#i could recognise his shadow in another life where we did not know each other
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luvmequmi · 2 years ago
hello people this is the love of my life I just wanted to remind everyone
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jesuis-melodrama · 22 days ago
Thoughts on The Virgin Suicides (1993) by Jeffrey Eugenides
There's a shot in Alfred Hitchcock's Pyscho (1960) where the character Norman Bates peers through a hidey-hole at the first on-screen victim of his serial murders, Marion Crane. It's an incredible cinematic shot embodying the phenomenon known as the 'male gaze' where the female body is objectified for the pleasure and purpose of the voyeur. Never one to let technical limitations to restrict his craft, Hitchcock makes incredible usage of lighting in this black-and-white film. The tiny circle of white light, representing the pure and angelic Marion (even if she did steal money from her employer and is now escaping by car) illuminates the scope of Bates' eye, symbolising the only organ that he uses to digest Marion. He does not use his brain to think of her objectively nor his mouth to communicate with her. Instead, all he sees is her physical appearance, which he takes from her without her knowing and without her consent. The rest of Bates' body is shrouded in darkness and shadow. This could allude to his second nature, the deviant personality of his deceased mother who now occupies half of his mind, but Bates in this scene is very much himself, not his mother, and his actions are his own. The darkness in this case symbolises Bates' masculinity and voyeuristic desires. Objectively, he does not harm Marion, but neither is he seeing her as a person, only as a fantasy and as a doll.
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The entire narrative of The Virgin Suicides seems to be an extension of this screen-cap. The younger ages of the characters and the decreased violence (depending on your definition of violence) does not subtract from the gross self-indulgence of the boys. While the unnamed narrator takes painstaking effort of introducing the identity and history of each male character - Paul Baldino and his Italian mafia family, Dominic Palazzolo and his ill-fated love for Diana Porter - the boys are always described as a group, used by the inclusive pronoun 'we'. No matter their individual differences, no matter their personal aspirations, in the end, all the boys are exactly alike one another in their fanatic and self-gratifying obsession with the Lisbon girls. The circular, peeping Tom light shines on their singular eye(s), their brains, faces, pasts, and future does not matter.
This is further emphasised by the lack of description on which adult stayed and which adult committed what activity in their extensive interviews, investigations, and research they conduct as grown men. As boys, full of life and possibilities, there was still hope for them. But as sad, encumbered men, their obsession had warped them to the point where there are no other defining characteristic of their persons. Do they have jobs? Wives? Children and family of their own? Daughters who yearn for a fraction of the care their fathers devote to girls who had long vanished from the world? It does not matter; the boys are not people, they are a representation of the teeming mass of self-righteous eyes fixated on the Lisbon girls, at once fathers: "Bonnie should eat that mac 'n' cheese, she's getting too thin", lovers: "those girls drive me crazy, if only I can feel one of them up", and Puritan condemners: "We wonder how could she [Lux] do such a thing on her own house, with her parents sleeping nearby."
They mask their voyeurism with the disguise of concern, the illusion of helplessness and compassion, the very same manner rapists blame the unavoidable allure and beauty of their victims, when in reality, their empathy is superficial and narcisstic. See how the boys scorn the reporters for mixing the girls up but were unable to recognise them as individuals themselves, see how Trip Fontaine abandoned Lux in the fields after he got what he wanted from her.
It is the point of the book and we will never know, but I would love to read an alternate version of the The Virgin Suicides from the girls' perspective, not to understand why they killed themselves (I think that is obvious and mystifying at the same time) but to give them their voices and autonomy and the space to behave like the simple, conscious, adolescent persons they were.
Something Mary said to her date at the Homecoming Dance (I do not remember the boy's name, but the point is that it doesn't matter who he was) sticks with me strongly: "So why did you ask us out? Did you guys feel sorry for us?"
The girls have no idea of their fame and scrutiny. The boys took their observation with relish, believing that the Lisbons were as obsessed with them as they were with them. But the simple truth is the girls possess eyes and absorb the world as any other human would. And like any decent person, they were curious about investigative prods in their direction. They were full-bloodied beings, living in their own world, until that little American suburbia made it their mission to steal their diaries, their coronary reports, and ultimately, their lives.
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rjavenuru · 1 year ago
about the WIP game, I'm curious about Oh My Goth! (I'm a very predictable man, I know) and Shitshow
Well, you pretty much know most of what is in OMG! anyway 😝 (my asks, some bits from the comic and other added bits that you've already seen and some that I'll probably send you when they're ready) so I'm going to answer about Shitshow.
In his mind Poeleirus Pariseau is a most important person. Well, he is mage to the king, there are hardly more important people in the land. He would also argue that there isn't much that would faze him but when he wakes up in a cage, stripped of his magic, after having vivid memories of dying he is quite shaken. And what's more, there isn't only one of him, but six! Who has worked this infernal magic and for what purpose? Is it a curse to punish him for his arrogance? Or a second chance to live a better life?
He opened his eyes. Slowly the light seeped into his mind. He blinked. Dead? No. Alive. Breathing. Strange. Sleeping? No. Awake. Lying down on a hard surface covered with cloth. Metal bars. Metal bars? He rose. Inspected his hands. Moved. His last recollection of this body was different. More strained. Right now he felt… Younger? How was he younger? He remembered dying. He touched the bars. They were cold. Steel. He gripped them with his hands and pulled. They were immovable. When he looked around for a door. There was one in the ceiling of the cage but he could not reach it. As he looked around he saw them. Other cages. Just like his. Five of them. And in them, lying on the ground on a green cloth… He had to grip the bars of his cage so he wouldn’t fall over. For a moment or two he thought he might die again. They were all the same. The same as he. Who was he? Did he remember? Yes. He did remember. He was Poeleirus Pariseau. Mage to the king. But which king? Was there still the same king? He remembered dying. For all he knew he could have been dead for decades. Another stirred. And the third. He closed his eyes, still gripping the metal bars, trying to summon his magic but nothing happened. He remembered the words, the incantations. He even remembered where he’d learned them, where he’d read them again and again and seared them into his mind. But they would not do his bidding. They seemed to be just words. How was this possible? “What in tarnation is this trickery?!” one of the others shouted and tried to shake the bars. He opened his eyes again and surreptitiously inspected the others. Did they also wake as Poeleirus Pariseau? Were they all the same? He decided not to speak. Some of the others shouted some more, at the cage and each other. Two of them began to argue which one of them was the real Poeleirus Pariseau. So that is it then, he thought to himself. We are all the same. And then he saw another face. Hiding in the shadow of the corner of the room. It was a familiar face. It looked older, but he recognised it. “Reangene…” he whispered. Reangene smiled in the shadow but didn’t move. “Why?” he whispered. Reangene didn’t speak but his face said ‘You know why’.
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darkestrellar · 2 years ago
gladiolus :   describe a moment from your muse’s life that they will never forget . // hydrangea :   how much does your muse value communication in their relationships with others ?are they prone to being misunderstood ?
Botanical headcanon prompts
Gladiolus — Describe a moment from your muse's life that they will never forget.
Normally the go-to answer for this is his first exposure to the Shadow Crystal, but that's slightly different in fandomless verse and I haven't got all the details sorted in my head, so I'll try something else.
A moment Svern remembers well is when he first actively reacted against his cousin (who does not technically have a set name yet, but for some reason I keep referring to him in my head as Luke, so let's call him that). Luke is a few years older than Svern (or Sylvester then), and was the biggest single source of bullying for Svern's yet-unmasked Issues.
Luke didn't like Sylvester because Sylvester was a little weirdo who never talked to you unless he had a reason (which usually meant correcting you for something or just being obnoxiously Smart and Better than you), who was never happy, was never upset, talked in a weird monotone voice always and also was unfairly good at everything.
There is also an unfortunate thing that happens when you're known for not reacting to anything ever, and that is if you hang out with the wrong kind of kids, they see you as a curious thing to poke and prod.
Svern had been tolerating this kind of poking and prodding, verbal and physical teasing, for years, and over years it just got worse. For a long time the only way he reacted was passively: ignore, turn away, leave. Since Svern is not a very reactive person, and back then was very bad at expressing himself, he could put up with a lot, seemingly, without being bothered (which only fed into it getting worse). When he did get bothered enough to either leave or (stoically) tell Luke to stop, Luke took this as a victory as well and made a big deal of how the emotionless weirdo did get annoyed after all. Svern spent years of not reacting much beyond that and quietly building up resentment toward not only Luke, but other people who weren't quite so obviously bad about it but still were in their own ways.
So, Svern will always remember when that finally hit the point where he did feel recognisably, truly angry, and took an active reaction against Luke.
It was a year or two after he had started masking successfully, which contributed, as Luke both had used this as another way to try and get under Svern's skin (look who's gotten so good at pretending, but we both know you're a little liar, so you're even creepier than you were before) and Svern had now learned how to act in ways that he wouldn't have beforehand. Unfortunately this also marked the point where they both got a lot more malicious in their behaviour toward each other in general.
Hydrangea — How much does your muse value communication in their relationships with others? Are they prone to being misunderstood?
Svern delights in leaving others hanging and not being clear with his intentions, leading them along etc., so I would say his value of communication in interpersonal relationships is pretty low. Then again, a lot of this stems from the fact that he is constantly maintaining a certain distance from everyone else, lack of communication feeds that distance, and it's very hard for relationships with him to go beyond a certain depth (the depth where he would start properly caring about how this communication or lack thereof affects the other person more).
He is aware that good communication is valuable to relationships, and he knows how to achieve it, he just doesn't do so most of the time.
Prone to being misunderstood? Yes, again with the caveat that he could easily make himself less misunderstood, but at least half of the reason he's misunderstood is on purpose. If he's not actively being confusing, he's at least playing into other people's uncertain views of him.
Considering so much of him hinges on nobody really knowing what's up with him, and he specifically likes it that way, he's not going to be winning any awards in clear communications anytime soon.
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helenarasmussen87 · 2 years ago
Random thoughts on characters
Putting it under the cut because I have *feels* about this.
So I've gone full tilt again into Naruto because it's honestly been tumultuous for me for a long while. I got depressed and turned to the series again. Reading and writing for it and somehow Tiktok decided I really need to know about Boruto, so yeah.
I have a complicated past with Naruto. My ex was a gasligthing dick and for him, Naruto was a childish series that had no value. As did fanfiction. He basically hated that I got joy out of something so simple.
Another ex LOVED Asuma and the series and it actually helped me look at it in a more positive way. But I didn't go back until a couple of years ago and found that I loved it SO SO Much.
So now that I'm revisiting the series and I have to admit that I ignore canon and Boruto. I was expecting the couples to happen, but I have to admit that I HATE how Sakura got shit on.
Sakura should have had a brilliant character growth arc. She had so much potential to be a second Tsunade. And instead she's Sasuke's wife, patiently waiting for him and being a single mom.
I get that our man is the Shadow Hokage, but his ass can't park itself in Konoha to at least not forget his own daughter? It's like the bare minimum...And we're supposed to believe hints that this is a great love story? Uh no. It's toxic and Sakura needs to love herself.
Sakura is pushed to be the rehab for a broken man. I love Sasuke, but the last thing he needed was to get involved with a woman who loved the idea of him rather than who he could be. The man needed to be by himself and get over his grief and get his redemption done.
(I also think that Naruto and Sasuke could have helped each other in this by travelling together. Naruto is one of the few that got him and saw him. But I digress)
She deserved more than to pine for a man who needed to get his shit together. And yes, I know the books are out...And they do read like paint by the numbers bad romance novels. Having read enough of them before, I knew exactly where things were supposed to go.
And I have heard and read "Well, fifteen years can change people!" It's true that people do change to the point that they don't recognise their partners. They aren't really on the same level and they are very different people.
You can fall out of love with someone and you don't have to stay with them. I know because I married young and I eventually left. It took me moving halfway across the world and basically having a war of attrition for years to get my divorce, but I did it. And having this perspective is why I'm like "Oh honey, no."
I won't say that Sasuke abuses Sakura. I don't buy it. What I do buy is that they are toxic together and forcing a life that neither of them really want. Sasuke loves having a family. Sakura loves that she got her entry into the Uchiha clan.
(I also find it kind of weird that this guy wanted to continue his clan and only has one child? I know that he supposedly gave up the dream...Which absolutely makes no sense in regards to his character. He loved his clan. He loves his family. So why not have more kids? You supposedly love this person and you have a clan to renew...so why only one kid? Naruto had two in contrast to him.)
The other thing is that you can enter a relationship when you're so full of turmoil and trauma bond with a person...And wake up years after and see that this is not where you're supposed to be. Yet not want to change the status quo and stay. Even though it's not the life you saw when you started? Yeah. That's how these guys feel.
Also, the romance isn't organic. Asuma and Kurenai was offscreen, but we knew how much they loved and respected each other. Temari and Shikamaru also had the best romantic trajectory since it grew organically. Hell, even Minato and Kushina who are fucking DEAD got an organic love story.
(Not listing NaruHina, because they have their own issues going in, but at least they got their weird development)
The major problem was lack of development and how they kind of got smashed together. I also will take Kishimoto's assertions that they were supposed to be together always with a grain of salt. Maybe because I'm older and was socialised female, but it looks to me like the man is backtracking and keeping them together out of spite. And because he's so shitty at writing female characters.
I'm quite skeptical that he had it planned. Considering the sheer amount of planning for different story aspects and the sheer amount of emotion we get in different dynamics...Kind of hard to buy.
Compared to Fruits Basket where we got hints right away of Kyo and Tohru, Yuki and Machi...We got lukewarm hints of Sasuke feeling the same for Sakura. I mention Yuki and Machi because Yuki himself was very, very reserved and traumatised as Machi herself was, there were enough hints for everyone to go "Oooh."
With Sasuke...It was always Naruto. And Sakura.
(Kind of like me and you, and your friend...Steve)
Demon Slayer had Iguro and Mitsuri, who had hints...and got a heartbreaking scene that they both wished for something they knew wasn't going to happen. Going even further back, there was X/1999 with Kamui and Kotori.
Point is that Sakura deserved better than to be shoved into a toxic supposed happily ever after.
Sasuke also deserved better.
End musings
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nevereverlandboys · 3 years ago
Drunken in charge
A/N: So I already posted this on wattpad a while ago. I was busy with learning for my exam, but now I finally managed to edit everything so I can post it on tumblr for those who don't read in wattpad
If you want to get tagged for my oneshots DM me ❤
Pairing: Ouat Felix x Reader
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, fingering, oral, unprotected sex, consuming of alcohol, swearing, really unrealistic sex scene lol, unprotected sex
Summary: Felix is being left in charge for the camp while Pan is absent, so games are off along with every other game. What is there else to do than drink? The second in command uses this opportunity to finally get closer to the reader after being so distant for a long time.
word count: 9968
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The Island was harsh and cruel to everyone in an unfair but equal way. Even though the lost boys lived free on Neverland, they still were ruled by the mischievous leader named Peter Pan. Each of them had their own suffering they would not mention to anyone, rather feel the pain alone and the loneliness followed them with every step. But if someone caught Y/N's eye the most, it was the quiet second in command, Felix. He always stayed close to his leader and would always follow his command. His cold facade never told her a single thought, making him special in his own way. He would leave the girl alone and only joined her on missions, but even then, the second in command would remain quiet. Pan on the other hand, tormented Y/N with thousands of useless tasks, while the lost boys worked on their own duties that seemed to make way more fun. No matter how hard she tried, Y/N would never fit in the group of lost boys, their name alone excluded her. None of them treated her fair, always left her out and acted like she was their servant. At first, the boys all seemed curious, and also a little intrigued about her appearance. They wondered why the shadow brought a girl to Neverland and if she would stay forever or just for a while. Their vicious behavior scared her off the first days, keeping her distance in a small tent. There was nothing special about Y/N, and she wondered why Pan brought her here from the beginning. Soon they boys learned that as well, treating her harshly like everybody else. They mocked her for being too weak, being too emotional,- they mocked her for not being a boy. After a while Y/N stopped asking questions and simply agreed to her new life. There were many good things to mention, nothing here was all bad. No one cared about her exploring the island during the day, at least if she did not go too far. If she wanted to cook for herself, there was no one in the way, and if she wanted to read in her tent, they would not enter- also because she was definitely sure Pan forbat it. The lost boy's feared and loved their leader at the same time, the way he let them live the free life they always wanted and not even seeing how dangerous it could be had convinced them. Y/N had distanced herself from them and their cruelty, rarely appeared to any big occasion and rather traveled along the river that ran it's way through the meadow and pastures. It was a surprise when one boy asked her one day to join a game, leaving her startled and unable to answer since no one ever really attempted to talk to the girl. It woke a piece of hope inside her, some of the younger boys already liked Y/N, yet, there was always something suspicious around the older ones.
"C'mon!" The thin boy yelled excitedly and waved his hands through the air, gesturing to follow him.
"This will be fun!"
Y/N avoided the demanding boy and tilted her head while her eyes wandered through the group before they stopped at the second in command, his eyes already burning on her skin when she detected him on his log, not far. His gaze made her nervous, uncomfortable and she questioned the decision to join the game. Something inside her shook the thought off, that Felix would approach her one day for some other reason than Pan made him, or that he would ask her to join a game.
"No…" Y/N answered nervously and looked back to the lost boy, trying to ignore Felix in the back. She did not trust that boy the slightest.
"I have to clean the kitchen." She  lied and dropped her gaze to the ground. The boy left as quickly as he came, not even trying to convince her further as if the interest was faked like everything else on this Island. After a while she sat alone in silence, watching the smaller boys play with sticks and some older ones preparing some meat and stickbread for the bonfire. The feeling of being watched did not let go. Y/N tried her best not to look suspicious and quickly let her eyes wander further when she found the guilty boy, Felix. 
Why is he still staring at me?
She never found out. The boy stayed exactly where he was and so did Y/N. He would constantly steal a glimpse and for a moment goosebumps spread all over her body, as butterflies rumbled in her stomach. A few days went on and she had catched the second in command staring at her over and over again. Whenever she looked at him, he quickly shifted his eyes somewhere in hope not to be catched. Sitting at the dining table she would catch him, when she did the laundry or cooked in the humble kitchen. The lost boy woke some curiosity inside the girl, the urgent need to know why he would always steal a glimpse, whenever she walked by. He never slipped a nasty comment, definitely strange compared to the other lost boys and their vivid temper. He never approached her or tried to keep up a conversation either. As soon as the sun went down, Pan appeared in front of Y/N's tent, calling her to come out and get some firewood. His second in command stood not far, leaning against the bark of a tree and chewing on a toothpick. He didn't need to wait for his leader's command, already knowing he had to join her. 
"Be quick." Pan ordered sternly, pressing his brows together before strutting back to the other boys. Her eyes instantly shifted over to the lanky, blonde boy, a smirk plastered on his pale face. If Pan knew that this was not a good idea? Felix turned on his heels and led the way through the trees uphill where the bushes covered the edges down to the abyss, not looking back once.
"C'mon, girlie." He said.
'Don't call me that!' She snapped back and paced up. The lost boy's camp disappeared on the ground, the higher Y/N followed the path before Felix stopped in front of a dark forest, the leaves swallowing every light before it could touch the ground. 
"Princess." Felix corrected cockily, watching her step between the trees. She started to blush and was unable to say something, so she decided to simply ignore the giant boy's nickname for her, no matter how flattering his words seemed. She tried to act tough, tougher than she actually was, in hope he would recognise it.
"How in the hell should we get wood in the dark?' Y/N mumbled as she stared into the pitch black.
"Are you scared?" Felix teased and gave her a smirk. His voice was deep and rough, unsettling but still going like honey through her ears. The girl scoffed at him and rolled her eyes, then led the way with firm steps, not even seeing the ground and suddenly tripping over into a mess of wood. 
"Fuck!" She hissed and held her hands to check the unbruised skin. The lost boy started to laugh darkly to himself, before he stepped closer. 
"This wood is full of chunks." Felix explained and bent down to pick up the wood. Y/N rose to her feet and grabbed some wood, not saying another word. Felix remained silent as well, heading with heavy back to the camp. After a while he stopped and turned, watched if she could catch up and continued when the girl was close enough. All the time she wanted to talk to him, using the moment all alone with him, but as she hurried to follow the second in command, no single idea for a conversation came to her mind. It was like someone wiped every thought away and replaced it with the heavy drumming of her heartbeat. As soon as she reached the clearing, Felix dropped the wood onto the ground and left them for the other boys to take care of it. Her chunks landed right next to his and she paced up to catch up with the gloomy second in command, when a tight grip on the girl's wrist stopped her. 
"Where do you think you're going?"
Y/N tilted her head and faced Dave, a tall chubby boy with messy brown hair, his eyes dark and soft like marbles. The lost boy looked like a bear, warm and welcoming, nevertheless it were his words that often scared her off. He only had nasty comments for Y/N, threats and if Pan wouldn't protect her for being a weak girl, the lost boy would probably harm her physically as well.
"The potatoes won't cook themselves!" Dave barked and pushed her harshly away before his eyes wandered over to the kitchen tent. Y/N bit her tongue to stop slipping a nasty comment, marched over to the humble kitchen and let out a growl when she saw the mess inside. 
"Are you fucking kidding me?" She whined as her eyes wandered over the dirty pots and Pan's, knives and forks along with every spoon. At least it was not stinking and disgusting, easy to wash, yet an avoidable effort if every boy would clean after themselves. But why should they? They had Y/N. Deciding to only clean the essential goods and shoving the other things aside, she opened a little basket with potatoes in it and placed them on the little counter. Like she expected, no one came to help her during the cooking, only one boy showed up to ask if she could hurry up. The same boy did not even thank her when she finally gave them the cooked potatoes half an hour later. The selfish behaviour of these boys was the thing Y/N hated most, more reason to focus on the second in command, the only boy who had never shown her this nasty attitude. While every other boy slowly gathered around the bonfire after they ate, Felix stayed where he was. He did not dance like the others and Y/N was not even sure if he could hear what the boys claimed to hear. Pan once said, his flute was special and the girl was supposed to hear her too. None of them had an explanation, still, it did not seem like the first time for Pan, seeing something like this. 
The girl's eyes darted back to Felix, his eyes already burning on her skin and she instantly moved her head to make it look less obvious. The tempting idea of walking over to him burned inside her guts, but with all those boys around, she was like being frozen in place. The second in command never talked to her when it was not necessary, not even one muscle in his face twitched when he interacted with the others. Still, something inside Y/N pulled her towards him from the beginning, as if his attempt to block her out was even more tempting. When she distanced herself from the bonfire back to her tent, Felix stayed at his seat instead of following her like she had imagined he would do. A little disappointed she went to bed and kept twirling all her thoughts around the mysterious second in command. There were so many questions about him. No one ever understood Felix, maybe not even Pan, although they were closer to each other than no one else on this whole Island.  
The following days Pan left Felix in charge, going on a mission by himself. The absence of Neverland's leader made itself noticeable first, when the lost boys stopped playing their big games and went directly to their duties, almost no words slipping from their usually loud mouths as they worked in silence. The day had started boring for everyone on it, Pan was already away for a few days, so Felix was fully in charge. Games were off, along with parties and especially dances in the evening. If Y/N could tell, the dances were the most annoying thing to the second in command, the thing he hated the most. Felix did not like the idea of taking care of anybody else but himself. So it came that even after weeks, Y/N had barely exchanged some words with him. He would simply avoid her and in case of sharing a task, just stare at her in curiosity. It was a lie to say he did not make her nervous, even when it was not in a scary way. The second in command was weird in any way and whenever he built himself up in front of her, she and broad, he made her look even shorter than she actually was. A feeling almost pleasant instead of scary. It was like something pulled her towards the cold lost boy, but the lack of courage would not let her talk to him. If he felt the same?
Felix was intimidating to look at, it was like something was wrong with his face but Y/N could never tell what. His high pitched cheeks were sharp and narrow and there was an awful scar running along his left cheek up to his brows like an 'x'. The most creepy things were his eyes though, whenever she looked into them, she was willingly drowning in a cold puddle that dragged her deeper in. They pierced her, as if he knew every secret inside the girl's head. Nevertheless, he was not ugly, rather pretty to look at. When his blonde hair hung messy over his face and the way he smelled. Whenever she walked past him, she would smell pinewood and musk. Even though he was well known for his cruelty, the lost boy never raised his hand against Y/N, nor called her nasty things like the others did. She was not even sure on how to do it anyways. Felix always looked busy or like he did not want anyone to speak to him. When she thought of it, the girl could not remember one single boy really talking to the second in command except Pan, but then again,- they only talked about plans and other secrets. He was a mystery of his own, a riddle for Y/N to solve. She glanced over to him and saw that he was carving something into a piece of wood. The lanky lost boy had distanced himself from the other boys, having his seat on a log as closest to the forest as possible. Maybe she could strike a conversation about his passion for carving? He was doing that almost everyday without talking about it and when she thought about it, she had never seen the final results. After a while, courage overcame her, so she stood up and walked slowly into Felix's direction, already noticing in the corner of her eyes the disapproving and concerned looks of some boys. They started to talk quietly to each other and she instantly knew it was about her. Their eyes burned more on Y/N's skin with each step further towards Felix, making her feel nervous and jumpy. Rolling with her eyes at them, she still marched to the lanky blonde boy, stopping when she was close enough to him. The heads of the lost boys instantly shot away, as if they felt too scared to let Felix know about their curiosity when he lifted his heavy head from his broad shoulders.
Felix's eyes darted up, his mouth shut tight and his facial expression went blank like always. His look told Y/N that he was strong, but never how he felt. She tried to say something, but the words got stuck in her throat. Unable to speak, she stared with a deadpan face back at the second in command, trying to find an excuse for her behaviour. The idea with the wood seemed so dumb suddenly and she wished she could just melt into the ground or simply disappear as the lost boy stared back at her, locking their eyes and waiting for her to say something.
"Have you seen Pan?" Y/N choked out and sounded calmer than she expected to be. The blonde boy raised an eyebrow suspiciously and nodded behind him into the dark forest. Big trees hovered high up into the sky, all around the clearing, hiding every view. It was pitch black. Y/N swallowed at the sight of the dark woods and she shook her head slowly, feeling so scared of the unknown dangers. There was no reason for her to see Pan, the leader was not a pleasant person himself and the lie only made her more anxious. 
"I think it wasn't important anyways." She mumbled unsure and turned around, feeling how her whole face heatened up at the fact that she talked to the mysterious second in command. Suddenly, the tall boy grabbed her by the wrist, causing her to turn and face him again.
"I'll bring you to him, if you feel scared to go alone." He said dry and rose to his feet, tall and intimidating. The girl was so small next to him, peeking up to him again as her limbs lightly started to tremble. Felix glanced down at her and again, she shook her head slowly. The girl did not know if he simply did not notice it, but when the lost boy shoved her into the pitch black, terror overcame her. What was he doing? Not daring to say a word, before the light around her vanished, she only felt the lost boy's hand on her back as he pushed her gently forwards. Her heart was pounding so hard, she feared he might feel it. Where the hell would he bring her? Where was Pan all the time? 
"Don't." Y/N winced and turned on her heels, running past Felix back into the camp. The lost boy instantly jumped around and stormed after her, chasing her across the clearing towards some big trees. She tripped over one of their big roots, almost crashing down but still finding her balance. This was the moment Felix jumped at the girl, crashing down with her, his heavy weight pressing the air out of her lungs. The lost boy spun her around and pinned her arms down on the floor before she could take a sharp inhale. Y/N tried to free herself in panic, but she could not move at all, when the slender boy straddled her and held her down. The colours in Y/N's  face faded away and her heart pumped wild inside her as if it were about to explode, unable to tell if she felt excited or scared. Maybe a healthy mix of both. She was sure he did not want to hurt her. Frankly, he never did.
"Why in the hell are you running from me." He asked angry, slightly confused and she thought even a bit hurt as he pressed his brows strictly together. 
"Don’t hurt me." She muttered and the pale boy frowned. He loosened his grip and swiftly rose to his feet and pulled his hood back over his head, then strutted quickly away, not even giving her a last glance. 
That was strange, she thought. Her heart was still beating furiously. What happened? The lost boy scared her and made her feel like burning at the same time. She took a deep breath and raised to her feet, wiping the dirt off her clothes. Felix was a strange guy and he only confused Y/N. Why did he just stand up and leave? She was not dumb and clearly could add two and two together. But it could not be that the second in command had some interest in her, why should he? The boy barely spoke to the girl, even when they had chores together. Y/N remembered one of the first days, when Pan sent them both to get some dreamshade and the tall blonde did not even let her near one of those plants, not even mentioning why. When he held the filled glasses, the boy walked a big distance between her back to camp, giving her the feeling of not being wanted. Later she had learned the dangers of it and Felix's strange behaviour now. It was an easy addition but she needed to be sure, not even knowing how to deal with this information.
If I am right.
The next day Felix clearly avoided her. Whenever he felt like she was too close, the lost boy would quickly find another place to go. She did not want to ask any of the boys about it, not wanting them to know, but it was obviously something off. They would not answer her anyways, only giving her questioning looks. After that weird situation in the evening before, the second in command completely vanished. There was no big effort to look for him and when the girl went to bed, she completely forgot about him. He had not given her any duties yet, so she took her chance and left the camp to take a shower and later gather some fruits and seeds, everything edible the Island would offer her without having to kill. She did not know how to hunt and was not sure if she could even catch an animal. Peter once told her that his best man would teach her to hunt, but Felix always seemed to be so busy that she simply never asked him to. At first she had avoided the blonde, lanky boy, not knowing his temper. He had scared her so much but now she could not stop thinking of how he had straddled her and how much she liked it. This was stupid. She barely knew Felix and still Y/N pictured herself with him in so many daydreams now. It was always easier to dream about someone and she was not crazy enough to consider anything about the rough boy. But where would he be? What is he doing right now? God, she needed to stop thinking about Felix. She was overthinking. 
The time passed by and Y/N found herself at the clearing again, watching two boys fight in the distance, with a small crowd around to cheer their violence. Her eyes wandered over the whole area, searching for the second in command. He sat far away next to a few older lost boys that hollered around while drinking some rum. Since Felix would not let them do anything, the only possible solution for the boys was to drink and do stupid things that would not bother the tall scarred one. They were drinking more alcohol than any adult could ever handle. The girl's eyes shifted over the group, seeing how they stumbled and swayed around. Felix sat on a log with his own bottle of rum in his hands, he kept his distance from the other boys, observing them with a blank expression but it was visible that he was drunk, too. When he saw Y/N entering the camp, the second in command's head spun around, meeting her gaze and she could swear his face lightened up.
"Y/N!" Someone big yelled excitedly and jumped at her from the side, almost swaying her off her feet before she could even think of the name "Felix".
"Drink with us!" The chubby boy cheered with a dizzy voice. His dark, bushy eyebrows hung deep over his small eyes and he wrinkled his nose, making a nasty, slimy sound, reminding her of a mull. He was not pretty to look at, mean and vicious, sometimes insulting for no reason. He was that kind of a boy who would mock one and still complain when they did not want to be his friend. 
"No, tha-"
"DRINK!" The chubby boy repeated himself more aggressively and grabbed Y/N's wrist to stop her from leaving before she could even try getting away. His fat fingers would definitely leave a mark later as she furiously tried to yank herself  free.
"YOU ARE HURTING ME!" Y/N whined and buried her nails into his wrist, but the lost boy would not let go.
"It will be fun! Don't be such a lame ass." He gave back and tightened his grip. Felix, who had watched the whole scene from a distance, immediately jumped to his feet and stormed towards them, yanking the boy away and threw him violently into the mud. He gave him the most powerful kick that his anger would provoke, that the sound of the fat lost boy's scream caught everyone's attention. 
"I will snap your fucking neck!" Felix threatened so calmly that the other boys would not even hear it as he pressed his jaw together, his hands forming into fists that his knuckles turned white. The chubby moonface groaned dizzy and turned onto his stomach, trying to lift himself drunkenly out of the sludge. With a closer look, Y/N understood why they all called him Piggy, instead of Mull. He turned his head confused around before he would drop back onto the ground again. The girl's eyes widened at the sight of this cruelty, even though she felt relieved and maybe a little entertained to see Piggy like this. He truly deserved it. On the other hand, she wondered why Felix came so quickly to help after he had tried his best to get out of her way. Y/N's cheeks burned up and she knew it would be the perfect moment to talk to him.
"Go." Felix said. He turned to her and shoved her gently away from the boys towards the tents. His big hand warmed her comfortably on her back, waking the butterflies in her stomach and causing her to shiver. The second in command rested one one of his arms on the girl's shoulder to keep his balance as he swayed between the tall bushes forwards between the trees.
"You should go to sleep." The lost boy said huskily, stopping in front of her tent, his grey eyes staring at the closed curtains. The excitement inside Y/N turned into disappointment when she saw where this actually went, so she stared irritated at the tent as Felix pulled his arm away and stepped away, slowly heading back. 
"I am not tired!" Y/N gave back and knitted her brows together, confused why he just left her now. He could have stayed at the camp instead of joining her in the first place. Why come all this way up here? Felix's head spun around before turning back to stop right in front of the girl. He bent down to face her and made it possible to smell the alcohol in his breath as she stared into his gray eyes illuminated by the pale moonlight. The messy, ashen hair hung half over his face,- Y/N liked so many things about him and right now he was so perfect. He has never been that close before, except when he had tackled her.
"The boys aren't so well behaved," The second in command snickered. "Especially not in that state."
Y/N giggled when she thought of Felix acting like he was a good boy, after all those terrible things he did. There was a reason why he was second in command of this brutal gang and he proved it by the way he treated Piggy. 
"And you're not?" She gave back quite bravely, raising an eyebrow cockily. Felix chuckled low to himself, slightly shaking his head before he gave her a smirk, showing his white palette of perfectly lined up teeth.
"If you want me to," Felix purred and wiggled with his brows. "I'll be whatever you want."
The girl felt goosebumps spread all over her body at his words and for a moment, she just stared speechless back at him, unable to say a word and wanting nothing more than kissing those pink lips. Felix was drunk, he could not think straight and definitely did not mean what he said. The lost boy's breath tickled hers and she noticed how close he was and how she just had to lean in, to steal a kiss. There was no way she would risk it, well aware that Pan loved games and she could not let the thought go, his best man would love them as well. 
"Do you have any suggestions?" She asked as her nose touched his, her lips almost on his as she gently ran her hands over his chest. Felix ignored the question, moving instinctively and rough, grabbing Y/N's neck and pulling her in to close the distance between their mouths. His tongue was warm and tasted like liquor, still it did not bother her at all, when he vividly explored the inside of her mouth. Felix's hands vanished under her hair, grabbing her head and pressing the girl firmer against him while his intoxicated mind led his actions. Y/N gasped surprised into the kiss, not expecting him to do this even though it was what she wished for. Felix was way taller than her and for the moment he was forced to bend down at her height, holding her in his broad arms that pressed her tightly against his chest. When Felix’s pulled away, his eyes were still shut and he ran his thumb over Y/N's lips, licking his own and let out a gasp when he realised that he did not only imagined to do that. Then his eyes widened and she could see that he realised for the first time what just happened, what he just did.
"Sorry…" Felix mumbled unbelievingly and shook his head with widened eyes. He pushed her harshly away and rose to his feet, quickly checking full terror if someone had watched it.
"I was-" Felix spoke hoarse and slowly took a step back, then another one, a few more, until he turned on his heels and sprinted quickly away,  not finishing what he tried to say. 
Y/N stood there for a moment as if she were stuck in place, not able to process what just happened. With a swift movement she stormed through the curtains of her tent towards her bed to hide under the covers. She grabbed a pillow, held it against her face and screamed inside it. It was hard to tell if she felt excited or embarrassed. Felix kissed her, so why should she be worried about something? Maybe it was a test and she failed? Hell no, that would be some serious bullshit if that were the first explanation and she had seen his reaction. The way he held her and how he tasted heatened her up. Every cell inside her body craved for more.
No, what are you doing, she thought and shook her head, replaying that scenario in her head over and over again like a broken record. With a swift move she rolled onto her back and stared up at the curtain ceiling, hoping to find an answer to what her next step could be. If the lost boys would find out, they would never stop talking about it, maybe even start to think she was easy to have. Y/N gulped and squinted her eyes at the thought of them all trying to hit on her. Felix was different though. He was tall and intimidating, his cold stare would pierce through her with a burning desire and his smell intoxicated her mind. Whenever he was around, she could barely think straight, desperately wanting to figure out what laid beneath that cold facade. Never in a thousand years, she could have guessed that he liked her back. On the other hand, he was not able to make proper decisions drunkenly and maybe Y/N was encouraging herself too much. There was almost nothing she knew about the tall boy and falling for him that fast could only harm herself in the end. 
Y/N closed her eyes and brought her fingers to her lips, touching them, while imaging to feel Felix's on them again and remember what they tasted like. The second in command barely spoke to her and now that? There was definitely more behind it. It had to. Her other hand slowly wandered over her stomach to pull up the dress, slipping a finger inside to play with herself. It was not the first time she thought of him while touching herself, but this time something was off. Deep inside her something stopped Y/N, no matter how aroused she already was. She needed to talk to Felix. Under no circumstances she would let him ignore her for days again. Yanking the blanket away, Y/N jumped out of the bed and eagerly left the tent, turning her head furiously around to find the tall boy. He did not sit next to the others anymore and when she walked downhill to his cabin, she could feel her heart pumping furiously inside her chest. The girl stopped in front of the wooden door to knock and when no one answered she knocked again. 
"Felix!" She tried to be as loud as she could be while still not attracting someone else's attention. There was still no answer and she felt dumb for even thinking it was as easy as this to find him after the previous events. He could not be far, the lost boys still needed someone who had an eye on them before someone could get hurt. Their hollering was still audible and the bonfire in the distance let Y/N see a few of them behind the bushes. For a moment she thought of going back to the clearing again, hoping to find Felix there, but the thought of meeting Piggy alone now was no good. 
"Y/N." The girl suddenly heard Felix’s raspy voice behind her and she turned dazzled around, the warmest smile sitting on her lips. 
Felix swayed dizzily into her direction, closing the gap between them two while he tried to keep his balance. The lost boy's head was too high up, making it impossible to steal a kiss from him now. 
"What are you doing here? I told you to sleep." He asked nervously and pulled her away from his cabin towards the trees, his head constantly turning to look if someone watched. When he placed his hand on the girl's back again, his touch sent electric waves through her spine and she wondered how his slender finger would feel on her bare skin.
"Did you drink more?" She asked, noticing how he swayed more and the second in command vividly shook his head in response, grinning like a small boy on a sunny day. 
"You have."
"I can cleanly tell-"
"I am-," Felix grabbed Y/N gently by the back of her neck and pulled her in, his face coming closer again. "-Not. Drunk."
She started to laugh and leaned into his grip, bringing her own hand up to touch his scar. Felix's blue eyes melted when he felt her fingers, closing them and relaxing as her touch traced as light as a feather down his skin. He relaxed for a moment and enjoyed the touch on his scarred skin, before he suddenly woke out of trance.
"The boys better not see us." He cleared his throat and broke apart, letting go of her.
"No one saw us, Felix." His name echoed through the dark forest like honey and Y/N grabbed his hand tight- she was way smaller than his. The girl felt Felix's breath in her face, how his nose almost touched hers and before he could do anything she had already closed the gap between them two, pressing her lips against his. Felix moaned surprised into her mouth but instantly grabbed her cheeks and slid his tongue inside. She could still taste the liquor and wondered if she might have taken advantage of this situation. The tall boy's moans told her otherwise. He moved his hands slowly towards the girl's waist down to her ass, cupping it rough while her smell intoxicated his senses. 
"We shouldn't." He whispered and she heard him move even though it was too dark to see. Nevertheless Felix pressed himself harder against her and she felt through his pants how hard he already was from only kissing. 
"Why not." She breathed against his neck, leaving a trail of kisses.
"The boys," Felix said, his eyes rolling back with a soft moan when he felt her tongue on his throat. It was enough to convince the second in command, his fingers wandered over her delicate body, burying them inside her tender flesh. It's been a long time since someone touched Y/N and she could not resist the lost boy's demanding hands. He lifted her dress and wandered with his palm over her skin to the rim of the underwear, enjoying the small moans when his fingers wandered further to her inner thigh, drawing invisible circles on it.
"Felix…" His grip tightened when he heard the girl purr his sweet name in the most delicious way and he almost could not hold himself back to tear her clothes off right at this place. The lost boy dared to slip one of his fingers inside Y/N's panties and when she did not complain, he pushed his slender index inside of her, feeling how her soft walls tightened around him. If Felix had not realised it earlier, he knew at least by now how much she craved him when he felt how wet she already was. Y/N let out a gasp when he started to push his long finger in and out of her, causing the girl's legs to tremble and her knees to shiver in excitement. She closed her eyes, giving up trying to see something in the dark as she melted into Felix's arms, her face sliding down onto his shoulder. She found her balance by grabbing the lost boy's leg and then she realised that he was kneeling in front of her. Y/N was actually glad that the surroundings were pitch black, feeling her cheeks heating up in embarrassment from her uncontrollable sweet moans. Before she would absolutely lose her mind, the girl managed to push the lost boy slightly away from her while her hands moved down to his belt. Her fingertips ran over the leather and the lost boy instantly frowned at her touch, his whole body stiffened and he stopped moving for a second.  
"W-wait." He stammered, the adrenaline pushing the dizziness of the alcohol away. "I-I… never…" he continued and stopped, his hands wrapped around Y/N's wrist, insecurities overwhelming him as he held her in a safe distance. Now she really wished to see his face, well aware that he must look like earlier when he kissed her, startled and somehow shy.
"Well," she replied after a small pause, her voice echoing clear through the night, "Neither have I."
There was an awkward silence between them two and if the lost boy would not hold her by her hips, she would probably believe he was gone by now. The second in command was embarrassed for no reason, what did he fear? Y/N had no clue how to do this and if she was honest, it was way more appealing that Felix was a virgin, too, even though she did not expect that. All the time she thought he was so confident and now he was so vulnerable to her. The lost boy still did not speak, so she bent into another kiss, hoping to catch his lips in the dark. Felix gasped when he felt her lips on his scar and pulled the girl back in.  This was good, they did not need to talk- should not talk. It would only make this weird. Talking would come naturally. Felix grabbed Y/N's hands gently and brought them back to his belt for her to continue what she had started. She let her fingers trail over the leather to his buckle to open it, enjoying the moment when she opened the button of his pants and slowly pulled down his zipper. The lost boy moaned inside her mouth when she slid her hand into his pants, pumping his hardened cock as best as the tight cotton would allow her to. Felix noticed her struggle and broke apart from the kiss to lift himself up and take off his clothes. Y/N heard how each piece of clothing dropped onto the ground while she waited to be told to do the same. 
"Should I keep my dress on or-"
"Keep it on." Felix ordered and chuckled to himself, then pulled her back against him, his cock pressing against her stomach. The lost boy let his hands slide under the girl's dress and pulled down her panties for more access, then kneeled naked in front of her while his fingers did their magic. They felt so long and strange, making Y/N wonder if she could even handle Felix's cock. He already felt so big in her hand when she touched him again, fully exposed and hardened. The lost boy lifted one of her legs over his broad shoulder and before Y/N could even figure out what he was doing, Felix pressed his tongue against her clit. She let out a surprised gasp and giggled at the ticklish sensation. The lost boy felt how tense her leg was and reached for the girl's hand, holding it and drawing invisible circles on her palm. 
"Relax." He lifted his head and lightly squeezed her fingers, caressing it a little, then pushed his mouth against her slit, his hot breath warming her as his tongue slid over her clit. The comfort of his touch relaxed Y/N instantly as if the lost boy had enchanted her somehow. He pressed his rough tongue harder against her, burying his face between her legs as he ate her out. The girl could not control herself to keep her from moaning, but led the boy's pace with it, whenever something felt good. He buried his nails into the tender flesh of her thighs and with a swift move he pushed the girl down onto the ground, pushing his fingers faster into her. She could not tell which was tongue or fingers, the overflowing sensation spread inside her body up to her eyes as she felt how she got closer to her orgasm. When Felix’s jaw started to ache he broke apart, breathing heavily and leaving Y/N craving for more on the cold ground in the exact moment she would almost finish. Without saying a word the lost boy pulled himself up to her, placing some sloppy kisses on her mouth before placing his arms next to her, so that his weight would not be too much.
"I want you so much." He panted while he slowly let his thumb circle over her aroused clit. 
"Felix-" She pressed her lips onto his and stroked his hardened dick and pulled his torso closer to lead him to her wet entrance. The lost boy let out an uncontrollable moan as he pressed his dick against her dripping slit that already craved him so hard, slowly gliding in to make the girl feel every piece of his mighty cock. He stayed in this position for a moment to adjust this feeling and Y/N felt herself tighten around him, excitement overwhelming her body along with the smell of the lost boy intoxicating her mind.
"Fuck!" Felix hissed as he started to move in a steady motion. His lips caught her once more, pulling her into a long, passionate kiss. Y/N took a sharp breath and pushed her hand against his abdomen, when the lost boy moved, feeling like getting torn apart by him. The lost boy stopped for a moment, shoving one arm under her neck to hold her while his lips softly traced over her chest. After a short moment,  Felix moved again. Y/N buried her nails into his skin and rolled her eyes back as the lost boy thrusted into her core, slowly feeling herself relaxing in this position after a few strokes. The pain faded away and she melted into Felix's body as if he was meant to hold her. The sweetest words kept unsaid, too embarrassing, too emotional, still, there was something inside them both that felt more than just enjoying sex. It was Felix who took her virginity and the thought of being the one who took his let her heart skip faster. The second in command felt like a dream,- his sweaty, hot skin pressed tight against hers, his abs flexed and hardened during every move and he was just so fucking tall. Felix moved both of his hands down and cupped her naked butt, lifting Y/N up and pressing her against the bark of a tree. He buried his fingers into her tender flesh and left a trail of kisses on her neck as far as he would reach her. The lost boy held Y/N as if she weighed nothing, pressing her body tightly against his skin. She could not resist sinking her teeth into his neck, sucking on the delicate spot until she was sure he would not leave without a mark. As soon as Felix realised what she was doing, he pulled her head back by her hair. To his own surprise, she let out a light moan, feeling even more excited from his big hand in them. 
"The boys can't know." Felix purred into Y/N's ear before he licked over her neck, sinking his teeth lightly into her shoulder to hold him back from letting out another moan. 
"Harder!" The girl commanded for Felix's surprise, who had already thought he was already being too rough with her. The lost boy followed the order, pressing himself tighter against her before he paced up, pumping in and out. The sudden sensation flooded Y/N's body and she knew there was something building up inside her, an indescribable feeling of being high. Felix moans got higher, sometimes even stuck in his throat and she was sure he was close too and that he desperately wanted to climax. Before she could realise it, Felix swayed them back onto the ground, gripping her ankles and pressing them against his legs as she wrapped her arms around his neck to capture the lost boy in another kiss. 
"I am almost-" Felix spoke in a hoarse tone. It was so dark and Y/M really wished she could see his face at this moment. Felix was so vulnerable right now and even though his moans were the most beautiful melody in her ears, just the thought of a short glimpse of his face made her feel hotter.
"Felix." She purred when he suddenly hit a spot that would not stop making her feel like being on ecstasy. 
"I-." She gasped when the knot inside her stomach released and she felt her orgasm roaring through her body with thousands of tiny, electric waves. Jaw clenched and eyes pinched, Felix gave it to her in short, powerful bursts, filling her up with throbbing pumps. His abs flexed and his hands tightened around her ankles. He cursed. His body tensed, and she swore she felt his cock pulsing inside of her as he came in waves, thrusting in and out until he felt himself getting soft.
"Fuck…" Felix let her legs fall to the side as he bent to rest his head on her sweaty chest. "That was…"
She combed her fingers through his messy hair, almost out of words how incredibly good she felt. "That was something."
"Yeah." He kissed the spot between her breasts, "It was."
Felix pulled his dick out, not even seeing the mess he made but still wanting more. Neither of them wanted that night to end and for a while, Felix tried to find his clothes and Y/N thought of how she would clean herself up.
"C'mon." Felix whispered and she heard him step away. 
"Wait!" Y/N called and quickly grabbed her underwear- well, the only choice right now-, cleaning herself with it, before running after the tall blonde and crashing into his back.
"Easy, love." He chuckled and grabbed her under one of his arms and strutted towards the dark in one direction, knowing this place perfectly, even drunkenly and without light. 
"Where are we going?" The girl asked after what felt like an eternity for her, but in reality it was just a few minutes. The trees left some space for the moonlight now and gave her a chance to take a peak from the second in command's happy face. His cheeks were dyed a deep scarlet and his hair hung messy and full sweat down his face. 
"Trust me." He said and paced a little up before he came to halt in front of a big tree, the ladder up to it vanished behind some leaves. Felix climbed up first and lifted the girl up into the tree house when reached the trap door. Felix moved towards a small night desk and lit up a candle. As soon as the light flooded the room, Y/N saw the small cot and a self-made desk under one of the closed windows. 
"I built it myself." The lost boy grinned and proudly watched the awe in her face. She swirled around and looked at some little carvings that were placed on the wooden table. Some of them looked like her. When Y/N's eyes detected the little sculpture, she finally understood why she never saw the results and why he burned one earlier. The girl turned around to say something, but Felix stopped her immediately. Before she could say anything, Felix dropped down onto one knee and pulled her into a kiss. His tongue slid over her lips, begging for permission to enter. Without thinking about it, she opened her mouth and felt the lost boy's hand on her hips, pressing her against his body. 
"I never thought you would like me too." Felix moaned and eagerly kissed his way down her neck, back to her face and lips, repeating the same thing on the other side and showing how hungry he still was for the girl. Felix clearly had not been touched in a while, just like Y/N, so it was quite natural that they immediately would have a moment like this sooner or later. But why Felix? What was about him that made Y/N constantly crave more, causing her to feel like an addict without his drugs, whenever his lips left hers? Her cheeks heated up and she smiled in the kiss, thinking of the previous events, how Felix's hands felt on her skin. It was special to be with him and the girl's instincts told her that it was more than just sex, that Felix wanted more, too. 
"I want you again." Felix licked over his lips and looked at Y/N through half-opened eyes before he slowly melted back into another kiss, this time slow and passionate, synchronising with her while his hands moved down her hips and legs. He gently rubbed his hand against her inner thigh and wandered towards her crotch, to shove a finger inside her still wet hole. He smirked dirty when he felt his mess. Y/N wanted him so much, just like he craved her, maybe even a little more. 
"I want to get naked all night long." Felix purred as he pushed his fingers inside and out of Y/N, her light moans echoing in his ears. Without further commands, the girl slipped the dress over her shoulder, letting it elegantly slide down her now exposed body. Felix's cheeks flushed up into the deepest red, his eyes admiring every sight of her that he desired for so long, and truth be told, he was in awe. When the cotton touched the floor, the lost boy grabbed for the hem of his own shirt and ripped it off, then quickly unbuttoned his pants before he crossed them with his underwear through the room. When Felix pinned her down and pulled Y/N into another kiss, he was already hard again, his hot skin burning against hers as her mind drifted off into a feeling of ecstasy. The way Felix's hands trailed down her body gave her chills once more, kept her warm and made her feel wanted. 
"Pan would kill us for this." She mumbled into the kiss when the girl thought of how he protected her earlier, something he never did before and sure did not keep unnoticed to the other boys as well. It worried Y/N for a moment, thinking about how Pan always found out every secret, no matter how little it was. And this was definitely not a small secret, something that could be obvious to others. Or maybe Y/N was just paranoid. 
"Relax." Felix said, frowning at her words as if the same thought had bothered him for a while now, too. "He isn't here. He won't find out."
The blonde boy rolled over onto his back, pulling the girl with him so she would straddle him. The light of the candle danced over his sharp features, letting it shine in an orange light that spread down to his muscles, constantly catching her eyes as if they were glued on him. Felix always looked beautiful in the orange light of the fire. Every night she would catch herself staring at him. He was perfect. 
"You look so beautiful." Felix whispered more to himself than to her, then wiped some hair out of her face. "Unbelievable that someone like you chose someone weird like me."
Before Y/N could correct him, the second in command already captured her lips with his own, burying one hand in her hair while he kneaded one of her breasts with the other one. His words only flattered the girl and she felt the burning desire to finally be one with him again and melt into his body. Felix gasped at her touch and moaned into her mouth when she wrapped her hand around his dick, slowly pumping up and down while gently rubbing at the delicate tip. His member felt long and thick in her hands, but did not scare her off like earlier. Placing the tip at her wet entrance, she slowly slid down onto him, relieved that the lost boy did not push against back,. The stretching feeling made her feel like getting torn apart all over again and she  gave herself a moment to adjust to the size. The lost boy rolled his eyes back and shut them with a loud moan when he felt her walls tightened around, rubbing his thumbs against the tender flesh of her  hips, when she finally started to slowly move up and down. Seeing the ruthless second in command like this was really stunning and lovely to look at. Felix's mouth was slightly agape and the muscles on his forehead were constantly twitching, moving his eyebrows constantly around. Never had Y/N seen so much emotion in his face before. She  pressed her body against the lost boy and sucked at the tender part of Felix's neck. The lost boy used that moment as a chance to turn her over, holding Y/N tight in his arm, the other one holding his weight so he would not suffocate her while he was pumping in and out. Y/N moaned in ecstasy and ran her hands over his muscular back, feeling his skin against them and how his sweat dropped onto her body. She placed her legs on each side of his, clearly noticing the height difference and feeling like a delicate doll as he embraced her. Felix paced up and she rolled her eyes back when he entered in another angle to come even deeper. She never wanted this to stop and kept feeling how the lost boy filled her with his thick manhood, smelling his scent and feeling his hot skin burning against hers. Felix kissed his way down to her chest and caught one of her nipples between his lips, lightly starting to suck on them and intensing it with each time he thrusted in. These were the final strokes that caused Y/N's legs to shiver and tense up every muscle in her body as her climax roared through her whole body, up into her eyes into the back of her head. The lost boy grabbed Y/N's shoulders and when he came, too, the light of the candles danced in his beautiful, scrunched up face. It was a lie to say she did not like that view and the squeaking sound he made when Felix felt his orgasm deep inside her with throbbing pumps. Felix rolled next to the girl, trying to catch his breath and when he did so, he grabbed a towel from the bed for her. 
"We could have used the bed." Y/N broke the soothing silence after a while and Felix chuckled, then nodded in agreement.  
"Next time." He grinned, pulling his boxers up and placing himself back onto the ground. His eyes did not stop looking at the girl while she grabbed her dress and pulled it back over herself. For a long time they just looked at each other, laughing and giggling, kissing each other but remaining silent. This was clearly something none of them expected to happen. 
"What do you see in me?" Y/N suddenly asked, caughting the lost boy off guard, his facial expression went into full confusion. It took him a moment to think about her question before he simply smiled. His eyes would always melt at her sight and in that moment she needed no words from him to realise how much he was in love with her. The lost boy pulled Y/N closer to him and placed her head against his chest, lifted her on his arms and carried her to the bed where he would let himself fall onto the soft mattress. His legs hung over the wooden frame as he gently rubbed his hands over her back while listening to the beat of his heart. 
"I would never let anyone harm you." His voice was just a warm breeze on her earlobe, tickling her like a gentle kiss. 
"What about Pan?" She asked after a while and took a glimpse at his relaxed face and how her question did not seem to have woken any worries inside him now. He had brushed it off earlier.
"I think, actually, he knew way before me." Felix chuckled low and shook his head unbelieving. "He gave me a chance I got wasted."
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Rest Your Weary Hands Part 20
Part 19
Series Masterlist
Contains: Angst, possessive Ivar, attempted kidnapping, protective Ivar, smut (fingering, P in V, CONSENT) fluff. If I missed any, please let me know.
3,354 Words
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Queen Aslaug walks into your little Healers store with one request, help her son. Said to be blessed by the gods, you find your life becoming more and more intertwined with the young prince as you do your best to ease his pain. It will soon be apparent that outside forces have other ideas.
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"Only one way to find out. You go over there, I'll introduce myself later." With one last quick kiss, Ivar was leaving you.
Something told you something was very wrong.
Ivar rushed away soon after speaking to Harold, a little while after that you had a Leif sized shadow where ever you went.
"Did Ivar tell you what's got him so worried?" Leif shook his head, "no, he just said to be careful of anyone we didn't recognise." You hadn't seen Ivar since Bjorn pulled him away, and the other brothers disappeared soon after.
There was something in the air, some of Harold's men seemed to be paying a lot of attention to things that normal visitors wouldn't, the height of the gates, how many men were guarding the city, where the royal guards were stationed.
A few hours before the feast, one of Ivar's personal men took you and Kindra away from work and escorted you back to the Hall.
"What's the matter? I haven't seen any of you since this morning." Harold was with them, looking ashamed and worried. Bjorn stood up and walked over to both of you, looking you over to see if everything was alright.
"Has anyone approached you today or have you seen anything strange?" Kindra looked at you, then spoke up, "no one has come up to us but some of King Harold's men have been wandering to places where that shouldn't. It's the same three men." The brothers looked at each other.
"Could you point them out if you had to?" You nodded, "yes, they aren't hard to miss." Bjorn sat back down, gesturing for you and Kindra to do the same. Ivar grabbed your hand in his and Hvitserk put a hand on Kindra's knee.
"Do you think you could point them out during the feast tonight?" You nodded at your husband, "yes, it won't be hard. Kindra got a better look at the ones that came off the last boat." You looked carefully at him, "Ivar, what in the Hel is going on?"
He looked down at the ground then at Harold, "two of King Harold's boats sunk on the way here, he just found out it was intentional."
You and Kindra were sitting at the great table with Ivar and Hvitserk, they watched you carefully as you pointed out the people coming through the door.
"That's one of them, in the bearskin." Kindra pointed out the man and Ivar whispered to one of the guards, "I saw him trying to find a place to climb the outside wall, when he saw me he walked away."
Harold was still looking crestfallen, "this wasn't your fault King Harold. You're only one man, you can't do everything." He smiled at you, unconvinced of your point.
"I am not so sure of that. I'm a king, I should know what's going on in my court." You shook your head, "you're also dealing with everything else, trade issues, new alliances, the bandit problem. In the last few months, since Ragnar's sons gain victory over the Saxons, there has been multiple coups all over Scandinavian. This is not your fault."
He smiled at you, "if only you were a few years older and not married." Ivar straightened his shoulders, glaring at the older man.
"Well, she's not, so look away old man." You put a hand on Ivar's shoulder, and then he leaned into to kiss you, his hands moving up to wrap around your head. You pulled away, shooting him an unimpressed look.
"Be nice Ivar, he was making it clear he's not interested." You reached up and stroked his face with your thumb, his eyes falling shut at the gentle brush.
"I love you Ivar, you never need to worry about that." He pulled you into another kiss, his hand moving to your lower back, "I am a lucky man." You giggled, "yes, and don't you forget it."
You and Kindra managed to point out all the suspicious men, it was late by the time you were ready for bed.
"I have to give my horse something, I think he's had a bad reaction to a bug bite. I'll come to bed once that's done." Ivar nodded, pulling you in for a quick kiss before you left.
The stables were still a walk from the Great Hall, the plans for the new stable next to your room had gone from yours and Ivar's horses to everyone's horses in a long stable behind the Hall. You got to the stable, opening the door and taking the jar of salve out of your pocket.
Your horse softly whinnied when he saw you, he gave you a soft tap with his snout as you rubbed the cream on the bites over his shoulder. Ivar's horse was standing next to yours, looking unimpressed at the lack of attention.
"You're worse than your owner, I'll give you a kiss in a minute." Once you were done treating the bites, you gave him another pat before paying attention to Ivar's horse and then leaving the stable.
On your back, two men were standing close by, just inside an alley. It put you on edge immediately, your hand going to the dagger in your pocket. You were close enough to the Hall that you could see the fire lighting up the night's sky. They were coming closer now, you did your best to ignore them while moving a little faster, you were afraid that if you broke out into a run, they would attack you there in the street.
It didn't matter, as you walked by a blind spot, two men came out from another corner and one held a cloth to your face. The smell was sharp like rotten flowers, you knew you had to get away from them but your strength was fading fast, and then the darkness started to fade in. As you felt yourself being lifted into the air and thrown over someone's shoulder, there was a wet thud, a grunt and the sound of someone falling. The darkness finally took over when you heard your husband's voice close enough that it felt like you could touch him.
"Hand my wife to my brother, gently or I will cut your head off right here, in the street."
You woke up to the sound of soft chanting happening outside, Ivar had his hands on your face the moment he saw your eyes open.
"How are you feeling my love?" You reached up and rubbed your face, "what happened? The last thing I remember is leaving the Hall." Ivar's eyes went wide and his face filled with concern, "you don't remember what happened?" You shook your head.
"Someone tried to kidnap you. You were drugged." His fingers drifted over your face, his thumb rubbing your cheekbone.
"I'm ok, why are people chanting?" He smiled, "the men who tried to take you are currently being sacrificed for their crimes, mother was very insistent that it happened tonight to thank the Gods for keeping you safe."
He helped you sit up, bringing you a drink before he sat in bed next to you, "are you sure you're alright?" You nodded, trying to avoid the quickly worsening headache, "can you please make me some tea for my head, I'm suddenly feeling unwell. Do you know what they gave me?" He nodded, "Kindra said it was very common, something made for a herb from the silk road. She said it might cause an attack." Ivar brought you the tea in record time, sitting behind you so he could run his hands over you to distract you from the mounting pain.
"You need sleep, I will be here with you all night." He was right, your eyes were closing before you had the chance to lay down. Ivar tucked you into bed, lying next to you and pulling you into his arms.
"Sleep well wife."
Ivar's hands were on your breasts, his fingertips tweaking your nipples. His lips were sucking on your neck and then one of his hands was gently drifting down your body. You were aware of his weight on top of you, he was warm like a crackling fire and he smelt like herbs and something so unique to him.
"I want you to give me a child, will you do that for me? Will you carry my seed and give me a child as strong as you?" Your lips met his and you could feel him resting at your entrance.
"Yes Ivar, please."
You awoke to Ivar kissing your neck, "were you having a good dream?" there were flashes of Ivar's hands on you while you moaned under him, his body on top of you as he ground his hips against yours.
"Yes, a great dream." Ivar rolled on top of you, his lips moving from your neck to your face. He kissed a path along your cheek to your ear, "would you like to re-live it?"
His lips moved down to yours and the kiss took your breath away, "yes please." He smiled against your skin, one hand shifting down to pull away your undergarments before pulling your nightdress over your head and off.
"You are so beautiful." There was so much reverence in his voice, his fingers drifted down to your entrance, "oh Gods you're wet, it must have been a good dream." You nodded softly, pulling your lower lip between your teeth. Ivar's thumb landed on your lip, pulling it out of your mouth.
"I want a baby." Ivar's momentary shock was taken over by joy, "so soon? We only just married, I thought you would have wanted to wait until all of the problems we've been having were over and done." You shook your head.
"If you want one now, then so do I." Now, there was nothing but lust in his face, "then we better get started." The kiss he pulled you into was more teeth than lips, it felt like he was trying to get at your insides.
His fingers at your slit, which had paused at your declaration, started moving again. The gentle back and forth was driving you insane "please Ivar, don't be cruel." He smiled down at your like a hungry animal and his fingers slid inside you.
"If we have a daughter, I want her to have your hair, and your eyes, and your skin." his voice was breathy like he was holding in some secret, "if we have a son, I want him to be as smart as you, I want him to be brave and honest just like you are." Your eyes drifted close at his praise, you could hear the love in his voice.
"Oh Ivar, you are too kind to me. I don't care what they take from me, as long as I am with you, I will be happy with anything. Although a little girl with your eyes would be a wonderful thing." His forehead fell against yours and he pulled his fingers out, lining his cock up with your centre.
"I love you y/n, my wife." He pushed in and the world felt like a warm bed on a soft cloud.
"And I you, my dear husband."
He started moving slowly, his breath catching in his throat. One of his hands moved up to grab your hair, pulling your head to expose your neck. His teeth met your skin, the gentle brush of his shiny canines made it feel like your skin was buzzing. His hips sped up, but rather than hard thrusts, it was a persistent grind that made it feel like he was splitting you in two.
"Ivar please, have mercy." One of his hands made it's way down your body and his fingers rubbed your clit at the same tempo as his hips. Your back arched off the bed, you couldn't even get out a sound over the rush of blood in your ears. His fingers kept going through the violent aftershocks.
"Give me one more." Your body obeyed before your mind had the chance and he was following you, you felt his warm seed spray your insides and his weight fell on your chest.
"Thank you." his statement took you by surprise, "why are you thanking me?" he shook his head.
"Because you have given me everything I have ever dreamed of."
You both emerged from your bedroom a little while later, your neck covered in growing bruises. Ivar was smiling, one of his hands clasped in yours.
"We never got to talking to Harold about our new alliance, we're going to do that today and he will be leaving tomorrow morning, I won't see you till tonight unless you come by to see me." His tone was playful, "I'll stop by if I can, maybe we can have lunch together." With one last kiss, you left.
"We will help you to deal with the bandits on your side before we set up the trade route. However, we won't be sending anyone to trade with until your court is clear of traitors." Bjorn wasn't leaving any room for argument.
"I think that's fair, I'm indebted to you just by you deciding to continue to trade with me." Ivar waved his hand dismissively, "there's no need for talk of debts, we are all gaining for this alliance."
Harold smiled, "well then, allow me to send you the first trade early to thank you for all you've done for me over the last two days." Ubbe slid a map in front of everyone.
"We are currently rebuilding a copper mine. If you send us trained men to mine it, we will give you twenty percent of the raw ore." Harold nodded, "I think that's fair."
The rest of the morning went on like that, resulting in a profitable and fair agreement. Come lunchtime, you and Kindra walked into the Hall.
Hvitserk's hand rested on Kindra's growing belly. He had become very protective over her in the past weeks, insisting that Leif follow her everywhere. The upside of that is that Leif was learning the art of healing and the two of you didn't have to struggle to lift and move men twice your size.
Hivetserk got down on his knees, leaning in close to talk to her belly, "how's my little girl." Kindra smiled, "you don't know that. It could be a boy." Hvitserk shook his head, "no, it's a girl. I just know it." Kindra smiled down at him, "Of course you do."
Harold chuckled, "what is it with your Ragnarsons and wanting girls, don't you want boys to pass on your name?" Ubbe turned to him, "why wouldn't they want girls? I would only want girls if I had a woman as wonderful as Ivar and Hvitserk."
Ivar slapped his older brother on the chest, "well you're the one waiting, I'm sure there are many worthy women waiting for your attention." You shook your head.
"He's been spending lots of time with Aslaug's handmaid, she is a very smart woman." Ubbe went red, "she's just a friend." You shook your head again, "sure Ubbe, I bring my friends flowers all the time."
Sigurd made a choked giggle, "don't you laugh, Ivar got married first. We should all be looking, lest our mother set you up." Bjorn seemed uninterested.
"I don't know what you're all going on about, I've been married so many times and until Torvi I wound up regretting it. You should all wait until you find someone worthy."
Harold clapped his hands, "that's right, I'm still waiting for the women of my dreams to come along." You shot him a look, "how many concubines do you have? One of them isn't the right woman?" He shook his head, "you shouldn't always listen to rumours y/n, I do not have the harem of women you think I do."
There was a bang at the door, and it opened. One of the local vendors stepped into the Hall, "we need y/n and Kindra out here, someone has gotten hurt at the blacksmith." You barely had the time to peck Ivar goodbye before you were being pulled away.
It turned out that the problem at the blacksmith was a man with terrible burns, he ended up needing to spend two weeks in one of the spare rooms in the Hall so you could treat him day and night. You were cleaning his wounds when you felt a wave of nausea come over you, running out of the room to void your stomach's content.
Lagertha came up behind you to hold your hair, having arrived three days ago to help Aslaug with the plans for the Hall.
"Are you with child?" You looked back at her, "I think so, I want to wait before I tell Ivar, I don't want to get his hopes up and have it come to nothing." She nodded in understanding, "you should tell him, I never regretting telling Ragnar, no matter how it ended." You took a deep breath.
"You are right, I'l' tell him tonight. Thank you." She smiled at you, "you're going to make amazing parents."
As the day went on, a huge storm came upon the horizon and the growing air pressure sent Ivar to bed in pain. You were in bed with him, rubbing his legs with a soothing balm.
"They haven't been this bad in months, I don't know why they're like this again." You gave him a soft smile, "it's the weather my love, I will make sure the builders put multiple fires in our new room so winter isn't too hard on you." His hand reached out to cup your face, "how are you feeling? Ubbe said he saw you looking unwell this morning."
Of course Ubbe had suspicions, "I'm fine, the man Kindra and I are treating is developing an infection, it's not the nicest thing to see." Ivar cringed and paused before swallowing, "I don't know how you do your job, I couldn't spend my whole day around the sick and dying." You wiped the excess cream off his legs and sat next to him.
"Because I like helping people and I'm good at it. I want Kattegat to be a healthy place where people don't need to worry about dying of a treatable illness or injury." Ivar ran his hand across your neck, "you are a gift from the Gods y/n. I don't know what act of worship I did for them to give you to me."
The rain started violently, and you could hear it slamming against the walls, "the storm's here." Ivar relaxed, the change in pressure from the rain alleviating his aching legs. The thunder and lightning came next, each band making the sky light up.
"Thor must be please with us, we have needed these rains for the crops." You smiled at him, "yes, if everything blooms over the next few days we should make a sacrifice to thank him. I was fast running out of herbs." Ivar fingertips drifted over your chest.
"We have another thing to thank the Gods for." he turned his head to look directly into your eyes, "what might that be?" He was smiling, and you could see the flickers of hope in his face.
"I'm with child."
Tears filled Ivar's eyes, he was looking at you stunned, "are you sure?" You nodded, "without a doubt." You pulled you into a kiss that was somehow hard and gentle simultaneously, his hands moving to your stomach. He slid down the bed, and rested his head on your belly, his ear towards your skin.
"You'll never be able to hear the heartbeat." He chuckled and turned his head, kissing the cloth covered skin softly, " I know, but soon she will be able to hear me and I want her to know my voice before she's here. I will have many uncles to compete with." You ran a hand over his head.
"You will make a wonderful father Ivar, I never doubted that."
Snippet 3 - A Real Man Part 21
Tag list: @ladynightshade30 @katshuya @istorkyou @smears-and-spots @youbloodymadgenius  @draculasbride-blog @profoundtyrantharmony @vikingsfranatic @hellie98 @localtrashopossum @polly-jayne @serenitybloodmoon @southernbe @rebyl-dollface @hamburgerslippers @wintersire @dizzbishh @bubblybrianna @simonsbluee@sukijxhn @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @malevolentmagnificence @rivernell @wittysunflower @kelly1buck2ats @kaybee87 @thewhowhatwherewhenuniverse @idontwannnabehere
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years ago
Could I request a Jaskier x female reader where the reader is a princess who during daylight, is condemned to be a bear, after being cursed by an evil sorcerer At night she become a human again. Which the curse can only be broken by a man (who would be Jaskier) who pledges his heart solely to the reader (something like true love’s kiss). Please and thank you!!!
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jaskier x reader
Warnings; mentions of witcher killing, mentions of death and angst, curses, nudity, some fluff, implied smut
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“G-Geralt.” Jaskier’s voice shivered, as he saw a great mountain of brunette fur, wading through the long grass, heavy breathing exhibiting from its wet snout. “There’s a bear!”
“If you’re that scared, try to speak quieter.” The Witcher’s speech remained monotone, as he continued walking, leaving the bard to catch up with his hardy footsteps. “We need to leave before nightfall, that is when the true monster is unleashed from the bruin vessel.”
“You kill monsters, we’ll be fine.” The bard waved off, though he was terrified, and Geralt was all but convinced with his dismissal. “We will, won’t we Geralt?”
“It’s bad luck to remain out here at night, it’s an old wives tale, however, no one survives the night out here. Not after the disappearance of the princess of Arafell.” Jaskier remembered that tale, he had even seen the princess at a banquet once when they were both young in age.
Neither of them had the opportunity to converse with one another that evening, it was the night she had ran away. and he certainly had regretted never asking her dance. Before that though, they had often strode through the gardens hand in hand, conversing on the beauty of the petals that veiled around the stems, and she, unlike most people, listened to his descriptive forms of poetry. Back then, he had been shy, and not to mention, she was of sought after royal blood. That evening was the last that anyone from the kingdom had ever been seen, after the slumber of eternity wept over their souls. One thing he severely remembered though, was that she loved dandelions.
The princess had ran away, leaving the king and queen in search of someone that could find her, and thus they hired a private sorcerer to complete their wishes. But instead of seeking out the lost girl, the old man took the gold and the lives of old, wallowing the land in distress that clambered into a delving of madness.
A shout bellowed from the bear, and Jaskier found him to “How long will it be til we reach the borders?”
“The bad luck will loom over us Jaskier, we will not make it out of here in the span of the next countless hours. There will be a moon in the sky, but perhaps we’ll be able to seek out cover in the old guard’s tower.”
“Where are we Geralt?” The brown haired poet feared to be met with the answer “What makes you think that we’ll survive the night?!”
“This is what remains of Arafell.” Stated the white haired hunter, as he continued to plod through the thick foliage beneath his dark boots. He stepped on the dull green life form, not encouraged to pursue any further into the depths as he heard the destination that they were travelling through.
“Arafell, great.” Huffed the irritating bard, clutching his lute as he spoke the haunting name. “There’s no need to be afraid, when you’re in the land of torn bodies, because the witcher is by your side. He’ll slash and dice, protect the mice, from the darkness that falls from above. The people are dead, I am filled with dread, in the land of Ar-afellll.”
“Stop singing.” Whenever there was any fault present in their adventures together, Jaskier had a tendency, wallowing similar like a pie without filling to sing. It shrouded Geralt with epitomised frustration, his betrothed follower sure knew how to pull his strings, it was as though he were a moral lute, a practice run of socialisation for the noble’s son.
“Sorry.” Apologised the traveller, with a shrug encompassed by a spark of coldness affecting his posture. There was a breeze, filled with the pinching of icicles in the air, and it clawed through his clothes, clashing with the meat blanketed warmth of his bones. “It’s just- we’re in bloody Arafell, or what remains of it, and you are so calm. Have you maybe perhaps forgotten what happened here?!”
“No. I was here when it queen Ara and her kingdom fell. And that bear has lurked every inch of these demolished castle lands searching for scraps, and if you cannot tell, it is almost night fall, and she has come up sufficiently short of anything, for all these decades.”
The listener frowned, bears did not live so long. It was a curious prospect, it remained loyal to these grounds, although it was empty. There had to be a reason why, a pattern that supposed why it, or she as Geralt had divulged, remained to lurk in the midst of the overgrown forestry. And then another thought (yes, Jaskier had the ability to do that despite what his protective travel mate may have wondered), hit him, like a bolt of lightning.
“Um, Geralt, where is the bear?” He gulped, hearing the rustling of the thick foliage metres behind them. The moon scourged the sky with its global presence, inducing another shot of ambient fear through Jaskier’s veins. “It was-“
“Shut up a moment.” It was almost impossible half the time to silence Jaskier, but this time, he actually obliged the command. Geralt drew his sword, the one that glistened a predominate silver and was made from the compound, clutching the handle in his vice and skilled grip, as his feet took him closer to the imposter that was imbedded within the weeds.
“Oh.” Jaskier covered his eyes, he couldn’t look as Geralt pointed the weapon at the beasts throat; a whimper escaped it as Geralt took a step back, alerting his companion. “Kill it Geralt, it’s a bear, it’s going to kill us.”
“It was a bear.” Geralt elaborated as he watched the beast transform and lose its course coat of brown fur, turning into a less monstrous beast. It was only a girl, with unruly and wild hair that was matted in all directions, her face contorted into fear. “Of whom are you, my lady?”
“A witcher.” It trailed from her lips as a whisper, her tone alerting Jaskier that it indeed was not a bear, rather it was a woman, laid on the forest ground, in nothing but her own layers of skin. His eyes widened for a moment, until he earned an elbow in the rib from his friend for his long and convicted ogling. “I have only heard legends but...
“You speak english?” Jaskier wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, hinting at his subsequent misunderstanding of the situation. “but you were a bear?!” This was all growing more confusion with each passing second, there were too many angles of the world.
“I’m cursed.” It was an easy consequence to admit, for the lady of the worlds already lived through them. “Each day, I am forced to pad about in the brute body of a bruin, a sorcerer brought by darkness himself to this dimension damned me to this abomination, his name was-“
“Lament.” From hearing that name, the woman on the ground was taken aback as the women, trying to prevail some decency, attempted to cover her breasts with her arms, as she crossed her legs over one another. “Your parents sent me to find you, lady. I came up empty handed in my search for you, there was no trail that I managed to find, nothing that would point in your direction. And that night, as I returned with short of nothing of any news of your whereabouts, Lament was there.”
“He killed them all, didn’t he. My family?” The answer didn’t require any verification from Geralt, the solemn, yet usual expression on the Witcher’s face was all the confirmation that she needed. “Of course he did, he’s a poisonous shadow, when he finds something he wants, he takes away its home, so that it can’t run back to the hearth whence it came from. I regret every running away from home...”
“Wait a moment.” This was all beginning to add up in some mind boggling way. Jaskier flitted his gaze aside for a moment as Geralt pulled a fine blanket from his luggage, knowingly seeing the movement out of the corner of his curious eye that she was pulling the material that conducted warmth over her shoulders, and across her sachet of flaunted skin.
"Shut up Jaskier." Instantaneously stated the bard, whom had returned his cerulean gaze back upon the y/h/c woman, depositing a composition of interest to her form.
"You're the princess of Arafell, aren't you. Y/n, it's you, isn't it?" Y/n's expression was one of shock; how did this man know of her identity? She understood how the witcher did, though with considering he was condemned with the duty of finding her. The brunette man was slightly familiar, and so he revealed why that was. “it’s Julian.” Jaskier held his hand to his chest, almost hurt that you didn’t recognise him, but it had been years, so many, none of which had been kind to you. “My name is Julian Alfred Pankratz.”
“Dandelion!” The reprised title spun from y/n's tongue, remembering the nickname that she had given the now gentleman all those years ago, when he was nothing more than a persisting boy that made her flash an unashamed laughter in the midst of poised quality showrooms of noble gatherings. "I remember you." She dwelled on the fact, if she weren't clothed in only a shrill and frayed blanket that was pebbled with small dots of soil, from where it had been laid on the ground, y/n surely would have jumped up and spun her arms around his 'sexy goose' neck.
"You've got to be kidding me, it is just my luck that the pair of you know each other." Geralt crossed his arms, shaking his sleek silver head, being deprived of attention as he spoke. "Is there any way to get yourself out to get you out of this prospected curse of turning into a bear, y/n?"
"To be betrothed to a man, confirmed with a kiss resonating true love, though, nobody with any sense would put themselves in that position for me, there is no wealth to my name anymore, nor is there relevance with my heritage, for there is nothing that remains, as you have confirmed for me. This man must certainly be one of a kind, for he has to pledge his loyalty solely to me, forbidding himself from ever being with another woman again."
The mention of a lack of sense reminded Geralt of one man in particular, and he was stood right beside him. But it couldn't have been Jaskier, of all people, and- Geralt found himself overcome with dread as the bard stepped forward, crunching his shoed feet into the withered grass, closer to the rediscovered princess.
"I have waited my whole life to see you again." Oh god, here he went, Geralt thought. "When we were younger, I was infatuated with you, and here we are, united again in a union. If my betrothal means nothing then you will remain in this shrine of gloom, but to me, it would mean everything to me."
"Y/N come on, have some sense, it-" There was lack of reason for Geralt to continue speaking, as y/n sprung up, the blanket flowing down from her shoulders, baring her body cold to the crisp air, as her hands clasped both sides of Jaskier's face, and pressed her lips to his.
The witcher cringed, turning away as the pair practically ate the other's face, like starved animals that had been distanced for many years, which in their case was true. "Do you know if the curse is broken, is there any indicator if so?"
A hum fell from y/n's mouth as Jaskier's hand traced the curve of her spine, causing Geralt to scoff. That was the only response he earned, and to a high stake, it disgusted him. "I think I'm just gonna let you two have some time to yourselves, I guess we will see in the morning if you're being mawled by a bear you flippant."
And thus he walked away, leaving the two to pursue their primitive instincts, under the blessed moon, and on the routed curfew on the dark and dead land of Arafell.
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shidouryusm · 4 years ago
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Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x f!reader.
Content: Fluff, Iwa being a softie, them having lots of love
Warning: Slight making out, suggestive teasing by reader (only once I guess).
A.N: I found inspiration to write this yesterday at 2:30 a.m , as I was sitting on my balcony and seeing the dead silence of night. Hope you guys like it.
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The night emanated a calming aura. Every now and then, soft breeze would blow through, caressing your face and cooling down your body. It was a soothing feeling. The Tokyo city was still bustling through, but none came towards the balcony of the apartment you resided. A comfortable silence was blanketed thoroughly. You loved nights like this so without further ado, you picked your lemon iced tea and and played a soft lofi music while you sat on the balcony floor. You looked above to take in the sky. A dark navy blue canvas filled with thousands of glittering constellations. It seems as though somebody flicked a paint brush dipped in white and created this beautiful scenery.
You took a sip of your tea, enjoying it contently and closed your eyes. The mind took a trip down to the memory lane and parked in the right spot. You reminisced about a similar night like this, years back and smile. Surely the night sky had looked like this way back.
“Babe?” a voice broke your trance and you see the big figure of Iwaizumi Hajime shadowing at the threshold of the balcony.
You look around to see him properly. He just came from the shower. The little towel hanging from his neck, he removed the towel and placed it in the drying rack. He patted your head gently and asks,
“What are you doing out here, baby? Its a bit chilly.” 
“Nothing much. Just taking in the night view. Come and join me in here, baby” You say, tugging him with you. He smiles as he swept over the threshold and sat down at the tiled floor. Hajime positions himself behind you and pulled you closer to him. 
He took in the view like you did. It was a comfortable neighbourhood in Tokyo city and it sure had been a little costly. But thanks to your and Iwas job, both of you had been able to enjoy this little luxury. You moved your head behind and rested it on Iwas shoulder. You took in his scent. Fresh from shower with a dash of citrus. Humming in content, you stayed at this position for a while.
After a few peaceful moment of staying like this, Iwa moves his hands, one had snaked around your waist, pulling you flush against him and the other hand slowly caressed your cheek. You leaned into his touch and kissed the palm of his hand. This sudden move made him jerk a little bit in surprise, causing you to lift your head.
“Hey, what happened? You okay” you ask, worry laced in your voice. But soon the worry is masked by your laugh as you see him blushing till the tip of his ears. It was his ever-so-familiar little shock at your affection and kisses. You hadn’t seen this kinda reaction from him in ages.
“Oi, don’t do it like-” he huffs and you just chortle at his words.
“Iwa, please. I haven’t seen this reaction since high school and its been 2 years of our marriage, for crying out loud. Why are you so flustered like you haven’t seen the whole of me before” you say and laugh. He seems to grow even more red. He huffs again and mumble,
“yeah, still...”
You move closer and place a kiss on his cheek, you hand moving up to play with his hair and the nape of his neck. You move to place another kiss on his lips, then jaw and again moving back to his soft lips, ghosting your own against his. He leans in and connect his lips with yours, moving in a rhythm. Cradling your face between his hands and deepens the kiss. Teeth clashing occasionally. He removes one hand and pulls you by your waist, closer to him till there’s no space, soon it gets a bit sloppy as he leans in even more to the point of dipping you.
Who would have tell, this was the same man who became a  flustered tomato just from a hand kiss, few moments back? 
You pull away, breathing again. A little giddy from the ministration. He smirks at you being like this and said,
“Guess I still have this power over you, brat” he says while nosing your cheek and pecking it.
You nudge at his shoulder and he pulls you closer again, placing your head back where it was.
“Hey, Iwa. You remember it was a starry night like this when we first sneaked out of house at night to meet.”
“hmmm...although there wasn’t any reason for us to do. We met at school the next day, anyways.”
“You have been a buzzkill since birth and even God can’t help it. That was amazing for us. Although we just talked our way through, I remember”. You said indignantly.
“Yeah, cause I was too nervous for anyone to see and recognise us” Iwa confesses. You gasp in surprise.
“Really? Hajime, the fearless? Scared to make a move?” You mimicked his voice.
“Shut up, you” He hides his face at the crook of your neck and huffs a bit, tickling you.
You laugh and move your hand to comb his damp spiked up hair. Hearts beating in sync. You then whisper your hidden confession of that night.
“You know, Hajime, that was the night, I realised I’m neck deep in love with you and decided I’ll marry you. I had promised to the stars of the sky.
He looks up, hearing your confession. His olive green eyes reflecting against yours, playing the memory, 12 years back.
A more or less night like this, a sky full of the blinding stars, above the two teenagers who discovered love and silently made the same promise of spending their life together.
Iwa rested his forehead against yours. You gave out sigh. A sigh that portrays the comfort between you two. You stayed like this, feeling each other and time stretched to eternity.
The sky will be full of stars and you would still fall short to say thanks to each of them, for merging your life with Iwaizumi Hajime. 
He could feel his eyes become glassy as he admires your beauty. 
The sky will be full of stars and Hajime would still fall short to say thanks to each of them, for having you as his significant other, his better half.
How he had found solace in you. How patient you had been. How you always contribute to give him the same comfort that he always tries to give you. The person who is a strong reflection of himself. That person is you. And would always be you.
The sky will be full of stars and both of you would still fall short to say thanks to each of them, for having each other and spending the life together.
Manifesting this teenage dream into a beautiful reality.
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Reblogs are highly appreciated
This was something I wrote and cried simultaneously  cause Iwaizumi Hajime isn't real.
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yawchannel · 4 years ago
INTERVIEW: The Falcon And The Winter Soldier for SFX Magazine (Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan Part) (Issue 337, February 24th, 2021)
By Tara Bennett
Anthony Mackie is Sam Wilson / Falcon
SFX: You’ve admitted that initially you weren’t sure on the idea of doing an MCU Series. Why?
ANTHONY: To be honest, I’ve had trepidation from the beginning. I was really afraid of the idea. Working on so many Marvel projects, and seeing the end result and the effect that they have on people, I was afraid that the quality of the production would be taken down for television. I was afraid that you can’t do things on television that you can do in theatres.
Seeing people’s reactions to Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame in the theatres, and hearing the connection that the audience members have with these characters... that’s every actor’s dream, to affect an audience and expose them to a different way of looking at culture and the world around us. I was really afraid that I wouldn’t have that opportunity to step out on that ledge like the actors before me had.
But once we talked, and once they brought on Malcolm and Kari, I knew it was going to be something different. Kari is a phenomenal leader, and Malcolm is an amazing writer. And Kevin promised me that it wasn’t going to be different. He’s not going to tarnish the Marvel brand by trying to just blow out as much content as he could. And I trusted him on that. They haven’t let me down yet, so I just went along for the ride on faith of their past work. And I was really pleasantly surprised by how great everything turned out.
SFX: Steve was an integral part of both Sam and Bucky’s lives. How does the show explore his absence?
ANTHONY: With Sam and Bucky, the idea of losing Steve looms heavily in their day-to-day-life. Captain America - not just a moniker, but the person - was a huge influence on both of them. The idea of the moniker is not as important as the person that they lost. Their whole goal, and their whole focus, is to honour Steve, because he left them with such a huge task to pick up where he left off. Just the weight of the shield with no Steve leads us to believe that there might not be another Captain America. There will never be another Steve Rogers, so for the two of them, the idea of the Captain America moniker is more of a burden than a blessing. They really try and allow that to be an influence of the legacy that he left, and how they can keep that legacy alive and support him - while also missing him and being very sad that he’s not around any more.
SFX: Will we see more of Sam’s regular life?
ANTHONY: We get to see more of them in their surroundings, their personal life, with people who influence their life day-to-day: family members, friends, co-workers. You got a little bit of it with Sam when Steve went to the VA when they first met. But now you really get to see his twists and turns and where exactly he fits in his nine-to-five, as opposed to him just sitting around waiting for Cap to call. That was one of the biggest pitches that Nate and Kevin gave to me that really intrigued me and excited me about this story.
SFX: Exploring Sam’s big choice when it comes to taking up Cap’s shield encompasses so many real-life issues, including race. Was Malcom a solid partner in conveying that?
ANTHONY: You know, it wasn’t just Malcolm and I. What was really interesting was Kari [Skogland] and Zoie [Nagelhout] were very local in the idea of who this man was, and what he was going to mean to the society that we were presenting him to. It’s funny, with Kari being a white Canadian woman, and Zoie being a white American woman, they had such strong parts of opinion and such interesting ways of seeing this character that were way more aggressive than anything I could have imagined. Their perspective and bravery, as two women leading the charge, to show the situation that this character was being thrust into in the world that he lived in, was very humbling. I always felt support. It always felt like there were people around me who were paying attention to what we were saying as a show.
Sebastian Stan is Bucky Barnes / The Winter Soldier
SFX: After Endgame, how did you feel overall, about staying in the MCU?
SEBASTIAN: At the end of Endgame it was sort of strange and emotional. At the time, it was the 10-year anniversary, so everything felt like an ending, of sorts, even though we recognised that there was probably going to be more to it. But it was great to be able to have a discussion about the future.
SFX: Who at Marvel Studios initially pitched the idea of this series to you?
SEBASTIAN: I sat with Kevin [Feige] initially. And then with Nate Moore, who I had done Civil War and Winter Soldier with, and had an unbelievable experience. I think I was a little nervous, because part of me felt like “I’m not even sure if I know what’s left to be explored with the character”. But we actually discovered so much more. And I feel like the character now is coming off in such a different, deeper and more complex way than we’ve seen him. I thought I had explored the character, as he was, enough, but we actually had only scratched the surface. What we’re able to do with him in this series is just on such a deeper emotional level, and we didn’t have that opportunity before.
SFX: What was most interesting to you about doing a series?
SEBASTIAN: The idea of exploring this character now, separately, from Steve Rogers and from that storyline, and putting him in the world, and giving him an opportunity to really, truly, have to face who he is - everything about that was exciting. And the idea of working with Anthony was exciting, because I know we have something special and we’ve never gotten a chance to explore it.
SFX: Who are Sam and Bucky to one another in this series?
SEBASTIAN: They both despise each other equally! [Laughs] I mean, there’s some truth to that. But it’s also a discovery for both of them to realise that they actually have much more in common than they thought. They come at it from different backgrounds. But essentially, they’re both two people trying to find their new identity, and that really has nothing to do with Steve Rogers. Steve Rogers is much more the catalyst, like the event that sets off the bomb that causes both of them to go, “Okay, that happened. Now, let me deal with these things”. I think it’s about them figuring out that they need each other much more than they want to accept.
SFX: With no Steve to lean on, what is Bucky focused on?
SEBASTIAN: It’s a bit of re-educating that happens at the same time. He’s learning a lot about Sam, and he’s also learning about the world, because it’s a very different world than when we was last “James Bucky Barnes” in the ‘50s. He’s always got to deal with the shadow that’s following him. Now it’s more of a question of, how does he take what he’s learned and apply it for himself, going forward? How do you go out there in 2021 and function, knowing what he knows and what he’s bee through? And also, how do you do it without somebody who was a brother by his side, who was a staple of strength, or familiarity? You take away even the last comfort zone - what does he have? That’s what the show is about for him.
SFX: Why do you feel that Bucky has been able to retain fan sympathy during his dark arc?
SEBASTIAN: He felt much more reachable and reachable than other characters, perhaps because of the arcs of trying to cope with the past, or getting over some trauma, or PTSD. And his level of finding oneself again, redefining yourself, your morals, your values, who you are, what you believe in, the challenges that you have - in terms of accepting the world a certain way - understanding that maybe how you grew up and what you’ve learned isn’t going to always help you find your path. You’re going to have to maybe go against the things that you’ve been used to. Those are all things about this character that are very interesting.
There are two more interviews with Showrunner Malcolm Spellman and Director Kari Skogland included in the issue!
If you'd like to get a copy, SFX Magazine Issue 337 is available to purchase both physically and digitally worldwide! https://magazinesdirect.com/mobile/az-single-issues/6937139/sfx-magazine-single-issue.thtml
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juliewatt · 4 years ago
When did she ever get to say no (FATWS)
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The apartment was dimly lit as she woke up from her nightmare, her past still haunting her even though it had been years ago, she still remembered it as if it was yesterday.
Her body shook from the previous event and sweat covered her body, the bodies, the blood it all still stood clear in her mind as she tried to take steady breaths to calm herself down. Once her body stopped shaking she stood up from the hard floor she called a bed, she didn’t remember having anything that was softer than the floor, she had tried a bed but after an hour she had laid down on the floor finding it more comfortable than the way too soft bed.
She walked to the shower to get the sweat off her and to collect herself more, a shower usually helped calm her body and mind after the nightmares.
After she was done she walked in her living room that was connected to the kitchen, it was a small apartment that had all the necessary stuff she needed, not too big but not too small either.
The city outside her window was alive and the sound of cars driving and people buzzing around put her on edge, she was used to silence, grey monotone walls and only being talked to whenever she was getting an order or in special occasions asked a question.
This world was new to her, she had been out for years but she still feeled uneasy navigating around in the outside world, so she for the most part stayed inside her little apartment watching the news on her television to see what happened outside without actually being there.
The knock on her door made her jump slightly but she quickly composed herself and walked slowly over to her door grabbing a knife on the kitchen counter in case she needed it. She could properly do the same damage without the knife but liked to have it with her for an extra precaution.
There was another knock on her door while she neared it and a voice from the other side “Y/n i-we need your help can you open the door?” She furrowed her eyebrows, the voice sounded familiar but she couldn’t pinpoint it and she didn’t really know or talked to anyone so she was confused to say the least.
She got to the door and peeked through the loophole in the door to get a look of who was outside the door, she stumbled away from the door when she saw who was outside it, it was a face she would recognise anywhere even after all these years and even with the haircut he had gotten. When she had stumbled back she must have made some sort of noise cause the voice outside spoke again “Y/n you alright? Can you open the door?” But she barely heard it, fear cruising through her, she backed farther away from the door she was promised safety when she got free and yet here he was standing in front of her door the man that had dragged back the last time she tried to escape, the winter soldier. Was he here to take her back? No it couldn’t, he never returned from that mission years ago she remembered that clearly, she had heard the guards talk about how they had lost him.
She got back to her senses and grabbed her knife tightly in her hand, took a deep breath and silently walked over to the door, unlocked it and stood back in the shadows, she knew she had no chance of overpowering him he was too strong so she would need to surprise him if she wanted any chance of success.
“I’m going to open the door alright? I just wanna talk” He said while turning the doorknob, she didn’t believe him, how could she the last time he had dragged her back, but she remained silent.
When he had walked in and closed the door behind him, she attacked but he was faster than her and dodged the knife that came for his head, he dodged each attack from her trying to get a hold of her without hurting her or himself in the proces.
She tried her best but in the end he ended up having her in a chokehold against his chest, the knife thrown away she tried to get free but little did it help, he was stronger than her like he always had been. “My name is James Buchanan Barnes and I'm no longer the winter soldier, so please stop. I'm not here to hurt you i just wanna talk” He said while she still tried to get free not believing him. “Lies all they do is lie” she said while she gave him an elbow in the stomach making him release her, she quickly grabbed her knife while he still was doubled over, when he stood again she pointed the knife at his throat glaring at him. For the first time Bucky got a good look at her, she had gotten older since he last had seen, of course she would look older. She had been around 16 when he last had seen her, a child who now had grown to look more like a young woman. “What do you want?” She asked, fear was lingering in her eyes, the knife slightly trembling in her hands she tried her hardest not to but the man in front of her made it hard not to. “I want your help” He started off slowly eyeing her every movement, he could easily overpower her, but he didn’t want to scare her more than he already had done. “I need your help with tracking a few people down, they have created the super soldier serum and i want to stop them, you’re one of the only ones i know that might want to help” He said, she stood staring at him not quite understanding it, he wanted her help?
She slowly lowered the knife and he took a deep breath. Maybe she would actually help him and Sam, he hoped for it but knew that there still might be a long way before she actually said yes to go with them.
“I don’t understand?” She said quietly, still confused with everything, “ you, me and a friend of mine Sam are going to find the people that made the super soldier serum, before it ends up in the wrong hands.” Bucky explained, she knew what he meant by the wrong hands, she had seen the other winter soldiers when they were created and got uncontrollable, no she definitely didn’t want that to happen again. “What do you need my help with?” She asked, still watching him and his every move, in case he should turn against her and try to attack her. “I know you’re a great fighter, we could use that. And you’re probably sick of spending all this time in your apartment.” He was right she was, but what else could she do? She didn’t know anything or anyone outside her apartment, her own mind didn’t allow her to, what if it was them trying to capture her again? She couldn’t risk that not now, not when she was finally free but if she was with James and his so called friend Sam they could protect her right? Make sure she was kept hidden and not thrown back into a cell again.
She relaxed a bit in her body and gave James a small nod, “alright James, where are we going?”
James’s friend Sam was a funny guy, he had seemed a bit distant at first and asked her a bunch of questions, but now he seemed more relaxed and trusted her a bit more than before, it made her relax a bit more towards the stranger.
She currently sat on the backseat of a car as they drove through a city in Germany, on their way to a prison where they were going to talk to a guy called Zemo. She didn’t ask many questions as they drove, she had learned the hard way in her life not to ask questions. “Wait kid, how old are you?” Asked Sam from the driver seat looking at her through the rear mirror, she took a moment to answer she needed to think she had been in cryo a few times, so her actual age didn’t add up with her appearance.
“I think i'm around 22 but i’m not quite sure” she said not quite sure with her answer, Sam took a double take at her in the mirror, “you don’t look like a 22 year old?” he said questionly “I have been on ice a couple of times.” She said quietly, not wanting to talk about her past, Sam got the hint and gave her a nod and a reassuring smile, she returned to look out her window for the rest of the trip.
She found her walking along the two other men in a garage of some sort, she walked behind them not paying much attention to their conversation, but when she suddenly heard shuffling from the other side of the room it immediately grabbed her attention.
A man walked out wearing a guard uniform, “What did you do!?” Sam's voice rang out glaring at James, “we need him!” He stated, Sam ignored him and turned his attention back to the stranger, “you’re going back to prison” “if i may-” The stranger was cut off from both of the other men “No!” She didn’t know who the man was so she couldn’t voice an opinion if she had one, but since it was pretty clear that the two other men didn’t like the stranger she decided she was going to be careful around him.
After everyone had calmed down a bit the stranger began to walk through the garage and explain the plan, not much into detail just what they needed to know for now.
Walking on to the private plane, she felt a bit more uneasy than she had before she had no idea where they were going with this stranger that apparently had a lot of money. She sat beside James across from the stranger where she watched his every move, not wanting anything to come as a surprise for her if went to pull any trick on them. The stranger talked briefly with his butler in a language she didn’t understand, she did notice a strange notebook lying within his other book that he had brought, she flinched when James launched at him, grabbing his throat. Memories came crashing within her and her heartbeat quicked up faster than she liked, flashes of her own hands on people's throats while they begged for mercy ran across her eyes, she closed them and shook her head a few times making them disappear.
“I’ve seen that book. It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book.” Sam said from his seat, she furrowed her eyebrows, who was Steve and why did James have his notebook? Sam and the stranger began to talk about how cool Marvin Gaye was, while James claimed he was more into 40’s music. The stranger began to talk more about the Steve guy and someone named Redskull, she didn’t know who it was so she zoned a bit out of the conversation.
“I’m sorry i don’t think i introduced myself. I’m Baron Zemo” The stranger said making eye contact with her, having a mischief glint in his eyes she nodded at him “y/n” she said plainly not wanting to give out information to the man in front of her. “Ahh Y/n or Plan B as you’re called in your files. I've read about you and your time with hydra, a shame you weren’t with the other soldiers in Siberia when I killed them. “ He said, her blood ran cold with the name of the organization that had held her captured and messed up her mind this much. “ I am not like them” she said, fixing her gaze on him, “are you sure about that? With all the lives you have taken, what makes you more different than them?” He pressed clearly wanting a reaction from her, wanting to see if she was as cruel and cold blooded as described in her files.
She merely glared at him “I’m nothing like them, they liked what they did and did it with freewill and no hesitation. I didn’t, when I got old enough to see what they were doing was wrong, I tried to escape several times but I always got brought back. Each time I got beat up more than the last time, whipped so I wouldn't fight them, programmed my mind so they could control me, so that I wouldn't escape all the time. I tried to get out, I really did, the last time I tried they sent him after me” She said nodding her head to James, continuing to tell her story. “I fought with everything i had learned but he was stronger than me, he dragged me back there, i guess they got tired of me escaping all the time, so they programmed my mind like i had seen they did to him, then put me on ice so they were sure i didn’t tried to run again. It was only when he didn’t get back from a mission i got brought back out again, they made sure they whipped me regularly so i didn’t get a change to return to myself again” She told all three men as they stared at her, Sam and James had sad looking expressions, while Zemo had a glint of fazination on his. “I’m sorry to hear about that. But I can’t help but wonder if your trigger words are the same as his?” Zemo asked and gestured to James beside her, she squinted her eyes at the man in front of her. “I don’t know” she said slowly while looking down thinking, trying to recall anything that might help her, a little smirk made a way onto Zemo’s lips and before anyone had a chance of stopping him the russian word came flowing “Желание” Longing. Her eyes snapped up at him in an instant, her mind betraying her in an instant, it was as if black dots started to fill her mind. But with only one of the words spoken they only covered parts of her mind, she remembered the feeling immediately, her heartbeat quickened up, fear of losing control of herself came crashing upon her. “Shut up” She spat at the man in front of her already halfway lashing herself out of her seat towards him, but James was quick and grabbed her before she had made her way over the table to do what she wanted to do to Zemo.
“Stop that right now! Do you think this is funny?!” James pointed at Zemo, anger radiating off him, the baron merely smiled “ I wanted to test a theory, it seemed like I was correct.” He brushed it off, seeming unbothered by the glaring and heavy breathing girl sitting in front him, he only told where they would be going and what the plan was, but she didn’t hear much of it too distracted in her own mind doing her best to shake away the uncomfortable feeling in her head. She snapped back when she heard her name being said “you James and Y/n will have to become someone you claim as gone.” She knew what that meant she didn’t like it, not after what just had happened, but she couldn’t back out now, she heard James taking a deep breath beside her he clearly didn’t like either.
They were used to doing things they didn’t like to do, only this time they could say no, but when did they ever get to say no.
There will most likely be a part 2
- Julie
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prose-for-hire · 4 years ago
Just the two of you
Pairing: Angel x reader
Request: could you write something where the reader and the character (i honestly cant decide which one. you choose) are in a relationship but the scoobies dont know they even know each other, so they always just assumed their signifs were somebody else? and they are always gushing to the scoobies about their datemates, and the gang finds out zhese two are together at the end….?
Requested by: Anonymous
A/N: I loved this request, it only took so long because you gave me too much choice trying to pick someone to write about !! I’m very indecisive but I ended up choosing Angel 💜🖤
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You had fallen in love. Ridiculously fast but it didn’t make it any less real. You adored him. Would lay your life for him. He had been unsure, not willing to subject you to himself and all the baggage that came with his existence to begin with. Until he realised just how happy you could both be when you were together. How your mood dipped when he tried to distance himself.
All he wanted was for you to be happy and he soon realised that this could only happen when you were together. But you kept it intimate, something just for yourselves.
He had been given an experimental cure for his curse and for the most part, it seemed to be going really well. Because he knew for certain that if it wasn’t working he would have lost his soul a long time ago.
Just looking at you gave him this feeling of true happiness. It had almost been a year and he had never been so happy. It was all because of you.
You were more outgoing than him, would speak your mind easier. Communicate with him freely. This had helped him open up more, feel that you really wanted to hear what he had to say. He could lean on you, the way you so often did with him.
You were strong together. Completely in love and not able to part. Nothing could break you up.
But because you only turned up to the library when there was a reason to be there, the Scoobies weren’t entirely aware that you and Angel had even spoken more than one word to each other. You were older than them and had met them by chance when you and Willow were held hostage together.
You had been adopted into the dysfunctional family since and Giles was trying to figure out a way for you to work in the library so that you could be closer to the action when they needed you.
You currently worked at the Bronze which, wasn’t the most fun place to work. There was always something nasty going on and there was a very high staff turnaround. You were pretty sure you were the only member of staff that had lasted the month.
Since you and Angel had gotten together, he had been in a much better mood. He didn’t speak so much but it was more than he ever had. He felt lighter. You made him feel alive, made him appreciate living.
The Scoobies soon noticed this. His much better mood. And so they rounded on him one day trying to figure out the reason.
Angel had been concerned to begin with. The guilt he held in his chest never left. He had noticed it did ease, if only slightly when you were around. He had thought this was dangerous at first. But you allowed him to work through everything, to speak about the trauma without ever turning away from him.
So, he began to be unable to stop himself from speaking about you. About how much he adored you. How much you assisted him, loved him.
He ended up near-gushing. As he would end up always doing when they asked about his partner. They were all actually shocked that their interrogation worked.
Angel admitted to you as he lay beside you in bed that he told them. He was nervous about your reaction. That you may suddenly turn around and tell him you had changed your mind after everything. But you grinned, looping your arms around his neck and peppering his face in such adoring kisses.
That slight tug at his lips was visible again and you began to kiss softly at the corner of his mouth, trying to widen his smile. You loved it when he smiled. It brightened up his face.
You told him how excited you were that you could tell them of your love out in the open. Talk about how happy you were. How secure you were in this relationship. He exhaled, relieved that you felt this way.
The only thing was, he didn’t realise he hadn’t actually said your name to the Scoobies. He had been too excited to finally be able to express how amazing you were and how much he felt about you that he had never actually mentioned your name.
So, the next time you saw the Scoobies they were researching something about some demon. You were about to be invited to join in too. You had slipped in the back way through the stacks.
You greeted everyone and they shared a look before launching into another interrogation.
“So, are you gonna tell us about him?”
“Him?” You repeated and realised. They knew about you and Angel and you hadn’t seen them since he had told them.
Although, what you didn’t realise was that they had all overheard you calling Angel on your cell phone and being all sweet and telling him to hang up first. It had made them laugh and they had to ask. They had never seen you so soft or happy.
“Come on, we all know now”
“Yeah, what’s he like?”
“Well, with me he’s sensitive but still just as cool as ever. He really, really cares too… can make me laugh so much I’m almost crying sometimes!” You admitted, smiling down at the ground. You could have gone on forever, but you knew you had a tendency to talk a lot an didn’t want to allow them something they could pounce on – try to discourage you from Angel.
“Well, he sounds nice” Xander said sincerely, he thought you deserved someone that made you happy. You had to make a double glance at him. You squinted, trying to figure out if he was being cruel. Berating Angel again.
“You mean that?”
“Just want you happy, Y/N” He shrugged and then cracked some goofy joke to try and make you forget how sincere he had been. But this joke was interrupted by Buffy asking for more information.
“We need details! How did you meet? How did you know?!”
“Well, you all know how it is when you’re in love…” You smiled, practically glowing at even thinking of your boyfriend. They all knew Angel after all and they knew how deeply he felt things so of course he was so incredibly loving.
“We, uh, were both reading this book and-”
“A reader, I like this man already - another win for the nerds!” Willow cheered which made you laugh at your friend.
“Well, I’m not sure he’d adopt that label himself but he’d definitely very thoughtful, he
“We’re glad you’re happy” Buffy nodded which really meant a lot to you. You smiled at her softly.
“He makes me so happy, but, uh you know we’re not dangerously happy” You insisted, knowing what must be on everyone’s minds despite their surprisingly supportive demeanours.
“Well, ah, yes, so long as you’re sensible” Giles nodded and your eyes bulged. This was going almost too well. But, again, why would you want them to be angry at you? You couldn’t help beaming around the room.
“Well, he truly is an angel, in name and nature” You joked and they all just smiled a little blankly at the term you had used. It had gone straight over their heads. They just hadn’t been able to put the two of you together.
You weren’t opposites but you were definitely more talkative. You barely shut up and you liked being centre of attention. Whereas he often kept to the shadows, spoke only when he felt he had something to contribute. You had a lot of shared interests and now a lot of shared hobbies that you did together.
But the Scoobies just didn’t even begin to think that you and Angel could be together. They barely saw you in the same room together and you didn’t ever appear in even a friendly way.
“Why don’t you bring him to the Bronze sometime?”
“Yeah, I guess, I mean he usually turns up sometime anyway. I can tell him to show, just give me a time” You smiled. You didn’t usually go to the Bronze just to relax, it was work and someone would recognise you and start barking their orders at you. But you did like to meet your friends and that was where they hung out, so you would often relent and just spend even more time at work too.
Sometimes you found yourself subconsciously wiping down tables and had to physically stop yourself. Angel went to the Bronze a lot to spend his evenings with you.
When you were there for leisure, he would sit near you with the others. But to the outside observer, you and he didn’t speak much. The reason was that you didn’t have to. You could communicate just through the looks in your eyes. Subtle nods and smiles.
He also wasn’t very big on pda so to the others wouldn’t notice it so easily. Sometimes he slid a hand on your thigh under the table, squeezing there. He needed to feel you under his hands. Wanted you as close to him as possibly whilst still being appropriate in public.
Other times, he reached to hold your hand. Clasping his hand to yours. Taking his strength from you. Comfortably attached to you, it made him feel so much happier just being in some kind of contact with you.
Hated the idea of being away from you for even a moment. But he would only ever show how needy he was to you. He would have to be subtle in front of others. Didn’t want to show how soft he could be for you or how much you mattered. He was always conscious of threat too. And the thought of losing you hurt his heart immensely.
Mostly, because he wanted to be close with you, he would suggest you left the Bronze and went to patrol or something instead. So your friends would turn around to say something to you and you and Angel will have disappeared into the night.
You trusted him, that you could have each other’s backs when it came down to it. You were completely in love with him after all. You trusted him implicitly.
Tonight though, you wanted time alone. Just the two of you. You had arranged to meet after dark and just go straight to patrolling.
Well, it was probably about 10% patrolling, 90% kissing and showing your affection. Angel’s senses were working overdrive to try and remain aware of the space around you. But it was so incredibly hard for him when you were around. You were everything to him, he completely succumbed to the way he felt.
Became some kind of love-drunk teenager when you were around him. His lips usually on your, he found your skin so soft. So kissable, it wouldn’t be right to leave any part unloved. His lips would have to press his adoration into your skin, the headlines being he was madly in love with you.
He pressed you against the mausoleum. Hungrily kissing each other as if you hadn’t seen each other in years. As if you were long-lost lovers. But in fact you had only been away for each other for about twelve hours.
His knee slid between your legs as he made sure his body was pressed as close to yours as physically possible. He gripped you in a way that was firm, telling you how urgent he needed this kiss whilst simultaneously being tender. Full of love and adoration.
Words or affection that he struggled to articulate at times and so sought to show you in this way. Show you just how much he adored you. Worshipped you. Couldn’t stop thinking about you and now, when he thought even a singe thing that reminded him of you he was suddenly telling anybody who would listen.
What you didn’t realise, while your lips were locked with his, was that you had an audience. They all gasped in horror. Assuming based on their misunderstanding that you had been cheating on your respective separate partners.
Neither you or Angel noticed though, you were too wrapped up in each other. It was a good job they weren’t vampires or the both of you would have been succumbed to the evil of the night. All because of how drunk you both were on love.
They left but couldn’t leave it for long though. They invited you both to the library one evening. All of them were pacing and squabbling over who should bring it up first. It was an intervention. But, neither of you understood what was happening for a moment.
“Look, we know about the temptation, the hormones-” Willow started.
“His hormones are dead-”
“Yeah, but we mean it - you could really be hurting people” Buffy nodded, concerned.
“What?” you frowned.
“The… cheating…”
You and Angel share a confused look. Neither of you had a clue what’s going on.
“You both seemed so happy, we don’t want you to throw it away for some lusty-lovin’” Xander relented, his hard tone disappearing. He tried his best to be supportive.
Angel finally understood and sighed. Whereas you were just staring as if they were speaking to you in an ancient demon language.
“Uh, guys… it’s Y/n that I’ve been talking about” he frowned at them all before adding, “I said this… right?”
He said as he curled his hand into yours. You squeezed his hand, a show of support that nobody missed. He looked scared, as if they would stake him for your love. As if they were going to tell him the main thing he feared: that he wasn’t good enough for you. That he shouldn’t be with you.
“No you didn’t!” They said, almost in unison. Which made you have to hide your laughter. He could be so awkward in public that he spoke in half-sentences, the other in his head.
“Huh” Angel said, squinting at their reactions. They were bemused but not horrified. Buffy was smiling slightly at the two of you together. She was happy for you. Truly.
And it made Angel relax. He slid the hand that had been in yours and instead moved his body closer to you. Emboldened by their apparent approval. He was behind you slightly, strong arms looping around your waist. Pressing a kiss against your temple.
“Oh my God, this was so obvious – how did we not see it?!”
“Yeah, Angel’s the guy I’ve been near-swooning over for months. I definitely said Angel… you all heard me!” You insisted. You had literally said angel after all.
“We, uh, thought that was a pet name”
You and Angel shared a look and laughed. You grinned at him, feeling a heat rising in your cheeks as the others ran through all the things he had said about you. For someone with a reputation for never speaking, he sure had said a lot about you. About how much he loved you.
He had been gushing and he hadn’t even realised. Even for that five minutes it took you to walk from the bar at the Bronze to the table. He had said so many complimentary and adoring things about you. And yet they still hadn’t realised. Until now.
They were so supportive of you both. Your friends lifting you up. Approving of your relationship. Of how happy you were. It was a relief. Not that you would ever been able to stop loving him. You would have followed him to the ends of the earth if he had tried to leave you. Create a distance.
You would never give up on him.
You glowed when you were together. Faces brightening. Hearts singing. Smiles never far from your faces. They couldn’t believe they hadn’t noticed this before. Hadn’t figured it out.
Of course it was you and him. You were perfect for each other. Just the two of you. Together.
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angelguk · 4 years ago
this prompt: jock!jaykay and namjoon running into each other at a party or sth and namjoon being like ‘you finally grow a pair and ask oc out yet?’ and jks just like 😧 and joons like ‘seriously dude? 😑 i’ve been waiting for you to ask her out since before i even dated her’. but make it more angst!!! namjoon is kind of an asshole here. there’s smoking, drinking and jk getting a brief lapdance. oc is a LIAR. jaykay deep in his feels tbh. roughly 1.5k. listen to all i wanted by paramore
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Jeongguk's crossed too many paths with people during his life to remember every face his eyes have ever seen. But there’s one he will never forget, no matter how hard he tries to scrub the memory from his brain, ignore the muted forlorn twang in his heart, the low ache that ebbs from the base of his skull. It sparks up again despite years of never seeing the individual who caused the problem. How could he forget those broad shoulders? The sharp analytic eyes. The man whom you’d attached yourself too for a good chunk of your joint high school careers. It surprises him, honestly, because Jeongguk’s got a girl grinding on his lap but his eyes are locked on Namjoon, ears trailing after the sound of his deep laugh instead of the sweet nothings Nayeon (or Naeun, or Nayoung — he can’t fucking remember) is murmuring into the hollow of his neck.
For one, he’s fucked out of his mind. Taehyung probably laced the joint; he liked doing that shit even when it messed up Jeongguk’s trip. He should have known not to take a hit, but he was already ten shots in and nothing sounded better than smoke in his lungs. Maybe not nothing. This girl feels good in his hands, responds to the lightest of his touches, moans in his ear like she wants him to fuck her.
He could. He has before. Probably. She knows exactly where to nip his neck for this to have not been a repeat hook-up. But in the haze of the low living room lights and the spinning headiness of the drinks he’d downed, he couldn’t make out her face. It’d shift and twist and turn into an image that almost makes him want to cry because, at some angles, when the shadows form right, he thinks he can see your face. It could be you in his lap, you whimpering whenever your crotches aligned just right, you clinging to him like the sun hangs onto the evening sky.
But it’s not.
And for some unfathomable reason, Jeongguk’s ruined mind recognises that sucks.
Because it should be you.
He doesn’t know how he gets that girl off. Probably some lie that he needed to pee. In reality, he needed to breathe, because those thoughts surface with malicious intent, purposefully drawing him closer to deep dangerous waters. If he’s not careful he could easily drown, suffocated by desires he can’t even string together into a comprehensible sentence.
The night air hits sharp, seeping through his loose shirt. It grounds him enough for his steps to stabilise, feet following a slow trudge to the edge of the balcony. He doesn’t even know whose house this is. Somebody he’s probably never met honestly. But he wanted you to come. Everyone was coming out tonight. Even your elusive roommate Sohee was somewhere in some bathroom with a head between her thighs. You probably are doing that too, to be far. Even the name evokes bile from his throat, bitter and violent, full of jealousy he’d never really learnt to contain.
Lee Eunwoo. A graphic design major. Slightly taller than Jeongguk (only when Jeongguk is having a bad day) and somehow he can make you giggle like he’s getting paid for it.
You’d mentioned it so softly that Jeongguk didn’t even hear it at first. But then your cheeks had heated up, that stupid sparkle melting through your gaze. You wanted to spend the night with him, take advantage of an empty apartment, perhaps watch a movie or two.
It's obvious that you were going to sleep with him. The thought itself irked something visceral inside of Jeongguk. But he’d given you an easy smile, laughed at the modesty of your demeanour and wished you well with a tight hug. The same low buzzing of frustration that he got when you were with Namjoon was already waning through his system as he completed his sets at the gym with more force than needed.
Which is why he can’t help but release a bitter laugh into the night. Ironically, Namjoon was here while you were getting your back blown out by another idiotic guy Jeongguk did not like.
“What’s so funny?”
He can’t spin around to face him, Jeongguk knows he’ll throw up if he does. But he can’t forget a timbre like that. Not when you nearly wrote a poem about how wonderful Kim Namjoon’s voice was. A poem which you recited to Jeongguk before he begged you to rip it to shreds and never talk about again.
(Subconsciously Jeongguk had adopted a deeper voice whenever he talked to you since then. It came out more when he was drunk, but it’s not like you paid any attention anyway).
“Nothing,” he returns. He hopes Namjoon gets the hint and goes away. The bastard joins him on the balcony instead.
“No, seriously, what’s funny? You look like you’ve got a lot going on in your head.” Namjoon was always so concerned in talking about emotions and putting your feelings into words. It’s one of the reasons why you loved him and probably reason one thousand why Jeongguk hated him.
“Hello to you too, Kim Namjoon. Don’t you think we should catch up on the pleasantries before you start psychoanalysing me?” He retorts, forcing his gaze onto the other man. Namjoon looks good; golden skin, broad shoulders and his hair cropped short. There’s an ease to him that Jeongguk could never replicate no matter how hard he tried. Perhaps that’s what happens when you’re born sure of yourself. Like Namjoon was.
The laugh he receives is empty. Namjoon is busy rifling through his pockets, fingers emerging with a joint and a lighter. “Nice to see you too, Jeon. Didn’t think I’d ever bump into you after high school but the universe works in mysterious ways, doesn’t it?” The jay slips between his lips, followed by a swift flick of the lighter before a deep inhale that Jeongguk swears he feels in his lungs. The smoke floats out pretty, fading into wisps of nothing but grey as the breeze sweeps it away. Namjoon offers it cordially, a simple raise of his defined eyebrows and even though Jeongguk’s legs are melting through the floor he can’t say no.
“You sure?” The doubt tinting his tone makes him take it. His overestimation in his maintenance capabilities leads to a rather rough inhale, and an even worse hacking cough that he wants to be mortified at because Namjoon fucking laughs. But he can’t when the world feels like air in his fingertips, slowly slipping away. Almost like you feel at times. 
“You should stop taking the shit Taehyung rolls. I don’t even know what he slips in there but last time I smoked with him I thought I was on Mars.”
“Taehyung offers, I never ask.”
“You never ask for anything to be frank.”
“You heard me,” Namjoon returns, smoke falling from his lips.
“Yeah, I fucking did. I was giving you the chance to pretend you didn’t say it.” Jeongguk’s all in his space in an instant, the itch to smash Namjoon’s face tingling beneath his skin. Namjoon doesn’t even back up, gracing Jeongguk with a quizzical look that leaves him bewildered. “You don’t fucking know me—"
“I do.” There’s a scoff that riles him up even further. Namjoon’s still incredibly unbothered as he talks. “You think being Y/N’s boyfriend I didn’t hear everything and anything about you? Jeongguk this! Jeongguk that! You know that’s the reason we broke up, right?”
That halts him, a lag in his brain as he attempts to process the words leaving Namjoon’s mouth. The older man just stares at him, the sigh that drifts in between them bordering on pity.
“She didn’t tell you that, did she? Y/N lies about a lot more things than you think, Jeon. Where is she by the way? I’ve seen all her friends but I haven’t seen her.”
“Why would you know her friends?” It’s a stupid question but in the jumble of his thoughts it’s the only thing his mind is capable of plucking out. A question that doesn’t leave him bare and vulnerable like the other one’s racing through his head.
“We don’t have each other blocked on everything. Sometimes we talk,” Namjoon supplies easily. And just like that Jeongguk crumbles. He’s not even aware of it but the first crack spears deep enough to leave the rest of him unstable, wavering as he falters away from Namjoon. You never told him any of this. As far as Jeongguk knew you ended the relationship hating him (a thought that briefly consoled Jeongguk if he’s being truthful). But apparently, you felt comfortable enough to share your life with the person Jeongguk thought hurt you the most.
“Man, fuck you.” It’s a release, to say it. Because honestly fuck Kim Namjoon. In the span of a few short sentences he’s tipped everything he’s ever been sure of upside-down, stomped on Jeongguk’s heart like it was bendable and ducked his head right into the ocean he was afraid of diving it, keeping it under until the water filled his lungs and Jeongguk ceased to function.
Namjoon shrugs, not even looking as Jeongguk stumbles back to the door. He needs to find you, ask how much of Namjoon’s words were true. He doesn’t care if Eunwoo is over he’ll kick him out if need be.
But then Namjoon opens his mouth one more time, the final nail in the coffin.
“You should have asked her out. I was waiting for you to it — she was probably waiting too.”
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stars-falling · 4 years ago
late night at the local convenience store (elriel)
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summary: elain, desperate for snacks, visits her local store late at night and bumps into her supposed rival (and he's hot).
prompt: esteemed rival chefs find each other shamefully buying ramen at 3 in the morning AU
word count: 1985
note: welcome to the first july upload! this piece was written for a writing month challenge and i had great fun with it! i'm really excited for the other pieces i'll be posting over the next month. i hope you enjoy them as much as i enjoyed writing them! i'll continue working on other pieces over the month too, so there will be more coming after july (hopefully i can finally finish part 2 of both a storm and a summer's day).
in the meantime, hope you enjoy!
lily (tysm for 760 followers btw! love you all <3)
read here on ao3 // masterlist
Archeron’s Kitchen was the most popular restaurant in Velaris. It had the best food, the best drinks, the best atmosphere, and Elain had never been more proud to say that she was the Head Chef. It had taken years of hard work from both her and her two sisters to reach the level they were at now and they only continued to grow. The sisters worked closely together: Nesta (the eldest) directed the finance and other admin, Feyre (the youngest) worked on the design aspects and managed the staff and Elain manned the menus and the actual cooking. They worked well together, with only minor disagreements happening occasionally, and soon they had rocketed to the most well known and sought after restaurant in Velaris.
This was why she was contemplating her life choices as she pulled up to the local convenience store to buy ramen at 3 am. It wasn’t even the nice ramen; it was the crappy 50p packet of ramen that took less than a minute to cook. She often tried to utilise her skills to cook herself the healthiest and tastiest meals but recently she had been working overtime due to another restaurant's rising popularity. The two staff had even formed some sort of rivalry, trash-talking each other in the streets and slandering the other restaurant to their patrons. She found it childish, so Elain didn’t partake, but she did find it mildly amusing. The new restaurant was several streets over and it was the opposite of Archeron’s Kitchen in every way. Where they were warm and cosy, Starfall was sleek and modern. Where they focused on comfort foods, Starfall served new and innovative dishes. People went to the Archeron’s for the food, whereas people went to Starfall for the experience. And where the Archeron’s Kitchen was run by three sisters, Starfall was run by three brothers.
She had never actually met them. She knew their names and what they looked like but in terms of interactions she had only caught a glimpse of two of them once before. They had stood in the main square with Feyre and Nesta arguing about the importance of serving classic food. Her sisters had both come away grumbling about ‘upstart assholes with no sense of tradition’. As far as Elain was aware, the two brothers they had argued with weren’t actually in charge of the menu, making her unsure if they had full authority over the subject, but she didn’t want to start them off again so she refrained from mentioning it.
Elain pulled into an empty parking space and took a moment to lay her head against the headrest and close her eyes. She was tired and hungry. There was no food in the fridge, her bank account was looking quite sorry for itself and she still had more menus to plan and ideas for new dishes to brainstorm. Steeling herself, she hauled herself out of the car and locked it as she walked to the bright light of the store. She pulled the hood of the tattered sweatshirt she wore over her head as a precaution against recognition. With the status of a semi-famous chef, she didn’t want anyone to see her in the somewhat pitiful state she was in. The bell rang as she pushed open the door, signalling her entrance. The bright flickering lights and cool temperature made it feel like she was entering a separate dimension, one that lacked all sense of time and direction. Elain nodded at the cashier as she walked past them, making a beeline to the snacks aisle. She was greeted by a wide range of ramen, the different flavours and prices making it difficult to choose. She had about £1.50 in her purse and she desperately wanted a coffee too so she would have to be frugal. She was so engrossed with her ramen selection that she failed to notice a person coming up beside her. When she swivelled around to check the time on the obscenely large digital clock above the checkout, she crashed into them hard, causing her, them and the copious amounts of ramen they had piled in their arms to go flying to the floor.
Elain let out a yelp as she landed hard on her tailbone and felt her face heat up.
“I am so sorry!”
A deep, warm chuckle floated toward her and her head snapped up to look at its source. She found hazel eyes staring back. A large man with tan skin and dark hair sat in front of her, surrounded by many colourful packets of ramen. Her heart fluttered slightly as he smiled at her. He was handsome, even in this shitty convenience store lighting at 3 am dressed in similar attire to her.
“Don’t worry about it. I should have been paying more attention. Are you okay?”
She nodded before sitting up fully and helped to gather the ramen that lay around them. He smiled at her gratefully and they sat in content if not slightly awkward silence as they pulled the packets into a pile before finally rising. As she looked closer at him, a spark of recognition kindled within her.
“Do I know you?”
He looked at her curiously, tilting his head.
“I’m not sure but you do look familiar.”
They stood analysing each other. Normally the staring would make her uncomfortable, but with him, she found it didn’t bother her nearly as much as it should have. This went on for about a minute before she saw realisation set into his eyes.
“You’re Elain Archeron. The Head Chef for Archeron’s Kitchen. Why are you buying shitty ramen at 3 am? Shouldn’t you have made yourself a three-course meal by now?”
Elain felt something drop inside her. She hadn’t noticed that her hood had fallen off when she fell, exposing her and her shameful ramen buying to the whole world. But as he laughed softly, she remembered where she recognised him from.
She scowled at him as she said, “ Well you’re Azriel Knight, Starfall’s Head Chef, so you can’t exactly talk.”
She gestured to the stack of ramen that she had just helped pile into his arms. He turned away slightly as if to hide them.
“My stash had run out, okay. I need it to keep me going when I stay up late planning dishes.”
“I get that. That’s why I’m here right now.” She replied and a mutual understanding passed between them.
Elain knew she shouldn’t be talking to him right now, the reminders of the supposed rivalry between the two restaurants loomed like a shadow behind her. But the longer they spent together, the more she found herself not caring.
“I feel like we should be arguing,” He told her. “If my brothers were here, they would have been kicked out for yelling by now.”
She smiled, “Same for my sisters. But I’ve never really cared to be honest. I just want to focus on the food, not a silly competition that people seem to be taking too seriously.”
He nodded in agreement and they both began to walk to the cashier.
“So, what kind of dishes are you planning then?” She asked. “I promise I won’t steal any ideas. It’s not my style anyway.”
“I”m not a hundred percent sure on the actual contents of the dish right now, but I’m currently trying to create a more experimental menu. We recently unveiled a new line of drinks that have a more theatrical element to them. Colour changing, dry ice, bubbling, the whole shebang and I wanted to design a food menu that went along with that.”
He turned away from her to pay the cashier, giving her a moment to turn over his words in her head. She’d gotten a glimpse at some of the drinks and food from when she had taken a look at (read: stalked) their website and various social media sites. She had called it ‘scouting out the competition' when really she was curious to see what had set them apart enough for them to have such a rise in patronage. Whilst it wasn’t her style, she had always thought that she’d like to visit them and try what they had to offer. That was until the stupid rivalry had started and just walking by the restaurant was asking for trouble. Azriel finished paying and grabbed the plastic bag the cashier had placed his ramen in, moving out of the way so she could step up to the counter.
“That sounds amazing!” She replied. ‘I admit, I’ve always wanted to try some of your food but unfortunately, my sister’s might disown me if I even mention it. Calling them over-competitive would be the understatement of the century.”
He laughed at this and she took the opportunity to turn away and press the 50p coin into the cashier's hand. They nodded at her, satisfied and she turned back to Azriel. Together, they walked out of the door and into the cool night.
“I’d say you should stop by, but as you said, our siblings may not be too happy about that.” He let out a sigh. “As much as it amused me at first, I do wish we could just get along. I’d like to come and try some of your food too.”
He swivelled towards her, the white light from the store casting his face into shadows.
“I hope this isn’t too forward of me, but would you like to grab some coffee?”
She smiled at him, shoving the packet of ramen into her hoodie pocket.
“I’d love to. And maybe in the future, we could make some of our food for each other.”
He raised an eyebrow at that. “Like a date?”
She felt dread trickle in. Maybe she had misread the situation. They seemed to have been getting on well, and she had caught him checking her out when they first bumped into each other. Plus, he had just asked her to grab coffee with him. Perhaps he was just being friendly.
She swallowed anxiously before replying, “Yeah. If that’s something you’d be interested in.”
He smiled at her brightly, making her heart stutter and skip a beat.
“I’d like that.”
They stood under the streetlamps in an almost abandoned parking lot. Two head chef’s from popular restaurants with bad ramen and a budding connection between them.
“What are you feeling? Starbucks or maybe that local coffee shop down the street? I think it’s called Veritas?”
Elain hummed as they started walking along the road.
“Veritas, I think. I can get a cup of tea for a pound.” She reached into her pocket to show him her single coin.
For the second time that evening (or was it morning?), he raised an eyebrow at her. “I thought I was buying?”
She glanced at him in confusion. “Since when?”
“I thought since I had asked you it was implied?”
She let out a laugh, shaking her head. “My god, we are bad at this. I think we need to get out of the kitchen more.”
“I’m not sure about that, I’ve got plenty of pick up lines I've stolen from my chefs.” He stepped in front of her, stopping her in her path. “Baby, you’re the crème to my brûlée.”
She groaned, hitting him on the arm as she pushed past him. “That was so bad! I might leave.”
“As if you could do better.”
She pulled out her phone, searching up ‘chef pick up lines’. She grimaced, “These are all so sexual! I think it might be best if we keep flirting out of the kitchen.”
They both doubled over in fits of laughter before continuing down the street. She was glad she gave in to her cravings and went to buy ramen at 3 am. She could tell that whatever this was, it was going to turn into something great.
taglist + others who might be interested!
@amusedowl @court-of-fuck-me-daddy @akb12348 @illyrian-bookworm @actuallyacotartrash @thesirenwashere @julesherondalex @queen-of-glass @verifiefangirl @rhysanoodle @sadbitchlorcan @thefangirlofhp @abraxos-is-toothless @elrielllll @b00kworm @maastrash @rosssas @illyrianbeauty @nightcourtcinnamonroll @ireallyshouldsleeprn @tswaney17 @secretbondsandloveconfessions @sleeping-and-books @thewayshedreamed @rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @the-laughing-bubble @123moiaussi
let me know if you would like to be added/removed from my tag list!
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theshelbyclan · 4 years ago
Summary: You cross paths with famous Thomas Shelby after killing someone he wanted dead, and you can’t help but recognise so much of yourself in this man
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(Gif by @nofckingfighting​) A/N: The ever-lovely @psych0crybaby​ requested: good evening my dear. i saw that your request are open again. Could i ask for some Tommy with a total badass reader? Maybe where she saves their asses and no one knows where she is( and she just walks away) and then they see her again and ada explains to them that she mostly kills rapists and guys who harass woman because someone did the same to her when she was in the war? if you are comfortable with, if not have a good evening or day 🌺 I remember the first time I read this request and immediately being drawn to it. I did however want to do it right, you know? Like I really wanted to think about it, so I have. This comes with a warning for anyone familiar with PTSD, and some sexual abuse and assault is mentioned: this may be triggering. Sorry that it took a while to get this out, but I hope you like the result! Words: 4370 *** Breathe in. Look. See. Focus. Remember. Breath out. Throw. The first knife whooshed passed your face and hit the wall opposite you. The second followed quickly, almost magnetically. The third came after a small pause, the silence in which people feel a false sense of safety, and hit the target right in its middle. 
“You’re too pretty to be out here in the mud.” “Again,” you told yourself, “there’s four of them”. Everything comes in four, good or bad. So you moved suddenly, ducked and threw three more knives, previously hidden in your sleeves.
“You know you want it.” Like a cat you jumped up onto a roof and mid-air threw three more, taken from your pockets. But the hardest was yet to come. The last man was always hidden, always late, like that last knife. He too swished and betrayed. So from your boots, you took another knife, jumped down suddenly and planted it in the back of the invisible assailant. “Good girl…” The job was done. Now for the real work. “What happened to you?” And you told yourself, “I’m ready.” ***
“What is your concern, Tommy?” “The one minute. The soldier’s minute. In battle it’s all you get.” Thomas Shelby lived his life looking over his shoulder, but when he turned, there was nothing there. You see it happening, everything at once and there’s no avoiding it. It’s always there, right behind you. Like running through a house with the devil hot on your heels, finally finding the way out, but when you step into the garden, it starts all over again: you’re back at your starting point. You see, your body may be outside in the sunlight, but your mind is back at the house. That’s what it felt like, every day. “We live somewhere between life and death.” This is what existing is: always living somewhere between life and death, between sleep and awake. And the nightmares, they bled into the days, taking over slowly. “Is it another war you’re looking for, Tommy?” There was supposed to be one war, to end all wars. But instead, kids were sent out to die in the mud, and for what? All that blood, smoke, tears, sweat and carnage. Men blowing the whistles, boys praying and crying. Was he looking for another war? That would imply the first one had ended. “I’ll remember everything and forget nothing. I’m thinking ahead, thinking of every possibility, remembering everything that is happening…” As if he could forget. The smallest things could trigger his memories, taking him right back. When John was little, he used to be scared of a monster. Ada had told him that: that there was a witch living in the walls that you could only see in the mirrors. John didn’t sleep for weeks after her little story. And now, the monster turned out to be real, except no one believed in it anymore. Still, it was everywhere and you had to be constantly on your guard. Because it’s not just in the walls and mirrors; it’s always right behind you, creeping, slithering, crawling it’s way up your spine… And so he became a machine, no longer a human being, fuelled by whiskey and cigarettes only, always plotting. “Thomas Shelby against the whole bloody world, right?” And so he wrote, “My name is Thomas Shelby and today, I’m going to kill a man.” *** There had been five of you at home. And home was in Small Heath, though you moved house all the time. When the poverty got bad, the family was split up and you and mother went into a boarding house for women, while father and the oldest brothers went into a boarding house for men. You were alright with this, because father was a bad man, but you feared for your brothers. Mother was the sweetest woman to ever live, always making sure you ate before she did. You never noticed her withering away before it was too late. At twelve, you started working. Walking the docks and shipyards was dangerous, so your brothers tried their best to prepare you. They weren’t like the other men in Small Heath. “Take this,” one brother told you on the morning of your first shift, “Hide it, in those boots.” You’d gotten charity boots, the first one in the family! But walking in them still felt uneasy, and now he expected you to slide in a small knife as well? “When someone comes,” he continued, urging you with his fiery eyes, “you stick ‘m. Don’t wait, don’t hesitate and don’t ask any questions. When he comes, you stick ‘m and you keep on sticking ‘m!” This was the first lesson you’d been taught. Four brothers all taught their little sister and each had but one objective: keeping you safe. One gave you the knife, the other taught you how to fight and the third took the beatings your drunk father had intended for you. The fourth hadn’t any strength or knowledge to share, so he kept close. Wherever you went, he followed in the shadows, and it was like having your own guardian angel, made up of filth and smoke. When the war came, they all enlisted. Of course they did: they were good, strong and brave men. You saw them off, one by one, and after waving goodbye to your guardian angel, something inside you snapped. Inspired by their love and courage, you became a nurse and took up a post at the front. You became a guardian angel yourself. *** Tommy was looking for a war. After France, they’d taken over the Shelby enterprise again and he had ambitions of expansion. Still, there were those in Small Heath who’d forgotten about the Shelby’s and he had to re-establish their reputation. “It’s happened again, Tommy,” John said sombrely, during a family meeting. Tommy sighed and dipped his head forwards, “Will he live?” “Yeah,” his brother replied, “but what are we going to do about this?” Polly, the voice of reason, said, “You need to make an example of him, Thomas. Show him who’s in charge. We can’t have a few Irish rebels killing and beating up our runner-boys. It’s bad for business.” Tommy nodded slowly and was formulating a plan as they spoke, “He drinks at the Horse’s Head. That’s where we’ll get him.” “Are you mad?” Arthur questioned, “On any given night there’s at least fifty Irish in there. It’s like a bloody army!” “We’re not scared of some fucking Irish,” John spat. “We’re not,” Tommy looked at his aunt with whom he shared his strategic skills, “but we need to be smart about this.” “Smoke him out,” Polly added, knowing her nephew’s mind so well. “We need an incentive.” Everything was all planned out. Tommy had an explosion, a staged fight and the rum in place. The men would scatter, the police would be elsewhere and their target would run. As the pub would be set on fire, he would literally be smoked out. That’s where they would be. The plan was good, well thought out and each eventually had been dealt with.
When the night came, the first part worked like a well-oiled machine. A small explosion in the shipyards, John’s, had drawn the police away. It would take them a while too, seeing as the Communists held their meetings there. Danny Whizz-bang would be inside the pub, looking both menacingly and vulnerable enough to not attract attention among the rebels. He was doing good tonight; he’d be able to light the fire. Tommy, Arthur and a few other blinders were waiting in the alleyways. Smoke started emerging from the pub and Tommy’s head shot up at the shouts of men. As he was getting ready mentally, he thought: some day, I won’t be the one doing this work. As men started fighting and chaos ensued, he followed one insignificant figure with his eyes. This man ran, frantically, into the protection of one of the dark alleys. Tommy followed and shouted his name. The man turned and his face fell as he recognised the Shelby. He in turn grabbed his gun and pointed it at him, saying, “Don’t fuck with the Peaky Blinders.” But as Tommy was about to pull the trigger, the man fell forwards. The irritation of an eventuality not anticipated shot through Tommy and as he walked forwards, he saw a small knife sticking out of the Irish’ neck. He died on the spot. His first thought was if he could still pass this off as a killing by the Peaky Blinders, because Polly had been right: they needed to make a statement. Of course he could. His second thought lasted a lot longer and actually drove him to action: who’d done this? The angle of the knife made him look up, towards the roofs. No one was there, but Tommy still ran. As a kid, he used to climb roofs. As an adult, he dug tunnels. It’s funny how both came back to him now. Fearing whomever it was he couldn’t see, he chased the murderer. Once up, he could easily recognise the signs: someone had been on the roofs. There were bits of dust where bricks had been falling, flecks of ash where someone had been smoking and the smell of soap where someone had been waiting. Still, the killer was long gone. *** You weren’t sleeping, but sort of dreaming with one eye open. You did that a lot. Nightmares kept you vigilant, even at night. The boarding house you were living at was positively Dickensian, but you didn’t mind. You came from nothing and had little trouble going back to it. Besides, there was no money coming in at the moment, so you didn’t have the funds for any proper room.
In the dark, you thought of the men on your list. One of the best things about the boarding house was its anonymity. People who lived here were the poorest of the poorest, only surpassed by those on the streets and the working houses. No one asked any questions, no one looked at each other and shame drove people into hiding. The large room was separated into small spaces by a few curtains only, but still, there was some sense of privacy. In the darkness, you could think. The worst thing about the boarding house was the sound. It wasn’t the crying babies, children whining for food or people fighting each other, but the sound of pain. Some women wailed in their sleep and it shook you to your core every time. Your mother had sounded like that. You had too, you knew it. Early in the morning, you left. “Where are you off to, eh?” the old lady who slept next to you asked. In some ways, she was the pauper’s queen and she got away with prying. “Work,” you replied shortly. The old woman laughed a hoarse laugh, “You’re not fooling no one, dearie…” As soon as you walked onto the streets, a calmness came over you. Poverty was familiar, but it frightened you too. It was like a hand around your throat, always squeezing just a little but more. Inside, especially, it was like drowning. In Small Heath, some women had started their first shifts at the factories already and men were shovelling coal into the big machines. Sparks flew and fizzled out in your hair. Soot clung to your already filthy clothing. In other words, nothing about you looked out of the ordinary. The rest of the day was filled with you practising two skills: observing and vanishing. You listened in on conversations everywhere, while timidly looking away when anyone did notice you. Men boasted of their achievements and women complained everywhere. But you listened for any signs of cruelty and found it easily. See, in a city forgotten by civilisation, no one notices cruelty anymore. It’s part of everyday life. You, however, had decided to change that. This was your revenge, or atonement, whichever way you looked at it. One man in particular stood out to you. His eyes were cold and his shoulders broad, and when his wife came to him during his break, he slapped her without warning. Sometimes menace leaves a certain aura and you could sense it in him. When a filthy child came from the factory as well, also on a short break, you motioned the child to come over. “Hey, love,” you said softly. The child didn’t trust you, but his sunken eyes still pleaded, “What?” “Here,” you offered him a bun you’d just stolen, “I need your help.” He hadn’t eaten in days, that much was clear, and with his mouth full of crumbs, he said, “Wiff whaff?” “I’m new here in Birmingham. Where can I get a job?” He pointed, “Ask the foreman.” You smiled gently, “Thanks, love.” “Where’d you get the bun?” he inquired, less shy with each bite. “My husband bought it for me.” “You not hungry?” This child was sweet, so he’d know, “No, you have it. We got more at home.” “Okay,” and he continued absolutely devouring the pastry.   Just before he walked off again, you asked him, off-handedly, “That man, over there?” you pointed at the man with stony eyes, “You know him?” The boy fell still, “Yeah. He works here.” “What’s his name?” “Don’t know,” he whispered, “But mum told us to stay away.” “Why?” The kid shrugged, “He’s a bad man I suppose.” “Like those Shelby’s,” you tried, knowing the kid would know them like everyone around here did. It worked. “Nah,” he laughed, “the Shelby’s would never touch a woman!” “Does he?” you asked, eyes narrowing. “Mum says so. Mum says women are scared of him, because he hurts them. All of them.” You nodded slowly, “Why don’t the Peaky Blinders take care of him?” He shrugged again, “Miss? Thanks for the bun, but I really need to get back. I need my job.” “I know,” you urged him, “Go.” In France, you helped the sick and dying. This is what you had come for and you’d given up everything to do it. With the telegram of each brother found dead, you became more focussed on the work. It was like you turned into a machine, running only on adrenaline. Sometimes you would work shifts of 48 hours, simply because the other nurse had collapsed, or because the bodies wouldn’t stop coming in. Fear became second nature and fatigue had to be ignored. But being tired also made vulnerable: you learned this when one of the superior officers followed you into the halls of the makeshift hospital. Remaining on your feet after working for so long was easy, as long as you kept on moving. But when he grabbed you and you paused, your knees started buckling. Maybe it’d been the fear, maybe it was his rank and maybe it was purely that fucking bloody war, but there was no fight left in you in that moment. He had his way with you and you just… froze. Shame and guilt drove you back to England and back into the shadows you retreated. And then, shame and guilt turned into anger and the guardian angel became an avenging angel. You didn’t have to wait long. After his work was done, you followed the man with the cold eyes, watching his every move. All your fears and the kid’s warnings were confirmed in a dark corner of a filthy street. The woman never stood a chance. And so you vowed: you would end him. *** “What’s up with you?” Ada asked pointedly. Tommy’s head shot up and he stared at his sister with vacant eyes. “Thomas Shelby, the man who never eats. A rare biological mystery, he is,” Ada commented sarcastically. He grabbed a fork and picked up a potato, “I eat.” “Hardly,” Polly commented. “I have work to do, so if you ladies don’t mind…” But Ada wasn’t finished, “You’ve been lost in thought all day. Mind sharing it with us?” “No really.”
“Because we’re just women or…”
“Ada!” Tommy sighed, “Something… happened. Something unexpected and I can’t figure out how.”
“And this bothers you.”
There was something deeply infuriating about having a sister who was reading the newspaper, right next to you, but never made eye contact, and still she was absolutely right about everything. So Tommy threw his head back and admitted defeat, “Someone killed a man.”
“It’s Small Heath.”
“Someone I wanted dead, but he got there before me.”
Polly sat back down and leaned forwards, “The Irish? I though we did that.”
“Yes, that is what I had people believe.”
Ada suddenly looked up, “How?”
“I failed to take it into my calculations…”
“No. How was the Irish killed?”
Tommy blinked a few times, “A knife. Thrown from the roof.”
His sister smiled faintly, didn’t say a word and then went back to her newspaper.
“Ada…” Tommy growled, “If you know something, tell me.”
“Why? I thought you boys were taking care of business now.”
He looked at his aunt for support, almost desperate, but saw from her face that he could hope for little sympathy there.
“Fine, what do you want,” he demanded.
“Respect,” Ada said coldly.
“You have my respect.”
“Good,” she slowly flipped the page, “Now tell me you need me.”
Polly’s smirk grew into a grin and Tommy cursed all women, right there and then.
So he cleared his throat, “Ada, please, tell me.”
“It’s almost like it’s physically painful for him, isn’t it?” Polly said conversationally to Ada.
“Fucking hell…” Tommy groaned, “Ada, I fucking need your help. Please just tell me what you know!”
“Fine,” she abruptly closed the newspaper, “You need to go to that pub in Digbeth.”
“The one by the water?” Tommy frowned.
“That’s the one. Next to that boarding house that should’ve been closed years ago. That’s where you’ll find your killer.”
Immediately, he stood up. Because even though he thought he’d been subtle about it, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the incident for days now. The killer, whoever he was, had taken over his thoughts entirely. It was dark outside already, but still early enough for the pubs to be open. He’d go there at once.
“Tell her I said ‘hi’,” Ada called after him as he left.
And Tommy retraced his steps slowly, “‘Her’?”
He paused for a second, but when nothing else came, “You know they don’t allow women in pubs.”
“They do her,” Ada chuckled.
“Ada, stop playing these fucking games!” he shouted, as he threw down his cap in anger.
She, however, didn’t even blink and repeated, “Her. It’s a woman who killed your Irishman. All the women here know her; she takes care of a certain kind of man for us. She doesn’t want it known and she rids the world of bastards, so we leave her be. It all works out.”
Tommy turned to Polly, “Did you know of this?”
“I’ve heard of her, yes.”
“Then why the fuck has no one told me before?”
Polly sent a stern gaze at her nephew from over her teacup, “I thought you weren’t interested in women’s business.”
When you walked into the pub, a small nod to the man behind the bar was all that was needed. Dressing like a man had many advantages and this was definitely one of them. Still, he knew you were a woman, but after helping him out one night, you were allowed in. So you sat in the corner and became one with the furniture, drinking your whiskey in silence.
And then it happened. One man, who had no business being here, walked in. Thomas Shelby of the Peaky Blinders was considered royalty in Small Heath, so why would he be here, in this grimy little cellar pub?
The thought that he came looking for you never even crossed you mind at first. He leaned over the bar and ordered whiskey, asking a few more questions you couldn’t hear. You tried to listen more closely, but the more you did so, the more inaudible his words seemed to become.
Suddenly, he turned and looked you right in the eyes. Without a second thought, you jumped up, kicked the table towards him and made your way to the door.
“Fuck,” you heard him ground out, but still he was quick. In a flash, he had the door barricaded and a gun pointed at your head.
“Out!” he commanded everyone but you.
You felt for the reassuring blades under your clothes and relaxed a little.
“Now, Miss…” he started after everyone had left.
But you didn’t plan on being interrogated, so the first knife whooshed passed his head: a warning.
Thomas Shelby froze. Then it was like an animal awoke in him and he lunged forwards, tackling you down with him. While you were struggling, you tried to plant a second knife into his leg, but he rolled away just in time. With big eyes he stared at the weapon now stuck in the floor.
And so you were standing opposite each other, weapons of choice pointed at each other’s heads.
“Alright,” he said after a while, holding up his hands in a pacifying manner, “There’s no need to fight.”
“Spoken by a man who knows he will lose,” you replied, without missing a beat.
“You want a fight?” Tommy said quickly, “Then fight me like a man. No gun, no fucking knives. If my sister is right about you, you’ll fight me like a man.”
With that you scoffed and threw away the knives, right next to his head, into the door. It gave you such pleasure to see him shudder with each one, but your face betrayed nothing.
“Now what?” you asked.
“You tell me.”
“Fine,” you sighed and punched him in the face, hard.
As his head shot back, you noticed a flicker of surprise in his features, but he quickly recovered and his face turned emotionless yet again.
Your triumph didn’t last long. If anything, you arrogance had distracted you, so the three blows that followed from his fists came out of nowhere. One to the nose, one to the chin and the last one square in the jaw. Thank God you weren’t vain.
You took a breath in, made yourself focus and quickly jabbed him two times, before hitting him right in the eye with a mean left hook.
“Jesus Christ…” he muttered, “Who the fuck taught you how to fight like that?”
“My brothers,” you replied, before you could stop yourself.
Tommy held up his hands and his two punches to your gut literally took your breath away. Meanwhile, he said, “Why aren’t they here to defend you now, eh?”
“Do I look like I need to be fucking defended?” With a sudden kick you were certain you cracked at least on of his ribs.
Wheezing, he leaned over, but managed to grab your leg in the process and flipped you over onto the ground, “Brothers still do.”
“They’re dead,” you said from the floor, “the Somme,” and with one quick motion, you’d tackled him with your legs, “What about you?”
“The Somme too. Verdun…”
Before he could recover, you climbed on top of him and started pounding his pretty face with your fists. Unfortunately, he quickly bucked you off and hit you with a nasty uppercut, which made you wonder about your teeth.
You crawled back a little and felt with a hand at your mouth: blood. Tommy leaned against the wall and was still panting, lightly tracing a hand over his ribs. The chaos subdued and you both rested.
“Are we done?” he growled.
You stared at him with a look that told him you could go on for hours like this, “What is it that you want?”
“I just want to talk.”
Quickly, you started thinking out your options. Clearly, he knew who you were and evidently, you’d killed the wrong person this time. Really, it was bound to happen at some point.
“Who was it?” you asked, “the one you didn’t want dead.”
“I did want him dead,” he said as he slowly lifted his cigarette case from his pocket.
“Then what’s the problem?”
He smiled a little and the gesture was so unexpected that the feeling it gave you caught you completely off-guard, “I wanted to be the one to kill him.”
You furrowed your brows, thought back and suddenly nodded slowly, “The Irishman.”
He pointed at you with his cigarette in hand, “That’s the one.”
In the silence that followed, you watched this man, this broken boy. His eyes started glazing over and you knew he drifted off to placed in the distant past. As he smoked slowly, you recognised the signs of a flashback so well and you suddenly became more curious than ever about this man.
He saw the same thing in you evidently, because out of the blue he said, “You and me. I think we understand each other.”
“Do we?” you said in a voice that demanded distance.
He nodded a little, “We kill.”
You laughed a cold laugh, “Are you insane like me?”
“Maybe I am…”
“Or just in pain like me?” you added.
He didn’t speak for a long time, like he was thinking what to say next, but then, suddenly, he broke the pregnant silence. “Who hurt you?” he asked, in a voice so low it was almost inaudible.
You leaned forwards and locked eyes with him, fire burning inside them, “Everyone.”
Tommy sat back and offered you a cigarette, but soon realised you wouldn’t take it from his hands without expecting abuse from them. So he threw it your way and you grabbed it gratefully. When you lit it, the two of you leaned against the wall in the same manner, postures similar.
“It’s time,” he announced, looking up at the ceiling.
You cocked one eyebrow, “Is it?”
“The minute is almost up.”
“And how does it end?”
He sighed, “With names. You’ve beaten me. I’m no longer Mr. Thomas Shelby. It’s Tommy now.”
And you smiled at him softly and replied with your own vulnerability, “Y/N.”
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years ago
Online dating
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darcy lewis x reader / masterlist
summary; darcy decides to try a dating app, least to say, the guy isn’t anything like his picture. and thus she ditches him, and finds someone else in a hot second / warnings; the oc guys in this fic are dicks, homophobia, darcy being bae, swearing, mentions of sex and cheating, mentions of joy x reader.
he was a polar opposite to what he had portrayed his online self to be, screw the internet! this date was truly tragic, darcy had plenty of things that she could be better using her time for, rather than sitting opposite this oaf, that was licking his unappealing lips, and staring at the waitress when he thought that she didn’t notice.
“huh?” the scientific doctor pulled her phone out, ushering a puzzled expression on her face as she stared at the blank screen. she of course recognised that no one was making any attempts to contact her, but he didn’t know that. “one second.” she held her finger up, bringing the phone to her ear as she blabbered into the speaker that was inherently catching nothing that she was saying.
“slow down jane.” darcy falsely ushered, using her hands to exaggerate the conversation in her head. she put the phone down, a facade of panic elaborating behind her spectacle adorned eyes as she grabbed her belongings in a frenzy, standing upright and out of her seat. “im so sorry, my friend has just hit some guy with her car and she needs some moral support. tonight is going to have to be cut extremely short.”
short was a relief, but the hopeful expression on this dude’s face wasn’t. perhaps it was cruel to leave this guy hanging, and well, she couldn’t blame him for wanting more, she sent him an awkward smile as he began to speak. “we should do this again some time - properly.” darcy wasn’t dumb, she noticed how his eyes sped to the side as the curvy waitress walked by.
“sure...” no, definitely not. darcy was well aware that she was wasting her time with this moron, she didn’t need a man, let alone a dweeb of one. a quick wave was all she bade him as she exited the coffee shop, only to become engrossed in a scene erupting on the local streets. there was a woman, flinging shirts, and a bra within the bundle that looked as though it was not her size, what was she thinking, clearly it wasn’t, at said example of figurative masculinity.
“screw you durkus!” any guy named ‘durkus’ was basically a label confirming that he was a dick. “i don’t need you, nor the next man! i am a well established woman who has done more for this country than you could ever know, you’re dust beneath my feet, a pathetic layer of residue that i want nothing more to brush off.” perhaps she was being harsh, but it sounded like he deserved it.
from the red lipstick, that the woman was not at all sporting, from the random bra that she had flung at her partner, it was a safe bet to assume that he had cheated on her. darcy plodded closer, listening whimsically in, and realising that her life was pretty calm, there were no longer asguardians or dark elves infiltrating her life, nor the work that she had attained to field in.
she had only recently earned herself the title of doctor, and it was frustrating that people would assume that she opted for a profession in a hospital room, or they would forget the professional endorsement all together, and address her as ‘miss lewis’. she was no one’s puppet, she had scaled herself up the ladder of her career to be where she was now, but another thing that she was alongside such a wave of potential was a feminist.
this dick was shouting in the streets, calling her inexplicable names such as a ‘whore’, and a ‘two faced bitch’. having the ability to hear the insults brew anger in her stomach, she couldn’t just stand there. “what are you going to do, turn into a complete lesbian?” now that was the last straw, it had darcy marching over, and promptly she shoved the guy, making him drop all the items that were grasped in the basket of his arms.
a flabbergasted ‘huh’ was riveted from him, and it made darcy smirk as she attuned his attention towards her; the stranger that had gotten involved in his public display of disrespect and homophobia. “how about you watch your damned mouth before i make sure you can’t open it again. and whilst you’re at it, get some new shirts, you’re not a model, unless you’re the kind that are put on prison pamphlets.”
“who the fuck are you?” he spat his saliva on the ground by darcy’s feet, establishing her with the information that her first impression of this dick had been correct. women just knew with this kind of thing, they could sense trouble from a mile away. “you know what, keep that crazy bitch. maybe you can help her store her katanas, and go on double dates with danny rand and his plus one. rather you than me.”
“don’t ask.” the woman shook her head, tired of the drama that durkus always seemed to bring. she had enough trouble, involving work and extracurricular night time activities, without him adding to them. darcy presented her with a sweet smile, picking up the box of random bits and bobs that was on the floor. “that’s just work stuff, i’m moving offices and as i came to collect some things from our apartment, and i found him- well let’s just say he wasn’t alone.”
“that was pretty easy to pick up on. how’d you not realise that you were dating a total sleaze?” she was blunt with her enquiry, though the woman shrugged, a guilty expression cowering upon your features, like an ashamed shadow. a small, attractive smile graced her lips, secrets hidden beneath the span of the expression.
“oh, i knew. i just had to pretend to be happy, so that my ex, or well now, my other ex joy would stop chastising me, claiming that i haven’t got over her. she’s so up her own ass sometimes and it drives me- shit, i’m sorry, you don’t know me, nor do you need to hear about my problems.” the y/h/c haired woman shook her head, stretching her hand out to miss lewis. “i’m y/n, thanks a bunch for helping me out back there.”
darcy accepted her handshake, completing the action as she smiled. “i’m darcy.” this woman didn’t need to know about her doctor title, in fact, darcy was keen on knowing everything about her instead. “so’d how you meet him?” referring to the person that had most recently became y/n’s ex. y/n was relieved that darcy had shown up, she was sure she’d have used her martial art training for more than composition; she’d have kicked durkus’ flat ass.
“on a dating app.” it was a normal answer, she wouldn’t share the intel that before that she had saved his ass whilst wearing a black hood, stopping him from getting mugged in the dead of night. perhaps she should have saved someone else that particular late evening. darcy couldn’t help but let a small laugh out, finding both their circumstances quite amusing. she was sure a similar situation would have unfolded if she had decided to regularly see the date that she ditched.
“online dating man, it sucks, am i right?” it had quite the reputation, for the two of them especially. “maybe we should just date each other.” she joked, though she was being partially serious. it felt right, they had bumped randomly into one another’s faulted situations on the same day, it almost felt like fate, though that subject was too cheesy to say aloud.
“well doctor lewis, i would not at all mind going on a date with you.” darcy frowned at the title that she had been called, pointing at the side of the woman’s jacket, that had a recyclable label stuck upon the material. “so you majored in science, if i am correct?” finally, someone got it! she could get used to that.
y/n did not appear as a deity nor a creature from another realm, she was normal. or so as far as the eye could tell, in fact, she did not suspect a thing from this woman, much less to be a defender of the earth that worked in a small and less know league than the avengers, yet still roamed the us to protect its people.
darcy though had won this battle for her though, giving her a moment of peace from fighting, and had idly sent durkus on his route far away. y/n could get used to not being the hero all the time, more so if this doctor was her knight in shining armour.
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