#i dunno. i feel so stupid venting all the time like
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sugar-crash · 5 months ago
🏎️Turbo (Wreck-It Ralph) x (gn) Reader🏁
(Physically Affectionate Reader Edition!)
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(Picture’s not mine!)
(Request here! Ran out of canon photos of this punk so I’ve finally officially🔑 resorted to fanart, Bone Apple Teeth.)
- I think it’d overwhelm him at first for sure, not being used to being touched so tenderly and so frequently, but I don’t see him full-on flipping out on you— He’s crazy but not that crazy you know?
- Honestly, I’d wait to be more physical with him, nothing personal or anything but I think he needs time to get it through his head that you guys are a thing now.
- That and his steadily growing trust issues go hand in hand, the lingering feelings that you’re just there for some means to an end and you’ll leave him when he isn’t the best anymore… Something he would never admit, never.
- The first time you place your hand on his arm, he was probably blabbing about some prank he was able to go through with before it promptly shut him up for a good moment before he started back up, adamantly denying it happened later on when you try to tell someone about it.
- Though when he does get used to it, comments about it smugly, saying stupid shit like “You can’t keep your hands off of me can’t you??”
- He’s shameless, not much of a surprise there as he feels himself getting an ego boost as he’s getting his face peppered in kisses, a shit-eating grin on his lips.
- The definition of warding it off for a while before becoming addicted to this more personal attention.
- Again he would try to be commanding when it comes to your affection, taking your offer up on him and telling you whenever he wants affection… But again like he probably marches up to your door expecting love from you.
- Of course, he learns that you get more flies with honey than with vinegar, and promptly changes his tune, not wanting your cuddle time to suffer because of his stupidity.
- Still tends to assert himself in your life, walking in and plopping himself down into your embrace when things don’t exactly go his way and vents to you.
- Your touch anchors him enough to the point where he doesn’t go off the rails too much— Slumping into himself when you kiss him on the forehead after he ranted and raved about one of his game mates that made a fool out of him.
- Expects your attention, that’s just a given with him— Almost always trying to deny what you’re feeling till you explicitly tell him it’s terrible and that needs to stop.
- Will give you some physical affection as well, but far more covert than how you do it, like a hand on top of your own or an arm around your shoulders when you’re on the couch watching TV together (Dunno if that’s even a thing in the arcade but I digress, this is all hypothetical after all).
- If you’re taller than him, holding him puts it in perspective to him that he’s a small ass guy, and that in it itself makes him a little butt hurt— Like he’s the “man” of the relationship he should be the strong one in his eyes.
- Of course, he eventually gets over it after a while, becoming more pliable with the notion that he doesn’t have to be the physically stronger one in the relationship— That and he’s strong in different ways, like in conversations for example.
- I think he enjoys the kisses the most, specifically the ones on the lips, I dunno why but I just think getting a nice smooch or two after a miserable game day is something he strives for.
- Sure sometimes your attention isn’t enough, but those times are very rare, as much as he denies he’s a simple soul in that aspect, wanting to be worthy of that attention you give him in a misguided manner like it’d be so easy for him to realize the healthier way of thinking but that’s the thing— He doesn’t.
- He equates your physical love for him as something conditional, which who knows if is or if it isn’t, but he automatically assumes that the second he thinks he’s not up to par, you will think so as well.
- Turbo has a habit of projecting feelings on you, mostly because you love him, and if you love him you have to some of his own emotions, a very backward mindset that fuels his anxiety and spite-riddled mindset.
- So, keep that in mind when you kiss him on the forehead I guess.
(Dr auaqxmka qaocx lmq bohhmvaak??? d gkmv d oj :])
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I am so happy you're back and seem to be doing even a little bit better! We missed you!
I wanted to send a little message, so you can ignore it if it sours your mood or you don't feel like dealing with it, feel no pressure at all! It's just this blog has been a safe space and the community has been so welcoming that I figured I could vent really quick
You know when sometimes the brain just has a really shitty day, like when you draw something and it screams at you that it's trash even though there's nothing wrong with it? I've been having a rough time with it deciding to scream that comfort characters would cheat, probably as an 'You are so unlovable not even fictional characters would be loyal' bullshit. Now, logically, I know this makes -67 sense. But, I was wondering if you could just reassure that like, Sanji, Mihawk, Buggy, Shanks, Crocodile, Blablablablabla long list of One Piece characters you write for, would not cheat? I'm sorry, this sounds lame to even write out but I'm trying to get my brain to stop thinking that asking for help is 'pathetic' because it is not and it only applies that logic to me, never to anyone else.
I dunno man. Brains and bring human ate both though af.
I missed all of you as well. Really and sincerely. I have a tendency to go radio silent when I'm going through a difficult time and I hate it immensely, but hearing that I was missed to makes me all
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And yes, oh gods, I know. My brain is frequently my worst enemy. Especially when I'm not writing. My anxiety starts working overtime and my creative drive becomes dedicated to coming up with problems that could potentially happen for me to worry about even more and it's an absolute bitch; or even when I am actively creating and a little voice insists that everything I make is stupid garbage.
This is still very much and always will be a safe space. It definitely is awful to feel that unworthy of love. Full disclosure, I've mentioned in passing before that I've been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder depressive type. My main issue is auditory hallucinations that like to insist that everyone I love and care about only tolerate me out of pity and secretly would rather I not be around, which leads to me isolating myself from people. Huge part of the reason I go silent when life decides to be a bitch. I know it's just as bad feeling that way about comfort characters, if not even worse, when we're supposed to have them to help us get through that kind of bullshit.
So let me provide a little drabble for the one comfort character I’m certain wouldn’t ever allow us to continue being so silly about our worthiness of love and affection, because we’re all worthy of such a basic human need. I may do more later, but one in particular jumped at the opportunity to provide this comfort, and I fear he may counter me with his dreaded puppy-dog-eyes should I even dare attempt to wait.
Good Enough
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OPLA!Sanji x AFAB!Reader
Lil drabble thingy
SFW, Hurt/Comfort
Possible TRIGGER WARNINGS for depression, insecurity, self-worth
♫♬ Moonshine ♬♫ — The Fratellis (yes I’m STILL on my Fratellis BS leave me be)
"Never knowing is the most evil feeling, when every answer here is none too appealing"
Sanji had always been a flirt. You knew that from the moment you started working on the wait staff at Baratie. Your trust issues had made it a little difficult for you to open up around the young sous chef (and occasional waiter on the frequent occasion that Zeff kicked him out of the kitchen for insubordination), but it was his outgoing nature and perseverance that had ultimately won you over. He had a way of making you feel like you were the only girl in the world when you were together, doting upon you, all but worshipping the ground you walked on.
But when he was sent out to work the dining area, it always made you nervous. His innate charm, his handsome features—he was nearly always a hit with female customers. No matter how much you told yourself that he was only doing his job, there was always a nagging feeling that maybe there was more to it than that. Watching him interact with a table of pretty young women, who by their clothing and demeanor were obviously far more affluent and sophisticated than you, left you distracted in your own work.
Seeing how they giggled at everything he said, how they fluttered their eyelashes when he brought them their drinks.
How the pretty blonde at the table leaned so close to him while he pointed to something on the menu, close enough to brush her hand across his.
You managed to spill a tray of drinks all over yourself while you were watching, leading to a scolding from the front of house manager. You saw the table of girls from the corner of your eye, giggling at your clumsiness before you were sent off to clean yourself up and change your uniform.
No matter how much you told yourself you were being silly, there was nothing you could do to shake it. The doubts, the thoughts of how easily he could find someone better than you. You had your jaw clenched the entire time you were changing your shirt in the staff restroom, tossing the soiled one aside as you leaned against the sink in front of the mirror and forced yourself to take slow, level breaths.
You were still on the clock. You couldn’t break down. You had to get changed, had to get back to work, had to pretend everything was fine, if he found out you were being so stupid about this then he would definitely drop you like a bad habit, you had to compose yourself or—
Knock knock.
Your eyes darted to the bathroom door, your breath catching in your throat at the sound of the light knock.
“J—just a minute,” you forced out, flinching at the sound of your own voice breaking a little.
Stupid, you’re being stupid, stop it stop it stop it—
A brief silence followed your answer, a silence that seemed to stretch on for miles despite lasting only a few seconds. The familiar, gentle voice that answered after a moment made your hands clench around the porcelain of the sink.
“You alright, love?” You drew in a sharp breath, swallowing, clenching your eyes shut. Of course it was Sanji. You had almost hoped that the manager had come scold you for taking too long. That would have been easier to deal with right now. Your eyes darted to the locked doorknob as it rattled a little. “I heard—”
“I’m fine,” you said immediately, the strained quality of your own words as they met your ears making your hands tighten a little more on the edge of the sink. “I—I just tripped and spilled a few drinks, I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Are you sure you’re alright?” You gritted your teeth, laying your head back to stare up at the ceiling. Of course he wouldn’t let it go that easily. The doorknob rattled a little again, and you glanced at it as if it were a viper poised to strike out at you at any second.
Stupid, you’re being stupid, don’t—
“You sound—”
You reached out and turned the lock on the doorknob, and turned away from the door, crossing your arms over your half-buttoned shirt and stared down at your feet. After a long moment, you heard the door open behind you.
Evidently you didn’t look any less distressed than you felt. His quiet sigh met your ear as the door shut lightly and the lock turned. “Oh, love, it’s fine,” he said gently, his footfalls echoing quietly in the small bathroom, closing the short distance across the tile floor between the two of you. Your whole body tensed as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, resting his forehead over the crown of your hair with a quiet chuckle. “It’s only a few drinks, it could happen to anyone.”
You shook your head, your shoulders shaking a little. Stupid, it was so stupid, but the words were already leaving your mouth before you could stop them. “Oh, yeah, anyone.” You couldn’t stop. You couldn’t. He had a way of pulling all your insecurities to the surface that no one else did. You pulled your crossed arms tighter, staring down at the white floor tiles for a moment before shutting your eyes tightly, your voice shaking a little. “Especially a dumb screw-up like me—”
“Don’t do that.” His tone came out a little sharper with this, and your breath hitched audibly in your throat this time, your shoulders hunching as you clenched your eyes shut tighter, swallowing back the lump in your throat. As if to counter your stiff posture, he pulled his arms tighter around your waist, pulling you closer, his thumb rubbing lightly against your waist in a comforting manner. “Don’t, sweetheart. Please.”
The warmth of his embrace already had you relaxing a little. Your shoulders slumped, your body leaning back against him, but your eyes were still burning when you opened them to stare down at the toes of your shoes.
“Was it the manager?” he asked gently, shifting behind you to rest his chin on your shoulder. “If he was being an ass I’ll gladly kick his ass off the docks.” Your breath left your lungs in a slow, trembling sigh as you shook your head no, your gaze drifting down to his hand at your hip, still rubbing lightly against you, your lips curling into a fleeting smile at his offer. You knew you were being stupid, but… “Then what’s wrong, love?” he asked, his voice a soft, comforting murmur in your ear.
“I…” You drew in a deep breath, closing your eyes as he tilted his head so his cheek lay against your shoulder. “Y—you—“
You swallowed against the lump forming in your throat, drawing in a deep breath, trying and failing to steady the whirlwind of thoughts swirling through your mind, thoughts of how maybe this was all a lie, of how you weren’t anything more than a silly little fling to him, how you weren’t good enough, how easily you could be replaced.
You bit your lip, glancing down as his hand found yours, watching his fingers lace between your own…and the breath left you in a slow, resigned sigh.
“It’s stupid,” you said quietly.
“If it’s got you this upset, then it’s anything but stupid,” he countered, and you had to purse your lips tightly to keep them from curving into a small smile as you felt his press briefly against your cheek in a soft kiss. “And if it’s something I’ve done—”
“N—no, you haven’t—” But how quickly you shook your head, how your shoulders tensed, betrayed your worries. “I…I just…” You slowly relaxed once more as he squeezed you against him, his cheek nuzzling against your shoulder, his soft blonde hair tickling against your neck. Still unable to turn your head to meet his eyes, you bit the bullet and forced yourself to voice your worries. “You have beautiful women making goo-goo eyes at you all day,” you said, keeping your voice low in an attempt to keep it steady. “I—I don’t—I’m not—” You bit your lip, your heart racing as you clenched your eyes shut, cursing yourself internally as you felt the tickle of a tear leaving your eye to trail down one of your cheeks. “Y-you could have any girl you wanted. L—like that blonde that was hanging all over you while you were showing her the menu, or—or—”
“Oh, sweetheart…” You weren’t quite able to mask the small sob that hitched in your chest as Sanji loosened his embrace—only to gently place a hand on your hip, guiding you to turn around and face him, to pull you against his chest as you tried and failed to fight back tears. He gently shushed your quiet sobs and stammered apologies as he wrapped his arms around you fully, combing his fingers through your hair as he laid his head over yours. Your eyes remained clenched shut as you fought to control your breathing , as he pressed a tender, lingering kiss to your forehead.
Sanji lowered his head and nuzzled into your hair, holding you flush against him.
“I already have the girl I want. The perfect girl.” He pressed another tender kiss to your temple, murmuring against your skin, “I have her right here in my arms. And I hope,” he said, his tone turning a little playful as he shifted to rest his forehead against yours, “that I’ll still have her tonight after dinner shift is over.” He brushed your hair behind your ear, smiling as he tilted his head to meet your gaze, puling a small smile to your lips as your cheeks grew a little warmer. “So we can cuddle up together on the balcony…watch the stars…laugh at all the drunk idiots stumbling back to their boats…”
You could practically hear him smiling as a few soft giggles escaped you, as you finally leaned fully against him and returned his embrace, your arms wrapping around his torso as you buried your face against his chest.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed, relaxing against him. “I…I’m just…”
“I know, love.” The way he called you ‘love’ all but melted your heart now that you were calmed down, pulling a faint smile to your lips. “I know. You don’t have anything to be sorry for. And if it’s any consolation, I was in the middle of telling that self-righteous blonde bimbo how my sweet, adorable, beautiful girlfriend would wring her neck if she kept putting her hands on me—“ He chuckled as you whined in protest of his praise, tugging you closer and grinning, meeting your eyes without hesitation.
He lifted his hand to your face, his thumb brushing across your cheek, the warmth of his gaze holding yours.
You both jolted in alarm, your heads turning in unison toward the sound of the pounding on the bathroom door. Before you could so much as glance at each other, a gruff voice spoke up from behind the door.
“We’re in the weeds, Eggplant!” Zeff called . “Get your scrawny ass to the kitchen! And bring your damned girlfriend, we need all the help we can get.”
A long moment of silence stretched between the two of you as you both stared at the closed bathroom door, before your gazes drifted slowly toward each other.
Before you were both giggling under your breath, as you buried your forehead against his chest, a broad smile spreading across your lips as you clung to him.
“I suppose we’ve been summoned,” said Sanji, pulling back from you only enough to gaze down at you, still smiling. “Shall we, then?”
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optimist-pine · 1 year ago
Dermatillomania (Daryl Dixon x Reader)
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Summary: Dealing with the aftermath of the fall of the Greene Farm in a way your therapist would not approve of.
Warnings: Typical TWD content! Dermatillomania (BFRB's, self-inflicted injury), mentions of death, etc.
Word Count: 719
Era: Follows directly after the season 2 finale
A/n: Just a personal vent... Dunno if anyone else relates.
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It hadn't been easy to stop necessarily, but anything other than going cold turkey hadn't really been an option. When you absentmindedly find yourself starting to pick, a quick reminder that it could get you killed is all it takes to shut it down. Most of the time anyways... Tonight though? Oh, tonight you've fallen into old habits so fast and hard that you're stuck there in that state, in the worst session you've had since it all began.
You're tucked away in your own little corner of the ruins and firelight, shadowed enough that no one's really paying attention to what you're up to. At some point, your arms have come out of the sleeves of your coat and it's shrugged loosely around you, leaving skin exposed to the chilly air. You don't notice.
It's all catching up now, all replaying in your mind like the final straw has been plucked. That horrible night at the quarry, the panic when what had been a safe place was so quickly turned into a graveyard. Leaving Jim to die. The terror at the CDC of almost being murdered as a mercy. Leaving Jacqui to die. Sophia... Dale... The farm could've been a safe place, you'd truly believed it until they were somehow just - everywhere. Patricia, Jimmy, Shane... Leaving Andrea to die...
You can feel how it's all too much for your mind to handle, how it's trying to relieve the pressure in this way. It's no good, but your body doesn't know better and you don't know how to make it stop. You can't make any of it stop. Your fingernails desperately search raw skin for any bump, or blemish, or imperfection. They're everywhere. Maybe you'd feel ashamed if bigger and uglier emotions weren't cramming it out of the way.
The cold air cools drops of hot blood on your skin, you can feel it, and yet you feel separate from it simultaneously. Like the same way you breathe without thinking about the breathing part. The fire crackles low and leaves rustle out in the trees as the others hunker down. Nobody's really sleeping though. Not tonight.
Daryl's keeping watch on the perimeter when his eyes settle on you. Your fingers pause in their assault; you can't continue with an audience. Please just look away so I can keep going, some darkness in your mind pleads. But no, you scramble to pull the coat over yourself to conceal the evidence.
"What's this?" He asks, his voice low enough that the others won't really notice.
"Nothing. I'm fine." You can't meet his eyes, shame has finally pushed its way to the forefront now.
You don't try to stop him as he slides the coat off your shoulder, revealing your handiwork. Even in the darkness, you're sure the ugly redness has to be so obvious. You're not only weak, you're weak and stupid.
He pulls your backpack over and digs through it. "Your first aid kit in here?"
You nod once, but that only initiates the tears. What feeling are they from? Anger? Guilt? Fear? This was always the worst part, hating what you've done and wishing for nothing more than to go back and undo it. After everything that had happened... pathetic.
Daryl finds the antibacterial spray and gets to work. His care and surprising tenderness only make you feel that much worse. You were so incapable of handling yourself that you've got a full-grown man treating you like... like the broken thing that you are.
After that he takes a couple of bandages and wraps them around your upper arms, fingers steady and slow. "Leave 'em alone an' let 'em heal. You're tougher than that." He packs up the supplies, helps you fit your arms back into the sleeves, then waits. You're not sure what he expects from you, but then he mimes a zippering motion. You comply and close up your coat. With a single nod, he turns and returns to his watch of the dark surrounding forest.
Maybe you're just thoroughly messed up, but you trade the repeating images in your mind for his words. The past. You have to leave it alone. You have to let it heal. You're here, now, in the present. Alive. You would be tough enough to stay that way. You would.
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sleepyyan0nn · 8 months ago
Redoing my into of this silly little acc of mine-
Uh, names Emmy/Anon- feel free to call me Emz/Mimi/Emi :)
Age: 17 | Sexually: Biromantic Asexual | Pronoans: She/Her/They/Them
Mid Autistic/Suffers From Social Anxiety, Also Introverted AF :)
Drawer, Writer and Roleplayer in One
Main Fandoms:
-Breadwinners (sometimes)
-TTS/Kick Buttowski/Walk The Prank (sometimes)
-Naurto/HXH/Saiki K
-Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake/SU
-Creepypasta/Creepypasta Land
-FNF (mods and songs, hate the community sm)
-Brawl Stars/The Legend Of Zelda/Kingdom Hearts/Super Smash Bros
-The Outsiders
-IT (2017)
-Criminal Minds/Law and Order SVU/SWAT/B99
-South Park (maybe?)
-Total Drama
-Marvel/X-Men -v-
-Regular Show !!
-Atomic Puppet
-Kubo and The Two Strings
-Sonic lel
-Danny Phantom/Nicktoons stuff lmao.
-proshippers/incest shippers
-nsfw art accs/rp accs
-homophobic/transphobic people
-people who support problematic people
-rude people/pEd0s
-my boyfriend fans
-kyman shippers/eric cartman kins
-people who don’t respect my boundaries
-people who hate on my interests/oc x cannon
-dream stans|wilber stans|george stans
-five x lila shippers (don’t like you-)
-Ben x Jeff shippers (I don’t like you guys, sorry.)
-Vivzie supporters (don’t like you.)
-Jimmy x any of the members (talking about mouthwashing)
-Fang x Edger (get out.)
-Edger x Colette (also you- get out.)
-Yandere Dev supporters (out. get out.)
-Birdie supporters (get tf out.)
-Danny x Vlad (get the hell out.)
My Boundaries:
-Do Not Vent To Me Unless You Ask
-Don’t Leave Me On Read Ether (Let me know that you gtg or brb-)
-Do Not Flirt With Me Unless Your Joking (use tone tags, I use them all the time. Get used to me saying stuff out of context.)
-Don’t Spam The Hell Out Of Me Ether (I can’t respond to messages all the time, I have a life outside of this stupid life of mine)
-Get Used To Me Misspelling Things (my spelling sucks)
-your welcome to draw my ocs, but.. I don’t want to see nsfw art of them or you going Yandere over them, makes me feel uncomfortable. Dunno if I’m comfortable shipping yourself with my ocs, I don’t think so.. it depends really.
-20 yr olds
-gacha fans
-11 yr olds
-your at least 13-17 yrs old
-you like my interests :)
-your an artist, writer and roleplayer like me
Free 🇵🇸/Congo/🇺🇦 ‼️
My Other Socials:
Discord: I only give my discord in DMs/moots.
Wattpad: tiredemz
Art Trades: Open For Moots Only!
Tumblr: Your Here lmao
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fleshengine · 3 months ago
I experienced Mouthwashing last night (a friend streamed it to me because I'm too fucken broke to buy it) and I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it
Anya killing herself with the remaining painkillers doesn't make sense because they were labelled paracetamol which is acetaminophen. Acetaminophen overdose takes days to kill, so unless she was barricaded in medical for a lot longer than it seems in game it wouldn't have killed her that fast. We know it's acetaminophen poisoning as well, because she vomited all over herself. It's the only "plothole" in the story, which is impressive given its multiple POVs and jumping around in time.
I don't understand why Jimmy fed Curly a piece of himself, it feels like cannabalism imagery for the sake of cannabalism imagery. If he's just going to chuck him in a cryopod, and then off himself why bother? Then again, Jimmy's mental state is far from anything I'd even consider calling stable.
Swansea putting Daisuke out of his misery doesn't make sense to me because why not do the same for Curly? This could be handwaved by the dwindling medical supplies or as characterization for Swansea but it struck me as odd.
I can tell what the game is trying to say, and it says it because I've seen other people talk about it at length. Ya know, toxic work culture, guys will back eachother up even if they know the other is doing something terrible, that kinda shit. But some of the surrealist and scary shit just seems thrown in for maximum spookage. I think the game would be better if they cut the scary shit by half and focused more on the actual story they're trying to tell. As it stands, it feels a lot like "hey if there were two guys on the moon and one of them killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what?" Obviously I'm being a little reductive, but that's still the vibe aboard the tulpa, I mean Tulpar. Oh yeah, naming your spaceship after tulpas, that was certainly a choice.
Honestly it feels like youtube/gametheory/reaction bait. It starts with big spooks and has surrealist horror sequences so the funny men on youtube can scream and yell. It's out of order so people can make "Mouthwashing in chronological order" videos. It's got a confusing plot so people can make "Mouthwashing EXPLAINED" videos. A lot of the story just isn't told to you and you have to fill it in or find someone to do that for you. You might think "oh well maybe it's 'show, don't tell' done well!" and no, it's not. The game specifically shows you so little, which is nice in a horror game but at the same time, I need SOMETHING to convey the information.
My best example of this is Daisuke in the vent. What happens to him? Dunno, he gets magically fucked up. How does he get the door to medical open while deathly injured? Dunno but he does. I figured we might get a little info when we go into the vent in one of the nightmare vision sequence things, but nope! It's just more random spooks.
Someone could point to me and say "ew stupid gamer needs everything spelled out with yellow paint for her" and honestly they'd be right a little. When it comes to games like this, with complex plots, time jumps, nonchronological storytelling, and abstract nightmare sequences, I would like a little yellow paint occasionally. You can be confusing all you want and I'll enjoy it but when I'm done I want to know what happened.
8/10, I'm glad I watched a playthrough rather than pay for it myself.
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oldwritingm · 1 year ago
miles morales X fem!reader who LOVES studying and fashion but is like insanely burnt out and too tired to work so she resorts to some NOT good coping mechanisms (up to you, whatever youre comfy with!!)
This came out way longer than I expected, sorry hehe ^^” but I wanted to portray an unhealthy coping mechanism that I feel like isn’t talked about enough!
Not to sound cheesy or whatever but I hope we can all learn something from this one (◔︣◡◔᷅) <3
Word count: 1.3k
ASTV - Burned Out and Miserable (Miles)
You were angry. Your fingers smashed the keys on your keyboard so rapidly that, if you were in a cartoon, a thick plume of black smoke would be coming from beneath your hands.
Your face was twisted in a wretched frown as you stared at the screen. How could this person be so stupid?
You were entirely enraptured in an argument online. You’d seen a post that you didn’t like, and left a rather brash comment saying as much. You hadn’t expected the original poster to see it; you were really just venting with the expectation of getting lost in the sea of other comments, or otherwise ignored. But they had replied, and now here you were, throwing way too much into the ring and fighting dirty.
You bit your tongue roughly, trying to think of the nastiest, rudest thing to say to hurt this person. They’d spared you no courtesy, and you were just returning the favor.
Your phone buzzed for what felt like the millionth time, and this time you were so aggravated that you threw it across the room. It landed with a quiet whomp on your bed, and then you were back at it, getting nastier by the second. You were just so angry, so miserable, and you just had to impose it on the world.
You hadn’t been aware of just how dark it was in your room until your door opened, unleashing a searing beam of light right on you. You almost hissed like a vampire as you brought up a hand to block it from your eyes.
“Why is it so dark in here?” It was Miles, sounding amused while he left the door wide open and walked over to sit on your bed.
“Sure, just make yourself at home,” you grumbled, sending glances to your screen out of the corner of your eye.
“Well, this explains why you haven’t been answering my texts,” he chuckled, picking up your phone and putting it on your nightstand so he could sit on your bed.
You turned sharply back to your computer when you saw a new message from your opponent.
“I noticed that you haven’t really been… I dunno, lively, I guess. Not like you usually are. And I know you’ve been working really hard lately, so I was thinking that maybe you’ve been working too hard.”
His voice was just noise; annoying noise, like a fly buzzing around your head. You didn’t give him any sign that you were listening, nor at all interested in what he was saying, but he continued anyway.
“I know how much you like fashion stuff,” he was saying, and suddenly the rustling of a plastic bag accompanied his annoying voice, “so I brought you a bunch of magazines.”
Your mouth was twitching irritably. You still gave him no acknowledgement, keeping your back turned and your eyes fixed on your screen.
“I thought we could make one of those collages I’ve seen you make. For fun. Just totally chill.”
“Will you shut up?” You finally snapped. The words felt like knives coming out of your mouth, and suddenly your head was in your hands and a loud groan was leaving your lips.
Anger burned in your chest, overwhelming all else. You couldn’t even think, you were just so angry.
“Woah,” was all Miles could say. Several seconds of silence passed.
You felt his presence behind you. He was leaning forward, looking at your screen. You could practically hear him grimacing as he asked what you were up to.
“This stupid—!” You burst again, your head whipping up and your hands gesturing sharply, your arms stiff with rage. But your anger was running out of fuel; the white hot rage was cooling to a simmering, exhausted frustration. You just shook your head and scoffed.
Miles was reading the messages. He already knew all he needed to.
“Y/n, this isn’t healthy,” he was pointing meekly at the screen. “I mean… yikes.”
Suddenly the exhaustion was fighting to drown out your anger, and your hyper-focused, angry perspective was expanding. You were back in your room. It was dark outside now. Hours had passed since you sat down at your computer that afternoon. Miles was here. Miles, who you’d just snapped at. Miles, who was shocked at the person you’d just become for a few hours under the anonymity of your internet persona.
You blinked at the messages you’d sent, completely ignoring the ones your opponent had shot back. Who was this person? How could they be so terrible? It was you.
Your hand came up to your mouth, and a shuddering breath left your lips. “Oh god…”
Miles’ eyes flicked between you and the computer. “Y/n, it’s okay,” he was already comforting you, sensing the growing dread in your gut.
“No..! How could I..?! I was so horrible!” You dropped your head into your hands, drawing your knees up to your chest. “I didn’t mean it…” you whimpered miserably. “I was just so tired, so angry… I didn’t know what I was doing…”
“Because you were working so hard?” Miles guessed.
You had to think for a second, but at length you nodded. “I didn’t know what to do… I was so miserable.”
You were shaking now, completely mortified by your actions. Miles wrapped an arm around you, smoothing your shirt against your back. “That wasn’t really you; you weren’t yourself.”
You knew as much, of course, but that didn’t stop the guilt. “It’s all my fault. I was so mean.”
“Yeah, you were pretty mean…” he admitted, but then hurried to defend you: “but you were also hurting.”
Tears were pricking your eyes. You nodded, remembering how horrible you’d been feeling even before tonight. Tired, irritable, no motivation…
“But that’s not an excuse.”
“No,” Miles agreed, “but it’s an explanation.”
Your face was mostly covered by your hands, but you noticed the light from your computer suddenly dimming.
“Wait,” you said quickly, raising your head and lowering your legs back to the floor in a panic, “let me apologize to them.”
Miles shook his head, turning the device off all the way. “Not a good idea right now. You both need to cool down.”
“I’m cool,” you insisted, reaching for your keyboard. But Miles just pushed back your chair, inserting himself between you and your desk and towering over you with one hand on each of your chair’s arms. “Y/n. Let it go. For now, at least.”
You tried to lean to the side to look at your computer, but Miles dipped his head so you were looking at him instead.
Your face scrunched slowly, tears coming to your eyes again. You felt like sobbing, but throat was tightening and you could make no noise.
Miles dropped to his knees, wrapping both his arms around your middle and holding your head against his shoulder.
You threw your arms around him in turn, unleashing everything at last. You’d think that you’d been blowing off steam during your argument, but no; that had only made things so much worse.
You told it all. The overworking, the exhaustion, the misery—everything. The words came out strained between hiccuping sobs and shushing reassurances from Miles, and when you finished you spent a while longer burying your face in his hoodie.
“I never want that to happen again,” you whimpered.
“Neither do I. I hate seeing you all stressed out like that.”
You separated, wiping your face with your sleeve and looking at Miles with red, puffy eyes. “Am I a bad person?”
He shook his head, his hands sliding down your arms to hold your hands. “Nah, you just… suck at coping.”
That got a bittersweet giggle out of you. You looked away, abashed.
“Don’t worry, though. I’m gonna help you. I never wanna see you like this again. I want you to take breaks, don’t overwork yourself… and don’t go online when you’re upset, yeah? That’s, like, one of the worst things you can do.”
You frowned, nodding. “Yeah. Yeah… I think I can try that.” You finally met his gaze, and your frown turned into a small smile. “If you’ll help me.”
Miles grinned, leaning in for a tender kiss. “I said I would, didn’t I?”
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Thank you so much for this amazing request!! And thanks for reading, take care lovelies <33
(divider by saradika)
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years ago
Normally is the character fucking up and reader is on the right... so I made things differently.
Warning: it sucks
Apologizing to them (dunno if I will make a part 2 with the other characters)
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*hiss*... you gonna have a problem...
You see, no matter how much Dabi cares, loves someone... he is a very...spiteful man.
He does and will remember everything.
He is the kind of guy that remembers a fight he had as a child with some random kid and stills holds something against them.
So, if you're in the wrong, or if you offended him... you're seriously will have a problem on getting to apologize to him.
Because, again, he is spiteful, and two.... he actually hates this.
He hates that he is feeling like shit and hates that you made him feel like this.. but yet, he could never hate you. He doesn't want to be mad at you, honestly.
But again, you were on the wrong, and he ain't stupid.... and he is hurt.
Patience is the key with Dabi. He might be stubborn but he still loves you, so that's why it hurts him so much.
If you don't know him enough it won't even sound like he is upset with you. But you do.
You catch how he isn't joking with you like before. How he stays more silent than usual. How he acts like he doesn't even care to most things.
Much like he acted before you guys got intimate in resume.
So, to get him to forgive you is gonna be a long process of talking and listening to each other. No yelling, no fights. Just a mature conversation.
I know, shocking right? Considering his story with his family and all.
But that's the thing, he sure as hell don't want to treat you like that because you are... you. And even though he is kinda hurt, he loves you too much it even hurts him.
It might take a while but you will see the changes after the talks you had with him.
On one day he might just avoid eye contact but still be talking to you... while after a few days he will be hugging you from behind without saying anything... but his hold is more tighter than usual..
He doesn't want to lose you, but you gotta consider his feelings as well.
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He is worst than Dabi...
Getting on Chisaki's nerves is not surprising, but actually hurting his feelings? Is pretty bad.
While he may not yell or even move a single muscle... his eyes look heavier and his expression is one you can't actually tell what is until he is leaving you alone on whenever room you two were arguing or where it happened.
The problem with Kai is that ... when something like that happens, he won't utter a single word to you.
Yes. He does give you the silent treatment.
Chisaki doesn't know how to deal with emotions, especially his... so the fact that the person he allowed to see him on his most vulnerable state hurt him in some way is like utter betrayal to him.
He won't avoid you but he just won't mutter a single greeting.
Much like dabi, his head is a storm and he doesn't know how to deal with it since he never had cared that much before.
So.. to apologize to him, you pretty much have to corner him and make him talk to you.
Two things can happen. Or he snaps or he just numbly will tell you to get away from him.
When the first happens it will be a start... but it doesn't mean you will be forgiven.
For Chisaki, 'sorry' is just a word. It won't heal, nor it won't make a difference
So, to actually apologize to him you will have to do it through actions.
It can be you visiting him on his office while bringing him some hot beverage. Helping him on something. Listening to him vent (when he starts talking to you again). Or anything like that.
Acts of service may be what helps you soften his heart a bit.
But there will be times when Chisaki will be the kind of "I told you so-" or "remember when you did-".
Is not even on purpose, is just takes longer for him to forgive you.
Kai is complicated... but if you play the right cards with him, he will forgive you easily.
He might be a asshole but he would rather die than lose his faith and love on you.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months ago
I am sorry if you only wanted one or two questions answered.
You don't need to read.
1 A wolfstar microfic, flake.
2 since my favorite is a microfic I will go with focus on me first chapter, because I absolutely love model/photographer fics and was excited to start
3 James. I think you write him good. I love your writing of Sirius and regulus too, but they feel off when you are writing siblings, and I don't mean it in a bad way! They are my favorites and you portray them great, I just think you write romantic relationships better so I prefer to read james when you write it!
4 my favorite is jegulus, because in most fics they start bad, and I love how someone can love you despite everything happened even if it's only in stories (I also kin regulus so it's a factor too) {tbh I love reading wolfstar as much, it's hard to decide, I am always ready for a friend's to lovers story because it feels more emotion (fingers crossed)}
5 I am guilty, but clandestine sadly. I am just afraid to start, because I kin regulus as I said, and I relate to him in experience case too (being the youngest, being the perfect kid, having shitty parents, wanting to be trans but can't because of family and country, etc etc) and I think a long fic that shows emotions I probably felt too might trigger? Maybe? I will read it when I move out bc I want to be in a place I can feel calm.
6 any time Sirius or regulus was insecure in any fic. Because damn I related that too. Not only in looks wise but being a great person vise. I can quote a few lol
7 it will be fun but yet another microfic. I send an anon requesting something about amortantia, and you actually write it and I think I cried. Because I feel love, but not lust, and I had to stop hoping for a romantic relationship bc people except intimate things after some point, and i have more plotonical love in my life, with my brothers etc, so it felt so nice to read them!
8 that it's easy to read. Yet has a lot of effects. I have attention deficit disorder or whatever that's called in English, and while reading your fics it doesn't bore me and I usually finish them! The fact you write a lot of microfics also help, they are enjoyable and I love them as much as long stories!
9 the ongoing rose killer fic, I forget it's name. I don't read rose killer much, I don't like to read them as a pairing most of the time, but I enjoy it when you write it so I said fuck it and started reading something unfinished for the first time- I enjoyed it!
10 I said it actually, rose killer. I didn't ship them, with anyone else either, I just thought of them as a background pairing, I didn't like any ship that includes them, but now I can read them as a main pairing too sometimes, progress!
11 a pure prongsfoot and moonwater friendship, like emotional one.
12 almost all the microfics since I am bored and enjoy reading things over and over again because reading something I know about feels safe (I love spoilers bc of this) but if I need to say something with more than 1 k the art of gift giving or of fire whiskey and stupid speeches maybe . They were great.
13 yes lol my friend who kin Pandora, she isn't interested in reading fics too much, sadly. Also my queen (my desk mate) who doesn't even know harry Potter. We just vent about things we love knowing we don't know anything what the other says since we are in different fandoms, well-
14 sorry not sorry, again, any rose killer fics, guilty lol- and the art of gift giving, since I normally hate idiots in love trope
15 first of all do you think clandestine would trigger me? I read other things you write with trans regulus but I dunno. And do you listen while you write? How you write Remus? Like what is his aesthetic/vibe in your head, and what something you don't like about it when he has a certain personality trait- ( for example I don't like it when people make Sirius irresponsible completely because he is oldest and received a lot of abuse and tried to protect regulus in my eyes so yes even though he may act irresponsible I don't like it when writers make him act like completely a child.) That's just an example, I am asking just something you would never write while writing Remus. Sorry if it's long or answers doesn't match questions. Um. I feel embarrassed, you don't have to answer.
I'm so honored that you took the time to answer all of these, it's so sweet! Okay, to answer your questions
first of all do you think clandestine would trigger me? I read other things you write with trans regulus but I dunno.
It has a lot of triggering moments and angst, but I put specific trigger warnings at the beginning of each chapter to help with that, because I also get nervous about things like that. I'm not sure if that helps or not?
And do you listen while you write?
To music? Yeah, I have a few playists. One specifically for writing smut, and then a few others for sadder times. Sometimes i just put a song on repeat if it has the right vibes.
How you write Remus? Like what is his aesthetic/vibe in your head, and what something you don't like about it when he has a certain personality trait
I think Remus is smart and sarcastic but also has a lot of self-hatred. I think some people hc him as more confident, but I don't think he's confident, at least until wolfstar is established. Once wolfstar is established and he realizes how flustered he can make Sirius, then he gets a bit more confident.
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the-togepi-man · 3 months ago
Whats wrong?
Guess I'll let some of it out. Not putting specifics down, but for those of you who know me well, Sean and I are a-ok. Got my feelings hurt, felt like I was losing someone, learned something that took me by surprise that wasn't great, in that moment felt like my feelings didn't matter (which is on me), which lead to me saying something hurtful back to someone I care about, made everything worse. Got hit by some words that truly hurt as a consequence. It's not going to be a quick journey, but I went to therapy yesterday and am going again tomorrow to double up on it. I need to start understanding and managing myself better. I end up caring about people forever, but I need better strategies and self care so that I can effectively do that. I need to be better at controlling my heart so I can match what my brain is telling me to do. I don't want to feel stupid. I don't want to hate me. And I want to be able for people to believe me when I say I want them to be happy- even if the current state isn't what I personally want. Just because things are uncomfortable doesn't mean they're wrong. Because truly, I know that at the end of the day I just want to always be bettering myself as a person. This was a really low time for me on top of a lot of other things. It all hit fast, hard, and in a way I haven't felt since.. like i dunno like 8 years at least. And even when I feel hurt, it's never ok to lash out at those that I care about. Thank you for asking and letting me vent. It's all part of the journey of life. Just scared right now is all. Scared, a little damaged, but moving forward.
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foressfaction · 10 months ago
Im gonna ramble
Or well its more of a vent cause i love yall and feem comfortable being able to just randomly vent yet ramble about thoughts like this.
NOTE: i am Not attacking or hating on other's takes or head canons if anything im just expressing a thought ive had that ive had personal mixed feelings with.
Trans Toby is such a comfort yet scary to me at the same time. Its obvious i use him as a sense od escape and project myself heavily onto him since I've pretty much identified as him for a whilw now due to my silly brain. The idea of putting what pains me so much onto him makes me so fuckin sad. I use him as a way to present CIS and like..be a biological male ofc.
Me, being pre T and pre surgeries coming summer time it gets worse every year and that ive actually thought of having alternate realities where i could make him trans but like me, before the medical transitions. But as someone who uses a CIS character to escape being trans its super hard to think that.
When i see other's takes on it its so fuckinh cute and almost comfortable but when i thought about it...It made me really sad?? Obviously i hc him as just a cis dude.
The thought of him like doing his own top surgery is like, relatable? Im about there myself tbh. Maybe he's already years on T but realistically idk
How that would be possible giving he lives in thw woods and how would he have medical access to that ect ect..
With others its easy to project their actual lives onto characters in the form of head canons but its like i almost wanna stray as far as i can away from mine so i dont have to also live it through whats suppose to be my escape, my relief.
Although its painful for me personally and a sensitive topic, its been on my mind alot lately. Especially thinking about senarios thay couod happen with Jack about it, him being quite knowledgeable in the medical field and finding out that type of stuff and loving no matter what because maybe i just
i dunno maybe i crave something like that myself..
Sometimes i just wanna draw him with the scars, or with a binder, but i don't personally headcanon that. That sucks cause i almost want to? My mind won't let me, as that would just be me thinking in headspace like...Im trans in both worlds, and theres nothing wrong with being trans obviously. Its just the huge source of mu depression and it holds me back from so much, why would i want that for something that i escape to, and sometimes i want to cry cause of the writing senarios and ideas that would hurt me to write but could also stim as a vent of some sort.
Though the idea of it all being pre operation and HRT hurts me as that's my current issue, maybe having it all be already done and in the past..So i can live through someone that has achieved what i desire. Sometimes i think of that..
Being trans is a big part of me but i don't let it define me like the stupid state i live in. Why do i find it so hard to project it? It's not a bad thing. Its a beautiful thing, plus i love representation.
I can always just live through the other's takes on it. It is vert cute and would honestly make sense giving he is actually most appearance goals for MOST trans mascs.. I. Feel like we all just kinda gathered towards him as a character due to his lore sorta being able to have multiple meanings.
And that's why i just think he's neat and that the trans hcs are amazing. And my struggle to ever personally think that :((
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hauntedhokage · 1 year ago
Day 1: Pegging
Bakugou Katsuki/F!Reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: pegging, mentions of edging, use of “cock” referring to the dildo
[Kinktober masterlist] | {ao3} | [tumblr masterlist] | {ko-fi}
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He needed to relax.
Fucking you stupid to vent the tension out was unfortunately not the solution this time, as he’d tried that last night and still couldn’t fucking sleep. You had slept like a goddamn baby, but watching you sleep was only truly relaxing if he was well rested and, since he wasn’t, he was just truly fucking irritated for the rest of the night. Was it too much to ask that he feel truly relaxed and sleep for longer than 45 minutes before he has to go watch TV on low volume in a desperate attempt to at least doze with a chess tournament trying to put him to sleep? Apparently so.
Which called for the roles to be reversed: he needed to get fucked stupid and you knew exactly what he meant when he said it during dinner with pink cheeks and a tired scowl. The poor guy needed it badly, thankfully you knew just what to do.
And you greatly appreciate the view of the number one hero laying face down in the middle of the bed and trying his best to relax into the mattress that you walk in on when you leave the bathroom just a couple hours after you’ve eaten. He was making your job easy for you, but you could still make him work for it a little bit. 
“That bruise is new.” You can’t help but point out, gently grazing the angry red mark on his side just above his hip. Vaguely shaped like the heel of a boot, which tells you exactly which superfriend had gotten him so good. “Tell Midoriya to ease up in training or I’ll give him a few fresh ones.”
“We can deal with that later. Please just fuck me already.” 
“You’re so bossy.” Even still, you’re uncapping the lube and watching with a small smile as he starts to squirm beneath you. “But you wanna do it doggy? Don’t wanna look at me?”
“Prep is easier for you like this. Flip me over after so I don’t fuck up the sheets.”
“You say that as if you haven’t already been prepping,” you comment, gently tugging on the plug nicely hidden between his cheeks and grinning at the pleasured hiss that leaves him. “You really kill the fun sometimes.”
“You like fingering my asshole?”
“I like teasing you when I do. Getting you all worked up is half of why this works so well to get you right.”
“Didn’t want you to have to hold back, just wanted - fuuuck-“ the groan that leaves him as you ease the plug out makes you feel giddy. All of this was in your hands, only you had his trust to see him like this while wearing a comically bright pink strap on. “You do that shit on purpose.”
“Yeah.” And you’re putting some of the lube on his mostly prepped hole, relishing in the quiet hiss that leaves him at the cool sensation before two of your fingers are working to spread the lube around and inside. “I dunno, baby, it’s nice when you’re quiet.”
“As if that was news to you.”
“Maybe I’ll put out a request for someone nice to fuck me stupid.”
“I’m very nice to you.” You curl your fingers as you say that, pulling a stuttered curse from your blonde lover as your free hand starts to spread lube over the dildo strapped to your hips. “See? Treatin’ you real sweet.”
If he had a coherent train of thought, you’re sure he’d be telling you to fuck off right about now. But instead he’s just watching you over his shoulder, complying when you remove your fingers and use them to gesture for him to turn over. He’s careful to avoid kicking you as he does, and you watch as he adjusts the placement of his hips on the pillow. 
Your hand not holding the dildo carefully holds his thigh, trying to massage the muscles to help him relax more as you push forward with the dildo. This was a well practiced dance, he knew exactly how to keep himself to make it easy and you appreciated that he’d learned to let go of his need to control the situation when it came to getting pegged. 
“How’s it feeling?” you question softly as you’re finally fully sheathed, your hips pressed to the firm muscles of his ass as you watch him soak in the feeling of being so stuffed full. 
“Fucking great, but just please fuck me.”
He was already desperate, meaning that he definitely did more than just prep himself with the plug. He’d definitely edged himself; for how long you wouldn’t know until he told you, since he got desperate after just a few minutes of delay. But ultimately you were going to give him what he needed, since he asked so nicely.
“You look so pretty taking my cock like this,” you praise, getting only a groan in response when you finally start to move. You know he wants fast and rough, and you’d give him that for sure, but you need to be careful with the number one hero and he knows that just as well as you did. You’re glad that he’s got his legs up, your hands on his thighs keeping them where you wanted them and not allowing him to try to hook a leg around you to guide your movements. He was mostly in charge, but not really. 
“I can take it, babe, you know I can. Fuck me already.”
“How badly do you want it?” you ask, leaning forward a bit and smiling when he flips you off. “That’s not being very nice, Kats.”
“Baby~” Oh, that was the most pathetic sound you’d ever heard from the blonde. A performance like that needed to be rewarded, and that has you picking up your pace in hopes of hearing more desperate whines from him. “Fuck, that’s it.” 
“Just like this?”
“Need your hand.” You’d normally deny a request like that so soon, but this puts you in true control over his orgasm and you’re taking a gentle hold of his cock. The groan that leaves him is music to your ears and you choose to stroke him slowly as you continue to fuck into him roughly. You can’t hear yourself think over how loud he is, and you know he’s not thinking at all as his hands grip the sheets beneath him. The mission had been achieved - you’d managed to fuck him stupid. 
“Fuck, I’m going to cum,” he warns, and you nod your understanding and encouragement while continuing to work his body and trying your best to keep the pace of your strokes steady even as your thrusts get harder. “Goddamn, I – shit – please don’t stop.”
“Not until you’re spent,” you assure, watching with a smile as he finally lets himself go. He really was pretty as his hips jerk against yours, face red as his cum releases onto his stomach and chest until finally he relaxes back into the mattress - breathless, spent, and completely content. “Atta boy.”
He only hums, letting you pull out and watching through half lidded eyes as you slide off the bed and move towards the bathroom. When you return, it’s not directly to the bed and he’s not pleased if the grunt that leaves him is any indicator. But his hand catches yours as you try to walk away again, what follows is only more surprising.
“Get up here.” The request has you looking at him with interest, giving his hand a squeeze when he tries to pull. “On my face.”
“How are you not exhausted?”
“My body’s useless, but I can still eat you out. Now get up here, brat.”
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k7l4d4 · 10 months ago
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 1
Hello all! It's been awhile since I've posted. This post is the result of a favor I did for a friend, where we both wanted to tear Season 5 of Miraculous Ladybug a new one. Normally, I try to avoid that mentality, due to finding it unhealthy... but I've been needing an outlet for some of my anger issues, and took the chance to vent!
I'll be posting one episode a day until I reach the Finale, not counting "Action." Warnings for Profanity, I got REALLY upset while doing the reviews in several places!
Episode 1: Evolution 
Okay, finally started episode 1 of Season 5 and... I already hate this shit. Seriously, leaving the stilted feeling of the dialog, several parts of this set up kinda lowkey piss me off. First off, Hawkmoth just decided to "redo" his whole "obey me, fear me, or else" moment from Origins, and it's... lame. It's not impressive at all. Maybe it's because of something with the writing, I dunno, but the dude is trying way too hard, and I just don't get where the huge crowd came from. Oh, and WHY THE HELL IS THE EPISODE CUTTING BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN GABRIEL AND THE HEROES SO MUCH!? It's honestly really distracting from what's going on. Like, perspective cuts to show contrasting views can be interesting... but when you do it FIVE TIMES IN A ROW it just looks stupid as hell. 
Oh, and for some reason the writers seem to be wanting to cram as much dialog as possible into a 2 minute time frame, and it makes them sound like they are speed-reading a script. Where's the passion, the emotion!? I didn't come into this expecting to like this, but this is honestly pathetic. Oh, and FYI Tommy-boy, why the fuck would we want to sympathize with a man who explicitly calls the Kwami "not his prisoners, but his slaves"? News flash, people who unironically address other sapient beings as slaves ARE MEANT TO BE BAD GUYS!!! Blegh... I know I'm benefiting from having knowledge of what comes next, but even discounting how the Kwami come off as wet paper in terms of personality in the scene, expecting us to later sympathize with a guy who is treating them like slaves is all kinds of stupid. Oh, and him establishing that he can order the Kwami around despite having gotten their Miraculouses illegitimately shoots Miracle Queen's depiction of Chloe trying to super-charge herself in the foot. 
Okay... why the fuck is Nathalie saying "maybe there's another way" when he brings up the Rabbit Miraculous? Bitch, this is FAR from the first time he has used time travel to get what he wants and while one of those times it wasn't technically "him" who did it, he still was willing to take advantage of it. Like, why in the world are the writers including this?? Why are they trying to imply NOW, of all times, that Nathalie has a conscience. It's kinda fucking hard to do when she's been portrayed as a cold and uncaring secretary first, and a love-sick accomplice to a LITERAL TERRORIST second. Now she cares? NOW!? Fuck off with that nonsense, we don't need it here. 
Okay, seeing Ladybug and Chat trying to brainstorm how Hawkmoth could've gotten the Miraculouses only for the whole time-travel loop nonsense later to show up behind them... I just... why? Seriously, WHY!? Thomas, please explain, because I don't see the point to this. 
Okay, next up, we get the daily reminder that time travel fucking sucks in the form of Bunnyx bursting onto the scene. Also, the constant "stating the obvious" thing going on is just... how stupid do the writers think the viewers ARE!?? Also, if the episode is implying this is all a big time loop... then how come "Monarch" was able to show up in a prior episode without it immediately changing the timeline and causing Marinette to REMEMBER seeing him while being restrained by Lady Wifi!? Oh yeah, because the writers have no fucking clue how to make the nonsensical inclusion of Time Travel CONSISTENT in this stupid show!! 
Seriously, even if you take into account Bunnyx being more experienced at using the Rabbit Miraculous' powers compared to Hawky-boy, it's STILL AN ALTERATION that Marinette would've seen a portal appear behind Lady Wifi and Hawkmoth start to step out of it. 
Okay, now we get a completely needless exposition dump via Bunnyx regarding how the Rabbit Miraculous and the Burrow work... and I'm already tuning it out because this entire fiasco ignores how Bunnyx was getting ERASED by the Chat Blanc timeline, so this was all kind of a stupid diversion. 
Ugh... "it's you and me, remember" and I'm gagging. On the one hand, good on Ladybug for surrendering a bit of control in this situation... On the other hand, this scene overall just feels needless. And once more we get vaguely defined explanations on time powers. 
Okay, it's blatantly obvious that the writers are just artificially extending the drama here. There is no logical reason why in the world they shouldn't be rushing to grab as many of the Miraculouses as they can off of him, because HE IS NEARLY UNABLE TO MOVE AND CANNOT STOP THEM IF THEY RUSH. Like, they KNOW that he's only weakened so much because he's using too many Miraculouses at once, so why are they giving him the chance to correct that!? Seriously, Tommy, you do not keep drama and tension by doing crap like this. 
And Gabe demonstrates why he's a brain trust by basically stating that he is fully aware of what's currently wrong with him but thinking that shouting "I AM YOUR MASTER!!" will magically produce a different result... if this were meant to be funny, you could probably make it work, but the fact that this is meant to be a serious scene just... no. All the no. This is pathetic. It's EMBARRASSING. Do the writers seriously not get how stupid they are making him look and sound!? 
Again, why the fuck am I supposed to sympathize with a guy who is basically wasting time to throw a tantrum at his slaves/minions when he's been TOLD what's wrong and knows one of the reasons why, all in what boils down to the most selfishly stupid plot in the world? Why? What is it about this pathetic jackass that the writers find sympathetic!? 
And now we finally reach the point I fucking hate the most. See, back in the beginning, as weak as Fu's apparent reasoning on why he thought Marinette and Adrien would make for good heroes anyway was, it was still a reason... and now they are retconning it to be a "because destiny said so" moment. Fuck that. FUCK IT WITH A RUSTY SPOON!! Wasn't the entire fucking point of this whole fiasco being that the timeline gets fucked up when you interfere with events by using the Rabbit?? So why the fuck are they blabbing so much about the future? Okay, no, I get WHY, they need to be able to get to their future in the first place after all... but it's a pretty obvious double-standard in play when you show the heroes more or less ignoring the fact that they are messing with history, without knowing what the consequences will be, when that's the entire fucking reason they are trying to stop the villain in this instance. And I GET that it's a different situation, where they have no choice and are only doing it to stop Hawkmoth, who is doing all this for his own selfishness, BUT IT IS NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED WHEN THEY APPROACH FU THAT THEY ARE INTERFERING WITH HISTORY. 
I just "love" how they bring up "not disturbing the river of time" without acknowledging that this entire SITUATION was one giant "disturbance in the river of time." Ughh... yeah, if I needed any convincing at all that Miraculous is shit at handling Time Travel plots, this would do it. 
This part with Alix is... kinda corny. Like, no issue with Alix wanting to study engineering, but her going "science rocks my boat" just... CRINGE. MUCH CRINGE. Like, I get the intent, but... forgive me if I'm wrong, but have we ever gotten any indicator that Alix and her dad are this close? Also, just... having Alix's dad be read in on this entire situation in general is just... why? On so many levels, WHY!? Knowing what's coming and what he does next just... 
UUUGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. This is painful. I am drained just trying to keep my eyes open through this self-congratulatory snore-fest, and it HURTS. And we've entered the end zone of this. Props that they at least ACKNOWLEDGED that Gabriel's tunnel-vision had blinded him to his alleged goal of reviving his wife/healing his wife... but again, WHY IS NATHALIE THE VOICE OF REASON!? Seriously, the lady. Is. A TERRORIST. Heck, this entire fiasco just illustrates how poorly they've thought this nonsense through, since he HAS MADE TIME TRAVELING VILLAINS BEFORE with Timebreaker, and a future Hawkmoth makes Timetagger, so them acting as if having the Rabbit is the be-all, end-all to achieving this goal is just... (Head meets wall) I can't. I'm gonna see it through to the end, but that's where my commentary on this nonsense ends. This is stupidity. 
Uurrgghh... okay, I will bring up one LAST point. Namely, this entire plot could've been avoided IF HE HAD JUST FUCKING SAID HE WAS TRYING TO HEAL HIS WIFE!! Seriously, he has established that time travel is already something he can fucking DO with the Butterfly via Akumas, and he now has the info to repair the Peacock and send it back in time via a USB port (ignoring how the fuck anyone in the past would even be able to use it, since technology CHANGES)... this entire clusterfuck is moronic, absolutely moronic. Gabe, you are a grade-A idiot and a petty piece of garbage. If your "love" meant ANYTHING to you, you wouldn't be getting tunnel vision over a teenager baiting you. Dumbass. 
Also... how the FUCK did Nathalie somehow know that Gabriel chose to engage Ladybug and Chat Noir rather than send the USB drive? Seriously, he didn't mention turning away and trying to attack them first, for all she knows, they attacked him BEFORE he could get the intel to his past self (seeing as they never once told the heroes of their goal, the heroes obviously would try and stop them on the assumption that it's something nefarious), so in this case... she's basically just guilt-tripping the idiot for failing and blaming him for not being unstoppable with a power he's had FOR LESS THAN A FUCKING DAY. If he weren't Gabriel, I would probably hate her for doing this... nah, I still hate her, since this just highlights how much of a self-righteous twit the writers turned her into in the name of making her "sympathetic." Blech.
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chershare · 2 months ago
Pointless rant about things I can't control below lol
This is mainly me venting, because I honestly can't control the work culture I'm surrounded by.
Whenever someone at work says "that's gay" about something they mean is either stupid or something else derogatory, I've started to respond with "no, that's me" or "you called?".
It gets very frustrating to hear every single day, and I'll take their discomfort over my responses over having to hear it all the time. I've noticed that they say it less and less - at least around me - the more I do it.
And it's like, I don't date. I'm asexual and aromantic. I live in a flesh prison that is distinctly female in appearance and work in a male dominated field. Men are more comfortable with the thought that I am a lesbian - although I don't really identify as such it's just easier than explaining I don't like sex with anyone and to keep them from hitting on me - than just not interested in them because then I can be 'one of the guys.'
Sure, I look at buff ladies and swoon - imagine the cuddling and hugs my dudes phew - but I don't want to canoodle. With anyone, regardless of gender.
But every time I hear them use "gay" as a derogatory term, when it wasn't nearly as prevalent when I was a kid, is so frustrating. It hurts even if it doesn't distinctly mean that they're talking about me. It used to be that I only had to speak up 'as a joke' to get them not to say it every once in a while and now it definitely feels like it's happening more often.
There are other women, lesbians with wives and such, who also work with me, but lean into the same word use of using "gay" like that in a way that makes me uncomfortable but I can't really make an issue with them. Like, I could, but then I'd feel like I was, I dunno. Doing something wrong? It's unclear but it makes me uncomfortable to think about butting in there and also I don't really know these people. We work together but we're not friends.
I've been working blue collar work for nearly a decade. My dad was also blue collar. Why is it that it feels like people are suddenly using it as a crutch to be crass and purposely ignorant now more than they used to? Is this all just in my head?
I went on a work trip last year and at the site my female coworker and I were talking about something - I can't remember the exact process that led to it - but a local guy we were working with said "we don't have those here". About queer people. My shocked response, reflex at that point, was "there's at least one" while my coworker from back home stared at him stunned and I gestured at all of me, because I've gotten used to keeping men from approaching me by, again, leaning into my apparently very strong lesbian vibes.
Statistically, we went on to tell him, he was wrong. Several thousand people worked on that site. Of course there were going to be queer people working there. More than likely they just didn't talk to this guy who was obviously homophobic and probably some other "fun" things that involve prejudice. It was probably, if not definitely, more dangerous for people to be openly out there.
Which, considering we drove through a neighborhood after getting lost, that had pride flags on one side of the street and swastikas on the other... Honestly, felt like it was going to end up being some kind of altercation just by being there and we left very quickly.
My coworker and I still bring up this mind boggling conversation when we talk about the trip. I wouldn't say she's the most accepting person I've ever worked with, but we're from the Pacific Northwest of the US, same as I am. I've learned that we're generally more live and let live, and things I thought were common courtesy as a kid I learned throughout my adult life aren't.
I know this is a pointless rant about one stupid word but also ightjisnalfnd
Just wanted to get it off my chest.
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undead-discourse · 1 year ago
Hey!! Are you a proshipper? Are you an anti? Please read this post, I want engagement from as many people of as many different opinions as possible!
I have a question that I made a temporary sideblog for because I’ve gotten completely different answers depending on who I ask this question (pro vs anti ship)
I fundamentally disagree with a lot of the “talking points” on either side, so I’m not really sure which camp I fit into (and the one I’m assigned usually changes to the opposite of whoever I’m talking to). So I thought it’d be really interesting to see what people have to say about this. I dunno, I like talking, and discussing media. Talk to me about media.
I’ve sorted these into two sections: opinions usually grouped with “proshippers” and opinions usually grouped with “antis.”
Proship Opinions:
Censorship is bad.
We should not censor the internet and banning legal content here is fruitless. It just doesn’t work, and it takes away efforts from restricting actually harmful content.
Harassment is also bad.
Even when the person being harassed is objectively disgusting and vile.
There is never any excuse to tell someone to kill themself. This feels so obvious, why are we even arguing this.
Restricting the content allowed on some sites (AO3) is kinda stupid.
FF.net and Wattpad are living examples of what happens when you restrict written content: it still gets in, but this time completely untagged and with no warning.
I hate AO3’s current policy and I don’t use the site because of that, but the alternative is so much worse, especially considering they can’t afford the extensive mod team that would require.
Just use the block button.
Getting all bent out of shape in someone’s askbox because of their content is completely pointless. You just exhaust yourself and waste your own energy thinking about this person when they definitely don’t give a fuck what you, some bitch on the internet, think of their content.
The easiest solution for your own wellbeing is just to block them and move on. Then you can never think about them again.
Fictional content is never the same as the real thing, and it’s insulting to survivors to insinuate it is.
No children are harmed by the creation of fictional content. Comparing it to real CP is a slap in the face to real survivors.
The concept of “problematic content” being bad by design is kinda dumb.
There are ways to handle anything in fiction tastefully. Your story can cover topics of sexual abuse, murder, exploitation, etc. without being “problematic.”
The reason for the content’s creation and posting greatly changes how it should be viewed and how the creator should be treated.
I’m reminded of Alfred’s Playhouse. It’s so obviously a cry for help, but everyone ignored it because of the gross and shocking subject matter shown. The creator is a disgusting person, but that is unrelated to her creation of Alfred’s Playhouse, a representation of her own real experiences.
It’s… So obvious to me when someone is suffering and using art to vent or call for help. These people aren’t the people we should be talking about when we discuss the handling of sensitive topics in fiction.
Anti Opinions:
The things you create/enjoy completely change the way I view you as a person, fundamentally.
I don’t think you can be a good person and enjoy thinking about fictional children being molested.
I cut people off if I find out they secretly enjoy this content.
Including ex-friends. It hurts and I feel betrayed, but I was not friends with, nor will I ever be friends with, someone who enjoys (whatever).
I think people deserve to know if one of their favorite artists is secretly into something reprehensible.
If a big artist I like had a secret twitter where they posted incest porn, I would be pissed if someone who knew didn’t tell me.
AO3 sucks.
Specifically because of their policy on RPF in reference to (underage) streamers. If someone requests that the NSFW content featuring them be deleted, AO3 should delete it. If someone goes to AO3 and requests they take down a specific fic about them, AO3 should delete it. But they didn’t, and they don’t. So I don’t use AO3.
“Problematic content” should be criticized when it is handled in offensive ways.
There are ways to handle topics such as child abuse, sexual exploitation, etc. tastefully and respectfully to victims, but when creators fail to do this, they deserve to have their treatment of the subject pointed out.
SEE MY ABOVE POINT ABOUT CREATORS WHO ARE SUFFERING, vent art does not fucking count and pointing out the way someone handles their own real experiences in their vent art makes you an asshole.
Proshipping as I’ve seen it looks like such an unhealthy coping mechanism.
To my knowledge, “shipping” means that you enjoy the dynamic between two (or more) characters, typically in a romantic or sexual way. Enjoying the romantic or sexual dynamic between a minor and an adult you headcanon to be grooming them is… So beyond fucked.
This is 100% not my business and I’m never gonna tell someone this, but it’s an opinion I personally hold that I’ve seen attached to antis before.
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doubleedgemode · 2 months ago
found a random long, well-written, post with a strong direct opinion about why parrots shouldn't be kept as pets (it's 3 am here so I don't feel like properly explaining but for example they claim unless u put in 12h of care for certain species except that's not enough. Not to mention the needed infraestructure, which isn't cheap afaik and requires space, and like, something I never thought of and now feel stupid for not doing so, that the parrot species we keep as pets have a lot of bodily system stuff made FOR flying, therefore, if u cannot satisfy their flight needs then ur priving them of something essential), and makes me consider giving away our two cockatiels. I think we'd keep this dif bird we have because he cannot fly and sometimes struggles moving, he seems to do the best with us. Our tiels can be pretty flighty and I admit we haven't kept them in the rigourous tip-top conditions of the post. Not out of malice of course, but still. I'll miss them. Would my mum be okay with giving them away? I'm not as close to them as I was to my deceased bird (aka probably the pet I've ever been the most attached to in some ways). Dunno.
While I'm not a bird expert aside from daydreaming about it, I liked to think I'm competent enough for the basics and that having parrots as pets if well done is great but it seems I was mistaken. I cannot even have expertise on birds. They make such great company when u spend so much time on ur own as I have to... But well.
We have our puppy and other animal we take care of separatedly (and the aforementiomed bird) and I love them but, I don't know. I felt parrots tended to be the animals I connected to the most irt keeping as pets but, maybe the foundational idea of keeping them as such is a big, huge mistake. "Of course that the not well-handled creature is gonna feel relatable to a dumb half-neet.."
After this I might like.. not want to keep pets anymore. Even if my mum let me keep bugs or rodents for example and I knew how to take care of them... I'd ge sad abt a lot of these dying early. Ik people who handle them get used to it, but, idk.
No pets at all say, if I move out (dog is def more mum's) would give me quite the mental health nosedive but I dunno. Maybe the same ways I feel I have to dettach from people I have to dettach myself from animals, too.....
sorry if this is badly structured, incorrect and such. It's 3 am but I Take responsability
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queenlua · 1 year ago
ugh religion/politics venting
* today i read the latest in the depressingly long series of incidents in the saga of, "the Southern Baptist Convention simping for the goddamn child molesters/enablers in their own church." i know i'm phrasing that in the maximally inflammatory way; i don't care. it's not like there's a whole fucking gross awful history here or anything
anyway i have felt bizarrely emotional about it, for someone who left that church over a decade ago and has no strong attachment to it otherwise. i guess it's like, i read that article and thought to myself "jfc, where are people even going nowadays, like, if your church's senior leadership sucks that much you gotta leave, right." and i was sort of tempted to call up some of my old church-y friends and ask "ok where are you going now," but... (1) hahaha a lot of my church-y friends left all churches whatsoever a long time ago, and (2) the ones who remain, like, i'm not close enough to them to ask, right? if i called them and randomly asked them intrusive questions about their Religious Organization Feelings, they would peg me as the obnoxious chick who left to go become a coastal liberal elite and now is being a dick to them. and i mean i wouldn't be trying to be a dick but i would be being awfully nosy and presumptuous, right
anyway, my wondering about that sent me down a whole rabbithole of "which congregations are actually growing in the US nowadays anyway," and while it's gratifying to see that the SBC shrinking, i don't exactly love the growth of pentecostalism in its place, right, seeing as "pentecostal brainworms" is at least partially responsible for like 50% of my trans friends getting kicked to the fucking curb by their parents the second they Deviated From The Script. so, y'know, fuck that
i did learn that the "free will baptist" denomination skews surprisingly young and, wow, what a kickass name for a denomination. i know nothing else about them but i hope they're as cool as the image in my head
...anyway, all that idle research didn't really do much to assuage how fucking weirdly furious i am over the SBC. like, i sincerely think the SBC mostly sucks and hasn't been redeemable pretty much ever, but it was also a cultural juggernaut in my youth, and one sort of hopes one's cultural juggernauts might find some way to reform into something humane, or at least fade away with grace. it's somehow secondhand humiliating and depressing to see it devolve into what i knew was always there at its core: gross old men power-tripping and protecting their own and never never never coming down on the side of anything that felt good and right in my heart of hearts
* unrelated but since i'm being unvirtuous and Politicsing On Main anyway:
every goddamn thing i've read out of netanyahu's mouth makes me want to punch his stupid face in until his skin is paste and the paste is mush and the mush is fine little bits of organic matter to feed the soil. and still the dude will not have suffered enough. not to be former-southern-baptist or anything but: i hope keeping your precious status & deliberately inflaming the most brainpoisoned rightoids in your nation & all that other shit is worth the fires of hell that await you after buddy!!!!
i don't have a Sophisticated Take on the israel/gaza stuff, but. at the end of the day i have cultivated a caveman's sense of morality, as a reaction to my tendency to over-intellectualize, and that caveman's sense of morality imo has served me pretty well, for instance: when The Big Guy is beating the everloving shit out of The Small Guy, the thing that is happening is fucked and i don't care who started it, it's gotta stop well before, i dunno, "bombing the shit out of a bunch of kids" for fucking starters. this works for an awful lot of Big Guy vs Small Guy scenarios. try it sometime
(i hate that i even remotely feel the urge to caveat it this way but to be clear: bibi & his homicidal campaign != judaism. judsaism rules, antisemitism is bullshit. but no more fucking more kids dying in a stupid campaign, ceasefirenow etc)
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