it!
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fnf-brain-rot · 3 years
Whitty x Boyfriend
                         Chapter 6 - should we?
                                NSFW WARNING
Boyfriend decided to stop by Pico's. Again. Well, Pico couldn't complain. The little blue haired guy had been watching over Whitty as if he had a child for over a week now. Pico just didn't like how early he came over. 12 PM is too early.
"Hey Pico! Gee, you look tired." Boyfriend leaned against the doorway, as if he were trying to look cool or something. Pico simply grumbled something under his breath and walked away from the open door, and Boyfriend took that as an invitation to let himself in. Pico walked into his living room, flopping face first onto his couch. "Couldn't sleep again?" Bee called to him, making his way to the kitchen to make TEA. Drinking coffee everyday was just gonna hurt him. Pico grunted loudly in response.
Bee smiled a little to himself, easily maneuvering around his kitchen as if he lived there himself. Well, at one point he actually did. That's why he and Pico are so close. He couldn't say they never had any awkward sort of encounters with each other, in fact he remembers those the most. He hummed as he put the tea pot on the stove, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. If he were to be honest, he kind of avoided Pico for a while. He began feeling funny around him all the time, and figured once he moved out, the feeling would probably go away. Pico seemed confused about his distant behavior, and even distanced himself with fear that he had done something wrong.
Boyfriend came out with the tea a few minutes later, noting the light snoring coming from Pico. He somehow managed to fall asleep. He laughed a bit to himself, then grabbed the blanket on the top of the couch to cover him with. It was a little chilly in his place. He would have to drink his tea though. Perfectly good Earl Grey tea should not go to waste.
Pico awoke about two hours later, though he immediately sat up in remembrance of the company he had over. "Bee?" He called out, to what he was hoping was an empty apartment. He let out a quiet yawn, rubbing one of his eyes with his knuckle, a bit too harshly. He grunted and stood from the couch. He didn't get a response, which led him to believe he was alone. The coffee table was suspiciously clean. "I told him to stop touching my shit when I knock out." He muttered to himself. He just hoped he stayed out of his room. The thought made him cringe, and filled him with an anxiety to go check.
Removing his shirt, he still felt hot even though he turned the air on, he made his way to his bedroom first. The door was closed, but that doesn't mean he didn't go in though.
Swinging the door open, he took a  moment to scan his faint eyes across the empty room. It looked untouched, compared to the cleanliness of the rest of his apartment. He let out a breath of relief, but it was short lived as he heard his front door open. "Pico?" Boyfriend's voice called into the home. He must have seen that Pico wasn't lying on the couch anymore.
"Yeah, I'm here." Pico responded, shutting the door closed behind him before going back out to greet the blue haired midget. Once he could see him, he took note of all the plastic bags in his arms. "Did you go shopping??" Pico made a face of confusion, and Boyfriend smiled. "Yep! You had absolutely nothing in your fridge, so I went and bought you some stuff I knew you liked." He held up one of the bags. Pico could damn there smell the mini apple pies. "I.. told you about doing that shit.." The ginger crossed his arms and looked away, feigning irritation, but Bee simply laughed it off. "You want one?" he reached into the bag and took out one of the packages. Pico intensified his look, but still took the apple pie regardless.
"Go ahead, sit down, I'll put up the groceries." Boyfriend  offered, but Pico grabbed his hand to stop him. "No, bee, you're the guest here. You don't have to." The ginger sighed softly. Boyfriend huffed in frustration, gently pushing him away. "You go sit down. I got this." He continued his way into the kitchen, and Pico simply huffed with an eye roll. He was so sweet. He hoped that guy wasn't taking advantage of that.
Boyfriend made them normal turkey sandwiches for lunch, knowing Pico was a simple man. They ate together in the living room while watching family guy, proposed by Pico of course. Boyfriend would watch what Pico wanted, he honestly didn't mind.
"Hey, Pico?" The ginger hummed with his mouth full, then glanced back at the other when he didn't speak moments later. "Don't you get lonely in here? I know people are in and out of your apartment, but like.." Boyfriend stopped talking when he noticed the odd look on Pico's face. "I mean like! Ugh.. nevermind.." He looked down dejectedly at his sandwich, a temporary silence enveloping the two.
"Yeah.." Boyfriend's head shot up, a blush creeping up on his face. "Yeah, it feels pretty empty in here sometimes, especially ever since you left." Pico admitted honestly. An awkward silence claimed their surroundings a second time, and Boyfriend was regretting saying anything like that. Pico only ate half his sandwich before he felt like he couldn't touch it.
"I was supposed to meet this guy last weekend." He found the will to speak, finding the silence unbearable. It was Monday now. "What happened?"
"He couldn't find the will to come. He had already met Gigi that Friday, and one person at a time was good enough for him." Bee answered softly, glancing down at Pico's hand, resting peacefully on the couch beside him. He was there for that one scar on his hand. He was trying to cook something fancy with Nene and Darnell, and managed to cut himself real bad. He was sure the other two don't let him live it down.
Pico hummed in response. Once Boyfriend was able to stand on his own two feet, he moved out, even though he didn't really want to. He thought it was out of pure laziness, but there were other emotions tugging at him as well. He never had a good chance to address them.
"I'm sorry."
Boyfriend looked up to Pico quickly. He was now staring back at him. "I know living with me gave you a hard time. I'm not the most stable person." Boyfriend quickly shook his head. "No, no it wasn't like that!" He felt himself gently grab the ginger's hand. Pico tensed a bit at the sudden touch, then slowly made eye contact again. "I mean we both had our moments, I understand you go through a lot of shit, but like.. I don't regret living with you. I appreciate you for letting me stay with you until I got myself straight." he wanted to make it clear to him that he wasn't distancing himself.
Pico clicked his tongue, turning away again, mostly to hide the heat flaring in his face. Boyfriend gave his hand a gentle squeeze, though he couldn't help but laugh. "Are you flustered?" He teased him, and Pico grunted. "Fuck off, your face is red as hell." They both laughed at each other. "Look at me, dumbass." Bee then demanded, and Pico rolled his eyes, finally facing him again.
They were much closer than he remembered, but it didn't bother him. "You know this is cliche as fuck, right?" Pico then commented, making Boyfriend burst out into laughter, pushing his face away. "Damn, see look you ruined it!"
"Maybe you should have moved a little faster!"
"Maybe you should stop being such a pussy!"
Pico cocked an eyebrow at him. "Oh yeah?" Without warning, he pushed forward, pressing their lips together. It was a little rough, but Boyfriend being involved held a touch of gentle sweetness. They both damn there melted into each other, Pico pushing the other onto the couch, while Boyfriend wrapped his arms around his neck. They were glad to know it seemed like they had both been waiting for one or the other to make the first move for ages.
Pico trailed a hand up Boyfriend's thigh, and the other gave him permission to move further. Bee slid his hands under his shirt past the collar, feeling at the other's rough, freckled skin with loving strokes. They pulled away to breathe, panting softly and staring into each others eyes.
god he was beautiful..
"You sure you.. you want to?" Pico hesitated on his actions, but Boyfriend nodded quickly. "Of course I want to.." He smiled a little, pressing his hand against his face and gently dragging his thumb over his ear.
Pico hid the grin on his face by leaning down, leaving gentle kisses along his neck and collarbone. He pushed his knee against his crotch area, making Bee whine into his ear. he could already feel him growing hard, though he himself was too.
Pico was quick to take off Bee's sweatpants, and Boyfriend swiftly removed Pico's shirt. He couldn't help but run his hands along the scars slowly. He knew they weren't good, but by god did they look hot on him. Their breaths grew heavy as Pico trawled his hand along his straining briefs, giving him a gentle squeeze through the cloth. "Pico.." Bee managed out, triggering the butterflies in the ginger's stomach.
Pico wasn't really big on foreplay, and Boyfriend seemed to get the message when he tugged on his underwear. "Here, l-let me.." He turned it around, pushing Pico onto his back instead. "Wh- huh?" Pico made a face, though a blush spread on his features as Boyfriend pulled his pants and underwear down enough to allow his erection to spring up to action.
bee licked his lips. He hadn't done this before, but he was eager to try. He trailed his tongue up the side of his length, making the ginger groan at how slow he was going. He then pushed his girth past his lips, going down about mid way before he felt the gag reflex kick in. "Fuck, Bee.. shit.." Pico resisted the urge to buck his hips. He'd probably kill him doing that. Boyfriend pulled off, his face red, lips parted, gasped for air. It was an odd feeling.. He kinda liked it..
He squeezed the base of his cock, then went down on him again, making sure there was enough saliva to act as lube for their next act. "Jesus where did you learn this?" The taller man chuckled softly, biting his lip as he watched Boyfriend pull off again. "Uhh.. Just tried different things.." He laughed sheepishly, wiping the drool from his cheek.
Once he was wet enough, Boyfriend leaned back, spreading his legs open invitingly and holding them at his ankles. Pico's face couldn't get any more red. God he was so fucking hot.. "B-Be gentle.. I haven't done this before.." Pico nodded, leaning over him. He rested his hands on both sides of his head against the arm of the couch, pressing himself against his puckering little hole. They probably should have prepped first, but they were both too eager, too ready for this.
Pico slowly pushed in, and Boyfriend tried not to tense too bad, since tensing only makes it worse, however it did hurt like hell. He gently grabbed the other's hand and squeezed, Boyfriend eagerly squeezing back. Bee only whimpered, then breathed in a shaky gasp. Pico would pause every couple inch until he was fully inside him. He couldn't help but stroke Bee's cheek, watching him tremble with muffled whines and keens of pain and pleasure.
"You.. you can- ahh!!" Boyfriend moaned out surprisingly loud. Pico groaned as Bee constricted around him, tensing and relaxing over and over from every movement. He pulled out, then quickly pushed back in. Boyfriend arched his back and let out a high cry, his eyes rolling back from the sheer intense feeling of pleasure that washed over him.
Pico did move gently as he asked him to, his moan rumbling in his chest above the smaller. "O-Oh god.. Pico..! Ffuck..!" Boyfriend wiggled his hips a bit as he got used to the feeling, and Pico took that as a sign to go faster. "You take dick real good for it being your first time.." He mumbled to him, situating his hands on his hips in order to gain more control of his thrusts.
"Faster..! Faster Pico..!!" Boyfriend had thrown his arms above his head, which dangled over the side of the couch arm. He wrapped his legs around Pico's waist, finding them growing tired from just sitting in the air. Pico  happily obliged, smiling a bit at how eager he sounded. It did make him happy how easy he could please him though. Boyfriend's body began to shake, and his moans and cries took on a higher pitch. Pico knew he was close, and so was he.
With a few more thrusts, Bee tensed and threw up one of his legs, cum sputtering from his cock all over himself and his torso. The sight alone was enough for Pico to release his seed into him. He went on for a good few seconds, then finally pulled out after about a minute. They both panted heavily, Boyfriend's eyes already beginning to flutter from how tired he felt after their little endeavor. "That was.. so good.." He breathed out drunkenly, making Pico chuckle at his cute demeanor. "Yeah? Maybe we should do it again sometime.." He leaned down and kissed his lips again, ignoring the messy drool on his face. "Come on, let's clean up."
"Mh.." Boyfriend could only moan tiredly in response. Pico sighed lightly, then picked him up, knowing he was gonna make him do all the work.
Boyfriend woke up abruptly, glancing around himself in confusion. Oh, this was Pico's room. When did he fall asleep? He was in his bed, wearing one of Pico's shirts and a pair of his boxers. He yawned and stretched his arms, though he felt another body next to him. "Oh you're up?" Pico's gruff voice sounded, and he looked over to see the ginger looking at him, a small smile on his face. It made Boyfriend smile also. "Sorry for knocking out on you. It was.. intense.." He blushed, and Pico laughed a little at him. "You look cute when you sleep.." He mumbled softly, and Bee made a face. "What? That's weird.." He teased him, and Pico rolled his eyes.
Boyfriend suddenly felt like he was missing something. Something important, and he knew what that something was. "Oh shit, what time is it?" He sat up quickly, and Pico frowned. "It's like seven thirty, why?"
Whitty has been alone at home all day! Fuck!
"Fuck, I gotta go.." He threw the blanket off of him, causing Pico to sit up as well. "He can handle himself can't he? Isn't he a grown man?"
"Well yeah! But.. He needs me.."
"I need you!"
Pico's retort made him pause and look at him. God, he did feel terrible about dipping on him like this. But Whitty.. He'll think he abandoned him. He wouldn't be surprised if he left the house completely at this point. "I..I'm sorry, Pico.." He mumbled. "I-I'll come back though I will! I swear I'm not blowing you off!"
Pico wore an unreadable expression, though he looked away and lied back down. "Yeah, okay." The words came out harshly, and Boyfriend winced. God he felt like shit. He stared at him for another moment, then left his bedroom, grabbing his pants to leave.
He thought about Pico the whole walk home, and even worse it had started to rain. He had to text him or something, but just knew he wouldn't respond. Not quickly anyway.
He unlocked the front door of his apartment, and quickly stepped inside, but was immediately greeted by the tight embrace of his large bomb man. "Thank god you're okay! You've been gone all day I thought someone hurt you or you got lost or maybe-maybe-" Bee quickly shushed him, laughing a little into his shoulder. "It's okay Whits, I'm here. I wouldn't leave you like that. I was.. running errands." He mumbled softly. Whitty pulled away, tear streaks on his own face. Boyfriend's heart broke. Had he been crying?
"You look sad, what happened? Did someone hurt you.. emotionally?" Whitty asked him softly, and Bee laughed again, dry this time. "No.. no.." He muttered. "I'll tell you about it later. You want dinner?" He offered, finally kicking off his shoes when Whitty gave him space at last. Whitty nodded eagerly. "I'm hungry.." He then informed him, pouting a little. He really did make Boyfriend smile..
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“School Life:” A Hoodie Season AU Prequel
F/M Pairing: Y/N x Hwang Hyunjin (SKZ)
Genre: Married Life AU (Hoodie Season Prequel)
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Mild Language
Summary: When Y/N is hired as the librarian at her former high school, she isn’t exactly thrilled to return. Of course, there’s also the issue of the persistent dance teacher who seems determined to win her affections.
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Here’s a funny story: imagine promising yourself that you’d attend college, nail an awesome degree, and then find a job making six figures on an annual basis, only to return home with a teaching license to work at the same school that you attended when you were 16 while making less than acceptable.
Yeah, life had a funny way of making a joke out of itself, and the punch line is never really that good. 
But there wasn’t time for me to complain about my prospects since I had been unemployed for six months with a lousy degree in literature that led to absolutely nothing. In desperate times, we’re often forced to do things that we hate, and I was certainly disenchanted with the idea of working in a high school library surrounded by horny and immature devils all the time. 
“Good morning, Y/N!”
Oh, and I also had to deal with one of the most annoyingly persistent men on a regular basis. “What do you want, Hyunjin?”
Despite my dismissive tone, Hyunjin still leaned in across the check-out counter, and I could feel his eyes staring at my ass. “It’s my free period.”
“And...you should come have coffee with me,” Hyunjin said, and I finally turned around to endure his flirtatious smile. It had only been two months since the start of the semester, and a grand total of two weeks since Hyunjin had first started trying his luck with me. But I was beginning to think that he didn’t know how to take a hint. 
“I’m busy with paperwork,” I said, ignoring his crestfallen expression. However, in my defense, I wasn’t looking for a relationship, and I was far too preoccupied with my own self-loathing to entertain his advances.
“Again?” he pouted, giving me a look that I’m sure won the heart of any girl that he had the chance to impress.
It was too bad that they didn’t work on me. 
“Bye, Hyunjin,” I said, giving him a cheeky smile before disappearing into my office.
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The next morning, I noticed that Bang Chan, one of the upperclassman teachers, had arranged to pick up some books for his students. It required some set-up on my end with the computer system, and I was completing the necessary paperwork when Chan walked into the library. “Good morning, Y/N,” he said with a pleasant smile.
“Mr. Bang,” I greeted him in return. “I brought an empty cart for your request.”
“Perfect!” Chan smiled, walking around the counter to pull the cart towards the surrounding bookshelves.
I watched him from the corner of my eye while inputting the final codes for my spreadsheet. “Is this for a class project?”
Chan lifted his head from where he was examining a nearby book display. “Oh! Yeah, the kids like it when we do this kind of stuff. Well, I mean, they don’t like reading so much, but it’s better than tests.”
I nodded my head because I could certainly appreciate that considering some of the more stringent high school examinations that I recalled from my teenage years. “The school wants me to read you this long and boring list of protocols after you check-out something.”
“Yeah...” Chan trailed off with a chuckle. “Do you want to do it now...or?”
I grinned, closing out one of the tabs on my computer screen before joining Chan by the bookshelves. This close, I could appreciate the subtle scent of his cologne and his easygoing smile. “I think we can just skip it,” I said, raising a brow. “I’m sure you’ve heard it before.”
“You’ll let me off easy, Y/N?” Chan asked, turning around with a knowing look and I reveled in our simple flirtation. 
“Since you’ve been so nice,” I said, breaking off when I heard the door to the library open again.
“There you are!” Hyunjin announced his presence, waltzing over to the two of us without a single care in the entire world. “How can I last all day without seeing this smile?”
I sighed when said smile disappeared. “What did you do before I came here?”
“It was a lonely workplace,” Hyunjin said, and I noticed the way that he had positioned himself between me and Chan.
“Anyway,” Chan continued, attempting to speak over Hyunjin despite his unexpected presence. “As a thank you, Y/N, would you like to come to the school’s basketball game this Friday? I coach the men’s team, and we’re undefeated this year.”
“Really?” I asked.
“Oh, it’s basically a tradition,” Hyunjin intervened, sending Chan a look. “The boys love the support from their teachers.”
“But Hyunjin, you don’t even-”
“You’ll come, right?” Hyunjin asked, interrupting Chan’s train of thought. In return, the older man merely shrugged before occupying himself with the task of stacking the books that he required onto the cart. 
I studied Hyunjin’s beaming expression because, in all honesty, it was one of the very last things that I wanted to do, but it seemed unusually important - which meant that a small part of me was quite curious. “I guess I can try and clear some time,” I said with a shrug.
Hyunjin’s smile was impossibly large, and he leaned against Chan’s cart like he wanted to look as cool and laid-back as possible. “You know, Y/N,” he started. “I think you and I share a lot in common.”
“I doubt that,” I said with a tense smile.
“We both care a lot about our students,” Hyunjin said, and I tried not to laugh because Hyunjin couldn’t begin to imagine just how much I didn’t want this particular job on my resume. “We’re also good-looking people.”
The comment was shallow, and I didn’t feel that impressed by his attempt to compliment me. Meanwhile, Chan snorted around a laugh as he pushed his cart back, nearly sending Hyunjin sprawling into the floor. “I have things to do,” Chan said, excusing himself politely while a flustered Hyunjin tried to play off his decidedly uncool moment.
“If only your students were around to see this...” I trailed off with a distracted sigh, leaving Hyunjin behind spluttering out nonsensical words while I returned to the sanctity of my private office.
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On Friday night, I parked my car near the back of the school before entering the loud and unusually crowded gymnasium where, for just a split second, I almost considered walking back out the door. It smelled like sweat and dirty laundry, and the bleachers looked uncomfortable, especially since everyone was forced to sit shoulder-to-shoulder. “What fresh hell is this?” I grumbled, shouldering off my jacket since I definitely wouldn’t need it.
I proceeded to walk around the proximity of the gym, searching for familiar faces. I spotted Chan standing on the sidelines with another teacher (Changbin, maybe?) before I realized that someone was calling my name from behind me. I turned around to greet Han Jisung, one of the Freshman English teachers, and he pointed to a section where I recognized several other staff members. “You can join us if you want,” Jisung said and I nodded my agreement.
He led us through the crowd of eager fans, keeping an eye on me as I teetered precariously on the old bleachers wearing high heels that I definitely regretted. But at the very top, I could see some familiar faces, including one that appeared far more eager than the rest. “Oh, Y/N,” Hyunjin said. “I’m glad to see you. It’s nice to have the teachers support our teams.”
“You never come to the basketball games,” Felix said, and Hyunjin shot him a silencing glare.
“What are you talking about, Felix?” Hyunjin asked with wide eyes. “I always support the school.”
“Sure,” Seungmin snorted as if he was simply placating Hyunjin’s obvious fabrication.
“Yeah, I heard it was something else,” I said, taking a seat next to Han before turning my attention to the game.
I wasn’t a big sports fan by any means, and I struggled to make sense of the chaos that included a bunch of teenage boys running up and down the court wearing their brightly-colored uniforms. Sometimes a whistle blew or the shot clock made a truly horrible sound when the buzzer went off to conclude the end of game-time. Otherwise, I felt utterly confused as I sat back and nodded when one of the other teachers surrounding me made a comment that I certainly didn’t understand.
When the game reached halftime, Hyunjin immediately stood up from his seat, starting down the staircase as he chanced a look back over his shoulder. “They have refreshments outside,” he said to me. “My treat?”
I placated him with a nod, following him into the slowly forming crowd attempting to migrate outside of the gymnasium where the smell of pizza and nachos was especially prominent. Hyunjin and I stood at the back of the line, and I swallowed down a feeling of claustrophobia. Meanwhile, I hadn’t noticed that Hyunjin was looking at me until he finally made his voice audible over the white noise of the surrounding crowd. 
“I think we got off on the wrong foot,” Hyunjin said, giving me, what I assumed, was his best attempt at a humble expression. “I’m sorry if I’ve done something to offend you...”
“It’s not so much that,” I said. “But it’s tiresome to see you put so much effort into flirting with me.”
“Oh...” Hyunjin said, clearing his throat awkwardly, but he also seemed hurt by my admission. “I’m not, like, some kind of serial dater or something. I genuinely thought you were interesting when we met at the teacher’s conference for the first time.”
“You did?” I asked, studying this vulnerable version of Hyunjin with close scrutiny.
“Yeah.” He nodded, adjusting the beanie hugging the crown of his hairline. “I’m kinda bad at this type of thing, but you’re different from the others. I think you and I both know that’s not always a bad thing, and I was hoping that you might at least give me one tiny little chance at a date.”
I gave him my full attention then, and I found myself taken aback by the look of earnest interest reflecting back at me in warm swirls of brown. “Okay,” I said, deciding that it couldn’t possible hurt to give him an opportunity. “But do me a favor and at least have a better excuse the next time you come into the library,”
Hyunjin had the decency to blush, and I couldn’t help but smile as we took another step forward.
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It was Saturday evening when Hyunjin picked me up in front of my small apartment complex. I settled next to him in the front seat, smiling in his direction when he extended a tentative greeting. “How are you, Y/N?” he asked, and I was surprised to hear a hint of nervousness in his tone.
“I’m good,” I said. “But what’s this surprise all about, Hyunjin?”
“No spoilers,” Hyunjin said, and he seemed to regain some semblance of his former confidence as we drove down the crowded city streets in the direction of the main interstate.
“Well, I expect something classy since you made such a big deal about dressing up for the occasion,” I said, reaching down to smooth my hands along the hemline of my skirt.
“I don’t know much about you,” Hyunjin admitted. “But I had a friend give me some advice.”
“Dating advice?” I questioned, smirking in his direction. “You must not go on very many dates.”
“Not really,” Hyunjin remarked. “Despite what you might be thinking, it’s never been a big thing for me.”
I contemplated his words, watching as he drug his bottom lip between his teeth to worry the skin. “Why?”
“I don’t know,” Hyunjin said. “I guess I’m not very good at making connections with people. I’ve been told that I can come on too strong.”
I laughed at the honest assessment. “Maybe you just need more practice.”
“Yeah,” Hyunjin agreed. “But is that okay with you? I mean, now that you know that I don’t have any idea about what I’m doing.”
“I think it’s more exciting,” I told him. “It also explains why you’re flirting was so over the top at the beginning of the semester.”
Hyunjin groaned as if embarrassed by the reminder. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” I said, reaching across the console to take his willing hand. “If you were quiet, then we wouldn’t be here right now.”
Hyunjin let out a shaky exhale, studying me for a moment from the corner of his eye. “I want to make a better impression on you, Y/N.”
“Trust me,” I said with a smile. “The impression I already have of you is quite persuasive.”
Hyunjin nodded, and a comfortable silence proceeded before he fumbled with the buttons on the radio to allow some music to accompany the remainder of our drive together. It was something techno and upbeat - the kind of thing that just made sense to me because I knew that he was a dance teacher. But in any case, I only really started to pay attention when I noticed that we had somehow entered the more upscale part of the city. 
Maybe Hyunjin was really doing his best to impress me.
“Here we are,” Hyunjin said, pulling into a parking spot lining the side of a very familiar building.
I realized immediately that it was the opera house which meant that the Hwang Hyunjin had brought me to a pretentious affair that certainly held no appeal to someone like myself. But I tried to keep my smile, nodding at him while he handed our tickets over to the attendant. Meanwhile, at the back of my head, all I could think about was the fact that Hyunjin might’ve been trying too hard with our first date. Especially as I observed the expensive theater.
“I heard it’s a classic,” Hyunjin whispered to me after we found our seats in the middle of the enormous crowd.
“Great,” I murmured back, trying not to feel so out of place.
Instead, I focused on the show in front of me, clapping along with everyone else because I had no idea when it was actually appropriate to do so. In fact, I was forced to laugh even though I couldn’t figure out what was funny, and I shifted uncomfortably when the older gentleman next to me started crying during one of the scenes. Apparently, the gathered crowd of patrons had rehearsed all of this before attending the show, and I was left pretending to understand the social cues that the others had already memorized.
It was actually rather draining, and I forced a smile at Hyunjin when he looked down at me. “You’re not having fun,” Hyunjin finally said during intermission.
“What do you mean?” I asked, but I wasn’t nearly as convincing of an actress as the people on stage.
Hyunjin sighed. “Honestly, Y/N, do you even like this?”
I swallowed hard, struggling under the scrutiny of his gaze. “It’s...alright?”
Hyunjin grinned, but it didn’t seem genuine. “Come on,” he said, rising from his seat. “I don’t think we’ll be missing out by leaving early.”
I reluctantly took Hyunjin’s outstretched hand, allowing him to pull me down the aisle before we trudged through the crowded lobby and into the refreshing night air. The parking lot was still full of cars, and Hyunjin had parked us somewhere near the back since we weren’t aware of the necessity of arriving to these shows several hours before start time. But I didn’t mind the walk because I was trying to think of something to say to a downtrodden Hyunjin who paused next to his car.
“Look,” I finally said with an endeared smile. “You don’t have to try so hard to impress me.”
“I screwed everything up,” Hyunjin said, and I was sad to see that he was genuinely upset as he leaned against the side of his car.
“No, you didn’t, Hyunjin,” I tried to tell him, but he wasn’t having any of it.
“I really like you,” Hyunjin said. “And this felt like my one opportunity to get something right, but I fucked up again.”
I took a deep breath, tilting my head to catch Hyunjin off-guard as I brushed a soft kiss across his lips. “I can tell you have a good heart, and that’s all I care about, okay?”
Hyunjin seemed completely taken aback, and I was worried that I had sent him into some kind of shock, but he allowed one hand to wrap around my waist as he brought us closer. “Thank you, Y/N,” he said, and our second kiss was reciprocated by both sides - a tender exchange of out deepest feelings. “Does this mean that I might get a chance at another date?” he asked, looking at me with sincere brown eyes.
“I think you’re worth it,” I told him despite how cheesy it sounded inside my head.
“This makes us official, right?” Hyunjin asked, and I should’ve known better than to expect something normal with him. Doing things by the book with all the cliches involved didn’t really seem like Hyunjin’s kind of thing - and I liked him even more because of it.
“Yeah, if you want labels or whatever,” I grumbled, but his teasing laugh was the best kind of medicine. Needless to say, our first night together was perfect in every way.
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Um first of all wanted to say THANK YOU AMAZING AUTHOUR! Your work 10/10 👌 - also can I request a hc to the boys reacting to mc being put under a love potion, (Solomon casting it, mayhaps as a prank) but you act normal bc you already love them (true love stuff) idk I thought it would be very fluffy and cute.
Thank you so much, that is very sweet of you! 
Solomon would do something like this, shady wizard.
He is very aware of the spell, and its effects. 
Not that he ever needed to use this. 
Asmo is a little disappointed when it has 0 effect on you. 
Not that he would take advantage of you but he wouldn't mind to see you flirting with him. 
He is wondering if it doesn't work on humans, but he has seen it working before. 
What other reason could there be? 
Asmo read through the spells description and there it says, it will not work if you are already in love with the first person that you see. 
Seeing as you two are alone right now, that can only mean one thing. 
You are in love with him! Wait a second. 
Asmo feels strangely shy about this, so unlike him. 
There is only one way to know for sure. 
That is, of course, to ask you. 
"Hey say are you in love right now?" 
"You mean from the spell? I don't feel any different."
"No, I meant before that spell was cast." 
You get a bit shy. "Well I mean you know…"
"Please be honest with me."
You turn red. "Yes, I am in love right now."
Asmo knows this is a bit silly to ask bit he has to know. "So the person that you love is in this room right?" 
"Yes." You feel very shy but this might be a good opportunity to confess your feelings. "And before you ask the person I love is you." 
Asmo is a bit taken aback. He had no idea. I mean he likes you obviously and yes you two have been flirting and enjoying time together. Well now where he really thinks about it, all the signs were there. Maybe he just never thought you would fall in love with him. 
"So what about you Asmodeus?" You ask a bit shyly, hoping he feels something for you too. 
"I love you too of course. Sorry I was just a bit surprised that's all." He smiles widely and hugs you tightly. 
He will not do anything else for now, just in case the potion had an effect on you after all. 
In a twist of fate he made a love potion for Lucifer to drink, to embarrass him of course. 
Sadly you somehow thought it was lemonade and drank it. 
Satan is very worried about its effects, and slightly curious how you would be when you are love drunk.
Soon he notices that there is no change at all. 
Satan is a bit confused, he double and triple checks the ingredients and the brewing method but he did everything correctly. 
That only leaves one option : You already love him!? 
He has to let that sink in for a minute and then blushes. 
Satan has to know to be sure. "Hey this might be a strange question, but are you in love with someone?" 
"Huh, why do you ask?" You have no idea why Satan asks. 
"Well, you see this love potion doesn't work on someone who is in love." 
You start to feel embarrassed. "I mean I meant to tell you before but yeah I love someone. That someone is you. I love you Satan." You fidget a bit and turn red. 
Satan blushes as well. He was hoping for this but was honestly afraid of your answer. 
He smiles and takes your hand to calm you down. "I'm very glad to hear this. To be honest I love you too."
Now you are both bright red and smile happily. 
He will wait until the potion has no effect anymore and then asks you to date him officially. 
You agree and soon you find Satan telling anyone that you confessed your love to conveniently leaving the lovepotion out if his story. 
He has this collectors item lovepotion and honestly expected it to be fake. 
To your credit it looks just like a bottle of the anime themed soda that Levi currently drinks. 
You accidentally fill your cup with it and Levi's. 
You both drink it and it tastes kinda strange but to be fair most of his soda does. 
Leviathan, at least, doesn't notice. 
Later your cups are empty and Levi is filling you both up. 
He gets pale when he sees the open bottle of lovepotion. 
"Ahhh look at this!" He runs over to you, bottle in hand. "It's a lovepotion! Do you know what that means???" 
You are slightly confused. "Wait, I thought it was soda and a lovepotion? Come on, that does not really exist, right?" 
"It's genuine, trust me I know the ingredients. What are we doing now? WE SHOULD CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Levi has half of a panic attack. 
"Alright, first of all we should calm down. I mean I don't feel any different then usual. Do you?" 
"No, but who knows I mean I never took a lovepotion before. So you really feel nothing at all when you look at me? No faster beating heart or sudden urge to kiss me?" Levi seems mostly concerned but also flustered to ask you. 
"Well not more than usual at least." You blush and hope that Levi doesn't notice. 
"Wait, no more then usual? D-don't tell me… don't me you ACTUALLY… no wait you can't actually like… LIKE ME?" Levi has no clue how to react to this. 
"I don't know if now is the right time but I really like you a lot. You know not just as a friend." You feel a bit shy about confessing it right now, especially when you don't know if Levi is feeling some effects from the potion. 
Levi goes beet red. He didn't see this coming whatsoever." Oh, I thought it was just me OMG. What, like, seriously, are you seriously sure about this? I mean is this like in -  TheonetimeIbecamefriendswithademonwhowasactuallyveryniceandthenheturnesouttobeanerdandnowwesomehowgotengadedbutitisverynice?" 
"Yeah it's just like that Levi, but what about you?"
Levi still seems only seconds away from fainting. "I mean I really like you too and it's not the lovepotion. I mean you are awesome. The best thing that has ever happened to me. I mean look at me, are you really sure that you like me?" 
"Of course, I like you and it's not just that. I love you Leviathan." You smile softly at him. 
Levi gasps for air. He feels like fainting. He never thought that you could love him. 
"Really y-you l-l-love me-me?" 
"Yes, I really love you Levi. What can I do to prove it to you?" 
Levi waves his arms around. "Wait, hold on a second just… I mean wait, I need to mentally prepare myself." He takes a few breaths to calm himself down and to assure himself that this is happening. 
"Alright, you know you are my best friend right? Like a really super real best friend and I don't want to mess this up. You know… So I just gonna say this now: I love you too!" 
Levi is far from calm, he is bright red. 
You've never been more in love with him than in this very moment. "You will always be my best friend Levi. We take it slowly, step by step. How about a hug for now?" 
Levi agrees and you both hug for a while. 
It feels very good. 
Levi asks you later if you are still sure about this and you kiss him on the cheek. 
Well that settles that. 
The spell gets cast on everyone else, but Mammon knows how this works and closes both of your eyes. 
Then somehow gets you both out of the room. 
He does not care about the chaos behind him. 
Mammon just doesn't want you to go fall for some random demon or his brothers. 
It's not gonna happen!
You are slightly confused but Mammon doesn't pull his hand from your eyes, but he also has his own eyes covered. 
So to nobody's surprise he falls over something, and you look at him and help him up. 
Well not that he minds that you fall for him now. 
It might be from a spell but hey it's better than nothing. 
Just to be safe he brings you to your room and then locks the door behind you two. 
Obviously the spell has no effect on Mammon, he has been under your spell for a long time. 
Not that you have to know that part. 
"Mammon, what just happened?" You feel slightly lost. 
"Well, that shady wizard just had to show his skills to everyone. Beats me but we are safe now. How do you feel?" 
Mammon keeps a slight distance between you two, as funny as it would be to have you all over him it just wouldn't be right. 
"Pretty normal. What kind of spell was that even?" 
"You sure no strange urges? Wanting to pounce me or something like that?" Mammon feels only slightly disappointed. 
"Pounce you? Why would I want to do that?" 
"Hahaha yeah, good question beats me… so um really nothing unusual?" Mammon keeps probing, what is he even hoping for right now? He has no idea. 
"I feel normal so will you tell me what is going on?" 
"Well Solomon cast a love spell. A pretty powerful one too. So you should feel very attracted to me right now." 
"Lovespell? Are you kidding me? Wait, wouldn't you be in love with me too?" You aren't sure if this is some prank that Mammon has pulled. 
"Well that is you know…Ummm well… AhAh yeah I'm too powerful. So it doesn't work on me."
"So Lucifer is fine right now?" 
"Ahahaha yes of course."
"So if I go back he will be completely normal?" You can see that Mammon isn't telling the truth. 
"No-No don't go, please just stay here." Mammon is sweating bullets. 
"Mammon tell me the truth!" 
He sighs. "Fine, look it doesn't work on people who are in love already."
"Wait does that mean that you love me?" You blush. 
Mammon blushes. "Hey, hey, don't jump to conclusions there."
You look at him slightly disappointed. "I thought you might feel the same way." 
"Hey, no unfair tactics like that! I mean, you know alright. You got me I admit it. I love you. Are you happy now?" Mammon looks shyly to the other side. He is confessing like he committed a crime. 
You chuckle slightly, he really is so cute sometimes. 
"Yes, thank you Mammon. I love you too." 
"No making fun of me!" He grumbles slightly. Then realization hits him. "Wait did you just say... That you love me too?" Mammon stares at you with wide eyes. 
"Yeah, of course. I love you very much!" You smile at him, glad to be able to finally admit it. 
Mammon is completely red now but he is smiling with a wide smile. 
"You know it took you long enough to say it." Mammon pouts only slightly. He is very happy right now. 
"Yeah, sometimes I'm a bit slow. So will you forgive me?" 
"Of course I will forgive you, but only this once and only if you give me a hug." 
You can tell how happy he is and you both smile like idiots. 
You give him a big hug. 
Mammon is truly glad that you both feel the same way. 
He somehow thought the lovepotion was seasoning. 
Beel uses it on the pizza he then shares with you. 
You are really grateful and it tastes really good. 
Then Solomon notices what happened and he is mortified. 
He informed you two and advises that you stay close but if anything strange happens to go into separate rooms right away. By the next morning you both will surely be normal again. 
So you you go into Beels room and wait for the promised effect. 
"It's been like an hour now, do you feel strange?" 
"No just a bit hungry but I couldn't finish eating the pizza."
"Same. Maybe we are immune?" 
"I have some snacks hold on."
"Thank you, but I meant I don't feel like I have fallen in love from the potion. Do you?" 
"Hmm I don't feel any different than usual. I mean I love you anyways so I guess I wouldn't notice the difference."
Your heart makes a small jump when you hear this. "You mean you love me like a sibling right?" 
"It's not the same as loving Belphie or my other brothers, you are different and special." Beel doesn't hesitate at all and you start to blush. 
 "You mean romantic love?" You just have to clarify. 
Beel thinks for a moment, trying to figure out what exactly you want to hear. "Yeah." He boldly states with a pleased smile, like he didn't have a word before to define the love he feels for you. 
You become a tomato. "I had no idea that you felt the same way about me."
Beel almost drops his bag of snacks. "Wait, you feel the same way?" 
"Yeah, I just thought, you know, we're more like a family, but we're not romantically involved."
"Ah, I see that was my fault since I never told you in a proper way." Beel nods knowingly. 
Then he looks you in your eyes and holds your hand. "I love you."
Your heart skips a beat. "I love you too Beel." You smile and hold his hand. 
You both feel very happy right now. 
He is pretty annoyed that you got hit with the love potion that was clearly meant for him. 
Lucifer has some suspects but first he wants to take care of you. 
He brings you to his room, just to keep you from seeing anyone else. 
You have already seen him anyways and he feels responsible for this. 
So you just more or less sit in Lucifer's room while he checks for any effects on you. 
You feel completely normal. 
Lucifer would still rather keeps you in his room, just in case. 
He knows it should work on you by now, it's been 3 hours already. 
"So you don't feel any different from usual? No higher heart rate when you look at me? No sudden desire to kiss me? Nothing at all?" 
"No, Lucifer I told you already I feel normal." You feel a bit shy. 
"Are you honest with me?"
"It's no different than normal."
Lucifer steps closer to you, gauging your reaction. He looks deep into your eyes. "So you feel nothing at all when I'm this close to you?" 
Your heart beats louder. "It's not like I don't feel anything… I mean if you are this close of course I feel something. It's just not more than normal." 
"So, the symptoms I have described to you are normal to you?" Lucifer seems to probe you for some reason. 
You shift slightly around, avoiding his gaze. 
"Not normal per se. Just normal when it comes to you."
Lucifer seems to be very pleased with this reply, a small smile is on his face. 
He had planned to use the lovepotion to humiliate Lucifer. 
He didn't think that Lucifer would give you the tea, since apparently it's your favorite type.
Sadly, Belphie only notices it after you have already drank a cup.
Lucky enough he is the first person you see. 
Actually a pretty lucky twist of fate. 
He always wanted to see you being love stuck. 
Maybe even flirting with him. 
Belphie brings you to his room, with some sort of excuse. 
You go along since you enjoy hanging out with him. 
You both play a game and just enjoy being together. 
Belphie doesn't see a change in the way you behave at all. 
It's been like  2 hours by now you should be all over him. 
"What they say is, do you feel any different than usual?" 
"No, everything is normal. Why do you ask?" 
"Hmm are you sure? I mean you got no urge to kiss me or anything?" 
You blush, thinking he might have figured out how you feel about him. "No-no, not really. Is there a reason you ask?"
Belphie leans closer to you and looks you deep into your eyes. Causing you to blush more and slightly shift around. 
"Nothing really, but you do behave a bit suspiciously." Belphie looks at you like he wants to see into your mind. 
"You are the one that behaves suspiciously." You turn your head away from him. 
"So, if I would kiss you what would you say to that?"
"You shouldn't tease me like that. You might end up breaking my heart."
"Your heart? Now this is interesting."
"Stop playing around and tell me what is going on Belphie." 
He sighs. "Alright. You had some lovepotion but I guess it didn't work on you."
"What? Why would you give me that?" Hearing this is very upsetting to you. 
"I didn't mean to give it to you. Please, you have to believe me."
"Why didn't you just tell me? You promised to tell me everything." This stings a bit. 
Belphie can see that you are disappointed in him. "I'm sorry. I just thought it would be fun to see you flirting with me or being in love with me."
You shake your head. "I can't believe this Belphie. If you wanted that you could have asked."
"I can't just ask for you to fall in love with me."
"Well yeah, but you know what, I love you. You are really such an idiot sometimes."
You still feel pretty upset. 
"Wait, can you repeat that?" Belphie is taken aback by your casual confession. 
"The part of you being an idiot?" You pout. 
"I know that part, I mean the part of you loving me."
"I'm still mad at you, you know." 
"I know I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." He bows in front of you. He is very sincere. "Just please tell me if you still love me?" 
"I love you Belphie." 
He smiles at you. "I'm so glad to hear this." 
He seems very giddy. 
"So what about you?" You ask, a bit shy. 
"What about me?" He plays innocent. 
"Belphie, you are on thin ice." You playfully narrow your eyes at him. 
He laughs. "Alright. Alright." He takes a breath. "I love you."
You smile at him. "Was that so hard?" 
"Yes, it almost killed me." He smiles brighter than you have ever seen him. 
You smile too and then you hug. 
You stay together the whole night and talk for most of it.
Check my Obey me! Masterlist for more content
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marswr1tes · 3 years
what do you mean, "you love me"?
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requested? yes / no
request: I wanna make a request for Leo Valdez pls anything angsty and lovey// Hi, about the Valdez imagine—I didn’t have anything specifically in mind just something angsty and romantic and stuff! I can’t find a lot of stuff on Leo and he’s my favorite // Actually an enemies to lovers Leo imagine would be rly cool now that I think about it
pairing: leo valdez x gn!reader
author's notes: hey ,, hey ,, how y’all doing....i’m so sorry i took a very long leave. after i got out of the hospital from being sick, my grandmother almost died from brain fluid leaking, and then i fell into a depressive episode, and a whole lot of shit happened so i couldn’t write. it’s honestly kinda pathetic of me though lmao, i should’ve gotten this out way earlier than i did. anywho, this is set around a week after july 4, you can decide the year x. also you'll have to forgive me if i got some things wrong, i haven't read the books in a while oops(i found the header here) ((ALSO THIS IS SO SHITTY AND SO RUSHED IM SO SORRY))
warnings: shouting/yelling, non-consensual kiss(but it's okay, because the person being kissed was okay with it)
tags: @stylishharry
word count: idk man i didn’t count lmao
peaceful dreams. you finally had peaceful dreams. well, sorta. you were having a dream about the second titan war -which wasn’t peaceful, believe me- but in the grand scheme of all demigod dreams, this was on the more relaxed side. you were currently fighting an empousa with your friend, rose , but just as you were about to stab it, the scenery had changed, and your older brother jake loomed over you.
"y/n." he shook your body. "y/n, wake up." you shielded your face with your arms and rolled over.
“what is it now?" you asked him.
"it's chiron. he wants you at the big house, says you're in big trouble. i think it has to do with the prank you pulled last week." you groaned. last week, while everyone had gone to the cookout and firework show, you had "rickified" every cabin, except for yours. every single cabin,building, and any place you could stick pictures, had been completely covered in pictures of rick astley. and while it wasn't your best prank, you had a very fun time watching everyone think they had found the last of the pictures, just to be met with more. needless to say, chiron was upset. wanting to get in further trouble, you hauled yourself out of bed and to your suitcase. you then grabbed an outfit and headed towards the bathroom to change.
inside the big house, you were met with two unfriendly faces. one belonged to your favorite centaur, chiron, and the other belonged to your least favorite person to exist, leo valdez. there actually wasn’t a good reason you disliked the guy. for gods’ sake, you barely knew him! at first you thought it was his face, but after thinking about it-though you would never verbally admit it-he was attractive. anyway, there you were, in front of chiron and leo.
“so,” chiron began. “both of you are here for chores. first you’ll be cleaning the stables, then you’ll be cleaning the armor and weapons, then you’ll be deep cleaning all the cabins while the other campers are out, and then you’ll be coming back here to clean the big house. i’ll be giving you the list in case you forget, and come back here if you have any questions throughout the day. understood?” you nodded. leo slightly adjusted his tool belt before opening his mouth to ask a question.
“we’re doing this all together?” chiron nodded.
“of course. i couldn’t imagine why you wouldn’t be.” he answered. then you piped up.
“could we split the list in half and work separately but still get everything done?”
“while that could work and i suppose i’d be pleased with the outcome, part of the punishment is working together. i’m not blind, you two. i know you dislike each other. and anyways, wouldn’t it take longer to do on your own?” leo and you stayed silent.
“well then, off you go, children. and leo, dear, before you go, your belt please.” chiron said.
“my what?” leo looked back at the centaur.
“your tool belt? hand it over.”
and so you went, to the stables and to the arena, to the cabins and back to the big house, cleaning and organizing everything without a word shared between you two. or rather, leo tried to make small talk, but you ignored him and moved away. finishing up, you put the mop back in the closet, before you dusted your shirt off and headed off to your cabin to freshen up for dinner. as you grabbed your comb off your nightstand, there was a knock at your door. assuming it was rose coming to walk you for dinner, you ran over with a smile on your face. opening the door, that smile immediately dropped.
“go away.” you said. and then you slammed the door on him. leo looked hurt, but he got over it, and he knocked again.
“just go away, leo, no one asked you to talk to me.”
“i’m not leaving.”
“please just go.”
“no, this isn’t up for debate. i’m staying.”
“what the fuck is your issue? what the fuck do you think you’re playing at?”
“i- what?”
“is this some sort of sick game to you? is this funny to you, leo?” you asked angrily.
“i don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, y/n?”
“the fact that you never seem to think of what’s going on through my head!”
“seriously, what on the gods green earth are you saying?”
“i love you, okay? i love you, i love you, i love you! and i’ve loved you since you camp to camp! i love the way you fix your hair, i love your smile, i love the way you jump around when you get excited, i love the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you’re passionate about, i love the way you play with those trinkets of yours, i love the way when i rant about something you actually listen, even though i’m not talking to anyone but myself and even though we’re supposed to be enemies because no one has ever cared about me that much before. i love you and you don’t even notice. and that drives me up the wall.”
“what do you mean ‘you love me’? i see the way you look at grayson. i hear you giggle when they say something flirty to you. i see how flustered you get when they smirk at you. i notice these things, y/n, i notice. and i notice that i’m never on the receiving end of these actions. oh my gods, i wish you looked at me like that. like i’m the only one that’s for you. like the world could be ending but at least we’re together.”
“did you ever stop to think that i was doing it for you to be jealous? because funnily enough, i did. i thought i could distract my own jealousy and anger and pain by becoming obsessed with grayson. i don’t know exactly what i expected from it, but i know that i didn’t expect to imagine that me and grayson’s interactions were ours.”
“...did you really?”
“of course i did. and i meant every word of loving you too. i truly love you, leo. and it’s kinda weird i’m saying this because i know you’re not supposed to drop the bomb this early on-“
he interrupted you with a kiss. his lips were chapped and tasted a little like chocolate.
“i love you too, y/n. and i’m sorry about all the things i caused.”
“don’t worry about all that, because at least we’re together, eh?” he grinned that perfect smile of his.
“at least we’re together.” he said, then placing his lips back onto yours.
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