kezzanza · 12 days
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the original man. everyone else is a fluke.
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kezzanza · 18 days
people talk about jude crazy not knowing one day im going to k**l them
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kezzanza · 24 days
im new in his fandom, wanna know all the things and gossips involving him
i do not know much about that whoooops!! there's a bunch of gossip blogs tho ... i don't know specific @'s but if you look around the football tag you should find some?
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kezzanza · 24 days
What type of boyfriend do you think jude would be?
A/N: first of all, i literally love this ask bc i think of this every 5 business days so thanks for making me put it in writing :)
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Jude seems like the guy that would pick you up in a million dollar car, take you to your favorite high-end restaurant and ask you to be his with delicate chocolate lettering on a dessert.
But that's not really him.
The day he asks you to be exclusive, he calls you over to his place under the guise of helping him learn to cook. You both make a mess in his kitchen as you attempt to make your favorite meal—at his request, of course. You're laughing at the sauce all over his apron when he looks over at you—undeniable fondness in his eyes. It's not words written by a chef or spelled out in balloons when he asks. It's Jude's hands cradling your face, his voice softly saying your name and asking: "will you be mine?"
He kisses you when you say yes and you feel like crying—the tender moment scraping your heart raw. Your relationship starts with tears and somehow, that aspect never leaves.
Mostly, it's happy tears. You tear up whenever you watch Jude lift up a trophy, knowing how much hard work he put in. You tear up when he brings you to award ceremonies, his blinding smile meeting yours from the stage.
Sometimes, it’s simply tears of sadness. You fight over Instagram likes, tabloid headlines and models in his DMs. The argument only ending once you started crying, Jude stopping mid sentence to embrace you in his arms.
He hates seeing you cry, especially when it's because of him.
It takes a few weeks, but not you had both grown past that—Jude keeping his likes and follows clean, you doing your part to ignore the media.
Still, even now when you knew it was all fake, you hated seeing articles with Jude and random pretty faces paired off with him. But the media's presence in Jude's life is just one of those things you had accepted.
There are other things about Jude that you came to terms with. His competitiveness would always mix into your relationship in the form of jealousy. He wouldn't get angry but he hated the way men would drag their eyes all over you. You always assured Jude there's no man you wanted how deeply and intensely you wanted him. On nights he was particularly tense, you would laugh and tell him women were doing the same to him—just more subtly.
That would only make him frustrated, which was what you wanted, because it made Jude fiery. Passionate. He made love like he played football, which is to say with intensity, stamina, and unyielding focus. Every touch deliberate. Every movement full of energy. Leaving you breathless and exhilarated, as if you were in the final moments of a thrilling game.
Jude is charming, talented and good looking, but that was just the surface. In reality, he is one of the most complex people you know.
He wears thousand dollar designer but nothing made him happier than your homemade gifts—the pottery you made for your six month anniversary, the scarf you knitted for his birthday, the scrapbook you put together just cause. His attention to detail when it comes to you is second to none. You told him your favorite flower once months ago, now your shared apartment never lacks the pretty petals.
But the thing about him that never fails to amaze you is how much love he has to give to the world. A young fan would never be denied a signature. A grandma would always get a kiss on the cheek. No matter how busy or tired he was, he always made time for others.
There's nobody that knew this more than you.
When he is traveling between cities or stuck in traffic, he calls just to hear your voice. On rare free weekends, he whisks you away to charming little towns and quiet villas.
You ask him once, "Me or football?", and your voice is more sincere than the humorous tone you intended.
Jude looks at you with eyes dripping honey and says, "You, always you. The game is my passion, but you're my heart and my everything."
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kezzanza · 24 days
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Pairing: Jude x Fem ! Reader Tags: Drunk Sex, One Night Stand Word Count: 5.4k Content Warning: Drunk Sex, Smut, 18+ Jude is the perfect guy to make you forget about your cheating ex.
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The black dress you wear is revealing. Its silky fabric clings to every curve on your body in a way that's both exciting and unsettling. No part of your body is left to the imagination.
You move through the entryway and feel the weight of curious eyes drifting toward you, drawn in by the boldness of your outfit. It's been a while since you've dressed up like this.
Two weeks ago, you left a year-long relationship. One where you never got to wear what you wanted without your ex complaining. You more than deserved the appreciative eyes on your figure. It felt good to make yourself look pretty and not have your insecure ex in your ear whining about it.
Inside the villa, the energy is vibrant and lively. A mix of music, laughter, and chatter fills the air. The vibrant purple lighting on the walls makes the modern, all-white interior feel electric. You look around the room, the strangers that look back at you remind you that you have no idea who is hosting the party.
This isn't your usual scene—more uptown and expensive than you're used to. It's Lily, your best friend, that showed up at your place tonight with an invitation. She took one look at you sprawled on the couch in your pajamas and forced you to get ready. But after spending this month eating ice cream and watching comfort shows after being broken up with, it didn't take much convincing—you knew you needed to have some fun.
You're wearing the outfit you've been saving for a special occasion. Lily is clear about her intentions: she wants you to have fun and get laid. You couldn't help but agree with her.
She pulls you along as she navigates the crowd in search of the bar. Through the bodies, you catch a glimpse of the backyard. Large windows and open sliding doors blur the boundaries between indoors and out. People spill onto the grass and into the evening air. If there's a pool out there, you'd swear you're in Ibiza rather than Birmingham.
It's obvious as you look around the room that the guests are both well-dressed and well-off. You often wondered how rich people partied. Now you have your answer: just like everyone else, except they're grinding on each other in thousand-dollar outfits.
"Stop thinking so much," Lily says. You hadn't even realized she's looking at you. Too lost in thought for it to register. "What you need is shots," she concludes, flashing a smile at you.
You roll your eyes playfully. No matter the problem, her go-to solution always seems to be alcohol. Lily tells you that you need a drink to forget everything about your ex and let loose. You can barely hear her over the music—loud and heavy with a bass you can feel in your chest. But you know she's right, so you let her pull you to the bar.
There's a bartender expertly mixing drinks. An impressive array of liquor is lined up against the wall behind him. Rich people's parties really are different. Every detail, from the selection of spirits to the polished bar setup, speaks of an attention to detail you haven't quite experienced before. You're not surprised to see names of liquor you can't even pronounce.
Lily positions herself confidently in front of the bartender, half ordering and half flirting to get your drinks. Whenever you're with her, you don't need to speak much, which is fortunate because you're not good at sweet talking. You always had too much bite in your words.
The bartender pours two shots of a clear liquid. Lily hands you yours with a grin. You both clink your glasses together before downing the shots. The potent burn of the alcohol sears a trail down your throat. Despite its likely high price, the sharp taste is undeniable. The second round of shots is just as horrible, making you scrunch up your face as it burns down your throat.
"You're too beautiful to be pulling faces like that," a deep voice says from your left.
You turn, prepared to dismiss whoever's intruding with little patience for nonsense. But there, standing before you, is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. He's clad in a crisp white short-sleeve button-up that clings to his broad shoulders and powerful arms. A few buttons are left undone to reveal a sculpted chest beneath. In black jeans that accentuate his long, strong legs, he's a vision of effortless allure.
As you look back at his face, it feels like the world goes silent, leaving just you and him in a private moment. It's embarrassing how attracted you are to him. The irritation you felt at his comment is helplessly replaced by an urge to hear him call you beautiful once more.
His presence is practically magnetic.
Men that make you feel like this are dangerous. You know you shouldn't be so quick to be swayed by him. And just by looking at him, you can tell he's a player, someone stringing along multiple women. You probably wouldn't even have his attention if you weren't dressed as sexy as you are now. It would be a bad idea to get involved with him.
But you've just come out of a rough breakup. One that hit you hard when you realized you had been left because your ex had cheated and chosen his side thing. This stranger seems like he'd make you forget about your ex. That's exactly what you need for the night.
"Jude," he says, offering his name with a knowing smile when it becomes clear that you're curious to know more about him. "But you probably already knew that."
He looks familiar even though you can't quite place his face to a name. Maybe he's a celebrity you've seen on the rare occasions you dip into social media. With his striking looks, he could easily be a famous internet personality. But you never really kept up with who or what was popular, so it's no surprise you don't know him nor his name.
"I'm not one of your fangirls, so no, I didn't know your name," you snap, eyeing him coolly. "Try impressing me with more than just your ego."
He regards you with a hint of disbelief, as if struggling to grasp that someone wouldn't know who he is. His cocky assumption that everyone recognizes him is both amusing and exactly the kind of audacity you need tonight.
"You want me to impress you? That's a first," Jude says with a smirk. "But if I'm making an exception, I need your name—so I know what to sign on the autograph you'll inevitably ask for."
You roll your eyes, but you're undeniably fascinated. "I'll tell you my name when I think you deserve it," you reply eventually, a playful glint in your eye. "But I don't mind dancing with you."
Sweet nothings and surface-level compliments quickly lose their charm for someone with a personality like yours. What you need is someone with a way with words. Someone who can make your pulse race and your core tighten with just a few carefully chosen sentences—Jude seems to be that person.
As you study his face, you're caught between hesitation and intrigue. The attention he's giving you feels different from what you usually get from other guys. It sparks something within you that's impossible to ignore. It doesn't hurt that every time you look at him, you feel a rush of desire.
Jude looks down at you, his gaze flickering with curiosity. It's as if he's trying to piece together the enigma that you are. You revel in this moment—loving the feeling of making him work for a chance with you.
With a flutter of anticipation, you offer your manicured hand. He grasps it confidently and guides you through the crowd. As you watch the muscles of his back flex with each step, you can't help but think this: tonight is going to be unforgettable.
Before you disappear into the sea of bodies, you glance back at Lily, managing to catch her eye as her face lights up with excitement. She mouths the words have fun with an animated enthusiasm that hints at something more. You can't help but wonder if Jude is a celebrity that Lily knows well. Her reaction suggests there's more to his presence than meets the eye.
You watch for a second as a tall, impeccably dressed man approaches Lily. He embodies the refined elegance of someone accustomed to a life of luxury. His groomed beard adds a rugged charm to an otherwise polished appearance. He looks a few years older, which was exactly Lily's type. You already can't wait for the stories you will both share tomorrow.
Turning your head back forward, you notice as the crowd's gaze subtly shifts toward you. 
Their eyes are bright with curiosity and a hint of intrigue as they follow your movement through the throng of bodies. A few onlookers exchange whispers, their heads tilted slightly as they try to piece together the scene unfolding before them. The murmurs and sidelong glances create a ripple of speculation and fascination.
You and Jude become the center of a quiet, yet palpable, spectacle. Despite the curious stares and whispered speculation surrounding you, your attention remains fixed on Jude. The peripheral buzz of the crowd fades into insignificance as you focus on his wide back and broad shoulders.
Jude stops in a pocket of space that isn't as crowded, turning around to face you. His hands find your hips and pull you close. His dark eyes lock onto yours, a flicker of desire lighting up his features. You wrap your hands around his shoulders, feeling the soft fabric of his shirt under your fingertips. You can feel the muscles shifting beneath your fingers with every movement he makes.
The song playing is slow and sensual, with a sultry melody that wraps you in its embrace. Its rhythm pulses through the room, creating an irresistible urge for bodies to press together and move in sync. The rhythm of the music merges with the pounding of your heart, making it hard to distinguish one from the other.
"You're stunning," Jude compliments with a husky voice as he looks appreciatively down at you.
"How many girls have you said that to tonight?" you reply nonchalantly.
His lips curve into a smirk as he leans in closer, his breath warm against your ear. "Stop fighting this and dance with me," he says with a seductive whisper.
Without waiting for a response, he begins to move. Guiding your body in sync with his to the rhythm of the music. The alcohol in your system makes you bolder so you press yourself closer to him. Feeling the firmness of his chest against your softer curves.
The strength in his arms as they hold you securely stirs your desire. Each subtle movement, each brush of skin against skin—it heightens the connection between you. There are shivers of excitement coursing through your body. Jude's fingers tighten a fraction around your waist, pulling you even closer still. You can feel the power in his grip and it lights a fire inside you.
"Fuck," he groans in your ear, his voice thick with want.
You wonder why, but then you feel it—his hard length pressing against your thigh. The sensation sends a jolt of electricity through you, making your breath catch in your throat.
"You already want me that badly?" you ask, your voice sharp and teasing.
Despite the challenge in your tone, your body leans into him, clearly contradicting your words. Your hips grind against his in a slow, deliberate rhythm. The heat between you grows palpable—a tangible force that threatens to consume you both. His hands move from your hips to your back, pulling you flush against him.
You could feel every inch of him now. The hefty size of his bulge was the unmistakable evidence of his desire for you. The thought of exploring this further, of letting him lead you upstairs and into bed, becomes increasingly enticing with each passing moment.
"I want you so fucking badly," he whispers in your ear, his voice rough with need.
His hands explore your body, tracing your curves with a bold familiarity. One rests at your waist, while the other lingers possessively on the curve of your ass. His body feels like a furnace pressed against you. But it's not the heat that ignites your desire, it's the electrifying knowledge that he wants you just as much as you want him.
You tiptoe and put your lips beside his ear. "So, what are you going to do about it?" you ask, your voice firm and deliberate, cutting through the music.
"I'm going to take us upstairs to my room," he replies in a low, husky voice, "Then, I'm going to fuck you so hard that you'll never forget my name."
Your heart races as his words hang in the air—the promise in them sending a thrill down your spine. The arousal that hits you is almost strong enough to make you fall into his arms right there, but you can't ignore what he says.
"This is your place?" you ask, your voice edged with skepticism. You pull back slightly, eyes narrowing as you assess him critically.
You scan the opulent surroundings—the sleek modern furniture, the expansive room, the high-end decor. You had pegged him as just another party guest. Now, with the realization sinking in that he could be more than that, you briefly question if you're out of your league with someone of his caliber.
He laughs softly, a sound that makes your heart flutter. Your breath catches in your throat as his fingers grip your ass. You lean into his touch as your own hands find their way to his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart.
"You really don't know me." He says, a hint of amusement in his tone. "I'm not just any guy attending a party. I'm the host."
As the words sink in, you pause for a moment, letting the revelation register.
"Should I be worried that someone as young as you can afford all this?" you ask, your tone unconvinced. "I'm not going to be kidnapped, am I?"
"Nothing to worry your pretty little head about," he says, "But don't be surprised if you see my face in the newspaper tomorrow." He smirks. "The media always makes me the headline when I throw a party."
The moment stretches, and as you look at him, a powerful urge overrules your rational thoughts. You wanted this, wanted him and tonight, that's all that mattered. The attraction you feel is a craving that eclipses all other considerations.
In a split second, you make up your mind, letting desire take the lead.
You lean in, pressing your lips against his in a heated kiss that conveys all your unspoken hunger. As the kiss deepens, Jude's hands roam your body, exploring with a confident touch. His fingers trace your curves. You respond by running your hands over his shoulders. When you finally pull back, your eyes lock onto his with a burning intensity, your gaze filled with a steely determination. The need in your eyes makes it clear that tonight, he is all you want.
"Let's go upstairs," you say, your voice low and purposeful.
Jude's hand is firm around yours as he guides you across the room, effortlessly parting the sea of bodies. Each step up the staircase feels heavy, the murmurs and curious glances of the crowd providing a backdrop to your ascent.
As you reach the upstairs hallway, the atmosphere shifts dramatically. The corridor—bathed in soft, muted light—is a stark contrast to the vibrant purple glow and energy of the party below. The quiet emptiness of the pathway makes it feel like you're separated from the lively festivities, creating a sense of intimacy and romance.
Suddenly, Jude stops and gently presses you against the nearest wall. Under the soft yellow lights, his features become even more striking. The warm glow highlights the strong lines of his jaw and the depth of his eyes, making him look even more attractive.
His dark eyes trace the contours of your face before he leans in, capturing your mouth in a kiss that's both fierce and tender. Your inhibitions melt away as his hands caress you, lighting a trail of fire wherever they go. You feel a surge of want as his breath grazes your ear.
"I could fuck you right here," he whispers into your ear. His fingers dance along your back, and you realize with a start that his fingers are slowly pulling your zipper down. "Nobody would ever know."
The words are like a match to dry tinder, sparking a fire deep within you. As you consider Jude's idea, a shiver of excitement courses through you. The more you think about it, the clearer it becomes: you're ready to surrender to his every desire.
"You're right," you reply, the sound of your voice thick with lust. "Nobody would know."
You feel the warmth of his fingers against your back. His hand pulls away after a moment, having fully unzipped your dress. The silky cloth remains on your body only through your shoulder straps and the tightness of the fabric.
Without another word, he hoists you up with hands against your ass. He does so with an ease that turns you on intensely as you feel the power in his muscular arms. It's a thrilling sensation, being manhandled by someone so strong and so capable.
He walks with a never-wavering stride, as if you weigh nothing at all. You tighten your grip around his neck, not for support, but out of a deep, insatiable need to keep him close to you.
Jude leads you into a room you assume is his. With one hand holding you up, he flicks on one of the two light switches. Soft, warm light from two side lamps bathes the room in a romantic glow. With that same free hand, he locks the door with a resonant click.
The sudden sound makes your heart skip a beat, highlighting how quiet the room is. The distant bass of the party is almost inaudible now. It's just you and him with the sound of your ragged breaths mingling.
He sets you down onto his plush, black bedspread. The tension is almost unbearable—a delicious cocktail of excitement and passion that leaves you breathless. It feels unreal when you look at his handsome face and realize what the two of you were going to do together.
Jude stands at the end of the bed and looks down at your figure. You sit up on your elbows to watch as his hands—strong and sure—start to unbutton his shirt. One by one, each button reveals more of his chiseled torso to the cool air. He drops the garment to the floor when he finishes, leaving him shirtless.
He climbs onto the bed and then above you, bracketing your body with his arms . "Tell me how badly you want me," he says, his voice barely above a whisper,
"I need you inside me, Jude." The words escape your lips before you can second-guess yourself.
With a swift and decisive motion, Jude pushes you flat onto the bed, following your body down. The mattress sighs beneath the weight of your entangled forms. His lips claim yours in a dominant kiss—the kind that leaves you moaning. Jude's teeth graze your lower lip, demanding a response that you can't help but give. Your hands instinctively grasp at his broad shoulders, feeling his warm skin under your fingers.
You feel like prey caught in the grip of his hungry mouth. But there's an undeniable thrill in the way he handles you, making your heart race with a delicious kind of fear. His tongue flicks against yours, teasing and probing. It's as if he's trying to leave no part of you untouched.
His hand slides gently down your neck then arms, easing the straps of your dress off your shoulders. With unbridled eagerness, he continues to undress you, pulling the tight material down your body. As the fabric falls away, it leaves you in just your lacy black lingerie, leaving you exposed to his dark gaze.
You feel the rush of cool air against your body as he drops your dress onto the floor. He climbs off the bed and walks to his nightstand as you lie on your back, sprawled against the bed. The sound of the drawer opening echoes softly in the quiet room, punctuating the heavy silence. He pulls out a shimmering packet that makes you feel heated when you recognize its contents.
This was really happening, you think with a rush of desire.
As Jude returns to the bed, the tension in the air is palpable. He climbs back on the bed, kneeling over your thighs. When he places the condom into your hand, you wonder if your heart can escape your chest from beating too hard.
"Put it on," Jude commands, his tone demanding and leaving no room for hesitation.
With hands that slightly tremble, you unbutton Jude's tight-fitting jeans, revealing the mouthwatering bulge that lies beneath his black boxer briefs. You trace the outline of his arousal with your fingertips as he groans. The fabric clings to him like a second skin, allowing you to feel the heat emanating from his body.
When you finally pull the waistband down, his huge length springs free, making your mouth water with desire. His cock is thick and veiny—standing proudly at attention as if eager to be released from its confines.
You take a moment to admire the sheer size of him, tracing the path from his tip to the groomed curly hair at the base. The head glistens with a bead of pre-cum, begging for your touch.
You put the condom wrapper on your teeth, tearing the foil and holding the condom in your hand. Gently, you grasp his shaft, the soft skin sliding under your hand as you stroke him from base to tip. He lets out a low groan, his eyes never leaving yours, filled with a hunger that mirrors your own.
Carefully, you unroll the rubber over his erection, watching as it stretches to accommodate his size. The condom snaps into place with a final caress.
Jude's eyes darken with desire as he took in the sight of you. One of his hands trace the delicate lace of your black lingerie. Your breath hitches as Jude reaches behind your back to unclasp your bra with ease.
The cool air of the room brushes against your exposed flesh as he pulls the garment off you. His gentle hands cup your breasts as his thumbs graze the sensitive peaks, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine.
He settles over you with a single arm supporting him. Leaning in, he captures your mouth in a deep kiss. With warm hands, he fondles one of your breasts, his touch growing more insistent with each passing moment. You moan into his mouth, the sensation of his thumbs circling your nipples almost too much to bear.
"You're so beautiful," he murmurs, his voice low and filled with awe. It's as if he couldn't believe his luck in having you here, willing and eager for his touch.
Jude's hand leaves your chest to continue their journey down your body. They trace the curve of your hips before teasing your upper thigh. He lingers there, caressing the sensitive flesh. He smirks when you part your thighs slightly, giving him more space, and he slides a hand between your legs.
You gasp when he touches your damp, wet core through your panties. Then, with a firm grip, he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties and pulls them down, exposing your most intimate secret.
"So wet for me," he whispers, his voice thick with lust as he tosses the scrap of fabric aside.
You fluster at his words, but the embarrassment quickly disappears as he explores the soft folds of your pussy. His touch is surprisingly gentle as he spreads your lips, revealing the swollen bud of your clit. His thumb circles it lightly, sending waves of pleasure shooting through your body.
He repositions your legs, pressing your knees into your chest. Then, with a suddenness that takes your breath away, he slides two fingers inside you, moving inside you.
As if he's known your body for years, he finds your g-spot. You can't help but let out a loud moan as his fingers curl in that magical way that makes your eyes flutter shut. Your hips tremble, seeking more of his touch, begging for the pleasure that you know he can give you. Instead, he only slides his fingers out of you.
But you knew what was coming next.
Jude's breath brushes against your face as he leans in closer. "Look at me," he says softly.
His eyes search yours when they open, looking for any sign of hesitation. All he finds is a reflection of the desire that mirrored his own. The promise of what was to come ignited a flame that neither of you could resist.
"Jude," you whisper, your voice weak with desire. "I need you."
"What do you need?" he asks, looking down at you with unbridled lust, his voice a seductive promise.
You hesitate for a moment, caught between fear and passion. But then his hand moved to your core, his thumb brushing against the swell of your clit, and all thoughts fled. There was no turning back now.
"You," you moan, your voice barely a whisper. "Everything you can give to me."
"Then let me show you," he says, his voice a command.
Jude aligns his length with your warm, wet entrance. The thick head of his cock presses against it. The initial resistance sends a jolt of sensation through your body, making you gasp. You feel a twinge of apprehension at his size. His gaze locks onto yours, reassuring and filled with passion.
His warm hands caress the back of your knees, urging you to relax as he begins to ease himself inside you. The discomfort is present, but the wetness of your desire provides a slippery path for his invasion.
With a soft moan, you yield to the pressure, feeling yourself stretch to accommodate his impressive girth. The pain is sharp but fleeting. The tension slowly morphs into a delicious ache that sends waves of pleasure rippling through your core.
Jude's eyes shutter as he enters you fully. He feels the velvety warmth of your body enveloping him, groaning at the sensation of being sheathed so completely. The way you moaned, your walls quivering around him—it only served to heighten his desire.
He leans in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers a string of sweet nothings, promising to take you to heights of pleasure you've never known.
With the utmost care, he begins to rock his hips, his movements slow, allowing you to adjust to his size. Each gentle thrust sends sparks of sensation through your body. You respond with soft, breathy moans, but you can't deny you wanted more.
You weren't some delicate virgin—you could take more than this.
You wrap your legs tightly around Jude's waist, urging him to pick up the pace. His eyes, dark with desire, stare into yours as he reads the unspoken challenge in your gaze. You dig your nails into his back.
"Faster," you breath out, your voice a siren's call.
His rhythm quickens, the force of his thrusts increasing as he claims you fully. Hard and rough and fast—each stroke sends waves of pleasure crashing through your body. You bite your bottom lip to hold back a moan, but it escapes anyway, a sweet sound that spurs him on.
Jude leans down and presses his lips to your neck, his teeth gently nipping at your skin. You gasp, your hands finding his hair, gripping it tightly as pleasure washes over you. Every nerve ending in your body was alive, hypersensitive to his touch, his taste, his very presence.
Jude's deep, gravelly voice whispers in your ear, "You feel so good, baby. So tight around me. All mine."
His words are a declaration of ownership that sends a shiver down your spine. You can feel his dominance in every inch of his body pressing into yours, in every pulse of his hips that drives you closer to the edge. His grip on your waist tightens. Fingers digging into your flesh as he leaves you no room to escape the overwhelming sensations he's creating.
Your moan helplessly as he leaves a mark on your neck, the sting of pain melding with pleasure as he says, "Take all of me."
The command in his voice is absolute, and you can't help but submit to him completely, your body arching into his touch, eager for more of this delicious torment. You cling to him as your body responds to his every touch.
You arch your back as he continues pounding into you. Jude's rhythm becomes more demanding. His hips piston against yours with a fervor that leaves you breathless.
"You're going to come for me," he says, his voice a dark promise that sends heat pooling in your core.
Your nails drag down his back as you try to hold on, to anchor yourself in the maelstrom of sensation he's creating. Each thrust hits that perfect spot, making your thighs tremble and your eyes flutter shut.
His pace is relentless, pushing you closer and closer. With every movement, you feel yourself losing a little more control. The tension coils tighter, a delicious ache that's almost unbearable. You whimper. Your body begging for the release that you know he's going to give you.
"Jude," you plead against his lips.
And just when you think you can't take it anymore, he whispers, "Come for me."
Like shattering into a million pieces, your orgasm rips into you, responding to the authority in his voice. You cry out. Your nails dig into his back, leaving half-moons in his skin as you try to hold onto him, to hold onto this moment of pure ecstasy. Jude's eyes flash with triumph as he feels your body convulse around him, your orgasm clenching him tightly.
"Fuck, that's it," he groans, his own release approaching.
His hips continue to move, each thrust now slower and more deliberate. He draws out the last remnants of your climax until you're limp and boneless under him. He kisses you deeply, his tongue claiming your mouth as surely as his body claims your body, leaving no doubt in your mind who you belong to.
Jude's powerful hips drive into you one last time. With a groan, he stills, his entire body tensing as he follows you over the edge. The rush of his climax fills the condom. He holds you tightly, his breathing harsh and uneven, as he rides out his own wave of pleasure.
He collapses beside you, his breathing ragged, his body slick with sweat. You lie there, your heart still racing, your body tingling with the aftershocks of pleasure. The room is silent except for the sound of your breathing. You turn to look at him, basking in the afterglow of your passion. His eyes lock onto yours with a fierce possession.
Jude's hand reaches out, brushing a stray hair from your face. You lean into his touch, craving the contact. You close your eyes, savoring the feel of his touch. When you open them again, his face is inches away from yours.
He gently kisses your forehead before moving to sit on the edge of the bed. He stands up with the grace of a man who's done this a hundred times before and walks into the bathroom.
You lie there, catching your breath, and waiting for him to come back.
His movements are careful and precise as he wipes away the evidence of your shared passion, tenderly cleaning you up with a soft cloth. His gaze never leaves yours, and you can't help but feel butterflies at the way he looks at you—like you're the only thing in the world that matters.
Once you're clean, he tucks you into bed, his eyes dark with a possessiveness that sends a shiver down your spine.
"You're not going anywhere," he murmurs, his voice low and gruff with emotion. "Not out of my sight."
With that, he settles back into the bed, pulling you into his embrace, your bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces that have finally found their match. And as you lay there, safe in his arms, you know that, for now at least, you have no intention of going anywhere.
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kezzanza · 24 days
"you can't ship that, it'll never be canon!"
look, when I was your age, we shipped characters who never even met in canon. uphill. both ways. in the snow.
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kezzanza · 25 days
i love finding out “boyfriend” things about jude, it makes my day.
like knowing he’d unapologetically kiss the phone goodbye after a call, will do kissy lips in a picture if you asked and (with that horrid ass peaky blinders hat) would have no problem dressing up as Prince Neveen for Halloween. s’cute
honorable mention: he does the “muah” sound after cheek kisses? like i could cry, he’s adorable
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kezzanza · 29 days
you get it <3 !! (also thanks for the sub jude x reader ive read all of them and love them!!)
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you cant convince me jude doesn't have a sub side. cause a) he's affectionate, b) has a praise kink and c) i can just tell.
and like, im not saying he would let you peg me (but not not saying that) ... but like ... edging at a Minimum.
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kezzanza · 1 month
When did jude say he has a praise kink?? im confused😭
he did not say this i just made it up djnsjndj
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kezzanza · 1 month
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whatever the fuck you say handsome
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kezzanza · 1 month
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you cant convince me jude doesn't have a sub side. cause a) he's affectionate, b) has a praise kink and c) i can just tell.
and like, im not saying he would let you peg me (but not not saying that) ... but like ... edging at a Minimum.
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kezzanza · 1 month
gay or straight or in a relationship or single or something else is so irrelevant to me. when i say judetrent are bfs idk if i mean boyfriends or best friends and thats why they are a goat ship 🤷‍♀️
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"their relationship is strictly platonic" "they're so in love" well, more importantly, they are fucking weird and abnormal about each other in an undeniable way
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kezzanza · 1 month
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Pairing: Jude x Girlfriend ! Reader Tags: First Time, Established Relationship Word Count: 4.6k Content Warning: Smut, 18+ It's a cold autumn night when you and Jude take your relationship to the next level.
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It's September, and late nights in Dortmund are cold, but the living room you're in feels like a warm sanctuary.
Jude's warmth wraps around you as you rest your head on his shoulder. Your legs lie comfortably on the couch, tucked beneath a blanket that offers a warm refuge from the chill. One of his arms cradles you gently. Being inside his embrace makes you feel perfectly at ease.
The flickering images of the opening credits dance across the TV, casting a soft light throughout the room. This moment feels deeply intimate and romantic. It's as if the world outside has faded into insignificance. Leaving only the calmness of the evening you and Jude are sharing.
With your parents out of town, the house is yours for the weekend. They trust you to be responsible, knowing you've never been a troublemaker. As you glance at the time on the clock above the TV, you start to wonder if their trust was misplaced. It's late and you really shouldn't be home alone with your boyfriend. Yet, as you steal a glance at Jude, you can't help but feel that there's nowhere else either of you should be but right here.
Everything about tonight—watching a movie and spending time with Jude—feels like a balm for your soul after an exhausting week at university.
Jude's handsome face glows softly in the light of the screen. You imagine tracing your fingers gently across his perfect features, feeling the contours of his face beneath your touch.
He's dressed in cozy gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. It's a stark contrast to the football kit you're used to seeing him in. You realize how much you've missed seeing him like this—comfortable and at ease.
There's something heartwarming about seeing him in these simple clothes. It makes the evening feel even more special. Tonight, for both of you, is a needed break from the hectic pace of life.
The movie begins with a busy city street, alive with the morning buzz. The camera zooms in on a charming coffee shop. The barista makes cappuccinos and lattes with pretty patterns on top. The protagonist, a cheerful dreamer, bursts into the café with her enthusiasm lighting up the room.
You know this movie so well that you could recite the lines in your sleep. It's your favorite—a cheesy romantic comedy from the 2000s that has been your comfort during life's overwhelming moments. For you, this film isn't just a story; it's a cherished ritual.
It's even more special because Jude is here, watching your comfort film with you. Your heart swells with affection over the little things—the way you both laugh over silly dialogue, how he playfully rolls his eyes at the more ridiculous scenes, and the intensity with which he focuses on the more serious moments.
The scene on the TV grows more heated, showing the couple entwined on a bed. Their passion is evident in the way their hands move across each other's bodies. A surge of emotion stirs within you at the scene. You find yourself yearning to kiss Jude with an intensity you can hardly ignore.
You steal a quick glance at him, and as if sensing your gaze, he turns toward you. With a knowing smile, Jude sets the popcorn on the side table. His fingers trace delicate patterns on your upper arm, sending tingles through your skin. The space between you feels charged.
"I thought you wanted to watch the movie?" Jude asks, a hint of mischief in his voice.
"Maybe later," you say, your eyes twinkling with a matching playfulness.
The film is your favorite, but it's clear your attention is elsewhere.
Jude leans in closer, his gaze never leaving yours. The silence grows more intense with each passing second. The air is thick with longing. You wanted his lips on yours more than anything else.
Jude's hand that is not wrapped around you reaches out and gently brushes a stray hair from your face. His eyes search yours for permission. When he finds it, he closes the distance between you.
The first kiss is a whisper. Soft and gentle, as if savoring each delicate moment of contact. As your lips respond, the kiss deepens, becoming more consuming. The initial sweetness gives way to a burning passion. Each movement of his lips showing his unspoken desire.
The sound of the film becomes a distant murmur, replaced by the rhythm of your racing heart. His hand glides from your shoulder to the small of your back, pulling you closer.
You'd made out with him before—in the locker room after his games, on the rooftop of his apartment under the moonlight—but never like this, in an empty house where it's just the two of you.
Every touch, every caress, feels like a promise of something more. But just as the kiss reaches its peak, Jude pulls back. You wonder for a fleeting moment if this is the end of the kiss, but you notice the remote in his hand. He pauses the movie, his eyes dark with lust. The movie, once the center of the evening's plan, is completely forgotten as he pulls you onto his lap.
The blanket slips from your legs, pooling softly on the floor. Without its shielding, your body is now fully exposed to him. The soft pink shorts you're wearing, with their delicate silk fabric, hug your hips snugly. Your white tank top clings to your body, the fabric molding to your curves.
Every movement feels intensified as you feel his body against yours. The warmth of his touch contrasts with the coolness of the room. You feel the solid strength of his body beneath you as you wrap your arms around his shoulders.
His muscular thighs are firm and warm. The fabric of his sweatpants is soft against the bare skin of your legs. The thought that only a few millimeters of cloth separates his skin from yours makes your pulse quicken.
Jude's touch was gentle yet confident. His hands explore your body with a firmness that makes your pulse quicken. His eyes, once reflecting the soft glow of the screen, are now burning into yours. The arousal you've been trying to ignore all evening unleashes the second you look at him.
Grabbing the hem of your tank top, he pulls it over your head, leaving you in just a bra and your tiny shorts. He slides his hands up the smooth skin of your waist. His touch sends waves of heat through you, leaving you gasping for more.
"Jude, wait," you breathe, your voice a mix of desire and uncertainty as his fingers trace lazy circles on your hips.
The most you had done with Jude—and any other boyfriend for that matter—was make out. You didn't have a lot of experience and you didn't know if you were ready. Jude pauses, his hand hovering just above your skin, waiting for you to continue.
"What is it?" he whispers, his voice thick with longing, but also concern.
You bite your lip, trying to gather your thoughts. "I want you but ... I'm scared," you confess, your heart pounding in your chest.
His expression softens as he wraps his arm securely around your waist. "Baby, look at me," he says gently, tilting your chin up so your eyes meet. "We don't have to do anything you're not ready for."
You take a deep breath as his words settle around you like a warm embrace. "But I want to and ... I trust you," you whisper, feeling the tension ease from your body.
"We won't go all the way tonight, love," Jude murmurs, his voice a soothing caress. "But I want to make you feel good."
He smiles tenderly, his lips brushing against yours in a delicate kiss. The warmth of his touch, so tender and reassuring, melts away your fears.
In his gaze, you find an unspoken promise. With it, the trust you have in him soothes the worries within you. His arms tighten around your waist as he leans in. The kiss is fierce and hungry. Your heart races as his hands explore the curves of your body, sending shivers down your spine. You become lost in the intensity of the moment. Your fingers tangle in his soft, short, curly hair.
It feels wrong to be doing this in the house your parents entrusted to you. But you've both danced around the boundaries of your physical affection for too long. Tonight would be different, marking a turning point in your relationship.
In the heat of the moment, his thigh pressed between yours, brushing against your core through the thin fabric of your shorts. A jolt of electricity shot through you, making you moan into his mouth. He pulled back slightly, his eyes questioning, dark with a mix of curiosity and desire.
Jude's eyes flick down to where his thigh is pressing between your legs, then back up to your face. A knowing smile played at the corners of his lips. He shifted his thigh upwards. The pressure and pleasure increases and your breath hitches.
"You like that?" His voice was a whisper, a tease that sent a warm shiver down your spine.
The fabric of your panties grows wetter with your arousal, a silent confession to the heat building between you. You nodded, biting your lower lip, unsure how to proceed but unable to stop the wave of arousal that was building inside you.
"Touch me," you plead, your voice barely above a whisper.
He kisses you then, a slow kiss that speaks of all the passion and tenderness he had for you. His tongue tangles with yours, igniting a fire within you that burns hotter with each passing second.
As the kiss deepens, his hand moves from your waist to your bare thigh. His fingers slip beneath the hem of your shorts. You gasp into his mouth. Your body trembles with need as his fingers dance higher, inching closer to the heat between your legs.
"Jude," you moan, hips instinctively pressing towards his hand, begging for more.
"Are you sure, baby?" he asks. His voice is strained with the effort to hold back, but ensuring you were comfortable was more important to him. "Want me to make you feel good?"
"Please, Jude," you breathe, your voice filled with determination.
Jude lifts you off the couch effortlessly. Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist as you let out a soft, surprised sound at suddenly being airborne. His strong arms encircle you, pulling you close to his chest. You feel his warmth seep through into your bare skin as he carries you out of the dark living room and into the well-lit hallway.
"Jude, what are you doing?" you say, looking up at him. Huffing out a laugh at his spontaneous actions.
"Taking you somewhere," he replies with a mischievous smile.
The stairs creak softly under his weight.
You feel the reassuring thud of his heartbeat, a steady tempo that calms your own racing heart. As he ascends the stairs, you find yourself relaxing into his embrace, your head resting against his shoulder. He pauses at the top, giving you a tender look before continuing down the hallway to your bedroom.
He enters and you're met with the darkness of your bedroom, the only light coming from the faint light of the hallway. Inside, Jude carefully lowers you on your plush mattress. The bed dips slightly under your weight and you sink into the soft, inviting comfort.
With a soft click, Jude switches on the bedside lamp. Its warm, golden light gently spills across the room, illuminating the space with an intimate glow.
He takes off his shirt, leaving his muscled torso on display, then kneels between your legs on the bed. Gently, he pushes your legs and brings them up to your chest. His touch is careful and affectionate. With brown eyes filled with affection, he looks at you and brushes your hair away from your face.
Jude leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. His lips lingering for a moment as if to savor the connection. The soft light wraps around you both as you share this tender moment. In his presence, everything else fades away, leaving just the two of you, entwined in each other's embrace.
Jude's eyes never leave yours as he reaches for the hem of your shorts. His touch is tender as he begins to peel them away, revealing your bare skin to the cool night air. He drops the pink fabric to the floor and runs his fingers up and down your thigh. You watch as his gaze traces the path of his fingertips, his eyes dark with a mix of passion and admiration.
The sensation of his touch sends shivers down your spine. His hand lingers for a moment, as if memorizing the contours of your thigh before it travels up to rest on your waist. You hold your breath, unsure of what's to come, but knowing that with Jude, it will be nothing short of perfect.
Jude looked at you with eyes that seemed to hold the warmth of a thousand sunsets. His hands, gentle yet firm, reached around your back as he unhooked your bra with a touch so deft it was as if he had done it a hundred times before.
As he pulls the garment off you, the cool air whispers against your skin, leaving you feeling both exposed and incredibly alive. In his expression, you saw a mix of admiration and desire that made your heart flutter like a caged bird being set free.
He takes a moment to appreciate the sight before him. His gaze lingering on the soft mounds of your breasts. Then, Jude's palms meet the tender flesh. His thumbs circle the skin before gently taking your nipples between his forefingers and thumbs. He rolls them softly, watching as they respond to his touch, becoming taut and sensitive as a soft moan escapes your lips.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers, his voice low and husky, filled with sincerity and adoration.
The words hang in the air, a tangible weight that presses against your chest. You meet his gaze, your heart pounding in sync with the rhythm of his breath.
Your voice is a soft whisper as you reply, "I need you, Jude." His name lingers on your lips, a silent invitation.
His brown eyes are filled with a hunger that mirrors your own. You hold his stare, letting him see the truth in your eyes. The air is thick with anticipation, and every beat of your heart feels like it's echoing through the room.
Jude's eyes darken with desire as he traces the waistband of your white panties—the only clothing left on you—with his fingertips. His fingers move over the soft fabric, stopping when they feel the dampness that has gathered between your thighs.
"You're so wet for me," he says possessively, making you moan.
He hooks his thumbs under the fabric and begins to slide them down your thighs. His gaze never leaves yours as the material glides over your skin. A soft, needy whine escapes your lips—you had never been this turned on in your life.
Your underwear is pulled off you, leaving you completely exposed to his gaze. Jude's eyes fixate on the prize that lay before him, caressing your most intimate parts with a hunger that was almost tangible. The heat of his stare is enough to make you quiver. Your legs part involuntarily, a little wider to give him a better view.
His hands glide up your thighs, petting the sensitive skin. Sliding up the smooth skin of your legs before hovering above your exposed flesh. You bite your lip with nervous excitement.
A smirk plays at the corner of his lips, the kind that makes your heart race and your breath hitch. His touch is feather-light, a whisper of a promise, as his fingers dance closer to the place where you crave him the most. The anticipation is exquisite, a sweet torture that has your body arching towards him, begging for more.
"Do you want me to touch you here?" he teases, sending shivers down your spine.
His gaze searches yours for permission. The question hangs in the air. Your eyes lock on his, you nod, a silent plea for the contact you both knew you needed.
"Say it, baby," he demands. "Tell me how much you want me to touch you."
With a quiver in your voice, you whisper, "I want it more than anything, Jude."
The admission seemed to charge the air around you, sparking a fire in Jude's eyes that sent an intense wave of heat through your body.
His hand hovers for a moment longer. The anticipation, a sweet agony that made your skin ache for his touch. Then, with a gentle yet firm pressure, his thumb grazes the sensitive spot of your clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through your core.
You gasp softly as his gaze holds yours. His hand moves with purpose, sliding on the wet aching center of your core slowly. Your eyes flutter as you moan desperately. Your body arching in response to his touch.
You close your eyes, letting the sensation wash over you. It felt so good, so forbidden, yet you couldn't bring yourself to ask him to stop. Instead, you roll your hips, pressing yourself closer to his touch, silently begging for more.
"Jude," you whisper, your voice barely audible above the sound of your heavy breathing. "More."
His movements become more deliberate. Each stroke of his finger against your sensitive spot sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You moan softly. With your mind beginning to blur, you focus only on the feel of his touch, the warmth of his body against yours.
Jude lowers his head, capturing your lips once more in a possessive kiss. His free hand rests beside your head. Your hand grips his strong bicep for support. The pleasure is intense, pushing you closer to the edge with each passing moment.
His fingers, now slick with your arousal, move with renewed vigor against your clit. Each stroke is a symphony of pleasure, building upon the last, until your body tightens like a coil about to spring. Suddenly, the crescendo of sensation crashes over you. Your orgasm rolls through your body like a tidal wave.
Your back arches off the bed. Your grip on his arm tightens as the spasms of pleasure overtake you. Your eyes squeeze shut as the pulsations grow stronger. Your breaths come out in ragged gasps as your hips rock against his fingers.
A long shudder runs through you as you ride out the waves of pleasure, moaning his name into his mouth. You cling to him, your face buried in the crook of his neck as you try to catch your breath.
When you finally look up, his eyes are fixed on you, a mixture of awe and satisfaction reflected in their depths. You pant softly, still recovering from the intensity of the experience.
As the orgasm subsides, Jude's voice breaks through the haze of pleasure. "You're so beautiful when you cum." His words are a gentle caress, soothing your overstimulated senses.
And just when you think you can't possibly take any more, he starts to kiss you, his lips soft and tender as he tastes the salt of your skin. You kiss back, still too overwhelmed to speak. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you pull his body closer to yours. His hips press into you as he lays on top of you. You feel his hardness against your thigh, a stark reminder of his own needs.
With the intensity of the moment still palpable in the air, you decide to take things to the next level. You roll the two of you over until Jude's back is on the bed. You sit up and straddle his thighs. With your eyes locked onto his, you grind your ass over the hard length in his sweatpants.
Jude's eyes become half-lidded as he takes in the sight of you. He lets out a low groan, his hands instinctively gripping your waist as you begin to move in a slow rhythm. His breath grows ragged, matching the tempo of your hips.
"You're so fucking good at that," he groans, his hands tightening around you. His eyes burn with a possessive hunger as he watches the sway of your body.
Your heart races as you realize the power you hold in this moment, the power to give him pleasure, to make him groan your name. Leaning forward, you kiss him again, this time with a newfound confidence.
Your breasts press against Jude's clothed chest. His hunger for you is palpable, and it fuels your actions. Your hand reaches down, gripping him through his sweatpants, squeezing gently, as he curses into your mouth. With the heat of his arousal between your fingers, you feel his pulse in your hand through his gray sweatpants. He feels huge even without seeing his erection.
Jude's eyes bore into yours with a fiery intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. With an eager hunger, you slide down Jude's body, your kisses trailing from his mouth to his chest to his happy trail. You lower yourself until your face is eye level with his hips. For a moment, you're not quite sure if you have the confidence to continue.
"Take it out, baby," he commands, sensing your trepidation.
The heat in the room seems to spike as you feel the weight of his words. Suspense is heavy in the air. Your heart races as you obey his instruction. A lustful eagerness building inside you with every passing second.
His eyes, full of demand, pierce into yours as you slowly pull down the waistband of his sweatpants and briefs. His erection springs free, thick and tall. The sight of it makes you ache with want. Jude's eyes never leave yours as you take him in your hand.
"Suck," he says, his voice low, leaving no room for hesitation.
Jude's dominant demeanor washes over you like a wave of heat. You feel a mix of arousal and submission as you follow his command. His hand lands gently on the back of your head, guiding you closer to his length.
You lean down, your lips brushing against the hot skin of his shaft. He curses as your mouth meets his erection. His grip in your hair tightens as you begin to kiss his tip softly, sending pin-pricks of pleasure and pain across your scalp.
His manhood grazes your lips and you part them eagerly, allowing him to slide in. His groans fill the room as you savor the taste of his arousal. Jude fills you completely, stretching your lips. He moans lowly, a sound that sends a thrill down your spine and tells you that you're doing exactly what he wants.
With a gentle suck, you begin to take him deeper, feeling the softness of his skin give way to the firmness beneath. It's wet, messy and also incredibly intimate. You can feel his heartbeat through his shaft, thumping in rhythm with your own. The wetness spreads, coating your lips and fingers, making everything slick.
He groans, his hand on the back of your head guiding you to take him deeper. You obey, working against your gag reflex. Your eyes water as you try to accommodate his huge length. It slides to the back of your throat and makes you gag before he pulls your head up. Your inexperience shows, but the passion in your eyes tells him you're eager to learn, eager to make him feel good.
You moan around him, the vibration sending waves of pleasure through his body. He tastes salty and slightly bitter, a taste that only fuels your desire to serve him. He whispers your name, a rough command that sends a shiver through your body. You respond by sucking harder.
His grip on your hair becomes more forceful. His groans grow louder, his breaths quicker, and you can feel his thighs tensing around your face.
You look up at him through teary eyes, watching the pleasure marked across his chiseled face. His hand guides your movements, setting a rhythm that you struggle to match. You're determined to make him feel good, even as your jaw starts to ache and your gag reflex flutters. Each time he hits the back of your throat, you fight the urge to pull away, focusing instead on the way his fingers tense in your hair.
"That's it," Jude murmurs, his voice thick with lust. "You're doing so good." The way he says it sends a shiver down your spine, making you feel both vulnerable and powerful.
You can feel the tension coiling in his body as he nears climax. The thought of making him come sends a thrill through your own body. You want to do this for him. To show him that you're willing to explore these new, intimate territories together. You keep going, your eyes watering, your cheeks hollowed out, trying to ignore the way your throat burns.
His breathing grows ragged, his hips buck upward, and you know you're getting closer to what he wants.
You look up at him, eyes wide and questioning, seeking reassurance. He meets your gaze, a smoldering heat in his own eyes.
"Keep going," he commands, his grip in your hair tightening slightly.
You take him all the way in, your nose pressing against his pelvis. His breathing becomes ragged, his abs clenching with each deep thrust. The room is filled with the wet sounds of your mouth working his shaft as he hits the back of your throat.
And then, just when you think you can't handle anymore, he comes. You're unprepared for the hot rush of his release. But you keep going, eager to swallow every drop, to show him that you're willing to be everything he desires. It doesn't matter that the taste is foreign, a little salty, and a little bitter.
You watch him, your own heart still racing. Jude's eyes are closed, his chest heaving with deep, ragged breaths. He opens them to meet your gaze, and the love and adoration in his expression sends a warm rush through your body.
"I love you," he whispers, his voice hoarse from passion.
Your heart skips a beat, and you can't help but smile as he pulls you up to him to kiss you, tasting himself on your lips. The kiss is tender and lingering, filled with the promise of more moments like this to come.
You gently pull away from the kiss, your eyes lingering on him with a tender smile. "I love you, too," you whisper, your voice soft and filled with affection.
He pulls you into a warm embrace, your bodies tangled together on the bed. You feel his heartbeat slow to a steady rhythm against your chest, and you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.
This was your first time performing oral sex, and from the sounds of it, you did pretty well. You snuggle closer to him, enjoying the feeling of his skin against yours, and let out a contented sigh as his arms tighten around you.
The room is filled with the scent of sex and love, and you realize that this is what you've been craving all along—this intimate connection that goes beyond words.
His hand rests on your back, stroking gently as you both drift into a peaceful silence. It's a moment of pure contentment, a moment that feels like it could last forever. 
As you lay there, basking in the afterglow, you can't help but think about how far you've come in your relationship. From shy glances and stolen kisses to this raw passion, you know that you've found something special with Jude. And still, there are many more experiences waiting for the two of you to explore.
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kezzanza · 1 month
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Pairing: Jude x Girlfriend ! Reader Tags: Celebratory Sex, Established Relationship Word Count: 3.6k Content Warning: Smut, 18+ Jude celebrates winning his fifth trophy, the Super Cup, by fucking you.
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Sex with Jude is amazing.
His strong body moves in harmony with yours, knowing exactly how to touch you to make you shiver with pleasure. His possessive gaze leaves no room for doubt or inhibition, piercing into yours, as if he could read your every desire and need. Each touch, each caress, each time he enters you, it’s as if he is claiming you all over again.
But after Jude wins a trophy, the sex is heavenly.
Jude strides to the edge of the pitch, a victorious beast of a man, his muscles rippling and damp with the sweat of triumph. He pulls you into an embrace, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he holds your body. 
His eyes lock onto yours, you know what’s coming, you can see it in his gait, the way he moves like a predator—the rough post-win sex is as much a part of the win as the trophy itself.
You wouldn’t want it any other way—submitting to Jude after watching him dominating the game.
The ride home crackles with electric tension as Jude drives you back to his place. Every glance and fleeting touch hint at something known but unspoken between you. The air is thick with charged silence, each second drawing you closer to the inevitable passion you will share.
You step through the door of Jude’s luxurious penthouse, feeling as if the energy from the stadium still pulses through your veins. Jude, your boyfriend, the star of the game, is behind you, his presence a palpable force.
The door slams shut, and without a word, he spins you around in the entryway. The yellow light from the pendant above casts sharp shadows across his face. The warm glow highlights the contours of his cheekbones and the square jaw that had been clenched in determination just moments ago.
His strong arms, wrapping around your waist, feel grounding. Your heart races as his gaze roams over you. His eyes burn with a fiery intensity that surpasses the passion that you saw in him on the pitch.
“You've been my lucky charm tonight,” he says, his voice a low rumble that sends a shiver down your spine. 
You had been there through every moment—caring for him after training and encouraging him before the game. Your heart had raced in rhythm with the roaring crowd as he helped his team to victory. Pride surged through you when he was named ‘Man of the Match,’ especially as you wore his jersey—one he had personally given you—with his name written on your back.
Now, here you were, alone with him as the city lights twinkle below like a sea of stars. You step closer, your hands reaching up to cup his face, feeling the rough stubble against your palms. 
“You were amazing.” you say, your voice soft yet filled with emotion.
Jude’s gaze turns intense, his eyes locked on yours with a dominant, smoldering heat. 
“I dedicated that performance to you,” he whispers, his voice low and deep. “You deserve a prize for all your support.” 
His hands pull you flush against him, his body warm and solid against yours. His gaze is like a predator's stare, and you feel yourself being pulled into his world—a world of raw, unfiltered desire. He leans in, capturing your lips in a short, hungry kiss that leaves you breathless and wanting more.
“When the whistle blew, all I could think about was you,” he confesses. “How I wanted to celebrate with you.”
Your heart races, overwhelmed by his words and the intensity in his eyes. 
“I need you, Jude,” you breathe out. “I need to feel you.”
His hand is warm and firm as it wraps around yours, leading you through the entryway. You follow closely behind him, trying to keep up with his brisk pace, anticipation building with every step. 
The kitchen is a stark contrast to the bright entryway you've just left behind. It’s bathed in only the dim glow of under-cabinet lighting. 
Upon reaching, he presses you against the hard surface of the island, his body looming over you. The coolness of the marble island seeps through your jeans, a stark contrast to the heat emanating from his body. 
Jude's hand rests gently on the small of your back, drawing you closer as he leans in for another kiss. You wrap your arms around his shoulders. His other hand lingers at your hips, tracing the curve of it before sliding up under your jersey.
His warm fingers brush against your skin, making you gasp softly. The kiss deepens, and you can't help but melt into him, his heat seeping into your very soul. The sound of your breaths mingling fills the space between you, the only noise in the otherwise quiet kitchen. 
His hands roam further, exploring the contours of your body, as if he's trying to memorize every inch of you. You're lost in the moment, in the feeling of his fingertips all over you. 
Jude's hands trail down your torso. His fingers undo the button of your jeans. He lowers the zipper, the sound echoing in the room.
With surprising gentleness, he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your jeans and begins to tug them down. You feel the roughness of the denim give way as gravity takes over, pulling the fabric down to your ankles. 
You lift one leg and then the other, helping him as he guides your jeans over your ankles, clinging to him as he drops the garment on the floor behind him.
Now, you are left in just your soft pink underwear and the jersey with his name on the back. His eyes darken as he took in the sight of you, his hands gently caressing your bare thighs. You look up into his eyes and feel yourself melting under his gaze. 
“Kneel for me baby,” he commands, his voice a low sound that sends shivers down your spine.
Slowly, you obey, lowering yourself to your knees, hitting the cold black tiles with a soft thud. Looking up at him, you see the mix of triumph and hunger in his eyes, a look that both terrifies and excites you. 
His hands reach into his shorts. The air is thick with tension, the kind that makes it hard to breathe. He pulls out his long and thick erection with practiced motions. His eyes never leave yours as he strokes himself, watching the play of emotions across your face—lust and need. 
His cock, thick and hard, is a testament to his desire for you. You reach out to touch the warm length of him, feeling his pulse throb against your fingertips. You lick your lips, the hunger in his gaze making your heart race and your breath catch in your throat. 
“Open your mouth,” he orders, his tone offering no refusal.
His hand slides into your hair, gripping gently but firmly, guiding your head forward. Jude groans, his head falling back as you stroke him, your fingers feeling the texture and the shape of him. You lean in, your lips brushing the tip, tasting him—the salty flavor ignites a fire within you.
His grip on your hair tightens just a fraction, a silent demand that sends a thrill of excitement down your spine. 
Finally, you do as he says, letting your mouth fall open. He presses the head of his erection on your tongue. You close your mouth around him, your tongue exploring the familiar contours of his length. His hands guide your movements as his breath comes out in rough groans. 
The taste of him fills your mouth and you find yourself lost in the sensation of sucking him. Your own need rises with each passing second, the fabric of your panties becoming damp with desire. 
“Fuck, yes,” he growls, one of his hands gripping the counter as you take him into your mouth.
He’s huge, filling your mouth, stretching you, but you revel in it. His hips moved with a slow, steady rhythm that built with each passing moment. Your tongue swirls around him. Your lips are tight as you move up and down his length. 
His hips thrust forward quicker, pushing deeper into your throat. You suck harder, taking him deeper, eager to submit to all of him, to be the source of his pleasure and release. Jude’s groans fill the room, and you know he's close, his body taut with the tension of release.
Suddenly, he pulls out, his eyes dark with lust. “Not yet baby,” he says, when he sees your confusion. “I need you cumming on my fingers first.”
The intensity of his gaze is overwhelming, igniting a fire that burns through you. You stand up, your lips finding his lips in a deep kiss. His tongue slides against yours. It’s a gentle yet demanding exploration that makes your knees weak.
Your hands reach for the hem of his jersey, slowly lifting it over his head. His skin was taut with muscle, evidence of the hours he spent on the field. You traced the lines of his chest, your fingers trailing the waistband of his briefs. You push them down and let them pool on the floor, leaving his muscular body bare.
His abs ripple with every breath he takes. The contours of his muscles tell tales of countless practices and games won. The light dusting of hair on his body travels from his chest to the V that points to his hips. 
As the heat between you escalates, Jude's hand slides down your body, tracing the contour of your waist before dropping lower. His fingertips graze the waistband of your pink panties.
His eyes never leave yours as he says, "I love how you look in these," His voice is low and gruff with desire, sending shivers down your spine. “So innocent, yet so fucking tempting.”
You can feel your wetness seeping through the fabric, a silent declaration of your arousal. His fingers cup you through your underwear, his possessiveness making you ache for more, leaving you moaning breathlessly.
"Do you know how long I've been waiting to touch you?" he whispers, the question hanging in the air like a promise.
With a slow, deliberate movement, he hooks his thumb under the waistband, sliding it down and letting the fabric pool at your feet. Your gasp softly, unable to form words as his fingers finally make contact with your slick folds. 
He groans at the wetness he finds. You can see his cock straining against his stomach, eager to join the intimate dance his fingers have started. 
With the lightest of strokes, Jude's thumb grazes over your clit, sending a bolt of pleasure shooting through you. You moan, your knees buckling slightly, and he steadies you with his other hand on your waist, holding you in place as his thumb starts to circle with increasing pressure. 
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, his voice hoarse with desire. “So wet just for me.”
Each pass over your clit sends waves of desire crashing through your core. You can't help but arch into his touch. He watches your reaction with hungry eyes and you know he's just getting started.
“I love seeing my name on you.” Jude admits, removing his fingers from your wet core. “But right now, I need to see you naked.”
Jude gently tugs at the hem of your jersey. You lift your arms as the fabric glides over your head, revealing the contours of your body. 
Then, his lips are on you, making you gasp as he finds that sensitive spot on your neck. His hands move to your back, his fingers deftly finding the clasp of your bra, which yields to his touch with a soft click. 
The cool air hits your bare skin. It is quickly replaced by the heat of his mouth as he bends down and his tongue flicks over your nipple, making you arch into him. His hands cup your other breast, thumbs teasing your sensitive nipples into peaks. You arch into him, a soft moan escaping your lips as he continues his exploration.
“Jude,” you gasp, your hands threading through his hair, holding him closer.
He moves his mouth to your other breast, his actions deliberate, each kiss, each nibble building the tension inside you. You could feel the ache low in your belly, a throbbing need that demanded release.
Jude seemed to sense it, his hand sliding down your body, his fingers finding where you  are already wet and ready. He doesn't ask for permission; he simply knows. You moan, your head falling back as two of his fingers worked into you. 
He moves slowly, deliberately. His fingers slide in deeper, filling you in a way that makes you feel vulnerable. Your breathing quickens, your pulse races, and you know that tonight will be one of those nights you never want to end. 
His hands move expertly, finding your g-spot, his fingers building the pressure inside you. He seems to know exactly how to touch you, how much pressure to apply, and when to slow down or speed up. You gasp, your body arching towards his touch, your mind consumed by the pleasure he's giving.
"You like that?" he whispers, his voice a seductive growl in your ear.
You can only moan, your words lost in the whirlwind of sensation. His fingers delve deeper, hitting that sweet spot, and you feel the orgasm building, a wave threatening to crash over you. 
"Look at me," he commands, his voice thick with desire.
You obey, your eyes locking with him. He watches you, his expression a mix of tenderness and raw passion. The sight of him, so focused, so intent on your pleasure, pushes you over the edge. 
You cry out, your body trembling as your orgasm sweeps through you, leaving you breathless and weak. Your mouth forming a perfect 'O' of pleasure. Your breasts heaving with each panting breath you take.
But Jude isn't done. 
He spins you around you, bending you over the counter, his body pressing against yours. You feel his hot breath on the back of your neck, his hands firmly gripping your hips as he pulls you closer.
He whispers in your ear, "You're mine," his voice a seductive growl that sends a thrill through your body.
Your heart races with anticipation, the room filled with the sweet scent of desire. He whispers your name, the sound sending shivers down your spine. You lean into his touch, as his mouth trails kisses along your neck, sending waves of pleasure that mingle with the lingering tremors of your climax. 
You can feel his arousal pressing against your backside, insistent and demanding. His hands roam over your body, caressing every inch of your exposed skin, leaving a trail of fire wherever he touches. You arch your back, pushing yourself closer to him, silently begging for more. 
The head of his cock nudges against your wetness, seeking entry, and you gasp as he slides into you with one smooth, powerful thrust. 
The sensation is overwhelming, and you bite your lip to keep from screaming out his name. Your hands clutch the counter for support as he begins to move, his rhythm slow and deliberate, savoring every moment. 
Each stroke fills you completely, stretching you to the brink of pleasure and pain. You know that he's holding back, keeping you poised on the edge, and the thought of what's to come makes your stomach flutter with excitement. 
His grip tightens, and he pulls you back into him, increasing his pace, driving you towards another peak. You're lost in the sensation, the world around you fading away until there's only the two of you and the passion that fuels your every move. 
Your breath hitches, and you moan, unable to hold back the sounds of pleasure that spill from your lips. Jude's breathing is ragged in your ear, his own passion evident in every pant and groan. You feel him swell inside of you, and you know that he's close. 
You want to feel him let go, to be the one to push him over the edge. So, you push back into him, matching his rhythm, your bodies moving in perfect harmony. The tension builds, coiling tighter and tighter, until you hear him groan, filling you with his release. 
You feel the intense, almost painful pleasure of your second orgasm wash over you, as if the first one wasn't enough to satisfy the ravenous beast that Jude has awoken within you. 
Your muscles clench around him, milking every drop, leaving you both panting and trembling. You rest against the countertop, your body feeling like a deliciously stretched canvas of sensation, pulses of pleasure still rippling through you from your last two orgasms. 
Your eyes are heavy, and the room is a warm, soft blur. You're about to drift into a peaceful post-coital slumber when Jude's voice, thick with desire, brings you back to reality. 
“Come on baby,” he whispers, his voice edged with a hunger that hasn't yet been satiated. “Just one more round.”
The way he says it, the promise in his voice, makes you want to give in. He kisses you then, a kiss that starts out as a gentle request and quickly escalates into a passionate demand, his tongue coaxing yours into a dance that leaves you breathless. 
His hand finds your waist, his touch rekindling the embers of desire that you thought had faded. You feel yourself respond, your body arching into him despite your earlier exhaustion. He notices, his grin growing as he kisses you harder, deeper. 
“You're still with me, aren't you?” he murmurs, his voice a seductive purr.
You nod, your breath still ragged, your body humming with the remnants of pleasure. He smiles, a genuine smile, and you feel a surge of love for this man— passionate and who wears his heart on his sleeve, especially after a win.
And with that, he lifts you up, placing you on the counter, his body fitting between your open legs.
“Wrap your legs around me,” he commands, his voice back to its rough, dominant tone.
You do as he says, your legs locking around his waist. Your hands reach for his shoulders, guiding him to you as he positioned himself at your entrance. 
He pushes inside you again, filling you inch by inch until you are stretched around him, full and tight, his hands firmly gripping your thighs. 
“You feel so good,” he whispered, his forehead resting against yours as he paused, letting you adjust to him.
You moan in pleasure, wincing at the soreness. “Fuck me,” you urge, your voice a husky command.
He does, his hips pulling back before thrusting forward, a steady rhythm that builds with each passing moment. Your body arches into each thrust, your hands gripping his shoulders, nails digging into his skin.
Your muscles quiver with each of his powerful thrusts, a delicious reminder of the two orgasms that have already claimed you. He's relentless, his eyes dark with need, as he drives into you, his rhythm unyielding despite your protests of exhaustion. 
Each stroke feels like a battle between pain and pleasure, your body a canvas for his hunger.
He whispers, “Come on, baby, just one last time,” his voice thick with lust, and you know he won't be satisfied until he feels you come apart beneath him again. 
Your heart races, your breath hitches, and you clutch his shoulders, bracing for the inevitable. The third orgasm begins to build, a crescendo of sensation that fills every inch of you, threatening to shatter you into a million pieces. 
His movements grow more forceful, each thrust hitting deeper, harder, sending shockwaves of pleasure through you. You could feel the coil inside you tightening, the pressure building, the need for release overwhelming.
“Jude,” you cried out, your body trembling.
“Come for me,” he whispers. “Show me how much you love this.”
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as the intensity becomes too much, evidence to the depth of pleasure he's coaxing from your weary body. 
You feel the familiar rush of an impending climax, and you know this time, it'll be even more intense, a fitting end to tonight's victories.
Your eyes roll back in your head as your nails dig into his shoulders, desperately seeking purchase amidst the tumultuous sea of sensation. You orgasm as your body convulses uncontrollably, muscles tightening and releasing in rapid succession. Each stroke feels like a bolt of lightning, sending electric shocks through your core, making it impossible to distinguish where one climax ends and the next begins. 
The room is a blur of sensation, the only thing in focus is the feeling of him inside you, the sound of your moans, and the wet slapping of skin on skin. The wave of euphoria is so intense that you can't help but scream out his name, the sound echoing off the walls.
Jude's grip on your hips tightens, his movements becoming more urgent, his breath hot and ragged in your ear as he whispers sweet nothings and dirty promises. He follows you soon after, his own release coming swiftly. His body tensing, his hips stuttering as he spilled inside you, his breath coming in harsh gasps.
For a moment, there was nothing but the sound of your mingled breaths, the pounding of your hearts, the sense of completion, of fulfillment. As the waves of pleasure subside, he kisses away your tears, his eyes filled with awe and adoration.
“I love you,”  he says, his voice soft, tender. 
“I love you too, Jude.” you say, smiling.
Your body is spent yet satisfied. And you know that in this moment, in this intense, intimate moment, you are exactly where you're meant to be.
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kezzanza · 1 month
The sexiest thing about Jude Bellingham is not his looks or charisma or personality or aggression or aura or any of those things.
The monster footballer that he is, that's the sexiest aspect. That's why I love him.
Take a bow, Jude. Tonight you owned the streets!
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kezzanza · 1 month
Heart is so full tonight!
Our front 4 will rip apart defenses for fun. The squad depth will bury opponents when they are spent.
The vibes of this team are unlike anything I hv seen in my 15 years with Real Madrid.
This is family FC. We are here to have fun, yet absolutely murder anyone who comes in our way.
Love how all our rivals are crying in a corner. Barca / City meltdown is particularly special, followed by Bayern.
Cry away. We don't care. We are Real Madrid. And as always, we are here to win.
Hala Madrid!
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kezzanza · 1 month
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