#i could write soundwave putting you in his chest
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aka-indulgence · 11 days ago
Ah I am stress... it would be terrible if someone spooky but loving came to get me now......
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multifandoms27-blog · 5 months ago
First Kiss
Content: TFP! Megatron x Fem! T/O! Reader
Warnings: Drug use
Notes: The T/O above stands for techno-organic. Y'all already know I had to write about my favorite bot
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Entering the control room, you looked around at the unusually empty room. Normally Vehicons and Soundwave would be in here, but today, it's just Megatron. He had called for you over the comms, and you hoped you weren't about to get the Starscream treatment.
"You called for me, my liege?"
Megatron stood in front of the biggest screen that was currently off, and served as a window now. The stars and dark sky made him hard to see, if it weren't for the dim lights in the room. He had his servos clasped behind his back, and he slowly turned to look at you.
"Yes, I have called you. I wanted to...address something peculiar I heard." Megatron spoke...softly? Why was he speaking softly?
"And that would be?" You asked.
He let out a small chuckle and fully turned to you, letting his servos fall to his sides. In large strides, he was suddenly in front of you. Raising one servo, he placed it under your chin to ensure you wouldn't look away.
"Soundwave gave me some intel that was most...intriguing to me, and I wanted to double check with you first."
You weren't that high of a rank. You were barely at Knockout's rank, let alone Soundwave's or anyone elses. "Why me, sir? I'm no high ranked officer. Why not double check with Soudwave himself?"
"Because my dear, it is about you and your...feelings. Soundwave was gracious enough to tell me what you are too afraid to do."
You grew nervous. Did he know? "And...that would be?"
Megatron chuckled and looked over at the door. As if on cue, a Vehicon walked through with a tray in his servos. On the tray were two purple energon cubes...dark energon. You blinked in surprise, Megatron never shares his energon with anyone.
"Forgive my ignorance, but please no more dancing around the matter. What is really going on?" You spoke out of turn, you knew it, but you needed to know what this was about.
Megatron chuckled. "I know of your feelings for me."
The Vehicon stopped. Your heart stopped. Time seemed to have stopped. Megatron's smirk however, grew. So time didn't exactly stop. You felt the color drain from your face. How did Soundwave know? You felt a wave of betrayal wash over you. Unfortunately, that's how things go in the Decepticon ranks.
Megatron laughed and took both energon cubes and dismissed the Vehicon. "Do not worry, my dear. I return your affections. In fact, I asked you here today to toast to our new relationship."
"Relationship?" You were still lost.
"Well yes, we return each others affections, so its only natural we become one." Megatron's narrowed optics pierced through you.
"Yeah...yeah that is true." He handed you one of the cubes as you spoke.
"And what better way to become one, than to relish in Unicron's blood together?" Megatron placed one servo on the small of your back.
You were pulled closer to him, and you clutched the cube close to your chest. You had to remind yourself that you could ingest energon, but...what kind of affect would dark energon have on you? Regardless, your heart did all the thinking now.
"Okay. I accept."
Megatron's grin grew wider, showing more of his sharp teeth. He put the cube to his lips and drank the whole thing, and went in for a slow, sensual kiss. His metallic lips moved along with your fleshy ones. You felt the shock increase in your body, but you did relax.
Then you felt liquid enter your mouth, despite not drinking any energon. You thought Megatron had swallowed his...
The dark energon dripped down the sides of your mouth, and he slowly pulled away. He threw the empty cube to the side and caressed your cheek. "Feel the blood of Unicron take over your system, my dear. Soon it shall consume you, and we will be one in our shared interest."
The effects were immediate. You felt the familiar sensation of being high. Light headedness, delayed vision, sluggish movements...you were amazed at how fast it worked. You watched as Megatron slowly pried the dark energon cube from your hands and drank it himself, this time swallowing it. His optics turned purple and he placed both servos on your cheeks.
"We will rule the world, together, my love." Megatron grinned and kissed you once more.
You let the dark energon take over your system, and relished in the blood of Unicron with your new love.
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Here's my Transformers masterlist in case you wanna request something!
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moodymisty · 1 year ago
Could I request maybe something to do with Starscream and jealousy? Your writing is SCRUMPTIOUS and ooouuhh yk it’s such a good color on him <3
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: First Transformers post on the blog! I was considering keeping it all on ao3 but if people want to request some, who am I to stop them. Anyways, Starscream is a jealous knob and I love him for it. I hope you enjoy this, it's in Screamer's pov so if that's not what you wanted, feel free to send in another request.
Summary: You accidentally fall asleep inside of Knockout's altmode, and Starscream gets jealous.
Relationships: (TFP)Starscream/Fem!Reader
Warnings: You are a friend of the Autobots captured as a potential bargaining chip, Starscream has a crush but he's also a fucking moron, Jealousy, References to Shockwave's horrific science 'experiments' from the books and other media
Word Count: 1357
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The human is missing.
Starscream paces the halls of the Nemesis searching for the only organic that's stepped foot in the massive ship, and keeps coming up empty on each pass. He feels like he's scoured the place seven times over, each one more infuriating than the last.
On this latest one- conveniently avoiding Soundwave halfway through- he notices a distinct lack of a certain bright red mech when he returns to the medbay for the third time, standing in the middle of the massive room and looking around. His wings rise and lower with his shoulders, barely containing his irritation.
It's in this silent, boiling contemplation that Starscream decides to take the hit to his pride and comm the medic. Hopefully he's gotten sight of you, and that can take this annoying weight off of Starscream's chest. Other than himself, he's the only other Decepticon that has had responsibility over you; As Starscream has left you in his watch multiple times.
He's put a lot of effort into catching you and keeping you alive as of yet, the last thing he needs is to find you trapped somewhere or being prodded by a morbidly curious Vehicon.
Though once he gets his servos back on you, you're going into the cage he threatened to put you in. He thought being nice might loosen your lips a bit, but that hasn't been the case. He still has yet to get any information as of yet from you; At least nothing of worth.
Thankfully Knockout answers his comm quickly, and the seeker instantly starts blowing the medic's audials to Cybertron and back.
"Knockout! The human is-" The medic cuts him off, eager to silence the seeker's screech as well as avoid disturbing his current company.
"Relax, Starscream. She's with me."
Starscream's sharp talons curl into fists as he hisses out a reply. Passing Vehicons look at the Air Commander before quickly picking up pace and scurrying by- and Starscream closes the door with the press of a button and shuts himself in the medbay for a bit of privacy to air his troubles without prying optics.
"You took the human off the Nemesis?"
His voice is seething, venomous, and Knockout resists the urge to audibly sigh over the commlink.
"You wanted me to keep an optic on her, so I am. And I wanted to take a drive, so she's with me." Starscream opens his mouth to once again try and scold Knockout for not only bending his directions but being a condescending aft about it, but he gets cut off before he gets the chance.
"And I might not be winning any awards, but I'm not in the mood to be Shockwave's runner up for 'cruelest scientist in the galaxy' or returning your little bargaining chip to you in pieces. So I wasn't leaving them with that freak or Soundwave."
Starscream has never had good morals. Never claimed to. But while he's unfathomably upset that his potential bargaining chip is now out of confinement and in an unknown location, he isn't going to say that Knockout's reasoning is unstable.
The thought of being anywhere close to the depravity of Shockwave doesn't exactly fill the seeker with much good emotion. Neither does his effort going to waste with your offlining, he quickly adds at the end in order to avoid any sort of misconstruction within his own processor.
He sighs.
"Have you at least managed to obtain any sort of valuable information out of her?"
Knockout makes a negative noise.
"She powered down not long after we left. She's been recharging since."
Right, humans need daily recharge.
What a hindrance, Starscream thinks. He doesn't remember ever seeing you do so however; So more than likely, you've been running on empty for quite awhile. Still pacing in the medbay like an idiot, Starscream only stops when the medic speaks up with his normal, annoying nonchalant tone.
"You know, she's actually not that bad for a human," Knockout continues. "How about you just lock her in the medbay from now on instead of loosing her all the time?" Starscream goes to bite back but doesn't manage to think up anything worth saying, and instead throws his hand outward as if hitting something invisible.
If prompted Starscream would absolutely proclaim that having an organic inside of his altmode or even in his servo is disgusting. They're soft, malleable, and not far weaker. How Knockout as vain as he is can deal with it he doesn't know.
What he also doesn't know, is why he's so damn upset about it. He shouldn't care, you're occupied away from him if anything he should be happy to not have to deal with any organic idiosyncrasies for the time being.
However anytime since flying with him for you had been a clearly stressful experience, and Starscream hadn't cared in the slightest. Why would he?
But for you to fall asleep in Knockout must mean you trust the mech even just marginally more than him enough to succumb to recharge.
Not surprising; As you seem to like the medic. The two of you get along decently considering circumstances and differences. He makes you laugh, which pisses off the seeker to a monumental degree. Even he himself doesn't get why.
The only time you've truly smiled in Starscream's presence is when you're actually looking at Knockout.
The seeker has been nothing but courteous to you considering you are nothing but a prisoner, why do you choose enjoy and recharge in the company of some snobby, over-buffed medic instead of him?
With a sound made from Knockout's end, Starscream quickly realizes he's supposed to answer questions and stammers out a reply.
"I will, consider it. Now, return the human to the Nemesis something stupid happens."
Knockout sighs and agrees, making a U-turn and beginning to make his way back with you still asleep against the passenger door. The entire time Starscream paces inside the medbay, all the way until the medic returns with a human in his grasp. Starscream watches intently as he plops you unceremoniously onto the large dissection table. You scoot away from a spot of dried energon and stand somewhat close to the edge, but not close enough that one wayward bump could be your demise.
"I didn't think I would have to say 'No using the human as an excuse to go for a drive', but here we are."
Knockout gives the seeker an unimpressed look.
"While you are technically my superior, I will say that you might want be a bit more polite given I can just tell Megatron what you're up to."
While Starscream glares at him, you look up at Knockout with a surprisingly placid expression. You look in better spirits, as far as they can both tell. The recharge seemed to have did wonders for the overall health of their little captive. Useful, given you needed to be alive for the Autobots.
"Thank you for the drive, Knockout."
You smile at him, and the medic looks at Starscream with a snooty, condescending smirk.
"See, Starscream? An attitude adjustment goes a long way in keeping your little prisoners compliant." Your smile turns a little bit more confused and worried, but less than it probably should given circumstances.
Meanwhile, the seeker wants to do nothing more than to throttle Knockout by the neck cabling.
The two of you are rapidly becoming closer, and he's already thinking of the ways to try and stop it. He tries to come up for some sort of valid reason in his own processor as to why he so vehemently wants to, but comes up empty other that that you should be this way with him instead.
"Just- Keep the human locked in the medbay until they either decide to speak, or the Autobots come looking." He turns around, intent to leave until he hears a small human voice that halts him halfway through the entryway.
"Bye, Starscream."
Knockout has to resist the urge to keel over laughing, at the way Air Commander Starscream goes rigid, wings frozen high in surprise as he scurries out of the medbay.
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alittlegiraffe · 1 month ago
Can you write smth where Marshall's girl is literally a Marshall 2.0 but instead of rap she's in a rock or metal band?
This was out of my comfort zone because I am decidedly not badass, but I hope you like it!
Title: Matching Tattoos
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You and Marshall were, in a word, unstoppable.
The two of you had more in common than either of you could have imagined when you met. While he was the rap legend, known for his sharp lyrics and unapologetic delivery, you were carving your own path in the world of rock. Your band had been gaining traction over the years, your voice a perfect mix of raw emotion and power, and your stage presence unmatched.
People often joked that you were a female version of him. Same drive, same no-nonsense attitude, and the same tendency to pour your heart into every lyric.
You wore the title like a badge of honor, but it did lead to one problem: the two of you were competitive as hell.
It started one night after a long day in the studio. Marshall had just finished a verse for his next album, and you were sprawled out on the couch with your guitar, working through a new riff.
“I’m telling you, this one’s gonna hit number one,” you said, plucking the strings idly.
“Oh yeah?” he smirked, leaning against the doorway. “You planning to outsell me now?”
“Maybe,” you teased, sticking your tongue out at him.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Alright, rockstar. What’s next? You gonna start bleaching your hair, too?”
You threw a pillow at him. “Don’t tempt me, Slim.”
The playful banter continued until, out of nowhere, you blurted, “You know what we should do? Get matching tattoos.”
Marshall raised an eyebrow. “Matching tattoos? That’s a big step, don’t you think?”
You grinned. “Come on, it’ll be fun. Something badass, like a symbol of how much we’ve been through together. You and me against the world.”
He studied you for a moment, then smirked. “Alright. But if we’re doing this, it’s gotta mean something.”
The next day, you found yourselves in one of Detroit’s best tattoo shops. The artist, a heavily inked woman named Janelle, greeted you both with a mix of awe and excitement.
“So, what are we doing today?” she asked, pulling on her gloves.
You looked at Marshall, and he nodded. “We were thinking something that represents us. Something simple but powerful.”
You grinned, pulling a sketch out of your pocket. It was a minimalist design of two microphones crossed with a guitar pick behind them, surrounded by a jagged soundwave.
“This,” you said proudly.
Marshall looked at the design and smirked. “That’s dope.”
“Where are we putting it?” Janelle asked, raising an eyebrow.
You pointed to your forearm, and Marshall nodded. “Same here.”
You went first, sitting back in the chair as Janelle got to work. The buzz of the tattoo machine filled the room, and Marshall stood nearby, watching intently.
“You look way too comfortable,” he teased.
“Please,” you said with a smirk. “I’ve had worse pain than this.”
When it was his turn, you leaned over the chair, watching as the ink began to take shape on his arm.
“See?” you said, grinning. “Now you’re officially part of the band.”
Marshall chuckled. “Guess that makes you my opening act, then.”
As you walked out of the shop, bandages covering your fresh ink, Marshall slung an arm around your shoulders.
“You know,” he said, glancing at you, “this might be the coolest thing we’ve ever done together.”
“Damn right,” you replied, leaning into him. “Now every time we look at these, we’ll remember that no matter what happens, we’ve got each other’s backs.”
Marshall stopped walking, turning to face you. “That’s a promise,” he said, his voice serious. “No matter what, it’s you and me.”
Your chest tightened at his words, and you stood on your tiptoes to kiss him. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
And as you walked down the street, matching tattoos marking your skin, you knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, the two of you were more than ready to face them together.
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holographic-mars · 11 months ago
Have you ever cooked up a coswave fan child? If so, can we see them?
I have not!!! Unfortunately I have a disease called Not Being Creative so making OCs and fan characters is almost impossible for me.
I have, however, dabbled in an AU idea where Soundwave and Cosmos find a little protoform bitlet and took it in bc they had no idea what else to do and the bitlet was temporarily dubbed “little spaceboy ” bc they found him abandoned in (you guessed it) space.
Cosmos is immediately enamored by the little mech. Soundwave has deemed himself an unfit guardian so he kinda. Glances at it and then walks off, and Sky-Byte won’t ever admit it but he’s also totally in love with the little bit as well.
Stuff happens, we get some filler episodes, and then eventually we get to a point where The bitlet is Not Happy and it’s constantly crying. Nobody can calm it down. Sometimes thundercracker can get it to stop crying and refuel but only for a short period of time.
Everyone is passing the little mech around trying to find out what to do while also blaming everyone else for making the bitlet cry, and eventually it ends up in Soundwave’s arms. A couple minutes pass of loud yelling amongst the crew, and finally someone (Rumble) yells “everyone shut up the bitlet isn’t crying anymore!!” And everyone panics bc holy shit. They killed the kid.
But no, the little mech is pressed against soundwave’s chassis as soundwave rumbles a nearly inaudible purr from his long-unused dock (an age old tactic Ravage used to calm down Soundwave in the Dead End. Soundwave learned that he could somewhat mimic the purr if he repeatedly winds and unwinds the spools in his chest. It worked with calming down his cassettes in moments of distress, so it only felt natural to do it now).
So now the baby is transferred to the custody of Soundwave (even though he fully believes he is not guardianship material) and Cosmos naturally is along to help.
Cosmos becomes the world’s most doting partner and scurries around to make sure Soundwave and the bitlet have enough stuff to be okay. Soundwave is sitting in the berth with the little mech against his chassis and Cosmos is flitting around with blankets and energon and bitlet-wipes trying to help as much as he can.
Eventually soundwave makes him lie down in berth with him and warm the bitlet and Cosmos is happy to comply. He rambles about how good Soundwave is with the little mech and how caring and wonderful he is and how he looks so good as a guardian and please oh please can we have a bitlet pleaseeee and Soundwave gets so flustered and embarrassed he just puts a pillow over Cosmos’ head and goes right to sleep (while still cradling the bitlet).
Ravage and the cassettes play a big role in taking care of the little mech but that’s a lot of ideas to write out and I scrapped the au idea eventually bc it requires more creativity than I have.
But yeah! Idk! It was a silly little idea bc I do love parental figures coswave,,, oufhhhg,,,,,,,
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novafire-is-thinking · 7 months ago
Music time
Thanks @decepticon-nerd and @aecholapis for tagging me in this game! Since I was tagged twice, I’m going to double the amount of songs and have people pick their favorite out of 10. Also, unlike last time, I’m not going to shuffle the playlist; I’ll just pick ten songs from it that I want to put out here purely for music rec purposes.
Song links and “why I think this song is cool” blurbs are below the poll.
Tagging: @spiritshaydra @brb-on-a-quest @theconfusedtissue @sphnyspinspin + anyone else who’s interested
All We Are (Spotify | YouTube) - A white pegasus gallops toward me over the salt flat. Sunlight dances across its white armor and the accents of gold. The dichroic glass embedded in its wings scatters light into a dazzling array of brilliant colors. I know the Fire in its eyes, and in its chest.
Right before the beast reaches me, it launches into the air, its massive hooves spraying me with water and salt. It soars up, up, up…before it disappears into the clouds. The Wind and Sun have called it away, and one day, they will call it back.
I wipe the salt from my face.
Bright Like Stars (Spotify | YouTube) - Young Shockwave, young Soundwave, and the bond between them (in Constellations).
Dreams pt. II (Spotify | YouTube) - I’m not sure how to describe how this makes me feel. At the very least, I can say the lyrics make me think of the tragedy of Brainstorm and Quark, even though the music and vocals don’t match the vibe.
Fear (Spotify | YouTube) - There’s something about the way Ryan chooses to capture the emotion of fear in this song. I can’t put my finger on it, but I like it.
Gravitational Forces (Spotify | YouTube) - This makes me think of Constellations!Ravage, especially the part beginning around 1:28. If I could draw and animate, I’d make a little animatic of Ravage pulling off a gravity-defying feat or two, maybe with Soundwave. Or Jazz, because my brain refuses to let go of a Ravage-Jazz team up.
Halo (Spotify | YouTube) - There’s something about this song that feels Cybertronian.
Nautica (Spotify | YouTube) - *points to the title* For obvious reasons, I linked this one on the Nautica-focused chapter of my Bang fic :)
Opaline (Spotify | YouTube) - Novo Amor is one of my favorite artists of all time. In my opinion, this is the “happiest” of his songs.
Til the Light Goes Out (Spotify | YouTube) - Zenith vibes, especially the part beginning at 2:45.
Transcendence (Spotify | YouTube) - This song and the entire album (Spotify | YouTube) have impeccable Cybertronian vibes. Highly recommend. (Looking directly at you, @lets-try-some-writing)
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stickytrigger69 · 2 years ago
hello! saw that you wrote for yandere stuff and couldn’t resist asking. may i request starscream or kobd wanting to keep a gn human all to themself, monitoring them, holding them, maybe even keeping the human on a leash in a petplay sorta way? headcanons would be okay, if you don’t want to write a full fic.
TFP Starscream x GN Human Reader
TFP KOBD x GN Human Reader
Reader is gn, they/them pronouns
Yandere behaviors are mild
Hope it makes sense and you like it lol
When he first saw you, he didn't know what it was, but something made him want you. He isn't a huge fan of humanity, but for some reason, you caught his eye. He wants, no, needs you. It's taken weeks of watching and planning. But he finally has you. You're so small and cute. Knockout had seen you and tried asking you some questions, but Starscream immediately snatched you up and held you to his chest.
"They are mine. Go find your own." He grumbles before walking away with you in hand, leaving a very confused Knockout in the lab."You're mine, no one else's." He says to you as he walks to his hab. He keeps you close to him the whole time. When he finally gets into his hab, he puts you down on his berth and locks the door. When he looks at you, you bow your head down.
"Didn't I tell you to keep out of sight?" He scolds.
"Yes." Is all you can muster up.
"Then why do you refuse to obey me?" He feigns hurt, making you feel guilty.
"I just-"
"You nothing, you're mine. You're my little pet. You're not here for anyone else. I didn't want to have to start taking privileges away from you, but because you don't seem to want to listen, I must." He says as he digs through his subspace. "You will wear this at all times. And you will stay with me at all times as well. Do you understand?" He holds up a collar and a long rope intended as a leash. You nod as he hands it to you. "Good, now put it on so I may take you outside." You nod again and slip it around your neck. Tightening it so it stays in place.
When it's on and he's satisfied, he smiles at you softly. "You look so cute, my little one." He picks you up gently and places you on his shoulder. The long rope reaches all the way down so he can hold it in hand. You hold on as tightly as you can as he walks, occasionally slipping down the side just a little. "Are you hungry, little one?" He asks softly.
"A little." You say barely above a whisper. He smiles at you and reaches up to take you into his hand.
"Okay, we'll get you something." When he says that, he usually means he'll find a way to disable the security systems of a little gas station or a small store so you can go in and take something. While you do appreciate it, it doesn't feel right to just take it without paying for it. But he lets you. Or he takes it for you, just barging in and taking whatever he can get his hands on. He's good and nice when he wants to be. His angry times are scary. He just explodes, not directly at you but around you, and it's scary.
He does apologize when he scares you. He cuddles and holds you after and says sorry about a thousand times. He doesn't like letting you out of his sight. And if he can't see you, he at least wants to feel you, so he holds you in his hand or in his cockpit or on his shoulder. The first few times Megatron had been speaking to Starscream, you were hiding in his cockpit. Watching quietly through the glass as your master is scolded and belittled by the large mech. Starscream wanted to keep you hidden from Megatron for as long as he could. He was so careful that not even Soundwave had figured it out yet.
He was doing his best in the field and to make Megatron happy so he would have less of a reason to spy on him. Of course, all good things eventually come to an end. And it did. He was holding you in his hand while you tried on a new outfit he got you when the large grey bot burst through the door.
"I couldn't believe it when Soundwave told me, but now that I see it, I'm surprised at you, Starscream." He mocks the flier as he stands tall to glare down at you both. "Such a darling pet." He smirks evil, sharp teeth glaring at you making you shiver. This newfound fear of being taken away from Starscream makes you want to be with him. You start liking being with him.
You start loving him and expressing as much. You're his little teddy bear at night, a teddy bear with free will. You sometimes stay on his chest on your stomach, but your favorite spot he's noticed is on his neck. You like curling up or draping yourself across his neck like a scarf. He loves you so much that he would kill someone for you. He's often said as much to you. He truly loves you and panics at times when he thinks he's lost you. But you're always there to reassure him.
You're all he can think about nowadays. All he wants. You and you alone motivate him. His possessive nature and constant preening keep you healthy. When you're with him and someone gets too close, he gets territorial and starts warning others about their proximity to him. He even gets that way when you're napping in your shared hab, keeping others away from your hab, from the hall leading to it.
Knockout and Breakdown
Their anniversary is coming up, and Breakdown really wanted to get Knockout something special. But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find anything that caught his fancy. But then he saw a little human. Not just any human, though. This one is special. They remind him of his KO. Fashionable and they definitely hold themselves in high regard.
"Knockout! I have a surprise for you!" He waves to his red partner who has been waiting for him. They stand in a small clearing in the forrest, flowers here and there, tall green grass. "Now, I know you don't really like humans. That you think they're gross." He starts as he puts his hand in his subspace. Knockout watches him skeptically.
"Right. Where are you going with this?" He puts all his weight on one leg as he stands with a hand on his hip.
"Well, I know humans and other alien creatures like to keep all kinds of weird pets like bugs and stuff. So I got you one." He pulls you out of his chest and holds you outwards. For a couple of seconds, Knockout looks at you unimpressed.
"Oh, you got me a bug." When you looked at him with the same attitude, however, it was when he fell in love. Oh, you aren't going anywhere. And you haven't.
They've kept you close since. You're their sweet little pet. You were very resistant to them for a long time in the beginning, but after a while, you had warmed up to them. Knockout liked putting you in cute little outfits and got you a new collar every couple of weeks. Breakdown liked taking you on drives. He liked telling you about cybertron and asking you about yourself. The two bots have bonded with you so deeply that they don't like letting you out of sight. At first, it was a healthy relationship. They even let you have your own space.
But when everyone started noticing you and wanting to see you and talk to you, they became obsessive. Hiding you away from everyone else. You are always with one of them or both of them at the same time. If they have a mission to do, they never take you with them and hide you somewhere in their hab. Megatron can't use you against them; he has no reason to. Let alone with the way Breakdown and Knockout can easily ruin things with a little petty argument over a fleshling.
Knockout loves your little fashion shows. He often brings you new outfits or articles of clothing. And if it's not him, it's Breakdown bringing it. They had no reason to have a leash connected to your collar, but now they do, afraid someone will snatch you up and they won't be able to hold onto you or save you. Their fear and worry turn into anger. They get grumpy with you if you don't have your collar on or if you're asleep for too long.
They end up scaring you and then cuddling you after.
"We're your only ones." Knockout says in a whisper as you're sandwiched between their chests.
"We're your masters. You're our pet. Ours, no one else's." Breakdown says with a serious timbre to his voice as he rests his head on knockout's, eyes closed while he feels your warm, squishy body against his own metal one. They hold you like this all the time. "Keeping you safe," they say. If they don't get their full 5 hours of sandwich time a day, they get upset and grumps. Sometimes, they will accidentally yell at you and hurt your feelings but then turn around and apologize while telling you they love you.
They use a lot of manipulation tactics on you as often as they can. Unfortunately for you, it works. They keep you wrapped around their fingers, literally and figuratively. You're their sweetheart, and they can't ever let you go.
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blueberrywhale123 · 5 months ago
Guess what I watched?!
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This was sooooooooo amazing! A beautiful story and a wonderful cinematic experience honestly! Not to sound like a movie reviewer 😅 I just want to gush.
I was totally not interested the first few times the trailer popped up on my ad feed on youtube but the first time I sat down to actually look at the trailer I was hit with the colors and the designs and suddenly I was six-years-old sitting with my dad while he showed me and my four-year-old brother our first piece of transformers media. It was an old cartoon with the bots on cybertron and I never really got something like that again with the other movies or shows that came out aside from the ones one find after digging.
So I instantly decided that even just for nostalgia's sake I would go see it and I was dragging my siblings with me. Even if the movie was a horrible cash grab that turned the characters into unrecognizable slapstick jokesters I would watch it because I wanted to be six-years-old again.
LO AND BEHOLD this was incredible! Right from the start when they showed and talked about Primus being the planet I felt hope rising in my chest (MY EXPECTATIONS WERE ON THE FLOOR OKAY) And it just KEPT GETTING BETTER!
Ik from the trailers it seems so silly and stupid but it's NOT! This movie (imo) knows exactly when to be funny and when to be serious. It is for kids - don't expect anything super grown-up - but don't expect something that's aimed for a three-year-old.
Orion Pax (Optimus) and D-16 (Megatron) were the beating heart of this film in my opinion. I was gut wretched watching their friendship deteriorate and seeing Megatron slowly be born. I told my brother as we sat in that theater (which was 98% empty btw😭) that I really thought that the creative team really seemed to love Megatron because there was so much care put into his character and his change wasn't mocked or incomprehensible - I understood him the whole time even as I hated watching the downfall.
And ORION! He was amazing! I loved watching him go from a cocky selfish little guy to this inspiring leader. Even before the main conflict pushes him into the forefront as a leader you can see these hints of that quick-thinking and desire to protect those around him. The aspects of a leader are there - they just needed the right circumstances to pull them out.
There were so many of my babies in it too! It was nice to hear Bumblebee talk!!!! And he was precious! Elita was nice even tho I will admit that I'm not super deep into Transformers so I wasn't truly familiar with her. But I just about jumped out of my seat seeing Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwave on screen talking and just being soooooo cool! They could just stand there and I would have been in heaven (not really that would have been a disservice to them but besides the point!)
ARCEE WAS THERE!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!! Me and my brothers were scouring for Ironhide and Rachet and we were grinning like idiots when we saw Jazz oh my gosh! I'm pretty sure that we saw Cliffjumper too!
And Ariachnid was sooooooo scary my gosh I was so happy!
This just felt like a film that truly cared and loved and RESPECTED the source material!
Anyways I'm writing this because I think people need to watch it. It's good even if you don't know a thing about transformers too! My little sister came with and loved the movie even though she's probably seen 1/4 of a transformers movie. I know I'm no bigshot poster so it's not gonna reach a lot of people but if any little bit counts then ...
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theoceanoasis · 9 months ago
The bit about Perceptor being sad when he was helping Decepticon!Hot Rod made me cry! Can we please unite the carrier and sparkling together please? I KNOW Perceptor has to give him up to protect him or something.
Looking at Percy's latest message he found himself again wondering if he had a sparkling. He knew it was none of his business but he was curious and found himself asking anyway.
Perceptor didn't answer for a long time and he was worried he'd scared him off. Just as he was about to write an apology Perceptor sent him a message to meet in person.
Later when he was getting ready to go. Soundwave came over sensing his nervousness.
"Are you sure about this?"
He nodded.
"Yes, I was the one who brought it up. I need to see this through."
He kissed his mate before kissing his sparkling. Who cooed at him.
"I'll see you two later."
He looked at his sparkling holding one of his little hands.
"Watch over your sire for me while I'm gone."
He left their apartment and went to see Perceptor.
When he got to the restaurant he seemed nervous. Which was unlike the scientist and put him on edge. Wondering if he made a mistake.
"Are you okay? If you don't want to do this you don't have to."
"No I think it's time. I've waited long enough."
He gave him a curious look wondering what he meant by that.
"You always know what to do whenever I'm having problems. Always offering advice and giving me tips. It made me wonder if you had a sparkling."
"I did."
Perceptor looked sad when he thought about it and he felt his spark sink. Even though he knew that was a strong possibility.
"He was the most beautiful sparkling in the world."
He hesitated giving him a worried look and the carefully asked.
"If you don't mind me asking. What happened to him?"
"He was taken from me. They thought he was a distraction and that it was unnatural to give emergence."
He gave the scientist a shocked look when he started to cry. Having never seen him like this before. He also felt his spark pang in his chest. He couldn't imagine losing his own little one. He didn't think he'd ever recover.
"I thought it'd never see him again."
He perked up at that feeling vaguely excited.
"You mean you've seen him again? How? Where?"
"A carrier just knows these things. He joined the Autobots and I've watched over him for a distance or at least tried to."
He gave him a nervous look knowing he was probably overstepping but he needed to know.
"Who was it?"
Perceptor glanced at him and then he carefully took his hand.
"It was you."
He gasped optics widening in shock. He had so many questions it was hard to know where to start. Feeling overwhelmed Perceptor put a hand on his shoulder.
"I'll answer any questions you have."
He then gave him some energon and he relaxed slightly. Taking a sip. He started asking everything he could think of and Perceptor answered all of it.
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scribblesbyb · 9 months ago
Writing Game Week #1: Use These Prompts to Get Back Into Writing!
Prompt 1 Prompt 2 Prompt 3 Prompt 4 Rules: Sharing randomly generated prompts every day for a week. Create sth with it in only an hour (time yourself). Don't edit or proofread till the very end. Just. Write. A/N: This one was tricky because it was soooo out of my comfort zone lol and what I normally write. i don't hate it but...let's see what the audience thinks :D Tags: angst, drama, soft betrayal WC: 1522
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Ow. Ow. Ow.
Your muscles ache, sore and bruised. Blinking your eyes open, the strong overhead light blinds you. You shut your eyes again, bringing up your arm to cover them. You notice the hanging needle leading to an IV above your head and your eyes shoot open. 
Despite the pain your body is in, you push yourself up against the hospital bed. You look around, trying to remember what happened to lead you here. That’s till you spot your fiancée, the man who you thought was your best friend and all-time confidante, the man you’ve spent the last 7 years with, nodding off on a chair to the side.
You hurry and look for a nurse-call button. It takes you a second to find it in your panic. You press on it too many times than you would have under normal circumstances. But these aren’t normal circumstances, are they? 
You aren’t going to sit here with a traitor, a liar, a two-faced villain who’s put you through hell your entire life, for a single moment. Not if you could help it.
The nurse rushes in. 
“Is everything ok, ma’am?”
“Lower your voice.” You whisper. Your ex-fiancée was quite the light sleeper. And you didn’t want him up. “Come.” You add, gesturing to her to step closer.
She obliges, noticing the middle-aged man sleeping in the corner. She probably knows he’s your fiancée, you assume, and probably thinks you don’t want to wake him out of love and compassion.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
“What can I do for you ma’am?”
“You can get me out of here.” You mutter through your teeth. “I shouldn’t be in here in the first place.”
“I can’t do that ma’am. You’ve been severely injured, I’m afraid. You need medical supervision.”
So be it.
Tapping into your power, you focus your senses on manipulating the nurse’s mind; to get her to obey your command. 
“Get me out of here.” You say, voice rippling through the air particles around you, the soundwaves hitting the nurse on a microscopic level.
“I’m afraid that won’t work anymore, dear.”
Your head whirls around, breaking the hold you had on the nurse. The voice that once brought you a level of comfort like no other now has the audacity to talk to you like nothing happened.
“You’re too injured to be using your powers.” He cracks his neck, as he would do when just waking up, and ruffles his ginger hair. “I’m sorry for that, too, by the way.”
“Love, I can’t—”
The nurse’s eyes dart between the two of you. She couldn’t remember exactly when the man had woken up while she was standing there, but she knew the patient shouldn’t be this agitated.
“Ma’am, please,” she points at the beeping monitor. “Your blood pressure can’t be this high right now. I repeat, you’re extremely injured and you need the rest.”
“Then get him out of here!” You yell. “Ow! Shit!” You grab the side of your chest in pain. “What did you do to me??”
You glare at him, unable to believe those blue eyes still make your heart thump. 
The nurse replies before he can reach your bed. “You have a few stitches on your left side here,” she explains. “You need to remain calm, okay?”
Her page beeps and she turns to walk away. You reach your arm out to stop her. “Please, no, please get him out of here.”
She looks at your fiancée, the beeping sound growing louder, making her heartbeat quicken. The longer she stared into those ocean eyes, the more chaotic her soul felt. Anxiety crept into her veins. Like a wounded animal, she scurried off, scared but unable to tell why.
 “So I can’t use my powers but you can?” You shout the second she leaves. “How convenient for you.”
“Love, please,” he breathes out, walking to the door and shutting it carefully. “You heard her. You need to stay calm.”
“Calm? Calm?” You continue to yell, ignoring the monitor going crazy near you. “You…You lie to me, you cheat on me, you make me fall hard for you, and you want to be calm–?”
“Shhh.” He reaches for your shoulders, his strength holding you down. Arms you once cherished the embrace of now remind you of the hoops of betrayal your heart is going through. 
“Get your hands off me.” You beg, your bloodshot eyes tearing up. “Don’t touch me. You have no right to anymore.”
But his hands stay there. You’d move but you can’t—won’t. Your body still doesn’t know that this isn’t the same man you loved so dearly yesterday. That he was a shapeshifter. Someone who claimed himself your husband in the morning and your nemesis at night. 
He toyed with you. No. He mocked you. 
The tears fall before you know it. Something about his hold always did that to you. You’d be the angriest you could ever be, and a touch from him, a simple grasp of the shoulder would make you melt. Make the chaos unfold.
Realisation hits and you instantly slap his hands away.
“You!” You grit your teeth. “Was everything a goddamn lie?!” You shout, ignoring the rippling pain in your insides as you did. “Are you using your powers on me right now?? Have you been using them this whole time?!”
“I-” He squirms. “Dear, it was ju–”
“Stop calling me that. Stop acting so familiar with me. Just stop.”
He swallows, stepping back. “Will you let me explain?”
You scoff. “What’s there to explain?” You smile. “Lord Chaos,” you use his supervillain name, “tracked me down 7 years ago, wrapped me around his slimy fingers, and the second he saw me fighting someone other than him, his twisted mind got—what’s the word I’m looking for here?” You look up, searching the ceiling for it. “So jealous that he killed him for me. And instead of, oh, I don’t know, stopping there, he also decided to reveal his identity! While I’m lying there unconscious because o’ him nevertheless!” You pause to catch your breath. “So, tell me, please, Lord Chaos,” you mock sarcastically, “What’s more to explain?”
“I couldn’t help it.”
You glare. He looked sincere, desperate. Any other time you would’ve fallen for it. You would’ve caved and let him win, let him talk. But now? Now he just looked pathetic. A dog with his tail between his legs.
“Pray tell what; what couldn’t you help?” You frown. “You couldn’t help unmasking yourself? Couldn’t help tracking down your nemesis and playing a wicked game with them? What, Chaos? What couldn’t you help?”
“Falling in love with you.”
You bite your lip, fisting your hands. “You don’t get to say that. Not after what you’ve done.”
“Love, I–” He stops when you throw him a glare, telling him to correct himself. He sighs and approaches you again. “Have you ever wondered what made us nemeses in the first place?”
You look down. The answer wasn’t that simple. All you knew was that for generations, your house, the Order of Serene, was at war with the house of Chaos. You hated them. Hated what they did to people. If the humans’ concept of a devil was real, the Order of Chaos was as close to that horned, fork-tailed creature as they come.
“We are opposing forces,” you mutter quietly, “I was bred to despise the havoc those of Chaos created. To fix it with my powers. To bring those affected peace and tranquillity.”
“And did you stop and think if there was another way? If Chaos wasn’t as bad as you made it out to be?”
You lean back. “Don’t come closer.” You warn. “Whatever sad excuse you’re about to spout, I don’t want you near me, touching me, while you say it.”
“Fine.” He grunts, balling his hands beside him. “Just humor me. Didn’t you always feel better when I held you? Didn’t my powers help you cry? Help you get angry? Help you deal with the chaos of fighting the other me?”
“The other you?” You scoff. “He’s not some alter ego.”
He smiles. “You’re right. But do you see my point?”
You did, sorta, though don’t want to admit it.
“A liar is a liar.”
“A liar who feared you’d react the way you’re reacting right now.”
You bit your lip. Heavy silence took over, till you found yourself blurting out the question that’s been weighing on your mind this whole time.
“Why did you save me?”
He chortles; it makes you angrier. “My fiancée, the love of my life, was dying at the hands of some vicious witch—of course, I was going to save you.”
“You’re the vicious villain who’s been trying to kill me for over a decade!”
“Don’t you think if I wanted to, I would’ve by now?”
For a moment, you smile at each other, the spark you thought you’d lost somehow reigniting at the idea of dueling with your nemesis, ex-fiancée, and savior.
For a moment, you didn’t care what the future was going to hold, but you knew he was still going to be a part of it.
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ichbinmeltdown · 2 months ago
I had a pretty horrible evening when I first started writing this so I'm just writing out this little scenario I imagined to help me feel better. I finally finished it like 2 weeks later lol
The wind howled just outside the window, and a thick blanket of clouds stretched across the sky. It was a cold, dreary day indeed... Perfect conditions for taking a nap and cuddling!
Sniper seemed to think so too, laying in bed next to me with his head on my chest.
"Ya warm enough, Mav?" he asked. He looked up and nodded at the other side of the room. "I can go turn on that heater if ya want."
"That's not necessary... I've got my heater right here!" I pulled him in closer and kissed the back of his neck. "You're plenty warm for me."
In the pause afterwards, I noticed a distant metallic thumping sound outside, getting closer to the house.
"Sounds like ol 'Wavy's back," Sniper said, pointing at the window. He chuckled a bit, knowing that the Decepticon didn't like when Sniper called him "Wavy" instead of "Soundwave".
"I'm gonna tell him you called him that again, Mick!" I said, playfully nudging him. Sniper just rolled his eyes in response and chuckled again.
"Better do it quick, here he comes!" With that, the blue mech reached our house, kneeling down outside of the sliding glass door in our room. He got down on his hands and knees, and put his index finger up to the door. A panel on his digit slid open, and a small metal tentacle-like wire came out and unlocked the door. He retracted the device back into his hand, and slid the door open with his thumb. The door was tiny in comparison to the building-sized mech, only barely big enough to fit his head through. To get his head through he had to lay down on his stomach with his shoulders against that wall of the house and tilt his head down and to the side a bit- almost certainly not comfortable for the Decepticon, but he insisted on doing it anyway.
As Soundwave stuck his head into the room, I sat up. "Hi, babe. Did you kick some serious Autobot ass today? Megatron and the others didn't give you too much trouble, did they?" I greeted him.
"No more than a typical amount," he responded. His loud, vocoded voice echoed around the room. A gust of wind blew in from around the sides of his head, filling the room with cold air.
"Brrr," Sniper shuddered. "Bloody hell, it's cold out there. I think it might be too cold to have the door open like that."
"But I want to talk to Soundwave! Aren't you happy to see him? He's been away with work, and..." I started, looking back at Soundwave. "I wish there was a way you could come in, it's too cold out there."
"There is a way," Soundwave stated. "I have considered doing it before, but my power has been too low. However, this time, Lord Megatron allowed me to leave after recharging."
With a whooshing sound, Soundwave drew himself in- but instead of transforming into his cassette player mode, he instead shrunk down small enough to fit through the door, and stepped in. He locked it behind him and turned towards us, where we looked on in surprise.
"I didn't know you could do that," Sniper said.
"Does... Does that hurt?" I asked.
Soundwave kept walking towards the bed. "No. I have transformed part of the way. Instead of both transforming and shrinking, I have only partially shrunken down." He paused just before the bed, and made a soft sound between a vibrating and engine idling. We both recognized this as him warming his metal "skin" up, something he regularly did before letting me and Sniper climb on him.
"Well, look at that," Sniper said as Soundwave climbed over both of us into the other side of the bed, and pulled the covers up over himself. It was really kinda weird seeing the normally building sized mech just a bit taller than Sniper, but then again I was used to him shrinking down into a cassette player, so this really wasn't too much of a stretch.
"So, guess we won't have to sleep in your tape deck anymore?" I teased, giving Soundwave's chest a pat. "And you can actually walk around in buildings!"
"Remaining in this in between state is not energy efficient," Soundwave explained. "I can do this, but it will quickly deplete my Energon and battery charge."
"You don't have to, then, I'll -" I started to speak, but Soundwave put a finger to my lips.
"It is none of your concern, Mavis. I want to lay here with you and Mick. I have approximately 2 hours of battery left before I need to return to full size and recharge." He snuggled closer, rolling onto his side and putting his left arm over my chest in a hug. Sniper did the same, both of them hugging me tightly.
A powerful feeling of unadulterated bliss and comfort washed over me. Being here with both of my boyfriends... Nothing felt better. Sure, we'd cuddled multiple times, usually with me and Sniper laying on Soundwave's chest- but this way, with Soundwave being our size... This new way of cuddling was as exciting as it was strange.
Sniper chuckled a bit, going up onto one arm. "Oi, 'Wavy," he said. "I'd wager you can't give Mavis more kisses than me."
Instead of Soundwave reminding Sniper that he found that nickname embarrassing, he retracted his faceplate and sat up a bit. "That is a losing battle, Mick. I can kiss her far faster than a mere human." Now with his faceplate lowered, there was the slightest hint of a smile on his lips.
"Come on, ya hunk of metal, let's have a go then!" Sniper said with a laugh.
With that they both went in, peppering my face, neck and arms with kisses as fast as they could. It was an absolutely magical sensation. The mech and the human both planted kisses on every square inch of exposed skin they could find. I couldn't help but squirm and laugh every time one of them kissed my neck, being quite ticklish there.
"Give up yet, mate?" Sniper mumbled into my collarbone.
"Ah, Mick- Mick don't talk into my skin!!!" I cried out, laughing. "That tickles so bad!"
"I cannot do that. Giving up is impossible," Soundwave replied, barely picking his lips up before going back to kissing my ear and jawline.
"Not you too, Soundwave!!! Y'all quit tickling me!!!" I squealed.
This went on for a long time, until Sniper and Soundwave finally both flopped down on either side of me on the pillows, both warm in the face and laughing. Neither of them would ever admit it, but I could tell that their lips were tired from all that kissing.
"So? Who won?" Sniper asked.
I looked at both of them, glancing from Sniper's gray eyes to Soundwave's red visor. After a moment I let out a soft chuckle.
"I lost count," I admitted with a grin, and put my arms around both of their shoulders. "How bout we call it a draw?"
"That is acceptable," Soundwave said, snuggling into me and holding me tighter.
"I reckon it is!" Sniper did the same, adjusting himself so his head laid on my forearm.
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sergeantsporks · 3 years ago
writing request: during kings tide Hunter gets stuck in the demon realm while the others escape
“Ooooooooooo a GRIMWALKER! I thought Belos was gonna get rid of you!”
Hunter felt a pull tugging him back, away from the portal. Willow grasped his arms. “No! No, no, no—”
Hunter held on tight with his good arm. “Don’t let go,” he begged, “Please—” tears pressed at the corners of his eyes.
He killed Uncle without even trying.
Willow’s feet started to slip out of the human realm and back to the demon realm, and a jolt of panic shot down Hunter’s spine as Gus grabbed hold, too, pulling with all his might.
He killed Uncle so easily, even in his cursed form
What will he do to my friends?
He pulled his good arm out of Willow and Gus’ grip, reaching into his pocket and pulling out Flapjack. He held the bird out. “Take it!”
“No—Hunter, no!”
Hunter pushed it into Gus’s hands, and the smaller witch was forced to let go and grab the bird before it could clatter on the ground. Flapjack sprang to life, struggling and screeching for Hunter not to go.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
King shouted.
Luz, Amity, Gus, and Willow were all pushed through the door by the soundwave. Hunter was thrown backwards, too, but he was too high in the air and just slammed into the doorframe, crumbling to the ground as the door fell into pieces.
The Collector giggled, and Hunter floated up into the air with king. “A Grimwalker and a titan! Awesome! Well, you know, if we’re going to play owl house, we need an owl house! We also need a villain!” They grinned at Hunter. “You’re it!”
Hunter was dropped back down to the ground, and he felt his clothes grow heavier, a cape springing out behind him.
No, no, no, no, no!
King was set down in the ruins of the door, and he scrambled towards Hunter. “Hunter! I’m sorry, I tried to send you through, I—”
In a blur of blue and orange, the Collector was between them. “I’ll save you from the emperor’s guard, King!” he yelled, their hand slamming into Hunter’s chest.
The breath was almost immediately knocked out of him, and he was sent flying backwards, crashing into the wall. Hunter’s mouth opened, but no sound came out, just a wheeze as he collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. The world blurred, his vision spotty, and his whole body screaming with pain.
“Come on,” the Collector’s voice whined in a blurry, far-off kind of way, “It’s no fun if the bad guy doesn’t fight! You’re supposed to try to take King from me, remember?! And then I save him!”
King wriggled out of the Collector’s grasp, running to Hunter. “No, wait!” he yelled, standing in front of him, “That’s not how you play owl house!”
“Well, what are the rules, then?!”
Hunter closed his eyes, his ears ringing. He could feel something sticky beneath his head, and he slowly reached out, wincing as he touched a gash on the back of his skull.
Head injury… not good…
“In the owl house, we try to help the golden guard!” King yelped, “We try to convince him to be our friend, and to stay on our side! We try to get him away from Belos, and we take care of him!”
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah, that makes sense!”
Something poked at Hunter’s face, and he opened his eyes just enough to see the Collector crouching down next to him, a cheerful grin on their face. “Sorry! Wanna switch teams?”
Hunter let out a wheezing groan, and the Collector smacked their forehead. “Oh! Right! If we rescue you from Belos, we need a Belos!”
In the corner, Uncle’s robes and mask swirled up, held up by the Collector’s power. It glided over.
“Hunter, you get up right now!” The Collector ordered, his childlike voice seeming to ripple over with Belos’ accent, “Capture me some palisman so I can shove them in my dumb face and get even goopier!”
Hunter curled into a ball with a whine, putting his hands over his ears.
It’s not him, it’s not him, it’s not him
“Didn’t you hear me, Hunter? Do you want to be replaced?! I can do that, because I’m a mean, mean liar who thinks he knows everything and can do whatever he wants! Now get up!”
Magic swirled around Hunter, setting him up on his feet. The pressure kept him up, kept his head from sagging forward to his chest, forced his eyes open. King stared at him with big eyes as the Collector made him march away. The Belos Puppet glided after him, yelling at him to move along, to get those palisman, the titan’s blood, and to capture the human, and a hundred other tasks that contradicted each other, or were just plain ridiculous.
Finally, the magic dropped him, and Hunter collapsed, gagging as his head spun.
“Stay away from Hunter!” The collector yelled in his own voice, nudging King.
“Y-yeah!” King yelled, “Go away, Belos!”
His voice echoed out, knocking the Belos puppet away. The Collector knelt next to Hunter, squishing his cheeks between his hands. “Hooray! We saved you! We’re the heroes!” He laughed, then dropped Hunter. “Man, you’re kind of a boring rescuee.”
Hunter curled back into a ball, tucking his head between his knees with a whimper.
The Collector scooped King up, the Belos puppet in the corner swirling back into shape. “Come on! Let’s find someone else to rescue! Maybe if he takes a break he’ll be more fun to play with.” He patted Hunter’s head, making him choke as it sent spikes of pain hammering through his skull. “Okeydokey, you can take a nap! I’ll come back later to see if you’re feeling better, and we can play some more!”
King reached out towards Hunter as the Collector floated up, but Hunter couldn’t even try to grab him, couldn’t do much more than try to breathe and not slip into darkness.
And then it was quiet. It was just him and the broken remains of the Titan’s skull.
“Hunter?! Kid!”
Someone crashed down on their knees next to him, a red dress blurring in his vision. “Do you know where Luz and King went? Wait—don’t answer, don’t move, you look awful, hang on, we’ll get help. RAINE! I found one of them! Find a healer, if you can!”
Hunter’s eyes started to close, and a cool hand patted his face. “Hey! Hey, stick with me, kid, don’t fall asleep! You’re going to be okay, just hold on a little longer!”
“I don’t… want to play anymore,” he whispered, tears leaking out of the corners of his eyes. “I don’t…”
Hey! Hunter, wake up! Wake up!
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erimeows · 3 years ago
How do you think Megatron would react when he finally admits to himself he has feelings for an organic?
Man, I love writing Megatron in love. Headcanons/scenario below the cut, thanks for the request; enjoy!
I feel like Megatron would try to ignore it at first, just like he would with feelings for another Cybertronian, but much, much worse.
Organic aside, relationships aren’t really something he believes are meant for him. He’s a Decepticon leader, he can’t show weakness, and if he dares to get close to someone, there’s a good chance that they could be used against him. So generally speaking, he keeps his distance.
But then you come along.
You have a bad interaction with the Autobots; one of them accidentally wrecks your house in a battle and offers you no compensation or even another place to say, only apologizing before running off, so you do some research on Cybertronians, find out about the Decepticons, and somehow do enough digging to find their base.
Megatron is shocked when you show up one day and pledge your allegiance to him and to the Decepticon cause, but when you explain your reasoning, he can tell that you’re genuine; Autobots are martyr-complex-having, inconsiderate fools who do what they can to look good and act like they’re doing ‘right’, their council is a bunch of stuck up pricks who don’t allow anyone to be an individual or have freedom, and they all act like they’re a working part of a system instead of their own mech/femme with an actual personality. Megatron is kinda like... yeah, okay, whatever. He almost tries to blow you off, but Shockwave and Soundwave argue that you could reveal some weaknesses that the humans have and that you’re an unthreatening enough figure that you could be used as a productive spy. So, he keeps you around and gives you a place to stay on base.
At first, he acts indifferent towards you; you’re a gross, human fleshbag that he wants nothing to do with outside of work, but he sees that you and Soundwave get along since you share a lot of the same ideals about humans needing to do their own work instead of relying on robots to do it for them, and you and Shockwave are actually quite friendly. Hell, you and Lugnut and Blitzwing even make a great trio. So, indirectly, without even realizing it at first, Megatron becomes fond of you through observing your conversations with the others. You’re respectable, brave, bold, honest, and you’re fully self-aware. He finds that, unlike the other humans, he doesn’t mind you; you don’t see him or his cause as evil and actually treat him with respect, and you don’t run or cower or act shy around him either- that shit gets on his nerves.
He knows it’s a bad idea, but he starts talking to you personally. In his berth room, you two exchange intel you’ve collected, and afterwards, you always hang around for an hour or so for in-depth discussions, about your lives and dreams and hopes and philosophies. He frequently finds himself sharing ancient data tablets containing Decepticon works of literature on them with you, and eventually, the two of you have/develop a lot in common.
Not all humans are gross like he thought they were initially, he realizes... In fact, though he’d never say so out loud, you smell nice and the few fleeting touches he’s had with you are always pleasant because of how warm and soft you are.
The first time he thinks about the rapid pace of the relationship the two of you have cultivated and about his feelings for you is after you’re injured. Your cover as a spy gets blown and surprisingly enough, you mention to escape Optimus Prime and the other four members of his team, but you come back sustaining some rough cuts/gashes from when Prowl chucked his shuriken at your clothes to try to pin you to the wall with them; they’re all along your arms, legs, and a few even managed to graze your sides.
You return to the base bloodied and beaten from their attempts to detain you, and though Soundwave and Shockwave (who are easily your best friends at that point) insist that they’re fully capable of handling your medical care, Megatron realizes that he wants to do it himself- doesn’t know why he wants to do it, just knows that he does and that no one is going to stop him. So, he takes you to the med bay and uses the small amount of human medical equipment they obtained for you to disinfect your wounds as you walk him through the process verbally, stitches the ones that need stitching, and wraps/bandages them. It involves you being half-clothed, and though he certainly isn’t going to ogle you like a pervert, he can’t help how his intake hitches at being so close to you when you’re so exposed and vulnerable. It just feels very intimate, and it’s something he’s not used to; no one has dared touch him in thousands of years outside of battle, nor has he touched another outside of such context.
You have to stay in the med bay overnight so that your vitals can be monitored and you can have your dressings changed and antibiotics given to you to prevent your wounds from getting infected. Megatron is also sure to give you painkillers if you need them and keep you well-fed/hydrated so you can heal properly.
He stays by your side while you sleep even though he doesn’t need to, watching you. He can’t help but think about how fascinating it is that your body is so fragile, so prone to bloody injuries when even slightly harmed, but you’re so strong and determined and courageous; completely dedicating yourself to his work, his cause, him when you didn’t have to. Part of that was out of your spite and dislike for the Autobots, but he admired that, too. You uprooted your entire life to come help him and the Decepticons, and even though he didn’t dare say something so kind out loud, he couldn’t help but appreciate you. Him taking care of you was just paying it forward.
You sleep peacefully, chest rising and falling with every breath you take and (s/c) cheeks dusted red. Occasionally, you’ll toss and turn, but at one point, you reach out for his servo in your sleep, so he takes your hand and holds it tight. If anyone ever saw him so tender and weak, he’d be done for, but you were asleep, so he figured it was fine- no one needed to know how much he loved you, not even you.
Oh no. He loved you. As fate would have it, it all crashed down on him at once as he sat there, holding your hand. He had gone from assuming you were some disgusting human bag of flesh he wanted nothing to do with, to begrudgingly accepting you to help his cause, to respecting you, to befriending you, to... Falling in love with you. What terrible luck... Maybe it was his punishment for terrorizing organics for so many years, that he just so happened to fall in love with one.
The second he realizes it, he can’t deny it. You recover from your injuries well with Megatron by your side assisting you, but the more time he spends around you, the worse his feelings get, and he’s old enough that he’s not the kind of fool who pushes his feelings away. Instead, he wallows in them, bathes in them, drowns in them, and he drowns in you. It’s really horrible that he, a being so large and powerful and responsible for mass destruction, is so enamored with you, a being so small and delicate and honest. You’re an unfortunate soul, and if you love him back, it’s even worse.
It comes out naturally one of the nights that you’re locked up in his room together discussing some Decepticon poetry you read recently. It was one of his favorite works, and you seemed like you’d enjoyed it, too. Silence falls between you for a moment before he says, “I love you, (y/n). I never thought I’d stoop as low as to fall for an organic, but you’re the only one worth falling for, and Primus, have I fallen.”. The atmosphere doesn’t go tense or awkward, and you only smile up at him, putting the data tablet with the poem on it down on his night table before turning to him.
“And I thought I’d never fall for the leader of an alien robot rebellion, but here I am, and you’re worth falling for, too.”
It’s peaceful, nothing heated or tense but tender and relaxing as he pulls you into his arms and holds you close to him... Maybe being in love with an organic wasn’t so bad, after all.
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bots-and-cons · 4 years ago
(I am resending this one) I was scrolling through your page and encountered the posts of the autobots (+Knockout and Megatron) finding their (s/o)'s body, and I got curious to see how would the other decepticons react? (let's say for example Breakdown, Dreadwing and Soudwave)
The mentioned posts can be found here and here. Also I saw a post saying Soundwave is telepathic, so I used that in this since I liked the idea. I didn’t write Dreadwing, because I couldn’t come up with anything I was happy with.
You hadn’t called, you hadn’t texted and you hadn’t come to the Nemesis in days. Soundwave was starting to get worried, since you weren’t answering his messages either. He decided to ping your phone in an attempt to get your location. You were probably just at home, and he was worrying over nothing but he wanted to be sure. Maybe he had accidentally made you mad and that’s why you weren’t answering, even though that didn’t really sound like something you would do.
He didn’t get your location by pinging your phone, which had him really worried, because that would mean your phone had been turned off, and you never did that.
Had he known what was going on with you at that time, and where you were, he would’ve come to your rescue, but now it was too late. Soundwave was standing in the middle of a wrecked M.E.C.H base they had just raided, and looking at your body on one of the rather crudely put together examination tables.
Soundwave hadn’t known you were there, if he had he obviously wouldn’t have had the vehicons destroy the whole place. He was standing over you and he felt like he couldn’t move, because if he did, his legs would give out from under him. So he just stood there, quietly, watching, waiting for some miracle to happen that would bring you back to him.
Nothing like that came, no matter how long he stood there, still as a statue.
“Sir, we should return to the Nemesis, Lord Megatron will want a report on-”
Soundwave didn’t even blink, he just extended his arm and dug the poor vehicon’s spark out of his chest with one swift movement.
“Anyone else want to disturb me?” his voice rang through all the remaining vehicons’ minds.
The vehicons returned to the Nemesis and Soundwave was left alone in the wreckage. Now that he was alone, he allowed himself to collapse, he dropped to his knee plates and took off his visor.
“This is my fault, if you had never come in contact with us, with me, you wouldn't have met such a cruel fate. I am truly sorry and I want you to know, I will cherish your memory forever” he said out loud.
He wanted you to hear that, he really did, but it was too late now, you wouldn’t be answering, you couldn’t hear him anymore, you were gone and he would never hear your voice again.
“What-what is this?” Breakdown asked with his voice breaking.
“I’m sorry, I found them like this outside the medbay, there-there was nothing I could do” Knockout said.
Your battered body was laying on the medbay’s table. You were wrapped in the blanket you had brought to the Nemesis with you. If he didn’t take into account all the blood, it almost looked like you were sleeping. There were also some burn mark looking things on your face.
“Airachnid” Breakdown whispered with a low voice.
That had to be it, who else would do this? She must have somehow gotten to the Nemesis and taken her revenge by killing you. Those burn marks looked like the acid from her claws too.
“I’m going to kill that spider bitch” Breakdown growled and hit the examination table.
Breakdown marched out of the medbay, but on his way to the ground bridge, he stopped. He leaned against the hallway wall and just sighed. What the hell was he going to do? He wasn’t even able to protect you when you were alive, how was he supposed to protect you now? How was he supposed to avenge you? You were somewhere far away, somewhere out of his reach and he would never hear your voice again. He would never feel the warmth of your hands on his cheeks when you kissed him, or hear you whisper sweet reassurances in his audial while you were sitting on his shoulder. You were gone and nothing he would do to Airachnid would bring you back, but that wasn’t going to stop him from killing her. Even if he couldn’t get you back, he would avenge you.
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takemealivelh · 3 years ago
don’t do that - lh
luke is a radio station host. he sleeps with a prestigious musician, but she has a boyfriend.
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“i could sit here and tell you that music is expressing emotions, or that it reminisces experiences, or even that it’s soundwaves in patterns that are subjective as far as beauty goes, but i know that’s not what you wanna hear. so i’ll make this short. i’ll tell you a statement that i do agree with; music is a business. and i wouldn’t do anything to hurt management or the label or anyone involved. so i’ll be careful with what gets out. my private life will stay private.”
they don’t seem to move a muscle on their faces, they think i’m bullshitting them. but eventually, we both know that i’m right. we all know that i understand their position. my tour manager and my personal manager leave my hotel room. i let myself collapse on the bed and i huff.
“who was that?” luke walks out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, using another one to dry his curls. his bare chest comforts me. i run my fingers through my hair and shake my head.
“no one.”
i met luke at one of my shows. backstage. he was a radio host in la, the station wanted to do an interview with me and him. they thought he was an interesting and funny guy, luke once told me. he also said that no one listened to his show. it’s a miracle it’s still airing. “but the pay’s good, so i can’t really complain,” 
i climbed his lap and put my arms around his neck that day. we were in his kitchen, drinking coffee.“you know that if you’re struggling with money, you can come to me, right?” i asked, looking into his baby blues.
i had started posting covers on youtube a few years ago. silly videos. oasis, lana del rey, halsey, joni mitchell. they gained traction. before i knew it, i was shoved into planes and countries i’d never been before in my life. i was booking interviews, live acoustic performances. i loved it.
he frowned and shrugged his shoulders. “i wouldn’t do that. i’m too proud.” there was a playful air to his words. but i knew he was just joking not to make his struggles seem so obvious. i placed my chin on his head and let him hold me.
“just know i’m here,” i whispered.
eric and i started dating when he got his break as a screenwriter. he wrote for indie films, mostly. and he was endearing and exciting at first. i couldn’t wait to know him. and then, i found nothing. there was nothing behind that superficial mask. he was just that simple. and i’ve accepted it. but i got bored. and i don’t want to start a fight or break his heart. and honestly, i don’t want to lose him. he’s become an important figure in my life. i admit i’m not proud of sleeping around most weeks of the tour. but i barely do it when i’m back in la. mainly because luke is there.
“when do you come back?” he asks.
“i think eric wants to stay another week here,” i reply over the phone, looking at my reflection in the bathroom mirror.  
eric. here. i touch up my deep red lipstick and run my fingers through my hair. eric. here.
“oh...” i hear the disappointment in his voice. because eric is here. and luke’s not.
“open it!” he laughed and threw popcorn at my face when we were in the kitchen. i tried to catch it with my mouth, but it fell in my eyes. “you’re such a dork.”
i took two steps closer to him and grabbed the bowl from his hands. but he didn’t let me take it. “come on! you’re gonna end up injuring me.” i whined.
luke laughed and kissed my nose. “i would never.”
eric takes my hand as we go out for dinner in italy. i should be back in exactly two days. back in my own bed, surrounded by vinyls and some grunge art my friend gave me for my birthday. back in the studio, writing and recording songs with my favorite people in the world. back in luke’s bed. i try to shake my thoughts away and focus on the food. pesto pasta, my favorite. the food always tastes better in their native country. “how’s luke doing?” he asks.
i look up from my plate at him. “he’s fine.”
“is he still doing that crappy radio show?”
“i think i know someone who might get him a better job. ask him.”
“i’m not gonna ask him, eric. he always refuses to accept my help,” i dismiss him quick. effortless. almost as we both don’t know i’m distracting him.
“poor guy,” eric sighs, looking down at his ravioli. “did you hear about eloise?”
“i hate i can’t pick you up at the airport. his flight is twelve hours later than yours. what are you gonna do? stay there?” his voice is exasperated. i can picture him pacing in circles, hand scratching the back of his neck.
“seriously, luke. i can’t risk it. management has got me on a leash.”
“i don’t get it, i-” he doesn’t finish because i interrupt him.
“no, you don’t.”
i hang up the phone. 
i stay in the airport hotel while i wait for eric. i end up recording melodies in my phone. when i get nervous or bored, i make them up. i’m both now. when luke gets like this, i know it’s because his anxiety starts acting up. he doesn’t get jealous, not most of the time. and maybe he’s even scared i’m gonna fuck someone else in the next twelve hours. we’ve had fights about this.
“when you’re in la, you’re mine. okay? not eric’s, not anyone else’s.”
“what the fuck, luke. i’m not a whore.”
and he would break down and cry on my shoulder saying sorry.
he only started therapy a this year. 
he said it helped him with the fear of nothing being right or coming out right. he puts too much pressure on himself. “i’m getting better, though,” he would tell me. but i know that’s the reason he can be rude and even hurtful towards me. i’m hurting him. and i hate myself for that.
“hey, can i come in?” i ask him. he’s standing there, door half open, looking at me for a moment before opening it all the way. 
“yeah, sure.” luke walks towards the sofa, now avoiding my stare. 
“don’t do that.” i close the door behind me and take off my coat, setting it on the table next to the wall. “i’m sorry,” a sigh while i make my way to the sofa. i sit next to him and place a hand on his back. “i’m sorry. i just needed time alone. everything’s so exhausting.” the flights, the shows, the press. eric and him. sometimes, when i’m in another city and eric is back in la, i would sleep with the security guard at my show. or the guy that offers me a beer at the hotel lobby. once with the desk clerk. i would have to be careful because if all my infidelities get out, people can cancel me. and if they cancel me, it hurts management. therefore, it hurts my career. i’ve been trying to do it less, though. mostly, because it bothers luke. i’ve started to care about him. feelings i hadn’t had in a long time. 
sometimes i need alone time to process everything in my life. my past, my present, my future. that’s when i get introspective and write songs. that’s the headspace i need to be in to create music.
“it’s fine,” his lips seem to pronounce my name with anger. 
i press a kiss to his temple and rest my head on his. “it’s not fine. i shouldn’t have hung up on you like that. i’m really sorry.”
luke sighs and leans back against the sofa. i just stare at him. my heart shrinks and breaks and withers at the same time. he looks so stressed. he doesn’t wanna talk about this. but i can’t ignore it.
“please, tell me. i don’t want you to be in your head about this.”
luke’s eyes suddenly become daggers. he’s pissed. “not everything is about you.”  he doesn’t move. hands firmly gripping his thighs.
i pinch the bridge of my nose, frustrated. “okay”
i have a bar in my house. luke poured over some drinks to celebrate the release of my new album. it was out. it was midnight and it was out in the world. i had decided to spend the night with him because he’s my biggest fan. he supports me like no one else. my successes seem to make him proud. and i wanted to feel that energy when my record dropped.
“my favorite song is dynamics,” he said with a smile. “i love the drums and your voice on that one.
“thank you,” i smiled back while leaning on the counter, across from him. “i’m really proud of it. all of it. thank you for being the first one to listen to it.”
“of course. i can’t tell you how excited i am for everyone to hear it. it’s gonna do so good, because it’s so good,” he grinned and handed me the glass of screwdriver. “i love you.”
i stand up from the couch and go over to the front door. “when you’re ready to talk. we’ll talk. i can’t babysit you right now.”
uncalled for, but necessary. 
i don’t hear from him in four days.
i literally have no one else on my tag list so let me know if you want to be added!
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holographic-mars · 10 months ago
mars! theoretical for you that's not related to anything im writing rn (<- lie). do you think ravage could potentially fit in cosmos' chest when cosmos is mass displaced to be big? and if so, how do you think being in soundwave's dock and cosmos' chest would differ?
not even going into if ravage would want to be in cosmos' chest. because she wouldn't. but,,, thinking and staring off into the distance
HEHEEE I love completely-theoretical-not-related-to-anything-getting-written-rn questions tehe
I absolutely think ravage could fit in Cosmos’ chest! She would hate it very much, naturally, but she’d definitely fit.
Cosmos’ chest would definitely be less secure than Soundwave’s dock and she’d have to cling onto something in order to stay put (or she’d have to be strapped into the one (1) seat he has in his cockpit). She’d have enough room to be in both root mode and cassette mode so she’d be able to move around while in Cosmos’ chest. Whereas I’d say with Soundwave, she’s very secure and can only transform into root mode if she’s the only cassette in there.
Being a space shuttle, Cosmos’ armor and glass is made to be very strong and durable so Ravage is as safe in Cosmos as she’d be in Soundwave (who’s dock is formatted to be able to take a hit to protect the cassettes inside). She also has a lot more visibility to the outside in Cosmos’ chest unlike in Soundwave’s chest, where the visibility is limited to just straight ahead (Cosmos’ cockpit is rounded like he is so she has a better view of what’s going on).
Cosmos is a very careful flyer when he’s carrying a passenger, so he’s particularly gentle when he’s with Ravage. He’s had plenty of practice carrying Rumble and Frenzy (and on occasion Laserbeak and Buzzsaw) so he knows how to maneuver without disturbing his cassette passenger too bad. Doesn’t mean Ravage wont complain, though.
Ravage tears up Cosmos’ upholstery if she’s particularly unhappy with the situation. Cosmos is like “please don’t press any buttons” and she does exactly that. She’s just as bad as Rumble and Frenzy on a good day.
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