#cosmos is very understanding tho he doesn’t toss her around like he does rumble and frenzy
holographic-mars · 5 months
mars! theoretical for you that's not related to anything im writing rn (<- lie). do you think ravage could potentially fit in cosmos' chest when cosmos is mass displaced to be big? and if so, how do you think being in soundwave's dock and cosmos' chest would differ?
not even going into if ravage would want to be in cosmos' chest. because she wouldn't. but,,, thinking and staring off into the distance
HEHEEE I love completely-theoretical-not-related-to-anything-getting-written-rn questions tehe
I absolutely think ravage could fit in Cosmos’ chest! She would hate it very much, naturally, but she’d definitely fit.
Cosmos’ chest would definitely be less secure than Soundwave’s dock and she’d have to cling onto something in order to stay put (or she’d have to be strapped into the one (1) seat he has in his cockpit). She’d have enough room to be in both root mode and cassette mode so she’d be able to move around while in Cosmos’ chest. Whereas I’d say with Soundwave, she’s very secure and can only transform into root mode if she’s the only cassette in there.
Being a space shuttle, Cosmos’ armor and glass is made to be very strong and durable so Ravage is as safe in Cosmos as she’d be in Soundwave (who’s dock is formatted to be able to take a hit to protect the cassettes inside). She also has a lot more visibility to the outside in Cosmos’ chest unlike in Soundwave’s chest, where the visibility is limited to just straight ahead (Cosmos’ cockpit is rounded like he is so she has a better view of what’s going on).
Cosmos is a very careful flyer when he’s carrying a passenger, so he’s particularly gentle when he’s with Ravage. He’s had plenty of practice carrying Rumble and Frenzy (and on occasion Laserbeak and Buzzsaw) so he knows how to maneuver without disturbing his cassette passenger too bad. Doesn’t mean Ravage wont complain, though.
Ravage tears up Cosmos’ upholstery if she’s particularly unhappy with the situation. Cosmos is like “please don’t press any buttons” and she does exactly that. She’s just as bad as Rumble and Frenzy on a good day.
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