#i finished this at like 5am lmao
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stopbuggingm3 · 4 days ago
...Holy shit, Arya Myers actually being social? And making friends? And having actual human(ish) connection? Impossible!
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jokes aside this might actually be one of my favourite things i've ever drawn. angst always hits but gawdamm this was fun as fuck to make and its like holy shit my girl actually has a friend?! I went incredibly giggly when their creator accepted them as canon friends before i'd even drawn 'em yet I was very happy.
and also a version with their masks too bcuz they deserve it
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Slasher belongs to @slasherflicks999 go give 'em love because they're cool and they make great stuff and because i said so
rambles underneath the cut because my mind was RACING with headcannons while making this (TW for mentions of gore, death, and creepypasta typical violence)
These could be completely inaccurate (i hope not) and I apologise in advance if they are
I like to think their friendship probably formed as the result or them forming a "truce". "truce" in quotations because its closer to a stalemate than anything. they literally can't kill each other (Slasher is immortal and Arya is kept alive by Slenderman to torment her) what other choice do they have? if they can't murder they may as well vibe. They do vibe though they'd get along great, I can see their types of humour complimenting one another well. they seem to have a shared habit of taking the piss out of the very dangerous situations they get into which together makes them both hilarious and incredibly frustrating to anyone around them.
Honestly i can see Arya bonking him in the head with her shovel upon first seeing him and leaving him on the forest floor thinking nothing of it only to freak the fuck out seeing him back on his feet days later. like she knew she was losing it but she didn't think she'd reach the level of seeing things just yet. Theres literally still traces of his blood on her shovel he should be dead.
So, she tries again, which would probably go one of two ways:
1. She somehow (probably luck) manages to take him out a second time and is then further confused by the fact she has, in fact, now killed this guy twice. Yup, thats brain matter on her shovel, he is real and he is very much dead, so what the hell? This time she doesn't leave him, instead choosing to stay and investigate (after a five minute breather because jeez thats a lot of blood-). She watches him for who knows how long, going back and forth on whether or not she really is crazy because he definitely looks dead but theres something off about his body that she can't put a name to, and eventually stays long enough to see his skull slowly stitching it back together with her own eyes.
2. the likelier of the two possibilities and the one i personally prefer, Slasher is prepared for her this time and avoids a second death, now knowing that he has to keep an eye out for a crazy blonde girl with a shovel and murderous intent, and now theres a similar situation in reverse where Aryas the one full of injuries but just not dropping and Slasher is the one confused. He knows first hand how easy it is for someone to die and she is covered in blood, she should be long dead. Stab wounds? yeahhh give her a couple days she'll be fine...probably. idk the thought makes me giggle
Slashers affinity for blood and gore combined with Aryas squeamishness and hatred for blood would also probably be pretty funny at times; like Slashers just sat there caked in blood casually chewing on a handful of raw meat while Arya sits next to him and watches like 😦🫣 ("..." "...what?" "Dude."). Shes fine handling her own blood but she anyone (or anything) elses blood is still a huge no-go.
That being said, if she were to ever come across Slashers dead body in the woods she'd stay by him until he regenerated, no matter how brutal the sight is. She doesn't know if "keeping his body safe" if really necessary in his case but she'll do it anyway. just in case, y'know?
(pls lmk how accurate these actually are I really don't wanna mischaracterise him by accident)
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fish-popsicle · 2 months ago
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happy birthday viictim @viibingfox
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adamanteine · 2 days ago
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hellooooo just posting this bc idk how active I’ll be ic wise in the next three weeks bc my work schedule is insane and i have a few deadlines coming up that last till late april early may 🫵
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voidimp · 10 months ago
have i shown u gnik yet. here they are
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dizzydaikon · 11 months ago
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Making myself a tattletail charm 🤩 
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gomzdrawfr · 1 month ago
Crying in the club (my room)
hoping to finish my assignments by tonight, in the mean time, if yall have any nikprice/nik/price/ghost/alerudy/rudy stuff that I might've missed and you want to recommend em to me feel free to tag me under said posts or come say hi in my ask
u can rec ur own stuff too!
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just-a-floofy-catt · 11 days ago
Happy late Valentines day @gyxtar0luvs ^w^
I was your secret valentine(????) (Idk what to call it by XD)
Just made it to the deadline in the nick of time! TwT
I hope i did your lil guys justice :3
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Theyve either just finished making or receiving some valentines cards ^^
Whether theyre for the kids or your sona or each other, or have just gotten them from any of em is up to interpretation :)
Hope you like it! ^^
(Its currently around 5am for me as i finish these so i mightve missed something in my slight hurry. Just lemme know if anything missing and ill try and fix it X3)
(Also sorry this took so long i had to switch art programs part way through lmao)
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danieyells · 9 months ago
i am politely begging for lucas lines 🤲
LUCA MY BELOVED LITTLE BRIT KNIGHT. Luca is a darling but the thing about him is that he's so focused on his goal that he really seems to have no mind for anything else. . .well it's not a problem, but it does make him feel a little distant I guess.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"You're here 10 minutes early—I'm impressed. Let's check the details for today's mission."
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"A letter's arrived for you. It could be important—you'd better open it right away."
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"So this is all we have to go on for the next mission... Don't worry. No matter what anomaly awaits us, I'll keep you safe."
"I haven't trained nearly enough. I need to go on more missions... I have to do more, to find a way to subjugate them..."
bby you're already doing everything you can. . . .
"If you're ever in trouble, you can always come to me. I want to be there for my friends."
"Do I find it tough training every day? Those with strength have a duty to use it for others. I'm perfectly all right."
"I'm sorry. I haven't troubled you again with my thoughtlessness, have I?"
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"{PC}, good morning! An early training session will warm you up for the day. Would you care to join me?"
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm sorry, I'm about to head out. A dangerous anomaly is wreaking havoc on campus again, and it's a threat to the general students."
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I invited Kaito to train with me, but he turned me down. Apparently, he's got a lot on his plate, but I'm worried about his lack of strength..."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"There's something I want to investigate a little further… You'll join me? Thank you. You really are very kind."
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Phew... I'm finished with today's revision. Still, it's not quite bedtime. Perhaps I could fit in a casual training session."
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I've heard in Japan it's believed you're more likely to encounter evil spirits at twilight. Let's go find out if it's true."
hey let's go wander out alone at night and see if we can find demons to fight! don't worry tho i'll protect you nbd.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Kaito invited me to have ramen with him again today. He says it's Tokyo's signature dish."
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Jin has been calling you to his room a lot lately. Is everything okay? If you feel uncomfortable, I'll have a word with him."
let's say she was uncomfortable, what would that resolve? you think jin's gonna listen to you? but lmao it's kinda funny to me that like Ritsu and Luca see Jin putting you to work and go like "hm. that seems concerning." IT'S FINE THO WE'RE INTO IT EVERYTHING'S GOOD.
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You think everywhere in Frostheim is cold? That's not true—the bedrooms are properly heated, like the cozy spot in front of the fireplace in winter."
everywhere outside of that though, freezing. including the bathrooms. especially the bathrooms.
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"If you're struggling to sleep, the Sandman will come and pay you a visit. That's what one old folktale in the UK says, at least. He must have been some sort of anomaly, too."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm fond of the morning air. My brother, on the other hand, always said he found the nighttime more relaxing. Which do you prefer?"
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Today in Anomalous Combat I was scolded by Professor Dante for defeating a mock anomaly. I believe I made the right call, so I'm quite confused..."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"In many ways, Frostheim etiquette is quite different from etiquette in the UK. I wish I could escort you, but I still have a lot to learn myself."
okay consider frostheim etiquette is shitty anyway most of the time so don't even worry about it they're assholes.
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"We still have some time until class starts. Why don't we go and fetch the documents for our next mission from Tohma?"
buddy isn't the main building across campus from Frostheim. . .do we have that kind of time. . . .
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"You need to make sure you eat a proper breakfast. You lose muscle mass if you do things on an empty stomach. That's why I always have biscuits on me."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"In classes I sometimes notice discrepancies between what is taught at Emrys and what is taught at Darkwick. I wonder which is correct?"
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You worked hard today. No matter what ordeals await us tomorrow, I trust that you'll both be able to overcome them."
Luca believes in you! So believe in yourself too! You'll make it another day.
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I've heard about the bushido ritual of seppuku. It's a rather extreme way of punishing oneself… It must require a great deal of mental fortitude."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You should go home and rest, {PC}. I won't allow the Devil's hour to pass tonight without finding some sort of hint..."
i feel like he doesn't find many hints and should worry about sleeping instead. . .what's with ghouls and not sleeping and eating enough. . . .
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Did you manage to get a good night's sleep? Rest is the best medicine. Don't push yourself to stay up too late, all right?"
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Did you see they've announced what our next test is going to cover, {PC}? I hope your studies are going well. I'm happy to help you with review if you need me to."
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm going to have a chat with Professor Hyde about demons before I leave today. You and Kaito should go on ahead."
he's so studious! but i bet hyde wishes he'd y'know live a little.
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Is a "pajama party" some sort of important event? Kaito was insisting that we invite you to one."
please teach this boy to relax a little. . .teach him a little fun social stuff. . . .
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Sometimes I feel out of sorts, like I'm not myself. I still have a lot of training to do."
i think that's called exhaustion and having emotions, buddy. . .you can't train yourself out of that. . . .
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"We have experienced many joys and sorrows together since becoming friends. I'm very glad we met. I look forward to walking the road ahead with you."
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"I saw a lot of flowers in bloom while I was jogging through the campus this morning. It really brightened up my run."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Spring in Japan is quite similar to spring in the UK. The weather gets reassuringly warmer, and the air is filled with the scent of flowers."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Kaito has been nodding off in class a lot recently. I wake him up right away, but I'm still worried he'll fall behind..."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I've never seen cherry blossoms lit up at night before. They looked very different than they do in the daylight. I feel it taught me something about differing viewpoints."
i feel like i learned something! not sure what tho.
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Summer days are long and productive, but in Frostheim the days are short all year round. It's easy to get caught in the dark if you're not careful."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Kaito's going to teach me about Japanese summer again today. This is the first time I've spent the summer with friends— it's been a lot of fun."
;;;; please be a good first friend to him
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"There's a summer festival being held in Hotarubi this evening. I've got a yukata for it… Could you help me put it on?"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The sun stays up until late at night during summer in the UK, so Japan's dark, sweltering summer nights feel quite odd to me."
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Tohma has been going out on a lot of private errands lately. I wonder where he's been going? You don't think he's doing secret training, do you?"
no sweetie i don't think he's secretly training without you. he's doing important administrative business. don't worry about it.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I like that autumn is considered the season for reading here. I'm reading two books at the moment—this one's in German, and this one's French. Can you read them?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Tohma just gave us some chestnuts, so Kaito and I are going to try roasting them in the kitchen. Would you like to join us?"
once again the Frostheim Family interactions are strong lolol HERE KIDS HAVE SOME SNACKS. KEEP IT DOWN YOUR FATHER IS TRYING TO SLEEP.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Anomalies are more active in summer in Japan, whereas in the UK, they're more common in the autumn. I suppose Obon and Halloween are to blame there."
obon is in august that is barely summer tbh. i mean some places celebrate it in july i guess. but that's an interesting worldbuilding observation. local spirit and 'monster' related festivities influence the amount of anomalies that spawn in a region. so halloween in america and the uk result in a lot of anomalies. maybe there are lots of love related anomalies and like doves around valentine's day? then again Luca said they don't have them in the UK that he's aware of.
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"{PC}, your hands are red from the cold. Come on, let's run to the classroom. It'll warm you up."
while that is a realistic way of warming up who tf wants to go for a run in the cold. i mean it probably feels good the contrast in heat and cold but also HOW ABOUT WE GO TO THE STORE AND GET SOME MITTENS OR SOMETHING. but it is a very in character response for him lol. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"When Kaito put a satsuma on his head and said, "I'm a New Year's decoration," Tohma fell silent and walked away. I'm confused— was it some sort of spell?"
satsuma are those little mandarins they put on top of kagami-mochi at New Years! if you've seen japanese winter/new years art you may have seen characters with them sat atop their heads while they relax in kotatsu. in the japanese version Kaito says "kagami-mochi" and Luca likely doesn't know what kagami-mochi is, so he thought it was magic.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The sun sets early this time of year. It's easy to feel down when the nights are long, but that's why it's especially important to stick to a routine like an exercise schedule."
Luca wards off his seasonal depression with exercise. good to know.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"On a clear, frosty night, you can see an aurora in the sky above Frostheim. It's very inspiring—like a beacon of hope in the darkness."
His birthday: (March 22nd)
"I suppose today is my birthday. Thank you. If you don't mind, will you join me in praying for my twin brother's safety?"
i gently rag on him for caring about nothing else but. it's clear how much his brother means to him and how worried he is about him, that even his birthday is dedicated to worrying over his wellbeing. idk who or what he prays to, or if it's just a general hoping thing or a 'since i'm in japan i'll make my pleas to japan's gods, in case those entities might have any power to help' type thing, like going to a shrine just because it's what everybody does, but. idk. i hope he can have a nice birthday outside of worrying about his brother. then again, it's hard to enjoy your birthday when you know it's your twin's birthday too and not knowing where they are, i guess.
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday, {PC}. There is a reason you were born into this world, and it's something that should be celebrated."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. I've heard it's customary to visit a shrine, so I'm planning to invite Kaito to go with me. Would you like to come along?"
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Thank you! This is all very new to me. In the UK, it's men who express their gratitude to women on Valentine's Day."
i was gonna say something questioning because i'm american but when i think about it women in relationships with men don't really/aren't expected to give something to their boyfriends/husbands are they. it's much more of a day to give to/do something for your girlfriend. usually the idea of a gift for a man on valentine's day is ~dress sexy for him and have sex with him~ or whatever because other material stuff like stuffed animals and candy and flowers are seen as non-masculine gifts and things men wouldn't like. . .but that's kind of sad to think about. idk i guess i never really thought about it because valentine's day is a day that has no meaning to me. and 'valentine's day is a day men express their gratitude to women' is a very kind perspective on how it seems like people treat valentine's day haha. . . .
White Day: (March 14th)
"Thank you for the chocolate you gave me last month. This is a token of my appreciation. They're Thorntons chocolates— I just received them from back home."
do you think his family sent them and he decided to give you something lovingly sent to him by his family, or that he ordered them for the occasion specifically. . .i think it's sweet either way.
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"How odd... Kaito has been acting peculiar all morning. I wonder if he's coming down with something. Did you notice it, too?"
homie's really been living under a rock huh.
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Is that you under that mask, {PC}? I could just tell. I don't really understand what's so fun about this holiday."
on one hand, maybe if you got him to dress up and go trick-or-treating he'd enjoy it more? on the other hand i feel like he'd be on edge about it. More anomalies around in the UK around halloween, and he'd be so busy thinking about if there are demons around under his nose he wouldn't be able to have fun. . .poor guy probably grew out of halloween early huh.
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Happy Christmas! It's a shame I'm not able to celebrate Christmas Eve with my family this year, but I'm glad that I have all of you now."
you're his family now ;;;;;
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Penny for them? I'm happy to lend an ear if there's something troubling you."
'them' being 'your thoughts' in case you aren't familiar with the expression
(13 affinity and above)
"When deciding on your next move, I do think it's important to think carefully. That said, hesitation can cost lives. Balance is crucial."
boy it ain't that deep i am idle because i am checking emails or something would you relax--
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"I knew you'd be back. If you're prepared to work to overcome this ordeal once again, I will gladly lend you my strength."
THOSE ARE MOST ALL OF HIS VOICELINES he's very. . .focused. it makes him a little repetitive but considering what's happening to bring him here i don't blame him. . . .
Of course finding his brother is important but the poor guy doesn't even see the world around him really, which is kind of sad. . . . On one hand, it's good that he's able to focus on his goals and desires, on the other hand it feels like those things are all he cares about because he feels like he has to and other aspects of life fly by him even if he'd otherwise enjoy them. . . . But even as his affinity goes up it feels like he focuses on so many of the same things. He sees you very much as his family and the first real friends he's ever made, which does lend to a positive relationship, but even then it feels like he keeps you at arm's length and sees you as someone to protect more than a loved one. . .maybe if he can find his brother or find out what happened to him he'll lighten up a little someday. then again given he isn't familiar with things like pajama parties and april fool's day he was probably serious even with his brother around! I assume they're going to be opposite type brothers, where his brother is a very jovial and relaxed person, but Luca is serious and strict. but only time will tell!
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dykeyuu · 1 year ago
i’m going to bed now and getting up at 5:30 to keep working this is so me in high school core
UGH meds wore off but i have to keep doing work bc i have a super long presentation tmrw and im not prepared enough💔💔💔
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the-aqueeriumischronic · 23 days ago
Finally read HBYFD novel last night (instead of finishing my work and was up till 5am but that's neither here nor there)
Honestly it was really good. I did not except certain things to happen and honestly I cant wait to see how they tackle some of these elements on the screen. I hope they don't play down the horror aspects 🛐🛐
Review and spoilers under the cut
Ok so
The first like ¾ of the novel were horror and mystery and the last ¼ was sad and steamy lmao. I was actully tearing up (and then got hit in the face with the NC lmaooo) but i loved the pacing and the overall plot line.
I did not expect the abbot, his son, and the temple manager to be in on it. Honestly, it took me by surprise. And all the deaths were crazy. I really need to see who is getting cast as these roles because wow 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️ (also the wlw couple in the extra chapters 😍😍)
I cant remeber who TopTen is supposed to be playing but I wonder if they are changing that aspect to be MichealTopTen? I need to watch the trailer again.
Ahhh it was so good. Imma read it again lmaoo
Also the way Thups mother was watching over him but he didn't relaize till the end 😭😭😭 and the digging scene. I just know Pooh is gonna eat that up 🛐🛐
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vigilskeep · 3 months ago
i can't remember if you ever mentioned this but out of curiosity, which of your inquisitors did you put in veilguard? + what did you think about how they were presented in game and does it differ from your own characterization
to be honest. the inquisitor simply does not mean that much to me. so having somebody there, with a face that looked vaguely right, saying generic lines was like :| okay. it was basically like having another npc there to me jgsjsksk
i input toramar cadash, who was the guy i was playing right before veilguard whose playthrough i didn’t finish in time lmao. i guess nothing was that OUT of character... it truly washed right over me. normally i would say he should have been grouchier but also it’s been a decade of living with josie you can forgive a guy for mellowing out. i don’t think i felt anything about him until right at the end when he was on screen with solas and i was like wait fuck these guys know each other! i was there! and remembered that i still believe solas was in love with him lmao. so that scene specifically was fun sure. god knows what he said in it i played that at like 5am
but then i haven’t had toram for that long. maybe i would feel differently if i had put in, like, arthur, who i have never gotten that far with in dai but is on a technicality my oldest dragon age oc. or nennaia who is the only one i actually finished the base game with. i’ve input her with my new thorne purely because she makes opposite decisions to toram (chantry inquisition + prepared to stop solas by whatever means necessary) and i’m curious abt the differences. also, gilf <3
veilguard and its lack of worldstate is for better or worse facilitating me caring about inquisition even less because i don’t have to think about it to engage with the current state of thedas 😭 truly we’re never going to get me through trespasser lads
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icapturedthecastle · 3 months ago
just read all your fics in one night staying up until 5:00 to finish the. absolutely loved them and the characterization of Osha specifically, you give her so much personality! the only thing is im a bit baffled where the 'fuck Yord in particular' energy came from cause all the poor dude did was be pretentious and die horribly but embrace it nonetheless because that's what fandom is about ☝🏾
omg 😂 well, thank you for binging all my fics, staying up till 5am is crazy! Girl, they will be there in the morning, I promise. But I'm so glad you enjoyed them, and my version of Osha! I'm quite fond of her.
As for the whole 'fuck Yord in particular' vibe... lmao that has a few different roots! It sprang up for me after rewatching the show, with the hindsight and context of having seen it the first time, and really being able to appreciate what a condescending jerk he is for the vast majority of his--limited--screen time.
On first viewing, he seems like he has all the hallmarks as being set up as a potential romance for Osha--until oh, oops, never mind, Episode 5 happens, and the actual intended romance for Osha is introduced. On second viewing it stands out a lot more how intentional those choices were, and why he dies the way he dies; quickly, brutally, and with little to no fanfare.
Yord is the classic choice, and representative of all the problems with the Jedi that the show was trying to highlight: he isn't a villain, but he is pretentious, and he has that 'holier than thou' self-righteousness and inflexible sense of moral superiority that ultimately dooms him. And he really is just extremely condescending and dismissive towards Osha, nearly every time she tries to talk to him, and man, did that irritate me, especially on the second viewing.
But ultimately, I think the largest contributor to why he's sort of become the punching bag of the Oshamir community is because often times, with fic, you need someone to fill that role, or to be that villain, and the Acolyte being the limited series that it was, we don't have that many characters to choose from. So, sorry to this man, but Yord ends up getting the short end of that stick. Not always! But often lol.
Anyway, this has been my "he had it coming" Yord slander TEDtalk that you didn't ask for, sorry. Very happy you enjoyed the fics regardless! 😅
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ouiouibaguettt · 2 years ago
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─ ⋅◈⋅ ━─┉┈◈❖◈┈┉─━ ⋅◈⋅ ── ⋅◈⋅ ━─┉┈◈❖◈┈┉─━ ⋅◈⋅ ─
ellie carpenter x reader
Y/N is the sister of Alexandre Lacazette here.
words: 2.8k
warnings: slight mentions of bad comments
→ two lovers in australia before the wwc2023!
→ inspired by yellow by Coldplay
 ─ ⋅◈⋅ ━─┉┈◈❖◈┈┉─━ ⋅◈⋅ ── ⋅◈⋅ ━─┉┈◈❖◈┈┉─━ ⋅◈⋅ ─
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you
Arriving at the airport after a 1-day flight. You took out the camera to continue the series of vlogs that you posts every day and which you started the week of the warm-up match against Ireland. 
"Hey guys how are you today? Personally I'm pretty good-" you said before being cut off by your teammate Selma Bacha.
"She's only in a good mood because she's going to see her girlfriend again tomorrow" she said before catching up with Grace Geyoro and Viviane Asseyi to escape you. 
"I mean she's right, I'm going to see Ellie again tomorrow." you say with a big smile before getting back on topic. 
"Anyway, we've just arrived in Melbourne to get ready for the game against Australia on the 15th of July. Honestly, I think it's going to be a tough match,  it's not at the same level as Ireland, even though Ireland had some very good players. So we're going to have to move our asses to try and win the match. I'll make a transition to show you my room at the hotel afterwards," you say before hiding your camera with your hand and turning it off.
And everything you do
Yeah, they were all yellow
Once you’re arrived at the hotel, and found out about the accommodation for the coming week, you were relieved to find yourself with Selma, your partner since the Olympique Lyonnais academy. 
"Yes, Y/N/N, we're in the same room", Selma said, jumping onto your back before bringing you down to the floor with her. 
"Yes I can read Selma" you say as you pushed her off your back to get up. Returning to the room, you take out your camera to resume the vlog. You put your hand back in front of the camera before taking it away to say.
"I'm back! So I'm going to show you the room," you say before starting to show the room. Once you’re finished, you dropped yourself onto the bed to conclude the day's video: 
"Well, guys, that was our beautiful room, so I'll see you tomorrow with Ellie! Sel' do you want to say something?" you asked your flatmate, "Yes, hang on, I'm coming" she said.
*big thump* 
"Sel' ça va?" you asked between two laughs, tears welling up in your eyes as the fall was so ridiculous. 
"Ca va" said Selma, getting up and walking more calmly towards you. "Kisses guys, sleep well, don't forget to support France for the World Cup please, goodbye" she said as she climbed back into bed. 
"You heard the boss, good night and see you tomorrow," you say, switching off your vlog before connecting the camera to the computer to post the video. 
I came along I wrote a song for you And all the things you do
As a player living under the shadow of your big brother, you were used to receiving comments like "you're not as good as your brother", "stop playing football", "well, lacazette's sister sucks lmao", but that didn't mean you were happy to receive these kinds of comments. That's how you found yourself at 2am on twitter and Instagram reading the comments you received every day. These comments made you fall asleep at 5am.
And it was called Yellow
When you woke up, Selma saw that you were still asleep, which was strange because, apart from when you are with Ellie, you are an early riser. It was when she saw the phone in your hands that Selma realised why you still hadn't woken up. So she had the wonderful idea of surprising you. Selma walked over to your camera to start the vlog of the day. 
"Hi guys, it's Selma, I know you were expecting to see Y/N/N, but she's still asleep, she hasn't had the best night, so to change that I'm going to call Ellie, because I know she's already awake, get her over here so she can wake up our favourite person. It's clearly a genius idea". She says as she picks up her phone and dials Ellie's number. 
"Hey Ellie, I'm sorry to bother you but would you like to come to our hotel right now? Because I have to tell you, Y/N/N didn't have the best night of her life. She was still asleep when I woke up, with her phone in her hands, and I think she's been on the internet again to see what people are saying about her," said Selma, worried about you. 
"Don't worry, you're not bothering me. Oh yes, why not, it's a good idea and it'll be good for her not to think about it while I'm with her" said Ellie, going back to her room to get her things, a Matildas tracksuit set. 
"Okay good, and yes, I think so too. I'm going downstairs to let the receptionist know you're coming so you don't get turned away," said Selma as she started to leave her room and head for reception. 
"Ok thanks, I'll be there in 10 or 15 minutes, see you later" said Ellie as she hung up.
So then I took my turn Oh, what a thing to have done And it was all yellow
Once Ellie arrived outside the hotel, she was immediately greeted by one of the receptionists. "Hello, what can I do to help you?" asked the hostess. 
"Hi, I'm Ellie Carpenter, Y/N Lacazette's girlfriend, I've come to visit her. Her flatmate, Selma Bacha, told me she'd told you?" said Ellie, hoping she hadn't given the wrong information. 
"Oh yes, I see, well Mrs Carpenter, your girlfriend is on the 3rd floor, room 312. Have a nice day" said the hostess. 
"Thank you very much, have a nice day too" thanked Ellie before taking the lift to room 312 on the 3rd floor. Arriving at the door of the room, Ellie took out her telephone to warn Selma.
to Selmama
I'm at the door
By the time she had put her phone away, the door opened and Selma Bacha was overjoyed to see her Lyon team-mate here. 
"Ellie" Selma shouted in a whisper as she came to give her a hug. 
"Thanks for coming" she thanked her quickly before letting Ellie into the room. 
"No worries, you know I'd do anything for our favorite person" Ellie said with a heart filled look on her face. 
"Oh that's lovely an digusting at the same time" said Selma smiling before resuming her sentence.
"So, you've got the key card on Y/N/N's bedside table if you need it, I'll go with Grace, Kenza and Viviane. Have a nice day, lovers." she said as she closed the door. Now alone, Ellie took off her shoes, then went straight to your camera to resume the vlog, "Hi everyone, this is Ellie, my moment of glory is going to be short as I'm just going to film myself waking Zoe up" she said as she placed the camera on a piece of furniture so that it was well positioned.
Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful And you know, you know I love you so
"My love, wake up" said Ellie as she sat down next to you and stroked your cheek. 
"Hmm Ellie, what are you doing here, let me sleep, I'm so tired. Give me your jumper im cold and i miss you" you grumbled as you pulled the duvet up over your face. 
"I am here because Im worried about you and because I love you. Now do you want my jumper?" asked Ellie. 
"Yes please give it to me, and no need to be worried i just read those comment last night and I shouldn't have done now cuddles please." you say holding out your hands at her like a baby. 
"Argh Ellie your jumper's all yellow" you complained girl. 
"Don’t do it again baby you are an excellent player okay? So I have to take it back?" questioned Ellie. 
"No, I'm only going to wear it because it's got your scent on it and I missed you, come on come here i ant cuddles please" you say as you put on the famous yellow jumper and grabbed Ellie by the waist to lay her down beside you. 
"I missed you too," said Ellie, putting her hand on you cheek to draw you into a kiss.
You know I love you so
After spending the morning in bed, our lovebirds got up and got ready, although you preferred to keep Ellie’s jumper, to join Caitlin Foord, and Sam Kerr at a restaurant for lunch time. When they got there, you were greeted by whistles because of the yellow clothes you were wearing. 
"That's the last time I wear yellow for you Els" you say with your cheeks flushed. 
"Don't say that, yellow suits your tan" laughs Sam before saying hello. 
"I'm going to leave again if you don't stop" you tried to intimidate the 3 matildas. Once the meal was over, the 4 people decided to go their separate ways, Sam and Caitin heading back to their hotel, and Ellie and you to your hotel, but before you could do so Caitlin turned round to say. "We'll be waiting for you in 6 days Y/N/N, I hope you're ready to lose", narrowly missing the middle finger you gave her.
I swam across I jumped across for you Oh, what a thing to do 'Cause you were all yellow
Having spent the rest of the afternoon lounging by the pool, watching their series, you and Ellie went back up to your room to enjoy a couple of hours together before having to separate for the next month. 
"Why does all of your tracksuit are yellow? That colour isn't on your flag dude it's weird" you asked. 
"I don't know it's not me who create your tracksuit, and- woah hold on miss, did you really call me 'dude'" said Ellie. 
"Yes, I did, what are you gonna do 'du-'" you say before being cut off by two hands coming to tickle her on her hips. "AH- E-Ellie stop it please" you say with tears in your eyes and between two breath. 
"Said you're sorry for calling me 'dude' im your girlfirend not your dude". she threatened you. 
"I-Im sorry, now please s-stop it i can't take it anymore" you say trying to push away Ellie who had ended up on top of you. 
"Ok, Ok I will stop" said Ellie but didn't take her hands off your hips. 
"Why are you looking at me like that" asked the Australian, "Like what?" you replied. 
"Like I've just tied up all the stars in the sky" replied the blonde. 
"You're the most beautiful star" you say with a cheeky grin. 
"Okay softie come here now" replied Ellie drawing you into a kiss before resting her head in the crook of your neck.
I drew a line I drew a line for you Oh, what a thing to do And it was all yellow
When Ellie left, you noticed that she had forgotten to take her tracksuit jacket, so you took out her phone to tell her.
to Baby Aussie You forgot your jacket x
from Baby Aussie I know, I did it on purpose because I know you love yellow, and my stuff so it’s gift xx
to Baby Aussie I hate you, but thank you, I love you!! xx
from Baby Aussie I love you too baby xx
Resting your phone on your stomach, you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach at the thought of having Ellie's jacket with you for the next few days. When it was time for dinner, you had barely got out of the shower so you grabbed the first clothes you could find before putting them on and hurrying down the stairs so as not to be late. 
"Nice jacket, Y/N." Grace told you, laughing along with Viviane and Selma. 
"I didn't know you'd changed nationality" said your coach as he left to sit at the other coaches' table. 
"Huh?" was the only thing you could reply before looking at your clothes, it was when you saw the Matildas jacket that you understood her team's jokes. 
"Leave me alone" you say as you sat down next to Selma who was filming the scene with Amel and Wendie, all posting you in Ellie's jacket, and mentioning the two of you in a instagram’s story. You decided to repost it with "I look good in yellow don't I", before switching off your phone.
And your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful And you know, for you, I'd bleed myself dry For you, I'd bleed myself dry
from @elliecarpenterr yes yellow looks good on you, but my jacket looks even better on you!
from @elliecarpenterr at least the fan are going to be happy with this content.
You saw Ellie's instragram messages as you went back to your room, so you decided to reply quickly before getting ready for bed so you could be in shape for the first training session of the week. At the end of the first training session (which was more of a muscle warm-up) of the day, you joined your foursome before going to the table for lunch. 
"Are you worried about the Australia game?" asked Selma as she bit into her apple. 
"Honestly, yeah, they're monsters mate" said Viviane as she scrolled through tiktok. 
"Yeah I agree with Viv, Sel" said Grace as she played subway surfers on her phone. 
"Yeah same as the other two, from the keeper, to the striker this team is amazing" you say watching Grace play and laughing at the tiktoks Viviane shows you. 
"Fuck, I forgot to post my vlog yesterday! Never mind, I'll continue it for a while before posting it tonight," you say, slapping your forehead. You ran back to your room to get the camera before turning it on and picking up the vlog where you left off. 
"Hi guys, day 3 in Australia, Melbourne to be precise, yesterday I got to spend the day with Ellie as you've seen our stories, today however it's training for Friday's match" you say as you sat down next to Selma. 
"This morning was pretty easy, because it was weight training to strengthen and warm up our muscles, and this afternoon it's little games and matches. Selma, any comments on this morning's warm-up?" you asked, pointing the camera at Selma. 
"It was fun, there was a good atmosphere," she said before returning to her apple. 
"Thank you Selma, Grace and Viv, how did you find this morning's session?" You asked the two other players in front of you. 
"It was cool", "It was exhausting" said both of them at the same time, while you showed yourself to the camera with a face filled with terror at the fact that both of them had spoken at exactly the same time. 
"Wow that was weird don't do speak at the same time again please" you say before you had to say goodbye to your vlog as lunch break had just finished.
 "Well, the break's over, so I'll see you later," you say as you turns off your camera.
It's true Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine
Unfortunately you couldn't finish the afternoon's training session because of a sprained ankle, so you'll have to miss the match against Australia and the 1st World Cup match against Jamaica. You were on one of the sofas in the hotel lounge, in your Olympique Lyonnais shorts and ellie's yellow jumper, when you decide to finish the day's vlog. 
"I'm back earlier than planned, I've sprained my ankle so I'll be away for at least 2 weeks, and yes I can see you coming, yes I'm still wearing ellie's jumper because I miss her and it smells like her. So that's it for yesterday's and today's vlog, be well, be good, big kisses to you tomorrow" yoou say before quickly publishing the video and falling asleep on the sofa in the yellow jumper.
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And all the things that you do
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colezy · 7 months ago
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Some lackluster Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots taken by me 💜
Finished the game (and Phantom Liberty) with my female streetkid V who is very near and dear to my heart, then instantly started a new save as male nomad V (not very far into it yet, but so far I'm really enjoying the male VA!).
The initial issues at launch deterred me from buying it until earlier this year where I basically went in blind. Literally didn't know (or somehow forgot??) that Keanu Reeves was in it so I was going CRAZY during act 1 lmao (also I loooove Johnny 😭)
The first night I played it I think I played for around 8 hours straight until like 5am and it was the most fun I've had gaming in SO LONG. I wish I could go back and experience that feeling again; not having watched any trailers or delving into ANYTHING about the game I was truly just spit out into the world and it was just an incredible experience. I was so immersed in the world that I basically forgot I existed irl that night and it felt so so good.
Would love to delve into some mods (at least cosmetic because I eat that shit up lol) but I'm too scared to corrupt my saves, so who knows if I'll ever do that lmao
Oh also EDGERUNNERS??? Jesus christ I did NOT expect to get so invested in that fucking anime so quickly and now I understand why everyone gets triggered hearing I Really Want to Stay at Your House as they're walking down the street in game or whatever lmao. I'm so glad I waited to watch it until after I had played the game a considerable amount because everything about it hit so hard and I loved recognizing the locations/tech/lore/etc. ahhhhh I need to rewatch it tbh
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ryomaandgundhamkin · 4 months ago
Shinji is a really funky name and i just wanna like ask about your ocs and stuff and like please type away i wanna hear about your sillies vnclsfksto CAN WE TALK ABOUT OUR SILLIES!???
YEYESYEYES‼️ (I just woke up so maybe soon lol it’s 5am)
ososodosoe uhhh shinji is one of my Danganronpa oc, and same with kenji, idk if he’s on the list.
Coco, Tempignis, Klein, Veil, Vawilog and UHHH IFRIGOT ILL CHECK LATER heh they’re all friends. Coco is from a HH comic me and my friends never finished- @kiwikay3 🫵 lmao anyways so yeah they’re chill but like klein and veil don’t get along that well also klein and vawilog are besties frfr, tempignis is like 14 feet tall, coco is kinda just an oc au for HH, her role would have been as Val’s brother but we scrapped the comic… @kiwikay3 🫵 yk. so yeah
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memberment · 5 months ago
good morning everyone!
I have ruined my sleep schedule. Someone save me LMAO
(10:00) as I reach the end of what I've written for morning glory, I grow tired. I need to take a nap. Will I finally finish this Fourth of July chapter today?? Perhaps.
But no one and I mean NO ONE is allowed to let me forget I need to incorporate the mostly bit at some point. Like there are so many canon refs in here it's SCARY. I NEED THE MOSTLY BIT IT IS MY FAVORITE CARTMAN BIT. NO ONE LET ME FORGET!
(6:11) this is my third good morning of the day, second on record good morning, first on record crying over my writing.
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(I'm literally not okay I need to stop writing tragic creek)
(7:04) Guys I'm almost done with my morning glory reread and when I tell y'all I just nearly died from shock bc Craig casually mentioned he 'Doesn't believe in coincidences.' Like, it's such a benign statement but after WRITING his storyline in Genesis and randomly seeing something like that in the wild that I totally forgot about almost just took me out.
(10:20) Guys after I reread this Genesis chapter and code it I AM OFFICIALLY WORKING ON MORNING GLORY AGAIN LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO (This Fourth of July chapter will get finished tn I SWEAR TO HECK!!!!)
(And then I get to read my fav once its like 5am bc I can only read my fav fic at like 5/6 when the sun is just coming up and my room is perfectly cold and I'm almost ready to go to bed but not quite the vibe is JUST RIGHT here's to praying to the gods we don't believe in I get blessed with an early chapter(bc I have literally been trying to space them out and save them and sometimes I do get lucky and get to read two at once and it's literally the best istg))
(11:17) I forgot to reread said chapter and quit at some point but tell me how Morning went from 84.6 (?? ish) to 86.1k?? LIKE HELL YA LETS GOOOOO WE'RE MAKING PROGRESS!!!!
(11:29) It's not, like, haha funny, but I find it so painfully hilarious that I keep going back and forth between writing like fun wholesome dirty mountain kids figuring out life creek and then like them literally DYING for each other with the most gut wrenching dialogue surrounding it all. My brain needs to be studied, I fear.
(3:28) I just spent like the last 30 minutes being a fucking lunatic BACK TO MORNING GLORY!!! We're at 87.1k ... Which like, honestly, for me on hiatus??? I'm kinda impressed. Kinda proud of myself. (Not to mention the other shit I wrote that is not Morning Glory today, because I did write some of the most gut wrenching shit for Revelations just because I felt like writing angst LMAO)
(5:14) I know I've said this before. And I'll probably say it a million times. Jack stands on business and it's so FUCKING FUNNY. Like 'killing him won't solve anything'
'yeah but it'll feel good!'
(6:27) and tonight I shut down with 89.7k
Which like, holy shit, yippie. 4th of July is done, they're doing powerpoint night, and I am just that much closer to being done with summer.
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