#i done got tagged
goldendivinewrath · 2 months
Muse Aesthetic/Preferences Meme which came out like an interview
Double-tagged *gasp* by: @nothinglikegod and @typhoonvash, thank you! Feel free to steal/consider yourself tagged!
Character: Ha, would you believe I'm just a normal guy..? Totally boring, not worth your time. You can call me Vash, though. (Am I still calling him Shitstorm? Yes, yes I am.)
Place: Hard to pick the best patch of sand, you know? Ha ha, really though, a nice inn. Comfy bed, close to a bakery, preferably. No wanted posters anywhere in the building very preferably...
Fruit: Mmm, I like strawberry-flavored things, but they aren't really strawberry-strawberry-flavored. It's a fruit I like in fruit form too! Uh, oranges are nice. Peaches? Super great. Maybe I just like fruit...
Thing: Oh! I got this neat little key chain thingie with a black cat on it! It's, uh... it doesn't do anything and I don't have any keys, but it's cute.
Animal: I feel like I gotta say cats now.
Hobby: Getting out of trouble isn't much of a hobby, is it... I mean, I do it a lot. Sometimes I'm even good at it!
Outfit: Ah, a lot of boring old black I guess, huh. But also a big vibrant splash of red! And blue. Primary colors and I get along, what can I say.
Song: "This'll Never Be Like Love". I, ah. Just. Picked it at random. Songs, huh? (Admittedly I pulled up the playlist and hit random and got punched in the chest for it. Lyrics here. Yeah.)
Color: Oh, I like red! And, uh, we established primary colors already, but... green too. And purple, and-- All colors? Lots of colors together are kinda nice. I mean I like blue sky, too. And all the little distant flickering stars at night... I guess a lot of things turn out kinda orange for me usually though, right?
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If You Were a Deity, What Would You Be the God of?
wisdom and knowledge
intelligent and trusted, there is rarely a soul who doesn’t hear and value your voice. you act as a guiding light in an array of situations. calm and wise, you offer the deepest and sincerest insights regarding the world’s problems.
Tagged by: @areapermostcapricious (Thank you!) Tagging: The total cop-out of Whoever wants to do this and tag me!
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turtleblogatlast · 18 days
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Leo learns something about himself 🏳️‍⚧️
Based roughly on this old post.
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[Leo is taking the fact that he was born biologically female simultaneously very well and also not so well but overall he’s mostly coping with the fact that it was Draxum that just essentially gave him the turtle equivalent of ‘The Talk’.]
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#trans leonardo#trans leo#rottmnt headcanons#turtle art tag#rise draxum#happy pride everyone~#if you’re wondering why there’s no backgrounds that’s because my files got messed up so just blankness in the bg sorry#but yeah!#this is forever and always my fav headcanon for Leo it makes too much sense to me#I wanted to make sure I got it done in time for pride haha#I don’t know if it’s obvious by the end but Draxum ran off because he was for once doing something nice for Leo#that being leading him somewhere else not in front of everyone so Leo can process the fact that he was born female in peace haha#(but he also just - wanted to avoid the ensuing awkward Talk as long as he could lol)#“how would Leo NOT know’’ he had an inkling but never thought much of it because he’s a teenage turtle mutant with no access to healthcare#also yeah that’s splinter’s hand at the end there I just KNOW he’d want those pics#also also - Leo here can technically be trans or even intersex in some way too#both is good#making this made me remember why I never do color#at least for comics#it just takes sooo long#but it was fun and worth it for my fave hc#this is like the first time I’ve drawn Draxum and man he’s kinda hard to draw#also their sizes are just 1 2 and 3 because Draxum had a simple system in place for sizing his subjects#(aka I was too lazy to think of anything else to put there)#also dunno if anyone noticed but look at Raph’s paper and look at his baby’s self’s photo
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neosatsuma · 4 months
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mawguai · 6 months
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I want to go back and talk to you
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b0tster · 3 months
the dmv forced me to wear Normal Girl Makeup™ for my new id photo. dystopian.
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📸 @pommycore
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crowiin · 1 year
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Putting him in a blender
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Disclaimer: only actual named files with actual pieces of writing are included here, and only on the fanfic side of things.  There are... multiple snippets of different things from different fandoms sprinkled throughout a couple of other files, but who knows what’ll happen with those.  As for these, some of them are... 10+ years old, but it took me 16 years to get back to music, so don’t give up on me yet alright.  ...Pretty sure one fandom’s obvious enough, but the rest might be a surprise.  Yes I do still hope to do a drabble request thing soon, I swear.  There are... some things I might want to try writing for, after all.
Tagged by: @tenshinokorin (Thank you!)
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS 
anywayheres deicide ifitbleeds irreconcilable neverbetter obligations plannedobsolescence poppoppop programdick thefear trecherous wenevermet youthgonewild
Tagging: ...okay none of the people I wanted to tag will allow Tumblr to tag them, thanks Tumblr, so I guess I’ll just pull an ANYONE CURRENTLY WRITING WHO WANTS TO DO THIS and call it good.
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salamispots · 2 months
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a rug hook commission for @stickynotebirds! :O (who also drew the original sketch/design and I tweaked it a little bit)
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mh2o29 · 3 months
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tfw you have to call your girlfriend's house to talk to her girlfriend (who is also your boyfriends girlfriend) so you can get your boyfriend released from jail...
(click for better quality PLEASE I beg you)
under the tab are other versions of the drawing so click if you wanna see him with no shirt on .....wait what who said that.....
yall i don't even know how to explain this one i was possessed and controlled by the urge to draw stu macher all pretty and posed like this,,,, so i like when men are pretty SUE ME
credits to @atitanbitch for the idea to include Sid and Tatum in the little bubble and @powderedbleach for reminding me about THE ROBEEEE OH and ofc @harleykeenervarient for sending me the photo reference I used in the first place yall rock <3
included below are alternate versions of this drawing that I was having some fun with mwuahaha that includes no shirt, no shirt plus some ~shweed~ and also ofc trans version bc cmon
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alright thats all for now.... thats my cue to slink back into the void until I return with another art drop BYEEEEEE
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spellbird · 1 year
"Illumination Legend of Zelda isn't real, it can't hurt you!"
Illumination Link:
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kekisu · 6 months
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get out of that dusty attic and have a sleepover with your sister idiot
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What Were Your Hands Meant to Do?
Maybe there aren’t any gods, but you can build your own world. You are driven, but for what? For something to calm the storm in your mind, or to shake the world with your own thunder? Endlessly searching for answers only our own reflections can tell you. You long for people in eras after this to see the scratches you left, and you love the ones left from ages past. When you taste spice, you savor it. You want to climb to the top of the world and scream ‘I was here!’. You are wind, its endless flow, its eternity, the way it turns itself into song.
Tagged by: @steeleidolon Thank you! Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this, especially other Sephs because I... I need to know how common this is fg;dkglfdg
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clownshrooms · 1 month
happy pride to everyone who uses "contradictory" labels. mspec lesbians, mspec gays, lesbigays, gaybians, velaurians, lesboys, turigirls, boygirls and girlboys, oriented aro/aces, cistrans ppl, and everyone else i didn't mention <3
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dragondawdles · 8 months
this has taken me SO long. Hi. has youtube link aswell
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artbribery · 1 year
Danny is summoned but tells each different summoner that he is a different being. 
He just gets fed up with it and says:
“No, I'm actually the fairy godmother and you don’t qualify as cinderella, unless you’re a young girl who wants to go to the ball, are you?” 
“Sorry, I’m a genie and I just lost my lamp, very sorry, didn’t rub the bottle, no wishes for you.”
“For the last time, I am not the ghost king, the lines on the summoning circle are all wrong, see, that right there means I am not of the ghostly category, I’m actually- yeah you got shit calligraphy Chad, will you let me finish I’ve been planning this one for a while--”
“So yeah I’m the easter bunny, what, you think the easter bunny has to be a bunny just because of the name? Not everyone gets an obvious name”
“I’m Batman” 
This last one probably backfires one day when he gets summoned into a cultist’s basement in front of the tied up Literal Batman and he goes double dare on the death by embarrassment by saying that one is a fake and how dare they, for shame, this poor cosplayer--
He was summoned into the Watchtower by the JL. Danny is wearing a spacesuit costume and goes “Uh.. Houston, we have a problem.” 
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