#i feel like a grandma putting together a scrapbook whenever i do these
show-tunes · 2 years
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Some scryption collages I’ve done just to mess around with different mediums 
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sapsolais · 6 months
#it's 2 am and i'm thinking about drawing all the things that've really made me feel butch lately#it's like a small scrapbook in my heart#lots of smaller moments when i get on my knees and help my kids tie their shoes. or make them smile or laugh by doing something silly#or whenever i do my best to be there for them when they need me#showing my grandpa the leather jacket he gave me after i got it altered to fit me better#going shopping for my mom the day before her birthday party. the moment i drove her home when she wasn't feeling well#“pissing off” my coworker by being polite and doing small things for her like putting her lunch in the fridge when she forgets to put it in#whenever i get all my coworkers food or snacks and insist they don't owe me anything#the other day when i was helping my boss pull weeds with my coworkers and i proudly held up a clump the size of my head like an excited dog#last week when some ladies were trying to start a car that wouldn't turn over and i let them use my battery pack#when i hold the door open for people at the gym#when other queers (friends/mutuals/my kids) say or show that they feel safe around me. like they can be themselves#when i came home the other day after my mom told me my uncle died and came inside and dropped off my stuff#and went to give my grandma a hug. i didn't know what to say. and i sort of knew there was nothing i could say. but i didn't have to#i was just there. and i think i Got It in that moment. like. what it really means. to have someone completely and wholly#collapse into you. even if they're trying not to show it. but you try and hold them together. i think it's about trying#trying to let people know you love them. in everything you are and everything you do.#there's other moments too#like pushing gracie really fast in a shopping cart in an empty parking lot shdjghfnh#or the other day when lyd twitch streamed 2 me and let me quietly fold laundry with them#or when i'm up talking with toast and veronica and 3 in the morning#moments where i'm shown unconditional love and kindness and wholly accepted even if it's just for that moment in time#allowed to be myself without stifling any part of me#if you're reading this i love you#:]#g'night#sap says
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kezzanza · 1 month
What type of boyfriend do you think jude would be?
A/N: first of all, i literally love this ask bc i think of this every 5 business days so thanks for making me put it in writing :)
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Jude seems like the guy that would pick you up in a million dollar car, take you to your favorite high-end restaurant and ask you to be his with delicate chocolate lettering on a dessert.
But that's not really him.
The day he asks you to be exclusive, he calls you over to his place under the guise of helping him learn to cook. You both make a mess in his kitchen as you attempt to make your favorite meal—at his request, of course. You're laughing at the sauce all over his apron when he looks over at you—undeniable fondness in his eyes. It's not words written by a chef or spelled out in balloons when he asks. It's Jude's hands cradling your face, his voice softly saying your name and asking: "will you be mine?"
He kisses you when you say yes and you feel like crying—the tender moment scraping your heart raw. Your relationship starts with tears and somehow, that aspect never leaves.
Mostly, it's happy tears. You tear up whenever you watch Jude lift up a trophy, knowing how much hard work he put in. You tear up when he brings you to award ceremonies, his blinding smile meeting yours from the stage.
Sometimes, it’s simply tears of sadness. You fight over Instagram likes, tabloid headlines and models in his DMs. The argument only ending once you started crying, Jude stopping mid sentence to embrace you in his arms.
He hates seeing you cry, especially when it's because of him.
It takes a few weeks, but not you had both grown past that—Jude keeping his likes and follows clean, you doing your part to ignore the media.
Still, even now when you knew it was all fake, you hated seeing articles with Jude and random pretty faces paired off with him. But the media's presence in Jude's life is just one of those things you had accepted.
There are other things about Jude that you came to terms with. His competitiveness would always mix into your relationship in the form of jealousy. He wouldn't get angry but he hated the way men would drag their eyes all over you. You always assured Jude there's no man you wanted how deeply and intensely you wanted him. On nights he was particularly tense, you would laugh and tell him women were doing the same to him—just more subtly.
That would only make him frustrated, which was what you wanted, because it made Jude fiery. Passionate. He made love like he played football, which is to say with intensity, stamina, and unyielding focus. Every touch deliberate. Every movement full of energy. Leaving you breathless and exhilarated, as if you were in the final moments of a thrilling game.
Jude is charming, talented and good looking, but that was just the surface. In reality, he is one of the most complex people you know.
He wears thousand dollar designer but nothing made him happier than your homemade gifts—the pottery you made for your six month anniversary, the scarf you knitted for his birthday, the scrapbook you put together just cause. His attention to detail when it comes to you is second to none. You told him your favorite flower once months ago, now your shared apartment never lacks the pretty petals.
But the thing about him that never fails to amaze you is how much love he has to give to the world. A young fan would never be denied a signature. A grandma would always get a kiss on the cheek. No matter how busy or tired he was, he always made time for others.
There's nobody that knew this more than you.
When he is traveling between cities or stuck in traffic, he calls just to hear your voice. On rare free weekends, he whisks you away to charming little towns and quiet villas.
You ask him once, "Me or football?", and your voice is more sincere than the humorous tone you intended.
Jude looks at you with eyes dripping honey and says, "You, always you. The game is my passion, but you're my heart and my everything."
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radiorenjun · 4 years
 I Don't Need It
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• Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader
• Genre: Angst, Comedy, Fluff
• Na Jaemin despised the idea of soulmates, he wanted to fight against fate for choosing his soulmate for him. Even if it means his stubborn childhood best friend wouldn't stop trying to make him accept about the similar tattoos on their wrists.
• Warnings: mentions of heartbreak, slight cussing or swearing, body pains, unrequited love, Jaemin finally getting karma for what he’s done, a bit of crying, brief mentions of death and flashbacks.
• Word count : 7.4k
• Masterlist here!
• Chapters: viii, ix
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They say karma hits back at the best of times. In this case, it was no different with Na Jaemin. 
As time went on Jaemin finds himself longing and missing your presence by every passing moment. It’s been a full month since you started avoiding him like the plague, never daring to meet his eyes or even turning your head to acknowledge his presence in the classroom. It was as if you hadn’t spent most of your life hanging out with each other. As if you two were complete strangers.
At first, Jaemin tried ignoring the empty feeling inside of him whenever you pass by without giving him a slight glance. Trying to focus on whatever he was doing and not turn his head whenever he heard somebody calling out your name or whenever he hears your voice nearby. But it appears to be getting harder and harder as time goes by.
He finds himself thinking back to all the things you both used to do together wherever he goes. 
More or less, he doesn’t notice how his smile would quickly turn into a frown when he sees you hang around and act too friendly with Renjun. But then again, who was he to tell you what to do? He should be thrilled that you’ve finally decided to let go of him and get off his back. Yet again, he doesn’t seem too happy.
It seemed as if the world has turned upside down. Jaemin hadn’t noticed how many habits he developed in your absence from his life. He usually finds himself staring longingly at the shit polaroid the two of your took back when you were fourteen on your senior middle school field trip. A small smile stretching across his face when his mind wandered back to the exact moment when and where you took it. 
“Jaemin!” you hissed loudly as you took your bag to pull out your polaroid camera that your grandma had bought you earlier on your birthday. You were both currently on break after a long hike and hours of camp activities. Jaemin turned his head, seeing you pull out your camera and blowing some dust off of it. Jaemin smiled as he shoved his hand in his own bag which had a hidden package of fluffy white marshmallows.
You were saving them for the bonfire later that night but what’s the harm in eating a few right? Jaemin shoved a marshmallow in his mouth as he got up to sit next to you on the dirty floor, the satisfying crunching sound of dried leaves being crumpled under his beige colored boots. “I thought you weren’t allowed to bring devices into camp,” Jaemin slumped down on the spot beside you, watching you fidget with your camera.
“I got permission from Mr.Jung. He said I could take some pics for the sake of saving memories, as long as I don’t blame him if I lose it,” you chuckled, turning to your best friend before your eyes lit up at the marshmallows in his palm. Jaemin’s eyes flickered from your camera to your pleading expression, puppy eyes boring into his, opening your mouth in a large ‘o’ shape.
Jaemin bit his lip to prevent himself from laughing, his hand picking up one of the marshmallows in the other before aiming it towards your mouth. When you leaned forward to gobble up the treat in between his finger, he pulled away teasingly, causing you to let out a short frown. He giggled at your reaction, pulling the marshmallow close to you before pulling away once again once you leaned forward.
“Jaemin, stop and let me have a marshmallow, you greedy goblin!” you whined, bumping your shoulder rather harshly against his teasingly. Jaemin broke into a fit of giggles, nodding with a giggly, “okay, okay. Chill out.” 
He popped the fluffy treat into your mouth where you started humming in content, “thank you,” you replied melodiously with a wide smile. Jaemin laughed, ruffling your already messy hair before pulling his hat off his head to plop it lopsidedly on your head. You furrowed your brows, scrunching your nose as you pouted almost menacingly at him causing him to smile innocently and pinch your nose in between his free hand that wasn’t carrying the marshmallows.
“Finally!” you exclaimed, turning on your camera before Jaemin took it out of your grasp. “How much do you have left?” Jaemin asked, referring to the contents inside of your camera. You suddenly turned to him, camera closer to your face, quickly snapping a quick picture of his taken aback state. The flash coming from your camera nearly blinding him, causing black spots to line his vision for a couple of seconds. “Three, now.” you pulled the polaroid out of the dispenser, blowing on it smugly before shaking the piece of film in between your fingers.
“Great, then you don’t mind if we finish the last four polaroids on us?” Jaemin raised his brow in a rather flirtatious way. “Whatever, my grandma’s gonna gush about us either way, saying how pissed off she’ll be if we don’t end up as soulmates.” You shrugged as Jaemin lifted the camera to angle it so the two of you would be in the frame. Your grandmother was one of those people who were convinced that you two were going to be soulmates in the future. “That’s a risk I’ll be willing to take,” he nods with a laugh.
“Enough blabbering and put on a really ugly face so I can save it in my scrapbook, Na.” you joked, winking awkwardly at the camera as you brought your hand closer to your eye for a peace sign, hovering your index finger above the camera button. “Oh y/n, always so desperate to have more cringey pictures of me, aren’t you? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you have a crush on me,” he smirked, causing you to lower your camera to purse your lips and roll your eyes at him.
“Just shut up and take a picture before I tell Mr. Seo that you’ve been eating all the marshmallows during the hike,” you threatened weakly, raising the camera once again to get a better angle. Jaemin to let out a soft chuckle before sucking in the corners of his lips into his mouth to make a duck face before his finger slowly slides onto the camera button, clicking it rather quickly.
For the next three shots, you two continued to goof off with either you or Jaemin ruining the last three photos. Only finally having a decent one when you threatened to burn his x-box if you didn’t get this last picture right. One polaroid had a picture of you pushing Jaemin’s face away from the camera, resulting in you showing your pearly white teeth.
“Shining shimmering splendid” as Jaemin liked to say. 
The other was a slightly less blurry than the precious one, with Jaemin trapping you squealing and squirming in his arms, scrunching your face in disgust. You soon revealed that you had kept this in your scrapbook that you were so devoted to at the time.  
The last picture was the clearest picture out of the four. A picture of you laughing brightly, hands pushing against Jaemin’s face, his lips puckered up to give you a teasing, friendly kiss. “I’m definitely keeping this,” Jaemin giggled, holding the polaroid in between his fingers with amusement written all over his face. You peeked at the photo in question, letting out a huff as you rolled your eyes.
“You’re such a hopeless romantic, it was a mistake to watch the Titanic with you,” you shoved Jaemin teasingly with a snicker, stuffing the other polaroids in the front pocket of your backpack. Jaemin pouted letting out a small “humph” as he crossed his arms rather childishly, “please?” he said, coming closer to you to poke your cheek.
You snickered at your best friend who was now pinching your cheek and chanting “please” in a playfully aggressive tone. “Pay me,” you stuck your tongue out jokingly, jaw dropping a second afterwards when you saw Jaemin pulling out his wallet from his pocket. “How much?” he asked, shuffling through his almost empty wallet. (He spent all the pocket money his parents gave him for a can of coke the seniors were selling during the hike, despite your protests)
You let out a laugh. “You idiot, I wasn’t serious, put your wallet back in before it cries at how empty it is, Jaemin.” you retorted, smacking his arm lightly as Jaemin smiled like a dork at your expression. “Oh, I see how this is. You just want to see how broke and empty my wallet is, didn’t you? You ” he accused, wiggling a finger in your face. 
“Yes, I definitely wanted to see how broke you are after I told you multiple times that the juice our moms packed us is way more worth it than some soda our senior offered. Definitely not because I was joking or anything,” you laughed sarcastically, rolling your eyes at the boy who let out an embarrassed giggle. “Shut up!” he laughed, flicking your forehead.
“It was just coca cola, you nitwit. You have no right to complain considering you practically begged me to buy you one as well,” he retorted, pinching your cheek rather hard. “I only asked! It’s your own fault that you decided to buy me one, for all you knew I could’ve shared yours! But  no, you’re a greedy little shit that wants to drink a whole can of cola by himself!” you shot back, laughing along as you pushed his hand away from your face.
“Clearly, coca cola means much more to you than our friendship. I can’t handle this betrayal!” you raised your arm to cover your eyes with the back of your hand dramatically, wailing like a banshee as Jaemin’s jaw dropped, feeling slightly offended at how you unceremoniously exclaimed his betrayal for the whole class to hear. 
Jaemin smiled to himself at the vivid memory, remembering how you both laughed so hard the majority of your whole trip, so hard that your stomachs’ were aching. Remembering how you squealed his name in alarm when you were squirming in his hold, trying to get out of his arms when Jaemin tried to place a kiss on your forehead in front of everyone to mess with you. Your classmates were surprisingly unfazed by the immense amount of platonic affection displayed in front of them, but you couldn’t blame them. This is Na Jaemin we’re talking about. The boy who flirted with his nurse while getting an injection in his ass.
Though, Jaemin never realized how mature you both have gotten since then. How since your 16th birthday, you stopped having midnight texts that made you both grip your own stomachs out of laughter. How you both stopped joking around as much. How this whole soulmate ordeal tore your friendship apart.
Jaemin would like to convince himself that this was all your fault. You were the one that caused your relationship to fall, with your over the top devotion to making him love you more than a friend would. He would like to think that if it weren’t for you being so clingy and dramatic when professing your love, he wouldn’t have lost his childhood best friend.
He sighed softly as he closed his locker, gripping his biology book against his side with one hand and gripping the saddle of his bag in the other. Jaemin despised this empty feeling in his chest.The feeling that as if something had gone missing in his life. The same feeling of how he lost his newest transformers action figure back when he was nine years old.
As he turned around the corner, pausing in his step as his eyes widened slightly to see you leaning against the locker with your friends. A bright expression on your face as you listened to your friend ranting bout whatever Jisung did to fool the newest math substitute teacher into giving them a free period. 
Jaemin felt his mouth running dry, words stuck in his throat, a sudden uneasy feeling piling up into his chest. He scoffed lightly to himself, mentally scolding himself for his sudden nervousness. ‘Why am I getting nervous over this? It’s just y/n after all.’ he thought with furrowed brows before shaking the thought out of his head, huffing to himself before continuing on forward. 
It felt as if the world had slowed down for a dramatic effect. As Jaemin passed by you and your friend, he couldn’t help but look at you in the corner of his eye, catching a small glimpse of your laughing figure. And to his surprise, your eyes darted to his own, catching his piercing gaze. Both of your eyes met for a brief moment, the sound of students chattering around you growing deaf for a split second.
That is, until Jaemin got snapped back into reality when he watched the happiness from your eyes evaporate. A sad, hurt expression replacing it as your pupils moved away from his own, he watched your head turn to look at your nails, pretending to listen to whatever your friend was saying as you tried to mask your hurt with a slight smile.
Jaemin’s heart ached, a frown taking place on his own lips as he tears his gaze away from your figure to look down on the tiled floor. Jaemin let out a loud exhale as he makes his way to class, There was something hurtful about the  way your eyes instantly dart away to avoid his gaze, his heart aching at the thought that you couldn’t even look at him. Were you that upset bout the dinner party? He couldn’t recall the last time you were this upset.
As Jaemin sat on his usual spot in his Biology class, he began to get lost in his thoughts. The closest thing he remembered to you being this upset over something was when-
He was snapped out of his thoughts in a flash when he heard a loud container being dropped in front of him. Jaemin jumped in his seat at the startling noise, turning his head to the source of the action. Unsurprisingly, it was non other than his oh-so-precious seatmate, Lee Donghyuck himself. “What’s gotten you so pissed off? You looked as if you poured orange into your cereal instead of milk,” Donghyuck snickered.
“That’s a possible option considering I’m lactose intolerant, Hyuck.” Jaemin shot back with a rather sardonic tone. Hyuck chuckled, slumping in his seat beside Jaemin before continuing to speak. “Reminds me of when I bought you milk bingsu,” he snickers causing Jaemin to let out a soft chuckle, pushing the side of the older boy’s head away in retaliation. “You bitch, you knew I was allergic. Why couldn’t you just get me a fruit bingsu instead? Instead, you made y/n buy it.” Jaemin stopped himself from speaking any further, his mind drifting away to recall the wonderful memory.
“Jaemin, my good pal. You absolutely need to try this place’s milk bingsu.” Hyuck exclaimed as he sat down on the empty seat with his other friends with two big bowls of milk bingsu in his hands. Jaemin glanced up from his phone, a deadpanned expression spreading across his face as he slumped back in his seat with an offended frown plastered on his face.
“Lee Haechan, you know very well I’m lactose intolerant. Why couldn’t you just get a fruit bingsu?” Jaemin groaned, eyes glaring at his older friend who merely shrugged innocently as the rest of their friends dig into the scrumptious dessert with soft snickers coming out of their mouths. “The audacity,” Yeoreum snickered, waving a spoonful of the dessert in front of Jaemin’s face.
Jaemin huffed, blowing out a puff of air as he crossed his arms against his chest. “This speaks so much bout our friendship right now. Clearly, you guys don’t care bout me.” he muttered under his breath like a little 5 year old boy throwing a tantrum in his car when his mother said that they have food at home when he wanted Mc Donald’s.
“You’re such a baby. If you want one so much, go buy some.” Jeno chuckled, shoving Jaemin by the shoulder playfully causing Jaemin to let out a soft laugh. “Shut up, you know very well that I’ve gone broke from buying the latest Final Fantasy game.” he laughed, patting the empty wallet hidden in his jacket pocket.
“No wonder I couldn’t understand you. You’re speaking in broke with us rich kids, go away peasant.” Hyuck joked, earning a hard punch on the shoulder from the younger boy. “It was worth it,” he spat back. “ I’m good with starving for the rest of the month if it means I get to spend my whole weekend procrastinating on assignments for that glorious game,” he smiled in defeat.
“You big baby, I’ll buy it.” you sighed, standing up from your seat which was across the table from Jaemin’s, pulling out your own wallet from your hoodie, causing Jaemin’s jaw to drop. “Your girlfriend buying your meal for you, how romantic. Such a gentleman, Mister. Na Jaemin.” Hyuck applauded, clapping his hand together with each word that spews out of the idiot’s mouth.
“Y/n, you really don’t have to-” Jaemin insisted, standing up from his chair to look at you. Trying to swallow down the typical feeling of annoyance piling up in his chest whenever he talks to you, Jaemin tried to ignore the coos and howls of your friends gushing about how cute you two are. You had found out two of you were soulmates almost 6 months ago, and ever since then, things changed between you two.
You smiled briefly. At that time, Jaemin couldn’t decipher if she was just oblivious to the fact that he was annoyed and uncomfortable at that situation or you were just putting up a facade to mask your hurt when you saw his annoyed expression. “Hush, it’s not unusual for me to buy you things, Jaemin.” you grinned cheekily, walking up to the cashier and ignoring Jaemin’s annoyed whines.
Jaemin rolled his eyes at you in annoyance before sitting down and slumping in his seat with a heavy sigh. “Hey, at least you get a fruit bingsu,” Hyuck snickered. “Just like you wanted, right?” he leaned forward to pinch Jaemin’s cheeks, receiving a hard smack in response from the younger boy, an annoyed expression plastered across his face. 
“Shut up, Hyuck.” he snarled, slumping in his seat in annoyance.
“Welp, no matter. I got you some cookies.” Hyuck sighed, pushing the container towards Jaemin, causing him to lift his brow questioningly. “Cookies?” he asked, surprised. “What’s the occasion? You never gave me anything before,” Jaemin opened it to reveal that the container was filled to the brim with chocolate chip cookies. “You seem pretty down these days so I figured you needed the old cheering up by your best pal, Haechan!” he exclaimed with enthusiastic jazz hands.
Jaemin chuckled lightly, grabbing one cookie. “Don’t worry, they’re those dark chocolate, no milk kinds of cookies. You won’t have to go to the bathroom with a stomach ache later on,” Donghyuck snickered, patting Jaemin’s back when Jaemin looks at him and the cookie suspiciously. “Where did you even get these? “ Jaemin asked, inspecting the cookie with furrowed brows, eyeing Donghyuck suspiciously as if Donghyuck had poisoned said cookie. 
“Relax, Jaemin. I didn’t make them, so no pranks, I can promise you that.” Hyuck waved the back of his hand at Jaemin, telling him that he’s telling the truth. Jaemin shrugged, opening his mouth to eat the cookie before Hyuck spoke up again. “I got it from y/n,” Hyuck added on, making Jaemin pause, pulling the cookie away from his mouth.
“I think I’m good,” Jaemin muttered lowly, putting the cookie back into the container. ”Oh come on, Jaemin! I bet you missed tasting her cookies. Sure, you two aren’t haven’t been on speaking terms lately. But what’s stopping you from eating her Thursday Cookies? They’re literally to die for! Plus, you’re acting as if she poisoned them or something, it’s nothing like you never had before.” Hyuck groaned, grabbing two pieces of cookies and shoving one into Jaemin’s grip and tossing the other into his mouth.
Hyuck watched Jaemin from the corner of his eye, feeling sort of uneasy at the sad puppy-like expression plastered on his best friend’s face as he stared down at the cookie as if he was lost. “What’s wrong?” Hyuck asked with a raised brow, pushing back his bangs which almost covered his eyes. He might need a trim before Mark complains bout how his hair is gonna poke him in the eyes all the time.
Jaemin looks up at his friend with a startled expression as if Hyuck had snapped him out of his thoughts, Jaemin opened his mouth before closing it again, trying to think of something to say. “I’ve never had her cookies before,” Jaemin confessed, leaning his head against his palm, his elbow on the table. Hyuck’s eyes widened at the surprising statement, leaning forward to tell whether Jaemin is lying or not.
He wasn’t.
“WHAT?!” Hyuck exclaimed, attracting their classmates’ attention. Jaemin bit the inside of his cheek, trying to ignore the eyes of his classmates. “You couldn’t say that any louder, huh, Hyuck?” he shot back with a scowl. Though, Donghyuck didn’t care about the concerned eyes of his classmates boring into his skull for interrupting their conversation with his dramatic antics. “Don’t change the subject, Na.” Hyuck pointed a finger at his friend, a deep frown adorning his lips.
“What? I’m not,” Jaemin sighed heavily, looking back at his friend with a bored expression. “Stop lying!” Hyuck exclaimed, pressing his index finger against Jaemin’s nose. Jaemin raised his brow, “I’m really not, Hyuck. Why are you making such a big deal of this?” he asked with furrowed brows, concerned of his friend’s sanity. He really couldn’t remember why he was friends with Donghyuck at that given moment.
Donghyuck was acting as if he had just found out Jaemin is secretly those aliens that rule over the government, waiting for the right moment to start a world wide apocalypse. (according to Renjun’s theory during their shared art class, that is) 
“Dude. I’m not an idiot, you practically received a life’s worth of her delicious cookies every week! How have you not tried at least one of these? These are literally heaven baked cookies! A salvation of life! The only thing that’s worth living in life! The-” 
“Remind me how you’re not single again?”
Hyuck frowned, a pout appearing on his lips afterwards as Jaemin grinned proudly in response. “Whatever, what I mean is. I would literally send you death glares from across the hall because you were one lucky bastard to be receiving a large ass jar of cookies every week while I’m stuck here begging y/n for cookies only to receive, ‘oh, I gave them all to Jaemin.’ every week of my life.” he huffed, crossing his arms with a deep frown on his lips.
Jaemin’s eyes widened slightly at the statement, eyes falling back on the chocolate chip cookie in between his fingers. Did you really spend your time baking him cookies every week? He felt his heart flutter at the thought, a warm feeling in his stomach suddenly appeared as he eyed the cookie.
“Hey Jaemin?” 
Jaemin looks up from his locker, humming to see none other than your presence. “Y/n?” he raised his brow, stuffing his Chemistry textbook into his locker and grabbing his Math textbook as he speaks. “What’s up?” he asked in a bored tone, adverting his gaze back to the contents of his locker, pulling out the books he needs for his next class.
“So, I baked you some cookies. I used your mom’s recipe for your favorite peanut butter and dark chocolate chip cookies that we used to eat as kids together.” you exclaimed, handing him a clear air-tight glass jar filled to the brim with delicious cookies. Jaemin looked at the jar filled with cookies before sighing up at you, tired eyes boring into yours. “Y/n, as much as I love accepting gifts from you and as much as I love the fact that you care about me, but you really need to stop doing this.” Jaemin sighed, stretching out his hand to give you back your cookies.
“What?” you frowned slightly. “It’s just too much, I appreciate you giving me so much of these cookies. But it’s kind of a waste to give me so many don’t you think? I mean, I know loads of people who would want your cookies way more than I do. You’ve given me so much cookies, I’m not even eating them!” Jaemin exclaimed almost exasperatedly, sighing heavily afterwards. His eyes glancing at the jar filled with delicious treats to your soft pleading eyes boring into his.
“Come on, it’s just a jar of cookies. It would mean a lot if you accept them, I worked hard to bake them,” you pouted, giving him that look you often use to make him give in. Jaemin would often compare your expression to that iphone emoji with puppy pleading eyes whenever he gives in to your wants and needs. Jaemin almost let out a scowl at your remark, almost retorting back with a ‘it’s your own fault. I didn’t ask for cookies in the first place.’
He tried his best not to roll his eyes, sighing in defeat as he gave in to your pleas. “Fine, only because I can’t say no to that look,” he huffed, masking his annoyance with a pout of his own, shoving the jar of cookies into the front pocket of his bag. He watched as your puppy-like pout morph into a happy, pleased expression, reminding him of the cute emoticons he always used in his phone. He didn’t know why but It always brings a small smile to his lips to see your happy expression.
“Yay!” you cheered rather enthusiastically. “Why do you like giving me cookies so much anyways? It’s a becoming a weekly routine now for me to get cookies from you.” Jaemin chuckled as you both began to walk side by side to your next class. He watched as you shrugged simply, eyes forward, waving at a few students who passed by. “I just like giving gifts to my soulmate,” you giggled at him, skipping away from him before he could scold you for saying it out loud.
He shrugged, taking a bite out of the cookie before widening his eyes at the sweet taste. He let out a surprised hum, eyeing the cookie as if he was Aladdin and the cookie was the golden lamp with a genie inside. “Good, right?” Hyuck chuckled, amused by his friend’s expression. “ I still can’t believe you never tried these before. She says she got the recipes from Buzzfeed but I don’t buy it, I’ve tried making some with Mark but they don’t taste nearly as good as hers.” Hyuck blabbered on.
“On a rare occasions she would hand them over. But those are only when your ungrateful ass kept refusing her cookies. Like, it often made me think, ‘why couldn’t Mark bake as well as-” Hyuck’s words eventually gone deaf to the younger boy’s ears, head filled with his own loud thoughts as the sweet flavor of the cookie entranced his taste buds.  
He remembers constantly rejecting your gifts every time you came up to him with hands hidden behind your back, trying every possible excuse in the book so that you would possibly give them to someone else. Or even suggesting that you should give them to Hyuck whenever Jaemin spotted him talking to Jeno across the hall in the corner of his eye. Avoiding your slightly saddened expression. On rare occasions, you would give in with a sad smile and give them to either Jeno, Haechan or some other lucky soul that gets to have free cookies.
“Like, I’ve had her give me some of her super special recipes but they just hit differently from hers you kno-”
“It taste like her hugs.” 
Jaemin’s eyes widened when he realized he said that last bit out loud, his head turning to his friend who mirrored his wide eyed expression. There was a pregnant pause between the two boys, taking in the words that accidentally slipped out of Jaemin’s mouth. Jaemin opened his mouth to speak, trying to come up with something to say to cover up the previous statement he had made.
Hyuck furrowed his brows at his friend. 
“You can taste hugs?” 
“Mr. Lee is coming!” someone exclaimed, causing Hyuck and Jaemin to sit up in their chairs. Jaemin shoved the rest of the half eaten cookie into his mouth as Hyuck quickly closed the container and snuck it quickly into his bag, trying to act as casual as possible as their teacher walked into class with his usual stoic expression.
“Good morning, class. We have no time to waste, exams are in a month. Please open your textbooks to page 67.” their teacher announced in his typical booming voice, turning around to start explaining on the whiteboard in front of them. Jaemin glanced at Hyuck for a split second, diverting his gaze away when he caught his eye. Hyuck shrugged simply, burying his head into his arms into a sleeping position.
Jaemin wasn’t surprised to see Hyuck closing his eyes in content, thus, not paying attention to the lecture. It wasn’t such an unusual thing for Lee Donghyuck to doze off during class, thus ignoring the whole lecturing and depending on other students for notes or seniors for cheat sheets. Jaemin hoped Hyuck would let go of what he said earlier or even better, pretend it never happened.
As Jaemin advert his eyes back to the whiteboard and started to listen to Mr. Lee’s explanations, he didn’t realize Hyuck, whose face was hidden and buried in his arms, was staring into darkness with sad half-lidded eyes. He knew full well who Jaemin was talking about, he knew what was happening with Jaemin. The fate of those who rejected their soulmate’s love. He knew this would happen eventually but he didn’t expect this to happen so soon.
Deep down, he felt sympathy for what’s to come to his dear friend. He knew from here on out, it’s going to be a roller coaster of emotions for his dear friends and he was afraid of finding out the end to their story. 
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Jaemin often spent his Thursdays hanging out at the arcade with his friends right after practice. As the good friend Jaemin was, he would often go broke from treating his team for some food and beverages. (As long as they didn’t get on his bad side or anything) Especially for those who were feeling down that whole week. Jaemin was more than willing to sacrifice his wallet’s contents for the sake of his friends smiling again.
But this time, to Jaemin’s surprise, Jeno was the one who offered to sacrifice his wallet for the team this week. Due to the exhaustion and stress of his constant chest pains, wrist pains, long endless assignments and his upcoming midterm exams, all he wanted to do that weekend was get at least 18 hours of sleep and binge watch the latest series that just came out recently.
But since, Jeno, the one and only Jeno who was the one who usually encourages the rest of the team to make Jaemin’s wallet an empty little bitch, was willing to empty out his pockets this time. He couldn’t say no. Hell if Jeno was the one paying, that meant someone in the team was feeling down or needed a real cheering up. 
You can tell Jaemin had been waiting decades to say that. 
But sadly, he was too tired from all the pain he was dealing with every hour of his day that he was basically dragging himself across the floor when they arrived at the mall, making their way to the arcade with Jeno and Haechan’s arms slung over Jaemin’s shoulder, making a little skip with every step they take. “How do you guys have the energy for this?” Jaemin croaked, putting on a sloppy smile to mask his exhaustion.
“Said by the guy who drinks expresso every morning with what? Four extra shots? With no water nor sugar? Six times a day?” Hyuck replied in a sassy tone, nodding his head cockily at the younger boy. “Besides, it’s a once in a life time opportunity to make our Lee Jeno broke and penniless. The thought of Jeno’s wallet crying out of hunger will always be my mood booster.” he added on with a proud smirk, causing Jeno to roll is eyes.
“Plus, you, my friend, looks exhausted as hell. You need some refreshing fun time with your best buds, Jeno and Haechan!” Jeno exclaimed with a proud smile, whipping out his VIP card in between his fingers like some kind of weird card trick. (which he rarely whips out when going to the arcade because why bother bringing a wallet when Jaemin or Chenle exists in their friend group?)
“What?” Jaemin deadpanned, brows furrowed in confusion.
“We exist, too, hyung!” Chenle exclaimed behind them in an offended tone, waving his hand in the air to alert his seniors that his existence was right behind them. “Honestly, we’re here because Haechan-hyung said Jeno-hyung finally brought his wallet,” Jisung snickered, finally lifting his eyes up from the nintendo switch his mom bought him a couple months ago.
“Not wrong, really.” Chenle shrugged, pulling Jaemin forward so that they could walk side by side with their seniors. “You know, you’re the rich one here. Why don’t you treat your seniors once in a while,” Jaemin teased, sending the Chinese boy a cheeky grin. “That’s because you’re mean. I don’t treat mean people,” he replied back with a cackle.
“I brought you kimchi last week, you ungrateful brat.” Jaemin hissed back as the five of them entered the crowded arcade, music booming loudly in their ears, bright lights from the arcade games nearly blinding their eyes. “What game should we play first?” Hyuck clapped his hands, rubbing them against each other with a sinister expression as Jeno came up to the counter to check his VIP card, nervously opening his wallet.
“Oh, what bout those-” as Jisung continues to speak, pointing at a random direction. The wide grin on Jaemin’s face soon dissipated when he heard a familiar laugh through the symphony of random gaming music. His head turned to see the source to confirm his suspicions, eyes widening when he saw you laughing with a bunch of your other friends.
What made his smile evaporate in a second was the sight of Renjun right beside you, leaning his arm against the game you were playing, laughing along with you as the rest of your friends continued to cheer for you to win. Jaemin felt the oh-so-familiar electrifying sting under the skin beneath his wristwatch, wincing slightly at the burning pain. He tried to mask his pain and turn his head away, his heart feeling heavy at the sight happening a few meters away from him.
Jaemin snuck his aching wrist into the baggy pockets of his jacket. Eyes back to his friends who were laughing at Jeno’s puppy-like expression to his now half empty wallet. He bit back a pained hiss, his heart beat muffling the loud noise around him as he watched Renjun lean closer to you to look closer at the game screen, his blood boiling at the mere sight.
He turned his gaze away following his friends to the long aisle of racing games, watching as Hyuck grabbed the play card from Jeno’s fingers and hopped into one of the games. “Jaemin get over here so I can beat your ass!” Hyuck exclaimed eagerly as Jaemin let out a soft sigh and sat on the empty seat inb between Hyuck and Jisung.
“The one with the lowest score has to chug down Jaemin’s disgusting Starbucks order,” Chenle snickered, sliding the card against the slot before handing it to Jaemin. “Then I’ll gladly lose on purpose, my drink tastes like rainbows and unicorns, thank you very much” Jaemin laughs, carefully taking out his aching wrist to grip the fake steering wheel, ignoring the excruciating pain in his skin as he passes the card to Donghyuck.
“Shut up, Jaemin.” Hyuck teased as they begun to play. 
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Jaemin’s mind fluttered through the nostalgic memories of his childhood with you, remembering the first time your parents ever brought you to the arcade. When they had to use a certain amount of those silver or gold coins to play games. As Jaemin walked side by side with his friends, sipping his Starbucks order in his right hand (he lost the game on purpose because despite the empty pain in his chest, he could always distract his mind away from the pain with his precious expresso that Jeno payed) and his left back in his pockets.
Jaemin’s eyes paused at the familiar aisle of crane games, remembering those lovely times when you were both still in middle school, you would always play crane games to see who would get the most prizes. Coming home with a bag filled with plushies or small toys and wide grins on your faces as both of your parents just stared at the two of you in disappointment for spending their money on crane games.
‘It’s an investment’ you would always say whenever you ran towards the crane games with Jaemin trailing right behind you, whining bout how you rarely play the other fun games just to waste your money in a bunch of small hand sized plushies. ‘Investment into what exactly? You have a bunch of plushies in your shelf that aren’t doing anything but collecting dust,’ he would chuckle as he watched you slip a coin or two into the machine with your tongue stuck out in concentration. ‘Into my happiness,’ you would reply with a smug expression before focusing on the crane inside the glass box.
He smiled to himself at the memory, his eyes catching a few kids gathering up at the crane games, screaming and hollering every few seconds when their friend accidentally moved the crane too far from the doll. His chest aching once again when a brief memory of when you two were in your first year of middle school, screaming whenever the timer runs out right when you were bout to drop the claw with his hands filled with a towers worth of plushies and you laughing in victory like a maniac as you both watched the pocket money in your wallet slowly disintegrate into nothingness.
“You’re into crane games, Jaemin?” Jeno asked, causing Jaemin to snap out of his thoughts. “Huh?” Jaemin turned to look at his friends, his mind still in a blurry haze. “You’ve been staring at those kids as if they had stolen your last candy bar,” Jeno commented with a slight laugh, nodding his head towards the group of kids, screaming in victory when the claw machine dropped the large stuffed animal into the gigantic slot.
“It just reminded me of something,” Jaemin put on a slight smile, shaking his head with a light laugh, continuing on drinking his expresso and moving on forward to the music games. Hyuck gave Jeno a worried look, who sent him back a concerned look of his own as the two of them caught up with Jaemin. (Chenle and Jisung went to the snack bar near the arcade to get some snacks to sneak in the movies later)
“You okay, buddy? You’ve been spacing out a lot recently,”  Hyuck asked in a concerned tone, slinging an arm around Jaemin’s shoulders. Jaemin turned to Hyuck with eyes void of emotion, a frown displayed on his face as he casually sipped his drink. “Yeah? I guess,” he shrugged simply, avoiding Hyuck’s concerned eyes.
“You sure? You don’t look too well,” Jeno asked, brows furrowed even more as Jaemin let out a small nod. He could feel his heart getting heavy with each second, his wrist aching even more as he tried to avoid his friends’ worried expressions, trying to act nonchalant as if he wasn’t clenching his fist tightly in his pocket to try to suppress the excruciating pain he was enduring. 
“Guys, really, I’m fine.” Jaemin forced a smile on to his face, turning his head away from Hyuck and Jeno. At that exact moment, Jaemin regretted turning his head away. His eyes widened to see you with your friends, your arm was wrapped around a gigantic penguin plushie, talking to Renjun with a wide smile, a laugh eliciting from you when Renjun said something that Jaemin couldn’t make out.
“Did you really have to spend most of your money on a bunch of plushies?” Renjun chuckled, nodding to Yebin who was carrying three shopping bags worth of random plushies. You giggled, nodding as you reached up to pinch Renjun’s cheek eagerly. “It’s an investment into my happiness, leave me alone Injun.” you giggled, clutching the penguin tighter against you when you felt it slipping in between your arms. 
Renjun slapped your hand away from his cheek, huffing out exasperatedly before grabbing your plushie from your arms and into his. “Let me carry that,” he sighs, adjusting his grip slightly before sending you a soft smile. “Renjun you really don’t have to,” you frowned, tugging the flippers of the penguin as if he was going to give you back your plushie.
“I’ve already made Youngheum and Yebin my slaves, I don’t need you stooping into their levels,” you joke, dodging the dog plushie Yebin had threw at you right after Youngheum let out a dramatic, “BETRAYAL!” as they dropped shopping bags filled with your prizes unceremoniously.
“Shut up and let me carry this for you, you ungrateful little shit.” Renjun chuckled, using a hand to carry the life-sized penguin plushie to flick your forehead. “The audacity, I’ll be sure to bake you guys a fuck ton of cookies this week,” you snickered as Hyunjin let out a laugh. “I want cookies too!” he exclaimed, shaking your shoulders vigorously as he whined.
Jaemin let out a loud groan of pain as he felt an intense stinging sensation, his heart was beating erratically in his ears. “Jaemin, you okay?” Hyuck asked, pulling his arm away from Jaemin’s shoulders as Jaemin bit his lip to suppress a hiss. Jeno and Hyuck turned to see what Jaemin was glaring at, eyes widening at you standing so closely to Renjun.
Their eyes widened when they silently watched Jaemin pulling his wrist out of his pocket, tugging his wrist watch down to see the oh-so-familiar tattoo glowing  a bright blood crimson red. The words were stuck in their throat, they didn’t know what to say. Or if they could even say anything as they silently watched their friend bit his lip and clench his eyes shut at the pain of his wrist and chest.
“Shit, what’s going on?” Jisung’s deep voiced cut through the tense atmosphere, causing Jeno and Hyuck to turn to see Jisung and Chenle with their jaws dropped, arms filled with snacks as they stared at their Team Captain with horrified eyes. Jaemin’s eyes were glossy from the intense pain, his chest was aching like hell, his heartbeat muffling the music around him as he hissed out in pain, eyes still on your figure laughing with Renjun.
“Get Jaemin, out of here. I knew this was going to happen but I didn’t think it would be this bad.” Jeno ordered, trying to pull Jaemin out of the arcade but the boy could barely move. The pain getting more intense and intense by the second as Jaemin couldn’t tear his eyes away from the two figures standing not even a couple meters away from them.
“Jaemin come on, it’s gonna get even worse if you stay here.” 
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T A G G I N G : @lixseu @morks-watermelon @cherrystay @candiednickles @12am-musings @lowkeyviv @btm-taeyong @d-nghyck @gothmingguk @luvlyjaemin @cowward @smileyyuta @cakelyn @uncovermenow666 @aconeptun​ @comically-sleep-deprived​ @wtfhaechan​ @chaeshii 
TAG LIST IS : O P E N E D ! do inform me if you changed your url. I couldn’t tag three people i’m so sorry idk what’s going on
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arahul-abyssia · 4 years
An Old Memory
As part of @starprincesshlc and @jklantern ’s Nintember event, celebrating the founding of Nintendo, I’ve decided to try writing some stories, each based around five of the prompts (since I can’t write complete mini-narratives every single day). This one is based off the first five! (Note: I’ve hidden most of it under the cut, because nobody needs to have to try to scroll past it on mobile) 
~~ Hero, Speed, Home, Friendship, Journey ~~
“Awwwww, why can’t we play outside?”
“You know very well why, Abby. It’s too dark for that right now.”
“But Daniel gets to!”
“Well, when you’re as old as Daniel is, maybe then you’ll get to run around outside in the dark. But until then, Elly, it's inside for you two.”
“Uuuuuggghhh… fiiiiiiine!”
“Good. Now, run along to the living room; your grandmother has something she wants to show you.”
The two children ran into the room to find their grandma sitting on the couch, looking at them with eyes as sweet as ever through thin glasses. She motioned them to sit on either side of her. Whenever the twins’ Granny Eva came over, she always had something cool to show them or some amazing story to tell, and they were sure that this time would be no different.
As they got seated, Granny Eva reached behind her and pulled out a large book, full of pictures nearly falling out and bulging in the middle. They had seen this particular volume many times before; it was her scrapbook, her pride, joy, and treasure, containing countless pictures of all the adventures and events that had happened throughout her life. She could recount even the smallest details about each and every image on its pages, and the twins were always invested in the stories each picture told.
“Alright, Abby, Elly! I’ve shown you two plenty of photos from when I was an adult, but have I ever told you about what I did when I was a little girl?”
Their eyes immediately widened, practically sparkling in the lamplight, as they let out a resounding gasp and subsequent “No! Tell us, tell us!” in perfect unison.
Granny Eva chuckled; they always were so easily invested in her stories. “If you insist…! Let me tell you girls… about my Pokémon journey.”
She pulled open one of the first pages and pointed to its first picture, showing her with a Pokémon held in her arms in front of a house. “This is the picture my mother took of me at the very beginning of my journey. I was only 12 years old then, quite a bit older than you two now, and this here is Sal, back when he was only a Sobble.”
“Why’d you choose a Sobble, Granny? Who else was there?”
“Well, my other choices were a Cyndaquil and a Turtwig, and it was a tough decision. But I think what ultimately got me was that look in Sal’s eyes, like he was nervous, unsure of himself, about to burst into tears. I guess I wanted to be the one to help dry them, and help him become strong enough that he’d no longer be constantly sad.”
She looked up as the shadows in the room shifted, and smiled. “And I’d like to think I succeeded. Wouldn’t you agree, Sal?”
Standing at the threshold to the living room was her long-time friend and partner. The years had taken just as much a toll on him as they did on all creatures--the vibrant yellows of his crest and cape membrane were faded and he occasionally struggled to walk without assistance--but his eyes were as sweet and bright as ever, just like hers. He smiled and nodded in response.
“Would you like to join us? I’m telling my granddaughters about our first journey together.”
In a flash, Sal climbed onto the couch and draped himself across its back, his head resting on Eva’s shoulder. She knew that probably wasn’t the best for his physical conditions, but she had long since given up trying to get him to stop it.
The four settled in once more as the former Trainer moved to the next pictures and pages and explained each one. Most were pictures of the first landscapes she saw or the first cities she visited. One depicted her and a young boy, her first opponent in a Pokémon battle (“I won easily, of course.”) and the Nurse Joy of the first Pokémon Center where she healed her Pokémon (“I learned later that her real name is Lucy. ...You didn’t think they all were actually named Joy, did you?”).
Another page turn gave way to a small poster, one that barely fit on the page, of the first Gym she challenged and beat. “Sal and I beat them alone; just us two! The attendants weren’t sure if I’d do well with a one-Pokémon ‘team’, but we proved our strength!”
At this, Sal let out a breath of agreement.
“And over here is me with the first Gym Leader I beat. Poor Clifton… Most new Trainers challenge him first, since both Water and Grass do very well against his Rock- and Ground-types.”
She turned to the next page. “Oh! This here is Lexa’s newly sealed Pokéball, and here she is outside of it, back when she was still an Electrike. She was the very first Pokémon I caught in the wild. You’re supposed to catch a few before you challenge your first Gym, but as you just saw, I didn’t. She was a bit unsure about me at first, but we quickly became close friends.”
“Yes, of course, Sal, you’ll always be my best friend…! No one could replace you. …Y’know, girls, Sal actually had a bit of trouble with the battle with Lexa, since he’s weak to Electric-type moves and all--don’t give me that face, you know you did!--but we pulled through and became all the stronger because of it.”
“Wow…! I hope I can be as strong as you someday!”
“Yeah… me too!”
As the girls piped up, Eva heard the hints of sleepiness creeping into their voices, though if she brought it up, they’d deny it. Deciding to quicken the pace of the story, so their mother could put them to bed properly afterwards, she skipped ahead a few pages, quickly describing the points when Sal evolved into a Drizzile and then an Inteleon, then stopped on one with several photographs of individuals dressed in grey and orange uniforms running out of a building. “If you want to know how strong I was, look at all these people running away. They were members of an Evil Team that used to operate in this Region. I don’t know if they ever gave themselves a name, but they were trying to take over the area, starting with the Broadcasting Center in Noctrin. I beat every single one of the team members there, and even two of their Admins. They really didn’t like me after that.”
“Whoa… what happened to them then?”
“Why did they disappear?”
“Oh, it’s quite simple. After I had gotten all my Gym Badges and set off to challenge the Pokémon League, their Leader and his personal entourage blocked my path to try and… well, to try and teach me a lesson. Of course, they all completely underestimated my and my Pokémon’s strength and bonds, and we quickly beat all of their teams. In their shock, they let me proceed, and I heard later that the law caught up to them and they were quickly dismantled, never to return.”
Abby and Elly stared at their grandmother with eyes wider than ever before. “You took down the leader of an Evil Team?! You’re the coolest, Granny! That musta been the best part of your whole journey!”
“No way, silly! The best part was beating the Champion and taking their place, right, Granny?”
“Nuh-uh! Beating an evil person is so much cooler than beating some stupid government people battles!”
“You’re some stupid government people battles!”
“Now, now, girls…” Eva pushed apart the twins, who were leaning over their grandmother’s legs, practically at each other’s throats. “While both of those were very fun experiences, the truth is, the best part of my journey was neither of those things.”
“Really?” they shouted in unison. “Well what was it then?”
She turned the pages a few more times, slowing on her pictures with the Champion and her winning team, then turned over one last leaf, revealing two pages even more cluttered with photos of the landscapes of the Region, the Pokémon she saw and caught, her team playing and fighting, and the many people she met on her trips between cities. “It was the sense of adventure of it all… going out into the wilderness, seeing everything the Region had to offer, letting me experience what was out there beyond our little hometown and the towns around it, feeling the wind in my face as I sped through nature on my bike, playing with and caring for my Pokémon… It was… magical. Sometimes, I feel like it all passed by too quickly.”
Her granddaughters faces remained painted with wonder and imagination. She longed to go on about every minute aspect of her journey, but as she looked up, she realized that their mother was waiting in the doorway, their bedtime rapidly approaching. “Oh, my! Look at how late it is! Run along with your mother now, it’s bedtime for the both of you.”
“No buts about it. I’ve kept you two up late enough as it is. If you don’t get enough rest, you won’t have enough energy for tomorrow.”
The two looked at each other for one more moment, a million thoughts running through their minds, then sighed in defeat and slid off the couch to follow their mother upstairs. As they passed her, she turned to Eva and mouthed “Thanks, Mom,” before ushering them away.
She leaned back in her seat, the scrapbook still turned to the fully-covered page, as Sal slid down from his perch on the sofa’s back to the cushion beside her. For once in a long while, tears were welling up in his eyes. “So all that reminiscing got to you, old friend?”
He nodded.
“Well, I don’t see why we can’t continue looking through the book; ‘bedtime’ doesn’t apply to us. Would you like that?”
Another nod, stronger this time.
And with not another word of anticipation, Eva turned to the next page and began to recount its events, her partner Pokémon watching and listening as intently as her granddaughters only moments ago.
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rmg91 · 5 years
The Woes and Antics of Living Together-5
This chapter behaved much better than 4 and I'm really happy with it as this is just one of the many scenes I've been wanting to write. Also I still love writing Branch when he starts to freak out XD
Enjoy! And A big huge Thank you! to all who’s read so far! I can’t tell you how happy it makes me~
Previous Chapter/Next Chapter; AO3/FF.net
@writerofberk Chapter 5 is here!! And I’m nice to Branch for once! And to answer your question from last time, Creek is currently just an annoyance but we both know he’s a creep and that will come out later.
It was another dreary and overcast day in Bergenville and the last few weeks had a been a test for Branch's patience. He had found out that Poppy loved to sing or just play music late at night while she stayed up studying or scrapbooking. And, sure, Branch could admit he loved her voice to himself, but he really disliked being unable to sleep because she couldn't keep it quiet enough. He even threatened to throw her radio out the window! It had worked...until the next time it happened and she got caught up in the music as she claimed. He had made a mental note to invest in some ear plugs.
Then there was the 'Laundry Incident' where somehow some of her...unmentionables had somehow wound up in his hamper. Branch hadn't known how to react to seeing the lacy scraps of fabric settled among his clothes so he had turned around and walked out of the laundry room. He had returned a few minutes later, a confused Poppy in tow and gestured to his basket as he told her to remove the offending articles. She had at least looked a little embarrassed as she picked them out and claimed she had no idea how they got in there but Branch had already been ignoring her excuse and trying to forget it even happened. He later found out it had all been some sort of weird prank by Smidge and Cooper as he returned to the apartment.
Mix in the normal stress of university and trying to find a new job and you'd get a very irritable Branch who was going just the tiniest bit stir-crazy. Gristle had managed to tempt him out of the apartment a few times to hang out and play video games but Branch needed something to do besides the chores around the apartment. Something to keep him from letting all his pent up feelings for Poppy flow out into poem after poem or even the grey thoughts that circled around in his head somehow finding their way onto paper and making him feel worse for having acknowledged them. And having the means to pay his half of the rent that was coming up would be nice too.
Branch felt himself bring the knife down on the carrots he was chopping with a little more force then was necessary before he focused once more on the task at hand. Right, dinner. He was making stew and needed to concentrate so he didn't cut himself and have to be sent to the hospital. Finishing up cutting the root vegetable, he threw the pieces into the pot alongside the onions and celery, giving everything a little stir afterwards. Branch then started to prep the rest of the ingredients just as the door opened and the pink haired party girl flounced in.
"Oh, Roomie~! I'm home!" Poppy sang as she dropped her purse on the foyer table before skipping into the kitchen, bracelets jingling, "And guess what?!"
Branch rolled his eyes and continued with his food prep, "What?"
Poppy giggled before slapping down a piece of paper on the counter, "I picked you up an application for a job I think you'll like!"
Branch paused and looked at her before glancing down at the application, at a loss for words, "...You, uh...didn't have to do that."
"I know." She chirped, "But I was heading home after getting some more streamers for Biggie's big photo exhibit and I saw this sale at this cute boutique on the way home." Branch rolled his eyes as she started to ramble. "Anyway, on my way back to my car I noticed a place advertising for some help wanted and I thought it'd be perfect for you! Guess what sort of place it is?!"
"I'd really rather not," Branch sighed, "Just tell me."
"No fun." The pinkette mumbled before she continued, "It's a camping-outdoorsy sort of store! Sells all that equipment and stuff and I figured what was the harm of picking up an application for you, cause you always liked camping when we were kids and being in the garden and such!"
"That..." Branch was once again at a semi-loss for words, impressed she remembered that, "I'll...give it shot. ...Thank you."
Poppy smiled happily at him, "No prob, my dude. So!" She then clapped her hands together, looking at the unassembled ingredients, "What's for dinner?"
Branch shrugged as he stirred the vegetables, "Nothing fancy. Just some stew."
"Still sounds great. Can I help with anything?"
"No!" He vehemently refused, "I'm not letting you anywhere near real food again! Not after last time!" Said last time being when she decided to experiment by adding too many spices to the sauce for a lasagna he was making. He swore never to let her near his cooking again.
"It was a mistake! I didn't mean to add that much!" Poppy cried in her defense, hands flying to her hips.
"Don't care."
Poppy huffed and crossed her arms, "Not fair..." She then hummed as a thought hit her and Branch suddenly felt fear as she went to grab her camera.
She fiddled with it for a moment as she turned it on before she started talking to it, "Guys! Branch is being so unfair! He won't let me help with dinner because of one little mistake!" She brought the piece of equipment over and almost thrusted it in his face, "Tell them, Branch! Tell them how mean you are to your precious roommate!"
Branch ignored her as much as he could as he started to cut up the meat, "Poppy, we've been over this. I'm not talking into a camera to people over the internet. Now turn that thing off and get it out of my face. I'm trying to cook."
"Rude!" She exclaimed before pouting into the camera, "Guys, comment below and tell Branch how rude he is."
"Quit involving me in your internet shenanigans! I want no part of it!"
"Too bad~ As my roommate you are contractually obligated to appear in my vlogs."
Branch gave her a flat look, "I remember nothing about that in our deal. No where did we talk about you trying to film me!"
"It's one of the many unwritten rules of friendship, Branch, duh. And no where did we talk about you being such a sour puss all the time and yet..." She trailed off with a shrug.
Branch rolled his eyes, exasperated, "Go do something that's not bothering me."
She grinned cheekily, "Aww, but it's my favorite hobby! The 'Bother Branch' game is fun for all ages."
"Poppy..." He groaned.
She giggled as she turned off her camera, "Fine, fine but only because I don't want you to cut yourself."
"Gee, thanks so much."
Giggling, the pink haired whirlwind skipped away to her room and Branch thought maybe he'd get to finish cooking in semi-peace until she came back out, arms laden with scrapbooking materials. She dumped all of it on the coffee table before turning the stereo on and bouncing in her seat to the pop song playing. Branch heaved a sigh and tried his best ignore the overly preppy music, reminding himself to invest in a pair of earplugs as soon as he could.
The next day found Branch standing in front of the store Poppy had told him about, application in hand. He had to admit as he looked though the windows it definitely looked like a place he would have loved to explore when he was younger. He had always loved the outdoors and the sense of accomplishment whenever he managed to succeed in a task that would aid him if he ever had to face the wild alone. He also remembered spending almost all of summer camped out in the backyard and begging his grandma to let him stay there just one more night whenever the new school year started to approach. But that had all stopped when-No. He wasn't going to think about that or any other time before else he'd never get this over with and right now, finding a job was more important than thinking back on times that were never going to happen again.
Steeling himself up with a deep breath, Branch entered the store and took it in. A display for a tent sale sat in the front with aisles of supplies stretching toward the back, all manner of camping items in stock. Tents, sleeping bags, lanterns, chairs, portable stoves and just about anything else one could possible need was there, which was just a little impressive for how small the shop appeared on the outside. Off to the side was a single check-out counter and a cashier wearing a green and brown vest, playing on his phone. He glanced up and put it away before addressing Branch.
"Hey. Welcome to Clever Camping. How may I help you?"
It was now or never. Branch cleared his throat, "Uh, yeah. I saw you were hiring so I filled out an application." He hoped that didn't sound as awkward as it felt as he handed over the piece of paper.
"Great!" The blonde exclaimed, "I'll give this to the manager. He's actually in the back right now if you want to wait a few minutes. He may be able to give you an interview today."
Branch sure wasn't expecting that but nodded anyway, "Sure. No problem."
"Nice. Be right back!"
As the employee scampered off to the back of the store, Branch let out a slightly panicked sigh. Okay, sure, he could do this, it's not like interviews were nerve wracking already! He just had less time to prepare that was all! He quickly brushed off his shirt and tried to make himself look somewhat presentable as he paced around. He could do this, it was fine, this could be good! Or bad, very, very bad.
As Branch continued to try a fight off the impending urge to run and hide, he failed to hear the little bell above the door chiming. He was completely unaware of no longer being alone until the other person spoke up.
"Excuse me, young man?"
Branch tried very hard not to yelp as he turned to face an elderly woman. She had grey haired wrapped up in a bun, a crocheted shawl around her shoulders and was holding a cane. She smiled at him, wrinkles crinkling as she did so before adjusting her glasses. She had a very grandmotherly aura about her and Branch tried very hard not to think of his own at that moment.
"Um, yes?"
"Do you think you could me?" She asked before pulling out a list from her purse, "You see, my grandson is going on a camping trip with his scouting group and I'm afraid we don't have much of anything that he'll need. Could you help me find them?"
Wait...Did she think he worked there?! He had to tell her she was mistaken! But then another traitorous thought of his own grandmother slipped though and he knew she would be very disappointed in him if he refused to help this lady. She had raised him to be a gentleman after all. Sighing, he nodded and walked closer so he could take the list from her.
"I can try."
"Oh, thank you so much~" She grinned at him.
Branch nodded awkwardly and unfolded the piece of paper she had handed to him. Tent, extra tarp or canopy, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, repair kit, pillows, extra blankets, headlamp or flashlight, lantern with appropriate energy source and a plethora of other items. Branch was impressed by how thorough this list was, it was almost as if he'd written it. Glancing around the store to figure out where to start first, he grabbed one of the hand baskets and began leading the woman around.
The first aisle they went down had portable stoves and the like, making Branch wonder if maybe he should have chosen a different aisle as there didn't seem to be anything they needed down this way. However just when he was going to suggest they try a different row, he spotted the lanterns and flashlights. He had a brief thought about how it would be more efficient if perhaps these items were put toward the front of the row but pushed it back as he looked at the different items, wondering which would be best to suggest.
"So, uh...How old is your grandson?" Maybe knowing the age of the kid would help him determine the item.
"Oh, he's nine going on ten." The old woman gushed, "He's so excited for this trip. The first time he's ever been camping."
Branch tired to flash a smile at her before nodding toward one of the better battery powered lanterns, "This one would probably be best then. It runs on batteries but it's a good sturdy plastic and waterproof, so no one would have to worry about fuel or rusting. It's also in a good modest price range, in case you're wondering."
"Well then that sounds just perfect." She grinned brightly, "I truly appreciate you helping me."
"It's..uh...it's no problem."
They continued like this up and down the aisles, Branch pointing out the products he thought would be best, remembering more of his own experiences with camping. He suggested an extra raincoat. insect repellant and a small first aid kit, stating that it never hurt to have some back-up in case something happened to whatever the scout leaders brought. Branch was just double checking everything so far before they went to look at the tents and wondered where the employee that had greeted him was and if he was going to come back anytime soon.
"Ok, so it looks like all that's left is a tent and maybe a sleeping bag? Was this already checked off?"
"Oh, I thought we had one, so yes it was but it turns out it was horribly moldy after getting wet somehow. So yes, we do need a new one."
"Alright, this way."
He was perusing the different styles of tents, trying to find the best one for a kid when a tall, broad shoulder man came around the corner from the back. He had chestnut hair, brown eyes and wore a grin and vest like the other employee, the only difference was he also had a pin that dubbed him the manager.
"Hello, there!" He greeted warmly, "So sorry for the lack of greeting when you came in. Is there anything I can help you with?"
"Oh, no. Your employee here has been so helpful and has given so much advice for my grandson's upcoming trip."
The manager smiled down at the woman, "I'm afraid he doesn't work here...yet." He then turned his grin on Branch, "Tell me, son, are you the one who turned in the application Denis brought me a little while ago?"
"Uh, yes?" Stupid! Don't sound so unsure!
"Reed Langley!" The man proclaimed, offering his hand to Branch.
Shocked for a second, Branch startled before shaking his hand, "...Uh! Branch Hawthorn, sir."
"Well, Branch, you're hired!"
"Huh? But, uh...What about an interview?" Was this really happening?
Reed laughed, "I think helping this lovely lady here when you didn't have to speaks volumes more than me asking you some questions. So what do you say?"
What did he say? Oh right! "Um, sure. Yeah! Of course! Thank you?"
"Not a problem!" Reed laughed again, "Denis! Go take the sign out of the window!" There was brief 'yes, sir' from the other worker before Reed continued, "So, Branch, why don't I let you finish helping our customer here and then while Denis is ringing her up, we can talk and set up your schedule. Alright?"
"Yeah, sure. Okay." There was no way that just happened, right?
A few hours later, Branch had wandered back to the apartment, still somewhat in a state of a shock. He just couldn't believe he was hired right on the spot like that just for helping someone! That just didn't happen! Of course he wasn't going to kick a gift horse in the mouth, it..felt kind of nice to have a job again and the store really wasn't the worse place to be in. Still, Branch couldn't help but be wary of the universe and wonder what it would do to him this time to knock him down again.
Sighing to himself, he was grateful Poppy was gone as he needed a few moments to gather himself and to work out a new plan. He wandered over to the couch, flopped on it, and flinging an arm over his head went over what had happened after he helped the old woman find a tent and new sleeping bag. His new boss didn't mind that he would be working part-time, said Branch going to school was great thing and that if he ever needed to take an extra day off to study for a test or midterm to just let him know ahead of time. He would start his new job in two days and he'd have a twenty percent store discount, which would be nice if Branch ever decided to go camping again. However that meant he'd have to work out some sort of chore chart with Poppy as he wouldn't be around as often, even if that would mean trying to trust her in the kitchen with actual food now.
Making a few mental notes to himself, Branch yawned and shifted on the couch, finding a comfortable spot. He felt himself grow drowsy and knew he probably shouldn't fall asleep on the couch, he didn't want to temp Poppy into pulling some sort of prank. But as sleep claimed him, he decided he just didn't feel like caring if she drew on his face or covered him in glitter.
Yay! Branch has a job again! And at a much nicer environment! I can't tell you guys how much I've been wanting to write Reed (even if he didn't have a name until I started writing that part XD) and that whole scene. And to be fair, Poppy can cook, she's just better at baking and accidents with overly large holes in spice containers happen.
I hope you enjoyed! Stayed tuned for the next installment!
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wolfhourr · 7 years
100 questions
I was bored af and tried to do these questions.
1. Is a kiss considered cheating? ya.
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm? Not one I could think of
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? probably flying
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? hopefullyyyyy
5. Tell us some funny drunk story. Oh my god I know so many but a bunch of friends and I were celebrating midsummer and we had this wooden cross which we’d decorate with branches and flowers and one of my friends (he’s got long wavy hair) stole my flower crown and carried that cross halfway home through half of the town we live in and it was like half past 1 in the morning and the people on the streets were shouting ‘oh my god it’s Jesus’ all the time and that was freaking hilarious
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex? long distance isn’t cool
7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? I don’t think of shit like this often but I’d like to have it quick and simple
8: What are your current goals? becoming a pro in photography (concerts mainly) and drone videography (basically shooting aerial footage for music videos and movies, that would be the most rad thing)
9. Do you like someone? I actually like a lot of people
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? ugh, there are a few people who do that frequently but mostly band members
11. Do you like your body? parts.
12. Can you keep a diet? Nope I’m pretty weak regarding food
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? Stop fucking killing each other and try to love everyone regardless of their origin or religion or sexuality or views
14. Do you work? I study Scandinavian Studies but I’ll be working as an aupair in Finland starting in August 2017
15. If you could choose only one food to eat for the rest of you life, what would it be? This is the toughest freaking question anyone has ever asked
16. Would you get a tattoo? I actually have 5
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? concerts, cameras, things that make me genuinely happy
18. Can you drive? what? A car? A person insane? Like a fucking champ
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? my best friend aka Julienne that gorgeous shining bean
20. What was the last thing you cried for? my dad being my dad
21. Do you keep a journal? I have a scrapbook where I put random little things like receipts from vacations or stuff like that in and I also print out mini photos for it
22. Is life fun? What kind of question is this? Life’s an up and down
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant? as long as they don’t hear it and you can smell it away
24. What’s your dream car? VW Golf R in metallic dark blue
25. Are grades in school important? As long as you don’t fail the class entirely or get kicked out of school it’s fine. Grades are so fucking overrated these days
26. Describe your crush. Ahahahaha he’s suuuuch a dork, especially whenever he’s drunk haha no but seriously he’s a dork and he get’s pretty touchy then
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? uhh, can’t rememberrrr
28. What was your last lie? I really don’t lie often but maybe I said I wasn’t feeling well just to avoid going out with some friends
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? I think there are a lot of dumb things I told so I can’t really think of one specifically right now
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? depends on the people but generally yes even though it shouldn’t be
31. Something you did and you are proud of? my photographs of band members
32. Favorite cocktail? Not tasted all of em but I love Mojitos
33. Something you are good at? sleeping, eating, taking photos, being dumb
34. Do you like small kids? depends on the kids
35. How are you feeling right now? stuffed with lunch and tired but generally fine because life’s good
36. What would you name your daughter/son? daughter: Ebba son: Heinz-Ewald!
37. What do you need to be happy? music, positive vibes and photography
38. Is there someone you want to punch in the face right now? I’m a very non-violent person so nope.. maybe Trump tho
39. What was the last gift you received? my grandma bought me a new handbag yesterday and it’s fabulous
40. What was the last gift you gave? frozen flavoured water to my beloved Fachschaft
41. What was the last concert you went to? A Finnish band called ‘Wake The Nations’, I had the pleasure to take pics for them there hehe
42. Favorite place to shop at? C&A, H&M
43. Who inspires you? Sawyer Hartmann & Logan Henderson, actually a lot more human beings
44. How old were you when you first got drunk? I’m pretty good with alcohol so I have to drink a ton to get drunk and I’m a poor student so basically I was 20 (and I still am 20 lol)
45. How old were you when you first got high? never got there
46. How old were you when you first had sex? never got there either
47. When was your first kiss? 2013 lol
48. Something you want to do until the end of this year? staying in Finland haha
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? A lot of embarrassing things honestly
50. Post a selfie there are photos of me on this blog come on
51. Who are you most comfortable around? my best friends of course!
52. Name one thing that terrifies you. insects
53. What kind of books do you read? none honestly
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self? “Nick Jonas won’t marry you and never fall for boys, they won’t value your good heart”
55. What is your favorite flower? white roses
56. Any bad habits you have? I have many, can’t choose
57. What kind of people are you attracted to? ugh, I deffo don’t have a specific type of person, it really strongly depends on the person. It can be the metalhead in one of the other Fachschaften and it also can be the hot model or the mysterious musician whose head is in the clouds 99% of the time. As long as the person treats me right and isn’t suuuuuper weird it really can be anyone.
58. What was the last thing you cried for?  didn’t we have that question already
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgusts you? Yaaaaa. I hate mushrooms, any sort of fish, snails, insects, basically all that stuff that Germans don’t eat, and oh yeah we have that thing called blood sausage here which is the most awful thing ever
60. Are you in love? all the time
61. Something you find romantic? lying in the grass at night time staring into the sky and talking is something I wanna do with someone special
62. How long was your longest relationship? 6 months? long distance I mentioned that
63. What are three things that irritate you about the same sex? - why do girls bath their faces in tons of make up EVERY SINGLE DAY like I don’t even wear more than mascara EVER - why do girls have to be so disgusting when it comes to public toilets and stuff - arrogance
64. What are three things that irritate you about the opposite sex? - superior behavior - beards - can’t think of the third rn
65. What are you saving money for? for my further studies in October 2018
66. How would you describe your bad side? bad..? 
67. Are you actually a good person? Why? I always try to be nice to people and approach them without any prejudice and I try to make people feel good in my presence
68. What are you living for? music and photography haha
69. Have you ever done anything illegal? I parked illegally a couple times lol
70. Do you like your body? check out question 11
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? I strongly hope I haven’t
72. Ever sent nudes? lmao nope
73. Have you ever cheated on someone? In my mindddddd lol
74. Favorite candy? Ferrero Rocher. I’d die for them.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day or almost every day? Tag it! nopeeee I’m sorry I’m lame
76. Do you play any computer games? What’s your favorite? I used to play Rollercoaster Tycoon and Sims 2-4 a loooooot
77. Favorite TV series? Riverdale!!!! And the old German series ‘Wege zum Glück’ which is such a soap opera but I’m a sucker for it still
78. Are you religious? Does God exist? There have been so many “coincidences” that make it hard to believe he isn’t existent. And also there’s so much positive stuff in my life right now, I think he led me where I am right now.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? I read a Swedish book from Henning Mankell about murders and it was cool
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? everyone is allowed to eat what they want, I don’t even careee
81. How long have you been on tumblr? since 2011/12, not sure
82. Do you like Chinese food? every now and then, yes.
83. McDonalds or Subway? Megges!
84. Vodka or whiskey? V!
85. Alcohol or drugs? only done alcohol so that’s it for me
86. Ever been out of your province/state/country? of course!!!
87. Meaning behind your blog name? it’s my favorite song by the Swedish band called ‘DNKL’
88. What are you scared of? not finding someone to spend the rest of my life with
89. Last time you were insulted? I tend to suppress things like this
90. Most traumatic experience? being taken away from my grandparents regularly when I was young
91. Perfect date idea? it has to do with sunsets and the ocean
92. Favorite app on your phone? Instagrammmmm
93. What color are the walls in your room? white
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favorite youtuber? I love the vlogs from Lex&Los and I am obsessed with the videos of the Swabian comedian Dodokay.
95. Share your favorite quote. boy there are so many I can’t even come up with one right now
96. What is the meaning of life? finding that one passion and doing everything to live that passion every day
97. Do you like horror movies? N O P E
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? probably my birth has made her cry at some point
99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? the way some bandmembers treat me is truly something special hehe yes
100. Can you keep a secret? for sure!
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Hi, Ben!  Hope your day went well, and that your candles were fragrant and calming!  That sucks about the coconut ones, could it maybe just be a reaction to whatever chemical they use to fake/enhance the coconut scent?  Do coconut soaps or lotions, etc, cause a similar issue?  My mom is super sensitive to fragrances in things like candles, but never seems to have the same problem with any foods or natural sources.  (I remember having to be really careful back in high school when I was going through assorted phases that involved incense XD )
And I did see your email, and it was totally fine, I don’t mind at all, I just don’t tend to check that one very often, (it’s old and was mainly for mailing lists), and my phone isn’t always the best at letting me know I have new mail from that address.  Usually I try to scroll back to where I last remember leaving off on the blogs I check most often (one reason I have reduced that number…), so I don’t miss things too often at least.  It’s also why I occasionally go back through their archives just to see if there was something that slipped past me.  If you’re curious, I have seen a couple of your metas turn up on other TW blogs I check.  (Side note- overly affectionate kitties are the best.  Most of the ones I used to sit for regularly were the aggresively cuddly type.  I rather miss it, and them.  XD )
The extended preview was wonderful, and very helpful as a distraction (though thankfully today, while crazy busy, was less overall frustrating than yesterday.)  Ben trying to nom on Peter’s ears, and not being thrown at all by his appearance.  Malia getting Derek to be playful.  Noah being an adorable and affectionate troll.  All the kids (including Jackson even he tries to pretend otherwise) just being like “OKAY THE PUPPY’S FAIR GAME!!!” as soon as Noah sets him down.  Also, I feel like not only do Malia and Derek careen into Jax, they tackle him onto the puppy pile of his other siblings.  Chris and Noah are just sitting to either side of Peter with doofy smiles on their faces, absently petting him (because how could they not?)  Also, also, I feel like Noah totally gets a picture of Malia and Ben together to put in a photo album/scrapbook next to a picture of Malia from her first shift.  He seems like the kind of dad that would have things like that (if only so he could get them out at the best/worst times, like for example when she officially brings Kira home [Kira thinks it’s all unbearably cute, ofc])
And the kid fic idea sounds cute, though I think it could easily be one of those ones that turns out longer than you expect.  Because just how much older is that kid’s bloodline supposed to be, given how old it’s implied the Hales are?  And I foresee that Peter and Chris sorting their shit out could take a while.  Because while Peter would need to prove himself trustworthy as someone who won’t just murder them all for his own gain, Chris would need to prove himself trustworthy as someone to risk a relationship with (because if one was going to dump the other, it would have been Chris acting out of fear of Gerard/hunters, Peter was never the type to worry about things like that, and then his family tried to eradicate Peter’s [though he claims he knew nothing about it])  Also, how does he know Malia is safe?  Her adoptive dad just sort of disappeared into the ether at some point.  Pretty much the main residence we saw her hanging out in was the Stilinski one.  Is he getting updates from Noah?  Is their relationship even in a place for that to happen?  (Is Peter still questioning on some level which of the two it actually was that managed to get a call to connect in the underground ruins of a deserted Aztec [or whatev] temple, if not both?)  Is anyone keeping them up-to-date on Beacon Hills at all?
Random thought - if the requirements for bi rep are plaid and layers then you def have evidence for Noah as well as Chris XD  (though the lack of leather or hoodies is a goddamn shame XD )
Oh!  Other random ass thought from today, partially caused by the whole “Country Rhodes” thing (still choking on laughter over that one), and some other post about growing up Catholic.  I am not Catholic, but a couple of my best friends were, and I remember them talking about how their grandma would do this prayer to St. Anthony whenever she was looking for something that went something along the lines of “Tony, Tony, look around.  Something’s lost and can’t be found”, and I just immediately got this visual of the Avengers doing that when they’re staying in Stark Tower because they know Jarvis is listening at all times, and will immediately go tell Tony, even though they know he can’t help, because they are all horrific trolls and assholes.  (In my mind the worst ones about doing this are Steve, Clint, Bucky, and Sam.  Sometimes Nat.  Thor is confused by it at first, then keeps pretending to be confused so he can troll Tony.)
And I posted the second chapter of the dating fic, which features the segment I sent you before, in case you were curious about the context at any point.  XD
Anyway, it’s getting crazy late, and tomorrow is an early shift, so.  I hope your day is cheerful and as productive as you need it to be for your own comfort, however much or however little that is.  Take care!  *Hugs!*
0 notes
I didn’t receive as many submissions as I’d like, but from what I've received I've found this experience emotional in a way I did not expect. I wanted to initially ask all my friends and then strangers to submit a response to get a large collection of objects, but since finals week has dawned upon the students of the world, many simply did not have time. In the end what I have here are objects from my closest friends; people I live with, friends from high school, and some other friends from around college. I didn’t read all of the the submissions until before writing this, and I'm glad I did that. Without the context of seeing their face or just speaking to someone, reading their object posts made me feel like they were there speaking to me. I found my project’s goal changed in a way. Instead of trying to see if people feel different about objects after describing them, I found after describing an personal object, one describes themselves without even realizing it. 
Maybe this is because I'm a psych student and analyzing people is one of my favorite things to do, but I couldn’t help it when reading these submissions. I have a bias in that I already know this people, so it would be interesting to see if someone who doesn’t know them would pick up on the same things. I would like to go through each object and show how much they weirdly show the kind of person they are.
At first when I saw the suitcase, I was a little ticked off he would choose something so “boring”. After reading his post, I understood immediately. I think sometimes objects are screaming their meaning without words, but this one needed some explanation. I think that in itself says a lot about Chris; he’s a very nostalgic and symbolic man but you always have to pry the words out of him to know it. Chris recently has been working in Massachusetts and after connecting the suitcase to travel, I literally said “ohh” out loud. How could I have been so dumb to think this suitcase was just an easy copout to help me with my project. Because of Chris’ job as a theatre tech, he’s always on the move, jumping from job to job. He’s very sentimental and talks a lot about his travels, no matter the distance. I always imagined Chris in a past life as a small sailor man traveling along the waters, trying to find his way back home. 
When Shannon sent this to me, I nearly cried. We have been friends for over ten years and there’s no way we will never not be friends. Life has been tough for her recently and I know how lonely she’s been because of transferring schools and just chaos in general. I know she kept this scrapbook I made her, but I never knew how often she actually looked at it, or even that she brought it to college with her. Shannon has a hard time making friends, but when she does she puts everything into her friendships. She will stand up for you no matter what and will always be at your side. Sometimes it’s hard to comfort her when she’s sad, but I'm glad to know this book I made can be there for her when I can’t. 
Me and my friend’s all call her our “vintage babe”, because she’s exactly that. She’s the kind of person to share clothes with her grandma and where a billion broaches from tag sales. For her to pick this portrait of a lady, and also be the only one to write their submission was no shock to me. Isabella really values traditions, and despite her distaste for her family, she’s all about carrying objects down through generations. I imagine Isabella to be 60 years old sitting in her house full of knick knacks and floral couches with this hanging carefully on the wall. 
Honestly when Sandy sent this to me, I knew there was nothing that could describe her better. She’s a huge nerd, and we’ve always made fun of her (in the nicest way possible) for it. I remember going to Comic Con together and watching her drool at the sight of Nintendo merchandise. The fact that it not only a Mario character, but also a cat is just too perfect. At home, Sandy has four cats and she loves with with all her heart. There is nothing that comes between her and her cats. Sandy also has a large attachment to home and her brothers, despite a huge age gap, have always been her best friends. Her mentioning how it reminds her of her brother, came with no shock. This object description is so Sandy, It’s honestly hilarious. 
When I asked Brendan to help me with this project, I knew he was going to choose a knife. It’s not because he is a violent man or scary; it’s because he is the most practical and handy person I know. Need a fork, spoon, and knife? Brendan will have the utility ware in his pocket. It probably has a lot to do with his Boy Scout training, but I also think thats just the kind of person he is. He’s always there for people and always trying to help. Naturally, he also has to make a reference to the “cracking open a cold one” meme because he can never be serious, even in the field of academia. I think the fact that he mentions he wants to hand this down within the family says a lot about the kind of person he is too. Like Isabella (who is his girlfriend), he values tradition and his family. If Brendan is not a father in 15 years, I will be shocked. 
Serena has a huge longing for her home and the comfort of it. Whenever she’s upset or overwhelmed she goes home. I think it’s easier for her since she is an only child, but her parents are always comforting. This stuffed animal is very different than Sandy’s and I think that shows how important the context and personal background is to an object. While sandy’s stuffed animal also brings her comfort, it’s a different kind of comfort. Serena’s polar bear comes from a childhood comfort of being loved and coddled while hurt while sandy’s comes from being being reminded of home. This makes a lot of sense with Serena’s personality since she is someone who needs a lot of attention and care from those around her (not in a negative way). 
Noelle, the English education major, of course chose a book. I’ve never met someone who is so in love with literature.Her entire bedside is overflowing with books of every kind. In this very moment she’s actually sleeping with a book at her side. She could talk about Shakespeare or Virginia Wolf for days. It’s no surprise she’s the one who wrote the most. The fact that the book is also about race, gender, and mental illness says a lot her interests. I’ve seen her go on rants about stigmatization and inequality and she uses her words so carefully that everything flows as if she’s been planning a monologue.
Overall I think these objects not only say a lot about the people they belong to, but it says something about me and the people I surround myself with. I have a diverse group of friends, but they all strongly value relationships. It made me really happy to read these entries and feel that I have such a great group of friends. 
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