#i don't care about taylor swift
dykrophone · 9 months
only like four specific mutuals are allowed to put taylor swift on my dash and if you're one of them I'm in love with you btw
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itgetsrad · 2 years
new albums 10.21
The Car ~ Arctic Monkeys - i’m sure every write-up will call this what it is: a more accessible version of TBH&C. i like this album. i’m not sure why Alex Turner decided to take this musical turn with this band instead of his other band Last Shadow Puppets, which would feel like a more natural progression than AC does but i’m not sure it really matters. i’m guessing this will get more people to give TBH&C more listens and there will be a new wave of “it’s not that bad!” youtube vids
Being Funny In A Foreign Language ~ The 1975 - i like parts of all of their albums but this is the first that i feel like i like the whole thing. i’m not sure if it will hold up as an album i go back to years from now & listen all the way through but Part Of The Band is so fucking good
The Loneliest Time ~ Carly Rae Jepsen - another masterpiece. the duet with Rufus Wainwright IS gay rights. fuck me for thinking this wasn’t perfect the first time i heard it. i’m sorry Carly. you were right. thank you. fuck
Stumpwork ~ Dry Cleaning - real contender for grossest album cover. i really like this band’s commitment to the ‘post-rock’ label. meaning that it sounds like a literal take on the label; the music feels chaotic with a lack of structure while the vocals are this kind of talk-sing thing that lots of post-whatever bands utilize. there’s a reason they kind kind of stand out in this ‘genre’ - they’re good and fun to listen to. i dunno, be really cool and put this on for your friends. (i don’t think i’m cool enough for this to hit my heavy rotation)
Crybaby ~ Tegan & Sara - i’m queer, so i don’t really get a choice if i like T&S or not but it has been a while since i like actively enjoyed their stuff (i was not into the project where they re-recorded songs they wrote in high school & just kind o felt like they lost something special the poppier they got) but god damn if this album isn’t really great. with each single they released i got more excited and the album really delivers. it feels really inspired and earnest in the best way.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Like I know it's self indulgence but it'd be so funny to see a full kardashian style Brucie Wayne, spoilt playboy prince of Gotham, local sunshine idiot on the front page every other week for darwinian levels of idiocy or billionaire levels of donations.
But he gets kidnapped or something and there's illusions or mind magics that make him think he's in the bat suit and then he gets dumped in the middle of a live world broadcast arena to fight some goons.
Like he doesn't think anything of it, batman's been kidnapped and forced into gladitorial arenas for sport many times before, maybe he always carries concealed weapons so he's still got like grapples and batarangs and stuff, but he's just going full doomslayer on these guys. No cowl. No suit. Just an open silk shirt and a pair of slacks. In full view of the world.
Tell you what, what about the whole justice league. Just a group of the motleyest people you've ever met. There's about as many famous people as there are absolute nobodies.
Several billionaires defer to the guy who writes articles on outdated lead in buildings and socio economic corruption. There's a renowned museum curator flying and uppercutting aliens so hard they get tossed across the room. There's a guy who spoke in science conferences about meta containment procedures running up the wall and delivering a roundhouse kick to three enemies at once. Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen. Of all people. Two world famous idiot ceo celebrities. And they're back to back whaling on armoured alien henchmen like a well oiled team. A ten year old podcaster shooting lightning from his fingers and no one in the group bats an eye.
Just.... Insanity.
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stopper-my-heart · 30 days
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Nothing like Heartstopper S2E8 removing some of Taylor Swift's "seven" lyrics just so that the singing can specifically come back in at "Or hide in the closet" while Isaac is processing difficult emotions related to the book he's reading (i.e., Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex by Angela Chen).
Did I mention "Or hide in the closet" hits just as the camera focus finishes shifting away from Isaac?
This is fine
#This is not fine#Warning: Long tags ahead (2 topics)#TOPIC 1:#I'm glad Isaac feels safe enough to be reading this book and processing emotions around his friends#That's the positive spin on “he's quietly dealing with a lot while next to his friends and they're not noticing and he's not sharing" right#The contrast of this with the happy friend-bonding montage time feels purposeful and sad (esp. with lyrics about staying in the closet)#but on the bright side this is in the midst of happy friend-bonding montage time so we also see them having happy bonding times together#- showing the friendship is still strong even if right now Isaac isn't wholly known or fully fitting#Hopefully this is leading to Isaac telling his friends what he's going through in S3 and the friendships adapting to fit him better#TOPIC 2:#Also - don't think it's unintentional that where the camera focus shifts to is Nick with his arms around Charlie and then kissing his head#I think we're being purposefully distracted from Isaac with allo 'cuteness'#Because what the other characters often get swept up in - especially as they all couple up in S2 - is alloromantic/allosexual interactions#And that's frequently what the world prioritises or cares more about too#I think the show is intentionally calling everyone - from the characters to us watching them to the whole world - out#So that hopefully we (general) can all be more aware and do better#[In case you were wondering this N&C/Isaac scene is also right after we see short clips of Elle & Tao and Tara & Darcy cuddling -#which also seems very intentional: Isaac - sandwiched in between views of cuddling couples - alone in more ways than one]#CONCLUSION:#I think everything is working together to highlight the contrast between what N&C and Isaac are respectively experiencing in this moment#Did I mention this is not fine?#It is well done though#heartstopper mini moment#isaac henderson#aroace#aromantic asexual#lgbtqia+#queer#taylor swift#seven
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sophsicle · 5 months
Soph I love you but Taylor Swift does not “make herself the victim” there’s so much valid shit that has happened to her for us to feel that way about her, which most of her fans honestly don’t even see her as - granted there as some obnoxious ones but that goes for all fandoms.
Like for example of the experiences I was talking about.
- being sexually assaulted and then being called “greedy” for suing the guy.
- being painted as a “snake” because she didn’t react well to someone writing a misogynistic song about it. Which I feel like is a valid reaction as a woman in entertainment.
- being groomed at 19 by a 30+ something year old.
- getting called a snake worldwide for a narrative that 2 people - who were more famous than her at the time invented.
- being bodyshamed constantly when she had an eating disorder
Yes she’s privileged and has always been, coming from money and having fame, but she does not portray herself as the “victim” and the fact that people think she does just for standing up for herself makes me sad, not because of her but because being a woman myself it just paints the picture that women’s pain or experiences will always be brushed under the rug because we’re classified as “dramatic” and “we should take it with more grace” “be thankful about the good things” like??
I understand that you don’t like her but that assessment just seems wrong.
like i just. you realize you're proving my point right? like this - not just this message, but all of the ones i've gotten where people are waxing poetic about all of the struggles taylor swift has had and how she is absolutely a victim and how dare i suggest otherwise - is exactly what i'm talking about. you feel the need to jump down the throat of anyone who says anything remotely negative about her. this is the whole "victim" narrative, that she is vulnerable and must be protected and defended from all negativity at all times at all costs.
and like. that is on purpose. she has cultivated that narrative for this reason. so that publications are now afraid to post reviews of her albums with bylines because their journalists are getting death threats if they criticize her.
i am not suggesting that taylor swift has never had anything bad ever happen to her. that would be insane. i am trying to say that this culture that has been cultivated within her fanbase of defending and protecting her, is extreme and irrational. and when you don't buy into it, it makes a lot of the content surrounding taylor swift very hard to swallow.
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drfrankendyke · 11 months
I'm butch4butch because i can't pretend to care about Taylor swift long enough to date fems
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a-dowryofblood · 8 months
I keep seeing posts about how Joe needs to shut up and be ok with Taylor writing songs about him... he's literally said nothing. Joe Alwyn has not said a single word about Taylor Swift since the breakup announcement, she's the one who keeps bringing him up in the interviews or alluding to him and their relationship.
The closest thing to acknowledging her existence he's done is posting about Palestine on her birthday. That's it.
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thissmycomingofage · 1 month
All the vienna swifties' testimonies on their sadness, disappointment and hurt really makes me feel for them, especially to see them being shut down again and again by the fandom
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gwenmontrose · 2 months
My Eras Tour show just got cancelled.
I purchased the tickets more than a year ago.
More than one year of dreaming about it.
I'm experiencing the strangest combination of feelings, a mix of gut wrenching rage and also relief for not being involved in a t*rrorist attack? I don't know, man.
I just know I can't bear to look at the outfit I chose for tomorrow night. I can't bear to listen to any of Taylor's songs right now.
I hope it doesn't forever ruin my memories of Wien.
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iwasbored777 · 5 months
Someone on the internet: The Tortured Poets Department is the worst album ever omg this shit is so bad and Taylor Swift is crazy 😩
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controversial opinion but i really think the best way to enjoy a taylor swift song is to hear it and apply it to your life and have no idea about the actual taylor lore inspiration for the song until maybe 10 years later. that's what i did for every album release cycle i've been around for from speak now to evermore and i've really missed it during midnights and ttpd
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
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This took forever to finish, sometimes I hate my hate of clean lineart because then coloring kinda sucks. Honestly the best part of this drawing is Hero's shirt to me, its just very silly because i could not figure out a title on the fly. I do have the next drawing finished but probablly gonna post it tomorrow.
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milolovesbmc · 2 months
Currently in my break up era guys, what's a faggot to do in a time like this? I'm taking suggestions
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riecaloca · 1 month
it's so funny being an ex-swiftie in my mom's household because like. when i was a swiftie, she was against it, because she didn't like taylor swift ("she only writes about relationships, that's a bad example, don't listen to that crap"). but now that i severely dislike taylor and her music, now my mom is always bringing up taylor and being like "did you see what she did?!" and i'm like. mom. i don't care. this would have been cool 4 years ago. it's not anymore. pls stop. pls stop-
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apricusapollo · 2 months
theo raeken is for the girls who were told that they don't care although they do.
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medicbrainrot · 1 year
even in a different life, you still would have been mine
A/N: Here's a stray kitten fic! I hope it's to your liking @v1naco <3
It’s a quiet Sunday afternoon on base, and Artemis is out for a walk when she hears a faint meowing sound come from the corner of one of the buildings. She stops, trying to pinpoint where the sound is coming from.
As she waits, she hears another pitiful crying meow sound, and Artemis realizes it’s coming from one of the gutter drains.
She carefully approaches, crouching down next to the exit of the gutter, and spots a little black furball in the drain.
“Hey little buddy. Guess the cat distribution system chose me today, huh?” Artemis whispers to the little kitten, hoping she doesn’t startle it. 
“Pspspsps” Artemis whispers to the kitten, trying to see if she can coax it out. The kitten doesn’t move, only meows and cries pitifully as he stares at Artemis. 
“Aww, are you stuck little buddy?” Artemis asks softly. “Let’s see if we can get you out, okay?” She carefully reaches her hand into the drain and gently grips the kitten by the scruff of its neck, and pulls it out. The kitten gives another pitiful meow, but doesn’t scratch or bite Artemis as she pulls him out. 
She looks the kitten over, and realizes that he’s got something stuck in his paw. “Aww buddy, is that why you couldn’t leave the drain? Where’s your momma?”
Artemis spends a few minutes looking around, trying to see if she can spot any other cats, but she doesn’t see any.
“Okay little buddy. Let’s get you inside, cleaned up and fed, and then we’ll see what happens, okay?” She says to the kitten. 
She tucks the kitten into the pocket of her hoodie, hoping that she can subtly make it to the kitchen without anyone noticing. 
She’s halfway down the hallway to the kitchen when Simon sees her from the corner of his eye. He’s in the rec room watching a movie with a few other people, but he seems to always be aware of Artemis’ presence. 
He sees her sneaking down the hallway, and he leaves the rec room to follow her and see what she’s up to.
“Artemis, what are you doing?” He asks her.
Artemis freezes in her tracks, but doesn’t turn around.
“Artemis, you’re trying to sneak more snacks, aren’t you?” Simon sighs slightly.
“No…” She says suspiciously, not fully turning around.
“Then what are you doing?” He asks.
“Nothing…” She says hesitantly, guarding the pocket of her hoodie.
Artemis and Simon stand in the hallway staring at each other in awkward silence, while Artemis tries to come up with an excuse for her suspicious behavior.
The silence is interrupted by a small ‘mrow?’ coming from the pocket of her hoodie.
 Simon sighs and rolls his eyes at the sound. “Did you seriously bring a cat onto the base and into the building? Temi, you know that’s not allowed.”
Artemis flushes bright red. “I didn’t bring the cat. I found it.” She says as she places her hands protectively around her pocket.
“Artemis, we have these rules for a reason. The cat isn’t allowed in here. It might make a mess or something.” Simon sighs. “Go put the cat back outside please.” 
She shakes her head. “I think he’s injured, I was just going to feed him and clean him up before calling someone about it.” Simon pauses, having a better understanding of where Artemis was going with this. “Alright, show me that cat. We’ll see what we can do about it.” Artemis lifts the bottom of her hoodie up and opens the pocket, revealing to Simon a tiny black kitten with wide greenish eyes. “Look at him, he’s so cute.”
Simon, unable to resist the cuteness of the kitten, relents and coos softly at the kitten. “Yeah, he’s cute. If he’s injured then I guess he can’t go back outside on his own.”
“He’s got something in his paw,” Artemis says softly as she cradles the kitten in her hoodie. “He was crying when I found him.”
“Alright, let me get a look.” Simon extends his hand for the kitten.
Artemis carefully pulls the kitten from her pocket, who lets out a meow of protest before she places him in Simon’s outstretched hand. “Just be careful, he’s scared.”
Simon gently holds the kitten, looking the creature over, taking care not to scare or hurt him. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.” He inspects the paw Artemis mentioned, carefully turning it over. “It looks like a piece of glass. It’s small, but that doesn’t make it any less dangerous for the poor guy.”
“I was going to take care of its paw myself, but it might be easier with another set of hands.” She says to Simon, as she softly pets the kitten.
Artemis and Simon make their way to the kitchen where Artemis flicks the overhead light on so that they can see the kitten better.
She pulls a pair of tweezers from a pouch on her cargo pants and hands them to Simon.
He carefully uses the tweezers to pull out the glass embedded in the kitten’s paw. With only a small drop of blood and a small meow from the cat, the glass was out. “There we go little guy, it’s gone.” He says softly, handing the kitten back to Artemis.
“Alright little buddy, I’m gonna wash you now.” Artemis says to the kitten as she runs warm water in the sink. She carefully places the kitten in the bottom and starts bathing the kitten to clean it of any dirt or other things it might have on it.
After she finishes bathing the kitten, Simon wraps it in a dish towel and starts drying it off. The kitten meows again, seeming much calmer. As Simon dries the kitten, it starts meowing more, almost sounding like it’s purring. 
Simon smiles, wrinkling his mask, as he starts to pet the cat. “What are we going to name him?”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Artemis starts thoughtfully. “He seemed to really like hiding in the dark pocket of my hoodie.” She pets the kitten as Simon cradles it in his hands. “And he was hiding in the shadows, I almost missed the little guy when I was looking for him.” Simon softly rubs his thumbs along the kitten’s fur as they think about a name. 
Artemis laughs softly, “He just appeared out of nowhere, kind of like you do sometimes. Like a phantom.” 
Simon looks at Artemis with a twinkle in his eyes. “Maybe we should name him Phantom then.” Artemis lifts the kitten, smiling at him. “What do you think, little buddy? Should we name you Phantom?”
The car purrs, seeming to like the name it’s been given.
“It’s settled then.” Simon smiles, “Welcome to Task Force 141, Phantom.”
Artemis hands the kitten back to Simon and laughs, smiling softly at the pair, “Ghost and Phantom.” 
“It’s got a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” Simon laughs, then sighs. “We’ll have to talk to Captain Price, and Supply about this. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled about this.”
“Maybe…maybe if we train him to catch mice around the base, they’ll let us keep him?” Artemis says, looking hopeful.
“Well…” Simon pauses, taking a moment to think. “It might be possible, but it’s a bit of a long shot. We’ll see what happens.”
“We’ll see…” Artemis agrees, petting Phantom softly. “We’re gonna take good care of you for as long as we’re allowed to have you buddy.”
Simon looks down at the cat, giving it a soft pet on the head. “You seem pretty attached to the kitten…”
“He’s so little, and he was all alone.” Artemis explains, softly petting the kitten. “I couldn’t find his momma or anything, and I couldn’t leave an innocent kitten out there, especially since he was injured.”
“That was really noble of you, and incredibly sweet.” Simon smiles at Artemis.
“Maybe it’s the medic in me.” She says as she softly pets Phantom. “Maybe I just need to make sure that everyone’s okay.”
“It sounds like the medic in you runs pretty deep.” Simon whispers as he brushes a hand down Artemis’ cheek. “You’re a good person. Maybe too good of a person for this place.”
She shakes her head, a smile on her face. “I’m not ‘too good’ for this place. Someone has to make sure you all come home alive.”
“You might be right.” He says as he pets Phantom again. “Still, make sure you don’t let people take too much from you. They’ll take twice as much as you’re willing to give them, and they won’t think twice about it.” “I know, but that’s why I have you.” Artemis looks at Simon, smiling at how he pets Phantom.
Simon is about to say something else when he gets interrupted by a small “mrow?” from Phantom.
“He’s probably hungry.” Simon chuckles, laughing at how cute Phantom’s little meows are.
“Probably. I think there’s some canned tuna in here.” Artemis says as she reaches into one of the cabinets and pulls out a can. She opens the can and places some of the tuna on a plate. “Alright Phantom, here’s some food for ya.”
Phantom sniffs the tuna hesitantly, but then immediately starts eating, appearing to be excited by the food. 
Artemis washes her hands and then stands next to Simon, leaning her head on his shoulder as they watch the kitten eat the tuna. 
“Well isn’t that adorable.” Simon whispers to Artemis, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“I hope we can keep him.” She says softly.
“Me too… Although we’ll have to convince Price that keeping the cat is worth the time and effort, and that it’ll add value in having him.” Simon says as he nuzzles his nose into Artemis’ hair. “Maybe the little guy could be a mascot.” “Hey, pets can be good for morale. Maybe a base cat would be helpful.” Artemis whispers to Simon. “And look at him! He’s so cute! Who could say no to that little face?”
Simon chuckles at Artemis’ enthusiasm for the cat. “When you put it like that, it’s really hard to imagine someone saying no. He’s damn cute, that’s for sure.”
When Phantom is finished eating, Simon picks him up, petting him softly. He then hands the kitten to Artemis and washes the plate. “Alright little guy, let’s go talk to Captain Price.”
A/N: Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated! Requests are also open!
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