#i dont mean this in a romantic way for ruby
doctor-who-cares · 3 months
I love how the Doctor told Ruby that she changed him and he's grown, only for it to instantly be shown otherwise. A blonde telling him she loves him only for him to turn, unable to express his actual feelings to anyone. He's come all this way, but in a second he's right back where he was nearly 20 years ago.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 4 months
Real talk I think Cherry Coading and R. Marie should switch evil genius partners for a week and see what happens
#not even in a romantic way its almost like theyre switching jobs 😂#mostly losing my mind thinking about mojo trying to deal with r marie's pure fucking evil vibes and almost not being able to handle it 😂#like yeah he's evil of course but she's also just bitter and mean. theyre definitely gonna fight at some point hrnsjxbfb#OMG WAIT AND I MADE HER CANONICALLY DISLIKE ANIMALS. OH THEYRE GONNA FUCKIN FIIIIIIIIGHT#she would probably give such backhanded compliments like 'sure pretty good evil plot.. for a monkey <_<' HRNDJDBTX#meanwhile cortex is so so used to r marie's mean fucking love that cherry's sweet adorable good vibes would be DISTURBING to him 😂😂#like he might enjoy it for a minute but his masochist ass would definitely not be able to handle that level of SWEET and GENTLE#and i dont mean not be able to handle in a cutesy way like awww ohhh he gets to experience gentle love NO. HE WOULD BE SICK#she's like 'wowww dr cortex thats such an impressive machine! you built it all on your own omg you are SO smart!!! >w<' and he would GAG#meanwhile in townsville r marie and mojo are just trying to out-evil each other 😂she isnt even helping with anything its a str8 up contest#i guess that also means r marie dealing with the powerpuff girls 0-0 crash always stops cortex thru luck and making stuff backfire on him#but he's never actually FOUGHT him (unless u count twinsanity) but those girls are BRUTAL so r marie definitely boutta lose some teeth 😳#i think at the end of the week everyone is going to be more than relieved to go back where they belong 😂💀😂💀😂#ruby rambles#🍒🧠: evil does it better#💜: the man of my schemes#🍒🧬: emotional processing lag#💜: loving you's a felony
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stinkyhyena9000 · 1 year
Literally me today
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[everything here is hc btw]
So basically on my walk home today, I had a very vivid idea of Clay and Boudreaux's band. Three Day's Grace's "I Hate Everything About You" perfectly shows off my voice HC for how young Clay sounded, as well as their band's overall sound.
Other bands that also work are the Foo Fighters, Taking Back Sundays, and Sleeping With Sirens. (Yes these are all popular emo/rock bands ik)
At the time, Clay was also dyeing his mane and tail black, or atleast the small bit of hair he could call his mane. He was already a good ~5years on testerone, but his mane was taking a long while to grow in, which is why he takes such good care of it and takes a lot of pride in it now. Also he no longer dyes his mane black now, but he still does dye his tail, as a fun little memory of the past.
Oh yeah did I also mention I'm putting my trans Clay headcanon in this? Yeah.
Anyways his band "Crimson Car Fire" advertised themselves a bit as a couple of hotties. Clay was into the idea too, even though he's definitely demi. He even went far enough to wear a fishnet tank with nothing under it to most of their shows.
He was terrified at first to try this though, since had much more recently gotten top surgery. Yes, we're back to that headcanon. Anyways, he was worried because his scars would show through his fishnet tank. Luckily (mostly) everyone was supportive, so he kept sporting it!
What else he would wear is some black cargo pants, with some chains. He also had some black leather fingerless gloves of course, black leather boots, and for necklaces he had a cross necklace and a necklace of his first guitar pic from his (late) father. He still wears these to do this day.
If he's not wearing only his fishnet tank, he's always wearing some tshirt from bands he went to concerts for. He also wears these to this day, and Ash and Johnny likes to refer to them as vintage. Although correct, Clay always insists that they're not vintage! (they definitely are).
Oh yeah back to the band. Clay is the main singer and playing some bass, with Boudreux (peacock) being the main guitarist, ane Julie (finch) fronting the drums and sometimes vocals. They're actually from the Sing equivalent of New Orleans (They did move to Calatonia and play most of their shows there, though).
As you can imagine, Clay was definitely shocked to see Calatonia again when he finally went to live their again with the Moon Crew. And to think they didn't keep a single drive-in movie theatre! (Will get back that with Clay and Ruby dates.)
Speaking of Ruby, she actually met Clay through the band. Was she a fan? No, actually, she though their music was too cheesy. She was just dragged there to one of Clay's bands shows by her friend. Clay may have winked at her and Ruby may have felt that.
The real crushing began outside of the show, though. They bumped into each other and Ruby recognized him from the show. I'll go more into this later, but yeah.
Now I did mention to other band mates, Boudreux and Julie. Boudreux was a hot shot peacock who played guitar, and him and Clay met at the end of highschool. There was a lot of unresolved romantic tension between the two, although it's gone now after they split up. He was definitely jealous when Clay and Ruby started hanging out, but what reason would he have to stop them? Him and Clay were never actually a thing, just a few in-the-moment instances.
(Oh yeah incase it needed to be stated, Clay is demiromantic, demisexual, and bi. Boudreux is a demiboy and flaming homosexual, and Julie liked girl in red. She also had a partner too who always supported her and came to her shows. They were definitely a colorful cast).
Anyways eventually the band split it. Julie had to move out of state to stay with her partner, and there was a little drama between Boudreux and Clay about Ruby.
Cut back to present-day, with Clay living with Rosita back in Calatonia, Clay likes to watch Ash's concerts, since it makes him nostalgic for his band days. (Picture Clay wearing an Ash concert t-shirt btw).
At one of her concert's his eyes actually catch someone familiar among the sea of heads. The impossible, unforgettable plumage of the one and only Boudreux.
Clay catches him after the show. Boudreux is surprised to see him again and gives the big lion an even bigger hug. Despite everything, they're still best friends, and they had a lot of catching up to do. I need you to realize, this is like 30-40 years later.
Boudreaux comments on how they both seemed to have grayed, and Clay can't help but give of a hearty laugh. They apologize for the rough ending back then, and some tears are shed. Boudreux asks about Ruby. "That girl was always at your side, where she at?" Clay is stuck, unable to speak. Lion's caught his tongue.
That's when Ash finally makes it ouside to meet back up with Clay. She notices that familiar grimace, and swiftenes to ask him what's wrong, "and who's this?"
Clay, seeing her daughter, that bright shining star, he gets back together again. He introduces him as an old friend. And then he continues "Boudreux, she's gone now. I'm so sorry."
Boudreux's usual snarky front immediately softens, and he quicky replies "No, no, why are you apologing. Stop crying this isn't your fault" and he begins to tear up, too.
Also yes, Ash is just standing their confused.
After a couple of minutes of silent sobbing, conversation starts back up again.
"Y'know, did you hear about Julie?" Boudreux begins.
"Oh my god, Julie. What happened" Clay responds in a hushed, weak tone, still recovering from the news he just gave.
"She, uhm. She was found somewhere in the upper states. Sam rushed her to the hospital. She uh, passed from a heart attack, I think."
Clay begins to smile a bit, despite the news. "That Sam of her was always there for, wasn't they?" He word out through his waterworks.
"Damn right they were. Perfect couple I'd say," the peacock answers.
Another silence passes.
Ash is on the side of them furiously texting her phone. Clay and Boudreaux forgot about her, actually. Ash is texting Buster and Rosita, saying they're gonna be a while, before putting back down her phone, out of courtesy.
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bridgyrose · 3 months
Ruby panted and looked at the score, pained to see that Coco still managed to destroy more targets than she did without using her minigun. Not that she was surprised by it with how distracted she’d been. “Okay, you win.” 
“Great,” Coco said as she put her purse down. “Now talk. I’ve seen what you can handle and that… that wasnt you out there.” 
“There’s nothing to talk about,” Ruby answered as she folded up her scythe and sat down. “Its not love, its just a distraction. Maybe I’ve spent too much time with them.” 
Coco shook her head and moved to sit down near Ruby. “Sounds like love to me.” 
“I dont love.” 
“Love’s complicated. Take it from someone who’s been trying to figure out what Velvet means to me.” 
Ruby went quiet as she tried to think about what Coco had told her, though none of it made sense to her. Love was a word that eluded her, a feeling that she never really felt except for those she considered family. She was certain she loved Yang, her dad, and Uncle Qrow, but Weiss and Blake… what she felt wasnt the same for them. Just like the boys she was supposed to have a crush on at Signal, or like how Jaune talked about Pyrrha. 
“I… I really dont think its love,” she said quietly. “I want to keep them close to me, it feels good to hear their opinions, my heart races when I see them or even think about them in a way that it’s never raced for anyone else. But at the same time, I dont want to do the same things with them that others want to do when they describe love. When Jaune talks about Pyrrha, he talks about how he wants to hold her, kiss her, maybe have a life with her. And when I see Weiss and Blake, I dont want any of that. I only want-” 
“-to see them happy and to be in their life?” Coco asked. 
“How did you know that?” 
“Its the same way for me with Velvet. I’ve known her for years, went to Pharos with her and silently kept my distance while wanting to be near her. And as much as others teased me about it, it was never about romance. It was about seeing the smile on her face when she was happy, being able to be friends with her, being close. Love doenst have to be romantic, it can be whatever that means to you.” 
“And how did you figure that out?” 
Coco shrugged and got up. “Never really figured it out completely. But, I did finally talk to her about it. I’m not saying you have to talk to Weiss and Blake, but you cant keep avoiding them either. Especially if all its going to do is distract you.” 
Ruby nodded and watched Coco walk off, then looked at the targets again. It was still easier to shoot and practice than to try to talk to her teammates, though Coco wasnt wrong that it kept her from being herself. She slowly picked herself up and pulled out her scroll as she texted Blake and Weiss, her fingers shaking with each press of a key. 
“Meet me in the library, I need to talk to you both.” 
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nin-deer · 6 months
Ch 143
i mean i think we all knew deep down the kiss was gonna happen based on the flow of the story but i think this chap reveals a lot about gorou and sarina
(uh warning this got a little out of hand so its pretty long lmao)
i dont think anyone's completely in the wrong, but i definitely don't think they're in the right either. (not that i condone incest; its just that their motivations led them to this specific point. would the story have been fine without it? hell yeah. please i actually prefer it that way. but this is the direction the author decided to take it, so we have to take it as it is as a point of learning more about the character's motivations)
Let's first analyze sarina and gorou's relationship pre-reincarnation. I think I covered this in my last post where I rambled about onk, but gorou is doing a doctor thing where he "accepts" sarina's proposal just to make her happy. We learn in this new chapter that he basically catered to her every request, and that's what started that infatuation. we know from previous chapters that her bio family's shitty, so the only place she would get this love is from gorou. we also learn in this chapter that it's not actually a romantic love but a fanatic love, for lack of better terms. she sees him as her idol. does sarina even know what it feels to be romantically in love with someone? she spent her whole first life in a hospital, isolated from others her age. she spent her second life very curated and protected because of her mom and her future career; she couldn't really live a normal life. (we'll get back to this point later) all she knows about love is through her idols, so she's channeling it into (what she thinks is) romantic love for gorou.
gorou, on the other side of this, is an actual adult who had an actual life before all this, so he knows what a normal life is like. assuming sarina is one of his first patients, its obvious to see that he got attached, which is a very risky situation for scenarios like this. we see this attachment made her death worse, as he threw himself into following Ai to cope for her death. not gonna go too in depth about this here because, again, i made another post for this that i'll probably link at the end bc im referencing it more than i thought... continuing! he knows sarina doesnt have long left so he wants to do what he can for her, thus creating that "idol" persona sarina has for him.
we see in his regret in this new chap that he actually knows what he's doing and is aware of the consequences of his actions. ruby doesn't. she doesn't regret anything. as someone who reads a lot of isekai/reincarnation stories, its easy to joke that ruby and aqua are their old age + their new age, but that isn't necessarily true for ruby. sure, aqua is old and this could apply to him. but ruby? she didn't make it past 18 before she died. she's like,,, 13 times 2. double 13. she never fully developed in her first life, and she's developing in this current life. it's like a continue from where she left off. aqua actually was an adult, so he has all the knowledge and wisdom of an adult. why does this matter? shift your attention back to the concept of love for a bit. aqua knows what she's doing is bad and is trying to stop her, but the knowledge that she's sarina is making him automatically succumb to her wishes. a part of his brain, because of the trauma, still sees ruby as the sickly sarina he was caring for.
ruby is naïve. she doesnt know what love is. all the love she's ever been exposed to is whatever she saw online: idols. i dont even think she fully knows what the concept of family is. aqua is her brother? nope. aqua is the doctor she proposed to and now she has a chance to follow through like all the shows she's seen. she's closer than ever to him, so why give up the chance? even as ruby, she wasn't exposed to a lot of normalcy because of idol culture. she isn't able to learn about the difference between platonic love and fanatic love. we even see this with ai, who she sees more as an idol than her mom. the joy is in her idol being her mom, someone who's supposed to care for her. it's like shes living a fantasy made just for her. because aqua was so obsessed w revenge, he didn't have the chance to teach her anything, and it's not like he needed to learn bc he already knows. ruby doesn't.
aqua, as the one who understands these nuances, should have sat her down and explained things, but he didn't because of the trauma of sarina. ruby is ignorant and is treating things like a tv drama, now that her dreams as sarina can finally become true. aqua doesn't realize how serious ruby is about this because in his mind this is just a child playing house. ruby is like,,,, imagine you die and you wake up actually being sold to one direction. or whatever happens to you in your fav self-insert scenario/fanfic. idk a better analogy lmao but its like finally being able to play out your fantasies irl. she doesn't realize the real world impacts of her actions because, frankly, she doesn't care. she gets to live out her life as she wants. aqua was shocked after the first kiss with ruby because he realized then she was being serious, but he didn't speak out about it because, again, the trauma™. (we see him again uncomfy with the whole situation in the next page, but his lack of objection could be bc it's a scene in the documentary and he finds it more important to get revenge rn) ruby kissed him then because she purposefully created the mood like that so it would fit in the story she was writing in her mind.
so what does this mean? because of their shared pasts, aqua and ruby are put in this situation where ruby can do what she wants and aqua goes along with it. even if he knows its morally wrong, he can't bring himself to break ruby's immersion in all of this. BUT. big but. aqua shouldn't act like this. they're both capable of living out their lives as normal (barring the revenge and the whole idol stuff). he doesn't need to act like this anymore; ruby's not terminally ill. he's not a doctor. what he should have done was firmly deny her stuff he knows is wrong because then he can educate her about the reason why. as much as their personalities are inspired by their past lives, sarina and gorou are dead. they need to move on and live a aqua and ruby. (Harsh, I know, but because of this scenes like *gestures vaguely to the newest two chapters* happens. if aqua stood his ground and taught ruby about familial love and that what she's feeling is probably not romantic, i think this could have been avoided. but alas, we need it for the ~drama~)
sorry that went on way longer than i thought lmao. i think i covered everything i wanted to say but im too lazy to read back so fingers crossed
if you made it this far and are curious about the other post i mentioned in the beginning, its here. i just think its some context to my thought process but not necessary to understand this post
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yuseirra · 5 days
Hii. Ive read you Aqukana analysis, its very good but i think you are missing the fact that you dont have to be an idol to be someones oshi. Gorou was sarina oshi and he wasnt an idol.
Hi anon! You're referring to this particular ask I answered here, right?
Good point, before I begin answering, I really would like to tell you all I really have a hard time arguing/debating/disagreeing with others, it's something I feel so nervous about, so um, whereas I enjoy talking and theorizing, imagining away... I don't really enjoy having to prove my point or to further explain how I feel the way I think, or discuss things that I'm not so prepared for. It's very selfish of me to be this way, right? But is is how I am... It's why I usually would refrain from talking so much because I hate disagreeing with people or having to explain myself...but I guess this fandom has things that initiate me to talk through those emotional barriers I have.
For this though!/// I can provide an even more detailed answer. Earlier in that ask, I wrote that Kana trying to be Aqua's "favorite idol" is actually what keeps her from becoming his lover.
This doesn't literally mean "idol" as a job. That's why I put a "" there! The word here is "oshi", right? and I think that's something very similar to being someone's stan? Someone you look up to, their favorite person... but you don't usually date someone you "stan", I believe. They're someone who you watch from afar and cheer for.
The idea of "oshi", the way I interpret it, does include the idea of "idolizing" and "fantasizing" about the other party. That makes you drift a bit further from actually having an understanding of said person, as you see them more as a figure you look up to, rather than someone you have an equal standing with. Sarina-Ruby says Sensei(Gorou) is her Oshi later on when Aqua gets pretty depressed, right? I forget which chapter exactly, but that's where I sort of figured that okay, that whole idea of her loving Aqua was resolved. She doesn't need to have Aqua as a lover(^^;;;;)in order to be happy. If he's happy, she would be too. Kind of like how watching your favorite idol from afar could bring you a smile. So AquaRuby won't happen, I believe. Not only that the idea of them being siblings would get in the way... that plot point was already sort of resolved the moment Ruby stated that Gorou is her oshi. Having him as an oshi is enough for Ruby.(thank goodness)
Kana is trying to become Aqua's "favorite idol" or "oshi" through being an idol. So the two are interconnected in her case. She dreams of Aqua looking only her with her glow stick and that's her idea of being his "oshi", but I feel like.. even if she becomes one last moment in her graduation concert, she'll step down from being an idol, right? She'll be back to being a "person" because her being an idol is what's made her his "oshi". And being a "person", a girl Aqua always had this romantic interest for, would be more ideal for her to actually achieve her desires of becoming his romantic partner. Kana has to choose between becoming Aqua's "oshi" or his date, and the fact that the plot made her wish to quit being an idol makes me think that they intend for the latter.
Hope this answers your question!
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inlovewith-icecream · 4 months
the gleejack brainrot continues but god rachel and finn give me diane and mr peanutbutter vibesss lmao. damn also brittana kinda alskjfslk just whatever couple i dislike i guess lmao
"Your age of stagnation is when you stop growing. For most people, it's when they get married, settle into a routine. You meet someone who loves you unconditionally and never challenges you or wants you to change, and then you never change."
But yeah like the golden retriever partner that falls into the toxic positivity mindset and or doing these grand gestures that prove they dont actually know their partner at all alkfjslkd at least diane never had a sex tape released thank goddd but mr pb sure af didnt know when to keep personal private things personal and private (their engagement for one)
Gleejack brainrot forever <3 no but seriously though yeah I do see the thing with Mr Peanutbutter/Diane actually, I’d also add “You know sometimes I feel like our marriage is like a magic eye poster…and it’s messy. And at first glance, it doesn’t seem to make any sense. And it’s hard to figure out. But sometimes if you squint at it just right everything lines up and it’s the most perfect, beautiful amazing thing. But, I’m so tired of squinting”
Though as for comparisons…idk, I’d say Brittany and Santana fit the theme much better than Finchel? And this is drearily painful to say as a fan of Finchel hatred (akshajajak) and Brittana but idk they just give off that “toxic positivity let’s pretend it’s all okay” vibe a bit more.
If I were to compare Finchel to anything…I’d say more BoJack vibes? And yeah it’s a much more gloomier(?) dynamic (and ofc as much as I hate Finn I am obviously aware he’s not a BoJack level piece of shit aksdjgksl) but its kind of just. That whole ‘yeah I can be terrible and we are terrible but we’ll ignore it and it’ll be funny and endearing until there’s one day and then it’s not anymore’. (Idk how else to best describe it :/). Overall I’d say BoJack/Wanda is the best comparison; not toxic to the point it’s triggering (ahem BoJack/Gina) but it’s still toxic positivity in a way, and idk I think the “we’re just two lonely people using each other to feel less lonely” is actually kind of applicable here (actually PCJack!finchel something to think about) because she’s ambitious but she gets slushied walking down the hallways / he’s the popular quarterback but that doesn’t mean he knows who he is.
And it’s so funny because; “When you’re looking through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.” They both have that thing the other wants (Status/Ambition) and that makes them ‘perfect’ to each other but at the end of the day that’s no foundation for a relationship and perfect to each other doesn’t make them perfect for each other (but also BoWanda also gives off the same Brittana vibes because laugh off the problems and they don’t exist until one day they do and astgjsfshh BH what have you done to me), and most of all “First you didn’t know me, then you fell in love with me, and now you know me.” :/ the incompatibility and idolization issues whyyy
But uhhhh back to Diane/PB (and I guess Brittana) yeah they fall into that “Yeah this isn’t right, and we can’t really see eye to eye on it, but we’re us so it’s okay.” And it’s like. Yes it’s squinting but you’re so used to squinting that, yeah whatever it’s not healthy but it’s what you know and you’re visions being replaced by ruby quartz so the red flags just look like flags and the lilies look like romantic roses. I mean its literally golden retriever x dark haired traumatized gal lmao, but yeah the ‘age of stagnation’ I’d say it applies pretty well, because I’m sure they love each other genuinely but the unconditional love aspect is just…only really beneficial to them at most, and even then it’s detrimental, because sometimes you need a little push as well as the pull, someone who’ll actually keep you in check.
And there actually is still the pushing, yet still not in the right direction, more in the “I know what’s good for you and us so I’ll do it” and…that still relates to the ‘age of stagnation’ thing; you push these boundaries and it’s not okay but it’s what you have done and you continue doing, so what’s the end result if you don’t push each other to or want to change? You continue pushing right past those borders and you don’t even care about reinforcing those boundaries. And over time and time again, you keep having conversations then keep doing things, you keep never changing and never being motivated to change, and suddenly one day you may just find yourself incompatible by the end of it.
(Though to be more critical, on whether that dynamic would lead to some sort of implosion like with Mr Peanutbutter and Diane eventually…I actually wouldn’t say so? Dont get me wrong, it’s still. Not a healthy dynamic. But I just kind of think they’re more…settled into it? I mean it’s been like that since they were teens, and it tied them to each other, and especially when you’re younger those roots are hard to dig out and pull free from, especially when you both seem pretty content and accepting of that being your dynamic actually).
Gah, why do all these BoJack asks end up being so long aksjakdhjsksjdjak
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ohh-fiddlesticks · 2 months
pinned post thingo… pt 3 !
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hiii my name is 💥 micah 💥 and this is my selfship sideblog! i use he/him and im a certified transsexual 🔥 aroace and gay as well. its a complex and wondrous thing yk how it is ‼️ i’m also australian 🎉
i tend to see my selfships as more on the fictional side; i like to explore the relationships like any other relationship in fiction, meaning that it wont always be the healthiest, so… keep that in mind i guess 👍
i dont like to associate this blog too closely with my main but if you get notifs from a blog with a url starting with d and a rainbow pfp of castiel, thats almost definitely me! if u wanna know the exact url feel free to ask and i’ll let you know 👍
you can also check out my strawpage for some general info about me and an f/o list, etc. :^)
i draw sometimes ‼️ i tag all my art with “#my art”
my main f/os are dave s.trider & c.handler bing but ive also got a couple more in the bag!
proship and closely associated please kindly don’t follow 🙏 strictly nsfw or 18+ blogs preferably dni too closely also . generally tho i’ll just block people i don’t want interacting
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f/o list, sharing boundaries, etc. below the cut!
for romantic f/os, my general policy is that i’m not particularly comfortable with sharing and while you’re free to follow or interact if we share f/os, keep in mind i’m less likely to follow back— this ofc does not apply if i follow first. platonic, familial, etc. f/os im totally fine with sharing, in fact i think thats awesome
also! i have no tagging system— that being said, if you want me to tag a certain ship for filtering purposes or similar, i’d be happy to do so
characters i talk about in a romantic manner (some are f/os, some not, it’s complicated):
dave strider (homestuck) — f/o. thats my boyf riend . basically my first proper f/o i heart him lots 💗
chandler bing (friends) — f/o. thats also my boyf riend. my beloved sarcastic repressed boring yet not boring guy. this may come as a surprise but i also love him lots
hitch (ruby redfort) — f/o. i dont talk about him as much but i do love him. middle aged secret agent who’s afraid of crocodiles and is secretly silly :-)
prismo (adventure time) — f/o. also dont talk about him as much but i love him i prommy. idc that he’s 2D i will find a way to give him a kiss 🫡
jonny goodman (friday night dinner) — fictional crush or something i dont even know. i was briefly obsessed with him during my fnd interest period and i still hold him dearly and sometimes rewatch some fnd episodes and think of him
bernard black (black books) — i truly dont know tbh i just love black books and am a little obsessed with him. manny & fran too but i dont have gay little crushes on them so
jeremy usbourne (peep show) — practically an f/o atp but im in denial. side effect of my recent peep show obsession was developing a secondary obsession with this freak
characters i have some sort of weird little qpr situation with
foxy (fnaf) — idk how to explain it he was one of the first characters i started selfshipping with in some variety and i like him :-)
the nice cream guy (deltarune) — he’s a developed character 2 meeee. we’re gayass boy best friends
red guy (dhmis) — who knows but it’s not a normal friendship folks
characters that are my friendssss my familyyy etc. you get the idea
toriel & asgore dreemurr (deltarune) — my parents:)
kris & asriel dreemurr (deltarune) — my siblings:)
basically the entire rest of the main characters from the other medias ive already mentioned — my friends:)
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jils-things · 6 months
JILLLL‼️ TACKLES YOU TO THE GROUND HELLOO... ask game 3, 7, 9, 10, 16 for Mrs. Jaide Stone please 🫶🩷 I know u already ramble a lot abt her and I probably already know almost everything, but I WANNA HEAR U RAMBLE STILL
GOODNESS GRACIOUS THAT IS A LOT. A LOOOOT. you trying to study her like a lil specimen for real and you know what. ill take that because she is nothing short of SMALL DETAILS she is so special to ME THANK U
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
let's go with gold first, of course, hehe. gold has witnessed her change a lot, she used to be very playful with gold - rollerskating and skateboarding together in the park. she was not as refined as she is today and she's certainly rough around the edges when she was younger! he loves her for being able to find time to play with him even as an older sister (who can be busy). he's aware that she's changed so much but it doenst change the fact he still knows her deep down and loves her regardless. he's usually very relaxed with her, but he also knows when not to step on the "you are fucked" territory but he still does anyway lol because she will. probably be a little irritated by him HDFJKSAHJSFAHHAA just because theyre close doesnt mean she doesnt drag him out of danger and reprimand all the time 😭😭😭its tough love and big sister energy this is normal.
sapphire ADORES her. she looks up to her, sees her as her guardian and she sometimes goes to her for comfort when it comes to emotions because she's pretty bad at controlling them, especially romantic feelings. jaide sees a lot of herself in sapphire and does her best to counsel her and push her to the right path :3 sapphire picks up wild berries for her!
i wanna mention wallace here because hes so funny to me for being closely connected to steven and ruby ok listen. jaide is like. hoooly shit. you are the flashiest man alive. what the fuck. (<- in her mind). ruby is such a big wallace fan. ruby would go to his mom and go mommmm mom i really look up to wallace i wanna be just like him and his ability to make pkm.n ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. ruby would show her how he looks like and shes like. oh..... ruby youre not gonna dress like that are you (SLASH LH IM REFERRING TO HIS ORAS OUTFIT ITS JUST SO FUNNY TO ME, LOOK IT UP) AND WALLACE IS CLOSE FRIENDS WITH STEVEN SO IMAGINE STEVEN GOING LIKE "honey i have a good friend of mine who has helped me a lot in the past. it would mean a lot to me if you met him too!" AND ITS WALLACE ASDJFAHFKSAGHSDDKJSDGJAS SORRY THIS HAS BEEN A RUNNING JOKE FOR ME I HAD TO MENTION IT. I PROMISE YOU I LIKE WALLACE AND EVEN MORE IN POKEMAS HES SO SWEET ASFSHDFSDJKHSDKJA
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
GOOD GRIEF LITTLE KNOWN FACT ABT ME AHSFDKGFDSGHSA I ALMOST FELL FOR PO.KESPE!BILL (YES THE ONE NERO IS KISSING) HAFSDJGHGDS BUT I RESTRAINED MYSELF LMAOOO so i guess i will associate him with that????? (THEY NEVER EVEN MET. CRACKSHIP TERRITORY LETS GO) i do wonder who would look cute next to madam stone however i would love to hear it sahsfdsajhf (no dont say riley im saving him AEHM) maybe himbos would cute next to her idkkk wiwiw guys help me find a cute crackship HEAUHAHAHAHHAA
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
AAIAUAUAUUU PROFESSOR SY.CAMORE!!!!!!!!!! WIWIWIWIWI (MY DAD IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE SHHH) steven has interacted with him in the anime and i loved it smmm huhu and they both have the common interest in mega stones and i think steven would take her with him to ka.los to meet sy.camore and they would get along very well!!! i think s.ycamore would be such a tease abt jaide being steven's wife ahuhuhu and he'd say stuff to make steven embarrassed. "dear jaide, did you know your - heh, husband steven tends to go on a daze when i mention your name? he's so fond of you that he had to bring you all the way here, huh?" and then he chuckles. STEVEN IS GONNA HAVE A WORD WITH HIM LATER 💥💥💥💥💥JAIDE ONLY LEARNED THIS TODAY AND WILL PROBABLY THINK OF THIS FOR THE REST OF THE DAY
can i say maroon hallo 🤓🤓🤓 NO BUT LIKE WWUWWAAA they are definitely best friends in my eyes, theyre both mothers and their son/brother are close with each other!!! how can i ignore that?!?!? maroon would always give her nice pastries for jaide and her family to eat - lots of well wishes from each other and i imagine jaide would occasionally visit ka.nto (since she also goes to jo.hto to say hi to her ma and brother) and they would just find a lot of solidarity with each other <333 heck i can even imagine if gold decided to visit silver and kris at maroon's place and jaide would call her and ask to watch over him wiwiiw JUST. MOMS BEING FRIENDS WWWWWW
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
AFJMSAKLGFSJGHSAFJSDFKSALGAS NUMBER ONE CONTENDER GOLD AGAIN GOTRDAMNIT GOLD WOULD NOT LIKE STEVEN AT FIRST because he thought he was a part of team rocket (he has the money, he wears an all black suit, something all team rock.et members wear, and gold's dumb brain thinking this makes sense to him) HES SO OVERPROTECTIVE TRUST ME ESP IN THE DATING PHASE DUDE WILLGET SO MAD IF JAIDE SAYS SHES GOING TO HO.ENN "no you are not talking to that blue haired kid" (aha reference) but is his complaining gonna stop? no <3 and then they get married and ruby is gold's nephew and now hes crying. whos winning huh? and whos the clown? gold. thank you.
eventually gold does warm up to steven and finds him to be a very fun battling rival,,, also would probably ask for cash because brother in law privilege i guess. LMFAO. yk steven doesnt mind that actually. jaide has told steven about her family so he knows when to be serious with him or not. he's a good man :3
overall i think many would not actually know about steven's love life because he's private about it. only certain people know about it (the dex.holders, jaide's/steven's family and friends, and zinnia unfortunately) steven is protecting her identity and he wants it that way because he's famous in ho.enn for many reasons. especially for the fact that he has a family, he's very protective of ruby because of the past events that occured and he hopes it wont happen again and it wont be exploited. the only tip of the iceberg knowledge that the public would know is that hes married, he has a child, thats all. heck, i bet people think it would be easy to spot steven's child for his classic blue hair BUT PLOT TWIST RUBY INHERITED 90% OF JAIDES DNA
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
jaide stone almost adopted blake (b.w2) before i settled with ilynne being connected to blake. cant believe nero called him blake stone once 💥💥💥💥 WAHUSAHUHFHSHFHSA
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richardsphere · 1 year
Rwby character-writing analasis thing.
Its really interesting to me how much RWBY as a series has changed in the post-beacon era. And while there are many differences i could write page-long essays about,  I think most of those are a story for another day. Today i want to talk about how the post S3 change in genre has negatively affected the strength of its characterwriting. (other topics might come up tangentially but wont be the focus.)
Beacon era RWBY was a verry slow, airy slice-of-life heavy show with only a bit of action sprinkled on top, like Fondant on a cake. It gave the characters plenty of time to breathe, interact and just share a chemistry together.  I’d even go so far as to say the early show was, 80 percent slice of life (at minimum), and maybe 20% action at most. Even “fight for our life” were permeated with moments of dialogue and lighthearted character-beats. (Ruby and Weiss talking out their squables mid-beowolf fight, Weiss VS Boarbatusk cutting to ruby’s little flags for example)  But it should also be noted that, With exception to Pyrrha, who the show knew had only 3 seasons to be fleshed out. Most characters were left deliberately sort-of vauge so they can be deepened out when we get to their arcs later. (certainly they were given “goals” like “find Raven” or “redeem the Fang”, but anything more specific was left out for future writers to resolve). But in a post-beacon world, the showrunners put them into a constant no-time-for-breaks pacing has prevented much of that filling in, as the show repeatedly denied them any moment for them to just “exist” (as well as the infamous stories about how any scenes that do allow characters to do so, having all chemistry surgically removed by production to “prevent romantic spoilers”.) They cut out so much of its slice-of-life moments, that all levity happens either off-screen (Yang+Blake at the disco) or in the background of “actually important” plot-beats. (Meeting Jaune’s sister taking second-seat to a critical debrief re:Ozpin-being-full-of-shit) Not to say there’s been no progress at all on filling out the blanks left behind in their early characterisation but: Ruby’s 6 seasons of constant trauma, ended on a resounding concluding note that “she was fine as-is in S1E1″, meaning nine collective seasons of character development, amounts to a great “Status quo, but now with Laser-eyes”. Yang’s raven-issues “resolved” at the fall of haven, and did so in a rather unsatisfying in the way. Because her and Raven never really explored the abandonment issues beyond a vague “i know you dont care about me, I’ve decided the feelings mutual now Portal me to my sister/Hand me the damn relic”. (which doesnt feel like a resolution, but the show tries to frame it as a “going no-contact” resolution) Blake and Weiss have both actually had their core struggles in the world removed and tranposed onto adjacent characters instead of actually resolving their established “goals” in the world at large. (Weiss no longer wants to redeem the family business, thats Willow and Whitley’s job now, Blake no longer wants to redeem the Fang, thats Ghira and Ilia’s job). and although we now know how Ren and Nora came to be together, their atlas arc only emphasises that even they still dont know who they are themselves.  Same for Ozpin, pf whom we now know how he came to be cursed, he spent so much time dormant “regaining his oldest memories” that we only know we dont know him either.  Six additional seasons of writing for these characters, and they are all (with possible exception to yang) either back at square one, or in BW’s case have somehow stumbled themselves back to square zero. The only character that’s gotten “more” fleshed out in a way that satisfies on a narrative level is Jaune. (to the point that i cant even fault elements of the fandom criticising the show for being “The Jaune Show”) And even that is only because of how well-realised Pyrrha was at time-of-death, It really says something about the drop quality in the shows post-beacon characterisation that Pyrrha is more well-written in absentia then the entirety of the shows namesake team combined. and that is just plain tragic.
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lilisouless · 1 year
You may have already covered this before… but,
I was/am rewatching SAB season 1. Is it just me or does it seem (at this point in the show) like they’re trying to make Zoya simply be this mean bully who is jealous of Alina because of her ‘feelings’ for the Darkling?
Like the scene where Zoya tries to talk Alexsander out of following after Alina (and pointing out Alina ‘may’ have run off rather than having been taken)… at the end when the Darkling ‘chooses Alina’, they have Zoya throw this hissy fit of sorts in response.
Oh the can of worms you just opened, sit down because you founds yourself on a middle ground scape situation, hope you have the patience.
The thing is that people blame the showrunners for "ruining Zoya" (which i say "are you dense?") when its actually 50% on them and 50% on Leigh.
Because one of the reasons i dont' like (i actually kind of hate) the first two thirds of the first shadow and bone book (the one the first season takes in count) is that the characterization there is ATROCIOUS, it improves on the third act (which Zoya isn't there as i remember) but its really hard to get trought, specially how she went out of her way to make a military setting into a high school stereotype. My point is: LEIGH created Zoya as a misoginistic caricature, the typical mean girl who the protagonist hates and viseversa because for some reason every woman in the first book is a bitch except Genya (who turns out to be a traitor to Alina anyway) as a way to justify Alina hating them. So yes, book!1 Zoya IS a mean bully who is jelaous of Alina and whetever her feelings for her darkling are suppused to be romantic there is irrelevant because she was still shown to be competing with Alina for his affections (whatever the nature of this are)
In some parts it actually improves the book, for starters Zoya is on the final battle, allowing her to show her mourn over Liliyanna and Lada, making sure the audience knows she was never a character to be hated and the beef with Alina is over, even without the release of season 2 you knew their relationship was going to be diferent from book 2 (hang in there) you are allowed to feel for Zoya and she is ultimately made out to be way more sympatetic than the darkling.
"But Zoya is never shown coming onto men!"
Well, you are completely wrong. Book 3, the best one of the trilogy, the one that has more ups than down and the characters are actually on line with their future personality and everyone (except Sergei 🙄) is mostly likeable, even that book has Zoya said she came into Mal many times after they had sex once. This was to high up Alina´s character of course.
The whole Zoya/Mal thing to me never made sense, it should had been Ruby, i will die on that hill, it makes more sense since i don't see Zoya going to illegal grisha fights or jumping over guys to kiss them.
So i will be forever grateful Zoya was spared from that love triangle bullshit on season 2, it never made sense, it was never in her fate and it would only make the audience slutshame zoya to no end (something Alina, and by extention Leigh did a lot of book 2 and 3).
Also want to point out that other small things the show improved was simply not making the other female characters hate her. Nadia and Marie in the book can't stand her (despite them being just as catty) while on the show there are little lines
"i can't believe she did that" "she is just jealous" "she could be with me"
Nadia and Marie don't hate Zoya on the show, they seem to be surprised she would trow a fit in the middle of a practice which to me implies that they think higher of her and don't bathmouth her since they are right to call her out on what she did to Alina. Is little changes but it makes me feel they actually see Zoya as the general she is, instead of the high school mean girl.
Also, about the scene you are asking, sure is not on the books but there is one equivalent, there is one were zoya leaves Kirigan´s room crying AND Alina and Genya trow her out of her room while she is still down. Zoya doesn't appear after that, Alina never questions anything so , you as the reader are supposed to laught at Zoya´s misery, thats Leigh´s intention there. This is one scene the show didn't improve for almost the same reasons, and we´ll see them later
Doesn't mean i don't like book zoya, i do a lot mostly for the nik duology but she does have a good growth on the gt books, Leigh failed in some things but not on making it clear that at the end of the day she is another victim of a militarized emviroment and that just because a person has a mean personality , doesn't mean they are actually evil and they can always improve.
Okay, enought of defending the show, lets drag down that bitch now.
For the starters i agree the show lacked some of Zoya´s vain,mocking and kind of bitchy traits, there were some speecs but was watered down, some of her jabs were certainly missed.
The only scenes with Zoya that i think were ulter trash was the half breed comment (uncalled for, doesn't even fit with her character since show!zoya is not actually racist,just a jerk, and overall stupid because "peasant" has the same effect) I`ll be quick with this but there are my thoughts: i don't think Zoya is supposed to be actually racist on the show, that she said it to hurt Alina which is just as wrong, but the writers were awfully tone deaf and didn't calculated that people will actually think she will be seen as racist, like thats one way to set her up to be hated.
The other scene is the one you made the ask for:
Gonna say this first, the thing about this scene that pissed me off the most , as a crow stan, is how she doesn't seem to care that Nina is gone (but at this point no one on the show cares about Nina, do i have to mention that anytime?). But to the point, this is the equivalent of the room scene and this is my take:
Zoya coming into Kirigan is not out of character for show!Zoya and, after some revisions, maybe not quite for book!Zoya, depending on how you see their relationship there. The problem to me was the same of the book version; the framing. Am i supposed to feel that Kirigan is a disgusting creep for sleeping with the girl he raised? i am,of ocurse. But thats not the message it is "oh look. he is choosing Alina over her!" and there is no comdemed for him where it should be.
Her being and feeling rejecting is honestly not a bad thing, not only it did happen on the books, the show version was a little more sympathetic BUT the problem was their bonner on the darkling and the refusal on making him seem like the creep he is. The thing is that they have been able to learn from Leigh`´s mistakes so i don't see why they would keep the tone of one of the worst parts of the book.
I think they were not setting Zoya as just a mean bully, but as a "oh look, you thought she was a mean bully but she is actually not" like yeah , because thats how you CHOOSE to paint her! By this point the Nikolai duology was already out , at least the first book, so they had no excuse on NOT making Zoya´s character closer to there, since they improved Alina,Nadia and Marie ,Fedyor and Ivan were kind of forgetable on the book and this is just my opinion but to me Genya was improved too, so why not do the same for Zoya, like actually get her in line with her KoS character since it´s already there? They made KAZ nicer but couldn't extent the courtesy for her?
Would it be so hard to Zoya smile ,strug and go "your loss" get out of that room flipping her hair , chin up and go to her room where she either trows a rage of wind or hugs a pillow to tear on it, that would take care of both the hurt of being rejected , the realization that she was that reempleazable. This wouldn't hint that he raised her but at least the sympathy would be on her. Also have her heard about Nina on another time and actually be surprised and a look of concern, maybe some blink and you`ll miss post scene where she is looking for dallias. Would that be so hard? i literally pitched it in one minute, payed writers can't do it better? (btw, out of the subject but they do need to pay their writers,sorry for the out of topic, just wanted to adress it)
I think many people, incluiding me, went out of season 1 feeling like the writers hate Zoya when the overall character is honestly a little watered down compared to the book but not quite awful, is just that she had two atrocious scenes that seemed to overshadow anything else.
Sorry for all that, but there was a lot to unpack. I just think Show!Zoya get critism for the wrong reasons
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laverrez · 1 year
bold of you to assume i would ever ship blake with sun when i have such strong opinions about how shitty his character is and how neither miles nor kerry know how to write a caring friend without making him a creepy stalker that wont respect boundaries.
(it's almost like they're both also creeps. huh. imagine.)
maybe v1-3 blacksun was okay, but volume 4 really fucked that right up the ass, and not in the fun way my bf does.
i might prefer monochrome (or even freezerburn) to bees, but that doesnt mean i wouldve wanted either of them to happen right now either. the timing sucks ass. we shouldve done this shit in volume 7 during the "everything will be fine and happy and lets eat cake" period. if bees had happened then, while i still would be frustrated at the lack of blake getting independence time, i really wouldnt have minded as much. it happening just episodes before ruby committing suicide, to the point where the bees are still riding their high and didnt really care, sucks. everything about the volume sucked, but bees will continue and now they'll leave a bad taste in my mouth for eternity.
i dont like blacksun. i dont even like sun as a character in canon (im trying to get better about fanon sun, because he's not a creep that the writers projected their shit onto). i dont hate the bees, i hate their timing, and i hate that the writers forced blake into a relationship without ever giving her a single moment of being more than a romantic interest for someone.
it's so wickedly shallow to accuse anyone of being a queerphobe or a lesbiphobe because they have problems with a ship or a ship timeline. get a better argument, babe.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
(ok once more) i just wanna clarify that when i said cinder gets beaten i didnt mean it in a "shes always failing" kind of way, because part of cinders character is that shes incredibly crafty in ways people far more experienced than her just dont match (just like jaune always being underestimated) but i meant like Literally getting her ass beat despite having her maiden powers. even though she has her defining powers, what makes her Important in the story, cinder still gets her ass kicked because an opponent has a "Better" special power against her (like ruby) or shes just fully outmatched with the same power (like raven). what i was calling attention to is the broader idea that none of them can Slay the Dragon, but jaune Can slay it, except instead of doing it as a typical fairy tale hero, hes going to do it as himself (with compassion)
Oh wow thank you for the clarification, anon! I always appreciate it, and I really like what you've articulated here! I think it does still connect to that relationship of failure/success (e.g. losing against Raven means she can't secure the Spring Maiden power which is a good thing - also, in the case of Raven specifically, Raven is more advanced in the triple goddess mother maiden crone cycle, lol - she's the Mother, meaning Cinder is being lessoned here), but you're right in that no, Jaune is not meant to slay the dragon. Not the point. That relationship of 'failure' - even in the Haven sequence he shouldn't be fighting her, and that whole idea is rejected! - and success is still really prominent.
The irony here is, of course, is that Ruby holds the symbolic key to purifying Cinder of her Dark Curse - it's not actually an objectively threatening power, it's threatening insofar as Cinder cannot accept her situation has room to change (and Salem has misled her). I mean look at this, right after Salem has offered her hand to manipulate Cinder and stop her realising how bad things really are, post-torture:
Tumblr media
This is absolutely the face of someone who doesn't see a way out.
But yes, that craftiness - which they both share, and FUCK, I want them to work together SO BADLY - that idea that Jaune is the person who figures out the different way around things, and what the real problem is, and who needs help? Hello?????
The dragon is the maiden both, you can't kill this dragon. Not in this story. So what are you going to do? What's the actual answer? I just can't ignore the romantic implications here. I just simply cannot. Healer-knight both. Come on.
It's that idea I keep coming back to, which is that people have speculated Jaune was going to die to Cinder's fire since Volume 1. Is there some... other... symbolic rendering of this? Passionate ardour.
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onetoothpig · 2 years
uhh. panel de pon, i dont know any ships you like so the most favorite out of the ones you dont particularly care abt..?? and i gues ssig...??????? brainfog
Actually, Panel De Pon fans are pretty sparse, so the fandom as I know it is pretty dormant most of the time.
[Note: Tetris Attack is a reskin of Panel De Pon which changes the characters to ones from Yoshi's Island (well, almost, Tetris Attack features Bowser as an adult, whereas in YI he was a baby). Also, there was a sequel of sorts made for the Nintendo 64 (known as Panel De Pon 64) but it was never released. It was ported to the Japan-only Nintendo Puzzle Collection on the GameCube, though.]
Anyways, on to the questions...
Favorite character: Aw man, do I really have to pick? I love the character designs in this series! I guess my absolute favorites would have to be Seren/Selene from the original PDP (since she seems to be a big fan of Queen Serenity from Sailor Moon) and Think from Panel De Pon 64 (her hair is made of ice, and she has cool odangos. plus she wears a T-shirt and shorts which is cool).
Least Favorite character: Although I don't really hate him, I guess I could put in Thanatos. I don't like how smug and goofy he looks.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Okay, maybe not 5, but the text after you defeat Ruby in the original reads "Ruby began to like Lip a lot!" and I took that and ran with it
Character I find most attractive: Either Selene or Cordelia. Cordelia knows how to make an entrance.
Character I would marry: As mentioned previously, Cordelia has swag.
Character I would be best friends with: I imagine Windy would be a fun friend. Elias ans Lip would make good companions as well.
a random thought: The green hills on the background of the map in the original PDP have beady little eyes, which means Panel De Pon is a part of the Mario universe.
An unpopular opinion: I think Ruby's theme fits a little more for Flutter's flowery stage in Tetris Attack than it does for Ruby's gem-themed stage, but it might just be me.
My Canon OTP: I dunno, does Ruby x Lip count as canon? It was one line in the game, and I don't know if they meant it that way...
My Non-canon OTP: As mentiones earlier, Ruby and Lip.
Most Badass Character: Flare, Rayea, and Think.
Most Epic Villain: Cordelia. If you're playing on Hard (or god forbid Hardest) she can be on tough cookie.
Pairing I am not a fan of: None come to mind.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): This isn't really a screw-up, but I wish the fairies had a little more dialogue in the games. They really only get a few lines at most, so their personality can't really shine.
Favourite Friendship: I've been reading up in the PDP wiki and apparently Think and Pure are friends and play pranks together! I like that.
Character I most identify with: Neris likes to sing. I can well vibe with that.
Character I wish I could be: Kain! He has cool fireballs in his artwork.
Now onto the undeniably autistic bug boy himself. Here's Sig!
How I feel about this character: Sig's a good character. He can get a little too distracted, and seems to have a one-track mind at times, but I love when he gets to infodump about bugs, and his knowledge usually does come in handy.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Amitie! They're cute, and as nokisotheraccount said, they really do support each other.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: None really come to mind.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I dunno if this is unpopular or not, but Sig is not overrated, nor have I really seen him flanderized in any way.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Can we get more of Sig infodumping? His entomology knowledge actually saved the Primp Trio once, and I really wanna see more of situations like that.
Favorite friendship for this character: They aren't really friends, but I like Sig's interactions with Raffina. They're funny!
My crossover ship: No ships here, I'm afraid, but I saw a post that said Sig and Thiana from Panel De Pon would be good friends. Also, Sig's theme in Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary sounds kinda like Neris' theme from Panel De Pon. I dunno, maybe they could talk about water bugs together or something.
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captaindarksword · 2 years
the popularity and but team jnpr  arguments I have  seen regarding bb in fandom
I have seen people try to argue that bb being popular in the fandom means there must have been buildup or evidence for the ship ( to counter the people who point out there wasnt any hints to bb while blacksun gets years of teasing mutual attraction and development since v1 to v6 ep 1 bb at best started to be teased in v6 finale ( though nothing there was inherently romantic you could say they intended it to come off like that due to the va's (besides the hug scene ) at worst v7 where bb began to be heavily pushed in a way it felt forced.
it felt like it was being treated like it was something we can all see ( by the cast) or compared to renora which was actively teased since v1 ( bb didnt deserve that treatment it
blacksun gets the buildup bb gets the payoff
or they try to claim that
because team jnpr got together/hinted with their partners ( arkos and renora ) to form het ships that the writers are obligated to do the same thing with bb and white rose
when not really ( just like how they dont have to kill one of team rwby you cant just demand the positive things
it reminds me of the claim about jaune cutting off ravens head because ruby cut off tyrians scorpion tail and how nevermore and death stalker grimm were rwby and jnprs first team opponents where ruby cut off nevermores head deathstalker lost its tail due to team jnpr before its defeat
saying there will be lgbt characters doesnt mean that the writers have to make it the main characters
shipping in the end is about whether you would like to see the characters together if you think it would work etc
( of course there may be various reasons but in my eyes shipping or not shipping based on genders or races  involved  is the wrong reason ( this includes shipping something just because its same sex just as much as not shipping something because its same sex )m
if someone doesnt ship a same sex ship or criticize one even if its the only same sex ship in the show they shouldnt get called homophobic just for not shipping it 
genders involved shouldnt be a shield from criticism
lgbt representation shouldnt be a shield from criticism
if they built up a het ship for years and threw it away just for same sex ship a lgbt rep due to its popularity  that is a bad thing just like actual queerbaiting
if you build up a ship while giving nothing that hinted at a romantic relationship to any other character that would interfere with the ship
you should give it the pay off rather than throw it away
( I dont buy the idea that bb was planned from the start it had nothing hinting at a romantic relationship till v6 finale before then it was all platonic ( and no having some plot moments like losing the arm etc  isnt evidence) 
at that point after giving blacksun so much buildup even if they did plan for bb to become canon from the start they should have just went with blacksun given they gave nothing for bb as a romantic ship 
people try to argue that the blake and yang spent more time with each other off screen but offscreen is just that its irrelevant its the crwbys job to give us actual hints in what we see so it doesnt come out of the blue
no amount of going black the beast or yellow beauty ( bringing up those lines in the songs which have nothing to do with romance )  will change that 
no amount of going but yin and yang  or color motifs with yellow and purple being complimentary ( which blacksun also has ) will change that
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dirtydancingdean · 4 years
✨ fic recs ✨
ok so back in like 2014 i watched supernatural for a solid 3 years until they killed kevin and charlie and i got bored of the bmol storyline. now im here again let’s not talk about it. BUT during this time i accumulated a Lot of fic and in the past two months i’ve gone through all 213 of my bookmarks and gone through like every rec list made after s12 in order to read fic set during every specific season while i rewatch the show. because im insane <3 im on s8 rn and wanted to share my list of favourites from each season so far as well as my favourite aus ! they’re all generally nsfw so minors be careful, and also check the warnings ! and i will update this when i finish s15 <3
asunder by rageprufrock (23.8k, e, background samruby)
obviously the most perfect thing to ever exist. 
and this, your living kiss by opal_bullets (56k, m, background saileen)
poet dean fic need i say more. part dean studies if dean studies was elaborated on lovingly in detail for 56k words, part gorgeous and beautiful poetry, part incredibly clever commentary on meta and fan allusions, and part stunning exploration of the relationships in the show turned on their heads.  
one white little lie by komodobits (11k, gen)
this is SOOO cute. cas is so embarrassing i was covering my face the entire time i was reading it. if u want to be cheered up. read this. 
broadway musical by griftings (12k, m)
this is genuinely sooo funny. big “castiel did you fuck the michael sword” energy and jimmy novak as that “am not against gays” tweet, plus jo <3
c-s-t-l by komodobits (90k, m)
i haven't read this in a while but from what i remember it was incredible and also had cassie <3 
rest is under the cut because it got long fhjfkfklf
pre-series/season 1-3*
a turn of the earth by microcomets (time travel, 95k, standford era, m)
i think everyone’s read this at this point but if u haven't. what are u doing. go read it. it’s absolutely everything i reread it in the week before the finale without remembering half of the stuff it talked about and i was a WRECK. if u think about standford era dean every day read this. cas punches john winchester in the FACE. 
geography by aeli_kindara (3k, teen and up, warnings for discussion of rape/non-con and prostitution)
not dean/cas but a really wonderful and needed conversation with sam and dean during 2x02.
season 4
so says the sword by komodobits (85k, e)
yeah. i dont need to say anything.  
consequences of falling by fayjay (37k, e, background samruby, warnings for rape/non-con)
THISSSS FIC. pls it’s perfect literally everything i wanted when i was watching s4 and obsessed with love as an act of worship + ruby and cas parallels. ruby and cas get drunk together! ruby says this: “dean and castiel sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes the fall from grace, then comes battling the hosts of hell and wishing that you’d managed to get your skinny ass laid before the freaking apocalypse”! what more could u want!
named by rc_machlan (94k, m)
literally the best fic in the world i am not going to say Anything if you love dean and angels and the mythology of s4-s5 that was promptly dropped, you absolutely have to read this.
four people ruby seduced & one she actually fell for (or: ruby's epic love affair with humanity in general and sam in specific) by tuesday (3.7k, e, samruby, ruby/jo)
this is more background deancas than anything else and does contain brief, not romantic in any way dean/ruby and dean/cas, but like. if u love ruby (which i do) u have to read this.
season 5
final fantasy by orange_crushed (1.9k, m)
endverse.....this made me want to die
the (mostly accidental) courtship of dean winchester by tuesday (11k, m)
a classic for a reason. really cute and soft and the handprint and cas beating dean up in 5x18 are angelic marriage rites. what more could you ask for.
the girlfriend experience by rageprufrock (15k, explicit)
of Course i mean of COURSE. thee s5 deancas fic.
strike me down and i’ll come back more powerful than you can possibly imagine by trinityofone (10k, gen)
post 5x22 dean and cas rescue sam from hell with the help of some special guests. PERFECT. the only valid good omens crossover.
season 6**
something stupid by zatnikatel (20k, e)
this broke my heart and put it back together. one of my favourite cas characterizations, takes place over s5-s6 and it’s just stunning. 
a crash course in someone else’s history by annie d (11k, teen and up)
s4 cas ends up in the body of cas in 6x20. fucking life-ruining.
season 7
make known by domesticadventures (16k, teen and up)
this is a really heartbreaking look at dean’s headspace near the end of s6 and throughout s7, and it’s really wonderful with a hopeful ending.
redemption road by a whole bunch of people (652k, virtual season, explicit)
oh boy. ok. know ur herstory ! this was written from 2011 to 2012 and it is thee s7 fic, a virtual season written by 17 fans all together. it’s very very long and it suffers sometimes from having being written a decade ago, but im making my way through it right now and it still fucking holds up. i really do recommend reading at least some of it, you can stop around halfway through and you should be fine.
season 8***
rinse, repeat by ias (3k, teen and up)
exploration of cas when naomi forces him to kill copies of dean and then his perspective in goodbye stranger.
my keeper by whelvenwings (5k, gen)
another goodbye stranger fic, this time with bonus artist cas!
though the course may change by imogenbynight (51k, e)
au after 8x23. i love this fic so much. dean accidentally ends up making himself have to go undercover with cas and pretend to be fake engaged. also, charlie and kevin. do i need to say more.
apres by imogenbynight (24k, e)
au after 8x23 where dean goes to find cas after the angels fall in paris 🥺
*i have found exactly one bela fic that i loved, and zero henriksen fics that i loved, so IF u have recs for those. i would appreciate that.
**mostly the s6 fics i read were uh...vampire dean fics...
***have found one (1) good dean/aaron fic but im still searching for the perfect purgatory crew fics 
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