#i dont think i have to rag as spoilers
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fishybehavior · 7 months ago
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Some new gi designs for Jay I've been doodling
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paddington-two · 8 months ago
revisiting the turning claudia scene AND showing us the rest of the s1 fight in one episode. this show is crazy
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yarrowleef · 1 year ago
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and per this news apparently,, Ivypool getting a whole ass super edition that takes place during the end of Starless Clan?? whats so important about her in particular in this arcs storyline otherwise??
im telling y'all squilf and brambles are so incredibly not long for this world
i suppose im a little more inclined to think Squirrel might not get killed immediately if Ivypool (judging by the SE title?) doesnt have a -star name by book 6. but girl still aint making it out of this arc alive
Thunder preview spoilers
idk man. idk. I'm still feeling Squilf is gonna bite it before becoming leader, tbh now i'm thinking she and Bramble might bite it together
feels like they are stalling for something to happen. feels like if the plan was for her to smoothly become leader she would have just. done it at the end of last book.
and that the next books preview still didn't mention it, like why are they being so cagey about this if she just becomes leader exactly like they planned, no problems? there's gotta be a Problem(tm) of SOME kind. maybe the Problem won't be dying, but dying would be easy and dramatic
Also, the fact that they had her make ivypool deputy before leaving, instead of waiting to announce it in an official normal ceremony after coming back?? it would make more sense to wait until she was sure she even could promote a deputy. has a future leader ever made their deputy announcement before getting their leader name?? (i honestly don't remember)
feels weird.
I get that there's all this set up for squilf being a conflict-causer with shadowclan, but it's not like they need squilf specifically to do that, i'm sure other cats can want to fight shadowclan. if thunderclan also suddenly has leader issues they could collectively start getting extra insecure about it. maybe they'd all want to fight shadowclan's idea even more to compensate
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realclaramorrow · 2 months ago
wat spoilers (whole thing this time). more thoughts I'm full of thoughts (made better from my emotion blinded previous finished book rant)
ok now that I've had some time to sit and think, I enjoyed the book AND I think it couldve taken a couple more editing rounds. I'm sure none of these are new thoughts. I can't believe in my previous post I was right about everything except my opinion on dalinar.
kaladin telling ishar hes szeth's therapist and then being like man idk either was a clunky joke and really took me out of the moment. "honor is dead but I'll see what I can do" is a good line but also a bit cringeworthy at this point? I think his ending is at first glance what he needs but if you look deeper he's isolated from everyone he's ever loved (except syl) and has to be on the clock as a therapist for 9 people with multiple millenia of trauma 24/7. I'm upset for him. This is not a break.
adolin's situation is also good at a glance but bad long term. just like kaladin and shallan he's completely isolated from his loved ones (except maya). shakadolin was too powerful, they had to be stuck in different dimensions. he never got to forgive his father. maya is basically the only method of communication between free nations. at least he and gawx can be bros? I love the way they won azir. he's possibly continuing the absent kholin father tradition by accident.
shallan is pregnant maybe? I dont like that, I think pregnancy plots are usually stupid and poorly done. hope she can get back to the physical world because giving birth in shadesmar seems bad and dangerous (painspren, no midwife, not much access to food/water, no one she loves to support her). I wish shallan had had more complex thoughts about rlain and renarin because she's smart and while dealing with a great many things I think should've at least briefly thought like "oh god they are going to have such a terrible time in the physical world I need to make it so clear that I am supportive."
I understand that Jasnah was exhausted but the argument for thaylenah felt a tiny bit out of character for her. she's admittedly not great at talking to people and was caught off guard at every turn, but I think previous scenarios showed she could've handled it better, especially with so much on the line.
I can't believe (actually, I very much can) that odium did that to gav. thats so fucked up. and preserving his city's souls in the spiritual realm? absolutely fuck off. his grandchildren are safe but the only kholin grandchild doesn't get to be, directly because of him? this is a 20 year old with almost no real memories of the people that loved him, maybe a few faint ones from age 5 or before. this kid was groomed to be a lamb for slaughter for fifteen years.
I have hope for moash redemption? I imagine kaladin showing up and he's literally a herald (of second chances) and moash (with investiture vision) is like WHY ARE YOU GOD WHAT THE FUCK
the shattered plains got the best ending it could, in my opinion. free listener state!! yes!!
I appreciate that dalinar's death wasnt in combat, but by the strength of the storm. he was a king until the end, and I feel bad that I ragged on him so hard because he immediately started changing for the better. also, claimed by another? I can't tell if that's just death or if thaidakelsier wants him bad or if another god has spoken for him. gotta know. maybe valor?
also, I really need to read the sunlit man. for as much as I love sigzil you'd think I would've gotten around to it already. I also have not read: warbreaker, elantris, the emperor's soul, yumi and the nightmare painter, shadows for silence, sixth of the dusk, or white sand. its not like I wont be busy during these 7 years.
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anthroposeen · 9 months ago
tmagp 19 relisten notes!
tma/tmagp spoilers under the cut as always, and im so sorry i keep posting these late, ive been a very busy bee!
- she's been collecting evidence about alchemy, with some of the examples including: transference, the spiritual substitution of elements, but an 'incomplete' version (pointed out by sam)
- she almost encourages sam to continue his research into the institute, telling him he was handling it well and teasing him with having information about it. i dont think she means it in any nefarious way, i think its most likely she wants to have another person to confide in and trust her findings to as she goes, and she finds having a second pair of eyes useful for research.
- he knows about alchemy from researching the institute, as they were very interested in the field. i think its important to note that he specifies he started learning about alchemy during his research, not during his time at the study. this doesnt mean alchemy played no part in the study with children, it could be that sam was too young to understand or they didnt involve the kids directly in that process, but the distinction feels important
- sam reveals he wants to try and let go of the magnus institute research (not followed by a glitch) because alice has been warning him
- sam has realized hes receiving incidents related to his conversations and interests, "are the computers listening to us?" he poses the question to alice, though, knowing shes unlikely to take it seriously or agree. i think he'll likely bring it up to celia next, but i do think its important he continues to involve alice in his questions despite her seeming indifference
- as usual, she doesnt believe theres anything supernatural about fr3-d1 and thinks the system is too buggy to do anything that advanced
- shes continuously getting jmj errors throughout her interaction with sam, and seems to be the only one experiencing the issue (no one else is complaining about them or getting them on-screen at least). i think its because she refuses to interact with the bait; the one time she received a targeted incident she chose to ignore it, so it seems that jmj have abandoned trying to reason with her
- this conversation with sam drives her to go visit colin at his house, and she still doesnt believe him ("idiots, idiots all the way down") though i do think she'll notice the connections between her conversations with sam and colin
- shes very angry at lena for not giving her any protection or back up during assignments, clearly still shaken up by her encounter with bonzo (and that was with someone there as well)
- shes aware that starkwall have offered security to the oiar before, assumedly from her family and their connections since this seemed to be very hush/hush when sam and alice were discussing it
- she refuses to give gwen any back up because as she sees it, gwen volunteered for the job, blackmailed her, and is a bit entitled to safety she doesnt grant to others (she demands a body guard on assignments but has no problem with endangering celia)
- she rebuffs the starkwall idea, saying they escalate situations (and are likely not trained to delegate with externals, but to enact the protocol upon them when necessary)
- its revealed she used to be in gwen's position, and has completed many assignments alone before (getting a hint at her journey climbing the corporate ladder)
- she tells gwen to resign if she refuses to do her assignments (an offer she made to colin as well. and we see how distance and unemployment are suiting him and teddy respectively)
- she muses that gwen can have her family find her a new, better position if she does quit
- he's correct in assuming alice's phone is listening in, and refuses to let her enter with it on
- it sounds like hes boarded himself into his house (you can practically see the 4 different locks in the door gap) as he speaks to alice, and he sounds weak and ragged
- "you should be worried for yourselves"
- "what i need is to not be seen. he sees too much already" i dont think this is directed at chester/jon or augustus/jonah, rather i think the man whos been managing colin (the one requesting he make an app) is facilitating the surveillance of the office, but i still dont know the level of sentience jmj may have
- "not that anyone cares as long as it balances out", hes put together that the oiar is trying to establish a balance between the forces relating to alchemy, but wont go so far as to stop all suffering by them. he specifically references mercury and sulfur as elements in the equation
narrated by chester, directed at sam.
- this incident somewhat follows chester's normal themes: mentions of the magnus institute as well as using an incident relating to their recent conversation *(note on this in the extra comments)
- letter to robert boyle, from the bureau of robert hook (speaker), dated 1684 (before the tma!magnus institute was founded)
- the letter calls for help on the matter of isaac newton, who has been working in alchemy and treading upon 'mad scientist' territory, inciting use of "the protocol". its referred to in this way several times, never mentioning magnus in any way, making me suspect that the name could be a monicker claimed by the institute (or tmagp!jonah) as its own interpretation of the protocol. this also goes to show how old the protocol is, drawing into question if it has always remained the same or if it needs to undergo changes
- its revealed that the protocol was enacted over the entirety of london, potentially explaining why the magnus institute is based in manchester instead
- newton is working on the vegetative propagation of metals
- newton kept a mangy dog around the lab, important potentially for a connection to the corruption as we knew it in tma
- within the lab, there was a large, glowing element, the perfected work of wilhelm holmberg, an early chymist (bridge between the disciplines of alchemy and chemistry) who was working on transmutations of metalic elements
- the element was actually a small tree enveloped in a solution unfamiliar to the speaker.
- newton refers to the tree as a living work (a living organism) rather than a mineral
- the tree bore fruit that newton wanted hook to taste -> clear parallels here to the story of adam and eve, the lesson to not eat the forbidden fruit, when newton quotes a latin bible verse directed to adam
- isaac fed the fruit to the dog, which began to transform very similarly to the tree-hybrid man we heard from in episode 3 (flesh falling from the body, as tendrils root into the ground and it sprouts branches) and with an outside perspective, we can see the dog open one eye to look upon hook.
- this also draws another parallel to the bible (though this could be entirely coincidental), but newton feeding the element to his dog makes me think of abraham attempting to sacrifice isaac to god
- hook was horrified by the knowledge and consciousness within the dog's gaze, "it knew me not as a beast knows its master, but as a man knows another" / "it saw me and it knew me"
- newton 'cured' the dog by pouring the glowing solution over the dog, returning it to its normal form
- hook wants to enact the protocol to stop newton from spreading this to a human, fearing what evil a person could accomplish if given omniscience (another theme common to a chester-narration but equally well suited to an augustus one*)
- he specifies that the protocol should be enacted to destroy newton's lab and experiments, but not to harm newton himself, demonstrating that the protocol is a violent method of achieving balance
"just curious", said by celia in response to sam asking why shes looking into alchemy
extra comments:
- *i think that there was a scheduling conflict with the voice actors resulting in a switch between augustus and chester's incidents (since they read incidents back to back that seem to match each other's style and it seems odd that augustus would read a modern incident only for the next episode to match his usual flavor. im unsure if thats been confirmed by ajn or any other member of the crew, but if thats not the case it raises some very interesting questions about the nature of what each voice reads (do they have any control over it? is it driven by preference? by code? by the man colin is referencing?)
- any time gwen's family is brought up (usually as a gotcha) she steps down from the confrontation and deflects. i think she may have a rocky relationship with them, explaining why shes desperate to move up in the oiar, why she doesnt want to quit, and why she seems to cling to fragments of her posh life when she can
- this episode confirms the alchemy theory, and we now have a pretty solid base to start researching from. there seems to be a heavy emphasis placed on transformation between elements (with the trinity of alchemy being the mind, body, and soul) and keeping a balance of all the elements. though, sam observed the model/evidence that celia had wasnt complete. i think that the oiar classification book is a list of potential transformations of the trinity, and documents the different elements used to enact the transformation. i dont know much about alchemy, so ill need to do a deeper dive when i get the chance!
- the dog's transformation struck me as a very clear example of what makes a person a person, the question of tmagp (tma asked what made a person a monster). this poses that people have a level of consciousness that allows for evil and good, for complex recognition and knowledge, and potential. this is also playing on questions of free will (hook is concerned about what choices a person would make if given a higher level of sentience by newton's element. in tma, annabelle cain mused that Tolstoy cpuld be correct in his estimation of free will, that if a person was fully omniscient it would be revealed they have no free will, that by knowing every variable a person's actions predictable and set.)
- it was great to hear colin, even if hes clearly losing it in the physical manifestation of a VPN that he calls a house. i dont believe that the old fears still exist, but that seems to be the only explanation for how hes behaving. hes demonstrating every symptom of a victim of the eye, and i cant think of another element or force that could be triggering this exact reaction
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miirohs · 1 year ago
rats [u.s.p]
pairing: OPLA!Usopp x GN!Reader wc: 0.6k cw: spoilers for opla eps 5-7 but ive forgot which eps exactly so proceed with caution an: if i had a dime for every time i felt uncomfortable writing kisses id have a shit ton of dimes bc i dont want to write kisses but if it calls for it i must answer.
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"Usopp, i need help!" You snapped, broom clutched precariously in your hands as you stood on the hanging table.
As your eyes scanned the floor, the small rat you had seen earlier darted across the floor, causing you to yelp and stumble back a little.
You had been stuck in the kitchen for a while, at a stalemate with the critter. You weren't sure anyone had heard your cries for help.
"Hey Y/n, i thought i hear you calling- What the hell?!" He jumped as the rat scuttled around his feet, moving back faster than you had ever seen him move before. It might have been comedically funny if it weren't for that fact that it was a rat, on deck of all things.
"Usopp you coward! Now's not the time to move away!" Usopp stared at you, looking down at the floor before looking back up with a hint of guilt in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, i might have left some snacks out, and i think... it might have attracted the little guy. But don't worry, I'll take care of it!" He offered, and you sighed in exasperation.
"Just... just be quiet for a moment. Let me handle this." With a deep breath, you steadied yourself on the table and lowered the broom cautiously towards the rat.
With a quick lunge, making a dangerous swipe at the critter.
"Gotcha! Wait whoa-" You lunged too far, dangerously far off the edge of the table.
Usopp's eyes widened in alarm, and he sprang into action, reaching out to grab you as your arms flailed, trying and failing to regain the balance.
Your breaths came in ragged gasps, and you looked up at him, your eyes wide.
"Rats," you muttered, warmth spreading across your face as you leaned slightly into his arms. "I'm sorry. Thank you for catching me, though."
He smiled, his dark eyes softening with concern. "Of course, I've got your back. It was a close call, though. Are you okay?"
You nodded, feeling grateful but also a little embarrassed. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."
Usopp chuckled, his hand still lingering on your waist. "Well, I guess I owe you one now."
As he let go, you couldn't help but notice the warmth in his eyes and the gentle smile on his face.
You continued to watch the rat scuttle about the room, eyes wandering from his, broom clutched firmly in your hands.
The little creature had found a temporary refuge beneath the table, and you beckoned to Usopp. Whispering, you said, "I think we need a more strategic plan."
Usopp nodded in agreement, strange look in his eye as he watched the animal alongside you. "You're right. Let's not scare it too much. I have an idea. You stay here and keep an eye on the rat, and I'll try to guide it toward you."
Grabbing a jar, he quickly set up a contraption, fiddling with it before eventually placing a piece of cheese under it.
"Where did you get the cheese?" You whispered as he joined you, crouching next to you behind the island.
Usopp grinned smugly. "I always have a secret stash of snacks. Just in case of emergencies, you know."
"Dude, in what case would we ever need cheese?" You laughed, hushing as Usopp landed a smack to the back, pointing to the jar.
The two of you watched as the rat slowly approached the jar, lured by the scent of the cheese. Its tiny nose twitched, and it cautiously entered the opening, pawing its way in.
With a deft movement, he slid a thin piece of cardboard under the jar, trapping the rat inside. It squeaked in surprise, causing you to jump a little.
"We got it!" Usopp exclaimed, a triumphant grin on his face. "Well done, (Y/N)!"
You couldn't help but laugh in relief, "You're a hero Usopp."
He grinned, his chest puffing out a little with pride. "Well, it's all in a day's work for the brave captain of the Straw Hat Pirates."
"Well, i don't think the actual captain would take very nicely to that," You smirked, taking the jar from him.
"Hey-" He said, looking at you seriously before breaking into a smile, "-there's no telling. It can just be our little secret."
"Well, i'm going to have to charge you for that... How about a kiss?" You smiled at him, putting down the jar.
He glanced around the room before leaning in closer to you, a mischievous glimmer in his eye.
"Well, I suppose I could consider it as payment for saving you from that rat," he replied, his voice teasing.
The two of you shared a brief, sweet kiss. Warmth spread, goosebumps running down your arms as the chaos of the kitchen seem to melt away.
When you finally pulled away, Usopp had a satisfied grin on his face. "Consider us even now."
A crash interrupted you, and you turned around, smashed jar now on the floor instead of the counter, without a rat to hold.
"Rats. Not again."
"Rats indeed. Better not let Sanji see that," He said, scurrying away as you flushed.
"You better get your ass back here Usopp!"
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years ago
Hello, can I have some headcanons of LJ, Toby and EJ with a y/n who acts like Ai Hoshino?
Various creepypastas w/ an hishino-type!reader!
OKAY SO I LITERALLY just watched the first episode/prologue thingy for the anime ai is from and lemme tell you. i fucking cried. like i knew how the first episode ends, more or less, but i still wasnt ready. she deserved more screen time frfr i wish to admit that i had a very hard time writing this one (not your fault!) since i struggle with writing characters similar to hishino SOBS so i sure hope this doesnt turn out too too bad! also if it sounds im ragging hard on ai/ai/type reader im so sorry TToTT i think its because i relate to ai a fair bit in regards to the whole masking/lies thing also spoilers at the end after all the hcs, has nothing to do w/ the request i just wanna yell ab episode one
Characters: lj, ej, and (platonic) toby
CWs; none!
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Laughing Jack;
when he sees you acting cheerful and happy and put together around him, hes none the wiser
he may eventually catch onto some clues if the mask slips, and when he does hes going to poke and prod and pry
"why so sad, sugerplum?"
when or if you drop the perfect façade hes kinda... taken aback
more or less not much changes but hes more likely to keep a closer eye on you, pick up on small things that effect you
in a weird way he can relate
outwardly presenting as a charismatic person ready to catch the spotlight, but in reality being an reckless and inexperienced kid
its... comforting in an odd way, and while i want to say that lj helps you better yourself, i think he would cling onto it too hard and you two end up feeding into the lies
like i want to make this cute and lighthearted but with how i currently see lj, i just dont see him as being... the best, even if he doesnt mean harm to you
i mean, you love him, right? thats not a lie, is it? sure... neither of you had really.. said the words to each other, for fear that it wasnt going to be true.. but, hes sure he loves you-!
honestly i think a raw and hard conversation is in order for the two of you to move forward and last
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Eyeless Jack;
catches on almost immediately, unlike laughing jack, hes good at reading folks
i mean he kinda has to given that when he needs food....
moving on
he sees right through you, and hes scared that he can understand exactly what youre deal is; another who understands where youre coming from, only real difference with eyeless jack is that hes not trying to keep some charming act up
he subtly urges you to let the mask fall and talk to him, human to semi-human-turning-into-a-monster-human... afterall its not like he has someone to spill your secrets to, given youre really the only person he talks to on a consistent basis.... even if you werent the only person he had he wouldnt dare share your issues with others
with that said, if he cant help you, he wont force his help onto you... at least for as long as its not getting to ridiculous heights
generally minds his own business but he would love to get to know the real you
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Ticci Toby;
obligatory hes written as platonic since im not comfy writing romantic stuff for him + im still trying to figure out just how to.. write him...
honestly i think its a 50/50 if he figures out something deeper is going on with you
on the chance he doesnt know, he just thinks youre a charming and bubbly person to be around albeit a little bit of a clutz... but hey when has someone not done something kinda dumb? doesnt think much of it, and things go on as usual
if he does find out youre only acting? i think at first hed be kinda mad, that you lied to him about... a lot of stuff, i mean can he really be sure he knows the real you? well, given the nature of your personality, yeah, to a degree he doesnt
as selfish as it sounds, i think hed need a minute to cool it before you guys can talk and find a way to move forward with the friendship. like i think ultimately hed come to some sort of understanding, since there was SOME ...genuine-ness.. to your actions
tries to make you cut out the pretending stuff outright, you can be genuine around him you dont gotta act like how others want you to act
ooooof yeah no im not too proud of this one but i didnt want to just give you nothing, so i hope that this doesnt totally suck to everyone else </3 again, im bad at writing like characters like this since obviously i feel i focus a lot on the façade thing anyways, below is me yelling about the first episode as mentioned above, spoiler warning !!!
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and when it showed the 1st birthday recording :( that just restarted the waterworks
i dont usually get so hooked on characters and feel for them this easily so quickly, but boy! was this an exception! maybe it was because the thing was an hour and a half long so thats a lot of time to get attached (thats probably what it was) but god
i knew it was coming but it still broke me
and when the babysitter lady offered to take them in
i might watch the rest of the episodes sometime, but idk how the rest of the anime is like after that banger opening
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spookierz · 1 month ago
i started playing mouthwashing last night!! i really wanted to play it all the way through in one sitting. it was like, four am though, so i ended up getting too tired and falling asleep. the only video games i play are minecraft and animal crossing and it actually took me and embarrasingly long time to figure out the controls to this game LMAO. it took me like, 10 minutes to figure out i could walk around. exited to finish it.... i've managed to avoid spoilers for the most part too!!
potential spoilers under the read more! going more in depth over the story so far
i got to the part where the crew finds the mouthwash cargo so far. if we start from the beginning, it took me a stupidly long time to figure out how to use the key to override the autopilot. i appreciate that it wasnt on a timer!!
the pony express mascot with the winding corridors was terrifying. i did actually jump at the jumpscare. i was worried i was doing something wrong at first because i had gotten lost- i assumed i was supposed to be looking for the other crewmates so i was running around endless hallways, looking for my crew, getting swarmed by that fuckass pony. so at that point my lack of understanding of the controls really added to the game! i had spent just enough time clicking around the cockpit i had forgotten this was a horror game.
it also took me a really long time to find the scanner thing, even though one of the first places i checked was the cockpit. i ended up turning around and talking to anya, and giving curly his pain medicine, and talking to everyone just about five times. anya had to tell me the scanner was in the cockpit.
poor curly!! i got the sock puppet achievement- i thought his mouth opening and closing was him opening and closing it himself, struggling to speak. it wasnt until i gave him the oxycodone that i realized it was more likely jimmy, opening and closing curly's mouth forcefully. that actually made me feel sick.
i do not like jimmy. i have a bad feeling about jimmy. the way he's being cruel to curly, demeaning anya when she calls curly 'Captain,' the way he gave curly the pain medicine. i understand he's angry with curly for crashing the ship, but he's suffering enough man. have some grace.
also, i dont think curly crashed the ship. i think it was JIMMY. why do i think this?? at the beginning of the game, when you are overriding the autopilot, you are sitting on the seat to the left. you cannot sit on the seat to the right. later in the game, when jimmy and curly are doing the health eval, jimmy is sat in the same seat. from what i know about pilots, you do NOT switch around which seat is the captains and which one is the co captains. like, thats a big no. so maybe it was jimmy who crashed the ship. he was talking about how he wanted to make it to the top. maybe taking out curly was how he planned to do that. or maybe jimmy sitting in the captains chair was just a visual way to demonstrate how badly he wants total control, or is some sort of foreshadowing to the crash. i DONT like jimmy.
anya is my favorite, which i think is the common fan consensus. she's sweet and well meaning and her flaws are the most 'forgivable' out of the crew. i do like how flawed all the characters are. from just 30 minutes of playing, they all seem so rich. anya is timid and prone to fawning, daisuke struggles to take things seriously, swansea is brash and un-delicate, jimmy is desperate for control, and curly didn't take anya as seriously as i think he should have when she told him about how jimmy was disrespecting her. another reason i don't like jimmy- the cartoon horse thing. freak off! anyas done nothing to you! (as far as i know...)
ohhh another thing i just noticed, which i may be reaching on, is jimmy saying 'i've found myself sexually aroused by cartoon horses.' when he was ragging on anya. obviously i thought this was just him pretending to be a brony to make anyas life harder, but now that i think of it, there are actual cartoon horses much more relevant to the story. the pony express mascots! maybe... maybe when he said that, it had some deeper symbolic meaning about his desire for control. or maybe im just looking for more reasons not to like the guy.
the sequence were curly is headed to the cockpit to talk to jimmy was really interesting as well. he was surrounded by the top of ladders. if he was the one who crashed the ship, i think this offers some insight at to why. i mean, he was telling jimmy about how he doesn't know what he wants anymore. maybe he took his own life, maybe he was struggling more than he let on.
we'll see!
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anzynai · 1 year ago
and i have some thoughts i’d like to share about it
(keep in mind there are spoilers obv!!)
SO FIRST OF ALL, apologies to that anon who sent me the ask about rollo a few weeks back (i barely knew who rollo was at the time so i didn’t know how to respond) BUT I WILL GET TO U SOON. literally binge read every book starting from FRIDAY. so i’ve been very very busy.
first about my love azul, i love his personality so much. i like how he sticks to it too, like call it selfish (it kinda is) but he doesn’t DO things for no reason. yet, i feel like even as manipulative he seems, he still has his pride. i also enjoy that his personality doesn’t get in the way of caring for his friends. ie. getting jade and floyd the gifts he gave them, especially catering the gift to what they liked. even though, he said he would technically expect something, i can tell he just genuinely cares for them.
despite that, i think it’s also pretty cool that he does THE SAME THING essentially for epel and deuce, even if it’s just to get on their good side. it’s just kinda a “classic azul” kinda scheme and i live for it!!
NOT TO MENTION, how cool he was??? i loved that he got to play such a big part in this event. like, making a deal with deuce for his magic??? SO SMART. love him. being so precise with his magic that malleus compliments him???? beautiful. an added bonus that he got a bit shy ab it too it’s so cute
also, i love how jamil takes every chance he can get to get a dig at azul. people always are like “jamil hates him!!” and all that but jamil always teasing azul suggests otherwise??? its pretty cool. obviously, i dont think its like (realistically speaking) theyre like besties or whatever but they definitely don’t hate each other.
i thought another thing that was nice was azul and idia’s relationship. it’s a strange kind of comfort between each other. idia ALWAYS finds him as some shady guy, but nonetheless, of all the people he would speak to, he seemed most comfortable and talked to azul the most. boards game club rlly helped out with team bonding.
another thing with idia is that i love how antisocial he is because it’s just such a core part of his personality but he makes it work!! yet, he’s not modest at all??? I LOVE THAT. like he knows his worth and it surprised me but i still loved it. like that scene with the exploding rag thingies, he was so proud of himself and had absolutely no shame in asking for compliments because he knew what he did was genius??? love him so much.
I LOVED that part where ruggie and jamil tweaked together to basically use the students from the other schools as human shields LOLL they weren’t lying when they said they were gonna use dirty methods but somehow it feels a bit refreshing knowing it’s not all “kiss and make it better” and then it actually gets better. like ruggie and jamil (two important characters) are not innocent and completely good, yk?? i really love that they did that.
also i adore their dynamic. they’re both so similar and they didn’t know it until this event and i just KNOW they’ll get along amazingly in the future.
i also enjoy jamil’s personality when he’s not around kalim. i really liked this in the first main story, but jamil just seems like this very monotone “do as told” kinda average person whenever he’s near kalim (which makes sense because he’s meant to make kalim shine) but it’s really nice getting to see his real personality away from him (a personality that pairs very well with ruggies and loves to tease others especially azul)
i officially LOVE malleus. i adore that he seems like such a scary guy, but he just wants friends. the way he was marking off the days in his calendar or even prepared a whole performance??? AMAZINF. and how he was so upset because the invitation wasn’t genuine??? like that’s so sweet to me, i don’t know.
also it’s hilarious to me how no one wants to get on his bad side. that one scene where rollo said he didn’t need to talk to rocks and malleus just sent him a glare and he immediately said “i’ll think about it” GOLDEN. or like how idia and azul were a bit cautious because they didn’t want to make him angry. it’s so funny
now, rollo. honestly, i feel like i expected worse. i think his story is really interesting and id like to get more info about it. i find it really cool that rollo and idia actually have a lot in common and idia actually hinted at it quite a few times.
honestly, i think it’s sad how i think rollo genuinely thought he was in the right??? or maybe he doesn’t know what’s right from wrong but there’s so many ways people cope and his was just.. not good for people. but ALSO the flowers don’t kill the people right??? i’m not sure i think it just takes their magical power. not really justifying what he did but i can understand WHY he did it. i really like him and i hope we can see more of him soon.
THATS ALL I HAVE FOR NOW. honestly, don’t really think anyone’s gonna read this but… it’s here anyway?? really enjoyed this event 🙌🙌
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seawardboundsammy · 1 year ago
Break and Hide if you’re up for it!
I'll do this one with my hungry scar art thief step, Thistle! (and also my MoTW character Aster so guys who are in that campaign dont look!)
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
thistle is obsessed with being human and surrounds himself in art and other people's emotion in hope that they'll fill the hole in his chest (he romances herald for that sweet sweet emotional run). but sometimes he reads some poetry or sees a painting that makes him feel. an intense nothing. like white noise in his chest that makes his fingertips buzz. thistle's breakdowns arent dramatic or big, theyre just him sat staring at the wall, hands limp at his sides, like a porcelain doll or a puppet without its strings. i think herald's seen him get pretty bad but not fully broken.
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
thistle has a series of fracture scars over his face from hb where his skull well. Shattered. and it makes him look like a cracked porcelain doll (are you noticing a theme?) that he actively covers with makeup, which none of my other steps do. he hates how fake it makes him feel and hates how it marks him and much of his nightmares are filled with the idea that there is nothing at all under those cracks.
now aster! this is serious guys dont look this is big backstory spoilers! literally everyone expect those like. four people is fine.
this is kinda the main thing of their backstory where they used to be a monster hunter and defender of their small town while running themself ragged and one day they didnt judge a drop correctly and shattered their left ankle and they got laid up in the hospital and all the stress and pain and guilt over oh my god did i kill someone?? set in. the only people who have seen them completely broken down are those doctors and the stars.
anything about what they like and their past they keep on the down low and they also are SUPER off the grid. they have. a flip phone that about 7 people (including their new team of 3 others in the game) have the number of. they are pretty surly and gruff and have very few friends (NONE. NONE up until the game starts). theyll be pretty open with their magic with other people in the supernatural "scene" but they do also have an old reputation from their active days that lingers.
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bizlybebo · 11 months ago
Rumi is on the stage oh it's greattt!!!!
Rumi- "You! Do you know how to play the viola?" POINTS A FUCKING PETER
"I'm sorry I don't know why he did this" Stop apologising.
Nevermind maybe do apologise that was awful
Don't sing hot cross buns over his narration
Rumi STOP dragging this poor boy around!
Oh yeah I get what you mean, he is sobbing over a surface level compliment
"I'm sorry noone has ever asked me that" YOUR NAME????"
I have visions of you" that does not have the implications you think it does (retrospect, that was probably intentional)
I can't imagine the players are anything except entirely baffled by Peter
I love Peter he's such A dork
I love Rumi he's so cool
"I was more like a meat puppet in sort of a play of destruction" boyyyy
Rumi is bestieeee he's great
"We just joined hands" SIR
"I have litterally never done anything"
"This is the best day ever" You sopping wet tissue paper boy
"I run into a tree" Charlie stop physically abusing your characters they deserve better
"Goddamit you're a murderer"
"Stand behind me"
"No stand behind me"
"No stand behind me"
"No I'll protect you"
"I would like to sense anything holy"Just both of Them
Peter Sqloint, the most holy man
Oh shit PvP
"You can't just magically make me laugh" He litterally can though
Peter for being Peer Pressured
"Rumi this guy kinda sucks :<"
"I steal his viola and play hot cross buns"
I am suffering /pos
Hes so genuine
All of the other JRWI characters take note, THIS IS how you do a speech
Peter: 🧍
As the nothing moves across the nothing XD
Peter be like: not me, actually my super cool all powerful OC
"You look super aggressive sometimes please don't kill me, I'll die, I'll just die
Summons sword epically and musically
Exandroth my beloathed
"Peter is GONE" well bring him back maybe?Archangel sounds are the worst
"Don't lecture me on morals"
Your [blah blah blah] will be your end/downfall/undoing"
Okay so it's not just me right? Rumi is incredibly Gay
Lizard Log
(These are gonna take a while because Tumblr eats the formatting from my notes app, also if there are random words that cut off a sentence and don't make sense, autocorrect is a bitch)
i can’t wait to watch peters development because you can already see how he’s getting stronger + more confident in himself even by episode 6 aughuguguh. going from crying when rumi asks him his name to bashfully accepting compliments who cheered (me)
rumi is SO gay. i aspire to be like him he’s so fucking gender. but also a suave motherfucker i hate them so much. i want to shake them like a maraca and hear them go shkshkshkshk
rumis so fucking graceful even in combat it makes me angry. who let this asshole be so perfect
if peter doesn’t get his lizard log by the end of apotheosis then it’s all for nothing istg
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honeybeewhereartthee · 1 year ago
Pink KKOMAS 145
Spoiler for my stories
"I guess we die today."
"please give kissy to blood, little blob." hallow plead to the rabbit who give him a look and give a look to the ugly pinky through have ragged type of clothing style than the other annoying pinky who prefer questionable one. He seems to be smart bunny as he look at the fried shrimp that Hallow offers to feed everyone ( totally not taken from the estate kitchen) and give it to blood with all his little paws might smack it to his face.
[ Task Complete: C. A very, very thick and fluffy cute Bunny giving you kisses.]
(( kisu/ Kiss fish: Fried shrimp. Task is fluffy bunny giving flying kiss / flying Kisu ))
"pff..." NN held his laugh.
"was... That a pun..." Hallow eyes sparkle but before he can ask more you give kisses to blob who is so smart. Taking him away from Hallow. "My baby is so smart! So smart! And so cute!" You cooed while blod give you side eyes but show sign he likes the affection, he just refuse to admit it.
"how charming." Blood rolled his eyes as he take the shrimp, he look at it for a moment. "..." The little spider went to chopstick the shrimp away, at least tried to as blood eats it. "!!!?" He seems to be mortified about it as blood seems to be nonchalant as he eats it. "It's a waste to not eat a gift." He give a smile.
"if you throw out it be more of a waste isn't it?" The angel rolled his eyes as he give a side comment which made blood to look at him. "My, are you worried about me, dear other me?" Blood tease him.
"what's wrong with shrimps? Do you not like it?" Hallow takes out his tablet and approaches blood. "How about steaks? Do you prefer that? How about beef? Maybe some crocodile??? Snakes??? Or chicken... Maybe you prefer human meat... But sadly Ghost don't cook those... Unless your Z." He seems to be checking chart as he made a list of not a favor meat or dish Blood might dislike, since he think he can thank blood by serving him food ( made by Ghost, and sadly not him. He will learn the art of cooking from his fellow dead man in the estate one day!)
He give the tablet to blood to cross out what he want and dislike.
"oh, you little curious one. You aren't scared of me, no more? To be so shameless." Blood chuckle as he answers the checkless before handling it back to Hallow who stare at it. He need Adamite to read it for him later since he can't see it.
It was blood crossing out all the meat option and putting a cute doodle of him being candy and sweeterian (only eat sweet and desserts) but he probably would known it as blood left the group to get baby blue to the bathroom, he follow in worry from a far he was curious what's wrong to blood when he sense him somewhere not so far from them and stared at his direction after he remove his blindfold.
He saw blood throwing up what he just eat and baby blue seems to say something while patting his back.
He wonder if he seen it right as blood thrown up something red ..
"ah... I guess meat is not good." Hallow felt bad spying on blood as he look at the answers blood give him and went back but he look up as he sense someone familiar up in the sky as he held his blindfold gazing up. He saw the sky crack and something falling.
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askmstau · 2 years ago
Hihihi mod ask!!!!
But I wanted to ask, is there anything you think we should prod/ask about to the characters? Or maybe just a topic you want some more asks to be about? :D /nf
(I ask cause I'm having a hard time coming up with asks rn sudneudj)
i have another ask in the inbox but this is higher priority
SO! the blog is in a. very weird spot right now where Shit Is Weird allow me to introduce you to the askmstau timeline
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...basically all major plots are locked behind a fic that i lowkey lost interest in writing and just Dont Feel Like It "now mod", you may ask "why not just change the order!" and the answer to that is that no <3 (its in this order for a reason) so basically shits a standstill. this isnt to rag you guys but "has anything interesting happened" asks are SO PAINFUL bc i have no idea how to answer them! all the interesting shit is behind a wall and its a wall i created so the answer is: probably encourage majortimes. they are in desperate need of development, since flowerhusbands are basically together (TECHNICALLY) and solidaritimes are fruity on all fronts also, feel free to do mod asks! i love answering and infodumping lmao the "detached but related" area is perfect for that sort of thing, since the characters themselves aren't going to talk about a thing that didn't happen. TLDR: uhhh idfk majortimes? dont be shy to ask abt info from them (unless they just. straight up dont know)
(also off topic but if anyone who can assist in writing fic and doesnt mind plot spoilers my messages are open)
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falsementor · 2 years ago
some discussions with ruby made me remember an analysis post i've been wanting to make regarding macaque's super hearing - primarily how i think he's utilized it in the past and how he would utilize it post season 4. aaand this will contain some vague spoilers for the special, so i'm gonna toss it under a read more! (it is also long and... kinda disorganized KDFGJS. i ramble so much. i just have so many thoughts. oops.)
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" You know.. this is the calm before the storm... right? " — Macaque.
how sharp his hearing is. / past vigilance. / why he hides his ears.
SO! i have thought about this some more, season 4 & the special have definitely given me more stuff to work with and think about regarding macaque's hearing, especially the omnipresent side of it. i still maintain that macaque's super hearing is selective - because he's learned to adapt, learned to tune out the noise to spare himself sensory overload hell - it took him a while to figure out how to deal with this ability when he first came into existence. he does still have moments, though, where the noise can paralyze him and render him stuck in a dissociative trance that can take him hours to come out of.
i like to imagine it's like having a radio receiver built right into your head, and he can tune into which things he wants to listen to (and which futures he wants listen to) simply by focusing on That Thing. but! it takes a lot of concentration on his part. the closer the sound is to present day, the easier it is for him to hear it and make out what it is. he can sometimes get rogue sounds from the distant future in his sleep or just plain out of nowhere, but the further ahead of present time it is, the rarer it is for him to hear it. he has to really sit and meditate on that in order to get clearer sounds.
his hearing is how he was able to know that the samadhi fire would burn away the curse that kept him chained to the lady bone demon. it's also how he was able to stage his past ploys to trick mk into giving him monkey king's power and to lure mk & his friends into his trap in shadowplay. it's what he meant when he warned mk about something he wasn't prepared for that was coming - but reassured him not to worry in a very ominous way (i genuinely think it was his way of being like 'dont worry mk, i'll keep an ear to the ground for you :) )
personally, i think LBD giving him a compass that would help him track the heroes down in season 3 wasn't really necessary - i think realistically, macaque wouldn't of had that hard of a time doing it on his own at all (he's like a bloodhound with that hearing) - BUT time was of the essence and it makes sense that LBD wanted to ensure macaque had every tool at his disposal to capture wukong and mk, so that he had NO REASON to fail. (that further explains why she was so pissed with him - the monkey was on thin ice because she KNOWS how damn good he is at tracking and deception. he has no excuse to fail her - which he knows too - and i think that plays into him ragging on mk for being willing to give himself up to protect sandy & mei during the winning side - macaque was intentionally pushing mk to get him to fight back, to motivate him to gain his powers back, to have a fighting chance against LBD - ANOTHER TESTIMATE to how damn cunning macaque is.)
moving on, he can hear things right before they happen - this lends to macaque's reflexes. it's why he's jumpy, why he bolted the minute wukong said 'YOU!' in samadhi fire - why he immediately jumped into action when LBD released her host. the noise of what's immediately to come reaches his ears first. he sensed the return of yellow tusk and peng and mk's distress and came to his aid shortly after. ( it makes me wonder if he knew about azure lion's return at the start of season 4... it's possible! i mean, macaque set up an entire fucking VR headset videogame for MK to play (with voice acting, intricate drawings and videogame sound effects) - which he couldn't of just pulled right out of thin air when he heard mk was stuck between a rock and a hard place. he claimed to of put a lot of work into it, so like. man had to of had time to kill in order to just HAVE that be a thing. )
WITH ALL OF THAT SAID, i really like to imagine that post season 4: with macaque having people in his life again (mk, maybe mk's friends, maybe wukong again also) that he cares about and wants to take care of & protect, he will put more effort into listening for them again. in the past, it was only to serve himself. to keep himself safe, because before he had his bastardization arc, he was still learning to utilize this ability and was also staunchly naïve to the idea that the people you love could become your greatest source of misery (he didn't believe that wukong would turn on him, even if he was hearing the warning signs. he wanted to believe in the future that wukong promised, not the future that macaque was beginning to sense - the source of his resentment, for putting so much faith in someone that amounted bitterness and being discarded)
that brings me back to that line of dialogue at the end of the s4 special - 'this is just the calm before the storm.' i think he is going to be paying greater attention to whats to come, now. ESPECIALLY now that mk is showing some concerning signs with his powers and behavior. i'm very interested to see how he navigates it in season 5, but also am gonna run with the idea that he's not just looking out for himself, now. he's gonna keep an ear on mk's future, and he's going to look into WHO set azure free in the first place and what their intentions are, because he's always six steps ahead of the enemy.
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fregion-bond-breaker · 2 years ago
Actually ya know what? This got me inspired. Warning for EoD spoilers and the new chapter
Rama grunted as he dragged the Commander down the tunnels that lead them deep under the jade. His breathing was ragged from the strain. "Y-Yao...mind taking over? Or getting that mech of yours to carry him for a bit?" Yao turns to face Rama, adjusting his filter before answering. "Sorry Rama. But that would leave us way too vulnerable. We're already having a hard time keeping the Oni off us with us swapping. Lets take a small rest though. The miasmas cleared up a bit so it shouldn't be too much trouble." Rama waists no time in letting the Commander down against a large near by rock. "Commander? Come on big guy wake up. Its getting real hard to drag you around while we're being hunted by Oni." Fregion only groans in response. A pathetic whine escaping his throat. "S-Sire...stop...hurts." He croaks out in a low pleading voice. His hands weakly move to his stomach to cover it as his body is wracked with the hold pain from what his father had carved in to him. "Is he hurt?" Yao asks as they take a few steps closer but keep their eyes peeled and rifle ready. Gorrik rushes over hearing this only to stop and frown when he spots what the Commanders doing. "No...He's only mentioned it once and not in over much detail...but his father did something to him as a child. Something awful. I think the miasmas causing a psychosomatic reaction in his body. Causing pain from an old wound to feel fresh." Rama kneels and shakes the commander. "Hey! Come on old man snap out of it!" The Commanders eyes flutter open and he squints up at Rama. "Hah! There we go! Knew you'd come around." "...Trahearne? Y-you're back..." Rama gives him a confused look. "...I failed you...failed Eir...if only...ngh!" Fregion claws at his stomach as the pain spikes. His armor the only thing keeping him from clawing at his fur and skin. Gorrik place a hand on the Commanders, pulling it away to keep him from clawing himself. "Commander stop! Y-Your okay! No ones hurting you!" He pleaded. The Commanders unfocused eyes turn to him. "Blish...Blish please...come back! It hurts so much...I look at your brother I- I cant...forgive myself!" Fregions head rolled to the side as a pathetic sob escaped him. "...whos he talking about?" Yao asks. A look of concern on their face. "Gorrik?" Yao turns his head to look at the asura. "...My brother." He says in a low tone. They dont speak again for a while. Yao agreeing to take over for Rama and hands their rifle to Gorrik. The groups growing worry only spikes when theyre back outside and they lay the Commander down. The commander whimpers and whines. Names of dead friends, members of his warband. And a spike of uneasyness when... "Yes...I know. They hate me..." Fregion says as he curls in to a ball. "They wont even say my name..." Because they realize that not once have they ever used his name. They dont even know what it is. Hes never said- has he? They dont know. Gorrik spots something odd. A blurred shape sitting next to the Commander. He fires a shot at it and hears the odd sounds the Oni make as its struck and vanishes. Not long after that, the commander stirs. They all give him concerned looks. The commander for his part. Says nothing. Standing and walking off back towards the train.
I know they had Finn carry us but I’m possessed by the idea of, even in stages, the trio of Yao, Gorrik and Rama having to carry, or half drag for the larger folk, the Commander to safety. It’s dangerous, maybe Gorrik runs ahead, pistol at the ready - he’s done this before in a cell and he’ll do it a thousand times over, as long as they never have that wobble in their voice again
Rama and Yao shouldering the great hero over their shoulders, trying to ignore the soft mumbles and apologies - the whimpers, actual whimpers, of being unable to stop, unable to save, of all the wrongs they did (it’s all false, they did their best), and trying to tune out the tears falling intermittent as they focus on pulling them out of the Haze
What did we say? What secrets did we reveal? Did we cling to one more than the others? Was it like night terrors - were we seemingly wide awake, eyes open, howling in the camp, crying our heart out while no one could do anything? How long were we out? Did Gorrik huddle next to us again, did Rama chase off guards with a stare honed from years of working in a field where you must chase off the well meaning from the grieving? Did Yao have Finn try to warm us you and pull a blanket round our shoulders? Did they read to us to try and reach through the darkness?
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multifandomwriter5 · 3 years ago
blood, sweat and dirt | battison x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of blood, swearing, angst, and fluff, and very unedited, thats pretty much it loll
description: bruce comes home covered in blood and sees you pacing around the room... best friends to lovers trope
a.n omg so i watched the batman the other day and im obsessed, rob and zoë were amazing. there's no spoilers for the movie and i dont think i used any pronouns, lmk how u like the fic and also lmk if you want a part 2 cuz i have some ideas lol
part 2 part 3
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bruce wayne had been your best friend for as long as you can remember, your parents had been close, they had worked together so you and bruce had spent countless days together as kids, you were there for him when his parents passed. you were there for him when no one else was, even when he would lose his temper, you'd always be there for him because you know deep down he's still that little boy who lost his parents all those years ago.
it had been 3 days, 3 days since you last saw bruce, since you last talked to him, which wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't actively trying to avoid you. key word... trying, you decided that you would go to the wayne manor as soon as you got off work and see what has been going on to make him so distance lately.
you finished work around 10 and made your way to the manor, alfred let you in with an anxious look on his face, he was never very good at lying to you and he knew your stubbornness "he's not home y/n," alfred told you, you wondered where the hell he could possibly be at this time of night when he rarely leaves during the day "can i wait for him please," you asked although you both know it wasn't really a question "of course y/n, you may wait as long as you please, though he may be a while," he informed you, the anxious look still placed on his face.
you waited, and waited, and waited, and then finally at almost 1 in the morning you heard the door swing open and and then slam shut seconds later, you jumped to your feet practically running over to him, you gasped at the sight in front of you, bruce wayne in the batman suit covered in blood, sweat and dirt, he turned to you eyes wide "y/n, what the hell are you doing here," it sounded like he was trying to yell but his voice came out all ragged, you walked around him slowly, your eyes becoming teary at the sight, worry replaced all the previous anger and annoyance as he stared down at you.
you felt like you couldn't speak, for one, your life long best friend is the batman, and he was standing in front of you all bloody and hurt, oh god, he must be in so much pain. you quickly ran to the main bathroom downstairs and grabbed the first aid kit you knew would be there and ran back to where he was now sitting at the kitchen table.
"bruce," you spoke as you sat on the floor in front of him, he looked at you, anxiety, you placed the emotion on his bruised up face "i'm gonna need you to take the suit off please," you knew in any other circumstance he would laugh and make some inappropriate joke about you wanting to see him strip, but this was not the time and you both knew it, so instead he stood up and you helped him take the suit off.
you went to work on his cuts, they were scattered everywhere, thankfully there was only a couple deep ones that would need to be stitched up, you cleaned them all, starting from his abdomen slowly making your way up to his face. he watched you the whole time, neither of you spoke, you were to focused and he had no idea what he was going to tell you, there was no lie he could come up with as to why he came home in a batman suit covered in blood, the truth was out and now you could be in danger because of him and he was terrified, he couldn't lose you too.
"are you ok?" you asked, not knowing what else to say
"it's nothing i can't handle," he said taking his eyes off you to stare at the wall. it was silent for a couple minutes before he spoke again "i wanted to tell you," he said "then why didn't you?" "i was... am, scared, it's too dangerous, i didn't want anything to happen to you, you mean too much to me," he admitted, still not looking at you, bruce wasn't one to open up often, but you knew he was hurting and you hated that you couldn't do anything to stop it "i thought you got bored of me, that you didn't want me around anymore," he looked at you then, he had been so worried about your safety he didn't even realize he was pushing you away "i'm so sorry y/n" he said and you noticed the tears threatening to spill in his own eyes, you didn't say anything, you just moved closer to him, hesitating before wrapping your arms gently around his neck, not wanting to hurt him, he pulled you closer, his arms tightened around you waist, it was strange, bruce was never one for physical affection, you enjoyed his embrace, you felt safe.
when he pulled away you were sad to let go but he looked at you with in a way you'd never seen before and you weren't sure what it meant, you stared at each other with the same intense look until you felt his lips on yours, it was unexpected and you weren't sure it would even count as a kiss, his lips barely brushed against yours, waiting for some sort of approval or invitation so you closed the gap, your lips moving together as if it was muscle memory, as soon as it happened it had stopped when you heard something scratch the floor you both pulled away "uhm, i was just getting some water," it was alfred, you and bruce both laughed together and for a split second it felt like you were kids again laughing at some inside joke only the two of you were in on, alfed smiled and left the room with a quiet goodnight "it's late," you said "stay," he said looking at you again "ok," you nodded.
you followed bruce to his room, watched him as he grabbed an extra pair of sweats and t-shirt from his closet handing them to you, you took them with a smile saying thank you before going into his massive bathroom that was more like a spa, you decided to take a shower since you hadn't been home since before work, then changed into his clothes that were definitely too big for you but you didn't care.
you crawled into bed next to bruce and he turned over to you groaning with pain, "im okay," he said when he saw the worry on your face, you didn't believe him but nodded anyway "come here," he whispered in a low voice, you moved closer to hime and he wrapped his arms around you again.
"i don't like seeing you hurt," you said into his chest "i know... i know," he sighed placing a kiss atop your head "sleep now, we have tomorrow to talk," he said, it was nearing 3 and he knew you had questions, but he also knew you were tired, and so you did, you both did.
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