#i dont care if he tried his best thats an insult
fishwithlegsandaheart · 6 months
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this was the first brick thrown at stonewall
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captainuranium543 · 1 month
Fairy tail headcannon a nobody wanted at all😊
- most of the dragon slayers+erza eat bugs regularly and it's gross AF to everyone
-Natsu because he grew up in the woods and they were like the number one abundant source of food, same for Wendy but she stopped for a while because Carla told her it was nasty (as soon as she joined the fairy tail guild she reverted so incredibly fast)
-gajeel pretends to thinks it's gross but secretly he really likes the taste he just doesn't wanna have that in common with natsu
- erza and Erik because in the evil slave tower where everyone was starving if you found a bug you ate it before anyone else could grab it from you.
- sting did not do that growing up but started when natsu told him it was good, he does not agree but does it anyway so natsu thinks he's cool
- rogue only tried it a couple times because frosch wanted to try it to be more like a frog and rogue is nothing if not supportive
- laxus grew up normal and thinks all of them are disgusting
- Lucy has the WORST financial skills. Legit they are awful. Everyone thinks she's always broke cuz of the tpd (team property damage) constantly making them lose their reward to repair bills but (while that is a factor) when Lucy sees smth cute that would look great in her apartment she just cannot help herself. Lucy will be so careful trying to save her money then she'll see a new set of stationary and goes "haha rent what rent"
- the hand me down game at fairy tail was fucking insane when they where kids. For levy and lisanna basically everything they owned had been passed down like 6 times already
- that red shirt natsu wore in the flashbacks? Before him it was erza's, and before her it was canas, and before her it was laxus.
- gray wears almost exclusively white jackets because jackets are expensive and if he loses them he would rather they be easy to spot so he can find them again rather then have to buy a new one
- sometimes people will invite erza places for the scary dog privilege when they dont want to be bothered by strangers. Erza has no idea thats the reason she just thought people really liked walking with her through rough parts of town in the middle of the night.
- Carla and lilly have insane beef, for no damn reason. Like both of them are fairly polite so neither will say it openly but every conversation between the two is the most passive aggressive petty insult battle you could imagine
- freed, levy, Lucy and later jellal have a book club where they all meet up and talk about whatever they're reading and play Scrabble and talk a lot of shit about their annoying ass friends.
- happy sometimes comes but he is under no circumstances allowed to bring natsu(he knows what he did)
- when erza met seigrain/jellal in the magic counsel she first tried to attack him, when that proved to be a bad idea she later started specifically destroying stuff under his jurisdiction to make sure he had to deal with as much paperwork as possible
- for her modelling, Mira used to use a very light spray of holy water to remove body hair because it burns it off💀
- wendy romeo and chelia are actually best friends like they are constantly hanging out together just to go do stuff
- erza and Erik hate each other for no reason at all. Like over that year that she worked with crime sorciere they where ALWAYS BEEFING. Every time they were near each other erza was thinking insults she knew he could hear and Erik was fighting for his life not to strangle her to death.
When erza became sclass she used to sit on the 5th step of the stairs because Mira wasn't allowed on those stairs yet and it really pissed her off. She was like, just barely out of reach, so Mira would stand at the bottom the stairs yelling death threats at her and erza would be like "whattt I'm not doing anything I don't even know what your talking about in literally just sitting what are you so mad about"
- when Warren invented cellphones, despite all of them looking like modern smartphones, freed somehow managed to get one that looked exactly like a Blackberry and refuses to get a different one
- Mira used to cut her siblings hair and because she didn't know any good haircuts yet her 2 options where 1- bald or 2- bowl cut. Hence lisannas horrifying cut as a child
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taintedtort · 12 days
Hello hello :>
May i req suna, tsukki, yamaguchi, and kenma x f!reader whos kinda chubby
Imagine she likes to bake, and like their school got another girl manager for the volleyball team
And her, matching the fact thats shes chubby plus she likes to bake decides to subtly pick on her so the others dont notice
And also imagine she likes character and she only picks on her cuz shes characters gf
Thank you!! Stay hydrated <3
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summary. they stick up for you
characters. tsukishima, yamaguchi, kenma
warnings. f!reader, chubby!reader, bullying
a/n. i didn’t write for suna because i’m not 100% confident that i know his character that well, and i didn’t want to write something ooc and bad :(
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☆ he notices almost immediately that the new manager is picking on you. she’s trying to be subtle, but he’s not stupid. he can see the way your expression falls a bit every time she says something backhanded, and it makes him pissed. you’re such a sweet girl, even to him, and seeing someone purposely make fun of you and belittle you makes him angry. he definitely makes it known that he does not like the new manager, so if she’s feeling any type of way about him, those feelings are soon gone. every time she says something to you, he’s quick to spit an insult back at her in your defense, because he knows you won’t do it yourself.
☆ he’s always the first to try your baked goods, and he’s not one to praise anyone, but he always has kind words for you. especially in front of her. if she says something nasty, he’s countering it and brushing her off.
☆ you two have a private conversation about it, and he reassures you that he thinks you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, and that she’s just jealous of you. those words coming from tsukishima is definitely a confidence booster, so you try to just stop talking to her altogether.
☆ i feel like he’s able to recognize the signs of bullying because he went through the same things when he was younger… and maybe because of tsukishima as well.
☆ he isn’t a fan of anyone talking to you in a nasty way, and he wants to stick up for you because he was grateful when tsukki stuck up for him all those years ago. he wants to be like that for someone else too.
☆ i think he’d be more subtle about it than tsukishima though. maybe not direct insults to her, but definitely would whisper and giggle about her and make it obvious. shit talks behind her back 100%.
☆ he compliments you every day anyway, so there’s no need to feel insecure about some random girl that’s being rude for no reason. though he can’t even fathom how anyone would dislike you. he tries to just take up all your free time during practice so she’s not even able to get a word in.
☆ definitely notices pretty quickly. he’s practically always looking at you, he’s got a staring problem. he’s watching you everytime she says something, and he sees the way you frown and grow awkward, trying to laugh off whatever she said. it makes him annoyed, you’re prefect in his eyes. people like that piss him off.
☆ he wouldn’t directly say anything, but he’d drag you off whenever she tries to talk to you. if he’s not able to, he advises you to basically ignore her unless it’s manager stuff about the team.
☆ he'd complain to kuroo about it because he’s captain, and because that’s his best friend. kuroo cares about you nearly as much as kenma, so you can bet that situation is getting handled pretty quickly. the whole team loves you, especially because you always bake sweets for them. it makes things awkward for the girl for a while until she eventually resigns as manager.
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mspaintbrush · 4 months
Reinhardt Thoughts
• He doesnt just LIKE Currywurst, he LIVES Currywurst
• Will try every Currywurst he sees, jotting down criteria and rankings on a rugged piece of paper
• "This isnt even a REAL Currywurst!!" *proceeds to explain in excruciating detail what the ideal Currywurst is*
• Nobody has the heart to cut him off (and you couldnt if you tried, he is done when he is done)
• Im getting really tired of writing Currywurst so we'll end it there but you get the gist
• Is canonically from the Schwarzwald, which is full of Swabians and also has some lines with swabian dialect in the german dub
• I cant understand swabians at all though so in my headcanon he speaks normal german aka "Hochdeutsch"
• At least until he gets angry, then he switches to swabian
• Because if you thought german insults are one of a kind already, you havent heard what an upset Swabian sounds like
• An excerpt: "Ärschlesschlubbfr", "Sauhond", "Rotzaff" or "Arschbaggagsichd"
• Swabian culture includes a lot of special dishes with all kinds of meat, so he isn't picky about eating intestines or other unusual parts
• Generally not a picky eater, but needs meat on his plate
• Likes to eat often and a lot, still in the mindset to fuel his 30yo giant body even though he is much older now and needs less calories (but some more padding never hurt anyone)
• German dad cook; aka scrambled eggs, spaghetti with premade sauce and boiled potatos with quark
• He did inherit a giant traditional cookbook from his grandmother and begs the more experienced cooks around the base to help him prepare a goulash or svabian raviolis (i just looked it up and cant believe thats the english translation)
• Mercy, Mei and Brig try really hard to cook healthy vegetarian dishes, but Reinhardt can and will pull out a sausage from anywhere to put into his food (he gets em imported from home to assure the best quality)
• Adding an extra note here just to mention asparagus. I kid you not as soon as the first asparagus is barely grown the germans rip it out of the dirt and dont eat anything else for a month - asparagus for breakfast, lunch and dinner
• Reinhardt will not be an exception to that, as well as Mercy
• "Das einzig gute Bier ist Schwarzbier!" ('The only good beer is dark beer!')
• Brig and Mercy keep a close look on his alcohol intake, but he is allowed a "Feierabendbier" on the weekend
• Usually combines that with watching football/soccer on the couch
• Lucio joins him, even though he doesnt really understand the german commentators
• The living room fills up quickly with people who dont care about the game and just enjoy the company/some alcohol together (only bap and cass really drink as well, lets be real)
• Often found in the living room watching german quizshows or crime thrillers (there are so many you have no idea)
• Every sunday evening there is a new "Tatort" (cult classic german crime thriller since 1971), and woe betide you if you dare occupy the TV around that time
• He complains every single time how bad and repetitive they are but continues to watch of course
• Watching a Tatort is an event for family bonding time, so Brig has been joining him since they started traveling together
• Cassidy is amused by the bad writing and Mercy is familiar with the tradition, so the couch is full every sunday
• If not watching TV he is working on his Crusader Armor
• If it doesnt need repairs it needs to be polished and if it doesnt need to be polished it needs to be upgraded and if it doesnt need upgrades it needs to be repaired
• How to keep three people at the base constantly busy (Monkeys and swedish squires hate this trick)
• Because not all parts of his armor need to be changed or repaired simultaneously it tends to be scattered around the base during off-mission time
• Sometimes they are lying on the couch, sometimes in the hallway, all times inconveniently placed
• It drives Pharah mad but they are incredibly heavy and she cant always remove them herself
• So the only ones being able to effectively carry these parts from room to room are Winston, Zarya and Reinhardt himself (Zarya secretly loves it when people ask her to get the shoulder pad off the kitchen counter again) (its a good work out)
• Even though Reinhardt is creative with his armor placement he still seems to know exactly where each piece is and can quickly assemble it if needed
• Can drive a car
• Do not let him drive your car
• He is way to tall to ride comfortably and just sits there hunched over so his head doesnt hit the roof at every bump
• His driving style is... unsteady. Drives relaxed and slow on one road, going way over the speed limit on others, stopping way too early or way too late, sometimes rough, sometimes so careful as if there was a baby sleeping in the back
• At the same time road rages at others (the self-driving cars cannot figure out what the hell he is doing and react very confused)
• I figure most cars are already self-driving in the overwatch universe, but Reinhardt is definitely one of those people to still own an old model that doesnt have this yet (and refuses to get it upgraded)
• Dog person
• Grew up with at least two big family dogs and knows how to handle them
• Will inform you if he considers your dog poorly trained/socialized
• Murphy used to be his highlight of the day when Sojourn brought him to work
• Now there arent any dogs at the base anymore and he'd love to adopt one, but knows he couldnt properly give it all the care it deserves because of his job
• There IS a cat at the base now though (Brig brought Mitzi to Gibraltar in my head)
• Mitzi has known Reinhardt ever since she got adopted
• Do you know that saying "a cat always finds the one non-cat-person in a room" that person is Reinhardt
• Whenever Mitzi is not chasing Ganyemede, eating things she shouldn't or climbing around on delicate lab equipment in Winston's workshop, she is bothering Reinhardt
• Sleeping in his armor while he is trying to polish it, jumping on his lap during Tatort time (and immediately being lifted off again), stealing the salami off his sandwich when he isnt looking - Rhein will not know peace while others desperately try to catch Mitzi's attention
• There is nothing he can do besides moving the cat or shoo-ing her off for a while (knowing she is waiting behind the corner until he lets down his guard)
• Brig thinks this is incredibly cute and has a hard time keeping a straight face while Reinhardt complains to her
• Did you know that cats can be trained like dogs? Cool right?
• Rein eventually figures that out as well. And since Mitzi is very food-oriented, I think she would be easy enough to work with.
• He does it in secret first, but when Brig finds out she makes them both perform in front of the whole team
• Reinhardt starts boasting about it after that and the human-cat relationship increases steadily
• Loud sneezer, regularily-gives-Brig-heartattacks-loud
• You can hear them across the whole base
• Birkenstocks, Socks in Sandals you know it
• A good german dad runs around at home only with a shirt and his undies
• But in Gibraltar Reinhardt cant do that so instead he settled with a tank-top and gym shorts
• Forces Brig to use extensive amount of sunscreen but insists he doesnt need any for himself
• Therefore always sunburnt in summer
• Used to work-out but has toned it down a bit lately, instead using the Gym to do stretching and mobility-exercises with Mercy (only half-voluntarily), being joined by Mei, Genji and Echo (the latter more for emotional support)
• There is a big shelf full of giant heat pads for Grandpa at the gym
• Dont tell anyone but sometimes Cass and Mercy use them as well
• Lucio steals one for his hammock so he doesnt freeze during winter
• You bet Mitzi loves to sleep on them whenever they are in use
• Used to play soccer semi-seriously in his younger days
• If you ask him to play he gets up, rolls his shoulders, cracks his knuckles and says "You aren't ready for this" while taking out the most rugged soccer ball you have ever seen
• He isnt really in shape to run very fast or long anymore but whenever he shoots everyone leaps away to safety
• Lucio still really enjoys playing with him (he didnt really get the chance to do a lot of dad-activities in his youth)
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
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!Dating Sukuna HeadCanons!
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Scenario:-what would it be like to date ryumen sukuna?
Pairing:-sukuna x gn!reader{shell}
A/N:-i hopy you like this @shelly-stark-official! I tried:’)
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Sukuna is a little shit
But its fine cos so are you~
Honestly the fact that the kINg oF cUrSeS fell in love with your devious and scheming self was not a surprise
Especially not to yuuji(poor fella had to share all of sukunas thoughts abt you and while u and itadori were besties.sukuna wasnt um...thinkin of you in a um platonic way)
(Like at all)
So when buddy boi finally asked you out
And although it felt weird um datin someone who shared the same body as your best friend,you got used to it and yuuji learned not to be so awkward abt it too...
And the moment he suggested you play a (borderline sadistic) prank in yuuji,you paused for a sec before agreeing~
And the moment he suggested you play a (borderline sadistic) prank in yuuji,you paused for a sec before agreeing~
(You knew youd be able to use your quirk if something rly badd happened to him)
And lemme tell you ‘kuna fell even deeper in love~
Sometime you and him and yuuji go out for lunch and while yuuji is the one in control,sukuna opens up those lil mouths on yuujis palms and under his eye to talk to you.
You feed him fries and yuuji hates that the grease is getting on his face😭(ples apologise to our best boi 😔)
So many ppl were like legitimately scared of sukuna but to you he was just a little shit and honestly? I think yall’d be cutee together (i wanna be the ring bear! 🐻)
(I think ur dates would include LOTS of scheming but also bitchin,cos this man has THOUSANDS of yeaes worth of tea to spill and hearin abt ancient gossip is still funny as shit🙈)
Now a little on the powercouple dynamic~
I think that while yall would tease and joking insult eachother,if anyone else tried dishing out jabs in your respective directions the other wouldnt stand for it
Like if someone ELSE calls u idiotic,theyre begging for mercy in a second
And if anyone calls sukuna something insulting,you’re basically walkingg them upto deaths door urself
And if You ever mention how this means he cares abt you,he will in fact go into denial and completely invalidate your opinion on the subject
Furthermore if anyone ever speaks badly of the two of you as a couple (i.e. gossiping and such) yall would just completely ignore them
Like who cares if a barely succeeding apprentice sorcerer doesnt approve of your relationship?????
Yh thats right,no one!
And just to piss em off further,i think hed suddenly initiate a particularl Passionate kiss in front of the gossiper.
Suffice to say that shut em up,for better or worse
I dont really think sukuna would ever fully open up to anyone,not even his s/o.but every so often you do catch glimpses of who he is deep down.its usually blink-and-you-miss-it moments but youve caught some
He doesnt really carw about how open you are either but i think itd make him feel special if you are morw open and vulnerable with him.again,he rly doesn’t give a fuck but it just makes him feel a certain way,y’know?
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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love you long time, sweetest clementine
~2k words orangekip (orange cassidy/kip sabian)
takes place after the title match at all out. so warnings for mentions of blood, physicality related to that, kip says fuck once. i think thats it
i dont really know where this was going and i dont know if this is worth anything tbh, theres a couple of lines in there that i like so i guess its worth just throwing up. i slammed this out in like two hours, i skimmed through it but no real proofreading or editing was done, i dont care. i just needed to get it this out of my brain so here you go. for what its worth. pretty much just your every day hurt/comfort and angst. a happy ending i guess you could call it
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate @ss-trashboat
on ao3
His heart raced. All sound was just white noise in his ears, eyes fixated on the closest screen he could find to watch the last moments play through the replay on the screen again.
How Moxley dropped Cassidy so easily with the Death Rider after the last-ditch effort of Cassidy trying to play the mind games with the other man by flipping him off. How Bryce slid into position, counting down to three, so easily it was almost insulting.
How Orange Cassidy just remained still on the mat, staring up at the bright lights with a bloodied face, his vision barely there as Wild Thing blasted across the arena, combined together with the mixed reaction of the fans that had stood up from their seats to mostly applaud the competitors after such an incredibly fierce battle.
Kip could feel his throat tightening as he watched the rest of Blackpool Combat Club make their way out to the ringside to celebrate Moxley and his title victory.
He didn’t remember much after that. Having to watch Cassidy endure the match took almost as much out of him as it did the now former champion, if Kip was being honest. Of course, these two things didn’t really compare, at least to the people who didn’t know about the thoughts desperately rolling around in the Brit’s head.
How this was all his fault.
Best Friends and Kris had walked Cassidy from the ring, escorting him to the medical officers to get patched up. Kip didn’t want to accompany them, Cassidy was out of it enough already without him butting in there to show extra amounts of concern as well. Kip couldn’t face him right now, as they had helped Cassidy backstage and past him in the waiting area, he had it barely in him to look at his boyfriend.
Nobody questioned it. But everyone could probably sense that something wasn’t right.
Maybe they knew this was his fault.
Kip couldn’t look Cassidy in the eyes when he was helped in their rental car, Cassidy barely sitting upright on the passenger seat. Kip was handed a bag of bandages and such, made sure that they would get changed first thing in the morning, if not sooner. He didn’t remember who told him that, but Kip assured them it would be done. In all honesty he wasn’t sure if he could hold such a promise, but it felt so good to lie right there and then.
Cassidy’s hand almost blindly searched for his, Kip hesitating a little to allow the touch but the blond’s distress was more important to calm down than his own dislike to be touched under the circumstances. Kip was just hoping Cassidy didn’t notice it, how icky the goosebumps his fingertips running along Kip’s skin made were. He tried to not think about it, just focusing on driving them back to the hotel. Cassidy needed rest. That was his one and only priority tonight.
The way Kip watched Cassidy fall down to the hotel bed as soon as he was inside the room made his heart ache. The heavy breathing, the eyes that were usually so bright at this time of the day barely remained open. He was so tired, beaten, bruised, battered. Been through hell and back and Kip couldn’t do anything to help him.
In all the potential ways, he was convinced that he only made it worse.
Without a word Kip excused himself to the bathroom, uncharacteristically locking the door after himself. Not that it mattered, chances that Cassidy would walk in were incredibly low, but he needed a guaranteed moment of peace, as stupid as that probably sounded. Avoiding eye contact with himself in the mirror, Kip walked up to the sink, turning the water on as cold as possible as he washed his face a few times.
Maybe he was just being a bit overly sensitive after witnessing all of that. All the blood, the screams, the hurt look on Cassidy’s face that was going to haunt his dreams for a good few weeks to come. Thinking about the pain the blond had to go through during all of that, even if no weapons were used, he was still in this kind of a state, both physically and mentally completely out of it.
If only Kip had managed to do something to prevent all of that.
With shaky hands he turned the water off, watching the little pool of it disappear from the sink slowly, Kip didn’t dare to face himself in the mirror. Blindly he reached for a nearby towel, drying his face. The soft fabric against his face, blocking out the lights was the first comforting thing he had felt for what felt like hours. Usually darkness came with its own demons he had to endure, but tonight it felt like the place to be.
Kip slowly let the towel drop from his face, leaving it at the edge of the sink as he exited the bedroom. Maybe it was obvious from his face how disappointed he was that Cassidy was still awake as he re-entered into the hotel room, watching the blond barely hold himself up in a sitting position at the edge of the bed, as he got slightly furrowed brows back from him.
Without replying Kip turned on his heels, walking back into the bathroom. He grabbed the towel back into his hands, turning the water on, running the towel underneath it a little. Turning everything off again he returned to the room, walking up to Cassidy, taking a seat on the edge of the bed next to him, carefully turning the blond to face him. Kip winced a little at the soft whine Cassidy let out against the touch, but pushed forward as he tried to be as gentle as possible while pressing the wet towel against his face, carefully trying to wipe away the remaining traces of blood that the medical crew hadn’t bothered to clean up.
“…Are you okay?”
Kip stopped for a brief moment, pondering over the question, but ultimately remained silent as he continued his cleanup work. Cassidy didn’t stop him, but his quiet voice was clearly very heavy in the almost suffocatingly small hotel room, the walls trapping him as Kip tried to pay them no mind, just focused on trying to clean the traces of dried blood from the blond’s brow line.
“Talk to me.”
It was obvious at this point that Kip was avoiding eye contact with him, no matter how much Cassidy tried to establish that connection. Kip cleaned him up to the best of his ability, refused to say a word, every word that left Cassidy’s mouth after that sounding more and more desperate in their pleas.
Talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong. Are you okay. Did I do something. Are you mad at me.
Kip did want to answer to a few of those, but the longer he remained silent the easier it became to resist the urge. He wasn’t okay. Cassidy didn’t do anything. Kip could never be mad at him.
“Is it…” Cassidy turned away, forcing Kip’s hands off of his face, making him almost flinch to a halt with the towel in his hands. “Is it because I lost?”
Kip looked at him, the sad side of his face as Cassidy’s blue eyes scanned the rest of the room, trying to find something to hang onto while he waited for some sort of a response from the Brit. Biting his lip, Kip finally forced a soft cough out of himself, clearing his voice a little.
“No. It’s not your fault.”
Cassidy nodded, turning back towards him, for the first time managing to establish eye contact with Kip, making him immediately regret it as Kip could see the pain and hurt in him even more clearly than at any point before that night immediately.
“Then tell me. Why are you like this?”
As much as he wanted to, Kip couldn’t look away now that he was trapped in those mesmerizing, hauntingly sad blue eyes of his.
“I’m supposed to be the one in pain here.”
He was right, and Kip knew that much. He lowered the towel from his hands, handing it over to Cassidy who barely took a hold of it, watching Kip struggling to find the words to continue. He wasn’t sure how to put his thoughts into words so instead Kip reached his hand for his pocket, Cassidy watching in growing confusion as Kip pulled out his phone, starting to search for something.
After some agonizing seconds Kip handed it over to him, Cassidy’s eyes slowly tracking down to the device, watching as Kip swiped through some screenshots.
“Every single time you’ve had an important title defense,” he stated, watching as Cassidy nodded as he was slowly reading through the screenshots of a few tweets that Kip had been making over the past couple of months, “I rooted for you. Publicly, out in the open, on social media. This… This time, tonight, I…”
“You didn’t.”
Kip nodded slowly, pulling the phone back into his possession, clicking the screen shut. “I didn’t. And I know it’s just stupid superstition, but I can’t help but to feel a little bit responsible about what happened out there tonight because I… I didn’t do this one fucking thing.”
Biting his lip Kip hung his head, not daring to look at Cassidy at the moment. It was all so stupid, but at the same time it was something he found himself genuinely believing in. It had happened too many times to be a mere coincidence, and the one that it would have mattered, Kip hadn’t made sure to do it. Superstition or not, he couldn’t help but to feel a little bit responsible over what happened; not only the loss, but the pain, the suffering, the tears that were left in that ring tonight.
Because he had been a fool. There was no other way someone like Orange Cassidy would have lost such an important title match otherwise.
Cassidy hummed quietly, the soft sound breaking Kip’s thought process. He didn’t look up, but he felt a hand sneaking its way into his lap, fitting itself together with one of his hands with ease. Cassidy was clearly still very out of it, there barely being any power behind the squeeze his hand gave to Kip’s, but the effort was obviously there. Kip didn’t dare to squeeze his hand back in acknowledgment of his efforts, in fear that he might break something more than he had already done.
“I don’t care.”
Kip’s eyes narrowed a little, him stealing a look towards Cassidy under his brows. The blond wasn’t looking back at him, instead his eyes were looking around the hotel room again. But Kip was able to see the soft little smile tucking the corner of his lips.
“I don’t care that you didn’t do it. I don’t care if you believe it. The better man won tonight and there’s nothing a silly little tweet could change about that.”
Somewhere in the back of his head Kip felt like he should be insulted by those words, but the rational part of him knew Cassidy was right. He could feel another little squeeze of his hand, this time Kip responding back to it by running his thumb over the dried blood on his knuckles.
“All I care is that you’re here now, no matter what happened.”
Cassidy finally turned back towards him, watching as Kip lifted his head up before leaning closer, pressing a soft, still slightly hesitating kiss against Cassidy’s lips, Kip trying his best to ignore the slight taste of iron he was catching from the blond’s lips.
“I love you,” Kip whispered, feeling the smile from Cassidy as he stole a slow, lazy kiss from Kip’s lips.
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octoariadneeeeexoxo · 9 months
(a next gen TTTE au, oh and theyre all human here)
“after the steam team’s long and fruitful career as train drivers, theyll pass down their legacy to the new kids in sodor; the tidmouth trainees.”
hallo everynyan!!!!! welcome to a new au thingy i made:DD (hopefully this post wont flop)
anw, id like to introduce the new trainees of sodors beloved steam team, that will later replace them once theyre old enough to actually handle their engines!!
(pt. 1)
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(from left to right)
mentor: thomas
- prankster of the group (main target is giselle)
- really really cheeky
- actually really nice, but WILL make you eat your words once you insult herself or her friends
- hair is actually a purplish pink, but dyed it blue to match her dad
- is actually giselle and rowans cousin (her other dad is actually ryan)
mentors: rebecca and gordon
- really arrogant and stubborn
- her and jamila really need to sit tf down💀
- shes kind to only a certain amount of people
- the zestiest member of the TT team
- is also the biggest people pleaser
- sometimes he comes off as disrespectful and mean, but thats not what he is at all
- tries his best to apologise to everyone of his sisters victims
- hes like veneer to giselles velvet
mentors: nia and james
- the most narcissistic person on this team
- always thinks shes right, and will fight you if you think otherwise
- she looks down on shorter, younger, older, and people who dont think shes the most radiant and beautiful person on sodor (almost everyone)
- has a room full of pictures of herself
- like raquelle, but more flawed
- the chill sibling
- argues with his sister ALOT.
- hes very adventurous, and loves cats
- HE IS THE MOST SENSITIVE BTCH ON THIS TEAM. like bro why do u get so mad when someone slightly changes their tone towards you??
- he actually enjoys seeing his sister get beat with the broom by their mom
(pt. 2)
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(from left to right)
mentors: edward and emily
- the oldest of the TT team
- shes mature, caring, and very patient with everyone
- although she can be a little slow at times
- is the main victim of giselle and jamilas bullying (shes still so nice to them even if they treat the poor girl like crap, if i were her id beat the crap out of them)
- people consider him to be the justin bieber of sodor, people scream every single time he passes by
- according to the people of sodor, hes the most handsome member of the team
- no.1 edith defender (one time he actually jumped giselle when she was getting way too out of hand w her insults , to the point where emily had to step in to stop him from breaking her neck)
- he can be very bossy and disrespectful, but is quick to apologise for his behaviour
mentor: henry
- the most introverted person on the TT team
- shes actually suuuuper paranoid, and is scared of everyone and everything
- shes very insecure of her height
- she really likes anne of green gables and anything related to it
mentor: percy
- the youngest of the TT team
- some people say shes cute, others say shes the most annoying girl on the team
- shes very smart for her age, but no one actually listens to whatever plan or strategy she comes up with
- nobody takes her seriously because of how young she is
- not exactly a member of the TT team, shes just an honorary member
- shes a part of it because sir topham hatt told the og steam team(mentors) to include her in it (“she has no friends and is almost out of time, please just give her this opportunity so she can die in peace.” - sir hatt)
- she has an illness that prevents her from doing things like running, exersicing, and working, and shes practically dying
- she can still do things like walk, talk, and eat by herself; but overtime her ability to do these things would decrease
- she got the illness from her mom, who is DEAD!!!!
- gets wounded very easily (everything at her house is safety proofed, like all the corners are rounded and stuff)
and yeah!! thats practically it!! you can ask me more abt this au in my ask box:DD (if yall want)
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azulashengrottospiano · 3 months
if you want to ask about idia shroud...
hi you. you either came here out of your own curiosity or you sent an ask about "mr. hot topic on my blog for the past year" and i don't feel like explaining myself again.
first i will show you the reasons why i hated him. then you will get my opinion now. have fun ig!!
number one. he is such a know it all. he constantly acts like hes better than other people and is so SO condensing whenever someone struggles with something that he knows how to do well. he's just such an asshat when he seems someone that he could HELP. "a toddler could do that-" yeah idia, you know what else a baby could do? run a lap without wheezing and keeling over.
number two. he is so ungrateful whenever people do stuff for him. the ghost marriage event highlighter that about him because for fucks sakes these people tried to save your stupid ass life and all you could do was berate them. ok die then! they came here for YOU. how DARE you talk to them like that.
number THREE. he insults the hell out of rollo for his "lets get rid of magic plan" and berates him for it when their trauma is so similar and they could have had a genuine conversation, but also hey idia you FUCKING HYPOCRITE, you tried to TAKE OVER THE FUCKING WORLD FOR YOUR BROTHER. YOU DID WAY WORSE THAN ROLLO DID YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COME AT HIM LIKE THAT.
hes just so snobby and whenever someone calls him out on his bullshit (like leona!!) he is always ALWAYS like "um i didnt say anything" LIKE BITCH IF YOURE GOING TO SHIT TALKS OMEONE BACK IT UP. I HATE YOUR ASS YOURE SO PATHETIC AND SUCH A HYPOCRITE AND SO HORRIBLE.
first first first!! the thing that made me gasp the softest gasp i have ever gasped in my life when i first saw it...his pink hair. its a bit superficial i guess but now that i like idia i think he's stunning. he's so hauntingly beautiful, especially when he's just a little bit flustered and the tips of his hair turn pink. what i would do to see his whole head turn pink PLEASE.
i also think his smile is so silly, even though it's usually accompanied by his smug ass voice "should'a leveled up more!" SHUT UP!!!!! i love his sharp teeth theyre so goofy nd silly but in a cute way. honestly i think his scowl is cute too, idk maybe i just like his lips but watching them twist up in annoyance when he rolls his eyes is attractive to me dont ask i dont know either. does that say something about me? maybe. i'm content with not knowing.
onto less superficial things...i just finished reading book six yesterday and it struck me how idia's heart is genuinely so beautiful. he loves so gently and fully, but with devotion that would destroy the world if he let it loose. being loved and treasured by idia is a privilege, because once he lets you in he would do anything for you (just dont fuck it up or i will beat you up im being so serious LEAVE HIM ALONE)
the extent to which he cares for ortho is so beautiful and so heartbreaking. "leave it to your big bro" im dead. everything he does is for ortho to have a safe and fulfilling life and honestly...it kind of seems like idia is trying to pay ortho back in a sense? like you died (because of me), now i will spend the rest of my life mourning you as punishment. he wants to give him the best life possible and thats just so ourgourgouhgohou,,,, his grieving is so complex and yet its so simple. heartbreaking i tell you.
on a lighter note, he's very passionate about the things he's into as well. one thing about figuring our how to like idia was turning my reaction to his condescending jabs from "oh he's such a know it all bitch what the hell people are literally just indulging in his interests what is wrong with him?" TO "oh he's just excited and getting an adrenaline rush, it's going to his head. he's happy. :)" and that was absolutely growth on my part because. ok AUBURN LORE TIME but i used to have a friend who was very condescending and a HUGE know it all (irl IRL IRL) and i think they definitely impacted how i saw idia because i saw bits of them in him. and since they hurt me so much i projected my experiences with them onto idia, so the first time i met him in game i wrote him off immediately and hated him after i saw what he said to others and how he acted.
but one of the many problems with that approach was that i missed the gentler sides of him. the way he goes back to school for ortho. the way he powers through the masquerade social for ortho. his idea of yuu being "valuable emotional support." his love of cats, regardless of how bad he scared grim. his love of star rogue and the way he made the sequel actually happen, albiet unintentionally. i spent so much time resenting him because "of course he's just another one of those." that i didn't stop to notice anything about him except for those bad moments. and of course, i'm not ignoring them now, i just see them differently. i see him differently.
of course i love that he's relatable, and that he's smart, and i love how when he's comfortable he loses his filter and becomes idia shroud instead of just being Scared of them, but i think that's just. social anxiety. and yk what ive said this before but even when i hated him i would NOT stand for anyone coming for his anxiety. like yeah i hate idia shroud but BITCH GET AWAY FROM HIM. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT ANXIETY IS LIKE!!! put me in nrc right now idia shroud needs someone who will yell at people for him and thats going to be ME. i dont care who you are you say shit you are earning my IRE. trey clover got yelled at. no one is safe.
can i just say i love how you said "reason" like there's only one JDSJSDJSD LMAO IDK IT WAS JUST FUNNY TO ME when i love someone i have multiple reasons and i love every part of them, even the bad annoying icky parts (in fact, if you can't love their bad parts too is it even love...? i dont know, we all have different definitions anyway. some might think tolerating their bad parts is love too and we'd both be right.) theres no one reason i just think he's lovely inside and out now. he's an angel, basically.
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thedeafprophet · 6 months
38, 40, and B for all!
38. What memory do they revisit the most often?
Alex doesnt thing of the distant past, wont let himself. At least not now. Most things are heavily repressed as much as he can to avoid thinking about that.
In terms of more recent things,,, I think he freudntly revists the memories with his child. He misses the hybrid quite a lot, the parabolan base camp feeling far too empty when he's the only one there. There's a sense of almost nostalgia in returning to those memories, even if the situation was not great, he still misses the times in his own way.
Jamie tries to avoiding revisiting memories (...in more ways then one...) but isn't always so successful in that matter. As far as they're considered the past is done - there's no sense fussing over it, nothing could have been different anyways......
In lighter terms, it's probably happier memories they return to. Old times of telling stories late into the night, adventures when running off into the nearby woods, all sorts of little things.
...in darker terms, it's probably one of the many memories of being alone in the past
Or, perhaps, more recent memories. Of a hand in their hair or the grip on their wrists, and other less entierly wanted things....
She doesn't remember a whole lot from when she was young, both the fading from the years gone by and the ever complicated mix of devasting trauma making it harder to piece together where things fit.
But she remembers lying up in the evening outing, fighting sleep that tried to pull her under, listening to the peaceful sound fingers on keys as her mother played the piano. What that melody was, she has long since forgotten. But the way it made her feel secure, that she keeps.
I think Aurora tends to go back to the memory of her childhood a lot. When she first was taken home by her mother, she gave Aurora a toy bear, the first toy Aurora ever really had. She thinks on that memory a lot, and what came from it, and where she is now.
They also frequently revist a memory of the first time they truly spilt blood. It wasnt even intentional - fencing blades arent supposed to be sharp. they dont know what happened... or truly what they remember
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
I think,,,,,, Alex is aware, somewhat, of his flaws. But it really depends on his flaws. Alex knows he's grouchy and awkward and doesnt get along with people because of it- and he's fine with that. Most of the time he wants to be left alone and not deal with other people. It only becomes a problem when he wants to get along and help someone and is left unable to do so. he really doesnt mean to come across as insulting, but he know he does.
Other things well... Alex knows he has a temper. He's aware and tries his best to avoid loosing his cool but well... its hard. especially with the situations he's been in leaving emotional regulation all the more difficult for him. He's terrified of turning out like the people who've hurt him, terrified of hurting those he cares about, and he's quite sensistive about his anger because of these things. He doesnt know what to do.
And then theres the things he's not fully aware of. at least not fullly. Alex's hypocricy and controlling behaviour are things he really should be more sensitive too but... well. its harder to recgonize these things when you believe its justified.
Extremely, extremely sensitive to their flaws. And then some. Jamie tends to over exagerate their own performance and see flaws even when they arent there. Were they talking too loud again? For too long? Did they say the right things? To the right people? Everyone was watching them, what if they did it wrong? They are the type of person to lie awake at night analyzing every single interaction theyve had during the day and then some. They tend to get heavily into their own head and overjudged and anaylze their every fault in a very unhealthy way.
Thats not to say this really effects the way they behave. Jamie still acts selfish and self serving, still tends to talk over and past others, and hardly ever learns their lesson about sticking their nose where it doesnt belong, or insulting people when they really shouldnt. No matter if theyre aware that they shouldnt do these things they still..... do it.
They know what they do isnt healthy. They know interacting with certains things and certain people isnt good for them
They still do it anyways.
Josie is well...she's a very ends justify the mean type of person. Yes of course her obsessive need to know isn't good, yes she can become overly captured on a topic, yes she keeps information she knows from others people but this is all FOR A REASON. she has goals to reach, plans in motion, things to come. is it always morally good? No. But the world they live in isnt either. Some sacrifices have to be made.
Other things, she denies all together. It is very clear to anyone that Josie is too caught up in her grief, her inability to move on. But how can she be blamed for that? When the world has been so horridly unfair to her?
So yes, i suppose Josephine is sensitive to and aware of her flaws. but she would never admit and succumb to them.
Rory has no flaws. She sees nothing wrong with what she's doing. She certainly doesn't sit up at night wondering if there's any purpose in what she does, if killing for the sake of it is at all worth her time.
In other things well.... She grew up with the world so insistent that she had to behave one way, its hard still not to view just existing against the mold as a flaw, no matter how untrue it is. she tends to just shove everything down and try to avoid thinking about it.
B) What inspired you to create them?
idk i just work here.
my ocs come to me in a beam to my head and they exist from then on out
i guess their individual ambitions inspired me ajkfglglhljk
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venomgender · 1 year
18 and 19<3 and 2. if you have an answer for that one
YOU JUST WANT TO SEE MY GUYS SUFFERRRRRRRRRRRR but ok. i stay silly. im going to ignore the cop out answer of 'finding his mentors dead and mangled corpse' (cjh) and 'the people he grew to lead and trust suddenly trying to kill him and chase him away, resulting in him having to kill some of his best friends to survive' (shua). because thats the obvious one
18. a memory that still makes your OC angry?
choi jaehui was orphaned very young as a child and every adult he had in his life viewed him as a worthless burden upon them, so every time he sees children treated as lesser-beings he gets REALLY angry because he knows what it was like to be treated like that. thats why whenever hes asked to come in as a guest speaker for a school he always says yes, on condition that he gets to teach the elementary classes (this, of course, makes the headmasters running the school angry because they believe anyone can teach children the basics, but only a master like choi jaehui can teach and answer questions that more advanced classes might have)
for shua one thing that gets him consistently angry is when people look down on the abilities of the people he has lead and trained, because he takes it as an insult in his ability to teach and pass on skills. he finds it incredibly insulting when someone says one of his students is talent less, even if he only taught them for a short amount of time
neither of them really have a 'this one very specific thing makes me get angry when i think back on it' moment in their lives, at least not anything more superficial than like. my crush called me ugly >:( kind of things. its more of actions towards others that they see that makes them mad. lol !
19. a memory that still makes your OC sad?
as i said choi jaehui did not have the best childhood, to say the least, so he always thinks back on his childhood with a sort of melancholy, but one moment that he always remembers with sadness is when he was about 9 or 10 and he found a cat injured outside his house, and he asked his aunt and uncle if he could keep it and nurse it back to health, and their aunt and uncle made some sort of remark of "we already have to spend extra money feeding and taking care of you, why would we ever take in an animal as well?" it makes him so :( when he thinks about how he wasnt able to help the cat. he tried his best to find someone who could take it in but was unable to, so the best he could do was leave it at the closest tavern and hope someone saw the cat there and decided to take it in
(and no the cat wasnt shua. thatd be funny and a certifed yaoi moment but it wasnt shua it was just some random cat he found)
for shua MAN ive been here for like 10 mins trying to think of something. he had a pretty good life before he got betrayed by the people he trusted the most and had to flee for his life and become an outlaw i cant really think of anything in his life that LINGERED that left him sad. before all of that. not anything with substance at least again stuff like 'i was rejected by my crush :(' or whatever but not anything beyond that
2. describe your character's voice. do they have a voice claim?
Man youre the voice actor guy not me. i dont really think about this stuff but choi jaehui is very soft spoken. he has the kind of voice that makes you feel Calm when you listen to it. when he takes on the mantel of the like. king of the underworld or whatever it becomes a lot more Sharp and strict sounding, but he is still overall a very soft spoken guy
for shua its like. i cant even describe it TO BE HONEST its a lot like how i hear jotchie in my head which means nothing. bratty is not the right word but i cant think of anything else. very arrogant but also very needy sounding LOL. i cannot describe his voice well....
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flaray25 · 2 years
This may sound sad or insensitive but. In your au, did SpongeBob ever try to off himself?
TW for the thingy. If you feel sensitive and not wanting to read this stuff dont look. But if you do wanna read then read. (Idk if it made any sense i'm being random)
Several times but Patrick tried his best to prevent him not to do it by doing all the hobbies that makes him feel happy.
Back in his highschool day with his only bff patrick getting through it was NOT an easy task to do it. He'd been bullied and abused the same time. Telling him to kill himself and mocking him so much.
Spongebob sometimes believe that theres nothing for him to do but follow what they tell him.
In the day of highschool graduation. Spongebob did attend with patrick but felt like- heavy knees... yknow? Like- brought down because from his thoughts "you will be humiliated" "you may have graduated but the actual you is just weak and a cry baby"
Patrick comforted his friend and pushed all those troubles out of Spongebob's thoughts and told him to never mind those.
(In my au Spongebob's natural hair color is black. He made it Blonde or Yellow in his start of college)
Spongebob after moving in and finally getting a job from the krusty krab he felt so free and happy. Squidward puts negative and harsh offending insults to him because on his perspective he thought that Spongebob grew up dumb, lucky, and never bothered, never bullied, showered with kind people.
Spongebob after a year he often gets customer complains about the krabby patty how he cooks it like this or that. Spongebob sometimes feels a bit lost and dozing off.
Whenever he goes out to his pineapple he chose the identity to be all happy and kind to people. He feels confused and questioning what his purpose of life is or
Why he even bothers to stay alive
He did attempted suicide five times by stabbing himself on the heart, falling off the roof from the toppest building in bikini bottom, getting shot on the head, getting run over by a boat mobile/bus, and over dosing himself with pills or drinking a bottle that is poisonous. It never worked. His injuries kept regenerating and healing. It really does seem like he'd been dying to try any other attempts.
He wanted to kill himself because he hated for how he was built this way. His biological parents never wanted him to be like that and wanted him succesful, choose his brain instead of heart, standing up, never cry, be strong. He was abused from them, Patrick sends a child abuse report to the help center and had gladly arrested his parents and ended up getting adopted by his new kind and caring parents.
After his foster parents finding out that he attempted suicide, they gave him the help that he wanted and comforted him. Spongebob sees himself as fake because all he does to himself was his force of laughter and happiness act kind.
:) ok i think thats all
(Got anythin else to ask lol? Its okay the ask box is always open for anything angsty or sensitive ones except for nsfw/t)
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iloveroblox48 · 1 month
to late ❣︎
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❣︎ ➝ Masterlist here!
❣︎ ➝ Tags: emotionally constipated kastuki and fem reader where he is to latee,angst ofc,light cussing,ooc?
❣︎ ➝ A/n: HEY GUYSS! so this fic is kind of short and rushed! i also might make a part two if you guys are interested in one! how would you guys feel about smaus? i might post those as well! anways i want to say sorry for one not posting and two not interacting with my mooties enough (◞‸◟) ignore grammer/spelling mistakes requests open as always enjoy reading ⁽˙³˙⁾
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Everyone at UA knew about bakugou,they knew him for a few things like his quirk,fighting style, but they mainly knew him because of bad attitude and personality.everytime he was brought up there was whispers about his personality it was always degrading saying things like
“he’s really loud,gives me a headache”
“i heard he has a really short temper”
“doesnt care about anyone but himself”
you weren’t the type to believe rumors,who did when it seemed like everyone was out to get each other! your school and class was meant to be a team.thats what many in your class liked about you! the way you believed in everyone in class 1-A even if they were a little on the weird-er side but thats just them being them! you thought that even with a bad reputation like his that maybe just maybe theres something deeper than his tough rough around the edge’s personality!
after doing some digging you found out that not many people were close with him,and those few who he would consider somewhat tolerable were either a childhood friend,or their quirks worked well in training.unlucky for you though you had neither, you were just taking a shot in the dark,poking the bear some would say,he couldn’t be all that bad right?
the first time you tried to talk to him he blew you off telling you something about how he “doesnt talk to weaklings” you paid no mind though,you were determined to make him your friend or at the veey least an acquaintance.so instead of taking his insults to heart you would fire them back,you had no real reason to fear him after all, so since you had been the first person to not take his insults to heart and instead fire them back you may have peeked his interest just a little bit.
after a while you guys had started to hang out more you would train,study,and sometimes just talk in the common room,everyone found it odd that you had found a way to make acquaintances with him and whenever someone would ask about you would always defend his name
“he’s not all that bad once you get to know him”
“bakugou just has tough time with his words s’all”
“just had to break him out of his shell”
you didn’t mind sticking up for him! it came with all the rumors after all.you guys soon became a well known duo,one not being seen without the other.obviously he got questioned about his relationship with you the way you guys would hang out so often shitty hair would ask him
“whats going on with you and y/n i see you hanging out with her all the time” kirishima would ask
“shes just more tolerable than most s’all”
and sometimes dunce face would ask about you to him
“are you dating y/n? i’ve been wanting to ask her out but if your dating I’ll back off”
“i dont care what you do me and y/n are not a stupid thing dunce face”
all these questions had him questioning everything,he started questioning his feelings even he had those sometimes he wasn’t stupid he knew that you had a thing for him he could tell just by the way you would look at him with so much care and trust.so he decided that he had to tell you off he didn’t care for you that way at all!…right?
so the next monday he saw he decided now was the best time to tell you he didn’t need to be as rude as he was but it was needed.it was during lunch when you were talking with mina when he had interrupted your conversation.
“y/n i need to talk to you”
“one sec me and mina are almost-”
“dont care need you now” and with that he grabbed you up and out of your seat to lead you into a random hallway
“so whats up katsuki? you seem more..tense than normal”
“i dont like you”
“what are you talking about?”
“i know you like me,but i dont like you”
“oh..”they color was draining from your eyes he felt a weird sting in his chest,but he needed to seal the deal
“never have,never will so dont talk to me again kay?” salt in the wound he turned around and walked off
tears had formed in your eyes sure you had a crush on him but not only did he rejected you but you had also lost one of your closest friends.it hurt like no other.so you needed time to heal,time to get your mind off him.you stayed in your room most days,thanks to aizawa latting you take a mental health break you wouldn’t have to many unexplained absences,other days you would train as much as you could letting off steam and getting your mind off things,Mina and the girls would come to your dorm to try and cheer you up or just to hang out and sometimes they would force you out maybe once a week or so just to get you out in the sun.
once you came back you felt better than ever you and your friends were closer,you had gotten stronger,and you had somewhat forgotten all about bakugou.he didn’t forget about you though he questioned if he had did the right thing in the first place,and when he saw you better than ever it hurt a little bit but he payed no mind.
he only did once he saw you training with todoroki,he was the one you would normally train with he knew he was the one that called things off so why did he feel like this? it went from training to studying to hanging out every weekend and he couldn’t be more angry.he was like a ticking time bomb one wrong thing or even the mention of your name and he was cusssing and yelling up a strom.it wasnt until kirishima had questioned him about it that he had realized he messed up.
“bakugou are you sure you okay you’ve been super tense lately man..”
“im fine shitty hair leave me alone”
“if this about y/n maybe you can talk about it to me? i can try to help”
“kirishma.” a warning
“just tell me everyone noticed how you changed”
“me and her stopped being friends and i dont know how to feel”
“keep going”
“everytime i saw her i felt like…i felt like my chest was on fire and my stomach would twist but in a good way? and now that i see her with todoroki..i just want to blast them both..but him especially”
“it sounds like you liked her too and now your jealous that shes hanging out with other people”
“so what do i do?”
“you get her a bouquet,muster up the right words to say,and apologize for everything for telling her you dont care,for ignoring her,and for hurting her, then after you say all that you explain your feelings and maybe ask her out but thats a big step even for you”
they headed straight to the store after that buying your favorite snacks and bouquet of your favorite flowers,it took him a while but he got all the feelings he had into words and he was ready to tell you everything that he thought.he was on the way to your dorm just down the hallway when he saw you guys
you and todoroki outside your dorm,you were just woken from your nap,dressed in your pajamas hair slightly disheveled, hello kitty slippers on your feet,he looked more proper, still in his hero costume and he must have been doing the same thing as bakugou because he was holding a bouquet of you favorite flowers,he looked a little nervous then he had started to talk you guys were to far for him to hear anything he just saw how whatever stupid icy hot had said has making you laugh,then he had reached down and kissed you.
bakugos heart had dropped he hoped you would push him off and scream at him for kissing you like that…but you didn’t instead you had reached your hands up and behind his neck playing with the ends of his hair.oh he was fuming the flowers in his hand soon burnt to a crisp.he was feeling all sorts of emotions right now but all he could do was storm off it seemed you had made your choice to forget him and that he was to late.
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watery-pancake · 4 months
i dont know how to describe it to anyone
i dont even know if theres words for it, but my endless mind refuses to sit in silence, so i write, as i always do
i hate it when i talk to him and he ignores me. he's self aware of it too, but yet still. he blames me for misreading tones, but hearing "not bad" is different from saying "good". its like saying "oh youre not ugly" instead of calling them beautiful, or saying "oh youre not fat" instead of saying you enjoy their figure. its instantly categroizing it as bad, then saying its not. like the standard is bad, but oh its not. but its not great, its not wonderful. its mediocre at best, since it isnt good.
ive been talking less, not bringing up things that he does that bother me. i told him why. its like he thinks that me saying that means "oh she just doesnt want to talk to me" instead of thinking of ways to solve it. its blaming me when i point out his problem. him being clingy has suddenly abruptly stopped because i made the mistake of explaining why, and like an idiot, i think that he'll keep being as loving as always regardless.
all he hears is an insult from me. a way of putting him down. he doesnt think his action effects me. he just sees the effect and blames the one who is experiencing it. its like yelling at the house for burning instead of finding the one who started the fire. so now i have to deal with him randomly talking to me then ghosting me for hours, instead of the sweet boy i miss. i feel like throwing up i miss him so much. but i dont want to talk to him, because then i'll just be ignored again. you can't be ignored if you say nothing, there's nothing to ignore.
how can you be mad at someone, be extremely hurt by their actions to the point your whole demeanor changes, but still crave their attention and love. how can i go from calling him every night, texting him first every moment he texts me when he feels like it, to this. being with him, all ive become is just. quiet. and ive never been quiet in a relationship. i regret what i told him. i regret spilling that secret of mine and saying i feel safe with him. because as true as it is, now i have this overwhelming feeling.
its like im underwater and i cant breathe. its like bu telling him this secret of mine, i can never escape, and i just want to run. i want to erase that memory. forever. i feel so disgusted in myself and in him too that he knows this about me. he knows this truth ive never told anyone before, nor have even recollected to myself in journals or voice notes or anything. and the first time i do, is to him. and now i just want to shut up and stay silent forever and never speak to him again, or anyone. ive ripped open the wound and all i can feel is the painful sting of air and the gut feeling of just. disgust.
i shower but i am never clean enough. i change my bedsheets like the sins will be washed away. i talk less and pretend to smile more but it just hurts. it hurts so much. i hate existing in this reality, this one i was born in.
ive been depressed lately. having these... awful thoughts. no amount of love or comfort can ever make them go away. i want to drink, so so bad, but i promised. i would stop. all i want is to lay in the stars and forget it all ever happened. that i let myself be exposed. and all he could say? a joke about breaking up with me. he's terrible in moments like these, a tragic irony to someone who's studying to be a psychologist. the one he deems closest to him is one he cant comfort. and thats me. its me who can never feel enough comfort. i can be sobbing and have my head rubbed and whispered itll be ok but i cant stop thinking. what if i tried again. what if i drank until i threw up and kept drinking. what if that bridge was just enough to climb over. what if i just starved and didn't eat. its constant and throbbing and no matter how hard i try. it only goes away with him. and i hate that. the greatest comfort to me is someone who doesn't care about the birds i see. because its unimportant to him, it's not worthy of acknowledgement. but its important to me. and he knows this. but he still stays silent, knowing it hurts me. because i am the one being hurt, not that he is the one causing me to be hurt. cause and effect, with only seeing the effect.
i could never do it. completely give up. i'm too much of a pussy to ever go through with it. thats a lie, haha. that drinking binge really was my attempt. but all he could ever say was "well that wouldnt work" thanks. somehow you made me feel more pathetic than i already feel. you see my suicidal actions and all you can do is point out my flaws. its like offering me support, seeing how in my altered state of mind i was trying to end it all and offering your love and sympathy, is too outside your reach. you see it and all you can do is point and laugh. while i cry alone in my room, regretting telling you instead of trying again. seeing how making me quit drinking was that, the catalyst. and your pride in me quitting vanished, and all that was left was disgust in the imagination in your head of me laying in my own vomit as i begged god to make it all go away. you didn't offer an ounce of sympathy. just disgust.
and you never bring things up. its always me. thats why we stopped arguing. because i gave up. i gave up on explaining your hurtful actions to me. last time i did, you made a long paragraph how it was my fault you cheated on me. remember that? i do. all you could do was give me a shitty fucking apology you made up on the spot. but for you? when i did something hurtful that was a result of your poor communication? when you know my emotional apology can only be seen in monotone? i have to be sobbing for you to take that apology. then you can grant me acceptance for the apology. but for you, i get a shitty applogy that you made up on the spot.
after all this, i still lay in bed. wishing i was next to you. i cant wait to go to sleep.
don't worry, i wont die. ill keep living. i have my summer internship after all.
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bibblyboop123 · 1 year
so what if the muppets where your family
kermit-ok so i see kermit as your worried stressed out single dad he worries about everyone and tries his best to keep every one in check as much as possible
Mrs. piggy - is the sassy rich girlboss mother she likes you but dislikes kermit because she didn't want the divorce you see her on weekends because shes very busy most of the time
gonzo pepe Rizzo and Fozzie - are all the uncles. Rizzo is the uncle who kinda married in and has a whole other huge family going on and tries to convince you to invest in some scam and steals food at the reunions. Fozzie is a classic jolly uncle who tells horrible jokes. Pepe is the uncle who doesn't care about you but will bring you out with him to get dates. gonzo is the family black sheep and the "weird uncle" there very nice and has the only stable marriage in your whole family family but there also ONE OF THEM QEERS.
Statler and Waldorf - are the uncles who have been secretly married since world war 2 but still act homophobic for some reason. They come to family gatherings just to insult everyone
uncle deadly - is mrs piggys personal assistant/tailor/bestie he pretends to dislike you but he will make you a outfit for prom even if you dont ask
scooter - is the nepyew of your dads boss hes awkward and has daddy issues and practically has lived at your house when his mum got a new bf and dosent want to deal with him he kinda sees kermit as a father figure. But hes a loveable dork and your the only one who knows about his bf apart from electric mayhem
walter - scooters "best freind" kermit was famas in his youth and walters kinda obsessed with him and basicly spontanistly combusts whenever hes around
electric mayhem - there just your pals scooter intoduced you to them and you visit there jam sessions and give advice . your ecspecialy freinds with janice shes sorta like a older sister to you
rowlf- hes your dads freind thats sorta your honarary uncle in a way he taught you how to play piano tho
bunsun and beaker - more of your dads palls they are liveing togetyher but not married and try to get you to take part in there risky experiments but they help you with sience homework sometimes
robin- hes just your cute little couison you and scooter babysit him and you get icecream while scooter and walter go on one of there secret dates
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a-nybodys · 2 years
Idk about the other stuff, but isn't Izzy's whole thing is he's gay and homophobic? Like, not like a Bible thumping homophobe, and this show is meant to be positive so they aren't going to make him like call people slurs and he's gonna respect pronouns, but Izzy in the narrative represents toxic masculinity, and there is homophobia in toxic masculinity. He may not even hate like men sleeping together cuz pirates are desperate, but he hates softness and effeminacy and caring/attachment in men, and that is a major part of homophobia and toxic masculinity. The people he has the most beef with are the most flamboyant gay men on the ship. He tries to make Lucius do hard labor, but he also taunts Lucius over sleeping with men, and then he tries to his sexuality against him before Lucius reveals it doesn't matter to him. He hates Stede for making him look bad, but he also hates what Stede is doing to Ed, and says that thinks Stede is seducing Ed and that its breaking Ed's brain by making him "soft" and caring, and is also horrified when he thinks they're having sex. And then he insults and threatens Ed over, going soft and heartbroken over his pining after his "namby pamby boyfriend." To me, that is homophobia and it's a part of Izzy's general toxic masculinity stance. And I say this while saying that I love Izzy. He's funny and an interesting character and I wanna study him under a microscope, and I wanna see where his character will go from here, if he'll get redeemed or get more evil or just hang out on the ship still minding his own business. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking him, and I'm not saying this as a reason to make people hate him, and no way are fans of Izzy homophobic for liking him. That literally makes no sense. But I don't understand him not atleast representing homophobia in a subtextual way, as the Badmintons do, since toxic masculinity and homophobia (among other things) are intertwined together and the stuff he uses to jab at Ed and Lucius and Stede is their presentation and even sexuality. As the antagonist, his goal is separating the gay romantic leads and keeping toxic masculinity the same as it was before Stede. I might be completely missing something here or misunderstanding something, I dont know. I do not mean for this to sound rude at all, I'm just genuinely curious about your thoughts.
i think its possible to uphold toxic masculine standards while not being homophobic. but, honestly, he doesnt even really read toxic masculinity to me tbh.
he had to have known ed was gay, he was close to the man for years if not decades, and i really dont think izzys issues with stede or lucius stem from homophobia but maybe more of a general aversion to how they pirate. he views piracy as a tough, dog eat dog world (as do the rest of the pirates in the show other than the crew), one that cant be solved by kindness or caring or anything stede tries to uphold. he is angry that stede is trying to get by like this, without any hard work on his part, without any blood sweat or tears and, worst of all, without failing miserably. we dont know anything abt izzys backstory but i think it genuinely burns him up that the crew of the revenge doesnt even have to work particularly hard to get by and even thrive, because thats not his experience at all. i think he got to where he rests, at the top of the top, second only to the best pirate ever, through pain and death and hard work. i think his problems with stede arise from more of a place of ‘he has the money and resources and luck to get by without any hard work’ and less of ‘hes effeminate and i hate that about him.’ same with the whole ‘daddy’ scene, hes not mad at lucius for having sex with a man, hes mad at lucius for not working and slacking off. he brings up fang and pete as a threat, not because he finds it gross, but because its a way to blackmail lucius into following izzys orders.
and by him being disgusted by his thinking of ed and stede having sex, i def think it has way more to do with ed having sex with stede than ed having sex with a man. he just genuinely hates the guy lmao. he knew jack was “close with” (read:had fucked) ed before, otherwise he wouldnt have sent jack to play with ed’s emotions and trick him into leaving the revenge.
idk i think my view of it all comes down to theres no way izzy could idolize ed and work on a crew consisting entirely of leather daddies if he was homophobic lmao, and i dont think ed wouldve kept him around if he were either.
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okay theres something thats been on my mind for quite a while now, but i wasn't sure how to say it.
i'm not trying to be a hater or insult anybody, i just need to say this.
anders has been my comfort character for a long time, i admired how he sticks up for himself when he is deeply traumatized, and i understand why he is. he is funny, love his love for cats, and his merging with justice and how it was a good decision and how he becomes one of anders biggest friend.
but i just can't keep being a stan when in da2 he is deeply insulting to the elf companions and in general. yes it is "bad writing" but for the DA fans who are not white, it is incredibly uncomfortable.
he invalidates fenris trauma, talks down to him, tries to make him see HIS side and ignore his own pain. fenris does an excellent job of taking care of himself (and yes he shoots back some hurtful comebacks) but all in all, he is very self centered in who he is fighting for.
i cant even deal with how he talks to merrill. treats her like she's stupid (she is very smart) and i dont even know the banter, i cannot put them together anymore. merrill is a mage and yet he doesn't care they have that in common. if she was a human would he treat her better? he treats bethany fairly, and admires how she was kept out of the circle. just like merrill did. but insults her left and right for how she performs spells.
he says the elves should join in the plight of the mages but would he join in fighting FOR the elves?
he gets along fine with the human companions (butts heads with sebastian because of the chantry propaganda, which is understandable) but for the most part gets along with aveline, the same one who turns in mages. he TRIES to get along. even carver who is constantly putting him down and invalidating his trauma.
i've never rivaled him in game, i always get full approval.
but the whole point of this is me saying i see anders as a white feminist.
all he cares about is his own views and isn't open to others pov.
one of the best examples of being more instersectional is leliana. you can call her out for her views about elves and she stops and reflects on it. now we can't do that in da2 but i imagine he would not be open to it. he shows no remorse for how he treats the elves (companions). he was in the circle for a long time so theres no excuse for him not to notice how elves are treated.
like i said im not trying to insult anybody who is a fan, i understand that you are.
but putting anders as the biggest rebel of the DA series is a mistake when fiona exists, and all the other mages who started the rebellion before him.
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