#i demand bonding times 🥺
tarjapearce · 1 year
Lips anon! My heart is gushing from the flash fic and the fluff fic 🥺
Soooooo tasty! 😋
Imagine Gabi and her Mama having their own girl's day out. It's been a while since they got to spoil themselves together because of the wife's pregnancy and taking care of Benji. Gabi can't help but ask if she was difficult when she was a baby. The wife laughs and tells her all about her tiny terror days. How flustered Miguel got as a new dad. Her early soccer spark. How demanding she was with cuddles.
Gabi gets embarrassed and tells her to stop, and the wife laughs and is like, "Don't get mad at me, you asked!"
♥️✨Girls Day ✨ ♥️
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Your heart had broken once when Gabi confessed why she was bummed out.
We don't do stuff like we used to, Mama
Of course you had a mini-crisis in front of Miguel, by saying you were the worst mom and the like, but before you could keep berating yourself with unkind words, he offered a solution.
"Go on a girls date with her and have fun."
You had mopped in his chest and hugged him tightly while saying you'd be lost without him. But in reality, he was right.
Ever since Benjamin's pregnancy and birth, and taking care of him it had been a long long time since you bonded with Gabi, she was growing up fast. And sometimes you'd catch her staring at your nail polish and vanity things. You knew she loved sports, but there was little times where she'd just stare at you with piqued interest as you applied makeup whenever you had a date with Miguel.
So you organized a day entirely to you both. The first stop was a pedicure and manicure. She'd giggle as the woman in charge scrubbed her feet. She had chosen a clear nail polish on her feet, so did you but with a French finish on them.
"Are you having fun, mi amor?"
She nodded with a beam as she gasped upon the acrylist bringing in a nail polish box full of colors.
"Pick one."
"Where are we going later?"
"What do you wanna do?"
"Can we go to get some ice cream?"
"Of course, Solecito" She had picked a baby blue nail polish, just as her soccer team uniform.
You walked side to side, admiring the different shops in the mall, and finally reached the Ice cream parlor.
She asked for a Vainilla topped with caramel and nuts, you went for a frozen yogurt.
"Hm?" You wiped her chin off a stain of caramel.
"Is Benjamin difficult to handle?"
"Oh? At first he is because you have to keep an eye on him most of the time, keep him clean and such."
"Was I a difficult baby?" You giggled and looked at her.
"Ay princesa. You nearly got your father green hairs." She giggled and looked at you.
"Oh yes. You were a tiny little gremlin that loved to bite Papa's fingers. He was always soo nervous when it came to handle you. He was all careful. A gentle giant." Gabi's eyes lighted as she tried to imagine her dear Papa trying to do all the things you did with Benjamin.
"He was so happy when we went to the doctor and he told us that you were a girl. He didn't sleep that day thinking in ways to call you."
"He named me after Uncle Gabriel didn't he?"
"Correct, yes." You nodded with a smile, "And when you were born? Good lord. Your dad was Mr. Worrywart." Gabi laughed softly as he ate her ice cream.
"He has always loved you. And made sure to have a lot of pictures of you."
"Is that why we have a bunch of photos of me all blurry and weird?"
You tittered and nodded.
"Yes, those are precious to him. I remember when you would just cling to his leg and demand him to cuddle you."
"No way!"
"Oh yes, you can ask him if you want. You've always been a Papa's girl."
"Don't get jealous, please?" She'd grab your manicured hand and smiled, you just giggled.
"What else can you remember?"
"Well, I remember you almost falling down the stairs cause you were fast" Gabi covered her mouth in embarrassment, "I also remember you getting your first ball. You were so fusy after watching a soccer game with your dad."
She scrunched her nose in disbelief and laughed
"Dad was the one that actually introduced you to soccer. The more you grew, the more you loved it. You'd always watch his favorite games with him and play afterwards."
"You love Papa?"
"Oh yes. You have no idea."
"I think I do, I mean. You're always watching him all... lovey dovey. He's a bit more secretive about it, but he loves you."
"I know, mi amor. You, Benji and him are the best things that have happened to me."
"Even though sometimes Papa is a bit cooler than you?" She looked nervous on her words but you just cupped her cheeks and squeezed her softly.
"Oh no. no. Don't worry, I know he is. Though, sometimes I do wonder if I am a good mom to you?"
She blinked and stared at you curiously.
"Who said you weren't?"
Tears welled up in your eyes slowly, but you just hugged her tightly instead.
"Yeah. I mean, sure sometimes you get mad and are kinda scary when scolding Papa, but you always try your best, and I appreciate that."
"Who taught you that word?" You'd ask in between little sobs.
"Our teacher. She taught us to express our appre... appreciation to others."
You now wanted to hug that woman.
"She taught you well. And It means alot for you to say that. Really." You kissed her forehead.
"You know I love you, right?"
You nodded as she cupped your cheek and giggled.
"Of course I do, mi amor. C'mon. I have a surprise for you."
At the end, it wouldn't be a Girl's Day without shopping. You'd get her a new set of crayons, some art kit and of course a little toy makeup set.
She'd show Miguel her nails and the stuffs you'd get her. She ran to her room to try her things, as you stayed with Miguel.
"Thank you." You kissed him, "She's so wonderful. Even though she thinks you're cooler than I." He chuckled and pulled you closer.
"Had fun?" He'd hug your waist.
"Best day ever."
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lightlycareless · 24 days
I found a picture of Naoya playing the piano and want to show it to you. My fav scene where naoya teaches his wife piano. I love the scene sm 🤭🤭
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HIIII how are you!!!!??? Thank you for patience 🥺
Omg thank you so much for sending me this ajkghajgajgs Naoya is a man of many talents, and him using them to brighten your day is 🥺 I'll always hold that scene close to my heart, them bonding together is just 😭 oh, I wish we could have more moments like that.
And we can... I mean, I wrote a little something, like a deviation from what I have planned lol a what if, if you must 😏
warnings: none. fluff. it's based on this fic. now that's a whole can of worms. proceed with caution.
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Imagine you deciding to continue your piano lessons after growing somewhat genuinely interested in learning.
After a few sessions you’ve began to show improvement. Sure, you still struggle with certain things, such as jumping from one octave to the other, but anyone could easily admit you were not the same amateur from before.
And yet… there seemed to be something holding you back from taking the next step. You were already a master of twinkle twinkle little star, so why couldn’t you move onto something a bit more difficult?
Well, it was plain simple. Quite obvious, actually, for an outsider that is. Naoya was too blinded by his role as a teacher to even notice.
It was all intentional, made from your desire to keep him close, enjoying the way he’d place his arms around you, his large hands over yours as he guides you into the correct position to play even if you already knew how.
All to keep feeling his breath on your skin, the cologne you now solely associated with him, and you suppose his attention too, especially when you played the shy, tense student that desperately needed the guidance of her sensei.
To voice such ploys made you feel silly, if not selfish, but you didn’t know how to voice your need without feeling embarrassed. You didn’t want to appear needy before a man that is always busy, and yet, here you were, acting as if you’d never seen a piano in your life.
Now, don’t get me wrong, Naoya loves spending time with you, even though seemingly mundane activities. But even he was getting a bit… frustrated with these lessons that were quickly growing repetitive. His perfectionist temperament demanded he’d do everything right, or at least strive for it, naturally extending to you. Obviously for you, the woman whom he wanted to please more than anything in this world.
You showed enough promise, a talent that could be polished if pursued, so why weren’t you advancing?
Was it… him, perhaps? Your actions consequence of his failure as a teacher?
Maybe. Naoya isn’t known for being a particularly good listener, less of an educator. There’s enough witnesses to asses to it.
Your husband just hopes his incapability doesn’t push you away from wanting to learn piano, Naoya would rather die than to cut short these already scarce moments with you.
Though it’s more likely that he’ll do that anyways, a well-prepared teacher appears to be a better alternative.
“… but I don’t get it. Maybe there’s something I’m not seeing.” Naoya frowns, adjusting his position near you and taking your hands with him once more, hoping that it’ll come to him. The solution to your problem.
He sighs when it doesn’t. For the nth time. Maybe he is a bad teacher after all.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I don’t think I’ll be able to teach you anymore.”
“Huh? Why?”
“I’m just having a tough time figuring out how to help you.” Naoya laments. “I may have underestimated my skills.”
You know what they say, the best way to check if you know something is by teaching it to someone else. Something like that, or so he’s heard.
“Don’t say that I think you’re doing great!” You encouraged, looking over to Naoya and his deep frown, evidence of the frustration your little ploy has inflicted on him. Had you known he would be so affected by it you would’ve gone easier with your obliviousness…
And yet, it was endearing to see your impact on him. How hard he was trying to make things work for you—you still couldn’t believe how much of an influence you had on him, even if he’s already proved the lengths he was willing to go to make you happy.
…Like the protective husband he swore to be on your wedding day.
“You don’t have to mock me, mochi” Naoya insists. “I think you’d be better off with an actual teacher if you still want to learn.”
You do, but…
“…I want you.” You murmur, so lowly, so… sweetly, that Naoya had to double check he heard you right the first time around, quickly swirling his head onto your direction, frozen the moment your doe-like, hypnotizing eyes, those he could never get enough of, landed on his, with such intensity that let him know it was all true.
The purpose you were attempting to convey many lessons ago instantly becoming clear to him. The intentions you were too shy to speak out loud, but not enough to sway you from trying, an unknown edge of yours that had him both impressed and absorbed.
One never stops knowing their partner, do they?
What an enthralling thought to have.
“Is that so?” He murmurs back, leaning closer to you. “You’d be fine with someone like me as your teacher, princess?”
“I couldn’t think of anyone… better.” You blush. And though intimidated by his piercing gaze, you persisted. When you once cowered away, you now wished to be the only person his eyes saw.
“Then I guess I’ll have to try harder.”
Maybe it’s because he was within your reach, or because you had enough of going around in circles, whatever it was, you couldn’t hold back anymore; and with the noise of your heart deafening your ears, you lean closer to him, removing the gap between the two and placing your lips over his. Gently, sweetly, like it was your first time, and took him in—sealing your newfound sentiments with a kiss he’s long been dreaming of.
So much that he’s almost in disbelief, remaining still as he tries his best to both contain his excitement, heart ready to burst through his chest, hands itching to pull you closer and keep you there, afraid that the moment he peels away you’ll disappear, just as he’s forced you to through the beginning of this marriage.
Naoya too felt like it was the first time he’s ever kissed anyone—perhaps kissed anyone with love. With that soft warmth he could only label as true love. What he feels for you now, has always been so, and hopefully, you too.
After a few seconds, much to Naoya’s dismay, you’re the first one to separate, slowly pulling away and opening your eyes to the sight of your flustered husband, the adorable face of a man that has dreamed of this day for god knows how long, giving you the impression (alongside a sense of guilt) that maybe you should’ve been a bit more direct with your actions.
Though how everything came to be… wasn’t that bad.
“You didn’t have to go through all that, you know?” Naoya teases, his attempt to cool down the heat on his cheeks. “If you just wanted to kiss me, you just had to say so.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” you joke back, and he smirks, letting out a chuckle. “…But I guess I shouldn’t have wasted your time.”
“Being with you is no waste of time.”
Now it’s your turn to grow speechless, face red, perhaps even more than Naoya’s, due to the vast, unexpected sweetness of his words, and the overwhelming embarrassment it provided you, leading you to cover your face with your hands and making him laugh even louder.
“You don’t need to act this way with me, love.” Naoya says, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. “We’ve done more… heated things, after all. This is nothing.”
“Oh, stop it! Is that your way of comforting me?!” You gasp, burying your face deeper into his chest.
“It is the truth, love. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
“You know well I wasn’t referring to that” you murmur. “…but… do you really feel that way…?”
“I’d give you the whole world if you asked.”
But even if you didn’t, he was going to do so, because he has long sworn in his own life that he’d do everything in his power to make up for all the wrongdoings he’s inflicted upon you. His best to erase the vile acts he did when he called himself your so-called husband.
For as long as it takes, all of his lifetime if so needed, and the next one, and the next one.
“I think I’ll be happy just to hear you play the piano for now.” You eventually add. “If you don’t have anything else to do.”
“I’m all yours today—”
“And...” you interrupt, Naoya blinks.
“If I can kiss you again.” You say, shyly looking up to him. “If you want…”
“Hm, I don’t know… you’ll have to convince me.”
“How do I do that?” you tilt your head.
“By giving me a kiss for each time you had me going around in circles.”
With unprecedented speed, you quickly grabbed his face and begging to pepper kisses all over his face, Naoya more than happy that you were, and a bit startled too.
“Wait, Y/N—did you even want to learn how to play??” He rightfully concludes.
“A bit, I guess.” You giggle. “But really I just wanted to be with you.”
Naoya immediately succumbs to your gestures soon after that, putty on your hands as he lets himself be appreciated by the woman of his dreams, the love of his life—the owner of his heart.
Your heart squeezes with longing. Who knew Naoya could be this… adorable? So sweet, you didn’t have the heart to deny him—
Nor would you, setting to live out the rest of your life as his wife.
For good, this time.
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I always liked the idea of you being able to feel Naoya's heart. Like, how fast it is beating because of how happy he is with you 🥺 Thankfully I do have another prompt with that exact same situation, though it's a HS au. Also, this is not their fated kiss I owe y'all, I think what I have planned is much better 😏 (or so I hope)
Now, thank you so much for waiting for my answer 🥺 I'm still slowly but surely working through them requests :> I always appreciate whenever you send me something (so don't be afraid of sharing more hehe)
Take care and hope to see you soon!!
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Tim wakes up on a regular day just like any other day. He makes breakfast; gets ready for work; goes to WE; goes home; do a light workout; sleep. Ever since he woke up confused a few months ago, bruised and aching, he'd taken measures to live healthily and has led a very mundane life ever since. Or well, as mundane as one can be when you're a eighteen-year-old CEO to the company that belongs to his neighbors.
Except today, there came a sudden break in his pattern. Today was WE's quarterly meeting. And for the first time since he became CEO, the owner and former CEO of WE would be coming to the meeting. Tim is admittedly nervous. He had rarely interacted with Mr. Wayne. The most interaction he could remember was when Mr. Wayne adopted him a few months before he had decided to become emancipated. He doesn't know what he did during that brief period in time that impressed Mr. Wayne so much that he made him CEO. Whatever it was, he can't let Mr. Wayne down. Although Tim can live independently without relying on Mr. Wayne, the few months he had been adopted was enough for Tim to feel indebted.
The meeting goes well sans a few intense stares the board members gave him and Mr. Wayne. Then Mr Wayne asked to meet him in his office. Tim thought he wanted to go over the reports from the meeting but confusingly enough, Mr. Wayne kept on asking him questions about a restaurant chain and how he hasn't given any reports or updates to a cave?? Tim didn't know what's going on. He asks, as politely as he could, if Mr. Wayne had a drink before his meeting. But that might not have been the best question to ask because he looked so offended. Mr. Wayne gets mad and demands Tim to stop playing around and if this is still about Damian taking his position. Tim feels his heart stop. Did he do something wrong? Why is he about to be fired so suddenly? He knew Mr. Damian will inherit the company but last he knew he was still far too young. Mr. Wayne looks at him in shock and asks Tim to repeat what he called Damian, to which Tim did. Suddenly Mr. Wayne is putting on a rebreather and pressing something on Tim's desk. The room is soon filled with gas that knocks Tim out. The last thing Tim hears is Mr. Wayne calling something called Oracle and reciting a string of code.
Meanwhile, Bruce is panicking. It's been months since he last saw Tim. He had been distant with him all morning. He thought he was still mad about Damian taking his place as Robin but then he suddenly called Damian as Mr. Damian. Something is wrong with his son and they're going to find out what.
They checked with Leslie and all old footage of Red Robin. Tim never had any documented head injury so they don't know what was the cause of the amnesia until they asked Zatanna to come. After Zatanna checks Tim, she asks Bruce why exactly did he go to Tim right now and when was the last time he spoke to Tim. Bruce tells her that he missed his son but Zatanna demands more answers. Bruce finally admits that Red Robin hadn't visited the cave in a while and he was hoping he could help him with a case.
Zatanna tells Bruce that they had been cursed to be forgotten by a family member that needed them the most. The one who cursed his family had probably known his weakness to his children and wanted him to feel despair and guilt of losing a child that needed him the most. It could've been an easy fix had the bats figured out they were cursed immediately but it had been months and the spell had latched on to Tim's firmly. The fact that Tim is still alive can only be a miracle. However, Zatanna doesn't know if he'll ever get any erased memories back
🥺🥺🥺🥺 tim losing his memories and nobody noticing! but also 😍😍😍😍 tim losing his memories and nobody noticing! tim having been cursed and it being unsure whether they can recover those memories meaning that ruce and the rest of the family, if they want to form any kind of connection with tim will have to TRY and bond with him because currently tim isn't particularly attached to them!!!
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boonsmoon · 9 months
Foundation of Love (2)
Request: PLS DO 2 PARTS🥺
Ask and ye shall receive Btw; you have the free will of being the goddess of literally anything
Part 1
Request Masterlist Mu Qing x f!reader Genres:🎉🌸💞🧪
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Mu Qing and you were like two peas in a pod. It seems your time lacking experience has created an unbreakable bond.
Y'all were so tight in fact that you kept in contact even after you stopped working for Xie Lian. Now you are both Heavenly Officials with an extreme amount of believers and temples!
This; however, lead to a one-sided competition. Friendly, yes, but still odd to compete over who was the better deity. You like to consider yourself a humble goddess though, considering you aren't as prickly with the aesthetic of your temples like Mu Qing.
Ignoring the status you both held, he had this charm that was unlike that of a god, it was greater actually. You both spent enough time together to get to know the little things.
Like how he still remembers when a follower tried to offer a gift that none of your temples would accept 500 years ago. Even you don't remember what the item is on your own without him bringing it up. A fantastic memory but basically useless.
Or how he notices how quick you are to deal with the prayers of your believers. He's a hard-worker yes, but never would he acknowledge a prayer 5 seconds after hearing it. Mu Qing thinks you might be a bit too diligent, or have too much time on your hands.
In the end, you both know each other like the back of your hand. In fact most of the other officials think you two are together, but no! It's actually painful to watch from the sidelines.
Now Feng Xin is a protective older brother, and honestly he can barely tolerate Mu Qing after all these years. But, he can see that Mu Qing makes you happy, and your happiness has priority over his displeasure!
Unfortunately, Feng Xin sucks at this. And whenever he tries to get you to hang out with Mu Qing and ✨confess✨ it ends with you scolding Feng Xin for being an asshole.
It got to the point that one of the goddesses had to sit down and have a talk with you. While the conversation seemed nice, you could tell by the undertone she was basically demanding you admit your feelings to him.
And to be honest? You self reflected and realized he definitely wasn't gonna do it, so you had to. But that's fine, it's the 21st century, these things happen.
What you didn't know; however, was that Feng Xin had a passive aggressive conversation with Mu Qing basically saying the same thing. He NEEDS to confess or else.
With an agreed meeting in a garden, you both told the other you had important information which must be shared with the other. It could be gossip, latest trends among humans, who knows what the other wants to say?
The time of reckoning has come, and you are both visibly nervous. Who wouldn't be? Confessions are kinda tough.
Y'all have come to consensus earlier in your friendship that be straightforward is easiest, no matter what. You started, "s-so basically to make it simple, we need to stop this friendship. Now you go next!"
Mu Qing a look of horror on his face, contemplating on continuing, "I came to tell you we should ascend past a friendship... Be something more, but if that's not what-"
"Fantastic! We're on the same page and can get this over with," you interrupted him. He looked at you like you were insane, "you have a horrible way with words, I'll have you know that."
You lightly laughed, "yeah, but it's just my luck we had the same thing to say." And Mu Qing decided this was the time to be really romantic and kiss you. <3
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im back on my cringe
but also i got a sudden burst of energy to WRITE so i MUST
BTW im noticing all my TGCF reqs are Mu Qing, so either the fandom is full of massive simps or theres a shortage of Mu Qing content
not complaining pls keep the reqs coming
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Spoiled, whiney, and bratty younger brother Tomura Shigaraki and reader being the older sister of this whiney villain headcannons? Please🥺
Oooh! Another Mha request! It’s been some time since I got anything, other than KNY!
Shigaraki Tomura- Cracking Bond
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Tomura is a big bratty manbaby. He always gets what he wants from the League he leads, and he throws a temperamental fit when anybody dares to refuse him
Tomura came into your life when All for One adopted him, only two years after adopting you. He suffered a intense, traumatic childhood with his quirk’s development, where he was left all alone and All for One decided to send you with Tomura to take care of him
Tomura doesn’t listen to you when you try tell him to consider a different option when his current one could cause heavy damage. He is less rude to you as opposed to everybody else but still, he will be harsh if he must since he won’t take any shit from anybody, not even his precious big sister
Tomura is a affectionate little brother. He is very attached to you and relies on you, even more than Kurogiri. He feels like you’re the only one who truly understands him and with his petty whiney nature, he demands you accompany him over any other villain
When it comes to Tomura, you always have to remind him to use a few fingers/wear gloves and seal his identity, whenever he decides to go in public outside of the League’s typical missions. Tomura wants to stalk his worst enemies but you won’t let him get caught anytime soon
Tomura is protective over you. Yeah, you can fully take care of yourself, thanks to your impeccable quirk but you’re the most important thing to him, his adoptive big sister. He feels entitled to what he wants so he tries to keep you at the League building for your ‘safety’
Tomura whines and complains to you about everything that annoys him, laying his head on your lap whilst he rants. He trusts you so much, he trusts you with his life so he likes to tell you about his issues since you listen patiently and offer counters that are always logical and witty
Tomura is far too attached to you to get into a proper fight. He may argue and disagree but he couldn’t get so angry at you that he’d attack or shun you out, no, he truly needs you to function and he loves you, as his one and only sibling. His loving big sister!
“Nee-san! Hurry up, we got a important raid on those heroes to tend to now and I suspect you to follow my every order. It doesn’t matter if you’re older, I am in charge here and you must listen to me!”
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gyll-yee-haw · 7 months
i just had a dream about detective loki being a dad and i woke up so sensitive 🥺 like he was the sweetest seriously he's so husband material i can't accept the fact i will never marry him life is so unfair
Babyyyy 😭😭😭😭
I know what you mean, how can they give a man that size such a sweet voice! I loved this so much that I accidentally wrote a whole HC thing replying this ask sos
Imagine him holding a newborn baby for the first time and he's simply desperate because he has no idea how to and he's so afraid to hold it!!!
And like... all these years of getting no sleep prepared him for this, because my man is not leaving that crib all night. Half of the time he wants to make sure the baby is okay, other half he just needs to look at it with tears in his eyes (perfect time in the dark, cause he doesn't cry on front of anyone, not even you) because he just can't believe he could create something so beautiful.
I'm gonna say that it wasn't easy for him when you first told him you were pregnant... he never in his entire life imagined himself being a dad, he's always been terrible with kids and he never had a dad himself
He was so so so afraid the baby would hate him
He was so so so afraid he was going to be mean and aggressive and the baby would be afraid of him
But what a SOFTIE he became
Certified girl dad, if you ask me
For the first time in his life he is leaving work early, because there's going to be a tea party with all her teddy bears
100% would wear a princess crow if his princess demands him to
She has him wrapped around her finger, he spoils her like MAD
Imagine him playing with Sylvanian families with hands that size
He was the most special bond with his little girl, but your relationship does change too
He's more romantic now... like that tiny human destroyed his resistance
And he just can't thank you enough for giving him his daughter
He worships you for it
Carries a picture of his girls everywhere <333
Okay, now I am sensitive, anon, thank you for this.
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
(tw: darkfic, angst, human trafficking, omegas are treated as pets, feral omegas, not really edited just word vomit) currently thinking about an au where omega’s are kinda treated as like- sub human compared to alphas and betas, mostly because the omegan population is so low and because after a mass die off (maybe a disease that only omegas could get? they’re low in number, high in demand, and pretty regulated.
 Because of this, there’s a fair amount of ‘omega protection’ services and a rampant underground of omega trafficking. To get approved for an omega placement is pretty impossible for most alphas unless they band together in packs and sort of combine their income. 
Imagine the m/c gets rescued from one of these illegal omega placement operations- not because of some sting operation or otherwise, but because she goes feral and like- literally rips an alphas throat out by their teeth. maybe the leader of the trafficking ring had taken too much of a liking to her and she took her chance. a story that breaks the news because omegas don’t go feral anymore.  
the government is at a loss with what to do with her, because there are so few people trained in turning feral omega’s docile again. She gets places with a pair of specialists in the omega health field, (Hobi and Yoongi maybe 🥺) who also happen to have a very extensive pack and even an omega of their own already who can teach the m/c how to be human again! and help her heal with lots of angst/tearful confessions. 
i imagine the first time they see her asleep in the nest room she falls asleep under it, burrowing into the smallest little ball in the corner, very nearly non-verbal accept for the occasional ‘no’ hissed. imagine omega jk who waltzes into the room, the very act of that having more freedom than she’s ever known, plopping down belly up literally without a word and turning on the tv in the corner. pointedly not looking at her to give her time to adjust to his presence without being scrutinized. 
i bet the first time any of the alphas are firm with him she hisses at them and flies into a bit of a rage and she gets scruffed for the first time by them and it causes a whole other meltdown and most of the trust they’ve built up to be eroded. 
but then thers another side to it, maybe it’s not the m/c whose the feral one but jin 🥺 whose omega kinda bonded with her in something called ‘false pup syndrome’ left for dead after a failed escape plan, found by some dark underground mob boss/pack- who of course fall in love with the feral omega and form a plan to find his pup 🥰 and hopefully woo him in the process <3 
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akkivee · 2 months
the latest camping event in ARB sounds really interesting! May I ask for a brief summary of what exactly happens? 🥺
sure lol
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so the bros are on summer vacay let’s goooooo lol!!!!!!!! school’s out for jiro and saburo and ichiro’s elected to take a week off so they can take a trip!!!! ofc jiro and saburo can’t agree where they should go lol jiro wants to go to mountains and saburo wants to do an escape room but ichiro finds a nice middle ground by suggesting they do both; they’ll camp in the mountains and then hit up an escape room on the way back home 🤗
on bat minus kuukou’s end, the three of them had intended to go camping together but kuukou got held up by shakku lmao. while out fishing for their meal, jyushi was jumpscared by ramuda!!! turns out ramuda was in the area for inspiration for a fashion collection!!! hitoya’s not the happiest about the straggler but he lets it slide lol
we see the bros work together to whip up a fire curry, and afterwards they head out to see a nearby lake!!! thing is tho, something about the lake is kinda giving ichiro and saburo bad vibes 😕 jiro happens to see a shrine for what the bros assume is in reverence for a minor god, despite the creepy look its got going for it. someone suddenly shouts at them from across the way and!!!
it’s ramuda with jyushi and hitoya in tow!!!! crazy coincidence lol
the six of them spend time bonding at the lake; jiro saburo jyushi and ramuda were in the water, splashing each other (saburo was grouchy about it tho, saying this was childish and jyushi caught strays tbh lol), while hitoya and ichiro talked camping out on the shore. their fun was interrupted by the locals demanding them to stop disturbing the sacred land. ichiro apologised on their behalf but as the villagers left, hitoya overheard them muttering something about being fine for sacrifice???? but all that playing around makes people hungry so ramuda proposes they all eat together!!!! so the bros, jyushi and hitoya cook up bbq and pizza!!!! ramuda was mostly there to look cute lmao (ichiro chewed him out lol, saying he needs to do his part) bellies full, their day ends playing some games saburo brought over and fireworks jiro probably brought 😌
the new day dawns and we start with bb’s camp, ichiro’s got some morning tea ready. jiro wakes up and questions where saburo went, to which ichiro responds he was already gone by the time ichiro got up so he assumed saburo’s on a walk somewhere. a little weird for saburo but that’s cool except ramuda and hitoya suddenly run up to their camp asking if they’ve seen jyushi since he wasn’t at their camp when they woke up and he wasn’t answering his phone
that’s when they know something’s wrong
the four of them scour the forest and eventually hit up the village and the place looks as creepy as the that shrine does. hitoya ran up to a local, phone pic in hand and asked if they’d seen saburo and jyushi. the villager replied he hadn’t and warns them to steer clear of the village since it’s an important day for them (hitoya: …??), but jiro calls the fcker out bc the guy’s wearing the wristband saburo was wearing. jiro demands to know where they got it from, and the villager says they bought it. y’know like a liar, bc that was a special edition wristband saburo won in a game tournament. the villager escapes but that lie tips ichiro and jiro off that they need to search the village
we cut to a run down house where jyushi is frantically trying to wake saburo up. he’s slow to awake but when he does, despite initial confusion over where tf they are, he keeps a level head assessing the situation. which is good, jyushi’s panicking bc they’ve been kidnapped lol. saburo suggests the others will be searching for them so the best they can do is use a spare firework he had in the fire place as a smoke signal. tragically, they were found out by the villagers, and ichiro, jiro, hitoya and ramuda were too late. jyushi tho, left behind one of his rings to let hitoya know that they had been here. hitoya finally puts two and two together and deduces the villagers intend to use saburo and jyushi as sacrifices. they remember that creepy asf shrine and in a panic jiro starts off for the shrine, the others not far behind
they arrive just as saburo and jyushi learn they’re to be human sacrifices and the villagers explain that every year they bring a sacrifice for jyajyakou-sama (the name consists of primarily the kanji for snake) in order to stave off disaster. it’s a honour they say. but obviously we not letting saburo and jyushi be sacrifices so ichiro jiro hitoya and ramuda break out the mics and rap them into submission. with the villagers down, they’re able to free saburo and jyushi from their constraints but it turns out the villagers were still able to move. they begin to call out to their god, chanting about the cost for life and no matter how many bars the six of them throw, the villagers get back up as if they’re undead. finally, the six decide to run away
a little while later, back at yorozuya yamada, we hear from ichiro that hitoya sent the cops after that village. turns out tho.
there was never any village. no people, no records of it, nothing.
hitoya called bullshit so he went with the cops out to that village himself and there really was nothing there
and the bros are stunned to silence
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tashacee · 10 months
Yay permission to yell about the fic!
Alright three things:
1. Wild's feelings about his failure or not living up to expectations. Hooo boy some of the heroes are going to have words about that. Wind (who wasn't considered worthy until he literally glued the Triforce of Courage back together himself), Legend (may have saved the Wind Fish but doomed an entire dream world in the process. Also knows Ravio, who's a bit of a failed hero in the context of his story) and Time (had to be put to sleep for seven years to wield the Master Sword, and then gets treated like none of that happened afterwards) in particular come to mind.
2. Wild: omg they can't see me without my mask on or they'll hate me 🥺 Wind: Dude, you could look like a Chuchu jelly for all I care if you keep cooking like this I will love you forever. (He would love Wild even if he couldn't cook, I mean just look at the sad little meow meow)
3. Spirit mentioned! (I too have fallen for the propaganda) This is an Aspects thing, but if they do manage to "fix" the Aspect, I want some of the heroes to demand he wear it whenever they meet a new hero because "we went through it and so they have to now too (also it will be funny)". Then when they meet Spirit they're all like "hello we are all eight blonde guys named link and this seven foot tall cat man also named link"
:D :D :D :D
okay SO
1 - OHHH YEAH. Wild has a LOT of of internalised guilt over things that were not his fault and his brothers are going to have things to say about that. So many of them have thought at ssome point that they aren't worthy and they all are working on accepting that actually? They are worthy and deserve better.
There are gonna be a lot of hugs.
2 - Wind loves Wild. He loves his cool new brother. Today's chapter is gonna have a Wind bonding section and i can't wait because. These boys are just the most brother, your honour. I love them.
3 - Spirit is wonderful and i love him. I actually have PLANS for how he will make an appearance in Aspects (it is HAPPENING) and i cannot WAIT.
I'm so glad you've enjoyed!
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 year
medieval au!!!!!
youre a princess whose been of marriageable age for several years now and your parents have stopped enabling you and demanded you marry and pick out a handful of suitors and demand you choose one and you know theyre hoping you choose spencer, a genius philosopher whose advice has never lead to wrongdoing, or derek, a handsome knight who has led the kingdoms armys through several successful battles, because they consider them "better" so purely to spite them you choose aaron, the widowed duke of a neighboring city whose alliance to your kingdom is very important.
so you choose aaron but make it clear you're marrying out of duty to your family and not for love so he shouldnt expect anything from you and he just agrees and youre shook because he doesnt even seem surprised?? and hes like "i already have a son for an heir so you dont have to bear me children or even consummate the marriage if you dont want to" and youre like ??? why are you here you really dont seem like you even want to get married?? so he tells you that his advisors have been pushing him to remarry since the year his wife died and that he knows he cant run his city alone anymore plus his son deserves to have a mother figure and you guys make an agreement to marry and that youll do your duty to the throne and care for his son and in return he leaves you to youre own devices and doesnt control youre every move like your parents do.
so you go back to his city with him to stay with him during your "courting period" and you bond so quickly with jack because hes so sweet and precious and you fall in love frfr with that kid and aaron is soooo relieved because he didnt think any woman would want to marry someone so much older than them and have to raise another womans child. and you learn quickly about how the city is run and the ins and outs of what your responsibilities as the dutchess of the city will be. and as you slowly spend more time with aaron the two of you start to fall in love organically.
and its funny because by the time your wedding actually takes place you kind of cant wait to be married and to be able to have aaron and jack by your side forever. and you definitely do end up consummating the marriage. very passionately. (perks of marrying an experienced man is that he knows how to make a lady scream) and your parents are still shocked that you're actually willingly marrying a man. but they stop complaining about your choice in marriage when you welcome yours and aarons precious baby girl 💖
Omg I love this !! He would be such a sweetheart 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 this would be such a good series for someone to write I gotta say KSKSSKSKS
um I don't wanna be annoying but the last bit :( it does go against one of my rules, no pregnancy stuff I'm sorry 😭
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Saw your post about a yandere fem!Sephy and I have drawn her (with male Sephy!) many times :’D I think she would be a lovely guest in HoS 🥺
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Ooooh, lovely art~! Thank you for showing me this. It is official then! Female Sephy is joining the HoS guest cast. We're definitely going across the Sephverse for this AU, aren't we? 😏 Let's celebrate this Crisis Cutie's inclusion with some introduction headcanons~. HoS Mini Episode. 💜💜💜
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Making the most of her free time, the darling was casually on her knees, happily tending to her garden.
Without a doubt, she loves her Sephiroths, no matter how...overbearing??? Is that the right word for them?
....Whatever they may be, as they are her lifeblood. But sometimes even she needs a break.
The darling slowly lifted her head, the sweet sound of a woman's voice echoing in her mind, calling for her to come.
That's strange; it's a voice she never heard before. She knew it wasn't her own or Jenova's... Yet it's a voice she should be familiar with.
The darling shook her head, rising from the ground before she came to a stop, her hair billowing in the dreary wind as she beheld the meancing figure before her.
"There you are~"
As the husky, sinister words of the towering woman with silver hair hung in the air, the darling felt a chill that enveloped her.
Her intense slit eyes held the attention of the darling's own. Their mako-colored hue radiated while her thin, glossy lips curved into a sly smirk.
She looked almost identical to the Leader Sephiroth, with the same bangs and her Masamune was the same length as his. The only thing setting her apart was the thigh-high boots, which exposed the top of her bare, toned thighs.
She had a teasing, serpentine energy that lingered in the air, like one of the twin Sephiroths who enjoyed toying with his prey.
The darling's eyes widened in confusion at this peculiar sighting. She stood in awe, not knowing which surprise to be more shocked by:
The fact there is now a female Sephiroth, or that there is a Sephiroth that willingly stepped into her garden, which happened only once with the other Sephiroths.
Unexpectedly, Sephiroth swept her into a passionate hug, smothering the poor girl into her voluptuous chest as she sweetly talked about their unbreakable bond.
The darling attempts to pull away from her doting and possessive hug, yet her efforts are futile.
This Sephiroth was as powerful and enthralled with her as her male counterparts. As she spoke, the darling trembled as the cold metal of Sephiroth's Masamune affectionately caressed against her delicate skin.
With a soft sigh, the darling eventually succumbed to the flood of tenderness that Sephiroth was providing her with, as she went on and on in her ramblings.
At least she watered her flowers this time...
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The demand for mommy yandere Sephy was heard, and now it is delivered~ I will also accept requests/prompts for this Sephy as I do for others.
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p-perkeys · 5 months
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I miss them both sm 🥺
Petition for more Akihiro and Gabby content. To manifest that - here's some headcanons I have that no one asked for and that have little to no canon reference points:
I think Gabby would view Akihiro as more of a paternal figure than Logan. I think she would get along with Logan the most and I don't think she would have any negative emotions towards Logan at all, but I don't think she would view him as a caretaker of hers and I don't think she would go to him if she was in need or want of something.
We know that Akihiro has been annoyingly protective towards Gabby as seen in New Mutants when she wrote him a letter to address it. But Gabby was pretty protective of Laura when they first started living together. Gabby also popped up wherever Akihiro was quite a bit while Laura was in the vault. She was obviously having some issues fitting in and that had a lot to do with her seeking Akihiro's attention/validation, buuut - I think Gabby, although quite young, would be annoyingly protective too. She would absolutely demand to know where Akihiro has been if she doesn't see him in x amount of days.
Akihiro took a little bit of time to adjust to Laura as a sister. By the time Gabby was introduced, he seemed to be doing better in those regards. Gabby is obviously adorable and loveable, but I think part of what made him warm up so much faster to her (besides natural character development) is her (obviously) identical resemblance to Laura. Other than the scars, she would look/smell/sound like Laura. She is essentially a version of Laura that Akihiro would otherwise never know. Because of the deep levels of trauma he and Laura share, Gabby would also somewhat be a version of himself he would never know. Protecting Gabby would be protecting what could have been and he could be there for her in ways no one was there for Laura or for him. And then, of course, they get to know each other deeper and they form a real sibling bond. BUT. To start with, I think this is what helped. I have a lot more words for this one but running out of space. Hope it made sense and doesn't sound too dumb.
I think Akihiro would spoil her in a way that makes her almost insufferable because of #3 and also I feel like Akihiro's love language would be lavish things because that is what he's used to. On that same note, I do believe he'd baby her too. I don't think Laura would, this would be strictly a him thing. This is more of a fluff headcanon. Like she goes to hang out with Wade and doesn't understand why his pantry isn't full with all of her favorite things for her to get at her pleasure. She plays a game with her peers and gets frustrated when she doesn't win after a couple of times (as seen in snikt fam vacation, obviously Akihiro would win once or twice for fun). She tells a teacher she doesn't feel like doing something and is appalled that they say she has to do it anyway.
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mamawasatesttube · 11 months
trick or treat!!
an idea from the wip folder: some kon & lois bonding and shenanigans, set early in kon's time living with the kents!!
kon gets a call from lois’s phone asking for a “mr. kent”; he quickly realizes they’ve mistaken "c. kent" as him being clark. the call is from people who have kidnapped lois and are now trying to blackmail clark kent (the reporter who's been digging into something they don't like him digging into) into handing over all copies of a certain drive containing incriminating evidence about their employers or something, using lois’s life as a bargaining chip.
lois is swearing up a storm in the background (hardly audible) but when she realizes it’s kon on the phone she gets calmer. kon, unreliable narrator that he is, wonders if that’s because she doesn’t trust him to save her as easily as she trusts clark to, and thinks maybe she needs to play it safer with her captors. (it's actually lois going oh shit. that's the baby. that's my lil squirt. i gotta be chill so he doesn't freak out.)
so kon's frantically trying to think “what would clark do?” and like, stalling while he starts to record the call. he doesn’t know how people trace phone calls though so he just has to strain with superhearing. demands to speak to lois as proof of life, she is able to give him some kind of hint as to where to look. (clark is off-planet or for some other reason just simply unavailable, or he'd obviously help, but this is about the kon & lois bonding.)
so it turns into a whole thing where superboy crashes the party to rescue lois, and they have to get out of there alive together, despite that lois's captors were kinda expecting superman to show up. ttk comes in handy bc they simply arent expecting him to be able to destroy their guns from across the room or glue them to the floor, etc, and lois compliments how creative he is and hes like omg 🥺😳🥺🥺👉👈😳🥺😳 you really think im smart???? whoa....
and at some point the head honcho or whoever tries to pull a kryptonite bullet on kon, only for lois to lose her shit and beat him senseless with a stapler she grabbed off his desk because "DON'T YOU DARE HURT MY BOY!" and then kon is just standing there like omg...... am i your boy????? omg.... 🥺🥺🥺🥺 she care me...
anyway they make it out and etc etc. the epilogue is lois taking kon out for some really late night ice cream as a thank you, once everything is settled and whatnot, and then letting him ramble at her about spirk. bonding experience!
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moonlightazriel · 2 years
New Year /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: "Azriel and reader celebrating the 31st dec night with Inner cricle, doing countdowns , kissing their mates 🥺❤ and after celebrating with IC , azriel celebrating new year with his mate in their bedroom ( you know what i mean 🙈🥵) and then waking up in each other's arm naked on the 1st day of new year , snuggling 🥰🥺 Ohh I'm Crying😭😭❤❤ ( SMUT and FLUFF)"
Warnings: SMUT
Word Count: 1,8K
Notes: It's really weird writing about new year and imagining it in the winter when i'm currently melting away with how hot it is today. Thank you @cherryjain17 for requesting this ❤️
Main Masterlist
I sipped in my drink, the wine warming up my body, I could feel the heat on my cheeks from the three glasses I already had tonight, everyone was laughing and smiling, this year Rhys and Feyre decided that the new year should be exclusively celebrated by the inner circle, so tonight was just about family. Mor was telling some joke, as she held Emerie’s hand, their bond had snapped only two months ago and we all were more than happy for them, they deserved all the happiness in the world.
I watched how they looked at each other, the gaze filled with love and I smiled, remembering how it was when the bond snapped into place for me and Azriel, the feeling of being finally complete, I squeezed my mate’s hand and he leaned towards me, his head resting on my shoulder while I kissed his hair. My eyes drifted to the clock on the wall, that indicated that it was almost midnight, Rhys must have noticed it too as he got up, clapping and demanding everyone’s attention.
“It’s almost midnight, and I have a gift for you all, more to my dear Feyre, but you guys get to enjoy it as well.” He extended his hand to Feyre helping her getting up, one by one, all of the couples followed him, he opened the door to the higher balcony in the River House, once we all gathered around, he counted the time, when the main clock in town announced the beginning of the new year, Rhysand snapped his fingers, suddenly, a colorful line ran towards the sky, exploding in a burst of color and sparkle, followed by another one, and then another, coloring the skies multiple times.
Azriel spun me around, until I was facing him, he removed a hair strand from my face, placing it behind my ear as he leaned into me, his lips capturing mine, the kiss was gentle, intimate, his hands held my waist firmly while his tongue licked my lower lip, I opened my mouth to him and he entered it, his tongue exploring every corner of my mouth, making my breath go uneven.
“Happy new year love.” He said as he parted the kiss, someone tapped on my shoulder, as I turned, Elain was offering us champagne, we thanked her and approached the rest of the group, the colorful explosions kept happening in the background as we all lifted our glasses for a toast.
“To a new year filled with peace, love and did I say peace? We really need it.” We all cracked a laugh at Rhys’s joke. “I’m glad to have such a wonderful family by my side, I love you all, but if you tell anyone, I will deny it for the rest of my life. Except for you, Feyre darling, the whole world needs to know that I love you.”
“I guess you made it very clear a lot of times you dickhead.” Mor said and again, everyone laughed so loud that the whole town might’ve heard us. As the show came to an end and Nesta started to complain about being cold, everyone got back inside, Amren and Varian were the first ones to leave.
“I guess we could go home too, don’t you think?” Azriel whispered on my ear, his breath causing me to shiver as it hit my neck, all the hair in my body getting up at the implied suggestion on his tone. I got up, gathering my purse and pulling Az with me, saying goodbye to everyone, I heard Cassian yelling as we reach the front door.
“Use protection! Ouch!” If I closed my eyes I could see Nesta slapping his arm for the comment and I snorted.
“Thank you Nes and fuck you Cassian.” I shouted before closing the door, the cold winds hit me and I shrugged, Azriel turned to me and asked me if I was cold. “Yeah, do you mind if we winnow instead of flying? I guess choosing a strapless dress for tonight wasn’t the smartest choice.”
“Don’t worry love, we will get rid of it in a minute.” He said, his voice low and powerful, sending a wave of heat through my body, I pressed my legs together and he laughed sarcastically before he held my hand, I huffed, already feeling the wetness gathering in my underwear, the shadows reunited around us as I winnowed us home, Azriel didn’t wait until we fully stepped out into our house to start distributing kissed along my shoulder.
His hands pulled my waist towards him, pressing my ass on the growing bulge in his pants, his left hand got up, his fingers brushing lightly my arm as he got higher to remove my hair from my neck, his lips burning my skin with every touch as he kissed the extension of my neck, I pressed my lips together to suppress a moan, his right hand got up as well, aiming for the zipper on my dress, pulling it down slowly, the fabric sliding on my body, pooling on the ground, I stepped out of it, left in only my underwear.
“You were without a bra this whole time? Fuck.” He whispered on my ear, I pressed my legs together once more and he pushed me forward, towards our bedroom. As I laid down, he stopped by the end of our bed, his hands quickly opening the buttons of his black shirt, his pants and underwear were discarded on the floor, he stood naked, like a fucking god, his brown skin and tattoos begging to be touched, as I made a move, trying to stand to get to him, he stopped me, his hands grabbing my ankles and pulling me towards the end of the bed.
“I’ve been hungry for you all night, let me have my well deserved feast.” He said and I trembled, resisting the urge to close my legs and hide from him, no matter how many years had passed between us, I would always get shy under his lustful gaze, he looked at me like he indeed was starving, he keneled in front of me, the only one I will ever get on my knees for, he said that to me once and I blushed as I remembered.
His tongue licked a string in my aching core, his hot tongue stealing my breath as he licked my clit, the circle motions he made, driving me insane, he took his time licking and kissing it as I moaned, the loud noises coming from the back of my throat. “Fuck Az.” He slowly inserted a finger, sliding it all the way inside me, curling it at the end until he hit the right spot inside me, I grabbed the sheets in my hands, the sound of ripping fabric was soft, but it was still there, those were my favorite sheets, I was sure that Azriel wouldn’t mind buying me new ones.
One of his hands reached my breasts, he played with my nipple as the orgasm grew in my lower belly, the knot in there was almost too much, he inserted another finger, moving faster, encouraged by my loud moans. “Az I can’t take it anymore.” I half moaned, half spoke, he looked at me through his lashes, his irises darkened with lust.
“Then cum for me love.” His voice was so sensual that I wasn’t able to control myself, the wave of pleasure hitting me, I closed my legs around his head while my cunt clenched his fingers in, Azriel kept licking, overstimulating my clit as he cleaned my orgasm. He got up, crawling on top of me, one of his hands grabbed my waist, lifting me up until I was laying rightfully in bed, the sensation of his strong arms lifting me like I was nothing more than a pillow got me soaking wet, and the moan that escaped my lips was sinful. “Do you like when I move you like this, don’t you?” I nodded eagerly and he smirked.
I cupped his face, pulling him down for a hungry kiss, his wings flared up behind him, one of my hands held his cock, stroking him up and down a few times, he bit my lower lip as I kept going, his forehead was resting against mine and I could feel him sending his love through the bond, i caressed the black thread between us in return at the same time I adjusted him on my entry, soaking his tip with my wetness, he sunk his cock deep inside me, we both moaned at the feeling.
He didn’t move for a while, waiting for me to stop clenching around him, as soon as he felt my body stopping, he started moving, his big cock moving in a slow pace, hitting the good spot inside me every damn time as he would slid all the way out just to slam his hips against me, I dragged my nails along his back, whispering to him that I wanted it faster, he was more than happy to attend my wished as his thrusts got faster, he started on a fast and steady pace, my lips couldn’t stay closed as I moaned his name over and over again.
The second orgasm started to build quicker than the first one, it didn’t take long for it to start being unbearable, my walls clenched hardly around him as I dug my nails even more on his skin, to the point of drawing blood, he sucked marks on my neck, his lips seemed to be glued to me as the orgasm hit me, powerful than the first one, I moaned his name loudly as I came, he was right after me, his warm seed spilling inside me.
He collapsed on my side, and I started to feel my eyelids heavy as we tried to catch our breaths, he pulled me closer, laying my head on his chest as he kissed my sweaty forehead. “Rest love, I know you’re tired from helping Feyre all day.”
“Goodnight Az, I love you.” I said, feeling the heaviness of sleep carry me away in it’s arms. When I woke up in the next morning Azriel was already awake, caressing my hair softly as he watched me sleep. “Hi Az.” I looked down, we were still very much naked and I giggled.
“Hi love, did you sleep well?” I looked at him, nodding and then burying my face on his chest, he held me closer and I could stay just like this, buried on his chest, feeling his scent and being warm in the arms of my mate.
“I love you so much.” I whispered against his skin, peppering with kisses along his belly.
“No more than I do.”
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hexagonalhavoc · 2 months
Hello hello sorry if your requests are closed! But how would the scribes react to reader just adopting lonely wizard
(funny senerio:
Reader sees lonely wizard and motherly (or fatherly) instincts kick in reader then proceeds to beat up magnificent while being epic then walks away with a child happily ever after
How the Scrybes would react to reader adopting Lonely Wizard 
[Author’s Note: I love this Lonely Wizard needs someone to love him 🥺]
Doesn’t like Lonely because of how hyper active he is. Every time you bring your child in he touches everything and has broken many of Leshy’s possessions.
There’s a strong urge to turn your child into a card just so he can rip it up and burn it but he doesn’t want to invoke the wrath of a parent. 
He begs you to take Goobert too because he’s tired of dealing with him. 
Adopting Goobert as well isn’t easy though since him and Lonely have a rocky friendship. They used to be friends but as Lonely become less dedicated to Magnificus a rift started to form between them. 
But with enough patience and dedication you can get them to be friends again! 
Grimora is patient so she doesn’t mind Lonely jumping all over the place. If he’s pestering her she’ll make him do impossible tasks to keep him busy.
It might take him days, weeks, or even months but he’ll complete whatever task is given to him. It could be getting a rare flower that doesn’t even exist and yet he still got it.
She tells you that if something ever happens to Lonely that she can resurrect him as a card. Her offer comes from good intentions but it keeps you up at night. 
It warms her heart that you adopted him but no matter how old you are she still views you as being young so it also surprises her. 
“If you’re taking care of him who’s taking care of you, dear?” 
He doesn’t give a damn about his students but he’s still pissed that you stole something from. 
Goobert is a nuisance to him but he dislikes Lonely the most because he’s a traitor. It’s a good thing that you took Lonely in. The only reason Magnificus demands that you return him is because he doesn’t want him to be happy but obviously you’re not giving Lonely up. 
After you do this you are no longer allowed in his domain unless you want to be attacked. 
P03 doesn’t a give damn about him as long as he’s not in his factory. He doesn’t allow organics into his factory. (With you being the only exception because you’re a challenger) 
I think if you did bring Lonely over enough then P03 would slowly warm up to him. He would teach him the rules of his game. It’s very cute to watch but you ever call the Scrybe out on it he’ll make up some lie. 
“Oh please. I only keep him around to rub it Magnificus’ face.”
I feel like P03 is Lonely’s favorite Scrybe. Grimora is nice but he just bonds better with P03.
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blushydrangea · 3 months
so curious on your thoughts on the latest shenanigans lol, also missing your nymphia thoughts in general 💗
it's been a while. cracks knuckles.
(under a read more because it's quite long!)
a lot of things happened since my last time answering an ask about ✈️🍌, even claims that they were long gone apparently. the taiwan trip was so sweet and i'm happy they spent time together & with mirage, something i love about this cast is that they always find opportunities to hang out with each other in different combos, their bond is so cute! i'm curious about the music they're working on, although it seems like we won't get to hear it for a while 😭.
kissgate (that's what i'm calling it lmao) soured my feelings a little bit, because we shouldn't be attacking real people for not acting according to our headcanons. it was sad that plane had to explain herself on twitter, and it's good that the girlies still interact normally after that but i honestly wouldn't blame them if that caused for them to hide their friendship a bit more. still i'm 110% sure they'll never lose what they have, it seems to be something important for both of them and that they wouldn't let go of 🩷.
the drought reminded me of early march (i believe...) when they didn't talk for two weeks (!), i think most people weren't here for it and that is why a bunch of you freaked out. don't worry if it happens again, ✈️🍌 are fine, have some faith in them!
THE PAST DAYS WERE WILDDD. we got bratty nymphia demanding plane's full attention, nymphia with morphine which goes so well with my seven stages fantasy, and planymphia being super sweet with each other 🥺 it was a great moment for the enjoyers, both of them looked so goooood and nymph is like a vocaloid come to life in that cute outfit. their whole live on morphine's ig was absolutely wild & i'm sure a lot of people have shared their thoughts already and i don't wanna repeat them, so i'll just say that the forehead kiss was very important to me <3 and very seven stages. i love winning!
onto nymphia thoughts since you mentioned that!
1) she seems so exhausted and it breaks my heart. nymphia appears to be the type of person who gets more energy from being around her close friends, so she was happier with the s16 cast, but when she's alone it's sad to watch how tired she is. she also mentioned not sleeping in her ig story. i hope the princess can find some time to rest and take care of herself, she deserves it :(
2) on a lighter note... HOW COME NO ONE TOLD ME LA GRANDE DAME IS A BANANA BELIEVER– she liked two!!!! nymphia tweets!!! and commented "oui" on a team nymphia post!!!!! if you were around here in 2022 you'd know how obsessed with lgd i was then, so i'm sure she did this for me 🤧. the pretty & silly fashion girl liking the other pretty & silly fashion girl makes so much sense <3 they follow each other too and now i need a dada and nymphia encounter. pls someone book them both for something. PLEASE. i need to see nymphia look tiny next to her.
that's all i have! even though i've been dethroned lol it's still nice to know someone cares enough about my thoughts to shoot me an ask through my inactivity. i love fandom 🥰
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