#i def think it's a useful tactic against him
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theloveinc · 1 year ago
i simply.. do not believe yandere!katsuki would be able to put up with me for very long.
i’d be accepting bc i like being taken care of.. until he realizes how high maintenance i am.
i would spend his money on the essentials (skincare, haircare, perfumes, plushies for our bed.. etc..)
and spend hours doing all that even though i’m not going out, like our shower rack is 99% my shampoo and curly hair products and scented soaps.. our bed has plushies and i have a whole section of our closet dedicated to my perfume collection.
i’m like too touchy/clingy and i feel like he’d want his space for a while and like i’d annoy him really bad UGHHH..
My golly. I absolutely adore it when a yandere doesn't know what exactly they've gotten themselves into. When they finally realize that they've idolized you to the point of not even knowing who you are anymore, only for it to be too late for them to go back in time and prevent it all from going this way.
It's hard to say if Bakugo was expecting you to come to terms with being captive so quickly. He was definitely prepared for resistance, prepared for a lot, really, 'cuz when is he not........? But I don't think he's ever prepared for how easily you fall into a routine with him, and how quickly it turns out that it's less about him, and romance, and falling in love as is it just........... coming to terms with a life you weren't able to choose for yourself.
It's sad because... if he had only courted, asked, waited for you to love him the regular way, taking you on dates and kissing you softly, things would've been so different for your relationship, so genuine and so sweet; exactly what he longed for even if you were still high maintenance.
But to experience it all in the way that he does, with you at his mercy and his credit card at yours... shocks him. He buys you and lets you buy things at first because he feels bad, and watching you pick at the lint of your bed sheets with literally nothing of your own in the house makes his heart ache. Yandere!Bakugo is possessive and desperate, not cruel, and what is a relationship if not filling the home together?
But what he doesn't realize (at first, at least): it's not things you want, but... luxury. A good quality of life. You know the only thing you can hope for is a comfortable house since he's the one who made everything else painful.
Besides, it's hard for him to touch you if your hair product needs to soak to properly work. It's hard to feel like the sex is real and intimate when you prefer to do your fourteen-step shower routine first, or if your bed has to be clear of all your toys and expensive, sherpa blankets and decorative pillows. He can't take take you on dates even if he does buy you fancy clothes... because it's his fault your "missing" poster is plastered all over the streets of Mustafu in the first place.
And by the time you are ready to cuddle him, cling to him, maybe even kiss him on the mouth... it's not because you changed your mind about loving him, it's because he left you no other choice.
(AKA: he got exactly what he wanted... but he didn't realize how much it was going to cost. Literally and metaphorically.)
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floating-mid-air · 8 months ago
The Princess of all Saiyans
I'm back yet again. Tbh, this chapter was pushed out entirely by just trying to occupy myself. Boe, my childhood cat of 16 years, just recently passed away. So, this chapter is entirely dedicated to her. I've had Boe practically my entire life, so it's def been rough. But I'm glad to finally get a chapter out for you all! This chapter is also a bit shorter than usual due to how I wanna start the next chapter. As always, DM's/Comments are always open if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. Thanks for all the support!
Chapter 17
You glide through the air, observing the destruction of the planet beneath you. Demolishing a planet was always your favorite part of the job when you were working under Frieza. It was always the most exciting part. Though, watching a planet burn is not as fun when your life is in imminent danger. Who knew?
This entire situation is difficult for you. This retreat is tactical, for sure. But... running away with your tail between your legs... to Earth of all planets. It's sickening. It goes against every single one of your instincts and every lesson you've ever been taught. Daily life would be much simpler without the damn Saiyan pride flowing through your veins. At points, it feels more like an anchor weighing you down. 
You spot a familiar figure in the distance, with a much larger one slung over his shoulders. You pick up speed, quickly outpacing him. "Huh?" The boy looks up, calling out your name. "You're safe!"
"Yeah, yeah. No need to throw a party." You scoff. "This planet is still a ticking time bomb." The two of you keep flying, not saying much to each other as you travel the distance. Before you speak up again. "Any idea how far this damn ship is?" Gohan shrugs, so the brat's as clueless as you are. "Great. Just great." You mumble sarcastically, blowing a strand of hair out of your face. 
Now you're on a wild goose chase of Kakarot's making. Some coordinates would've been nice. Not far from here isn't precisely quality directions. You'd take a simple cardinal direction at this point. And with the way this planet is crumbling, the ship might not even be functioning by now. 
"Hey!" Gohan calls out to you. "Look down there!" Your gaze trails downward. You make a subtle landing, dropping in front of the ship's doors. Wow, it's actually in one piece. It also has the same logo from that cave where you visited Raditz to inform him about the true fate of your people. Must be some sort of brand. 
"How the hell do you even open this thing?" You stare at the doors of the dome-shaped ship. Times like this, you miss the technology you've grown accustomed to under Frieza's command. Gohan moves over to you; he pushes a camouflage button, the door spinning open immediately. You enter the vessel first. It's small but larger than what you're used to. You still have nightmares about those damn pods you were crammed into. Sardines in a can have more room than you did. 
Gohan places the Namekian on the ground before turning to you. "Stay here with Piccolo. I'll go out and find Bulma."
"Do you really need to? Like, would anyone miss her?" From your brief encounters, you know two things about the Earth woman. She's incredibly irritating and she has awful taste in men.
"She's our... well, she's my friend. Of course, we can't leave her behind…" Gohan trails. Memories of when Vegeta ruthlessly killed Nappa flood his brain. He remembers the aloof expression on your face. The way your lips met in a thin line, not even showing an ounce of empathy. It still sends a shiver down his spine when he thinks about it. "So maybe you wouldn't exactly get it." He laughs nervously. "But it's the right thing to do."
"How do you know the Earth woman is even alive?" From what you've noticed, earthlings aren't the most durable creatures. And your knowledge stems from the strongest of the bunch.  So it's a reasonable question.
"Well, I have to try! I can't just leave her out there." He takes a deep breath, collecting himself before continuing. "And I'm the only one who can. Piccolo is out of it. And you're pretty banged up, Y/N. I'll be back as soon as possible. Promise." He extends his arm out to you, holding out his pinky.
Your face scrunches up in confusion. "What the hell are you doing?"
"It's a pinky promise." You look at the boy as if he has two heads. To be honest, a two-headed creature would probably be less peculiar to you. Gohan sighs. "It's just another way to make a promise... like a handshake, only with your pinkies.
"You earthlings and your bizarre customs." You shake your head in disbelief, but Gohan doesn't move an inch, still extending the digit to you. "Fine, Fine." You interlock your pinky with his briefly before pulling away. Gohan smiles brightly at you. You place your hands on your hips, sighing quite loudly. "If you're not back within thirty minutes. I'm leaving the Namekian and dragging you back by force. Understand?"
The boy gulps before nodding rapidly. And with that, he takes off. His small frame disappears from your view. Well, at least things are quiet... with the amount of irritation you've been subjected to, you forgot how much you dread silence. You slide down against what you can only assume is the navigation system. You bang your head against the cool metal. Taking in the situation before you. Everything will get worse before it gets better. You just know it. 
The ground beneath you shakes violently. "Fucking low-class Earth machinery." You quickly come to realize that the ship itself isn't moving… it's the planet's surface. You spring to your feet, the rocking pushing you back and forth as you make your way to the entrance. You peek your head out, a luminous beam of light coming from the direction you just came from. "Well, that can't be good…" With another violent rumble, you lose your footing, sending you tumbling. Your back slams against the ship's walls with a notable thud. 
You groan, picking yourself up off the floor. What the hell just happened? Your balance has changed; it's like gravity has significantly altered. You shift your gaze around the ship, looking for irregularities. The foundation now has an arch to it. You can still feel the ground underneath you slipping. Oh shit, the land underneath you must be concaving. 
With your remaining energy, you fly up into the air, picking up the Namekian with a scowl crossing your features. You can't believe you're fucking doing this. You don't save the weak… and you don't spare the injured. So what the hell are you doing? You could just take this damn ship, toss the Namekian out, and leave the boy and the Earth woman for dead. Or at least you could've let the Namekian plummet and slam into the wall. Sure, it could've killed him, but that's not your problem. You don't give a damn about the Dragon Balls or the lives of the pathetic deceased earthlings. All you care about now is spiting Frieza. You're losing your edge. The longer you spend with these people, the softer you get. It's vile. 
Before your subconscious can voice any more displeasure, the lights flicker, the entire ship going dim. The only light coming from the entrance. Great, just great; now you can barely see shit. What else could possibly go wrong? Once the ship has suspended, you place the Namekian back on the floor. The gravity is a bit off due to the angle you're on, but he should be fine. You find a new place to sit, one that's less sunken into the ground. You slide on the wall right beside the opening of the ship. You're getting far too soft for your liking.
After a bit more time passes, you can hear voices approaching. Two distinct voices, to be exact. You open your eyes, knowing immediately that it's them. Much to your surprise, the Earth woman somehow survived. Good thing you didn't bet money on it. Gohan enters the ship first, a big grin on his face. "Fucking finally," You stand back up, crossing your arms. 
"I told you I'd find her." The boy boasts.
"I'm so overjoyed." You reply with a deadpan look on your features.
"Gohan?" Bulma, on shaky legs, enters the ship. "Where are you-" As soon as her eyes land on you, she shrieks. "What is she doing here?"
"It's alright, Bulma. She's with us." Gohan assures her.
"But she's insane! You saw what she did to---" You clear your throat, reminding her of your presence. She looks at you, fear evident in her eyes. "Well, you know what. The more the merrier." She laughs nervously. Once Bulma calms herself down, she looks around the ship. "Hmm? It's so dark in here. I wonder if there was some sort of malfunction."
"That's weird." Gohan's brows furrow. "The lights were on when I left." The pair turn to you.
"The ship slid a bit." You shrug nonchalantly. 
"Well, why didn't you---" You cut the woman off. 
"I'm not familiar with your low-class Earth machinery. I could have just made everything worse!" Before Bulma can retort, she slips, plunging right into the control panel. You let out a brash chuckle, watching her struggle. 
She stands back up, finding her footing. She leans over the panel, fiddling with the buttons. "I'm not familiar with this machine model." She continues to mess with the controls.
After a few more seconds, the lights turn on. Maybe the Earth woman is more competent than she lets on. Cause she fixed that rather fast. "Phew. All better." She takes a few steps back before stepping on something squishy. Unbeknownst to her, she just tripped up on the Namekian. Bulma's eyes dart downward; as soon as she sees the green man, she somehow shrieks even louder than when she noticed you. You're almost offended. She jumps into the air before scurrying behind Gohan. "Is that Piccolo, or am I losing it?" Her voice shakes.
Gohan nods. "Yep, that's him, alright."
She extends her neck, taking a second glimpse at the Namekian. "What's he even doing here? Bulma observes the man carefully, taking a mental note that he still hasn't risen. There's something clearly wrong with him. The gears turn in her brain, briskly making an educated guess that Piccolo is injured. Well, it's that, along with his grueling appearance. "Look at him. He's a mess! Does he really have to tag along?" Gohan turns to her, shooting the woman a disapproving look. "I mean, this is his home planet after all…" 
That's odd. From what you've understood, the Namekian is a part of the band of buffoons. He helped kill Cado. He trained the half-breed. He was there when you invaded Earth. And showed up here to get himself killed. Sounds like he's a core member of Kakarot's idiots to you. But from the Earth woman's reaction, you have to second guess that theory. Maybe they aren't allies after all? Possibly, they just share common goals? You've been in several situations similar to that in the past.
"We can't just leave him! He saved us. I owe him. We all do! So he's coming back to Earth with us no matter what!"
"That's sweet of you…" Bulma places her hand on Gohan's shoulder. "But we don't know if he would've wanted that." You raise an eyebrow. The man is clearly breathing. So why is she talking in the past tense like you have a corpse aboard? Aren't these humans supposed to be selfless and empathetic? Or have you only met the irritating ones? If the Earth woman keeps this behavior up, you could be more on board with her. "I think he would've wanted to be buried here, on his home planet."
Gohan's brows furrow, looking at the woman with a frown. You roll your eyes. "He's not dead, you lunatic…." You say as if you weren't just making the same argument for the Earth woman only a short while ago. Maybe we should leave her. It would make the journey back more tolerable. "But, hey, if you're so insistent. You wanna bury him here… you dig the hole."
"Fine." Bulma huffs. "He can come with us."
"How generous of you." You scoff. Before you can make another snarky comment, the aircraft shifts again, sinking further inwards towards the planet's core. A few more cracks in the surface of this planet and the four of you are going to die a very excruciating death.  
"This entire place is falling apart!" The woman exclaims. "We need to take off. Now!" You can't believe you're saying this, but you're actually in agreement with the Earth woman. Talk about a plot twist. Bulma rushes back to the panel and starts fiddling with the buttons again. 
"Wait!" Gohan shouts, stopping the woman dead in her tracks. "We can't leave yet! We have to wait for my dad!"
"He'll be okay, Gohan." Bulma's eyes soften. "If anyone can find a way out of here, it's Goku… he always does." She stares off into the distance as if having some sort of dream sequence. It's mildly disturbing. 
"No, we can't!" The boy starts to tear up. "There's still time, lots of it." Considering you have a high level of expertise in the destruction of planets. You know, this rock has maybe an hour left maximum. And that's being incredibly generous.
 You groan. "I hate to agree with the Earth woman, but she's right. I've seen the destruction of more planets than you could probably imagine. Now, most of them were by my own hands, but that's irrelevant. The point is, your father wants you off this planet. And I think you should adhere to his wishes."
"Please…" Gohan looks between the two of you with big eyes. "Just a few more minutes."
"Gohan…" Bulma smiles weekly at him. "I think-" She's cut off. By the ship once again sinking further into the ground.
You rub your temples, your frustration growing rapidly. You can't believe this is even a discussion. What needs to happen is clear. Maybe to everyone but the brat. "I've had enough! This isn't the time to play selfless hero like your moronic father. Let me put this in the simplest terms I can. If we don't get the Namekian off this planet, everyone dies! There's no second chances. There's no more wishes. And that means-" You cut yourself off. Stopping yourself from saying something unnecessarily cruel. You're trying to persuade him, not make him weep.
The planet's destruction continues to form around you. This discussion is clearly going nowhere. You don't see why a child should decide all of your fates. "This is bad!" Bulma struggles to maintain balance due to the quaking beneath her. "We only have a few minutes left before planet Namek is nothing but dust!" Gohan isn't even paying attention to anything other than the direction of the battle. It's like everything both you and Bulma say goes in one ear and out the other. You're seconds away from knocking the boy out, so you can descend with no hiccups. 
Gohan's face falls before you can even set a plan in motion. You focus your energy in the direction of the battle. And you sense exactly the same thing. You sigh, feeling slight empathy for the boy. You know how that feels. You've lived through that experience. It's certainly not a positive one. "Dad's energy." He chokes up. "It's just… gone." Bulma gasps. 
"Does that mean?" Gohan nods, his sad expression quickly evolving into one of determination. 
"Start preparing the ship for launch. And take Piccolo back to Earth with you. I'm staying here." Perfect, just what you need. A loose cannon on your hands. The option of knocking him out is growing more appealing by the second. The boy moves to the door, standing right in front of it.
"Woah! Hey there! Slow down!" Panic rises in Bulma's voice. "Gohan! No! You can't just go back out there!" Gohan presses a button, causing the door to slowly open. "Gohan, don't do this."
"I'm my father's son, Bulma." Well, that's clear to you. He clearly got his lack of preservation from somewhere. Moron must be genetic. "I have to finish what he started. It's my duty."
"Gohan…" Bulma rushes over to him. "You can't. It's too dangerous." 
The boy shakes his head. "I have to try. Piccolo would understand." From your brief interactions with the Namekian, you doubt that's true. "It's what he and dad would've wanted." And now you know for a fact that it's untrue. Your hypothesis has to be correct. Moron is undoubtedly genetic.
It's time for some intervention. You know for a fact the Earth woman is no match for the half-breed. Words can only get you so far. You slowly walk over to them, your boots making a notable clink against the metal floor, the sound growing closer with each step. Right until you're standing directly in front of Gohan. The last barricade between him and the outside world. You chuckle mischievously. "Absolutely not, brat."
 "I have to do this, Y/N." He looks you dead in the eyes, not even displaying an ounce of fear.
"Why's that? So Frieza can slaughter three generations of your bloodline rather than two?" You roll your eyes. "Your father asked me to look out for you, and I intend to. No matter how aggravating it is."
"But nothing! Were we even on the same battlefield?" You place your hands on your hips, your eyes narrowing into slits. "You genuinely think this is what your father would've wanted? He was screaming at you to leave. He basically ordered you to. A father looks out for their child… he doesn't throw them into the lion's den!"
"I can do this. I can't just let Frieza get away with this!" Gohans' attempts at persuasion are futile. You could easily out-stubborn him any day of the week.
"Think about this logically! If you go out there. Frieza will kill you. It'll be quick. You're no match for him. He'll probably be insulted that you'd even try. The battle doesn't just end… the entire fight will! If we return to Earth, you can rest up… prepare a bit. I know Frieza. And I assure you he will be gunning for Earth next. He wants that wish. And what Frieza wants, he tends to get it." 
Now, you're doing some logical thinking of your own. If the Namekian dies… there's no more wishes. You could step on his neck right now. End his pathetic life. You'd put a stop to Frieza's mission. He'd never be able to get his hands on immortality. Sure, there'd be a few unhappy faces, but it would be the wise thing to do. You can't believe this thought hasn't crossed your mind before. You quickly shake that idea out of your head. It's a fantastic plan. It's far more logical than your current one. You'll keep it in your pocket. "If you care about your planet… your people. You'll stay on this ship and go home."
You're running out of ways to convince him. If only he hadn't inherited a stubborn Saiyan nature. This is the first time you've wished he behaved more like an Earthling and less like a Saiyan. "I have to do this!"
You know what. You're done arguing with him. It's time to use something that works much better. Threats. "Oh, you wanna go out there?" You extend your hand outwards toward the outside. "Be my guest… but you'll have to go through me first."
Gohan's hands ball up into fists. "That's not fair!"
You scoff. "Please, if you think you can face Frieza, then I should be a piece of cake." You're about to take it even further. But before you can, you feel a familiar powerful level in the distance… and then another. Your head darts in that direction. What the hell? That's not possible. Are you imagining things again? As you're distracted, the brat runs past you, making a break for it. He takes off before you can even move a muscle. "God damn it!"
Huh. There are chunks of energy everywhere. Small and pathetic levels, but they exist. There's life… how the hell is there life? Wait… does that mean. You weren't imagining things. You really did sense Vegeta and Raditz. But… how? You quite vividly remember their deaths. You see it every time you close your eyes. There's a serious mind fuck going on. Your brain is scrambling.
The Earth woman shakes her head, snapping out of her dazed expression. "Why'd you let him get away?" She shouts at you. 
"I–" You're at a loss for words. You don't understand how this is happening. "There's energy levels all over this planet."
"I don't know what the hell that means!" Her brows furrow. "I don't speak fighter."
You roll your eyes. "Let me dumb it down for you. Before, there was no life left on this planet. Now, there's a lot. I'm assuming there was somehow a mass resurrection of some kind… I just don't know how."
Bulmas ears perk up. "The Dragon Balls. The Earth ones! Someone back home must've made a wish!" That makes sense… and with the Namekian alive, the set on Earth is intact. But that's so many people. The limit must not be as small as you were led to believe. Because that many lives is a massive job. But wait. What's the point?
"Well, why the hell would they do that? This planet is about to blow. Everyone here will just die again. What a waste of a wish." You know the earthlings lack brain cells, but this is a new level. Unless there's another aspect of it that you're just not regarding. Before you can say anything else the sky grows dark. "What the hell?" You poke your head outside. This planet doesn't have a night. There's something about this that's oddly familiar. A strong sense of deja vu flooding your mind. You just can't quite place it.
"Wait." The woman moves closer to you, poking her head out the other side of the door. "I know what's happening. This same thing happens back on Earth when you make a wish." That's it. The Dragon Balls. That must mean the Grand Elder is alive. All that energy you were sensing is the people of Namek, including the elderly one. That must be the plan. To make a second, even larger wish with the Namek ones. But who's even gonna make that wish?
Oh fuck. Frieza can easily take that for himself. All he'd need is one Namekian, which would now be incredibly easy to attain. He only needs a singular feeble hostage to gain his greatest desire. Damn. You turn to the Earth Woman. "I have to go."
"What happened to thinking about things logically?"
"I am. If Frieza gets his wish for immortality, then everything is over." 
"But…You can't just leave me here all--" Without a word, you take off, leaving the Earth woman in your dust. "Why does everyone always abandon me on strange planets!"
Okay, all you have to do is get there before Frieza can. Or do you go to Vegeta and Raditz first? No, wish first, reunions second. You soar, picking up the pace; you don't think you've ever flown this fast. This is the only thing that matters to you. You detest Frieza with every bone in your body. You'll ruin this for him. Just like he ruined everything for you. You'll do whatever it takes. As you formulate a strategy, a bright light surrounds your body. "What the fuck?" You slowly fade out before disappearing entirely.
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sweatervest-obsessed · 1 year ago
Touch Me Baby
A Sneak Little preview of a fic I've been sitting on for a while now!!
What happens when your best friend, and college roommate, Robin Buckley, finally convinces her best friend from home to come and visit the two of you? And then what happens when the two of you realize that whatever it is between you, could ruin everything?
With slight inspiration from Naked in Manhattan by Chappell Roan since I have had that song on repeat for weeks now. But because the song is dirty....the fic shall be too. We're talking slow burn, we're talking inch away from more than just friends, we're talking smut.
This is my first ever LONG fic for Steve, I think it's at like 12k now and will most likely be around 16k when finished. I love hearing all of your thoughts too!! They mean so much to me!!
Mark your Calendars for March 1 at 5 pm babes !!!
Preview Below!!
“I’m a phenomenal kisser, excuse you.” 
You smiled and nudged her with your elbow. “Sure thing Birdie. You’re def not at the bottom of my list. I think Malcolm is—remember him?” 
Robin burst into laughter. Steve looked between the two of you, extremely confused by the entire situation—it was written all over his face. 
“He used to—” You couldn’t breathe because of how hard you were laughing. The sentence was virtually unfinishable. “He-He would…” You tried to take a few breaths. “He would, uh, spray cologne in his mouth instead of using a mint because he thought that’s what it was for—” 
You and Robin collapsed against one another, back into your fits of laughter. This had Steve cracking up, not just at the fact that this man was stupid, but because you and Robin’s laughs were contagious. 
“She didn’t figure it out until the fourth date.” Robin blurts out, causing you to wipe away the tears in your eyes and shove her slightly. 
“Shut UP. I only kissed him like twice before then and it was just pecks.”
You caught a glance of Steve out of the corner of your eye, and he was looking right at you. Your breath caught in your throat for a moment and the two of you stopped time for a moment. The corner of Steve’s mouth quirked up into a smile before he broke eye contact and looked back at Robin. 
“Wood in the mouth takes a whole new meaning—”
“Oh please. Don’t even start. At least I didn’t date a married woman–” 
Your eyes widened and you looked at Steve. “She didn’t tell you?”
Robin started hitting your arm. “No. I. did. Not!” 
You laughed and used one of your hands to shove hers away from you. “It was like a three month relationship but she realized–” 
Robin shifted tactics and clamped a hand over your mouth so you couldn’t finish the sentence. After a moment she made a gagging sound and quickly pulled her hand away. “Did you just fucking lick my hand?” 
You winked at her and looked back at Steve. “She knew this woman’s wife too. A month into dating Robs found out. Rough semester.” 
“Oh my god. Robin. Who are you? What else have you done that I don’t know about?” 
“That’s it. If you’re going to tell him all of my wrong doings, I’m out.” Robin downed her drink and stood up. She kissed your cheek and grabbed her purse off of the chair she was sitting on. 
“Remember to wear protection there kid.” 
She rolled her eyes and turned towards Steve. “I know I—”
“Robs, seriously, it’s okay. Go have fun. I have been traveling all day. And I don’t mind talking to Y/n—” 
“Unlike someone here I’m not going to abandon you Steve, don’t worry.” 
Steve’s hand rested over his heart. “You’re too kind.”
Robin scoffed, but was smiling the whole time. “Don’t wait up mom. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
And with that, she left you and Steve sitting in the bar.
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koolaidoverliving · 1 month ago
candymaker and their mutual toxicity need to be studied and it will in fact be me who studies it. (they aren't a canon couple in my main AU n all of this is hypothetical LMFAO) (they are def friendly-ish tho ^_^)
candy pop is the optimistic foil to jason. while they've both been through hell and back, jason internalised his bitterness. he's resentful and believes he's incapable of change—not that he wants to admit he's flawed in the first place. on the other hand, candy pop seeks out the good in the world. he's patient, even if NT makes it difficult for him to be, and he advocates for change, pushing jason to be a better man.
their bond started from a deal, but eventually sprouted into a genuine friendship. platonic love. jason hadn't experienced that before. at least not to its truest extent. when he looked at candy pop, he didn't see amelia in him at all. so why did he love him if that wasn't the case?
in any universe where they fall in love, both of them will deny their feelings. but this post isn't abt their tortuously long slowburn, so all i have to say is candy pop's the first person jason had SINCERELY loved. candy pop wanted jason to love him because of that serious hard-to-get personality of his. and it was fun and jokes at first, then it turned into something more.
they're codependent—mostly jason, because again he never loved someone as much as he loves candy pop and he can't bear the thought of losing him. jason is also used to getting his way in relationships. he's manipulative even if he doesn't intend to be. (not that it cancels it out.)
jason is possessive. (in past relationships, he was mostly the one who showed "affection" via gifts and flattery. he did this to keep his chosen ones at bay. so him being on the receiving end means he'll become overly attached.) he hates when candy pop is gone for too long. he hates when candy pop hangs out with other people. he hates knowing candy pop has the OPTION to hang out with other people in the first place. he tries so hard to seize control of candy pop's relationships, but it doesn't work.
candy pop isn't stupid. candy pop knows how to see through his tactics after being with him for decades. this leads to confrontations, then disagreements. but because jason genuinely loves candy pop, he starts putting in effort to change. he's confused when he doesn't argue back against candy pop, but instead takes his words into consideration, without devaluing them. jason has to get used to this. another reason why they're so compatible for each other is that candy pop understands how difficult it is for jason to change his ways. both of them are flawed.
they both go through hella separation anxiety because of their abandonment issues. candy pop leaves for hunts, or to check in on NT's children. it drives jason insane and the first time candy pop left for longer than he expected, he ended up rearranging his entire flat. meanwhile the only time jason is gone is when jason is at work. candy pop does have a problem with clinginess (like obviously he's clingy even when they're not dating), but he doesn't TRY to lose his mind over it. he'll be pacing around, fidgeting with his hair, doing anything to keep his hands occupied. when he's not going through mood switches, he's relatively calm about it. which i think makes sense because he was in a loving and healthy relationship with april fools so he has enough knowledge to know how relationships work. but then when he has intense mood switches it gets all like DO NOT LEAVE ME or WHY DO YOU STAY YOU SHOULD JUST LEAVE ME or I SHOULD KILL MYSELF SO YOU CAN FIND SOMEONE BETTER (EXAGGERATING)
but jason would recognise his episodes. candy pop doesn't willingly act like this. jason's there to help him calm down. even if it means sitting next to him in silence, reassuring him that he's there.
you obviously cannot have a relationship between a man with anger issues and a man with mood issues and not have them both lash out at each other at some point IT DEFINITELY FUCKING HAPPENS and when it does it'll be jason who feels bad because he doesn't want to lose candy pop so he "apologises" for it (he never once uses the word sorry) with a gift or something and candy pop accepts. if jason ever uses the word sorry i imagine it'd be like "i'm sorry you took it that way."
if it's ever candy pop apologising (and he does use the word sorry) i'd imagine jason forgives him and then gets an ego boost afterwards... but like later on this dynamic would change the more candy pop asks for clarity and the more jason realises "no way i actually feel terrible for treating the love of my life that way?" YES IDIOT if you LOVE soMEONE YOU WANT TO TREAT THEM WELL.
i view jason as someone who loves to have control. but as much he loves control, he loves candy pop even more. and he NEEDS candy pop to love him back. he needs to be loved so bad he'll do anything for him. he's so scared of being abandoned. it gets to a point where he's willing to fuck up his life just so that candy pop doesn't leave him—but candy pop would never do anything to hurt jason. candy pop's always telling jason that he's not broken, and that he doesn't need candy pop to fix him. but jason won't come to terms with that. his parents hammered it into his brain that he's broken, and he believes wholeheartedly that candy pop is as broken as him. and that they can fix each other.
(i've had a scene in my head where one day, candy pop breaks down and says "you were right, i am broken" and. deep down, he wants jason to refute that claim. he wants jason to reassure HIM now that he isn't broken. but all jason says is, "it's okay. we can fix each other." and now candy pop's sobbing harder, unsure if he's comforted or horrified. but hey. if they're broken, at least they're broken together!!!)
candy pop has self doubt issues. he often goes through episodes where he believes jason will leave him, because he can't offer more to him. at times, candy pop is avoidant, too, believing jason doesn't love him as anything more than a tool. (NT gave him the ideology that he's really only a sexual object and nothing else.) jason tells him that's not the case, and that candy pop himself is enough. and when jason's going through the same thing—his is more on the "i'm worthless" end—candy pop makes all his strengths apparent.
TLDR: they need to get therapy. i have more to talk about but let's save my ramblings for other posts...... (BTW I THINK THEY'RE GOOD AS A COUPLE OTHERWISE I WOULDN'T SHIP IT.) (CLARIFYING THEY'RE NOT ABUSIVE AND I DON'T SUPPORT ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS SORRY!!!)
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xstarlightxstarbrightx · 1 year ago
Lumi headcanons
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i have dragged myself outta the hell that's been my weekend and have FINALLY cobbled together all of my thoughts abt Lumine,,, it's a lot so bear w/ me bc i love her so so so much. the big list of h/c's: - extroverted lumi,,, - tired older sister / mom of Paimon. Paimon may know more about Teyvat than Lumine does, but Lumine's the one who takes care of Paimon and guides her through the harder things in life; definitely gives the vibes of Paimon being a kid sister and Lumine being very protective of her. somewhat mother but also not??? definitely the adult between the two smh - incredibly smart. very perceptive with a lotta intuition. i mean, you need to be able to be quick on the draw if you're going to be traveling nonstop, y'know?? - paragon Lumi is my roman empire.
- frugal as SHIT, penny pincher extraordinaire. Paimon has yet to find all the emergency funds, and Lumine is adamant on KEEPING it that way. - abandonment issues. listen,,, listen she's got em, we all know she does, and i feel like she gets very attached to people but doesn't really let them know. - stemming from abandonment issues, I feel like she's got this issue of putting the weight of the world on her shoulders? like she cannot let herself feel negative emotions and bottles up a lot of the bad shit she deals with. her belief is that if she's not being a positive force, she's failing everyone around her and they'll one day leave her behind. - adding onto that bit, it definitely shows through the fact that she's not quick to actually anger. like her anger is VERY VERY rare, and usually she's very relaxed and tries to work through things as calmly as possible. - despite lumi being slow to anger, she's def violent in a mischievous gremlin way. definitely gives the vibe of 'u called me short, i am consuming ur knee caps'. But this is more of a bit and something to do as an intimidation tactic for ppl who don't know her, and it feels very accurate tbh - Lumi is bilingual, nothing more needs to be said. - she has scars. like a few of em, too. Mostly from her adventures in Teyvat, since she's less durable than she's used to being??? She has some scars from her fight against Dvalin, a scar or two from fighting Childe, a LOT of scars from Inazuma, as well as scars from using the elements!! - on the topic of scars, i DO believe she has scars from losing her wings in the fight with the Unknown God. and like, this hurts her. she feels such intense guilt over what happened and how she failed to protect her brother. she would gladly boast to you about any of her scars, but if you mention the ones on her back, she gets,,, quiet,,,, - i have done a deep dive dissection of the differences between the twin's elemental animations, and one day i will post that i swear; but for now all imma say is that Lumi struggles w/ Geo element the most. - fear of failure! i mentioned it before, but I personally feel like this has such a huge affect on her? - speaking of fears; CLAUSTROPHOBIA! listen, lumi definitely feels like she'd be claustrophobic, can't handle tight spaces. she also is terrified of the Abyss specifically, but tight spaces? unable to move? feeling trapped???? yeah, she's got that besties. - she feels like such a mom sometimes i s2g. like some of these characters feels like characters she would call her kids teasingly. personally believe Bennett called her "mom" once and he hasn't been able to live it down since b/c she refuses to answer to anything else from him now. - protective Lumi is my favorite, nothing more to add. - Lumine is very dancer-like in a lot of her animations, so me personally i think she would be a good dancer ong. - GOD tiered Cook, she's so fuckin good at that shit, like girl can crack just about any damn recipe she gets.
OKAY,,, I THINK,,,,,,,,,,,, I THINK I GOT THEM ALL DOWN,,,,,,,,,,
this went way longer than i meant, the brain worms ate through my skull and i got very carried away. but also it feels good to have the general gist of it all down,,, my beloved lumine i adore u so so much,,,,
anyway these were my h/c's for Lumi, i'll work on Kaeya next i think b/c i have Many Thoughts (tm) on him. :)c
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horizon-verizon · 5 months ago
Hello, since we were on the topic of Jaehaera, Aegon III and Gaemon. Why do you think Aegon III became best friends with Gaemon, but couldn't stand to be around Jaehaera? Even Essie ''confessed'' that Gaemon was not Aegon II's son, I doubt many people bought it.
Also, the greens scrambled and presented theories that Jaehaera was the mother of Aegon's children (originally) but why the fuck would Aegon III name his firstborn son after Daeron the war criminal? Daeron despite his courtesy and looks, he was just the lesser evil of Aemond. Or how could they explain Jaehaera's daughter naming her son Daemon - after the man who traumatized her mother so?
They cannot accept that the greens' lost. The green stans in general are so... intresting. They hate HotD, but almost everything they love of their faves is HotD only creation, (biggest example is them loving s1e6/7 Alicent even if bookAlicent did not act like that) I sometimes wish they just adapted it as it was, with Alicent ''beefing'' with Rhaenyra, with the greens ALWAYS being the instigators and how pathetic Aegon, Aemond are. They even complain about the dreamer arc which was meant to make Helaena more intresting (even if was badly done)
I answer why he wasn't close to Jaehaera HERE...though I think this should be obvious, no offense.
Why Gaemon? Because Gaemon's parents are not like Jaehaera for the reasons in the post I link above AND Gaemon was the most available. Aegon had no one else who he be able to be intimate with and had an idea of what he went through, as Gaemon's own mother had also been killed/executed by Jaehaera's father Aegon II. Of course, he was also one of the only children around in a regency full of adults who see him as both too much a child and also a "job"; while Gaemon could have perceived Aegon as a king, he was younger than Aegon and thus have less of a real understanding of "king". So Gaemon likely treated him like a companion.
Alicent of s1 episode 6 & 7 def was the closest depiction in all the HotD episodes thus far of how bk!Alicent would act in that she would be hostile towards Rhaenyra, use disguised-barbed words against the elder Rhaenyra before others, and use underhanded tactics at every opportunity.
In the book, she is the one who first calls for any sort of corporal punishment or harm, for Aemond's lost eye. So her raging (verbally) at Rhaenyra--even at Viserys and demanding justice--and losing some composure is fairly canon compliant; it's possible that the book or the observers mitigated what she actually did and whatnot. However, it doesn't seem likely that she would have attacked Lucerys or Rhaenyra directly and physically. Not at this point, or at least convey her rage about Rhaenyra's supposed spoiledness for anyone to hear her. IDK, it could work if there hadn't been that attempt to dole out physical punishment herself, even if one argued she later did with Jaehaera....that was after she lost ALL her kids.
As for episode 6, Alicent being in the council didn't make sense and was not canon compliant. It didn't make sense bc Queen Consorts are never in council unless they are Visenya, Rhaenys, and Alysanne. The first two conquered Westeros alongside Aegon and beyond him and made laws/policies/whole institutions independently of him. Alysanne was someone Jaehaerys always trusted, grew up with, and at least was as interested in the Targaryen dynasty's advancement for its own sake instead of another house' sake, respected for her intellect more than we can say the same between Viserys and Alicent. HotD failed/refused to give a proper explanation as to how/why Alicent, a Queen Consort, and not just Otto--the Hand--was put on the council...esp since Otto didn't have to elevate Alicent into anything at all or encourage her into obedience. He could just tell her what happened at the council after said meetings, as men usually did or are wont to do in such systems. He'd think he was enforcing boundaries of what women should be or not be doing or at least keep up that illusion by keeping Alicent out.
But say IF either GRRM did have bk!Alicent in the council or show!Alicent's journey to become part of or able to be a part of council meetings was shown and justified in HotD. Again, the behavior shown on screen in epi 6 was pretty "accurate" or at least very believable/plausible.
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 5 months ago
How do you think each member would act/behave during a blowjob? e.g. thrusting, being vocal, putting his hand on your head, etc.
This is wiyllt-specific. (Well, you already knew this is my inbox.) I can't really say for people that don't possess my mouth and excessive amount of practice. I am generally adaptable, but I will always lead. They might have the dick but when it comes to dick-sucking they know nothing (unless????). Still, don't distract me during my tongue rituals! >:)
Of course, this is assuming they want and give me consent to blow them.
Kim Namjoon: Would absolutely respect that I'm a master at work creating art on his dick. XD He'd be moderately vocal. Won't touch or move unless I directed him because he knows the importance of consistent rhythm. I could use advanced tactics on him, so more intense and visceral. He would have the patience and appreciation for a slow, soft suck but also could withstand my full force. Maybe not into back-to-back multiple orgasms. But who knows?! Only one way to find out!
Kim Seokjin: Oh, Seokjin. You're so hot and you would be so scared of me. There's no way I can pull out the demon mouth or psycho tonguework until much later. He would be able to sense the danger even if all I did was smile next to his dick. Welp. Extremely vocal. May get concerned calls from neighbors. Might have to slap his hands away. I'm not going to hurt him but I'm not letting him escape either. Slow and steady and with my tongue at a different pace than my mouth. He's not gonna be sure if he wants that intense of a nut again. XD
Min Yoongi: Okay, he's the master of tongue technology, right? We'll see about that. (Don't take that as a threat, pls.) Would enjoy the full service including the balls. Not that vocal but it'll be no mystery on what he likes and doesn't like. I think he'd really like that I barely use my hands while sucking dick. It's pretty impressive. Might take one of my hands and hold it up while I'm going to town to really drive that point home. I usually go all the way down when they cum but occasionally he puts his hand on the back of my head to keep me there. I think he could withstand stimulation right after orgasm. I'd let him slow thrust into my mouth or slowly lick him up.
Jung Hoseok: There's nervous laughter but Hobi already knows (or thinks he knows) what's in store for him. Pretty vocal. "Wow!" 'Woah!" Can already hear it in his voice hehe. He is not prepared for the rollercoaster my mouth is about to put him though. Def not prepared for all the places I'm licking. He's always making sure my hair is not interfering with my (blow)job. So considerate uwu. Shocked with how neat I can be with it and yet it feels so wet. (I have great saliva control, you're welcome Hobi.) Would be more accepting of a messy blowjob if we were in the shower, tho.
Park Jimin: Probably mildly scared of me. But he's not expecting me to be to be all soft and light-hearted, you know. Actually wants me to be freaky with it, so I won't be disappointing. Soft, delicate moans. I think I could instruct him to slap my tongue with his dick for additional visual. Or do it myself. He'd like that. I'll suck the head at the back of my throat at a different pace than the shaft (the demon mouth huhuhu). He might bring his balls up to smack against my chin while I suck him or direct me to do that for him for all-over sensation. He's so helpful. :)
Kim Taehyung: Definitely showing off the mastery of my tongue just so I can hear his voice. What?! You wanna hear it too; don't lie to me! I think it would be fun to smack my cheek with his dick, but Tae is too polite to endorse that (even though he would get harder, hehe). At first, anyway. He would appreciate an elegant visual that I am happy to provide. Not too embellished. He would prefer a slow descent into lust and madness. Sorry, Taehyung, I'm probably taking your soul in the process. You sound too sexy and look too good for me not to.
Jeon Jungkook: Look. You see this blog. I can't stop myself when under the influence of the biggest boba peepers. We know he's got energy to burn. I'm taking him to the brink. He's gonna want me to not hold back because he believes he can take it. (Foolish bunny.) He'll get addicted to the intensity. Loud. He can muffle himself when he wants to but he won't when it feels too fucking good. I'll grab his hips if he starts involuntarily thrusting. (I'll let any of them fuck my face if the vibes are good but JK strikes me as the least able to control himself hahaha.) We are gonna find out if he can cum multiple times in one session. We need to know. How much can you take, Jungkook? Don't worry, you'll get that and more. ;) When he gives me that angry expression, I'll know the nut was insanely good, hehe.
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dappersautismcreature · 1 year ago
i mean, bad did kill and try to kill red a lot on the first day, along with blue team and green team lol. lore-wise, red team don’t like either teams tbh because of that. they hold a grudge lol
yesterday, bad and tubbo came to red’s spawn and tried to kill foolish and baghera (tbh i didn’t watch the full vod so i don’t even know if there was a reason?), and failed. bad begging to spawnkill foolish probs didn’t make him look good either lmaoo
the only reason red is having this temporary alliance with green is to let them have a win which they def deserve. also it makes sense for them to balance the scores since we still don’t know who the cursed team is!
this is just my opinion ^ i mostly main red so hopefully i was able to shine a light as to their motives and why they do see bad the way they do. they very much are roleplaying most of this event, so a majority of the actions taken against them are going to be considered lore n stuff and treated as such
i see the points of lore and roleplay but ok, if you dont know landduo's dynamic (foolish n bad) i think bad would spawnkill him outside of this death game, just for fun, like theyre tom n jerry but they both think its absolutely hilarious. foolish was even like "go ahead dude"
and day two, green found blue's base and plundered it,, blue doesnt have a vendetta against green, not really. red also killed missa yesterday, and almost found their base, they had to hide in a cave.
bad is playing somewhat dirty tactics because honestly his team doesnt have good pvp-ers. like, red has manpower and numbers, plus philza and carre are like, near etoiles level of pvp. lets say if pvp is 1-100, etoiles is 90, and philza is like 80, idk carre very well but hes like 85ish i think. Bad is one of blue's best pvp-ers (i think pac is technically the best on blue, and then tubbo probs) bad is like a 70ish, not as good as people make him out to be, he's better on a team.
because of etoiles, people think that bad is a pvp machine, but like, he's better at the long game. he's better when he can work on a team and figure out long term strategies
so of course him and blue are gonna use 'dirtier' strats because due to numbers and pvp skills they cant take either of the other teams in head on combat. they cant, theyd get blasted.
TLDR: all of this means, basically, i get its rp, but it feels misplaced and unfair. maybe i need to blame the characters ig, i think the hanging onto revenge is one of their worst traits. revenge makes for good rp, i get that, but its not useful for the long term goals of the islanders, imo. plus it makes it hard for bad to go "hey can we hang out?" because he isnt gonna apologize for doing what he did because its wasnt unfairly cruel, esp compared to what red's done. like,, its frustrating.
in rp they can go "you're a monster!" but when qbad just, isnt,, idk how bad's supposed to respond to that, ya know?
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birb--birb · 2 months ago
2, 5, and 11 for dear Savrin!! <3
This answer has been sitting half finished in my drafts for so long oops😅 but thank youuuu I had so much fun thinking about all these little details of my smol Crow lad💜
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word 'friend'?
Fairly strictly when it comes to his own relationships sadly! Savrin knows people, has a lot of acquaintances and some trustworthy sources, but very very few close friends. Someone he thought was a trusted friend fucked him over/sold him out during a contract in his 20's, which ended with him basically left for dead with a very mangled right arm. He's kept people at a wary distance since then, afraid they would find a way to emotionally manipulate him again. After all, every Crow learns to use emotions as a weapon at some point in their training, he just never thought it would be himself on the recieving end of said tactics. So, that kind of lesson impressed on you at a young age, and then having it acted out against you by someone you trust......it uh, isn't great for your psyche. It only got worse when he was given contracts where he had to gain someones trust and manipulate them for info. He very much shut down any idea of connecting with people because a) emotions can be exploited and WOW I have a lot of them I can't let people see this, b) I've been hurt by someone like this before, and c) I'm now doing said hurting to others so d) I don't deserve any kindness or sympathy. He took his anger and fear from the attack/betrayal and it morphed into "I can't trust others, and others shouldn't trust me because I have hurt others in the same way I've been hurt".
It wasn't really till that halfway point in Veilguard when he had to find a way to get the others to be open with him when he realized he needs to be open with them in turn. Bellara was a big help in this, her straightforward nature and openheartedness from the very start invited Savrin to trust her. It was with little things at first, but each time she responded with kindness, he was surprised. I'm pretty sure if there was a dialogue option for "why are you being so nice to me?" he would have picked it lmao In a similar vein, he and Davrin got along well enough, but after Weisshaupt when they had the "Grey Wardens have an expiration date" convo, Savrin was like "ooooohhh I know that feeling... if you trust me enough to share this, I think I'm safe to share the same back". They defs became good friends, trusted hunting and drinking buddies to the point that he was with Savrin during most of the end-game content.
(1000% they'd be partners in another life I'm like so certain of this, but in this timeline Savrin needed Davrin to be his friend, a solid, reliable person he could lean on that would be honest with him when he needed it. He was someone that helped teach Savrin to trust in people again........I'm also just realizing their names are literally one letter off each other asdkjdgfh).
I could write another 10000 words about how Emmrich showing Savrin the kindness he didn't think he deserved changed the way he thinks about people and friends, but oops this is already long enough😅 Emmrich being kind and empathetic to everyone without fear of it being used against him, and just being a genuinely good human without sinister motives or expecting anything in return was something Savrin forgot was possible. Emmrich made him kinder again.
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
He used to be able to as a kid, was very handy to get out of trouble from guards when you're just a cute lil elf kid with big sad puppy-dog eyes crying about how his momma just got sent away and now he has to live with his big mean uncle (Viago) lmaooo. But as an adult unfortunately not.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Oooh I've got two thoughts about this. I feel like as a Crow, he was likely taught to create a passcode/secret in case of an instance like this. An easy answer is to ask an imposter Savrin is "when did your mother die" because the real Savrin would angrily demand that she is NOT dead, he knows she's still alive, and he WILL find her.
A funny one is to ask how his magic manifested. He was like, 11 or 12 and woke up with the most static-filled bedhead, and everytime he touched something it zapped him, or he zapped whoever he was touching. He was literally like one of those electrostatic shock machines you see at science museums, it drove him bonkers! The zaps were annoying, the clothes sticking to him was annoying, and his hair was everywhere and he couldn't stand it, he was like 2 seconds away from shaving his head to get it to stop lmao luckily one of the older Crows saw him marching to a bathroom with scizzors and stopped him, instead teaching him different ways to keep his hair tied back to keep it under control. He had dexterous lil lockpick fingers so braiding was easy for him to learn. It's one of those super clear childhood memories for him hehe
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300iqprower · 1 year ago
Hypothetical Rank Ups No. 89-92: Bedivere
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New Passive:
Caretaker (Camelot) B
While on the field: - Increase buff success rate for all [KOTRT] allies by 20%. - Increase HP Recovery for all other [KOTRT] allies by 20%.
As Camelot's official team mom steward and personal caretaker to the King themselves, Bedi's definitely gonna need a few automatic benefits if they want to wrangle a group as dysfunctional as that lot. To that end we're giving a buff to all KOTRT healing while Bedi's on the field. They're not going to be gaining any direct healing effects, but this will increase anyone else's healing, be it a fellow knight or a third party providing the heals - from Barghest's buff devouring to Merlin's regen to any non-knight providing support. Though, running around caring for a group like that doesn't leave Bedi with much time to look after himself, so while there's no demerits involved, don't expect the steward himself to benefit from the extra healing. As for the Buff Success Rate, while none of the KOTRT normally have chance based skills, this will act a niche shielding against anyone who would LOWER their otherwise normal success rates, be it something like a unique/situational boss debuff or, more realistically, a certain Moth's pettiness. (Plus who knows, maybe i have some WIP ideas about conscripting temporary KOTRT members who would find buff success rate much more directly useful)
Knight's Tactics B -> Knight’s Tutelage B
Increase NP Strength for all allies (3 turns). Increase NP Gain for all allies (3 turns). Increase DEF for all [Chivalrous] allies (3 turns). [10-20%] Increase ATK for all other [KOTRT] allies (3 turns). [5-15%]
A model knight in most every regard, Bedivere not only supports his allies, but inspired his fellow knights. Chivalrous allies take their duty to protect more seriously, and his fellow Round Table members in particular especially benefit from this coordination. for other knights, works even more efficiently with the KOTRT who cover one another's strengths and weaknesses (even if as their support he's not exactly leading the charge). Simple as that!
Calm and Collected B -> B+
Increase own NP Gauge by 30%. Increase own Mental Debuff Resist (3 turns).^ Apply Buff to self: Increase NP Gauge for all [KOTRT] allies every turn (3 turns). [2-8%] Applies "gain 4 Crit Stars per turn" to all [Chivalrous] allies (3 turns).
If it wasn't obvious yet, there's something of a theme here in wrangling other knights into doing their job properly. Well, case in point, Calm and Collected is Bedivere doing exactly that as he calms himself and collects his allies, providing moral support to fellow chivalrous types, and going even further to accommodate his comrades from Camelot. This not only only keeps the instincts of his allies well honed, but brings out the Knights of the Round's greatest strength and source of their legend: Unity. Not only does Bedivere embolden the feats of all KOTRT, but the more knightly allies at his side, the more honed their attacks. IE more crit stars. (...That said, unity implies looking out for Bedi as much as his allies, so don't go thinking you can or should just send Bedi out to pop the skill and die, because that NP Regen is going with him if you do.)
Oath of Protection B -> B+++
Increase DEF by 30% for all allies (1 turn). Increase Debuff Resist for all allies (1 turn). Apply Target Focus to self if there is an [Arthur] ally (3 times, 3 turns). Apply Delayed On-Death Buff (1 turn). - Restore HP for all other allies. [1000-4000] - Increase NP Overcharge Level for all [KOTRT] allies (1 time). [1 stage at level 1-3, 2 stages at level 4-5, 3 stages at level 6-8, 4 stages at level 9+]
Enough about what kind of person Bedi is in general though, lets get into the things truly specific to him...even if that means acknowledging his failings as well. Arthur's steward, he's the first to defend his King, but....well, it's fleeting to say the least as something of a legacy to the incident at the lake. Rather than 3 turns of Target focus, Bedivere gains 3 Single Target charges of Target Focus. To remind you, Target Focus Charges are used up when any single target attack or debuff is used. Thankfully, Bedivere's new max of 50% defense up between his S1 and S3 means he can tank very well when optimized, and his debuff res is pretty damn well off too. However, should both those things fail him and he ends up falling the very same turn, it'll clear a path for his allies much like a certain Gudaguda flower of war. At it's absolute max potential, this sacrifice will bring the wrath of the entire round table down on the fool who struck him down.
EX Rankup:
Switch On - Airgetlám C+ -> EX-
Ignore an enemy's Anti-Enforcement Defense buffs (1 turn). [Activates first] Deal damage to a single enemy. Deal 150% extra Special Attack damage to enemies who are both [Knight or Cavalry class] and [Threat to Humanity]. Removes a single enemy's Invincibility buffs. Reduce your Max HP by 2000 (5 turns). [Demerit] <Overcharge> Increase your Buster effectiveness (1 turn). [Activates first]
This one's pretty self explanatory, and probably completely unnecessary for the most part given Bedi's already seen as having a really good budget ST NP, but there's just too much potential given the whole role he played in Camelot for me to not give it SOMETHING. I was really on the fence about making "Anti Purge Defense a thing" thing since Purge Defense is, itself, a bad solution to how ubiquitous Anti Invincibility has become, but i figured if there was EVER going to be someone who deserved it it'd be the slayer of Rhongomyniad. Plus, unlike Ignore Invincibility, anti purge defense would have no overlap with Invincible let alone evade. The invincibility removal grants a degree of utility but is mostly flavor since...well, unlike the Anti Enforcement ignore, it activates after, meaning if you didnt already have Ignore Invincible you'll be doing no damage with the NP. On top of all that, it's especially effective on story bosses, since that's pretty much the only time we see non-extra class enemies with the Threat to Humanity trait. No prizes though for guessing which particular threat to humanity goddess from the main story this is meant for. Of course, the massive burst in power comes with a similar story based penalty, with each use of Airgetlám draining Bedivere life force.
....So yeah! I dont know why this one took me so long to write up when in hindsight it's pretty damn straightforward where most if not all the effects are coming from. I admit though that's the last time I leave which one is next up to a vote because now I not only need to post Phantom and Sanson's rework, but after Summer 6 i'm dying to post Blackbeard's sweep of rank ups too-
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(also I used official arts this time not because I'm too lazy to find fitting art like i usually do, but because Bedi's official art always goes hard)
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ladyseidr · 1 year ago
happy sinday here's the flirtation headcanon post which def has some suggestive themes lmao. some aren't exclusively abt flirting but who cares lmao
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very good at flirting, but maybe a little blunt for some people's taste
knows what she wants and isn't afraid to say it
absolutely will speak French if she thinks sb will find it attractive
big physical flirter—both in a body language sense and in a touch sense ( def has this in common with my william )
technically uses flirtation to keep her distance at times. she doesn't have trust issues per say ( er. well. unless it's post-divorce lmao ) but she has a habit of hesitating to commit at the start of a relationship. she will blow off questions of dating / etc with noncommittal flirting at first
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cannot start a flirtation with a stranger to save his life
however: if sb else starts flirting with him, he can usually match the energy and actually isn't a bad flirt
gets significantly better at flirting with sb he has an established relationship with. he loves good flirty banter with someone
loves a good flirtation mind game. he won't initiate one, but he will play into it HARD. yes, it is unhealthy. yes, he does know that. no, he had no plans on changing
will use jealousy and / or challenging his partner as a flirtation tactic "against" them ( if relevant ). not in an immoral way ( as in, he's not going to actually flirt with someone else or something shitty like that ), but he will like. bring up that someone hit on him for literally no reason other than to make his partner jealous and hopefully get fucked out of his mind
( which is to say, yes, jealousy turns him on. and also he himself is extremely jealous, though he tries to hide it if it's uh. not a welcome trait lmao )
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seriously. loves joke flirting and just very playful flirting in general
not afraid to get blunt with it, lbr. if it's cool, she is going to joke abt ur muse sitting on her face and then, ideally, will follow through with the idea dsfkdshfkal
very charming smile ( literally this is genetic because i have said this about hers, william's, and michael's. singular positive af.ton family trait lmaoooo ) and she uses it
abso-fucking-lutely uses the fact that she's an artist and "you're the perfect muse, can i draw you?" as a flirtation. but also like she genuinely means it every time fdkhfakshdja
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literally loves nothing more than hitting sb with a hugely obvious flirtation out of nowhere
if he's flirting and sb doesn't realize?? he is not afraid to literally point it out.
also loves humor as flirting
enjoy giving compliments sm like appearance, skills, personality—it's all fair game
will interrupt ( mild ) bickering with some dumb shit like "god just kiss me already" and not only does it diffuse the situation, it sometimes actually works lmao
despite his own style of flirting, can and will get very sweetly flustered over sb he likes flirting with him unexpectedly
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another case of humor for flirting lmao
literally has no qualms abt calling someone hot to their face with absolutely no warning, but in such a weirdly casual way that it won't always be clear whether they're flirting or not ( they are )
despite that, he's very attracted to personality and if he likes someone's personality he becomes much more obviously flirtatious
will back off flirting if he doesn't get a positive response after the first attempt, which can technically backfire if the person doesn't recognize it and / or is just shy. likes clear reciprocity.
their love language is quality time so like. if they're hanging around a lot, they've probably got a crush <3
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Flirting With Anxiety ( tm ) dskhsfdkshsaj
no but like literally Won't flirt with sb unless she's 100000% sure they're interested in her. or, like. . . flirts so mildly that it's not recognizable as flirting ( meeeeee )
will blush when flirted with or when flirting herself. literally so easy to read that it hurts and i love that for her
early on / with new ppl will not have quick responses to flirting and will be way more prone to just like. laughing and blushing.
in an established relationship, definitely gets better at flirting and can develop quite a playful flirting style because she feels more confident
honestly if she's acting visibly shy, she likely has a crush / is in the presence of a pretty woman
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lleldey · 2 years ago
what would the broken vow jk do if reader was pregnant with her “affairs” baby? 👀
First of all, I’m sorry for answering so late! A lot was going on in my life at the time, hope you can understand; even more so, this is a very interesting ask, so I wanted to give it the attention it deserved!
This story arc could’ve very well happened, at that point Tae and MC were married for a while, both reaching the age when one typically starts thinking about extending their family, and even on top of that - Tae is very family-oriented in TBV
If MC was pregnant, it would’ve put a lot of pressure on all of the characters;
MC would definitely push back on JK’s manipulation a lot more, I can’t see her willingly hiding the information from Tae, or if she was far along, I can’t see her shutting Tae out of the babies life. It’s hard to say she wouldn’t succumb under JK’s pressure either way, because the manipulation tactics he’s using against her are way over her head, and there’s honestly not a lot she’s able to do against them, aaand on top of that she’d feel even more guilty, because JK would be struggling to the max
Tae wouldn’t back down either, if his child is involved - he’s fighting through blood and tears, but then again we’re once more met with the question - what are they even able to do against JK’s manipulation? Not a lot. I still see MC ending up with JK, but there would be the additional problem of them seeing Tae all the time, which would cause JK to go completely delulu
I’ve talked a bit more about this in previous asks, but even without the baby, JK is acting as if the last years haven’t happened, as if everything’s back to normal and there was no ‘hiccup’ on the road. He would definitely convince himself the child is his, teaching them to call him ‘dad’, and knowing the power his family holds, the child is spending most of its time at their house, so they would consider JK as the father.
Knowing how ‘pushy’ Tae and MC would be, Tae is def hanging around, which would make JK’s insecurities and fears take ahold; he’d try to ruin Taes career and reputation, so he’d get the full custody of the child - doing everything in his power to minimalise Taes involvement to the point where he’s completely shut off. But that wouldn’t be easy as fights with MC would arise, unless he digs out some sort of information on Tae that would make him look awful in MC’s eyes - knowing him, that would be the card he plays out 🤷🏼‍♀️
In short - JK’s doing everything in his power to shut-off Tae and take his place
Hope this answered your question! Thank you for the ask, hope you stick around ! 🤓
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over-the-time-flow · 2 years ago
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Back to where we left off, Raul makes sure to retaliate against the Doga who gave us the opportunity to exposit on game mechanics.
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The Geara Dogas marching to their death at the hands of Bright net him a couple kills, and a level up! Now he can Support Defend twice per turn, and more importantly, he gets Accel (加速, this unit can move 3 tiles farther for this turn only)! This will make lugging the Ra Cailum (and any units within it) around the map much easier.
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Meanwhile, Raul scores another counterattack kill. Bueno.
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This turn, the Neo Zeon's commanders start to move, and Rezin aims straight for Kayra.
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Luckily Raul is there to pay back the favor from earlier, and Kayra even manages to get a good hit in against Rezin. But at the start of our next turn...
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Enemy reinforcements! And what's more, a red Mobile Suit...!? (ignore the fact that they all look red due to how GBA SRW games handle faction colors)
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Amuro: "Char!" Char: "Amuro!"
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Raul is amazed the leader himself would come out onto the battlefield so early. Though he could certainly make a splash by shooting him down, that's much easier said than done.
Amuro demands Char explain why he would do this. The man he knows wouldn't endanger so many innocent lives for his political ends! But Char is unshaken; it is Amuro who refuses to recognize the complacency and selfishness of those who still live on Earth. They are pests, and Char means to exterminate them.
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Butting into their quarrel, Gyunei tries to tell Char he can handle it here without his assistance, but Char won't let him underestimate the Londo Bell forces.
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Since all the attacks from last turn left Bright in the yellow, i have him cast Guts (ド根性, heals this unit's HP completely) .
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Then, with the Particle Cannon's whopping 4-8 Range, i get to take a potshot at this Geara Doga. If Bright had Strike, we could attempt to hurt Rezin some, but at a 59% hitrate it's just not worth the risk of missing and wasting the costly EN price.
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Amuro moves to the front (just in range to counterattack against Char if needed), and takes a bite out of a Geara Doga.
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In a moment of tactical genius, i decide that i want to thin Gyunei's HP... so i might as well use Kayra, since she has Strike! I use her repair kit to make sure she doesn't get one-shot in return.... and then i didn't cast Indomitable (不屈) to reduce Gyunei's damage to 10. Still, surely that's not an issue. She's getting Amuro's friendship bonus, and she might even activate Shield Def-
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...ruh roh.
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Realizing my blunder, i try and place Raul next to her to attempt to protect her next turn. And while he's already here, might as well and hit Rezin with the Cosmodriver's melee move, the High-Frequency Sword.
You may find it to be a tad more elaborate than the Beam Saber's animation.
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Despite my anxiety over Kayra, the Enemy Phase starts out rather uneventful. Bright and Amuro get some more retaliation kills.
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But the real trouble starts when the bosses get their move. Smarter than the goons' AIs, they can smell blood in the water and that blood has Kayra's name written on it like a geeky high schooler's underwear in an 80s teen movie.
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Gyunei's funnels have a 90+ hitrate on her even if she dodges, and she's got Raul as protection, so i thought i might as well make use of Strike's lingering effect to get another hit in on Gyunei.
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It's basically a coinflip, but Kayra just needs to dodge this and we'll be fine. Char will go for Amuro, and then i can shove her into the Ra Cailum.
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Fortune smiles upon us, and i wipe a cartoonishly large sweat bead off of my brow.
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See, not only did i think Char's AI would prioritize Amuro, i honestly thought she wasn't even within range of his Bits. WHOOPS!!
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It's a worse deal than Rezin's, but the distance accuracy debuffs are in our favor here. A dodge rate of 43% isn't high, but it isn't low either. And more importantly, as the great philosopher Kotaro Taiga once put it, PERCENTAGES ARE JUST SUGGESTIONS; COURAGE WILL MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE! VICTORY GOES TO THOSE WITH
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cosmics-beings · 2 years ago
I personally think that TFP made people care MORE about the abuse Starscream went through. I "blame" it for people not shipping Megatron and Starscream as much or going after megastar shippers because of the abuse. I think some shows make it funny, but Prime def didn't because people can't ship megatron and starscream without people mentioning the abuse. or at least fans don't make fun of it
I agree to an extent, my personal opinion tho is that prime did make it funny. Because it's used in mostly humorous undertones in tfp or at the very least, written in ways where it's made to seem that starscream 'deserves' it? like it is never actually tied to his trauma or how he acts, and the other characters just don't give him grace/nuance. i do agree tho that i think tfp has changed how some fans view starscreams' abuse, and even if it isn't a ton, i think it's enough to actually start conversation. because as many people as i've seen take it seriously, i've also seen people mock him for it, because i personally do not think tfp does a great job at handling his abuse. especially with how he interacts with other characters and how he is never seen as a victim. the way tfp has him, ESPECIALLY in predcaons rising he imo is seen as worse than megatron and the other cons.
now, moving on to megastar. i'm gonna state this - i get why people don't like megatstar and im not gonna fault anyone for not liking it. like, i ship it (it is my transformers otp- and i will not stop shipping it!) but i do realize why people don't like it. but i guess for me, i ship it in a way that addresses a lot of the abuse and makes it comfortable for me to ship it because clearly, on this blog, it's obvious i hate the abuse starscream goes through. that said yeah i dont mind if people, especially starscream fans don't ship it. and i don't really engage with a lot of megastar content because personally, i don't like how there is a lot of abuse in the ship. this also isn't me saying my view is better or right compared to others, i just don't like engaging with the vast majority of megastar content because a lot of it is heavily abusive.
my issue is when 1.) those people are very hateful to the shippers nad harass them and 2.) don't like megatstar on the basis of it being abusive and then go and ship other equally abusive ships.
i like megaop, but when i see people turn their nose to megatstar but ship megaop, that's strange to me, because how megaop is presented it is also toxic and abusive in many canons - on both ends. TFP is a very great example of it- if the orion pax episode was not enough, the fact that megatstar in tfp, but in multiple contuinities will purposely hurt people optimus loves just because he knows impacts him, are abusers tactics. abusers will hurt people they know their partners love. never mind the fact that there is physical abuse on both ends, even if they are fighting.
and there is still, again, depending on the contiuinity, a power imbalance. megatron was a slave in some versions to start off with, and confided a lot in optimus about wanting liberation and freedom. optimus listened and learned under him and then betrayed him at the very end, becoming a prime and taking the position and liberty that megatron needed. that immediately put optimus at a place of privilege and power over megatron, and put him in the same level/caste of people who enslaved him. and more than often optimus never actually realizes this. it may not seem like abuse to a lot of others but the dynamics of slavery/privileged person to me, are kind of uncomfortable. and never mind the fact that they both try to kill each other, they both beat each other, they both hurt those close to one another. they do terrible things to each other. maybe the idea is that 'they can fight back against each other fairly, so it's not abuse' or their friends, to lovers, to enemies dynamic is too strong for people to call it abusive. but i mean yeah that's my issue.
if you're not gonna ship megastar because of the abuse, that's fine. but maybe leave megastar shippers alone i guess, stay out of the tags, and if you ship other abusive ships but preach about how problematic megastar is im looking at you sideways!
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justmanic03 · 11 months ago
Amethyst - Chapter thirty-eight
Champion Flossi sent out Espeon!
"Behold! This victory shall be the richest jewel in my crown!" Flossi yelled out loud as we both sent out our first Pokemon.
I decided to open up this bottle with Zelda, as she was by far the most durable Pokemon I had. I was essentially walking into this battle blindfolded, as I had no idea what kind of mechanical devices I was up against. This Espeon appeared larger than the average, however, did not seem as though it had been mechanically altered in any way, so I decided to take it as I saw it. Its beady red eyes bore into those of my Milotic, ready to pounce.
"Zelda, use Protect!"
Zelda protected itself!
"Ganymede! Use Psychic Clank!" Flossi ordered.
Damn... this was a move I hadn't heard of before. It was obviously one of Flossi's inventions. A yellow-orange whirlpool began growing and oscillating from beneath the Pokemon, before it leapt and charged at Zelda.
Zelda was unable to protect itself and got hurt!
I smacked my palm against my forehead, wishing I had anticipated this.
"I should've expected you'd be using dirty underhanded tactics!" Lisa snapped from behind me, causing Flossi to smirk smugly.
Zelda used Hydro Pump!
It started to rain!
"Oh no, my blessed furnishings are getting wet!" Flossi squealed, although it was hard to tell whether she was being serious or sarcastic. The move itself reduced the HP of Flossi's Espeon slightly, however, its Sp Def was extremely high, as could be expected from the strongest Champion in Taldourse history.
Ganymede used Psychic!
I raised my eyebrows proudly as the move didn't seem too effective against Zelda due to her also having a remarkable Sp Def. This visibly irked my opponent, and she snapped her fingers as a result.
Zelda used Waterfall!
This move was slightly more effective, and Ganymede's HP was now only three-quarters of what it was.
"Come on Y/N! You can do this!" Danny cheered from behind me.
"Yeah! The moron is right for once!" Lisa added. I could almost see Danny roll his eyes at her comment, however, I elected to remain as firmly focused as was possible.
Ganymede used Psychic Terrain!
But it failed!
"YESSSS!" Mackenzie yelled in the loudest tone I'd ever heard from him as Flossi's Ganymede fainted and Zelda wiggled her fishy body in victory.
"Hmmm... he was always the laziest," Flossi stated, trying to mask her humiliation as much as possible.
Flossi sent out Nova!
I decided to keep Zelda on the frontline, who blinked in response to seeing the signature sheen coming from Flossi's shiny Hatterene.
Nova used Hyper Beam!
Zelda fainted!
"Loss of composure for just a second can be fatal." Flossi commented, sporting an evil grin. However, this grin quickly dissipated and was replaced by a hollow expression. "My dear Kossi learned that the hard way the day he was brutally murdered..."
Go! Stalagus!
Stalagus and I were breathing in perfect sync with one another, as he whistled his signature call out sound. Nova's psychic energy had began to permeate the air and was gradually confusing everything.
"G-guys... what are we doing here, again?" Danny asked, his voice a little slurred.
"Mark my words, the Corrupt Four are going to atone for what they did. And if I have to kill you all first, then so be it."
I winced as the pink mist shrouded my eyes, slightly blurring mine and my Pokémon's vision, which lowered his accuracy.
"Come on, Flossi, this isn't the answer!" Mackenzie protested. "We've all had unfortunate things happen to us at the hands of other people! You don't have to do this!"
"Shut up, would you?!" The angry psychic shouted back.
"He's right though," I interjected, whilst simultaneously signalling for Stalagus to use a protective move against the vicious Hatterene. "Do you really think Kossi would've wanted all this?"
Upon hearing the name of her late husband, Flossi froze for a brief second, her hand in front of her chest. It was almost as if I had triggered something within her. Yet, she quickly shook her head and snapped out of it, continuing on with her long-standing ruthless facade. "Kossi would be proud of me for my prowess and strength! Besides I'm the only one fighting for his justice! I'm the only one fighting to keep his legacy alive!"
"There are so many other ways you can keep his legacy alive other than fighting!" Mackenzie argued.
"Don't waste your time trying to reason with a psychopath. Just knock her down!" Lisa interjected.
"Guys... I don't feel so good..." Danny mumbled from behind. I sharply turned my head before Mackenzie spoke up. "I'll see to him, Y/N. Just concentrate on the battle."
The second I turned around, Stalagus was fainting and dissolving back into his Pokeball. I mentally cursed at myself as I had not been paying attention. Flossi crossed her arms victoriously; she had seized the upper hand whilst I had been distracted.
The mist disappeared from the battlefield!
You're in charge, Umbreon!
Much to my relief, my trusty Opaquian Umbreon beat the shiny Nova down to the ground in one fell swoop of Dark Pulse.
Nova fainted!
"Hmph. This is getting boring now. Think it's time I brought the Big Boys out to play." Flossi commented.
Flossi sent out Armarouge!
"Master... dinner!" The creature croaked.
"How do you get Pokemon to talk? It's so creepy." Lisa proceeded to ask.
"Simple. Just extract and centrifuge some of their DNA, fuse it with cells from ancient Paldean specimens, then transfer it back in via an electrolyte." Flossi stated, as if it was not one of the most convoluted things ever. She was doing it on purpose, to make us feel stupid in hopes of throwing me off. I grimaced, although I didn't let her science jargon throw me off.
"Alright Maverick, use Blazing Billows!"
"Watch it!" I screamed instinctively.
Umbreon moved in time via your shout!
"Whew... is it getting hot in here or is it just me?" Danny asked, his tone somewhat dazed.
"Thanks, Captain Obvious." Lisa mumbled in response.
"I can't make sense of this, Flossi." Mackenzie continued.
"My father always said simple-mindedness was a disease." She spat back.
"I don't mean the science. I mean you." Mackenzie continued.
"It's pretty simple. My husband was killed and the perpetrators haven't seen justice. Not sure what's so hard to fathom."
"But you ran away from Team Moon." Mackenzie responded. "You always spoke out about how much you hated the way they manipulated Pokémon's DNA and move pool. Why go back to it after all those years?"
Maverick used Psychock!
It's not very effective...
"Argh!" Flossi screamed out in frustration, her tensions reaching as high as the room's temperature. The reflection of the flames emanating from her Armarouge flickered in her eyes. She was troubled and lost. "MAVERICK USE PSYSHOCK AND ACTUALLY MAKE IT WORK THIS TIME!!!"
Maverick used Psychock!
It's not very effective...
Umbreon's HP was in the red zone, yet he was still hanging in strong.
"You didn't answer my question!" Mackenzie interjected. "Why did you go back to your evil roots?!"
"Because this is the only way I can take my power back, okay? Engineering and type manipulation, it's what I was bred to do, and it's literally all know!" She yelled out in response, although she immediately grimaced, knowing she'd accidentally revealed too much.
"I hate to say, but that kinda makes sense," Danny said.
"I knew you were an idiot but come on, Danny, you can't actually be serious right now!" A confused Lisa snapped. "Mackenzie will you stop being nice to her! She just said she wanted to KILL us, for Arceus' sake!"
"That's not exactly what she said," I corrected. "But don't worry! I won't allow that to happen!" I turned back to Flossi, whose crown was glistening in the flames. "Stop this now, Flossi. You don't need to hurt anyone!"
Another tear left her eye. Her face began to twitch ever so slightly, causing her to turn away and hide it. I used this opportunity to sneak in an attack on her Pokemon.
Umbreon used Dark Pulse!
It's super effective!
Maverick fainted!
"Yesss! Keep going, Y/N." Mackenzie cheered from the side.
I turned to face him, speaking quietly, "Keep on speaking to Flossi, too. I think she's about to reach her breaking point." He nodded in acceptance, although I could sense the hesitation in his eyes. Flossi was, after all, the most dangerous woman in Taldourse, and right now, also the most enraged.
"M-master... d-dinner..." the Armarouge stuttered as it disappeared back into its Pokeball.
"Look what you've done now!" Flossi freaked out, gesturing towards Maverick's luxury ball. "I hope you're very proud of yourself, Y/N."
"Yeah, and I hope YOU are too, you absolute freak!" Lisa yelled back. "You're pathetic, Freya. Pathetic. Just let it go!"
Flossi scoffed in response. "Hmph. As insufferable as you are, even I wouldn't tell YOU to just 'let it go' if you'd endured twenty-four years of pure suffering."
Flossi sent out Optimus!
"Optimus, please, seal justice for my beloved Kossi! Use Ice Beam!"
"YEEES MAASSSTEEERRR!" The giant psychic-dragon churned in response.
Optimus used ice beam!
Umbreon avoided the attack!
As Umbreon swiftly dodged yet another incoming attack, the Ice Beam unfortunately failed to stop, and instead continued shooting across the large hall room. Optimus' attack radius was far, far greater than any Pokemon I'd ever witnessed before, and disastrously so, it hurtled its attack straight into Danny's chest.
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" A piercing scream ensued which shook the ground beneath us.
"DANNY!" I yelled as I ran further from Flossi right to my rival's side. Lisa and Mackenzie also did so, and we all knelt down beside Danny, who had collapsed onto his back at this point, completely unconscious.
"DANNY!" I cried, my entire body shaking in anxiety as I tried to awake my rival to no avail.
Lisa grabbed his head and shook it violently, "WAKE UP, YOU DARN IDIOT! You're scaring even me now!" She growled.
"Lisa don't do that. Last thing he needs is additional head trauma." Mackenzie interjected, frantically reaching into his backpack and whipping out a First Aid kit. I furiously turned back around, and Flossi was just standing there, her arms crossed, and Optimus floating above her. My entire body seethed with rage.
"If you've hurt my best friend in ANY way, I swear to Arceus I will END you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Flossi just smirked at this point. "I told you that you'd run into trouble if you ever messed with me."
"Right, that's it! I don't feel sorry for you any more! Umbreon, use Foul Play!"
Flossi's brow raised as a supereffective critical hit was landed on her beloved Optimus, sapping its HP by more than half. Although she was trying her best to seem unfazed by the hit she had accidentally landed on Danny, her body was also shaking at this point. I heard Mackenzie order Lisa to call for help on her Rotom phone, as he tended to an unconscious Danny with his medical supplies. I knew I had to subdue Flossi to stop her from hurting anyone else.
Optimus used Earthquake!
Umbreon fainted!
As I prepared to send out my next Pokemon, Sylveon, I heard a concerned Optimus speak up to its master. "Optimus hurt Miscreant Danny... Optimus is a bad boy... Master Freya help miscreant..."
"Shut it and do your job! Don't turn on me now!" She barked back in response.
Sylveon used Dazzling Gleam!
It's supereffective!
Optimus fainted!
Flossi sent out Metagross!
"Where is he! What's happening?" Another voice cried out. I turned around to see none other than Louis, Seraphina, Clyde and Crystal running into the hall and straight over to where Danny was lying.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Corrupt Four themselves. Thought you'd show up sooner." Flossi sneered.
"What have you done to him?!" Louis demanded.
Flossi shrugged. "He got in my way."
"You never learn, do you?!" Crystal scowled at Flossi before learning over to tend to Danny.
"Makes my life a lot easier. Means I can finish you all right where you stand!" Flossi announced, before throwing out yet another luxury Pokeball.
Metagross used Take Down!
Sylveon fainted!
"Come on, Flossi. Stop. This isn't you." Clyde said as he stepped up alongside Mackenzie.
"Shut up, fairy freak! YOU are responsible for this!" Flossi shrieked as she gestured towards Clyde, Louis behind him, and to the two elite females and Lisa, who were forming a barrier with their hands outstretched around Danny.
I knew time was of the essence. Danny was not showing any signs of waking up, and Flossi was a ticking time bomb. It was only a matter of time until someone ended up dead. Upon realising this was literally a life-or-death situation, I hastily retrieved Lily' Pokeball from my belt, and spoke, "Lily, please save Danny!"
Lily used Titanium Glade!
It was moderately effective against the pseudo-legendary.
"Yes come on, Y/N! You got this!" Louis encouraged.
Metagross used Meteor Mash!
This was also moderately effective against Lily, who retained around 75% of her HP following this attack.
"Clyde's right! You're destroying yourself, Flossi! Is this really how you want to be remembered?!" Mackenzie interjected.
She shook her head vehemently. "It matters not how people remember me. Not anymore. The only person in the world who ever loved me is gone. Without Kossi, there is no Flossi..." her voice trailed away.
"This is where all of us come to our end."
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yeyinde · 2 years ago
hi 🥹🫶 ily. i have a question for riptide; is the "Price calls it, has known since Mesaieed" part meaning that price had speculated that one of the guys would eventually hook up with Nile? or that he suspected one of the guys was already with Nile? im sry. im kind of dumb lol. hope it's ok to ask 🫶
hi, op!!! no worries at all and you can def ask whatever you want! 🖤
there is more to it, but i was worried it was getting too big for tumblr, so i cut a lot of it out. i posted the full version on AO3 but never got around to adding it here as i wasn't sure if anyone would care since it's just ?? extra?
but here it is:
—Price calls it, has known since Mesaieed. He'd bet on Gaz, maybe even Soap. It never crosses his mind to think of Simon. And then the building is on fire. No way out. He's never seen Simon snap at the men around him, demanding answers. He shoves a militant into the wall, knife against his jugular. His voice gravel. He uses torture and interrogation tactics to get you out alive.
—then he cracks a joke when they listen to you and Gaz gasp, and wheeze, the fumes close to smothering you both on the line. A live feed to your deaths. It jars them all. Sits with them. They’ll carry it, Price knows. But no one will shoulder it all more than him.
—Soap doesn't need to be asked. He springs, gear already on. Price follows suit.
—get them outta there! is the bellow that follows.
—and then the plane. He looked his comrade in the eye, and saw a warning: don't.
—you walked away, and Simon's stare didn't leave your back. Don't, indeed. He wonders if it was meant more for himself.
—gone. Dunno where. Just… gone. It's all they had. Phone calls unanswered. Line dead. Signal wiped from the grid.
—sent on a mission… went a little… sideways. That's all Shepherd says. He'd seen Simon lose people. Saw his own choice get someone killed—many people killed. A hazard in this line of duty. Watched him shoulder the blame and become colder. Distant. A lone wolf. He'd never seen him this angry before.
—not good enough!
—he's a soldier first. The mission comes, it's shelved. They carry the brunt of you with them but they focus. Dutiful. Price doesn't bring up the hole in the wall, the perfect replica of Simon's fist.
—and then: alive, Laswell breathes. In the hospital. An injury. Got shot. Simon's eyes don't waver from the report. From Laswell. Something breaks.
—it’s Soap who says, I’ll kill him.
—An inch. That’s all. Ghost stands from the table; the first to leave.
(on the table, his glass sits. a crack running down the middle.)
—where are you headed?
—Simon's gaze didn't leave the window. Wales.
—when Price looks down, his phone shows a map to Porthmadog.
—here, he hands him a set of keys. Got a Jeep stowed in Cardiff. Will get you there quicker.
—he'd have bet money on everyone but Simon. But thinking about it now, it was obvious from the start.
("Sierra Leone. Wanna take Gaz with you–"
"No. I'll take the rookie.")
basically, the reaction from Ghost when Nile and Gaz were locked in the building in Mesaieed made him start to put the pieces together! 🖤
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