#i don’t have many followers so i don’t expect a lot of drama to come from this
anniflamma · 2 days
This isn't a question, but rather a love letter to your art<3.
Thanks to you, I've started enjoying Greek mythology and the Bible again (I mean from a point of artistic, mythological, historical, and theological analysis; my status with any kind of religion is being agnostic XD).
And I already enjoyed Epic the Musical, but I really love the designs you make, how you empathize with the symbolism and lore of the Gods when designing them, and how you make Odysseus so human with his crude expressions that makes me empathize with him (And he's one of the characters I hated the most from Greek mythology lol)
And then there’s your art about the bible, I have to admit that I tend to avoid the biblical religion because of the weight it still has on our daily lives, the damage it has done from the past to this day, and how they deny it with current hypocrisy (I live in Spain, there the official religion is catholic), but your lgbt drawings have really encouraged me to open the bible and see it from an objective and neutral point of view, and just enjoy it as another book and not as something I’m forced to follow.
Also I didn’t know there was so much LGBT content in the bible XD Seriously, thank you so much, if you had a patreon, I would pay you for the amount of happiness and culture you have given me (^///^)
By the way, reading your posts I found out that you recently experienced an internet drama that has become so popular lately. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry that both you and that poor artist had to go through this, that human hypocrisy has no limits or shame, and that I agree with everything you say. Just because we like a character or an author doesn't mean we agree with their crimes or ideologies.
I hope you have a nice day<3
Hi! I’m sorry it took me a while to respond! I mean it, I’ve read this over and over, and it makes me so happy. I’ve been thinking about how to respond, but sometimes it's hard to get it out into words.
It makes me so happy that my biggest interests make others interested in it too. Heck, when people ask questions, I get all giddy!
Talking about biblical/christian saints, greek myths, history, different cultural views and changes was kind of the whole point of why I started this tumblr blog. I have so many drafts filled with random info about LGBTQ+ saints..... Now… I post mostly thirsty drawings of greek gods with hairy chests... T.T
And I sympathize a lot when it comes to religious trauma. I consider myself lucky in these matters, my mom is Catholic, and she has her views that I don’t agree with and hurtful. Yet she still supports me in her way and watching my bible retelling animatics, everytime I post a new bible animatic, she writes me: "What have you done to Daniel..."
I also have my hurts and anger towards hypocrisies too, and I guess this is my way of countering that?
LGBT content in the Bible is something that really fascinates me. I think it's important to keep in mind that people from about 2,500 years ago had very different views when it came to gender and sex compared to how we see it today. In a way, the Bible does have strict social gender expectations, and if you didn’t fit in, then you weren’t considered part of that gender. But at the same time, it acknowledges that your sex. I think it’s in the Talmud were it discusses the fact that, throughout the Bible, there were about eight genders:
Zachar: male.
Nekevah: female.
Androgynos: having both male and female characteristics.
Tumtum: lacking sexual characteristics.
Aylonit hamah: identified as female at birth but later naturally developed male characteristics.
Aylonit adam: identified as female at birth but later developed male characteristics through human intervention.
Saris hamah: identified as male at birth but later naturally developed female characteristics.
Saris adam: identified as male at birth but later developed female characteristics through human intervention.
Some scholars even believe that Abraham and Sarah were Tumtum. A Tumtum is not considered to be very distinct but rather flexible between male and female sex/gender—"sometimes he is a man, and sometimes he is a woman." The simple fact that God said Abraham had a womb and from it, he would have children. Some say that this is why he is a Tumtum, while some historical linguists argue that ancient Hebrew didn’t have the vocabulary for male genitalia yet. Both arguments are valid, and I like them both!
There’s tons of stuff I could bring up—Joseph with his princess dress, Naomi and Ruth, David and Jonathan, and the discussions around whether Daniel was a Saris Hamah or a Saris Adam. We know he was called a saris, but we’re just not sure which. And then there's Jael, whose story is filled with a lot of phallic symbolism, and even her name is very gender-neutral.
I think I’m going to end here. I could yap about these things forever! But thank you again taking your time writing to me and I hope you also have a nice day! <3
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
Some troll just sexualized one of my Mitsukou posts and then proceeded to hate on one of my Aoinene posts directly after so I’m sorry for those of you that have to see that. I blocked them but ik that doesn’t hide their reblogs from other people so I just hope ya’ll know I never intended to invite discourse with those posts or to depict the characters in a weird way. I’d recommend blocking them too because it seems like they just want to start shit
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m1ckeyb3rry · 4 months
CHAPTER FOUR WAS SO GOOD UGHH literally the only fanfic I have ever loved so much and wait for updates like this. Am so excited for the next one!!!
On the topic of finally opening requests, I was wondering if I could ask for head-canons of what a relationship with Seishiro and a female reader would be like. If we want to be specific, maybe related to the fanfic? Like, how you would imagine their relationship would have been like back when they were still in high school, young and with Nagi’s past soccer career and all. Don’t feel pressured to write this, and good luck with everything!😽😽
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Synopsis: Headcanons about having Seishiro Nagi as your boyfriend.
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Nagi x Reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Content Warnings: none really, just generally fluffy and silly
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A/N: AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON i hope you like where i go w the story in the future!! and hehe now that we’re in the past arc of peregrine you will actually get to see all of the nitty gritty details of their relationship in the fic itself so i won’t spoil it 🤫 but i love nagi ofc so i’ve added some general headcanons on what i think he would be like as a bf
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own.
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no matter how the two of you get together, reo is somehow involved LMAOAOAO like bro is ALWAYS at the scene of the crime in some way shape or form just because i don’t think nagi would really pick up on the fact that he has a crush on you without outside intervention
it would also definitely be a jump scare when he confesses!! you would have zero idea it’s coming because he literally hasn’t changed how he acts towards you whatsoever
canonically he doesn’t really interact with a lot of people or have a lot of friends and he’s not aggressive with romance so i just don’t think he’d really know what the appropriate method of telling someone you like them is
would probably say some shit like “reo says i have a crush on you” and would be so nonchalant about it meanwhile you’re like “???” because you did not even realize he knew your name and also why is reo being brought up
i honestly think he would not be a bad boyfriend. yes he is lazy and unmotivated but he does what he needs to do and if something is important to him he generally puts in effort for it
that’s another reason why it would take him foreverrr to ask you out — he would have to like you enough that he realizes he does in fact want to have a relationship with you even if it is a hassle
he doesn’t have social media though so don’t expect there to be an official announcement that you guys are together or anything like that HAHA
he would probably forget to tell anyone that the two of you are dating and it’s not because he’s ashamed of you or is trying to hide you or anything he literally just does not care what other people think and would prefer not to talk them if possible so it never comes up
you’ll show up to an event with him and everyone’s like “omg nagi who is this” and he’s like “this is my girlfriend” and someone (probably otoya tbh) is like “since when have you had a girlfriend” and he’s like “it’s been two years 😐”
i think he would be fire at insulting people just because of how many video games he plays…that man has seen some of the worst sides of humanity
the world is lucky he’s a pacifist and avoids conflict because he has some vile stuff stored away (i will never be over him asking barou if he practiced kneeling because he’s about to make him his servant)
this particular quality makes him the BEST person to talk shit with
he’s not a gossipy boyfriend in the sense that he doesn’t have anything juicy of his own to contribute to the conversation but i’m pretty sure he mentioned he watches dramas at one point so you know he’s locked tf in if you need to complain abt someone
he will sit there and be so invested in the tea…def would not give any useful advice but he will make fun of anyone bothering you so you still end up feeling better
i don’t think he would get jealous honestly
the thought of you cheating on him doesn’t cross his mind at all because why would he date someone he didn’t trust fully???
i would say he expects the same from you because he would but at the same time he voluntarily talks to one (1) other person besides you and that’s reo so the opportunity for you to be jealous just wouldn’t even crop up
definitely super clingy and cuddly
loves being babied too
according to epnagi he has this whole automatic system in his apartment to clean and do laundry and i think he’d be fine if you appropriate that so no more cleaning!! but you will have to cook because that man literally only eats fruit jellies
genuinely how is he so built and not dying of malnutrition SKJFDSHKJ
he probably is terrible at coming up with date ideas so it’s up to you to plan things
again it’s not malicious i think for him just spending time with you is his ideal date!! like he doesn’t see the point in getting dressed up and going somewhere fancy when you could just eat at home and be comfortable together
but if it’s an important day or you tell him that you want him to suggest something for once, he WILL go all out (which means calling reo for advice and doing what he tells him to)
overall communication is key with him. he’s not particularly sensitive or in tune with other people’s emotions so being passive aggressive or expecting him to read your mind will honestly just end up making your mood worse because he will not pick up on the fact that something is wrong
but if you tell him what you want him to change he will happily do it!! he just needs to be told very clearly if you’re upset or need him to do something different
honestly it would be very refreshing. there are zero games with nagi and he doesn’t really try to hide anything — what you see is what you get 100% of the time
overall 10/10 would date idc haters dni he’s a sweetheart and he’s doing his best
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just-a-ghost00 · 1 month
Crush series : what is their current love status ?
This is for those of you that are puzzled right now about their crush and don’t know much about them yet. We are asking spirit to help us clarify what their situation is so that you can act accordingly. To pick your group, you can choose one of these emojis.
✍🏼 🧛🏻‍♀️ 🎓
Group 1 ✍🏼
Cards : Emperor, 4 of pentacles, Queen of cups, 5 of swords, Queen of pentacles, 8 of cups, 8 of wands as the overall energy
This person is single. They are focused on their own accomplishments and well being, mainly when it comes to their career. They are very busy and taking part in many projects. Their heart space is closed. They are friendly with a lot of people but they don’t connect with them on a deeper level. They may flirt here and there but that never goes too far because they don’t want to be involved in drama. This person draws a lot of attention and they are wary of connections because of past experiences. Also, dating could impact their societal status and their personal life drastically if it went wrong so they try to avoid dating as much as possible. This person could have been used for their wealth and power in the past or dealt with people that were not genuine. They could struggle with trusting people and/or being vulnerable. However, they are starting to feel lonely and a part of them wants to find somewhere they belong and a person that can match their vibe and support them during hard times. A part of them may doubt that they are ever going to find such a person. They tend to feel pessimistic when it comes to love and romance. I asked for a card to clarify the 5 of swords and got the knight of cups. This person feels confused when people express feelings towards them. They may have recently come across someone that showed them affection and they felt conflicted about it. If that person is you, the expression of your emotions sets them off balance. This is something they did not expect and that they are not used to.
Confirmation signs : Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Sagittarius, numbers 4, 5 and 8
Group 2 🧛🏻‍♀️
Cards : The Empress, The World, The Fool, 3 of pentacles reversed, Hierophant, Justice, overall energy is the White Numen
Your crush is looking for committed and deep love. They are in a phase of their life where they are finally where they wanted to be, they are embodying the version of themselves they always dreamed of. They are finally loving themselves and feeling empowered. They’ve come to terms with their self confidence issues and they are now taking control over their life. Their energy feels very feminine and very confident. Very sensual also. This person wants to create, to gather with other people, not just a romantic partner but all kinds of people to express their true potential. But they are also looking for their ride or die. Their partner in crime. The person that will love and support them no matter what, that will match their crazy and follow them anywhere they may go. This person is starting anew and moving forward with a positive mind and receptive energy. They may enjoy traveling alone or indulging in creative endeavors. They also spend a lot of time taking care of their body, dressing themselves up, working on their body image. Though the Hierophant represents commitment I think that this person is mainly committed to themselves and their own well being. They’ve been through a lot and the wheel has just recently turned in their favor. Justice is being served by blessing this person with everything they ever wanted. I feel like this person is entrusting the divine with their love life and hoping for the best. They are just existing and shining at the maximum of their capacity, hoping that their light will reach someone worth their time and love.
Confirmation signs : Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Pisces, numbers 3, 5 and 21
Group 3 🎓
Cards : Black Numen, Tower reversed, Moon, Ace of pentacles rx, knight of pentacles reversed, 4 of wands, overall energy 2 of pentacles
This person is either single or in a situation ship. They have gone through a major transformation in their life and/or a rough period of time where they were isolated, possibly struggling with depression or anxiety. They felt like things were not going in their favor and faced a lot of fears. This person is now dreaming of a time of peace where their life isn’t as chaotic and messy. Especially when it comes to romance. They are hoping for a serious relationship that doesn’t seem to want to manifest in their life. They feel like things are moving too slow in that area of their life. One one hand they want that connection so bad but on the other hand they are scared to let anyone in right now considering how their life is all over the place. This person feels conflicted. They may try to interact with people and then retreat back to their bubble because they don’t trust themselves and/or others. A part of them doubts that they’ll ever find someone to be with. They may think they’re not worthy of love or that they don’t have enough time and room for someone to be in their life. However they feel lonely and out of luck and a part of them may believe that having someone in their life would help them get back on track and be more successful. This person may daydream a lot about being in a relationship. They may have a lot of crushes but never act upon them. They may be very shy, introverted, scared of being left out or rejected. They possibly tried to be in a relationship in the past which ended terribly. Their plans to be with this person were not fruitful. Maybe because their family did not accept their partner or because of their work taking too much of their time.
Confirmation signs : Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, numbers 18, 16, 1, 2 and 4.
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i9messi · 1 year
Rivalry — Max Verstappen
Being a pilot of f1, you are competitive by nature, and Max is competitive as well. Fighting with him seems so easy to do, so why stop?
social media au
(rivals to lovers)
max's masterlist
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P1 baby 🏆
liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, georgerusell and 423.289 others
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user1 you stole the podium of max, im screaming
❤️ liked by yourusername
user2 thank you!!! I was tired of the same national anthem every weekend
user3 I feel sad for max but happy for you
pierregasly congrats!!
yourusername pierregasly thank you!
charles_leclerc well deserved👏
user4 max is still crying
user5 is it weird that max still doesn't follow her on insta
user6 user5 i have the feeling that they don't really like each other
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today wasn't the result we were expecting. I'll come back stronger🤍 thank you for believing in me, I will not disappoint you
liked by charles_leclerc, schecoperez, georgerusell and 423.162 others
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user1 i hate max
user2 You were leading the race until he gained positions
user3 I like this rivalry between max and you, finally something entertaining to watch
user4 user3 yeah, I was tired of watching Max winning all the races lately. Finally someone who actually challenges him
user5 max and you will end together, mark my words
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apparently some guys don't know how to drive properly
liked by yourbestfriend, landonorris, arthurleclerc and 781.162 others
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user1 you forgot to tag max
yourusername oops my bad, maxverstappen1
user2 SAVAGE
user3 she chose violence
user4 I spilled my water, she actually tagged him
schecoperez 🤔
yourusername what
schecoperez nothing, paz ✌️🕊️
user5 she really said that a twice world champion can't drive properly? girl
user6 user5 don't take it seriously, she's angry. she lost way too many positions today because of the incident
user6 I love the drama
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apparently some girls don't know how to drive properly
liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, landonorris and 923.162 others
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yourusername well, your sense of perception is altered
user2 it was an inchident
❤️ liked by charles_leclerc
landonorris 🧐
user3 both of them have the blame, they made a lot of mistakes today
user4 they were too focused on competing with each other rather than focusing on the actual race, yes
georgerusell is hard to believe that both of you are adults
NEWS. Heat in F1?
Y/N, driver of Williams, has been involved lately in many scandals with the double champion of formula one, Max Verstappen. According to some fans, since it was announced that Y/L/N was going to start driving in formula one, the news had a good reception from the other drivers, except one. Verstappen does not follow her on any of her social media and avoids answering the questions he was asked about Y/N.
The two drivers are competitive and it has been noticed that in recent races they have been fighting for the podium. However, at the Miami Grand Prix, drivers had a major incident. They both made mistakes that led them to collide and yet, it seems they blame each other. According to some sources nearby, they say that neither of them can face each other without starting to fight. We still don’t understand what the breaking point has been, but we can ask ourselves some questions, will Verstappen and Y/L/N finally have a moment of peace? And more importantly, who will win the upcoming races?
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You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk
liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and 673.145 others
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user1 max's accent????
user2 suspicious
user3 my rivals to lovers arc is coming
user4 max where are you boyy
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an idiot sent me flowers, they're cute
liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 623.162 others
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user1 the 'idiot' is max?
user2 user1 I'm sure he is the idiot indeed
maxverstappen1 can we have peace now?
yourusername maxverstappen1 fine
georgerusell finally you act like two adults
charles_leclerc I prefer when you fought with each other, it was funny
carlossainz55 yes, it was. I'm gonna miss that
yourusername charles_leclerc carlossainz55 now you are the idiots
schecoperez we recover peace, thanks god
user5 a lot of steps forward !!!
user6 they're in the friends stage, next step is the lovers stage yess
Formula One drivers, have been seen together, leaving a restaurant and having a casual conversation. Is this the end of the bad blood between them? Two weeks ago, Y/N uploaded some photos on her social media showing a bouquet of flowers given to her by Max Verstappen, and since then, the tension seems to have died down. Next Sunday is the race at Silverstone, where only one of them will win the podium. Who will it be? Verstappen or Y/L/N? A new scandal is coming?
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Adopt a Jock Part Four  / Part Five P 1 YOU ARE HERE / Part Five P 2 
As always I own my soul to @chalkysgarbagefire and Hayley for helpin out with this one! 
The problem with D&D games was that the drama room was only available on specific days.
As in, the days Hellfire was scheduled as a club for, much to said club’s distress. 
This led directly into the second issue Hellfire faced--finding a place to host them all when they wanted to do something as a group outside of the main campaign they played. 
(At least anything D&D related, with all of the screaming, ranting, and frantic dice rolling that came with it.) 
Gareth knew Eddie had been lying through his teeth when he'd try to pitch Steve's house as a Hellfire hangout. Accepted that they’d never get to use all the sweet, sweet space Steve was known to have as much as he’d accepted Steve himself. 
It was a lot, after all. Particularly when Eddie’s one-shots were known to last a good chunk of the day. 
Once again, Steve had proved them all wrong. 
(“We can use my house.” were five words not a single person at the table had ever expected to hear out of Harrington’s mouth, and it showed in the shocked silence that followed when he actually spoke them. 
“What?” Steve asked, as six pairs of eyes stared at him. “Space is the problem right? So my house is the perfect solution.” 
“Are you sure dude?” Grant asked hesitantly. “You know this one-shot isn’t gonna be a like, two hour thing, right?” 
To their surprise Steve just gave him a flat, almost dead-eyed stare in return. “I’ve hosted the kids at my place before. Believe me, I am well aware.” 
“As long as you’re absolutely sure…” Jeff had added, and could only roll his eyes when he got a sassy response from Steve. 
Gareth of course, caught the way Steve kept seeking out Eddie’s eyes, as if hoping to make their oldest friend smile simply by offering up his house. 
He didn’t even need to look to know it was working.) 
It had taken some creative thinking (and a few wild excuses) to finangle things so that he could show up to Steve's literal castle of a home before anyone else without alerting Eddie but he'd managed it.
It was in fact, looking to be the highlight of Gareth's month. 
Possibly the year, if they managed to pull off the little plot he had cooked up. 
“I still don’t get how this is a prank.” Steve said, as Gareth prepped him before the others arrived.
"Trust me. If Eddie is anything, it's a jealous bitch." Gareth replied, seated on one of the countertops. "We dethrone him and he's gonna make an ass of himself for the next week. It'll be hilarious." 
"I fail to see how that's different than usual." Steve grumbled as he bustled about. 
Upon arrival Gareth had found him elbow deep into making cookies and what appeared to be  themed cocktails, among several other bowls full of snacks of all kinds. 
There was even little finger sandwiches, the kind that absolutely looked homemade, and Gareth would have teased him about that except he’d instantly stuffed two in his mouth.  
("I won't be able to host since I'm playing, so I just want everything done before anyone comes over." Was Steve's explanation, when Gareth did manage to get out a few teasing quips.  
With the proud lack of manners so many teenage boys possessed, Gareth talked right through his mouth of food. "God you’re a dork. How the hell did you get popular?"
"Shut up Emerson, you're wearing two jackets." Steve snipped in response, as if he didn’t look like the poster boy for Nordstrom.) 
"Don't bring logic into this." Gareth continued, as he tried to snag some cookie dough. 
 Steve smacked the back of his hand with a spoon. 
"Get a bowl and a spoon if you're going to eat the dough!" Steve grumbled at him, already bustling to get said bowl and spoon himself. “God you’re worse than Eddie. And the kids!” 
Gareth waited until Steve turned before he stuck his tongue out at him. "Whatever you say, mom." 
He got an over exaggerated eye roll in response. 
 "Anyway, the point is you're gonna witness something we'll get to tease Eddie about for years." Gareth said, as he watched Steve dole out some dough. 
"You get to watch the little hamster on the wheel that powers Eddie's brain lose its shit and cause him to do something really stupid.” He made grabby hands for the bowl and spoon, and tucking in delightfully the second Steve handed them over. 
Steve himself treated the entire exchange like he was feeding a particularly vicious and wild animal, making a show of yanking his hands back like Gareth might just go for his fingers. "I just don't understand why the thing you wanna fight about is cuddling."
"Bragging rights. The jokes we can make. The fact that your thighs look like they were made out of clouds, take your pick man.” Gareth counted off, in-between bites of dough. 
"Clouds?" Steve asked, tilting his head. 
“Big muscley clouds, Harrington. Also Grant’s here.” 
Steve blinked. “How do you-” He asked, right before the sound of a car with an engine far too loud pulled into his driveway. 
“He drives an absolute piece of crap. You ride in that thing one time and you’ll be able to hear it coming for the rest of your life.” Gareth explained, as Steve peered out the kitchen and down to his front doors. 
(Plural, because he had two.
Gareth had never felt more judged by slabs of wood in his life than he had when he’d walked through them.) 
"Last chance to bail, Stevie.” Gareth teased. “I won't hold it against you if you call it off mid-show though." 
Steve didn’t answer for a moment, too busy disrobing from his baking apron—a bright yellow and red garment that practically swallowed him whole, complete with an embroidered ‘Claudia Henderson’ over the right breast. The embroidery gave rise to a few questions but Gareth decided to save them for later. 
"No, something this fucking weird has to have a story behind it and I want to witness the fallout.” Steve finally replied, before rushing out of the kitchen. 
He ripped open his front door, right after a knock echoed loudly throughout the house. 
“Shit! What the hell man, were you just waiting to do that!?” Stewart yelped, prompting Gareth to snicker quietly and Steve to apologize. 
Like the wealthy housewife he’d been no doubt raised by, Steve went through a whole spiel as he ushered Stewart and Grant in, pointing out bathrooms, letting them know where the game was going to take place (the giant fuck off table that looked like it should be hosting some kind of high-stakes negotiation instead of a bunch of nerds) and where they could put their things (into a closet dedicated to just guests.) 
The trio of Eddie, Tiffany and Jeff arrived next, the latter two having been roped into helping Eddie haul his “D&D To Go” bags around. 
Steve started his little host speech over, much to Gareth’s amusement, fluttering about and entirely forgetting about his cookies until the oven dinged, causing him to swear and rush back into the kitchen. 
“Dude, breathe.” Gareth told him, almost done with his bowl. “It’s a D&D game, you don’t gotta go full out for us.” 
“I just want to make sure everyone has a good time.“ Steve said with a shrug. Like none of the effort he’d gone to, was a big deal. 
“Careful Harrington, say stuff like that again and we’re going to start thinking you enjoy hosting us.” 
“Shut up Gary.” Steve said, setting his cookies on a cooling rack. “And put that bowl in the sink!” 
Gareth jumped off the counter, trying his best to remove the shit eating from his face.
He failed entirely. 
As far as pranks went, this one required quite the set up. 
They couldn’t do it in the beginning of the D&D game--too obvious, and too easy for Eddie to call bullshit. 
Doing it at the end wouldn’t work either. Eddie would know they were trying to rile him up and would no doubt find a way to ruin it. 
Years of being Munson’s best friend had afforded Gareth the knowledge that this was going to have to be split in two parts, and the first part, the setup, started now. 
Slowly. Methodically. 
In a way that wouldn't spook Steve, or trigger Eddie's sense for trouble. 
Gareth began by selecting a seat as far away from Eddie as possible, knowing his lovestruck idiot friend would be pulling out all the stops tonight in order to impress Steve (and get him to keep playing, of course.) 
Sure enough, as soon as Eddie was done setting up he crooked a finger in Steve's direction.
“Harrington you’re here, next to me.” Eddie flashed him his most award winning grin, the one that said he was up to trouble in that charming, ‘aren’t I just a charming ol’ rogue?” sort of way. 
“I made you a human fighter, just to start you off." He continued, as Steve took the seat next to him. "You can always make your own character later if you don't like playing this class, but I made this set up as straightforward as possible.” 
“Human fighter huh?” Steve said, glancing down the sheet. “Okay.” 
“You have any questions, you just ask. I promise I won’t bite. Not for your first time anyway.” Eddie winked, dipping in and out of Steve's space as he did so. 
“Dude, I am begging you to please stop saying shit like that.” Jeff said with a long suffering sigh. 
“No.” Eddie replied promptly, sticking his tongue out. 
Steve just ducked his head to hide his smile. 
A harsh clap halted any further response, as Eddie settled back into his seat and dipped into his DM narrator voice. 
"Alright my little adventurers! Are we ready to begin?"  He looked around as everyone looked towards him, the energy shifting instantly in the room. 
Eddie grinned gleefully. "Perfect. You all wake up at an Inn, with no memory of how you got there…" 
A story was quickly spun, one of mysterious memory loss and a sense that the group needed to stay together. Introductions were given once everyone came into the tavern of the inn, cut short when they were interrupted by a lone barkeep.
“Is the barkeep a human?” Steve cut in. 
Eddie paused, temporarily thrown, but nodded encouragingly. “Yes, he is actually!” 
Grant and Jeff both went to open their mouths, no doubt to tease, but Harrington beat them to it. 
“Okay, I roll to fight him, or whatever.” Steve said.
“I--what?” Eddie asked. 
“I roll to fight him.” Steve repeated. “Oh and my character screams “Death to humans!” before he attacks.” 
He sat back with a smug little grin, and watched as Eddie froze in surprise, while Grant and Stewart's jaws promptly hit the floor. 
“Harrington, you menace.” Tiff cackled, delighted. 
Eddie just threw his head back and laughed. 
It set the tone quite nicely for the rest of the one-shot. 
“Grant, why are you looking at me through a fork?” Steve asked, about thirty minutes into the game. 
“I’m pretending you’re in jail.” 
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
Grant, whose character had to physically carry Steve's fighter out of two altercations he started,  just gave him a flat look.  “It’s spiritually healing.”
"Hey Jeff." Gareth asked quietly, as banter was traded. "I'm catching a hell of a draft over here." 
Jeff raised an eyebrow at him. "And what do you want me to do about it?" 
"Switch me seats?" 
Jeff rolled his eyes, but gave in easily enough. 
"Fine."  He said. 
Gareth did his best to keep his grin off his face. 
Step one, complete! 
"You come upon a door." Eddie said, sitting deep in his seat while steepling his fingers. "It's a normal door, unremarkable in every way except for two things." 
Groans filled the room, startling Steve. 
"Oh god, not again." Stewart moaned, raking his hands through his hair. "I can't do this again!" 
Eddie's grin merely grew. "The first odd thing you notice is that the door has been put into the wall at a tilt." 
"I'm gonna kill him." Tiff snarled, writing something frantically in her notes. "Munson is a dead man walking." 
"What is happening?" Steve asked, glancing around. 
"The second thing is that you recognize this door." Eddie's grin was Cheshire cat-esque, smug in the chaos he was causing among his friends. "It's the same door you saw at the beginning of this adventure, leading into the room the Innkeeper asked you to stay away from." 
"We're boned." Grant announced, throwing himself dramatically back against his chair. 
Gareth made his own dramatic, frustrated noise, banging his fist on the table. 
The full glass of soda next to him wobbled dangerously. 
With a cough, he made another loud "ugh!"  smacking his fist down a second time, closer to the glass. 
As intended, it spilled all over Tiffany. 
"Dude!" She exclaimed, shoving her chair backwards and jumping up. 
"Oh shit Tiff, I'm so sorry!" Gareth gasped. 
It was hard to keep a straight (albeit very sorry, least Tiffany hit him with her papers) face, but he managed. 
"You got my shirt wet you dick!"
"Here, switch it with this."  Gareth stood, unwrapping the red and black checkered sweater from his waist. He offered it up with an apologetic face as Tiff snatched it out of his hands with a glare. 
"I'll switch you seats too!" He called as she stormed off towards the bathroom. 
Jeff and Grant both stared at him with raised eyebrows as Gareth quickly shuffled his and Tiff's stuff around, taking her now sticky chair. 
"Maybe we should take a break?" He suggested, trying to act embarrassed when he was anything but. "This whole area needs to be wiped down."
"Five minutes." Eddie conceded. "I wanted one of Stevie's delicious cookies anyway." He stood, putting his arms up in a lazy stretch. 
Steve stood with him, leaning over to examine the mess Gareth had made. “We can wipe this down but this wood’s kinda funny, it’s gonna be wet for a bit no matter how much we dry it.” 
“Well shit.” Gareth said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry about the table man.” 
Steve waved him off. “Don’t worry about it, the kids spill on it constantly. You are probably going to need a different chair though unless you’re fine with your ass getting wet.” 
“Do you have another chair somewhere, Stevie?” Eddie asked, making a show of looking around. “Cause I’m not seeing one. Not that I care if Gary-Berry sits on the floor.” 
Steve had several extra chairs in fact, but he and Gareth had hidden them all away before anyone else had arrived. 
“I used to, but Mike broke two.” Steve said, and Gareth found himself insanely impressed by the improv on display. 
He hadn’t thought Harrington had that level of acting in him. 
“If you’re okay with sharing though, the chair’s are big enough that we can kinda squish together.” Steve continued, completely ignoring the way Eddie’s eyes about bugged out of his head. 
“Only if you’re sure, man. I don’t want to be more of a bother.” Gareth put on his saddest, ‘I dun fucked up’ face, and shuffled his feet a little, just for dramatic effect. 
This was the performance of a lifetime and Gareth wanted his Grammy after it, because he and Steve had planned the entire thing right down to the shared chair bit. 
“You’re not, Dustin does this constantly.” Steve replied easily. 
“Or we could just put down a towel.” Jeff said, with a look on his face that said he thought everyone in the room was a fucking idiot. 
Gareth could’ve strangled him. 
“That’s probably a smarter idea.” Steve agreed, like the traitor he was. “I dunno if that’s gonna work for your papers and shit though, so you can just hedge into my space.” 
Which wasn’t what Gareth wanted, but he had to give Steve props for the quick thinking. 
At least it was just a minor setback. 
“I’ll get a towel.” Jeff continued, and at least they all got to witness the look that graced Eddie’s face upon realizing that Jeff of all people, knew where Steve kept his towels. 
"What the hell else can we do to try and open the door!?" Jeff snarled a while later, slamming his pencil down. 
They'd tried multiple different approaches and so far nothing had worked to set off whatever trap Eddie had set up. Something that made their DM absolutely delighted, while frustrating everyone else. 
"I still don't get why we can't just try to turn the knob." Steve complained, staring in confusion at the absolute riot Eddie's "completely normal" door had caused among the rest of his party. 
"Do not touch that door Harrington!" Grant bellowed, pointing at him. 
Steve raised his hands in the air placatingly. "Easy, easy, I was just making a suggestion." 
Gareth, wedged as close into Steve's space as he could get, tapped his fingers on the table twice. It was the little code he’d come up with to alert Steve that he was about to do something to piss off Eddie related to the prank (mostly, so Steve had a heads up Gareth was about to touch him, not that Gareth had spun it that way when he’d explained it) before patting Steve’s shoulder, hooking his elbow on it and leaning over. “Not gonna lie man, it’s not a bad idea. We’ve tried right about everything else.” 
He could feel Eddie's eyes burning a hole in his skull from here and he delighted in it. 
“Do not encourage him.” Grant said through gritted teeth. 
Gareth leaned his face on the arm perched on Harrington, his hair tickling Steve’s cheek as he tried to look as angelic as possible. “I couldn’t possibly know what you mean, Grantman.” 
He was flipped off in response. 
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Stewart howled, and even Gareth’s jaw dropped when Steve finally gave in and tried to turn the knob--only to succeed and swing the door open. 
“Well Munson? What happens to him?” Tiff said, having refused to call Eddie anything but his last name since the door had first appeared. 
“Nothing.” Eddie practically purred. “I told you, it’s a totally normal door, and the only weird thing about it was that you recognized it and that it was put into the wall a little tilted.” 
“Fuck you dude.” Stewart practically growled, balling up the piece of paper he’d been doodling on and flinging it towards their DM. “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck. You!” 
“No thank you.” Eddie replied cheekily, twirling a finger in his hair. 
“We spent almost an hour trying to figure out how to open a regular door.” Jeff said, clearly processing. “An hour.” 
Eddie just shrugged, shit eating grin plastered across his face. 
Gareth once again tapped his fingers twice against the table, waited a moment, before banging his head gently against Steve’s shoulder. “I hate him.” He groaned. 
After a long moment, Steve gently, if not a little awkwardly, patted him on the head. 
“There, there, Gary. We defeated the door in the end.” He said calmly. 
Gareth laughed, absolutely delighted. His head jerked up and a grin crossed his face as he immediately looked to see what Eddie made of that. 
Pure murder, going by the face Eddie poorly tried to cover. 
“With his last few moves, Sir Carrington-” 
"I refuse to let that be my character's name.” Steve interjected, as he had every time Eddie brought up the name they’d apparently argued over. “If I have to figure out how to change it legally in your dumb game I fucking will."  
Eddie didn’t even look in his direction. 
“--Sir Carrington leaps into the air, swinging the sword of truth. It cleaves right through the Innkeeper, revealing him to be the dastardly villain you’ve heard so much about, Tareth the Trait. He’s gained an unusual amount of power after stealing the Inn from the former Innkeeper--” 
“Really bro?” Gareth said, sending Eddie a flat look. “Tareth the Trait?” 
“--With this final blow, Tareth collapses to the ground, dead. The Inn returns to its prior form, a safe haven for adventurers, instead of a trap.” 
“Shut up guys, we did it!” Stewart said, throwing his hands up in a victory pose. 
“Not gonna Eddie, I liked the twist.” Tiff complimented, a rare thing from her. 
“Thank you, thank you.” Eddie stood up, sweeping an arm across his chest as he bowed. “Give yourselves a round of applause as well, especially for our dear Steven, who just completed his first D&D game!”
A cheer went up, causing Steve to flush red. 
Gareth pretending to drum, knocking his shoulder into Steve’s much the way he had seen Eddie do as Steve sent an embarrassed smile around the room. 
“We should celebrate.” Jeff said, as the chaos finally died down. 
“I conquer, Jeff the Chef!” Eddie hollered, putting his foot on Steve’s chair. “Stevie-boy, you gotta have some good stuff around here for those big basketball wins!” 
“Get your foot off the chair, Eds.” Steve groaned, but stood up (forcing Gareth to get up as well considering how far he’d been leaning into Steve’s space.) “And yeah we can order like pizza.” 
“Pizza and beer?” Grant suggested.
“Oh my friend. I can do better than that.” Steve replied, a flash of his old, charming self coming through. “Allow me to raid my father’s liquor cabinet.” 
“Hell yes!” Grant yelled, pumping his fist. 
Tiffany rolled her eyes but didn’t protest, and neither Gareth noted, did anyone else. 
Which was exactly what he wanted, because he hadn’t managed to land the perfect ending he and Harrington had planned. 
Gareth would make it into Steve’s lap tonight, even if it killed him.  
(Or worse, even if Eddie got there first, a thing that may very well happen considering Eddie was clearly annoyed with how Gareth had been hogging Steve. 
Just as intended.) 
SOME NOTES: I don't play d&d so writing it always requires a lot of research. Several pieces here (like the human fighter bit) are based off of/stolen from memes, videos or stories I read. If I fucked it up thaaaan idk squint and pretend its right LOL. 
This one doesn’t have a bonus because I had to split Chapter Five into two parts. This is Part One, it’ll be one chapter on A03.  It just kept going.
Also Adopt a Jock is officially going up ON A03 so I will no longer be accepting tags ( Ch. One is already uploaded I’m just struggling with the summary lol. I will make a post and link it to my pinned post when it’s up.) I will still be updating here since I am only updating chapters on A03 as fast as I can edit them, which is not fast at all, so I imagine the next few chaps will be here before there but eventually shits gonna even out, so those who did not get onto the tag list can subscribe to the A03!  
Finally, Sorry this took so long, I have a prior ongoing medical issue and getting laid off fucked up my insurance. Had to cram in some procedures before it ran out. Long story short all I've done is sleep, go to a doctor or rant about one of the two lmao. Legit slept 18 hours yesterday ahaha k i l l m e 
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storiesbyrhi · 5 months
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence/some infrequent gore, swearing, animal death, no beta, death in childbirth (mentioned, not described), abusive parents, suicide, spiders/bugs, grief/mourning; light smut; warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: You are wide awake. 2340 words.
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Every day Eddie watched the jar. He watched how the moon water moved, alive and with a viscosity different from regular water. He watched the apple slices dry and the sprigs of lavender go stiff. He thought if he watched closely enough, he’d see the magic working, but he never caught a glimmer of craft.
When it was time, you let him plant the enchanted seed in the new coven neighbourhood. Your home would grow furthest out, close to the shade of the woods. A spell later, you were traveling back to Forest Hills to begin packing the trailer up.
It had been months since you’d moved in, therefore you had accumulated a lot of items.
“Do you need all of these?” Eddie asked, holding up one of five shoeboxes, all packed with feathers you had found. “And is this a normal amount of feathers to find? What is wrong with the birds in Hawkins?”
“Yes and no and a lot. I told you that if you are gonna help, you can’t question every single thing you pick up,”
“I’m doing no such thing,” he rebutted.
“Eddie, you told me to cull my jar collection,”
“I stand by it. There are too many. You can collect more,”
“I use them! Frequently! And I don’t just keep any jar. All the ones I have are, like, uniquely shaped or extra sturdy!” you whined. “Asking a witch to not collect jars is just…” You shook your head, not able to find the words to express the atrocity.
Eddie smiled at you softly. “Perhaps I am not the best helper,” he conceded. “Perhaps my time would be better spent doing something else,”
“Something else like use your vampire speed to clean the bathroom, or something else like turn into a bat and sleep?”
An hour later, Eddie was asleep in one of the boxes containing clothes, and you were wrapping more empty jars in bubble wrap.
A monument to witchcraft and love. That’s what Eddie thought when he saw the house. It had the glorious drama of Ev’s Victorian home and the softness of the other witches’ cottages. Expansive stained glass windows. Detailed architraves, the wood so dark it appeared black. Red brick. A single-story structure, but the dome of a conservatory was visible over the roof. It extended back into the woods, settling into the landscape as if it had always been there.
Eddie thought back to all the places he had lived in. The house his father’s rage felt the brunt of as much as he did. The farm he came into adulthood on. The colony caves. The cold and lonely hotel rooms. The trees above Forest Hills. He’d never had a home, apart from your arms, but there it was. Real and in front of him.
The sun was setting over the valley as Eddie stood before the house. You’d seen it early that day, doing your final checks before okaying the move. It was your magic the house grew from, so naturally you were less awestruck by it. The floorplan and aesthetic had been born in your mind. Still, it was a beautiful thing.
“Think it will do?” you asked Eddie, coming to stand beside him.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from it. “It’s…” How many different words were there for ‘home,’ he wondered. What language could fully communicate the depth of emotion?
“Enchanted seeds create homes, not houses,” you told him as you walked towards the front door. “Come and see.”
Eddie followed, almost expecting something to happen as he crossed the front door threshold. Once inside, Eddie clenched his jaw. It was more perfect than he could have anticipated.
The furniture was plush and comfortable, an eclectic mix of antique pieces and modern amenities. Bookshelves stood tall and waiting, ready for the library to arrive. Potted ivy trailed up and around curtain railings and along the walls.
“You never got to see my place in the Catskills. A lot of the furniture comes from there. The rest comes from the seed… It’s the kind of magic that makes me wish we could study it, you know? I want to know the science of it. How does it work?”
“It seems to me that part of the power of magic is in the unknowing,” Eddie replied, as wise as any of the Witches Who Came Before.
“It does appear to be the case,” you agreed.
For a while, you let Eddie wander aimlessly through the house.
He marvelled at the bath, huge and round, like a pond and definitely big enough for two. A huge wardrobe door that opened into a secret library. The conservatory full of thriving plants, flowers, herbs, and other living things Eddie did not have a word for. Every window a different shape but never square. Strange detailing like cat shaped doorknobs and pink quartz basins.
Eventually, Eddie sat on the end of the huge bed, its four posts grand and its linen crisp. He looked over at you and held out his hands.
You walked to him, taking his hands, and standing between his legs. Eddie looked up at you with those sparkling brown eyes, the adoration radiating from him.
“It’s an irrational idea, this fear I have that I’m dreaming. That I am still cursed, haunting this town until the end of time. But a vampire cannot dream. The cursed cannot dream. But still…”
Gently, you let go of Eddie’s hands and leaned into him, snaking your fingers into his hair as he pressed himself into your body, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You are wide awake. Alive… kind of… But definitely here. With me. In our home. Soon-to-be, with our friends. Our family. And just in time for Halloween.”
He purred a happy sound, nodding into you. “A witch’s favourite holiday?” he hazarded a guess.
“Hmm, not all of us. Most of the witches I’ve known tended to find more obscure holidays to worship at the altar of. New Years is a big one, too. Alas, I am but a cliché All Hallows witch,”
“With much respect, I see that,” Eddie said. You laughed, shrugged. He looked up at you again. “You did fall in love with a vampire, after all.”
Far away from the rest of the world, you and Eddie spent almost a week settling into the new house. Grimoires were catalogued into one of the three library rooms. Dandelion puffs were jarred and shelved. Every trinket found its home.
Eddie tested the rainbow light that flooded the rooms, discovering that in the magic there was safety. Sunlight that filtered through the windows did not burn him. He could be free and at ease.
You explained to Eddie the importance of representing the elements within the home. Earth in the plants, wooden carpentry, and the grounding crystals. Fire in the candles, ever-burning incense, and roaring fireplaces that only ever emitted the exact level of heat you wanted.  (“In summer, the flames burn cold,” you told Eddie and watched his smile grow.) Water in the mirrors, seashells, and small fountains found in the glasshouse room. Lastly, air in the wind chimes, feathers, and windows that could remain open without upsetting the temperature inside.
During the day, you began work on your garden, creating flower beds in the shape of pentagrams and sewing seeds. Borage for the butterflies and bees, primrose – I can’t live without you; angelica in case you need to break any future hexes; and yarrow, amaryllis, and polypodies.
One evening, just before sunset, you found Eddie rummaging through the apothecary pantry. As you entered the room, his manic smile told you he’d had an idea.
“What’s the story, morning glory?” you asked him, perching on a stool.
Eddie sunk to his knees and shrugged. “The fires are out… The Shire is no longer burning,”
“The Shire being… Hawkins?”
“Yes. And us. We’ve sailed to the Undying Lands,”
“You’re really making Tolkien your whole personality, huh?” you joked.
Eddie smiled up at you. “Until the next book… But what I’m saying is, now that we do not have a battle to prepare for. No conflict upon the horizon. What do we do with all of eternity?”
“Oh… My plan was to eat a lot of Meg’s cinnamon rolls… Try to get Steve Harrington to stop haunting Mel… Maybe work on a spell to make myself teeny tiny so I can ride around on you when you’re a bat…”
“Wait, seriously?”
You gave him a sly smile. “Maybe,”
“Well, I would love that… But, I was thinking a little more introspectively. Back to things we have thought about before. Like, why I am the way that I am… What that means…” He ran a finger along the leaves of the mimosa pudica plant beside him. The leaves felt his touch, curled inwards on themselves. It was one of Eddie’s favourites, the way it reacted to the world around it.
“Any new insights?” you asked softy.
“No… But… If I believe in you and in your magic and the way you make sense of the world… then I… I have to do something,”
“Do something?”
“We get back what we give, right?”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “It’s not always obvious or direct. Or timely. Or even equally fair… But, yeah… There is definitely something like the concept of karma at play. And even if there isn’t, living as if there is can only be a good thing,”
“Then I must show more grace… and gratitude… Even if I am a monster, maybe especially because I am… I can give goodness too.”
Without thinking, you slid off the stool and joined Eddie on the floor. “You already do. You don’t owe the world anything.”
Eddie smiled, first a small soft thing, almost sad, but then it twisted into something else. Ear-to-ear and full of teeth. “I owe it more than one life,”
“But if we count all the lives you have saved. Both by killing what plagued this town, and by preventing deaths at the hands of bad people-”
“Morality cannot be simple addition and subtraction. There is no math that can quantify goodness or righteousness. You know that,” Eddie cut in. He watched your face, saw the pensiveness blossom across it. “Don’t worry, my little witch, my plan is not as life-or-death as this all makes it seem… I just want to do something good for your friends,”
“Your friends,” you corrected quickly. “They’ll be your friends too. Your family. You’re part of this coven.”
Eddie reached out to cup your face in his hands. “Your coven is yours. But I will take the friendship. I have years of loneliness to make up for,”
“Then what-”
He cut you off again, this time with a kiss. You brought your hands up to his shoulders, draping your arms around his neck. Eddie pulled you into his lap and you curled into him like the leaves of the mimosa.
His mouth kissed and sucked at your neck between sentence fragments. “I’m-” kiss “going-” kiss “to plant-” lick “them-” kiss “flowers.” His punctuation a kiss that wanted to be a bite.
You were hardly listening to his words. His words and ideas and introspective musings could all wait.
Eddie laid you down on the floor, the smell of the oak still new. You arched your back and pulled him down by his collar.
“Bed,” you mumbled into his mouth.
“Why build a house if we’re not gonna use it,” he answered.
One hand splayed next to your head to keep him up, the other tickling its way under the hem of your skirt and up your thigh.
“Besides,” Eddie said. “Doesn’t feel like you can wait.” He was sliding your underwear off, throwing them across the room. He rested a hand on you, sliding an index finger through your slickness.
“I can’t,” you agreed, breathy and impatient. “Now. I want you now.”
Eddie didn’t have to be asked twice. With his pants still hanging from an ankle, he was fast to set up and slow on approach. You felt the tip of him follow the path made by his hand, gathering wetness, and shooting electricity through your body.
You melted into jelly beneath him, bliss written all over your face. Eddie loved you like this, pliable and prone to tears of ecstasy.
He held himself back, keeping his pace slow and steady. His vampire muscles screamed to go faster, to rail you into next week, but he liked pulling you apart. Liked how you unconsciously uttered strings of words like ‘full’ and ‘please’ and ‘can’t.’ Liked when you clawed at him to come closer, bit down on his shoulder.
“I love you,” he told you, mouth on your ear, tongue licking. “So. Fucking. Much.”
There was a seemingly endless amount of ways Eddie had learned could make you cum. Talking to you was a favourite for you both.
“You’re so perfect, so perfect… You feel so perfect… You’re so warm and soft and I… I want to eat you whole…”
Your response was in the pooling tears and the nodding and the slack jaw. The begging, “Please. Please.”
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” It was all it took. Your orgasm exploded moments before his. Eddie’s thrusting getting harder and faster for the few seconds he took to follow you. He had to grind his teeth together to stop himself from ripping into your neck.
You kept your eyes closed, not aware of your surroundings. When you felt Eddie’s arms slide beneath you, you smiled and hummed. He carried you to your new bed, cleaning your skin with a warm washcloth before curling himself in behind you.
With the last of your day’s energy, you tangled your fingers through his, falling asleep happily.
As Eddie listened to your breathing find its mellow night rhythm, he saw a vision of you in his mind. Hands full of flowers and foliage. A coven of audience. Glorious and beaming. 
End Note: I made a small Pinterest board with inspo for their house - click here to view.
I hope you are all as well as any of us can be at a time like this. I hope this story continues to provide comfort, escapism, and fuel for daydreams. xo Rhi
Fic Taglist:  @paranoidmunson  @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch @spicysix @briasnow-blog @goth-cowgirl-03 @moviefreak1205 @pastel-pillows
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel @dashingdeb16 @cultish-corner
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wen-kexing-apologist · 2 months
Bengiyo's Queer Cinema Syllabus
For those of you who don’t know, I decided to run the gauntlet of @bengiyo’s queer cinema syllabus, which is comprised of 9 units. I have completed four of the units (here is my queer cinema syllabus round up post with all the films I’ve watched and written about so far). It is time for me to make my way through Unit 5- Lesbians, which includes the following films: The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love (1995), Bound (1996), Water Lilies (2007) [Skipping for now until I can get access to it], Saving Face (2004), D.E.B.S. (2004), Set It Off (1996), The Handmaiden (2016), Carol (2015), Imagine Me and You (2005), Two of Us (2019), Rafiki (2018), and The Color Purple (1985).
Today I will be talking about
Saving Face (2004) dir. Alice Wu
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[Run Time: 1:31, Language: English and Mandarin]
Summary: A gay Chinese-American and her traditionalist mother are reluctant to go public with secret loves that clash against cultural expectations.
Cast:  -Joan Chen as Hwei-Lan Gao -Michelle Krusiec as Wilhelmina ‘Wil’ Pang -Lynn Chen as Vivian Shing
I love when people actually have the opportunity to write and direct stories that absolutely ooze their cultures. I am not Asian, but the family dynamics that exist as a result of this story happening to an Asian family are incredibly legible and makes the film very fun to watch as writer and director Alice Wu completely scrambles the relationships between characters/families.
This was a really smart film to include in this syllabus considering the pathway to the end of the syllabus is leading towards BL shows. Saving Face follows a storyline that feels very similar to a lot of what we will see in BL when it comes to parents and their queer children trying to reach some understanding of each other. It also has some of the visual motifs that are very popular in the BL I have watched like the use of vertical walls to signal a barrier between characters (though obviously this is not unique to BL) and honestly with how many workplace BLs we’ve gotten that have made me less than enthusiastic about the actual power dynamics at play, Saving Face does a really good job showing how power dynamics can manifest in the workplace when you just so happen to be dating your bosses daughter. 
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gif by @filmreel
My favorite part of this film honestly is the family relationship, how evident it is that behavior is learned and passed down between generations, like when Hewi-Lan tells Wil she worked nights so Wil could eat preceding Hwei-Lan’s father (Wai Gung) telling Hwei-Lan that he endured hardship so she could have a better life. 
It was really fun to watch how Wil and Hwei-Lan’s relationship shifts, and how they both grow as people, that Hwei-Lan starts the film wanting to give Wil’s neighbor Jay a paper plate when he comes to dinner so she can throw it away afterward and not wanting to eat too much soy sauce so her baby doesn’t “become dark”, to Hewi-Lan thinking that Vivian is racist and being mad about it to Jay and Hewi-Lan hanging out, using face masks, eating, and watching dramas together, irrespective of Wil’s presence. 
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Or starting the film with Hwei-Lan strategizing with her friends about potential male suitors for her daughter for the Friday night Planet China dances, to Wil running through her own channels to develop a roster of possible Chinese men to send her mother out on dates with towards the middle of the film when they are still trying to find someone that will marry her in order to prevent further shame or disgrace from befalling their family as a result of Hwei-Lan’s pregnancy. I loved Wil helping her mom get ready for the dates and even though it was parentification, I enjoyed that role reversal of getting to see her mom be hesitant, doubtful, and self-conscious, and if nothing else I loved that moment for how genuine Wil is when she tells her mom she’s beautiful.
Or getting the lines about how everyone in the Chinese community is two degrees of separation from anyone else, and how that one off-handed line truly feels like the biggest non-family explanations for why Wil is so hesitant to be physical intimate or queer in public. As an example, you can tell she’s a little worried that Vivian told her mom that they were dating. And I liked the reveal towards the end that Hwei-Lan has known this whole time that Wil is queer but is willfully ignoring it, and that the set ups she has been trying to do for Wil at the beginning of the film are because Hwei-Lan caught her being queer and not because Hwei-Lan doesn’t know she’s queer. So you get the added layer of hesitancy around Wil’s engagement in her romantic relationship with Vivian, especially because Vivian’s parents are a part of their social circle and that puts Wil at very high risk of her mother finding out. 
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gifs by @mrgaretcarter
And she has very good reason to be because Vivian is out to both of her parents and the second that Vivian’s father sees Wil and Viv in a room together he immediately clocks their relationship and exerts his power as Wil’s boss to basically force Wil to break up with Vivian.
I’ll talk about this more in the Favorite Moment portion but I absolutely loved the scene where Hwei-Lan expresses her concerns about her impending motherhood (“I am going to be a terrible mother”) and how it pairs with Hwei-Lan’s response to Wil coming out (“I am not a bad mother. My daughter is not gay.”) How the saving face cycles and Hwei-Lan has been willfully ignoring Wil’s queerness and how Hwei-Lan was going to marry a man she did not love, for the second time to save face for her father, and how it took Wil barging in and essentially giving her permission to be happy to finally abandon that and follow her own heart. 
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gif by @lonesomedotmp3
And how in doing so, she is finally able to accept Wil’s sexuality, support her mad dash to the airport to try to save her relationship, comfort her child in heartbreak, and play an active role in getting Wil and Vivian back together. 
Favorite Moment 
My favorite moment is when Hwei-Lan and Wil are talking about Hwei-Lan’s pregnancy and Hwei-Lan actually voices some of her fears about becoming a mother, the first time she’s really talked at length about her pregnancy, and it is doubly important to me because Hwei-Lan is saying all of this to her daughter. Like, just read this part of the script: 
Hwei-Lan: I'm going to be a terrible mother.             Wil: What? Hwei-Lan: I don't even like babies. Stephen's always bringing his kid to the shop. All that drooling. Gross. You were different. You sprung from the womb already grown-up. And I had your father during your early years. He was really patient.                    Wil: You have me.
It is very important to me because the transition in to Hwei-Lan and Wil living together has not been the smoothest, and because Hwei-Lan has been thrown out of her parent’s house by her father because of her pregnancy and so the only person she really does have to rely on in that moment is her daughter. And it is nice to know that despite all of the things they maybe don’t understand or refuse to acknowledge about each other, that at the end of the day they are there to support.
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gif by @lonesomedotmp3
We even see it with Wai Gung, who says at the end of the film that when the baby girl is born he will be over at Hwei-Lan’s apartment every day to take care of his grandchild. Sure he covers that with the excuse of not trusting what will happen if her parents are in charge of raising her, but that’s an excuse, you just know that Wai Gung is going to absolutely adore his granddaughter. 
Favorite Quote
“Are you lonely?” // “No, I have you,”
I absolutely adored this film.
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luckykiwiii101 · 4 months
Clarification #!
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Hey Upper East Siders.
Clarification #1
Unfortunately there is drama going on my blog right now. I do NOT want to be portrayed as a bad person. And I also do not want any other bloggers to be portrayed as a bad person. And I do not want @noddingofcat to be portrayed as a bad person. Because believe it or not, I actually think the opposite.
Clarification #2
I know, I know, my blog is sassy and “mean”. People may get offended by the wording on my posts. Yes my “wake up call” type posts are harsh but that’s how I intend them to be. But what I do not intend is for people to get offended by my posts. The sole purpose of my posts are to help you all. As i’ve mentioned previously in many of my posts, babying people and letting them victimise themselves is something i’m strongly against!
Clarification #3
Behind “- gossip girl” I’m a kind and caring person. I don’t want people to feel like they can’t talk to me. If I didn’t care about you guys I wouldn’t make posts and share them with you and answer your asks. But know that if you want my respect you have to reciprocate the respect you give to others.
Clarification #4
I want everyone to acknowledge that I spend on average over 2 hours on my posts, gathering information and drafting it so that I can turn it into the beautiful posts that reside in my master list, on my home page that can be accessed very very easily. So it is frustrating when you guys don’t read them and proceed to send me an anonymous ask asking me the same question when there’s a whole entire long ass hell detailed post in my master list titled in big bold letters. 💀
Clarification #5
Please do not send me an ask if there is clearly a post in my master list that addresses it. I do NOT mind if you made a simple mistake and could not find it but please let me know.
Clarification #6
I do not allow private messages as it’s unfair for me to basically “privately coach” people selectively whilst rejecting others. I also simply just do not have time during the day for that.
Clarification #7
If somebody genuinely needs help and is going through something terrible, I understand if you would want to speak to me since i am a blogger who is educated on the law. I’m still learning new things aswell, and whenever I do I share it with you guys. But I want to let you know in the nicest way that I am not a therapist and I CANNOT guide you about things outside the law of assumption.
Clarification #8
I’ve received many asks in the past of people wishing death on me, calling me a psychopath, insulting me etc. Please understand that if you send me a passive aggressive ask like that I will not be nice and sweet about it. I’m not talking about @noddingofcat btw i’m just clarifying because this isn’t the first time and I DON’T want it to happen again.
Clarification #9
This is personal to @noddingofcat
I genuinely think you are a nice person. You tried to defend me thinking that @queenofuniverses was harassing me. I cannot express how much I respect that. Then you defended @queenofuniverses when I falsely accused her of sending me an anonymous ask. Honestly I really respect that. I’m not trying to get on your good side i’m seriously just saying what I truly feel. And I think everyone knows by now, I speak my thoughts.
Clarification #10
Thanking everyone who follows me for supporting me and my blog. I don’t think you guys actually understand that I care about you guys. I want you to all manifest your dream lives. And i’m DYING to hear your success stories. I completely freak out when l see a success story in my inbox because of how happy it makes me. So keep them coming!!! Not for me but for yourselves ❤️
P.S. I might stop my gossip girl theme and soon my blog as a whole because I don’t want to get caught up into any more miscommunications. This was honestly stressful because I know a lot of you look up to my blog and trust me when I KNOW it hurts to see someone you look up to, turn out to not be someone you expected. I’m far from being that person
Love you, XoXo
- gossip girl
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scarletmultiverse · 1 year
your girlfriend is... | elizabeth olsen characters x reader
Hey people! New blog over here!
I've wanted to do something like this for a while, just with Lizzie's characters, because I feel like all my blogs always have pictures with them, but it's never enough...
Anyway, I'm starting here too and if you want to follow me on the other half inactive account, I think I'll write there again. @sawyercomfort is the user!
This is a preference that will kind of introduce the characters I'm going to write imagines about, so if you have any story suggestions, send me an ask!
Hope you like it!
your girlfriend is... wanda maximoff.
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ok, we know that wanda is the sweetest of girlfriends.
she would literally move WORLDS (and multiverses) for you.
wanda certainly loves to pamper you in the best way.
occasionally she uses her abilities on you, but it's so rare because she's afraid she might hurt you by accident.
kisses and cuddles when you need them.
the fights between you are intense, but wanda loves you so much that it's impossible for her to really let you go all at once.
you are like best friends with each other, the ones you would trust with your life.
your girlfriend is... taylor sloane.
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taylor is clearly a total dominatrix.
she LOVES the control she has over you.
to the point where she does drama to get what she wants.
but at the same time, she's a caring girlfriend and would probably drop any project just to pay attention to you.
she also likes to post pictures and show off your relationship to the world. She makes sure that the moments between you are always saved somewhere.
the fights between you are usually pretty hot too, and it's always the same reason: exaggerated jealousy and the pressure she puts on you.
but you always end up working out one way or another.
your girlfriend is... zooey kern.
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personally, for me, zooey is the best on the list.
she may seem extremely laid back at first, but when you least expect it, she's capable of anything to surprise you.
and when I say anything, it means anything at all.
you guys love to drive around aimlessly, just enjoying the music on the radio and the ever-changing landscapes.
by the way, music is something that surprisingly involves your relationship almost completely.
zooey knows she can't fight you, but it's her instinct to be extremely overprotective of the things you do, and that can get pretty annoying.
your girlfriend is... jane banner.
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you can expect jane to be controlling.
this is bad, but it's good at the same time.
in fact, she would equally move worlds for you.
including facing people who might treat you badly or criticize your relationship.
she is still a little afraid of losing you, because there were too many personal reasons for her to come to terms with who she was.
jane has her romantic side and makes a point of showing it to you when she feels like she needs it.
the fights between you are fervent and usually end up in a breakup or a night out.
but she always ends up admitting that she overreacted and promises that she won't raise her voice at you anymore, even if it seems impossible.
your girlfriend is... leigh shaw.
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leigh has been through a lot to get here.
and she doesn't want that to happen again with you.
she has issues too strong to deal with alone, and you have become her safe haven since she appeared in your life
that's why she's sure you're the one.
leigh will do anything to make you feel loved, from sightseeing to places where you both have a story.
even cuddling in bed and secluding in your room.
a lot of music.
and you wouldn't dare fight with leigh, ever. she's too good for you, and you couldn't imagine a world where she wasn't by your side for your whole life.
hope you really enjoyed this short preference. just a note here, i don't know if i'm going to write about lizzie because i'm afraid i'm forcing something and that it might misunderstand me. but anyway, if you have requests with her, send them to me too, I can make an effort!
and if you feel comfortable, please specify the reader's gender in your request as well. there will be gender-neutral stories here, luckily!
thanks for reading!
(won’t be writing for candy as well, obv!)
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lol-jackles · 3 months
First off, big fan of your blog! I read it like a newspaper every day.
What I wanna know is, if the SPN revival ends up happening, what route do you see them taking where they don’t mess with the canon? I think it would’ve worked out fine had Jensen not ret-conned quite a bit with the prequel. Now what? Will TW be considered canon? Is it better to let Sam and Dean rest and just base the revival between 15x19 and 15x20 so the endgame is not impacted? Wanna hear your thoughts specifically.
Also, a lot has happened between SPN’s end and now, and a lot more will happen still before the revival takes place. Speaking in terms of J2 and their friendship and their dynamic, particularly post prequel gate, should we expect to see slight changes in the SamDean dynamic come the revival as well? It can’t possibly be the exact same as how we got used to seeing it s11-s15 with this domestic bliss, we-are-eachother’s-endgame bliss.
Thank you friend.
The Winchesters was retconned to take place in an AU, so it is irrelevant to the main SPN-verse. Think how the Apocalypse World where Sam and Dean were never born has very little impact on the main SPN-verse. There is a pair of AU Sam and Dean running around in Brazil but again, no impact in the main SPN-verse.  So while TW is canon, it is entirely separate from our SPN.
Jared seem to like the idea that 5 years passed between 15x19 and 15x20 so I think there is a fair chance the revival could take place during those 5 years, Since Jared actually looks younger now than he did in season 15, then it can work.  (Sidenote: Jared started out looking normal in season 15 but midway through he trained for the marathon and gave himself the gaunt "runner face" that significantly aged him in appearance.)
 With Jack remaking heaven and keeping the angels away from earth and Rowena keeping demons away from the Winchesters, the brothers’ hunts return to the simpler days of monster hunting and explore new urban myths.
During these so-called simple monster hunts, Sam and Dean could go deeper into dealing their personal issues, which will draw them even closer leading up to the fateful Barn Scene day. Among the drama I would like to see closure to unresolved arcs, like what happened to Sam power?   Where are all the demons that Dean made during his apprenticeship as hell’s torturer?   Belphagore opened up that opportunity in season 15, which we also saw clues that not all demons are going to follow Rowena. Then we can have queen Rowena seeking help from the Winchesters to wrangle wayward demons either back into hell or into the Empty.
I expect we will still see the same Sam and Dean dynamic. First, based on the first and second convention after the prequel mess, the J2 magic was still there. Think of the times you haven't seen friends or family members for years and as soon as you re-connect, you immediately fell back into the old dynamics out of habit. Second, Hollywood is like an endless high school.  You may not have liked your high school but you find yourself going to every reunion because nobody else in the world know what you’ve experienced other than your classmates even if you hated them back in the day.  Many deep and casual relationships are based on shared experiences rather than actual compatibility. 
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darerendevil · 8 months
Breandán Ó Murchú said that while the media was obsessed with the success being enjoyed by his son Cillian at present, and while that was fine, there was more to it than that.
“There are so many things happening in the world, that we should be sensible about these things and that’s what he’s saying himself as well,” said Breandán.
“We’re very pleased with him and very happy that he’s getting on so well.”
When the news came through, Cillian was at home with his parents. “We were all here, there are four of us and each is as important to us as the other, we were all together and we had a cup of tea and the story came and we were delighted.”
Cillian’s father admitted to not being fond of the fuss or ‘puililiú’ that comes with his son’s fame but recalled his son’s early interest in drama during the interview.
“He was always lively, a lovely little fellow, full of chat, and he always liked to have an adventure going on in his imagination constantly – he was full of spirit and life and imagination.
“He loved being in the company of other children and I’d say he made up a lot of stories and they did a lot of wild things from time to time – he was very mature as a young person and, I’d say, when he was at school he annoyed a teacher or two as he found it difficult to sit still while in national school, you know the way with young lads.”
His early interest was in music and the rhythm of music, his father noticed. “It’s interesting that, as he grew older, he showed an interest in the old ‘Fiannaíocht’ stories about Diarmuid and Gráinne, that surprised me.
"Anything that was exaggerated or larger than life, he enjoyed that, and I suppose there’s a link between that and drama, I don’t know.”
His father recalled that Cillian didn’t seem to be very interested in his studies during the year but when he set his mind to it, he did very well in exams and so on. “He didn’t want to spend all his time studying and when he went to Presentation College, they were very good, there were one or two in particular who noticed his interest in literature and that he had an aptitude for writing.
"When they had a band, they gave Cillian and his friends an opportunity to go on stage, and there were a few people who helped him on, including the author Billy Wall.
“Cillian was lucky to meet him, he was also very interested in history.
“I don’t think he showed an interest in acting until he met Pat Kiernan and the gang in Corca Dorcha. “He told me then that he saw Clockwork Orange on stage and this had an enormous impact on him. “He said somewhere that we didn’t bring him to the theatre when he was young but he forgot that he had three younger siblings and that made it more difficult to go to plays.
“If I was starting again with him, I’d bring him to more plays because it’s clear that he had a deep interest.”
Meeting Pat Kiernan and Enda Walsh gave Cillian the confidence he needed to immerse himself in theatre, his father said. “He got the taste for it and followed his heart, he knew then this is what he wanted to do.
“He didn’t want to do it for publicity or anything, he just wanted to do it right, I must give him that.”
Mr Ó Murchú said that Cillian wanted to do things right and that was something that pleased his father. “That’s something you wouldn’t expect from young people – you know yourself about boys, he’d lose school bags and other things like all young lads but when he put his mind to it, you’d know he wanted to do it right and that helped him enormously.”
When Cillian made his breakthrough with the stage production of Disco Pigs, he was still a Law student in UCC and his parents were getting conflicting advice from different sources saying that he should pursue his career in theatre as he was so obviously talented, while others were saying that he would be foolish to abandon his studies for the stage.
They saw him on stage in his first production, Frank McGuinness’ Observe the Sons of Ulster. “He was very good in that, I thought, though I didn’t think he was better than others in the play or anything like it but we knew he was very serious and then Disco Pigs was a revelation for us because it was on a different level entirely.
“Pat and Enda, it was clear that they were on a different level as they were so creative, himself and Eileen Walsh, the professionalism of that work amazed us and there was no stop to him after that and he met with very nice people who helped him on the road and they helped him.
“We’re very pleased entirely for him, I don’t like to say we’re proud of him because it’s his achievement, not ours,” he said.
“We brought him into the world and we did our best but we don’t see at all that we had a hand in the work that he’s doing at present but we’re not going to lose our wits and neither is he.
“We don’t like to make too much fuss about him, he’s got a job like the sons and daughters of other people and the difference, he gets a lot of publicity. “All the same we’re so happy for him and pleased.”
He said that he and his wife were in an empty cinema when they went to a 5pm screening to see him on the big screen and were very impressed. Mr Murphy is looking forward to seeing Cillian’s newest film, Small Things Like These, which is based on a Clare Keegan book and said that his son learned a lot on the Ken Loach film, The Wind That Shakes the Barley.
“I remember he came home one evening after filming and he was very worried about something that happened during that day’s filming, as if it were something that really happened, and that’s down to how immersed in the work he was and the methods of Ken Loach, that work came from the heart for that movie, I felt.” He said that film allowed people, including Cillian’s mother’s people and his own family who were involved, to talk about that period.
At home, Cillian will talk about anything before he will talk about the movies and while his parents ask him questions from time to time, and he answers them, they don’t want to fuss too much.
As for going to the Oscars, Breandán and his wife don’t intend to travel. “If he’s nominated for a BAFTA, we will go there as it’s closer to home and when he comes home from the Oscars, we will make him a cake.”
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yae-energy · 1 year
pick up the phone pt3: fifty shades freed
synopsis: my take on weather they’re a caller or texter
cast: satoru gojo, ieri shoko, kento nanami, toji fushiguro
cw: cursing, toji slander 😋
a/n: these titles are such a joke 💀,,, anyhow, yeah
gojo - both (texting leaning)
- this man is busyyyy
- as mich as he loves calling and prefers to call he just never has time to
- spam texter
- sends those “u up?” texts
- but not even on no booty call shit LMAO, he just wants to talk cause late nights are the only times he’s free
- sends lots of those facebook gifs cause he thinks they’re funny
- double texts if you don’t answer
- always facetimes you in his spare time cause he wants to see your face
- apple pay come in clutch !
- mf always sends you money
- tiktoks galore
- “i miss you 🙁”
- will stay on the phone while he’s doing litterally anything just so he doesn’t have to hang up on you
shoko - caller (facetimer)
- she is too lazy to type LMAO
- sends lots of vm’s
- like almost every other message
- sleeps on the phone with you but it’s never on purpose, she just dozes off fr
- she finds your voice comforting
- usually calls at night cause she figures you aren’t busy then
- plays games with you while you guys call (usually cause you ask to play with her LMAO)
- randomly starts singing if it gets quiet 😭
- always has some sort of music going on in the back
- lots of good lighting when she facetimes too
- is always snacking/drinking on something
- twirls her hair when she talks to you
- lots of random bathroom breaks
nanami - caller
- is only a caller cause you are
- uses it like a debriefing LOLLL
- like he asks about your day and wants you to go into extremeeeeee detail
- like tell him how many bathroom breaks you had or smth 😭
- he wants to know how you felt at every point of the day
- asks if you ate/drank water. loves knowing you’re taking care of yourself
- lowkey loves to gossip 😭😭😭 mf NOSEY ASB
- like he acts like he don’t care whenever you talk about your work drama but he will constantly follow up and try to see if the story developed
“so whatever happened with that one coworker?”
- and he tries to play it off but you know he just wants to chit chat
- will not sleep on the phone with you
- mans has a strict bedtime schedule,,, BUTTT
- he will give you the same speech every time y’all hang up
- says the “dont let the bed bugs bite” shit cause he thinks it’s funny
toji - texter
- don’t expect him to answer any call
- or text really
- like we see where megumi gets his bad texting skills from 😭
- mf got that dnd on allll dayyy
- apple pay king cause he thinks it makes up for him leaving you on read
- “hey u up?”
- def means it in a booty call way tho
- prob got you saved as “side ho no.34 ❤️ (the favorite)”
- bro be so unserious when he texts you
- like he’ll hit you up but then complain about you talking to him 🙄
- asks you to send pics of yourself so he can see your face
- will leave you on delivered immediately after tho
- calls you once a month for y’all’s monthly check in
“yeah yeah, luv you too”
tags: @megurulvr @honeybleed @jujuyii @chinieh @jogeto @mypimpademia @miirene @planetlunaa @neptunes1nterweb | tag form
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fieldofdaisiies · 2 months
real talk.
something I am struggling with a lot is the big big question of "do people even care?"
And my brain will loudly scream, "No, they don't! That’s not the kind of fics people want to read, the ones you writing are boring, no one will be interested, you need more action, more drama, more angst, more whatever."
Additonally, I think that the majority of people following me on here are not here for other fics than x Reader (maybe this is just my head, and I don’t mean this in a judgmental but rather observative way). I know that not so many people care about the Elucien and Azris fics and ugh … I am not blaming you, please know that. I know that if you follow someone solely for some kind of content, you don't have to like the other things as well.
And sadly, this is heavily gnawing on my inspiration, I sit down to write and my first thought is "no one will care about this story anyway because it is not what people want to read (because it is Azris/Elucien and no x Reader) or not so full of action, or boring etc“. I know it is important to write for yourself, but of course, nice feedback is wonderful and keeps you motivated. I enjoy writing them so much, and I probably do have too high expectations for myself and often end up getting disappointed lol
I added a part from @areyoudreaminof’s post that really reflects what I am feeling quite well, what I have been thinking about too much lately.
The feelings of inferiority among fandom, the nagging expectations we placed on ourselves.
I know there will come a better time, and I know I will find my motivation again somehow, but right now it is hard. I am trying to stay as positive as can, as my personal life has finally calmed after like 2 years and I feel like I can breathe again. So that is what I am doing.
Lastly, I want to say that I will forever be grateful for the people I have met, the friends made on this app, even though I am struggling right now with it — you are so lovely and so amazing and I am so lucky to have you in my life.
Good night everyone, I really hope this post didn't come around as rude, it wasn't my intention.
just out of curiosity, would you mind filling out this poll?❤️
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leliosinking · 9 months
Okay folks. Hear me out. I know the popular vision on this site is for amc Lestat’s rockstar era to be like.. leather pants and mesh shirts ala Maneskin (and Stuart Townsend tbh) but I just don’t see it for this interpretation of the character.
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(I can’t shake the vibe that Damiano is a liiittle too close to what we’ve already seen, I’ll explain shortly)
But also.. we’ve already gotten a canon taste of this Lestat’s stage presence in s01e07. Look at this guy. He’s a flamboyant, piano playing dandy.. like a flamingly gay theatre faguette. This man was crowned king of Mardi Gras and chose to dress up like a queen..
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No. No I don’t see mesh shirts and leather pants in this man’s future (at least not with a 2022 sensibility). But I do see a potential vision. Ride this thought train with me for a sec.
So for this theory to work I should first quickly explain where I think we are in the timeline:
We know that the original interview occurred in the 1970s, and that Daniel doesn’t remember much of that era.. (perhaps he was much closer to the action than he remembers) but I (and several other long term fans) think that the events in Dubai 2022 are likely a fusion of Prince Lestat and Merrick. But more importantly, I think that the events of TVL and QotD have already happened, and mostly likely in close proximity to the original interview.. it’s a lot to explain but trust me it works.
Lestat’s rockstar era occurring in the ‘80s (or even late ‘70s) would of course be book accurate, but it also would allow the show to distance itself from what has already been done in the films. So much like moving the events of IwtV from the 1780s to the 1910s for aesthetic variation, we would be moving the modern events of TVL and QotD from the early 2000s of the film back to their original placement in the timeline. And boy oh boy are the fashion options exciting.. but I have something in mind a little left of field.
So like.. I’m imagining a gothic Liberace, clad in 18th century waistcoats and dramatic capes. Think sequins and candelabras. It’s all very late ‘70s early ‘80s. I know the books are more of a guideline than a bible for this series but the TVC vampires are drawn to the fashion of their era. I can 100% see interpreting his wolf killer coat into an extravagant sequined cape. Imagine “Come to Me” rearranged as a Neil Diamond piano rock ballad.. like are you following my train of thought? Like this Lestat is so so SO gay. And the visual references amc has been pulling from understand that.
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(of course this is all very silly looking, but again, refer to Lestat at the Mardi Gras parade.. that’s him!)
Or think Elton John but like.. by way of Ozzy Osborne. Dramatic wigs and piano ballads, but also stage blood and prosthetics.
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This Lestat understands high camp and theatricality, and I see him deliberately toeing the line between these two seemingly conflicting aesthetics because that’s who he is. Frankly it’s who he has always been as a character. Lestat “eating” the king cake baby? It’s just Ozzy biting the head off a bat. And I think more of that is what we’re in for.
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(I can’t not mention the absolutely perfect adaptation by innovation comics. This look is a great jumping off point for what we might see.. but I think the costume department will take it many many steps further)
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At their root the Vampire Chronicles are period drama, and Rolin and co. are already leaning into that (like there are what? Three active timelines in season one? I would expect even more as the series progresses tbh) and I think a season set largely in the 1980s is going to be more enticing to this team than one set in our present decade. And that’s okay! There’s not only a ton of fashion potential in that era, but also storytelling tools that could not only maintain the current framing device, but also expand on it.
Imagine season 2 ending not with Lestat arriving at the door, but with Armand handing Daniel yet another stack of documents to read and research. Only this time it’s Rolling Stone interviews, vinyl records, music videos and mtv appearances on tape.. all of this ephemera could be used similarly to Claudia’s diary in s01e04 to develop a richer storytelling device. But also it would help to keep Louis the primary narrator, while still providing voice and agency to Lestat (who I suspect is recovering from his post-MTD coma, but that’s a theory for another day).
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Of course this is all theory and I’m sure many of you are more informed on bts spoilers than I, but this is one topic I’ve been wanting to talk about since season 1 concluded, and knowing season 2 will be treading into TVL territory opens up a ton of possibilities. But yeah! Even if the show goes in a totally different direction I hope if nothing else this might inspire some fan artists to play around with an alternative era for Les!
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[Psycho-Pass Providence spoilers]
I thought long and hard about sharing spoilers with you on my blog, but here they are: a buffet for Shinkane fans! I can’t guarantee that the spoilers are 100% correct since I haven’t seen the movie myself and translations can be messy, but I try my best – feel free to correct me, to add things or to call me a crackpot and liar!
I had a feeling that many of you would like to know (at least to some extent) what this movie is about and if Shinkane becomes canon. It will probably take some time for PPP to be released outside Japan and as we all know, patience is a virtue. Don’t read if you don’t want spoilers. I’m serious! There are major spoilers in this text! But if you don’t mind, here’s a summary of what I picked up from Japanese fans who have already seen the movie:
1. The first meeting with Unit One after Ko’s return goes as expected: Ginoza is angry and Sugo has to prevent him from going off on Kogami. The atmosphere between Akane and Kogami is described as awkward and tense even when working together on the new case. They travel to Dejima (?) and Saiga accompanies Akane because he’s the only one who can access the Stronskaya document.
2. When Kogami and Saiga have a drink in the apartment/hotel, Saiga urges Ko to contact Akane and to come clean with her. He obeys by calling her. Akane tells him to apologize (“I just want you to say sorry”) but he doesn’t, so she hangs up the phone. Kogami seems to be very irritated and I can’t wait to see his face. Also what is the meaning of the empty liquor bottle on Ko’s table?
3. Ginoza asks Kogami on the boat “Why did you come back? It was our duty to protect Tsunemori” to which Kogami answers something like “For someone else’s sake again.” Does it mean that he came back for Akane? I think so. Ginoza seems to smile a little when he hears this.
4. We already saw the scene where Ko shields Akane from the explosion, but I don’t know exactly what happens afterwards. They say the angle of view is a little erotic (this can also be translated as horny, obscene) LOL
5. When the Peacebreakers attack, Saiga-sensei dies. I think he gets stabbed and then falls over a railing into the depths of the building. Akane tries to save him but he lets go of her hand so that she doesn’t fall with him. Phew! This is going to be hard to watch. No wonder why the Japanese fans cried! When Akane finds his dead body, the one who comforts her is Ginoza. Ko goes after Akira to fight him in a landscape holo room (?) aka that scene with the horse.
6. Now the elevator scene. Akane cries over the death of Saiga but Kogami seems unable to comfort her. Something holds him back (his own grief maybe?) so he just pats her on the shoulder saying something like “Focus on your duty, and cry after everything is over” and Akane says “Yes”. It sounds a bit heartless and reserved, doesn’t it? Why all the drama?
7. Then there’s an interrogation at SAD or PSB headquarters and Kogami gets shot by the arrested Akira whose consciousness was hacked. Ko ends up in the hospital where Akane visits him and finally they talk to each other and come to an agreement. This is very reminiscent of PP1.
8. I was a bit surprised to hear that Akane is invited to Kei’s wedding and that Arata’s dad commits suicide in his car after giving a speech. Really? On the wedding day of his son’s best friend? Did Arata witness this? Holy sh--! At least, I read that Akane followed Arata into the parking lot and perhaps was able to comfort him.
9. Akane leads the operation to stop the Peacebreakers. Before she leaves (gets on the plane?) Kogami is worried and says “Hey, don’t do anything reckless” and she replies “I can’t promise you that, so you better come quickly please.” Is she flirting with him? I think it’s cute and quite self-confident.
10. When Akane is defeated in the fight against the white haired man who points a gun to her head, Kogami rushes to her aid. The plan was to arrest the guy but things went out of hand. Kogami shoots him and then he hugs the injured Akane – yes, that’s what it says in the comments! I can’t wait to see this! I read that Akane says something like “I made Kougami-san kill again” to which he answers “And I will be held accountable for it”. The hug seems to have been a request from director Shiotani, because (as we already know) Akane and Ko won’t see each other for a long time after that.
11. The end is a bit confusing and I’m not sure if I got it right: Kogami is arrested and Akane writes him a letter that is just as emotional as Ko’s letter in PP1. She says that he had a great influence on her life and that she can’t promise him anything. Then she goes off to kill chief Kasei during some public event (?) because Sibyl wants to introduce a new bill that would strip the Ministry of Justice of all authority (?). Akane’s crime coefficient is low because you can’t kill a cyborg. But from the public’s perspective, she’s a killer. She seems to sacrifice herself for the dream of a just society that abides by the law instead of Sibyl’s despotism. Now Sibyl has to judge her. They have to reveal and explain her low CC without looking like idiots. Good luck, Sibyl! Akane seems to have set a precedent in PPP.
12. Kogami goes free and Akane is sent to the isolation facility where she finally breaks down and cries. He promises to pick her up when she is released – and so he does in FI when he finally manages to apologize! Some fans say that even though Kogami’s crimes aren’t punished by law it’s clear from his emotions that Akane’s imprisonment is his punishment. His actions had an impact on others, especially on someone he cherishes and loves. But unlike Kogami who killed out of revenge and violated the law, Akane has committed a crime in order to uphold the law. The Japanese fans cried at the end. Kogami must look pretty miserable! Seems as if Shinkane has a habit of breaking each other’s hearts and ours too, huh? But we know they will reunite in FI, so there’s hope! And who knows what the future holds.
Well, the movie covers many issues: foreign politics, references from the bible, Bifrost, new technology and AI, lots of action and so on. It’s quite exhausting to do research in Japanese as a beginner, so I only focused on the things I wanted to know. In other words: Akane, Kogami, Ginoza and Shinkane! I can’t wait for this movie to be released in my country, although I think it will probably be another year :’(
One last thing: speculations about the nature of the relationship between Akane and Kogami are running wild on social media again but all I can say is that if only a mere 20% of the above is true, then you can’t speak of platonic. Sorry, it’s not possible! There are far too many emotions, far too much awkwardness here that you don’t go through as “just friends”. They’re not a couple, but both of them are probably aware that they could become one if they chose to.
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