#i dont care that its probably not really tailgate
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Oh my god im gonna be fucking sick
i hate themmm
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elfelt-valentine · 1 year
WASsaaasaas AAAHHHH!!! Cygate (or cywhirlgate I don’t care) and Swagnus!! LET ME HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS NOW [obligatory table flip]
(this could apply to cywhirlgate too but ill be talking mostly abt cygate)
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cygate is actually one of the first big ships i learned about and was sooo excited to get to in the comics, i read fics abt them before actually seeing them in canon and well. i was kind of a tid bit disappointed with how it wrapped up LMAO
i love the idea of two lonely people from the same old times growing a bond based on it, cuz really, who else can understand them? i like that they both learn from each other, and grow to become better people, and i love the drama that comes with cyclonus feeling like he doesn't deserve tailgate, like tailgate was slipping through his fingers the more he stretched his doubts.
i cant not mention whirl but the relationship he has with cyclonus is probably Actually one of the most satisfying developments that happened in the comic. Whirl's general development has been amazing to me, cuz he didnt exactly Stop being himself, but he let himself appreciate people in his life and care for them, and recognize when he needs to stop or step up, that anger isnt all he has now, and there are people who care for him just as much,
like.... im not even that Into these ships anymore, but i grief the potential cygate specifically had. they had good moments. but then it just got... weird. i dont understand their ll arc at all to be honest i pretend it doesnt exist.
anyway its a solid 6/10 for cygate and 7/10 for cywhirlgate for me.
Swagnus is such a stupid ship name i adore it
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they're a little guilty pleasure of mine that i dont see anything of ever and i forgot until now. brought a lot of happy feelings to me cuz they're so cute and awesome to me, but a huge shame their relationship is near nonexistent after the first mtmte season lmao.
There's something about these two people who are on completely opposite sides of social anxiety and adaptation that hits right, maybe they're not exactly romantic to me but i wish we saw more friendship between the two.
i just think swerve is the kinda person whos gonna actually understand magnus'/minimus' struggles with people and give some meaningful perspective on things.
maybe magnus would be more patient with swerve too. idk. he seems like this kind of person to me esp cuz people seem to not like to listen to him as well. lol.
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my-own-oracle · 4 years
Could I get a fluffy Drift romantic Valentine thingy?
Of course! Every bot deserves some love. You didn't specify any specific version of Drift, so I'm going with the MTMTE version. If you wanted RID15 or something else, just let me know. Sorry, this kinda got long; I've been without power for the majority of 3 days, this was one of the few things I could to do.
You still kept track of the days that passed on Earth. At first, it was for your own amusement. Wanting to keep track of the time on Earth, but as some holidays came and went, you kept track to keep the connection to your home alive. You kept track of the calendar changes, making a special note when you entered the month of February
You planned, quietly and carefully, gathering spare datapads and using your little stash of credits to purchase a small gift for a particular bot. It was hard keeping the whole thing a secret, considering most of the things you had to hide away were significantly larger than you, but by the power of pure determination, you managed. 
You spent hours locked away in your hab-unit, carefully typing out cheesy Valentine's poems for your friends. Most following the 'roses are red, and violets are blue' format. And when they were done, you beamed. 
You spent the day dragging different data pads around to other bots. Tailgate had even decided to help you for a while, flying you around on his hoverboard, laughing and talking with you as you made your way through the large ship. Even with his help, the event took up most of the day. Slowly everything was handed out. All but one Valentine remained. 
You bid a farewell to Tailgate as he dropped you off at your hab-unit. You had to do this delivery alone. 
This was the Valentine that mattered the most.
**** Drift had spent most of the day with Rodimus, talking about everything from different tactical plans to the many ways the Co-captain could encourage and rally his mechs with a more powerful aura. Or at least Rodimus pretended to listen to that last part. Either way, Drift had spent several hours with his friend. During that time, the spectralist had spied an unusual sight, a datapad in Rodimus' personal quarters. "Did someone slip that in here when you weren't looking?" Rodimus laughed good-naturedly before shaking his helm.
"No, the Space Cadet dropped it off. She's celebrating an earth holiday today and is passing out some gifts to bots she thinks will appreciate them. Rodimus passed the datapad over to Drift, letting him read the short poem written on it.
"Roses are red, And you are too. I am so thankful, To be friends with you." 
Drift found himself smiling as he reads the blurb of text below it, where you explained Valentine's day and its significance to humans in your own culture. 
"So this day is used to express love and gratitude to those around you?" Drift clarified, smiling a little wider as Rodimus nodded.
"She told me humans also use this day as an excuse to express more romantic kinds of love too."
A feeling of jealousy settled in his tanks. 
"(Y/N)- she is truly a wonderful person. Did she pass out many of these?" 
"She had a large stack. You'll probably have one waiting for you in your room," A servo pushed into drifts shoulder plating.
"I doubt that we-" he calms his spark before speaking again. "We may be friends, but we hardly spend time alone together. I think she's frightened of me."
"Uhhh I-"
"She must have learned about some of the things in my past. She can hardly look at me in the optics when we're together, and if we are alone, she can't speak. I fear that I may be terrifying to be around.."
"Okay…. Have you ever thought that maybe your being," Rodumis rolled his optics, "I don't know, a little overdramatic?" 
Drift pondered the thought. But no matter how he looked at it, the hesitant gaze, the fidgeting when together, the quietness she only had around him, all signs pointed to her fearing him.
"Drift, please, don't make me be the responsible one. It goes against my entire being." 
Silence lapsed again.
"I am not spelling this out for you," Rodimus stood, pulling Drift to his peds and shoving him out the door. "Come back when you're done being a sparkling. Go talk to her," the door shut, leaving Drift to walk back to his hab-unit.
You could feel your heart racing under your ribs. Thundering with each step you took, leading you to pause every few meters. 'This is so stupid. I can't do this.' you told yourself for the hundredth time. 
"You alright there, Space Cadet?" you snapped your head behind you, spying Rodimus standing maybe a few feet away. When had he snuck up on you?
"I'm fine, just lost in my head." you face back towards Drifts unit, your confidence waning with each passing second.
"Is that another one of those valentines?" Rodimus squatted down to you your level, a servo reaching out to the special datapad you had placed on the hall floor. 
"No," you dashed in front of his hand. "Nothing of interest, really. It's just like the one I gave to you and everybody else."
"And I suppose the box next to it is nothing too," you took a large step to the right, standing between the white and red wrapped box you had next to the Data-pad, before sharing a small, shy smile with the co-captain.
"It's- it's nothing." your voice was softer than you wanted it to be. The smug look on Rodimus' face told you he didn't buy it. "I wanted to give a gift to someone, and if I was on Earth, I would give a special someone candy. I found out Cybertronians can eat energon candies, and I bought a crystal of it as a gift. But it's stupid. He probably won't like it anyways." 
You sunk your head closer to your shoulders. "Just giving him a poem and a piece of candy isn't going to make someone like him notice me." Your fingers worked at the hem of your shirt, rolling the worn material as a means to work out the lump you felt forming in your throat.
Rodimus held his servo out to you, a silent invitation to 'climb up' as he so often said. You took it, settling down into his palm. You watched as he carefully gathered your measly gift into his other servo and began walking in the direction you needed to go.
"So, you like this mech, and you're worried he doesn't like you." You nod. "Who is it?"
"I'd rather not say."
"It's not Ultra Magnus, is it?" You snap a playful glare at your friend. "I just needed to know, I'd still support you, but I won't be thrilled."
"No, it's not Magnus." you heard his vent of relief. Thundering footsteps filled the hall as Rodimus carried you farther a small way.
"It- I, Drift," you whispered. "It's for Drift." You were thankful Rodimus didn't outright laugh. He did his best to stay composed. You could feel it in the way his digits curled for a moment, him gasping for air as he tried to talk.
"You think, he- you dont realize-" giggles filled the space between each attempted sentence.
"Yes, I like Drift. Go on, get it out. The little silly human is in love with a bot who probably couldn't care less, who's so far out of her league it's embarrassing." The lump in your throat returned, this time accompanied by a burning feeling behind your eyes. You took a few calming breaths, refusing to cry in such a frustrating situation.
"Oh stars, you're hopeless." Rodimus was smiling, oblivious to your emotional turmoil or not caring about it. "Trust me," he lifted you level with his politics, "He'll be thrilled."
***** Drift sat in his hab-unit, wondering how he could use this Valentine's day thing to his advantage. Find a way to earn some positive affection, and talk to you.
He was coming up blank; you were beloved. There was no way you would give up your time to talk to a bot who terrified you. If only he knew a way to quell your fear and maybe show that he wasn't such a bad bot. Drift heard his door open but didn't turn from his desk. His EM field told him it was Rodimus. 
"Yo." Rodimus walks over to Drift, and before he can turn, his friend grips the closest servo to him. Drift feels you more than sees you, as you're practically tossed into his servo. His optics widen monetarily, and he throws his other servo around you, desperately trying to keep you from falling.
You have his full attention, so much so that the sound of Rodimus putting your gift down on Drift's desk before walking out hardly registers in his audials. Rodimus' smug "You'll thank me later" rings aloud and as the door slides shut behind him.
Drift cautiously checks you over for injuries.  Slowly you roll over, sitting up and trying to look up into Drift's optics. 
Your eyes can barely go past his chassis.
"Are you alright?" Drift questions. His optics take over you again, first your body, then your aura.  
"Hi Drift, I'm alright" you raise your hand in a little wave,  you sound a little frightened, and he watches as your body tenses. "I'm sorry for-uh- barging in like this. But I wanted to bring you a valentines gift." you waved your hand to the small offering on the desk beside him. "It's been delivered, so I'll stop bothering you now, I'm so sorry to have-"
"You are not bothering me," he smiles down at you. You're nervous; that much is plain to see.  He turns his attention to your gift. While the box interests him, he takes the datapad first. 
"Roses are red, And you are kind. I hold you in my heart, always on my mind."
He watches from the corner of his optics as you become red, the color complimenting the flustered pink in your aura. 
"The poem is beautiful," he smiles, but you don't look at him in the optic. He puts down the pad and reaches for the box. The lid removes easily, and he is touched by the piece of energon candy you had inside. 
"Thank you for my gifts, though I will say I'm surprised you gave me one," your eyes snapped to his optics wide and hurt.
"Why, you're my friend." Your question was soft, so quiet should he had been organic, he wouldn't have heard it. 
"You're frightened of me, so I didnt think you would take the time to make me a gift."
"I'm not frightened of you," your hand reached our reassuringly to one of the digits around you, "What gave you that impression?"
Drift listed the clues he had gathered over the few months you'd been aboard, noting that with each one, a look of guilt took form over your face.
"Drift- I-I am not afraid of you," you stood abruptly, hopping from his hand to his desk "do you know what valentine's day is all about on earth?" 
"It's about showing your affection to those in your life," your smile made his spark hum. It was soft, there was fear, but he focused in closer and saw in your aura; it wasn't a fear of him.
"Correct, but only half correct. It's also about telling people who don't know you lo-" you took a breath. "Some humans use this day to confess their love for another person." He could see the struggle you had to keep your eyes at his optics. "Those things I did, the ones that made you think I was scared of you, I did them because I was nervous. I really like you Drift, I would go as far as to say love, but I'm frightened at what you'll do, what you'll think." 
He brought his servo to you again, two digits brushing your cheek and your hair. "If I were human, and it was Valentine's day, what should I do to quell your fears? How am I supposed to respond if I feel the same way about you?" 
You leaned into his digits, your body relaxing from a tension he hadn't realized you had been holding in.
"You just did."
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katsumox · 4 years
bakusquad skating hcs
cw: cussing, bakugou being a bitch, cuteass couple shit?? idk
notes from candy girl: uhhh excuse my subpar writing, i dont do this v often, and you don't know how to skateboard in these.
also..... skaterboy brainrot fhrjisfnvksjn
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kirishima, denki and sero are the reason behind this menace on wheels
didn't really care for it until the boys got him into it but now he's such a skate elitist like shut uppppp
has certain fits for skating,,, stuff that makes him look good but can get scuffed up a bit
(hella techwear and darkwear. that is all)
one of those boys who are like, super into skating but only because he wants to be good at it
gets unreasonably pissy when anyone gets too close to him while skating
DEFINITELY quietly critiques everyone in the park while waiting to enter the bowl and shit
will talk hella shit about how great he is and how bad anyone else is
will legitimately attempt to fight you if you enter the bowl while he's doing a session
he's a good teacher if you wanna learn to do cool stuff fast, but he's kinda mean about your initial skill when you first start
will CACKLE at you if you eat shit while trying to skate
doesn't really night skate due to his grandpa-ass sleep schedule
is 100% the only guy here who takes his safety a teensy bit serious, but only wears kneepads and occasionally wrist guards
(under his clothes tho)
he'll make you wear all of it though, OVER your clothes, talking bout sum "You're not gonna fuck up your bones on a shitty skateboard with these on, got it, princess? Now relax, damn."
if you ask he'll just say its because you "Have weakass bones and need to save your strength for hero training, dumbass." not that he cares, though.
he doesn't
*wink wink*
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does not give TWO SHITS about his safety while skating
(literally does not give a damn and has the gnarliest falls and scars because of it)
i don't even think he owns any pads or guards lmao
when he's not skating by himself or with the bakusquad, 9 times out of 10 he's skating with shinso
thinks he's a Cool Skater Boy**TM but kinda looks like he doesn't know what he's doing because he constantly does stupid shit
like he carries around monster energy and wears VERY specific fits just to skate, but fucks 'em up bc he does dumbass shit for laughs
pestered bakugou into getting a board along with kiri and sero
tailgates bakugou just to piss him off, but generally likes riding alone with music blasting in his ears at night time
has a playlist for it and everything
(has lost multiple pairs of airpods like this)
LOVES night skating in general and is always the one to suggest it to the rest of the squad because he likes the nighttime ~vibes~
(will take you night skating and share airpods with u<3)
has hella boards.
pennyboards, longboards, cruisers, etc.
would totally give you one to keep, sweet baby :')
won't let you do anything too dangerous,,, he hates when you get hurt
if you do get hurt, he doesn,t have bandaids, but he'll kiss it better!!
kind of bad at explaining things so he tries to do it with you ON the board, and holds you while doing it :))))
"So, you uhm... you kinda just woosh, and then you do uhhh.."
"Denki, honey, why dontcha just show me?"
"Or.. what if we do it TOGETHER!! That'd be fun, wouldn't it, babes?!?"
this eventually leads to impromtu cuddling on the park bench<33333
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this boy also does not wear protective gear
however... Red here has a valid reason,, i mean he can harden before anything really nasty happens
would 110% carry cute bandaids for ya if you ever fall
(key word is" if" because kiri takes your safety so damn serious it's probably not gonna happen)
typically throws on whatever he has to go skate but the main aesthetic is athlete meets streetwear
is the most likely to take you skating with his friends (he wants you all to get along aweeee)
secretly wants to go on a skate date really in the morning so the two of you can skate around, watch sunrise and then go for breakfast<3
gets SO annoyed when people take too long in the bowl
like hurry up bitch we've been waiting (but he won't say that cuz he's nice)
doesn't really know complex tricks like bakugou but is the best teacher in terms of getting balance and stuff
only has two or three boards because he used to accidentally break 'em a lot but would still give you one
he's so nice about how to skate,,,, like he corrects you so kindly and he'll fix your posture and stuff for you and ughhhhh<3333
will compliment you SO MUCH when you do something right!!
"Eiji,, im doin' it!"
"Aww you're doing great, babe!! Keep going and w-OAH SHIT"
ya'll took a break after that, because you ended up scraping up your knees and hands
its okay though because kiri had bandaids and kisses to make it better :)
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records denki + kirishima's stunt escapades for fun (sends a BUNCH of snaps of them doing dumb shit while they're out)
wears all protective gear besides helmets and elbow pads, but says he would wear the pads if he could
(he's lying, he's just trying to get you to be safe)
will hold your hand and walk next to you when you first try to skate :)
likes to hold your hand in general, so onse you get good at skating and don't need him to hold you anymore, he'll do it anyway
takes you skating with the squad and their s/o's
brags about how well you're doing to the other boys (until you fall, that is)
unlike denki, he pulls off the whole laidback Cool Skater Boy**TM thing really well
prolly because he's not really trying
he skates the least out of the group, mainly because he's always out doing stuff with you<333
also carries bandaids like kirishima but they're boring
makes every outing with you a date, and skating is no exception. actually, skating has become one of your favorite couple activities
always makes a point to take you out afterwards, whether that be for boba or for ramen or something.
"Well, we're done here, so what do ya wanna eat, chiquita?"
"Hmmm... what about onigiri?"
"We had that last time, but anything for you, mi reinita."
wanna be on the taglist??
send in an ask, babe<3
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 13
humansona time, hell yes
OH MAN I forgot about the stuff w/swerve and blurr oof
that panel of perceptor just saying random equations always kills me vhsdjhfkbjhksdfnka
also I love so much that they call perceptor ‘percy’ that's so cute
I love the implications here that people just Grab minibots and carry them around like luggage bc they are Tiny lmao
ohhhh my god I fuckgin love ‘I'm just wondering if there's time to expand my aura and cleanse the area of aggression’ ‘I...don't think so, drift’ hgbadjfjbaskdfs drift’s hippy nonsense delivered completely seriously pairs hilariously with his whole ‘violent guy with a bunch of swords’ thing lmao
also, IM NEVER OVER CYCLONUS SINGING TO TAILGATE, and also the security team mistaking it for cyclonus murdering tg hbhkjadfbjkhsdf cyclonus u icon
and tg looking at cyclonus all heart-eyes, omg 
drift showing rodimus how to swordfight...fellas.....
rodimus, being entirely ignorant to the irony in calling cyclonus and tailgate’s relationship strange when he and drift are Right There, being weird gay frat bros
did yall know, I love magnus so much. law dad
magnus saying ‘that's not even a word. id have heard of it’ about the word ‘relax’ is so funny god 
rodimus bribing swerve with a bar license to get magnus turnt is hbvhjakdbfhskf
never over rodimus portioning out drifts blood money to the crew for shore leave hubhjsdkhfdbjksd god 
despite tg lying about a good amount of his past, I feel like he rlly DOES see cyclonus as a link to a more familiar time, and that's a large reason why he’s so forgiving toward cyc
mannnn the stuff w/blurr and swerve is so depressing in retrospect. swerve is like, such a depressing character the more you think abt him vbhskjdhfbsk jesus
magnus trying to get in on the convo when swerve starts talking statistics oh magnus
idk what ‘the lube pits’ are but I Really do not want to know
‘the temple of the raging prism’ sounds fuckin bangin tho
I love seeing everyones humansona!! this art style is pretty simple, but I think it looks cute
rungs ‘human name’ being ‘mary sue’ lmaoooooo jro w/the self callout
also skids’ name being blank is a nice touch
still not over tg being a baby....poor guy
whirls humansona is so fuckgin good, also swerve looks like a hobbit
magnus basing his avatar on verity is so sweet ;_; I really should read all the wreckers stuff after I finish this reread
WHY would magnus accept a drink from whirl anyways lmao
tailgate is so cute
they rlly just left magnus facedown on the table and kept drinking huh. the irresponsibility....we love it
rung don't lie, froid is your nemesis
WHY do we never get to hear more about skids’ apparent beef with misfire
rewind calling the swerve/misfire This early, wow
literally Everyone abandoning swerve to deal with magnus hgbvhfjdskdfbhs I fucking love this issue man
GOD I LOVE MAGNUS SO MUCH!!!!!!!! he’s such an interesting and unique character and hhhh I love him and his development
like, he was probably the biggest surprise out of everyone who agreed to go on the quest - ostensibly it was to keep order on the lost light, but it would make sense that magnus would get tired of being the Only one who cares about that sorta stuff on board 
drunk magnus is such a delight oh my god
magnus rlly just wants everyone to be safe :( my daddddd
magnus: I love all my children equally...swerve, rodimus, [looks at smudged writing on hand] dirt
swerve: see, magnus, that’s where you’re wrong - I ALSO have crippling depression!
cant believe they bought rodimus a hat vhbhksdfhahsjkdf
HHHHH GOD I FORGOT ABT THATTTT when cyclonus goes bonkers in order to stop rewind from playing the ark 1 footage and inadvertently outing tailgate as a liar....AUGHHHHH THE FUCKING...THE FUCKING ROMANCE OF IT ALL
oh rewind :( you should really wonder a little harder where chromedome is right now...oof
everyone jumping on magnus while he’s passed tf out is SO fucking funny 
hhhhhhhhhhh I love how cyclonus sat tailgate down and confronted him about lying, but did it privately and not in front of everyone - and he even saved tg from being exposed as a liar, too. AUGH 
I feel like cyclonus is kinda impressed at how effortlessly tg has managed to lie this whole time, and tbh it IS impressive, especially considering tailgate was basically teleported 6 million years into the future and has no idea how the world works anymore, but was still able to lie convincingly. even cyclonus only realized bc of his own past, and not until now
tailgate ;_; ;_; ;_; 
cyclonus: oh no...im soft
tailgate and cyclonus singing ye olde cybertronian tunes together...OUGHHHH my fucking heart bro mY FUCKING HEART.
on that note: the song ‘to noise making (sing)’ by hozier is literally about cygate. thank u for coming to my ted talk
magnus had to like, get the robot equivalent of a stomach pumping after that hvbskdjfbhskdf jesus they really did almost kill him huh
I consider this issue forshadowing bc it makes 100% sense that minimus would be a Mega Lightweight considering he’s like 3 feet tall
the real quest that swerve is participating in is ‘the quest to get friends’ and so far its going pretty badly. poor dude 
godddd the thing that says ‘next: Overlord!’ with a fucking exclamation point I DONT APPRECIATE THAT. 
OHO i forgot abt the canon fanfic at the end of this issue
rung kicking things off with some good ole bodily workings-based dread 
ok but being so awed by the construction of your species’ anatomy that you wanna fall on the floor in amazement? that's a whole ass mood and I do frequently stare at walls for long periods of time, thinking about the marvel that is the human body. so rung is valid 
FROID NAME DROP LMAO. also yet again, are you SURE he’s dead?? are you????
the name ‘froid’ cracked me up almost as much as ‘rigor morphis’ did when I first read this...robot-based science puns! woohoo!
rung rlly b out here thinking abt overlords lips.....
‘forced browsing is not the autobot way’ lmao skids
also fr tailgate defs thinks that whirls actually name is nutjob
the entire segment of cyclonus browsing and everyone watching him and commenting is just. golden
oh no. don't make me think of rewind and his tiny memory sticks that he carries around. I'm NOT READY
magnus’ brutal read on rodimus and the fact that he’s more suited, personality-wise, to wartime than peacetime? oof. love it
I ALSO love that a big part of this issue was magnus admitting, in less direct terms, that HE isn't made for the post-war life either - his strict adherence to the rules and constant vigilance isn't exactly the best mindset for peacetime, for him or the people under his command
magnus’s hatred of metaphors and similes and the like....hvbsdjkfbasjhdf I love him
MAGNUS ILY...he’s trying SO HARD cut him some slack. i think his jokes are. yeah!
oh goody this text used "rodimus’s" so I guess that's canonically correct and I haven't been using grammar incorrectly as I had feared 
rodimus sitting ON his desk and doodling on it...adhd icon
rodimus calling rung a psychotherapist, which was rung’s grounds for a nemesis hvbhjabfdskfnkks
rung: as I'm sure you know I take patient confidentiality VERY seriously
narrator: That Was A Lie 
AUGH this hurts...rung trying to get justice for red alert but rodimus is in on the overlord stuff :( ouch
so issue 13! I fucking love this issue. just some good ole funney space hijinks, with some nice relationship development for tg and cyc - plus a revelation about tailgate - and some characterization for swerve and magnus. plus we get to see humansonas, which is always fun. augh I love this comic, and I am SO not ready for the next few issues, good lord
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praesaepe · 4 years
aaa late BUT: either transformers for 001 or jonmartin for 002?
[road to el dorado voice] both is good
Favorite character: this question is almost impossible but i’m going to say cyclonus, rodimus, skywarp, and tailgate
Least Favorite character: tarn is a cliche answer but also the true answer. i also just. i dislike prowl so much.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 
Elite Trine
Simpatico (Brainstorm/Perceptor)
TFA MegOp (it’s kinda spotty everywhere else, especially idw, but TFA... good)
Character I find most attractive: uuuaaaagh uhhhhhhh. starscream, thunderclash, and nautica dont @ me
Character I would marry: thunderclash would do me right. he’s such a sweetheart.
Character I would be best friends with: tailgate! he’s so much fun and i love him dearly.
a random thought: tfa season 3 wouldve been a masterpiece and i will always be sad it got cancelled.
An unpopular opinion: i hate prowl so much its unreal. i dont care about him. everyone loves him and like. ive not read all of rid but i just dont like him at all!!
My Canon OTP: cygate :)
My Non-canon OTP: thunderrodica and elite trine. both very good.
Most Badass Character: thunderclash no i love clash but im not gonna lie, prrrobably drift? or functionist universe rung, or maybe even whirl. 
Most Epic Villain: dont @ me but getaway, probably. complete and total bastard man i despise but he was so well written that like. god damn. ugh. other than that tyrest was a really good storyline.
Pairing I am not a fan of: cywhirl or cywhirlgate tbh. cywhirl is just very platonic to me. i am also not a fan of blitzbee
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): the entire rushed ending to LL but especially the bad ending and especially for rodimus. it was really just such a disservice to his character.
Favourite Friendship: cywhirl!
Character I most identify with: hard question... tailgate and roddy, maybe. i also vibe with cyc and brainstorm.
Character I wish I could be: honestly? roddy. for all his hardships i think in the good ending he got all the love and support he could have ever needed, plus he’s daring and brave and reckless and that just sounds so fun
When I started shipping them: funnily enough i can actually pinpoint this exactly because i posted on tumblr about it. jan 16th. i was like “haha martins got a crush” and then i started s3 and i was like. fuck.
My thoughts: they have such good character development and you do love to see it! really jonny did an absolutely fantastic job with them, building their dynamic and relationship, and Its About The Yearning And Loyalty. the fact that their story is not going to be used as Gay Tragedy fodder, but be the emotional core of the podcast, it so refreshing and important to me
What makes me happy about them: their love for each other, their devotion, their ability to communicate and set boundaries. how they overcame everything and found each other. 
What makes me sad about them: everything they had to overcome, including each other. the fact that it is almost certainly not going to end well for one or both of them, because this is a tragedy horror podcast.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: jon is constantly cruel to martin without any redeeming qualities or interactions, and martin pines after him anyways. their dynamic isnt that 2 dimensional and while i think its important acknowledge how jon acted in the first couple of seasons, he was more than that. this is especially important in light of the birthday tape from 161.
Things I look for in fanfic: im a fan of slowburn for any pairing but i also love just. fluff. them realizing that they See one another in a real, intimate way, and while theyre human (kinda) and will have issues, they still know that they love each other. being pillars of comfort, really.
My wishlist: my monster au that im working on, obviously. i think fake dating could be fun. im also writing that school thing i posted about yesterday. really im just way in the mood for AUs so im filtering my fic for that at the minute.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: theyre canonly together so i dont have to really worry about this BUT i like jon + any combo of tim/gerry/martin and i like martin + any combo of tim/gerry/jon. even though that cant happen in canon because. yknow. death. but.
My happily ever after for them: they stop the apocalypse and get to live to a ripe, normal age and have domestic lives largely free of the fears. maybe they adopt a kid or two. they get to be friends with the others again, and go out for drinks and no one is dead and the people who are already dead are remembered, loved, and honored. also jimmy magma dies.
send me a fandom/character/ship and i’ll answer these questions! 
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dccrossmusic-blog · 5 years
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Well that'a a wrap- the D.C Cross Ecstatic Racquet album tour is complete! Thank you so much to all my new fans and old fans for the support! It was a lot of fun. I probably drove more than 10000 kms for the 9 shows- which is mental..it was all good until the car broke down in Albury on the weekend- keep reading and you can hear about the drama of the last 48 hours in point form!
Thanks to all the nice people, other musicians and venues and sound people and bar people at the places i played at. All thank you for the free beers, dinners and when people let me stay at the venue or their homes for free. Super mega thank you to Dusty Attic Music Lounge , Howl & Moan Records, Petersham Bowling Club, Plantbased Wholefoods, The Merri Creek Tavern , Franks Wild Years, Mounties and the Bridge Hotel Castlemaine (which is impossible to tag on Facebook).
So everyone is always crapping on about stuff that happens to them on social media but the last 48hours of my tour was quite eventful and i think entertaining for others. Here in point form i will mention the unfolding of the events.
Saturday 3pm Show in Thirroul - Sunday 3pm Show in Castlemaine, Victoria - a bit of driving (about 1700 kms there and back to Sydney) but pretty straight forward- right..what could possibility go right :/
•drive from Marrickville to Thirroul - so far so good
• play a cosy show to some nice people at Franks' Wild Years- very impressed german guy says that i am a beautiful musician and play the guitar like John Frusciante from the Chill Peppers - Brad other founding original member of Gerling comes to the show-a wonderful gesture of support
•Finish show in Thirroul and with a broken GPS head on the drive to Castlemaine, Victoria (about 845km's).
•Get tailgated on the Bulli Pass by some tradie fuckhead- a bit of an anxious 10 minutes but make it okay - our faithful 2004 Holden still seems to be okay.
•Drive for 5 hours on route to Albury as its more than halfway.
•100 kms out of Albury car starts shaking uncontrollably - i thought it was just the Hume Highway - so just cranked AC/DC and LANKUM new album on the distorted car stereo.
•60 km's nearer Albury situation with car gets worse- now know it was a busted CV crankshaft (no idea) and apparently quite dangerous
•Navigate car into Albury and call road side assistance. Sounds like i get a drunk Andrew Jackson Calvert type guy on the phone who relishes in the fact he can say that they can't help me and can tow the vehcile to a mechanic on Monday morning. It's 9.30 Pm Saturday night
•Find the cheapest accom in Albury -$66 a night and stay above a 2 floored techno beer barn full of teenagers on MDMA and very loud party remix / techno music going on. The room looks like was last renovated in the 1950's.
•Call the only guy i know in Albury and hit the RSL after Ross Wilson had just played. Didn't see Ross and damn glad i didn't hear 'Come said the Boy' the second most dodgy song in Australian Music History.
•Stash broken down car in Coles car park. Got to bed in backpackers with Digitalism's - Zdarlight blasting through the building.
•Awake sunday morning and hire car and drive to Castlemaine.
•An hour out of Albury a crazed fucktard - Chopper Reid vibe guy - cruising along in a shitbox Commodore with two kids bikes strapped to the back - a blue bike and little pink bike gets upset that i overtake him on the freeway. As im overtaking he speeds up- i was wasnt really checking my rear view mirror as as i was looking straight ahead to overtake- pretty legit an safe driving from me- anyway, Chopper Reid speeds up and whist i'm overtaking and gets really really mad..i do the thumbs up mate sign and makes him even more angrier..he follows my agrresively for the next 200 kilometres.. very intimidating - the most alarming thought of this was if he is driving so recklessly with two small kids in the car (nee the bikes) imagine what he would do if he caught up to me after 2 hours of full on road rage anger. Yep just what i need right now- anyway decide to James Bond him and speed up so he cant see me, speed into a truck parking side station behind a bunch of bushes- wait till i see him fly pass - teeth grinding trying to find me. Wait 5 minutes and commence my ongoing, fun-filled journey
•Castlemaine Bridge Hotel is a lot further than i calculated. And a path i have never journeyed before- no GPS is making trickier.
•3 hours later -- I ARRIVE! PHEW.
•The Bridge Hotel Castlemaine is a safe haven of coolness in all the chaos.
•Meet old friend Casey Rice at the Bridge Hotel and play two sets of my music to people actually listening to my songs- made the ordeal worthwhile and Skyscrapper Stan aka Stan Woodhouse - the kiwi songsmith works there as the barman- equally parts good and evil - that guy is a crackup..easing into the afternoon with a free pint of something, some comedy gold from Stan and a half price healthy dinner with green stuff in it (maybe vegetables- not on a burger bun so im a bit confused how to eat it ).
•Stay the night above the venue and get up at 4am to drive car back to hire car place. Venues alarm system goes off when i'm having a shower…find the exit and leave gracefully
•On the drive back to Albury - around 4.35am my phone GPS stops working and end up on some lonesome unused highway in a State Forrest in the middle of nowhere - using just my instinct to try and navigate back to Albury
•See a giant Pink moon setting over the trees in state forrest - i think heading towards Canberra (no idea) and makes the trip worthwhile
• Two massive kangaroos leap across the road just seconds away from me, right in front of the car- it's still pitch black - i narrowly avoiding hitting them (a split second before this happened a voice in my head said slow down, be careful, i dont wanna kill no kangaroos) - maybe it was the kangaroos mystical vibe -im not sure but seemed like divine intervention for the next 3 hours that we all survived.
•Some how make it to Heathcote, Victoria and get directions to the Hume Highway by a lady working at a servo with a magical hair braid getting hit on by the local milkman (why do all milkman look the same??) . I've never been happier to see the Hume Highway in my life. Listen to Highway to Hell - AC/DC on cd - my close friends mum gave my as a birthday gift she got from her work - a catholic girls schools - the library was throwing the cd out. Also LANKUM new song 'Wild Rover' that sounds equal parts Irish Rebel folk heroes/ Dirty Three and Tool - I'm having a moment.
•Eventually get back to Albury, put all my guitars and merch and amp back in broken car and return the hire car which was three times the amount i thought it would be cause i had driven extra kilometres.
•Get back in my barely drivable broken down car - Monday morning trying to find a mechanic in Albury to repair car. •Seems all mechanic in Albury are too busy- we can fix the car in 5 days time or are on holidays… Stranded far from home….
•Finally find a mechanic on the outskirts of town who can fix the car- drive barley drivable car around Albury trying to find the mechanic- stressing out front wheels will fall off - takes about 20 minutes without gps and hats off the bloke who gave me the best directions of my life to find mechanic.
•Mechanic looks at car and says its my lucky day - they have the spare part in Albury -which is very rare … a new crank shaft (no idea) - and he can fix it straight away ($500 seems reasonable ).
•Wait 5 hours in the belting Albury sun. Eat the biggest and best potato scallops ive ever had (from North Albury) and presto- hand over credit card and Car is fixed. Drink 2 litres of hot Mountain Dew and drive 6 hours and arrive home safely.
• Triumph scene from Rocky -Bill Contis 'Gonna Fly Now (Theme from Rocky) plays out in my head as i drink a beer and lie on the couch. Maybe next time i will fly.
• And thats what it takes to play two shows as an underground cult folk musician in Australia.
• Get Ecstatic
• And please buy my album on bandcamp to help pay mechanic - maybe a Xmas gift, coming of age …. en vogue vinyl experience
•Remember kids, "It's a JUNGLE out there!".
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What will happen if i go without auto insurance for a few days?
"What will happen if i go without auto insurance for a few days?
i just purchased a new car and only took the insurance cuz i wanted to drive the car off the lot. so i now have found a cheaper & better insurance company. i know i can cancel my policy with in thirty days and get a prorated refund and must show proof of new insurance. so what i am asking if i go without insurance for like a week and then buy new insurance will the rates go up because i went without insur. or will they go up because i just didnt pay the other insurance on time? can i stil cancel and  get a refund if i come in a few days later than the due date? help!!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.?
How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.?
What's a nice car with good insurance?
I want a used car for under 15k. Looks, handling, and safety are important. I like how the ford mustang and chevy camaro but they have pretty high insurance... I've never had a ticket in my life. So any nice cars with relatively low insurance?""
Car insurance - how short a time can you buy insurance for?
i want to get a new car but the insurance is more expensive than my current quote. my no claims bonus kicks in in a couple of months but until then my quote is quite expensive. i want to know whether i cn buyinsurance for this short time, and then get a new quote once my no claims is awarded, as otherwise im signing myself up for 12 months on an expensive quote""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old young man?
I'm 17 and passed my test a couple of months ago. i've checked websites like go compare and the cheapest car insurance i can get is around 2000 pounds. this is way too high. whats the cheapest i can get? i understand if i go on my mums insurance i could probably get it cheaper. whats can i do to make it cheapest? for example go on my grandma's with 3 other people insured on it or something ? i havent got a car so if anyone could tell me the cheapest car to insure? i understand clios are quite cheap? thankyou
Auto Insurance Company Lowballing me??? What do I do?
I have a 2001 porsche and this lady just tboned me going through a red light. Now My insurance company wants to offer me about 5000 dollars less then what I can replace it for. I sent them 10 ads in the area close to my car to show them, and they in turn had me appraised by an independent agency. This agency, BIG BLOCK, came back with a dozen examples that all had more miles then mine, and adjusted me .16 cents a mile. After doing depreciation calculations on their examples, the average dep per mile was .60 cents per mile!!!! This changes their evaluation by about 7-8000 dollars overall. Its been two weeks since they totaled my car. What should I do if they keep trying to low ball me?""
Motorcyle insurance laws in Michigan?
I know motorcycle insurance is required in MI, but what is the penalty for being caught without it? I am planning on buying a used bike that I saw for $250 but to get it insured, it would cost me $200 per year. It doesn't make sense.""
Insurance help please?
I'm currently looking for insurance and I can't get it cheaper than 6 grand I've got a vw polo 1L 1999 how an I get that down do you know any cheap insurers
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
""You must have car insurance, question about that?""
Here in Utah, it is law that you must have car insurance. I'm wondering though, what if I borrow my father's car, and it is insured, but I am not an insured driver, how does this work? Is it fine as long as the car is insured? I might not be an insured driver but does that still fulfill the law? If not, why do people borrow cars all the time?""
New car for 16 year old. Insurance question?
So I'm 16 and my parents are buying me a 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. Anyways, the insurance will be under my dad's name. Until I get into an accident, I don't need to have insurance. Would it be better to stick to the insurance we have now. Which we have 5 houses under, and 3 cars. Or would it be better to go to another insurance company and not let either know of eachother? Thanks! Oh and don't bother BSing about how it should be under my name... I won't listen so why do it?""
Individual dental insurance for braces?
What is a good individual dental insurance if I were to get braces? I have done some research and nailed it down to DeltaCare and Pacificare. So which dental insurance is better, or any other suggestions? Pacificare cost slightly less than DeltaCare as far as co-payments go. Both are HMO plans, all the PPO plans covers little to nothing for braces, so HMO seems to be the only way to go for an individual plan. DeltaCare seems to be more reliable since it's associated with Delta Dental, a little more costly also. I'm more concerned about the quality of the services as far as making claims and such. So DeltaCare, Pacificare, or ay other dental insurance/plans? Any personal experience with either of these companies? I am in San Francisco, California.""
Periodontal Insurance in Iowa?
I have major gum resession and I need a transplant, which means I need to visit a peridontist. Problem is, I can't find one in Iowa that takes my insurance. (Hawk-i) I really need the surgery and I've been searching for months and haven't had any luck. Please, someone help me out, please.""
""How much is the average cost of car insurance in ST Thomas, VI ?""
How much is the average cost of car insurance in ST Thomas, VI ?""
Can you give me examples of how Obama care will drive up the cost of health insurance for employers.?
Im not totaly clear how and why exactly obama care is going to hike the cost of insuring employees. And are employers the only ones being effected by this new law mandating them buy health insurance for the federal goverment?
Can one not tell the truth when getting a car insurance quote?
i got a violation on a previous occasion, and i can get like 40$ off with not telling them this, will it cause problems? also where can i get some accurate insurance quotes for my car?""
Which insurance companies will have to pay to fix my car? Mine or the other guy?
I had a car accident two days ago. I was hit by other one but police said that's a miner damage. And it seems to be my fault. No police report make. Today, I went to a body shop to estimate the repair. It's about around $2200-3000. It's a lot. kinda scared me actually. No idea should i call my insurance company to tell them or? That's my first time to have a car accident. My insurance has $200 deductible. Can anyone tell me what does that mean?""
Whats the best landlords insurance?
we are looking for landlords insurance for a property rented to our local council. Which would you recommend?
Can you be fined for owning an uninsured car? (California)?
Even if the car is not driven? And if it is registered?
Dental insurance ? Or medical insurance payment plans ?
Hi I'm a 20 year old and I currently am looking for a dental insurance an in California but I don't know what good company is good and not as expensive since I do live on my owns and stuff. I really need to go get my teeth checked up but I can't afford to go in a visit with no dental insurance. Someone please help. What are good entail company's that get get me approved on a good payment plan or something pease ans thank you for your time?
""In your opinion, who has the cheapest automobile insurance?""
In your opinion, who has the cheapest automobile insurance?""
""Need Jaw Surgery, No insurance. Low Income, [Best] advice please.?""
I need Jaw Surgery, and have no insurance. I'm from low income. From online readings, I heard you can get it done at UCSF for free, but there is a waiting line?? not sure about that. If have to pay, I heard 5k-7k with insurance. I don't have insurance, and if I were to get it, I don't want to pay kaiser $150/month. What is your [best] advice?? Thanks a lot!""
How much would a 1995 dodge dakota be roughly for insurance?
i was going to tailgate off of my parents insurance (i just got my lecense and i wanna pay what my parents pay til the dmv tells my insurance company) both of my parents have a clean driving record and have been on the road for 30 years. i just wonder how much insurance would ROUGHLY be
Need advice: Parked car hit - Car has no insurance?
Ok, so last night my friends car was hit by a driver who fell asleep. the car was in front of our house and pushed 40ft and his flipped over. Both cars totaled. He has insurance, but my friends that was parked and hit, does not. Will this be an issue for her, or will his insurance be paying for everything since he was 100% at fault? Please help!""
How much is AAA insurance?
I'm 17 I live in California. I have a license already I drive when my parent's are in it. But I need the car for school. I was wondering how much does it cost to be added into my parent's insurance to be listed as an authorized driver?
Pregnant with no insurance in houston?
Im married so i dont know if i can even get medicare and i also know that is a process that takes time and if my calculations are right i should be close or in the 3rd month already. it might be a complicated pregnancy because of the fact that four months before this i had a miscarriage at 4 mnths so i need to see a doctor soon. any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks.
What will happen if i go without auto insurance for a few days?
i just purchased a new car and only took the insurance cuz i wanted to drive the car off the lot. so i now have found a cheaper & better insurance company. i know i can cancel my policy with in thirty days and get a prorated refund and must show proof of new insurance. so what i am asking if i go without insurance for like a week and then buy new insurance will the rates go up because i went without insur. or will they go up because i just didnt pay the other insurance on time? can i stil cancel and  get a refund if i come in a few days later than the due date? help!!
How much do you think insurance would cost for me?
I am 16 just got my lisence. I live in NS Canada. i completed the young drivers course which is supposed to make it cheaper. i plan on driving a 99 jeep cherokee.
How much is the average cost of premiums for E&O insurance for a CPA firm?
I'm wondering what would be an average estimated cost for e&o insurance costs for a CPA firm? the firm has more than 3 people and more than $400,000 in revenue""
No car insurance?
I live in Colorado, and I was wondering what would happen if I were to get pulled over without insurance. My brothers car has insurance, so what would happen?""
How much is your car insurance?
How much are you paying for full coverage or what ever you have and where do you live. $265 a month in New Orleans LA Full coverage.. is this a lot compared to your state?
I just had geico and I would like to change car insurances. Whose rates generally have lower down payments and monthly?
Why do people in the US waste money on car insurance?
There are 5 states such as California where 25% of the public has NO car insurance...while the rest of the country has an average of 7% uninsured. Obviously no one is enforcing insurance so...why bother getting insurance at all. Isn't it cheaper to have none..and more un-American to have it? After all, Americans generally think they should not have to pay for anything, so why pay for anything at all?""
Should I cancel my car insurance policy?
So long story short -- I totaled my car in an accident which was my fault back in December, and unfortunately did not have collision coverage on my insurance policy. I am a full-time student and have been unable to afford purchasing another car since then, and do not know when I will be able to afford another car. Although I am now without a vehicle I have been reluctant to cancel my insurance policy because I was told that if I did, whenever I purchased another car and had to buy insurance again the price of it would skyrocket because I would be considered high risk for having a chronological gap in my coverage. So basically I am currently paying $80 a month for car insurance when I do not even have a car, just to avoid having it go up even more at some point in the unknown future after I buy another car. Is this worth it or would it be wiser to just go ahead and cancel my policy? I would like to get some other people's counsel on this who know more about car insurance and who are more financially competent than I am. Thanks so much.""
Motorcycle insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm 18 and I want to buy a 1984 900cc kawasaki ninja motorcycle. I have an 84 camaro and I'm on my dad's insurance which means it's only around $80 a month. He is 50 and has alot of experience with motorcycles. I know that insurance is sky-high when your under 25 so my question is, if I'm on my dads insurance will it be cheaper like it is on my car or will it be just as expensive?""
What is the cheapest car insurance premium quote?
That you know of , for an 18 year old male driving a group 1 car. Thanks.""
Health insurance laws?
I recently got out of the military and am living in California and I don't currently have health insurance. What are the laws regarding health insurance now? For example what I get hospitalized (ignoring the fact I can go to the va), taxes, etc. I know almost nothing about whats going on with the halth insurance thing so I don't mind being explained like a child""
Can i buy insurance/warranty on beats?
My friend sold me an unopened studio beats. But i want to know if places like best buy can i just walk in and ask for a warranty or insurance? if not can you place help me find a place that i can.
How many point is taking off on my license when I get point on driving without insurance?
I was wondering on how many point do i get off from my driver license when I driving without insurance on my car
I would like a rough idea of how much it will cost to insure my 17 year old son to learn then drive my car?
I have a peugeot 206 1.4 2005 plate car, it is the only car we own and I would like to put my son on the insurance. He will be 17 in Jan 2011 and we need to gage how much it will cost to have him as a named driver of my car""
My grandpas doctor wont sign an insurance for him to drive?
Im 17 and i live with my grandpa but i drive with his insurance. I changed the companies because of a rate increase and now they gave me a medical form for my grandpas doctor to sign that says hes ok to drive. I told the doctor i need him to sign it for me because i drive the car not my grandpa but he wont sign it what do i do i really need it. The doctor said my grandpa cant drive because hes 80 and he gets dizzy spells but i need it to drive asap
Insurance Fraud? Help!?
A couple days ago I was driving to a doctors appointment, I was rushing and very nervous. I got to a road that was closed where I had to back up. I looked behind me and saw no cars. Then I started talking to my mother who was in the car about if the road was closed or just partly blocked off. I looked in my mirrors and started to back up, somehow I must have missed the car that was very close behind me. I barely tapped the bumper, my mom didn't even realize it happened that's how slight the tap was. The woman immediately jumped out of her car and started screaming and cussing like a maniac. The police blocking the road even noticed and had to come over to control her. There was no damage to my car or hers, however she was driving a 92 buick and it was a piece of junk. I was worried she'd try to get something out of the whole thing so I took pictures of everything. This must have made her angry and she started trying to take pictures of my mother and I as well as bird poop on my car? Today I got a call from her insurance agency, saying she claimed injuries, a cracked windshield, and a messed up bumper. I am so angry! I know I did not do any damage, much less injure her! I'm a collage student and really can't afford my rates going up because of this. I called my insurance company and sent them pictures. They are trying to investgate. Anyway, has anyone else experienced something like this? How do these things usually turn out? Is this insurance fraud on her part?""
Can I drive my sisters car without being on insurance?
My sister lives at home with me and my parents and I just got my license back. I'm not on the insurance, but am I able to drive my sister's car even though she still lives home? My mom said I can't legally.""
Do i need a motorcycle license to get insurance for my motorcycle?
i dont have a license yet but i want to get all the paperwork done so i can start riding as soon as i get my license.
""I have been married for nearly 20 years in california, but my husband and I were separated after only one year?""
What laws are there for spousal support in a legal separation and what medical benefits am I entitled to, he says we need to stay married because he is a teacher and I will not qualify for health benefits if we file a legal separation or divorce. I know he gets the head of household tax break, but isn't there a bigger break on spousal support. As I said he is a teacher and I am permanently disabled. We live in the state of California. Thanks for any suggestions on this matter. Right now i have a PPO insurance with good benefits. It is the support that is lacking, And no I am not even looking for my fair share I just want a little closer to fair on support. I live way below the poverty level.""
""Why is the lowest quote i get on insurance websites 4,352.46, I'm 17 and have passed, isnt this excessive?""
Im not sure if im doing it right, As my car is a new Citroen c1 which is a 1.0, insurance group 1?""
My new employer wants to add me to their auto insurance i have 30 years driving experience?
But I have not been insured for 10 years.will their insurance rates go up?
How much does an accidet impact your car insurance?
If you had a slight bump with another car down a one track country lane. And you both claimed on insurance and the damage was about 200. When you next go and insure yourself how much more would it be approx. If you were 18
Car Insurance increased? what to do next?
My car insurance company had increase my insurance by 2 folds (103%) increase. I contacted the company, enquired about this increase. But they said they cant do anything about it, If I want I can raise this with the customer service chief and chief executive. I wrote them a letter stating it was ridiculous amount of money, they asking me to pay. Also clearly brought to their notice, that I have a clean history, no claim, paid insurance on time, no accidents, and I have no claim discount of 7 years in total. The companies chief executive has replied me in a letter stating, unfortunately, the post code where is stay is subjected to recent increase and personal injury claims from post code area has gone up. So nothing he could do. But I replied him saying, I lived in the same place for more than 5 years. But still no good. Regards to this, I email Watch Dog, explaining the same a month ago. Still no reply or correspondence from them. Now I am stuck, I do not what to do. Honestly, I only brought this care for 500 in very good condition and it is still the same. But my insurance is more twice the value of my car. Please somebody tell , what can I do next. This is really ridiculous amount and unacceptable whatsoever. Thanks in advance.""
Percent indian blood for health insurance?
Can you get free health insurance if you have a certain amount of Indian Blood?
I can't afford full coverage insurance for my car loan. Are there any consequences?
I can't afford full coverage insurance for my car loan. Are there any consequences?
Car Insurance question..Im confussed ?? ( uk )?
O.k so Im a new driver and bought a car and signed up with insurance which worked out about 60 a month. My car broke down beyond repair and I have suspended my insurance as had to scrap the car. Now I been on car insurance websites to compare many different cars to see which is cheapest and all my other details are same but no matter what car details i put (different ages/ values) but all small cars similar to my last vehicle the quote comes up double the cost at over 110. Why is this ?
What will happen if i go without auto insurance for a few days?
i just purchased a new car and only took the insurance cuz i wanted to drive the car off the lot. so i now have found a cheaper & better insurance company. i know i can cancel my policy with in thirty days and get a prorated refund and must show proof of new insurance. so what i am asking if i go without insurance for like a week and then buy new insurance will the rates go up because i went without insur. or will they go up because i just didnt pay the other insurance on time? can i stil cancel and  get a refund if i come in a few days later than the due date? help!!
Will my insurance go up?
Earlier today at around 7pm I was in my first car accident. I just got my license a month ago and I am 16. Anyways, I was at a red light and the turning lane had a green light but my lane ( going straight ) was red. I was the first in my lane and some guy in a brand new mustang smashes into the back of my car ( 2003 Lexus ES 300 if that helps any ). The airbags didnt deploy but I did hit my head and my neck kind of hurts. My mom was the passenger and told me to deal with it because she just got out of the hospital. The first thing I noticed was he was exiting the maps app on his phone when he got out of the car. Maybe he was on his phone when he hit me? Anyways, the other driver and I exchanged insurance cards and licenses and I noticed he was from Maryland and we are in California. The car was a rental and he didnt mind if I reported it. Now, here are my questions. Why didnt the airbags go off if I was hit? ( I was in neutral btw because I read that it saves gas ) and if I report this accident will my insurance go up even if it wasnt my fault?""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
Im a 16 year old male who lives in new orleans. I have a 3.8 GPA and no one in my immediate family has been in a wreck in the previous 5 years. Where can i get affordable insurance?
Insurance companies that insure cars in the car pound?
Does anyone know of any car insurance companies that insure cars in the car pound? The cheaper the better.
Is it standard procedure for home insurance agents to visit your house before they insure it?
I was told by my ex that a home insurance agent was coming to look at the INSIDE of my house. I was under the impression only appraisers came to look at the inside of your home. Do home insurance agents do that now too? What's the cheapest home insurance?
How much does AAA car insurance cost?
okay im 15 years old and will be able to start driving next year. My parents promised to get me a car and pay for the first years insurance but only if i have enough for the second years insurance in my savings. The auto insurance my family has is AAA so if anyone has it and knows how much it would cost a new driver please lemme know thanks:)
""What would you do, get the used car or new one?""
Okay so ever since years ago I've known that my grandpa has an account for me and his other grand kids for our first car. There is a limit. Now, I went out and picked out the car I wanted. A 2009 Toyota Corolla. Which I can pick any car, new or used as long as it is below the spending limit. (mine is that I picked) But my aunt, (Who is in charge of the money sorta, but will let me get what I want cuz she has no say) Is trying to convince me to get a used car and spend like max 5,000 on it. Her friend's son's friend is selling his car for 1,000. it has 200,000 miles on it and looks like a piece of crud. Needs new tires.. all that stuff. She thinks I should get this car or another used car because mostly all teens get in an accident when they first start driving (I am 18) but so what? Even if I get in an accident in a new of used car, thats what insurance is for! And I got quotes already on my new car how much it would be, It wont be in my name either because it'll be wayy more. So my quesiton is: Would you spend the full amount on the car you want now? Or waste 5grand (or less) on a crap car that will mostly suck away the money from that account (if something happens cuz its so old) She says that in a year or so I can still get the car I want. (I would have enough money) But thats not the point.. I don't see wasting 5grand on a car. And it would be wasting. What do you think? Whats should I do and how can I say no to her idea thanks :)""
Does my husband need his own insurance on another car?
my husband was insured on his car but its now sold and the insurance run out yesterday, he also drives his business partners car on which he is a named driver on the insurance, now his insurance on his own car has expired is he still covered to drive his partners car even tho he dosent have his own policy? im unsure how it works so just want to double check..""
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a Nissan 350Z?
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a Nissan 350Z?
""I dont have health insurance, what should i do?""
I live in California, I am a fulltime student in a comunitty college, and a part time worker, my parents dont live with me , I dont have health insurance, i think i need a physical ,i think my eyes are going bad,what should i do? (i cannot afford monthly payments of insurance companies)""
What is the cheapest Auto insurance I can get?
I'm 23, just got my license, i have a Honda civic 2002. Thanks!""
No claims discount on car insurance?
I've been driving in the UK for 13 years and never had a crash or made a claim on my car insurance. However, my wife has had three accidents, all of which have resulted in claims against our joint policy. I have now separated from her (not as a result of the accidents!) and want to buy a car of my own. When I look for car insurance quotes, can I state that I've had 13 years of no claims or do I have to take into account her 3 claims because they were made against a joint policy?""
Getting car insurance on a new car?
I'm planning on buying a new car in the next month or so because my old one is falling apart. My car insurance that I have now is actually my mom 's and I wanted to get my own policy for the new car. Do I have to buy insurance before I buy the new car.
How much will my auto insurance go up after a at fault accident?
I has a at fault auto accident in California. My insurance policy is not up until July. They will not tell me how much it will go up until 30 before my policy expires. I am 19 (got my license at 18) and have no other tickets or violations. I currently pay $57 month. Should I be expecting a drastic increase?
""What Costs more, Provisional Insurance or Fully UK licence Insurance?
Every one i talk to Says provisional is more money. But i did some quotes Provisional came to 800 Full Licence came to 2000 This makes no sense as everyone I have spoken to is obviously wrong then. or am i doing something wrong
Cost of getting motorcycle insurance for 20 year old?
I am probably goin to get a sports bike. I have had my license since I was 18. I have no tickets and clean driving record. I currently pay $140 a month for insurance on my truck. I was looking into getting a bike older than 2003. How much will motorcycle insurance be for a sports bike?
How much would car Insurance be for a 16 year old guy?
My parents want me to start picking what car I want to get. I was wondering how much insurance would cost for each of these cars for a 16 year old guy. I am interested in a BMW E36 323is Coupe, BMW E36 325is Coupe, BMW E36 328is Coupe, 1997-2001 Honda Prelude, and a 2000 VW Golf GTi. Please help me because I need to know the cost to insure each of these cars before I pick.""
Do i have to have car insurance?
Just wondering
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
Health Insurance coverage?
My husband's Cobra coverage lapsed. He has been turned down by two insurance companies for health insurance because of low testosterone levels. Any advice on where or how to apply for health insurance? He is self-employed; we live in TX.
Is the road test hard in nj?
I'm 17 turning 18 in two months. I don't like driving and I've only driven a handful of times. But I'm going to start driving more. I hear from a lot of people that the road test is easy. I'm not gettin lessons my parents are teaching me. So is the test easy or not so much? Also how is parallel parking ad such what is the test like??
Would this affect my car insurance?
Would having Grand Theft Auto on my record increase my insurance, or would it do anything at all? Its a really long story. I know my insurance is going to be high anyway because I am 17 and a guy. I was just wondering if having a Grand Theft Auto charge would affect it at all? Thanks!""
GTP vs Camaro Insurance?
Hey guys, Looking at a 95 Z28 Lt1 Camaro or a 01 Pontiac GTP, Which one would have the cheapest insurance? If you own one what are you paying?""
Should I cancel my car insurance?
I got into an accident 1 month ago and the insurance company of the person who hit me is handling my claim. I don't have coverage for my car so my insurance company is not really doing anything. So should I just cancel my insurance because I am not using my car anyways, and most likely my car will be a write-off because the damage seems irreparable or if it is, the repairs would cost more than the car itself. What do you guys thinks? Thanks for your time.""
How much does it cost to insure a jewelry store?
I am doing a fairly in depth project for school and I need to find out how much it costs to insure a small retail jewelry store. Obviously it depends on allot of things but for the purpose of this project I just need a rough number. Thanks!
Car insurance for one day - for driver's license test. possible?
So I'm hoping to use my mom's car to take the driver's license test in a few days. I live in the United States. The problem is I'm not insured for her car, but to do so for the full term costs a LOT (I'm 21). And, I'm moving back to school and probably won't drive her car again for a long time. Insurance is necessary to take the test, right? If so, is there any alternative to getting 6-month or whatever coverage?""
What will happen if i go without auto insurance for a few days?
i just purchased a new car and only took the insurance cuz i wanted to drive the car off the lot. so i now have found a cheaper & better insurance company. i know i can cancel my policy with in thirty days and get a prorated refund and must show proof of new insurance. so what i am asking if i go without insurance for like a week and then buy new insurance will the rates go up because i went without insur. or will they go up because i just didnt pay the other insurance on time? can i stil cancel and  get a refund if i come in a few days later than the due date? help!!
Collision claim - will your insurance go up?
I hit a pole the other day with the side of my truck. There were no other cars involved and there are just a few scratches and one big dent. If my insurance company (Allstate) pays to fix it under my collision coverage will my rates go up? I know I have to pay the deductable - just wondering if my monthly payments will be higher.
Cheap car insurance? 17 year old UK?
So say I'm a 17/18 year old just passed driver with a cheap car, small engine etc, female, what price, in terms of car insurance, am I looking at? Thanks for any feedback. I really just want an estimation!""
Group health insurance?
how can i convince a company to avail a group health insurance? some people in the company that has a position don't believe in such thing. how can i get their thumbs up? specific reasons please... thanks!
What makes car insurance cheap?
What makes car insurance cheap?
Can you approximate how much car payments would be on a 2011 mustang gt convertible?
It is a mustang gt 2011 convertible , how much would car payments be with decent to good credit , also insurance payments? - thanks(:""
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
Car insurance?
I 've gotton two tickets within four months of each other. What are the chances that my car insurance rate will go up and by how much? i live in california and have Mercury Insurance.
How do you find an insurance quote for a car you may get?
I am looking to trade my Car, which is just a Sedan for what would be considered as a sports car. The car is older, but I'm certain the price will go up because of the fact of it being a sports car, I can't find anywhere that will give me a quote on what to expect insurance price wise if I were to complete the trade. Does anyone know of a place to find this out? I am trading a 2003 Ford Taurus SES for a 1997 Mitsubishi Spyder Eclipse GST Convertible""
Are there any insurance companies offering the minimum $200000 liability to Ontario residents?
I am 16 and looking to insure my 1994 Mazda mx3 2dr (not the gs edition) i read that the minimum required liability insurance was $200k for Ontario residents but i cant find any online quote offering coverage this low. (the lowest i found was Belair direct with $500000). If someone could please give me a hand with this it would be a great help to find some really cheap insurance. THANX
Will 3 points increase my car insurance by much?
if so how much? Is it very bad to get 3 points?
Specialist insurance- evos?
im 22 years old and i really would like a mitsubishi evo 4. but the cheapest insurance ive found so far is 1900 fully comp, but apparently you can get specialist insurances for certain cars so is this possible and if so whats the website? i live in the uk. thanks""
What is the cheapest car insurance premium quote?
That you know of , for an 18 year old male driving a group 1 car. Thanks.""
Changing insurance from a cbt to a full motorbike licence?
I am currently 16 and becoming 17 this month. I already have my 125cc motorbike in my garage, I want to insure it on my birthday on a CBT but want to pass my motorbike test so I can ride on motorways and get rise of my L plates. My question is if I'm already insured with a CBT, what will it cost me to change to swap to a full motorbike licence. Will my insurance company charge me anymore?""
How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance?
How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance?
What is the best manual transmission car to purchase for a 16 year old regarding low insurance cost?
When it comes to auto insurance (state of California) which car would be best to purchase used or new for a 16 year old which would be a manual transmission. We all know insurance for a minor is outragous and we would like to train our young adult on a stick first so they know how to drive both stick and automatic in their adult life. What car do you think new or used would be the best on auto insurance? Please be specific on the make and model of the car? Thank in advance for your answers
Car insurance for older people?
im trying to renew my grandads car insurance,(hes 81) and looking for a cheap company that can beat his current price of 537pounds a year. thank you for any sugestions""
Cost of insurance for a Landrover Freelander 1.8i for new driver?
I am 36 & thinking of buying a freelander 1.8i 3 dr for when I pass my test & I just want to know how to find out the cost of insurance without contacting any insurance company.
To get cheap insurance on a car my partner suggested if she bought another car and put me on her insurance to?
and i was put on her insurance to drive it would be cheaper as i have been disqualified for two years and she would own two cars as she can only drive automatics.....what should i do does anyone think it would be a good idea also
Why do woman drivers get cheaper car insurance?
Why do woman drivers get cheaper car insurance?
Can you register car w/o insurance & 1967 Mustang Steering wheel..?
I do not have my license or permit yet. I plan to have my permit by early September. I don't plan on insuring the car until September or Feburuary but can I REGISTER the car before I get insurance? (So it won't get towed.. does that ever really happen?) How much would a 1967 wheel cost and how much to have it installed?
Car or bike insurance?
What is more expensive when you are 17, Car or bike insurance???""
Health Insurance in Oregon?
I'm 21, work a part time job and go to school full time (though a little under this term 11 credits) I need health insurance. wondering what my options are. looking for something affordable, maybe 50 dollars a month? not sure, don't know much about this stuff which is why I'm looking to get some expert advice from someone on here that knows it! Thanks, M""
Where can someone find health insurance if your not perfectly healthy?
my daughter is 25 and needs affordable health insurance
I just bout 2 motorcycles and I am looking for a cheap place to get insurance through... Any suggestions??????
It's a 2007 yamaha and a 2005 suzuki, and I'm not getting anywhere with these insurance quotes. They are outrageous!!!""
What are car insurance groups?
Im a provisional driver and ive seen a 2004 Vauxhall Corsa...it says the insurance is Group 3. So what exactly does that mean? And is that good considering it will be my first car that i will be driving around for quite a while? :)
What will happen if i go without auto insurance for a few days?
i just purchased a new car and only took the insurance cuz i wanted to drive the car off the lot. so i now have found a cheaper & better insurance company. i know i can cancel my policy with in thirty days and get a prorated refund and must show proof of new insurance. so what i am asking if i go without insurance for like a week and then buy new insurance will the rates go up because i went without insur. or will they go up because i just didnt pay the other insurance on time? can i stil cancel and  get a refund if i come in a few days later than the due date? help!!
0 notes
quotes about life insurance
"quotes about life insurance
quotes about life insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can the car insurance company make me pay the higher amount?
I bought new car insurance for $1000/yr a few weeks ago. I filled out all the paper work and have to make my first payment for the next three months in a week. Yesterday they told me they made a mistake and that they will be charging me $2000/yr instead. Do I have to pay the higher amount amount for the time while I was insured by them (about 2 weeks) before they told me they made a mistake (and the mistake was entirely their fault)? I'd think they would need to renew the contract at the new price if I actually wanted to stay with them. I plan on switching companies since it's a horrible rate, but would like to know if I can do anything if they do take the higher rate out of my account (I'm set up for direct withdrawals and I agreed to pay the next 3 months when the rate was $1000)? They probably won't answer my email til monday, so I'm hoping someone here can help me out sooner. Thanks.""
Auto insurance rates question?
How is it when you buy a newer car, your rates increase, while there is no decrease as your car ages? Pure greed on the company's part?""
Will an Illinois speeding ticket put points on my Michigan license and raise my insurance?
I am from Michigan and got a speeding ticket in Chicago IL. Will this put points on my Michigan license? Will this cause my Allstate insurance rate to go up? Thanks for the help!
Car Insurance how many cars?!?
Can you have 2 cars insured under 1 insurance company? like my ex wants to put his car in my name & insure it (as it would be cheaper) but i have my own car that i already insure but i'll be changing my insurance company come january so how should i do it? me go ahaead & change my insurance in jan with the nxt car i get & let him insure under my name etc with the same company or do another company with his cat? what do you reckon?!! thanks!
How do I figure how much life insurance I will need?
How do I figure how much life insurance I will need?
What does financial interest mean on certificate of currency on car insurance?
I'm using my car as security on a personal loan for my pilot training. The finance company have asked for a certificate of currency on my insurance policy. I can get one from the ...show more
What value car would you recommend Comprehensive insurance?
What value car would you recommend moving from Third Party Fire + Theft insurance to Comprehensive Insurance?
Can car insurance companies pull your insurance without notifying you?
My girlfriend is at university and just seen that her car insurance has paid a sum of money back into her bank account and after checking the dvla website it currently says her car in not insured! Can an insurance company pull the insurance without notifying her of why its been done and when it was done as the policy was taken out about a month go. Where does she stand legally too? many thanks for your help D.
Question about state health insurance in georgia?
Im moving from Massachusetts to Georgia in march. My work doesn't offer insurance so we are on commonwealth care. Its state insurance. Im trying to find out if there is state insurance in ga as well iv got children and need insurance for them. Im not sure if the job im taking will offer some but in the mean time I need something. Can someone tell me if they have state health insurance or some type of low cost for low income? Thanks.
Will it be cheaper to pay the $1000 fine for not having insurance then to purchase insurance?
There is no incentive to buy insurance...just a whip if you don't. Maybe a small example; Dude and his girlfriend, who voted for Obama, are a young couple living in an apartment. They own an old car that they are always trying to keep running and Dude has bounced off of a couple of jobs while his girlfriend is looking for a part-time that she can hold on to. They can't afford the payments on a new car or health insurance. Dude gets a new job but time is running out. It's coming up on tax return time and they NEED that f'n money! But it's too late...they are going to lose the whole tax return to fines now and will owe more for the fines than the tax returns were going to be anyway...so they buy insurance and wonder how they are going to pay the rent, much less eat.""
Insurance settlement following motorcycle accident - GA?
The accident was ruled the other driver's fault. I had three pelvic fractures, dislocated tailbone, and fractured elbow. My health ins isn't paying, but the med bills have been reduced to the negotiated rate that my ins would normally pay. So my TOTAL OWED is about 2/3's of the initial total. Since pain & suffering is based on med bills times a multiplier, which amount will the ins co use? The larger total or the negotiated total? An attorney told me that this hospital is notorious for requesting the rest of the owed amount after the settlement has been reached, so obviously, I want the most money that I can get (and 13 weeks missed work!) Thanks""
Pls help me to find a cheap insurance in CAli?
Ive a dodge stratus that i bought in a rebate the title saids SALVAGE and I would like to quote something cheap with covarage to into tijuana or ensenada!! pls HELP!
Who has best affordable health insurance?
Looking for health and dental insurance for 1 + spouse in Texas.
Insurance price on 2001 Eclipse?
Im a 17 year old driver, so instantly high lol, but its an automatic 2 door eclipse but only 4 cylinder and automatic transmission. What would you think the insurance be and how would that compare to lets say... a honda civic""
How to Get Cheap Car Insurance in NJ for Young Drivers?
Last week I bought my first car.But one thing that I didn't do was to check my car insurance premiums.I did it yesterday and I was amazed how expensive is that.I'll have to pay more than $300mo.Is is normal?Why my car insurance is so expensive.First thing they told me was that I need to pay more, because I'm young driver.Yes I'm under 25 years old.I'm from NJ.Can you please tell me how to get cheap car insurance in NJ for young drivers?Also any tips to help me to reduce this price...I'm ok with my car but I feel it won't be possible for me to pay so much for car insurance.I need cheaper insurance plan.""
Insurance price doesnt change from provisional once passed?
I have been looking at car insurance now for weeks on all of the pric comparison sites and phoneing companys and the cheapest quote i got was 3000! thats on a 1988 mk2 fiesta. i i have a mate who is insured on a provisonal at 17 for 1000, he asked the company how much it will be once he has passed and they said it will stay the same, does this really happen?""
How can the government force us to buy health insurance?
I don't get how people aren't more upset about this. I don't want to have to pay for health insurance. I go to local clinics when I get sick and I pay my bills. And If I ever need an ambulance or something I will pay for that out of my own pocket. I don't want health insurance. But under the democrats new plan I would have to buy insurance that I don't want! Its just as bad as being forced here in california to buy car insurance when I don't want it. How are poor people going to afford to pay for health insurance? I have friends who know that they won't have the money to buy insurance. The economy is though enough. How are people without jobs going to buy health insurance? My dad lives in massachuasets. And he's told me how much he hates having to buy insurance there.
Cheap Car Insurance For Young Adult?
I am 19. I just bought a car that needs to be plated. Its a 2002 Daewoo. (model name Lanos). I need to know the cheapest insurance I can put on the car. Ive never had any tickets or violations or trouble with the law. Ive never even been pulled over. I live in Indiana. Any suggestions please let me know. Also, I just moved to Lake Station from Elkhart. I guess you have to go through emissions to get plates but since its an 02 I dont believe I need to do it this year. However, I may plan on going back to Elkhart & thats where my lincence is from. Could I tell the BMV that and they plate it as Elkhart? & I wont even have to go through emissions?""
How much would a 1995 dodge dakota be roughly for insurance?
i was going to tailgate off of my parents insurance (i just got my lecense and i wanna pay what my parents pay til the dmv tells my insurance company) both of my parents have a clean driving record and have been on the road for 30 years. i just wonder how much insurance would ROUGHLY be
move over law NC; how many points on insurance?
over xmas break i was pulled over under the move over law . i had never heard of this law and was very shocked when i received a $250 ticket (plus court costs) for it. i slowed down but appearently this isnt good enough because there werent other cars around to stop me from getting over. my question is this: does anyone know how bad this is on insurance (the equavilent charge)? i dont have any points on my license so hoping it wont be too bad. that being said, should i just call the insurance and ask? would it be worth fighting the charge? any advice/knowledge would be greatly appreciated! thanks!!""
Can my insurance company deny my claim...?
Lots of info, sorry! My car was parked on the street and hit during the night. I drove the car to the repair place the following morning and the airbag deployed on the way there. (Stupid, I know, I wasn't thinking). My insurance company, GEICO is insisting that the damage is not consistent with a hit and run accident. They have taken recorded statements from me and my boyfriend. They have contracted an independent accident reconstructionist to read the airbag deployment. The reconstructionist originally told me that he was unable to retrieve the data, but the insurance company is now telling me that he was able to get a partial reading. And that it shows that the airbag deployed as a result of impact. The airbag did not actually fully deploy. There is no powder or injury to me to justify a complete deployment. Does anybody know if they have the right to deny my claim based on suspicion? They keep trying to make me say that my boyfriend was driving the car, which he wasn't. We were in the house together all night. Also: car was in previous fire; severe damage to front of car, all repaired. accident happened in CA, full coverage policy written in GA I know its a lot of info. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any helpful answers. Thanks!""
""In the UK how much do you think it will cost approximatley to get a car,lessons,insurance, etc etc.?""
I just was after an estimate so i have an idea of how much money i need to earn by july when im 17 i only want a small car such as a KA or corsa, it doesnt have to be new or anything.""
""I'm 27 and I want to get life insurance, what kind is best?""
I don't really understand what 10;15;20 year term life insurance means, or whole life insurance and what company is best but I think I want to get it while I'm young and ...show more""
What's the cheapest Insurance company?
I'm sixteen, will be seventeen in June. I just got a job and I need to get insurance so I can get a car. My parent's insurance will be really expensive plus to put the car on there it will be even extra. Can anyone tell me what the cheapest car insurance place would be for me with full coverage? Thank you (: oh and my car will be a 2000 saturn.""
Auto insurance on lease vs purchase ?
is there usually a big difference on auto insurance when financing a new car vs leasing one? thanks guys :)
quotes about life insurance
quotes about life insurance
Do I have to be on my moms insurance?
I am 15 1/2 and i got my permit my california's drivers permit in march. i wont be applicable to get my drivers license until september. do i have to be on my moms insurance to drive now
What type of car insurance do you have? 10 points will be given!!!!!!!!?
as a sixteen year old who would like to get a used car, i would like to know what type of car insurance is the best. i have tried to do online quotes, but they always ask for too much personal information. is insurance real expensive for a sixteen year old? what type of insurance do you have or recommend? thanks""
Insurance for learner drivers?
I am going to put on the insurance of my Granny's brand new Kia Picanto next month to practise driving as well as having lessons. My grandparents, parents & me are going to be insured and I just wanted to know what the cheapest insurance company for learner driver's were. I have already used comparethemarket.com but some were very expensive. Are there any cheap insurance companies for learner drivers? I am aged 17""
How much money would I save on car insurence?
I have a 16 year old who I am debating whether I should put him in driving school to save money on insurance when he turns 17 and gets a licence. It would be added to my insurance. about how much money would I save on car insurance with a behind the wheel driving school in New Jersey? Please dont give me wbsites with a free quotes.
How much should i expect in a car insurance settlement?
My chiropractor is charging 3,000 for my treatment. I was involved in a rear end accident. I was in a small honda civic coupe, when i was rear ended by a big ford F-150. My car was totaled and not driveable (the manual transmission cracked, oil leaked out, and it wouldn't go into any gear). I suffered from whiplash injuries because of the two impacts,( one small impact, then i turned around to see what happened, then the truck hit me again). the other driver got a ticket for following too closely. I was not at fault, so the insurance already paid for my car (1800). Initially they offered 1200,but i told them i couldn't accept because i paid 2500 for it, just a month before. Has anyone had a similar case? if so, how much can i be compensated for? My back still hurts. the accident was in august""
Car insurance for open deed of sale?
i was in a car accident, a truck driver bump my car. i bought this car with an open deed of sale. now how will i handle this? the insurance of the car is named after the first owner. will i still have to contact her (the first owner)? will i still have to call the insurance company to let them know? again, this wasn't my fault, the truck bump my car.""
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
Should I take a term insurance rather than home mortgage insurance?
Normally many banks want the home loan borrowers to take mortgage insurance. Here there are controversies since many suggest borrowers should take term insurance instead. But do term insurances always give better protection than term insurance? How does a mortgage insurance compare with term insurance in terms of premium amount, premium payment period, risk cover of death, disability, chronic disease, surrender value, survival benefits etc? Apparently the term insurances are cheaper but have to be paid for a much longer period than mortgage insurance (generally paid for about 1/3rd of loan period.) So which options is better? I would specifically like to know about such products available in India. Thanks.""
I am looking for a second hand HOT-HATCH for around about 1250 (not worried about insurance cost)
Which cars in this price range do you recomend. Thanks
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
What value does insurance companies go by to determine if car is totaled or not?
I have 2001 honda civic ex with 140,600 miles on it. I recently wrecked it and the body work, paint, and labor is coming up to $3900. There is some work under the hood that needs to be done, but I was told to get a seperate estimate for that and contact the insurance company. How much does the repairs have to amount to before the car is considered totaled???""
Lowest car insurance in india?
which company giving lowest price for car insurance?
Does compare the meerkat do cheap car insurance?
Does compare the meerkat do cheap car insurance?
How do I get auto insurance without getting my parent involved?
I got my license in June and i turned 18 last week. My dad is trying to find a cheap auto insurance plan but the cheapest one he claimed to find was $6,000/6 months and he's not willing to pay that. I'm thinking of getting a part-time job at my college but idk how the process of getting insurance works out.""
Do I need renters insurance?
I've had renters insurance for the past 2 years. The new place I'm at now is not under my name. But I do pay some of the rent to the the person I'm living with (whose name is on lease). Someone told me today that renters insurance is no good and doesn't cover anything if my name is not on the lease. Is this true?
Is it possible for a 20 year old to get motorhome insurance?
I am 20 and moved from Australia to the UK 6 months ago (I'm a dual citizen) and I'm looking to buy my first motorhome. The problem I am facing is that I can't get an insurance quote because I seem to get rejected on either being to young or not holding my licence or residency for long enough. Is there any way of getting around this or is it simply impossible for someone in my position to get insured?
How much should 17 year old boy expect to pay for car insurance?
I have looked around various places and saw from a few thousand p/a to 10, 000 p/a (yes, ten thousand pounds!!). I am booking my driving test very soon and will be buying a small, cheap car such as a 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E 5DR or a KA or Fiesta. Approximitely, how much should I expect to be paying.""
New Insurance Law in Illinois?
Can anyone tell me what is the penalty for driving without insurance in Illinois and getting into an accident. I was driving my friend's car and got into an accident, it was my fault because i was changing lanes. I have already paid the other guy for his damages and have gotten a release from him. This is a first time offense, what will happen to me.""
How can i start selling life insurance at home and what type of license do i need?
Would i be able to start my own buisness online and localy selling another companys life insurance and setting up appointments what kind of license do i need to sell insurance and for my own buisness do i just selling life insurance for another company do i just need a llc license
Teens why is car insurance so expensive?
This morning i was looking at this 2001 ford crown vic. and the owner wanted $700.00 for it, but when I called the insurance company they told me my insurance would be $300.00 per month. why is car insurance so expensive, thats crazy AM I RIGHT?""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
i'm 22 i've only had my driving licence for 3 weeks, and i bought a corsa energy 1000cc's the price i get quoted is 800+ is that right? or is there anywhere you think i can get it cheaper?""
Insurance after driving ban?
Does anybody know of any cheap car insurance company's that deal with drivers that have recantly been banned?
What price would insurance be for a Scion?
What would an insurance quote for a Scion xB be? ... for a Scion tC?
""If I get a license and use my parents car, will there be insurance added for having a license?""
My parents have two cars, and are paying insurance currently for said cars. If I get my drivers' license is there going to be money needed for having a drivers' license? Or is insurance only paid just for cars?""
Cheaper car insurance?
I'm was just checking the insurance (third party only) for a Renault Clio 1.2L, 54 reg and the prices were like 3500-4500!!! That's more expensive than the car itself. I thought that for a relatively small car the insurance wouldn't have been that expensive. Bearing in mind that I've just passed my practical I still think these prices are ridiculous! Is there any way I can make the insurance cheaper? Thank you!""
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quotes about life insurance
Do I need road tax to get insurance?
My car was SORN declared and now I need insurance to get road tax. I did not keep on my insurance as it was off the road for some time. I have the MOT but do I need road tax to get insurance? Bit of a catch 22 situation!
""Im 18 and i live in mississuaga, im buying a car but im not sure of a cheap insurance?""
hi, i just got my g2 i live in mississuaga ontario, im looking into buying a new car but insurances are going crazy high here, do u guys know any cheap insurances ???? thanx for the help""
I've started a degree course at my local uni. Should I tell my car insurance company?
My policy states that I work part time at a supermarket, which I still do. But I have started a degree course as of yesterday. I'm living at home, so no change of address, and I'm using the car to drive to my lectures. The uni is actually in the same area as where I work. Does my insurance company need to know and am I going to be charged?""
Does engine size make your car insurance go up?
I have a 1.4L engine at the moment and thinking of getting a car that has a 1.6 engine. There are not a lot of differences between the two cars, apart from the engine size. (they are both very small cars, made in the same year etc) Will this make my insurance go up?""
Car insurance premium went up because of the state?
I noticed that my monthly car insurance bill increased by about $40. When I called my insurance company to ask why my premium went up (since there were no accidents, changes in cars or policy/discount changes), the rep told me that it was because of the state. I knew he meant government and he said it's been happening all across the country but the increases are highest in California, New York, New Jersey and Florida. I live in California. Has anyone else experienced this? Can someone explain to me in specifics what the government may have done that lead to the increase?""
Does an unattended parked vehicle that was hit affect insurance rates when claimed?
I came to my parked car this evening and discovered it was hit from the back bumper up along the side half way through the back seat door. It is dented and scraped pretty badly. If I claim this with my insurance will it affect my rates being that I wasn't there?
Best Health Insurance for Veteran and dependents?
I'm a soldier getting ready to get Honorably Discharged in the next couple months. I have a wife and 2 kids, that have constant doctor visits. What are some Insurance companies ...show more""
Insurance Quote?
My Step-dad and I are buying a 1.4 MG ZR between us. He is going to be the first driver and i will be the 2nd named driver. This will be my first car. My stepdad has driven for 12 years or more. Any rough ideas of a price for me? He has no pints on his license. thanks
""Does anyone know the best car insurance companies for young people, in the UK?""
When I state best I mean cheapest for a young person. I'm twenty-one in a few months and looking to drive soon but insurance is steep, I found some good companies but just curious to know if there's a specific good one. Any suggestions?""
Average moped cost for 21yo student?
Im thinking of getting a moped to run around on as its so much cheaper than a car and was wondering how much this would cost. I can find the moped but how much would the tax, insurance etc be? Im a female 21 year old student, from england if that helps at all for working out the insurance.""
How long it takes to find a car before it is considered a loss for insurance purrpose in California?
What is the search time frame for a car to be considered loss for insurance reimbursement in California? I am buying a new car and considering my insurance policy option and also thinking if I truly need a LoJack.
What cars would you recommend for a 17 year old?
Hi, I would like to get a car when I pass my driving lessons. What types of car are cheap, look good, and are of good quality? cars sold in the uk. If anyone has any answers or suggestions, please post an answer, thank you x""
Does GEICO stand for General Electric Insurance Company?
Does GEICO stand for General Electric Insurance Company?
Which is the best travelers insurance? Orbitz.com Access America travelers insurance?
I am looking through buying tickets through Orbitz.com (from LA to Berlin) and they are offering travelers insurance through Access America for $45. Any other suggestions?
How much would car insurance cost for me? roughly?
Right, im going to be driving before christmas and i was just wondering, instead of going through all the fiff faff of looking on the internet for a quote. I was just curious, from a very rough idea how much it would cost per year to insure me. Il be a 20 year old guy by the time i pass my test.never driven before. first time on the road.""
Question about health insurance for unborn son?
When am i supposed to try and get insurance for my son? I'm sorry if this is a completely stupid question but i've asked many people and they don't know. He's due January 28th, 2012. Am i supposed to get insurance BEFORE he's born, or after? Can i even get it before he's born? It just seems like if i try to get it after he's born it'll take awhile and he needs to go to the doctor soon after he's born of course. My insurance will not cover him. My fiance's will cover him but the owners of the company have been putting his paperwork off. Anyway, please help. :)""
Co op young drivers insurance (Smart box)?
Do co op young drivers insurance insure Cat C cars that have been repaired with vic certificate and log book? i called them twice and one person says they do but the other person said they don't so im confused on weather to buy the car or not? Thanks
New Drivers: How much do you pay in Car Insurance a month?
I know this is a more personal question so I will just ask for a RANGE; like for example, $400-$500.""
How much insurance would be if i bought a 1994 honda civic dx?
i am 18 and i plan on buying a car next year so i just wanted to know how much insurance would cost
SAS resume for insurance companies?
i need to make a sas resume for insurance companiy.can anyone help with what to write in work experience describing experience in an insurance company setup.
Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
Is a Honda Civic expensive to insure?
I'm looking into buying myself my first car. Hoping for a newer used. I've been asking some of my friends about what car I should get, and many have said the Honda Civic. However none of them own this car themselves (many said if they could go back & change this they would.) But what I'm wondering is it expensive to get insurance for?? I've heard yes & no, so I'm just confused!! Thank you!""
Insurance of a replica sports car ?
Would I have to pay high insurance on a replica of a sports car, when really the car is actually that the body kit will be going onto is only worth 600 ?""
About how much is Valet parking insurance in FL?
garage liability insurance
How can I get my insurance CSR 440 certification?
I would like to pursue a career in insurance adjusting
quotes about life insurance
quotes about life insurance
""I am driving from OK to TX tonight, and have active car insurance, but expired paper insurance, please help!?""
Okay, my car insurace is active, up to date, but I did not receive a paper copy of my insurance in the mail. I tried to print it out but my printer is jammed. I do have the expired proof of insurance in the car...if I get pulled over for any reason when driving from OK to TX, how much trouble will I get into? Thanks for any insight on this!""
If you are under 18 and wreck a rental car is it covered by insurance?
I need a rental car and my mom will rent it but they said an under 18 year old can't drive it by yourself. If I drive it with some friends and get it in a wreck will it be covered by insurance (rental, our insurance does not cover rental cars). Also if I get pulled over by a police officer is it legal for me to drive? Thanks.""
Should I be able to get disability?
Here is my story, I was working and slipped and fell on my side (I did file a accident report). At first I felt fine just a numbness in my side and thinking it would go away, but as the months went by the numbness went away to only be replaced by a pain. I took pain medications to ease it and it helped relieve the pain but now it hardly does anything, if anything at all. I am like 6'4 and before the accident I weighed around 230, now I am climbing to 320??? Oh, I am 25. Oh, and I have been fighting my insurance for 5 years. I cannot exercise to lose weight because the pain in my side prevents me to do daily activities for long or if any at all. I have grown severely depressed as in that I have gained all this weight and feel disgusted with the way I look like and try to avoid any human contact or be seen because I feel disgusting with the way I look. I hope I have said all I needed to do. I just feel I cannot function as a normal person in society anymore. And times if there is no hope for me, I feel as if maybe the best solution for me is to commit suicide because I just feel so much like a freak to the world now.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance if you have points on your record?
I got myself a DUI 6-7 years ago. I was told by many that prices of insurance would go down after 5 but apparently it's after 10 years. I am on a very low budget but drive for work and drive to where there is no bus or train to take care of my parents. please if any one knows any good but cheap insurance for an older 4wd car. thanks.
Does voiding warranty affect my insurance. from a different company?
I'm thinking of rooting my phone but it is still under warranty and I am paying insurance for my phone using a different company. Will rooting my pg phone affect my insurance in any way?
How does anyone afford medical and maternity insurance???!!!!!?
i live in nc and need to purchase health insurance could anyone give me any recommendations toward affordable insurance.
I need affordable health insurance?
I live in Monmouth Co., NJ, and I need to find affordable health insurance. I was covered under my parents insurance when I was in college, but I am now 22, and own my own home w/ my fiance. My job does not offer health insurance, but I make a decent amount of $ there. I am getting married in 2008, so I will be covered under my spouse's insurance then, but I need to go to the dr. now! Nothing life threatning, but I would like to have the piece of mind knowing, god forbid, if anything happened. Please help!""
How much would my car insurance cost?
If i were to leave my parents insurance plan, how much would it cost me for insurance per year or month? I am 18 years old with no accident records, no criminal records, and a drivers ed discount. My car is a 1997 Plymouth Breeze with 150k miles and its red. I still live at home. If someone is in the same kind of situation can I just get an estimate...I think this covers everything that effects car insurance for college students, and I don't have a good grade discount. Oh yeah, I am on Liberty Mutual insurance under my fathers plan.""
Insurance for you stocks?
Is there any type of insurance for purchasing stocks, like if I lose a lot of money somebody will pay me back? Why not? You just pay a premium every so often and if you lose the company gives you 75% percent back but take claim of your stocks, it would take the fear out of investing!""
What is a good insurance company for health insurance?
in a month i will need health insurance for my wife where can i go to get good honest help do you know of any insurance companies to stat away from or recommendations
I am trying to find affordable heath insurance in CA?
I would also like some info on what the deductibles mean, etc.""
Health insurance and pregnancy?
Could someone help me with finding an AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE which would include all maternity benefits [cover labor delivery, visits...] What is your experience with insurance companies at this point? Thank you very much. Michaela""
A rough montly price for insurance on used car?
ok i tryed all these sites lol to get quotes but they all want my name and address which im not looking for insurance right now coz i still need my licence first. anyways i saw car i used car i like its a blue ford tarus 1998. and im 20 so im obv gonna be new driver later this year. how much do you think insurance cost me for that monthly? i just want rough guess so please dont comment this if ur gonna direct me to website coz ive already tryed serveal times to do that.
How much to insure a car?
im a 16 year old girl that is trying to save up for a car. im hoping to get a car at 2500 max. is there an amount that the registration and insurance would cost. I need to know how much i have to save. thank you :D ps. in utah
Insured (auto) will not reply to her insurance companies repeat attempts for contact...?
Last week a minor - unlicensed male - put Escalade, his mother's vehicle, in reverse and ran into the front of my stopped Toyota Corolla. We happened to be in front of his mother's house so he ran inside and she and her son came out soon after. The mother gave me all of her info: insurance etc. and I went on my disgruntled way. I called her insurance company, and mine too, the same day and made a report. It has been one week and after repeated attempts to call and then sending her a letter for a reply she still has not made any contact with either insurance carrier. I did not bother with a police report because last year, when the same kind of accident happened to me, I called the police and they came and told me they did not need to take a report and that we should just contact our insurance companies. This is an accident that happened on 4-20-2010 in northern California. What are my options?""
Is this car insurance thing true?
I heard online that in Texas if you drive less than 35 miles a day, you'll get a HUGE discount in your insurance. It this true? Or is this just a lie?""
Vw Lupo S insurance group 1.4L?
What insurance group would a 1.4L Lupo be in. Also roughly what price would it be in that group. Im 17 and after a quote with no modifications.
Car insurance uk?
i have car insurance with one car i have full no claims discount,i now am thinking of running another car in my name so i got a quote for this car from my insurance company,.they said as the second car i want to insure i have none no claims discount i have to start again and earn it,.So if i get a quote from a different car insurance company,will these conditions still apply to me.""
Father is looking for medical insurance. Any suggestions on which company?
My father is looking for medical insurance that covers stuff like x-rays, perscription, doctor visits, etc. Does anyone have a good medical inssurance company that covers that stuff ...show more""
Health Insurance question?
Who can you add as a secondary person on your insurance? Can it be a significant other or is it only a spouse allowed?
Would my insurance rate go up on a car with more features?
I'm buying a car today and I already have the insuance and can leave with the car today once I give a down payment. However, the car dealer and I were speaking on the phone and he told me he can give me the same car and year but with more features like a Nav Panel on the dashboard and bluetooth and a couple of other smaller details like USB ports. Now my question would be, with these new features that don't exactly change much from the car I was originally getting, would this make my insurance go up?""
What car with...cheap insurance?
Hi all.... Well I have my test in 2wks I have 2x 2hour lessons a wk so I best pass! Ha Anyway I need abit of advice on cars and insurance, I am 21year old female. Can anyone suggest any cheap insurance company and what type of car may be best I have 2000 pound currently saved for my first car! Thanks xx and wish me luck ha x""
Pregnancy insurance?
How much does pregnancy insurance cost for a young couple? I'm not pregnant yet, and we're both healthy. Just want to play it safe... :p Thanks so much everyone! :)""
Cheap insurance in NC for a young driver?
- I am 19, had a license for 9 months. - I have had auto insurance one time for a month just to get my license (does that mean a lapse in insurance) - I want a non owners policy, so I can go get a car at a dealership - I am a girl - I have had""
Why are these insurance premiums so high?
so when i use to drive legally with insurance, i payed about 600 down and like 180 a month. but now when im looking for new insurance, i see monthly premiums for $900!! if car is financed, or min coverage of $400 for an owned car? i dont understand... can car insurance really be this expensive or is there something going on here? i got the quotes from online by the way...""
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quotes about life insurance
0 notes
tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issues 4&5
its delphi time babey
I'm sorry but drift & co look like such fuckin nerds on their scooter things on the cover lmaooo
oh god. seeing the first page just reminded me of how horribly confused i was for this whole little arc the first time i read it. i was like ok, who are all these new characters, and also why does everyone look so similar
anyways now i now what's going on. i love first aid
love the running continuity of rung being the literal only psychologist on cybertron (except for fr*id but that's later). no wonder everyone's fucked up they all have to share a single therapist 
ok i find it extremely funny that first aid was demoted from doctor to nurse, as if that's a thing that happens EVER - I mean it'd be one thing if first aid was a nurse practitioner (which i doubt is a position that exists here), at least that demotion would make sense, but like...the doctors i work with don't know how to do most nurse stuff (like BP, cathing, vaccinations, hell even using some of the thermometers - that's all stuff nurses/etc do), so demoting one to a nurse would be a disaster (just like promoting a really good nurse to a doctor would be a bad idea). anyways i know I'm being pedantic but it Be like that when you work in the medical field and read something that has medicine-related stuff in it
i love swerve giving ratchet the tiniest free drink ever lmaooo
is that skids being a rowdy drunk in the bg lmaoooo
unironically i love medical statistics. keep it comin
i love magnus’s giant sternal chestpiece thing. its like a bird’s sternum but without the massive pec muscles attached 
i love magnus and rodimus’s dynamic so much
oh pipes....im so sorry but this fun space adventure is going to be not so much fun for you
ratchets ideologies are certainly interesting, and i liked seeing how they changed over the course of the story
drift: why would i be SCARED of the DJD, I've got a SWORD, two swords even,
hvbhajkhfbsdjkf pipes really said ‘oi, you two - what's this, then?’ that's the most british fucking thing, that's literally something i say when I'm doing an overexaggerated british accent, oh my god,
aaaand now you're covered in dead bodies, pipes. look at your life, look at your choices
drift epic sword moments
drift confirmed for the kinda weird guy who has katanas that he uses to like, cut up fruit and water bottles in his backyard while rodimus films him
‘i thought i heard...bickering’ lmaooooo
ah, so its covid
this arc is how i feel working in healthcare lmaooo especially now that i probably have covid 
so rewind condensed the entire war into an 11 second long cringe compilation. nice
seeing the mechanical stuff past tailgate’s visor is so cool
poor tailgate, this guy is getting slammed with history from multiple sides. and like, bias is inevitable in ANY sort of recounting of events, especially controversial historical events, so poor tg just kinda has to take it all in and decide who to listen to 
that’s...not really how immunity works, guys. also, you shouldn't be exposed to so much disease with proper ppe usage
is there even such thing as ppe in the transformers universe?? there are fluid- and contact-transmitted illnesses, so there SHOULD be
is there even OSHA in this universe??????? unbelievable 
first aid, holding a giant fucking claw clamp: we haven't tried EVERYTHING............
first aid read a human wikihow article on how to jumpstart a car and took notes 
i love tailgate’s ‘mom says its my turn on the xbox’ pose 
tailgate has a point - he’s from pre-war times, where things weren't as grey so of course he would try to divide the two sides into ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’
go get some character development and then maybe you'll feel better
seeing the word quarantine is making me twitchy w/my possible month-long complete isolation quarantine on the horizon
drift pulling his swords on pipes and ratchet pushing down drift’s arms...lmao
poor pipes...even tho this is completely his fault, its still rough
also jesus, pharma and ratchet look so goddamn similar, reading this was so confusing the first time around 
drifts idea of subduing pipes involves turning into a cool car and also posing with his sword
also. never gonna be over drift’s massive thighs. jesus man
ooof now drift has the rona. ouch 
poor drift, his covid realization is getting overshadowed by pharma being flung around
first aid bustin thru w/the epic medical nipple clamps and some Big Boi Backup
ok that's an epic pre-beatdown speech from fort max right there, daym 
im just gonna continue on w/issue 5 now for continuity’s sake. yay!
the cover of tailgate in magnus’s autobot school is so cute
and we open with an incredible shot of fort max str8 up ripping a guy in half. i mean, to be fair, he DID just give an epic speech about how much he was gonna do that, and he certainly followed thru
yeahhhhh, fort max is not doing so well atm
when he puts that dudes head in his chest vent thing and then snaps it shut....man 
also i fucking LOVE when their faces are shaded all in black w/only the eyes/mouth fully drawn...fantastic stuff
ratchet: phew i am not equipped to deal w/this level of Fucked Up Mental Trauma. u good m8?
ratchet is already writing up a referral to rung for fort max as this is happening
drift is just laying on the ground dying like, oh hey yeahh I'm still here too 
i fucking love when punctuation is drawn in story - like here where first aid has a little ? over his head....fav
ratchet holding drifts hand ;_; 
ok tbh ambulon having switched sides 10 yrs ago is wild bc like, 10 years is barely any time for these guys, especially in a war that lasted 4 million years. that would be like a human switching sides in a war like, 3 months before it ends. probably. i sense some math bs, I'm just extrapolating here
all that mexican standoff shit is going down and first aid is just like But That's None Of My Business
ah so ambulon is an asymptomatic carrier 
and there's first aid with the save! iconic
pharma calling ratchet ‘buddy’ hbvakjdsbfhkasdf
ooooh i love that they figured it out - and i love that twist, that transforming is what triggers the start of symptoms. remember when drift turned into a cool car? yep
s/o to Ambulon Transformers for helping me in my medical terminology courses, bc now ill always remember: Leg(tm)
also this explanation makes a ton more sense (in universe, at least) than the whole ‘i guess we as medical staff have been exposed to enough Germz that we’re more immune to this or something’ theory 
ah, i love the meaningless (to me) alien robot medical jargon 
drift and ratchet hhhhhhhhh
‘I'm too wide’ fort max L O R G E
also once again drift is forgotten in favor of a bunch of other dramatic stuff happening vbhjksdfbjhskdf
godddd i love tailgates little flashbacks where we see how Important and Special he is, complete with his ‘bomb disposal’ arm label...augh its so good! 
and tailgate’s autopedia page even reflects his lies! like, did tailgate go edit that first thing upon waking up??? seriously, I'm fascinated by tailgate’s meticulous dedication to his fake life
also the fact that ultra magnus believes everything he read on autopedia is amazing lmao
ultra magnus: you think somebody would just go on the internet and tell lies? 
fuckgin love magnus’s long ass name/title placard 
tailgate hvbahjkdfbjhaskf i mean, he’s gotten the abridged version of everything else, of course he would assume that’d be the case here too...but not on magnus’s watch
magnus cant even say ‘fun’ hvukdasdbjfkjsadf i love my uptight law dad
love rung implying that upon questioning, he would easily divulge a patient’s name and maybe even information about said patient’s treatment while under him....love the disregard for patient confidentiality and hipaa in general 
not that hipaa seems to exist here, at least not in a fully realized form 
also i mean the above genuinely, i think rung’s tendency towards at least slight malpractice is very interesting 
poor red alert....super bad luck that HE was the guy to get roped up in that overlord business 
I'm glad that, at the very least, red alert was able to prove that he was Actually hearing something to rung, rather than get brushed off completely 
god magnus and tailgate’s interactions are golden 
also tg is much more sarcastic/quippy than anyone gives him credit for tbh
‘thought warfare,’ ultra magnus says with complete seriousness. god i fucking love this comic
now i can tell pharma apart from ratchet bc pharma has let his true Petty Bitch nature emerge and you can see it in his expressions
the whole ‘tarn is addicted to transforming’ thing didn't really go anywhere, right? i feel like i noticed that on my second readthru as well 
also pharma is such an interesting character given the context of him like, trying to strike a bargain w/the djd to keep them from destroying delphi, but that arrangement inevitably kinda making him lose it as the situation escalates. he’s also just really entertaining bc i feel like he kins the joker or st and probably gets into really heated arguments w/people on twitter about just abt anything
‘sound bomb’ i love this comic
another important facet of pharma’s character becomes clear around this time as well - how he’s really into ratchet. i also choose to read them as awful exes tbh, it makes their dynamic even more entertaining
‘killmaster, with the wand’ is one of my favorite running remarks lmao
also, was killmaster even a character before mtmte? or, if he was, was he an important one? it would crack me up the most if he literally didn't exist at all, but any way you spin it is still funny 
ratchet’s tiny humansona facing off against pharma is wild
‘I'm miles from anyone i truly care about’ brutal, ratchet, drift is dying like 2 floors away (im p sure)
oh don't worry first aid, that sure isn't the last we’ll be seeing of pharma 
so like, did first aid save everyone by posting that data log to his wreckers fan blog or something? lmao love it 
i love the pretty fucked up reveal of ratchet having stolen pharma’s hands. like, damn dude. 
and that wraps up the delphi arc! our first true ‘arc’ of mtmte, and a fantastic one at that. short and snappy and fresh, with some very clever writing and cool new characters, and a lot of great plot threads to be picked up later. plus, we got to see the beginnings of drift and ratchet’s whole thing (and ratchet and pharmas whole thing). and the lost light gets some much needed extra medical staff, so everyone wins! 
well, we’ll see how fort max feels about this all pretty soon.....
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