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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
kentaro sakaguchi mini personality reading
positives + negatives edition
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this reading is part of a paid commision, thank you so much for trusting in me! <3 celebrity commissions ā€¢ personal commissions
+ positives
he is divinely guided. heā€™s always looking to do something new and pushes himself outside his comfort zone, he doesnā€™t want to be stagnant and bored and doing the some thing. heā€™s the type to work hard AND play hard, when he cares about something he takes it seriously but he also knows how to have fun and lets himself indulge in his interests. heā€™s there for people during bad times as well as good times, heā€™s very devoted to his loved ones and can push himself hard to be there for them even if itā€™s difficult or exhausting. but heā€™s also fun to be around, and if you know him youā€™d want to invite him to all of your parties and youā€™d want him there to help you celebrate your wins. he isnā€™t the type to gatekeep, he wants to help other people and share his knowledge. heā€™s good at getting along with people, but heā€™s also super serious and businesslike, he gets stuff done efficiently (almost like he can be good cop and bad cop vibe). heā€™s good at building the right connections. heā€™s quite generous and spoils people he loves with his money. heā€™s also pretty sexual, in a positive way, in a sense that heā€™s really respectful to and appreciates his partners. heā€™s pretty confident in himself and his abilities for the most part (probably because he feels guided). he very takes good care of himself (probably always smells good for example).
- negatives
not very independent and relies on other people to help him achieve goals (he uses his connections and social skills to advance him). he wants to be the center of attention and can be too fun-loving to achieve that (like he takes jokes way too far, can get too rowdy or perhaps is even into practical jokes). has trouble with being an extreme person in general, he works hard and plays hard, but does both to the extreme and can oscillate (he doesnā€™t know what a happy medium really is). he actually goes over the top a lot in all ways - takes jokes too far, when he overworks himself, he doesnā€™t sleep, when he gets angry he gets really angry (can have anger problems in general) he can be pretty overindulgent (could get drunk a lot for example). doesnā€™t take care of himself well (health wise, but also mentally). he can easily find himself in toxic relationships and he tends to be way too intense in his romantic connections (he can also enter sexual and romantic relationships too quickly, easily pulled in by looks and flirting). heā€™s judgmental, bigoted and can have a hard time being open minded. he doesnā€™t compromise easily. heā€™s impulsive, doesnā€™t think about the consequences of his actions and also doesnā€™t learn from past mistakes. he doesnā€™t know how to take blame for his wrongdoings (thereā€™s people heā€™s hurt and he still canā€™t see how even a small part of it is his fault, can in fact even blame the other person intensely). he can lie a lot and keep harmful secrets. heā€™s quite arrogant and even tends to overestimate his importance in other peopleā€™s lives (can use his status to hold it over people too).
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
nmixx lily mini personality reading
positives + negatives edition
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this reading is part of a paid commision, thank you so much for trusting in me! <3 celebrity commissions ā€¢ personal commissions
+ positives
a very hard working person, she will do a lot to move forward (suffer in silence, compromise, take on extra tasks). good at keeping the peace (if sheā€™s about to shower and someoneā€™s like ā€œoh I was about to do thatā€ she wonā€™t mind letting them go first). sheā€™s good at being optimistic, looking towards the future and being appreciative (appreciates good times because she knows they donā€™t last, doesnā€™t fret over bad times because she knows they donā€™t last). sheā€™s a good talker and communicator, sheā€™s a good conversationalist but also a good listener, sheā€™s also not confusing with her communication (for the most part sheā€™s easy to understand and aims to be pretty straight forward). sheā€™s original (in the sense itā€™s important for her to feel like sheā€™s being herself) and itā€™s important to her to stay grounded. sheā€™s spiritual - whether sheā€™s religious or not, she has an innate moral code that she follows because she thinks life/there is something bigger than herself (so she tries to be a good person). sheā€™s super resilient and will stand up for herself (people can take her compromising nature to think sheā€™s also a pushover but she fights when she needs to). sheā€™s pretty stable and uncomplicated - she wants simple things and doesnā€™t have ā€œcomplexā€ emotions (for example: she doesnā€™t have deep trust issues that interfere with how she communicates or interacts with people, she doesnā€™t get upset over ā€œweirdā€ things, she doesnā€™t feel the need to watch out for people close to her betraying her).
- negatives
while she works hard, she has had more help to get to where she is today than she sees or acknowledges, sheā€™s on a pedestal in this sense and can be arrogant. sheā€™s very easily bored due to her lack of imagination (she isnā€™t imaginative enough to know how bring a spark to her life, other people have to do it for her), itā€™s like she only really knows what her goals are because sheā€™s been told what they should be, she struggles to come up with ideas and is overall uninspired. due to her being so positive, she doesnā€™t take bad times seriously enough (this can hold her back from truly sorting out problems or learning from her experiences). but at the same time, she can also have problem not knowing when to give up and let certain situations or projects go (she struggles with balance here, essentially she either cares not enough or too much). she relies too much on the people around her for her sense of identity (very much an extraverted person and not as self-aware or individualistic as she thinks she is). since she isnā€™t a suspicious person, people tend to get one over on her pretty easily (she doesnā€™t look for or sometimes doesnā€™t even understand red flags). she doesnā€™t get that just because certain things are okay with her (compromising, letting other people choose) doesnā€™t mean she SHOULD be okay with it, thereā€™s a lot of people around her that donā€™t respect her and only use her. she feels like a bit of an outsider due to being mixed, she doesnā€™t feel like she has an identity (especially since she relies so much on her community for her sense of identity, she feels more lonely than sheā€™s willing to acknowledge that thereā€™s not many people like her around her), she feels Australian, but she also feels Korean, but she doesnā€™t feel like sheā€™s both if that makes sense. sheā€™s too ā€œinnocentā€ and has too much faith in the world (I think sheā€™s been very fortunate in the industry not to have seen or gone through what many of the things her peers have, itā€™s like a kid with no stranger danger). she can lack empathy purely because she lacks experiences and canā€™t fully understand things (if someone with a hard 9-5 job says theyā€™re at a breaking point and canā€™t take it anymore she may try to comfort them in a way that feels sympathetic, but not totally understanding).
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
hi, so im also a beginner tarot reader, and wanted to share my experience
there's this kpop idol i really dislike, because of his past actions (he had a bullying scandal and i started disliking him from that).
i can read really well for idols like lisa and jennie, actually can read really well for women in general. especially women that feel that they've been "misunderstood"
but for that male idol, i literally would not get any cards or would just get the cards being really messy and falling out. no matter how many times and methods i shuffled, literally no answer from him lol... not even a general energy check, he refused vehemently.
i also realised that my intentions on doing readings on him were not pure and were aggressive.
so yeah, there was a huge disconnect there.
when tarot readers say "_ consented", they mean it. but also in general, everyone should make sure the reader they are looking at the posts of is a good person, etc.
also my tumblr went down when i tried to send this to you LOL
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I really liked how you explained everything!!
When youā€™re connecting with someoneā€™s energy, theyā€™re connecting with yours and both need to be in agreement to do the reading together.
Sort of a tangent, but itā€™s honestly highly suspicious if people say otherwiseā€¦ thatā€™s why when people ask me how to spot bad readers the main thing Iā€™ll always say is if the reader is technically not saying anything, or if theyā€™re trying to hit a word count (or even worse, readers who genuinely do their readings based on a word count - if answers come through they come through, if they donā€™t, they donā€™t, where is the idea of a word count coming from? šŸ˜­). I came across an ideal type reading recently that I just had to share with Melody because it was sooo bad. All they essentially had to say was: they want someone kind, understands them, is good to them. Like huh,..? Thatā€™s everyone? It felt like they were basically just announcing the person they were doing the reading for didnā€™t want to connect with them at all, so they were forceful instead and got bullshit answers in return.
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
my initial reply deleted,, please bear with me.
hello, im the anon who intially sent that message about doing readings on the deseased. I read it. took a step back. And wanted to come back with more understanding. I first want to apologize for audacity of my ask. That was really silly and rude of me. I have/had no right to try and police you. Or even try to force my emotions on you. I unfortunately based my opinions on what others were saying when wanting to do reading on the deceased. That it was wrong and something they strongly wont do. I assumed it was invasive and wrong. And I do apologize for that, basing everybody else to you or anyone who does these type of readings. I forget you also ask permission from them before doing it. Which is no way my position to have a opinion/negative response. Because this is your practice and blog. I had no right and I am not knowledgeable enough to even have a opinion. You have every right to react that way.
I do truly appreciate what you do here and what you produce. I am a long time subscriber- who thinks I know more than I actually do. I apologize for my strong reaction and will definitely think before I react. And I will definitely keep educating myself on this, because I have alot to learn~
Thank you for sending me this, I really appreciate that you took the time to reflect and understand. ā¤ļø
If youā€™re planning on studying tarot, I think what I said will only become even clearer to you. People donā€™t seem to understand that when youā€™re using tarot to directly communicate with someone, thatā€™s exactly what youā€™re doing. Their energy is directly felt. Actually experiencing it can make a lot of peopleā€™s doubts or worries around the practice disappear and most will find it was only fear (personal feelings) stopping them in the first place!
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
did the haruma miura reading take more energy than most? as a consumer it felt pretty exhausting just reading what you wrote but that could just be me
I can see why you would think that but no, not at all. He was too clear and talkative that the reading was only energy (time) consuming in the sense that he was one of those people that had a lot to say. Also, something youā€™ll learn when you get into tarot is people with good social skills or people who are extra charming will usually also be that way when you read for them so he fell into that category, which I think only made the reading easier. He was sooooo direct and clear in all of his answers and in everything he had to say, the reading felt super immersive. One thing however, was that it was very clear he had a strong desire to explain that he (or some of his energy) was still here for his loved ones and obviously I canā€™t reach them or let them know (and if I could, it could be hard to make them believe), but I really wish I could do that somehow because the part he was most ā€œexcitedā€ about in the reading was definitely reiterating that fact.
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
twice nayeon mini personality reading
securities vs insecurities edition
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what is nayeon most secure in?
that sheā€™s hardworking, ambitious and determined (knows she has good stamina, has great follow through and can steadily maintain a hectic schedule). that sheā€™s stable and steady overall. that she knows all the luxuries and rewards she earned are truly deserved, that sheā€™s an accomplished person overall (very proud of her level of fame both in general and within twice). that she can handle hate pretty decently and not let things bother her (she can read a bunch of comments and decide whatā€™s real criticism and whatā€™s just hate). her body shape and weight. her appearance overall, especially her ability to maintain her youth (she thinks she looks young for her age). that she takes care of herself well (she thinks sheā€™s good at maintaining herself, taking pride in her appearance, hygiene, styling herself, looking luxurious etc). that sheā€™s really feminine and womanly. that sheā€™s a good catch (both romantically and platonically - she thinks she has high value and a lot to offer). adding on to that, sheā€™s confident in her ability to get/be with a partner she deserves (she believes she should have high standards and that she can meet people who do fit her requirements). her social skills and her ability to get along with people (she thinks people like hanging out with her and sheā€™s can easily maintain friendships). that she can stick to her own opinion and isnā€™t easily swayed. that sheā€™s generous with what she has and a good gift giver (she thinks sheā€™s really good at getting people things theyā€™d actually appreciate).
what is nayeon most insecure about?
she feels embarrassed about a lot thatā€™s happened in her romantic life (she thinks sheā€™s made a lot of mistakes, ignored or not understood red flags, and has been bad at reading people/situations). that she can be bad at reading people in general (sheā€™ll think sheā€™s figured someone out but they shock her, leaving her feeling embarrassed). her sexual ā€œskillsā€ (she doesnā€™t know if sheā€™s good at sex or not and doesnā€™t like having to ā€œpredictā€ how the other person expects her to be). she can be insecure about her sex appeal in general, in particular, she can have moments where sheā€™s really insecure about her boobs and butt (she may wear push up bras or padding in both areas often when itā€™s particularly getting to her). that she doesnā€™t know how to ask for love, even when she thinks she deserves it (for example: she can have a habit of undermining or insulting herself in order to receive a compliment or acting victimized in order to receive comfort because she canā€™t communicate needing love forwardly). that sheā€™s easily upset and moody (can cry over spilled milk and wishes she was more ā€œchillā€). that sheā€™s not trusting and canā€™t be vulnerable easily (she feels she always needs to put herself in the position of having the upper hand ā€œjust in caseā€ and holds back - also relates to how she canā€™t ask for love). that sheā€™s easily embarrassed in general (for example: if her boyfriend cheated on her she would have trouble talking about it, she could think it makes her look like a bad girlfriend so itā€™s embarrassing or she thinks she should at least come across as not very upset even if she is, so she hides her true feelings and tells only half-true stories). that sheā€™s not as close to people as she thinks others are (she knows she has friends she has fun with, but she thinks her lack of being vulnerable makes these friendships not as deep or valuable as the friendships she sees others experience). that she worries a lot about ā€œlosing everythingā€ (basically, worried that one day she could lose all her fame and everyone would hate her, like thoughts about a random scandal or something ruining everything for her is something she thinks about a lot, but she doesnā€™t feel she can really talk about it). how obsessive she can get (especially in romance), and she would never tell people just how much she thinks about certain things.
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
Hey! I saw the readings on IM that you posted and in the boyfriend one it said that it seems like even if heā€™s in a relationship he still thinks about another girl from the past i wanted to ask you did you mean that heā€™s in that situation right now where heā€™s in a relationship and missing an ex or was it a generalisation like an example of how he would find it hard to move on from someone he loves if you wouldnā€™t mind clearing that up for me
In general. Thereā€™s a specific girl from his past that he canā€™t move past and he canā€™t help but think of even in his new relationships. I donā€™t know if heā€™s dating currently though.
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
like maybe you can separate it into like ā€œhow female/male actors view _____ā€ and it can be an overall energy of whoā€™s around them/theyā€™ve worked with if that makes sense
yeah I think I can work something out, weā€™ll see. stay tuned for that.
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
Hi! This isnā€™t an ask but I just wanted to say how I absolutely love your readings!! They are very blunt and straightforward which is something I appreciate a lot even if what ur saying may be distasteful I love how honest you are! It paints a picture on how ur not here to sugarcoat because in real life no one is that perfect and serves at how idols are human beings too and have certain traits just like us. Prettyrealm šŸ”›šŸ”
Thank you so so much šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©· I really appreciate this!! šŸ˜­
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
Yup even in one of interviews she said "if fbi/police found my diary i'd be damned all my boyfriends will end up in jail" not to mention she once dated a men that is still in jail too
Oh wow I actually did know she was kind of crazy but wowā€¦
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
u don't have to apologize,move at your own pace šŸ«¶
thank you šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
Hello, did an idol ever come out as asexual in one of your reading? If yes, could you tell us which group please? šŸ™
No not yet, quite the opposite actually. Since so many of them are so career focused, itā€™s not uncommon itā€™ll come up that they donā€™t value romance and only value sex.
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
ugh please sloan bella does readings on the idaho 4 with 100k+ views and everybody praises her but a tarot reading on someone who also consented ... is no ?!
This is something I think about too. To an EXTENT I understand people being confused or put off, but I also have to stand up for myself at some point. I think itā€™s obvious I take what I do seriously.
And I donā€™t get how people think something as deep, ancient and powerful as tarot could and should only be used for fanfic coded light readings.
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
i have to say, this is coming from a loved follower/avid fan. I really was so happy to see your return after months. But-Doing a reading on people who have passed is a bit-. Doesn't this go against everything. Like isn't it morally wrong. Especially if they passed from suicide? Its a bit invasive. And i cant help but feel disappointed in the post.
How does it ā€œgo against everythingā€? Every so often, Iā€™ll get an ask after someoneā€™s read a reading they dislike saying something like this and honestly itā€™s really odd to me. If tarot is too invasive for you, then itā€™s too invasive for you, but please donā€™t send me an ask based on your personal feelings towards the practice and try and preach to me that these personal feelings are objective fact. You donā€™t get to draw some imaginary line of what you personally feel is too much or is or isnā€™t okay and act like these are concrete and universal rules, and then TELL ME how I should be following them.
Iā€™m also surprised that you call yourself an avid fan because I talk about tarot, the practice itself on here, but to reiterate what I already have: Tarot uses consent anyway. Of course being open and accepting with your energy means someoneā€™s energy is more likely to be open to you, but if he didnā€™t want to talk he wouldnā€™t have talked and I would have refunded the reading.
I really hope this is clear now.
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prettyrealm Ā· 11 months ago
haruma miura mini personality reading
positives + negatives edition
TRIGGER WARNING: haruma miura passed away from suicide and a lot of his thoughts and feelings surrounding this ended up coming through.
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this reading is a paid commision, thank you so much for trusting in me! <3 celebrity commissions ā€¢ personal commissions
+ positives
he had strong mother bear energy - he had a soft spot for children, mothers and oppressed groups in society in general (this made him way more open minded about other races and ethnicities than the people around him). he cared a lot about people in general - he was really susceptible to wanting to root for the underdog. he had a lot of empathy and genuinely got along with people really well. he was a really great communicator and people would leave interactions with him feeling very charmed, part of his good social skills was that he was good at making people believe a certain narrative to make their lives better - he had the ability to make peoples problems sound not as bad as they were without completely dismissing the problem itself. he was also good at making people feel good about themselves in general. he was very clever and knew this about himself, he was innovative, had great common sense & he was also good at sticking to his own opinion - so it would have been hard for other people to change him. but at the same time, he saw himself as small in comparison to the whole world and this made him humble, he was always open to learning and didnā€™t think he had all the answers. he had a strong desire to prove himself and he wanted to keep changing and growing - he never wanted to be a person who was blind to the world and he was hardworking in general. he was also a very forgiving person, he always saw the bigger picture and it made him forgive a lot of people and let things go - he was very caring (he would think, ā€œthereā€™s bigger problems in the world than you being an assholeā€). he was the type to think things never really ended - a huge optimist at heart. he was an appreciative person in general, both of experiences and people. I think he saw suicide or dying as more as a transition, because he keeps saying heā€™s still here. he saw this transition as more bittersweet than sad and wants his loved ones to know heā€™s always with them still.
- negatives
he was easily bored, dissatisfied and unfulfilled - it was hard for him to find meaning in anything, so while he was a person who saw the bigger picture, he couldnā€™t find the meaning behind it all, so to speak (everything felt uninspired and stale, feeling small in comparison to the world made him humble and accepting, but also made him feel incredibly insignificant). he was super jaded and felt like he experienced ā€œenoughā€ of everything and didnā€™t see the value in seeking more (like if you told him ā€œwhy donā€™t you find a girl to fall in love with?ā€ he would say ā€œwell Iā€™ve already been in love before and then someā€), it was to the point it was hard to make him excited because he didnā€™t have an appetite for anything (sometimes he may have even had a problem behaving unpredictably or wildly to try and achieve some level of excitement, like via drinking). unambitious and uncompetitive (lack of drive, motivation and direction - hard working, but nothing to work for), he hated the whole constantly having to ā€œclimb the ladderā€ thing. he really hated fame (to the point it started to make him hate everything else in his life), he saw fame as something predominantly negative that essentially leaked poison into every other facet of his life, which he also saw as inescapable since it was permanent. he saw life in general as a chore (like laundry, never ending). in this sense he was very pessimistic about HIS place in the world, he could not handle that things ā€œnever endā€ (once you complete one thing, another happens). he was very easily overwhelmed and lost. he never knew how to fully relax, he was always on edge and felt like he didnā€™t know how to breathe (very anxious - and this made him bad at seeing all sides of a problem in order to find an actual solution that wasnā€™t ā€œthis is unimportant compared to other thingsā€). one of his biggest problems is that he genuinely saw dying as the only way to achieve peace.
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prettyrealm Ā· 1 year ago
Sorry I havenā€™t been answering many asks lately, Iā€™ve been really busy with commissions, but I see you guys and Iā€™ll get back to you as soon as Iā€™m free! šŸ’ž
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prettyrealm Ā· 1 year ago
taylor swift & travis kelce dynamic reading
this reading is a paid commision, thank you so much for trusting in me! <3 celebrity commissions ā€¢ personal commissions
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honestly, this dynamic is giving PR-adjacent, it doesnā€™t feel like itā€™s technically solely PR but that at the same time, the media and their reputations are basically the sole reason for being together (and they likely do a lot of things for the media too, maybe even calling the paparazzi on themselves and stuff similar to that). both of them (taylor especially) entered this relationship with the media and optics in mind. taylor felt she needed an image boost (almost in a desperate way, she really wanted people to see the good in her and liked this opportunity). taylor and travis are not happy together at all. they take this ā€œrelationshipā€ day by day and it feels painful, not painful as in gaslighting or infidelity, but painful as in the feeling you get when you wake up in the morning and you know you have to clock into your terrible job in less than an hour and you donā€™t know how many more weeks you can realistically handle it. theyā€™re both just waiting for this to be over but for some reason donā€™t think they can leave yet. they feel drained and both feel they could be doing better things with their time. at first, they thought this would be easy but now theyā€™re just terribly bored. they have nothing to talk about or (anything fun) to do together, they have zero of the same interests and find it hard to even hold basic conversations with the other person. not only do they not have anything to talk about, they can actually leave the conversations they do have feeling pretty bad at times, travis has a way of accidentally triggering taylor (and he may even tease her at times which she doesnā€™t appreciate, though she also seems to not say anything about it either). she has a long term plan with this relationship though, so sheā€™s okay with dealing with temporary discomfort if itā€™ll make her future brighter. while they both entered this relationship with image in mind, taylor was more calculated about it and travis saw more actual potential in it (and still sometimes thinks so), when it ends itā€™s likely that taylor wonā€™t be hurt at all, but travis may feel a bit slighted. zero romantic feelings here. they are definitely not each others soulmate, thatā€™s for sure.
how travis kelce sees taylor swift:
travis sees taylor as the greatest pop star in the world right now, and he has a hard time seeing past her image (blonde all american girl, songwriter that writes about her exes) and viewing her as an actual person. i think he only ever really sees two sides of her, pop-star taylor and business woman taylor. so when he isnā€™t stuck on her image, he just sees a strong, powerful (but bossy) woman (whoā€™s friendly enough and good at networking). he thinks sheā€™s a true business woman and really gets to see the extent of how business-oriented and career driven she is behind the scenes (he can tell she has a lot of knowledge here and knows what sheā€™s doing). travis definitely wants the relationship to keep going more than she does because he knows sheā€™s the most famous and powerful person out right now (he sees how much money her name moves), he likes being tied to someone so famous.
how taylor swift sees travis kelce:
taylor sees as on the same page as her when it comes to their overall goals (for ex. itā€™s not like she calls the paparazzi on them unbeknownst to him, he knows exactly whatā€™s going on). overall however, she thinks heā€™s super stupid. sheā€™s had problems explaining things to him because he just doesnā€™t understand it and she doesnā€™t get why. she thinks heā€™s super immature and literally acts like a teenage boy, which is super unattractive to her - this is not her type of guy at all. she thinks heā€™s weird and the things he thinks are funny are bizarre and strange to her (itā€™s like someone belly laughing at a comedy movie you think is extremely corny and bad). sheā€™s shocked that someone can even be this way, he leaves her baffled often. she also worries about him saying the wrong thing to other people in case it reflects badly on her (since she thinks he isnā€™t a smart or tactful speaker). sheā€™s often shocked at how relationship-y and coupley he tries to act with her at times and she thinks it really crosses the line (for ex. if they do call the paparazzi on themselves he might really play up the affection or something and sheā€™s like, ā€œok you know you donā€™t need to be doing that muchā€). but this can also even happen behind the scenes, which confuses taylor even more, for ex. say theyā€™re at an event and sheā€™s talking to another guy, later heā€™ll be like, ā€œso who was that guy?ā€ and sheā€™s like ā€œ??? why are you even asking me that when you know what this is? are you really trying to act jealous right now?ā€. he frustrates her often.
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