#i feel like I'M the one turning into the joker
you know some days i go "kryptos is pretty much an oc and any characterization is valid. i have my thoughts but it's pretty silly to say i 'understand' a character who has one canon line better than anyone else" and then other days i see a fic tagged "bill is harley quinn. kryptos is the joker" and then i go "actually i'm the only one allowed to talk about this stupid square ever"
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vieraslaji · 1 year
hissing like an angry mongoose bc some of my mutual-adjacents are saying the english language is just a "tool" and a lingua franca can never be beautiful
tell that to Ovid my dudes
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bearwings · 10 days
*going into my uni's library and seeing there's somehow more broken chairs* *gripping my bag shaking red eyes from anger* I love public education I love public education I love public education I love public education I love publi-
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lastoneout · 1 month
Actually am still kinda pissed that my fiancé's psychatrist evaluated him for anxiety and said he didn't have it but then was like "in the future I'd like to see you make enough progress with your anxiety that you feel comfortable taking your mask(N95 not neurodivergent mask) off" and didn't seem to care when he explained that his fiancé(me) has several severe chronic illnesses and immune issues so we both do what we can to ensure I don't get sick with any illness, not just covid. Like does he have anxiety or not?? You can't have it both ways buddy!! And like it or not protecting a vulnerable person from getting sick is logical, YOU'RE the one being irrational here.
Like this is why I get pissed about mask(N95) stuff, people have legit fallen into some kind of thought-terminating cliché about covid and all other contagious diseases not being a problem anymore to the point that they think even sick people and their loved ones taking reasonable precautions to protect their health is a sign of anxiety and paranoia. I truly do not get it. Like it's one thing if you personally don't want to wear a mask(N95) but at least leave people who do alone, but legit acting like people like me are insane for doing something that makes perfect sense is turning me into the Joker. It doesn't even work to say "oh I have asthma and allergies and the air quality is bad today" or "I'm having an important surgery soon and need to make sure I don't get sick" like they think wearing a mask(N95) AT ALL in any circumstance for any reason means you've legit lost your mind.
I genuinely feel like the government suddenly started hiding all the national car crash statistics and insisted in tons of press conferences that crashing your car is actually perfectly fine and not a big deal at all and wearing a seatbelt isn't something healthy people need to worry about, so now everyone thinks it's silly to wear one and every time I do I have to deal with people implying or outright stating that I'm legitimately mentally ill and need an intervention.
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Saving Batboy
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It was as though he was being led through the city. Dick seemed to know exactly where he should go next as he drove.
Dick turned off his location as he closed in on Joker's location. If anyone had doubts about what would happen tonight they knew now. The clown dies tonight.
Batman never did it because he knew there would be no coming back once he crossed that line but he was not Batman.
Tim knew the moment Nightwing's symbol disappeared that he had found Joker's location. He knew he could track him still based on where he was before but he held off. The last time Dick crossed the line and killed the Joker, Tim was there to stop him. In the time since Tim had grown to regret it. Especially after Jason's return. He should be avenged after everything that happened.
Tim never put much thought into what happened when he was kidnapped just like Danny. Joker Jr was just a nightmare and everyone pretends it didn't happen. His past self doesn't exist to him and the gaps in his memory are better as they are.
If Dick was really going to finish this then Tim wasn't going to stop him. Bruce's code was his code alone. What of the Robins that suffer for it? What about his kids that he loves to the point of self-destruction if they die?
It was clear to Tim now. Batman isn't strong enough to kill Joker. If he can't handle it, someone else would.
Maybe Dick just cared more. Or maybe he had seen this happen too many times to sit by and let it happen again. The cost be damned.
Tim took a deep breath. He knew it was a bad move but he shut down the bat computer. No one could locate each other for the next 10 minutes. Enough time to give Dick the lead he really needs. All the comms are down and no information can be shared.
Tim looked up and saw Alfred putting down a cup of tea for him. Tim felt like a child caught doing something wrong under Alfred. But Alfred nodded wordlessly before turning to leave. He cast a forlorn glance at Jason's robin uniform before ascending the stairs.
"I was hoping Batman would come for the little bat. Oh sorry, I mean the boy." Joker mocked holding Danny by the back of the neck.
The teen's body was limp. His silver locks stained a rusty brown from dried blood. Blood covered his back and legs. If there had been any doubt if the wings were real there is none now.
"…" Nightwingwing said nothing. His fist clenched.
"You know I debated skinning him next. That fur of his would be a lovely shawl. It's so soft. But it looks like I won't have the time now." Joker provoked, running a hand through the boy's white neck fur.
"Get your hands off him." Nightwing demanded, his eyes locked on Danny for any signs of life.
"You know I am so curious what he was doing here. I was about to build a new trap here for fun when I stumbled upon this little guy here. Practically gift-wrapped. Did he run away from you? Just like you did from good ol'papa bat." Joker's smile widened sickeningly "This all feels so familiar, doesn't it little bird? Are you going to finish what you started?"
"I'm never letting you hurt my family again." No witty one-liners. No games. This bad joke ends today.
Batman had scoured the area. He memorize the last location Dick was before the system went down. He wasn't these kids' father for nothing he knew what they were doing.
When sound came back he had already made it to the abandoned factory. The comms rang back to life as the sounds of crying came through.
"Nononono…please no. Wake up. Please wake up." It was Dick's voice. "It's okay. I'm here now. So just wake up. We need to get home soon. Your favorite show will be on soon. WAKE UP! YOU CAN'T DIE!"
Batman bolted to their location and found Dick hovering over Danny trying to resuscitate him.
His son looked at him with pleading eyes.
"I can't hear his heart. He's not breathing." He let out a shaky breath. As distressed tears ran down his cheeks.
Bruce knelt next to them. Danny didn't react to the pressure on his chest. The pain should have at least caused an involuntary jerk if he wasn't too far gone.
Bruce signaled Dick to move back as he checked Danny's pulse again. Nothing. And he wasn't breathing. Bruce looked at his son. Deep down Dick probably knew.
"I'm sorry. He's gone." Bruce said simply as he took off his cloak.
Danny looked so peaceful. Like he was sleeping soundly. Bruce hated that his own suspension had been the thing that had prevented him from having a relationship with his own grandson. He felt foolish to not realize that of course Danny and Batboy were the same. It was a brilliant disguise. But he'd never get to say this to the boy.
Bruce wrapped the boy in his cloak.
"Come on. We'll fix this." He told Dick, carrying Danny for him.
The journey back to the manor was silent until.
"I'm sorry." Bruce said.
"Don't. Just Don't. He's my son. Its my fault." Dick rasped his voice scratchy from crying.
Bruce felt a bitter sting. That was exactly what he felt when he lost Jason and what happened with Tim. When Damian lost his life. These pains didn't go away.
When they arrived back in the Batcave Bruce laid Danny's body on the table. The others were notified about what happened and had already gathered.
Barbara looked like she had bawled her eyes out as she hugged Stephanie.
Damian had pressed himself close to Tim as the older brother told him that it was going to be okay.
The new hole in the wall was clearly Jason if his bloodied knuckles were any clues.
Cassandra paced the floor deep in thought. She was moments away from starting a new crusade.
Duke stared off into the distance. His anger boiling under the surface. All he could think about was the number of lives ruined by the Joker and even in death he took another.
Dick stood still as a statue. Thinking about if Danny could be brought back and even if he was his wings were gone. What if he was gone for good? Could he live like that?
Never had he understood Bruce more than in that moment.
Bruce braced himself for what would come next. He had a plan to bring Danny back at any cost.
But suddenly a sound broke through the tension.
A sneeze.
A fucking sneeze.
It came up from under the cloak.
Everyone snapped to look at the body hidden under the cloak. It shifted under the heavy black blanket groggily and yawned. Then Danny jumped up twisting to feel his back.
"What happened!!" He yelped.
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brain-deadx0 · 3 months
(Got a brain worm that I had to write. No plans to continue so feel free to take for yourself)
Batman was responding to reports of Harley Quinn running around Gotham. Joker had been put back in Arkham several months ago so there was a chance she was making a move to set him free again.
But apparently Harley was expecting him.
"Well finally! You sure know how to keep a gal waiting Batsy. Ive been running around all night waitin for ya."
When Harley turned to face him his eyes were immediately drawn to her stomach.
"You're pregnant..."
"Yeesh your manners are bad ya cant just say that!" Harley rolled her eyes before pausing with a sigh and a serious look that almost seemed out of place on her, "But yeah... I am."
"Joker?" Batman asked softly.
Harley nodded, "Thats why I was runnin around tonight. Wanted to get your attention." She looked down before continuing, "I was in denial about it at first. I was always careful with that birth control stuff ya know? And I didn't want it to be real. Before I knew it it was too late to... you know... but. But I dont think I coulda anyway. I know its selfish but I love em too much already. Thats why I need your help."
"I'll help in anyway I can." Batman told her, "I can set up a place for the two of you where Joker won't find you."
Harley shook her head, "No can do Batsy. Mista J wouldn't let me go that easy. Specially if he knows about my little puddin. And if I'm honest I love him too much to leave too.
"I need someplace to have 'im that won't tell. And... I want you to look out for him. Not like, take 'im in or nothing. If I see my baby runnin around as one of your birds in ten years I'll let you have it-" She sighed, "But find someplace away from Gotham and all this. I don't want this for my little puddin. I don't want him to turn out like me or Joker and his best chance is someplace else.
"Please Batman."
Bruce kept his promise to Harley. She gave birth in secret and Daniel was taken to the other side of the country to be left at a firestation with nothing but his name and a note from Harley saying she loved him.
When Daniel was adopted Bruce ran a background check on his new parents. Inventors who seemed to be researching some sort of renewable energy and already had a child. Seemed safe enough.
He checked the area when they moved to a small town in Illinois and it seemed safe enough even with the likely tourist trap of "most haunted town in America"
Daniel, or Danny as he seemed to prefer, got decent grades and had a few close friends. His grades dropped suddenly for a time but eventually they returned to their previous state so he didn't worry too much.
But when the boy applied to and was accepted into Gotham U, Bruce started to worry.
They had left Danny as far away from Gotham as possible. So what were the chances he should return?
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lux-17 · 3 months
Imagine this, a hostage situation in a bank, nothing new in Gotham but now right in the center of the camera there is a little girl with black hair and blue eyes, very terrified. Joker strutted around daring Batman to come for him.
Which no one is surprised until the girl Yells "mommy" and the transmission fails, not like a signal failure, no. The camera glich and a chilling figure comes into view behind the Joker. The figure was tall touching the ceiling and its claws scraped the floor as it approached, the little girl runs to take refuge behind this figure when the camera turns off.
The next thing the police know when they enter is that all of Joker's cronies are unconscious and he is in the middle of the room. His face is eternally frozen in a look of pure, lifeless fear.
The little girl meets what she calls "Aunt Jazz" outside the bank and there are no more questions because she is still scared by the experience.
It's not until days later that Batman in the Watchtower looks at one of the new recruits, holding the same girl who calls him "Mom" that everything connects.
He asks to speak privately and asks why your killed him. Danny just looks at him with those green eyes.
"I didn't do it because Joker was a danger to Elli, she would have defeated him if she wanted to. But she called me, her instinct wasn't to fight, it was to call me. My daughter was scared and I'm not going to let anyone make her feel that way. vulnerable will be here again."
With each word Phantom took a step until he had Batman against the wall.
"Además exactamente desde donde está ahora, tienes crímenes que atender por atacar a cientos de personas y a la princesa de Infinite Realms. No cuestiones lo que haría por mis hijos, esto no es ni un gramo de lo que soy capaz de hacer". ".
Phantom left Batman alone, he had promised Elli that he would take her to the Watchtower to show her the stars more closely.
Batman didn't question what he did, but that didn't take away the big hole he felt in his stomach.
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spacedace · 2 years
So I've seen a lot of "Jazz works as a therapist at Arkam" in the dp x dc fandom, and while I like the concept, I also feel like Jazz would take one look at the place and immediately be like "what the absolute fuck" at just the everything of the place.
Like, she either nopes out after the tour during the interview or quits not too long afterward starting there, not because she can't take it but because she's so appalled by what's going on there and can smell the corruption rolling off the place and knows no one sent to there is ever actually going to get the help they need.
So Jazz decides to open a private practice instead while still being absolutely determined to work with the various rogues in the city, she is here to help and nothing is going to stop her.
So she just starts showing up at known hangouts of rogues and during their heists/schemes/sprees, and even fights between them and the batfam, just like
"Hi! It’s so nice to meet you! My name is Dr. Jasmine Fenton/Nightingale/whatever last name she’s using and I was hoping we could talk!"
Casually kicks a baterang away without looking because she's being polite and professional!
"I understand that your experience with therapy through Arkam has been nothing but atrocious and that you are rightfully -"
Kicks Batman away without breaking eye contact or a sweat.
"Suspicious of attempting therapy again, and Idon't want to force anything on you, therapy should be on your terms after the experiences you've had but -"
Grabs Robin out of the air as he leaps at the rogue she's talking to and tucks him under her arm, ignoring his feral hissing and all attempts to break her hold.
"-I really think that you'd find it beneficial, even if I'm not the right therapist for you."
The rogue in question is having the time of their life and takes Jazz's business card - and a few extra to pass around - not really intending to actually ever book a therapy appointment with her but way too entertained and excited to share this madness with everyone else.
But then one of the rogues actually looks up Jazz's website and sees all the various safe guards she’s put in place to ensure that any villians that come to her will be protected while seeing her - soundproof therapy room, regular sweeps for listening and tracking devices, the most insane firewalls and protections anyone has ever seen on her network, and ooh she provides snacks and drinks!
So someone finally books an appointment with her, half convinced she's either going to turn them in or is a villain herself intent to experiment on them, but then it’s actually really nice??? And they feel a lot better afterwards?? She doesn't even say anything to indicate that she wants them to stop being villains, she just wants them to be okay??
So more and more rogues start going to her, and Batman was already losing his mind about this woman before - Oracle can't hack her system?!? And her background check shows a totally normal Psychiatrist?? - but now half of Gotham's heavy hitters and a dozen or so other minor league villains are seeing her regularly and every time he tries to get info on any plans the rogues might be scheme via her office it fails utterly. Nightwing got knocked out with something called a creep stick and when he tried to break in himself to get answers she just appeared out of no where and gave him the most scathing lecture about doctor-patient confidentiality before bullying him off her property and threatening to sick her brother on him if he tried again?
And because she's become such a figure in the Gotham underworld, she gets the attention of Joker.
And everyone, rogues and Bats alike, are terrified that she’s going to try and take him on as a patient like she has so many other villains in the city and that's just a recipe for tragedy.
But then the Joker is on his way to the hospital with two broken legs and the fear of god beat into him babbling about eldritch nightmares and whenever anyone asks Jazz what happened she just shrugs and just says things like "I refused him as a patient, he's not my problem." Or "My brother doesn't like clowns." And just, does not elaborate.
Batman is losing his mind over it all. Jazz is just happy to be able to actually help the rogues. Arkam is less happy about how she absolutely destroys their reputation.
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stormz369 · 9 days
☕💖 Can I Get Your Number? ☕💖 Ch 1
Jason Todd x Chubby! Reader (fem) A/N: I don't know what I'm doing here, I'm not even much of a DC fan, but Jason Todd has quickly become my latest hyper fixation character (Harley Quinn too, do I just have a thing for Joker victims???) so ... thank you for giving me a place to put this energy I guess! 😂 I'm not super confident on the characterizations, but I'm going with it because I like it. If it's wildly ooc ... that tracks, given that the only DC comic I've read is Batman: Wayne Family Adventures. Read it, or don't, I just needed to get the thoughts out of my head. The art doesn't belong to me, but the writing does. Please do not post elsewhere!
written with a female reader in mind, first person pov, no use of Y/N, starting out fluffy, will probably get NSFW later so minors DNI, let me know if there's anything else I should tag this with!
word count: 1.7k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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In a city known for its masked fighters, you learn pretty quickly that everyone and everything is a potential threat. Every approaching stranger on the street, every loud sound behind you, every dark alleyway. Being bigger than me certainly isn't a prerequisite to being a danger, but it does have a way of setting off my mental alarms. I've found that big men are used to getting their way, and they get all sorts of bent out of shape if you deny them their wishes. Especially when they think they're doing you a favor.
It died down a bit after high school; I learned to exist in public with ‘fuck off’ stamped across my face. Headphones on, reading a book, intentionally seated at the table furthest from the other cafe patrons. All the typical signs of someone who wants to be left alone; nothing about me said ‘please come talk to me'. So I was understandably on edge when I noticed someone standing by the chair across from me. I look up just a bit, gesturing to the chair with a nod. Silent consent to take it back to his table and leave me to my book.
No such luck. The man simply smiled and mimed taking headphones off. Putting a bored look on my face, I moved one off my ear. “... Hm?”
“Hi! I'm sorry to bother you, but my brother thinks you're really beautiful and is refusing to come tell you himself.” 
I could feel my expression turning to stone. “... What is this, middle school?”
His cheerful grin faltered ever so slightly; “hey, I know it's a bit silly, but he's awkward around cute girls, so what's a brother to do, ya know?”
I stared him down; “... You're not fooling anyone. Move on.”
“... Sorry, ‘fooling anyone’?”
“It’s not funny, it’s not even hurtful the 20th time, it's just annoying. Go. Away.” It was a lie; it was always painful to be on the receiving end of these pranks. But that was what these guys wanted, so I wasn't going to tell him that. My headphones back in place, the guy slunk away.
Ten minutes later, another person was standing by the chair. I pretended not to see him, continuing to read my book, until he plopped down in the seat. I looked up slowly and he smiled, another oddly warm smile, leaning forward on his elbows.
An incredibly put-out sigh later, I slid the headphones off one ear again. “What?”
“Hi, I'm Tim! I'm not sure what exactly my brother said to you, but I wanted to let you know - we're not trying to prank you or something. Our brother is just way too awkward with girls. It's painful to watch, really, so we figured we'd give him a hand.” He spoke much too fast for me to get a word in. I blinked a bit, raising an eyebrow.
“... You frat boys are really committing to the bit these days, huh?”
“Huh? No, really, I promise!”
My headphones were nearly back into place when a child showed up. His impatient expression matched how I felt about the whole situation. “As usual, Drake, your plans are far too convoluted to be effective. Watch and learn.”
He turned to me, nothing about his demeanor changing; “hello. Todd said we shouldn't bother you because you ‘clearly want to be alone’, but I am convinced the only way to stop their nonsense is if he comes over. May he have a moment of your time?”
Frowning a little, I stared at the kid. He stared right back, neither of us blinking for a solid minute as we sussed each other out. His expression barely changed, but the boredom in his eyes turned into determination. “... Well, you're definitely not a frat boy. So I'll make you a deal; you may report back that he has permission to come say hi. If he doesn't choose to, that's the end of this little charade. And if either of them” I gestured to the one sitting at my table; “comes back over here, I start stabbing. Got it?”
The boy nodded once, and I thought I saw a ghost of a smirk. “You have my word.” He dragged the other man out of the chair by his shirt, pulling him stumbling toward their table. That was when I saw him. The only person at their table who hadn't come over yet. Even hunched over the table he was enormous, probably close to six feet tall; exactly the kind of man I typically avoided. The kid spoke sharply, pointing in my direction, and his head shot up to look in my direction. Even from across the spacious patio, I could see his face turning red. The obnoxious, cocky smirk I was expecting to see was entirely missing; instead he seemed almost confused.
Headphones back on but turned off so I could hear if he approached, I returned to my book. But I only got through a few pages before the first one shouted; “and offer to get her another coffee or something!”
I looked over to see the tall one frozen halfway between our tables, a look on his face like he was considering jumping over the patio fence to get away. His demeanor reminded me of a lost puppy, and I couldn't help the chuckle that rose up out of my throat. I bookmarked my page, set the book aside, and slid my headphones down around my neck. I really thought he was about to bolt until I lifted one hand, curling my fingers to gesture for him to continue toward me.
He stopped short by a good several feet, eyeing the distance between himself and the chair, and took one extra step back. It seemed as if he was hyper aware of just how much he loomed over me; the way he stood was like he was trying to will himself to be smaller, and he kept his hands at his sides. “Um … hi. … Sorry, this is … this is really weird …”
I nodded, watching him. “It is a bit. … Todd, was it?”
“Jay… Jason.”
“Not Todd?”
“Jason Todd. Damian calls me Todd, he thinks using people's last names keeps them at an arm's length…” Jason Todd. The name felt familiar, but I couldn't place why. He continued to ramble about how important tone was in determining whether this Damian kid was referring to you with affection or disdain, and I watched him. He was admittedly very cute; he had a sort of a bad boy aesthetic -leather jacket, dark clothes, a white streak in his hair, some unusual scars on his face and arms-, which juxtaposed interestingly with the gentleness in his voice, bright eyes, and awkward mannerisms. That was actually the thing that made the most sense about this situation; bikers are often secret teddy bears.
“... Jason?”
He looked up at me, one hand sheepishly making its way into his hair. “Yeah, sorry, you want me to go. I'll get them to stop harassing you, so sorry-”
“Actually, I was going to say you don't have to stand the whole time.” I gestured to the chair across from me.
He hesitated, watching me. “... Y- you don't want me to go?”
I smiled softly and shook my head. “Sit?”
He quickly obeyed, a hesitant smile on his face, which was almost immediately hidden by his hand when his brothers whooped from their table. “... God, I'm so sorry … th- they mean well, really, they're not trying to be weird …”
I laughed softly, “it's fine, that's what siblings do, right?”
“... I guess so … I've been sort of … away for a while, but I guess this is pretty standard sibling behavior. … Right?”
“I mean, a little more insistent than mine, but not too far outside the realm of what I’d consider normal.” I shrugged, finishing my chai latte.
He smiled slightly, considering that. “... Hm … um … c- can I get you another?” He gestured to my cup.
“... Sure, I've got time.”
The pleased grin on his face as he looked away to flag down a server surprised me. Then again, everything about him was surprising. Still, no one had ever looked at me quite like that before… 
The server sauntered over, clearly curious about my new companion. Jason smiled brightly; “Hi, can we get another for the lady? And I'll have a medium black coffee, sweet, please.”
Huh. He called me a ‘lady’. Not a girl, or a chick, a lady. That was … also surprising. We chatted for a little while, sipping our coffees, and tried to ignore his staring brothers. He was incredibly awkward, in a sweet, endearing way. I got the impression that he wasn't fully comfortable, but chalked it up to how weirdly this all started. After a while, the first one returned, a small grimace on his face.
I raised an eyebrow; “I'm pretty sure I told the little one that the next one of you to come over was getting stabbed.”
“I know, I know! I'm so sorry, but Jay, we gotta go. Bruce texted…”
That was when it clicked; why I knew the name Jason Todd. He was a Wayne … his death had dominated the news cycle for a week. His miraculous, frankly poorly explained, return was the story for at least two.
He looked, torn, between me and his brother. “Oh … um …”
The man I finally recognized as Dick Grayson leaned forward and fake-whispered, “the words you're looking for are ‘can I have your phone number'?”
Jason swatted him away, blushing bright red; “Seriously, Dick? … well, can I-”
His ears were turning red as I held my hand out for his phone. I added my contact info and, feeling unusually bold, I added ☕💖 after my name while Jason dropped a couple of bills on the table; I smiled a bit, realizing he was leaving enough to cover my first drink for me too. I passed his phone back, enjoying the look of wonder on his face when he checked the screen. The way he whispered my name, like a prayer meant only for god's ears, had my stomach doing backflips.
“thanks … I'll call you?”
“Sounds good. I'm a night owl, so not too early, yeah?”
He nodded eagerly. “Not too early, promise.”
Next ->
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st4rtar0t · 1 month
Some channeled songs for you from a loved one
Pick a picture
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These pictures do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners. I only own the content of this post.
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Picture 1
You are the innocent kid of the Pious God,
The dearest to his royalty…
Innocent kid of the Pious God,
You are his beloved child,
The worries that God has given,
He only will take them away.
The Girl has become like the Peepal (tree),
Everyone worships you,
But no one ever sows your seeds,
And no one can arrest you at home…
Treading the roads fearlessly,
She is akin to rain water,
When she comes near the real world,
She becomes a little dirty.
If you be the cash
I'll be the rubber band
You be the match
I will be a fuse, boom
Painter, baby, you could be the muse
I'm the reporter, baby, you could be the news
'Cause you're the cigarette and I'm the smoker
We raise a bet 'cause you're the joker
Checked off, you are the chalk
And I can be the blackboard
You can be the talk
And I can be the walk, yeah
Even when the sky comes falling
Even when the sun don't shine
I got faith in you and I
So put your pretty little hand in mine
Even when we're down to the wire, babe
Even when it's do or die
We could do it, baby, simple and plain
'Cause this love is a sure thing
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Picture 2
My eyes choose only you, my eyes only listen to my heart.
He forgets the whole world and gets lost in thoughts of you.
I don’t see any difference between you and God.
I have fallen madly in love with you…
I have fallen completely madly in love with you…
When I see a shooting star I will pray for you.
I pray that when our bond is joined, it will never break.
I didn’t realize when night turned into morning.
Ever since you’ve been mine I’ve stopped noticing time.
I want to call you mine, I want to be with you.
I keep looking for an excuse to see you.
I have fallen madly in love with you…
I have fallen completely madly in love with you…
I don’t see any difference between you and God.
You're so hypnotizing
Could you be the devil?
Could you be an angel?
Your touch, magnetizing
Feels like I am floating
Leaves my body glowing
They say, be afraid
You're not like the others
Futuristic lover
Different DNA
They don't understand you
You're from a whole 'nother world
A different dimension
You open my eyes
And I'm ready to go
Lead me into the light
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Picture 3
I will live by your name
I will die by your name
To be with you I can do anything for you
What you have done to me; The ego in me has died; been erased;
Yes, I have become
Yours, I have become mad for you
When the wildness of love crosses all the limits
The lovers hang themselves with smile
The magic of love overpowers the mind and proclaims
You may guard (the paths) but the lord will create a way
This is the will of love
This is the will of God
Without you, How can I live ?
Yes I know, this is the selfishness
I became crazy and play in all colors
I am innocent, mad and wild
I sing, I dance, I make everyone happy
Now I do not follow any religion or rules of society
Because I am mad and crazy in love
And if I may just take your breath away
I don't mind if there's not much to say
Sometimes the silence guides a mind
To move to a place so far away
The goosebumps start to raise
The minute that my left hand meets your waist
And then I watch your face
Put my finger on your tongue 'cause you love to taste, yeah
These hearts adore, everyone the other beats hardest for
Inside this place is warm
Outside it starts to pour.
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
now here’s a thought: jonathan crane being seduced by one of his patients
I WAS SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT THIS LIKE A JOKER/HARLEY QUINN MOMENT!! aaaand that's how it turned into basically a whole ass oneshot, oops
hook, line, and sinker - 1.6k words
warnings: manipulation, sexual themes/groping (18+ only please), fluff but with a dark-ish twist
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"Sometimes I think you're the only one who understands me," you admitted shyly, biting your lip and looking down at the tile floor beneath you.
He leaned in a little closer, resting his arms on the table between you. "You know," he replied, his voice softer than you'd ever heard it though not quite a whisper yet, "sometimes I feel the same way."
You smiled as you looked up at him again, finding a new brightness in his eyes. "Really?" you beamed.
"Yeah," he agreed, laughing, "I really enjoy our little talks. I mean, sometimes I can't believe I'm getting paid to see you."
Giggling a little, you remembered the first time he let his guard down with you, just a bit; for weeks he'd easily dodged any personal questions, clearly knowing it was a slippery slope to countertransference and an inappropriate relationship. Unfortunately for him and everyone who had insisted that Arkham was the only facility you'd never be able to escape from, you knew from the beginning that you could use him.
You could smell it on him: that deep, overwhelming loneliness. You were far too familiar with it yourself to miss it in someone else. Sure, he kept it hidden under layer after layer of intelligence, professionalism, faked normalcy-- but it was there, and it was calling out for someone else to truly see him. You saw him from the second he walked in that armored door, back when they still kept you in the jacket; now, months later, you'd convinced him you weren't a threat and that he was the one in control of these sessions.
The other facilities, with their inspiration murals and their bean bag chairs, they were a breeze to break out of. You knew that Arkham Supermax was going to be an entirely new challenge, but you'd been preparing since the beginning. Each week with Dr. Crane, you got him to be a little naughtier for you-- first it was as simple as convincing him to let your sessions go long, leaving everyone else waiting as you poured your soul out for an extra half hour. Convincing him that you needed him, that only he could help you. Then it was the praise-- you're changing my life, I've had so many shrinks and you're the first that really listened, you're so incredible-- all that shit he'd probably been craving since his daddy didn't hug him enough or something.
Once you'd given him some compliments, he returned one to you: you made up some sob story about your low self-esteem just to get him to admit that you were attractive, and you took the compliment with a coy little thank you, Dr. Crane... that's high praise coming from you.
Then it was contraband, just little stuff. He snagged you an extra serving of dessert on your birthday; he brought you a copy of your favorite book, as a reward for increasingly good behavior. Sometimes you thought about just asking him straight-up for a metal file or few paperclips, but that would be risky-- you could throw away all your work if you jumped the gun too soon.
Then there was the journal... you knew, no matter how much he swore he wouldn't, that he was going to read that fucking journal. You couldn't be sure if that was always the plan, or if it was just a temptation he would eventually surrender to, but you wrote all these fucked up little fantasies in that journal and imagined how he'd have to loosen his tie when he read them.
Back in January: Dr. Crane keeps asking about my nightmares, I couldn't possibly admit that I've started having sexual dreams about him...
And then there was the entry from March: I didn't mean to upset him yesterday but he snapped at me when I was talking about my anger-- he said I wasn't taking accountability-- and when he got stern with me I felt myself getting wet, is that bad?
And the best one yet, just a few days ago: Dear diary, I swore I wouldn't tell anyone what he told me, so I won't even tell you-- but I'll just say that when Jonathan showed me his mask, I fell totally in love with him. People are always hiding who they really are, but he knows me, and now I know him, too. I know I should feel guilty, but I don't. I know we're meant for each other.
Your heart was racing as you realized it might all pay off tonight. Listening to his rambling rants about fear and society and humanity, journaling about your 'crush' like a schoolgirl, making doe-eyes at him during sessions-- it was all about to happen, you had him in your pocket.
"Sometimes, I..." he began again, looking down at your hands shackled to the table, "I think about seeing you more. When I'm not even here, I mean..."
You pretended to be surprised by that. "Really? I mean... do you think about just talking to me, or...?"
He smiled a little, his face turning a bit pinker. "Do you think about us doing more than just talking?" he turned the question on you instead.
"Doctor, I--"
You had to fight off a smirk; you reached forward across the table, jingling the chains that held you down, but they were just long enough to reach to his hands. You gently brushed your fingers over his, hearing him sigh as he opened his hand for you to place your hand in. You ran your middle finger delicately in a line along his palm, and he shuddered a bit. Hook, line, and sinker. "Jonathan," you started again in a low purr, "I think about so much more than talking."
"Do you ever think about... about if we could be together...?" he pressed, closing his grip to hold your hand. After this long of a seduction, you couldn't deny that touching him in such an innocuous way was getting you a little hot. Just because you were manipulating him didn't mean you were completely faking an attraction, he was sexy-- and gullible. You liked that in a man.
Trying to look conflicted, you glanced away. "I try not to imagine that," you explained, "it's... it's not possible, with me in here. I'm fine with this, if this is all I can get-- seeing you three times a week for our sessions, telling you things I never thought I'd tell anyone. I can be okay with that. Just knowing you feel even a fraction of what I do is like-- it's like-- I don't even know how to describe it. It's amazing."
Leaning in even more, he reached up and held your face-- tenderly, reverently-- and you shut your eyes as you leaned into his touch. "I wish I was as unselfish as you," he replied, "but I need more-- I need to really be with you."
You brought your hand up to hold his, jerking the chain a bit. "I need-- I need you, too," you mumbled. "Please, Jonathan," you begged in a whisper as you opened your eyes to meet his wanting gaze, "I wanna be yours."
He sat up and leaned over the table in a split second, kissing you hard; you had to tilt your head back to accommodate the height difference as you were still sitting, and it made it even easier for him to hold your head like they used to in those old Hollywood movies-- the ones they showed here on Thursday nights, but you weren't allowed to go because you 'didn't integrate well with the general population' or whatever.
As he kissed you, hungry but relatively reserved, it was you that took it further: carefully running your tongue over his lips, opening your mouth for him to claim, having to hold back a grin when he moaned softly against you. "Touch me," you begged him in a rare moment of reprieve from the kiss, "please-- I've wanted you to for so long--"
He groaned a little as his hand slid down to your chest, opening one button of your uniform jumpsuit; he kissed your neck as he dipped his hand inside, groping your chest underneath the fabric. Your hips naturally rocked forward in the metal chair, your deprived body desperate to be filled after almost a year of forced celibacy in this prison. "Fuck," he mumbled against your skin, tweaking a nipple between his fingers, "you know we can't-- not here--"
"I know," you purred, only barely able to reach his shoulder with your hands chained-- otherwise you'd be running your fingers through his hair, holding on to his neck, pulling him closer. "But I need you-- I don't think I've ever needed anything this much..."
He shook his head; "Me either," he admitted.
"I need to feel you inside me."
He growled, grip tightening on your breast, and you smiled proudly. "I can't just leave you here," he realized, like it was his idea. "We need to be together-- outside of this place."
"I'll go anywhere with you," you promised him.
Pulling back and looking into your eyes, he brought both his hands to your face, brushing your hair aside quickly. "If I do this for you... you have to promise me. You have to be mine."
"Can you really do that?" you wondered. "Get me out?"
"I'll find a way," he assured, "I'll do anything."
You smiled up at his determined expression, flashing your best big-wet-needy eyes at him. "Jonathan," you cooed, "I'm already yours."
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gatorbites-imagines · 7 months
Hmmmm 👁️🫦👁️ yandere Doflamingo X from male reader who develops stockholm syndrome (I'm it isn't scientific but it's helpful ;-;) and ends up slowly warming up to/falling in love with him?
Doffy can be sickly sweet, always holding reader close, lavishing them with praise and buying things for them, but when reader tried to escape or got -what Doflamingo thought- was too close to someone else, he gets kinda dark. Cue some kind of punishment followed by him acting all good cop and doting on reader.
Some fluff/smut peppered in if that's okay 😭
Hope this is alright and doesn't break any of the rules
Yandere Donquixote Doflamingo x male reader
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Tw for darker stuff ig? I love Doffy, hes my little crazy muffin. Probably not the best Stockholm syndrome, mainly just the reader being dumb and easily manipulated.
i feel like my obsession with doffys tongue is visible in this... exposing myself.
Doflamingo is known for being a master manipulator, so once he turns his attention to you and wants you for himself, he will have you one way or another. Theres a big chance you won’t even realize what’s happening until its way too late, and you are completely caught in his web of strings.
You had just been the average dock worker, working for one of the many companies working under The Joker in the underworld, smuggling all kinds of stuff. It was never your job to question what you were shipping, and not asking questions meant you got to stay alive.
You just happened to be at the wrong place at the same time. You just happened to be dumb enough to not have a sense of self preservation. You just happened to not recognize the 10 ft tall blonde in a pink feathery coat and goofy sunglasses. And you just happened to look so… cute.
You didn’t really have any friends on this island. It wasn’t the place you got close to anybody, and you sure as hell never trusted anybody, as everyone here was some kind of criminal. You were one of the few who wasn’t a blood thirsty psycho. You just had been given a bad hand in life and a lot of bad luck.
When the tall blonde started appearing near the docks on the regular, you didn’t question it. Questions should never be placed, and even though you had no idea who he was, everyone else seemed to fear him. So, no matter how handsome he was, you tried to stay out of his way.
You were a clumsy fool. It had resulted in a lot of punishment and beatings, but to Doflamingo, you were just so adorable. Like watching a little lamb running around thinking they were safe from the pack of blood thirsty wolves always circling.
When gifts started appearing in your dorm, as you were so low ranked in the system that you didn’t even have enough money for your own place, you didn’t know what to do.
You had never owned expensive things, so you knew nothing about the quality of things you were given. You didn’t understand just how expensive the shirt you were given was, or that the bracelets that looked a little too much like shackles cost more than someone like you would ever see in their life.
The gifts kept coming, and somehow your roommates disappeared, leaving the room all for you. One day when returning from the docks, it had even been redecorated. You almost had a heart attack, thinking someone else had moved in. But when you asked your superior, they had just glanced around nervously and said it was for you and to not question it.
Through all of this, Doflamingo watched your every move. From the moment you got up in the morning till you went to bed, and sometimes even as you slept.
Being who he was, Doflamingo had nothing against sneaking into your room as you slept, just so he could watch you. Or if he was feeling starved enough, he would lean down and kiss you, sometimes letting that long monster of a tongue slide into your mouth for just a small taste.
Before you knew it you were pretty much Doflamingos property. In the beginning you didn’t wear any of the fancy clothes or jewelry, not wanting to dirty any of it. But from one day to the next, all your old clothes went away, leaving you with only the clothes so expensive the majority of the world could only dream about owning it.
You didn’t understand why most of it bore a specific shade of pink, or that the symbol sewn into most of the clothes in one way or another was a jolly roger. You, in your oblivious mind, just thought it was a brand or print.
Doflamingo couldn’t help but feel pleased as everyone stared at you with fear and dread, avoiding you every chance they got, as everyone but you seemed to know you were his, and his alone.
You were right where he wants you, and little by little, Doflamingo would insert himself into your life. At first, you’d see him in passing, but soon you would see him every shift and you two would talk.
You were so concentrated with working that you didn’t notice how he always seemed to stare at you, and if he hadn’t worn sunglasses, you might have seen how he so rarely blinked, as if wanting to eat you up.
At some point he just happens to “offer you a job”, giving you the job of a lifetime. Doflamingo could almost have writhed in pleasure when you agreed, smiling so brightly and looking so deliciously stupid, to him at least.
All the many mysterious gifts you were given were moved, and soon you worked right under Doflamingo. Maybe as his assistant or something like that, some job where you would be right by him every day. Of course, you weren’t actually do any work that mattered, he just gave you fluffy paperwork that would be thrown out, since there was nothing of importance on them.
From then on you gave you his presents in person, leering and grinning when you became flustered and stuttered before giving a shy thanks.
Everyone in the donquixote family knew you were off limits as they saw the possessive look Doflamingo always gave you, or how he would pull you into his lap and claim there weren’t any more seats, using his strings to whisk whatever chairs were around away.
Working for Doflamingo, you ended up growing, what should I say, used to the treatment. You had come to expect his praise and lingering touches, or the gifts hed rain down on you. So when he kissed you the first time, you weren’t too surprised.
Sure you still blushed up a storm, but it had all seemed to lead up to this. To you, who still had no idea of Doflamingos darker side, thought he may just have been shy and expressed his feelings for you through gifts.
When you guys started “officially” dating, he got worse, or better, depending on who asks. I’m putting officially in quotations, as to Doflamingo you had always been his.
Forget about any type of work you were doing before, you were always seated in his lap now, wearing the clothes he picked out for you, and being a good little lover for him.
Dating Doflamingo also meant you quickly got used to gagging, since he’s the type of guy that always tries to shove his tongue down your throat, and with Doflamingo having the tongue he does, he actually succeeds in doing so.
Hes sickeningly sweet to you, fawning over you and piling praise on you, his large hands wandering and making you see stars whenever you are even a little bit in the mood. Its because of this it takes you so very long to realize what kind of monster he is.
The reveal was never meant to happen, but you somehow ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time, and you got to see Doflamingos true colors. Seeing him tear someone apart with his strings, that large grin on his face, made you feel sick.
After that you grew distant, and Doflamingo pouted and kissed your face all over, trying to get him to tell you what was wrong. But you never told him, just shrinking away from him, as the seriousness of the situation finally seemed to dawn on you.
Even to you, who wasn’t the smartest person around by far, it all seemed to click into place. From your job, to your clothes, to how everyone seemed to avoid you, isolating you to under interact with Doflamingo.
You needed to get you, that’s what you became sure of. Its only because Doflamingo never thought you’d actually try to leave that you got the upper hand. In the end you didn’t even get off the island, but you were smart enough to get out of his base and to the docks where you had worked before.
But as you were about to board a ship to get outta there, strings seemed to cage in the entire island, like a birdcage. Doflamingo had realized you were gone, and he was pissed.
Before you knew it, conquerors haki covered the entire island, knocking you out almost immediately, but not before you felt your heart sink to the bottom of your feet, the reality of Doflamingos strength finally hitting you.
When you wake up again, you find yourself in Doflamingos bedroom, golden shackles similar to the bracelets you were given keeping you locked to the bed.
It takes you a moment to notice him, but when you do you almost throw up from the fear it causes. There in the corner sits Doflamingo, but for the first time since you’ve met him, he looks angry. No, he doesn’t look angry, he looks enraged.
He doesn’t even demand an answer from you as to why you tried to run. He just gets to his feet and approaches you, and for the first time his 10 feet of height scares you. But then he doesn’t something unexpected. He cradles your face in his hands and coos at you, treating you as if you were some kind of child or animal that had broken the rules, not because you wanted too, but because you were so very dumb you didn’t realize you broke them.
All these months of being with Doflamingo from morning till dawn as caused you to love him, its no secret. Its just a reaction of the human psyche, so part of you had been scared of disappointing him. It also makes your insides flutter at his cooing, even as he calls you a brainless stupid idiot who can’t think for themselves.
All his cooing and sugar sweet but cruel words makes you cry, making Doflamingo smirk when you sob into his chest, apologizing for running away. When you agree with him that you are stupid and can’t make decisions on your own, he knows he’s won. Well, he’s known he’s had you for months, but seeing you admit it is euphoric.
Doflamingo ends up holding you in his arms and cooing at you, pouting and sounding of so sweet as you cry, telling you he forgives you. But there must be consequences, and you have to be punished.
You’ve never been punished by Doflamingo before, so you have no idea what to expect. Knowing the kind of role Doflamingo wants to play, the punishment is probably something along the lines of overstimulation until you pass out, and when you wake up, he will do it again and again, repeating the process until he feels you’ve paid for your sins.
When hes strung you of everything you’ve got and you cant even think straight, he would pick you up and kiss you all over, praising you in that sickeningly sweet honey voice of his, carrying you to his personal bathroom.
Here he would get both of you into his large bathtub, where he would scrub your limp and hickey covered body dry as you whine and whimper, almost melting against his chest as his large hands massage all your sore muscles.
As you bathe, you most likely end up with him fucking your thighs, Doflamingo cooing in your ear that he will have mercy on your cute little holes for now, since they’re still so sensitive from your punishments. But next time he won’t be as lenient.
As he slides his shaft between your thighs, Doflamingo would slide his tongue down your throat again, smirking to himself as you jolt and twitch, still arching into his touch even as your body ached and burned from all the overstimulation.
After he finishes, he would praise you more before getting out of the bath, where he would dry you off in the softest of towels, before Doflamingo would tuck you both into bed. You would pass out immediately again, slumping against his chest as Doflamingo laughs, rubbing your back and kissing the top of your head.
He loves you, as much as someone like Doflamingo could love. And because he loves you, he owns you. That’s his logic at least. This also means you will never be allowed to leave, and no one will ever be allowed to take you away. And he will do everything in his power to make it a reality.
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just-more-pr0mts · 7 months
You have probably seen all the aus like danny gets adopted by batfam, Danny as damiens twin/older brother, Danny dating a member of the batfam, Danny part of the justice league, Danny as a gotham superhero and more.
But have we seen Danny Fenton as Batman.
Danny Fenton who was taken in by the original Wayne family, with Marta and Thomas Wayne. Taken in when Martha was not yet pregnant. They treated him as their own and raised him as such. When they discover that Martha is pregnant and go out to celebrate. When they take a short cut and danny is just a few seconds too late to save them.
The boy who lost his parents when he failed to stop Dan and for all he knows his sister is dead gone. Who was lost in the infinite realms for so long. Who got stuck in a foul city where the weak are crushed so only the strong prevail.
Danny, Who stumbled into the warm arms of the Wayne family. Who slowly opened up to them. Who never used his powers so he could have a shred of normalcy with them. Who realized they loved and cared for him as thier own. Danny who accepted he loved them in turn. Danny,the boy who lost another set of parents on one fateful eve.
Danny who lost-
Danny who
Bruce who takes in these lost stray children because he wants to look after them. But he doesn't know how to because he never had a normal childhood.
Bruce who puts up a front to protect himself as well as his family. Who lies to face of powerful beings to protect his family. Bruce who trains long and hard to protect his family from said beings, so much so that he ends up locking away his emotions, so that his children don't have to loose another parent -not knowing that they already had so long ago
Bruce who's so proud of his children, but just doesn't know how to show it. Who is so scared, so terrified they might fight the same battles as him...or something even worse.
BRUCE WHO WANTS to kill the joker. Who wants to hurt him like he hurt his CHILD and leave him there to die, but he knows better than that... he knows what a cruel joke it would be, the irony. He knows that it will just more horrible things to his children knowing they'll never be able to stop him. That's why he brought him back.
Bruce who as much as he tries is always two steps behind.
And now when his new dimension is at stake because of the very beings he left behind, he must choose between the life that he built for himself here or the one that he left behind.
A carefully weighted scale. With the future on the horizon, and choices to be made.
Will the scale stay true or will the choices made unbalance it all.
Hii my beautiful creatures of the day and night.
I sorta forgot about tumblr but if you like this piece let me know! Also I love hearing how I can improve and make my writing better.
Ps. If you have any suggestions on what I should write about feel free to ask! I'm so excited to hear about it
Ps.ps. if you have any cosplay blogs dm me! I'm trying to get into cosplau
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fxirybun · 6 days
🪷 PAC: your platonic soulmate’s personality
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this is a collective reading ! take what resonates and leave what doesn't. i cannot guarantee 100% accuracy. take the pac reading lightly ჱ̒ ー̀֊ー́ )
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ෆ⸒⸒ pile one 🥀
hello there pile one ! your platonic soulmate is someone who's giving a bad bitch energy and doesn't allow themselves to be taken for granted. whoever this person is i feel that they have a powerful energy within them , it's like if someone wants to bully you your platonic soulmate is more than ready to throw their hands at them lol.
i can see that their tongue is as sharp as a knife , a metaphor for how direct their words are and how others would think that your platonic soulmate is very harsh or domineering. they're outspoken and aren't afraid to voice out their opinions since they believe that their statement holds truth in it.
this person has a confident presence within themselves and i'm getting that they may be into manifestation. it's as if they can turn all their ideas into tangible plans because they have this inner willpower to create those opportunities and they have the right equipment to turn their desires into a reality. due to them having a wide variety of skills , people are jealous of them and would do the means to bring your platonic soulmate down.
this doesn't stop them though 'cause they're the kind of person who seems to thrive in a competitive environment. it allows them to exert more bold effort since your platonic soulmate wants to prove their enemies wrong.
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ෆ⸒⸒ pile two 🪻
hi , pile two ! i'm getting a hint that your platonic soulmate may have gone through a terrible heartbreak in their life and how it brought them a baggage of emotional pain. this experience made them more cautious when letting someone enter their life. regardless of past wounds , they know how to deal with this lingering pain through means of healing. it also allows your platonic soulmate to be wiser and more empathetic.
i feel that they're someone who has a layered personality , similar to an onion. in addition , this person is presumably able to face any havoc that will come their way. they can be both compassionate and courageous simultaneously and how they are being perceived as a source of support for others due to their encouraging words.
they seem to be the kind of person who appreciates forming a mutual connection with others. i sensed that your platonic soulmate is currently in the process of learning to let go of the heaviness that they've been carrying in their back. whoever this person is , they seem to tend to take too many responsibilities that lead them to overcommit.
the good news here is that this person is releasing all this pressure that they're feeling because they're striving to create a balanced life where they are not overwhelmed. they garnered the strength to withstand the mist.
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ෆ⸒⸒ pile three 🦋
hello , pile three ! i can see that your platonic soulmate is someone who just goes with the flow. their personality reminded me of that one student in class who's labeled as the "joker" due to how unhinged or funny their jokes are lmao. they love to spread positivity to the people around them including the environment itself , making them the kind of friend who is fun to be around.
this person is not afraid to explore the unknown just so they can go on board for new experiences , not allowing fear to gain control over them. despite their carefree personality , your platonic soulmate knows how to be serious when it is needed , especially in situations that are not for the fainted heart. this person is aware of balancing their free-spirited nature and their mature side when it comes to confidential matters.
i feel that your platonic soulmate is someone who cares deeply about their loved ones , especially those who are considered dear to them. they have this gentle approach and seem to know how to comfort someone in troubled times. this person is an expert in trying to connect to someone on an emotional level.
i kept hearing the lyrics "you've got a friend in me" from the movie toy story and how it resonates with this reading about your platonic soulmate. you can always rely on them , pile three ! as i'm getting this ride or die , bonnie and clyde , best friends for life dynamic.
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thecatchat · 10 months
Ace the bat hound becomes a ghost dog because he's such a good boy and dedicated to justice. Inspired off of this post here.
But, instead of being found out by Danny, it's the batfam's usual mystic contacts, like Constantine, that discover and reunite Ace and the Bats. Constantine muttering about how annoyingly resilient the particular brand of ghost is. From the infinite realms, Ghosts from there are a headache and a half to get rid of but portals, information, and really anything about it is far and few between since no one's been able to get into contact since some fight a couple centuries ago (Dark being sealed away). Justice Leauge Dark promises to let the family know if they hear anything or find any relevant information about the Infinite Realms, but since literally nothing has been heard from them in so long, no one really knows anything off the top of their head about it.
While Ace is technically supposed to be hidden away at home, he ends up sneaking along one day to help deal with Joker after the clown kidnaps Nightwing and/or Robin (Damian). The photos and videos of the event are blurry and smudged, but word of mouth gets around, and soon, the entirety of Gotham is celebrating the return of Bat Hound the Ghost, the very good boy back from the grave.
Meanwhile, things are going great for the family, just having Ace back makes everyone feel just a bit better (because Ace is a full ghost with a core and is helping to filter the currupt ectoplasm called Lazarus Water with physical touch). Jason is over more often and enjoys flopping on the couch with Ace for a quick snooze, Dick is over the moon to fight with Ace by his side again, Damian makes sure Ace is properly introduced to the rest of the animals that live at the mansion, Tim actually falls asleep semi-regularly now after Ace starts bothering him about being awake, and everyone else is reaping the benefits of having a bat trained dog that seems to be able to sniff out when they need a dog to pet.
Then these guys in white show up.
Ace had seemingly been on edge all night and when it was time to turn in for the night and let Signal come out for the day, Ace follows along, not listening to any command to stay home. Some of the others stay ready in the cave but they let Signal and Ace go out with the promise to call the moment something big happens.
Now, up until then, Ace's powers had been tallied up to: intangibility, invisibility, and occasional hovering/heightened jump. Every other exercise responded out as normal dog (except for the whole being dead thing). Maybe slightly higher emotional intelligence, but some dogs are just Like That. Through some tests, they do find that Ace has a new found hatred of Lazarus Water, but they don't find any obvious weakness that isn't a banishment spell which is as worrying as it is a relief.
So when these white suits start shooting using guns that glow the same green as Ace in Signals' vision and the shoots hit? Ace yelps in pain before seemingly barking out some kind of energy ball? And barreling into a wall so hard it cracked from another shot? Every single alarm that Signal can think to trip gets set off.
But not before one of the suits (one of the many suits, they're terrible fighters but there's just so many of them and two of them) takes out something that looks like a thermos and points it at Ace.
Within a second, Ace is gone.
Signal is so shocked he almost gets hit himself by the dozens of shots of energy blasts now aimed at him. He can't get to the white van in time before it speeds off.
I'm going to end this part here. I'm going to continue this in the reblogs but I also want people to take a crack at this story themselves! If you're inspired by this please put your thoughts or stories in the reblogs or tags!
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anakinstwinklebunny · 1 month
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Pairing: mafia!ani x female!reader
TW: at some part it contains sexual content, so if you're sensitive to that or feel uncomfortable with it, please do not read it for your own safety and comfort. Mentions of obsession and impure love. Also, I'm so rude that I've not translated the Italian phrases I used; forcing you to do it yourself 😼 but im sorry if there's any mistake. My first, full smut...don't know how to feel about it so I'm sorry if it may be.. specific ..
Author's note: For more explanation, my mafia!anakin and reader is inspired by Joker and Harley Quinn. I am not following the plot of their relationship nor history, but Anakin's behavior would be more understandable in..future. Also, my mafia!anakin is inspired as well by one and only Destiny on Wattpad that writes AMAZING fics. Destiny if you're somehow reading this, I adore you
@divineani you've waited for this for MONTHS and I deliver it to you after big changes 🙏
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In the following days after the fight with Anakin, you found yourself missing everything about him. His touch, his sweet whispers, his caring and loving nature (despite of what he's doing). But even if you longed for him, there was still the feeling of hurt in your heart. You knew he didn't mean the words he yelled at you, however your overthinking brain still kept replying the whole argument. How his thick brows knitted together, how his tone turned surprisingly cold, sharp and loud; something that never had happened before
Pushing aside the turbulent thoughts, you ran your fingers through your dripping wet hair and turned off the water with a decisive twist of the handle. Stepping out of the shower stall, the sensation of cool air brushing against your damp skin was a sharp contrast to the warmth you had just left behind, to which you shivered a little. Well, downsides of taking a hot shower and stepping out of it too fast
With deliberate motions, you reached for a plush towel hanging nearby, its soft fibers eagerly absorbing the droplets that clung to your skin. Starting with your arms and moving downward, you methodically dried yourself before taking the fluffy, white bathrobe waiting on a hook. Slipping into its welcoming embrace, you luxuriated in the softness that enveloped you. The fabric draping gracefully around your figure, securing the belt snugly around your waist. You pushed the wet hair out of your face and reached for the door handle
You thought if Anakin would appear this time; he hadn't showed up since the fight that took place two days ago. Well, yes, he was there in some way - since yesterday he had been sending you flowers and each time they were different. They held a small note on top of the large bouquets. But he had never been actually there; no apologies face-to-face, no begging for forgiveness.
And as much as the thought of him on his knees before you, begging for your forgiveness was pleasant; you knew it would be a rare sight to see. Anakin wasn't the first one to apologize, at least not with others..
You stepped inside the shared (with Anakin) bedroom, the warm smoke from the hot heat of the water followed you behind. Your eyes darted back down to the robe with a frown, feeling it being a little uncomfortable for your liking. You fixed it quickly before looking up at the objects on your king sized bed that definitely weren't there when you entered the room hours ago
Your frown deepened as you stopped in your tracks. The nervous feeling enveloped your warm body. Should you just walk to the bed and see up close what it was? And what if it's a trap? Anakin told you to not trust anyone but only him (and his, but also yours, friends that 'worked' with him).
Well, you were always a rebellious girl
You took few steps closer to the bed and reached for the small, leather box that probably held jewellery. You eyed it in different angles with questioning expression
But as your mind run through different possibilities, you felt strong arms wrap around your waist. The sudden situation made you stir, cursing at yourself for your lack of having a damn look around the room
However when you twisted your neck to the side to see the face of a person that dared to give you almost a heart attack, your expression softened but also heated up "gosh..you scared me" you moved your gaze back at the gift in your hands and on the another one, laying smoothly on bed
He nuzzled softly against your neck, his warm breath sending a shiver down your spine. Gosh, you should be mad at him and not falling for the smallest things he does. Slowly, he pulled you even closer to his chest with a firm yet gentle hold. You could feel the strength in his embrace; a silent reassurance amidst the lingering tension.
“I’m sorry, principessa. Didn’t mean to,” his voice was sincere and his lips brushed lightly against your exposed skin in tender kisses.
You two didn't say anything. Did you want him to make a first move? Well, wouldn't be that a little immat--yes. You felt his sigh touch your tender skin and even if you didn't see his face, you could tell he was fighting with himself with the chose of his words
"I..wanted to apologize," he murmured softly, finally.
"For?" you raised your brow
“For snapping at you... For being an idiot...” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes closed gently as he recalled the reason behind your fight. “You didn’t deserve it... So.. I wanted to apologize properly.” his nose nuzzled into your neck, seeking the scent he's been dreaming of for days
His apologies were real; you heard and felt it in his tone. He watched intently as your fingers traced the edges of the small box, marveling at the delicate grace with which you handled it. A subtle mix of nerves and anticipation coursed through him, uncertain of how you would receive his gesture or even accept his apologies. He knew he messed up; he should never raise his voice at you, should never leave you like that. And he would do everything to earn your forgiveness, anything
“Open it, bellezza” his voice was soft; a gentle plea against your neck
With cautious fingers, you slowly lifted the lid. Your eyes widened in surprise and awe as you beheld the box with dazzling necklace, its silver surface adorned with intricate Swarovski crystals that caught the light in mesmerizing patterns. (If you want a more detailed image, search for Swarovski mesmera necklace)
"I..." your voice caught momentarily, overwhelmed by the beauty of the gift. It was nothing you've ever seen before. Yes, Anakin bought you jewelery before; you'd even consider it as one of his favorite things to do, seeing you in shiny, expensive objects. But this necklace was different. So radiant, so sparkling in light. Just perfectly charming, like the man that has bought it
His hands pulled on the white material of the robe and tugged it to expose your shoulder to his hungry lips “You like it?”
"I—it's beautiful—" you stammered with a voice filled with genuine admiration.
"It still isn’t anywhere near as beautiful as you are" he complimented
Carefully, he took the necklace from the box and with his free hand, he pushed the wet hair out of your neck. As his slender fingers fastened the clasp around your neck, his lips immediately made a contact with your skin. The sensation sent a shiver down your spine, and you closed your eyes before tilting your head to the side to give him more space
“You look even more beautiful with it on,” he murmured
His hands roamed back down to your waist as his eyes drifted back to the second gift “You know what black roses represent?” he whispered, his voice a soft caress that sent sharp goose bumps cascading down your body. And you'd be lying if your legs hadn't arbitrarily rub against each other to stop the pleasant heat in your core
“They represent obsession... and impure love,” he whispered directly into your ear, his breath warm and tantalizing. His fingers moved with deliberate slowness to gently untie your robe, allowing it to slide open. The cool air met your warm skin and sent shivers coursing through your body. Only amplifying the sensations of his touch and words.
“And right now..." one hand slid down your body, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake. It was way too gentle for your own good. Your mind already spiraling with insanity thoughts and you felt warmth spread through your chest with a soft blush creeping up your cheeks "...both of those words are the things that describe how I feel about you” he confessed, his voice husky with emotion.
As he felt under his fingerthe absence of underwear on your body, a deep breath escaped his chest. His eyes traveled slowly over your bare form, drinking in the sight of your naked skin. His fingers delicately pulled the fabric of your robe further down, letting it fall gracefully to the floor around your feet.
“principessa, Niente biancheria intima?.." he muttered, his lips brushing against your sensitive skin, causing a shiver to race down your spine again
With a gentle but firm movement, he turned you around so you could face him. You couldn't help but let out a small gasp at the suddenness of the action
His eyes could now fully roam over your body, having it right before his angelic face. He took in e try contour with a look that you understood as deep appreciation. But the way he eyed you like this, so shamelessly, made your cheeks burn in crimson red. You felt not only mentally naked, but also psychically. Feeling his eyes dig into your soul and make the whole place quivering
You haven't even had the moment to respond as you were pushed on the bed. The soft petals of the scattered flowers dancing and bouncing under your weight. It was so easy for him to make you breathless, all speechless.
You swallowed down the limp growing in your throat under his hungry yet hinted with love and admiration gaze.
With that, he quickly took of his pants to only, without care, throw them away. Then he climbed on top of you and connected your lips together. They weren't gentle and soft like they often were; they held need, desire with hint of pouring apologies. He couldn't forget so easily what happened. It wasn't like something Anakin would do. Never
His lips moved down to your neck, almost making you moan. Your fingers tangled in his hair while he pampered your skin in urgency, unbuttoning his shirt.
Your gaze momentarily shifted bunch of dark roses and concern flickered in your eyes. You opened your mouth to speak; you didn't want to lose such flowers. They were unique, special yet atypical but he interrupted you with a lazy grin
"Don't you worry about the flowers..." He whispered before going back to your delicate neck to go even lower "..i’ll just get you more if those ones get destroyed..”
When he reached your breasts your breath hitched and you had to bite your lip to hold back a growing moan
His kisses were the emphasis to his drowning apologies and you were the only source of his oxygen. He was getting wild, desperate to show you how sorry he really is
Yet somehow those small kisses, gifts weren't enough
He needed more. More of you, even if he felt like he didn't deserve it now
"Anakin" your soft cry when he pinched your nipple between his thumb and forefinger almost undid him
"You deserve the best, mia cara..do you know that? Do you want to feel like my best treasure?"
He closed his mouth around the other nipple, making sure they both got the same amount of attention and the glistering coat of his saliva
"Please" you panted, your grip only strangling his curls when he nipped his way down your stomach
Anakin could only feel the rushing, aching desire creeping down his stomach and making his cock puls
"Please what?" He received only a small whimper in response after separating your legs and taking a long glance at your sensitive area "please eat out this beautiful little cunt of yours? Show every part of your body how sorry I am?" He taunted with soft voice yet his words seemed so rough "spit my apologies on your delicate skin? Make sure my tongue do all the talking?"
"Yes" the word left your mouth as half plea and half demand. Because in some way, you deserved to have this, right? To feel special in every way. To feel his apologies envelop your being like a second skin "need that..need you to do that"
this time, the pretty song of your voice, moaning words into the air was the thing that did untangle him
With no more time to waste, he made sure to push your legs further apart and delved in like a starved man that got to eat after a long time. Anakin's lips focused on your swollen clit, licking and sucking until your moans and whimpers turned into desperate cries and trembling legs
You were all bucking and wriggling, creaming his face in the most beautiful way possible
Well, you always did. But something about having sex with you after his stupid, immature behavior felt even better. After all this fights, he finally could say that indeed he went on your knees for you, begging you for forgiveness like never before. Maybe not in real way but metaphorically
Was he addicted to your taste? Absolutely he was. To the way you sounded when he pushed his tongue into your clit to the way your body arched when you came with a shudder of thousands
He waited for your shudders to die down and pressed gentle kisses up your body. Now, was the part for second apologies. More..deeper ones. His lips still had the small glimpse of your liquids before he licked them clean, making sure to maintain an eye contact
Fuck me
Your eyes practically begged
And oh gosh how could he deny you such request? Especially when your arms lazily wrapped around his neck, your hips pushed more against him..
The heat spread out over his already hard cock, making it ache in a way it hurt in the best way possible. Only you could make him so desperate, so overwhelmed with need for you. Only you could make him fall to his knees. Only you could make him kill himself, if that was on your wishlist
With quick pull on his boxers he pushed them aside and throw them somewhere on the floor
You were so wet he slid in without any much resistance, but the sensation was so intense you clenched without thinking
Your eyes practically closed and the only thing you could mutter was his hiss. He didn't dare to move until your body would get used to his length. Only then did he, slowly at first, push out and push back in, as if he already ached for your warmth hugging him all around
"I'm sorry..so damn sorry.." he apologized breathlessly before thrusting in and out of you "I was a damn idiot..a fucking idiot..shouldn't leave you like this..never.. should--" he groaned "--yell at you.."
Your mind tried to wrap around the words slipping through his mouth but with his thick member inside of you, you were just too high off of him to even respond
"Ti adoro-- così tanto.." he mumbled and you could feel his fingers dig into your hips to fasten and deepen his movements "ti voglio tanto bene, principessa..mi scusa.." with half lidded eyes you watched his muscles flex and ripe under the movements he had been doing
Anakin went harder to which your mouth opened as more sounds left both yours mouth. Your skin slapped against his and it only made him more aroused; "ti voglio tanto bene..sei così bella..ti farò qualsiasi cosa..ti darò tutto.."
Each thrust was deeper than the last one, and more intense, yet filled with such adoration for you. The combination was overwhelming and you felt yourself slowly reaching your peak
"I'm sorry..so sorry.." he kept apologizing although his tone was more sharp this time, more like a hiss through gritted teeth from trying to keep himself from finishing, wanting you to fall over the edge first
"It's okay.." you forced yourself to speak
He heard her words, the sound of your voice not helping with holding it all together. But he continued to control himself, wanting to take his time with you, to show just how sorry he truly was for starting the fight. "Yeah? It's okay? You forgive me, angel?"
"yeah.." you let out the prettiest moan, rapidly nodding your head. You could feel his dick pulsing and throb - the sign of upcoming orgasm
He felt his breath hitch in the back of his throat the moment he heard her, the way she sounded; it was the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard in his life. "Good... I'm glad..." he let out a soft, involuntary groan as he moved his hips faster again and this is where you had enough
"im--close" you brought your hands to dig your fingers to his arms, making him hiss
"Yeah? You are? C-cazzo..me too, so close.." he panted
His words, the way he said them, were enough to bring you over the edge. Your eyes rolled and your vision went blank for a moment, overwhelmed by the intensity of his shooting orgasm against your walls that followed right away after yours
Even though you two reached your limit, his hips kept going, never wanting this moment to end. His thrusts were slower this time, mixing your cum with his "you're the best, you know that? It'll never happen again, I swear..won't ever yell at you..and if I do..damnit kill me--"
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TAG LIST: @kingdomhate @divineani @erosmutt @haydensprettyprincess @mistress-amidala @catnipaddictt @heartscone @haydensbbg @inneedsoffanfics @jediavengers @literally-izzy @anisluvrgirl @fuckmyskywalker @slutforfinnickodair
(if you want to be removed or added then don't be shy and let me know 💋)
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