#i don��t think this is that good !
lejoursobre · 1 year
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Sooo... My mother found my tumblr and started watching both season of Good Omens... She enjoyed it ✨👍✨👌✨
👋 hi mom 😂 (don't scroll too much plz)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Hi!! I love this series so much, and as someone who hasn’t really drawn since they were a kid but wants to start as a hobby, do you have any advice for sort of learning to doodle on paper and get better at it? I want to start but I don’t really know how/where
The most important step in getting better at any skill is Persistence and Consistency. Practice and keep practicing! The best way to do that is to keep it fun! Picking a project helps generate ideas (e.g. drawing Pokémon, or characters from a series you like). There are also a ton of monthly prompt lists out there!
I also highly recommend scheduling in a 'drawing/practice' time in your day. For me, I started with 30-60 min before bed (bonus: its a good 'no screentime' activity), and the habit took root there.
There are a lot of 'technical' things to study but find the fun first. At a certain point you will discover you've hit a wall, and have a specific aspect/goal you want to target (colour theory, anatomy, lighting, comic layout). Then it's time to go looking for resources.
Once you have the habit and some goals, go collect some inspiration! Find people who inspire you and study their work!
Another little 'art skill builder' I recommend is the Shrimp Method! Only if you find technical challenges like this fun though (Example of one of my studies below)
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pilferingapples · 2 months
keep seeing posts along the lines of "remember YOU could be just like this villainous character you hate" and it's always some real high-achiever type and I appreciate the moral sentiment of it all but also
no I couldn't
I do not have that kind of energy , I'm doing good to feed the cats on time and I routinely forget what day of the week it is, I am NOT implementing some 4D chess scheme to deploy a Warbot Army downtown, or building an affront to the laws of god and man in my basement
at my most badass I'm Not Returning Some Phone Calls , if I am ever the villain of the piece than I truly feel sorry for the hero whose Nemesis Assignment Assessment looked at them and said "we're assigning you...The Napper"
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wish-i-were-heather · 21 days
good night i am so ososo tired that everyt time i blunk i start to fall asleep so im trpyugn with ny mane wring ig sghut what the fyck did i just wrtei ok buye
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venusssssssssss · 7 months
i wonder if DFF is another case of the fans thinking of the most interesting and wildest theories out there... but the writers didn't actually think that far ahead
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
SRK!Don girlies pack it up and take it home we're all f*cked after 84 years we finally get official news about Don 3 coming in 2025 or so and there's uh. i can't believe i'm saying this this is actually coming out of my mouth but there's no Shah Rukh
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Huge art is taking me a while to finish (it's more like a bunch of doodles for a concept but he's soooooooo detailed) But I have two options for colours
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barksbog · 10 months
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Samia ricini "zebra" caterpillars in L3 stadium
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ygodmyy20 · 11 months
just wrote 10 pages of Teru and Shou kicking the snot out of one another. Yes this gif is Shimazaki but this is how this felt writing it
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I found socks with my favorite flowers on them (nasturtiums!), but they literally don't match anything I own, so making an outfit with them is difficult.. just all black with the bright shoes and a random stuffed animal for accents lol
#self#ootd#still unsure if I should do the like.. 'saying where stuff is from' section at the end of outfit posts like I think it's popular to do#but it just feels repetitive because basically for everything is just 'it's all thrifted' occasional 'shoes from ebay 10 years ago so I don#t remember the seller' or 'socks from a random sock store in the mall 2 years ago' etc.#even the stuffed animal is from the bins lol#Shoes and tights and wigs are the only things that it tends to be harder to get from the bins. Though I still find some#except wigs. I wouldn't really wear Bin Wigs since half the bins have like mysterious wet stuff and mold in them or etc.#I've gotten some shoes and stuff there though. But most of my shoes are from online. It's just that theyre also not from#like.. brands..?? Like 'converse' or something. It's more.. some random ebay seller in 2017 or something#so then that feels weird too because I thought the point of that being popular is so people can go find the things you're wearing and#buy them or whatever. but in my case that would never be helpful ghjbjk#since I also keep things so long. I have shoes and stuff Ive had since elementary school#good luck tracking down where I got these tights on ebay in 2011. good luck going to the bins or a thriftstore and finding the same#exact dress or etc. So then in that case does it even matter?? eh#The only sense I could see it being useful in is like. people seeing that they could make looks without spending a lot of money.#since I have had some comments on costumes or makeups before like 'omg I would love to look like this if I had the $$ for clothes *sad emo#ji*' or whatever. and I always want to message them and be like.. this entire outfit cost like $2.. you can do it. Don't get discouraged#I mean depending on the resources available to you. I know not everyone has a bins type place near the#m. but still. and all of my makeup and wigs are cheap as hell. Probably full of terrible chemicals. but I wear them like. once every 5 mont#hs or less since I dont do full costumes that often so hopefully wont get an infection or something. etc. etc.#ANYWAY. I could see it being useful I guess in just letting people know most of everything is secondhand#if that's meaningful to them for some reason. but also I feel like thats obvious since I talk about it. so#still just seems repetitive to me. ANYWAY. Love nasturtiums... aaaaaa... even though it's not my colors at all and I never#wear black or anything that would match them#I had to do it. I also normally would never ever pay $12 for socks but.. it's SO specific to my tastes and I had never seen anything#with nasturtiums on it before since they dont seem as popular as like roses or sunflowers. One of my once every 2 years#impulse buys at a mall ghjhjb.. (I never go to malls and also just rarely buy stuff in general since I'm evil miserly penny pincher etc.)#Kind of like how once a year I allow myself to have one steak from a restaurant or something but that's all. Once every few years#I will go to a large mall at a not busy time of day so I can avoid crowds. just to look around for fun. and will maybe buy like. One thing
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gingericywolf · 2 months
Tumblr: You have 18 new notes!
Me: oh sweet *opens notes* *only 4 visible*
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This is the most amount of ghost notes i've ever had btw. Like it's kind of funny
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mariesoliver · 4 months
I was stressed the fuck out for 2 months worked weekends etc to finish a paper my bosses kept pressuring me to work on so i could meet a journal deadline and now i am almost finished but i feel so drained and i just know this stupid fucking paper is not gonna matter at all it's gonna have 0 impact
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swampvoid · 1 year
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No eyelash swagger XD
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hira492 · 2 years
Look. That episode Mando episode.
Man, i´m not even angry, i´m just disappointed , cause I KNOW how good this show can be. Specially this season that´s, supposedly, gonna revolve around what it means to be a Mandalorian and Mandalore's history 
Din is such an interesting, compeling and complex character and he could be so much more if only THEY- JUST. LET. HIM.
They are completely misunderstanding what´s what drove people to Mando at first. Yes, it´s cute to see this bounty hunter begrudgingly take care of a jedi baby BUT the show is SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! It was about dissecting this misterious and closed off character who´s being through so much, it was seeing how all that trauma that he has - that made him separate himself from everything and everyone - was what ultimately helped him connect with Grogu. It´s lovely to see him open up little by little knowing he shouldn't, knowing that a goodbye is imminent. It was complex, it had layers. 
And Grogu. I know everyone jokes about how he was just made to sell toys and i thought so as well before starting the show a few years back. I used to really hate him and all the fuss everyone was making around him being a cute baby, but when i finally watched the show, i sat captivated and saw it was so much more. He´s more than just cute baby, he is a survivor ,just like Din, and has lived through so many things. His story is so interesting and he could be much more than a “marketable sw mascot”, but again, THEY ARE NOT ALLOWING THEM THAT!
It´s so frustrating watching this first episode and see both our main characters being reduced to “cute baby” and “dad”. They feel as they have no agency. And damn my brain for making me think this, but i felt, watching this episode, as i felt watching the last Jurassic World movie. Everyone is a diluted version of their character, everyone moves and does whatever the plot and script needs them to do without any explanation or reason to why or HOW they did it and everything just moves SO FUCKING FAST for no reason.
The first 3 episodes of the 1st season were such bangers cause they were the total opposite of this one. They were paced so well, letting viewers experience events along the characters, they made an amazing use of Show not tell (cof cof what do you mean Grogu was away from Din for around a year, Favreau cof cof), they introduced a conflict in a natural and organic way, and most importantly, they trusted the audience to understand what was happening without having a character explain it as we were a bunch of idiots or smth. 
Think about that scene in the 3rd episode when Din decides to take Grogu back from the imperials. We, as an audience, understand (without seeing the guy´s face) what´s going on in his mind in that moment; the doubt, the regret, the decision, everything just through body language, well done cinematography and music. We didn´t need Din or someone else going “you felt bad so you went back for him”, no, we just understood, and the show trusted us to understand that, to come to our own conclussions and understanding of the scene and motivations of the characters. AND WE HAD JUST MET THE GUY.
The difference here from last episode is that they gave us something to work with and, watching the episodes, you understand Din´s final decision.
Now we just don´t know what the hell Din´s thinking, and not because of a mystery or to build tension, it just feels as if Din is a weird NPC that moves the story forward and is there only to show us cool action scenes, cameos and Mandalore lore, without relating to anything. He feels as if he´s just not thinking at all, not as being stupid, but just as if he literally had no mind of his own, no opinions,no feelings, no nothing. And Grogu is just..there, i guess. Being cute and that´s all. 
Also, not as important as the narrative and script issues i had with the episode but, when i first watched The Mandalorian - begrudgingly, i must add, as i actually hated star wars but a friend of mine kept insisting that i gave it a try - i was amazed at how detailed the effects were, how everything felt alive and lived in. I remember rewatching again and again the scene where Din lands the Razor Crest in Arvala 7 and just admire the detail of the dust and water moving with the ship´s power, the way everything felt so real. Everything in the 1st and 2nd season ( i have my issues with the effects in season 2 as well but they´re still okay, imo) felt alive, real. And wow, what a downgrade this episode was.
For a show with a ridiculous budget it´s not showing at all. The kid helmet at the start looked like a toy (i can let it slide cause it´s literally brand new so you could argue there´s no reason for it to not look all shiny and clean), the alligator was okay, i guess, but didn´t feel nearly as real as the  Krayt Dragon from S2, and the rest...to be honest, not surprised at all. I kept getting thrown off by the straight up green screen feel of the Greef vs Random Pirates scene (Also an unnecessary scene, tbh, felt like an escuse for a “cool star wars space battle ™” ). The Mandalorian castle was cool, tho, i guess.
I´m not dissing the people who worked in the show´s Visual Effects at all, btw. I know they can do amazing things, cause they have, i´m sure it was more of a direction and studio issue.
It surprised me how Mando´s episode in TBOBF felt much more interesting, well paced, compelling and true to Din´s character than this episode. 
I know it might be way too early to judge the season as we only have this 1st episode but it´s not looking too good, Mando nation.
I want to be clear, I´m not saying everything sucked, either. I´m just frustrated cause this is my favourite show, it means a lot to me and i just want it to be as good as i know it can be.
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marvelstars · 1 year
Obi-Wan's Reaction to Anakin's Redemption (LEGENDS)
"Vader grabbed the Emperor forcing the deathly lighting to fall away from Luke and crashed down upon both Sith Lords(himself and the Emperor). Vader carried his master across the room and hurled him down into the reactor shaft a moment later the Emperor exploded into a great release of dark energy.
Had Obi-Wan´s spirit not witnessed Vader´s actions he never would have believed. Vader, the same monster that Obi-Wan had left to die on Mustafar had sacrificed himself to save his Son and succedenly Obi-Wan realized where he had failed for unlike Luke Obi-Wan had not only believed that Anakin was completely consumed by the darkside but actually refused to believe that any goodness could have remained within Vader and by refusing to allow that possibility he had condemned not only his friend and former apprentice but his own capacity for hope.
Fortunately, ObiWan thought, Luke´s unwavering faith in his father´s inner goodness had proved to be an stronger force than the power of the darkside. Obi.-Wan realized that he had never been ready to forgive Anakin and that Anakin would never be free until he did.
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radley-writes · 1 year
continuing my endless journey of EDS discovery: I was last-year years old when I discovered that not everyone chokes on damn near everything they try to swallow or feels like solids and liquids get painfully wedged halfway down their oesophagus, and yesterday years old when I discovered that not everyone gets regular regurgitation & bouts of burning chest pain every day and night, and most people are capable of swallowing while lying flat and don’t have to lie in One Specific Position at night so they don’t constantly choke on their own pooling saliva
so, um. turns out none of that’s ‘normal’ and if this rings a bell you should take a prescription antacid and see a doc about dysphagia before you accidentally lose a bunch of weight and make people panic lol
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