#i feel like i'm not close to basically anyone
yonpote · 21 hours
before you read my ramble, disclaimer about my ticket-whining: i'm not telling anyone they're bad for getting multiple m&g tickets or anything even similar, i am mainly complaining about the system we live under called capitalism
inherently, buying m&g tickets is a privileged person's game. like, it just is what it is, the battle for meet and greets is like. yes it requires luck, but if you have several modern devices that don't lag and pretty good internet speed, that certainly helps. having the time to buy tickets as soon as they drop certainly helps. living in a location that is close to at least one show let alone multiple helps. and obviously, having expendable income is a requirement.
and it fuckin sucks cuz like hey im happy for my friends who got m&g but honestly right now i wanna be shouting "fuck yall you've met them 20 times already" and i'm saying that as someone who still got pretty good tickets for two different shows! so for the people who can't afford it, who didn't have time today, who don't have the ability to get to a show due to location, who have disabilities that make you too slow at clicking fucking buttons (hi,) who have disabilities that make it impossible for you to even go at all, etc. let us grieve and be annoyed at yall lmao, we'll get over it eventually but damn it fuckin sucks that the world is like this and it sucks that bloodshed is the nature of buying meet and greet tickets and i don't enjoy feeling angry at people who technically haven't done anything wrong, but at the same time don't act like we were all on the same playing field if you have years of experience buying vip tickets and multiple functional devices and more than enough money to live that maybe your bank account will still take a hit but you know for sure your life won't be in danger after spending that much.
basically, (i don't wanna say check your privilege) ACKNOWLEDGE your privilege. try to see where others are coming from if they have some angry energy. don't take it personally that people are pissed off. and don't get defensive when people complain about folks who have had the privilege to see/meet dnp multiple times.
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obey-me-hoe · 3 days
Every single time I listen to Passion this is what I imagine is happening:
The song starts with MC standing in the middle of a ballroom all dressed up
Suddenly they hear a breathy sound in their ear (like in the song) and feel someone pressing into their back (it's either Satan or Lucifer)
MC turns their head to look back to see Satan or Lucifer is standing behind them wrapping an arm around their waist and sliding their other hand into MC's
Suddenly they hear another breathy sound in their other ear
MC snaps their head back around to see Satan or Lucifer (whichever one isn't behind MC) pressed up close against their chest
He wraps an arm around MC's waist and wraps his other hand around the same hand his brother is currently holding so MC's hand is sandwiched between them
Suddenly both brothers straighten up and MC notices they have them in a ballroom dance type hold (one brother on each side so MC is sandwiched between them) (MC has their free hand on the shoulder of whoever is in front)
They both start moving across the dance floor in sync guiding MC along
Suddenly Lucifer pulls MC away so it's just them two dancing together (this happens when it's just Lucifer singing)
While Lucifer spins MC, Satan takes the chance to steal back MC so it's just them dancing (this is when it's just Satan singing)
They keep stealing MC back and forth all while continuing to dance around the ballroom
Since they are switching so quickly sometimes they're holding MC from behind instead of in front like they usually would when ballroom dancing
During the parts of the song where both brothers are singing together they are in a hold like how they were at the beginning (MC sandwiched between them but they switch between who's in front and who's in back depending on who was in control when the other jumped in with them)
The parts of the song where they stretch out their words (I forget what that's called) is when they dip MC together
Imagine getting dipped by both Satan AND Lucifer at the same time while they look at you like you're the love of their (very long) lives 🥹
When they say "...te teeeee" they spin MC around twice (fast) then lean into a dip
Basically MC is getting tossed around the dance floor and is definitely gonna get dizzy because they switch who's turn it is a lot
They both want MC all to themselves and might get a little aggressive (not on purpose) when bringing MC back into hold with them (they just wanna be as close to MC as possible 🥺)
Also they're singing this song to you the entire time for extra effect
I hope y'all see my vision! I'm bad at explaining it but it looks so beautiful in my head 😭
I'm short (5'3) so the whole time it's basically just Satan and Lucifer putting their tiddies in my face bc they're so tall and so close to me 🤭
I listened to this song on repeat while writing this. Honestly it's one of my favorite (if not my favorite) songs
I'm not good enough at drawing yet to do it myself 😭
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lucszli · 2 days
Having a Dottore segment fall for you –
Part 2 !
part 1 :
; Being in a relationship with Zandik definitely wasn't your usual fairytale love story. You never imagined that your first boyfriend would be someone like him, but that doesn't mean you'd choose anyone else in the world over him.
• You thought you were inexperienced with romance, but upon realizing how inexperienced Zandik was?
• You had to take the obligation of teaching him basic things, such as what love even is, and what lovers are, and what they do.
• You definitely didn't expect him to try and kiss you as soon as you explained what kissing is and the fact that couples usually do it.
• “I thought we were supposed to kiss?” He would ask, innocently tilting his head while you were all flustered up, having to explain that it wasn't necessarily something you two had to do. (Atleast, not yet..!)
• Honestly, for a genius, you were stumped that there was a topic even he was unsure about.
• As the days passed, you noticed he was slowly becoming clingier to you.
• At first, it was small things, like purposely sitting close enough to you so that your bodies would touch, or not moving when your hands brushed.
• When he first initiated holding your hand, you felt yourself smile so wide that it probably looked creepy.
• ... He almost felt worried because he's never seen that expression on you before, but you told him it was a good thing.
• As far as you knew, Zandik would also sneak out just to see you. You were still not that familiar with his family situation, but you assumed it may be similar to yours.
• After all, your parents didn't even notice (or care for that matter) that you were sneaking out practically everyday. Since you still see him, you assumed that his dad hadn't noticed as well.
• Oh, how unfortunately wrong you were.
“[Name.]” You heard Zandik's voice from behind you, and you turned around and smiled at him. “Zandik, hi! I missed you.” You said without really thinking, and you both awkwardly looked away, either from embarrassment or being flustered. “..Me too.” he paused, looking at the basket you were holding in your hands. “Oh? What's this?”
You got over the initial embarrassment (due to not being used to saying things like that yet,) and went closer to him to grab his hand, and started walking towards your usual spot. “Oh, I thought we could have a picnic! We usually just sit and talk together, which is fine, but.. It would be nice if we did something else,” you explained, letting go of his hand to place the basket down.
Zandik watched as you set up the picnic blanket and started laying out a variety of food on it. “Did you cook all this, [name]?” he asked, kneeling down next to you to help you set up. You smiled at him and nodded. "Mhm! I'm sorry if it's not that good.. I'm not really the best cook, but I usually cook for myself.”
He only nodded in response, but this simple gesture was enough to make him feel that same warmth he was still unfamiliar with. This was the first time someone cooked for him specifically.
You two sat next to eachother, indulging in the food that you made. There were times when you would feed him the food or vice versa, and even if Zandik tried to look annoyed by this, you could tell he was enjoying it atleast.
Time passed by quick, and the sound of laughter and talking filled the atmosphere, as it usually did. Even if you two talked for hours everyday, it was like you never ran out of things to talk about. Once the food was finished, you both cleaned up and put the containers back in the basket.
You set it off to the side, and sat back down next to him. “So.. was my food acceptable?” you laughed nervously, worried whether he actually enjoyed it or if he was just pretending for your sake. “Hm.. It was rather pleasant to eat. Good job.” he replied, same seemingly blank expression as always, but from the twinkle in his eyes, you could tell he was actually happy with it.
You sighed in relief, before smiling again. "That's great! If you want, I can cook for you more.”
You two fell in a comfortable silence at some point, and you held his hand, leaning your head against him to truly enjoy the moment. He didn't make any movements of protest, so you took that as your sign that it was okay for you to be this close to him. Moments like this were a little rare, as you were a bit too shy to initiate any physical touch; so you were glad that he was accepting it.
Zandik was looking out at nothing in particular, just happy that he was with you. If he had to be honest with himself, he was still a little nervous about this whole ordeal with you.
He was worried about what could possibly happen if the others found out about you, what could happen if prime found out. Would he be tossed out for being a defect? Or worse, what if something happened to you?
Since he'd sneak out the lab everyday, he was worried at first that someone would eventually notice, but since he's been doing it for so long, he decided not to worry too much. It's been fine up until this point, what could possibly happen, right?
He glanced over at you, and he could feel his lips turning up ever so slightly in a smile when he saw that smile you'd always give him. Nobody's ever looked at him like that before, and he wasn't sure what you saw in him to look at him like that, but he had no complaints.
The moment just felt right, and he recalled what you explained about kissing and how couples did it. You turned it down the first time, but he had a feeling you wouldn't if he tried again right now.
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on your lips. It was a chaste kiss, your lips being pressed together for only a few seconds.
When he pulled away, he couldn't hold back a chuckle from the expression you had on your face. When you started to ramble on about how that was your first kiss (and his), and other things that didn't really make sense to him, he only looked at you in admiration until you finally calmed down, looked back at him and gave him a kiss back.
If his feelings for you made him a defect, he wouldn't mind being seen as one any day.
• You two eventually parted ways before it got too dark, and you hugged him goodbye before heading back home.
• He stayed in place until you were out of sight to make sure you were safe, atleast.
• When he got back to the lab, he went on his usual route to stay out of sight.
• He didn't expect to be greeted by prime. He almost flinched, but luckily he held it back.
• He was about to just walk away, assuming it was just a mere coincidence before hearing a question he was dreading to be asked.
• “Would you care to explain where have you been going all this time?”
Authors note : Boom, part two ! I hope you guys enjoyed this, I wanted to make it sweet. :) Thank you to everyone who read part one, and I'll definitely be posting more parts. Maybe 1 or 2 more?
side note: this isn't proofread, apologies for any mistakes !!
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"Because they were strange as hell at the London premiere."
YES! I was so stressed out watching them at the London premiere trying to figure out wtf was happening. I also agree that nothing has happened between them yet. THE TENSION. Did they fight? Did they have a convo about what had been going on? Did Luke feel conflicted and not sure how to act because A was there watching in person this time? Was Nic backpedalling super hard because she doesn't want Luke/the general public to know how she really feels about him? In the same interview she had the rehearsed answer about lint picking Luke says basically they can't win no matter how they behave. Too close, they're in love. Too distant and they're fighting. Sorry sir, it's not our fault you two don't know how to control yourselves.
I've been obsessing over Ireland and the head touch as well. So many people have been saying it means nothing since the vogue video of his groomer doing a head massage came out. I'm sorry, it's different. That woman is paid to massage that mans head and do his hair and makeup. He leaned back and enjoyed it (just like anyone getting a massage/their hair played with would). I fucking love getting my hair washed/scalp massaged when I go get my hair cut, but that doesn't mean I'm in love with my hair stylist.
Nic and Luke were in an interview and we all saw that for a moment the fact that cameras and other people were surrounding them just disappeared. It was fucking wild. I don't care if she picks lint off people. She stroked his forehead and played with the hair on the side of his head and he leaned into it. Wtf is that.
Yeah and also I want to bring up we are all miss a big puzzle piece.
What happened in Galway?
Sure we have a vague idea of events but nothing of their energy, actions, body language, etc.
London feels like such a massive shift from Dublin but would it if we knew more about Galway?
We also know they took time to decompress in Galway before heading back to London which raises so many questions.
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lestappenforever · 6 hours
Please don’t block me but you reblogged a post about max saying he “is fat” and that you don’t like the people that contributed to it. Let me enlighten on one person close to him… his girlfriend body shamed him in his documentary from the 2022 season and she also body shames herself all the time. She called the paps on them while on vacation for the beginning of 2023 where max was body shamed by the internet to hell and back too. So the call is basically from insight the house in maxs case… I feel so bad for him 💔
I'm well aware of that awful woman's contribution to that, anon, and she was included in the people I was referencing in my tags. But as I have said many times before, I will not mention her more than what is absolutely necessary. And know that your ask is an exception to that rule and is the only direct mention of her I will respond to.
She, and the other god-awful people online who don't realize that people's bodies are different and that certain body types just can't look ripped the way other people's bodies can and decide to shame Max for that, can all go burn in hell. Every single one of them is disgusting and I hope they spend the rest of their lives stepping on legos the second they get out of bed every morning.
Max looks incredible just the way he is, and anyone who makes him feel differently deserve to rot. I said what I said.
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kevinsdsy · 2 days
im in love with the idea of aroace or at least aromantic Kevin Day and I knooooowwwww it's extremely unpopular especially with how he's shipped with more than half of the people in the series but to me that just goes to show how he just has that charm™ yk? And the reason I hc this so hard is because to me every little thing people say is romantic or a show to how he's in love, is just how he is as a person. For example, the whole Andrew thing with the deal and how for the better part of a year he was basically following Andrew around like a puppy was more of a "alright I need a buddy, desperately. He's my buddy. And now I can do what I want, whenever I want???" and just now he gets to explore what he likes and new hobbies. The whole Jean being heartbroken because of Kevin's tunnel vision for Exy? Kevin doesn't love anything or anyone other than exy? Guys... That's his hyperfixation and it doubles in the "no time for romance" because he's not interested!! and don't get me started on the angst potential.
If it wasn't obvious before, I'm aroace myself, though I'm demi-aroace if we get specific. So, I can imagine him getting those moments of doubt like "Is it really that bad I don't have a partner?" and thus, he thought about Thea and his admiration for her, mistaking that sort of awe for a crush because that's what the people around him have said. "Look at him, he has a crush!!" they say, and he raises a brow because a crush feels like this? He must get them often when he sees his favorite players on court then. And yet, why don't his crushes feel how people say? He doesn't want to spend the rest of his life with them, with Thea. There's nothing special about the way she holds his hand or compliments his eyes, is there? But it's a crush because that's what people say it is.
I don't know, it might just be me in this sandbox and im drawing exy racquets for my mental kevin day in the sand.
honestly icl i, myself LOVE bisexual kevin day headcanon but that’s also a little bit of me self-projecting. aroace kevin day is a close 2nd favourite headcanon about his sexuality tho after another anon sent something about it my way— like it totally works and makes sense so!!
but anyways i truly, truly love aroace!kevin day headcanon so much too and what are headcanons if not just the things we like to believe for a character 🙂‍↕️
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 15 hours
The Truth Revealed
Pairing: Platonic! Peter Parker & Reader; Reader x Bucky (but that's not really plot relevant)
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: nun too bad, Bucky finds out the truth and kinda blows up but it all works out yk lol
Genre: kinda angst kinda fluff
Summary: You happen to be the only person who still remembers Peter Parker exists and you are not about to hang him out to dry. So what happens when you take Peter in and basically become his guardian? Well- nothing is simple where super-teens are involved, but you and Peter can certainly handle whatever comes your way. Right?
Peter comes barreling down the hall yanking his mask over his head as he rambles quicker than you can warn him.
"I'm sorry I'm late, I know I missed dinner, but man you would not believe the night I've had?! And of course most of it won't be reported because they're not like world ending, Avenger level threats just a bunch of losers bullying my neighborhoods? It's like they all decided to commit crime tonight or som-" he stops suddenly when he finally sees Bucky sitting next to you on the couch. "Mr. Bucky- I- didn't know you'd be here tonight. Hi." Peter says awkwardly. You take in Bucky's changing expression and then look back at Peter.
"Peter your dinner's on the counter." You say, clearing your throat.
"Right yeah thanks." Peter pivots into the kitchen.
"What the fuck?" Bucky turns to you.
"Take a breath." You warn.
"I'm breathing- but what the fuck?"
"I know this is a shock but there's no need to make it a big deal."
"Oh this is a huge deal, Peter when you're done heating up your food come have a seat." Bucky calls into the kitchen and you cringe to yourself.
"Peter when you're done heating up your food take it into your bedroom." You call and Bucky's head snaps towards you again.
"Are you serious?" Bucky blinks at you and for the first time ever it feels like you're on different sides of the fence, but you have to handle this in whatever way is best for Peter and right now that means putting yourself between him and Bucky.
"You and I will talk about this first because we are the adults and then if you still want to speak to Peter after, he can join us." You say calmly.
"He needs to be part of this discussion." Bucky says.
"No he needs to eat dinner and you very clearly need a moment before addressing him." You stand firm. You know if he talks to Peter first he'll go red in the face yelling at him and Peter doesn't deserve that, you don't even know if he'll be able to handle that reaction. Bucky blows out an angry breath through his nose and fixes you with a look that would probably make anyone else wither away but you hold his gaze unwavering until Peter shuffles down the hall with his dinner.
"How long have you known?" Bucky asks you once Peter's room door is closed.
"Technically speaking, since 2017." You say.
"Excuse you?" Bucky frowns.
"It actually caused one of the worst arguments I ever had with Tony, for involving him in that Sokovia Accords fight at the airport when the kid was like 15." You scoff.
"Sokov- so you're not his godmother and you didn't know his aunt?"
"I'm not his godmother technically no, he doesn't have one. Or I guess his aunt would've been his godmother? Sorry not the point- when Tony died I kind of took over as his 'Avenger adult' since Tony was sort of mentoring him, granted we butted heads on Tony's methods a lot before that so I guess it started before Tony died. I did know his aunt though, we became friends once I learned Peter was Spider-Man." You say.
"So were ever going to tell me that or was I just going to be left in the dark forever like a fool?" Bucky asks.
"Bucky you are not a fool, first of all. It's not like I kept it from you maliciously, it's just that this wasn't my secret to tell you. It was Peter's decision to make and I support whatever choices he would've made regarding who knows and who doesn't." You explain.
"But we are supposed to be a team."
"We are a team."
"You lied to me. Malicious or not, you hid this pertty big thing from me." He frowns.
"You told me you were taking in a friend's kid after she died." He cuts you off.
"Which is true." You say.
"You didn't tell me that kid was an Avenger. One of us."
"Well it's not like you were rushing to tell him your secrets either." You point out.
"That's different he's a kid we're responsible for, this is something I should know."
"When I first brought Peter here you explicitly said you wanted nothing to do with that responsibility. Even just being friendly with him was something you dreaded the very idea of. I respected that wish. You've started developing a relationship with him and that's great but excepting me to betray his trust because you suddenly want to be involved is unrealistic you have to see that." You sigh.
"What if he decided never to tell me?" Bucky crosses his arms.
"Well then he doesn't have to!"
"Seriously? That would've been okay with you?"
"Yes. Peter has made sacrifices that no child should have to make and I will not let you make him feel guilty because of them. You can be mad all you want, I understand it hurts to find out you were left out of something and that's valid but you're not about to yell at Peter, you're not even going to speak to Peter until you stop pointing fingers for something you have no idea about." You grit out.
"Explain it to me. How do you justify that you've kept this from me for years now?"
"You didn't want anything to do with Peter 3 months ago. Why would I go telling his secrets to someone who specifically said to leave them out of it?"
"But that's clearly changed." He rolls his eyes.
"And it's still Peter's secret. You know better than anyone, trust is earned. I can't decide for Peter when that risk is worth taking. He has to decide for himself that he's ready for you to know and maybe that day was never going to come. Yes we're taking care of him but he's not a child James. Spider-Man is his and it's already ruined his life once."
"Spider-Man ruined his life?" Bucky scoffs.
"After Tony died I- wasn't around as much as I maybe should've been for him, Peter ended up getting caught up with some guy who offered him guidance where he had none, but he turned out to be a super villain and tried to convince the world that Spider-Man, that Peter was dangerous, evil even. It spilled into his normal life because that guy revealed to the entire planet that Peter was Spider-Man, it affected his friends, his family, there were protests outside his school. He couldn't deal, he went to Strange, asked him to fix it, make the world forget he was Spider-Man but that went horribly wrong, got so outta hand, universes started colliding with each other, and Peter was facing villains he should have never even known about. Almost lost his friends, did lose his aunt, and the only solution Strange had was to make everyone across all universes forget Peter Parker ever existed. He went from mourning Tony, to mourning every relationship he's ever had. Either through death or the earasure of his existence from their memories. So excuse me if I'm not keen on forcing him to tell anyone, including you, a damn thing. Last time didn't go so great." You say.
"He has been fighting adult battles, making grown up decisions, since he was 15. Being a hero robbed him of so much and I am doing everything in my power to give him something back. You will not make him feel bad for not sharing something that has caused him so much pain." It takes a lot to control the emotion threatening to make your voice shake as you speak.
"I didn't realize." Bucky says.
"I know. That's why I insisted we talk alone before you say anything to him. I know how you can but but this is much bigger than us just 'lying to you' for no reason." You say.
"Is there anything else regarding this that I'm missing?" He asks.
"Not really. It's not like you had memories of him to lose from all that's happened, I don't think you ever even met him as Peter, he disappeared in the snap same as you and after Tony died he went to London on a school trip and you were off dealing with that wannabe Steve so- yeah. Nothing really changed for you."
"But for you?"
"Nothing really. I- was maybe the only exception across universes for Strange's insane spells. It's why I took him in." You shrug.
"Oh wait- so when you said you went to yell at Strange a few weeks ago-"
"He altered reality at the whims of a teenager, he deserved way more than a yelling at." You nod. "Do you still want to talk to Peter?"
"Yeah- I'd like to." He nods.
"No yelling?" You verify.
"No yelling."
"Alright, I'll go get him." You nod walking down the hall to Peter's room. You knock on the door and wait for him to mutter come in before entering. "You almost done eating?"
"I'm done." Peter clears his throat.
"Bucky wants to talk to you." You tell him.
"Is he still mad?" Peter winces.
"No." You shake your head.
"He seemed pretty peeved earlier." He wrings his hands together nervously.
"He was, that's why I had you leave, so I  could handle it, which I did." You sit next to Peter on his bed.
"I don't- like it when you guys argue." He mumbles.
"Neither do I." You shrug.
"I'm sorry."
"What for?" You frown.
"You were arguing because of me." He says and you shake your head immediately.
"We were arguing because Bucky and I are two adults with opinions, believe it or not we're not going to agree on everything all the time. Even though it doesn't happen often." You wave a hand dismissively.
"Yeah but- I heard you guys... it's my fault for-"
"Don't start. Bucky was mad he didn't know, sure, but you are not responsible for his feelings and he didn't know the circumstances. I wasn't going to have him yelling at you when you did nothing wrong, especially since I'm the one who decided we would keep it from him."
"But it's my secret, he shouldn't blame you for-"
"Peter, love, my job is to protect you, even if it's from Bucky. You let me worry about the big bad wolf. And please, for once in your life, stop trying to be the grown up. You've got two of us doing it just fine." You kiss the top of his head. "Let's go, I told Bucky all that went down and he's much calmer now, but if he starts yelling that conversation ends immediately. I'm not about to let him make you feel guilty." You tell him. Peter nods and the two of you return to the living room where Bucky's still sitting.
"Hey kid, have a seat." Bucky clears his throat when he sees you. Peter sits in the armchair and you sit next to Bucky.
"I'm sorry for not- telling you earlier about the Spider-Man thing." Peter says.
"It's fine kid. I get why you might be hesitant to spill. I've got my fair share of secrets that I wouldn't go telling just anyone. It was just a shock, but I want to be clear, I'm not mad. I mean I was at first but once y/n explained everything to me there was really no way to justify being angry with you."
"I just don't want to be the reason you two fight."
"Nah don't worry, this was nothing. As far as fights go, it barely counts, and you are not to blame. I'm just hotheaded sometimes." Bucky shrugs.
"So- everything's okay?" Peter asks.
"Yeah." Bucky nods.
"Everything's okay Peter." You say.
"Oh shit-" Bucky blinks.
"The whole accords situation."
"Yeah when the whole world thought you killed King T'Chaka." You nod.
"Ye- thank you." He says flatly.
"What about it?"
"The fight at the airport, you said Tony brought Peter to that fight."
"Correct. I cussed him out for that."
"Circling back to that, I can't believe I didn't realize it before, he grabbed my arm, it was crazy- you have to be pulling punches when you fight, right Peter?" Bucky asks.
"Uh- yeah, usually. I- could easily kill someone if I'm not careful." Peter says.
"That's impressive." Bucky hums.
"Sorry, what did you not realize before? That he pulls his punches?" You ask.
"No. He was super talkative during that fight. He's been living here for almost a year and I never made that connection, I honestly should've figured it out within a couple of months if I was actually paying attention."
"I mean, your hypervigilance usually takes a back seat when you're here so it makes sense you didn't notice. Plus, that was almost a decade ago at this point, we've had much bigger fish to fry since then- it's easy to forget details like the sound of some kid's voice." You say.
"If it helps, I don't sound the same as I did when I was 15." Peter says. "Do I?" He asks you.
"Not exactly, no." You say with a chuckle.
"I mean yeah sure I just can't believe I missed it."
"Baby, it's not that deep." You kiss his cheek. "Peter and I are just great secret keepers." You wink at Peter who smiles.
"You and I both know my secret keeping puts yours to shame." Bucky scoffs yanking you over into his lap.
"If you guys are gonna get all lovey can I go back to my room?" Peter interrupts making you and Bucky laugh.
"I just wanted to make it clear to you that I'm not angry with you. I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me things." Bucky says.
"You know I've got you too Petey." You smile at him.
"Thanks guys. I appreciate it I swear but you're still in his lap and it makes me wanna leave." Peter says.
"You know one day Peter you'll love a girl so much you never want to let her go." Bucky says squeezing you tighter for emphasis. In any other circumstance you'd have giggled but you see the way Peter's shoulder's drop and your heart aches for him.
"Yeah, one day. I'm- gonna go play some video games." Peter says before disappearing down the hall.
"Was it just me or did his energy change?" Bucky frowns at you and you sigh.
"He had a girlfriend." You say.
"Before Strange's spell that erased him from the memories of the whole world he had a girlfriend. And he loved her enouhg that he was willing to alter the very course of our world to see her happy. Still does."
"Man I'm an asshole." Bucky's head drops to your shoulder.
"You didn't know."
"Yeah but-"
"No buts. It was an easy mistake to make. We're all figuring things out as we go." You say.
"I should go talk to him."
"Sure." You say sliding over onto the couch so Bucky can stand.
"Don't worry doll I'll be back." He says kissing you cheek.
"I'll be here." You smile at him as he goes down the hall. It's a good thing Bucky knows everything now, but you clearly have quite a ways to go when it comes to Peter. You wonder if it'll ever get easier.
Tagged Users: @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @buchi91
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delqcate · 1 year
my blog is basically a ghost town so like the pick me i think i am i'm gonna rant 😋
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Fuck I hate being an adult. I need a more adult adult to help with the volatile emotional situation.
#I've sort of made a new friend? Like we met at the same art group and he's also trans which was like pleasantly surprising in our small town#but like. We have Differences Of Opinion#and it's not totally his fault because it sounds like he's had a Lot of bad shit in his past that's obviously made him wary and closed off#but like. He's slightly older than me (only 4 years) and keeps blaming a load of his problems on other trans folks?#like you know the type. The like 'all these nonbinary/other identities the kids are doing are complicating shit'#the 'it hurts to see people younger than me inc. kids get hormones thrown at them when I still can't get 'em' (which... yeah not even true)#and he's told me himself he doesn't engage much with the queer community bc it's too 'toxic'#and like. I can absolutely understand why he could've had some bad experiences esp. since he has some mental health shit going on#but he wants to be friends bc he doesn't know anyone else going through the medical shit and it's like. Yeah no shit you don't?#you decided the community you'd find them in is toxic? and that people in them are doing being trans wrong?#and I think if he was just some guy online I'd like roll my eyes and ignore him#but he's a real person in my vicinity and I feel fucking bad for him#and I can see how much self loathing he has and how much that probably informs the bullshit#like he told me he thinks that trans men and cis men are fundamentally different categories and trans men will never be cis men#but not in a 'the experiences are just different and come with different perspectives way'#in like a self defeating way. Like a I just have to settle for being a trans man way.#and it made me SO SAD#like bro#I'm so sorry for whoever the fuck made you feel like you're fighting an unwinnable battle#and I want to be a friend to him. I want him to feel like there's other queer people out there and there's friends and hope#but also I genuinely could see him being the kind of person who would get really angry at you for no fault of your own#like I already get the distinct feeling he resents me a little#like obviously not too much since he still wants to hang#but he's been trying and failing to get HRT for years and I got it super quickly basically by sheer luck/a doctor who looks out for me#like I'm so fucking lucky. And I just genuinely feel like he's the kind of person who might take that personally.#I just do not think I have the fucking. Emotional tool kit to salvage this shit#But I also can't exactly text him and say sorry I don't think we should hang out so. What do.#.....I wasn't even LOOKING for a new friend! I have enough friends!!! I wanted to make clay faces and look at pretty buildings dammit!!!#now I have to be the emotionally mature one who goes hmmm maybe let's not blame other depressed trans kids for our problems buddy#I'm just gonna have to be like. Upfront about my stance and if he doesn't like it well he doesn't have to hang out with me
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nilesmoon · 4 months
infinite wealth if sawashiro said "who gives a shit about ebina im going to hawaii with ichi" and then the rest of the game is a family vacation
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#Ok so here's my dream scenario. It starts w kicking kiryu out of the narrative bc girl. I love the guy but he does not need to be here!!#kicking him out of the narrative also banishes the ebina stuff. I'm still keeping him around but#he'll be basically built up to be the main antagonist of 9. We're ONLY focusing on the cult stuff for 8#the way 8 closes him off is already sequel bait so give him a proper focus game w 9#Anyways now that that's out of the way. My worstie sawashiro does indeed become a party member.#His moveset is mostly blade damage w some blunt damage mixed in. YES I'VE THOUGHT ABOUT GAME MECHANICS#His singular elemental move is him flicking a cigarette at the enemy. Yes this is based off of that one scene w ichi in 7#ANYWAYS I HAVE MANY IDEAS I CANT TYPE THEM ALL OUT RN BUT. FAMILY VACATION ARC. PLEASE#ITS INSANE TO ME HOW KASUGA 'I LOVE MY FAMILY' ICHIBAN WAS NOT ALLOWED TO PROPERLY INTERACT W HIS FAMILY???#AND THE MAJORITY OF SAWASHIROS CONFLICT INCLUDED CAST MEMBERS WHO DIDNT GIVE A SINGLE SHIT ABOUT HIM????#I keep thinking back on that scene where ebina shows him passed out on that chair and THE INTENDED AUDIENCE FOR#THAT SCENE WAS AN OCEAN AWAY LIKE GIRL. WHAT WAS THE POINT???#well another perspective of that scene would be that sawashiro would be glad that ichi wasn't the one that came to rescue. which is. Misery#me when characters are defined by their guilt 💥💥💥💥😵💥💥💥😵‍💫💥💥💥😱💥💥💥💥😫💥💥💥#Well. If y'all read all these tags. thanks. If anyone is curious about this self indulgent au that I've created feel free to hit me up#(Please hit me up I'm desperate to talk abt the arakawa family misery and I deeply wish this game was even more miserable)#rgg#nile talks
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
I never realize how unevenly pigmented my skin is until someone has to put me in makeup lol
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anirudhpisharody · 2 months
#alright these tags are super embarrassing but i needed to rant publicly so uh. you can read this but please don't perceive me too much#it is so fucking exhausting having nobody to share my life with#i have literally zero friends at this point bc ever since my grandpa died i've pretty much stopped trying to keep in touch with my hometown#friends and i cut off my 'friend' group that were racist assholes who treated me like a doormat back in october and haven't really made any#close friends at college since. and i just fucking hate that this is the same way i've felt for so many fucking years like you'd think it#would be bearable at this point and i'd be used to being alone and for a while i honestly was but it just hit me tonight how fucking lonely#i am and how tomorrow i have to keep on just doing the shit i have to do in life without anyone to talk to and share it with#other than my mom who's been pissing me off lately so i've been pushing her away too!#it's so tiring to have to go out and do things and have responsibilities everyday and not being able to share that with anyone idk it makes#it feel almost like i'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders which is SO dramatic i know#like today i wanted to talk about the stupid false alarm gas leak thing with my sort of friends in this club i'm in but i didn't get to talk#to anyone at the meeting bc everyone was just talking amongst themselves in their little groups of best friends and it just reminded me that#i don't have that and i've never fucking had that i've only ever pretended i had that#it's like all these years i've been pretending to be a person that has friends and knows how to live life normally but i never have#more than anything i just miss my friends from home bc they're the closest i've ever felt to having friends that are like family but. i#don't know how to talk to them anymore. i didn't tell any of them when my grandpa died and i think they just assumed that i've moved on so#they've probably moved on and i already know that they have their own lives and friends at their schools that are a lot more full than mine#wanna know the worst part about all of this? i just had therapy and basically told her everything's fine#and i won't meet with her again until 3 weeks from now so literally the only person i can talk to about this right now is my mom#which i am absolutely not gonna do bc she's gonna get so scared and worried for me and i can't have that rn#anyways yeah. this isn't even that big of a deal like i haven't had friends for at least the past 6 months it's not like anything's changed#i just feel extra sad about it right now. i need a distraction stat gonna go watch watch some tv goodnight#shut up hanna
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louderfade · 7 months
exene talking about the state of the world. the good stuff starts at eight minutes. or you can just read the transcript complete with the usual errors that accompany robot transcribed speech (the irony of which is not lost on me). maybe it's not about transhumanism and living forever (or maybe it is who knows), but there's definitely an agenda of surveillance and control at work which is designed to keep the powerful in power. cash rules everything around me and you will own nothing etc. the future is worse.
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#google has helpfully flagged this as a 'conspiracy theory' which let me know it was definitely worth paying attention to#sometimes a conspiracy theory turns out to be flatearth-tier but anything those in control are putting effort into discrediting#concerns me and makes me look deeper. if they're going to the effort to control the discourse there's something there that#threatens them. anything google calls a conspiracy theory is worth a closer look. it often means someone has gotten too close to the truth.#she's brave to be talking about this shit they basically cancelled her and forced her to apologize for talking about how they want#to take our guns and the media is lying to you and stirring up fear so they can get away with passing gun control#like wtf leftists should be all about gun rights. a disarmed population is totally at the mercy of the state's authority#it's not very punk to surrender entirely to regimes in power and let the only people with guns be the police#like c'mon guys we need guns. and it's like drugs. they exist anyway. better they do so in broad daylight than in the shadows#they let adam curits talk about this stuff for some reason and no one calls him a conspiracy theorist idk why but there's a reason#i guess his stuff is not a threat to them bc it's dense and heady and seven hours long so the masses will never absorb it#ex punk rocker yelling about new world order in plain language monologues of digestible length is a much bigger threat#i swear there are secretly fifty people in control of everything and their entire aim is to make sure it stays that way no matter what#but it's really gross how obvious it's getting like the whole system just funnels money straight to the top and they don't even care#about hiding it anymore they're just doing it out in open and denying objective reality with confidence it's too much sometimes#i swear i can feel my grasp on reality deteriorating. it's as if there were a loud buzzing in the out of doors that was getting#louder every day and nobody ever said anything to acknowledge that it was real nobody talked about hearing the buzzing but it just#keeps getting louder and i'm finally like wtf is with this buzzing and everyone gets mad at me for shouting over their netflix show#that they weren't really enjoying in the first place. like no one is happy in the modern world. why can't we talk about why without#turning against each other. that's why doug saying 'maybe we're all the same' is such a big deal to me. anyone who is trying to unite us#is doing important work. that trump supporter is not the enemy. they are the victim just like you.
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essektheylyss · 1 year
#[sharp inhale]#I will not argue with people on the internet about how the tv industry works I will not argue with people on the internet about how the tv#like. here's the fucking problem. every time you try to talk about business models of tv and why certain things are different than others#it's just impossible cuz no one wants to operate under the assumption that tv is in fact a business from start to finish#and there are better and worse versions of that#and right now we have the WORST version of that#down to 'a strike has been considered every single damn time contract terms are up for review'#like tv has always been a business and that has give and take but you have to start at that basic understanding#the fact that showrunners are now begging people to watch immediately is a symptom that regular people are feeling#but it is WAY larger than that. and creators of all types and actors and below the line folks need to fucking eat.#which means you HAVE to acknowledge that this is a business and then regulate it as such#but you get can't do that cuz internet leftists will be like 'um all government intervention in art is morally horrible—'#yeah go fuck yourself. you sound like an right wing asshat building a backyard militia.#'but megs!' you say. 'no one yet suggested that today!'#yeah cuz I'm not starting the fucking discussion BECAUSE every time anyone has the leftists crawl out of the woodwork#to rebrand what are basically altright talking points to fit their narratives.#sorry but if you try to go 'this should just be way less regulated and everyone should do what they want'#you are giving the state and the market free reign to steamroll over whomever it likes. and I can tell you who they'll go after first.#anyway. idk who you are or what that is. ama closed.
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eggmeralda · 1 year
can you get burnout from doing nothing
#or am i going through a mental breakdown. based on the symptoms matching whatever the past week has had going on#unless it was caused by trying to socialise online#which i am so bad at and i guess seeing other people easily be all friends with each other kind of made my brain go 😨😱😖🤯#<- along with various other surrounding emojis#i'm stuck at uni rn bc my band has 2 gigs coming up + rehearsals so i have to be here. but there is nothing to do except Think#but yeah there was the alienated fandom feeling bc idk it always feels like everyone speaks to each other in dms and has all this like#lore with each other and i have no idea what's going on#and trying to actually interact is soooooooo exhausting and i always feel like i'm too slow or behind everyone else and yeah#and then camp weehawken began and i couldn't even deal with seeing everyone doing that and all knowing each other really well and idk#so i just left tumblr briefly. bc of everything. bc i'm irrational#basically the worst feeling is when you have friends in a fandom but then your hyperfixation starts to wear off and turns out they weren't#close friends they were fandom mutuals. btw this isn't about anyone in particular this has happened for most fandoms i've been in#it was more of a sudden realisation that's been creeping up on me for years. so to deal with the fading hyperfixation i just had to Go#and now i'm obsessed with threads. which has like no fandom. so at least the hyperfixation fadeout will be easier to deal with lol#but yeah it's that sort of feeling when you finish at some place and you make some friends but once you leave you never talk to them again#and knowing you didn't really leave a strong enough impact on them that they still wanna keep in contact with you#pretty much like that#at the same time though there's nothing to do atm so maybe i am just bored and overthinking#but still it's annoying to go through especially when it's happened for almost every experience in my life#also like I'd occasionally log back into tumblr to see what's going on but i'd see people liking posts on the swag archive and it's like#cool at least people like the archives :') but anyone could've done those#idk it's like i have to do something like that for people to actually care and as soon as i'm not contributing anything then i'm just#forgettable or something#i wanna come back to tumblr but idk if my brain is ready for that dsjkljf. i told myself i'd only come back when things feel stable#but also i'm impatient lol#again this isn't about anyone specific my brain just LOVES to malfunction it's actually its favourite pasttime <3#but either way if i seem really negative lately or just. weird. it's just my brain being its classic overdramatic self#i mean the thoughts are very real and based on vaguely true evidence but also my brain loves to exaggerate things to sabotage my life#i'm hitting tag limit so anyway. at least threads isn't happening rn so that's pretty good#ramble
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lqnar · 2 years
i should write this stuff in my diary
#yeah i started a journal#i need to use my stickers for SOMETHING right#i love stationery it is my newest obsession#i'm spending so much money on it but i usually don't buy stuff so it's okay it's fine i will survive.#''i usually don't buy stuff'' ok liar but what i meant is that i generally only splurge on food.#which obviously isn't great all of the time. hence the bulimia.#so buying stickers and washi tape to feel an ounce of happiness is fine.#i used to journal/vent in a notebook in high school#i ripped out every single page and threw it out at one point#i think close to graduation?#it was really helpful to vent all my feelings in it but it was also really dark stuff about my depression and suicide plans#and also my trauma. and every single song lyric i related to at the time#so basically a lot of uncomfortable embarrassing and sad stuff that i didn't want anyone else to see or reread myself#so it's all gone#as is most of my venting from that time. i had a 50 k word document with venting at one point. that's  a whole book#50 k words sounds insane it might just have been 50 pages i can't remember tbh. but still a lot of words.#it's gone now. i deleted everything about that situation and every single one of my tumblr posts when i was going to kill myself#i tend to clean out my life and my embarrassing online posts and every note i have ever written when i think i'm going to die soon.#i'm not suicidal anymore but it still is a mindset i somewhat still have. like oh better remember to delete these embarrassing posts#before i kms.#like ok king but have you considered mental health as a Choice bro just wondering
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