#i do kind of stand by this era
outer-edges · 1 year
charged up my old phone and forced myself to relive the most vicious era of my life 😁👍
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greencarnation · 10 months
eleven is fascinating to me because he came right off the back of tens horrible traumatic breakdown after he lost everything and he immediately tried to establish himself as the opposite of that. he is funny and goofy and almost childlike, and he bulldozes on in his adventures with amy like nothing happened at all. but then something happens and his masks slips and it's like oh! the core of this man is still anger. he is so so angry all of the time and this façade is the only thing stopping him from being consumed by it. he isn't over any of it and he hasn't moved on. he is wearing a fez and laughing but under that all that exists is age old anger and grief and it is going to consume him
#i do think that this pit of anger was eventually covered and soothed by the ponds#but he didn't adress it and he couldn't even look at it until he was twelve#when he stopped pushing back and repressing everything and finally allowed himself to exist as he was#but ok listen#its all layed out in the first 3 episodes of season 5 and in the way amy sees him#episode 1. here is the new doctor he is energetic and reeling and fun#episode 2. the space whale comparison. here is the new doctor. he is unthinkably ancient and almost godlike but he is so so kind#and patient and good. he is ancient and lonely but he can't stand to see children cry. so the doctor helps people#episode 3. daleks. the doctor is a soldier. these are his age old enemies. he wants them dead and he will stop at nothing#all logic and reason vanish. he is hitting the dalek with a pipe and yelling his head off while amy watches in horror#like obviously we know why but amy didnt#this is not a sane or rational man he is unstable and angry#and in that episode he was stripped back to what he largely is: hate#you would make a good dalek ect ect ect#anyway 3 episodes with 3 very distinct and equally definitely traits layed out like: here you go#i don't like elevens era much but those first 3 episodes were great#doctor who#eleven#amy#eleventh doctor#matt smith#dr who#dw#i mean idk this is what river literally had to spell out for him#eleven was careening completely out of control#how long til doctor means warrior indeed?#mine
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see-arcane · 10 months
Mina's incredible (and underrated) detective prowess would be very useful I bet. Put her on the helm Integra, Van Helsing praised her brains as being above everyone's including himself for a reason.
I honestly can't guess what the chemistry between Integra and Mina would be. Integra doesn't really click with me as a classically heroic character, for all that she does focus on saving humanity from the undead via Alucard and her forces, being the Boss Lady etc etc. She's miles away from being as insidious as an Amanda Waller, but...
The hotel. The fucking hotel will never leave me.
Yes, the order went directly against 'soldiers of the enemy,' but those soldiers had been lied to about who and what they were charging into. Which was obvious even without being a fly on the wall to know their higher-ups had fed them some BS to march them into death and win their own power grab from Millennium. She didn't tell Alucard to 'make it quick' or even just to 'neutralize.' She told him to search and destroy. Folding to Alucard's egging and negging to seem like a Worthy War Commander in the grand scheme~ of the plot
She's not heartless, exactly, but she is arctic and surprisingly quick to breeze past the loss of lives that aren't under her direct care/command. While she might respect Mina's abilities and investigative skills--I wouldn't be surprised if Mina could intuit Millennium's endgame well before the climax could happen--Integra inherited none of her ancestor's warm regard, supposing Abraham van Hel(l)sing had any of the original's tenderness in him (50/50 considering this takes place in aggro horror territory). We can't even say if this universe's Mina played any big role in cornering Dracula; she might just have been a targeted damsel.
All that said, I think Integra would see Mina as another time-displaced bleeding heart with a few useful skills, same as Jonathan. Someone to be an ally at best, a liability at worst. So I don't see her handing over any reins or offering to be co-girlbosses any time soon :c
#Integra is a good character#but not my favorite#Hirano let her look cool a lot and stand imposingly and smoke cigars#she got to shoot a few bad guys including the Major himself!#but the lion's share of development and interesting actions were all Alucard's and occasionally Seras'#I think the story kind of fumbled a lot of her potential to be more than Boss Lady who has cooler/more powerful people do stuff AROUND her#rather than let her really do anything herself without somebody else being the driving muscle/energy#Mina by contrast is ACTIVE#even working within the constraints of being a young woman in the Victorian era#she is hauling ass and making connections and paving the road to victory against Dracula himself#all while having a massively open heart that takes in so many people#like the rest of the original Drac Attack Pack it isn't just the loss of Lucy that drives them#she and Jonathan and Van Helsing and the Suitors all lock down on Thwarting Dracula#because if they just sit back and do nothing then He Wins and Humanity Loses--they became the OG Vampire Hunter Gang out of necessity#and goodwill#whereas Integra kind of just inherits Hellsing and its mission with the same vibe as someone inheriting Dad's job#maybe if we'd gotten scenes where it shows how she's handling the toll of running things; the sacrifices made in blood and its effects#I'd see more chemistry in potentia between her and someone as dynamic as Mina#but as it stands#I think Mina would just be another new accessory#anyway#integra hellsing#mina harker#dracula#hellsing
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phantomsaboteur · 1 month
staring so intensely at diasomnia tonight. trying to figure out how to write them when we're following rollo's perspective and not my own. fuck
#vincent talks#i genuinely have been enjoying learning how to see through rollo's eyes for this but oh my god we are so fundamentally different#i'm currently at the stage where i need to introduce the reader to our primary location#and. if it was me. i would be paying attention to EVERYTHING#i would be thinking about the colors and the era things are from and the potential significance#but rollo isn't like that. he would not stand there and stare at a bunch of knick-knacks or lovingly count the panels of wallpaper#that's not his vibe. he doesn't care about those things#but he does care about SOME things#i am restraining myself so heavily#to put this in perspective:#rook has never once lost me on a concept. i am always right there with him.#his analysis to track down trey during bean fest? exactly how i would find a friend if we got seperated#overthinking and critical analysis but in the romantic arts way (to put it kindly) is where i tend to end up when left to my own devices#rollo is just. not that kind of guy#at all. oh my god not even a little bit#UNTIL IT MATTERS TO HIM#and so very few things matter to him. god he needs more hobbies#but then we contrast that with diasomnia as a whole which tends to sway more romantic#malleus in particular is a hard opposite if only because we do regularly get to see his interests#the way he accidentally gives out advice is a prime example#lilia is analytical and can be very brutal but is actively striving to see things differently#sebek sees things in extremes with the most obvious being how he expresses loyalty and admiration#but we get to see basically none of that for rollo#his vignette does help more given how he speaks to the bell of solace#but this is still a very slim amount to work off of#so i have to fill in the gaps without straying too far from the characterization i've already decided on#the least obvious opposite for rollo in this internal way is lilia but i think i want him to be the difference we linger on#rollo has been stuck in this very dull interpretation of the world around him for a very long time with little effort to change that#so having lilia in his immediate vicinity who is doing exactly that and succeeding should bring necessary contrast in a way the others can't#...i mean. hopefully. i could fumble this whole thing so easily
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smile-files · 1 year
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i had the sudden urge to draw one of my oldest ocs!! i created sugar in 2017 and she debuted in a scratch animation meme i made (just like every other oc of mine from that time haha)
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daxite · 3 months
i hate it when there's a popular blogger on here who everyone wanks off, but they always add the most fucking useless and annoying comments on shit and most of the time you can't delete them because they'd delete all the other reblog comments as well, which were either actually useful or funny
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raven · 4 months
ive said it before and ill say it againnnn i love aai2 so dont take this as me being a hater i really like what they did with an overarching narrative and i thought it was an awesome twist and stuff. None of the individual cases are good though. they are incredibly difficult to replay. the pacing is absolute dogshit. kay is barely there. sebastian is barely there. justine courtney is nearly intolerable to listen to. ray is cool except when hes being a sex pest. (All The Time.) inherited turnabout honestly relies too much on the series mythology and that's why it's loved so much, but it's too drawn out to truly be a good case.
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pyrriax · 7 months
HI TUMBLR late footnote posting before i go to bed (i took a nap today........ ate up most of my time)
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not a lot to talk about with footnotes today since i was Busy and my brain wasnt working pfndkmlfd i blame seven hours of modded oneblock
#haunted ecosystem#haunted bookshelf#i might make a tag for these footnote posts? i think its a fun way to document what ive written about without sharing All of it#also yes thats a random crack au that i've have in the back of my head for a bit what about it#i dont think its canon in the slightest its just a funny little thing in my head for writing random bs#honestly i might start trying to work on more wtds stuff. this is kind of a perfect excuse#also! i think how i might work this is that if i work on a larger project during the day then i'll just do the daily prompt#since its a good exercise and an excuse to keep some kind of writing streak going#i actually asked one of my partners for a prompt since i was struggling to find an interesting one#ended up with 'last man standing' for spoke... very fitting tbh#i might write a more canon take for that. the concept i wrote down was much more set in an au than anything since i was also thinking#about asomatous zam at the same time so i kind of just incorparated both of them into it with it being paracosm-era#OH did i ever mention that i have a general title plan for the other parts of that kind of. world#its very set in stone that if i do write more it'll be two more parts#metamorphosis (5 part) and paracosm (1 part with multiple scenes. functionally 3 part maybe?)#asomatous goes in the middle of that. i need to kind of plan all of them out better and see how it wants to flow#metamorphosis was started as a concept because i had a few bad things happen bingo prompts i wanted to be used for asomatous#but didnt end up using. so metamorphosis is my excuse for that. paracosm is just a Concept thats been really plaguing me basically since i#originally wrote asomatous... i should probably come up with a temporary series title. i think something about shattering skies?#its a reoccurring theme and symbol throughout all of them....... i just think its neat#ANYWAYS goodnight to you especially if you actually read through all my tags :)
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c0rpsedemon · 9 months
ok fr last one but there's actually a bootleg of my school's anastasia and i'm linking it bc you all NEED to understand that my infatuation with this one girl's voice which started when i was in the 6th grade and still hasn't really worn off isn't based on nothing
#brielle's the one in the n95 mask (the video is too grainy to actually make out any of the ensemble's faces but she stands out)#and i'm the in my 'teenage tboy's diy first short haircut' era in every scene she's in#apart from everything abt the girl who plays anya. the tea on everyone else is that our director liked the boy who played gleb's voice so#much that she actually lowered some if not all of his parts to be in his range. the guy who played vlad was a total diva and uhm. the phras#'peaked in high school' has been tossed around at him a lot. and the fact that he came back to sub the year after he graduated isn't helpin#his case. also he pressured the girl who played anya's grandmother into wearing old age makeup + spray her hair grey bc he decided he was#going to wear it and since she's supposed to be older than him she had to too and used to waltz into the girls' changing room whenever he#wanted. everyone was like super shocked during auditions though bc we all thought he was a shoe-in for dimitry esp since seniors get#priority casting bc it's their last chance. but at callbacks (we had singing auditions via video and dance auditions in person and callback#were tacked on to the dance auditions) he kinda flubbed his song and then this freshman. who was with us via google meet bc he literally ha#covid at the time absolutely blew him out of the water and i remember walking away w brielle like 'holy shit [first name] [last name] just#lost a part to a freshman' (he's the kind of person you just have to full name otherwise it sounds wrong). that said i do think he made a#much better vlad then he would've made a dimitry and while he is. a lot. he's always been nice to me and i did briefly idolize him and his#stage presence way i did anya's singing voice but that faded when i got into hs and started actually observing his prima donna ways#(the one production we were in together before in middle school we didn't have any scenes together). the girl who played the grandma#actually shouted me out in cast circle and that's the only time that's ever happened to me. also i'm p sure her dad is/was dating someone m#dad and by extension myself work with so that's. Oh My God. like she (the one who works for my dad) brought him w her to a comedy show as i#think her bf but i'm not 100% sure and when he found out what school i went to he mentioned his daughter went there and despite the fact#that i basically have a script for when people ask me that question bc i do NOT pay attention to most of my fellow students and don't know#anyone i was like 'holy shit' bc i actually did. hm what else. the guy who played the tsar and i used to shittalk bad period dramas#backstage during the first part of act 2. also during the press conference scene i need you to picture all the bolshevik soldiers and#romanov royals doing the macarena behind the curtain bc that was absolutely what we were doing back there. speaking of the press conference#the really high singing w/o a clear source was actually anya standing behind the curtain on the other side of the stage bc she's the only#one who physically could sing the part. also in regards to the bolshevik soldiers. we were originally supposed to have wooden rifles but fo#some reason our director took them out so we had to just walk menacingly towards the romanovs. you can't rlly see me that well in that scen#but that jacket would NOT stay closed and for 2/3 performances i had to awkwardly hold it closed the entire time. luckily the one that was#filmed was the one where i was smart enough to bring safety pins and also saved like all of the ballerinas bc their costumes all started#falling apart at once backstage.#romeo.txt#theatreposting
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
#3 am and talking with a friend about the last con I attended and thinking about all the girls cosplaying Chuuya and Dazai I saw...#How as re they doing. Do they know I would die for them#random rambles#Looking at that photo were I'm in the middle of them all awkward and happy and like.#I caught them with beer cups in their hands AND YET THEY WERE SO FABULOUS ABOUT IT. THERE'S THIS DARK ERA DAZAI STANDING SO MAJESTICALLY#WITH A FREAKING PLASTIC CUP IN ONE HAND AND A BRIGHT YELLOW PLASTIC BAG IN THE OTHER AND THEY'RE SO IMPOSSIBLY COOL ABOUT IT.#And Chuuya has this little crouched down pose that is so in character akdvdbakdvjebsks I don't know what those two people are doing now–#but I hope they're sleeping well and no worries will ever hit them#That other skk couple I caught with cotton candy in their hands!!!! I now feel so stupid for offering to old it for them off camera while–#my sister took the photo because it was literally the most adorable skk date scene ever.#But it's okay cause I'll keep it ingrained in my memory forever <3#Anyways if you're a cosplayer of any kind I love you#also shout-out to skk cosplayers for making me ship skk on instant without hesitation or second thoughts#Literally my only regret from that comicon is catching a glimpse of Servant Of Evil Rin#(like. Victorian costume and everything)#from the bus and not urging the driver to stop the bust and go to them#Ghost Evil Kingdom Rin a saw for half second from my bus sit you'll always be in my heart#*Daughter of Evil I don't know why I said servant (actually I know why it's because it's 3am... )#** Also the style of the dress is clearly Baroque-inspired not Victorian that's a whole different thing. Girl go to sleep
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hey let's all just take a moment to remember that sometimes the characters we hate (even with very good reason) mean something important to some other people out there, ok?
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there's this one card game they have at work called "dog pound" where you basically each take turns putting down a card n if the picture of the dog matches the picture of the person then you slap the pile n whoever slaps first gets the whole stack n whoever gets the whole deck wins n anyway it's really similar to this card game i played a lot in early high school that my friends n i called "egyptian war" that i was just insanely good at bc i'd catch lizards w/my bare hands in elementary school (and you know how quick and crafty those desert lizards are) and anyway so the kids know that i'm pretty good at this game and i think it's kind of funny they still invite me to play on purpose
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puthyflapps · 2 years
Marja is trending on twitter and it amazes me that it took y’all 3 seasons to realize she’s a flop who doesn’t know what she’s doing with this show or these characters
I, however, have been a day one Marja-Loser Ryan hater
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m0e-ru · 2 years
(reading my own ao3) wow this bitch is so correct and on point i wish there was more . cmon guys look at this shit https://archiveofourown.org/series/2536405
#kommento#// blatantly promoing my writing . i miss my 2021 early 2022 era i wrote so good#// not to shit on myself but i kind of lost my charm on that latest one from december#// but like woww ughhhh i wish there was more <- the writer#// FIVE MINUTES LATE I LOVE YOUU yorue the fucking epitome of the ever i loveyou kissing you#// AND ANTIHISTAMES !! AND EXTRA TIP and youre lost i love all of you i lveo you all mwa mwma mwamwamwa#// kind of fell off and lost the writing style i liked on dont let it rain BUT STILL i wrote something so IM STILL WINNING !!#// when i finish my kitchen fic it's over for all of you (shes almost at 2k and shes still going)#// when i finally finish something so au specific so self indulgent IT'S ALL OVER !!!!!#// i forgot my love for serialization and seeing things come together and whole i just wonder if i'll still have the ambition after that lon#// (in the corner) wow i wish theres more content of adachi and th attendnatn being friends#// besides the /wildly gestures at whatever the hell goes on in the iznmi tags/ whatever the FUCK this is#// i have ao3 svior btw theres so much shit censored when i open up the tag after 27 years and i do Not want to know what's in there#// sometimes i wish i could start all over and feel That Rush again where everythings so good and fun and whimsy#// learning new things one after the other like it's SO EXCITING !!!! just without the horrors this time#// and that i have YOU GUYS !!! (youre standing across me from the convenience store counter while i flop at using the barcode scanner)#// i wouldnt even KNOW adachis place in fandom i'll just be like LOOK AT HINM !!! hes so fucking terrible these two should be besties#// OKAY enogh remensicneing i need to GO !! BACK TO ACTUAL WORK !!! i love you all i hope youre all healthy
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snapjock · 2 years
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#he is a Revolutionary war ghost who is simply alive in this life time but directly served under the general in war era#and got killed by a friend in the line of duty#i just think hes interesting i love him hes so fun to play with and write for#and hes amoral but has a very strong opinion abt morals thats so hypocritical for him to preach when hes a#thief. a beggar and a liar and a cheat and did everything in his power to steal station and rank and land to get ahead#and didnt actually care about the war itself but about the general and saving his people on his islands outside of america#and never got to save them but is content in knowing he did his best in that alone#and he did his job well in defending and standing up and EMBODYING to the public a strong willed and good hearted man#he definitely is but he will do anything to gain what he feels he needs in life at the end of the day fr himself and family#like for example hed do everything he could during war times to eat bc he was so hungry and would steal from other camps and civilians just#to satisfy his need with no regard for those people's lives or hunger#In his mind he did it to survive but as time went on and they got more supplied and he didnt need to steal or hoard he just never stopped#he needs to be managed and contained like a controlled burn#all wild passion and hunger and drive with nowhere to put it except explosive fits of passion that seem nearly unnatural in nature#hes so outgoing and kind but a hugely morally conflicted character with his own desires and goals#never knowing when hed next overstep some mortal boundry he never connected with even while human and in touch with his better virtues#plus: trans + intersex rep! hes intersex and identifies as boyflux. had top surgery etc#and he's bisexual#but has a very intense obessive love for his General that nobody has ever stepped between so far despite it being mostly (..mostly)#unrequited thus far#luciel tag#oc tag#edith project#art#furry#persona#707.txt
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llycaons · 3 months
ancillary mercy's finale is weirdly funny? like there's a lot of humorous little scenes and charming one-liners. not really what I'd expexted from the series. honestly the translator's presence is really fucking with the gravity of the situation in a bad way. it's this massive finale to the entire story and she's there asking some nonsensical questions and near-comically misreading social cues? I feel like the story's gotten so trite in comparison to what it was before. everyone's just showing up wherever I guess, with no consequences? one of the main characters tried to murder the tyrant and she got sent to like...do maintenance work. even before negotiations began. maybe I missed something but why wasn't she immediately just shot dead? the world may be falling apart but that's supposed to be in-universe, not out of universe
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