#i dont hate being a woman i just hate that ill never be a man.
basementxdweller · 28 days
insert witty and charming and incredibly funny joke here that makes you find me irresistibly attractive
#loooove that i have come to hate pride month because i know i am just always going to be in the closet#i dont think i will ever actually get to live my life the way i want to and it is genuinely tearing me apart i think#and its so annoying when people try to act all positive and be like#'you can do whatever you want!'#because i cant. i never really have been and i never really will be anle to. and it hurts so much.#idk why it has been so hard for me to accept this lately#but it is and it just keeps getting harder#and the reality of this just leeps setting in more and more.#i uaed to be just fine with the knowlesge tjat i would never be able to transition kr anything but now its so hard#i used to be fine mnowing that i would mever be a real boy but now its like. well wht if i juat [redacted]#i dont hate being a woman i just hate that ill never be a man.#its simple i think aobout the afact that my larents were going to name me murphy if i qas a born a boy and i get so sad i want to die#its simple i think about the fact that i could have been born a boy and i just wasnt for qhatever fucked up reason#and i get so sad rhat i want to just fucking shrivel up and die#and its so fucking stupid.#its simple i think about the fact that the last time i felt okay is when she called me a boy and then i get so sad that i want to die.#i wish i could be called a boy by people without it feeling like a lie everyone tells me out of pity.#i wish i could be a boy without it feeling fake.#all ive ever wanted is to be a boy but it always feels so fake anytime i try to be one.#but i also feel like im no good at being a girl either.#that feels like a lie and fake as well.#i just dont like who i am as a person very much and theres nothing i can do about it.#its like theres no version of me that ends up happy and okay.
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panuccispizza · 5 months
at my t appointment yesterday thry asked how i present, and thats a normal question for the situation but im thinking more abt it bc im getting comfortable with dissolving my masculinity. and someone on my tiktok fyp keeps coming up who transitioned and retransitioned/detransitioned and their experiences are so similar to the way ive always felt or wanted and they kind of look like a blond version of me tbh?? but besides the point. i dont know if im going to continue transitioning into 2025. but holy hell am i afraid of being estrogen dominant again that PMDD does not play the fuck around
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cosmiiwrites · 4 months
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ enemies to lovers
.ೃ࿐ adam x fem!reader .ೃ࿐
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ summary: in which you and adam find out you don't hate each other as much as you think you do cw: NSFW, fem!reader, p in v, oral (f!recieving), creampie, adam (he's his own warning), hair pulling, semi-public sex, cussing a/n: FINALLY DONE !! first smut fic though, so apologies if some things dont make sense :(
you hated adam. you hated his cocky attitude and his fuckboy persona. and most of all, you hated how everyone stayed quiet about it. him being the first man didn't mean jack shit to you. if he was being an egotistical asshole? you won't hesitate to put him in his place. even if that meant starting an argument in front of the promenade, putting your hatred for one another on display.
adam, on the other hand, loved someone who could match his abrasive attitude. and it meant more that you went out of your way to shout insults at him every chance you got. to be honest? it turned him on. but he would rather die then admit that. during meetings, you two would bicker non-stop, shooting daggers at each other from across the table. so yes, everyone and their mothers knew about you and adam's ongoing feud. what did everyone also know? the unspoken sexual tension between you two. the tension so thick it was tangible. the tension everyone knew about except the two idiots who claimed they hated each other. even lute was getting sick of it. "what a bitch, am i right?" "yes, sir." "she's just salty because i'd never go for a cunt like her," "mhm, sir." "maybe i sho-" "you know what i just remembered? sera saying she had something to discuss with me. ill be leaving now, sir." adam shot her a confused look. it wasnt like lute to walk out on a conversation so abruptly. (spoiler alert, she just didnt want to hear adam talk about you for the millionth time today) "well, uh, shit, okay." upon leaving, adam bumped into a familiar face. "well, well, well, if it isn't-" you slid right past him, ignoring any advance he'd tried making towards you. "what the fuck?" adam's face grew warm from embarrassment. did you just ignore him? he planted himself in front of you, hoping to make a statement. his tall figure hovered over yours. "ignoring me, hm? is that any way to treat the first man?" he teased. you sighed and rubbed your forehead in annoyance before answering, "if by 'first man' you mean 'overly-confident egomaniac' then yes." that's what adam liked about you; you didnt kiss his ass 24/7 like all the other angels. you didnt crave his approval. "i seriously don't understand how people can tolerate being around you," you groaned.
"oh fuck off, the ladies love me," he grinned. "especially in be-" you threw your hand to cover his mouth. "ugh, spare me the details, you gross fuck." your statement only widened his shit-eating grin. "why, jealous?" he teased, dragging on the s. "fuck, no! i feel bad for all the women you've slept with, they've probably faked all their orgasms as to not hurt your fragile ego." you retorted. adam's smirk dropped. he couldn’t BELIEVE you thought he was incapable of pleasuring a woman. luckily for you, his anger quickly turned to interest as an idea popped up in adam's head. he leaned into your ear, voice low and husky, "you wanna bet on that?"
taken aback from his sudden offer , you backed up until your back hit the wall of the alley you two were in. “what,” you breathed, “are you on about?”
“if i can make you cum,” adam started, “you have to admit that one; im the dick-fuckin’-master, and two; i AM capable of pleasuring a woman. deal?” adam's said a ton of dumb shit, but this? you let out a boisterous laugh. “are you serious?” but after a few beats of unearthly silence, thats when you knew he was. “well, shit.” you did want a chance at proving him wrong and taking down his ego. to be fair, no one’s made you cum in a long, long time. and you were always up for a challenge.
you grabbed adam by the collar and dragged him down to your level.
thats how you found yourself up against a wall, being eaten out by the first man, the first soul in heaven, and your well-known rival.
you didnt want to admit it, but god, this man was good with his tongue. not to mention his hands.
he gripped your thighs tightly, spreading them apart and smirking up at you. your flustered face drove him mad, only fueling his desire for you. its not his fault you looked so fuckin’ cute. maybe he should get you like this more often…
adam shamelessly licked up and down your entrance, earning small involuntary whimpers from you. he dragged his hand down your thigh to rub circles on your clit, making you twitch under his touch. “taste so fuckin’ good,” he growled. wanting more, you tugged at his hair, forcing his tongue to prod at your cunt. “impatient, are we? and to think you hated me.”
it was like he was waiting for this exact moment; for adam ate like a man starved. like he hadn’t eaten in days, and you were the only thing that could nourish him.
suddenly, he sunk his long tongue into your clit, “shit, adam!” he smirked against your cunt. “enjoying y’self, babe?” “f-fuck—haah—you!” was all you can manage, before he sunk his tongue deeper into you, fingers now circling your clit twice as fast. “dont worry, tits, you’ll be doing that in a bit.”
it wasnt long before you had cum all over his tongue and face, panting like a maniac. you had already lost the bet, but you didnt care. nor had any of you two mentioned it. lost in a drunken haze, all you wanted was his cock buried inside of you.
you quickly recovered from your high and grinded against his painfully hard erection. “s-shit, babe, didn’t take you for a desperate whore,” adams words were slurred, his need for you fogging his brain. “s-shut up,” you retorted “looks like you can still talk back,” he grinned. “i’ll fuck that bratty attitude out of you.” “youve yet to do so,” you teased. “you bluffing, dickmaster?” oh, now you’ve got him in a chokehold.
those would be your famous last words, before adam would recklessly pound into you.
adam quickly undid his boxers, revealing his hard cock, precum already spilling from his tip. you thought he was joking when he called himself the ‘dickmaster.’ you silently wondered how that would fit inside of you. “see how fuckin’ worked up you get me, tits?” adam babbled.
he bent you over, your wrists just above your head.
you were about to reply with a snarky comeback when he pushed his cock into you, no warning beforehand.
“i fuckin’ knew it,” he said. “tight as shit. bet no one’s fucked you as good as im about to, huh?” you wanted to respond, to deny his accusations, but the only sounds that left your mouth were desperate moans and whimpers. it was like music to his ears, fueling him to fuck you brainless.
his large size stung, but pain quickly turned to pleasure when he began to move.
he picked up his pace, pounding into you brutally. it was oh, so sinful. but adam would go to hell anyday if that meant he could have your tight little cunt all to himself.
adam took a fistful of your hair, forcing your back to arch. when you didnt protest, adam threw a line of praise at you. “there we go, good fuckin’ girl, just like that…” the position you were in was a bit uncomfortable, but you quickly stopped paying attention to that when adam thrusted into you sharply. “s-so good f’me,” he babbled.
you knew he was almost at his peak when his thrusts grew sloppy. “shit, almost there, fuck!” he groaned. “m-me too, adam, fuck,”
in one deep thrust, he buried himself inside of you, spilling his cum. you felt your stomach grow warm, full of adam’s seed.
adam was still inside of you, even after you both had came. there were no sounds other than your pants and his huffs. thank god this was an empty street.
finally, he pulled out of you. you whined at the loss of contact, earning you a cheeky grin.
“so,” he said, breaking the silence. “how was that for pleasuring a woman, hmmm?” adam smirked. “still hate me?”
“always, just a little less now.”
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4pfsukuna · 4 months
Awkward (N. Kento)
Theres just not enough fics of Nanami with black women outside of just smut..so here i am with smut but theres plot based on sza songs Awkward 
Time passing.
Nanami still has no idea how Gojo convinced him to attend his silly little holiday party. Knowing Gojo it would be loud, eccentric and lots of alcohol involved. Plus the fact that Gojo knew everybody and it looks like he’s invited everyone Nanami was ready to leave.
But Gojo made him promise to have one drink…just one. Plus he made some know it all comments about Nanami being a workaholic who was probably just going to go home look at stuff for work and do even more overtime spending the holidays alone. He always ragged on him about extra work but the alone part cut deep this time because it reminded him of his ex girlfriend the one he almost proposed to on the night of their anniversary, ring in pocket but he ended up getting stuck with over time, losing track of time and leaving her to sit alone at the restaurant for 2 hours. 
What was suppose to be a happy night was anything but and by 12:01am he was single. Bringing his cup to his lips he’s ready to take a sip but stops when he hears a laugh he’ll never forget.
The last thing Nanami kento expected to see at Gojo’s party (that he basically tricked him into going to) was his ex girl from 4 years ago in a black mini silk dress that if you just bent over a tad bit more—
“You alright man?” Gojo ask slapping his blonde hair friends back snapping him back to the reality where his cup of alcohol had been crushed completely in his hand.
He was sure of Two things in this moment. 1. His hand was wet and 2? He wasnt letting you get away again.
“Oh let me introduce you to my friend Miyoshi, shes an interior designer. Designed all my homes boring career so you two might actually have something in common since you like boring stuff” Gojo insults while placing a napkin in his friends hand basically dragging him over to the woman through the crowd.
What? This was not at all how he planned on talking to you, what was he suppose to say? Would you even acknowledge him? Your curly fro had been straightened so it was now mid back with a slight red tint and he vaguely remember you saying a girl dyes her hair red when she’s over a man and there’s no chance for him ever again. Oh god you hated him. Was the room always this hot?
You turn around finally setting your eyes on the two of them and downing whatever was left in your cup. 
“Miyoshi, meet my friend Nanami kento. Kento this is Miyoshi” Gojo introduces and the air becomes thick with tension as you two awkwardly smile at another Nanami unable to keep your gaze on him.
Time passing by.
“Yosh” Nanami breaks the silence at the same time she speaks “nami”. Old habits die hard, the nicknames from another pouring from their lips shocking Gojo.
“You two know each other?” The white hair man ask which only confuses him more when you say no but he says yes.
He goes to ask the question neither of you wanted to answer but luckily is stopped by hearing the pur of his name from Geto who he waste no time following forgetting all about you two. 
“Can i get you another drink? Im sorry about Gojo and bombarding you like that” Nanami ask nodding at your cup watching as you exhale glossed lips forming your usual slight pout.
You nod as he leads you by the small of your back to the bar his hand burning a imprint on your lower back and you're grateful when he moves it to toss the napkin in his other hand away.
“Strawberry Lemon drop and a whiskey on the rocks” he tells the bartender before quickly looking over at you dropping apologies.
“Sorry you probably dont even like that anymore, i shouldnt have assumed! Ill—“ he starts ranting only for you to laugh, placing a hand on his forearm sitting on the stool.
“Still as charming as ever, its still my favorite drink” you smile the nerves leaving your body but filling his to the brim. Why was he so nervous? Of course his stoic poker face never dropped once but that was how he was.
“Its nothing, just wanna make sure you’re taken care of” he speaks so easily before you could respond or even react The drinks are quickly placed in front of you.
You wanted to know what the hype was all about
“So how have you been?” He ask downing half of his drink in one gulp. You follow suit licking the sugar off the rim unaware of how his eyes watch  and his grip tightens slightly on his glass.
“Are we really going to play this game kento? Fine. Ive been traveling exploring growing healing i finally quit the company and started my own business finding rich men like Gojo who have more money than they know what to do with and creating clients out of them” you shrug sipping the drink watching him smile… somewhat proud.
“Congratulations. Sorry if im prying—“ Nanami finishes his drink only for you to cut him off.
“No!” You say a bit louder than expected before clearing your throat. “No i… i just dont understand how you can sit here like everything ended— like nothing happened and were just old friends catching up” you ask confused, of course you wanted to talk to him 3 and ½ years with someone over in one night and now 4 years later here both of you are.
The nerves were back.
Then we fucked a little bit and I was out, Did not say bye
“Kento i broke up with you, fucked you one last time for my own closure and ghosted you in the middle of the night with no way of ever contacting me. Not my best moment” you finally speak on the elephant in the room another round of drink places infront of you two.
“Compliments of master satorou” the bartender nods before attending to other guest leaving no time to protest.
“I wouldve atleast like to remain friends but i understand.  You left with a bang… quite literally” he jokes trying to ease the tension showing off that jokester part of him that only youve seen.
And now for the word vomit , you couldn’t even stop it if you wanted.
“Friends? Our love was different…too strong for that. It was worth it,I would do it again.I know you hurt me,This is more than a friendship” you speak running over your finger your rim collecting sugar along the sides of your fresh acrylic nails. 
When you don’t hear anything from him (honestly what are you expecting? You just admitted you loved him so much youd go through the heartbreak a second time just to experience that love again) you look up watching as he loosens his tie.
Fuck. “Sorry”
“I made it awkward” which he chuckles at taking your jaw in his large hand forcing your eyes to look up at him. Your heart racing in your chest at the familiar contact
“I miss you”he finally slips the stoic façade falling all his emotions on display for you to see and suddenly the room feels 10 degrees hotter.
“I— why did you let me do it?” You ask and for a simple sentence it was so loaded. You can tell by the way the tips of his ears burn red.
“This isnt the place for that conversation” he speaks finally letting go of your chin turning back towards his drink and you exhale he was right. The awkward tension was back and you despised it.
“My home is 10 minutes away… we can really talk there if youd like” he suggest looking over his watch and i glance around at the party in full swing before back at him.
When you two make it to his home you cant help the nostalgic grin. This was completely him, nothing out of place every color scheme matches because its all shades of white creme or beige. Everything looks super clean and super expensive.
“Would you like anything to drink? Or eat?” He ask heading to the kitchen after placing your coats on the rack.
“Wine… although ive probably drunk enough” you giggle taking a seat on the couch and he follows with two wine glasses and the bottle. But Nanami always had the best wine and knew the best pairings.
Downing the first cup you lick your lips until you feel his fingers brushing down hair with the rest. When you look over at him hes already stairing at you… admiring and its pure love. Everything starts to feel surreal and you really remember the last time you were with him— alone.
Can we still love on each other?
“Do you still love me?” You ask curiously before you have time to even realize what youre saying and he doesnt even look phased.
“Did you ever stop?” He questions looking at you over his wine glass setting it back on the coffee table next to the bottle looking away to hide the look in his eyes. Sighing you rest your cup next to his, lip gloss staining the glass.
Can we still touch on eachother.
Reaching up to play with his tie being unkept from him fiddling with it you only loosen it further unbuttoning the top 3 buttons just like you did when you two were still— fuck.  
You freeze but that doesnt discourage him feeling the coolness of your hands through the shirt bringing his full attention to you and youve completely taken over all of his senses. 
Can we still not judge  each other?
You still never answered the question just focused on his tie and froze. He curses at himself.
I make it awkward.
“I…im still inlove with you kento, never stopped” you finally say looking up at him glossy eyes and thats all he needs leaning forward placing his lips on yours the taste of alcohol and cherry lip gloss makes him melt. He kisses you delicately, scared to scare you off and even if you regret it the taste of your lips one last time would get him through a lifetime of over time.
Its when you sigh and pull his bottom lip in between your teeth is when he decides he needs you and he needs your weight on him. Pulling you so youre straddling his lap his hands slowly roaming your body still scared of sudden movements scaring you and wanting to map out every curve of your body missing the way you felt. Getting so lost in your brown skin he almost looses his thought. The one thing he promised hed tell you if he ever seen you again.
I can not love everybody
And hes confessing like a sinner in church or a man on judgement day because you are everything holy and he was ready to admit. 
“I could never be with anybody after you, no woman is you”
But you isn't anybody
“You took my heart with you when you left and only left a tiny piece left. And with that tiny piece all i could do is think about how much im in love with you. Want to be with you forever just us two” he breathes looking you dead in your eye so you know hes serious. Serious about you. Serious about this. Serious about yall.
You look at me different
You couldnt help but to see a different side of him. And not just the jokester side you seen earlier but a more mature Nanami Kento, a more considerate and loving Nanami kento. His lover boy era perhaps?! The heat pools inbetween your legs more than it had been all night as you two keep eye contact.
So I let you see my body
Pulling your dress over your head revealing the black lace matching panties and bra set he adjust in the seat.
“Proove it”
Body, body, body
“Youre going to be the absolute death of me, im sure of it” he admits his lips going to your neck trailing down the valley of your breast hands groping and squeezing them. His tongue licks over your cloth covered nipple pinching the other one causing a slight moan. Grabbing your hands to place on his shirt the signal to keep unbuttoning his hands go to your cheeks cupping as he begins kissing you harder tongue infiltrating your mouth.
And now we don't speak at all Now I regret it all
4 years without this? How could you? You were still absolutely positively madly in love with him. Missing him so much your lips dont disconnect at all even when he stands to walk toward his bedroom your fingers running through his hair at the nape of his neck pulling a soft moan from him. You don’t register the movement until your back is being layed in the softness of his bed.
Still, it was worth it
I would do it again
His lips trail down the valley of your breast again making sure to savor the taste of your brown skin before his tongue swirls over your brown nipple listening to your soft pants. He switches over to the other one, your lace bra being unhooked in the front by his mouth… he always did have a talented mouth.  
His lips continue their assault until they reach your panties kissing your lips through the lace earning a shiver before his teeth are pulling your underwear off and damn what a sight.
You can feel him breathing over your core making you nervous wanting to close your legs unaware of the way hes using his photographic memory to remember how gorgeous you look right now.
“Ken— mmph” his tongue glides against your folds with ease and your sure hes thought about this often because the way his tongue is delicated over every spot that makes you tingle is driving you insane. 
“Missed the way you taste sweetheart” he indulges using his first two fingers to open up your slick folds giving him access to what he really wants. His tongue swirls around once, twice, three times before fully latching onto your clit pulling a loud whine from you. 
Music to his ears he wants to make you do it again, show you hes sorry, beg for another chance fuck he was on his knees face burried into your dripping cunt and nothing outside of the two of you mattered right now. Using those two fingers he presses into your core moaning as you squeeze your legs around his head the need to cum building up when he twist his fingers with a delicious curl.
“K-kento i… im fuck” you begin writhing under his mouth hands gripping at the sheets as he keeps a slow sensual pace making sure you feel the apology. But hes a selfish man, he thinks, because the minute you cum hes lapping up every drop yet still wont give you a second to recover. You deserved it.
His tongue replaces his fingers, fucking you as his thumb swirls around your clit watching every face of exstacy you make, the way the lights from the city shine through the room bouncing off the soft brown of your skin. 
He just wants one more only one and when your hands tangle in his blonde hair holding him in place forcing him to watch you fall apart on his tongue his dick twitches in his boxers precum spilling from the tip.
“NANAMI” you shout the highest pitch hes ever heard your voice before orgasming on his lips his movements never stopping as he pushes you into your third one of the night, he needed your taste engraved in his brain… and tongue. The sounds of your heavy breaths grabs his attention and he grins watching the heat of the room make your hair curl back up with a slight friz. Just the way he loved it.
Though hes shocked when you lurch forward pulling him by his cheeks to place an open mouth his tongue swirling around his mouth tasting yourself and a hint of alcohol.
Hes nervous when you pull back, afraid you may regret it and be ready to walk out until your trembling fingers push his unbuttoned shirt off over the planes of his muscles taking your time feeling them even when his shirt falls to the floor. 
Next is his belt buckle and he feels like hes shaking from anticipation watching you do this. He cant help himself and leans back in for another kiss your lipgloss long gone. Sliding everything off in one push your eyes widen at his length thats dripping precum in a way youve never seen before that makes you lick your lips wanting to get every drop but he leans forward pulling your chin up to him.
“Maybe later love,” and the nickname hurts. He always called you that after being away on a long business trip or extremely long nights at work when he strolled in after midnight.
He grabs his thick length pumping a few times before lining it up with your core and the air is thick again. With anticipation…
Unspoken apologies…
I know you hurt me, but
But this is deeper than friendship now
Nodding giving him the okay he slides in making you  gasp and he captures your lips in a groan the burn of him stretching you out as his dick slides in is welcomed. Its like your walls were made just for him. Though you dont expect the string of apologies he begins letting out and tears prick your eyes as you pull him close one hand on his spine the other tangled in his hair.
Let's keep it awkward
He doesnt move for a second and you understand the hesitation. You knew what this meant. He just needed a little motivation.
I think we're ready for it, yeah, mmh
Squeezing you core he groans sending a sharp thrust into you burrying his face in your shoulder. He slowly pulls back just to the tip sliding back in with the same sharp thrust releasing a grunt before picking up your thigh pressing it against your chest. The gasp leaves your mouth as you struggle to think straight nails digging into his back pulling him closer. It seems your claws in his back does nothing but turn him on more.
His lips begin kissing down your neck sucking and leaving a trail of hickeys because even if he couldnt have you past tonight he would leave his mark and let it be known you were his until they stop on your breast. His tongue laps at your perky nipples sucking until he pulls a delicious moan from you and your hands find his hair again. He loved when you pulled it and kept it long enough for you to get a grip but short enough so it wasnt always in his eyes.
“K-kento” you stutter breathlessly your legs shaking as the first orgasm from his dick rips through you yet he shows no signs of stopping or slowing down. Just keeps fucking you through it.
Well this was a different level of deepness.
“Fuck i love you” he grunts again with slow powerful strokes making sure his pelvis hits yours every time as his hands trace the outline of your body squeezing whereever he can. His lips meet yours once more in a sloppy kiss as he drops more weight on you to keep you in place. The only sounds are a combination of your moans and the wet slapping sounds. A particular thrust of his hips makes you feel like he’s digging you out and your back arches off the bed only for his body to press into you.
“Fuck, tell me how good it feels sweetheart” he practically begs but youre still trying to catch your breath from the first orgasm making him release your nipple and come back to your shoulder peppering it with kisses. “Tell me how much you missed this…us” he adds before snaking a arm down between the both of you and finding your clit.
“N-nan… shit… nami” your words are broken and you cant even keep your eyes focused on one spot and he grins into your neck at his name rolling off your tongue acknowledging where the nickname from earlier came from. His thumb goes at a sensualy slow place but the pressure hes applying has your legs locking up behind his back and he delivers the final blow.
Pulling your chin down to find your eyes and he smiles wholesomely with a wicked glint in his eyes making you give him complete eye contact unable to move. 
“Cum with me” he begs and demands all at once his thrust a bit sporadic and loosing rhythym as the speed on your clit pics up as well the coil building in you before finally snapping and your gushing all over him as ropes of his load shoot into you consequences be damned. He collapses next to you pulling your body ontop of his chest rapidly rising and falling. You two are silent, a comfortable one before he extends his arm rumaging in the drawer next to his bed and you close your eyes fighting the sleep. 
You open your eyes once more when you feel him wrapping a scarf around your hair that had completely curled back up due to the heat and sweat from your bodies. Your only response is to  smile and place a kiss on his chest which he chuckles at and places a kiss on your forehead tracing his fingers up and  down your spine
Let's keep it awkward
Waking up to the sound of the keyboard you yawn rubbing your eyes to see a glass of water and 2 tylenol on the night stand infront of you. The realization dawns on you of where your at but how could you forget you knew that scent of detergent, the cozyness of the sheets and the fact that this was your side of the bed because the vent was next to it meaning youd be getting all the heat first… this was your ex boyfriend Nanami kentos bedroom and you were completely naked except for the pale blue sheet covering your lower half.
It may seem silly but the sound of the keyboard brought tears to your eyes, all the hard work you did on healing. No amount of sza, jhene aiko nor beyonces lemonade album would get you through this one because you knew what it was and allowed it. Nanami was a workaholic— the exact reason for your split. Dates postponed with no exact date, romantic evenings cut short, sleeping alone for several nights as the computer held his attention… What hurt the most was being stood up on your anniversary.  
Slowly rising up you rub your eyes and begin looking for you clothes ready to make your great escape.
“Good morning sweetheart howd you sleep?” He ask the audacity to even call you sweetheart as if everything was back to when you two were still in a relationship makes your heart clench with pain. When you don’t respond the sound of the keyboard stops and you feel the bed shift flinching before he can touch you.
“No i know that look youre going to run, just like last time” he speaks in such a timbre that steals your breath knowing your causing him pain. “If all you wanted was a quick fuck you—“ he begins to say and you scoff finally looking at him eyes set ablaze.
“How fucking dare you?! Thats all i was to you Kento! A quick fuck to burn through your stress and then right back to your silly little papers and projects and work. You were always drowning yourself in work so deep that i had to convince myself you actually didnt hate me! All you do is work and when youre not working youre picking up overtime. You placed your job over me countless times! The only time you thought about me was to reschedule what we had planned…. 14 date nights and a anniversary kento! FOURTEEN!” You finally yell feeling a weight lift off your shoulders at the speach you rehearsed 3 dozen times in the mirror.
His shoulder slump as his lips form a line looking for the right words to say. What could he say he was over the moon waking up next to you in bed and now he felt disgusted with himself. Nothing was worse than the regret on your face.
You begin looking for your clothes again and that sets him into action he shuffles off the bed pulling you into his arms your head against his chest his heartbeat racing.
“Im sorry” released the flood gate of tears youd been holding back as if he knew he holds you tighter and sighs.
“Im sorry for neglecting you, im sorry for not putting you on the pedestal you deserve to be on, im sorry for anytime ive ever made you question my love for you, im sorry for all the dissapointments and most of all im sorry for waiting this long. Im an idiot and every day without you was hell i thought what i would do differently if i had the chance once more and i—“ he stops sitting down on the bed so he could pull your eyes to his covered by his thick framed glasses.
“Karma is beating my ass with cursed energy because for every day we werent together all i could think about was every time i canceled and how i wish i could just have 1 night, id make it all right” he confesses with wide eyes wiping your tears away with his thumbs. 
Your eyes flicker to his laptop and he follows before showing me the screen and there’s about 6 tabs open. His email, flights, hotels, car rentals and clothing stores.
I know I'm ready for it, you feel me?
“I was telling my boss im taking the next month off 14 dates is alot of time sweetheart… 14 too many and i know. We always talking about escaping to malaysia, trying all the foods, shopping breakfast on the beach and dancing under the moonlight until 2am. Everything’s booked and i know youd need time to pack and get your hair done i already messaged your hairstylist who can see you in 4 hours hopefully after we’ve had breakfast and agreed to the trip” he pleads with hopeful eyes revealing his hand to show you, not just tell you how apologetic he was but to show you.
Your heart begins racing, palms sweaty and damn did this man have you weak in the knees! He was doing everything right, saying everything right and he looked so fine the way his boxers hugged his muscular frame and okay maybe a man with a plan turned you on anybody could say words but to put action behind it… And like this? Oh baby he really thought about it, kinda like you factory reset him.
“Heres my card pay for whatever you need and a key… to my place” you never really heard him stumble over his words before until now and his nervousness is showing in a boyish way youd never seen before who wouldve thought stone wall one expression Nanami kento here stumbling over you? “So what do you say?”
Can we still love on each other?
Can we still touch on each other?
Can we still not judge each other?
So… what do you say?
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cumulo-stratus · 8 months
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Pairing: spencer reid x male!reader
Summary: after an unsub tries to hurt y/n, spencer steps in.
Warnings: cannon typical violence, talk of not being able to breath, Lemme know if theres anything else!
flufftober day 17: protective
A/N: were gonna ignore the fact that im skipping day 16 (im a touch avoid et autistic and the idea of a massage makes me so uncomfortable and i just couldnt write guys im sorry 😭) also ik i kinda ghosted yall on fics for like a couple weeks buuttttt (haha butt) i just got super busy with school, but its started to calm down again, i got all the presentations and tests out of the way so ill have more time to write after school. thx for being understanding <3!
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Y/n fit the unsubs victims almost to a T- and y/n knew that. He knew that with no other options at this point, he would have to go undercover to bait her. And Spencer knew this- but it didn't mean he was happy about it. Y/n knew Spencer had abandonment issues- and tried his best to comfort Spencer, reminding him that both, and the rest of the team would be waiting close by incase anything happens. 
"Spence- I'll be okay, I'll have Morgan, Rossi, and prentiss in there with me-  and I'm sure we can convince Hotch to let you go undercover in the bar so you can be nearby."
"Good- I need to be there incase something happens." 
Y/n sighed and looked at Spencer- his eyes full of care for his boyfriend, nad gave him one last reassuring kiss before leaving spencer on his own for. a minute and rejoining the team to go over the plan one more time, just to be safe. And to ease spencers mind. 
y/n was sat in front of the bar in the extremely crowded pub, wearing fancy clothes, giving the appearance of wealth. The woman they were trying to catch believed that men didn’t deserve money, and she was punishing them for having it by torturing and killing them. Y/n was hoping they would be able to arrest her before she gets to the torturing part of her routine. He zoned back into the present  when he heard someone approach him. She was dressed in a skin tight red dress that hugged her curves, and had a flirty look on her face. 
"So- what's a man like you doing at such a 'working class' place like this?" 
Her sickeningly sweet tone made y/b want to vomit, but he hid it well, glancing over at Emily who was across the bar, keeping a close eye on the situation. 
"Well, sometimes I don't mind getting my shoes a little dirty with the 'average person'"
Y/ns voice was flirty, causing him to internally cringe at his own words, hating that he sounded like a yuppie. But hid it and let the unsub continue trying to seduce him. 
"Wel I'd be perfectly happy to help you rub a little mud on those jimmy choos if you like..." 
Y/n almost grimaced, but held back. He threw a glance across the bar to spencer, hoping to reassure him that he was okay. And when they met eyes for a second,   y/n could tell that spencer still wasn’t happy about him being there. Y/n did the best he could to reassure him with his eyes from the other end of the bar, before returning to the conversation with the unsub. She was now starting to get hands y with, and y/n knew she had decided he was going to be her next victim. Eventually she invited him to walk her to her car. 
“after all, i’m a petite woman by myself at night…”
All y/n could think about was the major pick me girl energy radiating off her, but outwardly he just smirked and extended his arm for her to take.
“of course, i could never turn a lady like you down.”
And as the pair made their way to the front door, spencer was the first to lift himself from his seat, following discreetly as if he had received a phone, and needed to leave the bar. Almost immediately after the door swung closed she start feeling y/n up, and spencer could feel a green jealousy boiling in the back of his mind. And. he couldnt help himself from walking slightly closer so he could hear what she was saying to his boyfriend. 
“you know- i dont know if its safe for me to drive, maybe you should drive me back to your place, and we could continue this…”
Y/n smirks, which makes spencer even more jealous, but hold holds back for the good of the case. As the pair approach the unsubs car, she pushes him against the car, kissing him- no, actually it was more like she was eating his face. Now it wasn’t only jealousy coursing through him, but also anger. Not anger like the bright red, passionate, kind, more like a dark maroon simmering in the pit of his stomach, ready to boil over kind. But a warning glance from Rossi and Morgan, who had now joined him in the parking lot while Prentiss updated Hotch, told him to back off. And he did, but he wasn’t sure how long he could hold himself back. Now y/n wasnt enjoying it either, but he just closed his eyes and sucked it up, practically counting the seconds till it would be appropriate to stop kissing having his face eaten, and get in the car. But y/n lost count of the where he was when he felt a hand grasp his neck. He knew later that this is how she had been subduing her victims, as they would already be out of breath from making out with her, and she would have the upper hand. But y/n couldn’t possibly process that. The only words that had been going through his mind as his entire life flashed in front of him were ‘Air. Need air.’ 
And thankfully his wishes were granted when the feeling of hands around his neck vanished, and over the sound of blood rushing in his ears he could hear shouts resembling “FBI Amy Brockett your under the arrest for the murders of James leason, Christian Lanery, and Gregory Poultan!” 
But what grabbed his attention more was when a blurry face with the outline of a mop of brown, curly hair filled his vision- it was spencer. And he himself was now on the ground, coughing. 
As soon as spencer had seen the woman’s hand wrap around y/n’s neck, he bolted across the semi large parking lot with his gun raised. When he arrived he pulled the unsub off y/n with more strength then he knew he had, and threw her onto the ground, looking her dead in the eyes and saying “You ever touch him again, i wont hesitate to shoot you” in a low, almost growl. But what stopped him from turning and tending to his boyfriend who was now crumpled on the pavement, coughing to regain his breath, was a scoff from the woman who was now being handcuffed and read her rights by Morgan. But spencer didn’t care enough about the unsub to send more than a dirty look her way before turning his attention to his boyfriend at the sound of another violent cough. Spencer knelt down, taking y/n’s face in his hand, while the other one dragged lazily up and down  his back, coaching him through the coughing fit. And it was only then that spencer noticed the tears staining y/n’s cheeks.
“Oh angel its ok, im here, you’re ok.”
Y/n released a small hiccup, falling easily into spencers arms. Spencers eyes searched his boyfriends body for any other injuries other then the marks on his neck that were already becoming a maroon-ish purple hue. spencers eyebrows were creased in concern at the marks on his partners necks and when y/n noticed this he tried to reassure him.
“spence- baby im fine, i just needed to catch my breath..” 
even though y/n’s breathing he evened out it was still sounding a little weezy as harshly tried to rub away the tears in his eyes. spencer caught y/n’s in his own, preventing the harsh red skin y/n was leaving behind from rubbing his skin so strongly.
“angel, come on lets go have a paramedic check you out..”
spencer helped y/n up, and only then did he notice how many police cars and ambulances had filled the parking lot with screaming sirens and blaring lights. The couples faces were basked in blue and red light as spencer lead y/n to a paramedic to get checked out. And as y/n sat there, the paramedic poking and prodding- spencer stayed planted next to him, hand in his. 
The End
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gayhenrycreel · 2 months
what the fuck is wrong with this community?
why is there a requirement of trans men being subs? combined with the demonization of surgery, this cuntboy fetish thing kinda hurts. i never see any appreciation for, like... any dicks on men. unless said man is skinny, but also muscular to the point that im concerned for his mental health.
there are two (2) types of gay men allowed in the queer community: hairy muscular masculine cis man, and objectified "trans man" who is always white, fem, has no body hair at all, and is treated as a woman in every way. also he has to have a misgendering kink. its a requirement.
this would be fine if there was ANYTHING ELSE ALLOWED.
even irl i don't know any masc queer people at all. i feel very alone. does the queer community hate masculinity? i dont want to go into a relationship if its expected that im fine with being a submissive woman. i dont want to have sex before phalloplasty.
i go into a queer space (any space, irl or online) and everyone is talking about makeup and offering me some and calling me "girl" and theres this idea that men are evil. theres nothing wrong with femininity but radical feminism is never okay. the last queer space i was in irl had this one person who made jokes about how men suck and EVERYONE AGREED WITH HER.
everytime they have an event people offer me makeup and I GET CALLED A GIRL AGAIN.
even worse, the fucking coordinator tried to convince me to preserve my fucking egg cells after i said i want my entire reproductive system removed and stomped on. then she called me "girl".
and i said i didnt like makeup but people just said "are you sure?" like i dont know what makes me suicidally dysphoric.
i cant go into a space for people like me without my gender expression being questioned.
its bizarre that a cishet doctor would listen to me more about my sexual autonomy than a fellow trans person who says i might change my mind about HAVING A WHOLE FUCKING PERSON GROWING INSIDE ME. i have panic attacks about that. i have nightmares. and then she said i should still consider having sex, and when i said i don't want to she told me ill "meet the right person one day". i have a medical condition that makes penetration EXTREMELY painful, and when i try other holes i cant fucking feel anything, and no i dont like being pressured into sex because, shockingly, im not interested in getting raped.
i wont even consider sex until i get every surgery i can get. i just want a relationship that never goes past cuddles. i wish people would consider that i want to be a cis man, especially after ive already said thats what i want.
the cis people in my life always respect my gender. a lot of trans people in my life call me "girl" and tell me shit like "youll get to a point mentally where you dont need surgery to be happy".
i actually had someone say that to me. i said that not having t and surgery makes me suicidal, and they just told me i dont need it. then they said surgery is not necessary, even though ive wanted it for longer than i knew it was an option.
(dont worry gaylord and twobruhsinahottub im not talking about you)
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if i wanted to get into heaven and god said sylvain gautiers waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down
if i have to deal with sylvain gautier speaking one word in person on voice in game not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to replay the entire game again for the experience of being able to skip all the times when he is mentioned or alive
i dont even know why i hate him so much. he flirts but i am just mad because i am angy
he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some rich shithead whos a fan of romance and wanted the irl version ill go ham
BETTER have had a woman make him kill a man cuz if he didnt Im going to make him
games not even about him. vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be his crest and I lost it
where the fuck is sylvain gautier if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasnt
crusty old man
ill punch sylvain and his sad frail whore twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will disintegrate until all thats left is one final book he kept on him at all times simply titled Now You Fucked Up in ancient yiddish
im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when sylvain died or will die so i can make it a reminder on my phone
everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the man who had so many fucked up if true stories
this is 1000% one of Sylvain's exes i just know it
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im about 99% sure im trans but ive been struggling to do anything about it or come out for a while. admitting something like that to my friends (even though two of them are trans themselves) and asking for something from them feels reallyyyyy revealing in a way ive been struggling to get past because ironically i think them understanding it so well it would make me feel more open. my mom has that middle aged woman mentality of “we hate men” and while i know she doesnt actually hate men she definitely holds some views against them and makes negative comments about testosterone and such, and im worried coming out will not only come with misunderstandings but also her seeing my differently. my sister has always been weird about trans people and while shes queer herself and has trans friends the way she talks about them sometimes makes it feel like she doesnt really see them how they want to be seen (shes also makes half joking remarks about how “am i sure im not nb?” but when the idea of me being a trans man comes up she gets weirdly adverse to it, even if she claims its a joke or not serious). my dad has a lot of concerningly right wing views and has made transphobic remarks before and im worried if he finds out its only gonna cause problems. doing anything at school about it would make me feel like i put a target on my back and i dont think i could handle that. theres also that percentage of doubt thats still there that im not actually trans and will be causing problems for no reason and the idea that ill never be seen how i want or be happy with myself so why even bother. sorry for rambling but i really just wanted to put my concerns down somewhere.
i’m so sorry to hear that. this sounds like a really difficult situation and i really hope things get better for you. if you did come out, i’d come out to your friends first to see how they handle it. i’m sure they’ll support you!
best of luck!
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trans-androgyne · 1 month
I'm so sick of this. Trans men could be fucking like "lets have a discussion about unsavory attitudes or actions within queer communities when it comes to gender" and a bunch of fucking people INCLUDING OTHER TRANS MASCS are like "wooooooow cant believe youre attacking TRANS WOMEN like that this is obviously bigotry. after all theyve been through?? I am going to assume this mild criticism is about trans women (which you never said it was at all even once) and THEN tell you that because transphobia exists any disagreement with a trans woman means you want her to be HARASSED. I can't believe you think harassment is okay. also even though trans women are poor victims (I am speaking on behalf of all trans women) who you arent allowed say anything in opposition to (I think trans women are defenseless and attack people based on the idea that any criticism is trying to ruin their lives) (don't you know its impossible for a trans woman to ever be treated with respect or have a good life ever and in fact they are all doomed to being treated horribly?) (this is me HELPING trans women by the way I'm an ALLY) and trans men are the problem and somehow even though we're all in the same community Poor Trans Women are so oppressed they would be RUINED by disagreements (I am speaking on behalf of every trans woman and I know not a single one wants to have an interesting discussion about oppression or gender) this is me being an ally btw I could never be transmisogynistic by talking like this. also somehow transphobes check what type of trans you are, if youre a trans woman they hate you and if youre a trans man they say "yay you're a man" and treat you wonderfully because if youre a man youre always treated well no matter what other types of oppression you might face I think of this as being progressive.
Sorry for the long rant(?) I have a lot of thoughts. In summary: some people see themselves as such trans woman defenders that they a hundred percent loop around to infantilising them by implying its too hurtful to have a conversation. I've seen this exact type of behaviour as a trans man when it comes to misgendering. someone slips up and instead of being like "oops I mean he" they go some equivalent of "oh my gosh im sooooo sorry i cant believe I did that to you you probably feel miserable have I ruined your day oh my goodness dont cry ill make it up to you I know you have now become an emotional wreck from the horrible thing I did to you im sorry im sorry im sorry I just need to make sure everybody can hear how HURT you are by one misgendering" this is an example of how "being an ally" loops around to calling you fragile and a literal baby. They make it worse even though theyre "on your side" by implying you cant handle anything and they have to "fix it" because you just would collapse immediately at something maybe affecting you.
On the one hand, I understand where a lot of this is coming from. Trans women do get harassment campaigns started against them for small issues. It’s best not to resolve real problems with specific transfems in a public forum. So many have described the feeling of transmisogynistic hypervisibility as a panopticon and that very much applies in these discussions.
But trans women also aren’t made of glass. And they aren’t immune from making mistakes and causing harm. Making posts that contradict some trans women’s understandings of transmasc oppression is not transmisogyny. Pointing out that something they said or did was hurtful or transphobic is not transmisogyny. People act like this is how you treat trans women with respect and it’s very much not. This is not being “normal” about trans women. They are human beings who yes need some extra care and protection but are also capable of talking things out instead of collapsing into dust at the first sign of criticism. I know not all trans women like being treated this way in the slightest. I hope we’ll be able to find ways in the community to still uplift their voices and mitigate harm done to them without putting them on a high pedestal or shielding them from all criticism and intracommunity discussion that does not go their way.
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damnfandomproblems · 6 months
4444 ill admit i am white but every time I hear people try to use mixed race people as a gotcha or to follow up on you saying some poc character dont look "poc enough" in some peoples eyes
Im just reminded of my sixth grade english teacher telling us about how she, her husband, and two mixed children have suffered alot of harassment from both black and white people. Whether is jokes about her being a "snow bunny" (she didnt clarify it was this but she did say her family has called her some certain things pertaining to her relationship with a black man as a white woman so im using my now adult knowledge on the subject to fill in the blanks), her husband not being "black enough" for other black people for marrying a white woman and being considered a "traitor" of sorts and i would imagine many jokes about him making his wife his slave, and their poor fucking children who have to deal with black kids thinking they arent black enough and white kids thinking they arent white enough, the fucking loneliness they have to even know about.
Mixed races get shit on so much and no one wants to admit it but so many are comfortable with using them as a gotcha when its convenient. And even if you are aware that just makes it even more insensitive to do.
Im sure they had endured far more than what was appropriate to talk about in the classroom. Most of her family had cut her off completely and his family wasnt exactly keen about having a "white woman and her white kids" come over. Last thing i heard about it that year was that her eldest was having some self esteem issues and was begging them to get her colored contacts and some bleach or a blond wig to make her look more "white".
This is the reason i fuckin hate the "mixed race people exist" excuse because i know damn good and well those people have never bothered to understand what its like to be mixed. Or to even marry someone of another race and have children with them. I just get so mad whenever this is brought up because of what ive heard especially from that teacher. Some people really think this shit isnt an issue anymore.
Posting since this is a response to a previous problem.
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lacrysan · 1 year
Promises from a Broken Man
Part 2 of :
Modern!AU Shanks
CW: Drinking, Cheating, Angst, Like oh lord this gets sad, Angst with comfort
Shanks, a man whom many recalled as prestigious and always professional and well, was now everything but those words. He was a mess. Just like the mess he made the moment he spilled his wine after realizing he committed adultery. As Y/N ran out the gala in tears, he felt his whole future flee with her.
He was never an affectionate husband. He knew that. He always hated it. Whenever he was in Y/N’s arms he felt safe and happy. He always loved that feeling. He always loved having her around and being able to spend his hours with her. Yet he realizes now that this wasn’t some business deal where he usually gets all the benefits. This was a promise. A promise he broke, and unlike the business contracts where there can always be a better one soon, there was no better woman than Y/N.
He was masked by the foolishness of lust. Lust that was so short term for him. For while he may enjoy the beauty of a young lady, he loves the warmth, comfort, and own beauty of Y/N. He had always been drunk with her love and yet he got rid of it all for some drink and kiss. He knew he was foolish. And he still is, for instead of being foolish enough to break your heart, he is foolish enough to believe he can somehow, just somehow win you back.
You caught a glimpse of the fool one night, you have finally settled into your own small apartment. You were getting ready to clean when you heard a knock at your door. You opened it to see a disheveled Shanks, standing there looking like he lost everything, which to be fair thats how he felt.
“Y/N…my dear-”
You closed the door. You wanted to go and close your bedroom door and stay there until he leaves for good, but you knew Shanks, you knew he wouldnt hesitate to do anything for what he wants, even if it means doing something like staying in front of your door till you give him a chance to speak. While you were really pissed off, you still couldn’t bear the idea of him just standing there like a rejected puppy. So you opened the door, to see him in tears.
“Y/N? Oh thank you so much for opening the door love.” He says through sniffs and tears. “Please, hear me out, I have nothing to say to excuse myself, however…” He proceeds to get on his knees as he broke down in front of you, revealing the cracks of his heart, just like the cracks of the wine glass he dropped that night. “My dear Y/N, I was such a fool for treating you like an awful husband. You deserve nothing less than a worshipper who would treat you like the goddess you really are. I do not expect anything, however, I do wish that we can start over…” He cries out in tears, his eyes are red as his crimson hair, his luxury suit messed up by the dirt on the floor. You recall a memory where he said he would never mess up his suits, and yet here he was.
You tried to back away, you wanted to hold him and tell him you love him. Yet you were scared, you were so scared. What if he broke his promise again? What if he drinks again and does this all over again? This was already too much for you so what if he does it all over? Your thoughts were broken when Shanks got up and engulfed you in a hug.
“I know you think that I will break your heart again, that I will break our promise that shouldve never been damaged in the first place, but I wont. I realized now that when breaking a promise like this, breaks the person who even dared to interfere with the promise in the first place. I am a broken man. Please Y/N. Please…take me back. Please hold and kiss me like you did. Please fix my heart, and Ill fix yours. Ill never break our promise again. Just please give me a chance. I dont think I can live without you my love, my heart, my soul, my world…my Y/N.”
He just clings onto you like you were the only one he was holding onto to stop himself from falling into an abyss. A void of despair and depression. A place you knew all too well after what he did. It was a pain you wouldn’t even want to wish on your own enemies. So, you decided to try and get yourself out of the void, and prevent the man you loved from falling into it. You hugged him back and just sobbed. You cried and let out a bunch of tears, strings of curse words and calling him a jerk, meanie, etc. Yet it felt so freeing. It felt amazing knowing you were back in his arms.
So, you and Shanks filled in the broken bond between you two. You were ready to mend those broken promises with him as well. Lastly, you were both ready to fix one another. The broken man and his lover, have found their missing pieces in one another.
Author’s note: Hi loves! Sorry for the holdup on this post. School years ending so I have to wrap things up. Though I hope I can write a bunch more things for yall this summer! Write any suggestions below, however I think my next idea will be a Modern!AU Ace. Anyways, stay safe and healthy. 💐
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hostilemuppet · 2 months
So the first piece of art of yours that I saw was the comic where two of Bruce’s kids came out has trans to him and Branch tells him he’s a good dad and Bruce said he wishes their parents were supportive of him.
After that I came upon the one where JD decides to pierce his ear. And ends up with a date with a trucker.
And after that it was your first Floyd/Creek comics where Creek thinks he’s tricking Floyd but Floyd his aware and using him to get expensive stuff!!! It was between those three that I started following you.
While your style has changed since those little comics, I’ve always found your art amazing!!! And funny!!!
I keep coming back for more art and comics. I don’t read most of the asks you get so what ever happens on chapter 14 will probably be a complete surprise for me.
I do have a few questions from those first comics, have you ever considered drawing Bruce before he came out has trans? Maybe a little comic flashback of him coming out to his family? Also why was Branch so surprised? Didn’t he know Bruce was trans? And or was he… wait is Branch a he or a she? I forgot to ask before I didn’t understand in the story, if Branch came out has a boy or a girl. What I was going to say was Branch surprised that he wasn’t the only trans in the family?
As for the JD comic, have you ever considered drawing that date JD had with the trucker troll?
Also I think I once saw a Spotify playlist for Fleek with a cover of Floyd eating sushi from Creek’s back? Did I imagine that? Cause I can’t find that art on either of your twitter accounts.
Speaking of Creek’s back, what does he’s tramp stamp look like?
first of all tysm! thats very kind of you 😊 ill go through em point by point:
1- the comic where branch finds out bruce is trans wasnt related to the tdau at all, it was based on actual canon, so that version of branch wasnt intended to be a trans he/him butch he was just a cis dude. branch didnt know bruce was trans bc he wasnt even a year old at the point of the breakup and bruce had been living solely as a man for years, maybe as young as 13? (he wouldve just decided "can you call me a he? and grandma can you start buying me boy clothes at pop troll walmart?" i dont think he wouldve had the resources available to know what transgender even meant at that point) and never ended up telling branch before the breakup bc... well hes like 6 months old. and he doesnt need to know anything about "spruce"s body. and over the years bruce just kinda forgot that branch didnt know, which is why he mentioned it so casually
2- i did actually draw the troll jd had a date with! his name is clyde (although i think calling him clyde S.D. ale would be cute. like clydesdale, and also ale like the alcohol). this art is old atp so maybe ill give him a fresher coat of paint, just like im planning for jds manic pixie dream rock troll girlfriends who hate him
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3- i. yes. yes i did draw floyd eating sushi off creeks back and ass before 😭 based off a very good screenshot from captain laserhawk with rayman eating sushi off a cow woman. i drew it twice in fact, with the second being a redraw. here are both of them
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i considered redrawing it a third time bc i massively overhauled how i drew trolls but i think if i keep doing it itll stop being funny
4- creeks (NON CANON) tramp stamp, i think would be ocean themed with seashells and waves. maybe ill design creeks tramp stamp today, but again its NOT CANON its not actually a thing in the tdau. unless alex wants it to be
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lilsisdolly · 1 month
Like I legit loathe that porn/hentai is only ever made w/ men in mind? Cuz it leads to really sweet and tender vanilla doujinshi to have the most cringe and uncomfortable lines in it that they make these cute girlies say. "Wow ive never seen a dick before tehe" ill cut off your fucking balls for wanting a woman to have never seen a cock before, it feels so fucking pedophilic. "N-no waaah dont look at me im so shyyy. I got naked with the intention of letting u look at my tits but WAAAH dont look! im so embarassed by my own body >O<!" like make porn actually relateable to girls desires for fucks sake, if I wanna get off to this shit its like selectively ignoring the sexist/uncomfortable shit they throw at u even in most sweet/tender/loving settings. Its so not relateable to actual reality. If I want to fuck im not gonna put on a shy "innocent" act and pretend seeing a dick is a really fucking suprising thing or like im soooo embarassed (why tf is my shame appealing to u weirdo) -.- its so fucking annoying man.
I hate hate hate reading a cuteass vanilla doujinshi and then half in it starts to fucking feel like a rape doujinshi cuz the girlie in question has to bring out all these fucking SHAMEFILLED EMBARASSED lines that in any real scenario shud make the dude go "wait. are you not into this? do i need to stop?" at this point it becomes unbearable to keep reading the doujinshi cuz I cant get out of my head how that wud be in any *real* scenario. I usually swallow the 30 seconds of discomfort skip a few pages to where they are happily fucking nd try to forgot this horrible stereotype was ever used. but its haunting.
I find it so fucking weird that often vanilla doujinshi will obviously set the girl up to be very fucking into this and make it clear its consensual and then when shit gets real shes like "wwaaaah! no!! stop!!! im so shy!!! im ashamed of my own body cuz im a good woman and society taught me good women think their bodies r shameful!! waaah!" shit makes me sad.
I hate hate hate hate how even vanilla doujinshi will have the girl say "No!" to the sex she clearly wants just cuz a girl being fucking ashamed abt wanting to get dicked down is somehow appealing to men. god. I hate men for this shit. I fucking do.
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windypuddle · 1 year
enstars headcanons
ok im going in order but i dont have headcanons for a few characters for sure. so. whatever on we go . just saying in advance these are mostly gender and Autism
eichi tenshouin: look i cant say anythinf about this guy hes already canonically terminally ill and gay. like what do you want me to do
wataru hibiki: genderfluid. whatever gender fits the performance. shes the moment hes the star theyre the epitome of an actor
tori: boy you are so gnc. princess but not a girl you know
yuzuru: has definitely had impulse thoughts about dying his hair and having a scene phase at 3 am
hokuto: bigender. sooooo queer . also autistic
mao: um ritsu braided his hair sometimes when they were younger
chiaki: trans guy i have many feelings about this but he leans into the hero thing because its gender affirming. also autism
kanata: no gender only blublublub. likes wearing long skirts. filipino. has like 1 million fish earrings. also autism
tetora: TRANSMASC ‼️💥💪
midori: transfem... also autistic.. she is so important
shinobu: Autism Autism Autism. bonus the detachment from gender that sometimes comes with the autism but he hasnt really thought about it. hes just some guy
hiiro: transmasc autistic i will die on this hill
aira: my lovely mutuals have convinced me with blasian aira its canon to me now. white french? no. cowards happyele are cowards i tell you. theres such a vast portion of the francophone world that is not white . also transmasc
mayoi: scaredgirl weirdboy core. whatever gender is easier at the moment. she likes being pretty
tatsumi: ok yknow what. fuck it. aroace tatsumi
nagisa: so much autism. nonbinary guy. religious trauma
ibara: lesbian. not going to elaborate bc thats not my problem ibara is just a lesbian
hiyori: hes just gay idk what to tell you. cisboy gay who is so annoying. when people complain about "gay isn't a personality trait" theyre complaining about him. also chubby
jun: also gay but fans love him for being normal about it. one of his main motivations for working out is being able to princess carry hiyori. hes so polite usually its insane but with eden he doesnt care because he loves them so hes a bit of a bitch
shu: god is a woman and her name is shu itsuki. transfem and autistic i will Also die on this hill.
mika: transmasc and autistic
hinata: men liker but dont ask me about her gender idk
yuuta: i see those slipups in twin peaks girl u are transfem nonbinary i think
rinne: bigender [wild cheering] also demi aka down bad for niki specifically
niki: tboy swag but hes not really bothered too much about medically transitioning. arospec i think
himeru: Sooooo nonbinary. so so so nonbinary. i like to hc afab nonbinary himeru and mainly got top surgery to more easily pass as kaname but like gahdamn of course you have blue hair and pronouns (they/it/no pronouns)
kohaku: tboy swag . the gender in crazy:b is off the charts
rei: 1 million genderqueer and SO gay. has all the problems of an older sister but also the hotness that comes with issues u know.
kaoru: ok. bear with me. aussie. also transfem... like what do you mean you hate men and only hang out with girls. definitely arospec
koga: AUTISM!! weirdgirl to autism boy wonder transmasc swag pipeline
adonis: also autism. he can be gnc. as a treat
keito: come on man we all know youre gay and insufferable about it
kuro: he should get to have piercings i think
souma: autism boy wonder. while you were busy learning social cues he was studying the blade. also applies to gender norms
nazuna: boy there is something gender going on with you. weirdboy or maybe a gender cis people have never heard of.
tomoya: That Is The Normalest Girl I've Ever Seen
mitsuru: autism
hajime: girl what is your gender. hes like the narrator of the arch nemesis cynthia post. so poor they cant afford a gender
tsukasa: autistic and please please please let him be chubby. staring at happyele with my biggest saddest eyes Please let tsukasa be chubby. while you're at it can he wear a skirt. please
leo: ok i give a lot of characters autism because i have autism and i get it but i think leo has adhd
izumi: agender. any pronouns. idk what to tell you he said in next door that he doesnt care about gender only beauty
arashi: only normal one in knights. i love aranee she should get 1 million hours to stress bake if she wants to
ritsu: ah i understand why vampires are gay. occasionally a girl if its funny
natsume: Diversity win!! the angry witch is transmasc!!! neurodivergent but i think its funnier if i dont specify.
tsumugi: new gender unlocked its pathetic wifeguy. hes every spirit in the fields of punishment and he does it willingly for natsume
sora: wahoo autism ^_^ yippee!!
madara: is cowboy a gender?
feel free to reblog and throw in ur own headcanons i love hearing other fans hcs it is so awesome!!
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oogaboogaspookyman · 1 month
lambitchqueen: hey dude! just wanted to check on u!!
sunshinecat: Hey Laura! I'm okay, albeit a little bored, i don't do well on the weekends 😅
lambitchqueen: that job at the dumb theme park kept u busy huh? man thats kinda shit tbh idk why you even wanted to work there
sunshinecat: I actually quit!
lambitchqueen: deadass?? when???
sunshinecat: You remember that time i was talking to Leshy on break, in the break room, and Narinder decided to make a scene? I quit that time, i didn't wanna work in a place like that
lambitchqueen: damn good for u i hated that place anyway
sunshinecat: Yeahh... Speaking of which, have you heard it shut down? Like years ago?
lambitchqueen: it WHAT
sunshinecat: It shut down! Bankruptcy but knowing you and the things, i bet murder was another reason
lambitchqueen: THEY FUCKING WHAT
sunshinecat: Was that not part of your plan?? It drove the company to shut down the theme park and it's been abandoned ever since
lambitchqueen: i missed out on SO MUCH WHAT THE HELL..... no it wasn't part of my plan to get people killed i just hoped they would get caught and revealed to be spooky shits but KILL??? when did they kill???
sunshinecat: I didn't say they killed, more like i bet they did...
lambitchqueen: oh........ oh okay thank fuck i never meant for THAT to happen jesus fuck
sunshinecat: Sorry! I shouldn't have said that i'm very sorry 😔
lambitchqueen: its cool dw. that being said i do wanna see the place now that its abandoned n all cause like. my curiosity be high now lol
sunshinecat: Are you sure about this??? Those things could still be there y'know???
lambitchqueen: ehh ill be fineee dw bout me im a strong independent woman! i dont need no man u know me
sunshinecat: Yeah i know you 😏
sunshinecat: But seriously can i at least come with you? I don't wanna leave you alone in a place like that, you're my best friend y'know??
lambitchqueen: teehee alr you can come with me romeo but just know were gonna have fun then if you come along
sunshinecat: Bitch don't call me Romeo ewww!!
lambitchqueen: lmaooooo
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marcothephoenixhusband · 11 months
DJ Cam Girl
Marco X F!Reader
AU Modern Day
🔞18+ NSFW Like One Scene
Tumblr media
Inspired by Suckerpunch the movie but with a twist~♡
I never said I was good at writing...
This is the short story from my poll.
Characters: Marco, Ace, Law, Baby Five, Doflamingo
Neighbors and Best Friend, to Girlfriend, to Proposal
You started being a online DJ Cam four years ago going on five years when you moved into your apartment. Little did you know who was watching you. You try to hide the fact that your a DJ Cam girl but eventually Marco figures it out and someone else too. You also work at a high class club as a cage dancer with Baby Five run by Doflamingo named Blue.
Setting up your turntables you get ready for a mix set after dancing in a cage at your work in a highclass club/bar called Blue. To be clear your just a dancer. There is a dress code but you pick what you wear everyday. Your in your big room and turn on your camera then set up Tweet a streaming service.
"Hello everyone its so nice to see you all again! Hi my OGs Kiwi, Robot, Slick, Blue Phoenix! And hello to my new subscribers!~ Im gonna start with S&M - ayesha erotica (mashup) by iiblxssom_angelx" as you mix songs skillfully together you mix into Slayyyter - Stupid Boy (ft. Ashnikko, Ayesha Erotica, Big Freedia) [mashup] by dogbby07 while dancing erotically for the camera. After the session you say
"I hope you all liked this mix session thanks for watching I hope you all have a good night or day wherever you may be thank you for the donations and subs~♡" you end the stream then big sigh and go change into a t shirt and shorts then put away your turntables taking off your wig and putting it away. Then you hear a knock at your door so you go to your hallway, unlock and open your door to see your neighbor, apartment two and your apartment three, Marco Phoenix who is hot and a doctor. You crack the door and say
"Hey Marco whatsup?" He looks at your attire your dressed in shorts and a tshirt no shoes.
"Have you seen the news (n)? Yoi" he asks politely and you shake your head no
"No I havent I dont even have a tv remember? Why? Whatsup man?" You ask as you walk into the hall to talk.
"Well apparently theres a serial killer on the loose. I figured id let you know since you know your a woman living alone Yoi."
He replys.
"Oh shittt ugh who this serial killer after?" Asking you cock your head to the side as you cross your arms.
"Well their calling him the Cam Girl Killer right now. Just thought I should let you know since I know you live alone Yoi"
"Well dam thanks Marco ill have to buy a taser or something. Why is it that serial killers only go after women? Fuckin weird right?" You say as he shrugs
"Well most likely because women are easier targets but if anything does happen just yell my name and ill come out. Yoi" he says and you retort.
"I hope it doesnt come to that Marco.. thanks for letting me know since I work nine pm - five am everyday. They say having a regular schedule is bad. That serial killers like that to stalk their prey. But I dont have any control over that my boss Doflamingo is super strict." He raises an eyebrow as he says
"Well just be extra wary okay. Id hate for anything to happen to you. Do you want to hang out tonight or no? Yoi" he asks as you say
"Hmm sure just give me a minute to wipe my makeup off and ill be over in a few." You see him smile and nod
"Okay see you in a few (n)" as you both enter your apartments and you go clean your face. Thats Marco for you always caring and sweet. Your best friend but you never invite him over because Cam girls have a stigma against them. Of course you have a big fat crush on him too. Youve known him ever since you moved into your apartment. Going on five years now. After you wipe your makeup off and you grab your lanyard with your keys on it exit your apartment and lock up. Then knock on Marcos door as he opens it revealing a happy smiling Marco. He looks at you as he lets you walk in placing your shoes on his shoe rack.
"So what you thinking for tonight?" You ask him as he goes to his wine rack grabbing two glasses pouring some wine into each glass then going over to you handing you a glass. You sitting on his couch.
"How about some uno? Yoi" he says as you take it and take a sip.
"Thanks Marco and are you sure about that? You know im competitive haha" you laugh as he smiles and says
"Its no worries haha you know I dont mind Yoi" he retorts as you say
"Okay well we need some music then not tv this time"
"Okay okay there is this one woman I follow on Tweet she does cam DJing here ill put her on.
"Ouu you have taste in music? I never knew I cant wait" you say teasing and giggling then he turns on the DJ and you hear your set, eyes widening slightly as you realize he listens to you. You had tried to hide it.
'Does he know its me? No way I wear wigs and wear different clothes for my sets and work. Does he know where I work? Probably not hes not the type to go to clubs right?'
"Okay are you ready to get mad (n)? (N)? Hellooo? Yoi"
"Oh yea sorry spaced out haha" you laugh and say
"Im totally taking you down and shes hella tight I love this music!"
"Ya I love this music now. I discovered her a couple years ago her name is SlayStar on Tweet stream. I used to not like this kinda music but it grew on me. Yoi" he says as you take a big gulp of wine.
'Okay so it seems he doesnt know in fact no one should know besides my gurl friend Rizza who lives in another state. Thank fuck the walls are super insulated in these apartments. I mean we all pay a high price to live here' you think as he starts shuffling the deck and you move with the beat.
"I fuckin love this song!" Marco chuckles and says
"My favorite parts coming up. Okay lets start cutie Yoi"
'Hmm cutie? Does he like me too? Maybe hes just a flirt?' You think as you both play uno until he wins which was two hours later.
"Fuckk mann you win okay I guess I admit defeat tonight" you giggle as you feel a bit tipsy.
"I should go its getting late and I have work tonight" he nods and says
"Yea you should drink some water dont want a hangover tonight at work do you? And you shouldnt drink so much before work. Yoi" you point at him laughing.
"Your funny Marco you gave it to me. Silly im only a little tipsy" you say and stand swaying a bit as you head to the door as he crosses his arms and gives you a look.
"Uh huh you sure about that? Yoi" he says as you say
"Okay Mr. Phoenix I promise to drownd myself in water when I get in my apartment. Better?" You get on your shoes as he opens and holds the door open for you, him watching you go to your apartment unlock it then say loudly
"Ill get you next time Marco!"
"Ya ya suree now drink some water (n). Yoi" he says as you give him a thumbs up and go into your apartment locking the door. You get dressed and do your makeup then put on your trench coat so noone thinks your a hooker. After your completely ready you call an Uber and wait inside the locked lobby door for your ride. Once you get to work you clock in as Doflamingo or Dofo for short comes into the dressing room.
"Allright everyone do touch ups then go shake your asses out there!" He says loudly then heads out to the front of house greeting big spenders. It was a busy night and the night DJ was pumping up the jams. You look at Baby Five who looks peppy tonight.
"Hey Baby Five why are you so peppy?"
"Well I got together with this new guy and he totally needs me!" She sqeals in happiness.
"Well as long as your happy" you say finally ready and go out to be let into your cage. Your wearing pvc bralette with straps snaking around your curves, booty shorts and thigh high boots.
~Weeks Later One Night At Work~
"Erotica just quit so I need you to change your shift (N). Nine am to five pm since your my most experienced dancer. I need you for the day time audience start working on singing. Ironically weve been lacking lately anyways due to her anyways so I need you to bring the crowd back" Mr. Doflamingo says and you nod.
"So when do I start?" You question.
"Tomorrow we need a pick up in traffic pronto." He says as you nod. You call an uber home as your shift ended. Once home you pass out.
~Once Your Alarm Rings~
You hear it but dont want to get up. A couple minutes pass and you decide youd like to keep your job and apartment. Getting ready you drink and eat breakfast then shower dry off and get dressed. Doing your makeup you put on your trench coat and grab your phone and keys and purse. Walking out of your apartment you hear and see Marco locking up his apartment.
"Morning Marco!" You say as he turns around seemingly surprised.
"Hey (n) why are you up so early? Yoi"
"Doflamingo my boss switched my schedule for a day shift since a girl quit *yawns* im so tired. Now my schedule is nine am to five pm now" You reply and he nods
"Well look at that, now I dont have to worry as much. Guess ill see you at five pm Yoi" he chuckles and smiles in his casual attire his muscles defined almost popping out through his shirt.
"Okay sounds good~"
'Hes not going to work today I wonder where hes going? Ahh he fills out that shirt perfectly' You think looking at his backside. You both walk to the lobby as you had called an Uber in your apartment. Walking out you part ways with Marco and you go to work. In the changing room in the back of house you do touch ups then go to the cage.
~Nearing The End Of Your Shift~
You hear more customers come in as your party at your table left and the table had just been cleaned. It didnt mean you could just stand there though your job was to dance. You see three men slide into your booth as your in the cage then recognize one of them, but the dancers arnt allowed to talk to customers unless they order the sing a long package. There was huge led screen tvs for the dancers to see the song lyrics to sing a long and dance too. He looks at you shocked
"(N)? Yoi" Marco and you make eye contact as you continue to dance you both blush red as he becomes fidgety.
"I can explain, later though! Yoi" He waves his hands in front of himself as he sinks into the booth which didnt do much since he is six foot eight. The other two men raise their eyebrows
"So this is the famous (n) we hear about all the time? Shes pretty I can see why you like her Marco" The man in the middle asks Marco as Marco blushes
'He talks about me to others?? Intresting. Like me? Like how though? As friends or like like?' You think as you dance.
"I never knew she worked here before now. Yoi" you hear Marco say which stings your chest.
"Well im ordering the sing along since it is MY birthday"
'Great ill have to suck up my pride and grit this. I still have two more hours on the clock. Im so embarrassed that Marco is seeing me like this' your dressed in velvet booty shorts, a velvet bralette with extra straps thigh high pvc boots and jewelry with your (C) (L) hair up.
"Whyd you have to drag us to a place like this Ace? Ya" the guy on Aces left from your view said. Another painful sting to your chest.
"Ah come on Law dont be a buzzkill lets drink! And I like Blue its not a strip club but more high class especially for you refined gentlemen haha" Ace says to the man on his left a presses the sing a long button on the table. Suddenly you hear your boss Dofo come up to you and give you a headset while talking to the three men.
"Hello Ace nice to see you again. Nice to see you brought friends too. Now this one here came from the night shift she doesnt sing much but let me know if there are any problems." Dofo says as Ace responds.
"Hey Dofo wheres Erotica? She is so good. I came cause todays my birthday I wanted to see her but (n) is okay too"
'Im just okay too?! Ill show this cocky brat I bet hes younger than me anyways' you think angrily as you have a smile on your face because youd loose your job otherwise.
"Unfortunately Erotica left the club but (n) is one of our most experienced dancers so your in good hands. Ill get your regular bottle tab going" Dofo says while taking Aces, Laws, and Marcos credit cards.
"Hello all you sexy men please push which song youd like to hear and ill sing it for you" you say. What no one knew was that you DID sing just not at work until now. Ace tried at every attempt to flirt with you and you noticed Marco looked slightly upset.
Ace chose a song which was
Britney Spears - Gimme More (bass boosted) As you skillfully sing and dance erotically they all take shots and drink what you assumed was votka. Marco ordered the most drinks then it was Law then Ace. After awhile of only Ace picking songs he says
"Come on you two pick some songs im paying for the sing a long anyways!" Ace says obviously tipsy as the other two seem to hold their liquor. Law picks timbaland - give it to me ft. Nelly furtado, justin timberlake (sped up) then the other two men are peer pressuring Marco into picking a song. He picks S&M - ayesha erotica (mashup) to which you kinda couldnt help but meet his eyes during the song. Which was also part of your job but you also couldnt help your blush throughout the entire song.
"Awe look shes blushing! I think she likes you Marco!" Ace notices as he talks with the two men.
"Ace quit embarrassing me. You should respect places you go to. Yoi" Marco says
"Even I know you dont shit where you eat. She is very skillful ill admit. Ya" Law says as hes eyeing you. Now all attention was on you as they passed the control pad around picking songs. Eventually your off the clock but you knew you couldnt stop dancing and singing as long as there was a party at your table and until Dofo came to unlock your cage. Marco looked at his rolex watch then says to the two men.
"I think its time to go its five pm weve been here for two hours. Yoi"
'Thank god I told Marco my schedule this morning but now things are probably gonna be weird between us or actually maybe not???' you think as the men reluctantly agreed with Marco. Dofo finally came around opening your cage when Ace asked for the tab. You overhear Ace say
"Hey Dofo you need to keep (N) on this shift ill definitely come back!" You enter the dressing room and wrap yourself up in your (c) trench coat, grab your purse, put on your sunglasses then walk outside. You were about to call an Uber when you hear
"(N)! Heyy you were great! Dont worry I told Dofo you were great too! Its nice to finally meet you!" Ace yells as he holds his hand out to shake yours. As you shake his hand you say
"Its nice to meet you too Ace and Law what do you mean finally?" you say shaking Laws hand now.
"Well Marco here talks about you all the time!" Ace says gently punching him in the arm while smiling as Marco blushes slightly.
"Ahh okay so how do you both know Marco?" You question as Marco says
"Ace is a nurse practitioner and Law is a surgeon at my hospital. Today is Aces twenty third birthday so he drug us out here. I didnt know he was a regular at Blue. Yoi" you nod
"You dont own the hospital Marco even if you are the number one doctor there" Ace says
"Ahh I see... well I should really get home and change"
"I should be getting home too. Ill call us an Uber Yoi" Marco says as you were about to stop him but let him call.
'He talks about me all the time??' You think.
"I better go home too Ya" Law says as he walks off in the opposite direction of your apartment down the sidewalk.
"Okay itll be a couple minutes theres a Uber coming for us. Happy Birthday Ace but were going home, take an Uber home okay? Yoi" Marco says as Ace nods and says
"Ya ya I know im tipsy dont worry I wont drive home! Dont be too naughty you kids" Ace says, and winks as he pulls out his phone calling an uber as your uber arrives you both say goodbye to Ace and get in. The ride home was uneventful you both blushed to embarrassed to say anything. Once in the lobby you both say at the same time
"I didnt know-"
"Sorry about them- Yoi"
"You go first" you both say the same thing.
"Please go first Yoi" Marco says as you say
"I didnt know Ace was a regular either. Ive always been on the night shift when the club is packed so theres no need for the dancers to sing since we have a night DJ." Marco nods and replys
"Sorry about them today I didnt know you worked there. Not that theres anything wrong with working there. What I mean is I hope this doesnt get inbetween us. Yoi" Marco says nervously as you say
"Dont worry Marco its just a job someone has to do it plus it pays really well your fine handsome" he nods and blushes at your comment and then let a silence grow inbetween you two before saying
"Haha I dont suppose you want to hang out after this? Yoi" Marco chuckles nervously as you raise an eyebrow.
"Sure sounds good just dont tell anyone where I work" you say sternly and Marco says
"I wont but Ace is another story. Yoi" you facepalm.
"Okay well let me go change and wipe off this makeup then ill be over Marco" you say and he nods
"Okay see you soon. Yoi" you both unlock and walk into your apartments, and you get ready. Once ready you grab your keys, lock your apartment and knock on Marcos door. You wearing a tshirt and shorts like usual. The door opens and you walk in under his arm since he is six foot eight leaving a whole head off of you. Going to his couch and ploping down you ask
"Sooo whatcha wanna do?" He pours two glasses of wine as usual and hands you a glass. Taking a gulp you ask
"Shouldnt you I dont know drink some water? Arnt you tipsy at all?" He glances at you and answers
"I drink socially besides it wasnt alot for me at the club. Ill be fine no need to worry. I dont really get tipsy im a heavy weight. Yoi" he smiles at you as you take another gulp of wine and you nod.
"I figured we could finish that uno game from last night. Yoi" he says and turns on the TV. Its showing the news as something cetches your eyes on screen.
"Wait turn it up Marco." Which he obeys and turns the volume up
"The Cam Girl Killer strikes again on Rose St. in.....last night...." the TV reporter says.
"Rose St. Is right down the road Marco" you state as he sips his wine and turns the channel to MTV Music.
"Im sure youll be fine as long as you keep your daytime schedule. Yoi" he tries to calm you. You take another big gulp of wine. He shuffles the deck and places the cards out on his glass table in front of his couch.
"Marco im a-" you stop yourself as you realize
'No I cant tell him not after today! Bad (N)' you think and he raises an eyebrow.
"No nevermind lets play your going down this time!" After you lost again your on your third glass of wine and Marco cuts you off.
"Alright thats enough wine for you cutie. Yoi" he winks at you and puts the bottle away then sits back on the couch a bit closer to you this time. Hes close enough for you to lean on so you do in your inebriated state, as you both blush he picks up his arm and wraps it around your shoulder, you leaning on his chest now.
"This feels nice~" you whisper but loud enough for him to hear.
"I agree. Yoi" he chuckles slightly as you listen to his heart rate raise. As you finish your third glass of wine your tipsy now and look up to Marco who looks down at you, making you both blush. Completely forgetting the TV was on.
"(N) I...I..... well.. let me just show you.. Yoi" he says as he suddenly tilts your chin upward with his fingers gently and leans down meeting your lips. Reciprocating you kiss back then use your tounge as he uses his flicking yours. He seems shocked you have a tounge bar. Eventually breaking for air he says
"(N) How was it cutie? Yoi" feeling bold with liquid courage you ask
"It felt awesome Marco can I have more? Hehe" Your a blushing mess and he knows this because its so obvious.
"Sure. Yoi" he slides you onto his lap so its easier to kiss him, you feeling his bulge making you blush hard but hes also blushing. You raise your hands to his cheeks, stuble, lean up as he leans down lips meeting in the middle. First it was a kiss then it turned into making out which became more rough. Soon you both were moaning in eachothers mouths as your hands went through his hair. Finally breaking for air you were both panting slightly as you felt his cock twitch in his pants under you.
"Listen (N) I have to admit I really like you. But I dont want to mess things up between us. Yoi" he says while you brush through his hair making him shiver slightly. Your blush deepens and he noticed as you reply
"I really like you too Marco, actually I like you alot okay" you admit as he seems shocked.
"Are you ... alright to make these decisions? You are definitely tipsy. Yoi" he says sounding concerned.
"I may be tipsy but ive liked you for years now Mr. Phoenix. Im glad you made a move." You say poking his nose as he chuckles.
"Really now well ive liked you for years now too. Yoi" he says then pecks your lips again noses close together. He seems hesitant about something but says
"(N) weve known eachother for years, since I like you, and you like me .... would you please be my girlfriend? Yoi" he looks you in the eyes.
"Hehe your so cute when your nervous. Of course id love to be your girlfriend Marco" saying then kissing him making out as he nips at your tounge making his cock harder. You could feel how wet your pussy was becoming with every slight movement. You both moaning as you unbutton a couple buttons on his shirt. He starts to get the drift as he breaks for air and asks
"Are you sure about this? You dont know who your messing with. Your tipsy as well. Yoi" he teases and chuckles.
"Oh im sure Marco and Im okay dont worry." you lick his neck and nip at it making him moan off gaurd. As you unbutton the rest of his shirt to reveal his abs and manly chest making you blush hard making him notice.
"See something you like? Yoi" he chuckles as he has a small blush on his face as he gently rims the bottom of your shirt seemingly unsure. MTV starts playing Ayesha erotica - Luxurious (Remix) by clouds.s0ftt You grab his hands and lead him to pull your shirt off revealing your bra.
"Marco do you know how hot you are or are you clueless?" Taken aback he says
"I work out if thats what you mean. Yoi"
"Being modest is so hot too you know" you kiss him making out, moaning as he grabs you bridal style stands and goes to his room laying you on the bed him unbuttoning his pants dropping them as you take off your shorts flinging them on the floor. Then him going to you he takes off your bra with one hand as the other slides off your panties you moaning.
"Oh wow nipple piercings too your always full of surprises (n) Yoi"
"Ouu Marco~ and yes nipple piercings" you slide off his boxers and jump off the bed kneeling down, he watchs you
"What are you- Yoi!" You take in his ten inch cock in your mouth and he moans out
"Ahh (n)! Yoi" swirling around his mushroom head you lick under his crevasse making him grip the bed.
"Fuckkk!!! Your so good at that!! Yoi" he moans out as you rib the bottom of his cock with your tounge bar making him moan your name
"(N)!! Yess!! Yoi" him gripping the sheets as you go deeper and deeper going in and out sucking while moaning on his cock making vibrations which made his cock twitch. After some time of deep throating him, him moaning your name he says
"God (N) your- your gonna make me cum!!" He yells as you mumble something but dont stop as your in the zone going in and out as fast as you can while sucking and slurping his cock. His cock stiffens and you could tell he was going to cum but he was trying to hold back.
"(N) you dont have to- Yoi" a couple more thrusts and
"Fuck your making me cum!!! Yoi" finally he releases his hot load down your throat as you swallow and slurp up your saliva thrusting through his high then gradually slowing to a stop. Suddenly your being picked up and thrown on the bed detaching your mouth from his dick with a *pop* sound.
"Your in for it now cutie. Yoi" he spreads your legs with his elbows and goes down on you
"Marco what are yo-!!! Ohh!!!" He licks your folds as he slurps up you wetness making you moan out
"Ahh yess Marco!!! That feels so good!!" He rubs your button with one hand as he sticks his tounge into your entrance making you moan loudly.
"Fuckk!! Handsome!!" He slurps and presses your ridges with his tounge getting you very close.
"Fuckk Marco your gonna- gonna make me cum!!" Him rubbing, sucking and moaning into your throbbing cunt sends you over the edge.
"Ahh!! Ma-arco im- im cumming!!" You feel your juices leaking out as he sucks them up through your high. Once finished he comes up wiping his face and crawls ontop of you both of you panting hard as no words are needed to know what eachother wants from the other. He adjusts his precuming cock at your entrance and slides in his tip making you gasp. Kissing you, making out he starts to thrust, inch by inch slowly going deeper with every thrust stretching you out as you both moan into eachothers mouths. Once he hits your back wall you moan loudly as you both break for air huffing. He starts thrusting deeper and harder trying to find your g spot. He finds it quickly, surprising you making you moan loud
"Fuckk!! Yes Marco!! Right there!!" He smiles at your lewd face and continues pumping
"Youve been such a good girl so ill reward you!! Yoi" you snake your arms around his neck running your hand through his hair as you continuously moan out his name.
"Yess!! Marco!!! After about ten minutes
"Aghh!! Marco im gonna cum!!"
"Cum baby girl cum on my cock!! Yoi" he moans out panting as he picks up speed and going harder. A couple more thrusts and
"Fuckk im cumming Marco!!!" Tears form in your eyes as your nails dig into his shoulders as he continues thrusting through your sex high.
"Marco feels so good!!"
"Its all for you (N)!! Im getting close cutie where should I cum? Yoi" a couple more thrusts and your seeing spots
"Um cum in me Marco!!"
"I dont want to get your pregnant! Yoi"
"Im on birth control!"
"Oh! Allright sexy!! Yoi" he moans as he speeds up from him being slowed down to talk which edged him on. Thrusting harder and faster again into your g spot another hour passes you cuming once more in that time before you feel his cock stiffen
"(N)! Im gonna cum are you- Yoi" you cut him off panting loudly, lewd face
"Im close handsome!!" As he continued thrusting you felt your core build and build until
"Fuckk I couldnt hold it! Im cumming Marco!!" You feel your walls constrict around Marcos cock tightly as he moans out
"Aghh!! Take my hot cum in you (n)!!" Sweat dripping from him onto you as you feel his cum squirting into you as you both moan eachothers names.
"(N)!! Yess! Yoi" he moans him pounding through your sex highs as he slowly slows down then eventually stops. Resting his head inbetween your breasts panting you both take time to breath again. Once both of your breathing normalizes he asks
"How was that my precious girlfriend?" Looking you in your eyes as you brush a hand through his hair. The other caresses his cheek as you reply
"Best ive ever had to be honest Marco" he smiles as he clutches you tight making his cock go deep inside you causing you to moan as your legs are twitching wrapped around his torso. You hang onto him as he holds you getting off the bed and headed to his bathroom he turns on the water waiting for it to warm up he rubs your back as you kiss his neck.
"Thank you my handsome boyfriend"
"Of course. Yoi" he says as he kisses your forehead and steps into the shower supporting you.
"Okay I have to pull out now (n)" whining you just nod releasing your grip. He holds your thighs as you slide out and down until hes all the way out and you reach the floor shaking. He holds you close to him as the water cascades down you both, you closing your eyes hugging him.
"Im glad you made a move hehe" you giggle and he smiles.
"Me too. Yoi" he says in a huff. Soon you regain some control of your legs as he soaped you both up then you both rinse off. He turns off the shower and grabs two towels one for you and one for him. As you dry off your (L) hair he seems to already be dried off. You watch him grab both your clothes and hands you yours as you hand him your towel you get dressed in your panties, bra, shorts, and t shirt.
"Whew how long was that?" You ask as your legs shake still, while you wobble to the living room and plop down on the couch.
"About three and a half hours. Yoi" he yells from the bathroom. He comes out dressed in different casual pants but no shirt. You blush
"How are you cutie? Yoi" he asks you. You giggle and say
"Im great its hard to walk but how about you?"
"Im doing great too sexy. Yoi" he comes round the table to sit close to you as you cuddle his side he wraps his arm around your shoulder.
~Three Months Later~
Dofo made your schedule permanent since you were bringing in more customers for the day time shift. Ace was one of those customers who loved coming in on his days off specifically requesting you when he comes in. Youve gained more of a following on Tweet too. You had a green screen up in your studio living room to prevent anyone from knowing where you live. You adjusted your set times to at night after "hanging out" with Marco. The Cam Girl Killer struck two more times over the months. You and Marco have been actually hanging out more frequently now that youve adjusted to your new schedule which happens to be Marcos schedule too. You have a healthy sex life. One day Doflamingo said youd have to take over Baby Fives shift at night the next night. You text Marco that you have to fill in for Baby Five.
(N) <Hey babe I have to cover for Baby Five tonight we wont be able to hang out>
Marco <All right just be careful. Ill stay up tonight>
(N) <No please sleep. Ill get in around five am thats so early>
Marco <Then ill wake up around that time. Im gonna do what im gonna do dont worry about me. I just need you to be safe>
(N) <Allright dear goodnight>
Marco <goodnight cutie be safe>
(N) <I will be handsome>
~After Work Covering For Baby Five~
You call an Uber to go home. As you walk into the lobby the door closes. You walk and open your apartment. You feel someone behind you. Instinctively you turn around and dodge a knife that a masked man dressed in a delivery uniform for UPS thrusted at you.
"Marco!!! Help!!!" Yelling at the top of your lungs you grab your taser and aim at his neck as he thrusts again you not seeing where it landed. You connect with his neck as Marco runs out of his apartment with only pants on and a baseball bat. He sees you against the wall and the perpetrator convulsing standing as you keep the taser on his neck.
"(N)! You can let go now hes done! Yoi" you let go of the button and drop the taser in your bag while Marco calls the police. The man falls to the floor. Then you feel faint as you feel Marco cetch you. You passing out.
~A Day Later In The Afternoon~
Flickering your eyes open you hear a HBM rise in BPMs and a familiar voice saying.
"Marco shes awake!" You try sitting up seeing your in the hospital but you hear.
"Hey lay down. Dont sit up yet let me get the bed for you. Yoi" you see Marco come into your room and you obey him laying back down as he adjusts the electric bed to sit you up while your laying on it.
"What am I doing here Marco?" You question as he calls on his phone
"Hello yes this is Marco Phoenix (N) (L)s awake now yes come now okay bye Yoi *click*"
Cocking your head to the side you feel a dull pain in your side as you realize youve been changed into a hospital gown.
"Marco" you say as he directs his attention to you now.
"(N) do you remember what all happened? You were stabbed by the Cam Girl Killer. Law said it was a miracle the knife didnt cut through your organs. Hes the one who did your surgery. Yoi" he says as it all comes rushing back.
"I was coming home from having to cover for Baby Five and the delivery guy thrusted a knife at me so I tased him then you came out and it all goes black from there on." You explain to Marco as he nods.
"I just called the police they wanted to talk with you since they caught the Cam Girl Killer because of you. And I called for an ambulance yesterday for you by the way. Yoi" Marco says.
~Once The Police Arrive~
"Hello miss (N) (L) could you tell us what happened?" The police and a detective asks as you explain your SlayStar on Tweet a Cam DJ, Marco doesnt seem fazed. Then explain the events as they unfolded. Marco is released to go see other patients as you finish with the police. Eventually Marco makes his way back to you.
"Hey Marco when can I go home?" He looks at you then says
"Ill get you discharged soon okay. Dont go anywhere cutie Yoi" he says then dissapears out the door.
'Haha dont go anywhere? Like I can barely move anyways haha'
You blush red as Ace comes in with a bag of your things and paperwork for you to sign.
"Woah why are you blushing? Or are you just happy to see me? Haha So tell me (N).... is it true your SlayStar?!" He blurts out as your face says it all.
"Oh shut it Ace!"
"Haha you are thats awesome! I know a famous person now!" Ace blurts out as Marco comes back in and says
"Ace stop harassing her and keep it quiet she probably doesnt want anyone else to know Yoi" Marco says as he undoes all your cords.
He addresses you
"(N) you all set you can get changed now. I hope you dont mind but I brought you some clothes from your apartment so you dont have to wear your work clothes. I put your key back on your lanyard. Yoi" Ace snickers as Marco explains.
"Thank you handsome" you say greatfuly.
"Ouu wait are you two like a thing now?" Ace asks as you and Marco blush looking at Ace.
"Oh man you are thats awesome! Congrats guys!" Ace exclaims.
"Anyways (N) I told Doflamingo about your situation so dont worry about it he says your job is secure just to get better quick dammit that hes taking this out of your sick pay." Ace explains.
"Thanks Ace it means a lot."
"Come on Ace let her change. (N) be careful of your wound. Ill help you change the bandages when they need changing. Ill see you tonight we have things to talk about" Marco says as you nod and gulp.
'Did I just ruin our relationship by omitting the truth that im SlayStar?' You think as Marco and Ace leave closing the door. You slide your legs out, sit up carefully and stand with some effort. Getting the hospital gown off you see gauze and tape on your abdomen with some blood spots in the gauze.
"Shit" you say and get dressed in black denim shorts and a t shirt.
'Wait Marco must have found out im SlayStar first when he went into my apartment fuck Im gonna have to apologize to him' you think as you put on your black sneakers which you wore to your work when you covered for Baby Five.
'Thank god I didnt wear my thigh high boots that night' thinking as you get your phone and lanyard out wrapping it around your neck.
'At least I have battery left in my phone to call an Uber. What?! Its three pm in the afternoon well at least Marco will get off soon. Who checked me in here? Probably Marco I mean he is my boyfriend.' You grab your bag which had your purse and work clothes in it and head out of the room. Walking outside you call an Uber home. Once home you eat and drink some water then lay in bed for a couple hours until you hear a knock at your door. Slowly getting up you unlock the door and open the door wide revealing
"Hello beautiful. Yoi" Marco says poking your nose as you giggle and open your door wide swinging your arm out gesturing for him to come in.
"Whats this? Am I finally being invited into your apartment? Yoi" he chuckles and pets your head as he walks in taking off his shoes putting them next to yours. You close and lock your door as you go to your bedroom feeling Marco following you. You lay down as Marco lays next to you. Looking into each others eyes he says
"So when were you gonna tell me? Yoi" you blush and think before speaking
"I didnt want to lie to you... you know the stigma against cam girls... I was gonna tell you eventually..... im so sorry Marco. I understand if you want to breaku-" you were cut off by his lips on yours. After a soild couple minutes of kissing you both break off.
"Dont even think that (n) I dont want to breakup thats not what I meant when I said we need to talk. Yoi" he says and cups your cheek.
"Then what did you want to talk about handsome?" You ask as you gently turn over on your side more facing him.
"Well for one youve been hiding half your life from me for over four years... let me inside (n) I want to be apart of your life like your apart of mine. Yoi" he says then removes his hand from your face.
"Okay handsome come with me" you say getting up and headed to the living room, him following you, which you converted into a studio but it still had a couch at least. You go to the kitchen and the fridge getting two Dr. peppers then set them on your desk as you set up your turntables chose and put on a wig. Doing your makeup quickly. And change clothes into a comfy DJ outfit. Marco grabs a Dr. Pepper opens it and sits on the couch watching you. You turn on your computer and start up Tweet.
"Hello everyone im back at it!"
<your in the news>
<ya check channel nine>
<I love your sets>
<I love you>
Blue Phoenix
<Is it true you you were stabbed its all over the news>
Surgeon of Death
Fire Fist
"Here lemme check real quick" you check the Yourtube really quick and see the subtitles saying
[Popular Tweet Star SlayStar was stabbed but survived the Cam Girl Serial Killer.... the killer has been captured...]
"Ya wow I am in the news, and thank you my OG Robot and Blue Phoenix I love you too awe! And yes I was stabbed but it missed my organs. Hi Surgeon of Death and whatsup Fire Fist"
'Surgeon of Death must be Law and Fire Fist must be Ace' you think. You look at Marco who was smiling on his phone then clicked it and set it down.
'So hes Blue Phoenix well makes sense'
"Anyways im gonna start with Lizzo - About Damn Time" you start skillfully mixing that song with Ed Sheeran - Shivers then continue and eventually end with Ed Sheeran - Shape of You.
"Whew how was this set guys? I hope good. Ive been feeling inspired lately" you glance at Marco whose staring at you work sipping his Dr. Pepper.
<Hope you feel better>
<ya hope your allright be careful>
<Use an ice pack on the wound itll bring down the swelling>
Surgeon of Death
<Awesome set!>
Fire Fist
You look at the chat.
"Night Kiwi, thanks Robot, ya right Slick, thanks Surgeon of Death ill do that, thanks Fire Fist okay ima call it a night thanks to all my subs and viewers~♡ I hope you have a good day or night where ever you may be goodnight" *click* you end the stream and open your Dr. Pepper sipping it as you take off your wig and change your clothes. Then you use a makeup wipe to take your makeup off throw it away and break down your turntables.
"You did wonderful (N)~ Yoi" You hear Marco say. You make him some udon which he happily accepted. After he finished you put the bowl and fork in the sink and say
"Come on I wanna cuddle my boyfriend. Do you work tomorrow?" You question as he follows you to bed.
"No I dont im free and I know you dont work tomorrow so we can cuddle all night babe. Yoi"
"Oh but first let me go grab some stuff youll need. Law may have done a great job stitching you up but youll still need to heal. Yoi" he says then heads out of your apartment. After a couple minutes you hear the door and it lock as Marco rounds the corner of the hallway headed to your bed and lays some medical bandages, gauze, and tape out on the bed.
"Here come lay down flat. Yoi" you hear Marco say and you obey as your flat on the bed in front of him now. He changes your bandage as you pick your head up watching him. Then he tapes the gauze in place and goes and throws away the used bandage then comes back.
"Thanks handsome" you chirp as he puts the rest of the bandages on your nightstand along with his glasses and slides into bed cuddling you gently.
~One Year Later~
At the restaurant Shellfish. You and Marco sat at an outdoor table with a firepit next to you. He had told you to dress up, so your wearing a tight short black dress that shows your curves with matching your black furry pump shoes with a pleather black purse with metal strap.
"You look stunning this afternoon (n). Yoi" Marco says dressed in a grey suit and grey pants and white collared shirt as you blush.
"Awe thank you. Your looking very handsome as well" Smiling at eachother he reaches over on top of the table to hold your hand. You see the waitress come up to you both.
"Welcome to Shellfish what can I get started for you?" Looking at her name tag you could see her name was Sara.
"Ill have an Irish Ale. Yoi" Hearing Marco say as it was your turn next.
"Ill have a Malibu Sunrise thanks" you say as Sara nods then heads inside to get the drink order in.
"Starting strong I see Yoi" You look up to meet Marcos eyes from your menu.
"Huh oh yea well It was a tough day at work." He raises an eyebrow at you as you explain.
"Well I got this four person group of rude guys who kept commenting on my look saying what they would do to me outside of work but they got drunk and left so its whatever" You say as he squeezes your hand.
"You know I support you in your job but I have to say I dislike your clientele. Yoi" He says as Sara comes back with your drinks.
"Thank you. Yoi"
"Your welcome you two. Are we ready to order?" Sara asks. Marco orders his food first as he sees you looking at the menu still hands still intertwined.
"Ill have the steak drizzled in pineapple sauce and diced tomatoes and mushrooms."
"Allright sir and for you miss?" Sara asks.
"Ill have the Ahi tuna roll with a side of rice and lemons please and thank you." she nods writing down your orders then goes to put your orders in.
Making small talk as your waiting for your food he seems antsy.
"Are you alright my love?" He looks like hes been caught thinking about something.
"Ya- ya im fine dear just hungry Yoi" he says rubbing his stomach chuckling. You both continue talking about work when you see Sara come back with food and sets it down backwards. You and Marco just smile and wait for her to leave before swapping plates you giggling. After finishing dinner you sip your Malibu Sunrise finishing it off.
"Thanks for dinner you didnt have to honey~" You coo as he replies
"Anything for my love~ Yoi" He says then stands up and stands in front of you.
"Marco what are yo-" he shushes you then gets down on one knee getting out a small black box, opening it to reveal a sapphire heart ring.
"(N) (L) Would you do me the honor of being my wife? Yoi" Making eye contact with you. Mouth agape your shocked but respond
"Awee Marco id love that yes of course sweety!" You both smile as he slides the ring onto your finger.
"Ah perfect fit" You say as he sits back down and others clap for you both. After Sara comes back with the bill Marco puts his card down after writing up the tip. After leaving the restaurant he calls an Uber while holding your hand.
~At Marcos Apartment Celebrating The Engagement~
"Congratulations guys Im happy for you both Ya" Law says as Marco fills the four glasses with wine.
"Thank you Yoi"
"Thanks Law it means a lot" You say smiling wide just like Marco. Marco hands everyone a glass as Ace says
"Ya congrats you both. So whens the wedding?"
"We just got engaged Ace we dont have a date set yet." You giggle as Ace shrugs.
"I dont know you guys coulda been planning this" he says as Marco explains
"Ace she didnt know I was going to propose she was shocked. Yoi"
"Ahh okay well anyways congrats guys" Ace says and sit on the couch with you and Law leaving space for Marco.
"Hey Marco what do you have planned? Ya" You hear Law ask.
"Were going to play some rounds of Uno."
"Yess!! Your all going down!!" You yell as they all chuckle. Law won the first round then Marco won the second your all on the third round. Its been hours and sipping your drinks.
"No fair I have half the deck!" Ace whines and complains as you, Marco and Law snicker and laugh at Ace. You all have a glass of wine, each on your second glass. Your getting too tipsy by the third glass since you had that drink at the restaurant too and Marco notices.
"Uno!!" you yell laughing evilily as you sway and show one card to them all.
"Heyyy!! Shes cheating guys!" Ace yells as you chuckle evilily.
"No your just bad at this game Ace. Ya" Law says which makes you giggle.
"Hey I am not cheating. S'not my fault you suck at Uno" You snicker while sipping your third glass. Ace just glares at you with a blush on his face mouth open.
"Okay okay thats enough you two. Ace its your turn go. Yoi" Marco chimes in.
"Oh yea well take this (N)!" he yells and slaps down a yellow skip card which makes your mouth hang open, making Ace laughs maniacally. As the time ticks by you had to draw more cards but won the game. Now your all watching TV surfing through channels. After awhile of channel surfing
"Aight I think I better get going guys congrats again" you all hear Ace say as he stands grabbing his phone from the table and head to the door. Then Law gets up grabbing his phone too, following Ace.
"I better get going too my girlfriend is waiting on me. Congratulations you both. Ya" Law says as he opens the door and they both say goodnight and leave. You help Marco clean up the glasses as you down the rest of your glass.
"No more drinking for you. Dont want a hang over tomorrow do you? Yoi" He says while washing the glasses as you dry them.
"But its a special occasion Marcooo" whining you put away the glasses in the cupboard. He chuckles then says
"Ya your right I guess ill have to just take care of you tonight. Yoi" Giggling You wrapped your arms around his waist from behind you kiss his shoulder leaning your head on him as he finishes wiping his hands off.
"Hey let me hug you. Yoi" You release him as he turns around hugging you.
"Can I have cuddles tonight?"
"Of course you can beautiful. Yoi" Letting you go he cleans up the cards then heads to the bedroom too which you follow. Unbuttoning your shorts and sliding them off you slide into his bed as he takes off his shirt goes to the kitchen you hear water running then he comes back and hands you a cup of water. Gulping the water down you set the cup on the nightstand with your phone alarm allready set. Marco slides into bed motioning you to cuddle with him. Sliding over to him you wrap your arm around his waist as he slides his arms under your head and around your waist pulling you closer. Inhaling his scent makes you wet but your too tipsy to initiate anything.
"I love you Marco~ Im glad you chose me."
"Of course my dear. I love you too now get some sleep. Hopefully you wont have a hangover tomorrow. Yoi"
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