#i felt soo dizzy at school
wikihowhowtoexist · 9 months
This is the worst I have felt in months
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alilixx · 2 days
Heyy could u write a greg house x reader
Shes a doctor or prob a surgeon and its like season 1 ep 13 , she gets sick and needs a heart transplant or something like that but she doesn’t want to then house convinces her coz he likes her and house lies for her so she can get the transplant and they used to flirt before and all but after that they confess about liking each other and start dating ☺️ thanks
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Surgeon!FemReader x Gregory House
You had already noticed unusual signs for several weeks. At first, it was just fatigue. Nothing more. You convinced yourself it was due to your endless hours in the operating room, those sleepless nights that kept piling up. Just a bit of exhaustion, something every surgeon knows well. But the palpitations intensified, followed by slight dizziness, then that crushing sensation in your chest, as if your own heart was fighting against you. You eventually ran a series of tests, discreetly, hoping it was nothing.
But the results didn’t lie: severe dilated cardiomyopathy. Your heart, your most precious instrument, the one that allowed you to save lives day after day, was betraying you. But you refused to believe it.
Today, as you sat in House’s office, surrounded by his diagnostic team, you were desperately searching for a way out, an alternative explanation. Something that would prove this was all a mistake. After all, you were a doctor, you knew diagnoses were never infallible.
"I want your opinion," you finally said, crossing your arms as if to shield yourself from what was coming next. "I did my own tests, but I want to be sure. Maybe I'm too involved to see things clearly."
House looked up, intrigued by your direct tone. "Too involved? You mean, too much in denial."
Cameron stepped forward to review your results, her eyes scanning every detail. "The echocardiograms clearly show dilatation of the heart chambers. You already have a heart murmur, you’ve felt it, haven’t you?"
You frowned, hesitating to respond. Of course you had felt it. But admitting it would make everything more real.
"I want to believe it’s something else," you murmured, your voice betraying, for the first time, a hint of vulnerability. "I’m a surgeon. I can’t... afford to have a failing heart."
Foreman shook his head, pragmatic as always. "You can’t afford not to act either. If you let this get worse, you won’t even have the chance to enter the operating room next time."
You looked away, your throat tight. Fear was rising inside you, a fear you hadn’t felt in a long time. You had always been able to control everything, every incision, every move. But now, it was your own body slipping through your fingers.
House, as always, wasted no time twisting the knife.
"It’s fascinating. You’d rather believe that all this will resolve itself, as if your heart is just going to miraculously decide to heal. Spoiler alert: it won’t." He tilted his head, scrutinizing your face. "But I’m curious. Why consult my team if you’ve already done the tests yourself? Looking for validation or an excuse to do nothing?"
His sarcasm irritated you, but you knew he was right. "Because I want... I want to be sure."
"Sure of what? That you’re dying? Let me confirm it for you, you are. Now that’s settled, we can move on to the next step: you’re refusing the only solution that could save you because you’re afraid of losing control. Interesting, but not surprising."
"I’m not afraid," you retorted, more to convince yourself than to answer him.
House didn’t believe you for a second. He moved closer, leaning his cane against the edge of his desk.
"You’re lying to yourself." His gaze pierced through yours, as if he could see past all your defenses. "You’ve seen how many transplants fail. But you’ve also seen how many succeed. So why condemn yourself when you know you have a chance to make it?"
Silence fell over the room. His words struck you deeper than you wanted to admit. You had spent months running from this reality, pretending it was just a passing episode. But here you were, sitting in front of specialists who left you no escape. That’s when House chose to play his final card.
"I’m going to ask you a very simple question." He sat back behind his desk, tapping the file of his favorite patient: you. "Do you want to die just to stay loyal to your own arrogance? Or do you want to live long enough to annoy me even more?"
You felt a strange warmth rising to your cheeks. House hadn’t spoken those words with his usual cynicism. It was subtle, almost imperceptible, but you knew he genuinely cared about you. And that thought unsettled you more than anything else.
You lowered your eyes to your trembling hands. You were a surgeon, a strong person. Yet, for the first time in a long while, you felt vulnerable. And House had seen it from the very beginning.
The silence in House’s office was heavy after the intense discussion about your condition. The diagnosis was now certain: a heart transplant was your only chance. Yet, one question remained, one that had been haunting you. If you were really going to undergo this operation, there was only one person you trusted enough to put your life in their hands: House.
So, in a rare moment of vulnerability, you took a deep breath and asked the question you had been dreading from the start.
"I want it to be you. You’ll be my surgeon."
The team exchanged stunned glances. House, however, remained silent for a moment, his piercing blue eyes fixed on you. Then he let out a dry laugh.
"Me? No. Bad idea. Very bad idea."
You frowned, stung by his reaction. "Why? You’re one of the best doctors I know."
House straightened up, pressing his cane against the floor before fixing you with an unusually serious look. "I’m not a surgeon. I diagnose. I play with ideas, I take risks, but I don’t hold a scalpel over living patients. I don’t do surgeries."
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. He was so confident, so skilled at solving impossible cases, and yet, here in front of you, he seemed hesitant. You stepped closer to him, determined to understand.
"Are you afraid of messing up?" you asked, your voice low but sharp.
House let out a sarcastic laugh, but you sensed a certain nervousness behind his tone. "No, I’m afraid of killing someone because of my damn leg and my trembling hands. If you want someone to do this surgery without screwing it up, ask a real surgeon."
His rejection hurt you deeply. You had opened up to him, and he was pushing you away without a moment’s hesitation. You felt anger rising within you, mixed with the pain of a feeling you didn’t want to name.
"I thought I could trust you," you whispered, your eyes burning with disappointment. "But I see I was wrong."
Before he could respond, you turned on your heels and left the office, leaving House and the team behind. The sound of your footsteps echoed in the empty hallway as you walked towards your own uncertain future. Your heart was pounding painfully, both physically and emotionally. He had rejected you when you had offered him your fragile trust.
A few days later, you found yourself in the pre-op room, your face calm, but your mind in turmoil with conflicting emotions. You had finally accepted the transplant, even though it terrified you. Another surgeon had been assigned for the operation, a competent colleague, but not House. His refusal still haunted you, the abrupt way he had pushed you away, as if your life meant nothing to him.
The medical team busied themselves around you, but all you could hear was a dull hum, lost in your thoughts. An anesthesiologist approached, and as you lay down on the operating table, a strange sense of calm washed over you.
Then, in the haze of preparation, something caught your attention. A voice, familiar, behind the masks and caps.
"Start the anesthesia. We’re going ahead with the transplant."
You weakly opened your eyes. It was House.
Your heart skipped a beat, as if, even before the surgery, he already knew how to unsettle you. You tried to move, to speak, but the anesthesia was already taking effect. Everything became blurry, but you heard his voice clearly, that deep, slightly rough voice that comforted you despite yourself.
"Sleep now, it'll be fine. You’ll be alive to yell at me later."
Then total darkness.
You woke up in a hospital room. The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, and you felt a dull ache in your chest. But more than that, you felt your heart beating. A new heart. A strange sensation, both comforting and unsettling.
You slowly turned your head, and to your surprise, you saw House sitting in the corner of the room, his gaze fixed on you. He looked exhausted, as if he hadn’t slept in days. His eyes locked on yours with a new intensity, almost worried.
"I knew you were stubborn, but you really outdid yourself this time," he said, without a hint of humor.
You looked at him, still too weak to speak. Then, slowly, you remembered what had happened before the surgery. He had refused. You had been hurt. But now, he was here.
"You... operated on me?" you finally murmured, your voice hoarse.
House gave a slight nod, avoiding your gaze for a moment. "Yeah. I didn’t really have a choice, apparently. Everyone’s incompetent except me." But there was something else in his voice, an unspoken admission.
You tried to sit up, but the pain in your chest made you wince. House immediately stood up and moved closer to you. "Take your time. Don’t be stupid."
You stared at him, still in shock from what you had just discovered. "Why? Why did you do it when you said you didn’t want to?"
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Because..." He paused, searching for the right words. That wasn’t like him. "Because I couldn’t let another surgeon kill you. If someone was going to save you or lose you, it had to be me."
He looked straight into your eyes, and this time, you saw the fear behind his usual cynicism. The fear of losing you, the fear of failing. It wasn’t just about the surgery, it was about feelings, the ones he didn’t want to admit, but which were so clear in that suspended moment.
"You were scared," you said softly, a slight smile on your lips. House looked away, grumbling. "I’m not afraid of anything. I’m just smarter than everyone else."
But you knew. You knew he had taken this risk because he cared about you, even if he would never say it outright. You placed your hand on his, a simple gesture, but one that spoke for you. And, against all odds, he didn’t pull his hand away.
The days following the surgery were filled with moments of uncertainty and relief. Each steady beat of your new heart was a promise that life would go on, a victory against fate. But something lingered, like a palpable tension between you and House. He came to see you almost every day, always with his usual sarcasm, but something had changed.
That morning, you woke up with the same familiar pain in your chest, but this time it was different — the pain of healing. You slowly sat up in your bed, observing the soft light filtering through the hospital curtains. Your body was still weak, but each day felt like a small victory. And despite the fatigue, you were more clear-headed than ever.
The door to your room opened gently, and of course, House walked in, leaning on his cane with that familiar limp you knew so well. He stared at you for a moment, as if assessing your condition, then casually remarked:
"How’s my favorite patient? Still alive, apparently."
You managed a smile, even though part of you still wondered why he could never be serious for more than a few seconds. "I’m doing well, Greg. And you know it."
He raised an eyebrow at the sound of his name. That wasn’t something you used often. Usually, you always called him "House," like everyone else.
He came closer and sat in the chair next to your bed, letting out a sigh. "Well, that’s good news. I would have hated to explain to the team that I messed up my best patient. That would be bad for my reputation."
You knew he used humor to mask something deeper. A silence settled in, almost comfortable, but filled with unspoken words.
"Why did you decide to operate on me?" you finally asked, breaking the silence. "I hurt you when I asked, but you did it anyway."
House looked away, as he often did when faced with a question that was too personal. He tapped his cane against the floor, searching for words or perhaps a way to sidestep the answer.
"It was a challenge. I couldn’t let another surgeon handle such a complex operation, especially on someone as annoying as you." He smiled, but his gaze betrayed something else, something more sincere. "And I guess I was a little afraid you’d slip away from me."
This confession took you by surprise. You knew House wasn’t the type to openly express his emotions, especially not with such direct words. You watched him in silence, your thoughts swirling. He had taken a huge risk by operating on you, not just medically, but emotionally.
"I’m not going to slip away from you, Greg," you murmured. "Not now."
His eyes settled on you, softer than usual. "Not now," he repeated, almost to himself.
Initially, it was supposed to be temporary. Just long enough for you to fully recover from the surgery, for your body to adjust to the new heart, and for you to be closely monitored, "just in case." House had insisted, almost casually, on this option.
"It would be stupid to leave you alone. If something goes wrong, I’d rather have you in my sight, not on the other side of town," he had said, as if the decision was purely pragmatic.
You had hesitated. Living at House's, even temporarily, seemed risky, given the complexity of your relationship. But somewhere, you felt that beneath his usual cynicism, he genuinely cared about you. So you had agreed, thinking it would last just a few days, maybe a week or two.
The first night at his place was strange. His apartment, which you had visited a few times before, felt more welcoming than you had imagined. A blend of old and modern, of perfectly organized chaos, typical of House. Medical books stacked everywhere, piano sheets scattered about, whiskey bottles casually left on the coffee table. You felt like an intruder in his space, but he made no effort to make you feel otherwise.
"Make yourself at home. I don’t have silk pillows or almond milk, but there’s unlimited Ibuprofen," he had said, settling onto his couch with a glass of whiskey.
That first night was calm. House kept an eye on you from the corner of his gaze, even though he pretended to be absorbed in an old documentary. Despite the strangeness of the situation, a certain serenity had settled in.
The next day, as you began to get used to this new arrangement, someone knocked at the door. You weren’t expecting visitors, especially not this early in the morning. House, already up (for once), went to open it, and you immediately recognized the familiar voice of James Wilson.
"Hey, House, I brought donuts. I wanted to talk to you about a case..." His voice cut off abruptly as he entered the living room and saw you sitting on the couch, a cup of tea in hand.
The silence that followed was almost comical. Wilson looked at you, then at House, then back at you, as if he had stumbled upon a scene he couldn’t quite comprehend.
"What the... ? What are you doing here?"
You gave a slight smile, a bit embarrassed, while House, completely unfazed, grabbed one of the boxes of donuts that Wilson had brought.
"She lives here. Well, temporarily," House replied before taking a bite out of a donut, as if the situation was perfectly normal.
Wilson stood there, speechless for several seconds. "You... you let her live with you? You?"
House shrugged. "It’s easier for post-operative monitoring. And besides, she’s not unbearable. Well, not all the time."
Wilson blinked, still in shock. He slowly sat down on a chair, setting down the other box of donuts. "That... that’s so unlike you, Greg."
"Well, maybe I’ve changed. Or maybe it’s just convenient." House made a dismissive gesture, but you could see that even for him, this situation was still new.
Wilson gave you a questioning look, searching for answers. You simply shrugged, an amused smile on your lips. "It’s temporary, really."
Wilson shook his head, clearly disturbed but also amused. "If you tell me he let you choose a movie last night, I think I’m going to faint."
You laughed lightly, and even House cracked a small smile, despite himself. The tension slowly faded, and Wilson relaxed, even though he continued to shoot you incredulous glances from time to time.
Days passed, and what was supposed to be a temporary arrangement stretched on longer than expected. There was no specific date for your departure, and House didn’t seem in a hurry to see you go. In fact, he even seemed to enjoy your presence, even if he categorically refused to admit it.
One evening, as you settled into the couch with a blanket over your knees, House sat down next to you without a word. He turned on the TV and flipped through channels until he found an old black-and-white movie. It had become a routine: you spent the evenings together, sometimes in silence, sometimes exchanging sarcastic comments about what you were watching.
It was in this tranquility that Wilson made his second appearance at House's place.
"I brought wine," he announced as he walked in, looking noticeably more comfortable with the situation this time.
You smiled, shifting a bit to make room for him. House raised an eyebrow. "Wine? Since when do you bring wine to my place?"
Wilson shrugged. "I thought we could celebrate... I don’t know, this strange normality?" He glanced at you as if to make sure everything was okay.
The evening went off without a hitch. The wine flowed, sarcasm flew, and Wilson, despite his more serious habits, allowed himself to be caught up in the relaxed atmosphere. The movies changed on the screen, but soon it was the discussions that took over.
"I have to say, I’m still surprised you let her stay," Wilson remarked, casting a glance at House.
House, lounging casually on the couch, responded without really looking at Wilson. "It’s not so bad. She doesn’t bother me too much. Unlike you."
Wilson rolled his eyes. "I bring you wine, I do my best not to invade your space, and this is how you thank me."
You laughed, shaking your head. "He doesn’t know how to do anything else, James. You know him."
"That’s true," Wilson replied with a smile. "But anyway, I’m glad you’re recovering well. He seems to be taking good care of you."
You turned to House, who was clearly avoiding your gaze. "He’s doing what he can," you said softly, but with a smile in your voice.
House pretended not to hear, focusing on the television. But in his silences, you could feel that he was getting used to this new life.
Days passed, and what was supposed to be a temporary living arrangement quietly settled into a routine. Little by little, you had begun to integrate into House's daily life, and he, without a word, had allowed you to do so.
One evening, after a long day at the hospital, you got home before him. House had sent you a terse message: "I’ll be late. Bistro operation in the kitchen." You smiled at his words, already imagining what that meant.
Tired but determined not to let it get you down, you began rummaging through House's kitchen cabinets. He had everything, but nothing was in its place. A controlled chaos that, surprisingly, made sense to you. You grabbed some vegetables and an old skillet, determined to prepare something before his return. The kitchen was a place where you could lose yourself in simple tasks, away from the complexities of your work as a surgeon.
A few dozen minutes later, as you were focused on a sauce you were preparing, the door opened. House entered, looking tired but intrigued by the aromas wafting from the kitchen.
"Are you pretending to be a chef now?" he said as he approached you.
You smiled without turning around, continuing to stir the sauce. "I thought it would be a change from pizza boxes and whiskey."
House leaned in slightly to smell what you were making, nodding his head in approval. "I suppose that works for me. But if it’s bad, you’ll hear me complain for days."
You chuckled softly, knowing very well he meant it half-seriously. He made no attempt to push you away from the kitchen; on the contrary, he grabbed a knife and started slicing the bread, his movements precise despite the cane that always lingered nearby.
The scene was almost domestic. House, with his usual sarcasm, and you, focused on your sauce. You didn’t talk much, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. There was a certain peace in these simple moments. You sensed that he was getting used to this new dynamic, even though he was still incapable of admitting it out loud.
"I have to admit," he finally said, slicing a piece of bread, "you’re not doing too badly for a surgeon. Maybe it’s time to change careers."
You gave him an amused look. "You say that now, but just wait until you taste it."
"Oh, I fully intend to critique every bite."
He was smiling slightly, but you could feel the bond growing a little stronger with each shared meal, each simple task completed together.
It had been a long time since you had left the operating room, but you didn’t miss your home at all, and House understood that... well, House is House.
A few weeks later, after several similar evenings, you had finally made official what was happening between you. It hadn’t been a grand romantic declaration, far from it. As with everything involving House, things had evolved naturally, in a sort of unspoken agreement that was becoming clearer and clearer. One evening, as you were both settled on the couch, he had placed his hand over yours, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Do you mind if we drop the ‘temporary’?" he asked, his eyes fixed on the television screen.
You felt your heart race, even though the question was posed in that casual tone that characterized him. You squeezed his hand slightly in response, your smile overshadowing the answer you didn’t even need to say. Indeed, it was his way of asking you to be his girlfriend.
The following Monday, things were different, but not enough to shake up the universe of Princeton-Plainsboro. You had decided to keep nothing hidden, but without making it a topic of conversation. After all, it was impossible to hide anything from House’s team.
Wilson, of course, was the first to react. When he saw you enter the hospital together that morning, he furrowed his brow, an expression somewhere between amusement and surprise.
"So, it’s official? You finally made it official?"
True to form, House simply rolled his eyes. "Officially? If it makes you happy to label it that way, then yes."
Wilson smiled, a little too pleased with himself. "I knew this would happen, but I have to say, it’s impressive that you held out this long before admitting it."
You couldn’t help but chuckle softly, amused by the dynamic between the two friends. "He has his moments of resistance," you added jokingly.
But the real test came when you arrived in the diagnostic room, where House’s team was already gathered. Chase, Cameron, and Foreman were discussing a new case, but they all looked up when you walked in together.
Chase was the first to react, his eternal smirk in place. "Oh, I see. That’s why we all stayed until midnight last week. You had ‘personal’ plans."
House stopped, crossing his arms with a piercing look. "You’re right, Chase. And if you keep talking, you’ll end up with the chore of sanding the autopsy room again. Unless, of course, you want to find yourself a social life."
Foreman cracked a playful smile while Cameron seemed half-surprised, half-envious. "So... you’re together?" she asked with a mix of shyness and curiosity.
You exchanged a glance with House. You hadn’t discussed how you were going to handle this with the rest of the team, but it seemed it was already out in the open.
"Yes," you replied simply, with confidence. "We’re together."
Without missing a beat, House added with a smirk, "But don’t worry. It’s not going to affect my desire to make your lives miserable."
You had gotten into the habit of cooking together from time to time, even though House continued to tease you about your culinary skills. You also spent many quiet evenings talking about everything and nothing or simply watching movies in silence.
One evening, as you were chopping vegetables in the kitchen, House approached you and set a glass of wine on the counter.
"Looks like we’ve become boring, huh?"
You laughed softly, setting down the knife. "If that’s what you call boring, I’m perfectly fine with that."
He looked at you, a smile softer than usual on his lips. "Well, as long as you’re okay with it, I guess I can get used to the boredom."
It was the first time he admitted, without sarcasm or dark humor, that he enjoyed this new life together. And you knew that behind his facade was a man deeply attached, even if he showed it in his own way.
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let's stay alive and meet again. Okay?//05
Prev 04 - Next 06
"...You were with him.” She turned over to Cheong-san. 
“He was behind me, but..."
"Then where is he?”
"I don't know."
“Wait we are another person short..”
"We're missing Min-jee too," Wu-Jin said as he looked around noticing the familiar girl's presence wasn't around.
"They're both missing.." 
Hwa-young looked at Soo-jin who in turn only frowned at her, both were worried for their friend and Su-hyeok. 
Nam-ra looked outside in search of Su-hyeok and Min-jee but found nothing all she saw were two zombies that ran by and one appear to close up to block out her view.
Soft cries were heard Yoon Gwi-Nam looked over at the crying girl before moving forward to cover her mouth, "You. Shut your mouth." She softly whimpered. Gwi-Nam heard a slight gurgle sound and looked over to see it was a zombie. He waited for a moment as it dawned on him that it was either her or him. With that, he pushed her out from where they were underneath. The girl crawled away to get far but was unsuccessful. Her screams were heard as well as her flesh being bitten off. Shin Hyung-Seo and Gwi-Nam flinched at the sound but remained quiet. They both ended there when the outbreak began in the cafeteria. With nowhere to run Gwi-Nam went to the kitchen, sacrificed the lunch lady, and hid under what appeared to be a stove. Hyung-Seo was already there.
"Rescue team Three, head to Hyosan Hospital. Team four, head over to the accident at the Hyosan intersection. Team two, you have another call. Fire, Hyosan High School. Please head there right away. Ambulance One, stay where you are." 
So-ju looked at the radio and picked it up, "Team One. We've arrived at the accident." Soon other dispatchers answered in order.
"Rescue Team Two. We'll head to the accident at Hyosan High School." 
"Accident reports keep coming in. All units, standby where you are." 
Nam So-Ju, Kim U-Sin, and Park Young-hwan got out of the vehicle. So-ju looked over to the side as he heard a female scream, a blackbird flew by and landed above them. They looked at the bird for a moment before So-ju told them let's go. All three medical dispatchers ran into the building.
Park Mi-Jin smoked a cigarette in the bathroom stall while sitting on the covered toilet seat quietly. 
"We should stay here a bit longer."
"Right. Okay." 
Plastic was heard for a bit before a small thud hit the floor, Mi-jin had just thrown the now empty cigarette box on the floor.
"Do you think they're gone?" Yoo Joon-sung said as he stood by the bathroom stall's door. 
"What do we do? Shouldn't we call the cops?" Lee Ha-lim replied as she sat on the covered toilet. 
"We can't go out now."
"I'm sure they're still out there."
"Who's smoking in this situation?"
"Who are you to hide in the girls' room? Be a man. Wimp." Mi-jin said while taking a small drag from her cigar. 
"Why, you... Who are you?"
"Leave her alone. It's Mi-jin." Ha-lim reached out to grab Joon-sung's wrist. 
"Mi-jin? Park Mi-jin?" 
"Joon-sung. I'm really dizzy." She said sickly, she looked sick too.
"Is it bad? What do we do?"
"I don't know. It's weird. Every sound is muffled, and I'm dizzy." Mi-jin was minding her business until she heard Ha-lim explain what she felt. She looked over at them before resuming back to her quick smoke session.
"Ha-lim, it's probably just from the shock."
Let's go to the hospital once things calm down outside, okay?" 
"Okay." A squeak was heard as a bathroom stall was unlocked and opened. Mi-jin then knocked on their door.
"What is it? Who is it?" 
"Hey, open up." She then bangs on the door before going to kick it, "Open up. Now!"
"Why, you-" Joon-sung mumbled as he unlocked the door. Just as he opened it he was pulled outside by Mi-jin, "get out."
"What are you doing?"
"Don't move," Mi-jin said while pushing Ha-lim back with a toilet plunger. She searched the girl for a bite.
"What's wrong?" The sick girl asked before she groaned in pain due to Mi-jin reaching out towards her to push aside her shirt. There on Ha-lim's body near her shoulder was a bite mark. Mi-jin moved back and immediately shut the door.
"What are you doing?"
"Fuck, let go of me!" Mi-jin yelled out while pushing away Joon-sung's arm from her.
"Mi-jin," Ha-lim said while looking at the door thinking about how to get out. 
"Listen carefully. You know how to play tag, right? We're all hiding here to get away from someone. But now... You're it." Ha-lim's nose began to bleed, small whimpers were heard as she began to cry silently. 
"Don't just stand there! Help!" Mi-jin yelled at Joon-sung who was just standing there on the side whereas Mi-jin was holding the door, struggling, to prevent Ha-lim from coming out. 
"But Ha-lim's in there." 
"Ugh, She was bitten. Do you get that? Now, help." Reluctantly Joon-sung went to help Mi-jin.
"Mi-jin, don't do this... I'm okay... Let me out." Mi-jin glanced at Joon-sung before backing up from the door slightly, "Shut up, zombie." 
"Joon-sung, don't do this. Let me out." Ha-lim began to plea. The blood fr her nose continues to run down spreading slightly on her pale lips and now down her chin. She kept trying to get the door open, but failed miserably, "We ran away together earlier. I save you."
Those words seem to have hit a spot on Joon-sung, Mi-jin came back after going to the cleaning supply corner and grabbed a mop, "If you let her out, we all die."
Ha-lim gave up in trying to get them to open the door and instead grabbed the metal above the bathroom stall's door and pulled herself up. 
"Shit. Shit!" Mi-jin panicked a bit and thrust the mop in Ha-lim's face. Ha-lim fell back, the back of her head smacking the metal part of where the toilet was connected to the wall. 
"Get it together! Look up." 
"What do you want from me?" Joon-sung exclaimed. 
"We have to kill her."
"Kill Ha-lim?"
"She's not Ha-lim anymore. She's a... Zombie." Ha-lim's eyes rolled back as she began to transform. Somehow she managed to look more pale and sick, her bones began to crack, eyes turned bloodshot red. "Still, I don't wanna," Joon-sung said. Ha-lim looked over at the door panting, the virus was still fighting her and would soon take her over.
"Do we have any other options?" 
"I don't know."
"Mi-jin. I hear you." Ha-lim said weakly.
"I know."
"Do you really have to do that to me?"
Mi-jin didn't like this, but she couldn't figure out any other way, "You're going to turn, eventually."
"I- I know. But you..." Ha-lim began to struggle to speak, but continued, "I will kill you first. I'll kill you before anyone else." 
"Mi-jin. I'm so scared" Ha-lim cried out before arching her back in pain. Bones crunching and body spasmed. The door began to shake due to zombie Ha-lim hitting it. Mi-jin stomped on the mop on the end causing it to break, "get ready." She said glancing at the door before looking at Joon-sung, "Hey! I said get ready."
"For what?"
"We gotta kill her." Mi-jin took small deep breaths to prepare herself before seeing that Joon-sung wasn't moving, "Are you gonna hold that forever?" Joon-sung looked at her and slowly let go, his hands slid down the door, and took a few steps back quietly and slowly. The door creaked open, and there zombie Ha-lim was biting the air, she turned around as the door opened. A loud growl was heard, Ha-lim now a zombie went straight for Mi-jin. If Mi-jin could change this she would, she gripped the now broken mop and lunged the spikey part of the broken mop into the zombie's mouth, and out came through its neck. The zombies growled unfazed and continued to walk toward Mi-jin. More and more did the zombie slide down the stick, "What are you doing?!" Mi-jin yelled out to Joon-sung who was hiding in a corner behind her. After wincing and groaning he went to help Mi-jin push the zombie back, "Why won't she die?" Joon-sung said while panicking. 
"I don't know. Maybe it's not the right spot." The zombie grabbed onto the side of the stall and pushed forward against them. Soon its head lopsided and it stopped growling and an arrow had lodged itself through her neck. A few seconds after it fell, "What?" Mi-jin and Joon-sung let go of the mop letting the body fall. Mi-jin turned towards the door. Jang Ha-ri walked in a stance ready to hit them with an arrow too. Immediately Mi-jin and Joon-sung put their hands up, "Stop. Not us. We're fine." Ha-ri ignored her, instead, she pulled her arm that held the arrow in between the bow's bowstring back more.
"Not us, Jackass!" Hearing someone yell, Jung Min-Jae hurried in to look at what was happening, "Hey, I think they're okay. Zombies don't curse." 
Ha-ri didn't budge, "Shoot if they turn." Min-Jae didn't question her, instead, he just followed her instructions.
"You crazy bitch. We're fine- ahh" just as she was about to push Ha-ri the speakers of the school squeaked loudly.
Ms. Park took a moment and rubbed her hands on her shirt as she desperately wanted the blood off of her hands, she looked around the room before going over to the Microphone connected to the intercoms around the school. She took a deep breath and pressed the button. All the students in the school winched at the loud sound the speakers produced, soon it was replaced by Ms. Park's voice. 
"Students and teachers of Hyosan High School. I'm Park Sun-Hwa, the English teacher. Something strange is happening throughout the school. Some students are attacking others indiscriminately. So please flee and find a safe place. And if any student or faculty hears this and is able to, please call the police and the fire department. Students, hide somewhere safe until help arrives. If you can get out of the school, please get out. I'll say it again. Some students are..." Ms. Park looked down and took a deep breath as she swallowed back her fear, "Hey, everyone... You're okay, right? You're not hurt, right? I don't know what's going on in here or how this whole thing happened, but... Still, find a safe place and hide. I... I'm sorry... I can't help. Don't get hurt, okay? Please, let's stay alive and meet again. Okay?"
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damselofblueroses · 3 years
The Name of The Rose
Summary: Your study-buddy Doh Kyungsoo comes with you for a long-awaited trip to Tokyo, Japan. There is a tension between you, however both of you decided to build a friendship instead of a relationship.
Chapter Summary: Kyungsoo takes you to a little noodle shop. Both of you were becoming aware of your own feelings, and during the dinner you were having some interesting conversations.
Content: Unestablished relationship, AU, Hurt/Comfort, Anger, Slight Violence, Emotional Complications and Healing.
Warnings: Well, the story contains NSFW/Smut, please minors do not continue.
Note: This story was inspired by D.O.’s album, Empathy, the album of 2021 in my opinion. It is an ongoing mini project, I planned to write it as a one-shot when I started, however I realized there are a lot to say about Empathy Era and I cannot stop shut my mouth, or prevent myself from writing… So, here we go.
Chapter Word Count: 6.7k
Chapter 2: The Hunter and the Goddess
You did not know how far Kyungsoo was planning to hold your hand like a treasure. You did not know if he was just enjoying the time then kick you out or he was going to change something between you, as holding hands or asking weird questions did not have a place in your relationship till now. What if he was planning something you never dare to think of? Maybe he’d encourage you to try new things since you were the one who telling that you were bored to death. What kind of new things was the first questions popped up in your mind, you knew Kyungsoo too well, that innocent school kid look was half true, he could put everyone in shame if he wanted to perform his charm and knowledge.
And you, unfortunately, knew that he was quite popular not only for his good-looking or his brain, but also some talents.
But you realized then that if he wanted to give you a demonstration, you would happily accept and let him to use those talents you really tried your best in order to keep yourself from questioning. If the man was Kyungsoo, you could be pathetically submissive and always eager to please him that you would do anything he wanted just to hear him telling you how good you were for him.
You exactly understood the assignment more than you asked for, the whole situation you were willingly putting yourself without an indicator was nothing but stupid, reckless, and risky to your mental and emotional health. There was a real threat ahead of you, if you were going to be over the moon and let yourself to dream the things you certainly could not reach, you would not overcome, and you were going to destroy your friendship with Kyungsoo.
Maybe that’s why you started to shake like stuck inside a blizzard. Kyungsoo sensed it, too. Maybe he thought it was very strange singe you were in the mid of fucking August and the weather was like a preparation room before entering to Hell, however he chose to keep his observation to himself, and he let your hand go.
You could scream.
God, you could scream so bad because of the loss of that bloody precious sensation.
Before you would say something, hell like you could do, he run his hand through your arm and drag you closer to his chest.
“It is about air conditioner.” he said, but in the blink of an eye all you could feel was the warmness, and how good his smell was. “And your little blue dress is literally little.”
His palm contacted your bare skin, the tip of his fingers were close to your neck, his touch was heavy, hot and it had you breathing a little bit faster than usual.
“Of course, my dress is little,” you attempted to save yourself from the misery. “I know it sounds impossible, but I am shorter even than you, Kyungsoo.”
“So funny you are.” the sudden look he gave you made your stomach flipped. “Sometimes I feel like I have to teach you not crossing my limits, I am a man after all.”
“What are you going to do?” you playfully whispered. “Bend me over your knees?”
“You have a point over there.” he was serious. “I would like to do.”
You hoped he did not mean it.
“I just say the truth.” you could not help but push him further. “Since when telling the truth is a sin? Cancel me if you want but sweet Jesus, Soo, you know you are smol.”
“Depends on which point you want to compare me with the other guys.” he claimed. “You never had a proper taste of me, darling girl, I am just a friend to you.”
Well, his comment hurt you, but you bit your tongue and quickly sealed a lid on the boiling heat inside of you. Your fingers rub at your forehead.
Proper taste of Kyungsoo, you thought, there was no beat of hesitation in your mind, you would willingly die for having a proper taste of him.
“Headache?” he asked and reached into his bag most probably he brought painkiller for you. Kyungsoo knew you to the bits, more than anyone else, he could read you like you were an open book to him. But this time, you wanted to keep it to yourself.
“No.” you nod. “How many destinations we have to arrive?”
“2 or 3. I am not sure,” he looked at around. “Most probably two. Are you hungry that much?”
“Yes, I am starving.” it was not a lie, you were really starving but not for food. Coming to Japan with Kyungsoo was a bad idea, you had never been unstable like this before. The invisible barrier between you and him made you mad. You knew that you were not one to unload the feelings onto someone, instead, you rarely bring them up, only when it was extremely unbearable for your heart. When you feel like explode. When you feel like suffocating. When the suffer become a load to carry.
To your dismay, you felt all of them right now.
“On your foot, soldier.” he carefully lowered his arm off your shoulder. “We came.”
“Okey.” you pull yourself to your feet and hurry to leave the bus. Kyungsoo pressed into the button, you step into the fresh air. “Now, to where?”
“This way.” he arched his brow and you two walked into the noodle restaurant in a quite silence. Your head was throbbing, heavier than usual with all those thoughts, hopes, secrets that you were keeping inside of you for a long time. You hardly realize that you reached to the place, but when Kyungsoo opened the door for you, you managed to save yourself from trouble.
The place smelled too good to be true. The smell of fresh noodles, side dishes made you dizzy, the cuteness of place as well itself.
Smol like Kyungsoo, you thought but you did not say this, you just looked for a table to sit. You turned to him, but he already found a place for you and held your fucking hand again. He did not think about his move, it was so obvious, he just did. Your heart was pondering while he headed to the corner of shop, more intimate with dim lights.
“We cannot be comfortable with those lights.” he pointed the roof out. “There are so bright for us. Is this table okey?”
“Yip yip.” you were disctracted by the pleasure of yummy smells. “I can feel the taste on my tongue even from these smells! Let’s sit!”
Kyungsoo chuckled to your enthusiasm, he knew that he’s being tormented by his inappropriate thoughts, but he could not stop thinking about you. Would you smile like this if he tells you how much he adores you for fucking years? Would you smile so gently like you smile when you see a blue rose or your smile was going to be fade like when you learned your grandfather passed away?
Kyungsoo shivered with the memory. It was the last thing he would want to recall, he wished to see you never ever like that. You could not smile for months.
But he could not prevent remembering your skin. So soft and so warm to the touch and your fucking lips, so plump, pink, pouty and always calling him to kiss you.
You looked so pretty today, it was not you were not pretty in general but today Kyungsoo felt like you were his, all his. There was no Baekhyun, no Chanyeol, no Jongdae which means peace to him because when you three came together, the only word could describe was cacophony, no one. He loved them more than any friends, but he secretly preferred having time just for you two. Just you and Kyungsoo. He could watch your excitement for a while, you were like a bird whose trying to decide where to set. He was waiting for the show you were going to put, when the waitress brought the menu, you brightly smiled to her and duck your head into it while unintentionally dancing.
Kyungsoo loved you more than he could tell for this. Being yourself in every situation.
You were bathed in the dim yellow light, and Kyungsoo clearly saw your upper half above the table. Navy blue cotton clung to your chest, tighter than Kyungsoo wished, that square cut-out revealed your pale skin and the blue necklace you wore was elegantly stayed above your collarbone. Kyungsoo could not define but your collarbone definitely doing something to him. He remembered that necklace with a blue, tiny rose, he gave it to you in your 23rd birthday.
He wished he could tell you that you were prettier even than blue roses.
Years passed out so quick, but Kyungsoo could not tell you how much he desired you during all those years.
He watched you, forgetting to blink. His gaze shifting over you, washing you with his admiration from head to toe. You were clueless, he knew that you were not aware of his feelings for you, but he was grateful for being able to absorb the extent of your beauty. Maybe you were not the prettiest girl of the town, for his eyes, you were the chef kiss for sure. He remembered he wanted to punch Chanyeol in the face for his comments when you got your pixie haircut, you were not looking like manly as he nonchalantly said, Kyungsoo never think he could find short hair as attractive but hell, he loved your new style. And your eyes, your goddam eyes, so big, outlined in carbon black liner that made your eyelids covered with a shimmery shadow.
You looked fucking gorgeous, and Kyungsoo was extremely vulnerable to your beauty. You gave him really hard times, literally and figuratively. And to his dismay, he fucking liked his bonds to you like he was an addicted.
“Have you decided on the orders?” Kyungsoo heard the waitress again and turned to her as he woke up from a dream. He realized he forgot to look at menu, before he could open it, you lifted your head and looked at him.
Damn you.
Damn your eyes.
Damn your lips.
“Did you?” you murmured. “I did.”
Kyungsoo could not get your lips out of his head, if he could, he would also decide what he was going to have. Godfuckingdamnit, he just wanted to drag you into his lap and kiss you fervently. Maybe you could understand how he has been feeling since fucking years if he would kiss you. He just wanted to ravage you like a starved man, and he fucking was.
“I want Inaniwa Udon.” you said as you were waiting for his reply. “And sake, if it is possible.”
Why not, he thought. As long as you were with him, he could allow you to drink as much as you wanted. Thinking you drinking without Kyungsoo gave him really heart attack, he knew you were not famous of having high alcohol tolerance.
“I will have Ramen Meat Tsukasa.” he smiled to the waitress. “Do you serve sake?”
“Yes, we do.” the waitress replied. She was very kind, and she was also smiling to your little dance figures. “Do you want two bottles, or one is enough?”
“I think one is enough for now.” Kyungsoo said this as a question to you, you hummed. “Maybe we will have another later.”
“Okey, I will bring your orders as soon as they are ready. Have a nice time.” the waitress made a little bow to both of you and rushed back to the kitchen.
“So, do you like the restaurant?” Kyungsoo asked to you. At his words, your smile widened, and the stars became visible in your eyes. Kyungsoo felt he started to melt inside.
“I love these tiny places.” you whispered sheepishly. “You know how much I love them, Kyungsoo.”
Yeah, Kyungsoo knew your preferences very well. What he did not know was the power your whisper has on him. It gave him electroshocks, he felt like a wriggling worm. He immediately fantasized on more intimate scenarios which you could whisper his name and God, he hated himself for that, but he could not stop. To be honest, even if it meant self-hatred, he did not want stop thinking about you. He loved to think about you far too much although he was perfectly aware of his mind wandering around extremely dangerous territory.
“For a second,” you stood up. “I have to use bathroom, excuse me.”
“Yeah.” that was his best shot since you started to walk because he did not see your back in this dress. His eyes followed you until you disappeared, drunk the sway of your hips. Kyungsoo’s opinion of your dress quickly changed, and he cursed Sehun under his breath, the cotton fabric wrapped your curves and gradually hugged your body till a hand above the knee, it multiplied your summer rose vibe.
He decided to steal that dress and set it on fire, fuck that dress, God, he hated it.
Kyungsoo wondered what was going to happen to him when you decided to go out with a guy. Not today, his mind reminded him but one day you were going to hang out with someone. Someone, but not him.
He squeezed his fingers just as he would strangle an invisible neck of unnamed enemy.
Actually, you went out for some dates in the past, but none of them worked for you. Kyungsoo vividly remembered how horrible those nights were for him till he could hear the story from you. To be honest, you were secretive about those dates, you did not give him details but he learned it did not work for you, it was enough.
Till now.
He did not want to admit it, but he was curious as fuck, why those dates did not work. What happened, why you were so adamant of not going out while you were extremely clever and pretty? Unfortunately, Kyungsoo was aware of not only your impacts on him but also on community. You were quite popular among the guys.
He was dying to learn the reason of your consecutive rejections, maybe it was about your taste of men. Maybe you were liking older guys, maybe you were liking younger ones, maybe you were preferring foreigners. Scenarios, choices, and possibilities were a lot, and Kyungsoo hated the truth to the bits, even though you had no idea how charming you were both physical and emotional, you could make a man falling love with you in the blink of an eye.
He hated it too much. He hated because he strongly believed that if you could think of him as a potential lover even for once, you would do something to make him fall for you.
You never try. You were always far from him, and he was already in enough pain because of the distance between you, even you were just beside of him.
“I am back!” your voice dragged him out of his dark thoughts. For a second, he thought he could beg you to tell him how you saw him as a man.
If you need a lover, let me know.
Kyungsoo wanted to tell this to you more than anything else, but he was a coward inside. He was afraid of losing you forever, he did not want to destroy the anything, if he could have you as a friend, as a study-buddy, he was okey. Not fine, but okey. At least he could be with you as his heart wanted.
“Food is not ready yet.” he choked out loudly enough to make your eyebrows knitted.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah yeah, I am fine.” he nonchalantly answered. What could he say? Would he say he was thinking when you were going to have a boyfriend, how much he was going to be sad? Or could he tell you how much he wanted tear your dress off your body and worship you? “I am hungry.”
“I have a theory about the hunger of men.” you sat on your chair comfortably and pointed a finger to him. He wanted to catch that finger and kiss it. “For example, if you are hungry, you can be really scary. When Baekhyun or Chanyeol is hungry, they are grumpy. Is this something special to you, or is this a feature of men? We can be polite while we are waiting for food.”
“Do not go there.” Kyungsoo said lowly. “How much you know about men? Only me, our squad members, and your family. We can be also polite, and I am not fucking scary.”
“Sweetheart, I know men more than you believe.” you blinked mischievously, enough to startle him. “If a man is hungry, even the face expression transformed.”
“May I ask?” he started, but he could feel his hand beneath the table automatically turned into a fist. “How did you collect the information to support your weak theory?”
“By having dinners with them.” you grinned like a fucking Cheshire cat, and Kyungsoo hated to see also that. “You are not so different from each other, being so full of yourselves.”
You knew you were playing with fire.
You were trying to provoke him with your words. You were aware of Kyungsoo’s dislike of being compared with others.
Unconsciously you decided to make him mad at you in order to see if he had a feeling, even a little spot in his emotional radar, for you. If you could manage to annoy him that much, you knew he would talk. He would give hints at least, but he would do something.
You were more than okey even for a hint, you realized you were up to your hair, you were done with waiting for a sign. You realized your burned yourself out to the bitter end, you were done with waiting for him. You wanted nothing but him, you could say you did not and you would be lying your ass off if you did.
He stared at you as his expression was hard to decipher. He could be wanting to beat the shit out of you or thinking for an answer to shut your mouth for all eternity. Both of the options were possible.
“Your meals are ready.” the waitress came back with the gigantic bowls. “Enjoy, and bon appetite.”
“Thank you very much.” you bowed at her as she placed your meals onto table. As the smell attacked your nose, you rushed to pick your chopsticks. You had a sweet spot for Udon, but it did not mean you were not going to steal from Kyungsoo. You opened the water bottle, took a long sip, and turned to Kyungsoo to ask if he wanted water or not, and you fucking froze.
He was pouring sake for you just like the most important job he has been doing till now.
You were very fond of the level of attention; he was giving to everything he did. You could watch him forever, anything he did turned into art for you. God, if you could see your face right now, you would clearly understand how he affected you, your lips parted and your breathing was becoming heavier, holy shit, because he was pouring fucking sake!
“Can you stop staring at me like a freak?” he asked. You keel over in the chair, nearly shooting water out of your nose. Quickly, you swallowed and covered your mouth and averted your eyes while blushing like a schoolgirl but what made you blush was not being caught by him, you exactly saw that he was blushing while he scolded you. He was fucking blushed, you were %100 percentage of sure, his cheeks were turned into pinkish. “Here you go.”
Your hands were shaking a bit, but you managed to hold the cup.
“Thank you.” and you drunk it. You really needed something to cool you. “May I have the bottle?”
You knew Kyungsoo would make the process slower and to be honest, if he was going to take charge of sake, you would not nothing but staring at him like there was no tomorrow.
Tomorrow… You were feeling nervous about the future. You wanted to keep both of you at this moment. Just you and Kyungsoo. Together.
You shook your head just as you wanted to clean your mind from negative thoughts. The moment you had was the most important one and you did not want to destroy it by thinking about what was going to be happen. Kyungsoo was with you right now, even though you were not sure if you would last for the end of this trip.
He handed the bottle to you, you nested it close to yourself and poured another one. You drunk it too while Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow which you wholly ignored, then processed to eat your Udon. Flavour erupted on your tastebuds, and you started to eat like you did not have a meal in the last week.
“Holy shit.” you cursed when you gave a little break only to pour another one to yourself and Kyungsoo’s empty cup. “This is incredible.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Kyungsoo unwillingly laughed at you. “Please remember to breath, I do not want to be ended in the emergency.”
“You do not have to accompany me if the noodle stuck on my throat.” you drunk your third, allowed the liquid to slide down your throat and a warmth burned in your chest as it stayed there. You poured the fourth one. “My Japanese is better than yours.”
“Due to the speed of your consumption of sake,” he started with a fair point, you had to admit. “I am not sure if you can perform your Japanese skills. Instead, it looks like you will be bubbling in the end of this night, of course if you do not manage to kill yourself. Damn, take it easy.”
“No worries, I am a tough cookie.” you arched your brow, and your eyes fixed your Udon. “I will not be drunk.”
“What makes me worried,” his eyes continued to remain fixed on you. “Your unexpected fondness of sake. Do we have to order the second o-
“Yes.” you interrupted him. “Order.”
You knew that on the contrary what you said to him, you were going to be drunk. Hell, you wanted to be. A smile tugged up on your lips as you took another mouthful bite of your food. You wanted to be a drunk tonight and relax. Kyungsoo did not refuse your wish, he ordered another bottle while you were sending the fifth cup to your stomach.
“Now, tell me.” he jabbed. “How many dates you had till now?”
“Why are you asking this out of everything?” you asked with a sincere curiosity.
“I want to elaborate your theory, but before doing that, I have to collect information on the experimental group.”
“Ah.” you swallowed thickly. Hell, what it would be, damn Kyungsoo and his logic. “Well, I had three dates which you know. I had two more, which you did not know so the count is five.”
“Five.” he blinked. “Five men are not enough to hold a theory such includes everyone on this planet, and you were telling me we all same with a great confidence.”
“They were pretty same.” you turned your head away and poured another sake. You could feel that Kyungsoo was getting more tense after every cup you drunk, but you had zero fucks to give. “I was ended up with disappointment.”
“Why?” he caught you off guard. “You never tell me the whole story. What was wrong?”
They were not you, you thought in the safe silence in your mind but there was no enough amount of sake would make you tell this to him in the world. Maybe you start to feel a little bit dizzy but even if you would be on your knees, you would not confess the real reason.
���I do not know.” Yeah, there was not enough amount of sake would make you to confess, but the amount of sake which settled in the pit of your stomach made you more talkative about your affairs. Maybe it was about the need of showing Kyungsoo that you were a fucking girl, you could attract people also. “They were not made for me, I guess.”
“This is the result.” Kyungsoo furrowed his brows. His icy resolve frozen across his features. “I want to hear the story behind this result.”
Kyungsoo could not believe how he would let you to drink your seventh cup of sake and open the second one but in the deep of his heart, he knew the real reason. He wanted you to talk. God, he needed you to talk his ear off. He could die to learn what type of guy would attract you, and he could try to be that man.
“I am not sure how to explain that but,” you rapidly shook your head again. “It is all fucking disappointments for me. I do not know what they think about me, but when I go out with someone, I always ended up in home, calling Baekhyun or Chanyeol and we talked on why I felt like shit.”
Kyungsoo knew that getting you to talk always meant for extra efforts, he never pushed you. He never dragged you into the conversations you clearly did not have an intention to have.
Till now.
Providing you with company and asking nothing in return was not his best choice today. He was okey with asking nothing in return, he never expect anything in return for his company, but today he wanted to learn about your affairs.
“Could you decide?” he whispered. “I mean, why you felt like shit in your words?”
“Do you prefer more refined vocabulary?” you chuckled, and Kyungsoo understood that you had to be dizzy right now. You had two types of chuckles, and this one definitely a result of alcohol.
He did not prevent you from pouring the eighth one.
“No, speak as you want.” he did not let you go out of his palms. You were in his palms right now, he hooked you in his net, and this was going to be first and last he dragged you to a place you obviously did not want to engage.
However, he needed to learn. Just for once, he crossed all boundaries between you. All rules.
“Putting aside your quite vocabulary,” he pushed you to continue. “What was wrong?”
“Everything.” your eyes flitted up his face. Your gaze fuelled the excitement that already started to make its way in Kyungsoo’s lower stomach, an excitement that has been brewing since years as you have been lingering in front of him for an extremely long time.
“I cannot say that they were bad people, on the contrary, they were lovely.” This was not what Kyungsoo wished to hear, your words made his heart flipped, but not in a pleasurable way. “They were kind, nice, clever and to be honest good-looking. However, I did not feel anything towards them. I tried, Kyungsoo, I tried to do my best, but I am tired of ending up with same result. I did not find them attractive.”
You suddenly remembered the kiss of one of your dates gave you. You were not sure if you could call it as a kiss, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, those dorks, laughed at you their asses off when you told them that guy pressed his lips to yours and you immediately pushed him so strong, enough to made him lost his balance and fell on his butt.
“Were they,” Kyungsoo cleaned his throat.” Good companies? I am trying to understand why it cannot work for you.”
“No, they were.” you ponder, then a laugh fallen from your lips. “They really were, especially the last one. He was a good company even if he was a bit handsy.”
Kyungsoo’s chopsticks stuttered. You said it nonchalantly, you were dizzy as fuck, he could see that, but you said it to him as if it did not mean anything that the unnamed bastard invited his hands over your body, instead he should be on his fucking knees for you. His teeth shattered; he could feel his jaw was clenched with the thoughts he had to refuse for the sake of God.
“Being a little bit handsy does not sound a good company to me.” he said between his teeth. “Is that why you ended up feeling like shit? Did he force himself on you?”
If he did, God mercy on him because Kyungsoo was not going to. You were already drinking your tenth cup; he was sure he could learn that bastard’s name. He knew that right now, he was crossing your boundaries and taking advantage of your current hiatus, he was not better than that bastard, but he was not going to stop.
“No, he touched my inner thigh during the dinner.” you whispered. “Then he kissed me after the ride to my home he gave.”
“And?” Kyungsoo had to take a deep breathe and he poured sake for himself, even though he wanted to focus on you. “Did he ask at first place?”
“He did not.” Kyungsoo felt his heart was tightening in his chest because of anger. He wanted to find that fucking bastard and fuck the shit out of him. He already started seeing you in front of the door of your home, and that moron dragged you into his arms and kissed you without asking. Did they really think, this would be romantic or manly? This was sexual attack. Kyungsoo could not endure to imagine you while that moron run his fucking pawns over your face. Pulling you into a kiss if he could call that a kiss. His blood was boiling as he could not stand someone disappointed you, destroying your ideas and hardly built self-confidence. He hated to see that, he has been watching you since the first day you met, and he was fucking aware of your self-perceptions. He bit back a wave of curses, and he resisted the dire need to ask you this guy’s name and address in order to chop his head.
“He had to ask for your content.” he literally growled, enough to make the customers at near tables turned to look at you. You blinked.
“I pushed him.” you whispered. “And he fell on his butt.”
For a second, Kyungsoo did not understand what you said, but when he understood he could not help but laughed.
“I could kill someone to see that moment.” he mumbled. “I wish I could see.”
“It was not a good memory.” you admitted. “I really hated every moment of that memory. He was a good guy, but at the end, when he kissed me, I wanted to puke my stomach out.”
Kyungsoo lost the little trail of joy.
“He was not a good guy.” He literally growled.
Suddenly, the tension was transforming into something different. Your face was becoming too warm, and your blood pressure was rocketing into sky.
It was neither Udon not sake.
You raised your eyebrows as you looked at Kyungsoo as you wanted to ask what he meant, but you kept your question to yourself.
“Why did you not tell me?” he asked. “I knew you are not talkative about these, but you could talk with me at least when you had experienced a shitty guy like that filthy bastard.”
“Well, excuse me for being so clueless,” the filter between your tongue and brain stopped working at that moment, and you lost it. “But that was my first and last kiss, and I was shocked!”
Kyungsoo’s chin was dropped. He stared at you as becoming senseless to any other sound. He took a set of full seconds to actually register your words, then his eyes widen.
You were not aware of the weight of your confession. Your mind was foggy and you already lost yourself in Kyungsoo.
This was the best shot of him.
“It was my first kiss.” the heat of your face became unbearable. “And it was unexpected, I did not give him my consent, I was definitely in shock.”
Kyungsoo listened to your words.
“Are you,” he heard his voice. “Are you a virgin?”
“Do not say it like a blasphemy.” you could not help but protested. He looked at you as he was having a heart attack.
He actually was.
He guessed that you were not experienced but a virgin.
Godfuckingdamnit, he did not expect to hear that.
“And that bastard destroyed your first kiss.” he could not prevent himself from punching his thigh. Harshly. He was really out of his mind due to anger, he knew that he could not be with you, but destroying an experience for you was equal crossing his limits. He noted finding that guy when you come back to your homes mentally. He did not know when, how or which way but he was going to find that scumbag and make him pay for his wrong deed.
You looked so vulnerable. How could that moron dare to destroy an important moment of your life?
“Yeah, he did.” you partially smiled, Kyungsoo could not believe you were smiling. Did you lose your shit? He was supposed to ask you why you were smiling like a freak; you lifted your eyes to his. “But talking with you made me happy.”
Kyungsoo hated himself too much.
He made you talked about a horrendous memory in order to learn about your preferences. He even let you drink one and half bottle of sake. He used the old excuse in the book however after learning this incident, he realized once again, you were his priority to take care of, to look after, you had to be happy, healthy, and successful. You had to live your heart as you wished, and Kyungsoo was sure as fuck he was going to do everything in his power for you to blossom.
You were his rose after all.
Every nerve in his body may steered him to you, attracted to you like a magnet, he could refrain his feelings. Even if you were not going to come to him, he was not going to push you never again. Never.
“Next time, tell me before a date.” he snorted. “It seems to me you are bad on choosing a man, that piece of shit did it all wrong.”
Your heart was pounded in your chest.
Did Kyungsoo just point the issue of asking for content or was there anything more he indicated?
If he said something was wrong, it meant he knew the true way of doing it, fixing and giving you a proper memory. He never talk if he did not know the right way.
“How?” you asked to him with your big-doe eyes. Kyungsoo startled for a second, then understood what you asked.
“What do you mean with how?” Kyungsoo stared at you. “He had to ask for consent first, obviously. If it is yes, a man can continue.”
“What if I would say yes?” you could not help. You could not stop. There was a frustrating fire in the pit of your stomach, made you uninterested to anything but Kyungsoo. Maybe you did not know many things but you were aware of only Kyungsoo could do something about it. You did care it anymore, you just wanted Kyungsoo to show you the right way.
“There is a progress.” Kyungsoo cursed himself for telling you this. “It depends on how much you wish to move, but basically there are three bases and before every step you are going to take, you have to ask your partner if she or he is still okey with the progress.”
“I see.” you nod.
Both of you started to think about each other in that progress. What would it be, how you react to each other after waiting since the first day you met. Both of you rejected to think about it, and both of you know that you were going to imagine it when you were going to be alone in the safety of your rooms.
“That’s why that scumbag did it all wrong. If you want someone to touch you, remember asking for consent is the most important rule.” Kyungsoo disgusted by the idea of someone touching you. Even thinking about him giving him headache, he was annoyed by the fact that you were going to choose someone, and you were learning the rules from Kyungsoo.
To choose someone.
He was mad. He was angry. God, he wanted to set something on fire.
“Is there any different rule?” you could not take your eyes off Kyungsoo.
“Many.” he was back to giving short answers.
“I want you to teach me.” you said without thinking.
Kyungsoo was not sure if he could hear you correctly or not.
“You told me that guy did it all wrong.” You were not going back from here this time. You were fucking not. “I want you to teach me the right way.”
Kyungsoo was sure there was no capacity left his lungs to breathe. He kept looking at you, you waited his response patiently.
Was it you or sake?
You did not know. You did not care.
You just wanted to feel Kyungsoo. Helping you on the issue was only something he could do, by your -twisted by alcohol- logic, you persuaded yourself, if he put you in this situation, he had to help you getting out of it.
“How much you drink?” you heard Kyungsoo, but you were already decided what you were going to do. He was going to say yes. He had to say yes.
“I am not drunk, Soo.” you said. “I am sober as fuck. Teach me.”
Kyungsoo stared at you for a while, then he stood up and reached to your hand.
“Come.” he said. “We are going back to hotel.”
Kyungsoo felt like a hunter, he finally grabbed your hand, while he was paying for food, he did not let you go away from him. Instead, he pressed your body to his, you closed your eyes when your chest perfectly pressed on his toned forearm. You heavily breathed, Kyungsoo led you out of the restaurant. You immediately headed to the way back to the bus station, but he stopped you.
“We are going to take a cab.” Kyungsoo. “Faster.”
You could not help but laugh at his eagerness to be back. Your heart started to sing inside of your chest, for a magnificent moment you could almost make yourself believe that Kyungsoo wanted you as much as you wanted him. You wanted to devour him you did not know what made you bold at this level but you just wanted to drown in him. You knew that he was going to lecture you about what you had to do when you have a date, when you would be back at hotel, but you really hoped for at least he was going to give you a demonstration on kissing someone.
If he would not, you did not know you could overcome with that moment.
Kyungsoo was having an existential crisis. He was not sure if he understood you correctly, but he had to get you back to the hotel, he was sure of it since he really did not know until when he could control himself just like he did not want to rip that fucking dress off you and have you over and over.
At that moment, he saw a cab was coming to your direction and he turned to you.
He saw your eyes, shining by pure desire.
He lost his shit for the first time in seven years of your friendship.
He pulled you between his arms, his face was fucking close to you.
“It is okey, Kyungsoo.” you literally cooed.
He did not waste a minute and caressed your face.
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kpoptrashibnida · 4 years
Enough Pt.18 (Final)
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A/N: Everyone! Thank you so much for all the support! It means soo much to me! And I am so sorry for the delay, it took me much longer than anticipated to write and edit it. Thank you for being patient with me and I hope it’s worth all the wait. As always, feedback is always appreciated! Happy reading!
Your heart was beating a mile a minute the second the familiar building came into view. You were taking deep breaths and trying to regulate your heartbeat. What if this was a mistake? What if Jaehyun was with someone else already? He is very handsome and a great human, so that would not be surprising. Or worse, what if he hates your guts and he refuses to see you?
‘Stop it! Stop thinking about all the bad things that can happen to you and focus. You can do this.’ 
You give yourself a pep talk that sort of works. Your hands are still trembling but at least your breathing was more even now. Taking a deep breath, you enter the building that for almost a year you called home. You were overwhelmed with emotions the second you stepped through the threshold, mind flooded with a flurry of memories and you felt like you were going to break down right then and there.
“Noona? Is that you?!” You hear an excited voice exclaim from the elevators, gaining your attention.
“Mark!” You exclaim happily, forgetting your previous worries.
Mark comes up to you in a rush and gives you a hug, spinning you around and making you dizzy.
“I can’t believe you’re here noona! Johnny! Noona is here!” Mark screams across the lobby, gaining the attention of many.
“Oh! Noona!” Johnny yells back excitedly, running towards you and gives you a hug as well.
“Are you moving back to work here?” Johnny asks once he’s let go of you. 
“Um, no I am not.” You say, taking a deep breath for courage and hoping you don’t look like a fool for what you’re about to ask.
“Is Jaehyun here?” You ask, scared of what the answer might be.
“Oh…” Both Mark and Johnny say awkwardly, your heart instantly sinking to your stomach. This did not sound good.
“He isn’t here anymore.” Mark starts, awkwardly looking away from your piercing gaze.
“Oh. Did he quit?” You ask, hoping you can perhaps track him down somewhere in New York. 
“He moved to Japan.” Johnny explains, placing a hand on your shoulder.
You felt like someone punched you in the gut and you swore your heart stopped beating for a couple of seconds. Japan? You crossed the Pacific ocean just to find out he was much closer than you thought.
“Oh, I see. Well, I’m sure he is having a good time in Japan.” You say with a forced smile, really hoping they couldn’t tell how upset you were. 
“Yeah…” Johnny trailed off, a little uncomfortable. “Hey, do you have any plans? Maybe the three of us should go and get lunch together.”  He suggested, hoping to ease up the mood.
“Yeah! Let’s get some New York pizza noona!” Mark suggested excitedly.
“Of course! I’d love to get pizza with you guys.” You agree, missing the delicious New York staple.
“Great! Would you like to meet at Central Park?” Johnny asks, remembering where your favorite pizza place is.
“Of course. See you guys there at noon.” You agree, giving them a hug and leaving the building.
You had a few hours to kill so you decided to walk to Central Park. It was going to take about an hour or so to get there and you really needed the alone time to decompress before meeting Johnny and Mark. 
You were overwhelmed by the nostalgia you felt by the familiar streets of New York, remembering all the fond memories you had of the city. You were busy enjoying the brisk New York winter air that you had not noticed the hot tears rolling down your face. You quickly wiped them away, not wanting to attract any attention to yourself. You knew people in New York were like the people in Seoul, they minded their own business and didn’t pay attention to the people around them. Even so, you did not want to be the weird lady crying down the street. You could not believe that Jaehyun was in Japan now, your trip to New York was useless now. Of course, catching up with Mark and Johnny was going to be nice, you missed them; but it wasn’t the main reason you came to New York.
‘What if he met someone else? Maybe he does not want to know about me anymore. He must have moved on now, I haven’t talked to him for months, he probably doesn’t want to know anything about me.’ You thought, hating yourself for groveling in your self-pity. If Jaehyun had moved on and was with someone else, it was entirely your fault. 
You finally get to Central Park and find your favorite snack cart and buy yourself a soft pretzel. You walk aimlessly for a while, enjoying the smell of the crisp air. You watch in silence as kids throw rocks at the frozen pond in the middle of the park. You smile at the sight of moms hurriedly grabbing their children away from the edge of the pond. You decide that some coffee might make you feel better, especially with all the mixed emotions you were feeling. Mark and Johnny would be arriving in about 20 minutes and you want to be more composed for their arrival. You walk into Le Pain Quotidien and order a coffee, sitting in the outdoor chairs, texting Mark to let him know your exact location.
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and try to hold in your tears. You could not believe you had completely ruined the best thing that had ever happened to you because you were stupid and you let a stupid man make you doubt your feelings. 
“Hey noona!” Mark said excitedly, waking you from your reverie. You saw him waving at you and you smiled at him, standing up and greeting them with a hug.
“You ready to pig out on the best pizza ever?” Johnny jokes, wrapping an arm around you. 
“You know it!” You agree with a laugh, feeling the ominous cloud above your head lift, even if it’s momentary. 
“I can’t wait to go into a food coma!” Mark says excitedly, making you shake your head at his antics.
Once at the pizza place, you guys order your pies and make small talk, enjoying each other's presence. 
 “So how long are you staying in New York for noona?” Mark asks, taking a bite from his slice.
“I am actually leaving the day after tomorrow.” You confess, making both men look at you in surprise.
“What? Why so soon?” Johnny asks, confused that you came all the way to New York just to be here for two days.
“Yeah, I only have a week off, so I need to go back. I missed you guys, so I’m happy I get to spend time with the two of you.” You say, hoping they would buy it. 
“Oh…” They let out in unison, changing the subject to much lighter conversation and enjoying the food. 
After paying for lunch, much to your insistence, you hugged your two friends and bid them goodbye. They were very adamant on walking you to your hotel, but you refused. You had a lot of time to kill and wanted to visit some of your favorite spots and do some shopping. You did agree, however, to let them take you to the airport for your flight since it was an overnight flight and they had enough time to take you after work. 
You waited until you saw their taxi take off to start your slow journey back to your hotel.
Taking advantage of the fact that you’re in New York to do some sight seeing would have been a smart thing to do; however, you were not in the right mindset to revisit all the places you had gone to with Jaehyun. 
The aimless walking through the crowded streets of the busy city was helping your tattered heart feel distracted from its incessant sadness. The small smile that graced your face could not be helped as you watched a flock of kindergarteners exiting their school and rushing towards their parents. Sighing heavily, you pushed away the memories of you and Jaehyun talking about kids; how he used to say he wanted kids and seeing his face light up every time he would see a cute kid whenever you’d take afternoon strolls through Central Park. He never specified if he wanted to have kids with you specifically, but the way he would say it would make you feel like that’s what he meant. 
You brush away the stray tear that rolled down your face, blaming it on the chilly winter wind even though you knew that was a lie. 
By the time you got to your hotel it was well past four pm; you did not realize you had wandered around for that long until you plopped on your bed and could feel your feet ache and your face tingle as your cold skin thawed out. You turned the TV on so you could have some background noise during your shower, not wanting to be completely alone with your thoughts. 
You were grateful for the warm water caressing your skin, as it was blending with the tears that were streaming down your face. In the confines of your hotel room, you could no longer hold back how you were feeling. You were crushed, devastated at the fact that Jaehyun was gone. It really felt like now he was out of your life forever. You hiccuped a sob, not wanting to hold back any longer. Your body trembled as you cried, heart-breaking sobs leaving your body. Pounding on the tiled wall, you whispered broken apologies to Jaehyun, knowing that this was all your fault. You held your arms in front of you, supporting your weight against the tiled walls of the shower. The water had run cold by now and your body started shivering all over again. Turning off the water, you wrapped your body in one of the fluffy hotel towels, seeking their warmth. After putting on some pajamas, you burrowed under the warm covers of the bed; the heaviness in your heart and eyelids outweighed the grumbling of your stomach. You fell asleep before you knew it, Jaehyun’s face was the last conscious thought you had. 
You were startled awake by the sound of an obnoxious alarm, groaning in realization that it was morning time. You got dressed for the uneventful day and decided to change your flight to tonight, since you did not have any other reason to stay another day. The person you came to look for was not in New York and you only had lunch plans with Johnny and Mark. Sighing, you decided to order room service instead of going to the dining hall, not in the mood to be around people. 
Markie: Hey noona, we want to see if you’re down to get some Indian food today for lunch?
You looked away from the romcom on the tv to read Mark’s message, smiling at his choice, sending him a quick reply as your agreement. It was already eleven am and you should probably start heading over there before you’re late. 
The sun was breaking through the dark clouds of the cold morning, warming up your face. You welcomed the warmth it gave you, making you feel like maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay. You grab a cup of coffee from the coffee shop near your hotel,needing something a little better than the instant packets from the hotel. You had already checked out and had your carry on with you, so taking a taxi to meet Mark and Johnny was the smarter choice. 
You met both men outside the office building, deciding to walk together to the restaurant since it was close by. Both of them were surprised to see you with your suitcase since they thought you were leaving the next day. You shrugged it off, telling them that you had to head back sooner than expected. If they didn’t believe your lie, they did not call you out on it. Instead, they fought over who would carry your bag for you. Their childish banter made you laugh with gusto, something you have not done in months. This was the first time you genuinely laughed and it felt so good you could almost cry. Johnny ended up being the winner and you walked arm in arm with Mark, hearing all about the success of the store and a lot more juicy office gossip. 
“Noona, I really can’t believe you’re leaving.” Mark whines, tugging your suitcase behind him as you all exit the restaurant after lunch.
“I know, I wish I could stay longer.” You say, ruffling the hair on top of his head.
“Mark, leave her alone. Go get her a cab.” Johnny chastises, pushing the younger man towards the curb of the street.
“So,” Johnny says, looking over at you, “The only reason you came to New York was to look for Jaehyun, right?” Johnny asks, peering over at you from the corner of his eye.
You stayed silent for a few seconds, deciding that it was no use to lie. 
“Yeah. It was the only reason. I guess it was stupid of me to hope he would still be here.” You say, looking away from Johnny and you hope he can’t see the tears welling in your water line.
“I think you should reach out to him. I don’t think he has moved on either.” Johnny says in a calm voice, gauging your reaction.
You scoff, rolling your eyes at the absurdity of it all. “As much as I’d like to believe that’s true, I don’t think Jaehyun would wait for someone like me.” You sigh, closing your eyes at the pain that’s fast returning to your chest. 
“Hey. Don’t say that. Don’t discredit Jaehyun either. We both know he is a good guy and he really cared for you. You won’t know how he feels unless you ask him. You don’t want to stay in the ‘what if’ limbo forever.” He nudges you, glancing at the cab that pulled up to the curb.
“Noona, your cab is here!” Mark announced, making his way over to you. 
He gave you a big hug goodbye and made you promise to text him once you made it safely to the airport and back to Korea. You smiled at his worry and made him promise to visit you soon.
You gave Johnny a small, tight smile before enveloping him in a hug.
“I texted you his new number. Trust me, just call him.” He whispered before letting you go and nudging you towards the cab.
You smiled at both of them and waved, the lights becoming blurry as your tears rolled down your cheeks. 
With bleary eyes, you take your phone out of your pocket and get a cab to take you back to your place. Once inside the cab you tell the driver your address and you lay back. Closing your eyes, you sigh at the slight sting. You were consumed with thoughts of your conversation with Johnny and sleep completely evaded you. Even if you tried to get some shut eye in your comfortable first class seat, sleep would not come and it made you very irritable. Thankfully the flight attendant was very nice and kept bringing you coffee or tea and that helped you feel better.  You were just looking forward to being home and sleeping on your comfortable bed. Looking at your phone screen you debate whether or not you should call Jaehyun. You saved his number last night at the airport and you’d be lying if you said your heart was not beating erratically at the sight of it. You could not decide whether or not it was a good idea to contact him; Johnny was very convincing but he could be wrong. After everything that has happened, you didn’t know if he would take kindly to you calling him. Deciding that it was now or never, you take a deep breath and press the call button, secretly hoping that he does not answer. You don’t know whether to be happy or disappointed when  the call went to voicemail. You sigh, hoping your heart will stop beating so erratically when you notice the cab is turning into your street.
Thanking the cab driver, you head to your building and think about what you’re going to have for lunch after your shower and the much needed nap. What you were not expecting was seeing a tall figure standing outside your apartment door.
“Hey, can we talk?” Chanyeol asks, his nervous eyes pleading. 
You sigh deeply and close your eyes. All you wanted to do was shower, sleep, eat and cry. But this was impossible since Chanyeol once again shows up and does whatever he pleases.
“Okay.” You say, typing your code on your door. You don’t miss the way Chanyeol eyes your appearance and your suitcase, making you more annoyed than you already felt.
Walking inside, you leave the suitcase near your door and Chanyeol silently follows behind you, feeling awkward. 
“Would you like some tea or coffee?” You ask, your manners still showing up even though you’d rather not be doing this right now. 
“Coffee sounds great, thanks.” Chanyeol says, standing awkwardly in the middle of your living room. 
“You know you can take a seat, right?” You say, a small amount of humor in your voice due to the funny sight. 
“Oh.” He lets out in embarrassment, taking a seat on your couch and hating how awkward he’s acting.
You finish brewing the coffee and place it on the coffee table in front of chanyeol, taking a seat in the far corner of the couch.
“So,”  you start. “What do you want to talk about?” You ask, wanting to get this over with because you really needed that shower. 
“Did you go somewhere?” He asks, looking over at the suitcase by the door.
Eyebrow raised, you look into his eyes as an involuntary scoff leaves your lips. “Is that what you wanted to talk about? Because if it is, I have other things to do and I’d appreciate it if you leave.” You say, outraged at the fact that Chanyeol thinks he can come to your home and question you when he is the one who cheated.
“No! No it’s not. I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous.” He fidgets and you relax on your seat. Feeling a little bad about snapping at him but your patience was running thin. 
“Okay, well then speak please.” You prod, needing this to be over.
“I’m sorry for hurting you. I know that I have messed up and I have run out of second chances. I’m not asking you to take me back, I’m just asking you to forgive me for hurting you and cheating on you.” He says, sincerity in his eyes and voice. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re mature enough to see what you did is wrong. I forgive you.” You say, surprised at how you actually meant it.
“Thank you. I really am sorry. I was a selfish jerk and I realized that I still have a lot to work on. Thank you for listening to me even though I’m sure you hate me.” He says, taking a sip from his coffee.
“I don’t hate you.” You say with a small smile, “I just hope that you don’t do that to anyone else.” You threaten, making him chuckle.
“Of course!” He put his hands up in surrender, making you smile. “So, did you find him?” He asks, taking you by surprise.
“Find who?” You ask, playing dumb.
“Jaehyun. I tried to find you when I came back from Japan and Suho told me that you went to New York. I kind of figured that you went to look for him.” He explains. You sigh deeply, the exhaustion from your trip and the time difference catching up to you.
“No, I did not. He doesn’t live in New York anymore.” You answer in a monotone voice, not really wanting to talk about your feelings to Chanyeol.
“I’m sorry. I know you still love him. I hope you can find him and work things out. I really do.” Chanyeol says sincerely, making you smile and give him a small nod.
“Thanks.” You say, enjoying the pleasant moment of understanding between you and Chanyeol.
“Well, I’ve taken up enough of your time, I’m sure you’re tired from your trip. Good luck with everything.” He says and leaves your apartment, leaving you in a deeper hole of emotions.
You could not believe what had just happened in the last 72 hours. You found out the love of your life moved to a country that is much closer to you than you thought. You were cheated on, and said cheating ex hunted you down until he found you and apologized for his horrible actions. That shower and greasy food were definitely needed now.
After catching up on some much needed sleep over the weekend and girl talk with Mina to let her know what happened on your short trip to New York, you were ready to tackle the new work week. Well, new work week for you. You decided to cut your time off short and returned to work a couple days early and it just happened to be Wednesday. You were not complaining though, at least your work week was going to be short. You never got a call back from Jaehyun or heard from him, so you decided to wait a few more days before calling again. Of course, you didn’t leave a message and it’s obnoxious of you to think that he still kept your number even though he changed his. Knowing Jaehyun he was not going to return the call to an unknown number that left no message. Taking another long sip of your coffee you exit the elevator to your floor and check your phone for any new messages from Namjoon. The current project you were working on was a little behind schedule because you left Jimin in charge when you left and he got injured and was now out of commission. Namjoon trusted that you could catch up and therefore he was blowing up your phone with updates and scheduled meetings in order to catch up. You were so entranced with the message you were reading that you did not notice the group of people headed your way.
“Noona! You’re back!” You hear Jungkook exclaim from in front of you, his puppy energy never failing to make your day.
“Hey Kook, I’m back….” You trailed off as you looked up. Voice catching in your throat at the sight of Jungkook with Jaehyun and two members of the PR team. You most likely looked like a deer caught in headlights and as pale as someone who just saw a ghost. You stood there for what felt like an eternity but was probably just a few seconds, enchanted by those beautiful brown eyes that you love so much. Jungkook was going to introduce Jaehyun to you but you quickly cut him off, saying some nonsense about needing to go into your office to make a phone call. 
Rushing into your office, you slam the door shut and press your shaking body against it, your erratic breathing not slowing down. 
“Fuck. Oh fuck.” You whisper to yourself, moving away from your office door so you could take a sip of water, your throat becoming very dry. You did not realize you were crying until you felt the wet trail on your cheeks, wiping them with a shaky hand.
You hear your office door open, thinking it’s Jungkook checking in on you because of your odd behavior.
“Kookie, I can’t talk to you right now.” You say in a shaky voice, back facking him because you don’t want him to see you crying. 
“I’m not Jungkook.” The smooth velvety voice says behind you, your back stiffening at the sound of it. 
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath before turning around and facing the one person you did not expect to see. The love of your life and the reason why you went across the world. You could not believe he was in front of you right now. Staring into his eyes, you wait to see his reaction, not wanting to act in a haste. 
“You know, it was pretty rude of you to cut off that poor kid when he was trying to do his job and introduce us.” Jaehyun says, beautiful brown eyes looking into yours. He didn’t look angry or upset, his face neutral of emotion and even more handsome than you remember. 
“Yeah, I uh… I had a phone call to take.” You lie, still not believing your eyes. 
“You are still a bad liar.” Jaehyun chuckles, slowly walking towards you.
You try to be strong and hold your tears in, but you could no longer hold back. They freely fell from your eyes and you turned around, your shaking body moving away from Jaehyun because you were embarrassed for losing it in front of him.
“Hey, it’s okay. Don't cry.” Jaehyun says in a soothing voice, slowly walking towards you, not wanting to spook you.
You didn’t answer, trying hard to swallow back your sobs. You didn’t want the whole floor to hear you crying and you also didn’t want Jaehyun to see you in your current state, but he wasn’t leaving
He came up behind you and gently turned you around, looking into your eyes and taking in your tear-stained cheeks. His heart clenched at the sight of you crying and he could not help himself when he pulled you by the arm and into his embrace. He could almost cry of happiness at the feeling of you in his arms once again. It seems like you felt the same way because as soon as you were in his arms, the tears doubled and your body shook from all the emotions you were feeling at that moment. You could not believe that the love of your life was right in front of you and you were embracing him. It almost felt like you were in a lucid dream and you prayed to God that it wasn’t the case because that would be too cruel. After a few minutes of being held by Jaehyun you are finally able to regulate your breathing and you stopped crying. You muster up the courage to look up at him, extremely embarrassed for breaking down in front of him.
“Hey.” He says softly, meeting your eyes with a soft smile that makes you want to cry all over again. Oh how you’ve missed that smile. 
“Hi.” You squeak out, voice hoarse from crying.
“I’ve missed you.” He whispers, looking into your eyes, hands cradling your face.
“I’ve missed you so much too.” You say, eyes welling up all over again.
“I have to go before Jungkook tries to find me. I told him I was going to the bathroom. But I want to catch up. Are you available after work?” He asks, a sweet and hopeful look on his face.
“Yes, of course.” You say, head spinning from everything you’re feeling right now.
“Great, I’ll see you then.” He gives you a small kiss on the forehead before he leaves your office, hoping Jungkook doesn’t find him.
You plop down on your chair, shaky hands covering your face. You could not believe what just happened, that Jaehyun is in Korea and working in the same building as you. You were both excited and nervous for your meeting with Jaehyun this evening because even though he told you he missed you and gave you a kiss, you still don’t know how he feels about you and what your dynamic was going to be. For all you know, he could just mean he missed you as a friend and has no romantic feelings for you and has a girlfriend that he really loves. 
Shaking your head, you decide to focus on the work that awaits you instead of further spiraling into an anxiety attack. Everything is going to be fine….. You hope.
You finished sending out the updated project to Namjoon, hoping that it was good enough to submit. You stretch your tired back trying to loosen your tense muscles when you hear a knock on your door.
“Come in.” You say, turning your computer off and expecting to see Namjoon coming in to ask you what the latest update on your project is. 
“Hey, are you all done?” Jaehyun asks, coming into your office.
You stare at him dumbfounded. You could still not get used to the fact that he was here, in the flesh. You had a busy day so you spent your lunch hour in your office, munching away on a sandwich while you simultaneously tried to work on your latest project. It seems like Jaehyun also had a busy lunch because Jungkook kept texting you about how much fun he was having at lunch with Jaehyun and a bunch of the ladies from PR. It doesn’t surprise you because Jaehyun is extremely handsome and he is a good person, so you really can’t blame them for taking him out to lunch.
“Yeah, sorry. I’m all done.” You finally reply, blushing at the small smirk Jaehyun gives you. 
“So, did you want to go to a restaurant or order some takeout and have it delivered to your place?” Jaehyun asks, taking you by surprise. 
Being in a public place might help ease your nerves but it won’t give you much privacy to talk about everything Jaehyuin wanted to speak to you about. But if you were to go to your house, you’re afraid that you might want to jump his bones and won’t hold back.
Deciding that privacy was going to be more important, you make your choice and hope you won’t regret it.
“Let’s get takeout and eat it at my place.” You offer, not missing the glint in his eyes at your suggestion. “Anything you’re craving?” You ask, taking your phone out to look for a delivery app.
“Jjajangmyun.” Jaehyun says, making you laugh at the suggestion of such a simple dish.
“Okay. I’ll order it once we get to my place. There’s a restaurant right down the street and it takes them no time to deliver.” You say, gathering your coat and purse so you can walk out with Jaehyun.
Thankfully it seems like everyone is gone because the hallways are empty. You didn’t want to attract attention to the fact that you’re leaving with Jaehyun because your breakup with Chanyeol is still recent and it was very public. Normally you would not care, but you don’t want to put Jaehyun in a position where people would bad-mouth him. Lord knows some of the women in the company don’t like you because you were dating Loey and they seemed pretty happy at the fact that he cheated on you. Jaehyun was too sweet to have to go through any of that, especially since you’ve already put him through so much. 
You decide to take a taxi to your place and it was spent mostly in silence, but thankfully it wasn’t awkward. Once the taxi turned into your street, you ordered the food so you wouldn’t have to wait long. You don’t know why you were so nervous, but your heart was beating a mile a minute. The elevator ride was awkward, with you staying silent and your back facing Jaehyun. You hated feeling this way because you once felt so comfortable around him that never in a million years you would think that you'd ever feel like this. 
“Here’s my place.” You say, opening the door to your apartment.
Jaehyun takes in your place as he takes his shoes off, admiring your cozy yet somewhat minimalist decor. 
“Nice place. It’s different from your New York apartment, but it’s nice.” He comments, walking into your living room.
“Thanks.” You smile at the compliment, “would you like anything to drink?” You ask, hoping to ease your nerves.
“Yeah, I would love a soda if you have any.” He says, hesitating by your kitchen island. You smile at how cute he looks and at how polite he is.
You tell him to sit down when the door rang. You went to get the noodles from the delivery person and placed them on the kitchen island, setting out chopsticks for the both of you.
You start to eat in silence and after a few bites you can’t take it anymore. Jaehyun looks at you confused when he sees you put down your utensils.
“Okay. I don’t want to seem rude, but I can’t take this anymore. I need to know everything.” You finally say, seeing the look of surprise on his face. 
“Okay.” He starts, wiping some of the sauce off his face. “Where do you want to start?” He asks.
“Do you hate me?” You ask right away. It was the one thing you wanted to know for sure before you continued.
“What? No! Of course I don’t. If I did, I wouldn’t have asked you to dinner tonight. Why would I hate you?” He asks, genuinely hurt that you would think he could ever hate you.
“Because I was the biggest bitch and I let myself question my feelings for you over something that was extremely stupid and insignificant.” You explain, not seeing why he couldn’t understand why you’d think he’d hate you. 
“Okay, first of all, you’re not a bitch. Second of all, I wanted you to be 100% sure about us and have no doubts.” He answers, making you smile.
“Okay. Well now I feel bad because I interrupted our dinner. Let’s finish eating and we can continue the conversation.” You suggest and he agrees, digging back into his food.
After dinner, which seems like the both of you ate at a rapid speed, you made some tea and the both of you made your way to your living room, sitting on opposite sides of the couch. Why did today make you feel a strange sense of deja vu? You shrug off the feeling and take a deep breath, steely nerves ready to let everything out. 
“So, when did you leave New York?” You ask, getting right into it.
“Oh yeah, I heard that you went to New York. Jungkook told me.” Jaehyun says, a teasing tone to his voice. You made a mental note to kill Kookie next time you see him for running his mouth unnecessarily. “But I actually left about a month after the Gala. I couldn’t stay there anymore because everything reminded me of you.” He said sheepishly, your heart wrenching painfully. Man, you really are a bitch.
“Sorry if I was a jerk and avoided you that night. I just couldn’t handle being that close to you yet so far away at the same time.” He continues but you wish he’d stop, hearing those words from him is very painful. 
“You do not have to apologize. I’m the one that should be apologizing for hurting you.” You say, tears threatening to spill all over again.
“So when did you decide to move to Korea?” You ask, changing the subject to something else you wanted to know.
“A few weeks ago. I saw that the Korea branch had a spot open for the PR President position and I decided to apply. I wanted to come back because I miss my family but also because I missed you. Plus, I saw all the scandalous articles and photos of Chanyeol and Arisa’s…. Entanglement. So I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He says, looking into your eyes.
“You are way too nice.” You say in a shaky voice, tears finally rolling down your cheeks.
“If I’m being honest, the whole time I was with Chanyeol I realized that I had made a huge mistake. There wasn’t a second where I didn’t wish that I could be with you. I tried many times to call you, but I would chicken out and decide to not call you. I didn’t know if you hated me or not and I didn’t want to find out because I still love you. I never stopped.” You finally let out between sobs, the sadness you felt in your chest slowly going away. “And then I went to New York because I realized that if I didn’t at least try, I would regret it for the rest of my life. Even if you rejected me and spat at my face, at least I would know for sure. But I couldn’t bear to live with the what-ifs. Then Johnny tells me that you had moved to Japan and I felt like it was over all over again. He gave me your phone number and I mustered the courage to call you but like a coward, I didn’t leave a voicemail. I knew that you wouldn’t call back a number that you did not have saved on your phone.” You further explain.
“Well that’s where you’re wrong.” Jaehyun says, wiping away your tears. You had not noticed him move closer to you on the couch, but he was next to you now.
“I saved your number on my new phone. I had it in case I also mustered the courage to call you. I didn’t want to push you though, because I didn’t know how you were coping with Chanyeol’s indecency. When I saw your name pop up on my screen, my heart stopped. I thought I was seeing things but Johnny called me to tell me that you had gone to New York and he gave you my number. I decided to wait to speak to you until I saw you in person. I never stopped loving you either, I just hoped that we would find each other again before it was too late.” Jaehyun explains, your heart beating so fast you swore Jaehyun could hear it.
Your sobs had finally died down and all that was left were hiccups, but you were glad that you were having this conversation with Jaehyun.  The relief you felt at knowing that Jaehyun still loves you is indescribable; the pain you had been suffering for the last few months could cease now.
“You know, even though I briefly dated Chanyeol, nothing happened between us.” You confess, feeling the need to let Jaehyun know. 
“What do you mean?” Jaehyun asked, confused. He had a vague idea as to what you meant but did not want to jump to conclusions. 
“I mean that aside from a kiss here or there, nothing else happened between us. I didn’t sleep with him.” You elaborate, wanting him to know.
Jaehyun exhaled loudly, passing a hand over his face.
“I would not have judged you at all if you had. But you have no idea how relieved I am to hear that.” He says, shaking his head in disbelief.
You chuckle at his relief, but you would be lying if you said you were not intrigued to know whether or not he had been with someone else. You didn’t want to be intrusive and ask him because you still felt like you didn’t deserve anything from him.
“I never dated anyone while we were broken up. Nor did I sleep around either.” He says, looking into your eyes.
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me.” You say, placing your hand on his cheek. You were not going to make it known how relieved you are.
“I know, but it’s only fair I tell you if I had or not.” He says, kissing your palm.
“I love you so much. I know it might take some time, but I would love it if we could work things out and get back together.” You say, not seeing the need to be coy. You love him and you want to be with him, nothing was going to get in your way now.
“I love you too.” He says, wiping the tear stains from your cheeks. “I want to be with you too, so why waste time?” He says, holding your hands. You smile at him, feeling happiness bubble inside your chest. You had not felt this happy in the longest time and you did not want the feeling to go away. Not being able to hold back, you launch yourself to Jaehyun in a tight hug, loving the feeling of his arms embracing your body. You finally felt like you were home, where you belong. 
The both of you stayed that way for a couple of minutes, enjoying the feeling of being together again. Jaehyun pulled away, giving you a kiss on the forehead. 
“I have to get going, it’s getting pretty late.” He says, standing up from the couch.
“You don’t want to spend the night? You ask, really wanting his company… and some other stuff too.
“I would love to my love, but I have to go and deal with some stuff at my place.” He vaguely explains.
“Oh. Everything okay?” You ask, if he had issues with his place, he could stay here.
“Yeah, there’s just a lot of unpacking to do. Along with other cosmetic stuff.” He replies, smiling as he grabs his coat.
His answer was very vague but you decided to not worry about it. After all, Jaehyun has proven time and time again that he’s worthy of your trust. Not wanting to dwell, you smile and give him a nod, agreeing that you’ll see him at work tomorrow. 
“Good night.” He says, standing at your door.
“Night.” You say, walking him out.
He gives you another hug and goes to kiss your cheek when you turn your head, his lips landing on yours.
He was startled at first, not expecting to feel the soft skin of your lips but he was not complaining. You wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you. His arms wrap around your waist, grunting at the feel of your body in his arms. The kiss was getting more intense as your hands roamed his body, still not believing that he was here in the flesh. 
“Okay, I better go.” Jaehyun chuckles, pulling away from the hot kiss knowing that if he doesn’t go he will stay ravishing you all night.  
You whisper your goodbye as you watch him enter the elevator where he sends a wink and a kiss your way.
You close the door to your apartment and place a hand over your chest, not believing that everything that has happened in the last couple of hours is real. Jaehyun is finally back into your life and you would not allow anything to change that from now on.
The next morning you enter your work building and you head to the elevators, greeting a few of your coworkers with a goodmorning and a smile. You were patiently waiting for the elevator to arrive in silence when you noticed that all the women around you started to whisper excitedly. You were confused as to what was causing the commotion and that’s when you felt a shoulder bump into you.
“Hey, good morning.” Jaehyun greeted you with a smile, his handsome face making you blush due to his close proximity.
“Hi.” You say back, noticing that all the whispers had stopped all of a sudden. 
“I got you coffee. Almond latte, right?” He asks, handing you a coffee cup that you did not see him carrying at first.
“Oh, yeah. Thank you.” You thank him for his sweet gesture, surprised that he remembers your coffee order. You internally cringe when you realize the exchange is happening in front of a lot of the female staff, already dreading the inevitable gossip.
The elevator finally arrives and everyone scurries inside, packing into the elevator and you end up being pushed up against Jaehyun. He smiles down to you and you felt the blush cover your face once again. It felt like you were falling in love with him all over again even though you never stopped. Getting off at your floor, you were surprised to see that Jaehyun was walking the same direction as you.
“Where are you going? Isn’t your office on the east wing?” You ask, ignoring the glances you get from your coworkers. 
“Yeah but I want to walk you to your office this morning.” He explains, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Oh, well thanks. Everyone here must think that I don’t waste time trying to bag the hot new guy.” You joke, trying to hide your burning cheeks as you took a sip of the coffee Jaehyun got you.
“Maybe the new guy didn’t want to waste time to bag you.” He teases, stopping when you pause in front of your office door. 
“Cute.” You laugh, opening your door and turning around to say goodbye to Jaehyun. He took you by surprise when he leaned in and planted a quick kiss on your lips, making you blush like a schoolgirl. You quickly said bye and entered your office, shaking your head when you heard Jaehyun’s laugh outside your door. That man is going to be the death of you. 
You walked to a cute little cafe that is close to your work; meeting Mina for lunch, you were both nervous and excited to let her know what was going on in your life for the past 24 hours.
“Hey! I ordered you a lemonade, I hope that’s okay.” Mina greets you, sitting on one of the outdoor tables. 
“Yes, that’s fine. I hope you haven’t been waiting long.” You say, sitting down and looking at the menu.
“Nope. So, tell me. Why did you seem so eager to meet? Do you miss me that much?” She asks, direct as always.
“Of course! But I have some news.” You say but were interrupted by the waiter. He took your orders and excused himself.
“What news?” Mina asked, taking a sip from her drink.
“I’m back with Jaehyun.” You blurt out, not wanting to beat around the bush.
Her eyes became the size of saucers, coughing when her drink went down the wrong way. 
“I thought you said he moved to Japan?” She asks, wiping her mouth with a napkin. 
“He had, but when I came back to work he was here. He moved to the Korea branch because there was a position open and because he heard about Chanyeol and Arisa and wanted to make sure I was okay.” You explain, warmth filling your chest at the thought of how sweet Jaehyun is.
“Wow. That’s insane. Look, I am so happy for you because I know that you never stopped loving him. But don’t you think you’re moving too fast?” She asks, genuinely concerned.
Before you could answer, your food was brought out and placed in front of you.
“What do you mean? I messed up once and I thought I had forever lost the love of my life. Now that I have gotten a second chance, I don’t want to mess it up.” You say, not understanding her point. Moving too fast? No way. Jaehyun was back in your life by the grace of the universe and you were not going to mess that up. You wanted him in your life and nothing is going to stop that from happening. 
“I know, I know. I’m not judging. I just want to make sure you are both sure that this is what you want.” She says, eyeing you wearily as she took a bite of her food.
“It is. He told me himself that he loves me and that he missed me the time we were apart. I never slept with Chanyeol and he was never with anyone either. We both acted stupidly but we never stopped loving each other. I don’t want to lose this second chance that we got.” You say, willing the tears to go away. 
Mina gave you a sympathetic look and a knowing smile, slightly nodding her head.
“Well, I guess if I was in your shoes, I’d feel the same way. I can’t imagine my life without Suho and if that’s how you feel about Jaehyun, then who am I to say anything?” She says, placing a comforting hand on your arm and giving you a small squeeze.
“Thanks.” You smile, happy at the fact that your best friend understood where you were coming from.
“Well since he’s in Korea now, I think it’s time I finally meet this guy.” She says, wanting to meet the guy she’s heard so much about.
“Of course! I will set something up. Are both you and Suho available this weekend?” You ask, mentally checking your calendar. 
“We are free, so if you want to do something, let me know.” She agrees.
The two of you continue to eat as you talk about other things as well as all the new things Minjun has learned to do. 
“Hey, how was your lunch date?” Jaehyun asks as he enters your office, it seems like this was going to be a new habit of his.
“It was good! Mina is happy for the both of us and she wants to meet you. Do you want to hang out with them on Saturday?” You ask, hoping you didn’t jump the gun and he has plans already.
“Yeah that’s fine. Can it be early in the day though? I wanted to go out to Namsan tower with you to see the lights at night.” He says, holding your hand as the two of you walk out.
“Okay! Maybe we can do lunch then? I’ll text her to make sure that’s okay with them.” You offer, excited at the thought of the important people of your life meeting.
“Sounds great.” He says, giving you a devilish smile. 
“Noona. I am very disappointed in you.” Jungkook says, entering your office unannounced and plopping down on one of the chairs.
“Yes, come in.” You say sarcastically, making a note to reprimand him for his bad manners. “Why are you disappointed in me?” You ask, raising your eyebrow.
“Because you did not tell me you’re hooking up with the new guy!” Jungkook says in mock astonishment, sounding like a total gossip girl.
“That’s because I’m not.” You answer, giving him a pointed look.
“But I saw you guys leave together yesterday holding hands.” He protests, knowing that he isn’t going crazy and seeing things. 
“That is correct. But I’m not ‘hooking up’ with him. He’s the guy from New York I told you about.” You confess, knowing that he had no idea.
Jungkook was surprised, to say the least. You spend the next thirty minutes telling him how you didn’t find him in New York, how you thought he was still living in Japan and up until the day you returned and were not expecting to see him here. Jungkook laughed at that fact because now he knew why you acted so weird that day. 
“And he is finally going to meet my best friend Mina tomorrow. We are having lunch at her house.” You tell him, feeling even more excited about it now since you’ve reiterated this story twice. Namjoon called you into his office earlier to ask you about your relationship to Jaehyun because he has heard a lot of whispering going around about the two of you. Namjoon was also very happy for you when you told him who Jaehyun was to you and he told you to ignore all the jealous ladies in the building.
“That’s awesome! I hope you’re going to wear something nice.” Jungkook says in his best judgemental voice, making you laugh.
“Of course Kookie, who do you take me for?” You tease, laughing at his exaggerated eye roll.
He says his goodbyes because he knows Namjoon will yell at him if he finds him in your office gossiping again. 
You kept looking in the mirror, hoping that your dress was cute enough. It was a pretty cotton dress that stopped right above your knee, it had slightly puffy sleeves and a square neckline. You were having a picnic at Mina’s house and you wanted to look cute especially since Jaehyun had plans for the two of you.
Your doorbell rang and you grabbed your purse and light jacket, making your way out to meet Jaehyun.
“You look beautiful.” Jaehyun greets you as you open the door, giving you his signature dimpled smile.
“You’re one to talk.” You say, taking in his black skinny jeans and white button up that was tucked into his jeans. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and he looked so good you almost wanted to drag him back into your apartment and have your way with him. Yesterday he dropped you off at home and ate dinner with you but left soon after. You wanted him to stay the night but he once again said he needed to go. He was still being a little evasive about his living situation but you decided not to push. 
“Where does Mina live?” Jaehyun asks once you’re inside his car.
You told him her address, which is a nice neighborhood filled with cute starter homes. You fell in comfortable conversation on the drive to Mina’s house. You told him about the conversation you had yesterday with Jungkook and he laughed at the funny story.
“He reminds me of Mark a little bit. It seems like you have a loyal dongsaeng in New York and another one here in Korea.” He teases, parking his car in front of Mina’s house.
The drive went by so quickly that you hadn’t realized you had arrived, especially since you just took notice of the fact that Jaehyun never turned on the GPS system. He was already out of the car before you could ask him anything, so you follow his lead and make your way to her door.
“Hey! Glad you guys are here! Come in!” Suho greets, opening the door.
“You must be Jaehyun! So nice to meet you.” Suho says, shaking your boyfriend’s hand.
“Nice to meet you too.” Jaehyun says, returning the smile. Suho sends a sly wink your way and you can feel your cheeks heat up a bit.
“Minjun look! Aunty is here!” Mina says to her toddler, greeting you with a kiss.
“You must be Jaehyun! So nice to finally meet the man I have heard so much of for the last year or so!” Mina exclaims, embarrassing you completely especially because Jaehyun looked at you with a knowing smile.
“Oh? She talks about me? Good to know.” Jaehyun teases, making you elbow him. 
“Where’s Minjun? He’s the only one here that loves me.” You mumble, looking for your favorite toddler.
Little Minjun came running towards you, arms outstretched and chubby cheeks rounded with a huge smile. You lifted him into your arms and spun him around, his happy laughter making you smile. You were entertained with Minjun therefore you did not notice the longing look on Jaehyun’s face when he saw you interacting with the toddler. His face was a clear reflection of want and fortunately for you, Mina saw it and all her worries melted away. 
“Okay guys! Food is out in the backyard, let’s go eat!” Mina herds you all to the yard to enjoy the big spread of food she spent most of the day preparing. 
To say you were delighted would be an understatement. Today was just a perfect day because the most important people in your life finally met and they’re getting along great! Mina seems to like Jaehyun and you can see a difference in her interacting with him as to how she used to interact with Chanyeol. Suho has a lot in common with Jaehyun and they kept exchanging college stories and talking about other things they had in common. Thankfully Minjun loved Jaehyun too; he would run up to Jaehyun and play with him and the sight warmed your heart. The sight of Jaehyun holding and playing with Minjun made your heart twist in a beautifully painful way. He was so good with him and his face lit up the whole time he was playing with the toddler. The amount of love you felt in that moment was so overwhelming that it almost made you cry.
“Thank you so much for coming today!” Mina said to the both of you as she finished loading the dishes to the washer.
“Thank you for having us.” Jaehyun said, cradling the sleeping baby.
“Thanks for coming guys! We have to do this again soon.” Suho agrees, taking the baby from Jaehyuns’ arms.
You exchanged goodbyes and headed out of Mina’s house hand in hand with the love of your life. You had such a great time at Mina’s place that you had completely forgotten about the fact that Jaehyun had other plans for the two of you. It was close to sunset time, so the view from the Namsan tower is going to be great.
Jaehyun was quiet on the drive over, so you just assumed he was tired from entertaining a toddler all afternoon. 
“Did you have a good time?” You ask, breaking the silence.
“Yes I did. They’re such nice people and that baby is the cutest thing in the world.” He says, smiling at the memory of the toddler.
“Minjun is the cutest thing ever.” You agreed, proud of how cute your nephew is.
“Our baby is going to be cuter though.” Jaehyun says absentmindedly, eyes still focused on the road.
He did not know the impact his words have on you because even though things are going great right now, you did not know if he saw more of a future with you. But with what he just said, it’s clear to you that he does see a future with you and that made you so happy you felt like you were going to cry again. 
Jaehyun must have sensed your inner turmoil because he grabbed your hand and gave you a light squeeze, the action alone letting you know how he felt.
The image of a mini Jaehyun running around filled your mind and it’s all you wanted now. No matter how long it will take to get there, you could not wait to have his children.
You finally arrived at Namsan tower and you were delighted to see that there weren't a lot of people around. You got there at the perfect time because it's almost sunset and by the time you get to the top of the tower the view will be spectacular.
Once again Jaehyun was a little quiet but that did not bother you because you were happy to be there with him, hand in hand. 
“Wow, it’s so beautiful.” You say, admiring the view of the city from such a high point.
“Let’s buy a lock to put on the railing.” Jaehyun suggests, making you clap your hands in excitement like a little girl.
He lets you choose the lock and since you were feeling cheesy, you got a heart shaped one. Jaehyun smiled in approval of your choice in lock and said that he wanted to write on it. You pouted playfully, saying that you wanted to write on it but Jehyun just stuck his tongue out at you and said he was going to because he paid for it. You rolled your eyes but complied, thinking his behavior was rather endearing. After writing on the lock, he grabs your hand and leads you back outside to the railing.
“Here you go, why don’t you place it on the railing?” He asks, placing the lock in your hand with the inscription facing down.
“Sure!” You agree, excited to be able to choose where it goes. 
You walk up to the railing and intently look around to find the perfect spot for your lock. You can feel Jaehyun behind you but you paid no attention as you looked for a spot. Once you found it, you quickly placed your lock and then you remembered that in your excitement you never read the inscription that Jaehyun wrote. You grab the lock and flip it over, stunned by what you saw. It was his initials plus your initials and underneath it was a drawing of a ring. You were confused as to what that meant and the second you turned around to ask him, it all made sense. Jaehyun was down on one knee, giving you a smile that made your heart stop.
“My beautiful darling. I know we have had our ups and downs and the time spent apart was unbearable for me. I’m so happy that we have a second chance and I don’t want it to ever end. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” He asks, opening the small velvet box you didn’t realize he was holding. In the box there was a gorgeous ring that sparkled under the light of the sunset. It was a gorgeous oval diamond on a plain light gold band. You were so mesmerized by it that you forgot where you were and what was happening in front of you, but thanks to the sounds of camera shutters going off you were able to come back to. You look back at Jaehyun’s face, seeing the love and hopefulness in his eyes, tears welling up in your eyes.
“Are you serious?” You whisper, throat closed off with tears.
“Yes my love.” He chuckles, his own heart racing a mile a minute.
“Yes. Of course I do.” You sob, tears running down your face as Jaehyun puts the ring on your finger with shaky hands. He stands up and embraces you in a hug, kissing the tear stains from your cheeks. You pulled apart when you heard the cheering of the people around you and you felt your cheeks heat up due to the PDA.
“Let’s go, I have another surprise.” Jaehyun says, taking your hand.
“Oh god, I don’t know if I can handle any more surprises today.” You giggle, wiping the tears from your cheeks.
“I’m sure you’ll love this one.” He says, giving you a peck on your lips.
“More than being engaged to you? I hardly believe that.”  You quip, admiring the gorgeous ring on your finger. 
“So, when did you decide to propose to me?” You ask once you were back in his car and on your way to the next location.
“It was when I helped you get groceries that first time in New York.” He says, giving you a sly smile.
“What?!” But we had barely known each other!” You say, not understanding that it could have been that moment.
“I  know, but I had never felt about anyone the way I felt about you the second I saw you. I hoped that you’d end up loving me the way I love you.” He says, reaching over and grabbing your hand, squeezing it slightly.
“I love you.” You say, squeezing his hand as well. “When did you get the ring?” You ask, trying to figure out that fact.
“Well, I actually bought it when I went to Connecticut to visit my old friends. I wanted it to be a surprise and I figured I could kill two birds with one stone.” He explains, laughing at the dumbfounded look on your face.
“Really? Were you going to propose to me in the states?” You ask, completely surprised by this new information.
“Yes. Actually do you remember the dinner date we had when you told me that Namjoon wanted you to come back to Korea? I was going to propose to you that night but the news sort of ruined my plan.” He explains.
You stare at him in complete shock, his odd behavior from that time now making a lot of sense. He was so nervous about asking you to marry him that he was acting strange so he would not lose his nerves.
“So you just held on to the ring this whole time?” You ask, voice cracking with emotion.
“Yes. I knew that we were going to end up together no matter what. I was ready to wait as long as necessary if it meant we were going to end up together.” He says, a small blush caressing his beautiful face. 
Your heart was hammering in your chest and you looked out the window, not wanting Jaehyun to see the tears welling up in your eyes.
You were so immersed in your conversation that you had not been paying attention to the route to your next destination.
“Wait. Are we going back to Mina’s house?” You ask, noticing the familiar streets passing you by.
“Nope.” He says with a smirk but offers no other information.
The mystery is killing you but now that you are engaged to him, you trust him more than you did before; you trust him with your life and you know that whatever he has up his sleeve is going to be worth it.
“Here we are.” Jaehyun says, parking on the street in front of some cute starter homes.
“What are we doing here?” You ask, confused as to what is going on as you get out of the car.
“You’ll see.” He says, taking your hand and walking up the path to one of the houses.
Was he going to introduce you to his parents? Right now? But you wanted to look more presentable when you met his family! And you don’t even have a gift prepared for them! They’re going to think you have no manners and won’t want you as their daughter-in-law!
Before you could spiral even further, Jaehyun opened the front door to the house and guided you in. 
“Are your parents not home?” You ask, noticing the quiet and dark house. The only light was coming from a soft light that was on in the kitchen, but that was enough to see the interior of the house. It was very clean and simple, more of a minimalist style of decor but still cozy. 
“This is not my parents home.” He says, walking in further into the house and turning on the light, illuminating the place.
You look at him confused because if it’s not his parents house then whose house is it?
Jaehyun chuckles at your expression and takes your face in his hands, placing a quick kiss to your lips.
“This is our house. I bought it for us”  He says, arms outstretched to emphasize his point.
“But… but… our...what...huh?” You sputter, at a loss for words for the second time today. “When? When did you…” You trailed off, looking around the house in awe. 
“Remember that time right before we… we separated, how I spent a lot of time at my place instead of yours?” He asks, not really liking to talk about that time you two broke up.
“Yeah….” You trail off, also hating the memory.
“Well the reason I was spending time apart was because I was in the process of buying this house. I was on a lot of phone calls and video calls with my family and realtor agents, looking for a house. I wanted it to be a surprise so that’s why I spend so much time at my place. Even though I put my proposal on a halt, I bought the house because I planned on moving to Korea with you. I wanted to be with you no matter what.” Jaehyun explains, your heart hammering in your chest at his explanation. He did all this to be with you? Gosh you had messed up so badly but you were eternally grateful that you got this second chance. 
“Is that why you wouldn’t invite me to stay at your place” You ask, the pieces finally coming together.
“Yes.” He chuckles, feeling guilty for being so evasive with you. “I wanted to make sure that the place was clean and ready for when I finally brought you over here.” Jaehyun explains
“You sly guy.” You say, hugging your fiance and reeling at the fact that all this is happening. The proposal, the house, everything. He was yours and that was not going to change, ever. He is the love of your life and he will become your family, and you were going to be together forever. And that’s more than enough.
A/N: Omg its over now! Thank you so much to all of you that have been here since day 1, your support and feedback were my driving force to keep writing! I’m sad that it’s over but you all made this whole process so enjoyable! I was thinking of doing like a little spin off one shot showing their married life but idk. Let me know if that’s something you guys would be in to! 
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saltymarco · 4 years
(chap. 1: scarlet red)
 ⭐SOO, I’ve been working on this fanfiction for quite some time now so i thought, i might aswell post the first chapter on here! If you were to stumble across this and read it, I hope you enjoy it!!⭐
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As the end of winter approached, nature brought new life into this world. Flowers were sprouting from the ground, greener than ever. The sun grazed everyones skin gently and reawakened joy within most animals, as they could see spring approaching. Everyone was joyfully walking through the school’s hallways, talking about how they couldn’t await the arrival of spring. I didn’t mind winter or spring, I just found summer a little annoying sometimes, because I’d have to trim my fur and would still feel the heat crushing me. Oh well I suppose this was the life of a grey wolf. I walked on through the crowd, with a hunched back as the thought of the seemingly everlasting heat crossed my mind.
Oh well at least school was over for today and I could just relax, maybe I could check by Haru’s gardening Club as well, to ask her if she wants to grab a snack with me! Just the thought made my tail waggle uncontrollably! It wasn’t that I had a crush on her, I just really valued our friendship and liked to show her my appreciation, for always being there for me! There just hadn’t really been a lot of people for me, that I could call my friends, especially herbivores! Most of them feared me, which I can totally understand! But I didn’t really choose to be like this...oh well, gotta stay positive!
There were multiple things we had in common, even if it might not have seemed like that at first sight! We both weren’t very popular here at school and a lot of people seemed to fear us at the academy. Well I do kinda get it with me being feared, especially now that the assaults onto herbivores have increased once again. Just yesterday someone barely got away, with a shattered leg and broken wrist. But Haru, why would anyone fear her? She’s so nice! And soft and fluffy and..no! stop thinking about how tender her flesh probably is!
I hit my head with force, rubbing my hand on the spot afterwards and just slightly regretting it. But I had to stop thinking that way. She is probably my best female friend! I can’t think of her or anyone like that...like a prey... it’s just not right! I just walked on, trying to remove the image of that night we first met from my memory. I wish I could just erase what happened then forever, at least she doesn’t seem to know it was me, but that does make me feel quite guilty at the same time..oh well, I know I will tell her someday when the time is right, I promised to myself that I would!
Its really hard for me to talk to her, without looking at those bandages she keeps wrapped around her arm, to cover the deep wound my claws had caused to restrain her. I felt dizzy for a second and dropped onto one knee, holding my books with one hand and keeping the other near my chest to feel my heart. It was racing and I felt like my vision was blurry. The thought of me having possibly killed her on that evening made me sick. It brought me back to when I couldn’t really control or restrain my blood lust and how others had kept me from committing any mistakes, but now I was all alone..there was no one to check on me, to make sure I didn’t hurt anyone, during those sleepless nights, where I rolled around in my bed, with blood red eyes and holding onto my mattress to dig those thirsty claws into something that wasn’t flesh.
I opened my eyes, to face a familiar grey wolf who had been shaking my shoulder as I was still on the ground motionless. Only as I opened my eyes, her alarmed look softened just the slightest bit and a smile formed on her lips. I felt her pleasant scent sink into my nostrils, her easily recognizable perfume. It was definitely one of my favourite scents! Something like lavenders, that just always reminded me of endless flower fields. I loved to sit down and watch as the wind blew over them.
“ Hey, Legoshi, are you ok!? I saw you here all alone and you weren’t responding! I was so worried!!”
I nodded and smiled at her before feeling her tight embrace warm me up once again. We were the only grey wolves at the academy, and I was really happy we could get along so well! She was nice and cute and seemed to get along with everyone here! But I fear she might have a bit of a crush on me…I’m not saying that I’m so good looking that she must have one! But just by observing how in a room full of people she seems to notice me and only me, how her tail starts to wag whenever she talks to me. There were just way too many things hinting to her possibly being in love and it was really adorable!
I just felt sorry, because I knew that I couldn’t share these feelings…there was nothing wrong with her, I just didn’t feel like I wanted more than friendship from her. But I couldn’t just tell her something like that, she would be heartbroken! What if I was making her think that I was interested in her?!
“Hey, are you okay? You seem like you need to rest a bit...?”
I shook my head before responding, realizing she’d probably been trying to talk to me for a while now, I had to focus.
“No no, I’m fine don’t worry about me, just thinking a lot about stuff...”
She didn’t seem to believe me, but she still smiled at me and offered me her hand to get back up. She was just so nice and innocent, she deserved someone better than me...there was going to be someone out there who will know how to treat her properly. How to give her the love she deserves. I just wasn’t the right one.
I smiled at her as I looked into her eyes and gently grabbed her soft hand, feeling how tiny they were in mine. I had felt them before when I tried to help her dancing. Emphasis on “tried” since I couldn’t dance unlike her.
“Thank you for helping me Juno, It’s really nice of you!”
I gave her a pat on the head and felt her soft fur as she lowered her ears, her cheeks flushing of deep red as she seemed to enjoy what I was doing her, not even trying to hide it as her tail was frantically moving around. It was honestly way too adorable; I couldn’t restrain a soft giggle. She seemed to be so happy and I suppose in some way I saw myself in her, when I was younger at least. Oh well things have changed and I’m not mad at the way they are right now.
“Oh well it was nice talking to you, but I have to go now.”
“Aww ok! See you soon Legoshi!”
She gave me a little kiss on the cheek and ran away. She wasn’t scared or anything and I had to admit I felt honored that she had chosen someone like me to fall in love with. I rubbed my cheek a little, finding some of the lip gloss she wore to still be there.
However, I went on up the stairs to reach the roof top, where I’d find the bunny coveted in white probably watering the plants that would soon rise from their vases. Sometimes she had to use a ladder to reach some of them. It was kinda cute and I really respected the fact that she’d always wanted to do everything by herself, even if help was offered. She was so strong inside and proud and that was something I really respected and was kinda jealous off, I wish I could be as confident as she seemed to be or maybe even as much as the most popular animal in the academy, Louis.
He represented pure perfection in everyones eyes, including me! A model student who could do anything, while also looking good and never being disrespectful towards anyone, always keeping his standards high and never showing something even remotely close to weakness, even if he could probably not win a fight between him and most bigger carnivores here.
I’d finally arrived at the top, panting just a little and feeling somewhat surprised by the cold gust of wind that hit me right as I arrived. It was just the fact that from inside the school you could only feel the sun rays as they caressed your skin.
I approached her garden, observing how she was already watering her plants as usual. I waved at her from the gate and she turned to face me with her cute and innocent smile, waving right back at me. As i got closer to her, I bent down to talk to her while looking into her dark eyes. I hadn’t even noticed how dark their eyes could be until I had really looked into her eyes when we talked, which took me quite some time. I just found it really hard to keep direct eye contact with someone, but I tried to force myself to do it more often now.
I felt like she had noticed it and she seemed to really appreciate my effort, so I always tried my best. She was a year older than me and I could kinda feel it shining through when we talked. But it didn’t bother me in the least.
I shook my head, realizing id fazed out again, falling deep into those back eyes, to come back to her waving her hand in front of me to make sure I was still on planet earth. Ashamed I lowered my ears and felt my cheeks flush in dark red. She just laughed at me, but in the cutest and most innocent way possible.
“ Hmm, you seem like you’ve got a lot of thoughts running through your mind as always, wanna talk about it?”
“me...oh no don’t worry about! I wouldn’t even know where to start and they are really nothing important anyways..hehe.”
She looked me up and down for a second, exhaled some air and then asked me to help her with watering the plants since I was already here. I obviously accepted right away, it only seemed right to me and I don’t think it was an offer I could really decline to begin with. So, I went back towards the old shack and grabbed a watering can that I wanted to fill with some water. But instead I dropped it as I saw a red deer covered in a scarlet red liquid in the park.
SOOO; this was the first chapter! 😁if you want me to post the next ones aswell please make sure to let me know with a comment or something!! Wish you a great day!😊
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that-one-jasper · 4 years
TFP Ratchet X Sick! Reader
       Regular P.o.V
               You had a very bad tendency to push yourself past your limit when you were sick. You'd force yourself to go to school and work, and help out anyone who'd ask. This meant when Miko wanted a sleepover at the base, you'd felt obligated to go, and agreed. So now you were waiting for your guardian, Smokescreen to come to pick you up and take you to the base, all the while trying to ignore the raging migraine going on in your skull.        You were snapped out of your thoughts when a car honked from outside, signalling that your guardian had arrived. Picking up your overnight bag, you left the house, locking the door in the process and hoping in the driver's seat, a cough wracking your throat as you got in. "Woah, Y/n, you don't sound too good. You sure you want to come?" Smokescreen asked. You nodded your head, "Miko wanted to do a sleepover, and It's fine I'm not that sick anyways." "If you say so, just don't let Ratchet see you." He joked, making you smile. He knew you had feelings towards the grumpy medic, and would always joke around or tease you about, but only if it was just the two of you. "He'd lose his mind if he knew I was sick and didn't take proper care." You smiled, the small town buildings getting sparser until it was all merely desert.
         Pulling into the base, Smokescreen stopped so you could walk out and make your way to the small loft that Miko and Jack were already at, challenging one another at the racing game they were playing. "Hey, guys," you greeted, setting your bag down on the floor and sitting down on the couch next to Jack. "Hey Y/n! You excited for tonight?" Miko asked, her eyes still glued onto the screen in front of her. You nodded your head with a smile, "Of course I am!" You held up the most authentic enthusiastic demeanour that you could muster, though it wasn't that easy with your migraine getting worse.           Their game soon ended with Miko as the winner, and her bragging about it. "So, what do we do next?" You questioned, hugging onto a stray pillow. "We could play truth or dare?" Miko suggested. "Maybe," Jack replied. You knew he wasn't a big fan of those types of games. "Why don't we talk about a certain wrecker you've had your eyes on?" You smirked, poking Miko's side. "What? I have no clue what you're talking about." She claimed, crossing her arms. You chuckled and nodded your head, "Sure you don't, it's not like its not obvious." Jack joined in on the teasing. None of the bots were around surprisingly, all off doing their own thing. Miko looked over at you, "Well what about you and the Doc? You're always staring at him while he works," she teased, your face flushing a bright red. "Don't be ridiculous, Ratchet wouldn't want someone like me, I'm not even his species!" You exclaimed. Miko was in silence for a moment, "I don't like this, she's planning something," Jack said uneasily. You nodded in agreement. "What if you caught his attention? Make him fall for you?" She suggested, You immediately shook your head. "Miko that's insane," Jack spoke up, you were about to say something when you started coughing. After a few moments, you couldn't stop coughing and couldn't breathe, so you quickly picked up your bag and searched for your inhaler, finding it after a few frantic seconds before using it and finally being able to breathe again. "Y/n are you alright?" Jack asked you, to which you muttered a very scratchy 'yes.' "I just have a little cold." You admitted, making Miko beam with excitement. "Aha! That's the perfect reason to see Ratchet!" You shook your head vigorously, "no, Miko." You stated, ending the discussion there. "Awe fine, but in my defence, it could've worked out between you two." You giggled at her comment, and the three of you spent the rest of the night watching movies and eating the junk food Miko had brought from home.
       You woke up in worse shape than expected, your voice was almost completely gone, you had a high fever. You tried to stand up, but was hit with very bad dizzy spells and almost tumbled down the stairs. You looked around to see that you were the only one up, and decided it would probably be best just to stay up on your phone since you wouldn't be getting any sleep in your state. You felt another coughing fit come up and reached for your inhaler. Right now you were regretting your choice to go to the sleepover rather than just staying at home. The time read 7:42 so you knew Smokescreen would be up soon and would be able to drive you home so you could deal with the cold yourself. You threw the blanket you were using over you to keep the chills away to no avail, you were shivering like a dog.        It wasn't long before you heard the thumps of an Autobot, and you got hopeful thinking it was Smokescreen, but when you looked around you were met with a white and orange paint job. "Ratchet?" You spoke as loud as your raspy voice would let you, which wasn't much. The bright blue optics met with your tired ones, and you could've sworn in your daze a flash of concern went across the medic's face. "I'm sorry to be a bug, but could are there any extra blankets? I'm freezing," Ratchet walked over towards your shivering form, and as much as he wanted to lecture you about forcing yourself out when you're sick, he knew the best thing for you was to rest. "I'll drive you home. You really need to get some rest." You nodded and said a small thank you as another coughing fit took over your system. Grabbing your stuff, you hopped into Ratchet's vehicle mode and he drove out of the base.
               "You have a very high fever," He noted after a few minutes. "Probably, it's not uncommon. And I'm really sorry you have to drive me home, I thought I could last until at least this afternoon when I planned to go home." You answered. "I'll have Smokescreen check up on you later, for now as soon as you get inside, you need to rest and have plenty of fluids if you're fever doesn't go down then take a warm bath and it should help." "You sure know a lot about humans and their health." You smiled, looking out of the window. "I figured it wouldn't hurt since Miko does get into a lot of trouble, and it certainly came in handy since you push yourself too hard when you're sick." You liked seeing this nicer side of Ratchet, though you figured he was only being this way since you wouldn't really remember after you got better.        You saw your house come into view and found yourself struggling to stand up and grab your bag. Eventually, you did, and as you walked up to your house you waved goodbye to the medic, who didn't do anything in turn. Unlocking your door, you stepped in, waved again, shut it, and fell back asleep on the couch, not even caring anymore since you always kept thick blankets in the living room.
           Some hours past and you heard a small knock at your door. cursing whoever was there, you dragged yourself out from the comfort of the warm couch and opened it, not caring how horrendous you may have looked. Though you were surprised to see the holo-form of the same medic that had dropped you off a few hours ago. "Ratchet?" Your voice was barely heard as said medic nodded his head. "Smokescreen is on a mission so I decided to check up on you." He explained as you let him in. "Have you been doing everything I listed?" "Um-no," you quickly answered, "I've been sleeping all day." You chuckled sheepishly. "Well, then it looks like I came at the right time. Since Smokescreen isn't here, and quite frankly I don't trust him to take care of you, I'll be your caretaker for the rest of the day." He declared, hanging up his jacket in the closet and ushering for you to go lay back down on the couch.
       "No Ratchet really, I'm fine," you tried to say, but it was interrupted by a coughing fit. "Doesn't sound like you're okay. Now rest, It seems like you still have a fever so I'll get you a damp cloth." He looked around for a minute before you gave a light giggle. "They're in the kitchen drawer next to the stove, third one down." He nodded and swiftly went to get it for you.        If you were being honest, you loved getting the attention of your favourite bot. He got your fever to go down and even managed to make soup-with you directing him from the couch so he wouldn't burn it. You were grateful for his help and honestly felt better enough to mostly everything.        "Thanks for everything today Ratchet, I know you're usually busy at the base," you smiled, wrapped up on the couch in a big fuzzy blanket. "It's quite alright, there wasn't much happening, and Optimus insisted I get out of the Base more." You nodded your head in agreement. "Makes sense, you two always look out for each other."        You sat quietly for a moment, debating if now was the right moment to tell him your feelings, but he beat you to it. "Y/n, I must confess something." You noticed the pinkish colour that spread to his cheeks, signalling he was embarrassed. "What is it?" You almost sound too eager to hear his response. "I must admit that for the last week or so I have become infatuated, with you." This time you felt your face heat up, and you gave him a big smile. "I'm so glad to hear that Ratchet, I feel the same," a look of relief flashed across the medic's face. "Since I'm feeling better, is it alright for me to come back to the base?" Ratchet thought for a moment, before retaking your temp and checking your vitals, and once you reassured him three times, he agreed that you could.    
           "Soo, what do we tell the team?" You questioned, looking down at the dashboard. "Do you want to tell them?" He answered with another question, and you shook your head. "I mean it's not that I have a problem if they know, but I kinda want to keep it on the down-low, for now, maybe we only tell Optimus first." Ratchet agreed with you as he drove into the base, where a couple of the bots were hanging around, along with Miko.          Stepping out, you were greeted by an excited Miko, who basically smothered you with a hug until you couldn't breathe. "No roughhousing Y/n, take it easy," were Ratchet's last few words to you before turning over to work on the computer. "Don't worry!" You called back. Miko sent you a sly smirk. "What? What's that supposed to mean?" You asked, only making her giggle. "He obviously cares about you, why not make a move first?" You shook your head and climbed up to rest on the couch. "No, I think I'm good for now," You replied.        Not too long after talking with Jack, Raf and Miko for some time did Smokescreen come and greet you. "Hey Y/n, Ratchet drive you back home?" You nodded your head. "I was just going to for you to wake up, but I felt really sick so I asked if he could." "Awe I'm sorry Y/n, next time come wake me and I'll drive you." He told, "no-no, you already use enough energy, that recharge is all you have. Besides, I'm feeling better now." Miko joined in on the conversation, "was it because the doc was at your house all day today?" You blushed and hid your face in your hands, making your friends laugh at you. "Well, he only did it because Smokescreen was out on a mission," saying this caused a confused look on the rookie's face. "What? I didn't have a mission today? We were all here, save for some patrol but nothing too unusual. Why would he say I have a mission?" "Aww, he wanted to spend time with you!" Miko poked your cheek, "that's adorable Y/n!" She squealed. "He has a soft spot for you, you know." Smokescreen said in a hushed tone to you. You giggled along with them before glancing towards the medbay. "You wanna go make a move?" Miko asked, nudging your side. You decided why the heck not, and motioned for Smokescreen to help you up.
       'Hey Ratchet," You greeted, as you walked closer to him. "Y/n," he greeted half mindedly, more so focusing on the screen in front of him. "So I was wondering why you said Smokescreen was on a mission when he was actually here at the base?" This made the medic stop, and blush a very faint, but bright blue. "W-Well," he stumbled over his words, and you giggled. "It's alright Ratchet, you can tell me later. But I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date sometime?" You asked fairly calmly, though on the inside you were completely freaking out. The white and orange bot thought for a moment before replying with a very quiet, "yes," making you grin from ear to ear.
       For the rest of the day, you sat there and worked with Ratchet with whatever he was doing, just wanting to spend time with him overall, as Smokescreen and Miko would watch from afar, sometimes giggling or whispering to one another as they watched on. You felt being with Ratchet was right, and hopefully, he thought the same, but only time will tell.
Definitely not my best, but I wanted a nice sweet chapter to kick us off again. I really hope you guys enjoyed it :) 
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ener-chi · 4 years
Much has happened today. 
Soo first off... in regards to my last journal post, I’ve made some progress. I had my suspicions, and they’ve been confirmed; the white-haired lady that was in that starry-place is actually someone that I work with. She’s a Fae... and she’s “kind of” related to Prince. It’s complicated; but we started working together not too long ago. I guess this is why.
I went back to the realm, and C showed me a bunch of different things. They weren’t visions, per say... I wasn’t viewing them, but rather experiencing them. Normally, I see things like I’m watching from an outside perspective looking in, but this time I was directly experiencing it. It was... insane honestly, I’m still not sure what to make of it. Here are my notes:
She told me to "Stop thinking. Just do."
That was the theme of this session. It was told to me over and over and over… and… it worked.
I went through the gates… and then was kind of sucked into darkness… I didn't know what to expect… Then I felt her grab on to my hand… And we were walking towards some light… like reaching the end of a tunnel…
We come out… and into a wonderful forest grove… it was so green… it was like… mid-morning… quiet… a little bit of rustling of leaves…
We walked along some natural-made path… and then we rounded a bend, and came to a circular clearing, with a tree stump in the middle… and I immediately starting crying… in real life too…
I immediately recognized this place… I've been here before… it's that tree… that makes me cry… and I'm not sure why…
I sat at it's base and wept…
Then I pulled myself together and asked C why she brought me here. She told me to not think, but to feel.
So I did. I felt… a strong connection to the tree. I felt myself in it. And then I had a vision.
A violent, violent storm. A wind like nothing I've never seen before, whipping through the forest. I see the tree; this time, in it's full form. It's tall, it's magnificent. I feel it's pride, and splendor.
A crack of lightning shoots down… strikes the tree… it doesn't ignite it… but that, with the fierce winds… the tree cracks… and falls over…
I feel its' shock… and then it's pain… and then its' sadness… it had so much pride in its' form and power and influence… and it was splintered…
I wept with this tree… as I returned to the grove… I comforted it… even though it's not in its' full form… it's influence on this place is still mighty… it is still the protector of this place…
At this point we leave…
I have another experience…
We go through another tunnel… and I come out in a bustling city…
The noises of cars and the busy city life fill the air… I'm walking along the side-walk… at first… I found it odd that there were no people around… or walking on the sidewalk… and then I realize that there are, actually… but they are just translucent…
I continue walking… I come to an intersection with a red light, and wait…
At this point, I had to kind of… get a right feel for what happens next. I have to go through it a couple of times, with C repeating to me to "Not think. Just do."
So the light turns green and the walk sign appears. I start to cross the street, and a truck whizzes by. I dodge it, heart pumping, and then another car comes behind me and hits me…
The next thing I know I’m lying on my back on the street, mangled… I see people surrounding me… I hear sirens… I black out…
Also, at this point I notice that I'm not actually "me." I'm a… young man, maybe early to mid twenties… black hair, taller and more slender than I am. A different person.
I have a foggy, flickering memory of me, in a hospital gurney… I'm being rushed by a couple different staff… I look up and see one of the worried faces… they look down and see me… they adjust the mask on my face… reach down… and blackness again…
I wake up in a hospital bed. My legs are up in those sling thingies. I'm pretty bandaged up… but all I really feel is… foggy… it takes a minute for me to process where I am…
A nurse is at my side, and I'm shortly joined by a doctor. He walks in and asks how I'm doing. I ask him what happened. He asks me what I remember about the accident… I tell him that I remember being hit… but the rest of the details are blurry. He says that I have multiple fractures, as well as some other internal injuries. He says that I'm lucky to be alive. I ask him about recovery. He says that I'll probably be in the hospital for a couple of weeks… but as for the recovery, probably at least 6 months at home. He then says to ring a nurse if I need anything; he'll be back later. He leaves, and so does the nurse.
Then a woman enters the room. Tall, long, curly black hair. I recognize her, and a warm feeling of love fills me.
She joins me at my side. Tells me that she's glad to see me. She says that I must be hungry, and offers me a drink. I gently drink from a straw; it's some kind of juice, kind of tastes like mango and something else. Man it was delicious!
I ask her who she is; I have some sort of connection with her, but I'm not sure who. (This is me - Zach - not knowing who she is). "Oh sweetheart," she says, kissing me on the forehead. "I'm your mother."
We talk for a little while longer, and then she leaves. I feel nauseous and dizzy… I throw up, and then ring a nurse, who rushes in. She quickly starts cleaning me up, and reaches down and adjusts the pain meds on my IV… things go black again… anddd it's over
I ask C what the point of that one was. She said that I'm starting to "see" things. That is the point. That I begin to see and to experience. I guess that's okay.
At this point I ended up ending the session because I had school stuff to do, but I went back later:
I entered the scene, and found myself walking briskly down a school hallway. I looked down at myself… I was wearing a fancy school uniform… my (what I would consider) fancy watch showed that I was late. I walked faster, eventually breaking into a run, turning and going upstairs before entering a classroom.
The teacher was calling roll… my name was called just as I walked in. I got some chuckles and snickers as I did. She just looked up at me with some kind of glance, then continued. She then asked everyone to pull out their books for the lesson.
After class, as everyone was filing out, she stopped me with her meterstick and asked me to stay for a moment.
She asked me why I was running late so often. It's been happening too often… and if it continues, there's going to have to be disciplinary consequences.
I looked down, bashfully…
"Sorry, Ms… I just… on the way to school, I pass by a lady and her two kids… they always appear to be starving… so I give them my lunch. That's why I’m late"
The teacher looks at me in surprise… then suspiciously… "That's very noble of you… if the story is true… but I guess now that I think of it, I haven't seen you bring or eat lunch for a couple of weeks now."
"Yeah… but I don't mind. I can just eat when I get home from school."
She smiles.
"Well… I suppose if this is the reason, then it's acceptable for you to be running late a few times. But perhaps there is another way that you can help those people; a growing boy needs his lunch, after all."
"Yes, Ms. Thanks Ms."
I run off… scene ends…
There was more, the notes are kind of incoherent lol. Very interesting! Things kind of took a big turn for me spiritually; honestly I’m not surprised lol but I never expected stuff like this to happen. I’m very curious and excited, and I will continue working with it.
That’s it for now. I hope that everyone has a great night!
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ethereals-angel · 5 years
Ethereal III
/ — extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. /
《 Ethereal (I) 》 《 Ethereal (II) 》 《 Ethereal (III) 》
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"Where were you last night?" Junmyeon asked, taking a seat beside you, two bottles of beer in his hands, "you disappeared."
You huffed, taking the beer he's handing you, "somewhere."
He was going for a sip of his beer when he laughed, almost spilling the liquid all over him. You eyed him in annoyance as he shook his head, a smile playing on his face, "you really like him, don't you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, you know what I mean."
You rolled your eyes, going for a drink. You leaned against the couch as you swallowed, a sigh leaving your lips. "Shut up."
"If you like him so much then why don't you do something about it?" He chuckled, "you're you. Everybody wants you."
"He knows I killed Kyo."
Apparently, that silenced him. You drank more, enjoying the burn you're experiencing, not bothering to acknowledge the irritating feeling in your heart. You didn't know what ached more after finishing the bottle in one go, your throat or your little organ.
"Then if he likes you, he'll accept you for you."
You don't even know if you want to be you.
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Even though you didn't want to, you went to class few moments later, fed up by Junmyeon's complains about how you should attend your classes to come out as a normal student, at least. You snorted, as if they would think you are a normal student. Your mind flew, you didn't want to admit it but you knew you miss him. You didn't see him since last night until now, and it's bothering you. You wanted to wait for him outside his classroom like you always do but you were pretty sure he wouldn't like to see you right now.
You were always that kind of person who didn't care about what others may think of you. It's all true, anyway, why would you sweat about it? You know exactly what you are and it didn't bother you since then, after that incident, not at all. But after meeting Baekhyun, that changed. You were constantly afraid of doing things you always do because you didn't want to scare him off. You wanted to be a different person, away from who you really are. You wanted to get rid of the lingering smell of blood of people you've killed with your bare hands, you wanted to erase the sound of their screams and cries as they begged you to spare their lives ringing in your ears whenever you're alone. You just want the angel you knew you didn't deserve with you, as much as possible.
You craved how he makes you crazy. You fed off his innocence. He makes you feel human, even if you knew how big of a monster you are. He's your escape, your own paradise. After last night, you didn't know what to do. You just want him. Your fingertips are aching to touch him so bad right now, it's almost painful.
You took in a deep breath, immediately leaving the classroom once you heard the bell ring.
Staying at your bright lonely flat made you even livid that night, sitting by the couch and staring at the situation outside as the raindrops continued to fall harshly. You can't stop thinking about him, you thought your head's gonna break. So, you drove. You drove as fast as you can, not bothered by the fact that it's so much slippier this time.
You found yourself in a middle of a nightclub you're very familiared with. You realized you've never came back here after you met him. Taking a deep breath, you sat by the bar counter. The bartender immediately recognized you, he started preparing the drink you've always order, not bothering to have a small talk with you, probably sensing you were not in a mood to speak.
You stared at a spot, not really paying attention to anything, just downing your drink all by yourself. Almost all the people around you probably know who you are, well, everyone knows who you are. Different perspectives and knowledge, though. The only common thing is to never mess with you, they know better. However, that didn't stop him from approaching you.
"I missed you."
You smirked, downing the alcohol you were lightly swirling before he sat beside you. You turned to observe him. Nothing changed, same old pretty face. "Oh, I'm sure you did."
He didn't hesitate grabbing you, crashing his lips on yours. You whimpered, wrapping your arms around his neck and moving to sit on his lap. You tugged on his hair a little harshly, just like what you always do. You continued on kissing him expertly, tasting him after a long time.
You faltered, images of Baekhyun started flodding your head. You kissed him harder, hand running through hair, wishing he was him, wishing he was your Baekhyun. You gripped onto his body, squeezing your eyes shut. He was the first one to pull away, his eyes hazy as he stared back at you. You blinked quite a few times when you started seeing Baekhyun's face instead of his.
I'm going crazy.
"Soo." You breathed, letting him shower your neck with kisses. You held his head as he nibbled on your skin. Your closed your eyes as you bit on your lip, not wanting to put your mind into the uneasiness you're feeling.
You stared ahead, at the crowd, either dancing or talking. You let out a gasp when a pair of eyes burnt holes as he stared at you, standing at the middle of so much people, you saw him. "Baekhyun."
You flinched, away from Kyungsoo. You pushed yourself off him, your eyes never leaving the boy. Your head pounded, you felt dizzy, you didn't know if it was because of the kissing, the alcohol, or Baekhyun.
You saw him turn around, going for the door to leave. You hissed, "what is he even doing here?" You ran, squeezing through the crowd. You were panting when you reached the door, pushing it open. The cold breeze welcomed you, still raining.
You immediately spotted him, his back facing you, you breathed, "Baek..."
He turned, looking at you, his cheeks flush from the coldness of the air, "hi..."
"What are you doing here?" You stepped forward, still giving him a fair amount of space no matter how much you were itching to get your hands all over him. You weren't sure if he would appreciate you touching him, the thought making you frown.
"I went to look for you," he avoided your eyes, biting his lip, "you didn't wait for me at school."
"I waited for you!" He lifted his head, annoyance clear in his tone, "you left so early last night, then you didn't even bother seeing me at school, and now, I saw you kissing someone else."
You looked at him in bewilderment, not knowing what to say. He pouted at you, continuing his words, "I thought you liked me."
"Why were you kissing him anyway? Is it because he's manlier than I am? You should've told me!" His stance falling, shoulders slumped, "I would've been better for you."
You panicked, for the first time in so many years, you fucking panicked, "no! Of course not!" You breathed heavily, still confused and speechless as hell, "I thought... I thought you hated me."
He let out a cute 'huh', tilting his head like a puppy, "why would I hate you?"
"You knew about what really happened with Kyo, I assumed-"
"You think that would make me hate you?" You blinked a few times when he leaned in, placing a kiss on your lips. He wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you to him, "I could never hate you." He lowered himself, resting his cheek on your breast, "I like you so much, Raven. I really really do."
You stayed frozen for god knows how long, you killed the person he's almost seen as a father and he's not even a percent mad at you for it. You were breathing heavily when you wrapped your arms around him, returning his hold which he immediately tightened. "Do you still like me?"
Though, puzzled, mind running on and on about how he very surprisingly reacted in the situation, you nodded your head. "Of course." You lifted your hand to caress his hair, playing with it as you couldn't help but furrow your eyebrows, staring ahead at an empty space.
It may be strange, he may be strange but you were happy. So happy, you thought you could float. You were feeling so high in the moment, you let out a smile, twisted, so twisted.
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You held his hand in yours, not minding any of the stares and whispers you're getting, silently dragging Baekhyun towards Room 88 after asking him if he's comfortable with all the attention. He nodded, saying that he'll always be comfortable if he's with you.
You opened the door, revealing the gang, complete. "Hey, man. Come on, I missed my class for this." Luck said, rolling his eyes, throwing darts in his hands.
Chanyeol walked towards you, peaking at the person hiding behind your back, "well, well, well," he grinned, "you finally brought him here."
You felt Baekhyun clutch your shirt in his hand from behind, making you look back at him, "you'll be okay." You whispered, kissing his forehead.
You introduced him to your friends. They have been very friendly, especially the men. You decided to bring him to the flat the gang have been staying in whenever anyone wants to. You are sitting in the couch, a beer in your hand with Junmyeon sitting beside you, playing poker with the others. You didn't play to keep an eye on Baekhyun. You watched as he laughed and played with your friends, his shy demeanor quickly disappearing by their loudness and teasing. You smiled lightly, happy to see him enjoy himself with the gang.
It's very rare to bring just anyone in here. It takes time before everyone agree to let someone see what you do. For Baekhyun's case, he's here because they already know him, he's constantly being used as a way to tease and annoy you, and of course, even if they say no to you, it's not like you'll listen.
You took a sip from the bottle you're holding, shaking your head at their antics.
You turned your head when you heard Yixing calling your name, you raised your brow at him, waiting for him to say something because he seemed to be in shock,
"Kyungsoo was murdered."
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j-hoseok94 · 5 years
Book: House of Cards
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Author: ReyRey
When we arrived at his house i was nervous. I mean we have slept together before i shouldn't be this nervous but, it was Yoongi. The most popular guy in school aside from Jungkook but that could be debatable now. I glance over at him as he started get out of the car. He brushed his bangs aside for a second but they just slid back in place. His long fingers gripping the door handle and i could see the sun shining on his eyes making his dark brown eyes appear light brown. I look back at my hands which were starting to sweat from all my nervousness. I reach for the door handle and step out of his car. He comes to  my side and as he approaches the gentle wind pushing his bangs aside. 
He reaches me and i'm pressed against the door as he leans towards me. He brings his hand up to my face and strokes my cheek. His fingers starting to run through my hair. He leans in half of the distance between us. I'm looking at his lips, he pauses for a second and bites his lip. My heart flutters and i hold my breath every time he does some shit like that, it makes me wanna kiss him. I had an urge to grab him and pull him towards me. I wanted to bite his lip, fuck i wanted to bite his neck and shoulder. I wanted to kiss him everywhere and i was resisting the urge to do so. I know he did that on purpose considering he knew what it did to me.
I playfully hit his arm, "Yaa i told you to stop doing that." He laughed and grabbed my hand pulling me towards his house. The beautiful flower vines wrapped around the pillars reminded me of last time i was here. I never made it to his room. The lump in my throat rose as i realized that i was legit nervous to go upstairs with him. He keeps a hold of my hand as he unlocks the door and heads for the stairs.
As we ran up the stairs my heart skipped beats like crazy. I was going to his room. I couldn't breathe i was so nervous. "So i'll show you around okay?" He looks down at me and i nod my head cause my throat was like 'Naw bitch you ain't saying shit.' 
He open his door and his big comfy looking king size bed was there in the middle of the far wall. He had dark grey blankets and a bunch of fluffy looking pillows. He had tan walls with a few figurines on a shelf. Some family pictures littered around the room. It was pretty simple and honestly i felt like it was just enough for him. His shoes were on top of their boxes and lined the floor of his closet. He turns to me as he drops on the edge of his bed with a cute little smile. "So what do you think?" I looked around and saw a few little USB's on his bedside table. He was staring at me as i looked around, "It's definitely not what i expected. It's cozy." He hops up in excitement.
"Oh i forgot to show you the best place in the house!" He grabs my hand and intertwines his fingers and my heart stops, i glance up at him and he just smiles and turns away. He took me to a door that was all glass but, it had that privacy fog texture to it. I look over at him standing next to me. "Kitten, this room is very special and well.. i've never let anyone in here. Not even my dad." He looks down and rubs the back of his head, "I have a secret and i need to show you because, i don't like keeping things from you." The way he phrased it kind of made me nervous to know what this 'secret' was. 
He turned the handle on the door as it clicked he gently pushed it forward. First thing i saw was this huge tv attached to the middle of the far wall. A second monitor underneath it attached to a long black desk. There was figurines on top of both speakers on both sides of the desk. On my right next to the door was a grey couch and a keyboard on the left side of the room. He also had another monitor and a laptop on a small desk right in front of the couch. There was awards with records hung up on the walls. Some microphones on the desk as well with a bunch of keyboards that i assumed were meant for different things, and a swivel chair with a jersey on the back of it. I turned the chair around to see if it had Yoongi's name on it but, all it said was SUGA with a 93 on it. 
'So he's a fan of SUGA..well i like his taste in music.' SUGA was a very successful producer/songwriter/rapper but unfortunately, no one knew what he looked like. He was like Marshmellow.. anonymous. He didn't even show up for his awards and had little to no media presence. I would honest to god fangirl if i ever met him. 
Yoongi was watching me as i walked around his chair and sat down. I twirled around like the child i was at heart. He laughed and sat on the couch, "Soo.." I stopped twirling and gave myself a moment to compose myself since i felt dizzy. I smiled over at him so that he could continue, "Do you like SUGA? The rapper." I was taken aback by his question mostly because i didn't think he would care to know. 
"Yes of course i have all of his albums or rather mixtapes sitting on a shelf in my room. He is honestly one of my favorite artists. I've wanted to meet him for years but that was because i wanted to get inspiration. How does he come up with his lyrics is it all things he's been through? I started wanting to become a 'producer' of sorts because of him. He is honestly one of the best out there." I was fan girling and i could tell so i stopped myself before i babbled on and on forever. 
Looking over at Yoongi his smile was the biggest i think i have ever seen. I got up and walked over to the couch to sit next to him. 
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
A Change Of (H)air & Other Things: (Outpost! Michael Langdon+Short!Haired Reader).
A/N: Ok, so I basically cut my hair a few weeks ago and I mean... I am not the typical “I need long hair” girl, I honestly tried to most thing with my hair (I even dyed them purple!) and cutting them seemed a new way to start and do thing, mostly because long hair doesn’t really suit me (I have really thin hair, so... the longer the more you can see this). 
Still I don’t know why, but this time I felt extremely self-conscious of the cut, mostly because it is the shortest I had in many years (a lot of people told me it really suits me, still, so I am gaining a bit of confidence) (+assholish roommate, told me I look a lot like a child with short hair, soo...).
And this is why I wrote this little thing over here...  (Also long hair girl you look beautiful all the same and I honetsly envy you all because YOU ARE SO PRETTY! And I swear I will write something soon with long haired reader so I can make it up to all of you! Also please don’t feel like you can’t read this story just because you don’t have short hair!)
SUMMARY: Life at the Outpost is pretty boring, mosty when you are separated from your love and waiting for him... and this prompts a little change with the help of a fellow survivor...
WORDS: 1,7 K
WARNING: Mention of Sex, and Hair Pulling... (also just Outpost! Michael being a little shit).
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She had had to endure the thought of being separated from Michael for much more than she expected, and she honestly still didn’t approve the idea he had had.
But had she had any other possibility other than follow his orders in order to control Mead-bot and what the others survivors felt like, trapped in the ancient walls of Outpost 3?
And swiftly you had gotten to know all of them, even the Grey.
Michael had gently made you a Purple, knowing what was expected from a Grey.
Although you had insisted that being a Grey would have allowed you to move more freely around the Outpost, but Michael had put up a fight about this (“I won’t let you risk your life, when you can do the same sitting down and calmly drinking tea” “We won’t be drinking tea, Michael, and you know how much I hate silly conversations with all my heart and I will never pass off as an high-end girl, with…” “I don’t care, (Y/N) it’s already decided!”).
So she was stuck there, waiting for him to sweep her off her feet, and, although she pretended she was bored beyond herself and hated the entire Outpost 3, she tried to brighten each day, thinking about how he would come to save her.
She had never believed in princes and fairytales and such things, still she knew he would come for her.
It was the only thing that made her deal with freaking Venable, eat the horrible rations and put up with the fact that nothing was exciting or interesting and this boredom had prompted her to actually try something new: cut her hair.
She had been the normal and usual girlie girl, with long hair, but according to Gallant’s expert analysis her “double splits had double splits”, which meant that not only her hair were unhealthy but also it lost a ton of volume which sadly meant that her hair were thinner and not that shiny.
“But have no shame and worry, my little mademoiselle, I shall do my best to make you look like a top model” and he had, cutting her hair in a high-fashion way, promptly cutting a lot more than she thought and this changed a lot her appearance.
She personally thought she looked cute, very stylish and elegant, but she was also scared about what Michael would think of it.
She wasn’t one to expect some man to order her life around, but for ever being unsure of her appearance had given her that pitiful feeling of always having to appease to somebody.
So, she sometimes twisted her hair hoping they would grow faster, but a month after her cut her hair stayed into place, and Michael arrived.
When a cooperative member was announced to be expected, she immediately felt relieved, still not letting her hopes shine too bright.
They weren’t supposed to know each other.
And she had been a good actress (better than Madison Montgomery for sure…) and had played her own role perfectly, still, when she saw him, she felt like air had finally been delivered to her lungs, after too much time spent without it.
And she couldn’t hide those emotions that well, but he was perfectly capable, showing no emotion not showing any sign of recognition, when their eyes met each other, instead swiftly moving from her face to Coco’s and she had to hide all her disappointment for his distant behavior, watching her elegant violet shoes.
She had to wait for three long days till her interview and she was halfway through stabbing him with a fork when he pushed her against the door, just as she walked through it, kissing her passionately, meanwhile he hitched her dress up her thighs, groping the supple skin he found.
She smiled into the kiss, apparently, he had indeed felt the distance and the missing  the time they hadn’t spent in each other arms.
-… I missed you so so much, little one of mine- he whispered in her ear, meanwhile moving down to her height comfortably to admire her, and she almost thought about hiding her face, feeling under the scrutiny of his harsh eyes, the beautiful shades of blue had suddenly darkened, and she could only guess why -… and you changed a bit…-.
His hands moved to her hair, letting them fall down his elegant jeweled hands, she had a similar type of rings on her matching fingers, much smaller and discrete but she had to hide them, except the one on her ring finger, the dark diamond one,  which shone just as much as its light version; it had been the last thing he had gifted her before the mission at Outpost 3, a promise of what was to come when they made it to the Sanctuary.
He caressed her for so longs, but she still whimpered when he let her go, his hand still on his thigh, squeezing it gently.
-You look even more beautiful- he finally blessed her with a compliment, and she blushed as a school girl, which prompted her to elbow him.
-Only more beautiful? – she replied, finally gaining back her voice and her fierceness, the one thing he loved so much, in fact his eyes shone with amusement.
-I am so proud of you with the way you behaved- he caressed her chin, moving to her cheeks hoping this would calm her down, but he left her waiting voluntarily to test her out, and she still had that fork, hidden somewhere in her clothes -… everybody seems to trust you and honestly Timothy seems to have a special feeling for you-.
The jealousy was elegantly hidden, but she could feel it, it was a weakness which prompted him to let her go, and let her settle elegantly in an armchair, in front of his desk.
-And then I should be worried by the way Venable think that she can control you, or of Coco’s dirty thoughts? Or… wait you have a taste for innocent girls, so… Mallory? – he huffed at her insinuation, before moving to his seat, in front of her.
-We are back together, and you are already testing my patience, love of mine? – he mumbled, moving his hand forward, which prompted her to adjust hers in order for them to meet halfway and for them to entwin together.
-You love me too much, to be annoyed with me for too much time- she replied, instead, smiling daringly which prompted a tiny smile from him and a pat on her hand.
-You could never annoy me, you could never anger me and you could never lose me- it was his vows to her, the one he had pronounced before they had to separate themselves, after she had said she was scared.
Scared he would come back and not love her, because he found something better (“a nice pretty rich heiress, smiling down at you with her blond hair all perfectly done”, “you do think that my love for you is that superficial? That superficial to change for a pretty smile? Oh, love you don’t understand than how deep-rooted my love for you is”).
-I love you, too, Michael- she replied, leaning up to kiss his lips, a sweet chaste kiss was led on his lips -… you are even prettier with the long hair-.
He smiled on her lips, and she was glad to have that beautiful sight right in front of his eyes.
-Thank you, I thought that somebody had to have long hair- he sweetly mumbled, teasing her –… and short hair looks cuter on you, my pretty girl, you look like a Hollywood diva-.
-Gallant will be proud that even the freaking Antichrist loves his work of art- she mumbled, feeling giggly and girly, clearly Michael’s compliments and presence, he knew he was better than any alcohol to get her dizzy.
-I am honestly considering bringing him in the Sanctuary so he can keep on making my wife pretty for me- she almost fell down as soon as he retreated back after that word was spoken.
-Your wife? – she mumbled instead, playing his game -… after the chaos with Gallant I will have to keep an eye on you-.
-You can already, I don’t want you to get back to your room, for tonight, sleep with me- he finally let down the indifference mask, the malice mask he had worn for the entire time at the Outpost.
He was exhausted, although he tried his best to be happy for her, he was tired and she wanted nothing more than to give him relief.
-What about Venable? – she asked sweetly, almost with a sing-song voice (for the entire time she had been there, she never thought that woman held some kind of power on her, but she had to act as if she were and sometimes it got to her, mostly when Venable made fun of her for “not being as bright as the others”).
-You seriously thought that her stupid rules, would stop me from having you right on this table- and from exhausted, he moved to his beast side, the one that she wasn’t scared of.
Instead she was turned on.
Turned on by the way he gripped her and also by the way she could control him meanwhile he strongly had her.
-You have made me wait for too long, maybe I already took care of it, maybe with Timothy…- she mumbled, just teasing the beast, who looked at her with a “you wouldn’t dare” -… he was here, when you weren’t-.
-… you wouldn’t…-  but she just smiled shyly, biting her lip, before bolting out of the armchair, running for the door, but she was again smacked against it, a raging erection pressed on her heavy gowns, but the strong grip with which he pushed her against the door was enough to make her feel it -… I am going to make sure that after all this boyish fucks, you get one from a man-.
And as he gripped her hair, she was happy that they weren’t too short for that familiar pain.
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deedeeyang · 4 years
1. Strage phone call at 3 a.m.
Dal Shabet’s Subin shared her scary story about a strange phone call on TV with MC Park Myung Soo. Subin said that she never downloaded Lady Gaga's ringtone on her phone. But one night, it started playing strange ringtone.... 
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Subin - Dal Shabet
She said: “I worked as a model when I was in high school. I live alone in Seoul, that’s the nature of the job. One night I received a phone call from my manager at 3 a.m. When I opened the phone, I heard a strange and scary sound of "Noooooooooooo". It took a long time for my manager to tell me that remember to bring... underwear in the next day’s photoshoot. I felt a bit strange and confused because that was an obvious thing to do and it was nothing urgent for my manager to call me so late like that. The strangest thing is that I never download Lady Gaga's song as a ringtone on my phone. But during the call I got that night, Lady Gaga's Telephone was played on my phone.”
Even more frightening, the next day Subin asked the manager about the previous day’s call. It was surprising that her manager said that he didn't contact her at that time. Subin added: “If someone thinks that my manager tried to troll me then I think not. Because I’ve never downloaded any Lady Gaga’s songs on my phone or set it as ringtones. But at that night, I heard Lady Gaga’s Telephone. After checking the call log, I didn’t see any calls at 3 a.m., not a single one. I was so frightened.” 
2. Piano sound in the practice room
One night, SHINee’s Taemin went to the practice room alone to practice. He heard the piano sound from the 4th room. He thought someone was there so he opened the door and saw no one. He panicked and ran away, and still heard the piano played.
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Taemin - SHINee
Coincidentally, number 4, pronounced as ‘tu’ in Chinese, sounds similar to a word synonymous with death. Number 4 is also an unlucky number in Eastern culture.
3. Strange long-haired girl 
When participating in To You, From Me, SNSD's Sunny talked about a horrific story that she experienced herself when SNSD was living in the old doom. According to Sunny, on that day, she was in the bathroom, and Yuri was lying on the bed playing computer. Another member walking across the room saw a girl with long hair lying next to Yuri and thought it was Sunny, but actually, she was completely not there.
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Sunny and Yuri - SNSD
Another incident is that Sunny suddenly woke up in the middle of the night because of feeling dizzy. While wondering about the cause of the dizziness, Sunny suddenly saw a long-haired girl standing at the end of the bed, shaking her bed and staring at her. The incident has passed more than 10 years but Sunny still can not forget it.
4. Who’s that?
The story was told by U-KISS’s Kevin in Horror Stories Behind The Show Champion. When U-KISS had a schedule in Malaysia, Kevin and Kiseop shared the same room in a hotel. After eating dinner Kevin wanted to go for a walk, so Kiseop showered and went to bed alone. When he was about to sleep, he suddenly felt that the bed was slightly sunken, like someone was sitting on the bed. He thought it must be Kevin. He opened his eyes and was about to talk to his groupmate when he realized that no one’s there, Kevin hadn’t returned yet. He was so scared that he turned on the light and waited for Kevin to come back.
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Kevin - U-KISS
5. Ghost at WM Entertaiment
One place where idols get to see ghosts the most is in the company’s WC. A typical case is Oh My Girl’s Seunghee and Binnie. One day, Oh My Girls was summoned to the company for a meeting about an upcoming music project. When Seunghee went to the toilet on the company’s 2nd floor, she saw Binnie standing inside. But when Seunghee went downstairs and came to the meeting room, Binnie was sitting there. Seunghee was so scared and also curios, so she asked Jiho about that strange thing and was told that it was the ghost ‘guarding’ for the company toilet for 4 years.
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Oh My Girl
On another occasion, Oh My Girs livestreamed in the middle of the night to tell ghost stories to fans. Although having carefully prepared in advance, the livestream was constantly having trouble and fans could hear strange sounds. A camera even dropped to the ground even no one touched it. Oh My Girl was so scared and turned off the livestream right away. And the weird face that appeared in the livestream also obsessed Miracle (Oh My Girl’s fandom) for a long time.
6. Living with ghosts
SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong shared his horror story on SBS talk show Kang Shim Jang – Strong Heart. According to him, the whole group used to live in a haunted dormitory. He said that every members often felt bothered by someone and sometimes heard a strange voice echoed in the dorm. One night, he saw something that shouldn’t be seen, then the ghost appeared and told Hyun Joong that it was going to leave. But it didn’t do that and followed Hyun Joong to his home.
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Kim Hyun Joong - SS501
7. Incubus
This ghostly story was shared by Boyfriend’s Donghyun in Inkigayo magazine. Many nights, Donghyun was suffocated by a shadow in his bed. Whenever he felt asleep, the shadow came over and strangle him. It happened so often that Donghyun told his mom to come in his room whenever there was strange noises. One night, when the shadow was suffocating Donghyun, his mother came in because of hearing his scream. As soon as his mother entered, the shadow disappeared. He felt relived when he was saved, but when his mother walked out of the room, Donghyun saw the shadow on his mother’s back and stares at him. He was so scared that he couldn’t say a word.
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Donghyun - Boyfriend
8. Who’s out there?
Lovelyz’s Jiae once shared on Knowing Bros that she had suffered from sleepwalking, seeing ghosts, and more...
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Jiae - Lovelyz
One day, when the group finished recording their song, they got into their car to go home. When everyone all got in, Jiae suddenly opened the car door and said: “Are you coming in?” But no one was outside there! Jiae went out, talked to the air and then got in the car again. At that time, the rest of the group realized that she was asleep, she was sleepwalking. The others felt bewildered and they came home right after that.
Read part 2 here:  https://deedee2109.tumblr.com/post/615743464702935040/real-horror-stories-by-kpop-idols-part-2
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thoms-sins-blog · 5 years
Dark!Peter x Tony
the fic you didn’t know you needed
“i cant do it, mr. stark. i can’t let her have you. i can’t let anyone…anyone have you. do you understand that? if i can’t have you, no one can.”
“kid…pete, please think this through–”
“oh, i have. you’re gonna come away with me for a very long time, mr. stark…’cause i want to keep thinking about what im going to do with you, and what you’re gonna do to me…i’ve been wanting it so long…”
From @snowydisco ‘s moodboard here, I loved it soo much, wanted to try this out :^P
I don’t really write but I did my best, treat me kindly!! i just wrote this out on a whim, no real smut yet but please let me know if anyone wants more!
[Just a bit of Pepper and Tony for backstory (I knoww it bores me too but it makes it so much more painful >:) ) I SWEAR TONY DOES LIKE PETER he just feels bad and its gonna take a lot for him to admit it, if smut comes he will def be into it, a manipulative and very jealous peter, also a little bit of venom mentioned for the hell of it?]
Dark!Peter x Tony! (Right may be a tad more dark than expected....)
Peter’ masked hands were ruffling the golden locks of an unconscious Pepper, slowly stroking it and admiring his work. He slipped off his mask, detaching from the seam around his neck and over his head, letting out a sigh. His dark eyes were glittering in fascination and he had a smirk on his face, knowing he was fully in control now that he’s got them secure. He did enough to shake up Tony. Spider-man was not a killer. She was only drugged...a lot, but not enough to kill her. No, why would he do such a thing? 
Not little Peter Parker. Not the weird math club kid that was easy to pick at school, the one who couldn’t keep his crushes around, his celebrity genius mentor, even looked down on him, as if he had no power at all.
Didn’t anyone know the power he possessed? The strength? Being humble started to get old for Peter, it started driving him into a rage, thinking about how he could tear this whole city down to shreds. Little Peter Parker.
The expression of Tony Stark’s disappointed face when all he did was what was right for the safety of innocent people, that moment on the top of the building after the boat incident, where his self-esteem was utterly crumbled. Mr. Tony Stark just couldn’t hold back, did everything he could to tear down Peter for his own amusement. Tony just knew he was so much better than Peter. Not anymore. Peter’s the one in control now.
Peter always looked up to Tony. He was this genius inventor, the brains of Stark Industries, the things he created that fast forwarded tech across the globe. He was so attractive, strong, smart, smooth, he could get anyone he wanted. Everything Peter wanted to be. 
Over time, he had quite the collection of snippets of Tony Stark from the papers, magazines, screenshots from paparazzi online. He kept them in books under his bed, saved folders, hundreds of pictures of him arranged by time taken. He would scroll and stare at them for hours, brushing his thumb against the jaw of an ultra HD picture of Tony. He imagined the roughness of stubble, then the hairs of the longer pieces of beard he kept trimmed so nicely, the aged and no less beautiful skin around his dark chocolate eyes. It made him dizzy just by looking.
For a while, his obsession with Tony Stark kept him from the thin line between lashing out, and keeping up Peter Parker’s weak image, as well as the release of stress he got when kicking the shit out of goons on bad streets in the Bronx as Spider-Man. Being Spider-Man always made him feel confident. 
On his way back home, he’d always stop on a tall bank building across from Stark tower, watching Tony, with his blonde and freckled girlfriend Pepper, dancing around with disgustingly sweet hands held. They swayed to the slow stream of music that even Peter could hear so far away. They sipped wine and talked on end, lounging. Every time she even got a peck of a kiss from Tony, Peter winced, tugging his bottom lip with a jealousy that even he denied early on. 
When he was taken into the Avengers slash ‘Stark internship’, it was like his dreams came true.
It was like Peter Parker from high school didn’t exist anymore. Suddenly he was surrounded by important people, surrounded by people who needed him by their side, as allies. He was spoiled to the brim by the venture, especially the new decked out Spidey suit that he adored.
He got to see such cool things, was brought in by Mr. Stark, to check out the amazing lab he had, and understand secrets of how he brought his insane ideas to life that blew Peter’s mind. He even let him use his labs whenever he liked, having a blast at tinkering with his web shooters.
Every now and then Tony gave Peter a look when he did something right, or praising him for an idea while they worked. Peter naturally took that as a possible attraction to him. The wonder quickly spiraled Peter into violent masturbating sprees. Having sensitive spidey senses and unstable hormones tended to make everything that much more intense and hard to deal with. 
It didn’t help that the expensive bathrooms at Stark tower had huge mirrors that were unavoidable, so he was stuck looking at himself when he did so. Moaning “Mr. Stark,” quietly, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he rode out into orgasm to the end of his toes. 
As those times came more often and his adoration escalated, his only attraction from that point on was Tony. His vision was only him, all the time.
All the attention made him drunk with adoration for Mr. Stark. His favorite looks from him were in his garage, covered in oil and dirt, his arms and face glistening with sweat, collarbone peeking from his wife beater. It was like porn to him.
He was shaken from his staring contest with Tony when the pencil skirted and playfully formal Pepper came in, giving Tony a rundown of CEO type things that Peter didn’t really know about. She offered a soft smile and wave at Peter when she came in. He knew how much Tony loved her, and he knew what she was doing. Peter waved back, shooting a humble smile and nod at her.You fucking slut.
Over time, they started to drift apart, and that made Peter very, very happy. Peter purposefully ended her phone calls to Tony sometimes, even made it so Tony’s messages to her didn’t send.
Still, Peter kept up the persona that he supported Mr. Stark, half mentioning he hasn’t seen her around much, a wave of disappointment washing over Tony’s face. When Peter reminded him that he was here to simply keep him company, he knew that he was reeling Tony in.
Still, though, she somehow always made her way back in. Once at a company party, they were seen casually talking, then getting closer as they sipped more of their martinis, Tony whispering sweet nothings against her neck. Peter closed his fists so hard his palms bled. Karen reminded him that he was hurting himself.
Pepper just kept coming back and luring Tony in, making Peter shake with intense envy, he seemed to be knocking out bad guys faster than usual those nights. He ignored conversation with the citizens he saved, because he was just ready for the next gig.
One night, he finally snapped. This was that night.
He couldn’t even remember what happened towards this moment, he only saw red and flashes of white, and now he had Pepper webbed up to the floor of the living room in Tony Stark’s home. The same room he’d been looking in from outside all this time. She would stay unconscious for a long while.
“Peter. Peter,” Tony breathed out, his heart was feeling a bit wrong, he had difficulty breathing after witnessing what Peter just did.
Peter licked his bottom lip, giving a kiss to Pepper’s cheek as Tony would, he knew it would mess with him. He stood up, moving his hand up the stalk of a curved metal pillar with his back still turned to Tony, looking out the large window down at the city.
“Peter, kid...”
“Don’t ‘kid’ me. I’m so tired of that shit.” Peter snapped.
Tony gulped, worry racking his eyes and beads of sweat collecting at his temples. He was hard bound by webs around a chair, Peter was just too strong for him, especially now that his emotions aren’t easily swayed. He was real smart about it too, he had all the electricity cut off in the tower, the AI’s weren't able to cooperate, most likely because of Peter’s adept hands with tech. He knew he wouldn't be able to call on them. God, he was such a bright kid. He just didn’t understand how it ended up like this.
At some point, Peter changed. he wasn't always this moody, he used to be kind, humble, looked up to Tony and he knew it. He couldn't put his finger on what it was. He also didn’t understand why Pepper was brought into this.
“I just don’t get it,” Peter starts, he turns his head, down at Peppers sleeping face, dragging a padded foot down her side, arms crossed. 
“I’m so much better than her,” he whispers. He whips up at Tony with dark and focused eyes, low browed and jaw set.
Tony blinks a couple of times, trying to keep up, he’s still a bit lightheaded from all the action, but locks eyes with Peter when he looks at him.
“Kid, I really don’t understand what you’re trying to get at here, but you seriously need to get your act together. What’s gotten into you?” Tony shakes his head, speaking direct but in a hurt tone. He rotates his arms a bit, trying to ignore the oncoming burns from the tightness of the bounds.
Peter shivers at his tone, sending prickles of electricity all over him. This was just a taste of how having Tony all to himself would be. 
He felt full of vim and vigor, feeling a smirk coming on but he pushes it down, making his way slowly over to Tony, his hands finding each other behind his back.
“Mr. Stark...I’m sorry...” Peter says weakly, his deeper voice cracks at the top in a small whine, he pulls his eyes from the floor up in a doe-like shy attitude that completely opposed the dark one from earlier, planting one foot in front of another.
Tony’s eyes scrunch in disbelief, noticing a string of black veins lining the side of Peter’s neck, pulsating like a virus. What is that?
“Mr. Stark,” he says again.
Tony inhales at the sound of it, his mouth twitches knowing its just a mask hiding something awful.
Peter bites the inside of his cheek, trying not to smile. He knows it’s getting to him.
“Mr. Stark, I just...” Peter lets out a sigh, planting himself on one of Tony’s thighs, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, knowing he can’t do anything about it. 
He can’t resist rubbing his splayed hands around the bulk of him, his neck and chest, not able to hold back the heat that rattles his body straight down to his cock. All from simply touching him. He’s waited to be able to do this for so long.
“I just, I can’t do it, Mr. Stark.” That again. Tony turns away, looking down at Pepper with a pained expression. 
Tony’s starting to get it now, he knows he’s not going anywhere. Really, he’s in such shock it’s hard to find words. Peter leans closer into his neck, inhaling the sharp scent of his cologne and sweat, drawing a webbed finger around his other ear. 
“I can’t let her have you, I cant let anyone...anyone, have you. You understand that, don’t you? Yeah?” He can feel Tony shivering, silent. He can’t take this.
Peter brushes his lips against his ear, slapping a strong hold around the back of his neck.
 If I can’t have you...no one can.”
Again, please let me know if you want more! i could make this into a chapter like thing! I just wanted to try it out >:P
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novaitis · 5 years
Food diary 10/12-19
Soo the thing is that I am trying to restrict my calories and I eat like 300-400 calories a day maximum. I usually skip breakfast and school lunch (or eat like 20 calories of salad). Today tho, I ate so much!! I knew this day would make me eat more so yesterday I tried not eating for a whole day. It worked but in the morning, even tho I drank tee and water I just felt all shaky and dizzy.
Breakfast: I decided to make a scrambled egg white with 2 mushrooms. To this I drank a glass of 0 calorie soda. This was around 25 calories. It worked for a while but the dizzy wouldn’t go away so I’m pure desperation because I thought I was going to faint I made a bowl of oatmeal. I had 0,25 dl of oats (25 calories) with water and salt(0 calories) and than I just had to add a spoon of oat milk and a spoon of strawberry jam. This was approximately around 35 calories extra.
Daily 60 calories. As I told you I usually skip breakfast so I was very annoyed that I just didn’t go to school were my dizziness would have been distracted.
Today tho, we had a special occasion in my school so had to eat more lunch than usual and a little dessert. It is really hard to count calories in school but I ate like 20 calories of salad (usual school lunch), a celery vegan beef 50 calories and 4 small mozzarella balls (70 calories idk maybe they had oil on them??) To dessert I ate like 7/10 parts of a cinnamonbun that was pretty big with sugar on top... (this was probably around 150 calories since the school can’t really serve to much sugar). I don’t now how many cals this meal was, but pretty much... I think I ate maybe around 290 cals just for lunch ahh! This is like my whole calorie intake for a day.
Daily: 350
Also after school I just couldn’t stand my cravings and bought a 404 cals christmas mcflurry on McDonalds. I know it was a stupid decision, but I have craved this for days and I went there with my friends and everybody just ate something. I know it was like limited edition and I really wanted to try it so I just thought, why not. I regret it so much now, ahh!
Daily total: 754 (omg I shouldn’t have counted today I am already stressed out and that is without the dinner...)
To dinner I wanted to try low cal vegetable patties. I am going to make a separate receipt on how I made those, but it ended up being like 112,5 cals. To this I ate some lettuce (10 kcal) and ketchup (40 calories) and some rosted onion. It wasn’t until after I ate It I realized it was made with oil and that I had eaten like 30 calories of that ugh. So my dinner was a total of 193 cals.
Daily total: 947
Then my mother came and offered me this German Christmas treat Lebkuchen and just say there watching me so I had to eat that to. It was like 200 cals.
Daily total 1147
I don’t know what to say. This is the most I have eaten in a so long time and it stresses me out. I should have just skipped the McFlurry, breakfast and Lebkuchen and it would have been at least partly okay. So yeah, that was my first food log. One thing that calms me at least a little was that today I had cheer practice for like 1,5 hour (not so exhausting so maybe like -150 calories) and than 15 minutes intense strength (maybe -250 calories). I have also walked a bit more than usual so maybe like -80 calories for that too). Hopefully my calories today were under 1000 because otherwise idk what to do ahh! The problem is, that I try to eat a little bit more Friday and Saturday to keep my metabolism up, and since it is only Tuesday today it wasn’t really a long time since I ate all of that ahh! And tomorrow I am going to this Christmas party dinner thing in the church and I am probably going to eat a lot of treats because I can’t stop myself. So I will probly just skip eating until that party tomorrow.
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Chapter 3 (Revised)
The Tiger and the Dragon by George deValier
A faint ringing reverberated through the corners of Yao's mind, an insistent light creeping under his eyelids. When he finally fought his way to consciousness, Yao found himself staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. Blinking the bleariness from his eyes, he slowly turned his head to take in the room around him - average size, with stark white walls and a small simple table beside the bed. Bright light and muffled noise from the street outside drifted through a sliding glass door bordered by red curtains. Yao pushed himself up with his hands, his head swimming in confusion. Then he was suddenly confronted with the sight of Ivan Braginski, the strangely hot, probably dangerous Russian stranger he'd met only hours earlier. The man leant on a table against the wall, his arms folded before him and that small, serene smile on his lips. It all came flooding back - sitting at the bar, drinking wine, passing out - and Yao suppressed the urge to dive under the bed. He was mortified.
"Oh. Hi."
"Good evening, little Dragon. You are feeling better after your sleep, yes?"
"Well…" Well, actually his head hurt and the overhead lamp was blinding him and he didn't know where he was and he felt more embarrassed than he could ever remember feeling in his entire life. "Yeah, a little." Yao ran a hand over his aching head. Drinking countless glasses of wine after a week of working late and barely eating probably wasn't the best idea. Still, he couldn't believe he'd passed out. He looked around again. "Where am I? How did I get here?"
"This is my room upstairs. I carried you here."
"You… carried me." Yao could feel his pulse racing beneath his skin. He wasn't sure if it was from indignation or something else, something he didn't think he could acknowledge right now…
"Of course." Ivan spoke as though this was all completely normal. An anxious knot started to grow in Yao's stomach.
"You carried me, unconscious, to a room above your private bar."
Ivan smiled cheerfully. "Yes."
Yao furrowed his brows in confusion. "That's really a bit, er… a bit weird, you know."
Ivan tilted his head slightly. "Is it?"
Yao was pretty sure he should feel even more nervous than he actually did. He surreptitiously looked for the exit. "Why… um… why do you have a room above your bar?"
Ivan's smile almost became a smirk. "Because sometimes business talks go late and is easier to sleep here."
"Oh." Yao felt slightly relieved, while at the same time acutely aware of how intensely Ivan was looking at him. It was strange, uncomfortable, and oddly exciting all at once.
Ivan studied Yao silently for a few seconds more before saying, "Someone named Alfred called you."
Yao turned and swung his legs off the bed, so fast the room spun around him. "What? What did he say?"
"He asked where you were," Ivan answered plainly.
"Well, what did you tell him?" Yao prompted.
"That you are unconscious in my bed."
Yao's mouth fell open and his stomach fell to his feet. "Oh, shit."
"This was wrong?" Ivan looked gleeful as he asked.
"Not if you want him to track me down by GPS and burst in here and…" Yao paused, looking the huge Russian up and down. Actually, for once Alfred was likely to come off worst in that situation. Yao shook that image out of his head and looked around frantically. "Where's my phone?" Ivan held up Yao's cell phone, smirked slightly, then tossed it to Yao. He fumbled to catch it and quickly dialled Alfred.
Alfred answered after one ring. "Listen here, commie, if you've done anything to Yao I'm gonna knock out your teeth and shove 'em up your…"
"Alfred, it's me."
Alfred's angry tone changed to relief. "Yao! Where are you, I'll be there in five minutes!"
"Calm down, everything's…"
"Did he slip you a roofie?"
Yao rolled his eyes. "No, I just had a bit too much to drink. I'm at a bar on the corner of the main road, down that little alley by the sushi place. But don't…"
"I am on my way to rescue you, don't worry!"
Yao put a hand to his head. "I do not need rescuing, Alfred." He mouthed an apology to Ivan, who stood watching with a sort of intrigued amusement.
"Did he do anything else to you? I'll kick his ass."
Yao couldn't help but laugh. "You're annoyingly cute when you're all protective, Alfred." Ivan raised an eyebrow at that.
"How many times do I have to tell you to carry a can of mace!"
There came the sounds of a short scuffle on the other side of the phone, some particularly inventive swearing, then a familiar French accent came over the line. "Yao."
Yao sighed wearily. "Francis."
"Is it true what they say of Russian men?"
"Huh? What about them?"
"You know, that they have enormous…"
"I'll call you back." Yao quickly ended the call, shot an apologetic look at Ivan, then glanced around the room uncertainly. Now this was a situation he really didn't know the etiquette for.
"He has interesting vocabulary, that American," said Ivan. He still leant easily against the table, completely at ease. His eyes had not moved from Yao once.
Yao laughed nervously. "Yeah, sorry. He's a little, well, loud… and kind of has a hero complex. I'm certain he thinks I'm completely helpless."
Ivan seemed to find that amusing. "He is not your boyfriend?"
"Oh, no! We did go on a date a few years ago." Yao started babbling as he became increasingly jumpy. He also felt a bit drunk still, which probably wasn't helping matters. "But then Arthur found out about it, and he punched Alfred on the after-school bus, and it turned out that Alfred only did it to make Arthur jealous, and I got really angry and wouldn't speak to either of them for a month. Uh, we were fifteen. Aru." Damn.
Ivan regarded Yao curiously, his intense violet eyes piercing through the short distance between them. "You are still nervous, Dragon?"
Yao faltered, completely unsure what to say. That unwavering gaze kept trapping him like a deer in headlights. How was the look in Ivan's eyes so different from the smile on his lips? And why did he keep calling Yao Dragon? "I…my name isn't…" Yao trailed off. He was too confused to even form a proper sentence. And still the words kept tumbling out... "I'm sorry, I'm not exactly used to waking up in stranger's beds, and I'm sorry that I drank all your wine and that my friend threatened you, but look I'll be honest, I suppose I am still nervous because this is a very odd situation and…" A sudden loud bang filled the room and Yao jumped. "What was that?"
Ivan's eyes flashed as he unexpectedly leapt forward, breaking into a grin. "Fireworks!"
Yao almost gasped in surprise as Ivan's large hand grasped his and pulled him easily to his feet. Ivan led him across the room to the long glass doors, throwing them open and stepping out onto a small, railed balcony. Yao felt the ground start to spin. But then Ivan's arms surrounded him from behind and, without even knowing why, Yao leant back gratefully. It took him a few seconds to comprehend that Ivan was holding him. His heart hammered in his chest, his mind racing to keep up with this mad turn of events. The air was cooler out here; the loud, busy street below still packed with shouting people and colourful revelry. The crack of fireworks again burst through the air, filling the sky overhead with brilliant explosions of red and gold. Yao was actually surprised by the good view from this second story balcony.
"They are lovely, da?" The warm touch of Ivan's breath on his ear sent shivers down Yao's neck.
"Yes," Yao whispered back. "Lovely." Ivan's fingers entwined with his, and Yao hoped his rapid pulse could not be felt between their hands. Maybe it was the alcohol, but everything still seemed to be going so fast. He had not been on many dates, and most of them hadn't gone very well, but Yao was fairly sure this whole evening had been fairly unusual. It felt a little frightening, sure… frightening, but exhilarating.
"Happy New Year, Dragon." Ivan ran his other hand softly up Yao's throat and over his cheek, gently turning his head back. His fingers seemed to burn where they touched. They finally reached into his hair and, just as Yao realised what was happening, Ivan's lips were against his, warm and strong. Yao's eyes fluttered shut and he breathed in sharply.
Yao had only been kissed twice. Once by his Korean cousin Yong Soo, who was strangely fascinated by Yao and liked to cause a scene at family gatherings. Once by Francis, at a drunken New Year's Eve two years ago, but the Frenchman hadn't gotten far before Alfred punched him. Both had been unwanted and incredibly awkward. Neither had felt anything like this.
Because when Ivan's lips met his, Yao forgot to feel embarrassed. He forgot to feel nervous. Yao forgot about everything but this one moment, this mad, dizzying, knee-weakening moment, on this fire-lit balcony, with Ivan's lips against his and Ivan's arms around him. This was what Yao had hoped for since he first realised he was gay; this was what Yao dreamt of from the first moment he knew he wanted a man to kiss him. This was a gorgeous, strong, intriguing man, softly parting his lips, touching his tongue and firing through his veins, holding him close and sending shockwaves across his skin. This was… incredible… Right when Yao thought he might just pass out again, Ivan gently pulled away and placed a light kiss on Yao's forehead. Yao opened his eyes dazedly and focused on breathing deeply. The whole thing was over almost before he had grasped what was happening.
"Here." Ivan reached into his pocket then placed something into Yao's hand. "I think you dropped this."
Yao blinked down at the tiny fat, brown Buddha statue resting in his palm. It must have dropped from his pocket when he had taken out the zodiac chart in the bar. "Oh! Thank you. I would have been upset if I'd lost it. Francis gave it to me tonight. It's supposed to bring me luck."
Ivan squeezed Yao's hand. "Is it working?"
Yao paused, ran his thumb over the figurine, then looked back up into Ivan's intense gaze. His heart was still racing, but he felt strangely calmer now. "I suppose we'll see."
Ivan laughed softly. "Then you should keep it always close, little Dragon."
Another firework burst overhead. Yao had barely realised they'd been exploding the whole time. With Ivan's arms around his waist, they watched the rest of the fireworks in silence; the cool air gusting softly around them, the soft touch of Ivan's scarf warm against Yao's cheek. How incredibly odd, that he had complained so bitterly about being dragged out of the house, when only hours later the night had turned so surprisingly wonderful. Finally, the skies fell silent; reluctantly, Yao managed to pull away. "Thank you, Ivan. That was… nice." Yao immediately winced and tried to hide it. Nice? But Ivan only looked kindly amused, so Yao continued quickly. "I'd better go meet my friends, though. Alfred is probably contacting the police by now." Ivan's eyes flashed strangely at that, and Yao quickly added, "Um, not really…"
Ivan just nodded. He silently took Yao's hand and led him back through the white room, into a narrow hallway. When they reached the stairs, Ivan put his arm around Yao's waist. A burning ache shot through Yao at the touch, yet he simply raised his eyebrows. Ivan smiled back. "I do not want you to fall."
Yao almost laughed. How utterly ridiculous. And yet… It might be a bit late for that... Yao let himself lean into Ivan as they descended the stairs. Well, he was still a little dizzy, after all. The light grew dimmer as they entered the room downstairs, and Yao glanced over at Toris as they passed the bar. The look the bartender threw Yao almost made him shiver. It was a combination of anger, frustration… and sadness. Yao quickly looked away.
"You will find your friends?" asked Ivan as they reached the door of the bar, stepping onto the street outside.
Yao nodded, already disappointed that this brief, unusual, world-changing encounter was drawing to an end. "Yes. They won't be far away."
Ivan nodded, looked up at the sky, took a deep breath, then slowly removed his scarf. Yao noticed that his throat was still covered by a pale cloth behind his collar. Ivan smiled, and gently wrapped the scarf around Yao's neck and shoulders. "Is cold tonight."
"Oh." Yao touched the warm cloth. "Thank you." Somehow he sensed this was a big gesture.
"I am only lending it." Ivan looked intently into Yao's eyes. Once again, Yao felt immobilised. "Next time we meet you will give it back."
Yao nodded. He did not think to ask when they would meet next. Strangely, he just felt sure that they would. "Of course."
Ivan smiled, leant down, and kissed Yao on the cheek. Yao felt the touch fire through his entire body. "Good night, little Dragon."
Then he was gone. Yao ran his hands over the scarf and held it to his face, breathing deeply. It was soft, and smelt like Ivan; like that kiss on the balcony - spicy, warm and smooth, with a hint of smoke and leather. Yao felt like his world had been turned upside down. He couldn't quite believe the events of the evening. This sort of thing did not happen to someone like him. It was almost surreal, and he kept expecting to wake up, in his own bed this time. His attempt at being unpredictable had certainly worked out rather intriguingly.
Yao had a very strong suspicion that Ivan was dangerous. Somehow it was obvious. However, he couldn't deny the blinding, magnetic attraction the Russian held. Yao could not deny the flush of his cheeks, or the quickness of his breath. And he certainly couldn't deny the uncomfortable situation occurring south of his belt.
Yao swore to himself, bit his lip as hard as he could, and reluctantly turned to find Arthur, Alfred and Francis pressing through the crowd. He sighed as he went to meet them. How was he supposed to explain all this…
Next Chapter
Disclaimer: This story belongs to George deValier. Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. I own nothing.
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sunkissedjiaer · 6 years
Hostage / Jinyoung x Reader
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Request: Could you write a Jinyoung x reader that has Jinyoung held captive and the reader is a police officer trying to save him?
a/n: this was very fun to write and I apologize for the wait! Thank you for the request.
Pairings: Jinyoung x Reader
Warnings: minor violence, fluff, and angst(?)
Word Count: 2k
You rushed into your Head Quarters, beads of sweat gathering at your brow. You couldn’t believe the call you had gotten, especially since you were tied to the current victim.
“Boss” you shouted as you walked into the office.
Your boss stood from her chair, her eyes filled with concern and her brows creased with thought. Walking over to you she grabbed you and pulled you into a tight hug. Usually such affection was not allowed in the work scene but your boss was not only your superior but your friend.
“Is it true?” you muttered, your hands shaking.
“Yes” she spoke softly “he is currently being held hostage”
Closing your eyes you took a long deep breath. You had warned Jinyoung that something like this would happen but his acting career was just reaching its peak and him missing the Met Gala would be suicide, even if it meant facing past threats that he had been sent.
“So what’s the move?” you asked
“Well, we have the area where he is surrounded but his holder has yet to respond to our questions. We’ve sent in a negotiator and they’ve talked over the walkies but he just keeps saying that Jinyoung doesn’t deserve anything he has, which is only making things harder”
“This has to be the same guy” you mumbled to yourself
“Excuse me?” your boss piped up “same guy?”
“Yeah, for the past month Jinyoung has been getting anonymous threats and of course he kept me from actually letting anyone know, he kept saying they were empty words.”
“y/n..” your boss muttered “you should’ve said something anyway.”
You nodded, your stomach sinking with regret. Your mind began to race and you felt yourself getting dizzy, slowly you moved for the empty chair seated next to your boss’ desk. Grabbing the arm rests you lowered your self to the cushion and let your head dangle for a moment before sitting up straight.
“What if something happens to him because of me?” you stuttered
Moving slowly towards you, your boss knelt down and eyed you softly.
“Nothing and I mean nothing will happen to Jinyoung, we’ve got the whole team on this case.. I promise he will make it out alive.”
“Yes, alive.. Not completely unharmed.”
The next day.
You grabbed the coffee from the desk and sipped at the hot liquid slowly, each sip waking you up from the inside out.
“Zoom in a little on the left corner” you muttered.
Youngjae zoomed in on the place you told him to. Youngjae was the best hacker in the agency, his silent yet noticing eyes made it easy for him to analyze a situation which in return gave him the ability to sit silently and hack things for hours on end, you never understood how he did it but it was amazing to watch.
“That’s him” Youngjae commented, his cursor roaming around the screen making the pixelated image more see-able.
“That’s the suspect?”
“Yeah, we’ve run his face through the system but he doesn’t have any records on hand which means he’s either been clean his entire life or his identity is not real.”
“Most likely a fake identity then” you stated “if he was clean then why would he lash out now? And Jinyoung of all people..”
Your eyes lit up quickly, you looked at Youngjae for a second before dashing out of the room.
“Bye I guess” chuckled Youngjae.
Rushing into an office you threw the door open “hear me out” you stated as you plopped down in front of the desk.
The boy looked up at you, his eyebrows creased with confusion but interest.
“Uh yes?” muttered Jackson
“I think I know who might have captured Jinyoung, who might have been so obsessed to follow through with this plan all these years later.”
Jackson leaned in his interest peaked “okay, are you gonna spill or you just gonna keep me hanging?”
“Chul-soo?” Jackson repeated
“Chul was a good friend of Jinyoung’s in high school but when Jinyoung got signed for a contract under his current agency for acting Chul was left in the dust but it wasn’t on purpose.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean- Jinyoung didn’t have time for Chul anymore, Chul became aggravated. Jinyoung told me once of what happened his last year in High School.” you paused, collecting the things Jinyoung told you. “Chul had sabotaged the graduation but it wasn’t everyone’s graduation just Jinyoung’s”
“Hm, okay, continue”
“Chul had ripped and splattered paint on Jinyoung’s cap and gown hours before graduation. Jinyoung had confronted Chul and asked him why-”
“Chul.. why?” Jinyoung asked, throwing the cap and gown onto the floor.
“Because Jinyoung, you got everything I ever wanted and instead of sharing it with me you left..”
“So you thought ruining my things would change that?”
“No” Chul commented “but it would damn well send a message of hatred.”
“I’m still not following your point” Jinyoung said dryly.
“You got the acting career, you got the fame, you got the life, the dreams! Everything that I ever shared with you, you ended up getting”
Jinyoung shrugged apologetically “I’m sorry?- is that what you want to hear Chul? I can’t say I’m sorry to you because I’m not.. The difference between you and me is that I went for those dreams I had and you just watched it happen.”
Chul’s once calmed hands formed into a fist, his knuckles whitening.
“I know that I had forgotten about you at one point, I even forgot about myself most of the time. I didn’t mean to leave you behind.. Things became hectic my career was just taking off..” Jinyoung commented, his eyes staring at Chul with concern.
Chul shook his head and his face grew red from anger
“You don’t even care right now! You probably don’t even care that I ruined your gown you don’t even care about how I feel or that fact that you robbed me of my future!” “Chul seriously, please knock this off- we aren’t children anymore..”
“Park Jinyoung mark my words, you will regret this.”
Without another word Chul turn and ran out of sight. Leaving Jinyoung with his ruined cap and gown, questions still swirling in his head.
“So you’re telling me this guy Chul-soo has had a grudge against Jinyoung since high school?- and it’s all because Jinyoung made something out of himself?”
You nodded.
“Gotta give the guy credit for determination” Jackson chuckled
“Not the time” you stated harshly
“No no you’re right, not the time.”
You and Jackson spent the entire night searching up Chul-Soo to get dirt or in general, anything. What you found frustrated you but it also gave you a lead. Chul-Soo officially went “missing” a year and a half ago which was when Jinyoung had gotten his big break, things were lining up but of course you needed more proof to back them up.
You and Jackson walked frightfully fast down the halls, the people’s eyes followed you. Opening the glass door to your boss’ office you threw a file down on her desk, yours and Jackson’s lips curling into well deserved smirks.
Your boss looked up from her laptop, her eyebrows raised with a questioning look.
“Chul-Soo was his name but he now legally or technically illegally goes by an alias known as Darren Kong”
Jackson opened and sat down another file, copies of passports and current bill information along with money trails were in the file, a current picture of Chuls license sat on top of all the papers.
“We got him”
“I’d like to know how you two are so dead-set on this guy” your boss commented “how is he the one?”
“The letters Jinyoung received I kept, we traced them for fingerprints, in doing so we were led to Darren Kong, he had to give his fingerprints over to get a new ID.” you stated proudly
“He may be determined but he’s not very smart” Jackson added.
Your boss immediately stood up “did you find a current address?”
You and Jackson nodded in unison
“Get a team on it now. The quicker you search his place the quicker we can move in on Jinyoung.”
You and Jackson snuck up to the old barn, you could see lights were on but you couldn’t see if there was anyone actually there. You rushed towards the front door, waving your hand Jackson and a couple guys rushed over behind you.
“On my move boys” you whispered.
Opening the door you moved in gun aimed, you checked every corner and every room, no sign of Chul.
“It’s empty” Jackson shouted.
You eyed a wall, there was a curtain tacked up, such an odd place for a curtain. Walking over you ripped the curtain off and your eyes grew wildly when you saw the once hidden contents.
“Holy shit” Jackson muttered
Your eyes scanned the many images and map points on the wall.
“He’s been tracking Jinyoung, look here-” you pointed to a tacked up receipt. Jackson grabbed the receipt and brought it closer to his eyes, he scanned the small lettering and sighed.
“This is a receipt for a gun, how in the hell did he manage to get a gun over here? It’s not only illegal to do so but customs should’ve found this through shipping.”
“That means he has connections or he bought it off the market, why would he keep a receipt though?”
“Guys gotta manage his money somehow” Jackson stated.
After leaving the barn with more than enough information to keep Chul locked up for years you and Jackson made a quick stop at HQ.
“We need to make a move tonight” You stated rather rushed “Chul had a receipt for a gun and I have a deep rooted feeling he plans to use it”
Your boss eyed you and Jackson, walking up to you she placed her hands on your shoulders a look of concern covered her face.
“Be careful, I want Jackson on snipe, Youngjae as your eyes and ears, and you’ll be taking Jaebeom as back up.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Youngjae led you and Jaebeom to a backdoor through your ear pieces, his voice soft.
“If you take this way it’ll be easier for me to track you guys, it’s also quicker to where Jinyoung is being held.”
You led Jaebeom down the halls, the lights on your guns kept the dark musty halls lit. You could hear the sound of yelling coming from down a nearby hall, pressing your earpiece you spoke softly
“Is that where Jinyoung is?”
“Yes, be careful.”
You quickened your pace and Jaebeom copied. You reached the old rotten wooden door, peeking through the cracks you could see a beat up Jinyoung tied in a chair, his facial features carved with frustration.
“No one is coming!” Chul spat at Jinyoung
“They will be here”
“Who Jinyoung?- WHO!”
“My girlfriend will come and I will get out of here perfectly okay, you on the other hand I’m not so sure.”
Taking the butt of his gun Chul smashed it hard against Jinyoung’s jaw, causing him to hiss and hang his head.
You felt yourself gasp but you quickly breathed in covering it.
“Now” Youngjae spoke from your ear.
Kicking the door open you had your gun raised and aimed at Chul, Jaebeom followed in suit.
“Put down the gun Chul-Soo” you ordered.
“And if I don’t? You gonna kill me?”
“I promise I won’t miss.” you hissed.
Mockingly Chul pointed the gun at Jinyoung’s temple, a snicker escaping his lips.
“I said put the damn gun down!” You barked.
Removing the gun from Jinyoung’s temple he pointed it at you, aiming at your heart.
“Killing Jinyoung would be too easy, everyone would mourn his death, pity his early ended career. If I really want Jinyoung to suffer, I should hit him where it hurts.”
You eyed Jinyoung from the corner of your vision, his eyes wide and fearful.
“Chul-Soo put the gun down now or you’ll regret it” Jaebeom commented.
Chuls finger on the trigger bent ever so slightly the sound of a gunshot fired, the small room echoed with the loud sudden boom.
Falling to the ground in unison you and Chul smacked against the concrete.
“Y/N!!!” Jinyoung screamed the ropes holding him back.
Jaebeom ran to your side, but he noticed no blood coming from the wound. Opening your eyes you grinned “bullet proof vests, they come in handy”
Grabbing you Jaebeom helped you up, relief immediately flooded over Jinyoung. Hesitantly Jaebeom checked the pulse of Chul-Soo, shaking his head Jaebeom looked to you “he’s out cold”
You nodded and rushed over to Jinyoung, untying him as quickly as your fumbling fingers could manage. Once loose he wrapped his trembling arms around you, his breath shaking and his heart speeding.
“I thought I lost you!” he cried softly
“Never baby never” you whimpered into his shoulder.
Jinyoung quickly pulled you into a passionate kiss one you never thought you’d have wanted so badly, but this situation needed one.
You and Jaebeom helped Jinyoung out to the car and bandaged him up, Jackson approached, his gun in a bag slung on his shoulder.
“You good?” he questioned
“All thanks to you” you smiled
Turning to Jinyoung you smiled warmly, the love of your life was okay, everything was okay.
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