#i don't understand why she feels the need to share all MY business literally this is why i don't tell her anything
liquid-geodes · 2 years
I shouldnt have this intense of a fear response to my parents talking about me in the other room
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rinatic · 1 year
NCT 127: when they have a crush on you
[ Taeil ]
Heart eyes :)
He thinks you have no idea that he has a crush on you
While literally everyone knows including you 😭
Tries to be lowkey
Gives you presents, does tasks for you and so on
And when you ask him why he's taking care of you he accidentally admits his crush on you indirectly
"I just thought you needed help" "because why not? I wanted to help you :)"
Sir we can see your heart eyes very well from miles away 🤨
When you're around, his lips are ready to form a smile immediately
He looks so awkward pleasee
Kinda gives up because pretending that he doesn't love you tires him so he just confesses
Accept my mans love 😤
[ Johnny ]
Turns into a total loser
He's a loser already but it gets worse when he has a crush
Basically his world revolves around you
And wants the opposite too
Pro at stealing glances without anyone noticing
Doesn't understand why you wouldn't go eat at macdonald's with him at 1:00 pm afternoon at friday this week
"You're not busy stop lying" "you HAVE to come eat something with me because I'm starving, or I'll have to eat you 😈"
Did i mention that he'll throw sexual remarks here and there?
He'll see if you're comfortable with it or not, and if you are, you have to deal with it because dis boy is dirty af
A lot more touchy than normal
You won't know he has a crush on you because he acts like this with everyone
So you'll be surprised when he confesses
[ Taeyong ]
Becomes obsessed
Bro has 583259753 pics of you that he stares at before going to sleep
He thinks it might help him dream of you lmao
When you're not around, he's so confident about how nobody's gonna realize his crush on you
But as soom as you enter the room, boy melts
It is like he falls in love again and again like the first time every time he meets you
Takes care of you and thinks that it is his duty to protect you
Unlike other men who'll act manly, he turns into a cutie around you
Your opinions matter to him
Wants to have your full attention so he's constantly snatching you from others
"We can't even breathe around y/n!" "You thought i would let you share the same air as her? Go breathe somewhere else 😤"
Is awkward but it is endearing :)
[ Yuta ]
He's scarier than usual
Yuta as a friend would be a giggly goofy party guy
But yuta when he's in love?? Scary af
Sometimes you catch him glaring at you and you wonder what the hell did you do to get him stare at you like that
All other men become competition to him
Is constantly worried about you
"Are you safe? Do you want me to come take you?" "Go home safely, make sure to lock your apartment door"
Is more protective than usual
Hugs you longer than he should
You're the only person he genuinely smiles at
[ Doyoung ]
It's giving FBI
Bro wants to know everything about you
You know that fbi friend who gets you all info on your crush? That's him
Never spills anything in front of you, he's careful with his words lmao
Members tease him all the time about his crush on you (he never told them, but he accidentally stared at you longer than usual)
"S-Stop it! I don't like y/n!" "Why do you think I'm in love with her? I just think she's pretty."
Is a busy man but gives you the utmost attention
Supports and helps you even when you don't need it
Buys 'friendship' rings for you two (it's actually couple rings don't ask him about it or he'll panic)
You'll immediately know he loves you cus bros eyes be exposing him
[ Jaehyun ]
When boy finally accepts his crush on you, he decides to not show it
And he's so good at it you won't catch him slip
The boys will laugh at him because of how hard he's trying not to show his feelings
He's the king of subtlety
So he definitely throws subtle hints here and there
And you don't get it lol
"Y/n you're so annoying why do you have to be dumb 🙄" "but i love this dumb woman so I'll have to do something before someone else gets her"
Then he decides to move to the next plan
And it is sending you love songs :)
Hoping you'll get the signals that he likes you
But if you don't, then he'll have one option left to make you realize his feelings
He'll have to confess
[ Jungwoo ]
This boy right here turns into a puppy around his crush
Not just cute, he also listens to you and does anything you want him to do
Also bro wants to impress you so expect a random backflip or a handstand lol
Isn't sure what to do about his crush on you
So he just brings food (???) everytime you're around
"You seem weak these days, y/n 😥" "eat this! I want to see you healthy and energetic"
If one of the boys annoys you, he hits him and it's harder than he usually hits them lmao
Observes your actions and thinks he's slick however you can see him looking at you
A walking wallet around you
And the boys are definitely jealous of you
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charleslebatman · 10 months
I have a hot take/unpopular opinions about Alex as someone who loves gossip but doesn't want to fuck Charles (I like my men older and less perfect) and isn't jealous of anyone dating him.
I don't have an issue with Alex going to races or not going (apart from her weird half hiding half posing for cameras thing) but the lengths people will go to prove she's this loving gf who just wants to be private and support her bf is crazy. Nothing about this relationship is normal and has never been normal. It's off and it's okay to admit it's off.
She shouldn't have said anything about why she wasn't at Monza because it just looks bad on her part, she doesn't owe an explanation on why she's not at a race, she shouldn't help grow the flaming rumors and theories by responding either. (It was obvious that her friends tiktok was "staged" because Alex was seen viewing a gossip page story about breakup rumors literally hours before that tiktok) Let the rumours fly, they'll die off the second you're spotted with him again there's no need to respond. If you weren't looking at gossip pages you wouldn't known they exist, quit caring so much about other people's opinions on your relationship.
She needs to stay truly private and quit looking at wag pages because her responses makes people feel entitled to her life and they have and will dig for more details. Her friends studying tiktok did nothing but ignite rumours and made people dig through her school files. Before they were publicly official she'd respond to gossip page questions using her bios, one of which was her flags and age and people went through her family tree etc because she gave them so much help by sharing that private information.
Or she needs to drop the privacy act and understand that dating a public figure means you don't get the privilege of privacy and keeping things to yourself is just going to make people dig and find what you're hiding. She needs to do herself a favour and not interact with fanpages or gossip pages because she's basically giving people the greenlight to search. You can't be private if you're appearing at very public events with your well known boyfriend and you can't be minding your own business if you purposely check in on how much people have dug up about you. She needs to focus on her school and use her boyfriends job to score free trips to see art around the world instead of wasting time reading gossip and trying to act like someone she's not.
I'll use Oscar's gf as an example, she's dating a public figure and whilst her accounts aren't all private she's kept her private info to herself whilst still sharing what she wants to share. Yes Oscar isn't as popular as Charles but Lily is someone who's kept her privacy because she's not fueling gossip by responding to nosy people, she's kept her privacy by controlling what she shares and what she doesn't, it's enough to satisfy gossip pages and doesn't give too much away. She goes to gps and does paddock walk with Oscar (something Alex hasn't which i have thoughts on) and she still kept private, she went to some big events for Oscar and Mclaren and still stayed private, she doesn't need to hint, she doesn't feel the need to prove they're still together when she's not seen with him, she's nice to fans which is why people don't get rude vibes from her like they do with Alex. (idk if the people saying she was rude were true but the car videos are enough to see she can't even throw a smile at fans to be polite she just sits looking bored or grumpy waiting for Charles to finish meeting fans) It also probably helps that Oscar actually knows his gf's name and acknowledges her without it looking staged.
I swear I'm going to pin this ask, bestie. It's all said here, I can almost even leave after this. ❤️
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snekverse · 8 months
more dante more dante fuel my obsession
dantes relationships with the others? :>>
Oooo good question :0
I'm gonna make this mystreet exclusive lol if you want mcd you're just gonna have to send another ask >:3c
Nova: much like in mcd, regards her almost like a little sister, although that's a relatively recent change. In high school, when he was much closer with Garroth and Laurance, he was way more focused on playing wingman for them, and as such tended to accidentally treat her more like some kind of prize. He's doing his best to make up for it now though <3
Aaron: sorry danron fans but these two do NOT interact, not in my heart (or my rewrite).. they don't have a huge amount in common, and before becoming close to Nova Aaron was a completely closed book, so there's no really reason for this two to really know each other. As such I think dante would have super neutral opinions about him
Garroth and Laurance: close friends, but not as close as they were in high school.. as teens they were quite the trio, but most people's focus was always on Garroth (rich) and Laurance (charming), and not usually on him. It definitely affected his view of himself, and after becoming friends with Travis and Aphmau he started to distance himself from the others.
Travis: literally best friends, inseparable, attached at the hip and have been since high school lol. So attached at the hip, in fact, that they are constantly pushing the boundaries of a platonic relationship, always hugging and cuddling, sharing beds and stealing a few kisses, all they need to make it official is the label lol. They won't though, because while they are EXTREMELY close there's no real romantic feelings between them
Zane: pretty bad opinion of him in hs, and he kept that same view well into adulthood until Nova finally insisted that Zane was a good guy at heart. Nothing changed between them immediately, but Dante did open up to the possibility of change. Now a days he's got a pretty neutral opinion of Zane, leaning towards good. He still things Zane's cold, but he does understand what Nova sees in him :)
Katelyn: really respected her as teens, but as they've gotten older he's found he has less tolerance for her. Her treatment of Travis grates on his nervous, and while he understands why she defends Nicole with her life he really wishes that didn't involve talking down to him
Lucinda: he's genuinely terrified by her lol. She's gorgeous and intelligent and powerful, and it intimidates him a lot. He respects her a lot for it, despite how nervous she makes him, and does his best to stay in her good graces
Nana: he didn't used to ever really pay attention to her, but lately she's been catching his eyes and he's developed a lil crush 👀 he's incredibly nervous about asking her out though, given his previous dating history and her proximity to Katelyn. He doesn't wanna risk repeating what happened with Nicole with Nana
Nicole: his first love, the two have had a very rocky on-again-off-again relationship throughout the latter parts of high school, college, and even early adulthood. They broke it off again early in s1 on somewhat negative terms, and he tries not to dwell on how much he misses her
Gene: looks up to him a lot, even though he knows perfectly well that Gene got up to some shady shit back in the day. Their mom was always busy trying to support them as kids, and their father dipped shortly after he was born, so he's always considered Gene the closest thing to a real parent he's ever had
Zenix and Sasha: he's friendly towards them, but to him they've always be Gene's friends rather than his own. He knows them pretty well however considering how frequently they were around growing up, and he's pretty proud of how the whole group has changed since school
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spilltheteawithme · 6 days
What is your obsession over me? I'm minding my business in my blog, do the same... are we not allowed to have our own opinions on people and dislike certain encounters we've had with horribly fake people who claim to be nothing but kind. I bet you and your Angel's have never once had anything bad to say about a past job or anything. Sweetest human beings ever! Screenshots and just waiting on legal actions against me is laughable! They could care less about gossip. It brings attention to them. I never once mentioned your name or said anything bad about you or past clients. Sebastian is nothing but wonderful.//
Well said, your content seems harmless. I don't get their need to constantly rag on other bloggers. What does your blog have to do with them? Why can't they just accept that you have a different take and you don't need their approval? They spend so much time arguing with each other that they should try and parlay the drama into a Bravo show. Call it Gossip Bloggers Wars.
I'd rather not be on her followers level and dont want to cause drama by sending an ask or calling them out further than my own post asking what I did. I dont want her to feel attacked with me going there or sharing the blog name for my following. I just want to understand why they feel the need to continue to contact anyone in hopes of legal action when literally everyone talks about this whole thing. And claiming to have screenshots... I havent deleted anything, no need to screen grab 🤭 I dont want to argue. Its childish and odd that they screen shot everything, for whatever reason.
Me and the other blogs and Instas, etc are not all the same person. Same goes for the anons sending asks, it's quite possible there are multiple people who dislike her, and not because they're all jealous but for the fact shes fake and horrible. Whoever is mentioning anyone's children, family, doxxing on both sides of this whole shitshow is disgusting. And all over differing opionions in Celebrity Gossip when the actual people involved could care less about what's being said about them as long as they're being talked about!
My confusion over their hate towards me is nothing compared to what other blogs are dealing with so I just made my post rather than cause more drama in someone else's feed. No one deserves the level of hate I've seen in many blog posts and even asks I've ignored.
Annabelle is in the public on the other hand and claiming to be the sweet person spreading nothing but kindness and has treated multiple people, including myself, and close friends with anything but kindness. I'm allowed to have my opinions and discuss what I choose on my blog.
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funishment-time · 2 months
I understand if you need some time to process after that ending, but ... well, I only realize now that your strong understanding of and fondness for the V3 chars despite never playing V3 before now was because of encountering them through DRS! Has playing V3 changed how you view any of them? If so, how?
- goshdangronpa
everyone's going to eat my ass for this one but i like the v3 cast better in Summer Camp when they're Literal SHSLs and a little more connected to a bigger world. i'm sorry! i'm sorry!
v3 being a microcosm and a vacuum just did not work for me. if you take Moogs' Explanation Of Things as gospel, it feels like you have
a load of characters with no real backstory,
in a world we don't know anything about,
and it ends up Meaning Nothing to me. like, Kodaka. my guy. if you intended Moogs' explanation as The Real Thing That's Going On - not that we know that's the case, but let's pretend - why should i care about these barely-developed OCs that you threw into the Hunger Games Event Generator. they're just symbols you moved around on a board. PNGs in your Toyhou.se. the ending removes both the big and the small implications of any of the killing, because everything is fake, there's no shared history, and we don't even know what the Outside World is like.
"but iris," you might say, "the deaths are still real probably, and death is always sad. murder doubly so."
sure, but like, because we don't know what any of these characters are actually like...i can't feel bad for Kaede dying because Kaede didn't actually die, some chimera did who only existed for like a week. the body that contained her chose to be there and i guess had no family who cared. Shuichi is crying over a shadow on the wall. a bottle of air. they're just ghosts you can project onto, and, so...it's just a lot of emptiness. i dunno.
whereas v3 being a class in the Nice AU, that makes it work a little better for me.
all this to say i stick to the minor things that Summer Camp gives the v3 cast, like:
Kokichi is scaled back to be just an annoying kid, more akin to his JP characterization,
Kork's stopped killing for the time being at HPA so as not to bring suspicion on himself,
Byakuya knows about President Kirumi and is funding her side business,
Tsumugi is pretty much completely normal - there's not a single hint that she's up to something in UTDP/Summer Camp except a short convo with Monokuma you can interpret 1000 ways,
etc etc
to answer your question, then, v3 didn't change my mind on too many of the characters - only showed me what they were all about. and yet much of it felt so Empty to me. because i played Summer Camp first, more to me is said in Summer Camp about a lot of v3 characters than in most of v3.
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breestanaccount · 1 year
So i watched the new spiderman movie (like a week ago lolll) and i am finally over it enough to share my toughts so BUCKLE INNN
first of: my baby boy MILES MORALES WHOOP WHOOP
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Look at him and tell me he isn't the best. You cant. Ik you cant bc Miles is the best and he needs a damn break man. He is just a kid, like?? He's literally my age (15, i think) and he hit SO close to home in EVERYTHING for me. His jokes, his relationship with his parents, his feelings EVERYTHING. I am very passionate about him. And like, i get it that he shouldn't stop canon events but thats his father that we're talking about. And you can see that miles adores his parents. And given his personality he obviously can't stand back. And miguel had no business saying all that (i'll have more to say about that so bare with me please🙏)
In conclusion: if you don't like miles i do not trust you
NEXT: my girl (who y'all hate 2 much on) GWEN STACYY
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She beautiful😻😻.
the hate she gets is ATROCIOUS. I understand the whole "she betrayed miles" but did she not get a whole group of spider ppl to HELP miles?? Or did y'all skip over that part? What's crazy is the fact y'all hate on gwen and i haven't heard a word abt peter or miguel? Y'all biased as hell!!! She's just 16 and she went through a lot too. And she obviously cares for Miles. All thr hate she's getting is concerning and i will defend her w my life. Miles has all the right to feel betrayed though, I won't argue against that cuz i can't. Ofc, everyone has different opinions, but I feel like she wouldn't get half the hate if she were a man (which is that case with miguel, but i'll get to that, pls don't kill me cuz ik a lot of y'all love him)
CONCLUSION: we love gwen here.
NOWWW ALL YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FORRR (bc ik some of y'all wanna end me rn #iattackedurfave): MIGUEL O'HARA BABYYYYY
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He's handsome i won't lie to you, but not rlly my type now let's get into it.
I don't think what he did is right. The way he handled that situation is just wrong, in my opinion. And so many ppl excuse that bc he's 1) hot (which is the case in so many other fandoms, with ppl bashing female characters while uplifting male characters for th same actions) and 2) bc of his trauma. But, heads up, trauma is and never will be an excuse. Trauma is an EXPLANATION. There is a very big difference. He went through something traumatizing and that is awful, but he didn't try to understand miles. Like i said, miles is 15. And i get that miguel was just trying to protect the universes, I understand that. But when he was calling Miles a mistake, that he never should have been bitten by that spider, acting as if it was MILES'S fault?? Not the best way to handle that, which, again, trauma. Not an excuse, but an explenation for his actions. I can't find myself to rlly like him just now. Maybe in the next movie. I can't just like a character bc they r hot. And I know this will make some ppl mad, but AT LEAST try to look at this from my point of view, and at least try to understand why i don't like Miguel. If y'all like him, that's fine. But my boy miles deserved better.
Still, I think Miguel is an intresting character with so much room to grow and I really hope to see that.
CONCLUSION: idk. Maybe you noticed i am mixed abt him
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Here's a pic😻🙏
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Here's another pic and let's get into ITT
Hobie might be the coolest, and kindest and best character. I don't think he has done a bad thing in that whole movie. He helped miles, he helped gwen and by helping gwen he helped miles AGAIN. I love his vibe, too. His relationship with miles is perfect, like brothers. And his friendship with gwen is adorable, they r similar with similar intrests if you think abt it and i do hope we get to see him again in the next movie, maybe get a little more on him and his backstory, maybe his canon event(?). He's a beauty, what can i say💕💕
CONCLUSIONN: i love him ur honor
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Look at this cutie. Tell me he isn't a lil pookie cutie and that he wouldn't give the best hugs.
Given his personality, it makes sense that he's 13-14 but damn given his looks i would think he's 16 (which means he gets the prize for not looking your age since he had half the fandom fooled).
The edits i've seen of him r the best and the "Chai tea scene" was so funny, btw.
CONCLUSION: he's 10/10 if you don't like him or think he's "annoying" i don't trust you.
she did all that pregnant u got to give it to her that she's good as hell. In my opinion she might be the strongest. Love my girl🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
And that's abt all. Ik there r so many different characters i can talk about but those r the ones that stood up to me the most. Pls don't kill me abt my opinion on Miguel, but different ppl have different opinions, y'know? I don't like characters just cuz they fine, thats just a bonus☝️ hope y'all liked this shit of me goofing along, and if anyone wishes to share their thoughts they r most welcome to!
I am kinda nervous to post this since i hate arguing with ppl on my opinions, but at the same time i am very stubborn and i am very passionate abt my opinions so these two but heads a LOT. But i will be getting over my fear with this and i did come to the conclusion that y'all won't eat me alive so yeah
Bye lovies💕
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sweetfierceimagines · 2 years
Dragon & the Wolf, Aemond Targaryen x fem reader (Part 2) 
Part 1 HERE.
(I was right sons would be sent to search for allies, too bad Aemond went to Baratheons instead of Starks... can't wait for season 2, season finale was amazing!!!)
Disclaimer : I am basing this fiction on HoTD but I don't intend on being 100% accurate with George R. R. Martin's universe. This is a fiction made for pleasure of reading and imagining scenarios, so please keep that in mind :)
PS: I really want to thank all of you for reacting to part 1, this story has been in my head since I first saw Aemond and LORD I'm so glad I can share it with you ! Please keep telling me what you think, positive and negative, and feel absolutely free to suggest ideas for the potential part 3, although I do chose independently wether I follow them or not. Enjoy !!
Synopsis : After arriving in Winterfell looking for allies, Aemond Targaryen finds himself in a position he doesn't know yet. Y/N, Cregan Stark's impetuous daughter, sparks a new light in him, although he can't quite put words on it. In the same time, war is almost upon Westeros and the Greens need the North to rally, just as much as the Blacks. How will Aemond combine this new curiosity with his duty ?
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It had been two days since Aemond first arrived in the North, in search of allies in Cregan Stark's court. Stark family didn't seem completely against his brother's claim, but he could sense that they were reluctant to dismiss their first oath to Rhaenyra. Northmen, after all, were known for their loyalty and they held high values of wisdom and fraternity.
For now, Aemond was lucky enough to be the only one in this court, but Rhaenyra's envoys would soon arrive and he knew it. He had to be quick and completely utterly focused.
But how could he be ?
If he entered a hall with only northmen filling it, it would have been way easier. Instead, Y/N, Cregan's daughter, was at her father's side and was omnipresent in the castle. In two days, Aemond could see how respected she was and how she was handling both little matters and great deals. He didn't have much time to talk to her, even more since their last entrevue, during which he probably went a bit too far by literally asking not only for her opinion but for her allegiance. To him.
Since that day, Y/N had been busying herself as much as she could and rarely let Aemond make a step toward her.
But this day would be a bit different.
As Aemond entered the great hall, lords and ladies already around the table (Y/N too), he could feel tension rising.
He felt tense, and was fighting the urge to put his hand on his dagger, just in case. Nevertheless, he walked toward his preferred seat next to Cregan and glanced at Y/N. She had very tough, dark features today, and as she looked back at him, he could feel like she was not pleased with him at all.
-My Lords, my Ladies, thank you again for seating at this table. I would love to remain in Winterfell for weeks, but sadly, the matter we're discussing is more urgent by the second. We shall, if Lord Cregan agrees with me, conclude this before sundown.
Lord Cregan smirked, looking at Aemond like he was some kind of criminal. The young Targaryen was utterly lost, and couldn't quite understand why they seemed to accuse him of something.
-Prince Aemond. Started Lord Cregan, with a heavy voice. -You came in this hall talking about avoiding war and maintaining unity and prosperity in the Seven Kingdoms. You made.. serious accusations toward Princess Rhaenyra's sons and general attitude. Even when Prince Viserys only reassured of his support through his life. - Yes, my Lord, but as I told you.. - I'm not finished.
Everyone was holding their breath, and Aemond did feel.. intimidated.
-Yet, we hear today that young Prince Lucerys Velaryon, your cousin, has been killed in Storm's end, as he was sent only as an envoy by his Mother. - Killed ? - Yes, killed. Murdered. By your side of the family.
Aemond looked at Y/N again and suddenly her deadly look made sense.
-I can assure you, my Lord, I had no idea. This surely is an accident, a misunderstanding... - A misunderstanding ?! The boy didn't fall and break his neck, he was savagely MURDERED and the Greens did it, son ! This is no accident, this is a declaration of war, made by your people, by killing a boy who apparently had no intent to spark any fire at all!
Cregan's voice echoed in the hall and Y/N put her hand on her Father's arm, in an attempt to calm him down.
-We, North People, are loyal, proud and true to what we fight for. We don't kill Mother's children to access power or confirm it. We care for ours and welcome lost foreigners.
He rose, his hands still on the table, and looked at Aemond in an almost apologetic way.
-Prince Aemond. I expect we will receive Rhaenyra's envoy soon. You understand I must hear both sides. Things must be cleared. And as we bent knees to both parties, we consider them invalid. The North will chose regardless.
And he left the hall, dismissing the reunion. Y/N was soon to follow.
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Aemond waited until everyone was out of the room to leave. He was upset. Very upset. Someone had taken his perfect plan and burned it to the grown. Killing this kid was a stupid move, although he would have loved to take his eye himself.
He left the castle, moving fast in direction of the woods.
-What do you think you're doing, exactly ?
Y/N's voice made him jump and he turned around to discover her, on her dark, very dark horse, and followed by.. a wolf ? He stared at the magnificent beast, who seemed peaceful yet terribly dangerous. After a few seconds of looking at it, he finally focused.
-My Lady Y/N.. On duty again, I suppose? -No. I wanted to clear my mind from all of these matters. I'm going into the forest. But it's always an occasion to patrol, of course. We never stop watching. - Wise words. I was myself going into the forest.
She shook her head and dismounted her horse, walking toward him. The wolf was following.
-No you're not. This is not any forest. There are animals in there you have no idea of. You're not suited. - I think I'll manage. He said, touching his sword. She laughed, sarcastically. - I'm not doubting you can fight, my Lord Aemond. I doubt you know how. She paused, her eyes looking very tough again. - And I don't intend letting Mother's children die.
Aemond could feel her bitterness and hated that she could lay such eyes on him. He was not a cold blooded murderer. He was keen of justice, he was true, strong, sincere and audacious. Right ?
-Well.. I guess you'll follow me, then ?
And he started walking in direction of the forest. She whispered a "damn this fool" but mounted her horse and followed, giving him her hand for him to mount behind her on the horse.
-We'll be safer.
He agreed and sat behind her, letting her move in the forest. She was right, the place had something different. An aura. It smelled chaos and yet everything was perfectly still. Like anything could happen any second. But not anything, actually. It felt like something unreal could happen. Like darkness itself could jump on him and devour his soul.
-Do you know what you're looking for in the forest, lord Aemond? -Actually yes. My dragon.
She paused and turned around.
-Your dragon ? Have you.. lost it ?
He chuckled and shook his head.
-Lost it, no. I arrived on horse, for Sir Criston is no dragon rider. But I can sense Vhagar is around. Dragons are very independent and yet, when they bond, they remain terribly loyal. I've been away for a couple of days, she's not used to it. I expect she's either coming or already there. - Ok.. I guess we'll spot it easily, then.
She sighed, a bit preoccupied, and looked at her wolf.
-Stay close, Shadow. You and I are flammable.
(Time ellipse)
It had been at least an hour since they got into the forest, remaining mostly silent. Suddenly, the mood shifted a bit : wood creaked and wind seemed to blow inward.. The horse stopped and started to get nervous, and Shadow growled. Aemond got down and moved deeper in the forest. This time, Y/N didn't follow.
Silence fell. Lasted. Y/N got back feet on the ground, ready to go get the Prince, when a huge roar echoes in the forest and instinctively, Y/N grabbed her sword, Shadow jumping in front of her. Second after second, a huge beast appeared, smashing trees around it, snow everywhere. Y/N had never seen a dragon before and she had to admit that although this beast was incredibly beautiful and mighty, she was utterly scared. On top of it, Aemond was seated, looking down at her.
-I told you she would be there ! He yelled.
Y/N didn't move, too stunned to react. She could only grab Shadow by the neck, preventing it from doing anything stupid.
-Come, my Lady ! She won't hurt you unless I tell her to. -I shall not, my Lord. Thank you very much but as Targaryens are closer to Gods, Starks are very much humans. And humans belong on the ground.
He laughed. it was the first time she heard him laugh, and suddenly he took off and the beast started to fly higher and higher. Y/N had tears in her eyes, a mix between pure amazement and a terrifying nervousness.
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Y/N had been camping in a safe place of the woods, in a clearing with opened sky. Shadow was impossible to calm down, apparently he imagined he could fight a dragon.
Even though Y/N saw this dragon only once, she remained rather calm when the huge beast made land, not too far from them. Actually, the dragon was so close that she could feel its breath. Aemond got down and came by the fire. Shadow was growling and showing its teeth, sign that the wolf didn't appreciate dragons and dragon riders. Y/N and said with irony :
-He won't hurt you unless I tell him to.
He smiled a bit and sat in front of her, remaining silent for a few seconds before finally talking, in a very calm tone.
-Y/N. I know what it looked like. She raised an eyebrow. -I know you all think Lucerys' death was part of .. a general plan from us. It's not. She shook her head again. -My Lord, I've never been to Kings Landing and yet even I know how you and Velaryon children hated each other. And for Greens to secure power, you need not only to reduce Rhaenyra and Daemon to silence but also to wipe out their descent.
He sighed and got closer to her.
-I promise. We didn't mean that. Or at least I was not part of it. You want the truth? I dream since I'm a child to get Lucerys and make him take out his own eye out.
She raised her head to look at him, astonished by the cruelty of the confession.
-In payment.
She was holding her breath, both disgusted by this affirmation, and believing he was telling the truth and therefore, didn't intend a full kill.
-But murdering him was not part of my plan. And I know for sure that my Mother strongly desires mercy for Rhaenyra and her children. I promise.
She remained silent and put her hands on her face, thinking. After a while, she looked at him again, sad, this time.
-I believe you. But it matters not. We must wait for the Blacks to come and state their will. You had your time, they deserve theirs. My Father is a very proud man, Aemond. (she didn't notice she didn't name him Lord or Prince for once) He is true, he is good. He will wait and decide knowingly. There is nothing I can do..
She smiled softly.
-But we heard you. You were good, you know. As an envoy.
He smiled, sincerely, and nodded his head a bit.
-My Mother told me I was the one to do this. She was right. And I'm glad I've been sent here.
He put his hand on hers, making her shiver.
-I'm glad I met you.
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It was over. Starks had received word that Rhaenyra's envoy, her son Jacaerys, would soon arrive on dragon back. Cregan had decided the recent death of Lucerys was reason enough for Aemond to leave. He was preparing his horse with Sir Criston, Vhagar had been leaving already.
The court was gathered in the courtyard, respectful enough to bid them farewell correctly. Y/N was feeling odd, like she was losing something. When Aemond got on his horse, her heart tightened. She cleared her throat and took the gift intended to Aegon the Second from Maester's hands to quickly get to Aemond. Cregan looked, not too sure of what was happening.
-My Lord Aemond.. it's a gift. For your Brother the King. It's tradition when a coronation happens. Although you know a gift will also be given to Rhaenyra.
He took it and smiled at her.
-Thank you, my Lady. I hope I will see you again. Soon. Very soon.
She nodded and took a few steps back. When they departed, Aemond turned around and smiled again.
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Two weeks. Two weeks since both Aemond and Jacaerys left the castle. Cregan Stark's mind was made. His Lords and Ladies agreed with him. It was done. The North would rally Rhaenyra's side.
Y/N's heart had not stop hurting. She felt upset, preoccupied, and hated that she couldn't find peace. Deep inside, she knew her Father's decision was the right one. She knew King Viserys only meant for Rhaenyra to be his successor. She knew Aegon was a farce, a puppet in Hightower's hands. But this meant she was to never see this Targaryen side of the family again. Or at least not in a pleasant way.
Sun just appeared in the morning sky and she was already heading out of the castle.
-My Lady ! My Lady Y/N !
She turned around to see the Maester running toward her.
-My Lady, a message from King's Landing. It's urgent, you must take it to your Father.
She nodded and rushed inside the castle, straight into her Father's apartments. She gave him the message and after reading it, Cregan looked solemnly at his daughter.
-Well.. I think it's time for you to see a bit more of our world.
She took the message, and as she was reading it, her inner smile grew.
"Lords and Ladies of the Seven Kingdoms. You are asked to send envoys to Kings Landing. They will act as representatives of your Houses, and receive full protection from the War and its consequences, regardless of the side you've chosen. Such representatives will be diplomats and will be able to directly address to King Aegon the Second and his court. This is an attempt, as war is upon us, to keep a negotiating canal opened. We thank you."
The message was signed by Otto Hightower's hand. Y/N looked back at her Father.
-Me ? -Yes, you. She smiled, honored that her Father granted her with such honor. -But you must promise me something, child. If it ever gets too risky, leave at once. She nodded. -And don't marry that boy too soon.
Tag list (comment to be added) : @xcharlottemikaelsonx @lawlerek @whitejuliana1204 @devy1233 @alice1290
182 notes · View notes
Challenge Accepted (Why you calling me tonight part II)
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Ex!August Walker x POC!Reader
Walter Marshall x POC!Reader
Determined to get what he wants, August darkens your door.
Exes, Smut, Shameless Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Phone Sex, Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Possessive Sex, August Walker Lives (Mission: Impossible), Light Angst, Love Triangles
Hello Heathens, I originally wrote this as a quick one shot. I had no intention of making a follow up. The response I got to this fic surprised me and I felt compelled to write another part. So thank you to everyone who liked, shared and left comments. This is for you! I hope I don't disappoint. Happy Reading!
Divider @firefly-graphics Banner @cafekitsune
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I’m going about my business in the shop. Unpacking our new shipment of books, and updating our inventory on the computer, when I hear the bell above the door jingle. I look up, ready with a greeting on my tongue, to welcome them to the shop. The words die on my tongue as I watch August’s large frame stride with purpose towards me. I should have expected it, after the way the other night went, but to actually see him in the flesh is a shock to my system. All the feelings I had suppressed, the hurt, the betrayal, the rage all come flooding back.
“Get out.” I state, deathly calm. “You have no business being here, August. No matter if my heart still has a beat left for you, I’ve moved on. You witnessed that in full 1080p, in fact.”
“I think our time apart has messed with your head a bit, Sugar. I’ve searched the world for you, for five long years. Intending to bring you home, and rectify the situation. You were, and always will be mine. No low level local detective could hold a candle to the level of possession, and love I have for you.” August confesses.
“Is that right?” Walter challenges as he comes out from the back room. “To me it looks like you fucked up royally, and just can’t stand to see someone else not only having what you perceived as yours, but doing a better job to keep her.”
“You don't want to go there with me Detective.”
“You have no power here, Agent.” Walter stands his ground, placing a hand on my hip. “Unlike you, I actually listen, and care about her needs. If she wants you to leave, then you leave. How the task ends up completed, is all on you.”
“I’d like to see you try and remove me. We have unfinished business, her and I.”
Walter walks up to August until they stand toe to toe. “I won't disrespect the shop, and all of her hard work by getting blood on the floor or breaking furniture. She deserves better than that.” He looks over to me and winks before returning his gaze to August. “But your ego seems to need to be knocked down a peg or two. So here is my offer. My buddy Syverson, owns the boxing gym down the street. We head over there and settle this the old fashion way, with gloves.”
“You’re not literally fighting over me Walter.” I exclaim.
“Oh, honey. I’m just going to teach him a lesson. I already know where I belong with you. He’s not fighting me to win you. That prize is not on the table. You’re mine. I’m just making sure he understands that.”
Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his phone and makes a call, “Sy, yeah it’s Walt. Tell me, how full is the gym right now? Only the morning regulars?” he asks, pausing for Sy to respond. “Perfect. You mind helping me settle something?”
“Is he serious?” August turns to ask me.
“Walter is not really the joking type. So, yes. He is very serious.” I respond. 
“Just need to remind someone of their place. Don't want to mess up the bookshop in the process, that’s all,” Walter continues his conversation with Sy. “Great, see you a minute. Can you grab my bag from my locker, I believe you still have the spare key.”
He hangs up the phone, returning to me. Pulling me in close. “I’m going to head over to Sy’s. You’re welcome to come spectate. But I’ll leave that up to you. I’m sure Mikey will film the whole ordeal.”
“I’m not going to stay here, racked with anxiety. I’m going with you. It is my honor you're fighting for afterall.”
“As you wish, sweetness. Go ahead and lock up. I’ll see you over there.” He bends down and lays one whopper of a kiss on my lips. I swear I’m swooning as my knees get weak.
“August.” He turns to the glaring agent. “You’re heading over with me. Hopefully Sy has some gym clothes around your size you can borrow.”
“And if I refuse this challenge?”
“You won't. Your pride wont let you.” He smugly proclaims.
August just growls in annoyance. His eyes give me a final once over, as Walter holds open the door for him to walk out. 
This can only go one of two ways. But no matter the outcome Walter is coming home with me.
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Primal Physique Gym…
"I looked into you." August calmly states as he emerges from the locker room where he went to change. Sy, having been informed by Walter of what was going on, had provided him with a set of shorts and a t-shirt with the gym’s logo on it.
Not phased by August’s admission, Walter begins to wrap his hands. "Figured you would. You Feds love to dig up dirt."
August takes a seat on the bench across from where Walter is leaning against the ring. He looks for a set of tape to start wrapping his own hands. "Ex wife and daughter huh. Does she know? Do they?"
Hoping to catch the man off guard, Walter tosses the tape in his direction. Narrowly missing his face as August catches it with one hand. 
“Not that it’s any of your fucking business, but yes. They all know each other. Pretty well, in fact.” He pushes off the ring, turns to grab the ropes and pulls himself inside. Shaking out his limbs and bouncing on his feet, warming up.
August just murmurs to himself in a growly tone. This is not going how I planned. This Detective seems un-bothered by my presence. His confidence is irritating.
The gym doors open and both men turn to see me making my way over to the ring. Stopping to hug Mikey along the way. He helps to lighten my mood, making me laugh out loud and squeeze his arm to keep balanced.
She is way too comfortable with all of these men. 
“If it isn't our resident Bell gracing the menfolk with her presence. Just as her Beast faces off with Gaston.” Sy hollers from the ring.
“Oh, hush Sy.” I shake my head at his antics. Walking up to the ring, I take careful note of the state of my boyfriend and my ex standing in their respective corners. “Is Little Red around? I could use her special brand of support?”
“She’s in the office. I won’t let her work the floor much anymore.” Sy replies.
“I’m sure she’s loving that.” I laugh.
“Oh Little Red!” He shouts.
August watches on as a petite woman with bright red unruly curls walks out from the office in the back. Slightly waddles out is more like it, as she is very clearly pregnant, looking as if she is smuggling a medicine ball under her shirt.
A smile spreads across my face as Sy’s wife approaches me. “He really did ya dirty didn't he? Those genes couldn’t make a tiny baby if they honestly tried.”
“He’s lucky I love him, the big oaf.” She complains, rubbing her round belly. “What brings you to our little gym in the middle of the day?”
“That would be Walter and my ex’s fault.” I point towards the aforementioned individuals.
She quirks a brow and eyes the men occupying her ring along with her husband. She takes an extra beat to examine August from head to toe. He stands up straighter as she inspects him.
“That super villain looking asshole with the mustache is your ex?” She asks.
“Mmhmm.” I confirm.
“Looks like a dirty cop.” She blurts out.
“He’s CIA actually.” 
“So he’s a dirty cop for the government.” She tilts her head. “Gotta say, you’ve got a type girl. Why is he here?”
“That would be my doing Red.” Walter raises a gloved hand. “He showed up to the shop this morning. Mostly to try his luck at getting her back. Apparently the message of her being taken wasn’t clear enough when he called last weekend.” 
“So, what, you’re fighting over her like Neanderthals'?” 
“No. Like I told her, she’s not a prize to be won. I’m just making sure he understands where he stands in her life now. That lesson just so happens to involve our fists. Verbally and visually it didn't seem to take.”
Red looks to me. “You ok with this babe? I can put a stop to this nonsense with a snap of my fingers.”
I nod my head. “I’m good with it. Walter’s right. August is stubborn and hard headed. He still feels entitled to me because my heart is stupid enough to still hold a place for him. He’s not good at sharing his presumed toys.”
“You’re not a toy damnit!” August shouts. “I fucking love you. Just because you left doesn’t make you any less mine as it did before.”
“Sure. Even if that is true. I’m not just yours anymore. I am very much Walter’s. He’s put in the work and helped me heal from the damage you caused August.” I point an accusatory finger at him, “You did that!”
“Oh yeah, he’s such a fucking gentleman. With his preteen daughter and an ex wife who left him for working too much. Oh and that psychologist he slept with that he works with. Somehow he’s better than me?” August grits out.
Walter bounces from leg to leg, resisting the urge to punch August in his smug face and get this over with. He looks to me to calm the rage building inside. 
“I don’t fault him for his past.” I confidently state. “Just like I never did yours. Only difference here, is that he’s not hiding it from me. He takes into consideration my feelings and needs without assuming he knows what’s best. He’s not trying to best you, August. This is no competition. He’s coming down to your level, to get you to see the reason why it is that way. Sometimes fists are more effective than visual aids.”
“And if I win?” August asks.
“I’m not giving him up, August. I thought I wasn’t a toy?”
“You’re not.”
Walter chooses this moment to speak up. “Then stop trying to make her a prize to be won. Let’s get this aggression out of our systems and then we can tackle what happens next. I can’t and won’t speak for her on how this all will affect her. I just think cooler heads will prevail once our anger has settled.”
“You may regret those words shortly.” August retorts.
“I’m not afraid of you, August. I welcome the challenge to best you. So let’s get on with it. Three 5 minute rounds. The gym decides the winner.”
“You’re on.” August agrees. 
They tap gloves and head back to their respective corners as a bell rings. The fight is under way.
The next 15 minutes seems to fly by as I watch the ruthless aggression being displayed in the ring before me. Walter and August are pretty evenly matched. They're about the same size and height but where August lets his anger take control, Walter is more calculated and intentional with his punches. 
They’re both getting good licks in. There will definitely be some bruised torsos as well as a cut or two to the face of them both. Just as the clock is ticking down the last 30 seconds of the final round, August goes in for a left jab. Walter dodges it in the nick of time and follows through with an uppercut while August is open and off guard.
He makes perfect contact with his chin. With a heavy thump, August falls to the mat, out cold. Walter has won by a knockout. I expect to see triumph and a fist raised in the air coming from Walter. What I witness instead, is him getting down on one knee to check on August.
When he opens his eyes, Walter offers his arm to get him to his feet. “Good fight. You almost had me there for a minute. I got lucky with that last hit.”
Shocked by the display of kindness, August takes a moment before taking the offered hand. “Looks like the better man won.”
I run into the ring as both men get to their feet. “Shit, August are you okay?”
“Just fine, Sugar. Your man here is built like a brick house.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, agent. You're a tank yourself.”
“Did that hit knock some screws loose?” I wonder aloud.
“Not at all. I think it cleared some things up for me actually.” August replies.
“Oh-kay.” I look at him suspiciously. “Let’s go get everyone cleaned up and looked after. Red, can we use the private locker room?”
“Of course, love. Sy, hand her the keys. Take as much time as you need.” She winks at me conspiratorially.
I take the offered keys and lead the men into the private locker room.
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I quickly attended to both men’s various cuts and bruises. I’m no stranger to patching up a wounded grump. August received that far more than Walter had had to, but nevertheless my knowledge was appreciated.
Once each man was assessed, we all headed over to the large open shower to clean the grime and dirt away. Thankfully Sy had installed benches in his private locker room that allowed for August to rest as he cleaned up.
Walter made use of them in a far more sinful way. He allowed me to wash his body as I stood on the bench to help with the height difference. Once the last sud was rinsed from his skin, he had my legs wrapped around his waist and his fingers deep inside me.
I gasped as he stretched me out around his thick digits. Making sure I was ready to take his cock. Eyes closed, I released a moan as he entered my slick channel. He held me there, impaled on his cock. Letting me catch my breath, as my body acclimated to his size.
Peering over his shoulder to the bench on the opposite wall I spot August. He’s watching us with rapt attention. His hard dick in hand, stroking himself, as he enjoys the show.
Walter whispers in my ear, “Look at how badly he wants you, baby girl. Seeing us over the phone must have been bad enough. It drove him to come here after all. I must imagine losing to me and having us show him kindness afterword stung as well. Having you writhing against me, pinned to this wall must be fucking torture. Think we should extend our kindness further, sweetheart?”
I whimper as he grinds against my pelvis, teasing my engorged clit. “What did you have in mind?”
“I’m not giving up this tight pussy tonight. But I am feeling generous. If you're feeling up to it, I’m okay with you helping him get to the finish line. Looks like he’s not far away as it is.”
“But I’d have to stop fucking you.” I pout.
“Who said anything about you getting off my dick? I’ll pound this sweet little pussy as he comes down your throat. I’m not going anywhere. It’s all up to you baby. Whatever you choose, I’m game. I told you you weren't a prize to be fought for. I’m secure enough to share when needed.” He winks.
“Then I’m going to need you to move us down to the floor.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because I’m going to ride you while I give August the blow job a lifetime. Make him regret having run me off. Leave a memory that haunts him for the rest of his days. Another woman will never be able to compare to me. He’ll be chasing a ghost forever. This will be my parting gift.”
“Fuck. Who knew you could be so ruthless.” He ravages me with a kiss. “It’s fucking sexy. We’re going to have to play around with that later. For now let’s close the chapter on your ex.”
“With pleasure.”
He lifts me off of his length and lowers himself to the floor. Laying on his back as I move to straddle his thighs. Placing my back to him, I grab his cock. Making sure to face August, I then proceed to sink down Walters thick girth, maintaining eye contact with the agent.
I crook two fingers in his direction. “Come here, August. I need you to stand before me.”
“Letting me join in on the fun this time. I knew you couldn't resist me.”
“That’s not it at all, August.” I look up at him as he settles before me. “In fact this will be the last time you'll ever see me in this position for you. This is the last time my lips will ever touch your skin. The last time your seed will ever fill me.”
He quirks a brow.
“I want you to take it all in. The feel of my mouth around your cock. How my throat constricts around your thickness. How I’m taking what I want from you as I ride the man I’m falling for. Taking from him what he is willingly giving me. Watch the pleasure cross his face as my walls squeeze around him while I turn you into a whimpering mess.” 
A devious smile illuminates my face.
“Remember it all, August. Because it is all you will ever have of me after today.”
“What?!” He grits.
“Once this is over. You will leave. You will go back to wherever it is in the world you're currently called to and you will never darken my doorstep again. You will not call. You will not write. This is my parting gift to you. A kindness I need not bestow. Be wise in your decision.”
“You’ve changed, Sugar.”
“For the better. I’ve always known my worth, but with you, I had my doubts sometimes. It’s not like that with Walter. I’m giving this relationship a chance. I’m jumping in head first. I can’t do that with you lurking in the shadows, August. This is it. So what will it be?”
Walter gives my hips a little squeeze, comforting my trembling frame. Proof that my words may be said in confidence but my body is riddled with anxiety.
“Fuck it. I man knows when he’s truly been bested. I’ll take whatever crumbs you’ll give me and hold on to them until the end of time.” He states. “But if I find out he has hurt you or you split up. I’m coming back for you. I’ll honor your request, but I’ll never stop keeping tabs on you.”
Instead of responding to his declaration with words, I lean forward and wrap my lips around his leaking tip. The time for words is over. Action is all that is needed. I put everything I have into that final blow job. Swallowing him deep and humming out a familiar tune. All while I undulate and ride the grizzly man beneath me. 
The locker room fills with the sounds of moans and groans echoing off the walls as the hot water of the shower beats down on the porcelain. I have no idea how much time has passed but I can feel myself nearing my end. 
Every swivel of my hips has me closer to losing control. I double my efforts on the cock lodged in my throat. My head bobs up and down with vigor as I race to bring August over the finish line. I look up into his cerulean blues, locking eyes as I reach a hand up to squeeze his heavy balls.
August grips my hair as his hips thrust erratically against my face. We maintain eye contact as he releases a roar, shooting rope after rope of his seed down my throat.
When his cock gives its final twitch, he removes himself. We hold each other's gaze for just a beat more before I’m spun around to face Walter. He pulls himself up into a seated position and grabs my hips for leverage as he moves me up and down his cock. 
He kisses me with fervor. Uncaring that I still have the taste of my ex freshly lingering on my tongue. It’s possessive and powerful. Full of love and possibility. I break the kiss. Coming up for air as our foreheads rest against one another.
“I’m right there with you, baby. I’m just waiting for you to come undone all around me so I can fill you up. Gonna have you walking around with me slowly leaking out of you the rest of the day. But I can’t do that until you come first. You will always come first.” Walter grunts out.
His words are my undoing. The conviction in his voice snapping the tightened coil in my core. I come with a cry, writhing and clawing at his back. Feeling his cock swell as he loses control himself and begins to paint my walls creamy white.
My hips slow as we come down from our respective highs together. Sharing sweet kisses and gentle caresses. 
“Time to get cleaned up, baby girl.”
“I thought I was to be leaking you all night?”
“Oh, you will be. I’ll clean every other inch of your skin. But your pussy is exactly how I want her. Full of me.”
As I proceed to stand up and head back towards the water; my eyes scan the room. August is nowhere in sight. I hadn’t noticed that he had slipped out. Lost in the throes of my earth shattering orgasm.
A sense of peace settles over me as I take in that he honored my request. I know he will still remain in the shadows, watching, waiting patiently to pounce at the first sign of trouble. But I vow to live such a full life with Walter that that chance never happens.
Here's to hoping.
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defaultnaming · 7 months
First thoughts:
I'll be honest, I went into the episode a bit biased, 10 is nowhere close to a good doctor for me and I dislike the RTD era. But open minds and all that.
I DON'T like the mcu logo. MCUification of DW on main.
I need an in-depth explaination on what regeneration energy does after that ep. Like, how does it make a suit and long coat, ties, a new sonic screwdriver, perfectly fitting glasses and a judges wig (he didn't know he would need it so he would have to have it on him so... how??)
Okay, why the big exposition cold open if you're going to exposit the info in conversation, feels a bit like you wasted time there I'll be honest. Could've went to solving the ep problem cause that was rushed.
The old doctor is back.... and apparently has a personality like at least a couple thousand years haven't passed... okay....
The part about 'Why does everything have to be a big goodbye?' I mean, it seemed really wierd that he would refuse coming for a cuppa because he CAN do that. We've seen it over 15 years, the doctor has developed to do that stuff. Also, bar a few phrases, didn't really see much of 13's personality there and it's shame. DT is a good actor, he could pull it off (I mean, he also could've pulled off the outfit but....), you didn't need to do 10 on repeat .
I like rose! But is she 15 cause.... no? Also, how to tell your trans character is written by cis people: 'DiD YOu jUsT AssUMe tHEIr ProNOUnS!?'
Love the starting her business, didn't like that they made Donna a mum who doesn't respect boundaries but still the support and the plushies were cute and I guess being nosy is in character for her.
Meep was cute! Feel like the meep was suitably menacing and it was peak cheese. Also, Miriam Margoles was perfect for the voice. I also love the bit where the meep was clinging to Donna, brilliant. Also, tactically landing in a steel mill and not being really contrived was good! I also loved that 'living sun' hypnosis, it made sense to me. I also loved the cheesy bug things, they we cute as well and I love that they took the time to explain why the cab never got hit properly cause I was wondering.
Also, Sylvia wanting to KO the doctor on site to keep him from seeing Donna... accurate, funny and I wanted her to do it I'll be honest. Saun temple, absolute king, just drinking respsct wife juice. Like, if my partner gave away that much money I'd divource but he's just better than me.
I love UNIT as this alien first responder force, that was neat. I love that they were inclusive to disabilities and the characters were still suitably badass.
I love the (albiet clumsy) trans positivity in the episode. But let's not give them too much credit, the doctor has been trans and trans positive (with timelords mind) since about 2014.
Didn't like the implication that transmascs are inherently more dim/stupid than transfemmes. Also, that is literally what they said because the text was literally 'if you were female (still a woman) presenting, you'd understand'. I won't lie, as a transmasc person, it kind of hurt. I feel like we should be past the feminism that drags men instead of uplifting women but yeah.
I feel like they undercut the tradgedy of Donna's sacrifice by having her just... be alive. I get she... shared?... the metacrisis but it kind of ruins why Donna was such a tragic figure in DW. Also, gee DoctorDonna, why didn't you just think 'get rid of it' before? Could've saved a lot of trouble. The cracks through London just kind of disappearing when the ship was stopped was wierd but I get it, they need to move onto other things and that would be too big of a distraction.
Also, they're going to visit Wilf yay! Why did the TARDIS redecorate? Why did you then give a workable reason why she would need to reconfigure immediately afterward? I love the design, very retro but again, felt a bit contrived.
All in all, a cheesy, old nu!who episode vibes (I clarify, not my thing) that has some great building blocks and despite the problems, I am looking forward to new episodes to come!
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taviyuhh · 1 year
Okay, I started watching more of The Bear S2 today and I have THOUGHTS.
First, I wanna talk about Claire. It's so obvious she was added into the season to be a love interest. Sure, she's got a personality which some love interests might not have but compared to other characters in the show, hers is basic. Maybe that's the point though? Other characters in The Bear have a plethora of issues and Claire can easily be set apart from the rest of them, hence Carmy's interest in her (aside from knowing her from before). I'M GONNA ADD ONTO THIS IN THE NEXT ONE!!
Second, I understand why he and Claire's relationship is progressing so quickly. Carmy admits that he doesn't really have fun and never had friends either. Before Claire, there was Mikey helping Carmen socialize, but even then it was more for Micheal than it was him. Mikey acted as a sort of social lubricant (hate that word but it's true) for Carmen as they grew up. Michael died and Carmy receded into himself (yk what I mean), focusing on work instead of his social life or mental health. When Claire, someone he was close with back in the day, comes back into his life, he clings to her. Now, this is because she actually has a life outside of her career. She's got friends, she's fun to be around, and she can help people have fun. She's the embodiment of who Carmy never got to be, what he never got to experience. He gravitates towards Claire because she's been living her life to the fullest and Carmen didn't get a chance to do the same.
Third, I know a lot of Bear fans want Sydney and Carmen to be together. I'm still not sure how I feel abt SydCarm but we all see the chemistry between them!! If not romantic soulmates, they are 100% platonic ones. However, I can see why Carmen wouldn't be interested in being close to Sydney romantically or being closer to her than he currently is. Sydney met Carmen through his work as a Sous Chef and they bond over their love of cooking, their hopes for the restaurant. The foundation of their relationship is all work related. I admit, they have their moments were they get on a personal level with each other but mostly, they talk about work. Carmy used to work in a toxic environment and it traumatized him. The Original Beef is a much more positive place to be, but still, a contribution to his stress. So, I can imagine he'd want to be closer with his coworkers but not AS close as they could be. He's seen Syd outside of the kitchen, but it's only been to talk about work. Claire is someone from outside of work, from wayyyy back, and a nice change of pace.
Fourth, Carmen's priorities are ALLLL the way messed up. As soon as he reconnects with Claire, it was like Sydney didn't much matter. He made promise after promise to Syd, yet he never came through. I don't think I'll be able to get over how he COMPLETELY forgot about his plans to go tasting with her to help Claire move FURNITURE bro. In that exact same episode, he neglects to tell Syd, his literal business partner, that they were taking out the walls. Then, he ditches Syd again to deliver the wine license (?). Sugar was fully capable of doing this, but he probably felt bad for making her work sm, so I get it. What I don't like is how he made more plans with Claire instead of helping Sydney out?? Sug and Syd are literally carrying the restaurant on their BACKS.
Fifth, LET'S 👏🏼 TALK 👏🏼 SYD 👏🏼. My KIN, my GIRL, MY BESTIE IS STRESSINGGGG. She's supposed to be Carmen's whole business partner but she's handling most of the responsibilities that are meant to be shared between the two. It's becoming a real challenge for her because she's struggling to cook. Syd's overthinking everything and NEEDS CARMY TO DO HIS FREAKING PART. I wish I had more to say about her in that aspect but I don't 😔. However, I will say I love her relationship with food and how it's shown. The visuals during her menu tasting sequence were CHEF'S KISS 🤌🏻!!
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phdmama · 4 months
Do you have any advice about discussing kink shaming with people? My younger sister (she's 18, I'm f, 23) keeps bringing up how weird she thinks it is that people have like CNC or bdsm kinks. And even the old, 'some people use kink to work through trauma' doesn't work, so me trying to explain that people just like what they like, no need for justification gets nowhere.
She's gay, I'm bi so maybe she just doesn't get why people would find men, especially when acting like that, attractive? Idk it's so hard, because I'm into BDSM and ik she doesn't mean it but it's like a slap in the face every time and I have to work through the shame over again.
(idk I feel like I've taken the mama part of your bio too seriously lol, so if you don't wanna answer I completely understand)
Hey pal! I don't know if I've got anything helpful to say, but I'll give it a try!
I guess a question I have is... why does she care so much?
I'm with you, in that I think people just dig what they dig, and maybe for some folks it's about working through trauma? But also I'm guessing for lots of folks, it's not that at all! And honestly, if it's not pertaining to my own personal sex life, what people choose to do and how they choose to do it is literally none of my business.
I do remember having that process when I was young - coming to understand that just because I personally don't like something 1) doesn't have bearing on whether other people do like it, and 2) doesn't mean it's wrong or bad.
This is where squick is such a good word, you know? Because (to me anyway) squick is about - I am really uncomfortable with this thing, but I get that this is about ME, and it's emphatically not a judgement on what other people like.
People like all sorts of stuff I don't like. Olives. Pecan Pie. The world is full of beautiful diversity (especially with regards to getting off!!) and as long as folks are safe, sane and consensual, beyond that, it's literally not her business.
So, I hope you can hear me that at least from where I'm sitting, there's literally nothing to be ashamed about for liking what you like, whether it's olives or BDSM. None of these are *moral* choices, you know?
I know also, that people have all sorts of opinions about things that have literally nothing to do with them, and they're allowed to have them (as I like to think in the privacy of my head, people are entitled to their TERRIBLE WRONG OPINIONS).
So, it seems to me there are a couple of ways you might go forward, depending on what you're comfortable sharing and what your relationship with your sister is like.
You could ask her - "it seems like this is something you really care a lot about - what's that about?" [I have enough psychodynamic training to wonder if she's actually really interested it and struggling to work that out against our cultural training about this stuff.] "You seem really invested in other people's sex lives - are you okay? What's going on?"
You could just sort of tune her out and be the indifferent voice of reason. "Huh, that's an opinion, I guess." Grey rock her a bit, if that makes sense. Refuse to engage. "Other people's sex lives just aren't that interesting to me." (Not to shame her, but just to make it clear, this isn't a topic you're interested in talking to her about.)
Maybe she's picking up on the fact that it's getting to you, and maybe that's the game? To get you riled up (even if she's not intentionally trying to hurt you)? Who knows!
Anyway - I don't know if this was at all useful - I'm happy to talk more if it would be helpful!
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stars-tonight · 6 days
Hello, I was wondering if i could get a long romantic matchup please, as 🖊anon if thats available
I use any pronouns, she or they would be fine as you prefer, I really don’t care (just please, no he/him pronouns).I would like to be paired with a guy please
For my ideal partner, I suppose someone who is stable, honest, reliable and open. Someone who respects my need for personal space and boundaries, and who understands my introverted nature. I'd also like someone who's independent and capable of managing their own responsibilities. But with a sense of humour, like who understand irony and sarcasm
For myself, in short I'm a bit of a mix between Tsukishima (I truly hate him omg) and Akaashi. I'm quiet and reserved by nature, rather discreet, but I'm not afraid of being honest or saying what I think, I can be rather direct and/or dry (I can also be too sarcastic/ironic). Even though I have no problem expressing opinions and that kind of stuff, I find it hard to do the same with my emotions and all that (so someone who's patient enough to understand that would be nice). I'm also very curious (on a ""intellectual"" level i mean).
I love cinema and art history. I go to the cinema very, very often (I really like east asian cinema, so taiwanese, hong kong, south korean and japanese films). I read also a lot, whether it's literature, sociology, philosophy or I don't know what else. I also like to write (about cinema, art history and more personal stuff) (as I'm not so good at expressing myself orally)
My love language is act of service. I have absolutely no idea what I'd like in return, honestly everything's fine I suppose, except physical touch when it's too much. Or maybe I’d like words of affirmation too, but I'm pretty bad with the spoken word, so I wouldn't really know what to say.
(Hope that’s enough?) Thanks a lot, hope you have a nice day!
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it might take a while for the relationship to get started because who's gonna make the first move ;-;
let's be honestly you'll probably have to
(it probably never clear that kenma's interested in whomever he's interested in)
but he secretly admires you although he would never say it
kenma needs personal space about as much as he needs oxygen
so he definitely wouldn't be clinging to you 24/7
also definitely independent and responsible for himself
post-timeskip, he's a literal CEO
(makes BANK)
i think kenma may not be as hilarious or smiley but he definitely has a deadpan / sarcastic side
also doesn't get offended or riled up easily
kenma's pretty stable and reliable as a person and a partner
might take him a bit to feel comfortable sharing his opinions with you
but once he sees that you won't judge him he'll be a lot more confident in himself
will quietly and sometimes randomly say something that is either:
really good advice
really hilarious commentary (although sometimes the humor is unintended)
kenma's receiving love language is either acts of service or quality time
if he's busy streaming or investing and you make him dinner he'll love you even more
will probably give you a pat on the head as thanks
sometimes when he's tired he'll just come up to you and lay his head on your shoulder
or just flop onto the bed like a dead fish and lay there
you'll have to drag him up to get him to eat something
i feel like kenma sometimes forgets to take care of himself so when you notice that and leave him a little reminder or do something to help him yourself he'll be reminded of exactly why you're so important to him
you'll spend hours together while he plays video games and you read or write
he'll even watch all your favorite films with you
although he begs you whenever you go to the cinema to reserve seats far away from everyone else
will buy you candy and popcorn when you're at the cinema
he's perfectly okay with you not being a skilled speaker because he's not either
you could leave each other notes around the house
kenma probably secretly follows hinata's games on TV and you'll watch them with him
runner up for you was akaashi keiji!
there you go 🖊️anon! i personally really love kenma and although i haven't watched the new movie yet, i've seen all the fanart of him with the cage and it looks so sick
also i totally relate to being good at writing but not at speaking lol
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"I'm calling it right here. This world can officially bite my ass." - Sizz'el the Lone Survivor, a nickname she did not get to pick
Throwback to a punch-up I got into a little while ago - you can tell because I hadn't yet trusted a random settler at Starlight Drive-In to laser the tattoo off my eye yet. I loved that tattoo, glad it's gone. You can't imagine how much easier my self image cultivation has become since building all those little towns in the Commonwealth! Preston thinks we're a civil defense oriented militia, meanwhile I had to send back the first test print of t-shirts for "Sexy Sizz'el's Pure Water & Mutfruit Emporium". Every so often they have a chore for me, but when that isn't the case and my knuckles need dusting, I don't usually have to wait long.
On this particular day I'd bopped down to Concord to go shoot some photos at the old museum when what do I spy with my little eyes but a whole bunch of guys just waiting to die. So, I changed into the Silver Shroud outfit I've been lugging around and did a couple kinds of shooting. I don't understand why raiders attack on site - I've mowed down hundreds of them by now. Who's doing their intel? I know they hang out as raider groups but how?! Even when I look just like them I get a laser hello. I look better in this fit though, which is good, because I have tried to throw it away like two dozen times. Piper insists I don't throw out this old nasty costume. I literally can't even fit my head in the hat, but she insists, "It's priceless, it's an heirloom, there's a radio show about it," which, that show is... not good. I literally can't put it down. Someone help me.
The museum is apparently some kind of hotspot, but ever since I took the power armor (shout out to my Atom Cats, meow you wild sons of kittens) and the minigun it's like... for what? Tacky outfits and rotten wood? But, what do I know. I'm just the single most brilliant business woman and devastating bombshell this wasteland has seen since... I'd... like to... rephrase, that last thought.
(Outfit credits, my thoughts, and a few more shots below the cut.)
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I'm pretty sure Sizz'el is wearing crimsomrider's 1950's Feminine Outfits (opens in new tab), Silver Shroud with stockings. The large caliber rifle is the Modular Simonov PTRS-41 by kazumamqi (opens in new tab), and the laser on the bottom is the CROSS_BreakActionLaser by Niero (opens in new tab). Phew, that was a lot of 'um this time, jeez.
I wander into Concord from time to time, whenever I want to just relax and kick back with the combat side of the game. A couple of Brotherhood of Steel dudes plopped in at the end and cleaned up, which was fine, I guess. We're not hostile with each other... I wanna say "yet", but, to be decided.
I like the feeling of combat in Fallout 4, but as you can imagine, I've made a number of major modifications. First, which I've shared before, I've completely rebalanced damage (and have to continuously to make it stay balanced): I, the player, deal a 3x more damage than normal. Everyone else deals 5x more. I love the feeling of games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Far Cry 2 (with that one mod) - when the time between seeing someone and being dead is a breath.
With that in place, I also made two major mechanical changes: first and less impactful is the removal of an AP cost to sprinting, thanks to Unlimited Sprint by TroyIrving (opens in new tab). Sprinting is already an inherent tactical decision, costing precious time, and removing your ability to reload or fire. When the game was slower and more about draining health pools, it made sense to limit this to a gauge... maaaaybe? I think AP draining sprinting is a funking dumb choice in basically any version of this game, but, I'm not a professional game developer so, what do I know.
Second, and this is the big one... bullet time. I use V.A.F.S. Redux by Itzal713 (opens in new tab). I love bullet time. I love it so much. Stranglehold is actually a childhood favorite of mine. I think it's so cool to dip and dodge and do cool stuff like jump over a table and then fire on someone, and it also makes taking pictures in the middle of a fire fight way easier. It's not balanced. It's just fun.
So it's easy to die, bullet time, added some big weapons... I never thought of it before but I've kind of turned Fallout 4 into F.E.A.R. 1. And everybody loves the combat in that game, so... win for me. I rule. Go me.
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
Okay this ended up being a little bit of a rant, I apologize
Most of the rewrite that my best friend and I are working on is just character devlopment tbh!! Like I think what totk tried to do was make their story both character driven and plot driven, they just failed miserably at both. Like imagine if Zelda and Mineru were parallels!! We have an entire plotline written involving making Rauru a secondary antagonist with that! And if Zelda and Sonia were foils instead of half assed parallels! Like yes, Zelda's a terrible character as is, but she has SO much potential because of her position, both politically speaking and emotionally speaking. It's like you said, it's really stupid that she's just in charge of all of Hyrule again. Why not like. Do something else with her?? Anything else??? And did we just. Forget about her father's abuse in botw? Because she shows exactly NOTHING as a result of that. This is an entirely different Zelda who happens to look the same. For all we care, the real Zelda in game could be the imposter and it wouldn't change a thing!!
Oh yeah, the characters in the game definitely needed more attention from the writing. Or like... literally any amount of attention.
For the record this might just be a case of me doing some sequence breaking and getting through things too early (via setting off the fifth sage plot AFTER finding all the memories and retrieving the master sword), but I truly, genuinely do not understand why Mineru exists. I can't tell what she adds to the narrative. Maybe she was supposed to tell me that Zelda's a dragon go rip a sword out of her head, just in case I hadn't figured that out? But it's kinda weird to have that failsafe, considering that the game is quick to spell it out for you that you should find the geoglyphs to learn what happened to Zelda, and we KNOW she was the last one to have the Master Sword. So Mineru is just a redundant reminder of something the player's probably already done, because yknow going to hyrule castle after four temples feels like a finale, so you'd obviously want to handle unfinished business first.
I mean, I guess the spirit temple boss fight was okay, if only because I found the robot fistfight to be so ridiculous that it was absolutely delightful (though the actual fight mechanics were tedious and annoying). But she didn't tell me anything new, I already knew that Zelda had vored a rock to become her fursona. Sharing that information was apparently the only thing Mineru was there to do, but the game had already spelled that out for me ages ago. She didn't contribute anything. I don't even know if she was supposed to contribute anything. Mineru was just there to force us to sit through the same fucking story about Ganon's sealing for the fifth goddamn time in a row. And then despite being literally the only person left from the actual war, she had literally nothing to contribute. WHY WAS MINERU IN THIS GAME. HOW DID SHE CONTRIBUTE TO THE NARRATIVE. I started jokingly referring to her as Mineral after I got started on the fifth sage plotline, because I knew from the dragon memories she was supposed to be haunting the Purah Pad, but she'd spent the entire game being about as important as a random rock. And apparently I was right, Mineru did literally nothing the whole time!
...Actually now that I think about it, what the fuck did ANY of the modern sages do? Their abilities were just the old powers except worse (give me revali's gale over tulin's thing any day of the week, jesus christ), except for Yunobo's ability which was just to replace remote bombs as a convenient infinite mining tool. The sages apparently were just there to show up at the end as a Big Damn Hero moment to rescue Link from the absolute terror of... red bokoblins. Seriously, WHY did they do all the 'ooooh ganons summoning an aaarmy' scenes using mainly the lowest tier of enemies??? Sir, I'm armed to the teeth, fully armoured, and loaded up on hearts and stamina, why the fuck am I supposed to be intimidated by enemies that were still cannon fodder when I was stark naked and armed with a tree branch. At least the four sages were characters we already knew from BOTW, and they got to do some stuff (though using Tulin instead of Teba was complete bullshit, I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE THIS RANDOM TEN YEAR OLD INTO A WAR ZONE. I FOUGHT A GIANT MECHA BIRD WITH TEBA, LET ME KICK ASS WITH BIRB DAD AGAIN)
Eugh. Just so much bad writing in this game, it's a constantly unfolding minefield of horrible decision making. Good luck with your fic though, and I hope you and your friend end up posting it! I've been finding pretty slim pickings on AO3 so far tbh; it seems everyone like me that's been trying to pick this story apart for good content is still trying to figure out what the fuck nintendo just handed us, so the AO3 has been mostly just people writing awful generic Link/Zelda content, mixed with the Link/Sidon shippers trying to fix the whole clusterfuck of Sidon getting a wife out of nowhere. Though I will say I have been very pleased with the fandom unanimously responding to that whole subplot with "Okay so this is some hetero nonsense because nintendo wanted to sink SidLink, BUT we love and respect Yona anyways". I guarantee if something like this had gone down like a decade ago, Yona would be the single most hated character in the game for it. I'm glad that she's being given love and respect despite having been made to be a shipbreaker!
Anyways my point is, I am a huge slut for character studies and worldbuilding, and dear lord have I ever been starved for content. There's so much ZeLink. All power to y'all that ship it of course, I'm glad you're happy, but their dynamic is the single most boring pile of dogshit I've ever seen in my life, and I'm way too aromantic to put up with it. My kingdom for some good character studies and/or platonic fics. Or even just interesting shipping fics that aren't focused on some shitty generic romance. There's a reason I love GanLink and it's not (just) for the porn, it's because those two literally always have some spectacular issues if they're together, regardless of the context. They're a walking psychological thriller, I love them.
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whatwouldsylwrite · 1 year
Thank you, I hope you are well too ❤️‍🩹
I'm thrilled to hear about Abby's future!
I actually want to ask for an advice, if you don't mind sharing. How did you get over your straight girl?
I am becoming desperate and lost and tbh i can't take it anymore😭
Okay, everything I will say will be under the assumption you're in contact with her/friends with her. Also I'm speaking from my experience, so ofc there's a big possibility 70% of what I wrote won't be of any help. And unfortunately I have a lot to say, so it's under the cut 😂
I made myself cut all contact with her so I wouldn't have to fuel my suffering by being around her - I started spending time with my other friends instead of her (if I wanted to go somewhere and I'd have a choice her or my other friend, I'd make myself go with my other friend), stopped looking for her when I knew she'd be nearby, and we just fell out of touch eventually. Can't say my feelings stopped, I missed her a lot, but with her nowhere in sight they just faded out of existence with time. It was still painful as fuck, but it passed too. Also - therapy, if you can afford it.
One thing that my therapist asked me was "what do you get out of these feelings?" That's a good thing to reflect on, to understand why you're suffering and not letting her go. (for example for me it turned out to be the fear of never feeling something like this again, and because this fear wasn't connected to her it got easier to let her go)
I personally don't regret cutting our contact, although I wish I handled it better and actually explained to her why we couldn't be friends anymore instead of avoiding her, but if you want to stay friends with her, then you need to put boundaries and still distance yourself from her so you'd have space to just breathe and calm yourself down.
Are there any mixed signals from her? Because that can really fuck someone up emotionally - and from my experience I regret not being honest with her about how her actions confused and affected me. If it's safe and possible to let her know that "hey, I don't know if you notice you're doing x/y/z, but it would be cool if you stopped doing it" You don't even have to tell her why, it's not really her business here.
Another thing I regret in my situation - being in physical contact with her. Really fucked me up, because I'm extremely touchy person. Like I wish I fucking waved her hello instead of hugging her, because even this small thing was causing emotional pain and kept me tied to her on an addictive level.
Looking for her flaws can work too, because people can paint their interest as perfect or they dismiss possible hardships that can come with this interest. (Just like reader ignores that Abby has a hard time admitting she's wrong and it will be a problem in the future; she thinks she can deal with it with ease (she won't))
Give yourself time and space, literally go outside and sit on the grass for 20 minutes every day, it can really ground you and stop your mind from rushing.
I hope some of this will be of help ❤️ my dms are open so if you want to talk you can always message me.
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