#i dont think i have much of a future as an art teacher
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venomous-qwille · 2 years ago
I start with a quick comp sketch ! This step is necessary because art is chaos and once you actually start painting you will be glad you have something to look at and remind yourself what the fuck you're doing. Once this sketch is done I line it and figure out the way the water is going to make shapes- I can use this water layer later (set to multiply) to instantly add depth:
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Next is the underpainting layer- I come from a trad painting background and it's my fervent belief that this is the real secret sauce to lovely colour. Go ham: add as many bright, saturated colours as your little heart desires- the more textured the brush the better. Some artists who use this technique like to stick to complimentary colours, personally I prefer to live on the edge and make it up as I go. Follow your heart: (Extra tip- turn your line art into a mask and fill it with a very saturated colour- red, purple or blue etc- avoid black at all costs, we want to keep aaaall desaturated colours away from the early stages of our painting. Only add black at the very end- it will stop your colours getting muddy when you use the eyedropper tool)
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Lol looks terrible right now, but don't feel bad. It's all worth it in the end.
Time to paint the rest of the owl. No really, smother all your beautiful vibrant hues in gross desaturated colours which are much closer to real life. Use a textured brush to block in the values/shapes and forms- you should still be able to see some of your bright underpainting peaking through! Once you have put down your more saturated block in you can start to play with fun things like blood and iridescence. Iridescence is all about contrasting desaturated/saturated hues which share a value- if you look at the below two pics and squint you will see that the tail stays the same 'value' in both- one just has flat colour, whereas the other has very saturated colour of the same value slapped on top. Your eyes will always read changes in value contrast first and colour second! As artists we can abuse this to great effect.
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I always use HSB sliders to track the value & hue relationships on my work as I paint:
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If I'm feeling extra powerful I will use the RGB sliders:
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HSB sliders let you understand and make changes to the colours in your painting really fast! RGB sliders however allow you much MUCH more subtle control, and playing around with these will teach you a lot about hue/value relationships but learning to read them is a goddamn arcane art. If you can master RGB sliders you will essentially ascend to art godhood (I am just a novice). The down side is the RGB method is very very time consuming to use & learn. To get an iridescent effect e.g on Moon: use your colour panel (whether you are going RGB or HSB) as you paint to shift blue hues to purple and cyan while always keeping the value the same. Use these colours to pick out the highlights. Try to avoid using white/desaturated brights when attempting to make something look nacreous- you will just end up mucking up the value levels/exposure of your art and lose out on a bunch of colour opportunities. Speaking of colour opportunities.... if you are working on mers leverage the water- any opportunity to have light bounce around in your image is an opportunity to add more colour. I used it to add extra contrasting greens because why not.
Ok that was a bit of a tangent. As I rendered out the rest- eg the net and the fishy patterns I just focused on opportunities to add colour contrast wherever I could. For example- adding yellow to moons tail- even a tiny bit kinda helps the iridescent purple/blue pop a bit more. The goal is just to keep adding more and more colour until your brain melts and you're like fuck it I'm done.
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Anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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Shallow Water
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stereor4t · 1 year ago
lesbian movies I've seen so far (review based on my tastes)
I'm going to give my opinion of the lesbian movies I've seen so far and I'm going to give them a score from 1 to 5 stars :3 it may contain some spoilers
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For the year this movie was made, I was actually surprised by the END of it(fuck the obsession with killing the protagonist). I didn’t really have much faith in it by how it stars, but man, I was so surprised, I loved it, be gay do crime. ★★★★☆
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God, this movie is my new roman empire, I didn’t know about Gia’s story, but the ending of the movie DESTROYED ME. the scene where shes talking with Linda and she says: now we have all the time in the world, I was so moved by it, I loved it. It’s currently one of my favorite movies.★★★★★
Lost and delirious(2001)
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ugh shakespearean shit, this movie touches more than one of us when it comes to the experience of liking girls. I liked it but I felt like there was a lot of wasted potential that could’ve made it great, tbh i just wanted Paulie to be happy; the fact the Piper Perabo is in it helps the score too. ★★★☆☆
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ITS THE BEST FUCKING MOVIE IN THE WORLD, GOD. I actually hated this movie before watching it ‘cause I thought it was some dumb comedy, but god, when I gave it a chance it BLEW ME AWAY. If you want to see some lesbian spies enemies to lovers shit watch debs.  ★★★★★
My summer of love(2004)
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Personally, I HATED this movie kjj, I didn’t really get ANYTHING at all, like it felt like everything was just too rushed??? like when did they even fall in love lol? Gets points just for Emily Blunt. ★★☆☆☆
Imagine me & you(2005)
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Piper Perabo again and Lena Heady THE WOMAN. This movie is ART, my fav movie, it’s beautiful, comfort movie af. The true don’t let your husband keep you from meeting your future wife. ★★★★★
Loving Annabelle(2006)
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This movie was made for all of us who once liked a teacher or profesor. I liked it quite a lot, but I feel like seize it’s true potential. Personally, I choose to think that the alternative ending it’s the true one lol. ★★★☆☆
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Again for us that like fantasizing about our teachers. I like this movie but again, I feel like they didn’t really make the most of it jskdja annoying af bitching about the same but yeah, it bothered me. Anyway, i liked the movie, and I didn’t like the ending at all,I felt bad for the poor teacher :c. ★★★☆☆
A perfect ending(2012)
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I know a lot of people hate this movie and think it’s shit, but I personally love it lol. Idk I remember that when I watched it it got me super emotional and i liked it a lot, dont care what anyone says to me it’s a good movie. ★★★☆☆
The girl king(2015)
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Didn’t like it at all, boring af, i didn’t really get it, idk, i was expecting more. ★☆☆☆☆
First girl i loved(2016)
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Im fond of this movie, it was one of the first ones I saw, the ending just made a me a bit frustrated, but I liked it, Brianna Hildebrand with a wig funny as hell. ★★★☆☆
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Rachel Weisz and McAdams DAMN. Great movie, I liked it in all aspects. Although the ending wasn’t what I expected I still liked it. ★★★★★
Tell it to the bees(2018)
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Mmm I think this movie is kinda meh, like it’s okay but I feel like it lacks something for me to like it, tho I didn’t get the ending, like I don’t understand the decisions each one took. ★★☆☆☆
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Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan!!!! I liked it but I didn’t love it, I never got to understand if Mary hated or loved Charlotte. The ending got me frustrated!!! ★★★☆☆
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The kind of movie you gotta watch after Gia, I liked it I thought it was silly, like very much teenage romcom sort of shit, like the Kissing Booth but for lesbians. ★★★☆☆
You can live forever(2022)
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I think this is a great movie, interesting story, I wasn’t expecting the whole ending sequence, what Marike says to Jamie destroyed me, in my head theyre the young version of the Disobedience ones. ★★★★★
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GREAT MOVIE, very entertaining and funny, I liked it quite a lot, it’s perfect to watch it with friends. Gigi is just like me fr best character ever. ★★★★★
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deminetly · 21 days ago
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(this is not just a dr, Im manifesting basically this exact life into my cr and just thought to make it into a dr script too)
Im still deciding on the country in which this dr is set since Im planning on moving away from the country I currently live in but my main options are Spain and Switzerland
set in modern times
so Im still the same person and use my own face claim but I am manifesting (and also working on) bettering myself in a few ways so I scripted those changes in (healing my mental health for example)
Im a master shifter and manifestor
my vibe -
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dates we go on here
I imagine him having either a buzz cut or really long hair and wearing baggy, black clothes, tall and attractive (obvi). dark eyes, dark hair, a really small cutie mustache
I have a really long list of all of my expectations which I fear I wont be listing here but just imagine him being super obsessed with me (in a healthy way of course) and giving me princess treatment (duh)
random facts - he plays guitar and skates (scripted that in just so he could teach them to me lol), he has a car (just to drive me around 😛), maybe works as a car mechanic
nothing too special, I go to school (Im manifesting getting into a good art school in which I could study film/set design.) I have a little friend group and travel around a lot with either my mom or friends
Im thinking of starting a youtube channel in my cr so I might script that Im a bit of an influencer kind of? I post ideas, vlogs, shifting content, art content and maybe even advice of some sort
when I first shift there I will still be living with my mom (and cat) in an apartment but later on I will be moving out into my own house
current home (when I first shift there) - an aparment in a somewhat busy street, big rooms and windows, I imagine our apartment having 2 stories, my room and bathroom being in the second one and the living room, kitchen, second bathroom and my moms room being in the first. I have my own bathroom with a big bath AND shower. we have a big pool outside. theres a farmers market nearby that I go to buy strawberries from every day. my room might also have a little balcony
future home - my own house in a mountain town where everyone knows everyone and we have dinner parties together where anyone that lives there is invited to every week. the house has a big garden full of life as well as a river that no one really knows of close by so i can swim alone, peacefully every day. has a cozy, whimsical, peaceful vibe to it. big windows, big rooms. also imagining 2 stories for this house. I want some sort of cool addition room like a sun room or art room with a reading nook. also loads of plants everywhere around the house
I go to a pretty small, old, art school (for some reason I imagine the walls as light pink and a bit cracked in case you were wondering..)
I take the normal classes (expect for physics, chemesty and geography beacuse why would I want that) + media, film and possibly creative writing
I have a best friend in my class
all the teachers are chill and nice, the school days arent too long, we dont get too much homework, the tests are easy and I enjoy the whole school experience
the vibe of the school -
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im obviously also keeping my other clothes that I currently own (that are a whole other vibe) but I really want some cool dresses like this so thats what I added here
btw if youre interested in my current wardrobe heres a pinterest board (check the ‘mines’ section) and heres my instagram
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the river that I swim in like every day
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the roof that me and my friend hang out in
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writing books
making stop motion films
making short films
swimming in rivers fully clothed
putting out a hammock and reading a book
going for forest runs in dresses
seeking out fairies
leaving out gifts for fairies
singing in forests
lying on the groud while Its raining
going for runs in the rain
connecting with animals
having a secret hangout just for myself
meditating in nature
feeding ducks
going on random side quests
exploring new places
hanging with my friends
fun dates with my s/o
these are all from pinterest and Im just using them to show what kind of art I want to create
I also make short films and write books (lmk if you want to hear more about those too because this post is already too long to put it all here)
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this is pretty messy since I am manifesting this kind of life and obviously dont know exactly when something is going to happen but Im going to move out of this country, get into a good school, meet friends and my mans❤️, all this while still living with my mom in an apartment but when I finish school I plan on moving out to my own house and being a set designer for theatres and films and maybe sort of an influencer even though I truly hate that word
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stopthisshitplease · 7 months ago
What I would chance about the last season of The Umbrella Academy because the last season was a disgrace for the humanity and lost of all our hopes. (#1)
- Luther's jobs were in a bar for so long so it doesnt really made sense on why he was a pole dancer. I feel like after looking less hairy and buffy he would try to socialize more. Maybe hes that one barista who is overly talkative but so done with people. We could see some Karens absulutely wailing at him. And Sloaine. Shes with him. BECAUSE WHERE IS SHE???? But Luther begin a 'dancer' was really funny af sooo
- Diego wouldnt become a mailman thing. He was trying to be a police in the first season and tried to save Kennedy in the second. He would try to be a police again. Yk the Police Academy and all that. The CIA thing was good but if he cant get in the legal way he is getting in another way. You cannot stop him as he was a literal vigilante.
- Allison, Claire and Raymond lives together now! She wouldnt overwork herself, She is finally with her daughter and her husband now. She would work a small but stable job so she can provide and have time for her family. (Keep in mind that Raymond isnt from this timeline so hes still learning about the future) And yes Klaus does visit her time to time so he can babysit Claire, even thought its more like Claire babysitting Klaus.
- Klaus is eighter a psychiatrist or has a 9-5 job while is studying in community Collage. Eighter way he is helping drug addicts, homeless people, LGBT+ people, angsty teenagers in his own way. People know him as a friendly weirdo but they all like him! Hes not doing well financially tho. Güven that he doesnt have a stable job experiance.
-Five working in CIA doesnt make a lot of sense. For all the means he probably swore wouldnt work anything like that at all. He lives in the countryside now. And is a farmer! He tells the other people who lives close to him that he inherited the place by his dead father (haha) and the others learned the hard way to not pity him.. The boy maybe cant travel now but he is sure manically dangerous!
- Ben... Agh Ben. Not sure about him. He is obviously an asshole. But in the season he was more open. He was getting better. He doesnt have a lot relationship with the other siblings so I dont think he wants to hang out with them at all. But I dont think he would be a criminal (minus minor law breakings but who is counting?) Maybe he teaches martial arts? But a really competitive teacher and his students always go to home with bruises. He swears its a part of training. The parents are not amused. His yelp revievs sure is something!
- Victor wouldnt have a thing with every woman come on.. He loves Sissy too much for that. And his relationships never ended good. Him having his own place is nice but he strictly never dates. He adapted to the powerless life better that the others given that he didnt have them for a long time. But he still felt like the little kid who was locked up again time to time. Would be kinda cool if he and Allison bonded over it. (Allison couldnt talk for a year remember?)
- Lila wouldnt be a stay at home mom. She would still be on the 'book club' but her, a stay at home mom??? She has insane abilities in physical power, she would maybe be a coach. And for her AND Diego having three kids bespite begin scared to have one?? Nope those babies are poof! Gone!AND NO SHE DID NOT CHEAT.
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writersblockworks · 3 months ago
Shit I did/said as a kid/teen as the Valorant agents (I’ve never had a concussion or broken bones)
Hey guys its close to finals week when im writing this i have no idea when ill post it, but enjoy!!
Brimstone: Took charge of a group project but ended up doing the whole thing myself. (15)
Viper: Willingly grabbed a wild snake to show my mom when I was 3, but cried when they wanted me to hold a tarantula (3 then 6)
Omen: For some reason me and my friends use to play that we lost our memory, we really just used it as an excuse to be mean. (I was 9)
Cypher: Spent hours on an app that let me see city cameras in china or something (9 maybe? I'm not sure)
Sova: The first time i went fishing with my grandfather (RIP grandpa) I was so proud, then i dropped it on the ground and it flopped into the water. (i was 5)
Sage: My friends and i would hop the fence at our elementry school to go pick wildflowers, we had to stop because we got ticks (9 or 10)
Pheonix: My best friend at the time asked me what I would do if my future boyfriend gives me a knuckle sandwaich and I replied that I would eat it. I still would (my now boyfriend would never raise a hand against me) (i was 5)
Jett: A boy was showing off how fast he could run, so i tripped him (i was 8)
Raze: I spraypainted the sidewalk beside my house because i wanted to make art (I wanted to use the spray cans) then i got scolded. (I was 7)
Breech: I am autistic and someone said oh she cant shes autistic, so I bit them i dont know how old i was nor do i remember what they said.
Reyna: I would play the wack a mole game at the arcade so I could use the hammer to hit my best friend, she did the same to me (8?)
KillJoy: When i played Valorant for the first time my online friend made me play KJ because i was german (17)
Skye: While i was going my usual tree climbing, i saw a spider. I decided to fall to the ground, I got up just fine, then climbed a diffrent tree where i found a bee hive. (idk 11? maybe) Yoru: When I fIrst got glasses and I could actually see, I looked at my nana and asked her what happened to her face, then I threw up (I was 4)
Astra: I love the stars so much, I used to think we all became stars when we died because the movie princess and the frog, and I cried when the cathloic church said we didnt (I was 6)
KAY/O: In MMA class we had to do an excersize where the others would have to stop us from making it to the other side. Most of the kids dog piled on me, a 150 pound boy got on my back, yet I still made it across the room (idk I was 11 and weak, but for a treat after, I was strong) Chamber: My friend taught us pole dancing at recess and for some reason the teachers never stopped us. (we were in 5th grade about 10?)
Neon: I watched my younger brother slide into the Oven door. My parents for some reason put it in the living room. I tried to help him by saying it was the dog. However Our dog was living with my grandparents. (7?)
Fade: Spent a whole hour meowning at a random cat in France (I was 12, and where were my parents?) Harbor: I am a huge history nerd, I did three book reports on the titanic, Then when we had to be characters for a fake museum where we would have to preform for epople I decided to be the drunk man that survived (I was 10, why didnt a teacher tell me no?)
Gekko: I had one of the electronic Furbies, i still have that yellow shit. Me and my brother were playing with him and he turned evil and we got so scared. For a month we made our mom put him under a flowerpot with 2 bibles on top of it. (I actually dont know how old I was)
Deadlock: My grandma gave me a sewing kit for one of my birthdays so I just threw it at people (6)
Iso: Collected little rocks at recess then put them in the shoes of kids I didnt like (6)
Clove: Jumped off the top of the playground because I wanted to impress my crush, then I hit my head on the slide pole. Surprisingly I ended up being just fine.
Vyse: ummm I had a Wiggle (if anyone remembers those) and I would constantly bully it. I actualy dont know how old I was but I was a kid
Honorable mention: I farted in church when i was 4 and blamed it on Jesus and apparently you’re not supposed to do that. Also this is a rough memory and stir from the top of my head, I have childhood trauma
Anyways i finally got therapy. Byeeee working on a request rn
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leoslosttoolbelt · 2 years ago
What I think the demigods would major as and why
these are personal head canons dont take them too seriously :)
Percy: Education. I know that we usually hc as a Marin biology kinda guy but I genuinely think that he wouldn't be too fond of the workload but instead want to work towards being a teacher and being the kind of teacher he needed as a kid, y'know? Alternatively, I can see him being into something like baking and pastry art to take over Sally's shop.
Annabeth: Architecture. I really don't think I need to explain this one to y'all but yeah she's an architecture girly. But if we want to branch out I can also see her studying law and working in the area of Child Protection.
Leo: Astrophysics. I have this head canon of him panicking because of the sheer amount of choices that he's presented with and choosing the first one of the alphabetical list. Lucky for him, he's insanely good at it AND it'll pay well in the future. He minors in mechanical engineering and realises that although he has all the practical knowledge because of his father, his theoretical knowledge isn't as strong lol.
Piper: Food Science. I'm trying to be unique here because yeah, she could do environmental studies but I also think it would be super cool to see her learning about food and developing new vegetarian versions of food because it's something she's visibly passionate about in the books.
Nico: I can see him getting a history / philosophy related degree for his bachelors just for him to get a  doctor of philosophy (Ph. D.) in mythology or folklore. His hyperfixation runs deep and he sure as hell is going to fuel it as much as he can.
Jason: Doesn't go to college!! Is severely burnt out <3. No but like idk man I think he'd legitimately want to take it chill if that makes sense? Maybe he'd do a business major just so that he can get a job somewhere but I can't think of somewhere he'd fit in nicely. Jason does have a lot of part time jobs though!!
Frank: Nurse! Nursing school! Despite being the son of Mars I can see him being in the medical field because he wants to help people in need. It's a long journey with lots of ups and downs but finally getting his degree makes it all worth it.
Hazel: Geology because rocks. And also women in STEM!! This one directly correlates to her powers in the books as well as both of her parents! On the other hand, I can see definitely see Hazel studying in the field of archeology with the goal of being an archeologist and then eventually a museum curator :)
Reyna: Psychology!! Listen, I know this seems out of the blue but Reyna gives me the right vibes. Everyone is skeptical at first because they don't think she'd fit the mold of a clinical psychologist but that's okay because Reyna wants to further herself in research! She studies Neuropsychology and becomes a prominent researcher in her field! Please tell me you see the vision.
Will: From what I can see in the books, Emergency Medical Services degree seems like the right field for him. He's already basically a paramedic at Camp Half Blood so he knows it's naturally the right step for him. On the other hand, for something a little different - he seems like the kind of guy who might be interested in studying cinematography or art history maybe.
Travis: He studies Economics because he's so fucking convinced that he can become the next Elon Musk if he studies this. Alternatively, he studies music because he wants to travel the world and like sing with the wind and all that shit.
Connor: he's a communications major because he's a really popular youtube and technically doesn't really need to go to college but oh well he can study communications.
Drew: She goes to cosmetology school as the first step to start her own makeup and skincare empire. She's super nice to all of her clients and helps out all of the other students when they're having trouble with something! I will not tolerate any Drew slander let my girl breathe.
Pollux: Chemical Engineering. He got influenced by watching breaking bad and somehow landed himself a degree in chemical engineering. He doesn't know how he survived that degree but it doesn't matter because he decides to not give a fuck and open a coffee shop that becomes really popular because all the drinks are to die for.
Thalia: I don't really know the right terminology but she has an art related degree / tattoo apprentice so that she can work as a tattoo artist!! It fits with the thalis vision and also she is the eldest daughter who loses it lowkey so she doesn't follow your usual education route. Tattoo artist Thalia for the win!!
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emotori7 · 3 months ago
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main outfit (you can use bloom's shoes, i had to seperate the ruffle trim and the bottom section of the top and make it acc. item) should be in the mainoutfit file, i know the shadow display in game kinda messes it up i cant really fix that lol but it looks fine indoors in game, and again you cant go by cas mode, because that messes up all textures and everything you only can go by the in game mode when you put the character in the map. i test my cc. so i know you cant go by cas mode where you create the character. you need custom body sliders to alter the body, so if you want to make the character bigger use silders, i only know how to mesh one body size at a time i dont know how to put them all together or anything and i dont think people want to download the same cc for said body size so using custom body sliders are the better option. i am still new to all this, which almost caused me not to upload or go about uploading post about my creations, so be kind and tell me what i need to fix or change or alter, i try to stay true to the original look of the winx without putting and creative custom alterations to them, to prevent any possible negativity, some people might not like me changing things, so i dont try too change much. now fan made stuff i might add my own creativity to it and alterations, to improve the idea, i was thinking about creating a new look for arcadia the first fairy because i feel like her outfit is to simple in my opinion, i am still tryna figure out how to do her head, but after i do stella, musa, and aisha's outfits which i might not change to much of their outfits, i think ima redo aisha's shoes, musa and stella's top and stella's skirt and that is pretty much it for main outfits, once i do all of season 1 and 2 outfits for the winx comic books and show, ima do teachers, and focus on roxy and mirta and daphne fan art outfits and other things for the witch version of the winx and all the events that took place before the events of the winx.
ima probably redo stella ring and scepter, and add some creativity to it, put my own design and style i created into the mix make it more unique since i am creating 2 versions of it. a sun version and moon version, (the moon version is the one Chimera has i believe, i dont actually know what her scepter is a symbol for, but she got it from stella's father after she became his step daughter for a moment.)
and ima probably recreate and do my own version of the school buildings. i might do seperate lots for each section of them, like 1 lot will have the classrooms, one lot will be the teacher wing, student wing, and other things because i am having a hard time putting everything on one lot.
but here is flora's main outfit i might go back in the future and redo it again but for now im leaving it as it is mostly the top ill do in game uploads when i have all the winx done.
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actualbird · 1 year ago
Hi Zak, would you recommend majoring in something you enjoy doing?
I enjoy writing (and beta reading), and plan to major in something like liberal arts or creative writing, but I'm not sure if I should.
I feel like I might get burnt out if I choose to major in one of that, but also, I'm worried about my future job prospects.
I've heard of people who majored in fine arts and end up having to do a job they dislike cuz no money for the work, and idk if it's worth it. :(
~ 📝 (is this taken?)
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hey there notes!anon (will be tagging u as this!!), ty for the ask!!
i'd like to preface everything im going to say with like, this is my Own opinion based on my own experience, and your experiences may differ, so not everything i say may apply to you and your circumstances. im frankly always surprised when i get asks asking for advice on life stuff, because i myself definitely do not have my life together in any way. still, i hope something in my perspective can be useful somehow to you
i personally am not sure/am not knowledgeable about a liberal arts major (because my college didnt have a course like that) but i CAN talk about the effects/benefits/cons of a creative writing major because i myself am a creative writing graduate
and first off, job availability is not as big of a problem for CW graduates as many people think. lots of industries need creative writers. it may not be the industry you expected or originally wanted, but the prospects are definitely there. when i was job hunting, off the top of my head, here were the jobs i applied to (and thus felt somewhat qualified for, with my CW degree): advertising copywriter, SEO writer, english teacher/tutor, writing for print magazines, writing game guides for online websites, writing scripts for games, copyediting, corporate copywriting. and that is very much the tip of the iceberg, because there are a lot of jobs that i overlooked that i couldve qualified for but i wasnt personally interested in.
now on the topic of burnout......i'll be real with you: no matter what you major in in college, burnout will happen if you dont adequately manage yourself.
burnout is not exclusive to creative endeavors, it's an effect of too much work + lack of control (perceived or real) + a whole lot of other factors that are VERY common to experience in college. essentially, college is a CAUTION: BURNOUT PRONE AREA simply due to how it's designed/structured. so no matter what course you choose, it will be a danger. so it's less of picking a course and more of how you protect yourself against burnout that will help you more in the long run
that being said, i got burnt out a TON when i was in college because of my mental illness(TM) and also because i was generally bad at pacing myself and taking care of myself. but what got me through was my sheer dedication to writing.
one thing about college is that i think you should pick something that you like enough that even when you feel like you hate it to the high heavens (because you definitely might, what with how stressful college requirements are), there is still something stronger about your tie to that course that pulls you through
for me, it was personal passion and commitment to writing. writing has always been the one thing i knew i wanted to do since the beginning of time, so no matter how much i hated it on all nighters i was working on my thesis manuscript, i pulled through
essentially, to prevent/survive burnout: manage yourself + pick whatever course you want where the "but" in "oh my god i hate this course, BUT..." is a strong one. if you have no strong ones as of the moment, thats alright. you can build it up as you go along
now on the topic of "working a job they dislike" i will be real with you once more..............this is a more common reality of life than having a job you do like. i am a statistical anomaly in the sense that i generally enjoy my job, but a lot of the time (based on what my irl friends go through with their jobs) you end up with a job you didnt expect you'd get into and dont necessarily enjoy. but....it pays the bills. it pays for you to enjoy the stuff you do when youre not working. and thats a valid way to get through life as well.
life after college, contrary to what people want you to believe, is not 100% taken up by your job. or at least it shouldnt be. or at least you should work to make sure it isnt. this might be, again, because im coming from a privileged perspective of having the time to pursue other things like hobbies and interests in addition to having a job, but if you also have the resources to do so, then definitely do so.
all in all: "would you recommend majoring in something you enjoy doing?" it.....depends. i recommend majoring in something you feel strongly enough about that you will continue to do it even when it's not enjoyable 100% of the time. but dont worry about jobs, because a CW degree is definitely useful in the job market. and dont worry about burnout, because that exists in all courses anyway, not just CW.
that is!!......all i think i have to say about ur q, i think
i hope some part of this can be helpful, notes!anon. and im wishing you the best in your decision!!! :D
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neocoffeecafe · 1 year ago
thank you to @daydreamingyuta for tagging me, love !!
get to know me !!!
do you make your bed? hehe no i dont. it’s always ready for me for bed, though !!
what is your favorite number? i’m gonna be honest i dont have one !! as an nctzen i do naturally go ballistic when i see 127, but i don’t have one specifically !!
what is your job? i work in a restaurant ! i am the expediter, the person who takes out the food. i really enjoy it, and i would recommend it
if you could go back to school, would you? yes! i am actually working for college to do some basic classes and to take art classes
can you parallel park? living in a small town where most of the parking is parallel, ive gotten pretty good at it
a job you had that would surprise people? nope! my job at this restaurant was my first and i am still employed there :)
do you think aliens are real? i like to believe that farther away our galaxy there are other civilizations just like us, alternate realities could even be real too. theres just so much out there the possibilities are endless! but yes, i do believe they can exist just not on earth
can you drive a manual car? LOL i can hardly drive an automatic
whats your guilty pleasure? causing trouble in online games to make people angry LOL
tattoos? NOOO but i want to get some so badly !! i want to get three cardinals on my back for the three men in my life that ive lost. my uncle, grandfather, and my other grandfather that i never could’ve met but wished i would’ve. i want to get stars on my knuckles and i want to get a saturn somewhere, unsure where, i was thinking my shoulder area ! i was also thinking about getting a tattoo of luxray, my favorite pokemon. but i would like to get tons of tattoos in the future !! i’m just super nervous because i have the worst pain tolerance ever
favorite color? i have more than one! blue, black, white, silver, and rose gold are my favorites !!
favorite type of music? i literally listen to anything and everything !! genres honestly dont exist to me anymore, if i like what i listen to i will like it and save it if not i wont ! i have over 7,000 songs on my liked songs and still counting !! i have a playlist for new releases/comebacks and new music in general, it’s SOOO outdated and i am VERY behind on it but i will literally listen to anything
do you like puzzles? yeah i do ! my favorite is word search
any phobias? OH MY GOD YES I AM SCARED OF AIR ATP !! insects, dark, thunderstorms (i love them but at the same time i’m terrified I KNOW IM WEIRD !!) theres more i just can’t remember them atm LOL. AI AND ROBOTS !! i HATE ai and robots
favorite childhood sport? t-ball LOL
do you talk to yourself? yeah LOL teachers in the past have made fun of me for talking to myself while doing things, sometimes i think better talking to myself
what movie(s) do you adore? NIMONA !!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT MOVIE i watched it for the first time like a month ago and i’ve seen it about seven times
coffee of tea? OK SUE ME !! both. i love red diamond sweet tea and drink it religiously, but i say yes to both because i do like coffee, but it has to be doctored up… a LOT. i like getting the starbucks glass caramel frappe thing and the mcdonads caramel frappe. it has to be that type of coffee, i don’t like any others
first thing you wanted to be growing up? i’ve always wanted to be an artist! always always. my goal is to now become a concept artist, for video games specifically. preferably character concept design !! for companies like riot, hoyoverse, even nintendo, etc.
hmm i wasnt sure who to tag so i closed my eyes and picked two lol! @phoxphenex and @mrkis !! no pressure you don’t have to !!
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gemsofgreece · 2 years ago
Oh my goodness hello i am the person that asked you about the interview with the greek teacher and those tips were so helpful! I am incredibly interested in the Byzantine period, particularly the hagiographical literature, the letters of Philes and Psellos, and the Greek Orthodox tradition in general and the incredible history with iconography. So i will most definitely be mentioning those! Im so sorry i should have specified; i dont speak a word of Greek haahaha im applying to study the language (from scratch of course) and literature of Medieval and Modern Greek so that should cover the Byzantine period onwards i believe? Just wanted to say thank you so much for the tips i will be sure to express my appreciation for the culture. My biggest worry was that i'd really butcher a name of some sort haha! Your blog is quite wonderful, its actually what sparked my interest in the language and culture (i speak a few other European languages already so id be studying them alongisde Greek hopefully) I just hope they'll see that i have the linguistic ability because the alphabet is of course different to the latin alphabet and the language isnt very closely related to other European languages so fingers crossed i guess! This is quite a long message i apologise but I wanted to say thank you for everything! I hope to report back in about 6 months time with an acceptance letter... thanks again! much love x
Well if you say those same things to them plus some emphasis on the things I advised, you don’t have to worry one bit! You could also use your knowledge / studying of other languages as proof of your skill in linguistics.
You should also not worry that regardless of how many languages you know, Greek will be so monstrously hard that the professor will have doubts you can make it. As foreign alphabets go, the Greek one is the closest one to Latin and it has only 24 letters, half of which are the same with Latin. In fact, perhaps you have the time to learn it before the interview, it might help you feel more prepared and confident. And yep it is a challenging language but there are several challenging languages out there, there isn’t, like, anything inhumanly hard about it. Since you are already acquainted with other European languages, you will certainly find especially its vocabulary but even its grammar much easier than other non-Indo-European languages like Arabic, Chinese, Japanese etc And, in general, it is hard but not as hard as its reputation suggests. Some Slavic languages, Finnish and Hebrew are about as hard, give or take. And Greek is closer to the Romance languages than these are, so it might actually be easier for you.
Yes, my understanding is that your studies will include Byzantine and Post-Byzantine eras. I am not sure how modern it will get. But my guess based on what you told me is that they are probably teaching both Modern and Koine Greek. Honestly, these studies sound pretty cool. I think they will be fun!
I am also incredibly moved that you feel like the blog inspired you to want to explore this field of history and art! I hope this journey will be really rewarding for you.
Looking forward to your future report about your acceptance to the program 😁😁😁
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what-if-nct · 2 years ago
hiiii is it ok if i ask for some advice? im sorry im gonna sound rambly but uhhh i'm 14 and starting high school next year (which i alrdy dont feel too good abt haha) and my (overbearing asian) parents are going to send me to this private lutheran hs instead of the public one i was supposed to go to bc its more upper class and smart (?). tbh i was genuinely surprised that i liked the school, academic-wise, and i rlly liked that i had the space in my schedule to take more fine arts classes (i dont have any in my hs) but like the first thing the principal said to me was that i "needed to learn to be a good christian". a whole hour each week is dedicated to jesus and i just know my atheist ass is going to be uncomfortable asf. first, one of my best friends has a thing for jesus (he says jesus is too hot to be straight 😭) and i cant tell if hes joking anymore, and second, i dont have a problem with people who are religious, but i do when they are flat out hateful and harrassing people from communities they "dont agree with", and i just know the people preaching at this school are the latter.
also rn i am the *only* poc in my entire school, and i noticed there were a lot more asian students and students of color, so hopefully there'll be less kids pulling at their eyes or calling me slurs :D
anyways i not a fan of the fact that "homosexual behavior on or off campus" warranted for expulsion, since i am a *very* queer and bisexual individual. at my current school, i dont really need to hide my gayness bc no one cares, and my teachers are accepting (my homeroom teachers a lesbian lol <33). i dont think i can handle having to hide such a big part of my identity at home *and* at school :( too add to that i really suck at making friends, so being somewhere without people i'm comfortable with, my anxiety gets really bad, and i just shut down completely.
my hs is p rundown (like most public highschools are) and the classes are average at best, so idk man, im torn :( i dont know if i should suck it up and go to lutheran school bc their good academics, or ✨be myself✨ and go to p shitty school :/
i dont know what to do (or if i can even do anything) abt it i just dont feel too good about this :( you've mentioned you went to a christian school, so do you have any advice? even if you dont, thank you so so much for listening to me rant for a moment there <33 i really treasure you and your blog, atp you feel like the big sister i've never had. i love youuuu <333
That is such a sticky situation. Cause maybe you can try to persuade your parents especially since they'll be paying for the private school on top of college tuition in the future, it can be a huge selling point. I know that's how I won in the decision of beauty school over college it's cheaper. And christian and catholic schools are heavily based in religion like it's a huge part of it so if you don't believe in it it can be absolutely mind numbing. I actually didn't go to Christian school, actually wasn't forced to go to church as a child, I was like 11 and for some reason told grandma Christianity is responsible for all the bad things that happened in the world. Which is wild that I even was able to come to that conclusion as a child she just brushed me off. But I did go to church summer camp to be with my friends which my friend and I got scolded for holding hands but she was just leading me through the crowd of people. So that's still unfortunately a huge part of christian beliefs
the thing that really caught me off guard is the homosexual activity off campus can lead to expulsion. On campus like sucks but is expected of a christian school sadly. But off campus in your day to day life is like your actions off campus shouldn't be judged by the school. Like I can't wrap my mind around that. I think since you have a whole summer maybe look for more schools you can attend I remember doing this in middle school because my home high school was an F school so you could choose any high school within a certain range. You'd be really surprised with how many schools are around you I'm assuming you're in the us but I'm sure everywhere has a ton of schools. And look for a school that holds some of what your parents want and also your own values and needs for your education. And maybe your parents seeing you take initiative might be an extra point.
If your parents are deadset on it. I think try to make the best out of it as much as you can usually there's a group of people in the same boat you're in where their parents forced them to be there. Trust me no matter where you go you will always be drawn to those like you every single time. But if you do get the choice of going to the original public school firstly screw every single racist little bitch who does that to you that is horrid I am so sorry you have to endure that. People suck. But you can also learn extra independently I always did that cause I was a bit ahead of my class. But I really think researching more schools in your area would help you find the perfect school for you. I personally was in love with Waldorf schools they're more creative led schools and freer, I wanted to go to one so badly. So figure out the exact kind of education you want like a magnet school, charter school it doesn't hurt to see how receptive your parents will be to it.
I really hope this helped at all and I hope it works out well for you. And Awwww it's so sweet you see me as a big sister, I gladly be your big sister, love you too🌸🌸🌸
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hazerl · 28 days ago
hi !! high schooler anon again, thank you for your response !!! with how little life experience i have, it's very difficult not to put myself into a box and not consider all the different circumstances life can throw at you
i think the big thing that threw me off is i asked my ap bio teacher about scientific illustration opportunities and he said that traditional illustrations aren't as sought out anymore as opposed to 3d rendering [which . zero interest for me lol my heart lies with chalk pastels and prismacolors] but im still an artist !! ill always be able to collect some type of money from what i do [obviously i dont plan to only make art for money, that just sucks all the fun out of it !!!!]
anyway, thank you again !!!! i feel way more sure about what im going to do later in life now and about ai art not making every single artist broke in the distant future. but ! another question, do you sell at art markets at all ? i just recently visited one with some friends locally and there was a very lovely person there who was selling originals and some stickers [like you do on your site] and i was just wondering if that whole side of selling art is worth taking a dip into ? i've dipped a toe into selling art by making some keychains for a friend's sister and got paid wayyy more than expected, but i was just wondering what someone who has more skin in the game was thinking ? thank you so much !! a third time !!!! i really appreciate your response :]]]
I think 3D renders are just the next step in the evolution of scientific illustration but we'll always need the previous steps! There is value in both of them.
I have done a few art markets and I've found them to be very fun if they're the right fit! It's really about whether or not you have pieces that people will want to buy, as well as having a range of products in different price ranges. You never know who will be there. The last market I did, I sold a bunch of little $5 things (which if I'd had to pay for the table like you do at most markets, I'd barely have broken even) and then one person came by and bought some really big ticket illustrations, and that basically made the whole show for me. It's definitely a gamble!
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deutoplasmic · 7 months ago
LMAOOOO they really are just a bunch of silly yokai vying for your attention,,, like “your laundromat is neutral ground BUT YOU LIKE US BETTER THAN THEM RIGHT. RIGHT”
UHH it depends on if you consider mandarin and hokkien separate languages bc if you then that makes 4 languages yea DJDNDJ i wanna learn more languages in the future too but i wanna fix up my mandarin first lmao
REAL THOUGH LIKE theres 3 japanese people in into1 AND THATS NOT COUNTING THE OTHER 2 THAT GOT RIGGED OUT,,, cfans dont seem to hold the ww2 atrocities against individual japanese people, more of the government and certain places (ie that shrine in japan that commemorates their ww2 soldiers. a chinese actor took a selfie there once and instantly got blacklisted)
I MEAN 😭 everything is cheap here because our economy is in shambles so 😭😭 but i do agree that our food cant be beat just *chefs kiss*
LMAOKDJDKD groveling rihi is just so entertaining to me like yea big tough guy!! but also absolutely folds if you dont give him attention every 5 minutes
but yea xikers is fun!! theyre all younger than me so i baby them a lot. and they recently released this absolutely TERRIFYING horror content and i felt terrible bc one of them got so scared he started CRYING i must protect
plsss companies suck ;; trcng is already kinda free from TS but ghost9 is still in maroo’s basement,, ALSO YES HES IN MONOTREE
AND YOURE SO RIGHT y/n CAN DO THAT SO TRUE,,, princess peach yudai,,, now thats an art prompt
LMAODKDJDKDJDN OMG OK SO LOWKEY,,, A PROFESSOR OF MINE HAS RAGGED ON DJS TOO MUCH LMAO,,, im from an art school and so we tend to have very. unique people. and my professor was like “i can excuse furries but i draw the line at djs” AND NOW EVERY TIME I SEE NISHI DJ I REMEMBER THAT LINEJDNDJD but im sure y/n is very happy LMAOKDJD
YES you keep giving them cop out answers like "yeah idk" or even worse the "you guys both suck" but they're going to get an answer out of you some day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and also i just realised what this au entails when you put 97-99s as kitsunes bc kitsune ren is so right in my head it's just so. it makes so much sense. it's so real. oh my god. it's so factual. every time he walks in he deviously pilfers something from under your nose and when he leaves he WILL put it in the tip jar size be damned
if you try telling me anything in hokkien i won't understand anything so i'll quantify it as a separate language :rofl: languages are so cool though!!!!!!!!!! my friend's viet and she keeps teaching me random phrases like "hey girl", "i love you", and "oh my god" LOL. you can do it!!!!!!! mandarin i think is the easiest to learn from the chinese branches like. for what reason does cantonese have like 6 tones my days
you know what fair. my japanese teacher once said that the history books in japan, fully regulated by the government, are pretty heavily tilted on a bias towards themselves so kids don't get taught things like the nanjing massacre or unit 731. also THERE WAS RIGGING ofc there was rigging act shocked! and yeah my dad was telling me about the shrine when the actor got banned lmfao.... he was not impressed
SACRIFICES MUST BE MADE i'm pretty sure all of the currencies are weaker than the main western powers like the british pound and american dollar so sea keeps getting a bunch of weird tourists who think they can exploit the people there. but i think theyre fighting back by putting a tourist tax of double price LOL. kind of unrelated but i keep getting malay singapore beef on my insta fyp. it's so funny and i'm not even a citizen of either country. sometimes you just need to bring up the ringgit to inflict ultimate damage
damn it you have to feed your big clingy cat guy!!!!!!!!!!! he desires attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also i think you get unintentional scary dog (cat) privilege like no way am i going to do smth devious with him hanging off your shoulder
WHAT he started crying............. was he ok................... free my bro.................... also i swear having idols debut younger than you is such a reality check to how old you're getting LMAO there was this 14 (!!!!) year old aussie olympian who won gold in skateboarding........ like i was NOT winning the olympics at 14.
ts ent was so horrendous i can't believe they did all of their groups that badly.... bap copped it so bad. thank god theyre a thing of the past...... hopefully ghost9 can escape the dungeon omfg. AND AHHHH MONOTREE hwang hyun is doing so much justice for onf its crazy!!!!!! and it's always a bit of a relief when you see them on the track list of some mini album lmao
love yn theyre so cool to me. and also IT IS. hes so pretty he would pull it off so well. truly smth to consider
YOURE FROM AN ART SCHOOL damn ok i see who im talking to. dont mind me and my piddly attempts at drawing please /j but FR thats HILARIOUS literally just people who dress up as anthropomorphic animals are ok i GUESS but god i cant STAND the bluster and swagger of those noisy musical "artists"
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mekatrio · 7 months ago
got reminded of jins wretched tweets so instead of acknowledging them i will write down myyyy future mkd headcanons, set 2 years after the ending in a perfect utopia where they dont keep their powers
ayano: working towards getting her highschool diploma, still unsure of whether she'll pursue higher education, and what field she would pursue. works as an assistant teacher at a local kindergarten, and lives w the mekatrio + mary in their old home
kido: currently finishing up her highschool education via whatever alternative method she was doing back when she lived w the tateyamas (likely some non-standard tutoring for special needs kids). is also taking music lessons from shintaro, specifically for bass guitar and piano. works part-time at a music store in order to challenge her anxiety, bc she wants to pursue a degree in music once she graduates hs
seto: not pursuing education. got a full-time job at a flower shop, and volunteers often at an animal shelter. is thinking about volunteering at a zoo.
kano: finishing his hs education the same way as kido. is thinking abt following ayaka's footstep and pursuing a degree in anthropology/archeology. has taken kido's role as the primary homemaker, much to the chagrin of mary (they spend more time together now, meaning mary gets teased by him more. but she fights back!)
mary: now that the people she lives with have resumed their education (kano and kido dropped out after ayano's death), mary also feels incline to study along with them. she has no plans to pursue education formally, but just by talking with them and looking at their materials, she also becomes more knowledgeable and curious abt the world. she works part time at the flowershop with seto, and accompanys him to the animal shelter sometimes. she also has short hair now!
momo: quit being an idol, and is just a regular highschool student again. hiyori and hibiya began attending the same school as her this year, and the three of them are good friends. shes thinking about pursuing fine arts in uni. it makes her extremely relieved and happy that there are people who love her art, even if she doesnt have any powers to attract them
takane: not pursuing education, and is taking it easy instead. her grandmother had sadly passed away while she was ene, due to the shock and grief of losing her granddaughter. takane moved into the hideout with haruka and shintaro. she does some freelance repair work, where people will remotely send in their broken items, and takane will send them back fully repaired. bc she was a computer program for 2 whole years, she now has an intuitive understanding of computer science, even if she cant turn into ene anymore. (and shes better with software than hardware, but she can do both). she also livestreams anonymously on the side to make a decent amount of cash. some people theorize that shes lightning dancer ene, which she vehemently denies. oh, and shes dating haruka!
shintaro: enrolled into an online university this year, and is working towards getting a degree in music. hes still very anxious, but he gets a lot of support from the mkd, which helps him a lot. to the joy of all the members, he Finally released a completed song. it didnt perform very well online, but hes ok with that. kido (and secretly takane and kano as well) are huge fans of this song. kido always hypes it tf up. hes currently working on completing an entire album. hes still too anxious to hold down a proper job, but he makes some decent cash from giving music lessons to kido. and hes in a 'will they wont they' situationship with ayano LOL (they "broke up" but still hv feelings... its messy. but ayano visits the three of them and stays over very often). and ofc he visits him mom and sister nearly every weekend
haruka: just like takane, hes also taking it easy. while takane chose not to reconnect with her parents, haruka decided to meet his father again. it was very emotional and heartwarming, haruka's father was a big help in helping haruka, takane, and ayano reestablish their legal identities + overturn their death certificates without getting the press involved (the cover story is that kenjirou had kidnapped them + faked their deaths). haruka's health still needs to be monitored, but his illness is no longer terminal. he is a freelance artist + photographer, and quest-stars on takane's streams every now and then 😁
hiyori: moved to the city with hibiya to attend highschool. her parents got her an apartment to stay at, but she also wrangled her parents into sponsoring/giving hibiya a place to stay as well, threatening them w something or the other (something like 'hibiya almost DIED that time so you have to let ME keep an eye on HIM') so they live in the same building lol. she visits ayano and her siblings frequently; after kenjirou's death, hiyori's parents met ayaka's children at the funeral.. it was awks but not in a super bad way. hiyori's parents are grateful that they took care of her during that summer, so they kinda look after them now too and arent as super estranged anymore. hiyori is thinking abt pursuing literature in uni after she graduates hs.
hibiya: scored a scholarship that allows him to study in the city (hiyori got this too). being in a timeloop has made him less fucking insane abt hiyori and now they are actual down to earth good friends. its nice. momo bullies him a lot at school but its whateves. hes thinking abt actually studying geography once hes in uni.. leaving his village for the first time that summer taught him that theres so little he knows abt the world, so he wants to learn about it as much as he can.
and some additional notes:
momo ended her career with a lot of fanfare, having a very successful farewell album, doing a farewell tour, taking loads of ads deals, etc, before finally pulling the plug. this all made a decent amount of money, money which continues to help her family out even 2 years later. shintaro moving out and living w harutaka also helps a lot too. also, she hangs out w the mekatrio + mary often
shintaro received a scholarship for his uni degree
kenjirou had set aside a good amount of savings for his children, which they currently still use to live off of. seto, mary, and ayano also make a decent amount of money combined which helps with living costs.
haruka, takane, and shintaro make a decent amount of money together... tho haruka's father gives his son a generous amount of money quite often, which the three of them use to sustain themselves haha
all in all, all of the mkd live comfortably, and visit each other frequently ^_^
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lqfiles · 10 months ago
🐣🐣🐣 anon hereeeee. ok??? why’s haechan so cocky i hate him 🙄🙄😒😒 who does he think he is… (he’s hot) i liked the chapter a lot btw i love all your smaus (two i think) ☹️☹️ sometimes i search for a smau and js find really ugly ones (no offense i truly mean no offense with this) while yours are js so… accurate to the real app? like for imessages and twitter they look EXACTLY like the app itself
ok enough, yesterday i was about to fall asleep and i asked myself whether or not, after how popular stg got, did u choose the title to ptp thinking of what “abbreviation” (idk if thats the right word in english) people would use with it? like whether it would sound good or not?
i hope you’re doing great again and having a fun or light week. if you find yourself in a position of struggle, a break is always a good idea. be mindful of your own worth and make sure to not let people make you feel less than what you deserve 😠 take care and be healthy, goza de salud y amor!
about my ppt and test… i can say that thursday and friday were the worst ones. on thursday i have 5 classes, from which i did 4 “tests” (idk how to say it in english but i mean 4 different ways to give me a grade), PE saved me that day. at friday i was supposed to have 3 classes and 3 “tests”, but my personal bff (art teacher) gave us one more week to deliver the project so yay, i did ok in my spanish test and the history ppt was ass.
ok i got a little mad here sorry for the rambling
i had to speak on the URSS’ economy during and after WW2 but my other classmates took 3/4 of the whole class for their own fun presentations so i had to keep my part going after bell rang :( ugh i was so stressed and i messed up and made a weird noise like “eek” and the whole class laughed… that was embarrassing. also we use canva for presentations like these and my friend (A) kept telling me that my completely normal slide was ugly and that she would change it, i told her not to and she kept insulting me… my other friend (M) defended me tho. then the next morning my other friend (R) changed the ENTIRE presentation —not just my slides— and my best friend (J) got mad at her and protested (which is something i cant do cause im a little shy or ashamed to stand out for myself), but R yelled at her and insulted the way her slides looked, J changed her tone but wasn’t screaming, at this point i didn’t gaf anymore but i got mad at the fact that R was disrespecting J, so i screamed a little too hard at R scolding her for not being able to defend herself without screaming… i think i made her feel bad bc all of my friends stayed quiet after that :( im struggling cause at some point she kinda deserved it for being so rude, but at the same time maybe i got too carried away ☹️
but i did well on most of my “tests” this week! i like to think it was all thanks to you and your good wishes :)
do you ever get strokes reading my messages? im sorry if u do… i get nervous when sending u asks :( i swear im better at english than u may think… also i think i talked way too much im sorry if it bothers u, dont feel obligated to answer 💗💗💗🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
- love, 🐣 anon ! <3
ps: i think this is my longest ask yet… maybe longer than the first one i sent u about how much i loved stg? the long ass one……… idk! i hope u have fun reading my beef ig…….. love ya!
you might think i’m lying but truly, that’s not what crossed my mind while coming up with the title loll. i knew that i wanted a witty title that related to the story and the genre of the story just like stg was, and the whole concept of ptp is that y/n moves to a cheaper apartment where she can pay the rent while also having to deal with haechan. pay the price = LITERALLY pay the price of her apartment but ALSO paying the price that is having haechan disturb her peace, pretty witty right? it was honestly just a coincidence that it ended up being three words as well as having a nice abbreviation lmao
he’s hot and i he will be hotter in the future too unfortunately. thank you for liking it so far tho as well as my other smaus (literally only stg) ALSO I FEEL YOU ON THAT PART tbh i’m so accustomed to the social maker twitter lay out and messages that whenever i see another format it catches me off guard lmao, but people are just using what they can, and it’s the story that counts in the end i guess.
you’re always so cute i can’t help but smile :)) i’m doing good and i have a two week holiday soon so i’m even more happy, i would never let anyone make me feel less than i am, but if i ever do i’ll remember your words!!!
THAT SOUNDS LIKE ACTUAL HELL omg exam season is so stressful, i hope you don’t feel too much under pressure 😭 i’m happy your art teacher gave you guys extra time for your work, MAKE SURE TO USE YOUR TIME WISELY IM SERIOUSSS you don’t wanna give your worst and face the consequences!! and i’ll even personally pray for you ^^ YOU GOT THIS LOVELYYY and im glad you did well on your others :)
what the fuckkk :(( first off all, that’s such an unfortunate situation to be put in, your classmates are immature as hell for that but i wouldn’t believe that they were laughing at you, perhaps it was just the awkwardness but i’m sure it wasn’t meant to belittle you, still, that’s mean and immature as hell. your supposed friends need to learn how to respect you because if you told them that you didn’t want your slides changed, there really shouldn’t be an issue with that like wtf why would she insult you as a response.. weird. i personally don’t think you’re in the wrong, clearly friend R thought they could boss you guys around and was seeking issues for no reason, all that WHILE being mad for some reason like no need to raise your voice. i hope you’re okay :( don’t think about it too much you’re amazing and i’m sure you’re slide was fine ^^ i have used canva before too and it’s not like you can make the most outstanding slides on there anyways so WHO CARESSSS
whenever i see your asks i just smile because your words are always so sincere and it’s the fact that you go out of your way to type it all even if english isn’t technically your first language, NO STROKES DONT WORRY! i would feel shitty if i didn’t respond to you, i would always respond don’t worry ^^ this was long but i don’t mind, again it’s really cute YOURE SO CUTE ANON
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freakosupreme · 1 year ago
15 questions, 15 mutuals
thank u @riddlercore for tagging me :)
are you named after anyone? — my given name yes and my chosen name kind of. mostly i just liked it because it was cowboy esque but also maybe perhaps a breaking bad character just slightly
when was the last time you cried? — ummmmmm i think when i watched portrait of a lady on fire lmao
do you have kids? — no and i Never Will uinless you count my current and future pets. 3 cats chica calvin and daisy and my weird crusty dog lucy :)
what sports do you play/have you played? — none ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you use sarcasm? — not really>?? sometimes its like "oh i have to u-turn thats so cool and awesome" and its like half a joke and half me trying to find a gentler way to say fuck i fucking hate u turns raarghgrhgrh
what’s the first thing you notice about people? — hair or outfit unless they are wearing a cool shirt then i will notice their cool shirt because i love cool shirt
what’s your eye color? — greygreenblue??? never been able to tell tbh i am going to look in the mirror right now. theyre like blue on trhe outside and green on the inside idfk
scary movies or happy endings? — i do love a scary movie but im very picky about scary movies so happy endings i suppose
any talents? — drawing (i think i am pretty good at color and also drawing weird animals and drawing in many different styles) and being cool and smart about science
where were you born? — southern california born n raised :)
what are your hobbies? — making art and reading and viddy games and lately ive been making a lot of t shirt designs
any pets? — calvin chica daisy and lucy :) i love my weird ratpigdog
how tall are you? — 5'6 or 5'7? idk
favorite subject in school? — stem stuff in general but obv i love anthropology and biology.. and anthropology and biology do like a steven universew fusion dance to make beautoful biological anthropology . i love art but i always hated taking art classes (Its The ADHD) also am taking geology currently and its like so hard but also very cool and awesome and overlaps with so many other subjects i like and were talking about volcanoes rn. whats better than that
dream job? — i loooooooooove the idea of both being a researcher or being a teacher, i would especially love to get to do primate cognition studies or any reasearch on the areas where bioanthro, cultural anthro, and neuroscience overlap but like when i tell someone about the science that im excited about and then THEY get excited about it too from what i told them about it?? like the most rewarding thing ever so i think i would like being a teacher and i think i would be good at it/.... also not necessarily a dream job but i do think it would be cool to work on anthropology documentaries bc i have so many pet peeves about anthro and nature documentaries that im always like i could do this so much better let me be the art director and trhe script writer and the consultant and let me make the documentrary.
i dont have 15 mutuals ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm @wingsmachina @saladthiefsimmy hi
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