#i feel like both interpretations add different meanings to their expressions. somehow
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fix-me-sixteen · 1 day ago
how dare you forget to post this
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There’s a possibility I forgot to post this. Um.
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stranger-theory · 1 year ago
Song & Scene Analysis: Lumax vs Byler
I've also posted this on the Byler Subreddit so if you see it there, hi, that's me!
I’m sure you’re aware of song importance in Stranger Things with the Duffer Brothers saying sometimes it takes weeks to pick a song that conveys the exact message they’re trying to portray. I’ve seen quite a bit of theories around what songs mean what, but there’s one specific song that caught my attention.
There’s a scene in season two, episode six where Lucas and Max speak on top of a bus in the junkyard. It’s a lovely scene in which Max explains her behavior to Lucas, and apologizes for some stuff she wasn’t proud of. She says she’s sorry for acting like a jerk, and doesn’t ever want to be like that, but she feels overwhelmed with her home life and takes it out on people she doesn’t mean to. She then expresses that she likes California, and sometimes wants to go home, but having Lucas there with her for comfort makes her feel better. Max makes a call back to their “Stalker” joke, with a shared laugh. This emotional scene is then cut off by the sighting of a demodog, and a tense scene plays.
Now you know the base of the conversation, let me tell you about a similar scene I see as a parallel. Season four, episode four bedroom talk. This scene is between Mike and Will, where Mike apologizes to Will. In his apology he says he’s sorry for acting like a jerk, but everything with El was just really overwhelming and he doesn’t want Will to feel like their argument was personal. Mike explains to Will that he really appreciates Hawkins, but, since Will moved to California, it feels different. He misses Will. They share a “Cool” with each other and sit in silence while smiling, but are cut off by the doorbell as Jack’s men come searching for El.
These scenes may not feel as similar as I'm insisting with just this information, but there’s a very key portion to this parallel: Music.
I’m going to go through these scenes at the same time to help you understand where I’m coming from. At the current moments in time for these scenes, Lucas/Will have a like Max/Mike, but don’t know how to confront them about it. Max/Mike both apologize to Lucas/Will for hurting them when they didn’t mean to. Max/Mike say the reason they acted like this was because they felt overwhelmed with their lives at the moment. Max/Mike say that they like California/Hawkins but without Lucas/Will, it wouldn’t be/isn't the same. Max/Mike make a callback to “Stalker/Cool”. Almost directly after these heartfelt talks, they’re interrupted with the intense Demodog/Goverment scenes. The same song plays in these scenes to further imply that we’re supposed to view them the same way. The camera slowly zooms closer on their reactions to help the audience grasp these scenes better, and help it feel more intimate.
These are things you basically can’t deny, as I’m just stating the facts of these scenes. From all of these similarities and comparisons, we can also further suspect other aspects of these scenes. Something we’re allowed to assume is that, like Max, Mike also has feelings for Will. If the original scene including this song is meant to be interpreted as romantic, then why would the second be any different? If the original scene is meant to be read as a “romantic” and “intimate” apology, then why would the second scene suddenly be a purely platonic interaction? If they’d wanted us as an audience to think otherwise, then they would have chosen a different way to portray this scene.
I thank you greatly for listening to me rant about why this scene drove me crazy. I’ve been looking forward to posting this for a while, but with my very on fire Spongebob looking brain, I never remembered. I’d love love looooove to hear your thoughts and add ons to this, ESPECIALLY corrections if i’ve somehow misinterpreted something. I wouldn't want to spread misinformation. Have a good morning, afternoon, or night, folks.
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onewomancitadel · 3 years ago
thank You for answering my previous ask. Your reply was perfect. The "Jaune cant date Cinder kuz she a murder" argument was always so silly to me. They r trying to make some moral claim but it doesnt add up. Like what so the better option is to have Jaune become a killer by murdering her? Wouldn THAT ruin his character by their logic? I dont really get the stigma against men saving women either. I think the idea is that it makes men look like clueless simps and women look like useless idiots???
Hi again, no worries. (: Ask in question.
I mean to be entirely frank I've literally not interacted with a single person who has expressed these ideas to me about Knightfall (definitely Cinder though, and the idea that Jaune will kill her etc.) because I keep to myself on Tumblr. I've mostly only interacted with people like this regarding Reylo, but I've heard it all before.
I don't think it's really a claim about what stories ought to be told for the sake of preventating harm though, as I said in that post.
Like what so the better option is to have Jaune become a killer by murdering her? Wouldn THAT ruin his character by their logic?
Well, yes it would, but they don't understand Jaune's character because they've ignored every single scene he's in ever, as well as the entire point of the Haven confrontation with Cinder. They invented a different story in their head: Cinder is evil, obviously you're supposed to kill her, please ignore the point of Jaune's Semblance which is literally compassion and support as a superpower.
I dont really get the stigma against men saving women either. I think the idea is that it makes men look like clueless simps and women look like useless idiots???
'Simp' is one of the worst words ever invented. I don't like reading it one bit.
I think 'man saving woman' is a flat reduction of the Knightfall dynamic (as proposed) though, but I know what you mean. I don't know how we got to the point where 'You don't have to do it alone, let me help you and see you for who you really are and could be' is somehow a bad thing, but it makes me feel uneasy. It's just very strange that kill death murder is a more acceptable and 'less regressive' conclusion than like, connection.
But yes, there's an assumption there that it's foregrounded in misogynistic tropes, e.g. classic damsel in distress scenario. I'm not sure that 'simping' factors in (as in, as an actual influencing bad trope) since this, as a 'problem' seems to be a relatively recent (?) and bizarre idea - not sure how extending affection and compassion to a woman (aka the foundation of romance and generally relationships) is... behaviour to be looked down upon?
I also think these kinds of tropes are always contextually sensitive.
If anything I would put forth that Knightfall is specifically a relationship that would reconstruct the knight and Maiden in the tower trope (i.e. damsel in distress), especially as it's so literally reverse Salem/Ozma (the first maiden and knight). Especially because you've got the holy knight who is also Joan of Arc inspired (famously nonviolent) tied to the Maiden who is a maiden because Maidenhood grants magical powers. So yes, considering how traditional gender dynamics are influencing the pairing is worthwhile, but I don't think there's anything regressive here. Quite the opposite.
But as I said I don't think that's really the angle being argued from because trying to take it seriously when it's not about that will leave both parties dissatisfied. It's not really a topic I'm earnestly interested in debating.
The reality is that most of the people who take issue with Knightfall in this context probably want some other ship to happen or they don't understand Jaune's character and think that something textually rejected back in V5 (him trying to kill Cinder) will somehow happen. So if their interpretation is so countertextual and missing the fundamental themes of the show I'm not sure I'd waste time worrying about their analysis.
Obviously that isn't to say some people might take genuine issue with Knightfall but they're not the people I'm talking about. You're allowed to like and dislike things in equal measure, you just don't need to use pseudo-social justice rhetoric to defend your point. That's part of how we ended up with this mess. If it were actual earnest concern I might take such criticisms more seriously. But because they show their hand thinking that romance is regressive (?), compassion is regressive (?), and Cinder shouldn't be redeemed (?), I don't have reason to really care.
Thanks for your ask. I understand gossiping is fun and so is judging other peoples' opinions, but I also suggest you try to find a space where you're not being subjected to this stuff all the time. Unless that's your idea of fun. (:
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aayilahkaylee · 4 years ago
Carbon as a major factor in the origin of life and carbonated water.
Summary: They both think too much and are highly interpretive of their surroundings - objectively, of course. So it is inevitable that they will do the same with their soul mate brands, but things will look really simple on a trip to the zoo, where many carbon-based life forms are gathered, an element that is also part of their trademark formula.
Notes: This is part of the first challenge done on Twitter by @DcstChallenges, with the theme of soulmates. Don't hesitate to join on twitter and participate or support future challenges.
The system of soulmate identification was nothing more than an inefficient diversity of methods with a huge margin of error or at least ambiguity.
Statistics and probability confirmed this, Senku made use of these calculations in trying to understand this phenomenon, ruling out unprovable facts such as the resonance of dreams or thoughts, or slightly questionable ones such as writing on one's own skin and this also appearing on the other person's (how many could be writing on their own skin and inventing that it was their soulmate who had written to them?). Also the countdowns to over a thousand years were also proof of the untruthfulness that came with it.
Rooted to the facts, the mark on Ishigami Senku's right forearm was supposed to be the mark of his soul mate, but to him it was nothing more than the affirmation that he loved science.
At a certain point, he came to think that simply marks like his did not mean that someone was his soulmate, but that they simply had similar enough tastes or interests that they could hit it off. Which would explain why most people who found his markings ended up being a couple.
On his arm was tattooed the formula NaHCO₃, one of the most important compounds in history, to which he gave the meaning of being what proved that his destiny was science.
On the contrary, Asagiri Gen wondered if among his peers there would be someone whose first word they would cross with him would be that compound; would they pronounce it as the formula read, or would they simply say 'sodium bicarbonate'?
Eventually, his peculiar mark of soul mate became just another joke in his extensive repertoire, with the formula actually demonstrating his deep love of soda, with every bottle of cola that fell into his hands being his destiny.
They didn't think about it often, in fact they even forgot they had such a mark as they were so focused on their respective scientific and psychological/magical matters. So that Saturday, the marks on their arms were not foremost in their brains, instead they found themselves early in the morning preparing to leave for the zoo.
Byakuya found it opportune to distract his busy eleven year old son from incessant curiosity from time to time, offering visits that were stimulating and fun enough that Senku couldn't refuse, though there was no way he would have declined because he appreciated the old man's affectionate intentions... sometimes, when he didn't force him to wear a cap because of the sun.
At the same time, with the pressure of socialisation and the opportunity to experiment with his own charisma, Gen spouted witty remarks and questions to uncover those classmates who invited him on this outing. Exploiting his charisma and his wit to make their company more pleasant, until he was able to get a break after the lion section, offering his companions to set aside a table until they returned with snacks.
Had Senku perhaps taken two seconds longer to heed his periphery, he would have continued the tour with his father to leave and subsequently go for a bite to eat together, but inevitably he noticed the wrist of a young man of about fourteen or fifteen.
And he immediately asked Byakuya to pause, sending him to sit down to wait, which the elder somehow interpreted as a coy statement that Senku was hungry, so like a good tutor he retreated to get food.
Senku adjusted the straps of his backpack and positioned himself in front of the jet-haired boy, who was arranging a pair of pretentious sunglasses. He thought of a few probing questions, certain that the young man in front of him was also a science buff (What else could that mark mean?).
But Gen won the speak, slightly taken aback. "Are you lost?" he asked at the boy's sudden appearance.
So Senku dismissed all the questions he had thought of, remembering where they were and convinced that Gen was there for academic reasons.
"Elephant gestation lasts about twenty-two months and during elephant pregnancy the calf grows to a hundred or a hundred and fifty kilograms." he said.
Senku counted thirty seconds, in which his determination showed in the way his brow tightened with each passing second. Gen remained expressionless despite the discomfort, inwardly contorting his face in stupefaction ‘What the hell is this...?!’
"Hah~," he regained his composure immediately and smiled. "as interesting as elephants being afraid of bees." replied, assuming this was one of those kids who liked fun facts... until realised he was looking for something more technical. "It's because bees can get into the mucous membranes and delicate parts of the elephant like the trunk, mouth or eyes and sting them. Of course, they can't pierce their skin, but you should know that.
This time it took ten seconds, which made the major sweat, until Senku smiled slyly.
"Not bad." the younger acknowledged.
Immediately, feeling a great deal of encouragement to exchange his extensive knowledge with Gen, he surmised that perhaps such chemical reactions, like the one he was feeling, were the explanation for why people who could not see colours got it when they met the person they matched with. Or how eye colour could change when they met, nothing more than physiological reactions related to hormones and perhaps genetic compatibility.
Interest was also piqued in Gen, who was trying to explain why Senku had taken the seat next to him so deliberately. When would he get the chance to meet someone so slightly peculiar again? The intrigue to know how effective his skill would be with this boy was agitating.
"Are you sure you're not lost." Gen echoed, holding his hands out to his sides in an effort to appear receptive. Senku's body language indicated he was being cautious. "Your parents won't be angry that you got separated from them, animals and information plates are so entertaining that they do this all the time."
Senku denied, lifting his face from the horizon to Gen. "You assume I'm coming with my family when the likelihood of me coming for a school trip is seventy-five percent, considering the offer they have for students on weekends." replied quizzically at that miscalculation.
If this kid had information about the elephants' pregnancy, why was Gen surprised that he also knew that accurate figure?
"You're right from a monetary and practical perspective," Gen said, not doubting that Senku was correct. "but, statistically, weekends are used for family and friends." the boy seemed unhappy that Gen didn't give an accurate figure "I think if you came with friends, you would have been lost together, and you don't look angry enough to explain away an argument."
Because of his sullen nature, Senku looked at him incredulously, slightly annoyed by the blatantly accurate analysis. He attributed his discomfort to the lack of numerical data that could have helped him compare and assimilate the diagnosis.
"Go on." Senku demanded.
Gen's hands continued the expressive mimicry, unconsciously showing his mar. "If it was a school trip, your teacher would have already reported you missing, the same applies if you were accompanied by the parents or relatives of your friends; the responsibility for a child who doesn't belong to them would have already mobilised them. I see you're learning a lot, but the absence of an alarmed teacher" Gen glanced around before continuing. "-means that a school trip is not the case."
"Efficient, a ten billion percent efficient." Senku credited.
All it took was a push. "Or could this be a distress call?" Gen moved slightly closer to add privacy. "Are you running away from someone?" he added in a sympathetic, empathetic tone.
Senku closed his eyes, weary of the other's deductions. "Fine, my father couldn't wait for us to go out to get something to eat, I know exactly where he is."
Gen smirked, proud that he had so neatly broken down the boy's suspicious barriers "So you came to me to entertain yourself in the meantime?" he remarked, considering he was apparently the only one who was also alone in waiting and thus became Senku's target. "You don't seem like the kindly type who would come up with an interesting fact just to entertain others without getting something in return." he mentioned intentionally.
If it was not help the younger man required, was looking for something more, an his restless gaze confirmed it.
The small, calloused hand pointed to Gen's forearm. "Your mark, it means sodium bicarbonate." said.
Among the things Gen expected to hear next was not his mark of a soul mate "I'm aware of that." replied. He wasn't aware of was that wearing a short-sleeved shirt in the heat would attract the attention of a stranger that day.
Senku smiled. The older might be different from what expected in terms of methodology and analysis, but that he knew the significance of his tattoo evidently earned him a ten billion points.
Gen for his part recalled the Monster Hunter player who explained the original use of NaHCO₃ for soda, which was the origin of the joke that, looking the boy straight in the eye, he backed away from wanting to change to an allusion to cheating on chemistry exams.
"Do you know what it means?" Senku asked with abrupt energy. Revolutionary inventions and the many uses of NaHCO₃ flashed through his head.
Unexpectedly, that excitement rubbed off on Gen and he replied. "I know what it means. "
Byakuya didn't wonder at first why Senku had decided to leave his arm exposed for the rest of the tour. The heat was reason enough... until he noticed that his son kept staring at the mark when he always downplayed it.
"In the rest area there was a boy who had the same mark as me." Senku revealed, making his father's jaw drop to the floor.
Sure, it had to be something like that, but Byakuya could never have guessed it was that encounter. And it wasn't his fault either, the last time Senku had been dismayed by his mark, it was when he explained to a stranger in Monster Hunter the uses of NaHCO₃, pleading for the component's inclusion in more video games.
As a result, Byakuya dragged Senku back to the zoo in search of his soulmate, admonishing him for being so insensitive and for letting the encounter go unnoticed without remorse. Disgruntled, Senku reaffirmed that all this talk of love and romance was as tedious as it was counterproductive.
Gen was satisfied on the way to the train station, the talk he had with the boy stretching into a mutually stimulating mix of technical commentary on carbon and life on earth, and a smattering of curiosities and humorous observations that he knew would please the youngster. He had been put to a demanding test, in a way that none of his companions could ever have done.
Which was perhaps why he ignored them until one mentioned:
"Asagiri, that boy you were talking to when we arrived, I saw him before we left and on his forearm he had a mark similar to yours." he alluded hesitantly.
The pieces fell into place... and Gen lost his senses once again.
It certainly wasn't the first and wouldn't be the last time sodium bicarbonate would bring them together under a new manifestation.
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quiteanabyss · 4 years ago
Pairing: Adam Sackler x Reader
Words: 1700-ish
Notes: Last week, I received an anonymous ask about how Adam Sackler would respond to a touch-starved reader, and I’ve been thinking about the topic ever since.  I think it’s open to a lot of interpretation, but based on the way the ask was worded, I think it might go a little something like...
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Adam has always been able to read people well.  Within a few minutes of meeting someone, he knows exactly who they are.  It’s just that he hasn’t always allowed himself to follow this instinct.  He’s always been stubborn as fuck.  Always fighting against the tide, and willfully ignoring reality.  Trying so hard to make things be what he wants them to be instead of accepting them for what they are, regardless of how much hurt it’s going to cause in the end.
But no more.
This past year, he’s grown a lot.  Therapy isn’t the quick fix he’d hoped for, but he’s getting there.  He’s getting better.  Better at communicating his feelings, at listening, at controlling his temper.  Ray tells him he’s “becoming a real boy” and he’s only half-joking.
And then, quite unexpectedly, he meets you, and for the first time in his life he discovers that he’s found someone he doesn’t quite get.  But he really fucking wants to, because within just a few weeks, he’s realised without a shadow of a doubt that he’s found his person.  And he’s determined not to screw things up this time.
Nobody knows how observant Adam is, but he sees a lot more than he lets on. He sees it, and then files it away for later.  On the nights when you’re not together – the nights when he can’t sleep, because jerking off by himself just isn’t doing it for him anymore – he turns everything over and over in his mind, trying to make it all fit together in a way that makes sense.  But it’s like trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle when some of the pieces are missing, and he doesn’t even know what the picture is meant to look like.
But he knows this: He likes your smile.  Your laugh.  You’re so smart – way smarter than he is – and you never try to hide it, but you never make him feel stupid either.  He likes the way you talk with your mouth full sometimes, when what you have to say is so important that you need to get it out there right now. He likes the way your body looks, and how it feels under him, over him, around him.  He likes that you aren’t shy at all.
And yet, some things don’t quite add up.
Like when the first time he reaches for your hand, you flinch like you’ve been burned.  But afterwards, you hold on tightly, and it feels so right and so good that he wonders if maybe he imagined it.
Or the way that when it’s time to go to sleep, you always turn over to face away from him, curling up into a little ball balanced right on the edge of the mattress.  But in the morning, you’re invariably pressed tightly against him, the tip of your nose freezing cold against the back of his neck as you snore softly.
Or how actually, when he thinks about it, he’s always the one to reach out and touch you.  And every time he does, he feels you hesitate.  Your whole body frozen yet vibrating with tension before you relax against him.
He can’t quite understand it, but he wants to.
One evening, you’re sitting together on your couch, watching some random documentary about serial killers on Netflix.  There’s only a few centimetres of space between you, but to him it feels like ten thousand miles because of the way you’re folded in on yourself, the way your body language is completely closed.  When he glances over at you, though, you’re watching him.  There’s something there in your eyes that he can’t quite read, and it feels important.  Urgent.  He doesn’t understand it, but he knows he can’t ignore it either.
Adam can’t count the number of times he’s danced in circles around issues in relationships.  Tried to pretend that everything’s okay when it’s not.  But this is different – you’re different – and he knows he needs to put this puzzle together, and it needs to happen right now.  So he asks you about it.  Directly. Bluntly.  The only way he knows how.
Somehow, without moving a muscle, you make yourself even smaller.  You look away from him, staring at the TV.  But he knows you’re not really watching the poorly acted reconstruction.  Your mind is somewhere else, far, far away.  Finally, with your eyes still fixed on the screen, you say: “It’s stupid. I’m just being stupid.  You wouldn’t understand.”
Nobody ever understands.  Nobody has ever even tried to understand.  
You’ve only known Adam for a few weeks, but the whole time, there’s been this stupidly optimistic voice in the back of your head telling you that you’ve found your person.  You’ve tried to ignore it, tried to make it go away so you can just enjoy what you have while you have it, but it’s still there, even now.  Somehow, even after all that shit your ex said to you, you’re still holding out hope that maybe … well, maybe there’s someone who won’t think you’re cold, and unfeeling, and weird.  Someone who wants to try to understand you, even though you barely understand yourself.  And that maybe that someone is him.
Adam is loud, and confident, and funny.  On your first date, he made you laugh so hard that Diet Coke came out of your nose.  In retaliation, you immediately called him a fuckhead really loudly in the middle of what was quite a nice Italian restaurant.  And then you were both laughing your heads off.  And then you got kicked out.
You didn’t mean to flinch when he reached for your hand that night, but you’re just not used to people touching you – not used to people wanting to touch you – so the sudden sensation of his skin touching yours jolted through you like an electric shock.  It felt alien and almost unpleasant, until you let yourself notice how warm his hand was. How perfectly his fingers fit in the spaces between yours.  You didn’t even mind the way his palm was slightly sweaty, like he was nervous.  
I like this, you realised, as he walked you home, your clasped hands swinging between you.  And you also liked it when he pressed you up against your front door and kissed you so thoroughly that you didn’t even notice you were moaning until someone yelled “shut the fuck up!” out of their window.  You liked it so much that you invited him in, and you’re pretty sure that nobody in the building got much sleep that night.
You liked it.  You like it.  You like being touched.  Being held.  You think you’d like to touch him, too.  But you don’t know how to ask for it.  
You don’t know how to ask for it, but you want to hold his hand.  You want to wrap yourself around him like a snake around a tree trunk.  You want to grab him by the throat and kiss him just like he kisses you sometimes. You want to be able to take charge when you fuck, to position his body on the bed just right, to make him come apart with your hands, and your mouth, and your cunt.  You want to touch him all the time. But you don’t know how to ask for it.  
You know you should just try, but you’re so scared.  Too scared to be the one who reaches out, who makes the first move. Because if he pushes you away – no, when he pushes you away, when he rejects you, you’re sure that this will be the time you shatter into a million pieces, and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men won’t be able to put you together again.
You snap out of your thoughts.  Adam is saying your name, keeps saying it until you look at him.  Right now, he’s being quiet, and gentle, and serious.  You haven’t seen this side of him before. His face is open, his expression unguarded.  You don’t think anyone’s ever looked at you so kindly before, and you don’t know what to make of it.  You certainly don’t think you deserve it.
“It’s not stupid, and you’re not being stupid,” Adam tells you, his voice quiet but fierce. He sounds hoarse, like he’s getting a cold.  He clears his throat, and runs his fingers through his messy hair before he speaks again. “But you’re right … I don’t understand.”
You nod slowly, watching as he rests his hand on the couch cushion between the two of you, right next to your hand.  You can almost feel the warmth radiating from it.  Your fingers twitch.
“I don’t understand,” he says again.  “But I want to.  I want to know everything about you.”  He pauses, chewing on the inside of his cheek for a moment, before he takes a deep breath and continues. “I like you.  I really like you.  Just … let me in.  Trust me.  Please.”
Your breath catches in your throat.  Your heart feels like it’s beating twice as fast as it should.  You want to squeeze your eyes shut, to hide from him, but you can’t look away. You take a deep breath, and summon every ounce of strength in your body to move your hand just a few millimetres, so that your fingers are touching his.  This is as much as you can give him.  It’s nothing, but it’s completely drained you.  You bite your lip, and feel your eyes start to burn.
Adam blinks.  He looks down at your hands.  Up at your face.  Down at your hands again.  He’s thinking, very hard. You can practically hear the cogs turning in his mind.  And the whole time, you’re shivering.  Sweating. You can’t hide how much even this tiny gesture has cost you. Can’t hide what you really are: a grown woman, desperate to touch, but so afraid of it at the same time.  You’re a mess, and you’ve only known each other for a few weeks, so surely this is enough of a red flag to send him running for the hills, and to relegate your name to the long list of weird exes he’s told you about.
But instead of getting up to leave, he just looks at you, with very dark eyes.  Maybe you’re imagining things, but it feels like he’s seeing you for the very first time all over again. 
“Just so we’re clear, I really fucking want you to touch me,” he tells you.  He sounds angry, but somehow you know it’s not at you but for you.  “And I will always want you to touch me.  Always.  Okay?”
Your voice is gone.  All you can do is nod.
You can feel everything, now.  The heat of his gaze.  The tension in the air between you.  The warmth from his hand seeping into your fingers, down your arm, into your veins.
And suddenly you realise ...
You aren’t afraid anymore.
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pluviophile-bookworm · 4 years ago
HSMTMTS 2x11: Let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents... the reason for my next mental breakdown
I can't believe myself, honestly. Oversleeping on the one day of the week that I've got something exciting to wake up for? Oh well, I'm up now and I'd better go ahead and do this before my dashboard has showered me with spoilers. I mean, I have never really minded spoilers, but when it comes to this, somehow I do. Though I do wish something had forewarned me about last week's snap ending (get it, 'snap'... I'll see myself out). I'd better dive in already.
Yes, Mr Mazzara, that's what I've been saying for a while! Ok, maybe I haven't been very vocal about it, but it was in the foreground of my mind that they should have asked for Mr Mazzara's help re: transformation! I'm just glad he pointed it out. Not that he could have done much while he was busy playing therapist for his beloved Miss Jenn. Oh well.
Were those Ash and Ricky doing actual paired-up warmups? That is what they should have been doing for weeks now. That and having actual off-stage interactions, too. But I still subscribe to the theory that the gang had some good rehearsals off-screen — otherwise there's no way they could have been this good on stage as we saw in the previews. I said it last time and I'll say it again — not everything is for us to see.
Wow. The one time our leads are in unison, and it is about both being injured. The East High drama club must be cursed — they can't have one production run smoothly and without what can only be described as pure unbridled chaos.
They don't have any understudies? That explains some things... but also how? But also, I'm so happy Ashlyn is going on. No way she would have missed her first (first of many, right?) chance of being the lead because of some 'minor' injury.
Ricky and Nini still can't talk to each other properly. Oh well. Take your time. It's not like I care about this pairing anymore.
Did EJ just use the word 'dig'? Boy, the boy's got it baaaaaad. Also, what is it going to take for these two to realise they're in love? For all we know, they might have that big kiss we're all dreaming of and still be like 'nah, it's nothing, we're buddies'... give me a break! But I mean, at this point they might just be turning into Redlyn 2.0, where even a kiss doesn't define things. But hey, if they do follow in Redlyn's footsteps, that only means good things in their future, right?
What did that fake French git do to my boy Carlos? He's not supposed to look this inanimate until right before the climax of the play! Well, I mean, at least Seb serving as his interpreter means that Seb gets more lines for a bit. Too bad he can't go on for someone with more lines in the play.
Miss Jenn's 'words of inspiration' were less than inspired... yeah, this show's going down. Or it would, if it depended solely on her. Let's hope the kids do better. I mean, I know for a fact they will... at least for about 5 minutes of the thing. There is still room for things to go wrong and I'm scared.
Oh, my sweet boy... I wish I could jump in there and do something to help him feel less nervous. Thing is, if I were there, I'd probably be the most nervous of them all, even if I were playing Townsfolk #3 or something, and everyone's nervousness would rub off on me, and I would be making things worse instead of helping. So yeah, I'm kind of glad I'm not there.
Ahhhh who called it? @redlyncentral was it you? Ash got flowers for her Biggie! And there's a card whose contents we've yet to see. But that doesn't seem to be helping either. My sweet, sweet Reddy... I hope and pray he'll be alright.
Well this is awkward! Who told Mike to show up and shake everything up right now? Miss Jenn is literally on the brink of exploding, and now she's stuck in this completely unnecessary love triangle. She needs some space. And a quiet place to breathe, thanks Mr M for suggesting it.
'Did we forget to build a mote around the school or...' Yeah, you tell her, Rick! That girl whose name I never want to pronounce (because it makes me think of much nicer people and she's making me hate it) has no business being there. She's not... being given a redemption arc, is she now? Some people just don't deserve it. And if hating her is an unpopular opinion now, well, I never did care much about having popular opinions. I can live with that.
'Lily, scram!' Yes, thank you, Natalie! I've always wanted someone who would voice my thoughts in a way that the characters can hear them. Make this girl a main next season, won't you? (Just so we're crystal clear, I mean Natalie, not the other one.)
OMG Mr M is in the play! In a way... I love that!
I love, love, love the way they did the prologue. 'Repulsed [the prince makes an over-the-top gesture of repulsion] by her haggard appearance [the witch shows off her face to the audience]...' I love this. I would pay a lot for a chance to see their entire play, you know?
Oh dear, somebody give my boy Reddy some sort of... medical aid against all the throwing up! I've got a nice pill that helps me with my bad cases of motion sickness. Hey, so maybe I could have helped if I were there after all. Great, now I feel bad. But also, is all the throwing up an excuse on the writers' part to keep my boy off-screen for the majority of this episode? Because it's a really lame excuse.
Gina's 'Many questions' continues to be a mood. What exactly is Miss Jenn expecting from the kids? Last-minute adjustments? No way. This spells disaster.
Was Carlos on vocal rest or something? Because he shines like the star he is... despite all the very obvious nervousness backstage. I mean, I wouldn't have it any other way, but... oh well, I wouldn't say it's unrealistic. In my personal performing experience, the most nervous ones perform the best. (So... what is that saying for my boy Reddy? Good things only.)
I've already had the opportunity to geek out about Be Our Guest yesterday, but... I mean, just look at them! Carlos doesn't need actual candles to be on fire, Ashlyn is stealing the scene without any lines in it, Gina is absolutely gorgeous, and don't even get me started on EJ and Big Red looking at their girls in absolute awe! This is everything!
Aww, look at them! Gina and Ashlyn dancing together, I mean. They're sisters and it really shows. And I love them both so much.
Kourtney is an absolute show-stealer! I'm still upset about some casting choices (one of them is in this scene, doing his absolute best with the crumbs he has been given), but she is absolutely perfect. I think I'll rewind and watch this entire scene again before moving on with the rest of the episode.
I'd just like to point out that Frankie's voice in his lower register is everything!
'You absolutely dusted that stage'... Not EJ making a pun so punny even I could not have thought of it... boy is absolutely smitten!
Not me tearing up when Jordan Fisher appeared as Gina's brother... like, I knew it was happening — I knew it even before it was announced. And I still teared up because, well, it's emotional in-universe and out.
Awww, my boy Reddy is so in love with Ashlyn... I mean, who wouldn't be... but — not Ricky saying Lily might not be as mean as they thought. Especially not to Big Red of all people. To him, she was just as mean as they thought.
'Side hustle project in the south hallway'? Ooh, what is it, I want to know now!
Why do I feel like things are a bit too awkward between Kourtney and Howie? Not that I'm too invested in their relationship, but if it bothered me, imagine how it must feel for the stans.
No, Ash, you absolutely do not need to add any fancy riffs to the song! Especially not just because L... well, that girl did it. You're unique and lovely and a literal Disney princess inside and out. That girl? She's just a wolf in a sparkling golden dress.
Awww... Big Red literally lowers Ash's blood pressure! Those two are such an amazing couple! (Full disclosure, though, he kind of does the same for me too; the other night I had this horrible nightmare, and I woke up in cold sweat in the middle of the night, and then... ok, getting too personal there.) The point is, if even the fantasy of a Big Red hug makes me feel better, imagine what his actual presence would do for Ash at that moment. Where is my boy? Everyone seems to be looking for him.
Oh... guess they took my advice to give the poor boy something for his vomiting issue. Good for whoever thought of it.
And we're back to the Porter siblings... forgive me if I still can't wrap my head around calling Gina's brother Jamie. I don't know about you guys, but thanks to my lovely new friend Paz he will always be Theodore to me. I guess we can headcanon that as his middle name. Anyway, I love it that they made a joke about the hilarious height difference between him and Gina because, well, it's the only thing I can think about when I look at the two of them. It reminds me of me and my little cousin who has been taller than me since she was 10, and is still growing taller now at 13. But, I mean, it's not very hard to be taller than me, since I'm so, so short... ok, this is not about me. Moving on.
Was I the only one who actually laughed out loud at Ricky drinking from the bowl as the Beast? I mean, that part has always made me laugh in the original movie, but something about Ricky's take on it makes it even funnier.
Meanwhile, my girl Ash is absolutely killing it as Belle. Not me having the very same expression as Big Red while watching her... gosh, I love both of them so much! Also, no offence to the rest of the cast, but Julia really is the best vocalist out there. Out of all of them. I said what I said.
My apologies to Ricky, but his voice is just not it when it comes to playing the Beast. Still, with the other option being him putting on that fake deep voice from the audition, I'm glad he didn't.
Ahhhh Portwell nation you ok guys? Since we didn't get them singing Something There, this is very much the next best thing... and boy, is it good!
Those glances between Kourtney and Howie, on the other hand... what on Earth is happening there?
Ok, so you all know just how strongly I feel about Seb's casting as Chip, and yet... boy had one line and absolutely ate it up! Give him an actual singing role next time, Miss Jenn!
EJ being starstruck by Jamie not because he's a big music producer, but because he's Gina's brother... excuse me while I sob!
Excuse me, what!!!! 'A big brother figure'? Boy, this didn't turn out the way I thought it would... now I'm scared.
Way to ruin things, Jamie! And I don't even mean the fact that his name is not Theodore. It doesn't matter what his name is anymore. He might just have put a spanner in the works of Portwell, and they were just doing so well! Ugh, I'm so frustrated. I wish I'd never boarded — what did I call it — 'the majestic S.S. Portwell'. What if it doesn't set sail now?
And there goes another disappointment... Carlos' 'the orchestra hasn't vamped this much since Bop to the Top' line had nothing to do with Seblos, and everything to do with what might still be the downfall of this show. I am not ready.
No. Miss Jenn did not just say that. She did not just tell Ricky — who, may I remind you, not that anyone's forgotten, just fell off of a high place last episode — to 'jump off of something high'. I realise she's under all the pressure, but that is not an excuse. Well, at least she heard herself.
Oh my gods... Nini — well, Nina, actually — did not just call him 'Richard', did she? That's it, that's the point of no return. And well, I kind of wanted them to reach it.
Told you, didn't I? I told you that-girl-who-must-not-be-named was evil! I always follow my intuition and it has not once deceived me. Redeem that, if you can! Guess what? You can't. We've just reached another point of no return.
Wait, a bloody cliffhanger? I cannot handle this. I physically cannot handle this. If you need me, I'll be sitting on my bed in shock, trying to process everything that happened. I'll need a while to get a grip on myself.
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ignitification · 4 years ago
LoV Colour Analysis Part I: Shigaraki Tomura.
As this analysis would be quite too long to read in one go, I decided to split it into three parts, each covering one of the Three Main Villains of BNHA (Shigaraki Tomura, Himiko Toga and Dabi).
All three do denote a precise and powerful colour scheme, but on today’s episode I am going to focus on the Leader of the League of Villains aka Shigaraki Tomura or Shimura Tenko.
Shigaraki’s colour pattern variates from Red (shoes and eyes), Black (his usual outfits, his hair when younger) to Light Blue, Grey and White (colour of his hair, skin and hands).
The interesting fact is how Shimura’s colour evolve with his persona and Quirk. The third paragraph is dedicated to the colour Yellow, which is not part of the palette associated with Tenko, but I included it because it adds to the detailing of Shigaraki’s character.
(Spoilers ahead! & tw/: mentions of canon-compliant violence; death)
I.) From Black to Light Blue to White 
During his growth, evolution as a villain and person, not considering the one spurred from his Quirk, Tenko’s hair undergo a quite big development. While the colour of his clothes stays more or less stable (being black throughout the entire series), what differentiates his eras is the colour of his hair. In his childhood, before manifesting his Quirk, Tomura’s hair was dark (strikingly similar to the one both Touya and Izuku sported). This changed to light blue/grey in his years until last arc, where after being himself an experiment under the hands of Doctor Death (Kyudai Garaki is a very creepy man) to inherit the original AfO’s Quirk, his hair becomes snow white (as a result of the transformation, I would believe - but it might as well mean another thing which I will talk about later). 
Beginning with maybe the easiest association: the colour black. 
A little note of the fear association: in this case, I would like to interpret it as Shigaraki being aware of his decaying Quirk and freak people out because of that, and because of his external looks, which do look like the one of a decaying child.
Power refers definitely to both his position and his Quirk, in this case - which make him stand out even more. However, the strength in this case, in my opinion, is more a smoke screen: black is also worn as a protection from external damage, as in stress and emotional backlash. This creates a barrier between the subject and the world, protecting internal emotions, and hiding its vulnerabilities, insecurities and lack of self confidence. The emotional trauma, the ‘hands shield’ Shigaraki derived, in a way, from his trauma and from being confronted with something, has shaken him to the core since childhood, and in this case the clothes serve to protect him from himself and his ‘actions’. In this aspect, him wearing black as a child might also stand for him trying to shield himself away from his parent’s judgement and stare, while protecting his will to want to be a hero, despite their negative reaction to any hint of that. These meaning are, in conclusion a full circle: one calls for the other, especially in Shigaraki’s case.
Black is also associated with mystery, evil and aggression. Shigaraki is written as an enigmatic villain, cold-hearted, devoid of any humanity and the will to full front destroy everything in its path. And while the meaning perfectly fit to how Shigaraki should be, I do believe that this is a very superficial and banal description of such a complex character. 
One thing which I found particularly interesting about this colour and its relation to Shigaraki, it’s the rocky tie that appears between black and its meaning as in rebellion. This aspect might refer to two different conditions: it might suppose a certain degree of refusal and hate for authority (The society at large), and at the same time the rebellion from his own family/persona/mentor, which could entail a fundamental foreshadow for Tenko’s destiny.
The color black affects the mind and body by producing feelings of emptiness, gloom, or sadness.
 I think here again, this might just an extermination of the feeling that have been torturing Shigaraki from the inside since he was a child, and that he himself has not acknowledged, which also stands to explain how he tries to feel that void or to ‘eliminate the scratch’ that has been tormenting him, and that knows no peace.
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Furthermore, In Japanese culture, the colour black mainly denotes non-being (apart from mourning) and evil-heartedness in a person. This meaning is consistent with the personality described to us by Horikoshi: Shigaraki Tomura ceases to be a person at one point, when his consciousness gets subdued by AfO for a while. It is important to note here, how White (on the other side of the spectrum) is also the colour of death and mourning.
Not entirely worth mentioning, is that black is the stereotypical colour worn by villains and bad guys in different fictional environments.
(Light) Blue/Grey.
Just a reminder: neither grey nor blue are explicit colour in Tenko’s palette as a character, but I think they are still important and since greyish blue (the precise colour oh his hair) has not its own meaning, I took the freedom to actually associate the two separate colour in association to describe this period of transition between black and white.
The phase in which Tomura has Greyish-Blue hair is the longest one (in terms of years), but also the phase of passage (which consequently is the phase he is exploring, and is in the ‘grey zone’, where things are just getting defined and there are no absolutes). Grey, in this sense, sports both characteristics from White and Black (depending on the shade used), and even if not explicitly used for Tenko, it still represents a landmine in his development.
The colour grey is an ‘unemotional’ colour. It is detached, neutral, impartial and indecisive - all traits that can be reconnected at Shigaraki. Indeed, it is after his encounter with Izuku at the mall where he recognises why exactly (or so he thinks) he rages and wants to bring destruction to the world as known. This indicates how he has been striving for a real purpose, like the one Stain has, in order to actually understand what he is doing and evolve from the child the Heroes define him as, to a Villain with the capital V. He does relate to reality in partial ways, while he tries to define his identity as something that has died inside of him, Shimura Tenko, and at the same time the part that has lived on through the memories he removed and the hands which accompany him. He does not know which part is stronger, and trying to figure it out he tries and fails, only to try again.  To confirm the shaping of Shigaraki, indeed grey is a conforming colour and most of all it struggles with identity, which is arguably the most prominent trait Shigaraki presents during the first arcs of the story.
On the other hand, Blue symbolises coolness, passivity, fidelity. Somehow it reverberates the meaning of grey, while at the same time enhancing its other effects (it being emotionless and calm, undecided but also flowing). Blue is also indicator of depth, wisdom, confidence, and intelligence (among others). This also confirms the precedent meanings (of especially white) and it adds another dimension to Tenko’s character. It is clear how he feels deeply, and is still very clever in its own way. Still, this development and phase serves for him to obtain the other characteristics proposed by blue, especially wisdom and confidence (refer to Black where I said how sometimes the clothes are a screen to hide his true feelings). 
Blue is a colour that’s constant and unchanging, which contrasts with grey and brings forwconstant struggle in Tenko. Blue is also nostalgic. Curious is how blue lives in the past, relating everything in the present and the future to experiences in the past. I think that this is what blue is about with Tenko: he struggles to look forward, to forgive and let go because he never forgot his dad, his grandma or even society for when they had brought upon him as an innocent child. His bringing up has been focused, after all, on his developing his constant feeling of sadness, rage and gloom and the necessary power to express them in confident ways, which could bring destruction forward. Tenko is a puppet in AfO’s hands since he has ‘saved’ him, so I think this is why the sentence in which Shigaraki tries to break free from AfO’s will is a break point for the story, and for Shigaraki as well. 
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Blue is also known for being deceitful and spiteful, depressed and sad, passive, self-righteous, emotionally unstable, weak, unforgiving. It can also indicate manipulation, unfaithfulness and being untrustworthy.
Indeed, it is after that Izuku sees Tenko being kneeled over by AfO and his presence that he understands that Shigaraki too, is human and that maybe the reasons for his rage and absolute hate for everything he comes across have deep roots, which is why even if he cannot forgive him for all the pain he has brought, he wants to save him.  
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Finally, the paler the blue the more freedom we feel - which brings me to my theory on what, throughout the years Tenko’s hair have been ‘decaying’ and bleaching out. I think that as a child, Tenko is caged and tries to break free of his cage, of his ‘itch’ but he cannot because he does not realise what it is, and there is no freedom for him to actually understand. The first time he uses his Quirk, he feels finally satisfied for the first time. He tasted freedom for the first time, and now he wants to do it again and again. Growing up, however his ideals become blurry and he does not understand what he actually wants. He does know that the hands on his body represent what he has lost and what is actually still there with him, giving him strength and will, but at the same time he does not know what is beyond there. Which is why, after he goes through the transformation by Garaki, his hair becomes white: he gets rid of the insecurities, of the shackles that have stopped him from actually achieving his goal, or rather to pursue it freely. His ultimate goal, after all, is to get rid of his ‘itch’, which, in its own way, it’s his language to say that Shimura Tenko wants freedom.
As a note, Blue is also the colour of the Throat chakra. It is located in the throat, but it is linked to the throat, neck, hands, and arms. This Chakra is linked to speech. 
Final remark on blue: this colour is one of the most important lucky colors in Japan ( together with yellow, white, purple, green and, red) - and all the colour associated with Tomura, except for black, is indeed considered lucky.
White, is an inherently positive colour, is usually associated with purity, innocence, light, goodness, beginnings, possibility and perfection. However it is also described an dperceived as cold, impersonal and bland. Shigaraki after his ‘transformation’ is the perfect soldier: he is very powerful, to a fault, and represents a new chapter in not only his own life but as well in the one which has been conducted by AfO, as he sees him as his vessel. The fact is that the beginning of a new Shigaraki which is flawless, in appearance, is a very well constructed lie. While he should represent perfection, first of all his transformation has not been entirely completed and furthermore, while it does represent a clean slate in his check, is also the possibility, reality coming through for AfO to take advantage of the body new, which Tomura must preserve. As the new Shigaraki however, has his ideals very present and wants to fight for them, to protect his feelings and his ideas, it is anyway a struggle for both him and AfO to juggle through everything going on Tenko’s mind, and emerge victorious. This is also the most interesting aspect of this colour: the goodness and inherent purity which comes from this colour implies a purification process in Shigaraki’s character, who instead gets fixed even more on him not wanting to forgive society and insisting on going on his rampage, because at the same time he cannot let go of these feelings, because now they are the only thing which make him go forward.
White is usually used in contrast to black, and represents the dichotomy of good and bad.
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The psychological meaning of white is wholeness and completion. This also refers to the meaning and falls into the category of ‘perfection’: it is a new beginning, but at the same time it represents the closure of a cycle and the beginning of a new one: a perfect one, which represents closure (‘The Circle’). Tomura is supposed to be the new complete weapon at AfO’s will, but as I states before this is a fought point (between the two of them).
White, in cultures that believe in reincarnation is held in high regard. Indeed, they sustain how white is a sign of rebirth. 
Technically, Shigaraki has been reborn. What I mean is that he has transformed himself into not a new person, but in a better version of himself, he upgraded - and now of course going back is not an option. He has been held in a womb, breeding his new potential and now he became an individual whose strength far surpasses normal, his quirk control is absolutely insane and as well his memories, ideas and feelings are heightened. The theme of rebirth, which I think fits both Shigaraki and Dabi, is used a few times in BNHA, but as for Shigaraki it is very literal and very clear (after all he has been asleep for a time, just to wake up and fight an entire war against the Heroes). It is clear however, how his personality has been rebirth too: while he was not insecure, but more hesitant, now he is sure of his objective and he thrives on achieving it. What distinguishes therefore the old Shigaraki from this new one is the knowledge of being powerful and therefore being able to accomplish what we wants.
Finally, white inherently denotes death and mourning too in the Japanese culture, as well as black. Here, we are mourning the old Shigaraki, and the loss of the traits that instead made him a little bit more human, and a little less like God himself.
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II.) From Red Eyes to Red Shoes (in association with both Izuku and Katsuki) 
I already talked about the colour red in regard to Izuku here, but if we take the same meaning and apply it to Tomura instead, we get a different picture. It is no mystery how Izuku and Tenko are foils for each other, and that they resemble each other in different ways (starting from them sporting red shoes, to their characters, being ‘accepted’ and trained by a mentor, and so on).
Red is the colour of extremes. It appears clear how Izuku and Tenko represent the opposite extremes: where Izuku is enamoured of heroes and idolised them to an unhealthy point, even though he comes from a background where he has been discriminated by that same society because he was different, Tenko is disillusioned with the society they live in. He wants to destroy to the ground, because he cannot find it in himself to forgive anyone who could and did not extend him a hand when he needed it. At the same time, both Izuku and Tenko believe that to a certain extent what they had done has been ‘deserved’, and are not entirely focused on their own well being. 
Red is also an attention-bringer. As I already noticed for Izuku, it is very curious how both wear red shoes, as a way to try and separate themselves from the rest, trying to escape the opinions of other which have labelled them in a way, and of course at the same time trying to take control and wanting to be the best in their own ways (hero or villain, that is).  
Red is also the colour of blood, of rage, anger as well as desire, leadership and strength. I want to make a point which I do not know whether is important or not, however, a fact that struck me hard is how Shigaraki’s irises are very very small, and it somehow seems that he tries to compensate the little quantity of red of Shigaraki with wearing red shoes. This might be an indicator how Shigaraki strives to achieve these qualities, but at the same time he needs to put a lot of effort in it, and furthermore it somehow feels different from when we compare it to Izuku: even if both are charismatic leaders, Shigaraki is very dispassionate about it, while Izuku frequently denies how his influence might be fundamental when it comes to other people (Katsuki, All Might, 1A). However, Shigaraki does reflect in his personality, the venous desire to be angry, aggressive and destructive as it what his power entails, and after all what has been taught to him. I noticed as well a post (which unfortunately I cannot find) where it says that Shigaraki has a very high tolerance pain (again, the parallels with Izuku are insane), which also reconnects somehow to the colour red as we saw how Shigaraki himself even if tired (LoV vs Machia/LF) or absolutely bloody and at the brink of death is instead held up by his will to destroy (Shigaraki vs Heroes).
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It relates to danger, power, determination and action. Well, Shigaraki and danger go to hand in hand as well as determination and action. After all, Shigaraki’s Modus Operandi is Trial and Error, which means he is not afraid to be wrong and to try things out, even if he is stubborn and ways things to go his way, every time (when that rarely happens in general). 
Red is indeed determined, powerful, impulsive and aggressive. It is also tied to self-preservation. Although true for the most part, the self-preservation is still a massive blank point. 
He is bloody, and even AfO is telling him to rest and preserve his energies (even if here, my counter argument would be that it would be easier for him to overtake Shigaraki’s body if he is weaker, so I do not know how reliable this is).
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The color red in Japanese culture denotes strength, passion, self sacrifice and blood. It Also stands for good luck and happiness. Which is still very amusing to me, as Shigaraki feels like the farthest character away from achieving happiness, and his passions and strives are all useless unless he gets rid of his master puppeteer. However, Shigaraki embodies the self-sacrificing spirit. Even if it might sound strange, and he is not very willing to be himself in the front lines (at least not always), he does approach ReDestro himself and takes him on, while leaving the League to deal with the rest.
III.) Yellow
Surprise, surprise! Yellow, in the Japanese culture stands for Courage, while usually the Western culture associates it with Cowardice. It is a funny thing that it also stands for betrayal, sickness, egoism and madness on the negative side, however it is rather a holy colour, usually associated with deities on the other side.
Since I am not going to include yellow in the association paragraph, it is not a case that black reacts badly to yellow, and forms a very unpleasant colour, which means that the circumstances which follow either do not mix well together. However, it is also true how the most resonant contrast between yellow and another colour is given by black. 
Plus yellow is the colour of the Solar Plexus Chakra and it is the symbol of vitality and will. All these elements, however present in a very limited amount in regard to Tenko, are telling of the aspect of authority (reconfirmed and amplified by black) and somehow, the lack of bright colours of Tenko makes the little yellow details resonating of a sad picture, as it embodies more the negative sides (egoism, sickness - and in part sickness). 
Colours in Association.
Black used in contrast–particularly with white or yellow–does create energy (especially the contrast on shapes and just power that the image of waken up Shigaraki creates in the last arc is enough to send this message). It is as well true that black when used in opposition with white, symbolises the eternal struggle between day and night, good and evil, and right and wrong - a thing that for Shigaraki is somehow a metaphor and a literal representation of himself as a character. A perfect example would be the struggle he has with AfO for his body, where he struggles between his internal feelings and dreams and instead the evil will imposed by him by AfO, as well as in terms of consciousness where him being present and conscious is the day, while being subdued to AfO’s will in the Night.
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Black usually represent the end, but the end always implies a new beginning. So when the light appears, and black transcends to white, it instead the colour of new beginnings. I already talked about how rebirth theme and the new beginning on new ideals and dreams is represented for Tenko by the colour white, however it is interesting also to note how his change in personality brings him from his childhood dream to being thankful to AfO who raised to him, but wanting to be even greater than AfO himself,- metaphor for Tomura’s life as being free from shackles of reality.
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Bluish-Grey is also defined as ‘livid’, an adjective used to describe anger or decoloration of the skin (caused by bruising). This colour gives a sense of detachment - which also goes to review the colour grey and blue, in them being interpreted together as an entity, and how Tomura feels a detachment from his own memories, and past life, as well as his future (When Did We Ever Need A Future?) and instead seek meaning in everything that surrounds him. 
Red and white are prominent traditional colours in Japan. Both colours are used in decorations at events which represent happiness and joy.
On a non serious note, Shigaraki’s date of birth is 4th of April, and casually the colours associated with April are Burgundy (deep red) and White (according to the Japanese etiquette). 
And finally last remark for this post: it is very funny how Shigaraki’s palette is somehow almost the same as Bakugou’s (with the exception of green - which I would like to interpret as if Bakugou did not have Midoriya as his side, he could have ended in a far worse position, with no hope and no one to compare to).
Thank you for reading.
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alorenawrites · 4 years ago
On Words and Meaning
So I've been thinking a lot about how Loki is being discussed and the words used, particularly by Hiddleston, given his bent for using literary language in his descriptions. There are three words I want to touch on in this little post, one of them definitely rooted in his usage.
So the first I want to touch on is the term "romance." We've heard (often from Hiddleston), that Loki is, at heart, a romance. I think there's a dimension of the discussion missing in these conversations in that is important to consider.
To the layman, a romance is simply a love story, sometimes with a sexual undertone. But in the literary sense, a romance is a much deeper genre. I want to consider that this layer may also be present in Hiddleston's intent on using the term in describing the story arc. It certainly is in mine, as someone with a fascination with literary form and also with an English degree who has spent way too much time exploring genre.
So firstly, we need to define "romance." From literaryterms.net:
I. What is Romance?
In the strictest academic terms, a romance is a narrative genre in literature that involves a mysterious, adventurous, or spiritual story line where the focus is on a quest that involves bravery and strong values, not always a love interest. However, modern definitions of romance also include stories that have a relationship issue as the main focus.
II. Examples of Romance
In the academic sense, an example of a romance is a story in which the main character is a hero who must conquer various challenges as part of a quest. Each challenge could be its own story and can be taken out of the overall story without harming the plot.
Example 1
A knight who wishes to prove himself by recovering a stolen heirloom from an enemy may find himself attempting to make his way through a dangerous wood filled with thieves.
Once he has accomplished this challenge, he may find himself climbing a tall mountain on which a group of people are in trouble. He would save the group somehow, and then move on.
Then the final stage: the enemy’s kingdom. There may be a fair maiden whom he meets and somehow helps or rescues, or perhaps she helps him.
But the fair maiden is not the focus of the story – his quest is the focus. Each story can be taken out, yet each builds the hero’s strength to face his final quest. These stories tend to be serious rather than humorous and touch on strong values.
In considering this, I've thought about Loki's arc as a quest that does, indeed, involve the discovery and exploration of strong values with a three part quest, though I don't think the quests entirely stand on their own. The overarching theme is about Loki discovering his sense of self- his quest to become a full person, not just a trope for the universe to exploit so others can reach their better selves. I divide the show up in to three quests. The first, in episodes 1 and 2, is Loki finding a sense of purpose in the new world- his quest is to discover who this new variant is and where they are hiding. This is resolved by the end of that second episode. The second arc takes place in the next two episodes- Loki discovering his empathy for others is the continuation of the overarching personal development plot, while his quest is to discover Sylvie's goals and to uncover/share the truth behind the TVA. And in our third section, episodes 5 and 6, we get the culmination of the personal growth arc in his ultimate discovery of different facets of himself (illuminated by the different elements of self shown in the multitude of variant Lokis) while the quest is to uncover who is in control of the Sacred Timeline and why. The differences in colour palettes, settings, tones, etc. between the three episode pairings is a part of how I started to distinguish my thoughts on each. And regardless of the visual distinctions, I most definitely see the entire arc as exploring strong values and bravery, though the bravery is multi-layered, showing not only the visible bravery of facing down an apocalypse, Alioth, etc., but the internal bravery of challenging one's self and digging deep into discovering who one really is. This is a theme of queerness that I see lingering in this series- discovering who we are is a process, not an outcome.
I think that this definition of a romance, in the classical sense, is a little oversimplified, as there is often a theme of discovery of self or improvement of self along the way. In a Gothic romance, themes of "the people are the real monsters" come into play (Crimson Peak is an excellent example of this)- there may be elements of the supernatural, but the real thing of which the viewer/reader should be afraid is the person behind the curtain. Gothic romances also often do include a love story arc, but it is often deeply flawed on some level and often also includes some sort of sexual or romantic awakening, often by a female lead, that leads to the discovery of whatever darker is taking place (Crimson Peak turns this on its head in that it is Thomas' awakening with Edith that leads to his turning point and Edith's realization that the Sharpe siblings are the monsters, not the ghosts in the hall). The themes of discovery of self, or of the fortitude of moral values, or of the journey of a person's development, play into both a Gothic romance and its foundations in a classical romance.
So. There's part 1 of this ramble.
On to part 2!
The next word I want to examine is the term "relationship" and its companion, "love." Now, mind you, I come at this from a queer perspective as a demisexual, demiromantic individual, so these two words are ones I've spent a LOT of time pondering, in the quest to define my own identity.
We've heard the term "relationship" tossed around so often with only a romantic implication attached, but in truth, this word is so much more broad than this. You are in a relationship with your barber. You are in a relationship with your cat. You are in a relationship with a spiritual advisor, a professor, your best friend, your partner. Just because it is so heavily used in this way doesn't mean the relationship is only an intimate one (though intimate relationships are also not inherently sexual or romantic in nature, either, so let's remember this as well). Now if we break down what a relationship is, it's just a consistent interaction with someone based on some common interest or goal. It's a remarkably benign word. Its connotations, however, take it in a multitude of directions.
So let's look at it through the lens of an intimate relationship and add in the component of love. We'll start with just a blanket statement that love is not only one single thing. It isn't just romantic. It is our family, our friends, our pets, pie, the colour blue, that feeling of perfection when the waves of a warm lake brush over your calves...love is embedded in the experiences of these things. We love them. Love it as vast and broad as relationships. We love places, people, things, and experiences. We love ourselves (or we try to learn to).
In my world, through my particular brand of queerness, love changes in intimate relationships on a regular basis. I love my partner dearly. But on some days, that love is to my best friend, while other days, it is a romantic love and on others, sexual expression may be involved, but they may overlap in different ways. Sexual expression is independent of romantic attraction and the degree of each isn't tied together in any way. If we can separate these things, I think we can see the relationships in our everyday lives in different lights and with greater complexity.
I also think that looking at these things through the lens of diverse sexual and romantic experiences can inform how we interpret the Loki x Sylvie pairing and why some of us just aren't bothered by it (though certainly not the only reason people aren't).
We've been told Loki loves Sylvie. That much is beautifully clear. But love (and being in a relationship) doesn't automatically mean that 1) both parties are experiencing it in the same way, 2) both parties have the same approach or priorities, 3) the level of romance is necessarily the same between the people involved, 4) that sexual attraction exists at all.
Sometimes a kiss is a form of communication and not tied to the want to shag someone.
So this is where my interpretation of this particular pairing comes into play. I do see the story as a romance, in the classical sense, but also with a slight streak of the more modern sense involved. The focus is still on the quest, even when the love story emerges. And that is where I see the priorities of these characters and their definitions of the relationship differing and I analyze it through these different dimensions of love and relationship orientations.
Loki actually embodies one of the traits I've seen listed for demisexuals- we hold our friendships extremely close and because we hold our friendships the way we do, it isn't uncommon for us to end up with crushes on our best friends (and no, they don't generally develop into other forms of relationships, but they could). This is the phase in which I see Loki by episode 6. He has formed this intense bond, unlike any other it seems he's had, and his heart is breaking over the thought of losing her to her own rage. All he wants is for her to be OK, remember? This isn't a selfish action. But I think it is significant that while he tries to stop her, he's not the one who initiates the kiss. All his actions here are ones that a close friend would also do for their best friend. Like, I'd try to stop my besties from inadvertently destroying the universe. I'd even throw down over it. And for the exact same reasons- the risks are too great, we need to think, and I want them to be OK. Almost everything Loki does throughout his growing closeness to Sylvie is something I'd do for one of the people I've told I'd defend- as in, I literally told some of these people, "anybody messes with you, I'll cut a bitch- just tell me who and I'm there."
So because of all this, I don't see this relationship as sexual in any way. Romantic? Possibly. But not necessarily. Even being in love with one another doesn't mean a relationship has to have a sexual component.
Looking at Sylvie, I see her also as having found companionship with Loki, but her overriding goal is, ultimately, not to bond with someone- it's her mission. And she has sacrificed her entire life because of the TVA to this mission. She tells him repeatedly, in one way or another, that the mission comes first. Yes, she does care about him, but I don't think the way she cares about him is the same as the way he cares about her because they have differing priorities and needs (and hence why she feels betrayed by him when he tries to stop her). Or at least she hasn't allowed herself to express that. When she falls to the ground after she's killed He Who Remains, I think we get a glimpse of what Loki meant to her- she is alone, she grieves, and there is no meaning left to her story. She's done what she dedicated her entire life to and the person who could have given it other meaning is no longer beside her.
I still don't think that the first thing they would do upon seeing each other is suck face and have wild sex. Would that bother me? No, not really. I can headcanon something different than what actually happens, I'm fine with that (just look at all this glorious headcanoning happening right here!) I'd like it to stay a romantic friendship (queer platonic relationships for the win- they're squishes!) because I don't think we hardly ever see those types of relationships and queer platonic relationships are incredibly beautiful and powerful and yes, based on love and maybe even romance, in their own way. They are defined by the people in them, as are all relationships.
And now to address "but she kissed him!"
Yes, she did. And I've kissed my partner when there wasn't romance involved because I wanted to share a moment, to express something deeper than I had words for (yes, even on one of my aromantic leaning days), or just because it's fun. And it doesn't have to "match" up with how the other partner feels it, either, so long as the message itself is what comes across. This is how I read the Sylvie x Loki kiss. It was a message of worthiness. Loki's entire arc, including in that scene, is in discovering if he's anyone different than the monster he's made himself out to be (and encouraged others to see him as). He tells Sylvie that he can't be trusted, falling back on the habit of characterizing himself as the professional liar, the one who can't form those attachments which are built on trust. He also identifies her as someone incapable of trust in that moment, which I think is also a projection of how he sees himself. He tells Mobius he can only trust himself and the show slowly shows Loki coming to trust others, but in this moment in the Citadel, he's falling back on a different perception of himself.
This is where the kiss comes in, for me. Sylvie isn't trying to tell him she'd jump him right then and there, if things were different. Sylvie is trying to tell him that she does trust him, that he can be trusted, and that he is worthy of the affection of a friend, even if she can't have him in her way. She is prioritizing her mission, yes, but not without giving him some sort of reassurance, in her own way, that this rejection isn't personal. That he isn't too broken to be loved. It doesn't have to go into romance (not saying it couldn't, just saying it isn't a requirement). It doesn't have to go into sexual relationship territory.
Maybe I see this so vastly differently because of my experiences exploring gender, sexuality, and romantic orientation. Maybe I see this so differently because at this stage in my life, I would absolutely kiss a friend if I felt something so heavy was going to break them. I have a friend I say "I love you" to every time we talk on the phone or video chat- we've been together for 20 years. I've got photo proof of a snuggle pile of friends when I was a young adult. I've shared a bed with a friend with no reason other than that we didn't want to sleep on the floor and why not. I've had friendships that were awkward to start and intense once they got going that are absolutely still important in my life. I've had crushes on friends that have faded and just shown me another dimension of what it is to love someone. I've watched adults who struggle to make connections to other people discover those moments of awkward "how do I do friend mode?" and come out stronger for them, with that huge sense of victory hidden behind a small smile they don't want to share with anyone else quite yet.
I see so much possibility in how we interpret a television show reduced to "it's a romance and that's sick and incest and he wants to fuck himself!" and it just saddens me that so many people have such a limited understanding and experience of the depth and breadth of human relationships and of how people love one another.
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relieverse · 3 years ago
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How I innovate, dream and make a change in the world:
"People born with Uranus in the twelfth house in their birth chart have a need to be of help and may give a hand to others in the most unusual ways because that’s the way they are: unusual.
It’s like their purpose in life is to contribute and they’re never expecting any recognition or reward when supporting others. It’s very likely for them to be artists because their mind is very creative and they love to be in the company of people who are tasteful.
They want to see beyond reality and to cross the boundaries between this world and the one that can’t be seen with the naked eye. Individuals having Uranus in 12th house are very eager to express themselves freely by studying, being involved in all kind of affairs and dealing with the unknown.
It’s like their best ideas and even the most ingenious inventions are somehow revealed to them in their dreams. Things will come to them suddenly and they’ll be very inspired in what they may be doing for living because they always have the answers to problems in their head.
It’s also possible for these natives to see in the future, but only if they focus enough. Many of them will mask their knowledge of deeper meanings in the unconscious of the collective.
It’s suggested they pursue a career in psychology and even the occult because they can understand things that others aren’t even capable to see.
Positions of other planets in their chart wouldn’t matter that much because Uranus in the 12th house always has them efficient at dealing with matters that aren’t of this world, so they would more or less have control over their chart.
When it comes to everyday realities, natives having Uranus in the 12th house can struggle with the simplest tasks.
They may suffer from insomnia and sleep when others are at work and the other way around. Having a rich imagination, they’re very capable of lucid dreaming, but some negative aspects with the planets in their chart bring them nightmares.
Uranus in 12th house individuals may work in the shadows and do great things while not even searching for recognition. They don’t seem to have enough confidence to do something too out of the ordinary, so Uranus makes them feel guilty for being too shy to express what’s in their mind or for not just doing what they want in life..
Nevertheless, my caution is a good thing because it keeps me grounded in reality while also don’t feel confined by reality. While some people are afraid to dream big, I look past the physical restrictions and try anything to make my wish come true. Because of this, I am unlimited to the kinds of jobs and careers I can do.
Anything, where I am surrounded by creative types and forward-thinking individuals, is a good place to start. And I shouldn't be afraid to knock down any barriers that I come across because that’s how innovations become a reality.
The one area I do need time to myself is when I feel stressed and need to recharge my batteries. It’s better to have some alone time, for I can focus on what’s bringing me down and figure out ways to get over the feeling. Pulling strings behind the scenes can be tiring, especially if I don’t have anyone else I trust to help me. While I constantly strive to make the world a better place to live, not just for others but also for myself, I would place a lot of pressure on myself to match my dreams exactly.
I have to build up your confidence and see myself as an independent person, capable of handling problems on my own. I amso good at helping others with their issues. This is one area where I can excel over everyone else. I offer a shoulder to cry on or words of wisdom to help others get out of a scary or tense situation. But I need to try that technique on myself as well. My compassion is my strength, so learn to use it as such. I shouldn't be afraid of change in my career or marriage. Embrace it as a way of moving forward in life. The only way to learn how to handle tough scenarios at work is to deal with them firsthand.
Sometimes I may dream too big, and it’s not a realistic goal. I have grand theories and ideas, and no one can rival me in terms of imagination and creativity. The only trouble is I spend more time with my head in the clouds than my feet on the ground to get anything done. While having the ability to dream big comes in handy, it can also prevent me from accomplishing my goals. That doesn’t mean I have to give up on it. I have to think about it differently. This is when I can shine and not feel guilty about it. A dose of reality is needed in both cases, so I have to find a way to focus on the more realistic parts of the idea. And I shouldn't turn and run from this responsibility either.
I can get so overwhelmed by the everyday errands and busy routine that all I want to do is hide. But this only adds to my habit of shying away from difficult tasks and situations. That prevents you from growing emotionally and spiritually. My inability to gain knowledge and experience stunts my personality and prevents me from becoming a mature adult.
I also run the risk of feeling upset or guilty when I can’t express myself well to others. If I don’t have experience discussing conflict or how someone or something makes me feel, I often believe I have to hold it inside instead. This will only cause negative emotions to decay and can make me miserable or even mentally depressed. I shouldn't let myself fall into that endless cycle of sadness and disappointment. It’s important for them to not be afraid of any obstacles in their way as innovation doesn’t happen when the inventors or creators are scared of the unknown. It wouldn’t matter how tense or uncomfortable the planet Uranus in the 12th house is, the natives with this placement will always want to be alone when reading, painting, writing or meditating.
The more they’ll spend time in solitude and doing these things, the more profound they’ll get to feel or their soul to have its peace.
While very compassionate and kind, they don’t express all these things directly, and many people may not get the chance to understand them or worse, might feel hurt regarding their attitude.
They need to acknowledge their spirituality or else they can end up being very unhappy and unfulfilled.
It’s possible for them to feel weak in front of the usual changes life has to offer because they’re thinking they can’t handle working with something new.
The truth is, their faith will always help them, so being fearful doesn’t make any sense for them. They should believe in themselves because otherwise, they can escape in a world of fantasy and avoid reality, which isn’t in any way healthy.
Some of them will discover they’re capable of great spirituality when they’ll get older. Others will be aware of their profundity, but won’t be able to express it until their identity doesn’t get formed.
The 12th house is the most sensitive for the placement of Neptune because it is the home of this planet. Therefore, when here, this celestial body has great influence over the unconscious of natives.
People with this placement are very sensitive to the society as a whole and sometimes feel like victims of chaos and immorality.
The same planet here has the capacity to turn collective ideas into pure art. One of the most famous individuals with Neptune in 12th house is Salvador Dali, whose paintings are very intense and imaginative.
These natives are all very kind and open to different emotions, no matter whom they may be dealing with. They have psychic abilities and can guess what other people are thinking or feeling.
The planet Neptune can make their ego feel overwhelmed because it’s always open to external stimuli.
They may be vulnerable because they don’t have any protective fences to surround their sensitivity and also because Neptune doesn’t have any boundaries when being here, in the house of images and feelings of the collective.
At the same time, this planet gives them abundant creativity and the wish to become great artists. Very talented with music, poetry, painting, photography and other forms of self-expression, natives having Neptune in 12th house can become very famous in the art world.
Furthermore, they have a need to be with others, to merge and to feel the love of the collective. They’re also very connected with the Universe as the 12th house and Neptune are both spiritual and resonate with what lays within people.
It can be difficult to describe them and their feelings because they’re all the time overwhelmed in their unconscious, which is ruled by the 12th house.
This house can have them feeling deeply about many things in their life, including their ancestors, as it rules over the past and the conscious memories.
Neptune will always feel at home in the here. Even negative aspects of this planet won’t stay in these people’s way when it comes to spirituality.
The 12th house goes over everything that’s beyond the conscious mind, and is ethereal enough to have the natives with Neptune in it connected to deeper meanings and the unconscious mind of the collective.
Individuals having Neptune in 12th house could be great psychologists, but this quality would be stronger in them if some planets in their 10th or 6th houses would be in good aspects.
If so, the natives with these placements will choose to deal with other people’s thoughts and emotions as a career and if not, they will still make great friends who are always ready to talk about their own problems.
They’re so good at dealing with different realities because they’re good clairvoyants and psychics. They may even dream what’s about to happen or in symbols that transmit them messages.
That’s why they should study mysticism and learn how to interpret their dreams. The problem with this is that also negative things from the other side can enter their world, in this reality.
Because Neptune is very passive and would allow for this to happen, their sensitivity may increase, and they’d absorb all the pain and suffering of the world.
People love them for being empathic and for easily perceiving their thoughts or feelings, but this can have negative effects over their own health.
What they should be careful with is their unexplained guilt as it can truly wear them down. Wanting to help everyone, they’ll never get to make this dream of theirs come true because there is no way someone can help so many people as they would want to.
Each time a person around them is going through some bad times, they tend to blame themselves and have an enormous amount of guilt creeping on them.
Therefore, they may end up not helping or causing the situation to be worse. If they really want to give a hand, they need to first establish who they are and how they can manage their own life.
It’s the same situation as the one with doctors as these professionals need to be very cold and balanced in order to do their job.
Another problem they may have is the fact that they’re prone to become addicted to alcohol or drugs.
In the situation in which Neptune is in square position with Mars, Venus and Jupiter, they would have a tendency to abuse everything that helps them enter a fantasy world and leave reality behind.
Neptune will love having them overindulging, but this can cause real problems for their body and health in general.
While the Ascendant is the one that’s rules over physicality, Neptune in a position too close to this sign would only cause the dependence on substances to be stronger on them.
Because this planet is at home in the 12th house, it influences the areas of life this house governs, in a great manner. People with this astral placement are highly intuitive and very strong in their heart.
They may seem passive, but when needed to, they can become fierce. These natives love the role of the underdog and to give a hand to those who need it the most.
However the 12th house can be pretty suppressive, so they won’t be too focused on taking action and most of the time feel guilty for nothing.
What Neptune does is put rose-colored glasses in front of the eyes of the natives, making them see and hear only what they want.
Neptune in 12th house people need to work on their self-confidence and to think of themselves as independent creatures who can handle any problem without too much help.
They’re very supportive and helpful themselves, so they’d do a great job as doctors or healers. Because they like to listen and to find solutions to problems, they would also be efficient as psychologists and even firefighters.
It’s easy for them to calm people down and to give hope everything is going to be okay. However, before focusing on others, they need to work on themselves and to make sure they’re grounded in reality, just enough to be able to help.
Their compassion makes them strong, so they should learn how to use it. Change mustn’t be something that terrifies them because it can only help their life to move forward.
It’s important for them to deal with problems directly, especially when these are about work. They’re sometimes so overwhelmed by the everyday life that they just want to hide and to escape reality.
This is the explanation to why they’re always shy and trying to run from difficult situations, which means they’re not always able to develop from an emotional and spiritual point of view.
When they can’t seem to get a grasp of the knowledge transmitted by what they’re experiencing, they should take a step that and look for their level of maturity.
In the situation in which they can’t express themselves the way they want to, Neptune in 12th house individuals start to feel very upset and even guilty.
They should learn how to talk about conflicts and discuss the feelings they get from others’ actions or words because holding things inside will only cause them to be more hurt.
I deserve all the happiness that life has to offer. So keep up with the big dreams and idealistic view of life. Just focus on finding a good balance between my fantasies and the world in which I have to live. I can create something new and wonderful that can help myself and others reach their goals. So I shouldn't give up on it because of my lack of self-esteem. Once I am able to take my ideas further than they’ve ever been before, I will build the confidence and momentum I need to go even further. Nothing will be able to stand in my way, not even those old pangs of self-doubt."
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violetnotez · 5 years ago
How about Tamaki Amajiki with a shy, introvert, nerdy S/O who's studying to become a entomologist (someone who studies butterflies and moths?)
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Tamaki x reader
⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 2300+
⤷ Warnings: mild cursing
⤷ Synopsis: Tamaki is more than happy spend the day with his s/o at butterfly conservatory, since butterflies and moths are their passion. It’s just such a strange world to him, and he’s pretty nervous about it-especially when the bugs seem to take a liking to his hair
This fic is for the @bnhabookclub Bingo Event! Here’s my masterlist to see all my work for this event!
Bingo Slot: Hair Playing
This is my first one shot with little Amajiki, so sorry if it’s not very good! I lowkey wrote all this at 1 in the morning, so I honestly have no idea what sleep deprived me came up with 😂💀
Also I’m in mobile and at work so I can’t add a “Read More” 😭 I’ll try to get to it when I’m at home!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
You gasped, your eyes blown out of sockets as you looked around at the garden. The smile you were sporting in your cheeks was uncontainable-there we’re just so many butterflies.
They fluttered to and fro like little fairies, each one having a different wing design and a different color. They were so beautiful, so delicate, their wings creating a symphony of small sounds as they fluttered on to the available flowers and trees.
You mind instantly began to pinpoint the different species, the little bodies so used to humans that they were zooming across your own as if you were apart of the forest yourself.
There was a monarch, a painted lady, red admiral, orange sulphur-
“Do-do you like it?”
Tamaki was watching you nervously, his voice nervous as his eyes trained on your shocked face.
He knew how much you loved butterflies and moths, something he had learned about you very early on in your relationship. You had a special bond with the creatures, always researching and learning about new species each day.
After he had learned about this conservatory after you had talked about wanting to go, he knew instantly he had to buy tickets for you to go. He had made a surprise until now, your complete silence making him nervous.
Maybe you didn’t want to go here? Maybe he heard you wrong?
“Oh Tama, it’s-it’s amazing,” you breathed out, your smile evident in your voice, “its perfect,”
You grabbed his hand tenderly, your digits softly gracing the pads of his flesh. Tamaki gulped, a blush evident in his face-he still wasn’t used to this whole relationship, it was honestly scary to him, but-it felt nice. He loved having your skin against his, almost a reminder that none of this was a dream and in fact real.
Now that he could breathe a sigh of relief, he let himself melt into your touch, a nervous smile gracing his lips.
He had to admit it, this place was really breathtaking. The trees were incredibly tall, almost as tall as a whole house, the canopies dropping down as if protecting the butterflies from the outside world. The flowers decorating the floor were bright and colorful like confetti, matching the multiple colors of the butterflies. The damp dirt was sweet, making the whole conservatory smell like the earth after a rainstorm. Everything about this place felt pure and peaceful, making Tamaki feel more at ease.
You squeezed your nervous boyfriend’s hand, turning to look at his adorably shy expression.
“Cmon Tama,” you cooed sweetly, “lets go explore-“
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Now you were sitting on the floor with Amajiki, both your legs crossed casually. You had your phone out, giggling softly as you took pictures of the shy boy.
“Geez Tamaki, I didn’t know you were such a butterfly whisperer,” you giggled, taking another round of pictures of him.
He arms were stretched out along his body, a squirming expression on his face as he tried not to move. Amajiki had to have at least 10 butterflies on each of his arm, not including the ones fluttering on his chest and head, the butterflies somehow all crowding on to him.
“I-I didn’t know-either,” he stuttered out.
He looked so sweet like this, trying hard not to disturb the little creatures on his body.
You smiled again at the boy, settling into the floor as you peered into his indigo blue eyes.
“Do you know what it means when a butterfly lands on you?” You asked quietly, a small smile on your lips.
“No-I dont,” Tamaki stared at you, his eyes wide. “What does it mean?”
You leaned in to him, looking at each butterfly with warmth and affection.
“Well honestly, there’s a lot of interpretations-some say it means transformation and growth, a sign you're discovering your inner wisdom. In dreams, it can mean you're on the right track about a decision, or just good luck.”
You smiled, giving him an embarrassed look.
“Sorry, you probably don’t want to hear me ramble-“
“It’s okay, you can talk about them,”” he interjected, taking care to not move his jaw too much in order to not scare the butterflies. “I think its-it’s....sweet, that you know so much,”
Tamaki was blushing, his cheeks tinged with red. He would be completely embarrased to admit it out loud but-he absolutely loved to hear you talk. You were usually shy and kept to yourself, but when ever you got passionate about something and just rambled, it was-well-nice. He could almost get a glimpse into your mind, seeing how the ideas just flowed through you and created such interesting thoughts. It was intoxicating to Tamaki, and he could never get enough of it.
“Do-do you know what this one is?” he asked timidly, his eyes trained on a beautiful red butterfly with an inky black trim.
“Oh, that one?” you cooed, leaning in slightly towards the little bug. “Thats a red admiral- red butterflies usually symbolize intense love and passion, so sometimes its associated with lovers,”
“Do-do you like those ones? The red?” he asked. His arms were beginning to feel tired frm keeping the butterflies up comfortably, but the ticklish feeling of their beatiing wings took some of the sting off his aching limbs.
You shrugged your shoulders, a carefree smile on your lips.
“I think they’re beautiful,” you said, “but they have alot of bad associated with them. Like some myths from Scotland say a red butterfly is a witch in disguise. Or from Korea, they say that if you touch a red butterfly and then touch your eye, you’ll evetnually go blind.”
Tamaki gulped, his inky blue eyes wide.
“Well thats a little-intense,” he stammered.
You giggled at his obivous shock, your nose scrunched so so adorably Tamaki felt his heart squeeze.
“Yeah just a litle,” you smiled softly.
Your hand reached out, Tamaki watching your every move as you delictely picked up an orange butterfly, its design swirling with black an white.
“This one- is one of my favorites,” you mused, your eyes drinking in lovingly the little orange creature.
Tamaki sucked in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
“It-its beautiful,”
You simply nodded, a sweet smile on your face as you watched the butterfly flutter on your pointer.
“This is a monarch-I pretty sure you’ve seen it before,”
Tamaki hummed in agreement-come to think of it, he had learned about his butterfly. He had only vaguely seen it in grade school, maybe in one of the science books he had read in class, but he had never seen it up close.
It was so beautiful, the orange so vibrant yet gentle, the black design looing almost handpainted-perfectly and imperfectly created by Nature’s own hands.
“I think these are absolutely beautiful, but what I really like is the folklore behind them.”
“In Mexico, many pople believe that the monarch migration are actually souls from the Land of the Dead that visit each year during the Fall season. They decorate their altars, and even sometimes dress up as them to help the souls come back to earth and visit their loved ones.”
You gazes at the little creature, your eyes full of admiration aad affection.
“It just-sounds so sweet ya know? That all these people wait for these little guys, and feel so mucch hope and love for them, because they’re a promise that their love never truly dies,”
Tamakki smiled timiidly at the little monarch-how could he tell you that thats exactly how he felt aout you?
You were his little monarch- he had waiting for someone like you to come into his life, to be a promise that everything was going to be okay. That any insecurity or problem he felt he had with himself wasnt so bad as he thought it was- to give him hope that in the future things would turn out okay. He was terrfied some days that your love was all just a fantasy, that maybe, for some reason, you didnt truly love him like he did and you were just dating him out of pity. It was hard for him to get out of those very low stupors, when he felt like he had no worth, but rememebring your smile and your voice and they way you said “I love you” to him made him realize it was all in his head- that your love for each other was real. You were his promose that love was true and never just went away.
You looked up at Tamaki, your soft smile turning into a surpressed chuckle. Somehow when you had been talking about the monarchs, even more butterflies had landed on Tamaki, making hard to even see the color of his shirt now.
“Tama, do you need some help?” you giggled, looking att he doting man with wide innocent eyes.
Tamaki blinked a few times, waking himself up frm his daze-did that many butterflies land on him?
The ache on his arms seemed to get even worse, making his muscles quiver from the effort.
He gulped, a shy grin on his face.
“Y-yes, thatd be nice,” he said, loving how sweet your giggles sounded.
You began to gently help Tamaki say goodbye to his new found friends, tapping gently on his arm to send vibrations that would make the butterflies stutter away. Some were a little more determined, making you have to take it off his shirt by placing it on your finger and gently blowing on it to make it fly off.
All your gentle prodding was making Tamaki blush intensely- he honestly loved your touches, but he was always too nervous to say so.
He simply sat there, relishing the feeling of your skin against his clothing as the dull ache in his arms began to wash away.
Afer a few minutes of prodding, you finally gave a sigh.
“Alright, I think thats the most of them-just now for your hair…”
There were a few butterflies perched in his inky locks, making their colorful wings stand out even more in the almost black landscape of his tresses.
You reached out, your hands beginning to rack against his hair, lifting the strands gently in order to get the butterflies to melt away from his body.
Poor Tamaki’s face began to heat up intensely- this was something he absolutely adored. Whenever you burshed, combed, or even just touched his hair, he instantly felt at ease. His whole body felt warmed up with a bubbly sensation, and butterflies filled his stomach (no pun intended).
He sighed in content, his long black lashes fluttering downward- he could honestly sleep right here, with you touching his hair so soothingly as the butterflies beat their gentle wings in the background.
You definitely noticed that little sigh, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
“You like it when I touch your hair Tama?” you asked sweetly, your heart swelling when you see Tamaki’s cheeks look so warm.
God-why was your boyfriend so adorably cute?
I-uh-uh yes I do,” he stuttered out,clearly sheepish, “could-could you keep touching me-like that?”
You grinned softly, your hands wracking into his hair even more,
God, you could scream with joy right now. Your boyfriend rarey asked for touches, unless he was extremely tired or distraught- it took alot for him to admit he wanted any type of touches, and in public too. He must feel so calm in this moment, and you couldnt be more happy for him. Your heart swelled,a strange sensation of wanting to just kiss him taking over your body.
“Sure thing,” you whispered, your digits caressing his locks. You two sat in complete and comfortable silence, Tamaki focusing on your every touch while you simply relished playing through his har, twisting and brushing the inky black locks.
Amaki felt so at peace it was almost nervewracking-all of this felt like a dream, and he was scared that if he opened his eyes, he would wake up to nothignness. You wouldnt be there, the butterflies would disapperear, and his whole world would no longer be decorated in colors but in meek grays. You were his eveything to him, and he couldnt let you go.
Tamaki gulped, his brows knitted downi n conflict.
“Y/n I-is this a dream?”
You gave a short giggle, finding the comment quite adorable.
“No, sweetie, it isnt-why do you ask?”
“Because-this feels-it feels to good to be real.”
You faltered slightly from touching his hair, your fingers stopping in their tracks.
Too good to be real?
“Tama, I-” you tried to ask gently, but Amajiki beat you to your words. His eyes fluttered open, his hand reaching for your wrist and bringing it downwards, holding it close to his chest.
Y/n, youre-youre my marposa,” he stated, his voice almost forceful, as if he was trying to convince you of his words. “Youre my promise of love. Please-I know it doesnt make much sense but-but you mean everything to me, and I, terrified that of this is-”
Tamaki words were muffled against your lips, your flesh pressed up gently against his own. He tensed up slightly, his body full of shock until he finally succumbed to it, his cheeks on fire as he melted into you.
You pulled away from the stuttering boy, a blissful smile on your lips.
“-fake?” you finished his sentence, “Did that feel fake to you Tamaki?”
The boy didnt know what to do-his whole body felt like it was on overdrive, his skin feeling tingly and warm and shivers crawling deliciously down his back.
Only you could make his nervousness feel exhelirating, and he drank up every minute of being so intimate with you.
N-no,” he stammered, his eyes watching as you smiled at him, your head cocked towards your shoulder.
“You have nothing to worry about-Ill always be right here with you,” you tenderly grabbed for the boy’s hand, your fingers dancing lazily against his digits.
“Youre my promise too”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
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screenphotography · 5 years ago
A look into Killing Eve’s S3 photography: Camera Angles
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"A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet” - Orson Welles.
Last time I talked about the rule of thirds and the importance of making the audience experience the character’s feelings through the framing and composition using the rule of thirds.
This time I’m going to talk about the most important camera angles used in the show to help telling the story.
Zoom vs Static Shot
With the zoom effect, the frame itself is “moved” by adjusting the focal length of the lens through the duration of the shot. It magnifies what’s in focus without changing the perspective of what’s in the frame, it compresses the background, which serves to pull your eyes even closer into the subject.
We see an example of this technique for a few seconds during Villanelle and Hélène’s meeting in episode 7. In this scene, Villanelle seems about to answer Hélène’s question “Do you have anything you would like to get out of your chest?”
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This zoom effect can make a character seem more powerful, but at the same time the compression effect can make it feel like the world is closing in on them, making the viewer feel trapped and claustrophobic. The zoom can also draw us into the feelings of a character by focusing on their expression and isolating it from the scene.
My interpretation here is that it makes the viewer feel interested and somehow nervous about what her answer is going to be. Is she going to say anything she shouldn’t?
Now, what happpens if the camera does the opposite thing and it doesn’t move at all?
Let’s keep in mind this hard to forget scene from episode 5:
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Sometimes what’s happening in the scene is all that’s needed to tell the story. The lack of movement from the camera draws the attention of the audience deeper into the action and intensifies the feeling that they are experiencing.
I think we can all agree that this short scene is one of the best in the whole season and thanks to the static shot, the interpretation, the fact that we can’t hear the music and that there’s nothing that distract us, it makes it an unforgettable scene that gives such a haunting feeling difficult to move on from.
High and low angles
This technique is seen in the series all the time, certain characters are almost always shown with the same high or low angle. Why is this? In the case of a camera shot from a low angle it conveys power, and inferiority if the character is shot from a high angle.
So, who does usually get filmed from a low angle?
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See the pattern here? It really builds power.
A dominant or powerful character will be shot from a low angle, forcing the viewer to look up at them. While on the other hand, characters that are in a position of inferiority are shot from a higher angle. It forces the viewer to literally look up at the dominant character and look down at the inferior one.
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Now, this doesn’t mean that every character always gets the same camera angle, of course (except for hélène who gets the same type of angle 99% of the time, because well...she’s kind of the big boss, right?). It depends, once again, on the narrative of the scene.
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Let’s get into something even more interesting now...
Camera angles varies all the time, and as I said before, it goes along with what the scene is telling us. Let’s take an example from this one in episode 6:
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These characters start this point in the dialogue filmed from these camera angles. We have two very powerful and dominant characters face to face, but it’s Carolyn who starts asking first if he’s working for youknowwho, so, she gets the low angle first.
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(I mean, he’s being literally framed thanks to this genius shot as the door closes)
Then a few seconds later...
“Are you, Carolyn?”
Low angle for Paul as well:
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But then as we get this shot, the camera starts moving up and completely changes the angle for both characters.
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- Why on earth would you ask me that?
- Well, the same reason you asked me, because we don’t trust each other.
- Should I trust you?
- Heavens, no. None of us are to be trusted, that’s why we work here.
We got them in the same camera angle now.
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“The Dutch angle” (or “dutch tilt”)
This is one of the types of camera angles that most emotion can add to the screen. Commonly used in thrillers and horror scenes, it gives an obvious discomfort feeling, showing that something in the scene is off, portraying a sense of psychological trauma, emotion and tension. It can bring us into the mental state of the character in that moment.
The angle of the camera can be described as being horizontal to the bottom of the shot's frame. The horizon isn’t leveled and is off by at least 30º degrees or more:
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Overhead shots
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In this analysis we’ve seen different camera angles and how it conveys a certain feeling from the characters to the audience.
We’ve seen how if we film a character from above it can be seen as inferiority. So, what happens if we take this type of shot to the extreme?
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Remember how Villanelle was feeling at this point in the series. We could say this was the lowest we’ve seen this character.
An overhead shot (or birds eye view) is when the camera is placed above the subject. This type of camera shots are a perfect technique to show that the character feels that it has no way out of the situation he/she is in. It isolates the character.
“I’ve got to get out of here” “I don’t want to do this anymore”
On a final note, I’d like to talk about a type of camera angle that we have seen multiple times this season:
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We’ve seen that filming a character from a high angle can make it seem vulnerable, inferior, making the audience understand that he/she is in a situation of distress. By also using a shallow depth of field (the distance between the nearest and furthest elements in a scene that appear to be “acceptably sharp” in an image) we intensify this feeling. As Killing Eve’s director of photography Tim Palmer said in a recent interview, this technique is used to metaforically get inside the brain of the character.
Remember the rule of thirds that I talked about in the previous post. If we place the subject where the air of the picture should be, it conveys a certain feeling of emotional disconnection or discomfort in a dialogue scene, right? In this camera shot all of this gets reinforced with this shallow depth of field:
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All original images belong to Killing Eve (BBC).
More photography analysis:
Rule of thirds
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Leading lines
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If you want to learn more about all of this:
Storytelling through all the filming elements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE-6M7IbNSI
Depth of field: https://www.photopills.com/articles/depth-of-field-guide
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seance · 4 years ago
jatp as bodies of water
a character analysis based on this gifset.
first of all, a disclaimer: this was just me and @snakebitescar having fun , we perfectly know this is still a kid show and it’s not that deep™ but i, personally, find this type of speculations really interesting. kinda all or nothing, you know? i don’t usually dwell on more superficial hcs because i’m drawn to this kind of symbolism the most. that said we just thought we share, no pressure to rb or anything. i apologize for the small text but this got long i don’t want to spam anyone’s dash too much. 
luke as the ocean
I purposefully chose to use not just any view of the ocean, but a glimpse of a stormy one. What makes it so fitting in my eyes is that the ocean, by its nature, is limitless and unknowable but it’s not deceiving in any way. It’s powerful and overpowering but it appears as it is: vast and full of hidden depths.
Luke’s greatest strength is his energy, his uncompromising passion, his determination, his willingness to risk it all for what he believes in and for the people he loves. He needs to always be in motion, he needs to know he’s moving forward, towards something greater, something that will make every sacrifice and every loss worth it. Behind every gesture, every word, every action there’s something more, something deeper (like a wound that never really closed, an unfathomable regret, a simmering anger sparked by the betrayal of a friend).
He doesn’t really hide who he is or what he thinks but he will always, like the ocean, keep surprising those around him with new aspects of his exuberance, his creativity, his sociability. Just like the ocean, bound by no borders, Luke is free to be everything at once.
reggie as the lake
The lake can be peaceful and embracing or brooding and stagnant. It’s the only body of water that doesn’t flow somewhere, it appears motionless on the surface but in reality it hides dangerous underwater currents, unpredictable whirlpools and often deadly murky terrains.
Lakes represent the need for security, they are places of painful transformations, both cradle and trap. Basing some of our assumption on Luke’s words about Reggie’s less than ideal home-life, the parallel between the lake’s dual nature and how he expresses (or rather suppresses) his emotions came naturally. One of the main differences between Reggie and everyone else is that he’s never confrontational. He always works towards de-escalating the situation, he’s probably used to conceal any negative emotion to not add fuel to the fire, he tends to always follow and never lead.
This doesn’t mean he feels less than everybody else, every now and then those very emotions he tries so hard to control shine through and we see how actually scared he is, how he craves stability and security. He dreads any changes that have to do with the unknown or the possibility of his support system failing (“Do we all still get to hang out together?”) Just like the lake he’s both still and turbulent, constantly edging between relying on what is safe or taking the odd risk.
alex as the river
Alex was maybe the most complex to analyze out of the four of them. I’m a firm believer that anyone is entitled to their own headcanons and their own interpretation of a character but I must admit, I can’t really get behind some fandom takes that systematically reduce Reggie to his goofy side or Alex to his anxiety because as I see it, they both hold so much potential.
Rivers are an indomitable force. They flow for miles, from mountain to sea, sometimes dwindling but never drying up completely. They dig their way forward and they endure. Rivers are symbols of sensitivity and empathy but they can also be forceful and overflowing, almost too much to bear all at once.
Alex is highly emotional, for better or worse that’s what makes him such an interesting character. He’s not just his anxiety but he’s always straightforward about his emotions and his thoughts. Unlike Reggie we often see him question Luke’s opinion, he doesn’t shy away from commenting on the current situation, if he’s feeling anxious or happy or sad or angry he’s open about it, he wants the others to know.
Alex had to hide a big part of his identity for we don’t know how long and that surely played its part in worsening his fears but what we do know is that he had the courage to come out and live his truth, despite the negative outcome. When he decides to do something he pours all of himself into it, he’s proactive, he’s honest (sometimes too honest), he’s afraid of change but still faces it head first.
Just like a river plunges through deep ravines and spreads out over wide planes, he can act as a leading force if needed, making others see things from a different perspective (him talking to Julie about the Patterson, for example). He’s captivating and intense, Willie fell for him deep and fast and vice versa. Alex immediately offered the truest form of himself (his interest and his awkwardness and his anxiety) with no compromise. That’s part of the reason Willie’s betrayal stung so much I believe (“I thought we were having fun together” meaning Alex never thought of acting any differently from who he really is, what he was putting on the table was his raw and flawed self and Willie’s hesitation felt like a rejection).
Just like the river, Alex is committed and open about where he comes from and where he’s going.
julie as the waterfall
While every other body of water is somehow linked to the imaginary of life and death (the ocean gave us life but it can take it back just as easily, the river mythologically represents the boundaries between the two worlds, lakes are the dwelling places of monsters or other insidious creatures) waterfalls are usually seen as magical elements. They’re young, fresh, unafraid and most importantly, alive. They represent the calling for adventure, the restlessness that comes from wanting to always try new things, to explore your own potential.
Julie, above all, is her own character. All her relationships are deeply meaningful but they just add to an already strong identity. She’s energetic and she’s resourceful and she’s strong in the truest sense of the term because she isn’t afraid to hurt or to admit her limits (“I tried for mom, for you, even for me. I’m tired”). Julie is the main engine of the entire narrative because she represents, quite literally, the life force of the band. She doesn’t just go along with their wishes, she finds a balance with the boys and she isn’t afraid to call it quits when her trust is betrayed, she’s their equal in all things and she inspires respect.
Just like the waterfall rushes down perilously from any height, Julie launches herself in the new possibilities the band has to offer, she claws her way out of her grief and she gets involved without sparing herself. She’s eager, she’s passionate and she’s creative and she always has a new input to offer.
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rockyhayzkid · 4 years ago
Dean Winchester - Wings.
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"They're beautiful," Dean suddenly says, his voice barely above a whisper, which momentarily confuses you until you feel his fingers brush gently against the edge of your wing, which has you gasping softly causing him instantly to stop moving, looking at you slightly panicked, unsure if he had somehow managed to hurt you. "You can see them?" you ask him, pushing up slightly, dislodging his fingers from your feathers, which almost causes you to whine. "Yes?" Dean drags out slightly unsure, "I didn't earlier but they are pretty apparent right now," he adds, glancing to you, his green eyes meeting your vessels brown eyes. You are still for a full second before you move, practically pressing him into the bed as you kiss him, your hand cupping his cheek in the process.
It takes you longer than you would like to admit before you are able to pull back, staring down at the hunter, who was blinking up at you. "Do you know what this means?" You ask him, almost vibrating in excitement, and reluctantly, Dean shakes his head, which you don't mind as you are too excited to mind. "It means 'Dilzmo obza c ol congamphlgh'" you answer, slipping into Enochian, and you're confused when you see Dean's visible confusion. "Dilzmawhat now?" Dean asks bewildered and you can't help but smile, "It roughly means other-half of my soul," you translate for him, and he nods slowly, "So like soulmates," he interprets and you give a half-nod half-shrug combo, which makes him chuckle though it's cut-off as his focus is once again on your wings.
Tilting your head slightly, you study his expression, which whilst awed also showed his delight at the new information he held. "What do they look like to you?" you can't help but ask him, and it takes a moment for Dean to reply, "They're as long as owl's feathers and they're stacked about four deep with a width of about twenty and are a subtle light mauve colour, and they look so soft," he finally says, making you smile slightly, before shivering as he gently presses his fingertips to your wings. "Does it hurt?" he asks, having once again paused his movements to look at you but you shake your head a small smile appearing on your lips, "No, it feels really good," you answer, and almost instantly he begins to stroke your wings again, though this time he was more focused on your reaction.
Dean couldn't help but smile as he watches your eyes close, and lips part in a silent moan of pleasure, and he can't help but slowly sit up, sitting across from you as his fingers softly press into the feathers in the middle of the wing and allow his digits to trail down the wing, unconsciously giving his attention back to the wings, which changes when you give a quiet moan, which draws his gaze back to your face, and the hunter has to shift as he feels himself getting aroused at the clear look of pleasure on your face.
"That really feels that good?" He managed to ask, almost startling you as your eyes open, light gold in colour, which surprises him, having never seen it before. "Noib (Yes)," you answer, clearly enjoying what he was doing, which completely fascinated him, even without understanding what you had begun saying. Letting his fingers move he follows the curve of your wings until he can't which makes him move, getting off the bed to stand behind you, his fingers returning to your wings, pausing when he gets to the area that joined your vessel as he's hindered by your top. "Can I...?" Dean starts to ask but doesn't finish as you choke out 'Noib' again, the nodding of your head cluing him into the word before he reluctantly pulls back, helping you out of the top, before his fingers were once again on your wings before he traces the joint, though both your skin and your wings were soft there was a definite difference in texture but made you shiver at the touch.
Momentarily distracted by your vessel, he gently touches up your spine, in between the two wing joints, til he gets to the base of your neck where he trailed back down your spine before moving back to the joint, which fascinated him due to the seeming flawlessness join of the extra appendages on your back. "You're beautiful," Dean praises, still surprised that he could see your wings and that you trusted him enough to let him explore them.
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putschki1969 · 4 years ago
Wakana e-onkyo Interview English Translation
Note: The first interview with Wakana regarding her cover album. Some juicy details so be sure to check it out!! A little highlight: Hitoshi Konno provided his violin playing for the album!! As always, take everything you read with a grain of salt, my Japanese is by no means perfect. If you want to use this translation or parts of it, be sure to CREDIT me and LINK to this post.
Wakana debuted in 2008 as a member of Kalafina. In February 2019 she made her debut as solo singer. Her cover album "Wakana Covers ~ Anime Classics ~" has just been released. It features anime songs in a classic arrangement. Be smitten by Wakana’s charming and expressive vocals, she adjusts her voice to fit the mood of each song. Also pay attention to the unique sound which perfectly conveys the image the different arrangers envisioned. We talked about the songs, her singing,  the arrangements and the overall sound.
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── I think everyone has long been hoping for you to release an album with the concept of covering anime songs with a classical arrangment. What inspired you to pick this particular timing?
Wakana: It was partly because I appeared in my producer’s event "Satoshi Takebe Premium Duo Session Special Vol.9 Satoshi Takebe x Wakana" last November. Takebe-san suggested we should do some covers and I told him I would love to sing some Ghibli songs. That’s how we ended up performing a Ghibli medley which was a lot of fun. Having had that amazing experience, I was planning to do a series of live performances starting this spring where I would cover anime songs in collaboration with a female group called 1966Quartet.
── Unfortunately all plans for spring this year were ...
Wakana: Yes, the live was cancelled before it even got announced. However, I had planned to hold the second instalment of that concert series in December anyway so we decided to just start from there.
── So were you planning to announce the release of the album during the spring live and then accompany the release with the winter live! Was it supposed to be like that?
Wakana: Actually, at the beginning, it was only a live project, I had no plans to release an album. However, during the stayhome period while I was filming videos for my fan club, I asked the fans, "are there any songs you want me to sing?" There were many people who mentioned anime songs, especially Ghibli songs. Needless to say, I loved all the suggetions and I realised that fans would probably be very happy if I released an album in advance of the live. So, while secretly starting the album production, I uploaded some covers on YouTube to get everyone excited. Eventually I was able to announce that, “yes, I am actually working on an album!”
── When it comes to the production of an album like that, the most difficult thing is selecting songs.
Wakana: If the choice had been up to me only the album would be full of Ghibli *laughs*, in order to prevent that I gathered the opinions of everyone around me and this is how we ended up with the final tracklist. For example, I came up with the idea to include a "Doraemon" song and some newer pieces from Makoto Shinkai movies but "Yatsura No Ashioto No Ballade" and "Get Wild" are songs that I wouldn't have suggested myself. I didn't think I would ever cover a song like "Get Wild".
── With so many Ghibli songs to choose from wasn't it particularly difficult to decide which songs to include in and which songs to give a pass?
Wakana: It was!! For example, I was adamant about having “Kaze no Toorimichi” on the album but that forced be to remove “Teru no Uta” from my list because both songs have a similar atmosphere. Then there were songs like “Kimi wo Nosete”. When I performed it together with Takebe-san at this live it left such a strong impression on me. Plus, I have always liked it so I KNEW I had to have it on the album. In fact, this song came to my mind first when thinking about the selection of songs for this album, I was literally crying removing song after song from my list of candidates but I comforted myself with the thought that I would eventually use all those songs for my live performance in December!
── How did you arrange each of the songs once you managed to select them?
Wakana: I asked three arrangers to help me this time, Shin Hashimoto, Miki Sakurai and Shu Kanematsu. According to the image I wanted to convey with each song, I gave it to one of my three arrangers. We held many remote meetings where I first talked about the image I had in mind for the individual songs and in response to that, the arrangers sent me their suggestions... Everyone came up with absolutely wonderful arrangements that go far beyond anything I could have ever imagined!
── I think that deciding on the key is also a problem for a cover song. Did you decide that after consulting with your arrangers?
Wakana: It's not as simple as to just change a male singer's song into a key that is easy for women to sing, after all, you don’t want to ruin the atmosphere of the song by changing the key too much. To begin with I sent sample recordings of me singing certain patterns for each song to the arranger and then arranger would suggest a key they found fitting. I asked them to send me accompaniment that matched their preferred key and then I re-recorded my singing with their accompaniment to get a feel for the overall atmosphere. So with that sort of exchange between myself and the arrangers we selected the perfect key that would suit each song.
── When you say that you don’t want to ruin the atmosphere of a song by changing the key, what exactly do you mean by that and could you name a song where this applies?
Wakana: Take "Rain" for example, the key is a little too low for me which doesn’t exactly make it easy for me to sing but I think that singing it with this key will bring you closer to the world created by Senri Oe and Motohiro Hata. A world that’s filled with tears, tears by men.
── "Rain" is a song with particularly strong emotions from a male perspective.
Wakana: It took a while to get into the lyrics. Kanematsu-san who was in charge of the arrangement helped me interpret the song from a male perspective. Towards the end of the lyrics there is a line that says "Whistling, I follow". Why does he whistle in this moment? I didn't understand. So when I asked Kanematsu-san, he said, "I think the man in this song is trying to appear cool." And indeed, when I read other phrases such as "incapable of words" or "in front of the eyes of the world" at the beginning it suddenly made sense. Once I had challenged myself with this song I came to the conclusion that I want to sing more manly songs from now on. This song truly taught me the pleasures of reading and singing certain lyrics.
── And then on the contrary, we have a song like “Yasashisa ni Tsutsumareta Nara” which is sung from the point of view of a little girl.
Wakana: I knew I had to give this song to Sakurai-san to arrange, it needed a woman’s touch. That image of Kiki flying though the sky and that final scene where Tombo finally flies on his very own machine. This song has such a refreshing vibe and a sense of speed, it’s transporting you right into the future. It was not my intention to change those images, I wanted to stay very faithful to the original atmosphere. That’s why I asked Sakurai-san to keep the refreshing vibe and only make some other slight changes.
── Being overwhelmed with love for a song like this, did you have trouble approaching it as a singer?
Wakana: When I went to see one of Yumin-san's live performance, Yumin-san said, "I'm so happy that I am still in love with the world I envisioned as a girl." This brought tears to my eyes. There is still so much love. You have believed in God since you were little and you want to do your very best without ever giving up just like Kiki! That’s it!! That's why this song has such a girlish cuteness and innocence! But how to best express it through my own singing? I worried quite a lot about this. I consulted with Sakurai-san and Shin Hashimoto-san, who was in charge of the direction of all the songs, and somehow we decided on a singing style that all of us liked.
── Although it is faithful to the world of the song, it does not really resemble Yumin's singing style. For example, Yumin is applying a lot of vibrato starting from the first few lines but you are stretching out your notes in a calm manner followed by a bit of vibrato.
Wakana: That way of singing is unique to Yumin. I was not trying to simply copy the original songs, nor was it my intention to surpass them. I just love these songs so much which is why I tried singing them with as much joy and carefreeness as possible. I think I was able to do that because I had lots of time to face each song during the stay home period.
── So you were able to sing these songs you love so much without putting too much effort into it?
Wakana: In terms of singing, I was working a lot on my breathing technique this spring, so I guess the results of that came out while I was working on the album. My vocal coach said, "humans do not consciously inhale or exhale. If you exhale naturally, you will inhale naturally so there is no need to overthink it. This was especially true for “Toki ni wa Mukashi no Hanashi wo”, when I want to sing as if I'm talking, I don't want to put consciously add a breath. After all, I don't think about breathing when I'm talking. So I just let it happen naturally. 
── Is there anything we should pay attention to in terms of the sound of the arrangement?
Wakana: Everything really. But there is maybe one thing I would like to point out ... I was surprised that Kanematsu-san suggested we arrange "Inochi no Namae" with only strings and no other instruments. Listening to this song by itself is amazing but hearing it alongside the other tracks is quite fascinating because there is an audible change due to the lack of other instruments. In addition, the beautiful atmosphere from the recording studio is conveyed wonderfully through the music. When we were recording it felt like time had stood still.
── Are there any other things that impressed you when you were present at the recordings?
Wakana: “Ai ni dekiru koto wa mada aru kai” was arranged for piano, violin, and cello but we used the main area of Victor Entertainment’s largest studio to have Okuizumi-san play all by himself on the cello while Shin-san on the piano and Konno-san on the violin were recording in adjacent booths. We wanted the sound of the cello to be heard clearly since it takes up such a big portion of the song. Speaking of sound, “Yatsura No Ashioto No Ballade” is rather simple and only consists of my singing and a piano accompaniment.  We did a very basic racording and kept it quite raw without adding too much sound components to the song. I wanted to create a special atmosphere for the recording so we darkened the room, and I sat in a chair. All of a sudden I was becoming aware of sounds I had never noticed before, the creaking of the chair, my clothes rustling. I didn’t want these noises to be included in the recording because I feared it would end up being too raw so I made a lot of effort to record it while making as little noise as possible *laughs*.
── I was surprised by the arrangement towards the end of “Get Wild”  since you didn’t add a semitone-upward key change.
Wakana: …… Ahh! Now that you mention it.
── But it didn’t take away from the enjoyment since the tension was still incredibly high from the interlude, I didn't even realise at first that there was no modulation *laughs*. Besides, if you had transposes it up a semitone according to the original song, it would have sounded too pop-like and the classical atmosphere would have diminished.
Wakana: Regarding "Get Wild", I was particularly worried that the charm of the song would be lost by using a key more suited for a female singer. So I was adamant to make this song the most powerful out of all tracks. I asked the members of 1966 Quartet to record it because I wanted this song to have a sprinting vibe reminiscent of their Beatles and other UK rock covers. As for my singing style, unlike "Rain" which I sang in the early stages of production with gradually strenghtening, I sang this song with a lot of strength from the get-go both in the verses as well as in the choruses.In the original sample I sent my singing was still quite soft but then I realised that wouldn’t work, I needed something different so I decided to sing in a fierce manner from the first note onwards. The arrangement is also based on that.
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── In your YouTube videos - including a recording of “Get Wild”- you are using Victor's new model "HA-MX100V" as monitor headphones.
Wakana: Those headphones have a really clear sound and I am not only using them for vocal recording but also for track down, mastering check, home recording and video editing. Also, in the latter half of the recording, I started using Shure headphones recommended by Kanematsu-san and my engineer. When using them, you hear the exact same thing in the recording booth and control room !
── You use Victor and Shure for your work. What about headphones outside of work?
Wakana: When I am travelling by train or car I like to listen to music. So Sony's noise cancelling headphones are my favourite. Even when I am  travelling on a heavy rainy highway, the sound of the rain and the roaring noise in the tunnel are all cancelled out! I also have wireless earphones and use them quite a lot.
── Good headphones are becoming more appealing than ever for music fans especially now with the ever-increasing number of live streams.
Wakana: That’s true! If you are using wireless headphones, you may be worried about the synch-gap between the video and audio so I think that a pair of high-quality wired headphones is perfect for a live stream. For my upcoming live "Wakana Anime Classic 2020" the audience capacity has been halved so we also decided to offer a live stream option.
── That’sgreat news!
Wakana: I think that some people find it difficult to attend the live because of the distance to Tokyo and the fact that they do not want to worry about getting sick in the current situation. So I'm very happy that everyone can enjoy it in the form of live stream. Since this is my first attempt there is still a lot to learn but with the help of many people around me we are trying to think of various things to make this experience enjoyable for everyone. There a re a lot of things to consider after all, things such as stage sets and video production.
── You mentioned that you would be singing songs that didn’t make it to the album?
Wakana: Definitely! And of course the songs from the album but I would like to sing them with a unique arrangement that can only be heard during the live performances. Please look forward to all of it!
── I'm looking forward to it!
Wakana: And there is something that’s actually still a secret ...
── What is it?
Wakana: Four Hippos will be the appointed image characters for my live! Since I am only doing covers I thought it would be fitting to use hippos as motif. [Note: “hippo” in Japanese is read the same way as “cover”]
── Thank you.
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icedteaandoldlace · 4 years ago
So there’s this “101 Reasons to Ship Snowbarry” video that keeps coming up on my YouTube suggestions. Idgaf about Snowbarry, and I’ve already hit the “not interested” button on similar videos before, but since I can’t seem to get away from video suggestions like this, I’m just gonna watch it and liveblog it, and bet that for every entry on the list, I can come up with a corresponding rebuttal for why Barrisco would make an even better couple. (I’m not gonna comment this ON the video ofc, this is just for my own amusement.)
Click the link above if you want to see the stuff I’ll be responding to, but be forewarned, that video is like, way long, so naturally it follows that this post is gonna be, too.
Additional note: If you are a Snowbarry shipper who has stumbled across this post somehow, now would be the time to stop reading, and also to add the “anti Snowbarry” tag to your filters if you wish to avoid running into posts like this in the future, ‘cause I ain’t interested in engaging in shipping wars.
Anyways, let’s go:
1. "How they met." Cisco woke Barry out of a coma by playing/singing a song about bisexuality, 'nuff said. (Also, part of the purpose of that scene was to introduce Caitlin as the serious, “down to business” one, and Cisco as the warmer, more easygoing one who’s trying to make Barry feel more comfortable.)
2. "They're both scientists." What is Cisco, an Instagram influencer?
3. If Caitlin being Barry’s personal doctor gets her romantic points, then the same should go for Cisco being his personal tailor. Actually, he should get more points, because there’s no moratorium on romantic relationships between tailors and their clients.
4. The way Barry and Cisco gaze into each other's eyes for non-medical purposes. This is too easy.
5. Uh. Cisco being the voice in Barry's ear while he's running, and often the first person he calls out to for help solving a problem.
6. They frequently take hold of each other's hands and shoulders.
7. Cisco comforts Barry while Caitlin tends to his wounds.
8 through 12 is literally just stuff about Caitlin being a doctor, and I don't find this stuff relevant enough to rebut because there's nothing inherently romantic about any of it.
13. "They both have fun together." Yes, Cisco also, the fun having, it happens, lots. Even more, actually.
14. Not really sure what to say for this one. Barry and Cisco noticing when each other is sad and then checking on each other (at Cecile’s baby shower and Barry’s bachelor party, respectively, and also on other occasions), comes to mind. That doesn’t have to do with noticing each other’s lips, per se, but I’ve never thought of either of these SB scenes as moments where Barry was staring at Caitlin’s lips, just as moments where he’s noticing her expression/overall mood, which is something he does with Cisco (and vice versa), too.
15. They all have nerdy hobbies, dude, they're nerds.
16. This one for SB is "she makes Barry drunk on purpose", which, y'know, she did because he wanted to be able to get buzzed, which Cisco has succeeded in helping him do, too (and the drink he made was more effective and longer lasting), but the way this is phrased is kind of suggestive, like Caitlin was doing it to lower his inhibitions (which she totally wasn’t), and uuuuhhhh, don't romanticize that maybe???
17. Cisco put all that tech into Barry's suit, including delivery menus from his favorite restaurants + wrote him an instruction manual, and sped up all his favorite shows so he could catch up on what he missed while he was in the speed force.
18. Barry makes Cisco's (and everyone's) hair fly everywhere when he speeds out of a room, too. Like, this is just basic physics, fam, wyd?
19. Barry also uses his powers to help Cisco. And...literally everyone who needs his help, this is basic superhero stuff, wyd?
20. He is impressed with Cisco, frequently.
21. Just having nicknames? He calls him "bud", "dude", etc., and one time he called him "Cis". (Bonus: Iris and Cisco have called Caitlin "Cait", too, so it’s not just a Ronnie and Barry thing.)
22. Cisco can make anything to help Barry. They're literally top-notch genius scientists, I don't even
23. Obviously they think each other makes great company, they're best friends. All of them.
24. They comfort each other. Again, best friends + Team Flash pep talks are a major staple of the show.
25. He needs Cisco, too.
26. They...they care about...my god, it's like you people have never heard of FRIENDS.
27. Honestly, how many times have we heard Barry tell Cisco he believes in him, or heard Cisco gush about what a great hero Barry is?
28. Helping each other conquer their fears. Yep, that's another one that applies to like, everyone on this show.
29. "They both have experienced loss" IT'S A SUPERHERO SHOW! Also, that's just life. Name one main character on this show who hasn't experienced loss. Nash and Wally have both experienced loss, and I have yet to see anyone ship them.
30. "They both can sing really well." Okay now. This one is true for Barry and Cisco, but uh...Caitlin is literally tone deaf. I'm not being mean, Danielle Panabaker knows good and well that she can't sing, and she has talked about Carlos side-eyeing her when she gets going because she's not good at it. THAT'S OKAY! There's nothing wrong with not being able to sing, but--WHY would you claim that she's good at something that she clearly is not? She wasn't on pitch for a single line of Summer Nights, and she straight up changes keys mid-line in the mockingbird song in that other clip, and just...what even is this entry?!
31. Watching over each other, yeah, another basic staple of being friends and superheroes.
32. "He is always standing behind Caitlin" AND LOOK WHO'S STANDING BESIDE HIM!
33. Remember that time fake Jay "died" and Cisco stayed with Caitlin until she fell asleep? Remember when Dante died and Caitlin slept on Cisco's couch to keep him company? Remember all those times Barry or Cisco were rendered unconscious, and the other stayed by their bedside until they woke up?
34. Basically just a continuation of 33. See above.
35. "Maybe 'okay' will be our 'always'." Hmm, what WOULD Barry and Cisco's "always/okay" be? Probably just calling out each other's names tbh, they do that a lot. Or perhaps, "For real?"
36. Is2g. Being only one call or text away is, again, a staple of the show, considering everyone in it is a close-knit found family and knows there's a very good chance that that call or text might be saying, "I'm in mortal danger, please come save my life at once."
37. Funny, I already pointed out once before (in a different post) the fun parallel of how Caitlin will sometimes go running to whoever her love interest is at the moment, or she'll call out his name, while Cisco is at the same moment running to Barry/calling out for Barry.
Side note: did they really think including Barry's proposal song to Iris would give more weight to their why-to-ship-Snowbarry argument?
38. I mean...Barry kind of carries everyone everywhere. You don't really get to see it, but how the heck else do you explain all the times he whooshes people in and out of places? He can't just drag them, otherwise the soles of their shoes would either wear down fast or catch on fire.
39. Okay, no shade to Barry and Caitlin's friendship, and some of these moments are really great, but generally speaking, their hugs do not compare to the ones that either of them has with Cisco. Also, note the group hug scene, conveniently cut off before Cisco joins in, because unlike the Romione + Harry hug in the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, there's no way to interpret it as a third wheel/cockblocking moment, because the moment Cisco declares it a group hug moment, Barry and Caitlin both agree, and you can see it on their faces that they are delighted, and think that Cisco joining in their hug has just made it even BETTER.
40. Henry gladly accepts a hug from Caitlin, immediately after laughing at Cisco's awkward moment and giving him a fatherly reassuring pat on the shoulder. I think it's safe to say he approves of all of Team Flash.
41. Oh look, another thing Barry and Cisco and multiple other characters do.
Good god, I'm not even halfway through this yet. This is like that time I tried to climb Diamond Head.
42. Ah, superhero poses, yes. That thing that...superheroes...do. Like, all of the ones on this show. And in general.
43.  "They begin to resemble each other." They're just white, fam. OH MY GOD, I SOMETIMES TAKE MY SUNGLASSES OFF WITH ONE HAND, TOO! OT3 MUCH????? 😱 Lol what even??
44. How many times throughout this video am I gonna have to repeat that everyone on this show has these moments? Also, speaking in unison with someone because you had prior knowledge of what they were going to say due to yourself or someone else time traveling, is not the same as being in sync with them because you’re close. (He said “Weather Wizard” at the same time as Cisco, too.)
45. Idk what to even say to this one. Like, Iris is obviously the love of Barry's life, and Cisco is obviously his favorite best friend and the person he would be with if he didn’t have Iris.
46. *John Mulaney voice* AND THEN THEY DIDN'T! Seriously, though, both of the people they were trying to get over were perfect for them. I don't have a Barrisco specific rebuttal for this one though.
47. So by this video's logic, that one scene from 4x03 means that Barry, Harry, and Cisco should be a threesome, huh?
48. "I did it because it gave me an excuse to bring him back."
49. .................is this even an argument?
50. They're both good looking people, darling.
51. Wrong, sir. They fight like siblings. Trust me on this one, I have six of them.
52. Trauma response. I'm moving away from Barrisco arguments and just saying the first thing that pops into my head now. But seriously, this is a normal reaction to trauma/loss.
53. *Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* I'm not even gonna say it this time, you already know.
54. Again, have you people ever had anyone in your life that you cared about, ever? I'm starting to get concerned, honestly. But for the sake of bringing Barrisco back into this, hey, remember that time Barry and Caitlin both got kidnapped on the same night and Cisco was completely beside himself?
55. This is getting out of hand.
56. Pretty sure dating Caitlin didn't even make the list for Barry's reasons to dislike Jay and Julian (also, he liked Ronnie, the guy she loved the most, so...)
57. Judging Barry for being a dumbass + helping an exposed girl out =/= jealousy. Granted, there was some jealousy in that last clip, but not because Iris got the man; it was because Barry was all set to live happily ever after while Caitlin was, y'know, struggling with powers she didn't want and another person living in her head that kept fighting her for control of her body.
58. Refer to season 1 episode 2, wherein Cisco is the person helping Barry from the beginning, and Caitlin asserts that she is on Joe's side when he tells Barry what a stupid and reckless idea trying to be a superhero is.
59 + 60. "Let's bring our boy home." / "Let's go get our girl." Do I need to cite either quote?
61. Again I ask, did a human make this list?
62. Don't make me tap the sign.
63. One word: Elseworlds.
64. If you'll scroll waaaaaaaaaaay up there, I already covered that Barry and Cisco hold hands A LOT.
65. Oooh, I made a meme about this one! Not after watching this video, I just see SBers say this all the time, and it drives me crazy.
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I used this in my Snowbarry fandom drama presentation for my squad’s presentation party a while back.
Side note: ~INTERESTING~ how Caitlin being a doctor is ““romantic”” when she’s treating Barry but ““motherly”” when she’s treating Cisco. I can’t even.
66. ......I’m sorry, I’m just not seeing how the dramatic irony of them stating that Killer Frost will never be a problem on Earth-1 is pertinent to shipping them as a couple.
67. Hannibal Bates and Caitlin are perfect for each other? Weird take, but okay. Oh, and there Caitlin is trying to freeze Barry to death. Wasn’t there a point somewhere up there about her never wanting him to get hurt?
Side note: Hey, what’s the name of that guy who saved Barry in this scene?
68. Bruh, that’s just her dynamic with everyone that season.
69. Barry and Iris, Barry and Cisco, Cisco and Caitlin, Cisco and Harry, Caitlin and Killer Frost, Cisco and Killer Frost--just naming some duos that are more iconic than Barry and Caitlin. Again, no shade to their friendship--I really like them as friends!--but the shippers stay making it out to be more than it really is.
I also just have to point out that although Killer Frost was the one who willingly teamed up with Savitar/whom Savitar sought out first, when she comments on their team up and says it’s “Barry and Caitlin together again”, his response is to point out that she’s not Caitlin and he’s not Barry. In contrast, when he takes Cisco against his will and forces him to modify the speed force bazooka, he still refers to Cisco as his best friend.
70. Make up your mind, does Savitar count as Barry in this or not? Because he totally grabbed Caitlin by the throat once.
71. I don’t know how to break this to you, but not enjoying it when someone is in pain is just being normal. (Do I even need to point out Cisco’s empathetic cringing compared to Barry’s looks of mild discomfort, or...?)
At some point this went from being about Barrisco to being about Cisco being the favorite friend to both of them, idk.
72. He. Is. Literally. A. Superhero.
73. Man, what did I JUST say? Also, can we just acknowledge the build up to Crisis on Infinite Earths for a second, wherein Frost very quickly accepts that Barry is supposed to die in order to save everyone else, while Cisco has infinite crises of his own at the idea of having to accept Barry’s death--which, I might add, he never actually does? Neither does Iris, for that matter. They tried to accept it, and they thought they did, but they didn’t really.
74. Oh fuck it, just read 73 again.
75. Okay, what even is this one? Two scenes where they are not present for each other’s “deaths” and thus don’t react to them, meanwhile Cisco is devastated in both of them?
76. Same thing I’ve already said several times before.
77. How many times do I gotta point out that this is a superhero show?
78. Just really trying hard to find enough reasons to make this list 101, huh? (What is Firestorm, chopped liver?)
79. Because violence = chemistry apparently. Wasn’t there another entry about how they can never hurt each other or something?
80. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the vibrating hand that shredded Cisco’s heart before either of those scenes happened.
81. It’s like SBers think they’re the only two characters on the entire show.
82. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over all the other vibrating hands triggering Cisco at least once per season. But sure, Barry and Caitlin are the only two who know suffering.
83. Two words: Flashpoint. Dante. Also, not seeing how this one is romantic.
84. That’s just a Caitlin/Frost thing, fam, it only happened to Barry because he got whammied by Prism, who caused the same effect in everyone else he whammied. (Cisco’s eyes turned purple once when he got hypnotized.)
85. Please. I beg of you. Get friends. Interact with a human person.
Side note: “I trust you” was almost what I put for Barrisco’s “always/okay”.
86. “Don’t call me that. I don’t know you, string bean.” / “I don’t know who you think you are, but around here, people call me Mr. Ramon.” / “The name is Vibe.” (Again, romance where?)
87. Kinda like how Mirror Iris and Mirror Kamilla have slightly dressier tastes than Real Iris and Real Kamilla.
88. ....Anyways, Vibe........
89. The first time because Cisco saved him, the second time because she froze him just enough to fool Grodd, not enough to actually kill him. (Again I say, what is Firestorm?)
90. So romance. Very love. Much relationship.
91. ANYWAYS, CISCO. (And uh, hello, IRIS???? Joe? Harry?)
92. See 88.
93. This one might be a fun ship parallel if Caitlin had actually been involved in Barry’s brain zapping, but instead it’s just like, “here’s two random scenes that are kinda similar in completely insignificant ways”, like the evil clothes thing a few entries back.
94. Another entry that just demonstrates that their one-on-one moments together, while good, just don’t compare to either of their one-on-one moments with Cisco. I can’t be the only person who sees this.
95 + 96 + 97. I can’t muster up enough interest in any of these shows to watch them all the way through. Is this supposed to impress me?
98 + 99 + 100. The only point this proves is that they have multiple ship names. (I thought their evil ship name was Savifrost?)
101. Mm, sorry, sweetheart, Westallen, Barrisco, and Snowstorm all have them beat in this category.
This post really got away from me, at this point idk what I’m even doing, but I went on too long to stop now.
Oh, shit, there’s a bonus round.
Honestly, I fail to see how a lot of these supposedly “match”? But as for the ones that do, that’s just your basic TV aesthetics, I forget the official name for it. They’re matchy-matchy with Cisco in some of those shots, too, because TV matchy color psychology whatever. It’s a whole thing, every TV show and movie does it.
If anyone actually followed along this far, congratulations on your attention span, my brain could never. Idk how to end this post because it strayed so far from my original intent and basically just turned into a Snowbarry Fandom Doesn’t Make Sense Presentation 2.0
You know, I like to try not to generalize and stuff, and I’d like to think that maybe not all SBers are racist and that some people genuinely just like the ship because they think that makes sense or something, but then I look at their reasons for shipping it, and it’s just the dang blandest thing I ever did see, and they have to reach so far when they try to explain why they think they’re the best “couple” on the show and just??? I am the queen of shipping friends who never get together romantically, but Barry and Caitlin just don’t got it, son. Tbh part of the show’s appeal to me is the fact that there’s no threat of Caitlin ever getting with either of her male bffs in that way, because Cisco is like her brother, and getting with Barry just wouldn’t make sense. It just befuddles me to no end that they are such a wildly popular ship and not a rare pair, because the way their relationship is in canon is just exactly the way it should be.
That’s it, I guess. I’ve already invested this much time in this, so I might as well post it.
Also, please don’t anybody try to start anything in the comments section of this video, this fandom has enough drama as it is.
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zunnyzee · 4 years ago
This pride, I've been thingking about a few things that, well, are kind of fucked up.
Like, we as a community were so ready to label ourselves we've got hundreds of identities, and it kind of makes the community harder to navigate for those who are questioning imo (in my opinion). There's even a flag for questioning, like, we're all queer, but we've sectioned ourselves off in such a way it makes me feel uneasy. Our labels are so specific, and I feel like it has impacted those who are clearly part of the community, but question it because they need to feel like the label is just right. Then again, I understand the joy of finding the right way to express yourself through your label, it's something we all share as people, but look at what enviornment it's created at the same time. Bisexuals saying pans are inheritably biphobic, pan folk saying to be bi is to be enby, or trans, phobic, you've got people saying that men can't call themselves lesbians and people saying that you can't be both bi and gay, and then you hear how bi people fight to not be seen as 'basically gay or straight' but actually bi' and then you see all the transmascs that still have a sort of connection to their agab, and we've brewed so much hate within ourselves and we're excluding ourselves and we're invalidating ourselves. We are a diverse community, and with that comes many different beliefs about the way our community actually is. I can see how someone can be insulted about how someone else interprets gender and sexuality, I can. We have people in the community who's identity means everything to them because finding out that they were queer changed their life for the better and they felt like a real person for the first time and their eyes were opened and they were free, and then other people use those same labels as if it were a choice, an aesthetic, and it can come off as almost disrespectful in a way. It'd be like if someone were cis amab and they just go 'you know, I feel so much like a boy that I'm going to id as a transman, going from man to even more of a man because I feel so comfortable in my agab and it feels right' like you could see how a trans-trans man (afab) would feel invalidated, right? There's the whole thing about diversity and not everyone is going to be the same, but we made labels mean something, we took the slurs that the cishet used for us and said that we would actually define ourselves, but a label means nothing because we don't really use it like a label anymore. People are getting away with thinking aces/aros aren't part of the community because we've made our labels exclusive somehow. We've got he/him lesbian controversy, which I am shocked to see from the one group that wasn't supposed to discriminate based on gender identity. We're no better than the cishets sometimes, being completely honest. Some gays think dating someone trans automatically makes you bi, gay, or straight, completely ignoring their identity. And to be fair, all these people are vastly small compared to the overall supporting group, but they add up, they really do. Don't even get me started on sexist queers. We made our own definitions, then we made them so specific that we can't even support some of our peers cuz we don't know what the fuck their flag means. And don't say we support everyone, it doesn't matter because you know people are always inventing ways to ruin this shit, like pedos/maps beastiality, and fucking cops (copgender exists). We're not even ready to talk about Mogai, I swear to you we are not the all accepting group you think we should be, and we don't have to be. As a community, we don't agree on what it means to be in the community, some of us don't accept queer as a label despite its current popularity, we are kind of fucked up and we have to admit that. I think that we are creating way more labels than we need, and we are separating ourselves and we are hurting each other. Some people think 'if you identify as y you have to be z' and that gets some people so mad, but at the same time, think about it, without some unity within smaller communities, what does their label even mean? We are not respecting each others
spaces, and I think it's because we over label. But what can we do now? Take those labels away? Tell them they can't id as queer because they're doing it wrong? We don't have the guts, or the general understanding of definitions to do that. We're just supposed to be 100 percent accepting of everyone, and it just makes me feel weird to think about this because I get that some people have a weird relationship with their queerness, but we also act as if we need to constantly define it. And then we go and define it, and then people redefine it like 4 times over because it's not good enough, which is, there is supposed to be some diversity in every group, every label, for anything involving people, but too much and too little are problems in their own right. Micro micro micro labels make people divided and feel like they are different from the others when they could have been a more united group, and not enough micro labels means that people feel like they are conforming to one group and don't feel the unity because of the overwhelming differences. I don't think we're balanced is all I'm really trying to say out of this, I don't like our community as is, it's confusing, it's harmful, and it's divided, and I don't have a solution, which makes me even sadder. A lot of our issues within the community is thinking we're different from each other, from my experience. I've been nb since I was probably at least 6, and I came out as bi only 4 years ago, I'm only 18 but I've been here a little while, I've gone through many phases and stages, and some things were just so unnecessary. Too many times I doubted myself because I saw someone else expressing my identity in a way I couldn't relate to at all, made myself question if I was just cis and faking, and it really could have been avoided, I could have had more confidence if my community just had my back. But it doesn't. And so I have to be queer on my own, I have to keep myself to myself because I can't exist in my own community without my identity being questioned by others. We are not the all accepting group we want to be, but we could be if we agreed on literally anything. But we can't cuz we're too busy accepting every idea of queerness, regardless of anything. Anyways, this is just what I was thingking, I probably didn't word everything exactly as I worded it but I just had to get it out my mind and I'm too lazy too proofread, and plus proofreading might cause me to sugarcoat this even further so. This is my stop, I guess.
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