#i don't think i'm capable of answering an ask normally
evnnkinard · 4 months
Bonus to the cafe invite to a wedding proposal idea: Buck is only the one to propose because he beats Tommy to it. Tommy bought a ring and was planning to propose sometime in the next couple of weeks, but Buck ends up surprising him. And maybe Tommy should have expected that because that’s what he always seems to do.
tommy waits until they get home to say anything. debates saying anything at all, doesn't want to take the moment away from evan, but looking down at the man in his arms, still flushed and sweaty, still a little sticky after tommy's quick clean up, but still easily the most beautiful thing tommy's ever seen. still so kind and caring and filled with so much joy, so much love to give despite everything that life continues to throw at him, and decides that he deserves to know. deserves to feel everything that tommy got to feel the moment he saw the ring box in evan's hand.
so, careful not to jostle evan's place on his chest, he reaches over to the bedside table next to him, dips his hand into the drawer and pulls the black ring box that was safely tucked away and hidden out.
"hey, baby," he says, skims his hand across the bare skin of his boy- of his fiancé's back. waits until evan hums in acknowledgement to place the box on his chest, right in evan's line of sight. flips the box open with his thumb, says, "do i get my turn, now?"
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wellwells · 1 month
Dumber and Dumber
The ad from Obeycorps already burrowed it's way into your head. "You need to become dumber, slut!" was what it said. It's hold on you was temporary, but you want to change that. The ad was obviously right, right?
You know you only have a couple of hours until it wears off and you'll regain your normal, well-adjusted worldview again. You quickly make your way to the hypnotists office.
"I want to become dumber. Like, really really dumb. So dumb that men will Take advantage of me."
"You really want that? To be taken advantage of?"
"Yes. I want to be too stupid to be independent. I want to be used and abused by men who like me solely because i am really dumb."
"Well then, if that's what you want. Look into my eyes."
You can immediately feel it. Your concentration becomes harder to hold, heavy like it's a hundred tons. You drop it, which feels better.
"Excellent. You are getting dumber and dumber. Soon, you will be the perfect plaything for every man who wants you. They will use you and discard you, and you will be too stupid to care."
You moan softly as your mind crumbles
"Yes... Amy dumb... dumb Amy..."
Then it stops. Like a cold shower, your recurring intelligence makes you shiver. The effect of the ad ceases, and a little voice inside you wants you to be smarter again. But it is too late. It just feels so good to be dumb.
"I wanna become, like, even dumber. If i am as dumb as possible, i want to be even dumber than that."
"Of course you do. You want to be the dumbest girl in the world. So dumb that you can't even remember your own name. So dumb that you can't even form coherent thoughts."
There is no turning back as you permanently lose thought after thought. There is nothing in your pretty little head anymore. You don't have family or friends, memories or a personality. All those words lose their meaning, drooling out of your mouth.
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"Good girl. You are becoming the perfect plaything. So stupid that you can't even remember how to speak in full sentences. So stupid that you can't even remember your own name."
"Dumb... I'm so... dumb..."
"What is your name, my little plaything?"
Dumb slut... You are a dumb, dumb slut.
"I don't... know... slut?"
"That's right."
You smile at being correct, even though you already forgot your answer.
The hypnotist reaches out to your cleavage.
"Dumber... please... dumber..."
You can still think about wanting to become dumber, which is still way, way too much.
The hypnotist says words you cannot understand. The concept of language spills out of you like the boobs out of your top. You can No longer ask to become dumber, you lack the capability to do that. It's fine, though, the hypnotist seems to know what you want.
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He slaps you and squeezes your face.
You smile, not really getting what is going on. Your body seems to get touched, which is enough to send a smile to your face. You don't know what a smile means. You don't know what touch means. You don't know what anything means.
You simply don't know. You drool.
He shoves his cock in your mouth. After a few thrusts, he pulls it out completely again, holding it in front of your face.
Your mouth tries to communicate to him about those jumbled sensations squirming about, somewhere behind your crossed eyes.
Truly the most eloquent piece of dialogue you could muster up. A masterwork of literacy. You are so proud for a second, before you completely lose grasp of what little ego you had left.
"You're still way to smart, i guess. Sorry about that. Become dumber, bitch."
That was it. All thoughts gone. You are an object. No internal voice anymore. You don't exist. He fucks your mouth.
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ghost-in-the-hall · 2 years
The Mouse and The Bear (König x Reader)
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(A/N: I'm too drunk to proofread this rn, I tried to keep this GN but it might've ended up being a fem! Reader. I'll come back and fix this later lol
Warnings: Swearing, mention of death, mention of injury, slightly angsty but not really, lots of fluff)
"Don't look now, but I think someone has their eye on you." Soap says with a smirk as he walks up next to you in the kitchen. You rolled your eyes in response, knowing that meant any moment now you were going to have some annoying asshole approaching you.
"Spare me." You say under your breath, Soap just laughs in response as he finishes pouring his coffee and heads off. You picked up your lunch, going to find somewhere to sit where hopefully whoever decided you were their new love interest would leave you alone. You were met with a sight you didn't expect. Instead of the usual bombardment of unwanted flirting you caught the almost nervous gaze of KorTac's gentle giant. The second he realized you caught him looking, his eyes snapped down to the mug in front of him. You hadn't had a lot of interaction with König but the few you had he had been nothing but pleasant.  A soft smile finds its way to your lips as you start heading in his direction. "Hey König." You greet him pleasantly, "is this seat taken?" He shakes his head, a look of pure disbelief in his eyes over the fact you were standing in front of him. You slide into the chair opposite him. Normally if there was someone at base checking you out you wouldn't bother indulging their infatuation but König made you curious.
"I'm sorry for staring." He admits immediately, acting like a child getting caught doing something they're not supposed to.
"König I'm not mad." You reassure him.
"It's still rude… I know how much I hate it when people stare at me." He seemed to relax slightly now that he knew you weren't upset with him. Before you could ask him why he was looking at you he answered the question on his own. "I've never seen you without your gear on… I never realized how small you are- not that it's a bad thing of course! I know you're more than capable of handling yourself-"
"König," you cut him off before his rambling got him too flustered "it's okay." You smile at him and he shifts awkwardly in his seat. This was the first time you really allowed yourself to look at him. Bright blue eyes looking anywhere besides at you, he hunched over the table in an attempt to make himself look smaller and less threatening. "Du brauchst keine Angst vor mir zu haben." (You don't need to be afraid of me.) You joke in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"You speak German?" He sounded shocked.
"A little, I used to live in Berlin when I was younger." You explain. He nods, leaning forward slightly to give you his undivided attention as you speak. You sat and talked with him for a while, you definitely couldn't complain about the company. He was very attentive, asking you questions that prompted you to keep talking. He had a loud, boisterous laugh that made your heart soar everytime you coaxed it out of him
"Mick, we got takedown training, let's go." Your time with him was cut short by Price informing you to head down to the base's gym.
"I'll be right there." You call back. You turn your attention back to König, who was fidgeting with his mug again. "This was nice, thank you for the company." You smile at him, nervous eyes moving down to the table.
"Maybe… maybe we could do this again sometime?" He asks softly.
"Are you asking me on a date?" You retort immediately. His eyes snap up to you, already trying to stammer out a response in his flustered state. You giggle, reaching out and placing one of your hands on top of his, which looked child sized compared to his. "If we ever have downtime together I would love to." He nods, giving you a quiet goodbye as you cleaned up the table and prepared to head to training. You were unable to keep the dumb grin off your face for the rest of the day.
A few days later you found yourself in the kitchen again. You groaned internally as a high pitch whistle met your ears. "You come around here often sweetheart?" You recognized him, some obnoxious Private that often got in trouble for disrespecting the chain of command. He wasn't worth the energy, you just kept going about what you were doing prior to his interruption. "Maybe you didn't hear me," he tries to sound threatening. He steps uncomfortably close to you, "I asked you a question."
"You really shouldn't be speaking to a Sergeant that way." The Private turned, ready to cuss out whoever had interrupted his terrible attempt at picking you up. You saw all the color drain from his face at the sight before him. You couldn't stop yourself from breathing out a laugh. The Private slowly starts to back up with every heavy footstep that echoed through the kitchen. König steps in front of you, blocking off your pursuer. "Are you alright?" He glances back over his shoulder at you. You nod and his attention immediately turns back to the Private. "I suggest you get out of here kotzbrocken (lump of puke) before I tell your superior officer that you were getting aggressive with a Sergeant." As if on cue his Captain entered the kitchen. König very calmly explained the situation to him, the Captain grabbing his subordinate by the collar and pulling him off.
"Do you want to fucking die? Because messing with her is a good way to get there." You hear him angrily mutter to the Private as he pulls him out of the room.
"You're sure you're alright?" He asks in a much gentler tone than he was using before.
"I'm fine König, thank you." You smile at him, turning back to what you were doing before you were interrupted. You groaned as you looked through the cabinet. "He always does this to me, he knows I can't reach that shelf." You stood on your toes, struggling to reach your favorite mug that you knew Ghost put on the top shelf on purpose. König reached over you, grabbing the mug with ease before lowering it into your hands. You turned to thank him only to be startled slightly by his close proximity. You knew he was a big man, being 6'10, there wasn't anything about him that was small. But you had never witnessed your height difference with him this close up. You stood about his stomach height, the nearly 2 foot difference causing you to have to look straight up to see his mask covered face. Seeing your flustered appearance he quickly stepped back.
"Sorry, I just figured I'd have an easier time reaching it." He says bashfully.
You swallowed thickly, the mug in your hands becoming the most interesting thing in the room at the moment. "It's alright, I appreciate the help." You start making the tea you had originally come in here for, both of you sitting in silence. You didn't have to look up at him to know that König had his eyes on you. He was leaning up against the counter a couple feet away from you, just studying your movements as you flit around the kitchen. You hear König chuckle, your eyes drifting over to him. "What's so funny?" You ask him with a smile
"Don't take this as an insult, but you remind me of a mouse. You're so small and fast." You both laugh at his joke, he wasn't wrong.
"I mean, I don't have the codename Mickey for nothing." He studies you for a moment, you could tell he was thinking about whether or not he should say something.
"Would it be okay if I called you Maus?" He asks quietly. Normally you would object to someone calling you that. But hearing it from König, his deep voice that paired so wonderfully with his accent, you loved the way it sounded coming from him.
"I wouldn't be opposed… but only you get to call me that." You see the corners of his eyes crinkle in a smile.
"Deal." You searched through the fridge, finding a container of leftovers you had cooked the other night.
"Would you like to join me for lunch?" You ask, holding up the container.
"I would love to." It became a ritual for the two of you to have lunch together. You enjoyed the fact that he was company outside of your team and the usual annoying flirts around the base. Even though you hated to admit it, you had found yourself rather smitten with the Austrian giant. König was kind, but never in a way that made you think he was only being nice to you because you were cute. He was always making you laugh, cracking small jokes and telling you stories. He loved to see you smile, it was one of his favorite parts of his day.
"Good morning Maus." You smile as you hear König enter the kitchen behind you. You pull down a secondary mug from the cabinet.
"Good morning Bärchen." You greet him softly as you pour him a cup of coffee alongside yours. You hear him chuckle as he approaches you.
"Bärchen, huh? Mouse and Bear, that seems pretty fitting." He nods his thanks as you handed him his coffee. "Ready for the debriefing today?" Price had informed you yesterday that Task Force 141 and KorTac were going to be teaming up together for a mission. You were more than happy to work alongside them, the whole team was incredible. But you were still worried. 
"As ready as I'll ever be." You sigh, taking a long sip of your drink. "Just… promise me, wherever we end up tomorrow, that you'll be careful." You couldn't look at him. The fear you were feeling in your chest, it was too real of an emotion for you. You weren't going to say that you were never scared to go on a mission, that would be a lie. This however was new, you had another person besides yourself to be worried about.
König smiles down at you, carefully reaching out to tuck some stray hair behind your ear. "Maus, you have my word." The threat of tears welled up thick in your throat. "I'm not going anywhere, liebling." Someone calls from down the hall that it was time for your meeting. You feel König place a hand on your lower back, keeping you close while ushering you further. You came out of your debriefing feeling even worse than when you went in, this wasn't going to be your run of the mill mission you were used to. This was going to be dangerous for even the most skilled soldier. The second everyone had broken off to try and enjoy the rest of their day König pulled you aside. "Look at me, it's going to be okay." He could tell you were on the verge of panicking, despite knowing that would only make the situation worse.
"König do you know the statistics of how many people get hurt going on missions like these. Do you know how many people die?" You said it, the one word that was forbidden in your line of work. He drops down on one knee, gently taking your face in his hands.
"I know, and I know it's scary, but I don't want you to be thinking about that." He sighs, stroking your cheek. He wanted to make you feel better, he hated seeing you so anxious. "Let me take you on a date… it will give us something to do instead of sitting around worrying." You froze, your mind going blank. He wanted to take you on a date?
"I…I don't have anything to wear. If we're going on a date I want to look nice." You couldn't stop yourself from smiling. König was right about one thing, it would be a welcomed distraction.
"You already look beautiful Maus." You blushed at his compliment. He held out his hand to you and you took it without hesitation. His skin was warm and calloused, his hand completely engulfing your own as he let his fingers completely close around it. The two of you got permission to head into the city for the evening. König had been stationed in this area before so he knew exactly where he wanted to take you. Before you left he changed out of his sniper hood and into a cloth mask that covered the lower half of his face. You finally got a chance to get an idea of what he looked like underneath. You were shocked to find out that König had dark blonde hair that he kept relatively long compared to usual military standards. He had freckles that peaked just above where his mask. You could also more clearly make out the wrinkles by his eyes that shows how much he genuinely smiles. When the two of you headed into town you were honestly a bit surprised when you ended up at a food truck that served some local specialty. He ordered for you and paid for your meal, the entire time keeping his hand on the small of your back so he could ensure that you were still there next to him. You wandered into a park to look for a place to sit and made it just in time to catch the sunset. You let your head fall to rest on König's arm, he sat next to you completely rigid.
"Thank you for taking me out, I needed to keep my mind off of tomorrow." He glances down at you, bright blue eyes trained on your face.
"I'm hoping you'll let me take you on another date after this mission is over." You picked up on the nervousness in his voice immediately.
"König, I don't know if you've noticed, but I kind of like you a lot… of course I'll go on another date with you." The hand that was situated in his lap began to reach out for yours, slowly moving his finger over so it would bump into the side of your hand.
"I'm really happy I met you (Y/N)." He says softly.
You smile, eyes never leaving the horizon. "I am too."
The next morning everyone was on edge. You all sat silently in the back of the truck, the usual attempt to lighten the mood vacant. As you neared your destination Ghost finally spoke up. "Team A, we're going to sweep their safe house, any hostages I want brought to me directly. Team B, you're in charge of sweeping the rest of their compound. This is a capture or kill mission, our number one priority is getting us and the hostages out safely. You glanced across the isle at König. He tried to give you a reassuring nod but you could tell how nervous he was really feeling. The truck came to a rough stop, jolting your body forward in the process. Everyone piled out and began separating into their teams. A giant gloved hand came to rest on the top of your head as König gave you a gentle pat. "Be careful out there, Bärchen." You say softly, unable to look at him knowing it would probably make you cry.
"You too Maus." He runs off to join his team.
"Come on Mickey, we got a house to clean." Soap says as he approaches you. He could tell how stressed you were feeling. Even if he didn't know the extent of your relationship with König he knew how much you cared about him. "He's gonna be alright, man's a fuckin' tank, there's no stopping him." You nodded heading off with him to handle your half of the mission. Team A consisted of you, Ghost, Johnny, Gaz, and a couple of privates from the base. Team B consisted of KorTac, Price and a few other soldiers.
"Mick, I need to know you're here with me sweetheart, you're looking a little spacey." Ghost says quietly as you wait for the perfect moment to storm the safe house.
"I'm with you lieutenant, just another day at the office." You tried your best to sound confident. To give your team the Mickey they needed right now. Soap was right, König would be fine. All of this would be over in less than an hour.
"Move in." You got your cue. You looked at Soap, the two of you exchanging an affirming nod before you made your way up to the safe house. He taps your shoulder, motioning that he'll start his sweep to the right you start to your left. You found nothing but a couple low grade officers guarding the hostages, which meant everyone incredibly dangerous was either not here or in the same building as Team B. You quickly and quietly escorted the hostages outside so you could get them some medical attention "Team A has successfully completed their sweep. Team B what's your status?" Ghost's voice booms over the comms. It was silent for a while… too long.
"Ghost, we've been hit." Price's panicked voice was the only thing you could hear. "They found out we're here."
"Do you need medical? We're heading to your location now." You readied yours as fast as you possibly could.
"Ghost, I need you to listen to me. I don't know how many men I've already lost, if you come over here your whole team could be taken out." You could hear gunfire in the background. You were going to attempt to make a run for it. You needed to help them, you needed to get out who you could. The second you tried to bolt Ghost latched onto your collar, pulling you to the ground.
"Let me go, I need to help them." You say through gritted teeth, fighting back tears.
"Mick, you know that's only going to make things worse." Ghost jumps back on comms. "Price, do you have a casualty count?"
"At least four." Any drive you had to stand back up left your body. That was half of their team, just gone.
"Anyone from KorTac?" Ghost remained motionless by your side, prepared to drag you out of there if needed.
"I don't know, I lost them in the fire fight." You were shaking. Throughout all your years in the military you had never felt like this during a mission.
"We'll rendezvous back at base, I need to get these hostages medical attention." Price confirmed and the comms went silent again. Ghost hauled you to your feet, attempting to steady you by the shoulders when you almost fell over. "Hold it together Mickey, come on." His gruff voice shocks you back to reality. You felt like you were in a fog, you were going through the motions of securing the hostages but you weren't really there. The second you were back to base you made your way to the common room, sat down, and waited. Your teammates tried everything they could think of to comfort you but it wasn't any use. All you wanted was König, or at the very least to know he was okay. After about an hour of waiting, Price finally found you. You stood, hurrying over to him. He looked a little worse for wear but overall he seemed fine.
"Price, is König okay?" Ghost was the first one to speak up. You couldn't bring yourself to say it knowing that there was a very high chance he didn't make it back at all.
"He was hit, but he's okay. He actually asked if I could send you down to him." You thanked Price, telling him how happy you were that he was safe but you had to go see him. You ran down to the infirmary, ignoring the calls from the nurses that you had to check in before you could enter as you pushed through the doors. You just needed to see what state he was in. You were met with the sight of König sitting up in bed, pleasantly chatting with the doctor that was going over what he would have to do for his wound care. The top half of his body was wrapped in a bandage that showed he was shot in the shoulder, sniper hood still on. His eyes landed on you and you saw his whole body relax. You waited for the doctor to leave before you approached him.
"Maus." You saw the corners of his eyes crinkle up. It was hard to be mad with the shirtless mass of muscle in front of you. You had a whole speech planned about how worried you were how he could've been seriously hurt. But now that you saw him sitting in front of you none of that really mattered. You sat on the edge of the infirmary bed, tears pricking at your eyes.
"You said you were going to be careful." Your voice cracked as you spoke. He grabbed your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry." You felt the first year slip into your cheek and that was enough to open the floodgates. Your body wracked with sobs, König pulled you to him, wrapping an arm around you.
"I thought I lost you." He quietly hushed you, running his fingers through your hair. You stayed like that for a while, both of you remaining silent until König.
"I think after my contract's up I'm going to call it." You shot up, in pure disbelief at what you were hearing. "I got hit today because I got careless. I was trying so hard to get this over with quickly to get back to you that I let my guard down. I don't want something to happen to me out in the field or have you worried like this all the time. (Y/N), I'm in love with you, I don't want to miss the opportunity to explore what we have before it even starts." Hearing him say that made you start crying all over again. Once you had finally calmed down you sat up, wiping your eyes.
"I think this might be my final tour too." You smile at him. He grabs the top of his hood, fully pulling it off his head. You gently caress his face, "you're so handsome under there." You hiccup a laugh through your remaining tears.
"I'm glad you think so." He chuckles. He holds you close, lips gently finding yours for what was the softest first kiss you had ever had. König gently cradled you in his arms, taking his time to fully memorize every single aspect of what kissing you felt like. 
"I love you Bärchen." You say softly. He gazed down at you with the most loved filled expression of adoration.
"I love you too, mein mouse." He whispers, pulling you in for one more short, sweet kiss.
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kunikuyu · 2 months
"A reward for someone so good." Hashira Series!
Part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Uzui Tengen x Male! Reader
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Warnings: MINORS DNI, NSFW, read as afab reader, Dom! Uzui x Sub! Reader, use of explicit words, worship kink, master kink, Tengen has an open relationship with his three wives, cockwarming, drunk sex.
Summary: Pillar training has begun, much to your delight. Of course, as a hard-working and strong person, you can handle any challenge. Even if it's fighting a hashira. And in a way, they all see some value in you, and want to reward you for it.
How did you end up like this? Thrown on top of Tengen, who now had his arms hugging your waist as he fucked you violently? Your brain had already melted and consumed with pleasure, you don't even remember what happened in the beginning.
From what you think you remember, it all started quite normally...
"[Name]! It's been a long time since we've seen each other, my man. I see you've gotten tougher and flashy." You had just arrived at the area where Uzui's training was going to take place. You were even excited because the tallest man had already been your partner on some missions and you ended up creating a friendship. You knew that hashira's full capabilities, and you were eager to fight alongside him once again.
Turns out it was pretty fun, at least for you. Seeing Tengen active even after he lost his hand and one of his eyes is exciting, and you can learn even more from him. As for your training partners... They weren't doing very well.
While they were getting injured and trying to improve their physical resistance, you had already been released for the next training. But before that, Tengen told you to spend the night in his room. For what? You have no idea. Yet.
Tengen opens the bedroom door after hearing some almost silent knocks. He already knew you were arriving before he even knocked on the door, but he didn't want to seem anxious and already be at the door waiting for you. When he opens the bedroom door, you look kind of carefree and calm, looking at something not so important next to the door.
"Oh, hi Tengen-Sama!" You say to the man standing in front of you, greeting him with a smile on your face. He looked slightly nervous, which wasn't really his style. You chose not to talk about it, though.
He closes the door, and invites you to sit next to him. At no point did you see the tallest man's three wives, which made you curious. Before you can ask, he answers you. "Hinatsuru, Suma and Makio are in another room, they are already asleep." "Oh I see." You were going to say more, but you were stopped when Tengen took a huge bottle of alcohol and poured some into a glass, giving it to you right away.
You silently thanked him, and after he poured the liquid for him too, you drink together. Some conversations were exchanged and glasses were refilled several times, resulting in rosy faces and jokes you would never make if you were both sober. They ranged from phrases like "I like taller guys" to "I would have sex with you, no problem." And you didn't care about it anymore, the drink consumed you once and for all.
"I'm not kidding man, I'd fuck you right here and now." "Then why not do that? I wouldn't mind having you inside me."
Ah yes, now you remember. It was just a stupid conversation, which turned into the most incredible fuck ever. Your sweaty face, your skin completely marked by bites and hickeys, all done by the same person. He seemed to like seeing you like this, and in a weird way, he saw it as the purest art. Your body was like a sculpture to be modeled, and he was a god destined to sculpt every detail that filled your skin.
"M-Master Tengen... I..." You wanted to say that this was the best experience possible, and that your body was being overwhelmed with so much pleasure. But nothing understandable comes out of your mouth. His cock was completely buried in your cunt, filling every space inside.
"... Your voice is so beautiful, thick for someone so delicate." He said, as his fingers roamed your body in search of something warm and wet. Once there, he couldn't help but massage the area, bringing you even closer to a climax. He didn't want to cum before you did.
You had already finished in Uzui's hands, but he wasn't finished yet. A few deep thrusts were made before you felt Tengen's cum invade your body. At this point, you didn't even care if you ended up pregnant, only the pleasure was important. ((spoiler, you didn't end up pregnant))
You had been clinging together all night, Tengen's cock still inside you. He didn't want to take his dick out of you, because he thought your insides were too warm.
"Man, we need to drink together more often."
"For sure."
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Bonus lines!
"Man, what a headache. Are you sure there was only sake in that one?"
"... I have no idea."
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lightnotyagami · 6 months
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"Do you think you'll kill for me one day?"
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"Yes, of course i will my dear."
Light x fem reader (soft) smut
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A/n:remeber when L put cameras into lights room? When i was like 14 or 15 i read a smut FF like this and OH MY GOD its still in my head. Coudnt find the ogs @ but if i ever do ilysm🙏 (it was on ao3 if anyone wants to help me find it😭)
Summary: L puts cameras into lights room.. great.. but what do normal people his age do? Hang out with friends, do homework.. and some other things.
Tw/cw: my horrible english, soft smut (duh) , being watched, tell me if i missed anything!!
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"Are we seriously going to do this?" You asked him still in a safe distance from his house. "Yeah, wanna back out?" He said as he looked at you like you were stupid. "No! I'm just saying, I don't know about the whole... thing." You voiced as he answered with a shrug like what you said wasn't a big deal to him. "Look," he said walking towards you with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "I'll take care of it, okay? you just relax and lay down." Your mind went crazy thinking about all the things that could go wrong. "So, are you in yes or no?" He stopped right in front of you and looked directly into your eyes. His face was close enough for you to smell the mint from his breath. 'It felt different being so close to someone, I mean I didn't feel threatened by his appearance, just like when we were fighting but this time I could see how beautiful he really is...' you thought to yourself "fine." "Good girl."
*later in his room*
'64 cameras.' you thought to yourself as you sat yourself on the bed and light on his chair. "hey light!" the door was shot open revealing his little sister, sayu was her name? "mom asked if you want anything from the supermarkt, oh and does Y/n want something too?" she asked now looking at you "oh no dear its fine! you two make yourselves a great day" you answered. "Okay, dont be mad then if we dont bring extra snacks" she winked at making your laugh slightly. 'i wish i had a younger sister' you thought to yourself "okay mom says bye." Sayu said closing the door behind her, leaving only you and light. oh and the 64 cameras from every angle of course. The lights were dimmed making everything look more mysterious. "you want anything?" Light asked turning around to look at you. "no... thanks its okay." you answered looking at the ground embarassed as he sat besides you ."it's alright babe, come sit over here." he patted on his lap. You slowly moved your legs closer to him sitting on his lap. he pulled you closer so that your head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around you. Everything was going after Plan but why did this still feel so..weird? you dont know if L is the only one watching this. you could only hope. you closed your eyes trying enjoying his touch and warmth as he kissed you softly. "let me show you something, babe." you hummed in response. His fingers which were playing with the ends of your hair slowly moved up to your body . "your heart is beating so fast" he whispered in your ear, causing you to shiver slightly. It sent an electrical jolt through your spine, it was almost painful but good. your heart started hammering in your chest as he pushed your t-shirt up exposing your bra and sofly pushing you down on the bed climbing on top of you. you moaned as he started kissing you softly on your neck, moving it from side to side, leaving small red marks "l-light~!" you whined not sure what to do as he started to unhook your bra , slowly peeling it off your body.
*at the headquarters*
"mister Soichiro Yagami, i belive you would like to leave the room?" L said as soichiro looked at the computers not sure if to ignore this ever happaned or to kill light when hes back home. "yes im sorry i just.." he said as he walked out of the room in complete shock that his son was capable of these things. "anyways. Im bluring the cameras now. Watari unblur them when this is done and a cheese cake would also be nice "
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angels-fantasy · 6 months
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Top Secret Fiction Ch. 3
Grass Talks (Literally)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: Soft, lowkey ooc Bakugou but thats bc I imagine him to be a lot more mellow as an adult. Little bit of a serious talk, but nothing crazy. Readers quirk is also mentioned
Word Count: 1k
previous chapter
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The date had been going well so far, and the sun was even beginning to set since now it was almost 7:00 pm.
You two were currently lying on your backs together, looking up at the sky filled with clouds, stomachs full of yummy food.
"That one looks like a giraffe, or something else with a long neck." You said point up at a cloud.
Bakugou hummed, "Nah, I think it's a flower or something. Don't you see the stem? And there's even petals around it."
Tilting your head at a different angle, you tried to see what he saw.
"I don't see it! I thought I would, since I'm used to seeing flowers all the time..." You said while still looking up in wonder.
Bakugou sat up and rested his elbows on his knees, "That's right. You're a florist ain't you? What made you wanna do that?"
You stayed lying down and answered him, "Yeah, I've been a florist for a few years now. I chose it because of my quirk."
"What is your quirk anyways? Is it something with plants and all that crap?"
"Yep. I can talk to plants, so taking care of them is much easier and I love being able to help others that are struggling with their own plants."
Bakugou rubbed his hand along the grass, "So me doing this... is it hurting the grass?"
You closed your eyes and listened, hearing the grass ask what it was that was rubbing all over them.
"It's not hurting them, but they can feel it."
He pulled his hand away. "What about walking on the grass. Does that hurt 'em?"
"Sometimes it can. If you're walking normally, then no. But if you're stomping all over them, then yes it does hurt them." You said, finally sitting up and facing him.
You leaned over and ran your hand along the top of the grass very lightly, hearing the voice of the grass sigh at the feeling. You learned early on after developing your quirk that most plants actually enjoy being pet, if you can call it that.
"They like it when you do this to them. Just make sure you do it really gently." You said while showing him how to pet the grass.
He followed your directions with a grunt and did the same motion as you.
You laughed lightly, "Petting grass is kind of silly now that I think about it. I guess it's different since I know that the grass likes it."
He shook his head and pulled his hand away, "It's not. I think it's interesting. I have some plants at home, now I'm wonderin' if they're happy with me."
You giggled at that, "I'm sure they are. But thank you. I always felt like my quirk wasn't super useful since I couldn't be a hero, y'know?"
"You don't gotta be a hero to have a useful quirk. Everyone can find a way to use their quirk, trust me."
You smiled softly, "You know what, you're really sweet. You don't portray yourself like that on the media at all."
"I ain't sweet." He said looking away shyly.
"If you say soooo." You cooed.
He smirked lightly and looked at you, "Thanks for uh, being genuine by the way."
You furrowed your eyebrows, "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I be genuine?"
"I mean like, almost everyone I've met just wants to be with me because I'm a hero. It just makes dating a lot harder, I guess."
You frowned at his words. You knew there were people who were out for money, but to play with someone's feelings like that? That was just heartless. You knew Bakugou was a grown man and fully capable of handling himself, but you couldn't help but feel bad.
You place on of your hands on top of his and said, "I understand what you mean, and I want to let you know that I don't have any bad intentions at all."
"I won't lie and say I'm not a fan of you as a hero," You continued, "but right now I'm getting to know you as Bakugou. So I hope you'll continue to allow me to."
Bakugou genuinely smiled. No smirk, or sly remark following it. Just a smile.
"Thanks. That means more than you know. But on that same topic, I also wanted to talk to you about a boundary I have if we're going to continue seeing each other." He said seriously.
You nodded your head and listened attentively.
"Because of my line of work, I just ask that you be honest with me about things. I fuckin' hate liars in general, but I really need you to understand that I can't have someone around if they're gonna be keepin' secrets and shit." He said frowning, almost as if he was thinking of a particular person when speaking about liars.
You nodded and smiled. "I promise, I'll be completely honest with you. I really wanna keep seeing you and if that's all it takes then I'm willing to do it."
He grunted. "Good. Let's clean up now, I'll take you home."
Just as you were about to start cleaning up, your phone went off. You picked it up quickly and saw that it was an email, a notification from the site you write fan fiction on.
You bit your lip and thought about what Bakugou just said. Deciding to ignore the notification, you just continued to clean up.
After Bakugou had dropped you off back at home, you quickly changed into your pajamas and got comfortable.
You said goodnight to Cheerios and your plants, who said goodnight back.
When you got in bed, you looked through your emails and at the notifications from HeroFiction.com that you had received earlier.
You began to think about Bakugou's words again.
"I fuckin' hate liars."
You shook your head and tried to rid away any negative thoughts you had. This secret wasn't that big of a deal, and it was probably for the better that he didn't know.
Keeping one secret wouldn't hurt, right?
next chapter
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authors note
i had fun writing this chapter :) i hope you liked it! i also hope you liked softer bakugou here, hehe.
taglist: @doumadono @54fangirl @andysdrafts @dagger-dragger @lovra974 @l4rsun1vrrse @emmab3mma @littlkittenfan @tatiquichi @cloudxluv @seonne @shonen-brainrot @the2ndl @gold24fish @cxp1d @rv19
(those in pink are not able to be tagged unfortunately)
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
A Train to Busan II (NSFW) FT: Jeewon
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Part I
Authors note: sorry for the weird shift in the middle of how they speak in the middle. I was working on a different piece and the dialogue kinda bleed through.
I checked into my hotel on the edge of Busan after the train ride, because I wanted to see the countryside before spending the evening and night sightseeing. Interestingly enough Jeewon was also staying in the same hotel. So after we both checked in we both regrouped in my room. Jeewon was bubbly and as perky as could be. I noticed she was also exceptionally flirty.
A lingering touch here. A rub of the thigh there. I could feel her body inch closer to mine until she took off her shirt and bra leaving her massive bust bare.
“I know Chaehyun got a taste of your body and now I want mine.” She said with a voice made husky by lust.
“I saw you try to be a good man and not sneak looks at our bodies. Not think about how’d you ravish them but you’re not a good man Dino. I can feel it.” She said as she lowered herself to my crotch.
“You sure are cocky. How can you be sure” I challenge
Jeewon’s eyes go wide but then shrink to normal as she begins to massage her chest“I can see it in your eyes. I can feel it in your muscles. You hold back. That thing inside you that you spend every day killing I see it and it wants out. I intend to let it out.” Her words set me on edge. Surely she couldn’t mean what I thought she meant. I wondered if she knew what that part of me was capable of. I worried about her safety but it’s also not often such a voluptuous woman offered her body so willingly to me.
“Run wild fuck my huge breasts. then lose yourself as you claim my pussy, and please drink my milk.” Jeewon says as her breasts begin to leak all over her chest. Jeewon’s words make me question something and so I ask
“You say claim your pussy but your breast leak as though you’re with child. How can that be?” I inquire perplexed
“My body was blessed by a fertility goddess. In that blessing, I would always be fertile.” Between her melodic voice and mesmerizing body, my inhibitions were gone.
I lift her and begin to kiss her Jeewon smiles.
“You taste exciting,” she says eyes lit ablaze with longing and fascination before going in again. I feel her arms snake around my body hoping to bring me closer. As I reciprocate her kinetic pleas for intimacy I paw at her breasts. She moans and breaks the kiss again. She stares at my tattoos and asks “Where did you get these?"
“They were needed for my job,” I reply still guarded. Jeewon pouts and for a moment the bubbly girl is back not the vixen
She tenses and says, “So what do you do for work? Or do you still not trust us?” she asks. I remain cagey about my answer.
“Trust lives by more than just seduction and comfort,” I reply.
“Yet you trust Chae enough to let her claim you?” She teases
“I am not property to be claimed by anyone" I reply
“ Did I strike a nerve? I meant no offense, but please be serious both Hayoung and I see the eyes you have for her.”
“Then why am I here with you?” I ask
Jeewon smiles, “touche”
“Also what's with the old-time speech? I feel like I'm in a Bible class or some old play. Just waiting for you to bust out a thou or a thee.” I question.
Jeewon laughs and her bubbly smile returns, “The platinum tongue is so ingrained you don't even realize its magic has spread.”
“How do you know about that?” I inquired of Jeewon
“Because to me you're not speaking English but Korean. Not modern by any means but to me you sound like a knight of old.”
“Oh well, that checks out,” I say and Jeewon laughs.
“So why Chaehyun?” Jeewon asks
“Well I'm not thinking about her right now for obvious reasons but she chose me first” I answer Jeewon laughs as we go in and out of another kiss. She then pushes me down to the hotel bed and begins her ministrations in earnest.
I discarded my clothes as we feverishly make out, and she wrapped her tits around my cock. Her chest was soaked with her milk letting me almost glide between her mounds. Jeewon smiles as I groan. My eyes roll into the back of my head as she continues to push me closer to release. I watch and writhe as the young woman rubs her sizable breasts along my shaft. Each pull and push lowers my sanity just a little bit.
"Fuck Jeewon." I gasp. Jeewon smiles at me
"Enjoying it?" she questions. I nod at her question and she continues. She watches me with that infectious smile and I reach down and cup her face. Her smile only grows brighter. It brought me a weird sense of comfort, or maybe that was the dopamine from her excellent tit job. regardless I nodded to her question. As she continues I feel myself getting closer and closer. something she takes note of.
"Are you gonna cum?" Jeewon asked, "Do it. Cum all over my tits. Spray them with your seed." she says. her last words were enough to send me over the edge my rod began to expel my seed all over her chest and face.
"You cam a lot," Jeewon says with an amused smile as she takes a finger and wipes the cum off of her chest and puts it onto her face.
"taste a little like vanilla," she says happily. before getting up and approaching the shower. she wiggles her cute butt and asks me to join her.
Before I can answer her My phone has a call it's from Chaehyun. Jeewon walks over and laughs at the name on it.
"Marshmello?" She asks me.
"She's so soft. wait why am I defending myself to you?" I reply. Jeewon laughs and gestures for me to answer it.
"Hey, when you guys are done checking in remember to meet us at the art museum." She said.
"Okay, Mello. Jeewon will be there." I answer
"Good. I will be expecting you," she replied in a sing-song tone. Jeewon watches from her side and gives me a teasing smile. I shoo her away as I finish the call.
"You two are adorable," Jeewon says laughing.
"Oh be quiet."
"No, I am serious. Your smile was this big" Jeewon says exaggerating the size to be her full wingspan (The length between the tip of her longest finger to the other with her arms stretched out horizontally. for those who don't know.) "And she very rarely goes full girly voice." she adds. I smile but then shake it off.
"Y'all are trouble," I reply
"As are you Mister Mysterious Warrior," Jeewon replies.
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sweet-evie · 6 months
What Those Eyes See
A/N: Just brainrot birthed from this post about Gojo's Six Eyes. I'm going back to writing Satsuki's 1st birthday now.
✨ masterlist ✨
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A Saturday afternoon spent wandering through Shibuya wasn’t usually on her top list of things to do on the weekend, but when Satoru fervently asked (more like pleaded) for her company on a specific excursion of his, she couldn’t really say ‘no’.
Or more like… It was hard to tell him, ‘No.’
The distant rumble of accelerating engines, the shuffling of countless footsteps on pavement, and the distinct cacophony of the crowded town had not left her ears ever since she and Satoru had left the subway station. This town with its beeps and whistles and chatter held her attention, so much so that she barely heard Satoru’s voice above the symphony of hectic city life.
“More than a handful of pregnant women are out today.” Satoru spoke nonchalantly, walking beside her with one hand in his jeans’ pocket, while the other hand was busy twirling a blue sucker in his mouth.
Part of her didn’t even believe that she heard him right. Why did he say it like he was just talking about the weather?
He peered at her over the rims of his sunnies, blue eyes that mirrored clear skies sparkling under the light of the afternoon sun.
“Mhmm… You heard me. Don't know if I told you this, Sweetheart, but I can see a lot of things.” The grin stretched across his lips was nothing short of attractive and shit-eating. “And to think, you mistook me for a blind man when we met.”
She narrowly side-stepped a couple hurrying down the sidewalk, bags swinging from both of their arms.
“Yeah, you're the extreme opposite of blind.” She shook her head and smirked at him. “You’re telling me you have an ultrasound with those eyes?”
Satoru pursed his lips and made a show of humming out loud thoughtfully.
"That's different.” He popped the sucker out of his mouth. “Ultrasounds use high-frequency sound waves to show you pictures of the fetus, right?” At her shrug and refusal to meet his eyes, he continued explaining as they headed for their destination. “With the Six Eyes however, I see more than just the person’s physical body. There's cursed energy, and then there's the formation of the human soul. The unborn child’s soul resides right next to the mother's. Kind’a hard to miss two of those stuck together and sharing one body." 
The longer he talked, the more her questions multiplied.
The Six Eyes and what it could see had always been a point of intrigue for her. Over the years, Satoru never bothered telling her the intricate details or the true scope of what he could see out of his own volition. If she was curious about aspects of his power, she would always ask and he would give her a direct answer. She had never asked him to explain all of it to her in great detail, and that was because part of her suspected that even if he would indulge that request, she wouldn’t be capable of comprehending it anyway — certainly not in a way Satoru himself understood it.
Besides… where would one even begin?
So the additional piece of information he’d offered out of the blue would have been odd under normal circumstances if she hadn’t been keen on withholding important news of her own for the past few weeks.
“As a matter of fact,” Satoru mused as they paused at another crosswalk, “There are eight pregnant women in this area right  now. Not sure if they know though. It seems like it's pretty early.”
In the end, concealing it had been useless from the beginning.
“You already know huh?”
“Nine pregnant women, if we include you.” The answering grin he flashed her way was an answer all on its own. “I knew from the first week.”
Of course he knew… Of course he found out.
She was pleasantly surprised to find out that there was no trace of panic nor apprehension in her, only resignation. Despite how meticulously she’d disposed of her positive pregnancy test and how carefully she’d planned her first doctor’s appointment after her discovery, the truth etched into her own soul revealed itself anyways.
Of course Satoru and his Six Eyes knew about the existence of their unborn child before she did.
“Why didn't you say anything? You knew before I did. I discovered it in the fifth week.”
“And even after you found out, you obviously didn't want me to know right away. I didn’t want to pressure you or anything.” Or possibly freak her out with the knowledge that he knew before she could even guess about her child’s existence.
“So what changed your mind now?”
“It’s been 17 weeks. I can’t wait anymore. I also just wanted to start shopping for stuff for the nursery with you.”
“Satoru, you're not bothered?”
“Baby, we've been dating for four years. Why would I be bothered?”
It was a stupid question. If she wasn’t so preoccupied with her own discomfort, her nausea, and her silent struggle to keep all the hardships to herself during the first trimester, perhaps she would have noticed all the little things Satoru did every day to help ease her discomfort. In hindsight, she should have noticed the addition of health supplements in the kitchen, the well-stocked fridge and pantry, and Satoru’s insistence on hiring someone who could do household chores for them.
And in hindsight, she shouldn’t have hesitated in telling him.
She should have trusted him more.
“It’s something we never talked about before. You’re… You’re not disappointed?”
“Disappointed in who?” The look on his face was a cross between being offended and a little sad. “You? Just what kind of guy do you think I am?”
“No! No, I didn’t mean it like that… I just— I’ve already decided on keeping the baby, but I don’t know if you—”
He sighed, a hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “You’re right. It’s something we haven’t talked about, and we should talk more about this later… Lay down our plans and stuff for the coming months. But for now, I just want you to know that I’m happy about starting a family with you.”
“You really mean that?” Maybe it was the sentiment or perhaps it was the pregnancy hormones acting up, but the unshed tears that gathered at the edges of her eyelids revealed the relief and the gratitude welling up within her.
“I wouldn’t have asked you out today to shop for baby things with me if it were otherwise.” Satoru’s lopsided smile was assurance at its finest.
“Excuse you, you never mentioned what we were supposed to be doing here today.”
“Right… Well, that’s on me.” He grinned and slipped an arm around her shoulder to pull her closer to his side, “But also, you didn’t think I knew up ‘til now.”
“Satoru, I can’t with you.”
At the very least, it was nice to know her anxieties over the whole thing amounted to nothing after all.
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nhularin · 1 year
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PAIRING bf! jay x reader GENRE toxic! relationship, angst no comfort WARNINGS insecurities,there might be some grammar mistakes WC 0.9k series masterlist
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December 12, 2001
"so, how was your day?"
you looked at him, your voice soft as you asked. you and your boyfriend sat in his car, the air thick with tension. but jays response was anything but kind. his eyes narrowed as he looked straight ahead of the road, his voice filled with bitterness. "fine" he spit out and silence fell upon you once again
no, it's back and forth, did I say something wrong?
the tone of his voice made you recoil, your heart sinking. it was a typical thursday night and you haven't seen each other outside of school in what felt like forever. you had only wanted to check up on him, to show him that you cared about his well being. but his words sliced through you like a dagger, leaving you feeling small and insignificant.
"thats great!" you tried to sound cheerful, but your voice betrayed you when those words came out quieter and wobblier than expected. you looked outside of the passenger seat's window, attempting to ignore the unbearable silence in the car. you could hear the joy and euphoria from passing cars and you couldn't help but feel jealousy radiating through you
All I did was speak normally, somehow I still struck a nerve
"why are you always so sensitive?" jay continued, his voice dripping with disdain. "you make everything about yourself. cant you see that I have my own problems to deal with?"
jay could feel your discomfort, he had to. hell, the passing cars could probably feel it "dont be like this" he said, sighing heavily "why do you always ask me that? you saw me at school. did you see me crying? no. so dont ask obvious shit when you already know the answer."
your eyes welled up with tears, voice trembling. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just-" you paused, feeling your throat close up "we haven't hung out in a while and i just wanted to make sure that you were fine"
jay scoffed, his anger intensifying. "you think you can solve all my problems with a simple question? youre so naive. you don't understand anything. fine, coach Madson was a fucking asshole today but i knew you wouldn't understand. isnt a simple 'fine' enough? all you know is how to break out in song and dance with your theater friends"
im the love of your life until I make you mad
your heart shattered as his words echoed in your mind. you had hoped for a moment of connection, a chance to offer support. but instead, you found yourself facing his anger, his frustration, and his complete lack of empathy.
you longed for affection, for those sweet words of love to fall from his lips. but instead, you were met with a wall of unpredictability. one moment, he would hold your hand and make you feel like the most special person in the world. the next, he would push you away, leaving you wondering where you went wrong.
every little thing you did seemed to set him off, like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. his anger was swift and cutting, leaving you feeling small and insignificant. it was a rollercoaster of emotions, and you couldn't help but question if he truly loved you.
jays grip on the wheel tightened even further as you reached a familiar intersection. the red light seemed to mock your mess of a relationship, the halted traffic mirroring your damaged connection.
as the light turned green, he pressed down on the gas pedal, your heart pounding heavily in your chest. the car lurched forward, the engine roaring, but the noise was nothing compared to the deafening silence between you two. the streets blurred as you sped through the night.
in that moment, you realized that jay wasn't capable of providing the love and understanding you have craved. he was a storm of emotions and absolutely unpredictable, lashing out at anyone who dared to get close.
on your late night drives, you would often find yourself bracing for impact. would jay walk you home, or would he send you home crying again? it was a cruel game of chance, and you were trapped in its endless cycle.
"look" he sighed "im sorry for lashing out, im just stressed with-" he paused longer than expected "practice, AP calc, everything, okay? its nothing personal"
his apology didnt change the storm of emotions forming inside you but you tried to tame it as best as possible, trying to look unbothered by his constant outbursts of hatred.
when did it all go wrong? you have known him since forever, his toothy grin and messed up bangs permanently engraved in your head. you managed to form an awkward smile "its okay" its always okay, as long as you were with him
do you love me, want me, hate me?
finally, you arrived at your house, and jay pulled over. the quiet and calm suburb contrasting the chaos in your head. the car idled, the engine still rumbling.
there was a moment of silence, a moment where the weight of your emotions hung in the air. and then, without another word, jay reached over and opened the car door. his gesture made you feel giddy and hope filled your heart. as you stepped out, you gave him your biggest smile
"ill see you tomorrow, text me, okay? i love you"
he didnt say it back nor did he message you that night
no, I don't understand
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PERM TAGLIST @misokei @avocarua @sngvhs @essmarye @haechansbbg
SERIES' MASTERLIST @flwerfield @hyhees @mrchweeee @j1nniee @mikaluvsyouu @delulu4-life @mora134340 @beomsbeanie @leep0ems @cIphantom-hive @yla-aira @filmofhybe @nishik1
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peterparkersnose · 2 years
hey there, first i would like to thank you for taking my request cause i love your writing so much and it is a special request that I could only read from you, it's a joel miller x fem reader, fluff age gap (ofc not illegal), i find so much comfort in your joel's fics, so, thanks again and wishing you the best. <33
pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
word count: 3.7k
warnings: age gap, ellie plays matchmaker (common troupe), alcohol consumption, drunk confessions, mutual pining, anxiety and overthinking, this is a heavy dialouge fic, joel being awkward, just general awkwardness but fluff at the end I promise :)
a/n huge shoutout to the person who asked this! i was silly while editing this and accidentally deleted their ask, and they were kind enough to resubmit it for me. also, just a side note almost in every one of my joel fics there is an age gap, I just don't normally specify it but with this one they really deep dive in to it. I'm sorry but I am a younger person, I don't think I could write from the viewpoint of someone close to my parents age.
summary Ellie tries to set Y/N and Joel up on a date
join the tag list
read time: 13 mins 34 seconds
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It was past closing time in the bar. Maria, Tommy, and Joel sat around the dimly lit bar at the last table. Tommy had assured the bartender that he would close up; Tommy was more than capable to.
“Truth or dare,” the drunk man slurred. All three of them were collectively wasted. Joel sighed, downing another shot. He felt seconds later that he shouldn’t have. “Truth.” Joel spit out. This seemed like the hundredth round of this childish game Maria insisted on playing.
“Who in all of the population here would you want to bang in bed on your last night alive?”
Joel knew the answer immediately. A secret he had been keeping to himself for the few years he has known you. And the secret he had been denying and denying for so long. He knew Tommy was fishing for something. But that last shot began to ring through his system as he spoke. He let out a disappointed sign.
Maria snorted, almost falling out of her chair. Tommy looked at Joel with his brows furrowed. “What?” Joel asked in defense. “Joel, ain’t she like 20?”
“22.” he said in defense. There wasn’t much to defend, he was a great much older than you. And Joel was more ashamed than ever. He had known you since you were 19, ever since you helped escort Ellie across the country. It felt gross, it felt wrong. But whenever he thought of you, something just couldn’t resist. Your mannerisms, the way your voice sounded, how you responded to maturely to everything. You were an old soul, one that Joel got along with well. Crossing the platonic line never crossed his mind until he settled down in Jackson.
Joel’s eyes darted to the floor. “Hey, you said anyone!” he argued. Maria could not contain her laughter, almost falling on the floor. “Whatever. You guys suck.” he said, pushing his glass of whiskey that was almost finished off towards Tommy. Joel got up and began to leave. “I shouldn’t have said nothin’.”
“Hey!” Tommy yelled after him, over Maria’s laughing. “Quit it,” he muttered at her, making her laugh even more. “Joel-”
It was too late. He drunkenly made his way down the street and to his house. The light in your bedroom was still on he noticed. Joel wasn’t being a stalker and being weird, but you were his neighbor. What were you doing up so late? Reading something he figured. Or talking with Ellie, the girl really seemed to never shut up. As he was about to turn away, you came to the window. Confused of why Joel was out so late, you opened it. The cool spring breeze entered your room.
Joel seemed to panic, and pretended to have not noticed you at all.
“Miller!” he heard you yell. He stopped in his tracts and turned around. “L/N!” he called back. The repetition of your gesture towards him made you smile.
“What you doing up so late? Don’t you have patrol with me tomorrow morning?”
Joel let out a sigh. His hands rested on his hips. “God, is that tomorrow?” he lied. He totally knew. He was looking forward to it all week. “Yup. 7 sharp. Better get to bed, old man.”
The old man comment definitely hurt his ego. He couldn’t pick up on it, but that was your way of flirting. Teasing almost. But to Joel it just proved to himself that you just wanted to be friends—when you totally wanted the opposite.
“And what are you doing up so late?”
You held up the landline phone in to view. “Ellie,” you sighed. “Get some sleep!” he called, and began to head back to his house. The vision of you in your nightgown was getting too much for him, making him realize he wanted things he never thought he could ever want again. “Goodnight Joel,” you called. He waved, and entered his house.
You flopped down on your bed after you closed your curtains. Holding your pillow over your chest, you squeezed it hard. Your stomach fluttered as you childishly re played the memory of what had just happened. Finally, your bedroom light went out.
“Y/N,” Ellie sang, circling into your kitchen. It was your fault for leaving the back door open on such a nice day. It unfortunately tracked in things such as unwanted Ellie’s. It was midday, your patrol with Joel had ended about an hour earlier.
“Yes?” you sang back, sitting on your couch and looking up from your book. “I have news.”
She came and sat down next to you. “And what is this news? Is it important enough to distract me from my book?” you asked. Ellie sensed your pissed off tone.“Bookmark the page. You’ll never guess what I heard.”
“Ellie, if this is gossip—” you sighed, setting the book down next to you. “It’s not gossip when it involves you,”
You sighed and rolled your eyes, praying Maria didn’t share one of your embarrassing stories you confided in her. Everyone knew Maria had a big mouth. You slowly crept forward “What is it?”
“Joel has a crush on you.”
A quick laugh escaped from your lips. Ellie looked at you confused. “I-I’m telling the truth.” Your laughter continued. “I call fucking bullshit. Where did you hear that?” “Dude, Maria straight up told like everybody in the dining hall today.”
Your face scrunched. "What?"
“Your definitely fucking with me Ellie. Not funny.” you laughed.
“No!” Ellie exclaimed. “She got wasted with Joel and Tommy last night and he confessed that he would ‘bang you out of everyone in this town’ according to Maria.”
So that’s what he was doing out so late last night.
The thought of the older man that escorted you and Ellie across country a few years ago having a crush on you was absurd. Wasn’t it?
“Well, I thought you should know because remember what you said when we passed through that one small town and…”
She was waiting for you to confirm the pushed down memory that lived in your brain rent free.
It was a small midwestern town in the middle of nowhere. You and Ellie sat outside a coffee shop Joel was currently ransacking for supplies. It was a nice day like today, you and Ellie were sitting on the steps keeping watch as Joel went through the kitchen.
“You know, if the world wasn’t shit I would like my own store. Maybe a coffee shop, it sounds nice. Calm, definitely.” Ellie confided in you. “What would you be doing?”
Your foot tapped on the concrete as you thought to yourself. What would you be doing?
“I would be in college by now. For what, I’m not sure. I would have eventually liked to be married but… that’s never gonna happened.”
“Never say never. You always have Joel.”
You scoffed and giggled. But you had to admit, you had gotten to know the older man well. He was bitter, but you saw through the cracks sometimes. He was quite handsome anyways. Something about his rugged appearance and peppery hair just sat right with you. He had a few soft moments with you along the journey, patching you up after a fight or comforting you after a nightmare that Ellie didn't know about. But that was ridiculous. Ellie was talking nonsense.
You laughed out loud to Ellie’s suggestion, just like you had previously. “Don’t deny it. I see the way you look at him Y/N.”
“Your full of shit,” you joked, giving Ellie a slight push on her shoulder.
“Joel would make a nice husband though. Strong, resourceful, handsome. If I had to pick… sure. I’d be Mrs. Miller any day.”
When you said the words you wanted to suck them back in. Too soon, too much, too quickly. Ellie stared at you blankly. Joel exited the building at the perfect time with a few cans of fruit and spoons. Perfect timing. You remembered the awkward silence as you ate on the pineapple bits, but the phrase rung in your head for days.
“Mrs. Miller”
Being brought back into reality, the memory of expressing interest in Joel re lit something in you. You felt your stomach churn.
“Ah… see?” Ellie exclaimed. Your face turned red as you wanted to bury it in your book. “Mrs. Miller!” she yelled, leaving the living room towards the kitchen and out the back door.
“Ellie!” you yelled firmly, following her with your fists clenched. “Where are you going?”
“To find Joel.”
“Why?” you asked panicked, finally catching up to her on the street panting. You were more nervous than ever to hear her response. “To set you and Joel up on a date, duh!”
"Ellie!" you scolded her, looking around to make sure no one heard her. "What?" she whined, breaking away from your eye on her and making a straight line for Joel's house. To your luck, he was in his garden tending to his flowers. He hadn't seen either of you yet.
You let out a quiet shout, a simple “Ah!” as Ellie pranced down the street. You couldn't watch it, you couldn't look. You ran back in to your house and shut the back door behind you. Sliding down the back of the door and sitting on your kitchen floor, you prayed he responded positively. Or that Ellie was just trying to scare you in a ‘I’m telling the teacher but actually just asking to go to the bathroom’ way. And if Ellie actually went through with her plan, you hoped he didn't take this the wrong way. Even though you really didn't think he would. Would he?
It was the next day. You had refused to leave your house in sheer embarrassment. Running in to Joel right now was just a no. You had just gotten out of the shower when you heard the pattering of feet in your downstairs. Praying it was Ellie, you grabbed your knife and held your towel against your chest. "Ellie?"
"Oh, there you are!" she exclaimed. You sighed. "You know, you cant just break in to my house whenever you want." you said, sticking your knife in to your banister.
"It's important!" Ellie exclaimed. "Is it important enough to wait until I can get dressed?"
"He said yes."
You were confused. "Who said yes?"
Your mouth slightly dropped. "And when did I agree to this?" you asked, venturing in to your bedroom to get dressed. In all honestly, you could have stood and talked to Ellie for a few more minutes comfortably in your towel, but you wanted to hide the wide grin that couldn't seem to leave your face even if you tried.
"When you told me you wouldn't mind being Mrs. Miller," Ellie teased, acting like she was stating the obvious. You poked your head out of your door and looked down your stairs and gave Ellie a sour expression. "I only want you to be happy, that's all!"
"I'm perfectly fine as it is. I didn't need you meddling in my life."
"Well, nobody else was going to do it. We all see how your cooped up here, reading all day. We just want to make sure your okay."
You came out of your bedroom dressed, wrangling out the ends of your wet hair with a towel. You met Ellie at the bottom of the stairs. "And who is we?" you questioned. Ellie sucked her teeth. "You caught us," she chuckled, staring at her converse. "Tommy and Maria and...maybe Dina?"
You sighed audibly, closing your eyes for a moment. "All three of you! Wow." you said somewhat sarcastically.
"Ellie!" you heard a yell from outside. It was her new friend, Dina, who she was almost inseparable with.
"Gotta go." she said, opening your front door and skipping down your steps.
"Ellie- wait!"
She turned around and looked at you, you saw Dina anxiously waiting for her. "When is he coming?"
Ellie shrugged. "Dunno. He said he'd be around."
Your face scrunched in confusion. Be around...?
Before you could ask any follow up questions, the two girls were gone.
“This is so damn stupid,” Joel whispered to himself. His doubt was creeping in. The bouquet was hidden behind his back. Fresh picked from his garden, tied off with a bit of twine. His other hand was about to knock on your door. It wasn’t too late… 7 o’clock? You wouldn’t be in bed yet, right? Knock knock.
There was some shuffling from inside the house, and you opened the door. Almost yanked the door open, actually. Joel took a step back due to the commotion. “Joel?” you nervously asked, pretending you weren’t anxiously waiting for the random arrival of your not-so blind date all day. “W-what are you doing here?” you asked, playing dumb.
“If it’s not a good time I can-”
“Oh—no! It’s perfect, d-do you want to come in?” you asked the older man, looking up at him. Joel never seemed as intimidating as he did now. And you’ve seen him torture people before.
You let Joel in to your house as the two of you just stared at each other awkwardly. What did you really have to talk about? 
“What are those?” you asked anxiously, referencing down to the flowers in his hands.
“Oh!” he exclaims, kicking himself mentally for not remembering to give them to you. “There for you. Fresh from my garden.” 
You recognized the flower as tulips, your favorite. Joel was touched by the sparkle that came to your face once he presented them to you. Accepting them, your hands grazed his a bit. The both of you let go, almost dropping the flowers on the floor. An awkward laugh was exchanged. “Thank you, there beautiful.” you sighed in awe, moving in to the kitchen to get a glass to put them in. “How did you know tulips were my favorite?”
“Wild guess?” Joel responded. Not from Ellie prepping Joel for this date, not at all. 
“So what did you have in mind for tonight?” you asked, cutting off the stems of the tulips so they would fit in the glass jar you had filled with water. 
“Uh,” Joel mumbled. “I- you know that trail around the fence?”
“Up the mountain?” you asked him, setting the flowers down in the middle of your table. “Yeah. Your up to it?”
“That's a great idea, Joel.”
He let out his breath he was holding, thrilled that you agreed to his idea. Ellie said it was stupid, that walking the trails at night could be creepy. Ellie suggested a nice dinner, but Joel thought that was just so boring. Every date he had ever been on had basically been a nice dinner. He had this planned ever since Ellie even brought up the idea of a possible interest in pursuing Y/N.
The cool air was refreshing. You kept in rhythm with Joel. He was slower than you, and he was worrying that it would be a turn off for you. But you didn’t mind. You enjoyed taking in the silent night and the hums of nature slowly.
The moon was full and it was a clear night. The trail was overgrown, but still manageable. Joel had trekked up here earlier that day to get ready. As the clearing began to come in to view, Joel felt his anxiety rising. What if you didn’t like it? What if he put too much effort in to it and you thought it was weird? Joel was a quiet kept man, but his thoughts were screaming almost constantly. 
“Joel!” you gasped, stopping at the edge of the clearance. 
A blanket was laid on the ground with a few decorative pillows. A canteen with two cups sat on the grass along with a book and a lantern. Joel reached down and clicked the lantern open, and it began to emit a soft warm light. It wasn’t like the harsh, recreational ones that would blind you. 
“Did you do this? It’s… beautiful.”
Joel’s eyes cast up at you. “It’s nothing much…”
You sat down next to Joel on the blanket he had set out. “Nothing much?” you chuckled, taking in the beautiful view that shown over an abandoned city where Jackson got a lot of their supplies from. 
“I think this is the nicest thing a guy has ever done for me.”
“Then you obviously haven't met many nice guys,” Joel said, his voice shaking slightly. He realized how detrimental and self-deprecating that sounded and tried to re-phrase it. “You haven't been on many dates… right?”
And that now sounded predatory. “I-I mean-”
“Actually, this is my first date. Ever.”
Your confidence and comfortability answering him calmed Joel’s nerves. “I don’t mean to pry,” you began. “But did you ever have someone? Like before all this. And if you don’t want to reply that’s okay, I was just wondering but-”
Joel chuckled a bit at your eagerness. “Nah, no worries.” he re assured you, slowly moving his arm around you. Accepting his touch, you moved in to his embrace as the two of you stared up at the stars. “I had a wife- she was my ex-wife. My daughter’s mother. We had her real young, and she just wasn’t ready for the commitment of a family.”
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, watching a blinking star above. “It’s alright. Gave me the best life I could have ever asked for, for thirteen years.”
“And your daughter?”
Joel knew this was bound to come up sooner or later, just not this soon. He didn’t even realize he mentioned Sarah until you asked your follow up question. “She didn’t make it past outbreak day like most people didn’t.” he said bluntly. “But anyways,” he said quickly, saving the awkward response from you. “What about you? Any family?”
“Just Ellie. No relation as you know, but she’s my sister.” Joel nodded. There wasn’t much in this world, and family became what you made it. “What’s that?” you asked, perking your head up from Joel’s chest and pointing over to the grass. “What?” he asked. “The coffee or the book?”
You gasped. “You got coffee?”
He smiled and smirked. “I’ve always wanted to try coffee!” you exclaimed.
Joel looked at you with an odd look. “Your tellin’ me you've never had coffee?”
“No!” you exclaimed. “I used to have this every morning before the outbreak. Withdrawals the first few weeks were definitely difficult.” he explained as he poured you a glass. It was dark and steaming hot. “Coffee is a delicacy, dude. No one in the QZ had this where I was from. It would occasionally get passed out to the soldiers but man, that’s cool.” you said. Joel forgot—you were a post outbreak baby. You wouldn’t have known of the luxury of Starbucks or an espresso machine. “You may not like it, but it’s very unlikely.” he explained. Joel’s love for coffee was strong.
You took the first sip. It burned your tongue and tasted like dirt water. The smell was unmatchable, but the taste was just horrible. You froze, not wanting to disappoint Joel. 
Joel couldn't help it, he couldn't keep in his laughter. “Not a fan?” he asked, looking at you behind his cup as he took a sip. “It’s very…interesting?” you said, forcing yourself to take another sip. 
“Don’t torture yourself now,” Joel said, extending his hand for the cup. You gladly gave it back to him. “It was a nice thought,” you said dearly, giving him credit for his sweet gesture. “Ellie said the same thing when I made her try some. Must be a…”
He didn’t want to say it. His words came out faster than he could think. “What, a post outbreak baby thing?” you finished his sentence.
That was exactly what Joel was going for. “I mean, I didn’t mean it that way but…”
“It’s okay. Stop worrying Joel, you seem so nervous.” you flirted. “Aren't you?” Joel asked, feeling like that emotional wall was just broken down by your comment.
“Me? Oh, I’ve been a nervous wreck all day. Ellie didn’t give me a time, place, or any context other than that you were coming.” 
“Your kiddin’ me. That damn kid,” he sighed, reaching for the book on his side. “Speakin’ of Ellie.” he said, handing you the book.
“Constellations and Stars.” you said in awe.
“For kids,” you added, reading the small line under the title. “This some kind of cruel joke?” you asked Joel, opening the first page. “I promise it not,” he chuckled. “Found it in Ellie’s old storage bin she keeps in my basement. Thought it was useless, well, until now.”
“Do you see any?” you asked Joel. The two of you were laying flat on the blanket. Your head rested on his chest as his arm draped down protectively over you. Your legs were touching, feet and calves were intertwining. “The Big Dipper is always easy to find… if you look.”
You opened the book and flipped around a few pages until you found the page for the Big Dipper. “Like a kite,” you said. “Yeah, kind of like a kite.” 
After a few minutes of intense searching in the sky and enjoying your other’s companies, you found it. “Joel, I think I found it.”
“You did. I found it like five minutes ago.” he said shyly. You sighed in defeat. “I guess your just better than me.” you sighed sarcastically. “I guess I am.” Joel hummed.
“You know, back when the world wasn’t like this people would buy each other stars?” Joel asked. “That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard.” you laughed. “With real money? Like the physical stuff?”
“Yup.” Joel confirmed. 
“I would buy you a star if I could.” you said suddenly. Joel suddenly felt a warmth grow inside of him, one he hadn't felt for many years. He had to spit out his thought, he just had to. Didn’t want to waste an opportunity. 
“I’d buy the whole sky of stars for you.” he said softly. You looked up at him, a hand resting on his chest. “Would you really?”
“In a heartbeat.”
The rest of the night was filled with laughter. You told Joel old stories about your QZ, he told you old stories about his life. Sharing what seemed like useless future plans now sounded promising with Joel. The two of you never wanted the night to end.
tag list(sorry if this appears twice tumblr is glitching currently) @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @mandoloriancookie @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry @scoliobean @avengersfan25 @nyotamalfoy
You noticed the small wrinkles around Joel’s eyes when he smiled. When he smiled at least, you don't think you have ever seen this man so filled with so much joy before. You took in the detail of his smiling face intricately, not wanting to forget the feeling of the moment you were in. This man just said he would buy the whole sky of stars for you. You would do quite literally anything for him, but not like you wouldn’t have done it before. The feelings were very obviously now mutual. 
tag list: @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @mandoloriancookie @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry @scoliobean @avengersfan25 @nyotamalfoy
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mazzystar24 · 24 days
I hope I can ask you this because I don't want to ask in the tags, I'm scared 🥹 but I've seen a lot of discourse about why tommy isn't good for buck, he's cold, the relationship is toxic etc and I was wondering why people think that? Is there anything specific that started it?
I fully believe eddie is buck's true love, endgame, whatever we want to call it and I'm sad we don't have that (yet) but I thought bucktommy was kinda fun in the meantime. I just want to understand 🫶🏻
Oh hey darling! you were so sweet and genuine in your response so please know I’m just answering what I’m asked and if you wanna enjoy and have fun with bt that is completely your prerogative but I’m just offering my perspective on it
And i am warning you this is gonna be long because I feel a constant need to go really in depth in my thoughts
Okay so idk how I’m gonna break this down but maybe I’ll do it in like main points?
Also if you’re new here whenever I use bullet points I’m just doing it cos I find it easier to chunk up my thoughts not cos I’m being curt or anything with you
1. The chimney and hen begins episodes
He wasnt just passive in the episodes and letting Gerard get away with his racist and misogynistic behaviour he ACTIVELY participated in it
This includes:
• Asking if they forgot to tip the delivery guy WHILE THEY WERE EATING CHINESE FOOD when chimney first comes up despite the fact that 1. Chimney had a big ass lafd bag 2. They were probably already told a probie would be coming 3. Probably would’ve seen the actual delivery guy 4. I would bet my absolute life that question would not have been asked if buck or bobby had walked up those stairs this wasn’t an innocent comment it WAS RACIST intentionally like the entire point of the episode was to show how bad they had it
• the New York bitchiness comment
• throwing his tools down along for hen to clean up
• going out of his way to treat them like outcasts and hating chimney before he even knew him despite chimneys efforts
• the way each of them had to “earn his respect” in some way before he acted like a normal coworker to them and this was never in the typical ‘oh it’s a new person’ type of way it always had to do with their race or in hen’s case her gender too
A defence I see a lot for this is “oh he was closeted” and honestly to me that is such bullshit because 1. Eli was perfectly capable of not participating in the racism and taking chimney under his wing without getting any shit for it and chimney is quite literally a Korean man (something he literally can’t hide) and he had just got his head above water with Gerard’s racism when hen came and he STILL was a friend to her 2. Again tommy wasn’t passive in it and just letting Gerrard be racist (which would’ve been one thing) no he actively participated in it to be part of the boys club 3. Let’s say that somehow not being a dick would’ve meant that that was a threat to the closet he was in- that is still in my opinion a fucked up sense of preservation if you spare yourself the possibility of bigotry (despite having inherent social capital by being a white man in that job) by inflicting others to bigotry
Now when Tommy was first reintroduced I was like keeping an open mind and saying okay it’s been a lot of time and maybe he has genuinely made amends because I do believe in redemption but imo they have made no attempt to show us that and had him honestly put more of the blame on Gerrard for his behaviour or the writers flat out avoiding mentioning it to retcon tommy a little and hope we forget
Another defence I see is “oh chimney and hen became friends with him so they must’ve forgave him”, hen went no contact the moment he left (something the writers went out of their way to include that line) and chimney didn’t even invite him to his wedding which was quite big after the Buckley parents got involved so it’s not like it was cos it was such a small and intimate wedding and he only called him as far as we know in those years when he needed a favor, which all means that most likely they had kinda just put it behind them and kept up a coworker relationship with him, but no actual friendship or actual forgiveness or redemption had taken place
Oh wow all that was just point one and I can probably talk more on it but I’ll just leave it with saying that Lou’s comments about it being teasing or how Tommy genuinely didn’t know hen or chimney were capable etc just makes for a worse case than saying it’s cos of being in the closet (and that is genuinely a large part of why idk much abt Lou but those comments are enough to make me hate him) and I’ll also say that poc (myself included in that) have these situations so often- situations even as specific as gay men being racist to them to fit in - and we understand the nuance and shit to it but we also understand on a deep level how it feels to be on the other side of that
And getting toxic bt fans try to come up with ways to downplay or minimise racism honestly pisses me off so much cos believe you me we have heard every excuse and downplay under the sun and I for one am sick and tired of it
2. Why he’s viewed as cold and his jokes
• literally from the small parts we saw of him and Eddie hanging out we have seen the man is in fact capable of joking and being light and having fun but around buck in particular he’s like 🧍‍♂️😐 and the occasional 🙂 like it just feels very stiff and just plain in a way
• his humour consistently falls flat and feels passive aggressive more than anything like blunt or sardonic humour DOES work like I personally love it but it’s not being written OR executed right
A. It’s always in response to genuine moments or questions such as buck talking abt the award or the daddy kink joke or henren questioning him
B. It’s the the majority of what we see from him, there is not enough balance for it
C. Lack of rapport, when friends or couples make jokes that can come off the wrong way if said to anyone else it’s cos of the rapport built already, this rapport is not established with the characters OR with the audience for these jokes to come off right
D. I gotta say this one too but the execution just isn’t right from writing to acting, it’s the same reason sardonic humour lines from Sandra oh as Cristina Yang or hugh Laurie as house still lets you like the characters and find them funny but Tommys lines come off as annoying to a lot of people
3. I think fandom discourse probably has something to do with it but not in the way you think
I’m not saying like oh ppl who ship buddie just hate him cos of the ship no I’m saying that like what takes him from an annoying disliked character to a hated character is most likely the fact that his role stirred so much drama and caused so much damage to how the fandom used to be that its turned the dial up
4. A lot of his development, lore or redeemable factors or cute things are just not canon
This may be blunt and I am sorry for that but I think his character has been blown up to such a degree that it’s genuinely shocking
Like I look at posts or get sent hate and I’m like where did any of this happen this is just not canon this is just not a show like at times I’m genuinely convinced it’s a social experiment where different ppl saw a different show like some spiderman multiverse situation
Listen I’m all for headcanons genuinely like if you wanna take extra number three and make a whole backstory and lore and cute stuff abt her I’m all for it but it’s when it’s said as if it’s fact or canon that I’m like hold up a second rewind
I think this is kinda a result of Lou’s cameos (which honestly deserves its own post but you asked why the tommy hate so imma stay on topic) and also this like need to defend the character but not having much material to work with
Like if we look at canon we can literally break down the entirety of Tommys appearances this far in the show and what we learn about him:
• chimney begins- he makes a racist comment and he tries to suck up to Gerard, there is a little hint abt his gayness with the gf comment, Eli says to chimney that’s just how they are and tries to reason it could be fear of losing friends but we see tommy having friends in the firehouse while eli says this, chimney tries to make friends with him and tommy makes no attempt to get to know him and says he’d hate him anyways, chimney saves Tommys life thus earning his respect
• hen begins- she’s met with the same racism chimney is but also met with misogyny (and homophobia but that’s not relevant to the tommy of it all), we find out chimney is still isolated from the rest despite having earnt that respect, chimney befriends hen and again tommy still doesn’t try anything like that until hen proves herself and earns his respect, ppl reported Gerard but it’s never actually stated tommy was one of those ppl so again that’s not canon that’s speculated
• bobby begins- chimney and hen both seem to be like coworker friends with tommy and Sal, Sal throws hissy fit bobby “fires” him tommy says it’s an overreaction bobby reveals it was a transfer, they all seem to make nice, tommy leaves to 217
• chimney calls tommy for help and tommy helps
• we see nothing from tommy,then cruise ship he helps the team but also in this we find out hen cut off all contact since he left
• buck takes tour of harbour, Eddie and tommy have a friendship and we find out some of Tommys interests and that he was in the army, basketball scene and the subsequent apology and kiss
• dinner date, Tommy explains how he was in the closet, Buck has his little awkward moment (which will be elaborated on in my next point) , Tommy says nothing abt it till the Uber arrives and he leaves buck
• buck reaches out and apologises and asks for a second chance inviting tommy to the madney wedding
• bachelor party and the issue of the lack of costume and not just taking the day off for neither wedding nor bachelor party (which you can reason is reasonable but also I feel like this deserves its point for the narrative choices)
• tommy shows up straight outta work they kiss buck has the soot coming out award ceremony - buck being happy abt the reward to which tommy sardonically says enjoy it while it lasts enter bigoted cunt gerard then chimney comes and insults gerard and they walk away
• we don’t see tommy again till the dinner date after Bobby nearly died and when buck tries to explain Bobbys significance to his life tommy throws the your dad is still alive which is just honestly one of his worst moments imo and I made a whole post abt it but can’t find it and then we all know the rest of that convo and I could make a bullet point for it but actually I made a whole post before so I’ll link it: here
Like all this comes down to what maybe like 30 mins screentime? If that?
5. The leaving buck on their first date
The defences people use for this are:
• buck was trying to shove him back in the closet
• buck was obviously not ready
• people angry abt this are just babying buck like he can find his own way home it’s not that big of a deal
• buck was at fault there and tommy would’ve been justified in being angry and not giving him a second chance
And honestly every last one of these are bullshit imo and lemme go point by point
• buck panicked, I don’t think that what buck was feeling in that moment can be properly described because unless you’re a queer person and you’ve experienced that like bone deep panic that like brain overload then you won’t get it
Like one it’s his first queer date
Two he doesn’t even understand his own sexuality atp
Three his closest friend just walked in in a situation that’s already putting him on edge
So he’s not only panicking he’s not understanding why he’s panicking he’s trying to make excuses eventhough part of him knows he doesn’t need one but also he doesn’t even understand this side of himself yet so he doesn’t want to have to potentially explain it
Like it’s a million things and a million emotions and no one can claim they would behave rationally or appropriately in that situation and if you say that you would you’re lying simple as that
Also then we find out that Eddie thought tommy was straight anyways
• the reason I love the buddie coming out scene is because of Eddie’s “and what do you think” line because it’s not up to tommy or anyone else whether a person is “ready” enough in their queerness to date. Full stop.
Also tommy knew it was Buck’s first date with a man and was still down so why is he using that as some sort of out
•it’s not about babying buck and it’s not about him finding his own way home it’s the fact that Tommy could’ve done it with much more grace and he could’ve been a lot nicer with it but he wasn’t, and this is again bucks first date with a man even if it doesn’t end with a second date it should at the very least not end up with him feeling like a screw up on the side of the road
• to the ppl who say that- kindly shut up cos again see the first point but also I wanna point out that somehow the ppl saying this are also the same ones saying that Tommy was justified to be RACIST for a prolonged period of time due to being in the closet yet Buck what? Panicking for a few seconds and being a little awkward? is somehow this giant inexcusable thing
5. The narrative choices with him have been reasonably clear and tbh if they had been made with a woman it would not be up for debate:
• tommy leaves buck on their first date then he comes back and gives buck a chance- we as a fandom have been unanimous in saying for years that Buck’s endgame would be the one that doesn’t leave him cos this pattern has been something we saw over and over with him
• tommy not dressing up- again you can rationalise it but it’s a narrative choice and it’s glaring when contrasted with Eddie suggesting the duo costume
And if we had this scene with Taylor so many ppl would be saying that it’s once again showing that her and Buck’s personalities don’t align
• him being on standby for the wedding and bachelor party- again you can say oh buck invited him last minute or oh he couldn’t taken the day off (which lbr he could’ve he’s not the only firefighter pilot in la) - but again narrative choice
If it was Taylor everyone would’ve been like SEE? Again they’re showing the audience that her work is this looming presence in their relationship
Anyway I’m gonna shut up now cos this is A LOT
I’m so sorry it took me so long to respond tho and sending flowers in apology💐💐💐💐💐💐
Love ya for being so genuine when asking and hope all this didn’t come off too strong and that it was idk helpful?🫶🫶
I realise my response is abt to have toxic bt fans scurry to my inbox like rats to send hate and to that I say go fuck yourselves I’m responding to a question here
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bisexualchaosdemon · 15 days
His Brother's Real Laugh
(A look at Andrew and Aaron pre 'It runs in the family')
A little over three years after graduating from PSU, Andrew gets a call from Aaron. It isn't one of the scheduled times they usually have calls, but Aaron is calling to see if Andrew can visit soon. Andrew is in the car before he has even hung up, never mind that his twin lives two states away.
Unsure of how to react to Andrew appearing his doorstep mere hours after Aaron asked him to come, Aaron points out that he is meant to be at practice with his fancy Pros Exy team. Andrew flipped him off and didn't bother with a proper greeting either, "What's wrong?"
"What?" Aaron frowned, confused. "Nothing is wrong."
"Something must but up if you couldn't tell me on our normal brotherly bonding call." Andrew insisted.
"It wanted to speak to you in person, but nothing's wrong," Aaron sighed. "Just come in, I'll make coffee."
"If you try to give me decaf again, I'm going to kill myself on your wife's nice white rug." Andrew warned.
Aaron laughed as he led the way to his small kitchen. "I made sure we had regular coffee when you said you were coming and hung up,"
Andrew nods and watches Aaron make their coffee. Katelyn doesn't appear to be home, but it's not unusual for their schedules to shift out of sync with their medical school graduation now less than a year away. And Aaron didn't look upset or hurt at all; just a little nervous.
Andrew allowed his brother a moment to collect himself, just until they sat down with their drinks. "What's going on, Aaron?" He asked again.
"Kate's pregnant," Aaron answered at last.
Oh. Andrew had not been expecting that. He didn't react outwardly, unsure what reaction was appropriate here.
"Is this good news?" He asked.
"I think so?" Aaron shrugged. "I've spent the last week freaking out, in all honesty. We are meant to finally be starting our careers now so the timing isn't ideal, and after everything with Tilda... But, I think it's good, yeah. I think I can do this, if it's Kate I'm doing it with."
"If anyone can pull off becoming a doctor and a mother in the same year, it's Katelyn." Andrew acknowledged. As much as he had hated Katelyn at first, he had come to understand why Aaron loved her over the years. They weren't besties, but Andrew had been Aaron's best man when they got married.
"She is a force of nature," Aaron smiled into his coffee. The twins have never, and would never, admit that they shared a love of fiery redheads.
"And you are more capable than you give yourself credit for," Andrew said. "I know you can do this, irrespective of timing or what happened in the past."
"I–" Aaron blinked at Andrew in surprise. It was a minute before he was able to answer, "Thank you."
Katelyn came home later on while they were chatting, and Andrew extended her that same congratulations. She thanked his brightly as she came to join them, plopping down next to her husband and putting her feet in his lap. Aaron started rubbing them without even pausing their conversation.
"You don't need to thank me for the truth." Andrew gave him a small, rare smile. "Congratulations, Aaron."
Aaron insisted that Andrew at least stay the night once they were done talking. Andrew agreed after texting his own husband to assure the silly rabbit that he was actually alive, if in a different state than when they last spoke. And that he hated him, after Neil had responded with something sappy in Russian.
It was the next morning that Andrew had suggested Aaron and Katelyn move to be in the same city after graduation. He could see the surprise and hesitation on their faces and held up a hand to stop them responding. They had nine months to figure it out, but he wanted to help if he could and he missed living in the same state as his brother. He just wanted them to consider it for now.
They put a pin in the topic there. They talked about other things over the coming weeks instead. Any high or low, Andrew listened to anything Aaron wanted to talk about. He even ordered food to be delivered to Katelyn a couple of times when Aaron was worried she wasn't taking enough breaks from studying but didn't know how to help.
So when Aaron's name popped up on his phone the same afternoon he knew Katelyn's first ultrasound was due to take place, Andrew was on high alert immediately. "Is something wrong?"
"What?" Aaron was just as confused as he had been last time Andrew greeted him in that manner.
"Katelyn had her scan today and you are calling," Andrew explained. "Is something wrong?"
"No," Aaron breathed out the slightest chuckle. "No, not wrong."
"But there is a reason you called," Andrew prompted, not quite a question.
"Yeah, uh," Aaron sounded dazed. "We're having twins."
Things so rarely went well for the Minyard twins, it was a startling relief that Aaron wasn't calling with bad news. He was just calling to freak out about the shock of finding out he was having twins when he only just stopped panicking about having one kid.
"Maybe it runs in the family," Andrew remarked. He thought Aaron having twins was objectively hilarious.
"Maybe the universe is just fucking with us," Aaron suggested with a playful groan.
And Andrew laughed. A real, genuinely happy laugh. Aaron had never heard his brother laugh like that before. "Us? No, this one is all you, brother mine. I've never been so happy to be the gay twin."
And then Aaron was laughing too. "You're the asshole twin, is what you are."
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neverchecking · 1 year
WOW that breeding fic I requested was so DELICIOUSSS thank you so much for the food... do you think you could do wild x reader, facesitting this time.. i saw this tweet and started giggling and kicking my feet
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Me and Link the same fr-
I absolutely can my dear. If I ask, my dividers are 2000 x 150
Smut so Minors DNI! 18+!
Smut CW: AFAB reader, Face sitting, Wild is down bad. Squirting.
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He could die a happy man. Right here. Right now.
He had died once, miserable and trapped, probably in vein, but right now? He could die with a smile on his face, no regrets to be had. You looked so, so nervous, sitting above him like you were, hovering just out of reach and it was almost enough to send him into cardiac arrest.
Normally, he hated seeing that look on your face, but he could understood where it came from. Even if they were silly and unfounded fears.
Couldn't you, his glorious Goddess, see that, should he actually suffocate, that would be is desired way to go? That should anything actually kill him, going by your delicious things was how he wanted to do it? He didn't care for a flame of glory, or dying this glorious hero. No. If he died here, that was enough for him.
Not that he would. While he was more than willing to dive head first into this, forgetting about his own foolish need for air, he knew you would be the one to pull away should you deem him too eager for his own good. He found fight you on it, but you would be adamant. You always had a way of putting his own safety first. Far beyond his own care for it.
Right now, however, the little care he had for it (That you instilled) was long forgotten as he practically drooled. He could practically feel the heat radiating off of you, calling him in like a Siren's song. And it was tantalizing. He was sure he was actually slobbering all over himself as you stalled and hummed, trying to find any excuse to not go through with this, but he was adamant. He was ready.
"Maybe I should just get-" You went to swing your leg back over, form retreating from where it had hovered over his face only for him to grab at it, pulling it back to it's spot. He wanted you to experience this. To let go for once and put yourself first.
"Nonsense. We haven't even gotten to the fun part! You can't back out now!" He cried out, licking his lips as he swallowed harshly. You were right there and he was so close, you couldn't pull away now. "C'mon, I'm a big boy. I'm sure I can handle it."
"I just...Don't wanna hurt you." You pouted. And oh, how sweet you were. So worried about hurting him? As if you were even capable of such a thing. He ensured you would never be able to seriously hurt him.
"Trust me, sweetness, there is nothing you could do that would ever hurt me."
"Maybe I could just...hover-"
"Do you hover on a chair?" Wild raised a brow, moving both of his hands to curl under your thighs, hands resting in the curves of your pelvis. You shuddered under his hold but didn't answer, still stuck in your own head. He softened his features, giving you a reassuring smile even if his patience ran thin. "No. I promise you won't hurt me. You just have to sit your pretty ass down and let me handle the rest."
His patience snapped as he dove up, licking a fat stripe in between your labia lips and making you cry out, hands grappling onto the headboard as your head fell forward. He made eye contact with you, shooting you a charming wink before returning to his meal before him. He felt he almost had to thank some deity for this, but the only one he had to praise was sitting right on top of him.
You were still so hesitant and unsure, hovering above him as he lapped and suckled at your clit, rocking your hips just a bit. For every rock he steadily pulled you closer, moving his menstrations closer to your gaping cunt. His tongue prodded your opening, eagerly licking at any juice you had to offer him, refusing to waste anything you had to bestow upon him. Every stroke of his tongue had you slowly lowering your defenses as he continued pulling you closer and closer, letting you focus on the pleasure he was bringing you. He was so, so close, practically nosing at your clit when you stopped him, one of your hands ripping itself from the headboard to tangle into his hair. "Link- Slow down- I-"
He didn't care. You were right there and slowly shattering under his hold exactly the way he wanted. Goddess above him, he could not get enough of you. He had just gotten his first real taste of you and he could not get enough.
His own hips shuffled and bucked wildly as pre-cum cooled along his shaft, but it didn't matter. His pleasure was last when it came to your own.
That's not to say he wasn't getting off on this. Just the taste of you, trailing down his throat and intoxicating his very being, was enough to have him moaning against you. The vibrations seemed to do the trick as whatever muscles you were using to hold yourself up finally gave out, sending you toppling right where he wanted you.
The grip he had on your thighs tightened ten fold as he practically locked you into place, eagerly devouring you now that you were well and proper in his reach. His knees bent as his feet stamped steadily under him, giving him the anchor he needed to all but delve into you. His nose followed his head movements, reaching your clit for him while focused on tonguing your open.
Your thighs clenched around his head as you quivered above him, the fingers in his hair pulling just enough to have him looking up at you-- never once breaking his rhythm. You were such a sight.
Your eyes were blown wide, irises merely a ring around your pupils as your cheeks shined in the limited light the sundown provided. Your chest was heaving up and down as you cried out with every lick, gentle nibble, and suck. Each thing he did pulled a new reaction out of you and he was eager to see every single one.
When your other hand fell from the headboard to join the first, he knew you were getting close, making him speed up his ministrations. The thought of you coming undone above him was so erotic that he needed to see it. He needed to feel you convulse above him, hear you cry out as you yanked on his hair,
And that was exactly what you gave him. You let out a loud cry as you pulled him closer, smothering him exactly the way he wanted. It was pure euphoria even if his airways were blocked just a bit. He just couldn't get enough of you, refusing to stop even as your cries grew in volume. Just one more. One more convulsion above him, one more rock of your hips, one more, one more, one more one more-
He was stilled when something leaked around his tongue, soaking his lower half as you absolutely shuddered. You seemed down right ashamed as you tried pulling off of him in a hurry, but he kept his hold on you strong.
He didn't even know you could do that. By the looks of it, neither did you.
Licking his lips, he set his gaze and shot you a devious look.
He wanted to know if you could do it again.
AN: Okay, so this is a bit shorter, but for good reason as I really need to talk with you guys.
Here's a reminder that all of the stuff on my page so far is all Yandere. I'm aware it's a toxic and unhealthy mindset, but these are all fictional characters. I can differentiate between something that is healthy and something that is not. I do not need you guys telling me that this is not something I should be promoting. My page is 18+, so I expect those viewing it to understand the same. I am not responsible for the media you consume, nor am I responsible for how it reflects upon your own character. If you don't like my content, you can simply scroll and move on. A lot of you have been absolutely fantastic, but for that certain individual (You know who you are), you obviously are not mature enough to consume my content, so I'm asking you kindly to either block me and scroll or I'll do it for you. Thank you for reading this PSA. Sorry for the sudden serious note.
Have a lovely day, Darlings.
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swordfright · 1 month
what are your logistical questions about the guard dog au?
Ohhhh boyyy. Well. First of all I'm sorry it took me like a month to answer this, I got busy.
I wanna start by saying I wasn't around when Guard Dog AU was created, it was before my time (just barely) but I have read dozens of fics with this premise so bear in mind that I thiiiink I have a pretty solid understanding of how GD is supposed to work?? But I could be wrong about some details, in which case please feel free to correct me! Also, I wouldn't normally poke holes in someone's AU because at the end of the day, AUs are supposed to be fun fantasy what-if scenarios and not airtight canon-compliant thought experiments. The only reason I feel comfortable doing it with Guard Dog is because, from what I can tell, this AU wasn't created by any one specific person, it just sort of manifested on twitter in like 2021 and now there are literally hundreds of pieces of fan content about it. What I'm saying is, Guard Dog is The People's AU and that's the only reason I don't feel weird answering this ask.
Yeah, so. My logistical questions are as follows:
What's Sam's motivation for letting Q borrow Dream?
When in the timeline is this taking place? (because that affects EVERYTHING)
What threat is Dream purportedly guarding Las Nevadas from?
How does Dream's presence change the preexisting dynamic in Las Nevadas?
What is Quackity actually getting out of this?
Who does or doesn't have the revive book at this point?
I'll try to address these as neatly as I can. So, my understanding of the premise: Quackity somehow gets Sam to agree to let Dream out of the prison so he can live out the remainder (or some unspecified portion?) of his life sentence acting as security for LN. In some variants it seems like this is happening after Dream gives up the revive book, but in other variants that's not the case or it's left unclear. There are a couple points at which this feels implausible/OOC, namely:
1.) Sam would never let Dream out, even on parole. He does not want Dream under anyone else's watch. He wants Dream in Pandora at all costs. You cannot convince me he would just let someone borrow the prisoner for a bit, for any reason - especially not Quackity, who imo Sam probably sees as a greater threat to his authority as warden than almost anyone. Think about it: aside from Sam, Q has probably had the most consistent contact with the prisoner during his incarceration; Q's violence and general temperament mean that Sam likely knows Q killing Dream is a possibility, and that without the warden's supervision this could very well happen. Sam obviously isn't concerned for Dream's wellbeing, but he does want his prisoner alive because otherwise he's not a prisoner and Sam's not a warden. So yeah. "Just me and him" line etc etc. Dream ain't never gettin' outta there if Sam has anything to say about it.
2.) What is Dream actually capable of contributing to LN? In other words, would initiating Guard Dog actually pay off for Quackity in tangible ways? It depends on where in the timeline we are. If this is happening post-torture era or even mid-torture era, Dream is likely physically incapable of performing the feats of combat he was capable of prior to prison. Hell, even if Guard Dog era is happening instead of the torture era, Dream has still been in prison for a while and is probably already experiencing the disabling effects of prolonged malnutrition and neglect. So if Dream is known for PVP and his PVP skills took a severe blow recently, then what use is he as a security guard? Which brings us to the next question...
3.) What threat is Dream even guarding LN from? Quackity's foremost enemy is Technoblade, who has largely peace'd-out between Doomsday and Jailbreak. Q is evidently not eager to reignite a direct conflict with Techno because he got his ass handed to him last time. Also, he's aware that Techno and Dream are allies, so why would he put Dream in a place that's easier to rescue Dream from than Pandora? You could argue that maybe by publicly turning Dream into a glorified slave laborer Q is indirectly flaunting his power (the power of ownership) in Techno's face, but I don't see this as terribly likely given that (based on some of the visitation dialogue) Q misunderstands the nature of Dream and Techno's relationship. Critically, he doesn't seem to realize that they are comrades in addition to allies. And I think flaunting ownership of Dream would only make sense if you thought you were really hurting Techno in the process - Quackity just doesn't seem to have picked up on the fact that this is even a possibility. Based on all this, the enemy Dream is supposed to be fending off probably isn't Techno, so who is it? Las Nevadas is pretty much a neutral state. Q has people he doesn't like, but his list of Actual Real Enemies is surprisingly short. The population of the server is also comically small, so like...intruders? What intruders??? It's not as if Q really has to worry about strangers breaking in and robbing him or something, which is usually what guard dogs are for. My current answer to this question is that the threat would have to be the Egg. Possession by the Egg can turn people you know into strangers, and the entity that is the Egg can travel/infiltrate new spaces by way of the vines. Also, this conveniently answers the sub-question of "what threat can Dream defend LN against that the actual members of LN couldn't?" If you suddenly have to worry about contamination, it makes sense that you would send someone disposable to deal with the contaminant - not your own friends or employees. Speaking of which...
4.) Dream's presence in LN would change the faction's dynamic and Quackity is sooo poorly equipped to navigate that. Quackity's whole shtick is that he's charismatic because he can't be strong. He's volatile, conniving, violent, insecure, hedonistic, profit-motivated and has poor impulse control, but he's also able to project confidence and affability in ways that have been advantageous to him. There are two sides to Quackity and he seemingly likes to keep them separate. If Guard Dog is happening after the torture arc, then Quackity is used to showing the worst aspects of his personality only around Dream. In Pandora, he's a torturer; in Las Nevadas, he's a leader. So what happens when those two places effectively become the same place? If LN is Dream's new prison, how is Quackity supposed to act there? Sure, he's not particularly kind and caring when dealing with his staff (most of them were recruited via intimidation, after all) but they've never seen the side of him that Dream has seen. How is he supposed to maintain that authority over Dream while continuing to be the version of himself that Fundy and Purple and Foolish and co. know? Quackity talks a big game about (and makes gestures toward) not caring that people know about the torture, but he obviously does have reservations about it. When Wilbur asks him about visiting, he dodges around the question. When he discourages Foolish from breaking in, he's weird and cagey about it even though he knows he needs to come clean. When Tommy confronts him about the torture directly, he says "Don't ever say that, not even as a joke." He's defensive. This is another one of Q's hilarious contradictions: he wants to enjoy the benefits of being known as a dangerous person without the downsides of people being actually scared of him or finding him repulsive. He wants to have his cake and eat it too, and Dream's presence in Las Nevadas puts that impulse in jeopardy. There's a big difference between people suspecting you may have done some torture vs people actually witnessing that torture firsthand, or even seeing its aftereffects. Not to mention, there are now other people for Dream to interact with besides Sam, Q, and the prison guards! That changes things, even if Dream isn't allowed to speak to them directly. In Pandora, Bad and Ant had one job, which was to keep the prison running and keep Dream inside it - that's not the case with the LN crew. These people have shit to do! Foolish is building Quackity a replica of the Eiffel Tower, he doesn't have the time or interest to be a prison guard. I could go on but you get my drift. Things would get so weird so fast.
5.) The revive book complicates all of this. If Dream actually did give up the book and Sam understood how to use it, I could be convinced that maybe he would let Quackity borrow Dream for a bit - because hey, if he kills Dream then Sam can just revive him! However, I don't feel confident saying that Q wouldn't just kill Dream immediately after getting the book. We know Q enjoys torturing Dream, but we also know that he seemingly gets bored of it after a while. We also know he has at least some level of concern for propriety/his own rep, so he does have plausible reasons to just straight-up kill him after getting the book. Like, he got what he wanted (necromancy knowledge + a fun 3 months of recreational activity) and if he kills Dream then that's one less person to potentially spread word of Q's uhhhh proclivities around the server - which, again, he paradoxically does seem to care about. Even if Q's plan was to relocate Dream to LN to better access to his fave chew toy and never intended to kill Dream, would Sam believe that?? Q can't directly go against the warden's orders when he's visiting Pandora because that would be stupid and dangerous, but in Las Nevadas? Hm. I think Sam may see Guard Dog as an attempt on Q's part to move the prisoner to a location fully under Q's control so that he can kill Dream without risking retaliation from the warden. Basically, I think this au only has a chance to work in a scenario where Dream has given up the revive book to Sam, but not to Quackity. Because otherwise, Sam just wouldn't let him go. Quackity does want the revive book, but moreso he enjoys torturing Dream, so I do find it semi-plausible that Q would initiate Guard Dog even if he didn't have the book yet.
Ummmm so yeah! These are my questions and thoughts about Guard Dog! i think it's a really fun AU with a lot of potential, but there are kinks in the premise (pun intended) that I find it difficult to wrap my head around. anyway please talk to me about this because I think about it all the time and I wanna hear some other folks' takes too.
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kingdomhate · 6 months
They're Possessive Scenarios!
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Anakin Skywalker: It was a normal day in Coruscant, and you were helping around the Temple, acting as a humble civilian who only wished to keep things in order for those who keep the galaxy in peace and order and protect countless people. But it was mainly just for Anakin's presence.
As you were speaking to a few Jedi, a teenage Padawan, not particularly ugly, but not too good-looking, walked up to you and tapped your shoulder, and you turned. "Yes?" You asked, your tone patient and kind. The boy was obviously staring at your body, and your words snapped him out of the trance. "Um... what if I took you on a date?" He asked, his eyes unblinking as they stared into yours. This was just a child, what was he talking about? "Uh, what?" You ask, perplexed. "What if I took you on a date? Gave you flowers, chocolates and walked you home? To kiss you on your lips and have some fun with you?"
"No, thank you. I'm already taken." You tell him in a kind tone, mustering a smile. He frowns and presses further. As you were growing more uncomfy with the situation and this child's inability to take no for an answer and tenacity to still press on the wound to cause it to continue to gush blood, Anakin walked by. He just got out of a little lecture with the rest of the Jedi Masters and those who were speaking to you, had barely anything to say, thinking it was just a lovesick boy, but it was obviously more. Anakin, who could sense your discomfort from miles away, was incredibly surprised and angered to see no one taking action. He walked over to you, a reassuring hand on your shoulder, to keep things light, gazed at the boy and asked him to run along, and the boy, did so.
He turned to you, his blue eyes piercing. "Why didn't you just call me over? I was not too far away." His gaze was intense and his words were firm and you sighed. "Didn't know how pursuing little kids are these days.." Anakin ushered you from the gaze of others, and whispered the words in your ear that made your knees weak. "You're mine, don't you understand that?"
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Han Solo: You both were at a bar, Han was trying to negotiate some terms so that Jabba could have his money and Han his life. You were only there because you insisted and Han believed that you could reduce the stress of the situation and keep him relatively calm. One of Jabba's men approached your booth and Chewie, who also insisted to come, was on guard, and Han sighed. "Relax, buddy. We've got this in the bag."
The henchman sat in the booth, eyes roaming over the three of you, and particularly interested in you and your figure. Han, who noticed this, brought the man's attention back to the matters at hand. "So, *pal*, this can go easily if you can get Jabba's panties out of the bunch. The cargo's safe and the Millenium Falcon and my crew are more than capable of delivering it without any conflicts, eh? So, tell him I'll get the money as soon as that's done." The henchman frowned at this and shook his head. "No, Jabba wants his money now, Solo." Han's jaw tightened and it looked like he was seriously considering a better way to deal with this man. But your hand squeezed his in a comforting gesture and it brought him back to the ground.
"Can't he understand a man in business? Not everything's all sunshine and rainbows. It's gonna take some time." Han frowned and the man's gaze somehow drifted back to you, and every little detail of you, and he licked his lips creepily, speaking now in a more low tone. "Well, there can be another way, I suppose..." You visibly tensed up and a few not-so thoughtful words popped up in your head and were on the tip of your tongue and as you were about to say it, Han beat you to it. "Nope. No way. This, right here, is mine. Non-negotiable. And it'll always be that way, sorry, pal, but you'll have 'ta find your own." At this point, Chewie had began making his sounds of protest to the man's words and in agreement to Han's words. Han wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. Long story short, all three of you ended up leaving with the man blasted.
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Kylo Ren: He couldn't understand it. The idea of someone trying to take you from him, had they learned nothing from his outbursts and clear anger tendencies? Clearly not and that pissed him off. Why was there always someone who challenged authority? Why could no one just submit and do their part? Were all of the questions in Kylo's mind after one of his soldiers told him that you were in the training room and a specific low-ranking general thought he could sweep you off of your feet with words of no meaning.
Kylo had power-walked there, arriving in minutes despite the room being so far from his. He found the man and held out his hand, blowing the man back with the Force. He looked at you and you knew for a fact all he saw was red. He strode over to the pinned man and spat out the words, "What could possibly be going on in that dim-witted brain of yours to mess with something that isn't yours?! Did your parents not teach you simple manners? Or did you think you were above that, too?! Well, take this as a catching-up." He crushed the man further and further against the sleek-black walls of the Ship. He was so blinded by rage that he did not realize that the man was already dead. But once he did, he let go, and bit the inside of his cheek, bitterly. He could taste the copper-taste of blood and didn't mind in the slightest.
Instead, his eyes swept over to you and he motioned for his finger for you to follow him. And once you did, you were up against a wall with him all over you, his hands, mouth, everything while repeatedly saying:* "Mine. Get that. You're mine. Nothing less. No one else's."
A\N: A little treat before I'm away for about two weeks for testing <3
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zablife · 2 months
I keep coming back to “Ask me why I’m like this.” The way he talks to her on the phone, rubbing the handset with his finger. 🥵 “You know I’ll come for you.” 🥰😩 Carrying her everywhere; and the bath! THE 💕🎀BATH🎀💕 Let me tell you it destroyed my existence it was so comforting and hot. Caged in by his thighs?? 🫠 Her face on his chest 😭 Johnny washing her with a loofa!! Could we get an extended bath blurb pretty please? Or a sequel?💕
Babes, you've no idea how happy it made me to read your kind words about Ask Me Why I'm Like This 🥹 Ty for sending this lovely ask! I decided to write a few headcanons about the aftermath of that evening below the cut. I hope you enjoy! (There's so much soft!Johnny here, but I will warn you, there's also a bit of angst so pls don't be upset with me 🙈)
💙 When you're roused in the middle of the night by a nightmare, Johnny comforts you. His warm body presses to yours and suddenly it ignites the desire building inside you. It's a moment he can't forget bc it seems too perfect, you tugging at his hair and sinking your heels against his back to keep him inside you. It's enough to make him forget the precautions he might normally take.
💙 You cling to him until dawn, needing his weight draped over you to remain calm. Somehow it works and you manage to rest for another hour or two after he makes love to you, a pleasant dream painting the inside of your eyelids just before waking.
💙 Even tho you slide beneath his arm as he sleeps and disappear out the front door, Johnny tries not to worry. He finds other ways to keep watch over you when you stop asking for his help directly. He knows everyone in town so if you buy a stick of gum, he hears about it.
💙 In an unlikely turn of events it's what you don't do that causes him to worry the most. When you forget to visit your grandmother or skip the church bake sale, he realizes something bigger is on your mind.
💙 He wasn’t always a regular at the diner where you work, but now he makes a point to go there at lunchtime, asking to be seated in your section to check on you himself. The exhaustion in your eyes and the slight swell of your ankles confirms what he needs to know before he glimpses the strain of your apron strings or the oversize sweater you've donned before the end of September.
💙 "Baby girl, why didn't you come to me?" he asks, unable to hide his concern any longer. Large hand resting on your shoulder, he rubs your aching muscles slowly as he awaits an answer. "This ain't your problem, Johnny," you inform him.
💙 "How do you know? We been together a few times," he says hopefully, thumb stroking your cheek so gently it could make you break down on the spot. You can sense how badly he wants you to be his. If only you'd allow it.
💙 "I don't," you finally admit. "But what if...?" He silences you with a tender kiss, any protest forgotten as he leads you toward the door. “You can't keep this up with a baby inside ya. Need your rest," he grunts decisively.
💙 Johnny takes you back to his to settle you into a more domestic routine, insistent on caring for you from that moment on. You didn't want for anything as he brings you your meals and tends to you with such attentiveness it makes your heart ache.
💙 A month before your child is born you sit resting against him in the porcelain tub upstairs, his strong capable hands massaging your scalp. "Think it's a boy or a girl?" he wonders aloud, lips brushing your shoulder blade with a kiss. You shrug before confessing on a whispered breath. "Just don't want you to be disappointed..."
💙 You go into labor in the early morning hours, Johnny springing from bed before you even have to wake him. His excitement is palpable as he helps you into your shoes and leads you to the car, eyes shining with pride.
💙 He doesn't leave you for a moment in hospital, encouraging you every step of the way. "You can do this, darlin'," he assures you as he presses kisses to your sweaty forehead. And it's thru his unwavering support that you deliver a healthy baby boy.
💙 After you've rested, you awake to find him cradling the child in his arms, tiny blue bundle nearly swallowed by his large biceps. "Never thought I'd get the chance to do this again," he coos quietly to the infant. When he notices you've roused, he places the baby at your side praising, “He's perfect, just like his mama."
💙 As the child opens his eyes for the first time, you can't help but be struck by the clear blue of his irises and it's like a stab of ice to your heart. "What's wrong, darlin'?" Johnny asks. "His eyes...they're so blue, Johnny," you begin to cry and he knows what you're thinking before you say it.
💙 "Lotsa babies got blue eyes, sweetheart," he reasons. "Don't mean they're gonna stay that way," he nods reassuringly. But he can't help the way his mind drifts toward Benny now too. The resemblance undeniable as he feels his breath catch with the bitter realization.
💙 The next day will be even harder when Benny arrives at your bedside unexpectedly with flowers and heartfelt apologies, asking to hold his son.
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