#the weather
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torsamors · 9 months ago
In your deck of cards I'm the queen of hearts Will you shuffle me? Spread me apart?
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ghoulnoise · 9 months ago
And now... The Weather
Well, I've hoped this moment would come for 10 years. Welcome to Night Vale was the first podcast I ever listened to, and as a scrappy little singer-songwriter in college I wanted nothing more than to someday have my music featured as the weather.
Two years ago I submitted a song I'd written back in 2014 from an album I'd released of old demos and music I'd written when I was just getting started. (I felt a desire to preserve my early music after losing my even earlier songs when Myspace migrated their servers and destroyed much of the music that had been posted there, including all of mine.)
Two days ago I found out my song had been chosen for the 12 year anniversary episode that released today. What a wild decade. Back when I wrote this song, I never would have thought that 10 years later I'd be composing music and doing sound design full time for video games. Thank you for picking my music, and thank you to anyone who's listened to & supported my music for the past 10 years. You can find "Cutting Teeth" and my album of old music, 3AM, on most streaming sites, as well as: https://ghoulnoise.itch.io/3am
And perhaps consider subscribing to my youtube channel where you can see video game music stuff and unrelated video bending and experimental music/hardware stuff from time to time?
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rollersfataft · 10 months ago
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Being obsessed with a character who plays such a little role in a series is so saddening. there was gonna be a "until you remember" but I forgot mid sentance
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seriouslycalamitous · 1 year ago
Pac better be moronsexual otherwise my favorite cube is done for. No way he brought up the WEATHER.
We were so worried about Fit bringing in angst that we forgot to consider the possibility of a skill issue.
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ramshacklefey · 6 months ago
So, the other night I had to cancel my DoorDash shift because I had a migraine.
And I was telling some friends about it, saying that I felt guilty for not going out. It's not like I was totally incapacitated after all, I was just laying on my couch with all the lights off, unable to open my eyes for more than the few seconds it took to read and send messages.
One person said that if that didn't count as incapacitated, nothing did. Someone else pointed out that "I'm lying in bed and can't move because of pain" is generally considered a 9 on pain scales.
And I just.
I've lived with chronic joint pain since before I can remember. (Literally. My mom says that I used to sit and cry and hold my feet when I was a baby.) By the time I was 8 or so, I'd figured out that if I laid down and cried every time I had a flare-up, I'd not be doing much else. (Also people would just get mad at me because I didn't look like there was anything wrong.) Then I started my period and went through all of that again. I just assumed that there would be a few days every month where I'd go to school and spend most of the day with my head on my desk, taking as much tylenol and ibuprofen as I could, a hoodie tied around my waist so tightly I could hardly breath, because that was the only other thing that helped.
And that's been my whole life. I forced myself to go to work at my retail jobs when I limped half the day because my legs hurt. I sat and wrote papers for school when my arms felt like they were being stabbed with hot wire. I piloted myself around my janitorial job scrubbing toilets with hands that could barely grip my tools and ached constantly. Nowadays, I go out and drive around the city for hours even though it feels like my hips and knees are cracking and my elbows are shrieking.
But when doctors ask me what my pain levels are, I say, "Oh, a three or four," because I've gotten to the point where I can get through the pain and keep doing things. Because I don't have a choice. (And all the pain scales I've seen rank your pain level based on how much it prevents you from doing.)
Thing is, that headache I had didn't hurt any worse than the other pain I've dealt with my whole life. The only reason I let it keep me home was because I couldn't see, and being able to see is kind of necessary when your whole job is driving.
Someone telling me that the state I was in ranked that high on the pain scale was staggering. I still don't know what to do with the information, but it's deeply changed how I see the things I've come to accept as normal.
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dsudis · 1 year ago
There is exactly one kind of information I want to get from a video rather than text and it is the weather report. I need somebody doing that TV meteorologist voice while pointing to all those maps and graphs and explaining when it's going to rain in my metro area and whether there's a chance of thunderstorms.
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abarelysapientpairofshoes · 2 years ago
New poll because climate change summer sucks:
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No change without sacrifice.
And now, the weather.
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liminally-spaced · 6 months ago
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feyd-meowtha · 3 months ago
The weather today is snowy as fuck with a good chance of a certain grouchy salaryman and his big, dumb friend getting back to Chicago in time for Christmas dinner. The reports coming out of Chicago right now suggest that the unlikely pair are about to have a very white Christmas indeed.
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That's all from me, back to Cheryl in the studio for the latest on the dangers of trusting pretty blonde people with funny accents and the threat that Techno poses to the House music ecosystem.
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torsamors · 9 months ago
I see your shadow I see it even with the lights off I made a promise, if in four months this feeling ain't gone Well, fuck this city, I'm movin' to Saskatchewan
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willwooddaily · 6 months ago
what if the weather
but will wood
what then
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spineless-lobster · 6 months ago
I’m quite literally waiting for the bus in the rain this is so nightvale coded
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that01joe · 2 years ago
we lost a lot of iconic characters due to the explanations of dr lubelle. we lost sarah sultan, we lost the glow clowd (all hail), even the brown stone spire was taken from us by the disgusting scientists from the university of what it is… but now, taking away our WEATHER REPORT??!?!? i’ve never felt such horrible pain, when cecil said “here’s a song for you to listen to.” i honestly almost wept. i think we all deserve an extra hour in the ball pit after this :(
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359midnightburgers · 2 months ago
I feel like people dont talk about The Weather enough when discussing Welcome to Nightvale.
Who is your favourite artist you have discovered through The Weather? For me it's Dessa, an absolutely top notch artist with mind blowing lyrical abilities.
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