#i dont call her seal i dont know her like that
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yurinormals Ā· 1 month ago
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undertale-encyclopedia Ā· 9 months ago
thinking about sans' first lines of dialogue. Like, making assumptions of where this story is going:
Imagine youre just some dude, working on some science shit with this guy you know, related to darkness and timelines and crazy spacetime shit like that. Then your boss gets vaporized across all of reality and you get trapped in another parallel universe where you are imprisoned underground.
The machine you took to get here is broke as fuck, you cant fix it, the way this world functions is different than where you're from so they cant even help you get back with your machine. You talk to the royal scientist about this shit and shes just like "I dont know anything about darkness but we're researching this stuff called Determination that affects time in some way, maybe that will help?" And you work with her and figure out the timeline you are currently inhabiting keeps getting shifted around and some anomaly keeps starting and ending timelines and there's basically nothing we can really do about it. So you fully give up, you're not getting back to your reality, you're not getting out of this cave, you're not getting out of this timeloop. You spend your days eating greasy food, making bad jokes at the comedy club, and trying your hardest to give your brother a happy life. Plus, you met this person you really like behind this sealed door and she asked you to protect any human that leaves that place. So now theres an extra thing you gotta worry about.
And now. On top of all this shit. Coming out of this door that has never opened ever. A human, filled with this Determination shit you've researched, key to freeing everyone, has walked right out of that door.
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orilimbs Ā· 5 months ago
There's no time to explain who am I, so im gonna show you my own take on Horrortale Yellow.
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This au's name doesn't need to be explained, the underground sets in an uncanny ambient after a neutral route in general, but based on Undertale Yellow's timeline, the underground sets in this ambient after a neutral route made by Integrity.
Each area like The Dark Ruins and Snowfall (Lower Snowdin) are based on the horsemen of the apocalypse in order: Death (Ruins), Pestilence (Snowdin), Famine (Dunes/The Wild East), War (Steamworks and UG Apartments), and finally, the last area called "Clover's judgement" can be heaven or hell depending of the route (genocide, neutral or pacifist (NOT FLAWED), where your fate will be sealed if you choose to fight Zenith Martlet, Kitsune Ceroba or Flowey.
Monsters CAN bleed in this au if they arent at a very low HP but still damaged, if they lost all their HP they turn into dust normally along with the blood.
I dont have enough energy to explain every character's deep lore on this au, so im gonna say their general characteristics:
Clover is 10-years old, they escaped from home and fell from a mountain on accident, without having any bandages or any gun, they have to dodge every attack to not to die. They fell in a flower bed that had spines on it, making them lose a part of their vision and getting hurt, leaving them with a very low HP permanently at the beginning.
Dalv is a REAL vampire this time, he will try to attack Clover no matter if theyre friends or not, but Dalv knows is better for Clover to leave his house for their own good if they want to survive. Dalv is selectively mute and has vampire urges that need to be satisfied. He lost a horn in a fight that he doesnt remember.
Martlet lives in Snowfall where there is a fungus infection that was born after the dust mixed with very cold snow on trees that made a fungus live on fruits and honey panels. Martlet is infected and a bit hungry, but she would never attack a poor child. She's vulnerable to cold and diseases, she's is in the late-third phase of infection where fungus take place on her physical body and cant fly.
Ceroba lives in the dunes where everyone fights and eat themselves to survive, concluding on cannibalism and blood, everyone is hungry and will attack anyone who steps on the area. Ceroba has a scar on her left eye like Clover and has insomnia to protect Kanako and Chujin, who are alive but need to be feed. She has SEVERE problems with Orion (Starlo's brother).
Axis was created after Integrity's neutral route where The Integrity Incident never happened, Axis serves as a doctor and emergency robot, when he was closed in the Steamworks, the Steamworks and UG Apartments summerged on war due to being trapped by their own creators. Axis is mute due to his "radio" being damaged, he is a pacifist and tries to help Clover until Clover and Ceroba wrongly attack him.
I will drop more information later, but these are the most important ones. The others who I didnt included (Decibat, El Bailador, Starlo, Orion, along with others) are secondary or important to a specific character's development. Here are the old designs, some of them stay the same and others changed a little bit or generally.
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kkoga Ā· 23 days ago
A/N : your wish is my command....
RAINY NIGHTS, sophia laforteza x fem!reader
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Warning ! Hurt no comfort, toxic relationship, mentions of sensitive topics, not proofread
Disclaimer ! Everything written here is pure fiction. Every person is not a real portrayal of themselves.
Now playing ! Cologne by beabadobee
WC ā€” I dont knkw bruh i wrote this and its 3 fucking am im not mentally sane lawl phones also 7 percent.
Synopsis ! After Sophia Laforteza fucks up multiple times, Y/n decides she's had enough. Time and time the girl had waited, but much to her dismay, all Sophia had done, was disappoint her.
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Y/n shamefully exits the restaurant, feeling dozens of eyes on her. The girl had been waiting for her girlfriend, Sophia Laforteza, to show up to a date they've been planning for weeks now.
The first hour wasn't so bad. Maybe she had gotten stuck in traffic, or maybe she would be just a little late. The second hour was worse. At that point, waiters and waitresses had started asking her where her partner was. And what Y/n hated the most, was the fact that she had no answer to their questions.
Now here she was, after the fourth hour of waiting. It was currently 12 am, and much to the girl's luck, it had just started raining.
The girl could only sigh.
"What a great marvellous day! Not only does Sophia leave me waiting for our date, it starts raining right after I get kicked out! Absolutely hilarious!" Y/n mumbes to herself, tears beginning to well up.
"Maybe she just forgot. I mean, she's busy afterall..." The girl tried her best to convince herself that this was going to be a one time thing.
She was wrong.
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Y/n bites her inner lip. It has been 2 hours since their designated sleepover. It's been weeks since Sophia had gone over to her house. So they'd been planning for a movie night. And tonight was that night. So why exactly has Sophia been ignoring her calls?
Y/n presses the call button once more, but to no avail, she was met with Sophia's voice mail for the nth time.
The popcorn was starting to get cold, and the ice cream was starting to melt. Y/n sighs. It's been two hours. Maybe she got caught up in an emergency schedule?
"Couldn't she just have told me...?" Y/n shakenly whispers to herself. This was the fourth time Sophia had stood her up this month alone.
Y/n begrudgingly placed the ice cream back in the fridge and seals the popcorn in a random container. The sound of rain keeping her grounded.
"It's okay. This will be the last time this happens."
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Finally. Sophia had finally shown up to a hang out. Y/n had been waiting for the past month. The girl had greatly missed her girlfriend, and she hoped Sophia felt the same.
"Sophie! Hi!" Y/n ran up to Sophia, and hugged her as tight as she could. Afraid to let go, scared she might lose the one person able to cheer her up with a simple smile.
"Y/n! Baby! Hi, i missed you so much." Sophia hugged the girl back, and for a moment, Y/n thought,
"Finally. We're back to normal. Oh god, how I've missed my girl."
Y/n couldn't help the small but sweet smile that had formed.
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It had been an hour since their hang out started, and apparently, Sophia had to go. Y/n felt sad, but knew it was her job, her dream. And Y/n would never get in the way of that.
As Sophia entered her car, Y/n bid goodbye to her girlfriend.
"Bye Sophie, miss you, and i love you." Y/n leans down for a cheek kiss, almost missing the unreadable expression Sophia had on her face.
"Yeah, bye." And with that, Sophia drives off to god knows where.
"No i love you too...? No... maybe she just forgot. It's fine." And suddenly, rain had started pouring. Y/n quickly ran for cover, but couldn't avoid looking like a somewhat wet puppy.
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It was infact, not fine. It had been three months since that little mini date, and Sophia hadn't said the words "I love you". Atleast not without Y/n basically telling her to.
What went wrong? What did Y/n ever do? Did she offend Sophia? Did she do anything to form this... this gap between them?
Y/n felt so lost. So... confused. She was so sure she hadn't done anything. At least not anything she could remember. Well, she was going to find out tonight.
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The door opens widely, in a swift manner. And in comes Sophia, sick and worried.
"Y/N, BABY, ARE YOU OKAY?? I came as soon as i got the text, Iā€”" The panicked Sophia came in, expecting to see an injured or sick Y/n. But all she had found was Y/n sitting on the chair of one of her counters, with a stoic look on her face.
Sophia's breathe was heavy, like she had ran to get to Y/n's apartment.
"Why are you completely fine? You texted me it was an emergency Y/n, I was busyā€”!"
"Well, you always are, aren't you?" Y/n looks up to Sophia's eyes, and frustration begins to fill the Filipina.
"Excuse me? You know I'm constantly busy. For fucks sake, I'm an idol! You can'tā€”"
"I know. I know what I signed up for, Laforteza. I know I'd never get in the way of your dreams. You would never even let me." Y/n gets off the stool, and faces her girlfriend.
"So what's your point! What, you call me here because you missed me? I was in a fucking meeting Y/n. With one of HYBE's officials!! Do you know how fucking important that is?" Sophia scratches her head in disbelief, her anger bubbling up faster than it ever has. Y/n sighs defeatedly.
"More important than me?"
Silence filled the apartment. What felt like hours were only a few measly seconds.
"The silence was more than enough, Laforteza. I'm tired. I am so fucking tired of you leaving me hanging. At first, it was a date here, a date there, but nowadays, it's like everything we plan just ends up with me waiting."
"But I'm trying Y/n! I'm trying my best for you, for my members, for my fucking dream. Why can't you just understand that?"
"Then answer this, Laforteza. When was the last time you had told me the words "I love you"? When was the last time you had willingly told me those three words."
Sophia tried to recollect, the Filipina had really tried her best. But the realization had hit her hard.
"Fucking THINK Laforteza. Give me a goddamned answer. When was the last time you had given me a sincere, loving, "I love you"?... ANSWER ME!"
"I... I can't remember...." Sophia had started tearing up. Why couldn't she fucking remember the last time she had said I love you to her own fucking girlfriend?
Y/n let out a laugh. But it wasn't the usual light and hearty laugh Sophia had always heard. This laugh sounded painful. It was like all of Y/n's vocal chords had suddenly forgotten what a laugh had sounded like.
After a few seconds, Y/n's laughing had turned into sobs.
"Do you know how many times I've had to shamefully walk out of a restaurant, or get kicked out? Sophia, everyone looked at me. Their eyes were so full of pity. The waiters and waitresses constantly checked up on me like I was some poor child, left behind by her mother. Countless times, Sophia. I endured it all, thinking it would be the last time."
Y/n's voice had started cracking, and the girl had made a face Sophia had never seen before. One filled with so much sadness, so much sorrow.
"But time and time again, you proved me wrong. Every date you stood up, every "I love you" left unanswered, destroyed me, Sophia."
"Baby... baby I'm so sorry, pleaseā€”" Sophia tries to move closer to Y/n, but the girl pulls away.
"Don't. Don't ever call me baby ever again. You don't get the fucking right, Sophia."
"I'm so disappointed in you Sophia. I never thought you'd ever treat me this way. Your career may have excused a missing date or two. But seven in a row? Sophia, we've gone on three total dates for the past four month's. And we had planned seventeen. Seven fucking teen Sophia. You stood me up fourteen times, and that's only for the past four months."
"I.. please I'm soā€”"
"So let's end this."
This felt so surreal. Y/n had just asked her if they could end it. Sophia had felt her whole world crumble. She caused this? Has she really broken down the one person who had supported her through everything?
"No.. no, no we aren't. Please, just give me a chance toā€”"
"No, Laforteza. Get out. We're over."
Sophia laughs, hoping this was some sort of wicked sick dream.
"We aren't over Y/n. Please, I justā€”"
"We've been over for the past seven months, Laforteza. What we've had for those last few months was just me trying to keep us both on the same page. But a relationship requires two people. We can't keep going if your heart isn't in it, Laforteza."
Sophia couldn't help it. Her tears had burst out like there was no tomorrow. The girl hadn't cried like this for a long, long time.
"But.. but I need you Y/n, please..." At this point, the Filipina had gotten on her knees.
"No, you don't. Hell, you don't even want me. You just think you do. So please, get up and leave, before I say things I don't think I can take back."
"I can't just leave!"
"Yes you can. Leave. For the both of us, Sophie." The mention of her nickname was driving Sophia crazy.
"But I fucking love you Y/n!" .
Y/n looks at Sophia with a tired face.
"Do you really?"
Sophia looks at Y/n. A look of desperation displayed on her pretty face. Y/n hates how she's never going to see that face ever again. Hates how she's never going to kiss that pretty face to sleep ever again. Hates how those soft and comforting arms will never comfort her ever again. Hates how she will never wake up next to the love of her life ever again. Hates how Sophia will never be hers ever again. But she was okay with that. She knew it had to end one way or another. It was better this way.
And so, after more back and forth conversations, Sophia reluctantly leaves. Sophia closes the door, and Y/n locks it right after.
Y/n will never open up her heart for Sophia ever again. And the latter knows that. They were over. They were really over. Neither could believe it. The two fall to their knees, on opposite sides of the door. The sound of heavy rain masking the others cries.
Guess rainy nights were never their thing.
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anxiousandpessimistic Ā· 1 year ago
Charlie: I'm texting Vaggie, i'm gonna ask her to dinner. How should i say it "Let's get dinner" or do you wanna get dinner" ? Sir Pentious: Go with "Let's get dinner" so you sound like assertive and confident Charlie: For sure Angel: Actually no cause now you sound a little aggressive Husk: Cause you don't wanna be the kinda girl who's like " LETS GET DINNER" like some sort of caveman Niffty: You're supposed to ask her to dinner, not tell her to dinner Alastor: Just say " do you wanna get dinner?" Charlie: Perfect Adam: Actually wait, now you sound kinda like a pussy Charlie: This is tough Vox: The last thing you wanna be is like that overly masculine guy who's like " lets get dinner,on the breadwinner bitch" Valentino: Women also love assertiveness Cherri: I hate assertivness, bitch Lucifer: Say "Dinner would be something i would enjoy taking you to, if you are also interested in attending the meal Carmilla: The more words the better Rosie: Wait, say " I would like nothing more, than to take you to the finest restaurant in town, for a lovely meal that we call dinner Charlie: Should i send that in a voice memo? Lute: FUCK THAT. Say " Dinner tonight, take it or leave it BITCH" Cause she's playing games Velvet: Sign it, seal it, deliver it Zestial: I dont know why girls are so difficult all of the time Charlie: I'm not gonna say that Vaggie: Definitely don't say that
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bettinadoodles Ā· 2 months ago
Caleb's return
Caleb's return has finally been officially teased, but I'm still seeing a lot of folks confused about how he can return. Personally, I think the last chapter of the story sets his return up perfectly and might even suggest why he has been gone so long.
So let's get into it!
(This is going to get fairly long and include a handful of screenshots as supporting evidence, so follow below the cut)
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So, in the last chapter, "Prologue to tomorrow - Eye of the Storm", the MC hunts down fragments of an Aether core that can manipulate space, called the Spatium core.
Right after Jenna points out that the center fragment of the Spatium core is still missing, she pulls MC to the side and tells her "there is more" before sending her the "Ever Secret Investigation report" and revealing there is information regarding what happened at Grandma's house in the report. The way Jenna leads into the topic suggests that a Spatium core fragment may have been involved, which could certainly explain how Caleb survived!
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In the next scene, MC is outside, it starts raining, and the eye appears in the sky. This time the color of the eye bears a striking resemblance to Caleb's eyes. The MC says her heart responds to that eye. "The CALL I hear becomes clearer." The MC also says that behind the eye lies the power of the aether core.
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It's not just the visual resembelance that connects the eye to Caleb. The teaser of Calebs's return being titled "When Home Calls" seems to be a pretty clear callback to that "call" the MC heard from the eye at the end of the last chapter. Especially considering it was the last thing to happen in the story before the update that will bring Caleb's return.
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Of course, we dont yet have verification that the eye is connected to Caleb. However, it's noteworthy that the first eye's first appearance (chapter 1, story 9) is when Caleb was checking in on MC. It first starts raining unexpectedly, then Caleb calls, and when they hang up, MC notices the eye outside her window. (Originally, it was assumed by many this eye was related to Sylus, but Sylus uses Mephisto to spy, and since Sylus's release, there has been no indication that the eye is related to him.) Perhaps this is top secret military tech (funded by Ever) Caleb got access to thanks to his work at the DAA.
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Now, about the Aether core that the MC sensed beyond the eye...
We don't know for sure whether Caleb was part of the same experiments as the MC, but it seems likely. From the "World Underneath - Sealed in Dust" story we know that MC and Caleb were both taken in by Josephine at the same time after the Chronorift Catastrophe. In her report, Josephine implies that she never planned on kids and took in the MC primarily due to guilt from the experiments. So it is unlikely she would have chosen to take in a random boy for no reason.
Some of the wording in the story imply there were more test subjects. Based on the nature of the project, I would guess the other test subjects are either children that displayed similar conditions/symptoms, or children they placed modified protocore/aether core fragments in attempting to recreate the results they got from the MC, their subject 001.
If we accept that Caleb could have been a test subjects, there is a fair chance he has an Aether core, or something like it.
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Now for some theories!
My guess is that Caleb recieved the missing Spatium core fragment during the experiments.
While the Sylus chapters more or less confirmed Ever is ultimately behind the explosion, their motivation is unclear. Were they just tying up loose ends, or were they trying to also trigger the MC's/Caleb's aether cores?
Wether intentional or not, it seems likely Caleb survived the explosion thanks to the Spatium core. Now the real question is, where did it take him? We know that the spatium core has the power to create what are essentially pocket dimensions built from dreams or memories. Could he be trapped there? It could explain why he hasn't returned all this time despite being alive. Will the MC need to go in there to get him out?
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What if unlike the space the MC got trapped in with Zayne that was built on his nightmares, Caleb's space is built on his dreams...? And the MC seeing it is the catalyst for their relationship shifting?
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owlets-outlet Ā· 3 months ago
my mouthwashing good ending headcanons:
on the tulpar:
1. anya tells swansea and daisuke about the assault pretty much immediatelly after the crash. the crew seals jimmy in his room with insulation foam until they get rescued.
( i was thinking about letting the crew kill j*mmy, however. he doesnt deserve that mercy. so he lives and is jailed forever. )
2. the crew dont know what to do about the baby. anya doesnt want to use pills for diy abortion, mainly because thats what jimbo told her to do and she doesnt want to listen to him.
in a dangerous twist of fate, she miscarries, because of stress and low bodyweight. its not a dramatic miscarriage, the fetus just dies in the uterus. anya suspects she miscarried, but doesnt tell the crew so they dont worry about her.
3. the crew gets rescued just in time- anya was on the verge of dying from the infection that started festering inside her from the miscarriage.
immediately after rescue:
anya and curly are rushed to the hospital. they got treatment on the rescue ship already, but that was only the bare minimum. pony express pays only for the bare minimum treatments.
curly is hooked up to a sci-fi mind reading communication device. its not perfect, but they manage to find out what happened. jimmy is arrested.
after losing his job and breaking his dry streak, hes surprisingly okay. using his severance pay and his savings, he opens a small business, becoming a freelance electrician.
he doesnt drink as much as he used to, but he drinks regularly. he still buys himself sneakers on his soberversary though.
daisuke didnt even have to beg him too hard to be accepted as his apprentice, really.
daisuke becomes his other child, basically, he visits daisuke and regularly treats the him and the crew to meals, just like he does with his bio kids.
he also takes daisuke thrifting sometimes, judging his outfits on a scale of 1-10.
hes back to living with his parents.
daisuke really wanted to continue being swanseas apprentice, not just because he liked swansea, but because he really wanted to feel useful somehow.
he doesnt really vibe with most swanseas kids, but hes polite everytime they visit the shop where he helps swansea.
him and anya do gaming nights, often hopping on discord call in the late evening.
he still struggles with impostor syndrome, feeling like he didnt do enough for the crew of the tulpar.
he struggles with his mental health extensively. hes traumatized by being forced into being a bystander and his new disability keeps reminding him of that fact. his old crew encourages him to keep going though, and daisukes family pays for his therapy sessions.
he underwent many surgeries, mainly skin transplants (he still looks. uncanny though), rhinoplasty (more like. he just got a whole new nose altogether) and added eyelids (made his eye look smaller than before) and lips.
while this IS the Future, many of the cool 'solutions' to his disability are too expensive. pony express only paid for curlys wheelchair with a communicator and a cheap pair of prosthetic arms. the motor abilites of these arms are limited, as he cannot even write with them. theyre purely there just so he can operate his wheelchair by himself.
he wants to save money to buy new legs and arms, mostly just because he'd love to get back into weightlifting again.
after being fired, he mostly relies on disability pay and benefits.
he dropped many of his old friends, because they sympathised with jimmy, but he still has a close knit group of friends, with whom he lives.
he wanted to quit being a pilot long before the crash, and his old crew convinced him that he should pursue something new, to help him move on.
with the financial support of daisukes parents (daisuke begged them), curly enrolls in med school. he chose a proffession where he would help people.
thanks to this he grew even closer to anya.
tried to distance herself from the crew, because she felt like dead weight, but they didnt let her. daisuke talked her and curly into therapy.
she couldnt afford to try to get into med school again, and even then, she wasnt sure if she even wanted to do that anymore.
but, due to his disability, curly needed a notetaker and, well. the stars just aligned.
being his notetaker, anya gets to attend all the lectures with curly, helping him with his studies while she absorbs all the knowledge. this gave her the confidence she needed to decide to try again, sometine in the future.
asides from this, anya took up running again. she runs regularly, planning to run a marathon one day. she also gained a lot of weight after coming back, resulting in a mean bulk, gaining quite a lot of muscle.
sometimes she runs together with curly and daisuke, and curly also coaches anya in the gym on occassion.
the whole crew regularly meet up for brunches and birthdays. :)
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loveforsatoru Ā· 11 months ago
hello !!!!!!!!!
I don't have anything specific, so idk, satoru with a five years old daughter? he would be such a cute and loving father šŸ˜“ iā€™m done, this life where I can't have satoruā€™s baby is killing me!!!!
this idea is so cute. i literally think about satoru as a dad all the time and it gives me major baby fever.
you never once thought that you could ever be this happy. what did you do to deserve it? maybe itā€™s the universe paying you back for all the times youā€™ve suffered in life both alone and your relationship with satoru. youā€™d been dating since high school, but it wasnā€™t easy. there was so much ache, time spent apart, and issues that you didnā€™t know if you could overcome. sleepless nights, occasional arguments and interference from your jobs drove your relationship into rocky paths, but at the end of the day, he never forgot to tell you he loved you even when you felt like the most unloveable person alive. through all the difficult times, the highs and the lows, he was always there and never once intended on leaving, so he sealed that promise with a ring and his vows.
you got married a couple years after high school. you were only 22, but your life couldnā€™t have turned out more perfect. itā€™s been 10 years and the love never died down. if anything, it grows with each passing day. now that you have a five year old daughter together, thereā€™s only more to look forward to in the days to come.
satorus been away on a mission for a few weeks and you still have no idea when heā€™s going to come back. it hurts your daughter just as much as it hurts you. everyday, she asks when heā€™s going to come home and it breaks your heart to tell her, ā€œi donā€™t know, but itā€™ll be soon.ā€ when you werenā€™t even sure yourself. thankfully, satoru could never forget about the two most important people in his life and remembers to call in the morning and before your daughter goes to sleep, never missing a day.
besides today. your phone hasnā€™t rang once and itā€™s making you uneasy, your head racing with the worst possible thoughts. you have faith in satoru and his strength, but you canā€™t help but worry about him. he works a dangerous job and coming home is never a 100% guarantee.
youā€™re snapped out of trance when you feel a tug on your dress and little voice. your daughter is looking up at you, small hands tightly balled around the fabric of your dress while her blue eyes, identical to her fathers start to well up with tears.
ā€œwhatā€™s wrong, baby?ā€ you ask, picking her up into your arms and brushing a strand of white hair away from her face.
she doesnā€™t say anything at first and just buries her face into your neck where she begins to cry.
you attempt to calm her down, patting her back and getting her to look at you once more, ā€œplease dont cryā€¦ tell me whatā€™s wrong and iā€™ll make it better.ā€
she speaks through uneven breaths, chubby cheeks now stained with tear streaks, ā€œi called daddy but he didnā€™t answer.ā€ speaking these words only caused her to cry again and it breaks your heart.
ā€œdonā€™t worry, heā€™ll come back. heā€™s okay and heā€™s safe. heā€™s just busy.ā€ but the words are a form of consolation to you too. youā€™re trying your best to remain strong for your daughter, but itā€™s hard. being a mom is hard.
you walk over to the couch in the living and sit down, setting her on your lap while you wipe away her stray tears.
ā€œlisten to me for a second, okay?ā€
she rests her head on your chest, her breathing still ragged, but sheā€™s no longer crying.
ā€œyour dad works really really hard for us. he wants us to live a good life, so he canā€™t always be home and he canā€™t always pick up the phone, but he tries as much as he can. we just have to be patient and wait for him to come home again. but he loves you very much. if he doesnā€™t answer the phone, itā€™s because heā€™s busy, not because he forgot about you, okay? the last thing he wants is for you to think heā€™s forgotten about you.ā€
she nods her head in understanding before asking one last question, one you donā€™t know the answer to.
ā€œbut when will he come back?ā€
now, youā€™re the one who has tears prickling in the corners of your eyes as your throat begins to sting, ā€œi donā€™t know.ā€ you wish you knew. you wish you could tell her heā€™s coming back today or the day after, but the uncertainty nips at your thoughts constantly.
what you donā€™t expect is for satoru to be standing right outside the door to your shared home, overhearing everything you just said. it tugs at his heart strings, but heā€™s here now.
he digs through his pocket and pulls out his key to unlock the door, the familiar jangle echoing through the house and your daughter immediately runs up to the door, squealing when he makes his way inside.
he scoops her up into his arms and litters her face in kisses, holding onto her tightly, ā€œiā€™ve missed you so much, munchkin.ā€
you stay frozen in your spot on the couch, going wide eyed as another tear falls down your cheek and you donā€™t even notice it.
he gives you a smile from across the room while your daughter babbles on and on to him about what heā€™s missed. he listens intently, cherishing the moments that sheā€™ll be little for as long as he can.
ā€œand at school, we went on a field trip to the park and i found a butterfly but it flew away,ā€ she pouts, ā€œdaddy, can you get me a butterfly?ā€
he chuckles and nods his head, ā€œof course i can.ā€ he would never say no to her. she could ask him for a piece of the moon and heā€™d do it.
you watch as he tickles her belly and she erupts into laughter, grabbing onto his shoulder for support.
ā€œi have a surprise for you,ā€ he whispers, giving her cheek another big kiss.
she claps her hands together, ā€œwhat is it?ā€ excitement laced in her voice which makes satorus smile grow wider.
he shifts through his briefcase before pulling out a small box of munchkins, ā€œmunchkins for my munchkin!ā€
she lets out a near scream and takes the box in her grubby hands, already popping one in her mouth.
ā€œdaddy, say ahhh,ā€ she says with a mouth full of munchkins.
satoru does as she tells him to and opens his mouth enough for her to feed one to him, ā€œthank you, munchkin!ā€
your heart swells watching them interact. heā€™s a good dad. you both talked about being parents together so many times and now that itā€™s happened, it still doesnā€™t feel entirely real, like youā€™re dreaming, but if this were a dream, you wouldnā€™t open your eyes.
you stand up and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso, tighter than usual, inhaling his scent which youā€™ve spent all this time missing. you feel whole again and your nerves have eased up.
he leans down and presses a chaste kiss to your lips, ā€œhi, sweetheart.ā€
ā€œi missed you.ā€
he wipes your tears away with the pad of his thumb before wrapping an arm around you, the other holding your daughter, ā€œi missed you more. both of you. gosh, i felt like i was gonna die if i had to be away for another day.ā€ it may sound like an exaggeration, but to satoru itā€™s nothing less than the truth. it was agonizing to be apart from his wife and the mini version of him. he missed waking up next to you, missed helping your daughter with her homework and reading bedtimes stories before bed.
but youā€™re together again and thatā€™s all that matters. youā€™ve never been more relieved to watch a familiar face walk through the door.
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animesimp-writes Ā· 6 months ago
YO, YO, YO! (Billy referred.) Hope your having a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night Mel! Could you write a Luffy x fem! Reader fic? Like They're making jokes on the deck of the thousand sunny while the rest of the crew is asleep, and Luffy calls Y/N pretty and stuff, and then confesses, saying that Robin and Nami told him he was in love with her after describing how he felt about Y/N?
If you don't want to write it, thats okay (bc I dont know if you write for other fandoms) but stay safe and stay hydrated! :)
-Anon <3
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# Summary ; Late one night aboard the Thousand Sunny, Y/N and Luffy find themselves alone, sharing jokes and laughter under the stars. As the conversation takes a sincere turn, Luffy surprises Y/N by telling her she's pretty and confessing that Nami and Robin pointed out he might be in love with her. Realizing his feelings are true, Y/N admits she feels the same, if not more. Before she can fully express herself, Luffy kisses her, sealing their mutual affection with a sweet and tender moment.
# Notes ; Heyy!! I LOVE One Piece, its my favorite anime for years <3 It's my first time writing a fic instead of headcanons ON TUNBLR so I'll do my best :D Also, yes, I am writing for other fandoms, so please don't be shy to request. And sorry for being away for so long, I just needed some time for school and I honestly forgot about this account and had to study since I'm going to high school in a few months. Wish me luck!!
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Late at night, the Thousand Sunny drifted peacefully under a blanket of stars. The gentle rocking of the ship kept the Straw Hat Pirates lulled in a deep sleep. Everyone, that is, except for Luffy and you.
You were sitting next to him on the deck, the night air cool against your skin. The only sounds around were the occasional creaks of the ship and the soft lapping of the ocean against the hull.
"Y/N, you know, I think I could eat a thousand meat skewers in one sitting!" Luffy said with a wide grin, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight.
You chuckled softly, shaking your head. "Luffy, I believe you could do it. But how would you even fit that much food in your stomach?"
He laughed, the sound warm and carefree, and you couldn't help but laugh along with him. The way he made everything seem so simple and joyful was one of the many things you loved about him. For what seemed like hours, the two of you exchanged jokes, stories, and silly banter. Luffy was on a roll, saying the most random things to keep you laughing. But as you waited for him to crack another joke, his expression softened. His gaze settled on you, and the intensity in his eyes caught you off guard.
"You're really pretty, Y/N," Luffy said suddenly, his voice quiet, but sincere.
You blinked, a little taken aback by the shift in tone. "W-What?" you stammered, feeling your cheeks warm as you processed his words. "Why would you say that all of a sudden?"Luffy rubbed the back of his neck, his usual confident demeanor now tinged with something more thoughtful. "Well, Nami and Robin were talking to me the other day. They said that when I described how I feel about you, it means Iā€™m in love with you. And I think theyā€™re rightā€¦ 'cause Iā€™m always thinking about you, and I like being around you more than anyone else."
Your heart skipped a beat. Hearing those words from Luffy, who was always so focused on his adventures and dreams, made your chest tighten with happiness. You glanced down at your hands, fidgeting nervously, trying to find the right words to tell him that you felt the same way. "Luffy, Iā€¦ I feel the same," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe even more than you could imagine..."
Before you could finish your sentence, you felt a gentle touch on your chin. Luffy had leaned in closer, lifting your head with his hand. Your eyes met his, and in that moment, the world around you seemed to fade away. Without another word, Luffy closed the distance between you, pressing his lips softly against yours. The kiss was simple, sweet, and filled with all the emotions you both had been holding back. Your eyes fluttered closed as you melted into the kiss, your heart racing in your chest.
When he finally pulled away, Luffy's smile was the brightest you'd ever seen. "I think I like kissing you too," he said with a chuckle.
You giggled, your cheeks flushed, feeling a mixture of joy and relief. "Me too, Luffyā€¦ me too."
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GAHHH!! I loved it so much, hope you guys do to! If you want more like this, drop a request in my "Ask Me Anything" hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day, bye! <3
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dreampearls Ā· 2 years ago
those tags specifically were in response to another rb that mentioned cyno; it doesn't have much to do with the original post other than cyno acting another potential foil to collei like nahida is (but because so little is known about his past its hard to draw any conclusive parallels)
i think nahida and collei as foils is so interesting on the fundamental basis of collei being a nonbeliever & nahida's existence challenging the idea of an absolute all powerful god. like collei's past disdain for the gods was because she viewed them as neglectful of humanity; meanwhile nahida's entire existence was one completely neglected BY humanity. i really like the potential conflict between them and the ultimate resolution involving the acknowledgement that the gods need humanity just as much as humanity needs them
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sinn-bee Ā· 1 year ago
Hii hello i have a slaying question! So if the qiong ding mountain sect is like dragons, what about the demons? I would also would love to see dragon LMY with SHL like i think that would be neat and cute ya know?:D
The demons are pretty much the same? Thereā€™s me inserting my indulgence and making demons have more fun demonic features of course.
Bingheā€™s blood is still sealed while heā€™s a disciple and demons canā€™t follow the path of draconic cultivation at all, so he spends his time as a disciple with a caring Shizun secretly thinking heā€™s a big failure because he hasnā€™t cultivated any drsconic features the entire time he was there. (Post abyss he grows demon horns but he files them down because theyā€™re ā€œuglyā€ and not the beautiful draconic horns he wanted so bad as a child)
Shl coming to attack the sects and taunting a younger Lmy who hasnā€™t cultivated many draconic features yet and calling her a puny pathetic human and all that and then coming back later on and Lmy has come into her draconic features and cultivation and now towers over her
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I already had this sketched, Shl deserves to be kabedon-ed by a big dragon lady I think šŸ„°
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enchantedsword Ā· 19 days ago
au were mk is wukongs bio kid but its still similar to canon in that he wasnt supposed to be born for many many years. okay this is gonna be a shit explanation but ill do my best to make it make sense.
mk is supposed to be born with both wukong and macaque as his parents(macaque was always fated to come back) in the more traditional way. but nine headed demon who we'll say became "friends" with wukong during that five hundred years after sealing demon bull king, used some sort of spell/magic to basically have wukongs magic/life force/essence(whatever you want to call it) create a child on its own without another parent without wukong getting suspicious about it, since there are occasions a celestial pregnancy can occur like this.
however this is still not a good thing for wukong because even with all his strength and power a child(at least a celestial one) still needs two parents or at least another trusted person to help provide it energy/life force during pregnancy and for about 3 years after so the baby(mk) is only feeding from wukong, so much so that he's extremely weak by the time he gives birth and isnt even back to full power/health until mk would be unlocking his own powers. theres also the fact mk is still the harbinger of chaos and not just a normal celestial child so he would end taking more from wukong.
also playing with the idea that giving birth burned through the pills and wine of immortalities maybe even a third one or at least half of another one, thats how difficult/dangerous this pregnancy and birth was for him without a partner to help. i do think he would call a temporary truce with PIF at least towards the end of his pregnancy because he knows he wont be able to actually give birth alone, and shes been through this before and she'd be the only one he trust to help him even with all thats happened between them.
now this opens the opportunity for nine headed demon to steal mk, however im unsure if i want him take him when hes a newborn and have wukong think that his child is dead due to not being able to give him the power/energy he needed during pregnancy, or if he waits until mk is about 2 like in canon before he takes him, turns him human and erases wukongs memories of himself and mk. either way he does erase himself from wukongs memories.
i dont have a lot for this au but i do know season 4 and 5 would be one hell of an emotional roller coaster for everyone, the scroll giving hints that mk isnt human and somehow related to wukong but not clear on the how. im honestly leaning towards mk being taken as a baby and wukong believing he didnt survive childbirth and the scroll itself showing mk the wukong has a baby that "died", instead of being shown the rock. technically he could be shown that in either version i choose to use. but if i choose this option i feel like wukong would start piecing things together a lot quicker then in canon, cause an 18-20 year old kid shows up being able to use the staff and with all his powers 18-20 years after the baby he had "dies", i think that would raise a lot of flags for him and would have him talking to PIF(whos memories of the birth would have also been tampered with) to figure if they have any actaul inconsistencies in the memories of that day.
then theres the option of mk being taken when hes 2 and wukong having all memories of anything to do with him taken, and never questioning why this random kid has his powers, and then mk is shown the scene with wukong and a baby, a baby thats very clearly not a normal monkey(something the scroll doesnt show wukong himself) and when he brings it up wukong is confused because hes never interacted with babies that werent part of the troop. this one also has PIF helping wukong through the birth of his child. but since mk wasnt taken until he was 2, her memories wouldnt be tampered with so she would remember where wukong doesnt, and wukong knows himself well enough that if he ever had a child theres only one person that he would trust to help him, so he would go to her and explain what was seen and what he doesnt remember.
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bagelorsomethingwhatever Ā· 3 months ago
ok so most of us know the salt route right? i wanted to try and rewrite it!!
first of all, no hate to the original salt route and its creator, beabigshot!! i just wanted to rewrite it so it was a little more canon to spamtons character.
second of all, thanks for the help, @kwyt33 !!
last but not least, if you have some constructive criticism, post it in the comments! im very open to suggestions, and would love to hear thoughts and concepts :]
first of all, you can ONLY do this route after you have completed the snowgrave route at least once
so when you meet spamton there should be an act called 'Proposal' and basically you (ironically) mention a ring
spamton gets curious believing that kris has their OWN commemorative ring and hes. interested
maybe theres a dialogue section where he goes like "[Commemorative Ring]? KRIS I DIDN'T KNOW YOU [Had to do it to them]!?" and most people just go on with the fight and yknow move on
if you keep bringing it up and ignore all of spamtons deals he goes "FINE!! F1NE!!!!!" and the battle ends
"YOU WANNA CALL [Shots]!? THEN CALL [Shots]!! MABY YOU [Aren't Serious!?] ABOUT BEING MY [1000th Customer]!!!"
and he leaves to his shop
if you go to his shop, you can see spamton looking annoyed that his shop is seeming sealed off by a strange cluster of white crystals (salt)
if you ignore him, he wont pop up again in the routeĀ 
(id like to think the salt is the saltiness/anger of a gamer or something. :3)
if you interact, "KRIS!!! YOU DID [Came to see little old me..?] I KNEW YOU [Were talking out of your]"
and you have two dialogue options, much like snowgraveĀ 
Let's get big and Talk business
if you choose let's get big, you go on the normal path and the salt melts
if you choose talk business spamton will say "ALLLL1RIGHT! LET'S <[Discuss]."
it fades to black, and then afterwards
"I KN3W YOU HAD THE [[Light]]!!! SWEET [Freedom Sauce] WILL BE OURS!!!!!!"
(cue spamton laugh)
Spamton has joined your party!
and so it begins
in a battle, spamton has no special options (atm) what so ever, so you can just fight how you want
when you walk where you're supposed to find noelle, she isnt there, and queen is instead.
"KRIS!!! I N33D TO [Skedaddle] BEFORE TH4T [Hochi Mama] SPOTS M3!!!]" spamton hides in the alleyway.
queen talks about kris being her willing peon and how noelle finally accepted but you can choose to decline
if you decline she says something like "That's Fair" with her visor showing the word "Ouch"
queen runs off, and spamton follows again
you can choose to go back and try to attack the enemies like the snowgrave, but spamton will have some choice words about that once out of the first battle;
"WOAH W0A H [[W o a h]] KRIS!!! WHAT THE [4.99] ARE YOU DOING YOU [slime] I AM N0T THE [Hochi Mama] [That you know and] [Hyperlink Blocked]!!!!"
if you continue back tracking, spamton will get the attack DEAL [Shock] which spamton will imitate noelles spell casting sprite and a pipis will drop on the enemies head. it does little damage
___ This paragraph is not required to continue with the salt route, and is 100% for fun
Once you meet the cars, spamton will talk about how he used to sell them, getting a small moment of vulnerability with spamton
"A [Cungedero]...? I USED TO. I USED TO. I USED TO... [Hyperlink Blocked].. KEEP MOVING."
you dont have to press the button to stop the cars, if you walk in the road the cars will move around spamton and avoid him. they dont want a nasty ass trash man fucking up they paint job
everything goes as normal from then on until you run into the ferris wheel poster.
"[Aaahh..] YES. [Farris] WHEELZ. WHEN I WAS A [Big Shot] I WOULD ALWAYS [Run on down to] THAT [Hellish] PLACE TO [Vacation] IN [acrophobia]."
[ ... ] [ā™” Are you scared?]
and the dialogue ends.
if you try to go where the addison is, spamton will refuse
"WHAT!? WHAT!!!? [Ad Blockers]?! ME!? NO! NO! NO! NO! [NOOOOoooo...]!!!! KRIS. KRIS!! WE CAN'T [Press Enter to]!!!??"
if you continue trying, spamton will continue to plead not to go in. if you do it three times, you will enter
spamtons sprite will have dark glasses instead of pink and yellow
the interaction will go as normal, until you walk away
(because spamton was hiding behind kris, the addison didnt see him until then)
A: "..Spamton?"
S: "..."
S: "DON'T [Press X to interact] ME. KRIS!! KRIS!!! KEEP WALKING!!! KEEP. WALKING."
A: "I haven't seen you in so long! How have y-"
S: "DON'T YOU [Sweet Talk] ME!?!"
A: "Spamton, I- I didn't mean to abandon you! It- it was all their idea-"
S: "NO. NO. NO. KRIS. Go."
[Stay]Ā  Ā  [ā™” Confront]
once in the battle, the addison doesnt ever attack spamton, only targetting kris
if kris is down, the addison will not hurt spamton either way
if you try to get spamton to attack, he will, but no matter what you try, he will do as little damage as possible
what you have to do to kill the addison and move on with the route is get spamton to talk to the addison and lower their guard. so basically you are setting up the addison for being spared but hah. we dont do that here, so once they are at 100 spare percent you fucking kill them!
You got the empty ring.
Empty ring; It's empty and almost useless.
S: "...WOW...! KRIS. THAT WAS [Highly Unnecessary]!!!!! LET'S [never] DO THAT AGA1N!!!!"
[ā™” I did it for you.] [I won't do it again.]
S: "REVENGE IS [Sweet... Succulent...]..."
something i forgot to mention about the mouse traps, each mouse door is blocked by salt, so they cannot escape. and the one with the laser? well..
"KRIS!! THE [[Maus]] IS [[Block this Url?]]!!! HOW ARE WE-"
[ ā™” Keep going.]
"YOU [[Little Sponge]], WE CAN'T GO-"
[ ā™” Keep going.]
with enough pushing, you shove spamton to the laser, he spazzes through it, taking a bit of damage and then pressing the button. spamtons sprite loses its smile for a few frames, before going back to normal without another word
moving forth to where you do the puzzle with noelle
you and spamton both hear a scream and the camera pans to noelle being frightened by a maus. it runs away and she sighs
she notices kris, and runs over, saying hello to kris and saying how she got lost.
she pauses once noticing spamton, and before she even says anything, spamton goes "[Angel], DON'T TRUST [[Anyone]], OKAY?!???"
noelle, not understanding spamtons cryptic message, quietly asks kris if they have a new dog, referring to spamton.
spamtons sprite changes into a glare/squint for a few frames.
noelle joins your party after some conversation about trying to find susie, and that she ended up running out of the mansion, and got completely lost.
you cannot decline noelle joining.
you come across the trash area, and kill all the enemies (popups) around, NOT utilizing noelles ice shock, and only making spamton attack
after you kill everything and make your way to where you fight berdly, noelle runs off on her own, explaining that she remembers where to go from there, and runs off.
spamton stops kris from going forth, questioning why they only made him attack and kill everything
if you tell him it was to get stronger, spamton seems mildly angered, going on to say how the angel could've done the dirty work for you, not him
he then stops you once more going on about how he's starting to think you are lying to him about having a way to get his neo form without troubles. (yes, that's what you had originally talked about with spamton. but as the player, you are only finding out about this now.)
after spamton is done talking, you have two options.
[ ā™” I'm doing this for you.] and [ ā™” I'm doing this for me.]
you are unable to choose the second option.
spamton seems unsure, but keeps sticking with you incase. he doesn't have anything to lose anyways, does he? :)
[notes from bagel: i think spamtons attacks would be like. the ones he uses on you but it uses like 60tp its so tedious. hes trying to get you to STOP fighting with him. it does alot of damage, but it takes a while to get up to. ALSO.. if you have the devilsknife, spamton will frequently wonder where you got your weapon in battle
like as flavor text; spamtons face scrunches back repulsively as he lays eyes on your weapon.
spamton glitches wildly while staring at your weapon. spamton glares at your weapon.]
so after some short walking, you come across the man hole.
spamton says "K-" and before he even finishes, you grab onto his arm, and jump in. he makes a shocked little voice blip noise.
you appear infront of the mansion. spamton follows you to the very front of the mansion, and then runs back to the man hole, trying to get back into it.
1. [ ā™” Follow me.] (You tell Spamton that you will help him into the mansion.)
Outcome; Spamton will settle on the first ending and will be given his neo form, help you through the castle as thanks, and then you can seal the fountain immediately after Spamton compliments you for actually sticking with your word. (Spamton is left behind)
2. [ ā™” Do this.] (You tell Spamton to revert into the Dealmakers so you can carry him without him being spotted.)
Outcomes; (1) Spamton settles on the second ending. You carry him with you and seal the fountain, dropping him off at castle town. (2) If you have the Devilsknife out the whole time instead, he and Jevil will be dropped off at castle town. These two can have specific dialogue with eachother depending on certain circumstances.
3. [ ā™” Come here.] (You grab Spamtons hand and walk him with you yourself.)
Outcome; Spamton will settle on the first ending. You get him into his Neo body, and you seal the fountain afterwards, leaving him behind.
if you try to go to the top of the mansion without going to the basement, spamton will not let you, taking a little hp off of you (15) if you try.
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anxiousandpessimistic Ā· 2 months ago
Odysseus: I'm texting Penelope, i'm gonna ask het to dinner. How should i say it "Let's get dinner" or do you wanna get dinner" ? Athena: Go with "Let's get dinner" so you sound assertive and confident Odysseus: For sure Hera: Actually no cause now you sound a little aggressive Hades: Cause you don't wanna be the kinda guy who's like " LETS GET DINNER" like some sort of caveman Ares: You're supposed to ask her to dinner, not tell her to dinner Circe: Just say " do you wanna get dinner?" Odysseus: Perfect Hermes: Actually wait, now you sound kinda like a pussy Odysseus: This is tough Apollo: The last thing you wanna be is like that overly masculine guy who's like " lets get dinner,on the breadwinner bitch" Aphrodite: Women also love assertiveness Aeolus: Say "Dinner would be something i would enjoy taking you to, if you are also interested in attending the meal Eurylochus: The more words the better Zeus: Wait, say " I would like nothing more, than to take you to the finest restaurant in town, for a lovely meal that we call dinner Odysseus: Should i send that in a voice memo? Calypso: FUCK THAT. Say " Dinner tonight, take it or leave it BITCH" Cause she's playing games Polites: Sign it, seal it, deliver it Telemachus: I dont know why boys are so difficult all of the time Odysseus: I'm not gonna say that Penelope: Definitely don't say that
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ezlo-x Ā· 1 year ago
Post totk Zelda talking to Link abt her creazy adventures 200k years in the past and she goes ā€œNo Link cause low-key. I kinda hate how Rauru just gave me no other choice but to become a dragon yknow? Like he really thought he was the main character out of all this like my brother in Hylia (if she even exists anymore) this dude named Ganondorf seems pretty devious if I say so myself. But maybe itā€™s just me-maybe but if someone came from the far future and told me not to trust a person who seems to have bad intentions and also that person from the said future has gone through a calamity where they both got almost the same name (allegedly). uhmmm!!! I would trust the person from the future i dont know!!!! Idk like he kept pushing me to side and then my new mom got killed by Ganondorf. And then Ganondorf blames Rauru for it and ngl like I donā€™t want to sound like a Ganondorf apologist(tm) but he was kinda right, but if he would JUST LISTEN TO ME. ALSO ALSO I mentioned your name once ONCE oh btw before my mom Sonia died btw I mention your name ONCE LINK. And this dude was like ā€œheā€™s our only hopeā€ LIKE BRO HE IS ONE MILLION YEARS INTO THE FUTURE HOW ARE WE GOING GET HIM. And he wouldnā€™t shut up abt you, REMEMBER WHEN WE MET GANONDORF FOR THE FIRST TIME AND HE WAS ALL UGLY AND CRUSTY AND CALLED US BY OUR FULL GOVERNMENT NAME???? YEAH IT WAS CAUSE OF RAURU. I GET ME. Cause I actually travelled to the past unlike you dweeb (teasing). And then I was there when we fought the Demon King (ganondorf if you forgor Link) and Rauru seals him with like his magic arm that he gave you AND THEN HE CALLS YOUR FULL GOVERNMENT NAME RIGHT THEN AND THERE I WAS JUST LIKE šŸ§ā€ā™€ļøHELLO??? SO NOW I AM ALONE I GUESS AND THEN YOU BRING THE MASTER AND-ā€œ and then Link abruptly goes ā€œWho the FUCK is Sonia??ā€
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thelunarfairy Ā· 4 months ago
Hi there! This is probably a stupid question, but it's been bugging me for a while.
My question is about the very beginning of the series, when Hanako swallows the mermaid scale to make Yashiro (mostly human)
He explained to her before that the scales are called matchmaking scales because they not only link souls, but they share the curse together. And that she would still have some fish-like traits when splitting the curse between two people.
So here's my question: If Hanako is able to lessen the effects of the curse by swallowing the scale, does that mean he may also have fish-like traits too? I know this is never shown or mentioned, and the most likely answer is it had no effect on him because he's an apparition. But since swallowing the scale still linked their souls and lessened the effects on Yashiro, I can't help but feel that the curse must've become split between them so that Yashiro could become human, and Hanako has some traits from it that he doesn't show.
But what do you think? If this question/theory sounds stupid, plz ignore haha. I really enjoy your content and wanted your perspective on this, as you're great with deciphering all the mysteries of tbhk. So I dont want to waste your time. Either way, thanks for reading!!
Hello!!! ohh dear, it's not a stupid question, it's okay, your question is quite interesting and I thought a lot about this issue with Hanako, they share the mermaid curse, but why isn't Hanako directly affected like Nene?
I never talked about this on the blog because I had no clue initially how this would coherently connect with any deduction, but now we have a glimpse of what might be happening.
The mermaid is a very important factor here, besides her sealing their destinies, this connection between them allows Nene to see Amane's past and even future, in addition, the connection of fate must do something very important in both of their lives, it can completely change his destiny (as it did once).
This importance of the scale and the mermaid's connection suggests that it is extremely important to the overall story, so, considering this, how can Hanako lessen the effect of Nene's curse?
I've been wondering lately if the entity has any direct connection to the mermaid, because everything that involves the entity is related to water.
In the red house, you see those sacrificed souls on the other side of the window asking Mitsuba and Kou to escape, and we see air bubbles coming out of their mouths, suggesting that they were submerged in water.
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Just like we saw a fish once when Kou was there with little Tsukasa.
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The entity is also known as the "creature of the well", since it apparently lived there.
So, we have Amane with tentacles on his face, once again implying that it is an aquatic creature.
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So, in short, there is a possibility of a connection between this entity and the mermaid. Maybe Hanako is already cursed because of the entity, but since the entity has the ability to change shape,
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Hanako can probably hide it or deal with it better than Nene.
Inside Hanako we see tentacles, something theoretically harder to hide than Nene's scales.
In addition, Nene becomes a small fish, while Hanako is with the entity, a very powerful creature that could simply remove or camouflage the mermaid's curse easily, that is, if he is affected by it.
I still think about this "matchmaking scales" part. I have doubts if Hanako did it on his own or if it was something planned by him and Tsukasa to use Nene and make that wish come true.
I still wonder if he can really remember Nene from the past or not.
Anyway, little by little the connection with the mermaid is making sense.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!! Awww how sweet!!! you are so kind!!! you made me happy!!! It was fun talking about this, thanks for the question!!!
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