#i do think coaches have a lot of impact but no one is able to 'produce' a champion without the skater having the drive and talent to do so
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 months ago
Do you think Shoma won World Championships thanks to what he learned from Stephane and his team or would he still win it without Stephane Lambiel's coaching and it was just that he needed self confidence or something similar?
Tbh I think Shoma always had the talent, the basics and the content to win the World Championship. I mean there was a debate back in 2017 Worlds wether it should have been Shoma's win (not that I think the result was wrong bc Yuzu literally slayed the free skate with a WR), but it shows how high calibre of skater he was since his early senior seasons. There is a reason Shoma seldomly was off podium his entire career.
I don't think that it's technical expertise or new artistic paths that he gained from Stephane's team, but he needed someone he wanted to make proud and someone who believed in him. Shoma needed someone that could make him love skating again which he lost in the 2018-2019 season leading to the disaster of IdF 2019😭. I think without Stephane his career would not have continued as long as it did. And ofc if it would have been cut short, he would never have won the World Championship twice. So we can indeed be thankful for Stephane and the emotional support he brought to Shoma's career. But I do think that Shoma had such a great career not bc of his coaches, but mostly bc of himself. (Tbh I think why he did not win even more medals is due to him seldomly managing to have error free free skates 😅 that he still won so much despite barely having any clean free skates his whole career is a testament of his talent bc even if he made mistakes he never let go of a program but always managed to collect himself and keep going)
Btw I do think many factors come into play in Shoma's career, why winning Worlds was a difficult task - having Nathan and Yuzu as competition was a big motivation but also the competition could not have been any harder. And this is only to mention one factor.
Shoma is a true champion and one of a kind talent for the ages. And his name is written into the history books and won't be forgotten. ❤️
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necromancer-at-abattoir · 4 months ago
The thing about HOO is that it's either egregious, or amazing, or just......really plain and boring.
It retcons and ruins Nico and Percy's relationship. It ruins Percy's characterisation in PJO. Piper and Leo are 15 and haven't been attacked by monsters or brought to camp yet.
It depicts Piper and Hazel in a racist way (light hair and eyes to make them more attractive, both Hazel's parents have dark hair and eyes and no one else in the Aphrodite cabin has Piper's kaleidescope eyes)
it fools the readers into thinking that Frank is 16 and Hazel is 13 because Rick wrote Hazel saying that Frank is 3 years older than her and while Hazel is actually fourteen, RICK NEVER CONFIRMED IT. So Rick was in fact writing a 13-16 year old dating dynamic.
It has Nico's acceptance arc be smashed to pieces.
It has Frank's fatness magically disappear after being given the blessing of Ares.
It doesn't release Calypso from her island when in TLO the gods swore on the Styx to do so.
And it puts a millenia old goddess in a relationship with a teenager, and Rick even depicts Calypso herself as a teenager while saying that she romanced adult men.
It has a wolf goddess who eats children who aren't good enough according to her standards, when those children could be amazing at something else instead of just physical training and survival.
And I do NOT know how HOO wasn't a YA series based on the last one alone.
But there are also those moments with characters where they really accept themselves, like Piper growing out of her internalised misogyny and becoming more confident, even though we never see it, so this ultimately falls flat. Or with Frank learning about and using his abilities to be a badass magical warrior, or having a nice moment with Reyna and Nico. Or how it shows Clarisse and Coach Hedge's relationship and Hedge's backstory and his understandable fear and concern for his wife.
And then it's just kind of boring at times. Jason is an underdeveloped character (with SO MUCH POTENTIAL MIGHT I ADD!!!) He should've been able to wipe the floor with Percy, Nico, Hazel and Thalia. And then his relationship with Reyna was barely expanded on. And Octavian, while initially set up to be an interesting character, was reduced to an absolute clown. Gaia could have been such an interesting, morally gray character, possibly the most complex in the Riordanverse, and Rick could've sent a message about environmental pollution and how we need to do something about it, which would definitely impact a lot of people, seeing as PJO is one of the most if not THE MOST popular book series globally. But she was just made into a cartoon villain instead. And Jason and Thalia's meet up was........dryer than the Sahara Desert, if I dare say so.
This series had so much potential-since the millennia long abusive systems are broken, why not have the camps discover each other after the Titan war? I will always mourn what HOO could have been
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 1 month ago
all the fanarts of yuu and grim supporting ace through his um awakening as well as ace casting his UM as of late has been making me go crazy 🥹 theyre all so tender and all so beautiful we're getting fed.
And them finally giving us a clearer picture of ace's insecurities is just so?? The build up and the pressure and then the internal monologue where everything comes crashing down when hes forced to face just how weak he is. I really liked that this part of him has finally been explored by the devs waaah.
I also really love how he parallels yuu in a way, the both of them being this "ordinary" person, the both of them lacking the power to protect those whom they care for. Usually yuu takes a step back and the story focuses more on the dynamic of the boys with each other and letting the yuu kinda be like this player self insert but as if late the story seems to be putting a lot of emphasis on yuu's importance and impact on ace which feels like something twst or games in general wouldnt normally do? Because it feels like it makes a chara particularly close to a neutral character and potentially being unfair for other charas duo that others may like idk how to explain it
Im kinda curious as to your thoughts on this, or more specifically ace and yuu's dynamic over the course of the story from their first meeting up to now. Cuz yuu feels like a person or place where ace turns to for reassurance and protection/comfort in a way, like their very existence gives him courage to push forward
[More about Ace’s UM here!]
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d hi issgusJkaja I-I haven’t been scrolling on socials the last few weeks so I had the chance to see much fan art (other than what friends have shown me) 😭 but I’m sure it’s very tasty content!!
Yeeeah, I was waiting on the devs to finally get around to addressing Ace’s insecurities. in book 5, we had a brief mention of being being shocked Deuce got his UM before he did, then he was out of commission in book 6, and finally early in book 7 he deflected from the idea of Yuu going back to their original world. Suffice it to say, they addressed both the UM and the Yuu issues so well; it was really heart wrenching to see Ace in denial in his own dream and then struggling with his self confidence in Riddle’s dream. No more cocky attitude and brazenness, ahahah… only vulnerability 😈
Yuu is the one to calm him down when he’s panicking. The one giving him encouragement, the one holding his hand/shoulders (you get an option for this), the one talking him through this overwhelming feeling. That’s so powerful… It says a lot about their bond with their friend.
I love that Ace gets his moment. The first NRC student we met is the final one to get his unique magic—a magic he is able to take hold of, despite his doubts, thanks to Yuu’s reassurance and coaching. The first encounter was the domino that led up to this. First enemies, then friends. Through thick and thin, trials and tribulations, together until the bitter end. And when you think about it, they’re similar in their insecurities too. Worried that they’re not enough, that they’re ordinary, that they don’t contribute as much as they should, that they can’t protect the people they care about. It’s a great parallel, and that really slots in nicely with Twst’s recurring themes and imagery of characters mirroring each other.
Mmm… I think I understand what you’re getting at? Because Yuu is a self-insert type of character, you’re saying it is odd that Ace specifically has been getting a lot of screen time and bonding with Yuu compared to what the other characters get with Yuu. And that it’s giving Ace stans (and yumes) more fanservice than stans of other characters, so it may feel a little unfair? If I’m understanding you correctly 😅
I think that’s kind of hard to judge, honestly. Ace got like zero involvement in book 6 and was not that important for the latter half of book 5. One could argue all this attention in book 7 is just making up for what he didn’t have in prior books. You could also say that it makes sense for Ace to get more of the spotlight given his importance in the prologue, how “the guy that begins it all also ends it all”, and his well-established relationship with Yuu. To go even further, some might point out that other characters like Malleus get this “special treatment” too. Yuu barely gets any time to bond with the OB boys one-on-one, but they get to be Malleus’s secret buddy for most of the main story (even if they technically only physically meet around 5 times total). I don’t take issue with how Ace was handled; this was a long time coming and he deserved it. It’s not like other characters didn’t also get their moments in other parts of the game or events or what have you 🤷‍♀️
While I definitely think Yuu’s friendship is very precious to Ace, I wouldn’t go so far as to say “Yuu feels like a person or place where Ace turns to for reassurance and protection/comfort in a way, like [Yuu’s] very existence gives [Ace] courage to push forward.” I think that’s stretching it a bit. Maybe it’s somewhat true for book 7, since Ace centers his happiness around Yuu’s presence and seizes the courage to charge in with his newly acquired UM after Yuu cheers him on. However, I never got the sense that Ace thought of them as a source of comfort and courage prior to book 7. For a large part of the main story I just got the sense he was a misbehaved idiot with a heart of gold.
Ace bullies Yuu at first and then becomes a reluctant ally when their interests align (ie not getting expelled) in the prologue. Yuu grants him temporary housing in book 1 and supports him as he tries to earn his way back into the dorm and then even as he resists Riddle’s rule. Ace goes pretty far to defend his own stance, but arguably also Yuu’s honor, as I believe he rushes in to punch his dorm leader when he insults Yuu’s lack of education. He joins the investigation but doesn’t really help much in book 2. The he assists in fulfilling Azul’s deal to save Ramshackle and the anemone’d students in book 3. There’s also the infamous scene where he jokes about sleeping in the same room together. He is gone for most of book 4, but makes a long and tedious trip back (with Deuce) to address Yuu’s SOS message. Ace is a VDC/SDC participant and has that whole dilemma with Deuce getting bis UM before he does. In book 6, he is knocked out fighting Ferrymen and tearfully reunites with his friends at the end of the book. Early in 7, he is quick to dismiss the idea of Yuu going back to their world—and then this culminates in his own dream and his actions in Riddle’s, which I already discussed earlier. A lot of other small moments occur as well, showing Ace eating with Yuu, going to class with Yuu, etc.
A majority of the behaviors I recall are either Ace and Yuu casually hanging out or Ace rushing to protect them from something, be it insults or physical/magical blows. It’s not a ton of Ace overtly depending on Yuu. I don’t even think I could find any implications of him depending on Yuu in his dialogue or through more subtle cues. He certainly gets emotional when Yuu is involved, but this by itself doesn’t necessarily mean he looks to them for reassurance. Ace has always been pretty guarded, even expositing that no one at NRC would offer you a helping hand as late as Lilia’s farewell party. It’s only when we get to late book 7 that Ace starts changing his tune.
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miss0atae · 5 months ago
Random Thoughts about Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo (EP 5 - 6) :
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This time it was more complicated for me to follow what was going on. I felt like I was bombarded with so much information about the main characters that I didn't know how to process them. I think, in a way, it reflected the feelings they both had for one another. Ju Yeong and Do Hoe are trying to reconnect, but there are so many things between them. It makes it so hard to cross over to understand the other one. There is the past that is still lingering and putting so much weight on their actions, the 10 years distance that they can never really get back because so much happened during this time. There is also the difference of the social background and also their way of dealing with the past violence and abuse they faced and the new one they witness in the present. Despite the love they are supposed to share, they can't get over all their differences and they are hurt again and struggling with what to do. As a viewer of the series, you're so lost too. I can't seem to see how they are going to be able to find a balance in what they wanted, what they want and what they desire for the future. If it wasn't a series, I think I wouldn't want them to end up together. I feel like they would be better off without one another. On the other hand, I have this hope that love will win over every struggles they have.
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I feel like the characters are both frozen in time because of the abuse they had to face when they were teenagers. That's why their reactions are so different. Do Hoe wants to avoid thinking or talking about the past. Every time he has to think of the past or his father, all his demeanor change. He usually appears in control and calm, but when the past is mentioned he gets agitated. He can be angry and cruel. He lashed out in different ways: when he took Ju Yeong at a fancy restaurant to show him their differences or when he told him he can't understand his life because he was always loved. I wish to know why he thinks this way? Is it because his parents paid for his expenses when he joined the taekwondo's school of his father?! Nothing is showing that Ju Yeong was loved. Quite the opposite to be honest. Do Hoe also relies to lies to avoid conflicts just like when he pretended to be tired when in fact he was with Hyeon Ho. I also felt a bit uncomfortable with his relationship to alcohol. It may be an over-interpretation of the situation, but I felt he used it as a way of escapism, especially as he used it when he had his diner with his “friends” at the restaurant or when he offered Ju Yeong a drink when he wanted to divert the conversation. Do Hoe is hurting a lot. It would be easy to “hate” him because of his actions towards Ju Yeong. However, we know he is hurting too and he doesn't react the same way as Ju Yeong. That's why I feel like I could never hate him.
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As for Ju Yeong, he is hurting in a different way. Ju Yeong is looking for answers about what happened in the past and the impact it has on the present. He, himself, hasn't really changed. He lives in a shoe box of a room with no heater. He hasn't formed strong bonds with anyone in Seoul and he always came back to the city where the time has been suspended for him. He kept the same path from his teen-hood to now. He is also still in love with Do Hoe. He can't forget their time together and he can't let go of his love for him. Even when Ju Yeong, now, treat him badly, he always come back to him because his love for him keeps him from leaving his side. Contrary on Do Hoe's belief, Ju Yeong hasn't been loved before. I discover the true meaning of love through Do Hoe. Before he fell in love with him, he just didn't know what it was. His family sent him away because he wasn't what they wanted him to be. His taekwondo coach was abusive towards him and Do Hoe. In this rural city, he had no friends… he only had Do Hoe. One day, he also lost this love and he never truly understood why. He has been looking for him from a long time and he can't forget what they had. He lived in the past because only in the past he found a ray of sunshine in his relationship with Do Hoe. He is still looking at the past when he tries to learn about how was Do Hoe’s life in these 10 years they weren’t together, but he can’t seem to get the answers he desires.
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I feel like the snow has always been the link between these two characters. Ju Yeong made snow for Do Hoe. They saw the snow in Seoul when they went together. Everytime it was snowing, Ju Yeong thought about Do Hoe. In episode 5, when they both were back to the house and Ju Yeong was so distant and cold. It was only when they snow started to fall down again, he let his guard down for Ju Yeong and kissed him. The snow shows the deep of their bond and washes away the pain and the struggles. After all, we haven't really seen the characters in another season than Winter. Usually the snow represent one of the main symbols of this season, and the feelings that are connected to winter are cold, wind, and darkness. Do Hoe and Ju Yeong have both a very dark past and can't seem to be free from it yet. They haven't even started to heal. However, the snow is also a symbol of youth and innocence. It brings us back to the beauty of their blooming romance in their youth and how they both found solace in it. That's why it was beautiful when Do Hoe kissed Ju Yeong right when the snow started to fall down again. It was like the snow was making things pure again, fresh and new. He said to Heyon Ho that he wanted to continue from the moment he stopped and that it wasn't going back to the past. At this moment, he truly believed it. However, the snow gets dirtier with time, which can be similar to what happens with our characters who wanted to continue something that was left for so long, without talking about what makes things different now. It is a useful symbol that can strengthen the sad or depressed feelings the characters still have.
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In the middle of their complicated love story, there is the violence and abuse still rearing its ugly head. Both Do Hoe and Ju Yeong haven't been able to heal from it. It is emphasized with their reactions when they noticed that one of their students is being abuse by his parents. Do Hoe wants to avoid getting involved while Ju Yeong wants to get in the middle of it. It's the same reaction they had when they had to face Do Hoe's dad actions. Ju Yeong got in the middle to avoid Do Hoe's to be hurt by his father when he had an important exam to do, while Do Hoe saw the abuse he was subjected to and he pretended not to see (even if at this time, he apparently reached out to the police to save him). The source of their guilt comes this, but they are just the victim of their environment. They shouldn't feel guilty. They were just kids. There is no good way of dealing with the consequences of long-term abuse and lack of love. I would say the best solution would be to find a good therapist, but this is not even mentioned in the series. I don't even think the characters understand how their reactions or way of living is a consequence of what they had to face in the past. The metaphor of the house is just another symbol of how they are both trapped by their past. I really thought at first that their reunion would bring them to a path of healing, but I'm not quite sure about that now.
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Will they be able to heal? I hope the last two episodes will bring me the answer. I know it makes no sense, but I wish for a happy ending, even if it’s unrealistic. I want love to be stronger than violence. I wish they could grow old together in Seoul, just like they wanted when they were a teen.
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PS: I haven't talked about how the show made a comparison of their first intercourse and the one they had when they found each other again 10 years later, but it was a stark difference. They were closer in the past. In the present, even if they were intimate, the invisible wall between them was still there, separating them. Having sex with someone is usually an act of sharing pleasure and intimacy. It can sometimes bring you closer to the person with whom your are doing it. Still, this time, as our characters are still frozen in time, it didn't bring them closer. I feel Ju Yeong felt it because he was looking at Do Hoe and it was like he was looking for something. It was heartbreaking, especially when you saw how close they were in the past after their first time.
If you've read this up to this point, thanks for reading it because I just noticed how long it is.
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aftgphoenix · 4 months ago
How do you feel about Kevin ?
I'm not really sure what you are looking for, anon, so here's a random jumble of thoughts that I hope makes some sort of sense. Thank you so much for the ask!
I think he's such an interesting character and one that I wish we could learn more about. I would love to learn more about his childhood with his mom and then his experiences at the Nest! I wonder if Kayleigh was a good mom, if she spent a lot of time with Kevin, if she let him explore other interests aside from exy. Imagine little Kevin dragging his Mom through different historical sites as they travel around the world for exy! Once Kevin's in the Nest, I keep thinking about Riko and how his friendship with Kevin developed into them being "brothers" and Kevin being Riko's pet. Imagine the slow slide as Riko let his sadistic side grow. I think it probably got noticeable worse when Jean arrived but I imagine it was already bad before then.
With what we do know, though, I think he's hiding a boatload of trauma that he'll likely keep repressing as long as he can until everything implodes. I would love to see him really start working through that in his fourth and fifth years with the foxes with Betsy. Actually, that would be a super cool fic to read! If anyone knows of any/writes one, please let me know!
His growth in the series was really cool to read too. He is still learning how to be his own person with his own thoughts, interests, and personality. He's learning how to be brave and to take a stand against his abusers. He's learning how to overcome the cult mindset from the Nest and he's learning to let Riko go. He's learning how to live a life with more than just exy and to care for others in a way that wasn't allowed in the Nest. He will always be connected to exy, but I think even if he had been raised in a healthy place, he still would have been exy-obsessed. I mean, his mom created the game and his dad is an exy coach (and presumably a really good player prior to that).
I hope he's able to find healthier ways to cope than getting drunk. He deserves so much better than that. (On a side note, my husband's family has struggled with alcoholism and it isn't fun at all. It tears apart families and can cause a lot of negative impact on the kids, even without an abusive aspect.) I understand why he does it, though, because I can't imagine having to live with the memories he does. I mean, watching Nathan kill that man would be traumatic enough but Kevin has seen so much more than that and I know it haunts him.
Unpopular opinion, I know, but I also like him with Thea. I like the idea of him falling in love with someone who isn't very familiar with exy but I just don't think that's very likely to happen. Instead, I like to imagine that he and Thea get a boatload of therapy and rekindle their relationship, first as friends, relearning about each other, then moving into a romantic relationship while they process the absolute horrendousness that the Nest's sexual culture was (what do you mean Riko was in the room? Yikes!!!). 
He's definitely one of my top favorite characters (but let's be real, I have about twenty favorite aftg characters). I love reading fics about him! Hopefully this makes sense and maybe answers your question? Either way, I had a lot of fun writing this all out! I love getting asks, so thank you!!!
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chirpingfromthebox · 3 months ago
The Frost's Post-game Press Session from 12/28/2024 - MTL at MIN
The Minnesota Frost's post-game press session following their home game against the Montréal Victoire.
At the table were head coach Ken Klee, team captain Kendall Coyne Schofield, and forward Brooke McQuigge.
Transcription is under the break.
Anything lacking in your team’s performance today, Ken?
Yeah, I mean it was tough. It was a close hockey game. Obviously I would have liked to see us get another opportunity or two on the powerplay, but it just didn’t happen for us tonight. They did a good job: they played hard, they played simple, got pucks out, flipped pucks out. And then we just had a hard time getting to the front. So I mean- I think that’s partially us being a little off and also them doing a good job.
How much- To what extent do you feel injuries or illness kinda impacted how the team looked today?
Yeah, I mean, it's- we’ve lost two really top players for us in Dom[inique Petrie] and [???], but we gotta figure out a way to, you know- we’ve still got a lot of good players in the room. So it’s about us figuring out ways to put more pucks to the net and when we do that we have a lot of success.
[For context: this question is in regards to the fact that the Frost has had to call up two reserve players {Kaitlyn O’Donohoe and Charlotte Akervik} after having two players get put on LTIR. I think a few more are sick at the moment as well?
As for the part I can't catch, I'm assuming he's talking about Sophie Jaques, but the word I'm hearing sounds to me like "single" or maybe "cinco"? Possibly a nickname I don't know? If anyone has a better guess let me know.]
Brooke, how about, on your goal, kinda, what did see on the play and how did it feel to get on the scoresheet?
Obviously it felt pretty good. I think my line fed off each other’s energy and we just got on the forecheck well there and each of us had a swing at the puck. So it coulda been either one of my linemates’ goals. So just happy to get the first one.
Kendall, what did they do to make it hard for you guys to try get offensive?
I think we didn’t have a great start and it’s hard to play catch-up. Especially- every team in this league is a great team. So when you don’t have a great start you’re playing a little bit of catch-up, I think. So I think that’s on us as well as they did play well. As coach said, I thought they defended well. It was hard to get to the net front to tip pucks, get puck through. And then, you know, defensively, I think, we were struggling to get pucks out. The great thing is it’s still early and we get the opportunity to learn from it and move on. We have some time now ‘til next Thursday before our next game.
Was it a pretty easy decision to challenge that goal?
I don’t know if it’s ever easy, but it’s- I think it was the right call. I’ve already met with the goalies and said, “Hey, it there’s a situation-” Because the replays are kind of slow for us to get on the bench. Or I was watching it on the jumbotron probably like everybody else. But, you know, with the goalie saying that, “Hey, I was definitely interfered with?” Then that obviously helps with it. Makes it a much easier call for me. I try to have them take a bit of ownership of it too, because they’re around the net and they see what’s happening. But yeah, it was fortunate that we got the call. We just needed to figure out a way to get one more.
Maddie said it right away. I was on the ice, I said, “You get interfered with?” She says, “Oh yeah.” So then I had the opportunity to go to bench and, “Maddie said she did get interfered with.” So that helps.
Kendall, what did you see on that last, you know, chance on that feed to Grace [Zumwinkle]? You know, kind of getting the momentum there at the end even if you weren’t able to find the net.
Yeah, I just saw her full head of steam, I mean she’s one of the strongest kids on the ice. And so I- I wasn’t sure who the defender was that she was going against, but I knew she was going to beat her if I could get the puck in somewhat of the area she was skating to. And she got a stick on it, just, obviously, not enough.
The play Maddie today, I know she, I mean, you guys took a loss, but there was one, I think they had just taken the lead again and she made another really big save on a breakaway that coulda put them up two?
Just, that play of her, the consistency she’s had so far this season.
Yeah, I mean, I think that’s why she’s had more games. There’s no secret. If you play solid and play consistent you’re usually going to get more games and so far she’s been doing a great job of it. We definitely need good goal tending, every team in the league does. She was great. It was no- I can’t fault her on, certainly not any of the goals today. She played really well.
So you plan on sticking with kind of the tandem, kind of back and forth like you’ve done ?
Yeah, it’s kind of a game by game, that’s how we look at it. We just had one this week and then we’ll turn the page next week and see how everyone’s practicing, how everyone’s feeling, and then come up with a plan for next weekend.
Will it help to be at home for 3 games?
I hope so, yeah. I mean, hopefully. Having people banged up and a little sick, it’s hard, especially when you’re on the road. But hopefully we can get healthy and just be ready to have a great effort on Thursday.
[End of Video]
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pedripics · 1 year ago
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PRESS CONFERENCE ahead of FC BARCELONA v PSG - April 15, 2024
About his feelings and the team:
"Well, I think the team is very motivated and has a great desire to play an important match like the one we have tomorrow. On a personal level, I feel good. I went through a difficult period full of injuries, but the truth is that I was excited to come back. I was able to be back in Paris, play some minutes against Cadiz, and I'm very excited for the game tomorrow."
"On the field I don't think about the injuries I've had. The pass I gave to Raphinha in the goal in Paris is similar to the pass I gave when I was injured the last time. I'm happy with myself return. I give my 100% to the team. We're looking forward to tomorrow's match."
About potentially playing 90 mins tomorrow:
"I feel good, I have a lot of desire, everyone wants to play this kind of match. It is true that when you return from injury you notice fatigue, but I feel strong and want to play. I prefer to play 80 minutes at 100% and ask for a change if I cannot handle more. So that's what I'm going to do, I'm going to play until I can and I'll ask for a change when I can't."
Is this the biggest game of his career?
"Yes, I think it's the most important match of my career so far. This and the semi-finals of the European Cup. The fans deserve matches like this, we've wanted a night like this in Barcelona for a long time. They have helped us get here after many years, they have always supported us and we want to enjoy it all together"
About the teams improvement:
"Even though I wasn't with the team for a long time, like Frenkie or Christensen, the team maintained itself. We have a very full team, and we rotate. we are Family. We had a lot of injuries and we knew how to move on and come out of them."
"Xavi's announcement must have had some impact, now we have a long and series. We have improved our ability to keep clean sheets and be more aggressive in defense. We are much better mentally, before, we had a lot of doubts when we scored a goal, we still have to improve. We are still young, and we will improve with time. We were able to come back to Paris, it's the most difficult, especially in a stadium which puts a lot of pressure on you."
About Gündogan's impact:
"Gundogan is a spectacular player, since I met him, I already knew what role he would have in the team, it is a pleasure to play with him, I learn a lot from him in training and he has some spectacular numbers, very happy to have him by my side."
About getting psychological help during his injuries:
"I didn't because I don't feel like I need it and with the trainers we have done a spectacular job, although I don't rule it out in the future."
About facing PSG:
"Everyone likes to talk about the favorite, which is currently, I don't like it. They are two quite similar teams, who like to have the ball. I think it will be a good match, we will do our best to qualify."
"We have to be careful because it is clear that Paris is not coming to Barcelona to give us gifts. I think Paris will come with all their strength, especially with our knowledge of their coach, they will try to turn things around. It is true that we have this slight advantage that the result gives us, but we must go out as if this advantage did not exist, go out to devour Paris and this is how we must appear."
"The priority tomorrow is to get the ball. When you have the ball, you prevent the opposing team from giving you chances. Also avoid one-on-one confrontations and one-on-one duels, where players like Kylian Mbappe, Ousmane Dembélé or Barcola are very good."
About watching the 6-1 win vs PSG:
"I've been a Culer since I was young. A comeback like that stays in your memory. I couldn't believe it. We talk about it with Sergi, and we hope to give another equally memorable memory to the Culers."
About playing in two different positions:
"I’ve played in a deeper position in the last two games and I got to touch the ball more than usual. I’m comfortable in playing anywhere in the midfield."
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saturnicos · 11 months ago
Heyy can u do Riddle, Jamil & whoever else you choose (separately) X party girl!reader? Someone who loves music, dancing, clubs and stuff like that? They might still be good at studies or it might affect them, you choose ! Thank uuu (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
heyyy hii, thx for the request!! :)
my writing style (in second person) naturally transforms the reader into gn, and how gender was not entirely relevant in this scenario I thought it would be ok to leave it like that! furthermore, I took both cases on the studies, I can't make a genuine choice lol
[ → ] jamil viper, riddle rosehearts, deuce spade x party!reader (separately)
[cw/tw]: none
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★ Jamil Viper
Jamil isn't the most festive type for several reasons, from his own preference to being the one who organizes and prepares parties at Kalim's request, rarely being able to enjoy the party while he needs to watch him; he was born for servitude and not to enjoy these events, so he had to suppress himself from a young age about this kind of thing.
So, when you are a vivid and radiant soul about it, he could already imagine the headache he would have in having to deal with a slightly calmer version of Kalim during the parties in Scarabia. When he took time and realized on different levels how far apart you two are in your taste for parties — like, for example, not caring as much about parties as lavish or as big as Kalim likes, just enjoying them in general — he would see you more like someone who appreciates the different angles that the party concept can present as art and fun. A little like he does :)
If you decided to start a party or music/dance club, he would support you! If it's a passion of yours, why not? He would be very accommodating and would even give you advice based on his experience. Furthermore, at the end of the day, it would be less tiring for him to listen to you monologue about how the club's activities were then having to accompany you to every event that you found interesting to participate in.
But hey! If you persist and insist a lot, besides getting Kalim to stay distracted long enough and in the hands of someone Jamil truly trusts, he might give in and enjoy the music with you at some of the parties in Scarabia, as well as finally being able to have a time to practice his hobby with you without Kalim's intervention! :)
I feel that, in general, he doesn't have exact preferences in music or dance — although he clearly appreciates more the musical and traditional culture of the place he came from, we are all a little like that —, so even choosing that wouldn't be a problem, he would just enjoy dancing with you.
Now, however, if your festive nature ends up negatively impacting and interfering with your performance at school, resulting in many below-average grades, get ready to hear a — perhaps — not very kind lecture from Jamil, pointing out how you shouldn't let your priorities go sideways like this.
He tries to say it in a softer way, of course, but it always ends in a harsh tone — he is inspired by a viper, after all.
He doesn't have much free time to be able to help you directly with your studies, but he will try to ensure that your note-taking performance improves significantly, in addition to banning you from participating in the next parties in Scarabia until the current two-month period ends with you having good grades. And if you try to circumvent this, you can be sure he would use his unique magic on you.
Now, if not, he doesn't care so much. If you can balance your love of music and dance with your studies, who would be he to complain about that? It's one less thing to worry about for him — again, it comes out in a harsh tone even though it wasn't his intention — so he's relieved :)
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★ Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle can be very 50/50 with you.
If your kind of taste in parties resembles unbirthday parties, he would be happy! Having someone to organize and think about each subsequent Heartslabyul party, along with coaching him on songs he could add without completely breaking the Queen of Hearts rules, is an idea he deeply appreciates. No one takes partying as seriously as he does — the ones that supposedly do are usually out of fear or fear of having their head cut off — so having someone who shares the same sentiment is refreshing for him.
If your taste in parties is very different from this — like the parties in Scarabia — he may not appreciate it. He definitely doesn't take any kind of detest, but it's something a bit out of place for him; the idea of calm parties doesn't necessarily appeal to you, but rather parties that are more vibrant and hectic.
It's not something he enjoys as much because it's different from the Queen of Hearts party pattern, but he doesn't think he'd have any problem accompanying you to them. In fact, if you ask him to dance, he might end up having fun even if he is reluctant! He probably doesn't have much knowledge or idea of the type of dance or choreography of these events, so please teach him, he might end up not being so good in such an extroverted environment and even feel a little embarrassed, but he would spend a fun moment.
Now, studies. Another thing he could be 50/50 on.
If you could balance your festive spirit with your academic performance, Riddle would be impressed. Not that he's the type to stereotype people, but generally people with a great festive sense don't pay enough attention to doing well at school — he grew up being educated harshly by his mother and, consequently, still has certain retrograde thoughts even trying to improve —. He would sometimes comment with Trey on how the prefect seems to stand out so much in such diverse fields.
Now, in case this affects you, my dear... No one is truly prepared for Riddle's sermons, and unfortunately this even applies to you. You would be forced to listen to a lecture about how outrageous it is that you put your studies aside because of your love of partying, citing long speeches about how you should be more committed to this kind of thing and how it can negatively affect your future. Bla bla bla, this non-ironically could last an hour or two, but within the first ten minutes you already want to melt into the couch as he berates you for not paying attention.
He would offer to help you improve your performance at school with extended study sessions after school or on weekends, going over all the material calmly with you. And this routine wouldn't end until you managed to maintain good grades in the two months.
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★ Deuce Spade
He's another one who isn't particularly the party type. Deuce likes parties, of course, but he is not an enthusiast or amateur of them to any great extent, I think he just enjoys these types of events?
Even though he isn't, he makes a point of accompanying you to the parties you're going to if you invite him! He is happy to be able to spend time with you and still have fun. Besides, he promised himself that he would be there to defend you if bad people or idiots tried anything with/against you.
Please teach this boy dance steps, he is completely lost in the middle of the room, not knowing exactly what he should do. He wants to be your dance partner, but he can't understand what choreography the song playing requires.
If you talked to Deuce about a dance/music club, he would support you in both creating and joining one! He is a complete support and would support you in any decision you made, just looking for your smile at the end of the day while you happily comment on how it was.
Also expect questions distributed throughout the day about how the club went, if you had plans, what activities you planned, if you intend to take leadership in any upcoming festive events at school, if you are happy. He's a sweetheart who wants to make sure he listens to you and makes you feel comfortable about his hobby, trying to show as much support as possible :(
If you had good grades, great! He's happy that you find a healthy place to maintain a passion of yours with your schoolwork (he'd probably ask you for help on how you keep your GPAs so high, seeing you as a genuine role model).
If not, he is not strict about the issue of your grades and will never scold you if your hobby is affecting them. He, however, would try to gently explain to you how you could harm yourself if you remained at this pace and were unable to balance it with your academic life, making clear his concern that you would end up repeating an action he had done in the past.
Deuce isn't the best at explaining, but he would try his best if you asked him for help. He could end up teaching you the wrong subject or even giving you the wrong formula for the question, but please be patient with this poor boy, he is trying his best to help you.
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werewolfnatural · 2 years ago
okay but the dean winchester of it all about Stiles like both were left with the household responsibilities by absent (and likely drunk) fathers and neither of them have felt like kids for the longest time after the deaths of their mothers
trying to focus on stiles here because of the conversations about the BH parents currently in the tags today but the sheriff may love Stiles but he definitely left Stiles to parent himself
he tries the whole “I’m the father/you’re the son” but Stiles hasn’t seen it like that since Claudia died likely shifting when she first started getting sick and Stiles had to take care of her and himself because the sheriff was either working or drinking, and like dean Stiles probably had to care for his dad when he was drunk too and if Stiles’ anxieties are anything to go by then the sheriff wasn’t taking care of himself let alone a sick Claudia and young Stiles—that kind of anxiety doesn’t just stem from nowhere and I think it’s definitely in part to Stiles not being able to lose anyone else but also because he’s seen that the sheriff couldn’t be trusted to take care of himself
(this likely changed when he quit drinking but Stiles’ anxiety is still high so I don’t think that it actually changed all that much, and I think that stiles drives is part of all this bc yeah every kid wants to drive but I definitely think it was also bc it was a necessity he had no one to drive him places and needed to be able to go grocery shopping etc bc at least for Scott Melissa did do that much)
and I could talk forever how this can play into (nonsexual don’t fucking start) emotional incest with Stiles caring/monitoring the sheriff the way a partner would similarly to dean being compared to Mary so much and how both get judged for this by the fathers, like you’re the kid why aren’t you acting like a /normal/ kid but who else was there to care for them and keep the family going? Who else was there to take care of the fathers, who had proven they wouldn’t do it themselves, if not the kids? It’s kids parenting their parents while trying to raise themselves
and going off the Stiles caring like a partner would is definitely on the sheriff for not reinforcing boundaries, something that’s definitely impacted Stiles since (especially in the first seasons) we see him lack boundaries with his obsession with Lydia and with his and Scott’s broship (which are whole other posts god) but also with coach and the illegal shit he gets up to
Stiles has never had someone there pulling him back from too far and too much which is why I definitely think stiles raised himself, he has his own specific morals (he’s actually pretty violently inclined sometimes, especially for those he loves) plus the lack of faith in any higher authority that stems from being left/neglected from the authority that was supposed to care for you and protect you, because the sheriff did leave Stiles with Claudia a lot even after she had attacked Stiles in her state, because whether Stiles ever actually processed that or not it would’ve felt like a betrayal—that the sheriffs job was more important than stiles’ safety, and Stiles lying to the sheriff about everything regarding the supernatural totally lends to Stiles not trusting the sheriff to believe him (which happens) or trusting that a higher authority (the cops/adults in BH) to actually do anything about it and also lends to Stiles still being the protector/carer in their relationship
I could go on and on with more examples but I’ve already rewritten this like five times trying to word it for the last hour and I’m still not happy with it but I love digging into these complicated familial relationships and talk about Stiles (and dean) forever
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daydreamgoddess14 · 2 years ago
Salvation pt.4 - The Finale
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Sorry it's taken a little while! Here's the finale 😊
This also answers the prompt from @tegan8314 who wanted Roy & "I never meant to fall in love with you, I just did." 😘 Thank you!
Full Masterlist
Roy Kent Masterlist
Salvation: CH1 | CH2 | CH3
You deal with the aftermath of telling Roy... - smutty smut in this chapter 🔥
The weight that was lifted from you felt even greater than the weight of the payments you spent eighteen months making. The lightness when you’d made the final payment was nothing compared to the lightness you felt that afternoon. When you’d met up with Sammy and Rebecca, they were making plans with Keeley on who to interview and when. You greeted Sam with a smile and a warmth he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen from you. 
“Could we interview Roy towards the end please? He’s just mentioned some… work stuff he could do with sorting out first.” He heard the fib as he stepped out into the corridor next to you. Rebecca looked up at him,
“I thought I said I needed you free for the day?”
“It’s my fault, I wanted the backstory on just about everything in here.” You smiled, gesturing around the hall of fame, “took up a bit too much of his time.”
“Nonsense.” Rebecca said kindly, just as Roy mumbled,
“Never,” quietly enough for you to hear.
“Better get on with it then, Coach. We’ll see you in the media room?”
“Yeah sure, won’t be long.” He’s still watching you as he leaves, watching Sammy silently questioning if you’re ok, and the relief in your responding nod. You know you’ve given him a total information overload, it was no surprise that he just needed a little time to decompress. The interviews went well, snapshots of how Ted Lasso had made an impact on their lives and how they’d carried that forward. How Rebecca was trying to bring community back to football rather than corporate, and how Roy as a former player, was the lynchpin to it all - having seen both sides and having experienced toxic locker rooms they talked a lot about the new family-style approach they’d adopted at Richmond. You hadn’t been expecting the level of pride you felt when you watched his interview late in the afternoon. It seemed you weren’t the only one who’d gone through some significant changes over the last few years. He held the same intensity and drive, but with less anger bubbling under the surface. Once the day had wrapped up and Sammy had thanked Rebecca and Keeley profusely for the unlimited access to the team, you both sat in your car in silence. You felt Sammy’s shoulders shaking and when you looked over the gearstick, he was silently laughing.
“What’s funny?”
“That was such an amazing day!” He laughed with glee, the lifetime Richmond fan inside him taking over completely after a day of holding his composure. You joined him in laughter, the two of you giggling like kids with tears streaming down your faces.
“Thank you for bringing me. I really appreciate it.” You reached over to give him a one-armed hug,
“Come on, let’s go home for dinner.” You guided your car through the streets of Richmond and parked up a few doors down from Sammy and Nia’s house. The house smelled incredible, like your favourite Nia dish, “not my wife making your favourite meal after a busy day at work!” Sammy teased,
“She loves me, what can I say?! You’ll be grateful when you have an on demand babysitter, don’t try and deny it.”
“Get in here you two, dinner’s ready and I want to hear how it went! Did he cry?”
“Not til the way home, he was totally cool, calm and collected all day. I’m very proud.” You giggle, taking plates from Nia and planting a kiss on her cheek. Sammy spent dinner regaling his wife with the whole story of the day of his dreams, while you spent the entire time thinking about Roy. Being able to explain to him, and return his watch, had finally closed the lid on the last three years of heartache and stress. It felt like the unfinished chapter of your life had been completed, ready for you to move onto actually living. 
“You ok sweetheart?” Nia asked, gently once Sammy had stopped talking long enough to eat.
“Yeah, I’m good. I spoke to Roy, explained everything. He took it well, all things considered.”
“You are fully repented.” She smiled, “free.”
“I wouldn’t go that far, feels pretty good though. Feels like I’ve done enough to forgive myself and maybe that’s enough?” You finish up dinner and load the dishwasher despite Nia’s protests before heading home. You're preoccupied with making sure you’ve gathered all the junk from your car - coffee cups, laptop bag, handbag, water bottle, that you nearly trip over the body on your doorstep. “Oh fuck! Roy?”
“Yeah, shit, I didn’t expect a kickin’?” He rubbed at his shin with a wince.
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting to find you on my doorstep. How did you find my doorstep?”
“You had to fill in a health and safety form at work,”
“Pretty sure those are confidential?”
“Ok, I asked Sammy and he told me.”
“Ok, yeah I can accept that one,” you told him with a shrug. “How long have you been out here?”
“Hour or -” he checked his watch, the one you returned to him, “two. Closer to two.”
“I went to Sammy’s for dinner.”
“Figured as much. I didn’t have your number.”
“Should have taken it off the form,” you smirked,
“I prefer the element of surprise.”
“Coming in?”
“If that’s ok?”
“No, it’s not.” His face fell for a second, “I’m just messing. Course you can.” He followed you, as you turned on lights with your elbow and found a home for all the stuff in your arms. “Beers in the fridge,” you suggested, and he set to work uncapping them. When you get back to the living room, he handed yours over and you clink the necks of the bottle together,
“To forgiveness.” He muttered quietly.
“Is that what this is?”
“Course it is, what else could it be?” 
“I wouldn’t expect you to forgive so easily. You don’t have to.”
“I want to. It’s not about my forgiveness, I reckon you’ve been fuckin’ torturing yourself for long enough.” You paused with the bottle halfway to your mouth. He’d get on well with Nia. 
“Thank you.” You both drink in silence, leaning against the kitchen counter. “You were amazing today, you know?” He doesn’t look up from his bottle. “So different, but so familiar. Like… the best version of yourself, if that makes sense.”
“That’ll be the fuckin’ therapy.” He chuckled,
“Yeah? I should get on that.” The label of your bottle is peeling under the weight of the condensation, “I never meant to fall in love with you, you know?” He does look up at that, his gaze holding yours, “I thought we hadn’t been together that long, I could get away with just walking away and…” you wave your hand as you trail off.
“I never meant to fall in love with you,” He repeats your words, “but I did.”
“Yeah. One of those kinds of love where you spend the rest of your life wondering what could have happened.” He moves to stand in front of you, 
“I only wanted to protect you. Protect your career.”
“I wish you’d given me the same fucking chance.” He cupped your cheek and you lean into it, “how many nights you spent working all those stupid hours and I could have just paid that money like it was fucking nothing. I made more than that in a week when I was at Chelsea.” 
“I wouldn’t have taken your money, Roy.” Neither of you point out that you stole his watch instead.
“You wouldn’t have taken it, I’d have given it to you. I could have saved you from so much shit and pain.” His voice cracks a little at the tears openly streaming down your cheeks. He’s so close you can see the freckles on his cheeks, the fine cut line of his neatly trimmed beard. The soft lines in the corners of his eyes.
“You’re so beautiful.” You tell him.
“That’s my fucking line,” he leans down to you, brushing his thumbs lightly over your cheeks to wipe the tears away, “thief. That’s my watch, my line, my fucking heart… anything else while I’m here?”
“Your heart?”
“You never gave it back to me, you’ve had it the whole time.”
"Fuck me, Roy, that's a line," you sigh. 
"I thought it was pretty good actually," he reasoned. 
"It was very good. Do you plan on making the most of making me swoon?" That's all the permission he needs. He kisses you and you realise that he was also the last person you kissed three long years ago. He was the last person to really touch you, to hear your cries of pleasure, the last person in your bed. It's like he’s oxygen and you can't get enough. Your hands grasp at his top, pulling it off. You reach then for your own, fumbling with the buttons of your blouse. He nips at your jaw and down your neck, "god Roy, I've missed you. F-fuck, I've missed this." He hooks a hand under your thigh, bringing it up over his hip and leans you back into the counter. The heat of your core presses against him and you know you’re already soaked with anticipation.
"Can't believe I let you walk away from me." He grunted, his mouth on your neck, your chest, your lips - anywhere he can. "Fuck, need a condom," he mutters. You shake your head, 
"There hasn't been anyone since you." You confirm, embarrassed that it had been 3 years, he stops in his tracks,
"No one?"
"It wasn't exactly a priority initially, and then I just…" you shrug, "No one would have come close to you, Roy." His eyes are dark, his jaw clenched tight.
"Fuckin' hell," he growls, " Fuckin' hell. " His grip on your hip and thigh tighten, sure to leave bruises. You can feel his hard cock against your inner thigh and roll your hips into him,
"please Roy, fuck me and fill me up," you plead, turning his face with your hand so you can kiss along the neat line of his beard. He needs no further encouragement to unzip his pants and roughly push your underwear to one side. He pushes into you straight to the hilt without warning and despite the fact that your pussy is flooded for him, there's still a brief sharp pain as he stretches you to fit him. Once he's fully seated, he pauses to kiss you, 
"You ok? You sure?" He asks. 
"I'm sure, please don't stop," you beg, "please, Roy I need you to fuck me," the feeling of him inside you, surrounding you, has you babbling as he thrusts into you rhythmically. 
"You've been waiting for this?"
"Been waiting for you," you can already feel your body tightening, the walls of your pussy clenching his cock desperately. After 3 years, you're half surprised you didn't come the second he pushed into you. "Jesus fuck, Roy -" you break off with a sob as you come. He's only a couple of stuttered thrusts behind when he spills into you with a low groan. When he pulls out, your thighs are sticky with your combined release. 
"I love you," he whispers, "and I missed you and I'm not letting you get away this time."
"I love you too." Your eyes well with tears again, "I'm not going anywhere." Your heart could burst, you're so happy and you know you’re never gonna to walk away again. 
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alwayshappyhoursomewhere · 2 years ago
[Translation] SPUR September 2023
Exclusive Interview with Stéphane Lambiel "About Love"
Stéphane Lambiel invites us into his beautiful musical world with his smooth skating and graceful ballet-like movements on the ice. He talks about his love and passion for skating, and everything in his life.
Looking back on his remarkable season as a coach.
Stéphane Lambiel came to Japan to perform in "Fantasy on Ice," the most prominent ice show in Japan. In the 2022-23 figure skating season, Japan's Shoma Uno, whom he coaches, won his second consecutive World Championships, and Koshiro Shimada won a silver medal at the All-Japan Championships. Latvia's Deniss Vasiljevs has also distinguished himself in the Grand Prix Series, so it has been smooth sailing for the coach.
"Shoma, Koshiro, and Deniss are not the only young talents sprouting up one after another. I want all the students at Champery (Switzerland) to grow. I hope my teaching will have a positive impact on their careers and lives. That's my number one goal right now."
After the Corona disaster, the international sports scene is slowly returning to its original state. This year, Stéphane organized a joint training camp in Kyoto with students from the Kinoshita Academy in Japan and Champéry.
"This is a good opportunity for the students to experience a different method from the one they are used to," said Stéphane. This time, we also made time for them to learn physical performance that is different from skating, such as yoga and dance lessons, not only on the ice. By learning new ways to use their bodies, they can feed back to their skating and improve their artistry. They were able to motivate each other, so I felt it was beneficial to share practice.
Today, Kinoshita is home to an elite group of figure skaters who are the future of figure skating.
"I was amazed by all the students. They are able to practice very meticulously while also maintaining their focus. If I had to name a few players that I personally pay attention to, I would say junior players Mao Shimada and Shunsuke Nakamura. I feel something special about them. Hana Yoshida knows her body well and has the ability to use it well."
About the challenges to tackle for the new season
During the training camp, Stéphane also choreographed new programs. He also said it was an opportunity to see the response from Uno, Shimada, and Vasilijevs.
"As for Koshiro, he will continue with his SP "Sing Sing Sing". For FS, he will perform a piano version of "Danse Macabre," choreographed by me. Denis performed his new SP "Hallelujah" for "Fantasy on Ice". This was his first time working with choreographer Shae-Lynn Bourne. It was a very innovative piece, and it took him some time to understand what she was trying to achieve. Then he practiced a lot, and made it his own. I will be choreographing the FS, which will be different from the atmosphere of the past. Please look forward to it.
Shoma has two programs for SP, and I think he is considering which one to use for the competition.One is by Shae-Lynn, and the other one is my creation. I think he will decide after skating both of them at the summer ice show. The SP I made will have a pretty challenging content. It will be divided into several parts, with a short intro to present the outline of the story, followed by a romantic and lyrical part, and then a dynamic change at the end. The unfolding is quite extreme, and I think it will be a very intense performance. I'm looking forward to seeing it at the show, too. For FS, I have proposed some songs, and the choreography will be done by Kenji Miyamoto."
This will be his third (sic) season as Uno's coach. Stéphane says he will do his best to support Uno, who has expressed his desire to improve his expressive side.
There are two wonderful things about Shoma," said Stéphane. One is the rich expressive power of his eyes and of his body movements as a whole. The other is his passion to control everything by himself. When he learns something new, his willingness to practice and make it absolutely his own is second to none. These two virtues have already made him a unique, one-of-a-kind skater. If he is looking for something more on top of that... from me, I think I can help him in terms of musicality. Of course he has musical sense, but I think he can deepen it even more. by refining his sensibility, he will be able to add more "umami", as they say in Japanese, to his performance, a taste that only he can bring out. I believe that the audience too will be able to sense something special from his performance.
Putting his love for his soulmate into his dance on the ice
Thirteen years after retiring from professional skating, Stéphane is now in his mature stage as a professional figure skater. The two performances at this year's Ice Show were truly musical works that moved the audience emotionally.
The first piece performed at Fantasy on Ice was the fourth movement of Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 5, Adagietto. My friend Beatrice Belieu(?), a musician, played the piano and made the arrangement. The second is "Simple song" from the soundtrack of the movie "Grand Finale" (2015). Adagietto was choreographed by Salome Brunner. In fact, the performance presented here is only a part of the whole. Champéry has a festival called "Rencontres Musicales de Champéry" (Encounters with Music), and next year I will be skating Adagietto with Beatrice, who will play live.
The adagietto by Maher, known in the 70's for the film "Death in Venice" and more recently as the key piece in the film "TAR" (2022), is a classic. The sweet and dramatic tune is linked with a personal story.
Mahler's Adagietto was written with love as its theme. Through this song, I wanted to express the various stages of love that I have experienced. It begins with the meeting of two people, the period of burning love that brings them together as one, and then the period when there are discrepancies in the relationship. After overcoming these difficulties, they feel comfortable with each other, and then they rediscover each other as if they had met anew, even though they are the same person. The first meeting and the last meeting have different meanings, and their love evolves. When I skate to this song, I envision in my mind's eye a very rich relationship with the person I am now living with, my soulmate. There is actually a subtle twist to this performance. I thought of it with Salome, it has the same movement at the beginning and the end, but in reverse. With that movement, I expressed the evolution of the relationship and the sense of distance that is created.
He devised the choreography for 'Simple song' with his colleagues at Champéry. It is an insert song for the movie, sung wistfully by Korean opera singer Sumi Jo.
I had heard this song by chance before I saw the movie, and I thought it was a great song. I rediscovered it after watching the film, and then chose it. The personal theme of this film is growing older. Considering my own career, I am slowly approaching the limits of my physical capabilities, and I don't think I will be able to skate for much longer in the future. Still, there is a part of me that wants to skate forever. So when I am skating to this song, I express myself to the fullest as my performance, and I hope that it will be forever. *Adagietto and Simple Song both incorporate movements that require quite a bit of physical endurance, since I have to stand on one point of the edge of my skates and hold it for a long time. The goal is to achieve a noble movement despite being forced to exert that kind of control. Although I feel pleasure in being able to be in control, there are also times when I feel fragility and danger in front of the audience. It's a very lovely moment."
At this year's Fantasy on Ice, fellow skater Johnny Weir retired.
We get together every year in early summer for the show, and the performers are like family. I've talked about that with Johnny, too. It's sad to retire from the ice show, but I think it's also a positive thing. I can't speak for him, but I think he would like to do another project in his life. We have promised that we will spend time together again somewhere. Maybe a private vacation! Sometimes I think about my last show myself. I haven't made up my mind yet.
Despite being involved in a variety of activities, you are still passionate about skating. What is the source of your motivation?
I think it has something to do with the fact that I have matured, and when I aim for my best performance, I want to express myself in the most natural way. My personality is lyrical and romantic, so I often get inspiration from watching that kind of movies or from stage music. Music shakes up emotions from a deep place inside of me, and pushes to the surface the life force within. I can skate by borrowing the energy of the song. As I feel that, I guess that maybe I can perform better, with a sense of unity."
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naanima · 1 year ago
PEOPLE, I'm deep diving into the pits of Reddit reading about the Jake trade. Lololols. I'm just fascinated. Also, I'm gonna talk about what I THINK about the Pens etc, just my own personal take. IGNORE at will. But also realise I DON'T have that much of an emotional attachment to Jake as a lot of fans do, I love him but he isn't one of my guys.
I like the Jake trade, and I think a lot of the anger from fans is that they think trading Jake is admitting that the Pens aren't making it into the playoffs. And I'm just like, um yeah. It is pretty obvious we aren't, or the likelihood of us making it in is fucking low with the season we have had. Jake is NOT going to make a difference in whether we make it to the playoffs or not.
Jake is an UFA in 3 months time. We DIDN'T have a contract with him, of course we are gonna trade him for futures. It is the SMART trade decision. The return we got for him is OBJECTIVE high. He is a 3 months long RENTAL, NO team in their right mind would willingly offer up their first round pick WITHOUT conditions. Unless all we are getting in return is a first round pick and a player. THAT'S a shit deal.
First round picks are worthless UNLESS they are a guaranteed success - generational talents, someone that's practically a guaranteed hit. The NUMBER of first round picks that never make it is HIGH! In addition, I'd like to remind everyone that Jake was picked up in the fucking THIRD ROUND of the draft.
Kyle gave the Pens the WHOLE season to get better, and don't give me the bullshit about how he got us shitty pieces, ALL his trade on paper was excellent (barring Jarry and Graves). We are INDIVIDUALLY better, but as a team we just fucking suck.
I know Sid is pissed, and that's good, it would be fucking off if Sid ISN'T pissed about losing, and having his eldest daughter being traded away. He is a player that's what he should be focused on. But guess what? Kyle's job is about providing the best chance for the team to win (he did with all the summer trades etc, the team just somehow fucking sucks), and to build a future for the Pens (which he is doing by SECURING us prospects and future picks, bcos we HAD BASICALLY NOTHING). For whatever reason we fucking suck.
Actually, I 80% believe the reason we suck is bcos of our coaching staff. I LOVE Sully, I think he has TRIED everything this season to make us win, but the FACT NOTHING worked says a LOT about his position with this team presently. Sometimes people can get TOO comfortable in an org/place etc. or sometimes a person is just NO longer what an org/team needs. And I truly believe it is time for Pens and Sully to part ways. The truth is Sully is gonna get snapped up straight away and most likely win another Cup, just NOT with the current Pens. And I 100% believe Sully wasn't fired this season so far bcos FSG likes him and gave him a FUCKING EXTENSION. No way was Kyle gonna be able to remove him. But hey, there's enough evidence to show that we REALLY NEED A FUCKING COACHING CHANGE.
Also, our PP sucked so bad this year that truly fucked us over completely. It was MENTALLY impacting our players, our commentators and the fans. It is a fucking problem. Fire REIRDEN for fucks sake.
Oh! And 20% maybe we suck is because we had so MANY changes in the roster meant it was gonna take us a whole-ass season to figure shit out.
I'm just really fascinated by the Pens future.
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tabithatwo · 2 years ago
you people are so weird. any person with a brain would understand that shauna would be the most affected by the loss of her baby. that baby is literally a part of her in a way that jackie will never be able to. you’re just mad that shauna’s character no longer revolves around the non canon ship that you made up in your head.
I’m only gonna respond to one of these the rest will be deleted but this is a good example to use to tap into more general concerning discussion I see!
Two parts, the easy one first:
everyone who says this stuff is missing the point completely, the conversation isn’t even about shipping like…at all, actually! It’s character continuity! The point is simply that s1 21 shauna was constantly impacted by a specific thing (the loss of Jackie) and now that we’ve seen that loss on screen in 96, the showrunners have shifted s2 21 Shauna a LOT (both on screen and in interviews). I also talked about Misty’s continuity. Im concerned about the 2021 CHARACTERS CHANGING BASED ON THINGS THAT HAVE ALL ALREADY HAPPENED TO THEM IN THE PAST BY THE FIRST FRAME OF ADULT THEM THAT WE EVER SEE IN THE SHOW. Because I worry that the writers don’t themselves know enough of what happened in the 96 tl to not have continuity issues in the adult characters and/or there’s been a push somewhere to make the characters more tolerable or sympathetic. Like that is the thesis statement idk if that helps lol cause I think you’re probably willfully misunderstanding me but in case you’re not there’s another rephrasing of it.
Second thing, less easy:
telling people that “anyone with a brain would understand that the loss of a baby would impact her most” is actually a very cruel thing to do! I’m taking the time to explain this in case you’re on the younger side or something and maybe just don’t understand, but when you talk to people you do not know what they’ve experienced. So imagining that you’re telling someone who has experienced the thing you’re lecturing them on when you say things can be a helpful metric in being less of an asshole in your phrasing. Pregnancy loss and stillbirth CAN absolutely be the hardest thing some people ever experience. But applying that rhetoric to every single woman is actually a very right wing bullshit propaganda sexist crock of shit, which is the other issue I have with this storyline that’s making me weary. The entire she showed no interest in this baby but every woman wants their baby and it just takes seeing it to realize thing? Rotted. Absolutely rotted lol. Can that happen? YEAH! Does it every time or even most of the time? FUCKING NO IT DOES NOT! Does constantly portraying that in media create a general understanding that is incredibly harmful? The one you’re actually sending back at me right now? ALSO YEAH! I’m not saying I don’t think there’s a way they can go with Shauna’s grief that doesn’t play into this, but the shift in her 2021 character PAIRED with the quote about the baby being the most profound loss worries me.
Especially when the proof is a little bit in the pudding, because there are so many people like you very loudly saying that miscarriage or pregnancy loss or stillbirth is unequivocally the worst thing that can happen to a woman and that questioning that is wrong.
So back to think about who you’re talking to and how they could have any life you don’t understand: you sent this to me! A stranger on the internet! And I, someone who actually quite literally experienced pregnancy loss at 19 years old of a baby that I didn’t want with a man that I slept with because of his proximity to a specific woman, woke up to a message telling me that I’m stupid for not understanding the impact of the loss of a pregnancy. Now is that the exact same loss as Shauna’s? No of course not but damn if it isn’t a little eerie in its closeness lol. Which is probably WHY I care so much how they’re handling this rhetoric.
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oensible · 14 days ago
Sharks Foundation 30th anniversary
Artyom Levshunov
Will Smith (+ Patty Marleau comp)
[Transcript below the cut]
Sharks Foundation 30th anniversary segment:
ALAN HOSHIDA: [Welcome] back; eight game home stand continues, looking for their first win... The Tank [SAP Center] was a happenin' place last time out—someone check on Sharkie. I heard some things happened. What will we see in the stands tonight, and on the ice? Let's get to our Remenda Rush and bring in Drew Remenda, and tonight we're celebrating the Sharks Foundation—30 years of impact. What have you seen from this foundation over your time here with the Sharks?
DREW REMENDA: Well, one, what you just said, the impact that they've made within the community. But how it started to where it is now—how they've grown, and how the, the reach out to the community has expanded to so many different things. I remember when their first couple of things that we ever did, the first of get-togethers, you know, broadcasters or coaches got in, and the players on some very small events, and then it just keeps expanding and expanding—that's because the incredible hard work that the Sharks Foundation does. The people themselves, here, in our building, that work for the San Jose Sharks, have grown that to be... fantastic. Because it has been fantastic for everybody that they touch.
(Long pause.)
HOSHIDA: (crosstalk) Keep on going, now that—
REMENDA: (crosstalk) I guess I'll keep talking, 'cause I— (indistinct)
(Both break out into laughter.)
REMENDA: (crosstalk) Hey that pregnant—
HOSHIDA: (crosstalk) We're all together on this.
REMENDA: You know what, exactly, that pregnant pause sometimes can be uncomfortable—which it just was! Alright, here's some of the guys we're looking at today—(both start giggling again) You guys... (regaining his composure)
(Commentary for the rest of the Remenda Rush is from Drew.)
Artyom Levshunov segment:
Playing in his second game in the National Hockey League—Hockey League, Artyom Levshunov. Levshunov was the second pick behind Macklin Celebrini. He played his first game last game against the Colorado Avalanche, and it was a 3–nothing loss, but in this game you saw some of the things that Levshunov has.
Number one, 6'2 but very explosive, outstanding skater. His edgework is terrific. He reminds you a lot of Lane Hutson as far as being able to shimmy-shake a defender because his edgework is so good. Very good on the transition, we watched some highlights when he played in (indistinct, probably saying "Michigan"?) and you see him being able to move the puck as well as he does, but he gets up in the play as well. His first two or three steps are really explosive.
And so when you look at the fact with that young man playing—and he had a, as I said, a very good game; he even lost his defense partner in Alec Martinez, but Mart—so he's down to five guys—he didn't, he didn't drop off. He didn't waver even though he'd played more minutes. I think it was like 23 minutes that he played in his first game. Foligno—his... forward, his teammate—said you know what, it was really exciting, he played an awesome game, and it's exciting to watch that skill up in person, so that's one of the guys they're building the future around, the Chicago Blackhawks.
Will Smith segment:
And, I think a guy that sometimes we don't talk about enough is Will Smith. Now, I gotta admit: at the start of the season, when Will Smith just started out, he wasn't what I thought he was going to be. I was expecting just like Macklin Celebrini, really dynamic, really noticeable. But Will was having a little trouble adapting to the NHL game, and I think Jamal will be able to kinda talk about this even better than I can.
But I asked the Sharks management: I asked them about Will, and what they told me was—relax. He did the same thing at Boston College. He started out a little slow, and then he picked up the game, the game slowed down for him, and then he took off and led the nation in points. In the last 20 games now with the San Jose Sharks, he got 18 points and the game has slowed down for him.
I asked Ryan Warsofsky and the coaching staff what they thought, where is his biggest improvement. They said number one, he's hanging onto pucks. And he's making plays now; he's more confident. And you saw that pass he made to Collin Graf for the second goal last game? He, earlier, would've just made that pass right away. Instead, he starts to walk towards the net, holds onto it for a second, draws the defensemen—that opens up Collin Graf for the goal. And the other thing he's doing is moving his feet. He's now skating, and the game, now, has slowed down for him; he's sped his brain up.
The other thing is, Ryan Warsofsky said, he's a smart person, a really smart player. But when you look at Macklin Celebrini, you think "wow, he's so intense, he's so competitive", and you see that. And I watch Will Smith—he reminds me, though, gang—he's got that competitiveness; he's got that fire—but he reminds me of Patty Marleau! How Patty was, had that—he was quiet, he was even-keel, but he still had the fire burning. Again, Jamal, you played with Patty, you know better than me, but I see a lot of Patty Marleau's instincts, and mannerisms, and character, and desire, and competitiveness with Will Smith.
So those are the two guys I'm looking at today, and I think both organizations look and think, "you know what, our future's going to be okay" with those two in the lineup.
[End of transcript.]
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moonshynecybin · 9 months ago
what no gos would marc commit while kayaking. translate his aggressive riding to kayaking faux pas for me...... if you want.......
this is interesting because kayaking is an individual sport, and for many only SOMETIMES a competitive one. the big formalized racing series like slalom are often done on courses DESIGNED to minimize risk, the rapids max out at class 3 or 4 and as such rarely attract the real daredevils like marc… so competitive freaknasty that he is i think he sticks to the BIG stuff and indulges in like. the occasional north fork race… and there’s only really a couple of those big water races a year… fr most of the sport at the top level is simply trying to outdo YOURSELF.
ANDDD most extreme kayak races (for safety!) operate on time trail format rather than the rubbing is racing philosophy (the exception is kayaking cross… check it out at the olympics this year…). so only rarely are you directly able to impact the safety of another person for the worse. for instance, when someone dies kayaking, there typically isn’t anything another person could have done in the lead up to the accident to prevent said accident from happening (though assisting with rescues is a HUGE part of being a safe boater. there a books written on it). NOW. marc has been dangerous in many ways on track because HE is happening TO other people. he’s doing a risky pass. sending it on the cooldown lap. left his brain at home in argentina. what happened literally this morning in quali with aleix. and in a whitewater instance, there ARE less than safe things you can do as a group (not scouting or not setting someone up below the rapid are big ones.) but the only way he could outright get someone HURT is to not pay attention and accidentally ignore if a swim or a pin happened. the danger is in the damage control. which if marc was ignoring would just mean that he’s a bad kayaker if i’m being honest. like marc as badsafety in motorsport is him getting so in his head that he wants to WIN that risk doesn’t matter. the competitive temptation doesn’t exist here. it isn’t ingrained. the motivation would change. in whitewater if he’s paddling with someone and he isn’t paying attention he would just kinda suck. you HAVE to know what’s going on around you and i think he does !
so at the end of the day i think the reallll crazy stuff is just gonna be marc as an individual and whatever rapid he thinks he has the skill to send it on, which i imagine is most of them ! i imagine he sees a rapid everyone else would class as unrunnable and says nahhhh i see a line. and then he sticks that line ! i imagine he’s got alex in the jungle in chile and they’re doing a first descent on a section of river no one’s ever done before with no real option of calling for help! alone out there adrenaline RACING just happy as a clam! i imagine he is not scouting rapids he should absolutely scouting! i think he sees high water and says hell yes! giant hole? put me in coach i can surf it! kayaking on a destroyed shoulder? him and every other elite kayaker in the world (nouria newman JUST recovered from the same surgery marc had in 2019 and so did my BROTHER. he ain’t special.) like there are specific safety philosophies that i imagine marc ignores but rarely do i think it would edge into the dangerous for OTHER PEOPLE territory, which is where marc can make controversial hay, and frankly i think MOST paddlers are that level are so wrong in the head that they take all the same fucking risks aksjddh….
that being said i DO think he sends it on a sketchy rapid to impress vale and vale gets his trademark mixture of hornyworried and mildly insecure concerning marc’s status as the Next One (i imagine vale used to do that a lot, then lost sic and shaped up. which is the character arc of every kayaker in the world over a certain age as long as the drowning victim is not in fact almost themself) and that’s how they have an epic divorce concerning marc’s hairboating philosophy and it’s impact on vale’s various youngins
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ven10 · 1 year ago
hello, it's the anon from before again! i love the headcanons that you gave (they're all so fitting! the halloween one is my favorite), and i would love to hear your headcanons on injuries the quags got from the eagles!
Hiya! It’s great hearing from you again! (+I like how you told me you are the same anon from before!) :) Glad you liked the hcs!! :)
Headcanons for injuries the Quagmire triplets got from the eagle attack:
Isadora loses an eye to the eagles. As it’s a gothic trope to present eyes as “a window to the soul” she likes using the fact she lost an eye in her poetry a lot; either to suggest the past ripped part of her with it or that she isn’t as transparent as most people. (Or, in her most private poems, she links it to the VFD eye and how the organisation has obscured her view of the world permanently. As though their insignia is there in replacement of the missing eye.)
At the start she was sort of self-conscious about it [taking this from how it was Duncan who had the confidence to stand up against Carmelita -when she was chanting-in front of the entire cafeteria rather than Isadora. Also, in Netflix TAA when “Coach Genghis” asks for all the orphans to stand, Isadora glances around her self-consciously whereas Duncan just stares straight ahead.] and she tried covering that side of her face with her fringe/bangs.
However, after some time, she entered a mindset that was more so “if people are going to stare anyway then I may as well give them something to stare at” and decided to have a bit of fun with it by using more abstract prosthetic eyes; like one that is entirely black without any iris or pupil. That one is useful for when she wants to seem intimidating to strangers. Her brothers think it’s emo. Quigley encourages her to play pranks with it a lot and the results are often hilarious.
When strangers ask her how she lost it [scars around the prosthetic eye make it noticeable] she gives a different answer every time ranging from “using a pencil sharpened at both ends” to “What do you mean my eye is missing??!”
She’d occasionally wear an eyepatch since it fits with her aesthetic however she’d usually stick to prosthetic eyes since they’re more comfortable (bc the socket stays in shape). Other than the beloved demonic looking all-black eye she’d have a few natural coloured ones, one is the same colour as her other eye but she has others which are different natural colours to make it look like she has heterochromia (When your eyes are different colours: can be central, sectoral or-in this case-complete.)
When she’s somewhere with only her triplets/friends she prefers them to stay on the side with her real eye so she can see them however when she’s out somewhere where there’s lots of people she likes at least one person she knows to be on the side with the prosthetic eye so that nobody will (accidentally) sneak up on her.
In book-canon Quigley flew a helicopter to his siblings to try and save them from the eagles so I imagine this would mean he went higher than the balloon to try fight off the birds once he realised his siblings weren’t going to be able to make it onto the helicopter (bc they were too busy fighting off eagles) Meaning when he fell it was from a greater distance than his siblings and he hit the water with a greater impact. He ends up injuring both of his legs; the right worse than the left.
His injuries have the biggest initial negative hit on him compared to his siblings bc he’s an explorer and at the start he only sees the drawbacks of how it’ll impact his ability to explore. After time he slowly sees the more positive aspects of it, especially once he and Violet brainstorm ideas for custom forearm crutches. [sort of an abstract take on the “look at the map” vs “look at the waterfall” Vi showing Quigley opportunities+alternative ways of achieving things]
The crutches would have handles that double as a torch on one side and as a grappling hook on the other once secret buttons are pressed. The grappling hook would work in a similar way to Violet’s pasta machine invention in that it’d pull Quigley up to wherever he needs to be in a more efficient+quiet way than physically climbing would have anyway. The bottom of the crutches are loaded with (sleeping) darts that can be fired if Quigley swings them like a gun and pulls a hidden trigger on the handle. He can load them with whatever he wants though, sometimes he’ll fill them with pens so that when one of his siblings inevitably asks for one he can fire it at them unexpectedly. 🖊️
Sometimes when he’s in public in a place like the supermarket he’ll use one of these features like the grappling hook to pull himself to the other end of the room in a matter of seconds where it would take someone walking minutes just for fun+efficiency. It’s always extra fun when he hears a kid trying to explain what they saw to their parent who assumes they’re lying.
He has a couple of rice bags to heat up that help with pain; they all have maps sewn on them or drawn on with fabric paint. 🗺️
Duncan has the least serious injuries of the three; which he sometimes feels guilty about even though it’s not his fault and Quigs+Isa are glad he got away mostly okay.
He has 3 jagged scars across one side of his face from an eagle’s talons alongside a few similar scars on his arms from where he tried fighting them off. On the plus side, the scars cause him to be taken more seriously when he becomes an investigative journalist as many assume he earned the injuries on an important job.
Thanks for the ask! :)) Feel free to send more! :) [I swear I am capable of answering in small amounts-]
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