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perrypixellette · 6 months ago
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Woo style experimenting with flowerbyte
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pixiatn · 2 years ago
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meepcartier-blog · 10 months ago
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Finished product! Do you love it or are you in love??
Look at them !!! 💗🤯😚
The scene is beautiful but the context LMAOOO uhhhh🫣 let me know y’all HCs tho
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 1 year ago
Margo, Miles, and Gwen's hateration -
Something I noticed about rewatching this scene
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Y'all wanna see some REAL hater behavior. Get into this -
The scene starts with Hobie and Gwen happily discussing their anomalies. They're strolling along and joking with each other for the most part
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Then, Miles runs into Margo-
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Originally, Margo looks genuinely annoyed. But when she sees Miles face, her expression changes instantly.
We see Margo and Miles' Spider senses trigger - which is INTERESTING. As before this moment, Miles sense has not been triggered by anyone else.
Pavitr didn't garner this response. Neither did Hobie, despite Hobie catching Miles off guard. Even when Gwen is standing above Miles, he hears her voice before feeling her there.
Margo is posing no threat to Miles whatsoever, but she's the only new Spider-person who sets of his senses. Maybe it's touch activated - but Margo is an Avatar. Although Miles can touch her, I don't think her Spider-senses would've been triggered by someone new touching her avatar. Since it's technically not 'her' and there's no need. So maybe there's something at play here.
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They share the two lines together, and Miles is obviously amused by her joke.
Then the camera cuts to Gwen for the first time -
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Suddenly she's like 'actually can we hurry this up?' - What's the rush, Gwen? We JUST got here, girl.
Miles doesn't respond to Gwen, instead continuing to talk to Margo.
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Margo explains her situation to Miles, showing him a glimpse of her back home (she didn't have to do that, but she did which was sweet.)
Miles expresses sympathy to Margo. And when we see him, look at Gwen's face:
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In this frame, the Go-Home Machine isn't active yet, Gwen is looking at Miles here, and she looks upset.
Girl, all they did was say what's up and explain why she's glowing blue. But, we do see their Spider-senses - which begs the question: Can other Spider-people sense when other Spider-people are sensing something even if they aren't sensing it themselves?
Or basically: Did Gwen know their Spider-senses were going off upon meeting? Maybe so.
But Gwen already seems uncomfortable with their interactions, directly from the beginning.
This doesn't last for long - When the Go-Home Machine is activated, Gwen looks noticeably more happy.
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[hiiiiiiiii, Hobie :3]
Now that their interaction is over, Gwen is a lot more at ease. Once Miles and Hobie start discussing the machine at what it does, the expression fades.
It's only when Miles and Margo get close to each other or look each other in the eye that the behavior returns.
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You pressed and distressed cause my man Miles got RIZZ? Cause he was feeling her? Because Margo is 3008 and you're so 2000-and-late? Hm.
I rest my case.
In short - Margo and Miles is cute or whatever I be shipping it tho. Gwen is clearly being a hater from minute uno. And she needs to collect herself because God don't like ugly.
Miles and Gwen are cute too tho I mean that, but sis this is messy
Anyway here's a photo of Hobie. You're welcome for the photo of Hobie.
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thatastrobae · 6 months ago
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flowerbyte mood board (Entergalactic inspired)
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hobiebrownslove · 2 years ago
Like my man Miles had to do a double take 🥱😪
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ambafaerie · 1 year ago
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From the Spider Man: Across the Spider Verse script. They are so canon.
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vulnonapix1234 · 1 year ago
I diagnose him with "disaster bisexuality". Pray for him
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(Totally original, I know)
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my-hi-universe · 2 years ago
I know I been doing a lot of complaining, but I need more flowerbyte/cyberflower immediately!! Like this is def the least popular ship involving Miles and they are soo cute like bffr! I’m not gonna say it’s cuz she black buuuuut....
Edit: also can we pleeease add Margo into the fruity four or whatever their name is like c'mooon she'd make a great add in!! Plus we'll get more of her in the third movie anyways so might as well.
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year ago
flowerbyte headcanons
Cuz the tag empty as hell and I am their self-appointed PR manager
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It's one thing to think the other is cute. It's another thing to actually get to *know* them.
At first they bond over shared hobbies. Normal kiddie stuff like molecular physics, nothing too crazy
That is, until Miles asks a question that's juuust crossing the line between "okay" and "too personal"
That's when he realizes that Margo likes to keep people at an arm's length.
Which he only partially gets, because they've all got a secret identity to hide, and mental health issues to hide from their parents until they hit 18
But shouldn't it be different with him?
Okay now that all the people who were looking for fluff have left
Margo doesn't like to discuss feelings. They're messy and u can't program them to do what u want 💔 she likes to hide behind mild sarcasm and large sanrio plushies
If Miles hadn't asked her out first then she would've been content with an eternity of soft glances and awkward flirting
Miles is marginally better at feelings. In fact, there is no point at which she's unaware of how he feels about something
It's comforting. And terrifying
All of this is to say that their whole early relationship dynamic is trying to open up to each other while trying to keep the space-time continuum from falling apart like a Nature Valley bar
You know what's even more difficult than that? Inviting your bf that you've been interacting with via virtual avatar for like a year to your dimension
But it's fine. Miles makes a lot of bad jokes about the transition to color television in the 50s, tells her she's pretty, and it's fine.
He asks Margo about her favorite movies and shows so that he can psychoanalyze her and fine-tune his recommendations
She offers to fix all of his "vintage" electronics because they're a "historical marvel" or something
They're both annoying as hell together. God forbid you say something and they both take turns infodumping to you about The Thing like a neurodivergent tag team
Autism vs ADHD
Unstoppable force vs Immovable object. Miles is incredibly stubborn and needs things to happen in a Very Specific Way and Margo does shit in a completely different order every time and somehow they make it work
Those are all my brainrot thoughts for now feel free 2 add on if u want [disappears in a cloud of smoke]
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yeahimcal · 2 years ago
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Anyways (headcanons below the cut)
Margo loves Minecraft but she is very much like “I am going to fight these zombies and kill these enderman and kill these Ghasts and win this game” and Miles is like “I’m going to build a red stone contraption the likes of which have never been seen and I’m going to spend twenty five Minecraft days in the mines” but Margo is also “let me build the house using insanely complicated tutorials and NO I won’t be doing it in creative mode that’s cheating etc” and miles is “I’ll decorate the house with flowers and paintings and gather animals for us to use for milk/wool etc”
Miles loves to paint Margo especially in the coloring of her avatar because he thinks she’s absolutely gorgeous
Margo always always begs Miles to let her do stuff with his hair and sometimes he will relent and say yes and that’s the story of how he had twists for like two months
Margo is an avid sims player and does the Hashtag Girl Thing of making her and Miles in the sims and planning out their life together
She and Miles will bike through his Brooklyn a lot and hit like three convenience stores one right after the other, they are tiny (respectful!) menaces to bodega owners, they’ll drop off lunch for Rio at the hospital and drop off lunch for Jeff at the police station, head back to Miles’ house and crash on the couch with their snacks and lunch and energy drinks and Margo will play games while Miles draws
Margo likes the games in Miles’ universe a lot more than her own so he shares whatever games he has with her
Margo will leave kiss marks on his face with her lipstick and he sometimes forgets and goes out to see his parents and Rio just teases him about it as he desperately tries to wipe it off to no avail
Miles makes really wonderful flower crowns and Margo dries them out to keep them, she has a wall with them hanging up in her room
They go on roller rink dates a lot and Miles is very good and Margo is very bad so he pulls her around the rink while she squeals and yells at him to stop going so fast
Margo sends him a specific gif whenever she wants to talk but can’t really type very well bc her hands are shaking (she gets very excited very easy and her whole body starts shaking as a stim) and he’ll immediately hop on call
They call all the time Miles has slept on call many many times, Margo is a chronic insomniac but having him on the phone makes her fall asleep easier
They have so many playlists together :] they love listening to each other’s music
Umm they love each other and stuff :] that’s it that’s the post
Follow me for more Cyberflower! Or don’t idk
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that1stargirl · 2 years ago
y'all doin my girl dirty
im definitely gonna have to write a miles x margo fic because these lack of fics is sickening and people just using her as a plot device for miles x gwen fics and that's not sitting right with my spirit.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 1 year ago
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When you been annoying your gf all day and she said 'Stop playing with me' but you didn't stop playing and now she looks like she's gonna body slam you
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phoenixinthefiles · 11 months ago
To Know Your Heart Is a Brave Thing
💜📱…Flowerbyte drabble (but also not a drabble cus I lack self-control) @vhstown @noharaaa anybody let me know if you wanna be tagged for flowerbyte fics or any other fics
“I feel like you being passive aggressive right now, listening to this song while you talking to me.”
🎶If you don’t want me then don’t talk to me…
“Go ahead and free yourself,” Margo sang to Miles, picking up the lyrics.
Miles shook his head with a grin and Margo matched it before lowering the volume of the music playing through her speakers.
She’d been blasting music all day from various different genres, though she did agree that maybe “Free Yourself” by Fantasia was a bad selection for the moment.
Plus that song was old even in Miles’ world, it was pretty much ancient in hers.
She flicked one of her hands in the air, shuffling her playlist and turning the volume back up simultaneously.
The beginning of “Let Me Love You” by Mario started playing and Margo grinned.
It was still an old song but she knew Miles had a soft spot for it.
He smacked his lips and gave her a wry look.
“Don’t try to butter me up now Ms. Kess.”
“Boy, nobody’s buttering you up, I put my playlist on shuffle.”
A cocky grin spread over his face and Margo rolled her eyes, but her stomach still flipped.
“Even your algorithms like me.”
Though she rolled her eyes again, she knew there was truth in his statement.
In the four months they’d been dating, Margo has noticed the way the world around seems to have changed. Both the physical world and the virtual-verse.
She’d started exploring the physicality of the world around her thanks to her many visits to E-1610.
She walked through the same park where she and Miles hung out for the first time.
She had walked it before maybe once or twice, but after visiting Miles it was like the whole place lit up. She felt drawn to the spots she’d recognized from Miles’ world.
It was like there was something pulling her to sit under a certain tree or rest her hands against a certain fence.
And when she did, her heart would fill with an inexplicable sort of warmth that she knew only came from Miles.
She knew she probably looked crazy to the rare onlooker as she stood in the middle of a nearly deserted park, all alone and with a dumb smile on her face. But she still made it a top priority to visit it at least once a week.
It had become her happy place, and before Miles she didn’t even think it was possible for her to find solace in reality.
She’d never expressed these thoughts to him, she didn’t even know how, but she was sure he knew.
Margo wasn’t completely confident in how her connection with technology worked but Miles’ comment about her algorithms wasn’t too far off.
“I’m so tired, this song might just put me to sleep.”
Margo is pulled back into the present by Miles’ voice.
He’s lying down on his stomach with his phone propped up in front of him. His eyes are low and he blinks them rapidly in effort to stay awake.
Margo feels that warmth in her heart spark up at the lazy smile that’s spread across his face.
"Why are you still up if you're so tired?"
He yawns and his eyes drop a little lower as he rests his chin on the pillow in front of him.
"We haven't talked in a while, this is worth staying up for."
A wide grin splits Margo's face and she ducks from the camera to try and tamp it down.
When she reappears it's still just as big and bright, but Miles is looking at her with eyes that are a little less tired and a soft small of his own, so she knows they're sharing the same feeling.
A physical connection being reciprocated across highly advanced technology and between two teens in different worlds.
"You still need to go to sleep," she says.
He hums and looks away for a second.
"Are you uh...busy tomorrow?"
Her grin widens again but she doesn't hide this time.
"Nope. I'm completely free all day, which is very rare so I should really take the opportunity to do something special."
"Well then a very special person might come to see you."
"Very special, huh?"
They both laugh softly and Margo finds herself lost in his boyish grin and soft eyes.
She's pleased that he seems to be equally as fond of the cheesy grin that has yet to leave her face.
"Goodnight, Miles."
"Goodnight Miss Kess."
There's another shared laugh and then the holo-screen in front of her goes black. Her reflection shows a girl charmed-sparkling eyes, a wide smile, and straining cheeks.
These are the only times her reflection truly matches her real feelings.
This was inspired by "Young Love" by Cleo Sol
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thatastrobae · 11 months ago
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This is not a drill! Get ready for Flowerbyte week 🌻🪻. Drabbles, fics, sketches, deepdives, anything you can think of. Have fun w/ it!
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hobiebrownslove · 2 years ago
It's him getting flustered “I'm Spiderman” he was definitely trying to impress her 😆😭😭
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