#i did for funnsies
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dovaldraws · 4 months ago
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Secret admirer.
What can I say I love Boxer Grantaire and I reckon so does Enjolras (and every other type of R)
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stationk17 · 1 year ago
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Redraw of a piece I originally did in 2020 and then in 2022.
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lady-tortilla-chip · 2 years ago
I had a cursed idea
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hollowed-theory-hall · 8 months ago
what's the one harry potter pairing u like that u mentioned in the tags of your hinny post?
Anonymous: Can I ask who that minor character you ship with Harry is? For some absurd reason my mind jumped to Stan Shunpike lol but it's probably not him.... Or is it?
Okay, so this is kind of a funny story. Like, my pipeline through hp pairings was a weird one. Like, I used to read a lot of Harry pairings, still do on occasion (some make more sense than others). None of them were ones I would point at and say: "that should've happened in the books"
One day, I was innocently writing a fic (canon divergence of GoF), and it was just for me, for funnsies, never posted it anywhere and not planning to. And I planned to pair Harry with someone there (honestly, I don't remember who because I didn't write the plan down) but when writing, Harry ended up with a different character. And it was so strange to me because that never happened.
Like, how do you write a ship accidentally?
But I did. I wrote Harry into a ship by accident. So I went back to the books to try and figure out why the hell would my subconscious decide that's the way to go.
I'll also preface it by all this being my subjective opinion and I do read other Harry ships in fics, this one just quickly became my favorite to write (and the only one I write). Also, I don't actually think this is a pairing that should've happened in the books, it's place is in fic and that's where I like it.
So, the character I accidentally shipped with Harry is... *drumroll*
Stan Shunpike!
Not really, it's:
Theodore Nott
Now, you might look at the name and go: "Who the fuck is that?"
And you'll be correct. Theo has 0 speaking lines in the entire book series. His name appears twice. He, himself, as a person, only appeared on page, like, 3 times in the background. The scene that gives the most information about him is other characters talking about him. He isn't even present.
That being said, I'm very good at extrapolating a lot of information from very little evidence. So allow me, to walk you through who is Theodore Nott and why I ship him with Harry.
Basic Information
So, let's start with the most basic overview before I pull out the quotes and go any deeper.
We know Theo is a Slytherin student in Harry's year. So he likely shares a dorm with Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle.
Theo's father is both at the graveyard at the end of GoF and in the Department of Mysteries at the end of OotP, so we know he is a Death Eater. We also know Thoe's father was one of the first and closest Death Eaters to Voldemort, who waited for him during his interview with Dumbledore in 1967:
“Then if I were to go to the Hog’s Head tonight, I would not find a group of them — Nott, Rosier, Mulciber, Dolohov — awaiting your return? Devoted friends indeed...”
(HBP, page 444)
We also know the Nott family is "as pure-blooded as the Malfoys" according to JKR in an interview. We also know Theo's great-grandfather (maybe? the family relation isn't clear), Cantankerus Nott, is suspected to be the one who wrote the Pure-Blood Dictionary, the book that coined the term "Sacred 28" and made that list (which the Nott family are on).
The name Nott is potentially to be derived from the name Nótt, which is the personification of the night in Norse Mythology. So it has been theorized the Nott family have a Nordic origin. Possible, but it doesn't really matter for this post.
What does, is that he comes from a dark, Death Eater, blood-purist family similar to the Malfoys. Even so, Theo never took the Dark Mark and never joined Voldemort in the books.
Now, that we have the basic information out of the way, let's look at Theodore as a person.
All the details I could gather from the books
Alright, now we get to the fun part. That is, me going through all the relevant scenes that mention Theodore Nott and actually creating a character psychoanalysis out of basically nothing.
So, the quotes aren't organized in a particular order. I'm just going to explain Theo and then explain why all this makes me ship him with Harry.
“Well, I pity Slughorn’s taste. Maybe he’s going a bit senile. Shame, my father always said he was a good wizard in his day. My father used to be a bit of a favorite of his. Slughorn probably hasn’t heard I’m on the train, or —” “I wouldn’t bank on an invitation,” said Zabini. “He asked me about Nott’s father when I first arrived. They used to be old friends, apparently, but when he heard he’d been caught at the Ministry he didn’t look happy, and Nott didn’t get an invitation, did he? I don’t think Slughorn’s interested in Death Eaters.” Malfoy looked angry, but forced out a singularly humorless laugh.
(HBP, page 150)
This is a part of the conversation between Draco, Pansy, and Blaise, Harry overhears when he is hiding in their compartment at the beginning of HBP. I have a few things to note regarding this scene.
Firstly, throughout this conversation, Pansy, Blaise, and Draco all call each other by their first name. This shows closeness, they are all friendly and familiar enough to use their first names with each other. Theo, though, is referred to as "Nott" by all three in the compartment.
He doesn't actually sit in their compartment which is in itself a sign about how he isn't really friendly with Draco's group. Considering the group is most of his year from his house, Theo is likely very lonely, and it will be apparent from other scenes I bring up later.
Secondly, Theo's father is in Azkaban. We know Draco is bothered about his own father's predicament. He mentions it to Harry and bothers him over it, Theo doesn't though. Theo doesn't seem to be bothered by Harry or his father's incarceration.
The only conclusion I can draw from this is that the relationship between Theo and his father is not a good one.
(I know some fics like to have Lucius be abusive towards Draco, for some reason. But the books really don't back this up. Lucius loves Draco and Draco adores his father)
Theo, though, Theo seems to be the one with a very strained relationship with his father. Strained enough that he isn't bothered the man is in Azkaban. What I'm saying is that Theo's father likely abuses or mistreats him in some capacity.
If anything more was needed to complete Harry’s happiness, it was Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle’s reactions. He saw them with their heads together later that afternoon in the library, together with a weedy-looking boy Hermione whispered was called Theodore Nott. They looked around at Harry as he browsed the shelves for the book he needed on Partial Vanishment, and Goyle cracked his knuckles threateningly and Malfoy whispered something undoubtedly malevolent to Crabbe. Harry knew perfectly well why they were acting like this: He had named all of their fathers as Death Eaters
(OotP, page 583)
This is a scene at the end of OotP after Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Theo's fathers were caught at the ministry and sent to Azkaban because they are Death Eaters. There are a few important notes about this scene.
The first, Hermione knows Theo, while Harry and Ron don't really. This means she likely knows him from the classes she takes and Harry and Ron don't — Arithmancy and/or Ancient Runes.
The second, he is sitting with other Death Eater children, but I don't think it's by choice. I mentioned in the previous quote how he isn't close to Draco and his crew. He sits with them here mostly because he doesn't have another choice. Theo doesn't seem to really have any friends, so he sits with the closest people he has to friends — kids he has known since he was young because their fathers were in the same circle.
The other note about this is that Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco are all mentioned as being threatening and malicious towards Harry because they don't like that their fathers are in Azkaban. Theo, though, Theo doesn't threaten Harry, he isn't part of their whisperings. As I mentioned above, he's likely happy his father is in Azkaban.
A pair of blank, white, shining eyes were growing larger through the gloom and a moment later the dragonish face, neck, and then skeletal body of a great, black, winged horse emerged from the darkness. It looked around at the class for a few seconds, swishing its long black tail, then bowed its head and began to tear flesh from the dead cow with its pointed fangs. A great wave of relief broke over Harry. Here at last was proof that he had not imagined these creatures, that they were real: Hagrid knew about them too. He looked eagerly at Ron, but Ron was still staring around into the trees and after a few seconds he whispered, “Why doesn’t Hagrid call again?” Most of the rest of the class were wearing expressions as confused and nervously expectant as Ron’s and were still gazing everywhere but at the horse standing feet from them. There were only two other people who seemed to be able to see them: a stringy Slytherin boy standing just behind Goyle was watching the horse eating with an expression of great distaste on his face, and Neville, whose eyes were following the swishing progress of the long black tail.
(OotP, page 445)
“The only people who can see thestrals,” she said, “are people who have seen death.”
(OotP, page 446)
The stringy Slytherin boy mentioned here is Theo. This scene proves that:
He takes Care of Magical Creatures
He saw someone die
Let's explore the second one for a moment. The fact Theo can see Thestrals means he watched someone die and was old enough to comprehend what he was seeing. We also know Theo's mother is dead. So it's likely the person he watched die was his mother.
I also want to draw attention to Theo's distaste towards Thestrals. He could likely see them carrying the carriages every year since 2nd year, it's not his first time seeing them. But it doesn't stop his displeasure with their sight from showing. Which says something about him. It means he likely recalls his mother and her death whenever he looks at the Thestrals. and these are memories Theo rather not experience.
We don't know how his mother died, but I'd hazard a guess it wasn't natural. After all, wizards have long life spans, they are more durable to illness and injury, and don't usually die from accidents unless very extreme or magical. And there was no epidemic of dragonpox (a disease that does tend to kill wizards) in the time since 1980 and the books. So, she was more likely killed at some point between 1985(ish) and 1991.
“No, I don’t think so, sir. I’m Muggle-born, you see.” Harry saw Malfoy lean close to Nott and whisper something; both of them sniggered, but Slughorn showed no dismay; on the contrary, he beamed and looked from Hermione to Harry, who was sitting next to her.
(HBP, pages 185-186)
First, Theo is an O student in potions since he is in the potions NEWT class, and was probably meant to be there even if Snape was the teacher.
Second, again, Theo doesn't really have friends. He sits next to Draco as the only other Slytherin in the class. Also, they share the circumstances of being sons of Death Eaters currently in Azkaban. Although both of them seem to deal with it quite differently.
Third, Theo joins Draco in making fun of Hermione's blood status, but he does not initiate it. Considering the environment he was raised in and is in, it makes sense he would make fun of it. Whether he's a blood-purist or not, he would want to keep his image considering he doesn't have many allies. Hanging out with Draco is survival, not friendship. They aren't even on a first-name basis with each other.
“Amortentia doesn’t really create love, of course. It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. No, this will simply cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. It is probably the most dangerous and powerful potion in this room — oh yes,” he said, nodding gravely at Malfoy and Nott, both of whom were smirking skeptically. “When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love. . . .
(HBP, page 186)
The final quote I have about Theo is from the same potions class as above. Both he and Draco are portrayed here as underestimating amortentia and its potential damage. It makes sense for their upbringing in the Wizarding World, which has no real laws or regulations regarding love potions that are seen as harmless fun more often than not.
I'll add Theo likely didn't witness a healthy romantic relationship. Considering his father is a Death Eater who is likely abusive and may or may not have killed his mother. With this as his reference to a marriage, it's clear why he'd look down on love and love potions.
Why I think Theo and Harry have potential
Okay, so now that we know who Theodore Nott is, let's talk about why I ship him with Harry.
I think Harry, in general, would get along best with a clever partner with the ability to be ruthless (Slytherins or Ron fall into this category). Because Harry isn't some golden savior; he casts unforgivables, and is very willing to poison Umbridge or Crocio Snape if he could get away with it. He needs a partner that won't be horrified by these thoughts.
Also, Theo literally never speaks on page. Even when spoken to, his reactions are silent. I think this quiet and no need to talk, the ability to be comfortable in silence, is something that would be comfortable for Harry. Harry in the books finds himself annoyed with Ron and Hermione's constant banter on occasion, so I think it fits well.
Theo would also be comfortable around Harry without a need to play a certain part. Because Harry wouldn't care about that. He would honestly rather Theo forgo the pure-blood Slytherin act.
I feel like Harry and Theo, have a good potential to understand each other. Theo lost his mother and likely experiences abuse from his father. It makes them very likely to trauma bond over their crap life and shared experience. Two out of three only ones who could see the Thestrals in the entire class.
The other thing I feel they could connect over is being lonely. Harry spent all his childhood until Hogwarts basically being on his own. Theo stayed on his own. Draco at least has his parents, he has other students he's closer to, not that he shares everything with them, but he has some support network. Theo has none. And this is something Harry knows well.
Theo, I think, wouldn't expect anything specific from Harry. He doesn't even interact with him, not to mock him, and not to idolize him, he doesn't care at all. And we know how much Harry appreciates being thought of as Harry and not as the Boy-Who-Lived. Theo would allow Harry to be himself without some mold he wants him to fit in.
The fact Theo never becomes a Death Eater, even though he was in Draco's year and his father was a Death Eater before Lucius (and in better standing than Lucius with Voldemort) is so interesting. It's somewhat surprising Theo wasn't marked. It means he didn't want to be. It means that Theo Nott didn't want to torture and kill muggleborns or blood traitors, or anyone really. And he didn't want to swear his allegiance to Voldemort. This is just a fascinating fact to me and something I enjoy considering. What life experience made him come to that conclusion? Was it just his dislike of his father that pushed him away? Could he have been another Sirius Black (Gryffindor in a Slytherin family) under slightly different circumstances? I mean, Voldemort likely wouldn't force him to become a Death Eater, but would his father? I don't know what at all went down there, but I like that potential story.
We also know he wasn't part of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad, even though some minor Slytherins were mentioned to be part of it. He just seems to be an actually decent guy (I don't care what Cursed Child says about him, I know he's there but I avoided almost anything to do with Cursed Child so I barely know the plot).
Finally, this is a character Harry doesn't have as much drama to get over with. Yes, sometimes I want to read overcoming drama between characters before it becomes a romance, but sometimes I want something chiller than that. And Theo is a really chill, safe, Slytherin option for Harry.
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dazed-and-confused23 · 7 months ago
Golden Rule
Summary: Lucy is presented with her first case of Ghoul Bigotry, and it goes as well as what you think it might.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean
Warnings: Eh none? This was just for funnsies lol. Short and sweet
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"Oi. Get your rotter outta here, Vaultie. We don't like his kind around here."
Lucy looks at the merchant in shock. The woman had been perfectly cordial until Cooper had come inside, and her attitude had changed immediately to disgusted annoyance. She cuts her eyes back at Cooper, who doesn't look affected by the harsh words whatsoever, but Lucy can't believe her ears.
"Excuse me?" Lucy demands once she's gotten over her initial shock. Her hands ball into fists, and she squares her shoulders, "What the heck did you just call him?"
The woman sneers at the vault dweller, "A rotter. A zombie. Get it the fuck outta my shop."
Lucy feels her face go hot in anger. How dare this woman say such mean things about Cooper. He was an asshole and rough around the edges, but Lucy would never even dream of calling the ghoul such ugly words.
"You can't just call him things like that, ma'am. Cooper is just as human as me or you," Lucy snaps at the woman, eyes narrowing into dangerous slits.
"I can call that zombie whatever the hell I want, girl. Now, if you ain't got the caps, get the hell out."
Lucy huffs, lips screwing up and gearing up to tell this lady what's what, when Cooper appears behind her, one hand curling over her shoulder to pull her away from the counter. She lets herself be led away from the counter but can't stop the last retort from falling past her lips.
"Fine! I didn't want to trade with an old hag like you anyway!"
Cooper snickers as he drags her through the door and back out into the wastes. It'd been a long time since someone had stuck up for him like that.
"Let it go, Sweetheart. Some people are just too set in their ways," Cooper scoffed and tugged her along when Lucy huffed and crossed her arms indignantly.
"It's still not right. You're better looking than half the men I've seen out here, anyway."
Cooper laughs at that one and sends the smoothskin a wink, "Keep talkin' like that Darlin' and I'll start thinkin' you actually like me."
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mochinomnoms · 10 months ago
i think its so funny that we have no real understanding of WHY jade likes y/n so much because his crush has made him utterly braindead to specifics, just an onslaught of "so cute pretty pretty happy!" so you can't even track where this CAME from
NO FR it's so distressing to poor y/n cause they have no clue what they did to get Jade's attention. But it seems that the others (Floyd and Azul) know exactly why. Just they just can get that information out of them.
We as the readers tho? Dw, we get a chapter dedicated solely to Jade's journey to falling in love with y/n. For funnsies.
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yalikejazz9 · 5 months ago
An animorphs animation meme I did today for funnsies :3
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glitched-lemonz · 5 months ago
So who wants to hear me be autistic about the new helluva boss episode? Well, cas said it would bomb on here so I'm gonna do it for funnsies and break down blitzø's character because why not!
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So this is obviously spoilers for episode 7 season 3 (?) of helluva boss sorry I'm high /j
But anyway scroll down if ur interested :3
So in the beginning of the episode we see blitz trying to actually have a conversation with stolas and I think the best part about blitzø's character is that unlike other characters that are given a personality like his, he doesn't go out of character. Most characters like him, characters who convince themselves that they cannot be loved and think they should not give love due to their past and/or mindsets, usually are tempted to show emotion in situations like the one with stolas. What I mean is, when blitzø was discussing how he felt with stolas he still didn't break and actually explain how he felt, he wasn't mis characterized. And how that personality/mindset works is that the character won't understand their own feelings or wake up from the blindness of not being loved or unable to love until something opens their eyes to it. And in blitzø's case, he isn't rushed into trusting stolas. When stolas confesses his love blitzø's character doesn't break, instead he continues to reflect and deny stolas' actual love and continue to believe that it does not exist. This situation happening the way it did; shows that blitzø's character wasn't mis characterized for once and was actually kept how it was intended unlike most media characters I've seen who are supposed to have this mindset.
Now here's the best part;
Blitzø is a character who won't change, he can't change, it's just who he is. And that's what he thinks until he's hit by that wave of character development, but his character development isn't a course of events or something hurting him or loving him, his character development IS stolas. Blitzø doesn't notice that he needs to change until he finds out he's actually losing something, someone, and that's the kicker. Blitzø's character here is still kept, how? Well, blitzø is selfish. He believes he doesn't deserve love and that others don't deserve his because of events that have happened in his past, how would blitzø react if he lost something, or in this case someone, that he has used and one day lost? It would break him. And that's where his character breaks, not too fast not too slow, his character is well-written. He doesn't notice what he's lost until he's lost it, does that bother him? Yes but he's not gonna show it. Until it's gotten so bad that he is forced to show it and that's his character. "Stolas I don't love you." Only to see him crying his eyes out and getting jealous over another man who is without stolas, it's not denial. He KNOWS he is AWARE that he cares for stolas, but is he gonna show it? No. And that's where his character stands. Double sided pinning but one won't give and that destroys the relationship and blitzø knows it's his fault, he plays it off like he doesn't care but if he didn't care why would he be getting drunk over stolas and crying himself to sleep at night? Or getting jealous when other men get with him? He doesn't just care about sex with stolas he uses that to hide his real feelings because it's EASIER. He's not an angel, he's obviously an imp (pun intended) and he isn't going to push the limits of going through the hard ways if he doesn't have to. But this; this new episode shows the START not process, THE START of his character development. His official genuine character development and that's where his character stands.
(Thank u for ur time 🤓✨)
Also thank cas while ur at it (they convinced me)
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Wip Whenever
Got tagged in wip Wednesday by @skyrim-forever <3 Gonna throw a collection of art and writing i've done this week (last two days...i've been sick)
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I decided to throw the blue sketches here for funnsies
A little from Sleepers Awake 14. Or Josh meets his first Ashlander.
“Back already, sera?” Boderi smiled at him as he placed a stack of twenty drakes on the counter. Teldryn smiled back and nodded, tucking a strand of his long hair behind his ear.
“Ash looks to be picking up,” He stated as he pushed the stack of drakes towards the publican, “Will probably take that room you were offering, yeah? Is twenty enough for a filled tub an a meal?”
She nodded and took the coin from him, replacing it with a small, metal key, “Your room is downstairs, first door on the left. Tub and hot food might take an hour or so.”
“All good, I got errands,” Teldryn smirked at the older Dunmer as he waved his newly bought copy of ‘Words of the Wind’ about, “Zainsubani was down those stairs, yeah?”
He nodded towards the staircase just off the bar, earning him an affirming nod from the publican.
“Right, well…wish me luck I guess.” Teldryn sighed as he set off towards the staircase. He let his fingers brush against the cool, blue tile that decorated the walls as he made his descent. The smell of hackle-lo and dried kreshweed permeated from the floor below. A thick aroma that told him Hassour Zainsubani liked to take part in a similar vice to that of most Dunmer, himself included.
The room he found himself in was richly decorated with thick, red tapestries that had the sigil of House Redoran embroidered within the rich red fabric.
He felt a little homesick.
Teldryn’s eyes scanned the room, finding it mostly empty save for a few mercenaries happily lazing about on the various cushions that littered the room. Most had been arranged around several hookahs that were being thoroughly enjoyed by what Teldryn assumed to be Zainsubani’s caravan guards.
It made his fingers itch, and he placed his hand in his left pocket, feeling the cool, metal tin between his fingers. He’d play this by ear, hopefully he would be able to get away with one to relieve his nerves. Though he’d try and get through this whole ordeal first. He sighed, letting go of the case and folding his arms. He scanned the room, peering through clouds of sweet-smelling smoke for his query. Eventually, he locked eyes with an older Dunmer dressed in netch leather that had been cut in a way that he was unfamiliar with. The mer leaned forward, placing the hose in his hand back onto its stand, a lightly blue-tinged smoke still billowing out of the tip. “Yes?” The mer asked, raising a thick, unruly eyebrow at him, “Do you have business with me, dumu?”
Teldryn tilted his head at the term, he’d heard it, sure, spoken by his father decades ago when he was still around. It was Ashland, he just couldn’t place the word’s meaning. Honestly, what he remembered of his father he could fill in a thimble and there’d still be room for fuck knows what else! Assumption and rumour usually— shit he’d always tried to bury— shit that he did not need to bring into this exchange.
“Hassour Zainsubani, I assume?” Teldryn asked, raising his eyebrow as the older mer nodded and gestured for him to take a seat opposite him.
“Yes, I am Hassour Zainsubani, may you bless and be blessed,” The mer smiled at him as he reached for the mouthpiece of his hookah, unhooking it from its stand and bringing it to his mouth.
“Ah— Teldryn Sero,” Teldryn stammered as he quickly took his seat, “I ah—”
Zainsubani exhaled a cloud of blue-tinged smoke before offering him use of the contraption, “And what is your business with me, Teldryn Sero? I do not wish to be rude, but I am at leisure and wish to be alone with my thoughts.”
Teldryn reached for the pipe closest to him and took a long drag, letting the sweet-smelling smoke fill his lungs. Some sort of blend of kreshweed, hackle-lo and heather that left him wanting. He found himself coughing a little as he exhaled, earning him a chuckle from the older Velothi.
“It is always funny when the youth try it,” Zainsubani smiled at him as he took another puff, “It is smoother than what we make back home.”
Teldryn reached instead for his case of cigarettes and placed one in his mouth, lighting it with the tip of his finger, “Nar, just prefer the imported stuff.”
The Velothi chuckled as Teldryn took a long drag from his cigarette, “You have travelled far then?”
Teldryn shrugged, “You could say that.”
“Far enough to sample what the Westerners have you offer, yes?” Zainsubani replied, pulling his waist-length, greying plait over his shoulder, “But you have business you wish to discuss, yes?”
“Ah yeah…” Teldryn mumbled as he reached for the newly purchased book of poetry and placed it in front of him, “I was told that it is customary amongst strangers to give gifts before discussing business. I was told that you have an interest in literature…ah—”
Zainsubani reached for the book that Teldryn had just placed between them, the smallest of sparks igniting in his grey-rimmed eyes as he read the book’s title, “Words of the Wind?”
“The Shopkeep said you were interested in—"
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moonmacabre01 · 1 month ago
Team cute vs Team Spooky but it's kirby style! (+ Your ocs!)
This seemed like a fun prompt but I didn't know what to do with it I just did a style experiment
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It was super fun too!!! Also I made DarDee into a weredee here for funnsies :>
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crazymuffin1 · 6 months ago
idk why an extremely goofy movie is trending right now but heres what i have to add to it: on tiktok theres this infamous user judyhoppsl0vr69 and you can kind of guess what his account is about and recently someone compared him to bradely uppercrust III and he faked his death for funnsies and its kind of hard to tell what posts he makes are satire and which ones arent. like did he really get a cease and desist from disney? sounds likely. did he get banned from disney land? probably but who knows maybe its all satire.
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angst-is-love-angst-is-life · 4 months ago
Okay, so hopping on the bandwagon...
How would you whump Siv, if I gave you temporary custody of them?
Oooo alright ok, first off, giving me temporary custody of them is a terrible idea; and hopefully I can prove it :)
And I ofc have to link some of the whump you’ve written; this is very very good
Oh man, Siv has been through A LOT but as far as I know; this is something that hasn’t happened to her. (Oh please let me be right about that—)
Siv is kidnapped by an Argus-like organization; but with somehow worse morals. By Argus-like; I mean it’s professional and virtually invisible. This organization wants more powerful members, and they’re more than willing to force compliance into said members. {I’m also assuming meta-dampeners work on Siv; if not, I’m sure there’s some other way they can keep them there} I’d have these guys start with torture, pretty standard stuff, maybe some electrocution Star Wars style; but something tells me that’s not gonna be enough so they move onto plan B: Mind Control (I’m thinking some sort of drug and for funnsies, not only is the dosage going to be INCREDIBLY high since she’s speedster; but Siv’s going to {attempt to} mentally fight it off so much that it physically hurts). Now, she’s virtually turned into a weapon for this organization to point at whomever they like. Personally, I’d have it so they know what they’re doing but can’t stop themselves. Ya know, trapped in their own mind watching their body do things while powerless to stop it. While I know Siv’s morality is pretty grey; I’d say it’s gonna be hard for them to hurt and kill so many people without a choice in the matter (not to mention said people are likely innocent and such). I’m nice enough, so she’s either able figure out how to fully fight off the mind control and free herself; or some sort of rescue will show up. Either way; rip(or well; rih. rest in hell) everyone involved *(If there’s an organization that would work for this in-universe and I missed it; apologies)
Hope you like it, I love Siv and really really hope I did them justice
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imagionationstation · 1 year ago
The Croaking:
Mikey: Well, you see-
The internet:
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Mikey: That’s it. I’ve had enough. I’m not going to clean up my mess, but I am going to pout and run off into the forest with little necessity forest survival skills!
The internet: This poor oppressed boi. He’s so depressed and unloved- this was clearly always the outcome of their abuse and his broken mental well-being; they are so cruel! He deserves a million apologies- WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY DON’T ALL GET DOWN ON THEIR KNEES SOBBING AND BEGGING FORGIVENESS FOR THEIR HORRENDOUS CRIMES
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So. Um. Mikey abuse?
Hate to break it to you. No, I don’t. Still not a thing.
So… What did happen here then?
Why did Mikey spiral, if not because he reached the end of his rope and was escaping abuse?
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braveboiart · 4 months ago
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idk why I decided to do a lineup of all my HH for the funnsies this is awful why did I DO THIS-
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year ago
okay so I went on a walk and my brain started rotating the Merstars AU SO hard so I'm just going to yeet a bunch of random bullet point thoughts that I came up with and see what comes out of it-
the "world" the AU takes place isn't really like "real" life and is instead a super huge archipelago with hundreds of thousands of islands of varying sizes and kinds
Mers and other various Sea Magics are pretty well known as A Thing That Exists. Is it accepted? Depends on the location and the people, and Mer Hunters are unfortunately a pretty common thing, but it's slowly started dying out. This is actually thanks to Speedwagon since after Jonathan's death he started trying to use his influence as a Very Important Wealthy Merchant to change public opinion, and it's actually been working
Jonathan was a pretty well loved and very social member of the mers. He wasn't their leader by any means, but almost every mer in the archipelago knew about him, and his murder pissed a LOT of people off. Luckily thanks to Speedwagon, since then relations have gone from "it's on fucking sight" to "don't approach me and I won't approach you"
Morioh is one of the more isolated islands and a bit of an exception to the above thing, being the most accepting island in the whole archipelago. Honestly, at this point like half the town has at least a little mer blood in them, but they are primarily human passing. There are a couple of full blooded or half blooded mers that hang around, but Josuke was one of the first ones born in the town in a long while
currently debating how exactly the Morioh Trio are gonna be, since I want them to be a "full blood, half blood, human" trio for the funnsies, but other than Josuke I don't know which should be which. My current thought process is 1) Okuyasu is the full blooded and when he was younger he had a run in with Hunters which is where his scars came from since his dad more or less just fucked off and left him at their mercy at which Keicho had to save him which led to the two of the moving to Morioh, Koichi is the human and is Their Little Guy, is super familiar with how to work around mers and climbs them like a god damn jungle gyms, or 2) Koichi is the full blood and a really small mer but still Big for humans, he's a cuttlefish, got separated from his family when he was little which led to him being adopted by the Human Hiroses and Okuyasu is human and the resident Normie Guy, he's recently moved to Morioh and is getting used to how Positive human mer relations are here
still trying to figure out how the Stand Arrows work, since Stands..... aren't really a thing now. Probably some kind of super powerful Sea Magic thing going on, maybe turn partial mers/humans into full blooded ones?
the "Italy" of this world is a collection of islands that are under Passione's control, aka a group of pirates that have a literal fleet. Diavolo and Doppio are brothers, with Diavolo being a half-mer (maybe lion fish? I'm still deciding tho) and Doppio being a full human. Doppio is the face of the operation, but his brother is always lurking in the depths below the ship and even makes a couple appearances as the True Boss in human form. Trish is by extension 1/4 mer and they want to kill her so the truth about Diavolo won't get out
Passione, despite all the shitty stuff they do, is actually a surprising area of Human Mer teamwork. There are a lot of hybrids and even full blooded mers to the point they're almost the majority. For the most part people don't care what you are as long as you get your job done, and honestly if what they did wasn't drug trade and trafficking, they'd be pretty cool
the Bucci Gang don't have a whole lot of mer blood, and any they do have is pretty distant to the point they're almost human save for a couple little features (they also don't get full transformations), with the exceptions being Trish and Giorno. Trish I've explained, but Giorno is...... Really Really Weird with what he is. His birth mom was a mer, but Dio had mostly been using her to try and lure other mers so by the time Giorno was actually born she was killed. Giorno was then taken in by the Shiobana's, which obviously sucked ass, but he was able to pass as a human for a shocking amount of time because Sea Vampire Genes fucked with his aging, so he also looks a lot smaller than he should be. He's also been forced to stay in his "human" form for much longer than is strictly healthy which ALSO fucked with his size and health
Giorno is gonna be a giant sea snake, because I think it'll be funny because That's The Traditional Sea MonsterTM. Maybe during the final fight with Diavolo he gets shot with the arrow and falls off the ship all dramatic and everyone thinks he died but SIKE he suddenly grows to full Absolutely Fucking ENORMOUS Size And Kicks Ass
Jolyne is a siphonophore, I don't make the rules, she's Really Fucking Long
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spenobis · 2 years ago
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shout out to my Eldest siblings who are constantly stress and also an unlicensed therapist for the boys.  (So pretty much I took alot of “what rise turtle are you?” on qoutev for the funnsies and not ONCE did i get Leo or Donnie, I only get Raph and alot of times Mikey huhuhu.)
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