#i do not make enough money to support us and moms not able to work currently
yeah-chilidogs · 7 months
good fucking lord i want to post my kofi here but im so afraid
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alotofpockets · 1 year
Replaced | Part 1 | Natasha Romanoff
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Stark!Reader, and Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader
Story warnings: heart disease/failure, loss of a parent, absent father.
Story summary: Your father, Tony Stark, has been rather absent in the recent years of your life. What will happen when you show up at the Avengers Compound after you lose your mom?
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 2.5K Part 1 | Part 2
Your parents split up when you were just two years old, therefore you didn't even remember them together. You've lived with just your mom ever since. At first you spend every summer at your dad's, but ever since he became Iron Man, that stopped. Your dad had claimed to not have enough time on his hands to keep you safe. 
It's been about ten years since you've had sleepovers at your dad's in the summer. You had seen him every few months to catch up over dinner, but much more than that you hadn't seen of your dad. It sucks, because he was your dad and you want him in your life, but over the years it started to get more and more clear to you that being an entrepreneur and superhero was more important to him than being a father. 
Over those years your mom had been your biggest form of support, she was always there for you and your needs. She was your mom and best friend in one, you could share everything with her. Sure, your dad made sure you and your mom had the money to live a good life, and so that your mom was able to keep her local book store running instead of having to get a better paying job. You were very grateful for that, because your mom absolutely loved that store. On your eighteenth birthday your mom asked you if you wanted to be the co-owner of the store. You had been working there as a side job ever since you started college. You were grateful for her offer, and gladly accepted it. 
At college you studied business, something that clearly runs in the family. Everything you’ve learned in class, you got to put to use at the store. Once you were done with college, your mom had taught you about every aspect of the store, unbeknownst to you, making you ready to take over one day. It happened suddenly, one day everything was good, and the next day you were in an ambulance because your mother had collapsed. After hours of testing the doctor let you know that something was wrong with her heart. At first medication was enough to help your mom get through the day, but when those stopped working, she had to have surgery. She stayed at the hospital for a while to monitor everything. You spend as much time as you could by her side, while also keeping the store running. It was mentally and physically draining, but the store was your mom’s pride and joy, and you had every intention to keep it running for her. She got a bit better after the surgery, but gradually over the months she was declining in her health once again. 
She ended up in the hospital once again, this time she was on 24-hour watches. When the doctors informed you that there wasn’t anything they could do for her anymore, you started talking about a DNR. Your mom had a long talk with you, stating that she left everything to you in the will. “Sweetheart, I know you have big dreams and I want you to follow them all. Please don’t let keeping the store get in the way of that. I love you, and I want you to live your life for you, okay sweetheart?” That evening you had cried in her arms as she signed the DNR form. 
Your mom was in the hospital for another week when the day you had been dreading came. The day you got the call from the doctors saying that your mom wasn’t going to make it to the end of the day. You closed down the store and rushed to the hospital, wanting to spend her last moments together. The rest of the day you spent by her side, holding her hand, and telling her your favorite memories together. You had balled your eyes out as the heart monitor's beeping started slowing down, eventually dying down to a continuous beep. The doctor came in to turn off the machine, and sent his condolences your way, before leaving you to say your last goodbyes. 
You didn't know where to go when you left the hospital, walking around aimlessly, until you found yourself at the Avengers Compound. You decided to ring the doorbell, since your subconscious led you here and you really needed to rehydrate. A woman's voice sounded over the intercom, "Avengers Compound, who is it?" You quickly wiped your tears as you saw a camera was pointing at your face, "Ehm, I'm Y/n Stark, I'm here to see my dad." 
The voice stayed quiet for a moment, "Very funny, do you have ID to prove that?" You reached into your pocket and held your ID up to the camera. “One moment, I’ll be right with you.” A minute later the door was opened by the woman you knew from the news as Black Widow. “Hi, I’m Natasha. Sorry about that, you don’t want to know how many kids come up here claiming to be one of our kids, in hopes they can enter the building.” With a small voice you replied, “It’s okay. Is he here?” Natasha shook her head, “No, but I’ll let him know you’re here. Come on, I’ll walk you to the common room.” She led you to the couch and offered you a drink. 
While Natasha walked to the kitchen to get you a glass of water, all the emotions that came with losing your mom came to the service. You put your feet up on the couch, bringing your legs to your chest. Your head leaning on your knees as tears start streaming down your face once again. Natasha walks back into the common room with the glass of water and notices your state, she takes a seat next to you on the couch. “Hey, what’s wrong? I know we just met, but no one should go through these kinds of emotions alone. May I hug you?” Without saying anything, you lean into Natasha. She was right, you had just met her, but you really needed the comfort. You felt Natasha’s arms wrap around your shoulders and hold you tight. “My mom.” You say with a shaky voice, “I just lost my mom.” You cry out. Natasha moves one of her hands to rub small circles on your back. Natasha knew what loss was and felt for the stranger in her arms. She wanted to bring you comfort, the way she wished she had gotten.
It wasn’t until later in the day, when you had calmed down, met some of the other Avengers, and settled down on the couch watching a movie with them that your dad got home. He didn’t even notice you there, so Natasha spoke up. “Tony, did you get my messages?” She said while moving her eyes between him and you. That’s when his eyes fell on you, “Oh, y/n, hi. What are you doing here?” It felt kind of awkward to be in the same room as your dad and it not being a restaurant. “Mom, she. She passed away earlier today.” You wipe away the tear that fell down your face quickly. “Oh, I’m sorry, y/n.” His phone rang before the conversation could continue, “I have to take this.” He stood up and walked away. Natasha gave you a sympathetic look, “Come on, I’ll get a room ready for you, and you can stay the night.”
You didn't sleep much that night, but who could blame you. Your mom just died, and your dad seemed to not give a shit about it or you. Reluctantly you got out of bed and put on the clothes Natasha laid out for you. Making your way to the kitchen, you were hoping that your dad would be there for you. Once you got to the kitchen though, your dad was getting ready to leave. "Ah good morning, y/n. I've got to pick up the kid, I'll be back later." And once again he was out the door. 
Sitting down at the counter you stare blankly ahead of yourself. Wanda and Natasha find you in the kitchen after their morning work out. Wanda is the first to sense that something is wrong and approaches you. "Hey, y/n, how are you holding up?" Wanda had experienced her own loss with her parents and brother, all those feelings came back to the moment she heard that you had lost your mom. "Who's 'the kid' my dad is referring to?" Wanda takes no time in answering your question, only making you believe that your dad calls this person ‘kid’ all the time. "Peter Parker, or as you probably know him, Spider-Man." You divert your eyes once more. Moments later Natasha places a plate of food in front of you, "I'm no chef, but I hope it's good." 
You all ate in silence, you were grateful for their comfort. "Hey, is there any way either one of you can bring me to the hospital? I need to figure out some things and sign some papers. I was going to ask my dad, but he's too busy." They both agreed to come with you, and even went into the hospital with you. You reached for Natasha's hand as the doctor spoke to you about the next steps. 
After filling out all the necessary forms the doctor sent you on your way, since it had been a couple hours and it was around lunchtime now you asked the women, "Do you want to grab a quick bite? As a thank you for both of your support today." Wanda checks the time before saying, “I’m sorry, I’d love to, but I have to head back. I’ve got a few meetings this afternoon.” You look over to Natasha. "Yeah, let's do it. Only because I'm hungry though, not because you need to do this to thank us, I was happy to go with you." You both hugged Wanda goodby and headed to a nearby restaurant.
During lunch you spend the time getting to know each other better. She told you about her hobbies and what it was like to be an Avenger and you told her about your hobbies and the bookstore. "I have the rest of the day off, if you want to go by the store and make sure everything is settled there, since you left in a hurry yesterday." Natasha offered. "Are you sure? I'd really like that, but only if it's not too much trouble." Of course, it was no trouble at all, Natasha was enjoying getting to know you better. 
At the store you spend some time on putting the money in the safe, which in your haste you didn’t even do, and some paperwork. Natasha was walking around the shop while you were finishing up. “It’s a wonderful place, y/n. You and your mom did an incredible job, I’m sure she is so proud of you for wanting to keep the store running.” You thanked her for her kindness before printing out a sign saying you would be closed for the next week.
Walking out of the store you got the sinking feeling that you were going to go home to an empty house. “Do you think I can stay at the Compound for another night?” You ask Natasha shyly. “Yeah, of course, do you want to grab some clothes before heading back?” At your front door you freeze with the keys in your hand, unable to unlock the door. “May I?” Natasha asks softly. You hand her the key and she opens the door for you. She takes your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, letting you know she’s there with you. After grabbing some clothes you make your way back to the Compound.
When you arrived back at the compound, you heard laughter coming from the common room. You recognized one of the voices to be the one of your dad, so you walked in. “Oh hey, kid, meet my daughter y/n.” Tony introduces you. “Y/n, this is Peter.” It was painful this morning hearing that your dad called another person ‘kid’, a nickname he used to call you, but the sight of this broke you even more. You turned on your heels and walked in the opposite direction. To your surprise your dad called after you, “Y/n, don’t leave.” That snaps something in you. “Don’t leave?” You ask, raising your voice slightly. “Isn’t that exactly like you did? You left me because you didn’t have time to keep me safe, and now I see you’ve just replaced me with another kid that you took under your wing. Why can you take care of him, but not of me?” Tony stood up. “Peter is different, he has powers, he can protect himself.” 
“That’s bullshit, Natasha doesn’t have powers and she’s an Avenger, she can protect herself. And what about Clint, Yelena and Kate? Not to mention you yourself. They can all protect themselves. All you had to do was teach me how to protect myself, but instead you left.” You didn’t wait for a response and continued walking toward the room Natasha had let you stay in. “What was that all about?” Tony asks Natasha. “Man, I knew you could be oblivious, but seriously? She just lost her mom, the only person she has had to depend on. Wanda and I went to the hospital with her today to make arrangements, because you were too busy talking with Peter.” She turned to Peter, “No offense, Spider-Boy.” And with that Natasha followed you to the room. 
“I’m so sorry about him.” She said as she walked into your room. You shrugged, “It’s fine, I don’t know why I expected more.” Natasha said down on the bed next to you. “Want to watch a movie, to get your mind off of everything?” You lifted the blanket for her to join you. About fifteen minutes into the movie, you lean into Natasha, Without a word, she wraps her arm around your shoulder. Not long after your eyes closed and you slept for the first time in weeks. 
Your dad might not be there for you the way you wanted him to be, but you were glad you came here and got to meet Natasha. From the first time on that couch in the common room, you had felt a connection with her, a connection that had only grown stronger over the hours that you had known her. A connection that you knew was only going to continue growing.
Part 2
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prettyrealm · 1 year
what do people like most about you?
pick a card #1: what most people in your life - friends, family, coworkers, etc. - like about you ♡
how to participate:
♡ think to yourself “what do people like about me?”
♡ pick the my melody plush that you feel most drawn to.
clear your mind & take as long as you need to choose. keep in mind that you may feel drawn to & choose more than one. you also may not feel drawn to any of them, so don’t force it! these readings will be honest. the piles are in order from left to right.
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pile 1 ♡
they like that you’re strong and know how to handle things on your own. they like that you’re courageous, confident & don’t let people walk all over you. they like that you’re protective of yourself and the ones you care about. they like that you’re able to compromise & get along with or work with people you don’t like. they like that you don’t let circumstances get in the way of your end goal (like you may have had a harsh upbringing or even may be going through a rough patch right now, but you don’t use that as an excuse and you handle business regardless), they like that you’re a loyal friend or just a good ally to have in general. they like your ideas and the different view points that you bring to the table. they like that you’re generous and unselfish when it comes to knowledge, but also material objects.
pile 2 ♡
people like that when they’re around you, you feel like a bestfriend (you might be the type or person people want to hang out with all the time), they like that you seem to be the ride or die type that you’re flexible enough that you’re someone they can get crazy with, but also have a lazy day and just relax with. they like that you’re a comforting presence to be around and a good source of emotional support (you’re probably good at distracting people from their problems), they like you work on yourself a lot and put in the effort to be your best, they like that you’re fair and have good judgement, they like that you’re willing to sacrifice for others or will take the short end of the stick to make everyone else happy. they also may like that you aren’t hard to look at (attractive)
pile 3 ♡
they like that you’re loving (you may have a mom vibe or just make people feel like family), they love your kindness and your love for your loved ones in general - it’s clear that you value family a lot, they like your happy and carefree demeanor, they like that you plan things well and have good timing, they like that you cherish good times and creating good memories, they like that you seem to remember things well (this could be good memory in general, but i see this as you remembering small facts about people and impressing/shocking them when you casually bring it up later), they like that you genuinely care about societal issues and aren’t afraid to speak up about it, they like your creativity & that you’re good at saving/making money.
pile 4 ♡
they like that you’re always on the go and ready for an adventure, they like that you like to indulge in life (maybe you’re a foodie or you like to go out a lot, i see vacations, bars & good food), they like that you like to share & you’re unselfish when it comes to sharing your lifestyle with others (you could be the type to take people out to eat a lot or show them about a cool place they didn’t know about), they like that you don’t let things or people disrupt your plans, they like that you’re a good gift giver, they like that you’re responsible enough in a sense that you don’t play victim and take accountability for your actions, they like that you can take care of yourself & they like that you’re romantic and value that sort of connection.
pile 5 ♡
people like that you seem to have a lot of pride & self respect, they like that you’re discerning with a strong moral code, they like that you’re confident, they like that you have a sharp tongue and come up with slick remarks or are good at throwing shade, they may find you funny and think you tell good jokes or you’re good at making fun of people in a playful way, they like that you don’t let setbacks hinder you (even if you’re upset, you power through it), they like that you care about women (or maybe women just feel comfortable around you in general), they like that you’re romantic, they like that you’re unpredictable and do what you want/follow your heart.
pile 6 ♡
they like that you’re good hearted and laugh a lot, they like they you’re smart and good at working out details/solving problems, they think that you give good advice (people may want you to steer them in the right direction or give them instruction on how to do things), they like that you can be a source of hope and confidence, they like that you’re able to stay optimistic and that you’ve succeeded in overcoming something very bad (congratulations!), they like that you think differently than others and may see you as innovative, they like your connection with animals and love for nature or care for the environment, they like that you refuse to sacrifice your integrity & they like that you have a variety of different interests.
pile 7 ♡
people like that you’re smart & intuitive (it’s like you just seem to “know” things), they like that you aren’t afraid to be yourself and walk your own path, the people around you might think that you’re in a transitional phase right now, and they like that you’ve learned a lot about life (it’s as if you’ve become more wise and have learned to give up things that don’t matter to focus on what’s really important), they like that you don’t care about what other people think and are willing to take one for the team or get treated like a black sheep/out cast in favor of what you believe in, they like that you’re curious and do your research & they like how spiritual you are.
pile 8 ♡
people like that you can be a bit ruthless and controversial (maybe you cuss a lot) they see this as real and uncensored (like what you see is what you get), they like how much you care about connection and having a partner to build a future with (they probably see you as loyal and devoted in this sense, and not afraid to go after a lover), they like that you’re patient and know how to think before you act (you aren’t impulsive), they like that you’re a hard worker and are good at what you do (well versed in your craft whatever that may be), they like that you’re humble and genuinely care about others well being & that you can think outside of yourself.
pile 9 ♡
people like that you can be a source of motivation, they like that you’re self-made and may even see you as a good rolemodel! people find you charismatic (and maybe even a bit dreamy), people like that you care for others a lot and admire that you will always share the things you’ve earned with others (they feel as if you really give and love unconditionally), they like that you always have good news or some type of gift you’ve earned as a result of your hard work (whether it be a raise or you some how coming across money/success/greater opportunities), they like that you seem trusting and aren’t too skeptical of others (you let people in easily) and that you’re very forgiving, they like that you’ve completely devoted yourself to something, they like that you’re easy to get in contact with and are always ready to help & they like that you’re nurturing.
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void-authority · 16 days
Please help us feed ourselves and move to a better, cheaper house so we can pay our debt and get healthy. Please read the entire post.
Help us here (p4yp4l) and here (K0f1). I know I just recently made a donations post, but this time my mom and I really need your help more than ever. We need 1000 euros total. A place near where my mom works is going under renovations and up for sale, at 400 euros per month, 200 euros less than this house's current rent price (600). My mom has to drive 30 minutes to work and then back home 5 days a week, it uses a lot of gas which is really expensive, making those travels not needed and saving up 200 euros for essentials and to pay my mom's debt would be life changing, and this house is slowly making us sick.
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We're sinking deeper and deeper into debt as more days pass, and my mom has already been threatened to be taken into court if she doesn't start paying it soon. We don't have the means to pay it at all, people refuse to hire me and my mom earns just barely enough to pay rent, and we're starting to not be able to feed ourselves.
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The stress of the situation and the poor conditions of the house is also harming Cookie, our cat, who we've raised since she was 2 days old, and it's stressing us out further.
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I also have a rotten wisdom tooth that can't come all the way and has decayed enough where the nerve is exposed, even if I can't show it well. It has been like this for almost half a year now, and I fear it'll get to the point where it'll get infected and become a big health issue for me if I don't go to a dentist soon. If we manage to get this cheaper place and move to it, we can actively work on getting our life back together, and hopefully not have to ask for help like this ever again. If we don't, eventually we'll have to make the choice of having a roof over our heads and starve completely, or go homeless, if my mom doesn't get taken to court and likely arrested first. It's starting to get colder and we have nowhere else we can go and no people to support us, we might not survive in the long run if we don't take this chance.
Please, please help us, I'm so tired of having to ask for money to survive, but doing so is our only hope.
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new-revenant · 2 years
Dpxdc idea in which Superman meets Dani while she’s out traveling and she helps him out with whatever threat of the day he’s dealing with. This is sometime after the Justice League formed and way before Superman learns about Conner.
Dani does pretty well but then get smacked out of her ghost form and into her human form, so Superman is left to deal with the threat. After the threat is taken care of, Superman’s like “you have a lot of potential young one, thank you for your assistance” or something. And Dani says “thanks I take after the guy I got cloned from.”
Superman - “Your a clone? Who cloned you?”
Dani - “an evil ghost named Plasmius cloned me after a superhero ghost named Phantom because he wanted him to be his son. As you can see he’s not very good at the whole cloning thing.”
“I can call the Justice League? If you want?”
“Nah I’m good, Phantom and sometimes the Fentons are able to beat him up.”
“…Okay can you explain a bit more please?”
Somehow Dani manages to convince Superman that the Fentons are in fact not evil mad scientists, that Plasmius is just a regular weird ghost that just so happens to look like a vampire(Dani wanted to convince him that he was actually a vampire but that didn’t work), and somehow managed to convince him that she was cloned from both Danny Fenton and Phantom since Plasmius wanted a way with Danny’s mom to marry him or something.
Superman offers her again for League help, but she declines saying, “Your pretty strong, you can help by yourself. Speaking of help, I actually need some of that right now.”
Superman - “What do you need help with?”
Dani - “I need clothes and food and probably enough money to rent a motel room for a night.”
Anyways that’s how Superman adopts Dani. Dani still travels around but now she makes frequent pit stops to Metropolis and the Daily Planet. It’s not long until the League finds out about her and whenever asked about herself, Dani just gives them non-answers and disappears before appearing again to prank them. Superman says that she’s practically his daughter and Dani just nods and that’s all they have to go off on. Dani told Superman to not spill about her past unless it was absolutely necessary.
Dani once introduced Superman to Danny when Dani started destabilizing again-and Superman was going to Amity Park as Clark Kent to interview the Red Huntress since by then Amity Park is a bit more well know with the whole Pariah Dark thing or something-and Danny was fangirling the whole time since Dani straight up told him that Clark was Superman. Phantom was also fangirling but it was because Superman was a hero and definitely not because he was an alien since Danny and Phantom are definitely two different people.
Dani sometimes calls Clark while he’s at work and now everyone at the Daily Planet knows he’s got a kid now. They are very supportive.
Now, Superman knows about clones and has a more positive outlook on them as simply people who can mold themselves into what they want to be, not whatever their creator created them for. And then he meets Conner.
That’s right, this whole prompt was just a ploy for good dad!Superman for Conner! And now Superman has a reputation for adopting clones. But nobody knew that Dani was a clone(except Batman probably) until Conner arrived. So now the League are asking about that. Sucks to suck for Superman since the League are like “wtf why did you not tell us this?” And Superman’s like, “Dani told me not to tell you guys because she was scared :(“. That works, somehow. Now Conner also has a chaotic older sister who cares about him dearly. Not to mention Team Phantom who also support him to hell and back. Happy times all around.
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IMPORTANT: My Situation and GoFundMe
Hola y hello, to those who don't know who I am. I'm Itzel aka Kawaiipony Productions. I'm a 17 y/o (mostly Mlp) YouTuber. I'm non-binary asexual biromantic (he/she/they) and I'm also an AuDHDer. And well, I need help. I live in an emotionally abusive household and my own “father” is my abuser. And while my mom isn’t as bad and my relationship with her has gotten better in recent years, she has still caused harm even by letting a lot of this slide.
Around February 18th, 2022, my parents snooped on my phone and found out I was trans. They had taken my phone, tablet, and Nintendo Switch. Which I wouldn’t mind too much if I didn’t purchase majority of these. I bought my tablet myself sometime around 2018 to 2019 with my own money. And I split half and half with one of my sisters to buy our Switch. That is hundreds not only stolen, but also destroyed as they’ve broken my tablet (which was around $300-350 when I bought it) previous instances it’s been taken from me. And I have not received any of these devices since.
Not only that, but my abuser in the past years of me dealing with my abusive relationship with him, h has threatened not only kick me out of the house, but also send me to the military without my consent or send me to my family in México to “straighten me out.” Not to mention his constant ableism towards me. From being anti-vax (a very ableist rhetoric towards autistics), forcing me to mask, etc.
This has led to me secretly doing my job as a part-time YouTuber for the past 2 years now, especially since I was forced to delete the previous Kawaiipony Productions channel cause of him. I have a GFM to help fund me for being able to get proper equipment again for doing my work. Not only that, but also possibly for things I plan to get once I turn 18 such as starting to get therapy, medication for my ADHD, etc. And now that I started dating my girlfriend, Vikki, I want to start saving some of this money to possibly meet her irl sometime next year.
I am taking a few small paid jobs for work right now, but it’s still not enough for my situation. So, you may ask, how can I help? Well, if you have the money, donate to my GFM. My GFM goal is $2,000 and I still need around $1,200 for reaching my goal. I also have adoptables for sale right now for $25 each. If you can’t financially help, then you can share not only my GFM, but my work. From my artwork, my videos on YouTube, and projects I’ve been a part of as a voice actor, animator, and/or artist. Any of this helps support me through everything going on in my life. I could really use it right now. So any and all support helps me out. Thank you all for reading this thread, I appreciate any and all support I need!!!
-Itzel C.D. aka Kawaiipony Productions
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Ways to support me!!!
My YouTube channel:
My GoFundMe:
Current Adoptables for Sale:
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kinzis-writing · 9 months
Jellyfish | Tee Higgins
Summary: a Jellyfish tank in your boyfriend's house, what could go wrong?
Pairing: Tee Higgins x Reader
Requested: Yes | No based on this request.
Warnings: mentions of jellyfish as pets? suggestive content, i think that's all.
Note: This has taken exactly two months and I apologize! I am finally rolling with requests so let me know if you want me to write anything. Also, if this isn't what you wanted, feel free to let me know. This was requested by an anon, so I cannot tag a certain account!
*Not edited or proofread*
Word count: 2.01k
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When your boyfriend, Tee, had mentioned getting a Jellyfish tank. You thought he was joking, that was until you walked into his house and noticed big boxes sitting on his living room floor. It was then that you noticed he had bought a Jellyfish tank, and he was getting ready to buy some to put into the tank.
“Hey baby,” Tee greeted as he got up and placed a kiss on your cheek and gave you a quick hug. “How many Jellyfish do you think I should buy for the tank?”
Y/N eyed the boxes before turning her attention to her boyfriend. It was offseason and she knew that he would be back at practice before too long. “You’re actually making a tank?” she asked carefully. “I thought that was just a dream.”
Tee shrugged his shoulders before looking at the computer in front of him, “Why not make It a reality?” He spoke his eyes while staying trained on the computer. “You think three would be enough? What light should I get?”
“I think three is more than enough.” Y/N mumbled not sure on how this whole experience would go. She knew that it had been on her boyfriend’s mind for a minute, but she didn’t know that her boyfriend had been serious. She thought it was one of his intriguing thoughts.
Y/N was right that three was more than enough, seeing as the Jellyfish had not survived the trip the first time. Tee was disappointed that he would not be able to put Jellyfish in his tank right now and He was looking for a safer way to get them to his home. He had to start practicing within the next few days and he was finally getting his tank installed correctly by someone he had paid to come do it.
“Be honest with me, am I getting too crazy?” Tee asked Y/N as he watched the men put the tank together easily and do it in no time.
Y/N shrugged her hands wrapping around his muscular arms, “Maybe a little, but it is why I love you so much.” She muttered, leaning up and giving him a quick kiss on his lips. “Whether I act like it or not, I want whatever you want because I want you happy.” She added honestly giving his arm a squeeze before heading to the master bedroom and grabbing her extra work uniform. She always left clothes here in case she ended up staying all night with him. “I have to go to work but I will see you later.” She told him before kissing him quickly and bidding each other goodbye to head off so she could support herself. One thing she would never do is ask Tee for money or use any of his money, because she has a great Job and can support herself.
It had been two or three months since Tee had gotten his Jellyfish tank installed and he had still yet to put any Jellyfish in it, but the Bengals games had started so his time to focus on his tank was limited. Today they were facing off against the Buffalo Bills in Cincinnati. Y/N had gotten herself ready in her Higgins Jersey and headed to the stadium. She knew that she could meet up with Tee’s mom and sit next to her so they could support their boy together.
Y/N grabbed her clear bag out of the passenger seat of her car once she had found a parking spot and made her way into the stadium. She was a bit early, but lines to the games started to get long within two or more hours before the game. Everyone wanted to make sure they could see the boys practice and warm up.
Once getting past security and getting her pass, she made her way to the stadium seats, Tees mom usually showed up around 30 minutes after her, so she knew that her man’s momma would be there soon. Y/N had made sure that her tickets were next to the field so she could easily reach Tee in case of emergency, but mainly because she could see him for a moment before the game.
“You look fine, can I get those digits?” A voice called up to you as a grin spread on your face. Your heart filled with love as you turned around and walked to the edge of the seats.
You shook your head and thought for a moment, “I have a boyfriend, I don’t think he’d be so happy to share me.” You responded finally leaning over to where you could meet him face to face.
Tee grinned, his perfect smile causing your smile to grow back once more. “You right,” He nodded. “You look great in my jersey, baby.” He then leaned up to meet you in a kiss. It was quick but passionate so attention wouldn’t be drawn to you too consistently.
“You say that every time.” You muttered when the kiss ended.
“Only speak the truth,” He shrugged before Chase was calling him over. “I’ll see you after the game.”
You nodded before leaning down a placing a “good luck kiss” on his cheek and lips, “Go beat those Bills.”
“That’s the plan.” He winked before starting to walk away, He paused for a moment and turned around to face you again, “I love you.” He added before running over to the guys he considered his brothers.
“I love you.” You mumbled to yourself before turning back and walking the couple steps to your seat. Tee’s mother had joined by the time that you had gotten done talking to Tee. “Hey, how are you?” You asked as you gave Tee’s momma a hug before sitting down beside her.
You and Tee’s momma made small talk while you waited for the guys to come out after they finished warming up. “Is he still wanting Jellyfish?” His momma asked you to know that he had discussed this with both woman on many different occasions. “He told me about the mishap.”
You nodded at the mention of his last Jellyfish purchase, “Yeah, He still wants some.” You assured her as the team came running out and you two stood up so you could cheer your man on. “I actually got paid last week and there’s some supposed to be delivered today, I was counting on beating him to his house and getting it ready.” You explained as they did the coin toss and the kickoff started.
“That is very sweet of you, He is so lucky to have someone care for him like you do.” She gushed as the game in front of the two progressed. “He was worried about finding someone because of his job and he didn’t want someone who wanted him for the wrong reasons. I am beyond thankful that he found you.”
You teared up hearing how highly Tee’s mom talked about you. Never had you had any potential in-laws to talk so kindly to you. Most of the time, your ex’s parents didn’t like you or had other things to say about you. It felt nice to have someone on your side since you were deeply in love with her son. “Thank you, that means a lot.” You told her honestly as you blinked the tears away. “I truly love him, and you’re his favorite woman so I am happy that we have this bond.” You explained.
After the conversation settled, you guys’ paid attention to the game. With Tee’s momma yelling at him from the stands to catch the ball, not to drop the ball, and so on. In the end, the Bengal’s had beaten the Bills and it was a win under Cincinnati’s belt.
After the game, you had spoken to Tee’s mom for a bit longer before bidding her farewell and safe travel. You had also found Tee and told him that you were heading to his house, and he could meet you there. To which he agreed and understood because he would be a minute. So, you had made sure to rush to his house, but made sure to be careful enough to not wreck. You had to get his Jellyfish in the tank before he got home so you could surprise him. He hadn’t known that they were ordered and since they were on the cheaper side compared to the items he usually bought, you made sure to buy them for him.
Once arriving at his house, you located the Jellyfish and googled and watched videos on how to properly transfer them so they would not die or have any issues. Once watching the videos and you felt you could safely transfer them. You placed them in the tank and made sure the tank was officially ready.
Once the Jellyfish were in the tank floating around, you made sure to turn the lights off, so they would emit the light of the tank. After watching them intrigued, you quickly tracked Tee’s location before facetiming his mother so you could ask her what she thought.
“Is it set up?” she asked after the initial starter conversation.
“Yes,” You replied as you flipped the camera and showed her the three Jellyfish floating in the big tank that he had bought. “Do you think he’ll like it?” You asked nervously. What if he wanted to buy the Jellyfish himself? What if he had a change of heart? Tee was someone who hated it when you spent your money on him, because he felt as though he had enough money if he ever wanted or needed anything. Which is why you resulted in the Jellyfish since they were $30 apiece.
“Oh, I think he’ll love it.” She spoke with so much emotion in her voice. “I sure do hope that you’re going to be my daughter-in-law.”
You spoke to his mother for a few more minutes before getting off the phone once you tracked your shared location and he was in the driveway. You quickly rushed through the living room and to the front door when you heard the door open.
“Why are the lights off?” He asked once he noticed you walking up towards the door.
You gave him a smile, “I have a surprise for you!” You spoke with excitement. It was getting harder to keep this a surprise and you were beyond happy that he would be seeing what you had been keeping for the past week.
A smirk appeared on his face for a moment, “What kind of surprise?” he asked in a certain tone.
You scoffed a bit knowing where he was going with it but brushed it off as you grabbed his hand and led him to the living room. The LED light lit up most of the space and the three Jellyfish floated around in the cylinder fish tank that he had bought.
Tee’s eyes widen slightly at the sight of the Jellyfish in his tank that he had gotten installed. “Did you buy those for me?” he asked as he turned to you.
You shrugged a huge smile on your face, “Who else would I buy Jellyfish for and store them in your house?” You asked rhetorically.
“I love you so much!” Tee mumbled before turning and pulling you into a hug. You already knew how excited he was, seeing as he was usually cool, calm, and collected. Yet, he was becoming Giddy like a child on Christmas morning because he officially had Jellyfish in his house. “You are the best girlfriend ever.”
You shrugged a cocky smile making its way on your face, “I try.” You joked before meeting him in a kiss full of passion and love. “Seriously though, I love you and I hope you understand how much you mean to me. Think of this as payback for all the “because you’re having a bad day” gifts that I have received from you.” She explained, noticing the happiness all over his face.
“I’m going to marry you one day.”
“That’s the plan, Tamaurice.”
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elysianightsss · 10 months
Now hear me Out... The techno's reactions to us being like a single parent or something before Meeting them? And possibly Meeting the child?
Bad idea or Not?
Techno x singlemom!Reader
Techno wouldn’t care. He’d love your kid just as much as he loved you, they are simply an extension of you. Techno would be there for anything you needed, babysitting, dentists appointments for the kid. You remember that one time where you were stuck at work and there’d been an incident at school, he was the first one you called, he rushed over and set things straight instantly defending your child.
You came home to him playing with, let’s say your son, Apollo. Techno making aeroplane noises as his large hand moved the toy plane around in the air while your six year old son giggled loudly and excitedly.
Your heart was warmed and you felt your eyes stinging with tears at the sight. When you first met Techno you had tried hard to avoid him, not wanting to date anyone since the let down of Apollo’s father. When he left due to you getting pregnant it was a giant kick to your self esteem. You hadn’t felt worth it anymore and honestly not the most attractive either.
So when Techno persued you, you almost couldn’t believe it. Even when you had rejected him out of fear, he continued to court you coming into the diner where you worked and watching you with a smile while you served others. All he thought about was persuading you to quit so you’d never have to serve other people again. He had more than enough money to support you if you’d simply let him.
Finally, after a few months of him flashing his gorgeous pearly whites at you and making you feel all giddy with the sweet nicknames and phrases he spouted with that monotonous voice of his, you relented and let him take you on a date. You were shy and a bit withdrawn still, fussing over yourself and worrying about how you looked.
He eased them, ‘you look ravishing darlin’, it made butterflies erupt in your stomach, and your fussing ceased. He took you to a nice restaurant, wining and dining you like he had been promising he would. The whole night was actually going well and he’d managed to get you to relax enough to enjoy yourself until the babysitter called saying she had an emergency and she had to leave as soon as possible.
You obviously started rushing away, apologising profusely as you did. Techno chucked some money on the table and ran after you. He caught up to you and offered you to drive you home, after not being able to hail a cab you relented, he was your ride after all. The drive home was tense, you were so scared to tell him about your son not that you were embarrassed by him, not at all. You knew you’d done a good job raising him, but you knew the stigma around single moms and from past experiences when guys had asked you out only to back out when they’d found out you had a kid.
You didn’t want it to happen again, not after the lovely evening you had had and particularly not after the feelings that were growing for the man driving you home tonight.
You’d arrived, thanking him sufficiently with a kiss on the cheek for good measure before exiting the car rather quickly. You were so busy running away that you completely missed Techno’s worried expression, his softened eyes, and him getting out of the car to follow you.
As you unlocked the door, Sophia was pulling on her coat with a sad look on her face. “Do you have to go? We haven’t done story time yet!” Apollo whined.
“How about doing it with me buddy?” You smiled as your son’s eyes lit up at the sight of you home early, a rare occasion when you were working indeed.
“Mommy!” He squealed happily running into your arms. He hugged you tightly as you kissed his cheek. “Who’s that?” Apollo’s question had you turning around to see Techno staring down at you from where you were crouched.
“Sorry I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He apologised, smiling softly at the little boy who gave him a small wave.
That was around four month ago, since then your relationship with Techno had evolved and his bond with Apollo had grown so much. You never thought you’d have this, this safety net, this love. And yet as you watched Techno play aeroplanes with Apollo all you felt was love.
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I think people believe that those who likely won't vote for Biden despite opposing Trump in November are just doing so out of political purity demands are failing to internalize something really important.
People only have so many resources to spare beyond survival. And they will make reasonable assessments based on what an action demands of them versus what it will do to benefit them/improve overall quality of life whether or not to do a thing. Anything.
I've noticed this thing where people are like "voting is the LEAST you can do, it's just one thing, and it barely takes up any valued resources (e.g. time, money, energy, skill, learning/adjustment periods, etc), how can you NOT do it?"
And. Well. Maybe because that equation isn't the same for everyone?
Let me go ahead and lay out for you the process that would all have to take place BEFORE I was able to "just go vote" if that was an action I felt would be valuable.
1) identify/confirm my state's voter identification policies for the coming election to confirm that I fully understand them and that they haven't been altered since my last complete understanding of it
2) save the money (in cash) for the fees involved in attending an id appt at a state office to get the necessary documents which I may or may not have (I have moved about every other year for a long time now, and have not been able to consistently maintain useable paperwork across my residential transitions because many were across state lines)
3) schedule the state office appt for id paperwork. Keep cash fees and necessary evidentiary paperwork on hand (or add an additional set of steps to obtain/reobtain them such as when the move damaged my court paperwork for my name change). Then wait for the appt to arrive, and hope I have enough time in my day and gas in my car to keep it.
4) once I have my appropriate id, register as a regional voter and identify my nearest polling station (by the way, the ONLY available polling stations in my literal entire county are Baptist or Methodist churches. If those spaces are - for some reason, maybe I don't know being actively mid-medical transition of gender, visibly queer, and fucking Jewish - are not accessible to me well then I guess I'm shit out of luck)
5) obtain time off on election day to go vote. You might think this is easy. And maybe for you it is. But the vast majority of election voting lines I have waited in since going with my mom as a kid to waiting to place my own vote as an adult, have been at minimum of 4 hours waiting in line outside the building let alone getting thru identity confirmation with the polling station volunteers once inside. I work on Tuesdays. So taking unpaid time off for a 4+ hour errand is a big deal. And yeah, my supervisor does actively encourage us to and support us in doing it, but given how we are paid (by the completed appt hour) there is a huge financial barrier to taking a day off to vote. The owner of my practice does her best to help, including offering us our paid documentation hours if it helps, but like. That's not going to be enough for a lot of people's checkbooks, and there are not outside resources she can call on to support her in supporting us. We may make the choice to do it when we feel financially able to, but we may not always be in that position.
6) actually vote. Hey remember those 4hr lines? I'm physically disabled and mobility limited. So if I need to anticipate more than a maximum of 15min of standing or walking, I may need to consider going in my wheelchair. How many of those churches serving as polling stations in my poor, 60% black county are able to be wheelchair accessible? My state voter polling station map supposedly offers a listing of accessible polling stations! But when I click it, it actually just takes me to a webpage describing my legal right to accommodation. Did you know that the only caregiver I could have help accommodate me is my wife or a professional one? I can't (for example) have a friend take me while my wife is working or otherwise unavailable. Or, you know, if a polling station volunteer decides to get up in arms about my marriage for being queer/interracial (this has happened, yes I know it's illegal what the actual fuck do you think that means for the reality of enforcing that though???? Something being a crime doesn't stop it from happening, and being able to "hold someone accountable" won't necessarily mean getting my fucking vote back.)
7) monitor my vote for rejection and supply any necessary corrective measures to confirm my vote (I realize this may be something lots of people go a lifetime never running into, but it has and does and will happen)
8) monitor my voter registration to ensure I stay on the roles up through the next merry go round through these steps (i once had to re-register 3 times in one year without having changed addresses or documentation in any way. Just getting flat out bumped from the roles. When I did voter canvassing in 2020 I took a peek at my own name in the registry and I had a HALF DOZEN different registrations that had been done in the 4 years I'd been living in my house at the time.)
It is REALLY highly likely that none of these things, or AT MOST 1-2 of them are also your (general) concerns/priorities/needs around voting. Mine are like this through a combination of circumstances, location, chaotic lifestyle, and a general inability to stay organized. But that is nonetheless the reality of my effort ro vote every election.
Increasingly, this has simply not been worth my time and money. My vote's presence or absence simply is not impactful enough in the systems and levers of power to justify putting myself through that process and it's impact on my quality of life. My energy is more effectively used in ways that can A) not cost me financial resources I simply do not have, B) do not require me to prove who I am in order to interact with it, thus removing the burden and expense of maintaining paperwork for that purpose beyond what I already posess (passport card without any documentation of residence but with documentation of citizenship), and C) can be performed using only or mostly physical actions that are not inherently medically dangerous for me.
So that's what I've started redirecting my energy towards. There are truly so many options, and I keep myself busy with many different little pieces of that puzzle.
I could not do those things if I also tried to maintain consistent access to voting. I simply couldn't. But those things are so much more immediately impactful, not just on my quality of life, but on the QoL of the rest of my community. I value the ability to spend my resources there more than I value my ability to brute force my way through in interaction with a system that throws up increasingly harmful barriers at every step.
If that math ever changes for me, I probably will try to vote more. It's not like I think voting is bad. But I simply do not see it as more valuable for me and my community given my combination of needs, resources, and capacities.
I really need people to understand that yelling at someone and trivializing their reasons for making the choice that they are making will not increase your voter turnout. Because it means you are inherently rejecting their valid concerns as worth addressing. And yeah! A lot of people are right now specifically talking about this as if their decision is at least in part because of the concern that the Trump years and Biden years have not been different enough or have been different in ways that are harmful to them, because a lot of us made a point of saying in 2020 "damn the consequences, we'll just do it"
But then there wasn't enough change to justify how much we harmed ourselves or invited harm into our lives by doing so. Or at least there is little enough that we are asking ourselves the question of its worth. So now we must also ask "can we make that sacrific again, knowing what we know now?"
For some of us, unless interventions to lower the barrier to entry of voting or to raise the motivation to trust Biden will improve our qualities of life are employed, it is very likely that the answer may be (or may be becoming) no. We can't make the sacrifice again. It took too much and returned too little and we may LITERALLY not have enough to give this time around.
We'll see I guess.
It doesn't escape me that I'm not hearing anything about voter accessability this year. It can sometimes start to feel a little like hedging yalls bets to me, as someone on whom those barriers are deeply impactful and restrictive.
Because if you (general) can point to how we (the vote-alienated) were blocked from the polls after, you can combine that with complaints of "leftists" abstaining for "political purity/perfectionism" to justify to yourselves (general) why Biden lost without reconciling just how much of a void his campaign has in terms of what it's offering people. If they were at least returning to their roots and using the Democratic party base to establish voter support resources and access alternatives, that would probably increase turnout by an order of 10 or so entirely on its own.
But that's being left to communities themselves, despite the gamechanger that would be facilitating such programs with the resources of a multi-billion dollar national political party. Overnight, millions might suddenly see voting as a real possibility, and it's not like the party is spending that money elsewhere in the campaign either. I'm not seeing his ads very often on tv/radio, i haven't seen hardly any online, no one is calling or canvassing, and only Bernie Sanders' team still texts or emails me anything other than requests for money even tho I've been signed up to party and candidate mailing list sets for decades at this point.
I don't know how to help you understand that I was actively EMPLOYED as campaign staff for a democratic presidential primary candidate in 2020 running volunteer events, canvassing shifts, GOTV events, etc. I personally canvassed half of the district I lived in and spoke to so many voters.
Do you want to take a wild guess how many candidates reached out to my community (besides the one I was on staff with) during primary season? One. Out of that entire stage of candidates, only 2 even had campaign staff on the ground in my district. And we were a battleground district in our state. We had the power to swing the entire state. But only like 15% of the candidates gave a fuck.
That hasn't gotten better, it's gotten worse, because now the only one of those two left with any access to an on-site campaign crew is Bernie Sanders, and while he is valiently trying to wrangle it into a GOTV program, he simply cannot do that by himself, especially as alienated as he is from the rest of the dominant wing of the party.
I need people to understand that the work on the ground looks so much different than online political ontological discussion and debate. It MATTERS how you interact with these systems and community needs. We're all doing what we can. What makes sense for us to do. It is REALLY easy to sink into the feeling of "everyone is just too stupid/uninformed to see things my way, or they're voting against they're best interests for some malicious reason" but I promise you that is simply not the reality of how politics happens in communities. Yes, even when someone is 100% objectively being a bigot. People have reasons for what they do, and those reasons mattered to act on to them, even if you don't understand why. If you want to get someone's buy in to change their behavior/beliefs on something, you need to first treat their reasons as a consistent internal logic, even if that means looking past what specific words someone is using towards the underlying values or needs they reflect.
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the-elusive-soleil · 10 months
Some random headcanons I have for a Silm modern AU:
Feanor is the son of Finwe's ex-wife Miriel (they split more or less amicably due to the more kids/no more kids thing). There are more resources to help deal with this than in canon Valinor, so while Feanor isn't happy about the Indis and half-siblings situation, he's able to get to a place of mostly getting along with them.
Finwe made his money in investments--Aule Industries, Elentari Electric Co., Sulimo Aerospace...you get the picture.
Feanor could have gone to work for Aule Industries, but instead he struck out on his own as an inventor, and holds patents for several now-common items.
He's married to the famous sculptor Nerdanel. They've had their disagreements, but they're in couples therapy and working on sticking together.
Fingolfin is a state-level politician. He and Feanor mostly sort of get along provided everyone avoids certain topics.
Maedhros works for Fingolfin as a political fixer, which he is very very good at. Feanor has mostly made his peace with this.
Maglor went through a classical musical education, but eventually his hobby band Noldolante took off to the point that he went full-time with it. He's the lead vocalist and songwriter. Currently thinking their sound would be something like heavy metal but with the instruments and volume of acoustic folk.
Their musical rivals are the folk duo Nightingale Shadow, the brother-sister pair Daeron and Luthien Gray.
Celegorm got a job through his grandfather's friend Orome Aldaron at Aldaron LLC, an outdoor gear company resembling Cabela's, as a spokesperson/sponsored rep type of thing. He has a huge dog and tells a different story every time someone asks where he got him, and keeps trying to ask out Luthien from Nightingale Shadow (which drives Maglor nuts).
Caranthir is a stocks trader and financial advisor, which has made him wealthy enough on his own to rival Finwe. At some point, he announces his engagement (despite no one in the family knowing he was dating) to a small business owner named Haleth who takes none of his guff.
Curufin works with his father as a fellow inventor. He married an epidemiologist several years back, and they have a small son, Tyelpe, who is already being brought to an unbelievable number of "take your child to work" days. Everyone's bracing for the mad science to reach critical mass once Tyelpe's old enough to wield a screwdriver.
Amrod and Amras are still in high school and haven't confirmed a path in life yet, although they do quite a bit of Celegorm's social media stuff with him.
Fingon used to work with his father and Maedhros, but eventually decided that politics wasn't for him, and now runs a nonprofit to aid disaster victims. He and Maedhros frequently tease each other about how exhausted their respective careers are making them.
Turgon works in some capacity for the city government, which he claims is the level of politics where things actually get done.
Aredhel also works for Aldaron LLC as a spokesperson; sometimes she and Celegorm will collaborate on posts.
At some point, she starts a relationship with a guy named Eol, but leaves him when he turns out to be a controlling jerk. Post-breakup, she finds out she's pregnant, and ends up keeping the baby because Eol doesn't want her to do so and make him pay child support. She turns out a better mom than anyone expects.
Finarfin is some kind of lawyer working in conflict resolution and mediation. He is very good at it; he ought to be, given all the practice he's had.
Finrod owns an ethically sourced jewelry company. His brother Orodreth works for him.
Aegnor and Angrod are college students; Angrod is undeclared, but Aegnor is studying anthropology.
Artanis is in high school and the most politically minded teenager ever. She's in student government and on the debate team and Model UN, you name it. The family used to joke that someday she was going to rule a small country. They still say it, but it's become less and less of a joke over the years.
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seraphsfire · 1 year
Life situation & kitty update! Help me stay in Seattle instead of being forced to go to wyoming
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Hello! I was able to make rent this month, but so far I cannot make rent for next month.
Ko-fi has been holding donations since paypal has been flagging them as "income" so that no longer works.
If you would like to help me out using paypal, the link is HERE. I will look into other venmo and cashapp. you can also reach out for a commission! If you donated via paypal and would like me to draw you a little something in thanks, please let me know!
I also put together an AMAZON WISH LIST , most is things for the kitties or food and some non-essentials / self care things for the hell of it that are things i haven't been able to buy myself for a while. Other than rent, kitty supplies and food are what I spend most $ on.
More on what I'm facing and what my kitties need:
about the kitties:
My sweet kitty Jade, needs a steroidal shot for her dermatitis. She should have gotten another one on the 25th, but I had no money to take her to the vet and she started ripping her fur out and made big, golf-ball sized spots completely bald on her armpit and chest :'( We put her on benadryl, moisturized her, and gave her a little jacket thing to help but I can tell she's really uncomfortable and really needs a vet visit to get that. it's $80 just to visit my vet and i'm sure the shot could be anywhere from 10-40 dollars, I really don't know. She's not in danger of pulling huge chunks of fur out thanks to the little jacket but she's really not happy and it makes me so sad.
About my situation (kind of long, sorry):
My Parents (mostly my mom; it's very hard to get responses from my dad) gave me rent money for September, but then made it clear that she will no longer help me financially under any circumstance if I want to "choose" to live in Seattle, then I'm essentially on my own. She doesn't want to give me money because she doesn't want ours to be a "transactional-based relationship" (after spending my entire childhood having them pressure me to move out on my own)
My dad is convinced that since Seattle is a city, it is very unsafe (and too full of Democrats) and that we would be safer living in their small town of Pavilion, Wyoming--which is literally just like, a few very spaced out neighborhoods. The nearest actual town is a 30 minute drive, and it's not very big either, and I don't drive. I would be snowed in *with them* for 4+ MONTHS every year, and every summer unable to leave the house for weeks because of the heat.
My dad has told my sister and I that if we choose to live right next to them, where they could have complete control over our lives, they would even buy us a house--but because we're not doing that, they refuse to support us in the life we've chosen for ourselves. They do not see the cruelty in this and think we are being nonsensical staying somewhere like Seattle which is "dangerous" and they do not like that it is full of non-republicans. I came out as queer in 2016, something which they have never spoken about since. I would likely be the only (out) queer person for MILES, and I don't feel like being the guinea pig for whether the anti-gay people there are the kind who ignore you or the kind who will hatecrime/kill you (:
Since I'd be at zero in my bank account in wyoming, they would have complete control over what I eat (not fun since I have a messed up digestion), clothes I buy, where I go, and how I behave just like they did when I was a child, or they'll start taking things away hoping that "tough love" will work. (it just made me mentally ill lol)
If I start a job in a week and a half I might be okay, but if I can't start until after that I won't have enough for October rent. I have one interview coming up but the future is still very up in the air.
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716chr · 4 months
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Chihiro Natsuyaki Novel - “Choose Me!”
Track 4 - Intermission
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To get straight to the point.
I made it to the finals.
I thought I would for sure get eliminated. But despite the backlash online, my loyal fans, who called themselves “Chiitizens”, worked hard to make sure I’d be able to debut.
——Chii was just treating the task at hand seriously! With dance skills like that, it’s only natural he got picked!
Amid these comments, the member I tried to support, the one who had run out of the rehearsal room crying, didn’t get enough votes and was eliminated.
This news tanked my mood.
Somehow, I felt like it was my fault…..
In the end, only 22 contestants remained.
Out of them, 13 would be picked, and 9 would be dropped.
My roommate, Komu-kun, is one of the remaining contestants.
Unlike me, Komu-kun has been portrayed on the show as “a novice in both dance and singing, but thanks to his sincerity, has shown remarkable growth and a straightforward appeal.”
It’s like he’s the protagonist of the show.
But in truth, Komu-kun really is putting in the effort and is growing at an incredible speed. Even when we were in different groups he didn’t hesitate to ask me for advice about dancing when he was unsure.
I didn’t want to be mean, so no matter how often he came to ask for help I never refused him.
…….Of course, they never showed this side of me on TV.
I was secretly anxious about Komu-kun’s rapid progress.
Jealous too.
But in the end all I can do is focus on doing my best.
“Man~ I can’t wait to meet all the locals again~” Komu-kun says while packing.
Today the contestants were allowed to return home to visit their families. It isn’t exactly a break, since the purpose is to film supportive messages from our family members.
Incidentally, the video would be presented a few days later to the finalists as a surprise. We’d have to act shocked and touched as if we were seeing it for the first time. These reactions would also be subject to evaluation.
A sigh almost slips out, but I stop myself, conscious of the cameras around me.
An idol who has a bad relationship with his family…… isn’t exactly someone you want as your bias, right?
“When this is over, it’ll really be our final stage, huh? …..Chii, I…I’m really glad you’re my roommate.”
“Yeah, me too, Komu-pi.”
After replying, I could hear a voice from inside me.
Really? Is that really true? If you weren’t roommates, would you have taught him how to dance? Do you really not regret it?
It was tough when Komu-kun asked you for help even while you were in different groups, yet you still ended up helping him out of the sheer kindness of your heart. 
So why is only Komu-kun the only one being praised as being a good, hard working person? Aren’t you tired of being sidelined like this?
“We’ll debut together for sure!” Komu-kun said as he hugged me.
I hugged him back, worried about how it looked on camera and hoping I didn’t come off too mean.
The voice deep inside my heart whispered, “I truly hate myself the most.”
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“If it isn’t the long-awaited return of the future star! I’ve been waiting for you, Chihiro!”
My mom, all dressed up for her night job and with a face full of makeup on, welcomed me at the front door.
This smile….. How many years has it been since I’ve seen it?
Her lively voice being directed at me was certainly a first.
Honestly, I was scared and confused.
My stomach twisted in pain.
When I told my mom that I was going to audition, she didn’t seem the slightest bit interested. The only ones who cheered me on were my sisters.
But I heard from my sister that my mom apparently started watching the show when I reached the semi-finals.
…..Is it because of the money? Yeah, it must be.
As I step inside, my little sisters clad in their school uniforms welcome me cheerfully from the back as they call out, “Chii-nii!”.
Big Sis, who usually lives separately from us, had also come, but her expression upon seeing me was filled with worry.
Only my mom seems unusually cheerful, asking me things like, “Chihiro, want a drink?”. Questions she’s never asked me before in my life.
“……I’m still not sure if I can debut. My last ranking was pretty iffy….”
With voting happening daily, contestants got their real-time rankings immediately from the staff. I was 15th when I left the dorm. It fluctuates; on some days my ranking would go as high as 10th place, but right now it was still unclear.
“What are you talking about? There’ll be fewer people getting eliminated next round, right?”
It’s not just about the numbers. Even if I was in first place right now I still wouldn’t feel safe.
Especially considering the fact that the director hates me.
Would Mom be disappointed if I failed?
The thought crosses my mind, but I can’t bring myself to ask.
I wondered how Komu-kun would deal with something like this.
Once he gets home would he be able to tell his parents about his worries?
Of course he would. And they’d forgive him if he cried.
Komu-kun’s loving Papa and Mama would definitely pull him into a hug and comfort him.
I hate myself for imagining these things.
“Once you become an idol, I’ll have to brag to everyone. Even to the people at the bar….. Ah, and I’ll definitely rub it in the faces of those classmates who used to make fun of me.”
Seeing Mom talk like this so happily made my guts twist in pain again.
Sitting down in the living room, my two younger sisters came over to me.
“Chii-chan, don’t worry too much.”
“That’s right. Chii-nii has fans at our school too!”
I felt a bit relieved as I ruffled their hair affectionately.
——Once I’m able to make the money, I want to spoil them both rotten. Big Sis too of course.
Big Sis always sends money to me and our little sisters, so even though she’s an adult she still doesn’t have any accessories of her own.
I want to buy her the slightly pricier necklaces and rings she wanted before, and help my sister in high school pay for vocational school so she can follow her dream.
I also want to pay for my middle school sister’s high school tuition, and all the school trips Big Sis and I had to miss because we couldn’t afford it.
“I guess even that face can be useful for something after all. Well, that’s all that scum had going for him anyway.”
Out of nowhere, I hear my Mom’s voice.
Her words hurt as if they were clutching onto my heart.
“I didn’t think you had a single redeeming trait, but if you manage to become an idol I might be a little thankful. Chihiro, I’m glad you’ll be able to make a living even though you have your father’s face——”
“Stop it.”
Big Sis interjected.
“You should stop doing that.”
Mom glared at Big Sis. She returned the glare, unyielding.
“Don’t you think you’re being really shitty right now? Constantly nagging about a man who’s already abandoned you….. How is any of that Chihiro’s fault?”
“Hah? You’ve never been dumped yourself, what the hell do you know, calling me shitty like that.”
“That’s why I’m saying your mindset is shitty.”
The tense atmosphere made my heart race, but even worse, my little sisters looked like they were about to burst into tears.
“You two! The camera crew’s coming any minute now!”
I quickly stood up and spread my arms wide. A stiff smile appeared on my face. But it's okay. I turned once and took a step.
“Look! This is the choreography I danced in the semi-finals! I can still do it perfectly!”
After making this declaration and dancing for a while, my little sisters burst out in cheers and laughter.
Mom and Big Sis also stopped arguing.
My heart is still pounding, gripped by tension and fear, impatience and anxiety.
…….Please, God. If you’re out there, please help me. Let me debut.
So if I can give my Mom kindness, Big sis peace of mind, and my little sisters a future, I’ll do whatever it takes.
But all I can do is dance……
God, please don’t take away this one thing I have.
——In the surprise video I received later on, my family looked like a tight-knit "perfect and happy family”.
A mother sharing fabricated memories, an older sister suppressing her irritation and putting on a forced smile, and two little sisters cheering me on wholeheartedly.
“Chihiro truly loves dancing, and when I watch him dance it feels like all those years of hard work have really paid off..."
In the video, Mom pretended to wipe away her tears.
I wonder if they'll introduce her on air as a single mother who raised four kids on her own?
In the corner of my mind, I briefly thought——this world is nothing but a bunch of lies. I felt despair—but still, I looked ahead.
Because I’m going to become the ultimate gyaru-minded idol.
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Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5
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sapphicseasapphire · 9 months
Best SS side character ong
But yeah! Pipit’s a favorite of mine haha! In my opinion, he’s the most interesting side character on Skyloft! By far! (Groose isn’t on Skyloft anymore so he doesn’t count!) He’s also one of the most underrated characters in any Zelda game.
• He’s an upperclassman at the Academy who actively stands up for Fledge and Link against Groose.
• He’s SO SUPPORTIVE. Every time you talk to him, he has something encouraging to say. He genuinely really cares about Link and Zelda and is one of the few people who believes in Link.
• He’s the only student at the Knight Academy who doesn’t live in a dorm.
• He lives at home, but you never see him there.
• The Worst Mother on Skyloft Award goes to Mallara! (Pipit’s mom). The reason Pipit’s never at home is because his home is a mess and his mother is the WORST.
• Mallara has really nice furniture and ceramics and stuff but it’s all messy. Pipit’s corner of the house is the only clean area, but his furniture is all worn down and scratched up. His blanket is patched. Everything he has is well used and mended.
• I kind of view that as a metaphor: Mallara has nice things but doesn’t care about them enough to take good care of them. She has an amazing son but doesn’t care enough about him to take care of him. Meanwhile, Pipit uses what he has, even if he doesn’t have much.
• ALSO he’s struggling financially. When you clean Mallara’s house, she gives you twenty rupees and tells you to say hello to Pipit for her. (There’s a reason she doesn’t say hello herself. There’s a reason Pipit doesn’t talk to her).
• If you clean her house enough times and then walk by it at night, you’ll hear Pipit yelling at her. I don’t know the exact quotes but he said something along the lines of “I gave you that money to buy bread and you spent it on a housekeeper! If you keep this up, I won’t be able to afford to go to the Academy next year!”
• Bro’s a full time student and also works the night watches at the Academy just to have the money to put food on the table and put himself through school. He gives some of this money to Mallara and she IMMEDIATELY turns around and spends it on Link.
• THAT’S A WHOLE OTHER THING. Mallara pays Link to clean her house because she’s too lazy to do it herself. She tells him to talk to Pipit because she’s too lazy to do it herself. She expects Link to be her housekeeper and her messenger because she’s not willing to put the work in and do the bare minimum for her home or for her son.
• This whole time I’ve been calling it her house. But the game calls it Pipit’s house. PLEASE did he buy the house too?? So that his mother could destroy it?? Crying.
• He has the sweetest little crush on Karane and the game gives you the option to tease him for it! I will always give the letter to Karane because it makes me happy to see him happy. He deserves it! “You like her?” Such a little brother response.
• He literally says something along the lines of “don’t I deserve to know true love?” about Karane. Like. This guy’s never experienced genuine love in his life. His mother sure isn’t giving it to him.
• Link and Pipit are 100% brothers and I’m writing a whole fic about how Link was adopted into that problematic family and what that means for Mallara and Pipit. Suffice to say, Link and Pip are quite close! For my au, Pipit is the first person to really and truly understand Sky since he knows Link so well (literally grew up in the same house) but also knows Aepon! (Took care of the Loftwing while Link was away on his adventure). In many cases, he understands Sky better than Zelda does. Better than Sky knows himself! There will definitely be more Pipit content from me because he DESERVES SOME LOVE.
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cowboyjen68 · 1 year
Hi Jen. Would you mind giving relationship advice?
I have been in a relationship for almost a decade. She didn’t have a job when we first got together, but she previously had a part time job so I thought that she was mostly just between jobs. As we’ve stayed together, she still hasn’t got a job despite me asking and begging her to. She has some issues so it’s kind of understandable but it increasingly stresses me out.
I’m staying with her and her mom (can’t afford a place on my own and have 0 family due to homophobia). I love her but I feel like she doesn’t love me or she would get a job. It’s literally the only thing that I want her to do and she’ll be super sweet and a chivalrous butch. But she just won’t get a job and feels incapable. When I feel like we’re doing kind of okay financially I don’t mind. But other times I feel really taken advantage of, unloved, resentful, hurt, and confused. I think I’ve enabled the behavior too long and she’s never going to change but I literally can’t afford to up the ante and give an ultimatum since everything requires dual income right now. (I just wish the dual income was mine and hers rather than mine and her mom’s). It’s also upsetting because I feel like she doesn’t care enough about her mom either. I feel like the one time I brought that up, she did kind of consider trying for a part time job (more seriously than ever before) which is more than she’s ever done for me. So I feel very unloved to say the least.
I’ve tried communicating and feel at a loss.
I am going to answer this from 17 years of experience. My wife quit her job within a year of us getting together and was in and out of a few jobs but would sooner or late come home and say things like "This job is really stressing me out and It is making me feel sick can I quit? Will we be okay if I quit". I loved her so I, trying to be the supportive wife, would always say "yes, of course, there are other jobs" but knowing full well she might go months without looking or applying for jobs.
Once we became parents she took that opportunity to be a "stay at home mom" but the problem was she didn't clean or do paper work or even want to take them to appointment or do homework. SO i worked two jobs and dealt with the household management for most of the time we were foster parents. IT was terribly stressful and looking back I realize we would not have been constantly financially struggling if she would have just worked an average full time job.
The only thing that drove her to get a full time job was when we separated and she knew the relationship was ending. I STILL ended up partially supporting her until she was able to meet someone new and share living expenses.
In 17 years she did not change. Your girlfriend is not going to change and you need to decide if you want to consistently struggle to support two people on one wage OR just support yourself on one wage. My advice is to decide if you love her enough to give up a chance at financial sustainability. I know you are kind of "stuck" right now. Start to plan ahead. DO not give her any money. IF she asks it all went to other bills and there is none to share. You should stop buying food, nights out and gas. Pay only her mom or ask to take on particular bills and pay them yourself so you know the money is getting to things like water or electric.
It sounds like her mom relies on you as much as you rely on her for help to keep the house/apartment. Use that to you advantage. It is easier said that done but if you want to offer a solutions by where you all stay in the house start a budget sheet listing the house and shared expenses. Divide it by 3 and present that number to your girlfriend. Pay only your 1/3 of the expenses.
If you don't feel like you can do that it is understandable. I would make an exit plan and stick too it. Don't spend the rest of your life with not stability or financial security and working yourself to death in the process. You don't owe her that. Make a savings account, start to look around for roommates at your job or in friend groups. It feels terrible to be sneaking around and making break up plans long before it is feasible for you to break up but you might have to in order to keep yourself safe.
It is possible that you can break it off with her and continue to "rent" from her mom. It sounds like your GF has little respect and no empathy for you and the fact that you are working so hard all the time when she does nothing. Perhaps she only loves what you can give her not you as a person. I hate to even say it but either way, you deserve to be happy and secure and she is preventing both of those things from happening.
She won't change so it is up to you to change your situation.
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vultureboi · 9 months
Bkdk short fic
Katsuki just got his license! Finally! Now he can beat Deku!
“Kacchan! Now we can be hero partners!!” Speak of the devil and he shall come. A groan escapes Katsuki’s throat.
“For fucks sake! Is that all you fucking care about?!? Not worried I’m gonna beat your ass?” Katsuki scoffs.
“Of course not! I’ve planned our entire future together!”
“You- you what?!?”
“Yeah! Like here’s our engagement rings…” Izuku rummaged through his pockets. “Here’s the wedding rings.” Izuku pulls out a photo next as the rest of the class starts to gather and watch in awe. “Here’s the design your mother made for your wedding dress for our wedding day. And here’s mine.”
“WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU GET MY MOM TO DRAW THIS SHIT?!?” Katsuki gapes, looking at the designs.
“Well, you know she’s always been a supporter of us!” Katsuki looks at him in confusion. What the fuck is the nerd talking about?!?
“I like how Bakugou is upset about the fact that his mother designed it without asking him rather than the fact it’s a dress!” Mina laughs, taking the pictures from Izuku.
“Kacchan and I planned to both wear dresses at our wedding!”
“Yup! And ever since I’ve been planning and saving my money for our wedding!” Izuku smiles brightly.
“Wait… Deku… how much money do you have saved up???” Ochako asks confused.
“Uh… a lot. Enough to have the most luxurious wedding ever.” Izuku laughs nervously.
“YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE BROKE!!” Ochako yells at him. “YOU LIAR!! You’re filthy rich!!”
“Did you know about this Bakugou?!” Kirishima asks.
“FUCK NO! I practically forgot about that shit when we were 3?!?” Katsuki is holding one of the rings in shock. “THIS SHIT IS EVEN MY FUCKING SIZE?!?”
“And it matches your hero costume and pretty much every clothes in your closet! Then it’s also made so you can wear it while working, nothing sharp or jagged so you can’t hurt yourself or anyone else by accident! Then the dress comes with…” Izuku starts to rant, pulling out more sheets of folded paper. “Gauntlets made out of red roses! You’ll have a flower crown made of orange flowers and red flowers. Your dress is mostly white with red and orange accents and some black! I made sure to make your heels like boots that even in an emergency scenario you can fight in them!”
The class gathers to watch as Izuku describes the most perfect wedding plan they have ever heard. Especially for pro heroes. Every outfit, every accessory, is made to be able to handle a battle or be used in a battle if necessary. Even involving hidden weapons. Each small detail outlined on several sheets of paper.
“Midoriya… do you just… carry this everywhere?!?” Kaminari asks, concerned.
“Of course! I have a special pocket for it all in my hero costume! In case I need to update anything! Like if Kacchan gets a new scar! Or even if I get hurt! I want to make sure our wedding is absolutely perfect! Even if something goes wrong!” Izuku stands proudly.
“Deku…” Katsuki looks at him, blushing.
“Y-yes… Kacchan??” Izuku suddenly realizes he just spilled a lot of embarrassing things and is getting ready to be yelled at.
“Get the fuck here, right fucking now!” Katsuki growls, pointing to the ground in front of him. Izuku whimpers and steps closer, only to be grabbed by the collar and dragged into a kiss. Izuku’s world explodes.
He just kissed Kacchan. Kacchan kissed him. And is still kissing?!? And Izuku melts into it as he can hear giggles and cheers as well as photos being taken. “Uh, Kacchan…?” Izuku breathes heavily as they separate.
“What need?” Katsuki’s ears blush.
“Does this mean we’re engaged now? Should I get the rings?” Izuku blinks while blushing like crazy.
“Fuck yeah.”
“YOU GUYS ARE FIRST YEARS IN HIGH SCHOOL!” Iida shouts. “You shouldn’t be planning a marriage when you have to work to be a hero! Or even a student!”
“But that’s the thing Four-Eyes! Deku already did the planning. There’s nothing to plan!” Katsuki wraps his arm around Izuku’s shoulder with a smug look. “I always said I wanted my partner to be decisive and smart.”
“Can we kiss again??”
“Yeah, yeah. Alright. C’mere.” They go for another heated kiss, this time with plenty of tongue. The others have to snap them out of their make out session. Oh yeah. They’re going to be great.
“I call the cat in the divorce.” Katsuki smirks playfully at Izuku.
“DIVORCE?!?” Izuku gasps. “OH MY GOD! I didn’t plan for a divorce!! I have to go and plan everything!! Oh who will get the squirrel-proof bird feeder?!? Who will get the couch?!!? And the merch collection?!?” Izuku starts to panic.
“Nerd. Chill. I’m joking.” Katsuki rolls his eyes. “We’re not getting a divorce. You don’t have to plan for it.”
“BUT WHAT IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND?!?” Izuku starts to sob.
“Izuku.” Katsuki says sternly. Izuku looks at him in shock.
“Oh… okay. Thanks Kacchan.” Izuku smiles, wiping his tears.
“Big crybaby.”
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
i have a request after how cute the last different kind of love on shot was. reader is trying to put dylan into preschool, but it’s very expensive because all preschools (at least in usa) are private. reader is struggling to afford putting him in preschool but he really wants to go and make friends. reader is hesitant to ask natasha as she doesn’t want her charity, but natasha obviously sees reader is struggling and helps pay for dylan to go. bonus points if maybe reader was nervous to go to a parent - teacher conference at said preschool (as a first time parent) and auntie nat goes with us as emotional support. thank u sm!!
Drabble - Pre-School
Pairing: CEO! MobBoss! Natasha Romanoff x Single Mom! Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Putting Dylan into pre-school came with stresses of its own.
Comfort | Mentions of Stress & Finical Issues | 0.7K |  
Notes: Been a while since we visited this AU!! I hope you enjoy this!
Different Kind of Love Masterlist
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"Agh!" you sighed to yourself unaware that Natasha had just entered your office. "What's up?" Natasha smiled softly as she slumped down into the chair across from your desk with a coffee in her hand. "I'm just trying to enrol Dylan into pre-school but all the ones that are close by are private and of course, so damn expensive!" you explained as you ran your fingers through your hair. 
"All of them?" Natasha frowned slightly before taking a sip of her coffee. 
"Well, there is a couple that aren't, but they don't really seem like a perfect fit for him. Also, he wasn't a fan of them because the playground wasn't big enough" you playfully rolled your eyes, "he's so excited to start and make new friends. I took him shopping the other day to pick out his lunchbox and backpack and I'm positive he slept with the backpack still on his back that night" you looked at Natasha. 
Natasha placed her mug on your desk and looked at you as if you could read her mind, "Let me pay for his admission" she offered, once again like money was not an issue for her. Well, it wasn't but still. "Nat, thank you but I can't ask you to do that. I'm just going to have maybe do some over time?" You raised a brow in the hopes your boss would be okay with the idea. 
"You're being silly, Y/n. You already have enough on your plate and Dylan needs his mom at home after a long day, so no. You can't just do some extra overtime" She leant forward towards you, "you're too proud to ask for help. I've seen you stressing over this for a few weeks, and I knew you wouldn't ask me so I'm just going to gift it to you" she adds. 
She was right, you were too proud to ever ask for help. It's always just been you and Dylan, and you've been able to make it work but now that Dylan is at an age where he needs to be around children his own age and not just a couple of hours a day at the park. He needs this and you knew even with the extra overtime, it wouldn't be enough to cover life's expenses.
"Now you're overthinking it" Natasha spoke, breaking you out of your thoughts. 
"Are you sure? I will pay you back every cent!" you replied, causing Natasha to chuckle, "You're not paying me back. It's a gift" she reminded you and just like that, there was no point arguing with her. "Thank you so much" you smiled softly although you couldn't help the feeling of guilt, taking money from your boss to help pay for your child's pre-school. 
"Email me that pre-school you want to send him too and I'll take care of it, okay?" Natasha smiled before taking another sip of her coffee.
In four short days, Dylan would be starting his first day at pre-school. To say he was excited was an understatement. Your big, brave boy couldn't stop talking about all the fun things he was he excited to do, all the new friends he would make and most importantly, bringing home all his artwork for you. Of course, he didn't see how nervous you were to see him grow up and take his big step into a new chapter, but Natasha did.
"He's going to be fine. It's Dylan, the kid could make friends with squirrels if you let him" Natasha handed you a glass of wine as she sat on the sofa beside you. "I just thought I would have a little more time with him, he starts pre-school now and the next thing I know he'll be off to college" you looked to your best friend with sad eyes, "I'm not ready to let him grow up so fast, not yet" you added before taking a light sip of your wine. 
"I'm not a mother but you have to be okay with this, you have done such an amazing job raising him and now it's time to let him explore the world in his own way, he's not leaving you and he knows that you will always be there for him" Natasha assures you of your worries as a mother, every mother's worries. "When's the parent teacher meeting?" she asked.  
"Tomorrow at 9am, I'll be a little late to work" you replied. 
"We. We will be a little late to work, I'm coming. If that's okay of course. Can't let you cry in front of his new friends" Natasha replied with a chuckle before sipping her wine. Playfully you slapped her shoulder and took another sip of your wine, "Thank you, again" you smiled.
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