#i don’t know how many times we can break down the events of the text for people
angelsdean · 23 days
the average deancrit post: completely misinterpreting something that happened in canon, ignoring important framing context for the situation, and / or just making something up that didn’t even happen or falling back on fanon characterizations
deangirls: simply pointing out the missing context and / or debunking the misinterpretation
the average “cascrit” or “samcrit” post: literally just people discussing canon plot points and things that happened with the nuanced context that is once again often overlooked in favor of watered down fanon that woobifies and flattens their fave
bitter casgirls and samgirls: is this an ATTACK?!?! 🤨
Like sorry we literally just like talking abt the actual show and the things that happen in it in the context that they happen lol
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formulawolff · 5 months
x. bringing the heat in miami - t.w.
pairing: female driver! x toto wolff
word count: 3.6k
warnings: cursing, mentions of sex, mentions of masturbation, lewd humor, age gap relationship, ANGST, naughty text messages, banter, light flirting, toto being down astronomically bad (like actually in the trenches) yadayadayada
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party in the city where the heat is on 
all night, on the beach till the break of dawn
“welcome to miami”
“bienvenidos a miami"
will smith’s infamous track fills your ears as you stroll in through the main gate of the track, fans clustered in thick waves. your name is called more times than you can count. posters, caps, shirts, you name it, wave about, begging to be signed. 
the sun shines overhead, casting bright, fiery light all around. although it was only around eight in the morning, humidity clung to the air, creating a sticky, dewy sensation on your exposed skin. fluffy clouds drift along, carried by a breeze as it rolls through. 
god, the weather was perfect.
hopefully it would be like this on race day.
“welcome to miamiiii,” alex bobs his head, singing along to the music, “are you excited? it is your home turf, after all.”
“if we were in phoenix, i think i would feel a little closer to home,” you suppress a giggle, “but yes, i am really fucking excited. everyone loves a race in their home country.”
“we’ll be in austin soon enough in october,,” alex shrugs, “when we’re in austin, i need you to show me how to ride a bull and teach me how to perfect that smooth texas drawl. i want to be like one of those little aunties who always say, ‘y’all come back now!’ like dolly parton! ” 
“you’re ridiculous,” the giggles blossom into a full-on laugh, “you don’t just start speaking with a southern accent. that’s not how that works.”
“sure it is,” alex nods, “hey, your parents are coming out for the race, right?”
“yes sir! they will finally get to see their baby girl in action!”
“they didn’t come out for a single grand prix last year?” alex raises a brow.
“i wasn’t winning races last year,” you counter, “i told them not to worry about spending that money during my rookie year. not everyone’s parents are loaded, you know.”
which, was a true statement. 
your parents had invested their time, hard-earned cash, weekends off, and a portion of their lives to get you here. you didn’t expect them to fly out for every single grand prix, make every event, or pay another dime towards your expenses. 
unlike many of the drivers, you were not born into an extremely lavish lifestyle. your parents were modest people, who happened to have a child later in life. ever since you were born, they lived in the same house, drove the same vehicles, and got by adequately. since they both worked full-time, getting you into the racing world was no simple feat. 
yet, they were determined to make your dreams become a reality. after years of careful coordination to the karting tracks, weekends devoted to races, and thousands upon thousands of dollars spent, you were offered a contract with williams racing. of course, you accepted that offer graciously. 
now, you were steadily paying your parents back for their dedication. once you signed your contract and those zeroes hit your bank account, you went out to the nearest dealership, purchasing a suburu wrx. with the premium package, at that. 
you would never forget your dad’s face the moment you pulled into the driveway, beaming as you placed the keys in his hand. 
that was one of the only moments you had ever watched him cry, wrapping you up in a tight, loving embrace.
“you didn’t have to do this. being your father is a gift in itself.”
“but you deserve it. you’ve sacrificed so much so that i could be in this position.”
“and you deserve nothing but the best, baby girl. you are going to be one of the greatest drivers formula one has ever seen. you make us so proud. keep making us proud. keep defying those odds. keep making history, baby girl.”
keep making history, baby girl.
as you stroll into the paddock, greeting the engineers, pit crew, and other team members, you can’t shake that feeling brewing deep within. 
it’s is a fiery desire, setting you ablaze with determination. 
you were going to keep making history. 
you were going to be the first american to win the miami grand prix. 
you were going to be the first woman to win two consecutive grand prixes. 
you were going to be the first woman to earn that title of world champion. 
you were going to chase that high. by any means possible. 
and nothing was going to stop you now. 
“look at him,” lewis hamilton shakes his head, “he looks absolutely pitiful.”
“you think his little relationship is on the rocks?” 
“quite the contrary mate,” lewis remarks, folding his arms across his chest, “i think it’s more like the poor man is depraved. obviously the euphoria has worn off. he’s come down from that high. the man is craving more. plain and simple. a hand can only do–”
“i don’t need the mental image of my team principal wanking off,” george russell scoffs, rubbing his temple, “fuck, that is disgusting, lewis.”
toto wolff stood a few meters away from the drivers, engaged in deep conversation with bono and members of the crew. now that lewis knew the truth, he couldn’t help but notice how much power that american girl held over the team principal. it was almost as if he were deep in a trance, under some sort of spell. 
it was pitiful, really. just the sight of her was enough to send the team principal spiraling, intoxicated off her alluring aura. not like lewis could blame toto, though. there was no denying that the woman was extremely breathtaking. 
with her stunning features, witty mouth, unapologetic personality, and angelic presence, she was practically miss america.
well, not practically. 
she was miss america.  
everyone adored her. lewis could barely go throughout his morning without hearing her name being mentioned. whether it was fans, journalists, social media, even members of the mercedes crew, she was the hot topic of formula one, taking the world by storm.
toto was a lucky man. an extremely lucky man. 
if only she was into men her age. 
“my apologies mate,” lewis nudges george with his elbow playfully, “did we have anything going on today? any obligations?”
george’s brow furrow, sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose, “if we’re being honest, i can’t really remember. i think something to do with monster energy, maybe.”
“perfect,” lewis licks his lower lip, fishing his phone out of his pocket. 
time to text that little assistant. 
in all seriousness, he felt horrible for taking advantage of that young girl. she was only nineteen for fuck’s sakes, a fresh face to mercedes at the start of the 2024 season. that made her the perfect target to do his bidding. 
well, it wasn’t really bidding. 
more like investigative journalism. 
at least, that’s what lewis told himself to feel a little less guilty for what he was about to do. 
hey, do you by chance know toto’s schedule today?
seconds later, little text bubbles appear. 
he was meeting with you guys this morning, then he has an interview with the press around two-thirty p.m. it’s nothing super serious, just a brief session entailing his thoughts for the weekend. at four, he has a zoom call with a few of the mercedes execs. after that, he told me he was going to be out for the remainder of the evening. why? 
hmmm. how convenient. 
i was just curious. thanks for letting me know! i appreciate you, natila. 
of course, mr. hamilton! let me know if you need anything else! :))) 
it was now or never. go time.
after the meeting with the mercedes executives, lewis hamilton was going to knock on toto wolff’s door. he was going to stroll into that office, settling into one of those plush leather chairs. and before toto had the opportunity to speak, lewis was going to confront him about that american girl. 
how he was going to start that conversation, he had no idea. that would come to him in time as he went about his day, meeting with sponsors, flashing that lovely lewis smile, flirting with the reporters just a little. not too much so that it was obvious, but enough to make them blush a tad, giggling as they scrambled to stick to their script. 
but for now, it was time to focus on the matters at hand. 
across the track, a dutch driver strolls through the crowds, a jersey in one hand, phone in the other. glancing down at his screen, he curses under his breath at the throng of people. why were there so many people? where did they all come from? 
pausing for a moment, he taps his screen, thumb gliding through his contacts. 
“hey, where are you again?”
“we’re in the williams paddock!” her voice is an octave higher than usual, more than likely from anticipation, “we’ll see you soon!”
“sounds good,” max verstappen stifles a chuckle as he hears a voice on the other end, the words firm, demanding almost.  
“honey, who are you talking to? who’s coming over here?” 
“mom, please, just let me be on the phone for two seconds,” she exhales, “okay, i have to go. i’ll see you soon!” 
the walk to the williams paddock was excruciating, as max had to bob and weave through the masses to avoid reporters, potential sponsors, and any individual who called his name. it’s not like he didn’t like the fame that came with his success, it’s just that he didn’t like the constant cameras in his face. the prying questions. the intrusive comments. 
sometimes he wished he could just blend in, be like any other face in the crowd. yet, how could he when he was max verstappen? 
yet, as he steps into the paddock, he makes out the williams driver, her parents hovering around her as she introduces them to various members of the crew. at the sight, max can’t help but feel the corners of his lips curl into a smile as he notices the sheer and utter pride plastered across their faces. 
and they had every right to be proud of you. 
you earned it. 
“goedemorgen,” max clears his throat, raising his hand for a small wave, “i just came to stop by.”
the instant your mom realizes who is standing before her in the paddock, her eyes widen, lips parting, “oh my gosh – honey. look who it is!” 
“good morning max,” your laughter rings like bells as you cross over to the dutch driver, “how are you?”
“pretty good,” he nods, sticking out his right hand, “hallo, i’m max.”
your dad shakes his hand, squeezing it firmly, “nice to meet ya, max. i’m tony. this is my wife, heather.”
“pleased to meet you,” max beams, turning to your mom, “i brought something for you today. your daughter mentioned that you were a big fan of mine. so, i brought this jersey for you. she let me know your shirt size, so it should fit perfectly. my signature is on there somewhere, but i just can’t quite remember where.”
graciously, heather accepts the jersey, her eyes glossy, shifting to you as she wipes a tear, “oh, honey, you planned this?”
“of course i did,” wrapping an arm around her shoulders, you pull her in for a hug, “i couldn’t bear the thought of you guys attending the race without meeting any of my friends. besides, you deserve an all-inclusive experience at your first grand prix.”
“besides,” max shoots you a wink, “i wanted to meet the woman who crafted such a talented driver.”
at max’s compliment, your mom’s face flushes, “oh please! i can barely make it on the freeway without having a nervous breakdown. i don’t know how she can drive these things. it amazes me how confident she is and–.”
“i could show you,” max offers, “i have some free time tomorrow. i’m sure we could all meet up somewhere and i could take you for a spin, show you the ropes. how does that sound?”
“oh max,” your mom waves a hand, “you do not–”
“but i want to. it’s no issue. no issue at all.” 
“then it’s a plan,” you can’t help but grin as your moms’ eyes light up, “what time works for you, max? since it’s only thursday, we’ll have some time in the morning before the practice laps. or, we could go after. whatever works for you.”
“let’s go in the morning,” max suggests, checking his phone, “i think i can make a few calls. have someone bring in a car. we’ll take it out on the track.”
“is that allowed?” your mom arches a brow, “i just don’t want you two to get in any sort of trouble. 
“oh mom,” you roll your eyes playfully, gesturing to max, “that is max verstappen. whatever max verstappen wants, max verstappen gets.”
“she’s not wrong.”
“okay fine,” your mom nods, and you feel a giggle forming at her overprotective nature. 
“just don’t give me a heart attack out there, max. i have a very important race to watch on sunday.”
as your parents talk to max, alex making his way into the conversation, you feel the buzz of your phone in your pocket. carefully, you fish it out, ensuring to shield your screen from your mom’s wandering gaze. 
this is unbearable. i need to see you tonight. are you going to have any free time? i vaguely recall you mentioning that your parents were going to be here. i will take no offense if you would like to spend time with them. i know you do not get to see them often. 
i need to be inside you, schatzi. i can’t think straight right now because the only thing i can think about is fucking that perfect pussy of yours. 
i miss my golden girl. more than anything. 
“lewis? this is a pleasant surprise.”
“how’s it going mate?” lewis hamilton bears a quaint smile as he settles into a chair, face-to-face with the team principal, “things going well?”
“eh,” toto shrugs, his head bowed as he types away on his phone, “same old shit, you know.” 
“things going well with the horseback rider?”
oh, so he wasn’t going to drop it. silently, toto curses the attentive nature of his british driver, “they’re fine.”
“so,” lewis leans back, folding his arms across his chest, “when were you going to fess up and admit that your little girlfriend doesn’t ride horses?”
“i don’t understand what you–”
lewis scoffs, clicking his tongue, “i know exactly who your little girlfriend is because she’s a few spaces ahead of me on the grid.”
the expression painting lewis’ features is brimmed with satisfaction, his gaze piercing right through the team principal as he shifts uneasily in his desk chair, running a hand through his hair. 
toto was well aware that lewis had completely blindsided him, pinning him in a corner. it was quite literally perfect timing, as the team principal was merely minutes away from organizing his things, shutting down his computer, and heading out the door, well on his way to his golden girl. 
well played, lewis. well played. 
yet, he had to maintain his composure. he had to maintain that poker face as lewis cocks his head, prompting him to formulate some sort of witty retort. 
“i’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
“bullshit,” lewis shakes his head, “you’re not a very good liar, toto. you of all people should know that i can read you like a bloody book. how long has this been going on?”
well, he had to fess up now. lewis would continue to call him out on his shit if he kept up with the lies. letting out a shaky breath, the team principal hangs his head in defeat, his heart thumping against his rib-cage, wiping his damp palms on his slacks.
no going back now. time to come clean. 
“since she won in jeddah. but if we’re being technical, it started in bahrain.”
“wait,” lewis sticks his hands up, squeezing his eyes shut, “pause. this has been going on since the start of the season? for weeks you’ve been sneaking around, meeting up with her in secret or something? was she the one who came to brackley between melbourne and suzuka?”
with all of the questions pouring from lewis’ mouth, toto’s mind reeled, a swirling torrent of anxiety, fear, and disappointment. his cheeks burn with shame, tinged pink. 
“yes, she was.”
tilting his head, lewis’ lips purse, “you like her?”
“well isn’t that blatantly fucking obvious,” propping his elbows on the desk, he massages his temples with his fingers, “how did you find out?”
“it wasn’t hard,” lewis shrugs, “i mean, i see the way you look at her.” 
toto’s eyes narrow at lewis’ vague response, “how. did. you. find. out?”
“natila texted me about it,” lewis coughs, averting the team principal’s beady stare, “she may have heard a conversation or two.” 
“regarding?” toto presses, satisfaction pumping in his veins as lewis starts to crack, shifting in the chair, “come on, lewis. you can’t just march in here and demand answers from me without sharing your sources. what did natila hear?”
“she heard the entire conversation you had with the drive to survive crew while we were in suzuka. they mentioned that they had footage of you walking over to her motorhome. that’s all natila heard. don’t fire the poor girl,” the words were rushed, breathy, “it was my fault. i asked her what she heard. i told her i would pay her if she told me what she knew.”
“well,” toto blinks, swallowing thickly, “did you end up paying her?”
“only like five thousand.”
“that’s quite a large sum over something you could have just asked me about personally,” clasping his hands together, toto raises a brow, “why didn’t you just come to me instead?”
“because you got so fucking defensive the first time i asked about it!” 
lewis did have a point. 
a good point, at that.
it was not like the team principal would have withheld information regarding his developing relationship with the williams driver. it was more like he feared what would ensue if he did share what had transpired. he trusted lewis, he really did. additionally, it wasn’t like this was just some average woman. his career, her future, and so much more were at stake. the benefits of keeping it all under wraps greatly outweighed the risk of discovery. 
more importantly, he was protective of his golden girl. 
she was his little escape from it all. a breath of fresh air after excruciatingly long nights in the paddock or disappointing days on the track. she was his sun, shining her vivid, warm, golden rays into his dreary and dull life. 
sure, toto was a billionaire. but money was not everything. 
nearly every day, toto’s mind wandered to their time spent together in brackley. the way she felt against his skin. the way her shy smile was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. the way her fingers felt intertwined with his. the way her lashes fluttered as she slept, lips parted ever so slightly. the way his hands roamed her curves, relishing the softness of her. 
that memory alone was worth far more than the number of zeroes in his bank account. 
“you’re falling in love, aren’t you?”
lewis’ voice is low, dangerously quiet. yet, there’s a curious glint in his eyes, the bitterness and anger no longer present. his body language is more relaxed, legs crossed, the driver fiddling with his thumbs. 
“i –” toto stutters, scrambling to find the right words, “yes, i am.”
“does she know?” 
“no,” he inhales sharply, “she doesn’t.”
“you want to tell her though, don’t you?”
“it would just feel rushed,” the team principal dismisses lewis’ inquiry, his voice hardening, “i have to be realistic here. no one falls in love that quickly. that’s just petulant.”
“well look at it this way,” lewis offers, “if you’ve had your eye on her for some time, then it’s really not that rushed. clearly, if you’re feeling those emotions so deeply, then it’s accumulated over time. i don’t want to pry, but how long have you been attracted to her?”
“you don’t want to know,” a chuckle rumbles in the team principal’s chest, “it’s embarrassing, really.”
“no, no, no,” lewis tuts, “tell me, toto. how long?”
“december 2022, when she signed her contract with williams. when i saw that photo of her, i knew i had to have her. last summer, in monaco, i may have slipped up and approached her at the afterparty. i flirted with her, but she dismissed me. so, i kept my distance. however, it was just growing harder and harder to stay away. it was impulsive, that night in bahrain. but i wanted to make a move before anyone else got to her.”
as toto finishes, he can’t help but notice lewis’ smirk, “holy shit, toto. you’ve been wrapped around her finger for quite some time then, yeah?”
“i wouldn’t say that–” toto begins, clicking his tongue, yet, he’s swiftly cut off as a new figure cracks open the door. 
george russell leans against the doorframe, arms folded across his chest. his lips are pressed together, forming a tightly wound frown. 
“way to include me in the gossip session, guys. what did i miss? clearly, quite a lot. if you don’t mind, i would like to join the conversation. toto, would you start from the top? even though i’ve already heard most of it, when were you going to bring it to my attention that you were fucking that bloody williams driver?”
taglist: @younxii @toldyouitwasamelodrama @kravitzwhore @persona1lies @pucksandpower @k3ira13 @prettiest-at-the-party @martwll @annewithaneofthegreengable @zoeyjadetice2010  @sinners-98-world @laura-naruto-fan1998 @nebarious @joalslibrary @swifth0lic
as always, if i forgot to include you, please let me know! thank you all for the continuous support! i love y'all sm!! <33
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cry4mina · 7 months
Take Me Back To Eden - The Summoning (Part 5)
(Nayeon x Fem!reader) & (Mina x Fem!reader)
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Take Me Back to Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Take Me Back To Eden - Granite - Part 2
Take Me Back To Eden - Aqua Regia - Part 3
Take Me Back to Eden - Ascensionism - Part 4
Word Count: 8.1k
Summary: Y/N leaves Nayeon's apartment and gets a phone call from an unexpected person, resulting in a hang out session that quickly develops into a series of unexpected events.
TW: Cursing, teasing, momo is there for a second, mina is here, references to sex, making out for sure, abusive behavior (nayeon is crazy yall) a dream sequence thats a little wild, choking, crime, uh....jihyo is upset? its a lot lmao
A/N: We are taking an interesting turn in the story lmao. Per usual we are thanking the moots bc they listen to me rattle ideas off constantly and keep me sane while I stress myself out lmao @saiiidahyunee @nr1chaedickrider @miinatozakiii and @neoplatinum. <3 I also did not proof read this one as much as the others bc I don't have as much time on my hands now, so sorry if it seems a little off but thank you for reading either way<33
“Mina?” perplexed immediately at the idea of the quietest person you were acquainted with calling you, especially at a time where you were completely overwhelmed. 
“Momo told me what happened and I asked for your number… I hope that's okay.” She's so soft spoken it almost shocks you to hear her say this many words at once.
Slowly coming to a halt at a red light while putting your phone on speaker and replying “Yes, that’s totally okay…uhm, sorry, I’m…a little all over the place right now.” mind flashing back to the struggle of processing what possessed you to let your guard down around Nayeon…again.
This was the first real conversation you were having with Mina, always around each other but saying few words, with the exception being pleasantries and small conversations about video games that had just been released or what lego sets she was currently building. 
There was a comfort there, an almost silent respect for who and how she was. Calm, quiet, collected in the face of new company. Shying away from conversation but always aware of everyone around her. 
The members of Twice, especially Momo, always teased her about being so silent. It was always in good fun, but there were a few times you stepped in to tell her to lay off Mina and to respect that she was on the quieter side instead of pushing her to the point of speaking when she didn’t want to. 
It’s almost like she can hear the hesitancy in your voice and your eyes searching around you as you try to figure out what to say to break the awkwardness that was brewing. You weren’t exactly in a stable mindset at the moment, for multiple reasons and weren’t exactly sure what the phone call was for. 
“I know we don’t really know each other too well but…uhm, I know we have some common interests and that you could probably use a friend right now…so I figured I would call and see if you wanted to get a coffee or something…or maybe just sit on the couch and play videogames or…  something.” half way stumbling through the sentence, showing a little nervousness as she spoke. 
Myoui Mina wants to hang out? The same Mina who barely speaks up during group activities, is asking to spend time with you? Not that you would oppose her company but it seems so out of character for this to be happening. 
“That sounds…really nice. I’d love to. Would you…want to text me your schedule for the next week or two and we can plan it from there?” Smiling back at her through the speaker attempting to hide the disbelief that overshadowed most of your other feelings.
“Sounds good, I’ll text you.” sounding a little panicked, she hangs up as quickly as she calls.
She was right, with you two having a few hobbies in common, it was unfortunate that you hadn’t hung out before. Nayeon was always so “protective” over you that there were certain members she wouldn’t let you hang out with alone. Jihyo, for obvious reasons, Sana, and Mina.
 You didn’t pretend that you understood why she was so adamant on you not hanging out with Sana alone until now. Hindsight is 20/20 and Nayeon was worried that you would find comfort in the arms of someone else the same way she did. The puzzle suddenly solved, the behavior that you used to view as protective, now unmasking itself to divulge its true form. Control.
 You were simply a bragging right to Nayeon and nothing else. “Look how amazing she is, that she did this for me.” always bragging about you to her members, especially when Jihyo was there. Motive is only clear now, as you unfold the intricate details and analyze her behavior from your memories. 
Possessive, controlling, and selfish. The behavior she showed you was very well disguised but small moments reveal the truth. Her covertness was easily picked apart now that you were close to having all the information when a loud horn blares from behind you. Looking up to a Green light, hitting the gas pedal quickly as you continue on the way home, trying not to get too wrapped up in your head. 
Your phone starts vibrating again, being sure to check the name before you answer this time. Momo’s name lights up on the screen, “Speaking of the devil” huffing because you wanted to sort out this wearisome information you were pulling apart in your mind. Deep breath as you slide to answer the call.
“Hey Momoring, what’s up?” Putting on a cheerful sound in a bid to drown out the overstimulation you were experiencing, but Momo could always see right through you, being one of the people who knew you best. 
“Y/n, where are you??” sounding a little baffled, and reflecting concern as she spoke.
“Uhm…” leaning forward to catch one of the passing street signs.
“Passing 72nd about to get on the highway…is everything okay?” showing worry for the way she spoke, wondering if you should change routes and go to Momo’s instead of home. 
“I’m fine but I’m coming over.”  hearing the car door slam, keys jingling, and the ignition start over the speaker. 
“Let yourself in if you get there before me.” squinting as you reply, wondering if there are any visible marks on your skin or how disheveled you look, Momo would be sure to notice and say something. 
“Perfect, I’ll see you soon.” Momo curiously laughed as the call ended which got you wondering why she was rushing over to your place as you merge onto the highway. 
Driving on the highway at this time of day was easier than anticipated. Allowing you to get lost in your head as you continued on the path to home. Flashes of Nayeon underneath you rewind in your head, disgusted by your actions and stirring in your seat, revealing your sweater sticking to your back.
More flashes of her scraping roughly down your back as you attack her neck with your teeth, grazing them along her throat lightly, pinning her to the mattress, fucking her face and then just leaving afterwards. Using her as an allegory for taking back your freewill that you didn’t know you were missing. 
The new apartment was brighter and warmer than the last, welcoming you back home when stepping through the door. The living room to the left and the kitchen straight forward, you happily look at the space you’ve decorated for yourself. 
Most of the colors were different shades of gray. Black and white accents with hints of green displaced here and there, mostly by the plants you purchased wanting to have some semblance of life in the rooms, Nayeon never watered the plants so they always died but you were determined to integrate the things you once loved back into your life. 
Two matching gray couches lay diagonally from each other with a long black coffee table filling out the space in between, your favorite bamboo candle in the middle of the table, a tv remote, and a few books scattered around the table, illuminated by the fireplace to the right of the seating arrangements.
 A large flat screen mounted on the wall and a credenza underneath, holding the gaming consoles you bought for yourself when you moved in.
Nayeon was never one for video games and did everything in her power to keep you from playing them, even on your phone. Always distracting you when you were in the middle of a match, always standing in front of the TV in something lacey. Sliding her hand down the front of your pants while kissing your neck, as you tried to play your handheld. 
Not minding it too much at first, she has an extensive lingerie collection and you loved to admire her in all of them, but all of your own hobbies got pushed to the side as time went on. A tactic to control that you didn’t recognize sooner.  
Momo was already on your new couch, making herself at home when you arrived, walking straight to the living room and placing your collection of things down on the coffee table loudly, glaring at her like you had just seen war.  
Looking up at you from her phone, she audibly gasps at the state of you. Hair completely tousled, tired eyes, light marks all over your neck, and your sweater on backwards. Mess was a really nice way to put it.
“I know what you did!” shrieked out of Momo's mouth while you’re turning beet red and fidgeting with your sleeves silently. Puckering your lips and trying to escape the awkwardness you feel as she gawks at you openly, despite your embarrassment.
“You look so red right now! I didn’t know if I believed Jihyo when she told me what happened but now I can safely say she was telling the truth” belly laughing at the idea of Hyo getting a taste of her own medicine and Nayeon being exactly who she showed herself to be. 
“What did you just say? You talked to Jihyo?! It only took me like 10 minutes to get home and she’s calling people about it?!” surprised at how quickly the news traveled through the grapevine, wondering who else she called to tell. 
“A pissed off Jihyo works fast. Told me that she walked into Nayeon’s apartment with you leaving, neck covered in marks” pointing at your neck, tongue between her teeth as she bites back a laugh, “and Nayeon, naked in the bed absolutely covered in bruises. Hyo said that she could barely get her talk…I take it you put in some work, no?” Poking fun at you while she laughed so hard she slaps her knee.
Hands flying to cover the unease on your face while collapsing into the couch adjacent to the one Momo was on, belly first, letting out a long whine. This was going to be a big deal and what were the rest of the members going to be told when you stop showing up to functions with Nayeon? Would Nayeon tell them the whole truth or just that you weren’t together?
Hating the idea of what you said to Jihyo when you left the apartment, knowing it was out of anger and halfway wanting to apologize for your actions but brushing that feeling off quickly. Needing to solely focus on yourself instead of trying to make anyone else feel better. Heavily empathizing with what Hyo might be feeling currently.  
“Wait, so this just happened…like less than an hour ago?” quizzically asking like Momo didn’t already know the answer just to bring you back from whatever was going on in your head.
“Less than that actually” muffled by the couch and your hands while you spiral into an entire inner monologue about why, when you feel like it should’ve never happened, letting out a sigh and showing signs of stress.
“Jihyo is absolutely the angriest I’ve ever heard her, it’s kind of funny to know karma is almost instant for her. She did mention that she wanted to talk to you and asked if I had heard from you…I told her no but she didn’t believe me.” Momo interrupts herself to change the topic of Jihyo in all of this back to you.
 “I mean…what happened anyway? You were anti-nayeon for the last few weeks, did something change or?” questioning your motive as she sees you distressed.
“Oh I know she’s mad and I don’t know, - I just went back to get the rest of my stuff and she was following me around the house,” sitting up and leaning back trying to relax. Stinging on your back, another reminder of the story being told, as you move trying to get comfortable while halfway wincing. Momo cocking her head to the side as you suck air between your teeth
“What was that?” 
Eyes widen for a second, “Nothing!” expeditiously spoken.
“She fucked your back up again, didn’t she?” Half laughing again as you attempt to continue what you were saying. 
“Anyways, she said she wanted to talk so I turned around and she just looked me in my eyes and kissed me…I didn’t really know what to do because I mean-” scooching to the edge of the couch and putting your elbows on your knees and holding your chin as your eyes dampen.
“It’s Nayeon…I know I shouldn’t care, and I’m trying not to but even if the last 3 years weren’t real for her…” choking on your words as they come out unfiltered. “It was real for me.”
More tears falling, this was a mistake. Reopening the wounds that were still healing as you sat with yourself, taking in the knowledge that people were upset with the choices you made didn’t sit well, even if those people were involved in hurting you.
Sad eyes sitting on the couch diagonal to you, realizing that intentions weren’t to hurt anyone else, as she watched. Momo wished she knew what to do in the face of this or knew what to say to comfort you, there was a feeling of sorrow in her, a space held for her best friend’s troubles. 
“Jihyo also said that you had something interesting to say to her before you left” smirking and biting her lips, trying to suppress a smile. Bringing it up knowing it would make you laugh and momentarily forget the anguish you were almost drowning yourself in.
“Oh, did she?” replying with a snarky tone, unable to remember most of the encounter with Jihyo due to adrenaline, being angry with Jihyo for sleeping with your girlfriend behind your back, and wanting to get the fuck out of there before Nayeon could try to talk to you again. 
“I don’t really think she will be much use to you tonight but you can try and, oh, I hope you like the way I taste.” Momo shouted back at you, cackling as she held her stomach leaning as far back into the couch as she could, pulling the sides of your mouth up as she continued.
“That is so out of pocket, but honestly, hilarious!” bellowing out at you as you start to giggle at the statement made, knowing that she was trying to make light of the situation but also appreciating that you said something so petty. 
Originally feeling bad for saying anything, jaw tightening for a second as  “An eye for an eye” wasn’t normally something you believed in and it wasn't really your plan to go and sleep with Nayeon, it kind of just happened. 
“Hey, is it okay if Dahyun comes here after her schedule? She apparently got that call from Jihyo too.” 
“Of course, you don’t even have to ask!”
A phone clattering against the table as it interrupted your conversation, vibrating twice before stopping. Reaching for it to see an unfamiliar number on your screen and a list of times and dates, a schedule? Mina’s schedule.
“Hey, I forgot to mention, Mina called me today” nonchalantly mumbled to Momo over the tv show she had put on in the background. 
Gasping loudly, sliding her fingers through her hair, eyes bewildered while leaning closer, “She CALLED…you?” comes out of her mouth so quickly, surprised your ears could even break down what she said. 
“Yeah, weren’t you the one who gave her my number?” a little disoriented by the response, as if she was surprised Mina contacted you at all. 
“She doesn’t even call me and I’ve known her for a decade.” astonished that her adopted younger sister would reach out through a phone call and not a text… 
“We are going to hang out sometime soon. She just sent me her schedule so we could plan it.” looking back at your phone to “heart” the text Mina sent and replying for the following day in the early afternoon, making sure to save her phone number in your phone with a little penguin emoji.
“Mina is going to leave the house?” stunned as you spoke about your future plans with Momo’s favorite homebody. 
“I take it she doesn’t do that often either?” chuckling back at Momo while you open a delivery app on your phone and choosing a restaurant with a low delivery time. 
“I’m hungry, what do you want from the Thai place down the street?” asking as Momo grabs your phone to put her order in it.
“Oh, I’m sure you’re hungry after the evening you had!” teasingly from behind the phone as she finishes adding her meal to the cart, and handing it back to you.”
Waking up anxious on the day that you and Mina were going to get coffee was not a great start, barely any sleep in your eyes with your hands shaking, rolling out of your bed around 10:30am. Grabbing your phone, you head to the living room without changing out of your PJs and plopping down on the couch. 
Turning on the TV and opening your phone to text Mina. 
Y/N: Hey Mina! I woke up a little anxious this morning and I know we have plans today. Would it be okay if you just came to my apartment instead of us going out? 10:34am
Y/N: Maybe we can have a gaming day or something? 10:35am
🐧: Sounds good to me. Send me the address whenever you’re ready for me to head over. 10:37am
🐧: Sorry you are feeling anxious. 10:38am
About 2 hours later, after showering and cleaning up the space a little bit, you sent Mina your address. Wearing something cozy but presentable, wanting to make a semi-decent impression as this was the first time you were hanging out with Mina alone. 
A small knock can be heard on the door, quickly walking over and opening it to reveal the small frame of Mina, backpack on, two coffees in her hands and a very shy look on her face. 
“I know you said you were anxious and coffee probably isn’t the solution for that but I figured I’d grab you one just in case you did want some.” softly explaining the two coffees before hellos can be said. 
“Come on in, make yourself at home and thank you! I’d love some coffee” as she hands you the cup and you take a sip. It’s exactly what you normally order. Just enough sugar to counteract the bitterness and a splash of cream. 
Whipping your head to face her quickly, “how did you know my order?” happily confused as you gulp a few times and head for the living room with her gracefully following, after sliding her shoes off. 
“I asked Momo this morning when you texted me. I’ve seen you drink coffee a few times when you were coming to hang out with us. I was worried you’d get a caffeine headache if you didn’t have some…” mumbled as you picked your spots on the couch, and turned on your console.
“It’s so sweet that you would think of me like that, Mina, Thank you.” genuinely surprised by the act of kindness. Someone you hardly knew went out of the way for you and that warmed you more than you anticipated. 
Mina’s ears went red while you thanked her for the coffee. Embarrassed and feeling like she came on a little too strongly, before you mentioned you thought it was sweet. Fidgeting with her hands, walls down for a second, a gummy smile let out from her as she sifts through your list of games, choosing a fighting game.
Astounded by how good Mina was at the game, you tipped your fake hat in her direction. She let you win a few times before really showing you how good she was, getting more competitive each round you played. 
Putting on a random movie and switching to handheld games on the switch you could play together, both of you sat for hours and talked about life, getting to know each other a little bit more. It was nice to spend time with someone and not have to talk about Nayeon. 
There was a familiarity with Mina, something unexplainable about her presence that made her so calming. Hoping that you might ignite a similar comfort in her, the anxiety no longer sat in your chest as you got to know her more. 
Learning a lot about her as she spoke of her family, life back in Japan before she was an idol, about how when her, Momo, and Sana went back for the Misamo debut, they went to her family's home and she got to eat her mom’s home cooked meals. Making mental notes of what her favorite dishes were and how she spoke so lovingly about the people she held near and dear to her. 
“So, Y/N, I’m getting a little hungry, do you want to go out to get something or would you rather order it here?” The body language she was exhibiting was interesting, half closed half open. Arms lay in her lap by her switch but her legs were tightly locked. Was she comfortable here? Did she feel nervous about opening up so quickly?
“Why don’t we go out?” Suggesting while standing up, fixing your sweat pants. Maybe she just needs a little fresh air so she can relax. Suddenly feeling the need to calm her the way she eased you out of your anxiety unknowingly. 
“Sounds good, there’s a new cafe around the corner, it’s a locally owned place. I think they serve Japanese food. Would you want to try that?” 
“That sounds great, actually. I’d love to, especially after you talked about your mom’s cooking.” Her expression thrilled as she ran to put her shoes on, doing a little happy wiggle as she waited for you by the door. 
You can’t help but chuckle at her. A glint of warmth refracting in your soul.
The cafe was only a block away and it was a nice afternoon so you walked side by side, making sure that you were the one closest to the street. Taking in the scenery of the new neighborhood, little shops lining the road around you from markets to touristy stores, hands unintentionally brushing each other. 
“These shops seem cool, maybe we should come back another day and explore them.” Looking over at Mina as you speak, trying to pretend like your heart didn’t combust when your hands touched. The comment catches her off guard, shying into herself as you make the suggestion. 
“I’d love that” whispered back to you. That means there will be a next time and that sparks joy in you. 
Arriving at the cafe and getting a small table outside, ordering a bottle of Sake before ordering food. 
“Can I order for you?” Mina asks, shifting her eyes from the menu, this was a test. It was written all over her face as she studied your reaction. 
Squinting at her with a smile on your face, “if you’re up for the challenge,” biting back playfully. The second gummy slime shines off of her as she laughs at your terrible joke. “I think I’m up for the challenge.” competitively stated back with the corners of her mouth turned up. 
Leaning into the menu, reading it line by line as she zeros her focus in. Watching the way the wheels spun in her head as you see her fold the menu and put it on the table, softly smiling back at you with a sense of accomplishment.
The waitress scurried over with the tokkuri and ochoko set, the ceramic vessel was bulbous indenting at the neck and expanding back out again while the smaller cups had a golden brown rim with a gray-ish green hue, sitting on the tray neatly. 
“Alright, and here is the sake. Are we ready to order our food yet or do we need a little more time?” placing the rigged craft in front of you, and the smaller cups in front of each of you as her eyes flashed between the two of you to see who will speak up first. . 
“Yes. We are ready to order.” Calmly said as the dialect switched. Blinking a few times at Mina while she ordered completely in Japanese to the waitress, pointing at the menu and speaking with her hands. Nodding her head at the response from the waitress as she handed her the menus and turning her attention back to you. 
Gracefully grabbing the vessel with one hand, pouring your glass and another smooth movement, handing it to you as she placed the craft down on the small table. 
“You really wanted dinner to be a surprise, huh?” Playfully before sipping the sake politely and placing it down on the table.
 Picking up the tokkuri and trying to pour her a glass with as much class as she did, but failing when you looked up at her. Getting lost in her features as she watched you. “Was she always so…effervescent? High cheekbones, sharp eyes and a softness that was infectious an-“ Realizing you were still pouring, you abruptly stop almost spilling sake everywhere. Handed her the ochoko sheepishly after you had filled it a little too full. 
“Maybe.” peeking up at you through her bangs as she took a small drink, chasing it with a smile and a giggle, covering her mouth with her hand that was sleeve clad, and turning red as her cheeks raised up.
 Did she notice how you were looking at her? Oh god, I hope I didn’t just make things weird. A moment of panic in your body nags at you as she beams in front of you. Wow…she’s so pretty. Half mesmerized, half alarmed at your thoughts, your leg starts bouncing and fidgeting with your hands becomes your fixation, as they lay on the small metal table in front of you. 
Lost in thought as you try to push away the unwelcome intrusion of nervousness, when a small velvet hand reaches out and gently places itself on the anxious tick that’s visible. Your heart skips. Eyes locking as you peer up at her, stopping in your tracks. A chill runs through your body as you take in the pureness diffusing the unease like the rain washing away blood stains on the battleground of your mind. How did she do that?
Internally realizing that you might have a slight attraction to the person you’ve just begun to hang out with, you’re slightly panicked by the idea of getting close to someone again so soon after Nayeon. Unfortunately, this realization played out on your face softly enough for the person accompanying you to dinner to notice. 
“I’m sorry” uttered quickly as she pulled her hands away, moving your hands into your lap at the same moment.  “I didn’t ask you if you were a physical touch person, I should have.” Mina is looking down now, seemingly worried that she crossed a line she wasn’t supposed to. 
“No no- it’s fine, really. I do like physical touch…I’m just not used to it from anyone except for Nay-“ interrupted by the waitress bringing out your dinner. Slicing through the moment as she placed two similar dishes in front of both of you. Tonkotsu ramen topped with shiitake mushrooms, bean sprouts, bok choy, bamboo shoots, double the chashu, and a soft-boiled egg that’s split in half, golden yolk spilling into the array of rich colors.
Stunned as you look at the delicious meal in front of you, “Wow, this looks amazing! Did you get the same thing?” questioning as you finish off the last of the sake in your cup. 
Mina notices and immediately fills it again with a soft smile. “Almost the same thing, I remembered you don’t care for the fish cakes so I had them swap my chashu with them.” followed by her finishing off her sake to keep up with you.
Pouring of the drink for her, this time focusing as hard as your brain would allow so you could get it just right under the eyes studying your movements. “You knew that?” amazed that Mina remembered such a small detail about you.
“Yes! You came to the studio one day with Nay-…” hesitating to say her name as she knows the wound is still fresh but attempting to cover it with a drink from her glass, “Her, and we all ordered from a place similar to this one and I remember you said you didn’t like the texture.” 
Baffled was an understatement. Not only did this borderline stranger call you to check in and ask if you wanted to hang out, but she asked her friend what your coffee order was AND she remembered something that was such a small comment…
“It’s really sweet that you remember that, Mina.” both of you blushing as you continue to make small talk while finishing the meal. 
Table cleared and on your second bottle of sake, Mina finally is brave enough to ask about what happened between you and Nayeon. 
“Hey, Y/n? I know it’s probably a sensitive topic…but what happened between you and Nayeon? Momo told me that you broke up but she didn’t really mention why…” Alcohol gave her the confidence to ask the question you knew was coming all night. 
“Well..” hesitating to respond, not really knowing the answer. You knew what happened, but not why it happened. Mina could see the soft sadness on your face as you contemplated how to answer her.
“Long story short, she cheated on me. The entire time.” Mina eyes widened, mouth ajar, completely in shock and frozen at what you just said. 
“Oh my gosh, y/n”…I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling,” reaching her hand out to place it on your forearm, rubbing her thumb against the softness of your sweater as she made sympathetic eyes at you. Feeling sorry for what you’d been through, what this meant for you. 
It was as if the goddess fell from the sky as she laid her hands on you. Physical manifestations of feelings developing as your heart pounded, breath quickened, and getting a little shaky. The sun beams through your veins as you feel the beams radiating off your face, a similar look on Mina’s. 
“I didn't tell you the worst part.” Softly while she’s still caressing your arm. “It was the entire time we were together, they tried to cover it too.” Confusion, anger, sympathy mixed together into the melting pot that was Mina’s heart. 
You didn’t expect her to be so emotionally available for you. Reserved was her middle name, why was she so open to physical touch with you? Ordering for you? Wondering if she was also feeling the fire that was kindling between the two of you.
“They?” Concerned tone wrapped around you tightly. It was almost…possessive. Body reacts by constricting your thighs together, you might like the possessive tendency a little too much.  
“Nayeon and…Jihyo, actually” 
Mina's face contorts into anger upon hearing the culprits names, hand still on your arm lightly squeezing now. Eyes wet with disappointment as she tries to hold back tears and comprehend how they could do that…to you of all people.
“I’m so sorry, my love.” Said so smoothly as if it’s always been what she called you. Pain sits behind her eyes, as she continues on “I can’t believe they would do that to you. You deserve so much better.”
Half wincing at her words, realizing they’re sprinkled with care that you weren’t used to, a sense of sorrow washes over you as you come to terms with your past relationship not being as healthy as you thought it was.  
“You do know that…right?” head tilted at the question even if she already knows the answer. 
“I don’t know anymore. This whole thing has been so life altering for me, it’s hard to have all these big feelings of love and anger at the same time.” speaking so candidly about the emotions you were experiencing, opening up to Mina about your internal monologue.
Continuing to drink the bottle of sake as the wind picked up a little, causing it to become slightly chillier. It was early November, so it was on the colder side. Shivering as you sat in the breeze, sun setting with golden hour brushing the scene around you and accentuating the beautiful brush strokes that composed the woman in front of you. 
The bangs sitting a little lower than her eyebrows that were perfectly shaped, long waves more breathtaking than an angry sea extending far down past her shoulders to her waist, glowing skin that made her look like the embodiment of light, you can’t help but fixate your eyes on her and you’re a little too intoxicated to care if she catches you. 
Standing up and stretching to go and pay the bill, Mina snatches it out of your hand and runs inside, beating you to it. Giggling a little harder than you should, when a small black compact car that was too familiar pulled up to the front of the cafe and parked. 
Before you could even realize why the car was familiar, two women stepped out and stopped dead in her their tracks. Im Nayeon and Park Jihyo. 
Jihyo looks like she's been crying, eyes swollen, lip still quivering as she stood next to Nayeon, who still completely covered in the imprint of your teeth and lips, clinging to her arm. Standing in silence, as the air stretches taut. 
“Why haven’t you answered my text messages?” Nayeon abruptly breaks the tension. Jihyo’s eyes widen as Nayeon crosses her arms and taps her foot angrily waiting for an answer. She really was going to do this right here and now. She always lacked patience, this was a perfect example of that.
“I don’t want to.” flowing from your lips with a sour face like you completely forgot what happened the evening before, sake getting to you as you retort with malice. “Maybe you should take the hint and stop trying” 
Scoffing at the comment, Nayeon shakes Jihyo off of her and walks up to you slowly while swaying her hips, like she always did at you when she was trying to get you to do what she wanted. Reaching you and placing her elbows on your shoulders as she twirls the hair cascading down your back. Skin burning under the weight of her touch, making you panic almost immediately. The disgust from before had returned in full force and it displayed on your face while she spoke. 
“Come on, baby. Don’t be like that.” hand now sweeping a piece of hair out of your face, looking up at you with those big doe eyes “I know you miss me, just come home. I’m sorry you are hurting from what I did. I’ve been punished enough.” repulsed by the pet names and the attempts to win you over again. 
Jihyo is uncomfortably shifting, sorrow now covered in jealousy as her lover tries to win back what was viewed as hers. Green was a lovely color on her but to wear it on her face the way she did, with no remorse, was a bold statement. 
“Nayeon, I don’t want to do this with you in front of your girlfriend,” making air quotes as you say the word, “or at all really. So forget I exist and we can both just move on.” Attempting to move out of her grasp as she took in your words, not liking the reaction she was getting, she grabbed your wrist to stop you from leaving.  
“So after 3 years, you’re really just going to leave me?” Slightly panicked, realizing you actually weren’t falling for her tricks anymore. 
“Yes.” Stoically cascading and washing over Nayeon, rinsing away the confidence to reveal crossness and a hint of fear, while shaking her grip loose from your wrist. 
“So none of it meant anything to you?” small drops of irritation on her tongue, thick like honey, while she studies your lack of want or care for her. Strikingly different from the person she used to know very well, never being met with walls built so carefully around you before. 
“I think that’s actually your stance on it” spit back with malice from the guard tower at the top of the castle you built around yourself to keep her out.
“You know what y/n, if you think that you can just come into our house and fu-“ shock runs through her as she sees a figure stepping out of the cafe. The shadows hand reach up to link with yours, giving it a tight squeeze. 
“Are you ready to go, my love?” Mina’s voice was a little louder than normal so both parties could hear after finding you in this tense moment. Her stance is defensive as she knowingly pokes the bear. 
Jihyo and Nayeon are both completely gobsmacked by Mina not only being out of the house, but also by being with you. Hand in hand.
 “My love????” Nayeon scoffed, tears building when she had an idea. “You can’t be serious right now, y/n. After last night, are you on a date with Mina? A member of my group? Do you not have your own friends to filter through? Did I not satiate you enough? …Maybe we should’ve gone one more round.” craftily leaving her mouth as she tries to cause discourse between what she thinks is a date…was it a date?
Jihyo doesn’t even try to step in or say anything, she just gets back into the car looking like her tears are about to fall again from being cast aside by the likes of you. Nayeon doesn’t even flinch at the sound of the car door, waiting for you to panic under the weight of the information just given to Mina. 
Mina snaps back boldly  “don’t worry, I’ll take care of her from now since you can’t satiate her, apparently.” Winking back at Nayeon while leading you down the road, back to your house, hands still together and Mina unphased. A small smirk appears on your face as you try not to laugh, not even needing to look at Nayeon's face to know that she was completely shocked by the comments made by Mina. 
Nayeon tried to follow the two of you as you repressed laughter, shouting to try to get your attention again “Y/n! I can’t believe you right now! After everything we’ve been through? And Mina, you bitch! I can’t believe you wou-” 
“Nayeon, get in the fucking car.” Jihyo grimaced while pulling the car up as she saw people starting to stare at the commotion. Nayeon rolled her eyes and got in. This wasn’t over yet, and everyone knew it.
Mina picks up her pace, giggling and tugging you behind her as she tries to get away from the disturbance plaguing you both. “I’ve never seen her so mad before, is she always that confrontational with you?” quizzically inquired as you both drunkenly sauntered back to the safety of your apartment. 
“To be honest, I have no idea. This is the first time I’m seeing her react in such a way. She used to be so sweet to me before I found out about…” hesitating to finish the sentence, but Mina knew where you were going with it and just nodded her head. 
“It must be really hard to feel like you don’t know her after all this time. I can’t imagine what that feels like. Someone like you shouldn’t have to deal with that at all.” boldly spoken as you reached your apartment.
“What do you mean by that?” Pressing into what she just said. “Someone like me?” 
“The betrayal she put you through is ju-“ starting as she catches your eyes while you squeeze her hand.
“Mina, no, what did you mean by someone like me?” looking up at her with a sheepish smile as you unlock the door and step inside, hands still locked and still feeling the effects of the sake as you both waltz into the living room and find your spots on the couch, this time a little closer than before.
“…I-“ alcohol fighting her logic, letting go of your hand as she whispers a honey laced memory into the quiet room while curling into herself, showing the shy nature again. 
“Do you remember when we first met? You went out of your way to talk to me, even if the other girls were trying to pull your attention. You even asked me about things you knew I liked to get to know me a little better and paid attention when I answered and the kindness you showed to all of us, even if some of us were a little apprehensive or even defensive…and then seeing the way you were with…her. I was astounded at the level of compassion and care that you gave to her, and to know what she did to you makes me view her very differently.” afraid to look you in the eyes as she opened up her chest, showing you a vulnerability that you’d never thought to see from her. 
“I knew how important you all are to her. I wanted to make sure we all bonded because I thought…she was going to be the person I ended up with. Even if she isn’t, I’m glad it happened because she gave me Momo and now you. I feel like you were a sign from God” Grinning back at her, blush spreading through her cheeks as she smiled brightly back at you. 
Both of you still feel the effects of the sake as you throw a random movie on to relax and unwind. Sitting so close together on the large couch that your arms are brushing against each other. She lifted the arm that was touching yours and placed it around your back and on your waist, you leaned into her and comfortably you both laid down, intertwined in each other. 
Your head on her shoulder as she lays in her back, arm wrapped around your waist drawing small patterns with her fingers. One of your hands lightly placed where her ribs connect and legs intertwined as you slowly drifted into the most comfortable nap you’ve had in months. 
Everything was pitch black. Eyes shifting in and out of darkness as you try to calibrate to your surroundings. A small metal table sits in the distance, the only thing that is illuminated and you can make 2 figures sitting around it, it looks like they’re talking but you can’t be sure. 
Walking as quickly as you can through the shadows approaching the table, you try to shout out to them but nothing comes out. Reaching up to your throat, you hold it while you try to scream. Feeling the vibrations through your hands but not a single sound cuts through the air. 
As you get closer to the figures, their details are revealed to you slowly. Shoulder length light brown hair facing the woman with long dark wavy hair. “Nayeon? Mina??” mouth trying to spit the words your lungs can’t bear to speak when Nayeon slowly turns her head to you, and says “oh, Y/n it’s about time you joined us” voice contorting, almost as if it’s overlapped by another. You’re forced to your knees by something you cannot see, and immediately smell sulfur, as Nayeon lifts your chin with one finger. 
She stares into your soul, eyes completely black, as her face starts contorting and twisting, dripping off her skull. Wincing and looking at Mina to see her smiling back at you, illuminated in light.
 A sense of calm washing over you, only for a second when you feel your mouth fill with blood. Still on your knees, you spit out what’s flavoring your mouth and all of your teeth come with it. Screaming in silence as you watch Nayeon get up and stand above you, grabbing your neck with both hands tightening as she holds you over a cliff edge, storm crashing around you and hisses in the distorted voice “you’ll always be mine.” Dropping you straight down into the ocean, you try to regulate yourself and swim up but it’s pitch black, swimming until you choke on water and snap awake startling Mina who was silently sleeping underneath you. 
Hyperventilating heavily as you try to shake off the feeling of the dream, crying as you shake. Mina is immediately by your side, wrapping her arms around you and comforting you. 
“It’s okay, I’m here. You’re safe with me. Don’t worry, I’ve got you” as she rubs your back in a circular motion to try and regulate your breathing. 
Your sweater feels very constricting as a thin layer of sweat covers you, you part from Mina and start pacing as you take the hoodie off leaving you in a sports bra. Following your movements with her eyes, as you walk around aimlessly, tears falling as you try to breathe. 
Mina stands up and catches you by the wrist and pulls you into her, comforting you with a hug. “You’re safe with me. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” 
Body unclenching as she spoke and held you close to her. A warm surge of calm pumped through your veins as you sniffled, pressing your face into her neck. 
Pulling back to look at her, you can see the concern mixed with something else in her eyes. Something you’d never seen before. Your faces are close enough to feel each other's breath as she looks into your eyes and then down at your lips, your eyes following the same motion. 
Leaning in closer, lips brushing against each other before fully committing, you both shyly decide this is the path your friendship is taking. Her arms slide from your lower back to your hips slowly, pressing her fingers into your hips and pulling you towards her as your mouths find each other. 
Her lips so soft, tasting of the alcohol you consumed and the tension that had been building all day. Her flavor was the taste of the divine, effervescently consuming you as she coded your flesh and bones with her scriptures.
Slow and passionate, at first, slowly picking up pace. Hands exploring each other's bodies as you familiarize yourself with the sounds she makes when you tangle your fingers in her hair. She takes control, which is something you never let happen, but it’s different with her. You actually feel safe with her. 
Mina grabs your waist again and pushes you down on the couch, keeping your lips connected and she swipes her tongue across your bottom lip asking for entrance, given without hesitation. Her hands leave your waist as her mouth travels to your neck, biting down lightly as you whine into the silence of the room. She stands and removes her sweater, revealing a sports bra and her well toned abs, igniting a fire within you. 
Kneeling between your legs, reaching for you to get you closer to her, pulling your body as close as it would get to her. Kissing picking up again, as you feel her wrap her arms around you, toying with the clip of your bra as she threatens to undo it. 
“Is this okay?” asking softly as she scatters soft sweet kisses across your face. You nod your head yes but before she can undo the clip, a loud crashing startles both of you.
“What was that?” Mina spoke up, obviously bothered by the interruption but also concerned as it sounded very close. 
“I’m not sure” you were still focused on her before she got up and turned around, heading towards the front door to see what was going on. 
“Y/n, you’re going to want to see this.” Mina says with a tone of worry. You run over to her to find a rock with a note tied around it shattered through the glass window next to your door.  
“I’m going to call the police, please be careful, the glass is everywhere.” running to the living room to get her phone, and you stand there shirtless looking at the crime scene. Wondering how she found you, if she followed you back from the dinner you had with Mina. 
Stepping carefully around the shattered sharpness scattered across the entrance way, you reach over to the note and slightly open it, gasping at the contents loud enough for Mina to hear from the other room. 
“She’s mine” scrawled on it, in a familiar red ink. 
Take Me Back To Eden - The Apparition - Part 5.5
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 8 months
A Twist of Fate - The End**
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IT'S FINALLY DONE! I hope you guys like this final part of the A Twist of Fate series
Warnings: mentions of drug and alcohol, mental health/therapy themes, coming out as poly conversation, fingering, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex.
WC: 25.5K
There's a playlist for this one!
When you woke up the following morning your head hurt and your body felt sore. You knew you were dancing a lot and moving in ways that your body was not accustomed to. Moreover, you were reminded of why you’d decided to stop drinking when you went out. You laid in bed in silence for several minutes, recapping all of the events from the party, and your stomach turned again as you envisioned the disillusioned look in Taylor’s eyes when she saw you coming into the bathroom.
She wasn’t mean or rude to you in any way, but a lot things flashed through your mind that made you react the way you had. The song a few months ago, the momentary lapse in your character that made you judge her when she and Harry were on vacation, and the kiss. You genuinely hadn’t felt all that bad about the kiss with Harry before, it had been a lapse in judgement, a mistake… that was until you were standing in front of her. You remembered how much you’d been fantasizing about kissing him again and apparently he felt the same way. It just felt like too many things to hold in, so they came out however they could. You were dying to apologize for ruining their evening, but you knew that speaking to either of them would cause more harm than good.
Your phone dinging with a text made you exhale. So you got a good stretch in, hearing a couple little cracks as you reached your limit and held it before relaxing and sitting up. You opened your phone and smiled when you saw Ricky’s text.
Hey:) Did you make it out alive? 
You had been seeing Ricky casually. It was quite an unexpected but almost obvious pairing. You’d spent a lot of time together now that you were back in the studio and you had also developed a friendship after working together for a couple years now. But after helping his sister out is when you starting hanging out more. One night when he was dropping you off after you guys had seen Provoker you just had this tense moment and he kissed you and you kissed back and well, now you’d been hooking up for a little over a month. 
I did! Barely, but still haha
But still:) When are you back?
Tuesday morning. Why…?
We should do something.
Yeah, that sounds nice. Maybe we can go to Venice? Grab some brunch and get high on the beach.
I think I might have to break our no romantic feelings rule over that.
You giggled as you read his reply and before you could respond a few knocks on the door startled you.
“Come in!” You called out.
“You’re up already?” Caitlyn asked with a smile and you nodded as she came over and climbed into the empty side of the bed. “How’d you sleep?”
“I should be asking you. The couch wasn’t too bad?” 
“It was alright. Better than being the audience to your tears all night.” She teased and you chuckled.
“Well, I didn’t really cry last night any more. I think it was just all really overwhelming in the moment.” You said and she nodded.
“Good. So you’re feeling OK? No bad crash?” She asked and you shook your head.
“I mean, I do feel a little down, but I don’t think it has anything to do with the molly…” you said and she hummed. “I’m just not happy with-” you paused and turned your attention back to you phone when it dinged in your hands and saw Ricky’s message.
I’m sorry. Did I make it weird?
No, not at all! Sorry, Cait just came in to check on me:)
Okay, thank fuck haha
Well I’ll let you go, I actually have to work out now so…
Stoooop, you do not lol It’s the worst, so I wouldn’t hold it against you if you didn’t.
Okay. I’ll just pretend not to know anything about your track history lol
Yeah, do that. I’ll text you later:)
Sounds good! 
“Look at you, all smiley after you said you’re a little down…” Caitlyn pointed out and you chuckled.
“It’s just Ricky.” You explained.
“Ah, still riding that…hmmm.” she hummed and you chuckled.
“God, so crass…” 
“I know.” She grinned and then your smile dropped as you recalled the previous topic at hand.
“I just feel really bad for yesterday. I hope I didn’t cause too big of a fuss with Harry and Taylor. I’m sure my reaction made me seem guilty of what she assumed.” You sighed, already overthinking it all over again. You’d replayed the scenario over and over at least a solid thousand times in the shower last night.
“Oh, they’ll be fine.” Caitlyn scoffed through a laugh, “You did the right thing in trying to avoid him. Who cares what she took the whole puking thing as. Hopefully she is able to believe Harry that you weren’t together and if she doesn’t well, that’s her issue, not yours.” She advised and you nodded.
“Right.” You smiled a bit.
“Well, what should we do today? Have breakfast and go for a little walk? Help wear off any hangover symptoms?”
“Yeah, that actually sounds good.”
“OK.” She smiled and got out of the bed, “I should shower first. S’gonna be a long one after the night we had.” She mumbled and you nodded.
“Oh yeah, please. Take your time.” You insisted.
Harry hardly slept a wink. He hadn’t been able to reach anyone to stay with at the last minute and all the hotels he knew he could safely stay at were booked out, so he stayed on the couch in the suite. The couch was far too firm for his liking, but he still laid down there and just thought. He thought and thought for hours and hours if all of this had been worth it. He didn’t have Taylor and he didn’t have you. He felt heartbroken but he knew that this was the best outcome. He clearly couldn’t make up for the past, at least not in Taylor’s eyes. And it was better that they end things than for him to keep trying to meet an impossible expectation. Taylor wanted him to stop loving you, it was genuinely an impossible request. And settling deep in some crevice somewhere beneath all the hurt he recognized the feeling of relief. 
He tried his best to figure out what the relief was about, but he kept coming back to the same thing, he was relieved that the relationship was over. He felt wrong for having that thought. It was uncomfortable to have that knowledge and to just sit with it. But he processed through the discomfort and soon concluded that just how Taylor said she didn’t like herself anymore, neither did he. He was afraid to say or do the wrong thing and then be back in a weird limbo thing where she’d leave his place for a few days to clear her head and then come back a few days later with another condition he needed to meet to make things “work”. She was never unreasonable, but he was tired. He felt like he was fighting against who he was and he hated it. His mum always told him that he should be with someone who loves and accepts who he is and that he shouldn’t have to change fundamental parts of himself for the sake of making someone else happy.
He checked the time, it was only 7am and he dreaded being an early riser right now when he needed the rest. He just lay there quietly for a while, he could hear her moving around in the bedroom, she was probably packing up, their flight left that night. He had no idea what her plans were. Eventually, he really needed to use the bathroom and wanted a shower so he sat up and stretched his arms back behind his head and arched his back up, the low crack of his back releasing its tension made him hum before he stood. He knocked at the door gently with his index finger.
“I need a wee. And a shower.” He said. Moments later the lock clicked and she opened the door.
“Good morning.” He murmured.
“You alright?” She asked.
“Yeah, I think so.” He said, “And you?”
“Good too. I don’t…regret it. Or take it back if that’s what you’re asking.” She said and he nodded, “Ummm, well go ahead and get in there.” She said.
“Yeah?” She asked, eyes meeting his.
“We should talk logistics after. Don’t scamper off, alright?” He asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, ummm, should I order up?”
“Yeah, I’ll have whatever you have.”
“Kay.” She hummed.
When Harry got out their breakfast was being delivered. So he got dressed quickly and then headed out to the little table out in the lounging area of their suite. The spread looked good and he soon sat down and started eating. It was tense and quiet for a bit before he spoke up.
“So ummm…are you going to come back to London with me or take some time away?” He asked.
“Ummm, I think I’m gonna stay here. Just ummm…get a bit of space.”
“Yeah, that’s alright. Ummm, obviously, I can take care of this for you-”
“No, it’s alright. I mean…I broke up with you, if anything I should pay for you and…soothe your broken heart.” She said with a small smile and he chuckled.
“I might not seem like it but I am upset. It just doesn’t feel real yet.” He explained and she offered a tight-lipped smiled.
“It’s alright, I know what you mean.” She mumbled before they ate a bit more. “So ummm, are you gonna go after her? Y/N?”
“Ummm, we had this deal where we’d see where fate led us, so no.” he said and she sighed.
“All that for you not to go after what you really want?”
“It’s not like that. I really wanted things to work with you too, like I love you and I care about you-”
“Sure, but the whole time you’ve loved her. So you should go be with her.” She said, as if it were the obvious next move. He still didn’t think that she was fully understanding what was really going on inside of him.
“I mean, it’s not that simple…” 
“Sure it is, Harry.” She sighed, “You’ve been pining after her all these years. I mean, I know that things didn’t work out how you wanted the first time and that letting go really hurt you. But I think you’ve been running from what you really want for long enough, H. I know you’re scared that you’ll put yourself out there and it won’t work again, but you have to take the risk.”
“I will, just…when the time is right.” He said and she nodded.
After she packed the last of her things she headed off to somewhere he didn’t know and that was that.
You had just finished breakfast and Caitlyn had just hopped in the shower and you were trying to figure out what to wear out. You had two options laid out on the bed when Caitlyn’s phone started ringing from the bedside table and you hurried over and froze as you saw “Harry Styles, mobile” displayed on the glass screen. There was a wacky picture of him making a funny, irritated face in the background. It made you smile for a moment before you wondered why he’d be calling. Maybe something was wrong? You decided to deal with the consequences later and just answer it. 
“Hello?” You greeted tentatively. Your voice faded into a breathless whisper by the second syllable of the word as the uncertainty of your decision grew.
“Y/N?” He asked, almost in disbelief and you nodded and then remembered you weren’t in front of him and inhaled sharply.
“Yeah, it’s me.” You responded and smiled when you heard him sigh in relief and then chuckle.
“Hi!” He greeted cheerfully.
“Hi.” You laughed breathily and then waited for his response.
“Ummm, I was only calling to check on you actually.” He said.
“Oh, that’s sweet of you.”
“Well, I heard through the grapevine that you got a little sick.” He chuckled and you giggled.
“Yeah, that happened…” you said and he hummed, “I’m alright, I just got overwhelmed because I was drinking and also I…did drugs. I don’t think I would’ve had such a theatrical reaction otherwise.” You explained.
“Well either way, I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“Thank you. And how are you? I was worried that I maybe… caused some…tension between you and Taylor last night.” You said carefully.
“Yeah, I’m…alright.” He said, face twisted up a bit awkwardly.
“Why did you say it weird?” You asked and he chuckled.
“Did I?”
“I know you…” you said knowingly and he smiled to himself.
“I’m just so happy to hear your voice again. I missed the sound.” He expressed and you felt your cheeks getting all warm as you blushed.
“I’ve missed you too. A lot.” You responded. “So, how are you? Really.” You asked again. Harry was great at deflecting. But if something was wrong with them and you had unintentionally caused it, then the least you could do was talk it out with him.
“I swear, I am fine, but ummm…Taylor actually…broke up with me.” He said and you gasped audibly.
“Oh my god…” you sighed regretfully, already feeling awful and guilty for their demise, “I’m so sorry, H. So truly sorry. Are you sure you’re alright?” You asked and he sighed, “Was it because of me?” You asked next, your voice was small and quiet.
“Oh no, get that out of your head. Not at all.” He responded immediately, “It wasn’t you. This was all me…” he said and you sighed, “But I promise I’m good. Well at least right now I am…” he said.
“Well, when you don’t feel good you can call me, you know?” You said and he chuckled.
“Actually I can’t…I haven’t got your number any more.” He confessed and you scoffed.
“Oh…Okay…” you hummed in playful offense.
“I assure you it wasn’t my idea.” He added with a chuckle, “But I mean, deleting it didn’t really do what it was intended to, which was get me to forget about you, so…” He chuckled.
“I mean…” you hummed and giggled.
“Well ummm…I’m glad you’re alright.”
“Thanks. When are you heading home?”
“Tonight. I leave at 10.”
“Oh ummm…if you wanted some company we’re gonna go for a walk in the park?” You offered.
“Yeah, H.”
“Yeah, I’d love to come. Ummm, I’m staying at The Mark, so right near the park.”
“Oh, we’re at the Carlyle! Just down the street from you. We can walk over and meet you in the lobby?”
“Yeah, that’s perfect. Text me when you guys are walking over.”
“Will do.” You smiled.
“Alright, see you later. Bye.”
When Caitlyn came out of the shower you immediately told her what you’d done and that Harry and Taylor had broken up. She was completely shocked that something as seemingly insignificant as running into you in the bathroom had been the thing that pushed Taylor over the edge.
“I know. He said it wasn’t my fault but…I mean it all goes to shit after I had a wee run in with Taylor in the bathroom?”
“Yeah…I just can’t believe that is what broke the camel’s back. Like, it must’ve been quite bad between them if that’s all it took, you know?”
“Yeah…like I feel like it’s kind of my fault, but I also know I didn’t do anything, you know? But God, just seeing the joy drain from her face when she realized it was me…that sucked.”
“I can imagine. But hey, now you’re both single, maybe you guys can try again now.”
“Maybe…but he really loved her so I think he will need some time to get past this.”
“Just don’t wait too long. With both of you griping at me I don’t know what to do anymore.” She chuckled and you smiled.
You and Caitlyn were waiting in the lobby at The Mark and after a few minutes Harry was wandering down looking cozy in a hoodie and some workout shorts. He smiled and waved when he saw you guys. You and Caitlyn waved back as he came closer.
“Hiya.” He said lowly as he hugged Caitlyn.
“Hey.” She hummed and then they pulled back.
“Hi.” He said more timidly as he stepped over to you and hugged you into his body. You relaxed in his hold and sighed in relief.
“Hi. It’s so good to see you.” You smiled as you pulled back.
“You too.” He grinned, “Umm, shall we?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” Caitlyn agreed.
You were all chatting, recounting your adventures from the MET as you made your walk through the park. Then, Caitlyn would take you guys to a coffee shop she really liked. It was relaxed, though as you got deeper through the park a couple of people did notice you guys and two girls started following you guys for a bit until you were veering too far from their path. You were all linked arms and skipping as you playfully sung the “We’re Off to See the Wizard” song from “The Wizard of Oz” through your laughter.
“Okay friends, ready for a little caffeine boost?” Caitlyn asked.
“Definitely.” Harry chuckled and then you guys started heading back. 
While waiting in line at the coffee shop and chatting with Caitlyn about what you guys should try, you and Harry had to respectfully decline getting pictures and videos with fans to avoid making a huge fuss. But nevertheless, it was obvious that people were recording from afar or taking pictures without your consent. He didn’t seem as nervous or fearful about it as he did when you two dated, so at least there was that. He felt far more confident and comfortable declining these requests now. Before he felt a little bit obligated, as did you, because if it weren’t for these people’s support you wouldn’t be where you were. 
You did a lot of work on boundaries in therapy and now you thought of it as being on and off the clock. If you were at an event or on a stage or out in public repping a certain brand or product even if you were with friends then you were “on the clock”. But if you were just hanging out with your friends, running errands, going about your day…then you considered yourself to be “off the clock” and during these moments, depending on where you were or who you were with, you might accept or decline the requests fans made of you. Now, after what Harry had been dealing with since the night (or early morning technically) you didn’t really want anyone getting too close and you could see the gratitude in his eyes when you turned away yet another fan who was gazing between the two of you and deciding that you might be the easiest target. 
“You’ve gotten really good at this.” Harry hummed lowly as he leaned closer to you and you giggled as his lips slightly tickled your ear.
“Thanks. Therapy.” You said as you glanced up at him and he hummed.
“Not cause of me, right?” He asked quietly.
“Not primarily, but you came up.” You confirmed and he smiled.
“I talked about you too. A lot.” He chuckled and you smiled.
“All good things I hope…”
“Oh yeah…definitely.” He said sarcastically and you laughed and you moved to elbow him playfully but he caught your arm first and just pulled your body in front of his. “Had to overpower you to prevent any violence.” He said quietly and you laughed and tossed your head back to rest on his shoulder and he glanced down at you.
“You have boogies.” You grinned as you informed him quietly and he furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed.
“No I don’t.” He sniffled and ran his finger under his nose just in case and you laughed and turned around to face him again now that his dominant hand was occupied. “Do I really?” He asked you quietly and you sniggered and shook your head.
“No, just messing with you.” You assured him as you laughed and he rolled his eyes before suddenly grabbing your arms and pulling you in and then pulling your arms around his torso.
“Hug me.” He requested softly and you swore the entire world stopped just then and you smiled as you leaned into him and hugged him tight before he squeezed around your waist and exhaled. You gently scratched over the expanse of his back for a few moments, “Now when I google us this’ll come up.” He said softly.
“Hmmm, very clever.” You smiled, “Love it.” You decided and he chuckled.
“Okay, stop flirting and decide on your drinks, we’re next in line.” Caitlyn said.
“Ready?” You asked softly.
“No.” Harry mumbled, “But do it. Just do it.” You sighed and let go of him and you looked up at him with a gentle smile as you rubbed over his shoulder.
“Oh, I missed you.” You said and he grinned and you turned around as you heard Caitlyn start ordering her drink.
“Please don’t check ‘em out, I’ve got them covered.” Harry called to the cashier who nodded and smiled at him. Soon after you were all corned up near the pick up counter chatting, including Caitlyn in it a lot more now that you and Harry had been able to just relish in each other’s company for a little bit.
“Order for Harry!” The barista called and Harry walked up and grabbed the drinks, smiling at the barista and mumbling a thanks before going the few steps over to you guys and handing over your drinks. 
Caitlyn had gotten a matcha latte while you and Harry opted for plain cold brews. Once again, you guys took off but this time back to your hotels with your drinks in hand to beat the warmth of the day. You guys were talking about your favorite looks of the night as you made the walk back and when you were down the street he turned to you guys.
“Ummm, would you guys want to come up for a bit? I don’t have to leave until 8 from here?” He asked, “We could have dinner?” He asked you two and Caitlyn shrugged.
“Yeah, I’m down.” She smiled and you turned to Harry and nodded in agreement. 
After being seen leaving earlier, there were people waiting around for him outside the hotel but you guys rushed in quickly and then headed up to his suite. You headed off to the bathroom while Caitlyn and Harry picked something to watch. You looked yourself over in the mirror and you were glad that you looked alright, you felt a little weird from your slight hangover still, bit you were glad you didn’t look dead. When you opened up the door Caitlyn was sitting on the bed waiting for you to get out so she could go in.
“S’all yours.” You smiled as you stepped out.
“Behave.” She admonished and you giggled and headed back out to the little “living room” area to see Harry still scrolling through the channels on the TV with a little furrow in his brow and a slight squint to his eyes and you smiled.
“Where are you glasses?”
“I lost ‘em a bit ago.” He said glancing over to you before you plopped down beside him.
“Oh H…”
“I know. Haven’t been able to secure an appointment.” He said and you hummed. 
“You feeling OK though?” You asked more seriously and he nodded.
“Yeah…like it sucks, but you guys are good company. I’m sure I’ll feel it when I’m on my own though.”
“Well I think that’s great, H.” You said and he looked at you a bit perplexed, “I mean that you have to feel this out. I know that you really love her and that this can’t be easy for you, so you have to sit with it a bit and just go through the motions of it all.” You explained.
“And what about us? Didn’t we agree that-”
“Technically you said a few years from now…” you said with a soft smile.
“Well I’ll be 30-something by then…”
“So will I…” you shrugged and he smiled a bit sadly.
“Have you…changed your mind?” He asked you cautiously. He was trying not to look broken up about it, but you knew him well and you could see the fear and concern in his eyes.
“I’m not saying that. I’m saying you need to be single for a little bit. More than two months.” You said and he chuckled, “Seriously Harry, when we ended you had a new girlfriend a few months later. And then when that ended you were suddenly with Taylor, no?” You asked and he chuckled.
“Yeah, I did kinda rush into this last few more than usual…it just felt really right at the time and we vibed well. I knew I’d be off for a bit so it felt like good time to try.” He explained with a shrug. “Taylor actually started talking to me before I was single, so we were friends for a bit so it’s not like I just dated someone I hardly knew.” He defended and you giggled along with him.
“Yeah, I joke a bit. But I mean, as long as you don’t regret the time you’ve spent and as long as you’ve learned and grown from these people and your relationships with them I think that’s great. But I think we both know that filling the void is simply a bandaid.” You explained.
“I know…” he sighed, “I really am just so scared of being alone.”
“Well H, you’re never going to be alone. I’m here whenever you need anything.” You assured and he glanced to you with a smile, “I know that maybe it was just…scary to talk and be around each other before, but I mean once we did see each other it didn’t…hurt. Not at all. It actually brought me…relief that…nothing had really changed between us.” You said to him and he hummed and nodded.
“Yeah.” He smiled, “You know I was genuinely dreading the day I’d run into you. I think I also thought it would be painful or feel like defeat or failure… it did fuck me up a bit but in a good way.” He assured and you chuckled.
“Yeah, same…” you smiled, “Well, all that to say that I love you, a lot! And I’ll always be here for you no matter what happens with us. I don’t want us to be estranged ever again. Got it?”
“Yeah.” He nodded with a relieved smile, “You know, I think you’re right though…”
“Of course I am.” You said, “About what?” He chuckled.
“That I need to just take a little bit of time to really just get through this and then we can think of everything else.”
“Right.” You smiled. 
You guys fell silent for a bit and then you heard that Caitlyn was actually on the phone in the bedroom. When you glanced back there the door was nearly closed all the way and you sighed as you glanced down at your hands.
“How about you? How’ve you been?” He asked.
“Good.” You nodded, “I mean, Seb was relentless for a bit, but a few weeks ago he just stopped trying to win me back. I mean, I don’t think what he wants is awful, but I don’t see myself changing that much of myself just to fit the kind of person he wants.”
“Yeah.” Harry nodded in understanding. “Like I don’t think that’s a bad thing either, but it’s just the way he expects it to rest on you that’s a little…antiquated.” He chuckled and you nodded.
“Right, like don’t tell it to me like it’s my job because I’m a female. That’s where it really upset me. Like if you have a life together and you share a home and have a family it’s both of yours to look after!”
“I agree.” He chuckled, “You know, I still don’t know how to change a tire.” He chuckled and you smiled.
“I don’t think you’ll ever need to know anyway.” You teased and he sniggered. He repositioned himself so that he was facing you now and you glanced over at him. “What?” You questioned and he smiled.
“I’m really happy that you’re here.” He said softly.
“Me too.” You assured and then he pulled you into his arms and hugged you tight. He sighed in relief as he rested his cheek over the top of your head. As you exhaled your body melted into his even more until he just left himself fall back against the arm of the couch.
“You know, when we were together, I genuinely thought you were the best person I’d ever met. And like even now, it’s like you’re still the same person but just elevated, if that makes sense?” He asked and you hummed, “I want to experience you as you are now. I really love what I’ve seen. Your self control, your patience, and your self awareness, I really enjoy seeing you this way. I think when we were younger you kind of…looked to me a lot to gauge how you should feel about things…like not that you were just agreeing with me, but that my views and perception of things mattered a lot and influenced yours a lot.” He explained and you hummed.
“Yeah, that’s very true. I think you just had so much more experience in the world and I agreed with mostly everything you cared about and so I definitely tried to learn things from you and let those things influence me a lot.” 
“Well not anymore…” he smiled, “I mean, I think values-wise we’ll always be on the same page, but now you’ve grown into it on your own. Like, you took all this time to just look after yourself and understand yourself and I’m just so proud of who you’ve become. And I want to…get to that point. I want to get to a point where you are proud of me.” He said.
“Oh, I am!” You said as you set up and turned to face him again, “I think you’ve come such a long way, H. And I think you know who you are now and it’s so refreshing to see it. I think you’ve overcome your need to people please and also your fear of what people think of you and what you do. Before, the way you were perceived was almost the most important thing to you.”
“Yeah.” He agreed.
“Like over the last couple years, seeing you out and about with your friends, your partners, or whatever it be, I mean, I love it! You’ve started choosing the things and people that make you happy regardless of what other people think and I love that for you so, so much. I’ve just always wanted for you to feel happy with yourself.” You said as you reached for and then squeezed his hand in yours. He glanced down at it and smiled.
“I do, I really do.” He assured you. “You know, I just can’t help but get excited when I think about how things will be with us when we try again. It’s going to be so good…we’ve both grown up so much and really taken care of ourselves. I think I might have a bit of catching up to do with you…” he chuckled, “But I’m going to work hard at it for myself and for us too.” He said and you smiled.
“Well just know that I’ve loved every version of you so far because you’ve always been good to me. But it’s really important to me that you feel happy with yourself and clearly that’s something you’re getting more and more in tune with and it’s very beautiful to witness.” You said.
“Ummm, thank you.” He said with a timid smile as you ran your thumb over his knuckles.
“Yeah, of course.” You replied. And before anything more could happen Caitlyn came out of the bedroom and let out an exasperated sigh. “Is everything alright?” You asked her as you both watched her come around.
“A writing session got moved up for a show I’m working on and I’ll need to be back in LA tomorrow afternoon.” She groaned as she plopped down on the couch. “I found a flight, a red eye though.” She said and you hummed.
“Well I’ll go back too, don’t want to be here by myself.” You said and she nodded.
“OK, let me get them then.”
“OK, I’ll Zelle you right now, just let me know how much they are.” You said and she nodded.
“We need to pack.”
“Yeah…” you sighed.
“You guys can go if you want. Please don’t feel obligated to hang around here.” Harry said.
“What if we help you finish your packing and then you can come with us and we can pack while we have dinner and then you go from there?” Caitlyn suggested.
“Ummm yeah, I’d love that actually.” He said.
“Settled then.” You smiled at him and he returned a brighter smile, “Let’s do it!” You said and he guided you guys to the bedroom and got his things together. 
He only had a carry on as he was only there for a few days so this didn’t take too long. You guys ordered an Uber while Harry checked out and then you all headed back to your hotel. Caitlyn did her own packing as she didn’t want Harry seeing her intimates and such, so he stuck to helping you. Not that he had seen any of your new stuff, but at least he’d been in that position before. Since you guys were going to be there for a week total you guys unpacked your things into the dressers and closet, so currently all your things were laid out on the floor while Caitlyn’s were on the large bed you had shared over the last several days.
“So you guys shared?” Harry asked as he folded up some of your jeans.
“Yep. Though I don’t think we will ever again-”
“Oh my god…I shoved you one night.” Caitlyn said as you started to laugh and Harry did too.
“One night’s enough trauma.” You said and she scoffed.
“Do you kick?” Harry asked.
“No, I think I maybe had a very vivid dream because I’m usually a very still.” She explained, “Though you are a cuddler. Maybe I was trying to get away from you.” She said to you and you giggled.
“Maybe…it’s just when I sleep in unfamiliar spaces.” You explained and Harry smiled at you.
“Still? With how much you’re on the road for tours and shit?” He asked and you shrugged, “S’cute.” He assured you softly as he continued folding one of your tops.
“It’s not.” Caitlyn said to you with a grin and you just stuck your tongue out at her and she chuckled.
After a bit you guys ordered in some grilled cheese sandwiches because it’s just a lovely comfort food. With Harry there and some stimulating conversation you guys finished packing quite fast, but now you had to go down to reception and sort out the early check out. Harry offered to go with you but you assured him it was fine, you didn’t want him to get flocked in the lobby and then you hurried out promising to be back soon.
“So…what’s up with you two?” Caitlyn asked Harry when you left.
“She wants me to stay single for a while and properly move past this. I mean, she’s right of course, but it’s just something I struggle with.” He admitted, “But she said I can count on her if I need anything.” He said of you.
“Yeah, of course. And me too! You have so many friends out in LA who would more than gladly lend an ear since we don’t see you as much anymore.” She explained and he smiled.
“Well thank you. I will definitely take advantage of that. And like…I do want to work on myself a bit more…maybe I can head out there for a bit and get some face time with my therapist. We talk on the phone or do virtual stuff sometimes, but I think I could use some in person intensive work. We haven’t spoken in maybe…close to a year.” He explained with a chuckle.
“Well yeah, if it’ll be beneficial to you, do it.” She encouraged him.
“Ummm, I hate to do this to you but ummm…I saw Y/N texting someone quite a bit while we were down here…is she seeing someone?” He asked, “Or maybe I should just ask her…yeah, I’ll just ask her.” He said instead and Caitlyn chuckled.
“Alright.” She smiled. Shortly after you came back into the room and told Caitlyn everything was good to go for your earlier departure. “Excellent.” She said to you, “Well, now that we’re all packed I’m going to smoke my joint on the balcony, I want this to be the greatest grilled cheese I’ve eaten in a long time.” She said as she stood from the bed and stretched. “Do you guys want some?” She asked glancing to them and then giving Harry a knowing glance.
“No, I’m alright.” Harry said.
“Same.” You assured her and she smiled and then made her way out of the bedroom and into the common area of your shared suite and after a few moments you guys heard the door shut behind her. 
“You still don’t smoke?”
“I’ve tried, I just can’t. It burns so bad.” You grimaced and he chuckled.
“S’not good for us anyway…” he said and you nodded, “Ummm…can I ask you something?” 
“Yeah, of course.” You nodded and waited for him to speak up expectantly.
“That umm…the guy you keep texting? Are you- is he-”
“Oh no. No, no, no.” you said to him right away, “Well…we are…ummm, hooking up, but he’s just a friend.” You explained and he nodded.
“Oh okay. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t like…coming on so strong just for you to be…taken again.”
“I’m not the one who moves lightening fast here…” you teased and he chuckled and bit down on his lip to suppress the laughter he wanted to let out, “Come on…you know it was funny.” You pressed as you giggled.
“Yeah, real fucking funny.” He grinned and you chuckled as you stood up from the floor, “Where are you going?”
“Nowhere, just up here. I wanna pick a really funny movie because I really like it when she gets all giggly.” You explained to Harry and he laughed as he also pushed himself up off the ground and joined you on the large king bed. You glanced down at the remote with about a bajillion buttons and scoffed as you tried to find the one that would bring up the list of the scheduled programming.
“Need some help?”
“I can do it.” You assured as you pressed yet another wrong button, “Doesn’t it usually say guide?” You asked and he chuckled.
“Yeah? Does it not?”
“No…” you hummed, “Here.” You said handing it over and he scanned over his options before just trying “menu” and hoping that would take him somewhere useful but nothing happened, “I think we’re on the menu page.” You said to him and he furrowed his eyebrows.
“Should we call the front desk?”
“Oh no, that’s humiliating. I think we can just press every button until we find it.” You sniggered and he handed it back over.
“You do it then.” 
“Gladly.” You hummed and started going button by button, after a few tries you gasped and you got it. “Oh! Hooray!” You exclaimed and he just watched you light up at such a tiny thing and it made his heart flutter at just how cute you were. That’s one thing he missed so much about you. You made such a big fuss over things, truly anything was an excuse to celebrate and be joyful. He missed being around that, there truly wasn’t a victory too small for you. Harry studied your face as you looked through the channels listed on the screen. “You’re staring.” You smiled without peeling your eyes from the screen.
“I know.” He responded and you glanced over to him to find him just admiring you. “You’re just so breathtaking.” he said softly. It made your heart flutter and for your tummy to feel all tingly as his gaze raked down your face and then landed on your lips. You had to look away because you swore your throat was closing up from how nervous you were. But when his hand landed under your jaw and angled you back up to look into his eyes you swallowed thickly.
“Har…” you whispered and squeezed your eyes shut.
“No, baby. Look at me. Please.” He insisted and you blinked your eyes open to look at him again with a racing pulse as he inched closer to you. Your noses touched and you lingered near each other nervously, eyes flickering between each others as your lips skimmed together as your breaths started getting heavier. Both of you were hoping one of you would be brave enough to bite the bullet or to just break it off. But preferably to follow through with the kiss.
“Fuck it.” You whispered before surging up to properly connect your lips. The first kiss was just a quick one, a tester almost since you both just looked at each other for a moment.
“One more.” He mumbled and you nodded before he leaned back in and held your neck gently as he kissed you deeper this time. But that kiss inevitably became a string of smiley pecks as you two tried to pull away. “Just one more then.” He smiled and you laughed a bit as he kissed over your top lip and then your bottom lip before he pulled back and your eyes met again. They were both sparkling with need and before you knew it your arms were around his neck and he was settling himself over you as your head sank into the fluffy pillow beneath you . Harry’s warm smooth lips moved in a perfectly synchronized and familiar dance with your own as you kissed ardently.
You moaned as he rolled you onto your sides and his arm draped over your hip and then slid under your shirt. His fingers tickled up your bare back before his hand flattened right beneath the band of your bra and pushed you closer to him. His thigh was trapped between your legs, allowing just a bit of friction for you. Your tongues slid together before he sucked on your bottom lip and then went back in to kiss you properly. Just as things were about to get a bit more heated you heard some heavy knocks on the door along with the room service call. 
“Mmm…need to get the food.” You mumbled against his mouth.
“In a second.” He hummed before licking into you again and you shuddered and moaned into his mouth at his intensity and fell back into the languid kiss. You were buzzing with excitement as he started to peck your lips a few times before slowly retreating until finally, you were both just panting heavily as you regained your breaths. “Okay, go.” He hummed softly with a smile.
“One more.” You whispered to him and he grinned and grabbed your face before pecking over your lips several times until you were both giggling through it, no amount of kisses were enough for either of you.
“Just leave or I won’t be able to stop.” He mumbled and you laughed, tossing your head back which caused him to kiss your chin. When you straightened up again he ran his thumb down your smile line, “Mmmm, I’ve missed your laugh. And your lips, and how you taste, and how you kiss me…” he muttered between gentle smooches. “It’s just not like this with anyone else.” He mumbled and you pressed your forehead against his.
“It’s really not.” You agreed, “Okay, let me get the food. And Caitlyn.” You said and he nodded before kissing the tip of your nose and letting you go. You rolled out of the bed and then hurried to get the door to wheel in your tray of food and then you went to grab Caitlyn who was already quite stoned. “Come to bed, we’re gonna watch a movie or something.”
“Kay.” She mumbled and followed you into the bedroom as you pushed the little cart in.
Harry rolled out of the bed and grabbed his sandwich before hopping back on and then you grabbed yours and got on the bed next. Caitlyn stayed standing as she picked at the fries on her plate.
“Get on.” You giggled and she sniggered.
“Oh right, right…” she hummed and got in behind you. “What’re we watching?” She asked as she leaned against the headboard.
“Oh, we’re watching Derry Girls. This thing has Netflix.” Harry said as he searched it up.
“How convenient that you know how it works now.” You said to him as he pointed the remote at the TV.
“Oh no, I just pressed something by mistake as I adjusted myself a bit.” He chuckled, “Well m-my position! I adjusted my position.” He clarified quickly for Caitlyn’s sake.
“Oh please, I only left to give you guys a moment. The sexual tension is suffocating.” Caitlyn said before biting into her sandwich and then moaning in delight at the perfectly crisp bread and then the gooey, warm cheese. “What you two have is what I have with this sandwich right now…fuck, that’s perfect…” she sighed happily. And you just giggled as you glanced to Harry and shrugged and he smiled and then you all started eating as the show started up.
The time for Harry to go came very swiftly and before you knew it, you and Caitlyn were getting in the elevator to walk him out to meet his driver. You all chatted a bit during the ride down and finally you were heading out to the lobby.
“Ummm Cait can you be a look out for a minute?” Harry asked her and she smiled and nodded as she reached for his suitcase and Harry grabbed your hand and pulled you into the stairwell. “I just wanted to hold you for a little bit.” He said and you smiled and hugged him tight and he sighed and squeezed you.
“You’re gonna be a alright, H.” You assured him, “And if at any point you’re not, I’m here for you. Always.” You assured him and you felt him nod in understanding. “I love you. So, so much.” You reminded him.
“I love you too.” He whispered back. After a few more moments you pulled back and tiptoed before you grabbed his face gently in your hands and smiled as you pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
“One for the road.” You hummed and he smiled.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” You assured him and then you grabbed his hand and led him back out by the elevators.
“That was quick.” Caitlyn smirked and you both rolled your eyes at her as she giggled.
“You’re a menace.” Harry said as he grabbed his bag from her hands.
“I know.” She giggled.
“Come on. Can’t keep the driver waiting.” You said and then you guys headed out. 
The night was still warm and Harry greeted his driver before getting his bag in the car. There were a few people lingering outside who were now watching the three of you considering Harry was a hard person to miss, his energy alone commanded people’s attention. 
“Well thank you both for including me today. I had a lot of fun and I missed being with you guys.” He smiled.
“I’m glad you had a good time.”, “Of course, H.” You and Caitlyn ensured.
“A group hug is in order, I think.” He said and you both smiled and huddled around him.
“Don’t be a stranger.” Caitlyn hummed as you guys pulled apart.
“I won’t.” He assured with a smile before hugging her and then he hugged you. He held you a bit longer than Caitlyn before he released you.
“Let me know when you land and make it home safe. Okay?” You smiled up at him as you rubbed his arm sweetly and he nodded before hopping in the car. You guys waved him off and then headed back up to your suite.
“You know you’re gonna go way more viral now…” Caitlyn said and you sighed.
“No, I think people will say he cheated on Taylor with me and wreak havoc on me.” You said, realistically. 
“Well, he kinda did…” Caitlyn said through a chuckle.
“Oh, shut it.” You quipped and she laughed. “Fuck…he did though.”
“It was a kiss.” 
“A kiss she doesn’t know about.” Caitlyn reminded and you nibbled on your bottom lip as you rode back up to your floor.
“Maybe asking him to join us was a mistake? I mean…he looked far too happy for just being broken up with.”
“Friend, he hadn’t been happyfor a while now and it was all to do with the path his relationship was going down. Not you.” She said emphatically, “You both kept your end of the bargain by keeping your distance and seeing what would happen in the future. It was just hard for Taylor to live with the information that he still loves you. Do you think he’s polyamorous?” She asked you.
“I don’t know…maybe?” You shrugged.
“I mean, at least when we spoke about his predicament that’s what it sounded like to me. That he loved you but that he also loved Taylor and he wanted to try and keep his feelings for you “on pause” somehow to work on his relationship with her.” She explained and you hummed. “But I think to her it was hard to come to terms that he was in love with you while simultaneously being in love with her. And I told him that it just doesn’t work for some people, they don’t see how love can be expansive like that in a committed relationship. My first ever girlfriend in college, Jen, was poly. And I thought I was okay with it, she said she could be monogamous, just her feelings continued to exist for others. She had this friend though that she loved too, it was just so obvious how they felt for each other and it sucked. It started to affect how I felt in that relationship. She never crossed a line and neither did he, but I just felt really insecure in it. I understand it so much better now, I mean I was only 19 when I dated her. But I fully understand why for Taylor it was just not possible to move forward with Harry if this is her first time in a situation like this.” She explained and you nodded. “And I mean, I think that you also need to figure out if that’s something you can live with if he is.” She said.
“Like I get that you guys are like each other’s person, but that doesn’t mean he can’t meet and love someone else along the way, you know?”
“Yeah, that’s true…I mean, just seeing how he was trying to accommodate things to support Taylor’s needs gives me a sense of peace. But I mean, we should definitely have a conversation about what this might look like for him in the future whenever we get back to a stage where we’ll have a relationship.”
“I agree.” Caitlyn said.
Overall, you felt good about where you were now to be back in touch with Harry if he needed you at any point. You were also extremely proud of yourself for the way you handled the situation about your future together. Of course, you would run into his arms at a moment’s notice, but he was sad and he needed to grieve the wonderful person he had lost. He did love Taylor, at least enough to put all of his effort into making up for breaking her trust. It had just happened and you really wanted to give him time to sit with the situation and work through the hard feelings you knew would come soon.
As soon as you guys landed early the next morning you, Harry, and Caitlyn were plastered all over social media per a call from your manager. She sent you a link and you looked and sure enough there were photos and videos of you three talking and skipping through central park, looking like you were having the best day of your lives. You showed Caitlyn who just mumbled a low “it is what it is” and you bit your lip.
And there’s also this one…
You saw her next text and then clicked on the linked article and when it loaded you couldn’t help but snort out a laugh as you read the obscenely cheesy title of the gossip article: “STYLES CHOOSES TO SKIP OUT ON TAYLOR!” It was staring at you in big, bold red font. But your stomach twisted a bit in anxiety as you scrolled down the article recounting what witnesses had said to the tabloid. There were quotes in the same bold font saying how you guys seemed really “happy”, “cozy”, and “familiar with each other.” And of course there was a short clip of him whispering into your ear while you hugged and gently scratched at his back at the coffee shop. Also of you glancing up at him and the both of you smiling when you joked with him about having visible boogies… you smiled at the memory but you knew that what would surely come next when the both of you gave no real explanation to this. Towards the bottom of it there was one more photo, one of the only ones ever taken of you two a couple years into your relationship. You guys had been walking back to his house in London after having some lunch. It explained how it seemed that you guys had been familiar at some point and maybe you’d lost touch but were back in touch after the MET.
I already have a few reporters reaching out for commentary. Please tell me you guys didn’t do something bad…
No, don’t worry about this. Taylor actually broke up with him after a MET after party. There was an incident, I’ll call and explain when I get home. We’re in the car service right now on our way back from LAX.
For sure. 
I’ll also call Harry and see what his team is going to do.
For now don’t. I’ll get in touch with Jeffrey and Tommy. I know they’ll want to isolate him from this as much as possible. I’ll be standing by for your phone call.
Sounds good. Talk soon!
Jenny “hearted” your message and you guys drove off to your place in silence. Caitlyn had left her car at your place and since Sebastian and you had broken up she decided to keep some things at your place for impromptu sleep overs. So as soon as you got in she went to get some more sleep in the guest bedroom while you called Jenny and explained what had happened the night before. It hadn’t been anything bad, but you then explained what Caitlyn had shared about how Harry and Taylor were struggling with getting back on track after he admitted he had feelings for you.
“…so yeah, there wasn’t anything fishy per se apart from that. We actually hadn’t even spoken since we saw each other last year. Taylor never attempted to contact me or anything either, we don’t even know each other. Just that little run-in in the bathroom which no one saw.” You shared with Jenny, “So uh, no connections there either.”
“Okay, sounds good. Already the fans are labeling you a home wrecker, they really liked them together.”
“Yeah, I was expecting that.” You sighed.
“Oh, Jeffrey just texted me!” Jenny said and opened it up, “Okay he said that Harry wants to clarify that you have been close friends since you were 19 years old but that he’s not all that sure that they should do that because you guys having a history could mean more of a logical framework for any theories of cheating.”
“Yeah, like we were so close that it eventually led to that…” you said, “I mean we could just both go no comment. I know we didn’t do anything wrong so… ”
“Yeah, I agree. I guess Harry doesn’t want to “hide you from his life” is what Jeff just said.” She shared and you bit your lip.
“I think I need to talk to Harry ,this is something he feels like he might owe me for. When we dated, I mean, you know…we were both so worried about the public ruining it for us. He did tell me that he felt bad that he let his fear of what others might think get in the way of us living our lives. And that it sometimes felt like we never happened because everything was so hidden. He said he wished that everyone could’ve seen how happy we make each other. He could be wanting to make up for that…”
“Mmmm, okay. Let me tell Jeffrey to get him on the line, we can do a group call or FaceTime?”
“Yeah, that’s alright.” You assured her.
“Okay I’ll call you back.”
A few minutes later a call was coming in with the three of them and Jenny, and you guys started to discuss. Tommy said that he had tried to get in touch with Taylor’s team but she didn’t want to weigh in on anything as she was still dealing with the decision to break up with him. Harry understood that, so they weren’t going to get a confirmation from her any time soon that she had ended the relationship.
“H, I completely understand why you want to release that statement but I think it’ll only perpetuate the idea that we were doing things behind her back.”
“I just don’t want to hide that you make me happy anymore.” He sighed.
“We’re not, I mean the pictures are everywhere.” You said with a small smile, “People can see it but we don’t owe them any explanations about it. I don’t think we should address speculations.”
“Yeah, yeah you’re right.” He finally agreed and everyone looked relieved.
“I think if we gradually increase your time together it might make it look more natural?” Tommy suggested.
“What about private photos? What if we have an “iCloud leak”-”
“Absolutely not.” Harry cut Jenny off.
“Well Harry, that might establish what you want without having to say anything.” Jeffrey explained.
“We could choose what we release. Just things from birthdays or shows, parties…” you suggested, “We could show them this is nothing new, that we were always like this.” You smiled.
“Okay, fine…I mean, even Caitlyn has some stuff on her instagram from years ago…I was…looking.” He said and you smiled. “Oh shut it…” he chuckled as you all laughed.
“She’s on private though…always has been.” You reminded and he hummed.
“What if she’s the one that gets “hacked”. People are starting to look into who she is as well. I already saw one article that identified that she’s a screenwriter, I’m sure more people will be trying to see how she’s linked.” Jeffrey chimed in.
“I’ll have to ask her…I don’t want her to give up her privacy for us.” You said and Harry agreed.
“Well I think that would be the best case if she gives us access to her instagram and iCloud. But if not, then we just do the iCloud leak from one of your accounts.” Jeffrey decided. “Start looking through your pictures guys.”
You guys agreed on this strategy and you agreed you’d ask Caitlyn when she woke up. Of course, your best friend listened with an open mind and wasn’t even reluctant to agree and help you guys out. She knew that you guys had messed up when you saw each other that first time, but your commitment to let each other try and live your own lives really showed her that you guys regretted betraying your partners, so of course she wanted to help you both now. When she checked her instagram there were already tons of DM’s and follow requests waiting for her. She wasn’t even verified, she really just used this for personal things, so it would be understandable if she got hacked now that she was connected to you and Harry. Over the next few days your teams figured out the logistics of this plan and Caitlyn shared with you and Harry any pictures that she had of you guys on her iCloud and then a few weeks later the “leak” happened. 
Screenshots of Caitlyn's grid were taken and leaked on twitter from years back and it worked. People were immediately finding what you guys wanted them to find. Then two days later the “iCloud leak” happened. With this stunt, a solid timeline of your and Caitlyn’s friendship with Harry was established. There weren’t too many photos but the ones that fans were circulating the most were the ones of you two with Harry while he was still in the band. Of you guys at Caitlyn’s 25th birthday party with you and Harry kissing her cheek on either side. There was a video of you and Harry doing karaoke, a couple of pictures and a video of Caitlyn and Harry at your first big, sold out show in London. And finally one of him painting your nails with a prototype of what fans soon discovered was now the Pleasing polish “inky pearl”. It had to appear as though “the hacker” had intentionally dug through years of things to find this specific content. And once those were out into the world the tune changed and people thought it was cute that you guys had been friends for that long. People were saying that you guys appeared to be really into each other even back then and that you would make a cute couple.
Naturally, that started shifting the narrative into “maybe Harry dumped Taylor and was just out with his old friends to cheer up a bit”, which was mostly right. But once that became the main rumor an anonymous source leaked to a few gossip news outlets that Taylor had actually been the one to dump Harry the night of the MET. Obviously, Harry and Tommy had been in on that with her representatives because they didn’t want her looking like the chump when she had been the one that did the dumping. And once that came out the internet went wild and people were overwhelmed with the knowledge that his old friends truly were comforting him after a break up and that Taylor had dumped Harry because they were “growing apart”. 
You were fine, but having that all out there in print is what really seemed to make it real for Harry and he started to disappear a bit. You knew he needed space and time to process and heal, so you gave it. You didn’t want to bug him or make him feel pressured, so you assured him that he didn’t have to talk to you if he wasn’t in the mood. But if he didn’t mind, you’d just check in every few days, say hi, send some encouragements and he agreed to that. It was all very one sided as the months inched by and boy, did you miss him, but he really needed to get through this on his own terms.
…. August 2024 ….
Harry’s POV:
When Taylor returned to London in early June to pick up her things from his place it was extremely bittersweet for him to see how she looked so much lighter in terms of her mood and persona as a whole. She didn’t look tired or stressed how she had towards the end of their relationship. She looked more like herself and even sounded like herself, all bubbly and optimistic about things. It made him feel really happy for her, but it also made him sad, knowing that he contributed to her unhappiness. Knowing that he had hurt her enough to dull the gorgeous and bright person that she had been before. The person that he had fallen in love with. He even tried to kiss her when she was leaving and nearly died of embarrassment when she rejected him, but he understood.
He and Tommy did share the PR plan you guys made and assured her that you were cautious in trying to keep her out of it as much as possible. But he heard from her again when the public brought her into the picture and she wanted to set the record straight and he agreed that she should, he didn’t mind it. But once all of it felt resolved he just crashed. 
He stopped talking to you around the second week of June because he just didn’t have the energy. But you had been kind and checked in, assuring him he didn’t need to answer, but you just wanted to encourage him a bit. It meant the world to him that you understood to keep doing that, but still giving him the space he needed to get through this. For months now he had allowed himself to feel it, like you told him he needed to do. And god, it hurt…it hurt so much, but it was relieving to have felt it all. The sadness had faded seemingly very suddenly, he just woke up one day and didn’t feel hopeless. He missed you though, he wanted to see you so badly but he had no idea when too soon was “too soon”. 
This popped up on my pinterest feed! IT’S YOU! Lololol. I laughed so hard and it’s so, so cute. I hope today is better 💛
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Harry’s head knocked back as he laughed at the little image on his screen. It really was him and the fact that even the text said “Feel it all” was extremely fateful. He smiled and “hearted” the message before setting his phone down on the counter and turned to go make himself some coffee. Seconds later he came back and unlocked his phone and texted his assistant to book him a one-way ticket to LA for next week.
Your summer had been very nice so far. You genuinely were not worried about Harry in the slightest, you knew that healing took time and he knew well that you’d be waiting whenever he was ready. After seeing the way things worked out after the MET, you had a restored sense of hope in fate and the universe, so you let it be. For the time being you were having a lot of fun in the studio working on some new things. You were also spending a lot of time with friends and with Ricky too. You guys were just enjoying what you had going on. It wasn’t a routine at all, your hookups were sporadic and spontaneous, like now…
“Oh fuck yes, right there!” You mewled as his long fingers prodded into your g-spot as his thumb glided over your clit over and over at the perfect pace.
“Shhh…” he chuckled as he looked around briefly. You were in a hidden little nook at the studio. Everyone had gone for lunch but someone could always come in at any moment. “Look so fucking pretty today. You wore it for me, didn’t you?” He mumbled against your lips and you smiled.
“F'ourse.” You panted and then inhaled sharply as your walls fluttered around his fingers as your orgasm neared. It always took longer for you to come standing, so you’d been there a while. “I’m getting close…fuck, faster!” You implored and he listened and started pumping his fingers faster until your legs were trembling. Your head knocked back against the wall and you huffed out a laugh at the thud, but it wasn’t enough to deter you from coming.
“Come for me, Y/N.”
“Yeah, jus’don’t stop…don’t stop…oh my god, I’m coming!” Your moan broke through your throat and he brought his other hand over your mouth to mute your sounds. Your arms hugged around him to keep yourself upright as your knees went weak and shook at the waves of pleasure coursing through you. Your walls were pulsing rapidly around his fingers as you rode it out. He removed his hand from your mouth as you started panting and wrapped it around your waist while his fingers continued fucking into you slowly to help you ease off of your climax. You angled up and kissed his lips before smiling giddily, your eyes all sparkly and heavy with lust.
“Y’good now?” He asked with a grin after a minute or two and you nodded.
“Yeah.” You confirmed and he let go of you and pulled out his fingers before sucking them clean. 
He tugged your skirt back down to where it was before your little romp session. Your lips met eagerly for several moments, smearing together and connecting fervently. As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t return the favor now, there wasn’t time. So you kissed him to show your gratitude for his immediate attention to your obvious need. 
“So after the afternoon session do you want t-” you paused when you thought you heard a door close.
“Shhh.” You shushed him quickly and he froze as you definitely heard some movement in the control room. 
“Maybe they’re just grabbing something?” He whispered and you both stayed quiet trying to hear anything else, whoever it was wasn’t leaving.
“Where’s my underwear?” You asked him and he patted at his pocket and then glanced around to find that they had not stayed in his pocket.
“I think they fell out of my pocket in the live room somewhere.” He said and you groaned quietly. He peeked out a bit and saw them near the large amp you’d been sitting on before you moved into this little nook. “They fell out near the amp.” He said regretfully and you swore your brain melted from how embarrassed you were. If anyone walked into the live room they would surely see them. And then the worst thing that could happen did, you both heard the soft creak of the door to the live room opening.
“Shit!” You whispered and decided to just get out there. Maybe you could grab them before they even noticed and hurry out to the bathroom and Ricky would just stay hidden until the coast was clear. “OK, I’m gonna grab them. Just stay until I come get you.” You whispered and he nodded. You exhaled shakily and then stepped out of your little corner only see Harry Styles himself stop as he approached the piano bench, thankfully on the other side of the room. He smiled wide as soon as he saw you.
“Surprise!” He exclaimed through a chuckle and you reared back a bit, at least to kick your panties behind the amp so he wouldn’t see them on the floor. “Why are you backing away, come here!” He chuckled and you glanced down quickly to see they were hidden enough before hurrying over to him.
“W-what’re you doing here?” You asked him with a smile as he sighed and hugged around you and then squeezed a bit tighter. You were completely flustered now and distracted and he could feel the weirdness you were exuding as you cut your hug short.
“I just wanted to surprise you.” He explained and you nodded.
“That’s really sweet of you.” You said and he chuckled as he took you in for a moment.
“Are you OK?” He asked and you nodded quickly.
“Of course!”
“Are you sure? I mean, I know I kind of just showed up but I was expecting a little more enthusiasm form you after not seeing each other for months.” He chuckled and then the next worst thing happened, Ricky’s phone started ringing. Of course he had to have Patrick Star saying “Leedle-leedle-leedle-lee” as his ringtone. Your face fell into your hands in absolute mortification as Harry burst into laughter at the very random interruption, “Is that your ringtone?” He gasped through his laugh and you shook your head, still hiding your face in your hands. “Oh. Then…” he sighed and you glanced up at him, “Oh…” he said more quietly and you exhaled.
“Ummm, Ricky it’s fine. It’s Harry.” You said and he stepped out from the little hidden corner seconds later. He looked between you and Harry with painfully embarrassed smile. But he inhaled sharply and pushed the feelings aside.
“Hello Harry, I’m Ricky.” He said extending his hand out and you winced.
“Mmmm, maybe don’t do that right now.” You said softly and he glanced down at his hand and then pulled it back once he realized that he had just used that same hand to finger fuck you.
“Right, ummm…”
“Just, come here.” You said as you went behind him and gabbed his arms to corral him out of the studio and to the bathrooms. “And you, stay here please.” You called back at Harry who just nodded, still quite shocked at what he’d walked into and moments later you had emerged into the hall and exhaled shakily.
“Oh god, that was bad! That was so bad!” He panted nervously.
“I know! Fuck…”
“Did you get your underwear.”
“No! He was already in there, I just kicked them behind the amp.” You explained. “Look, I ummm, I think I need to talk to him alone for a little. Just go wash up and let everyone know to take another thirty or so?”
“Yeah, OK.” He nodded and then chuckled, “I’m sorry to put you in this position.”
“It’s fine, I was the one that was too impatient to wait until after.” You reminded and he chuckled.
“True…” he mused with a grin, “Ummm, well you go deal with that and I’ll go stall everyone a little.”
“Thank you.” You breathed out and then inhaled slowly.
“Hey, it’s gonna be fine. OK?” He smiled and you nodded with your bottom lip bitten beneath your front teeth out of nerves, you needed to take it out on something, “Go on.” He insisted and you turned around and headed back into the studio. When you entered the control room and looked out the large window into the live room Harry glanced back at you from his seat on the piano bench. You headed back in a bit timidly and he smiled at you.
“You alright?”
“Yeah! Sorry about that, it just…happened.” You explained bashfully and he nodded.
“Yeah, I get that.” He smiled, “S’good to put a face to the name.”
“Oh yeah…” you hummed and shook your head again. Harry chuckled and reached for your hand before hesitating.
“Is your hand clean?” He asked before grabbing it and you chuckled but nodded. “OK.” He hummed and stood before grabbing both of your hands and running his thumbs over your knuckles. “I’m fine.” He assured you, “Well…maybe fuming inside…just a little…” he confessed.
“Don’t worry, it was just that, not sex, m’not that crazy.”
“And I wonder whose idea that was, you little exhibitionist.” You teased and you shook your head as you giggled.
“Either way, ummm I am happy you’re here.” You said, “So can we have a do over?” You asked and he chuckled.
“Of course.” He said and released your hands before wrapping them around your shoulders and pulling you in. You hugged around him and leaned into him.
“I’m really happy to see you. Missed you.” 
“Me too.”
“So what made you come out here?” You asked and he pulled back a bit, his hands grabbed your face gently.
“The froggy picture.” He admitted and you laughed and he bit his lip as he watched you laugh. You were so pretty, he was glad he saved seeing you again for the first time for this face to face encounter.
“When I saw that little cardigan on him I just about died.” You recalled, giggled at the memory. “It’s so cute.”
“Yeah, it was cute.” He agreed, “You look so pretty today.” He complimented.
“Thanks. You too.” You hummed and he chuckled.
“Mmm…particularly like you in this skirt. Though it is a bit skimpy…” he pointed out and you smiled.
“Yeah, s’quite short.” You agreed.
“Then you might be…” he reached down and hooked on his index finger was your underwear, “needing these back.” He hummed and you felt your face heating in embarrassment as you glanced over to them and then to him. He was smirking and you reached for them and he raised them out of your reach. “Mmm…just a little higher, love.” 
“If I reach any higher my ass will show.” You laughed and he did as well.
“So unprofessional…” he mumbled and you rolled your eyes before looking deep into his eyes pleadingly.
“Please.” You insisted, “Would love it if I didn’t flash anyone at work today.” You said and he chuckled and lowered them so that you could reach for them but then pulled them away from you. 
“May I?” He asked and you bit your lip. He smirked at your response, “I’ll take that as a yes.” He hummed and stepped forwards, effectively backing you up until you bumped into the piano, the higher keys at the end clanked discordantly as your weight pressed them down and your gazes met as you both sniggered in amusement at the happy little accident. The sound seemed to reverberate forever, that’s how tense it was between you two. He crouched down and spread them out for you, allowing you to step into them as he stood and pulled them up your legs and finally over your center. He really tried his best not to look or lean in when he got them up to your pussy. He knew you were wet, but it was not from what he had walked in on, it was all for him. It probably had been all along, he didn’t want to assume, but he hoped. He really hoped. “There you are.” He hummed as his fingers fixed the straps along your hips, tugging on them a bit to straighten them out.
“Thank you.” You said softly.
“Of course.” He smiled as he fixed your skirt again and placed his hands on your hips. You suddenly smiled even wider and he giggled, “What’s that cute little smile about, then?”
“Nothing. Just thinking that you’ve never… I don’t think you’ve ever done that before?” You shrugged.
“Mmm…surely I have.” He mused, his face scrunching a bit in thought, “Or not…maybe not…” he decided a few seconds later. “I’m glad I was clever enough to pull it off.”
“Oh yeah, that was…a moment.”
“Core memory?” He smirked.
“Oh yeah, core memory.” You smiled and just hugged him again and he hummed happily, “You’re staying, right?”
“Yeah, if you want me to.” He mumbled and you pulled back.
“Yeah, of course. Could use some of your expertise. A little Styles sparkle.” You flirted.
“I like that!” He chuckled, “M’stealing it.”
“Okay.” You giggled. “Caitlyn’s friend, Melissa, from the pilates studio? Well she’s my friend too kinda, but more Cait’s. Either way, she’s having a little pool party with cocktails. It’s a casual thing. If you wanna come, I’m sure we’ll end up ordering in.”
“Oh yeah, that sounds nice.” He smiled. “I-is Ricky coming?” He asked.
“Ummm, maybe? If you don’t mind?” He shook his head and you squinted your eyes suspiciously.
“I swear.” He chuckled.
“OK.” You said softly. You let each other go and then grabbed your phone from a music stand a few feet away. 
“Have you eaten?” He asked
“Want to go pick something up together?” He asked and you nodded.
“Sure.” You said and soon you were heading off to the closest thing before heading back to the studio with your food.
It was nice sitting with him while you two ate and talked casually about your music and what you wanted out of it. You were trying to find the words to describe what you wanted this project to be and what you wanted it to evoke. You missed talking to him about this kind of thing. Harry just had a real gift for expressing everything he was trying to express when he made his music. And at the moment, you felt like your vision just wasn’t cohesive, or at least you felt that way.
“…I don’t know, I’m a bit lost on this process, I guess.” You decided finally when you started bouncing between ideas, “I don’t even know why I wanted to do an album anymore…” you confessed with some sadness.
“What initially pushed you to decide?”
“I think seeing you, the weird things with Seb…I mean, I just feel kind of like things have taken a twist I didn’t expect. And I’m just…lost. I feel lost, even though I shouldn’t be. I feel like what I need to do next in life is kinda a no brainer, but-”
“A no brainer to who?” He asked and you shrugged, “Everyone I guess. But I also feel…like…I’m in a glass house.” You said and he hummed, “I feel like everything right now is really fragile right now. With my heart and my head…with this album, I know that it’s been a while so I need t-to deliver, I mean obviously. And then w-with us too.” You explained and he hummed, “I just don’t even know where to start to be honest. And I think…that shows in the music. It’s going to be a big, fat flop.” You chuckled sadly, “I can just feel it. It’s murky…”
“I mean, you always know what I think. At the end of the day you have to like what you produced. And you have to be proud of it. I get that we do this for a living, but it’s also our entire heart and mind in those songs. All the things we’ve dealt with during this time, the joys the sorrows…I mean, that’s what we’re putting out there for everyone to judge and feeling like it doesn’t make sense anymore can be scary. But honestly, things don’t make sense for a lot people out there, and hearing that just might help them feel not so shitty about it.” He said and you hummed.
“Is it crazy that I really want to embrace another sound? I don’t even know what it falls under, but I just want it to sound exactly how I hear it in my brain.” You explained, “Like…” you paused and chuckled, “there are lines I wrote while I was like at the grocery store or stuck in traffic, and like I can only hear them in that setting. Like just to show how banal my life is, you know? Like, I want to put in the beep of the check out machine in or staticky radio chatter about the heat wave, my alarm going off in the morning, the chirp of the fire alarm I haven’t changed…I was thinking of maybe putting in some like voice notes between the tracks, like texts with friends, or little things I make to remember what I need to buy at the store. Like I want it to be like a day through my perspective I guess…almost like the music is narrating a routine?” You explained and he nodded and smiled.
“I think that’s really cool.” He said and you bit your lip.
“It’s not too…messy and chaotic?”
“No, it is for sure, the layering is going to be insane.” He said and you chuckled and nodded, “But it’s a cool concept. Like basically if your life was a kind of like a musical.” He said and your eyes widened.
“Exactly.” You sighed and smiled, “Wow…who knew a word for that already existed.” You chuckled and he did as well, “I was struggling for a while there trying to describe what I wanted. Thank you!” You said and he chuckled.
“Happy to help.”
When everyone returned you shared a more clear idea of what it was that you wanted. You wanted things to be a little odd but as real as possible. This helped your producers and sound engineers adjust what they were doing a bit to make editing easier on themselves. At some point Harry was at the help of the control panel, pressing buttons and raising and lowering settings, asking you to go again.
“Hey man, how about in that bit there where she ends the bridge, she does the final chorus in an octave lower and we fade it out from studio into the raw audio. I believe this is one of the songs where the demo is from her voice notes.” Ricky suggested and Harry smiled.
“Yeah actually, that’s sick.” He nodded and then he told you what Ricky was thinking. “He says we can layer them and blend it, so just try the chorus in a lower octave and the rest will be done via editing.” He instructed and gave him a thumbs up before running it again. 
After another couple of hours of working, your day was coming to an end. Everyone started cleaning up after themselves and you invited Ricky to Melissa’s place and soon he was heading off and assuring you he’d be there later. Harry was chatting with one of the other sound engineers, Billy, as you looked around the space one final time to ensure you weren’t leaving anything behind for the night.
“I was just telling Harry that now what you were asking of us makes a lot more sense.” Billy said and you chuckled.
“See. I wasn’t crazy!”  
“Yeah… it’s gonna be cool, what you’re doing.”
“Thank you. I think so too. I mean, I know I enjoy those kinds of things when I listen to music, so I hope others like it as well.”
“Oh yeah, people are suckers for that.” He smiled, “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Billy said to you, “And it was nice to meet you.” He said to Harry, “Will you be joining us again?”
“Ummm…” Harry said as he glanced over to you.
“Well, you’re always welcome. You know that.” You said to him and he smiled.
“Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said and Billy chuckled. You guys exchanged a few more words before Billy headed out.
“So where are you staying?” You asked as you put things into your tote bag.
“Not sure yet. I don’t know how long I’m staying for, so I didn’t want to book a hotel indefinitely, you know?”
“Yeah, I get that.” You hummed, “Well if you need a place to crash for a bit I’ve got an extra room. Caitlyn already claimed one room.” You said and he chuckled.
“Of course she has…” he grinned and you smiled, “Well yeah, if it’s no bother. And like, I know that I came for you-”
“That’s what she said.” You slipped in and he laughed and rolled his eyes as you giggled.
“Real funny…now, I know that I came here to see you, but I’d also understand if you didn’t want me in your house.” He chuckled.
“I’d love you in my house.” You said and he smiled.
“Then let’s get going.” He responded and you grinned.
“Welcome!” You chirped as you opened the back door to let Harry in with his big ass suitcase.
“Thanks.” He chuckled.
“Do you remember where my room is?”
“Okay, well yours is the one right beside it.” You said and he nodded and took off. You put your bag down to wash the tumbler you used for your coffee that morning. And after that you headed off to get changed. When you passed by Harry was just stripping off his pants and you turned away quickly before rushing into your room. You first got your shirt off and then got your make up off. You’d be swimming anyway, so it was pointless to have it on. Once you got done with that you went to pick out a bathing suit which you quickly changed into. You were throwing your skirt back on when Harry announced himself. “What’s up?” You asked and he came over to your closet.
“Nothing, just wondering what was taking you so long.”
“Oh, sorry. I was taking off my makeup. Let me just grab a shirt.” You said and just grabbed the first one within reach and threw it on. You slid your feet into your sandals and then tugged at his shirt as you breezed past him. “Let’s go.”
“Hey…hey, hey, hey come here.” He said reaching around you and stopping you as you giggled.
“What?” You asked him and he just hugged you and released a long exhale. You smiled and rubbed over his back softly, fingers dancing across his shirt as you held him for a little while. 
“I’m really happy to be here.” He spoke quietly.
“Oh me too, H. I missed you a lot. It was getting hard not to hear from you.” You spoke softly before tiptoeing and kissing low on his cheek. His lips twitched up in a little smile and you ran your thumb over his bottom lip. He kissed the pad of your thumb a couple times before letting you go and grabbing your face, pulling you in closer to him.
“Can I?” He asked and you nodded quickly. 
Just a moment later his lips were pushing and pulling against your own slowly in a deep and emotional kiss. It was nostalgic and magical; your body felt alive and tingly all over. Moreover, the raw emotion of the tension finally bursting was overwhelming in the best way. It felt like you had just jumped into a cool pool on a hot summer’s day. You were so in the moment that you forgot to breathe, so you suddenly pulled back to do so. And his mouth chased after yours, pecking around your lips as you inhaled sharply. When your eyes blinked open and met his, you smiled and his cheeks went all warm and pink. Suddenly you were transported back to the time when you had kissed for the very first time. He was smiling then too, relieved to have kissed you. And you were in mental shambles as you relished in what had just happened. It felt like the beginning again. He started to pull back and you arched up and kissed him again.
“Not yet.” You whispered and he sighed and pulled you closer. His thumbs stroked over your cheeks as your lips met over and over again in soft little pecks in between deep kisses. Your noses nuzzled against each other for a few seconds.
“D’you wanna drive?”
“Yeah, sure.” You smiled and were heading off a few minutes later.
Harry was actually having a nice time at this pool party/dinner thing. He was glad he had come because he needed the distraction. He was afraid of the conversation he was going to have with you about polyamory and how he believed that he fit under this category. He was nervous because of how this had impacted his previous relationship. He had spent the past couple months talking to his therapist every couple of weeks on the phone to help him through the depression and grief of his relationship. His therapist mentioned that a friend of hers is a sex therapist and she asked him if he would be interested in having her come sit in on a few of their sessions and then take the lead for a few about this new discovery he had made about himself and he agreed and he would be meeting her for the first time the following day.
He had also been keeping a keen eye on the interactions between you and Ricky. Ricky and him kept making awkward eye contact and he was acting really relaxed with you. He figured it was because Ricky was a bit intimidated or still feeling weird about him walking in on you guys. Either way, Harry was being more of a spectator for now.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” You asked as you came up to him after emerging from the pool.
“Nothing, just watching everyone. Thinking…”
“Me. You. Us…” he said as he made space on the big chaise lounge he was on. 
He patted the space beside him and you climbed on, legs crossed as you faced him and you extended your hand out towards his and just grazed your fingers over his own discreetly before pulling away. This little gesture transported Harry back to your fifth date. He remembered it so clearly, you guys had gone out to eat and even though you had a private dinging area, he still wouldn’t hold your hand because he was worried that someone might see and then it would all get out and things would surely go to shit. He remembered because he did that same gesture to you that you’d just done to him. Just a feather of a touch to ease your need and want to be closer to him in that moment. 
“Did you feel…invalidated when we were together?” He asked, seemingly out of the blue and you hummed pensively. “Like not seen or maybe…less important than you were to me?”
“Maybe a little bit at the start but it went away quickly. I knew it was because of the band and all those crazy rules they had for you guys.” You said and he nodded, “But after all that ended I was expecting you to change a little bit? Lax up about being together in public and things like that.” You explained, “I didn’t feel like you hid us because I wasn’t good enough for you. I know all that was sort of a deal breaker for you then, so I just went along with it because I mean, I hadn’t dated anyone with your level of fame before. I just figured you knew the best way to deal and go about that.” You shrugged and he hummed.
“What you did just now, touched my hand?” He said and you nodded, urging him to continue, “I did that to you, on our fifth date. You just wanted to hold my hand over the table top at the restaurant.” He chuckled sadly, “And I wouldn’t. Do you remember?” 
“We were in some tiny little private dining room…” he reminded you.
“Oh yeah…” you hummed.
“I’m sorry.”
“That.” He said and you hummed. “I wish I had been braver. And I feel the same now. I think if I had listened to other people and been more open and braver about the things I think or feel sometimes then maybe I wouldn’t be so carelessly hurtful towards others.”
“You’re not a hurtful person, H. At least not intentionally. You have concerns and fears and doubts like everyone else and sometimes that can affect how you relate to and interact with others. But I mean, you dealt with things the best way you knew how at the time, right?”
“Then, good. You did your best to protect what we had and I trusted you and your approach. I don’t hold it against you.” You said and he nodded.
“So just now then, you didn’t do that because you’re like…conditioned to be unaffectionate towards me in public?” He asked and you smiled and shook your head.
“No, it was just a little reassuring thing.”
“Okay.” He smiled, “You can, by the way. I want to hold your hand.” He said as he reached for yours resting flat over your thigh.
“Oh, like right now?” 
“Yeah. Can I?” He asked.
“Yeah, if you want to.” You smiled.
“Do you want me to though?”
“Yeah!” You laughed a bit and he smiled and pulled your hand into the small space between your bodies. His fingers intertwined with yours and you smiled up at him.
The one thing that you kept feeling was eager anticipation. You loved Harry at the core of who he was and every part of him that you’d known and experienced over the years. The prospect of getting to know him again, this version of him that you were the most unfamiliar with, it was exciting. Even just being around him you felt in tune, on the same wave length as him. When your gazes met you felt curiosity and interest in understanding what was going on in his brain in a far deeper way than before. You’d happily spend the rest of your days learning about him and loving who he was now and who he would become over time. You smiled to yourself as you thought of him in 10-15 years, with you. Happy, fulfilled, it was making you emotional.
“Hey, what’s on your mind?” He asked softly.
“You.” You responded, you didn’t mean for it to come out as a whisper, but it did. You were just so in your head now as you gave thought to all of this. To all of him.
“What about me? You seem like you’re about to cry.” He said lowly with a bit of concern.
“They’d be happy tears then.” You assured him and he smiled. “Was just thinking about you, how far you’ve come. Well, the both of us, and how I’m jus so excited t-to get to know you again. And just thinking about the future, like…what we can have. Like…we’re different than…five years ago, you know?”
“Yeah, a little more grown up.” He smiled.
“A lot more grown up.” You chuckled, “And I think it could only get better the older we get.” You said and he smiled.
“It will.” He said decisively, “I’m also excited about getting to know you in a deeper way again.” He said and you smiled as a comfortable silence took over for a minute or so. But then he spoke up again, “Honestly, I don’t think there’s a reality in which I wouldn’t be in love with you.” He confessed with a bashful smile and your gaze softened as it met his own, “I mean that.”
“I know. I feel the same way.” You responded, your heart was pounding so hard you felt it in your throat. 
Harry just smiled and let his thumb smooth over your knuckles as you just looked at each other. His eyes flickered between your own, taking in every possible detail. He loved how the sun streaks showed off the pattern of your irises. He loved how you looked back at him with so much adoration. He wanted everything with you. He couldn’t even contain the fluttering feeling in his tummy as he thought about you when you had a baby with him and looked at them the way you were looking at him now. With love, acceptance, pride, and every other good feeling and intention you could muster up.
“I need you to know that we’re making it this time.” He whispered and you nodded.
“Yeah we are.” You whispered back with a smile.
You were quite nervous as you made it back from the studio the next day. You’d had a great and productive day and you hoped Harry had too. You were feeling a vast range of emotions as you tried to picture where the conversation would end up. Especially after the intimate things you had told each other the evening before. You had even called your mom on your lunch break to just get all the irrational, anxiety inducing things off of your chest. She was excited for the possibility of you and Harry working things out after all this time. She and your father loved how he looked after you and were very supportive of your relationship with him back then and it was no different now, he and his family had left a really great impression on them. And your family on his, you still spoke to Anne and Gemma and a few of his cousins for birthdays and little things like that. Obviously, you kept a respectful distance, especially since he dated quite quickly after, but you had grown to love the people in his life too. 
“Hello?” You spoke out into the car when you answered his incoming call.
“Hey, love. Just checking if I can open any of the wine bottles you have? Or are some special?”
“Nah, have at it.” You assured him.
“Perfect. Are you close by?”
“Yeah, about 10 minutes away.”
“Great! See you soon.” He hummed, “Be safe.”
“Thanks, H.” You hummed and he hung up.
As soon as you made it inside you were greeted with an absolutely divine aroma and “Always Alright” by Alabama Shakes was playing from the kitchen. You bopped your head along as you pushed the door back and it landed into the frame with a loud thump.
“I’m home!” You called out as you toed out of your sneakers and just as you were about to make it to the living room Harry was coming to the entrance with a glass of wine for you in hand. 
“Hey, how was it today?”
“Good, we wrapped up the ones that might be the singles so it was a productive day.” You said with a smiled as you guys hugged briefly and kissed cheeks.
“That’s great.” He hummed as he handed over the glass and you thanked him softly before taking a sip.
“Mmmm.” Your eyebrows perked up as the sour and crisp wine tingled on your tongue. “Which one did you open?” You only had three bottles of white wines as it wasn’t your favorite variety. So the flavors of it were not as obvious to you.
“The chablis.” 
“Oh…good choice.” You complimented and he smiled.
“Yeah?” You nodded and he hummed. “Well c’mon then.” He said and you followed after him to the kitchen.
“How was your day?” You asked.
“Also quite productive. I found two potential places, so there’s that.”
“And in therapy?”
“Really good too.” He smiled and you nodded.
“Good. I’m glad.” You hummed, “Do you need my help with anything?”
“No, just sit. Wanna plate it all nice for you.” He said and you smiled.
“Wow, thank you.” 
“Of course.” He smiled as he plated up the baby potato and veg mix on the plate and then he lifted the sheet of tin foil placed over the pan on the stove, “They had some really great sea bass fillets at Erewhon. I couldn’t resist.” He hummed.
“How much did they cost you?” You asked with a grin and he chuckled.
“I’m not ready to talk about it.” He mumbled with a smirk and you giggled. “Here you are love.” He said handing you a plate and you grabbed it quickly.
“Wow, so beautiful.” You complimented, “The skin is so crisp.” You slightly moaned as you ran your fork over it. “I’m so excited to eat this.” You praised him and bit down on your lip in excitement. Harry grinned bashfully as he served up his own plate and soon he was settling in beside you and then you guys started eating. You made some light conversation and hummed to the music playing in the background of your conversation while you guys ate your dinner. Everything was so delicious you even went in for another helping of the veggies. “Wow…this is may be on of the best things I’ve eaten in a long time.” You said in satisfaction. “The fish was so buttery. It just melted in your mouth…damn.” You smiled, “You did so good! I’m so impressed.” You chuckled.
“Yeah?” He smiled as he reached for your hand and you nodded again. “Glad you liked it. Got the recipe from Shellie.” He said and you hummed.
“Ooh nice. She’s a good cook.” You recalled and he nodded.
“And I made some cereal milk panna cotta for desert. Should be set by now.”
“Ooh, fancy!” You chirped with excitement. You washed the remaining dishes as he brought out the panna cottas and then headed over to your patio, he balanced the little ramekins in one hand as he unlatched the glass door and slid it open and stepped outside. You dried your hands and grabbed your glasses of wine as you headed over as well and cozied into one of the seats outside.
“So?” You asked and he smiled at you.
“So…I think that I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that I am probably polyamorous.” He explained and you nodded in understanding.
“Okay and what does that…look like for you?” You asked him.
“Ummm…for me it’s largely about the fact that I can connect romantically with multiple people simultaneously. I have felt it before but just thought of it as like a crush…because I had never fully fallen in love with any of those people or just stopped myself from talking to them more because I was already seeing someone. And I mean, to me, you’re the biggest love of my life. And when we didn’t work I just…I wanted to feel that way again and so I searched for it and I did fall in love with Olivia and Taylor all w-while being in love with you the entire time. I see now that I buried what I felt for you, but it was never gone.” He explained and you nodded in understanding, “I told Taylor once that she wasn’t competing with you for my love, that I loved you and loved her in your own unique ways. D-does that make sense to you?”
“Yeah, H. It does.” You assured as you dipped into your panna cotta and he hummed ‘good’ before he did the same. You sat silently for a little bit, watching the sun starting to move closer and closer to the horizon.
“And say, what if we get married and somewhere along the way I…fall in love with someone else? Can you accept that?” He asked and you shrugged.
“I can tell you that I can right now…but I mean, maybe that will change if we get married or have kids or something…” you said with all honesty. “But I mean, i-if that’s how it is then I’d expect to have boundaries or rules for what’s acceptable if we’re the married ones.”
“Yeah, I get that.” He nodded, “So, my therapist brought in a friend of hers, a sex therapist, t-to talk about this with me. To answer any questions and to help prep me for this talk I wanted to have with you.” He explained and you nodded urging him to go on, “So poly people can have different types of relationships and she was explaining them to me to see what resonated with me the most and I think a hierarchal approach or a polyfidelity approach is more in line with me.” He explained and you nodded.
“Okay, so what does that mean?”
“So in the hierarchal one the main relationship is the priority. So say we started a relationship, to me that would be my main relationship. If I met anyone who I was interested in I would run that by you. Like we would work out what any other potential partners would have access to together. And polyfidelity can be like, I have two relationships but they’re closed relationships on both ends. And well, it’s not like I’d actively be seeking out someone else to involve in my life, this is just an option in case I meet someone who I develop feelings for. I have no desire to have an open relationships or even sexual or dating relationships with other people just because. I would only want that if I even met anyone that I just had that deep of a connection with.” He explained.
“So like with Taylor…if she was okay with this…what would you prefer or?”
“I would kind of leave that up to her. I think she might have preferred a hierarchal thing though. Where if we were together first then that relationship is the priority and together we could set the boundary for what our relationship would look like. So say she was only fine with us dating and sleeping together when I was in California, then that’s what we would have. I think that a polyfidelity thing would be what I’d prefer in that case. I mean, I know that you guys wouldn’t be sleeping with other people, just me. And I wouldn’t say either one was more important than the other, we wouldn’t even have to do things together, each relationship would be what it is.” He said and you hummed as you gave it some thought.
“Wouldn’t that be…exhausting?” You asked and he chuckled.
“I don’t know…maybe.” He said pensively, “But like…to me, the way Taylor loved me didn’t feel the same as the way you love me, and vise versa. And then the way I loved you both also came out differently. I didn’t feel more for you than her, but it was just different. Does that… make sense to you?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, that’s extremely logical.” You said and he chuckled.
“Are you just saying that?” He questioned skeptically.
“No!” You giggled, “I’m serious. I mean, there’s this quote from Ted Lasso that I really love and that I live by now. The quote is: “All people are different people.” And I mean, it’s so obvious and simple, but it’s something that we forget far too easily. So when you say that the way you felt love from and for us was different, it makes sense. Each person loves differently and has different needs. Our energies are different, you know? Of course it feels different with another person. Each relationship is going to be as unique as the people in it.”
“Right, it’s not like a competition between who I love more.” He said and you nodded.
“Right.” You confirmed and he smiled and then frowned. “What it is?”
“I don’t think I had the proper words to explain this to Taylor when I first told her about you. Maybe if I had more knowledge or simply just accepted and understood this part of myself before I could’ve hurt her less. Like, I’ve apologized and explained and we’ve forgiven each other for any hurt we caused each other, but I just…feel bad for how I affected her.”
“Yeah, of course. That’s understandable. I’m glad you guys got to talk that out eventually though. Is she better now? When was the last time you saw her?”
“Ummm, early June?” He hummed, “She looked so much lighter than when we were together. She was back to her old self and it was hard to see how badly what we had was affecting her.” He explained, “That’s really what pushed me into the depression phase. Just seeing how much better off she was without me. It just…fed my fear that I only hurt the people I love.” He said and you hummed. 
“Do you think that if you’d known this about yourself with certainty before that she would’ve been alright with it?”
“Absolutely not.” He chuckled, “Her concern was that I’d start to love you more than her and like fall out of love with her and just leave her for you.”
“Mmm, well at the risk of sounding like a total dick…isn’t that just what happens when a relationship starts to…fall apart? You start to fall out of love with someone for whatever reason? Like that’s just what can happen to anyone. It’s part of the general risk of being in a relationship, no?” You asked and he chuckled.
“That’s basically what I said to her one time. I just said it less delicately, but it really offended her. But it’s the truth, feelings can change at any time for any number of reasons. And I mean, I did love her, I think I still do a little bit, obviously.” He said and you nodded, “But I’m starting to move past it. See with you I…thought I was moving past it.” He said, “Thought that this whole time. The sex therapist? She was basically saying that in me moving on so quickly, I was just…distracting myself from having to properly move on from you basically. And like…seeing each other again after so long, I mean…it just brought everything up for me again and it almost felt like we had broken up a week before. I missed you terribly and I was constantly thinking about you and Sebastian and I just…I had to say something to Taylor about it.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” You said and he sighed.
“I guess, I’m still figuring things out in terms of this polyamory thing. But again, I just want to reassure you that I’m not actively seeking another partner, nor am I interested in dating or sleeping with other people at this time. If it happens, it happens, but obviously if it takes away from what we have going together then our relationship would take priority over that. I do believe that we connect in a very special and extraordinary way. I love and miss what we had before, but after seeing you again last year and with the time we’ve spent together already I absolutely cannot wait to see how good we can be together this time around.” He said and you smiled and just got up and climbed into his lap and hugged him tight.
“I love you.” You hummed and he sighed in relief.
“I love you too.” He answered as he hugged your waist tight for a few moments until you pulled back from him to be able to look into his eyes.
“So where do we go from here? What are you comfortable with?” You asked him.
“Well, we don’t have to rush into a relationship. I mean, I know we love each other, but I want to date you. I want to reacquaint myself with you and fall in love with the you, you are now all over again.” He said and you smiled a bit, “I also want to make sure that I’m not using us a distraction to finish moving on from Taylor.” He said and you nodded.
“Yeah, of course.” You agreed, “I mean, if you still have feelings for her do you think that maybe you might want to keep that door open?” You asked him and he shook his head.
“Yeah, she’s not on board with the polyamory thing at all. It just wouldn’t work for her.”
“Right…right.” You said and he nodded.
“Ummm baby, I have to ask because I can’t stop thinking about it.” He sighed and you nodded, “Wh-what’s the situation with Ricky?” He asked, evidently he was a bit nervous about asking you, you could see it in his eyes.
“It’s still just a friends with benefits thing. We don’t really hook up on the regular, like it’s not a planned, routine thing we do. It’s more opportunistic.” You explained.
“So the other day was like a fluke, basically?”
“For sure. I would never normally do something like that, especially while we’re in a professional setting.” You explained, “But I was just a little more…needy than usual.” You chuckled.
“Mmm, I see. I only ask because if I’m gonna stay here for a bit, like I just don’t want to make you guys feel weird if he’s like constantly around or staying over too.” He explained. “Like we kept making awkward eye contact yesterday at the pool party thing and like…yeah. I’m not…like it’s not a jealousy thing. I’m not jealous of him.” He said quickly.
“Just fuming inside a little?” You teased, repeating his words from the other day at the studio.
“Yeah, just a bit.” He chuckled, “Still.” He confessed.
“Don’t. To answer your question more seriously, Ricky doesn’t stay overnight here. Ever. And I don’t stay overnight at his either. We literally do the most to not blur any lines even more than they already are.” You explained.
“So you just…fuck and go?” He asked.
“It’s not that transactional.” You chuckled. “It’s usually after we’ve gone out with friends or just hung out together. And if we both want to hook up we do and then we go our separate ways.” You explained. “We really don’t do sleepovers or even like lovey-dovey things like cuddles or holding hands. It’s just the sexual favors bit. Like we might lay around for a bit, but we just talk, we don’t like…hold each other and…bask in the afterglow.” You said with a giggle and he nodded.
“And it doesn’t feel….empty? Without the soft bits?” He asked you more seriously.
“Of course it does.” You smiled a bit sadly, “I think it does for the both of us. He’s hung up on someone else and well…same.” You said and he smiled and nodded, “So we just hook up when we’re both feeling in the mood for it. So we really are friends first and the benefits are there when needed.” You explained and he nodded in understanding.
“So if it’s one of those times when you guys talk afterwards, like is it feedback about the sex or just random conversation?” He asked.
“Just conversations. Like sometimes we talk about the people we miss and things about them. We talk about how we’re feeling afterwards, like sometimes when that post-coital haze is lifted you just get so sad, you know? So we talk about that and try and figure out why we might feel sad. We talk about what the point of all of it is…I think we’ve achieved a rather deep level of friendship from this.” You said pensively.
“And you don’t like him even just a little bit?” He asked you.
“I mean, of course I do. I hook up with him, don’t I?” You chuckled and he did as well, “But it’s very surface level. We did talk about that one time, about what would happen if we ended up together. We both decided it would be a no-go.” You chuckled, “He’s just so…unworried and unbothered by everything. Doesn’t really plan or anything and well, you know how that drives me crazy. Especially with the job we have.” You said and he chuckled and nodded. “I’m definitely more balanced with my time now than I was before but it’s because I’ve been able to schedule and plan and whatnot. Like he’s kind of the type to get bored on a Tuesday and drive down to TJ with a friend or his sister because they want tacos from Taconazo. Like, I don’t have the same freedom to just do things on a whim without it throwing a bunch of things out of whack for myself.”
“Right.” He hummed, “So you…like him? Like you’re into him?” He asked and you looked at him quite perplexed, “Like in the way you like me?” He clarified.
“Are you asking if I like him more than you? Or are you asking if I…like him and you? Simultaneously.” You asked and he nodded. “I mean, I do like you both, but not in the same way as you do. Like, I definitely like you more, I mean, I love you, you know? I wouldn’t be able to love you and him. I would have to choose.” You said and he smiled.
“And you’d choose me.” He said quite confidently and you rolled your lips into each other to prevent your lips from widening in a grin as you shrugged. “Baby.” He pressed more seriously and you giggled.
“I mean…”
“Say it then.” He smiled smugly.
“Why? If you already know?” You asked.
“Because. I want to hear you say it for me.” He insisted. “Tell me you’d choose me. Every single time.” He hummed with a smile and you grabbed his face tenderly and leaned in until your lips were pressed together. 
Harry hummed in satisfaction as his hands slid down your waist and to your hips. His thumbs gently kneaded at the pudgy part of your hips. You giggled when it tickled you a bit and he chuckled before sucking on your bottom lip a bit. Your eyes fluttered open and met his lustful gaze. You could feel him hardening up beneath you as he leaned back in for a hungry kiss. Your lips moved sloppily, it was all tongue and heavy breathing as your slid down and held at the side of his neck. His hands were groping at your butt now, smoothing his big warm palms over them, helping you grind over him and feel his obvious need for you. You pulled back and pecked his lips a few times before taking a proper breath.
“I choose you, baby.” You confirmed quietly between the two of you. He looked into your eyes, his lust was evident.
“It would be wise to stop, wouldn’t it?” He asked and you giggled and nodded before kissing him a few more times and hugging him tight. After a few moments you pulled back and smiled at him and he bit his lip and reached around the back of your neck and pulled you down and kissed you deeply once more.
It was your birthday and you were having fun so far at the little dinner party you had thrown yourself at your place. You felt pretty in the short black linen dress you’d chosen for yourself. You were nursing a cocktail as you chatted with those who had already arrived, you were waiting for a few more people, including Harry. You had hired on a private chef to take care of dinner tonight so that you could enjoy with everyone, after all, you only turn thirty once.
“So when did Harry move out of here?”
“A few weeks ago? He only stayed about a week. He was able to find himself a decent sized house really quickly. It was furnished, so it was rather convenient, it’s cute.” You smiled as you shared this with Melissa who nodded.
“That’s great!”
“Yeah.” You smiled in agreement.
“Sooo…any progress?” she asked with an expecting look.
“We’re not talking about that.” You said to her and she sighed in some disappointment.
“Fine.” She said with a smile. You appreciated that she didn’t push any further.
In truth, you and Harry had been mostly seeing each other at the studio after he left your house. You had both been scared into keeping things extremely platonic after that dinner he had prepared for you when you guys talked about your future. You had said you were going to take it slow and ended up half naked on your bed just about to initiate sex when you asked him to stop in a panic. The entire week he stayed with you the sexual tension was completely overboard, but you both knew it was for the best to not get involved with each other like that yet. So it was quite a big relief to you both when he left and you only saw each other at the studio. This would be his first time back at your place after he left so you were a little bit nervous in all honestly, which is why you had refused taking a shot three times already, you needed to be fully sober in order to not act impulsively.
“Harry!” You heard Caitlyn greet him excitedly from inside. You straightened up a bit and sucked a bit more of your drink though the straw. “Harry’s here!” Caitlyn announced as she led him out and everyone greeted him happily as he approached you and you smiled and stood to hug him.
“Happy birthday.” He hummed as he squeezed you tightly, “Welcome to thirty.” He said as he pulled back and you smiled.
“Thank you.” You chuckled.
“You look beautiful.” He said more quietly, his compliment slightly drowned out by everyone’s chatter.
“Oh, thank you.” You said as you glanced down at your dress quickly and then back into his eyes. He licked over his lips as he scanned over your face and then smiled bashfully when he realized he’d been caught.
“Sorry.” He hummed and you smiled.
“It’s alright. Ummm, have a seat.” You said gesturing to the table and well, the only spots available were at the further end of the table.
“You can sit here, Harry. I actually need to talk to Ben.” Melissa said as she stood up and headed further down the table.
“May I?” Harry asked and you nodded.
“Of course.” You agreed and he sat there. It’d been two or three days since you’d spoken, you were busy finalizing everything with the party and Harry had therapy and some catching up to do with other friends he had in the area.
“So, how’s it been planning all this?”
“A little stressful, but I think it ended up well.” You smiled and he nodded.
“Yeah, it looks really nice. S’a simple, little thing. I like that.” He said and you nodded.
“Yeah, thank you.”
“I ummm, I got you something that I want to show you later, I-if I can hang out a little after everyone goes.”
“Oh okay.” You nodded and he smiled. Your curiosity was piqued and all throughout the evening you kept thinking back on this and wondering what it could be. 
You were having a nice time with everyone, you guys were playing games and sharing stories. You had a delicious, fresh peach pie instead of a cake and everyone seemed so delighted with that choice. The chef really knocked it out of the park with that one. Afterwards, there was a bit of karaoke but when it hit 10:30 you guys started to wind down as to not disturb your neighbors. Slowly, your friends started to head out one by one, congratulating you once more on your birthday and you were thanking them for coming as you walked them out to their cars. Harry, Caitlyn, Ricky, and Melissa had stayed inside talking a bit more but you suspected that they were also getting ready to go, well except Harry. You guys hung around a bit more, the glances between you and Harry were nothing short of obvious and frequent, so being the one person to read the room, Ricky suddenly stood up.
“Well, it’s almost 11:30, we should go.” He said as he stretched his arms above his head a bit and once they got his hint, Caitlyn and Melissa stood as well. You and Harry followed them to the door and you all said your goodbyes. “Don’t be scared of falling.” Ricky mumbled quietly against the side of your head and you squeezed him tighter.
“Thank you for everything. Love you, I appreciate you.” You mumbled.
“Me too.” He chuckled before you kissed cheeks and he was hurrying after Melissa and Caitlyn down the little path. 
You and Harry followed after them and waved them off before you locked the gate as Harry made his way back to the house. You felt nervous around him for some reason, like his energy was too great to allow you to breathe, or maybe that was the alcohol…you’d had three cocktails which was already a bit much for you by this point and you were convinced your friends made your last one a double without your permission. Regardless, you were smiling at him while he watched you come up.
“What’s wrong?” He asked and you shook your head.
“You’re making me nervous.” You chuckled.
“What? Why?”
“This mystery gift thing!” You scoffed as you guys made it inside and he locked up behind you.
“Yeah alright, fair.” He smiled as you headed to the kitchen.
“Want some water?” You asked as you headed into the kitchen.
“Please. Benny made the last drinks a double and that awful taste is not leaving my mouth.” He confessed with a slight grimace.
“I knew it!” You gasped and he chuckled, “They were trying to get me to do shots before you arrived.” You said and he chuckled.
“Well good thing you declined. You really don’t want a hangover at thirty.” He laughed and you did as well and soon you were both having a bit of water and then he sighed.
“Okay, well it’s two things.” He said and you nodded, “First gift is this…” he said pulling his phone out and after several moments of waiting, he looked back to you, “You should check your email. The personal one.” He said and you nibbled on you lip and went to grab your phone that was on the other side of the kitchen counter. You open up your email account and saw the link to a ticket and when you opened it up your free hand flew over your mouth and your eyes welled up.
“No…but th-these sold out in like five minutes!” You gasped in surprise at the Joni Mitchell ticket waiting to be accepted by you.
“I’m her friend.” He said simply and you shook your head in disbelief. 
She was playing two dates at the Hollywood Bowl and despite your best efforts during the sale in February, they sold out in moments. It was a bittersweet thing, seeing artists that were such icons and legends performing what would surely be some of their last shows ever. Being able to make it to things like this made for priceless memories and well, you grew up with Joni Mitchell, like Harry did, and you both loved her. It was one of the things that you both had in common and made friends over when you first started talking, so she meant a lot to the both you. “We’ve got a private box. We’re right up near the front so we can see it all!” He said excitedly, “And we get to meet her beforehand, if you want.” He said and you set your phone down and shook your head in disbelief.
“This is extraordinarily thoughtful, H.” You said with a wide smile.
“Our first concert out in the open. No fear, no worries, just us.” He said and you hurried over to him and hugged him tight.
“This is honestly so amazing.” You sighed as you squeezed him tight and he kissed the top of your head. “I can’t wait to do this with you.” You said happily.
“Me either. It’s going to be so good.” He said with certainty and you nodded against his chest before pulling back and peering up at him.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked him and he chuckled.
“Always.” He hummed and you laughed and tip-toed a bit more and your lips met in a sweet and chaste kiss.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” You gave him another kiss with each ‘thank you’ and he was a smiley and blushing mess before you. “My parents are going to die when they hear about this.”
“Well, part two…they’re coming as well.” He said and you pulled away.
“Yeah!” He laughed happily and you shook your head.
“I swear it. Your mum and dad, and my mum and her boyfriend. A proper date night. Though the meeting bit is just for us two.” He added and you were crying now, it seemed something ridiculous, but it was a full circle moment.
“This is so nice of you.” You whispered as you hugged him again.
“Hey, look at me, my love.” He hummed and you glanced up at him, “It’s not just a concert, you know? I want to do this with you and with our parents t-to also show them that it’s not just a for fun thing. This is about the future. Our future.” He said and you nodded. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, “I’m gonna kiss you for real now.” You said and he chuckled.
“Yeah, do it. Please.” He insisted and you chuckled.
Your lips were soon colliding gently and moving in an improvised but effortless dance together. You relaxed in his arms, you loved the warmth of his hands around your waist and then traveling down to your hips as he held you tight. It was a feat as challenging as the greek mythological quests trying to keep your composure around him. Everything just felt so easy and right when you were together, it always had. But now it was even stronger than before, you could feel the love emanating from him as you held each other and kissed passionately.
“Baby,” he mumbled, “can I…say something?” He asked and you nodded and pulled back from the kiss but he chased after you and kissed you deeply again before also keep the distance so he could speak properly. “I know we said no more jumping into things with people but you’re not just anyone, you know?” He said and you smiled a bit, “The love I have for you has been here the whole time. I’m not burying the hurt by wanting to be with you, it’s not like that with you, you know that.” He said and you nodded, “I want to be with you. I want to a relationship with you. I don’t want to wait anymore, I’ve already wasted so much time.” He said and you caressed his cheek with your thumb, “And I…I see the woman you’ve become. How you’ve grown and blossomed so beautifully-”
“You too!” You sniffled and he smiled.
“Thank you.” He chuckled, “But ummm…I don’t want to miss out on this. On you. It’s different with you, you know that.” He said, “Let’s do this again. Be my girlfriend, please?” He asked and you laughed happily and kissed him.
“Yeah. I will.” You whispered against his lips.
“You will what?” He asked with a grin and kissed you a few times, awaiting your response.
“I’ll be your girlfriend.” You said breathlessly with a smile. 
Harry was beaming and his hand came around the back of your neck, holding you gently as he dipped down and you kissed once again. He was slower this time, but the intensity was still at all time high. You felt your lust for him simmering steadily, nearly ready to bubble over into a boil with whatever move he’d make next. Your skin was tingling, excited to feel his touch once again.
“Can I take you to your room?” He asked, his lips gently smearing against your cheek as he spoke and then kissed you there.
“Yes.” You confirmed and he found your hand and led you through your house until you were bursting through the door and he was kissing you ardently as you walked backwards into the dim, cool room. His hands slid down your waist and landed over your backside, he caressed over it and gave your cheeks a light squeeze.
“I miss being able to do that.” He chuckled and you laughed a bit. You weren’t as thin as the people he had dated lately, so there was a little more to grab onto. You didn’t mind it, you were happy with yourself and you knew you were healthy, so you didn’t feel bad or find a need to even compare and it was relieving to you that he felt the same. “You’re exquisite. You know that right?” He asked and you smiled timidly at his compliment.
“How about you show me show exquisite you are first.” You suggested and he chuckled and was quick to take a step back and pull off his shirt, not even bothering with the buttons. 
Like a moth to a flame, you were right up against him again, kissing down his neck lightly. Trying not to smile too much as you traveled down to his pecs and the smattering of hair between them tickled your nose a little as you smooshed a kiss over his sternum. Your hands slid up his abs, you could feel his tummy flex a bit from the tickles your light touches were causing. You continued sliding it up until your index finger was hooking into the chain of his trusty pendant with the Jesus and penis charms. You tugged it down a bit before arching up into him and kissing him again. His hands slid up your back, his fingers feeling around for the pull on the zipper for your dress. 
“It’s on the right side.” You guided him and he was quick to take his hands there and slid it down. 
Harry helped the straps off of your shoulders, planting kisses on each shoulder blade before letting the dress drop down to the floor. You weren’t wearing a bra with it as the neckline was a bit strange, but he didn’t seem to mind that one bit. He groaned at the sight of your breasts bare before him and he immediately brought his hands up to them and kneaded them gently in his big, warm palms. You sighed in relief and glanced up at him and he seemed to have snapped. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you towards your bed. He sat and pulled you onto his lap in a straddling position and kissed you urgently. His tongue met yours sloppily before he started to kiss down your jaw, then your neck and finally he reached your chest. You arched your back in as he gently sucked on your collar bone and then skimmed his lips down to your right breast before parting them and latching around your nipple, effectively hardening it in a second. You moaned in relief as his blunt nails dug into your back as he started sucking more fervently.
“Yes! That’s so good.” You whimpered as he moaned around you. You peered down, looking at his gorgeously hollowed our cheeks as he sucked and nibbled at your tender little bud before popping off and moving to the other one. He payed it just as much attention, letting you whimper and whine as he went a little harder on you. Your fingers scratched against his scalp and you chuckled as he pulled back, nipple still in his mouth until it inevitably slipped out with a soft popping sound. He buried himself in the crook of your neck and inhaled and then exhaled, sounding relieved.
“I missed the scent of you and your perfume. I’d forgotten how good it is.” He said softly.
“I do too. Even had the same body wash you use for a while.” You said and he pulled away and smiled up at you.
“Yeah, baby?” You nodded.
“I’m never gonna forget again.” He told you with certainty and you smiled and caressed his cheek with the back of your hand. He leaned into your touch and let his eyes close for a moment.
“I’ve imagined this moment so many times.” You whispered and his eyes fluttered open and met yours. He smiled softly, peering up at you with so much love it made your insides flutter. 
“I have too.” He whispered back and kissed your lips quickly. “Hold on tight.” He said and you did and he stood and then had you on the bed as he laid over you.
He started to kiss down your body, you were already so wet for him, but knowing what was coming next practically had your legs trembling preemptively and your walls fluttering in excitement. He didn’t waste time or tease you at all, he needed this as badly as you needed it. He was quick to pull your underwear down your legs and toss it aside as he slid further down, parting your legs so that he could fit between them. He kissed down your mound and up your thighs before he nuzzled right up against your center, his stubble tickling your sensitive skin. You would normally want to be clean shaven if you knew someone was going down on you, just out of convenience, but you knew he didn’t care about that. He groaned happily at your scent and the softness of you against his lips as he puckered them up a bit and kissed at you a little bit, each time nuzzling a bit deeper until he brushed against your clit and you bit your lip in anticipation. 
“Fuck H, please. Please.” You begged and he let go of all the restraint he had inside of him and just let his tongue roll out as he spread your legs further so that he could lap up from your dripping entrance to your clit. He flicked over it a little bit before giving it heavier licks until you were pushing him closer and moaning in pleasure. Your hips were writhing up against his mouth and he moved with you, loving how you were losing yourself in this moment. He then started to gently suck around you as he sensed your growing need. You were soaking wet, making a right mess of his chin and you were obsessed with how he was using his mouth. He’s always been eager to please this was excellent. Clearly, he was well aware of what he could do now and it was amazing, “Fuck baby, that’s so good!” You gasped as he slurped on you until your legs were tensing up as your pleasure started to escalate further and further until they started to tremble. He was incessant, your chest almost burned from how shallow you were breathing, and in seconds you were inhaling sharply and moaning melodiously as your orgasm hit you. “Oh, I’m coming!” You mewled and held him against you as he licked you through it, mumbling about how good you tasted and how much he missed it. He didn’t even warn you when you felt his index finger rubbing at your sopping entrance.
“Can I?”
“Yeah, do it. Please.” You hummed and he gently pushed it inside. He moaned along with you, you were wet enough for another, so he pulled it out and then sunk back in along with his middle finger. His long fingers reached deep into you and rubbed against your walls, going deeper and deeper with each plunge until he had gone deep enough to reach into the soft spongy spot inside of you that had you crying out his name. He kissed up your stomach, waist, chest, and neck all to reach your lips again and breathe in your exhales of pleasure.
“Fuck baby, you’re so tight and warm f’me.” He hummed into your mouth and you nodded, “So good for me.” He muttered and you smiled against his lips. 
Your hands slid down his bare torso and reached down to feel his erection straining against his pants. You rubbed into it, using the heel of your palm to add a bit more pressure. His jaw tensed as he inhaled shakily through his nostrils. You started to rub at him in a matching pace to his fingers sinking into you. You wanted to feel him inside of you desperately. 
“Harry. Baby, I need you.” You whimpered and he nodded and kissed you hard before retreating from you. 
He got off of the bed and reached for his belt buckle, his desperation and eagerness coming through in the form of his shaky hands. He soon got it undone and pulled it out before getting to the button and zipper on them and he tugged them down along with his underwear. He stepped out of them and quickly climbed back over your naked body. Feeling your warmth together like this was something that he’d been thinking of constantly since he’d seen you the year before. He was eager to be close to you in this way and finally, he had it.
“I have condoms in the bathroom, but I also have an IUD.” You informed him and he licked over his lips as his eyes met yours.
“D-do you mind if I go bare? Want to feel you so bad, want to fill you up, want you to feel it all.” He said and you kissed him as you shook your head.
“I don’t mind.” You assured him.
“Yeah.” You nodded and he kissed you once more, slower this time.
“I’ve only been waiting to have you again for…years?” He chuckled and you did too, “This might be over a little fast. But I assure you, I have far more in me. A couple rounds worth so-”
“It’s fine. Did you not see how fast I came?” You giggled.
“True.” He chuckled and tucked your hair behind your ear, “God, you’re so beautiful.” He complimented. His voice was soft and genuine and the love in his eyes made you feel faint. You leaned up and kissed him.
“I love you.” 
“I love you.” He whispered against your lips. Your kiss deepened and naturally, things started to progress. You pressed your body up into his, feeling his erection laying heavy between the two of you. You raised your hips up to feel it brushing up against your sticky folds and he sighed in relief at the slick warmth that his cock was up against now. “Fuck, put me inside, baby.” He said to you and you angled your up hips up a little bit more and guided him to your entranced. His thick tip prodded at your weepy, little hole, teasing at the entrance. You writhed around, trying to get him inside and he smiled, “That feels so nice.” He said and you smiled, “So wet for me, baby. All for me, isn’t it?”
“Yes, baby. S’all for you.” You confirmed through a needy exhale and he kissed you again and then propelled his weight further forward until there was enough pressure against you that he sunk inside and you gasped in relief as he moaned into your mouth. 
“Fuuuuck.” he moaned as he bottomed out and you whimpered as you felt so full. You swore he was in your lower tummy, he was bigger than you remembered. You recalled that he loved a little bite of pain, so when he wriggled a bit and sunk in a bit further you winced and dug your fingernails into his back. He made the most delicious sound, it made you feral and he started to thrust in slowly but achingly deep, it was making your thoughts completely blank. “You feel so good, baby. Fuck, you’re so good, my love.” He panted in pleasure.
You were covered in goosebumps, relishing in the feeling of intimacy with Harry. With the love of you life. Everything suddenly felt right with the world. Your back was arching because each and every time he was thrusting in, he was hitting a spot that made you feel like you would soon levitate. Your hands roamed the skin of his back, feeling his muscles working to bring you both all the pleasure in the world. It was the most harmonious sex of your life, you were both yearning to be closer than you already were. It was absolutely necessary to get closer. 
While still inside, he pinned your hips down with his and knelt up making you gasp in shock as he got even deeper like this. You suddenly felt strung out as he started to pick up his pace, his hips undulated and ground against yours in the most satisfying ways. You were encouraging him, praising him for how well he was fucking you. He was giving everything to you, you could feel it in his movements and in the rising temperature between the two of you. Damp skin and filthy wet sounds from the place where your bodies were connecting perfectly. You could feel your orgasm starting to build again so you slipped your hand between your bodies and started to rub precise circles into your clit and he moaned.
“Oh, that’s it, baby. Rub your little clit for me, want you come for me.” He encouraged you and you sped up a little more, “Look at me. Please, look at me.” He panted and your eyes slowly blinked open and met his. He smiled softly and pressed his forehead to yours, his gaze burning into you, making you feel like the only other person in the world. “Fuck, it feels so good with you. You feel so good.” He groaned and you whimpered as you started to reach the peak.
“I’m so close, baby!” You warned and he nodded.
“Come for me, love. Let me feel you coming so hard on my cock.” He egged you on and you suddenly felt warm all over as you started to come undone. Everything inside of you was singing beautifully. You felt like you were burning bright, like a dying star, you were crashing and burning, it was a spectacle to behold. “That’s it, baby. That’s so fucking good, fuck you feel so good, love.” He praised you with a smile, “S’gonna make me come…fuck, you’re gonna make me come.” He grunted.
“Yes, baby. Please come inside me. Please give it to me.” You begged as your orgasm continued thanks to his fast and desperate thrusting into you. His eyes blinked shut and his eyebrows furrowed down as his lips fell open and he let out a low moan, “Oh fuck. Fuck, m’gonna fill up your little pussy. Fuck! Oh fuck, Y/n…fuck yeah, baby.” He sighed and then buried himself as deep as he could go and you gasped as you felt his cock twitching inside of you as he painted your insides with his generous load of cum. He was still for a few seconds before grabbing your hair and tugging you up so that he could kiss you. Your lips met sloppily as he started to thrust gently into you. Your abs were burning and your legs were shaking as he continued fucking into you slow, milking every drop of his sperm into you. “I love you. Loveyousomuch.” He slurred against your mouth.
After a few moments you had both settled down, trying your best to catch your breaths as you basked in the warmth, holding each other close. Your fingers scratched at his scalp gently, it felt so nice and relaxing. His lips were kissing at the part of your skin that they could reach while he held you close.
“I’m never letting you go again.” He whispered.
“Good.” You hummed and he smiled.
“This is where I belong. I feel safe with you. I feel seen. I feel…”
“Whole?” You whispered and he nodded.
“Yeah, you make me feel satisfied with myself.” He said and you smiled.
“You make me feel whole too. I love you.”
“I love you.” He hummed, “Forever.” He added with a smile.
.... THE END ....
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The hands that hold you ch8: Learning to trust
Satosugu x gn!reader
Ahhhh I'm so sorry this took so long. Health struggles slowed my ass way down and I had to figure out how to stitch this chapter together. chapters 8-10 will likely be snippets of events between hidden inventory and premature death. I actually have so many things i would like to put in but it's hard figuring out what's relevant enough and maintains a good flow for the story. I really want to include the exchange event next chapter so let me know if that's a thing you guys want to see.
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It’s the previous week and Satoru and Suguru are preparing for their day while you’re asleep in your own room for the first time since your recovery began instead of one of their rooms or the infirmary. Neither is particularly thrilled to get back to ‘business as usual’ as it were but with it being summer a pair of sorcerers as strong as them couldn’t  be spared for long. Truthfully they’d much rather stay at your side for your recovery. On the second day you’d spent in bed with them watching movies they’d caught you stretching and saw how your whole torso was essentially one massive bruise. It was only a glance considering how you’d aborted the movement out of pain and had immediately brushed off any worry they’d expressed. The injuries may have been mostly healed by Shoko but the blood beneath the skin still needed to break down along with her mainly only healing the life threatening parts of your injuries. 
 Suguru rests his chin on Satoru’s shoulder and wraps his arms around his slim waist to watch him type away at his phone. He was leaving you a text explaining that they’d both be out today for missions. “Don’t want them to worry,” he says even though an explanation isn’t really needed. Suguru makes a small sound of agreement. They both already knew you had a tendency to worry. Satoru closes out of his conversation with you, putting him back on his phone’s main screen. 
Suguru’s lips quirk into a small smile seeing Satoru had a new wallpaper even if it also made his chest tighten. It’s you blanketed in the red hoodie Satoru had bought for the trip to the beach, curled up and sleeping with rice flour lightly smudged on your cheek from the mochi you and Satoru had shared that night when things were still okay. “Do they even know you took that picture?” 
“Not a clue since they don’t get nosy when I’m on my phone unlike you,” he says teasingly. He holds the phone so Suguru can get a better look at the picture of you. 
“I’m surprised this is the picture you picked, all things considered.”
“I know..” he sighs. “That night is still a good memory though. It was the first time I thought ‘oh, they might actually like me too.’ they looked at me how they looked at you all the time.” 
This gives Suguru pause before he squeezes Satoru lightly. “I think they liked you before either of you realized it. They were just intimidated by you.” 
Satoru snorts. “And why would they have been-”
“Satoru, this goes back to me telling you to be more humble around our under classmen. While I doubt ___ would have you any other way now since they know you better, when you first met it was pretty obvious that they withdrew into themself when you started going on about being the strongest.” This makes Satoru pout as he slips his phone into his pocket. 
“Yeah yeah…”  
Suguru chuckles at Satoru’s pouting before brushing his lips along his jaw and releasing him.
“Ah. There was a thing I wanted to bring up about ___.” He says while turning to face Suguru who was now buttoning his uniform. 
“Oh? What about?” He raises a brow, Satoru’s change in tone grabbing his attention more than the statement itself. 
“I think we should recommend them for promotion.” 
This causes Suguru to pause and makes his brows furrow in concern. “They’re not ready to be a first grade, Satoru-” 
“To second grade. I think they’re ready for it.” 
The clarification on grade only soothes Suguru’s nerves slightly, the memory of you broken in his arms still vivid.  “I’m not so sure, you saw how close to death they were.” 
“So were we. The circumstances weren't exactly typical. They managed to survive a mission that was way above their grade. It’s not the sort of mission they’ll be getting sent out on solo or even with someone else. They wouldn’t have even been there if we hadn’t brought them.” Satoru’s tone is serious and Suguru’s sure he can hear regret in his voice as well. “But I also saw them fight more than once during the mission. Once against Q and then against that bastard. If they’d been fighting anyone else they would have done well.” Suguru wrinkles his nose, not looking pleased. 
“I still don’t think they’re ready. We should wait, let them gain more experience first.”
“Are you not willing to recommend them because you really don’t think they’re ready or is it because you’re being over protective?” 
Suguru bristles. “I don’t think you’re being protective enough-” 
“Is that our call to make? If they have the skills to advance in rank we’re doing them a disservice by holding them back. They’re strong, Suguru, they can handle it.” 
The air in the small dorm room feels charged as the two young men stand at odds. 
It’s several tense moments later that Suguru sighs. “I’ll think about it. I don’t like it but I’ll think about it.” Both Satoru and him know that he’ll likely end up saying yes to recommending you once he’s had the time to sit on Satoru’s words. With all the time Suguru spent training you he knew how much you’d grown and how capable you were it just pained him to think of you being sent on harder missions, especially solo. 
Back at present Suguru grumbles and cracks open an eye at you as you try to carefully scoot out from between Satoru and himself. It’s early, the morning sky just starting to lighten. He re-secures his hold around you and pulls you back up the bed and sticks his face in the mess of your bed head. He smiles at the sound of surprise you make. “And where do you think you’re going?” 
“I was going to go back to my room so I could start getting ready for today.” You give a half hearted huff before turning to wrap your arms around Suguru. “I didn’t want to wake the two of you up if you didn’t need to be up yet.”
“Mm too bad, woke up as soon as you tried to run away.” He squeezes you tighter and kisses the top of your head.
You stifle a giggle against his sleep shirt at his wording. “Isn’t being dramatic Satoru’s job?”
“Is what my job?” Those words and large yawn are all the warning you and Suguru get before Satoru is slinging one of his arms across the two of you as well as hooking a leg across to drag the three of you close together in the middle of the bed. 
Now securely trapped between them you whine. “Guys, it’s too hot out for this.” Really both of them were like furnaces which will probably be great in winter but wasn’t so great right now. “And I do need to get up and get ready.” 
Satoru whines. “But it’s still so early.”
“I’d like to be on time.”
“You’re not on time to things you’re always early to them,” he grumbles against your hair, nearly nose to nose with Suguru. 
“Being early is being on time!” 
“The fact that you’re the future principle’s kid is showing.” Satoru laments.
Suguru groans. “If the two of you are going back and forth you should just get up already.” 
You look at Suguru apologetically. “Sorry, Suguru..” You give him a peck on the nose before wiggling free from both boys. 
“Wait, don't I get a kiss too?” 
You stick your tongue out at Satoru before leaving the room. And several moments of silence follow where Sugru raises an expectant eyebrow at Satoru. He groans and rolls out of bed to follow you, and later that morning Suguru is amused to see Satoru already in class when he enters the room. Apparently you might actually be able to instill good habits in Satoru. 
Satoru only looks mildly annoyed to be here so early. Suguru figures it’s because he probably got the kiss he’d wanted from you. He was still so sensitive about getting just as much affection as he did. 
It’s when the two boys are packing up to leave that Yaga approaches them, two sheets of paper in hand. “Before you go I have missions for each of you.” He holds out the pages and Suguru notices there’s actually a third paper clinging close to the one passed to him. “Geto your mission will actually be with ___, it’s a way to ease them into more dangerous missions after their recovery.” 
Suguru nods and only half listens as Satoru is given a solo mission. It’s while they’re leaving the classroom that Satoru huffs and waves his hand in front of Suguru’s face, snapping him out of it. “Oi! Earth to Suguruuu,” he draws out his name, a pout pulling at his lips. “You haven’t listened to a word I’ve said.” 
He clears his throat. “Sorry, what were you saying?” He gives the taller boy an apologetic smile. 
“I said you’re lucky that you get to go on a mission with ___. I’m probably gonna be gone for several days all alone,” he laments. 
“Yeah.. lucky..” 
His tone catches Satoru’s attention. “What don’t you want them with you?”
“It’s classified as a first grade mission.” Suguru says plainly. 
Satoru’s expression softens a bit, “Yeah and they’re sending them with you, a special grade sorcerer. I think a special grade and second grade can handle it. Yaga said it was to ease them into harder missions by sending them with you.” 
Suguru doesn’t look entirely convinced. 
“You know, for someone who vouched for them with me for their promotion you sure don’t act like you have a lot of confidence in them.” 
That makes an annoyed look cross his features. “It’s not about-”  he pauses and takes a breath “-I do. I wouldn’t have agreed to recommend them for promotion otherwise.” 
Satoru looks at him, glasses sliding down his nose. Suguru wonders what he’s looking for but Satoru apparently finds it when he claps him on the shoulder and allows the topic to drop. 
“Come on, lets see if they want to join us for lunch.”
A plume of smoke passes Suguru’s lips as the two of you sit on a low, crumbling, old wall. The mission the two of you had gone on had gone well enough. More curses than either of you had expected but nothing that you couldn’t handle. Honestly you think Suguru could have handled it without you but you were happy to be there with him. The hand that isn’t holding his cigarette slides over your own, giving it a squeeze and returning some warmth that the chill evening had taken from your fingers. You turn your hand so you can return the gesture and you see a ghost of a smile turn his lips from the corner of your eye. 
You’d watched him choke down a curse a few minutes prior, throat bobbing and his pretty face twisting though he’d tried to hide it after. You think it’s strange how you’d never actually asked him much about his technique and how it’s different from your own. Both were curse manipulation but the methods were different.  
“You look like you have something on your mind.” Suguru’s voice breaks you from your thoughts. 
“Is it okay if I ask you something?”
He looks at you fully then. “Always.” He looks tired, he’s looked tired a lot lately though that’s not surprising. There’s an openness there too though, something that felt more and more reserved for only the people the very closest to him. 
“I’ve noticed you usually smoke after consuming curses… or is it just an after battle habit…” you trail off allowing the space for him to fill in. 
He’s not surprised by your question, perhaps a lil surprised that it’s taken you this long to ask though. “It’s to cover up the taste.” He loosens his grip on your hand and plays with your fingers. 
“Guess you know what I’m gonna ask next? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, I'm sure it’s nothing pleasant.” 
He surprises you with a laugh. “If it’s you it’s fine.” His words make your heart skip a beat. He loosely laces your fingers together. “I honestly thought you would have asked sooner. You’re always so worried about making others uncomfortable.” 
You can feel your cheeks heat up at that. He wasn’t wrong but… “I just felt like it might be rude.. I normally dodge the topic about my own technique if someone I’m not close to get’s nosy about it.”
He hums. “But we are close.” 
You nod, a comforting warmth settling in your chest at the affirmation of your bond that had started to take form back on that first mission together. “We are.” You look at your linked hands with a small yet warm smile.
“They taste like literal shit and vomit.” His words are matter of fact and cut through the gentle sentiment that had only been shared moments before. He laughs at the look that crosses your features before you can stop it. 
“Sorry-” you begin to choke out.
“Don’t apologize. I like how honest your expressions always are. Though perhaps you should work on controlling them a bit better for your own sake. But yes, it’s terrible. I normally keep either gum or cigarettes on hand to help cover the taste until I can rinse out my mouth.” 
You nod. “That’s.. Yeah.” you say lamely. The corner of his mouth quirks upward in amusement.
He finishes his cigarette and stubs it out. “Since we’re sharing, how about you tell me about your own technique?” He tilts his head, his bangs flopping to the side. “I can tell it’s unpleasant for you,” his voice is gentle.  
You glance again at your joined hands, looking at the black ink-like veins that had formed when you’d absorbed a curse earlier during the mission. You raise your eyes to meet Suguru’s. “It depends on the curse. It’s abilities, and how strong it is. The stronger the curse is the more difficult it is to absorb it even after it’s been subdued.” He’s watching your face but where your hands are joined you can feel him gently running a finger over one of those dark veins. It creates a strange sensation that makes you twitch.  “I’ve absorbed curses before where it felt like I was taking liquid fire directly into my veins, or like my arm is being shredded from the inside. The only thing that keeps me from rejecting some of the curses is looking at my arm and seeing that it’s still whole even if it is covered in a web of dark veins. Other curses are easier, still unpleasant but not so bad that I want to detach my own arms. More like a bad case of pins and needles…” You trail off and with your hand not being held by Suguru you rub your arm you’d absorbed a curse with.
Suguru is focused on you intently as you speak. He knew that absorbing curses was painful for you, that much was easy to see, though he hadn’t realized the range of sensation it could cause. “And even going through that you were the one who apologized to me on that first mission while you were bent over your arm in pain,” his tone is both gentle and admonishing. 
You shift slightly. “..My timing was bad and I became too transfixed on the pain, if you hadn’t been there I would have gotten myself-” 
He grips your hand and lifts it so he’s able to slide further into your space. “But that’s what I’m here for right? To look out for you and protect you, it was true on that first mission just as it’s true now.” The softness is still in his voice but his eyes have a new intensity to them as he looks at you that makes you squirm a little.
Reaching up a hand you brush back his bangs before cupping his cheek. “I gotta be able to stand on my own too though. For the times I’m alone.” Your response doesn’t seem to soothe him at all. 
“That was my biggest concern when Satoru and I  recommended you for promotion. He‘s convinced you’ll be okay but I can’t help but-” 
“Suguru… Do you regret vouching for my promotion?” There’s nothing accusatory in your tone, just honest curiosity. “I’ll be honest I had my own doubts when I found out I was getting promoted..” Your hand falls from his cheek and you look away from him. 
Something like guilt eats at Suguru in that moment, seeing you suddenly look unsure and withdrawing from him even the slightest bit. He lets out a slow breath, he thinks back on his conversation with Satoru. “No.. I don’t regret it. You’re capable and deserve to be recognized for your skills.” Using your hand that he’s still holding he pulls you against his chest suddenly his other arm coming up to wrap around your back. “I’m just.. I care about you and the idea of anything happening to you just…” 
You melt against him instantly and you nuzzle your cheek against his chest. ”It scares you right?” 
He swallows “It does,” he admits and squeezes you tighter.
“I wish I could tell you that I’ll always be okay but… I can’t know that. But what I do know is i’ll always fight my hardest to make it back to you and Satoru, okay?” 
He huffs a small laugh. “Won’t even tell me a pretty lie huh?”
“Would it actually help if I did?’
A beat of silence and then a sigh ruffles your hair. 
“No. It wouldn’t. I’ll just have to trust you then to fight like hell.” 
You pull back slightly and smile up at him and it’s full of so much warmth Suguru thinks it could burn him up and he’d gladly let it. “Didn’t make it this far by not being a fighter.” He can’t help but smile back at you, even if he’s not entirely comforted.  He’d have to trust you to be capable, he can do that even if the unpredictable nature of being a sorcerer means there’s no guarantees.
And that's that for this chapter. I'll try to not take too long for next update but I have a few halloween event fics i need to put some focus on. Like I said above let me know if you guys are interested in seeing the exchange event.
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I hope that's everyone! I tend to base my tags based off who tagged on the previous chapter and whoever asks on the latest update.
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Radio Silence
@summer-of-bad-batch prompts week 12 Radio Silence & week 10 Hugs
Fandom: The Bad Batch Characters: Hunter, Tech (mentioned), Echo, Omega (mentioned), Crosshair (mentioned) Set from after S2 Episode 'Plan 99' & throughout S3 Word Count: ~4090 Read Here on AO3
Synopsis: After Eriadu, Hunter tunes the com to a familiar frequency and sends a message out into the void, hoping beyond hope for an answer.
Partly inspired by @indigofyrebird's request earlier in the event for 'Hunter breaking down, and being comforted by one of his brothers'
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Hunter eased himself gingerly into the pilot’s seat of the Marauder, movements stifled by injuries still swathed in bandages.
The pain in his body was nothing compared to the yawning chasm of emptiness in his soul, a dark vortex that threatened to suck him down into suffocating despair without end.
Omega was gone. Taken by Hemlock and his men.
The brave, teary, defiant look on her face as she had given herself up to ensure he and Wrecker were spared was seared into his ragged heart like a brand. It was too much. He couldn’t take it.
After all he’d tried, he couldn’t protect his little sister when she needed him too.
Achingly slowly, he typed out a com code and opened a radio channel. Stiff and uncooperative, his fingers closed clumsily around the commlink and lifted it to his lips.
He was silent for a long time, listening to the crackle of the empty channel. He didn’t know what to say.
Eventually he started, in a voice so thick he barely recognised it as his own.
“Hey, Tech. Thought I’d update you on what happened after…”
The words tangled in his larynx, choking him off.
“After we got separated.”
The sentence was grit out, guttural with a pain that was so much more than his broken ribs.
“We went back to Ord Mantell. Didn’t know where else to go, after…
“Went back to Ord Mantell. Just to regroup. Wrecker and I, we were ready to stop. Said we’d take the kid to Pabu, keep her safe there.
“Couldn’t keep doing it. Trying to fight.
“Couldn’t risk losing anyone else.”
Some aching shudder of grief spasmed against his injured body. With a stubborn growl he dismissed it, forcing himself to continue.
“I let you down, Tech. Cid sold us out.
“Hemlock caught us. All that work to find him and…
“He found us, and he… Hemlock, he…
“He took Omega.”
It was a broken confession, a whispered sin begging for absolution.
“She’s probably in the same place as Crosshair now.”
Another catch to his voice, words choking past sorrow.
“I don’t know…
“I don’t know how to find them.
“Don’t know where to look.
Hunter bowed his head, fist holding the com pressed to his forehead, eyes squeezed shut against the tears which beaded on his lashes.
“I really wish you were here.”
“Hey Tech.”
Hunter ached with missing his brother, but his voice was steady enough, all things considered.
“Just checking in. Updating you on…
Hunter chewed on his thoughts for a while, com held loosely in the cage of his hand. His gaze was unfocused, staring at the Marauder’s nav computer without registering the readout as more than flickering light.
“Echo left.”
The words were heavy with finality.
“Not surprised. It’s… best for all of us.
“Can do more this way. Cover more ground.”
His voice rang with hollowness. He wondered how many times he’d have to repeat this same sentiment before he started believing it.
“He went with Rex. Said Rex’s network would have a better chance of finding the intel we need to find Tantiss.
“To find… Omega.”
He kept his head carefully turned straight ahead, rigid above his shoulders. Text danced across the screen, meaningless to him.
Better than looking… there. Omega’s space in the gunner’s mount remained like a shrine, and every time he looked at it he felt nauseous.
“Wish we had you to help us.” Hunter shuddered in a deep sigh, fighting down the wave of emotion that threatened. Better to stay numb.
Easier to stay numb.
“We’d probably have found them by now if we had you.” It was a whisper, Hunter’s voice coarse with damning self-criticism. “Sorry. I keep letting you down.”
He dropped his forehead to his hand, fingers clawing anxiously at his hair, spilling loose over his bandana.
“I got a lead. A crime syndicate.
“Echo and I fought. He said it was too dangerous.
“I… I think we can handle it.
“Wrecker’s asleep. The ship’s on autopilot to the rendezvous.
“I’m… supposed to be sleeping too.
“I… wanted to talk to you.
“Ask your advice.”
He let his gaze drift away from the screen. On top of the console, Tech’s goggles winked back at him, blue-light of the screens gleaming softly in the cracked and dirty lenses.
Hunter squeezed his eyes shut, hissing a breath in through bared teeth as tears beaded on his scrunched-closed lashes.
“I’m sorry, Tech. For all the times I didn’t listen.
“I’m… trying to remember your lessons now.
“Trying to remember your voice.
“I… I’ll let you know how it goes.
“Goodnight… Tech.”
Hunter waited until Wrecker had settled the clone cadets in the racks at the back of the Marauder, and he could detect three peaceful heartbeats settled into the steady rhythm of sleep. Wrecker himself was moving quietly round the ship’s tiny galley, cleaning up after the meagre meal they had prepared for the boys. Then he sank into the chair by the com, opening up the silent radio channel.
“Hey Tech. Got some… got some good news, I guess?
“Remember I told you we had a lead on a facility linked to Hemlock? It… wasn’t Tantiss. Was bombed out by the time we got there. Like Kamino.”
A quick glance to the back of the ship. Lula slumped against the edge of the gunner’s mount, her felt face staring mournfully down the ship. The emptiness inside Hunter resonated as achingly as ever, but now he could hear three sets of peaceful teenage breathing, and that filled him with wild, dangerous hope.
“We found three boys. Cadets. Clones. Survived the bombardment.
“They… hadn’t seen Omega. Had seen Hemlock though. Said he transferred his experiments before the base was bombed. So that means…
“Means even if Omega was here, she should have been gone by the time the strikes took out the facility.”
Unbidden, a small, soft smile played across Hunter’s lips as he huffed a laugh into the com.
“You’d have loved the creatures we fought. Sorry you had to miss it. Don’t know anyone else who would have been as interested in the Empire’s experiments as you…”
He sniffed, startled to find dampness on his cheeks, but the tightness in his chest somehow felt good. Relaxing back in the chair, he continued to speak.
“We got the co-ordinates for another sector of space. Haven’t searched there yet. Echo and Rex couldn’t meet us here in time, but hopefully between us we’ll scour that sector and find…
“Find our girl.
“Bring her home.”
“Hey Tech.”
Hunter leaned against the side of the Marauder, sheltering under the folded wing. He tapped the com against the thin seam of his lips, pressed tight in consternation. His brows knitted in a deeply furrowed frown, the tension and bright-light flashes of a developing migraine constricting, vice-like, at his temples.
“Mission success.”
He paused again, fighting to untangle the words from where they cloyed to the roof of his mouth.
“We got Omega back.”
It was an understatement. They didn’t get her back. She got herself back, and Hunter was still struggling to wrap his head around how.
“She’s alright. Shaken, maybe.”
He swore softly. He had spent hours hovering near Omega, constantly reaching out to touch, a hand to her shoulder, brushing her elbow, anything to ground himself and prove that she really was there with them.
They had checked her over. She had let them, with an affectionate, long-suffering eye-roll, even though she assured them she was uninjured.
He had left her in the ship now, with Wrecker and…
With Wrecker.
“Shaken, definitely,” he amended his commentary.
He hadn’t thought his heart could break any further than the shattered pieces it had been in since they lost Omega. Having her back was meant to heal him, surely.
But he saw the hollow, hunted look in her, the way her smile stayed painted on her lips and didn’t reach her eyes. His girl had been changed, irrevocably, by six months of something Hunter couldn’t begin to understand.
He choked on the words.
Gritting his teeth in a bitter scowl, he hunched over the com and forced them out.
“…Crosshair. We got Crosshair back too.”
He took his thumb off the transmit button, breathed heavily as he listened to the hiss and snap of the unresponsive radio channel. His gaze was long and unfocused, staring off into the distance at nothing whilst he tried to corral his thoughts. All the while, his tongue lay thick and heavy in his mouth; daring him to speak further, unwilling to co-operate.
“Kriff, Tech, I wish you were here. I don’t know what to do.”
His voice was the lowest murmur, lips pressed so close to the com that the metal began to warm from it.
“I can’t…
“Can’t face him.
“Don’t know what to say.”
Something that might have been a laugh bubbled up in his throat, harsh and abrasive, sandpaper inside his throat. He gasped the sound out, braying his displeasure to the dark, empty expanse beyond the Marauder. Then he sucked in a breath through clenched teeth, pressing the com to his forehead as his knuckles massaged the headache there.
“It’s not fair. I don’t…
“Don’t want him back. Should have been you.
“Wish it had been you…
“Who made it back to us.”
Slowly, he slid down the side of the Marauder, fabric of his jacket ruching up uncomfortably at how much weight he leaned there. How much support he needed. Eventually he sat on his heels, elbows resting on his knees, head bowed and hanging between his shoulders.
With a deep breath, and he activated the com again.
“How am I supposed…
“How am I supposed to do this without you?”
His voice was twisted with guilt and grief.
“I don’t know how to handle Crosshair. Not any more.
“I thought…
“Thought when we got him back, I’d have you to help.
“I want to go back inside and see Omega. But I don’t want…
“…Don’t want to see him.
“I don’t know what to do.”
Another deep breath.
“But you’re not here. So I can’t ask you for help. I just…
“…I’ll handle it, Tech. Don’t worry about me.
“Gonna go inside and check on the others.
“Gonna try and learn to do this stuff myself. Try not to bother you for advice so much.
“Hope things are going well, wherever you are.”
Hunter slouched in the miniscule hold of the unfamiliar ship, unease gnawing in his gut. The bounty hunter was shut in the cockpit, taking them stars knew where for a contract he was sure would be more dangerous than she implied, and he had no recourse to push back against her manipulation. Their position was desperate, and he had nothing to bargain with.
Nothing except himself, and his brother, and their skills.
Wrecker sat opposite him, head lolling as he drowsed on their way to the mark. Better to get some rest now, whilst they could.
Hunter’s vision felt hazy, tiredness prickling at the edges of his consciousness, but the low-grade rush of adrenaline combined with the hollow pit in his stomach kept him from resting.
He needed something, anything, to distract him. A way to sound out his concerns.
He couldn’t help but feel like they were walking into the maw of a trap.
Eventually he raised his wrist-com, tapping in the code he knew by heart. His voice was barely a murmur, words blurred to indistinctness, but it didn’t matter.
“Hey Tech. It’s me again.
“I know it’s been a while.
“A lot has happened.”
He blinked tiredly, looking his slumbering brother. Even in sleep, lines of strain were etched deeply into Wrecker’s broad, tired face. Hunter ached to see his easy-going brother looking so drawn.
“Trying to find out why the Empire is still hunting Omega.
“Feels like…
“Like more than just retrieving an escaped asset.
“Feels different to when we first left Kamino.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he tilted his head back, closing his eyes.
“We know they were experimenting on her.
“Different to how…
“Different to how they experimented on Crosshair.”
His voice was a rough whisper, barely able to voice the thought out loud.
“We’re doing better. Him and me. Since Barton IV.
“He still won’t tell me much.
“Wish you were here to help him. He’d open up to you.”
It felt dangerously vulnerable to be whispering these thoughts out loud, knowing that the bounty hunter was just the other side of the locked cockpit door. Hunter wished he was alone.
Completely alone.
Just for a short time.
To hide from the responsibility of trying to take care of them all, in the face of everything.
“Once we’re done with this mission, we’ve been promised the intel on m-count bounties. That’s… that’s why the Empire are after Omega.
“Don’t know what it means yet. But the last hunter who came after us…
“He wasn’t playing games.
“Took out Rex’s base.
“Nearly took out…”
Hunter took a deep breath, surprised to find himself so affected as he forced the words out, breathed past barely-moving lips.
“Nearly killed Crosshair.”
For a time, he simply breathed into the silence of the humming ship. When he felt his eyes prickle, he crawled across the tiny cargo space, settling himself against Wrecker’s side and leaning back against his shoulder.
Wrecker shifted with a snort, but quickly dropped back to sleep again.
Hunter took a deep breath, raising the com to his lips again.
“They’re not messing around. They want Omega alive, but the rest of us are collateral damage. I don’t think they even need her co-operation this time. Not like when Hemlock took her the first time… when he promised her our safety.”
Hunter choked with the memory of Hemlock tossing the shattered pair of goggles so carelessly to the floor. The last remnant of his brother, casually discarded, like he had never mattered.
Presenting them with the goggles had just been a bargaining chip to manipulate them into handing over Omega.
Tech fell. Just fell, fell into endless cloud cover.
The image rose unbidden, his brother’s body lying broken on the ground, defiled by Imperial scavengers who stripped him of the goggles to taunt them, to destroy them–
It was a long span before he was ready to activate the com again, the quiet hiss of the channel like a baseline of finality piercing his soul.
“I’m doing my best. Trying to keep them safe.
“Feels harder every day. They want… Omega wants… for us to be together. All the time.
“I understand. I do.
“We’ve already lost so much.
“But I don’t want to drag her into danger.
“Got her to stay behind this time. Asked her to keep an eye on Cross.
“Don’t know what I’ll do the next time.”
Another sigh, this one accompanied by a coarse, humourless laugh.
“Wish you were here. I always end up saying that, don’t I?
“It’s true.
“You’d help me think things through.
“Come up with a plan.
“It’s what you always did. What… what we always did.”
He cuts the thought off abruptly, dropping the commlink to his lap and instead burrowing his face into his arms. At his back, his brother’s warm, living, vital presence was a small comfort.
Him and Wrecker are a team. They only had each other for so long. They’ve seen each other through so much.
And Crosshair is back. Whilst it might be tentative for now, he was learning how to trust his brother again.
Echo is out there, only ever a call away. Calm, collected Echo, who Hunter can fall back on when the danger they face is more than he can handle alone.
But none of them are Tech.
"Thought I'd find you here."
Echo picked his way through the debris surrounding the burned skeleton of the Marauder, carefully balancing along the remains of a wing strut to approach his former Sergeant.
Hunter sat cross-legged on the floor of what was once the cockpit, gaze empty and desolate as he stared out across the expanse of Pabu's ocean. Flotsam bobbed against the stone docks, oil and chemical slicks dirtying the surface of the water in the troughs of unsettled waves.
"Hunter?" called Echo softly, when he didn't receive a response.
"Yeah," came the reply, little more than a grunt. Hunter's always rough voice sounded even scratchier from tiredness and smoke inhalation. "I'm here."
Now he was closer, Echo could see Hunter's hands folded palms-up in his lap. They cradled a familiar set of goggles, broken amber glass of the lenses glinting in the hazy light.
Echo crouched carefully next to Hunter, at right angles to him, in his peripheral vision but not his direct eyeline.
With his scomp he reached out and nudged the goggles, a flash of sorrow painting his face with a pained grimace. Hunter’s hands tightened round the fragile item, an instinctive convulsion, before relaxing again.
“I thought Omega put these in the Archivum,” said Echo gently. It was neither a question, nor an accusation. Simply an invitation for Hunter to expand.
“She did,” said the Sergeant thickly, the words catching in his throat. “I went and got them. I just…”
He trailed off, looking around him with a despairing gaze.
“Just wanted to sit here with him for a while, you know?”
Echo blinked in surprise to see the usually stoic clone sergeant’s eyes filling with tears. Hunter’s lip wobbled but he resolutely clamped down on the reaction, sniffing hard, dashing his damp eyes against his forearm to sit and stare straight ahead again, stony-faced once more.
“You came.”
“Yeah, I did,” said Echo, still careful to use a gentle tone. “We’re going to have to move quickly to stand the best chance of finding Omega again.”
“Was the intel Crosshair gave us any good?”
“It checks out,” Echo nodded. “Rampart is being held in an Imperial mining prison. If we can get to him, we stand a chance of finally finding Tantiss.”
“That’s good.”
Hunter’s voice was distant and flat. Brows knitting in concern, Echo eased himself down to settle beside Hunter, mimicking his cross-legged position.
“The Remora is too large to evade the detection systems around the planet,” he said, watching Hunter’s face carefully for a reaction as he spoke. “Phee is going to take you in The Providence.”
Hunter nodded. “That makes sense.”
His hand coming to rest on Hunter’s shoulder, Echo’s question was gentle.
“Did you ever really stop to grieve him?”
For a moment Hunter looked nonplussed, before the meaning of the question sunk in and he dropped his head, long hair swinging forwards to hide his expression as his hands tightened round the goggles once more.
“I’ve had too much to do,” he growled, but there was something broken in his voice. “Besides…” He trailed off, blinking hard, mouth twisting into a miserable grimace. “It’s not like it would bring him back.”
“Oh, Hunter…” Echo breathed a sympathetic sigh, fingers going tight over Hunter’s tense muscles. “That’s not the point of it.”
He rubbed a hand along Hunter’s shoulders, feeling the way the Sergeant trembled under his touch. Hunter’s breath hitched erratically, gulping air to try and subsume the tears which threatened.
When he spoke, Hunter’s voice was thick with fought-back emotion.
“Stopping to think about it… wouldn’t have gotten us anywhere. Tech sacrificed himself so we could escape, and the first thing I did was let Omega get captured.” The words rankled with self-loathing, accompanied by a violent shake of his head. “Had to keep going. Get her back. It’s…” He trailed off, lifting his face to gaze desolately at the horizon again. “It’s what Tech would have wanted.”
“Tech wouldn’t have wanted you to beat yourself up like this,” countered Echo softly.
“And now I’ve lost her again,” continued Hunter as though he hadn’t heard him. Unbidden, tears began to track down his cheeks again. Although he rubbed at them, they didn’t stop. “Tech wouldn’t have lost her. If he’d been here, things would have been different–”
“You don’t know that.” Echo’s voice was heavy with sorrow, but the words were spoken with conviction. “Omega gave herself up to save the people of Pabu. Because she learned from Tech. Because she knew what it meant to sacrifice herself to save others. To protect those who can’t protect themselves.”
He leaned into Hunter, nudging their shoulders together.
“Tech wouldn’t have wanted you to live with this guilt for the rest of your life. That’s not why he did what he did,” he said, his voice a murmur.
The first audible sob escaped Hunter, a sound he tried to swallow and couldn’t. He curled in on himself, knees coming up to his chest, head dropping to the cage of his arms. The goggles swung uselessly from one hand.
“I let him down. Let you all down. Wrecker doesn’t smile any more. You left. Crosshair was tortured because I left him behind, and Omega has been captured.”  The words were half-lost, burbled past tears he still fought, into the hollow space he hid his face in. Then his voice dropped to a miserable whisper, wracked with guilt. “Tech died. For nothing. I couldn’t keep the squad together.”
Echo draped his arm fully round Hunter’s back now, pulling the unresisting younger clone into a hug. Hunter’s head came to rest on his collar-bone, heavy with grief, and now a howl of despair ripped from him. He didn’t return Echo’s embrace, arms still locked too tightly round his own body as he coiled tight around his sorrow, protecting the jagged edges of it in a way that would only cut him deeper.
Humming a soothing noise, Echo merely rubbed his shoulders, holding him close, letting him break down. His own gaze was distant, past the charred pillars of the harbour and scattered ship debris to watch the waves bob on the horizon.
He was used to this. He had mourned brothers before.
Had mourned Tech, after Eriadu.
Hunter hadn’t.
After a time Hunter’s sobs subsided to hiccoughs, and his weight went heavy against Echo’s side. He still cradled himself, his hand wrapped so tight around the strap of Tech’s goggles that the edges bit into his skin, but inch by inch he uncurled, relaxing into Echo as his breathing became more regular.
“I radioed him,” murmured Hunter unexpectedly, another guilt-wracked confession. “All this time. Kept… kept him updated. Kept hoping that if I sent something out on his frequency, one day I might hear back.”
Echo merely rested his cheek on Hunter’s hair, grimy with sweat and battle smoke, and held him tighter.
“I never did. Never… never heard anything back.”
“I know,” said Echo softly. “It’s not wrong to hope, though.”
Hunter shuddered a sigh, and now his thumb moved absently along the strap of the goggles, feeling the texture beneath his grip.
“How do you move on, Echo?” His voice was thick and anguished. “I feel like… like my life stopped. I don’t know how to go on without him.”
Rubbing between his shoulder-blades, Echo murmured, “There’s no easy way. You just keep going. Like you have been.” He sighed. “I’m sorry I don’t have any better advice than that. You just keep living for them. On their behalf.”
“I wanted us to be safe on Pabu,” Hunter whispered brokenly.
Echo smiled, wan but hopeful.
“I think that sounds like the best way to honour Tech.”
Hunter sniffed as another few tears trickled down his cheeks.
“But they took Omega. Again.”
“We got her back last time,” Echo reminded him, injecting confidence into his voice. “We’ll do it again.”
“She got herself back last time,” Hunter corrected, and now the hint of a grin showed through his sorrow.
Echo chuckled. “That’s right. We should feel sorry for the Empire.”
With a deep breath, Hunter straightened, pulling away from Echo’s embrace. Echo let him go, watchful as Hunter smoothed the glass of the goggles, then tucked them into his jacket.
“We should put these back,” he said carefully, rocking forwards and easing to his feet. He turned and offered a hand to Echo, helping the ARC trooper up too. “Then find Crosshair and Wrecker.”
Although his cheeks were still stained with clear tracks where his tears had cut through the grime, Hunter smiled grimly.
“We have a job to do.”
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raining-anonymously · 8 months
okay deltarune fandom! i haven’t posted to or gone through these tags in a while, but in light of recent events (me deciding to replay the games just in time for the newsletter), i have some things to share concerning our friends The Weather.
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ID in alt text, and aforementioned “things to share” under the cut.
this message tells us some interesting information about the Weather. for those who don’t know, i believe the Weather were first introduced during the spamton sweepstakes under the link https://deltarune.com/weather/. the page functions similarly to lancer’s. despite having no information on these new characters—other than that they’ll probably appear in the next couple chapters, are called “The Weather,” and always stick together—the deltarune fandom immediately latched onto them, because that’s what we do.
and now, after the newsletter? we have names. do we know which name goes to which sprite….? not really. but there’s something interesting about what those names are.
when i first looked at the names Lanino and Elnina, one of my first thoughts was that they sounded gendered. in english and in romance languages, names ending in -o are often thought to be masculine, whereas names ending in -a are interpreted as feminine. not a common name convention in undertale and deltarune, where most names end in constants or “-ee” sounds, and obviously not an absolute rule — for example, chara is not feminine-presenting, but its name still ends in -a. still, many english-speakers, as well as speakers of romance languages and any other similar languages i’m not thinking of, will see “lanino” and “elnina” and assume masculinity and femininity respectively.
at this point, i was still thinking of romance languages because i’m autistic about words, and noticed that the endings of the names are very similar to the spanish words for boy and girl: niño and niña. then i noticed the beginnings of the names, “la” and “el,” are the spanish words for “the.” funny thing, though? “la” is feminine and “él” is masculine.
so… they’re mixing and matching gendered terms!!!? bigender weather real!!!!!! post over!!!!
…except it’s NOT over. put linguistics aside—it’s time for some environmental science.
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this graphic (which has an ID in alt text) is a lot of information, so i’m going to break it down: the earth experiences something called El Niño–Southern Oscillation, or ENSO. it’s a climate phenomenon that consists of two main phases: El Niño and La Niña. each one of these phases is a global event that can last years, and leads to changes in wind patterns, sea surface temperatures, and extreme weather events. it affects everything—how dry the land is in certain places, how many fish can be found in the ocean, etc.
to differentiate between the two, most simply: el niño is the warm phase, and la niña is the cooling phase.
why does this matter, you ask? because el niño and la niña climate events are largely inverse and opposites. that’s a simplification, but it does lend us some potential insight into the weather’s devoted and apparently monogamous relationship dynamic. or it would, if they hadn’t mixed up their names… but hey, that’s food for thought too!! could it be that the weather is so devoted to each other that they blended together? maybe that’s why their color palettes are the same—they balance each other out!
either way, i’m quite excited to do battle with them in the next year or so. they’re going to have such fun bullet patterns, i just know it… i hope they heal each other with photorealistic milk. or something weather-related, idk.
anyway. BIGENDER WEATHER REAL!!! post over!
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loversj0y · 1 year
Dadbur never grow up !!!
never grow up
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event masterlist
pairing: dadbur x AFAB reader (gn pronouns)
tws: none!
notes: iin honor of speak now tv!!!!! ive never written dadbur before and ive also never written many parent dynamic type things? but this is way too fucking cute as a concept so &lt;;3
word count: 1.1k
taglist: @l0veb0mb1ng / @core-queen / @zooone / @lillylvjy / @ghostsacrosslndnfields / @melunnek
When you had Tallulah, Wilbur sobbed the first time he held her. He had been so supportive throughout the pregnancy, and he was scared to death the entire time as well, worried that he wouldn’t be a good dad, or that something would happen to you.
So the first time he held your little girl in his arms, he sobbed out of love and happiness, kissing her head and whispering about how he’d never let anyone hurt her or break her heart. You could already tell he was going to be a great father. When she gently wrapped her hand around his finger, he suddenly felt like everything was going to be okay. The world had never seemed so quiet. 
He was incredibly attentive after she was born. He was constantly with her, and he took so many photos and videos of her as she grew up. He did have to go on tour eventually, but he would call every day, and he’d look at every photo and video every night to remember what he was coming back to.
When he came back from tour, she’d grown so much. 
“My little ‘Lulah,” he cooed, holding her close in his arms, “You need to stop growing, ‘Lulah. Before I know it, I’ll be beating up any person who tries to break your heart.”
You chuckled, leaning into him gently, “I wish she could stay this little forever.”
He smiled, gently kissing her head. She rested her head on his shoulder, babbling sleepily. She was about 15 months old now, and she was such a sweet child already. She had pieces of her father’s wild soul, but she carried more of his quieter traits.  
“Here,” he passed her over to you, “Let’s go tuck her in. I wanna play her a song.”
You held her and walked to her bedroom, while Wilbur followed with his guitar strapped along his back. As you set her down, he sat down next to her crib, playing a soft tune on his guitar for her as she fell asleep.
As she grew up, Tallulah continued to be the spitting image of her father. Same mess of curly brown hair, and same big brown eyes. She was sweet and kind, always making sure that her friends were doing okay and wanting to help them. However, the similarities with her father meant she definitely got his sense of teenage angst. She was fourteen, and Wilbur was driving her to the movies with you riding shotgun. She looked nervous.
“‘Lulah? You alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” she sighed softly.
“You don’t sound fine,” Wilbur added.
She frowned lightly, “‘M just a bit nervous, dad. I’ll be fine.”
He nodded softly, “Remember your breathing exercises in case, okay?”
“Yes, dad, I know,” she rolled her eyes, “I’m not a child.”
You and Wilbur shared a look, slight amusement on both of your faces.
Wilbur pulled up to the front of the movie theater, and you spoke up, “Be safe, and text us when the movie is over, but wait inside for us, okay?”
“Yes, I will,” she got out of the car quickly, and for a moment, she looked like she was going to slam the door shut. 
“Bye, I love you.” She spoke softly.
“Bye, darling. We love you too,” Wilbur responded, and she closed the door softly. 
You took Wilbur’s hand as you watched her walk in and meet up with her friends. 
“You think she’ll be safe?”
“She’s your daughter, Wilbur. I don’t think we have to worry about if she’ll be safe, we should worry about if she’ll talk someone’s ear off.”
He laughed, kissing your hand gently, “God, I hate that she’s growing up. It feels like just yesterday she was just tiny.”
“I know,” you sighed softly, “I wish I could protect her from everything.”
“Me too,” he started to drive away, keeping his hand in yours, “We’ll be there for it all, though. We can’t protect her, but we can help her.”
“Is this your ploy to get her into music?”
“It’s not entirely a ploy,” you both laughed, swiftly heading back home.
“Dad, let me carry it, it’s fine,” Tallulah groaned, reaching for a box Wilbur was holding.
“I’ve got it, ‘Lulah. Don’t worry about a thing,” he smiled, carrying the box up to her apartment. Her first apartment. Neither of you were coping well with the thought, but she was only a two and a half hour drive away. You were so incredibly proud of her. She did follow in her father’s footsteps, but she learned every instrument she could find. Her hard work paid off, granting her a full-ride music scholarship. She also decided to minor in English as well, and it was weird to see your daughter so adult, even if she was just on the verge of 19. 
You’d taken great care to helping her move in, making sure the place felt like home. Mostly by sneaking in little notes from you and Wilbur into every crevice you could find, to be discovered later. It was so odd, to see her in her own place now. Wilbur was setting up her internet while she made sure all of her instruments were in their proper place (she always had a thing about making sure everything had its own specific place). Before you left, you placed a scrapbook next to her bed, filled with some of the photos of her, you, and Wilbur.
Leaving her and driving back home was messy. You and Wilbur both cried, and you caught a glimpse of her tearing up as well before you started on back home. It was so tough to leave her, even if you’d been watching her grow up and preparing for this for years. It was just hard to see her go off. The car ride home was quiet as well, his hand in yours as you wiped at teary eyes. 
Late that night, you and Wilbur were lying in bed, just holding each other close. “She seemed so happy to leave. Do you think she’ll miss us?” You asked softly.
“I think so.” “Really? I just remember how happy I was to finally be away from my parents.” “Well, your parents weren’t exactly the kindest.” He noted.
“I know, but I mean, it’s the freedom and feeling grown up, right? I’m worried we’ll lose her for a bit.” “I don’t-” his reply was cut off by his phone going off. He grabbed it, smiling softly. “I don’t think we’ll have anything to worry about,” he turned the phone towards you, showing off Tallulah’s contact proudly. 
He answered the call, and you both spoke to her as she got settled into bed for her first night alone, and you could hear just how much she missed you both in her voice.
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remy-white · 4 months
Theme: They hate everyone.. but you? (With dialogue)
1. "I can't stand these company events; it’s just too much noise and too many people."
"Then why don't we find a quieter spot? Just over here."
(A little later on)
"I didn’t expect that conversation to change how I felt today, but it did."
"I’m just glad I could help you escape the crowd for a bit."
2. "Everything today is too loud, too close, too much. I'm at my limit!"
"Hey, let’s get out of here. There's a quiet park nearby."
(A little later on)
"Sitting here, away from the chaos, I can finally breathe. Thanks for knowing what I needed."
"No problem. I’m here whenever you need to escape."
3. "This dinner party is driving me insane. I don’t fit in here at all."
"Let’s make our own fun. How about a game of word association?"
(A little later on)
"I didn’t think I could enjoy tonight, but our little game made it bearable."
"Seeing you smile made my night too."
4. "This group project is a disaster. Does no one care about efficiency anymore?"
"Let me help. We'll streamline this and play to your strengths."
(A little later on)
"I have to admit, the project turned out better than I expected, thanks to you."
"I knew we could do it. Your ideas really drove it home."
5. "Great, now my car breaks down in the rain—what else could go wrong today?"
"Need a lift? I've got an umbrella and some time to kill."
(A little later on)
"I was ready to write off today, but somehow, you turned it around."
"A rainy rescue mission turned adventure? Always better with company."
6. "I don't get why people can't just enjoy their coffee in silence without making a fuss."
"Mind if I join you? Brought this book I think you'll like."
(A little later on)
"Discussing that book was the first time today I didn’t feel surrounded by idiots."
"Books have a way of bringing the right people together, don’t they?"
7. "I just want everyone to leave me alone right now. I can't deal with any more fake sympathy."
"I won't talk. I brought dinner, and we can just sit, okay?"
(A little later on)
"I didn’t know how much I needed this. Just... thank you."
"Sometimes silence speaks louder than words."
8. "Why can't anyone here see my point? Am I the only one not insane?"
"Actually, I think you’re onto something. Let me explain why your idea works."
(A little later on)
"I was close to losing it, but you stepping in... that meant a lot."
"I've got your back. It was a good plan, and you deserved the credit."
9. "I'm not up for seeing anyone this week. I just need some space."
"I understand. Just know I'm here, okay? I'll text you a little encouragement each day."
(A little later on)
"Your texts have been little lifelines. I looked forward to them more than I thought I would."
"I'm glad they helped. Remember, I'm just a text away."
10. "All these congratulations feel so hollow. No one really saw the effort I put in."
"I saw it. What you accomplished was nothing short of amazing."
(A little later on)
"Hearing that from you, it’s the first time today I felt truly recognized."
"You deserve it, every bit of praise. I'm really proud of you."
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forsaire · 1 year
Coping (Ghost x Soap)
Soap is left distraught when Ghost leaves. He calls for Price's help.
Chapter 40 excerpt from Don't Let Me Go.
Soap sat alone, the events of the last few days having gone by excruciatingly slow. He felt the passing time build and build as it weighed heavily on his shoulders. Each minute without answers threatened to crush him under its weight.
As if in a trance, Soap watched his body move separate from himself. Once the soul-crushing reality of what had happened finally set in, he mustered the minuscule amount of energy he had left and put one foot in front of the other.
He sent off a brief text to his mum, apologizing for breaking the vase and promising to buy a new one. He then told her that he had been called back to work early and would be gone by the time she got back from work. She sent back a message that was forgiving, as always, and vaguely supportive but Soap couldn't remember what exactly was said. His eyes glazed over the text, unable to focus.
He then cleaned up the mess, making sure he triple-swept the area for any missed pieces of glass. He was able to dig up an old, ceramic vase from the basement that he had to clean the dust off of before transferring the surviving marigolds.
Many of them had been stepped on or cut, some even having lost large chunks of their petals. Soap picked away the damaged flowers one by one, leaving a bouquet that was half its original size.
It was broken and damaged, slightly wilting and bent. But still beautiful.
Still beautiful.
Soap packed up his belongings and sent another quick message to Fiona saying he wasn’t going to make it to brunch. Locking up the house behind him, Soap called a car and arranged to get the first flight to Texas.
On his way to the airport, he called Price. He answered on the first ring, speaking before Soap could say anything.
“I heard.”
His voice was calculated and even.
“Have you been able to reach him?” Soap asked frantically.
“Well maybe… maybe get Laswell to try. He’s not picking up his phone. There must be another way we can find him.” Soap bounced his leg up and down anxiously.
“Soap…” Price trailed off. It was clear there was information on the tip of his tongue he was holding back.
“What?” Soap demanded with frustrated anger. “What is it?”
The silence over the other end of the line was heavy with hesitation.
“Simon has…” Price struggled to get the words out and sighed. “Simon has been withdrawn.”
The words hit Soap like a freight train and he froze completely. His eyes unfocused and he stared at his lap, unsure if anything was real anymore. He gripped the phone tightly in his hand and screwed his eyes shut.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up!
Price’s rough voice yanked him back to the present.
“Son… did you hear me?”
Soap slowly began to bounce his leg again as his mind churned over and over.
“Aye,” Soap responded automatically.
“Do you understand what this means?”
Soap shook his head. “No, no, this doesn’t make any sense,” he said as the words quickly tumbled from his mouth, unable to accept what he’d heard. “I was with him. He wasn’t compromised or anything like that. I-I don’t understand why he would do this. He didn’t need to… he can’t be withdrawn. I mean… it’s not… you can’t just withdraw him for no reason.”
Soap could practically feel Price’s pitiful look over the phone.
“You know that’s not how this works…”
“I know. I know! No questions asked. I just…” Soap crumpled forward and placed a hand to rub at his eyes that threatened to spill over with tears. “You have to help me. This… this isn’t right.”
There was silence from Price for a long time.
“I know,” he finally said. “It isn’t right, but it’s what’s happened.”
“Please…” Soap choked out, barely a whisper.
“I…” Price hesitated, then more confidently, “I’ll see what I can do. But I can’t promise anything.”
“Thank you…” Soap said, blinking away his tears.
“Where are you?”
“I’m heading back to Houston.”
“…Alright. I’ll meet you there.”
It just then dawned on Soap what he was asking from Price.
“Oh fuck,” he groaned. “I’m sorry, Price. It’s Christmas. You don’t have to. You should stay with your family.”
“I’ve already made up my mind. I’ll speak to you soon.”
Price hung up before Soap could say anything else.
He arrived at the base an excruciatingly long eleven hours later. The whole time he kept anxiously checking his phone for a call or text he knew was never coming. Price was already there by the time he arrived. He took one look at Soap before pulling him into a tight embrace.
It was rough and unexpected but Soap immediately accepted his comforting arms. Knowing Price was there, he let himself be vulnerable. Everything he had been holding back suddenly became overwhelming and Soap broke down. He wept against Price’s shoulder, holding him tight.
“It’s alright,” Price murmured in a soothing tone, rubbing Soap’s back in slow and leisurely circles. “It’s alright, son.”
Every bit of worry, pain, confusion, and uncertainty seeped out of him, the burden having become unbearable to carry alone. The familiar smell of cigars was surprisingly enjoyable and the momentary peace he received allowed him the time to calm himself down.
Soap pulled back and wiped at his eyes quickly.
“Sorry…” he mumbled, sniffling a few times. “I… I don’t know. That was embarrassing.”
“Not to me, it wasn’t,” Price said with such confidence and lack of judgment that he almost made Soap believe it as well. “We all have our moments.”
Soap didn’t know what he would do if Price weren’t here with him. He felt lost and adrift but was comforted by Price’s presence and kind eyes.
Price led Soap down to a single room for him to get settled into. It was different from the one that Soap and Ghost usually shared when they were stationed at the base. This was probably for the best. Soap didn’t think he’d be able to go back into their room and feel the phantom presence of Ghost everywhere he looked. Memories were painful enough.
As the next few days passed, Soap would glance up at Price expectedly every time he passed, hoping for any sort of information. But with a melancholic expression, Price would shake his head, each and every time. The frail hope that barely kept Soap going continued to wither away and break apart as each day passed without news. Eventually, Soap stopped searching for answers in Price’s face.
Full chapter ao3.
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wolfavens · 7 hours
never been good at those. i think nobody knows that better than you. the many times you stood across from me shouting it in my face. fuck. what a masochist, baby. standing there, time and time again, telling me i was a fucking gaslighting arsehole. i know, right. i know.
but then how do i tell you about my feelings if half the time i can’t even make sense of them inside? i can go a whole day with a frown and attribute my mental anguish to some seemingly traumatic event. fight at work - fuck, how maddening. these people, all so high-and-mighty and unwilling to listen to reason. they are driving me nuts and i’m so tired and see this is what it comes down to.
the frown is for them. they sucked me out. but then, pouring cold milk over my cornflakes at night, there is this tiny flash.
sneaks most artfully that. between a film reference and the song playing on the radio, it makes it’s way inside and trickles over the cornflakes with the milk. a simple little thing like: why did you write that? why did you act like that today. thought we were past it. it’s fine if we’re not. we’re not dating. but still, why did you write that and why so cold after last time?
and for a moment it would click.
the frown. i don’t care about the people at work. no worries about dumb arguments. i can sail my way through the currents of mob mentallity corporation. but that little four word reply you send instead of the usual thing. yeah… that is making me want to fold up and close my eyes and stare off into space.
so it’s muddled up. all of it. the anger and the pressure and all the failed expectations and hurt and strangers elbowing me in the tram. it’s muddled up and it’s so hard to break through it and identify the source.
and fuck, so many times the source is you and that is just so fucking frightening it makes me black right out of the thought it sailed in on. so i push it back against the current and concentrate on stupid shit like angry emails and strangers elbowing me in the tram and i munch on lukewarm cornflakes and cackle at missed phone calls.
i can’t do this much longer - i think.
i can’t keep living my life with the constant fucking thought of you banging around in my skull - i think.
i can’t be this sad all the fucking time instead for a short few respites of grinning through the fog because right then and there you decided to text me something funny.
i just can’t deal with fucking feelings, babe. so instead of deeling i bury them in elbows and passive agressive replies and cornflakes that are starting to taste stale now. ignore it so it never happens. ignorance is the cornerstone of successful stagnation. everytime your blue eyes stare at me across space saying “you gaslighting fuck” i think: i know. you should see the way i gaslight my own fucking self. the lies i tell just to get by. some days i’m so blackout tired i even believe myself.
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hanatagami · 2 years
Dad! All Might x Ojamajo! Reader (Part 3)
 i try to use “-” a lot and it may not be successful
https://youtu.be/didH5tJIGUU - the song that inspired it all, dont know it’s saying but the vibe inspired this story
Part 1  Part 2
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It was the day of the wedding. Yagi was so excited he wasn’t sure what to do with himself, this is the happiest day he’s had…in awhile. He finds it very fortunate to be here and to be marrying the most perfect woman he’s ever met. To be gaining a family again, a kid again. Although if you’d asked him he’s had a lot more kids then that, the students he taught were all like his children. And they were all here at the wedding!
Well, all but one. But your picture was there, that he made sure of. It’d be in the first row, so it could see everything that happened.
Izuku, the best man but also the one to give his mom away, was currently helping him get ready in his room.
“You’ve gone through how many press conferences and meetings, and you can’t tie a damn tie?”
Bakugou was also there.
All might could only chuckle and rub his head sheepishly. It was true, he had never really been able to tie his tie. He always got someone to tie it for him, it was hard to do in his muscular form so he just never learned how.
He was lucky Bakugou had mellowed out in adulthood some, or he may have gotten a much worse scolding then that one. Or maybe it was his husband, Kirishima, standing in the room that gave Bakugou some much needed restraint.
“Give him a break, Kacchan, he hasn’t had a conference in awhile.” Izuku had chimed in from his position, having had just finished helping Yagi with his hair.
“And lets face it hun, it’s better to let a perfectionist like you do it anyways.” Kirishima joked from his position in the doorframe, already having gone through the same thing himself with his own tie.
“Whatever...” Katsuki had only growled in response.
“Ochaco just texted, apparently some more guests have arrived. I’m gonna go see if they need any help.” Izuku informed.
“Go, we don’t need you here anyways.” The snarky remark from Katsuki, as expected. He heard Kirishima trying not to laugh as he scolds Katsuki growing more quiet as Izuku walked down the hall. 
He took the moment to himself to admire the venue his mother and Yagi had picked out, it was really quite beautiful. It had a reception area just outside, all set up and ready for use.
Walking up to some of his old classmates, Izuku gave a brief explanation to them, instructing them to head towards the actual area for the vows while he took their gifts outside to the reception. He had gone outside and expected to be the only out there, but...
“Excuse me.”
Izuku jumped in surprise. He quickly turned around to see a (height) figure standing in front of him.
“Sorry, you startled me. Did you need something?” He was surprised that he didn’t hear you come up, especially since his senses had gotten pretty good since his time as a hero.
He didn’t recognize you. You weren’t a classmate or a family member, at least not any family member he knows of.
“This is the table for gifts, yes?” The mysterious stranger tils their head at him, hair falling gently over their face. His eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to the interesting clothes they had worn and the crystal that hung on a thread around their neck-
“Oh, uh, yes! You can set it anywhere on this table.” He inches to the side a little, to stay out of the way of you placing your gift in its desired spot. Izuku was trying to wrap his head around your presence, a little difficult from  a little paranoia. What were the odds you were a villain, or the child of a villain coming to take revenge on the former number one hero?
But the security at this venue was tight, they made sure of it. There were a lot of heroes attending tonight, old and new, so it’s a prime event for disaster if a villain happens to hear of it. But observing your body language, your mannerisms, it didn’t seem like you were a villain, but then again you could just be a skilled actor. 
“So how do you know the bride and groom?” He asked in hopes of getting more information, and from the way you inched your head towards him and the expression worn on your face, it didn't come to a surprise to you.
“My parents are friends with the groom, they were close when I was younger, so I’m embarrassed to say I actually don’t know him too well.” You had given him an answer with closed eyes and an embarrassed look on your face, “They weren’t able to make it, so they had me come in their stead. I have the invitation if that helps? I understand its probably concerning for a stranger to be here in such circumstances.”
“O-Oh no! I wasn’t trying to imply something like that, I was just curious is all! I-I’ve just known the two for awhile and just haven’t seen you before...”
Why were you making such a face?
“Yeah...I guess you could say we grew apart.” The wind had picked up slightly, enhancing the mood in the conversation. There was a story, an unspoken one that he couldn’t catch. A sad one. “Well, my family and him anyways.” You gave a sheepish chuckle and sent a smile his way, but it didn’t reach your eyes.
“Did you want me to tell him? He may be glad to see you.” Izuku couldn’t help but try and suggest a solution, he was a hero after all. Seeing someone in front of him hurting left a bad taste in his mouth.
“No it’s fine. No need to bring up such things right before the ceremony, I’m more then happy to speak with him afterwards.” There was something off about the way you said it. Maybe you didn’t want to speak with Yagi?
“I’ll see myself to a seat, I’m sure you have things to do as the son of the bride?” You chuckled as a way to ease out any creases that may have formed as you put a halt to the conversation.
You gave a smile as you walked past him, and something about that smile felt familiar. He just couldn’t tell why.
“Hey Deku! Can I get a little help?” He had heard Ochaco’s voice in the distance, and quickly his attention had drifted back to his to do list, the former encounter shelfed in his mind.
And for the day it stayed shelfed, it was easy to forget such a thing in all the excitement of the wedding. It was beautiful, and definitely one of the most exciting days of his life. He had never seen his mentor or his mother so happy before, and that made him happy too.
The vows were very wholesome, as expected of the couple, and as some may have guessed Yagi had a small hiccup, dropping one of the cards where he had written his self-made vows, but made a quick and goofy recovery.
The reception was beautiful too, the likes of Toru and Mina had made sure of that. The highlight was definitely the speeches though, every 1A graduate had one prepped, and although some were a little...interesting (cough cough Katsuki and Shoto), most were guaranteed to enact smiles, laughs, and even tears from the newly-weds.
It wasn’t until the end of the night, when his mother and -now- father had gone to the gifts, that Izuku even remembered his encounter with the mysterious stranger earlier that day. Because when the couple had reached your gift, no one had come up to say it was theirs, and Izuku had to explain.
“A former friends kid, you say?” Yagi had looked down at the wrapped gift in confusion, his wife looking at him in curiosity. It seems that all former friends were accounted for, if at least all the ones who had kids at some point.
“Well why don't you open it and see, maybe there's a card inside?” The bride has suggested, sending a smile to her husband.
He can’t help but smile back at her, before gently unwrapping the gift.
In his hands sat a brown box, which upon opening revealed a small porcelain fairy in a dancing position. He gave the cranks a couple of turns and watched as the fairy begin to spin in place, as a soft and beautiful melody rang through out the room.
It carried a feeling of nostalgia, of love, and of longing. It was a simple song, but it carried impact.
Yagi’s grip on the box became firmer as the song flowed softly into his mind, bringing a rush of memories with it. Images of small hands, so small his own could eclipse them. He could remember how those hands showed him this exact music box so long ago, and he could remember so vividly the warmth of those hands when he gently took it from their hands. 
He remembers hearing the excitement in the child’s voice when he walked up to purchase it, and how they talked about it all the way home. So excited, so happy. The sound of their glee with the music from the box was one of the most perfect sounds he had ever heard.
He could see in the child’s face, a face imprinted in his mind to never be forgotten, how truly happy they had been when listening to their favorite music box. Without fail he could see the peace this song had brought that child every time they played it, which in turn brought him his own sense of peace.
The music rekindled a warm feeling in his chest he had forgotten he was missing. No, it wasn’t forgotten. Just put to rest.
The music told him a message that went unheard by others, because they didn’t understand what this box -this song- had meant. 
It told him that that child -his child-  had been here. They had entered this building and he was completely unaware. It had told him that his own kid had been watching over him from afar, just far enough to where he couldn’t notice.
 It had told him to spread the same joy this song had for his old family, and share it with his new one.
It had told him
 “ I’m happy for you Dad ! “
“Dear, are okay?” His wife, his beautiful wife, had called for him concerned but he almost couldn’t hear. His vision was blurry, tears clouding his eyesight and falling onto the fairy who had now stopped moving. He couldn’t stop the sobs that raked his body, but he tried so he could ask...
“Izuku...did they look healthy...happy?” Yagi had asked through heavy breathes.
Izuku seemed to have pieced something together that others hadn’t, or that others couldn’t. He remembered the distance the strangers voice held when speaking of the groom, the sad smile and look they had carried on their face. Most importantly, he remember the sad story that had been confided in him and his mother, of Yagi’s biological that had disappeared.
“...Yes.” Izuku could see the relief that fell over Yagi’s body upon hearing that. The weight that he had somehow been carrying for years had been lifted, if only by a little. 
The music had began to softly play once more, turned for Izuku had assumed was comfort. Yagi softly dropped to his knees, silents tears falling once more. It seemed his mother wasn’t too far behind himself in piecing things together. She held a warm smile as she crouched next to her husband’s shaking form.
“So they were safe. I’m so glad for you Yagi.” She had whispered gently in his ears as he leaned into her, the music box held dearly to his chest. 
Izuku had looked up into the night sky, it was covered in stars and it seemed to him like the moon was smiling from way up high.
“(Y/n), are you okay? You didn’t want to stay...?” Soso’s small form held your shoulder to provide her witch some comfort. You were flying high above the venue, using magic to help listen in on the events happening below.
“No. I’m fine. This way was...for the best.” You given your small fairy companion a soft smile. You didn’t acknowledge the small stream of tears that had run down your cheeks, surely illuminated by the moon glowing softly behind you. Soso didn’t acknowledge them either, instead holding her tiny form to your cheek to show her support.
You pat yourself lightly on your cheeks, making sure to avoid your fairies small body, “Well. Shall we get going?” 
“I’m ready if you are.” Soso had responded.
“Lets us go then.” You turn your head towards the smiling moon and began your flight back to the witch world, satisfied with your short, but eventful, visit.
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snowdice · 2 years
Tales From Logan's Office (Part 1) [Sometimes Labels Shift Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan/Patton, Logan & Virgil, Patton & Virgil
Characters: Logan, Virgil, Patton
Summary: Virgil invades Logan's office. (Multiple times.)
This is a dealing with events set after my story Sometimes Labels Fail.
Logan sighed, rubbing his forehead as he clicked on the next email he had to deal with.
For alleged adults, there were many students who could not figure out how to acquire a simple math textbook despite there being two bookstores on campus and written instructions in Logan’s syllabus.
Even fewer knew how to reach out to the campus’s technical support and for some reason were under the impression that Logan would know how to fix their issues with getting their laptops to connect to the campus wi-fi. Of course, he probably could fix it, but that was very much not his job.
He redirected two student emails to the IT department and told the other to check out one of the bookstores.
“You know,” Logan said. “I thought I would miss you much more when you moved out.”
He glanced down and to the side of his desk and immediately met the eyes of his son. Virgil was staring at him with a blank expression even as the rubber ball he’d just thrown at Logan’s office wall again returned to his hand.
“You should tell your colleagues not to assign homework during the first week of classes,” Virgil told him. He tossed the ball again and it smacked the wall between his own feet because, of course, Virgil couldn’t sit normally. No. He was laying on the floor with his shoes leaving scuff marks on Logan’s wall.
“It’s 5 questions on set theory,” Logan said. “You know set theory.”
“That’s not the point,” Virgil said. “It’s syllabus week.”
“It’s Friday,” Logan said, turning back to his computer. “And I’m sure Dr. Ferguson simply assigned it to give you a chance to acclimate to the online homework system before assigning more difficult work.”
“A likely story,” Virgil said. “I’m certain math teachers are just evil as a rule.”
Logan side eyed him only to see him smirking, proud of his cheek.
“I made a mistake telling you my office hours,” Logan said, shaking his head.
“There is no escape for you,” Virgil agreed gravely. He threw the ball once again.
“You know I will eventually have students in here.”
Virgil shrugged. “I’m a student.”
“You’re not my student.”
Virgil shrugged again.
“If you were my student I wouldn’t tolerate this behavior,” Logan grumbled. Unfortunately, he was Logan’s son and was very aware of his privileges.
Virgil hummed and threw the ball once more. “Having anything good for lunch?” he asked.
Logan sighed. “Don’t you have a meal plan?”
Virgil tilted his head back to look at Logan with huge pleading eyes.
“Am I buying you nachos or are we going to the Hideout?”
“When’s Patton’s lunch break?” Virgil asked. “If Patton can go, the Hideout. Otherwise, nachos.”
“I’ll text him,” Logan said.
Logan pulled out his phone.
Logan pursed his lips and tilted his phone so he could snap a picture of the miscreant on his floor. He attached the picture with the message “It’s forcing me to buy it lunch. Are you going to be free at 11:30?”
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insomnaticwriter · 2 years
you said you had some stories about your ex you really wanted to tell? (if you’re comfortable with that, ofc- feel free to ignore this)
Edit: THIS IS LONG AS FUCK IM SO SORRY- don’t read unless you want trauma(?) dumping about my ex :) this was a straight up therapy session, I broke all the “don’t trauma dump on the internet” rule. I apologize. Still posting it tho. Good luck :)
👀 which ex- the one I was talking about was my most recent, our relationship lasted a year and a half, we met online and met about 8 months or so in our relationship maybe less, I saw her twice in a matter of a year and a half, both for a week at a time I stayed at her house on whatever break I had available at the time, I think it was fall break and winter. SO NOW THAT BACKGROUND IS OVER.
She had a HUGE issue with me going to school- like any time I talked about it she was mad, any time I talked about wanting to go to college she would try and convince me not to go saying it was useless and it would be idiotic to go because education doesn’t matter because you die either way. We didn’t have many issues (at least ones that were brought up at the time we dated) but this was one of them. Just… me going to school. When I would try talking about it she said VERBATIM “don’t talk about school it makes me sad.” Because she dropped out.
Another was me working. I started worked at 16 and I’m 18 now. 17 when we broke up. I started working and applying to jobs when we were dating, this was when we started to have issues. I’d text her at work, I’d call at school but it never seemed to be enough, she needed to have all of my time or it wasn’t enough. It was getting to the point when I would literally count the minutes of the day I had alone. I still remember. 10 in the morning, 7 when I walked to work, if she didn’t call, and maybe 15 minutes before she called when I got home. This wouldn’t of been an issue but whenever I wanted to go to a school event or work an extra hour or just go out with friends it became a fight and I isolated myself so bad that my friends legitimately held a literal intervention. Sat me down and told me something had to change because I wasn’t my self anymore.
The next thing was therapy. She had.. issues which I won’t share on the internet but they were major and she needed help, something I couldn’t provide her, that I was probably too young to handle at the time, honestly anyone would be too young to handle, including her. Anyway 💅🏻 there were always two sides, I didn’t have it bad enough to need therapy and I shouldn’t go and that she needed it for years and never got it and I just got it when I asked for it OR that I was bipolar and impulsive,m and “crazy” when I did stuff like dye my hair or hang out with friends.
Lol this is long as fuck I’m sorry-
When I tried to tell her that I was gender whatever the fuck I am. Basically tried telling her I wanted to buy a binder and she told me as soon as the words left my mouth that she just couldn’t handle that and it was too much for her.
There was other things like this, like I was expected to handle everything she threw at me and basically got into trouble when I couldn’t handle her breakdowns or mental issues and tried my best but didn’t know what to do, but she always told me my depression or anxiety was nothing and there was no reason for me to have them. And when she told me I didn’t have enough trauma, and then I told her more, she said it was too upsetting to hear.
Also I’m 99% sure she cheated on me. She definitely emotionally cheated on me but I think she also slept with someone else.
WHICH IS JUST A WHOLE OTHER STORY, should I tell it? Hmmmm? Ask me if you want me to share it idc I will. No filter. Not one.
She slept with someone else 12 hours after we broke up and then called me crying about how this other girl didn’t like her and how bipolar she must be because “how can you sleep with someone but not like them.” And how much she liked her and then I asked why the hell she was talking to me about this when we had JUST broken up. We broke up, I went to bed, got to work and she called me doing this- it was weird. She also stayed at her house for two or three days before this happened 🫠
Some other stuff that didn’t bother me as much is that she smoked and did drugs, she’s actually the one who introduced me to weed. But she did it in excess, like every 30 minutes she would get high, every few hours she would smoke a cigarette, every other night she would drink. Her and her friends would get smashed. She was 16-18 when I knew her.
she also texted me 6 months after we broke up saying I was a dumb bitch.
The funny part is my first girlfriend, my other ex, WAY WORSE 🥴
I have some wild ass hookup stories too. I’m bored and willing to share everything on the internet so WHY NOT-
I feel as if you were probably looking for fun light hearted stories- sorry anon! I think I have some if I look hard enough in my file cabinet brain!
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kuwdora · 1 year
wip ask meme: 9, 10, 12
Ahhh, let me dig into this older WIP that is so fucking messy. This excerpt is from a 17k draft in which I am freewheeling everything and don’t have a plot, but it’s all about old Jaskier, his relationship with Geralt, and Jaskier's relationships with children and mentorship when he's retired.
Anyway. I have Geralt/old Jaskier snippets to share. I might have shown them somewhere on tumblr before? Or discord? I can't remember...but now I am excited to tackle this again, omg.
What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far?
“I haven’t been arrested for breaking any obscenity laws in a few decades. Why not bend me over right here? This would be the perfect place,” Jaskier said, gesturing at the fountain where they sat and reached down to drag his fingertips across the surface of the water.
“I won’t carry you out of town because you can’t run for your life anymore when the town guard comes after you,” Geralt replied evenly, and he nudged Jaskier’s boot with his heel.
“That’s not a no,” Jaskier pointed out, his bushy eyebrows arching into the wrinkles of his forehead. “What do you say? Shall we put on a show they won’t soon forget?”
“You throwing your back out mid-performance would be unforgettable,” Geralt said, nodding thoughtfully when he glanced around the square. His lips quirked upward when he looked back to Jaskier. “I can hear their applause now.”
Jaskier’s huff of laughter was bright and warm. “We know what kind of stretches I need to do so that won’t happen again.”
“Let’s limber you up behind closed doors. Wouldn’t want to spoil the main event for the people,” Geralt said, bumping his boot once more. Jaskier reached over, fingers draping along his jaw and pulled him into a brief kiss. Geralt hummed against his mouth and moved his hand along Jaskier’s arm and squeezed.
“Now you’re singing my song.” Jaskier said, tapping his lips playfully when he leaned away. He adjusted the collar and cuffs of his doublet and rocked back and forth several times, preparing to haul himself to his feet. Once there Jaskier held out his hand to him, the grin wide and his eyes crinkled in delight. “Come along, my strapping witcher. We’ll have them tossing all their coins at us before the night is over.”
What is the last line of dialogue you’ve written?
My god it’s been so long that I can’t tell what the last line of dialogue was, but lemme share another funny snippet that I don’t think I’ve shared on tumblr yet?? But maybe I have, I honestly can’t remember and I can’t find it any of my tags so…please enjoy (again?)
“Since when do you turn down a swim?”
“Since the water’s still too cold,” Jaskier mumbled.
“It’s not that cold,” Geralt said.
“My balls will freeze and snap off,” Jaskier said and shuddered.
“You’re not using them anyway,” Geralt said, his laugh a quiet huff against Jaskier’s cheek.
Jaskier lifted his head from Geralt’s shoulder. “I might not get much use out of them anymore but I still like my balls, thank you very much. I’ve had them a very long time. Would be sad to see them go. And thankfully I’ve never needed them to bring life into this world.”
“Yes, Father of 10,000 Songs, how could I forget,” Geralt said and that earned him a baleful glare.
“The disrespect,” Jaskier muttered. “My music has been sung from the Buina to the Yaruga, I have published 8 books of poetry, written a seminal text on Northern Redanian folklore. I gave my orphaned babies to Priscilla who raised them into such beautiful plays in ways that I never could. I have as many academic accolades as you have scars, been translated into two languages. They’ve named children after me in Paalbrooke.”
“They named a beer after you, not a child,” Geralt corrected and Jaskier tweaked his nipple.
“You’ve never truly appreciated my work,” Jaskier said.
“A very distinguished repertoire,” Geralt rumbled quietly.
“Hrmpth,” Jaskier said.
“Swim?” Geralt reminded him.
“Only if you promise to fondle my balls and warm me up once we’re done,” Jaskier said, lightly tapping his chest with arched fingers.
“I promise,” Geralt said and Jaskier made a pleased sound as he made the concerted and slow effort to push himself from Geralt’s chest.
What emotions do you expect your readers to feel?
Oh, I hope the readers would feel love and humor, the fluffiness of domesticity in an established relationship of many decades. I have so much I need to sort through with this WIP/series and narrow down the key moments in Jaskier’s life at that age, and how Geralt has grown into his relationship with Jaskier after all the canon events are long over.
current wip ask meme
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koolcece22 · 5 months
Enter Vemongirl
Miguel’s POV
I swing back to headquarters to see what going on. I headed to my lab to see Miles and Jess was there. I was wondering why Miles was there but it looked like he needed to talk to me.
“Miguel! We have a problem.” Miles quickly went to my side and showed me his phone. Show me his text message that he got from his dad.
‘So I got word from the Raft that Doc Ock had escaped and they are still looking for her. That Spot guy said he saw it but he was not talking anymore. I think that your queue to go talk to him. ’
I look over the message again. So 1610 Doc Ock is free, she caused a lot of problems last time to the point I put her in the Spot level threat since she is obsessed with the Spider-verse. 
“I wanted to let you know since I want me to keep tabs on her. I don’t know when she got out. She was in a high-security part of the Raft so getting her should have been almost impossible.” Miles said, I can tell he's upset even though he tries to hide it. I don’t blame him and he shouldn’t blame himself for him. I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him that I don’t blame him. I’m not blaming things on him anymore. 
“This is not your fault there are so many anomalies I wouldn’t blame for not keeping track of your own villain. I have a gut feeling about her.”
Something just doesn’t not feel right about her just escaping. 
“If you don’t mind if I accompany you? I think Spot knows more than he lets on.”
Miles nodded “I was thinking about that too. The dude is crazy sometimes but he's cool now, kind of.” 
I nodded as I  ready the portal till Andrea and Ben walked into the room. 
“What's going on?” I asked them 
“I was finishing looking over the data you sent me, and  Bozhe moy, this Compound R stuff needs to be destroyed or it shouldn’t ever be created.”
I gave Andrea a concerned look. I know in a genetic sense that this compound is very unstable. The fact that anyone who has it survived past a year is a miracle itself. Breaking down cells and recreating them so fast that no one would notice is something I can’t fathom. I be geeking out back in the day if I had this compound in my possession.
“Tell me about it. Me and Miles be right back. There is a situation that needs to be looked at and I don’t want this shocking mess we're in to get worse.” 
“Then how are we going to deal with this? My earth has been getting distorted and anomalies popping in and out.” Ben pointed out as he showed me his earth. There are a lot of items that are not supposed to be there. He wasn't the only one as Andrea showed me hers. I sigh as all this is getting worse by the day and the longer we don’t do something. I just want to go in with a team of spiders to take care of it. But we still don’t know what the Canon Event of that Earth is since it is connected to that Spider-woman that I know damn well she is not going to help us.
“I’m still working on it. But just keep a look out and see if we can find out more about that Compound. Something tells me it is going to be a bigger problem than I thought.” I turned to Miles and nodded to him to open the portal to his earth so we could have a talk to his Spot. Both me and him jumped in.
We landed on a rooftop on Mile’s place. Miles looks over to see his dad waiting at the rooftop. 
“I was wondering where you were. And why is he here?” His dad is not happy that I’m here, trust me I don't want to be on this Earth if I can help it.
“Look dad, there is something big going on and it might have something to do with Doc Ock so Miguel has to be here. It affecting other Earths and…”
Jeff put his hand up telling his son ‘don’t speak no more.”
“I know, I know. It's the ‘end of muilty-verse crap again right?” he looked at me, I nodded. He let out a bigger groan.
“Come on you two. I was able to talk to the guards at the Riff to let Spider-man in to talk to the Spot guys. You on your own to explain why there are two of you.” 
We both nodded as Jeff gave Miles a pass and guessed our ticket for getting in. I called Lyla up to show us the quickest route to this place. It's going to take us less than 20 mins. To get to this place. We swung as fast as we could as we made it to the riff. Before we entered I asked Miles to show me his pass. He gave it to me and I did a quick scan to make a fake copy of my own.
“If anyone asks, I'm a Spider-man from ugh…”
“New Jersey?” Miles chuckled, I looked at him and confessed I don’t have a New Jersey on my Earth. I just rolled my eyes behind my masked
“Sure New Jersey whatever. When was the last time you talked to Spot?”
“A few months ago. He seems more chilled now after the big fight. He just wanted respect, like me.”
“Yeah, well not going around taking collider energy, messing up other earths just so you can have equal footing at a 15 your teen that you think ruin your life but actually it was yours own doing, is not something I would call respect.” 
“True but like almost all the adults don't respect me at times so…” 
I sigh, as I know Miles meant but he proved himself as a Spider-Man. 
We reached the entrance where there were two guards at the door with a woman with silver hair. I’m guessing she is the head guard.
“Ah isn’t spider-man or should say Spider-men.” She said in a thick russian accent. She didn’t look happy to see us. Miles whisper in my ear
“That Silver Sable. They hire her to run the Riff.”
“Doesn’t like you.”
“Oh yeah she doesn't.”
We look back at her and she doesn’t appreciate that we're talking about behind her back more like in front of her. 
“Well, since you two our  guess I will be very generous let you guys see Mr. Spot since he knows more than he let on. And I promise Mr. Osborn that I won’t use… methods of my country, I'm forced to talk to police Chief Morales in turn have you…” she pointed to Miles “To talk to him, since he only talks to you.” 
“What can I say, I bring out the best in people.” Miles said with a smirk behind his mask. I rolled behind mine. 
“Let us talk to the Spot, we need information on some that are going on in a … different city.” I said, Silver Sable reluctantly let us in. as we walked through I saw other villains that were locked up in some variant I never seen before. There were normal criminals too in there. We reach Spot’s cell, Silver Sable stops us and turns to us.
“You have ten minutes, then get out.'' She then left us. I’m pretty sure we were under surveillance so that is why she left us. Me and Miles walk up to Spot’s cell. He was leading on the wall and looked like he was waiting for us. He was wearing a collar that I created to help stabilize his powers. Unfortunately, we were unable to turn him back to normal by how much power he absorbed so this is the best we can do for him. Only one spot remained on his body and that was the one that was acting for his face.
“Well,well,well isn’t it my old nemesis Spider-man or should I say-
“Yeah Spider-men, Sable beat you to it.” I shut him down not wanting to deal with the whole ‘it Spider-man or should I say Spider-men’ gimmick. It gets old pretty fast. The Spot face went small as I disappointed him.
“Man, I forgot your the buzzkill one.” 
“Tell me about it. He grounded me last week because I went to see a different Earth.” Miles huffed as he folded his arm. I rubbed my nose not wanting to deal with this.
“You two, focus.” I turn to the Spot ``I heard that you know something about Doctor Olivia Octavius. She escaped her a few weeks ago, Why now we're getting this information?”
Spot shrugged “Hey, that Sable problem. She doesn't want to admit that someone escaped her highly secured prison. Also didn’t help that Doc used a robot to fool everyone. She was gone for two weeks but they just found out couple days ago.” 
Miles nodded agreeing with what Spot said 
“Yeah, Sable would keep things under wraps and try to fix it on her own. She roll like that” 
Yeah and look at it did? Now, all I know is that she works with Carnage and 2424 Alchemax. 
“Did she talk to you? You two did work together.”
“Ha! Work with her again? Fat chance! She is the reason why I’m like this!” Spot pointed to himself to emphasize what he meant.
“Oh not blaming me anymore? I see this as progress.” Miles point out 
“Oh! You are still my arch nemesis. I got to keep my street cred so the other villains from the bar respect me. Maybe even Delilah will finally go out with me!” 
I roll my eyes. Not a chance she’ll date him. 
“Besides, she was going to use me for my power. I know her, she sees me like some lab rat that once I don’t give her results she gets rid of me. Hell, she was using Kingpin in order to fund the Collider project.” the Spot pointed out. Me and Miles nodded from what he just said. 
“But, I noticed something more like felt something.” The Spot looked at his pure white hand. “I can still feel when someone opens a portal, especially when it is near. I heard her talking to someone before they came to me. There was this slimy red guy.”
“Looks like he killed you just for fun?” Miles said
“Oh yeah, I thought if I said no he’ll kill me. But Doc said no and thought me being here is worse than death then the two left.” 
So she is working with them. Great, I just hope she is not trying to get the multi-universe power again. Last time we barely stopped her and who knows what she is going to do if she gets her hands on Compound R. 
“Times up!” We heard Stable calling to us and opening the door to essentially kick us out. 
“Well Spot, guess our nice talk is done. I’ll bring some coffee and a bagel next time.” Miles joked as we walked out as he waved Spot goodbye.
“Hey! No Bagel! I’ll take a slice of pizza! There suck!”
We heard him call out as walk down the hall. We made it outside and me and Miles swung far onto a rooftop so I could teleport back to HQ without being seen. I was thinking all the information I gathered slowly getting this shock of a puzzle figured out now. Olivia was one of the smarter Doc Ock we have encountered. Knowing how multi-verse works and knowing having a backup of a futuristic world backing her up who knows what she is going to do. Then the Compound R is just a cherry on the top of the shit sunday. Compound R gives powers but only when a cell isn't fully formed, in other words when it's a fetus. That way, it can fuse better to the cell. 
“Want to head back to HQ? We can tell the others an-” Miles was going to say till his radio from his earth goes off. Tell him that Scorpion is on the loose and robbing a bank.
“Take care of your Earth first Miles, if Spot gives you more information let me know right away.” 
I opened a portal while Miles nodded as he swung off to take care of the problem while I figured out this huge problem we have. I teleported back mainly near the Med room to check on Shade before I went to work since she was near the death door. I open the door to see a weird scene
Andrea was working at her desk which was a normal thing. Seeing Peter,Hobie,Gwen and Pav were playing spider cards, which is just a game of cards but they played upside down on the ceiling, a game I really can’t play. 42 was texting on his watch and I saw the creature that Shade turned into sleeping on a crushed bed while Mayday was playing with her ears. My eyes widened while Lyla took a picture of this.
“Did you bring back any news?” Andrea asked while not looking from her book. 
“Doctor Olivia Octavius from Earth 1610 has escaped and what worse she might be working for Carnage.”
Everyone stopped what they were doing to turn to me. Peter and them jumped down and 42 got up from their spot flabbergasted on what I just said. I don’t blame them, I wish we found out sooner but she covers her tracks so we wouldn’t find out right away. 
“So that crazy Doc lady out again?!” 42 said, sounding angry I wouldn’t blame him. She did almost destroy his earth. 
“She's been out for awhile that the prison she was in now got the news since she used a robot to keep the fact. It might explain why Earth 2424 got the tech and watches faster. She is probably the best at understanding the muitli-verse after me.” 
“So what are we going to do ex-boss? I’m not keen on fighting her again.” Hobie pointed out. Gwen and Pavitr nodded to agree, I wouldn’t blame them, she almost killed us. 
“I might have a plan but we have to wait till Shade wakes up…ugh…why is she in that form?” 
“She healing, I implanted my webs to heal her faster but she broke it when she turned into that form.” Andrea looks at her hand and shows us the broken healing web. Judging by the look on  Andrea's face she was surprised and so was I, Andrea webs are different from ours. So breaking it means something is off. As we were thinking I looked at Andrea who walked over to Shade and Mayday. She picked Mayday up too much Mayday dislikes as she began to fuse and whine.
“YA znayu malen'kogo, I need to wake her up and I don’t know if she going to be cranky.” Andrea then spreads her webs around Shade and a flash of light comes from it. I have to block my eyes or I'll go blind, it happens so quick. Shade’s eyes shot open and got up on all four looking around frantically. 
Me on my bad days.
Shade must be out of it that she forgot where she was. It took a second to realize where she was at, as she looked down at her body realizing she was in that form as she quickly turned back to her normal. So she can go in and out at will.
“H-How long have I been out?” she stutters and flutters like we walk in on her doing something embarrassing. Andrea giggled
“Couple hours, we were all keeping you company. Mayday love your rabbit’s ears.” 
Mayday was teary as Shade was no longer a giant rabbit symbiote creature
“Bunny…” she whined as Peter went to take her before she cried. Shade gave Mayday a small smile.
“Sorry, I’ll get you a giant stuffed bunny, how about that?” 
Mayday nodded as she was whimpering. Shade walks up to me and the group she looks better so that is one least thing I have to worry about. I then realized something. 
“I need to get a day pass, so you don’t glitch out.”
“No need.” 
I was about to ask why, till I saw Shade unhinged her jaw and opened her mouth. That was inhumanly impossible. Then again she was half-human. She reaches into her mouth and pulls out a watch. It looks like the one Hobie makes. Hobie smirked seeing she didn’t destroy that one. 
“I forgot about this watch, but it looks like it does the same as your watch and keeps me from glitching.” She said as she cracked her jaw back into place. As along she is not glitching out. 
“Well at least you're better, I did want to show you some stuff.”
Shade raised her eyebrows wondering what I meant. I not entirely sure if i should tell her, all the stuff data I gotten from Timothy is…something that I need to destroy once this whole thing is over.
Shade’s POV
I wonder what Miguel is going to show me? Me and him walked back to his lab. It was a quiet walk. Then again, I'm not too much in a talking mood. Six made a killer robot villain and Penny is trying to get Miguel? All this is bugging me more and more. 
We reach the lab, dark as usual.
“Do you ever turn on the lights?”
“Hurt my eyes.” he said
“Your eyes? Light sensitive?”
Miguel dissolved his mask to give me a closer look. I just noticed that his eyes were red and had a soft glow to them. If it wasn't for my eyesight, they would have been creepy in the dark, but they have a warm feel to them. And lonely
I shook my head to realize I was touching his face. I pull my hand back now, blushing. Great one! Was this the whole ‘host’ thing again? Why have I been touch starved?!
“Sorry. ugh . what want to show me?” I quickly changed the subject so it was less awkward. He led me to a platform to show me the orange glow of the holo- like screen. There were a bunch of files with the Six work and also Alchemax’s projects. I try to make sense of all of what I'm seeing. Project A-Z were there. I touch the screen and it opens one of the files, I saw Arachnidqueen as Project A. It has all her information on her. When she was born, how much Compound she was given, and did she go through the Kirihiraku protocol. I went through this. We all did. 
“I trying to figure out what this Protocol Kirihiraku mean. It one of the reason why I didn’t show you this earlier.” I heard Miguel say,  Look at him. He sighs and then show me a USB drive.
“Timothy gave me this as he didn’t want Zee to have it. He trusts me more than Zee.”
I nodded, Zee have their bad habits. Sometime be no better then Alchemax but for Timothy to trust Miguel so fast is way out character of him. Then again that kid have good sense of judgment sometime. I look back at Protocol, he doesn’t need to know what those bastard do to us with Compound R. 
“ What I gathered started with Dana D’Angelo Rose. She created Compound R in hope of creating a weapon to stop a war.
I nodded “It was ‘hundred year war’ there were more sectors then we have now but most of them are gone. The last of the royal family was the Junsei clan that took over since they won the war and now run all Sectors that survive. I know there is still a rebellion going on for Sectors that refuse to bow down to the Junsei.” I just think this was all stupid how this war created people like me. And they still create more of us like weapons. They only see us as weapons
“Penny, I think, wants  to perfect it, guessing there are more failures than successful ones.” Miguel continues to say not like his tone on this. But I nodded. 
“I think there are less than a hundred of us that were successful, but what is their definition of ‘successful’ people that look mainly normal looking and have very powerful abilities so they can be used as heroes or villains.” I look at my blackened hands turning it back and forth with claws. I was there perfect ‘Villain’ after all. 
“They're missing a Compound.” 
I was about to back Miguel on what he said, he pulled up some DNA then I looked down to my shock it was mine. I was about to yell at him why he had this but he beat me to it.
“Relax, this was from your whole ‘try to make me you host’ episode. I was seeing why you DNA is what it is, look in the file they have others in there too…” Miguel then pulled up a ton of files from the others but he pulled down four others mainly to show me. It was Arachnidqueen’s,Penny’s,Tempest’s, and Timothy’s. Their DNA was so different from mine while all four of them were very similar. Was it because I’m this symbiote?
“Your DNA shows your splice with Symbiote DNA. something that should be impossible.” 
I look at him wondering what he means to splice? 
“Your Earth is more advanced with Genes manipulation then I give it credit. Few more years and you guys will be on par with my Earth, something that will admit I'm scared for you earth.” 
“How come?”
“They can create more-” Miguel stops himself from finishing the sentence, I saw him grab his arm, the same arm with that mark. But he didn’t need to finish, knowing what he was going to say. I just don’t want to hear it. 
“Sorry I didn’t mean to say-”
“Stop…I don’t need to hear it to know. I just…if I’m really a monster then I’m going to be a monster that stops them.” I said I could tell my eyes were changing, my vision was red, I saw a yellow light on the side of me and saw Miguel’s A.I. pop next to me.
“Hey, he didn’t mean it. He doesn't do any more of whatever this stuff is. We have been around other Earths. There is Earth with people called Mutants who have powers so know a thing or two. Lyla put down mine, Penny’s, and Tempest’s files. The more I look at it the more it looks similar. With the helix being in the same spot.
“We saw that you three have similar helixes. I’m still wondering why but it's like you three have genes that make it prone to this Compound R stuff.” Lyla said as she was still scanning files. I would think a futuristic Earth can get this done in seconds
“Man, these guys may be in the year 2023 but they have so much advanced security on all these files. That's why it's taking me forever!”
Miguel also pulls up the file about the colliders. It looks like it was still in the Alchemax HQ but something else caught my eye as I realized something. 
There are more than one.
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