#i don’t even mean this in a misandrist way
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cetoddle · 2 months ago
every woman on earth is the most beautiful show stopping incredible gorgeous person alive and 90% of men make me go ewwwwww…what is that..
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nctjpeg · 5 months ago
inviting a boy over is fun and cool and good until you get the “on the way!” text and then you realize there is going to be a Man™️ in your House™️.
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maxdibert · 3 months ago
Actually yes if you'd call someone a misogynistic slur, even while experiencing trauma, you would be misogynistic. Because that comes from your subconcious. Severus was a victim and the reason he joined the death eaters was due to his social and economic victimization, however he was not a complete mindless idiot who didn't understand anything. He was clearly anti muggle (and although yes his prejudice was influenced by his horrible father and home he still encountered normal muggles so he didn't only have negative experiences with muggles, he could clearly see that some of them are not violent. He was an intelligent man I believe his brain could work this out.) And even when he's a big victim it doesn't mean he is entirely blameless of his words and actions and what they say about his morals. Him calling Lily a mudblood is a clear indication that he doesn't view muggleborns the same way he does other wizards and has clear prejudice. He did not only use that word once but many times - according to Lily. I'm not denying your other claims, you just seem to talk about Severus as if he wasn't an asshole who held bad views, because he was victimized. Do you think he was a good person in a bad situation? Not at all. It is fine to criticize his actions and morals while still taking into consideration that he was a victim and a lot of his decisions were a result of that.
I don't see it that way, but this is a matter of perspective. I might have internalized misogyny or internalized racism, but literally everyone has this, absolutely everyone. It's not the same as, at some point, saying a misogynistic slur to a friend in a moment when I'm about to lose my mind, versus constantly doing it. There's a difference between having a generalized attitude and letting something slip at a specific moment. And if we’re going to start categorizing people or characters based on something they say at a particular moment, then I’m sorry, but we should accuse everyone because there’s no one, absolutely no one in this society, who, even if they are very conscious and deconstructed, hasn’t made problematic comments or used harmful adjectives at some point.
I don’t deny that Severus had prejudices against Muggles, but his prejudices stem from a completely different basis than the prejudices Lucius, for example, might have had. Severus’ prejudices come from his own negative experiences with Muggles, from the fact that the Muggles he’s known were literally awful. Is it wrong for him to have prejudices against an entire population because of that? Yes, but it’s also understandable that he has them. I mean, I spend my life insulting cis-hetero men because they’re the types I have sex-affective relationships with, and I’ve had countless bad experiences with them. Could I be labeled as misandrist? Probably. Am I a bad person? I don’t think so. The problem with these issues is that people tend to see things in black and white, but real life is very diverse. You shouldn’t focus on the tree but on the forest. But well, that’s just my personal opinion.
Deep down, I’m very critical of Snape, even though it might not seem like it. What I don’t like is when people make arguments without considering the context and criminalize him without exploring the reasons for his actions. Was it wrong for him to call Lily a Mudblood? Yes, but we must take into account the context of when he did it, and the fact that it was an isolated incident, not a constant. It’s likely that what he wanted was to hurt her, just like when I call my friend a slut, and sometimes you say things to people because you know it will hurt them, not because you genuinely think that way. Anyway, I would be more critical if it were someone else, but in Lily’s case, it’s hard for me to be completely impartial because she ended up marrying an unpleasant, bullying, abusive person, and honestly, I think Severus fell short. If I had seen my supposed best friend half-smiling at my bully, I would have punched her in the face. I swear, I would have destroyed her and then publicly humiliated her, making her wish she had never been born. But as I’ve said before, I’m a very resentfully aggressive person xD.
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breakandbuildfiction · 6 months ago
Another Rant About DPxDC Tropes
I didn’t write out all my thoughts on everything in the DPxDC fandom last time, so I decided to write this follow up with some more of them. This time I will primarily be focusing on how people go about using specific characters and their inter-character relationships.
Watering Down and Glorifying Female Characters:
I’ve noticed that this is a theme across a LOT of not only DPxDC fics and prompts, but across a lot of the fanworks for the individual franchises. People will ignore the flaws and shortcomings of female characters and overblow their positive traits purely to make them look more badass or scary compared to the male characters or to make other characters relient on them. Here are some examples:
Poison Ivy: People like to write Poison Ivy as some cool bad girl bent on environmentalism, that she’s pricily but full of ‘cool aunt’ energy. But they ignore the fact that her entire thing is drugging, mind controlling, sexually assulting, and murdering people in the name of environmental terrorism and in some itterations global genocide. She is not by any means someone a hero should be chill with outside of absolutly desperate situations, and even then she should be the second choice after Swamp Thing.
Harley Quinn: She is literally a psycopath suffering from an obsessive love disorder– that she has done a great deal to overcome– who has no problems maiming, crippling, and killing anyone who gets between her and whatever it is she wants at the moment. At her most ‘restrained’ she is working with Batman to hunt down the Joker– with her intent being to kill him– or is on the Suicide Squad taking some weird comfort in being around equally fucked up people and being assured in the knowledge that her murderous tendencies are being used for some level of ‘good’. She was also a very shitty psyciatrist who in many itterations slept her way into passing college and didn’t even last a full year as a lisenced practitioner before joining the Joker. Yes she is trying to be a better person, but she is NOT by any means a good person.
Black Canary: I think the thing I dislike most about how people treat Black Canary is that they hyperfixate on the pseudo-mom characteristics and emergency therapist role she was given in the Young Justice cartoon. I’ll admit that I haven’t read a ton of her comics, but I HAVE read some and I have watched the Justice League Unlimited cartoon as well. With that in mind I feel like people are tragically focusing on the wrong parts of her personality. She is shown to be stand offish, headstrong, confrontational, brash, and manipulative. She isn’t hero-mom coded, she is a femm fatal back street brawler who is fully open to playing off her allies ego to make them do what she wants if she can and leveraging her power and skill at violence to get what she wants. Yes she is a hero and yes she has a softer side, but god damn!
Wonder Woman: This actually goes for all Amazons of Themyscira but here it goes. Wonder Woman grew up in an extremely isolationist, xenophobic, and misandrist (Even if you ignore the run that said the island’s inhabitants are all literal murdering rapists who drown babies. I don’t think that run has been canon for a while anyways.) island nation that was literally blessed by the gods to never have to deal with things like political upheavals, drought, famine, foreign relations, or any other complexaties that real countries have to deal with. Now, to her credit, Wonder Woman isn’t NEARLY as bad as some of her countrywomen, but that doesn’t mean her upbrining hasn’t influenced her worldview and she certainly has never condemned the policies of her nation. She doesn’t treat men as scum outright by any means, but she DOES ignore the shortcomings of women and sees most if not all the troubles of the world as being the fault of the male sex. Just because the woman is empathic does not mean she isn’t a bitch. Also, base Wonder Woman would and has been dogged by base Superman many times. She is maybe the fourth or fifth most powerful JL member goes by base state abilities behind Superman, Martian Manhunter, Shazam, and maybe the Flash. That said, there are forms of Wonder Woman who would make all other base state JL members look like preschoolers pretending to be tough.
Jazz Fenton: Jazz is not a good psychologist or therapist in her teenage years. If you want to age her into her mid-twenties or later after she goes through a proper program, then by all means make her better at helping people with mental and emotional issues. But as a teen she is god aweful at those things. There is a grand total of ONE instance where she showcases actual skill at being able to pin down and identify someone’s issues and that was with Freakshow, whom in that very conversation she admits to having grown up with many of the same feelings he did regarding envy of ghosts and the attention people in her life give them. She never figured out Danny was a hero due to her skill at psychology or determining the cause of his stress, she stumbled onto him transforming after days or even weeks of forcing herself into his business and him asking and then demanding her to leave him alone. Not only this but, and I feel like this should be a very big thing with how much people love to shoehorn in trans-Danny stuff, she routinely calls people by the wrong name even when corrected by others and is told to her face by the people she is misnaming that she is wrong. Some of her names are even dehumanizing like calling Skulker ‘Ghost X’ like he’s nothing but a test subject!
Also, while I’m pretty sure she would qualify as a skilled CQC fighter, I don’t think she ever improved her aim. So while having her judo throw someone or deck them in the schnoz is good, she would probably miss if she had to shoot anyone with a Fenton Blaster at anything further than point blank range. And no, the Peeler doesn’t count, that shit was a full on mechsuit and shots that had a margin of error bigger than a car.
Valerie Grey: This one is a big one for me and probably the big reason I wanted to write this entire section so here it goes:
Valerie Grey ain’t SHIT as a hero.
Now, as a character, she is perfectly fine. She has a full arc with reasonable and understandable reactions to various events that shape her growth as a character. Granted these events make her into a shoot-first, speciesist, possibly slur-throwing, self-righteous, asshole for a while (you know how the ACAB movement sees cops? That was Valerie for a long time, just without government backing and with an oligarch sponsor instead.) but she did eventually get better after the whole thing with Dani and finding out that Vlad is Plasmious. So again, as a character she is good.
As a HERO however, she is really freaking bad. We never really see her do anything major after her revelation with Dani and before that she never actually wins any fights. Danny is always so far out of her league in fights that the only reason she isn’t dead is because he knows who she is under the mask and holds back because he doesn’t want to hurt her. He was capable of blowing up her original suit in a single blast for crying out loud! And even in her second suit he barely had any trouble keeping pace with her WHEN HE WAS ACTIVLY TRYING NOT TO HURT HER! We also never see her defeat any named ghost, I barely remember her even fighting anyone other than Danny, and she is overall just fodder as far as combat goes.
She isn’t scary, she isn’t intimidating, she isn’t the type of girl who could ‘kick Danny’s ass’, she is at best a pissed off woman with a lot of guns and fancy gadgets who thinks she's hot shit despite never winning a significant fight. 
Heroes are friends with all the Rogues… Except Joker:
Just… why? Why do people want the heroes to be friends with mass-murdering nutjobs? Be it Danny with Ivy who is basically Undergrowth with tits and a pulse, or Tucker with Technus, or Tim Drake with Harley Quinn it doesn’t make any sense! This isn’t a case of ‘Oh, when they aren’t on the job they are cool people’ like with Flash’s rogues. Nor do they have admirable moral codes or anything else. That kind of stuff is exclusive to Flash’s gallery. Why does everyone write hero or retired Danny as being friendly with villains and thinking they are cool people?! Killer Crock has a tragic backstory but he EATS PEOPLE. Scarecrow makes stuff you could call ghost drugs but he conducts routine chemical weapon attacks on civilian populations! Deathstroke is a pedo or groomer in at least two major timelines! Ra’s runs a cult that kills its OWN MEMBERS whenever they fail near-impossible tasks! Just because they aren’t as full on 24/7 creepy fucker murderers doesn’t mean they are any better than him!
On that note, why do people insist on having Sam idolize Poison Ivy or Jazz admire Harley Quinn? I don’t have a high opinion of Sam and how she goes about her activism and forcing her lifestyle and beliefs on others, but she doesn’t go around drugging people, stealing their money, forcing them to ruin their families, and then killing them! And I like to think that even if Jazz isn’t a good psychologist she would have better taste than to idolize someone who broke a very basic tenant of mental health professionals by getting too attached to her patient and went on to COMMIT MASS MURDER and help TORTURE PEOPLE in an effort of turning on her psychotic boyfriend! 
Hating Superman on Kon-El’s behalf:
I get that this trope stems from season 1 of Young Justice, which I will freely admit is an amazing season of a very good show, but I think people forget a few things: 1, Superman’s hatred/distrust of Conner manifests in avoiding him at all costs, not being rude or badmouthing him or anything of the sort, he just doesn’t want to deal with him and what Conner represents. 2, Superman grows out of his hatred/distrust of Conner in like, a year. It was an initial kneejerk reaction paired with extreme awkwardness and distress, but his stance on his clone-son with Lex does get better. And 3, the one who actually hates clones is Supergirl, Kara Zor-El. She straight up gave Conner his Kryptonian name and told him TO HIS FACE that it meant ‘Abomination in the House of El’. She basically named him a slur and said that was all he was. And as far as I am aware, she never apologizes for this nor does their relationship ever really improve beyond ‘we will work together if we absolutely have to’.
Dani and Dan call Danny ‘mom’ ((CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of SA!!!)):
Okay this one is a bit weird for this rant because I will freely admit that depending on if certain other tropes are used concurrently to this one, it makes sense, but by default I say it doesn’t. Ignoring how Danny is by default and in most cases male, his contribution to the ‘conception’ and gestation of Dani or Dan’s clone body (if you ignore A Glitch In Time and have Dan in his original body, Danny still didn’t do any gestation or anything, but things are admittingly different) only went so far as providing some DNA. Vlad did the whole cultivation thing and making sure the decanting happened safely and all that good, very important, stuff. So wouldn’t Danny be the dad in this scenario? Since the equivalent to a regular birth here would be Danny hitting and quitting with Vlad (que barfing reflex at the thought of Danny/Vlad stuff) purposely getting a baby made without Danny’s knowledge for his own benefit and desire for a child? Even if you go by the more accurate real life correlation to SA, Danny still played a male role here because he didn’t carry/grow the baby/clone.
The only reasons I can see for Danny to be labled the ‘mom’ in this situation are; Danny is more nurturing than Vlad– which by a sexist standard means he’s the maternal one–, Danny was the victim in the unauthorized baby making and is thus in the female role– again, a sexist standard–, or because people think ‘single parent’ and immediately assume ‘single mother’. (To be clear, I know that statistically women suffer all forms of SA far more often than men, which is beyond terrible, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen the other way around as well.)
Now, to be fair, if you are also doing trans-man Danny, none of this holds weight and them calling Danny ‘mom’ could stem from that, or because saying Vlad had a kid with a teenaged trans-man makes Vlad look SO much worse and by calling Danny ‘mom’ they are trying to imply that kind of narrative. Which is not a terrible way of writing a story where Danny, Dani, and Dan all hate Vlad, go for the throat and make him look as bad as possible if that’s your goal. I’m just saying that in the default state of Danny being male and Vlad being the one who looked over the cloning pods, Danny is the dad and Vlad is the mom.
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sexboobomb · 2 years ago
if you're a cool trans person who lives near me and you reach out to me about it, chances are pretty damn high that im down for a meetup because i love meeting my people :3
UPDATE: added a “mutuals fucked” counter to my bio hehe
UPDATE: "Men DNI" or anything similar will get you blocked if your vibes seem indicative of transmisogyny or misandry to me.
Edit, because apparently it needs to be specified: I have no issue with "Men DNI", I have issue with misandry and transmisogyny. In my experience misandrists and TERFs almost always have "Men DNI" on their blogs, so I keep an eye out for it, but that does not mean I have any problem with people who simply aren't comfortable with men on their blogs just because that isn't the goal of their blog.
UPDATE: I will be adding many flavors of content to my reblogs instead of just liking them, some of it is bc I want to support the artists who make stuff I like, and some of it is bc I have decided that it's in no way shameful to (gasp) be attracted to stuff. Most active hornyposting and explicitly sexual content will stay on my sideblog, but if you continue following me then from this point on be aware that I will occasionally post things that may be suggestive, lewd, or downright explicit. I have also added the URL to my sideblog down below, for those interested.
Hi there >:3
You can call me VV. I’m 22, autistic, adhd, and transfem! I’m a polyamorous lesbian system (so far exclusively t4t, but I’m open :3). I live in Seattle, and as long as you aren’t a creep or weirdo I’m open to making friends! I’m married to @urjunebug and in wonderful relationships with @anarcho--neptunism, @lucyvaleheart, and another who doesn’t have tumblr :3
Trying to try new things and to be a bit more shameless, because I figure I should try to like myself as much as other people seem to. I’m still learning some of my limits, and breaking a few, so feel free to ask me all manner of things but don’t always expect an answer. I occasionally hornypost, but most of the more explicit stuff stays on my sideblog, girlcockgarage. Horny asks should also be directed to my sideblog if you want a serious answer.
This one is a little bit unusual I'm sure, but for the time being I will not be interacting with any Picrew stuff such as Picrew rebog chains. I have nothing against Picrew, it just sets my dysphoria off more severely than damn near anything else. Wish it didn't but it does, so for now I have to avoid it.
I will block minors, creeps, bigots, or anyone who gives me those vibes even if not explicitly clear. Ageless blogs will be blocked, because I’m not taking any chances here.
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takol0ve · 2 months ago
Saw some more Lily Orchard takes, one of which is about Dungeon Meshi. [spoilers.]
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So I’m gonna go through these points. Specifically the negatives because idgaf about the three above it.
“The main setup is weirdly grim for such a silly show.”
DM is built on Seinen. A genre of media thats directed to an older demographic than the purposed shonen demographic. It’s not weirdly grim for the series if the plot is based around an underground city that was discovered recently by the surface. It shouldn’t be too grim if the story was also revolved around saving Laios’ sister by bringing her back to life. I feel like a series like this also should be silly when it has DND elements in it, a game where you could possibly do anything you want and get away with it for fun. DM is also relatively cozy when it wants to be, and thats why Laios is so important, his open mindedness keeps his group together despite being a dense goofball. He’s Luffy coded really, he’s a little dumb but he’s intelligent emotionally in his own way.
“Poor comedy”
Lily’s form of comedy is sausage party considering her review of Hazbin Hotel I guess.
“The entire series is premised on the joke of anime drawing good food.”
Lily discovers Sakuga, congrats. But yes, the series is based on the notion of cooking and the importance of hunger and food that also correlates to desire and fear, found family and open mindedness. Marcille CRAVES an equal life between all races because she FEARS that her loved ones will die before her for example. Laios’ open mindedness doesn’t stop him from seeing other races, including monsters being the same as him, because he understands that humans themselves are selfish and are used as a food source by monsters inside the dungeon. Found family revolves around Chilchuk because he’s relatively reclusive about himself and opens up more around the group, he discovers family, thats his development.
“Every character that isn’t Marcille is a stock archetype”
I don’t really understand this, is she saying everyone else is just the same? Marcille is not a perfect character, she has her flaws. Even if her desire to make all races equal by age, just because it can be passed as empathy doesn’t mean that her desire can’t also be perceived as pity because other races tend to dislike the elves, so it’s understandable why some other characters wouldn’t like her. It’s a racial bias based on age. Did we learn nothing from Zootopia? 😭
“Fan service bath scene”
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A sauna and a bath scene are two different things btw. The only similar thing there was a sponge bath and even then it wasn’t fan service, LOOK AT HOW MUCH SENSHI GOOCH THERE IS COMPARED TO A SINGLE SAUNA SCENE. (MY GLORIOUS KING.)
“Severe tonal issues”
Idk the music is fine, lmao. Just use tone, I was really confused when she used tonal because it’s regularly used in music. Even then the tones of DM are relatively good, colors are vibrant, everything is easily recognizable, the world around them is surprisingly vast for how short the story is.
“Anime being weird about female characters again”
…what. Lmao. Like I don’t know how to respond to this because Lily is actually tone deaf about other women. Like DM was written by a woman, idk why she would double down on fetishizing women in her own story? There is a lot of capable women in DM, Marcille and Falin being a couple, there being the canaries and a good portion of Shuros group, including izutsumi.
Lily probably didn’t finish or watch dungeon meshi at all. Even if she did, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was misandrist towards Laios. I shouldn’t explain why Laios is a good character and I won’t. Cuz I wanna go draw. 😀
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thelewdpokemanik · 5 months ago
Kryptik asked: I have a question for Komaru: Which of your brother's classmates would you be most willing to share him with? And how far DOES that brother complex go?
“I- I don’t have a brother complex!” Komaru protested vehemently, her cheeks blazing with her blush. “So- So I wouldn’t have any issues ‘sharing’ him with any of them!”
Komaru crossed her arms with a harrumph, before pausing. “W-Well, except for Sayaka. A-An idol should remain pure, right? I couldn’t actually be a part of ruining that.”
N-Not Hina either! I know Yuta, and it would just be weird to share my brother with his sister.
I- I also wouldn’t share with Sakura! She has a boyfriend, and I won’t be a part of any cheating!
Nor Kyoko! She’s way too mean to my brother, constantly acting all cold- And if Kyoko’s too mean, then Junko’s way too mean!
Not Mukuro either! She looks like the stalker type, and I don’t want my brother to be in trouble.
And for the same reason, it can’t be Celestia! She’d definitely try something in bed!
So, yeah! Any girls besides those- oh! Wait, I also wouldn’t share Makoto with Toko, but that’s because I wouldn’t share Toko- or Jill for that matter- with anybody, not even my brother! Or, well… Maybe if Makoto wanted to…”
Komaru shook her head. “Anyway, there. I’d share my brother if any girls in his class except for those!”
You stare at Komaru who smiles proudly, but when you open your mouth to say she disqualified every girl in Class 78-
Komaru blinks as she realizes something. “Wait, by classmates, did you only mean girls from Class 78, or were you including all the girls at Hope’s Peak?” She shakes her head vehemently at the thought. “Not that it matters! I DON’T have a brother complex, and I’d share Makoto with any girl at Hope’s Peak!
A beat. And then-
"Except for Tenko! That girl’s way too much of a misandrist to properly appreciate Makoto!
Or Chiaki! That girl also has a boyfriend, and I won’t help Makoto steal her away!
You decide to cut your losses and walk away as Komaru continues to disqualify every girl at Hope’s Peak. It was clear that you wouldn’t get a clear answer out of her.
Somehow, you don’t think she would actually protest if Makoto was the one to bring someone in bed, however~
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helpitsaskingmequestions · 2 years ago
Continuing the process of niche petty nitpicks of Wheel of TIme  there were some narrative choices for the  7 Ajah that make them (imo) uncertain in a way that I think could have been smoothed out in a way to make more narrative sense in terms of motivation, size and narrative framing. 
Reds - 
The Reds at least have a clear purpose in and out of the narrative as Aes Sedai that hunt male channelers & an antagonistic force against Moraine (Blue) and Rand (Male channeler). They’re problems largely come in how the text largely frames them as Narrative Heels but for Pevara & to some extent Teslyn and Silviana, all of whom are introduced fairly late. Even then, the Reds are largely characterised as 90s misandrists,n keeping with Alanna’s framing of the Reds as ‘hating men’ because that's what should define a group of women, how they relate to men. Then comes the size of the Reds - it’s been noted that there are less people who can channel being discovered, in part due to the Vileness and the culling of men who can channel by the Reds (and also Cansaune) yet the Reds are the largest Ajah. That the Reds have the strongest numbers is imo a very blunt object solution to 1) making the Blue’s more like an underdog and 2) have a large ground for Black Ajah. 
Changes that I think would have made the Reds more palatable from a worldbuild perspective 
Expand the purpose - the show did this, effectively making the Reds magic cops, which provides a more concrete cause for Reds to devote themselves to - hunting wayward Aes Sedai, men who can channel and Dark Friends. It would also help explain why there are so many Black Ajah in the Red - what better way to hide from the cops than to Be the cops?
Let them have Warders - there was no reason for them not to have warders, female or male or otherwise. 
Shrink their size - have the Reds be in the middle of the pack in terms of numbers, or else have them have a high casualty/fail rate that can be explained by difficult weaves & Black Ajah sisters etc. There is no logical reason for them to be that big. 
I mean ⅕ of all Aes Sedai Robert?
Don’t define them by ‘hating men’. Robert I am in your walls
Non-antagonist Reds early on - whether Pevara or Teslyn, just some calmer Reds, who do genuinely want to Hunt Dark-friends. Use the Wonder Girls time in the White Tower not just as a box tick, explore the Ajahs more.  
Show - on page - what a male channel who succumbed to the Taint looks like. The books give (imo) hints describing the Breaking but its not seen on page & I feel that this concrete example of why male channellers are cut off from the Source, why the Reds hunt them, and why people fear Rand/male channelers would be important considering we get a lot of on page stuff (Logain, Thom re his nephew) about the pain of gentling male channelers
Ah the Browns. Clean direct purpose. Narrative letting them fulfil that function. Ajah of Verin, the Best Character in Wheel of Time (no arguments to be taken on this point. I am simply Correct). I find very little to be changed with the Browns, though I do think that there should have been an exploratory division if this is the Ajah of knowledge. 
Also not entirely certain why the White/Grey/see Ajah colours post is separate from the Brown beyond the fact RJ was a physics major 
Best Ajah - should have had an Indiana Jones Brown/Orange sister finding Age of Legends stuff
That the Browns get warders makes the fact the Reds, a physical division actively fighting people, not having Warders more insane. Robert WHY
Should have schools/ travelling schools as well 
Why no Browns in Rand’s nerd school Robert?
Much like the Brown, a wonderfully defined Ajah, with a clear purpose in and out of universe.
Let them be nicer to Nynaeve
Black Yellows should have been allowed to go full Dr Moreau
Imagine fresh monsters
The Green Ajah - the Battle Ajah. imo Robert Jordan’s favourite Ajah considering 2 out of 3 of the Wondergirls chose the Green (even though Egg should have been Ajahless its fine I’m calm so Calm) and the Green get to ‘love men’ because as the narrative has made clear, how these groups of women from this administrative magical institution feel about Men is what is important. Also a fun experiment - check to see what colours get positive associations in the books - generally it’s blue, green and white (listed as Lan’s favourite colours for instance). The Greens are also an unfortunate victim of the Gender Stuff in WoT- the Battle Ajah don’t get weapons, but they can have lots of Men who can have weapons. Because they Love Men. 
Let them have weapons Robert ffs 
Active preparation for the Last Battle; should have the third most number of advisors/relationships in nations as Greys(Purples) and Blues. 
Why are they ignoring the Borderlands? This is their Job 
I think the show made a good case for the Greens and the Reds going to nab Logain
So why are the Greens more allied with the Blues than the Reds - other than Author Caveat
Elayne and Egwene shouldn’t have been Green. Neither should Cadsuane.
More Black sisters in the Green - if the Green are going to be fighting in the last battle it should be chock full of enemy agents  
What do the Blue do? They Hunt After Causes - but what does the Mean? No Really what does it mean, apart from being Vague and because RJ couldn’t say ‘they’re the Good ajah’ even though they only ‘like men’. Other than their complete lack of purpose, the Blues get a good history, a good selection of the Good/Great (Moraine) to the bad (Sheriam). The Show made a good change in making the Blue’s the spies of the White Tower, giving them a quasi opposing ideological approach to the head-first reds, and making the Alliance of Greens and Blues make more sense considering how much they would need to work together. 
If Egg must have an Ajah she should have been Blue 
The fact that blues removed the 2 Red Amyrlin’s, there should have been more arguments amongst the Ajah’s about how justified they were/the justice of that 
Lean into the Reds being Cops and Blues being spies/activist/journalists/internal affairs with a habit of exposing/attempting to expose other sister’s misbehaviour 
Have Blue sisters attempting to uncover the Vileness in a way that actually sets it up as a mystery to be solved, not another plot thread among thousands
I have a Bee in my Bonnet about the Vileness  if you couldn’t tell 
Make the Blues less of an protagonist situation - oh they have the second smallest numbers But the Most Amyrlins and a lot of influence because they’re the opposite of the Reds 
Grey/Purple Ajah 
They have purpose If only the narrative would let them fulfil that purpose. Instead Elaida is a Red so political advisors can be any colour so why?
Also why are they always bad at their jobs
Should have been the largest Ajah change my mind 
White/Grey Ajah 
I understand they have a purpose 
I just don’t understand why/how it is different to the Brown’s search for knowledge 
They’re apparently philosophers as well so it's not a STE(M) v Arts situation
Why Robert 
You didn’t have the Seven Ajahs have the Seven colours why are they Here? 
Because Alviarin being White and the Head Black was a fun twist? 
You did that colour twist with Lanfear already 
What this Ajah needed was a major character who wasn’t Black
Like Give Rand an advisor who is this Ajah during his spiral 
Or Give Egg some prominent sisters of this Ajah? 
Have their theoretical magic that they do have an impact
Or give them the prophecies / religious theorisation - aka a reason for them to be in this story at all 
Black Ajah
There is no Black Ajah what are you talking about 
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the-insufferable-woman · 1 month ago
November 25th, 26th, 2024
November 25th, 2024 - 1:52 PM
On the day of the election, my For You Page on TikTok was full of people telling me to hold on, that this was just the "red mirage," that the "blue shift" was going to happen, and that we shouldn’t worry, that everything was going to work out. There was this collective hope that, even though the numbers looked bad, things would turn around. It was like everyone was clinging to that sliver of hope, that one last thing we could hold onto before it was all too real. I remember watching those TikToks and thinking, Okay, maybe this is just the calm before the storm. Maybe it’s not over yet.
But as I watched the numbers trickle in, my gut dropped lower and lower. The “blue shift” never came. The red mirage stayed, and it was no longer a mirage—it was reality. Trump had won. Again. 
The day after the election, I went back to TikTok, thinking maybe I could find some sort of comfort, some silver lining, something to make sense of it all. But instead, my FYP was full of shock, anger, and fear. The posts were filled with raw emotion—raw, real, unfiltered emotions—and all I could do was scroll, trying to process the same feelings that were pouring out of the people I follow.
TikToks like:
"How everything feels watching my rights dissolve in real time" - @urfaveetwink_
"He lost and all they felt was rage. She lost and all I feel is fear" - @mailealexa
"Me pretending to act shocked when a racist predator wins the election as if the foundation of our nation was not built on those exact values (genocide, slavery, and misogyny)" - @celebg0ss
"Was I living in a social media bubble wtf went wrong?" - @elbyjo
"No longer a palatable liberal" - @maadi_city
"Me going from an annoying feminist to a D1 misandrist after this election" - @backwooodbaby
"The sadness is morphing into anger. I have never felt female rage like this." - @annashlap
"Group of guys next to me talking about e-bikes… group of girls walking by talking about how they cried all morning" - @kelsey_kotzur
"When I see someone post ‘don’t let politics affect friendships’ on my feed" and the sound is “I gotta Ku Klux Klan member on my page. Let me block this Ku Klux Klan member.”
"Me going on an unfollowing spree bc it is in fact that deep" - @zappyh.dj
"Get ready for me to become the most unbearable woman you’ll ever meet" - @nasal.spray.addict
"Girlhood in 2024 is holding your roommate who is also a queer woman while drunkenly crying over the election" - @cool.guylar
"Have passed 4 other people sobbing on the way to work. I hate it here" - @laurencahoone
"Slide 1: ‘Middle schoolers today experiencing Trump’s win for the first time, just like we did at their age.’ Slide 2: ‘Us now, current college students watching it all happen over again’" - @__erbear
"How many melatonin gummies will it take and what kind of technology do I need to acquire to be unconscious until 2028" - @notmiaalexander
"American core is watching the election and fearing your rights will be taken away but also worrying about a midterm cause you need good grades to get a degree that won’t even mean anything because it won’t get you a good job because the economy is declining" - @froyoyoyolo
The posts were everywhere—raw, unfiltered, heartbreaking, and yet, there was something comforting about seeing that it wasn’t just me who felt like this. There was this collective shock and grief in the air, like everyone had been hit by the same reality, but no one was prepared for it.
But here’s the thing: I saw these TikToks on the day after the election, maybe the day after that, but today? Today, when I scroll through my FYP? They’re gone. Completely gone. Not just the posts from people grieving or processing—everything related to the election. All of it. Gone. It’s like they’ve been erased. Censored. Maybe it’s a coincidence. Maybe it’s not. But all I know is that in the span of just a few days, the conversations about the election, the fears, the raw emotions, have been wiped from the face of the app. Maybe it’s just me being paranoid, but something about it feels… off.
November 26th, 2024 - 8:31 AM
I can’t stop thinking about those TikToks. 
Watching everything slip away, one vote at a time. Watching people choose a man who represents everything that’s wrong with this country—racism, misogyny, cruelty—and somehow, he still wins. It doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t seem fair. And yet here we are.
The part that stings the most is how she lost. Kamala Harris, someone who gave me hope—who I thought represented something different—lost. 
I’m sad for all the women, the queer people, the marginalized communities who will suffer more because of this. I’m sad because it feels like we’re trapped in this loop where nothing changes, and the people who need help the most are always the ones left behind.
I guess this is the hardest part: realizing that the world doesn’t stop turning just because I’m grieving.
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blackoutbugza · 1 year ago
hey beetles!
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hey there! my name’s blackoutbugza. 
“what do i call you?”
you can call me by my username, or you can call me by my nicknames: bugza, bob, and cam. :)
“who is your target audience?”
my blog is mostly ages 13+ for explicit language, in-character art which may involve sensitive content such as blood, knives, scissors, cuts, scars, suicide, sexual innuendo, injuries, or even death. this sounds like an ad for medicine. of course, i will have warnings on my posts if any of these apply to them. 
(note: 13+ DOES NOT mean 18+. please keep this in mind, im still a minor too.)
“what fandoms are you in?”
in order from most to least currently hyperfixated:
sanders sides
bfdi/osc community
bee and puppycat
south park
spooky month
five nights at freddy’s
scott pilgrim
stanley parable
^i’m more than happy to talk about any of these fandoms if you’re interested!
“do you support multishippers?”
yes! i find no harm in shipping someone with more than one person (if they’re not anyone from real life). in fact, i’m a multishipper myself!
“do you take art requests?”
you betcha! any day, any time. but i do have some rules however for what i can and cannot draw for you:
i’m totally okay with ship art. as long as it’s not anything involving p*dophelia, inc*st, r*cism, some kind of f*tish, or anything else falling under that umbrella.
following that “ship art” thing, poly ships are just as valid too. follow the the rules as rule 1 please.
although i may post this art from time to time on my own, i will not do any personal OCs or AUs. i love them very much and you have interesting characters, but this is basically the equivalent to asking, “can you draw me?”
i can draw theories as long as they’re not harmful ones, and as long as they at least make sense.
i won’t take requests for any fandom outside of the list i have above. (however of course, let’s if you wanted a sanders sides art request and you asked for emile picani or remy sleep, that would be fine since sanders sides, the sleep shorts, and cartoon therapy are all in the same universe.)
“who’s on your DNI list?”
p*dophiles, inc*sts, pro-lifers, anyone who will go out of their way to hate on furries or alterhumans (or claims they are the same), harmful f*tish artists/enjoyers, NSFW artists/enjoyers, r*cists, misogynists and misandrists, ableists, homophobes, transphobes, or anyone pro-israel. ^anyone who interacts with me who’s on this list WILL be unfollowed/blocked, and will not receive any sort of contact from me.
“what if i have a question you don’t answer in this introduction post?”
my “send art requests!” button also works as an answering service for any further questions you may have.
“what sanders sides ships will you and will you not do art requests for?”
(not in order from favorites)
karrot kings
literally anything else as long as it’s not in the wont list
what’s your favorite color(s)?”
peach, ivory, mango orange, and taupe :)
“why do you only talk in lowercase?”
because i can
“dogs or cats?”
“what’s your favorite holiday?”
i like my birthday!
“are you dating someone?”
nope ;_;
“what’s your favorite object show(s)?”
hfjone, happy star’s gtos, xfohv/the subscriber count, tdos, and the nightly manor
“who’s your favorite sanders sides character(s)?”
logan and c!joan (it may seem like it’s remus but he’s just the funnest to draw)
“why do you take so long to answer art requests?”
i’m lazy (and dried of motivation)
“what’s your favorite pattycake style?”
peppermint patty
“what’s your favorite pokémon?”
mimikyu (basic autism stuff ik)
“oh! do you have autism?”
“what’s your favorite breakfast food?”
“how do you color your art?”
i make 3 layers. top layer is for outline, bottom layer is for the coloring, and the middle layer is for potential shading or watermarks i may want to remove.
“why did you make a tumblr acc?”
i wanted to post my art on a platform where sanders sides is fairly known and the fandom is stable.
“what’s your favorite book series?”
i don’t like reading :/ if i had to choose one it would probably be the fazbear frights books
“favorite musical artist(s)?”
jack stauber, madilyn mei, tally hall, thomas sanders (if he counts-)
“friends you wanna tag?”
(anyone who wants to be added/removed just message me & i’ll do it)
i think that’s all. you know the drill.
drink water, eat a snack, take a shower, brush those teeth, and love yourself so much you can shatter the multiverse with just how much you can say “i love me” and mean it. (that would be funny if that actually happened be the one to do it pls)
seriously though. love you.
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catgirlforeskin · 9 months ago
can you please stfu about forcemasc? 
i'm transfem and it has been a kink of mine FOR SEVERAL YEARS (mostly inside my head as fantasies because i was too afraid to verbalize it and share it with anybody [and with the way other transfems like you demonize it, i see why i kept these fantasies to myself for so long :/], and the recent boom in its popularity does make me happy, even if it comes from transmascs and not my own demographic. 
forcefem does nothing for me because i have been naturally feminine from a young age and openly displayed that femininity. unlike many other transfems, i never repressed my femininity and i refused to conform to standards of cishetero male masculinity. so the "force" part just turns me off, because there's no erotic appeal to forcing femininity on myself as a "release" for me. because i have been openly feminine since i could talk. 
however, from a young age, i did end up brewing a bitter resentment towards masculinity and men, mostly as a result of how boys and men treated me for refusing to be masculine and being feminine as an amab. 
i was already non-masculine by default, but their abuse and scorn as a reaction to that only made me despise masculinity and all things male even more. 
even though i don't believe misandry is real, i began calling myself "misandrist" and adopted radfem-lite beliefs (unsupervised internet access as a kid is a blessing and a curse at the same time). 
i began hating boys and men so much, which soon caused me a great deal of pain, because when puberty arrived, i discovered i was sexually and romantically attracted to them. 
this contradiction of being attracted to boys/men, but also hating them because i believed they were inherently cruel violent mean and evil caused me SO MUCH PAIN as a teenager, on top of the dysphoria i was already struggling with (luckily i had a pretty weak puberty but i was still dysphoric about my height). i felt like a hypocrite and a pathetic coward for falling in love with the same people who tormented me since i was a kid, because i thought all boys/men were violent and evil by default, because i thought that was what it meant to be a boy/man.  
what does this have to do with forcemasc?  
forcemasc is a fantasy for me. it's therapeutic for me. it makes me feel more comfortable in my skin. 
it's a "release" for me in the sense that enables me to let go of these unhealthy, hateful beliefs i've held since i was a child (which only end up hurting me), and also feel at peace and more accepting of my attraction to men, as well as discover new sides to who i am. 
the idea of trusting a partner enough and us being intimate enough for me to allow him to make me explore a more masculine side of myself when i am with him is a very powerful fantasy to me. not only do i feel at ease with his natural masculinity, but also with myself uncovering different aspects of my being which are masculine. and both of us are being masculine together in that moment and deepening our relationship that way, even though he is a man and i am still a trans woman. i trust him enough to display a more masculine side of myself around him. 
because imo, most people, regardless of gender, have both feminine and masculine traits. and even if i am 99% feminine and was completely avoidant of masculinity my entire life, the "forcemasc" kink is all about connecting with that 1% and deepening my bond with my male partner in the process.
you're a transbian so you don't understand it, but guess what? some of us are straight. some of us like men. i really hope that isn't what upsets you so much.
transfem experiences are not monolithic. even if i'm the only transfem in the world who likes forcemasc (which i highly doubt, but whatever), i deserve a space for my fantasies.
please don't rain on my parade.
I think “forcemasc” is a psyop to get more people to play Overwatch or something what even is this why are people suddenly yelling at me about it. I don’t care if people wanna have sex with cargo shorts on and fuck through the zipper.
That being said, straight sex is an unforgivable sin and any caught practicing it should be tied to the backs of horses and dragged through gravel
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trans-wojak · 1 year ago
Cool so if misandrist anon gets to be a hateful bitch to all men do i get my get out of jail free misogynist card? I've been sexually harrassed as a 10 year old by both, but men were forced to apologize to me by other men and women, while if i was harassed by women, they thought they did absolutely nothing wrong even though i felt way more violated. I was only ever groped by women in my whole entire life. It heavily affected how my sexual orientation manifests (my attraction to women can be uncomfortable because of fear of them breaching my boundaries and treating it as an innocent joke). Men are always friendly and speak kindly to me at work but women keep taking out their anger from home at me. My boss is completely ostracised by women at work because she (yes, my boss is a woman! And her boss is a woman too!) reminds them of company policies when they get ridiculous with their demands, like wanting to have double break time compared to other departments and do no extra work to make up for it. We have one other man in the department and they keep emotionally manipulating him into working second shift in the evenings week after week because they don't want to do it, despite it being literally part of their job to be on rotation for the second shift (he shouldn't be doing this because it breaks worker safety laws).
Radfems are so fucking stupid it's unreal
Literally, like I’m technically bisexual but I have a preference for men. But I also find it’s just too hard to date women, I always constantly got put down for the same behaviours THEY do (being open about attraction and talking openly about sex). One time when I lived in shared housing, it was predominantly with women and we had music videos playing. A chick appeared wearing short shorts and I said “hell yeah” - I immediately got attacked by the girls in the room, along with my ex girlfriend trying to tell me I don’t need to be a womaniser to “act like a cis man” to be a man. While those same women would sit around discussing in detail how much they love big cocks, eating ass and licking out pussy.
I’ve been groped by a woman before, and when I tried to tell people in the friend group they told me it was my own fault for not speaking up when it happened and she didn’t really mean it. But if a man did that, they would have called him a violent rapist. Like, I wasn’t even trying to get her to be “cancelled” I’m pretty sure some of it was a misunderstanding cause I went into freeze mode but when I told her about it, she blew me off and tried to say if I don’t speak up it’s my own fault.
Also, whenever I rejected sexual advances from ex girlfriends cause I wasn’t in the mood they would start accusing me of not thinking they’re pretty/hot and I’m like no I just don’t feel like it. I wasn’t given any gentle affection, it always was assumed I wanted sexual intercourse if I was affectionate when really I just wanted to cuddle.
I swear some women will use the fact they have kids to get out of doing their part at work. It’s one thing for people to be courteous and help out but to basically force others to take all the “bad” shifts is so frustrating. Especially when these days, both parents work. And women are allowed to be verbally aggressive and no one thinks is wrong, but if a guy does it everyone acts like it’s the same as physical violence. Whereas for me, I see it the same way. At the share house, one of the women and me got into an argument. She started yelling, screaming and throwing things. I told her let’s stop please, this is scaring me. She started laughing at me and got even MORE aggressive. Like I had to threaten to call the police to get her to stop.
I try very hard to be conscious, I’m on the spectrum and at times I don’t realise the volume of my voice. Especially when I feel strong emotions. When women have told me it’s making them uncomfortable, I ask why (cause I don’t realise my voice volume) and they accuse me of pretending to not know.
Being an autistic man is harder than an autistic woman. Autistic women are seen as cute, quirky and shown sympathy for mishaps in social interactions. People assume the best intentions from them. But autistic men are seen as creepy and full of ill motives. My life was easier when I was a girl cause no one treated me with all these rigid boxes. Now I’m treated as a fucking creep automatically.
I see women as people and people can be crappy. They aren’t special. They shouldn’t be granted special treatment just for being a woman.
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plumsaffron · 6 months ago
Psst! I hope you don’t mind me sharing some dark/maybe offensive jokes about the ML Salters and rabid dogs of the fandom! I couldn’t resist poking fun of them here! I may be a neutral person in fandom matters but I can criticize canon/fandom whenever I feel like it.
Too much salt? Hope y’all don’t get cardiac arrest later on!
Delusional behaviors? The asylums/mental hospitals are going to be overcrowded and make other patients look sane!
Wait, why are some of y’all bitching about Adrien? I don’t see similar personality male characters from other franchises get criticized as bad as him. Maybe y’all might be secret misandrists who’d rather have strong-willed men over “spineless weak-willed fools?”
Not satisfied with canon? Just go watch other series that don’t piss you off that much. Then maybe canon will slowly die out and we all can throw a party at the stupid show ending. It’s not that hard to lessen the attention of a badly written series when we could glaze better shows.
Are y’all a plague or something? Then go get cured bc naive new users are going to get infected by your lies and negativity!
Why are y’all so negative and hateful? Did y’all forgot other franchises/series’ existences that made you happier instead?
Why are y’all so obsessed with Lila getting hurt or killed? Did she actually remind you of a high school bully in RL or smth? You should take a chill pill after all.
Sheesh, the Lila haters make the Mineta haters look like saints bc at least I didn’t hear the latter driving ppl to off themselves over having different opinions!
It’s fine. I don’t mind.
The true nature of the unstable weak willed watchers/viewers/fandom should be known.
They find strange ways to transcend whatever they hate that occurs.
Or subserviently encouraging or absorbing the way of the true protagonist’s dangerous self endangering habits (ignoring the environment too or Hawk Moth’s terrorist playground or her and allies experiences clearly knowing how easy it is for Hawk Moth to get a victim and endanger everyone’s future).
It’s a big problem when people believe protagonist is the right path to be aligned to and the antagonist side is inherently invalid. It makes me wonder if other shows they watched or some groups of people or public figures, tricked them so badly into thinking protagonist is hero exclusive can’t be seen as doing any harm (even if it shows in their faces enough times the opposite).
Honestly, I’m unsure how one tricks themselves into believe Lila's a reminder of who they met in real life. Must be a bunch editing and cropping context to make her fit in their inserts because if they didn’t modify the context, it would mean either they started it and kept chasing after her, willing to do anything instead of leave her alone or avoid such irl enemy. Or the worst case, they are secretly the victim, Lila, but they think they were harmed by Lila but it was actually their aggressor, Marinette but they foam at the idea of their hero as doing wrong.
Then again I guess it’s not hard considering Haze Clarke deluded herself into believing Kagami bullied Marinette and reminds her of being bullied when in actuality it was Marinette seeing Kagami as a Lila replacement in her mind and attempting to put down Kagami.
Seems 1 + 0 = 2 in their minds.
But yeah, they do love being everything they hate it appears and they don’t care who gets harmed or affected despite seeing who has been harmed and affected.
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xxchromies · 6 months ago
I’m female and I think I actually see men the way they see us. I find it arousing when men get hurt especially when they’re young or vulnerable. Like, I saved a video of a disabled teenager falling into water and starting to drown, and I’m not mad at him or anything, I think he’s totally innocent, but that’s part of why it was arousing to see how humiliated and helpless and scared he was. I don’t hate him at all, nor do I feel concerned for him, I just feel compelled to seek out more of this sort of thing because it makes me feel fascinated and aroused. And that seems to be how men feel about us. They aren’t concerned about justice or the quality of our character, they are just aroused by seeing us suffer.
I don’t know if any other women actually feel this way. Most can’t wrap their heads around true dehumanization. I think this is a good thing, but I think we should stop pretending women will ever feel the same way toward men as they feel about us. On the rare occasion that one of us feels that way, she will face complete ostracization and outrage even from self proclaimed “misandrists” because women do not actually want innocent males to be hurt. They want rapists to get what they deserve, but they don’t want innocent and vulnerable males to be hurt for their amusement. And we shouldn’t try to pretend otherwise. It’s very, very rare for any woman to see men the way most of them see us. Even the thought of it is completely repulsive to 99% of women. You might want bad people to get what they deserve, but you don’t actually enjoy watching random innocent males suffer.
I mean, unfortunately I do think it's kinda fucked up stuff like that arouses you. I encourage you to explore why you feel this way. But like you said, what you're feeling seems very different than how a lot of men feel about violent videos of women. A lot of men like that stuff because they genuinely hate women to their core. I wonder if maybe you like stuff like that because it feels like "revenge" for misogyny. While it would still be fucked up it's very different than men's feelings because your feelings originate from real-world oppression and their feelings originate from being the oppressor in the real world.
I also kinda wonder if it arouses you because it inspires some sort of protective instinct in you. Like, it if it arouses you because it makes feel a lot of overwhelming sympathy. Or maybe it's because you realize that in the moment you have so much power over this guy, you have the power to help him and heal him. I'm not attracted to whump stuff personally but I can think of one time I felt somewhat similar. When I watched Jennifer's Body and saw the scene where Jennifer tried to hurt the boyfriend and he gets all injured and fucked up I was like...huh... I felt the urge to nurse him back to health and have him depend on me. I wonder if it partly comes from the expectation put on us to be nurturers. I feel like I see a lot of women talk about stuff like this but then they actually explain their reasoning and it's like...I think you just wanna heal people. Not comparable to what men feel.
Whatever the reason behind this feeling, men feel it to a much greater degree and frequency. You should look into why you feel this way, though.
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themorbidart · 1 year ago
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Another update for Trugr. Genuinely hapy with how he’s coming along and I can’t wait to add the final details when i get home. :3c
More info below the cut:
He was abandoned as a child and brought into slavery because of it. He fought his way into higher and higher positions until he earned himself freedom of his bonds and became a warrior. He proved himself time and again until he became decorated in battle, undefeated, which is almost unheard of in Volsk culture.
His ruthlessness in battle became legendary and there’s quite a few stories about him, none of which he cares to elaborate on.
He’d rather drink ale and mead and fall asleep in his drunken stupor after a long day’s work than spin a tale for random people he doesn’t care anything for. He’s a man of few words and fewer boasts. Everything he says is presented as plainly as possible and it’s earned him even a few more legends about thrashing random passerbys for seeimingly little slights.
Since Volsk is a misandrist country, he’s one of the few men who’s earned enough respect to be considered equal to his female peers. He stays quiet in meetings, seemingly respectful of his betters, and offers advice only when asked or when absolutely necessary. That being said, it doesn’t mean that the nobles particularly like sharing a table head with a slave man turned war hero.
His hands are rated E for everyone and he’s not afraid to stand up to his female peers and cow them and they don’t like him because he stands down to no one.
He’s received countless marriage offers and he’s refused them all. He’s not interested in being breeding stock for a woman who wants warrior children.
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martini-garnish · 1 year ago
mg!! genuinely curious omg who’s your favorite character? i don’t remember you mentioning it ever
HI THANK U FOR ASK ILY. I am succumbing to the pestilence and must occupy my time witch activities that don't insight vertigo. ok so this is going to be way longer than necessary but I am soooo so bad at picking favorites because I have different flavors of favorite like. most interesting character in my brain? Alastor. he's like the guy ever. I need to know what his motives are I need to know what the fuck is wrong with him. He has a furby organ. He's a misandrist. He loves his mommy. He put an entire swamp into his room inside of a hotel building. I need to study him. I built my most developed hazbin oc to project my silly little ace4ace qpr onto him with like some sort of harlot.
BUT ALSO. you KNOW I have my weird obsession with Eve where I'm constantly fighting myself not to just fill in the gaps for her before she's even in the series but it is so hard to not to. It is so hard not to OCify this current blank slate of a character. I need to give her a mug that says #1 boy mom, because she technically was that.
AND Vox and Lucifer are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum of "men who behave pathetically in such a way that despite being ace I need to rail within an inch of their lives" You have witnessed my thoughts on these men before.
BUT the flavor of fave that means I need to start making a silly little cosplay to wear to a silly little convention someday? Rosie. Hands down. She's fucking awesome. I expected to like her I did not expect to be like "I need to be her at an in character convention even immediately". It is legitimately distressing to me that I cant wear sclera contacts because I need to find a way.
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