#i did a journalism!
sarahshachat · 9 months
I haven't done any posting on social media almost all year and so the fact that I went and hunted down my Tumblr login should tell you just how THRILLED and GRATEFUL I was to cover the making of Dimension 20 for work. All it took was explaining to The Bosses™ that Actual Plays are not things where viewers... actually play... that was a new one. 😅
Anyway, please go read about how Rick Perry is a genius and the D20 team collaborate in ways that uplift the art they all make. Aabria Iyengar said so. It must be true.
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maibeloved · 17 days
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Guess who is back in their gravity falls phase! (After it being dormant for almost a decade!)
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almostsweetangel · 2 years
NYT article abt goncharov has comments like 'what is the purpose of this film's existence these kids are just lying' motherfucker how do you think our ancestors survived. how do you think folklore formed. culture. music. art. PURPOSE????? do you think everything must be commodified? sold? weighed to be valued? has the rot in your soul spread so far you cannot find value in anything not spoken in numbers??? it's FUN. THAT'S WHY. THE PURPOSE IS THE ACT, THE MESSAGE IS THE MEDIUM, THE SYMBOL IS THE STORY. it brings people joy for its mere existence and that IS the point. existence is its purpose alone
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bilaudad · 30 days
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wing stuff!
experimenting with a more cartoon style, idk what i'm doing loll
tagging: @goodomensafterdark <3
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obsob · 8 months
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poems and cats from january!!
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toothpastewolf · 2 months
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shitty little doodle of a shitty little guy
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hamsterbellbelle · 4 months
I just found out...these neon lights from Get To Work can be upgraded to have animations...😑
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doodleswithangie · 21 days
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[Image description: Fanart of Stan and Ford Pines from "Gravity Falls." Alt text is provided and copied below the cut. End ID]
Copied Alt Text
Image one: Three photos from when Stan and Ford as kids, teens, and adults respectively. The photos are digitally drawn and layered over a photograph of a real desk.
Image two: Photo of kid Stan and Ford on Stan's bed. Ford laughs at Stan acting out a story with their flashlight.
Image three: Polaroid captioned "Thumb War!" of teenage Stan and Ford at the beach. They're poised to play thumb war.
Image four: Photo of adult Stan and Ford on their Arctic adventure. Ford has an arm slung around Stan's shoulders. They're laughing and palling around.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
In Knives Out Blanc wanted to do the murder mystery investigation with Marta so bad, but she was certain she was guilty so she spent a good amount of the movie avoiding/hiding stuff from him
Meanwhile in Glass Onion Helen was fucking carrying the investigation, even while accidentally getting drunk, and even went to investigation lengths Blanc was hesitant to do
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awtysm-cryptid · 1 month
You ever think about how Stan must've read about Ford's "Muse" and had to come to the realisation that his brother wasn't talking about a pretty lady but
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pygmypouter · 1 year
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This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
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mirrorhouse · 28 days
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I have what you're looking for. High quality. Befitting a man of my tastes. I have a room over on Divisadero, not too far a walk.
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keen-eye · 1 month
McGucket: i’ve abandoned my own professional aspirations and have been neglecting my wife and our young son to be with help you make yours come true, i’m utilizing my mechanical genius just for you, here’s a gourd and an axolotl that remind me of you, here’s a snow globe of our lab, here’s six-fingered gloves I knitted for you, i’ve stayed by your side despite being repeatedly traumatized by these terrifying monsters, i’ve put my mental and physical health in jeopardy for our project, i’ve built a memory erasing device so that I can fix my anxiety and continue helping you, *erases your memory* forget I said that, here’s a thesis paper I’ve written for you so you can publish your research and end this dangerous and isolating endeavor, i've sacrificed so much, did I mention I left my wife to be with you
Ford: *keeps truth about project a secret*, *throws gourd away*, *puts you in harms way*, *dismisses your fears*, *frustrated by your lack of commitment*, *takes you for granted*, *breaks snow globe*, *suspicious of your intentions*, *questions your loyalty*, *releases axolotl*, *prioritizes and trusts a triangle over you*, *accuses you of betrayal*, *calls you weak-willed*
(^ imagine the vine boom after each one)
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hkthatgffan · 3 months
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I really did not wanna talk about this stupid topic, but with so many people falling for it, I figured I should; THE DIRECT ARTICLE ABOUT A GRAVITY FALLS REVIVAL IS A FUCKING LIE!! Lemme explain below why!!
Ever since this article by The Direct was published, way too many people are thinking Gravity Falls is really coming back and the usual season 3 belief is spreading yet again. And of course, YouTubers who should know better made videos on it and other "journalists" are spreading this lie. Here's the real facts! The executive in the article NEVER alluded to a revival. All they said is that Alex is publishing a book (The Book of Bill) and there's some shorts being made. All this article is basing its claim on is the phrase, "Never say Never!" Alex has had a deal with Netflix since 2018. Under that deal, he cannot make new cartoons for other networks, including Disney and Gravity Falls. He can voice on non Netflix shows and help in small ways like he did on TOH, but he cannot make a new show outside Netflix.
The shorts they are alluding to are confirmed to be likely stuff like the Broken Karaoke series on Disney Channel's YouTube page or theme song takeover stuff. Disney TVA News, while not 100% the most reliable source, has suggested that as the case and given Alex was at DTVA in April recording something per an Instagram story he made, it makes the most sense. What's more, there is a rumoured short being made for The Book of Bill which this could be meaning. Notice how it has no indication of a revival? Alex Hirsch has said he has ideas for GF stories, but they are more book centric. Heck, in me and Hana's interview alone he alluded to Stan and Ford stories he'd wanna do if given the chance to make another graphic novel. That is all!
And speaking of Alex…he's not said shit on this! He's not tweeted about it or liked any tweet about it. And Alex has said in the past to not believe anyone claiming Gravity Falls is coming back unless he says so himself on Twitter. So, take a guess what I did? I messaged him!! I was in talks with Alex recently for another video I'm making later in the future and asked him about this article during it. Without leaking our DM's, Alex said straight up, this article is all "just talk!" It's clickbait! Alex Hirsch confirmed it is clickbait!!
Direct is lying to you and so is anyone else saying this is real or that Gravity Falls is coming back! It just isn't. The only person who you should believe about this stuff is Alex Hirsch himself and he clearly has said it's not. And even supposing Direct is telling the truth about this executive saying something is possible, it's just gonna be book or small shorts stuff…NOT a season 3 or reboot, or revival or spin off series. I know that stuff is pretty popular to talk about, hell, I'd kill for a Gravity Falls prequel story myself. But it's not happening.
But with that said, I hope this post helped you better understand what is up. This article is a sham and a joke to the field of journalism. Do your damn job and tell the truth instead of making clickbait shit that will get you ad revenue! People who write articles like this are a joke and I feel bad for anyone who falls for their BS! These articles will never stop being made, so it's up to you all to be smart and not fall for them.
Remember, if Alex Hirsch doesn't say anything about it, it's not legit!!
Stay informed properly out there! New videos coming soon :)
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
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had a smidgen of a dream about chapter three and needed to illustrate it
if you ship scc please don’t interact w me 👍
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obsob · 4 months
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one small step for. kitties
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