#hsmtmts miss jenn
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hsmtmtsnet · 3 months ago
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AN EPISODE A DAY → 4x08 – Born to be Brave
This is the best thing that's ever happened to me.
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laylakeating · 2 years ago
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Guess I'm saying I don't not love you // Here I am, full heart, full stop...I love you
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ginaporterr · 2 months ago
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This show could change your lives.
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ilikestuff69 · 2 years ago
There’s so much I liked about the HSMTMTS finale, but ending the show with the cast just going to Denny’s after opening night was such a perfect ending.
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cc-tinslebee · 5 months ago
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they’re so theater parents coded
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theaviatorthatcouldnotfly · 2 years ago
shoutout to ej caswell for:
overcoming and moving past everything that happened in season three for his own good
accepting that he was only going to be held down by his father’s unfulfillable expectations and distancing himself from him
managing to work four jobs and go to school but still attend clubs
doing things for himself and not because he feels like he needs to do things to live up to some perfect ideal
being the nerd of his new friend group <3
giving ricky the advice he’s really needed to hear since the past few seasons and guiding him through his problem
(and more or less being the backbone of the show whilst doing it because who knows what ricky would’ve done next if ej hadn’t been there to give him that tough love honestly.)
having a good conversation with gina about their breakup and just going with it when she told him about the movie
listening to miss jenn and honestly giving his take on her situation
for being everyone’s therapist and advice giver this season and just vibing with it the entire way
trying to boost ashlyn’s confidence about maddox, then helping them get together with the tree trunk he carved their names in way back when in season three when he predicted they would get together! our boy sees the future
agreeing to take the role of coach bolton when it was spontaneously offered to him on opening night and still managing to pull through with a great performance
and all in just two episodes!
gonna miss you, elton john caswell, king that you are. thank you for your service.
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easthighseblos · 1 year ago
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Everyone's reactions to Over Again
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sapphirebluejewel · 6 months ago
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You know what time it is? HSMTMTS Song Bracket time! I know I mentioned this earlier but now it has come to fruition. I don't know if anyone even looks at these images I show but here it is. By now you should all know how a bracket works. These polls will run for a week instead of a day in the hopes that more people get an opportunity to vote. Have fun! :D
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starrrbakerrr · 2 years ago
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Because this moment's really all we have.
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beautyofthend · 2 years ago
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I'm just saying, Benny the boy band member never got to play New Zealand.
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hsmtmtsnet · 3 months ago
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AN EPISODE A DAY → 4x08 – Born to be Brave
I wish there were, like, 38 more episodes of that stupid show.
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ginaporterr · 1 year ago
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HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL: THE MUSICAL: THE SERIES 1x07 – Thanksgiving | 4x03 – A Star is Reborn
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madlyn5ever · 11 months ago
On season 4 (finally) episode 2 of my rewatch and I love Ricky and Miss Jenn’s sort of duo in season 4, like Ricky is just trying so hard to do the musical after completely being anti theatre and musicals and Miss Jenn’s got some sort of vendetta against Quinn and they’re both trying to keep the show together with Elmer’s glue.
I don’t know how I’m gonna hold it together when he tells her he loves her.
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daphnebowen · 9 months ago
Hsmtmts headcanons i would like to think that the og cast got along with the wildcats
thank you for the ask! I did another post about this a couple of months ago but let's see how my feelings have changed and if I can come up with some new ones...
I also would like to think that the og cast got along with the wildcats! I think that alyson reed (who played Mrs Darbus) became a huge mentor for Gina and helped her out, as well as Ashlyn. I can definitely see Lucas grabeel (aka Ryan) teaching Frankie some jazz squares and teaching him and Seb everything he knows. Monique Coleman, aka Taylor, definitely becomes a huge inspiration for Kourtney and continues to be a really good big sister/second mom for. and I think Bart johnson (who played Troy's dad) became a sort of fatherly figure for all of them, especially for the ones who didn't really get that kind of attention that they require. he takes Emmy out for ice cream all the time before finishing the movie to make up for her being cut and remembers everyone's birthdays.
the show they put on for the spring musical has to be the greatest showman. I stole this idea from someone else and ever since I cannot imagine anything more perfect to send Ricky and Kourtney out with a bang. obviously we have Ricky as Phillip and Gina as Anne, and I think jet could play pt Barnum and dani could play his wife. I think Ashlyn could play Lettie and Kourtney could play Jenny Lind, Emmy could be one of pt's kids, Carlos could play the general small guy, and Seb (since he has to come back, right?) could play Anne's brother. honestly I have no idea if that works but I could totally see Kourtney nailing "never enough" and Ashlyn absolutely slaying "this is me." or maybe even the roles could be reversed! I could see ash doing "never enough" and kourt doing "this is me"! but I think Ricky and Gina would be so amazing doing "rewrite the stars" with their amazing chemistry and lovely singing voices.
honestly I headcanon that there's another freshmen student who joins the theater club and becomes a really good friend to Emmy. I always feel bad that she's so young and really doesn't have that many friends and is the only one on the young side, so there's a theater girl (or boy!) who transfers mid year and is an amazing singer and actor who plays pt barnum's other kid in the musical
i read a fanfic where Ricky and Gina secretly adopt a golden retriever while they're still in school and honestly it was one of the funniest and most rina things EVER. I definitely think they do this and struggle to hide the poor puppy from Gina's mom and Ricky's dad, but eventually they find out. Ricky's dad is totally cool with it, actually, he just wishes Ricky would have told him about it sooner. to no one's surprise, Gina's mom FLIPS. OUT. she grounds Gina for two months and takes away all cell phone, television, and computer privileges, restricting her free time so when she's not doing chores or her homework she is sitting in her room reading. she even puts locks on the window so Ricky can't sneak in! also to no one's surprise, Ricky figures out how to pick locks so he can sneak in to see his not so secret sweetheart. it's the longest two months of their lives but afterwards they're back and better than ever! oh, and they name the dog Romeo. and when they're older and actually moved out of their parents houses they buy another golden retriever puppy and name her Juliet.
ricky gets the role of Romeo in the movie "Romeo and Juliet" after Mack leaves. Quinn doesn't even have to think about her decision; immediately after "love you forever" and before the wildcats go to Denny's she pulls him aside and says "that took guts. you are so in love with that girl you don't even know what to do with yourself. what are you going to do all day while she's filming a movie? oh, but you don't say anything, because I have a proposition for you. your chemistry is so amazing, so natural, so artistic, that I would like to extend an offer for you to replace Mack in the movie and play the Romeo to Gina's Juliet." and obviously Ricky says yes without even hesitating, and then later realizes he should have thought about it but doesn't want to back down and let Gina down so he sticks with it. the movie ends up breaking a dozen box office records and Gina's career skyrockets as a result, as well as Ricky's music career, since he helped with the music and songs as well.
mack and Gina end up becoming good friends, and Mack and Ricky are even able to get past all the awkwardness of the past and be friendly to each other. Mack moves to salt lake to try and kickstart "mark and spark" again and he babysits Romeo all the time - even uses the dog in the eventual tv show as his Spark.
nini comes back to salt lake over the summer and reconnects with her old friends before her eventual tour in the fall, as she's become a quick rising singing sensation. she is elated that Ricky and Gina are actually together and harbors no hard feelings at all towards the pair. however, it's still hecka awkward between her and Ricky until Ricky reveals he wrote a song all about his feelings of hurt he has towards his ex and nini reveals that she did the same. after they play each other the songs, the two agree to try and be friends again and end up becoming almost as close as they used to be (I NEED rini friendship, they weren't good as a couple but like I just want them to be friends again 😕😕)
the wildcats return to camp shallow lake over the summer and put on a production of some obscure musical chosen by miss Jenn that no one has ever heard of before. of course, it's a smash hit and everyone becomes even more popular
Kourtney graduates top of her class and her valedictorian speech goes down in history as one of the greatest speeches ever performed at a high school graduation. she has the whole crowd in the palm of her hand and makes EVERYONE cry
ashlyn throws a raging good ol' times party at her house after graduation to celebrate Ricky and Kourtney and even ej comes back to celebrate
speaking of ej, he changes his major to become a teacher and winds up back at east high to become the new sports athletic coordinator. the football team has six successive playoff wins in a row under coach ej (since he refuses to go by his last name). he ends up marrying Val later on and the two have a bunch of adorable kids
ash and Maddox end up buying camp shallow lake from Dewey wood when he gets too old and they build a permanent cabin for them and their eventual family: a bunch of tumbling, amazing, singing redheads
ricky and Gina, as I mentioned before, have two goldens and at least two kids. maybe just the one. I imagine Ricky as a girl dad, because he's such a simp, and the two little girls have the most beautiful curls and are a perfect mix of their parents. Ricky is a musician but he also gets a minor in education, so he ends up becoming a music teacher/theater teacher when he's a little older and his girls need a little more stability. Gina is still a movie star and even though her schedule is crazy, she can always come home to Ricky and her puppies and her girls. that's one thing she can count on: forever.
anyways, that's all that I have for now! thank you for the wonderful ask 😚 if anyone else has any asks, headcanons, etc about marvel, hsmtmts, zombies, hunger games, pjo, and probably many others 😅 feel free to ask! my ask box is always open 😎
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shuffleoflove · 2 years ago
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i made a bingo card for hsmtmts s4 if anyone wishes to participate (click here to generate ur own and we can all play together!!)
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easthighseblos · 7 months ago
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Miss Jenn's first and last lines of each season
Season 1 → Season 2 → Season 3 → Season 4
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