#i didnt swallow my spit if i could because it hurt so much
antler-boy · 7 months
so my mom just said "with everything you've told me, i think you have gastritis" and i immediately went into alarm mode and she said "no need to look like a deer that's been shot" but MA'AM i associate that with some of the WORST PAIN i have ever experienced in my LIFE
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paiges-1vur · 1 month
Can I request Paige getting drugged (like at a bar) and Azzi notices and takes care of her. Only if you are comfortable writing that ofc. I just love the angst and Azzi taking care of Paige. If this prompt is too much maybe Paige getting into a fight defending someone and Azzi taking care of her black eye or something. Thank you so much!
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black and blue… as always enjoy loves <3 *please read disclaimer at the end*
she spits on the ground. thankfully no teeth come out when she does, but theres definitely blood. azzi had been inside starbucks getting her morning coffee, per usual, when paige got into trouble. apparently while azzi was inside, someone saw and recognized paige and started to verbally assault her. although she was used to getting snide comments, this was different. the man, who appeared to be in his mid thirties came up to paige and pushed her, when she wouldn’t react to his homophobic remarks. clearly he was just trying to get a rise out of her… and in the end he did. it costed paige a punch to the jaw, and another to the face but she inevitably won the fight after she punched him in the stomach and then tripped him on his ass.
she groaned, holding her jaw where the took the blow as the man crawled to his feet and ran away, ashamed. azzi came running out of the starbucks to see paige outside of the car, leaning her forehead against the door of the drivers seat. “paige! what the fuck, what happened!” paige didnt answer but instead continued to hold her probably broken jaw and walk back and forth, her head thrown back in pain.
“paige. explain what the fuck just happened! your making me worried! what happened to your jaw?” she asked and demanded in confusion, trying not to get upset with paiges lack of communication. paige leans over on her knees. she spits on the ground. thankfully no teeth come out when she does, but theres definitely blood. she finally looks the girl in the eyes. “oh my- paige! your face is getting swollen, did you get into a fight? who hurt you?” paige looked at the girl. taking a deep breath she responds nonchalantly, “a stupid fucking guy was being homophobic and fucking tried to fight me because i was ignoring him.” she curses. “paige.. i dont even know what to say… please, just get in the car. we are going straight home and im going to take a look at you..” the brunette says trying her best to keep her cool. azzi was a pretty easygoing person and it took a lot for her to get visibly upset. of course she was concerned for paige, but she also couldn’t be mad at her. truthfully it wasn’t her fault. she swallows guiding the blonde to the passengers seat of the car to take her back to her apartment.
paige sits on top of the kitchen counter, waiting for azzi to come look at her. the brunette grabs an ice pack from the freezer and steps between the blondes legs, holding it up to her eye. “just.. hold this here baby. and, im not mad im just worried. i wish i could have been there to do something…” she says feeling guilty that this happened. paige smiles at azzi. “baby, its okay i handled it.” she pauses looking azzi in the eyes. “im just glad it was me and not you.” she says planting a kiss on the younger girls forehead. azzi smiles at paige, grabbing a wet washcloth to help fix her up. “you have… blood all over your face baby.” she says giggling slightly at how cute paige was, even when bloody and bruised. she wiped the blood off from around her lips and mouth before realizing her nose was also bleeding. she took care of paiges nose bleed, which was thankfully mild. after shes finally done cleaning her up she sighs, looking up at the girl. “i love you so much baby. thank you for fighting for us. literally.” paige smirked down at her. “of course love, and i bet i look pretty badass all beat up like this huh? like ralph macchio in karate kid. black eyes can be sexy” she says. the younger girl looks up at the older, “yea, you do look pretty sexy, and your always badass paige.” she pats her leg, “now i think your fine, thank god your jaw is still functioning, but i think we should call geno…” paige lets out a chuckle. “uh oh.. time for the big guns.. i wonder what lecture im going to get now..” she says rolling her eyes as azzi calls geno to alert him about paiges injuries.
hi guys! first off i hope you enjoyed this little bit, but i wanted to talk about something serious for a moment.
of course my page is a safe place for everyone but i just wanted to address a little bit of what this req was speaking about! i have no problem with writing about mature and serious topics. if anything i feel like fics that do include more mature situations would be the best for me, and my real life experiences. i have personally had a friend get laced, and seeing her severity and watch her almost pass away, was a very scary and serious situation. this specific req didnt make me uncomfortable to write because of that situation, but of course im here to write for you guys, so please let me know what you want to see from me. if you guys are okay with me writing about these topics, then im totally okay with it! everything is for your guys enjoyment and pleasure. so please let me know how you all feel, before i write about more mature topics.
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sootends · 3 months
you are me in different circumstances and i am you.
rememember when we were diagnosed with stage III laryngeal cancer on our 21st birthday? everyone was shocked, including us. ppl dont develope layrngeal cancer unless they are 65+ and have been smoking multiple packs a day for decades. they still dont know how we got it.
i wish you couldve seen us- it was bad- 114 pounds, our hair falling out, unable to eat or drink, barely able to sit up without needing to lay down- they hospitalized us immediately haha. idk if you remember, but we were in so much throat pain we hadnt been able to eat properly in quite sometime. The tumor on our layrnx had grown so large that swallowing ANYTHING (yes even spit and water) had become a monumentally painful task. all the doctors agreed the best course of action was to shave down the tumor (they couldnt just remove it without destroying our voicebox) and place a feeding tube thru the skin and muscle directly into the stomach.
do you recognize that description?
they placed the tube directly above our naval, and now it appears as if we have 2 bellybuttons.
3 doses of chemo (cisplatin) and 3 months of radiation. mama came back from philly to be with us. we couldnt afford to live anywhere so our friend carol (65 year old japanese woman and her son, seymon) let us live in her basement while we were being treated.
its so strange to think we were homeless while we had cancer. its strange to think that counts. i met a woman on the street who had cancer, every hospital refused to treat her because she was homeless and had no where to stay. they called her a liability.
we spent 3 months in carols basement. 3 months in our tiny pink room, beneath the earth. we felt undead- we watched as our cheeks and eyes sunk into our skull. we watched our hair thin, but not fall out. this chemo didnt make your hair fall out, and idk about you but something in me almost wished it did. even sleep was affected; we never watched to touch the tube, so we folded our hands across our chest and slept like a corpse every night. we didnt eat or drink anything with our mouth for 3 months.
the formula was made by nestle. you know, the chocolate child-slavery company. apparently nestle got its start in formulas before ever touching confectionairy. in order to eat, now i know you remember this, we had this comically huge syringe- i mean the damn thing looked straight out of a cartoon- and we would pour out the formula into a container and slurp it up into the syringe.
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our feeding tube didnt look exactly like this, but its close enough. you see the part that says Y-adapter? once the syringe was full wed pop off the plug, open the clamp, and pour formula directly into our stomach.
we couldnt taste it but the aroma would waft up from our gut into our throat sometimes. it tasted like cardboard (and was quite sticky to the touch). do you remember how it felt every time it hit our stomach? this was also the only way we could drink water, being thirsty and hungry became a whole new sensation.
we began to miss chewing so much we found this website that sold chewy stim toys for autistic kids and adults. it was a littlw blue robot, its hanging on our wall now. couldnt bare to get rid of it.
it was also the height of the covid lockdown. very lonely time to have cancer, we fought constantly. fighting fighting fighting- cancer, ourselves, our mother, our feelings, our memories, our desires, our own happiness, our humanity, we fought it all. we were mean and selfish- caught in the ol selfdestructive misery loop.
Feel Bad -> Do Something Selfish To Make Urself Feel Better -> Selfish Action Hurts The People Around U -> Feel Bad -> Repeat
hard lessons, cancer is full of them.
These were my circumstances. these were our circumstances. i never wish that we traded places, but i wish you couldve seen. i feel no qualms about subjecting others to my own ruinous state, if this had to be my reality the least you could do is look.
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jarofstyles · 3 years
ex! harry turning up at y/ns doorstep in the middle of the night telling her that he can’t stop thinking about what they had and even though shes like 🤔😐✋🏻 at first she invites him inside to talk more in depth and he goes „bloody idiot i was..was gon' marry yeh, were gon' be the mum of my babies..wanted everything w' yeh, still do.“ and it basically ends in some passionate intense love making<33
She bolted.
Harry cursed to himself for pressing down hard at her, knowing that she had been a bit skittish since their breakup. He knew that he would have to handle her with caution but in that moment, his mind slipped back into owning her. She had been his first so long, and even after so many months apart it was his instinct. He wanted her.
He was a stubborn son of a bitch, that was for sure. And while he had at first been a bit hesitant about his want to after her, he knew that it would be foolish of him to not. The connection they had was further proven in those moments he had her backed against that counter, and he knew that no one else would ever be able to make him feel the way she did.
So? Harry swallowed his pride. He decided to say fuck it, and arrived at her place, hands in his pockets as he looked down at his feet. The ride up to her flat and walk down the hallway was so familiar yet felt so raw. He hadn’t been here in so long, a hallway that used to watch their kisses and fumbling with keys and frisky hands up dressed or in pants was how solemn and a bit nerve wracking. He hadn’t ever wanted to let her go and it was his fault for sure. Not being able to delegate his work with his love was his downfall but if anything, the time apart had shown him how incredibly important it was to have someone like Y/N behind him. Her support meant everything.
She meant everything.
His knuckles tapped against the door, stomach turning with nerves. She could very well tell him to fuck off, spit at him, yell. He wasn’t necessarily sure what to expect. The only inkling he had to go off of was knowing she was just as miserable without him, and her body still reacted to touches the way she used to. He had that going for him.
When she opened the door, her heart fell to her stomach. It had been 3 days since the incident, her skin still tingling with the ghost of his touch. She had come home and sobbed. Sobbed and cried and gotten sick because the touch reminded her of everything she lost, all the strides she had thought she made to her over him.. ruined. All by one night. He had too much control over her.
Despite the nerves being raw, she took in his looks. His bags under his eyes, looking a bit pale and the lack of sleep. He had cried. She knew that look anywhere. Stress riddled his body and he almost looked like he was trying to make himself look smaller and less intimidating- which was hard for a 6 foot something tattooed man.
“H-Harry?” She whispered, unsure what to do with this. “What are you doing here?” Her arms crossed against her body protectively, which broke his heart. She shouldn’t have to feel scared of him. He should be making her feel safe and relaxed and open, like he used to.
“We need to talk, Y/N. Actually, I need to say some things and it would be better if I came inside. May I?”
Dumbfounded at the idea of him actually being here, she nodded, letting him in. It hadn’t changed too much. The vanilla suede candle still burned and scented the air. The couch still had a slight dip, the same pet dish for the cat was sat half empty. But their photos were gone,’making his stomach turn.
Fuck. This used to be home. It still felt like it for a bit. But she had erased bits of him that made it shared.
She led him to the living room, sitting on the couch across from him. The middle cushion gave space, making her feel a bit better. Harry was such a complicated thing for her. The source of so, so much joy in her life… but also so much pain. He had broken her heart and left her in pieces and he hadn’t attempted to work things out with her at all. So why now?
“What is it you have to say?” Her tone came off quiet and a bit cold. As if she was annoyed and bored. But it wasn’t the case. Her heart was pounding just as hard as his, clueless as to why he was here. Why he was bothering months too late.
“Don’t…. Lovely…” he swallowed sadly. “I hurt you so badly.” His face fell as he realized this wasn’t her. His girl didnt shy away, she didn’t go cold. She was warm and sweet to him, she was open and receptive and she never looked at him like that. Why he managed to notice so late… he didn’t know.
“Yeah. You did. You hurt me so fucking badly that I thought my heart was breaking. I always thought that maybe you’d come back and tell me what a mistake you’d made. Instead, you up and left. Packed your shit like a complete and utter coward while i was at work.” Her steely expression was laced with hints of pain that he could see through. The words made him flinch. It was true. He was a coward.
“Y/N, I-“
“Shut up.” She snapped, watching his face fall into shock. It really wasn’t the old her. She had been a bit bitter since then. It wasn’t fully his doing, but he was a large contributor. “I had to come home to an empty apartment. No letter. Ni note. No you; and no more of your stuff. The records were gone. You took our fucking records.” Her voice broke. “All your clothing. Not only did my heart feel empty, but the house? And then our fucking cat.” She seethed, standing up. “Our fucking cat meowed for days. Days, Harry. Looking for you. And you never came back. Sat at the god damn door every night at 7, waiting for you to come inside.” Her cold personal broke, the emotion sweeping her face.
His stomach hurt. He didn’t realize it would be this bad. As little as she had even said, he knew he would have to make it up until the end of time. Her hurt was audible and he could even feel it dripping into his own bloodstream.
“Sweetheart…” he stood up, approaching with caution. She didn’t back away, but she didn’t step towards him. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” His voice broke. “I thought… I was so terrible t’ya, and then y’said you never wanted to see me again…. I thought I was doing what y’wanted.” He whispered pathetically. “I shouldn’t have… I should have fought harder. But we were so miserable, Y/N. I was wrecking you.” His excuse sounded poor even to his own ears, heart dropping as her lip wobbled.
“I just wanted you. I wanted you to talk to Me. To be with me. I didn’t want you to leave. You fucking idiot!” Her voice broke as the tears stung her eyes, but she didn’t push him away when he grabbed her and tugged her into his arms. Pulling her in for a hug, squeezing her tightly as he felt her start to sob. His own tears were quietly burning in his eyes. Seeing the result of his idiocy in person hurt.
“I’m so sorry, so fucking sorry. I thought you’d be happier without me… knew I was being an idiot and wasn’t giving you the right attention. But I thought you’d want to find me when y’wanted me again…” his logic was flawed yet again, and he realized how dumb he sounded when he said it out loud. “The plan was always us. Was Gonna marry ya. Y’were gonna be the mumma to my babies, was gonna be with you forever. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.” He whispered sadly, lips speaking against her hair.
“It’s still all I want. Y/N, angel love…. Please. Know I’ve been so stupid but I can’t do another day without you. I know I hurt you so badly… I’ll never forgive myself f’that. But I’ll spend every single day trying to make it up to you. I want you. I’ve missed you so much it hurts. Please… give me a chance to do what I should have done.” He pleaded, pulling her back to hold her face in his rough palms.
The sincerity dripping through his voice, the tears that had escaped his eyes and the trembling of his hands holding her cheeks let her see that he meant it. He meant it and he wanted to try. Maybe she was the idiot for believing him. But with a love she felt for him, so strongly remaining after all this time apart…. She only had one answer.
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
hey !! i love your work so much!! if its ok could you please write about villains kid being surprised at how well empty threats are working against hero,, 👉👈
Finally found the time! Hope I did you justice! I'm so SO sorry for such a wait!
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Out of all the things the hero had expected to find when breaking into the villains lair for information, a kid must have been at the bottom of the list.
Especially a kid who, at only 10 years old or so, managed to pull a switch and catch the hero in a pop up cage before they could react.
"You're going to be in so much trouble once dad gets home,"
"You- you're- Villain is your father!?"
That was a stupid question, this kid was a spitting image of the villain, blonde hair, piercing blue eyes.
Quick reflexes as well it seemed.
"Obviously," the little boy drawled in an unamused voice.
"Look kid-"
"My name. I was told not to give out my real one, so you can call me Lyle, cuz "kid" s'annoying,"
"Okay, listen Lyle, I'm not here to hurt you, okay?"
"Duh," Lyle replied, taking a few steps closer, "Then dad would REALLY kill you,"
The hero swallowed nervously. The villain could be vicious when they wanted to over arbitrary things. They didn't want to imagine how vicious the villain could get when they had something worthy to fight for.
"Why are you even here?"
"Uh... well..."
The kid just stared, eyes examining the hero, intelligent and attentive.
"I was hoping to talk to your dad, you see, but-"
"You're a bad liar you know,"
The hero tensed.
"I know who you are hero. I know your not dad's friend. I'm not stupid. Unlike you I'm a pretty good liar though. I accidentally broke a window an hour ago. I think I'm going to tell dad it was you. That way I can still watch tv before bed tonight."
"Lying isn't very nice," the hero said on automatic.
"Well, I don't think breaking into my house is very nice either Mr,"
"No, I suppose you're right," the hero conceded, unsure what to make of this kid. Would they be like their dad? "I'm very sorry about that. If you'd just let me get what I came for I can be on my way,"
"Or I could just leave you there till my dad gets home,"
White lies, that's all they were. Lyle wasn't his father. They were similar, sure, but Lyle was a good kid. In reality, Lyle wanted nothing to do with the whole "hero/villain" thing his father and this weirdo in front of him did. What him and his father did have in common, though, was his talent in lying, and using a situation to his advantage.
The hero paled slightly, "oh, there's no need for that..." they eyed the kid warily, "surely it would be easier to just let me go now?"
Lyle's eyes narrowed, "what's in it for me?"
The hero huffed. Like father like son it seemed.
"What do you want...?"
"You take blame for the window, or I'll leave you here for dad to find,"
The hero's eyes widened. That would still mean the villain knew they were here!
Right as they opened their mouth to argue though, a loud, low beeping noise could be heard in the distance.
"I'd choose quickly, because that was the front door,"
(In reality, it wasn't, but the hero didn't need to know that)
"Okay, yes! Fine! Just let me leave now!"
Lyle nodded and pulled the lever, opening the back door of the cage for the hero to exit out the same way they came in.
"Pleasure doing business!" Lyle called, quoting his father with a highly amused smile.
The hero just shook their head, muttering a "kids" under their breath before taking off into the night. Master Taglist: @llamaly @why-am-i-on-this-website-anyway @literally-just-kirby @larinzz @sharraus @asrasmysoulmate @kaiwewi @akawrites000 @sunflower1000 @aroacewitchyacademic @aquarelle-sirene @lbelle0527 @trappedgoose-in-a-writblr-room @freefallingup13 @enemies-to-idiots-to-lovers @homosexual-having-tea @friiday-thirteenth @chocomarsgalaxy @ravenshadow17 @daydreamed-snippets @stankyt0es @jinx1365 @rainy-knights-of-villany (did you guys get successfully tagged in this? Lemme know)
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niall-hor-man · 3 years
i just put in a request for c, n, w, z for harry but i didnt realize there were two lists, so just to be clear those were for lost #1 (if youre even still doing it). but thanks! and sorry for all the trouble
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
H loves to come inside you; it makes him feel much closer to you (even if it’s in a condom)
Really doesn’t mind tasting his own cum; in fact, when you haven’t come yet and he’s finished inside of you, he really likes eating you out and tasting some of it
Loves when you keep it on your tongue after you suck him off and stick it out before you swallow (or spit, he has no preferences)
He hates finishing on your face; it’s basically just him jacking himself off when he gets close just so that he can try not to hit your eye or get it in your hair. It’s too much work and not worth the pay off
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Humiliation kink
Doesn’t like being made to feel jealous; not particularly you into you flirting with other guys unless it’s during a threesome/something he’s involved in
Nothing extremely painful; he doesn’t like to see you hurt, and he doesn’t love pain himself. It’s more so about the power imbalance that comes with it that he likes in milder BDSM
Public sex
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
High sex, because I can’t help myself and that’s my favorite kind of sex
You two didn’t smoke together often; you were more of a drinker yourself, not that you minded weed
It was your best friend’s birthday, and since you had the biggest place out of the group, she asked if she could host a smoke session at your house (Harry was invited, of course)
And who were you to decline a night with your friends? So you happily partook that evening, sharing a joint (or two…) with H, obviously not worried about matching him hit for hit
The night was long, and fun, filled with laughs and junk food, but things were winding down, guests dwindling to just Sammy and your closest friends and their SOs
The last joint of the evening was being passed around when “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac came on
You immediately abandoned the circle, standing and pulling Sammy up with you; this song was one of your guys’ all time favorites, and you couldn’t stop yourself from pulling her close to you, stupidly swaying to the song with an arm draped around her neck
H watched you as he took a drag from the blunt, but you were completely oblivious, pressed closely to Sammy, giggling and singing to the song as her hands roamed your back and you two spun around lazily
“Can I have a birthday kiss?” She whined, face pressed into the crook of your neck. You giggled and obliged, a hand soft on her face as your mouths slotted together as it had done so many times before
(Harry never minded; he knew it was platonic, and he didn’t quite care that you and Sammy kissed, because you were both in serious relationships and never strayed. You were just a cuddly friend, and he loved that about you)
This time, though, he couldn’t help his arousal; seeing your soft, pliant lips against someone else’s, seeing the way your body swayed to the music–he needed you, and he needed you bad
The kiss was just that, and you two returned to a heap on the floor once the song ended, giggling as the last of the joint was used up. Soon enough, everyone was heading home (Ubering, of course) as more Fleetwood Mac played.
You crawled towards Harry, ready to give him a fat kiss before cleaning up and heading to bed, but he had some other ideas
He pounced on you almost immediately, lips hungry and desperate as he pulled you close to him, making you giggle into his mouth.
“Have no idea how bad I want you right now, kitten.”
“Really?” You smirked, hand trailing down to trace his bulge through his pants. “Then take me right here.”
“Oh, you’re in for it now,” he teased, wrapping his arms around you and rolling you two, laying you back gently. You squealed and giggled, but any amusement was soon lost as he pressed his lips to your neck and grinded down on you
You couldn’t help the moan that escaped as he palmed your breast, finally realizing just how desperate you were for him. Your core was aching, and you couldn’t help but roll your hips up into him
He liked you like this; inhibitions gone and hands traveling up and down his body unapologetically, exploring every inch of him, squeezing his biceps and letting out soft moans into his mouth
“Like that, kitten?” He hummed, rolling his hips down against yours
“Yes,” you panted, pulling his shirt up to palm at his bare back. “Need more, H, please.”
He chuckled, pulling off your clothes as quickly as he could manage before making work on himself. You didn’t wait, palming your breast and bringing your hand to your clit while you watched him undress, moaning already
He loved to see you like this, sensitivity amplified by the weed in your system, inhibitions thrown to the wind, taking whatever you wanted and putting your own pleasure first. His eyes glinted and he replaced your hand with his, rubbing your dripping core as your lips connected.
You moaned into him, arching your back, rutting up, desperate for his cock.
He took the hint, pressing into you slowly, and your legs wrapped around him immediately, needing to feel him deeper. The sex was slow, and deep, and so, so good. (When isn’t high sex good?)
It wasn’t long until you came, with his deep thrusts and circles on your clit, with how sensitive the drug had made you, with how hot Harry looked above you, eyes glazed over and pleasure on his face. He followed soon after, finishing inside you, earning another moan and a long, deep kiss
“We definitely need to do this more often, H.”
(Of course he agreed)
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) 
Harry loves pillow talk, so he tries to stay awake for a bit, to ask about your day and tell you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you
Keyword: tries
Being that close to you, feeling you around him, seeing you in such pleasure brings him such contentment that afterwards he is in such a state of bliss that he could just pass out
He usually does pretty quickly, not that you mind. You are always asleep first after sex, curled up to him and content
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h0esvck · 4 years
I want to request a scenario were a bts members talks to the other boys about his and his so’s sex life ~thx btw, love your account!
Thank you 💜 (please remember my reactions are geared towards female readers! So please don't be offended when I use she/her pronouns with (Y/N). Also it's been so long 😭)
Namjoon was in the studio with Yoongi and Hoseok going over the last listen to a song before deciding that it would be the finished product. But it was such a rough, sensual song, he couldn't help but think of (Y/N). And it was obvious because of the stupid smile on his face. "What are you thinking about?" Yoongi asked and Namjoon looked up from the floor to Yoongi. "Ah, just (Y/N)... This song reminds me of when we're intimate...." He admitted without much persuasion. "Oh?" Hoseok asked, sitting down to listen seeing as Namjoon was in a sharing mood. "It's such an intense song though.." He said and Namjoon chuckled with a smile, "yeah, sex with her is so.. It's so amazing, we don't do it every day, but every time we do it's just... God, it's the most perfect thing. " he said and Yoongi smiled seeing how fond Namjoon was of his girlfriend. "And good god she knows her way around my cock," he chuckled and the other boys blushed deeply. "She's really wild," Namjoon said not even realizing what he was starting to say. "The other night she rode me for so long even after I had cum, she couldn't get enough, she was soaking wet" Hoseok choked on his own spit and Yoongi was blushing deeply. Namjoon wasn't one to share such private stuff like this so randomly...
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"Come on hyunggg, I have a date tonight and if it goes well I need pointers!!!" Jungkook begged desperately. He had had sex before but not enough to have a 100% foolproof system to get the girl off. He knew how to get boys off plenty fine but women were different. "Fine, fine!!" He groaned in annoyance. "Sit down," he said and Jungkook sat down. Taehyung and Jimin were also in the room on their phones while they waited for a stylist to come in and fix up their hair and makeup. "Okay, penetration feels good to the girl, but it's not what makes them cum, so if you want a certainty you can get your girl partner off you need to pay attention to their clit." He blinked once, thinking about how sex with (Y/N) was, and some of the things he found that she liked and most women liked that he had slept with. "Slow circles around their clit, but if she says she doesn't like it don't do that. Just, don't be too rough, if you can, use your tongue they like that a lot... Makes them squirm... Buck their hips... Makes her very wet..." Without realizing it he started talking about his girlfriend. "She likes when you suck her clit and finger her, she gets so loud and she'll cum really fast if you stay like that. But she gets even louder when I start to fuck her... I've gotta roll your hips in slow at first because it's so sensitive but after she gets used to it I can really fuck her however I want..." He swallowed hard, the three boys eagerly listening as Seokjin went off, his mind so so focused on his sex was with his pretty lady. "Gotta rub her clit while I fuck her and she cums so pretty, gets me so wet she's so turned on," he said and Jimin blinked several times before chuckling. "Alright hyung, I think Jungkookie's heard enough of your sex life," he pat Seokjin's shoulder and Jin's eyes widened realizing what he said "shit!" He covered his mouth with a deep blush Jungkook was blushing terribly as well. Jimin and Taehyung just laughed at how shy the two of them could get.
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Yoongi was tired of everyone asking about his secret girlfriend. They wanted to know who she was but they'd settle for their sex life. He knew they would... And she wouldn't care... She was a bit of a slut for Yoongi, so she certainly wouldn't care, especially since she had suggested public sex at one point... Yeah this was fine..
But also... She had told him to tell them so they'd be jealous... Yoongi was actually the once hesitating in saying.
So everyone was enjoying drinks "okay, I can't tell you her name or show you anything important like what she looks like but...." He chuckled. "She wanted me to tell you how good I'm getting it with her and how fucking much she loves my tongue," he grinned as the other members were astonished at what he was saying so bluntly. "She wanted me to tell you how much great sex we have you and don't, I don't know, something about bragging  because I'm getting good wet pussy and none of the rest of you are," he grinned and Seokjin rolled his eyes. hoseok laughing nervously. Only the maknae line really expressed their frustration. Namjoon just seemed to quietly be jealous. "Oh and she wanted me to say hello, now I gotta go, she's probably waiting for her seat," he pat his lap before getting up and leaving to go see his girlfriend.
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Hoseok was with Jimin and Yoongi and Jungkook when they were all a little drunk talking about random shit, some inappropriate as well. "Ah well, me and (Y/N) get it on, sex every other day when I have time, we really love to fuck like animals," he laughed and took another swig of his soju as the others listened. "Oh yeah? Fuck like animals?" Jimin raised his brow and Yoongi was silently thankful Hoseok had moved out of the dorm when he started getting serious with (Y/N).  "Yeah, she's so loud right in my ear, I've had noise complaints because of our fucking," he blushed. "It's embarrassing but it... It makes me proud to know I'm making her feel so good," he chuckled with a fond look on his face before looking up and seeing Jungkook was suddenly falling asleep from drinking too much, but his cheeks were rosy red. "Did I overshare?" Hoseok asked and Jimin and Yoongi both nodded.
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Jimin didn't even ask, he sat down and started explaining the situation. "Taehyung said I couldn't properly fuck my girl but I'm here to tell all of you before the rest of you come at me, that we fuck every single night, and yeah we have great rhythm, we cum at nearly the same exact time." Jimin said and Jin blushed deeply as Hoseok and Taehyung giggled and snickered together. Yoongi and Namjoon were just disappointed that they had to listen to this. Jungkook was red, so fucking red. "I bet you're wondering why you dont hear us every night? Well that's because we use a gag so we don't wake all you motherfuckers in the middle of the night," he inhaled a deep breath as if he had just done a very hard thing "there, now I can go to bed, goodnight," he winked before walking out of the living room and going to hsi room to no doubt fuck his girlfriend (Y/N).
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It was a bet by Jimin, tell the hyungs all the dirty things he had been doing in secret with (Y/N) and Jimin would, as her best friend, convince her to let Taehyung fuck her on the balcony. So here Taehyung was, Jimin behind him to make sure he did it. All hyungs were present when Taehyung spoke up. "hyung's I need to confess to you..." He swallowed hard, hesitating a moment. "Go on then," Seokjin encouraged and Jimin grinned before biting his bottom lip. "I-I've been sneaking a girl into the dorm every night to fuck..." He said and they all looked at him with wide eyes. "A-and every night it's kinky and she wears pretty red lipstick and I chain her wrists to the headboard that's why there's marks on the wood and we fuck until 2 am every night before going to sleep then I sneak her out in the morning before everyone wakes up," he managed to get out in one breath. And by the end of it Jimin was holding in his laughter as much as he could.
Namjoon was the first to speak up. "Taehyung..." He started and Tae looked at him. "You know we know your girlfriend is Jimin's best friend right?" And Taehyung's eyes widened that he had let everyone know how kinky you both were. "Uh- oh, ahah I didn't realize uhm." He blushed terribly and Jimin laughed so fucking hard until Taehyung smacked his arm as Yoongi and Hoseok watched, chuckling at them.
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All of Jungkook's hyungs were teasing him, making fun of Jungkook but not in a hurtful way. But they did it every day, teasing Jungkook about being a baby and being a virgin and what not. And Jungkook was at his limit, tonight at dinner introducing his girlfriend to his band family and they say all this. Jungkook is upset and you noticed right away, but it was too late to do anything because he was already speaking.
"Hyungs can you stop that?" He asked before looking up at all of them "i invite you all to dinner, which I'm paying for,  to meet my girlfriend, and you all start to make fun of me like I'm a child." He looked determined and confident as hell. "I'll have you know, I'm not a child and I'm not a virgin. I'm anything but a virgin, in fact, we've had so much sex in the past week it could be spanned out to three weeks once every day," your eyes widened and you blushed deeply, everyone at the table suddenly quiet and looking at the two of you. " I've become so good, she begs me at least once a day to fuck her until she's cum so much she can't wak properly anymore." Your cheeks burst aflame. "Jungkook!" You said signalling that that was enough. That was way too much informatioknto share in the first place but.... The reactions off his hyung's faces definitely made it worth it to Jungkook. "I'm sorry, I didnt know the joking offended you Jungkook," Namjoon was the first to apologize, glancing at you, no doubt visualizing you in such a way for Jungkook... You were sure all the members did because... That's just what boys do when they're presented with a sexual thought. The rest of the members apologized to Jungkook as well, and that made Jungkook smile and contonue eating happily again. Now he was a big boy... A man in his hyung's eyes. He made himself proud. He made his hyungs proud.
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Masterlist ⛥彡
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Hey! Ive been feeling a bit in the muds so could you do like and old type of fanfic...like a mob!tom on a retro phone just sweet talking the reader?
Only if your requests are open tho. I dont wanna be a burden
Aw baby you could never EVER be a burdon. Dont ever be shy to talk to me because im always here babe.
T.H| What a Sweetheart
Summary: 👺👺👺
Warnings: ah just some fluff- i went overboard i hope your okay with that-
There you sat. The baby pink everywhere as you laid on your stomach rocking your feet and reading a book, sucking on your lolipop
Ring Ring, Ring Ring
A smile and a giggle brought to your lips, sitting up and crawling to the old pink retro phone you answered, curling the wire around your fingers with the other hand holding the pop.
“Hey babyface” “hi tommy” he also laid there, in the darkness as he starred at the empty wall, shirtless and pantless, just in his boxers and in his socks rubbing his stomach and wanting to listen to your voice.
“I missed you” you laughed at his words “i missed ya to tommy” “i miss your voice...that pretty face of yours” “well i cant come see you, daddy stays at home now and he needs my help” “i dont need your help princess” you giggled at his joke “not youuuu, my real daddy”
“Mhmm princess, well what are you wearing?” You looked down at yourself then squealed “well i just got this fuzzy pink robe! Its so cute!” He chuckles and shifted in his spot. “Are you tired dollface?” Your lips go to the side for a moment, thinking before speaking.
“Kind of” “well, can i talk you to sleep” he desperately asked, biting his lip waiting for an answer. “Yeah let me go turn off the lights” you muttered, putting the phone down before getting up and walking to your door to switch the light off.
When you came back to your large bed you cleaned everything up and tom waited patiently, humming some songs to himself before you came back.
“Alright, what dya’ got for me” you asked, laying down on your side and holding onto the phone. “I just wanted to praise you bunny. Tell you how beautiful you are and how much i love you. How you speak and walk....your just everything for me ya know?”
“Really?” You said, your voice shrinking. “Of course baby, you deserve the whole wide world, do you know that? I feel like you should just sit on a cloud because your too good for this earth”
You sighed “thank you, but whats going on with you?” He bit his lip before answering, sitting up against the headboard “uhm, this job has been so stressful lately, i havent seen my family at all. I havent seen you- i just feel alone...”
“Oh...well i can ask my daddy to drop me off” you suggested. “No you dont have to, i only wanted to hear that sweet sweet voice” he chuckled, his head hanging low as he thought about what to buy you next.
“Im still listening!” You perked up making him laugh “i know you are princess, just lay down yeah? All ears for me?” “Got it tommy” “you ready?” “Mhm”
“I wanna buy you everything and more because your such a good girl for me, i wanna pleasure you in any and every way possible because you deserve it” “really? Give me some examples” “i dont know....rub your feet?” You both shared a small laugh “i know youve been wanting that fox fur coat..”
“I would fucking kill for that coat” “your daddy hasnt bought it for you yet?” He asked, a smirk on his face. “No, i havent asked at all” “whys that baby girl?”
You sighed before answering “because hes been so hard on me...hes getting old and-“ “you dont have to finish baby i know, i just wish we could all get together and be happy” “why cant we?” You asked rather innocently.
“Well...your daddy doesnt like my dad, and my dad doesnt like yours so we just continue to clash and fued” he wiped his eye. “Thats no fun, maybe i can talk to him” “what are you gonna say? That we are in love together and we wanna get married?” He sarcastically chuckled and your eyebrows furrowed.
“Well do you?” You asked. “Yeah doll...i do. Why dont we just run away and kill everyone in our path”
He didnt know why he was suggesting it. He in one of the biggest mobs and hes held responsible as one of the main people in the family, aside from you and yours. He really isnt the one for violence but he just wants at least a break of peace.
“Daddy wouldn’t like that” you shook your head. “I know, i just really miss you pretty girl” “i miss you to tom- thats why i wanna see you-“ “no itll just put you in danger! Stay home y/n” “what if i dont want to!”
“Then you cant come here. Im sorry!” “I dont care, bye-“ “wait-“ before he could finish you hung up the phone, dropping it back on its place before getting up and putting on your slippers and walking to the kitchen, finding your father eating.
“Daddy no carbs!” “Honey its 9 o’clock, give me a break” he glared at you, eating the piece of buttered bread. “Well i have a questionnnn” you distanced off, the slippers making a noise while you walked to the counter where your father was at. “Hm?” He groaned looking at you. “Dont get mad at me! Promise!” You said, holding up your hand and tilting your head at him.
“Spit it out y/n” “okay okay- can you pretty please talk to the hollands-“ he choked on the piece of bread “daddy!” You run up to him, aggressively patting his back. “Okay okay- im done! But you said what?” He looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed.
“The....hollands” you muttered looking away from him. “We have been against each othet for generations! And what makes you want to speak and collaborate with them” “daddy...theres this-“ “oh fuck off! Please dont tell me-“ you only nodded. “A white man?” “Daddy!” “What? Im being honest!”
“Whens the next meeting!” You asked. “In a week”
This is your first time ever coming to one of the meetings, and you were afraid. Your mob color is a dark brown so you wore it...daddy refused to let you wear anything too revealing because these men are dirty.
“Cover yourself!” “What are you talking about!” “Y/n.” “Finnneeee!” You stomped back to your room and your dad gifted you a tuxedo, so you wore it...
“Seeeeee you look great! Your grandfather would be so proud of you” news flash. All the women in the family ran away or whatever, they didnt know what they were getting their sleves into.
“Can we just leave”
Clank clank clank clank
You walked behind your dad and his close partners followed behind you, protecting you from toms family.
“You do not speak. You hear me y/n. Just sit down and listen” “yeah” you were nervous, ver nervous. So when you stepped in and seen absolutely no women at the tables you panicked. But when you made eye contact with tom you almost shit yourself.
He eyed you from afar, wondering why you were here. Why are you putting yourself in danger.
As everyone talked you sat there bored until someone made a comment about you. “Why is she here? Shes a beaut” he snickers, others laughing to.
Your dad stood “talk about my daughter again and i will kill you, understood?” He snapped, shrinking the man down to size. “Honey get out of here” he smiled at you and you stood, one of his friends pat coming with you outside.
“Why did you come here?” He asked, offering a cigarette but you declined. “I just wanted to see what its like” “no dont lie to me dollface, i know you were eyeing that boy” you side eyed him before groaning “is it obvious!” He laughed and took out his lighter.
“Very” “i dont like him” “well he likes you” he took a puff and put the lighter back in his front pocket. “How can you tell” you leaned up against the wall and crossed your arms. “He was only looking at you” he smiled, you smacked your lips. “You have em wrapped on your finger, you should take advantage of that”
“Well i dont wanna hurt people like you!” You whisper yelled. “Its business baby, has been for years” he shrugged. “Well maybe i can change it” “eh, it’s possible” he shrugged “but it aint easy”
You both heard the door get pushed open aggressively and turned around, seeing tom walking up to you. “Woah woah woah, slow your roll” pat said, stepping infront of you. “Can i just talk to her- give me like 20 minutes” “why should i do that” pat dropped the cigarette and stepped on it.
“Because i want to talk to her- if i dont make it back it twenty minutes i swear ill give you everything i have” “i dont want anything, y/n do you wanna go” pat looked back at you. You harshly swallowed before nodding your head, pat stepped aside and tom smiled, pulling your hand and tugging you to run with him.
“Baby” he said out of breath, both of you ran to the trunk of his car. “Y-yes tommy?” “I got you a gift” “what is it!” You perked up and he giggled “something youll never forget” he pulled out his key and opened the trunk, a large gift box with a pink bow on it. “Do you love me y/n?” He asked, looking at you.
“Yeah...i really do” you smiled and bit your lip nodding. “Open it” he muttered, you nervously took the bow out, slowly opening the top of the box “tommy i dont know...” “dont be scared! Open it!!” He edged you on.
Suddenly it started to sprinkle, soon turning into some heavy rain. “Y/n hurry up before you get a cold!” He said sternly and you did, a gasp left your lips as you raised the coat. “You bought it for me” you whispered and he nodded, he took the coat to put it on you, when you were finished your pressed your lips on his roughly, his hands hooking behind your knees to lift you up and put yout legs around his hips.
“I. Love. You. So. Much” you said between kisses. “I know princess, just know id kill for you if i had to” “i would too tommy, i would too” he smiled and pressed his forehead against yours, the rain coming down making your hair frizzy but he could care less, he loved you. “I wish we could be like this forever” you whispered against his lips before kissing him again. “We can baby, I promise” “how tommy?” You rubbed your nose against his “running away” “tommy i cant, you know this-“ “but arent you tired doll, it would just be me and you” he muttered, pinching your legs some.
You bit your lip before pressing a kiss on his lips. “Okay” “really?!” He smiled “yeah yeah lets go!” He carefully dropped you and slammed the trunk closed, he unlocked the car and you both hopped in, on the road you both go.
“I dont have any clothes!” “I can buy you everything you want and more princess, dont worry. Andddd letters. You always write your father some letters pretty girl” he smiled at you.
“Love you” “love you too”
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thorniest-rose · 4 years
reddie halloween prompt #5 undead
On the sixth night of the third week after they destroy IT, Richie returns to Eddie.
The Losers all try to stop him. On that first night back at the Town House, Eddie breaks down at the bar, telling them that there had to be a way. That there must be a spell in one of Mike’s books that could reverse what had happened. That they at least had to try.
“He died by mystical means... that means we can bring him back,” he begs, while they all look at him pitifully. Even Stanley, who had understood Richie in a way the others never could, turns his face away.
“Think about what you’re saying, Eddie,” Ben says, eyes dark and wounded as he cradles a glass of whiskey. “People aren’t supposed to come back like that. It could go wrong."
“He’s gone, baby,” Bev agrees softly, placing her hand on Eddie's arm so gently it hardly feels like anything at all. It was nothing like Richie’s rough, boisterous touch. “We all have to accept that and move on.”
But Eddie was unshakeable, inconsolable.
He won't let himself be pulled into Bev's hug, and he refuses to take part in the ritualistic sharing of memories. Reminiscing about bug-eyed glasses and skinned knees; about the plethora of voices, or the way Richie had once held a baseball bat so bravely. The little monster slayer. Instead all Eddie could think about was the body that was currently on ice in Derry's small morgue down the street. The body that had once been Richie's, until the clown tore a hole through his chest. Right now his lips were probably turning blue. 
The thought has Eddie staggering from the bar with tears stinging his eyes, ignoring the Losers as they call out to him, so he can lock himself away in Richie’s room. In the dark he peels out of his clothes and folds himself into a clean t-shirt from Richie’s bag. It’s an old tour shirt from 2012 and it’s so big on Eddie it almost swallows him whole. 
For a single, overwhelming moment Eddie wishes he really could be swallowed up, that he'd chosen to stay down in the sewers with Richie’s body. That they had disappeared into the earth together. 
But instead he was here. And all he could do was ache as Richie's body started to slowly disintegrate down in the morgue.
Eddie doesn’t know how much time passes before Bill comes to him. Bill, who knocks on Eddie's door until he answers, wrapped in Richie's t-shirt and nothing else.
After a second's hesitation Eddie invites him in, and the two men stand by the door, the silence between them growing like a cancer, until Bill reaches out and places his hand on Eddie’s tear-sticky cheek.
“I need to tell you something,” he says, voice on the verge of his old stutter. “I need you to know that I love you. I always did, even when we were kids. And I can’t have you leave without you knowing that.”
And Eddie would be lying if he said he didn’t consider it. That he didn’t consider letting Bill press him down to the mattress and spread his thighs open. That for a moment he didn’t think about how it would feel for Bill to open him up. First with his fingers, and then his cock. To push inside him in the way Eddie had always daydreamed about as a boy with his bed sheets bunched up between his legs. Maybe Bill could help fill the emptiness that Eddie had felt opening up inside him from the moment they left the sewers.
But then he thinks of Richie’s body, how he looked when he died, what he said, and he pulls away. Out of Bill's warm embrace and back to the bed, the sheets still creased with the imprint of Richie’s slumbering body.
Eddie fixes his eyes on the bed and says, "It doesn’t matter, because I don’t love you."
Behind him he can almost feel the way Bill’s face falls. Can almost feel the hurt noise Bill makes in his own throat.
“Okay,” Bill says shakily. "You need time, I understand that. Maybe we should talk about this again tomorrow."
Sorrow makes Eddie's tongue sharp as he looks over his shoulder and says, “I don’t need time. I need Richie. And I sure as hell don’t need you. You're half the man Richie ever was."
The look on Bill's face feels like a knife, but he can't bring himself to care. All he wants is to be left alone and a moment later he is, as Bill slips out the door as quietly as he walked in. Richie would never have done that, Eddie thinks. He would have made a racket. He would never take no for an answer.
Richie had been the only person who'd never treated Eddie like he was made from glass.
Later, in the dead patch of night just after 3am, Eddie pulls on a pair of jeans and leaves the Town House. He leaves behind most of his things: his clothes, his pills, his toiletries. Suddenly, nothing really matters. Not his last Valium, and not the pot of moisturizer that cost more than Myra’s entire make-up cabinet. Definitely not the sad little life that marked his entire childhood in Derry. He doesn’t even leave a note to say goodbye. 
Before heading to the airport he breaks into Mike’s room above the library to rifle through all the books the man had collected over the years. Half wrecks the place to find what he needs, the spell that will bring Richie back. When he finds it he makes a noise he doesn’t recognise, something like a sob but also a groan. Half desperate, half wild. He clutches the book so hard he almost rips the page.
A frantic Mike emerges in the doorway just as Eddie turns to leave. His eyes dart down to the book clasped in his arms and they grow shockingly wide.
“Eddie, stop. Think about what you’re doing.”
“You can’t stop me,” Eddie says, pressing the book tighter to his chest, against the stupid t-shirt with Richie’s cartoon face. 
“You need to put the book down. You’re not thinking right. You can’t do this, sweetheart, Richie wouldn’t want you to.”
The sound of Richie’s name breaks through the haze. A second later Eddie’s pulling the gun out of his back pocket. The one he had found hidden in Mike’s old things.
He points it at his old friend and says, “Don’t tell me what Richie would want.”
Mike’s hands dart up. “Eddie-”
"Don’t talk,” Eddie snaps. “And if you come near me I’ll kill you. I’m not joking, I’ll do it."
“Please don’t do this,” Mike says. “This isn’t like you. You’re exhausted, and you’re angry. I understand, and all I want to do is help you. But please put the gun down.”
Eddie doesn’t put the gun down but he does cock it, even with his fingers trembling.
“Don’t tell me what to do. All my life people have only ever told me what to do.”
“You’ll regret it,” Mike says quietly. “You think you can just snap your fingers and bring him back? Things like this always require a price.”
But Eddie won’t be swayed. Not now.
“Step away from the door,” he says. "And don’t even think about coming after me. I’m done with this fucking cemetery of a town and I’m done with you.”
As soon as Mike steps aside, Eddie rushes past him, the book to his chest. He makes sure not to look at Mike’s face. At the hurt and disappointment etched there.
In the cold night air outside, Eddie hardly feels the tears on his face.
Eddie leaves Maine for the last time that morning on the first flight to New York.
When he emerges in the airport, Myra comes to him, her face swimming in tears, her chest heaving. She clasps Eddie to her, cooing over him, telling him how worried she was, how she had called the police, that she thought he was dead. And usually Eddie would feel contrite, would try to comfort her, but all he feels is that emptiness inside him grow. 
Eddie can’t wait. The next day he completes the ritual when Myra is out food shopping. He spreads the red sand in a wide circle on their plush cream carpet and sprinkles the crushed animal bones in each key place. In the middle of the circle he places Richie’s glasses, still smudged with his blood. Then he recites the incantation from the book, not once stumbling over the strange words.
Myra finds him an hour later, passed out on their bed, a huge crimson stain half scrubbed out of the living room carpet, and demands to know what happened. But Eddie only mumbles that he can’t remember.
That afternoon Myra makes an appointment with one of the top therapists in Manhattan, saying her husband was suffering from a severe bout of melancholy.
There's no sign of Richie that day, or on the next, or the next. Eddie thought Richie would have magically appeared after the ritual. He’d expected lights and noise, like in a magician’s show, and that in a big puff of smoke Richie would be restored. But nothing happened. And maybe, Eddie thinks as cries into his pillow, he doesn't deserve it. He’d only ever been cruel and callous to Richie, maybe he doesn't deserve to get him back at all.
He waits and he dreams. Every night as he lies next to Mya, he dreams about Richie for the first time in years. He dreams of the two of them as children, touching hands and sharing ice-cream; and as teenagers driving around in Richie’s old truck, his legs draped over Richie’s lap as the other boy ghosted his fingers over his calves. And he dreams of a life they never had. Of first kisses, and love confessions, and slow bursts of love making during that sleepy time of morning when the sky turns milky just before dawn.
Every morning he wakes up with wet cheeks. And the emptiness continues to grow.
Over the next few days Eddie gets quieter and more withdrawn. He stops going to work and he doesn’t swallow any of the pills that Myra tries to force on him, spitting them into the toilet as soon as he can get away from her. She’s worried about him, he knows that, but he can’t bring himself to care.
He also doesn't care about all the missed phone calls from the Losers, or the string of texts and voice messages begging him to reconsider, telling him to call. He half types a text to Bev saying, when will it start to feel better? It didnt work anyway, i guess i cant do anything right but it lies half-written on his phone for two days before he deletes it. In the end he blocks their numbers and throws his phone into his bedside drawer.
But then, towards the end of the third week, Eddie wakes up and something feels off. 
He can’t describe it, he just feels strange. Tense, the way he always felt before running. And slightly sick. That morning he finds himself watching the news as he chews on his thumbnail. A nervous little tick he hasn’t fallen back into since his late 20s. But there’s no impending catastrophe, no signal of anything ominous. He even scans the local Derry news on his iPad but finds nothing of note beyond a couple of farm cows found brutalised, torn open, their guts hanging out. A local nut job was blamed and arrested. 
Just as he’s about to put the iPad down and make his egg-white omelette for breakfast, his eyes catch on a small story: a break-in at the Derry morgue. It’s dated as the same week that the Losers were in Derry, just two days after he disappeared. He realises, with a quiver, that it was the day after the incantation, the ritual to bring Richie back. 
Eddie places his iPad down and goes to the bathroom, where he sits in the bath in the way he did as a child, when he was trying to calm the panic attack he felt growing under his skin. He sits there until he feels like his heart isn’t about to burst out of his skin and can go about his day again.
It doesn’t mean anything, he says to himself. Break-ins happen all the time. It doesn’t mean anything at all.
That evening he makes a simple dinner of grilled chicken and asparagus with a white wine sauce. But he can hardly eat. That feeling of unease had stayed with Eddie all day, and as the sky darkened outside it had only grown. Crawling up his throat, seizing his stomach, until he was choking on it.
Across the table he can hear Myra talking, but she’s muffled, like she’s talking underwater. 
“A man was killed just a few blocks from us, Eddie, did you hear? It’s awful, apparently he was found ravaged, torn open.”
“Oh,” Eddie murmurs. 
Myra frowns. “Are you even listening?”
And Eddie isn’t, but he nods his head.
After he’s pushed his food around his plate for a few more minutes, Eddie tells Myra he needs some fresh air, and before she can argue he slips out into the garden. 
He ducks around the veranda outside. When he’s sure he’s completely hidden, he pulls a crumpled pack of cigarettes out his pocket. They’re not his, of course, they’re Richie’s. A pack he’d taken from his room at the Town House when he left that night. He hasn’t been able to smoke one yet, has only lifted one to his lips when Myra wasn’t around so he could pretend to taste Richie’s lips on it. But he suddenly wants to smoke one now, lighting it quickly so he can take a puff. The first one he’s ever taken. He hopes it’ll help him feel closer to Richie. But all it does is make his eyes water instantly and fill his throat with an acrid burn, bending him forwards to retch. It’s disgusting.
Eddie throws the cigarette away and crushes it into the ground with a grimace, wondering how Richie did that every single day. How that could ever be enjoyable. 
But Richie had always been an excruciating anomaly, even when they were kids.
As he turns to walk back into the house, planning to go straight to the bathroom and wash the taste of smoke out of his mouth, the back of his neck prickles. Like he’s being watched. Eddie whips around, expecting to see a figure at the end of his yard. Maybe a dark silhouette half-hidden by the trees. But there’s nothing there. Not a flutter of a bird. Not the bright eyes of a cat skulking in the hedge. Nothing. And after a moment, Eddie swipes a hand over the back of his neck and makes his way back into the house. 
Inside, Myra asks him what’s wrong, that he looks like he’s seen a ghost. The saying makes Eddie laugh, forcing out a strange, high-pitched noise that has her reeling back in her chair. But Eddie doesn’t stick around to apologise. He walks out of the kitchen and collapses into bed, suddenly exhausted. 
He thinks of the text he’d half-written to Bev. When will it start to feel better? And a voice that sounded exactly like Pennywise's rings in his head. Never, Eddie baby! Haven’t you realised that? It never gets better!!
A noise wakes Eddie up that night. He’d only fallen into a shallow sleep, so the noise is enough to make him bolt up in bed, his heart racing. Next to him, Myra snores heavily, almost eclipsing the noise from downstairs, but Eddie’s ears still prick up, seeking out the source of the noise. He hears it again: the tinkle of broken glass, followed by a loud crunch, like someone is walking over it.
Fear makes Eddie recoil back against the headboard. But he can't ignore it. He slips out of bed and into the hallway, peering into the dark downstairs. After a moment, he swallows the sick feeling in his mouth and descends the stairs, feeling much too like a young woman from a gothic horror film.
It’s cold down in the hallway, and he quickly realises it’s because the front door is open. He pauses by the stairway, his body going taut. No, the door wasn’t open. It was broken, hanging flimsily from its hinges, shards of glass and wood on the floor. 
But there was more too: smudged, muddy footprints tracking from the front door into the hallway, like someone had broken down the door and dragged their feet inside. 
Eddie’s trying to mentally catalogue how far the phone is, how long it’ll take him to dart into the living room and call the police to report a break-in when the back of his neck prickles again. Behind him he hears the heavy exhale of someone breathing.
He spins around fast, heartbeat ratcheting up like a series of gunshots, and that’s when he sees him. Richie. Standing in the doorway to the kitchen watching him. 
"Richie," he gasps.
And it was Richie, somehow. Despite the blue tinge to his skin, and the black tracing of veins skittering down his neck and arms. Even though he didn’t have his glasses, and his clothes lay in filthy shreds around his arms and legs, revealing large tantalising glimpses of the thick muscles at his thighs, the tendons popping like lines of rock on his arms. He’d look like a centrefold ripped from a woman's magazine if it wasn’t for the mud streaking down his legs and the scabbed chest wound dissecting his chest, right where the clown had pierced him. 
“Eddie,” Richie says thickly, like his throat is clogged with dirt. “I’m here.”
“What...” Eddie stumbles, breath hitching. “What are you doing here?”
And he knows it’s a stupid question, but he doesn’t know what else to say. Because he feels like he’s about to pass out, the pulse at his neck frozen in fear.
“I came back for you,” Richie says. And his eyes are so shockingly blue. Bluer than they had ever been when he was alive. So blue they were almost silver, electrifying the air. 
Eddie thinks, All the way here? From Derry?
“But you’re dead,” he murmurs. 
But Richie shakes his head. “I’m not. Or at least not anymore. I remember the sewers. The clown. And then nothing. Blackness. Until I was pulled out... by you.”
Eddie feels faint. “By me?” 
Richie nods, and starts walking towards him. As he does, the smell hits Eddie. It’s a damp smell, like a puddle of water, or the smell at the bottom of a well. Like mud left behind after a downpour of rain. And beneath that the faint smell of rot, like fruit that had started to turn bad in the basement.
“Yes, by you,” Richie says. “Your voice, it pulled me out of the dark. You were calling to me. I woke up and I knew I had to find you again. That I couldn’t rest until I did.”
The spell, Eddie thinks drunkenly as Richie comes close, it had worked. 
“Richie,” he moans, feeling everything well up inside him. Everything he had repressed over the last three weeks. The grief. The rage. The yearning. All surging and crashing over him where he’d forced himself to go numb. It overtakes him completely, and Eddie thinks he might fall to the floor. 
He starts to cry as he says, "Richie, I did everything I could. I wanted to save you. But the clown, it was too much. You were already gone and I coudn't- and I wanted to die too, I just wanted to curl up and fucking die-"
Richie shushes him, hand coming up to curl in the hair at the back of his head.
"You did save me, baby, don't you see? I'm only here now because of you."
That’s when Eddie notices the red staining on Richie’s chest. He blinks. And suddenly he remembers the story of the dismembered cows, how their blood had been drained. And the murder Myra had mentioned. The man a few blocks down. He had been found gutted, torn open from his sternum to his groin. How his viscera had been missing.
And Eddie realises it’s not staining at all. It’s a thick layer of gore splattered over his chest hair. His hands are mattered in it too, all the way to his wrists, like he’d sunk his hands into something and pulled out the meat.
“Richie,” he says. “What have you done?”
They’re interrupted by the creak of the bottom stair, and Myra’s voice as she calls out, “Eddie, what’s going on? Eddie, are you all right? I heard voices.”
“Myra,” he says, turning to see her staring in shock at their broken front door.
"Myra, don't-"
But that's when she sees Richie. This strange man standing in her hallway with muddy feet and blood on his chest. With his blue skin and black veins and strange silver eyes.
She starts to scream.
Richie is on her in an instant. He rushes past Eddie, pushing him to the wall as he dashes down the hallway. He knocks Myra down to the floor and as she opens her mouth on a fresh scream, his teeth land at the skin of her neck, tearing it open. He rips her apart, first at her throat, her screams gurgling thick with blood, and then at her chest. His hands come down and he rips her apart like she's nothing more than cellophane. Once she's split open, Richie dips his head down and feasts on her blood and bone. He looks like a starved, feral animal gorging itself on a bounty, and the noises he makes as he rips the meat from the pulsing cavity at her chest isn’t human. Eddie realises, faintly, that he’s eating Myra’s heart, that the blood dripping down his chin is from her arteries, and he trembles.
Mike’s words ring in his head. Things like this always require a price.
Myra dies quickly, her screams stuttering out, eyes going glassy, but Richie doesn’t stop eating for a long time.
Terror roots Eddie to the spot. He can’t run, he can’t scream. He can only lean back against the wall and stare. At the thing that used to be his best friend, the man he loved, eat his wife open from the inside.
The next thing he knows, Richie is rising, and he’s coming towards Eddie, a blue fire raging in his eyes. Eddie tries to scramble away, but Richie’s too fast for him, and the two men tumble to the floor in a tangle of limbs.
Richie presses him to the floor, his mouth at Eddie’s neck, weight crushing him down, and Eddie thinks, This is it. This is always how it was going to end.
But Richie doesn't kill him. He doesn’t tear his throat out or drink his blood. Instead Richie kisses him. Presses the softest, sweetest kiss to the base of his neck.
“I love you, Eddie,” he whispers when he pulls back, eyes bright, mouth clotted with gore. “I love you and I came back for you.”
Eddie blinks up at him, his chest heaving. He thinks dizzily, Richie, it’s really you. And before he can stop himself, his hands are flying up to grab Richie by the shoulders and he's pulling the other man down. Their mouths meet in a fierce clash of lips and teeth, more a bite than a kiss, Richie's tongue stabbing into him. And even though Eddie winces at the thick taste of Myra’s blood, at the hint of decay in his mouth, he still tastes so much like Richie that Eddie throbs.
“I waited for you,” he pants in the short gap between their lips. “I waited so long.”
“I’m here,” Richie says hotly. “I’m here and I’m never leaving you alone again.”
And Eddie had imagined what their first time would be like at countless moments over the last few weeks. If it would be fast or slow. If Richie would be rough with him or gentle. But he never thought it would be anything like this, with Richie tearing his clothes off him and touching every inch of his skin. He never knew Richie would look like this, with this dark, hungry expression, as he thumbs Eddie’s nipples to sore pink peaks and sucks a huge, dark bruise over his heart. He never thought Richie would act so desperately, as his hand disappears between Eddie’s legs to open him up, fingers wet with spit and blood. Eddie never knew it would feel this much like being claimed, like being consumed
When Richie pushes inside him, shoving his filthy jeans down and pulling Eddie’s hips up so he can slot his cock against Eddie’s small opening, it hurts. Eddie’s never had a man inside him before, and it hurts so much. It’s agony. Richie’s hard cock tearing up into him in a searing, insistent push. But Eddie still arches his back off the floor, trying to get every inch of Richie inside him, feeling the white-hot pain sealing up all the numb, dead spots inside him. Richie fucks him like that, like they’re animals, hard into the floor as he growls against him. He ruts against Eddie, pushing his cock as deeply as it can go on every thrust, Eddie’s pained moans never slowing him. He fucks Eddie like he’s trying to disappear inside him, and the thought only makes Eddie harder, makes him cum fast as he whines like a broken toy.  
In the distance a phone rings. But Eddie can’t hear it. Because between the taste of Richie in his mouth, and the feel of his cock, he can’t bring himself to care. And as Richie sinks his cold teeth into Eddie’s bottom lip and groans, "You're mine, you’re fucking mine," Eddie finally feels okay. He feels something like peace. For the first time in 27 years he's right where he needs to be.
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guardianofjunmyeon · 4 years
Finding Atlantis (part 14)
Genre: Action/Adventure, Enemies to Lovers, PirateAU
Description:  20 years ago the seas became angry. Unruly and unkind to any sailor, to  any ship that dared venture too far out in her waters. Many a man has  heard the tales of Atlantis, the lost city, the key the ocean. But fewer  men know the tale of it’s missing child. The key to the ocean, the key  to Atlantis but a lost little one. The power one would hold should they  find this child would be nearly that of Poseidon himself. Thus, the hunt  began.  
A/N: wait i forgot i left you all on a cliffhanger akjfhjf. Here’s an update (finally) im a bitch blocked about where the next chapter is going so it might take...about as long as this one took to be uploaded. Its gonna have some smut tho. This chapter has new characters and PLEASE appreciate my fucking bubble conversation, i wanted to use the whole “she came down in a bubble dawg!” convo but i didnt
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18
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There are certain experiences you’ve lived through enough times to consider yourself a pro at handling. Situations like being handcuffed to a bed. Like being left on an island with no food or water. Like having to fight your way out of a bar when someone is getting too rough with the other patrons.
Drowning is quickly becoming a situation with which you are getting too closely acquainted.
When the ocean swallowed your little dinghy, your life flashed before your very eyes. This was truly the end. The last thing you would ever live through would be the song of Atlantis tickling your ears, the sight of Junmyeon glowing blue, and the feeling of Baekhyun’s skin beneath your palm.
All in all it wasn’t the worst way to go, but there was still so much more that you wanted to experience.
You’d never gotten a chance to return home, to sit at that cliff where you sent off your mother’s body and tell her about all of the things you’d done with your life. To describe to her the ship you’d bought, the friends you’d made, the adventures you’d gone on and the memories you’d made. You wanted to go find Victoria again and thank her for taking you in.
You wanted to find that boy that saved your life when you were but a child and to thank him properly. You wanted to tell him all that you’d done and repay him for giving you that chance at life. You wonder if he’s grown up into a handsome man now. If he has a spouse and kids and a happy home on that island you once called home that you left as soon as you could. You wonder if he’d even remember you.
You’d never gotten a chance to get the Storm Chaser those new upgrades that you’d been saving up for. An extension to the crew cabins, sturdier masts, a new set of sails.
You hadn’t gotten the chance to fall in love, to have your heartbroken, to have a baby or even hold one for that matter. Would you have made a good mother? Would you have made a decent wife? Would you have been able to find someone willing to spend the rest of their life with you, on the seas, on land, wherever your hearts could make a home?
Would you have tried to make a home with Baekhyun?
The feeling of being sucked down into the depths of the ocean doesn’t get any less terrifying the second time that you go through it.
As a matter of fact, having it happen again is more terrifying than the first time. Maybe it’s because you can actually feel the pressure of the water crushing your chest. You can feel the way you’re being sucked farther down and the way the water rushes into your nose from the shock of being suddenly dragged under.
It’s nothing like the storm, nothing like fighting the waves and catching the flashes of light as you fought to climb to the surface. Of being tossed around and dropping and rising hundreds of feet seconds at a time. At least then you had a purpose. You aren’t trying to save a life this time. You aren’t able to fight the invisible force dragging you farther and farther down into the water. The water around you is calm, the movement of your body whizzing through the water feels scarily misplaced.
Magical. Unnatural.
Then it all finally stops.
The force pulls you into a pocket of air and gravity takes you by force. Your body collapses on solid ground, and you can breathe. You gasp frantically for air and cough violently as you attempt to catch your breath and your bearings.
You sit up and position yourself on shaky hands and knees as you heave on the dark basalt beneath your splayed fingers.
It takes a few moments of panicked breathing to realize –you’re alive.
You’re alive.
You realize that you’re alive and then you regain enough brain power to panic over if Junmyeon and Baekhyun are also alive. You hear dramatic coughing and hurling to your left and when you investigate you find Baekhyun on his ass with his head between his knees as his spits out salt water.
He looks like a miserable wet dog. You would laugh if you weren’t sure that you look the same.
But where is Junmyeon?
You look left and right, in front of you and behind you but you see no trace of him. No sign of him in the underwater cave you’ve somehow found yourself.
“How did we even get in here?” you spit more salt water on the ground and look for your area of entry. Down. It felt like you fell down. So maybe there is something above.
A gasp gets caught in your throat at the sight above you. Open water somehow suspended above. If you weren’t nearly positive that you somehow fell from there, you would think there was some extremely strong glass blocking the water from falling through the hole above. You can see the glow of deep sea fish swimming by and you’re hit with just how far below the surface you are.
Dizziness pounds through your skull and you hurl out more water all over your hands.
“Are you guys alright?”
You lift your head at the sound of Junmyeon’s voice and feel your remaining strength seeping from your bones. He looks between you and Baekhyun’s pathetic forms with distressed eyes.
Baekhyun looks up from between his legs with an incredulous open-mouthed frown. He looks your first mate from his toes to his head. “How the hell are you dry?”
It’s then that you notice he looks remarkably put together. As if he never even experienced the sensation of being pulled straight towards hell through water. The patterns on his skin have dulled down to a pale blue, but they are still there as clear as day.
“An Atlantian thing,” Junmyeon answers with a shrug and a smile. He reaches out a hand to help you to your feet but you wave him away with a shake of your head.
“No, give me a second. I just- I need,” you point to the hole above, “This is just-” you close your eyes and wave him away weakly. “Fuck, I need some time.”
He laughs lightly and chooses to help Baekhyun up while you gather your wits. This is overwhelming. “Did you just materialize down here what the fuck?”
“No, I came down in a bubble.”
“Yeah you know one of those things filled with air-”
“You couldn’t lend us one of those bubbles?!”
“I didn’t know how. I don’t even know how I got it around me. Must be an Atlantian-”
“If you say ‘Atlantian thing’ one more time I will, and I swear to Poseidon, strangle you with my bare hands right here.”
“…Atlantian thing,” Junmyeon finishes cheekily. Baekhyun groans loudly and you can hear the weak thumps of him trying to smack your first mate and being deflected.
You struggle onto your feet as Junmyeon and Baekhyun argue. Typical back and forth between the two of them, you know Baekhyun is all talk when it comes to most people; he won’t hurt Junmyeon.
Letting your eyes fully wander the cave, you take in the shiny crystals in the rock around you and the way everything glows a tranquil light blue.
You hear the thundering footsteps before you see the people coming charging towards you out of the alcove hidden from your view.
“We just got up,” Baekhyun whines at your side. You lower your still shaking body back down to your knees and hold your hands up in the air to show your willingness to cooperate. In the corner of your eye you catch Junmyeon landing a swift kick to the back of Baekhyun’s legs with his good leg and sending him to the ground with a painful crash.
You flinch at the noise and the people in matching outfits in front of you hold out their swords, ready to strike at any moment. Once Junmyeon has lowered himself to his knees, the group of people break apart to make way for who you assume must be the leader. If the aura of dominance and the extra sparking pink embellishments on their otherwise plain white uniform is anything to go by.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” The man asks gruffly. He’s tall, handsome, big eyes rimmed in dark black kohl. His analyzing brown eyes drag from you, to Baekhyun, and finally land on Junmyeon. You catch the exact moment that recognition crosses his face.
His eyes widen and he blinks rapidly in disbelief, the sword in his hand clatters to the ground and resounds through the cave. “S-Suho? Prince Suho is that you?”
You turn to look at Junmyeon who has locked eyes with the leader with a look of confusion on his face.
“Do they know each other?” Baekhyun whispers to you.
“Shut up,” you hiss.
Junmyeon gasps and climbs to his feet. “Minho? Minho! I can’t believe it,” he says elatedly. The two of them run (Junmyeon more hobbling than running with the shitty cast still on his leg) into each other’s arms to embrace and you watch with a kind of fond sadness as they grip one another as if the other will vanish into thin air.
The other guards slowly lower their swords and break out into disbelieving whispers. Baekhyun grabs your left hand and lowers it to your lap. “I think you can lower your hands now prisoner. I don’t think they’re going to kill us yet.”
“It’s as if nothing in this world is enough to keep you from annoying the absolute hell out of me,” you grumble.
He beams, a wide and happy smile. “It’s my charm.”
You snort out a laugh while he stands up on both feet and holds out a hand for you to take to get up. You slap your hand in his and let him heft you to your feet.
Junmyeon calls out your name and you whip in his direction in alarm. He drags over the leader of the guard with a hand on his bicep and matching grins on their faces. “I want you to meet my childhood friend Minho!” He looks up at Minho with eyes beaming with happiness. “We grew up together, and Minho here is the Captain of the entire Atlantian military.”
Minho looks down at the ground bashfully.
“It is an honor to meet you. Junmyeon says that he wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. I, as well as all of our people owe you our highest form of gratitude,” Minho says with a deep bow.
You blink at the gesture, stupefied into immobility. Junmyeon gives you a pointed look and a subtle bow of his own to hint that you should bow back. You quickly bend at the waist and rise up. “It’s- Uhm, thank you. It wasn’t just me though, there are lots of people to thank for his return up on the surface,” you say with a nervous smile.
Minho laughs. “I’m sure. You can all amaze us with tales of your time above at breakfast in a few hours. I’m sure you would all like a moment to settle and…” he looks at Baekhyun and your soaked clothing. “…clean yourselves up.”
The two of you frown indignantly.
As if you planned on showing up soaking wet.
Minho whistles loudly and a smaller man comes scrambling out of the group of guards. “Hendery, show our two outsiders where they can rest. I will take the prince directly to the Queen.”
The smaller man nods vigorously. “Yes sir. I would like to have Xiaojun assist me, if I can.”
“Take who you need,” Minho gives you both another once over before leaning down to whisper, “Make sure there is plenty of soap in their bathrooms.”
You squawk in embarrassment. Junmyeon offers an apologetic smile before coming to place both of his hands on your shoulders and lowering his voice to talk to you and Baekhyun as privately as he can. “Just follow them and relax. I will come find you once I am finished talking to the Queen. They won’t do anything to hurt either of you.” He squeezes your shoulder. “I’ll make sure of it.”
You nod in affirmation. Baekhyun grunts at your side.
Hendery and another young guard lead you away and out of the cave. You are only allowed one final look over your shoulder before Junmyeon vanishes from your sight.
The bleakness of the cave gives way to a wide low hallway covered from top to bottom in blue crystals, or maybe it’s glass.
“You’re awfully quiet,” you murmur to the man at your side. Neither of the guards bother to turn around at the sound of your voice.
“I’m trying to take it all in. This is insane I never thought I would ever actually see this place,” Baekhyun whispers back. You’re shocked by the genuine way he explains himself. “Why? Do you already miss the sound of my voice? I can keep talking if you want.”
“I’ll pass. I already miss the silence.”
His giggle resonates against the walls. You bite down on your lip to keep from smiling in return.
Your group reaches the end of the tunnel and the guards suddenly stop. Hendery turns around first. “Because we are unable to trust you we will have to transport you while keeping our city and location a secret.”
“I think we’re going to get blindfolded,” Baekhyun whispers to you.
The other guard reaches into his coat and produces two pieces of cloth while Hendery slams a fist on the wall. A hole opens up where seamless wall once stood. You watch dumbly as the other guard, Xiao…Xiao something sits in the human-sized hole and then lies on his back before disappearing through a tube.
What the fuck is this place?
You’re blindfolded first and led to the hole. “Sit.” So you do. What kind of transport requires you to sit in a hole blind? You’ve lived a couple of years now and that's long enough to know that this doesn’t feel quite safe.
Before you can argue your way out of it, you’re pushed and then careening through space. With your eyes covered and the jolt of bewilderment at sliding too fast to be humanly possible you don’t have any choice but to let out a scream.
You’re on your feet again before you know it –albeit dizzy and shaking. The blindfold is removed and you’re met with the impassive face of the guard. You look around yourself to figure out what in the deep sea hell you just slid through.
“You might want to get out right about now,” he suggests.
You hear the telltale sound of Baekhyun’s yelling and cursing getting closer by the second, so you hobble out of the exit compartment and watch in wonder as the top of the compartment opens up and air blasts from the bottom to decrease the force of gravity as Baekhyun drops to his feet.
He’s shaking like a log and his wet hair and clothes are even more disheveled than they were before.
Maybe it’s the overload of being exposed to all the new technology and scenery, but you can’t stop yourself from loudly laughing at his appearance.
Xiaoxi…Xiaode…Xiaojun, that sounds right-
Xiaojun walks forward with a smile twitching on his lips to remove the blindfold from the once one-eyed troublemaker. But, Baekhyun has his eyes squeezed closed, refusing to open them. You take it upon yourself to physically pull him out of his spot.
“It’s over, you’re on solid ground now,” you tease. He peaks open one eye and it darts around distrustfully before he opens them both and leans forward with his hands on his knees to let out a dramatic exhale of breath. Another humored giggle escapes you. “You look like shit and the way you screamed-.”
He stands up straight with reddened cheeks. “Never speak of it,” he threatens in a low voice. You roll your eyes and lift a hand to fix his messy hair. You hear the hiss of air from the tube, knowing that Hendery will be arriving soon, but you busy yourself with smoothing down the unruly strands.
The red darkens on his face as you rake your fingers through the hair at his fringe. You aren’t sure what compels you to initiate the act, but he doesn’t stop you so selfishly you continue to take what you can. Satisfied with your work you smile shyly and turn away to hide your face and the heat you can feel creeping up your neck.
A cough snaps you back into attention.
Right, the guards.
Hendery has a creepily knowing smirk on his face while Xiaojun covers his mouth with his hand, but you can see mirth shining in his eyes.
Baekhyun clears his throat and crosses his arms over his chest. “So…where are we supposed to rest exactly? Or are we supposed to wander around and find it ourselves?”
Hendery motions to the right. “Down this hallway.” He nudges Xiaojun and they both walk forward. You resist the urge to smash your head into the wall as you follow behind. Into one of the…beautiful smooth white walls. For the first time you take in the interior of the building where you have ended up.
High ceilings and pillars. Enormous windows that go from ceiling to floor to show an expansive view of what awaits outside.
You’ve had plenty of time to image what Atlantis would look like, but seeing it in front of you now, bathed in a light like that of early dawn, with the reflection of water moving over the architecture…it’s too unreal, too magical to put into words.
“Keep up. You’ll be able to see the city after breakfast with the Queen,” Xiaojun advises. Both you and Baekhyun pick your pace back up after having fallen behind trying to take in all that around you.
Attempting to keep your gawking to a minimum you keep your eyes ahead and try to quickly take in as much as you can.
“We’re here,” Hendery says. You almost tumble into his side when he suddenly stops; and Baekhyun trips over his own feet at your side. “These will be your rooms. There will be drinking water and a bathroom for you to clean up. We have already notified the castle staff of your arrival and there will be clothes delivered to you for you to change into for the meal.
“Breakfast will be served in 3 hours. One of the castle butlers will come for you to show you to the dining area at that time. Until then we advise you entertain yourself inside of the room.” The door is opened and a grand suite awaits you. Your mouth drops at the extravagance of it.
A large bed rests at the very center of the room, draped in iridescent white curtains that look as creamy as milk. The floor is covered in cold white marble and speckled with shells and pearls embedded into it. A large couch is perched near the entrance, a lit fire in front of it keeping the room comfortably warm. A book shelf stretches across a third of the room only stopping at a golden archway that you assume leads into the bathroom. The room is decorated in soft golds, creamy whites and pale blues. You catch little accents of pink in the wall paint and on the couch pillows.
The dome-like shape of the room makes you feel like you’re in a bubble.
“What is with you guys and bubbles?” You grumble to yourself.
Xiaojun shrugs. “It’s an Atlantian thing,” he says simply.
You close your eyes in frustration while Baekhyun grumbles at your side.
“So whose room is this?” Baekhyun asks once he’s done cursing Atlantis and its obsession with bubbles. Hendery and Xiaojun share a look and you catch the sneakiness on their expressions.
Hendery is the one who decides to answer, cheerily as if he isn’t intentionally planning to ruin your time here in Atlantis. “Both of yours.”
“I’m sorry what did you just say?”
“This room is for the both of you.” Hendery casts Baekhyun a wide smile. “You’ll have to share because…uhm..”
“Because we’re low on rooms,” Xiaojun chimes in.
“Yes! Low on rooms,” Hendery agrees quickly, conspicuously. You narrow your eyes. “You see we have a lot of guests recently because of a…” he looks to Xiaojun for help.
“For a uh, for a wedding!”
“Who is getting married?” Baekhyun asks, just to catch them in their lie.
“One of the princes! Ah we must be returning to our Captain now. Rest well!” Hendery says quickly before he and Xiaojun rush away with their hands over their mouths, giggling like school children. You’re adults, you can share a room. You won’t let the giggling of the younger boys worsen the pounding in your chest.
You exhale and shake your head. “Come on.” You enter the room first and immediately feel relaxed by the colors, the roundedness, and general softness of everything around you.
The fire feels like it’s calling your name so you wander over to warm yourself up by its flames. Your wet clothes are beginning to feel bothersome again now that the excitement of being in Atlantis and being alive have begun to fade.
The sound of something sopping wet hitting the ground heavily pulls your attention from the flickering flames. When you turn around you don’t expect to see your roommate getting ass naked…
But alas that is what your eyes land on. His shoes and shirt are already in a wet pile by his feet.
“Baekhyun,” you admonish. He stops with his pants halfway down his legs. You look at his soft naked dick only momentarily before you raise your eyes back to his anticipatory face. “Really?”
“I’m cold and wet. I need a shower do you want me to get sick?”
“You couldn’t even wait to go change in the bathroom?”
“It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” he responds before shucking the last of his clothing and standing in the middle of the room proudly.
In all his naked glory.
You can’t help but feel a bit put off by the fact that he doesn’t have any issue getting naked around you. He’s not even hard. It’s like your presence doesn’t affect him in the slightest.
Bitterly you wonder if you’d been Jongin would he have a different reaction in this situation. You stand up abruptly. Fuck Baekhyun.
Pettily you strip out of your clothes as you walk towards the bathroom, leaving the wet articles in your wake. “I’m cleaning myself first,” you state coldly as you all but rip the last of your clothing off at the archway of the bathroom.
You don’t turn around and you don’t bother to investigate why he seems stunned to his spot or why he averts his eyes as you walk by.
The bathroom is just as opulent as the main room. A creamy white with pretty pale pinks streaked through the marble and coloring the crystals that illuminate the room in a soft pinkish glow.
A tub the size of a small pool is carved into the corner of the room. Oils and scented salts in jars cover the expansive shelf built into the wall at its side. A wide mirror stretches across the room with a spout and basin to wash your hands in front of it. A varied range of brushes and facial oils and paints are neatly organized across the counter, settled in front of a thick patterned chaise. You find candles nestled snuggly beneath a shelf of towels and unused sponges on ropes.
Looking at your appearance in the mirror, your hold in the need to physically recoil. You skin looks blanched from the overexposure to water, and the hair on your head is knotted beyond belief. Not wanting to look at your naked form for too long you twist the knob at the tub to release a steady flow of lukewarm water. You toss in some oil that smells good and a soap that catches your attention. The bottle is make of glass and has writing that you can’t read as it must be in Atlantian, but it smells and looks good and bubbles up when it comes in contact with the running water.
Grabbing a comb from the counter of goodies and the specialized hair soap left at the side of the tub, you decide to make an event out of pulling your appearance back together. You will be meeting the Queen in a few hours.
Gingerly, you lower yourself into the water and shove your head under the spout before lathering it in hair soap and detangling the strands on your hand. Rinsing out the suds and then turning off the water, you allow yourself to be semi submerged in the water.
“Yah, you can’t steal the bath and then spend an hour using it. I could have been in and out already.” You crane your neck to find Baekhyun’s complaining form leaning against the archway.
“You weren’t fast enough. Not my problem. You can wait.”
“No I can’t.”
“You can, and you will. I’m not fucking moving.”
In the month you have spent time more intimately with Baekhyun aboard your ship as a fellow crewman, you’ve learned one thing about him that you didn’t know before. He can be astoundingly petty.
His intelligence, his wit, his strength and skill as a pirate, his ability to charm and talk his way out of anything –you knew of it all before. But this petty level of childishness is new.
That being said, you aren’t surprised to find him padding over and then climbing into the large tub across from you. He settles and then his bottom lip juts out.
“Happy now?”
You snort loudly and his pout breaks off into something like a smile. You push a handful of water in his direction, not enough to do much and not with enough strength to even be called a splash.
The little shithead he is takes your push of water as permission to send a small tidal wave in your direction, splashing you directly in your face.
You splutter and wipe the water from your eyes while he laughs his loudest most punctuated laugh at your expense. When you squint at him through the water still in your eyes you see pure relaxed happiness in his features, and you can’t find it in you to even attempt to be mad.
This Baekhyun is the real one. The one he covers up with cocky smiles and biting words. The one he leaves locked away and protected from the heartlessness that is required of your jobs.
Happy Baekhyun is a vulnerable Baekhyun. A soft version of him that makes your heart hammer in your chest and sparks a juvenile desire to keep him at your side safe from anyone who dares try and take that side of him away.
His laughing calms to muffled chuckles hidden behind his hand. “Okay, now I’m happy.”
“That makes one of us,” you scoff out. The water begins to agitate your eyes so you run the water from the spout to flush out the fragrance laced liquid. Blindly you reach out for the stream only to continuously miss.
“Come here,” you hear at your side. “Here, lean back.” You’re moved to the side and you lean backwards only to come in contact with his chest. You tense before giving in and letting yourself relax against him. You feel his muscles shifting as he reaches around you to cup water and pour it over your eyes. You blink away the water and scrunch up your face in discomfort. “I’m not done, try and keep your eyes open this time,” he says gently.
You reach up and hold open each eyelid as he cups the water and lets it flush out the soap. Finally you can blink without agitation. You contemplate thanking him, but decide to do it once you’re safely on your side of the bath. As you’re making your escape, arms wrap around you and pull you back securely down between strong thighs and against a warm chest.
“Can you…uh can you let me go?”
“Nuh uh,” he grunts with a head shake.
You look down at where his arms are crossed over your chest and swallow thickly. He perches his chin on your shoulder and takes in a deep relaxed breath. You feel stiff as a board. “This is nice,” he sighs out.
This is too intimate. This is too intimate. This is too intimate.
“How long have you been in love with Jongin, Baekhyun?” you ask in a rush of breath. His grip on you loosens to nothing and you pull yourself away from him, crossing your arms over your chest to hide the hardening of your nipples. From the cold of the air and the all too close embrace you’d found yourself enjoying just a tad too much.
He splutters. “I- wh-” he starts to cough violently. You feel your heart sinking with each noise he makes. “I don’t- I’m not in love with Jongin!”
You let your silence and your frown portray your disbelief.
“I’m serious. I’m not in love with Jongin he’s like my younger brother, what would make you think that?!” He fake gags. “Oh gross, just the thought-” he covers his mouth to fake gag again.
You gawk at him. Is he overcompensating to hide the truth?
“What in Poseidon’s name would lead you to believe that I’m in love with Jongin? I nearly raised the kid.”
You feel embarrassment creeping up your neck like snakes. “You- the…Minseok said…”
“Minseok said I was in love with Jongin?!”
“No! Wait let me-” you smack a hand to your forehead. “Minseok said that you took the compass with you when you came to find the three of us and I guess I just I don’t fucking know assumed you had to want to find your crew most in the world and then I figured you were actually in love with one of them and Jongin seemed like the most likely of him and Chanyeol because Chanyeol doesn’t really seem like your type but I guess it could also be him since he’s kind of goofy and airhead at times too-”
His hands come out of the water to cup your cheeks and then –lips.  
“Stop talking,” he says softly. Another quick press of his lips against yours. “You’re wrong and you’re stupid and you need to stop thinking before you overload your dumb little brain.”
“Ah ah. What did I say?”
You purse your lips and let him squish your cheeks closer together until your lips are puckered ridiculously. The look in his eyes is fond almost, the smile on his lips and the shine in his eyes soft as he squishes and unsquishes your face.
You bat away his hands. “You still didn’t answer my question,” you whine despite yourself.
“Aw the baby getting upset?” he makes a face of exaggeratedly fake concern. “Come here, sit on daddy’s lap and I’ll make you feel all better.”
“Baek that was gross.”
“The invitation still stands.” He waggles his eyebrows and shimmies his shoulders. When his gaze drops down to your uncovered chest and a bit of the playfulness gets swallowed up by want, you feel a bit of that desire rushing through your veins again.
He isn’t in love with Jongin?
That only leaves more unanswered questions, but you let them go easily at the sight of Baekhyun reclining lazily against the side of the tub, rubbing up and down his thighs slowly and watching you with predatory closeness.
He is so sexy, you are so fucked.
Squashing the tiny feeling of shame, you crawl over and wrap yourself around him. You can feel him rising in excitement from beneath you. You let your arms rest lazily around his shoulders while he busies his hands with massaging circles on your hips.
“That feels nice,” you whisper in a puff of breath. You know that he can see how affected you are –can feel it in your impatient squirms against him as you attempt to subtly relieve the ache growing inside of you. He hums in agreement and focuses his eyes on your mouth.
You can take a hint when it’s staring you in the face like this. You lean forward and connect your lips softly. A peck. Another one. A kiss on the corner of his mouth. A kiss on the tip of his nose. Another on his smiling lips.
When you pull back there’s emotion swimming in his irises that sparks a heat in your core. You nip at his bottom lip.
A lick, a nibble, a juvenile laugh against pressed lips.
He sticks his tongue out through pursed lips, waiting for you to try and kiss him with his ridiculous expression. You pull away to grimace, only to laugh and lick a messy wet stripe from his upper lip to the tip of his nose.
“You’re a dick,” he laughs, wiping your saliva off his nose.
“And you’re a bastard,” you respond easily. You look at your deeply pruning skin with disdain. “We should dry off.”
“But I like it here in the tub; I haven’t even scrubbed the dirt off.”
“We can clean ourselves properly after I get your cock inside me.” You feel him twitch from beneath you. You cock your head to the side teasingly. “Oh, now you’re ready to get out?”
He scrambles from under you and over the edge of the tub right to the towels. You roll your eyes playfully and climb out just as he plops a towel on your head and quickly tries to dry your hair, only messing it up further.
“Hurry up. We’ll get sick if we stay like this for too long. We need to go to the bed and warm up, I can already feel a cold coming on.”
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atiny-piratequeen · 4 years
Also since some of yall won't hear the blacktiny side of this debacle, lemme hit you with the Hongjoong and Ateez side of this (bc from some of the anons, yall are putting Hongjoongie over Blacktiny and apparently this is the only way I can get through to some yall hardheaded and borderline or full on racist asses)
KQ following in the footsteps of bigger companies before them and putting Hongjoong in braids (several times, looking at those new photos hnn) isnt good for Hongjoong, Ateez, or KQ.
Looking back at bands who have had the same thing done and gone through similar cultural appropriation incidents (i.e, BTS, EXO, Blackpink, Red Velvet, Stray Kids, Mamamoo, iKon, NCT (all units, including the recent WayV incident), etc ), you not only insult your fans by mocking their culture and/or using them for a costume, you also sever ties with a lot of potential fans and on the business end of it, thats a completely unessesary loss.
To this day, even after apologies, bands that have gone this path STILL have people who wont even touch the band because of their cultural appropriation. Everyone is different, but at the end of the day, poc are not REQUIRED to forgive companies and bands and swallow the pill, so to speak, when these topics come up.
Understand when I say what I'm about to say that I dont condone bullying, but I am using the previously mentioned incidents as examples but
To. This. Day. Even after apologies and what appears to be understanding and remorse from companies and artists, both fans and 'antis' will still bring up these cultural appropriation incidents. Even YEARS after its passed and if there was no repeat offense in between. Again, i in no capacity am condoning bullying or threats, but to this very day idols like Bang Chan (SKZ), Taeyong (NCT), Namjoon (BTS) are recieving threats and constant harassment for mistakes made previously because companies refuse to learn.
KQ set Hongjoong up for some bullshit, and all of this is completely and utterly unnecessary.
Now, unpopular opinion or whatever, but I still hold to my opinion that Hongjoong did not want this shit. He has been nothing but sincere about his intentions to connect with Atiny of all cultures and build a strong relationship with us. I very seriously doubt he was in agreement to this.
That being said, it is perfectly okay to still be disappointed. In him, in KQ. He by no means deserves hate, but as someone who is not only a blacktiny, but also Hongjoong biased myself, anyone disappointed in him is valid in being as such.
On the same hand, I'd like us all to keep in mind that Hongjoong is an idol. And I know a lot of us in the west have a very western view on things, but at the end of the day, we have to understand idol culture and companies are different from over in the west.
These idols may have *some* creative freedoms and control, some more than most, but at the end of the day, unless they completely run their own company and make their own rules, they do not have full say in what happens to them and their careers.
Idols have been very vocal about this in the past. And again, I'm in no way saying idols are completely helpless or that *some* of them dont actually see the error in their ways (plenty of idols really are just,,,problematic, no company bullshit needed), but I ask yall, if bands that have been around half a decade or more still dont have full creative control over their lives and careers, what makes yall think Hongjoong (if he didn't want these braids, which I strongly believe he didnt) could actually say no to the company holding him and his whole band in their hands and stand a chance?
I cannot stress that I'm not telling people they cant be mad or hurt *at* Hongjoong, but I'm seeing a lot of people saying he could've just "walked out of the chair" "hes a grown man, he can say no" and??? Not really no he cant???
Moving on to the reason a lot of these companies give when we raise hell about CA (if they bother to respond to), thats rooted in so many problems.
They say they put (African) braids or dreadlocs in idols hair because its "cool" or "makes them look tough" or some shit.
It fits an aesthetic. Thats why. Because it fits a hood aesthetic.
I really shouldn't have to explain to yall the problem in using someone else's culture to fit an aesthetic, but since this always comes up, allow me to tell yall a bit of why thats a problem.
The braids come into play when they want their idols, (mostly rappers, a role adopted from black culture) to look "gangsta"/"tough"/"intimidating"/or 🙄🙄🙄"urban". They take hairstyles from black culture to fit an image thats ~intimidating~.
Our braids, our dreads (which, again, to some rasta peoples, is a RELIGOUS symbol and SACRED) are temporarily put on these idols so people can gasp and go "ooo intimidating."
Historically, black people who wear their hair in braids or dreads are turned down from jobs, assaulted wrongly, looked at with prejudice, or down right murdered for the same idea. Nonblack people are historically more intimidated by a black person with hair in braids or in dreads because media portrays black people who dont have short cuts or straightened hair as someone to be feared.
Our braids, they're protective styles.
Our dreads, also protective, sometimes religious.
Our hair isnt for us to look "cool" or "intimidating". That whack ass excuse doesnt work. Companes are in their 4th generation of kpop and refuse to learn from the mistakes of past companies and generations. Yall use our culture (and brown and latinx cultures) improperly and when we tell yall why its wrong, we're pushed aside by our own fandoms or the companies we're constantly giving money to.
We're not asking for an arm and a leg. We're asking for yall to listen to us and not blatantly spit in our faces. We matter just as much as East Asian and white fans.
Also, not nearly as relevant as most of this post, but standing with blacktiny and our allies for this voting really shouldn't be as controversial and hectic as it is.
Thanxx and Inception are amazing songs. Thanxx is not going to disappear if yall vote Inception. It literally means Inception will be the TITLE song, therefore the song getting the MOST attention out of the two, which is important because you're not forcing blacktiny to have to deal with a whole promotional period of pushing a mv where our culture is blatantly being disrespected. Thanxx as a B side is not the end of the world. No, people shouldn't be rude to you about the voting, but I ask that yall please take that into account when we ask you to vote Inception.
Stay hydrated. Listen to your neighbors when they're talking about their cultures and their pain. Thanks
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brelione · 4 years
Just Wanna Be Happy (Pope HeywardxReader)
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Warnings:Mentions of self harm,depression,medication,suicide.Please do not read if youre triggered by these topics.This wasnt written to glamorize mental illness this is kind of just my coping mechanism because I just got out of a depressing period.Depression effects people differently but this fanfic has ways that its effected me so yeah.
You had never been a very social person.Or a friendly person or even a happy person.You kind of just existed without purpose or reason.Its not like you didnt want to be happy because of course you did.It just wasnt something that could come naturally to you in your everyday life.It was summer and you had hardly left your house at all.Most time was spent in your room.It had been days since you had showered or brushed your hair or even changed your clothes.You hadnt done you laundry in weeks or eaten a proper meal in days.You were an absolute mess since you had stopped taking your medication.You didnt know why but you just couldnt bring yourself to take them anymore.You felt guilty for not replying to any of your friends messages.
“Hey :) do you wanna hang out with us tomorrow?”Read Tuesday 9:48 PM. “Hey have you been taking your meds?Your mom wanted me to check up on you :)”Read at 1:48 PM today.
Your mom was staying with family in California this summer to work on a book.She would transfer ten dollars to your bank account everyday.You hadnt spent any of it.She had sent you countless texts to ask how you were doing or if you had gotten your refill.Your skin was dull from not seeing the sun,the hair on your legs had grown long and prickly and you smelt like absolute shit.You heard a knock at your door,the sound echoing through your empty house.You worked up the strength to get up,dragging your feet as you walked.You felt dizzy and nauseous as you walked,couldnt even feel your feet touching the ground.Your kitchen was an absolute mess,frying pan with maple syrup stuck to it and the sink full of dirty smelling dishes.You opened the door,blocking your eyes from the sun to see Pope.
He let out a sigh of relief,pulling you into a hug. “God (Y/N)!You cant do that!Jesus,I thought you died.”He sighed,squeezing you tightly.You didnt bother hugging back,letting your head rest against him. “I was getting worried about you-its been like two weeks since you’ve talked to me.”He grumbled,pulling away from the hug and observing your face.You had a couple of pimples across your forehead from not washing your face,your skin was splotchy and your eyes puffy. “Have you been taking your meds?”He asked.You didnt answer,watching as he walked over to the cabinet to pull out the orange pill bottle.It was still half full.He looked at the date that it was supposed to be refilled.Two days ago. “You have to take these every day!”He exclaimed.You sighed,not really caring.THis wasnt what you needed to hear right now.You didnt exactly know what you needed to hear but that was definitely not it.
 “When was the last time you showered?”He asked.You shrugged,not remembering.All the days had merged together.You slept a lot even when you didnt need it.The only time you really got up was to use the bathroom or vomit into your trash bin. “And the last time you ate?”He asked.You mumbled that you werent sure,embarrassed that someone had seen you in this state.He turned on your shower,letting the room get steamy from the hot water.He went into your messy room,making his way through the piles of crumpled paper and dirty clothing to your dresser.He grabbed you a new pair of underwear,a sportsbra,a loose t shirt and some comfy looking shorts.He assisted you in getting your hair out of the bun it was in,letting the snagglt knots loose. “I’m going to make you some food,okay?”You nodded.He closed the bathroom door.
You pulled off your dirty clothes,nearly gagging at the smell of yourself.You stepped into the shower,letting the burning hot water touch your back and head.You poured a fistfull of conditioner in your hair to try and help with the knots.You sat down,closing your eyes and letting the conditioner rinse out.You poured at least a fourth of the bottle of shampoo into your hair,scrubbing your scalp aggressively.You used the suds from the shampoo to wash under your arms and your back.You used the same suds in replacement of shaving cream to shave your legs only up to your knee.The water was going cold but you didnt care,laying down and letting the water smack your stomach.Pope knocked at the door before opening it. “(Y/N)?You okay?”He asked.You sat up,eyes still shut as you turned off the water. “I made you some frozen waffles.”He informed you before closing the door again.
You waited until all of the water went down the drain until you stood up,slowly stepping onto the bath mat.At least you didnt smell so disgusting now.What really worried you was brushing your hair out mostly because you knew it would hurt and half your hair would most likely fall out.You grabbed a towel,rubbing down your body.You had some faded scars on your thighs and calves but none on your wrist.Mainly because you knew no one would check your legs.It had been five months since you harmed yourself and you were proud.You probably would’ve relapsed eventually if you were even able to work up the energy to do it.You groaned as you saw the pimples on your face,grabbing your face wash that you hadnt used in so long.You scrubbed your face,rinsing the soap off and patting your skin dry.
You looked back up at the mirror.You could barely recognize yourself.You looked like a deformed radiation exposed raccoon.You saw the clothes Pope had picked for you,pulling them on over your damp skin.You slowly brushed your teeth,blood leaking from your gums as you did so.You dragged yourself out of the bathroom,the cold air of the kitchen hitting you.Pope wa sitting at your kitchen table.A plate of eggos sat on a paper plate,a cup of water sitting in front of it. “I’ll go grocery shopping for you later.”He offered as you sat down.You shook your head. “No...its fine.”You answered as you stared down at the plate. “You dont have anything to eat here.Let me go grocery shopping and cook for you.”He spoke softly,taking a pill from your prescription bottle and holding it in his palm.
 “Can you please eat so you can take this?”He asked.You took a bite of the eggo,wanting nothing more than to spit it out into the garbage.You chewed it to mush and swallowed,looking back at him. “Good.”He handed you the pill. “I dont want to take this.”You told him.He sighed,nodding. “I know,I know you dont but it’ll make you feel better.”He told you.You dipped your head back,dropping the pill in your mouth and sipping the water. “All I want is to be happy….why is that so much to ask for?”You grumbled,looking down at your cup.He reached out for your hand,rubbing his thumb along your palm. “You’ll be happy one day.If you take your medicine and make your environment better you’ll feel better.”He had probably read that bullshit in some book.You rolled your eyes. “What does that even mean?”You asked.You placed his hand over yours,tapping his nails against your fingertips. “Just let me take care of you until your mom gets back,alright?”He asked.You hummed,too tired to argue.
He grabbed your hairbrush and a bottle of detangler from your bathroom and got to work on your hair.It didnt hurt too bad and he was careful with your hair almost like it was precious gold. “Do you wanna watch a movie?”He asked.You shrugged but followed him to your living room.It was the one room besides your mothers that you hadnt completely fucked up.He went on Disney Plus and allowed you to flick through the titles until you found something you liked.You chose Inside Out.He grinned at you,kissing your forehead before disappearing into your room.He picked up the clothes off your floor and assumed they were dirty,tossing them into your washing machine.
He stuffed your trash bin full of all the paper and random trash on your floor.He grabbed the stacks of plates,forks and molding mugs from you floor and on top of your dresser.He did a load of dishes,switching your clothes from your washer to your dryer.You had fallen asleep on the couch with the movie still on.He made your bed for you,killing a few bugs that had been hiding under all of the trash.He called his dad. “Pope?You okay?” “mhm..yeah.Um...im gonna be away from home for a while.” “What-no the hell you’re not.” “Dad-” “No-what am I gonna do with all these grocery deliveries?” “Dad-Its (Y/N).” Silence. “Is she….uhh..” “No-no.She’s been off her meds and i think someones gotta be here to take care of her while her moms out of town.” “Alright...just be careful with her.”The call ended.Pope sighed as he looked at your room.It was much much cleaner now that he was done with it.
He sat down on the couch next to your sleeping figure,paying attention to the movie in front of him.You sat up tiredly,wrapping your arms around his torso and moving him so you could rest your head on his tummy. “I think thats whats happening to me.”You spoke,gesturing to the TV.Joy and Sadness had just left the headquarters which left only fear,anger and disgust.He nodded,understanding what you were trying to tell him. “Maybe.”He replied.You sighed,tracing circles onto his skin through his shirt. “I wanna learn how to be happy...it might take a while but I just wanna be happy,you know?”You asked.He hummed,moving his arms so he was holding you. “I’ll help anyway I can.”He promised,stroking your hair lightly.
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Can You Write A Moduke Ficlet Based Off Of The Song “Kindergartner Boyfriend”?
There were a lot of things a person could learn in high school.
Quadratic equations, how to figure out a fictional person's relationship with their parents based on their choice of pastry.
And most importantly, Patton learned that if you were to nice to the world, the world would swallow you whole and spit you back out again in a mangled mess of blood and gore.
He used to be so happy, he and his best friend Remus would play games for hours on the playground.
Once, when Remus had been playing soccer, and Patton had been standing off to the side, picking flowers.
He'd been caught off guard by a gasp, and arms around his neck.
"Check it out! I scraped my knee!" Remus had seemed very excited when he pressed the bloody patch of skin to Patton's palm. And Patton's heart fluttered when Remus pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Patton liked hanging out with Remus, liked talking and singing and dancing with him.
But most of all he liked that Remus called him boyfriend and sweetheart and Pattycake and he wasnt afraid to hold his hand and give him kisses and hugs and cuddles.
They slept next to each other during naptime, hands intertwined and smiling. Remus had nightmares, so he watched Patton sleep.
Patton missed that, he missed it more than anything in the world.
Now Remus was to good for him.
Now Remus hung out with his brothers, King, Roman, and Romulus.
And he didnt need Patton anymore.
As a kid Patton was unique and special and sweet.
As a high schooler Patton was naive and stupid and undesirable.
And he couldnt subject Remus to his existence.
So here he was, laminated apology note in the pocket of his skirt, standing on a bridge.
He never really thought warm water could be hard, he knew it could burn, but not like this, he didnt bother fighting as he began to sink, that wouldve been counter productive.
He wasnt sure what else had happened, only that he woke up soon in a hospital bed, Remus sitting beside him, rubbing a thumb into his wrist and holding the note with his other hand.
"Remus?. . ." Patton's voice was hoarse, everything hurt.
"Oh gods- Pat-" Patton felt guilty as Remus turned his gaze toward him, tears running down his cheeks.
"Why'd you save me. . ." Patton said softly.
"Because sweetheart I love you! I'm so sorry we drifted apart- I never should've let people say those things to you-" Patton hated seeing Remus cry, he was normally so passionate and fiery, this was unlike him, it was like he'd been broken.
"Nononono dont blame yourself- oh Remus you shouldnt have saved me it's only making you feel worse!" Patton said hurriedly, he tried to cover his face, only to realize his arms were sore, and one of his legs was propped up away from the bed.
"Patton you jumped off a bridge! You broke your leg! If I hadnt been so caught up with these stupid social games you would be fine!" Remus said.
"Well if you feel that bad. . . Maybe we could- start over?" Patton said quietly.
Remus paused for a few moments.
"Yeah. . . I'd like to have my kindergarten boyfriend back, of you'll have me, Pattycake,"
"I think I'd like that very much, Mouse,"
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
No More Divisions - Chapter Four: The Wreck
JJ x Original Character
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I didn't go back to bed after my conversation with JJ. I got out of the jacuzzi moments after he did, but I didn't go lay beside him. Instead, I went to JJ's father's dock and sat there, watching the sun completely rise.
My demons were not anything like JJ's. My parents were on the brink of getting a divorce and my worst fear was that they'd make me choose. I'm an only child so I have a good relationship with both my parents and although I don't want them to divorce in general, I could understand that they both are happier when they're not together. What I can't understand is why they would want me to choose. On one hand, my dad owns a business and regularly partners with Ward on real estate deals so he's very wealthy and is going to stay in OBX if my parents divorce. My dad and I are close and love the environment and I get along with him very well. On the other hand, my mom is from old money and will definitely go back to live with her father, my grandfather, in New York. I've been to New York two times and both times I didnt like it. The big city isn't for me. But I love my mom and we do get along and I go to her when I'm having problems. That's my biggest demon.
On days like today, everything gets put into perspective. Especially when I realize JJ's demons. His father had a reputation for being a drunk and a gambler, but I didn't think he'd hit his son. Now, my problems seem so insignificant compared to JJ's. I understand that I shouldn't think like that because your problems, big or small, still matter but I can't stop thinking of JJ and how his life has been so far.
He deserves better. I wish he was dealt a better hand.
I know it's late for me to come to this realization, but Pogue or Kook, it doesn't matter. We're all human for fucks sake. I know this is naive but why can't we get along? Why can't I hang out with who I want to hang out with. Be friends with people who have substance. Why does his town feel like following rules that were made by our grandparents and great grandparents?
My mind is reeling and before I can go into a trance, I'm reeled back into reality when I hear footsteps behind me.
Feeling exposed by myself, I quickly turn my body around to come face to face with the person behind me.
It's JJ.
He's wearing new swim trunks and a black tshirt this time. He looks tired and drained but he has this ragged feeling to him that makes him look mature and handsome. His blonde hair is a mess and he already has dirt on his hands his early in the morning, but he's still about the most beautiful person I've ever seen.
"Hi." I say, my breath is caught in my throat. He looks so different to me since the first time I saw him. I don't know why.
"Hey." He says back, looking down at his sneakers for a moment. Is he blushing? JJ is acting coy around me? A Kook nonetheless.
"What's up?" I ask, getting on my knees to get up from where I'm seated on the dock.
JJ's hands are out towards me before I can even ask for help and I grab both his hands to help me up. My hands feel all tingly as I touch him. His hands are rough, which differ from my sweaty but smooth ones, but they're warm. I could melt in them.
Once I'm fully up and making eye contact with him, JJ speaks, "We're gonna start heading out. You're coming with me and Kiara."
I nod. I look down at my hands and I realize they're still holding onto his hands. In surprise, I recoil my hands. I'm completely embarrassed. His hands felt so good, so right, in mine that I forgot to let go.
"Did you sleep at all after our conversation?" He coughs awkwardly as I let go of his hands. I've upset him a little and I don't know why.
"We should probably go." I ignore his question, mostly because I know he won't like the answer. It's not entirely his fault I didn't go back to sleep; I overthink too much.
I walk away from him quickly. Finding out his father beats him upsets me so much. I wish there was something I could say to make him feel better but I'm not a magician and there's no such thing as magic anyways. If there was, I would wish for a better dad for JJ.
I can feel JJ following me and I slow down my pace so he can catch up. Once we get back to his backyard, I see Kiara and Pope speaking to eachother as they both fold the blankets we slept on last night. I can see that they hear JJ and I enter because they instantly stop folding and talking and look at me.
"What?" I ask, concern in my voice. It's clear that they were talking about me.
"Nothing." Kiara says, smiling. "We should start going. The Wreck doesn't open until 10am and its 9am already."
I nod at her, but then look to Pope who hasn't said anything to me yet and has only been observing me. "Pope, is there something you wanna say?"
"Yeah." Pope nods, clearing his throat. "I know Kiara trusts you and so does Sarah. John B. doesn't know you but told us how nice and helpful you were since Peterkin was shot but I don't understand why you'd put yourself in danger for a friend and her boyfriend. Why would a Kook wanna help a Pogue. Why?"
I sigh. I was gonna answer him but I don't know if he was gonna like the answer. I look to Kiara, then beside me to JJ who is surprisingly smiling back, and then to Pope.
"Sarah was the only person nice to me when I first came to OBX. She's helped me more than anyone has. This is me just helping prove someone's innocent. The people in OBX deserve to know the truth. As for why I'd help a Pogue if I'm a Kook, there's no such thing my mind. There are just people, good and bad, and I wanna help the good ones." By the end of my speech, I take a deep breath.
I look to Kiara. She's smiling at me. She looks to Pope. "Good enough answer Pope?"
Pope doesn't look at Kiara, only smiles at me. "Yeah. Let's go and help our friend."
Getting to the Wreck was the easy part. Getting in with Kiara's key was the easy part. Even finding the food that we wanted for John B. was easy. Carrying those bins to the car though were not easy. These bins felt like they weighed 300 pounds and there were four of them, filled with preservatives for John B.'s trip. I was given the first bin by JJ and when he saw how much I struggled, he was more than happy to make fun of me.
"You need help sweetie?" He sarcastic tone made me roll my eyes. As he carried one of the bins with ease, I was having trouble putting it in the back of Kiara's car.
"Ignore him Callie. He's just about as helpful as my grandma when it comes to lifting heavy things." Kiara laughs, placing the second bin after JJ. I'm soon after her and I place the third one after her. Only one left.
"What do you call these?" JJ smirks, lifting his tshirt over his shoulder to flex his muscles. Although I'm impressed, I pretend not to be.
Instead I scoff. "Looks like flimsy noodles to me. What about you Kiara?"
Kiara nods, leaning against her car. "Sounds about right."
JJ gives us a fake pout. "You guys suck."
"But, my friend, you swallow." Kiara rebuttals, causing the both of us to break out in a fit of laughter.
JJ scoffs at us and stomps away, back into the restaurant to get the last bin full of food. Kiara and I are joking and laughing so much we forget where we are and who's around us. We're so wrapped up in our laughter we don't see the two motorcycles speed towards us and stop right behind us. Only when our laughter dies down and I turn around to go to the trunk, do I realize there's two motorcycles near the trunk of Kiara's car, blocking me from closing it.
They don't have to take off their helmets for me to know who they are but when they do I'm not surprised to see Topper and Rafe. I turn to run to Kiara, who is still waiting at the front of the car for me.
"Kiara! Run!" I scream.
She turns to me but it's too late, Rafe grabs onto my bicep and pulls me towards his body.
"Hey babe." He smirks. Topper is beside him and is smirking at me.
My instincts kick in and I spit in his face. He's thrown off guard and lets me go. This allows me to kick him in the shin once before Kiara grabs onto Topper and punches him in the stomach.
Since they're taller and stronger than us, Rafe overpowers me again and this time holds my wrists together. I'm twisting my body and kicking to try and break free but the more I move, the more my wrists hurt. Topper does the same to Kiara and in an attempt to try and escape, I try and speak to Rafe. We could talk so easily before. Maybe I can talk my way out of this. And if not, JJ will be out in seconds and help us.
"Why are you doing this?" I ask, exasperated from all the fighting. I stand still for I moment and I can already feel Rafe loosen his grip. Not enough for me to get out but it's progress.
"You're coming back to my house. And you're gonna tell me where John B. and Sarah are." Rafe speaks, not answering me.
"Like hell we are." Kiara says but yells as Topper holds onto her hand tighter.
"There's a $25,000 reward out for your friend. If we don't find him, someone else will. You'd want us to find him. We'll be gentle." Topper smirks at Kiara before looking to me and winking.
I roll my eyes. "Yeah sure. Right before you kill him." I spit out, bitterly looking between Topper and Rafe.
"Why are you protecting him?" Rafe asks, squeezing tighter. "Is it because you like him?"
I laugh arrogantly. I know he could probably hurt me but I can't help it. Rafe was always jealous even before he was a killer. I'm glad he's consistent at least. "Are you seriously jealous right now? I'm not even your girlfriend anymore. What I do is none of your damn business."
"It's my business! We're not done. You love me." Rafe grints his teeth together, not happy that I said we aren't together.
"I hate you!" I scream. "You don't know what love is."
"I love you and you left me!" He angrily screamed in my face. He was red and his eyes were darting everywhere. I realized he was high, from god knows what, and grew angry with him.
"I left you," I yell, matching his angry tone. "Because you're a crack addicted psycho!"
Topper and Kiara are now silent and stop fighting eachother. They look to us.
"I'm better baby, I swear." Rafe whimpers, tears falling down his face. I have no sympathy anymore. He's a murderer.
"You're fucking high right now." I furrow my brows, anger still dripping from my tone.
"I'll get better for you. We had all these dreams and somehow it all got messed up." He frowns at me, his grip loosens even more.
"I don't love you anymore Rafe. You're a killer!" I yell, my eyes wandering to the front door of the Wreck where JJ has finally emerged. When he sees what's going on, I can tell he's angry. He's running to us, bin in hand as if it weighs nothing.
Unfortunately Rafe looks behind me and sees him too. Not in enough time though because JJ throws the bin at both Topper and Rafe who let go of us and fall backwards.
"You're with him?!" Rafe yells, his anger boiling over again.
This time I dont answer. I'm too busy getting in the car with Kiara and JJ. As JJ closes the trunk, Kiara starts up the car and I buckle my seat. We're yelling at JJ to hurry up because they're running after JJ. By some sort of miracle, JJ gets in the car and locks the door before Rafe and Topper can get to him. Kiara puts the car in drive as JJ flips the both of them off as we drive away.
"Fuckers!" JJ yells, still flipping them off even though they can't see us from inside the car anymore.
"JJ if they follow us, you're getting beat up first." I sarcastically threaten him and he laughs at me.
"They wouldn't dare. They're scared of me now Callie. I beat the shit out of them." JJ smirks before lifting up his arms and kissing his muscles. "These boys did me proud."
Kiara and I laugh at him as he kisses his muscles.
"All you did was throw a bin at them. Your 'boys' let you down." Kiara snickers, looking at JJ through the mirror. He's laying down on the backseat as Kiara and I are in the front.
"Speaking of which," I say, the reality sinking in. "Since JJ hit them with the last bin, we only have three in the trunk."
Kiara shrugs. "I'm sure John B. won't mind."
JJ sits up and sneaks his head through the open space between Kiara and I. He turns his head to look at me. "He better not complain or I'll punch him. I almost got beat up for these three bins."
"Aw," I coo sarcastically at JJ before grabbing his cheeks with my hand. "No one's gonna beat up the only thing that gets you laid."
JJ moves his head away from my hands as Kiara laughs at my joke. "You just said I'm hot."
Kiara and I stop laughing. It all of a sudden got super hot in this car. "I never said that." I frown, look to the road.
"You basically said that I'm hot." JJ laughs at me in my ear.
My back gets goosebumps. "I did not!"
Kiara shakes her head and laughs. "You gotta be careful what you say to this guy. Everything goes straight to his head."
I look back at JJ, who is still looking straight at me.
I smile. "Has anyone told you that you have an ego, JJ?"
JJ laughs. "I think that's one of my defining qualities."
"It really is." I joke, smirking at JJ for a second before looking to Kiara. "Where are we going now?"
"We gotta pick up Pope. I'm guessing his dad is not happy." Kiara says as she rounds another corner, coming closer and closer to the dock where Mr. Heyward works.
I frown, looking down at my hands. "I guess this is where I loose my job."
"Don't worry Callie," JJ reassures me as he pats my shoulder. "Look on the bright side; you'll be an honorary member of the Pogue club if you do."
I look behind me, making eye contact with JJ. "Oh yay me."
But I was starting to think if this is what being a Pogue was, maybe it wasn't so bad.
"You guys stay here. I'll go get Pope." Kiara instructed as she got out of the car.
JJ and I both nodded but as soon as she closed the door, I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to JJ.
"Are they a thing?" I ask, curious because of their behavior towards eachother. They act like a couple and Kiara protects him but as far as I know, they're not.
JJ shrugs. "No but they have a thing kinda. They both obviously like eachother. It's just not obvious to the both of them."
I nod. "I kinda know what that's like."
JJ looked up from his hand and leaned on over to me. His bottom half was in the back seat but his upper half was leaning against my arm rest. He was incredibly close to me, I should've told him to back up but I didn't want him to. He smelled so wonderful; like the ocean, that it was intoxicating. I wanted to be wrapped up in him all day -
"Are you okay?" JJ asks, concern in his tone.
I snap out of my thoughts. "Yeah, sorry. What did you say?" God, I really had to get it together. He's not mine. He'll never be mine.
"What does it feel like to be in love?" JJ asks this so innocently, that I'm surprised it's even came from his mouth.
I smile. "You've never been in love?" I ask in disbelief. There's no way. I couldn't count how many times I heard that JJ was with a new girl.
JJ shrugs. "No. To be honest, I've never had an official girlfriend either."
I let out a small laugh in disbelief. "What? Yes you have."
JJ frowns and shakes his head.
I can't believe what I'm hearing. "Seriously? Wow."
I'm literally in shock from this news. JJ seems a little embarrassed and is not looking at me anymore and looking at his hands. I can tell he didn't like my reaction to the news but I couldn't help it.
"JJ," I say, not speaking until he looks back up at me. When he does, I continue, "love is great but it's not always everything. What you have with your friends, I really only have with Sarah. The type of love you have for your friends is something I wish I could have."
JJ smiles at me. "Well, you're part of the group now."
I smirk, leaning closer to him. "Really?"
He leans even closer, our foreheads touching now. "Yeah."
I want to kiss him so badly it hurts. I've never wanted to kiss someone this badly, it's scary. I know he wants to too because I watch him lick his lips. I'm taking a leap of faith and leaning closer and closer to him until his lips are inches from mine.
Then we hear the door unlock automatically and we instantly pull apart. I look out the drivers side window and see Kiara with Pope, running with the two gallons of gas. I lean over the drivers side and open the door for Kiara, who gets in quickly and starts the car.
Pope is quickly in the back with JJ and throws the gas on the floor. "Go!"
I look to the window and see Mr. Heyward after them. Kiara floors it, going faster than she did when we were trying to get away from Rafe and Topper. I guess a parent's anger is always scarier than a murderer and his friends.
"Woohoo!" JJ screams, all of us laughing and screaming with him.
I think it get it now. This is what it's all about.
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angstalottle · 4 years
Why Are You Here?
Part 2:
The air in the room seemed to grow very thick as the two brothers stared at each other neither really believing what they saw.
For Diago he was seeing a face he had long since assumed was gone forever, a brother that abandoned them and left a hole in their family that was never to be filled again.
For Five he was realising he had gone much further forwards then he ever imagined. It made him feel both excited and honestly terrified at his own power. How could he come so far without even realising it?
The silence dragged on, neither wanting to break the fragile composure they currently had.
Thankfully it wasn't left to the brothers to take the first step but instead a nurse who awkwardly knocked on the door carrying a tray of food.
“I hope i'm not interrupting” she cleared her throat shifting under the pair of eyes that snapped towards her. “The doctor said he will be needing something to eat.”
Diago looked to his brother, however fucking crazy this current situation was the ratinal part of his brain knew that whatever questions he had (and there was a shit ton of them) could wait until after Five didnt look like he was about ready to pass out.
Five stared at the woman not saying anything as she placed the tray onto his lap and shuffled out with an uncomfortable smile.
Diago sighed and leaned back in his chair waiting for Five to hurry up and eat so he could finally start to figure out what the hell was going on.
But as seconds ticked by Five remained perfectly still staring down at the boxes of food letting his dark hair fall onto his face.
At first Diago thought maybe being down a working arm was getting in the way and Five was just too stubborn to ask for help…
But then a cold realisation settled in his stomach as he watched Five cautiously poke the container of jello.
He didn't know what was in front of him and he didn't know it was safe.
Diago escaped his fucked up family home over a decade ago but it looked like Five had only just left.
Wordlessly Diago took one of the sandwiches from the tray and took a bite. He hated doing this, showing his own brother that it was safe to eat and that it wouldn't hurt him.
The worst part was that it was working, Five ripped off a small piece of the bread and began to slowly eat.
Bit by bit they continued this, with Diago tasting first then letting Five finish the rest until the tray was clean save for a few crumbs and empty packets.
Everything about Five was skittish and untrusting, it hurt to see honestly. In Diagos mind Five was always so big and strong abel to stand up to Dad when no one else could.
Now though, seeing him though his adult eyes Diago could see what he really was. And that was a worryingly skinny and hurt kid.
An abused child that wanted so desperately to protect his siblings that he made himself the target.
How could Diago ever think he willingly left them?
“What year is it?”
Five was so quiet Diago almost thought he imagined him talking.
“What?” he asked, swallowing the lump in his throat that had formed over the last few minutes.
“What year is it Number Two.” Five said louder this time.
“2018… October to be exact you just missed our birthday.”
Five nodded solomly “ok. Ok i can work with this, i just have to go back and…” he trailed off looking down at his damaged body.
His arm was currently in a white cast carefully held close to his chest in a sling. Diago assumed his leg was similarly encased in plaster hidden under the thin blanket.
Five swallowed nervously, his eyes skittering across his injuries finally realising just how bad it all is.
Diago decided now was the time to step in.
“Five what's the last thing you remember?”
He looked down at his free hand for a moment. “I was fighting with Dad at dinner, I wanted to time travel but he said I wasn't ready. I ran out and i did it… but then nothing.”
“Yeah that would be you getting hit by a car. You appeared in the middle of the road. Considering how fast the guy was going, you're lucky to be alive.”
“Lucky?” Five turned to glare at Diago in a way that sent flashes of nostalgia and also made him wonder how he ever found tiny Five intimidating.
“How can I be lucky when I'm stuck useless in bed until I can teleport again? Time travel was hard enough to do with all working limbs; it's practically impossible now.” Five pulled at his hair.
He was clearly frustrated but something felt off to Diago.
While he didnt understand time travel the same way his brother did then surely it didn't matter when he left he would end up exactly when he left. The only problem was Diago knew Five never made it back home.
Did that mean his brother is going to die here? Or maybe decide to stay?
He knew which he would prefer, even without the morbid possibility Diago would want him to stay, Reginald was a monster and Five was his favourite punching bag.
It was something Diago never really noticed until his brother was gone and that buffer zone they grew up with was ripped away.
Diago took a deep calming breath “look, like it or not you're stuck here for a while. You can either mope around the whole time or enjoy the future. You can even stay with me so you don't have to deal with Dad.”
Fives brow creased “you don't live at home anymore?”
“Five im almost 30, only Luthers stayed at home and even he ended up leaving a few years ago.” Diago rolled his eyes watching as the wheels in Fives head turned.
“Who’s Luther?” He asked confused.
Shit. Diago compleatly forgot about the name thing.
“Mom gave us normal names as a 16th birthday gift, One is Luther I’m Diago, Three is Allison, Four is Klaus, Six wa- is Ben and Seven is Vanya.”
God that reminded him Five didn’t know about Ben.
How the hell was he supposed to tell him his brother died only a year after getting his name?
Thankfully he was saved from having to worry about it for the moment because Patch walked in carrying two large disposable cups of coffee.
“So you're awake then” she smiled thankfully saving Diago from explaining the fact Luther is living on the moon while he rents a boiler room.
Five glared at her “who are you?”
She placed the coffee down to remove her badge and show it to him “I'm a police officer, I was the one to find you and call Diago. Are you up to answering some questions?” She asked clearly, having no idea what she had just walked into.
“What kind of questions?” Five asked suspiciously. They had always been trained to distrust the police, to never tell them what was going on at home and well… Diago realised why once he left home and found it wasn't normal for a kid to be held underwater so long they realised they could breathe the stuff.
“I just want to know your name and if there's a parent or guardian i can call. I saw your tattoo but i still need to hear it from you so i can release you into Diego's care if you want.”
Diago had always been impressed with how she handled herself around victims.
Diago was all sharp edges and quick words never really bothering to comfort while he got information.
It wasn't that he was uncaring, he just always figured the best way to help someone was to get the bastard that hurt them in the first place.
Five just glared at her, his annoying stubborn streak flaring up at the worst possible moment.
“His names Five and he is my brother” Diago supplied, earning the glare turned on him instead for his betrayal.
“Five as in…”
“Yeah one and same. Look Patch I need you to do something for me. You need to make this case disappear, don't let the driver report anything and don’t leave a paper trail” Diago asked standing up, taking the cups from her and placing them down on the bow empty seat and leading her away to the corner of the room.
“Dad is well connected and richer than God, if he finds out Five is here he will take him legal or not”
“I can’t just make the kid disappear” she replied chewing her lip as she glanced over at Five watching them with annoyance. “I’ll keep the tattoo quiet but anything else is a crime.”
Diago smiled, honestly it was more then he was expecting “thanks, I owe you one.”
“By my count it’s more like ten” she snarked back lightly punching him in the shoulder.
As her touch lingered on his arm Diago couldn’t help but wonder if something was still there.
If he could just tell her he still loves her maybe things could go back to how they were.
Then a empty chips packet hit the back of his head and the magical moment that held the potential to fix his relationship was broken.
“Quit talking about me like I’m not here!” Five snapped getting ammo ready for another throw.
Patch just chuckled “oh yeah you two are definitely related”.
She stepped away from Diago and sat on the edge of Fives bed handing him a business card. “If you need anything I want you to call me ok?”
Five turned the piece of card over in his hand sceptically “and who are you exactly?”
“I’m someone you can trust.”
Five responded with a snort.
This time Diago couldn’t blame him, Reginald had a way of taking any trust you had and step on it. There was a time in his life where he trusted his family with his life.
Then after Ben died and everyone left one by one that unbreakable bond he had relied on for years shattered.
Diago half expected Five to spit in her face, instead he looked to him and Diago realised that the relationship his siblings had was still alive and well to Five.
It was a new kind of terror to realise a child trusted you enough to look for your guidance, he wanted Diago to give him the right answer.
The Five who had always been so sure of himself, who would lead his siblings in a way no one else could, who in his arrogance acted like the smarter person in the room and everyone knew it was true… he wanted his big brother to tell him if it was safe to trust a stranger.
A police detective too.
It was weird, but then again what about this situation wasn’t?
As if he were just testing the waters Diago gave a tiny almost missable nod.
And just like that Five relaxed and tucked the card safely into his arms cast.
“While I can’t see myself ever needing help from the likes of you I’ll accept the offer” Five huffed.
“In case you're curious that’s the closest to thank you your gonna get”
Patch just chuckled again “well your very welcome then.” She glanced over at Diago before returning her attention to Five “I’ve got to head to work now but please might or day if you need help please call.”
This time Five only nodded which was good enough for Patch as she got up to leave.
“Oh Diago one more thing.”
She tossed him a small wad of cash that Diago didn’t want to know how she got.
“Buy the kid some clothes and some real food. And Raw eggs don’t count.”
With that she was gone leaving the brothers once again in an awkward silence.
“Your girlfriends weird.”
“Shut up” Diago grumbled as he went to find whoever the hell it was that could discharge Five and he could get him home.
It took three separate doctors to finally find one that was willing to release Five into his care.
Even then there was a pile of paperwork to fill out.
It was worth it though as soon as he got Five into a wheelchair and saw him visibly relax upon finding out they were getting out of there.
As suspected his leg was in a cast up to the knee. Something Diago was almost thankful for considering the little shit tried to wheel himself away while he was wrapping things up with a nurse.
Something told him if he could walk there was no way he would have caught up with him.
It was an uncomfortable drive back, mainly because Five had to half lay out on the back seat to fit his leg in.
Even trying to hide the pain he was in Diago heard every sharp intake of breath he made anytime the car went over a bump in the road.
The worst part however was when they got to the boxing club and Five raised an eyebrow.
“The old man fall on hard times or something?”
“No, dad doesn’t pay for my apartment this is… temporary until I can find a better place”
Like he’d been telling himself for the last three years, he was just looking for something better…
“It looks like a dump” Five grunted as his chair was pushed over the threshold.
“Better than the academy let me tell you that”
Thankfully Five didn’t try to argue after that and instead focused on taking in the gym.
However the world had a way of always pissing on Diego's parade as Al spotted the two of him.
“Diego! You piece of shit you were supposed to mop the floors today!” He yelled scurrying over. He looked like he was about to co tinge when he saw Five.
“Who’s the kid.”
“The kid can talk.” Five growled.
“He’s my brother, I just picked him up from the hospital. Look I know it’s a lot to ask but do you mind if he stays a while. Just till I can set us up somewhere permanent.”
They both knew Diego wasn’t going anywhere. He had been saying the same line every couple months for years now.
“I’ll see if there’s another cot spare” he replied wavin them off.
Al didn’t know everything about Diego’s past, he made sure of that, but he knew his family life was bad.
If he wanted to put two and two together about why Diego was now bringing a never before mentioned younger brother home from the hospital he wasn’t about to stop him.
“Thanks Al.”
“Yeah yeah, just don’t forget to mop!”
Diego snorted. They both knew he had more important things to do now.
He wheeled Five into the boiler room choosing to ignore the multiple snarky comments of the places appearance, smell and overall shabbiness in favour of dumping him next to the bed.
“Bathrooms there, kitchen, tv and bed everywhere else”
“Nice to see the old man was wrong about us not needing him” Five mumbled.
God yet another thing Reginald has always held over their heads.
The idea that if they left they would have nothing and no one…
Was he really wrong on this one?
Hell if it weren’t for Patch and Al, Diego would have nothing but a box of cold pizza to offer Five.
“It might not be the Ritz but it’s warm and dry and far away from Dads bullshit.”
“I imagine Number three had a lot to say about the decor” Five said as he picked up a pair of discarded shorts and dropped them again in disgust.
“Allison hasn’t exactly seen the place.”
Five nodded “I guess if you're not planning to stay long you really don’t want to give her ammunition like this.”
Man this was going to be tough.
“Actually Five we don’t really-“
A knock at the door cut him off.
It couldn’t be Al already, but it’s not like anyone else would be there.
Cautiously he opened the door the find a ‘Hello’ tattooed hand shoved through the gap.
“Do me a favour dear brother mine and let me in. I’m in desperate need of a shower”
Diego groaned as he opened the door to Klaus “it really isn’t a good time right now.”
“It never is for you” Klaus teased as he shoved his way in “just because you like to spend your nights clad in leather and climbing through strangers windows”
“Seriously not now” Diego tried to block his view but it was too late.
The plastic bag filled with all Klaus owned in the world was dropped to the floor and his already pale skin dropped a few more shades.
“D-do you see a little number Five or is it just me?”
Five turned to see him blinking in surprise “number Four?”
Diego sighed, clamping a hand on Klaus’ shoulder “he’s here Klaus and he’s alive.”
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Tom Holland x black reader getting caught fucking in his childhood bed and his parents making reader and Tom talk about it in a family meeting 💀💀
Summary: que?
Warnings: smut and an awkward situation. Cringy smut of course, yelling ar new borns- LaNgUaGe
T.H| I’m Sorry You Said What?
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You and tom rode in the car, bumping to something random on the radio as you both made your way back to his old home. Youve been there before but it was nice to come back after a while.
“Y/n?” “What?” You asked looking at him. “I love you” “ewwwww” you stuck out your tongue, he rolled his eyes and smacked his lips while you giggled.
“Im sorryyyyyy” “no your rude” tom shook his head unbuckling himself. “It was a simple joke! Its not my fault you couldnt take it!” He glared at you “you suck” “you swallow” “you choke” “i- i do” you admit making him laugh “ i wont lie” you shrugged and hopped out the car, closing the door behind you.
You both walked to the door and he held on your waist pressing a kiss to your forehead. He knocked and was met immediately with his father with a bib on. “Whats the bib for?” “Im trying to online teach kids how to eat neatly” “they must be newborns for that-“ you bud in.
“Exactly- its to mad in there” “they dont even know theyre moving how do you expect them to know how to raise a fork” nikki asked making you all laugh as dom shrugged but opened the door more inviting you both in. Tom stepped in after you both and you shared hugs before he pulled you into his room. “Thomas is this your room?” “Yes” “why is there a one direction poster?” “I love Niall Horan” he shrugged and shut the door.
Your eyebrows furrowed at him in confusion “I would take you as more of a zayn fan” “well there goes something new, and I know about your obsession with Harry styles already, do NOT rub it in” he demanded making you giggle, you took off your shoes and laid in his bed, which was comfy, not firm like yours used to be, but as long as you had a roof over your head everything was goddamn fine🙄.
Thomas decided to lay down next to you and you still looked around “I’m supprised you don’t have twilight in here” you giggled “shut up” he chuckled and laid his head in your breast, you played with his hair and tugged it a bit making him let out a small groan “Thomas don’t-“ “you tugged my hair!” “This is your childhood room for heaven sakes” “let’s make more memories then!” He suggested. “You get on my nerves’ you smacked your lips as he reached up to kiss your neck and slowly make his way to your sweet spot. “I want youuuu” he sung.
“But I dontttt” “yes you doooo” “okay maybeeee” “I’m gonna take off your clothessss” “go aheadddd”you moaned a little bit from his nibble on your sweet spot as he trailed his hands down your stomach giving you goosebumps. Your turned your head to meet his lips, “did I ever tell you how amazing you look today?” “No”
“Well-“ he cut himself off, you just love to ruin the mood all the time. “Ay don’t blame me if anything you did because were in your childhood bed right now” “I’m gonna fuck you and that’ll make you be quiet, won’t it?” You just sighed at his words, but letting the blood flow south.
“Actually it won’t, I’d make you scream and let everyone hear- (this is your family for heaven sakes😭)” he mumbled, playing with the hem of your underwear and you let out a low moan. “Yeah i know youd like that, naughty girl (😭😭 i cant)”
He gently rubbed your pearl over your paintes while you unbuckled his pants, palming him through his jeans feeling his hard. He let out a groan and pressed harder on your clit making you whine and buck your hips onto his hands.
Tom groaned by the buzzkill of his father, but let out laughs in your neck. “Just make it quick tom” you whispered against his forehead kissing it, he nodded and got up, walking to the door and you stood to, taking off your pants while he made sure it was locked, when he looked back he saw you struggling and tripping over your shoes making him chucke before walking over and making yiu stand straight, right before pinning you to the wall.
He took your hands and yanked them over your head making you clench your legs together. “Open up” he demaned softly, putting his knee in between your legs and opening them before looking at you. “Your so beautiful baby girl” he kissed you, biting your lip. “Dont move your hands? Hear me?”
“But it will start to hurt” you pleaded but he only tsked at you and told you to follow his orders before pulling down his pants and boxers a bit to pull himself out, you both still had clothes on, well you didnt have your jeans on (which is so fuckin unfair) and your shoes but he kept his on.
He took his hands and pressed his chest against your to keep you in place before he lifted your legs around his hips and used a single hand to pull your panties to the side. He spit in the tip of his fingers before runnjng them through your folds “oh- your already soaked” he said before coning cocky “i didnt even do anything yet” “please fuck me already” you begged and he smiled, watching as he slipped himself in, a moan leaving both of your lips.
He started to fill himself in you while you struggled to keep your hands in place. He groaned pumping in you, fucking you against the wall, he hooked his hands under your knees and pushed them closer to the walls to open you up. “Fuck tommy” you gasped, your head leaning back against the wall and he took the chance to lick and suck on your sweet spot, to hot in the moment to remember where he is.
“Fuck y/n your so tight- shit-“ he felt you clench, he started to harder but slow, the sound bouncing off the wall as you swallowed your moans. “Shit- tommy” your back arched off the wall, your arms to tired and heavy so they went around his shoulders and your head in his neck. “You tired baby?“
“UMMMMM” nikki said, both of your heads whipping around. “MOM-“ she slammed the door closed before anything else could happen.
“Dinner is in 15 minutes- uhhhh dont be late. Make sure to clean up” she said leaning up against the door “and please dont ya know-“ she nervously chuckled “finish” “IT WASNT LIKE THAT I SWEAR”
“Thomas it’s obvious” you glared at him, when he pulled out of you a sigh left your lips. “I swear i locked the door” he said putting himself back, watching you as you got yourself together. “Does it really matter now?” He only shrugged in response.
Toms cheeks were scarlet while you tried to get yourself to stop shaking so much. “It cant be that bad, right?” You held onto his arm for strength. “I mean it should all be fine cuz like- they did it to have me!” “Yeahyeahyeah” you nodded, kinda getting confident. “Lets just go” you pulled his arm to the dinning room, meeting a pair of 2 eyes starring at you both.
You all just sat there in silence, all of your movements halt as you made eye contact with nikki and tom made eye contact with his dad. “Dont be shy now, its only dinner” nikki said, placing the plates infront of the seat.
You looked at tom and he did a small nod walking right behind you to sit in the seats right next to each other.
“If you couldnt already tell we are having- erm spaghetti” she smiled trying to ease the tension but it was to thick.
After everyone took a couple bites you sipped the water. “Would you care to explain what happened-“ you choked on the water at doms words, the water shooting out of your nose while everyone looked at you. “I drank it to fast- haha” you faked a laugh, cleaning yourself up with the napkin.
“I didnt know you could do that....” tom said before looking at his dad. “We uhhh had ya know” tom looked away, feeling his ears start to burn up. “Ya know???” Nikki comments.
“You knowwwww like uhmmm” “clearly child” dom said glarring at him. “Who had the idea?” “I think we both know who”
You lifted your arms up in defense “it wasnt me” tom smaced his lips at you and you looked at him shrugging “it wasnt!” “You told me to make it quick!-“
“THOMAS” “whaaaat?! Its true!” “You still started it!”
Nikki and don watched the fued between as you to continued to complain and fight. “You were clearly being to loud thats why we got caught!-“
“Actually i heard thuds against the wall soooo” nikki spaced off as you glarred at him. “Who was making to much noise?” You lifted an eyebrow before he rolled his eyes and turned his chair a bit to not look at you.
“Did you use protection?” Dom asked. “Uhhh no” tom said. “Why not?” Nikki butted in. He only shrugged. “You need to use protection” “no we dont”
Nikki tapped behind her ear “what did you say?” “We will use protection” tom changed his mind. “Aha and how did you get that mark on your neck” nikki turned to you.
“I-uh burned my neck with the curling iron!” “Your hair isnt in curls” you bit your lip at her words “yeah welp i gave up after and dumped my hair in water” dom tried to read toms face and body language “it looks like a bruise, how high was the temperature?” Nikki asked, slightly concerned. “I have no idea”
“Just- why here?” Tom starred at nikki “i dont know i was just caught in the moment~” “dont you only say that when your a virgin doing it-“ “y/n we are supposed to be a team!” “Im just saying!”
“Before you both argue again.....” nikki said stopping the pot from boiling. “I just want to say that i hope your both happy and no longer sexually aroused”
“Nikki!” “What?! I have to say that Dominic!” “No you didnt, but if you dont mind i have to be leaving now, i have to teach the babies how to read” dom stood and took his plate to the kitchen, soon everyone done with their meal as you sat in silence washing dishes with nikki.
“Are you planning on making me a grandma?” She whispered, handing you the wet dish. “No not really” you sighef, drying the dish. “That sucks” “yep”
“But like why not!” “Toms busy with work and all do i dont want him to feel to responsible” “i have to agree on that one, barely wants to wipe his ass” “nikki!” You whisper yelled as she giggled, passing you anothet plate as you put the old one back.
“I know how it feels- dom cant keep his hands off of me” she winked as your eyes widened at her. “What! Im old not dead y/n” “you are not old nikki and plus i dont wanna know that!” “Hey im just letting you know” she shrugged.
“Dad she isnt pregnant and wont be anytime soon” “just bring me the babies! I will teach them how to cook, clean, eat-“ “thats our job dad”
“Well its better then these babies- WHO WONT STOP CHEWING ON THE BOOK-“
“OH GOD PLEASE STOP CRYINGGG BLOODY HELL” dom said, snatching the ipad. “But please dont have sex in my house, thomas” dom glared at him while tom aggressively nodded his head.
“THATS A NO NO WORD- STOP SAYING THAT” dom yelled again, stressing himself out. “WHY ARE YOU EVEN DOING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?” Nikki yelled from the kitchen, walking infront of you into the livingroom.
“Dont you even” he pointed at the new born through the ipad.
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