#i didn't edit the last piece i posted on ao3 at all actually
maybebabyplease · 2 years
editing tips pt. 2
people seemed to like this last time, so here are some more of my personal favorite editing tips! previous post here if you missed it and are interested.
typical disclaimer applies. write whatever the fuck you want! don’t edit it! who cares! not me! editing is just one of my hobbies/interests/essential to my career, so i really enjoy talking about it. hit me up if you’d like to chat more about editing or if you have any of your own tips to share! life is all about learning, and i am always trying to do so :)
1. check for ‘your’ words and phrases. everyone has words and phrases they overuse. there’s a guardian article that points out some of the words/phrases famous authors use, proving that even your fav could probably get a lot of mileage out of a command + F! Make a list of the words you know you use to death and then search your doc for them. do they really need to go there? or could you pick something else? keep the best and cut the rest. for me, my most overused words are ‘quite’ and ‘smirk’. and no one is smirking quite that much! there are also some words that just generally get overused – they may not be specific to you. one word that stands out to me in particular is the word ‘that” (ha, i even just used it). it’s not a bad word at all, and sometimes it’s the only option. but a lot of times, it’s extraneous and you can cut it entirely. example: ‘Em decided that she wanted to go to the movies’ could just be ‘Em decided she wanted to go to the movies’. you don’t notice the missing ‘that’ – the sentence still works. 2. the power of white space. i think i saw something about this recently, so it’s definitely being discussed around here! but this is one of my favorite parts of editing: arranging everything on the page. i actually hadn’t thought very much about this until i got ‘more white space’ as advice from my writing group on one of my stories a while back. paying attention to the use of space on the page can totally change the way your piece reads. for example, separating out a particular line of dialogue to make its own paragraph gives it so much much more weight. but this works in the reverse, too: if you separate out every line or every other line, you’re going to lose that emphasis. for maximum effect, you should vary paragraphs like you vary sentences: change up the lengths, change up the cadence. there are ‘rules’ you can look up about when to switch paragraphs (every time the topic changes, i think) but you can usually just sort of vibe it out. make it attractive to the eye and fun to read (so, the opposite of this post, where i have included 0 white space lol) 3. recycle your babies. look, i get it. sometimes you write a fucking banger sentence. it is so good. you’re so proud of it. you nailed that metaphor or description or whatever. but then you do it again, and again, and again. and now the readers are slogging through cold molasses prose trying to figure out what’s going on in the story. humans care deeply about storytelling, and you’ll lose your readers’ attention if they feel like they’re missing out on story for you to play with language. the thing is, though, it’s great to play with language! it’s the best thing! it’s the fun part of writing! so when you’re overdoing it, cut those sentences out and put them in a separate doc to save for later. we’re not killing our babies anymore! we’re just, you know, being environmentally conscious. reduce/reuse/recycle. 4. just say ‘said’. a lot of people already know this one, but i also feel like a lot of people were told not to overuse the word 'said'? and like, do whatever you want. but if you’re using a synonym for said every single time, they aren’t going to pop. 'said' is one of those words that the eye/brain doesn’t notice when you’re reading. it basically doesn’t count! all the synonyms are super noticeable, though, and if you overuse them, readers will be pulled out of the piece. plus, the less you use them, the more work they can do for you when you do decide to pepper them in. that way, when your character ‘announces’  or 'explains' or 'divulges' something, it will stand out to the readers and they’ll pay more attention to that particular bit.  5. chop your first/last paragraph(s). this one takes a little knowledge of who you are as a writer (person?). you may do your best writing in the first/last paragraph! personally, i tend to struggle more with writing my way into stories than writing my way out of them. i can usually guarantee that i’ll need to cut at least the first paragraph of anything i’m writing, if not the whole thing. and then if i do end up having trouble with an ending, i’ll purposefully write ‘past’ it and then cut all the extra. but don’t be afraid to cut! you can always recycle things (see above) or, you know, save it for the sequel… 6. raise the stakes. this one sort of depends on the type of story you’re writing. some fic (and original work) is more vibe-centric, and your readers might not necessarily care that much about the plot/story. when i re-read over my work, if it feels boring, it’s usually because not enough is at stake. the characters don’t want enough and the consequences aren’t big enough. if you just go through and make everything a little bit harder, a little bit worse for them, you might find yourself with a more interesting story. you can introduce a whole new challenge, an unforeseen obstacle, an unsolvable mystery, a hurricane of emotional turmoil...the possibilities are endless! 7. put the piece aside, read your favorite book, and then come back. if you’re struggling for inspo, look at what the writers you like are doing. writing is thievery, after all (not plagiarism. thievery. take that set of fancy silver utensils and melt it down and turn it into a bowl, don’t just slap your name on all the forks). come back to your own work refreshed, inspired, and ready to make changes. 8. add a character/drop a character. so something fundamentally isn’t working in your story! you want to fix it up! you can’t figure out what’s wrong! one thing you can do is take a look at your cast of characters. each character brings something to the story, unless they don’t. is there anyone who drags down the scene every time they’re in it? or would the inclusion of another character change the motivations or actions of the characters you already have? it’s something to consider if you think your story falls flat.
ok that’s plenty for today, i think. would love to hear thoughts if anyone has them!
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lilywastaken · 2 years
First of all I hope this is the request section second of all love your writings you’ve done so far <3 now to my request, I’ve been seeing way to many edits about dream in mr beast Antartica video. What if fem/reader went along with them and slept with in dream,sapnap, jimmy tent. It would be a dream x reader, friends to lovers or already a couple your choice :). Can’t wait to read more from you <3
CC! DreamWasTaken x FEM!Reader.
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SUMMARY: Spending 50 hours in Antarctica wasn't on your list of things to do this month, but neither was sharing a sleeping bag with your crush.
WARNINGS: Fluff, mentions of blood, illness (Dream's ill the whole time ☠️.), a lot of swearing!
A/N: My first request!! Thank you so much for it! <3 I chose the friends to lovers route with it, and kind of got carried away cause I love this idea (as you'll see)!! I'm actually really proud of this one, it might be my favourite piece of writing yet LMAO. Requests are still open!! Please don't forget to reblog/comment if you enjoy the post, it helps a lot!! Thank you all for the support! &lt;33
Also on ao3!
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You were used to travelling at this point.
Living with some of the biggest content creators of the year and creating content yourself meant that you were always being invited to places, whether it be conventions or get-togethers with internet friends.
And although you were well acquainted with Karl and knew who he worked for, you had never expected to be invited to be part of one of Mr Beast's survival challenges alongside your roommates and his crew, and you would've been crazy to even imagine you'd be invited to travel to Antarctica of all places.
After living for half a year in one of the warmer states in the U.S., you didn't know how you were meant to survive below 0 degrees when all you had to wear were tank tops and the occasional long sleeved shirt.
Which meant you were stuck borrowing your roommates' big chunky jackets and sweaters that they had brought alongside them for the trip.
It wasn't as if you weren't used to borrowing clothes from them, hell, you were pretty sure most of your closet consisted of Dream's clothes that were too small to fit him anymore.
But that didn't make it any less embarrassing.
"You look like a penguin."
George snorted as soon as you stumbled out of the jet's tiny bathroom, sporting one of the many jackets you were required to wear before exiting the aircraft and stepping onto Antarctica.
"Go fuck yourself." You sneered back, zipping your coat up to your chin and shoving your hands into the pockets, somehow already feeling the chill from the outside despite not having landed yet. "I'm afraid I won't be able to look as stylish as you wish me to during our stay in fucking Antarctica."
"I think you look stylish enough." Clay teased cheekily as he walked up from behind you, large hands landing on your shoulders to manoeuvre you out of his way, causing you to roll your eyes long enough to cause a headache at the cockiness he was exhibiting simply because you had chosen to wear his clothes instead of anyone else's.
"You're just saying that because it's your jacket she's wearing." Nolan commented as Karl helped him zip up the last of the many coats he was wearing, a teasing tone in his voice.
"And she looks good in it, what's the issue?" Dream didn't seem to want to back down from their back and forth, as usually happened with those. When Nolan didn't respond, the blond turned his head around and shot you a grin along with a thumbs up, his silent way of boasting after one of his so-called wins.
"You're such an idiot." You muttered under your breath as Sapnap handed you one of the many scarves that were littered across the floor, and you for one were glad that you had something to cover your face, not wanting anyone to notice the warmth that had risen to your cheeks after your small interaction with Dream.
Despite you living with him for almost a full year, he had somehow never gotten the memo about your true feelings towards him, unlike both Sapnap and George and half of the goddamn internet, who were full-on convinced that you were head over heels for the previously faceless YouTuber, and to be fair, they weren't far off.
He'd been the first one to reach out after lurking around in your streams, the first one to invite you into their server and make an effort to include you into the ongoing lore, to add you to streams with his internet friends and therefore introduce you to the people who you now considered to be your best friends.
It was inevitable, really. After countless hours spent listening to each other's voices through your speakers and being one of the first people to see his face despite his initial fear of rejection, how could you not fall in love with him? He was perfect, from the way his nose crinkled when he smiled to the countless moles adorning his body, he was perfect.
It was stupid, really, how hard you'd fallen for someone who had started out as a simple stranger on the internet who happened to also play Minecraft to one of the people you loved the most.
And you were going to make sure that he'd never know how much you truly loved him, the chances of your confession ruining the friendship you both had built too high to even consider.
"Why are you guys just standing around, we're about to land!" Jimmy came out of the cockpit, clapping his hands together and ushering everyone towards their luggage in an effort to get you to get ready quicker. "Come on! I don't want any of you catching frostbite and dying on me!"
"Wait, that's possible!?"
Despite all the layers of clothing Dream was currently sporting, he somehow managed to feel your hand wrap around his elbow, shuffling closer to his taller build as you readied to exit the aircraft.
"You okay?" He pulled his ski mask down below his lips so he could send you a reassuring smile, his juniper eyes obscured by the ski goggles that sat snuggly on his face.
"Yep. Totally okay. Totally not freaking out because we're about to spend 50 hours in the coldest place on earth. Totally fine, Clay." Your words came out of your mouth almost at the speed of light as your gloved hands fumbled with the scarf around your neck, receiving a laugh from the blond in response.
"Calm down. I doubt Jimmy will actually let us die, okay?" He moved your hands away from your face and fixed your problem himself, the smile on his lips only growing as his fingers brushed against your warming cheeks, a huge contrast to the cold air swirling outside.
"And if you do, just make sure to tell everyone to like and subscribe, okay?" A small 'oof!' left you as Chandler slammed his hands on your shoulders from behind, getting a slightly angered glare from Dream and a few giggles from the others at his action.
"Fuck you, man." You smiled, the sweet yet very brief encouragement you'd received lifting your spirits almost immediately.
But they were swiftly dampened as the doors opened, and holy fucking shit, you'd underestimated how cold it was going to be.
The sun was shining onto your small group, but not a single trace of warmth was felt on your skin, and oh god what you'd give to be back home curled underneath your bed covers holding Patches in your arms.
Jimmy didn't spare a single second to start the challenge, already heading over to the spot he'd claimed would be perfect for the makeshift camp that would be your home for the next two days.
Luckily, you'd been tasked with carrying one of the lighter pieces of luggage, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't almost busted a lung laughing whenever you saw one of the boys slip or trip and fall flat on their faces, but you did stop every time Dream stopped to cough, knowing he had caught a chill right before boarding the plane and the freezing temperatures you were being forced to travel through would likely do him no good.
After surviving a surprise blizzard and almost slipping a few times, you finally reached the spot Jimmy had marked in his mental map. You were almost ready to collapse into the soft looking snow, but of course, you were forced to put up the tents you'd be staying in, which proved even more difficult than propping up a normal tent in the woods, thanks to the never ending wind and slippy snow.
But as soon as you were allowed into the safety of the main tent, you curled into a ball in the corner and fought with your gloves to turn on your phone, which barely worked due to the cold.
"What the fuck are you trying to do with that?" Sapnap groaned as he fell to the ground in front of you, spying at the device in your hands as if he were some sort of prehistoric man and this was his first contact with fire. "You're an actual imbecile if you think there's going to be even a sliver of reception here."
You stuck your tongue out to him and moved to kick his side with your snow boots, snickering in victory as he finally moved away from you, leaving an empty spot at your side as Jimmy started to take out the strange contraptions that were required to make food in such extreme weather, but you were too tired to listen in to his explanation.
"Made you something." You visibly cringed at the sound of Dream's groggy voice before he came into view, ski mask and goggles abandoned so you could see clearly how red and runny his nose was, gloves off so he could hand you the warm packet of food he claimed to have made.
"Didn't know you were a Rudolph cosplayer.", You commented on his appearance with a sly smile, almost dropping the food as you felt him curl into your side, head falling onto your shoulder with a shaky moan of pain, clearly not amused by your attempt at a joke. "You okay?"
"No. Not okay." He whined, his warm breath hitting your neck from where his head was situated and causing goosebumps to form, your body still not used to this much proximity with him. "I feel like shit. Like… worse than shit."
You'd normally roll your eyes at such a statement, but you knew now that he was telling the truth, you'd seen the blood he coughed up the day before during your stay in Chile, and you knew that a cold could quickly turn into something way worse given the time.
You were ready to offer him help with whatever he needed, but you were cut off before you could even begin as you saw his mouth open wide from the corner of your eye.
"Feed me." He attempted to say without closing his mouth, soft eyes looking up at you through his long eyelashes with a pleasing look. "C'mon. Hungry."
You tried to ignore the head creeping up your neck as you reached into the bag with the plastic spoon to scoop up some of the now lukewarm food out and into his mouth, watching as he closed his mouth around the spoon and gulped, moaning softly at the taste.
"Holy shit that might actually be the best thing I've ever tasted." He opened his mouth again, waiting for you to shovel a bit more food into his mouth.
"Oh, so what you said about my pesto was a lie?" You said, pouting in mock sadness as you repeated your action, shoving the spoon into his mouth a bit too hard and making him choke, but before you could apologise, he shook his head, answering your previous accusation.
"Okay, second best. Your cooking skills put this delicious cold goop to shame." He joked between a few chews, nudging you slightly with his shoulder. "You know that."
"Ah, so you're comparing my food to this?" You raised the bag in question and shook it a bit to further your point, trying your best to not burst out laughing at how panicked he looked as he tried to explain himself; a frown etching onto his face as you finally broke and let out a soft giggle.
"You're making fun of me." He finally seemed to realise as you nodded in response, about to shove some snow in your face if it weren't for the spoon that was shoved into his mouth and the puppy eyes you shot in his direction.
The gulp he made was enough of a response for you.
Once the spoon you had used for Dream was well disposed of (you didn't want to risk getting ill yourself), you started eating some of the food yourself, Dream's head still snugly resting on your shoulder as he watched your every movement, making small talk every now and then and joining in on the conversations the others were having.
"Okay, it's like… almost midnight." Jimmy commented as he stared down at his watch, everyone staring back at him with the same bewildered expression, since the sun was still shining down onto your small camp. "We gotta get to bed."
"But it's still sunny outside!" Karl whined, pulling back the entrance slap to stare outside for a split moment, everyone immediately shouting at him for letting the cold in.
"And it's going to stay like that! Did the American school system fail you this badly!? Haven't you lot learnt about Antarctica? The sun is always up here!" George exclaimed in frustration, already zipping up his jacket, urging everyone else to abandon their food and do the same.
"Exactly! So let's get into our tents and try to get some rest, okay?" Jimmy encouraged, trying his best to keep everyone's morale up, picking up his sleeping bag and waiting for everyone to be ready before opening the tent.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You heard Sapnap curse as he followed his group into the tent with their sleeping bags, your own pressed to your chest for extra warmth until you reached the tent you'd be staying in, quickly making yourself at home on the right side.
"Dibs!" You didn't even try to hide the amusement in your voice as you slammed your bag and belongings onto the plastic ground, immediately starting to zip down the giant coat you'd been wearing.
"Yeah, yeah." Jimmy rolled his eyes with a smile as he and Nolan claimed the left side, leaving Dream standing at the entrance in confusion, staring at the empty spot beside your sleeping bag as if it was an abomination of nature.
His brain hadn't seemed to comprehend that he'd be sleeping next to you when you confessed you'd feel safer sleeping in the same tent as him, he had simply assumed you'd be sleeping next to Nolan or Jimmy, not him.
"You okay, dude? You're letting in all the cold." Your voice snapped him out of the daze he had been in, rapidly nodding instead of answering since he really didn't trust his voice to work right then.
Once the tent was zipped up tight, he awkwardly shuffled towards you, watching intently as you pushed your jackets off, which left you in the tight shirt all of you wore beneath the heaps of coats.
His hands shook as he undid his sleeping bag, and he wasn't sure if it was because of the cold or because of how close to you he was going to be in a few minutes.
And he didn't know why this was affecting him so much, he'd been cuddled up into your side less than an hour ago, and he wouldn't be able to count the times you'd crawled into his bed back home after a nightmare or if you were being too lazy to make the few steps that it took from his room to yours. He'd had you in his arms, hell, he'd felt the warm skin of your waist beneath his open palms that one time he helped you decorate the Christmas tree, so why was this different?
Maybe he was deluded.
That's probably right, his cold had gotten so bad that it was affecting his senses, which meant he was now super fucking awkward around you and wanted nothing more than to hide his face in the crook of your neck and feel once again your warm skin bene-
What the fuck?
What the actual fuck?
He froze in his tracks as he stopped his train of thought from going any further, his face heating up as he reviewed the thoughts about you that seemed to have infiltrated his mind.
Well…. it wasn't like he hadn't ever thought about you like that, it was sort of inevitable. You were one of his closest friends, (maybe his closest, but don't tell George that.) and yeah, maybe once in a while he had thought about kissing you, about threading his fingers through your hair and tracing every feature on your pretty face while you laid in his arms.
And… and maybe he had told himself that all those times you had come to him at night for comfort or had stayed in his arms while watching a movie, were nothing but platonic, that you would probably do the same with Sapnap or George (despite the absolute fucking jealousy he felt brewing inside of him at the thought of you lying in their arms instead of his.) and the moments you spent talking about everything and anything at the same time weren't reminiscent to all of his past relationships, because this wasn't a relationship! He was your best friend! Not some creep that was in love with the girl who trusted him the most! Nope! No way.
He nodded to himself in confirmation as he finally finished setting up his sleeping bag, flopping down onto it with an angered huff, ignoring the amused look you sent in his direction.
"You're going to sleep like that?" You questioned, poking his side teasingly, causing him to yelp and move away from your touch as if it was poison as quickly as he could, snapping his head down to look at his outfit.
His cheeks went even redder (if humanly possible) as he realised he had been this close to falling asleep in full Antarctica tactical gear, quickly shoving all of his layers off so he was in the tight shirt your two other tent-mates were also wearing.
"You're so stupid." You snorted at him with a fond smile, turning around on top of your makeshift bed to pick up your phone and some earphones you'd been smart enough to bring. "Downloaded some anime Karl recommended, you want to watch an episode before we sleep?" You offered, making sure your voice was low enough that it didn't disturb Jimmy or Nolan, who were busy talking to the cameraman; lifting an earbud in one hand and waving it around enticingly.
"Y-Yeah, why not?" He smiled back at you, awkwardly shuffling towards you and keeping his distance because he was your friend who respected your boundaries and definitely did not like you.
He sputtered out a whine as you rolled your eyes and pulled his sleeping bag flush against yours, forcing him to sit right next to you, arm to arm, leg to leg and foot to foot. He raised a shaking hand to pop in the earbud you handed to him and tried his best to focus on the screen and not on how fucking warm your skin felt against his, how cute you sounded when you let out a short snort or a low giggle, how pretty you looked from the side with the glow of your phone reflecting your features.
You, for one, were actually enjoying the show at hand (despite only having one earbud, but that didn't matter.), and not focusing on how close Dream was to you, something you were learning to do after all the times you'd spent curled into his side at his bed back home.
You hadn't really thought about how the sleeping arrangements would work back on the plane, you were more concerned about the plastic device Jimmy had shoved into your hand and tried his best to explain how it was supposed to help you use the restroom.
But now that you were given the time to breathe, you finally realised how close you'd be to him, the thought enough to make you want to shove your face into a pillow and scream into it like a schoolgirl, just like every time you ended up in his arms.
Before the episode could finish, the cameraman left after filming a bit of Jimmy and Nolan, the latter escorting him out and turning back around, his gaze flicking down to your sleeping bag.
"Ah, shit, your bag's ripped."
"What?" You let your phone fall onto your lap and leaned over your legs to grab at the end of what would've been your bed if it weren't for the giant gash that had split the bottom in half, exposing your socks to the outside. "Fuck! Jimmy!"
The man in question popped his head up from where he was lying down, surveying the damage before biting the inside of his cheek in thought, scratching his chin.
"Uh… I don't think we've got any spares. Are… Are you okay with sharing or something? I mean, you know Karl, he'll probably be up all night so you can probably take his or share…?"
Dream didn't want to admit how horrible the thought of you leaving his tent to share with Karl was and how disgusting he felt as the jealousy grew in a pit of his stomach as he kept on thinking about it.
"Uh-" You looked down at the threads hanging out of the tear, shrugging your shoulders as you silently agreed. "I mean… as long as Karl's okay with it…? I don't mind."
"Great! Here, let me hel-"
"You can just share with me."
Dream's groggy voice cut off Jimmy's enthusiastic one, causing all of the tent to snap their head into his direction, as if you had forgotten he was there.
"That's fine, right?"
"Yeah!" You cried out a bit too eager, quickly coughing and changing your tone of voice to a more mellow one. "Yeah, that's fine."
"Oookay! That's actually better. A lot of people huddle close for heat here so let's see if you help Dream with that cold of his, eh?" Jimmy nodded, slipping his sleep mask back down his face and lying down, leaving you and Dream wide awake and staring at each other, Nolan having slipped into his bag during your awkward conversation.
"Here." Dream got up and tried his best to pull the sleeping bag open to make more space, waiting patiently for you to unzip your snow boots and put on some fuzzy socks you'd manage to snag in Chile before taking the plane.
"Thanks," You mumbled quietly, awkwardly moving to a side of the bag so Dream would be able to fit in next to you. "For holding it open. And uhm, for offering. I really didn't want to leave the tent, plus, with Karl, Sapnap and George I doubt I'd get any sleep."
Dream snorted in affirmation, aware of how dangerous they were when put together, and he couldn't even imagine how powerful they'd be when contained in such a small space. It was his turn to throw off his boots (not even bothering to unzip them first), and quickly shove himself into the bag next to you in hopes of keeping the warmth his feet had previously been in.
After a bit of shifting and moving limbs, you finally got into a comfortable position, your body draped over his side to preserve warmth with an arm wrapped around you waist with the other tracing random shapes into the arm that was sprawled across his chest, something he subconsciously did every time you were in his arms in such a position.
"This is nice." He mumbled, half joking, half serious.
"Mhm." You hummed, not trusting yourself enough to form proper sentences, carefully resting your head onto his shoulder and tickling his cheek with your hair.
A few moments passed in the same position, Dream's warm hand rubbing circles onto your waist in an attempt to soothe your nerves, knowing how stressed you probably felt without having to ask. You almost melted in his touch as he moved his head to rub his nose into your hair, closing his eyes with a sigh.
"It's impossible to sleep." He finally broke the silence with the muttered sentence, making you giggle and hide your face further into his shoulder.
"Don't you have an eye mask?" You mumbled from your spot, voice muffled by his shirt, feeling him shift beneath you until his hands left you to pull what you assumed was the eye mask down to his face.
"Forgot about it." He grumbled, warm hands finding their spot back onto your body and continuing their ministrations on your skin, lulling you quickly to sleep, feeling as if your head had been stuffed with cotton, tired enough to ignore everything around you, especially the quiet confession that came from Dream's lips and the soft kiss that was pressed to your forehead, leaving it to be a secret of the night.
You were woken up rather abruptly, the tent opening and Karl's high pitched laugh coming in along with the cold air, making everyone in the tent groan in discomfort and move beneath the covers to preserve the warmth, including you two, who during the night seemed to have moved into a different position, your face pressed right into Dream's chest with his chin resting on the crown of your head, his hands cupping the pudge of your thighs as they wrapped around his waist, thumb rubbing in circles like he had done last night with your waist, quickly soothing you back to sleep.
"I'm going to kill you, Karl!" Nolan shouted from his bag as the boy rolled into the tent, Sapnap following close behind with a disposable camera, not trusting his phone enough in such a weather.
"You got it?"
Sapnap made sure the flash was off, not wanting either of you to fully wake up and ruin the moment, before snapping a few pictures of Dream and you cuddled beneath the top layer of his sleeping bag, keeping their giggles and snickers to a low before leaving the tent with a nice reminder of what had happened beneath you.
"Told you it was smart to bring a knife." Sapnap pointed to your discarded sleeping bag with a grin before fully exiting the tent, not without letting in a gust of cold wind.
That seemed to finally snap you out of your sleep, groaning softly as you wriggled in Dream's arms, stopping in your tracks as he let out an incoherent grumble and brought you closer into his arms, as if you were a simple teddy bear and not his best friend who had totally overstepped a line by actually fucking wrapping her legs around his waist as if he were your boyfriend!
"Clay." You whispered as you faced him, moving a hand to push a few of his curls out of the way of his closed eyes and observe the freckles splattered across his skin like stars in the night sky, your finger tracing the short invisible lines between all of them. "Wake up…"
"Hmng…" His hold on you tightened for a moment before returning back to normal, his way of pleading for you to give up and slip back into his arms.
"Claaayy~" you said a bit louder, pressing your finger into the tip of his nose in hopes of getting him to wake faster. "Come on, we've still got a whole day left."
"Do you think I'm actually well enough to do something?" He finally spoke, and you almost jumped at how much worse his voice sounded than last night, but that was a given due to the cold and the mix between his already muzzy voice and the deep tone his morning voice normally took. "Just stay here with me for a while…"
"But I'm well enough to do something, Clay." You mumbled, letting your arm fall by your side and attempting once again to escape his grip, smiling softly as he didn't fight this time and let you slip out easily.
You didn't make any further effort to wake him up again, giving him the luxury of sleeping in a bit longer and getting yourself ready to leave the tent, despite how warm his hold had been and how you truly wanted nothing more than to slip right into his hold and wrap your arms around him.
But you fought the urge to, exiting the warmth of your tent and rushing towards where Karl and George were building a snowman (although it wasn't much of a snowman due to Karl slipping and falling onto it every few minutes.), and offering to assist them.
Ignoring the cold and the fact you didn't have anything to decorate the so-called snowmen with, you actually had fun with them, having said goodbye to Nolan and Jimmy before they left to "claim a mountain" a few hours ago; and you were now left with four snowmen without features, so they really couldn't be called snowmen at all.
"I think it looks pretty good!" Karl hummed as he finished rolling one of the bigger parts of his snowman.
"It's just three balls of snow on top of each other, Karl." George deadpanned as he moved his goggles to see the abominations you three had made.
"I think it looks a bit like you." You stuck your tongue out at George, who returned the gesture before the both of you realised how cold it was to be doing it and quickly returned your tongues back into your mouths.
After making some food and welcoming Jimmy and Nolan back, you spent some time with Dream outside (despite how much your body was screaming at you to get somewhere warm.), and threw a few snowballs at each other, last night's events never discussed or mentioned during your conversations.
You finally realised how much time you had spent outside when Chandler announced the plane would be here in almost two hours, the fact you'd spent almost a day in the freezing snow enough to frighten you into getting frostbite.
"If my fingers fall off I want you to have them, Dream." You confessed to him as you both worked on taking down your tent, giddiness filling you at the loud laugh he let out, nodding his head with a smile beneath his ski mask.
"Yes ma'am, I'll make sure to cherish them until I die." He teased back, shoving whatever remained of the tent into a bag and wrapping some of the rope around it, letting you admire for a moment how strong he truly was before Sapnap called you over to help him with the rubbish.
You didn't have much time to talk as Jimmy hurried you all back to where you had started, where the plane was waiting in all its glory, and holy shit you couldn't wait to be back inside.
You almost tripped on the stairs from how desperate you were to get inside if it weren't for Dream's hands holding you up from behind, knowing how excited you were to get back into the warm safety of the aircraft.
You collapsed into one of the window seats with a loud dramatic exhale, closing your eyes for a moment to enjoy the warmth of the leather chairs and the exaggerated smell of the air freshener that was wafting along the main cabin.
"Fucking finally, right?" Dream laughed after shoving both your luggage into the upper compartments, knowing you'd probably be too exhausted to do it yourself after barely catching any sleep in the last 24 hours, and falling into the empty seat next to you.
"I never thought I'd say this, but…" you turned to look at him dramatically, his heart beating rapidly at your serious expression and words until you spoke. "I actually miss Florida."
He breathed out a sigh of relief along with a laugh, nodding his head in agreement as he moved his hand to wrap around yours, heart fluttering as you didn't even stop him from doing so.
"I can't wait to wear some shorts and a tank top and still be hot." You mumbled with a smile, turning your head to a side to make eye contact with him. "Although it'll probably be a bit too cold for that."
"Yeah, you never know with Floridan winters." He snorted, interlacing your fingers with his and moving to look out the window. "As long as I'm out of this coat, I'll be fine."
It was your turn to laugh, nodding your head in affirmation, and shifting on the seat to rest your head on his shoulder, much like he had done when you had first entered the tent.
Silence filled your little corner of the plane until he finally spoke, turning to you completely and making you lose the balance you previously had.
"You uh… did you hear what I said? Last… uh, last last night?"
You cocked your head to a side like a confused puppy would, shaking your head, a no.
"Uh… well… Shit I'm really going to regret this." He breathed out as a laugh, raising his free hand to pull off his ski mask and ruffle up his curls. "I… I kind of, well… kissed your forehead. And said I- I love you."
Your brain short circuited at his words, blankly staring into his eyes as if your body had stopped just so your mind could make any sense of what he was saying.
"In a non-platonic way."
"In a non-platonic way." You parroted, blinking like a fool as you watched him panic underneath your gaze.
Silence once again filled your little corner, both of your hands still intertwined and both your gazes locked together, Dream's whole body ready to give out if you didn't give him an answer soon.
"Please say somet-"
"I love you too." Your confession cut him off, his mouth hanging open with unsaid words ready to come out, looking something akin to a fish out of water gasping for air.
"O-Oh!" He breathed out, his body finally catching up to his brain as he nodded at your confession, cheeks pink from both embarrassment and illness. "Holy shit."
"Holy shit." You echoed once again, although this time you ended it with a small breathless giggle, raising your free hand to cup his cheek, stubble pricking your palm and cold skin meeting warm.
"I really want to kiss you right now." He confessed, half closed eyes searching for your gaze as his hand came up to cover yours over his cheek. "But I don't want to get you sick."
You smiled at his pout, shrugging your shoulders as you nodded down towards your fingers. "There's no way I'm not getting sick after that, Clay. It's fine. I want to kiss you too."
He nodded faster than the speed of light as you started to pull him down, pressing your lips to his for a moment that felt like eternity, and oh god, it was better than you imagined. It felt as if fireworks were going off in your head, sending shivers down your spine and lighting every nerve within you on fire, his breath against your lips as he pulled back from them almost burning your skin from how much you wanted to press them back onto his.
"Holy shit."
And by the sounds of it, you hadn't been the only one affected ridiculously by the kiss.
"Can we do that more often?" Dream basically vibrated in his seat at the prospect of being able to repeat that experience, his smile only growing when you nodded your head, a matching one pulling at your lips.
"Yes. Yes please."
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somewhatclear · 6 months
something that would always be around
logue & vesta | 2k words
Logue didn’t feel much of a grown-up, when he had spent all day making a doll of his own brother because he was lonely.
a while ago, the lovely nubstarion came up with the headcanon that logue was the one making the little stib doll you can see on staeve's character sheet, and this is me running with it.
hope you enjoy my take on this bit of backstory for the brimstone siblings (posted with @velnna's permission ♥ as always, thank you!)
Edit: according to word of god ™️the brothers are about 13 and 17 here Edit 2 electric boogaloo: you can read it on ao3 now
He'd been putting the last stitches in the back of his Little Big Brother’s neck, to better secure his head to his body, when Logue’s actual big brother’s voice piped up from nowhere, startling him half to death.
“What have you got there, chickie?”
Nita often scolded him for being loud and attracting too much attention, but Vesta could be very silent when he wanted to be. He just didn't care to. Their sister sometimes didn't see that, but Logue did. He saw everything.
Well, almost everything. He hadn’t seen Vesta creeping from the side, just then.
Logue’s hand slipped. The needle went through his fingertip, and a tiny drop of blood welled up to the surface of his skin. He quickly lifted it out of the way and into his mouth — it didn't hurt, but he didn't want it to stain Little Big Brother. Not after all the effort he'd put in making him.
“Oh, shit.” Vesta was quick to crouch in front of him and grab his wrist, to check the damage. “Are you hurt? Let me see.”
Logue shook his head. He’d pricked himself a million times, it was fine.
“Are you sure?” Vesta grinned. “Don’t you want me to kiss it better?”
Logue rolled his eyes. 
Vesta snickered, raised his hands in mock-defeat. “Alright, alright, I know you’re all grown-up and crap now.”
Hearing those words made Logue wince. He didn’t feel much of a grown-up, when he had spent all day making a doll of his own brother because he was lonely. Abruptly self-conscious, he shifted the his little project off his lap, hoping Vesta wouldn’t—
“So, what have you been up to? You've been hiding down here forever.”
Logue sighed. Better get it over with.
He pulled the doll back onto his knees, finished to stab the last couple stitches in the fabric, secured the thread with a double knot and severed the excess with his teeth. Then he shoved it at Vesta, making a show of tidying up his sewing supplies while he waited for his brother’s reaction with trepidation.
Vesta was silent for an eternity, turning the toy over in his hands. 
“This is really well made,” he praised, quiet and careful.
Despite the embarrassment, a warm bubble of pride swelled in Logue’s chest. It didn’t look like much, but it had taken him a lot of time to put the thing together, from stealing the right fabrics and thread, to figuring out how to piece the parts together. He was glad he could always trust his brother to recognize his efforts.
“The little fella looks kind of familiar,” Vesta pointed out, raising the doll next to his face. The resemblance wasn't particularly uncanny; that hadn't been the goal and Logue wasn't that skilled a toy maker. But the colours were right, and the little bits of silvery thread he'd embroidered on its pointy little ears were the same number as Vesta's new earrings.
It definitely was a Little Big Brother, right there.
“I don't see it,” Logue quipped, very seriously. “His shirt is clean. Doesn't have holes. And he's more handsome.”
“You little—”
Vesta jumped him. Logue snickered as he got pinned down and playfully roughed up, then let out an actual shriek of laughter when his brother’s hands found their cold way under the hem of his shirt. He tried to swat them away from his vulnerable sides but Vesta always was a cheating cheater who cheated, and kept blowing raspberries onto the ticklish spots on his neck. Fits of twitching giggles made Logue’s legs into jelly.
They weren’t little kids anymore. Logue should have gotten angry at Vesta for still treating him like a baby, but he didn’t. He couldn't.
He'd been so excited when Nita had sent him on a supply run—he’d been looking forward to it. Finally, they thought he could take care of himself. They thought he could be trusted with the important stuff. He'd done so well the first time, Nita actually said she regretted not giving him things to do much earlier, and Logue could swear he’d grown taller by a handspan out of sheer, smug vindication.
He had always known he could do it; but he hadn't expected how miserable a time he was going to have, out there. He always excelled at sneaking around, at not being seen, not being heard. That had been his job, when he'd tagged along Vesta.
As soon as he stepped out of the shadows, his tongue tied itself up, and people looked at him, and he wished his brother was there.
If wishes were horses.
“Stop!” Logue wheezed, pretending he couldn't easily knock Vesta over if he wanted to. “Mercy!”
“We'll see!” The effect of his angry scowl was ruined by the laughter spilling from his lips. “Who's more handsome?”
Logue freed one shoulder from under Vesta, and gave him an exaggerated shrug.
“You're on thin fucking ice there, chickie.”
Vesta untangled them from the messy pile of limbs they had fallen into, and offered Logue a hand to help him sit up. He also saved Little Big Brother from the neglected corner he’d been knocked to during their tussling, and brushed dust off his miniature shirt and pants with a careful hand.
His shoulder pressed against Logue’s shoulder.
“Who's he for?” Vesta ran his fingers through Little Big Brother's thread hair, poked at the little ink freckles on his cheeks, pulled at the tiny ears. “A secret admirer of mine I don't know about?
Logue snorted, and shook his head.
“Wow, alright, rude. Planning to make a pretty copper selling cursed effigies for my exes, then?” He let his head drop against Logue’s shoulder. The warmth seeping through Logue’s shirt felt comforting. Solid. Safe. “I'm not stopping you, to be clear. If you are making good money I want a cut, though.”
Logue shook his head again. Took a deep breath. “Me.”
Vesta, the big silly, gasped dramatically and turned on him with big, round eyes and a wobbly lip. “You want to curse me?”
“No!” Logue scrunched up his nose and shoved him, stealing the doll from him. “He's. For me. For. Because. It’s. He's —”
Vesta’s hand came up to the nape of his neck, gripping gently. 
“Easy, chickie. Deep breath. Start over.”
Logue swallowed thickly, closed his eyes. “I have the words. It's just stupid,” he snapped, and elbowed his arm away. He was angry that Vesta was babying him now.
He frowned down at Little Big Brother’s little doll face, and found that he couldn’t keep it up. He was kind of cute. Logue had managed to keep the stitches around his applique grey eyes small and tidy, and you could barely tell they were sewn on at all. He didn’t quite have an expression, but it was charming and funny. Just like Vesta.
Logue took a deep breath. He started over.
“He’s for me. Because I miss you.”
“Oh, Logue.” Vesta wrapped an arm around him and pulled him in a hug, crushing him against his side and rubbing his shoulder. “Chickie, I'm not going anywhere.”
“I know that. It's just. It's been hard. Out.”
“Out,” Vesta said, wonderingly. “On the supply runs?”
Logue nodded.
Vesta hummed. “Too many people?”
Logue shrugged one-shouldered again, but he was relieved. Vesta got it, because he knew him—Nita loved him and she cared as much as Vesta did, Logue knew that, but she didn’t understand.
“I’ll be fine,” he reassured Vesta before he could say anything—because Logue also knew his brother, and he could almost hear his brain click around the problem, looking at it from different directions, pulling it apart and putting it back, searching for a solution. “I’ll be fine, I just need to. Adjust.”
His hand accidentally twitched around Little Big Brother.
Vesta’s eyes softened. “If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure.” Logue squeezed the toy again, with more purpose.
They sat in silence for a while, then his brother shifted next to him.
“Do you remember—? Maybe not, we were pretty little,” Vesta started. “I don’t even know why we were out by ourselves, I think I sneaked out and you just followed me as usual… just like a baby chick.” 
He lifted his hand to pet and ruffle his hair, but Logue swatted him away with a half smile. Nuisance. Always touching. He gestured for him to continue.
“But anyway—we were out, and I figure I was trying to get us back home? I remember I took your hand and we started walking.” Vesta’s eyes went a little unfocused as he concentrated on the story. “You were perfectly content to just go wherever, until we got to the marketplace.” His cheek creased up with a fond smile. “You gave a look to the crowd and just. Stopped. You didn’t even make a scene or anything, you were just. Nope.” He stiffened and held his arms along his sides, mimicking him freezing up. “I had to pick you up and carry you the whole way back.”
“I remember you carrying me. When I was little.” Logue shook his head. “Not that one time, though.”
“Yeah, I started carrying you everywhere for a while, after that. I don’t think I ever let you touch the floor when you were four or five.” Vesta snorted, then his face went a little more serious. “I was terrified. I thought I had gotten you hurt, somehow.”
Logue frowned.
“You were perfectly fine, obviously. We were kids, I don’t know what I was thinking.” He shrugged, pushed his fringe back in a nervous gesture. “I don’t know why I’m thinking about this right now. I guess what I’m trying to say is — I’m so, so proud of you, you’ve grown so much. You’re at least a whole chicken, now.”
The only appropriate reply to that was shoving him again, really, so Logue did. But his face hurt with how hard he was scrunching it up to stop himself from crying. He ended up wrapping his arms around his brother’s waist, burying his face in his chest and letting him hold him. Vesta’s purring was always so loud.
“So,” Vesta asked when Logue finally let him go. “Does the little guy have a name, or…?”
“He’s you.” Logue didn’t want to admit that he’d been just thinking of him as Little Big Brother. “Little Vesta?”
“Little—” Vesta’s face twitched in the sort of expression he made when he was trying not to laugh. “Are you sure? Isn’t it a bit—?”
Logue grimaced. He did hate knowing his brother so well sometimes. “No.”
Vesta couldn’t keep himself from laughing. “Your face! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I promise I can be mature about it.” He made a show of wiping the mirth off his expression with a pass of his hand. “Proper introductions, then.”
He solemnly took Little Big Brother’s little arm between two fingers, and moved it up and down like he was doing a handshake. “Nice to meet you, Little Vesta.” He cracked up a little, but he recovered quickly. “Be nice to my little brother, he’s a good one. He deserves a good buddy. Are you up for the job?”
Little Big Brother, guided by Vesta’s grip again, made a little, solemn salute. Vesta nodded back, even more solemnly.
It was entirely silly, and maybe Logue should have been embarrassed by the fact that his older brother was taking the whole thing so seriously—but it was a silly serious. Just like Vesta. It worked. It made Logue’s chest a little lighter.
He tucked Little Big Brother against his stomach, and leaned against Vesta’s shoulder again. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, chickie.” Vesta pressed a kiss to his hair, and squeezed him back, purring back in full force. “You’re going to be just fine.”
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faelune-home · 21 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 #2: Horizon
(A/n: Last year I did some writings focused on my second character settling into a study position with the Students in Sharlayan, and her getting to meet the Scions one on one and take her own measure of them.
At the time I didn't get the chance to properly write a piece with Estinien, so despite it being a year later, I finally have one! The prompt idea came from remembering Estinien finishing off the endw patches saying he’d just sail straight west and land wherever, and reminded me of general sailing idea of just heading for the horizon.
I meant to edit and post my Yuri focused mini series writings from last year onto Ao3, but in the end, I forgot to do that, but maybe I can do it now with this piece to cap it off now all the Scions have been met. I'll have to see once the month is done.
I do still need to think as well about how I want to integrate Yuri into Dawntrail with the Scions group...she hasn't even finished the endw patches >.>
Word count: 1063)
The final Scion Yuri had yet to meet properly, and yet it seemed in a way she already knew him. At least in passing.
His reputation preceded him - a bizarre vagabond that was known to linger around Kugane some time ago, picking up work and travelling around to the various islands dotting the Ruby Seas and the coastline of mainland Hingashi taking out bandit groups or dangerous monsters. His payment mostly taken in food and lodging, and concessions for the small dragonet in his company, any actual coin often left to the less fortunate clients.
Yuri’s time working in Kugane and building up some experience and money was brief, and she hadn’t quite crossed paths with this freelancer, but she’d certainly heard of him. It didn’t surprise her much when Fhara or the young twins shared tales of Estinien that matched up with the stories she knew.
And so, she already knew one way to break the ice between them.
She found him looking over the shipping schedules by the harbour, mumbling about how it mostly seemed to be set for Limsa Lominsa or Thavnair. A brief cough to catch his attention, to which she then held out the board of freshly grilled squid, prepped onto skewers for easy eating. He took the board, though he wore an obviously suspicious expression.
“Did someone put you up to this?” he asked, not yet moving to take one.
“I did myself. Fhara’s made it a point to talk about all her friends, and I’ve had the chance to meet them all by now other than yourself. Properly,” Yuri added at the end, well aware he’s lingered with the group but never quite pitched in unless prompted by someone else - mostly Alphinaud.
“Fair enough. So this is just a conversation starter,” he noted, finally taking up a skewer and biting into it.
“Yes. I knew from the tales in passing back in Kugane that you were fond of them.”
His eyebrow arched, curious.
“You’re from there?”
“Not quite, I’m from the mainland. However I spent some time in Kugane in the care of a shopkeeper, for general life experience building. You became something of a local celebrity with your skills and work efficiency, and your little dragon companion. He was popular with the young children.”
That earned a fond smile from the man. “He’s already back home, enjoying some time with his mother at last. I may pass on the information next time I see him, though I can’t say when that will be.” Yuri glanced back at the departure table, remembering that he’d been looking over the information when she’d arrived.
“You’re planning to leave already? Do you have somewhere in mind?”
“Somewhere new, to my eyes at least. So probably not Kugane any time soon. Mayhap the mainland, though it seems ships there are sparse other than for locals. There’s also the Southern Isles, though most of them are apparently beset by beasts.”
“I wouldn’t imagine you would worry about ornery fauna, you could more than handle it,” Yuri noted, head tilting in curiosity. He was already halfway through the skewer board’s contents, picking up the second to last piece.
“Aye, well it isn’t just about the danger, it’s about the people that may still live there, or those that used to and wouldn’t want outsiders trespassing. I’d clear it out if they asked, but finding them is a different story. Maybe it would be better just to try some other direction then.” He bit down on the squid, pulling it off whole in one swipe.
“Sharlayan doesn’t seem to have many unfamiliar destinations then, mostly common shipping partners,” Yuri said, looking over the board and seeing the same two ports listed over and over, with only a sparse few directed to Kugane, and one for Tuliyollal, though both locations were dated so far into the timetable’s future, it wouldn’t exactly do to wait in Sharlayan for the days to come if one wanted to travel as soon as possible.
“Aye. Mayhap I’ll be better going to Limsa then and seeing her offerings. With all the travelling their pirates do and all the lands they’ve seen, it's a more connected port than anywhere else in the world.”
Yuri blinked, sensing how final his statement sounded.
“You wouldn't leave right now, would you? On such sudden notice?”
“Why not?” he shrugged, “All the better to take advantage of the winds and wherever they may lead.”
Yuri gawked at the man’s casual disregard. “But what of the other Scions, your companions, would you not tell them first? Or would you just leave without them knowing?”
“If they cross my path, then aye, I’d spare a few words. But why put all the weight into a goodbye when we’ll no doubt stay in touch. If they have need of me, they can find me.” He held out the empty serving board to her, keeping the skewers in hand.
“My thanks for the meal. If you’re set on spending more time with Fhara, I’m sure we’ll meet again. That one always has a habit of getting under everyone’s feet, and she has a nose for finding her companions when they’re away from her.”
“So I’ve learned,” Yuri mumbled, “Strangeness keeps strange company.” There wasn’t any malice or frustration in her words, just a sense of quiet acceptance. Even for as brief as she’s known Fhara and her Scions, she’s already gained some measure of the group and their type.
Estinien for his part seemed to smile in agreement. “Think yourself lucky, if she deems you a friend, you know you’ll be well looked after.” Spying a ship coming into the harbour, and scanning the board once more, he nodded.
“That one’s bound for Limsa once it unloaded its cargo and passengers. May as well take it. And if you’re truly so concerned, you can let the Scions know in my stead, though I’m sure none would call ahead to send their well wishes save Alphinaud.”
These Scions had a strange bond indeed. Mostly centred around Fhara, Yuri was noticing, though they had their own curious connections with each other. And as he marched off toward the port, Yuri had to wonder where she would eventually fit.
She ignored the voice in the back of her head asking when she considered it a matter of “when” and not “if”.
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
some people say they will never believe another promise they hear in the dark
Cash just got off a sudden eight hour flight. He is soaked and tired. Somehow, that isn't his biggest problem, but Shaan may have some comfort to offer.
(or that night at Kensington from Cash's perspective)
also posted on ao3
title from billy joel's 'an innocent man'
all of the dialogue between the beginning and them actually entering the palace is taken from the book, and because it is killing me not to properly cite it:
McQuiston, Casey. Red, White & Royal Blue: Collector's Edition: A Novel. St. Martin's Publishing Group, 2022.
As soon as they pulled up to Kensington, Cash and Alex stepped out of the car into a downpour, and Shaan, the bastard, was the only person standing in the way of the warm, dry palace. He, of course, had an umbrella.
"Mr. Claremont-Diaz," he said. "What a treat."
Predictably, Alex didn't waste any time on formalities. "Move, Shaan."
"Ms. Bankston called ahead to warn me that you were on the way." Of course she did, Cash thought. Thank God. "As you might have guessed by the ease with which you were able to get through our gates. We thought it best to let you kick up a fuss somewhere more private."
"Move." Again, with the patience.
Shaan smiled, and Cash really thought he might throttle him. Maybe he should be the next one on the eight hour flight into the pouring rain. "You're aware it's quite late, and it's well within my power to have security remove you. No member of the royal family has invited you into the palace."
"Bullshit," Alex said through his teeth. "I need to see Henry."
Cash prepared to be arrested and vowed to never, ever tell Zahra exactly what Alex said tonight.
"I'm afraid I can't do that. The prince does not wish to be disturbed.
"Goddammit Henry!" Even better, Alex started yelling directly up to what was presumably Henry's bedroom window. {"Henry, you motherfucker!"
Cash finally decided it was time to step in, not that it would help. "Alex."
He was ignored. "Henry, you piece of shit, get your ass down here!"
"You are making a scene." Shaan said, not looking all that put out.
"Yeah?" Alex said, not quieting at all despite Cash's concerns. "How 'bout I just keep yelling and we see which of the papers show up first!"
Zahra was going to have a heart attack (if Cash didn't first).
Alex turned back to the window and started flailing his arms, too. "Henry! Your Royal fucking Highness!"
Shaan touched a finger to his earpiece. "Team Bravo, we've got a situa-"
Just then, Henry appeared in the doorway, not looking much better than Cash felt right then. "For Christ's sake, Alex, what are you doing?"
Alex stopped moving, stopped yelling, finally, his mouth still open.
He dropped his arms. "Tell him to let me in."
Henry sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It's fine. He can come in."
"Thank you," he said, looking at Shaan just so he could have the last word, little shit. They all walked into the palace, Henry and Alex up a massive staircase and Cash following Shaan through the empty hallways, though the word empty was honestly generous. A better description might have been cavernous. At over 6 feet tall, Cash could stretch out both arms and not ever touch a wall, and, as a man who had personally experienced the opulence and greed of the American upper-class Republican party, he wondered why anyone would ever want that. He thought about Sir George Coppin and William III and Mary II and centuries of royals who had walked these walls and attempted to feel a lick of guilt about the mud and rainwater he was tracking through them. Oh, well.
After passing half a dozen nearly identical doors, Shaan finally led them into one that was, upon further inspection, a small kitchen. A marble top island sat in the center of the room surrounded by stools with a large black fridge, oven, sink, and counter to the right. Cash was a bit surprised by how modern it looked, though he wasn't sure exactly what he was expecting. A brick oven set over a fireplace, maybe? A giant portrait of King George III? Really, he didn't know.
"You can sit down, if you'd like," Shaan said, already taking a place at the kitchen island. Cash pulled out a stool and sat down heavily across from him.
"You think they're gonna work out whatever this is?" Cash asked, wincing when he heard a shout, probably from Alex. If anyone's lungs could transcend the distance from here to Henry's bedroom, it was Alex.
Across from him, Shaan sighed sadly, betraying more emotion in a single breath than Cash had ever seen from the man, and he began to wonder if the last ten minutes were simply for show. "It may not matter if they do."
It was, Cash knew, the truth, no matter how much he wished it weren't. "I've never seen him so happy," he noted.
He knew it was incredibly cliché, but it was the truth. The kid had always been excited, maybe a little too excited, actually, but since things with Henry had gotten...important, so to speak, he'd been happy. Really happy. Not that he wasn't before, exactly, but, honestly?...He really wasn't.
Before, happy wasn't something Alex always had time for. Now, somehow between the DNC, classes, fundraisers, and media appearances, Alex had started making time for happy, and that happy came in the form of Henry. Prince Henry of Wales.
Cash knew exactly what would happen if that suddenly went away. Alex would run himself right into the ground.
When Shaan turned his shadowed face to Cash, he knew the other man was thinking the same thing. "For Henry as well." He paused, a pained look crossing his face. "I am afraid that no matter the outcome of tonight, the fallout will be devastating."
Cash couldn't help but agree.
They lapsed into silence, at least until Alex's voice speared into the room. "-fucking love you, okay?"
Groaning, Cash said, "I'm so sorry."
Shaan waved him away. "Don't worry about it. No one else in the palace should be able to hear them." Something appeared to dawn on him. "Although, Philip and Martha are here, so we can't allow them to get too loud." At Cash's uneasy look, Shaan said, "They're staying on the other side of the palace. I wouldn't be too worried."
Cash nodded. "That's good."
A couple more minutes of tense silence later, Shaan said, "Would you like something to drink?"
"Coffee, if you have it." Shaan looked at him oddly. "If this turns ugly, I should probably be awake for it."
He didn't know what he was more worried about: the fight turning violent (unlikely), or Alex and Henry waking up Philip, and that encounter turning violent (much more likely).
Shaan nodded in understanding and turned the coffee maker on. "How do you take it?"
For a while, the only noise was the sound of the coffee maker working, leaving Cash to wonder how the fuck he was gonna explain this all to Zahra. Maybe, if they didn't break up and Alex came out the other side relatively unscathed, Cash could make him explain it all with very little remorse. If they didn't, well...Zahra may not be the biggest problem.
To Cash's surprise, the next voice was unmistakably Henry's.
"I don't want it!" He couldn't imagine what that was about, and he really didn't want to know. There were more shouts, but Cash couldn't make them out.
"Didn't know he could get that loud," he said instead.
Shaan sighed again and set a mug down in front of him. "Alex seems to bring it out in him."
Cash snorted and took a sip of coffee, reveling in the bitter taste as he felt the warmth seep into his bones and wake him back up. "He brings it out in everybody."
There was a lull in the shouts, and Cash hoped they might be winding down, but of course Alex started up again.
Thankfully, they didn't last as long this time, tapering off into angry hisses, until there was a sudden thud noise.
Cash was already halfway to the door before he registered the other noises being made: a groan, some stumbling, and the vivid sound of bed springs.
Shawn stood then, obviously eager to not hear them anymore. "Let me show you where you'll be staying tonight."
Cash nodded. "That sounds great," he said, a bit too loud, for now there was the horrifying sound of quiet crying and far more vibrant moans.
Quickly, Shaan led him down even more identical hallways - he couldn't get out of this place if he tried - and eventually landed on a dark wooden door indistinguishable from the ones next to it. Blessedly, he couldn't hear the boys anymore.
"I'll come get you in the morning provided your charge doesn't decide to leave before then." Shaan's voice had gone flat again, but Cash thought he saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "If you need anything, you have my number."
"Thanks," Cash said, the for not telling anyone higher up about this, hanging between them.
Shaan's mouth quirked up in a half smile, and he turned to go. "Of course."
Watching Shaan disappear down the immense hallway, Cash sincerely hoped they could find a way out of this mess without complete devastation, but he knew it wasn't likely.
Maybe, though, they could at least make sure they got through it alive.
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belethlegwen · 9 months
Hi Belle! I hope you're doing okay and also Happy New Year!!
I was just wondering about how your writing is coming along, hopefully I don't seem rude, because I'm just very curious lol
I noticed last week's supposed chapter wasn't uploaded, that's totally fine! Maybe it wasn't finished or something came up, it happens.
This friday rolls around, the third week without a chapter and I'm actually worried now. I see that you're fairly active on tumblr but that obviously doesn't mean anything. I'm worried, also because you usually reply to comments on AO3 as well.
GOD I'm rambling, simply, are you okay? <3
Hello love!
It's not rude, thank you for reaching out <3 The writing hit a bit of a wall and I have a small chapter for Rescue that I could post but I'll be honest, I hit a wall and haven't even really looked at it to ensure the editing is where I want it to be, and it felt more like a fluff piece/introspective for Henry and with everything going on right now with me personally I didn't feel confident to post it solo. I'm sure it's fine and I'm being hard on myself, but that's the skinny of it.
I was hoping to get a bit more scratched at, but over the last week I went from preparing for the notice that my rent was going to go up to being told my landlord is selling the house I'm living in, and me and the roommate have been scrambling to figure out what the hell we're going to do.
We were going to be splitting ways anyway near the middle of the year so I could move my fiancee in, which was going to be a big move, and now I've lost a guarantee there'll be a roof over my head, so there's been a scramble.
It's been literally 7 days so I just haven't had the bandwidth to update anyone on what's happening. Things are... becoming a bit more stable now? Kind of? but I can't guarantee anything will be up in the next week or so or if I'll have time to write much of any of the stories while this is all still swirling. When I finish with some bank meetings and the like NEXT Friday, I'm hoping I'll be able to post SOMETHING with an update on AO3 to give people an idea on if I'm going to be able to keep updating or if everything's on hold until I figure this all out.
Thank you again for reaching out, sorry about the delays and the radio silence. I was just really hoping last week this was going to be a bit of a bump and it got just... so much worse on Wednesday hahaha.
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ilreleonewikia13 · 1 year
Before you read, I wrote the first draft of this post in October, then I resumed it in April, but then in May I decided to heavily re-edit it when I noticed the massive grammatical errors that I left. So the version you will read is quite changed from its original form. Starting with the decision to split it into more chapters and not in a single piece as I did before. I even tried to add more characterization to some events as I noticed that maybe I rushed up some important things, cause when I wrote this "fanfic that is not a fanfic" I didn't have a clear vision of the events in their complexity. Some parts were very detailed and explained well, while other parts are only briefly mentioned. As I re-edit it I tried to make everything more cohesive and pleasing to read. For this reason, unlike the first version, this post will only be about the disclaimers and the introduction of my "fanfiction not fanfiction", as the whole "story" will be published on AO3. As I'm writing this I've already posted 2 of the 5 parts, and right now I'm working on the editing of the 3th chapter.
The Doom in Our Blood Comes Back - the Fanfic of a Fanfic
When do you start to realize that a fanfiction stops being just a fanfiction and becomes a real work of entertainment?
For me it's when reading it makes you want to theorize about it as if it were a real book and even before it is finished: this is what happened to me with "The Blacks and the Greens" by @sweetestpopcorn a fanfiction (which almost every fan who started watching the series has read if like me you went looking for Daemyra fanfics on AO3 as soon as it started) that tells the story of the Dance of Dragons starting with the idea that Daemon and Rhaenyra got married as soon as their "affair" was discovered, thus an AU of the original plot leading to a completely different scale of events from the original plot of the series/book.
This story, still in progress (at the exact moment I’m writing this post it arrived “just” at its 170th chapter) has gripped me so much this past month that my brain convinced me that this was the real canon story and made me completely forget about the existence of the TV series: so if you are interested to read this AU I suggest you read the original fic, even if it’s a little bit long cause it’s totally worth it.
I thought about writing an actual story about these ideas I had but then changed my mind. It didn't make sense to write about one idea when I already had a bigger story planned that wasn't finished yet.
As I said before, the story from where I take inspiration is only halfway done and things might change a lot in the upcoming chapters as I write this post. This means that the characters I'll talk about in this headcanon might have died to are going to because I don't control the story, the author does.
As I write this post, my idea for "this story" went in a totally different direction than what the original author intended. It became its own separate version of the Blacks and the Greens, with a different set of rules and logic.
I am a big fan of the Black side in the civil war and like happy endings.  I wanted Helaena to be happy with her kids and for Rhaenyra to rule the Seven Kingdoms with her husband and raise her five children. In my imagination, the Greens give up quickly and Rhaenyra becomes the Queen without any fighting. She brings both sides together and makes the dynasty stronger.
This means that in this universe almost all of the Targaryen family is still alive and because the war didn't last too much the finance of the kingdom is not significantly damaged making the reign of the Black Queen very prosperous and full of innovations, technically and artistically speaking, making for them more effortless to conquest Dorn and made Westeros finally United.
The first idea for this story was to talk about Rhaenyra and Daemon's five children and their fun experiences instead of just focusing on Rhaenyra and Daemon's relationship, which is already the main focus of The Blacks and The Greens.
When I was reading the fanfic for the first time, I knew that liked Baela the most because of her personality: plus in my head, she's like a female version of Daemon for this reason, I decided to use her as the main character in my story.
She, in my mind, had the right characteristic to be our main POV, being, in my head, the “middle child” of the group - so the one who is between Aegon and Viserys (the boys) and Rhaena and Visenya (the girls) - and that belong to both of the two worlds, the feminine and the masculine, and have both these sides with her.  She, in my fantasy, will spend a lot of time with her two brothers, with whom she will share a very strong bond as a very strong rivalry for the attention of their father; with the girls too she will have a special relationship. Especially with Rhaena who is her twin, who is, in some way, her opposite and her complementary, especially in the way they decide to express their femininity over the years.  I think that in the Book-canon, Baela looks more masculine than what it was depicted in The Blacks and the Greens, and because this headcanon is heavily inspired by that fanfic, I decided to follow this vision more than the canon one. 
In this universe, she dresses like a combination of Queen Visenya, whom Baela really likes, and Queen Rhaenys. Baela is both strong and sensual like her mother Rhaenyra. She wears bright colors like red and loves jewelry.
I thought about what clothes would look good on her at the court. I imagined she would like dresses that were fun and sexy, with low necklines and tight bodices. These dresses would be like armor to her and would have lots of beads on them. I got ideas from the outfits worn by Anne Boleyn in the show The Tudors, which I really like.
She likes to show she is comfortable with her sexuality, without feeling ashamed for having fun with men as she thinks that both women and men should be able to act in the same way.  Besides her regular clothes, I also see her wearing softer and masculine tunics as she trains, showing how much she loves the culture of the East continents. Even though she doesn't like to study, Baela enjoys reading High Valyrian poems and listening to Lysene music, as she prefers to sing over playing it. I can imagine her spending time flying and staying with her dragon more than her siblings. She will become very fond of her dragon, Moondancer.  She will also train with her brothers with the sword and be very good at it.
Because Baela became a such strong and intense character in my mind, I started to think that she needed an equally strong and enigmatic counterpart that matched it, but at the same time opposed it and gave it a hard time: or in reality the opposite, that is someone she could challenge and confront, someone equally crazy and reckless, but by the opposite and darker energy. 
And so that at any moment this post headcanon "The Blacks and the Greens" has become somehow a story focused on Baela and Aemond, or at least with a particular focus on the relationship and the clashes between these two. 
Let me make it clear that the choice to "pair" these two characters were not based on a double interpretation of the original story, which clearly shows a strong dislike for Aemond and the Greens in general. The decision to highlight Aemond's character was solely influenced by the irresistible charm of Ewan Mitchell, the actor who played the role in the television adaption, which unfortunately clouded my judgment. To be absolutely clear, I have never felt any form of empathy towards him during my entire fanfiction journey, except for some mere pity.
There were multiple factors that led me to spare the lives of Aemond and Aegon, as I believed it would be more gratifying to let them suffer as they experienced the consequences of all the actions that they made thought the first half of The Blacks and the Greens and the accompanying disgrace of their defeat, rather than simply executing them on the spot.
In this headcanon, Aemond will undergo significant transformations, causing a profound shift in his mentality and character due to experiencing a series of intense and traumatic events. As a result, this version of Aemond will differ significantly from both the Bookcanon and the Blacks and the Greens.  The decision was serendipitously influenced by reading a particular sentence in the fanfic where the detestable Aemond ridicules Daemon for allowing Rhaenyra to mistreat him and become submissive to his sister, referring to him as a "slut." Aemond expresses his reluctance to ever allow a woman to control him as his uncle did.
Well, these two simple sentences made me decide that I need to create my own headcanon where Aemond would become the exact thing that he always derided his uncle for: a "loser" who would be bossed around by all the women in his life. And not only command but as a great misogynistic bastard who was, after touching the bottom of the funds, it would be a woman to save him and put him on track, making him feel indebted to her. 
So this is how this literary experiment was born.   
A simple and very banal enemies-to-lovers story with A LOT of drama and a bunch of dragons, but that needs the perfect setting to work, for this reason, most of the work I did was on figuring out how to set the side character and the background events in a way that could serve my goal.
As I specified many times in this exaggeratedly verbose disclaimer and in the tags this is not actual fanfic, I will not so use a prostatic style like many other stories in this platform, still, I want my readers to have a pleasing experience while reading this work, the result of a very elaborate mental wank and my pressing need to take my mind off my real duties, so I decided to write the whole thing as if it were a cross between historical writing and the introduction to a Greek tragedy. 
Imagine, just like in Fire and Blood, that an obviously bored scholar set out to write the memoirs of Rhaenyra and her deeds; as I tried to make up this story I even tried to figure out the timeline of our characters' birth, some of them are the canon ones used in the books, while the others are the ones I tried to calculate trying to use some mathematics and the information that the writer give us on her fic. This means that it's not very precise, but I hope it's remotely accurate.
Aemond= 110
Daeron =114
Larra= 115
Aegon III = 118
Viserys = 119
Daenaera = 120
Baela and Rhaena =121
Visenya= 125
Jaehaerys and Jaehaera = 123
Maelor = 127
Baelor = 130
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chromatic-lamina · 10 months
for the ao3 writers wrapped, 6, 16, and 22!
Thank you!
End of year wrap up for writers.
6. Favorite title you used: Maybe Forty-Two Superior Teeth. It's a piece I did for the free (and still available) Growing Pains Zine (the one piece characters when they were kids). Polar bears have 42 teeth, and Bepo knows it! (That was a piece about Law, Bepo, Penguin and Shachi on Swallow Island).
16. What's your most common "additional tags" tag?
I didn't write so much this year, but maybe always some variation of 'canon divergence'. I do have a 'national geographic hearts' or equivalent tag.
22. Which work has the most comments?
I'll take this as comment threads. That way it excludes my replies. It seems that I updated a one shot collection: Bepo's Drabble and One Shot Collection, and that has 15 chapters and 16 comment threads, but none on the drabble I posted (all the other chapters were posted 2019).
Heart PIrates Week, 2023 has 9 chapters (they're drabbles/ficlets. Don't get your hopes up :D!) and so 15 comment threads.
Taxi, which is actually a 2018-2019 story, but I re-uploaded a missing chapter last year, has 14 comment threads, and I actually uploaded that missing chapter due to some lovely comments I received this year.
For one shots, Bioluminescent Hearts is the top with 9 comment threads.
Thank you so much.
ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
ask away!
6, 16 and 22 are finished.
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drysaladandketchup · 10 months
Writing Meme
Tagged by my dear @irrelevanttous <3
RULES: go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason
first fic you ever published on Ao3: Spirit of Champions, for the Supernatural/Destiel fandom. I don't even know why I'm linking the fic, it was ten years ago I'd like to think my writing has improved a lot since then so... maybe don't read it lol. I actually have another fic that says it was posted on the same date but I think that's because I moved them both over from livejournal at the same time, so whatever
last fic you published: Acts of Devotion for the Hockey/Mattdrai fandom. Much prouder of this fic haha, though I was still getting a feel for hockey and these guys during it's construction. It hopefully won't be my last mattdrai fic though. Got a few ideas and WIPs sitting in my drafts
a fic you wrote for a fandom/ship only once: I don't think I've ever written just one fic for a fandom. Though I certainly have many abandoned WIP's and a few unpublished fics from days gone by. Also due to a lack of ideas or energy, I often end up publishing nothing for a fandom, despite my love for it. But I'll go with the fandom I only published two fics for. After Life's Fitful Fever, He Sleeps Well for The Terror. It's actually a platonic ship (if that counts? Depends on your definition of 'ship' I suppose), but it's still one I'm quite fond of overall
favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship with the most works: well I already mentioned Supernatural, so that would be the obvious answer lol. But I already did that, so I'm going to go with a fic from the next biggest fandom I've published for. Which I would say is String Theory for Final Fantasy XV. The only FF game I've ever played, but I had a grand old time, made a lot of friends and had a lot of growth in that community
fic you wish more people read: Can I say any of my fics from the Dunkirk fandom? No? Boo. It's a tiny fandom so I don't expect a tonne of interaction haha. But it is the fandom I've written the most for. Ideas just kept on coming (probably because I love history and angst). So I'd say... Where You Were, Where You're Needed. My first for the fandom, and one I still love dearly
fic you agonized over the most: Skybound, for Dunkirk. It's the only novel-length fic I've written, and it took me two years. I also didn't publish it until it was completely finished, edited, re-drafted, and remodelled within an inch of it's life so... yeah that one. Plus all the history research and story planning that went into it was a lot more than I usually do. It was fun, I'm glad I finished it, but fuck I don't know how people write novels regularly. Stephen King tell me your secret
fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort: For The Glory, for the Hockey/Mattdrai fandom. Maybe the fastest I've written anything. Basically wrote it from start to finish within a couple hours, not including food and sleep. Not a monumental fic, no, but for someone with chronic fatigue and adhd... astounding. It was very much a result of conversations with M. and her determination to drag me into hockey and mattdrai. Successfully, clearly haha
work you are proud of: I'm going to say Skybound again. Small fandom, but a huge fic for me. One I could probably turn into an original piece with minimal finagling if I wanted. I would also like to think one could enjoy the fic without having seen Dunkirk. That being said, now that it's been over a year a half since I finished it, I'm already looking at it thinking 'I could have written this differently. I could have removed this or tweaked that.' Editor hell. But I'm leaving it as is, using it as a benchmark for my (hopefully) continued improvement as a writer. I think I improved over the course of writing it, even. A lot changed from inception to publication. But I'm no less proud of it, as a written work or as a story. I did what I wanted, and I wrote the exact story I wanted to read. So I'm happy :)
Thank you for the tag, M.! <3
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readythefanons · 1 year
desk dispatch (early May 2023)
writing desk updates from your pal reddy
desk status: under control (patches of the desk's surface are visible, and the stacks do not exceed 3 inches in height = manageable but in the middle of some things)
General notes from April:
I used April's camp NaNo (NaNoWriMo=national novel writing month, which is in November. Camp NaNo is for self-set goals and is held in April and July) to work on an outline! I outlined the Petra/Sylvain fic, and I wrote about 10k >_> the outline is mostly there, but there are a few sections in the middle that could use some more attention
I finally succeeded in winning the "write every day" achievement for (camp) NaNo!!!!!
I posted "Place" in April which is an Adopted!Hilda AU. If you're reading this post, you probably saw at least one of the eleventybillion promos I scheduled for the fic. (five. It was five.) I started that fic in 2020, so it feels great to post it
What's in the can: NOTHING. I have nothing lined up to post. But...
The Leonie fan anthology (AKA Sunflower: A Leonie Fanzine) is shipping/has shipped! I have a fic in that one, and I hope that soonish I'll be able to post that fic to AO3 :) That piece is titled "not a circle, but a spiral"
I am poking the Leonie/Lorenz SciFi AU again. In a fit of productivity, I re-outlined the thing and I hope to poke the draft itself soon.
I wrote and edited 3k of thoughts on pronouns and personhood in the book Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie. When I finally hit post on that, you'll see it on my book blog @reddy-reads but I might also bump it over here because why not. embarrassment is for other people. (disclaimer: not every blog on tumblr with "reddy" in the name is connected to me, i promise)
Miscellaneous thoughts: outlining
I might... love... outlining? To be determined. But it felt so good to work on the Petra/Sylvain outline, and it felt good to work on the SciFi AU outline. So IF these fics actually get written, then I might never go back to my no-outline ways.
What I liked about it: it was so satisfying to think about all the parts of the story and how they were supposed to fit together. It was useful to be able to plan out which characters would show up when and where. It was useful (but often felt bad) to realize that certain scene ideas I had weren't working (usually because there wasn't enough concept there). It was SO much easier to go "wait this isn't working" after only writing a few sentences instead of pages and pages. It was much easier to go "oh I need to introduce X earlier" in an outline than after writing (and posting!!!) whole chapters. It feels good to have a plan about where the story goes and how it reaches the ending.
Outlining (it's new to me): My other multichapter fics ("all things considered could be worse" in Netflix!Daredevil fandom, and of course the "Pull It Together" duology) were written without an outline! I knew generally what I wanted to happen and how the ending should feel, but I didn't know how I was going to get from A to Z.
(Actually... those fics BOTH started as oneshot responses to prompts on kinkmemes... and... the Petra/Sylvain fic was inspired by a post on a kinkmeme, and it was originally conceived as a oneshot. So, uh, credit for finally recognizing a pattern!)
Why I'm finally trying outlining: I've become increasingly aware that I have limited time and energy. I wish I didn't. I wish I felt limitless, but the last few year-or-so has just taught me that I only have so much bandwidth. (Which is a good lesson, even/especially if it's not really welcome.) So since I'm admitting that I have limited time and energy, why shouldn't I help myself spend more time doing what I enjoy (writing!) and less time doing what I dislike (not writing because I'm stuck). So that's part of why I have this fresh interest in outlining.
The other thing about outlining is that--well Leonie and Lorenz's stories were fundamentally pretty simple. The Matt & Foggy (Daredevil again) story was even simpler because it was a slice of life. It was hard to get truly lost there. The Petra/Sylvain story needs to fit together a little more precisely, and that means prewriting. AKA writing the whole thing, then editing and posting. I'm not looking forward to giving up my post-as-you-go ways, but maybe I'll end up loving it.
The last part of the "why suddenly outline and prewrite" puzzle is a little... uh... it's a little sensitive. I have ideas about Petra and Brigid that I want to express, but the themes involved (colonialism/imperialism) are delicate. I want to give myself the option of really thinking it through & maybe even getting an extra set of eyes on it before putting it out on the whole internet to see.
So that's why I haven't been posting as much. I'm cooking up something big, I hope people will like it.
Final goodies
Fic rec: Ruu has written a Leonie/Lorenz fic called "Of Conduct, Of Manners." The Jane Austen influence wafts off the page. It updates regularly, and the whole thing is already written :D :D :D
Writing podcasts: I like the writing podcast "Writing Excuses" and "Fiction Writing Made Easy with Savannah Gilbo."
Media podcasts: I still adore "Be the Serpent." It's on hiatus but they have an extensive back catalogue. I got so many great media recommendations from them.
Writing essays: I enjoyed Diane Duane's blog post about her outlining style and approach. I used her "grocery shopping list" and it really helped me build my outline's backbone.
Writing essay 2: A discord pal shared this post with me, which helped me get past an outlining block. The bit about "stop writing scenes you don't want to write" was the magic ingredient for me.
Meal Idea: Vegetarian sushi bowl. Make some rice, season it into sushi rice. Add all the yummy veggies you want. Eat and enjoy. (I made the sushi rice, but then I mixed some riced cauliflower into it for extra bonus veggies. For topping I did avocado w a sprinkle of soy sauce, finely cut carrot, Japanese pickles [cucumber and ginger], and edamame. I also had nori to wrap it as I ate because I loooove seaweed.)
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owlsandwich · 1 year
Hi buddy! Its Athena, I'm sending this out to all my mutuals - what got you into writing, what inspires you, who inspires you and what music inspires you to write? what do you love about writing?
I am so excited to have a question :D
So I read all the time as a child (before videogames arrived to steal my heart), but I think the first time I realised I would like to write a book myself was after finishing Abhorsen by Garth Nix. The ending is so incredible with so many pieces all coming together for the finale, and in that moment I realised I wanted to create something like that.
It wasn't safe for me to have thoughts written down at home though, so I never put my stories on paper. I'd hold them in my mind and add to them each night as I fell asleep, then I'd go back over them again and again, 'editing in my head. They were just for me, so I didn't have a huge desire to have them written down anyway. Then, about 12 years ago I had a dream about these two characters, and it felt so strong that the next day I got out a notebook and scribbled down a chapter about them (I still have it!). By this point I had moved out, and my partner read it and loved it. He kept nagging me to continue, and I tried a few times but didn't actually know anything about writing, so I just kept hitting dead ends.
I didn't write again until four years ago, when I decided to start over on that same project as a form of healing, and because I'd always wanted to go back to it. The original chapter I wrote still exists, (admittedly heavily edited) and is now chapter 3 of the book I self-published last year!
I think I lot of my inspiration comes from reading about human interaction and current events; I process my feelings about the world by layering it onto fantasy and seeing how similar events might play out. I still love Garth Nix, though at the moment I am diving into reading a lot of old classic books - I think my favourite so far was The Count of Monte Cristo.
As far as music goes, I attempted to classical conditon myself into writing my putting on a band I don't normally listen to every time I write. The whole of The Mechanics of Magic was written to a Portugal The Man playlist, and I ended up associating songs with each of my characters, even though the music has nothing to do with the book at all.
My current project was actually inspired by the Ghost song 'Darkness At The Heart Of My Love' though, and since I am just posting it on AO3 I stole the song title for it 😅 I think the work has moved past the initial song inspiration, but I still associate Ghost songs with my Darkness project.
I think I've probably written too much here, but this was so much fun! Thank you!
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hergan416 · 2 years
AO3 (Writer) Wrapped 2022
Not sure where others are getting this, but I'm just aggregating it myself because I should have all this data anyway. I know how to get it and I don't write that much.
Alright! So far in 2022 I've written 25,107 words of fanfiction and posted it on AO3.
I also archived 12,438 words of Dorian Gray analysis, originally posted here on tumblr on AO3. (I haven't advertised this yet, but if you want to see the full tag archive it's here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43362990/chapters/109003806)
I feel comfortable with this. Last year I posted 22,881 words of fanfic alone, so I'm up, and that doesn't include the fact I've gotten back into roleplay and have been having some SERIOUS word count a paragraph at a time, no-pressure, no editing fun between friends in the last two months. (Or at least it feels like it. I don't really want to dig through discord and/or tumblr to verify.)
(Did I mention 2021? Look at last year's metrics.)
I posted 6 new stories (2 One Piece and 4 Yugioh) and continued 2 stories from last year.
Of the WIPS I mentioned last year I added to Seek and Ye Shall Find, posted the smut addition to my kidlaw one shot Conquest, and posted 3/4 chapters of the fic that had been delayed due to my concussion (the only part that hasn't been posted is what I had started pre-concussion, actually). I didn't update "The Fic That Shall Not Be Named" but I do still plan to... When I have spoons to deal with the graphic design elements of writing it.
I participated in two Yugioh fandom gift exchanges, and had a blast. I absolutely adored my prompts this year, especially the Dark Valentines of Dimensions exchange which I hadn't participated in before. I hope to participate again in 2023, but have to get time to read the prompt list and sign up.
I've seen people put their top fics by kudos/hits/etc. on these, but that's not really what I want to focus on. I'm going to put my top fics by my own metrics, how I feel about them now, regardless of stats.
Heartsick Rated: G(eneral) Prideshipping (Yami Yugi | Atem/Seto Kaiba) When Kaiba finally manages to pull Atem out of Aaru, they come back ten years later, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was an absolute blast to write. I got to play with Sugoroku's character, write some playful banter, and add in some Mokuba angst on the side.
Chronology: A Case Study Rated: M(ature) Prideshipping (Yami Yugi | Atem/Seto Kaiba) This was meant to be Kaiba's birthday fic last year, and I had to abandon it due to getting a concussion. I'm so proud of myself for not only having an outline of what happened when, but sticking to and with it. Granted I don't have the last chapter posted, but I have a fair amount worked on, and expect this fic to be finished early next year. The fic bounces across space and time, but only ever occurs on Kaiba's birthday, October 25, which is where it gets the title. While the fic suffers some minor continuity issues, the fact that I even stuck with a multiple chapter fic, even a short one is such an accomplishment for me.
Seek and Ye Shall Find Rated: M(ature) Chapter fic with no "main" pairing. There is, however, Violetshipping (Jounouchi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler/Seto Kaiba), Heartshipping (Ryou Bakura/Yugi Mouto) and unrequited Prideshipping (Yami Yugi | Atem/Seto Kaiba). This is my self-indulgent, Katakuri-centric Yugioh/One Piece crossover fic and honestly, I'm still super excited and stoked about it. It's the thing I have written the most for me of anything this year, even if it hasn't been updated in a minute. I do know how I'm pulling Katakuri out of Aaru and some of what I want to happen between him and Atem before I do. I just need to spend some time sitting down and writing it.
Thanks for reading, and for all the positive feedback on my writing. I feel so blessed to be a part of the fandom, especially the Dark Pride of Dimensions Prideshipping Discord server, the Truth or Dare Yugioh RP group, and a pair of small discord communities of One Piece fans. Thank you for being a part of my life.
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mirrorthoughts · 2 years
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Ich habe 17.095 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 10.014 more posts als 2021!
111 Einträge erstellt (1%)
16.984 Einträge gerebloggt (99%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 2.118 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#q – 807 Einträge
#seikaze – 123 Einträge
#sei's writing – 98 Einträge
#sei's brain bubbles – 86 Einträge
#ofmd – 79 Einträge
#teen wolf – 69 Einträge
#steter – 58 Einträge
#😂😂😂 – 40 Einträge
#ask game – 27 Einträge
#stiles stilinski – 26 Einträge
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#though in german it rhymes: „im osten geht die sonne auf‚ im süden ist ihr höchster lauf‚ im westen wird sie unter geh‘n‚ im norden ist sie
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
Got tagged by the lovely @meggie-stardust and finally got around to it xD thanks! ❤
Favorite color: I still tend to default to blue, but by now blue, orange and green definitely hold a similar place xD
Favorite food: asian fried noodles with veggies and/or chicken o-o (or meat-balls/-patties with potato salad my mom taught me to make)
Song stuck in my head: Rumors by Jake Miller
Last thing I googled: If the movies Legion and Priest got anything to do with the three The Prophecy-films because my head had somehow thrown all of these together (and at least Legion and Priest share an actor)
Dream trip: Japan
Something I want: for my two best friends to live closer to me so I can see them without first travelling 1-5 hours <.<...
Currently reading: Howl's Moving Castle and Ashlesha (by the lovely @deadcatwithaflamethrower - If you haven't read that book, go read it now. I'm serious, flame's stuff is utter brilliance!)
Last song: Cup of Sweetness by Andrew Jeremy (from the Coffee Talk OST)
Last series: The Sandman (another piece of media that I can very much recommend!)
Last movie: Thor Love and Thunder
Sweet/spicy/savory: savory!
Currently working on: too much 😂 No, actually I'm just getting back from a few days off after Steter Week, but I want to concentrate on my original story "The Carridan Constellations" (for the curious, there are tidbits over at @pencilcoreandgreenleafheart xD) atm. Though I also want to finally edit Fae Heart, so... yeah 😂
Time: 19:55/7:55pm
low/no-pressure tags for:
@aurevell @asher-orion-writes @rebakitt3n @inexplicifics @a-kind-of-merry-war
and everyone else who wants to xD
18 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 9. August 2022
WIP Challenge
The darling @orphicpoieses tagged me here for this game :D So here's my answer! I'm looking forward to questions! 👀👀👀
𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 : post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous they are. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips. (you can make your own post or reblog this one!)
I decided to make a new post, since I didn't know how long it would get xD
I also don't have the "classical" folder with singular works in but Scrivener projects that are full of stuff. These titles are from my "Fanfiction"-project!
Come Back with me Sorry, not sorry Blue Moon Romance Plot Mental Disorder Beauty and the Beast Living, Learning, Loving
I omitted those kind of "stories" that had a WIP-title but no words other than a prompt/a few bullet points/an idea, because, well, I didn't start them yet, so technically not a WIP 😂
I also omitted the Steter Week WIPs because I have posted everything for those here (AO3) and I haven't done anthing with those stories since posting them 😂
And I omitted a small collection of stuff I wrote as Advent Calender for @luzineko in 2020 because all of that is in German and as far as I remember the stories might be short but mostly finished, so no WIPs there technically either 😂
Otherwise most of the stories are actually mostly finished aside from editing.
So have fun asking about them! 👀👀👀
Low/no-pressure tags for: @aurevell @meggie-stardust @wingedcat13 @deadcatwithaflamethrower @inexplicifics @julek @caffeinewitchcraft
And anyone else who wants to ❤
19 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. August 2022
My mum and I are going to a planetarium show tonight - a show called „Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon“.
I almost shrieked when my mum found it yesterday bc I immediately had to think of @deadcatwithaflamethrower‘s OaLC-Series (HP, my absolute favourite fanfiction out there. Rly. If you haven’t, go read it right now. If you already have, go read it again! It’s absolutely brilliant!)
Fitting to that I’m actually re-reading the series right now and when I opened my e-reader and read another page I came to this scene from Part II:
(Behind a readmore bc picture and a bit spoilery)
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(Sorry, no alt-text rn bc phone/mobile)
So yeah, today‘s day‘s in the theme of Pink Floyd and OaLC I guess 😂… definitely not sad about it ❤️
Pink Floyd is part of my childhood after all (bc my parents also are both fans and we Heard- those records a LOT ❤️) and OaLC is by now just deeply ingrained in my heart.
25 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. Juli 2022
Just thinking about Murderbot questions not (yet) answered in the books 😂 (as far as I know - might have overlooked it 😂)
So if there are SecUnits that are all produced with the same cloned material, they should have the same face, right? Are ALL SecUnits (constructs) built with the same cloned DNA (aside from personalized constructs like the ComfortUnits)? Are there different batches of SecUnits that are produced with other cloned DNA? Could you determine through their faces how old a SecUnit is (when you have the data) because of the used DNA?
Muderbot never commented on other SecUnits faces and we do know that all SecUnits have the same body structure (which is kinda logical if they are mass produced) so we don't really know if other SecUnits have the same face as MB or not. Though we also mostly 'see' SecUnits with their armour on, so we don't know if they actually are different or if Murderbot is just used to looking into its own face when seeing other SecUnits. I'm also not sure/I forgot if we actually have 'seen' Three without armour... Does Three actually look different from Murderbot?
And... HOW OLD is Murderbot actually? Do SecUnits/Constructs age at all? They do have manipulated DNA, we know that, but does that mean they don't age like humans? What about older/newer constructs? How different are they from Murderbot (speaking in terms of abilities/functions/etc.)?
I'd guess older SecUnits are upgraded during their stay between contracts if there are new functions integrated in newer models? Or maybe older models just get sent to lower grade contracts and the newer (more expensive?) models get the high grade contracts?
I mean, there are a few hints to some answers to these questions - for example that Murderbot is at least 4 years old bc. the 'killed dozens of people'-incident is more than 30k hours past which at least in human earth terms would be around 3,5 years - plus the months from ASR to NE.
Murderbot also says in ASR that its battery would keep it alive for "hundreds of thousands of hours" so if we invert that and say 'less than a million hours' thats still a max of about 114 years??
And, as I said, I'm not sure if we have a description of Three's appearance in NE (I'm re-reading it right now and we haven't yet met Three and my memory is shit with descriptions and stuff I've only read once 😂) though it probably would be easier if Three and Murderbot DON'T look too much alike. On the other side it would be hilarious if people always mistake them for the other - especially since Three seems to have a personality that's a lot more emotionally stable than Murderbot! (Though that might be of MB's trauma - who knows?)
So yeah, questions, questions, questions 😂😂😂 (and of course that's got nothing to do with Hello World, the fic that started as a Teen Wolf-Murderbot-AU and that my head decided to evolve into a full blown crossover AND I'M NOT EVEN AT THE FUN PARTS YET! ...)
29 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 17. September 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
ALL OF YOU are at fault for making me read the Murderbot Diaries!
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And yes, I bought book one about 5 hours ago and now have all six of them and am halfway through book 2! D:
Shame on you people I follow! 😂😂
62 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 7. September 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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sllhouettedreams · 2 years
Hi, I just read Forehead kisses and wanted to re-read Chasing Tomorrow. My simple question is do you have a backup of what you delete? More importantly why deprive the world of AFTG of such well written fics? Please bring them back 🙏😭
Yes, I have kept what I had written for chasing tomorrow and the two part I had planned afterward. I appreciate you so much for coming to ask about it and show your support. I honestly didn't think people would notice or care enough. While there is a tiny sliver of myself that believed the story just didn't matter to anyone else... the 'why' is really, really complicated.
The official answer is that... Objectively, it's not a very well-written story and I should have spent more time than I did to edit and piece each chapter together. Unfortunately, as I usually do with things I write (with very few exceptions) I began to hate it? Usually, even when I hate things, I don't delete them. But that combined with what little feedback received and a few weird bookmark notes a few people added, I felt uncomfortable leaving it up even as an orphaned story. I also deleted the other AFTG fics I had posted on AO3.
Every few weeks I consider going back to it, to fix it up and finish what I started because I still like the direction I went with it and the interpretation of canon I had planned, but something something seasonal depression. something something long personal story under the cut.
To summarize what's under the cut: I wrote Chasing Tomorrow to deal with a time in my life that was highly emotional and I'm not, currently, in the headspace to revisit or continue with Trusting Tomorrow and Tomorrow, After All (which would be the third post-canon continuation). I really, really do want to, though. Eventually, I will.
This is the sad bit so stop reading if you don't want to read about death, abuse (including sexual), and suicide mention in a long emotional ramble.
So I read AFTG for the first time in May of last year when I got COVID. It was a great distraction from being sick enough I couldn't move. I immediately was obsessed, actually.
Here's the thing, my family is kind of a fractured mess. I lived through poverty, homelessness, and abuse, physical, verbal, emotional, and even sexual. So I related to every single character (particularly andrew and neil, which is common, I think), on some level.
So this outrageous, messed up fucking story, meant a lot to me? As stupid as it sounds, I guess.
Anyways, here comes the sad part.
Literally the next week after I finished reading AFTG, my sister died. At the time, we didn't know what had happened to her and why she died so young-- she struggled with mental health and her disabilities a lot so everyone, even people I didn't know speculated it was suicide as she had attempted it before, more than once. I very nearly deleted my facebook because of the people who contacted me and things they said.
Less than two months later, my dad passed away, too. It was around this time that we finally learned how my sister had died as well. I wasn't on good terms with either my sister or father. I always put off making things right for many reasons. Pride, not enough time, exhaustion, the amount of emotional labor they both had always required, "if they wanted to fix things they would try" blahblahblah. I thought I had more time, see?
I became kind of obsessed with AFTG because well, outside of connecting with the characters, there's the whole motif of death and dying and meeting an inevitable end- not knowing if you have the power to change anything but trying your damnedest anyway, but accepting the worst outcome should it happen. It all seemed very profound to me at the time. And it was a distraction from all the emotions I was dealing with.
But, eventually emotions demand to be felt.
So in between those deaths, I began to write Chasing Tomorrow. It began as an exploration of grief and the burning desire to have changed something, anything, to prevent loss. It was a story that, I felt, was about love and the destruction it leaves behind when the person embodying it dies. About second, third, fourth chances to make things right. If there was a magical moment that could have fixed everything, about going back and not missing it that time.
When it was finished, I had no better understanding of what actually happened, of what I could have done, and what life will be like now without her. It was an outlet, but in the end I didn't get any satisfaction from it.
Writing it out now, and opening up about why I wrote it and what I thought it would do for me, I'm understanding exactly why I resent it now. It feels stupid, actually.
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harri-etvane · 8 months
For the ao3 ask: 10 & 11, 12, 19, 27 and 28
Hey jam!
10. Quickest work to write
With Patient Eyes or Grit Your Teeth (Bite Your Tongue). Because I appear to only be capable of writing 1k oneshots, they don't take me too long to write - it's mostly editing afterward! I've been known to start a work and post it in the same night though too.
11. Longest work to write
Not counting Lost in the Light or Fidelis Et Verax because they're still ongoing, it's definitely Early Though the Laurel Grows. That one took a good few months and honestly, I keep going back to it and finding things I want to change / add to, but I think everyone's had enough of that one for now!
12. How many WIPs do you have for this coming year?
So. Many. I've had some really cool prompts sent my way over the last couple months. I've probably got maybe 10 or so kicking around on my google drive, but that includes chapters of already existing works too. Very few of them have actual plot, I'm realising just now, but never mind.
As an extra snippet, there are two I really want to finish. Not Waving (But Drowning) and an untitled Maks & Vova piece that's based in the gym that I might just tack onto Grit Your Teeth because it's kind of.. a natural narrative progression from where that piece finished.
19. A pairing you want to explore
Oooh. This was a fun question to think about - even if pairings aren't necessarily the main focus of my work, they inform a lot of what I write, especially the subtle little moments. I am, as always, endlessly in love with every iteration of Maksym & Vova, but I've also had a bit of a dabble in Andriy & Vova too and that's something I want to take into the new year.
27. What do you listen to while writing?
It depends! Sometimes it's classical music, sometimes Ukrainian pop, or sometimes it's just my fiancé playing video games in the background!
28. Favourite work you wrote last year
Ergh. It took me SO LONG to think of a favourite!
I have a soft spot in my heart for Sometimes, from all of the silence. It didn't do particularly well on AO3 (the self indulgent Maks-gives-Vova-his-jumper ficlet got more kudos!) but I really liked the vibe I managed to paint with it - just Andriy and Vova, alone as winter crawls in.
Thanks for asking love! x
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
It's been a while since my last aside so I felt like sharing what I've been working on in my free time! I promise I'm not lazy, I'm just busy and also really like starting new projects halfway through working on 8 other projects for some reason haha
Speaking of starting something new when I haven't finished something I started previously, Minh and I were planning on making a collab Shulkelia one shot for Valentine's Day! Obviously that didn't pan out haha but it's still being worked on and it's extremely cute and fun :) Hopefully it will be ready to post sooner than later! And I also will hopefully be able to work on Constellations soon as well!! (Seriously I feel. SO. bad about my hiatus, especially since I know how many interesting and fun rough-draft ideas we brainstormed up for it that are just waiting to be finalized and shared with the world!!)
Another thing I wanted to do for Valentine's Day but extremely missed the boat on was mass dumping the few good NSFW Shulkelia pieces on here (with a planned warning ahead of time as well as copious tagging and hiding under readmores, of course!), including a full translation of a doujin! However, it being a nearly 20-page comic with dialogue and onomatopoeia all over the place meant I couldn't go the normal route of putting the translation below the art, it would just be way too messy and confusing. So, I decided to open up Photopea and replace the Japanese text with my translation! I felt bad about editing someone else's work (still do haha) but there was just no other way to do it, there is. SO so much onomatopoeia in there that it would be a nightmare to do it any other way. But that fact also contributed to why I still have yet to finish the translation: I got wayyy too ambitious in my typical perfectionist way, and decided to use the clone tool to edit out the hiragana and katakana handwriting for the onomatopoeia and place English text in their places, rather than just put it in small, parenthetical text next to the original writing like manga translations typically do. And oh my GOD I should never have done that there are literal HUNDREDS of characters I had to painstakingly edit out and I'm STILL not even done yet no no no... But I'm so close to finishing it!! I have only a couple pages left and then it's good to go!! Expect to see it along with the other NSFW art of them (again, with multiple warnings far ahead of time plus careful tagging to make sure you won't see it if you don't want to!!) in the near future!
Not XC related at all, but my most recent project has been making an Ao3 site skin (and, in the process, learning how CSS works) and it's been really satisfying! It's nothing super fancy, but it does create a noticeable improvement from the default (in terms of clarity/organization/readability, no offense intended at all of course!) and I'm very pleased with it so far! Once it's done I'll share it here, complete with notes on what each piece is doing to the layout and how, so anyone can use it and tweak it how they like! :)
I unfortunately haven't made any more progress on Xenoblade 3, sorry to say. And actually... it's partially because I'm worried that I'll end up liking Noah so much that I'll get even more distracted from writing Shulkelia or Xenoblade 1 in general haha... Like I'd never give up on that of course, 1 and its characters will always have a special place in my heart! But I can see myself getting swept away by The New Guy TM, much like I do with new project ideas popping into my head...
My FFXIV x Xenoblade 1 crossover has made some good progress! I've now finalized the outfits for over half of the characters I plan on making, after hours and hours of trying different chestpieces and dyes to get them as close to their canon outfits as possible! In fact, maybe I could share a little more about what exactly I'm doing, to show how I was having too much fun and made it a bigger thing than it had to be, to help explain why it's taking so long haha:
So originally the idea started out as "what FFXIV job best suits the playstyle/archetype of each of XC's playable characters?" (and I have a whole host of notes in my head about why that is from both a gameplay/kit perspective and a fandom-y General Vibes/Aesthetic perspective, which I will for sure post along with the pics). And if I could draw well, it probably would've ended there: I'd just have made some art of the cast posing with their weapons and call it done. But since 1) I can't draw the things I see in my head like I want to and 2) I like to over-complicate things for fun, I decided to pile onto this idea by not only adding more characters of (XC SPOILERS!!!) Alvis, Egil, Meyneth, and Zanza to the roster (including in terms of what jobs suit them each and why!) but also recreate everyone in-game! (I really wanted to do Dickson as well, but unfortunately there are absolutely zero mustache options that look like his :< There's only one that's even remotely similar, but the face is completely wrong for him (what facial features look like are tied to faces, for some reason; the Mustache Facial Feature creates a different type of mustache depending on which Face option you pick) so there's no way to make a character that looks sufficiently like him, at least to my standards. Maybe one day they'll add one that fits...? If they do I will for sure make Gunbreaker Dickson a reality!) This resulted in me needing to not only sit down for hours in XIV's character creator ensuring every detail was as close a match to their designs as possible, but also opening up 8000 tabs in Eorzea Collection and looking through every. single. last. glamour option. in the game for each. and. every. slot. for each. and. every. character. to find out how closely I could translate their weird (affectionate) XC clothes into weird (affectionate) FF clothes. Combine that with my stubbornness in wanting them to look as accurate as possible resulting in making two different outfits per character based on whether or not they can equip/glam the gear as the job that suits them most, (plus the fact that I'm doing [again, SPOILERS!!!] Mecha-Fiora in addition to Homs!Fiora as well as having three [three!] different job options for Shulk based on varying levels of both XC and XIV spoilers to avoid ruining twists for either game), and the fact that I went a step further and decided to also make alternate-race versions for the main party (that sounds... bad lmao. fantasy races, like elves and catboys and such) like half if-these-characters-were-instead-created-by-the-XIV-designers-in-an-alternate-timeline-what-race-would-they-probably-make-them-judged-by-me-like-their-jobs-on-both-lore-and-Vibes-TM and half if-the-XC-gang-existed-irl-and-played-XIV-what-would-they-make-their-characters-look-like, and reminder that each of these versions have two different outfit variants and each outfit needs a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7 separate pieces each that also need to be dyed and have multiple different options to try on for every character and... it took a teeeeny bit longer than I was expecting to get through haha. But that's not at all to say it's a chore to get through; it's certainly been a process yes, but I've been having a lot of fun the whole time :) Finally getting every element just right, from all the details in character creation down to their eyebrow shape to finding the best option for every armor slot dyed just the right color, seeing it all come together and actually look quite a bit like the character is so satisfying! I can't wait to share them all, I hope someone out there enjoys the results as much as I did creating them! :) Oh, and I also will be making a glam list for each outfit as well as sharing my notes on what I picked in the character creator, so if you want to do an in-game/WoL cosplay as someone or maybe even make an alt named after one based on my recreation of them then it'll be easy for you! :)
Even though I haven't been keeping up with my fanfic writing as much lately, I do still get little ideas for things quite often and am typing them down in my doc for later! I have a gigantic backlog of things I could write: fanfics long and short, Shulkelia fics and Genfics, non-fanfic concepts both XC-related and not... rest assured, even if I'm not posting on here or Ao3 my mind is always buzzing with something and I'm always wanting to create more!
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