Hey Amisia! Have you ever heard of a color run?
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color ruun... it souunds familiar buut i don't know...
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what do youu think youu're-
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*Amisia made a noise in surpsie, roughly pushing you away before you could get any giggles outta here. Just be glad she hasn"t used that gun yet...*
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don't worry art gremlin, I'm also short ;u; I cant reach the shelves in my own home without standing on stuff.. or getting help.. *hugs the smol* (same anon that called her a smol art gremlin)
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...fine, i'll allow it, buut juust this once
*You then get a strong hug back from the smol indigo!*
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Don't shoot the lowbloods, you'll end up with more ghosts!
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oh please, i'm pretty suure they're gone now-
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*aaaand Amisia proceeded to nope right on outta there when she felt the temperature drop that she had grown to associate with the ghosts*
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Shoot some lowbloods!!!
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i like the way youu think anon, what better way to test ouut a new weapon?
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since your dangerous heres a gun *hands shot gun*
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*Amisia turned the gun over in her hand, inspecting it*
huuh, i'm more of an axe person buut...
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thanks! maybe this'll come in handy in the fuutuure
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Smol dangerous indigo bapy
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dangerouus is right, so back off.
*Yup, danger bapy, only friends may touch-*
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I'm gonna hug you, ya smol art gremlin
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i am not small!
*technically she was a tad on the shorter side, not that she likes to admit that out loud. But go one anon, hug the gremlin, she's a tad amgry at the moment but don't let your memes be dreams*
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Smol, cuddley indigo bapy!
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no, i'm a touugh, strong indigoblood!
*She is indeed a babey, a babey that could kill you but one none-the-less*
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Are you ticklish?
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nope, so don't even try
*Bold of you to assume she would admit it if she was ticklish, anon*
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a baby is an alien grub, but less edible, or at least less socially acceptable to eat
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ooooooh okay
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then i'm not a baby!
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Amisia!!! How do you cope with being so baby....
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what's a baby? and even then i'm pretty suure i'm not one
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How draw while spirit? (pencils keep snapping and I need a hobby)
(I'm sorry but what does this mean-)
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i'm no dork, buut it's simply the erdehn charm
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Mun is now properly motivated to be on the blog, so she is going to clear out the inbox to get a fresh start and answer asks again! If I didn't get to your ask feel free to resend it. Sorry for the delay, trying to get the motivation to do stuff is... Hard.
Either way, have a lineless Amisia doodle (first attemt at lineless art... Went p well),
Anyways, send asks!
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Whoops I Disappeared For a Bit-
(Sorry for not being active, mun's motivation levels are being... stubbornly low... However, I'll try to get myself back into the swing of things soon enough! So stay tooned folks- wait this is a blog not a tv show...)
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I’m only here because my lusus told me I needed to make friends. So, promo?
@ask-trollcid @faygoandfireworks @gremlin-gone-wild @ask-the-burgundy-bunny @askmaroonkarkat @teal-hell @tealalternian @bronyatheleaderofthejades @ask-the-purple-runt @ask-jabe @ask-a-very-tired-tyzias @ask-amisia-the-artblocked-indigo ,@ask-a-confused-jade @ask-all-colours-of-the-spectrum @ask-the-troll-boys
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