#i do quite liek this pairing
scorpioriesling · 4 months
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So American
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairings: Rhysand x reader
Warnings: this is so fluffy oh my
Summary: Rarely do you get to go back to the continent to visit what you once called “home”, and when you do, your newly discovered mate is happy to accompany you — and learn some of the things that make you who you are (a human), as you’ve already learned things about what it is liek to be fae.
SR’s Note: Bare with me guys… this inspo came from Olivia Rodrigo’s song and I was getting all the giggly, feet kicking vibes. I wanted this one to be about Rhys, and the “continent” in this fic is just going to have to be America because it fits the theme I’m rockin with this time pls ENJOY <3 I apologize for how short it is lol
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"And you... ride them for fun?" You glance sidelong at the male to your left as he thumbs through a flyer, brow furrowed in confusion as he studies a page going over details about your city's amusement park. You can't help but giggle at his contemplation over what humans consider "fun".
"Yes, and a lot of people like to ride rollercoasters for the thrill," you explain. He looses a breath, shaking his head slowly and widening his eyes as he flips the page. The afternoon sun gently casts the sidewalk in a golden glow as you walk the streets of your hometown, finally having time with your lovely mate to show him the place you've always called "home". As a couple moves past you on the sidewalk, you pull Rhys close by his elbow to sidestep them; him blissfully unaware, his nose still buried in the pamphlet he'd picked up from the gas station hours ago.
That in itself was quite the revelation.
"Are you hungry, my dear?" You ask. He finally looks up, and smiles softly at you as he notices your touch on his arm. His hand is placed over yours in an instant, and he nods.
"I am," he says. You approach the crosswalk, and he stops.
"We wait until the red," you say, and he rolls his eyes playfully.
"Oh come now, Y/N -- I've seen a stoplight before," he teases. You scoff, and he earns a swat on the arm.
"Hey! I don't know how much you know or don't about the Continent." You say. He quickly kisses the crown of your head, and as the light flashes red, you make your way across the street. You walk quickly to match his pace, his lethal grace propelling him forward at an almost unmatchable speed.
"So, where shall we dine, my dear?" He questions. You bite your lip in ponderment. Glancing around, you pass storefront after storefront -- none of them quite catching your fancy. That is, until you approach the unmistakeable golden arches. You grin mischieveously.
"Rhysand..." you purr. He grins down at you innocently.
"Yes, darling?"
"Have you ever been to a McDonald's?" You ask.
"Why... no, I don't believe I have-"
*✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
"Rhys, you've got something..." You lick your finger, swiping it across his cheek as you exit the Mickey D's, giggling at your mate's unusual messiness. He grins, chuckling down at you.
"Oh my... what was it?" He asks.
"Ketchup," you grin. Between his practical orgasm over a McDonald's cheeseburger and trying to pay for your food in Prythian currency, you'd say the dinner was... quite eventful, to say the least.
"Well... I can say, I do quite like it. Ketchup, I mean." He tilts his head in thought, and you laugh. "And, McDonald's. Very good choice, Y/N."
"I'm really glad you liked it honey," you say, biting your lip to hold back your smile. "But, that's nothing compared to the fine dining we could have-" He gasps, grapping your hand in his as you continue your walk down the sidewalk.
"You mean to tell me that was not fine dining?" You laugh again, and he smiles at you, gazing into your eyes so intently that you have to pull to the side of the walkway and stop for a moment to return the sentiment.
"No, silly," you say between chuckles. His intense gaze lingers, and he pulls you close to press a kiss to your lips, smiling into you as he does. You wrap your arms around his neck, not caring about the looks you get from the numerous passerbys.
"I'll never tire of hearing that laugh," he says, pulling back slightly. You stare up at him, and his hands brush up and down your sides. Standing on your tip toes, you press a kiss to his cheek before he takes your hand in his once more, pulling you close to soon wrap it around the small of your waist.
"Just wait until I expose you to ice cream-"
"There's... ice cream to be had?"
*✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
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chocos-universe · 27 days
hii cld u write liek a ler!alejandro and lee! either heather, noah or tyler?
Of course I can!
"I Like Girls"
___________________________________________--Okay. Alejandro is kiiiinndddaaa gettin' fed up with Tyler.--
|Lee - Tyler -- Lers - Alejandro & Somewhat Lindsay|
"Also returning this season, Tyler!" Chris announced with his usual smile as Tyler fell over onto some others with an 'oof'. "And, the co-host of Total Drama Aftermath, Bridgette!" "Woah!" Bridgette fell over onto Izzy, Ezekiel, and Tyler. "Yo, Chris! You forgot to introduce me!" Ezekiel pointed out with a frown as Chris sighed in annoyance. "And... Ezekiel." Chris didn't even hide his irritation. "And NOW to mix things up to keep it all fresh, we're adding two new competitors!" Chris smiled again as he held a '2' up with his fingers. He's an on a roll student with a diplomat(?) for a Dad, and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species, Aleeejandroo!" Chris pointed his hands to the bus entrance where Alejandro stepped out with a smug yet charming little smile. "Pernaps I can assist?" He stepped down, helping Bridgette and Izzy up, their eyes full of absolutely love and admiration. "Wowww-ee..." Izzy said, a rare sense of calmness in her tone. "I... I... I-I have a boyfriend!" Bridgette stuttered, putting her hands up in defense. Though that blush wasn't fooling anyone. Poor Geoff. "And, amigos. Please, allow me" he then helped Ezekiel and Tyler up with his charming smile. "Woww-ee?" Ezekiel said in slight confusion. Kind of disgust. "I like girls!" Tyler said in defense, putting his hands in front of his chest. Alejandro just raised an eyebrow but kept his act on.
That's where this all started. No matter what Alejandro did to help Tyler or was even around him, it was always a "I like girls." It was getting on Alejandro's nerves quite a bit. No. A LOT a bit. It was like a toddler refusing to eat after a fight with its mom. No matter what Alejandro did to defuse the situation, nothing worked. Even though Tyler was useless in his eyes and meant nothing, he didn't like getting annoyed by something. Getting mad over small things is easy for him. But this? This was like a hurricane murdered his wife. He wanted to get this to stop, but how? That he was uncertain of. But he'll find a way.
And oh boy, did he.
In one challenge where they were all paired up in two, not in their OG teams, some were, some weren't. Alejandro was with Sierra as she was busy searching for something, Alejandro moved his eyes to take in his surroundings, his gaze landing on Tyler and Lindsay, who were quite far. I mean, Sierra was busy. What else could he do? "Awh, c'mon Kyler, pleaseee?" "It's Tyler, Linds... and no, I did everything else!" Tyler huffed and crossed his arms. "Kyyyylllerrr~" Lindsay giggled and squeezed the "jock's" sides "Do it!" Tyler let out a yelp and a small laugh as he pushed her hands away "Okay! Ohokay! Just nohot out in puhublic!" Tyler gave in instantly as Lindsay clapped her hands and bounced in place "Yay!" She smiled as Tyler spent over and started to move dusty rocks out the way. Alejandro turned away and looked at the ground, smirking. "Hey! I got the clue!" Serria said obnoxiously, snapping Alejandro out of his thoughts as she got a headstart. Alejandro just rolled his eyes and followed.
Currently, it was an off day, surprisingly. Chris HAD to go to the salon because his beautiful hair got fucked up in an early challenge they did yesterday, so he called it off until he was able to get it back into beauty shape. Well, Tyler is on his tippy-ties, trying to grab a glass for a drink he was making as then a familiar hand grabbed it for him. "Could've just asked, amigo." Alejandro said with the most friendliest smile he could muster as Tyler stepped back once and raised an eyebrow. He crossed his arms and looked away. "I like gi--" Before Tyler could finish, Alejandro shushed him by putting his finger over Tyler's mouth. "Don't even." Alejandro said in a not-so friendly tone, placing the cup down on the counter. Tyler just looked back, narrowing his eyes at Alejandro before slapping his hand away. "Can't charm me, Al! Like I said, I like girls!" Alejandro gritted his teeth when he heard the nickname "Al." If he could, he would strangle and throw Tyler off the damn plane himself. Though, he calmed himself. Thankfully... "Now, my friend... no need for such... name calling. Let's just talk, and--" Alejandro got cut off by a scoff from Tyler. God, he hated being interrupted. "Yeah? Well-- wh-what are YOU gonna do about it, Al?" Alejandro's eye twitched. If he wasn't so angry, he'd have flashbacks and cry in a corner right then and there. "Listen Here you, Pe--" Alejandro cut himself short as he recalled what he saw that one day and replaced his scowl with a smirk. "Well, you see, my dear friend. I happened to notice a little... well... playful banter between you and..." Alejandro thought for a moment before continuing "Lindsay. And I so dearly can't help but want to try it for myself!" Alejandro grinned, holding up a hand and wiggling his fingers. "W-Wait-- Al--" Tyler started off but got cut off by Alejandro's whisper "It's Alejandro."
And that was all he heard before the attack.
"W-Wahahahait--! Hehehey! What-- what gihihihihives?! Ahahahahal!" Tyler giggled and grabbed Alejandro's wrists as his fingers tickled his sides. "It's Alejandro, first off. Second off, I'm tired of your bullshit, amigo! And third off, you annoy me in every possible way, so maybe this should make you listen!" Alejandro said in an annoyed tone, poking at his belly and sides. "Chrihihihihist! Stohohohohp! *squeak*" "Pulling at my hands won't make me stop, Tiger." "Duhuhuhude! I like gihihihirls! What the hehehehell!" "And... there it is." Alejandro sighed and grabbed Tyler's hand, tracing his palm. "BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! W-WAHAHAHAIT!!--" Tyler shrieked and desperately tried to pull his hand away. "You brought this upon yourself, amigo. Oooh, I LiKe GiRlS! I LiKe GiRlS! Do ya ever shut up about that?" Tyler's face flushed as he oddly laughed harder at that "I'M SOHOHOHOHOHOHORRY!!-- I'M SORRY I'M SOHOHOHOHO SOHOHOHOHOHORRY!!" He leaned against the counter for support so he didn't fall down. Alejandro just rolled his eyes. "Hmmm... I wonder... is right here--" Alejandro got his answer as he tickled Tyler's knees, Tyler letting out a shreik. "Ah." Alejandro just chuckled as Tyler let out loud laughter. "AHAHAHAHAHAL--!!" "It's Alejandro!!" He squeezed Tyler's sides. "BAAAHAHAHAHA-- OKAY-- OHOHOHOHOHOKAY!!! AHAHAHAHAHALEJANDRO PLEHEHEHEHEASE!!" He squealed, pushing at Alejandro's hands, not knowing what else to do. "Are you going to quit calling me Al?" Alejandro said with a little shiver at the nickname "YEHEHEHEHES!!" "AND are you going to shut up about the whole "I like girls" thing?" "YEHEHEHEHES! YES, I SWEHEHEHEAR!!" Alejandro nodded and stopped.
Tyler gasped for air and collapsed to the ground, curling in a breathless, giggly ball. "I don't want to hear those two things ever again. Also, don't tell anyone about this. Especially Heather..." Alejandro crossed his arms as Tyler made a weak nod. "Okay... Ohokay... U-Uhunderstohood..." Alejandro just smirked and went back to normal. "Pleasure doing business with you, Tyler! I'll see ya next challenge!" Alejandro waved bye and walked away. God, he really hoped nobody heard or saw that.
Especially Heather.
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bedforddanes75 · 6 days
ok wait i’m probably gonna explain this rlly bad but like the idea is basically matty and george are in year 12 (like 17 years old) and they go on a two week school trip to italy and up until that trip they didn’t actually know each other but the teachers on the trip paired them up to share a hotel room together (separate beds cos i hate the same bed trope but it is basically forced proximity😋) and like over the two weeks they go from literal strangers to lovers.
and matty is quite like defensive and nervous at first because everyone in the school doesn’t treat him very well cos he’s trans but george is just so accepting and nice to him and matty’s just so overwhelmed by his support and kindness.
it’s just so romantic and sweet and every time i go in my google doc and see it, my brain just goes to 🫠 thinking about it.
afjbwrhgwgjRWLBGDWBGLIU YES . im sorry i was taken by the One bed gods but in my defence. gay. anyway. AJAJAJJSKHASHAHJHK PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE IT I WILL DO ANYTHING PLS Aohmgnjgnbgwjbgkwjejbwib AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA im sorry i love angst but i just love stupidly ridiculously happy things liek this. actually u never said its happy But whatever in my mind its happy...
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 59
@divejffsgvdhv - omg just thinking about layla finding out about bebe scarab and casper. then that talk with the moon boys, layla and yn. 😮‍💨
anon - what is there was a thing like a flooded kitchen and mk system and y/n fail at everything miserably and then layla pulls up liek “tf?” and fixes everything thing then asks “how did you ppl survive without me gd” and it’s just sort of a nostalgia chapter with all the early chapter vibes of mk system and y/n flashbacks
A/N : DAMN these requests are from A WHILE ago!! glad im getting them done :))
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : THERE IS NO MORE SCHEDULE, IM SORRY also thank you all sm for the support and requests :)))
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, mentions of violence, language, angst, very rushed and hard to read, mentions of sex, memories!! let me know if i missed anything.
you somehow woke up earlier than everyone else.
on a school day too, nonetheless.
so you decided to try and make breakfast for your parents.
key word is tried.
there was currently a fire blazing on a pan of burnt whatever the fuck you were making in the sink, while you ran to turn off the stove.
the smoke alarms went off, and you heard two alarmed voices.
“y/n! what happened?! are you okay?!” “oh shit! fire!” “por favor dime que no te quemaste, nena” all three of your fathers exclaim all at the same time, while layla rushed in after.
jake ends up fronting out of panic, and helps to put out the fire while layla waves a towel around the smoke detector, effectively shutting it off.
“i’m sorry i just wanted to make breakfast for you guys for letting me take a couple days off school-“
“hey don’t apologize. wait, since when do you do anything for us?” marc asks jokingly as jake lifts the burnt pan up to inspect it once the fires out.
“hey!” you start accusingly. “i do stuff for you all the time” you defend, to which marc raises an eyebrow through a mirror.
“i asked you to pick up your dirty clothes off the floor and you told me to stick it up my ass and then you shot webs in my face” marc deadpans and layla laughs before coming up to join you guys.
“you two need to be nicer to each other. i mean, hey, at least this kitchen hasn’t looked worse right?” she asks rhetorically, making you and steven make eye contact through a mirror.
"so? what's going on?" steven asks. you smile and set your phone face down on the table, your hand still resting on it. "casper doesnt need surgery, which is great since he wouldn't have to take the risk of his scoliosis getting worse." you shortly explain.
steven chuckles. "oh, that's great! i'm happy for him" he says, and you go to put your phone in your pocket but notice it won't come off your hand.
"y/n? you good?" steven asks, noticing your issue. "it wont come off" you tell him, shaking your hand to try and get your phone off.
"kid, quit joking around and eat your dinner" marc tells you from the reflection on the table.
"i'm not joking around! it wont come off" you grit out at him, holding your hand out to steven.
"pull it off" you waves your hand, and steven hesitates in doing so, but grasps the free end of your phone and tugs lightly, surprised that it wont come off.
"what in the bloody hell-" he starts, tugging harder while you're pulling back as well. "did you stick your phone in glue?"
"no! i dont know whats going on!" you exclaim worriedly.
with another strong pull from each of you, it finally comes off, making you and steven almost fall back in your chairs. you touch your hand to the table and notice that it doesn't stick. you look scared and confused at steven whos touching your phone.
"its not sticky. what on earth.." steven trails off, sliding your phone to you from across the table. "that was strange" marc points out.
you keep forming you hand into a fist trying to see if your fingers would stick, but you get nothing. you shakily sigh and nod to yourself while going back to eating.
"please pretend that didn't just happen" you request. "i don't even know what the hell just happened"
steven nods slowly, and goes back to his plate as well. the rest of the dinner being quiet, unusually quiet.
after dinner was a mess. you made a mess while helping steven clean up.
first it was when you pulled a drawer open to put clean silverware in it, and yanked it right out of the counter, silverware flying everywhere.
the next was when you were washing your dishes and you went to turn the water off, and ended up ripping the handle off and caused water to start spraying everywhere.
and the last? well it didn't exactly make a mess, more like stop one from happening.
steven had almost dropped one of your glass cups while you were turned around, but a tiny ringing in your head made you turn around and catch it right as he dropped it.
you were having a weird day, ripping drawers out of your counter, tearing off part of your sink, the whole phone incident, and now catching something you didn't even see fall.
and as of now, you were sitting on your bed, knees to your chest while holding onto your khonshu stuffed animal. steven insisted you go take a couple minutes to rest while he cleaned up.
you felt terrible.
steven doing all the work, cleaning up your messes. it wasn't fair, you should be there helping him, but you're stuck here after what just felt like a fever dream.
"child, why do you look like that?" khonshu says from on top of your dresser, slouching so that there's about an inch between the top of hi head and the ceiling.
"rude" you scoff, hanging on tighter to the soft fabric in your arms. "not like that. why are you frustrated?" he rephrases.
you sigh and lean your head on your knees. "there is something wrong with me" you mumble.
"yesterday i complained about my backpack being heavy and i literally ripped a drawer out of a counter." you take a shaky breath. "that's not normal. nothing about what just happened out there is normal!" you reply, close to shouting out of stress.
"calm down child, you'll be okay" khonshu does his best to comfort you. you're thankful for that, even though he sucks at it.
you squeeze the plushie impossibly tighter, calming your nerves.
"is that.. the tiny, soft version of me?" khonshu asks, pointing to the tiny soft version of him that is in fact in your arms. you nod and purse your lips. "yep"
"its ugly" he insults.
"you're ugly" you retort.
khonshu gasps. "take that back, mortal"
"you first" you wrap your hands around the plushies neck "i will strangle you just like i'm strangling this" you threaten.
"you wouldnt"
"i would"
"yeah? well you're small" khonshu insults again, standing up to try and intimidate you with his size. you weren't going to lie, you were very small compared to him.
"you're just a tree" you respond, getting up as well, leaving the plushie on the bed.
"i bet you can't even touch the ceiling!" khonshu starts laughing at you, tapping the ceiling with the giant moon stick he carries every where.
"oh yeah? watch me" you jump up a couple times, finally touching it the third. "see? you.. yo-you.." you trail off. you look down and see that your feet aren't touching the ground. you dart your head up, and see that all the pads of your fingers are stuck to the ceiling.
you look to khonshu, who seems as surprised as you are. your bottom lip shakes, and you try to get your hand off the ceiling, when you hear your door open.
"hey, y/n how are you fee-" steven freezes.
"help me" you say. "now. please. fuck-" you try to pry your hand off.
"alright kid, hang on" marc was fronting now. he reaches a hand up to your wrist and tries to pull it off, this time coming off easier than your phone did.
you would have fallen if marc hadn't caught you. taking his hands off your waist once he knew you wouldn't fall, he takes your hands in his and looks them over.
"marc..?" you now look visibly shaken up. "what the fucks going on?" you ask yourself.
"i'm as clueless as you are" he answers, letting go of your hands. "maybe you should see a doctor." he suggests and you shake your head.
"they are going to put me in an asylum" you shake your head more. "this!-" you gesture to your hand" -this, is not normal!" you start freaking out.
"i was just sticking to the ceiling marc. THE CEILING!" you tell him, and you stretch your arms out in a t-pose. "if i go to a doctor, they are going to transport me to area 51!" you finish and you feel a tingle on your wrist and a 'thwip' noise.
you jerk your head to the right, seeing as it was your right hand that tingled, and see what looks like a spider web stuck to your wall, a couple strands still connected to your wrist.
you slowly look to marc again, whos staring at the web in utter shock. "that just came out of you" he mutters.
"don't say it like that" you cringe. "but yeah. it did" you say in a quieter tone.
marc claps his hands all of a sudden and points at you, making you jump. "you were bit. by a spider." he says and you nod. "those are spider webs" he points to the webs on your wall.
"wheres that spider?"
"gone. reduced to atoms" khonshu cuts in. you and marc look at each other in confusion.
"is that a metaphor...?" you ask, looking back to the bird
"no, child. i destroyed it" he answers slamming his stick on the ground.
"like completely destroyed it? or just like kind of destroyed it?" you try to get him to elaborate.
"i crushed it."
"then what?"
"i saw a bird eat it"
"was the bird you?"
"is this an important conversation?" marc interrupts. "okay, so until you get this under control don't touch anything, alright?" marc directs towards you, and you nod, completely lost.
"until then.. i don't know." he shrugs. "i got nothin'" he finishes.
"what?! what do i do?! i have school tomorrow!" you try to remain calm.
"hey hey hey, calm down" marc says, and he puts a hand on each of your shoulders. "for now just try to control it a bit, okay?" he tells you, and you nod.
"alright, good, lets go sit down" he leads you to your kitchen table and gets out some sticky notes and a pen.
you sit down in the same spot you were for dinner, and marc sits down in the chair next to you. "so what exactly is happening?" he asks, getting ready to write.
"i ripped the handle off the sink"
"right. maybe its some form of super strength" marc starts scribbling on the paper.
"i was hanging onto the ceiling by my fingers" you deadpan.
"sticky hands" he writes down and you scoff. "'sticky hands?' what are you 5?" you say sarcastically. marc gives you a look. "yes. now what else?"
you hold your arm out again, and this time webbing shoots out of your wrists and towards the mirror steven was freaking out in. "web wrists" marc writes down.
"you're a child" you acuse.
marc doesn't answer, just looks at the paper in contemplation. "do the webs.. do they come out of anywhere else?" he hesitates.
you gape at him. "i sure hope not!" you smack marc in the shoulder, and of course, your hands sticks and you sigh.
"just think about it coming off" marc suggests. "what do you think i'm doing, idiot?"
"don't call me an idiot" marc warns, and you give one final yank and your hand comes off his sleeve, you both sighing out of relief.
“yeah, totally” you agree, making layla raise an eyebrow.
“anyways, i’m sure you’ve left trash in places though” she starts. “especially you, marc”
“well i’m not the one who stuffs wrappers in people’s pockets” marc looks towards you, which makes you scoff.
"hey kid, i-" marc started, but stopped when he realizes you weren't even in the room anymore. "you didn't see her leave?" marc asks steven and he shakes his head.
"we were busy talking how was i supposed to know she was going to leave?!" steven freaks out, and notices khonshu was gone as well.
"well at least khonshu is with her" steven points out. the two are silent for a moment. "i feel like that's even worse than her being alone" steven says and marc nods along.
there's a crash from the kitchen and marc looks towards you door. "oh sweet mother of god.." marc gets up off your bed and hastily makes his way out of your room where he sees khonshu perched on top of one of your kitchen counters.
marc gives the bird a questioning look, and khonshu responds by pointing at the counter that marc couldn't see behind, referring to the fact that you were probably over there.
so with a sigh, marc makes his way over behind the counter quietly, and sees you eating pop tarts with your knees to your chest.
"kid" marc starts, crouching down next to you. "what are you doing?" he asks and you look to him with distress written all over your face.
"don't talk with your mouth full" marc tells you, so you nod and swallow your food before speaking again.
"khonshu told me that i'm going to lay eggs like a spider and i dont wanna lay eggs that so gross" you slur out, shoving more of your pop tart into your mouth as marc turns to glare at khonshu.
"y/n, darling, you aren't going to.. lay eggs. don't listen to him." steven tells you from the windows reflection. you nod at him and yawn, finishing your pop tart and reaching over to stuff the wrapper in marcs pocket.
"why- nevermind." marc starts, ignoring the fact that you just used him as a garbage can. "come on, back to your room" he hooks an arm under your already bent legs and another around your shoulders, lifting you up carefully and with ease before walking back to your room, you being dead silent the whole time.
he carefully sets you down on your bed, and you immediately go to hug your pillow tightly. marc sighs and covers you with a thin blanket, since he didn't want you over heating and moving your taweret plushie so that its in front of you if you need it.
"marc?" you rasp out with your eyes now closed. "yeah?" he answers, and you sigh.
"i don't feel good" you murmur, burying your face in your pillow. "i know, just get to sleep and i promise you'll feel better when you wake up" marc tells you and you sigh tiredly again.
"promise?" you meekly ask him and he smiles slightly.
layla sighs. “both of you just help me clean this up at least, there’s burnt.. whatever that is all over the floor” she says in disgust.
you and marc exchange glances before doing so.
layla ended up making you scrape the burnt stuff off the pan, and she made marc sweep up the floor.
all while she sat there and watched.
that’s just your mom for you though, it was a lesson learned.
you spotted a small dye stain on the counter though.
it was red.
from when you dyed your hair like months ago, the colors of your suit.
you smile thinking of the memory, but mentally cringe when you realize how faded it now is.
"y/n darling, why do you have so many colors?" steven asks, digging deeper in the box to find just about every color of the rainbow and more.
"because i'm quirky like that. now help me pick which ones i should do" you suggest and steven nods.
"you should do red and blue. like your suit" jake starts and you smile at the thought.
"that's actually not a bad idea" marc says, and steven picks up both the red and blue boxes, holding them out to you.
"let's get it started then" you start, taking the boxes and moving to the kitchen sink.
"it won't stain the sink, right?" steven asks.
"not if you scrub hard enough" you deadpan, making him give you a look.
"no, it'll be fine" you tell him, but he still seems skeptical.
"if you say so" he mumbles, watching you open the boxes to grab the tubes of color out of them.
"i'm going to do one side red and the other blue" you say more to yourself than anyone else, yet steven still nodded in acknowledgment.
"do you have gloves? because if you don't you're going to stain your hands"
oh steven. shut up. as much as you love him, he's sort of a dorky idiot sometimes.
"..yeah, i got gloves" you answer, tying up your natural hair so that it wouldn't get in the way.
"if you want you can do one half and i can do the other" you offer, steven nodding slowly.
"what if i hurt you? i don't want to accidentally pull on your hair too hard" he worries, and you shake your head slowly.
"you won't" you answer, digging through the box again and throwing a pair of gloves at him along with the red dye.
"it's simple, just rub the color into my hair i guess. then i have to wait twenty minutes to wash it out" you tell him, and he nods again.
you start doing so with the blue, after putting the gloves on of course.
steven watches first as you squeeze some of the gel into your hand, then just running it through your half of your hair.
steven reluctantly does the same, and you watch with a small smile as he carefully copies your movements.
once you were both done, you pinned it up and sat up on the counter while setting a timer with your phone after taking your gloves off and throwing them away.
steven takes his gloves off and throws them away as well, then looks to you with pursed lips.
"now what?" he asks and you shrug.
"i don't know" you sigh.
steven looks at you for a moment.
"you look like something's on your mind" he starts, and you look up at him. "care to share?"
"...it's stupid" you wave him off.
"then it shouldn't matter"
"it's about casper" you starts, steven leaning on the counter next to you.
"i.. i want to ask him to be my boyfriend" you end quietly, steven smiling at your statement.
"oh that's lovely" he replies, and you see marc and jake with different expressions from the reflection on the window above the sink next to you.
"are you sure he's the right one?" marc asks and you glare at him.
"nonono- i'm not criticizing i'm just making sure that you're making the right choice" he corrects and you nod.
"you don't have to worry about me. this isn't life or death, it's-"
"it's just a relationship, i know" he waves you off, making you snort and turn to jake, who has a smile on his face.
"you must let me know what he says, mi vida" he begins. "if he says no, i can always have a talk with him"
"that won't be necessary but thank you" you tell him, and as if on cue, your phone rings, signaling that casper was calling.
"well? answer it" steven nods to your phone, so you pick it up and press the small green button.
"hey, y/n i have a question" you hear instantly.
"you could've texted me"
"i wanted to hear your voice" he starts, steven listening with a smile.
"anyways- if you want my mom made bread again and wondered if you would come over for dinner"
you look to steven for permission, to which he nods.
"yeah, i'd.. i'd love to" you answer and you hear someone telling his name in the background.
"oh- that's allison i have to go. but text me when you're on your way" he hangs up, just like that.
you make direct eye contact with steven, waiting for him to speak.
"good, now you can ask him to be your boyfriend tonight"
your eyes widen a fraction. "what? no. not today i just meant like in time-"
"if you don't do it, i'll have khonshu cast another spell on you" steven grins.
your lips part in shock. "you wouldn't"
"i believe i would" he replies, to which you glare at him.
khonshu decided to appear next to you, perched on the counter. "he is not bluffing" he tells you.
you turn to glare at him, then back at steven. "fine" you throw your hands up in the air.
"but if he says no-"
"which he won't" steven interrupts.
"-jake is not going to have a talk with him" you conclude, and jake scoffs from the window.
"but it would hurt your feelings" he tries to justify his reasoning to beat up a 16 year old boy.
"there will be no talking" you tell him sternly and he nods hesitantly.
you're about to give a mini lecture to marc, when as if on cue your timer goes off.
"that was the quickest twenty minutes ever" you mutter. "okay, time to stain the sink"
"y/n you said it wouldn't stain!"
"i'm kidding, don't be a baby"
“y/n your phones ringing” marc tells you, breaking you from your head.
you look to him and see that he had your phone in his hand, and then observed that casper was calling you.
you sigh and answer it on speaker since you had to keep scraping the pan.
“why are you calling me so early?” you ask, and you hear a scoff.
“because i want to know if i can walk you to school and i was actually doing research” he says and you make a face.
“..about what?” you ask skeptically, while both layla and marc listen in.
“do you remember like a month ago when your cramps started and you said they felt like someone was smashing your uterus with a hammer?” he asks and you think back to your last period, when your cramps had gotten particularly painful.
“yeah why?” you answer.
“i found a solution” he starts and you raise an eyebrow.
“solution? like a tylenol?” you ask and you hear him hum before snickering.
“no- no actually i was looking online at things that could help relieve cramps and i’ll bet that you didn’t know that orgasms can in fact help”
“hey casper?” you ask as you feel your face heat up.
“you’re on speaker”
there’s silence for a second.
“..who’s.. who just heard that?” casper asks hesitantly.
“both her parents, that’s who” marc speaks up, coming up close to you, who is internally dying.
“you couldn’t have just texted me? i woulda laughed if my parents weren’t in the room” you scold, and marc gives you a look.
“hey, you’re lucky i let the whole sex thing go but-“
“excuse me, the what?” layla interrupts and comes to stand to the other side of you.
“..shit” marc mutters, and you sigh.
“casper, i’ll see you at school” you say quickly before hanging up.
you slowly turn to face layla who doesn’t seem to find the situation funny.
“go get ready, i need to have a talk with your father” she falsely smiles at you so you just simply nod and do as she says, hoping she won’t give marc that bad of a talk.
"what fucking time is it?" marc complains, handing the control right to steven when he realizes how tired he was.
"oh wow thanks mate. it's only 7:38, quit being a baby" he yawns, slowly getting up off the bed.
"you think she's still sleeping?" steven asks out into the open, moving around the kitchen to make some tea.
"she better be, she had a rough night" jake answers, remembering how you masked the emotions you felt after watching all of them nearly die.
"what about casper? is he still here?" steven asks and he's only met with silence.
"yeah. nice talking to you too, numbskulls" steven rolls his eyes, leaving his kettle to heat up with the water to go check on you.
now, when he opened your door he's was met with a faint aroma he hadn't ever smelled before in your room, and that's when he felt the broken webs on the doorframe, and the fact that you were laying on top of casper.
he tilted his head as he ventured in a little more,
not wanting to intrude to much while you were asleep.
that's when jake noticed a couple things.
he saw a still damp washcloth on your nightstand, one of your bras was thrown onto the floor, which was not like you since you kept all your clothes private, oh and don't forget the pack of condoms on the floor next to it.
"steven get out" jake says and steven furrows his eyebrows.
"go drink your tea. just get out"
"but why-" he looks down, and his eyes linger on the box.
"oh my lord... are those-"
"are those fucking condoms?! are you kidding me?!" marc exclaims, and steven sees you stir in your sleep, so he scurries out of the room, shutting the door quietly.
steven was in shock. he was frozen in place as marc and jake argued.
"they did not- there's no fucking way-" marc starts.
"you're in denial amigo. it smelled like sex in there" jake retorts and marc feels like crawling into a hole and dying.
"but she-"
"but she what? steven said she was a horny teenager" jake scoffs and steven hums in denial, slowly walking back to pour his tea.
"i didn't say that, i said she was getting to the age where those type of hormones are-"
"steven please" marc cuts in and steven nods in understanding.
your door clicked open, revealing you rubbing your eyes and putting on one of your sweaters, closing the door behind you and calmly moving into the kitchen to reach up in the cabinet for your pop tarts.
"how are you guys feeling?" you ask the guys worriedly, eyeing stevens leg and seeing through the hole in his pants where the knife was that there wasn't any more blood or cuts, he was good as new.
"we are good, but you-"
"were you busy last night?" marc asks and you tilt your head.
"not necessarily"
"okay so what did you do?"
you stayed quiet, trying to figure out if he knew anything.
"me and casper-"
"i knew it!"
"-built a fort on the roof" you purse your lips and marc scoffs.
"oh yeah? what about after that?" he asks, not fronting and stepping closer to you.
"we went to bed"
"the same bed?"
marc takes a step away, leaning against the tower and finishes preparing stevens tea for him.
"so why was there a box of condoms on your floor?" marc asks nonchalantly and you choke on your pop tart.
your face turned as red as ever, and you looked down at the floor.
"we're going to have to have a talk, kid" marc starts, while you continue to hide your face from him.
"and your little boyfriend is invited too"
marc wanted to kicked casper out.
well, not kick, he just wanted to threatened him if he didn't get his stuff and leave.
marc needed him to stay though, so he could go over some ground rules.
which is what you were doing now. sitting on the couch while marc paced back and forth in front of you.
"listen, i know you're mad-" you start but are cut off.
"no no no- not mad just very disappointed" marc pulled the disappointed card, making you scoff.
"you're only 17, you have your whole life to do.. that" he starts and you sigh.
"and especially not in this house, or at least- i don't know pick up your clothes and the.. the uhm-"
"thank you steven- pick those up off the floor" marc continues and you nod.
marc takes a breath and runs a hand through his hair. "i can't do this- steven do you mind?" marc asks and steven hums.
"i got it, mate" and marc passes the control to steven, and he looks at the two of you.
"alright. yeah" he nods to himself. "so obviously you knew what you were doing, judging by the box of condoms on the floor" he starts and you groan, looking to casper who's just as uncomfortable as you are.
"hey- don't make that face you did this to yourself" steven says to the both of you, making you lean back and cross your arms.
"as i was saying- just because you practiced safe sex doesn't mean you can't contract diseases-"
"steven please stop" you say and cover your face with your hands.
"but you need to know that-"
"please no"
he gives you a pointed look. "alright, alright just- if you decide to do it again just make sure you do it safely"
"and if you'd like you can talk to a doctor and get yourself some birth control"
"talk to a doctor?" you repeat. "no fucking way"
"watch your language, and yes, talk to a doctor" steven starts. "i reckon you haven't seen one of those for a long while, hm?" he asks and your silence gives him his answer.
"i should probably go-" casper starts but is so rudely interrupted by marc suddenly fronting.
"hang on just a second" he begins. "on no circumstances will you ever- and i mean ever lay a hand on my daughter until she's 18, you hear me?" he says sternly and casper nods frantically.
"good, now if you need to go then you should probably do so before i change my mind" marc tells him and he slowly gets off the couch.
"do you have everything?" you ask him quietly while marc turns back around to engage in conversation with steven and jake in one of the mirrors.
"yeah, my moms expecting me home soon" he shrugs and you walk him to the door after he puts his shoes on.
"i'm really sorry" you apologize. "i didn't think they'd find out- i should've-"
"hey, it's no big deal" casper smiles at you, opening the door.
"are you sure? please know that they would never actually hurt you" you say quickly and he chuckles.
"calm down and forget about it okay? he is about to pat your shoulder before he remembers the no touching rule.
"i'll call you later" he nods to you and you give him a confused look.
"no kiss?" you playfully pout and he rolls his eyes.
"now you look desperate" he says, making you scoff and take him by the collar of his shirt to deliver a quick kiss to his lips, then pulls back to nod at him.
"have a safe trip home" you tell him seriously and he nods, walking back so that he's in the hallway.
you close the door behind him and turn around slowly with a giddy smile on your face, marc giving you a weird look as you lock the door.
you came out of the bathroom after getting completely ready for school to see marc sitting on the couch with his arms crossed.
“what happened?” you ask, not seeing layla anywhere.
“i’m grounded” he scoffs and you smile at him.
“how’s it feel?” you start. “and where’d she go?”
“it feels fantastic” he begins sarcastically. “but she went up to the roof to probably punch something” he answers and you cringe.
“but it’s freezing outside, it’s almost winter” you say and he nods.
“she won’t be gone long, so i’d get to school before she can come give you a talk too” he tells you while both steven and jake agree.
you nod and head towards the door to get your shoes on.
“i’ll see you guys later, love you” you exclaim out towards your boys.
“love you too, sweetheart” “adios, mi vida” “have a nice day, love” are the responses you get before shutting the door behind you.
and now, you were waiting in your apartments lobby for a probably embarrassed casper to arrive.
and what a day it’s going to be.
A/N : it took fucking forever to find the specific memories from the earlier chapters omg but it was sooooooooooo fun i hope to do something like this again!!
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites @alexisabirdie @zlatolait-writes @thursdaywritings @izzzzy-the-amazing @angrykitsune01
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kiddo-characters · 1 year
hiiii!! since i noticed u lieked lovelive i figured id put smth in for it hehehee (this is happyhiiro/littlesparkleyayoi btw JSJSJMS)
how about i ask for someeee little yoha and cg kanan hcs? :>
ello ! absolutely !! :D im not sure if you mean as a pair, so i kept it open ended !
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lil!yohane tsushima headcanons
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- 4 to 8
- because of her bad luck, she tends to get a ton of ouchies, so its no rare sight to see her tearing up, asking for kisses to make it better
- very mischievous !! she loves getting into everything and doing things behind her carers back, only to get caught and have to be scolded
- she loves dress up and pretend. she gets very into it and can get quite loud; she has to be reminded to use her inside voice quite often
- so, she loves the outdoors cause she can be as loud as she wants !! its the best place for her to get all of that energy out
- its pretty easy to get her to do things like her morning routine or take a bath, but she tends to get distracted, so guidance is her friend
- most of her plushies are bats and monsters or darkly themed teddies
cg!kanan matsuura headcanons
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- loves to take her little one out on walks around awashima or to the park to help get all that energy out ! if not that, then shes probably teaching them how to swim
- so she always has a small first aid kit on hand
- quite physically affectionate: she loves hugs and cuddles and is the best at it !
- shes a bit of a worrywart when it comes to the wellbeing of a little. shes never afraid to put them before herself if need be
- very keen on what her little likes; she knows their favorite animal, activity, snack, the likes
- she also makes sure to remember all of her littles' stuffies names, no matter how many !
- because shes not very good with the dark herself, she finds just as much comfort in sleeping with her little one as they do
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legallypumpkinn · 1 year
My classpecing basics recap bc it’s late o clock where I am at but I have so much to say so none of this will probably be coherent but like… I’m rlly cool and smart :3 (ordered by gender commonality, w Exploit and Understand in the middle as ungendered pairs bc like “oh we haven’t seen a male maid yet” “seer shoes r too girly” SHUT THE FART!! If knight can b both binary genders then so can maid, and Kankri is right there :?)
DESTROY: Prince (-) / Bard (+) - This one is one of 2 canon pairs so I am not giving an explanation. That is for Calliope :3
BECOME: Page (-) / Heir (+) - This one stemmed first from symmetry - if we accept that there is a pair of classes exclusive to each gender, and a pair of classes mostly filled with one gender, then the opposite binary gender needed it’s equivalent to that. Of course, I wasn’t willing to go solely on that (tho I sure do love numerical symmetry!!), so I made this post, tho it didn’t receive much help following my preexisting structure. So I then looked into the canon of each aspect and it seemed nearly confirmed here and here that witches and sylphs are pairs, so boom, heir and page! But that is not all - I also believe that heir and page work quite well as counterparts when we look at the kids who represent them and how they acted for their sessions, with John “becoming” breath the second he entered, and Jake “becoming” Hope at his character climax. Also rufioh horuss symmetry blah blah I don’t have the chart I made explaining even more bc my old device broke but anyway it was deep and super cool.
EXPLOIT Knight (-) / Maid (+) - Initially when I read the bits of postcanon where Aradiabot told Dave they were “essentially the same” or whatever I was like huh that connection seems tenuous. Anywas tho then I started thinking - they do seem to serve very similar roles, and im betting that the maid would be as efficient in frog breeding as the knight. The maid allows others to make full use of their aspect, or exploit it - Aradia allows Sollux to create the game (thus, exploiting fate) and serves within the dream bubbles (thus, exploiting the afterlife ohoho im so funny), both of these things aided by time. Jane is one of the main contributors to Jake coming to fruition as a page, and even the Dolorosa put the Sufferer’s aspect in place, raising and allowing him to create bonds amongst the other low bloods.
UNDERSTAND Mage (-) / Seer (+) - This one is pretty obvious I think, they both understand their aspect and can see it carrying out, but in the Seers case is comes to them and not the other way around, while in the Mage’s case they kinda go thru shit and back to understand their aspect (Meulins relationships imploded upon themselves and ended up causing her permanent disability, and Sollux liek… already dealt a bad hand, plus mutant, plus Vriska, plus Aradia, ratio L)
REDISTRIBUTE Thief (-) / Rogue (+) - Also canon!! I chose the term “redistribute” specifically, tho, bc the thief takes their aspect and REDISTRIBUTES it to themselves, but rogues don’t like… steal thru their aspect, they also redistribute it!!
CHANGE Witch (-) / Sylph (+) - WIO THE FINSL ONE!!!!! Umm see here and here, if I’m honest I don’t know if the word “chsnge” is the best word to use but I am coming up short. N e wayz tho, the witch changes using their aspect like… very literally, w Jade manipulating space and stuff. But they also do it more symbolically, as with Feferi changing the preconceptions of life in the dream bubbles. Not sure about damara, but she probably did something too idk. Anyways then there is also sylph!! The sylph allows their aspect to be changed - see Kanayas fucked up attempts at frogs?? And especially how spidergirl allowed what was seen as preconceived fact to change itself if it helped further her case.
N e wayz I am doneso for tonite I think!! Goodnight all, I hope you enjoyed my ramblings !! They r not very good but they definitely happened!!!!
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beepbeepliv · 6 years
I know you said It ships but could you write something henclair, with its all my fault. pretty please 💕
I love to fuck with my favourite characters and Dustin is a fave so I apologise babe
Dustin gets spiked. Sorry for the shitty ending... i remembered it was supposed to be a drabble TW: super vague mentionsof intent to rape
“I won’t go, if you don’t want me to,” Dustin said, for thefifth time, glancing back at where he knew Lucas was stood, just staring. Heshook out of his daze and shrugged.
“No, go! You should go! I’m just… not sure about him.” Hesaid, still confused within himself at why he didn’t want Dustin going out. They’dbeen together for 4 years, he knew the younger boy would not be leaving him forthis guy, but he still felt off about the whole thing.
“Dude, his father is a director. He said he saw potential in me. I can’t pass that up!” Dustincontinued, putting down his comb and getting up from the dresser to approachwhere Lucas was still stood, crossed armed.
“I know, babe, I know.” He replied, pulling Dustin closeonce he was within reach, so they were both pressed against the wall, “I know...I can’t help if I worry about you,”
“I’ll be fine! I’ll text you the whole way. If he triesanything. I’ll bite him, and Dart will sense my pain and come running,” Almoston cue Dart started howling from his cage, Lucas smiled over at him fondly andDustin heart swelled at the amount of love Lucas had for Dart.
(He had squealed the first time he met him. “Oh my God. Hethinks he’s a wolf! Dustin, I love him,”)
Dustin still saw a bit of worry in Lucas’ expression.
“Fake dating someone isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever done,”Dustin murmured, then he growled, trying to lighten the mood, and it workedbecause Lucas’ concerned expression morphed into disgust. He pushed Dustin onthe shoulder and turned to walk away when he was caught by the waist and pulledback. Lucas struggled, trying not to concede too quickly.
“Boys who growl don’t deserve boyfriends,” He yelledobnoxiously
“No! baby, don’t leave me I’m sorry.” Lucas finally laughed,spinning around in his boyfriend arms, he placed his hands on Dustin’sshoulders.
“How sorry?” he asked cheekily.
“ooh, let me show you,” Dustin replied, wiggling hiseyebrows, Lucas rolled his eyes but kissed him anyway.
 He obviously didn’t go to the door when Dylan came around topick Dustin up, they could have played it like he was a roommate but Lucasdidn’t need any reason to feel jealous and do something stupid like kiss Dustinto assert his masculinity. He was fine just watching from the upstairs window.
He did get a text soon after he left
8.33 – Dustin: I toldyou, you were hotter. Nothing to worry about *lennyface*
Lucas couldn’t help his laughter.
“Fucking loser,” he murmured heading to the bedroom, he andDustin had set up a pretty decent fort before he had to leave, and Lucas wasn’tjust going to let it go to waste. He had only seen Black Panther once… thisweek. It was time to watch it again.
He let Dart out and the small husky immediately jumped athim,
“Okay boy, c’mon let’s go watch some black excellence,” heyipped as if he understood and followed him back to the bedroom, settling inbeside him and licking at his face. He laughed and snuggled up close as hepressed play.
Turns out he didn’t have time to feel bad or have anyworried thoughts about Dustin and Dylan because he was getting constant textupdates. At least every 15 minutes.
9.07 – Dustin: You may have to watch your back babe. Dylan’s got anextensive Pokémon collection.
9.07 – Lucas: DnD is better. It’s okay, I’ll date Will
9.10 – Dustin: Don’t you dArE
Lucas giggled and turned to show the messages to dart, whoyapped, recognising the small icon as Dustin. He headbutted the screen.
“Who would get you in the divorce?” he asked, “Me or yourdaddy?”
Dart yapped once. Lucas nodded.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Lucas focused back on thefilm till he felt his phone go off again.
9.23 – Dustin: Damn, Pokémon and a rugby player. Get you a man that doesboth amirite? Why don’t you ever offer me your jersey?
9.25 – Lucas: We don’t have jerseys you idiot, but you can wear mygross basketball shirt anytime!
9.25 – Dustin: mmhmboyfriend sweat. Rawr
Fucking loser, Lucas thought fondly as he led Dart back tohis cage and fed him dinner, he refilled the water bowl before locking him in. Hewould usually let him roam, but he wasn’t currently aware enough to take goodcare of him (Dart fucking loved to escape, and Lucas was too tired to go outsearching – plus it was dark). He didn’t want to fall asleep and wake up andhave him gone. Dustin would genuinely murder him.
He returned to another text.
9.31 – Dustin: he puts pineapple on his pizza. At this point I maynever come back babe byefelicia.gif
Lucas just rolled his eyes, pressing play on the movie. DamnDaniel Kaluuya was nice to look at, even if his character was an idiot.
There wasn’t another text for a while but at this pointLucas wasn’t even worried anymore. He actually felt sorry for Dylan because hewas sure Dustin was spending more time on his phone that paying attention tohim.
10.00 – Dustin: Yikes well he just asked me to come back to his placeto take some headshots for his dad… that sound like a proposition to me…thoughts?
Lucas bit his lip, contemplating, he didn’t want Dustin tomiss out on any opportunities because of him. But he also did not want Dustingoing over to this guys house. He trusted his boyfriend, definitely but hecouldn’t speak for the other guy. He must have been thinking for too longbecause another text came in soon after.
10.03 – Dustin: I’m taking that as a no.,, I thought as much, justwanted to cross check. I’m in the bathroom now so I’ll just go back out, downmy drink and say I have to head home. The fort still up babe?
10.04 – Lucas: I never want to take it down.
10.04 – Lucas: Also… if you really want to go...
10.05 – Dustin: Shut up Lucas. Rollseyes.gif
Lucas sniggers and places his phone down in the bedsidetable. He really, really didn’t want Dustin going home with Dylan – so he washappy. He went downstairs to go refill his popcorn and ran into Stan, one oftheir roommates cleaning up. He held back the urge to roll his eyes. He lovedStan, really – but that boy loved to clean.
Lucas tried his hardest, all the time, he ready did, but he wasstill learning how to live with someone with OCD and wasn’t sure what to do.
“Hey dude, do you wanna come up and watch Shrek with me?” heasked. Stan kept scrubbing – a bit frantically.
“No, No I, uh, I have a date with Richie in 30 minutes,but,” he paused, breathing frantically, “I can’t leave until it’s clean,” hefinished. Lucas nodded, out of his comfort zone. He wished Dustin was here.Dustin was fucking amazing at calming Stan down.
“Okay, I’ll help. We can get this done in like 10!” Lucasoffered, placing the bowl down.
“Really? Thank you, thanks!” Stan shoved some cleaning materialshis way and Lucas chuckled, getting to work on the dishes.
Lucas and Stan manged to clean up in 20 minutes leaving Stan10 to freshen up and get out the door. He was pretty proud of himself. Hesorted his popcorn and ran back up, swearing when he realised he didn’t pauseit.
“Can’t miss Shrek, this film is iconic,” he whispered tohimself, laughing at his own joke. As he rewound the film he noticed his phoneflashing and remembered Dustin. It was coming close to half ten- he was probablytexting to say he was close by. Lucas picked up his phone to check
10.10 – Dustin: Bill paid, walking to the car! Keep the fort warm forme!
10.12 – Dustin: Luca I don’t feel god,,, Cld you make msome soup for,,
10.15 – Dustin: he lockd the doors and im sleep
Lucas’ heart dropped, and he felt his vision tunnel as thesound of the film faded into the background. He must have read that wrong or hewas misinterpreting.
10.15 – Dustin: this isn the way hoe…. Hes not takjin me home. Imscared
This was not happening. This was not happening. Not to Dustin. Not his boy.
10.16 – Dustin: oh my g,
10.16 – Dustin: I think;; he spiked me.
10.16 – Dustin: I thi he spik my coke
Lucas stopped reading the text and looked at the time. Itwas 10.34. This had happened almost 20 minutes ago. He was such a badboyfriend. Anything could be happening. His mind was going wild with possibilities.Anything could be happening. Heneeded to find Dustin and get to him but, no car, they had no car. How could he--?He had to—Steve! Steve had a car. He was a three-minute bike ride away.
Lucas’ mind was made in an instant.
He ran down, stumbling on the stairs and quickly openingSnap-maps to find Dustin. He located him and sped down to Steve’s, it was dangerousbecause he was nervous, his hands were shaking, and he couldn’t really see. Healmost got hit multiple times, but it was worth it for his boy.
He banged on Steve’s door obnoxiously and repeatedly till hecame down. He was in pyjamas, but Lucas didn’t have the heart to make fun ofhim for going to bed to early.
Steve took in his state and expression and his frown lightenedup.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, grabbing his car keys from the standin preparation.
“Dustin—I – I can’t. It’s all my fault, spiked— his drinkgot spiked. We- we need to go. 16 Pembrooke Drive. Steve now, Steve! He spiked him!!Anything could be—he could be— oh god!” Lucas didn’t even know when he begancrying, he was so frustrated and couldn’t believe he was wasting so much time.Dustin had been alone and out of it with the guy for at least half an hour. Whoknows what was happening?
Luckily Steve seemed to understand and nodded solemnly,
“Get in,” he said, beeping the car open and speeding off assoon as they were both in. He inputted the directions into the satnav. Lucas reluctantlywent back to Dustin’s texts
10.13 – Dustin: Sorry, I sosrry, so sorry,. ‘’; I cahkgkn’t
10.13 – Dustin: u wer rit; I sorry ii lovv . I cant ;’kgkjl
“Fuck,” he whispered, feeling more frustrated tears comepouring out, “fucking fuck,” he slammed his hand on the dashboard.
“Lucas, we’ll get there. He’ll be alright.”” Steve said, hisvoice calm and steady, contrasting his death grip on the steering wheel. Lucasdidn’t believe him.
“This is all my fault, I shouldn’t have let him go. Stupid,stupid, stupid,”
“Hey, hey listen up shithead. Did you spike him? No. so stopthat self-blame shit, cause that’s not helping him right now.” Lucas’ mouth slammedshut and he nodded. Steve was right. Focus on Dustin.
They got there, and Lucas was tumbling out of the doorbefore the car had even come to a full stop, he distantly heard Steve reprimandinghim but just ran forward into the house, ramming the door with his shoulder. Hejumped back as pain flared up in his arm, but only took a moment to recover beforehitting it again and again.
“Shit, Lucas, step back,” Steve said, when he’d finallycaught up, pushing Lucas back and picking the lock.
They ran in to find a shirtless guy standing in front of thefridge, holding a bowl of grapes. Lucas felt anger flare up in his gut as hetook in his dishevelled hair and unclasped jeans. The guy frowned when theywalked in, taking a step back,
“Who the fuck are you? Why are you in my house?” He asked,
“Dylan Ffion?” Lucas asked, stalking towards him. The guy shrugged,dropping the grapes and crossing his arms defensively,
“Who’s asking?” Lucas reared back and decking him across theface. Groaning when he pulled his shoulder more and bruised his knuckles, thepunch wasn’t as hard as he would have liked but the shock factor helped him asthe guy flew back, clutching his nose. “What the fuck, dude?”
“Where’s Dustin?” he asked coldly, the guys eyes widened in realisation,but he quickly schooled his expression, grabbing a cloth to catch the bleeding.
“fuck! What are you a jealous ex? I don’t have to tell youshit about his dating life,” dating life,Lucas felt disgust grow in the pit of his stomach.
“Look, you fuck, Dustin texted me saying you drugged him,you piece of shit, so unless you want me to leave and go straight to thestation, you’ll tell me where he is and pray to God I find him in a decent condition.If I find that you’ve harmed a single fucking hair on his head, I’ll skin you.”He reeled off, stepping into the other guys personal space. He seemed tofinally be understanding how serious the situation was and began stutteringthrough an excuse.
“n-nah dude, you’ve got it wrong. I was j-just helping him. Hehad too much to drink and…” Lucas scoffed rolling his eyes and grabbing Dylan bythe collar, cutting off his spiel,
“Where. Is. he?”
“Upstairs, first room on the right,” he choked out just as Stevewas pulling Lucas off him,
“Dude you don’t wanna get done for assault, go get him. I’lldeal with this shithead,” he said, shooing him upstairs. Lucas heart was in histhroat as he ran up and to the room Dylan had said, he bit his lip when he sawDustin, passed out on the bed. He could almost pretend he was asleep form thisfar away, but upon approaching him he could see the faint tear tracks on hischeeks. His heart was in his throat as he approached the bed.
“Hey Dusty,” He said, gently shaking him, “Can you hear me,love?” Dustin groaned on the bed, his eyelids flickered, and his fingerstwitched. Lucas took his hand tightly, feeling his eyes tear up, “C’mon baby,wake up please,” he murmured, rubbing the back of his knuckles with his thumb. Allhe got in reply was another groan. He ripped of the blanket, cringing when hesaw his boyfriend was just in his underwear,
“Shit, Dust, where are your clothes?” he asked quietly,looking around the room. He grabbed a dressing gown, wrapping Dustin in it andpicking him up. On his way out, he noticed Dustin’s jeans on the floor, andgrabbed them as well.
“Steve can I have your keys?” he asked as they walked by theliving room.
“Fuck” Steve uttered when he turned around and saw Dustin inLucas’ arms, “Of course,” he threw him the keys and all Lucas could think as hemade his way back to the car was that he let his happen.
“Never again,” he whispered, kissing Dustin’s forehead, “Neveragain,”
lmao sorry for the shitty ending
send me a word (or phrase) and an IT ship and I’ll write u a drabble//headcanon for it :)
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
I am but a humble reader with salacious desires, and I would like to ask for Ran, Draken and Koko with a reader who's normally quite shy with affection, suddenly lead a makeout session (liek, they'd jus b hanging and she all of a sudden crawls on top of them and kisses them)
Your works b curing my loneliness rn, no joke.
I love this idea!! 💕 And I'm so glad that my work helps with your loneliness ❤️
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!! ❤️
Ran, Draken, Koko with a shy!f!reader initiating a make-out session
TW: mentions of suggestive themes, intimate affection, embarrassed reader, jealousy (Koko), pet names (kitten by Koko)
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You and Ran had been in a relationship for a few months now. It was a good relationship, all things considered. After all, Ran Haitani was a delinquent who ruled over Roppongi with his brother, while you were a high school student who was way too shy to be with a bad boy. Nobody in their right mind would put the two of you together, yet here you were. Happy and loved.
When it came to any type of affection, this boy would have to initiate it. Sure, he didn't mind it but he would constantly tease you over how flustered you'd get from the simplest things. He remembered the first time you had both held hands. You were so nervous that once his fingers brushed against yours, your entire face turned a bright red and you almost fainted from overheating. Good times.
However, today you were going to prove that you were able to initiate intimate affection with your boyfriend. You even had a plan in your head about how you would approach it. So when Ran had text you about coming over to his, you started this genius plan.
Step 1 of your amazing plan: wear something cute! It may have seemed simple but you needed to be strategic with your outfit. After all, clothes are an expression and should be used as such, at least that is what you had been told by a friend. So with that, you had chosen some cute shorts paired with a t-shirt and jacket. Surely this would help you feel confident in completing the plan.
Step 2 was simple as well. You needed to draw attention to your beautiful features and the best way to do that was with some simple make up. Especially focusing on your lips. In a bid for the desired effect, you had chosen a soft colour for your lips while keeping your usual make-up look for the rest of your features. Hopefully this would help you feel a little more prepared.
Step 3. Get to Ran's house and actually go through with the plan. This was the step that had you nervous but you needed to prove to yourself that you could. And so, while you and Ran were relaxing on his couch, a film playing on the TV, you had decided it was time.
Shyly, you had moved yourself so you were practically straddling your lanky boyfriend's lap, eyes diverted to the side as you gathered your courage. Ran was a little surprised for the change of position but decided to simply wait to see what you were up to.
You moved forward before you could second guess yourself over the plan. In no time, your lips softly collided with his in a simple smooch. No need to rush into the make-out session. As if having a mind of their own, your arms secured themselves on his shoulders to circle around the boy's neck. So far so good.
To say the elder Haitani brother was surprised was an understatement. It took him a moment to process what was happening before he was able to kiss back. You were never one to initiate affection and yet you were the one taking the lead right now. Ran thought that he may as well enjoy the moment as it lasted.
The simple smooch eventually evolved into heated exchanges. Hands roamed each other's bodies as though it was for the last time, and tongues danced a waltz only they knew. When it came to an end, the pair of you were red-faced and breathing heavier than before.
"Well," Ran chuckled lowly, "that was unexpected..."
Not that either of you were complaining.
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If it wasn't for Mikey having 'accidentally' spilled the beans about Draken having a girlfriend during one of Toman's meetings, no-one would have figured it out. Not for any other reason than you were hardly affectionate with each other when in public.
As Draken's girlfriend, you often would hang around the bottom of the shrine steps by his beloved Zephyr while meetings were taking place. That is if you had no other plans of your own. Each time, the Toman members would all go to their respected rides once the meeting was over, with your boyfriend being one of the last. Ken would smile softly at the sight of you, place a kiss on your head before he would drive you back home. Of course your face would resemble a tomato over the simple act of affection.
You were definitely the shy type when it came to your relationship, especially around the aspect of physical affection. Sure, you could tell the giant that you loved him, but initiating a peck on the lips? No way. But you wanted to change that. And so, your plan was born.
Plan 'Kiss your boyfriend' was a simple one in all fairness. All you needed to do was overcome the shyness and place your lips atop his. Easy, right? In theory, yeah, but coming to actually doing it outside of your imagination? Not so much. The thought of calling one of your girl friends had passed through your mind on multiple occasions.
Now with all the information you could ever hope to achieve in relation to your plan, all that was left was for you to actually put it into action. If only the thought of it didn't cause your face to burn with a blush.
Draken had invited you over to his room with plans to simply hang out together. That week had been chaotic for him, what with Mikey forcing him to run simple errands or buy him his snacks. All Draken and his wallet wanted was a break. So having you leaning against his side, manga in hand while he read one of his newest motorbike magazines, was heaven to him.
Although your eyes were scanning the pages of your favourite manga, a pep talk was occurring in your mind. Show the delinquent that you could initiate affection and not be so shy. So once you had finished your inner motivational speech, you decided it was time to act.
Hand to the back of his neck and leaning in, your lips softly pressed against his own. Draken's eyes widened at the action, surprised at how bold you had decided to be in that moment. However, the surprise decreased and his eyes slipped closed, his own hands moving to pull you closer.
By the time you had pulled away, the male had you situated on his lap with the magazine long forgotten on his bed somewhere. Both of your faces were tinted pink, but for different reasons. Yours due to the sudden embarrassment and his for lack of air.
"You should do that more often..."
Maybe you would.
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Koko adored how shy you were! It was one of the points that made him fall for you to begin with, after all. The fact it took the minimum amount of affection to get you all flustered provided plenty of amusement to your money-loving boyfriend. However, with this he understood that he would be the one initiating physical contact. Not that he minded, it was just a fact about the relationship.
You knew how shy you were, but you were jealous of the girls that could confidently kiss and hug their partners without blooming a bright red. Why couldn't you do that? While you may question it, you wondered if it was affecting Koko.
Unlike the other scenarios, you wouldn't be planning to initiate the affection. After all, you both seemed pretty content with how it all worked out, even with your internal questioning. In fact, you seemed to gather the courage through jealousy.
Hajime Kokonoi was known around Tokyo for having a lot of money and power in his own way. And yet, even if they didn't know, it was easy to tell with how Koko dresses himself to flaunt his wealth. Wealth has a way of drawing others' attention to oneself, and your boyfriend was no exception.
Girls would flock to your boyfriend and try their best to get his attention on them. Even if you were clearly holding his hand, they would seemingly ignore your presence. Usually you would simply remain quiet, clinging tightly to your boyfriend's arm while it occured. However, you had a breaking point.
It was one of these situations in which you had overcome your shy nature. One of his new admirers had overstepped the boundary by placing a hand on his chest. While you were at his side, hand in his.
Seeing red over this flirtatious action, you were out to lay claim on your boyfriend. Pushing the offending hand off your man, your own grabbed ahold of his collar before dragging him towards you. You slammed your lips against his, hands moving to tangle in his dark locks.
Koko was equal parts amused and surprised. He knew how shy you were when it came to affection, and yet here you were, basically making out with him in the middle of the street because of some random girl. He wasn't complaining though as his arms wrapped around your frame to bring you even closer.
It seemed like you had forgotten where you were during the kiss. If you had recalled you were in public, you would have left it at a simple peck and blushed for the next hour. However, you seemed to have lost yourself in the affection.
Pulling away, both your cheeks were tinted a soft pink. But in no time, yours had blossomed to a pretty red that had Koko smirking down at you in amusement. The girl was long gone, possibly back to what she was up to beforehand. Not that either of you cared.
"Was my kitten jealous~?"
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scullyverse · 3 years
Roses & Restraint: Chapter One
Dana Scully
Stella/Scully || multi-chapter || rating: E (Explicit)
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London, 1990. Stella Gibson and Dana Scully both enrol in University. Dana is lonely and insecure, Stella is distant and guarded, until they meet.
This story is something that has been conceived and created through many months of brainstorming and endless conversations between me and my wonderful other half Lieke. This little universe has evolved into a life of its own and I can't wait to share it with everyone, finally! This story starts AU with Stella and Dana in University but will maintain heavily elements of both canon The X Files and The Fall later on in this series. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much we have had creating it together.
Also available to read on AO3
London, England
September 1990
Dana Katherine Scully had never felt lonely before. Growing up in a house full of siblings, she constantly found herself surrounded by noise and the warmth of having people close. She had always been connected with her mother and father, tolerated and even loved her two brothers and was especially close with her sister Melissa. So sitting alone on her new bed in an alien country surrounded by nothing but silence was certainly a different experience.
Tucking her legs up to her chest, Dana rested back against the headboard, looking around her new dorm room. It was fairly empty for the moment save for the essentials like some fresh bedsheets; her closet was open and half-filled with the clothes she had brought with her, and a stack of freshly shrink-wrapped textbooks resting in a neat pile on her desk. Her mother, Margaret, or Maggie as she liked to be called, was planning to take her out shopping later today for a few things to make the space feel more like home. But Dana knew it would probably never feel quite like home to her, this was just a space that she occupied for the time being.
Dana rested her hands on her knees, tilting her head to look outside of the window, seeing mostly brick from the dorm building next door, some leaves barely visible from the trees below. She had been so excited to get accepted into London University - as one of the only places that delved into Biophysics, it was at the top of her list of places to study because of their curriculum. And she was still excited, it was just a different feeling from imagining it to being here, and she suddenly felt very out of her depth. In just two days classes would start and she had never felt this underprepared for anything before in her life. Everyone else surrounding her would be older and have those extra years of life experience she just didn’t feel she had acquired yet.
Being academically brilliant she had skipped a few grades and was able to apply for college at only 16, much to her parents' delight and also uneasiness and worry. It seemed such a whirlwind of a year last year, applying to many different establishments, and finally getting accepted here. Her mother had flown her out at the beginning of the year for interviews and entrance exams to see if she would be a fit for the course she was applying for and if she was able to handle the caseload that would be expected of her. They had gladly invited her and seen her potential. So why don’t I feel that potential right now? Dana thought, her teeth gnawing on her bottom lip.
Things would be fine, her mother had told her so, and she was sure she was right, it was just hard to shake the feelings away when her head could think of nothing else. Letting out a sigh, Dana pushed herself off the bed and made her way towards the suitcase sitting in front of her closet, still filled with numerous things from home. Kneeling and rummaging through the items inside, she pulled out her worn copy of Moby Dick and put it on the floor next to her before grabbing the family picture from last Christmas and put it on her desk, angling it towards her bed. She wasn’t one for clutter, but she always kept a photo of her family in her room. Normally it was the only thing that rested on her desk besides books and stationery.
With the book in her hands, she made her way back towards her bed, her fingers absentmindedly playing with the dog-eared cover before she heard a soft knock. Turning towards her door, Dana quickly fixed herself up, adjusting her blue oversized shirt and brushing her frizzy hair away from her eyes with her free hand.
Dana pulled the door open and smiled warmly when she saw her mother standing in the hallway, a plastic shopping bag in her hands.
“I thought you could use some snacks for your room.” Maggie greeted her with a hug. “Maybe you could keep some in your desk drawer as you did at home, they even had your favourite,” Pausing, Maggie rummaged through the plastic and pulled out a bag of gummy bears. “-I was surprised to find them, but they were in the little supermarket down the street from the hotel.”
Dana stepped aside to let her mother into the room and shut the door softly. Taking the candy given to her with outreached hands, Dana put both the bag of gummy bears and her book down on her desk and stepped forward to wrap her arms around her mother’s waist, her chin just able to rest on her shoulder.
“Thanks, mum. But you didn’t have to do that.” Dana insisted.
“Of course I did, Dana. I know how much you love them.” Maggie replied, brushing her concern off with a smile.
Feeling Maggie’s arms wrap around her, holding her tight, Dana felt warm and secure as she closed her eyes. She would miss her mother’s hugs more than anything. Even though at times she couldn’t stand the way her mother coddled her, she would never get tired of her love. Taking a deep breath, Dana tried to get her emotions under control as she pulled away, looking up at Maggie with slight embarrassment.
“Sorry, I’m just feeling a bit overwhelmed.” Dana apologised, rubbing under her eyes.
“It’s okay sweetheart, you’re allowed to feel like this. Is it too much though? You know you can always come back with me and we can apply somewhere else.” Maggie reassured, placing a hand on Dana’s head and brushing down her hair before resting her hand on her cheek. “This is a big step and something I know I wouldn’t have been able to do at your age.”
“No mum, I want to do this. I’m fine, just a lot to take in for the first few days.” Dana answered, looking into her mother's eyes and giving her a slight smile as she leaned into the familiar hand against her cheek.
Stepping away, Dana peeked into the bag still in her mother’s hand to distract herself from the sour feeling in her stomach. Maggie watched for a moment before smiling as Dana took the bag from her mother’s hands and made her way towards her bed, tipping the contents onto the covers. Dana wasn’t a big fan of sweets, but she did tend to like the odd one here and there when she was studying, a habit she had picked up in her second year of high school. Dana’s eyes lit up when she saw a few more packets of her favourite gummy bears and some chocolate bars that she didn’t recognise, but sounded pretty delicious. She looked up at Maggie and gave her a grin before Maggie took a seat on her bed, picking up one of the chocolate bars.
“I wasn’t sure if this brand would taste good, but the cashier recommended it to me as something that seems to be quite popular here, so hopefully it tastes okay. Though I’m sure it’s not as sweet as the chocolate we’re accustomed to at home.” Maggie said as she gave the bar back to Dana.
Dana gathered the candy and put it back into the plastic bag to put it away somewhere later before she put her hands in her lap, fiddling with the bottom of her shirt. Dana looked up at her mother with slight nervousness as a silence hung between them before Dana felt a warm hand rest of her own.
“Come on sweetheart, let’s go have a look around the city. We still need to buy you some essentials. And I know you wouldn’t say no to a new outfit or two,” Maggie urged, a reassuring look on her face.
Chuckling, Dana got to her feet and walked to her closet to grab a pair of worn sneakers, slipped them on and then led Maggie out of her room, making sure to grab her keys and lock the door on the way out.
Dana had only ever been to London once before, that time being earlier that year when her mother had brought her over to have some advisory meetings at the University. They hadn’t had time to stay longer than they needed as it clashed with school, so Dana hadn’t gotten the chance to explore the city she was going to call home for the next few years. Maggie was staying at a little hotel just outside of the city’s business district and over the last week, Dana had gotten used to the bus routes and timetables as she travelled between the hotel and the campus.
Taking her mother’s hand, Dana helped her off the bus and onto a busy street, filled with people making their way to work as it was rush hour in the morning. Dana had done a little exploring on her own the previous days but hadn’t had much of a chance to look at the storefronts like they planned on doing today. She hadn’t brought much with her, only her suitcase and the majority of space in her mother’s too, as Maggie had promised they would go and buy things once they were here as it would be easier that way. And that way her belongings would still be at home for when she came back to visit during the school breaks.
They spent their morning walking around the different streets and Dana ended up getting a spare bedsheet, some new towels as well as some toiletries from a little boutique store that was filled with soaps and hair products that smelt like roses, Dana’s favourite. Maggie insisted on buying her a new bag and a few new outfits that Dana had loved the look of as well as all the stationary she would need for the first semester. Dana would be left with a savings account that her mother and father would deposit money into every month so she could have an allowance until she got a job. Maggie urged that she shouldn’t hurry in finding work, that she should take a while to settle into her new schedule and that there would always be money there for emergencies. Dana wasn’t one to spend money frivolously, only planning on using it for the essentials like food, school supplies and accidentals.
Maggie had already taken her to the campus shop to purchase the textbooks she would need, which Dana had felt guilty for as both her Anthropology and Biophysics textbooks had ended up costing quite a bit. Maggie had just waved her off, not hesitating to pay, but Dana intended to keep them as pristine as she could in hopes she could get some money back for them at the end of her degree and repay her parents.
After almost a full day of shopping, they ended up walking past a bookstore on the way back to the bus stop and Dana proposed they have a look inside. Dana smiled when her mother went straight to the murder mystery section - it was the first stop she went to in every bookstore, while Dana headed for the general fiction section. Dana’s fingers brushed over the covers as she tilted her head, looking over the titles with interest. Reading was always a good escape for her and she would never turn down a novel where she could lose herself in the pages for a while.
Dana walked her way slowly up the aisle, before she reached the end and caught sight of a blonde crouched down in the literature section, pulling a book off the shelf with black polished nails. Dana watched her flick the book over before she brushed her short hair back, revealing a set of piercing blue eyes. The girl opened the book and read a few lines before she rose to her feet, turning and catching Dana’s gaze.
Dana gave a polite smile as the blonde walked towards her, tapping her fingers against the cover of whatever book she had grabbed from the shelf. Stepping back slightly, Dana made room for the girl to walk past her in the aisle, but she bumped into the shelf softly in the process. The blonde smirked at her clumsiness and Dana watched her walk around the corner and out of eyesight. Way to look like an idiot, Dana.
Turning back around, Dana resumed looking at the titles before she heard her name being called and saw her mother making her way towards her, a Joanne Harris novel in her hands. Maggie had always been a fan of the murder mysteries ever since Dana could remember so it was no surprise that she had found another book to add to her collection.
“Have you found anything you like sweetheart?” Maggie inquired.
Shaking her head, Dana closed the distance between them as she reached and took the book out of her mother's hand, flipping it over to give a quick read of the back before she made an impressed face.
“Sounds like a good one. Come on, let me get it for you as a thank you present for everything you have done for me this past week.” Dana said with a grateful smile.
Maggie began to protest, but Dana cut her off with a scowl.
“Mum, please. It’s the least I can do. Besides, it will give you something to read on the plane home tomorrow.”
Maggie sighed and relented as Dana walked towards the counter to pay for the book with some of the crinkled bills she had in her jeans pocket.
After the book was purchased and they made their way to the bus stop, Dana and Maggie juggled their bags of shopping into the dorm room and spent the rest of the afternoon organising everything and putting things into their new home. Dana was impressed with how comforting they managed to make it look, though it still didn’t feel like home and she was sure it wouldn’t ever have that feel to it.
Just as it started to get dark, Dana walked her mother back to the bus stop and hugged her, promising to meet her the following morning at her hotel so they could go to the airport together. Dana wasn’t looking forward to sending her mother home and being left alone, but she was sure the feelings would get better the longer she stayed there by herself. Missy had told her that it would be good for her to go out on her own and spread her wings. Dana wasn’t sure what that meant yet, but hopefully, that would come to her in time too.
Once the bus carried her mother out of sight, Dana let out a shaky breath. The sour feeling in her stomach was hitting her with full force and she had to swallow down a rise of bile in her throat. Loneliness wasn’t something that agreed with her just yet, it would seem. Turning on her heels, Dana tucked her hands into her pockets as she walked back towards her dorm room, suddenly not having the energy to smile politely at the people walking around her. She just wanted to retreat to her room and not have to worry about people seeing her cry.
Most of the people had started to arrive in the other rooms on her floor, so she didn’t have the communal bathroom all to herself as she had hoped for. Wrapping a towel around herself, Dana ducked her head and avoided the other girls in the bathroom who were chatting in a thick northern English accent that Dana couldn’t quite understand.
Hugging the towel to herself, Dana grabbed her toiletry bag and quickly walked across the hall to her room before slipping inside, resting her wet hair against the door. She hadn’t thought about bringing a change of clothes with her as everyone else had, and she felt lucky that her room wasn’t far and there were no people in the hall for her to make a fool of herself in front of.
Taking the towel off her body, Dana walked towards the small set of drawers next to her bed, drying her hair roughly as she rummaged through the second drawer to find her pyjamas, which consisted of a large navy shirt of her father’s she had taken a few years ago and a pair of checkered shorts. She threw the wet towel onto the bed, got changed, and hung the towel on the hook behind her door.
Suddenly, she felt very small and the constant dull chatter from the other dorm rooms did nothing to settle her feelings of sadness. Dana stood for a moment, feeling her wet hair seep into the back of her shirt and a warmness fill her eyes. Shaking her head, she quickly blinked the tears away.
“You can do this. Come on, Starbuck. You can do this.” It was a mantra she spoke to the empty room that gave Dana a tiny flicker of courage, picturing her father’s warm face and soft eyes that he only ever showed to his family.
Dana looked at the red lights on her clock and sighed when they read 9:47 pm. It was still early, but her body was almost acclimated to the change in time zones enough for her to begin to feel tired. Grabbing her copy of Moby Dick off her desk, she turned off her ceiling light, leaving only the slight warm glow from the small lamp on her bedside table. Maybe she could read for a little bit to get her mind off things, it usually worked at home. Getting into bed, Dana put the blankets over her knees as she rested back against the headboard, reaching over to her bedside table to grab her glasses and slip them on before she opened her book to the page where she left off a few days ago.
But no matter how many times she read the same lines over and over again, nothing seemed to sink in enough for her to focus on the story. Her stomach was churning and it was starting to make her frustrated. Huffing, Dana threw the book to the floor, and watched as it tumbled on the rug before it fell with half the pages tucked under the cover and now folded. Taking off her glasses, Dana held them in her hand and gripped them tightly between her fingers. Maybe her mother was right. Maybe she should just go back home right now and just choose a university closer to home.
Pulling the blankets back, she placed her glasses back under her lamp before she walked over to pick up her book from the floor, pausing when her fingers touched a piece of white paper, a stark contrast to the worn yellowing pages of her book. Dana picked the book up and pulled the piece of paper out from in between the pages. She couldn’t remember leaving any notes in this book.
Dana opened the folded paper and sucked in a breath when she immediately noticed her sister’s handwriting, a mass of messy nearly illegible script. Dana put her book down on the bed as she sat down, quickly grabbing her glasses so she could read the words her sister had written to her.
To Dana,
I wrote this for you when you first told me where you planned to study. You have your heart set on it, I can see that stupid little sparkle in your eyes when you talk about it. But I also know how you can doubt yourself, how you can think you don’t deserve things you’ve achieved through all your hard work and dedication to the things you want. You don’t need to doubt yourself, I know you can do this. You are strong and can be so determined when you want to be, even if it gets you into trouble from time to time. Trust yourself, Dana. I’m your big sister and I will be here for you, even if you screw up. But you aren’t going to do that. It seems like you got all the brains in the family and all of us are always trying to catch up to you. I’m only a very expensive phone call away.
You can do this,
Dana held the letter in her shaky fingers, not able to see the words anymore from the blurriness of the tears behind her glasses. She took them off and put them on the bed to rub her eyes, wiping away the tears now threatening to fall down her cheek. She wasn’t sure how Missy knew she would need words of encouragement, but she had a way of always knowing Dana better than she knew herself.
Sniffling, Dana looked back down at the note in her hand with a smile, somehow feeling Missy sitting right next to her even though she was hundreds of miles away. She would have to remember to tell her mother to thank Missy for her when she got home. Folding the note in half again, Dana held it to her chest for a moment and let out a breath, less shaky than a few moments ago. Missy believed in her. That was something they didn’t really speak about. Her relationship with her sister meant more to Dana than anything. They fought like crazy sometimes, but they both loved each other fiercely. That would never change.
Grabbing her glasses once again she put them back on the nightstand before she got back into bed, the note in her hand as she situated herself under the covers. Leaning over, Dana switched off her lamp and the room flooded with darkness. It took her eyes a few moments to adjust to vaguely see the outlines of solid objects as she snuggled down, slipping the note under her pillow before resting her head down. She could feel her wet hair seeping into the material of the pillow, but Dana didn’t care.
Lying on her back, Dana looked up at the ceiling, the silence now becoming deafening. Closing her eyes, Dana rolled over on her side, curled up, and wished sleep would take her away for a few restful hours.
Sleep didn’t come at all. Dana hated that. Once the light of the early morning started seeping through her closed blinds, Dana turned her head to look at the clock. 5:06 am. Her mother’s flight would leave in a few hours so Dana figured she would just head over to the hotel now and spend a few more hours with her mother before she left. She couldn’t bear to lay in bed a moment longer anyway.
Sitting up, Dana threw the blankets off her and got to her feet, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror she had fixated on her wardrobe door. Her hair was a mass of fluffy red curls and her eyes were red from the tears she had shed as well as the lack of sleep. Dana ran her fingers through her hair before grabbing her toiletry bag and heading to the toilets to both relieve herself and try to make herself somewhat presentable for the day.
Dana returned with her hair brushed but still fluffy and curly, unable to do much else and she didn’t have the energy to style it today. She would deal with that tomorrow when classes started. Dana picked one of the new outfits her mother had bought her; a knee-length black denim skirt, red flannelette shirt and black singlet top. Dana slipped on her black converse, slightly dirty from years of wear, before she grabbed her bag and put in the essentials: wallet, book and a bag of gummy bears from her drawer. Something was telling her she might need the pick me up later when she eventually crashed from lack of sleep, and she was anticipating the final separation from her mother was going to be something that would knock her around too.
It took Dana a short walk in the brisk early morning air under the faint glow of the streetlights and a 15-minute bus ride to reach the hotel. Dana paused in the reception area, looking at the large clock on the wall. It wasn’t even 6 am yet. She knew her mother was an early bird, but maybe she should wait a little while longer before disturbing her.
Sitting down on one of the small lounge chairs in the lobby, Dana reached into her bag and pulled out her book. Crossing her legs, Dana opened the book and began to read, her eyes flicking up every couple of minutes to the clock. She would read for another hour or so and then make her way up to her mother’s room. They served breakfast around that time so Dana was sure she would be up before then.
The lobby had slowly begun to fill with the bustle of people over the next hour and Dana had put her book away in favour of people watching. Maggie had picked this hotel because of it being so central to London’s business district and now Dana understood that it was favoured by businessmen and women for the same reason. There was a steady flow of people dressed for work leaving and arriving and by the time the clock hit 7 am the lobby chairs had been filled with people drinking coffee and reading the morning papers. Dana smiled slightly at the nice old lady sitting next to her and grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder and walking towards the elevators.
Stopping in front of her mother's room, Dana pulled her bag tighter onto her shoulder and raised her hand to knock a few times on the wood. It took only a few moments before Maggie opened the door, her hair sitting perfectly on her shoulders and the slight makeup on her face making her appear years younger. Maggie’s eyes went from happy to worried in a matter of seconds as she took in the rough appearance of her daughter.
“Dana, you’re here early…” Pausing, she reached for Dana, resting her hands on her upper arm, giving it a slight squeeze. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, mum, just a bit of a rough night that’s all. I was up so I thought I would come over a little earlier and spend some time with you before we have to leave for the airport.” Dana gave her a small smile as she rested her hand on her mother’s arm, rubbing it gently.
Maggie let her daughter into the room and shut the door as Dana flopped onto the neatly made bed, letting her bag fall to her feet. It was amazing how efficient her mother was, it was like no one had stayed in the room at all. Looking around, Dana saw how the room was spotless, all traces of her mother tucked away into the suitcase resting next to her on the bed, all except for her handbag resting on the chest of drawers closest to the door.
“When’s your flight again?” Dana asked, her voice soft.
Maggie grabbed her bag and walked over to Dana, removing the suitcase off the bed and making room for herself to sit down next to her daughter. Rummaging inside, she pulled out her boarding pass, handing it to Dana. Looking down at the ticket in her hand, Dana’s fingers ran over the time.
“10 am boarding time… 9 arrival time. So we don’t have too long then, huh?” Dana stated, giving the ticket back to her mother with sad eyes.
The tight feeling in her stomach that had been bothering her all morning was getting worse as the seconds ticked by. She wasn’t sure what she would do without her mother there with her. Even though she was staying across town, she was still within reach. But soon, she wouldn’t be. Maggie would soon be on a plane back home to the US and Dana would be rooted there, alone. She was getting tired of crying, but she could feel herself getting hot in the cheeks as she turned her head.
Maggie reached under Dana’s chin, turning her head back to look into her eyes. The moment Dana’s eyes met the soft warm eyes of her mother, she broke. Her bottom lip trembled as Maggie pulled her close, wrapping her arms protectively around the small child in her arms. Because in this moment that was how Dana felt. Like a child. And in some instances maybe she still was.
Sobbing, Dana buried her face into Maggie’s chest, enveloping herself in the familiar scent of jasmine and home. Maggie said nothing, just held her tightly, her hand coming up to rest on the back of Dana’s head, brushing her hair soothingly. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go, she needed to be strong like Missy had told her to be and spread her wings on her own. But it was so hard to have to eliminate the comfort only her mother could give her.
Dana wasn’t sure how long she stayed in her mother’s arms after she had stopped crying, but the gentle encouragement of Maggie’s arms guiding her away and saying, “Sweetheart, we need to get going,” told her that it must have been close to an hour.
Pulling out of Maggie’s embrace, Dana wiped her eyes and tucked her fly away hair behind her ears. Nodding silently, she got to her feet and helped her mother up off the bed too, out of courtesy more than necessity. Maggie gathered her handbag and boarding ticket as Dana put her bag back over her shoulder before reaching down to pull up the handle of Maggie’s suitcase. Maggie objected but Dana brushed her away with a small smile, her lips dry from the previous hour crying against her mother’s chest. Gathering the fragments of courage inside, she tried to stand a little taller than she felt.
“It’s the least I can do, mum. Come on, let’s go.”
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bokubooo-archived · 3 years
hi so this post is not meant to offend anyone just me ranting about shipping under the cut. ⚠️ THIS IS NOT MEANT TO START ARGUMENTS, JUST ME RANTING ⚠️
can I please just have some bokuroo where no one is like "wHaT aBoUt KeNmA" or "wHaT aBoUt AkAaShI" I understand kuroken and bokuaka are incredibly popular ships and get a lot more attention than bokuroo, but not everything with those characters revolves around those ships. I'm over here trying to enjoy content of a ship that's quite underrated but everyone is worried about kenma and akaashi that no one truly appreciates the ship the content is about. as I've said I get it, everyone is super crazy about bokuaka and kuroken and I can say they aren't my favorite but I can appreciate and understand they are cute pairs and would make a cute couple. but not everything is about those ships, those ships are not the main focus. I can say I've faced the same problem with kurotsukki, everyone is so worried about kenma and Tadashi, worried about those two being sad to the point no one at all embraces the ship and some people even go as far as Haring on the ship or saying something along the lines of "no kuroo belongs to kenma/bokuto belongs to akaashi/tsukki belongs to tadashi." newsflash, other ships exist. truthfully I can say there are PLENTY of ships that could work out in haikyuu outside of the most popular ones, even characters who have hardly interacted. the main purpose of this rant is when you see a rare pair such as bokuroo or kurootsukki or ships like ushioi or tananoya, just show some appreciation to the ship instead of getting so worked up about the characters that are most popularly shipped like bokuaka or kuroken or iwaoi. it's not that hard. and if you don't agree with a ship, it's not hard to make it so you don't see content containing the ship, it's not hard to scroll past it, it's not hard to simply ignore the ship instead of hating on it purely because you don't ship it or you're not a multishipper.
for example, i don't really liek a ship.. that's fine, that's ok, that's my opinion, right? so when I see content containing the ship, y'know what I do? instead of being childish simply because I don't like it, I scroll on by, I filter tags so I don't see content containing the ship, I don't hate on it or make comments about what I do ship, I simply just ignore it and let the shippers have their fun, I leave them to appreciate and enjoy something they do ship instead of getting all worked up about it simply because I disagree with their personal opinions. because it's not that hard to do that stuff instead of throwing a fit because of simple immaturity and childishness.
in conclusion ; let people enjoy their ships, no matter how popular. stop bringing up characters from more popular ships because it feels like it just ruins the less popular ship, and if you don't like a ship, just ignore it. it's that simple.
rant : over
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kiegosbby · 4 years
hawks x f!reader
chapter 8 I think. I’m sorry guys itll get better I promiseeee
word count: 1.6k
warnings: drinking, and just making poor decisions
✁- - - - - - r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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when you finished your work you left quickly trying to avoid talking to him any further.
You stopped at a liquor store. This wasn't your best idea. But In the moment, you needed it badly.
you never really drank before, not knowing what to buy so you bought vodka. People drink that straight right?
she bought her bottle and put it in a paper bag, having to keep her hero appearance.
she flew home and sat down on her couch. She popped the cap off and chugged it. It burned as it went down. She thought it would be worse it tasted like medicine. Kind of.
She looked across the room and saw her phone. She was now slightly tipsy, she stood up and walked over to her phone. Picking it up it was slightly cracked but it still worked. You turned it on and while you waited, chugged some more because why the hell not?
as your phone turned on you saw all the messages hawks had left you.
10+ plus new messages from: Birdy ❤️🐔
Birdy ❤️🐔
Hey baby bird I'm sorry about last night I probably seem like a dick.
Birdy ❤️🐔
I had to help endeavour on a case and I couldn't say no. Please let me make it up to you
Birdy ❤️🐔
I still owe you ice cream even if you don't wanna go out anymore
Birdy ❤️🐔
Don't forget that you have to come to my agency tomorrow and fill out some paperwork and set your office up
Birdy ❤️🐔
Angel where are you? Your 10 minutes late
Birdy ❤️🐔
Angel I'm starting to worry it's been a hour. Please just let me know that your ok
Birdy ❤️🐔
Y/n please text me. Im worried and I swear if anything happened to you I'll kill someone
Birdy ❤️🐔
Don't make me go to your apartment. I will don't test me.
Birdy ❤️🐔
angel please reply
Birdy ❤️🐔
Angel? Please..
Birdy ❤️🐔
I'm about to go to your apartment. I don't know which numbers yours but I'll go through the whole building if I have to.
well now you felt like a bitch.
It was still mean for him to do that to her. But maybe she should forgive him. he apologized and he seemed like he actually cared.
You decided to call him and talk to him. Maybe apologize? Ask him what his favourite drink is. Alcohol is good you should do this more often.
you pressed the call button and took a big swig of your drink getting ready to talk.
"Angel hello?"
"Hey hawks" you slurred your words slightly. "I wanted to call you because it's so difficult to type! The buttons are so little and I keep messing up. Now I know what your thinking, she's drunk right? Well no actually I'm just a little tipsy. Oh! I forgot to say what I was calling about. I wanted to apologize, I was being a total bitch don't you think?" You took a quick swig and went back to talking "but you were kinda mean to me. But I liked you! I even bought a fucking dress for you. And I don't do dresses. Believe that? I got all dressed up for you. And you never showed. But hero duties are more important than anything" you took another swig "damn this shit is strong!"
He sat there trying to take in everything she had just said. To be fair it was a lot to handle. " Y/n your drunk why are you drinking?"
"Because why the hell not?" She said and laughed
"You want to apologize I want to apologize to face to face."
"Come over them Birdy I need some company I can't finish this big bottle all by myself." At this point you really couldn't think straight. This was 100% a bad idea but did you care? Absolutely not.
"Y/n your drunk we should talk tomo-"
"No come over nowwww pleaseeeeeeee" you whined
he sighed "Ok leave the balcony open I'll land there."
"Yay! I'll be waiting for you im so excited!"
You quickly hung up and went to wait for him on the balcony. You sat with your legs crossed and kept drinking. You got up and looked over the ledge. Damn that was a farrr drop. You stumbled a little leaning a little to far, and almost fell until you felt a warm pair of hands wrap around your waist. "Are you fucking crazy kid? Do you have a death wish?"
You started laughing "oh my god I almost fell good thing I have wings. You saved me! Your like my knight in shining armor" you smiled and went to take another swig only to have him take it away from you.
He looked at the bottle. "You drank almost half of this already! Are you crazy? Oh my god come on" he lead you inside trying to figure the layout of your house. He went into your kitchen and got you a water bottle from your fridge.
"Here drink this your gonna need it. Let's go sit down ok?" He lead you to the couch, you almost fell a couple times but with his help you made it.
"Yes angel" he looked over to you, you were both now sitting on the couch, and he was trying to make sure you did nothing stupid.
"Thank you for coming I was sooo lonely. And I'm sorry for this morning I was being a big poopy head" you said and at the end you stuck your bottom lip out and gave him puppy eyes.
"It's no problem angel. I would always help a friend in need more matter what. And you don't have to apologize it was mostly my fault I was being a dumb bird and messed it up." He said looking at you with guilt. You felt bad honestly. But what stuck the most was when he said he would always help a friend..
"I wish we were more then friends I really liek you.." you slurred and went on "your really cute to. And your wings are so pretty I just wanna touch them. Can I touch them?" You asked already reaching out to them
"Of course baby bird just be careful you have wings to so you'll know how it feels." He pulled his wings further out so that you could reach them easily. He was a little scared only a few other people had touched his wings. And they had never been drunk before. His wings were quite sensitive, he was touch starved and that made it feel amazing when someone touched his wings.
You leaned in and touched the middle of his wings first, slowly running your hand over them. You face lit up like a kid opening his presents on Christmas. You raked your hands through his feathers.
"Your feathers are so soft! How do you get them so soft!?" You asked excitedly. Your feathers weren't as soft as his, they'd been through a lot and due to some harsh training were trying to recover still.
"There just n-naturally soft I guess are yours not t-this soft?" He asked as he was trying to keep back his groans. Your fingers felt so good rubbing against his feathers.
"They were but after bad training there not as soft anymore. Want to feel?" She asked excitedly, taking her hands away. He tried to hide his disappointment, and shook his head yes.
she pulled her wings out, giving off a soft glow as her quirk made her. He reached out to his hands. He softly touched the tip of her wings. She sat back and relaxed feeling calm at the touches he was giving her. It was way better then the little kids that tugged on her wings when she had them out.
"What kind of training did this? There still soft just seem like they've been through a lot.."
"Well it was a really rainy day. And they were working me so hard. We were in a empty field and I was paired with one of the higher ranks, so I had to try my hardest. They thought I was weak so they pushed me a little to far, until my wings were covered with mud and all the nasty shit on the ground."
He had a apologetic look on his face as he continued to stroke your wings. "Who's they?"
"I-oh I don't really tell many people but when my parents had found out I had wings, they had to report it to the government, who wanted to put me in intense training from when I was just 4. I knew how to kill someone before I knew how to write my own name correctly. I've heard you went through the same if I'm correct?" Y/n was almost surprisingly sober now.
"Yeah it's not something I like to talk about. I'm sorry they put you through that. Me and you are more alike then we seem arnt we?" He asked while taking his hand away from your wings.
you internally sighed in disappointment when he took his hand away. "I guess we might be. C-can we watch a movie or something?" She asked hoping he would stay just a little longer.
"Only if I can still take you to get ice cream soon?" He asked testing the waters to see if she was still mad.
"Of course you bird brain." She grabbed the remote and turned on  {favourite movie}.
"Oh I love this movie!" He said with excitement as he got comfortable next to you.
You smiled looking at him. You were no longer mad but thought if this went on would that happen again? Would he handle it differently? As the thoughts were running through your mind, you felt the heaviness of sleep washing over you. You closed your eyes and let it involve you.
Hawks POV
I turned to check on y/n, and as I turned she was just falling asleep. Her head slowly made its way into my shoulder. I blushed slightly. Y/n was beautiful. Even with her hair a mess she was still pretty to him.
As he was admiring her, she moved in her sleep, grabbing his arm and hugging it as she slept.
'God she's perfect'
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danishmiilk · 4 years
if your moots were fanfics, what would they be? :p
ANON! i’ve been wanting to do this for the lONgest time (two days) so i’m soooo happy to have received this LMAO even though,,, this may NOT be accurate but im just gonig to do this randomly to the best of my ability
it’s very long, so more under the cut
@lebrookestore || taeyong + bookshop!au. so basically taeyong works at this bookshop and shes always going in to flip through books and such because she can’t afford to buy them and taeyong’s supposed to chase her away but just doesn’t have the heart to and one day she really just goes up and thanks him and hes like no problem and its usually quite empty so the next times she goes to said bookshop taeyong will go and sit with her to read the books and they talk and like wow they like the same shit! so then they Fall In Love wow
@hannie-dul-set || jaemin + definitely fluff. so basically her best friend (me! IM SORRY ALLEX BYE) and her best friend’s boyfriend (SICHENG! IM NOT SORRY ALLEX BYE) decided that their best friends weren’t getting like enough DATES so then they dragged them out on a double date (only for her and jaemin it was a bLIND date). it was at the dog cafe and the moment me and sicheng got there we just left them and ran away and theyd already bought like food so they decided to just stay and it was awkward for a bit but then like, jaemin was so good with dogs and hot damn. then yall exchange numbers and by the time yall get out of the cafe you see me and sicheng across the street using binoculars to spy on yall.
@seeing-dreams || chenle + def fluff, highschool!au. i feel like it’d be the secret admirer letter thing, which i think you already know what i mean? like chenle’s your crush bc (tbh he’e everyone’s) hes so hot and hes part of the basketball team and he also sits with you in bio and also at the same time you’ve been getting notes taped to the underside of your table in bio, and its like 10 or so letters before you get the last one asking you on a date (and leaving their number!! so if you want to date then call!!) and so youve alr fallen for this guy’s diction and you call the number and chenle’s phone rings. he winKS at you and youre like oH MY GOD
@floweringtheflowers || mark + YO IM SORRY BUT ISN’T YOUR WRITING ACC LIKE NEOSCULPTURES A SMUT BLOG I VAGUELY REMEMBER YOU SAYING THAT OR SUMN SO + pwp LMAO IM SORRY- and like obviously i don’t read those but like yeah take it take it away you just give me very strong pwp vibes bye
@moonlightjeno || jeno + arranged marriage!au, royalty!au, one sided etl!au. MHM SO BASICALLY YOURE A PRINCESS AND JENO IS A PRINCE AND THE KING AND QUEEN OF JENO’S COUNTRY (cough doyoung and his wife) dECIDE THAT OK TREATY so then you and jeno have to get married and like bc were such nice people we decide that okay, yall get married for oNE YEAR if really cannot then like fine,, yall can divorce. so yall just like try to tide it out for a year right but you need to fake in the eyes of the public and you hate jeno but hes just trying to make this more bearable for the two of you and one day yall have an argument and jeno goes like “I JUST REALLY wANT TO KISS YOU, OKAY?” *squeal* and youre like whatthefuck and then, like, you know what? you jsut pretend that didn’t happen but you eventually agree to just be cordial and friendly and become friends, and you know jeno’s in love with you but you try to not make it awkward and somewhere along the way you fall in love *clasps hands together with a huge sigh* deserve.
@sehunniepot || (i want to write this alr) yuta + hogwarts!au, etl!au, HOUSE RIVALRY!AU BC THOSE ARE SUPERIOR. yuta’s definitely a gryffindor so you can be a slytherin since you never tOLD me. so so anyway youve hated each other from day one because of some stupid misunderstanding of him purposely tripping you in the train and then youre sorted into slytherin and him in gryffindor and the next four years are pranks and sneers and insults and glares. then the yule ball comes up, and because the hogwarts teachers are so JUMPY you have a dancing lesson with randomly assigned partners and you get yuta and AAAA “boys, put your hand on the girl’s waist.” and youre glaring daggers but yuta does it anyway with that cocky grin and you hold hands and your hand’s on his shoulder and are his ears red, or is that just your imagination?? then yall just tease each other the entire dancing lesson and when you get back to your dorm best friend!doyoung’s all like “why was nakamoto blushing-” and you’re like “nothing.” then then YOU REALISE YOU CANT STOP THINKING OF HIS HAND ON YOUR WAIST AND DURING THE NEXT DANCE LESSON YOU NATURALLY GRAVITATE TOWARD EACH OTHER AND DOYOUNG’S LIKE ?? OKAY THEN ILL JUST GO DANCE QITH SOMEONE ELSE?? then the teachers (who know of your stupid rivalry) are like: okay then miss l/n and mr nakamoto if you’ve already paired up. OH THEN A FEW WEEKS LATER HE ASKS YOU TO THE BALL UNDER THE GUISE THAT “YOU ACTUALYL DANCE WELL” AND YOURE LIKE “YOURE NOT TOO BAD YOURSELF” but its all, ofc, a pretense and then at the ball you all (having alr realised you like each other), confess, and promptly kiss under the shining ice stalactites magically hung from the trees in the grounds of hogwarts. (OH MY GOD FUCK IM WRITING THIS)
@doyounged || doyoung + fluff, def + i think high school sweethearts!au so this is the really fluffy oneshots where like youre super shy!! like its pretyt obvious you have crushes on each other but like first relationship or wtv and you jsut brush fingers and BLUSH and put your arm around each other and BLUSH and cheek kiss and BLUSH and you get my point? yeah yeah that’s the whole au
@moonbeamsung || jisung + fluff af + best freinds to lovers!au the only thing i can think of is like cute sleepovers and the sleeptalking thing, i’ve written something like that for you i thiNK?? 
@orange-nimon-cross || cai xukun + angst. just pure angst. im not even kidding the angst is so bad oh my god- probably hurt-comfort. like xukun’s your emotional rock and hes jsut so,,, ROCK AND HES ALW THERE FOR YOU AND KAJOFSDF A HUG SOLVES ALL and something like that you get my point, yes??
@rouiyan || hyuck + uhm, ice hockey player hyuck. like i think you did one with jeno or something but like idk why does the concept suit your vibe so muCH?? this one bc hyuck is playful it’d be like you’re dragged to the matches bc jeno’s your best friend but you couldnt give a flying fuck about ice hockey and his annoying teammate (hyuck.) keeps flirting with you and like one day you ask him straight up why are you flirting with me and hyuck’s immediately apologetic like shit did it make you uncomfy ill stop and youre like hes,,, a nice guy and then yall bond over like post-match meals which jeno starts dragging yall all to and then yeah sicheng and ten (same hockey team) help hyuck plan a confession and he confesses at the pizza shop.
@radiorenjun || renjun + angst, but with a happy ending if i feel like it- oh hold on maybe not angst ill save you the heartbreak. def artist!renjun, not even going to think about it, and kind of supernatural/soulmate? like he has dreams of a mystery girl every night and that’s the inspo for all his paintings, and he tries selling them to an art gallery and youre the curator of said art gallery adn youre liek “thats so beautiful, but why is it always the back view of the girl?” and renjun looks up from his paintings to explain and he sees you and literally screams because he’s never seen the mystery girl’s face but HE KNOWS its you. it HAS to be. so the two of you try figuring out the stupid phenomenon and who knows, maybe it’s just fate’s way of letting the two of you come together! yall become a thing YAY
--- once again, thank you anon for this ask! i really enjoyed doing this and like you know what?? i may write some of these aus someday. definitely the yuta one. someday.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
could I just ask you ALL the questions? (minus any you've already answered of course)
lksdajglaks hell yeah bro (i'll also be skipping the ones require like fill in the blanks)
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
no again like the charmed fandom isn't really like hella active so there's no like mass swarming 2 drive u mad which is nice
Have you received anon hate? What about?
like i'm sure i have but like idk about what prolly just like what i said was wrong or incorrect or something idk i usually just delete
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
i mean i never really liked cole :/ like he was fine in the beginning but i was never big on phole which was his big thing and then of course they tanked him so :|. like whatcha gonna do. i can respect the concept tho n julian does have some really good moments. i also don't like kyle bc he bugs the shit outta me but also i find him like So Fascinating like. like he's so interesting just the way he interacts with people like it's so. i personally have a headcanon that he really has trouble like connecting with people / like reading emotions or social cues which is why you know like he dropped that magic bomb with darryl and sheridan and had like no qualms about it and he has like this. it's not quite charm but he has like this. god i can't describe it but you know this kind of light playful tone with an underlying malice that he tends to present with most people upon first meeting but in like relationships he has skin in he's just like a lot more stiff i personally think there's not the same swagger that we see initially Which I Think is because again i don't think he can read people well and his early attitude is actually his impression of like. the leader of the evil kid gang he fell in when he was younger. someone who was a cool sauve leader who was afraid of nothing but people were afraid of him something that a young kyle who was like still like really afraid reeling from the trauma of the death of him parents really kind of worshipped as the perfect mask of strength and masculinity that then proceeded to really sail him through law enforcement you know so it is like his most comfortable mask but it is at the end of the day just some impression of a school bully. but of course this is just my own lil brain in canon kyle's like a bitch
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
jack sheridan my beloved <3 also richard montana. i literally see a lame ass male character go is anyone gonna project onto that guy n then i don't wait for an answer. but like fr. he is literally me <3
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
um continuing in the same vein calling it an arc might be generous but i fucking Love prue/jack so unreasonably much like. they're so fascinating. like. but beyond that i also liked paige's temp jobs which i think were kinda unpopular
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
i mean again n/a bc this fandom's just so like chill. because the shows been off air. for like. 15 years. that being said. i do hate when people like. maliciously hate any the sisters. like you can just leave if ur having a bad time??
Unpopular opinion about the show?
i mean like. i don't think this is like. Unpopular per se. but like. it's gotta be said. like this wasn't really like a ""good"" show. like obvi we all love it but like some of it was like. really bad (lookin at u l8r season phoebe arcs 😡😡) idc tho bc i still fucking love this show. so much. but like. has 2 b said.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
ah jesus like just one thing? hmm. i guess if i get only one move it'd probably be to save prue idk how that would work per se because i love paige and piper's arc in s4 but killing off prue was just So Cruel it breaks my heart.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
i'm gonna level w u i think the phrasing of this q is so funny bc hell yeah ur biased it's called like having an opinion lol. but again in regards to charmed specifically it's So Fuckin Old that being in denial really no longer applies just because. like what's done is done and cannot be undone. that being said bianca didn't die lmao she n chris r fine
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
😐. idk. some people read the text different then me & i'm all like no!! u don't see it the way i see it!! what the fuck!!!! but like. at the end of the day. i really don't fuckin care?? like u can be wrong and that's fine it doesn't affect me. & ik a lot of people probably feel the same way about me like you know i'm out here like pruejack <3 piperkyle <3 paigeleo <3 pruecole <3 like. i've got bad opinions. so at the end of the day it's really whatever. i'm really grateful that this fandom is like p quite and you know not insane and vicious and cutthroat bc liek bro calm down it's literally just pictures on a screen? but yes. some people have like. Wrong Opinions. but i let it go. zen.
What is the purest ship in the fandom?
that's a good fuckin question. paigeleo? lol. in canon and ik a lot of people probz won't like this but phoebecoop.
What are your thoughts on crack ships?
depends on how u define like crackship because like i get none of them are going to happen but if a crackship is defined as something i think is funny but i would never wanna actually see happen then i have like zero of them bc i am like dead serious about like damn near all my ships idc how stupid i'm like hell yeah i wish this would have happened in canon. piperkyle my beloved <3 that would have been so fuckin funny to go canon. like. like. so fuckin funny. would have loved it lol
Popular character you hate?
prolly cole bc he is popular and i just never loved him as much as everyone else i just never really liked what they did with him there are some episodes where i'm like hell yeah (see: the good the bad and the cursed) but for the most part i really don't care that much about him and the narrative Really Wants Me To Care
Unpopular character you love?
once again. richard & jack. <3
most shippable character?
tbh i feel like piper. just because we get so many sides of her in the show like she has a lot of character growth and that's really fun to work with that. beyond that i do love paige and she's usually my go-to for gay pairing bc look at her. she's gay.
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hogwartshouses2020 · 4 years
The Slytherin Misfit
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
It was hard being a potter and a slytherin. Especially for Jame’s twin. You were always slightly different. But nobody noticed or cared then. They care too much now. The minute you were sorted into slytherin, your brother hated you. The rest of your family tried to be accepting at first, but something in their gaze changed. You could see the slight reservation and worry in their gaze every time they looked at you.
The summer of your first and second year they tried, but their smiles towards you weren’t as unreserved and warm. You both desperately tried to get along, but soemthing has shifted that couldn’t be fixed. The summer of your third year you both gave up and it elapsed into slightly awkward silence when it was just you and your parents. You stayed in your room most of the time anyways, so it was alright.
Your brother, on the other hand hated you the minute you were sorted into slytherin. You tried to talk to him several times that year. He never shifted. So you gave up. And pretended to hate him back. You never succeed though. In a small way, you still wanted to be like when you were younger. Carefree and happy with your family and your brother.
Shaking those useless thoughts off, Caterina Potter shook herself fully awake. She’d dreamt of them last night, when they’d been eight and had messed around on brooms together. They’d been so happy...No. Not a useful thought. Thing were the way they were and can’t be changed. He hated her. And she hated him. That was all there was to it.
“Caterina! Hurry up, or there’ll be no food left!” Jane, one of your best friends yelled up the staircase.
“Yeah, or we’ll leave without you!” Your other best friend, Lithia yelled
“Coming!” You yelled as you ran down the staircase whilst adjusting your tie.
“Why am I friends with such loud people?” Complained your other best friend, Emilia
“Oh, stop complaining, you love us really!” Teased Jane
You had all been friends since first year, when you’d been in the same compartment as Jane and Lithia when your bother had abandoned you to go sit with his friends. You became friends with Emilia and Roslinda when they found you crying in the girl’s bathroom after James cold shouldered you for the first time. They were your best friends in the world, and you would do anything for each other. Whoever said slytherins only served their own interests were grievously wrong. It wasn’t very easy to become close with a slytherin, but once you did, they’d be loyal till the end. Griffindors never even try to see past the masks and shields though. Then again, those masks and shield existed because of people like them. It was an endless cycle. At least most Ravenclaws knew not to succumb to ancient prejudices and as a result, they were often friends of slytherins. Your friend Roslinda was a Ravenclaw but the rest of them were slytherins who shared a dorm room with you.
Ten minutes after you got to the great hall with your friends, Dumbledore stood up.
“Good Morning students! I am sorry to be interrupting your meal, however, I have a rather important announcement to make. In liue of house unity, we will be starting a new class for sixth years. If this is successful, it will become a class for first years as well then perhaps eventually for all years. We will be paring pupils from different houses up in groups of four or five and you will have to complet varies assignments and tasks in those groups. You will be getting a mark for this class, and this does affect your class average. Consider this motivation to try hard. Anyway, I’ll let you get back to your meal, breakfast, after all, is the most important meal.”
Your friends glanced at each other warily. “Think there’s any chance we’ll be paired up?” Lithia asked
“Maybe....I mean, I’m guessing it’s equal number of people from each house, so maybe.
“Hey guys! Have you noticed? Our timetables just updated to include this class! And... oh no. We have this with the griffindors.” Roslinda exclaimed, running over to them.
“I hope we don’t get paired with them..” Jane said glancing slightly worriedly at Caterina. The them of course referee to the marauders, who hated them, and who they hated back. It was like a miniature war at school.
Caterina shrugged. “Even if we do, it’s no big deal, we’ll just make a truce for that class and hope they see reason.” At her friends’ skeptical looks she added “Or just hex and threaten them into a truce.”
Her friends looked slightly more satisfied with this alternative solution.
In their eighth period, they all walked into this new class apprehensively awaiting their fate for the rest of the year. Only minutes after they sat down, the sirius and James sauntered into the room with Remus walking after them and peter trotting pathetically behind them. The two groups glared at each other before Sirius smirked and thye sat down. At that moment, the new professor walked in. She looked like a very cheerful and optimistic person, with honey brown hair swept mostly into a bun and very light brown eyes. She was wearing a formal suit with a tight black skirt and a white shirt with a formal black suit jacket.
“Good morning everyone! My name is professor Anderson and I’ll be teaching this class. The only three rules I will enforce are that :
1) There will be no prejudice of any kind in this classroom and you will be civil at all times
2) There is to be no cheating of any kind
3) You are expected to be on time and to hand in work on time. You are not to skip classes without a legitimate reason.
Please understand that a breach of these rules will result in punishment.”
She has walked over to the desk whilst she said this and now seeemd to cheer up immensely.
“Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I’ll be telling you your groups !”
She either didn’t notice the nervous tension in the air, or she ignored it and carried on.
“ Louise Johansson, Penelope Dawin from griffindor with Lawrence Sohrin and Ambrosius Cadwin from Slytherin. Please sit over there.” She pointed to a row of desks in front of her and motioned for the students sitting there to get up and when they had sat down she continued.
“ Leopald Tasin and Samual Damien from slytherin with Heather Clarence, Ashley Beaumont and Laura Greenwood of Griffindor. Please sit over there.”
She gesture to a cluster of desks again and they sat down. Caterina and her friends were practically at the edge of there seats, though they were careful not to look worried and only looked vaguely interested.
“Do you see how she’s picking two or three of each gender form each house? Maybe we’ll end up together!”Lithia whispered to Caterina.
“I hope we will” She whispered back.
“Our next group, Caterina Potter and Emilia Cathwright from slytherin with”
They two friends high fived, exuberant, then waited with bated breath for the grififndirs to be called.
“—with James Potter and Remus Lupin.”
“What?!” Exclaimed both Caterina and James
The teacher looked a little taken aback but replied “Well, I thought, since you’re obviously siblings, it might be easier for you two to be together and bring your friends together.” It was true, even without their last names, they looked quite alike. They both had the same jet balk hair, but where James wore it short and ruffled, she wore it straight down and long or half up in a bun with curls on her shoulder when she was being formal. She also sometimes put it up in a pony tail when she didn’t want the hair bothering her. They had the same coloring and good looks, but where her brother had brown eyes, she had a stricking light turquoise mixed with a little grey. Overall, she was quite as attractive as her brother, although he failed to see or acknowledg it.
Caterina and James were now glaring at each other, each with their friends glaring at the others friends.
Lawrence raised his hand. “With all due respect Professor Anderson, those two have hated each other since they were sorted into separate houses.”
Professor Anderson seemed somewhat surprised but said “ Well in that case, you can use this class to reunite with your sibling and get to know each other better. Please sit over there.”
Caterina and James sat with Remus and Emilia in between them and ignored the other.
Professor Anderson said next “Sirius Black and Lily Evans from griffindor with Jane Audrey and Lithia Walters.”
There want as violent a reaction this time, but they still glared at each other with distrust and hatred as they sat down.
She continued assigning the other groups and then told them of their first task.
“Now, your first task will be to learn about the people in your group and next week you will have a test on various things about them, such as their favorite color, childhood memorie, game Ect. Please use the rest of this lesson to get to know each other better.”
A tense silence fell over their little group, until Emilia kicked Caterina under the table and shot her a glance. She got the hint and schooled her face into neural disinterest. Remus was the one who broke the silence.
“How about we each find out what we already know about each other? Caterina, whould you like to go first?”
Now, although most people would have reacted violently to your enemy’s friend, Caterina was not this kind of person. She was always polite and had a graceful and elegance about her that could be seen in whatever she did. She was also usally quite warm and charming, however, her brother and his friends had never seen this side of her as she always put up her politely reserved mask whenever they were around and tended to look at either the floor, or hyper focus on soemthing, liek her friends’ face or her books. It also happened that she never quite disliked Remus, as he seemed quite nice and didn’t really discriminate. If he hadn’t been one of his brothers best friends, she would probably have been his friend. And so, she smiled, nodded and replied
“Alright, I already know everything about Emilia, so I won’t go into that, I know James’s favorite color is bright griffindor red, he is a chaser for the griffindor quidditch team, his best subject is transfiguration, he hates and bullies snape, his best friend is Sirius, he hates slytherins, he hexes people in the corridors ,he likes stalking and chasing lily evens who has rejected him numerous times, he likes running a hand in his hair to look ‘cool’, he is arrogant, he gets drunk at hogs mead very often and his friendship group which consists of you two, Sirius and peter is called the marauders. As for Remus, he likes reading, is often unwell, is friends with lily evens and is a prefect with almost perfect scores in every subject.”
And with this, she calmly said, “Would you like to go next Remus?”
Remus and James were staring at her as though she just said she wanted to be a purple jaguar when she got older.
“H-How do you know that much about me?!” James chocked out, seeming to forget off a moment that he hated her.
She shrugged, “I’m observant. And anyways, you’re still my brother whether you like it or not.”
James seems to remember his hatred again. Shock must have attributed to his loss of it seconds before. “I bet you just wanted blackmail material, you filthy snake.” He spat.
She merely raised an eyebrow “I thought siblings were supposed to know each other at least a little.”
“Why would I bother learning anything about you?” James replied in a disgusted and cold tone.
Seeing Caterina about to say something, Remus hastily cut in. “Alright! James, how about you got next?”
“Sure. Emily is friends with Caterina, she—”
There was a very long and awkward pause as James tried to think of one fact about her. Emilia broke the silience yet again.
“It’s actually Emilia, Potter.” She said, politely, yet with a cold edge. After all, this was Caterina’s brother who made her life hell and who made upset her countless times.
James flushed red with embarrassment, but managed to still sound cold. “Wouldn’t matter to me. You’re just another worthless snake.”
Emilia sighed almost inaudibly, but Remus’s keen ears picked it up, and guessed that her patience was starting to wear thin.
“How about we make a deal? No one is to insult anyone else. We are all to be civil.” At this hw glared at James. “We all want a good grade, so let’s all try our best, okay?”
Everyone nodded including James, although his nod was barely perceptible and tight.
“Class over everyone! Now, just before you go, to help you get along, you will now share quarters and your new quarters will include a common room and living room. To help prevent any mishaps, magic is not allowed in these rooms, so you will essentially be living like a muggle. You will also be eating meals in your rooms together. You have already each been given keys to your rooms they are on your desks and the rooms are located on the newly built ninth floor. Class dismissed!” She waved goodbye at the class with a cheerful smile.
“So, we’ll be living together.” Stated Emilia as they walked to their new quarters. “Since we’ll be living together, I see no reason why we should still be hostil. Let’s start over shall we? Blank slate. And Caterina? Let’s stop holding back!” She finished.
“Why? They’ll just use it against us later on.” Responded Caterina whilst the other two listened curiously.
“Even if they do, who’ll believe them?” Asked Emilia
“I suppose.....Alright. Clean slate. We don’t know each other.” And with that the mask dropped mostly. What remained was a girl with a warm smile, bright, slightly wicked eyes and her entire body language shifted from elegant, charming and reserved to a slightly wicked cheerfulness and warmth. The charm was still there, however it just seemed a little bit more strong and wickedly alluring. She seems almost completely different. She smirked at how Remus and James were staring at her. She may have used a little magic to direct the light so that it fell on her in the best possible way, she also may have enhanced her looks a little with magic. She didn’t regret it when she saw them now. It was like they were in a trance.
“ I—Wow.” That was all Remus managed to day before he blinked and rubbed his eyes and snapped out of the trance he was in.
“Stop staring like that, brother. That’s incest.”
James hadn’t snapped out of his trance but at that comment he did.
“I wasn’t — I don’t —That’s gross!”
Emilia was smirking with her. And she raised an eyebrow but said nothing as they arrived at their rooms. They opened the door.
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alistircrat · 4 years
Hetalila Fanfiction Recs
Here’s a list of some of my favorite Hetalia fanfictions. Most have pairings, which I’ll specify. I put this up because I know I’m always on the lookout for good fanfiction and I wanted to help out anyone else who’s in the same boat :D Feel free to add onto this or rec me some too ;) Also a good master list of the ones I like LMAO. I’ve noticed I either like tragic, angsty fanfiction or really fluffy ones. A lot are rated M. And a LOT of USUK and Spamano #srynotsry Disclaimer: I did not write any of these; they all belong to their respective authors.
Update: Ive had this sitting in my drafts for like over 4 years and i began it when i was super into hetalia n fanfiction LMAO, what better time to post this when i should be studying lmao its nearly 4 am halp
The Secret : Rated T, 32k words, 5 chapters, Drama/Romance, Complete Arthur's sister, engaged to prince Alfred, is killed before she even meets him. Arthur's parents do not want to shame themselves by ending the engagement and force Arthur to dress like his sister and marry Alfred instead. But can this secret be kept? (note: very interesting!! I loved every second of it)
The Courting of Alfred Jones : Rated M, 26k words, 13 chapters, Romance/Hurt/Comfort, Incomplete Alfred Jones is the most popular guy in school and also extremely homophobic. This is why Arthur is his new favourite 'victim', but Arthur has no intentions of grovelling in the dust for him. Punk!ArthurxJock!Alfred (note: Rated M, so there IS some explicit material and I advise viewer discretion. Another highschool AU. Sad that it’s probably not going to finish but it’s worth the read)
When I Only Wanted to Save the World : Rated M, 29k words, 11 chapter, Romance, Complete Alfred is a firefighter in New York City. When he gets badly injured, he takes a trip to London to recover. There he meets a man named Arthur, who ends up helping him recover from wounds he didn't even know he had. (note: warmed my weeb heart)
United Again : Rated T, 31k words, 7 chapters, Humor/Romance, Complete Arthur gets a letter in the mail informing him of his school's ten year reunion.
Unexpected : Rated T, 5.7k words, One-shot, Humor/Drama, Complete World Academy. When Arthur was asked to tutor the star of the American Football team, he expected several things. Sitting in an apartment full of Asian children was not one of them. (cute!)
The Invitational Year : Rated M, 208k words, 41 chapters, Romance/Drama, Complete Alfred is an awkward dork, despite the fact his dad is President. Arthur is a member of British royalty, and he's a perfectionist loner. Both boys are given an invitation to attend the prestigious World Academy and, naturally, they're roomies. (note: A favorite of mine! Quite long but very much worth it. Highschool AU. Can be silly yet dramatic. Anyways, you should read it! Viewer discretion due to sexual themes)
The Sophomore Year : Rated M, 173k words, 34 chapter, Romance/Drama, Complete After meeting at boarding school, Alfred and Arthur became unlikely friends and then lovers. Now, they'll face their sophomore year in America and all the challenges that come with being young, famous, and madly in love. (note: sequal to The Invitational Year)
And All That Jazz : Rated M, 98k words, 22 chapters, Romance, Complete Alfred is approached by the Student Body President, Arthur, for help on his math exam. They hate each other, but maybe opposites can attract with the help of something unexpected. (note: I love this fic. Highschool AU. Also involves music...cuz liek yknow the title)
1912 : Rated T, 52k words, 9 chapters, Romance/Drama, Complete Cynical, overweight and bored in the dull twilight of his empire, Arthur finds distraction in the form of rekindling his relationship with Alfred on board the RMS Titanic during her doomed maiden voyage.
The Arrow was Shot : Rated K+, 5.8k words, One-shot, Romance, Complete In order to win his family's respect, Arthur enters a tournament to win the Princess of America's hand in marriage. At the tournament, he befriends the mysterious Alfred- a fellow competitor who is equally determined to win. As he and Alfred grow closer, he begins to question what is more important to him: his family's respect... or Alfred.
Flirting with Failure : Rated T, 2k words, One-shot, Romance/Humor, Complete Alfred just wanted to get one date with Arthur Kirkland before the semester ended. To do that he had to speak with him. Thus, he was set up for failure.
Hero Frequency : Rated T, 12k words, 3 chapters, Romance/Humor, Incomplete America's got the coolest and most awesome band in school, and he's totally going to win the Battle of the Bands contest. Or at least he might, if he can get England to put aside their past issues long enough to play guitar...
The Gentleman and the Hero : Rated T, 57k words, 21 chapters, Romance, Complete World Academy students have been paired up for an anonymous email exchange program, so they can talk to someone about school and personal problems in private. These are the emails of two students nicknamed 'The Gentleman' and 'The Hero'. (note: I also love this. I find it very cute and also very in character. I want an email buddy lol. Highschool AU)
Breathless : Rated T, 35k words, 4 chapters, Angst/Hurt/Comfort, Complete Arthur Kirkland never thought that golden boy Alfred Jones would ever have a reason to attempt suicide. Then again, how much did he really know about the oh so popular blonde? The rumor mill would surely chew him up and spit him out. (note: p sure this is another favorite of mine. Though angsty, I really enjoyed the development between the two. Highschool AU. Really great read!!)
Static : Rated T, 45k words, 9 chapters, Drama/Romance, Incomplete Sequel to Breathless. Arthur always thought that the incident with Alfred's arms would forever be the biggest hurdle their friendship would face. But as the looks change and the touches linger, it becomes frightfully clear that he was dead wrong about that. (note: continues after Breathless, but not finished ): worth the read anyway)
Ask Me Anything : Rated T, 7k words, One-shot, Romance/Humor, Complete Alfred starts to follow Arthur on tumblr. It's not long until they become friends... and possibly more.
The Cost of Affection : Rated M, 61k words, 32 chapters, Angst/Romance, Incomplete Being a whore is easy: all Arthur has to do is spread his legs and take the money. He doesn't have to face his past; nor does he have to deal with love. And for good reason - because when he does fall head-over-heels for someone, he's forced to realize that his sins go beyond prostitution, and that even as he rediscovers himself, his past is coming back to haunt him after all.
You Can’t Take the Sky Away From Me : Rated T, 113k words, 32 chapters, Adventure/Romance, Incomplete Ace pilot America is on a mission for the World Military when a chance encounter with a group of sky-pirates leads him to team up with their captain, England, against a malevolent group that wants to fill the sky with zeppelins. (note: Steampunk AU. This is a really cool fic!)
We’ll Meet Again : Rated M, 43k words, 13 chapters, Romance/Angst, Complete WW2 AU. London pub owner Arthur Kirkland is driven to distraction by loud, brash American fighter pilot Alfred Jones. Unable to stop it, Arthur finds himself falling for Alfred's charms... just as the pilot is preparing to leave for war. (note: a hetalia fandom clASSIC. MUST READ. unfortunately the OG fics were deleted so someone reposted it, giving credit to the OG author George deValier. this will rip ur heart out n tape it poorly back together)
La Patisserie de La Rose : Rated M, 35k words, 6 chapters, Romance, Complete Accountant Matthew Williams is used to being unnoticed, ignored, and forgotten. That is until pastry chef Francis Bonnefoy appears like a burst of colour in his dull, grey life. 
AmeViet (yes, Vietnam!)
Hard to Get : Rated T, 57k words, 20 chapters, Adventure/Romance, Complete During World War Two, serious, limited Vietnam meets the boisterous America. Amid fighting, friendship, and stress, America tries to get Vietnam to like him, but she won't let that happen. Or will she? (note: One of my all-time favorites, unforgettable. I can never find fics of this pairing, it’s so hard! But this is a really great fic, highly recommend. also after learning more about Vietnam history, i might give this yet ANOTHER re-read with my new perspectives)
Of Broken Promises and the Taste of Freedom : Rated T, 1.4k words, One-shot, Hurt/Comfort/Romance, Complete Vaguely, Vietnam wondered if this was what freedom tasted like. If perhaps, the hot waves that crashed through her body and set her skin on fire was what it was like to know that you are truly free.
GerIta (apologies, I don’t read too much GerIta LOL)
Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart : Rated M, 104k words, 18 chapters, Romance/Angst, Complete WW2 AU. Feliciano Vargas is a passionate, if slightly scared, Italian resistance member. Falling in love with a German fighter pilot was the last thing he expected... and it will test his national loyalty, and his heart, to their limits. (note: another VeraVerse, so well written! you will not ragret. also a repost since Og was deleted, all credit to George deValier)
Dear Diary : Rated T, 55k words, 17 chapters, Humor/Romance, Complete Alfred F. Jones isn't gay. Just read his diary; you'll see. (note: I absolutely love high school or college AUs, omg. Also this is hilarious. I can really relate to how Alfred's rambling)
The Most Awesome Date Plan Ever : Rated T, 7.5k words, 6 chapters, Romance/Humor, Complete It was foolproof. He had worked out every plan, every detail and each possible outcome almost guaranteed him Elizaveta's love. Until it was ruined by Gilbert's two cockblocking best friends. (note: funny and cute)
Táncol? : Rated K+, 24k words, 6 chapters, Humor/Romance, Complete Elizaveta is determined to find out who Gilbert wants to ask out for the school dance. If that means bullying his friends, being hired by Gilbert to slave over a cake, and invading his diaries, so be it. (note: Another favorite! Very cute)
Hello Hurricane : Rated T, 61k words, 18 chapters, Hurt/Comfort/Tragedy, Complete Sequel to "Táncol?" Elizaveta, Ludwig, Francis, and Antonio are forced to watch Gilbert slowly fade away every day. (note: It might seem like I have lots of favorites, cuz I do and this is one of them. Warning, I cried a lot towards the end. Highly recommend)
That Song Called Love : Rated T, 62k words, 25 chapters, Romance/Drama, Complete Matthew had always resigned himself to a fate of musical obscurity on a supporting instrument, but after meeting an ex-delinquent named Gilbert, he just might learn to take the lead. (note: contains other minor pairings. Although she doesn’t play a huge role I’m so happy Vietnam is in it Dx)
Operation Not to Hot : Rated T, 10k words, 2 chapters, Romance/Humor, Complete Gilbert Beilschmidt is dorky, nerdy, and has serious confidence issues. He doesn't really care about himself until he sees Matthew Williams, AKA super-hot-hockey-jock. With Matthew's heart in mind, Gilbert undergoes a complete transformation. (note: funny story. Prussia being Prussia)
Overdue : Rated T, 12k words, 8 chapters, Romance/Supernatural, Complete "Well, Gott, Mattie, at least look someone in the eye when you tell them you're a ghost. Make a good impression!" (note: cute lil one-shot series)
I Have all Summer to Fall For You : Rated T, 162k words, 38 chapters, Incomplete At school, Gilbert makes fun of Matthew, and Matthew just wants to be left alone. But then when the hot days of summer roll around, and they have nothing but free time, things happen that NO ONE could have planned for! (note: MY ALL-TIME FAV PRUCAN FiC Ever. Probably will never finish but the length and quality make up for it)
Please Don’t Read the Verdict : Rated M, 57k words, 11 chapters, Romance/Crime, Incomplete District Attorney Roderich Edelstein is faced with a gruesome, controversial murder. He has three months to build a case against the accused, but more than his will to prosecute may be destroyed in the process. (note: sadly not done, but highly interesting!)
Lily of the Lamplight : Rated M, 27k words, 4 chapters, Romance/Angst, Incomplete WW2 AU. Austrian musician Roderich and German soldier Gilbert are forced into an army prison unit and a fight for survival on the Russian Front. But in the midst of blood and death and hell on earth, how long can they fight their desire for each other?  (note: MY 👏 FAV 👏 VERAVERSE 👏 I loveeee this fic, I’m so SAD it’s nEvEr going to be completed. Savor those 4 chapters. Luckily theyre long *cries* Also love the set of main characters, including Prussia, Austria, Berwald, and Poland. Also listen to the song the title is based off of, i luv it too)
Cheers to a New Life : Rated M, 94k words, 47 chapters, Romance/Family, Complete Sweden could only find a job as a Kindergarten teacher and the famous Kirkland's little Peter happens to be enrolled into his class. But it is not Mr. Arthur Kirkland who is picking Peter up, it's this angel with the greatest ass Berwald's ever seen. (note: viewer discretion, mostly on later chapters. also has cute lil Peter/Sealand)
My Heart, In Segments : Rated T, 14k words, 10 chapters, Family/Hurt/Comfort, Complete Berwald is a man left alone, and Peter was a kid left behind. Berwald's not really the perfect dad, Peter's not really innocent anymore, and Tino's not really sure he's ready for something so real. But, maybe... Maybe it's time.
In Want of a Wife : Rated T, 41k words, 18 chapters, Romance/Humor, Incomplete Berwald's life is turned upside down when he is accepted into Hetalia International University, and everything changes for the better when he catches a glimpse of his future wife who lives down the hall. Who cares if Tino doesn't accept it yet? (note: Human AU; Lietpol is a bonus in all this hehe)
Treatment : Rated T, 55k words, 12 chapters, Romance/Humor, Incomplete Tino is a young psychology major, well known for being kind and eager to help others with their issues, but less so for his habit of profiling "patients" on campus. His therapist's eye has fixed on Berwald, but will he be the one who ends up on the couch? (note: Though not fully done, it’s one of my favorite sufin fics. Also hilarious bahah)
Catch Perfect : Rated T, 35k words, 8 chapters, Romance/Friendship, Incomplete When Berwald loses everything he is forced to move into a share house with an insane Dane, a sociopathic Norwegian, an unfathomable Icelander and a perfect Finn who makes it all worth putting up with. (note: can be crazy and random, which is probs why I liked it so much. also by George deValier I believe, reposted onto wattpad after it got deleted)
Hummingbird : Rated T, 61k words, 12 chapters, Tragedy/Hurt/Comfort, Complete Lukas' only goal in life was to take care of his younger brother, until he was diagnosed with an irregular heart rhythm. His originally peaceful stay in hospital was interrupted when the loud, cheerful Mathias was moved into the bed beside him and refused to leave him alone; yet as his health began to deteriorate, the Dane decided to fall in love with him. (note: I love this fic so much, it’s also another favorite of mine. Very cute but with lots of angst, ahhh just what I ordered)
Secret Crowds : Rated M, 3.4k words, One-shot, Hurt/Comfort/Romance, Complete An explosion leaves Denmark with a permanent brain injury and Norway struggles to find his role in their relationship as the line between lover and caregiver begins to blur. (sad and touching)
I also read a lot of DenNor so im like ?? where the fics at LOL. but i think i read more DenNor doujinshis, so that’s def something yall should look into
A Beautiful Story : Rated T, 16k words, 10 chapters, Tragedy/Romance, Complete Lovino Romano Vargas is a suicidal designer who is unhappy with his fate. One day, he chances to meet Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, who turns his life upside down.
Flashlight : Rated T, 38k words, 11 chapters, Parody/Romance, Complete "If I throw a tomato at you, vampire bastard, will you still sparkle under the sauce?" (note: OKAY SO This is actually a Twilight parody w Romano as Bella and Spain as Edward. I don’t really like Twilight but I really like this version of it lmao. Funny and a good read. Mostly Romano’s POV, cRACK )
New Batteries : Rated T, 41k words, 10 chapters, Humor/Romance, Complete Sequel to Flashlight. "WELL, I NEVER LIKED YOU, EITHER. WHAT NOW, YOU STUPID SPARKLY EXCUSE OF A VAMPIRE?" (note: also a parody, just the sequel to the previous one listed. I understand the Twilight plot through these better than the original)
Kismet : Rated M, 174k words, 52 chapters, Romance/Fantasy, Complete Lovino learns the hard way that things change and that they can change quickly. The necklace fell and now he's in a strange land far from home. Will he ever see his brother again? Will he find his way home? Or will he discover home is where the heart is? Fate is a strange woman and can work in mysterious ways. (note: RATED M, viewer discretion. the author has a list of warnings on the first chapter you can look at so you know what you’re reading. Fantasy AU)
Catch You, Catch Me : Rated M, (basically)37k words, 7 chapters, Drama/Romance, Complete Clumsy, clueless detective Romano is on the trail of the infamous handsome and charming thief El Apasionado Caballero. But there's more to this, what seems like a simple game of cat and mouse, than meets the eye.
The Bet : Rated T, 20k words, 9 chapters, Romance/Humor, Complete When someone kisses you, and then moves away you'd think that would be it. But when Antonio comes back from Spain he wants Lovino to be his again. Except Lovino now hates Antonio...which sucks for Lovino because Antonio isn't going to let go that easily.
Zero Tolerance : Rated M, 55k words, 24 chapters, Romance/Drama, Complete Lovino lives a perfect life. Or atleast thats how he is suppose to appear. Antonio lives a life as a dangerous gangbanger. North Side meets South Side as these two are partnered in their Chemistry class. But there is one chemical reaction these 2 arent prepared for- Love. (highschool AU)
Breathless in the Atmosphere : Rated T, 31k words, 3 chapters, Hurt/Comfort/Romance, Complete Antonio only needed money for marble. He needed to make his art. And a chance encounter on the subway offers him a job as a male escort. It was just for the money. He could stop anytime he wanted to. Really. (note: viewer discretion advised. contains prostitution and suicidal ideation)
Before the Snow Falls : Rated T, 19k words, 2 chapters, Romance/Drama, Complete Lovino, jersey number nine, right winger. He was ready to pass the ball, ready to set up the win, but Antonio, opposite team, center fielder, was ready too. Someone thought, and someone didn't, and they crashed. Hard. A few months later, Lovino's on crutches, Antonio has scholarships, and they have to deal with the aftermath of what happened.
Door to Door : Rated T, 3.5k words, One-shot, Humor/Romance, Complete Do not open the door. It could be a zombie, an unwanted boyfriend of your brother's, or a persistant salesman by the name Antonio Carriedo.
Numbered Lithograph : Rated M, 133k words, 29 chapters, Drama/Romance, Complete When Lovino starts attending art school with his brother he finds his most important lesson doesn't come from his professors, but from a culinary student at a sister school: sometimes the flaws hold the beauty. (note: Probably my favorite spamano fic. Very touching. Has fluff and angst)
Bésame Mucho : Rated M, 48k words, 6 chapter, Angst/Romance, Incomplete WW2 AU. Lovino Vargas only ever wanted something exciting to happen in his boring, everyday Italian village existence. He never expected war, Resistance, love, passion, treason, or a cheerful, confusing, irritatingly attractive Spanish freedom fighter. (note: ANOTHER 👏 ONE 👏OF👏MY👏FAVS👏 BUT SAD BC ITLL NEVER FINISH HDUEOFREGH. Also by George DeValier and reuploaded onto wattpad (originally on ff.net)! I’m in love with the writing. Incomplete but sooo worth the read.)
Bad Touch Trio (may or may not contain pairings/slight pairings)
Oh No, We’re Hot : Rated T, 1.4k words, One-shot, Friendship/Humor, Complete In which, after a summer apart, the Bad Touch Trio realizes that they have become really attractive. Really slight hinted Spamano. (note: I absolutely love the BTT, this is a cute short fic about them)
The Trap : Rated T, 4.7k words, One-shot, Friendship/Humor, Complete The prompt was Prussia and Spain meeting France for the first time, thinking he's a girl, kiddy-courting him, then finding out he's a boy, but still kiddy-courting him. Exactly as wacky as it sounds. (note: another cute story about the BTT and their rad friendship! I need this in my life)
Multiple Pairings
Playing Cupid : Rated T, 24k words, 15 chapters, Romance/Humor, Complete In Everett High School there is a secret club called the yaoi club. It is their job, during Sadies, to set up couples. This year Elizabeta has an ambitious plan. She is going to find a date for the infamous Lovino Vargas. Her choice is Antonio, unfortunately half the girls want to ask him too. Will she and her friends succeed? Spamano, UsUk, Prucan, GerIta, others (note: very cute highschool AU! highly recommend! also contains many of the hetalia girls, which is amazing~)
No Pairings
Bad Pasta : Rated T, 13k words, 6 chapter, Mystery/Tragedy, Complete Kiku and Arthur trade rooms. (note: Author also made a game based on this posted on deviantart: Bad Pasta game. I really liked it, especially since I’m into hetalia fangames and whatnot. warning, contains death of characters)
Fun with Former Vikings : Rated K+, 63k words, 17 chapters, Friendship/Family, Complete Brothers that are too awkward to even stand next to each other, husband and 'wife,' and that one guy that drinks a lot. The Nordics couldn't be any more different. And neither could the situations they get themselves into. (note: I love love love the Nordics. This is also probably one of my all-time favs. I love them as bros Dx)
God Only Threw the Humans out of Paradise : Rated K+, 4.5k words, One-shot, Friendship, Complete 12 years is nothing in the life of a Nation. But to a puppy, it's a lifetime. This is a look at 12 years of England's life through the eyes of man's best friend.
Gutters : Rated M, 98k words, 20 chapters, Adventure/Drama, Complete 'The Calamity' has left the world stripped and dying. Alone in a civilian bunker in Munich, Sealand will be reunited with the last known living member of his surrogate family and together, they will set out across Europe to find those they have lost. (note: It’s an adventure story starring Sealand and Denmark. Can be really intense and eMOTIONAL i cried like a bitch, highly recommend. Probably one of my 👏 favorite👏  fics of all time)
Ditches : Rated M, 2.4k words, 2 chapters, Drama/Family, Incomplete Prequel to Gutters. In the days leading up to The Calamity, the world braces and families struggle not to be torn apart.
Breathe Me : Rated T, 66k words, 21 chapters, Angst/Hurt/Comfort, Complete "God I'm so fat." "No, Alfred. You're not. You're –" "Stop it! I am and you know it! The whole world knows! Just stop okay?" Trigger Warning, Human AU, and F.A.C.E. Family. (note: very important TRIGGER WARNING due to mention of eating disorders, verbal abuse, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts.)
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marcusarmstrng · 5 years
i was tagged by @antisoucials, @roberttheminiczar and @goalkepa, thank you so much for tagging me !!
1. what is the colour of your hair brush? black
2. name of a food you never eat? herring, fuck traditions i ain’t eating that shit
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? watching youtube videos
5. what’s your favourite candy bar? snickers
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? went to the women’s euros when it was in sweden and watched my national team play some football, also quite a few ice hockey games
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? good job to my dad probably
8. what is your favourite ice cream? raspberry or lemon sorbets because lactose intolerance, but also b&j peanut butter cup
9. what is the last thing you had to drink? water baby
10. do you like your wallet? i don’t even have one alskflg, i keep my cards loose like the mess i am
11. what was the last thing you ate? sourcream & onion peanuts
12. did you buy any new clothes last week? i ordered a ferrari shirt :)
13. last sporting event you watched? a replay of the ucl final 14/15
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? salty and with grillkrydda
15. who was the last person you sent a message to? lieke i think
16. ever go camping? yeah, used to go with my grandparents and some of my cousins, good times
17. do you take vitamins? nope, but i probably should
18. do you go to church every sunday? no
19. do you have a tan? ahahaha, nope, i’m the palest human you’ll find
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? pizza
21. do you drink soda with a straw? nah, also i don’t really drink soda lmao
22. what colour socks do you wear? black or white
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? i mean, i want to get my licence thanks, so no
24. what terrifies you? heights
25. look to your left what do you see? my bedroom wall and a pillow
26. what chore do you hate? hanging up freshly washed clothes
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? daniel ricciardo?
28. what’s your favourite soda? fanta lemon
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru? depends tbh, the less i have to talk to people, the better
30. who was the last person you talked to? my dad
31. favourite cut of beef? i honestly have no idea and i’d rather not
32. last song you listened to? julia - jeremy zucker
33. last book you read? winter’s bone - daniel woodrell
34. can you say the alphabet backwards? no idea and i’m not trying it
35. how do you like your coffee? cappuccino or plain with milk and sugar
36. favourite pair of shoes? vans or my adidas
37. the time you normally go to bed? midnight-ish
38. the time you normally wake up? 6.30 if i have school, now like 8-8:30
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? sunsets
40. how many blankets are on your bed? two and it’s warm
41. describe your kitchen plates? a mess
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? no, don’t like any of them
43. do you play cards? occasionally
44. what colour is your car? our family car is navy blue and i don’t have my own lmao
45. can you change a tire? maybe? probably if you gave me time
46. your favourite province? småland represent, nah this place sucks, idk södermanland? västra götaland?
47. favourite job you’ve had? lol, none of them
48. how did you get your biggest scar? sliced my finger while cutting mango
49. what did you do today that made someone happy? i have no idea, most likely nothing alkshgl
so i’ll tag @jurivips, @nyck-devries, @guanyu-zhou, @silverkasienka and @youreamonocoque, feel free to do it if you want to!
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