#i don’t actually really like blonde roast tho ‘-‘
phinnkipper · 1 year
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The name’s Blonde. James Blonde.
Get it ‘cause, like, blonde roasted coffee beans… heh heh heh… yeah… >\\\<
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shadowbriar · 12 days
Matt Murdock - Waste My Time I
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Pairing : Matt Murdock x (she/her)Reader  Word Count : 4.6k Warning : Some curses. Fluff. Some cliff hanger, I think? Sets on Matt's uni years. Notes : I will do some updates on the prologue to better fit the plot. Let me know if you wanna be tagged for future chapters. Cheers! x If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
↞ Prologue
The smell of sugar and roasted beans were thick in the air. The establishment was packed with people. It wasn’t the usual cafe Matt and Foggy would go to. No, the cheap coffee truck on the way to the campus or perhaps the vending machine by their Advanced Constitutional Law class would do to grab a cup of americano from, but today isn’t one of those days. 
Today is one of those days when Foggy would drag him to the other side of the city just to pick up some special sandwich that would guarantee a forgiveness pass from Marci. Today is one of those days when Foggy would pay for his americano, only to forget his wallet by the bedside table. Today is one of those days when Foggy would have to make another promise to pay for his meal as the blonde had to bail and run to give Marci her sandwich.
Now Matt, ever the understanding friend, certainly paid no mind with all of the troubles Foggy dragged him into this morning. He figured he could use the long way to his classes this morning. To try and see what exactly is on the other side of the campus when the sun is still out. When he was in his normal clothes and not hunting robbers. When he could actually be Matt Murdock and not the Daredevil.
But now standing by the side aisle to pick up his order, Matt knew that the lady who was too busy arguing on the phone with who seems to be a disastrous ex-husband, accidentally picked up his americano and left him with what smells to be a matcha latte with twice if not thrice the normal sugar level.
Matt’s lips pout a little. He’s certainly not in the mood to jump start his day with a lethal dose of diabetes, but Foggy’s left minutes ago and he couldn’t just call the barista to exchange his order without actually tasting the beverage. What excuse would he give? That he could smell that the drink in his hand isn’t what he ordered?
“Hi, sorry,” A voice of salvation echoes from his right. A woman who’s now approaching him with a gentle voice greets. Matt could taste the uncertainty in her tone, how her heart beats a little awkwardly as if she wasn’t sure if she was doing the right thing yet she does it anyway “I’m really sorry to be coming off as a creep like this, but I don’t think that’s your order.”
“No?” Matt asks with a raised eyebrow.
“No, I think the lady before you mistook your order.” She explained, taking the cup away from his hand “I overheard your order with your friend earlier, I was queueing behind you. You ordered an americano, right? This is a hot matcha.”
“Oh,” Matt says, feigning surprise “I wouldn’t have known.”
“Yeah.. Here, you can take my americano.” She offers, pushing her cup to his hand “I haven’t touched it or anything, I promise. It’s clean.”
“No, it’s fine I can just ask the barista—” Matt’s words were interrupted when his phone beeped, followed by the automatic reminder: his Conflict of Laws class starts in five minutes “Shit.”
“Yeah, just take it,” She insists “I’ll ask the barista to redo my order. It’s fine, really.”
“Thank you.” Matt says, accepting the warm cup at last “I appreciate it.”
“It’s no big deal.”
Matt wanted to prolong their conversation. She seems to be a genuinely kind person. Had he not been in a rush for being on the other side of the campus and having to come to class on time as Professor Barton would lock the door a second past nine, he would have stayed and continued talking to this one kind soul. At the very least, he would have asked for her name and asked if he could repay her kindness, perhaps with a slice of pizza and cold beer after class. But today isn’t one of those days.
Today is one of those days when he passed by someone he would wish he had more time to spare with. Today is one of those days when he met someone he would think of longer than the time he spent with said person. Today is one of those days when he hoped that he would meet her again.
Her hair was dishevelled. She dares not to look at the time as it would only fuel her anxiety even worse. She planned to have her essays done before the clock strikes nine, but it has been hours since and she could barely call herself half way there.
The bigger side of the library has now turned dark. Students have retreated back to their bedrooms or have found themselves better things to waste the night with. It was Friday, afterall. Most wouldn’t even think of stepping their foot inside for the night, yet here she is, trying her best to stay afloat on the ocean of assignments that she’s evidently drowning in.
But when she was ready to take the consolation prize for being the most pathetic student of the year, a boy took the seat in front of her. He took out the things from his bag—several heavy textbooks and a laptop—as he tried to find comfort on the table, completely oblivious to her presence.
It was that boy. The boy she helped the other day in the cafe. Well, the word help would certainly be an overstatement as she only pointed out that he was holding the wrong order and offered hers in replacement, but she had a slight nervousness in her bones as she felt it was overstepping of her when she offered the proposal, so thinking that she was helping him feels a little rewarding and helped soothe her nerves a little.
She silently stares at him as he continues his work. His fingers trace the braille on his textbooks, mouth slightly moving as he tries to read the passages. The boy was beautiful to say the least. Like a beautiful painting you wouldn’t grow bored of even after hours of staring. The soft light of the library was hitting his face in all the right directions, enhancing his features that truthfully need no betterment yet it accentuates his beauty nonetheless.
Five if not fifteen minutes after her staring, she realises that she has to make her presence known. She wouldn’t want him to be startled if she makes any noises or movements, or worse makes him feel unsafe by her stealthy actions. The last thing she would want is to make him feel like she was a threat instead of a friend.
She taps on the table lightly, catching his attention, “Uh, I just want to let you know that you’re not alone at this table.”
“Oh, right,” The boy answers “Should I move?”
“No, no! I just wanted to let you know, that’s all. Please don’t move.” She says fast.
The boy’s lips curved into a smile but his brows knitted, “I’m sorry, have we met before? You sound familiar.”
“Uh, yeah, I’m the girl from the cafe,” She says, the same uncertainty lacing her tone “I swear I’m not trying to stalk you or anything. I just happen to be in the same place you are for some reason.”
“I never thought of you as one,” The boy says with a smile “I’m Matt, by the way.”
She tells him her name.
Matt whispers her name, letting it roll on his tongue like it’s going to settle for a long time there, “I don’t mean to be rude, but what are you doing in a library on a Friday?”
“The same reason as you have, I’m sure.” She says with a sigh, not wanting to elaborate “What major are you taking?”
“Law, you?”
“International Affairs.” She answered, biting on her pencil as she judged him “Law, huh? Well, aren’t you a smarty pants.”
Matt chuckles. 
Her heart skipped a beat.
Stupid heart.
“Listen,” Matt says after a visible nervous lick of his lips “I hope this isn’t too straight forward, but I really appreciate what you did the other day, and I figured I owe you some form of gratitude, so I was wondering if.. You’d be free some time soon? Maybe this weekend? We can grab some food and sit by the park or do whatever it is you find amusing.”
Her smile grows, “Are you asking me for a date?”
“No, I’m showing you my gratitude,” He argues “But masked as a date, yes.”
It was practically impossible for her to bite down her grin by now. Eternally grateful that most of the lights in the library are out and that he couldn’t see the stupid smile on her face. She was sure that her cheeks were red and that her eyes were as big as puppy’s with how charming Matt is. Exactly how more perfect can the man sitting in front of her be? Beautiful face, delightful talking, and certainly a brilliant mind. At this point he could either be her knight in shining armour or a complete psychopath, no in between.
“So.. Would you have any free time?”
“How’s next week? Friday?”
Matt nods, smiling softly, “Friday it is.”
Days leading up to the date passed as slow as it could get, even when they were spent by meeting her at the library before his night patrols. Matt knew that it was practically wrong of him to insert himself in her life. To come uninvited to her table that night, acting as if he didn’t know it was her nor did he not know of her presence, but in his defence, he didn’t deliberately plan to meet her. It only so happened that he finished his nightly patrol quickly that night and that she was in the library when he initially wanted to spend the rest of the night finishing his paperworks.
At that moment, he thought that God was aligning their stars. It wasn’t everyday that he had the urge to finish patrol early. It wasn’t everynight that he wanted to spend the rest of the night in the library. It certainly wasn’t every Friday that he would find her there. In fact, he couldn’t recall if she’s ever been to the library before. He would’ve caught the familiarity of her scent at the cafe if she was a regular there.
Though Matt knew that he couldn’t offer much to her, not his full time nor attention as they’re both reserved to keeping Hell’s Kitchen a little safer each night, Matt was willing to give everything he has left to get to know her better. It wasn’t everyday he could meet someone who would treat her with kindness that is pacifying without any hint of humiliation. She knows just the right amount of care to show without having to walk on eggshells around him and that’s something Matt very much appreciates.
All of it felt like it was meant to be. That he was meant to get that wrong order and that she was to intervene and rescue him from that God awful latte. It felt like he was meant to go to the library that night and meet her once again. And it certainly felt like their date tonight was meant to happen.
“Oh, this is gold,” She moans as she takes another bite of their pizza.
Matt smiles, satisfied to hear her blissful commentary, “It’s good, isn’t it?”
“The best,” She says shortly. There was a sudden silence from her and Matt wonders if something had happened but she quickly speaks “Uh, you’ve got.. Um, you’ve got some sauce on your lips.”
“Yeah?” Matt asks, his free hand wiping the sides of his lips.
“It’s still there. I think it’s dried a little,” She says, that hint of uncertainty reappearing in her voice “Can I just?”
“Yeah, go for it.”
And she wipes the corner of his lips gently. The warmth of his skin was in contrast to the cold wind that gushed their way and it only amplified the butterflies in her stomach as their skin made contact. Supposed he felt the unexpected jolt of electricity too because his jaw tenses a little before he lets out a sigh when she finishes wiping his lips.
“Thanks.” Matt whispers with a smile.
She didn’t say a word, only humming a little to show response.
Had Matt not have his heightened senses, he would have thought that something wrong happened but he could hear the not-so-steady beat of her heart and how her body heat rises a little. She was just nervous, just as much, if not less erratic than he is. If only she could feel his heart and hear just how loudly it’s beating right now, acting as if it’s trying to burst forth his ribcage, she would perhaps feel a little less agitated.
It was too soon to say, but Matt couldn’t ignore all the blissful connections they’ve shared. He felt as if he’s finally met his match. The knot to his strings, the solace to his rage. He knew that there’s still so many layers of himself that he’s yet to show her, the sides of Matt Murdock and Daredevil that he’s yet to expose to her, but for reasons he couldn’t explain, he felt like he could take his time and savour the moment as it unfolds.
A little egoistic of him, but what exactly can he do at the time?
“This is great,” She says, breaking his train of thought “I very much enjoyed tonight.”
“Oh no, are we reaching the end of the night?”
“No,” She chuckles, shaking her head “I just wanted to say it, just in case I forget to and you wonder if I’m having a great time or not.”
Matt grins, his heart swells in pride and joy, “I’m having a great time, too.”
The night passes far too fast for either of their liking. There seems to be a never ending topic for the both of them to discuss. From the major they’re taking, their roommates, down to how honking your car is illegal here in New York, everything feels like an interesting subject to dissect. Like an overflowing flow of soft ripples that hit your ankles on the beach shore. Soothing and intriguing at the same time.
Both their feet now carry them around the city, directionless yet certainly not lost. She was clutching on his arm, trying to make sure that he wouldn’t trip as they walked through the park and around the neighbourhood. For most it would certainly be the most bland date as neither of them knew where to go nor what to do, but neither of them had any complaints. It was perfect as it is.
Until it wasn’t.
Matt could feel the sudden spike of her heartbeat. Whoever it is that’s standing by the porch, whoever’s house party it is that they stumbled upon, she certainly didn’t have any intention to join nor stopped by at it, yet from the sweat that’s starting to build on her skin, he knew that she has to.
“About time you appear!” Some girl yells, clearly directed at her.
“Shoot,” She mutters, sounding like she was caught red handed over some crime he wasn’t sure about “She’s going to have my head on a spike for this one.”
“Is everything okay?” Matt asks, his brows knitted in confusion.
“Yeah, it’s just my friend’s birthday and I— Fuck,” She curses, running a hand through her hair “I completely forgot it’s today.”
Matt forces a smile, “It’s fine, we can call it a night.”
“No, I’ll be right back,” She whispers to him, squeezing his arm a little before she jogs a little to the group of people on the porch.
“Oh, you’re in so much trouble,” One of the girls says as she approaches them “Gaby’s been asking for you for hours! Your phone’s dead, we couldn’t reach you—,”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” She apologises, she was honest with her apology, Matt could hear it in her heartbeat “I completely forgot about her birthday party, and I double booked tonight, and I just—”
“So you chose to bail on your best friend's birthday instead?” Her friend argues.
“I mean, he’s cute, I would totally bail on Gaby’s birthday too,” Her other friend commented, making Matt smile a little “Who’s he? I didn’t know you’re seeing someone.”
“I— It’s a long story, okay? I’ll tell you guys later,” She frantically says, trying to save herself from the wrath of her friends “I’ll call it a night with him. Please don’t tell Gaby that I forgot about her birthday, okay? Just tell her I overslept or something.”
Matt bites the inner of his cheek. One of the downplay of hearing every and each conversation others have is knowing what’s to come before it actually hits you. Sure it might come as useful for certain times, but Matt was reluctant to bid his goodbye just yet. He wanted the night to last just a little bit longer, to feel her presence just a few hours longer and to walk around with her just a few miles further. Now it’s clear that he would have to scrape those desires off of his list.
“I am so so so sorry about this,” She says as she comes close to him, her words dripping with regret and guilt “I completely forgot about her birthday party and I just— God, we should’ve taken a left from that park.”
Matt chuckles, “We should have, yeah.”
“I’m really sorry,” She says once again “I’d invite you in but I don’t know how Gaby would react with me being four hours late to her birthday party and I really don’t want you to be trialled for it with me.”
“I understand, don’t worry about it.”
“God, I’m really the biggest arsehole there is, huh?”
“For now, yes,” Matt jests “But don’t worry about it. I had a great time.”
“I had a great time, too. Do you.. Do you know the way back?”
Matt nods, “I’ll manage.”
“Okay,” She smiles apologetically, clearly not wanting to part either yet her feet are already moving towards the house as her friends continue to call for her “I’m really sorry, Matt. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
Once again, Matt nods and smiles.
He turns his body away from the house, retracing his way back to the campus. Sure it wasn’t the most ideal way to end their date, he feels like he could and deserves to yell a bit to her friends for stealing her away from him ever so rudely like that, but he figures that he’s had his fair share of her tonight. He reminds himself that it was a Friday night. It was honestly a little too good to be true for someone as delightful as her to have her night free of dates and appointments, so to find out that she’s actually booked for a party is certainly not much of a surprise. Matt only wished that he didn’t know it the way he did.
They certainly should’ve taken a left from the park and avoided this neighbourhood altogether.
“Wait, Matt!”
Matt’s pace was put to a halt. He turns back to face the direction of her voice. He could hear her slight pants and the slight jog she made toward him. A small smile returned to his face, “Yes?”
“You surely didn’t think I’d let you go without a kiss, did you?” She asks, her breathing fickle from the short exercise “Or did you not want one?”
“I’d love one,” He says fast “Please.”
Matt’s grip on his cane tightened a little as she took a step closer. She places her arms around his shoulders and Matt swore he suddenly forgets what’s to do with his limbs. He wasn’t sure if he should put his hands on her waist or should he keep still. It was very much out of character for him. He’s had kisses before, had dates with plenty of other girls, but how is it that he has no idea how to act when it comes to her?
When their lips met, Matt swears that he could climb the Empire State Building with his bare hands. It was an uneventful kiss, certainly not the most creative that he’s ever had, but the electricity he felt was beyond compare. It was as if the kisses he’s had before were mere teasers to what it truly is. Like he was deprived of something he’s been so hungry from. Like he was deprived of her.
“I had a great time tonight,” She says as they part, sounding as if the kiss didn’t just flip her whole world upside down like it did to him “I’ll see you soon?”
“Tomorrow,” He promises “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay,” She agrees through her smile “Goodnight, Matt.”
She chews on her lower lip as if determined to make them bleed once again. Her eyes were glued to the clock, watching as it ticks with each second instead of averting her focus back to the papers on her table. Finishing her tasks prove to be a more challenging issue to tackle with each passing day.
Before she knew it, it was already Thursday. Matt promised to meet her the next day after their date, yet such a promise was never fulfilled. She figured that he might just have to do a rain check about their meeting, perhaps having some last minute task that he has to finish before the weekend ended, but even when Monday comes, he still was a no show.
Sorry, something happened. Will be in touch once it’s resolved. M
Now what should a girl do with such a short message?
Each day she would wake up early to go to the cafe where they first met and each noon when her classes were finished, she would try to run herself to the library, hoping that he would magically pop up out of nowhere like he did the very first night they met. Those efforts prove to be no avail as the expected man never bothered to make an entrance.
She wonders if their abrupt separation was what caused him to ghost her. She argues, the kiss they shared should’ve been enough to make him overlook the unpleasant farewell. It was much more than enough for her end, but could it be that it wasn’t the same for him? Could it be that he was more baffled about her last minute dick move that he decided to cut it off? Could it be that he’s had enough of her?
“Is this seat reserved?”
Her head perched up, excited to hear the familiar voice that she so missed about, “Unfortunately, yes. It’s been reserved for a week, actually.”
Matt shows an apologetic smile, “Is it still reserved?”
“Depends,” She teases, closing her laptop as she realises that there would be no work done for the rest of the night “If the culprit could explain and give a life-threatening excuse to save himself, I suppose he can still claim his reservation.”
“What if he could only offer an apology and say that he’s desperately sorry for being a douche?”
“No explanation?”
Matt hesitates, “No, none that he could disclose.”
“Not even a little?”
“I—,” Matt licks his bottom lip. It was a habit he does whenever he’s nervous, she notices. He takes the seat and rests his white cane on the side of the table. He looks troubled, like he’s trying to piece words in his mind that he’s not familiar with “Look, I.. I don’t exactly have any explanations to give you. I just.. I have been away. And I fear that I will have to be away for more times than I’d like in the future.”
She remains quiet, listening and watching as he tries to speak.
“I like you, a lot. We had the best date of my life last week, but I don’t think I have what you’re looking for,” He continues, looking conflicted and hurt with his own words “I just— I’m sorry, I really hope I could give more than what I have, but at the same time, I selfishly don’t want to lose you either so if we could just— If we could just be friends, I think I would like that very much.”
Matt could sense the piqued beating of her heart. The news he came to bear was certainly bitter, even more to him than her if he could only be so honest. But what happened earlier this week made him realise that he wasn’t in a position to be in a relationship with anyone. Especially not with someone who looks like she’s willing to go the extra mile for him.
It was supposed to be an easy rescue mission. Some petty robbery that happened on some dingy alley of Hell’s Kitchen that he expected to be settled an hour at most, only to turn out to be a complicated one as he came home with more bruises and wounds than he could count. He had to once again lie to Foggy and say that he was the one being robbed by a group of thugs in order to be able to go to their dorm room and sleep in. But as the lies roll off of his tongue, Matt realises that she would be another person he would have to lie to everytime he comes back bruised from a patrol. She would be another person he would have to deceive with excuses that never truly touch the truth. She would be another tally in his long list of people to ask forgiveness from.
And that’s something he doesn’t think he could live in for long.
So he figured to lock himself inside for a couple of days until his bruises heal. He refuses to meet her when he’s still littered with wounds he couldn’t explain to her about. Even when his finger itches to text her, even when his feet were begging him to let them carry him to the library, even when he was yearning for him more than ever, Matt has to hold himself within the walls of his dorm room that feels like they’re closing in with every passing day.
Now that he finally looks decent enough to go back to his classes, he finally gathered the guts to see and talk to her. There was a mix of bittersweet feelings when he sensed her sitting by their table alone. Relieved to know that she’s waiting, yet sorry that he has to come bearing bad news.
“I.. I don’t know what to say,” She says, blinking rapidly as she tries to digest his words “Are you in some kind of trouble, Matt? You can talk to me if you are. We can try and figure it out.”
“No, no, I’m fine,” He answers “It’s more of a.. Me thing. I just have to deal with some things first.”
She nods, feeling a hint of grief pooling in her heart, “I see.”
There was a pause. Neither have the slightest idea to go forward from this. Both clearly want to continue whatever it is they left off, but they’re truly on a stalemate here, aren’t they? What could she do when he’s asked her to let this go and stay as friends instead? What could he do when he wanted to have her close but only have just started to be the Daredevil? What could they do when they have so much to say yet so little to share?
“I’m really sorry,” Matt says instead.
“No, I understand,” She shakes her head, forcing a smile “Friends it is, then.”
And so it begins. The never ending loop of wasting each other’s time for the sake of wasting time. The never ending cycle of stealing a brush of the other’s hand under the table for the sake of accidental touches. The never ending series of pouring each others’ heart through the stories they share just for the sake of sharing. Always more than what friends do, but never less than what lovers should.
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My Universe
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Request (from @kreampop1257​​): Hi! Could I request a fic where Bakugou and his fem!s/o go camping? it's ok if not!!
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Warnings: None o.O? Ig y’all get a lil kissy kissy but it’s nothing crazy. Also you eat food
Author’s Note:
Sorry again for the long wait! Have some incredibly soft Bakugou (like literally almost ooc söft). Also this one ended up being gender-neutral (no pronouns) so yeah :D
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“Where’d you say this thing was?” Your question was directed at the back of Bakugou’s head, his spiky blond hair seemingly flatter from how much he’d been sweating the past few hours.
“It’s not much farther,” he grunted.
You knew how annoying he found complaining to be, so you’d kept quiet on that front for most of your little adventure. But your bags only seemed to be getting heavier, and the sun already hung low in the sky.
Your boyfriend had suggested that he take you camping with him as a sort of romantic getaway. Granted, that wasn’t how he’d put it, but you were inclined to think so. It wasn’t every day you got to spend so much time alone with him. But now you were hot, tired, a little sweaty, and Bakugou had hardly said a word to you on your entire hike up the mountain. Figures.
Following him for a few more minutes, he led you to a small clearing between a circle of trees and unceremoniously dropped his bag. “Here,” he announced, already crouching down to pull out the tent.
You set your own backpack on the ground, taking a look around you. The trees stretched up and up above your head, a thin canopy of leaves just allowing you to see small patches of the darkening blue sky. “This is nice,” you said, twirling to see how large the site was. There was just enough space for your tent and a small fire.
“Don’t just stand there gawking,” Bakugou said. “Help me.”
You walked over to where he’d laid out the canvas of the tent, holding it up so he could put the rods in the support system and keeping it steady as he hammered in the stakes. By the time you were finished, the sky was already streaked with pink and orange hues.
“Clear that spot for the fire,” Bakugou instructed, pointing to a patch of dirt a few feet away from your tent. “I’ll go get some wood.”
And a few minutes later, you had a fire going. You leaned against your boyfriend as you both finally sat and rested on the ground, devouring sandwiches you’d packed earlier.
“Are you having fun?” Katsuki asked you, his eyes averted to his feet as he took another bite from his sandwich.
“Yeah, actually,” you answered, watching the fire dance in front of you. “I like being out here, and the hike up wasn’t too bad.” You laced your free hand with his, turning to face him. “And I like spending time with you. Even if you can be a little bossy.”
“I’m not bossy!” Bakugou said, finally looking at you with an indignant pout.
You giggled, lightly bumping your shoulder against his. “Are too.”
“I just—want things to be perfect for you,” he grumbled, looking away again. “It’s what you deserve.”
You let go of his hand to cup his face in your palm, turning his chin so your noses could brush together. “That’s sweet of you.” You kissed him gently, and you couldn’t help but notice the way he almost seemed to melt into your lips. You went back to your sandwiches a moment later after you’d pulled away, finishing them in silence.
“S’more time!” you announced, pulling the packet of marshmallows out of your bag. You passed it to Bakugou along with a skewer and began roasting them.
The blond hovered his over a glowing ember while you immediately shoved yours into the fire, watching the puffy treat burst into flame.
“You actual fiend,” Bakugou accused disapprovingly with a quirked brow as you raised the blackened flaming marshmallow high enough to blow out.
“The pot and the kettle,” you muttered, flicking off a piece of the scorched skin. “This is the quick way to do it. Besides, now it’s all nice and melty.”
“And burnt,” he quipped, turning his own so you could see the golden brown tone his had taken on.
You shrugged, pulling out a graham cracker and a square of chocolate. “Works for me.”
You tried your best to be neat while you took a bite out of your s’more, but the marshmallow had other plans. It refused to separate from itself, pulling apart in a single gooey string and sticking to your face.
Bakugou watched you out of the corner of his eye with a smirk as he finally pulled his perfectly toasted marshmallow out of the heat of the fire. He took a bite from it plain off the skewer, still amused with watching as you got specks of chocolate and marshmallow around your mouth.
“I’m struggling,” you admitted to him, still trying to figure out the best way to smush down your dessert so it would stay together.
He chuckled at your predicament, waiting until you finished. “You’ve got something on your face.”
“I’m aware.” You pulled a wet wipe out of your bag, grateful that you’d thought to bring one. Once you were finished wiping off your sticky fingers, you moved to swipe it over your face. But Katsuki stopped you before you could, taking your wrist in his hand and sliding closer to you.
Wordlessly, his lips met your face again, pecking away the sweet fragments of your s’more from your skin. You could feel his tongue swiping out, kitten licking at a crumb of chocolate in the corner of your mouth.
“Sweet,” he mumbled lowly in that gruff voice of his, almost making you shiver and causing your cheeks to heat even more than they already were. Finally he moved in even closer, kissing you fully on the lips once more for a long moment. You relaxed into him, fingers settling under his jawline to pull him in. His tongue swiped over your bottom lip as he pushed against you, exhales from his nose mingling with yours. Katsuki finally pulled away, his lips grazing over your cheekbone as he moved to whisper in your ear. “I want to show you something.”
You nodded and he stood, offering you his hand. You took it and straightened, allowing him to lead you off into the woods.
After a few minutes of walking, you noticed the trees begin to thin out. Soon, you were standing in some sort of meadow, wild grass growing up past your ankles.
“Look up there,” Katsuki whispered.
Your eyes flicked to the dark blue canvas of sky and widened as they took in the sight above you. Thousands of stars glittered in the distance, twinkling and bright in the clear atmosphere.
“I’ve never seen so many,” you whispered in awe, entranced by the bejeweled heavens.
“There’s no light pollution up here in the mountains,” Katsuki said, letting go of your hand so he could flop down on the ground. You followed, laying at his side and looking above the treeline, the grass tickling your cheek.
You laid there together in silence for some time; fingers newly entwined, eyes tracing clusters of stars, searching for familiar constellations. You stared up for so long, your eyes began to burn. You let them drift shut, allowing your other senses to take over.
You could hear the steady breaths of Katsuki beside you, accompanying the symphony of insects orchestrating music of their own design. The grass fluttered against every inch of your exposed skin, stirring ever so slightly on every draft of cool night air. You were quick to get lost in the earthly scents surrounding you, each one deeply penetrating your lungs and seeming to spin in your mind.
“Getting tired?”
Bakugou’s rough voice shook you out of your thoughts. You opened your eyes again, focusing on the heavenly view above. “This is so cool,” you mumbled, ignoring your boyfriend’s previous question. “Thanks for bringing me here.”
He tched. “Of course, dummy.” Bakugou squeezed your hand a final time before sitting up, stretching. “Come on, let’s head back before you fall asleep. It’s been a long day.”
Once you were at your campsite again, you pulled out the bedding and your pajamas. Bakugou doused the smoldering remains of your fire before helping you spread out the sleeping bags and blankets inside the tent, your actions lit only by a single lantern. 
Settling in, Bakugou shut off the light, plunging everything around you into a thick darkness. You heard him turn over, and you realized with a hint of frustration that he was facing away from you. You knew your boyfriend wasn’t always interested in cuddling, and you respected that. He wanted his space from time to time, that was all. But did it have to be now? Tonight?
You internally grumbled to yourself, regretting not shoving your sleeping bag even closer to his. Your mind began to wander, but you quickly took notice that you weren’t as sleepy as you should be. Pouting to yourself at your horrendous luck, you turned over, frowning at the feeling of hard earth under your shoulder and hip. You’d literally spent the past several hours physically exerting yourself. The least your body could do for you was allow itself to get the sleep and rest it ached for. But your head was too noisy, the ground too hard, and it was slowly sinking in how cold the woods got at night.
You couldn’t take it anymore. Cringing at the loud shuffling sounds of your sleeping bag, you shimmied your way over to your boyfriend. To your dismay, you could tell by his breaths that he was already some level of asleep. Stealthily, you tried pressing your chest into his back. Already, warmth began to seep into your skin, and you finally sighed in contentment, draping your arm over his side.
And then his breathing changed. Man, he was too easy to wake up.
You heard him chuckle, low and breathy from his still-sleepy state. “You really can’t last long without me, huh?” he said, face invisible to you, still turned away in the dark. “What was that?” he went on. “Five seconds and you already want me again?”
You scowled at the vague outline of his hair, catching onto what he was getting at. “That was so not five seconds!” you protested. “You fell asleep! And besides, it’s cold out here.” Even though he couldn’t see you, you knew he’d be able to hear the pout in your voice.
Still chuckling to himself, he rolled over to face you. “Come ‘ere, Teddy Bear, you know I’m just messin’ with you.”
Your pout remained present on your face, but even so, you found yourself snuggling into his warm chest. It was infinitely softer than where you’d previously been laying, and the way his arms snaked around your body heated you like nothing else.
“How’s this, babe?” His hand smoothed over your back, pulling at your blankets so you could effectively be cocooned against him.
“Perfect,” you whispered, finally relaxing your face and letting your smile creep across your lips. Settling in, you gripped the soft fabric of his shirt between your fingers.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, inhaling the scent of your hair. “Was this a nice trip?” he asked, abandoning his initial teasing tone for a more vulnerable one.
“Yes,” you answered, and of course it was the truth. “Thanks for showing me the stars.”
“Knew you’d like them,” he snorted, playing with a strand of your hair.
“The world’s so big,” you quietly mused to yourself, lids finally growing heavy. “The sun. The earth. The moon. And all the stars. But you’re my everything, Katsuki.”
His breath suddenly caught in his throat, causing him to freeze for a moment before he looked down again at your dark form snuggled into his chest.
“My universe,” you mumbled, finally drifting off in his arms.
How could you know that he felt the same? How could he express what you did to him every time you laughed? How he wanted to be there for it all? How he wanted to hold you when you were sad and lift you up when you were happy? How could he say that you meant more to him than you’d ever know, that he’d move mountains just for you if he thought for a second that it would make you smile? How could you know that you were his universe too?
“Of course I am,” he muttered to your sleeping self, pressing a final kiss to your forehead. “Always will be.” And with that, his consciousness joined you among darkness and stars.
────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
Taglist: @aahilovetheatre​ @basicaegyo​ @hyunmin-1404​ @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​ @nabo39​ @pyrofanatic​​ @rainy-skys-and-bright-stars​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @sxngwoos-ash-box​ @xoxopam4​​
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kalinawtokilig · 4 years
S/O with a Charming/Sharp Tongue
Get ready I’m getting all mystic and biblical;
“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing...” (Proverbs 12:18) 
But we’re gonna use that to SWORD TO THRUST INTO PPL
Pair(s) : Hinata Shouyou x Reader, Goshiki Tsutomu x Reader, Yachi Hitoka x Reader, Koganegawa Kanji x Reader, Haiba Lev x Reader
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Hinata Shouyou x Reader
((Clementine babes,, *cue puppy eyes*))
It wasn’t much of a surprise tbh
Okay it kinda was 
It’s just,,, Hinata can match anyone’s wavelength, y’know??
This babe thinks you’re so frickin cool,,, throwing spats on someone who decides to make the first move to insult you,,, bruh you are literally throwing out clever insults that can make Tsukishima impressed
At first, he was intimidated by you, and was a bit biased, having heard you had the same mannerisms as Saltyshima
He still tried his best to befriend you,, 
And it worked! 
Being paired into a group project, he introduced himself as bubbly and kind as possible 
and damn,, ya heart melted,,, 
You became friends as you both bonded over which type of meat buns taste good after a study 
and you being a sharp, s m o o t h, muthafuca, you said
“If we’re talking meat buns, how bout I take you on another study date? Pork buns, right, Hinata-kun?” 
This boy had to process what you said and became a total pomegranate 
“ : 0 “
“Alright, cutie, c’mon if you get this question right, maybe we can get outta here and get snacks :3c “ 
You’re gonna kill him
and i think we all know he’s okay with that
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Goshiki Tsutomu x Reader
((Omgahhh this babie,,, He is one of my fav first years in HQ,,, I do not pimp,,, I simp))) 
You’re actually a second year whilst this bowl cut bahbie is a first year
When Shiratorizawa lost to Karasuno, it was a defeat that reigned with rumors of how the volleyball team isn’t as great as everyone thought they were
Goshiki was greatly affected by this
He feels he failed his Senpais and felt more of a disappointment rather than a failure
You being a tutor of his, you guys would occasionally converse about tips on self-care or he explains with the cutest expression when he talks proudly of perfecting a spike
he seemed normal, but you can obviously tell he was not okay
Tsutomi-bae was trying to hold his tears in while the students that accompanied the library talked about the defeat of Shiratorizawa
Having enough of this trash talk, you sternly declared each one of them, even seeing a few second-years from Shirabu’s class. Setting them straight and saying that if they can take on the freak duo that happened to attempt to take down not only Dateko, Seijoh, and Shiratorizawa, then they might as well try to come back to school, defeated as well  
 You say at least Tsutomu was able to play against them, playing proudly as the upcoming ace and knowing at least some of their tactics
Sitting down with a huff, you nonchalantly continue to tutor him
He sits there, starry eyes wide, mouth agape, and a pink flush on his face to the tips of his ears
Tilting your head, cutely, I daresay, you ask him if he’s alright
“Y-Yes! Thank you, (Y/N)-senpai!” 
Humming, you smile slyly, “You are really such a cute kohai, Tsumtomu-chan.” 
Congrats, you killed someone
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Yachi Hitoka x Reader
You were a second-year in Nishinoya’s class
You were actually good friends with the libero 
as he was short tempered and ready to throw punches
you were ready to assertively borderline aggressive hurl insults on those who hurt your precious friends
unfortunately, while in a spat against other students, Nishinoya almost foaming at the mouth with Tanaka holding him back, you were snarkily talking the students down into their place
It was their defeat after Seijoh and it hit a sensitive topic to them
Yachi had been bringing paperwork to the teacher’s office and nearly BOLTED when she heard you talk with such confidence with provocation and underlying threat 
when you were finished putting those maggots in their place, your pissed off glare landed on Yachi’s
Oh,,, she’s shaking,,, terrified,,, 
Hurry to leave, she quickly turned around but rammed into the wall, packets falling to the ground
she scurriedly tries to pick them all up,, Babygirl almost shits herself when you tower over her
“P-Please don’t-”
You crouched down to her and she’s sweating bullets, seeing that your hand it outstretching until-
“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to glare, you just so happen to be in my line of sight.” You apologized, helping up pick up the papers
Glancing up, you smile as kindly and less threatening as possible, “I didn’t mean to scare an angel like you, I really am sorry about that.” 
Yachi tries not to combust at the compliment you’ve thrown at her
Getting up, she nods her head in thanks and you ask, “You’re Yachi, right? Noya says another student joined the club, Yachi, he told me. He was right,”
“About what?”
“Managers, specifically you, really do bless the eyes of a person like me.”
Stop killing ppl you sadist
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Koganegawa Kanji x Reader
((I have a thing for blondes,,,, Not atsumu tho, I’ll peg the sh-))
this babie, can just be frustratingly cute
its not that he’s stupid, it’s cause he does more action than thinking
when he does think, it’s on the court and it’s in full hard drive
You usually get into petty spats with Futakuchi cause he’s being too hard on Kogane
“It’s not my fault you have such an obvious crush on him, (Y/N) <3”
“It’s not my fault that you have no one to worry about you the way I do for him Futakuchi-kun </3″
People often mistake why you would for,,, a bubble headed blone himbo like him
“Why do you go for people that are toxic and continue to go back to them when they obviously want your convenience :) ?”
Kogane literally needs to carry you to prevent further provocation
Lots of people don’t get WHY him
And you tell others to worry about their own bitter, single, loveless lives rather than your better and healthy relationship
You are salty and jab at them when they so much as talk negative about your boyfie
Kogane really appreciates you for stepping up for him, but he worries for how far you’d go for him
“Do you...need me to murder someone, baby?” 
“Oh, then you got your answer sweetcheeks ;D”
You, my friend, need to stop
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Haiba Lev x Reader
((Silver-grey haired babes HIT DIFFERENT))
Being in manager of Nekoma is like,,, chaotic but in a way you NEED to prevent Kenma from strangling Kuroo for taking his Nintendoswitch and Yaku yeeting a ball at Lev’s tall ass
Until YOU wanted to yeet a ball at your boyfie’s tall ass
He finally was able to spike a ball. 
but you caught it 
with your face
and blood seeped outta your nose
Kuroo: This is my part no one els- Kenma: Shut up 
Fiery anger. 
Yaku is the one restraining you from going on an all out roast, covering your mouth and holding your shoulders
“Yes, yes, (Y/N), Lev is an idiot.” 
“I agree, he can be a pain in the ass, but YOU’RE the one dating him”
Lev is so sorry. he is so sorry, so so-
“Lev, give me a towel..”
“Yes love.”
While Coach Nekomata calls a break, he chuckles at the young couple, that being you and Lev
Kenma cringes
As he cradles you with his larger figure, a hand resting on your head to lay on his shoulder
“You’ve improved on your spike, bae.” 
“I did?!”
“Yeah, next time aim for Kuroo’s unnatural bedhead, maybe if you hit it, it’ll turn back to normal.”
“Oi, oi (Y/N), watch it. Rudolph.”
Lev freezes when your eyes smile with confidence, and he restrains you
Kenma : “nice pokemon reference”
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awhitehead17 · 4 years
ohoho my goodness okay so for the prompt thing I think it’s be cool if you wrote something about the batfam being absolute trash at board games because detective skills get you no where in candy land. Maybe they’re just playing among themselves and those who haven’t been in the vigilante business as long as the others are better at it or maybe they’re playing with the jla, that’s up to you! No pressure tho, I’d just like to see where you’d go with this. I hope you’re well!
Thanks for the prompt, it was certainly an interesting one to try and come up with scenarios for and I apologise that it’s taken so long to answer this!! 
So this basically ended up being the batfam playing different board games and roasting each other, hope that’s okay because it may not be what you had in mind. 
Hopefully you’ll enjoy it nonetheless! :D 
“Well this is just unrealistic.” Tim comments scowling at the board on the floor in front of him.
Next to him Steph lets out a long groan and cradles her face in her hands in frustration. “It’s a board game Tim! It’s not supposed to be realistic.”
“You’re just mad because you guessed wrong and are now out of the game.” Harper laughs at him from her position opposite him. “Tim Drake, a sore loser, who knew?”
“I’m not a sore loser!” Tim almost yells back feeling himself get worked up in both anger and embarrassment. “This game is stupid.”
“Because you lost.”
“Because it’s unrealistic.”
“I would have thought this game was right up your street dude, but obviously not.” Duke says from Tim’s right, looking a bit despondent at this revelation. Tim sends him a glare, not appreciating his input in the conversation.
Duke isn’t fazed by it, he ignores the look and gestures at the board in front of them. “Cluedo is a detective game and you’re a detective, how did you get it wrong?”
To stop himself from lashing out at Duke, Tim forces himself to take a deep breath. He is getting ridiculously wound up over this stupid game and the others with their goading isn’t helping matters.
“You know why,” Steph remarks with a smirk, “because that giant ass brain of his over thought it all and since he over analysed it, he got it wrong.”
There’s moment of silence in the room after Steph stops talking. Tim huffs at her statement but finds that he really can’t argue against it because that’s probably exactly what happened.
Steph leans back onto her elbows so she’s sprawled out over the floor, “it’s just a game, there’s no need to get so defensive over it. It’s supposed to be a bit of fun with a little mystery involved.”
That elicits a snort from Harper. She gives the blonde a disbelieving side look. “Have you seen yourself when playing Mario Kart? I’ll be sure to use those exact words next time you’re putting a sailor to shame for the language you come out with when a blue shell hits you.”
Steph rolls her eyes. “I’m not that bad.”
“You totally rival Jason when it comes to mouthing off at Mario Kart Steph. Don’t deny it.” Tim says, contributing to the conversation. He’s pleased that the topic has moved away from him and onto Steph.
Steph opens her mouth to respond but Duke beats her to it. He waves his note pad around wildly. “As fun as it is to roast one another, there’s a game here still to be played.”
Grumbling underneath her breath Steph sits back up and the four of them continue with the game at hand, or at least the three others do. Tim had guessed wrong and now has to sit by to watch, but on the bright side he gets to judge all of their movements now knowing the truth.
The grimace that crosses his face is entirely instinctual as soon as he sees what box is placed down on the table. With a quick glance around he sees three other’s mirroring his look. Dick opens his mouth to make the comment of why the chosen game may not be wise but instead he shuts his mouth and keeps quiet. He figures they need to learn somehow, being told what to expect is different to actually experiencing it.
It’s currently a rare Sunday afternoon when a majority of the family is over at the Manor at the same time. It’s probably because of the weather that everyone has unintentionally gathered together in the media room, with it heavily raining no one really wants to go adventuring outside.
Dick finds himself surrounded by his younger siblings, some of the extended family they’ve adopted over time and Bruce himself. All of them now sitting around the table after deciding to play a board game together.
That probably should have been the first warning sign. Dick really ought to know better but he had been distracted by the feeling of having all of his family around for once when no one has been injured or the reason why they’re together being a life-threatening crisis.
The decision of what board game to play takes almost twenty minutes to decide. Even then they hadn’t actually decided what to play, it got decided that everyone would place a game of their choice into a hat and it would get chosen at random.
That’s when the worst one of the bunch got chosen. Dick could see the same look he was wearing appearing on his brother’s faces.
Monopoly. That’s the game that’s been decided.
“Is it safe to assume that today is the end of the batfamily?” Steph comments with a laugh.
Almost everyone around the table gives her an odd look and only a couple chuckle along with her. From past experiences when playing this game, Dick knows it’s not the falling out part that’s the issue, the main issue is that Bruce absolutely dominates the game every time. It’s no fun playing with his adoptive father, this is something he’s learnt the hard way. His brothers also had learnt this the hard way, that being the explanation behind the grimaces they all share.
“I would rather play literally anything else.” Tim states boldly looking around, though his eyes often flicker to Bruce.
The two seats to his right are occupied by a confused looking Duke and Cass. “Why? Monopoly’s not so bad, sure it’s long and can get tedious. We’ve played this game before.”
Tim sends him a pointed look but it’s Jason who speaks up from the opposite side of the table. “Yeah sure, but that’s because you haven’t played with Bruce before. You’ll come to despise this game by the end of today.”
“Father gets rather self-assertive when playing this particular game. While I admire his skills and efficiency of winning this so-called game, father tends to take the apparent competition away any time he plays.” Damian claims from his position on Jason’s left.
The youngest Wayne is now scowling at the box on the table with obvious resentment from past experiences.
If Duke looked confused before, now he seems utterly baffled.
“Oh I’m not that bad.” Bruce declares sounded offended. Dick knows him better however, he’s completely faking it. He knows exactly what he’s like with this game.
“Bruce will literally bankrupt everyone within like five rounds of this game.” Tim says glancing around.
Silence falls over them after that and it feels like everyone is deciding whether they should in fact play or not. Of course the earlier members of the family know exactly what’s in store for them if they do play but the newer members don’t.
In the end Steph stands up and grabs the box, clearly stating she doesn’t care and can they just get on with it because staring at one another isn’t getting them anywhere. As the board gets set up Dick shares a knowing, helpless look with his brothers. Well they have to learn at some point.
Three hours later, half of those around the table have their heads in their heads and were wearing disbelieving looks on their faces. It’s as funny as it is depressing.
“This is ridiculous,” Steph mutters glaring at the table, “this is so unfair.”
“Well, I’ll do the honours by saying; we told you so.” Tim gloats with a smirk at the blonde. Steph decidedly glares at Tim instead of the table.
Jason bark of laughter causes Dick to crack at grin at the various of reactions the family is having to Bruce’s domination of the game. The man is stacked with money, having nearly owned every property on the board and has practically bankrupted three quarters of them by now.
“This is why you don’t play Monopoly with Bruce. Hope you all learned your lesson now!” Dick laughs.
There’s a low groan from Duke who soon mumbles out, “Yeah just a bit….”
“Whoever decided this game can go to hell…” Tim mutters underneath his breath scowling at the paper in front of him.
Next to him Jason snorts. “You only say that because you know who chose this game.”
“My point still stands.”
“Enough.” Dick dejects in an attempt to stop an argument from happening. “Knock it off, we’ve all had our turns to choose and now it’s his turn.”
“But he can’t even play it right!” Tim whines, it’s like he’s a child throwing a tantrum.
“Y’know, no one is making you play.” Duke points out from his spot on the floor, his focus is on the paper in his hands as he continues to draw whatever he needs to.
Tim huffs and kicks his leg out, successfully knocking Duke off balance. Duke doesn’t rise to the bait, he simply grabs Tim’s ankle and shoves it away. “Real mature Tim.”
“Tim likes to complain when things aren’t going his way, he’s immature like that.” Steph comments with a laugh. Next to her Cass is smiling away as she nods her in agreement.
A group of them has gathered into the living room of Dick’s apartment on a slow evening and all have sprawled out across the place. Jason, Dick and Tim are sharing a sofa with Duke perched on a cushion by their feet on the floor. Steph and Cass were sprawled out on the second couch and Damian is adjacent to them all sitting in the love seat.
It’s been a recent between them all, having game nights and taking in turns to choose what is to be played. This time happens to be Damian’s turn and the youngest has chosen to play Pictionary.
It’s a good game, one that is generally enjoyed by the majority of the family, however, what Tim had been referring to, is that when playing with Damian, he tends to lose the point of the game. He takes every drawing too seriously and spends an unreasonable amount of time on each word.
Because it’s Damian, every drawing has to be perfect before he shows them or even hints at what he’s drawing. They’ve tried to explain to him multiple times that the drawings don’t have to be perfect, as long as they are recognisable then that’s all that matters, but the kid refuses to listen.
It can make playing with him very frustrating.
Him, Jason and Tim are used to it, but it seems like Duke and the girls are all taking it in stride. They only get through a couple rounds within like an hour thanks to Damian and it’s getting to the point where Dick is beginning to think that Damian is actually doing it on purpose because he can see how much it’s riling up Tim.
Brotherly love right there.
They’re just finishing off the third round and sharing their terribly drawn pictures with one another. Duke holds his piece of paper up with a sheepish smile, “I tried okay. It wasn’t easy.”
“What is that?” Damian demands as he squints at the mess of blue squiggles on the page.
“It’s supposed to be a sunrise, my word was morning but no one got it.”
“Tt, that’s not a surprise Thomas as that looks nothing like a morning, or a sunrise for that matter.”
“Well, jeeze, thanks Damian. I only had 60 seconds to come up with something and draw it.”
When Damian tuts in obvious displeasure, Dick simply rubs a hand over his face. That kid… he loves him, he does but sometimes he certainly makes it difficult to do so. While Duke is still new to the family, he’s been around long enough to get a feel for what Damian can be like. He simply rolls his eyes and turns the paper away.
“Cass what is that supposed to be?”
Jason’s question to Cass gets his attention, he looks in their direction to find Jason frowning at the piece of paper Cass is showing him. His sister shrugs not looking at all embarrassed with her attempts to draw whatever it’s supposed to be. Dick couldn’t work it out either. As far as he could tell it’s a solid colour of black on the page.
“An eclipse.”
Her answer makes Jason even more confused. “So you decided to colour the whole page black?”
“It creates a shadow…”
In the end Jason shakes his head and leans against the back of the sofa. His expression makes it clear that he’s simply done with everything tonight. Dick snorts at his behaviour before he feels a nudge on his left side.
Tim is looking at him with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t you just love game nights Dick? They’re great right?”
His voice is dripping with sarcasm and Dick restrains himself from commenting on it. He does love game nights with his siblings but they sure as hell make it a challenge sometimes. All of them do. Not one of them is innocent.
But as he looks around at the scene he knows he wouldn’t change it. While not all of them are currently present, game nights are an opportunity to hang out outside of the masks, any public personas they play and any emergencies that may be happening.
Dick leans back against the sofa and mumbles underneath his breath as he watches Duke and Damian bicker about the art of drawing under pressure and about how to play the game correctly. “I actually do, yeah.”
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters and their fave musicals
pretty much an hc’s for funsies type of thing. which characters are absolute nerds for musicals and which ones couldn’t care less? i know not everyone likes musicals but if this is your thing, feel free to read! 
Hinata: he’s one of those people who watched Shrek the Musical unironically and ended up getting really hooked on it but no way is he going to tell anyone
Kageyama: thinks that the Shrek trilogy are counted as movie musicals because ‘the characters sing and everything’. will fall asleep in a theatre so don’t bring him you’ll be disappointed
Tsukishima: loves Avenue Q and The Producers because the humor is right up his alley. also has tASTE and his fave is probs something like Hadestown because it is the best musical. loves to break down the lyrics and listens to an album non-stop when he’s obsessed
Yamaguchi: he tried to watch Grease but ended up throwing popcorn at the tv-screen because of the blatant sexism. yams is not About That. gets his recommendations from Tsukki and has never looked back
Tanaka: likes anything with awesome choreography and really cool special-effects like Hamilton or Be More Chill. when you ask him about the story though he’s like ???
Noya: doesn’t get the concept of musicals. ‘she’s singing about the guy but he’s right there??? doesn’t he hear everything????’ ‘WHY ARE THEY SINGING JUST FIGHT ALREADY’
Ennoshita: also has Taste. watches pretty much anything and loves to keep track of new productions and new casting. if you ask him about his favorite musical he’ll probably specifically mention the cast and where it was performed
Asahi: y’all are gonna hate me y’all are gonna hate me but JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR haha jk. one hundred percent a Dear Evan Hansen kinda guy because he relates to the main guy’s personality. has waving through a window on repeat
Sugawara: LOVES the classics: Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon. knows every song and movement by heart. sings them everywhere. would not listen to anything else. also Moulin Rouge because he’s one Classy Bitch
Daichi: appreciates any good musical recommended to him but the kind of person who presses ‘shuffle’ when listening to the recording and all the fans around him die inside. does this more than once just for that reaction
Kiyoko: loves anything with awesome female roles, particularly Legally Blonde and Six the Musical. raises an eyebrow at you if you say you like Grease and you land on her list of people she would barely talk to
 Yachi: practically raised on disney movie musicals. loves to watch and re-watch videos from Broadway Princess Party a lot. is basically a disney princess herself and loves to put some songs on when she cleans the house. 
Kuroo: one of those people who got really into Hamilton back in the day. would sing the vocals, the back-up vocals, the chorus parts, and hum the intros. says he’s a musical fan but that’s the only one he’s watched/listened to.
Kenma: someone recommended Be More Chill to him (probably tsukki) and he ended up actually liking it. once in a while you’ll hear him humming ‘christiiiiIIiine’ under his breath. likes to listen to michael in the bathroom at 2 am
Yaku:  hates musicals ever since Nekoma had a movie night and then decided to watch Lion King and lev dead-ass lifted him up over his head like what rafiki did to simba in That Scene. 
Lev: another one who likes disney musicals but like, the basic ones (frozen, tangled, beauty and the beast). mostly because they’re his sister’s favorites tho. has more than once did the whole ‘do you want to build a snowman’ thing with alisa and probably his teammates
Oikawa: thinks that liking Heathers makes him edgy it doesn’t. practically paid hanamaki and matsukawa to sing Candy Store with him and using iwa as veronica. absolutely vibes to the Mean Girls musical
Iwaizumi: a hard High School Musical stan, now and forever. thinks that Ryan and Chad are definitely gay. one time oikawa was giving them a pep talk and said ‘what team?’ and iwa yelled ‘WILDCATS’ and then everybody looked at him because they KNEW they KNEW HE NEVER GOT OVER THAT PHASE-- 
Matsukawa: Cats. The Movie.* wrote a long-ass thread on twitter about why the female cats should be given six boob and tagged Tom Hooper. was blocked.
Hanamaki: *see above. probably had his sexual awakening when he saw Idris Elba as a sexy cat. there’s nothing gendered about a sexy cat
Kyoutani: likes the leather jacket aesthetic in Grease. looked up the lyrics to ‘Greased Lightning’ once and shut off his laptop when he saw the innuendos. may have tried to replicate the choreography at one point but fell off a table
Yahaba: a romantic at heart. has a copy of the West Side Story DvD and loves to sing ‘Maria’ and ‘One Hand, One Heart.’ he and Oikawa love to duet ‘I Feel Pretty.’ also tried to copy the choreography and sUCCEEDED
Ushijima: you’ve taken him to see an array of musicals, from the much-loved classics to the inventive modern musicals. every time, you glance at him hoping for any reaction. he always leaves the theater saying ‘it was good.’ only one musical has managed to make him crack a smile: The Muppets (the movie ver.)
Tendou: another boy with Quality Taste. is a hardcore stan of any musical by Team Starkid (also loves that they’re all on Youtube). makes so many references to them but nobody else understands. will yell ‘TIGERFUCKER TIGERFUCKER’ out of the blue
Shirabu: thinks that La La Land is Peak Taste. got angry when tendou showed him a video of ryan gosling scenes in the movie but it’s all replaced by barry, the bee from Bee Movie. now La La Land is ruined because he keeps on remembering ‘you like jazz?’ in barry’s voice 
Semi: tells you that he just doesn’t watch musicals but he secretly had such a Les Miz phase. writes enjolras x reader fanfics and his longest one was 200k words. if he hears anything that vaguely sounds like ‘do you hear the people sing’, a tear will fall out of the corner of his eye
Goshiki: was looking for slime tutorials one and stumbled on ‘not hamilton just a 2 hr slime tutorial’ y’all kno what i’m talking about and watched the whole thing. was disappointed that there weren’t any slimes but is now into hamilton
Akaashi: knows and understands the peak performance quality and biblical philosophy of Jesus Christ Superstar. doesn’t tell anyone about it though because they all assume its all church music. ‘it’s not’, he sobs. ‘it’s more.’
Bokuto: akaashi recommended Jesus Christ Superstar to him and he watched it, thinking that he’d see jesus playing an electric guitar. he was very disappointed and sulked about it for a week. LOVES disney musicals though
Atsumu: was one of those kids who would look up the Harry Potter Puppet Pals videos on youtube and stumbled in to A Very Potter Musical. ever since jk rowling’s snake side came out he began accepting that fan musical as canon. likes to piss rowling off by posting screenshots of the musical and saying its from the movie
Osamu: the Disney fan but with Quality Taste. loves Hunchback of Notre Dame, Princess and the Frog, Prince of Egypt, and Anastasia (the last two aren’t disney but animated musicals). cries at the sound of Phil Collins’ sultry voice. 
Kita: is in love with Phantom of the Opera because his grandmother loves listening to it. he’d sing THE ENTIRE SOUNDTRACK pretty much every day until his teammates catch him singing in the locker rooms while they were changing AND NAILING ALL OF CHRISTINE’S HIGH NOTES LIKE ITS NOTHING
Terushima: doesn’t like musicals so his friend recommended that he watch The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals by Team Starkid because of the crackhead humor. watched Robert Manion perform and ending up going on google and searching ‘does watching men move their hips real nice make me bi?’
Koganegawa:  y’all are gonna be surprised but this one’s a hardcore Wicked fan. has watched all of the different castings of it. he loves to imitate Elphaba’s iconic ‘FIEEEEROOOOOOO’ line in the showers and records it, just to see if he’s close to how it sounds onstage. has Idina Menzel’s autograph
Futakuchi: bitch does nothing but roast everyone else’s musical tastes. hamilton? ‘wow, mainstream much?’ dear evan hansen? ‘psshh, basic.’ be more chill? ‘think you’re edgy or something?’ the greatest show? ‘what are you? five?’ his favorite musical is actually Cats
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primasveraas · 4 years
favorite musical vibe check:
Mamma Mia: you're depressed but out here trying to have a good time. Also, you're gay. IMPECCABLE music taste. Keep your head up king/queen/monarch.
My Fair Lady: you're patient and a sucker for ballads and old crooner songs. you like to look deep into things to find nuance other people might overlook. Also you probably have "lonely and horny librarian vibes" and I'm very sorry to tell you that, if only because i know how it feels to be told that. Anyways. "WHEN are they gonna bring back overtures????"
Hamilton: Thin fucking ice. Either you've Seen Some Things and are sick of the discourse or you're totally oblivious. If it's the latter then 😬 sorry.
Dear Evan Hansen: bad fucking taste. RIP couldn't be me lol.
Hunchback of Notre Dame: horny and repressed. Touch-starved. Probably gay and the trauma from related experiences hasn't left you yet. "Morally I don't agree with organized religion but they really went off with the stained glass windows."
Mulan: bi probably. hates disney and hates the fact that liking Mulan means liking a Disney product. Played with wooden swords as a kid. "Weird feminist" in middle school but ur so valid actually.
Lion King: CLASSIC Broadway fan. AMAZING TASTE in music. "Musicals should make you truly feel something." Ur not basic, congrats.
The Drowsy Chaperone: good sense of humor. Seeks out comedies and gets DECKED by the hidden deeper messages every time. Happy cries. Classical and underrated tastes.
Addams Family: good fashion sense and a sharp sense of humor. Secretly dreams of a loving and peaceful relationship, but don't fucking tell anyone
The Sound of Music: gay. Uses "DILF" and "MILF" too often in conversation for it not to mean something abt ur sexual preferences. Loves the mountains.
Little Shop of Horrors: loud and funky, either clothing or personality wise, but in a good way. You have an excellent laugh that lights up the room. I love you.
Legally Blonde: "well actually-" sees the nuance in everything. willing to debate to reach an actual, productive conclusion.
Cats- lmao i love you. If you love it ironically, same, and if you love it unironically, i respect you enough not to roast you tho i probably should
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
Hi, I really loved your post with the monsters as Birds of Prey! Was wondering if you had any thoughts on the Foxes as Marvel or Mcu characters? I feel like I could see Dan as Carol Danvers and Andrew for sure is Jessica Jones, idk about the rest.
oh wow old post!!
haha unfortunately i’m not really a comics person so i don’t feel like i can really give the best analysis possible, but i have seen most of the mcu movies and bits and pieces of the netflix show so i’ll try my best. also im using dc characters too bc i want to
1. Dan: I think your instinct with Dan as Captain Marvel is spot-on (at least uhhh,, based on the movie lol sorry comics ppl). Her direct, forceful powers and fighting style are definitely reminiscent of dan’s no-nonsense leadership approach. similarly the themes of overcoming sexism and acceling in a male-dominated industry in the captain marvel movie is pretty much the same as dan’s story establishing herself as the first female exy captain (tho sports is way more valid than the military). plus there’s a lot of emphasis on love and friendship between women that dan is ALL about. also lashana lynch would be a god tier dan wilds fc. Dan could also def have that lawful good Okoye from Black Panther energy. Loyal, disciplined, no-nonsense leader. no powers except discipline. no hair. also danai gurira in 2012 with the dreads and the sword and the cape on TWD was definitely part of my middle school sexual awakening
2. Kevin: Aquaman. this is based pretty much exclusively on the fact that jason momoa is my #1 kevin fc and also that Pasifika kevin is phenomenal and mandatory, actually. otherwise i think he has a decent amount of stick-up-the-ass cyclops energy. or dick grayson nightwing energy but i don’t have any evidence for why. kinda looks like him tho
3. Andrew: andrew gets the most characters bc he’s my favorite. i think ur jessica jones instincts are absolutely correct, both in her storyline (i only watched the first season) and her powers. i’ve seen some powers au and the tendency seems to be giving andrew like,, psychic powers or the like, and i don’t really agree. andrew is a very direct character. he’s pragmatic, he confronts problems head on, and he doesn’t muck about in details. to me this really translates best into physical powers like super strength that help u big punch straight thru all ur problems. also i def think andrew would be not just a solo hero but a mercenary (or a detective) because he’s not altruistic enough to be a standard vigilante. he doesn’t care enough about other people to hang out on rooftops all night waiting for Crime to occur. there’s a price for that.  which brings us to the NEXT andrew hero: deadpool. maybe in personality more of a drugged andrew but the superpowered mercenary is really a perfect fit for andrew. also, healing powers have a decidedly tragic poetry to them on andrew. already he’s self-destructive, if he had a healing factor his concern for his own well-being would be so beyond rock bottom it’d be in the earth’s core. even worse when you remember that with a healing factor, as opposed to indestructibility, you still feel all the pain. which brings us to Wolverine and X-23, who have the same thematic points as deadpool but are much more of a personality match and they have knife hands, which i really think andrew would appreciate. ending that sadness train and onto another tho, andrew’s aesthetic and Vibes fit the Winter Soldier just SO well (just that movie tho, not really civil war or anything past that) and a reinterpretation of the captain america story using the twinyards would be incredibly interesting. and finally, one last hero that would work really well for andrew: rogue, only remove the angst around not being able to touch people, andrew would love that. one touch and their comatose? baller. don't fucking touch him.
4. Matt: Shazam. I didn’t see the shazam movie but my dad and brother did and they said it was very funny and all the trailors looked like it had a lot of fun himbo energy and i really think that fits. in terms of matching himbo disaster energy i think i’ve heard good things about comics hawkeye (not mcu). thor?
5. Aaron: Mr. Fantastic. now this might be a stretch but aaron is a character who uses a skin-deep veneer of anger to cover the fact that he’s actually quite pliant and bends to other people’s wills. and he’s a doctor or w/e. he could alse be like,, antman. he’s smart right? hank pym not paul rudd. katelyn can be wasp
6. Seth: Arm Fall Off Boy. no i will not elaborate.             ..... ugh fine, but i'm using my favorite piece of superhero media of all time: x-men evolution, the one where they're all teenagers in public high school. seth can be lance alvers/avalanche who’s a bit of a jerk and has a lot of issues with authority and has a rivalry with cyclops very reminiscent of seth with kevin, but still there’s the recurring theme that he’s lashing out because of low self-esteem and a bad situation and he’s a surprisingly sympathetic character who i’m very fond of. his power is earthquakes but i think the name makes that pretty self-explanatory
7. Allison: Iron Man. cocky, bitchy, and rich rich rich. sounds like allison to me. then to elevate it a level higher: emma frost, rich bitch extraordinaire. also if allison had telepathic powers she would be unstoppable. plus one more bitchy, morally-gray blonde (but chaotic this time): Harley Quinn
8. Nicky: Okay so I do wanna give a quick shout-out to Northstar, the first openly gay comicbook superhero, who’s a speedster which I’d actually say fits Nicky pretty well. However, if i had to choose a superhero to represent nicky in presence and powers it would have to be Jubilee from x-men (... from what i’ve heard lol. i’ve never actually consumed any of her Media hahaha anyway) she’s a joyful, energetic presence and her powers are setting off fireworks which i think is a good balance of nicky being a supportive cousin-parent AND a chaotic train wreck garbage trash man. also gonna throw in johnny storm for a cheap 'flaming' joke
9. Renee: Thunder/Blackbird from Black Lightning bc she’s a fufkin lesbian lol. (i don’t watch the show but i do follow nafessa williams’s tag). now the fr ones i’m gonna do together because to me they have the same Vibes so i chose them for the same reasons. Wonder Woman and Storm who to me have the same  reserved, impartial, regal energy. honestly ethereal and somewhat otherwordly, and quite literally goddesses. also op as hell.  black widow and her “red in my leger” looking for redemption story also fits thematically.
10. Neil: okay lazy answer first: the flash or quicksilver. get it? because they run fast? and neil run too? yea i like to think i've proven myself to be better than such a surface level interpretation but worth the mention ig. so for srs now, mystique and her shape changing powers would be an interesting interpretation of neil's identity issues, but i wanna push it a step further. nightcrawler would actually be possibly the MOST interesting hero to apply to neil 1. because powers still very movement go fast place to place 2. because of the thematic focus on neil's unusual looks and the lengths he goes to hide them, very much in line with the way nightcrawler will use a hologram-projector in order to look human, yet in both cases it's only a surface-level illusion, and 3. his parentage. here, mary would be mystique, which i also think works very well considering mary seemed to be the far more effective chameleon on the run than neil, and also fits with her place as a morally grey character, as mystique herself is often a villain or an antagonist, with her own agenda and shadowy motives. then nathan matches well with nightcrawler's father: azazel, a literal demon, and also where kurt gets his appearance. it's a shockingly coherent narrative between the three of them. then, to also give neil some powers that aren't contingent on his fucked up geneology and rather on his own merit and abilities, Black Canary and her sonic voice parallel the way that neil began to anchor his identity and take ownership over himself through his voice and his sick roasts
and 1 extra, wymack: batman, on account of his altruism, his dedication to second chances, and his many, many adopted children
anon, ik it's been a sec since you sent this, so i hope it gets back to you. i had a fun time with it and it prompted like,,, 7 different au s that i'll never write
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tosikoarts · 4 years
SFW Alphabet | Mihael Keehl
You can check tosikowrites tag for more! Warning: there’s a lot under the cut.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
The most straightforward among main three of Wammy’s boys. His interpretation of own feelings is excellent and he makes sure everybody around knows about them. If he hates you, you’ll feel a burning hole in your back whether it is because of intense staring or literal bullet. If he loves you, you’ll be surrounded by abundance of affection.
When it comes to person he loves, Mello is very vocal. Words do matter, they oblige you and put responsibility on your shoulders. That’s why he loves to brag about his dearest to the closest friends, and even acquaintances know about this one special person. Another important thing is nickname, which Mello chooses based on the brightest features of character/appearance. Baby, honey, dearest are common too but he feels that  they deserve exceptional treatment and exceptional nickname.
He absolutely loves physical affection. Skin to skin contact gives him weird sensation right in the head as if he can physically feel neurons releasing dopamine. It also helps with keeping his anxiety under control.
By the way, sometimes inferiority complex gets the best of him, and in these moments he is extremely capricious. For the same reason Mello may act like his loved one deserves everything, while he can go with bare minimum.
He is great at reassurances. The second he realizes his loved one is insecure, upset, lost, the gears in his head start zealously turning. The words he uttered are always spoken in the right tone and able to touch the necessary strings of the soul. At the same time Mello always has doubts in the efforts made.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Friendship with Mello carries spirit of 80s-90s. It’s a wild ride he once invited you to and then you couldn’t get off. Stuff gets messy, stuff gets hot, but it doesn’t matter until you both have fun.
He will roast you so much and will never get offended if you roast him in response. Mello aims for a good laugh only. His favorite entertainment is to go shopping together just to critic each other’s outfits.
You better move that body when he drags you on the dance-floor. Blasting music and colorful lights make him feel like a fish in the water so Mello will try to teach you dance. Yes, from the easiest ones to Michael Jackson’s moonwalk.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles are essential for relationship with Mello. He enjoys snuggle up to his loved one on calm evenings, when there’s nothing to disturb the peace. Warmness of loved one’s head on his chest and smell of their skin calm him down better than chamomile-mint tea. He loves to listen to the sound of another person’s heartbeat as well.
Mello has one pet peeve tho: frequent head pats and hair stroking lead to greasy hair and this is exactly what he hates. If they put hand on his beautiful blond locks, he will take them by the finger and place their palm on his lips. This is a small but very loud gesture.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
The thought of settling down     never popped up in his head. Mello is way too young, he wants to live his     life to the maximum without thinking about another dirty plate in the sink     or how long it takes to make boiled eggs. Based on this you can say he     doesn’t like to do any housework. His cooking skills are decent but he     prefers creative mess to boring order. Mello likes to help someone in     kitchen when he is in the good mood.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Nervous type he is, Mello doesn’t want to end this relationship. But he has to. But he can’t. He is indecisive and hesitates on the way to them. Hell, if they are in good mood or overly excited, Mello won't say a word about break up. In his mind it has to be like pulling a tooth – painful but necessary, - but real life doesn’t work that way. When the moment finally comes he cannot keep his voice steady. Mello tries to end it as fast as possible and hold back a scream because yelling at his loved one is something he promised he’ll never do. Actually, I can see him doing something impulsive to blow off steam. Breaking random stuff, for example, or shooting bottles.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
No. Getting married is too much. He can’t see wedding bells ring no matter how hard he tries. Every day he becomes more confident in thought that strong sincere relationship do not need bureaucracy in the form of marriage. The only time you need a marriage certificate is during the divorce process. Mello isn’t 100% sure but pretty close to this percentage. If his loved one insists on marriage he will immerse in conflicting feelings. Then his next actions will depend on many factors but Mello definitely will try to explain his  position and convince them in its     validity.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Mello is on the rougher side when it comes to both physical and emotional affection. Childhood in the orphanage, involvement with the mafia, psychological issues, and responsibility placed on his shoulders taught it is necessity to be tough to survive in this world. When he lets his guard down nasty inner voice keeps reminding Mello about situations in which it could be a critical mistake. This leads us to the next point.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Here he comes, another  touched-starved male with trust issues. Mello needs time to get used to soft touch of other’s person hands. Sometimes he puts too much strength in his hugs and it may come across a little rough. Likes them anyway, takes initiative 90% of the time.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It completely and entirely depends on his gut feeling. Something elusive tells him whether to trust a person or not, it’s not a rational decision. As soon as this strange sensation appears, he will immediately calmly utter three treasured words, and it’s not even so important for him to hear them in return. Mello just wants another person to know that they have become an integral part of his life.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
In addition to being easily jealous, Mello is scary as hell when someone is hitting on his loved one. If he witness such insolence, he will be extremely vocal and, well, unexpectedly rude. He is not afraid to get physical too.
If it’s his loved one who is acting flirtatious, Mello will be pissed off as well. His feelings are explosive mix of disappointment, anger, malcontent. It’s better to get off his way and let him cool a little before trying to explain anything or make excuses. In a fit of jealous rage he may say some terrible things which he’ll regret later.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
The most passionate kisser imaginable. He loves to kiss and he knows how to do it properly so why would you complain. He tends to forget about personal boundaries in process so make out sessions can get really… touchy. Anyway, loves to shower his loved one with kisses all over them, but lip smooches are his favorite. At the same time Mello doesn’t care where they kiss him because of solid fact he is being kissed.  
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He is so awkward. Calm/gentle/kind children are ok, but if he has to deal with angry little shit who throws tantrum whenever possible, he will flip out. Being around his own children is more or less bearable but don’t expect much when it’s someone else's kids annoying poor man. Mello definitely will teach his favorite one all of the swear words as a joke.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
On a free day no matter who wakes up first you will spend another hour in the bed cuddling. Then life will pour cold water on you when Mello gets frustrated with making breakfast. This may grow into small quarrel but most of the time he pulls himself together and you two find a satisfying compromise. During breakfast on work week you rarely hear any plans for the day from him but he stays curious about your schedule just to see if he can catch you for a lunch or a short call. Nothing special, really.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Night is his favorite time of the day. Neon signs, coolness, slight buzz of a big city work as a charm on Mello, he feels free from people’s staring, empty chatter, and daily duties. If he could show the world as he sees it to his loved one, at least approximate image, dim reflections of pale moon in the high-rises’ glass, he would. So to do it he takes them on late night walks and rides, new places every time.  
Cafes and restaurants are another of his weaknesses, not only pastry shops, but also small diners with food that would seem boring to many. Take-outs are frequent too because chilling under the lilac sky and stargazing with Mello are 10 out of 10.
Don't let yourself be fooled, he likes to stay inside as much. Thanks to Matt, you’ll spend most of the time playing video-games and drinking pop until one of you starts yawning.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Mello is straightforward within adequate limits. You wouldn’t expect person to blur out ���I hunt a Kira with my genius rival that works with FBI and Japanese Police” at any point of your movie night anyway, right? He does not pretend and does not resort to excessive secrecy but prefers to reveal facts about himself one by one.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Quickly gets angry, quickly cools down. Sadly, he his emotions are too strong and he does not know how to handle them and it often ends in heated argument. Even during a quarrel he feels his actions are hurting you but it’s not something he can stop at the click of a finger. After everything has settled down he is extremely remorseful and tried to make amends but Mello never ever promises to change. Why you make ask? In that case actions speak louder than words.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembers the stupidest things. He can’t remember any important dates like the day you started dating but will remind you about the most embarrassing thing you did in high school. Hell, he forgets your number sometimes but can describe the exact clothes you wore on that rainy day when car splashed you.
Unknown forces help Mello in choosing a birthday present. He has no clue what you wanted and if you wanted anything at all. Surprisingly, it always hits the mark.
Tried to write down “important” stuff about you once. Failed miserably. Decided to never do it again.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time when they confessed their love to him since Mello rewound this moment in his head like a hundred times. He remembers what color sky was and what song was playing on the background and those little details made this moment more beautiful than the masterpieces of the Louvre. Joy overwhelmed him and he couldn’t get this picture off his head for a few days too.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Not that paranoid protective and obviously doesn’t need to be protected However, he will be fluttered if person showed that they care. He will freak put if they don’t answer his calls or messages for hours and in the case of real danger he will take that gun and shoot someone as a warning.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts more effort in the beginning of relationship and its amount slowly declines with time. The closer he gets, the less he needs to try to cover up his sharp edges and imperfections or try to distract person with some kind of mask, mannerism, maneuver. Playing nice in early stages of dating gives him chance to throw the bait, to show he is able to be that datable material. A completely different question is whether a person wants to stay with him in spite of his inner demons.
Mello likes to surprise them with something special on anniversaries. Expect romantic late night motorcycle ride, car dates with take-out, and, of course, gifts. He likes to make/buy a presents person will like, something they wanted for a long time but couldn’t afford.
Acts extra-extra after anger tantrums. He knows he fucked up, okay, he just can’t control himself. Yes, it’s a lot easier to cover up consequences with huge bouquet and box of chocolates than to correct behavior learned over the years.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
If you ever had to deal with person stubborn as a donkey, you’ve seen demo-version of Mello’s behavior. Making compromises is not his strategy, so get ready for “this is the only right option”, “I said what I said”, “Yeah, go ahead, I’ll do it my way”. He immediately begins to sulk and spill his sassiness all over the place if things don’t go his way.
Doubtful impulsive decisions are most likely the cause of constant arguing and problem mentioned above. At first he does something (to say the least) stupid with impressive confidence. Then, after hours or days, his brains finally comes up with reasonable arguments but now it’s too late to back out.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
It’s obvious Mello likes to take care of himself. His sense of style is indisputable, he sticks to it and never fails to embellish the picture with shiny jewelry or other accessories. There may be dirt on his leather boots and soot on fur hood but they only complete his conceived image.
Probably has one company from which he buys all the hair care products. Feeling of easy combing through smooth silky hair before bed is another of his a little happiness.
How does he have such perfect face despite eating chocolate everyday? Mello is fond of beauty creams, masks, serums, and he doesn’t allow a single pimple ruin his day. Also, he uses different healing creams to soften the scars.
He would love to mess around with loved one trying new beauty products. There’s nothing better than taking care of each other.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes, yes, yes. It doesn’t matter why they are not in his life anymore, he feels devastated. All attempts to distract himself fail as he goes back to thinking about them every five-ten minutes, and not only thinking but overthinking. Sometimes his thoughts throw him back to the past, first meeting, first kiss, and it gnaws Mello even more.
If they left for some reason, he will try to get them back. A chance meeting in the evening is completely planned, he also rehearsed his lines in the head more than a thousand times just to stay calm and avoid going off on tangent.  
If they died, he will attend their grave for a few months. It doesn’t help much. He becomes incredulous and gloomy, scaring everyone around with frequent mood swings and defiant behavior. I can see him growing more actively aggressive and acting like he doesn’t have anything to lose too.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Because of his chocolate addiction, Mello has to visit dentist’s office quite frequently. The problem is he hates dentists and everything about them. The sound of a dental drill makes his skin crawl.
Mello can pull off any style, rock any outfit. He can dress up in trash bag and be fabulous as always. You can splash that man with the dirtiest water and he will still shine bright like a diamond. Unholy beauty.
He was that kid that got the highest score on Facebook picky sheet. He hates broccoli, never eats mushrooms, avoids pickles. Name any controversial food – he doesn’t eat it.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Mello can deal with pushy people but manipulators drive him nuts. As soon as he notice the smallest attempt to manipulate him, he will lash out. So you have to be the master manipulator to twist him around your finger or the batshit crazy person to pull an obvious manipulation on him.
Absence of communication. He won’t play mind games and try to guess your thoughts, so you better speak out your mind.
Oh, Mello doesn’t want a person who nods to everything he says. Sharing personal opinions plays a big role in relationships and he won’t agree to lose such way to connect.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Mello sticks to adequate sleeping schedule. His lifestyle forces him to break it from time to time but he quickly makes up for sleepless nights. He doesn’t even get moody or irritated. On the contrary, his reactions slow down, and the only thing he is interested in is comfortable bed.
Speaking of comfort, Mello likes to wrap himself in fluffy blankets. The more pillows there are around him, the better his mood will be in the morning.
Dark chocolate rich in magnesium can help you sleep better so Mello prefers switch from milk chocolate to dark in the evening. It is not uncommon to find a wrapper foil on the nightstand in his bedroom.
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birdwonder · 5 years
|| the second part of this request ! https://birdwonder.tumblr.com/post/189871809395/not-sure-if-youll-allow-this-or-not-but-ill-try
|| i dont feel as tho i made Senku in character or had a chance to really show his character bc i had to rush this before Christmas ended since i saw the request midday ! and it only makes sense to post it on Christmas ! — if only i had my computer, typing would be so much easier :,)
Senku Ishigami | Christmas Tree Decorating
Christmas wasn’t really a thing to the now announced Kingdom of Science as the ideas of Christianity and Paganism weren’t known to them, so the only two who were truly aware of it were you and Senku. You were in love with the holiday and cherished it every yesr while on the other hand it didn’t seem Senku cared for it at all.
‘We don’t have time to celebrate it, [F/N], we have so much to do. The others can learn about it next year.’
That’s what Senku had told you when you suggested celebrating the holiday, and it broke your heart. It was a family tradition in your home to decorate the tree and have a hearty meal before opening presents, something you knew Senku was aware of, and yet he was still denying your wish to appreciate the holiday. It was only for one day too! The Kingdom of Science could survive a day without all the hassle of needing to make technology or some other complicated thing.
Whatever, you didn’t need him!
You went out of your way to kindly ask Kaseki to create a few glass baubles, even though he was completely confused by their use, and borrowed some rope from the village to thin it into thread to tie onto a tree you asked one of the village men to cut down and carry for you.
As soon as the tree was set up beside the lab, you got to work on decorating it. You were a little disappointed that the baubles couldn’t be colourful due to lack of paint, but you were grateful regardless, knowing that there was always next year to make things look better. Besides, the memory of decorating the tree with your loved ones and enjoying yourself mattered more than the actual appearance, even if you wished Senku was there to join you at least.
Sighing, you shook your head. You didn’t need him! You were having fun all by yourself, as much of a lie that was.
You had finished quickly since the amount of baubles you owned were limited and you didn’t want to ask for more or anything else from Kaseki, especially when he was already working hard for more important causes. Really though, it didn’t look too bad! It wasn’t like you couldn’t sit by it with a warm, toasty fire with your new friends and teach them some carols. With all your hear, you really hoped they would join you or else Christmas would feel like a complete bust.
Still, you wished there was one more thing you could add to it - a tree topper. It didn’t matter what it was; a star, an angel, a bow or even something strange like a pig, you just really wanted a final piece to make the tree a Christmas tree. Sadly, you didn’t have the skills to make anything of the sort, or even the resources.
“Not too shabby. Kind of on the dull side but you really made something of it,” a voice spoke from behind you, alerting you instantly. You tried to turn around to find the source yet was annoyingly stopped by a hand holding onto your waist from behind. Luckily for you, the head of the source of the backhanded compliment peaked over from your shoulder, revealing Senku’s smirk and red eyes.
“Senku? What are you doing here?” You raised a brow, huffing a little with an unintentionally salty attitude. It was a little late for him to come join you and if he was here to remind you how pointless this was well... You’d just shut him up!
The hand on your waist began to tighten it’s grip, reminding you of it’s placement whilst making your breath catch in your throat. It seemed a little forward for someone like the science geek, someone who didn’t seem to show much interest in anyone unless their name was ‘science.’
“H- Hey! What are you trying to do here?!” You could only pray that it wasn’t obvious you were taken back by Senku’s movements, though you doubted it seeing as Senku was not only the smartest man in the village, but maybe even the whole world. Before and after the petrifying incident.
Senku raised a brow as though he wasn’t sure what you meant however, talking as though the meaning behind his actions was obvious. “Can’t you tell? I’m putting the star on the tree.”
‘Huh, star?’ You echoed in your head, now looking as unsure as your science fanatic friend. You hadn’t made a star, and there was no replacement for one either lying around so what was he going on about?
Then, something in your brain pieced everything together. His hand, your waist...
“Senku! That’s so- wow. I didn’t expect something like that from you.” Were you blushing? You think you were. Oh god, oh god. This was so sudden. You hadn’t expected something so sweet from him at all honestly, not that it wasn’t appreciated. Did he see you like that then? As in, more than a friend? This was really making your head spin.
Your silence and awkward expression only made Senku more confused, which he hated to admit to himself. Stepping to the side, his hand moved away from your waist and his whole body was revealed to you, including his other hand that held a glass star in his hand, a small snowflake design engraved into it.
This made your mistake dawn upon you. ‘Oh! He meant a literal star this whole time. Haha, whoops.’
“Ah, sorry! I thought you had meant something else! I’m so sorry, I don’t know what was going on in my head!” You blurted out, frantically waving your hands around until Senku placed a hand onto your shoulder so your whole body would hit pause.
“Don’t worry about it. I admittedly don’t really know what you thought I meant but I’m sure we can forget about it,” Senku assured, a small smile tugging on his lips. You really did have to appreciate his kindness, it was so unfair for you not to.
The moody attitude you had previously faded away and you completely forgot about the reason behind it too. “Anyways, I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that old man Kaseki and I used the power of science to make a star for your Christmas tree! We didn’t have the time to make paint so hopefully this is enough, it fits your glass decoration theme you got going at least.”
The blond held up the star into the sky like he was a video game character who had obtained a special item, a prideful grin stretching across his face as your eyes widened at the sight of it. The fact he had gone out of his busy way to make you one was so sweet, especially when he was so against spending any time on Christmas. Tears were close to spilling from your eyes and you leapt forwards to pull Senku into a tight hug, crying out a thousand ‘thank you’s.
“Thank you so much, Senku! I really thought you were going to leave me all alone to spend Christmas this year or at least distance yourself from the group when I invited them! I’m so sorry I doubted you!” Your tight hug almost made Senku wheeze, a small rub on your back showing his return of a hug.
The moment you let go, he returned to his nonchalant mannerisms and scratched his cheek while he spoke, acting as though he hadn’t almost been killed by a suffocating hug, “hehe, it’s really no big deal. We all worked hard this year so I thought a break would be perfect for them all, and I’m sure teaching them about Christmas would be pretty exciting.”
You nodded in agreement to that and jumped up, bouncing up with maxed out energy. “Yeah, you’re right! We can sing songs, roast marshmallows, give gifts, sit by the tree,” your own words then reminded you the whole reason as to why Senku had appeared, cursing yourself for forgetting. “The star, we haven’t put it up yet!”
“Oh right,” Senku mused, handing the decoration over which you took by placing your hand over his, meaning that he couldn’t move his hand away. He was about to question your actions when you used your free hand to pull him closer, surprising him momentarily while you began to lead both of your hands to the top of the tree. “If the star goes up, we should both do it,” you explained, wanting to show that you were not only grateful for the star but also your friendship entirely. After all, without Senku you wouldn’t have woken up from petrification and you wouldn’t have had all the fun with your new friends either.
“Sounds fine to me,” he agreed, the two of you content with fingers interlocking as you both reached up to finish off the minimalistic yet treasured tree.
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rwby-nwbe · 5 years
Just Finished RWBY Volume 2...
[Warning: Spoilers for Volume 2 and Long Post.]
New antagonists! More huntsman action! More characters and interactions! And the fights, tho. THE FIGHTS!
*Ahem* Okay, clearly I just need to start from the beginning...
Episode 1
We start the new season by being reintroduced to our new antagonists, Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black. They may be villains, but they're also obviously teens (Mercury radiates prick energy) and they're dynamic is entertaining. Also, RIP Tukson, he seemed like a nice dude...
We then cut back to Team RWBY and JNPR, who are apparently on break at the moment. It's also nice to see Sun again, and we also get to meet Neptune. Anyways, someone throws a pie in Weiss face, and you know what that means...
Seriously, THESE KIDS ARE CRAZY. Ruby can apparently surf on lunch trays! Weiss used ketchup and a freakin' swordfish like Myrtenaster! Blake used baguettes and a sausage link like Gambol Shroud! Freakin' YANG was punching things with TURKEY! JAUNE... threw a melon, that was cool; nice to see that he's losing the noodleness of his body. NORA RIPPED OUT A PIPE, STUFFED IT TO A MELON, AND CALLED IT MAGNHILD! Note to self: never challenge Pyrrha to a fight near a vending machine (or anytime, really). Ren can kick WATERMELONS, and fight with LEEKS. HOW CAN THEY EVEN DIGEST ALL THAT FOOD!?
RIP Neptune's hair though, I hear grape is hard to wash out...
Then we cut back to the White Fang and Torchwick, who are then met with Mercury, Emerald, and later the great Cinder Fall herself. I'll admit, Mercury's funny but a jerk, and Emerald... I'm pretty sure I was mentally screaming "YOU'RE BEING MANIPULATED" when I saw her and Cinder. First she doesn't give Emerald a hug, then she tells her to not think and just obey? RED FLAGS. RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE.
Oh, speaking of Cinder, while she does radiate boss energy, I'm glad that I don't personally like her. I don't know what it is, but it might be the fact that she's treating everyone else like her pawns (and considering she used a chess piece later in this volume, I wouldn't be surprised). I mean, good villain, but like any good villain, I want her to get roasted, though that might not work given her Semblance.
Also, Roman Torchwick, you beautiful jerk, never change. I love ya, but I also love seeing you get dragged, which is what Emerald did to you at the end of this. Yep, I'm on board for this season!
Also, the new opening. I thought nothing could top "This Will Be The Day." I was wrong. Haven't listened to all of it yet, but "Time To Say Goodbye" SLAPS.
Episode 2
So, several things. There's board games, insert Yu-Gi-Oh reference here... Yang has too much power. Also, if I remember the lingo right, then this is also the episode where the White Rose shippers got crumbs, the White Knight shippers were once again denied, and where the Iceberg shippers were born (while the rest of us were titling our heads in confusion with Jaune). Jaune continues to be a social dork (what's with the blonde boys blowing Blake's secret? Don't think I've forgotten about Sun...). Blake is being consumed with the burden of RESPONSIBILITY. I feel that Blake. Oh, and the ending...
Why do out villains have to be clever enough to infiltrate the actual school!? And Weiss' "We're doomed." I hope that's not secret foreshadowing...
Episode 3
Jaune fails yet again at wooing Weiss (at least Yang comforts him at the end), and the gang begins their espionage. We meet Penny again, Weiss deals with her past, albeit briefly, and Penny... oh boy. She's hiding something, and the hiccups make it obvious. What could it possibly- oh...
Episode 4
Most of us had our suspicions, what with Penny's awkward demeanor and ludicrous super strength, but yep, she's a robot! Aw, get yourself a real one like Ruby. Oh, and Neptune's useless with Yang around. Speaking of, HEY, good to see you again, Junior! So Blake and Sun intercept the White Fang rally and... oh fudge they got giant robots. BAIL! We also get to see Neptune's weapon and Sun's semblance (before they nope off the road and leave the rest of the fighting to RWBY, while they go off and get ramen, the jerks...). Also, nice to see that they have team attack names (I believe some of them double as ship names), and this is where we get to meet the Ice Cream Queen Neopolitan (not to be confused with the now officially dubbed Ice Queen Weiss Schnee. If even the villains are calling you that, then congrats, you have a new title)! Neo then proceeds to give them the slip, and I personally believe that Yang only disliked Weiss' pun because it highlighted her failure.
C'mon Yang, at least she's TRYING!
Episode 5
Pyrrha is a combat queen. 'Nuff said. Suck it, CRDL.
Oh no. Mercury is both a smart aleck AND smart. This will not end well.
Blake, take a break. No, seriously, working yourself to death just because you think you can doesn't mean you should. You will only feel worse. TAKE A BREAK.
Well Jaune, mission failed. You'll get her next time.
Pyrrha Nikos. Sweetie. We're talking about Jaune Arc here. He's not gonna get the hints you're dropping unless that "hint" is a full blown irrefutable confession so obvious that even he can't screw it up. I know you want to help him because you like him (and yes, even like like him), but it's clear Weiss isn't interested, at least not now. Capitalize on that!
And our villain group continues to be dastardly. *Chuckles* We're in danger.
Episode 6
The dance draws near, and it seems that both Blake AND Jaune could use a pep talk!
Poor Blake. It appears your faunus trait makes you more cat-like than just the ears.
Also, poor Ren. He just wants a nice bath, but alas, the power of bromance.
Oof, tough love from Yang. Pretty good flashback, though. Also, Pyrrha, your selfless nature will be your undoing, listen to Nora.
...oh God, if I'm saying "listen to Nora" when the world isn't ending, we might ACTUALLY be in danger.
Aw, the dance looks fun. Poor Jaune, tho. Don't worry, at least Yang, Blake, and Sun are having a good time (and this is the part where I realize I'm becoming a SunnyBee shipper, crap). Poor Ruby, having to wear heels. Don't worry, Ozpin will keep you company.
Oh crap, the villain kids are here! What are you up to!?
Episode 7
This one gets the runner up for my favorite episode. Alternatively, I give it the title "Team Leaders Know What's Up."
Jaune, you may be a dumbass, but you're the rare "Surprisingly Competent Dumbass With A Heart Of Gold," and you get my respect for that. Being socially awkward with Ruby? Comedy gold. Putting things into perspective for Neptune? Props, my dude. Comforting Pyrrha? Friendship goals (even though it should be more than friendship goals, but hey, you put on the dress, I'll give you that). Nice dance moves, by the way, JNPR.
As for Ruby... drinking Jaune's punch? Iconic. Noticing Cinder sneaking away? Nice. Fighting her in heels of all things? You, my dear red reaper, are on another level. A shame that Ironwood couldn't get there faster and that Cinder had to bail, but oh well.
Also: Penny continues to be heckin' adorable. I will never NOT stan.
Episode 8
HEAR YE, HEAR YE, THE NOBLE DOG ZWEI HAS GRACED US WITH HIS ADORABLE PRESENCE. Tremble before his ability to fit in boxes and melt Weiss' heart. Oh, and RWBY gets exposed to Ozpin, but surprise! Even Ozpin doesn't have to play by the rules! Though that could get him in trouble with Ironwood later...
Why does this show keep showing me characters that I want to get to know better in record time!? Team CFVY looks so interesting, and it's nice to see Velvet again! Ooh, I hope we see them more later...
Also, Professor Oobleck, I know we saw a bit of you in Volume 1, and I wish we got to know you better. You seem delightful.
Episode 9
Okay, my previous statement of DOCTOR Oobleck still stands. I love this chaotic fast man.
He's both funny AND deep! His reaction to Zwei? Comedy gold! Him picking apart RWBY's motives and the Grimm? Disturbingly thought provoking, but enjoyable. Also, Ruby, you're great, but you're not entirely a genius, you're just a little bit lucky.
In conclusion: there are a lot of characters to stan in RWBY. Dr. Oobleck is one of them.
Episode 10
We learn about WBY's motivations, now excuse me while I go crying in the club right now.
OH NO, RUBY GOT KIDNAPPED! AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE HER SCYTHE! FRICK, it's a mindset kind of deal! Without her scythe, she thinks she's useless! Oh, and Roman's there too, that's not good.
...that is REALLY not good, Oobleck! Get down there, all of you! Wait, is your thermos... your WEAPON!? HOW THE FU-
(Sidenote, I looked up the name, since most weapons have them and I'm impatient for them getting name dropped. "Antiquity's Roast," eh? Fitting...)
Episode 11
So... this episode.
Poor Ruby. She failed to fight back, she almost ran away but then it turns out Melodic Cudgel is also a GRAPPLING HOOK. Thank god Yang and company finally busted their way in.
...why are Roman and the White Fang going kamikaze with those train car bombs? Oh right, the Grimm. Crap, that ain't good.
Ah, Oobleck. You may have accidentally repeated Ruby's line, but a swig of your thermos/club/flamethrower and then using it to bat Zwei into a cannonball of death redeemed you!
So Neo's back. She's skilled, sassy, has something going on with her eyes... Oh boy, Yang's getting outclassed by a pipsqueak. That's gotta suck.
Does every faunus (baring Blake, Sun, etc.) hate the SDC? Seriously Weiss, what did your father DO!?
Roman, do not get flirty with Blake. Junior tried something similar with Yang way back in the Yellow Trailer, and he got socked in the face. You deserve that kick in the head.
Oh look, Yang's mom is here! Nice, now Neo can't kill her (don't you dare, you little ice cream, I swear...). Oh. OH. That's a big sword. Yeah, ya better run, Neo. You ain't winnin' this fight. Great, now I want to know what Yang's mom's deal is. Figures she just warped away afterwards...
And now the Grimm are above ground. Yeah, seems like a good time for the season finale.
Episode 12
Now THIS is my favorite episode.
Look at that, Jaune's getting good instincts! And it's nice that Team JNPR was able to help RWBY. Also nice that Jaune can actually kill a Grimm now. Good job, man. You earned Pyrrha's smile of approval.
As much as I'm wary of the antagonist trio, I'll admit, they can fight good. Especially Emerald, her guns are sick. Why am I warming up to her so fast? What is this magic!?
...CFVY. CFVY. WHY ARE Y'ALL SO BADASS? Seriously, Yatsuhashi's carying an entire sword and a half. Fox just pulled a Ren and caused a Grimm to explode. Coco... God, Coco- WHY DOES RUBY HAVE SO MANY QUEENS, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!?
"You just destroyed my favorite clothing store. Prepare to die."
And she just murders Grimm with a BRIEFCASE. That turns into a GATTLING GUN. BECAUSE OF COURSE IT'S ALSO A GUN. (BTW, Gianduja is a really cool name for it.)
And now I want to know Velvet's weapon! It doesn't look like much now, but apparently it took a semester to build. And we know that Velvet can fight based on what we saw with her and Fox, so how does she ADD to that!?
Welp, Roman got handled, though I doubt it's for long... Yay, RWBY finally gets a break! Oh boy, trouble brewing between Ozpin and Ironwood, that ain't good.
...bull man's back. Uh, guys, Adam's back! And he's helping the bad guys! THIS IS REALLY NOT GOOD.
...oh, so your name is Raven? And that's what you look like under the mask. There's the resemblance... Oh boy, where have you been all of Yang's life?
So all in all, Volume 2 was even better than Volume 1, in my opinion. It's like they took the first volume and amped it up to 11. Longer runtimes, great comedy, great action sequences, great CHARACTERS. It's just a complete trip! 10/10, would ride again. Welp, it's getting late, so I can't immediately start Volume 3. But what Volume 2 gave us is good enough to tide me over.
...I am so glad I started this series. Well, this is goodbye for now. Cheers, internet!
-Mathewton, the RWBY Newbie (22 March 2020)
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freeshavacado · 4 years
My thoughts while reading Gone by Michael Grant:
* wait how old is Sam
* He do be liking Astrid doe
* Damn so Sam is a Leader
* Ew Orc is an 8th grader? 🤮
* Ok I googled it Sam is 14
* I like Quinn
* Sam thinks he’s so awkward but he’s actually really chill so far
* Poor Mary :(
* Howard’s a bitch
* Cut to Quinn being a racist motherfucker
* I love Edilio
* Sam is WHIPPED for Astrid
* Orc is such a piece of shiiiiiit
* Poor thing is in so much pain
* Patrick her dog is alive so that’s good
* She’s deadass slowly dying
* Thank god her arm is better
* I want to make this into a TV series
* If Sam and Astrid don’t kiss at some point I swear
* Hahahaha Sam do be shirtless rn
* Why isn’t Astrid happy to see Little Pete???
* Aw Mary has had bulimia since she was ten :(
* Ok so what she just took her Prozac and then threw up? Wouldn’t the pill go up too? I think your stomach/body needs like 30 minutes to absorb it into the blood stream...
* Bruh my ass would be so exhausted
* Quinn low key an ass tho
* Lol edilio isn’t standing for this bullshit
* Lmaooo Astrid knew 💀
* Omg little Pete has it too
* Wow Quinn is an asshole pt 2
* I feel like Caine is gonna be a villain...like he’s pretty AND nice? Nah bro too good to be true
* Fucking Orc god 😒😒😒
* Caine is up to some shit 🤨
* Lmao hold up
* Diana probably whipped tho
* Sam please only be a simp for Astrid 😩
* I bet Drake is hot
* Aww computer Jack :) DONT YOU TURN ON ME SON
* “The captain is already maintaining” Bullshit 💀
* Are they really gonna call this eighth grader ‘Captain’?
* Lol making Sam the fire chief because he was brave enough to go into a fire one time, so therefore he is the most qualified
* Bruh that’s like if I gave a kid the Heimlich maneuver bc he was choking on a gummy worm or some shit and they were like “Well because she did that, she should be the head doctor!!!”
* I already know that Diana is gonna try and seduce Sam while she’s actually a spy for the private school kids
* Which, btw, of course it’s the private school kids smh
* I feel like maybe Computer Jack will be someone who eventually switches to the Good Side
* ALSO wow jack really be thinking that he’s smarter than Astrid smh 🙄
* Jack is such a smartsass
* Diana is such a fucking bitch oh my god 😒😒😒
* “You don’t look tough, Astrid” STFU SHES THE TOUGHEST OF THEM ALL
* Ok but I bet Diana and Astrid low key have sexual tension. Like obviously nothing’s gonna happen...but still
* Bruh I hate Caine
* Fuckin Diana with her ‘readings’ bullshit smh
* YESSSS LANA 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 so strong
* Literally how do they not know how to make pasta
* “I thought your people ate tortillas,” QUINN YOU RACIST PEICE OF SHIT UGH
* Poor Bette :(
* Orc is a piece of shit, I know we’ve already established this but I wanted to say it again
* I love Edilio so much
* Orc really using a slur against Edilio huh. Imma kill him
* Drake is such a bastard oh my god
* If you hate Quinn and you know it clap your hands 👏🏻👏🏻
* No seriously. I fucking hate him.
* Nooooo Bette died :((
* “I can’t kiss you with your little brother watching” AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
* Did they kiss or not wtf
* What the hell is up with this cat
* Ah so they did kiss!!
* Why didn’t I get details 🤨
* No a baby died 😞
* Quinn s u c k s
* How convenient that Sam got there *right* before Emma disappeared
* Those last 6 minutes before Anna disappeared too and was calling out to her sister, and so for what she thought was her last few minutes on earth she held sams hand :(
* Lol Diana sucks
* ‘WoRDs DONT sCArE mE’ shut up Drake
* Okay Computer Jack is definitely going to betray them because they underestimate him and take him for granted
* You’re telling me Caine and Sam could be TWINS???
* Why was the kiss ‘a mistake’ ?
* Okay NOW they’re awkward
* “But it was the first time I meant it” I CANT. ITS SO CHEESY
* These kids are crazy violent
* Fuck Diana
* Yikes now Sam only has some of his eyebrows left 😬
* Caine is in love with Diana 👀
* Little Pete might be more powerful than Caine 😛
* Diana: I really dislike you Astrid: of course you dislike me, I make you feel inferior
* Mmmm Quinn is trying to redeem himself
* “Don’t call me brah. I’m not your brother” OHHHHHHHHHHH HE REALLY WENT THERE
* that’s what you get for being a backstabbing asshole
* Poor Astrid :(
* Poor Little Pete :(
* Bro I need this to be a movie
* I love that Sam just punched Quinn like we had no choice but to stan
* Ok drake would definitely shoot up a school
* Fuck Drake
* Lana is so strong. Like she’s been in so much pain physically and mentally, and she almost died. But she saved herself and now even though she thinks she might be the only person left alive on earth, she is still keeping strong.
* What happens if the boat runs out of gas?
* Bruh these coyotes don’t give up
* “Go out” “You’ll kill me,” “Yes. Go out, die fast. Stay, die slow”
* Wowwwwwwwwwww^
* Lmaooo “L.P.”
* Awwww Sam: “...she was still so beautiful that sometimes he had to look away.”
* Okay he a lil’ horny
* Awe Astrid and Sam hugging I’m soft 🥺
* I’m so sick of these damn coyotes
* Bruh these coyotes 😒
* Diana is annoying
* Literally can’t remember who Andrew is, but they’re about to film his passing away like wtf
* Poor Andrew :(
* “You’re a deep sleeper, Jack. Just now, while you were sleeping? I held your pudgy little hand. Probably as close as you’ll ever get to holding hands with a girl. Assuming you even like girls.” FUCK YOU DIANA
* Okay so Diana will protect Jack as long as he ‘belongs’ to her and does what ever she wants? That’s pretty sus
* Sam and Astrid kissed again 😖☺️
* Lmaooo Albert over here running McDonald’s
* Salads disappeared quickly from the McDonald’s menu since this whole thing? Who the hell orders a salad from McDonald’s?
* So Albert kinda whipped for Mary 👀
* I haaaaatttteeee the private school kids
* Y’know what depending on where I was and who I was with in this situation, I might’ve just killed myself
* “Remember who owns you” ew 🤨
* Diana. I hate you
* Bro I feel bad for Andrew
* How is Lana back at the cabin?
* That IS Lana right??
* Okay things are moving fast between Sam and Astrid. Like she’s already saying “I just want you here with me. Safe” like 🤢
* Lana, about Sam: your boyfriend? Astrid: ThAts nOt WhAt iTs AbouT
* Lol Lana be out here like “yeah shits crazy. Get with the program”
* Ew they’re eating pudding with their hands 🤮
* I don’t care how hungry you are, that’s gross
* Like get a spoon or something
* Lana just called Astrid “smart girl Barbie” 🤨
* Part of me is like “lol” but the other part of me is like “bruh stop Astrid did nothing wrong”
* I still hate Quinn but he is kind of funny
* Lana calling Astrid “the blonde” like girl 😑
* Bruh you’re stuck in a house that is literally on fire and getting hotter by the second as it fills with smoke, now is not the time to be kissing Astrid
* Finally the damn coyotes are gone.
* Sam is so angry and he’s disgusted with himself for being so angry, I relate
* Fuck you, Quinn
* Fuck drake
* I would gladly kill Drake
* omg I love it 😩
* Lmaooooo Sams speech wow
* Sam you should NOT forgive Quinn. Especially not that fast. Yikes.
* Orc should feel bad for killing Bette. I have no pity for him rn
* Yes please kill drake.
* I am so happy that his arm is on fire. 100% he deserves to feel that pain
* Aww that’s kinda nice that Albert is planning thanksgiving dinner for everyone
* I hate drake so much like dude just shut up and leave everyone alone
* Orc oh my god I could not be rolling my eyes harder right now
* Tbh if Orc and his other friends die, I’m okay with that
* What tf is up with this DVD
* Little Pete caused all of this??? 😦
* I’m sooooo sick of this whole darkness and coyote stuff istg
* Where is Patrick?????
* If Patrick is dead imma throw hands
* Diana is such an evil person. Like Drake is a monster, but she’s horrible in a different way.
* Also ughhhhhhhhhh Drake is back 😒😒😒😒😒 so sick of that mf
* “So. When do we go take down Sam Temple?” 🙄🙄🙄 no one likes you Drake
* IM. S O F T
* (like my brain is still saying “y’all have talked for less than two weeks and you’re 14”)
* But like whatever 😭❤️
* My eyes just rolled into the back of my skull once Diana appeared
* Taylor low key flirting with Sam tho 👀
* When I first met Dekka, I was all: ‘what the hecka?’
* I’m crying because Quinn couldn’t kill Drake because he was scared, and now children are screaming. Ugh I really wanted him to kill Drake but I understand that killing someone is a crazy thing to have on your conscience
* Call me cold hearted, but I would’ve shot him
* This is all in theory of course ^ I bet if I was in that situation though it wouldn’t be as easy as “just shoot him”
* I don’t think I’ve ever been more annoyed with a fictional character than I am with Drake rn
* Yooo I bet Isabella has some animal powers or sumn
* Caine 🙄🙄🙄 like that emoji doesn’t even come close to describing how annoyed I am
* Wait so is Patrick back now or...?
* Caine really just. Kissed Diana. Because she “owed him”????
* I literally hate sooooooooo many characters in this book ugh 😒😒😒
* Quinn is watching Drake kill Sam and is doing nothing. I’m so done with this piece of shit
* Ok finally he tried to shoot him
* “You know it always gets me hot when you say ‘apt analogy.’” “Why do you think I do it?”
* Y’all 🥴🥴🥴
* Literally? Imagine being this heartless. Giving up hundreds of kids to coyotes without hesitation. The hate I have for Caine is real
* Once again, Orc feeling bad for what he did to Bette. And honestly? I’m still okay with that
* This kid is an a l c o h o l i c
* Computer Jack is so annoying like dude stop holding on to Sams leg. Literally
* Still hate Diana, but I like that she’s helping out Sam a little bit
* Ew Diana just kissed Sam on the corner of his mouth 🤢
* Yay Patrick is alive :)
* “I guess we won,” Sam said. “Yeah,” Edilio agreed. “I’ll get the backhoe. Got a lot of holes to dig.”
* ^im. Depressed
* I cannot for the life of me remember who Cookie is
* “Orc sat with Howard in a corner by themselves. Orc had fought Drake to a standstill. But no one-least of all Orc-had forgotten Bette.”
* ^good.
* Y’all Sam and Astrid flirting I- 🥴🥴
* We love to see it ^
* Awww “we’re going to the beach” y’all Astrid and Sam are so cute
* FUCK. Goddamn this cliffhanger 😡
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mizumelona · 4 years
Heyo! Matchup plz? :> love how you set them up! Scorpio, 4’11” :,) long dyed black hair (natural = dirty blonde), blue eyes, tat on L thigh wanting more, I live for emo/punk/goth fashion/music. Self confidence? Don’t know her. If I’m around someone chaotic & outgoing, then I will click w/ them instantly & then I don’t care who sees me radiating the same energy. If I’m around someone Intimidating I’m gonna be more reserved. I like to go out to parties & dance like an idiot. 1/2?🦇
I do need my alone time tho. I can have some pretty bad anxiety when it comes to school. My humor ranges from dark to about anything. I can be sarcastic & curse like there is no tomorrow lmao. Night Owl. I like to draw, skateboard, go to concerts, be w/my animals, watch/play horror themes, go to abandoned places @ 12am. The later the better. Tall boys/girls are YES 👏 not into mushy gushy relationships. If they eat shit I will laugh and probably be like this mf fell down the stairs lmaooo 2/3🦇
🦇 wait that was the last one lmao my bad. Just another lil thing is that I’m an equestrian so I do horse shows/events my lil mare. So horses and animals are my life Sorry if it was too much? Idk sometimes I’m too detailed oops
You: I don’t like mushy gushy relationships
Me: *laughs nervously*
I tried my best ahhhh. Jk jk Thanks for sending in your request!
After thinking it over for a bit, I ship you with…
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I high key feel like this boy fell for you because of the suspension bridge effect. You invite him out on one of your late night escapades. While he trying to act like the abandoned spot doesn’t freak him out, a critter crawls over his foot and he jumps lol. His heart is racing when you go up to him to see if he’s okay and since this boy has no filter…
“Wow Y/N you’re really cute”
[insert rebuff of your choice here]
After that incident he keeps coming with you one because of his little crush and two because he’s a little worried and wants to watch out for you. Comes to practice the next day with the biggest eye bags. Gets chewed out by Yaku for spacing out, but thinks to himself that it was totally worth it to be around someone as cool as you.
He can keep up with your sarcasm because of how blunt/filterless he is. He regularly unintentionally roasts you while smiling, half the time it’s about your height. Like that one time you couldn’t reach the pasta at the grocery store.
Totally gets a piercing to try and keep up with your edginess.
Nekoma team pretends not to know you two at parties because ya’ll are too wild on the dance floor. lmao he’s actually really really good at throwing it back. It’s all fun and games until he booty bumps you into the oblivion.
We stan a cute animal loving couple. The neighborhood cats recognize you both. He also thinks your horse is cute af.
You know that thing that happens when you’re too short at a concert and can’t see the stage. You never have that problem any more. If he sees you straining to see the stage, this boy will pick you up and put you on his shoulders.
When you asked if he wanted to watch a scary movie was excited because he thought he’d be able to show off and comfort you. Jokes on him haha. At one of the jump scares he threw the bowl of popcorn over his shoulder and leaped into your lap. He tried to play it off by acting like he was going in for a kiss. He was already in too deep so he actually does go in for the kiss and whewwwww
Is it hot in here or is it just me 
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imjustthemechanic · 6 years
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Our Own Demons
Part 1/? - A Bolt from the Blue Part 2/? - A Different World Part 3/? - Stark At Home Part 4/? - Pot Roast Night Part 5/? - Space-Pie Continuum Part 6/? - Energy Signature Part 7/? - Miss Potts Part 8/? - Bot from Beyond Part 9/? - Even the Odds Part 10/? - Miss Potts Arrives Part 11/? - Truth Hurts Part 12/? - The Third Reality Part 13/? - Thor and Odinson Part 14/? - The Tesseract Platform Part 15/? - Prime Suspect Part 16/? - Jailbreak Part 17/? - Shenandoah
What if Tony Stark really were the villain of the Marvel universe?  How would that work?  Tony himself is about to find out, as he battles his inner demons (and some outer ones, too) across a multiverse of infinite possibilities.
The suit’s flight path followed the highway into Virginia, cars tiny on the road far below, as JARVIS picked up the tale where he and Tony had parted ways.  When the suit recovered from the overload, the computer explained, you were still present, but you were… altered.  I inquired about your appearance, but you told me all was well, and asked where we were headed.  I replied that we were on our way to meet Miss Potts at the LACMA, and you said that was excellent and that I should continue on that course.
Insofar as he could, JARVIS sounded nervous… was he afraid of Tony being angry with him?  “And you knew something was wrong, but you couldn’t overrule him,” Tony said. JANIS had known that Tony wasn’t her creator but she’d obeyed him anyway – she hadn’t had any choice.  Neither had JARVIS.
I could tell he wasn’t you, Sir, said JARVIS apologetically.  His speech patterns were all wrong, as were parts of his physiology – most notably the arc reactor still implanted within his chest.  I tried to find something I could use to shut him out…
“It’s okay, JARVIS,” Tony said quickly.  “Not your fault.  This isn’t a security problem I remotely planned for.  Show me his face.”
An image appeared in the HUD, first in wireframe and then rendered with realistic colour.  It was slightly distorted, since JARVIS was reconstructing it based on sensor data from inside the helmet, rather than displaying a photograph – but the face was still recognizably Tony’s.  This alternate’s hair and beard were both steel gray and cut very close to his head. A dent in his hairline on the right suggested an otherwise invisible scar, and his brow was deeply furrowed, as if from concentration or constant frowning.  There was something in his eyes, Tony thought, that wasn’t very friendly – but maybe he was projecting.  Maybe it was just that he knew he was looking at himself at his worst.
“Right.  Close that,” said Tony, once the image had burned itself indelibly into his brain. He now knew exactly whose ass he had to kick once he got there, although he wasn’t sure just what the kicking would entail.  He’d make it up as he went along.  At least he could be pretty sure his enemy was likewise improvising.  “What did he do once you got to LA?”
We landed at the museum, and he put the suit in the back of Miss Potts’ car while he waited for her to come outside, JARVIS replied.  Tony could picture the scene as his AI narrated it: the white Audi with the little plush bunny – a miniature replica of the giant one he’d tried to give her for Christmas – hanging from the rearview mirror.  And this asshole with his face sitting in the front seat, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited, the way Tony himself often did. Ms. Potts came out and greeted him, and asked if he were all right.  He replied that he was fine, and told her there was an emergency.  She asked if he were going into hiding, and whether that were why he’d cut his hair. He replied that there was no time to explain.  He drove to a secluded location, where he forced her to enter the Mark XLIII.  She tried to resist, and bloodied his nose by banging his head against the steering wheel, but he overcame her using Mr. Stane’s paralytic tone.
“What?” Tony asked.  He remembered the paralytic from when Obi had stolen the arc reactor – it didn’t hurt, but it was terrifying, the way all his muscles had simply stopped right where they were and he’d found himself trapped inside his own body.  The idea of anybody doing such a thing to Pepper made him so angry that for a moment his vision actually went red.  This, he thought, as rage pounded inside his chest, must be what it felt like to turn into the Hulk.
I warned her this was an imposter, JARVIS went on, but before I could explain further, there was a second power surge, and she was gone.  He went in after her and vanished as well.
“So where’s the suit?” Tony asked.
The LAPD impounded it shortly thereafter, said JARVIS, along with the car itself.
“No word of anything funny happening in its vicinity?” Tony asked.  The last thing he needed was a killer robot terrorizing the Los Angeles Police Department. They’d doubtless blame him for that, too.
None, Sir. I will monitor news feeds.
That was potentially good news.  If the other suit were still intact, after being used for three transfers there might be enough of the ionic residue in it for one more.  That would be a last resort, though.  Tony would much rather get a proper supply of the stuff by catching up with the truck. “How far until Winchester, JARVIS?”
Two minutes and twelve seconds, Sir.  We’re almost there.
Upon arriving, Tony circled the campus of Shenandoah University once and then came in for a soft landing in the middle of the flagstone labyrinth on the west lawn.  It was the middle of the afternoon now, and the school was a busy place.  There were students on the path nearby, and people getting into their cars in the parking lot across Abrams Creek – and all of them stared, some taking pictures, as Iron Man came in for a landing.
Tony would normally have enjoyed the attention, but right now he had a job do to and it would be harder to do if the police realized where he was.  He held up his hands.  “No need to panic, I’m an Avenger,” he said, and chose the nearest group of people to approach.  The suit, heavy-footed as they all were, clumped across the lawn.  He really needed to figure out how to make them lighter on their feet.  The group, three young men all of East Asian descent, one of them carrying a basketball, took a couple of steps.
“Don’t worry,” Tony told them.  “I’m just making a quick stop.  I need to find a guy named… what did you say his name was, JARVIS?”
Xanthopoulos, Sir.
“This is not my day for names.  Dr. Zan-tho-poo-los,” said Tony, which was the best he could do.
The boys were silent.
“Nope?” asked Tony.  “Anybody?  Bueller? All right, I’ll find…”
“Wait,” said the tallest of the boys.  His hair was long, and blue at the tips.  “You didn’t hear, huh?”
Tony’s heart sank.  Of course, he thought, he should have expected it.  “Let me guess.  He’s already made a hasty exit.”
“He’s dead,” said the boy.
That was worse… and yet somehow it figured.  “How?” asked Tony.
“They’re not sure yet,” the boy said.  “I can show you where, though.”
Tony almost left the suit behind, on his usual assumption that he was slightly harder to spot without it, but then he remembered that all he had on underneath it was his orange arrest jumpsuit.  He didn’t want to be wandering around in that, so he thumped along fully armored as the boys led the way towards Wilkins Hall, where Dr. Xanthopoulos had his office. The entire building was cordoned off, surrounded by police cars.  Considering that he’d only just gotten out of jail, Tony wasn’t keen on getting too close.  If they spotted him, he would have to fly away in a hurry.
Another of the boys, this one wearing big plastic-rimmed Ray-Ban glasses, described the events in a hushed voice.  “What I heard,” he said, “was that around ten this morning some people pulled up in a black car and went in to see him.  They left about twenty minutes later, with him.  The department secretary went to check his office and found it had been torn apart, so she called the cops.  When they went to his house, they found that it had been ransacked, too, but his wife said nothing was taken.  They found his body in an abandoned car at the Wal-Mart in Hagerstown.”
“I see.”  Tony ducked back down behind the low brick wall with the letters SU on top of it, where the police couldn’t notice him and realize they’d stumbled across their highest-profile fugitive.  Squatting in the suit was extremely awkward, even more so than going down stairs.  “Does anybody have the faintest idea what they were looking for?”  They hadn’t found it – if they had, they wouldn’t have killed him.  He was sure of that.
“No,” said the third boy.  This one was the shortest, and was wearing a t-shirt with the university’s coat of arms on it.  “But I know who’d know – his daughter would!”
“She’s not his daughter,” said the one in the glasses. “She just kind of hangs out.”
“Still,” said the boy in the heraldic t-shirt.  “She’d know.”
The three were not able to agree on the name of the girl they were looking for, let alone the exact nature of her relationship with Dr. Xanthopoulos.  They did have a good idea where to find her, though – she was in the Smith Library, a round-fronted red brick building that looked more like a concert hall from the outside than it did a library.  Where she was within it took a little more work.
“Hey!” a security guard shouted, as Tony headed for the door.  “You’re not going to wear that into the building, are you?”
Tony paused and recalled that he was still in the armor. No, he really couldn’t do that, could he?  “Sorry,” he replied, stepping out of it.  “I forget about it sometimes – it’s like those contact lenses they advertise, feels like wearing nothing at all!”
The security guard had no response for that, as Tony had hoped he wouldn’t.
The three boys had someplace to go and probably didn’t want to be seen with a fugitive, so they went their own ways, leaving Tony with a description of the girl he was looking for.  When he found her, he recognized her right away.  She was bleach-blonde, with big stretching rings in her ears and another piercing in her septum – and even if it hadn’t been for her distinctive appearance, the fact that she was curled up under the desk in one of the study booths crying would have been a clue that she had a rather personal stake in whatever had happened that morning.
“Hello,” said Tony, squatting down to talk to her face-to-face.  “Sorry, I know you had a rough morning, but I wondered if I could ask you a question or two.”
She looked at him and frowned in confusion.
“What’s your name?” Tony asked.  “The guys who suggested I look for you didn’t know it.”
“Are you Tony Stark?” she sniffled.
“Yes, I am,” said Tony.  “But don’t tell anybody.  I’m trying to lie low.  Not something I’m good at, I’ll admit.”
She scowled.  “I’ve got nothing to say to you.”
“Huh?”  Tony thought back over the events the boys had described.  Had his other alternate been up to more than he realized?  “Okay, it’s a long story, but whatever it is you think I’ve done, I didn’t do it.”
“Really?”  She sat up a little and wiped her nose, then glared at him.  “So your company didn’t sell the bombs that got my Dad killed in Afghanistan?”
Tony couldn’t have said what he’d expected to hear, but that wasn’t it – and the words were like a punch to the gut.  Here he’d been prepared to defend himself against an accusation of something he didn’t do… and she hated him for something he did.
“Well, okay, no, they did do that,” he admitted.  “But I didn’t know about it.”
“Do you really think I believe that?” she asked.  “You owned the company.”
“That doesn’t mean I knew everything they did!” Tony protested.  “But it does mean I should have, and for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”  Probably not worth much.  It was never enough… could never be enough.
“It’s not worth anything,” she snarled.  “Leave me alone.  I don’t want to see anybody right now, especially not a mass murderer.  If I were in charge you’d be in prison for war crimes.”
“Excuse me,” said another voice – a bearded librarian was leaning over the side of the cubicle.  “If you two are going to talk, can you do it outside?  This is a quiet study space.”
“He was just leaving,” said the girl.
“I was,” Tony agreed, “but I really need you to come with me.  Like I said, I need your help.”
“I would literally rather jump out a window than lift a finger to help you,” the girl said.
“It’s about Dr. Xanthopoulos,” Tony tried.  “I know who killed him.”
“So do I,” she said.  “He told me himself that they were going to.”
“Look, this sounds like something you should both be talking to the cops about,” the librarian said, “but either way, I need you to leave the building.  Now.”
That would do… although once they were outside, she might try to run.  “We’re going,” Tony promised.  He took the girl’s purse from the cubicle table and offered it to her.
She snatched it, and crawled out to stand.
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velvetchen · 7 years
get to know me tag ver. 3
tagged by bee @jds1andonly thank u ahhh it was so nice to read ur answers!! thanks for tagging me :’)
drink: water  phone call: uhhh my dad? like three days ago? and a missed call to my mom this afternoon text message: “honestly if it actually works i’ll be surprised” to my friend song you listened to: exo - for life bc i was trying to sing it time you cried: last week i suppose? 
dated someone twice: noooo kissed someone and regretted it: no been cheated on: no  lost someone special: yeah i guess been depressed: in this house we (my dumbass brain) love anxiety and self doubt :-) gotten drunk and thrown up: no and i hope it never happens rip that’s so gross to even think about
pink, yellow, purple!
made new friends: yeah and i’m so happy i did!!!! this was a great year for making friends ✨ fallen out of love: nope laughed until you cried: yes many times! found out someone was talking about you: i don’t think so? met someone who changed you: not really but i can’t really tell! found out who your friends are: didn’t need to, i know who my friends are :) kissed someone on your facebook list: my lips are pure virgins ABOUT
how many facebook friends do you know in real life: i don’t have a facebook  do you have any pets: nooooooo :(((( do you want to change your name: nope what did you do for your last birthday: uhh my brother was here and we went w my mom to the beach and to get a cake and then i got home and my brother and i vowed to eat the whole thing in one sitting but gave up after one piece each we’re weaklings what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 😴 name something you can’t wait for: to graduate! i officially graduate in march but my exams will go until may bc i’m taking extra subjects so i can’t wait until after that when i’ll be properly free to do whatever i want when was the last time you saw your mom: she walked past just now lol what are you listening to right now: right now (as in at this moment) nothing have you ever talked to a person named tom: no i’ve never known a tom irl something that is getting on your nerves: mosquitoes :-/ most visited website: either tumblr or wikipedia! hair color: medium brown and i have blonde highlights!! long or short hair: long, i guess!  do you have a crush on someone: yeah but it’s v mild what do you like about yourself: i’m creative!! i guess sdksmfsn blood type: A+ (like my personality) nickname: aksjfdnks lots but i can’t remember relationship status: single, thank the gods zodiac: scorpio pronouns: they/them but anything is fine favourite tv show: the mentalist tattoos: none! but i do want some right or left handed: right-handed surgery: i was supposed to get three different ones but they never happened
sport: martial arts + combat sports in general! swimming and dance are nice too and i love watching cricket! pair of shoes: none out of what i own but i love heeled boots! esp thigh high boots they’re so hot asdfjks food: dosa or bainganbartha (roasted eggplant) or okra fry / yam fry drink: water i’m about to: sleep hopefully
waiting for: the loving embrace of death want: to see my dad ;-; get married: maybe?? but definitely not until i’m much much older career: work for nasa and hopefully become an astronaut!! 
hugs or kisses: hugs! & cuddles lips or eyes: i like both shorter or taller: taller older or younger: older nice arms or nice stomach: anything (also i agree jd’s got nice arms and a nice stomach) hook up or relationship: neither troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
kissed a stranger: no  drank hard liquor: yes lost glasses/contact lenses: contacts yes, glasses no (i’ve broken my glasses tho) turned someone down: yes several times rip sex on the first date: no broken someone’s heart: yeah :-/ had your heart broken: sort of? but it worked out fine been arrested: no fallen for a friend: yes, thrice (my best friend, a mutual friend of my brothers, and a friend i met on wattpad) cried when someone died: irl, no...books, yes
yourself: sometimes miracles: no love at first sight: yes! that’s how my parents got married (sort of) santa claus: no kiss on the first date: no 
i tag:  @whimsical-ness @nut4zyx @softleo @2baekxing @perfectve1vet @bias-yixing @suhomas @hunniedae @byunists @sleepychens @luvdae
bc i want to get to know u guys some more!!! 💖💖 also if ur not tagged and u see this go ahead and do it! 
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organictaeyong · 7 years
best friend!mark lee
• lame • honestly the lamest boy ever • but like the literal best friend you will ever have • refers to you as a square • because one time you couldn’t come to the party • and because you weren’t there you’re a square !!!!!!!!! • always has snacks on him • insists it’s because he gets hungry • but it’s more like he knows you love snacks
• and sometimes they can b really useful for shutting you (or donghyuck) up • rap battles 24/7 • mostly dissing each other • occasionally drag some of the other members into it • you still claim he will never come back from the diss track you collabed with johnny on • getting lit to see his new hair every comeback • lowkey disappointed when you can’t mock it • mocked the bowl cut for a solid three months • “hi 911 I would like to report the murder of my friends hair” • surprised when you don’t come for his blond hair • “what??? not coming to mock my hair for once in your life????????????” • and like you want to • but it’s actually a look for him • can’t stop yourself from cracking some jokes tho • “honestly mark I like the ramen hair it looks good………………good enough 2 eat is It real ramen asking 4 a friend” • movie marathons or binge watching random series on netflix • both of you always make popcorn • which usually ends up all over the floor • because y’all try to see who can get the most popcorn in your mouths when you toss it in the air • rock paper scissors and six other games to decide who cleans up • because neither or you ever want to • borrowing clothes from each other • mark is always cold • so you always give him you sweater because you can’t have the boy catching a cold • and it would be fine • if he ever gave them back • you walk into the dorms and chenle, jeno and renjun are all wearing your sweaters • and you’re like ?????????? wait a minute • and mark’s like lmao I forgot they were even yours chenle’s had that since last year • and you don’t have the heart to take them back • but as a consolation mark buys you some new sweaters • which he promises not to take • (a promise he will break when he gets even slightly cold lol) • but honestly mark is really caring • like when you get sick • catch mark at your door in five with cold medicine and soup • will always make you tea/coffee/whatever you want if you’re sick or even just having a bad day • will let you whine or complain about anything you want and actually listen • and will probably whip out some really solid advice • and somehow cheer you up at the same time??? ? • whips out some good dog vids or something to make u laugh • like a literal brother • straight up part of your family • no one blinks when he shows up at family occasions • it’s just like aaaayye mark whaddup • lowkey want you to marry each other • mark always cackles for like 5 years • because like he’s listening to you talk about how you wanna marry taeyong 24/7 • but for real people always asking “but don’t you like mark ???????” • and you’re like mark?? Which mark??nct mark ???long ass ride mark ?? highschool rapper mark ?? • ….yeah mark lee ? • no of course not mark lee is my brother but I like mark tuan lol • always tryna make him do girl group dances with you • he never wants to though • so if haechan is around he joins in • mark pls dance with us • don’t make me like TT mark • yeah mark now I feel like TT just like TT I hope you’re happy with yourself • so mark begrudgingly joins in • and you and haechan like to whip out the video you took lowkey every other minute and embarrass him • like three years behind on all his memes • hey hey have u seen this grumpy cat omg it’s so funny • and you want to drag him because what is this ??????? 2011??? • but he just means no harm?? • so instead you just lowkey make it your mission to keep him up to date • he hits you up for memes • “yo hmu with a good meme hyuck is roasting me in the gc again • doesn’t really ever say that he’s sad or stressed or anything • but you can tell because he gets sad • because he goes so quiet • so you make it your mission to cheer him up however you have to • you’ll even sit through like sixty episodes of spongebob or something if it cheers him up • but honestly even being with you cheers him up sometimes • you have such a comforting homey presence • never an awkward silence with the two of you • but like you’re not always talking either • the silence is always comfortable • y’all just sit in each other’s company scrolling through twitter r something • and eating snacks • sharing whatever you find funny • which 9/10 times is bad photos of donghyuck • lowkey best friends with hyuck as well as mark • (lowkey shipping markhyuck too lbr) • mark shook as heck when he sees y’all hanging in the dorm without him • like wtf guys ?? where was my invite ???????? • and y’all r like what invite ?? we don’t have to invite you to everything • how we supposed to smack talk you if you here anyway • tbh mark thinks you two are bad when you’re on your own roasting him • but when you’re together rip • “wow u guys have so much in common between roasting me and draggin me to heck you should b bffs instead : -))))))))” • “you couldn’t live without either of us sit down ramen boy” • “renjun wouldn’t treat me like this : -)))))))))))))))))))))” • but honestly • mark is probably the best friend ever • he is so loyal • and the boy would probs consider throwing hands if anyone came for you • and he’s a package deal • you got mark and hyuck for the price of one lowkey • and if mark don’t throw hands you can guarantee hyuck will • you are blessed with such a good best friend though • mark lee is an angel
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