#i don't wanna trigger you or anyone else
ratbastarddotfuck · 1 year
Hahaha ohhhhhh i really am going to have to talk to my doctor about ocd now, all this shit can't just be written off as Big Depression anymore
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kindacreepy-kindaugly · 6 months
I mean I'm not goin back to him I'm not(!!!) but at this point I got no idea why
Literally just screaming into the fucking void
He already broke me to the point where all the shit he's said are my only core beliefs n even if I try to shut down the voice in my head repeatin it all I still believe every damn word
So no matter how long I cut him off for it's always there just the same. But no one else can always be there to make it go away. W/ him I at least go from a total waste of oxygen to the one thing I'll ever be any good for. It's an upgrade I can almost live with.
So what's the point? What do I or anyone gain from me stayin away?
I've been tryin so fucking hard n it's just not getting any easier. I don't know where to put all this fucking self loathing, I can't keep pouring it onto other people. I always need to keep so damn much inside n some of it still spills out n that's already bordering on too much. I don't wanna be a burden. I know everyone is, to some extent, but not like this. Not all the time. Plus they have something to give in return, I only have things no one else wants, just Val's happy to take em if offered.
I still feel the pull all the fucking time. It's like the chain he used to have around my neck but I know he's not doin the pulling, he doesn't care if he has me or not anymore. It's all me now. I'm the one who keeps wanting to go back. The rational part of me is screaming no cause I know he'll just hurt me n find new ways to cut even deeper but. What's left that he hasn't already done?
Maybe this time he'll make the feelings n the noise go away. Maybe this time he'll make it all quiet.
#i know i can't expect anyone else to save me that's something i'm supposed to do myself but#what if i can't? i don't know how to#best i've managed is a somewhat stable daily life but that relies on practically zero triggers n i don't actually get anything done ever#there's no progress. none. it's just me drowning out the noise w/ distractions n booze#everyone i see struggling w/ this shit that's made actual progress has made it w/ the type of healing experiences i can't seem to find#n cause it's all just pseudomemories n shit we can't really even unpack it in therapy cause it doesn't rly get to the real causes#it's always just 'have you had experiences in real life where someone made you feel like this?'#i don't know!! we don't have our actual trauma memories!!!#i just. i wish i didn't need so goddamn much more than what's reasonable to ask of anyone.#i wish i wasn't wired so completely fucking wrong i can't have those needs met#i wish i wasn't so fucking worthless. only ever barely keepin my head above water.#i tried to list any skills/positive traits/things i like about myself n the only thing i could come up w/ is i give great head#n i guess the way i'll let you act out any fucked up fantasy on me if you don't mind that i cry or dissociate#but i don't have anythin else to give. my body's all i have to offer n it's not even a very good one anymore#i still wish someone would use it. make me feel like i still have a use. give me some way to make up for even fucking existing#i guess i was doin some good back when i still let val take all his aggressions out on me so he had an outlet aside from doll#i'd be ok w/ him just usin me but he's always so fucking cruel about it.#i really really really wanna cut but he'd be so fucking angry i'm scared of what he'd do#i just. can't someone just fucking use me. do whatever you want to my body n tell me i'm not a waste of space cause i make you feel good#tell me i'm a good boy#spdrvent
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ozlices · 1 year
i wish i could be like "people with victim complexes dni" because at this point it's just infuriating how often we gotta deal with that kinda shit when we bust our ass to remain polite and civil as we're actively invalidated and treated like shit while we're openly unstable and dealing with the darkest year of our life. needless headache, man.
#mine#people really put a needless extra layer of pressure & strain on us#& we literally don't even fucking retaliate. we just VERY POLITELY say that it's hurtful to pull that crap on us#when we're clearly in a very bad vulnerable way. & then they turn around & demonize us#& go so ridiculously far like... bruh. i cant anymore.#idk how much longer anyone else in the system is gonna be able to keep holding me back when this has happened to us REPEATEDLY too damn muc#like fuck watching my host go through such brutal depression & having it fueled for no fucking reason i wanna start biting people#we literally fucking say PLEASE and THANK YOU and are so fucking stupidly polite when it is frankly not even deserved#but we're so paranoid abt this exact shit happening and it still does any fucking way like holy shit#talk about not fucking being able to win no matter what.#i need people with victim complexes to just fuck off and leave us alone because i will not be able to keep holding back#like if it gets to a point where it starts triggering me out so fucking be it im not holding back anymore. yall can eat my shit.#these people literally watch a mentally unstable person absolutely wail in agony then make their pain about them#and how we aren't doing enough FOR THEM during such a hard time.#but then also turn around and say that if we acknowledge we're being hurt by their behavior WE'RE the one#who has a victim complex and makes everything about us like oh my god. kindly get over yourself and fuck off fuck you fucking bullshit FUCK#ANYWAY#IDEK WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO WITH OURSELVES TODAY TO ENSURE LUNS DOESNT FRONT IM ANGRY#AND I HAVE TO CALL IN OUR MEDS. GODDAMMIT BEING A PERSON BULLSHIT
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reserwrekt · 2 years
Went to a new mental health place yesterday. It's been weeks of phone calls and waiting. I mentioned I've been struggling with executive dysfunction enough that it's ruining my life. Explained I don't leave my apartment for weeks at a time. Explained I don't leave my room much less, bed.
The caseworker has been chronically late for our phone calls but this place strictly expects me to adhere to their appointment times.
I got tired when caseworker was 2 hours late for a phone call. Got depressed that I was forgotten about. Continued misgendering.
I told her I didn't answer the call that day.
She got offended and accused me of not wanting help. As if I didn't exhaust myself to get here.
Mental health facilities here suck.
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alexlwrites · 7 months
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𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐬
✿𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: OT7 x Plus Size! Reader
✿ 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: "What was so outrageous about someone like you, you asked yourself and the universe. You had tried your best to compensate for any shortcomings with everything else that was expected of you: femininity, understanding, a sense of humor. Never enough, those were never even the first thing that came to mind when people thought of you.
Why bother then? If nothing you did made any difference at all, why try? If people hated your body just for existing, why not give them a reason to hate your personality as well?"
The one where seven campus princes who are used to getting everything they wanted get enchanted by your distrust and brattiness, climbing over each other to get a smile from you who could not be bothered to give them a single second of your day.
✿ 𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒔:  Romance, Humor, Fluff, Angst, College AU
✿ 𝑨/𝑵: I wanna leave this here as sort of a trigger warning: this work features a plus size main character and throughout the story there will be mean comments from characters about her body and her journey dealing with said comments. A lot of it comes from my own experience as a (now ex-ish) plus size girl myself and my path to living peacefully within my body. And although this work is about Y/N's relationship with the boys, I like to think that she still would've continued to grow and blossom happily on her own. Let this be something you learn from this fic, as I say right on the first chapter: You don't have to love the way you look right away, you just can't let it stop you from doing the things you want and, in a greater scale, from being happy and treated with respect.
Thank you for reading <3
P.S: Red daisies, like many red flowers, represent love and romance. Florists often use them to communicate affection to someone who doesn’t know how beautiful they are—a.k.a. beauty unknown to the possessor. 
(Fanfic masterlist)
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
The pattern in your relationships - if you could call them that - was tiring, to say the least. Once, they might have been soul crushing, but time and repetition took away the novelty of your pain and now the endgame was a mild, resented disappointment.
It started with kindness and a gentle smile, mainly from your part. You treated anyone who gave you any smidgen of attention with the utmost sweetness, hoping your energy would be matched. And sometimes it was, for a while. Sometimes you got to be on the receiving end of a blinding smile or a casual touch and you allowed yourself to hope - no, pray -that that could be it. That someone, some modern day knight in shiny armor , saw through your looks and decided that you were deserving of love, despite societal norms,
But men had a way of setting you up for disappointment. A talent, truly.
You were tired, you decided that night. No, beyond that, you were exhausted, scarred, bitter, hopeless, resentful… You could keep going. You could list every bad feeling you had been carrying in your chest by alphabetical order or by how badly they hurt and honestly you just wanted it to stop.
Would you have to change everything about your body to be happy, you wondered watching the boy you had been seeing for a few weeks make fun of you in front of his circle of friends at the party you were both at. Would you never be allowed to be happy just the way you were?
Would you have to change everything about your body to be happy?
“Yeah, she’s nice” Junsuu said, winking suggestively at his giggling friends “if you know what I mean.” you felt your face heat up in humiliation at the renewed round of laughter “But we just don’t match, like, physically. You know, looks-wise.”
“Right” someone agreed way too enthusiastically, sending a spear through your heart “I really just can’t see you with someone like her.”
What was so outrageous about someone like you, you asked yourself and the universe. You had tried your best to compensate for any shortcomings with everything else that was expected of you: femininity, understanding, a sense of humor. Never enough, those were never even the first thing that came to mind when people thought of you.
Why bother then? If nothing you did made any difference at all, why try? If people hated your body just for existing, why not give them a reason to hate your personality as well?
“You’re right” you said out loud, drawing attention to yourself. Filled with hatred (for him, the world, the circumstances), your heart had no room to be mortified when all eyes turned to you “we don’t match.”
You watched as Junsuu’s eyes widened, clearly not expecting you to hear, much less reply “I am a big girl” you continued, words dripping with rage “And I know for a fact that there’s nothing big about you.”
You turned around to leave the room, cringing at the petty comeback, ignoring the murmurs and Junsuu’s panicked calls of your name. Walking fast, you fled the scene of the last heartbreak you would allow yourself to go through, deciding that a change was needed, but not the change everyone wanted from  you.
Despite the rumors, you didn’t turn into a huge bitch overnight, didn’t start kicking puppies or spitting on the poor. Truly, the only thing you did was establish boundaries and reevaluate the amount of respect some people deserved, but very quickly people started seeing you as some sort of villain, especially when they realized how little you cared for how they saw you. How disrespectful of you to not allow yourself to be disrespected, right?
At first, there was still an air of uncertainty about you - years and years of non-reciprocal niceties drilled into your brain, habits hard to quit. But the more you let go of those things, these tiny acts of self-aggression disguised as pleasantries and altruism, the lighter you felt; Your days became easier to get through, existing within your body felt less and less like a punishment. You had yet to reach an Instagram-worthy level of body positivity, but you had become accustomed to body neutrality. You didn’t have to love the way you looked right away, you just couldn’t let it stop you from doing the things you wanted and, in a greater scale, from being happy and treated with respect.
And respect you started to demand and much happier you became, living in relative peace and solitude - safe by a few close friends - up until your days started being pestered by seven headaches you could not seem to shake away.
Jungkook was the one that saw you first.
It was 3 weeks into the semester and he finally decided it was the perfect time to start going to classes, sitting in the back and only listening to about 25% of what was being said, mind floating towards more important subjects such as the package of ramen waiting for him at home. Only mildly interested in what the professor had to teach, he couldn’t help but to be startled when everyone started getting up from their seats to shuffle around the room. “What’s going on?” he asked the guy sitting next to him.
“Professor gave us a duo assignment.” the other man said, standing up “You're with Y/N.”
The guy just pointed towards you with his chin, redirecting Jungkook’s attention before leaving. You were sitting a couple rows further down, hunched over your little green IPad as you wrote something with impressive velocity. Jungkook walked over to you, already mentally going over what he would have to do to charm you into doing everything on your own “Y/N?” he called and you raised your head.
You were pretty, he noticed with satisfaction, all bright eyes and lovely features, curves everywhere he looked “Yes?”
“I’m Jungkook.” he extended his hand with a casual smirk “The professor put us together for this project.”
There had been a small, but pleasant and polite smile on your face up until he said those words, replaced by pursed lips and an arched brow. “Yes, I know. We’ve had classes together for over a year now and been partnered together before.”
Uh oh. “Right” he coughed awkwardly, fumbling under your hardened stare “so, about this project…”
“We will meet once a week,” you said, straightforward as you turned your eyes back to your sticker-filled IPad “I will go over the theme and split the work evenly, so give me your number and I can text you with what you’re supposed to do.”
“Woah, woah, asking for my number already?” he said in a flirting manner, sitting on top of your table so he could be directly in front of you.
“Would you prefer it if I emailed it to you?” you asked without looking up.
“Actually, I was thinking you could help me out a bit,” he placed his finger under your chin, raising your face towards him “you know I have soccer practice and…”
You pushed his hand away “Unless you’re playing at the World Cup, I can’t see how that would be more important than your studies, so you either do your part of the assignment or get an F in it, I don’t care. I won’t do all the work for you, Jeon. Not again.”
Again? Jungkook winced, trying to remember when you had met before. Surely he would remember getting his head bitten off by a snappy, pretty thing like you, wouldn’t he? Surely your attitude would stand out to him amongst all the sweetness and compliance he received just for existing and smiling.
“Here’s my number.” you gave him a piece of paper with your digits written in gel sparkly ink “Text me when you decide if you want to pass this class. Good day.” 
You looked down again, going back to your notes, signing that the conversation was over before he even had the chance to add anything more. He jumped off the desk and stepped away, looking back to see if you were looking at him, but there wasn’t a single glance from your part.
Shit. Shit. He actually did have to pass this class, otherwise his overbearing soccer coach would kick him off the team. He stared down at your number, wondering what he would have to do to get you to cut him a little slack and forgive him for absolutely forgetting about your existence. 
“Hey, this is Jungkook” the text from an unknown number said “looking forward to us working together. We should get dinner sometime, get to know each other better.”
You read over the text once more, willing your heart to slow down its beating. Sure, Jungkook was charming and handsome, but you had seen this dance before. He would talk his way into your good graces, making you laugh and giggle until you had a four thousand word essay done with both your names in it and your texts to him would go unanswered and unseen. 
This was not your first hurtful rodeo. You put your phone away, facing down, ignoring as the poor device vibrated itself off the table with the upcoming texts.
Meanwhile, across campus, Jungkook was fuming.
“Or breakfast. We should get breakfast. I know a great place.” he tried once again, but his message was left unread. Still, he persisted.
“I have a lot of great ideas for this assignment. Don’t you want to know them?” he texted, even though he didn’t have the faintest idea on what the assignment was even about.
“You know, it’s rude to leave a guy hanging.”
“How can we do this if you won’t even text me back?”
“I thought we were in this together.”
“You know, like High School Musical.”
He kept typing out absurdity after absurdity, hoping you would dignify one with an answer. He just needed one opportunity, one opening…
His text stopped going through.
“She blocked me!” he gasped out loud.
“Who?” his roommate, Taehyung asked from where he laid on their couch, feet up on the coffee table.
“This girl in my class. We have this project together and she blocked me!”
Taehyung sent a disbelieving look his way “Were you actually planning to do the work?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Obviously not.”
His friend rolled his eyes “Obviously not. So what’s your plan here?”
Jungkook didn’t answer, too busy looking for alternative ways to contact you. After a few minutes of research, he found your Instagram. You were cute, he noticed again, scrolling through your few posts, all relatively recent. You had a very specific style, a tasteful mix or dark and edgy with splashes of pink and bows, tight corsets under leather jackets that he couldn’t help but stare appreciatively, the flattering material clinging to your waist line and pushing your breasts up, exposing the soft freckled top of cleavage to his always hungry eyes. In your pictures, your eyes shone brightly, crinkling at the sides from your ever present smile and he could not understand why you hadn’t directed one of those to him. 
It was unsettling, to say the least, but he could not allow his annoyance to take over. He needed your help if he wanted to pass that class and if he had to use unconventional ways to get your attention, he would. 
And so, much like a little boy pulling at a girl’s braids, he started liking and spamming the comments of every single post you had.
There were whispers all around you, your worst nightmare.
You were at the school library, getting work done while drinking from your fourth cup of coffee, hands shaking due to caffeine and anxiety, your ever present friends. You tried to focus on your books and carefully written notes, but every word you could barely hear and every look you felt over your shoulder seemed to dig claws into your skin. You knew what they were saying. You heard it all the way from your dorm to your classes and couldn’t seem to escape them. 
“Did you see Jungkook’s comments on her pictures? What’s that about?”
“It’s not like there’s a lot to comment, is there?” 
“Maybe he thought it was someone else?”
“It’s probably a prank.”
“I bet he was hacked.”
Of course, why else would someone like Jungkook - a campus prince, popular soccer player, heartthrob - show interest in you? 
It hurt, but a small part of you still agreed with those mean spirited whispers. You closed your eyes, trying to even your breathing and will those thoughts away. You knew better, had learned better than to measure your value by how interested some boy was in you.
When you opened your eyes again, Jungkook was in front of you.
You barely had time to process his presence when the voices picked up volume, your skin prickling and eyes aching to remain dry. 
“What’s Jungkook doing with Fat Y/N?”
That word shouldn’t be as hurtful as it was - after all, it was just an adjective, just the current state of your body that served only to carry your thinking mind, your feeling heart. But people always said it like a curse, wielding it like a sword.
You closed your eyes again and when you opened once more, Jungkook was still there. Looking furious.
“What are they saying?”
“What they always said” you shrugged, avoiding his eyes by looking down at your papers.
Jungkook didn’t move for a while, hearing people pretend to whisper around you but it was clear that the motherfuckers wanted you to hear. Was it always like this for you, he wondered, watching as you focused on whatever book you had in front of you, hunched over with tense shoulders, your face a far cry from the luminescent one he saw on your Instagram, not a hint of that smile he wanted directed at him so unreasonably.
He couldn’t just stand there and watch you struggle to keep your posture. 
You felt him standing up and leaving more than you saw him. Good, you thought. He should leave, like everyone did, scared away by that one word that followed you around like a brand. He was probably embarrassed to be seen with you, you assumed bitterly, and there was no place in your life for people who didn’t want you proudly by your side…
Jungkook sat back in the chair in front of you and you couldn’t help but gape at the impressive bouquet of red daisies he extended towards you.
“Take it” he said, but you couldn’t move, could barely hear the furious voices around you over the roaring beat of your heart.
You… You had never gotten flowers. 
“Take it” he repeated “I almost got run over because of this, the least you can do is accept it.”
“Jungkook” you whispered, dumbfoundedly accepting the bouquet “what’s this?”
“People keep doubting I could be interested in you” he said and there was an edge to his tone you did not expect “maybe this could help clear up some rumors.”
“This is not your battle to fight” you held the flowers close to your chest carefully, looking up at him with distrust, unable to understand his motives “I’m used to this sort of thing and I don’t care about those stupid rumors.”
You were used to it? That just made Jungkook angrier. How could you be used to that sort of treatment? 
Jungkook was a lot of things - spoiled, a little lazy, sometimes a dick. But he wasn’t a bigot and he wasn’t about to stand around and let you become used to being disrespected if there was something - anything! - he could do about it “I like picking up fights”.
“Is this just pity?” you asked and he could see walls around you that stood thousands of feet tall “Is this because of that stupid assignment? Because I’m not going to do all the work just because you got me some flowers…” 
He raised his hands and smiled at you “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll do my work” he said, a new goal in mind as he saw you recoil from him with eyes filled with wariness like a suspicious kitten “You said once a week, right? How’s friday for you?” 
You still clung to your bouquet like a lifeline “That works, I guess.”
“Great!” he clapped loudly, standing up and catching the eye of those around him “I’ll see you around, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me sweetheart” you mumbled, but he pretended not to hear as he crossed the table around to your side, quickly leaving a kiss to your heated cheek before you had the chance to react.
“Alright, sweetheart, I’ll see you around” he said, making sure everyone in the library could hear him “do me a favor and unblock me, ok?”
You flipped him off, both for stealing a kiss and that stupid nickname, but he just laughed it off.
“That’s my girl” he said and the library erupted in renewed whispers.
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𝐌𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧! 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝
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[Red Daisies taglist: @purplelady85 ]
[Permanent taglist: @imknewattis ; @dreamamubarak ; @onlythebest-106 ; @betysotelo18 ; @havetaeminforbreakfast ; @uno7 ; @chimchimmarie ; @anaya123world ; @junecat18 ; @kayleefriedchicken ; @jkselcouth ; @ivrose21 ; @svnbangtansworld ]
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silantryoo · 6 months
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baek harin x reader
WARNINGS ; TRIGGER WARNING! heavy manipulation, love bombing, possessiveness, gaslighting, physical and emotional abuse, spoilers up to episode 8 of pyramid game
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your thoughts ran wild.
harin probably already knew. somehow, she always figured out what you were thinking, as if you were an open book. she could tell your worries and your fears by glancing at you.
you did well. you knew that she would be proud of you, but still...
you shook your head. now wasn't the time to be nervous.
smoke wafted around the baekyeon heiress as you approached her, her eyes drifting in the distance. in her hand, a cigarette, laced with gold and stuffed with toxins that harin always seemed to indulge herself in.
her head tilted towards you, a dull sparkle in her eye.
her voice was monotone, carrying out a sense of boredom that she only showed to a few others.
you watched her in all her beauty, the curls of the fog shaping the area around her. the heiress was stunning, and it always took you a couple seconds to reel yourself back to reality.
harin rolled her eyes as she approached you, tapping the side of her smoke as a warning.
instinctively, you straightened, your eyes wide as she smiled.
there was something so addictive about frightening you, something that was true genuine fear laced with an undying loyalty. you were impossible to replicate, a faithful dog waiting by her bedside.
you took a deep breath, inhaling the smoke through your nose. "i got ambushed by jaeun, suji, and them."
"i thought so." another puff of smoke exited her mouth. "did they mention anything?"
anything else?
you bit your tongue, your face ridden with guilt.
you were tired of the game, tired of getting hurt. as much as you yearned for harin's happiness, the exhaustion was getting to you. you just wanted one day to yourself, without eunbyeol and harin breathing down your back.
harin's eyes hardened, her gaze trained on you like a hawk. her pupils took in the sight; your quivering mouth, your avoidant stare...
she smiled.
"why don't i believe you?" harin clicked her tongue, pointing the end of her smoke near your cheek. "is it because you're lying to me?"
she knew. how did she know?
"no, i just..."
("join us.")
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you never questioned why class 1-5 were in the middle of nowhere.
the building was nice, decorated with marble columns and sleek white paint. the washrooms were clean, close by, and rarely messy except for the occasional tissue lying on the ground.
it felt as if you were purposely isolated, the twenty-four other girls in your class being the only ones in reach.
sometimes, you even forgot other classes existed.
"harin's a fucking bitch."
you paused. kim dayeon?
a girl like her wouldn't be caught dead in the library. there was no reason for her to be here, much less talk shit about the heiress of the entire school.
you kept your mouth shut as your thoughts wandered to the girl in question.
baek harin.
pretty, intelligent, soft-spoken. from what you've seen, all those things were right. you were always too shy to approach her, your thoughts clouded by the beauty that she held. from what you heard from others, she was the embodiment of niceness, going out of her way to lend others money with nothing in return (yet).
why would dayeon even say these things about her?
"god, you think she's all high and mighty." dayeon muttered, her feet shuffling as she paced back and forth. "that psycho probably wants us to worship the ground she walks on."
psycho? baek harin wasn't a psycho.
"a hierarchy game?" dayeon could already see it in her head. she had no choice but to agree at that moment, wanting to spare herself from her father later that day, but when harin had mentioned it... "is she demented?"
"pyramid game, dayeon." seo doah. that made sense as to why dayeon was here. "if you're gonna insult it, at least name it properly."
"shut it."
"you might also wanna check if anyone else is in the library." your throat ran dry as doah stood up, staring at you across the room. "right, y/n?"
you shot up, your eyes wide as dayeon stared at you. there was something in her eyes that was unfamiliar.
fear? what was she scared of? surely, it wasn't harin.
"fuck." your eyes widened at her words. never in your life would you have thought that the eccentric kim dayeon would swear like a sailor. "don't you dare say shit, you understand me?"
you shook your head, your body stiff. "i won't-"
"you don't know what the fuck is at risk here." dayeon's anger roared throughout the library, her fist shaking. dayeon wouldn't hit you... right? "open your mouth and i'll stitch it shut."
you nodded, trembling as you packed your things to leave.
"jeez, dayeon..." doah shook her head.
you stood up, your bag half open, and your textbooks barely inside. in your arms, you gathered everything that you could, arms shaking as you rushed out the room.
a spark of fear lighted up inside you when you saw daeyeon fingernails imbed themselves into the soft skin of her palm. the crescents swelled a bright red, and you knew that she wasn't joking.
she was gonna hurt you. was she gonna hurt harin as well?
you needed to get out of here, maybe even tell harin how insane and dangerous her friend seemed.
how was that even possible? how could someone like dayeon hold a rage inside themselves like that? you could understand it from that suck up, wooyi, but dayeon?
you stumbled slightly as you turned the corner, the books nearly falling out of your bag as you collided with someone. a strong, sculpted hand grabbed your elbow, electricity shooting up your arm.
that feeling...
"is something wrong?"
her breath smelt faintly of nicotine, her perfume - one you assumed cost at least a couple hundred dollars - blocking the scent enough to not register in your brain.
you bit your tongue. "no..."
"you can tell me, y/n-ah." your heart leaped at her words, a cloud of affection and care seemingly coating them. "i don't bite."
harin's smile seemed so soft and elegant, like the status she so desperately upheld. her eyes gleamed gently (and if you looked any closer, void of life) as her cheeks dusted in a costly blush.
don't snitch. you thought as her worried gaze peered into your soul. why should i protect dayeon?
you bit your tongue, your chest bursting with guilt at the thought of dayeon laying a finger on the heiress in front of you.
"dayeon..." you whisper as an eyebrow on her pretty face raised. "she, um, she might hurt you."
you waited for harin's face to shift into worry, into fear, into a normal reaction. you waited for her lips to part and ask 'why?', to ponder what your words truly meant.
instead, she laughed, as if the thought of dayeon hurting her was a part of some greco-roman comedy and not a tragedy.
harin let go of your arm, moving your hair out of your face as your eyebrows furrowed.
"so i'm guess you heard about my game as well?"
you nod. you had forgotten that those threats had stemmed from some game dayeon had mentioned.
a hierarchy game... a pyramid game.
"what do you think about it?" harin's eyes shone in a playful demeanor, full of curiosity and excitement. you couldn't fathom why or how she wasn't worried. "doesn't it sound fun?"
the air shifted around you as her irises seemed to blacken. a heavy burden settled on your chest as she face twitched into a smile, and you felt compelled - forced - to agree.
"it does," you chuckled awkwardly. "i guess."
a soft hum escaped her mouth, her eyes glancing at your face, taking in the fear that had shifted from dayeon to her. behind your eyes, she saw something... something exciting.
the heiress smiled.
"i hope you're in 'a' with me." you had no idea what she meant, but the thought of being near baek harin made the room spin. "it'll be lonely without you."
she stepped beside you, a gentle touch on your shoulder. her breath wafted close to your ear as she spoke with a stiff voice, one you wouldn't recognize as harin's.
"thanks for the heads up about dayeon." you shivered, a cool line shooting up your spine. "i'll deal with her."
she walked away as a deep pit in your stomach emerged.
deal with her?
you gripped your books tighter as you listened to the fading footsteps, and the soft "hello, can i speak to mr. kim? it's harin." in the distance.
you didn't know why, but somehow, you made the wrong decision.
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you were never scared of blood.
it was a liquid that flowed inside you and every person's body, just like how water seeped from the sky and into the ground. blood was a natural process, nothing more and nothing less.
but when you saw that knife, drenched from your classmate's fresh wound...
you shivered at the thought, while harin's soft hands fiddled with a strand of your hair.
"do you feel bad for her?" harin's smile never disappeared, not since the game started. it didn't disappear when crimson dripped onto the floor, either. "woori?"
her lifeless eyes bore into yours, jolts of electricity and fire rising throughout your fingertips and cheeks. her hand, close enough to feel your breath, paused as the rest of harin's body stilled.
all of her stopped, as if so curious about your thoughts that each cell of hers had to still.
"you can be honest." her breath laced in nicotine once more, her perfume no longer covering the overwhelming scent. "i wanna know."
woori was an 'f'.
being an 'a' yourself, you had the right to torture her, to manipulate and ridicule her.
you never did, leaving it up to dayeon to do whatever she pleased with her. part of you still felt bad for what happened earlier in the year, and each time you blinked, you remembered the heavy-handed bruises left on dayeon's face the day after you had told harin about the library incident.
you understood woori, though. the mental toll it must've taken, being bullied throughout the day, months on end without another student looking your way. telling the teachers only resulted in a beating at best, and at worst...
your eyes clenched tightly as your brain replayed that video.
"a little..."
harin chuckled, pulling her hand away and fishing out a cigarette.
"you saw her cut jaeun up." harin muttered through her smoke, her delicate fingers wrapped around the golden band.
you remember the marble on the classroom floor stained red in a way that you didn't think it would.
blood wasn't scary. fear was.
"i did."
"and you still feel bad." harin inhaled, smoke leaving her nostrils as she looked you up and down. "interesting..."
as of late, harin had been smoking around you more and more often. whether it be behind the shed or simply just the two of you in the library, clouds of smoke seemed to follow her, and in turn, you.
the first time it had happened, you had coughed violently, taken off guard as the heiress smiled. your tears were exciting to her, much like your overwhelming sense of loyalty clashing with your morality.
she had never met anyone who was so inwardly conflicted.
"did she really drop out, harin-ah?"
harin blinked, standing up from her chair as she snubbed the end of her cig on some random book cover in front of her. she threw the smoke onto the floor, grinding it with her heel. her eyes were cold, and dark, and you knew that you had messed up again.
you didn't cough this time around. she had no reason to be mad.
the heiress gathered her belongings, sparing not a single glance your way.
your heart skipped a beat.
"my name's harin." she glanced at you, unamused. "don't call me that again."
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seong suji.
the girl was nice, a little naive to the happenings of class 2-5. you could tell from a mile away that the girl wanted to stay low and let time pass its course, but you knew better than anyone that she had a target on her back.
everyone's attention had been on her from the moment whispers spread about a new girl transferring into the class. the moment she stepped into the room, you watched as harin's eyes lit up, and a fire blazed inside you.
you didn't know whether it was guilt or jealousy.
"are you stupid?" harin clenched her teeth as she hovered over you, her eyes hardening like coals under pressure. "telling the new girl about my game?"
suji didn't hear the predators hiding in the tall grass. she didn't see their eyes, nor did she notice their bloodlust-filled gazes, but she felt it, and there were only two people in her mind who seemed to lack the barbarity that lingered in the empty halls of the complex.
"look at me!"
your eyes snapped to harin's, anger exuding from her lips as puffs of smoke filled the air and ashes fell onto the ground.
you winced.
"harin..." you had never seen this side of her, not directed at you. you had always watched from the distance as opposed to being the target. "i just thought-"
"did you?" harin's lips curled in a way that could only be described as disbelief, your utter incompetence boggling her mind. "or are you just as stupid as your dropout brother?"
you winced, the low blow winding your self-esteem.
"she looked confused." you tried your best to reason with an iron wall. "i didn't want her to feel like-"
harin's eyes widened, and her usual curiosity morphed into an unfiltered rage.
"like who? woori? jaeun?" she exhaled another cloud, your face getting covered in smoke as you struggled to breath. "you're so fucking stupid."
you felt the heiress lean closer, the tip of the cigarette centimeters away from your cheek.
"i'm sorry."
"you're sorry?" harin could feel her blood boiling. everything was ruined. "i had a plan. you ruined it for me. you ruined my game, y/n."
you closed your eyes, trying to drown out the sharp words and the blanket of burden that harin enveloped you with.
you just wished harin would go back to being curious and playful, and leave you ignorant to the fact that deep down, she was the monster dayeon had implied many months ago.
with a weak voice, you tried to reason. "i didn't mean to..."
"you didn't-" harin backed away, ripping the smoke from her lips and into her fingertips. "give me your hand."
your eyes widened.
she grabbed your wrist with a surprising amount of strength. her nails dug into your arm, your teeth grinding together at the dull pain. the heat of the cigarette hovered over your palm as you struggled to pull back, and you couldn't help but choke out a strangled gasp.
"harin, wait-"
the smell of flesh burning invaded your senses as your arm shook from the pain. lightning seemed to replace your veins, as a fire replaced your blood. your vision fuzzed, the tears in your eyes falling down your chin.
harin glanced at you, a small smile replacing her grimace. you were always so pretty when you were in pain.
"remember this." she threw her smoke onto the ground, her grip on your wrist tightening. "you mess with my game, you upset me. you don't want that to happen again, do you?"
the last thing you wanted was to see harin frown in your direction.
harin smiled, glancing at how your lips quivered and how your eyes held an intoxicating mixture of fear and want. quietly, she wiped a tear with her free hand, chuckling as you flinched at her touch.
"then stay away from seong suji." she leaned in, her voice soft except for the threatening undertone. "if i see you even look at her without my permission, i'll make your life hell."
her grip loosened, harin's eyes softening as she looked at you with what seemed to be worry and understanding.
"i..." you blinked, agreeing like an obedient dog. even now, you couldn't help but wonder which harin was the real harin, but all you knew was that you didn't want to disappoint her. "i understand."
harin sighed, glancing at the burn in your hand with contempt. "i don't like doing this to you."
you paused, your face brightening as the smell of tobacco stuck to your blazer.
"you don't?"
harin smiled. it was like catching a mouse in a well placed trap. you were predictable and easy to please. a couple right words and you'd be under her spell all over again.
"you think i do?" the heiress frowned, biting her tongue.
she loved it.
with a giggle, she took your wrist, much more gently than before.
"let's get you patched up."
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harin liked putting on lipgloss around you.
she liked the way your eyes darted to her mouth for a split second before they looked anywhere else in the room. the redness of your cheeks delighted her in the sense that she knew that no matter what, you'd be stuck under her thumb.
you were her stupid, little puppet. your strings strong and unwavering, and your heart tainted with a loved one that you thought she didn't see.
it was adorable, like a puppy chasing its own tail, or a whale, no longer strong enough to go up for air.
harin liked to send you on mindless errands.
it was a good way to keep you in check, much better than instilling fear. she could sense that someone like you liked to feel needed, even if it's something as simple as fetching her more of her favorite brand of smokes or picking up items that she used for bribery.
it gave her a good laugh when you would come back, beaming as if you accomplished something when in reality, one of her maids could have easily done the same.
you were none the wiser, currently on your way to getting her more coffee (well, to get doah coffee per harin's demand).
you were just about to leave the campus, but a strong yet gentle hand yanked you aside, dragging you out of sight from the windows of the complex.
"sorry, y/n-ah."
you tried to shake her off, but she was too strong.
"jaeun, let go." why was she doing this? more importantly, why was she taking you to the nearby convenience store. "i can't be talking to you. you know that."
jaeun stopped, and you thought that she had finally gotten tired of you complaining so much. instead, you looked at the scene in front of you, two girls sitting in the shade of a foldable umbrella.
harin was gonna burn you alive.
"harin's pet?" jaehyeong shook her head, staring at the taller girl beside you. "jaeun-ie, are you sick? do you have a fever?"
you frowned. you weren't 'harin's pet'. so what if you liked being around her?
"she's nice." jaeun muttered, ushering you to the other girls. you tried to turn away, but she moved you in such a way that you couldn't escape. "she helped suji out."
"that was a mistake."
suji raised an eyebrow. she didn't know what was wrong with you. how could someone change so much in a matter of two months?
her eyes wandered your figure, stopping at the burns that littered your right hand.
oh. that makes sense.
"hey, y/n-ah."
"yerim?" you turned around, your jaw hanging open as the trainee sat with the girls, sipping on a can of coffee. you glanced at her phone, watching as she scrolled through eunjeong's instagram. "what the hell is going on?"
you looked around, their eyes glancing at suji with hesitation.
"you're not gonna convince her, suji." yerim shook her head.
being in rank 'a' herself, she knew firsthand how you followed every word harin said. she could tell from a mile away what it was, yerim herself victim to the feeling with a certain swimmer.
but there was a difference between the two of you, one that could prove to be detrimental.
you needed someone to follow, while she didn't.
"i can." suji glanced at your hand again. "i know i can."
"convince me?"
you felt a lump in your throat, praying that somehow, in some way, harin would come barging in and save you from whatever was going on here.
you took a deep breath, and sensing danger was near, gripped your wrist for safety.
jaeun frowned.
"i was serious about bringing down the game, y/n."
the pyramid game.
that stupid game that harin focused all her energy into, hellbent on keeping the perfect hierarchy intact. the one where you watched your classmates get beaten to a pulp, bloody and broken to the point of mental disarray.
you had never spoken it out loud, but you were tired of it, watching everyone you know either do the hurting or get hurt (most times both).
but this was harin's game, and you'd rather hurt yourself than upset the girl you loved.
"harin'll be pissed."
yerim chuckled, a knowing smile on her face. she didn't expect anything less from you.
"aren't you?" suji glanced at your hand, one you held for dear life, as if you were afraid it would get burned again. "after everything you've done for her, she still burns you."
you frowned.
harin did it with good reason. she needed to keep you in line, to keep you from lashing out. she did this to you because, unlike wooyi or dayeon, she trusted you enough to understand.
harin did it out of the pureness of her heart.
"that was an accident."
"an accident?" suji could feel your doubt starting to seep through. that was enough for her, to see the light beyond the cracks of your love. "hurting you multiple times the same way was an accident?"
was it an accident? it had to be, otherwise, harin was just hurting you to hurt you.
you shook the thought out of your head, missing the way the girls looked at each other, satisfied.
"what do you want, seong suji?"
there was a beat in the air.
"join us."
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she knew. how did she know?
"no, i just..."
you liked harin, even when she suffocated you with her smoke, staining your white shirt with the ash of her cigarettes. her eyes wandered yours routinely, and it felt as if she was trying to dig deep as if she needed you.
"i figured out a way to get to them."
harin's eyes sparkled. she would have never thought that you, docile and timid, would ever think of something other than her and school.
it was... exhilarating.
"sim eunjeong." you rattled out a breath, your eyes clenching at the very thought of what you were doing. "yerim... likes her more than we think."
the heiress laughed, the excitement in her chest bursting at the thought of you ignoring your morals just to please her and only her.
she leaned close to you, her face in front of yours as she moved a single lock of hair behind your ear. shivers ran up your spine.
"do you feel bad, y/n-ah?" harin hadn't felt this happy in a while. "ratting them out to me must be so heavy on your consciousness."
she looked you up and down, your eyes avoiding hers. your cheeks were tinged in red, and the guilt written all over your face didn't help the giddiness that was starting to overtake her.
"you're fun, y/n."
you'd do anything for her, even when she hurt you. even when everyone screamed and yelled at you to leave, ignoring the bright red stop signs.
"i like you."
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> main masterlist.
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slutforsjy · 5 months
One-time thing | s.jy
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- what kind of girlfriend who lets their lover take someone else's virginity? it was all fun until someone goes beyond their limit
Pairing: fem! reader x Jake Sim x fem! reader's best friend
Genre: angst, SMUT
WC: 6.6k (not proofread)
Warnings ⚠️: hard/soft dom! jake, virgin bestfriend, cuck y/n, reader watching her bestfriend get fucked by her boyfriend, y/n's besfriend is sometimes called h/n, voyeurism, cucking, cheating (?), jealousy, unprotected sex, pet names, making out, oral sex, fingering, dirty talk, pussy slapping, choking, spitting, hair pulling, multiple sex positions, creampie, breeding kink, JAKE FUCKS READER'S BESTFRIEND!, and cums inside her without your permission!
a/n: i was so hesitant to post this because of the plot so please read the WARNING! I've warned you enough so if you don't like this genre/theme please don't read it.
This is NOT your typical smut! This might be triggering to some so please read the warning and synopsis first!
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Today’s your besfriend’s 21st birthday and you decided to treat her in one of your go-to places to unwind and have fun.
“hey” you call out to her while looking at the group of men across the table. “you’re 21, aren’t you like trying to get laid or something?” she almost choked from your question making her stare at you in confusion “oh please there are a lot of fine men in our campus” glancing back at the man who’s shamelessly eyefucking the two of you.
she just rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat “i’m not just giving my v card to anyone, especially to that weirdo”
“you’re boring” a message popped up in your phone and it was your boyfriend saying ‘i miss you’
It’s late in the night and he’s probably looking for you. They had a practice earlier this day and you couldn’t come because you had to accompany your bestfriend to get wasted. You missed him so bad already, even after he just railed you at the bleachers right before their practice.
You open the message only to see a mirror selfie of him sitting at the couch shirtless, manspreading, veiny hands gripping his boner through his grey sweats, with his tongue out. You cursed silently, salivating at thought of him touching himself as he waits for you to go back home and fuck each other til the next morning.
You heard the woman beside you gasp but she was quick to look away when you notice that she’s looking over your phone as well.
You glared at her raising one of your eyebrows. All she did was to whisper sorry’s as she just continued to chug the rest of the drink trying to get away from the embarrassment.
Oh you know her too well. You know she’s attracted to your boyfriend. Who isn’t?
“He’s so hot right?” you asked bringing your face closer to her. She became tensed and responded with ‘huh’ acting like she didn’t hear you.
“My boyfriend” you showed her the image so that she could have a better view. You stared at her watching her expression. “let me tell you, he fucks like an animal” you giggled, alcohol running all over your body. You’re so lost in your mind that you kept on teasing her and asking her questions you might regret. “do you wanna fuck my boyfriend?”
She was silent.
she just shrugged it off and grab her bag not uttering any words. You see her took her phone out to try and book an uber so you two could call it a day. The two of you are under the influenced of alcohol especially you, that you just voice out everything that goes in your mind. “come on, i’m not gonna be mad…. just be honest”
“i honestly wanna see my boyfriend fuck a girl in front of me… that’s hot” you’re friend can’t believe you right now, while you’re just laughing at the thought of it.
Once you calmed down you ask her again “so what do you say? i know you want t-“
“yes i want your boyfriend to fuck me like an animal” you stopped at the sudden confession. She thought that you’ll be mad but instead you just smirked and let out a laugh finding her cute.
“good answer” you winked at her as you grabbed her hands walking your way out of the bar.
The ride to your shared apartment with jake took you 20 minutes. The ride was silent being the radio the only source of noise as your friend is dumbfounded. Stunned from whatever conversation you just had earlier. “h/n, i’m gonna go now” you tapped her bringing her back to reality as you bid goodbye before getting out of the car.
Before you could open the door, your boyfriend did it for you as he was just waiting for you from the window. You are welcomed by his embrace, throwing yourself in his half-naked body. You rest your head against his chest when the image he sent to you earlier came across your mind.
“i missed you” he whispered kissing the top of your head. You look up to him and pecked his lips. “i could tell every alcohol you drank tonight” he chuckled lifting you on your way to the bedroom.
You’re dizzy and couldn’t think straight as of now. But you know where this is going, with how your boyfriend desperately suck on your neck leaving marks on it.
He lays you down the bed and immediately removed his sweats. You smirked seeing him not wearing any underwear. He then moved closer to you massaging your thighs as he leaves open mouthed kiss on your face down to your chest making you grip his hair.
You’re so lost that you didn’t realize how quick he removed your jeans leaving you with your laced panty. He stares at it for second before glancing back at you.
You’re tired and he can see it in your eyes. so he wasted no time pulling your panties down to your knees and start inserting his cock in to you in one go.
You whined to him placing both of your hands at the back of his neck bringing him closer to you. “don’t worry, im gonna make this quick… ahh” he groaned as he fasten his pace while using his thumb to rub your clit so you could cum faster “i fucked you earlier at the field…how are you still so tight…. ahh” he can’t form his words straight as he’s reaching close to his orgasm
“babe please im close” the tightening of your walls is enough for him to go crazy, and enough for him to cum. as you felt his warm seeds fills you up making you moan from pleasure, as you cum around his cock not long after him.
“thank you babe” he kissed your forehead and quickly pulls out lying down beside you.
The two of you cuddled each other not minding the uncomfortable feeling brought by the stickiness and sweatiness of your bodies. You just want to seize this moment and talk about how each of your days went. He talked about his training and how he missed staring and looking at you every time he scores a goal. You can’t help but say sorry but he is quick to say that he understands it because it was your bestfriend’s important day.
Speaking of your bestfriend, you suddenly remembered the shitty question you asked her earlier. You can’t help but be curious on how will your boyfriend react if you tell him that your friend wants to be fucked by him.
“babe…” you called out to him shifting your position to see his face. He hums staring at the ceiling.
“are you willing to take someone’s virginity” he scoffed looking at you and let out a laugh from the most random question. “what? i already took your v card babe” he pecked your lips “why? you want another round? i was holding back because you look so tired but i can give it to you“ he quickly positioned himself on top of you staring directly in your eyes with a smile.
“no jake calm your dick” he sighed in defeat and go back to his original position. You fixed yourself on his chest again before telling him the truth.
“i thought it would be hot if you were to be my bestfriend’s first….” your boyfriend isn’t dumb, so he gets what you meant by that. He knew about your bestfriend. He would be lying if he say she’s not attractive and hot as well. Silence filled the dark room as you feel jake’s chest goes up and down faster than the usual.
“what do you say” you broke the silence while rubbing the outline of his abs as you wait for his answer. Part of you wants him to disagree but more part of you wants him to say ‘yes’. He grabbed your face and made you look at him “are you okay with that?”
Hell yeah! You’re not blind not to see how he looks at your bestfriend every time the two of you hangout at the living room. You know how he purposely walks around the apartment without a shirt to flex his body and show off not only to you but also to your bestfriend.
You paused. You know you’re still influenced by the alcohol and you know you shouldn’t be making decisions. but for the sake of your own satisfaction “yes, i always thought it would be hot” you hid your face on his chest again shy from your weird kink.
You always thought about it tho, your boyfriend railing another girl in front of you is something you think about all the time when you’re alone touching yourself. You imagine how he would ruin the woman in front of you. It’s weird. You’re weird. At this point, you’re actually not helping your friend get their first experience, but you’re doing this for your own.
Your class finishes at 3 pm and you immediately went to your bestfriend’s classroom to fetch her. You look over the window and call out to her as she fixes her things.
She gave you a confused look as the smile in your face never leaving you. “why are you like that” she asks walking by your side.
“remember last night?” you stopped her movement and drag her to a place where there’s less students around
“what about last night?” you gave her a minute to think about what you talked about last night. Her eyes frightened as she gets what you’re trying to say.
“what? i thought that wasn’t serious-“ you cuts her off and pull her to get to your car “jake’s waiting”
As usual the car ride was dead quiet. You look at her every time the traffic light would turn red and you see how her face turned red as well. She’s nervous, not only because it’s her first BUT it’s her first with YOUR boyfriend!
“hey, relax” you said to her without looking away from the road. “everyone agreed to this, YOU want it, Jake agreed to it, I want it” you said giving her a quick look of assurance.
You’re both now in front of your apartment and you turn to your friend once again “girl relax, just enjoy it. Look it’s the finest man who’s taking your v card today” you exclaimed trying to hyper up. It’s true tho, not everyone experienced jake to be their first. He wasn’t your first and you regret it.
“Jake babe?” you shouted calling him as soon as you entered. You let your friend sit at the couch first as you roam around the house looking for your boyfriend.
You entered your room, you see there jake in school uniform lying down in his stomach scrolling through his phone. “babe” he jolted when he heard your voice getting up from the bed.
“oh is she there?” you nodded. He scanned himself in the mirror and fixed his clothes and hair. “why are you so worked up” you chuckled before opening the cabinet in front of you. “she’s waiting, go to her now, im just gonna look for someth-” he didn’t let you finish and went outside immediately shutting the door behind him. “don’t scare her!” you shouted before continuing to look for the camera.
It took you a while and when you came back you saw the two of them at the couch, your bestfriend sitting on top of your boyfriend’s lap clashing their lips together. She is pulling his hair while he’s holding the back of her head tilting it from left to right to deepen the kiss. You’re slightly shocked at the desperation of your boyfriend leading the heated kiss as you saw his tongue wandering all over her mouth.
Their kiss is getting wetter and messier that they couldn’t care less about your presence. He is grabbing his ass making her grind on top of his clothed cock. The sounds of their wet lips clashing and the lewd sounds they’re making is so hot that you can’t help but just watch them. They’re so messy with it that you see your friend’s chin and cheeks glistening from their mixed saliva.
“jake wait” she paused, catching her breath. But jake won’t stop going after her, biting the skin of her neck, jaw, ears, and quickly pecking her lips with mischievous grin on his face.
You chuckled, rolling your eyes seeing your boyfriend so desperate and needy “hey enough of that, go do your shit now”
You noticed how your friend lets out a sigh of relief that she can finally breathe properly.
You placed the camera at the side table, setting it up trying to get a better angle and lighting. Jake requested it last night that you record the entire thing. You don’t know for what reason but here you are.
“come here pretty” you were taken a back at the sudden pet name making you turn to him and raise your brow.
But jake didn’t seem to notice it as he pats his lap and massages his cock while licking off the excess saliva all over his plump and swollen lips.
you see how your boyfriend’s cock grew each time he massages it while eyeing down your best friend who’s now in between his legs.
This horny mother fucker! you knew he wanted to fuck your best friend.
Once the camera is settled, you sat into the chair in front of the couch where jake and your friend is.
“have you sucked a dick before?” he asked grabbing her hands and making her touch and squeeze his growing boner. Jake flashes his eyebrows while staring directly at her lips trying to flirt with her while flexing his cock against her small hands.
“she’s virgin jake, no one and nothing has ever entered or even touch any of her holes” you rolled your eyes growing impatient.
jake cursed silently and clenched his jaw at that information. He quickly looked at the large tent formed in his pants signaling her to open it. “go see what’s inside baby, it’s all yours” and winks at her
‘Baby? wow. You never called me that’
You watch your bestfriend slowly unbuckle and unzip his pants. Jake lifted his hips so that she can pull it in one go proudly displaying his long and veiny cock. You watch her reaction and you didn’t miss how she gulped at the sight in front of her.
She looked at you and cocked her brows as if she’s asking for your permission.
“Go girl it’s all yours” you reassured to her as she turns her attention back to your boyfriend who’s just staring lustfully at her.
“go easy on her babe, she’s afraid of huge things choking her” you said making jake put a smirk on his lips. He cupped her cheeks and told her to get started “don’t worry baby, i got you, now put that pretty lips in a good use yeah?” he held her chin up and gave her quick peck on the lips to calm her down.
You started to feel hot. You massages your breast and slightly pull your skirt up and starts working on yourself. But as the scene in front of you starts to become boring with all these cringey shit, you click your tongue and rolled your eyes in annoyance.
“bestie that shit won’t kill you” she turns her head to you, nervousness evident from her face.
jake held her chin making her turn back to him once again. He tucks her hair behind her ears and gave her a forehead kiss saying “it’s gonna be fine pretty, i’ll take care of you” he smiled spreading his legs wider and move his hips closer to her face.
“come on baby, open up” he taps his cock on her lips before putting it in. You just watch there as she starts sucking off your boyfriend. Jake’s hand guiding her head slowly. You can see your boyfriend’s face being so turned on staring intently at your friend. Knowing him, you know he wanted to buck his hips so bad and fuck her throat to oblivion.
Receiving a head from you is definitely one of his favorite. You stare at him watching how he fights the urge to fuck her throat. You can’t help but laugh seeing him breathe so heavily, trying so hard to compose himself.
“fuck, i need to eat you out now” he pushed her head off of his cock and look at you
“can i babe?” he asked for your permission and you quickly responded with a yes “go do everything that will make her feel good, we can’t make her first sex experience boring”
“fuck” jake cursed at your approval and hurriedly unzip his hoodie and unbutton his uniform. You see your bestfriend watch him as he strips himself in front of her. You chuckled at how thirsty your friend is.
She can’t leave her eyes from your boyfriend’s hot physique, not when it is fully displayed in front of her. She finally got a closer look of it and most importantly she’ll finally be able to get a taste of it.
You’ve known your friend for so long - even before you met jake. You basically grew up liking each other’s tastes. So it’s not surprising for you to see her drooling over your boyfriend as you always catch her staring at his body during their practices. You would always invite her to watch their training after classes and she never even once declined your invitation knowing that jake will be there running around the soccer field shirtless. You even caught her capture a photo of his sweat-covered body and shamelessly zoom it in on his bulge. You can’t blame her tho, jake is hot and is the hottest guy in the campus.
“like what you see baby?” he scratches the back of his neck flexing his firm biceps and chest. Your friend look away and hides her face making you let out a sarcastic laugh “oh come on, don’t act like you don’t eye fuck him all the time”
Jake stares at her biting on his lips seducing your bestfriend “take off your panty for me now please” he ordered before laying down the couch resting his head at the edge.
You look at your friend as she took her panties off while looking at jake shyly. “girl, he’s seen almost everyone’s pussy in the campus, don’t be shy”
She was about to put her black underwear in her pocket when jake immediately grabbed it and shamelessly sniffed it in front of you.
“damn, calm down babe” you laughed out loud, finding the action of your boyfriend funny “you’re acting like you’re the one who’s virgin”
he gave you a silly smile and tossed the underwear anywhere in the room. He averted his gaze to your friend who’s seemed lost and doesn’t know what to do
“come here baby, my cock needs you now” he pouts tapping his legs
“go lay down on top of him and face his cock” she looks at where your boyfriend is, his body inviting her. But she’s stuck in her place not knowing what to do.
“watch” you bring yourself to jake and hopped to the couch. You show her how to do the 69 position.
You’re now face to face with your boyfriend’s dick, coated from your friend’s saliva. You grab it and deep throat him in one go making him moan and roll his eyes to the back of his head. You felt him lift your ass up and lick at your clothed pussy. “ugh…fuck jake!” you let out a high pitched moan, taken aback by his sudden action. You turned to him to see a sheepish smile and lolling his tongue out.
you rolled your eyes and turned back to your friend to ask if she gets it now.
she weakly nods her head unsure if she can do it. She examines jake’s figure as she makes her way to the couch.
She positioned herself on top of the guy, placing her knees on both sides of his head. Jake immediately forced her to sit down on his face and she gasp when she felt your boyfriend’s tongue against her bare pussy without a warning. She lets out a weak moans grabbing the head rest of the couch for support as jake starts eating her out.
She is crying for help from you when jake pushes her down and shuts her by stuffing her mouth with his cock.
She’s gripping the cushion beside her almost ripping it. You can see how much distracted she is as she can’t even continue to suck your boyfriend’s length due to his aggression in her cunt.
You turn to look at jake getting pussy drunk and basically lapping and making out with her cunt. He played with it together with his finger, using it to spread and open her pussy wider. He stares directly at it and spat before sucking on her clit.
“jake relax”
“sorry can’t help it, it taste good” he hummed. You rolled your eyes again before looking at your friend still struggling to compose herself from the strange feeling.
“hey, are you okay?” she shakes her head. She can’t handle the stimulation and the overwhelming pleasure she’s feeling from your boyfriend. You know she’s seeing stars. You know she’s feeling in heaven. She couldn’t totally talk right now, not when the guy below her is eating her out like a hungry dog is all she could think about.
jake is spreading her pussy lips with two fingers while guiding her hips to grind it against his tongue. You look at your friend hiding her face in jake’s pelvis, eyes shut, moaning and grunting against your boyfriend’s cock, still so overwhelmed and over sensitive. She kept on shaking her head crying, trying to lift herself away from jake “it’s too much ahh…”
But Jake hold her still, his grip on her hips is so firm keeping her sitted in his face. “relax baby, i know you like it… you’ll get use to it… now suck my cock please” he whined, his cock twitching and begging to be sucked.
jake is so needy! you see how your boyfriend desperately suck on her clit while inserting his long finger. You heard her muffled moans due to her mouth being stuffed full by your boyfriend’s cock. Tears are falling down from her face as jake started to slowly buck his hips upwards. You see how his cock unintentionally go out of her mouth not knowing if its due to his messy and unsteady thrusts or it’s just your friend who can’t suck a cock right.
She paused for a moment grabbing the cock away from her mouth as she moans out your boyfriend’s name “ughhh jake wait… ahhh” you can’t count how many times she screamed jake’s name but it’s understandable. Jake’s tongue work will definitely bring you to heaven.
You knew it wasn’t okay when you suddenly hear her screamed out the loudest scream. you quickly take a look at your boyfriend only to see him being drowned by the liquid spilling all over his face. But being the horny and nasty motherfucker he is, he is quick to catch it using his tongue slurping all of it.
You see your friend crying and shaking from the sensation.
You grabbed the camera and zoom it to your boyfriend lapping all over her pussy as he helps her ride her orgasm. She’s begging jake to stop from how his tongue is still moving against her sensitive pussy.
jake pauses for a bit to catch some air and stare directly at the mess made by your best friend “so fucking good” he said licking his lips and giving her pussy one long lick before letting go of her. “you taste so fucking good baby”
Jake gave her no time to recover and forces her to get up “get up baby we’re not done yet” he spanked her ass and gave it a squeeze
you looked at your friend lying on her stomach. Face fucked up, messy hair, and swollen lips, all because of this horny motherfucker in front of you.
You made eye contact with him and try your best not to laugh at the current state of your best friend. But he only smirked and winked at you. ‘This horny bitch’
“baby get up now” your boyfriend says in a silly tone while stroking his dick
“are we going to do the….thing?” your friend weakly asked, voice strained from an intense orgasm “do you have condom?”
jake came closer to her “no baby, im gonna need to fuck you raw” he whispered
they both looked at you. Silence filled the room, clock ticking being the only sound. The three of you stared at each other for a minute until jake broke the silence.
Of course you know your friend wants it! She’s a slut for your boyfriend! But jake?! You didn’t expect it!
He didn’t listen
jake didn’t listen. he lays her properly and peppered her with soft kisses on forehead, down to her jaw, sniffing her neck, biting her skin softly, quickly sucking on her nipples, kissing her tummy down to her inner thighs.
Damn, your boyfriend is so down bad, but he’s so caring and gentle with her. He’s always rough with you.
Do you find it hot? You hate to admit it but YES
Do you wish it was you? Definitely, Yes! but you don’t know why you’re anticipating what will jake do next. You don’t know why you want to see jake ruin her. Part of you want to be in her position right now but at the same time you don’t know why you find it so much hotter with your friend lying under your boyfriend. Maybe you’re a female cuck. Finding it hot how jake is so eager and desperate to fuck her. You find it so hot that you didn’t realize you were touching yourself again.
You got to your senses back when you hear the woman the beneath your boyfriend whimpering. Jake grabbed his fat cock rubbing it against her slit. You can see jake’s chest goes up and down hissing as he continues to tease your friend’s hole.
“gonna breed this fucking pussy” he whispered tapping his cock on her folds making her squirm and whine
“please…” she cried out feeling the heavy cock constantly hitting her. She’s arching her back pushing her core closer to your boyfriend’s cock.
“oh you like that hmm?” he asked leaning down to bite her lower lip
“you want me to fuck you while my girlfriend watches us?” he chuckled as he looks at you
you’re froze, you don’t know what’s going on in your mind and you’re letting your boyfriend fuck your friend WITHOUT protection. You only agreed to it but you never said he would have to do it without condom! It’s driving you insane, it’s making you mad! but your pussy says other wise. You feel hot at the thought of it. Is it okay with you? No! But You want to see it.
“such a whore” he slapped her dick once more against her folds collecting all the juices using its head
“babe look” he knows you’re getting jealous but he also knows you want to see him fuck your best friend. He asked you to look at him as he aligned his leaking cock to the pussy beneath him, still rubbing it with his tip. “can i fuck her now babe?” He looked at you with so much desperation. His gaze went down to your aching pussy being touched and penetrated by your two fingers.
“oh look at that, two sluts begging and so needy for my cock” he cooed teasing the both of you
“keep touching yourself while i fuck this pussy yeah” all you did was nod, too stunned to even oppose to his idea
“are you ready baby?”
“jake please i wanna feel you so bad”
“call me daddy” he gripped her jaw forcing her to open her mouth. He collected a good amount of saliva in his mouth and stick his tongue out letting it fall straight on to her tongue.
“swallow it” he commanded, you saw how her throat moved indicating that she really swallowed it. Jake leaned down humming as he lick over her tongue “good girl”
“please daddy” she moaned massaging her right boobs while locking eye contact with your boyfriend
“fuck me….ruin me…. daddy” she flirts back
“you’re gonna crave for my cock once you get a taste of it” he slapped her pussy making her whimper
“such a slut for letting me take your virginity huh?” he slaps it again
“i’m gonna be the only one fucking this pussy, understand?” he slaps it for the last time earning a nod from her
you didn’t know but that turned you on so much that you squirted just from hearing the two dirty talk with each other
jake laughed when he heard you scream out of pleasure “oh look at that” you were the last person he was expecting to cum or squirt that fast. But can you blame yourself?
he turn his attention back to the girl under him still not pushing his tip inside “i’ll make you squirt like that baby, you want that?”
“yes daddy.. fuck me now please” she reaches for his cock but jake was quick to tap her hand and slaps her folds for the nth time “you wait! you don’t want me pounding that hole do you?”
He quickly look over to you to check if you’re still fingering yourself.
Jake grunts as he slowly penetrates your best friend’s hole. Jake literally had her crying already just from the tip. “fuck baby let me in” he hissed clenching his jaw as he fights the urge to thrust all the way in. You know that your boyfriend wants to shove his whole cock. The veins in his neck being more prominent. Your best friend on the other hand is crying from pain.
“baby can you relax for me please” he leans down to kiss her forehead caressing her cheeks.
“slowly please” she cried out gripping on your boyfriend’s biceps
you see how her hole being split open by the girth of his cock and it turned you on much that you inserted your third finger to your hole this time.
They both moaned in unison when jake slowly pushes his cock all the way in. She lets out a pained moan arching her back and gripping onto the couch. Once he bottom out, he caressed her face once again wiping off the tears falling from her eyes and pecked her lips. “shhh.. it’s okay baby, you’re okay” and shooting her with a reassuring smile
it’s your first time seeing your boyfriend like this. So gentle that you can’t help but feel jealous.
“tell me if i can move” You were expecting him to turn his attention to you as he waits for your friend’s signal. But he didn’t, instead, they both stayed in that position with your boyfriend kissing all over her face waiting for her to fully adjust to his size.
Once he get the green light, he started slowly but making sure that his tip hits her cervix. he’s thrusting so slow that you’re able to watch in detail how his cock disappear into her hole every time he bottoms out. The sound of their wetness makes you crazy. You hear each sound made by his cock going in and out of her. They’re keeping eye contact with each other and you swear it was the hottest thing ever.
they were both moaning lewdly with every time jake hits all the spot inside her, and every time your friend clench around his cock. Jake hissed holding her hips still and stopped moving
“fuck baby if you keep doing that i won’t be able to control myself and cum right now” he said slowly trying to pull out and push it back in. He’s using two of his fingers to split her open because her tightness is driving him crazy.
their moans never stops. Jake arches her back and start moving faster this time.
the sound of their skins slapping, the groans and grunts made by your boyfriend and the whimpering of your friend is music to you ear.
you never stop touching yourself inserting 3 fingers in the same speed of how jake fuck your best friend. He looked at you when you made a needy sound
“look babe she’s taking me so well… fuck”
jake grabbed one of her leg and put it in his shoulder and started thrusting faster this time.
You’re mad but you’re so turned on at the sight of him. Head thrown back, his biceps are full of scratches, sweat dripping down his face down to his chest and abs. He’s so hot. They’re both hot
“you’re so tight baby girl” he pushes his hair up chewing on his lower lip. He’s staring at your friend’s abused pussy smirking, proud, seeing how it spreads so widely.
when jake gets bored in that position, he puts her in a mating press. He gently brought both of her legs to his shoulders and leaned down bringing himself closer. He angled his hips and you can see your friend crying from how deep and hard this position allowed your boyfriend to pound into her hole. She’s screaming loud as ever feeling the cock tearing her apart.
you can see jake losing his control, he doesn’t even look at you and ask for permissions. He clearly wants to do it in his way.
he grabbed the back of her head and start making out with her again. He wasted no time swallowing your friend’s moans and screams, almost eating and licking the entirety of her face from desperation.
he pressed her leg even more to her face and fucked her faster and deeper. You can see and hear each pointed thrust your boyfriend made.
he looked at you movements not stopping “can i cum inside her” he hissed feeling how her walls grips her cock becomes harder and tighter.
You don’t know how to respond so you just stare at him still pleasuring yourself.
“jake please” you heard your bestfriend whine trying to get your boyfriend’s attention by clenching her pussy once again
you heard jake gasp “ahhh fuckk… I know baby girl i know” he started to move again. You watch them as they become more bolder and bolder as if you weren’t there.
“ride me” he quickly grabbed her by the waist and sat down without pulling his cock out
“move baby girl, show her how good you ride my cock” you saw how jake bit his lips and lick the side of her neck while staring at you.
Is he purposely making you feel jealous?
his hands gently massages her hips as he guides her up and down his cock
“fuck baby girl, you’re taking me so well…. still so tight” he throw his head back against the couch and puts both of his hands at the back of his head displaying his pits. You notice how jake watch her ride his cock and keeping eye contact with her with his mouth open while encouraging her to do better.
“good girl” she uses jake’s chest as a support beginning to fasten her movement above him.
you can see how jake reacts, whole body twitching signaling for his close orgasm “you see how deep you take me baby hmm?” he grabs her hair and forced her to look at the bulge forming at her abdomen “such a good girl for me” he pulls her hair back and starts sucking on her neck. Your friend throws her head back giving more access to your boyfriend. His mouth went down to her breast sucking on its nipples simultaneously.
he grabbed her waist and halts her movement. with both of his hands he starts moving by himself, punishing your best friend’s already ruined hole. He fucks into her really fast and hard making her grip in to jake’s hair strangling him for being so rough. She brings her self closer to jake, boobs bouncing and touching your boyfriend’s nose as jake continues to try and reach his orgasm
“ahh… im gonna fuck you full, m’gotta make you pregnant” his movement from below become impossibly faster as successive moans escapes his wide open lips
you’re crying upon hearing him say those words but still finding the scene in front of you so hot as you’re fingers move faster too
“im cumming too jake” she utters weakly as jake continues to pound her from below
“fuck yeah cum with me baby”
“cream my cock….fuck….ohhh…..ahh….” a long groan escaped his lips as he finishes with few more pointed thrust. He threw his head against the couch, hands never leaving her hips as he made few more slow and deep thrust onto her making sure that he fucks all of his seed inside. Your friend in the meantime couldn’t bring herself to talk or even make a sound as pleasure took all over her body, cumming for the second time with your boyfriend.
“so good, so fucking good baby” he said catching his breath. Your friend fell down on jake’s body panting and crying in the crook of his neck
he came a lot that you see some of it drips out of her hole
“fuck this pussy” he bucked his hips once again making her jolt
you heard jake cursed and made a long groan as your friend clenched around him upon hearing those words. “how are you still so tight baby? didn’t i fuck you well enough?” she lets out a small chuckle weakly slapping jake’s chest.
They just laugh it off as jake traces the skin of her back and rubs it gently, planting kisses at the side of her head. “you did so well baby, you think you can squeeze my cock for the last time hmm?” he pouts making your friend laugh again “jake stop”
they stay in that position for a while as your boyfriend requested her to cockwarm him. He looks at you while he’s brushing her hair softly who’s now asleep against his bare chest.
He looked down your dripping pussy. He didn’t notice that you already came by yourself. You can’t help but feel jealous and neglected. You look away from him and made an excuse to leave the room.
You weakly smiled at him as you fix yourself and make your way to your shared room to clean up and get a rest.
jake’s eyes followed you as you slowly disappear from his vision. He felt bad, he really did. especially after that bittersweet smile you gave him earlier.
He lifted the weak woman on top of him and slowly pulls out his flaccid cock and lays her down the couch. He can’t help but smirk at the sight of her pussy dripping with his cum.
But he push that thought away and proceeds to clean her up.
He made his way to your room. He needs to make things up to you. He needs to make you feel that he loves you more and that his cock will always crave for you.
It isn’t his fault tho, you were the one who requested this.
It was just a one time thing right?
or NOT
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
more raider joel PLEAAAASE 🙏
Failed Escape
4k, raider!Joel x f!reader / raider master / joel
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Mood board by @milla-frenchy
SUMMARY: when Joel brings you to a familiar area for a raid, you run away but get stopped by FEDRA officers with bad intentions, worse than Joel. Joel saves you.
WARNINGS: NSFW I8+ dark, violence, assault, manhandling, captivity, restraints, exhibitionism, humiliation, unsafe dubcon vPIV, fingering, oral, filth, orgasm denial, cockwarming, police violence, allusions to very dark fedra activity.
A/N: This is 4th in the Raider series but can be read alone. credits / shoutouts - @romanarose escape ask, touch-erase anon, rope kink anon, many others with thots & thirst.
“I'm sorry," you sob, and you really are.  It's the second raid you’ve been on this week. You thought you recognized the forest behind the house, making it your best chance to escape.  You don’t have anything or anyone to go home to, but you’re hungry.  You’re tired.  You don't sleep. Sometimes you wake up with Joel’s arms too tight around you. If you move, they tighten more and you can hardly breathe.
Those things on their own might be tolerable, but the rest of Joel's men are the real problem. That first day, Joel told you he’d make sure nothing happened to you.  He made it very clear to you and everyone else that you were his and no one else could touch you. At this point you don’t always mind his touch, but you worry about what could happen to you if something happened to Joel.  The guys are disgusting, and not just the ones Joel originally saved you from, as you learned at the stash house.
There are a lot, and they’re brutal with their prey.  They’re not just rough, they’re mean, degrading.  They know they aren’t supposed to look at you, but they still steal a hungry glance when Joel’s not watching.  From what you’ve overheard them doing to their victims, your greatest fear is that Joel will die or get overthrown and you’ll be at their mercy. The day Joel first claimed you, he warned you about those men and how much worse they'd be. At this point, you've seen and heard enough to know it's true.
But even that prospect doesn't sound bad right now compared to what you just went through.  You never should have run.
- - - - -
You stumbled through the woods and when you were almost to the other side, you spotted three armed men in uniform - FEDRA.  You called, “Help!” You were relieved.  They could get you somewhere safe. But when they turned around, it was only a couple of seconds before they aimed their rifles at you.  You fell to your knees begging for help.  
They laughed and talked to each other like you weren’t there.  
“I dunno, she looks infected to me,” the tallest one said.  
“Sure are seein’ a lot of infected this week,” another said and elbowed the tall guy in the ribs.  
The apparent leader of the pack ordered the men to take your clothes off.  They stripped you of everything, even your underwear, and felt you up while they were at it.  One of them stuck a finger in you.   Then, the leader put a single bullet in a revolver, spun the cylinder,  handed it to the tall one, and said “your turn.”  
 "Already? C'mon, I don't wanna fuck another dead girl."  
“At least they can’t scratch you up kickin’ and screamin’,” the leader said.
“Yeah, so what’s the point?” the third one said.  “That’s half the fun.”  
"Better say a prayer then," the leader said. "Go on," he urged. 
The man put the muzzle to your temple and your life flashed before your eyes.  He pulled the trigger and the click made you wince.  You kept your eyes pinched shut and when you slowly opened them, you could hardly believe you were alive. 
Leaves crunched behind you in the woods.  "ANIMALS, all of you," Joel boomed, and you turned around to see him with his rifle aimed at the men.  
"Get down and cover your ears, baby." Joel didn’t even look at you. 
Without so much as blinking, he shot the leader right in the forehead, then kept walking toward them.  Shot another one like it was the easiest thing he had ever done. Not even a flinch. 
Meanwhile, the tall one, the one with the revolver, charged straight at him but Joel still didn’t flinch.  He calmly used the butt of his rifle to strike him square in the face. When the man fell to the ground, Joel straddled him and pummeled his face.  
Still straddling the man, Joel asked you what they did to you.  You told him about the revolver first. Joel took it from the man, spun the cylinder, then held it out for you, but you didn't take it. You were cowering naked on the ground.  “Go ahead,” Joel said.  The man pleaded for his life.  You hesitated, and Joel said “Now,” firmly.  You crawled closer, took the revolver, aimed, and pulled the trigger.  The man screamed and winced, but the gun only clicked.  Joel took it back, spun it again, and handed it back to you.  “Again.”  That time, you shot the man in the chest and the recoil sent you back on your ass.  It wasn’t a kill shot.  The man tried to speak but could only gurgle.  Blood spilled out of his mouth. Your face went cold and you were shaking. 
Joel made sure the man was disarmed, then came over and started putting your shirt back on you. 
"Is that what you want? Shared and slaughtered by those pigs?” He motioned to the three men on the ground.  You started crying, still sprawled on the dirt
- - - - -
Joel puts his rifle around his back, squats down, grabs you by both elbows, and violently forces you to your feet.
"Breakin' my goddamn heart, sweet pea."  He seethes with disappointment.
"I'm sorry," you repeat through your tears, still begging his eyes to meet yours.  Finally, he puts his rifle around his back and looks at you. You must look so pathetic.  Crying, knees covered in dirt, still naked from the waist down.  The dying man stops gurgling.  You whimper yet again, "I'm sorry."
He looks you up and down and seems to soften a little as he responds, "I know, baby.”  But notably, he doesn't say it's okay. He doesn't say he forgives you. You collapse into his chest and sob. He pulls you closer and you're startled when his arousal swells into you.
"How'd they touch you?" Joel asks, then clenches his jaw as though bracing himself for impact.  At least he knows they didn't fuck you since they were all still dressed, to his great relief. 
Joel has your pants in his hands waiting for your answer. You tell him.  
He sighs and squats down.  He wedges his hand between your thighs and you're wet with arousal from feeling his wood.  "Was it like this?" He asks, sliding his fingers against your folds.  You don't know what to say.  It wasn’t like this because it didn’t feel good. He plunges two fingers into you and asks, "like this?" He digs the heel of his palm into his arousal.
“Kind of”
His face tenses into a snarl as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. What does 'kind of' mean?” 
“It hurt.”
“Too many fingers?” 
“No, just one, but too rough.  And too dry.” Your cheeks burn.  
His eyes light up in grim satisfaction.  “Ok, baby.”  He takes his fingers out and wraps his arms around you again.  You start crying again. 
“I’m sorry,” you say for the millionth time.
“I know you are, sweet pea."  He brushes the tears off your cheeks.   “Wanna be sorry here or in the house?” You can only assume what he means.  You just hope it won’t be too brutal, given your betrayal. 
His breath deepens, and he’s slowly stroking a larger bulge in his skin-tight pants now.  You have to think about it for a moment.  You’re anxious to get away from the dead FEDRA bodies, but the other raiders and victims are still in the house. 
Joel adds, “Or in the van?”    
“In the van."
He brushes the dirt off you and helps you step into your pants.
When you get back to the house they’ve been raiding, Joel doesn’t take you straight to the van.  There are a few bodies strewn about.  The hostages are all in one room.  Joel takes you to a bathroom away from them.  
He locks the door, hangs his rifle on the towel hook, then turns on the shower.  He strips you and gets behind you, both of you facing the mirror.  He asks, “They do anything else to you? Touch you anywhere else?” You tell him they touched your breasts.   He inhales deeply and clenches his jaw, then cups both your breasts from behind, slowly massaging them.  "Like this?" His hardness presses into you.  
"Kind of, but it didn’t feel good." 
Half his mouth smiles, and in the mirror you notice him scanning your body head to toe. Then he turns you around to face him.
His hands engulf your ass cheeks, pulling you into his pants.  The feeling of his arousal against your front makes you weak.
A massive hand drifts to the center of your ass, and his middle finger lightly glides up and down your crack.   “They touch you in here?”
"Good. They're all gone now, okay baby?” 
The water is ice cold as usual and your nipples are painfully hard as Joel lathers them.  He washes your whole body, looking at you like a juicy leg of lamb. When he goes between your legs, you sense his intentions and warn him, “Um, you can’t put soap in there.”
He pauses, bemused.  “Why’s that , sweet pea?”
“It’s bad for you, you can get an infection.”
He looks at the soap contemplatively and says “okay, baby.”  
He rinses you off and tells you to sit on the toilet seat.  Then he sits on the ground, his legs to each side of the toilet, knees up.  He gets you to spread your legs, come to the edge of the seat, and lean back.  The way he’s breathing as he eyes your pussy gives you butterflies.  
He puts your knees over his shoulders.  He drags two knuckles down your slippery folds, then extends and inserts his fingers and curls them, dragging his thick digits against your walls, trying to scrape off any trace of FEDRA. The smallest skin particle would be too much.  It's extreme, but you don’t mind how it feels – physically, at least.  It’s also not a bad view.  His neck veins  bulge, his eyes are dark.
He looks like he has a job to do, and he goes about it quite industriously.  His beard scratches your inner thighs and outer lips. He licks a thick stripe from your taint to your clit, then drags his tongue through every crevice of your folds on each side, making you squirm with tension.  He swirls his tongue around your clit and sucks your hood. Then he plunges his tongue onto you and your whole body feels hollow and light.  His tongue is so thick it's like being fucked.  You shudder and he glances up darkly.  His lips move diligently with the effort and he sucks like he’s trying to cave your walls in on his tongue.  Your thighs quiver and he glances up at you again.  When you're right about to come, he pulls away.  
"Good as new," he says as he wipes his beard.
You were so close to coming and you can hardly bear the tension. 
As though reading your mind, he says, "This ain’t for fun, baby. Not today.  Not after what you did."
He braces his hands on your thighs and stands up with a groan, sporting major wood.  "Stay here," he says coldly.  You squeeze your thighs together.  He takes his rifle off the back of the door and puts it on.  He leaves for a few minutes and takes all your clothes with him including your underwear.  
As soon as he walks out of the bathroom, one hand goes between your legs and the other to your breast, working toward the quickest release possible, biting your lip.  The vision of him between your legs is blinding your mind’s eye from thinking about anything else. You come just in time, covering your own mouth with your inner arm. You feel a wave of shame after you come  - how depraved to get off in this situation. But the tension was too much to take. 
Joel comes back with a duffle bag and a dress. He seems to notice your post-orgasm flush.   He puts the dress on you and it's not a minidress but it's shorter than you're comfortable with, especially if you don't get to wear underwear.  It’s thin, too.  He strokes your inner thighs and gives you an accusatory look. 
"You come when I say." 
Your face burns and you nod. 
"Told you I wasn't gonna let anything happen to you. . . then I did."  He looks guilty, almost anguished. "You're gonna learn to do what I say, understand?"
You nod. 
"For your own good, sweet pea."
"Yeah," you whisper. 
You try to tug the dress down and hesitantly ask, "Can I have, um-" 
"No," Joel says and slings the duffle bag over his shoulder. "Got you some but you're not gonna need it for a while."  
You swallow thickly and remember you chose the van.  
Joel manhandles you into the passenger seat, takes some paracord out of the duffle bag, and ties your wrists in a special knot.  Then he ties them behind your head to the headrest.  
He strings rope around the headrest and across your chest in each direction forming an X across your chest with your breasts on either side.  He ties that to the wrist restraints. The rope digs into your neck uncomfortably. 
“Try to get out and it’ll only get tighter.  And I’m gonna know about it.”  
“I won’t.” You’re earnest. 
“Hope not,” he says.  “‘Cause I’ve got a lot more of this.”  He holds up a bunch of paracord, puts it back in the bag, then looks you up and down and wets his lips.  “Looks good on ya, too.”  He shoves the duffle bag behind your seat.  “Real good.”  
He slides his hand between your legs and shoves his middle finger right inside you. His head falls back and his eyelids are heavy.   You’re still wet enough that it doesn’t hurt.  He thumbs your clit while pushing two, then three fingers in and out of you.  Then he stills his fingers inside you.  He strokes the bulge in his pants with the heel of his palm.  His mouth falls open and he studies your face.  Then he flattens his fingers and rubs your whole pussy.  It feels so good, so unbearably good.  Your spine arches.  He takes his time and brings you to the brink again, then cruelly removes his hand.  
“Stay here.” He points at the rope.  “Remember – try to get out, it’ll only get tighter.”
You nod, clenching your thighs together, barely paying attention.
“It’s for your own good.” The tension feels like torture.
A few minutes later, Joel comes back out to the van, and thank god.  Your hands are getting numb and the rope is chafing your neck and cleavage.    He opens the door and examines the paracord around your wrists.  “Good girl,” he says.  He looks you up and down as though deciding what to do with you.  He exhales with a puff of his cheeks and rubs the protrusion in his tight pants.  At this point, nothing would surprise you, and you wonder if you should have made a move in the bathroom to suck him off. 
He swiftly unties the paracord then unbuckles his belt, gazing at you in a dark trance. 
He aggressively shoves his strong arm under you, then you make space and he wedges himself between you and the seat. You’re in his lap again.  
Initially, he pulls you back into him and your breath hitches when you feel his hard package beneath you.   His hips lift and his arousal swells harder. He breathes heavily and his chest inflates against your back.  Then he extends his legs to make a downward slope and scoots you forward on his thighs.  You hear his zipper come down.  When you chose the van, you didn’t know it would be this.  You’re humiliated, but your body purrs in anticipation.   
You’re startled by the van’s back doors opening.  
“Come on,” Joel whispers flatly, nudging you to hover over him.  When you rise a few inches,  he lifts your dress and guides your naked ass backwards, hovering in his lap. He presses the curve of your spine and you tilt your hips.  He guides you until you feel his firm tip at your dripping entrance.  "You want this?" You nod almost imperceptibly, then he says, "Go ahead." You sink onto him with a soft gasp.  “That's right, take it," he says. He puts his hand over your mouth and pulls you down, breathing, "yes." Then he sighs "Ahh," as his girth parts your insides.  He has to use both arms and a thrust to bury himself entirely, then your body’s flush with his. His noises are quiet but visceral, softer than usual, but just as masculine.
You’re pitiful, like a rag doll in your thin dress, no panties, no bra, sitting on his cock.  Bending to his will like he’s your puppeteer.  And you might as well have an arm shoved all the way up you.  He’s inhabiting every bit of space in your guts. 
Men are loading things into the back of the van.  Joel leans you forward to spread your dress over his lap.  Then he pulls you back and lifts his hips, making his cock move deep inside you.   The main door to the van slides open and men start piling in.  Your seat is always in Joel’s lap, that’s nothing new, so hopefully no one notices you’re impaled on his massive cock.  
But that’s going to be difficult considering he’s not sitting still. He rocks his hips, pushing his length up into you at a slow pace. This has the effect of lifting your whole body each time.  Someone sitting behind you could surely see your head bobbing slowly, smoothly, but rhythmically.  His hands cup your breasts through your dress.  Tension is coiling in your core.  With his next upward thrust, Joel softly grunts into your hair.  Quieter than usual.  He isn’t worried about being seen or heard –   That’s not his style at all – It’s just that, in the van, it doesn’t take much to put on a show.  In a way, if he can subject everyone to it in near-silence, that’s even more dominant. 
Joel’s hips continue to lift into you and he slides his hand into the low-cut neckline to grope your naked breast.  The driver glances over and does a double-take, then swallows sheepishly and quickly averts his gaze, but reaches for the bandana on the dashboard and hands it to Joel.  They’re going to the stash house so Joel pauses to tie it over your eyes.  
Joel grunts softly into your hair as his cock is hugged tight by your warmth. None of the men talk to him.  They chatter at low volume amongst themselves, and he doesn’t have the best hearing.  You hear his name in a whisper from the back of the van and get self conscious that they’re watching. But of course they are. If Joel hears them, he doesn’t seem to mind.  With each tilt of his hips, his thick cock moves a short but impactful distance, nudging your g-spot.  You’re already so full, but it fills you more each time. The tension tightens, radiating to your whole body.  Begging for release.  The motion is smooth and fluid beneath you.  It’s like you’re riding an ocean wave.  Your breathing gets heavier.  
You squeeze your thighs together, tightening around his cock.  Joel grunts into your neck, then whispers “I don’t think so, sweet pea” and stops moving.  He’s really punishing you. For almost the rest of the ride, he holds you completely still on his cock.  Your heart races and your face is hot.  He’s leaning back against the seat and has you leaning back against him.  You ride in silence, listening to the noise of the road under the tires, pitch black under the blindfold. Joel’s as thick and hard as ever and the swell of his shaft twitches.  Every bump in the road provides welcome friction between his warm rod and your desperate walls.  
You know you're getting close to the stash house when you reach the gravel road, at which point you’re continuously bounced on his cock.  You can feel your arousal leaking out of you and onto him.  Your combined musk fills the van and the driver cracks his window as the terrain effectively makes you ride Joel's cock despite his best efforts to deprive you. He holds you tight, trying to keep you completely still against him. You aren’t sure if you’ll be able to stop yourself from coming.  
“You were bad today,” he whispers lowly into your neck, and you feel a wave of shame. “In the worst way," he adds coldly.  
You turn your cheek as though trying to meet his eyes through the blindfold, but his hand strongly grips your jaw and forces your face straight ahead again.  
“I’m sorry,” you whisper as you bounce there, filled to the brim with his girth. 
“Gonna be a good girl from now on?”
“Come when I do, then,” his low voice murmurs into your ear, sending a rush through your body.  He better come really soon. 
He inhales deeply through his nose and puts his arm flat on your back with his strong forearm resting along your spine and his hand firmly gripping the nape of your neck.  He forces you down, and you fold forward with your head near your knees.  Then he covers your mouth tight with his other hand.  His arm presses down on your back as his hips lift up into you.  He grunts as he erupts inside you.  His thick cock powerfully pulses and sends you clenching and fluttering around him, softly moaning into his hand as you find your own waves of release. It feels like it lasts forever.  
“Maniac,” someone says under their breath as Joel lets you sit back up.  
"You did good," he whispers flatly into your hair. To your shame, your heart can't help but swell at his approval, even though the coldness in his tone stings. He's obviously preoccupied by what you did.
You can't discern most of the hushed murmurs until another voice ominously whispers from the back of the van, “He can’t watch her 24/7 forever.” Joel must not hear it or else you imagine the man wouldn’t be breathing for long.  
The van parks at the stash house and Joel takes off your blindfold.  He helps lift you off his lap and his length slides out, bringing with it a dripping mess of both of you.  Your insides slowly pull themselves back together as your combined juices trickle down your thigh. You step down out of the van while he zips up his pants and you dab yourself as best you can with the dress, face burning along with your neck, shoulders, and hands.  With Joel facing away from the men, you can feel them staring at you, but as soon as he steps out of the van, they look away and go about unloading. 
Joel retrieves the duffle bag from behind the seat, but he doesn't bring it into the stash house with you.  He takes out a blanket and wraps it around you, making you decent. You shouldn't feel like it's sweet, but there's a passing moment before you remind yourself the gesture is for him, not you. He doesn't want anyone else to see you. He said as much the first time you were there. Joel takes out some rope from the bag, and before he brings you into the house, he makes sure his switchblade is in his pocket. Then he firmly grabs you by the elbow and takes you inside.
"You're gonna have to be brave for me in a minute, baby."
we'll pick up from here next time & a couple more asks will become relevant.
Thank you so much for reading and interacting! We've been simping for this sicko for a month now and i really enjoy our banter and dialogue about him and the other toxic joels.
All joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @lokanda @ele-meno-p @internetobssessed1234-blog LMK if I left you off
RJ: @str84pedro
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dovveri · 5 months
save your love
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synopsis: y/n is susie in allie x & mitski's susie save your love song - if u dont know it go listen :P (but also u dont have to lol synopsis is y/n calls bsf sana drunk and sad and angry abt her bf and you don't know that sana is in love with you)
warnings: cursing, sexual harassment, alcohol, slight cheating, gonn repeat sexual harassment bcs its there and its potentially triggering so err on the side of caution and dont read if ur worried - take care🙏
w/c: 3.7k
a/n: still not over the fact that sana used susie save your love in that one ig post like wdym ur a mitski - qpoc ICON - listener and u post a song abt how u wish ur bsf would leave her dumb bf and be w u instead - a quintessential wlw experience like HELLO???? i also think i projected a liiiiiiil bit accidentally maybe im so sorry but writing this shit works better than therapy ngl
࿐ ࿔*: ☽・゚
"y/n where the fuck are you."
you're cursing as you almost drop your drink, phone between your ear and shoulder.
"i dunnoooo one of marshall's friends' places i think. he was supposed to be my ride home but i can't find himmmmmm."
sana's already got her keys in her hand, heading out towards her car, cursing under her breath, "can you share your location with me sweetie? or is there anyone else there that you know?"
you look around at the various stragglers in the living room either smoking, high out of their minds, or completely passed out. loud music, bass thumping hurting your head as you feel the vibrations shoot up your body. "mmmmm noooo but-"
"hey! marshall's girl right?" a deep voice comes over the phone and sana squints to try and make out what's going on, unlocking her car and turning her engine on.
"y/n? hey y/n you still there?"
"mm yeah sana sorry one sec- you guys know where marshall is?"
"think i saw him headed home with someone in the passenger seat, thought that was you cutie."
"someone else? huh?"
"you doing okay? you look a little pale let's get you upstairs in the bathroom yeah?"
"w-wait no-" sana can make out multiple voices talking to you and a little scuffle as you drop your phone, voices fading.
"fuck!" she's about to call your boyfriend marshall and demand for your address when she sees you were able to start sharing your location with her. she sets it into her navigation app and starts speeding to the destination.
࿐ ࿔*: ☽・゚
"umm guys where are we going? i don't think marshall's up here..."
"oh don't worry babygirl. marshall's our best friend he's okay with whatever we wanna do."
"mm okay but like- what are we doing? if we're singing you guys have to know i suck at karaoke so don't laugh."
the three guys holding you up laugh, "nah nah baby we're just gonna get you cleaned up a little before marshall comes to pick you up okay?"
"oh okay~ mmm wait where's my phone? i was just talking to my best friend-" you start to fumble for your pockets while the guys lead you into a dim room.
they shut the door and close in on you, you’re still cluelessly looking for your phone when one guy starts kissing you, shoving his tongue into your mouth.
"w-wait! what are you doing?!"
he's pushing you onto a bed and climbing on top of you kissing your neck while the others slip your top off and unbutton your jeans. "shhh we're just cleaning you up like we said. want you to be nice and ready for marshall right?"
"no what-"
the door slams open and sana's there, breathing heavily from clambering over the steps.
"get the fuck away from her."
the guys exchange annoyed looks when the one who was at your jeans stands up and walks towards sana, "you the best friend? you're welcome to join us if you'd like." he's pulling on her hand and dragging her towards you.
she doesn't give him another second, yanking him back and bringing a knee up into his crotch, letting him fall to the side groaning as she rushes towards you.
you realise belatedly she's got her phone out and the flashlight on as you squint, trying to make out her face.
"get the fuck off her right fucking now. i've got all you shits on camera and the cops on speed dial."
the two guys glance at each other, looking like they want to pull a fight but then they're cursing and moving away, picking up their friend off the floor and stumbling out the door.
her flashlight turns off, and you feel her tugging your clothes back into place before lifting you bridal-style and carrying you out, down the stairs, and into the passenger seat of her car.
you watch hazily as she paces around outside for a few minutes on the phone with someone, stopping to snap a picture of the house and then hanging up and getting into the car, slamming the door close.
you flinch at the sound, shrinking into your seat, pulling the jacket she's draped over you closer.
she starts the engine and pulls out wordlessly.
you don't dare speak yet, letting the soft hum of the engine and the late night radio music fill the silence as you listen to her heavy breaths slow down.
finally she sighs and glances over at you, "what would you have done if i didn't show up y/n?" her voice is gentle, it always was with you.
you can't look at her, tears welling up in your eyes as you stare out the window, shrugging in response.
she's frowning, "did they manage to do anything to you? are you okay? do we need to get you to a hospital?"
you're shaking your head, the movement making you dizzy, feeling gross in your own skin as you pick at your nails. "can you take me to marshall's? i don't wanna talk about this right now." you're voice is croaky when you speak, on the verge of tears.
sana grips the wheel hard at your request, instead, pulling over on the side of the empty road and putting the car in park.
you sigh exasperatedly, "sana please i just said i don't want to talk about this right now."
"that's fine but if you think i'm taking you to that asshole's house then you've got to be fucking kidding me y/n."
you turn your head to look at her then, her eyes are dark with barely concealed rage, fists clenched so tight her knuckles were turning white. you falter under her gaze, "he's not an asshole."
she scoffs then, "are you fucking serious? what kinda boyfriend takes you to his rapist friends' house then leaves with another girl without so much as a text. it should be enough proof he’s a dick that he's even friends with those assholes." she spits.
and you can't help it, you start sobbing uncontrollably.
"oh shit y/n i didn't- i'm sorry-" she's shuffling around trying to get around the console, and you sob even louder at her outstretched hand, careful and wanting to comfort you but making sure you were okay being touched first.
you're diving into her arms and then she's all there. pulling you into her lap and adjusting the position of her seat so you can squeeze in between the wheel and her torso. soft hands running through your hair shooshing and whispering gently into you ear. arm wrapped tightly around your waist while your face is buried in her chest, heaving and letting out your disgust.
she never stops running her fingers through your hair, letting your sobs wrack your body, hearts beating in tandem as she just holds you.
eventually, your sobs reside to sniffles and you feel a little silly, rubbing your eyes onto the material of her betty boop pyjama shirt.
she's still combing fingers through you hair, rubbing your back lightly, and laying soft kisses along the side of your face, resting her forehead against the top of your head and breathing you in softly.
"i-i'm-" your voice cracks as you try to speak up weakly but she hushes you quickly.
"we don't have to talk if you don't want to. we can stay here for as long as you want. i'm not going anywhere."
you feel your eyes well up again, but you swallow it down, speaking up after clearing your throat, "i'm sorry-" your voice cracks again, almost breaking, "i'm sorry you had to see me like that."
you feel her lifting her head off yours and looking at you in disbelief, mouth open and about to protest but you put a finger to her lips, still not able to look at her.
"no let me finish. you were right. i had no idea what i'd have done if you didn't come. i'm sorry that you did have to come. i'm just so sorry for fucking up sana. if i'd- if i hadn't got so drunk maybe, or if i'd followed marshall home-"
she licks the finger on her lips and you yelp, looking at her out of reaction and cringing, wiping the finger on her shoulder in faux disgust.
she chuckles, "can i talk yet?"
you nod shyly, "as long as you don't lick me again." avoiding her eyes.
she's smiling and a hand is on your cheek, brushing the skin there gently and you can't help but lean into the touch.
"y/n... you don't have to apologise for anything. i'm sorry if i made you feel like you did. but i don't care about all of that. i'm just grateful i was there, if anything, i'm angry at myself for not being there sooner." you look at her as she takes a shaky breath in, eyes wet, "but you have to know none of that was your fault. there's no what if. it was no one's fault but the guys who decided to take advantage of you while you were drunk."
you're crying again, head in your hands, "n-no but- like i know that but i just- like i trusted them. i trusted them because they were meant to be marshall's friends and i trusted marshall."
she's rubbing her hands at your lower back, "that doesn't make it your fault for trusting them. they broke that trust the moment they started thinking of you in a way they shouldn't have. you can't blame yourself for something like that y/n."
"i just feel so gross sana. i can't stop thinking about how their hands felt on me, and i want to scrub off every bit of them."
she's clutching your waist, anger building up again, "i'll fucking kill them."
you let out a choked laugh, "yeah? you and your 163 centimetres? against three buff gym rats?" you poke the skin at her arms, "with these muscles i assume?" (it was SO funny and adorable in the ready to be tw-log finale ep when jeongyeon was poking at sana saying how she has zero arm muscles)
she's pulling away from you with a pout and a whine on her lips before her gaze darkens and she says somberly, "i have a car."
you laugh seriously then, a big hearty laugh as your head falls to her shoulder, and she's whining and trying to pull you up. you're so grateful for her.
eventually you come up, wiping at your eyes and catching your breath, "well i'm glad i have someone who'd commit manslaughter for me."
she's pouting adorably and you get a sudden rush of want, and you blush, scrambling away, wondering why the fuck you just thought about how easy it'd be to kiss the pout off your best friend's lips.
sana's confused and pulling you back into her, "what's wrong? where’re you going?"
you come up with the quickest excuse you can think of, "gonna puke."
she yelps and quickly opens the car door, almost falling out in her rush to avoid being covered in sick. you're out the door in seconds, heaving in the fresh air and shivering slightly at the cold, hoping it'll at least cool down the heat in your cheeks.
then you're giggling, and then laughing again, turning back to face her look of disgust. her face morphs as she watches you though, and soon enough she's doubled over laughing as well.
to anyone driving past, you'd both look insane, laughing at absolutely nothing. but to you, you've never felt more free, more relieved. you're safe, and okay, and you're favourite person in the whole world is here with you. you collapse onto the hood of her car, and she follows suit, giggling and breathy.
the two of you lay here, looking up into the night sky, counting the stars. you shiver slightly and move closer towards her until your bodies are touching. she's turning slightly, wrapping an arm around your waist loosely, and watching you watch the stars.
you turn to face her, breaths mingling, coming out in wispy white clouds of heat in the chilly night air. you find your eyes dropping to her mouth again, and you can't hide the blush that adorns your face this time. if you'd just leaned in a little more, you'd be able to answer the burning question in your head of what exactly sana tasted like.
the slight quiver in her lower lip entrances you, the soft breaths she's taking as her warmth fans over your face, smelling of jasmine and the toothpaste she’s used just before bed. you're inching closer and closer, her eyes are on your lips as well.
you lose it though, when a tongue peeks out and licks across her bottom lip, and you're pressing your lips against hers softly, eyes closed, and humming at the warmth she provides.
she's kissing you back gently, lips slotting against yours in the perfect way, and then she's gone, pulling away leaving you chasing after her, but she places a hand on your chest, pushing you back lightly.
"you're drunk. and taken. this is wrong."
you whine, trying to pull her back to you but she's firm, sitting up and walking away.
you're blinking and what the fuck just happened? dazed as you stand up as well, moving back into the passenger seat dumbly, peeking at her expression trying to get a sense of what was going on inside her mind.
she starts the engine and pulls out from the kerb, staring straight ahead, giving you nothing.
you can't help but think you've fucked everything up again.
࿐ ࿔*: ☽・゚
the storm brewing inside your head doesn't stop when she pulls into your driveway and parks.
you muster up the courage to apologise but she beats you to it, "i'm sorry y/n. i shouldn't have done that. can we just forget it about it please? i don't want to ruin anything between us. you're the most important person in the world to me and i can't lose you over these stupid feelings and i'm so sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable at all i-"
your inebriated mind is playing catch up, rolling her words in your head over and over again trying to figure out why that sounded like she was saying she had feelings for you? that couldn't be right. sana was the it girl. she was the girl that everyone wanted. she was the girl that sat through your nerdy rants about space and eels. the girl that bought you ice cream when your first boyfriend broke up with you in grade 3 because he didn't like the way you cut your hair. the girl that cried when she found out you weren't going to the same high school because you were moving away, but then managed to get her parents to enroll her anyway and spent the next 6 years taking the 2 hour commute to school just to be with you.
and holy shit. sana was in love with you.
"sana..." you interrupted her rambling, "i... i kinda have a massive headache right now and i'm more than a little drunk but… this isn't going to change our friendship at all."
her eyes are wide and shining, looking at you in fear, you grab her hands and squeeze them over the console, "i promise i'm not leaving you but i don't want to give you an answer yet when i'm in this state. but if it helps, i'm pretty sure i'm the one that kissed you first." you grin, and she lets out a shaky breath.
you let go of her hands and shyly rub the back of your neck, "i kinda need to get inside and get clean but i'll call you tomorrow if that's okay?"
she's nodding, wiping at her eyes hastily.
you open the door and step out, closing it softly behind you. but you lean back down and gesture for her to roll down the window which she does.
"and sana... thank you for tonight. seriously. i don't know how i can ever show you how grateful i am for you being there."
she purses her lip and is firm again, "stop it. i'm glad i was there. and thankyou for letting me be there for you."
you smile gently as you wave and head towards your door, she waits for you to get inside and the door to shut before she pulls out and drives home, heart thumping, thoughts messy.
࿐ ࿔*: ☽・゚
you wake up in the morning with a pounding headache, stumbling to your kitchen to pop a few painkillers and squinting as you adjust to the morning sunlight spilling through your windows.
thank god you remembered everything that happened last night, you set your lips in a line as you got ready. you had a strict plan for today, and nothing was going to ruin it.
you quickly get dressed, thumbing out a small letter and grab your keys, driving over to marshall's house was step one.
once you arrive, you slam your car door loudly, taking satisfaction in the fact it probably woke him in his self-induced hangover he was no doubt soothing. you stalk up his front door, rapping on the wood loudly and tapping your foot impatiently as you wait for him to open the door.
it's not him though, and you scoff at the sight of a half naked girl, probably barely legal, pushing her aside despite her weak protests, and letting yourself into the space.
you storm up to his room, flinging open the door, grabbing the vase next to the bed, and dumping the water all over his sleeping head.
he wakes up with a start, "WHAT THE FUC-"
you slap him across the face, bringing his attention to you, "we're done." two simple words and you're back out the door, going down the steps, and back into your car.
you're halfway down the street when you spot him in the rearview mirror clambering after you in his underwear, soaking and pathetic.
you can't believe you had stayed with that man for as long as you had.
the relief you feel after your first action of the day is freeing. you're chasing after the feeling you had last night when you were doubled over laughing like madmen with sana on the side of the road. adrenaline pumping as you pull up to your local florist, purchasing a big bouquet of pink hydrangeas and then grabbing 2 coffees and a few bakery goods, shoving everything back into your car and speeding away again.
you arrive at sana's front door in record time, knowing her, she was definitely awake already and probably anxiously waiting for you to call. you grin as you grab the flowers, the letter you wrote before you left the house, and the breakfast you've gotten for the both of you, placing it down on her front door mat and arranging everything nicely so it looked picture-worthy.
then you ring her doorbell and duck, running over to her side fence that you knew she always left unlocked, entering her house through the back door, and sneaking back towards the front.
sana's bent down over the flowers and you can see the slight crease between her eyebrows from her confusion as she reads the letter you've left in the middle of the hydrangeas.
i'm sure you don't need me to tell you what pink hydrangeas represent because you're a huge flower nerd and i love that about you but i'm going to write it out anyway to show you i did the research.
in japan, hydrangeas are used to show you're sorry. and i'm sorry for not realising sooner, for letting you suffer for so long on your own. they also represent heartfelt emotions and gratitude. i'm eternally grateful for you sana. you're the most important person in the whole world to me too. i'd also commit manslaughter for you.
in europe, hydrangeas mean vanity and arrogance. i'm sorry i was so self-involved with my stupid boyfriends. to tell you the truth, i always thought you were too good for me, and that you'd realise that one day and leave, so i clung to anyone i could find, waiting in fear of that day. that was selfish of me, and i see that now, because you could never leave someone you love. because i realised i feel the same way about you, and i could never, never leave you.
pink hydrangeas are the most romantic of the bunch. (they’re also your favourite colour) i'm obviously trying to tell you that i love you too in a more than platonic way. and this time i'm not drunk or hyperemotional, i'm certain.
you silently creep up behind her while she's reading your note, and then grab her waist lifting her up into the air as she squeals, turning her in your arms and planting your lips on hers.
she's caught by surprise, lips unmoving against yours, until she realises it's you and wraps her legs around your waist, arms around your neck, and kisses you back.
you can finally taste her. and there's no way to describe it. you don't know why it took you so long to realise your feelings for her, but you'd never felt the way you feel about her for anyone else. you'd chalked that up to being best friends and that that's the way all best friends feel about each other, but best friends don't sigh into kisses. best friends don't feel like their hearts would explode with each soft press of skin against each other. best friends don't love each other the way you loved sana.
you break away when you feel wetness glide along your cheek, and salt touch the tip of your tongue. "sana?! oh my god i'm so sorry, i shouldn't- i should've asked first- oh shit i'm so-"
she's chuckling brokenly and you can't tell if she's laughing or crying or both but she pulls you back in, melding your lips together again speaking against your mouth, "i'm sorry. i'm just so happy right now."
you smile against her, kissing her again, you think you'll never be able to get enough of this feeling. "i'm sorry it took so long for me to catch up."
you feel her laugh against you, "i'm just glad you've still got some love saved for me."
"always." kiss. "it's all for you from now. i love you."
"i love you too idiot."
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bones4thecats · 3 months
hello i would like to make a request for the first years where your friends are liking your younger brother/sister please ex: Ace's sister is going to visit and the rest of the first years develop a crush
Ace's Sibling Attracts The Other 1st Years
Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Epel Felmier, Jack Howl, and Sebek Zigvolt Requester: @marinahavik A/N: For this, the Reader is Ace's younger twin. It just makes more sense to me since I don't want them to get a crush on someone in like middle school😵 And I know that my limit if 3-4 characters, but hear me out! The first piece (Ace's) is more background information than anything else! Anyways, I hope y'all have fun reading this! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Protective older siblings ig ⚠️
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╚═════ Ace Trappola ═══════════════════════════╝
🪅 When you and Ace were young, he would keep all of the guys away from you. You were his younger sibling, not theirs. And he did not share affection very well
🪅 But, as you two grew up, you went separate ways. He went to college at Night Raven, and you went to a straight job with you oldest brother
🪅 Ace didn't like to, but he had to admit that he missed you a lot. You were his partner in crime growing up. From throwing wet toilet paper onto other students or teachers you disliked to even going so far as to 'hiding' the teacher's notes. And by hide I mean by pass them to each other through your up-and-coming unique spell
🪅 Anyways. One day you realized that, because of some incidents at your workplace, you had around a couple weeks off. So, you called up your brother's Headmaster and asked if you could swing by for a couple days to hang around with your brother
🪅 The irresponsible man just laughed and gave you permission before rambling about how kind he was. What a strange man...
🪅 Grabbing your bag as you stepped out of the carriage, you smiled joyfully before sneaking into Heartslabyul and hiding your bag underneath the spare room's bed. Of course, Trey and Riddle knew that you were coming by, they are the Vice and lead Housewarden, so they knew everything when it came to their dorm
🪅 You adjusted the sleeves on your long white with red accents cardigan and began to sneak up behind your brother, who was walking backwards like the moron he was
🪅 Hunkering down before anyone could see you, you jumped up and pulled your brother down to the ground, making him squeal and land roughly, an annoyed expression laid on his face until he saw the familiar look of his younger twin
"Y/N?! What are you doing here, you little chameleon?"
"To keep it short and sweet, big bro. My work got a little screwed up and I have two weeks paid vacay while they fix it. I just decided to swing by and spend a few days here with you. Because, well, why the hell not?"
🪅 Ace grumbled as you began to screw around with his hair in a noogie. You had done this almost every time you saw him at school with your oldest brother. He understood now why being the middle child sucked so much in other's eyes
"Ace... who's this?"
🪅 The orange-haired male looked up at Deuce and smirked, a sense of pride washing over him as you used your unique magic to transport a floating chalkboard in front of the group of boys that Ace seemed close to. The sound of chalk rubbing on the board echoed until a single name was left
"This is... Y/N TRAPPOLA. My dearest younger twin."
"By only four minutes."
"Still older."
"Still far less mature."
"You wanna say that to my face, you little twerp?"
"Come at me, Ace Crappola!"
"Why you!-"
Over the course of the next couple weeks, you hung around Ace's group of friends, getting to know them all. Unaware of the secret they were all hiding from not only one another, but from Ace especially...
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╚═════ Deuce Spade ═══════════════════════════╝
♠️ Deuce was Ace's best friend, so you would get photos sent by your brother or messages of posts of the two of them on his Magicam account
♠️ When you looked at the other males, you smiled and immediately walked up to the former delinquent, a smile forming quickly as you wrapped your arms around his neck and made him hunch over slightly due to the force
"You must be Deuce! I've heard so much about you from my brother! By the way, what a fun change in your life." You said, teleporting a dual-sided card in your hand.
"Going from the tough eight of spades with dominance and ruthlessness only known. To the youthful three of spades with the love of teamwork and a special kind of playfulness, you really are the definition of a dual-sided card, Prince of Spades~"
♠️ As you twirled the card around and handed him it back, this time the King's face being replaced with his own. His face erupted in blush as you patted his head and wished him luck on his long journey to his view of perfection for his family
♠️ As you moved on to the others, Deuce couldn't help but look at the card and see a little note below with the words you just said to him there. His heart began to thump faster and harder within his chest, his face beginning to heat up with embarrassment. He was never like this with others... why were you so different...?
♠️ Oh Great Seven, Ace may just have his head
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╚═════ Jack Howl ═════════════════════════════╝
🐺 As Jack watched you step away from the spade-marked first year, he wondered what kind of trick you were going to try pulling on him. Were you going to do the same with a card, or maybe something new?
"Now, you I don't know much of. Though, by your adorable little ears, I'm guessing your Jack Howl. As I don't know as much about you, you give me more of a 'let the outcome tell' vibe. You also give me more of a... how do I put this." You began, grabbing a deck of cards out of your pocket as you shuffled it constantly as all listened to you speak.
🐺 Straightening out the cards, you smiled and handed him a random group cards, having him pick one out of it. He noticed one had a black dot, so he avoided that and picked the one next to it
🐺 Taking the cards back and reshuffling them, you pulled one out and he noticed quickly that it had no black dot. You had to have screwed the trick up
"You give me a eight of hearts vibe! How iconic, yes? This also tells me you care for your family and friends dearly and you have goals that you want to meet. I believe you shall meet this very easily and without any issues besides maybe a few corrupt souls. Have fun on that journey of strength, Jackie."
"H-how did you know that I..."
🐺 A smile appeared on your face as you spun back around and looked into the eyes of the beastman. You chuckled lightly and began to twirl his tail between your fingers, the soft fur bushes upwards before calming down and wrapping around his leg in embarrassment similar to Deuce's
"Had that card? I was taught magic growing up, I work in mysterious ways~"
🐺 Jack saw how you flung the card back at him, but the back was completely changed, a print of a snowy mountain surrounded by forests with a nice house laying in the front with a pack of wolves out front. It was like his family was at their home miles away in the Shaftlands
🐺 You were far more interesting than Jack initially thought. Maybe having a second Ace around would be entertaining for the new couple weeks...
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╚═════ Epel Felmier ════════════════════════════╝
🍎 Epel was shocked after seeing how you tricked Jack with the black dot on the card. You must've had the best eyes he had ever seen, maybe even better than Rook's! And he literally stalks students just because he wants to 'admire them'
🍎 God that guy's creepy sometimes...
🍎 The sound of your footsteps made the Pomefiore first year look up and see you put the deck of cards away and pull out multiple dice
"What are these for?"
"Well, to put it simple, pretty boy. If you roll these dice, you'll either see your biggest fear or your biggest want. What that is is completely up to your own psyche. Now, go ahead and pick a dice, or use 'em all."
🍎 Epel narrowed his eyes at you and looked over the dice, a sense of skepticism running through his mind. There was no way that a puny dice would be able to tell what his biggest fear and his biggest want was by him rolling it!
🍎 The male took one dice and scrambled it inside of his hands and rolled it onto the ground, thinking of his biggest want in life. He then took the second one and did the same thing, only thinking of his biggest fear this time
🍎 You smiled and tapped onto the ground ten times, throwing one hand down before clapping together over and over again before clapping down at the ground and summoning two holograms of his fear and want
🍎 The sight of Epel being a manly-man, carrying many barrels of hay around his family's farm shocked him enough, but seeing the other dice project a scene of him dining like a little princess with a posh accent made him jump and hide behind his hands, a hint of blush showing between his fingers
🍎 You chuckled and apologized for embarrassing the young man, pulling the two dices and scrambling them together before you opened them again and showed a single dice with special carvings on it. From trees of apples to the single fruit to even a little farmhouse, Epel looked at the object with stars in his eyes
"Thank you! This is so cool lookin'!"
"No problem! By the way, tell your grandmother that your family's apple juice recipe better not change! That stuff is the shit to drink when I have a break at work. Have fun attempting to reach your goal of being a manlier man, Felmier."
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╚═════ Sebek Zigvolt ═══════════════════════════╝
⚡ As you went through the multiple first years, Sebek watched and was getting very annoyed. You were obviously informed by Ace of their likes and dislikes and their lives all together. There was no way you just knew all of this!
⚡ You smiled and walked in front of Sebek, pulling out a vile of gambling chips. The edges were stripped with the same green as Sebek's hair with highlights of black and white
⚡ Handing the half-fae a single chip, you began to rant about how his family life was affecting him, much to his surprise. He never told anybody of it, and thankfully, you were sneaky enough to speak of this while the others spoke a few feet away
⚡ Sebek watched you carefully as you tossed him another chip, revealing a carving of his parents meeting
"You're parents are a fae and human, a female for the first and male for the second. Over time, you began to see your human side as weak." A third chip, then fourth, and over and over again.
"H-how do you know this..."
"Magic, Sebek. Magic."
⚡ Stepping closer to Sebek, you noticed how your information had slightly made him sad. So, in an action of sympathy, you laid your hand on his cheek and moved his face to make him look into your eyes
⚡ Opening his hands and trading the chips for a bracelet with dice charms and multiple extra ones attached, you gave him a light hug with your extra arm and told him to stay positive
"You're a human. What could you know about a fae's family and staying positive with a veteran for a grandfather?"
"More than you think. Just remember this whenever you feel bad of yourself. You were made this way for a reason. You're a half-human, half-fae for the sake of your life. Don't think wrongly of yourself. You're great the way you are... well, minus the yelling at least."
⚡ You let Sebek's face go and yelled at Ace to quit being an idiot. And as you scolded your sibling for his idiocy, the green-haired male looked at the bracelet, noticing the charms had dragons, swords, lightning, and a few cards and dices here and there, the most obvious one being a four of spades. He smiled gently as his cheeks heated up
⚡ You really were different than your brother, weren't you?
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mouwrites · 7 months
the creeps!!
how about... creeps x reader who is having a ptsd response due to something/someone from their before life?
your choice!
EEE thank you for giving me a little freedom with this one hehe, you're a doll <33 (hope these are okay; I realize these aren't exactly "comforting" but these guys are messed up,, I don't think you can really expect comfort from them lol)
!!TW!! for depiction/mention of PTSD! Proceed with caution lovelies!!
Creepypasta/MH: How They React When Your PTSD is Triggered
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Clockwork, Jane the Killer, "Ticci" Toby, Tim/Masky
Jeff the Killer
I'm going to be so real with you, his first response is not going to be to comfort you
He is going to kill whoever triggered you, or burn it if it's not a person
You can try to stop him, but he's not going to
Honestly he might lowkey be making it worse, doing it right there and then with you watching
Well, he'll probably tell you to close your eyes and plug your ears first
(But if you want to participate, he'll just say: "let me do this for you, babe.")
All you'll know is that one minute it's/they're there, and the next Jeff is taking you by the shoulders and leading you away quickly
Just ignore the char/blood on his hoodie
He'll ask if you want to talk about it while you're walking
If you decline he'll ask again when you're back home
While he doesn't really need a reason to kill for you, he still wants to know what that scumbag did (or just what happened)
If you're mad at him for what he did, he's not going to care
In his eyes, he did the right thing, and he's not going to apologize for it
Anything that hurts his love deserves to perish, if not for their sake then for his
He can't stand the thought of someone/something that makes you unhappy existing in this world
If you ever stress about it again, he will actually focus on you, holding you, consoling you by repeating "they're/it's gone, they/it won't hurt you anymore..."
There's an eerie smugness to his voice as he says it...
I feel like you guys would've already talked about your trauma
She's prone to attacks too, so it was a mutual discussion about triggers/what helps/what doesn't
So she knows exactly what's going on when you're triggered
Her first concern is you, trying to quell the attack before it gets too bad
She'll do something you told her helps ASAP
It'll make her feel better if you let her stay with you, but she understands if you need space
What she'd really like is to hold your hand and get your mind off of it by talking about something else
She'd be fine if she was the only one talking
Just as long as you're showing signs of improvement
When the attack is over, she'll give you time to process it
But eventually she will want to bring it up again
Specifically, she wants to make plans to... uh... "eliminate" the thing that triggered you
And those plans will be vividly detailed
If you don't want to take part in that, she'll make them (and execute them) herself
She just thought you'd wanna take part; I mean, it's how she """solved""" her trauma
She won't follow through if you explicitly tell her not to, but otherwise she operates under the assumption that this is a plan, not a fantasy
When you have another attack, she won't talk about how it/they can't hurt you anymore; she'll just focus on doing the things you said helped
Jane the Killer
She's pretty good at observing people, so I think she'd be able to sense your attack early on
Even if she doesn't know about your PTSD
The first thing she does is remove you from the situation, wrapping an arm around you and rushing away
She sends the meanest scowl to anyone who looks at you funny while you go
Then she focuses on grounding you; she's not too good with feelings, but she's logical enough to try and figure something out to help you
She won't talk much; just an occasional "breathe with me" or "focus on me" while she holds your hands and maintains eye contact
It doesn't show but she's actually so nervous, she has no idea if she's really helping you
She'll be right there with you through the worst of it, and she'll be there if you want to talk after
She will want to know what caused it, if she hasn't figured it out already
I honestly don't think she'll want to "eliminate" it/them
But she will talk the nastiest, goriest, most illegal shit about it/them
She gets all giddy when you grin about it too; internally she's going yeah!! made them smile!! (happy dance)
She'll try not to bring it up intentionally, but whenever it does come up she makes sure to express her strong distaste
If you ever actually want to... take care of things, she'll help with the cleanup, but she'll want you to have the satisfaction of planning and doing it yourself
I mean, she dreams of having that satisfaction herself (looks at Jeff)
Regardless of whether or not you want to do something illegal, ultimately she respects that it's your trauma and you get to deal with it however you like
"Ticci" Toby
Murder. Arson.
Literally his knee-jerk reaction
He just looks between you and the suspected trigger, points a thumb in its direction and says: "Want me to kill that guy/light that thing up?"
If you say yes he'll do it straight away; he doesn't care who's watching
He'll ask if you want to help first though ofc
Then he'll run away giggling like a second grader, grabbing your hand on the way
When you slow down he sighs satisfactorily, saying how fun that was
If you're still distressed (or if you refused his earlier offer), he finally takes notice of your emotions
He'll ask you quite bluntly what's wrong
When you explain it to him, he just nods solemnly
He knows from experience that having a rough past sucks, so he understands completely
If you haven't already he suggests that you "take care of it"
But if you agreed to murder/arson earlier he just grins again and says "Well then it's good that we did that back there!"
If you ever have an attack again he'll either remind you that the thing/person is gone, or he'll nag you about "taking care of it"
He'll begrudgingly put an arm around you though when you don't immediately calm down
He might offer you something to fidget with, too; that always helps him when he's anxious
Just try not to be too alarmed when it's a box cutter or a butterfly knife or something weird that he puts in your hand
I feel like he'd be a little awkward when you start to panic
He'll panic a little too, asking what's wrong and if/how he can help
He'll do anything you say, but if you're unable to respond he just puts his arm around your shoulders and takes you into another room
He'll hug you against him, patting your back awkwardly while you process the attack
He doesn't know what else to do :(
He probably realizes what's happening after a few minutes, and he only gets more awkward when that happens
He sucks at dealing with his own trauma; he is literally the worst person for you to be with right now
At least that's what he thinks
When you start to calm down he asks if you want to talk about it, but then immediately curses himself for asking such a stupid question (he doesn't even want to talk about his trauma; why should anyone else? (just his thoughts))
If you do want to talk it turns into a very deep and candid discussion in which you both open up a bit
He'll ask if there's anything that helps at all
Honestly he's asking for you as much as himself; he'd love to try anything that works for you
I don't think he'd suggest or condone killing/destroying the trigger; from his experience that just brings more issues
He'll basically just tell you "yeah, it sucks, and we just have to deal. Which sucks times two."
Very helpful, thank you Tim 👍
At least he always holds you whenever you have an attack <3
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Thank you so much for this request!! And thanks for reading, take care sweethearts <33
(divider by saradika)
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drdemonprince · 5 months
Re: autistic advice; i keep seeing people making fun of stuff like "are you in a place to hear bad news" or scripts like that. I grew up in an environment where it was common practice to just drop heavy subjects on people out of the blue, & I still find that intensely uncomfortable. But I've now had multiple people tell me that it makes them feel shitty when I ask, for example, "are you up for a dark subject?" & I don't really know how to square it away. I want to make sure that I'm not stepping on anyone's toes or making them feel ambushed or trapped, but apparently it makes some people feel like they're not allowed to have their feelings. I end up feeling pretty shitty about it, because like... it feels like either I have to be Rude (because it DOES feel rude to just drop a dark topic on someone) &/or risk having something shitty I can't deal with dropped in my lap, or else really upset people. I guess... is there a way to navigate this?
I would recommend being more specific.
People find phrases like "Are you in a place to hear something that might hurt you?" and "Are you up for a dark subject?" to be a bit presumptuous about what their emotional reactions will be or what they are capable of handling. It also can make what would have otherwise been a very unremarkable exchange become tinged with anticipatory anxiety.
When someone asks me a question like "are you up to hear something dark?" I might feel coddled and condescended to, rather than emotionally respected. Or if they ask me "are you prepared to hear something that might hurt you?" / "are you up for a serious conversation?" I think they're about to drop some serious emotional bomb on me, like that they're friend-dumping me for something horrible that I didn't realize I did. Then when it ends up being a meme they want to share or a question about a celebrity lawsuit or something i'm kind of pissed at the false alarm and the coddling that, rather than protecting me, made me feel worse.
In either case, rather than giving me time to emotionally prepare or interact when I am ready, these vague questions have introduced some kind signal of social or emotional threat. If anything, it increases the felt urgency to just have the damn conversation already and see what kind of monster is lurking behind the person's words. It makes me *less* likely to exercise control over when the conversation happens or when I see the upsetting thing.
So be specific. "Do you wanna see a disgusting meme?" "I want your opinion on something, but the question touches on sexual assault. Is that okay to talk about?" "I want to talk to you about a conflict I'm having with my other partner." "Can I ask you your opinion on this transphobia discourse?" Etc.
The more specific you can be about the subject and why you are asking about it, the more power you are giving the other person to actually decide what they want to engage with. When someone asks me if I am willing to discuss something dark, I really have no idea what to say. They're imposing their judgement of what is a dark or upsetting topic onto me, when really they have no idea what I might find triggering and what I might really enjoy getting to talk about.
Rather than trying to protect me from something I haven't even encountered yet, you gotta let me encounter it, and actually trust that I will take care of myself. If I don't want to talk about sexual assault I won't, if I don't want to look at gross imagery I'll say no, if hearing one more bad thing about your other partner is going to make my jealousy fume, I am responsible for handling that. You're not responsible for my emotions.
It's good to notice which subjects your friends are especially sensitive to and what big triggers they have so that you can be considerate. My friends know I cant look at lots of blood flowing out of someone for instance and dont send me visuals/fics that feature, say, wrists being slit or blood being drawn. But if they forgot, I'd understand and just look away and squeal oh no i cant look at that get it away. And that would be fine. They are not responsible for my reactions to things.
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calisources · 11 months
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CHILDREN   OF   THE   NIGHT.   a   collection   of   quotes   and   scenarios   about   vampires.   change   pronouns/names   as   you   see   fit.   These   were   all   taken   from   different   sources   of   fiction,   both   in   literature   and   audiovisual   media.   all   known   triggers   for   vampire   media   apply   (blood,   death,   murder,   gothic   horror, obsessive love   and   more).
SENTENCES AND QUOTES. change pronouns and names, locations as you see fit.
"I took mythology a lot more seriously since I’d become a vampire."
“None of us really changes over time; we only become more fully what we are.”
"A vampire, like a lady, never reveals his true age."
"How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful and magical?”
"The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him."
"Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!"
"The blood is the life!"
"Loving the monsters always ends badly for the humans. It's a rule."
“When people see good, they expect good. I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations.”
“Love is a vampire’s greatest weakness. And we are not weak.”
“You know that old saying. Once you go dead, no one's better in bed.”
“For a hundred years I offered ugly death to everyone I met, and I did it with a song in my heart.”
"I'm not human. And I miss it. I miss it more than anything in the world. That is my secret."
“I'm in love with a woman I can never have. The point is I'm in love with her and it's driving me crazy. I'm not in control.”
"Your life is pathetic. Your after-life doesn't have to be."
"Life sucks either way, Jeremy. At least if you're a vampire, you don't have to feel bad about it if you don't want to."
"You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure and even a little danger."
"Sometimes the world turns good people into bad people."
"People have been after me for a thousand years, but I'm always one step ahead."
"Mother made us vampires. She didn't make us monsters. We did that to ourselves."
"Perhaps one day, in a year or even in a century. You'll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer."
"Do you have any idea how rare love is? In a thousand years, I have found it but twice, and when I have, I have honored it."
"You're a vampire, sweetheart. I don't think you'll ever be okay again."
“When you feel the blood rush in, you tell yourself that you’re gonna get through it; that you’re strong enough.”
“You’d be surprised how easy it is to forget the past, Elena.”
“I wanna rip into your skin. And I wanna feed on your blood. Under your skin.”
“I just want one taste. That''s all I need. I just want one taste.”
“There’s the briefest of moments before we kill, where we literally hold their life in our hands and then rip it away, and we’re left with nothing.”
“Do you know the secret to immortality?”
“The vampire bond. There is no human equivalent.”
“He was my mentor, my murderer, my maker.”
“When was the last time you drank blood?”
“Left you with a bit of a craving, didn’t it? One day that craving is gonna grow.”
“That's cause you took my life! I got nothing. I lost everything. I lost my brother. I lost my family. About to lose the last fucking thing I care about.”
“And then I watched you pull over and drain a dog. And run down an alleyway for two more rats. This is not a life!”
“Hunting is an art. You have the power to subdue anyone you want, but sometimes restraint is your most powerful weapon.”
“What does this taste like to you?”
“There is one thing about being a vampire that I must fear above all else, and that is loneliness. You can't imagine the emptiness. The void.”
“Vampires are killers. Apex predators whose all-seeing eyes were meant to give them detachment. The ability to see a human life in its entirety.”
“Don’t underestimate the allure of the darkness. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it.”
“End of the day, human life is just a means to an end. Our means to our end.”
“A mutual law of nature is the strong always take from the weak.”
“It’s better to have a flawed life lived than wasted rotting away in clay.”
“Hatred, a pure and perfect hatred that’s greater now than the day I first took your life.”
“A thousand years of history isn’t going to write itself.”
“I can’t be killed.”
“I’m the monster lesser monsters fear.”
"I have crossed oceans of time to find you."
"You don't know what you are asking of me. To drink from you."
"You need blood, take it."
"To walk with me you must die to your breathing life, and be reborn to mine."
"I love you, Stefan. We will be together again. I promise."
"You loved me once, you will love me again."
"I made him. Did you know that?"
"I never compelled your love. It was real, and so was mine."
"What did you think was gonna happen? She would look at you, see your real face and give you a kiss?"
"I could swap this life of shame. Swap it out for a dark gift. You just have to ask me for it."
"Vampyrism is, by definition, an afterlife."
"I'm not the one who was sleeping with one vampire while half in love with another. Your morality is a moving target. Mine is not."
"A man damaged by his demons and those demons are not dormant, they are hell-bent on killing me and everything I find beautiful. And you, you are beautiful."
"You are stronger now. Meaner. Sexier."
"They are like vampire royalty. The oldest among us."
"He is the original hybrid. Half vampire, half werewolf."
"We both know I could snap your neck and do my nails at the same time."
 “Viktor. The oldest and strongest of us. That night, he made me a Vampire. "
"Stop fighting who you are."
"I'll tell you what I know about death, Camille. Death dances silently in everyone's shadow, and she doesn't give a damn."
"Turns out, I have complicated feelings for a monster."
ACTIONS AND SCENARIOS. Add a +reverse for the inverse action. Change names as you see fit.
[YOU ARE NOT HUMAN]: sender figured out receiver is a vampire and confronts them.
[FEEDING HOUR]: receiver finds sender feeding on someone's blood.
[WHEN IS A MONSTER NOT A MONSTER]: sender touches receiver's vampire face, showing they are not afraid.
[YOU NEED TO]: sender offers their blood to receiver.
[ECHOES OF THE PAST]: receiver is a doppelganger/looks like a person the sender knew in the past.
[DEATH AND THE MAIDEN]: receiver and sender can't be together as one is immortal and the other is a vampire.
[MY MAKER, MY LOVER]: sender is receiver's sire and they reunite after centuries after.
[BOND]: receiver is senders fledgling and sender can feel them.
[ELIXIR]: receiver is hurt and sender, a vampire, feeds them their blood.
[SHARING]: sender tempts receiver to share a meal of blood.
[HUNTING THE HUNTER]: sender is a vampire hunter, and they found receiver.
[THE INVITATION]: receiver receives an INVITATION to stay at sender's gothic/ancient manor.
[DRACULA'S BRIDE]: sender wants receiver to be one of their wives/lovers.
[BLOOD FAMILIAR]: sender is a vampire familiar, a human bloodbag under receiver protection. receiver finds out another vampire had bitten them.
[CRAVING]: sender tasted receiver once and craved them again.
[INVITED]: after bring invited inside, sender shows up at receiver's home.
[LICK]: sender licks receiver's blood remains from their mouth.
[LAST RESORT]: receiver has to turn sender into vampire because they are dying. sender wakes up in transition.
[ANCHOR]: sender calms receiver down after receiver went on a bloodlust spree. sender reminds them their humanity.
[RIVAL COVENS]: sender and receiver are from rival vampire covens and they talk in neutral ground.
[HUMANITY]: sender is human and because of them, receiver is starting to feel humanity again.
[I'LL BE YOUR GUIDE]: receiver is guiding sender through the early stages of vampirism.
[RIVAL SPECIES]: sender is a werewolf/witch and receiver is a vampire. they fall in love/ally with each other.
[DHAMPIR]: sender is a half human, half vampire who just had their first taste of human blood. receiver finds them.
[REFLECTION]: sender looks in the mirror and finds out that receiver has no reflection.
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seraphmeraph · 7 months
Cause baby you get me so, so SOAKKEDD
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Choso with a breeding kink??
JJK smut with Bbg Choso
TW: sex (+18), mentions of pregnancy, not hardcore breeding, GN with hints of AFAB
A/N: Anyone else been listening to phonk? Idk I’ve been just so obsessed with it lately
It was just an ordinary night, at least that’s what you thought. Choso had been having naughty thoughts about you, all of them consisting of breeding you.
While you were cleaning the dishes, Choso couldn’t help but come up behind you and hug you. His hands wrapped around your waist, and his mouth met your neck, leaving sloppy kisses on it.
“Choso?” You couldn’t help but laugh at the ticklish sensation.
“I’m sorry…” He murmured, trying to hold back. His body was begging for yours. “I need you.”
“Let me finish,” you said, continuing to clean, not paying any mind to the whiney man starting to rub against you.
“Please,” He huffed. “I need you now.”
You sighed. “Okay, okay, fine,” you replied, closing the water and drying your hands. You turned around to face him.
Without giving you any time to kiss him or anything, he grabbed your hand, practically dragging you to your bedroom. He pulled you close to him, his hands desperately exploring your body and quickly working to undress you. You quickly threw your clothes onto the floor. His tongue explored your mouth, tasting you. You moaned into the kiss.
Your hand trailed up his shirt, feeling his body under your skin before helping him take off his clothes. You were curious as to why he was so desperate. You were about to ask him about it, but his lips never left yours. Eventually, he backed you up onto the bed, pinning you underneath him.
He then finally pulled away, only for him to continue his assault on your neck. Kissing and nibbling all the way down to your chest, then further down.
Without warning, he stuck 2 fingers into your entrance. Choso pulled back, watching as your face contorted into one of pleasure. It was satisfying, but what would be more satisfying is when he pumps you pull of his kids.
"You're so wet," Choso whispered. "I can't wait…" He whined, pulling his fingers out and positioning his body in between your legs.
As he entered you, you gasped, feeling his dick fill you. Choso began to thrust deeper and deeper. His hips snapped back and forth fast. Lost in his lust, the thought of filling you consumed him.
"Wanna breed you," He moaned. His words would have made you question or even be surprised if you were in your right mind.
You wrapped your legs tightly around him. Every thrust he gave you felt like heaven to you.
His pace picked up, becoming more brutal yet not rough enough to hurt you. "Please," He whimpered. "Please, need you pregnant."
You arched your back, lost in your pleasure. Your only answer was to beg for it. "Fill me, Cho- Ah~ Choso!~"
Choso's thrusts became more frantic and urgent. "I'm gonna fill you~" He moaned. He shoved his face into the crook of your neck, your nails scraping his back.
Your orgasm was the first to hit. You cried out his name. Your orgasm triggered his, and with one final thrust, he buried himself into you, filling you up with his come.
You might regret this later, but you sure as hell don't care right now.
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Margo, Miles, and Gwen's hateration -
Something I noticed about rewatching this scene
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Y'all wanna see some REAL hater behavior. Get into this -
The scene starts with Hobie and Gwen happily discussing their anomalies. They're strolling along and joking with each other for the most part
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Then, Miles runs into Margo-
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Originally, Margo looks genuinely annoyed. But when she sees Miles face, her expression changes instantly.
We see Margo and Miles' Spider senses trigger - which is INTERESTING. As before this moment, Miles sense has not been triggered by anyone else.
Pavitr didn't garner this response. Neither did Hobie, despite Hobie catching Miles off guard. Even when Gwen is standing above Miles, he hears her voice before feeling her there.
Margo is posing no threat to Miles whatsoever, but she's the only new Spider-person who sets of his senses. Maybe it's touch activated - but Margo is an Avatar. Although Miles can touch her, I don't think her Spider-senses would've been triggered by someone new touching her avatar. Since it's technically not 'her' and there's no need. So maybe there's something at play here.
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They share the two lines together, and Miles is obviously amused by her joke.
Then the camera cuts to Gwen for the first time -
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Suddenly she's like 'actually can we hurry this up?' - What's the rush, Gwen? We JUST got here, girl.
Miles doesn't respond to Gwen, instead continuing to talk to Margo.
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Margo explains her situation to Miles, showing him a glimpse of her back home (she didn't have to do that, but she did which was sweet.)
Miles expresses sympathy to Margo. And when we see him, look at Gwen's face:
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In this frame, the Go-Home Machine isn't active yet, Gwen is looking at Miles here, and she looks upset.
Girl, all they did was say what's up and explain why she's glowing blue. But, we do see their Spider-senses - which begs the question: Can other Spider-people sense when other Spider-people are sensing something even if they aren't sensing it themselves?
Or basically: Did Gwen know their Spider-senses were going off upon meeting? Maybe so.
But Gwen already seems uncomfortable with their interactions, directly from the beginning.
This doesn't last for long - When the Go-Home Machine is activated, Gwen looks noticeably more happy.
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[hiiiiiiiii, Hobie :3]
Now that their interaction is over, Gwen is a lot more at ease. Once Miles and Hobie start discussing the machine at what it does, the expression fades.
It's only when Miles and Margo get close to each other or look each other in the eye that the behavior returns.
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You pressed and distressed cause my man Miles got RIZZ? Cause he was feeling her? Because Margo is 3008 and you're so 2000-and-late? Hm.
I rest my case.
In short - Margo and Miles is cute or whatever I be shipping it tho. Gwen is clearly being a hater from minute uno. And she needs to collect herself because God don't like ugly.
Miles and Gwen are cute too tho I mean that, but sis this is messy
Anyway here's a photo of Hobie. You're welcome for the photo of Hobie.
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lumilovessmut · 7 months
My Messy Girl
Nanami Kento x Female Reader
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Trigger warnings: Smut (18+), slight choking, daddy kink, office sex, slight exhibitionism, p in v, established relationship, name calling: love, sweetheart, slut, dear, wifey, baby, mama, few mentions of breeding, slight pervert Nanami.
A/n: Hello my lovely readers! It's your lumi 🧡 So I thought I'd give you guys something special cause my hiatus is supposed to end around May but since you readers would want something I'm making this, I hope you guys will love it too 🧡 As always striving to make better quality fanfics for you guys. It would be really helpful if u guys can join my Instagram account also. I'll leave the link below, ty 🧡🧡🧡
Word count: 0.86k
Upload date: 10th March, 2024
Everybody knows Nanami Kento was a clean freak. But if anyone were to see Nanami right now they would be astonished. His office is a mess, the papers on his desk is in a disarray, his couch is messy, and if it were normal working hours right now, everyone would have heard your pathetic, melodious moans. But the most surprising factor of all would be, the fact that Nanami Kento, the NANAMI KENTO is so messy right now that it is both a sin and a boon to look at him. He has you, who only came to deliver his dinner because it was very late and he may stay in the office for more hours. But the moment Nanami saw you, his world blurred and only your presence was worthy of his attention. The dinner you prepared in the cute bento box didn't matter only you did.
Everything was a blur, Nanami has been eating you out for more than what seems like eternity, his tongue laps at your entrance and he fucks his saliva into your hole, like a thrifty man in the desert he keeps sucking all your juices. The bridge of his nose serves to be a good spot for grinding your clit, Nanami was in heaven. "Baby, have I ever told you- fuck that you taste like the nectar from heavens? Yeah, keep going, just one more baby, just- fuck one more please darling, make a mess! make a mess, sweetheart I'm just a mess for you down there." "Nanami pleas- I-I-I can't n-no mor-nghhh please no mor-eek! Gonna ah! Gonna cum! Nanamiiiiiii!" "Don't worry princess cum, just like that mmmmmmgh, fuck you taste heavenly, keep cumming, mmmmm." Nanami, keeps tongue fucking you till you calm down, once he comes up from between your legs, you see the most breath taking view of your life, disheveled hair, your juices running down his chiselled face.
"Wanna taste yourself baby?", he comes and kisses you, "understand why I like your cum so much? Hmm? Answer me baby?", "Yes", you could hardly answer him, he looked too ethereal for you to comprehend anything else, without much thought in mind you brush the baby hair stuck to his forehead. "Wanna be come my Messy Girl?" Nanami suddenly asked you and to say you were shocked was an understatement cause you knew he hated messes yet here he his asking you if you can be his messy girl. You nod yes cause after all who would say to no to him?
The only thought your head is filled with is Nanami and the only thing your cunt is filled with is his cum and dick, he has been fucking you practically everywhere in his office, on his desk? Check. On his office sofa? Check. On the glass window looking down the city? Check. His thick girthy cock, throbbing with veins and his pretty flushed red tip banging at your cervix was bringing you closer to heaven than even death can bring you to. "Baby imagine someone were to notice us fucking like horny teenagers? Hmm? What would they think when the most polite person, the most beautiful- fuck, the most sexy person ever on earth is getting laid down in such a dirty, dirty, pathetic way? Scream for me my love, louder I want the whole city to know who is fucking you, who owns the most prettiest slut in town. You drive me wild babyyyy, I can't seem to stop thrusting into you even if I want to, my body craves for you my soul aches for you, without you I'm nothing- oh fuck! I'm gonna cum in yeah again, yeah? You like the sound of that? Does my wifey wanna become a mama? Yeah? Fuck Oh! Feels so good c-can't stop g-gah mmm fuck can't stop, focus on me baby, focus on me on my-aaah! On my thrusts cum with me, I said cum with me- Aaahh fuck fuck FUCK!! OHH feels tooo good baby."
You cum on his cock on command, your mouth opens in a silent scream, throat raw from screaming and moaning his name, your ears are ringing and your thighs are all sticky with cum and arousal, your eyes are rolled back into your skull and your back is arched beautifully, thick cum shoots inside of you one last time for the day, he slowly removes himself from you, your legs shaking like a lone leaf on a tree in winter. "Darling, don't let my cum go waste yeah?" He says while pulling up your panties which were ruined already due to your arousal. "Nanami? I-I'm tired." "I know baby I know, don't worry I'm here just you rest while we leave for home." He kisses your head and slowly lifts you and his work bag and goes to his car making sure you are well covered. The ride home is silent and peaceful, Nanami glances at you every now and then at your sleeping face. Once he stops at the red signal, he slowly takes the hand which he was holding and kisses it while saying, "Thank you my treasure, the only mess I love is you and only you.
Thank you guys for making it to the end of another fic :)
Hope you guys enjoyed it!
Until next time 🧡
Luv ya guys
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