#i feel like i could pull it off but i dont like drama so making drama up for myself sounds tiring
marklikely · 2 years
statistically there has to be someone out there who successfully ran an entire community of sockpuppets getting in drama with themself. like there's gotta be at least one person who's done it and never got caught
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angel-sweets666 · 3 months
how t some of the bakusquad boys initiate 👀
Bakugo katsuki x reader, eijiro kirishima x reader, Denki kaminari x reader
warnings: mentions of sex, more sexual stuff. No real sex tho Dw reader is mentioned to have a pussy but that’s the one gender mention
sorry I didn’t write sero I don’t have a good idea on his character
Katsuki bakugo
Bakugo either starts off subtly or straight up, no In between. He’s especially rough when he’s had a bad day
you roll over onto your side, typing to Mina about drama from class 3B (1B)When bakugo bursts open the door and slams it closed, practically making the door frame shake. “Had a bad day?” You asked him, still distracted on your phone and tapping away. Bakugo lets out a groan “I FUCKING-“ “inside voice.” You interrupted “I had a fucking ass day.” He still yelled as he threw his hero shirt and mask onto the floor, stomping over to you in bed. You peered over your shoulder and looked him up and down, noticing how dirty his boots are “bakugo take your boots off! Your filthy!!” You sat up and looked him up and down again. the blonde rolls his eyes and takes off his black and orange dirt stained boots, chucking them to the door. “There, better?” He grumbled, climbing into bed with you. “Yeah.. that’s better” you said as you rolled onto your back, bakugo sat up and pulled your legs apart and laying down on your chest. You could feel his length begin to grow harder and harder underneath you, he sat up and slowly began to rock his hips against yours. “shit- can we fuck?”
eijiro kirishima
sweet boy asks, and he’s so polite about it too! He wants to be a chivalrous hero and a great boyfriend in general to you. So of course he asks so politely:(((
you were washing some dishes in the common room, you and tsu had some noodles for lunch and you were just cleaning up the bowls from the food. Humming and dancing to yourself, kirishima watched from afar. You looked so pretty when you were happy like that, how could he not wanna fuck you? As you put away the last fork you suddenly felt a pair of very strong and solid arms wrap around you “hi baby!” You giggle and kiss his cheek, kirishima gives you a toothy grin and kisses your neck gently “hey sweetheart.. you look so pretty today” he tells you as he rubs your size “you wouldn’t possibly be in the mood would you?” He asks with his cheeks turning red “are you asking for sex?” You grinned to him and he nodded “yeah alright baby cmon”
Denki kaminari
My bro begs, like HE BEGS And not in a cute little submissive way I’m talking like really annoying “PLEASEEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE” while on his knees shuffling around to follow you
You were busy trying to clean out your dorm, preparing for graduation in the next few weeks. The task was already challenging, but it became nearly impossible with an electric blonde following you around on his knees, begging for you to let him fuck you
You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore him as you sorted through a pile of textbooks. "Denki, I really need to get this done. Graduation is right around the corner, and I can't leave my dorm looking like a disaster zone." He shuffled closer, still on his knees, and clasped his hands together dramatically. "But I need you more than your dorm does!” You turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow “oh really?” You leaned your weight to one hip, Denki rolled his eyes then stood up, mild carpet burn on his knees from following you around “BRO YES? YOUVE GOT LIKE, A 10/10 PU-” “ DONT DAY THAT SO LOUD!” You covered his mouth then sighed “you know what… I could use the break” denkis face lit up “so… I can fuck you?” He asked with his face practically glowing as you nodded
I said I’d tag u next time I wrote for Denki kaminari so here! I hope it was as accurate as last time @b0o0o
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nadvs · 6 months
cam girl (part twelve) (end)
pairing rafe cameron x female reader
rating explicit 18+
content warning alcohol use
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summary you work two jobs. by day, you’re a maid for the cameron household, where rafe degrades you any chance he can get. by night, you’re a cam girl, hiding your face so nobody can recognize you. when you discover your new subscriber, the filthy-mouthed man obsessively paying you to do everything he can think of, is rafe, you’re not sure what to do next.
» masterlist
Rafe realizes his hands are shaking as he rereads your text.
His eyes keep going over your words, standing up off his bed and pacing around his room just because the adrenaline won’t let him stay seated.
Why the fuck are you doing this to him?
i’m done. this is over. i’m not even a fucking person to you am i
Hot anger bubbles inside his chest. He immediately texts you back: what the fuck do you mean
Minutes pass. You don’t answer.
Rafe: ?????
Again. No answer.
Rafe: dont ignore me
He can’t take it anymore. He taps on the Call button. It rings and rings and rings. He texts you again.
Rafe: answer me
Finally, you respond: i dont need to listen to you. leave me alone
This has to be a cruel joke. Yet again, you’re cold to him out of fucking nowhere, after he thought you had a good time together.
Rafe recalls this morning, to the worried look on your face when you saw his black eye, making him think that maybe you see something of value past the wall he built around him.
He risked his pride by telling you that he always thinks about you, and now you’re done with him?
He texts you again: why are u acting like this
Thank fuck you respond.
You: i guess the slut got bored of you first
His body goes cold. He knows you’re referring to what one of his friends said. You heard that?
If that’s why you’re so pissed off, he needs to talk to you about it in person. He grabs his car keys and rushes out of the house.
Rafe is pounding on your door for so long that his hand is starting to hurt almost as much as it did when he threw those punches last night.
He feels himself teetering on the edge, getting close to the manic state he knows and hates.
He pulls his phone out to text you: open the door
You: ??? i’m not home
At this point, he sees red. He could break his damn phone if he didn’t need it right now. He calls you again, his jaw clenched so tight that it hurts.
His stomach tightens when the dial tone stops after two rings.
“Am I gonna have to block your number?” you say when you answer. The sound of a crowd and loud music buzzes in the background. He clues in that you’re at a party.
“Where are you?” he asks, head hanging, staring at the hallway floor.
“That’s none of your business.” He can hear a slur in your words.
“Are you drunk?”
“I can drink if I want to. I know you love to think you own me, but you don’t.”
Rafe swallows hard, shaking his head, squeezing his eyes shut. He heard your voice shake. Fuck. You’re crying and it’s his fault.
“Where are you?” Rafe repeats. “Let’s - we need to…” He’s stammering, anxious and unbalanced. “We need to talk… I swear, I’ll fucking wait here until you come home if you don’t tell me where you are.”
Your back is against a wall, the phone pressed to your ear. The room is loud and humid from all the bodies crammed together into one house.
You hate that you’re crying over him and you hate that he can hear it. As if his ego needs the boost.
“Why?” you finally ask, voice strained, hoping he’ll tell you what you want to hear. That there’s a part of him that cares about you.
Rafe is silent for a moment.
“Which one is it?” His chest is tight. He can’t say it now. Not over the phone.
“Neither,” you reply, then hang up. You know he’s just horny and possessive and mad. And definitely bluffing.
You shouldn’t, you know you shouldn’t, but you take another shot. Time melts away from you as you get lost in the music with your friend, determined to get Rafe and his drama off of your mind.
It’s half past one in the morning when you order a cab. The alcohol has almost worn off at this point. Someone spilled a drink on you and you just want to take a shower and sleep. You have to promise yourself that you won’t give into the impulse to wear Rafe’s shirt to bed.
You exit the elevator and your heart stops when you see Rafe sitting on the floor, his back against your door, his knee raised, his head slumped.
He meant it. He waited. For over three fucking hours.
When you get close enough for him to hear your footsteps, Rafe clambers up to stand, towering over you. His eyes sweep over your face, the blue in them even more prominent in contrast to the dark bruise over his right eye.
Even though your heart, the traitor, is thumping with desire, the ache of what he did to you is louder. It was barbaric, what he said about you. What he let his friend say about you.
“Why are you still here?” you say as evenly as you can.
“You can’t…” Rafe shakes his head, frustrated. He immediately notices you’re not wearing the necklace he gave you and his chest aches. “You can’t end this.”
“Watch me,” you say with a scoff, nudging past him. You feel him behind you, hear his shallow breaths. You unlock your door and pull out your keys.
He won’t move. You turn to look at him again, feeling your lips thin in aggravation.
“Rafe,” you state. “Please. I just want to shower and sleep. Go home.”
“No,” he says stubbornly.
“Why can’t you just go find another girl to fuck around with?” you say, raising your tone.
He almost feels nauseous hearing you say that.
“Are you worried you won’t find one who does everything like I do?” you ask. “I just can’t say no, right? That’s what you told your friends.”
Rafe looks down in shame, nostrils flaring. His lips screw up in anger. He has no words to offer.
“Go home,” you repeat. You’re sure he’s just upset about losing his favorite booty call, just so not accustomed to not getting what he wants.
Rafe doesn’t budge. You’re sober enough to know you can’t continue this conversation in the hallway and risk your voices carrying into your neighbors’ homes.
Frustrated and embittered, you turn your doorknob and accept the fact that he’s not leaving without a fight.
You turn on the dim overhead light and stand in your tiny kitchen, facing Rafe with your arms crossed, as the door shuts behind him.
He steps towards you, hands sliding up your arms before he leans down to try to kiss you.
“Stop,” you mutter, shoving him off, pushing him away.
He tries again, putting his palms on your cheeks.
“No,” you snap, driving him away harder.
Rafe feels hollow. Lost. He’s fine with showing anger. It’s second nature to him. But this? This tangled feeling of yearning feels impossible to verbally express to you.
“Why?” is all he can sputter.
“I’m not letting you use me anymore,” you say through gritted teeth.
Rafe had no idea you’d react like this over the moronic shit he and his friend said. He thought you were fine with how things were. That you were detached.
Despite the rage and anxiety consuming him, the fact that you’re this angry over this ridiculous idea that you’re not a person to him, that you maybe want to be more, makes hope bloom in his heart.
“It’s not like that,” Rafe says.
“It is,” you argue. “I’m done acting like I’m okay with it. I could handle it at the beginning, but…”
You sigh. You can’t give him the satisfaction of telling him you have feelings for him. You start to get choked up again, though, your body betraying you. You can’t hide what he does to you from him anymore.
“I’m done,” you say resolutely. This man is nothing but trouble. “My contact picture in your phone is a fucking nude. I’m just body parts to you and I respect myself too much to keep this going. Just leave. You won’t change my mind.”
“I can’t… I can’t not see you anymore,” he grovels.
“You’re just mad you won’t be able to brag to your buddies about what I let you do to me.”
“No.” Rafe brings the heels of his hands up to his eyes, looking so damn flustered. “I’m not mad about that. I… Fuck, it’s…”
“What about when he called me a slut to run through? You laughed. After he said something so fucking horrible about me-”
“Wait,” he snaps, tone rising. “Just wait. Let me talk.”
“Then talk,” you say sharply, shocked by his audacity to be the angry one here.
He takes a deep breath.
“When he called you that, I…” Rafe rakes his hand through his hair. “It’s how we always talk and I - I know that’s a shitty excuse, but I didn’t have the balls to tell him to shut the fuck up. And then last night…”
He vaguely gestures to his black eye. His mind replays the rage he felt when he heard the vulgar words used to describe you. The way his fist met his friend’s jaw. Rafe walked away with a swollen eye, but it was nothing compared to what he had inflicted.
“He said something about you and I beat the shit out of him like I should’ve the first time.”
“What’d he say?” you ask after a beat.
“It doesn’t matter.”
So, that’s what happened to him last night. You’re almost touched to hear he defended your honor, but the memory of the text you saw on his phone darkens your mood instantly, reminding you of how dispensable and cheap it made you feel.
“This the same friend who texted you about all the bitches at that party?” you say bitterly.
Rafe meets your gaze.
“You saw that?”
“Yeah,” you say. Rafe realizes that was the reason for your abrupt coldness. You were jealous. He hates that he hurt you, but admittedly, the feeling of you being envious over him is so fucking gratifying.
He sighs your name. He didn’t even glance at another girl last night. Why would he? “For fuck’s sake, I texted you all night. I told you I’m always thinking about you.”
“Rafe, you texted me about how all you want to do is hook up with me.”
“That’s not… that’s not all I want,” he sighs, defeated. How can he explain that the way he touches you is how he tells you what he’s feeling? He’s so fucking bad at talking about it.
“Then why did you talk about me like that?” you ask.
“I was…” Rafe begins. He swallows hard, his eyes refusing to meet yours now. “I know I shouldn’t have said that shit but-”
“You’re only saying this now ‘cause you got caught.”
“No, it’s - it’s more than that. I-”
“You were just being honest,” you say with a shrug. “I did everything you told me to and you wanted to brag.”
“Yeah- I mean, no…” he stammers. Your use of the past-tense is so damn hurtful, the implication that you really are through with him, and before he can think to hide it, tears start to gloss his eyes. “Just listen-”
“If I’m just an easy fuck to you, then that’s fine, just own up to it.”
“Let me talk!” he finally shouts. Rafe’s head is spinning. He’s angry and anxious and close to losing his mind.
You don’t even cower, not letting him get to you. But when you realize he’s crying, too, your blood runs cold.
“Goddamn it.” He frantically brings his hands up to his head, fingers on his temples. “I’m trying to tell you that I didn’t know how to- I don’t know how to talk about this fucking feeling you give me.”
“Try,” you say.
Rafe’s breath is shaky, blinking fast as he gazes at you.
“This is more than sex. I’m fucking… I’m falling for you,” he finally admits.
No words come to your mind. The air between you is thick. Your heart is pounding in your ears. Your stomach is numb.
Rafe lowers his gaze, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He’s worked himself up in such a panic.
He doesn’t know how or when you cracked into this side of him that he didn’t even know existed, but you did. And you’re not leaving.
“Are you serious?” you ask quietly through a shallow exhale.
“Do I need to beg you to believe me?” he says.
“Yeah,” you say with a sarcastic huff, pushing him to see where his limit is. To see if he’s being honest.
You can’t believe what you’re seeing when Rafe sinks down onto the floor in front of you, his knees on your cheap linoleum. He takes your hand in his, pulling it to his warm mouth, soft lips kissing your palm.
He realizes he would rather lose all of his pride than lose you.
“Rafe,” you say, the edge to your tone completely gone now.
The shift in your dynamic is harrowing. He’s always the one in control, the one with the upper hand. Now he’s on his fucking knees for you.
“I’m sorry,” he says, eyes locked on yours. “I’m so fucking sorry I said that shit. I’ll never do it again. You’re not just an easy…”
He can’t even say it.
“You’re so much more,” he says. There’s hopelessness in his gaze. You’re rattled with shock, your heart feeling like it’s burning in your chest.
You can’t believe it. You can’t fathom that he likes you more than just from the waist down.
“What if I stopped hooking up with you?” you challenge. “I keep seeing you but it’s nothing physical. What then?“
“That’s okay,” he says, without hesitation.
“I mean no sex,” you say. “At all.”
You pout at him in endearment as relief pools through you.
Rafe is racked with the deepest form of desperation. He can’t picture a day without you. Without your smile, your humor, your voice, your smell. He fell off the deep end and there’s no fucking saving him.
Your stare is puncturing him. He’s sure he fucked up too massively to earn any sort of chance with you ever again.
But when you finally lean down to press your lips onto his, euphoria rushes through his entire being. He frantically scrambles to stand, feeling his face contort with disbelief and gratefulness and a yearning so hard that it hurts.
Rafe’s kisses are deep but fast, his big hands cradling your head, thumbs rubbing over your cheekbones.
You pull back, looking up at him with a tiny shred of remaining suspicion that he’s not being genuine.
“Let me stay the night,” he says, voice low, lids heavy. You’re unsure that he really means he’d be with you even without the sex.
You only look at him.
“I won’t try anything,” he adds. He knows you needed the reassurance. You stare at him with wide, vulnerable eyes, resting your hands on his firm, heaving chest.
“Shower with me,” you tell him, restless to wash the night off of you. “And prove it.”
Rafe nods, your face still in his hands. Fuck, he feels like you have him wrapped around your finger. He’d do anything to keep you in his life.
“Let me do the work,” he says.
You step back, heart racing, and raise your hands over your head. His fingers quickly find the edge of your top, slowly lifting it and pulling it off of you. Your jeans are next, the denim sliding down your legs.
Rafe presses against you, leading you backwards into your bathroom. His lips press against your forehead as he unhooks your bra and lets it fall to the floor.
He’s on his knees again as he peels your underwear off. You watch his eyes trail up your bare body. He can’t hide the lust in his stare, no matter how hard he tries.
As you turn on the shower, you hear the rustle of him taking his clothes off. When you step into the tub, you feel his body against your back. Big hands skim up your arms as you turn the faucet, prompting hot water to rain down on both of you.
Rafe can’t stop himself from asking.
“Did you talk to any guys at that party?” His voice echoes against the porcelain, loud even over the sound of the shower.
You smile to yourself.
“How am I gonna focus on another guy when you’re texting me so damn much?”
“Princess,” he huffs. You laugh and turn in his arms to rest your hands on his shoulders.
“No,” you tell him. “I didn’t want to.”
Rafe smirks and leans down, but stops an inch away from your lips.
“Am I allowed to kiss you?” he asks.
“Hmm… fine,” you tease. “But that’s the farthest you can go.” He captures your lips in his, his mouth warm. You feel him grow against you and you pull away to look down, his cock already almost fully hard.
“Okay, I can’t control that,” he says. You meet his eyes and share the first laugh that you’ve had together tonight.
You pick up your body wash and hand it to him. It’ll drive him crazy to touch you like this and not be able to do anything about it.
“You get my body,” you say, admittedly excited to tempt him. “And I’ll do my hair.”
Rafe’s forehead crinkles in concentration as he squeezes the body wash into his palm. Your eyes are on him as he lathers the gel over your shoulders first.
“You’re cute when you’re focused,” you giggle, starting to massage your shampoo into your hair.
The sound of your laugh, the aroma in the air is so fucking nice to him. It’s so you.
His palms move up and down your arms in gentle circles. Rafe’s groin is getting tighter by the second and the fact that he won’t get any relief for it is agony. But he needs to prove himself to you.
“You ignoring my tits on purpose?” you ask.
Rafe cocks his head in mild irritation. Touching you there will only make him harder. You exhale in pleasure once his hands rest on your breasts, gently kneading.
“You can’t make those sounds,” he says, voice strained.
“I can do whatever I want,” you reply. His hands dip below the curves of your tits. You purposely moan louder than you normally would just to torment him.
His jaw tightens as he collects more of your body wash to smooth down your stomach. His hands slide over your hips, the water and soap making your skin extra slippery, and he lands on your ass.
“Massage me a bit there,” you tell him. He huffs an aggravated chuckle, then starts to rub into your flesh.
The crook of Rafe’s neck is at your chin as he leans to massage you and you plant a gentle kiss on his wet skin. The gesture makes his stomach twist with adoration.
“Okay, that’s enough,” he mumbles, running his hands up your back. You can feel him against your leg; he’s fully erect and pining for you to touch him.
“My ass is still sore,” you groan, continuing to lather the shampoo onto your hair. “You were so rough on me in front the mirror, remember?”
The memory of fucking you on the floor in his room makes his arousal skyrocket even higher. He exhales and smooths his hands over your ass again.
You tilt your head to the side as you moan. You feel Rafe’s mouth press against your exposed neck, then he grunts against your skin and moves away abruptly.
“Getting frustrated?” you whisper.
“No,” he lies.
The hot water continues to ebb down your body as Rafe squeezes your ass.
“You can get my legs now,” you mumble. He’s half-relieved, half-frustrated to have to move his hands.
Rafe rubs in circles over your thighs, his breath heavy.
“Get on your knees so you can reach everything,” you say as you wash out the shampoo from your hair. You’re testing him, ordering him around like he usually does to you, seeing if he’ll crack.
When he kneels down, you hike your leg up onto the tub, your middle inches away from his face.
“Fuck,” he breathes, wishing he could just taste you. His hands are sliding down your calves as he gawks at the beauty between your legs, knowing you’re purposely tempting him.
His eyes trail up to your face. He looks ravenous for you.
Falling for you. He said he was falling for you.
“What?” you say with a smile. Rafe only shakes his head, continuing to run his hands over your legs.
“I said kissing is allowed,” you say, revelling in this feeling of control over him.
He doesn’t waste a second. His lips are against your pussy immediately, kissing you over and over. If you tried to keep count of how many kisses he was planting on you, you’d fail in seconds.
Arousal twists deep inside you, wanting him so badly, but loving the game you’re playing.
His lips wrap around your clit and he starts to suck, prompting you push your fingers through his hair, damp from the shower, and tug to pull him off of you.
“Kisses only,” you say. “Unless you didn’t mean what you said?”
“I did,” he huffs. He roughly shoves your wrist away to get close to you again, lips puckered. You feel his fingers ghost over your inner thighs, then pull apart your lips.
“Can I spread you open, baby?” he asks.
“No,” you respond.
“Please,” he begs.
“Kisses. Only.”
He groans. You laugh.
“You got me so turned on,” you moan. “I need to just…”
You slip your fingers between his mouth and your clit, denying him any more access.
Rafe thinks this could be thing to that finally makes him lose his fucking mind. But he stays still, knees aching from the hard tub, as you play with yourself right in front of him.
“That feels so nice,” you whisper, your knees weak. You put your other hand against the shower wall, looking down at him.
“Hold me up,” you order. He grips your hips and watches you moan and writhe over him, dipping your head back.
You dip a finger inside of you, tightening and sighing.
“Fuck.” He literally whimpers the word.
“God, there’s so many things I can think about while I touch myself,” you moan. “Like when we fucked in your car? Or when I squirted on you?”
“Which time?” he mutters, trying to have any sort of power right now by reminding you of what he can do to you.
“Aw,” you coo. “Is this like when I’m on camera? You can watch but you can’t touch me?”
“Shit,” Rafe breathes. You moan, the water dripping off of you.
He has to look away at this point. His cock is so hard that it hurts. His eyes go low, seeing a bead of precum on his swollen tip. He tries to comfort himself by thinking about how he can jerk off later.
“Get up,” you say. He brings himself up on his feet, towering over you again.
You turn your back to him again and start to rub your scalp to make sure you washed all the shampoo out.
“You’re probably cold on that side, hmm?” you ask.
Rafe’s temperature is the least of his concerns.
“I’ll keep you warm,” you tell him, looking over your shoulder. You run your hands down your body and pause over your ass, spreading yourself open.
“Put your cock right here,” you tell him.
“I- I can’t,” he moans.
“You can,” you encourage.
He kneels to place himself right where you want him. You let go, your asscheeks hugging him, feeling his length pressed up against you.
“Fuck,” he whispers, twitching against you. “This is… fuck…”
“If you didn’t mean that you can be with me without the sex, just say so.”
“I meant it,” he says. “But this is torture. I need to go. I’ll wait for you in your room, okay?”
“You can’t keep it together for me?” you tease. “I thought you liked me.”
“I fucking love you,” Rafe groans, making your heart flutter.
You’re done playing this game. You need him now.
You turn to face him, pulling him down with your hands cupping his neck to kiss him. He’s biting your bottom lip, kissing you hard.
“We don’t have to do this,” he whispers breathlessly.
“I want to,” you say against his lips, wrapping your hand around his cock. “What do you want?” He bucks up against you, groaning.
“I wanna fuck you,” he pleads.
“Then fuck me.”
Rafe’s rough and fast as he hitches your leg up, pushing you to lean against the shower wall. He lines himself up at your cunt, stretching you so much nicer than your fingers ever could.
He keeps his eyes on you when he thrusts into you, his expression both needy and satisfied.
“Thank you,” he whispers. The feeling of him thanking you for letting him be inside you hits you like a drug.
Rafe is in heaven. You squeeze him so fucking good as he rocks in and out of you. He needs to make you cum before he does. You deserve it. You deserve all the pleasure in the world.
When he starts to rub his thumb over your clit, you’re trembling with bliss. Everything in this moment feels so damn good.
“You’re my girl,” he mumbles, his usual possessive side back now. “Say it.”
“I’m your girl,” you respond. “Fuck… I love you.”
Rafe is sure he has never felt happier in his life. His thrusts get harder and faster, and with the pressure on your clit and the hot water coating your body, you whine through your orgasm.
To him, it’s a gift watching you reach your peak. You clench around him in rhythmic flutters and he can’t hold back anymore, his cum gushing out of him so fucking hard that he sees stars.
This is the best sex he’s ever had. Because now he knows it’s more than just something physical for both of you.
He kisses you hard as his body trembles, pumping into you. His forehead is against yours as you pant together and even though he’s exhausted, he stays inside you as long as he can manage.
When he pulls out, he brings his hands to your cheeks and kisses you again.
“You meant that?” he asks. He needs to know you that really do love him. That it wasn’t a heat of the moment thing. You look up at him, his lips parted, the water dripping down his face.
“Yes,” you say. His dimples are deep in his cheeks as he smiles at you.
As Rafe helps you clean up, he’s pissed at himself that he never did this before. He hates that you had to always do this alone. He won’t ever let that happen again.
Once you’re both lying in your bed, your bedroom dark save for a streetlamp casting a dull light through the window, Rafe holds you tight.
Your cheek is against his shoulder as he surrounds you in his arms. You both remained naked and the feeling of your bare bodies pressed together like this is perfection.
You softly trace your finger over the bruise covering his eye. The one his friend left on him because of something he said about you.
“What’d he say?” you ask.
“I’m not repeating it,” Rafe replies.
“Please?” you ask. “I wanna know what made you go crazy.”
“He said I seem happier lately,” Rafe says. “And before I told him it was because I wanna… be with you for real, he said… he wants to see if he could get…”
“God,” you mutter, rolling your eyes. He doesn’t have to say any more. His buddy wanted a turn with you.
“But hey, I’m not gonna let anyone say anything like that about you, okay?” he promises. “I’ll beat the shit out of anyone who tries to.”
You picture being out in public with Rafe, his arm around you. And you can’t help but ask. You need to know.
“So… are you gonna… want me around your friends and stuff?” you ask.
“Of course,” he tells you, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re my girl, right?”
It’s jarring. You’re not a lower-class maid to him. Not his personal whore. Not his slutty sugar baby. You’re a woman he loves.
Legs tangled, you fall asleep together, and you adore that the worry of falling for him is now gone. Because you’re in love, and so is he, and now you can enjoy him without telling yourself you can’t.
When you wake up the next morning, you shuffle in your position to find him, but you’re alone.
Your heart drops. Could he have been faking…?
You can’t jump to that conclusion. You’re about to check your phone when you hear crinkling coming from the kitchen.
You put on underwear and the shirt you stole from him a while ago before padding into the kitchen. He’s standing over your table, removing containers from bags.
You realize it’s from your favorite nearby bistro. He ordered food for you.
“Breakfast?” you ask. Rafe looks up at you and he doesn’t understand how every time he sees you, you strike him with how adorable you are.
“You hungry?” he says.
You settle across from him at the table. You realize he must have referenced the screenshot you sent him after the first night that he stayed over, when he sent you money to order breakfast and you sent him proof of what you bought.
As you dig into your food, you gaze at him. Blue eyes meet yours. He smirks. It doesn’t feel real. He used to look so out of place in your apartment, but this feels so natural.
“We gonna talk about how much of a cuddler you are?” you tease.
“Shut up,” he laughs. “Eat your food.”
You laugh and continue to chew.
“What do you have to do today?” he asks.
“I should study,” you say. “I was going to last night after work, but you know…”
Rafe looks down and his Adam’s apple bobs with his hard swallow.
“Are you gonna keep working?” he asks. “I don’t want you to. I wanna take care of you.”
As much as he loves seeing you around his house twice a week, he’s been getting more and more uncomfortable with the idea of you having to work so hard, having to clean up after him.
“Yeah,” you finally say. “I think I need to have the independence. To know I’m working for my own money. Does that make sense?”
“With your attitude? Yeah,” he says. You laugh.
You hope the gossip between your coworkers doesn’t get any farther up the chain. For now, you want to keep your job and the steadiness it promises.
“You can’t pull me away from my work to hook up whenever you want, though, okay?” you say.
“Even when I find you in my bed?” he asks.
“That was one time,” you scoff.
Rafe leans over to place his phone in front of you. He has your contact info up. The photo isn’t what it was before, though. It’s a photo of you sleeping, cheek pressed on his chest.
He must have taken it this morning. He wants to prove you’re not just a body to him.
Your eyes study his screen and you smile, oblivious to the fact that he’s staring at you.
But then again, you never really noticed how much he looked at you whenever you came to work at the house.
He can still remember the rush he felt when he randomly found you on that damn website. You were a fucking fantasy to him, a dream that he never thought he’d get to live out.
But here you are and by some crazy stroke of luck, you found something in him worth loving.
Rafe always enjoyed having some sort of ownership over you, claiming you as his. Because deep down, he always kind of knew he belonged to you. Whether you want him or not, he’s yours.
(the end) (continuation blurbs)
author’s note: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT FOR THIS SERIES 💘 it’s so bittersweet ending it. i had so much fun writing this and it’s because of your comments and messages 😭 i’ll be writing more fics! if you want updates, please follow @xorafe-library and turn on notifications since i’ll be reblogging my work there. love you all!!!
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om-nom-snom · 3 months
do you do rival hcs/drabbles/what have you? would love some Hop, Bede, & Marnie ones plz!! (also if specified gender is alright could it be fem, masc, fem? ty if you do or np if you dont!)
[Dating Headcanons]
Adult!Hop x reader, Adult!Bede x reader, Adult!Marnie x reader
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Hop <3
Dating Hop sure is an adventure at times
Our loveable Pokémon professor in training is just as excitable about dating as he is about... Well, just about everything
Right from the first date you have him hook, line, and sinker
As soon as you're comfortable he's introducing you to his family, he's particularly keen to have you meet Leon
Don't worry, Leon loves you
Hop isn't scared of PDA, including in front of his family, and he's happy to follow your lead on it
Expect plenty of very entertaining family barbecues with Hop always keeping an arm around you
He loves when you visit him at work too
It's so easy for him to get wrapped up in all his work and research that sometimes you need to drag him away for a break
Often the promise of kisses and a fresh cup of tea is all the convincing he needs
Hop brings you on fieldwork too, he likes getting to combine two of his favourite things
I feel like he confessed his feelings originally after being away on fieldwork, he came back and gave you an applin as a confession
Dating Hop is definitely exciting, but he's also a very devoted and affectionate partner
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Bede <3
The fact Bede managed to get a boyfriend is a literal miracle
Hop thought you both were kidding at first
Bede was super sweet when asking you out though, all embarrassed and blushing while asking if you were free for dinner
He's usually not the most open with his affections in public, generally he prefers to keep things private
That is, unless he's jealous
Then all bets are off and you have a new appendage with an amazing pink jacket
In private Bede is fond of small shows of affection, caressing your cheeks and kissing your hands are some of his favourites
He takes you out on plenty of dates too
Cute cafes in Ballonlea, nice restaurants in Wyndon, nature walks through the wild area
He's surprisingly doting and makes sure to protect you from any potential league drama you might be exposed to as the partner of Ballonleas gym leader
Speaking of him as gym leader, he keeps a private box at his stadium for you and Opal so the two of you can spectate his matches in comfort
Opal spends most of the time gossiping with you, and sharing the odd embarrassing story involving Bede
He always goes bright red when either of you mention anything but he's secretly glad you two get on so well
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Marnie <3
Okay, so I feel like Piers and Team Yell would be so preoccupied keeping boys away from Marnie that they wouldn't think twice about female friends of hers
After a couple years of knowing her and being close friends you two start officially dating
Though she definitely kissed you before ever taking you on a date
You're the first person she's ever actually dated so she takes a little while to feel things out
Piers is the first to know and that's after well over half a year of you two dating
Marnie would definitely be happy if you had something in common with Piers that the two of you could bond over
She wants the two most important people in her life to like each other
Despite her reserved nature she can be quite forward in her affections
Expect her to take charge in turning you to face her for kisses or even pulling you into her lap in private
She loves physical contact, feeling you against her in any way is just so comforting
Marnie also loves to hold your hand, even in public, and she'll tell off anyone that comments negatively on it
Expect to be treated like absolute royalty by the new Spikemuth gym leader, including your own mini protection squad
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Thank you for the request Anon! I hope you don't mind me aging up the characters a little, I love these guys and their canon careers post game so much that I couldn't help myself :)
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opiopal · 2 months
a fic requested by anon and also my very first request!! and also a very silly request that makes me giggle, does this count as a crack fic? probably! (gn Mc as always ofc!) the idea was a demon rapper/singer constantly throwing shade at mc, why? cause they exist lol. (this does not properly fit into the timeline of the second session of the first OM game,)
after coming back to the devildom, Mc of course had plenty of catching up to do! they were gone for oh so long so of course all their attention was on their friends(and also their classes), so they were pretty occupied and whenever they were alone they were most likely just napping or doing homework. so they weren't aware of any new music or trends on the internet.
but, one afternoon they had gone out for some much needed alone time, just browsing shops and thinking about what to get for lunch or if it was even worth eating at the moment at all. eventually they decided to take a small break on a bench and pull out their phone to start playing one of the many mobile games levi suggested to them, though their focus was suddenly interrupted by a hand on their shoulder. which causes them to yell and nearly drop their phone as they whip their head around and see.. solomons stupidly happy face.
"STOP. sneaking up on me. you're going to give me a heart attack."
"ah, but i didn't!"
despite feeling a little annoyed by his giggles, mc of course invited him to sit with them and catch up, since they hadn't talked much since he had suddenly teleported them back to the devildom. after what feels like a very short thirty minute chat, he suddenly turns to completely face Mc.
"you know.. I'm surprised that you're so unbothered by the recent drama,"
"... huh?? what drama?"
his eyebrows raise in amusement,
"you really dont know? With the brothers I figured that you would have heard! here, pull out your D.D.D and go to deviltube"
doing what he intructed, Mc ends up finding themself on a profile for a singer they hadn't heard of before, though recognized a song title or two from internet trends and character edits. solomon instructs them to listen to a song and so they do.
"I mean- it sounds good- 'seven dicked sheep bitch' is kind of a weird lyriaaAAAAAA- WAIT."
they turn to look at him
they take at least a good hour listening to song after song, this guy even joked about mc being related to lilith! when did that even become public information?! by the end of it they felt so angry that they were certain satan would have been able to sense it. I mean- what did they ever do to this person??
"so what do you want to do about this? I've been keeping myself from sending a few curses their way before I got your opinion on it"
"NO. no. I mean- I appreciate it but- if I just let someone else deal with it then that would just prove points.."
it was silent for a good while before an idea dawned on them.
"I could write something back,"
"how so?"
"you know, make something and put it out, its not unheard of- ugh nevermind its a stupid idea- I dont even know anything about this guy-"
the sound of a loud 'aheam' cuts mc off and spooks them, they turn their head quickly to see- mephisto??
"WHY- are people just sneaking around today?! hi hello- do you need something?"
Mephisto clears his throat, glancing around for a moment before speaking,
"well. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation-
"you mean eavesdropping for the newspaper club?"
he stops and glares at solomon for both the interruption and the completely untrue accusation!
"I overheared. and I would like to offer my assistance."
silence falls over the two humans before Mc suddenly smiles brightly
"seriously?! i would love your help with this!! I knew you secretly liked me!!"
mephisto's face reddens slightly, probably both from embarrassment and Mc's excitement.
"NO. I- simply think this sort of drama would do well for the newspaper club. I have no interest in helping your pride recover in the slightest."
"mhm, okay, sure."
later on Mc ended up texting the HOL group chat to say that they were staying over at purgatory hall for dinner, though made sure to leave out the fact that mephisto and solomon were there to keep any of the brothers from showing up. unsurprisingly, Mephisto already knew a lot about the guy, and hardly even had to search far to find any more dirt on him. though solomon didn't have a clue on the technology, he surprisingly had some skill in the poetry department, probably due to his old age, so it went smoothly. and the last time mc had sang anything was in elementary school chior, so they surprised themself. all in all it was actually kind of fun, despite the fact that all they did was spend hours on end insulting and airing out a demons dirty laundry.
eventually Mc pointed out how late it was, and that they would sneak back into the HOL and post the music under a new account. but of course they didn't leave before Mephisto made both humans swear to never mention he had anything to do with this. ever. which they agree while giggling, and they all head out and Mc does exactly what they said they would.
and just like in most tv shows written by boomers who dont know how the internet works, it gained attention FAST. mainly because a lot of nocturnal demons had found it and spread it around like crazy.
out of everyone Levi was the very first to hear about it, since he was up into the late hours of the night, and had been tagged by one of his online friends asking "hey isnt this YOUR human lolol?" and he lost his mind, of course the moment he heard about it he was vibrating with amazement and excitement until breakfast, once he knew everyone was downstairs he rushed into the dining room- only to bump into asmo, who was also going to tell everyone the same thing. asmo had been tagged by one of his followers who realized the human artist that popped out of nowhere with ten distracks in one night was also the same human Asmo posted selfies with. once the two composed themselves they told the other five as Mc sat at their chair awkardly trying to eat their breakfast as they feel the brothers eyes slowly land on them one by one. lucifer, on the outside, seemed to be disappointed that mc didn't bring this issue up with them, but on the inside was proud of them for doing something that would surely embarrass the artist. mammon, after getting over the wave of pride he felt for his human, immediately turned and brought up how much money Mc could make off of this! but it was shut down by lucifer the moment it left his mouth. satan and beel both felt angry for a moment at how someone could just insult mc so carelessly, satan calmed down once he thought about how embarrassing it must feel for the artist to not only get such a harsh response, but also to get publicly shamed by other demons. beel only calmed down after Mc told him it was ok, but he was still bummed that someone could ever say anything nasty about Mc. Belphie simply chuckled, referred to the artist as an idiot, and laid his head back down on the table, though on the inside he thought the entire thing was hilarious.
once at RAD it was apparent that it was all that everyone was talking about, and unfortunately for the teachers it was all they would focus on as well. the first to approach mc about it during RAD was Simeon and Luke, Simeon was almost giggling as he asks "so is this what you three were up to last night? I just heard Asmodeus talking about it," which Mc explains that they just didn't want anyone else to handle it with violence or even the death of this demon. Luke, his little speciest self(/j), made it known how proud he was of them for standing up to a demon. Dia of course figures out whats happening as soon as possible once he realizes the entirety of RAD is out of focus, and laughs his ass off over it, of course Mc would do something so silly! humans are so odd!! barbatos of course also finds it funny, but not as much as Dia does. mephisto is questioned by other students on it at some point once they hear he's going to put it in the school news paper, the only thing he says is that mc must have gotten their information from a very reliable source. 13 also thought it was funny, and gloated to other demons about the fact that Mc did such a thing, though later on asked Mc why they would leave her out of something this fun!
at the end of the day multiple students were given detention for being focused on the situation, and the artist was fighting for their LIFE online trying to debunk or defend everything that was mentioned in Mc's tracks, though it didn't help.
(sorry abt the lack of Raphael, I wasn't sure of how to write him- also mb for this taking me so long lol, life got in the way and I got busy) ((and also my apologies if this seems out of character for anyone at all, the emperor's groove got thrown off:[ ))
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daftmooncretin · 10 months
rip to rian johnson but star wars sequels would be way better if ben solo was just kinda cowardly and han solo coded so he defected from the jedi and went to be a fun swashbuckling anarchist space cowboy instead
and finn and poe have to find him and try to convince him to come back to the rebellion but hes afraid who he is and what he could become
also instead of luke trying to kill his nephew for NO REASON (so insanely out of character it boils my blood) he just realises after ben dips thats hes not cut out for teaching. and is living on a mandalorian colony as rebellion liason/ambassador with chewie and sometimes lando i guess (din djarin is there) he aids the rebellion (because of course he would fuck that plotline) but he wont stay on the rebel base because he doesnt like all the chosen one clout and mandalorians are very chill and mind their own business
han and leia are still together and play active parts in the rebellion because fuck that plotline too although they do disagree about the ben situation (leia is annoyed and han is understanding) poe and ben childhood friends and for what.
in this au, rey is raised in the empire and is a sith lord but she has doubts and isnt as abjectly disgusting as kylo ren because of course not. (appears slightly too interested in the rebellion when poe is captured and maybe??? possibly lets finn and poe escape but thats up for debate.) rey gets more evil over course of movies before turning to light for plot drama and a satisfying zuko arc.
force awakens timeline
prophecy that a new jedi will rise and take down the dark side. rey and sith lord (dk who but fuck snoke im writing him out) assume it is the missing ben solo (its finn and rey tho fr) and are intent on finding him. movie opens on rey being evil probably and capturing poe. also finn as a character actully needs no real changes hes great. and then next scene space pirate ben solo doing his thing (but without identity revealed so we dont know who he is yet he may go by kylo because funny)
instead of luke poe has a lead on missing almost-jedi before he dipped ben solo and is searching for him on leias orders.(rebellion also believe the prophecy is about him. but nuh uh) torture scene and escape scene doesnt need to change but show reys nuances and how lost she is.
in the interest of narrative poe and finn still crash on tatooine but finn manages to pull poe out of the crash. (finn still gets the jacket at some point because i say so) poe is too injured to fly so they seek out help and and meet ben solo who saves them from pirates or something idk. (but neither know who the other is)
finn and poe convince ben solo to be their pilot still thinking hes a random smuggler named kylo. they get along very well, especially finn and ben. rey by this point is tracking their whereabouts
they end up on that lightsaber planet and ben gets the weird darth vader nightmare and freaks out, (hes afraid of being evil or something idk) poe is getting suspicious now also finn feels the force and takes up the lightsaber. rey comes and finn trys to hold her off. finn get hurt and drops lightsaber. ben is forced to take it up and his identity is revealed as rebel reeforcements led by han and leia arrive and they see him fighting. rey and ben have a weird charged moment (yes i guess i am still making reylo a thing but its reyben now and its woke so shh) and in a dramatic desperate effort he manages to knock her lightsaber away with the force. poe crawls into a plane at somepoint and blows up reys ship. the rebels destroy the stormtroopers but rey captures finn and escapes in a stolen ship.
ben has a oh-shit-i-said-id-never-use-the-force-again related existential crisis which makes him freak out and leaves. a distraught finn-less poe calls him a coward. poe picks up the discarded lightsaber and the jackettm and sadly packs them up. leia tells him about the starkiller and poe volunteers to go on the starkiller and save finn. han and leia have a sweet moment and han decides to go with poe on the suicide mission, chewie goes too.(chewie arrived at somepoint i guess)
mid hostage situation finn blocks reys force attempt and shes shook up. he sees something in her (finn is a beautiful sweetheart) and he trys to appeal to her. she force chokes him and books it out of there. but it is clear she fears him a little. he escapes with mind tricks and runs into han poe and chewie on the deck. finnpoe moment fr. poe gives him his jacket back in order to get the keep it it looks good on you line.
meanwhile ben is back on his ship(i guess its the falcon?) and he thinks about finn and his mom and luke or something.. a dream maybe?? idk something emotional and motivational for his arc. and he goes to a box under the floor in his ship and pulls out a green lightsaber. he turns the ship around.
on the ship poe finn han and chewie are planting the bombs and escaping when they get stopped by stormtroopers ordered by rey. poe is about to be shot by a big droid thing when it is cut in half by ben wow big reveal hes here oooo ah. rey is shot in the shoulder by chewie and angrily orders more stormtroopers. they cant take them all. han sacrifices himself by blowing up the bridge. he tells finn and poe to find luke in the mandolorian colony ben is distraught him and han have an emotional goodbye he tells him to tell leia he’s sorry and that he loves him and he proud of him then he makes chewy get ben out of there and he blows himself up. leia senses it v sad rip man but he had to die to intensify plot drama
rey chases them onto the ice planet and another weird charged moment. mind link established??? this time ben is too angry and grieving though so its not a good match and she wounds him real bad all over hes v scarred now. poe shoots at rey and throws lightsaber at finn. he gets ben onto the ship and finn and rey have the big force awakens show down. finn uses the force v powerful all that jazz the good guys get away. on the ship finn mentions how he felt a connection with rey to poe and claims he sees good in her
movie ends with meeting luke on mandolore. ben is very traumatised wont really speak to finn or poe and avoiding luke. finn returns lukes lightsaber and rey has doubts movie over. movies ends with ominous rey ben mind link
final notes (on first movie and overarching rewrite plans)
finn is the protagonist of this movie so it would be much more character heavy on him them the original. more in depth on his stormtrooper trauma, how he always chooses the people he loves over the cause and his reluctance to join the rebellion. his friendship with poe and the han/leia parallel’s especially. relationships with han and ben important for his character exposition and he plays a key role in supporting both rey and bens character progression. possesses the strong sense of mercy and kindness at the heart of the star wars franchise.
rey is raised in the first empire and does not know anything different. when she meets finn who was able to rebel and escape from the same system she is trapped in she becomes plagued by doubts and projects all of her hatred and resentment onto finn to compensate, but it is clear she fears him. to escape from her doubts she fixates on finding and capturing ben solo imagining him to be a frightening and terrible adversary. however when she meets him they see eachothers minds, and she sees how plagued by doubt and fear he is, how he runs from everything and he sees her too. they connect and develop a strange mutual fascination/understanding. this is put askew by finns appearance at the end of the movie in defence of ben. reys fear of finn increases when she sees the true extent of his power. she fears and hates equally finns strength of character and easy goodness and by extension hates ben for his alliance with finn. she blames finn for “taking” ben from her.
ben solo
kylo ren is a disgusting blight on the star wars names so ben solo is being completely reclaimed by me into a different character because i fucking hate that stupid pretentious eboy. instead ben solo is an incredibly han solo coded character with a heart of gold and deep love and loyalty to his friends and family. his main weakness as a character in this rewrite is his fear and lack of self belief. ben is terrified of being a jedi and of his own power. he fears his own nature and was so afraid he would become his grandfather that he ran from the jedi altogether. ben solo is a runner that wont face his problems, he runs from the jedi and from his parents to avoid failing or becoming something terrible. finn and ben recognise the need to run in eachother (although important distinction finn runs because he doesn’t want to fight for a cause. and ben runs because hes afraid he will be the reason the cause fails) and ultimately encourage eachother to break the cycle and stand their ground (well finn motivated ben in this movie, finns not fixed yet.) Bens arc in these movies is about learning to live with his own nature and fighting for what he believes in despite his fear. also dealing with mommy issues (ben is kind of jealous of poe and leias relationship the son she wanted or something blah blah blah etc) and being a malewife to his murder girlfriend. his job is kind of to support and fight with finn and later rey and help them save the world
finnpoe (will be a gay couple)
their friendship will be front and centre in these movies because they represent duty vs personal loyalty. poe puts the cause above all else and values his own life and personal relationships little. finn on the other hand is disillusioned with establishment cause of stormtrooper trauma and wants to protect himself and others from it. poe is the first person that finn truly bonds with and loves. he puts poe above everything, including being a jedi and the rebellion. this leads to a lot of fighting and discord between finn and poe as finn doesn’t understand how important the rebellion is to poe and poe doesnt get why finn is trying to protect him from it. ultimately though poe teaches finn faith and belief and finn teaches poe to accept love and value himself. (also many hanleia parallels) the two of them are the harbingers of a new age. poe as future leader of the new republic and finn as the jedi messiah or whatever. in terms of romance, im thinking slowburn. baity first movie, kiss at the end of the second and established relationship by the halfway mark of the third.
also when rey eventually joins the light in the beginning she refuses to talk to ben (cause of romantic drama i havent thought of yet but centres around some sort or betrayal in the second movie) or finn (because hes her narrative foil and slow burn best friend forever) so her first friend is poe and she kind of follows him around in her first few months before she eventually bonds with finn 4eva. her poe shadowing has lots of cute friend moments where they fly together and he tries to talk her down about finn and the ben drama but also more importantly it foreshadows her leadership ability and tactical mind as she gives him advice and aids him with the rebellion behind the scenes (also leads to leia taking rey under her wing probably because poe is her surrogate son and mirror) which will eventually lead to her and poe leading the republic together because in my mind rey is a jedi but actively a member of republic government because ben can’t do politics and finn won’t but shes great at it so she’d be a perfect jedi liason and vice president to poe. meanwhile finn and ben lead the jedi. finn as a knight travelling across the galaxy and ben as a teacher. (luke is happy in retirement rn on mandalore but leia is still probably an advisor in the republic because retirement is definitely not for her) and everyone is happy the end. force ghost han solo is clapping.
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hyenagurl · 6 days
im really upset. so there was this guy i had like barely even a casual fling with nearly five years ago, i broke it off shortly after for a myriad of reasons: he gave me chlamydia (idc about admitting these things) and didnt even own up to it when i told him even tho he was the only one who could have given me it, he may have had a girlfriend… and he wasnt all that good in the sack. even kind of pushy a little bit. anyways, i made the mistake of being his friend kind of, or at least hanging out in a group setting. but every time i did he would without fail proposition me for sex after even though i had told him i didnt want to anymore! this would happen until 2021… when finally it went too far. one day i got WAY too drunk at my friend’s pool and he had pulled up. like i was throwing up in the bushes and i passed out and slept on the pool chair ( this was back in my era of drinking like an asshole, i dont do this and watch my intake like a hawk now). this motherfucker… he bundled me up into his van and took me to his place… WHEN I LIVED A BLOCK AWAY AT THAT TIME… and put me in his bed. i was sick and like barely able to move. anyways he asked to cuddle, i was like fine i guess bc i was too crummy to leave, and before long he was like.. “hey i want to give you head rn”…. FUCKING YUCK. i said no ofc and that was the last of that, but of course i was so sketched out that before long i said i was just gonna go home, so i got up and walked home at like 5am.
anyways after that i blocked him. i would see him at shows staring at me and i would death glare him, he would view my insta with side profiles, and there were times where he would show up at my work and when i would have taken his order, id have a coworker do it. real creep shit. once at a show i was talking with a bestie and he came up and invited her to smoke in his van and i got this weird feeling and left all anxious.
so fast forward to this year, i just had a sleepover with that same bestie, who happens to also be friends and an on/off fwb with him, and she said hes been saying the exact fucking opposite. that i started beefing with him for no reason, that IM the one who insisted i go to his place and that he had to kick ME out, and he even told her that time he pulled her aside at that show to smoke was just an excuse to get her away from me.
im fucking mad. this man who disrespected me and exposed me to an std, who borderline creeped on me in my drunken state, admitted to attempting to meddle in my friendship and has been spreading lies about his behavior towards me and making ME the aggressor in this. what is wrong with men?
he treats my friend like shit too, like one time he kicked her out of his car after she told him she started seeing someone, gave HER an std too, disrespects her boundaries. she struggles with telling men to fuck off like i used to so im worried for her and im trying to convince her to drop him.
i REALLY want to confront him and tear him apart for what hes been saying, but she specifically asked me not to do anything bc she doesnt want him to start drama with her. so ig im stuck. i told her tho that if i see him again i will say something. i was too soft on him.
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Drama Queen (Eris Week day 4) [Hounds]
Eris x Reader
Summary: You and Eris walk the hounds through the morning autumn sun
cw: nothing, except my attempt at sweet fluff and Eris being cheeky
This is the first tumblr week I've participated in. Of course it's for Daddy Vanserra, The Lord of Fire himself. Thank you @erisweekofficial ❤️‍🔥 🖤
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Warm Autumn morning sunlight freckles your eyelids. Peppering solar kisses though the forest green curtains. Peeking open one eye, you're graced with the tall stoic form of your mate. Your husband, getting ready for his day. Most likey another day or long meetings, getting off on other high lords irritation, and political foreplay. Eris's bread and butter.
Lila, the hound Eris gifted you for your birthday, jumps onto the bed wagging her tail. This was the daily routine. Eris wakes up early, takes the hounds for a walk, does courtly matters, and would join you for the evening walk.
But right now, it was almost as if Helion himself was teasing your mate. Through crusted eyes, you feel nothing short of adoration as the High Lord of Day sprinkles orange rays across Eris's irridencent skin, enhancing his splattered brown flecks. The morning light engulfs him, mixing with his rich copper strands, casting him into an etherial vision of flame. The High Lord of Autumn. The High Lord of Fire. Eris Vanserra. Your mate.
Eris slides on his riding pants, squeezing his muscular legs into the tight fabric. Still shirtless, still glowing. "Come back to bed" your morning words rasping out of your mouth.
"I have to take the dogs out Princess. I'll be back before you know it." Kissing the top of your bedhead, Eris leaves. Maple burbon, nutmeg, and pumpkin linger in the distance he created between you.
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You must have dozed off encased in your husbands scent. The smell of warm cinnamon and bacon taking it's place.
Rubbing your eyes, you assess the picture before you. Same orange lighting, Eris is the same riding pants and tunic... very different from his High Lord garb. Still ever as beautiful and full of detail.
"You could make a trash bag the next biggest trend."
Clutching at his chest, feigning pain, "I thought these pants made my legs look good."
Tossing a pillow towards him you laugh, "you're so dramatic"
"Say's the one who just threw a pillow at her loving, handsome, powerful, strong, big, thick-"
"Eris!" smacking his arm but careful not to spill any of the food or juice as he places the tray over your lap. "What time is it?"
Whatever he said was drowned out by the decidant hug of sugary cinnamon pancakes, covered in maple syrup, fresh fruit, and fresh whipped cream. A unabashful moan slipped past your ears, "Chef put a little extra soul into the flavors today. Remind me to thank him."
A sly grin slid onto Eris's lips, accompanied with his signature chuckle, "Chef didn't make it little fox." Sitting down on his side of the bed, he grabs a slice of bacon off the plate. "I did"
"Er!" Looking over to your handsome mate, long, layered, blazing hair cascading over his shoulders and chest like an angel. "See you can be nice" you wink as you take another bite.
Hand to his heart "You wound me my love. I've only ever been kind while I tease you daily."
"And you're usually a good boy, taking what I give you"
"I.. you got me there Princess." Kissing your cheeks, Eris gets off the bed and heads towards your closet. Pulling a pair of riding pants and a tunic he lays them on the edge of the bed. "When you're done eating you should come walk the hounds with me. Autumn is beautiful in the morning light. It would be even more beautiful with my light there beside me"
"Dont you have meetings to attend Mr High Lord?"
"Not today. I know I've been working a lot and I wanted to take time to be with my needy mate-" walking over to the full length mirror, Eris starts admiring himself, making insignificant adjustments to his hair and clothes. As if he could ever look bad. "But I can't blame you. Look at me. Even if I didn't have flames coursing through my veins I'd still be a fire hazard."
"So dramatic"
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You've always loved autumn. An array of warm colors fill the trees. The scent of campfires and cinnamon. The sound of crunching leaves. If it wasn't for Eris you may have tried to wed the autumnal season itself.
Being the night owl you were, it wasn't often you got the see the court in the glory of the morning light. But dang it, Eris was right. There was just something extra magical in the way the gold and browns woke up. Almost like a glitter shaking awake all life.
Lila ran ahead to chase a couple of the puppies. You loved days like this. Picking up a good stick you throw it across the field for a few of the older hounds to run after. Dew covered leaves crinkle under their paws. A symphony of joyous barks flood the early autumn air.
"They love you, you know"
"Of course they do. I'm the one who feeds them while you ignore your children for meetings." Teasing him and you throw the stick again. This time gaining the attention of a couple of the smaller puppies.
"They're protective over you. Especially Hunt, and he tolerates me at best." On cue, and like the good hunting hound he is, Hunt srides over in long luxurious prances. Ever as dramatic as his father.
"Maybe that's because you two are too similar." You bend over to give the good boy ear rubs. Relaxing the pack leader into your touch. He licks your hands a few times, which you return with a boop to his nose. He may be a well trained hunting hound, but he will always be a puppy at heart.
"As if you're any different"
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The sun in your face, sparkling across your skin, eyes twinkling... How could he not fall in love all over again.
From the moment you two met you had Eris captivated. Someone who can match his heat, spark his flame, humble him. It was you who made him a better male. Who gave him the hope needed to restore the court and be the male his father could never be. The male his father tried brutally for centries to beat out of him. You were his angel, his princess, his saving grace- and he would burn the world for you. Strutting though his inferno runway.
Walking over to where you'd found leasure under a shaded maple tree, "You're so beautiful my love"
"You're love keeps me young." With a smirk, you pull him down to the ground. Tackling him into a pile of crimson and deep yellow leaves.
"You're getting leaves in my hair!" The High Lord of Autumn complaining about his nature coating him- ironic.
"Drama Queen."
"I'm a KING!" Puffing his chest out like a child.
"How long have you been practicing that line drama KING?"
"I will not allow myself to be subjected to such ill treatment of your Lord."
"Yet if you insist on being the King of Drama, that would make me YOUR Queen, sir."
"Touche, my love. I'll give you this round."
"What's my prize for outsassing the Sass Lord?"
"You want a prize? I thought I was prize enough-" Pulling you into his chest, Eris lips find your ear. Leaving little love bites down the length  of your neck, "I can think of a few rewards."
"Mmm...I love you drama queen." Turning your head to crash your lips to his. Tasting his cinnamon breath against your tongue.
"You're a pain in my ass too little fox."
"Oh I can show you a pain in your ass...... where did I put that strap?"
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
Your takes on Marc always feel so accurate so I’d like to hear more of what you think in reference to that ask
i thinkkkkk this ask was about the pre argentina post sepang period where marc is like. attempting to mend his relationship to valentino by pure force of will and also being very sweet but vale is a lil reticent if sometimes polite... estranged but still hanging on to that lethal chemistry. death would be kinder if your name is marc marquez. but im going to take a HARD turn into omegaverse land here so sorry to god and his motorcycle racers
SO i think marc obviously like. doesnt really want to believe its over. hes soooo in love here (and as a canonical late bloomer i dont think hes EVER had a heat without vale?? and he is discovering that he is in fact quite bad at dealing with them by himself?) and i really do think that, as hurt as he was by the sepang fallout, he really thinks vale will get over it with time ! and that eventually theyll be able to be as close as they were previously! as soon as he unblocks me the wedding is back on ! truly cannot imagine doing a heat with anyone else he feels literally cold down to his bones thinking about it. and its not even just the dynamic stuff... he misses the grabby hands on cooldown laps and the hugs in parc ferme and the way vale used to put his long fingers in marc's hair to put him where he wants him when they were fucking and the soft skin of his neck and how when vale would touch him everything in marc's brain could just go quiet. truly he feels it in his TEETH like the longing is LETHAL the longing is PHYSICAL the longing has marc IGNORING HIS BODY'S BASIC NEEDS and refusing to go out and find someone to spend a heat with that would actual resolve the hormonal part of his biology reaching for vale (and break that mf bond). so the heat never quite fully resolves! and he feels antsy and feverish and smells literally crazy for weeks at a time. every alpha in the paddock bristling when the wind changes direction... vale staring at the sky with his nails digging into his palms
so marc's already shaky self control is pushed to the limit by his body's insane hormonal situation (motogp doctor is like. technically he can ride !) and so for a few years he decides to kind of. wage this tentative little campaign to see if he can get vale to smile at him or literally touch him at all and relieve a little of the tension swimming around in his body. ANY relief. so he says hi to him every day. goes up to him in parc ferme. small little touches on the podium. just making vale smell like him a little bit. hind brain rejecting the reality where they havent really touched skin on skin in months. waiting for vale to take off his glove before he shakes his hand. BUT because this is omegaverse and i love DRAMA, what marc doesnt realize is that he is sort of. fortifying the beginning stages of a bond that they had started to form when they were fucking. a bond that WOULD have just died if he left it alone or found someone else, but he canttttt because hes oblivious and in love... AND THEN he gets another heat, and its SO much worse... like the effects are compounding, and he can barely see straight and he's feverish and shaking with big eye bags all pale and sad... and eventually alex notices and pulls the plug. says you will NOT get on a bike like this and marc gets permission to stop and basically COLLAPSES
but meanwhile vale is being driven INSANE this entire time because the bond wont DIE but its also not COMPLETED, and marc keeps TOUCHING HIMMMM and smelling insaneeee like hes in heat literally constantly and vale doesnt know what the ISSUE is.... and hes caught up in soooo much resentment but theres literally a base part of his body that cannot physically ignore marc whatsoever. so its an escalating arms race of horny frustration until marc suddenly pulls out of the race one weekend (the official line is for "dynamic reasons" which vale stares at for full minute wondering. is anyone taking care of marc like he would. caught between wanting him to be okay and feeling SICK thinking about another alpha helping him through any of it...) and then theres a knock at his motorhome door. and its alex marquez, looking tired and a little nervous. and he just says. i need your help. its marc.
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crabonfire · 2 years
One bed trope part 3!!
warnings: none
characters: sniper and spy
note: finally lmao I'm sick of this damn trope at this point
also, they are the little spoons 👍👍👍 idk imagining spy as the little spoon is cute to me
• he'll just sleep on the floor 🤷‍♀️
"Oh-dude there's just one bed."
"I guess I'll sleep on the floor then."
"What? No! I'll sleep on the floor."
"It's fine, I don't mind."
"No sniper I don't mind."
"...so how will we do this?"
"...we could share?"
"Oh. Alright."
• woah woah woah woahhhhh??? sharing with...you? naurrrrr
Don't get me wrong, he adores you and loves the company. But...sleeping? In the same bed? With? The person he's head over heels for? The person who distracts him mid battle because they are constantly running through his mind? I don't even think he'll be able to sleep at all.
the entire night is quiet. it's an awkward silence from the both of you. any small talk made is,,,well, short. He wants to talk to you, just have fun but he's so tense. So are you, he can see how eager you are to strike up convo, but nothing seems to come out of your mouth.
• "I'm gonna get some shut eye, 's been a long day."
"Oh okay! Goodnight snipes."
• You quickly doze off after a couple minutes and he finds that the TV is not entertaining in any way, so he also decides its time for bed.
Turning it off, he takes off his hat and places it by the headstand on his side, awkwardly slipping into the covers trying his best not to wake your sleeping form.
He faces you for a bit, then feels the blush creeping on his face due to how peaceful you look like this. A soft smile appears on his face. He sighs and turns to the other side, arm under the pillows and eyes closed shut.
• He has a lot of trouble sleeping. So usually he spends his nights just pondering about life and how it could be for him. I mean it doesn't help, but it's the only thing he can do to make himself sleepy enough to actually rest.
But he's snapped back into reality when he feels soft arms wrap around his chest from behind, eyes now open and the blush on his face is back as he realises that your holding him in your sleep.
His body stiffens, he's completely frozen. What does he do in this situation? He really doesn't know.
But...this is nice. He hadn't been held like this in a while. He smiles when he heard your muffled murmurs in your sleep, feeling your face lie gently on his back as you snore. The butterflies he's feeling is immense, his heart is pounding...it feels like he's going to explode.
•Hes glad your asleep, because if you were, he'd look like a cherry red tomato to you.
aww rhat was so cute anywaysss wakey wakey
You find yourself awake before he is, and in a very very intimate position.
• Your holding him tightly without even realising it, his face in the crook of your neck as he wraps himself around your torso. You can feel his warm breath on your neck, sending small shivers down your spine.
You dont know what to do, you try to move but the response you get is a tighter grasp. It seems he doesn't want you to let go, and he's not planning on letting go himself.
He mumbles, making you feel a warm wave of heat spread through your cheeks. You smile weakly and silently scream inside. Oh my god, this is the shit they pull in romantic dramas. Holy shit.
You peer at the clock, your early. That means you can still sleep in, holding your crush in a warm embrace <333
• naur
• yea he planned this lmfaoooo
• no like idk how to make this sound romantic or silly he planned this 👍👍👍
• "Oh-spy uh...there's only..one bed."
"So it seems, well, I guess we'll just have to share, hm?"
The entire night is filled with playful, and downright romantic flirting. It's not subtle anymore, and the fond look he gives you doesn't make this any easier to deal with. You knew this man had his charm, but wow, okay.
When it was time for bed, he waited for you to fall asleep because ain't no way he's letting you see him without the mask.
• "Goodnight spy."
"Goodnight, Y/N."
He simply spends the time to do some light reading, and when he hears your faint snores, he takes that as the time he can sleep. He takes his mask off before he sleeps, he's professional of course but ain't no way he bouta do that.
He sets it aside, revealing his thick black hair, his grey hairs prominent, an endearingly adorable trait of his (hehe he's cute)
• he sleeps facing you, admiring your features one by one, memorising each miniscule detail he can find. It's not this often he can get so close to the person he finds dear to him, so he's going to cherish it.
He's not one to act lovey dovey, but right now, he's in the most vulnerable position he could be in. Maskless, with the person he loves, no weapon in hand and just comfortably lying down, ready for sleep.
The feelings he has for you are strong, and that's saying something, considering he usually settles for casual flings.
But, if its you, being like this is...New. usually, he'd always be on guard and being the perfect, charmer he is around others. But others aren't like you, your special. You make him comfortable with his vulnerability.
• rambling aside, he sighs before turning his back and deciding its time to rest. He has no worries about if you'll wake up to his maskless face because he always wakes up earlier than you ever will.
Good morning, sleepyhead. I have a gun to your head!! Wake up lmao
• he wakes up quick, blinking the last bit of sleep away. something about what he's feeling right now is unusual...he feels warm. like a big cozy blanket has enveloped him in its protective hold.
he blinks a couple more times and realises the position he's in. For once, it seems that he is the flustered one in this situation.
You're holding him in your arms, his head lays on your chest, being able to hear every breath you make and the slow, hypnotising beating of your heart. His hands wrapped tightly around your waist, as if in his unconsciousness, he had been aching to be closer to you.
Oh Y/N, what is he going to do with you?
• being in such a romantic position...its driving him mad. Never had he thought you'd be the one holding him, cradling his body till the day came. But here you are, comfortably asleep with him in your arms.
This sudden intimacy is not new to him, but it has been so long since he's been held by someone he truly loves...and it might be delusion or hopeful thinking, but maybe you feel the same to him too.
• though, as much as he'd like to stay with you like this, hell if he could he'd do it for all eternity, he has to get up. slowly, he unwraps himself from you, replacing him with his pillow, and goes to get ready for the day.
He's glad you're asleep because if the day ever comes for you to see him with red blush staining his cheeks, he'd rather die. <3
author note pls read :•(
hey sorry ive been gone for like...months. finals came up, second semester started, I've been getting unmotivated not only by writing but my other hobbies and even school too. I'm so sorry,,,I'm especially sorry to all the requests I've ignored for my hiatus,,,writing is NOT easy, and sometimes becomes a chore for me when I get pressured or unmotivated.
I hope you guys enjoy,,,sorry for any errors English is not my first language. I will try my best to post more, but I cannot guarantee I will be consistent. Thank you for reading :•)
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eggyrocks · 1 month
i remember you doing a poll long time ago, about who would win a love island and ever since i’ve been thinking about of how messy it would be if it all of your couples would be in the show. i feel like syrup yn and oikawa would definitely cause unnecessary arguments to get screentime and we would see them giggle about it during the night. static yn and noya seem like they would try pull pranks on the other couples or instigate beef in order for them to win which could possibly backfire on them (specifically pull pranks on get back yn and hinata since they could be a fans favourite due to them being cute childhood lovers) RAMBLING BUT IT WOULD BE SO CHAOTIC HELP
on repeat yn and kageyama get together on night one and stay together the entire time; they're just minding their business in the villa and do not get involved in any drama between the other couples (despite how much oikawa tries to drag kageyama into it) producers and the viewers forget about them but then they like come in top three because people like how chill they are together
syrup yn and oikawa are arguing every single day abt stupid shit and you're absolutely right it's for screen time. they would take challenges so seriously and they would purposefully do shady things for drama ( oikawa gets the question "who in the villa do u think is the fakest" and he would pick yn and she would cry about it but then ur right during the night they'd be like 'lmafo'). a bombshell would come in and try to steal away yn tho and oikawa would genuinely spin out. (that pool scene with rob this season lmaffoo) and yn would be like can u calm down i dont like him
calloused hands yn and kuroo have DRAMAAAAAAA oh my god they have like honest ot god drama because yn has trust issues and kuroo comes on too dedicated & strong too soon so he's like day one "yeah this is my girl i want her" and she's like "hmmmmm i'm gonna wait and give it a second" and viewers don't like her because they think she's leading kuroo on but she's like "???? sorry he's in love with me i didn't make him" but eventually she does start to get on the same level as him and they're smooth sailing from there. they have die hard fans watching at home.
35mm yn and akaashi have a slow burner but they would never even entertain the idea of anyone else. they would both sleep on the outside beds during casa amor. people would call them a married couple and everyone else would come to them for advice. akaashi asks yn to be his girlfriend right after casa amor and then some new girl comes in right after and chooses to recouple with akaashi and the whole entire villa erupts into chaos but yn is actually unbothered
static yn and noya would be in a "friendship couple" and be like yeah we're looking for other connections until one day randomly in the middle of the night like halfway through the show they're just making out and they're like yeah actually we have a really strong connection :) noya would be possessive every time a new guy came in and cling to yn to let him know she was not available. anon u are correct they absolutely try fucking with everyone else
there's no queer relationships on love island which is stupid and also homophobic but if there were kiyoko and inked yn would absolutely win everyone would be in love with them from the start and it would be clear that they were like soulmates. halfway through they would be like "do u wanna just leave together i dont wanna be here with these people anymore" loyal from day 1
atsumu and count your losses yn do not start off together. atsumu wants only her but she's coupled up with someone else so he's kind of a player so he can stay in the villa until yn is out of her other couple and he's free to pursue her lol. she pretends not to like him but when someone else tries to steal him away she gets crazy jealous.
i feel like get back yn would be a day 1 girlie and hinata would be a bombshell and she would be like "oh my god. that's my ex." and it would be all over twitter. she hates him at first but he's obsessed with getting her back and the producers are definitely pushing them together. ur right they're fan favorites and when they finally get together (after FOREVER, post casa amor when it seems like the producers are rigging the recouplings just to keep both of them on) it trends for like a week
maneater yn and iwa are definitely that couple that are forced to couple up together (like they got voted by the public to be together or smth) and they don't get it at all. constantly fighting and bickering and shading each other during challenges and when they have to kiss they like. hardly do it and the producers get mad at them. and then no one's sure what happened because they still act like that except they chose to stay together during every recoupling and start hooking up at night but they still bicker and argue and shade each other and everyone is actually so confused about it
callloused hands yn and maneater yn and count your losses yn are best friends they're a very popular trio. they love holding all the men accountable and talking a ton of shit
get back yn, static yn, and inked yn are also very good friends and they spend most of their time on the villa together. they get in the pool a lot so they can take their mics out and try to teach each other morse code so they can talk without someone listening in/the producers getting mad at them but it doesn't work out
syrup yn, on repeat yn, and 35mm are our final trio and they are the criers. they love a good heart to heart and know how to put it on for the cameras. producers love them. they have little therapy sessions together but they're not real and they're definintely hamming it up. on repeat yn and 35mm yn do a lot of "comforting" of syrup yn when her and oikawa get into their 584 fake argument
akaashi makes 35mm an avacado toast and a coffee every morning and by the time she gets out she never wants to see another avacado again
noya got banned from cooking so static yn makes him breakfast in the morning and makes jokes abt being a trad wife that get cut from the show
iwa's always working out in that fuck ass gym and maneater yn walks and makes fun of him and says things like "bet you can't do a pull up with me on your back!"
iwa and kageyama get in trouble with producers because they never wanna do confessionals but their couples are up in there yapping 24/7 in that confessional booth
kuroo and ch yn are the best dressed couple in the villa
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
breathe friend you know tommy is bones in s8, he's not bucks endgame the reliable leaker has literally been clear about that. don't believe anything that psychopath on twitter says, she's literally insane.
oh trust me i don’t believe anything she says lmao
and i know the leaker said that about tommy but tbh that dont mean shit about whether or not they are actually going to fix any of the fuckery they pulled in s7
just because they are allegedly giving tommy the boot doesn’t mean they’re going to actually get their shit together and stop ship baiting us; so like i said until they actually start to give us any indication that they’re going to stop mistreating poc characters for cheap drama and that storylines are actually going to be thought out beforehand rather than thrown together because “ehh, this is good enough” i’m not going to be wasting my time. these shows are meant for entertainment. if i am not being entertained by what’s being done, why am i going to waste my energy on it?
i dont say this to sound snippy or rude, anon, and it is NOT directed at you specifically (and i really hope it doesn’t come across that way i am just bad at emoting through screens 😭😭), i promise, but sometimes it feels like people who try to “talk me off the ledge” in these anonymous asks don’t really look at what i’m actually saying and they jump to the conclusion that i’m just making shit up to panic about, but the fact of the matter is that everything i talked about in that post is something that could feasibly happen… all of buck’s love interests up to this point have not been narratively satisfying; developed or not. so even if tommy does end up going like the leaker said (again not getting my hopes up because things change at the drop of a hat in this business) that doesn’t mean they will actually follow through with queer eddie or that any other potential love interest for buck will be in any way narratively satisfying. i’m not saying i’m closing on buddie, because i will love them and ship them together when my body is six feet under, but after the burning dumpster that was s7 post the cruise ship arc, i don’t have the faith in tim that i had before.
at the end of the day, yes abc is a more accepting and inclusive studio, but it is still that: a studio. a corporation. a money maker. they don’t actually give a fuck about the fans. i have seen time and time again that these shows do this cat and mouse shit with a queer ship and then never follow through, even if one of the characters involved does end up being confirmed queer. maybe it was a little harsh to say that tim is only interested in money, but after how little thought and care he put into last season it’s hard not to feel like he actually cares about the fans who have stuck with this show since the beginning.
i’ve mentioned before that i have stuck with this show for seven years. i have shipped buddie since s2. i witnessed the s4 buildup and subsequent letdown in s5 and 6. I know that was not tim’s fault specifically, that KR and Fox both fucked the show over
but that does not mean that tim won’t also change his mind— we saw evidence of that last minute with all the rewrites that were happening post mid season hiatus with s7. he found out he’s getting another season so he changed the plot of 7b, and if they get a season 9, all the more reason to keep dragging the buddie bait hype along with now true intentions to follow through?
i reslly really reallly wanted to trust tim again especially after the potential he had with the shooting arc in s4, but sometimes it feels like he himself has closed on buddie since then unless it’s done as a last-ditch effort to save the show… again, i’m not saying i think bt is going to be endgame, but just because they aren’t endgame doesn’t mean buddie is and that is what pisses me off. that we will have been waiting for nearly a decade for this ship to go canon, we will have gone through so much hate and vitriol from the bt stans, we have been teased and built up time and time again (even in s7), we have been bait and switched with no satisfactory outcome, and we have been laughed at the entire time, and there is a possibility that none of it will actually pay off, all because some white man gets to call the shots and he’s shown that all he cares about is melodrama and trolling people online to stir up shit.
anyway, i didn’t mean to hijack this post, anon, but i wnated to further expound upon what exactly my point was in my original post, which was not that i believed Bree’s delusions or that the helicopter pilot is buck’s endgame, but that i won’t trust tim to actually go through with anything promising until i start to see actual concrete irrefutable evidence of it.
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dylansslutt · 2 years
piss off / a.b
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summary : you play priscilla in the new movie leading you and austin to get close
warning : smut
  your eyes made contact with his as he enters the room, you lightly getting touch ups before the interview. everything has been so different between the two of you, his demeanor seems indifferent than before.
 you knew him and his “gf” he hasn’t made it official have been struggling with the distance, but you had nothing to do with that. sighing as they state the 3 minute mark.
 “hello, love.” you mutter to him as you both sit down. he smiles as his eyes never left your sight. “you look beautiful.”
 you slap his arm jokingly, “oh shush.” your eyes land on a water bottle near him, “can you hand me that water bottle please?”
 he nods grabbing it, handing it over your fingers touch. nothing meant by it but for some reason when you look up as you pull away you notice his eyes shift down.
 “you guys ready for the interview? this is maria she’s the one asking the questions today.”
 you nod, “of course, hi!” she sits down across from us, “hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you both.”
  after the interview which went well, you and austin had a photo shoot across town. “it’s for the vogue magazine with you both, we have the limos on the way.”
 “that’s not necessary, we can just ride together? right?” he looks over at you, leaving you to nod slightly. “yea, y’all can take the next one when it arrives and meet us over?”
 my manager looks over at his and never less agree, leaning down to grab my bag. austin grabs it first along with his. “you didn’t have to do that.”
 he smiles softly, dimples showing “i know.”
 he heads forward you trailing behind, you glance down at your phone surprised to see a text from someone you haven’t talked to in months. your dating history isn’t all that simple either.
 you were on disney for one show, hannah montana then you started doing adult movies. leading you to end up dating a few people, like josh hutcherson for two years when you landed a role in the hunger games.
  you two were still great friends actually, but after that you dated around a few until the last four years excluding your breakup last year, well practically...
 the person who messages your phone was the messy drama exploited break up with harry styles. who you fell deeply for until your acting and his tours got in the way, and the fact he cheated.
 H: i feel crazy... i still miss u
  shoving the phone into your bag, looking back up as we reach the limo. the door swings open as the bags were taken from austin. you enter inside and lean back with a sigh as austin climbs in.
 looking away, you didn’t need this right now. “do you think they have any liquor in here?” the question came off as a joke but it wasn’t. austin slides a drawer in the middle and appears champagne.
 “thank god.” reaching forward and grabbing the bottle and glass, you notice austins look.
 “don’t.” you mutter, he could easily read you since how long of a time you both spent together.
 your phone dings again making you roll your eyes, popping the champagne open and pouring a glass. “you want?” you look at him, him shrugging before leaning forward grasping a glass.
 “pour me one darling.” you smile softly, pouring his glass. setting the bottle in a drink holder, you take a sip before glancing at your phone.
 H: call me tn? i’d like to talk - h
 “god now he acts like i dont know who’s texting him, jesus.” the words escape your lips before you could stop them. austin looks at you serious now.
 “okay, what’s up?”
 “harry is texting me.” his eyes widen, “wh-what? i thought you two were done done?”
 you nod, “we are! yet he saying he misses me. i- i don’t need this right now, i just gonna drink my drink and ignore it all.”
 austin chuckles, “you are so stubborn.” you glance over at him, “yes indeed, but he cheated and i am not falling for the makeup sex.”
  the word sex alone shifted the atmosphere, “well, what do you want?” the question seems innocent until you catch his eyes. downing the rest of the champagne before pouring another glass.
 “a good fuck.”
 his eyes darken as he licks his lips, trying to ignore the feeling you got. you lean back against the seat. “we have a good 45 minute drive.” eyes widening as your head whips to look at him.
  “what is that suppose to mean?” the words were soft as he leans forward. “well you said ‘i ne-”
“ i know what i said, i mean’t your point.” you cut him off leaning forward slightly.
 “im offering you that.”
 “but what abou-” he shakes his head, “i am not a cheater, we aren’t together and she knows that.”
 with that being said you kiss him, but this time you kiss him. not in the script, not in front of the camera, just him. his stumble was fire against your skin as he pulls you across his lap.
 a few pieces of hair fall down in front of your face, his eyes staring into yours as his hand comes up to cup your cheek, “so beautiful.”
 the honesty surprises him almost, as he pulls you down onto his lips. his other hand coming up around your neck. “look so fuckin’ good in this dress.”
 you smirk as you feel him grow hard, “looks like you get to fuck me in it too.” he bites his lip softly before sliding your dress up and flipping you back onto the seat.
 “what are you d-” his head dips down as kisses your thighs making your eyes widen slightly. his hand reach up higher under the dress before he slips his fingers around the fabric of your panties.
 tugging them down, the slip off around your heels him grabbing your thighs once more glancing up at you. “fuck austin.”
 “tell me what you want, baby.” his voice was deep and your head went back as you mutter the words. “touch me please.”
 sounding so needy, his finger enters you as he kitten licks your clit. eyes shutting as a soft moan escapes you as he pulls away. “gotta be quiet baby.”
 he delves back in, finger and tongue filling your stomach with a deep pit. him sliding another finger in as he continues his assault with his tongue. your hands went to his hair, tugging at it softly making his grip tighten around your thighs.
 his fingers pull away, making your eyes snap open. he sucks his fingers before leaning down to kiss me, “taste so good.” his words sent a shiver down you, allowing you to taste yourself on his lips.
 he unzips his pants slowly, you watching him as he shuffles a little to move them down. pushing your thighs open wider, he leans down capturing your lips as he grasps your neck.
 you felt him through his boxers, the thick bulge aching for you. hand sliding down, cupping him through the fabric his teeth sink softly into your bottom lip.
 a soft moan was hidden by his lips, making him pull away and shove his boxers down. eyes on your core, he spits on it sliding his tip up and down gathering the spit.
 his hands pull your legs up higher, pulling you closer making you gasp as he enters you slowly. feeling the stretch of him fill you up, eyes rolling back slightly at the feeling.
 his grip tightens as he leans down, almost hovering over you as he moves slow to give you a chance to adjust. “so fuckin’ tight.”
 you look at him, “i need you to go faster.” as like a switch flips he lifts up, leaning back slightly before going deeper than before making you gasp.
 he starts picking up the pace finding a momentum that sent your tits almost bouncing out the dress. your grasp his arms then the seat behind you, holding on as he pounds into you.
 “fu-fuck.” the moan escapes your lips, his hand coming up around my throat cutting my oxygen off slightly. “look so good taking me like this baby.”
 your eyes roll back as his thumb rolls over your sensitive bud, legs shaking slightly. “im gonna cum daddy.” he pounds harder than before holding your legs tight, not letting you move away as your stomach feels like an explosion.
 he comes down and kisses you right as the moan leaves your lips, the wetness coats him as he strokes a few more times before pulling out and cumming into my panties.
 he leans down kissing my heaving body, barely any air able to enter as your legs shake desperately. “did ya’ use my underwear as you cum rag?”
 he scratches his neck, “yea my bad.” as you sit up more he pats your hair, combing it down a little with his fingers. you watch him intently as he shifts his gaze onto yours again.
 without saying a thing he leans down kissing you, your eyes shut momentarily before he pulls away. “still taste good...” he laughs as you blush, “so you’ve said.”
 “that help any?” you nod softly, “for now, yes.”
 “good thing there’s always a next time.” you glance up at him surprise he mentions another time. “next time?”
he shrugs, “who knows maybe you’ll get sexually frustrated again, and come crawling to me.” gaping at him in shock, “oh im gonna kill you!” you laugh as he kisses you instead.
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popstart · 11 months
Misogyny is so incredibly normalized its actually insane. Theres batshit levels of casual misogyny thrown around in td, and im fine with it for plot and stuff, but that tweet of terry mcgurrin saying there's no homphobic characters or whatever. Like okayyyy i see your priorities.
The misogyny that is just casually in the show can get genuinely upsetting to watch sometimes. Women are constantly disrespected and paraded around as objects. Duncan saying to courtney whats for dinner woman. The double gold at the babe Olympics shit. The men are allowed to pull two girls but as soon as a girl pulls two guys shes the devil and should kill herself (gwen, bridgette, even courtney in the case of scott) And characters are reprimanded for being sexist in the show, but it doesnt feel like it happens enough
And again, im ok with it for the plot and stuff. (Also its a show from 2007. Its gonna be far from unproblematic) but it reflects HARD in the fandom. The people that blame Gwen and Courtney for the love triangle stuff? Insane. Actually genuinely insane. They either actually believe it can be someones (that just SO HAPPENS to be a woman) fault for being cheated on, or they just say that to piss people off who sympathize with courtney (or even gwen in the case of duncan fucking Breaking Into The Bathroom to kiss her. She was coerced into that kiss)
The list could actually go on and on and on.
The way people say bridgette is a bad person for getting coerced into a kiss even after apologizing while they completely forget geoff making eyes at other girls and calling them hot
The way people fawn all over noah and cody despite being in a minimal amount of episodes and/or never having that large of a role, while hating female characters in similar alleyways of screentime or usage
The mass popularity of mlm ships compared to wlw ships. Total drama has a pretty wide array of female characters that are just as developed or even more than the most popular male characters/ships. The usual excuse of female characters just being underdeveloped/bad characters and therefore unfun to ship doesnt apply.
I saw someone called homophobic for saying a lot of mlm ships feel like mlw ships but for people that dont want to write a woman
And its not like thinking one of these things automatically makes someone a misogynist, but it feels like everyone harbors some kind of misogynistic thinking. Its exhausting. Like you have to fight back so hard only for no one to care and for people to tell you youre exaggerating. the moment theres any SEMBLAMCE of homophobia, people dogpile them, but the rampent misogyny gets nothing done about it. Im tired
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kafus · 1 month
yesterday my friend suggested that a crossover between the ye olde vocaloid song black vow alluring secret and likodot made a lot of sense but they weren’t sure how to articulate why and i had never thought about it prior to them bringing it up but it absolutely brain blasted me and after listening to both black vow and white vow again since it’s been a while i wrote a bunch on discord about it
“im still listening to white vow but i See it i see it so much. im trying to figure out how to word things but this might come out poorly LOL IM TRYING
miku meeting rin (as an angel) for the first time is described in black vow as rin being like lost and aimless or whatever and miku's smile and eyes immediately make her fall in love and this is similar in feeling to the jumping point of liko and dot's connection being formed because of liko's friendliness and patience and optimism and etc
dot is a really androgynous character and the idea of her, in this situation, literally changing bodies/swapping genders to be with liko is incredibly believable and within the range of her gender expression
miku has a marriage with some guy who she doesn't actually love (that's when "len" shows up) and it's really giving old timey arranged marriage vibes and i don't know how to articulate this point but the imagery in the mv i could immediately overlay like Amethio on top of that and imagine family drama in that sense
and generally the idea that liko and dot have saved each other's lives and push and pull for each other so often, the general emotional intimacy of their bond and the amount they reach out to each other, when dramaticized Really matches the vibes of this song with rin literally committing essentially angel suicide to be with miku, while on the other hand miku in white vow is tormented by not being able to remember and constantly searching... like they'd look for each other to the ends of the earth. likodot core actually
only thing i dont feel comfortable matching up in particular is Kaito in black vow who the fuck. i guess it being spinel would be interesting, like he's angry about the loss of control over dot, or something
tldr you were so right when you said this dot would fall from grace and become a boy to kiss liko on the mouth
and then a little later i continued my thoughts with
“jumping off of it the last bit about like. liko and dot goinig to the ends of the earth for each other it sounds kind of funny saying it bc like honestly the stakes are just not that high in horizons it sounds dramatic but it's so fucking real like actually
they are defined by reaching out and reaching into each other . uncovering each other's emotional layers. pushing each other to become better people. liko sees dot's face for the first time after dot essentially saves her life and then in the next moment she does the same in return and this is acknowledged by them verbally fellas is it gay to save the life of the girl who was the first to reach out to you the way you needed through your bedroom door as your first in person interaction
you could chuck them into any media with these themes and you could probably make it work”
and i’m still thinking about this i love likodot so much
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imkillerbae · 1 year
Would you do a sequel in plush drama? I feel you are talented at long stories ❤️
Snap Drama (Valorant Yoru x Reader) (Plush Drama pt 2)
Summary: You file a leave and you miss Yoru so you send him a snap.
Word count: 3.5k
CW: Fluff, Fem!Reader, Phoenix, Jett and Neon slander, crab talk, mentions of celebrities I dont know)
Art is also by me
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The windows were left open, the midnight air was cold as it blew against your curtains. The stars were bright against the indigo sky, and you stared at them quietly, hugging your black cat plush against your chest.
You were on leave from the VP, currently residing in your home with your family. And while you enjoyed the time you had with the folks, you couldn’t help but wonder how everyone was in HQ. Especially Yoru.
When your leave papers were signed, he was away for a mission and wouldn’t be back until further notice. You didn’t know why, but you felt bad leaving without saying goodbye properly.
With a heavy heart, you packed lightly for the trip. But you didn’t forget to pack Yoru Jr. with you, since you didn’t wanna feel lonely in the plane. And during the flight, you itched to send him a text, or call him. It’s not like you needed to tell him any of this. But it just felt wrong not to. You shook the thoughts away: you can’t jeopardize his mission just so you could update him about something he may not even be interested in knowing.
It was a week after you left that he got back from the mission with Sage, Sova and Reyna. He was jetlagged, hungry, and aching in places he shouldn’t be. But all he wanted to do as he stepped down the Vulture was to give you this keychain he bought from Bangkok, a trinket he managed to snag with limited time.
His brows knit together as his eyes roamed the field, the agents coming to greet them, but there was no sign of you anywhere. He grits his teeth as he approached Phoenix. “Aye, man! You don’t look too hot,” he laughs, doing their handshake. “Yeah, and? I’ll get patched up later.” He replies curtly, brushing the dust off his jacket, looking around as covertly as he could, hoping that you were just late or something.
“Whatcha looking for?” Phoenix asks, also looking around. Yoru’s eye twitches in annoyance but he shakes his head. “No one. Doesn’t matter.” With that reply, Phoenix quirks an eyebrow before smirking. “Ah, I see how it is,” he smiles widely, elbowing Yoru. “If you’re looking for Y/N, she’s on leave. I’m surprised you didn’t know?”
Yoru raises a brow. He knew about your scheduled leave, but he thought that it would be approved later than anticipated. He gripped on the keychain he held inside his fist. “Wasn’t looking for anyone,” he shrugs, but winces at the aching on his arm.
It was Phoenix’s time to raise a brow. “Is that right? Say that again, and I’ll believe you,” he laughs, shaking his head. Phoenix found it funny how hard his best friend tried to hide how much he liked you, and yet everyone could see how enamored he was. But no one wants to play cupid unless they wanted a bullet through their stomach, curtesy of Yoru.
Except for Phoenix of course. He had the balls to play with fire.
Yoru hissed at him and his teasing, huffing. “I don’t have time for your nonsense right now Phoenix. Go unpack or someshit. Make yourself useful,” he rolls his eyes, pulling the jacket off him. With the soreness he had, it was getting heavy. “Oh, but am I really talking nonsense?” He jokes, snagging the keychain from Yoru’s grip by the loop, spinning it around his fingertips. “Another knickknack huh? If you keep being such a chicken, she’s gonna have enough shit for a yard sale.”
Yoru blushed, blood rushing from his neck. After his first move of giving you that cat plush, he’s been building up the courage to give you something a little more overt with his intentions. His intentions being along the lines of ‘I like you and I want to spoil you’. “What the fuck are you on about? T-that’s not for her. I just found that lying around some place,” he defended, too tired to retrieve the thing from Phoenix.
“Oh yeah? I’ll keep it then if it isn’t too important. That alright with you?” Phoenix challenged, reaching his hand out, the hoop of the keychain dangling on his fingertips. With a smug grin, he jingles it, mocking Yoru as he tried his best to look disinterested; his red face giving him away. “Doudemo ii. It’s trash anyway,” he grumbled and rolled his eyes, walking towards the HQ entrance, bumping his shoulders against Phoenix in annoyance.
“You know, you gotta make up a better excuse than ‘I found it some place,’ she’s not some lost and found box!” Phoenix calls out, and Yoru’s eye twitches as he turns around to give Phoenix the middle finger. Why was he a million times more annoying today? And why did he have to meddle so much?
But as much as he hated what Phoenix said, he was right. He needed to make up a more sensible excuse; he can’t just keep giving you stuff and hope the message comes across clearly. He needed to make a move.
But that’s easier said than done. Actually, it’s not easy saying it either.
Recently, anytime he’s talked to you, his brain would lag, trying to form the right sentences. It wasn’t like him to be so careful with his words, being known to be quite the opposite. But with you, he found himself wanting to be more sincere. Unfortunately for him, that wasn’t his style, so he just ends up being quiet. He never stuttered, and yet you always had him too stunned to speak.
When he stumbles on his words, he gets so mad at himself that he distances himself from you sometimes. He always thought of himself as a confident man, egotistic even. And yet you were able to stun him with just a smile. And when you say his name, oh god. He found it so cute, his heart clenches at the sound. Why was he so bad at communicating his feelings?
After a trip to the infirmary, a relaxing bath and a long nap, he was well rested. Unfortunately, this resulted in him not being able to fall asleep at night time. A warm towel was propped on his neck, his hair down from its updo. He sat on his chair, propping one leg up. He stared at himself in the mirror, eyes narrowed. He was annoyed with himself and his inability to communicate properly beyond the battlefield. It was frustrating. He could tell how confused you were with his mixed signals, and he was trying his best to set himself straight.
He looked at his phone and thought of you. Somehow he wanted to overcompensate and send you a text. He just wanted to talk to you and not fuck up. Unbeknownst to him, you felt the same way.
It was already late at night and yet you still wanted to text him. You wanted to know how he was, how his mission ended, and tell him sorry that you weren’t able to meet before you left. Fuck it, I can’t take this anymore, you thought to yourself. Yoru was brave enough to hand you gifts, you should be brave enough to send a text.
But what text should I send?
Picking up the phone was the easy part. Typing down words seemed daunting. You scratch your head, biting your lip. Plus, where do you even send it? You wouldn’t be caught dead sending anyone flirty messages in VAL-SECURE. Scrolling through your apps, you see Snap. Perfect. You should send him a photo!
But of what?
God this was getting more complicated than it needs to be. Your palms sweat as you stare at yourself in the screen. It would be too forward sending a selfie out of nowhere. You look around and see your plush, and ding! An idea comes to mind. You send a picture of the cat instead and captioned it with a ‘hi :>’
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As soon as you saw that the message was sent, you threw your phone to the bed and stared off into the distance. The act of spontaneity hitting you like a brick wall.
You sent the Kiritani Ryo a fucking Snap.
It’s not like you’ve never texted each other before, but it was mostly just updates about the protocol or missed mission details. But this was Snapchat. You didn’t even know if he used that. You knew he had social media but never posted anything, only using it to check on others or troll Phoenix.
Out of nervousness, you hug the poor cat plush. You reminded yourself that it was already late, and he may not even reply. You felt a pang of comfort then sadness at that fact. Much to your chagrin, you see the light of your phone pulse. A notification. You look at the phone, mortified.
Yoru on the other hand stared blankly at the photo you sent, finding himself too stunned to act on it initially. Blood rushes from his neck to his face, his ears almost steaming as he stared closely at the picture. He felt his heart clench. It was… so cute…
Even if you weren’t in the photo, he found it adorable that you brought the plush with you. He also couldn’t help but imagine you in bed with your pyjamas, lying down as you send the cute picture. He rubs his forehead with his free hand, baffled and in awe. It took him a few moments to register the fact that he had to reply something.
Looking at himself at the mirror, his brows raise. He checked himself on all angles and smirked to himself. His hair wasn’t done up but he looked good regardless, something he took pride in.
But as soon as he opened the camera, a blush crept up his cheeks.
He was sending YOU a fucking SELFIE at 12 AM.
Anytime he tried to get a good photo of himself, the blush was very evident. He tried every good angle, but he couldn’t hide how flustered he was. God, you got him taking selfies at 2AM. He didn’t even like taking photos of himself!
Out of desperation, he instead sends a photo of half of his face. He captioned it with a simple ‘hey.’ Fuck it.
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After it sent, he froze in his seat, his face red like a tomato. He was screaming angrily at himself on the inside for that horrible angle but not a sound left his lips. He sat the phone down on his lap, pulling out his comb and combing his hair in panic.
It was laughable how easily you’d turn this narcissistic and egocentric jerk into the most self-conscious and shy person ever.
Seeing the photo on your end, you gasp and squeal. You bit your lip, trying to drown down your excitement. You saved the photo and smiled. He was so adorable. You didn’t expect him to send you anything of this sort. Breathing in, you prepare to reply.
> Lol why are u still awake? You chat, then holding down the phone to your chest. Surprisingly, he replied rather quickly this time.
>> I could ask you the same thing. You laugh to yourself. The way he chats is similar to the way he talks; blunt and dry.
> Couldn’t sleep. Thought I’d bother you for a bit. You replied honestly.
He stares at your last message for a little while. He smiled a little to himself, the last sentence sending butterflies to his stomach. On your end, it seemed he was typing out something long, but you were dismayed to see his actual reply.
>> Oh.
Oh. What could he mean by that? You sat there for a bit, thinking about what to reply. You were starting to think this was a bad idea, sending him a text knowing damn well he was tired from the mission. Maybe he wasn’t in the moo—
>> How are you holding up there
Your eyes widened as he sent another message.
> It’s fun for the most part. Got to hang out with family. Hard dodging questions about my *job*
> But it does get a bit boring sometimes. There’s not much to do around here.
> How about you? How was your mission btw
As you sent your replies, he patiently waits for you to finish your thought. It takes a while for him to reply, thinking carefully about what to say. Although he is a bit glad that his brain doesn’t lag as much through text.
>> You brought the plush huh
That was all he replied after a long while. You pout as he dodged the question.
>> I hope he’s good company when you’re bored.
He was really happy to see that you brought the cat with you. It gave him a bit of an ego boost. But he’d never tell that to you.
> Oh yeah, he is. I was scared of missing the VP so I thought I’d bring a piece of it along with me.
2 minutes pass.
>> that’s good.
>> nothing too exciting about the mission. Bangkok has pretty good food. We kicked ass. The usual.
>> I got you a keychain but one direction took it for himself.
> Did you just call phoenix… one direction????????????
>> He’s a brit and he sings. Makes sense.
> you cant just call him that😭
>> better yet: No Direction. Because his aim is shit and he’s a fucking idiot.
> OMG😭😭😭
> what does that make Neon👀
>> idk. Imitation lea salonga maybe
>> kinda like imitation crab. It’s good but not quite the same with the real thing
>> had to look up filipino singers for that one idk any
> mans really comparing neon to a crab😭😭😭
>> correction: lea salonga crab. This isn’t some normal crustacean.
>> it’s got the karaoke buff
> hahahaha!😭
While you laugh at his silly remarks, Yoru on the other hand was sweating in his seat, his hoodie suddenly feeling a lot heavier.
Since when did he get so chatty?
He was trying so hard to be funny, it was pathetic.All he needed now was to smear lipstick on his nose and he’d be a fully fledged clown. He sighs and gets out of his room, walking to the rooftop for some air.
> To be fair, Neon’s hairdo does look like crab pincers.
>> ?
> Now I cannot *unsea*
> badum tss
> hehe
>> wow
>> im blocking you now.
> No pls
>> beg
> WTF😭
He smiles absentmindedly as his legs guided him up the rooftop. His hoodie did enough to shield him from the cold night air, the mellow moonlight illuminating his steps. His hair flows with the breeze from the ocean, and he could see the stars vividly. The HQ was isolated from the world in an island, which made the sky all the more clear. He stood in front of the low railing and propped a foot up on it, taking a lighter and lighting up a cigarette. He huffs out smoke which was immediately blown away behind him.
> hey
> is it okay if I call?
He stares at the message for a moment, his heart clenching again. He looks around nervously, gritting his teeth. He’d love to, but he might fuck his words up. His foot taps impatiently against the concrete floor, trying to decide how to reply.
> or not
> it’s okay if not
Seeing that, he presses the call button out of impulse. Pressing the phone against his cheek, he waits for you to answer.
You jumped when your phone started ringing, with his face plastered over the screen. You blushed, your spontaneity paying off. Clearing your throat, you breathe out through your mouth. Pressing the answer icon, you smiled.
“Hey,” he says through the phone, blowing out smoke. “Hi,” you squeak, lying on your side with the plush to your chest. “I almost thought it wasn’t you sending those messages,” you laugh, and he jerks an eyebrow upward. “How so?” He asks curiously, sitting down on the concrete, his back to the moonlight.
“Well, you’re not exactly the type to use social media often, let alone snap.”
“That depends heavily on who tries to reach me.”
He could hear your slow breaths, and your voice sent tingles up his spine. He loved the way you spoke. He could listen to you talk all night. “So you’d be okay with me sending you messages sometimes then?” You ask with a large smile, and he huffs out smoke before replying. “Anytime,” he replies bluntly.
Write me a novella if you’d like. I’ll be your biggest fan.
He hears you laugh, and the butterflies in his stomach rage. “Why does it sound so windy there?” You ask him curiously, turning on your other side.
“I’m in the rooftop.”
“Huh? Why?”
You raised a brow, then your eyes narrow. “Huh, I didn’t know you smoked.” You pout a bit as you said that, and as if he saw it, he purses his lips. “Only when I’m nervous,” he says in defense, biting the cigarette slightly. “Why would you be nervous haha,” you chuckled.
“Hn. You could say you have that effect on me,” he admits honestly, blushing lightly. There was no point lying about that. You also blush at that remark. You didn’t understand the whole meaning of it but it was enough to make you grin like an idiot.
“It was unfortunate that I left without saying bye properly to you… a-and Sage and the rest. I was wondering what souvenir you’d like to have?” You ask, your socked feet rubbing together in anticipation. He’s silent for a moment, staring at his shadow.
“Make it up to me by getting back here safely.” And soon, he thought.
“What, you miss me already?” You teased, and he chuckles.
“Hm. You could say that.” He replies after a bit of silence.
“Admittedly, the whole place seems a lot duller than usual whenever you’re not around. Even Joon-he’s big mouth can’t liven the whole place up.” He adds. He remembered how his heart dropped when he didn’t see you waiting for him when he got back.
“Really? Phoenix not giving you enough headaches to keep you entertained?”
“Oh, plenty. He’s even more annoying today. He took my fucking keychain, that bitch.”
You laugh as he spoke about his best friend, the protocol, the mission, while you told him about your day, the constellations, Jett’s secret stash of kimchi, and everything else under the moon. All your drowsiness left your body as you talked the night away, your conversation lasting for hours. Even if his seat was uncomfortable, he was happy to be on the rooftop just listening to you rant about the randomest things. This is the first time in a while you’ve both talked this deeply. Ever since he realized he liked you, it got hard for him to talk to you this way. Who knew that all it took was for you to make the first move.
As you talked, he noticed that dawn was coming soon, and it was getting early already. He didn’t feel sleepy, but he could hear you yawn every now and then. As much as he wanted to keep talking, he didn’t want to get you too tired.
“You should sleep.” He says, standing up and dusting his pants. He looks at the moon, still bright in the sky. “Yeah, I know,” you yawned, huffing. “How long has it been? 3 hours?” You chuckled, looking at your clock.
“Yeah. Sumanai, I shouldn’t have kept you up too late.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I enjoy talking to you. You were the highlight of my night… and morning I guess.”
“Hm.” He blushed, looking at the moon. It gave him butterflies knowing you were both looking at the same thing, even though you were miles away from each other. “Go to sleep.” He suggests, and out of drowsiness, you nod in response. “Good night Ryo,” you smile, closing your eyes.
He doesn’t drop the call yet, hesitating. “Hey, Y/N?”
“I forgot to say something.”
“What is it?”
“Suki da. Oyasumi.”
He then turns the call off, leaving you a bit confused. What did he say? Oh god, he was gonna be so mad if he found out you were too sleepy to understand anything right now. You were gonna have to ask him what the hell he said later, but right now, you needed to sleep.
Yoru on the other hand stared at the sunrise peeking through the clouds. He watched as the sky turned from blue to orange, the ocean waves fiercer than hours before. The wind was cold, but his heart and stomach felt warm and giddy. He doesn’t know whether you heard him or not, but that doesn’t matter.
All that matters is that he meant it.
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