#i could postpone it but i have YET MORE normal things to do on saturday oh boy
televinita · 11 months
the HELL do you mean I have work in the morning still
0 notes
ginger-grimm · 2 years
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Day 24: AU Week
Modern!Munningham AU
Connie sighed, pen dangling from her teeth. The top of it was damn near chewed off, but she could never manage to stop herself from doing it when she was stressed.
Her time at Hawkins High was coming to a close in a few months, and yet Connie Cunningham couldn't enjoy any of the things her sister revelled in doing.
Today was Senior Ditch Day, and instead of going on a day trip with Chrissy and the basketball players, Connie was busy planning out the rest of her week.
"If I move my shift at Ray's to Saturday, I can make it to my track meet on time, pick Curtis up from his piano lesson, and make it to the game on time," she mumbled.
She groaned loudly, seeing the other appointment in big red letters smack dab in the middle of her Curtis pick up and getting ready for the basketball game. She was supposed to tutor Eddie Munson then.
Her phone ringing pulled her from her thoughts. Her eyes wandered to the screen, a picture of her best friend Caspar, stuffed into a blue dress which was supposed to resemble that of Elsa from 'Frozen', was displayed on it.
Connie snickered under her breath, thinking back to her little cousin throwing a tantrum until Caspar played princess with her.
She pulled the pen from her mouth, sliding it behind her ear and into her hair, and slid her finger across her screen to accept the call.
"Hey, can you cover my shift at Ray's tomorrow?"
"Good evening to you too," Caspar grumbled. Connie chuckled. "Sure, if you cover mine on Monday."
"Okay, fine," she said, tapping out of the call and opening her contacts. She scrolled down to find Eddie's number. "What are you up to on this Ditch Day?"
"Getting high," they said simultaneously, because, really, Connie didn't even need to ask.
She laughed, typing out a message to Eddie, her fingers racing over the keypad.
'Hey, Eddie! This is Connie Cunningham. I hope you're having a fun Ditch Day. I was wondering if we could possibly move our tutoring session to Saturday night? I'm a bit tied up tomorrow.'
Connie hadn't even wanted to agree to helping Eddie with his studies, her own life was swallowing her whole as it was, but he had already been held back twice and this time he seemed to really want to go through with his Senior year. She felt bad saying no.
"You coming to the game tomorrow?" Connie asked. All signs pointed to no, but she always asked Caspar nonetheless.
"Can't. Mom's making me go to a party for her firm. She wants me to make more social connections and shit like that. Why she would make me do it literal months before I take off, I have no clue."
Connie's phone chimed as she struck out her shift at the store the next day and moved it to Saturday morning.
'Hey, I've got a bit of a committment then. Maybe Sunday?'
She sighed. She had church in the morning but should be free afterward. Except she normally liked to take Sundays to prepare for the rest of the week.
'What kind of committment? Can you maybe postpone?'
She rolled her eyes as a realization dawned on her and began typing again.
'Don't tell me it's about that stupid roleplaying game.'
The dots on the screen indicated that he was typing and Connie feared she was being too mean. But if he cared enough to ask for help then he shouldn’t mind moving a game he could play at any point after his exams.
'Don't tell me you're blowing me off for that stupid basketball game tomorrow.'
'I'm supporting my sister. What's your excuse?'
There was a beat of silence from the other side. Connie realized Caspar was still rambling on about something in the background but she couldn't focus.
'We could just do it today instead. Be at the trailer park in 20 and we can get it over with. I wouldn't want to bother you for too long, your highness.'
Connie scoffed, shaking her head as she crafted her perfect response. How dare he? She had never once said a mean word to or about Eddie Munson. She made it a habit to be nice to everyone, which had yielded good and bad results alike.
'Look, I don’t know where you get off talking to me like that, but I'm doing this as a favor. We can just call it off entirely and I wouldn't give a fuck.'
'Oh, you wouldn't give fuck?'
She could feel the sarcasm slapping her in the face.
'Zero fucks given.'
For a couple of minutes there was more silence, then another call interrupted Caspar's mad ramblings about the disgusting potatoe salad that one of his mom's colleagues always brought to the potluck.
"Hey, Cas, I gotta hang up for a bit. Call you back later?"
"Yeah, sure, that's fine. I gotta sober up before mom and dad come anyway. Bye."
Connie hung up the call, her finger hovering over the accept button. She wasn’t ready to get into a whole argument with Eddie. This wasn't how this day was supposed to go down. Still, she didn't back down from a fight, so with a sigh she accepted the call.
"What?" she asked, the usual honey in her voice gone entirely.
"I'm sorry, okay?" Eddie said hesitantly. "I know you're doing this as a favor and I was glad you said yes. No one else did me that solid. I know D&D is stupid to you, but I'm graduating, hopefully, at the end of the year, and I'm most likely not going to see any of the guys in that club ever again. And we just lost one of our players, so my head is all over the place."
Connie sighed again. Now she felt like a bitch. She had never even thought that Eddie might not have much of a plan after High School, or friends his own age.
"Okay, listen," she started, playing with a lose thread on her jeans. "I can't do today either, my brother is waiting to be picked up from the astronomers club and my week is always pretty busy anyway. So, here's a compromise, I come to wherever you guys play your game after my shift, we do the work we need to do before your boys arrive and then, if you want to, I can jump in for your lost companion."
Eddie laughed on the other end. "Do you even know how to play?"
Connie smirked. "No, but I'm sure the others can nudge me in the right directions. So, you in or not?"
Another beat of silence. "Fine. Who knows, maybe you'll be better at the game than you think."
Connie smirked again, grabbing the pen from her hair and striking the tutoring session out from her Friday collumn. Instead, she put it on Saturday, the D&D game written neatly beneath it.
"Maybe I will."
TAGGING: @waterloou @firsthorror @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @richitozier @noratilney @jvstjewels @oneirataxia-girl @wordspin-shares @booty-boggins
20 notes · View notes
Light Shall Smite Her
Pairing: Mildred Ratched x Reader
A/N: hello @serawalkerwrites​, this is my humble gift to you as your SP secret gifter 😌😘 I’m so nervous to post this, I hope you’ll like it. If you don’t, in the words of Puck, “This weak and idle theme, / no more yielding but a dream, / gentles do not reprehend. / If you pardon, we will mend.” x
(please bear in mind English isn’t my first language, so my apologies for weird sentences)
Word count:  ≃ 5 600
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“I heard the new head nurse is very beautiful.”
Rosie waited expectantly for an answer. You hummed.
“I said,” Rosie repeated, in a louder, slightly annoyed voice, for she was excited and couldn’t bear your ignoring her right now, “I heard she’s very beautiful.”
You gave her a sideways glance by way of an acknowledgment, not bothering to stop your quick scribbling.
Rosie rested her elbows on the table and leaned towards you. “Don’t you care?”
“I’m writing,” you mumbled.
“Aren’t you interested, though?”
“Listen, Rose,” you started, setting your pen down and finally meeting your co-worker’s eyes, ”my break is over in five minutes, and I want – no, I need – to finish this, so would you be so kind as to postpone this conversation until later?”
Rosie straightened up with an irritated click of her tongue. “Fine,” she hissed. “I was just trying to be nice. Knowing you’re single, and all.” She turned, made to leave, but suddenly stopped to mock over her shoulder, “And by ‘and all’, I’m referring to the pathetic rant I had to suffer through last night about how ‘lonely’ you feel and how ‘unfair’ the universe is. I’m just trying to help.”
“Thank you, Emma Woodhouse,” you called after her as she angrily stomped out of the room.
With a sigh you resumed your writing. You hadn’t meant to be so harsh with Rosie, but you really needed to get rid of your thoughts and ideas by writing them down before your break was over. If you didn’t, the words would howl reproachfully in your head for the rest of the day, make a racket and fog your brain till you were finally able to spit them out on paper.
Just a few minutes more, you begged the clock on the wall. Your wrist was aching. Two more lines, and then you finally sat back in your chair with a huff like a warrior who has won their hardest battle.
You glanced up at the clock. Break over.
The clinic was unusually quiet today. A few patients looked up at you as you passed them on your way down the corridor. You offered them smiles, blinked at the sun when you glanced outside.
The lobby was deserted. You worked at the front desk, and were in charge of most administrative tasks – a rather boring job, but it paid well and left you enough time to write.
You were sorting out schedules when Rosie crossed the lobby, pushing an old man in a wheelchair. She shot you a moody look and mouthed something you didn’t understand. Five minutes later she was back; and, planting her elbows on the front desk, mouth tight and eyes studying your face, she started, “So, as I was saying, the new –” but before she had time to finish there was the sound of a door opening, heels, a voice speaking quickly, and then two people walked briskly into the lobby.
And one of them was a male nurse you knew called James, a boring, conceited person you couldn’t care about; and the other – but someone had drugged your coffee. There was no other explanation.
James came to a halt before your desk. With a contemptuous look to Rosie, he pushed her to the side, and ignoring her angry hiss announced proudly, “Y/N, this is Mildred Ratched, our new head nurse.”
You stared at her. The world around you vanished. It was as if someone had shone a spotlight on her, the rest of the room going dark as the audience held their breath. You were suddenly too hot, the air in your lungs was burning gas and it hurt – but Mildred’s face stayed perfectly composed.  
She gave you a polite smile and extended one hand to you as if nothing terrible was happening, as if you and her were meeting for the very first time and the only thought crossing your mind, as it had two years ago, simply was, What a beautiful woman.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” Mildred said, red lips curling up into a smile.
You knew that smile. It was the smile that reached her eyes but was fake and cold and meant to signify, I know what I’m doing. I’ve got this. There’s nothing you can do but submit.
You shook her hand. Mildred saw the way your arm trembled when you drew it back and pressed it against your chest.
“I’m giving Miss Ratched a tour of the clinic,” James was saying, with a note of pride in his voice. “She’s been very impressed by our equipments.”
“Yes,” Mildred answered, gaze boring into you. “The place where I used to work certainly didn’t enjoy such modern facilities.”
Your brain took over. It really was the only way you could survive this moment. You swallowed and locked up your heart and let coolness and calm seep through you.
“The place where you used to work?” you asked. You congratulated yourself on how neutral your voice sounded.
Mildred’s brow pushed up slightly, for she knew exactly what you were doing. She knew you. And despite your best efforts, you felt heat creep up your cheeks, heat creep up your ears, heat everywhere it was too damn hot.
But you would be damned, you told yourself, you would be damned before you averted your gaze from hers.
“Oh, it was a small place,” Mildred answered – and was her smile turning a little cruel? “You wouldn’t know it,” she added, and just like that, with her smile lingering on her lips, she turned from you and gestured for James to lead the way.
You stared at her back as she walked off, gait as decisive as you remembered it to be, but with that nervousness to it, as if she were constantly running from something. Do you only know where you’re headed?, you had asked her once – and she had gazed at you thoughtfully as she’d blown out cigarette smoke, and hadn’t answered.
“What was that all about?”
A door slammed shut, making you jump. Only know did you realize that your fists were tightly clenched, and your lungs were burning from lack of oxygen. You forced yourself to take a deep breath.
“What was that all about?” Rosie asked.
You glanced at her. “Don’t you have something to do?” you snapped.
Mildred and you. The story was a simple one.
She had been a nurse at the local state hospital, you had been a professional writer; you had met at a coffee shop, where you would both spend your Saturday afternoons. You had talked. You had laughed.
The sparkles in her eyes when she would talk about things she loved, things that made her happy, had caught your attention. So had her smiles, and her laughs, and every little thing she had said and pointed out.
You had ached. And then one day you had been bold enough, and leaned in to kiss her. And she, with a half-disgusted, half-shocked laugh, had pressed one hand to your chest to push you away – and in a voice that was only slightly shaking, had demanded what the hell you thought you were doing.
Turned out she had been hunting. For a young, happy woman, who would “fill the needs” of her brother, just recently got out of prison. You had gawped at her as she had explained the whole scheme to you, talking for all the world as if she were having a perfectly casual, perfectly normal conversation –
And then –
The anger and the disgust and the pain and the betrayal. You had stormed out of the coffee shop with the need to scream and to destroy something. To make someone bleed. To make someone pay for what you were feeling.
And the hatred – how you hated her. And yet, there had been signs, you had seen them – how she would bite her lower lip sometimes when she listened to you talk, how she would glance up at you, eyes a little darker and a little stormier and a little shy, how when she would reach out to cup your face in her hands, to comfort, to reassure, her touch would linger and her fingers would hold as if you were made of the most precious star matter in the universe – you couldn’t have been wrong. She had wanted you. You knew it. But she had been on a mission, and nothing could distract that kind of a woman from her goal.
To know you had been used, to know you had been seen as nothing more than a piece of meat to be fed to a hungry animal, made you feel dirty and disgusted with yourself. You couldn’t get rid of the feeling. So, with a desperate need to get rid of yourself, of the way you had been seen, you moved and got a new, different job – tried not to think of the reasons why you applied to a clinic of all places. You made yourself new, in a way.
And now – now your old self slammed back into you with a vengeance. It wouldn’t have been a problem, not really, had it come alone; but it was accompanied. It stood hand in hand with hope. And hope – hope was the worst.
The rest of the day passed quickly. You focused on your work, let your brain hold the wheel and did your best to ignore the thing, the thing that was warm and insistent and that you could feel growing in your chest, from making too much noise. It was adamant it would make itself known, though, and you were well aware it would only take a spark to set the fire roaring – and sure enough, at 5:30pm, as you were gathering your things and about to leave, the warmth started to burn – for Mildred, in her nurse uniform, walked up decidedly to your desk and, lips curled up, said, “Doesn’t your shift end at six?”
You clenched your teeth as you slowly looked up at her. “You’re not the boss of me,” you retorted, low and mean.
Mildred’s mouth twitched. “I would not be so sure of that.”
“I arrive earlier in the morning so I can leave earlier in the afternoon,” you snapped, louder this time.
She hadn’t changed a bit. She still looked exactly the same. You stared at her impeccable hairdo, at her collar, trying not to pay too much attention to the pale column of her neck; up, past her lips – a shudder, at the reminder of how they had felt against yours – to meet her eyes again, and catch a glint of amusement in them.
You cleared your throat, pretended the heat that flooded your face was fueled by anger, not embarrassment.
“So how’s your brother?” you taunted.
Mildred blinked. Her smile faded. She glanced over her shoulder, then leaned towards you and said, “Can we talk somewhere private?”
“I have things to say to you.”
“Things to say to me?” You snorted. Crossed your arms against your chest. “I don’t care what you have to say. I’m going home. Move.”
She didn’t move. She stood resolutely planted in front of your desk, eyes boring into yours, so you picked up your bag and walked around her, bumping her shoulder to make a point.
She flinched, as she always did when you would touch her without warning. You felt her gaze burning the nape of your neck as you hurried off. It was all you could do not to run when you reached the door.  
“This woman isn’t trustworthy,” you told your boss the next morning.
He barely looked up from his paperwork. “Which woman?”
“Miss Ratched.” You pretended you felt nothing, pretended it was not like music, when you uttered her name. “You made a mistake hiring her.”
“Did I?”
“She doesn’t have the credentials for the post of head nurse.”
A glance at you, annoyed and distracted.
“Her credentials are excellent.”
“They’re fake,” you insisted, shaking your head. “Everything about this woman is fake. Believe me, you cannot trust –“
“Miss Y/L/N,” he interrupted with a sigh, “if you do not have proof for these allegations then you’re only making me lose my time.”
You sat at the front desk in a bad mood. Patients glared at you when you answered their questions too shortly, and you glared right back at them until they lowered their gaze. Every time you heard footsteps, every time you heard a voice, your heart would speed up and your head buzz and you would look up, half in fear, half in (but that was hard to admit and, at first, you denied it) hope, expecting to see Mildred. You didn’t, though. The hours passed by and the nervousness in you increased, but Mildred never once crossed the lobby. She wasn’t in the break room at lunch; a nurse told you she had gone out to a restaurant with a friend.
At 5:30pm you left in an even worse mood. You told yourself it was because you hadn’t had the opportunity to be mean to Mildred, to take out on her some of your resentment and anger. There was no other possible reason, and if there was, it certainly was not that you were disappointed you hadn’t had the opportunity to at least steal a glance at her.  
At home that evening you tried to write, but the words had disappeared from your brain. You sat at your desk, eyes glazed, fingers unmoving. There was something in your chest that was made of emptiness and yet weighted heavy near your heart.
As you lay in bed you tried to summon bright images in the dark, the brightest you could create, red sunsets and turquoise oceans, anything to outshine the image of Mildred. You tossed and groaned and got too hot. In the corner of your room it seemed to you something was crouching, and looking up at you, and hoping.
In the morning you opened your window and stuck your head outside. The air still carried the chill of winter and made you shiver. But your blood was boiling. It was boiling still when you got into your car, boiling when you settled at the front desk and turned on your computer.
You decided it was boiling out of anger.
And yet – did anger make one’s heart beat so very fast at the mere sound of heels on tiles?
You told yourself it did.
It wasn’t until your lunch break that you saw Mildred. As usual, you gulped down your lunch to have time to write; and you were just starting when the door opened, and without so much as an introduction Mildred walked in and stopped right in front of you.
You looked up from your work.
“What do you want?” you growled.
Mildred gave you a pacifying smile.
“Good afternoon,” she started, lacing her fingers together in front of her. “As I said the other day, I merely want to talk.”
You snorted, and pretended to focus on your writing. But just as last night, words fled from your brain. Mildred’s presence was taking all the room inside your head, filling it with her scent and her colours, her voice, the shapes of her body. Your heart was beating too fast, your pen was frozen on the piece of paper, and out of the corner of your eye the blue from Mildred’s uniform was too bright, it was too flashy, it drew all of your attention.
After a few, long seconds of tense silence, you dropped your pen on the table and almost barked, “Fine, go ahead, talk.” You met Mildred’s eyes and tried to scowl, tried to convey to her the vehemence of your anger. “Say what you have to say and then get out and don’t talk to me ever again.”
“You’re quite overreacting, wouldn’t you say?”
“You’ve got some nerves, wouldn’t you say?”
More silence, as you both stared at each other. Mildred’s gaze wasn’t cruel or angry, you noticed; if anything, she looked nervous.
“Since you want us so badly to speak,” you said before she had time to, “answer this question: what would have happened, if I hadn’t tried to kiss you?” You waited, but since she didn’t answer, merely kept on looking at you with one hand sliding up her other arm to hug herself, you went on, “What would have happened, uh? You would’ve dropped a sleeping pill in my drink, kidnapped me, locked me up somewhere for your brother to do to me whatever he wanted?”
Mildred let out a short, offended laugh. “Don’t be so crude.”
There was yet another pause, during which she looked at you, nervously, and you looked at her, angrily; and then, entirely of its own, your gaze flicked to her mouth, and she noticed it, and her eyes widened a little.
You looked away and cleared your throat, praying – praying! – that the heat you could feel everywhere didn’t show in your face.
“I would merely have introduced you to Edmund,” Mildred answered eventually.
You met her eyes again. “I don’t believe you,” you growled. A pause. “Why did you wait so long?”
“I needed to make sure you were the right one for him.”
“And how many women,” you went on, slowly standing up and slamming your fist on the table,” did you try out before me?”
Mildred’s eyes darted to your hand as it hit the table. She jumped slightly, fear widening her eyes, and for a moment regret washed part of your anger away. You took a step towards her with the intention to reassure, no longer to fight.
You caught yourself, though. You stopped, and folded your arms on your chest.
“Answer me,” you growled.
“You were the first,” Mildred said, voice a bit tight. She hesitated, stroked her arm with her thumb. “I had no idea you were the kind of woman who doesn’t like the company of men.”
You laughed mirthlessly. “And you think that excuses everything?”
“It must have made it more unpleasant.”
“Any woman would know how fucked up it was,” you growled. “Except you, clearly.”
Silence settled between you two. Mildred’s thumb was still stroking her arm nervously, and you found yourself staring at it, as if drawn by the repetitive movement.
“I apologize for what I did,” Mildred said after a few moments.
Your eyes flicked back to her face. “Do you really? Do you really mean it? Or is it another lie, meant to coax me?”
“I do mean it,” Mildred replied.
“Then prove it.”
Something like annoyance flicked across Mildred’s features; but then, as quickly as it had come, it faded, and the nervousness settled back.
“How?” she asked.
You took another step towards her, meaning to invade her space, just a little, just to show her you had the upper hand. An idea flashed in your brain, but you couldn’t quite see its contours through the mist of boiling anger, so when you voiced it, it was without fully knowing what the words would be.
“Let me make sure you’re the right one for me.”
You paused. You decided you rather liked these words.
Mildred’s mouth opened, closed again. She titled her head, eyes narrowing.
You took another step forward.
“Let me,” you breathed, extending one hand to brush invisible dust from her sleeve, “try you out and decide whether I want you for myself.”
Mildred held your gaze with a stubborn, challenging – amused? – kind of fierceness, and you noticed how she had started breathing through her mouth, how her cheeks were coloring, not with embarrassment, but with excitement it seemed; like a champion in the starting blocks, adrenaline racing through her veins.
Something was drumming in your ears. Certainly it was your heart, but maybe it was something else - and this time you couldn’t fool yourself into thinking it was anger. Anger never drummed, anger thundered. Desire – longing – had its own particular kind of music.
You wondered, vaguely, if Mildred could hear it too.
She blinked. The fierceness in her gaze faded. She looked away, the black in her eyes turning sad and shy, then looked up again, hopeful this time, and you couldn’t help but marvel at the mirror that was her gaze, always reflecting, always revealing.
“Alright,” she said.
Your lips twitched into a smirk.
And then, just when you thought you had won, she smiled that victorious smile of hers that reached her eyes but was always cold, except this time it was warm, and there was mischief shining under it like a child up to no good.
“You have 24 hours, not a minute more,” she said, playful, almost singing. “Make the best of them.”
And then, and then - she lifted one hand, brushed the back of her fingers down your cheek, to mock your previous touch and remind you who was in control. Her cold skin made you shiver and instantly ache for more; and you would have leaned in and crashed your mouth against hers had you not regained control of yourself at the last second.
She left you with a glance over her shoulder as if to dare you to follow her. She left you standing burning and aching, trying to process what had happened.
You collapsed on your chair, because this all meant, dear you this all meant – that you had been right? That she was interested in you?
You raised a hand to your chest as if that could help slow down your heart. You did not know what you should be feeling. There were too many emotions, and which one was supposed to be right? You needed someone, a guide, to point out and say, This. This is the proper emotion to feel.
You spent the rest of the day in a state of overwhelming nervousness. Every minute you expected Mildred to appear with a cup of coffee or a bouquet of flowers for you. Nothing happened. The afternoon went by as usual. Rosie stopped at your desk for a chat. An old man threw up in the lobby and the cleaning lady cursed.
When the clock reached 4pm, you almost got up and stormed into Mildred’s office to demand what she was doing. Why the hell wasn’t she trying to win your heart? Why wasn’t she being excessively nice, voice dripping with honey, wide eyes begging?
You couldn’t believe the nerves of this woman, and you were fuming, until you saw her crossing the lobby with a young nurse in tow, and she glanced your way, and smiled. And her eyes weren’t wide, they weren’t begging, but they were nice, and they reflected the genuine good intention of her smile.
This is when you realized. There would be no excessive attentions or sweet little lies to flatter. She was aiming for the exact opposite of what you had run away from. Honesty. Being herself.
A little while later she walked up to your desk with a bunch of reproaches because you had messed up with a few patients’ schedules. Her tone was firm, her gaze hard. Brief apologies dropped from your mouth before you had time to think them. You eyed her curiously as she walked away, and kept on gazing at her long after she had disappeared. Then you cleared your throat, and willed yourself to focus on your work again.
When you saw her again, you were making ready to leave. She had changed into a long, forest green pleated skirt and a creamy white blouse with cuffed sleeves. You eyed her up and down as she came close to you, which made a small smug smile tug at the corner of her lips. You prayed all the gods the heat in your cheeks didn’t paint itself pink, and pretended you were busy with your handbag.
“Dinner?” Mildred asked simply. “I know a place.”
The place in question was a small, cozy and fashionable restaurant with a menu of fancy dishes that made your eyes widen. Mildred asked for a table on the terrace, in the setting sun; the waiter pulled out a chair for her with a respectful bow of his head, and for you with merely a nod.
You said something about the sunset, about how glad you were the weather was getting warmer, how dearly you loved the spring; you pointed out flowers. Mildred lit up a cigarette and listened to you speak, her gaze kind and attentive, and it struck you how easily you two were falling back into your old routine. How peaceful it was, how natural it felt to just sit there with her as the sun yawned and stretched, as cigarette smoke and laughter curled lazily up towards the sky.
Mildred folded her napkin and set it neatly on her lap. You glanced at her as you pretended to muse over the menu; and when Mildred’s gaze met yours, an awkward laugh burst out of your mouth and danced in Mildred’s eyes.
“I honestly do not know…” you started.
“Try this,” she smiled, tapping a finger on the menu.
“I do not trust anything with asparaguses in it.”
“Trust me, then,” Mildred retorted with a laugh.
The laugh died prematurely as your face hardened. Mildred swallowed, glanced down at the menu, looked up again to meet your eyes.
“I’ll have it myself,” she said in a slightly subdued voice. “So you’ll know what you’re missing out.”
You hummed, and took a sip of your drink to swallow the lump in your throat.
Dinner passed in easy, casual conversation. Sometimes, after you had said some random thing, Mildred would smile a shy, fond smile at an object on the table or at something around her, like sharing a secret with herself. You didn’t notice the waiter when he came back. Mildred let you steal a forkful of her meal, and laughed victoriously when your eyes widened at the rich taste that filled your mouth.
For dessert you both ordered rose and lemon Turkish delights, and fell in a comfortable silence. You watched Mildred and she watched you. At one point she ran the tip of her tongue over her lower lip to lick off powdered sugar. You felt yourself blush. Mildred noticed, smiled a little smugly; when your eyes met again, hers flicked down to her glass, and her smile turned shy.
“You never answered my question,” you said.
“Which question?” Mildred smiled at her glass.  
“How is your brother doing?”
There was cruelty in your words, but you thought you were entitled to some of it. The sun had set by now, the moon and the stars were not out yet: there was no witness.
Mildred’s smile faded. She looked up at you, a little reproachfully.
“He’s doing fine,” she said after a short while, in the voice she used at work with the other nurses. “Better than I thought he would. He found a job taking care of animals at the local shelter. It makes him happy.” A pause. A soft, dreamy smile to the tree on your left. “The animals help ease his mind. They give him purpose. He says he likes caring for innocent souls, that they would never hurt anybody, not because they can help themselves, but because the very idea would never even cross their minds.”
“That’s nice, but I was referring to his love life.”
She searched your eyes. “Nothing much to say about that.”
“So you didn’t find him the perfect spouse?” you asked with a mirthless laugh. “What happened? Set the bar too high?”
A gust of wind tangled in your hair, like a reproach from the universe, but you chose to ignore it. You brushed the strands of hair from your face and scowled at Mildred, awaiting – demanding – an answer.
Someone turned on the overhead lights, which threw a sudden bright, yellow glare on Mildred’s face and chased all the shadows.
“I stopped searching after you,” Mildred replied.
You snorted. There was a need to be cruel that was growing inside you and that was too loud, too outraged to be ignored. It was a military leader, and it had at its command an army led by Resentment, Pain, Anger and Revenge.
“What happened?” you mocked. “Got tired so quickly? Got so disappointed in me you thought it wouldn’t be worth your time?”
Mildred refused to take the bait. She stayed completely calm, face impassible and gaze bold, but soft. Her behavior made Anger give a low war cry and charge.
“The truth is,” Mildred said, and she leaned over the table towards you, and smiled and with her smile was swept away the impassiveness on her face to let a loving intensity shine, “just before you left I had made up my mind to keep you for myself.”
You clenched your fist. “Then why the fuck,” you hissed, “did you push me away?”
“I didn’t! All I did was inform you what my plans had been, for the sake of honesty –”
“For the sake of honesty?” you repeated. “Are you kidding me?”
“But then you ran away,” Mildred finished. Had there been the slightest note of reproach in her voice, you would’ve jumped to your feet and broken something.
“As if you cared,” you growled.
“I tried looking for you,” Mildred said.
She paused. There was a nervous twitch to her mouth that, in the absence of shadows, you saw.
“I don’t believe you,” you growled.
“But you disappeared. You moved, didn’t you? You changed your job, you disappeared so completely and I –”
“– and I tried to find you, but there was my job, and there was Edmund, and I couldn’t give up on him when he –“
“So you gave up on me instead.”
Mildred cut herself short. Silence hung heavy as she struggled, weighed up ugly truth against beautiful lies, until she said in a breath, “Yes.”
A sense of victory washed over you, but it felt sick, unsatisfying, and you wondered whether defeat wouldn’t have been better.
For a long moment none of you spoke. Then you realized in your anger you had leaned towards her, too, and your faces were only a few inches apart.
Mildred’s eyes flicked to your lips. You stopped breathing. You were so mad, you swore if she tried to kiss you right now you would flip the table, rip off the lights, break your chair. She had no right to ask to come back in your life, not after what she had done, and you were so mad, and definitely not leaning in and your lips were not parting as if to taste the air she exhaled –
Mildred raised her hands to cup your face. Her touch was like thunder, except you were not a tree but the sky; you had not been hit and burnt, but sublimated and illuminated.
You flinched, and sat back in your chair.
“So?” you asked, folding your arms on your chest. You couldn’t quite meet Mildred’s eyes. Your face was burning.
Mildred raised her eyebrows questioningly.
“So what happens now? What’s your plan now that you’ve found me?”
Mildred smiled. “That,” she answered, “is entirely up to you.”
Was this a blatant lie? You stared at her, forcing yourself to silence the fresh burst of anger her words triggered in you. For if there was one thing you were quite sure of, it was that Mildred Ratched never relented. When she sank her fangs into a prey, she never let go. She would forever be just a few inches behind you, the shadow gliding on your walls day and night, the fingers brushing your shoulders and making you jump.
“So tell me,” Mildred asked after a short while, “do you like what you see?”
You almost said no. Just to tempt her, just because you could and being cruel was so easy and felt so good. You almost said you would disappear again and change your name so she could never find you. Because deep down you knew that if you really, really tried, you would forget her. Only be reminded of her face once in a while in the middle of a crowd or in a poem.
But did you want that?
You pursed your lips to hold back the word “no”. Mildred would have looked confident enough had it not been for the flicker of nervousness in her eyes. They were so dark, her eyes, they sometimes reminded you of a big cat, crouching in tall grass, silent, body taut, ready to jump on its prey.
She had jumped. And you had run away. But now she was jumping again, and this time, you had seen her coming. And you let her claws sink into your flesh.
You shifted on your seat with a low noise of anger at yourself, glanced up at her and blurted out moodily, “Yes.”
Victory shone in Mildred’s eyes. A smile danced across her lips. She leaned towards you, hands coming up to rest on the table with her nails digging into the wood, her gaze so intense, so wild, and when her lips parted to say something you slipped one hand around her right wrist, pushed back your chair so you could lean across the table, and kissed her.
It was a quick, angry kiss, pulling away before it really had time to start. Mildred blinked in surprise. You scowled at her, your mouth a tight, angry line. Your hand clutched her wrist to prevent her from moving.
“Yes,” you repeated.
A smile. Soft, nervous, hopeful.
“Am I forgiven?” she asked.
“No,” you growled, eyes riveted to her lips. “You’ll have to make it up to me, times and times again.”
Mildred’s lips curled up.
“Oh,” she breathed, “I can live with that.”
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aprilsrant · 4 years
When I kissed the teacher | Oliver Wood x Slytherin!Fem!Reader.
SUMMARY: (Y/N) and Oliver finally accept their feelings for each other.
WORD COUNT: 2,065.
WARNINGS: a kiss, (?), a few curse words.
A/N: English is not my first language, if there are any mistakes, let me know! This part wasn’t supposed to be here so soon because I was working on the other fics, but this actually took some of my writer’s block away so here it is. 
This is the final part of the mini series, but I think I’ll do some blurbs about Oliver and this particular reader in the future, like dates, life after Hogwarts, and more.
Please like, reblog or comment if you want!
Lay all your love on me. (Part 1)
Honey Honey! (Part 2).
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The poor Slytherin girl had been trying to hide her feelings towards Quidditch’s rising star and Gryffindor’s Team Captain, for a little more than a year and a half. It wasn’t necessarily difficult at first since they barely saw or talked to each other, only sharing a few classes and having one friend in common —that was more of an acquaintance to him, which made things easier for a few months—. But then, her friend’s conspiracy to get them together interfered with a plan of her own named “avoiding Oliver Wood for the rest of my school days”. 
Many tutoring sessions followed the first one, Oliver was improving a lot faster than they had expected. “All your work, of course”, he would say with a thick, scottish accent that made (Y/N) nearly faint every time he’d utter a single word. This was actually one of the reasons why she tried to convince him of calling off their meetings, —that and the fact that it was getting harder to conceal her sweaty hands, the fidgeting, the occasional stuttering, the evident stares and, of course, that the girl was unable to look him in the eyes for more than three seconds—. 
Oliver thought differently, he energetically insisted about needing her as tutor more than ever now that he was catching up with Potions and Transfiguration. And once more, incapable of saying no, she agreed, accepting to tutor him for the rest of the year ‘just in case’.
Dorian almost had her head when she talked about the conversation and her desire to stop helping Oliver. He couldn’t comprehend her reasoning, not when his friend was finally getting what she wanted for so long. Ethan and Isla didn’t take his side this time, instead, they supported (Y/N), sympathizing with her logic. 
“If it’s becoming a burden for you, maybe you should tell him,” the Ravenclaw boy advised, concentrating on beating Isla on the game of Exploding Snap in front of him.
“It’s not a burden, it’s just…,” (Y/N) started, the lack of words interrupting her sentence, “I don’t know how to explain it.”
The only Gryffindor in the Multicolour Quartet —horrible name indeed and his idea— kept quiet. He wanted (Y/N) to be happy, so why was she giving up her chance to actually be happy with the boy she liked for more than a year?
No one spoke about Oliver again that Wednesday afternoon on the Courtyard, a pact to keep quiet about the subject forming silently between them. 
By the group’s seventh, and last, year at Hogwarts, Oliver Wood and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) were official friends —something Dorian took full credit of and something no one in the school had foreseen, except for her friends and the Gryffindor Quidditch Team (why was their Captain, Oliver obsessive Wood, postponing practices all of a sudden?)—. Not long after she tried to end their tutoring sessions, Oliver asked her if she minded to spend some time with him outside of their “study dates”. 
Since then, she and Oliver could be seeing together round Hogwarts. Sometimes (Y/N)’s friends joining them because of the boy invitating the Quartet, or rest of it at least, to Hogsmeade, making up silly excuses to leave them alone or telling Oliver all the embarrassing things (Y/N)’d succeeded to do, most of them narrated by Dorian, —how could he know so many stupid stories when he joined the group not that long ago?—, who loved laughing at the angry faces she did until her elbow hit his ribs. 
While (Y/N)’s feelings kept growing without restraint, Oliver’s were blooming slowly, at first unnoticed, but strong. His heart jumping whenever he saw her smiling, or talking about a subject she was passionate about. His body going still momentarily if she was too close to him, showing him how to cut ingredients, or the order they went in, or how to move his hands to perform a spell correctly. 
He realised during the fifth month of the school term. It wasn’t romantic nor beautiful. It felt like taking a Bludger to the head —believe or not, he had experience with that—, you weren’t prepared for the hit and the consequences it would bring. Ruining their friendship was the last thing Oliver wanted, so he kept quiet about his discovery and acted normal, begging no one, especially not (Y/N), would notice.
Reckless, and sometimes irresponsible, they were, but not fools. So of course the experts on the matter of ‘friends being complete idiots and denying their feelings’, Dorian, Isla and Ethan knew exactly what was going on when they noticed Oliver’s change of attitude towards their Slytherin friend. How he seemed more nervous around her; the way would look for her before a Quidditch match; how he would ask easy questions about the assignments, claiming he was going to die without her help, and how he put more effort on his appearance whenever they were going to hang out. 
The three friends couldn’t believe their luck. First, (Y/N), the smartest person they knew and yet, at the same time, the most oblivious and ignorant. Then, Oliver, the boy their friend had a crush on, now seemed to reciprocate her feelings but was trying to push them aside. 
“How can someone be so daft?,” Isla whispered to the boys beside her while watching (Y/N) and Oliver leave Zonko’s and starting to walk slowly towards the Three Broomsticks, “you know, we could make them smell Amortentia and admit their feelings once and for all.”
“You are actually onto something there, Islandic,” Dorian said, beginning to follow the pair in front of them. The Gryffindor snickered after Isla hit him on the head because of the recent nickname he’d given her. 
“Oh no, we’re not doing that,” they heard Ethan from behind them. 
“Why not?”
“Why not?,” Ethan repeated before letting out a scoff, ”because you two are going to make me brew the potion and I’m not brewing Amortentia.” Isla and Dorian gazed at each other, trying to conceal their smiles, knowing their other friend was right. 
They’d started to follow (Y/N) and Oliver in silence when Dorian talked again.
“Why don’t you want to brew Amortentia?” The noise of the village almost drowning the suspicious tone in his voice. “Are you trying to evade something, maybe?”
“Shut up,” he responded, tightening the dark blue coat closer to his body, and unknowingly giving Dorian the answer he hoped for, “and come on, don’t just stand there. We’re going to lose them.”
Their continuing attempts were a failure, nothing they did made the Slytherin or the Gryffindor confess. Fortunately, these thoughts were starting to appear more frequently in the latest’s mind. 
It was the first Saturday after the Easter Holidays and the whole school, including the professors, was waiting impatiently for the last Quidditch match of the season, Slytherin versus Gryffindor for the Inter-House Quidditch Cup. 
With Slytherin leading the championship with more than two hundred points, Oliver’s team needed a massive win if they wanted to get their hands on the Cup.
(Y/N) made her way up to the stands alongside her friends, all of them hoping for Gryffindor to win the match. Even as a Slytherin, she wished for him, and the whole team of course, to crush her House’s Quidditch Team. Marcus Flint was everything but kind and a fair player, his tactics consisted purely of hurting his rivals, not caring about the damage the injuries could cost. (Y/N)’d have supported her own House if they weren’t cheating bastards. 
A few of the students looked at her weirdly before starting to whisper when she sat down on her seat beside Dorian, who went full on Gryffindor pride. Yes, she was wearing a green blouse —she should have accepted Dorian’s offer on using one of his red t-shirts—, but that didn’t mean anything. She was on the Gryffindor stands, so she was supporting Gryffindor, and for a good reason… 
The first ten points went to the lion’s house thanks to Angelina Johnson, but the cries of joy transformed quickly into shoutings and insults directed to the Slytherin Captain for nearly knocking her off her broom after smashing into the Chaser. Fred Weasley reacted by throwing his beater’s bat at the back of Flint’s head. 
The rest of the match followed pretty much the same way. Slytherin played using dirty tactics and attacking the Gryffindors, which resulted in them answering their violence with, well, more violence. 
“Harry spotted the Snitch,” shouted Dorian while raising his arm, pointing towards the third year boy. Before the Gryffindor Seeker could grab the shiny, golden ball, Malfoy grabbed the end of his broom and pulled it back.
“Not the fucking Firebolt, you twat,” (Y/N) thought of hearing her best friend Isla, seating on her right side, said. Everyone started screeching insults at the Slytherin Seeker, even (Y/N) and some of the professors. 
Finally, after more penalties, Harry Potter caught the Snitch, handing his House the Quidditch Cup. 
Students from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff roared in excitement, quickly leaving the stands and flooding the Pitch, running to congratulate the winning team. 
Three of the four members of the Multicolour Quartet stayed a few feet away from the crowd, Dorian celebrating in the middle with Oliver, who was carrying the Cup, on his shoulders. Isla grabbed her arm and carried her to where the Gryffindor Captain was, a memory of Dorian doing the same thing a year ago entered her mind. 
Looking up at Oliver, (Y/N) noticed his rosy cheeks and some drops of sweat forming on his forehead, but his brown eyes and smile were what captivated her the most, his enthusiasm turning contagious. 
“Congratulations, I guess,” the girl said, a serious expression on her face while rolling her eyes exaggeratedly to show him she was teasing. (Y/N) extended her arm, still acting, but was taken by surprise when Oliver grabbed it and pulled her towards him, engulfing each other in a hug. She giggled near his ear and whispered, “I’m so proud of you.”
The Gryffindor glanced down at her, bodies still close to each other, neither of them wanting to let go, eyes thrilled because of his team’s victory and something more she couldn’t figure out. Slowly, his face approached her’s, staring back to the other’s eyes, asking themselves internally if this was the moment. 
“Fuck it,” Oliver mumbled before closing the distance between them and planting a chaste kiss on her mouth. 
They stood motionless for a couple of seconds, arms still wrapped around each other and the whole school watching them silently, waiting for her reaction. From the corner of her eye, she saw Fred Weasley giving his twin, George, some sickles, a grim look on his face for losing what she assumed was a bet on them.
(Y/N)’s attention went back to the boy in front of her, one with a desperate expression. Standing on her toes, she pulled her hands away from Oliver’s torso, directing one towards the back of his neck and the other to his cheek, caressing the skin tenderly. She smiled, unable to stop another giggle, and pressed their lips together for the second time, hoping it wouldn’t be the last one. 
The crowd around the pair roared again, making them laugh between the kiss, lips separating and then reuniting. Her heart almost jumping out of her chest from how fast it was beating, her necessity to breath becoming more prominent with each second her mouth was against he’s. Ignoring it, (Y/N) continued on kissing Oliver, whose hands were now on either side of her head, trying to bring her impossibly closer. Biting her bottom lip, his tongue rushing through her mouth. The hand on his neck pressuring now with more force, bringing him down so her feet could touch the ground.
A hand on each of Oliver’s shoulders forced them apart. 
“Okay, I’m really happy you two finally stopped the painful yearning for each other, but this is my best friend you’re snogging, Oliver, so try to do that privately,” a voice that could only belong to Dorian came from behind the Gryffindor boy. 
(Y/N) crossed her arms, one of them pressing into Oliver’s side, and looked at her friend before speaking.
“Are you going to tell…”
“Yeah, I am,” he interrupted her mid sentence, “I bloody told you so.”
TAGLIST: @peeves-a-legend​ @weasleybees​ @acontinuationofstuff​ @parkeroffline​ @lilac-wrists​
If you want me to add you to the taglist, ask me! And if you asked but you’re not here, please remind me!
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janicho88 · 4 years
Fire, Fur & Mistletoe Chapter 2
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Pairing- Dean x Lisa, Eventual Dean x Female Reader.
Word Count-6,102
Warning- Mentions of: loss of parents, death, car accidents, and fires, alcoholism.  Fired from a job. Putting animals up for adoption, eviction.  Possible swearing. Slight angst. Fluff,
Summary- A rewrite of the Nine Lives of Christmas, Hallmark movie. AU, Dean is a firefighter who doesn’t do commitment, the Holiday’s don’t mean much to him.  Coming home after a shift he finds a dog in trouble.  The reader is a veterinary student who works in a coffee shop trying to make it to graduation, until someone causes problems there for her.  She isn’t interested in finding anyone other than her own dog until after she finishes school.  Do their four legged friends have other plans?
A/N- This series is written for @spnchristmasbingo.  The square filled for this chapter is Decorating.  The first two chapters will stay closer to the movie than the rest will.  
This has its own tag list and it is open.  That way I am not tagging anyone who doesn’t want to be tagged in Christmas stories.   This story is unbeta’d.
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Series Masterlist
The day after you were fired you dragged yourself to class determined to keep pushing toward your goal.  No matter how upset you might have been.  Charlie tried to distract you but it didn’t work.  You spent the night trying to study for your upcoming finals. 
Thursday, you went through the want ads and looked for any openings you would be qualified for.  The hardest part was needing flexible hours for school.  Then you prepared your resume and looked up other places in town who might have online applications you could fill out.  
Friday, Charlie reminded you of the Sweet on You party you had agreed to go to.  With everything happening you had completely forgotten, but told her you would meet her there when she didn’t back down.  Walking up the driveway to the house where tonight’s party was, you could see all the happy people inside.  You could see Charlie was laughing with a brown haired girl in the living room window.  You didn’t fit in with this group tonight, you couldn’t pretend to be happy.
Taking out your cell phone you call Charlie’s phone to leave her a message.  “Hey, I’m so sorry.  I’m not going to be able to make it to the mixer.  I hope you have fun.  I’ll see you in class.”  
Turning around you head back to your car to go home and spend the night on your couch with Dakota. 
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Dean took Miracle back home, Lisa complaining about the dog the whole time.  He just tuned her out. 
Wednesday he was back at the station for a 48hr shift.  Things were a little slow, which was good in the sense that people weren’t in trouble and needing them, but it could also make for a long day.  He was in the workout room with the guys when Bobby walked in with wrapping paper.  It was for the toys that had been donated.
“No adoption huh?”  He asked, seeing Miracle sitting next to Benny.
“Not yet, Lisa is still trying.  He probably deserves a better owner than me.”
“Do you know having a dog can be good for your health?”  Cas asked.
“No, but I think I do sleep better since he’s been around.”
“You know you are going to have to choose between her and the dog, right?” Cas wanted to know.
“I’ve got an idea, brother.  How about you keep Miracle and give Lisa my number.” Benny suggested.
“I think Miracle would make a better girlfriend than Lisa. I’m not sure that will work when you and Andrea, finally get back together.” Sam threw out.
“Yeah, but who knows when that will be?  I could have some fun in the meantime.”
“You’re awful.”
“Thanks, Shaggy.”  Benny throwing out his nickname for Sam.
“Are we going to keep him around here when we’re working?  Make him our firehouse Mascot?”  Cas wanted to know.
“The other stations have Dalmatians, they might make fun of us for him.”  Benny stated.
“Who cares, makes us unique.  We don’t need to be like the others anyway.”  Bobby told them before walking over to Dean.  “So Winchester, what are you going to do?  Keep the good old boy, or let a girl push him away.  I told you, I don’t trust a girl who doesn’t like dogs.”
Dean spent the first night of the shift thinking about his options and what the guys had said. The next day at the firehouse he left Miracle at the station when he had a minute to run a quick errand, there was a stop he needed to make.
Walking into Braeden’s he looked around, but didn’t see Y/N anywhere.  So he headed up to talk to the blonde running the register.  
“Hi, I was in here a few days ago.  I’m looking for the girl who was working with you, Y/N.”
“Y/N, she was such a great person.  I miss seeing her.  She no longer works here.  She got fired.”
“What, why?  What happened?”
“Your girlfriend, Lisa.  Complained about Y/N to her dad.  I don’t think Mr Bradean really  wanted to fire her, she’s the best barista we had. She  remembers people's orders and their  favorites.  She handles the difficult ones without a problem.  The only one of  us who can get the cranberry bars just right, and this time of year they are the most popular.  His daughter is a beautiful, but horrible superficial nightmare of a person.”
“I get it.”
“She is trying to put herself through school.  She really needed this job.”
“Wow, I’m so sorry to hear that.  Do you have her number or home address, maybe?”
“Why, she doesn’t have enough problems, now you want to go burn down her house too?”
“What? No.  I want to apologize.”
“Oh really?”  Claire leans against the other counter folding her arms and glaring at Dean.
 “I didn't know Lisa did that,  I would have stopped her if I did. I’m so sorry.  Please.  I feel really awful this happened to her.  Is there any information you can give me that would help me find her?”
 “Her last name is Y/L/N, that’s all I am going to tell you about her.”
“Thank you.”
He leaves to head back to the station.  There still isn’t much going on so he grabs his computer and uses some of the down time to sit in the common room and look up Y/N Y/L/N on social media accounts.  Bobby is in the kitchen area behind working on some food.  Cas, Benny and Sam are playing cards at the long dinner table.  
“Any luck yet?  Bobby asked.
“Nope, I can’t find her anywhere.  None of these profiles on facebook,or  linked in are her.  I even searched twitter.”  
“I can’t believe Lisa got her fired.”  Cas just shook his head. 
“That’s pretty cold, man.  Maybe I don’t want her to have my number.” 
“Not a problem Benny.”
“You know, you haven’t told us anything about this girl you are trying so hard to find.”
“She is wicked smart.  I would bet she’s getting straight A’s.”
“Okay more important question here,”  Benny interrupts.  “What does she look like?”  
Cas and Sam both throw chips at him for that comment. 
“Hey, I’m curious, here?”
“She’s really pretty, but she’s the kinda girl that doesn’t know it.”
“That’s the best kind.”  Bobby tells him.
“Is she nice?”  
“Unbelievably so, she is super sweet.  She loves animals, especially dogs.”
“Okay so let’s see if I got this, she’s wicked smart.  Pretty but not full of herself, sweet with a heart of gold?”
“Yeah.”  Dean looks around and everyone is looking at him.  “What am I missing here?”
“Apparently a lot,”  his brother tells him.
“She sounds like a special person.”
Dean shrugs, “Yeah, she is I guess.”
“I have an idea.”  Sam turned to Dean.  “Why don’t you ask your girlfriend to get it from her dad.  Actually that is a conversation I would pay to watch you have with Lisa.  ‘Lisa can you get me the address of the girl you had fired so I can go apologize to her, for you being the bitch you are.  See I’m in love with her, but I haven’t figured that out for myself yet.’ “
“Are you done?”  Dean asks his brother anything but amused.
“For now,”  the younger Winchester joins in laughing with the others.
“Boy, you are a special kind of idjit.  You lot, go finish that equipment inventory.”
“Sure thing Chief, just let me beat these guys real quick.”  Looking up Benny sees Bobby’s face.  “Or now is good.” 
Bobby walks over to the table from the kitchen counter he was working at, “So, Y/N.”
“She doesn’t want to date until after she graduates and starts working.  She is nothing like the kind of girl I go out with normally, anyways.  She actually believes in true love and Marriage.”
“It’s really not that bad you know.  Don’t tell Ellen I said that.”
Dean chuckles at that, knowing how much the grumpy man really does love his wife.
“Just because things didn’t work out for your parents doesn’t mean it won’t for you.  Look at Sam and Jess.”
“It’s not what I’m looking for Bobby.”
“Then why are you here spending your time searching for this very pretty and smart girl?”
“I just want to apologize.”
“Yeah, sure.  Don’t you want a family one day?  Someone you can share the Holidays and special moments with?”
“You and the guys are my family.  You know this.”
“As close as you and your brother are, you still can’t snuggle up with me the other idjits on a cold night, after a rough shift.”
“Is that a firm no?”
Bobby just shakes his head at Dean's attempt at humor, and goes back to the kitchen.
When the shift ends Friday afternoon he takes Miracle home and tries to relax before getting some work around the house done.  He goes back Saturday for a 24 hour shift.
“It looks like the two of us are going to be stuck together for a little while.  You can stay until I finish here and sell the house.  Then you are on your own.  For now on we can come and go as we please.   You aren’t responsible for me, I’m not responsible for you,  That work for you?  Just a couple of bachelor's living together.  Good talk, let’s go watch the game.”  Miracle follows Dean into the living room, curling up in his lap.
After the game Dean heads out to get some supplies he needs to work on the house.  Lisa is in the kitchen with dinner when he arrives back home.  
“What are you doing here Lisa?  Weren’t you supposed to have a shoot today?”
“It was postponed so I came over to make you dinner, it took all day.”
“You made the food here?”  
“Yeah so it would be nice and hot when you got out.”
“Uhuh. hey have you seen Miracle? 
“No, figured it was with you.”
“He was here earlier”
“I’m sure it’s around somewhere.  Go shower I’m sure you smell like smoke.  I’ll put the food on the table.”
“My shift ended hours ago, Lisa.  I already showered.  I need to look for Miracle.”
“Miracle hey, come here dog.” she pretends to look for him.  “Guess he’s not here, let’s eat.”
“He usually greets me when I come home, he must have gotten out.  I need to go find him.”
“Why? It’s just a stupid dog, who cares?  Now come eat this delicious dinner I made.”  That puts Dean over the edge with her.
He turns back around in the doorway, “You just don’t get it do you?  Did you really have that barista from your father’s coffee shop fired?”
“Yeah, she was completely awful to me.  I can’t have that.”
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“She was giving you facts about Miracles, She wasn’t doing anything to you.  You can’t just have people fired when you don’t like what they say Lisa.”
“Sure I can.  She doesn’t matter, the dog is finally gone.  Everything is just how it’s supposed to be.”  She tells him with a shrug.
“You know, I don’t think this is going to work.” 
“You and me.”
 “Wait, are you seriously breaking up with me?”
“Yeah, yeah I guess I am.”
“I’m a model and you think you are going to break up with me?”
“You might need to get your hearing checked, yes I am.”
“You can’t do that, I'm the best thing to ever happen to you.  You are going to regret this Dean Winchester.  I won’t take you back when you come begging me to.  I spent all day making this dinner for you.  I got my hair done for you, these highlights were expensive.”
“No, you actually didn’t.  That stove isn’t connected, I just bought it. I know it doesn’t work yet, and the take out bags are sticking out of the trash outside.  Nice try though.  I’m sure the hair was for you and no one else. I think you need to go, Lisa.”
She stomps out of the room in a huff, slamming the front door when she exits.
Dean went to look for Miracle but didn’t have any luck finding him.  The backdoor wasn’t shut tight, Lisa must have done that when she took the trash out. 
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Saturday was spent with your list going to all the places you found that might be looking for help, and making stops with those who had ‘Now Hiring’ signs up.  Passing some Christmas carolers in the town square you stop and listens for a moment.  You do love this time of year.   A couple of places took your resume, but others weren’t very keen to work around a school schedule.
The best you could do is just keep trying until something works in your favor. 
Sunday, morning Donna was over bright and early to start your day together.   She brought donuts and coffee with her.  Chatting with you and petting Dakota as you got yourself ready to go.  The first stop she had planned for the two of you were mani/pedi’s.  It had been a long time since you felt that relaxed.  For a little while in the chair you were able to forget about your troubles.  When you were done there the two of you visited a few shops you were passing by.  
From there you grabbed a light lunch and listened to the carolers and watched the other shoppers.  
“I should head back home to study.”
“No, we had a deal.  It’s time for your hair and makeup appointment.  Then i’m taking you to get a new dress.”
“I don’t know.”
“Hey, I know you.  I bet you already know everything you need for your exam.  You are just overthinking it. Relax.  Take some time to enjoy the Holiday season.”
When your hair and nails were done she took you to a little boutique to look for a dress for the Mayor’s party.  You tried on multiple options before she handed you a black long sleeve one stopped mid thigh.
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“Come on out already, I want to see it.”
You pulled the curtain back and stepped out.
“Wow, look at you girl.  Green eyes is going to flip when he sees you in this.”
“Oh no, I can’t afford this one.”
“I’m going to get it for you, I got a bonus.  You deserve to be taken care of once in a while too.”
“It’s too much.”
“Y/N, when mom and dad died, you came home to take care of me.  You put your whole life on hold, just for me.  This dress is nothing compared to that.  Please let me do this.”
You walked over to look in the mirror, Donna coming up beside you.  “You look like mom.”
“I do?”
“Yeah, you do.”
Turning, you give your sister a big hug.
Leaving there you thought she was finally taking you home to study but you find her pulling into the fire station and you start to panic.  “What, what are we doing here?
“Do you really think I’m just going to take you home looking like that?  You are going to walk in there and make Green eyes faint.  Plus I want to meet him, you said he was working today.”
Dang it.  “No, no.”
“Come on, you can’t hide him forever.”
“I have to study for my final, I have to go home. Now.  Let’s go.”
“If you don’t get out and walk your but in I am going to drag you in there. Do you really want that?”  She was already unbuckling her seatbelt and going to open her door. 
“Wait! I’ll go in.  Okay I’ll go in.”
“He is going to be so surprised.”
“You have absolutely no idea how surprised.  You know what?I should really go in alone.”  Donna sits back in her seat raising her eyebrow at you.
“Why is that?”
“He’s going to see this outfit and want to grab me, and start kissing me.  One thing can lead to another.  It’ll be a little awkward with you there.  That’s not the best circumstances to meet him, when he’s making out with your older sister.  You can meet him at the Christmas party, promise.”
“Alright, fine.  I want details, I’ll wait here.”
“Oh no, that’s okay.”  Pretending to check the time.  “He’s about to get off shift, he can take me home.”
“Okay, fine.  Take care.  Have fun.”
“Thank you, and thank you for today.”
 You get out of her truck and slowly make your way up to the fire station, turning back to wave at your sister.  When she finally pulls away and you can’t see her anymore you turn and start walking back to your condo.  Great, you're in heels, this will be fun.  You don’t get too far down the road when you hear a dog bark at you.  Looking around you see a dog that looks like one you met earlier in the week.  He comes over rubbing against your bare legs and you check his collar.  Sure enough it says Miracle.  Just great.
“Hey there buddy, what are you doing out here?  Are you lost?”
Turning around and walking back to the station Miracle following along behind you.  When you step inside there are three guys working on cleaning the truck.
“Hi, sorry to bother you, I’m looking for the owner of this dog,”  You point to Miracle who is now sitting beside you.
“He’s mine!” two men call out at the same time, then turn and glare at each other.   The third with longer hair just shakes his head at them. 
“I think he belongs to someone named, Dean?”
“Yo, Jerk get out here.”  The shaggy haired man yells out.
Dean comes walking out from inside a minute later, “Bitch, what do you…”  He suddenly notices you, “Hey I’ve been looking for you two, how did you end up together?”  Bobby comes out to join Sam, Cas and Benny.  The four of them watching you and Dean.
“You’ve been looking for me?”  That really surprises you.
“Yeah, I heard about your job. I’m really sorry It’s my fault.”
“That wasn’t your fault it was all your girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend anymore.”
“That’s good.”  You seriously had no filter.  Dean looked up at you a little shocked by your comment.  “I’m mean, that’s too bad.”
“It’s alright, I knew she wasn’t the nicest, but I didn’t realize she could be that awful.  I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, at least you have Miracle back now.  Have a good night.”  With that you turned to walk out of the station.
Dean turns back around and the guys are all pointing and gesturing to you.  “Hey, Y/N, I’m getting off work soon.  Could I give you a ride home, or maybe buy you dinner?”
“Thank you for offering but you don’t have to. I'm fine walking.”
“Come on, let me buy you dinner.  With everything that’s happened it’s the least I can do.”
“You really don’t..”
Three shouts of “it’s the least he can do.”  Come from behind Dean.
“Okay, but only if I can take you to my favorite place.”
“Alright, do I need to run and change first?”  He looks down at his uniform blue pants and shirt.  If your favorite place is anything like Lisa's he is going to need dress pants a tie, the whole shebang.  
You pretend to look him over, “No I think I can get you in just fine dressed like that, I know the owner pretty well.  But what about Miracle?”
“He can hang out here, he’ll be fine with the guys around here.”
Bobby comes up to get Miracle, “We like having him here.”
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Dean takes you to the common area and you wait in there until he is finished with his shift.  When you leave you give him directions to your favorite taco truck.  Dean wasn’t expecting this at all.
“This is really your favorite place?”
“Yes, taking a bite out of one of his tacos is like a surprise party in your mouth.  He’s open all night.  So when I’m studying really late I come and grab something from here.”
Grabbing your food you go and sit at one of the nearby tables.  Dean groans when he takes his first bite. “Oh you weren’t lying that is so good.”
“I know right?”  You smile at him. A sudden chill hitting you.  You tried to hide that you were cold because a big part of you really didn’t want the night to end.  Dean saw it anyway.
“Are you cold?”
“I’m alright.”  He shook his head at you.  
“I’ll be right back.  He returns with his yellow coat from his uniform draping it over your shoulders to keep you warm.
“Thank you.”  The two of you get up from the table and walk around the nearby park looking at the light displays around you.
“When I was 19 my parents died in a car accident.  I was away at college then.  I came back home to raise my little sister.  When she entered college I went back and started my undergrad back up.  Now I’m trying to finish veterinary school.”
“What made you want to become a vet?”
“My parents were huge animal lovers. My sister and I grew up around animals and that love for them passed down to us.  My mom was always taking in strays.  When I was seven, walking home from school I found a baby bird in the middle of the road.  The little guy was hurt when he fell out of his nest.  I took him home and nursed him back to health with the help of my parents.  I was there when he was finally able to take his first flight.  That’s when I realized I wanted to be a vet and help animals when I grew up.  What about you?  Why did you want to become a firefighter?”
“When I was four our house caught on fire, I was carrying my little brother Sammy out of the house.  The front door was engulfed in flames, I wasn’t sure how to get out.  This firefighter crashed through the living room window and got us to safety.”
“My mom was trapped, but they managed to get both of my parents out.  They blamed each other for the fire and started fighting a lot. Until they eventually divorced.  We lost my dad to the bottle a couple years ago.  Mom to a car accident.  The firefighters made me feel safe, and took care of me and my brother that night.  I wanted to be able to do that for others one day.”
“That’s powerful.”
He just nodded.
“What were your parents like?”
“They were so in love, they met in high school and that was it."
"So you could say he jumped in front of her and stopped her in his tracks. She followed him to the highest peak?”  He asks as he smiles at you.
It took you about thirty seconds to realize what he was saying, “You remembered the mountain lions.”
“Yeah, I did.”
The both of you sat there a few more minutes lost in your own thoughts before you reluctantly spoke up.  “I’ve really enjoyed tonight.  It’s been really nice, but I have a big final tomorrow morning.  I should try and get a little more studying in.”
“Okay, no problem.  I’ll take you home.”
Reluctantly you got up and followed Dean to his truck.  You gave him the address to you
 place, and he found it no problem.  As a fireman he most likely knows his way around town very well.  He walked you to the door when you arrived home.
“Thank you for dinner, it was nice of you.”
“No problem, Sweetheart.  Thank you for accepting my apology.”
The two of you stood there looking at one another for a minute or so before you snapped out of it.  
“Goodnight, Dean.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.  Good luck on your final tomorrow.”
“Thank you.”
The two of you so lost in thought you didn’t realize you were still wearing his coat until after he had already driven away.  
Your dreams that night revolved around a pair of green eyes, with a boyish smile and a great laugh.
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You were studying as you were getting ready Monday morning, trying to get any last bit of new information in that you could.  All too quickly it was time to head out.  
Sitting down next to Charlie you apologized to her for missing Friday again.  She told you all about the girl she met there, Dorthey.  She seemed to really click with this one.  You were very happy for her.  At least one of you could get what you wanted.
The two of you walked out of the Veterinary school building an hour and a half later.  “Okay, that final was so much tougher that I thought it was going to be.”
“Charlie, I’m sure you did great.”
“At least that was our last one. Now Christmas break is finally here!”  She broke into a little dance as she was saying this.
“I’m glad you are so excited about this,”  you laughed watching her.  Turning back around someone caught your eye.
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“Hey, how did the test go?”
You were a little flustered, did he come all this way just to ask about your test?  “I think I did all right on it.”
“That’s great, glad to hear it.  How about I take you out for coffee and we can celebrate?”
Charlie was looking back and forth between the two of you, when she finally got a good look at Dean’s face.  “That’s Green eyes?”  She exclaimed much loudly for your liking.  Judging by Dean’s laugh and slight blush, he heard it too.
Reaching out you quickly smack her arm before turning back to Dean.  “That’s so nice of you to offer, but dinner last night was enough.”
“Wait he took you to dinner last night?”  Charlie wanted to know looking at Dean then you.
“Yes, please shut up.”  You whispered to her
“Let him take you for coffee.  She would love to go with you.”  Charlie turned to Dean shaking her head yes.
Dean was amused by Charlie's antics. You on the other hand could hurt your friend.  “Besides the coffee, I kinda need my coat back for work tonight.
“Oh, yeah.  I’m so sorry about that, I didn’t realize I still had it on till after you left.”
“It’s alright, let me take you for coffee and we can grab it after.”
Charlie pushed you toward Dean, “Have fun you two!”
Dean took you to a coffee shop you had never been to before.  The two of you enjoying a nice conversation before being on your way.  When you were walking back to your place you commented on the shop.
“I really liked that place.  I’ve never been there before.  Or even heard of them before.”
“You know what they say, firemen and police always know where to get the best coffee. There was one I really liked, only had it a few times.  I’m pretty sure it was the barista there who made it so good.”  Dean winking at you as he said it.
The front of your condo coming into view. The door was wide open.  “Oh this is bad, so very bad.”  You run up the steps toward the door.
“What’s going on?”
“She found Dakota.” Dean watches you run inside slowly following behind, but staying out of sight.
Your landlady is standing at the counter when you come rushing in.  Hearing you she turns around.
“I just knew you were hiding something.  I had a plumber come in and check out your sink.  Do you know what he found?”  She asked you while holding up an Effective Immediately Eviction notice.
“Where is she?”
“I shut her in the back bedroom.”  You went right over to check on your girl.
When you come back she starts right back in on you.  “This is a clear violation of the Angel Arms by laws.  You have to be out by the end of the day.”
Good things get any worse for you right now?  Where were you supposed to go?
Just then Dean comes walking in holding up his fireman identification and badge, “I assume you gave this tenant 48 hours notice before you had a service person enter the residence?”
“I, um I’m not sure.”
“How about the fire code?  Are you all up to date on all of the apartment codes pertaining to apartment and condo buildings?”
She couldn’t even get a word out.
“What about all the bylaws with the state's statutes?”
“Well, I would think I…”
“I’ll be back next week and make sure you are in compliance with each and every state and city fire code.  If you aren’t I’m afraid I’ll have to slap you with a 777, and close this place down.”
Her eyes widened at that and she quickly left the building.  No doubt to start looking into all the codes and begin the tedious work of making sure each one was met.
You were watching Dean in awe, you couldn’t believe he would go to all this trouble for you.
“I’m sorry I won’t be able to stop the eviction, but I can make her miserable for awhile.”
“Dean, I don't know what to say.  Thank you for doing that.”
“Talk later, let’s get packing.”
“You have to be out today, let’s go.”
“You’re going to help me?  Dean I don’t even know where I can go.  My sister doesn’t have room for us.  I couldn’t find a place to rent before this happened.”
“I have an idea.  The house I’m renovating right now, it has an upstairs apartment.  There is even an outside entrance so you could come and go as you needed.”
“Dean, I couldn’t do that and impose on you.”
“You aren’t.  I’m inviting you to stay.  You won’t even have to pay rent. So you can save for a new apartment. Plus I’m the reason you got fired.”
He really was giving you a tempting offer.  “You said yourself you had nowhere else you knew of to go.”
“Are you okay with dogs?”
“Yes, actually they are a must.  Plus you could help me out with Miracle.”
“I will pay you.”
“That’s okay, maybe you could just help me with the house some?”  
“I can do that.  Thank you so much.  I really appreciate this.”
“No problem Sweetheart. I’m going to go get us some boxes, while you start getting your stuff around.”  When Dean got outside he called Sam.
“Hey, you doing anything right now?”
“No, just hanging out till the shift starts.”
“I have a friend who needs some help packing up her apartment real fast.  Can you help?”
“Yeah, wait, her?  Who’s the her?  I thought Benny and Cas were your only friends?”
“Will you just stop talking and get over here?  I texted you the address.”
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You were shocked when Dean returned with not only boxes but one of the other firemen.
“Y/N, this is my little brother Sammy.”
“It’s Sam.”
“This is Y/N, Sammy said he could help us out for a bit.”
“Thank you so much.  I really appreciate it.”
“No problem.  Dean told me what happened.”
In just a few hours the three of you had everything loaded up in the three vehicles.  The apartment came furnished so everything but the bed stayed.
Getting to Dean’s place you get out and look at the house, it’s amazing.
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Heading inside Dean shows you around.  You are distracted by the wonderful details that surround it, and the great work Dean has done.  You can’t believe he rebuilt the entire staircase.  He is extremely talented. 
The two dogs are introduced and seem to get along really well.  You are kind of surprised, Dakota is usually more reserved around dogs she has never met before. 
“I think they are going to get along just fine.”  Dean tells you.
“Yeah, I guess us living together could work, I mean sleeping together.  NO, I just, you know what I mean, staying under the same roof, not in the same room.”  You aren’t sure your face could be any redder.
“Well, not sure I have a problem with the first two options either.”  
You were wrong, your face could get redder.
“I promise you won’t know I’m even here.  I’m looking for a new job, and I’ll look for a new place.  Hopefully I can find something by next week.”
“No rush, it’s fine Sweetheart.”
 The two guys help you unload the things in their vehicles before heading off to work. 
Wandering around the house you notice the living room and all the white paint stripes.  This must be the room Dean was saying he was having trouble finding the right color.  You didn’t have anything else to do so you go to work.
When Dean came home from work the next night, some amazing smell greeted him.  Y/N, must have grabbed takeout.  He’s hoping she got enough to share.  Looking around he finally found her on a ladder in the living room.  He walked in looking around.  He couldn’t believe it, the whole room was painted, and the color was perfect.
On top of the fireplace mantle he saw a few Christmas decorations out.  Some reindeer, a big snowman in the middle.  They weren't his so they must have come from your house.   It helped to make the room feel a bit homier than it had before.
Turning around you finally notice Dean.  “Oh hi,”
“Hey, I can’t believe you finished this room.  The color is perfect.”
“I’m used to being busy, but I’m currently unemployed, and school is on break for a month.  This is Pearl, it’s a layer of Egg shell over Egg crue.  It’s the only way to get this color.  It’s the least I could do for you rescuing Dakota and I.”
“Don’t worry about that.  I do appreciate you doing all this.”
“No problem, I like to keep busy.”  You get Dakota up to head to your apartment, you did tell him you would stay out of his way.  “Oh, there is chicken and mashed potatoes in the fridge if you want any.”
“It smells amazing, where did you pick it up from?”
“I cooked.”
Here we go again, Dean thought.  
“I saw the stove wasn’t hooked up, I hope you don’t mind I connected it.”
“Oh, no.  Thanks.”  That surprised Dean.  Y/N really was different than all the other girls he dated.  
As she walked out of the room he realized he didn’t want her to go,  “My shift was kinda slow, do you want to stay and eat with us?”
“We already ate, but thanks.  I’ll let you enjoy your downtime.”
“Oh okay.”
Walking back to the room you are talking with Dakota about why you left.  “He really doesn't want us to join him.  He was only being polite.”  Dakota gives a little growl.  “Don’t give me your attitude, missy.”
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The next morning Dean is up looking around for Y/N, before he has to head out.  He knows she’s up; he saw the coffee put all made for him.  Not seeing her anywhere he assumes she is in her room and doesn't want to bother her.
He’s caught by surprises when he walks out the front door and sees her hanging up Christmas lights on the porch.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Morning, oh.  I heard Christmas lights and decorations can add curb side value to a house.  If you are going to sell when you’re finished.  Having some lights out now, might get people to notice the house.  Do you mind?”
“Not at all, great idea.  Thank you.”
“No problem.  You know, I have all that stuff from my apartment if you want to decorate the inside too.”  
“I’m not much for decorations, but you can have at it.”
He walks down to his truck and asks without thinking.  “I have to give a presentation to a group of fascinating people, would you like to come with me?”
“Sure, do I need to go change?”
“No, I think I can get you in with jeans and a sweater.”
“Alright, let me grab my phone.”
Hurrying back outside Dean locks the door behind you, “Let’s go Sweetheart.”
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 3 
Tags- @winchest09  @waywardbeanie @whatareyousearchingfordean  @flamencodiva @atc74 @deanwanddamons @jensengirl83 @abuavnee @lunarmoon8 @amyzombie1013 @akshi8278 @that-one-gay-girl @mandalou29​  @igotmadskills​
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logically-asexual · 3 years
I want to give you your grin
this was written for the prompt Crook/Aftermath of loceitweek2021, so the last chapter will be posted on monday ♡
After Thomas chose to go to the wedding, Janus has a lot of work for his plans to work out, and that includes getting Logic on his side. Logan currently is constantly being left out. He is trying too hard (and failing) to make himself fit in with the others, so he will try anything to feel useful.
Janus decides to take advantage of this (and Logan's denied feelings for him) to get away with his scheme, but what neither of them expect is actually falling for each other in the process.
warnings: emotional manipulation, Logan is very insecure. let me know if i should add more.
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Chapter 2
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words: 2169
The following day, Logan was called to a conversation Thomas was having with Patton. They quickly explained to him that Terrence was going to be in town this weekend, since he had some unexpected time off, and he really wanted Thomas to go help him with a project. However, Thomas had agreed with Logan before that he would use his free time this week to catch up with revising a script the team needed on Monday, and to make a meal plan for the following week so Thomas could practice his cooking and avoid ordering takeout every single day.
Logan was surprised that they wanted to hear his opinion before making a decision, so he made an effort to come up with a fair solution for everyone.
Thomas could meet Terrence on Saturday. He would need the entire morning to get ready, probably, since usually several hours are required for Thomas to motivate himself to go outside, and he would also need time to recover his energy afterwards. So the entire day would be out of the question for work. That meant he could look for recipes and make a simple plan on Friday after work, go buy the necessary ingredients on Sunday morning, and revise the script the rest of the day.
“Well,” Logan started, before being interrupted by Deceit appearing next to him.
“You’re going to tell Terrence that you two can hang out for a couple hours but you’re otherwise occupied and do not have the energy for anything else.” He said with determination.
Patton started to protest but Deceit interrupted again.
“What? I thought you were the one so keen on “keeping one’s word” and “not going back on your commitment”?” He said, with a hint of disgust as he put air-quotes around Patton’s words. “Or are other people more important than the promise you made to our friend Logan, here?”
Everyone was looking at Logan now. Patton began stuttering, maybe wanting to apologize, so Logan tried to reassure him before the conversation got more complicated.
“I don’t mind, actually. I was going to propose an alternative that would free our schedule for Saturday so Thomas could meet Terrence for however long he finds it necessary.”
“Oh, right, because he is so full of energy these days to work on his own job, his personal life and doing other people’s work for them in his free time.” Deceit replied, sarcastically.
“Hey, he doesn’t want me to do his work for him!” Thomas objected. “He just said he needed help with something.”
“Yes, sure, he is definitely only here in town by chance and not making excuses to take advantage of the fact that you don’t seem to have the word “No” in your vocabulary. Logan agrees with me, don’t you?” Deceit turned to him with a raised eyebrow.
Logan had to look down to avoid everyone’s intense gazes on him. “I... well... Thomas does know that word, it’s actually one of the first words he learned as-”
“You’re avoiding the question.” Deceit was clearly irritated, and Logan couldn’t endure his disapproval for some reason, but agreeing with him would upset Patton and that would be counterproductive, as well. Thomas needed a decisive Side to come to an agreement, he needed Logan to have an answer for him, but what answer did he want? Maybe they should just skip the meal plan and try again next week, or-
“Logan, are you okay?” Patton’s voice was gentle.
Of course Logan was okay. This is his job. He was just struggling slightly to keep his breathing steady. “I- I’m sure I can come up with some arrangement, if you give me time. Maybe if- We could try asking first what is it Terrence needs and decide depending on-”
“Oh how sweet,” Deceit drawled, narrowing his eyes. “And I can tell Morality would be just thrilled to let Terrence know that Thomas’ support for him is conditional.”
Patton seemed conflicted by the accusation, but didn’t deny it. He looked expectantly at Logan, as if pleading for his support, but Logan was at a loss.
“Logan,” Thomas chimed in, “it’s okay, I don’t have to make a decision yet. I haven’t opened the text and I can call him later.”
But Logan knew taking longer to think would only prolong those judgemental looks in both Morality’s and Deceit’s eyes, and he couldn’t take it any more. His face was starting to hurt from the clenching of his jaw.
Still not looking anyone in the eye, he muttered “No, Thomas. You should do as Deceit said. He’s right, you’re going to be tired next week and won’t work properly if you don’t take time to rest and get adequate nourishment.” He didn’t look up, but he knew Patton well enough to imagine the defeated frown on his face. Still, he was used to it, and it was more bearable than whatever sensation Deceit’s disfavor was making him feel.
Janus smirked, proud that his plan had worked. Now he just had to finish convincing Logan that this was the correct decision and soon he’d have him wrapped around his finger. He was pleasantly surprised by how easy it had been, but it was true that Logan has had to put up with the other’s neglect far too long, he only needed a little push in the right direction.
“Okay fine.” Thomas said, cutting the awkward atmosphere that had just been created. “I am going to tell him that I’m a little busy but we should meet to hang out and maybe play video games and he will probably get the hint and not insist on the thing he wants me to do?”
Patton smiled widely at him and nodded. “Yeah! I’m sure he’ll understand and no feelings will get hurt in the process! And Logan said we could still free Saturday so you can use the extra time after returning from Terrence’s to relax.”
“Yes, perfect!” Thomas exclaimed with the same excitement. “Thank you, all. I’ll go text him back now.”
Janus groaned silently. Baby steps, he repeated mentally, getting Logan was the focus right now. Logan looked up at him shyly, and Janus couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Logan blushed slightly and turned away, and Janus’ expression turned sharp and smug again.
A moment later, everyone was back in their rooms.
Logan evaluated once more the day’s lessons. It didn’t go as bad as he had expected, he could finally take note of positive results, he just had to make sure he knew the right causes of this success.
What went differently today than all his previous attempts? Other times he has come up with new arrangements so whatever Patton, Roman or Virgil’s new proposals can be taken into action without interfering too much with his previous plans, and they seem to accept it in the end but still become upset with him, or not acknowledge his efforts at all. This time, Deceit seemed happy with Logan’s final decision. He would never act based on emotions, but the way Deceit looked at him after sharing his opinion felt... right, somehow. Like he wasn’t alone, and the sides of the debate were more balanced.
Of course, this was only a hypothesis, other factors could have influenced this discussion greatly and Logan would have to continue verifying his theory. He wouldn’t dare openly contradict Deceit, however; the distress caused by Deceit’s contempt wasn’t something he was looking forward to experiencing again. But he could try agreeing with him on occasion, and test if it helped Thomas find more satisfying conclusions.
Now he just had to make sure Thomas finished his work on Friday, and postpone the meal plan for Sunday, instead, just in case things went well and Thomas saved enough energy.
✩ ✩ ✩
Thomas, as he normally does, strained himself more than he was asked to, and two days were required for him to feel satisfied with the work he had done for his friend. Luckily, Logan made sure Thomas finished his more important task with the script on Friday. The rest of the week Logan just had to verify that the food Thomas ordered wasn’t too unhealthy or expensive, and the following weekend he was able to buy fresh ingredients to do some actual cooking.
As days passed, Logan was faced with more decisions to make. He should be able to ponder and reach conclusions without problem, but he found himself constantly... distracted. Thomas’ inconsistent diet and sleep schedule was probably impairing Logic, although he noted that the distractions most of the time came from the selfish Side that was joining their discussions more and more often.
Perhaps the strong feelings Patton, Roman and Virgil had against Deceit were affecting Thomas and, by extension, also Logan. That could explain why he was alert to every action the other made; it must be Thomas’ feelings because Logan didn’t have feelings, let alone have any strong emotions for Deceit for him to perturb his work like this.
However, solving this problem wasn’t in Logan’s control. Dealing with feelings was not his department, and the conflict the others had with Deceit was something they would have to fix on their own. In the meantime, Logan just had to adjust.
Adjusting was easy, honestly. As the Side that represents logical thinking, he was used to constantly adapting to his surroundings. He just had to keep Thomas focused and under control until the day of the wedding. After that, Patton could take over and deal with his emotional conflict.
One of the tasks in Logic’s to-do list was getting a gift for the bride and groom. Logan thought a household appliance would be suitable since Mary Lee and Lee would be moving in together, but he had to argue with Roman at the mall, since he wanted to go overboard and spend more money than Thomas should. Deceit joined them to suggest they buy something as cheap as possible, and then use the rest of the money Thomas brought to get himself something. When Logan agreed that Thomas could use new kitchen supplies, since he would be cooking more often, Deceit smiled at him.
After that, it didn’t take long to compromise, and they agreed on getting a detailedly decorated memory box, for the pair to save items as souvenirs of significant events, or so Roman explained. It was significantly less expensive than anything Logan had in mind, and they all thought the sentimentality made it a more adequate gift. When Logan made a comment about how sappy feelings finally had a use, Deceit laughed.
Later, Deceit led them to other stores, to find something for Thomas to buy with the rest of the budget. He suggested an elegant set of wine glasses, and Logan couldn’t argue the fact that they counted as kitchen supplies. Once they made the transaction and walked back out of the mall, Deceit held Logan’s hand, and offered him to test together the wine they bought to match with the glasses set.
Logan agreed, of course. It had been a long day.
As days passed, Logic’s list of tasks was being smoothly completed. Deceit came up with suggestions that made the others angry or upset at the beginning, but Logan found merit in them, and since there were now two of them, it became easier to convince the rest. Or if the opposite situation occurred, Logan wasn’t as affected by it, because at least it was the two of them losing or being shut down, unlike most of the time, when he was on his own.
He found that even if Deceit’s ideas weren’t what he usually would support, it was easier to endorse them. The arguments ended sooner, and Thomas reached clearer conclusions, either strongly in favor or (the more common case) strongly against Logan and Deceit’s position.
Furthermore, Logan found Deceit’s approving gestures motivated him, and made work more pleasant. He wasn’t used to physical touch, but he didn’t have to worry about initiating any, because Deceit would pat his shoulder or hold his hand when they advocated for each other. Deceit smirking at him made him involuntarily smile back. He didn’t know why this happened, but he knew smiling sent signals to the brain to boost one’s mood, similarly as with the other affectionate expressions, therefore, he wouldn't complain.
One time, Virgil was particularly irritated about Thomas’ decision to go alone to the event, and intended to take it out on Logan for prioritizing other things over finding a partner. Deceit stood between both of them, and confronted Anxiety about his constant indecision.
At that moment, Janus was facing Virgil, but he could notice in the corner of his eye how Logan blushed at the protective gesture. He was able to swiftly calm Virgil down, but was slightly distracted by the feeling of heat on his own face, the image of Logan’s flustered expression not leaving his mind. He was definitely pleased with the progress he had made.
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allicekitty13 · 4 years
Paper Rings
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Japer and Alice were set to be married in July, but unfortunately, those plans had to be canceled. Alice gets very, very sad, so Jasper has a plan to lift her spirits; no one ever said you couldn't propose twice!
Written For Jalice Week Bonus Day- Quarantine
Jasper proposed in August. He brought her out to the field he had taken her the day he knew she was the one, that he truly loved the vain, lively, breathtaking woman who consumed his every thought. She had been dancing to no music with her best friend, Maria, and it had suddenly hit him. He knew in his soul; he wanted to spend the rest of his life with that little lady, that he couldn't live without her.
It had taken considerable effort to keep the all-knowing women in the dark. For months he kept the ring in varying locations, her brother's house, her best friend's apartment, his sister's truck. Always making sure it got moved anytime she started getting curious. She always had a way of figuring things out and ruining the surprise; he was determined to catch her off guard just this once.
It was Saturday when he drove them out to the clearing where so many of their life events had occurred, from wild nights to lazy days to heartbreak. He drove slowly down the dirt road listening to that girl, his girl, chatter on about her day. She had gone shopping with Maria, where she'd purchased the dress she wore that night. She'd told him about how she had something else picked out but was just too excited to show him her new purchase.
He felt his stomach begin to tie up as he pulled over at the field; there was always a chance she would say no. The thought was terrifying and made his heart ache in a way he had only felt once before. His worries eased when she pecked him on the cheek before jumping out of the truck to run out into the field.
Jasper let her be for a moment as he got out of his vehicle. He knew he would never regret this decision as we watched her dance around through the wildflowers in her light summer dress and the cowboy boots she'd confessed she only wore because he liked them on her. He clutched the ring in his pocket, committing the scene to memory; this was a night he never wanted to forget.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She bounced up to where he still leaned against the truck.
"I love you."
"Yeah, I know." She giggled, tugging on his arm, "Come dance with me!"
He obliged readily, never one to deny his little angel anything. The pair slow danced to the top country radio station that played from Jasper's truck as he gathered up his nerves, continually reminding himself that it was highly unlikely she would say no.
"Babe?" She questioned as he pulled her back in from a twirl, one of her favorite moves. "Is everything okay? You look like you're gonna throw up."
Now was a good a time as ever, he figured, so he responded with a deep breath. "Turn around and close your eyes."
"Hmm," She obliged, "I knew you had something planned! What is it?"
He had the ring on a chain, knowing she hated rings. She always said she never wore them because they got in the way and made it hard to draw. His hands trembled nervously as he clasped the chain around her neck, whispering in her ear, "Keep 'em closed."
"Did you buy me another necklace, Jas?" She was smiling.
He was so nervous, his stomach doing summersaults, he would be devastated if she turned him down. There was no way he could live without this woman. He took her right hand, moving it up to rest on the ring positioned on her chest; she looked like she would cry as the realization of what he was doing hit her. He grasped her left hand, moving down onto one knee. "Open your eyes."
"Yes. Yes, oh my god, Jasper!" She'd exclaimed as she took in the scene, happily sobbing. "The answer is yes!"
"I haven't asked yet." He was beaming up at her, lost in her blue eyes ridiculously happy.
"Then, hurry up and ask so I can say yes!"
"Marry me?"
"Yes!" She choked out through her joyous tears. "I will marry you!"
Alice had planned an elaborate wedding to the surprise of no one. Her plans were elegant; the most beautiful were the things she had created on her own. Alice saught out only the best of the best, accepting only the things that met her incredibly high standards. He often wondered, knowing how picky she was about every aspect of her life, how he'd been lucky enough to be a part of it.
As consuming as her excitement had been, her sadness came in equal measure when the shutdowns happened and the wedding postponed. She spent most of her time in bed, going over plan B scenarios or on the sofa watching Lifetime movies.
It broke his heart to see his normally vibrant fiance in such a state, so he had hatched a plan to lift her spirits.
It was the day they were supposed to have been married; he had spent the afternoon out in the backyard decorating the patio space. He'd placed fairy lights, candles, and her favorite flowers- white roses all over the area. A radio had been set up in the corner with a playlist of only her favorite songs. Jasper had also moved most of the patio furniture out of the way leaving only the small outdoor sofa sitting in front of the firepit. He gave the space a quick once over. Deciding that everything was perfect, he went inside to collect the only thing that could improve the scene- Alice.
Jasper found her lying on the couch, watching some movie romance movie on lifetime. "Hey, Al," he greeted, crouching down in front of her. "Can you come outside for a second?"
"I'm watching a movie; Mandy Moore gets to get married. It's not fair."
"You're gonna have a wedding too when it's safe, hun." He left a sweet kiss on her temple before grabbing the remote and pausing the T.V. "I've got something to show you outside in the meantime."
"You're not gonna let this go are you." She sighed relenting, allowing her fiance to lead her out to the patio. Her eyes widened upon taking in the romantic scene Jasper had created for her. "What is all this?" She asked in awe.
"Well," He picked her up to spin her in a circle before setting her back down. A weight lifted from his chest upon seeing her beautiful smile for the first time in weeks. "My favorite girl seemed down, and I couldn't just not do anything about it."
"It's beautiful." She leaned into his embrace. "Thank you."
"Anything for you, but there's more." He let go of the woman grasping one of her hands as he fell to one knee.
"Didn't you already do this?" She giggled, causing a huge smile to cross his face at finally hearing her musical laughter again.
"No one ever said I couldn't do it again. Besides, if you have to plan a second wedding, you deserve a second proposal. It's only fair."
"You're such a sap when nobody's looking."
"Nobody but you." He admitted, "Will you marry me?"
"Yes, Jasper. I will marry you." She was blissfully laughing genuinely now. Both of them the happiest they had been in weeks.
Jasper reached into his pocket, pulling out a cardboard ring to place onto her finger. A reference to the song she played when he lamented about how he wished he could have gotten her the elaborate ring she deserved, that she deserved someone who could provide her all the pretty shiny things she loved so much. Alice would always reply that all the glamour in the world meant nothing without him. That she had lived without him once, and there was nothing that could bring her to do it again.
"Paper rings?" She chuckled at the reference. "God, I love you, you romantic fool."
Jasper brought himself back to a standing position again, leading her over to the makeshift dancefloor, proceeding to pull her into a slow sway, spinning her out every so often. "I'm sorry you didn't get to have your big day. I hope this makes up for it."
"Mmhmm," She hummed into his chest, "More than words can say."
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montjoy · 4 years
lost time: part 4 of 4
Rafael Aveiro x F!MC (Casey Valentine)
Summary: Rafael and Casey get stuck in an elevator. Some long overdue conversations are had. 
Warnings: None
Casey never thought she would feel like this again.
If she had learned anything from the past two years of residency, it was how to separate emotion from action. This lesson made her stronger, a better doctor.
What she needed to realize, however, was that just because she could ignore her feelings didn’t mean that she always should.
“I love you,” she said, for what felt like the hundredth time that night.
Rafael grinned, holding her closer. “You keep saying that.”
Casey hummed happily in response. “Just making up for lost time.”
They were on Rafael’s couch, eating leftover Chinese take-out and aimlessly scrolling through Netflix. He couldn’t decide what to watch, but it didn’t really matter to Casey. She was more than content with her head on his chest, listening to the steady drumming of his heartbeat.
Rafael tilted her head up and pulled her into a long tender kiss. “I love you too,” he murmured against her lips. “So much.”
It had been nearly a month since their reconciliation, but it seemed like an eternity ago. Although they had a new normal, it wasn’t the easiest of transitions.
The morning after they got trapped in the elevator, they met up at Casey’s apartment to talk. It was awkward. It was painful. It was brutally vulnerable in a way that was expected, but neither of them were prepared for. Even though their feelings for each other were known at that point, it still raised more questions than answers.
They sat awkwardly on her bed, keeping a considerable amount of distance between them.
Casey would never forget the heart-wrenching expression on Rafael’s face when he said that he didn’t feel like he was good enough for her.
“What does a beautiful, kind, accomplished doctor want with me?”
He admitted that the main reason he ended things was that he was scared about how serious his feelings were getting. He had managed to convince himself that Casey did not feel the same, so it almost seemed easier to give them a clean break. He could run into fires and wreckage without a second thought, but the idea of being open about his feelings only to be rejected felt infinitely more terrifying.  
When he later got back together with Sora, he really tried to convince himself to get over Casey. It worked for a while. Sora was great and familiar. It wasn’t the same kind of love he felt with Casey, but he did genuinely care for her and it was less out of his comfort zone. He tried to revert back to a more confident version of himself, but it didn’t work out in the long run.
“That’s not fair,” Casey had said. “What did I do to make you feel that way?” Her voice came out a lot smaller than intended.
They both cried at that point, clinging to each other tightly. “You did nothing wrong. I’m sorry.” Rafael kept whispering into her shoulder over and over again, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
Casey also confessed that she wished she had been more clear about how she felt. “I don’t understand how you could ever think you’re not good enough. You’re everything to me. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.” She only noticed her word choice when it was too late, but at that point, she didn’t really care. How long had she been denying herself this? She loved him. It was the most obvious fact in the world.
They eventually fell into a comfortable silence, just holding each other. Their deepest insecurities were out in the open. They were drained and hurt, but also ready for a new beginning.
Rafael’s phone buzzed, pulling Casey out of her reverie.
“What’s up?” she asked.
He sighed, continuing to stroke her hair. “Just Reggie. He needs me to pick up an extra shift tomorrow. Is it okay if we postpone our date until Saturday?”
Rafael ultimately decided not to leave town, making Casey feel equal parts elated and hesitant. She wanted him to stay, but she didn’t want to hold him back. He was quick to reassure her that wasn’t the case at all. He came to the realization, on his own, that his problems would still be problems, even in a different place.
To make an effort in solving those issues, he started by making amends.
Soon after he and Casey got back together, he reached out to Sora to apologize. Even though he never cheated, he still was in a relationship while having feelings for someone else. It was unintentional, but they were close and his actions had hurt her. Sora was not ready to be friends again yet, but she forgave him and was open to the idea in the future.
He also wasn’t sure if he was quite ready to go back to being a paramedic. He wanted some time to fully realize himself, without a very high-stress job influencing him. While figuring out his next step, he was offered a job as a bartender at Donahue’s. He gratefully accepted. He was still helping people, albeit in a very different way. He liked hearing the drunk ramblings and offering some form of comfort. After all, he’s always been a good listener.
Casey, of course, was a frequent customer.
“Sure. As long as you can hook me up with free pizza and beer again.”
“Always,” he promised, pressing a quick kiss to the top of her head.
Their dynamic was still delicate and they were taking things slow. Casey knew deep down that once the honeymoon period ended, some of the doubts that were their downfall might come creeping back in.
But as she looked at the man underneath her, half-asleep and gazing at her adoringly, she knew they would be okay. They’ve made it through worse, and they would never let go of each other again.
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Tag List: @rafaveiro, @nazario-sayeed, @thelifeofsummer, @farinstarfury, @mvalentine
Author’s Note: Thank you so, so much for reading!! Truly, your comments/likes/reblogs have meant the world to me. I honestly haven’t completed any writing in years, so the fact that so many people have been so kind and supportive is everything ✨🥺💗
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novadust86 · 4 years
The Best Laid Plans CH2
Chapter 2: Confessions of a teenage cat girl
Hermione was just finishing unpacking her trunk, and was working through what she needed to do: shelving her books; sorting her clothes, putting the clean ones away and putting the dirty ones, that the magic of Hogwarts haven't cleaned yet, in the hamper; and setting her photos of her parents and other nick nacks in their proper places.
The drive home had been filled with Hermione asking her parents how their year had been. Now that they were home she was expecting to be called downstairs for what she jokingly thought of as her interrogation. It had become a sort of tradition; on her first evening home from Hogwarts, Her parents would pick up a take-away* that broke all their rules about healthy eating and sugary drinks. Then, over the distractingly enticing dinner they would talk about what had happened while she was away at school.
It wasn't long before she heard her mum call for her. Hermione made her way to the dining room to find her parents at the table, ready with pizza and fried chicken, all steaming hot waiting for her. Hermione sat and served herself, savouring the unhealthy food that was a rare treat at home. In fact, now that she thought about it, it had been almost a year since she had last eaten pizza. It wasn't in the Hogwarts meal rotation that tended to favor classic British food, and she hadn't left Hogwarts at all this year.
“So, Kitten”, her father then winced at his phrasing. He had used the old nickname on reflex and immediately regretted it, worried how his daughter would take it. Hermione, however, was laughing at his reaction to his own perceived faux pas*. After getting herself under control she grinned back at him, “it’s ok dad, you can still call me kitten. You have been doing it for as long as I can remember…I’d miss it if you stopped.”
“Ok, then...kitten”, he seemed decidedly uncomfortable with using the nickname now, “in the letters we received from you and McGonagall, who says she’s your Head of House, we were expecting to see cat ears and a tail, but I don't, so did they find a cure...or did your teachers hide them for you?”
Hermione finished chewing her bite of pizza; the toppings were a favorite she shared with her mum, which were ham, mushrooms, pineapple and prawns. “They are hidden, but it was Harry who found a way to hide them. Not one of the teachers. He gave me this hair band today, the spells on it give me somewhere to put the ears. There is also a similar item for my tail.” She hesitated a second, then, checking that the curtains were closed and seeing that it was safe as they were alone, Hermione removed the hair band, revealing the brown and blond tabby cat ears for her parents to see.
Hermione sat there, waiting to hear what her parents would say. They sat in silence for what was probably only about thirty seconds, but they were the longest seconds of her life. Waiting for them to pass judgment on her. Would they think her a freak? Would they disown the monster she had become? Would they insist that she stop coming home from school at Christmas and Easter? Just do their job until they could kick her out once she finished school?
The anxiety-driven thoughts were driven from her head just as quickly when her mum spoke up finally, “Your ears look lovely dear”, with just those five words, Hermione relaxed immensely, feeling a tension she hadn't known she carried slip away, “Is your tail the same colour?”
Hermione's head bounced up and down, “Yes, I would show you, but taking the bag off my tail is difficult in this skirt”, it would also have been embarrassing, the high waist meant that the only way her tail could go was down. This was fine most of the time, but if she got happy or angry her tail tended to shoot up, and that was the last thing she wanted while in a skirt. 
“Did you say bag, Honey?” Her mother seemed a bit confused. Hermione slipped into her lecture mode as she explained to her parents about the three bags and how two of them were concealed in the hair band and how each of the bags had an undetectable expansion charm on them, that created extradimensional space inside the bags. Her parents caught on quickly and soon the whole family were having fun making Doctor who references.
“So, Hermione, you mentioned a few other changes in your letters. I think me and your mum need to hear them all”, the joking was over and they were back to the main topic. “Well...you know about the ears and tail. The ears give me better hearing. It's not magic, it's just that the ears are so big compared to normal ears. My taste in food changed a little, I like fish, chicken, milk and cheese more now”, her parents nodded along; the cheese part was new to them but Hermione had already mentioned in her letters about how her taste in food had changed. Mr Granger had already added a few tins* of different types of fish to the shopping when he picked up the groceries a few days ago. “I also understand cats better. I just seem to know what they are trying to tell me”, Hermione hesitated for a second, thinking about something else, before saying, “that's it.”
Her parents looked at each other, silently debating whether to push. One of the letters they had gotten from Hermione's Head of House had mentioned their daughter was now taking a potion once a month to manage some other aspect of her transformation. Her mother, who had a suspicion about it just what was about, suggested waiting when her husband spoke up, “Hermione we know there's more. Your Professor mentioned a potion you now need to take. Now tell us everything”, he usually wasn’t this harsh, but he was concerned for his daughter and to help her, he needed to know what was the problem.
Hermione sat in her seat fidgeting nervously. It wasn't that she was keeping it from her parents, just that she didn't want to talk about such things with her dad. It had been bad enough when Harry had asked about the potion, but she could tell Harry to drop it and he would listen. She knew that he was still worried about her, but he had relaxed a lot when she promised him it was nothing dangerous.
And it really wasn't, but how do you tell your new twelve-year-old boyfriend that the potion you are taking is to stop you from losing control and jumping him every month?
She definitely wasn’t ready to have that conversation with Harry and she didn’t think Harry was ready for it either. And Hermione really wasn’t ready to talk to her dad about it, “Um…dad, it’s...“, Hermione was trying to work out a way to phrase things when her mother came to her rescue, “Hermione honey, is this a mother-daughter discussion?” Hermione blushed, nodded and suddenly found a bit of lint in her lap very interesting, so interesting that she missed that her father was just as suddenly interested in one of the pictures on the wall. Her mother smiled at two of them; they were so alike at times.
The discussion moved on swiftly; the talk about the potion postponed until later, when the two Granger women could talk alone. They asked about Hermione's classes and how she thought she had done on her end of year tests. The two of them had found it odd that the Headmaster had canceled the end of year tests; they knew that some of them were rather important, the magical equivalent of O and A levels, so surely they couldn't just be canceled? Hermione thought that the people sitting their O.W.Ls and their N.E.W.Ts would have to do them over the summer., but agreed it sounded like a lot of hassle.
The dinner continued for a while longer; the three of them just enjoying being back together as a family, if only for the summer holidays.
Hermione had just finished getting ready for bed and was about to go brush her teeth (she may have skipped the odd day here and there while she was at Hogwarts but she knew that she wouldn't get away with that at home) when her mum came in to her room, surprisingly carrying two large bowls of what looked to be chocolate caramel-swirl ice-cream. “Got time for a girly chat?” Hermione eyed the bowls of her own personal ice-cream nirvana suspiciously, her mother didn’t usually indulge in such unhealthy treats, “I think I could maybe find some time”.
The two of them sat cross-legged on Hermione's bed, each holding a bowl but the older of the two still holding on to the spoons, “So...fun questions first. It's boyfriend Harry now, not best friend Harry. what's the story there?” Her mum asked, grinning as she handed over Hermione's spoon. A smile came over Hermione's face as she remembered that happy moment, “it was in the hospital wing after Christmas. Ron and I had had a falling out over his legendary lack of tact. So at that point, it was only Harry coming to see me regularly. Lav and Pav popped in occasionally but Harry was there every day right up until curfew. Classes had started back up and Harry was helping me keep on top of everything, since I was unable to make it to classes.”
Hermione stopped talking for a bit to sample the ice-cream and gave a slight moan of pleasure. “Then Madam Pomfrey asked me to make a decision on something. She asked if I wanted to keep the cat eyes or change them back to normal. I chose to change them back; dad always said my eyes are like grandad's so I wanted to keep them. Anyway, to change them back I needed to take a potion every morning for six days. That was fine as I was already taking a lot of potions, so what was one more? Only...this one had a noticeable side effect.
While my eyes were changing my vision was blurry. I could see well enough to know if someone was there, or to walk to the bathroom and back, but I couldn't read, which you know would’ve been a problem for me. I was a little upset about that particular thing, and then Harry turns up about an hour later. It was a Saturday. And, he was with some of my favorite books. I told him that I couldn't read them because my eyes where being fixed, and that he may as well take them away. He looked at me for a few seconds and I couldn't see the look on his face, but I just know he had that smirk of his on his face, then he just sat down in the chair next to me and pulled out my copy of 'The Hobbit’ and started reading it out loud to me.”
Hermione paused to take another mouthful of ice-cream and her mother jumped in, “So let me get this straight; you were stuck without your books for a week and Harry just started reading them to you”, Hermione nodded slowly, her mouth still full of ice-cream,“Oh god, the poor boy is doomed. Only you would find love through reading, kitten.” Hermione giggled, then continued on after swallowing her bite, “well after about five hours in that chair I realized Harry had to be uncomfortable...so”, she paused for a second wondering how her mother would take it, “I-I moved him up onto the bed with me.” Seeing her mother beginning to smirk, she powered on with her tale;
“Before you say anything, the beds are adult-sized so the two of us fit quite comfortably. He came back every day to keep reading the books to me. Unlike some of the others I showed my muggle books, he was completely fine with them. I guess it was cause he grew up a muggle like me. We were two-thirds of the way through 'Return of the King’ before I was able to see normally again, but Harry hates to leave a job unfinished, and he kept reading to me till he finished.
Over the six days, I wasn't used to things being a bit different from my accident. Apparently, the cat hair I used in the potion came from an adult cat, well, Kneazle. Which is a type of magical cat which is why I couldn't be changed back all the way. The Kneazle magic, portion magic and my magic all got mixed up in a knot and won't come undone”, She took a deep breath, “And I am so glad it was a girl cat, that could have lead to problems I don't even want to think about.” Her mother's face went a little green as she thought of the possibilities. At this point, Hermione began blushing profusely, “But anyway...as the cat was an adult, it...well...I guess you could say I'm more ‘interested’ in boys than I normally should be...” Hermione was burning so hot by now that she was surprised she hadn't melted the ice-cream in her lap.
“So Harry was next to me, and after a few days, it just felt natural to snuggle up next to him. And too easy to dismiss it as a cat thing to cuddle up to something warm. One thing just sort of led to the next, and before I left the hospital wing we were a couple-” Her mother abruptly interrupted Hermione and asked cautiously, “and just what exactly did it lead to?” Her tone was conspiratorial, like two girlfriends gossiping. She didn't want Hermione to close her off, but inside she was of course a worrying mum. Just how far had her thirteen-year-old daughter gone with her boyfriend? 
“Well, let’s just say Harry is a good kisser. A really good kisser...” Mrs Granger relaxed immensely; while she still felt her daughter was a bit young, it sounded as though they had kept their clothes on at the very least. But there was more, “But, that kiss is what lead to Madam Pomfrey putting me on the potion dad asked about.” That sparked her mother’s interest, she had been intending to ask about that after hearing about Harry, but it seemed that they had reached the topic naturally.
“She felt that it was out of character for me to be kissing Harry quite so quickly and did some checking she hadn't thought about till then.” Hermione was now in a constant state of embarrassment, her blush reaching shades her mother hadn't seen since she had talked to her about being prepared for her monthly ‘visitor’. “It turns out I now go into heat like a cat and because the cat was an adult I have been thrown in at the deep end. The potion tones down the feelings I would have without it and lets me act more normally.”
Emma didn't know what to say; her daughter was embarrassed and obviously dealing with some real issues. She’d gone from being a budding teen girl less than six months from her first monthly visit to having to deal with a full-blown sex drive practically overnight. She set the two half-finished bowls of ice-cream on Hermione's writing desk and crawled over to her daughter, pulling her into a hug. “It's Ok honey, we can cope with this. It's going to be fine. aAnyway, you love Harry anyway, right?” Hermione nodded numbly in her mother’s arms and started crying, the last of the tension she had been holding for weeks finally finding an outlet.
They stayed like that for a while; the two replaying a scene as old as humanity, a Mother comforting her daughter on the cusp of leaving behind her childhood. After that, the two sat there talking for a good hour and a half, the Mother asking questions and doing the groundwork to help her Daughter cope with the new challenges that were waiting for her.
chapters 1-45 are avalable on https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13294547/1/The-Best-Laid-Plans and https://archiveofourown.org/works/18862810/chapters/44770174
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jadeile-writes · 4 years
Fanfic Progress Update 101
Hello, my readers. I’m shocked at the fact that it’s the end of January already, I swear it’s only been at most two weeks of 2021 at this point. Whoever is stealing the time, stop it. Anyway, stay tuned for a spoilery glimpse into the next chapter of Adventure Gone Mini at the end of the  post.  
Current WIPs:
Adventure gone Mini
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / The Minish Cap
Summary: Sidon is given his very own Sheikah Slate, the first replica Purah has managed to make, and sets out to travel with Link with the intention of registering warp points for convenient travel in the future. However, when a malfunction shrinks them down to the size of bugs, and they meet  little people called the Minish, they have to change their plans from “fun adventuring” to “getting out of this mess”. Not that those two have  to exclude one another. Link/Sidon.
Progress: Chapter 47 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 6th of January. Chapter 48 is 2/3rds written, and the scheduled posting date is 3rd of February, if I can get it written by then. There’s kinda more left to write than usual at this point, so I may have to postpone by a week. We shall see.
I post a new chapter every three weeks on Wednesdays, except when I don’t manage to. These updates always include a sneak-peek for the next chapter, slowly getting longer over  the three weeks waiting period.
Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: This is not a stand-alone story! This is a oneshot/drabble collection  in the universe as “Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife”. Read the main story before bothering with this one.
I decided to give my readers a chance to throw Radiohusk prompts at me, and had the Afterlife-verse as an option to set the stories in. Everyone liked that, so this fic is now a thing. Enjoy the extra mischief from these two  dorks!
Progress: Chapter 28 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 27th of November. Chapter 29 has been started, and the  scheduled posting date is a Friday, once I get it written. There will be a sneak-peek on Thursday when I get it done. Still no progress - I will probably drop this soon to stop dragging it forever. I do still want to write at least one more chapter where I can say as much in the author’s notes so it’s not just me abruptly marking the fic as finished out of the blue. Tho that’ll have to wait until I get enough motivation to write it, because at the very least this fic deserves an inspired, lovingly written last chapter; not one that’s completely forced and bad.
I have 10 prompts left. Note to new people who might be looking at this: I’m not taking more prompts.
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to someday:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
A bunch of Hazbin chapter fics, some started, some just on the idea phase
That’s it for the WIPs! Here’s the promised sneak-peek into Adventure gone Mini (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due  to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!  
Walking was tough. Not as tough as it had been right before his illness got the better of him, but his stamina was still diminished from the last dregs of said illness. The bog flippers felt familiar by now – finally – but the tiredness persisted and he definitely shouldn't be on his feet yet, much less trekking long distances. Link walked with his own two, heavy feet anyway, because Sidon was potentially worse off than he was now and he didn't think he could return the favour and carry Sidon, should he collapse. Mind, normally he most likely could – he was plenty strong – but not in his current, weakened state. He honestly wasn't sure anymore if he wanted to get out of the Lost Woods the right way or if he'd prefer to give up at this point. Giving up would mean the end of walking until they regrouped and set off again, while finding the way out meant still having to walk more, hungry and ill, until they reached the Minish city in the Korok Forest. He hadn't bothered looking that far ahead in the map when they still had it, so he didn't know how long it would take to get to said city after they got out of the mist. He could only hope it was closer to hours than days.
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
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Support Group - Chapter Two
Ao3 link :)
My whole morning was just like regular. Breakfast in the main hall, where I ate too much food as a force of habit - when my brain realized food was free and in large numbers, it made a connection to the times I had been forced to starve in my closet for days, and from that moment I hoarded food into my body. The consequences of this were that I would be walking around with a tummy ache all morning, but the upset stomach was still way easier than going against the childhood trauma. 
After breakfast we went to the common room, and hung out in there. Yes, we were all traumatized young adults who fought and won a war, but we were also still kids, and being lazy on a Saturday is just an important part of being a student. So, while Hermione was searching through flyers and applications for job positions and study possibilities - we still did not know how to get her to relax, although being with Ron had helped a bit - Ron and I were lazily sitting on the couch looking through some albums of the Chudley Cannons, while ignoring the Transfiguration essay that had to be done by Monday. 
It was a normal Saturday, but the support group flyer kept appearing in my thoughts. Who had put it there? Which of the Slytherins would it be, and mostly, who would show up? It was not a secret, you know, that everyone still struggled and some people were in need of more support than they were getting. It wasn’t a secret, and not even taboo to talk about really, but it just felt weird to openly share some of the stuff your mind goes through. Nobody wants to remind each other of those bad times, and if your sharing of memories could awaken traumatic feelings in someone else, why not keep them to yourself?
So that is why most talks and memories were shared on late nights, with one of your best friends, while the rest was a sleep. Hushed whispers about nightmares that kept appearing, the people you missed and the way Hogwarts had changed. Late, silent nights.
Thatś why this sudden appearance of a so-called Support Group was… Out of the ordinary, and sparked my curiosity. Maybe I would drop by, say hello and goodbye and leave again, just to see what it was about. But then, they might expect me to share war memories, and that was definitely not something I would be up for. Sharing was a sore subject for me, something I barely even did with Hermione and Ron. Sometimes I did, when I woke up from a nightmare or came back from a flashback, cause I couldn’t just not tell them anything, but the days and weeks I felt hollow and numb 24/7? There was no use in telling them. They would just feel guilty about not being able to help, and apart from numb and hollow, regret would also be added to my emotions.
The rest of morning I spent weighing curiosity against anxiety, and when lunchtime came I still had not made up my mind. That was, until Neville walked over, came sitting next to us and started talking.
“Hey guys! What are you doing today? I was considering homework, but I think I can postpone that til tomorrow, don’t you? Anyway, did you see the new posters? The support group thing? It’s surprising huh?” He grabbed a croissant, put it in his mouth, and looked at us, expectantly. 
I didn’t dare reply, as I had not yet made up my mind, but Hermione had already opened her mouth. 
“I saw, yes. I don’t think it’s that surprising at all, Neville. In fact, creating a group where people can go when they need help is wonderful.” 
“Oh, so are you gonna go?”, I asked, carefully not revealing any interest in my voice. If Hermione was going, then I could just tag along with her, and if both of us were there maybe people wouldn’t expect me to talk. I could just be the quiet Boy who Lived and she’d be the representative of our trio adventures. 
“Don’t think so, no. I’m a little busy with all these program applications and to be honest if I ever want to talk I can just go to you two or Ginny, you know”.
She had a point, most of the people in our circle had enough friends or family to go to when in need. That’s why the Slytherin part was not that surprising; they often did not have these connections. Still, with my very close group of friends, I still had nowhere to go or vent. I talked to Sirius and Remus sometimes. I would sneak out of bed at 2 am, not being able to sleep, and go to look at the stars. Sometimes I could actually see Sirius up in the sky. Sitting there, I would start talking and talking about what was keeping me awake, and although it helped, there was not any response, and I think I needed a response.
Sitting at the lunch table I thought about Sirius, about the late night one-way talks, and about the fact that if they were alive, any of them, they would want me to seek a response.
So right there and then, I decided I would go.
“I’m going, yes”, I blurted out. It got me some weird looks.
“I did not know you were that into therapy and support? When did that happen, mate?”, Ron asked me, rightfully so.  We both weren’t the touchy feely type. 
“Yeah, I know… I’m just curious, and maybe some people will appreciate me being there”. Shit. Was that too cocky? I saw Hermione looking at me observingly, but I did my best to avoid her glance and tried to recover myself. 
“You know, cause maybe not everyone is comfortable sharing their stories, cause they uhh, feel like it wasn’t that bad, but if I share something light but bothersome, you know, they might think  ‘Oh, if Harry Potter shares that, I can share this’, right?”, I proposed. This wasn’t going smoothly, but they seemed convinced and Hermione’s look stopped being intense. Phew.
 “Yeah, guess so”, Neville continued “Maybe I’ll go as well, but not this time… Still a little awkward for me… With the snake and stuff”, he finished. Neville grabbed another two croissants and left the table, walking over to Ginny and starting a conversation there. Ron and Hermione picked up the conversation on Hermione’s study programs abroad, but I did not pay attention anymore. I had made my decision, and I was gonna hold myself to it. Support group it was, then.
It was five minutes to three when I made my way to the Charms classroom. I didn’t want to be early, but I wanted to be late even less. It would have been a bit too ‘Harry’ of me to stumble in 10 minutes late to a war support group and be like “Hey guys, I’m the savior”. Could not do that. Very inappropriate. 
The classroom had been adjusted to a more welcoming setting, which had been achieved by moving the school banks in a circle and having no one sit at McGonagall's desk, which was smart,  I don't think she would have liked that. On the board was written in chalk, in a very classy handwriting:
"Support group: first meeting. Introduce yourself. Share information in the manner you want. Listen to others. Feel free."
A good message, a little cold maybe, but good. Walking into the classroom, it appeared that despite my efforts of being casual, I still was one of the earliest people there. Better than being late. Most of them were young students, the kids who had been first and second years during the battle. There were about three of them, all Hufflepuff, gathered around at a single desk. They looked vulnerable, and I felt slightly impressed by their bravery of showing up to an event like this. In my second year, there were amazingly many things I would have done, and did, to avoid talking about my problems. To be fair, with the snake and all, I shouldn’t blame myself for that.
The other people looked as they had come here on their own. A few Slytherins, around my age, or 7th years. I’d expected them. It was their meeting. Still, there was tension. Blaise was there, his dark eyes looking down at the desk, focused on picking the grout out of the wooden cracks. A few others were next to him, the Slytherin kids who always used to hang around Snape. Then there was Luna, which surprised me, but only a little. Distracted as always, she was talking to the moving cat pictures that were on McGonagall's desk, and they seemed to be talking back. Curious.
There didn’t seem to be anyone who was taking charge, I noticed. The person who wrote the message on the board couldn’t be one of these kids, right?  Maybe they tried to be casual, just like me, and were actually succeeding at it, I thought. Although, the briefness of all the messaging did seem to belong to a strict person. Well, nothing to do but wait. 
“Hello everyone, good to see you all, I’m, uhm, Harry”, and as I spoke I realized that I did not have to introduce myself to these people. And that I was an idiot.
“We know Potter, I think we noticed you sometime last year”, Blaise snickered, but not in a mean-spirited way, just regular, Slytherin sarcasm.
I had learned to understand it, a little. It wasn’t like I was never sarcastic, I’d just always thought the Slytherins were mean and cruel. But in actually talking to them, I’d discovered they were blunt and full of jokes that only they understood, but without ill intent. Most of the time, that is.
“Well it said introduce yourself,” I tried to recover, “and after that to share information the way I want to. So, er, hi I’m Harry, and the war still really sucks?” Apparently it had become absolutely impossible for me to act normal and casual anymore. Lovely. 
The Hufflepuff kids looked up at me in a confused admiration. They whispered something to each other.
“This is Nicky, this is Mary, and I’m Robb, and we think the war sucks too”. It was a little black haired boy who said this, bright eyes and dark features. He couldn’t be older than 13. How were these kids so cool? 
“Thanks Robb,” I responded, “does anyone know when our host is coming in? I don’t want to act like this whole ‘the war sucks’ thing is me taking over the meeting… Do you guys have infor-” 
“Terribly sorry to be late everyone. Extremely bad manners, I know. I hope you all have made yourself comfortable and have had the opportunity to introduce yourselves a little. I’m not sure it is neccesary, but nontheless I shall introduce myself as well. My name is-” 
 “Draco?”,  I blurted out, quite suddenly and loudly.
“Well yes, Draco it is, thanks for the introduction, Potter.’ He said this with a tone of amused surprise, and not the snark I was used to, and might even have deserved in this situation. Attempt number three of acting normal, ruined that too.
“I’m, I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt. Just, not what I was expecting and all that. Please continue”, I responded in my most civil tone, trying to show him, and everyone else, that I was not going to have a duel with Draco right here right now. 
“Thanks, will do. Anyway, hereby I open our first group session of post-war support, there’s tea in the corner and I’d love to hear everyone’s names. Let’s get started, yes?”
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thefandomsinhalor · 5 years
The Lucky Pairs of Christmas Underwear
An Advent Calendar fic by thefandomsinhalor 
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Not Rated (it is rated as such until I finish the fic, right now it’s leaning on Mature.)
Summary: Due to heavy workloads and conflicting schedules, Sam and Dean, living in different cities, are both disappointed when it appears that they won't be able to spend the holidays together—something they had always managed to do in the past.
This turn of events, however, offers them both the opportunity to seek someone else to share their respective holidays with, and when Dean's last year crush is paired up with him at the Gift Wrapping booth, and Sam keeps running into a charming new acquaintance, by helping each other, the brothers feel hopeful that Christmas time might not be ruined after all.
Read on AO3
Chapter One: A Holly Jolly Time
“Dean? Hello? Did you—are you still there?”
Sitting on a very uncomfortable chair at an overpriced café, for someone of his limited means anyway, Dean swallowed hard. Still holding the phone to his ear, he lowered his eyes as he felt his heart growing heavy at the news he had just heard.
“Dean?” repeated Sam at the other end of the line.
“Yeah. Still here. Sorry. Just—I didn’t expect that.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I feel awful. It’s just—work is crazy.”
“It’s okay, Sammy. I get it. Hell, I’m in the same situation. If not worse.”
“And this is why I’m really sorry. I had agreed to be the one to—”
“Sam, stop.” He cleared his throat. “I—it sucks, but like I said, I get it. We’ve been lucky so far, but I guess that this year…” he let out a deep sigh. He couldn’t even finish the sentence.
“I promise I’ll do my best to change it, but right now, um, it doesn’t seem like I’ll be able to join you for Christmas,” Sam said in a desolate voice.
Dean nodded blankly. “Any other good news?”
Sam let out a deep sigh in turn.
“I—I just, Dean, I hate the idea that you’ll be alone for Christmas.”
“Me? I’ll be fine, Sam. What about you? What are you going to do?”
“I’ll be okay too. I’ll be at work.”
Dean lowered his phone and shook his head for a moment, and then he brought his phone back to his ear. “That’s what I mean, Sam. You, not being able to make it here because of work, deadlines and travelling schedule, that’s one thing. But to actually work on Christmas? I mean, I’m not even doing that and all I do is work.” 
“I don’t have a choice. And honestly, it’s just, you know, one day. For a few hours. Which is really annoying when said like this, but...Work will be a nice distraction. And we can still talk. And skype for the rest of the day if you want. It’s ridiculous, but we can do it. I was almost going to suggest that we postpone Christmas and meet up soon after, but….”
“Nah. I mean, even if I knew for a fact that we could do something in the following week, I feel like we would have missed it. It would still be cool, but you know.”
“That’s what I thought too,” agreed Sam. “But we should do something for New Year’s Eve. I’m definitely working on that.”
“All right. Work will still be nuts on my end, but it should have diminished a bit by then. Or maybe I could make it to your end this time.”
“Dean, no. I—unless you let me help you out with money—”
“No,” blurted out Dean.
“—but I know you won’t agree to it,” said Sam, sighing.
Biting his bottom lip, Dean pondered on Sam’s suggestion. “I’m not saying yes, but I’ll think about it,” he brought himself to say.
“You will?”
“Just because I haven’t seen your freaking face for far too long now. But still. Not a definite yes.”
“But you’ll consider it?”
“Yeah. But it’s still too early in the month to have a clue of what the situation’s going to be at that point. So, I’ll leave it to that for now.”
“All right. That’s great,” said Sam.
Dean could hear how happy Sam was at the idea, so he decided that he should make an effort to make it happen.
“And Dean, even if for whatever reason that doesn’t work out either, I promise I’ll visit you soon, okay?”
“All right, Sammy. But don’t worry. I’m—it’s disappointing, but I know you tried. It will be okay.”
“Thanks Dean. I—thanks for understanding.” There was a long pause, and then Sam asked, “So, besides that? Anything new?”
Welcoming the change to a less depressing topic, Dean said, “Not really.”
“What about work? Is the holiday frenzy rising?”
A slightly less depressing topic.
“The frenzy is settling in, all right,” he sighed.
“Is the music driving you nuts already?”
“It’s been driving me nuts for the last two weeks. I was actually freaking humming Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer yesterday and I didn’t even notice it. I only did when a customer mentioned it.”
Sam let out a laugh. “Sorry. A few more weeks and it will be all over. And it’s better than last year, right? Since you’re at the Chocolaterie this time. I thought you said it was a bit more shielded than the rest of the store now that they moved its location this year.”
“Yeah, well that was the plan, but not anymore.” Dean leaned back into his seat.
“What? I—what do you mean?”
“I was about to tell you earlier. I was transferred a couple days ago to another department. Sort of.”
“No! What? But why?”
Dean cleared his throat. “It just needed to be done.”
“Why? Dean, what does that mean?” asked Sam, nearly aggravated as though he already knew the answer.
Dean debated for a moment whether or not he should share the specifics with his brother, knowing that Sam would most undoubtedly be worried and annoyed at him.
Nor would he be shy to express his views about it.
And Dean had worked really hard to avoid this particular lecture.
But since Sam had been honest about his work situation, he concluded that he owed him the same courtesy.
So, Dean replied, “Because another position opened up at the last minute and it offered more hours. I gave my name and here we are.”
“Dean,” groaned Sam.
I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.
“It’s all right, Sam.”
“Is it? How many hours are we talking about now?”
“Twenty hours.”
Sam swore loudly. “On top of your full time job at the garage? And the gig that Jo got you with Pam?”
“I was hoping you forgot about that…”
“I didn’t. Dean, this is nuts. How are you even able to pull this off?”
Dean crossed one arm over his chest, lowering his eyes.
“Bobby is helping me out. I’m solid during the day at the garage throughout the week, so I can have my nights and the weekends to do the rest.”
“That’s not what I meant. Do you even have a day off? A night off?”
“You’re one to talk, Sam. And it’s just for December. Everything will be back to normal after that.”
“December starts tomorrow and it’s already insane. And answer the question.”
Dean sighed. “I work at the store on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. And in the afternoon during the weekend. And then Saturday nights, I wait at Pam’s events, which is really not a big deal. I did it this summer. It’s good money.”
“You did it once, Dean. One wedding. Not four in a row on top of—”
“No weddings this time. Pam said it will be Christmas parties for companies. The first one is tonight. It’s gonna be fine.”
“That leaves you with what, though? For free time?”
“I still have my evenings Sunday through Tuesday.”
“If you’re not pulling extra hours at the garage, you mean? Which I’m guessing you’re already doing in the mornings during the weekends? Am I right?”
“Sam,” warned Dean.
Sam remained silent for a good minute, until he said, “Dean, I’m worried.”
“Don’t be. It’s all going to go in the piggy bank so I’ll be able to catch my breath during the harsh winter,” he joked.
Sam let out a deep sigh. “And what about the new position at the store? Shit, Dean. I—I know you were really happy about—you were actually looking forward to the Chocolaterie. Now, I feel even worse about not being able to go.”
“It’s not your fault. And anyway, it’s just a job for the holidays. No matter what it is, we both know the novelty would have worn off eventually.”
“Okay, hold on here. Because we both know the real reason you wanted to work in that department. And it had absolutely nothing to do with the job in question…”
Dean pursed his lips, lifting his head to look at the ceiling, annoyed.
“Ugh. Not this again, Sam. I told you, it was…it’s not important.”
“Bull. You’ve been whining about this guy for, like, literally a freaking year now. A year.”
“Well, whatever,” urged Dean. “Doesn’t change anything now as he’s not even here.”
“But you said that last year he hadn’t shown up until a week or so before Christmas.”
“I said I only noticed him at the end of the season. Nuance.”
“But you also said they had added employees as Christmas approached. So maybe he was one of them. And he will be this year too.”
Dean let out a sigh. “I don’t know, Sam. All I can do is wait and see.” And after a short pause, he added in an urgent manner, “If I cared. Which, I don’t. Not really.”
Sam snorted. “Right.”
“What about you, huh? Made any headway with your office crush?”
“I—there’s been progress.”
“Yeah? Asked her out yet?”
“In a manner of speaking.”
At the sound of Sam clearing his throat, Dean shook his head.
“Did you or did you not ask her out, Sam?”
“I…okay, I haven’t yet, but—”
“God, Sam,” said Dean, cutting him off. “What are you waiting for?”
“If you would let me finish, I was going to say I’m going to. I’m just waiting for the right opportunity.”
“And when’s that? On your wedding day?”
Sam huffed. “I’ll get to it. The timing and the setting have to be right.”
Dean was not impressed by this statement.
“Don’t wait too long.”
“I won’t.”
Not wanting to push it too far, Dean asked, “Got anything else planned for today?
“Not sure. Kevin texted me. He and some of his friends are going out tonight. He told me the address of the bar. He said he invited Bela too…”
“Perfect! You can make your move then. You’re going, right?”
“I don’t know. I have so much work to do.”
“Sam, I swear if you don’t go, I will somehow teleport to Chicago and drag you there myself.”
“Dean, this isn’t really my scene.”
“That’s precisely why you should go. Live a little. And if Bela’s there, she gets to see you somewhere else than at the office. A different setting, like you’ve been waiting for. And if she’s not there, you still get to have fun.”
“But hitting on her at a bar? Like, that’s just—that’s not really how I had pictured it.”
“Sam, maybe start by finding out if she’s interested? And when you know that she is, feel free to execute whatever fantasy of courtship you had planned out,” he said with a grin on his face. “At least, go to the damn bar and enjoy yourself, huh?”
“In which department are you working at The Milton’s now?” asked Sam.
“Changing the subject, huh? Nice try.”
“I’ll think about what you said,” he assured him. “But I’m curious and you didn’t say earlier.”
There was a reason for that.
“The…I’m working at the Gift Wrapping Booth.”
There was a pregnant pause. “Sorry, the what?”
Dean groaned. “You heard me.”
After a long pause, Sam said, “I see.” Sam hadn’t laughed, but Dean knew full well his brother was most likely holding down a massive fit of laughter. “I’m—wait, aren’t those usually managed by volunteers? And it’s for donations or—”
“It still is. The donation part, I mean. Look, I don’t know the whole story, but apparently, there was an issue last year with some of the volunteers, so this time, they decided to offer their own Gift Wrapping services. Nothing has changed. Every customer is entitled to the services, to donate however much they want, and all the funds goes to the Children’s Hospital, just like last year. The only difference is that the store is employing people instead of relying on volunteers.”
“Is this unusual?”
“I have no clue, but it creates jobs, so I’m not gonna complain about it. It’s actually kinda nice of them to do that since they really don’t have to. And the store is providing the wrapping paper and everything, and let me tell you, it’s not the cheap stuff either.”
“Cool. Cool. I just have one question.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”
“Had they seen you wrap anything before they gave you the job or…”
“It’s wrapping, not rocket science.”
“I’m fine,” he said defensively. And then, after a short hesitation, he added, “They do have a certain fancy way of doing it.”
“Thought so.”
“But I’ll manage. I practiced at home a bit—I mean it’s wrapping for God’s sake!”
“I’m sure you’ll do just fine, Dean. I was just curious,” said Sam sincerely. “And how do you feel about it so far?”
“Well,” sighed Dean, “honestly, it’s been somewhat uneventful. I’m the only one in the booth—it’s more like a box, but whatever. At least I don’t have anyone boring to tear my ears off, but people haven’t been super eager to have their purchases wrapped so far. So it’s basically been me, sitting on a stupid chair and looking at people buying stuff I can’t afford. While listening to the same twelve songs.”
“Well, I don’t know if that’s encouraging or not, but I’m pretty sure the pace will pick up soon enough.”
“Yeah. Not sure that’s a silver lining.” Moving the phone away from his ear, Dean looked at the time on his phone. “All right,” he said, after putting the phone back, “I have to head back. My break is almost over. I’m lucky they even give me one, so… Thanks for the phone call.”
“Same. Though, I wish I had better news. Hang in there, Dean. The holiday season will be over soon.”
“I will. I’ll call you back tonight after my gig. And you better not answer because you’re out having fun for once,” he said with glee.
“We’ll see.”
“You freaking better.”
“Fine! Bye!”
Dean, walking to his booth, trying not to drag his feet, passed by toys’ department and spotted his friends, Charlie and Jo, looking at the board games.
Not in a talking mood, he simply waved at them and continued his route.
“Dean, wait!” said Jo.
Dean came to halt and let his friends catch up to him. “Sorry, I have to go back.”
“We’ll walk with you a minute,” said Jo. “Are you still good for tonight?”
“Yup. Pam called me Thursday night to double check. She gave me the address and everything. And a reminder of the regulations. I’m trying not to take it personally,” he said, beaming.
“Don’t. She did the same for me too.”
“Thanks again for giving her my name.”
“No problem.”
“You going too, Charlie?”
“Yes,” she sighed. “Which sucks. That’s when I had my D&D meet ups.”
“Create a new one, then,” said Jo. “I’ll join.”
Charlie lifted an eyebrow. “Don’t toy with me, Harvelle.”
“I wouldn’t dare.”
Then Charlie, smiling, said, “You think we can convince this one too,” she said, poking Dean’s chest with her finger.”
“If I had time to have a life,” he said, “I would.”
Charlie squinted at him. “We’ll have to see about that then.” Continuing walking side by side, she asked him, “So, do you like your new position, Dean?”
“I’m not thrilled, but it’s not bad, either. And if I’m honest, it’s certainly an improvement from last year…”
“That wasn’t very hard to beat,” pointed out Charlie, remembering full well as she had been stuck in the same boat as he had.
Having reached the booth, Dean pushed the half-door, stepped inside the booth, and approached the counter facing the girls.
“Wait, I thought you were at the Chocolaterie?” said Jo. “That was like perfect for you.”
“Yeah. I agree,” said Dean. “But I switched for the hours.”
“So, who is manning the Chocolaterie now?”
“Meg,” said Charlie. “I saw her this morning.”
“What?” exclaimed Dean. “Oh, man! I didn’t even know she was back.” And he made a face of disgust.
“She’s actually not that bad,” said Charlie.
An opinion that was not, it seemed, overly shared with her friends.
“Not that I care about that kind of stuff, but she always seemed kind of a manipulator to me,” said Jo.
“I don’t trust her,” said Dean simply.
Charlie lifted an eyebrow. “Um, one, you barely trust anyone. And two, I’m pretty sure the main reason why you don’t like her is because you saw her lurking around that guy you had heart-eyes for last year.”
Jo turned briskly towards her. “What’s that now?” A smirk appeared on her face. “What guy?”
“You didn’t know this?” asked Charlie.
“No. What guy?” she repeated.
“No one,” said Dean, busying himself by moving the wrapping paper around, which was utterly unnecessary.
“Not no one,” said Charlie. “Last year, there was this guy—dark hair, killer blue eyes, about yay-high—he was one of those last-minute employees. You know the ones who are brought in within the last few days before Christmas for emergencies, substitution or additional help?”
Jo nodded, understanding and eager to hear the rest.
“Okay, well, last year,” she continued, “Dean and I were elves helping out kids to have their picture taken with Santa. Which was not very far from the Chocolaterie. And this guy showed up just a few days before Christmas for additional help there, and from that moment on, all Dean did was constantly stare at his pretty face.”
“I didn’t constantly stare at him…”
“You didn’t ask him out?” said Jo.
Dean, pursing his lips, let out a deep sigh. “I never got to. As it was the last days before Christmas, I didn’t have one second to myself. I don’t even know his name or even exchanged a few words with him. And I didn’t work here after Christmas. I, um, did stop by the store a few times, but…and since I’ve been back, I tried to find out if anyone knew anything, but I haven’t had much luck so far.”
“I asked around too since they kept me on after Christmas, but nothing,” said Charlie.
“The only one who may have something is Meg and the only thing she had said to me last year was that his name was Clarence and I’m pretty sure it’s a goddamn lie. Hence: I don’t trust her.”
“Uh-huh. Were they a thing?” asked Jo to Charlie. “‘Clarence’ and Meg, I mean.”
“Who knows?” said Charlie. “It’s possible. I think Meg was the only one who got to interact with him. But he didn’t stay around for that long and I haven’t heard anything suggesting that either. The guy’s a mystery.”
Frowning, something was still bothering Jo. “Why not ask Rowena? If anyone knows who he is, it would be her, no?”
But Dean and Charlie shook their heads. “Rowena wasn’t here last year, remember? It was that atrocious-ass Adler.”
“Right. I think I had repressed that,” she said with a grim face. “Still, there has to be a way to find out. A record or something?”
But Dean was officially done with the subject. “Whatever,” he shrugged. “It’s not like my life depends on it. It was, like, one guy. Who may or may not have been good-looking. From afar. Whatever.”
Charlie and Jo exchanged devious looks.
Ones that made Dean roll his eyes. He waved them goodbye, as he knew they both needed to head back to their own departments, and watched them stroll down the aisle.
And so, left by himself, and with no customers in sight (for him, at the very least), just as he had told Sam, Dean pulled up a chair, sat down and…waited.
Attempting to seem alert and ready to help.
And not appear overly depressed at doing nothing.
At least it’s not complicated and it certainly beats dealing with rude customers.
On the other hand, killing time by staring in front of him blankly felt like a waste of time. Even if he was technically earning money while doing it.
But he knew he shouldn’t complain. As Sam had mentioned earlier, soon enough, he would most likely reminisce on the time when he was bored out of his skull.
But being kept in that booth with nothing else to do but to watch the people around him, while he was stuck alone, served as a painful allegory to his life. Everything around him was moving and there he stood, waiting for someone to come to him, while he was expected to just smile as if he was having the time of his life.
And now, the one silver lining he had had for the holidays was apparently gone as well.
No Sammy. No traditional cookies. And no making fun of old Christmas movies, while eating junk food and drinking eggnog.
They had never spent Christmas apart before. Even when Sam had been away at college. Even when either of them had been in a serious relationship (though that had mostly been Sam’s case, not Dean’s), they had still celebrated the holidays together.
No matter what. That was their thing.
And now he would have to spend it on his own.
Assuming he would survive the crazy amount of workload awaiting him in December.
And not be driven mad by this infuriating Christmas music.
I hate my life.
Dean nearly jumped out of his skin. A hand over his heart, he turned to his left only to realize someone was standing next to him.
In the booth.
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you. I was told to join you today.”
Regaining his composure, Dean said, “Cool. Um, the place has been pretty de—”
And the rest of his sentence died in his throat, the moment his eyes fell on his new co-worker.
Dark hair.
Killer blue eyes.
About yay-high.
It’s him.
And he’s here.
With me.
At the freaking booth.
Dean gawked at him.
Chapped lips.
Stubble beard.
And a deep voice that—
And all I’ve been doing is staring at him like a complete moron.
“Hi!” Dean nearly yelled, waving his hand.
Stop now.
And he immediately dropped his hand.
“Hello,” the man repeated.
“Dean,” said Dean, pointing at himself.
“Hello, Dean. I’m Castiel. Nice to meet you.”
“Um, same. Hi, Castiel.”
And he smiled at him like an idiot.
--End of Chapter One----
Read Chapter Two and the rest of the fic on AO3 :)
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trojansblr · 5 years
#FightOn! (03) | ot7
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Summary: The University of Southern California is a prestigious school - only the best or the richest can attend. That means there will be a lot of spoiled brats. Two groups start colliding and the entire college shift alongside them. What will happen when sparks starts to flow between them? Drama will certainly be there.
Pairing: BTS with -eventually- female characters
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut (in the future), CollegeAU!
A/N: Don’t forget that if you want to be part of this fic, you can! Just send us an ask with a couple of infos about yourself like your name, age, your major, some personality and physical traits and we’ll find you a spot in USC!
PS: First of all, thank you for all the girls (((♥))) that trusted us to appear in this chapter! I truly hope you guys like it and any note you have please contact us via inbox! Second, I would like to apologize for the long await for this chapter... life happened and I struggled a little to find the time to make it happen :( I tried my best to compensate it though, you will see this chapter is a little longer than expected! My sincere apologies for all of you that waited, and thank you to the ones that stood by and sent me nice messages! And third, but more important, a big shout out to my co-writer and best friend, Alison, who had her birthday yesterday! This chapter is also for you ♥ Enjoy everyone!!! And please leave your thoughts on our inbox, we treasure it a lot! 
The Characters • Day 2 •  Day 3  • Day 4 
Jin had woken up with a massive hangover this saturday. On friday morning, the football team had played against the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and once they got back to campus with lots of cheering and happy faces, everyone knew there was going to be a party later on to celebrate their victory. Normally Jin’s group - the X factor, as everyone would call them, was very selective but somehow they would always end up in frat parties and such, mainly because of Taehyung. That one knew - if not everyone - almost everyone. And that friday night wouldn’t be and exception since Jimin was Taehyung’s best friend and there was no way he wouldn’t be there celebrating with him.   
Jin felt his mouth dry and once he got up from bed he almost fell back, his mind going dizzy. He quietly walked towards the kitchen counter and sat there leaning his face on the cold stone and that’s when it occurred to him: he didn’t even know how he got home or how he was with his pajamas pants on.  
“Yeah, that was my doing, you’re welcome” Carolina passed by him with messy hair and just a big shirt on while opening the fridge.   “I refused to put my shirt on again didn’t I?” he asked not even bothering to lift his head to see her.   “Yeap”
Normally the only lightweight on their group was Taehyung, the rest was pretty good at holding their liquor. Nonetheless every time Jin went to a frat party, Carolina would always bet with him something and he would always lose… let’s just say every next morning he would stare at the ceiling wondering how he got home. His house mate was always the one getting him hammered but she was also the one that would stay with him while puking, or the one giving him cold showers and even the one that would change his pajamas right after. She would find it funny though, there wasn’t a single time when Seokjin would accept to put his shirt on, and every time he would give her the lamest excuse ever that she would make sure to write on their shame board placed at their apartment hall.  
“What was it this time?” he asked her once she sat down in front of him eating cereals.   “Not even able to get up and go see for yourself huh?” she chuckled making him slap her leg “You said you couldn’t put your shirt on because it wasn’t silky enough for your skin”
As soon as she said it he straightened himself to look at her, they stared at each other for 3 seconds breaking into a laughter right after.  
“That’s ridiculous!” he laughed at himself.   “Oh and it wasn’t even the best part!”   “There’s better than that?!” “Look at this” Carolina said leaving the bowl of cereals on the counter and fetching her phone, quickly opening her camera roll and showing him the photo she managed to take.   “YA!” he laughed hard “What am I wearing????” “My silky nighties” she revealed laughing as hard as he was.   “We should put that one on our fridge, I look heavenly sexy” “You look like a babe” she said putting the phone away “Too bad our fridge is full of shameful photos already” “Should we buy another fridge?” he suggested with a serious face making her chuckle.   “We could always buy some rope and just hang them around the house, what do you think?” “Our apartment is like a shame museum of the two of us... I like it, it’s original”   “Thank God you like it because I’m not changing anything” she started eating her cereals again.  
Most of their mornings were spent like this. On the weekends they would get to chat more since they had almost nothing to do, and if they had they would always postpone their obligations to later on. As for the week days, they would only see each other at morning on the days they could go to college together, but even so their house was like a spot for their group. Every afternoon all of them would gather on their living room drinking something – alcoholic or not, and chatting endlessly about everything they could. Even Yoongi was always there.  
“Oh” Jin let out once he went to the fridge to fetch some water and noticed their kinky list had been upgraded “On who have you been using a belt?? Cause I’m pretty sure it wasn’t me adding that one here” he pointed to the list that they had glued on their fridge.   They had their fair share of strange rituals around their apartment. It started out with the shame list since they both would be pretty hyped up once drunk, and Yoongi the king of alcohol, as they would call him, would always write down on the notes of his phone the things they would say and do for them to be awkward about it the next day. Not that they would regret it, they would just laugh it out and write on their board. Then they began with the weirdest photos. Carolina would always make Jin do something stupid and she would always register the moment, as for Jin, he would always photograph the girl sleeping, or eating, or just laying around the house with her weird face masks on. But then, it got upgraded. Both of them were pretty open with the other, they had seen each other naked a thousand times since their bathroom door wouldn’t close properly at times and eventually they just didn’t care anymore. All that intimacy evolved to Jin trying to find the perfect guy for Carolina and Carolina doing the same for him, trying to find out a girl that would love Jin as much as she thought he deserved to and for her, he deserved the world. But to do so, they had to talk about sex and they found it to be easy and pretty normal, after all they were the best of friends... Doing so, they started to list every kinky thing they had done and since both of them were pretty open and sometimes shameless, they decided to glue the list on the fridge. That’s how everything began.  
“Ok so.. I may or may not be hooking up with this British guy” “You’re definitely doing so!” he pointed out already worked up “We don’t use belts on friends do we?!” “Well... There was that time when Yoongi was asleep and I locked him up with Namjoon’s belt on that chair-” “I know, I gave that idea but that was a prank, not sex related” “You were the one saying we don’t use belts on friends, I was just reminding you that yes, yes we do!”   “On who are we using belts now?” Taehyung barged into their apartment with the key he had, intruding on the conversation.   “She’s using a belt on the british guy” Jin pointed Carolina out not bothering by Taehyungs intrusion. By now he was used to the guys coming into their apartment at any time they would like to.   “Ok first of all-” Carolina tried but Taehyung interrupted her.   “Who’s he? How come I don’t know about it?!” “I know right?! I just knew about it because I saw it here” “Guys!!!! You don’t know about him yet because it was like... on wednesday- And it’s not a big deal!” she explained herself.   “Ohh so that’s why you never made back home... dirty”   “You’re even sleeping at his house?” Taehyung said exaggerating. He felt like he was her brother since they grew up together “Ok, who is he??” “It’s not a big deal Tae, seriously... and his name is Ben, Ben Hayes” “Ben like- Mr. Benjamin???? The arts history teacher???” Taehyung asked in shock.   “Teacher... who?” “Wow, you’re hooking up with teachers now?” Jin asked marveled.   “Carolina, I swear....” Taehyung trailed off. “No no no, wait! What do you mean teacher? You know him?” “Of course I know him! He’s my teacher. Ginger, blue eyes, nice british accent... Yes, Mr. Benji”   “Ok, that sounds like him” Carolina concluded “I was awfully impressed by his knowledge on Magritte art works, now everything makes sense”   “Please tell me he’s not old, like- You wouldn’t go out with a grandpa just because he knows about art would you?” Jin joked making her do a ‘seriously?’ face to him.   “You can’t go out with my teacher- How will I even look at his face knowing you guys are- Argh"   “First of all, he’s not old and he’s hot. Second, you have to get used to the fact I’m old enough to have sex now” she said it answering the boys questions and worries.   “Is he your sugar daddy now? Is that a new kink? I always thought you were into younger guys...” Jin kept on rambling but Carolina was more occupied trying to ease Taehyungs mind.   “Yeah I know you have- uh- relations now. That Shar dude made sure to point it out”   “You know damn well his name is Shawn, not Shar. And you have sex too! How come only you get to complain about it?” she was now face to face with Taehyung, both fighting like little kids.   “Because I’m older!!! You just wait until your dad finds out you’re now hooking up with my teacher” “I bet he will like him since he’s british just like him!”   “Yo little babies!!!” Jin came between them “You both have sex, get over it. Now, let’s just focus and return to the subject- Since when you like older guys??” he asked again. “I don’t think I have a preference” she admitted “And he looks way younger, trust me” “Actually he does...” “And you... actually like him? Like- Is he a good candidate for you?” Jin continued his interrogation. “Candidate? You mean as in...?” she trailed off making him nod positively his head “I mean, I like him yes, and he being a teacher doesn’t change that, but it’s only sex. I don’t see myself getting into a relationship with him... nor with anyone to be honest”   “Thank God. I feel relieved!” Taehyung let out making the girl roll her eyes at him.   “Hm... I see” “Why?” she asked Jin. “Oh- You know I always pair you up with some guys-” “Like Shar” Taehyung interrupted with a disgusted face.   “Shawn! And yes I know, what about it?” “Well... I had an option for you. I’m often right about my intuition and I feel like this could be it but since you’re now with the British teacher I’ll let it go” he shrugged off. “Who is it? You don’t get to drop a bomb like that and just leave it be” “You gotta stop offering guys to her you hear me?” Taehyung interrupted again “That Shar guy... Awful”   “Tae, shush” “Ok, remember on wednesday when I got out with Harry?” Jin asked. “No- Not! No way! You won’t pair her with Harry!”   “With Harry? Really?” Carolina asked with the weirdest face. “Not Harry! Ya! Just let me finish!” Jin sighed “There’s this guy that’s your age and I feel like he’s a really nice guy and he seems your type you know? And besides, I felt a tension between the two of you... I was going to ask you about it but I forgot”   “Like a sexual tension? Was he at the party last night?” Carolina asked excited and intrigued. Normally she liked the guys Jin would set her up with.   “I’m not liking this guy already”   “Yes, it seemed like it. And yeah, I think I saw him on the party last night, he was with his friends at some corner... I always say hi to him and he always says it back, he’s really a good kid!” “Well who is he????” sometimes she hated the suspense Jin often did to tell her things.   “That guy that lives down here, Jungkook” he said It like he was telling them the weather prevision for today and what followed was Carolina’s poker face like she was absorbing the information and Taehyung’s constant blinking like somehow he wasn’t believing what he was hearing.   “You mean Jungkook as in... virgin boy?” Carolina inquired. “Isn’t he the guy...?” Taehyung started. “That I hate? Yes. He is.” “Ok, I never understood why you hate him, and I told you I felt a tension between you two!” Jin defended his point of view.   “You saw his bruised face?” she asked.   “Yes” “That’s the only tension between the two of us!!!! Pure hate! He’s an asshole!” she exploded leaving Taehyung with huge eyes and Jin with a smug face on.   “I think that’s a no...” “See! Tension. But ok, I’ll respect it! You’re with the five o’clock cup of tea now” Jin shrugged off.   “Ugh. I’m going to take a bath” she turned around to leave the kitchen.   “Call your mom in the mean time!!! She called me today saying you won’t answer her texts!” Taehyung said aloud.   “FINE!!!!” “What are you doing here?” Jin asked Taehyung once Carolina was gone.   “Yoongi said he had a new song to show us... and Auntie called me earlier asking me to check up on Carolina”   “Ya, are we going down to see Yoongi’s song? At their apartment?”   “Yeah, why?” Taehyung asked confused.   “Oh, nothing...” Jin trailed off with the biggest smirk ever.   x
On the college campus, an insistent alarm wouldn’t stop ringing in the girls dorm. After much toss and turning Deo yelled at her sleepy roommate.  
“Oh for God’s sake” her voice sounding hoarse “just turn it off already! I can hear it even with my ear plugs”   “Mmm?” Hyori mumbled opening one eye and turning to the side to see her phone ringing “Oh snap! It’s ten already?! I gotta run” “Run where? What are you talking about?” Deo asked still not fully awake.   “I have to do some errands to my dad today... wanna come and help?” she asked a bit rushed, collecting her towel and walking straight to their bathroom.   “I would... but I have a massive hangover right now so please stop yelling!” Deo said out loud regretting the moment after because her head felt like exploding, making her toss again in her bed.   “Sorry!” Hyori said in a loud whisper and then returning to her shower.   While Deo kept sleeping like a baby again, Hyori was already ready with her clothes on and decided to leave with her hair wet otherwise she would do too much noise and after last night she thought her best friend deserved a good rest. She filled a glass with water and placed it near Deo’s bed table with some hangover medicine she always kept on the bathroom cabinet. She added a little note to let her know she would be back for them to get ready together to Jungkook’s party that same night.   This would be a thing they would always do. They had their separate routines, but they would always be there for each other, and would always do certain things together, getting ready was one of them. Both of the girls liked to have a routine and it wasn’t hard at all for them to come up with one.   Hyori left their room and sat on the common sofa they shared with two girls that lived on the dorm next to them, trying to call one of the boys to help her with the difficult tasks she would have to do today for her father. Jungkook normally would be her first option to this situation since he didn’t mind the hard work at all and was pretty good at it, but his game was today, he had to be in his best condition. So she texted Jimin and Hoseok and decided that the one texting back first would be the chosen one.   For her despair none of them answered, which led her to plan B. Emergency calls. She dialed Jimin’s number since he came first on her list of last phone calls and it rang and rang but he never picked up. Knowing him, he was probably on the same situation as her bestie... with a massive hangover and deep in sleep. She then called Hoseok.  
“C’mon Hobi, please pick up” she whispered to herself.   “Who- who is this?” Hoseok was still asleep she could tell and she almost thought of hanging up the phone and let the boy sleep a bit more, but she really needed someone to help her with all those boxes... “It’s Kiri... are you ok?”   “Hey Hyo!!!” he sounded cheerful and made her chuckle “Yeah yeah I’m fine! Just sleepy!” his cute laughter echoed. “Hobi...” “Yeah what is it? Is something wrong?” he asked worried. “Oh no, everything’s ok! It’s just umm... I didn’t want to disturb you today but I really need help... with my-” “With your father’s orders- yeah sure! I’m not JK but I’ll do my best!” “You’re the best Hobi!!” she said making him laugh. “Whatever you need Kiri! I’ll be there in... fifteen? Is that ok?” “Sure! Take your time! I’ll wait here in the common living room for you” “Ok! I just need a quick shower but I can be quick! I promise!” he said in a rush.   “Hobi don’t worry!” she chuckled at his cuteness “Take your time, really!” “I will but I’ll be quick! See you in a bit!” “See ya!” and she hanged up smiling wide.   While Hyori waited for Hoseok she kept thinking on how lucky she was. Her dream college was USC, and she could have never afforded it if it wasn’t for the scholarship she received... her parents were very hardworking but she had two older siblings, so when it came to her turn to go to college, the money left wasn’t enough to send her to where she wanted to go. And yes, she managed to receive a scholarship but due to her hard studying and never leaving home to achieve her goal, she came to her first day at campus with no friends. She had none at campus with her and none outside campus as well... To her surprise, on the very first day she was attributed to a dorm with a very nice girl that later on became her best friend which until now was crazy for her... She had mentalized to herself that she would spend her days in college the same she did in school, always studying to keep her spot there and with little time to be sociable like she wanted to be. And now, a few after she had this amazing group of friends, friends that she knew she could count on every time and her scholarship? Still on! Exactly fifteen minutes had passed when an enthusiastic knock on the door was heard by Hyori and she immediately knew it was Hoseok. Once she opened it she was greeted by his heart smile and a smiley Jack as well.  
“Hey boys! Goodmorning!”   “Ready to go?” Hoseok asked offering her his arm in a gentleman manner.   “More than ready!” she said intertwining her arm on his and then looking at Jack that was still standing there “Here for your sleeping beauty?”   “Yes ma’am!” “Listen Jack” she came closer to him but still with her arm locked with Hoseok’s that was becoming a little apprehensive “I get it that things sometimes can slip out of our control and that you both dig that jealousy stuff but! And this is a huge but, if you ever hurt her...” “I know! I know! I won’t hurt her, I promise you!” he answered fast. “I’ll let you pass today because I need to go and I need someone to take care of her. Only because of that” she straightened her eyes at him making Hoseok interrupt the heavy mood. “Ok! We have to go now right, Kiri?! Yeah, we have to go! Take care Jack! Bye bye!” he said pulling the girl with him. “Bye!” Jack said with a smile while waving and then entering their dorm to see his sleepy girlfriend.   Still dead asleep, Deo started hearing the doorbell ringing. She immediately thought it was Hyori who had forgotten something behind because sometimes her roommate could be a head in the clouds type of girl.   Deo got up of her bed with a death wish upon her friend, and she was ready to say some to her until she opened the door and saw her smiley boyfriend instead.
"Hey baby" Jack said giving the girl a kiss on her forehead and passing by her who was still a little confused "I think we should talk about what happened last night... I don't wanna be like this" "It's ok, we don't have to talk about that." Deo closed the door and turned to face him. "Yes we do..." He sighed "I was an asshole last night, and I just wanted to clear out that it’s not because I don't trust you, because I do but I just don't wanna lose you"
After that Deo let out a big sigh. Those two were always like that... ever since they got together it was normal for them to argue about little things and then make up and pretend nothing ever happened. Their friends were already used to it and by now no one would stress once it happened, they knew they would always find a way of getting back together. This time wasn’t different, last night on the football team victory party, a boy from one of Deo’s classes started to talk to her too much and Jack – whom was already way too drunk, got overly jealous of the situation.  
“I already told you, you have nothing to worry about. If I'm with you it's because I like you but you can be jealous anytime, just not too much.” she gave him a sweet smile making him open one himself.   "I know... I kind of exaggerated last night, I'm sorry. But that guy just wasn't getting that you're my girl" he ran his fingers on his hair feeling frustrated "I'm sorry" She chuckled as soon as he said that "You're such a dork. But why did you wake me up?" She arched her eyebrow to him, teasing.   "As an apology-" he went towards her and answered after back hugging Deo "I came by to take you out to have some food? What do you say? You can choose anything!" She turned around to look at him and then in a swift motion she got out of the back hug.   "And you think you can buy me back with food huh?" She started walking towards her wardrobe to change. "What can I say? I know my girl very... very well"   "Shut up Gilinsky" she said throwing a shirt on him which he managed to catch still midair. "Only if you come here and shut me up" "Really? Wait outside then while I get dressed." She gave him a bitchy smile.   "Come on baby..." "Out. It'll only take 10 minutes." Deo did her best to push him outside but gave him a kiss once he was at the door facing her with puppy eyes, and right after she closed the door on his face.   "I'll be patiently waiting then" he said loud enough for her to hear which made her laugh and return to her task: get ready and wake up on the process of it.   x “Oh so now what? You guys don’t knock anymore?” Yoongi said once Jin, Carolina and Taehyung got into his apartment and started to sprawl themselves on the sofas, all very sleepy.   “Because you guys knock on our door before getting in right?” Jin answered him. “Fair” was the only response from Yoongi. “Where’s Joonie?” Taehyung asked glancing around not getting up of the sofa. “He’s... He’s somewhere” Yoongi stopped eating and got up from the kitchen counter to shout “NAMJOON!!! WE HAVE GUESTS!”   Everyone stayed in silence for two seconds before someone came running down the corridor. Jin at this moment was rubbing his temples from the headache.   “Here he comes” Yoongi said before sitting down again and continue to dig on his breakfast. “Who’s here??” everyone heard before the owner of the spoken words appeared on the living room. Jungkook.   “Where’s Namjoon?” Yoongi asked to a confused Jungkook. “Oh! It’s my new friend! Hey dude!!” Jin greeted cheerfully once he looked up to the boy who waved back still confused about the whole situation “Look who’s here as well, Carolina!” the older guy poked her with his elbow, still looking towards Jungkook.  “I think she’s sleeping” Taehyung pointed out “Hey man, how are you?” “Fine...?” “Oh she’s not” Seokjin said wiggling his shoulder a little “She’s fake sleeping, she does it all the time to avoid speaking with other people” “Oh...” “And it was about to work if it weren’t for you” she got up from the sofa in a bad mood to go towards the fridge “Thanks Jin” “No problem!” “Ok guys” Jungkook started with a nervous chuckle “But why are you here? You normally meet upstairs- Woah! Hey! That’s my strawberry milk!” “It didn’t have your name on it” Carolina stated. “Yeah but it’s mine” “Ok” she continued drinking it ignoring him “Now, can you please show us the song?” she asked Yoongi who was unbothered finishing up his food.   “Namjoon has it” he said simply. “And where’s Namjoon? Is he playing hide and seek or something?” Taehyung asked. “You do have a point” Jin added “I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case” “Ok I’ll look for him then” Carolina said turning on her heels and marching towards the corridor “HEY NAM, READY OR NOT HERE I COME!” “HEY!!! YOU CAN’T GO INTO OUR ROOMS LIKE THAT!” Jungkook went after her and then turned around since it was worthless “Bro do something!” “Somebody needs to find him” Yoongi shrugged off. “Is he even home?” Jin asked chuckling. “Maybe he’s still sleeping... He snores too loud, I'm sure he can’t listen well because of that” Taehyung said thinking out loud.  
Right at that moment they all heard a bang coming from the front door, Namjoon came hurried from it with some grocery bags hanging on his arms. Everyone had their attention on him.
"Oh my God! I thought she was going to kidnap me this time" he said not paying attention to the ambience at all "Somebody needs to do something about that lady" once he finished recovering his breathing he turned around and was faced with confused expressions all over "Hey... Guys? It's reunion time already?"   "Do we have schedules now?" Jin asked while making eye contact with everyone even Jungkook "I'm confused"   "Who's she though?" Taehyung asked not minding Jin's question.   "Oh she's just our old lady neighbor" Jungkook answered him.   "She's still trying to hook up with you huh?" Carolina glanced at Namjoon with a mocking expression.   "She's not that old" Yoongi told them "Maybe you should give her a chance Joonie"   "I'm not even answering to that, she’s on her fifties and I’m not a sugar mommy type" he passed by them to dispose the bags on the kitchen counter. Jungkook went towards him and began to help organizing everything on the fridge and cupboards. "Every time he goes in or out she stops him by to tell him something or ask for help" Jungkook started to tell Jin and Taehyung the story before they even asked about it "I feel sorry for him, really, she's super into him" he chuckled.   "I don't know what she sees in me really" "The other day I came home and she was struggling with her groceries and as soon as I offered to help she dispensed me and went on with her life... If I was Namjoon, she wouldn't even wait for me to offer, she would gladly ask for help" Jungkook continued. "Really?" Taehyung added excited "that's cute, she really has a crush" "Did ever cross your mind that maybe she just doesn't like you?" Carolina teased Jungkook making him look offended and deep in thought by it. He even looked at Yoongi and quietly asked if the same had happen before to him.   "No dude she does it with me too" Yoongi answered "but whatever, we are not here for this" he said but Jin and Namjoon were too distracted discussing the lady's age to listen to anything else "guys..."   "Ok! We get it! She's old but not that old and she only likes Namjoon, now can we go back to what we're all doing here? Besides him- he doesn't belong here" Carolina pointed Jungkook out, again. "I'm in my own house! You're the one not welcoming here-"   "Hey!" "I told you we should have done this at your place" Taehyung whispered to Jin.  
The early afternoon was spent like that, the x group gathered at Namjoon and Yoongi's apartment listening to some songs the latter was working on. Jungkook hanged around for a while but when time came he ate some sandwiches Yoongi made and then took off to the reunion with his team and coach before his big match.  
Jack had taken Deo to Santa Monica beach earlier that day. They ate brunch there and sat by the ocean to enjoy the view, a typical date the two of them would have often. Although Deo was quite the social butterfly, she had this reserved side to her that Jack later on discovered… she would rather keep it between the two of them, and between going out to parties with his friends she would much rather prefer to go out to do simpler things with him, like go on mini golf dates, take a walk by the beach or listen to her favorite tunes while eating the most popular french fries in the California state.
"So~~" she said after a long silence between the two of them “coach ended up justifying why you were benched for the second half?" a sympathetic semblance on her features. "Not really... just said that I needed a rest..." Jack answered while playing with the sand feeling very unsure of himself. "He's dumb." the girl said simply. She was clueless of what to do or what to say to comfort him. "Yeah... That's the problem, I don't think he is you know? Actually I think I'm not that great of a player, I don't know if I'll last long" "Don't say that." she looked at him and sighed making him look at her too “If you weren't good he wouldn't even let you join the team. You're a great player, for what I understand of the game, so don't beat yourself too much over that ok? You'll do better next game and prove him wrong." "I'll keep trying my best, I'm just afraid I won't make it even if I try hard enough... But anyways! Thank you" he gave her his signature fluffy smile "I feel better just to know that you have my back like this" he added taking her hand and caressing it softly. "Stop doubting yourself ok!" she said instead of asking with a strong grip at his hand “I can ruff him up in the locker room if you want. Blow his tires or key his car?" "Stop being crazy" he laughed it out "You can't be expelled for ruffing the coach up in the locker room!" "No one will ever know it was me." she gave him an evil laugh and then actually started laughing at herself and the situation itself making Jack look at her with sweet eyes. "You're my favorite kind of crazy, you know that don't you?" he asked softly. "You're such a softie"
Everyone was busy doing something, and if not busy at least doing something productive or just hanging out with their friends. Not Jimin. He had woken up feeling super hangover and decided to just stay in bed. Once he fully got up to take a shower and eat something, he noticed he had a few missed calls from Hyori and immediately texted her back. He made cup noodles for him and lazily sat on his bed to watch some episodes of the first thing he could find, just to have some voices in the background while he kept on seeing his twitter feed. Jimin liked being quiet like this but he didn’t like to feel alone, so he pressed play and a random episode of friends started playing on his computer screen. It was probably on the fourth episode - that he laughed way too hard by the way, that he decided that he should text his friends and see what was their whereabouts. “Aish… I should get a life” he mumbled to himself while refreshing his twitter feed, impatient to get any responses.
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“Who is it?” Jack asked Deo while driving, peeking from time to time at his girlfriend only to see her over entertained while texting someone. "Oh it’s just Jimin" she shrugged while typing.
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"Is he going today? To the party I mean?" "Of course. Jimin never misses a party." she laughed "He says he doesn’t know what to wear"
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"What a loser" Jack laughed as well "He always dresses nicely- and besides, he doesn't really need to dress nicely, everyone is crazy about the guy" "I bet you don’t know either, loser~" she punched him in the arm finally taking a break from her phone “But he is pretty awesome, it’s kinda annoying" the girl admitted making Jack chuckle with her truth. 
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"I like him too... What is he saying now?"
"I can't say, it's best friend business." Deo teased, turning her phone away gently to make it more convincing.
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"If I didn't knew you two I would be extremely jealous you know..." "Who knows..." she teased again but laughing right afterwards when he quickly glanced at her; she leaned in and gave him a kiss on his cheek "You have nothing to worry about, with anyone!" "I think I'll bring you everyday to this beach... Such a cutie she is" he teased her as well. They lived for moments like this. “Ugh…” and she never knew how to deal with him, she would always get shy in the end. x   Hoseok was exhausted. He spent the hole day running around Hyori and helping her with her tasks and somehow the girl wouldn't slow down, she was frenetic. The truth was she always had a lot on her plate... Since she was a little girl her parents expected a lot and demanded a lot from her. Her siblings didn't care at all and she was always the one helping out at home and specially at the little convenience store they had.
"Is this all?" Hoseok asked unpacking the last box of his side "please tell me it is!" "It is!!!" She laughed relieved "I can't believe we actually did all this before the day ended"   "I'm pretty surprised as well I mean- we bought and ordered everything that your dad listed, we packed it all, we brought it here, unpacked and organized the store... I feel like I can do pretty much everything from now on!" "I'm glad it was you helping me out hobi, thank you!" She said with a warm smile "mint ice cream it's on me this week!" "Woaaah!!" Hoseok exclaimed excited clapping nonstop like he always did once excited "I know I was the best choice thank you very much!!" "You were by far the best choice! Trust me!" "But you tried Jungkookie first didn't you?" He joked making her sigh softly. "I thought about him... I mean he’s the best with weightlifting... But he would joke around too much which would cost time and-" "And Jimin would whine too much and distract himself a lot" Hoseok finished the sentence for her. "See! This is why you were the perfect choice!! Hardworking, cheerful and a sweetheart"   "You can count on me, you know that" he side hugged her smiling big as ever. "You're my hope" she said hugging him and they both went to the front of the store. x
Yoongi and his guests were still chilling on his apartment discussing some ideas. They started the conversation talking about music and now they were rambling about mass murders in high schools all because Namjoon had watched a tv show Yoongi was previously hooked on about that topic. Taehyung was mortified and couldn’t understand how someone could do it and Carolina was explaining to him that psychopaths just couldn’t feel things like other people could.
“This is all beautiful but I find it a bit morbid that I live with someone that knows this much about psychopaths” Jin told her “Do you have anything you would like to tell me? This is your chance; I promise I will visit you in jail” he finished with a joking tone making Namjoon laugh and Yoongi smirk.   “My mom is a psychiatrist you weirdo, I kinda grew up listening about psychopaths” she admitted. “That’s cool in a weird way... but cool” Namjoon thought out loud. “She used to frighten Jimin when we were little with stories like that” Taehyung remembered making Carolina roll her eyes. “No wonder they don’t talk nowadays” Jin chuckled and Carolina was about to retort bur her phone kept ringing. “Hey V! What’s up?” Carolina asked cheerfully once she answered the call.  
Victoria Nelson or V – as Carolina would call her, was an extroverted girl, the type that passes in the halls and everyone smiles to. Her skin golden brown, her hair long black and wavy. Victoria possessed the biggest cat eyes, and a docile smile that complemented her easy-going personality. She was majoring in dance but she met Carolina through the volley team. On Carolina’s first day she was paired with the girl to warm up and they found out they had a lot in common. Victoria wasn’t shy at all and sometimes she would tease Carolina about it but both girls spoke the same language in regards of their taste, especially in arts.  
“What?!” Carolina exclaimed “Are we actually attending that?? Why??”   “What’s going on?” Taehyung whispered to the girl curious about what was happening but she only got up from the sofa and started pacing on the living room making the boys follow her with their attentive stares.   “Yeah but he can’t actually do that!” Carolina was starting to get furious “It’s not even us that are going to play! Or even our adversary!!” “Is she playing as well?” Namjoon whispered to Jin who kept blinking madly trying to focus on the conversation.   “Playing what? What’s happening?” Taehyung kept asking questions to Carolina and she kept dismissing him.   “And I’m telling you I’m not going” Carolina said firmly “I don’t see a motive there and I’m not going” she continued but what followed was the girl opening and closing her mouth trying to speak but Victoria was probably playing with all cards she had to convince the stubborn one to go “Victoria Nelson if you actually do that- I- I swear to Taehyungs life-” “Hey!!!” “Fine. I’ll wait. Yeah yeah, I hate you” she said finally and hung up, sinking into the couch next to Taehyung and Namjoon.   “Is it a good time to ask you why are you mad?” Namjoon tried.   “Nope” “Ok we know it’s about playing which it can only mean volley. Unless it’s a game or something... Anyone?” Jin started what the group called ‘the intervention time’ which consisted in everyone making guesses until they discovered what was going on. They often did it once one of them was too upset to talk about something, or in general once one of them made it too hard for the rest to figure out what was going on.   “I think it’s volley related because Victoria was the one calling” Namjoon pointed out “Not that she can’t play games and stuff but it’s-” “Yes we get it” “You don’t want to play is that it?” Taehyung asked Carolina while poking her “Why is that? I’m hurt you didn’t even tell me you were going to play” “I’m not playing you moron” “Hey! What do we say about insulting family?” “We say yes we can!!!” she retorted. “Ok ok ok, I know what it is” Yoongi finally spoke. “Please illuminate us”   “You guys are being ridiculous...” Carolina sighed.   “She’s being forced to go watch a game because she said she isn’t playing right?” Yoongi continued making the boys nod their heads “And she’s all worked up so it means-” “Yeah yeah, I have to watch the boys game today, congrats you figured it out, sherlock!” she cheered sarcastic. “I felt the love emanating from you right now” Yoongi said in a good mood.
Jungkook was pretty nervous. He was on the locker room sat down together with his team waiting for the game begin while his coach kept giving last advices and cheering them up. Of course he was listening to none of what his coach was talking about, not that he disliked him by the way, he was very grateful for all the “old man”, as Jungkook would cutely call him, would do for him and his comrades… but right now he was focused on the cheering he could hear outside. From what he could tell the bleachers of the inside court were already full of people and on that, he was right. Jimin had arrived first and was having some trouble on safeguarding some seats for his friends. He was trying to balance out his infamous beer jar on his hands, already half empty, while his leg was up to the side on top of two seats and his jacket on the other one on his left, as well as a cardboard he had made that afternoon for Jungkook. He was finding it hard to keep the seats since the space was getting crowded and some people were really trying to get the best view of the game, that of course were the seats he was already in. Although Jimin could get a little rude with people sometimes today he just wanted to have fun, so he just kept ignoring the tons of mean teens who would try to sit down just for him to say the seats were already occupied and then have the people badmouthing him. He was starting to get frustrated and he himself was mentally arguing with his late friends once he heard Deo’s voice, screaming his name.
“Jimin!! Down here!!!” “Come quickly! My leg is numb!” he screamed back already caving into a full smile. That was the thing about Jimin… he could get really mad but he couldn’t be mad for long. And to be honest, he didn’t like at all to be mad at people he loved and cared about. “Thank God you guys showed up” he sighed taking down his leg for Deo and Jack to sit down next to him “I was getting worried about my leg. I mean I’m great at doing splits but not for long” “Stop being dramatic” Deo cut him up “It was only fifteen minutes” “It was way more, baby” Jack laughed it out. “Thank you!” “Wanna die?” Deo gave him a look making him lift up his hands in defeat “Didn’t think so. Where’s Hyori and Hope by the way?” she turned to Jimin. “Kiri texted me a while ago saying they were just eating something and were on their way” “They spent the whole day working?” the girl asked while keeping her eyes on the court. “Yes ma’am” “There they are!” Jack pointed out to the entrance on the other side of where they were sat. “Wave at them!” Jimin said getting up from his seat and waving his arms. “There’s no way they will see you, sit down, I’ll call her” Deo rolled her eyes but giggled a little. Jimin loved to stand out sometimes. “Just shout them out man” Jack added. “Good idea, help me out” “Guys, oh my God” Deo was already embarrassed. “Who are we shouting first?” Jack asked already getting up as well. “Hobi! He has sharp ears” Jimin said while looking at Jack and then “On three. One-“ “Two” “Three- HOBI!!!!!” “HOSEOK JUNG” “I swear to God… where’s Jungkook when you need him” Deo was trying to focus on her phone while the two kiddos kept shouting and wiggling themselves to get Hoseok’s attention. It worked though, cause not even a second later Deo could hear Hoseok’s exciting laughter letting her know they were already on their way. “YA!” Hobi called out laughing while helping out Hyori to climb up the bleachers “WE WERE COMPLETELY LOST!” and he kept on laughing. “We should enter the cheerleading team, bro” Jimin gave Jack his hand to a spiced up high five. “In your dreams…” Deo added but she had a smile on her face. “Hey everyone!!!!” Hoseok greeted tapping lightly on Jack’s arm, and then going for a forehead kiss on Deo “Uhh nice seats Jiminie!” he said excited. “You’re late missy” Deo said to Hyori. “The game hasn’t started yet. Besides, I had to feed Hobi, he worked way too much today, I owed him that one” Hyori answered while going to her seat. “Where’s my kiss?” Jimin said indignant to her. “You lost it once you didn’t answer my calls this morning” “Ok about that-“ he tried. “Shhhh! The game is starting!!!”
The doors of the locker room had opened from the two sides and both teams came out greeting the audience. Jungkook was right under his group of friends and he quickly spotted them since he was the one suggesting the seats to Jimin earlier on. “Fight On Kook!!!!!” “Go get them!” “MAKE US PROUD!!!” “JK!!!!” It was all he could hear from his crazy friends shouting, instantly he opened up a huge smile at them proud for having such great people cheering on him. But as soon as he sat down to hear the tactical moves his coach was going to suggest, his feature was a serious one. His team got up and everyone gathered around coach to put their hands together and shout “FIGHT ON!”, and once that was done only the front line players went to the court in a line greeting the referee and then the other team.
“Here we go!” Taehyung said excited with his fries in one hand and in the other his mini Trojan flag. “You really are out to piss her off today aren’t you?” Yoongi commented to Taehyung while looking at an infuriated Carolina sat right under them. “No I’m not…” He said with puppy eyes. “I’m betting two dollars on the grumpy lady locking the cloudy head on the girls locker room” Jin said casually to Namjoon already showing his two one dollar bills. “What am I even doing with two dollars, dude?” Namjoon questioned. “Namjoon sometimes you fail to see the beauty in the capitalism world… If you bet two dollars as well, we have four. The winner gets to buy a hot dog” Jin explained like it was obvious. “I bet she at least will pinch him- You know that strong pinch of hers?” Yoongi asked Jin. “Oh the sucker pinch? Yeap, that’s a good one. How much?” Jin asked not focused on the game at all. Namjoon that was right in the middle of the two kept drinking his beer unbothered. “Three dollars” Yoongi said “One hot dog and a beer” “She’s not pinching me I’m her broth- OUTCH!” Taehyung looked down to see Carolina’s hand on his inner thigh pinching the shit out of his flesh. Jin was already giving Yoongi two dollars and the latter was putting his hand in the air to call the hot dog seller. “Why?” Taehyung whined. “Yoongi seemed hungry and I don’t know… I like to help out artists, music industry these days are though” Carolina shrugged off with a serious face while Victoria kept on laughing besides her. “Love you” Yoongi said with a tiny smile not to mess his usual poker face while paying up the hot dog seller and taking a hold of his own. “Love you too” the girl said not even glancing back to see his face. “Yeah but what about me?? Your dear roommate?? Wow people these days… Are worse than the music industry let me tell ya!” Jin kept on rambling making the other boys laugh “Can you believe this Patrick?!” he asked a guy sat right next to him. “M-My name is Noah” the guy said awkwardly. “Oh nice to meet you! I’m Jin! Now can you call that girl selling fries please? I’m hungry as fuck” “Uh sure…” “I can’t believe this guy” Yoongi said laughing his ass out while looking at the situation. “HEY NOAH!!” Taehyung who was the farthest from the unknown guy greeted being polite and friendly as ever. “And to think I argued with my dad to defend my friends… phew” Namjoon took another large sip from his beer. “What happened?” Carolina looked up supporting her head on Yoongi’s leg to look at Namjoon. “The usual- Let’s have fun today and maybe once I’m really drunk I spill my heart out to you” “I’m holding on to that!” she smiled to him. “Don’t say that kind of stuff to her, she might actually give you the drunkest day of your life, Namjoonie!” Jin advised him, earning a mocking glance from Carolina since he was a bit far for her to slap him. “GO TROJANS!!!!” Taehyung cheered once Jungkook scored another point, lifting up his little flag and smiling like a kid, making Carolina return her attention to the game with a furious semblance. The thing was: she didn’t want her college to lose, but she didn’t want Jungkook to win either… unfortunately volleyball isn’t a solo sport, otherwise she was rooting against him for sure.
The first set was almost finished, The Trojans, Jungkook’s team, had already scored 20 points and the other team had 6 points less. Everyone in that court knew The Trojans would win, it was an easy game. But somehow Jungkook was wasting all his energy in this match, he was serving with brute force, his attacks were merciless and he would shout with everything he had to his team mates to get every ball possible. So much so that once he scored the last point to complete the first set with twenty five points, getting everyone to cheer for him and yell his name, his coach called him in. While the teams were switching up sides at the court, Jungkook’s coach took the opportunity to call him and have a quick chit chat with him. “What are you doing kid? There’s no need to be so harsh on the other team” “Why not? You always say we must have the competitive spirit” Jungkook said while gulping down some water, his eyes scanning the inside bleachers. “Yeah- I suppose I do… Just don’t waste too much energy. That’s all I’m saying. You will need it for the next games” “It’s not like I’m a tiny glass of water, old man, I’m a big glass and I’m always full. My energy won’t end just because of a simple match” he said cocky. “Well- And I’m your coach! I’m telling you not to waste energy and not to make it seem like you need to give all of yourself to defeat them. Play like you would with five year old kids” “But that’s not fun-“ Jungkook finally looked at him. “Just do what I’m telling you, you brat” “Fine~” he whined and went to court once again, waiting for the referee to start the second set.
“What happened?” Hyori asked once The Trojans scored the seventh point of the second set in a lazy manner “Why is Jungkook playing like if he was playing beach volleyball with us?” “Is he tired already?” Hoseok wondered. “No its-“ Jimin tried but was cut off. “Is he trying to mock the other team?” Deo pondered while turning to Hoseok for answers. “JUNGKOOK JEON IF YOU DON’T START JUMPING RIGHT NOW I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!” Hyori exploded and yelled towards the court, making Jimin close her mouth shut with his hand. “He’s just playing lightly because they don’t need to do much to win that team, guys, calm down” Jimin said laughing. “Ohhh” Hoseok and Hyori let out in a unison. “But I mean, couldn’t he at least try a little harder? It’s boring this way” Deo added. “He’s doing good nonetheless” Jack commented. “I think so too!” Jimin started “Help me out with this cardboard” he said to both girls that were next to him and he lifted it up “GO JK!!!!!”
Jungkook was the outside hitter of his team, he would always receive the ball last to score the point, and even doing it lightly, he still managed to do an amazing job. They had just managed to block a counter attack from the other team, and doing that they scored their 12 point. The other team still behind them. The referee beeped and they all looked at the older man, noticing the adversary coach had asked for a break. Jungkook ran to the side of the court alongside his peers to drink some water and take the opportunity to hear anything their coach would like to add as well. “Any extra advise coach?” Jason, the team’s setter, asked in a mocking tone. “Take it lightly, dude, they’re not that bad” Ian, the libero, added “They’re just unprepared comparing to us” “Tskk” Jason rolled his eyes. “You’re doing a great job, boys, keep it up!” Coach tapped lightly at them. “The outside hitter from the left side has some potential… The kid managed to fit in some points in some difficult corners” Sean, the middle blocker from Jungkook’s team commented. “As if” Jason added “What do you think Kook?” he turned to a pretty distracted Jungkook, drinking his water absentminded “Jungkook! Hey man!” “Mm?” was all he said. “He’s too distracted with Jennifer in the bleachers” Jeremy, the opposite hitter, teased. Jennifer was a player from the girls team, the opposite hitter. She was tall and bronzed, and would always walk around with her big ponytail swinging and attracting some attention to herself. She was quite the pretentious, would always think too highly of herself, but somehow everyone would love her to death. The girl had attracted Jungkook’s attention with her girly charms the moment he began training in the volley team. Soon after they started hooking up with each other occasionally on parties and such, never made into anything official, but still, they were each others fixed booty calls. “Shut up, Jeremy” Jungkook shrugged dispensing his water bottle and returning to court. “The girls came to see???” Jason asked looking around, he had a major crush on Victoria. “Stop looking for girls” The coach slapped the back of his neck “Go play!”
There wasn’t going to have a third set since The Trojans were once again on the lead in the second set. The boys were still doing elaborated game plays but more at ease, none of them were exceeding too much. “Do we still have to be here?” Carolina asked V, still looking boringly at the match “We already know our team is going to win and I have better things to do actually” “Oh like making out with Mr. Benji?” V asked with a smirk on her face and her big cat eyes focused on Carolina’s expression. “How do you even know about that?!!” the girl crossed her arms indignant, but then continued calmly “But yes, that were my plans for this end of the day” “I mean, you know I’m his student right? I take history of art with him… and he sometimes tells us to read something and comes back to class like half an hour later with his lips way too red” “Ok but what does that have to do with me? Unless you’re psychic or something” “You just admitted it does” V laughed at Carolina. “Yeah yeah, but before that-“ “Because you sneak out of your classes at the same time as him and also walk around with red lips. Besides the minute he introduced himself to my class I was already thinking he was definitely your type” Victoria pointed out. “Just because he’s British… never thought of you to assume things like that” Carolina feigned disappointment making V roll her eyes with a smile on. “No~ Because he’s ginger, well dressed and stands out way too much” “‘Kay, but are we going home or what?” she asked with a poker face making V laugh hard. Carolina would never admit defeat. “Shut up it’s the two last points, they already scored 23” V said pointing to the score “Uhhh someone is angry” “GO TROJANS!!!” Taehyung shouted from behind them. “That someone is me” Carolina sinked in her seat with crossed arms looking to the side like a bored kid. “No, that someone is him” Victoria grabbed gently Carolina’s chin and pushed it for her to focus on the game, where a wild Jungkook seemed way too angry. “What’s his fucking problem?” the girl questioned in a muffled manner, V’s hand still squishing her cheeks. “Shush!!! I’m trying to see the game!” The girl next to Carolina, Tracy, also from the volley team and best friends with Jennifer said. “You shush!” Carolina said with a raised brow to her, disentangling from Victorias hands on doing so. “Hey hey” Yoongi called out poking her ear “No stress” and she went back to watch the final point.
Jungkook was the one serving now, the final point and the win was theirs. He knew he could serve the ball and make it to be an instant point, but that wasn’t fun, it didn’t spike him and he knew he had very attentive eyes on him. The court was silent and expectant. He threw the ball up, eyes focused on it, he took two large steps and jumped. His right hand meeting the ball and spiking it directly towards the hands of the libero on the other team. It was a difficult ball nonetheless since he sent it with effect.
“Nice!” Jimin shout out seeing the libero catching it but the ball instead of going up straight to the setter went to the side “TROJANS! TROJANS!”
The outside hitter of the other team was a good one though and he managed to catch the ball and restructure the game by sending it towards the opposite hitter for a quick attack.
“Shit” Namjoon whispered, eyes focused on the game and beer glass half way of his mouth, stilled on mid air.
Ian managed to catch the spike but since it was delivered too strong the ball went backwards. Jungkook knew Jason couldn’t get the ball so it was up to him to make the counter play. He ran with all he had to the back of the court, eyes up on the ball. Looking at the speed of the ball he wouldn’t be able to do a bump to send it backwards again for someone to attack back, so he threw his body on air, reaching the ball with his foot.
“Oh my God!” Hyori had huge eyes, worried. “Bro…” Deo had no words.
There was a huge thud on the floor, Jungkook had fallen on his back but quickly got up and turned back seeing Jeremy attacking the other team, but without much force due to the lack of precision on the ball thrown at him.
“I don’t think I can look anymore” Taehyung frowned in anxiety “JUST SCORE ALREADY”
The other team managed to receive the ball again, but this time poorly. The libero had passed the ball right to the other side, they failed on setting an attack.
“JK~~~~~~” Hoseok loud scream was heard.
Ian received the ball like a feather. Jason arranged it perfectly for Jungkook.
“JEON” every USC student present was chanting together while stomping their feet on the bleachers “JEON” every student but one “JEON”
Jungkook jumped high as ever and spiked the ball on the very corner on the end of the court. The ball passed in such force and speed the other team didn’t even notice it. Once he landed again on the floor all he could hear was the chanting and happy screams everyone was shouting but he turned his head strategically to where the girls team was sat in. He had a smug smile on his lips and the second after, he winked.
“That fucking asshole” Carolina grunted, getting up and trying to leave the place.
With the game had hitting it’s end, everyone was glad and cheerful to see USC wining and staying on the lead. Now the only destination was the party being held at the Pi Kappa Phi frat to celebrate The Trojans victory. "We should get going." Deo said in an asking tone. "Yes, the sooner we leave the better, otherwise we won't ever make it to the party" Hyori added glancing around, seeing the sea of people moving to get out of the gymnasium or the ones still falling behind to continue cheering. "I'll wait for Jungkook here since I'm pretty much ready" Jimin told them “I promised him I would wait” "Text me when you leave so we can meet up at the party” Deo asked Jimin and he nodded with a smile. “Let’s go, people are starting to leave” Hyori said. “Do you guys want me to take you there? I'm kind of worried for you two going alone in this sea of people" Jack offered looking around as well. "We're small but it's not like people are going to step on us." Deo laughed "Don’t worry babe" “Don’t worry Jack, I’ll make them company!” Hoseok intervened to make him feel at ease “I too have to go home and take a shower” “Ok, all settled! Let’s go then!” Hyori turned to leave, placing her hands on Deo’s shoulders to guide her “Bye boys! See you soon!” “Bye babe!” Jack gave Deo a quick peck. “See you soon!!” Jimin said being left with Jack behind. “SEE YA! TEXT ME IF YOU NEED” Hoseok said to his friend looking back.
Meanwhile, already outside, Carolina was taking long strides making it difficult for V to follow her. She had stomped out of the gymnasium so fast that the four boys remained sat down with confused looks on their faces, that’s why they were nowhere to be found at the moment, probably still stuck inside unable to move in the crowded space. “Carolina! Wait up!” V shouted but gained no response “You’re being a brat just like him!” she said finally making Carolina stop right away in her tracks. “You did it! Congratulations!” she turned around to see her friend catching up and already smiling. “You’re so predictable sometimes” Victoria laughed “Why are you so pissed off?” “Ugh! ‘Cause first of all I didn’t even want to be here! And then- He- Ugh!!!” “I know, I was actually mentally punching him in the face once he looked so smug over that last point…” “He’s always smug like that, it pisses me off” She started walking again but this time in a slower pace with V by her side. “Aren’t you waiting up for the boys?” “Oh fuck!” Carolina said with huge eyes looking back “Where are them?? Oh my God where’s my phone?? I lost everything how’s that even possible, I-“ the girl kept looking frantically inside her bag. “Seriously I don’t even know how you don’t lose yourself” V stated reaching for the bag that was in Carolina’s hands and opened the secret pocket, retrieving the girls phone “Here” “Oh- Thanks” she smiled sheepishly. Now with her phone in hands she dialed Taehyung’s number. She was the worse when it came to good memory, the only phone she was able to know without looking was his since he had the same number since he was a little kid. “Where are you?” she asked once he picked up the call. “What do you mean where are you? I should be the one asking that question! You can’t stomp around and run away like that! You got us worried!” he said in a hurry, scolding her. “I highly doubt they were worried, specially Jin” she rolled her eyes. “Fine, he wasn’t that worried, but me and Namjoon and Yoongi, we were worried!” “No I wasn’t” she heard Yoongi saying. “Can you stop and just tell me where are you guys at?” Carolina asked trying to bite a smile down. “No~” Taehyung emphasized the ‘no’ “No I can’t” “Oh for God sake just give me this” Namjoon said “Carol? Carolina?” “What up” “The situation is the following: too many people trying to leave here, we are kinda stuck. You’re on the outside already right?” “Yup” she said looking around. “Ok, good, if you want you can go ahead with Victoria to get ready and-“ “Get ready for what? What are you talking about?” Carolina asked already knowing the answer. “The volley party-“ “Nope. Not going” she said before Victoria pulled the phone out of her hands abruptly. “Hey Namjoon? Yeah it’s V. Look I’m giving her a ride ok? You guys are good to stay back? Want me to come pick you up afterwards?” “Hey! No, it’s alright! This guy named Noah is giving us a ride! You go… go ahead and calm down the lion” he laughed. “Ok, roger that!” she said ending the call. “What did he say?” Carolina asked. “He said we could go” “What about them?” “They’re going home with the Noah guy” “Unbelievable” they both laughed.
Jimin and Jack had finally managed to leave the inside court. They stopped by the entrance, stepping to the side not to be pushed over or to block the passage, sitting on the bars that were left there. Jimin rummaged on his pocket and started texting Jungkook. “I already let him know we are here” Jimin said to Jack. “Nice” “You already ready?” Jimin glanced at him while saving his phone back on his pocket. “Why?” Jack looked at himself “Do I look bad? Fuck I forgot to change into something better-“ “Calm down man” Jimin laughed “I was just asking, you look good, don’t worry” “I guess I got a little distracted today” he chuckled. “She’s quite the distraction, I know” Jimin smiled. He don’t think he will ever talk about Deo without smiling. “Yeah, she-“ “Ah ah ah! No details please. Me and you, we are friends and all but she’s my girl. I don’t think I’m prepared to listen to dirty details” “Hey Jimin!” the boys heard which made them both turn their heads to the sound. “Jean!” the boy in question called out with a smile “You came to the game?” “Yes” she said shyly. “Good!” he chuckled. “Mm… bye then! Good to see you, Jimin” “I hope to see you again at the party, Jean!! Bye!” he said friendly watching her turn back to smile and wave again. “Who is she?” Jack asked. “That’s Jean! From one of my classes; she’s a nice girl, always helps me out when I need”
Deo's bed was full of clothes. She and Hyori had tried on many different outfits. Not that the latter cared much for what she was going to wear but because her roommate wanted her too see her in every single outfit possible.
"Ok! I have reached a decision." Deo puts her hands up in the air, standing up from the ground. "I think you should go with the first one." "Seriously!!" Hyori glared at her, tired of trying on so many different clothes to now wear the first one she tried. "Hey, I had to be sure." "Well I'm not helping you choose yours." The girl said while taking off her socks. "Why?!!" Deo whined. "Because you already know exactly what you want to wear so I'm not waisting any more time." Hyori turned her back on the girl to pick up the outfit that was laying on the bed-stand "What?" She asked once she noticed her friend was too quiet. "You are no fun." She stuck her tongue out like a little kid "I bet you aren't like that around Asa." "I am not. And you aren't either around Taehyung." Hyori said with a smirk on her face. "Do you wanna call Jimin to come pick you up?" She tried to make a threatening look but failed miserably "Didn't think so!"
Deo closed the door behind her and headed to the bathroom so that she could wash her teeth and pretend to curl her hair that she would mess up later. Both girls ended up sitting on the floor of their dorm trying on different lipsticks more for fun than for worrying about what would look best with their outfit until Victoria (Tori, as she was known by everyone), a girl from Deo's cheerleading team finally arrived and was waiting for them.
"Girl! You look great!" Deo rushed to her friend, embracing her into a tight and quick hug. "So do you! Hey Hyori!" Tori greeted the quiet girl that smiled sweetly to her before also commenting on her outfit. "Uh! I call dibs!" Hyori screamed out, running past Deo to the other side of the car, making the girl start to complain but soon stoped, climbing on the back of the car. "So who's attention are you having tonight?" Deo asked, setting in the middle seat. "A lady never tells." Tori laughed.
After the boys arrived at Jin and Carolina’s house they came to find the girl wasn’t nowhere to be found, typical of her to run away to avoid the problem, because they would always persuade her. Yoongi and Namjoon were comfortably sat on the living room while drinking their beverages since they went to the game already ready to the party. They had taken a quick shower knowing for sure they wouldn’t be going back to their house. Jin was currently on the shower singing his lungs out to some tune that Namjoon had chosen, while Taehyung kept arguing with Carolina over the phone. After half an hour she arrived like nothing had ever happened. To her luck, it was Taehyung’s turn to take a quick shower and get ready - the boy would always leave some clothes there for times like these. Jin kept quiet while enjoying the next juicy discussion that came up. Namjoon kept trying to convince Carolina on going, saying he needed her help with a girl, and since that didn’t work out, he pleaded her to go because she was the one keeping them on track. The arguments were plenty, but none was working with her, she wasn’t budging. It was only when Yoongi decided he had enough that they came to a conclusion. “You’re going and that’s all” he said while sipping his whiskey comfortably sat on the couch. “I won’t be going, I already said-“ “Huh” he smiled bitterly “Remember when you said you would never -ever- exchange us for anything? I guess that wasn’t true” “What? What do you mean, of course it was the truth. I won’t ever-“ she replied not seeing where this discussion was leading. “You already did. You went out with the Professor right now… I know you did. But now you don’t want to go out with us” he harshly pointed out making Namjoon and Jin exchange glances. “You never play fair, do you?” she marched out of the room going towards the bathroom, her mind already made up about going to the party. Yoongi always knew how to make her cave in, and they were always like this. They would point things out to one another but never in a hurtful way. She didn’t go far though since she bumped into Taehyung that was just leaving the bathroom with his hair fully wet. “Hey, you arrived!” he said cheerfully. “Yeah yeah, now let me take a shower to get ready to that lame party before I change my mind” she tried to pass by him but he hugged her tight, resting his chin on top of her head. “What’s up with you, little lion?” he asked softly, swinging from one side to the other making her follow his lead. “I don’t know either, it’s frustrating” Carolina admitted truthfully. On times like this she was always transparent with him; it reminded her of all the memories she created with the now grownup version of the boy she had to herself like her older brother. “Is it Mr. Benji? It’s kinda gross but if you need we can talk about it” he offered sweetly trying to peek down at her. “Nope. It’s not that” “You sure?” “Mhmm” “What is it then?” “Once I figure it out I tell you?” she looked at him to ask, with her face leaned to the side in a playful manner. “You know a lion always keep it’s word right?” Since they were little, every time Taehyung wanted to make her keep a promise he would say this. “Tae” she chuckled “We’re not kids watching Lion King anymore” “Just roar it out, c’mon!” “Rawrrr” she let out in a monotone “You’re the worse- Now let me go!” she managed to push him out and lock the door. “No~ I’m the best!” he yelled at the door making her laughter echo in the bathroom.
On the other side of the campus, the party at Pi Kapp was on fire already. Everyone pretty excited, cheering for the volley team who had already made their way into the main living room to accommodate themselves and enjoy the special hot dogs the frat had to offer. Jimin and Jungkook we’re chatting enthusiastically while Deo, Hyori and Victoria - Deo’s friend, were drinking and gossiping about some guy from the frat who was hitting on the latter. “GUYS!” Hoseok yelled to make his voice stand out above the music that was echoing on the room “HI! SORRY I WAS LATE!” he approached them with a wide smile, excited for the party. “What happened to you? We texted and we we’re getting worried” Deo asked while hugging him. “Oh right! You don’t even know what happened- Oh hey Kelsey! Hi!” Hoseok started but got too distracted greeting the people that were passing by. “Hobi! Focus!” Hyori gave him a light pat on the chest to make him pay attention on what mattered. “Right! Sorry” he chuckled “So basically I went back to the dorms right- to take a shower and everything… and! What happened was, when I was leaving I heard someone screaming” “What?” “And what about it? Is this like ghost stories?” “No! No, it’s not that just listen me out-“ he asked. “What’s going on here?” Jungkook came by and back hugged Hoseok, feeling way too happy. “Hey man!!! Congrats on the game!!!” Hoseok opened an even wider smile seeing the younger boy “I was just telling the girls I came here late because there was this girl screaming on the dorms and I went there to see what was happening and turns out she was locked and couldn’t get out and-“ “And you managed to get her out her dorm room?” Hyori asked with curiosity gaining a playful pinch on her waist given by Deo “Ouch! Ok, sorry! Continue, Hobi” she said making Deo and Jungkook chuckle. “So~~ The best part was, when I managed to get her out she had like a bubblegum glued to her hair! And she was freaking out about that, not the fact she was locked up” he said while laughing making everyone crack. Once they were all tear eyed from much laughter they heard someone coming up. “Hey bro, it was such a nice game today!” Taehyung said tapping Jungkook’s arm with a smile on his face. “Oh- Thanks dude!” Jungkook thanked him cheerfully and once he went away with his friends, the boy looked to his side just to receive a questioning glance from Deo. “Bro?” was all she managed to say with an arched brow. “I don’t know” he shrugged.
Carolina’s feet were being dragged on the frat’s floor, she for sure didn’t want to be there but what wouldn’t she do for her boys. They were all following Yoongi because he always knew how to choose a nice place to sit in a crowded place, specially in parties. He would always stay near the bar, but not too near in order to avoid way too wasted people and always in a place well ventilated… and of course, comfortable. He finally managed to find a spot with a couch and a few puffs on the floor and he quickly accommodated himself, Jin sat right by his side and Namjoon quickly told them he would be bringing some beverages. “I’ll see if I can go find Jiminie, he forgot- mmm- something” Taehyung quickly said “Don’t leave here, I’ll be back” “Yeah right” Jin said once he saw him leave “He will probably get lost in the way” “Who’s taking care of him tonight?” Yoongi asked “I’m already the signed driver” “I think it’s Nam?” Carolina answered looking around “Cause I was the one taking care of him the previous time” People would take them as messy people, and in many things they were, very expansive as well, but when it came to take care of themselves they were very organized. Specially with one another. In every party they went, someone was always responsible to take care of Taehyung since he was a cloudy head, and with the drinking it would get worse. He would often get lost. It was a bit tiresome since the boy was quite the unpredictable one, but it didn’t feel like an obligation to take care of him, they all loved each other very much and would do anything in their power to take care of their own. “Nam?” Carolina called for the boy when she saw him arriving with two beers in hand and one glass of vodka with strawberry in the other “You’re the one taking care of Tae tonight right?” “I am?” he stoped for a second “Yeah I think I am. I will stay on beer only tonight then” “Don’t you always?” Jin laughed taking his cup with vodka from Namjoon’s hands making them all laugh.
Not so far from where that group was, Jimin was chatting with some friends from the dance class and getting lots of attention as always. He was sat on a couch, a small group of people surrounding him but every other time his name would be called and he would greet someone different. “Jimin! Great to see you!” Laura Delgado, from his dance crew passed by and waved at him. “Laura! Hi!” he greeted kindly seeing her pass by. They were mostly girls, but some guys would pop out as well. Jimin was very dear to many people, not a single soul on the campus wouldn’t know who he is. He had that effect you see… Always charming and helpful; and although he had quite the fame among the girls, he was truly a sweetheart.
"Deo!" Jimin shouted from across the room when he finally spotted his friend. "Where did you left off to?" He asked as she sat down on the arm of the couch right next to him. "Oh here and there." She giggled, touched from the drink already. "Why are you sitting down here, looking like a lost puppy?" "I didn't see her yet. Did you?" "Don't think so." She stopped to look around the room but the heads were too many to spot anyone. "But what? Do you think she's just gonna pop in front of you?" "You did." He played with one of the curls from her hair. "C'mon sad boy, I'll be your wingman." Deo got up, pulling Jimin's arm to make him stand up and pulled him straight to the kitchen to grab clean cups and fill them with beer.
Yoongi was feeling distressed with the playlist that was currently playing. He couldn’t stop thinking to himself that the DJ could only be a newbie in the job, and as much as Jin was the master in entertainment, he couldn’t stop feeling the urge to just get up and be the DJ himself. So that’s what he did. He excused himself for a moment, leaving Namjoon and Jin behind and made his way to the mini stage where the newbie guy was mixing some songs. “What up” the thug version of Eminem, as Yoongi couldn’t help notice, greeted him. “Yeah man, I just came here to give you some tips because- well because it isn’t going great right now, sorry to break it to you” “What? Who are you?” the guy questioned a little offended. “The USC dj on campus” Yoongi said swiftly. “Oh- shit- sorry man” “Alright, let me give you some recommendations” and the party from that on couldn’t get any better. The playlist Yoongi suggested was top class.
The two boys that remained on the couch kept laughing at how Yoongi could be at times. People made really bad assumptions about him, like for the fact everyone thought of him as an super introverted guy incapable of socializing, which wasn’t true at all. He wasn’t the most extroverted, and for sure wouldn’t give much opening to someone he didn’t knew, but he was quite the chattery guy and would often pull stunts like this. “He can’t keep it together with poor playlists!” Jin would laugh and Namjoon would follow. “That friend always surprises me” he observed Yoongi from afar energetically talking about something with the DJ “Look at him enjoying himself” Namjoon chuckled. “You know what surprised me?” Jin asked making Namjoon shift his glance to the friend now sat next to him. “What?” “The capability of that girl over there to look at us without even blinking” Jin looked at some place behind Namjoon’s head “Wow, she’s at it for a while now… What a great super power!” Namjoon started turning around, squinting his eyes to search the place for a pair of eyes staring at them, only to find them and be extremely confused. He had never seen that girl before. “I guess… I’ll- Just” he started. “You’ll go there and introduce yourself?” Jin asked teasing “Yes, I think it’s a good choice too” So in a swift but clumsy move, he got up and went after the new pair of eyes.
The bar at the Pi Kapp frat was absurdly fun, you could dance on it and who was Carolina to say no to that? She was currently on top of it with another bottle of beer in hands, dancing alongside V, that she managed to find on the party accidentally. They were always like this, both of them would much rather prefer an ocasional meeting instead of arranging something. So in every party they went, they would only meet each other if they accidentally met. They wouldn’t text noticing they had arrived, they wouldn’t even look around, they would simply just let the ‘fate decide’. That’s probably why everyone would say they seemed really free spirited and care free. Taehyung on the other hand was still sober and the view wasn’t pleasing him at all. So he went behind the bar table and grabbed Carolina’s waist, pulling her back down. “Hey!!!” she whined. “This isn’t 27 Dresses, Carolina, you can’t just dance like that to those- guys” he acted like a parent, something she would always smile because she found it to be quite endearing. “Of course this isn’t 27 dresses, I wasn’t dancing to Elton John, I was more like dancing to Pitbull- not that I’m proud of that by the way” “Well neither am I!” “Are you really going to say to me you wouldn’t dance on top of a bar to Pitbull?” she arched a brow. “No...” “Are you sure?” “Maybe to Black eyed peas but never to Pitbull” he admitted. “Oh shut up! Last week you danced to Timber and that’s not only Pitbull that’s Pitbull feat Kesha!!” she spited out making the boy open his mouth like she was speaking something outrageous.
Right at that moment, watching from afar with a clear view, was Deo standing next to a mini group of people she knew very well. Her hand was mid air, holding her cup, and she was kind of lost in thoughts, looking straight. Hyori and Jimin by her side. “I know he’s really hot but can you like, at least pretend you’re looking around” Hyori whispered in her ear making her snap out of it. “Ugh why do you keep insisting on that?” the girl huffed “I was just trying to see what was going on, they seemed to be fighting and you know I love a good tea” “Mhmm, and how exactly do you know who I was talking about?” Hyori gave her that smart look that would always make her roll her eyes. “First of all, fuck you ok, quit being a smart ass” “And let me guess, second of all, he was the one looking first?” “No?” Deo was now genuinely confused. “Well… he is now” Hyori said and glanced straight making Deo do it too. Taehyung was now looking at the two of them while Carolina was holding his arm and searching for something around them. Hyori didn’t make much of it, she knew that look wasn’t for her but for her friend so she kept busy chatting with the people by her side. Deo, on the other hand, couldn’t stop looking as well simply because he wouldn’t budge. Normally when you’re caught staring at someone you at least look away for brief seconds, but he wasn’t even moving. Worse than that, he was finding it amusing and once he leaned his head to the side like a puppy Deo felt her blood boil. ‘What is wrong with him??’ was all she could think about, but her eyes wouldn’t move as well, almost in a competition to see who would blink or change their glance other way, and in competitions… she refused to lose. He arched his brow. She flexed her jawline in anger. He smirked at that. She furrowed her brows. He visibly chuckled at that. “Ugh what a weirdo!” she huffed again and rolled her eyes, snapping at his attitude. “Ding ding ding, we have a winner and it’s not you” Hyori said teasing, gaining a poke from Deo’s elbow. “What is that?” Jimin asked. “Nothing!” Deo cut off “Just Hyori trying to be funny” she added, turning back to pay attention to what Jungkook was saying to a few people next to them. "And you know what's funnier!" Jungkook let out a strident laughter. "They did this hole scheme to score a point, two guys on their knees and the middle hitter jumped on them to spike the ball at us and Jason didn't even blink and blocked the attack.“ "So he's the star of the game after all." Tori teased him. "Oh no, Jungkook will always be the golden player." Hyori mocked along. “Ha Ha Ha.” He let out a dry laughter to both girls. "You two snakes, let him be!" Deo said dramatically. "We're more likely to win this season at this rate." "Alright! Fight On!" Hobi screamed beside his friend, clenching his fist up in the hair. "Fight On!!" A bunch of people around screamed. "Hey, who's that?" Deo asked to Jungkook, pointing to a blonde girl that kept staring. "No clue." He shrugged her off. "Hyori!" She almost jumped to go to the side of her roommate, already back to normal. "Who's that?" She pointed again to the blonde. "No clue." Hyori sipped her beer, her eyes glued to the girl. "I don't know either." Tori said. "Why?" "She keeps staring." Deo said, frowning. "I'll go there!" Hyori said, already marching. "No!" Deo stopped her. "Let's investigate. C'mon Tori."
The party had reached it’s high peek. Who wasn’t drinking was definitely dancing and going wild on the games Pi Kapp had to offer, like the real gem play on words game. Hoseok was madly dancing and showing off his moves on the dance floor, by his side Jungkook who had already had pretty much a lot to drink and once tipsy or slightly drunk, the boy would start to get loose, not shying away from being the center of the attention. And everybody knew he was a great dancer. People were clapping and making some room for the duo to show off and do a mini dance battle, attracting many curious looks and happy giggles from the girls. Meanwhile, in a corner next to the kitchen, was Jimin leaning on the door frame. Hyori came by sensing he was a little off; normally Jimin would be the soul of the party, smile never fading and he would always be the last one to leave. “Hey you” she smiled softly “What are you doing here all alone?” “Jack was just here! He went to grab some more booze” he said simply. “Ok what I was meant to ask was why you look so down?” she inquired further, leaning on the wall next to him “The Jimin I know won’t ever be less than the king of the party” he chuckled at that. “Sarah isn’t here” he sighed “At least I didn’t find her and I was like, dressed to impress you know? I don’t know… It’s dumb, I’m being a girl I know” now was Hyori’s turn to laugh. “Jimin” she leaned her head to the side “You’re still dressed to impress and if you didn’t notice yet, you’re being quite the topic of this party. Go enjoy yourself!” “But what about Sarah?” he asked with a small pout. “Too bad for her that is losing this great sight and the more awesome boy ever! Now go dance, go talk, and maybe kiss some pretty girl” she smiled at him making him mimic her gesture. “You could be a coach you know?” he paused before kissing her cheek “You’re a great friend, Kiri, thanks” “My pleasure!” she said seeing him leave “BUT MAKE SURE SHE’S NICE FIRST, WHOEVER THE GIRL YOU CHOOSE IS!!!”
After stoping Carolina from keep on dancing on top of the bar table Taehyung stayed around her for a few until she managed to distract him and run away. He wandered around the house for a while trying to find her but without much outcome he decided to hit the bar. Not the best decision he had made that night though. After half an hour he was already wasted, rumbling nonstop with the nice guy attending the bar and that led later on to him trying to climb the stairs to go to the bathroom but failing miserably and consequently he just sat on it and started being dramatic, pretending he was crying. “Are you ok? Do you need some help?” he heard someone saying but payed no attention to it, thinking the girl was probably talking to someone else since he was being ignored by everyone who was passing by “Hello? I’m talking to you” she lowered herself to meet his eyes. “You’re- Hey! You’re really talking to me?” he said more drunk than anything making her chuckle a bit. “Yes! Yes I am! Are you ok?” “I think…so?” “Do you need help? I saw you crying… saying you needed the… bathroom” she finished with a kind smile. “Yeah… I think so too” he said with a silly smile featured on his face. The girl helped him get up and he leaned completely on her, not being able to walk properly “You’re kind of short” he chuckled. “I am” “Oh it’s not bad! It’s cute!” “Thank you, I guess” she looked at him quickly to give him another smile and he noticed she had a little mole right above her upper lip. With much difficulty they managed to get to the bathroom on the upper floor of the frat. She opened the door for him and once he got inside she closed it, saying if he needed it she would be outside. A little while later he comes out with a satisfaction smile on his face and little droplets of water falling from his bangs. “Better?” she asked. “Much be- hey you know- your name?” he asked her with a confused semblance, leaning a little on the door, still dizzy from the booze “I know mine and it’s Taehy-Taehyung” he gave her his hand. “Well, Taehyung, I’m Sana Sukhija, nice to meet you” she took his large hand on hers and shook it lightly. As she said her name, he blinked absorbing her image. Sana was way smaller than him, with long black hair; she was wearing dark jeans with a pair of delicate white heels. “Suki?” he asked after a few seconds. “No” she laughed “Sana! Just Sana is fine” “Ok, just Sana, thank you for- Oh look! Hotdog! Let’s go!” he took her hand again and pulled her with him while sloppily chasing after a guy with some hotdog in hands.
"Chug chug chug chug!" Everyone in the room chanted as Hoseok and some other boy helped Jimin do a keg stand. "Wow there, king!" Deo laughed as Jimin was finally placed on the floor with his face super red from being upside. "I still got the record!" "If you do this 3 times a week no one has a chance to beat it." Hoseok pats his back and laughs. "Come grab a drink with me?" "Sure." Deo smiled to the boy and intertwined her arm in his. They walked to the kitchen and grabbed two cups of beer. They decided to leave the steamy house and go to the backyard. "You're not terribly drunk today." "I need to look out for my body. I want abs, not a beer belly." Hoseok laughed. "Where did that come from?" She arched her brow. Hoseok always liked to exercise, he danced a lot, but muscles were never his priority. "My sister is having this show, you see, to promote her clothes-" He stops to take a sip of his drink. "and she wants me to model for her. I saw some of the pieces and it includes a flowie shirt that show my belly so I want to look good." "We can start a training?" The girl suggested. "I've been eating too much pizza for my sake." "And you can also model some of her things!" He said excited and that caught Deo off guard. Fashion shows weren't really her thing, too much cameras and too much eyes. "Maybe?" She said trying not to sound too discouraging. "I gotta find Jimin and ask him too!" The boy gets up, leaving Deo behind.
“But you know what? I’ve never seen him before so” Jin finished saying to do a quick shot. He was the kind of people that no matter if he ended up all alone in the party, he would always find someone to chat around. At the moment he was sat with random people, that he never ever had seen before, except for a guy he could swear that had been his pizza delivery guy once. “You’ve never seen me before as well” one girl that he had no clue of what was her name pointed out. “That’s a good point right there! Are you majoring in public relations or something?” he questioned. Jin was always like this. He was really shy when he started to attend university but along the way he had evolved just like a pokemon - the argument he would always give, turning into someone really sociable and funny. Everyone liked him or at least would laugh at his jokes, even if they were pathetic. There was something about him that people would find really amusing. “Still here?” Namjoon passed by with another beer in hands. “Don’t forget about Taehyung!” Jin said louder because of the music while pointing out to the beverage Namjoon carried, making him just do a thumbs up and leave. “Dude, but what about the rest of the story?” one guy that was drinking next to him asked “We’re dying out here to know the rest!”
“My bad! That one will remain a mystery” he got up “Now if you’ll excuse me” and he left the circle to wander around the house a little. Since his friends were all so expansive and all so singular to the point they would do exactly what they wanted, in times like these, when he was alone, he would just wander around and see the decoration of the house. Sometimes he would meet new people - and that’s probably why he was so articulate and funny, always a tale to tell. In the process of it he bumped into Jungkook, both of them coming to a halt. “JK! My friend JK!” Jin pointed at the boy making him laugh “Congrats on today’s match!!” “Thank you, dude, I appreciate it” he smiled politely. “You’re really a good player! I actually thought you sucked before seeing you in action” “What? Why’s that?” Jungkook asked confused, but his smile never leaving his face; he liked Jin a lot, the guy was hilarious. “Carolina mentioned that she was the one bruising your face… and she always rants about you being like- the worst player so” “The worst player huh?!” “Yeah” Jin let out “But I’ll gladly take your side next time, don’t worry!” “Thanks, man!” he said while seeing Jin off and then shaking his head in disbelief to himself.
On the top floor of the frat, doing the same thing Jin was doing, was Hyori. She was actually really shy, and differently from Jin, she was still like that. She just went to parties because her friends wouldn’t let her stay at the dorms by any means. And the dance floor wasn’t her thing to be honest, so she much rather prefer to take her booze somewhere more private… normally it was the backyard, but sometimes, when she was lucky enough, she would find a nice room with a large window that would take to the roof. That was one of Hyori’s favorite spots to be, and this frat happened to have it. The girl was a huge fan of the space and everything related to planets, so on busy nights with lots of people dancing and tumbling around, she would stay there: sat with her legs close to her chest, looking up to the stars, her lonely drink on hands and a lot on her mind. That was until she heard a loud thud of the door and had to direct her eyesight to the cause of it. “Uh- Sorry I didn’t meant to interrupt” Namjoon said awkwardly, prepared to close the room door again. “No!” she said hurriedly making him stop on his tracks. She had the feeling she had already seen his face somewhere “I can go if you need to use the room” she started moving towards the window to get inside the house again. “Oh! No! It’s okay!” he said hurriedly with huge eyes finally understanding what she was implying by ‘using the room’ “I was just looking for my friend… maybe you saw him?” “Maybe I was just too distracted but I don’t think anybody came in here” she chuckled shyly. “Tall, drunk… maybe a tie already wrapped on his head? He always does it… Taehyung is his name” “Mmm, no… Sorry! I would like to help but I really didn’t see him” she started a little sad to the fact she couldn’t be helpful somehow “But if I see him I’ll let him know you’re looking for him!” “Thanks! That’s great! Then… Umm… I’ll go then!” Namjoon started closing the door again. “Wait!” she bursted making him stop again “Sorry, I didn’t catch your name! For your friend- To let him know in case I find him, I mean!” “Namjoon” he smiled “And you?” “Hyori!” “Well… Thanks, Hyori” they both smiled “Bye!” and the door was closed, leaving the girl in the dark, the only thing able to see was the bright full moon by the window.
Jungkook was already pretty affected by all the beers he chugged down, and even though he had danced for what had felt hours by Hoseok’s side, the tingling sensation of the alcohol just wouldn’t leave his body. He only stopped once he was feeling hot and steamy by all the bodies pressed together on that living room, deciding he had to have something to eat and drink fast, something non-alcoholic preferably. 
The boy was next to the table where all the hot dogs were being served once someone tapped lightly on his shoulder, something he wouldn’t even notice if it were other times but his body was sensitive - blame it on the alcohol, so he turned to the side to see a smiley girl standing next to him. “Sorry to bother” the girl started; Jungkook was already drunk, but his eyes were always sharp and he quickly took in her appearance trying to decipher if he had seen her already, or maybe even know her somehow. The girl in question was shorter than him, her sharp eyes peeking through her bangs, her hair loose, falling on her shoulders like a cascade, brown and dry-wavy “I just wanted to say you played really well today” she continued with a smile on her face “Not that you ever play bad” she explained making him chuckle alongside her. “Thanks! I’m Jungkook by the way” he extended his right hand to her, the left one holding an hotdog “Nice to meet you! We- We don’t already know each other, do we? Otherwise that would be really rude of me” he giggled awkwardly retrieving his hand after she took it, finding his gestures funny. “Don’t worry, you don’t know me! I know who you are because I’ve been watching a few games” “Oh! Thanks again then! Fight on” he cheered with a bunny smile “What’s your name by the way?” “Aashna! I’m a criminal psychology major” “That sounds cool! I was-“ he was about to elaborate on something when someone cleared their throat really close to them interrupting the conversation. “I’m I interrupting something?” Jennifer asked with a raised brow, leaning closer to Jungkook. “Hey Jen! No, I was just talking to Aashna, she’s been following our games” he said cheerful looking from one to another “This is Jen, Aashna, our middle hitter on the girls team” “Oh I see! Nice to meet you” Aashna greeted with a smile but Jennifer just rolled her eyes and payed no mind. “Ok baby, but can we go back to the dance floor? Or maybe go somewhere else?” the girl said tugging on his arm. “Let me just eat something first” he said taking a bite on the hot dog “You go ahead, I’ll meet you at the dance-“ “I’ll just wait for you here” she said simply. “You wanna come too, Aashna?” Jungkook invited seeing the girl so quiet. “Yes su-“ “I think she’ll have better things to do, Kookie” Jennifer interrupted again. “I’m pretty sure I don’t” Aashna answered back and once Jennifer was about to say something, Aashna’s friend appeared. “Girl! Help me out! I have a situation!” Sana’s words fast making it hard for anyone to process besides her best friend who already knew her for long. “What happened??” “I’ll let you know in the way! Just come with me!” Sana started pulling her out but she managed to look back at Jungkook. “It was nice to meet you, Jungkook! Fight on!” Aashna said hurriedly but with a smile. “You too!!!” he shouted back. “And may I know who the hell was that?” Jennifer blocked his vision, her arms now crossed again. “I just got to know her as well just about now” he said simply paying no mind to her jealousy and returning to eat his still untouched hot dog. “Jungkook! I thought we were exclusive” Jennifer was still rambling. “I’m heading back to the living room, you coming?” he asked simply already going ahead, she followed tugging once more on his arm. As soon as the boy entered the crowded living room he tried to spot his friends. Hoseok was still on the dance floor with some crew he had gathered around him, but Jungkook was way too tired for that now, so he decided to crash on some sofa on the back of the room. He surprisingly found Hyori sat down on an arm chair and Deo standing besides it while they checked something in Hyori’s phone, so he forced his body to move there. Jungkook was targeting the other big arm chair placed almost near where the two girls were, but once he was about to drop, someone sat right at the same time he did so he stood up again. “Hey!” he said, thinking it was some other guy by the force he was pushed over with. “Beat it, virgin boy” Carolina said moving to sit down again “Sit here, Tae” she reached out behind to grab Taehyung’s arm. “No” Jungkook said pulling her arm not letting her sit down. Taehyung though, sat and quietly look up seeing what was happening “I’m the one sitting down” “As if” Carolina rolled her eyes. “Wow” he huffed starting to get worked up “You- you can’t just do whatever you want! Pissing off people like that” “Watch me!” she said coming even closer to him, pissed off as well. “Excuse me! Bitch!” Jennifer said out loud, yanking Carolina by her arm and then throwing some vodka at her shirt. “Oh you didn’t” Carolina said lowly, almost to herself, feeling her blood boil in anger once she saw the white fabric of her shirt was now getting transparent. By now the few people that stood close and saw the scene had stopped moving, eyes fixated on them. Carolina was still looking down at her shirt and then looked up again, and her eyes were almost on fire; Jennifer moved even closer to Jungkook. A guy that was passing by almost ended up without a hand since Carolina yanked his red cup with such force, just to throw whatever it contained on Jennifer’s face. The brunette screamed in disgust and not satisfied Carolina took another cup and threw it at Jungkook this time “This one is to teach you how to choose better next time” she coldly directed to him “In all aspects of your life” and she started marching out, bumping into other people while making her way out of there. “Fuck” he grunted lowly, still perplex with the situation itself. “Wow” Deo gasped for air “best shit I’ve watched in years” she was still looking at Jungkook drunkly trying to take his now wet hair from his eyes and Jennifer sobbing on the side “Did someone recorded this?” “Nope” Hyori answered with a click of her tongue “But I wish I had” “YOONGI RUN” Taehyung drunkly screamed once he saw Yoongi passing by, he was still comfortably sat on the arm chair Carolina had provided him “CAROLINA IS ABOUT TO GO KARATE KID ON HIM” and he pointed to Jungkook. Yoongi frowned and just decided to ignore him since he saw no sign of the girl in question.
After being splashed with vodka, Carolina marched out to the bar. She needed to distract herself otherwise she would just go back there and punch the hell out of Jennifer’s face. Those two wouldn’t go along ever since they were put together in volley. As the setter of the girls team, Carolina was 90% of the time the one deciding which move they should play, but Jennifer was just really full of herself and would always complain she wasn’t shining that much. Carolina hated that and well, there wasn’t a single time they would just have a peaceful training without disagreeing with each other. She danced for a while at the bar with some people she had never seen in her entire life, but suddenly she got moody, had reached that state of the mind when you’re too drunk and get completely overwhelmed by all feelings you have, so she quickly made her way to find a quiet place. "DUDE SOME PRIVACY" was what she immediately heard once she got fully into the bathroom, after locking the door behind herself. “Hey there!" Carolina greeted, feeling quite sociable “The door was open” she added pointed backwards with a poker face. "Oh... really? My bad" Deo also did a poker face, curled the best she could not to show anything since she was sat on the toilet "I need a tampon do you have one?" “Uh... I don't think so? But I can help- wait a second" Carolina quickly turned around and got out of the bathroom. “Ahh! Don’t- What” was all Deo could say. She returned five minutes later with one in hands, locking again the bathroom door. “Here it is" she went towards Deo while looking up, not to seem like a creep and handed the girl the tampon. “Thank God, I owe you one!” she said while Carolina had her back to her, pacing around the bathroom that was quite big. “No problem- Hey do I know you? I know you don't I?” Carolina questioned with her brows furrowed while looking at the tiles from the bathroom wall, thinking hard on where she had already seen that girls face. Her drunk brain being incapable to remember anything she did for the past few hours let alone the face of a stranger. “Probably? I think I know you too?" she answered while going towards the sink to wash her hands. “Huh" was all Carolina said before going towards the bathtub and sitting inside it. “You ok there? Need to puke?" Deo asked with a weird expression on, once she saw the image of the other girl inside the tub in the mirror. “I’m fine" she laughed “Thanks for asking though! Just here to relax a bit... Some people take me out of my right mind sometimes" “Are you talking about boys? Because let me tell you! Boys are the worse" Deo turned around to look straight at Carolina. “For me people in general... but yeah, I’m talking about a stupid specimen now. Not that I think all men are stupid- I mean sometimes they are, but this one- Argh" “What did he do? We'll get revenge together!" Deo asked excited pacing towards her. “He existed. That's what he did" “I feel you. Is tub relaxing better than regular relaxing? Let me get in there with you." “Well it's better to talk about what angers you... Try it out" Carolina said finding some space to fit her in as well “Now you can talk about your stupid specimen" “So the problem is that there's this boy and my friends like him but he just pisses me off you know? He's so weird and his head is always in the clouds. It's so annoying." Deo ranted about it while rolling her eyes. “And... you like him? Or you hate him? Uh! Or maybe you hate him but like him as well?" Carolina asked feeling more than excited. “No I have a boyfriend” the girl confessed in a monotone making Carolina let out a dry ‘oh’ “If I liked him he wouldn't piss me off. Do you like that boy that exists?" “That sounds... like an episode of the OC bro... Wow" she commented on Deo’s life; her eyes going big while saying ‘wow’ “And hell no. I just hate that one" “Do you? Do you really?" Deo gave her that wise drunk look. “Yeap and for no apparent reason. Cool isn't it?" “So what are you supposed to do if he keeps bugging you?" “I’ll just piss him off as well...?" Carolina answered not feeling really sure of her own answer. “But what if you don't know how or don't want to give him the joy to see he can get under your skin?" “That's... well that's well thought” she complemented Deo “I don't know what to do about that... I was just thinking he's too stupid to notice that" she admitted weirdly looking towards nowhere “Girl talking is weird and somehow mind opening" “Yeah well I think I need more drinks now. You coming?" Deo said getting up. “I think I’ll absorb the information a little longer. Thanks though! And good luck with the dreamy guy from the OC episode!" “He's not dreamy!" was the last thing Carolina heard before Deo closing the door behind her.
As Deo was going down the stairs, Jin passed by going up, trying to find out where the hell was Namjoon at. After the incident involving Carolina that someone had already spread the word about, Jin decided it was time to leave, so that was why he was looking for his friends. They would always leave together no matter what, that was unless someone stated before the party they would leave separately. Yoongi was downstairs by the front door already waiting, in case one of them passed by drunker than they should, now it was on Jin’s hands to find the remaining three. Someone hinted him Namjoon had entered one of the rooms upstairs so he went there to check. “Namjo-“ was all Jin managed to say once he opened the third room door before freezing for a second. “HEY!” Namjoon shouted making Jin close the door immediately. He waited outside for what it felt like fifteen minutes before the door opened up again and a girl left hurriedly not even sparing a glance towards Jin. “Thanks a lot for that” Namjoon said coming out of the room. “We don’t ever have to talk about it like- ever again” “I wasn’t intending to” he added with a sharp glance. “Good! So let’s go home, Yoongi is waiting downstairs!” Jin cheerfully led the way “One down, two to go!”
While Jin and Namjoon got down to the main floor to ask around for Carolina and Taehyung, Hyori was feeling super sleepy and bored on the arm chair she was sat in. “Hobi~” she called him “Are you guys still planning on staying longer? I’m tired as hell” “You wanna go?” he asked; the boy was sat on the arm of the chair, while she occupied the main space. “I don’t wanna say yes, in case you guys still wanna stay but yes, yes I do” she chuckled embarrassed “My eyes are closing, I feel really tired” “It’s ok, Kiri, we can go! I’m actually tired as well, you kept me running around remember?” he laughed while caressing the girls hair. “I’m so sorry~” “I’ll go with you guys as well, my feet are killing me and I just got my period, urray!” Deo said coming by them with a non enthusiastic mood. “Let’s go then!” Hoseok got up helping Hyori get up as well. “You’re staying?” Deo side hugged Jimin who was still very lively. “Yeah! You guys go! I’ll stay with the boys” he pointed out to his group from the football team. “Mm, ok then, take care of yourself, don’t do anything stupid!” Deo adverted him “And make sure you text me once you’re at your dorm” “Who said I’m even ending the night on my own dorm?” he teased making Hoseok laugh and cheer. “Ugh” Deo rolled her eyes “Just text me so I don’t worry too much” “I’m kidding, baby! I’ll text you don’t worry” he squeezed her on the hug, giving a kiss on her forehead “Have a goodnight, angel” “Goodnight, babe” she said back. “Bye, Jiminie!” Hyori came in quickly for a tight hug. “Goodnight, baby! Sleep well!” “Bye bro! See you tomorrow” Hoseok said at last. “See ya!” Jimin said waving at them while he saw Hoseok leave with each girl at one side of him, arms intertwined.
Yoongi and Jungkook were chatting right outside the house once Hoseok came out with Deo and Hyori. “Hey man! We’re going… This sleepy head wants to rest” Hoseok smiled pointing with his chin to Hyori. “Sorry, JK! I really need some sleep, but congrats again on the game, I’m really proud of you” she said sweetly. “Thank you, Kiri” he gave her a bunny smile; Yoongi remained silent by his side, exchanging glances with Deo who was looking at him with her eyes squinted together, analyzing him “Go rest! We’ll see each other tomorrow right?” Jungkook asked. “Yes!” “Yeah man!” “You won’t come with us?” Deo asked. “No, Yoongi will give me a ride since we live together- but Hope will protect you guys” he smiled cutely. “Of course I will!” the older one said making Hyori laugh. “You aren’t drunk, are you?” Deo questioned Yoongi. “No ma’am” he answered in a monotone. “It’s fine! He’s a great driver, don’t worry!” Jungkook eased Deo’s mind but she was still glancing at Yoongi. “Ok then… Text! Don’t forget about that, like you always do” she gave Jungkook a hug. “Don’t worry, mom” he teased gaining a slap. “Let’s go girls~” Hoseok said still cheered up but already feeling a hint of tiredness and they all made their way to their dorms, leaving both boys behind. “YOONGS” Yoongi and Jungkook hear and instantly they look back to the frat main door to see Carolina drunkly walk past a few people calling out her friends name “HEY GRANDPA” “Over here!” he extended his arm for her to grab and she quickly went for a hug while closing her eyes, placing all her weight on him “Where’s the others?” “Jin and Nam are still looking for Taehyung” she said still with her eyes shut not paying much attention to her surroundings; Jungkook was froze on spot beside the two of them. “Do you mind going on one of their laps?” Yoongi asked softly. “No, why?” she answered opening her eyes to look up at him. “I’m giving Jungkook a ride and-“ “You what?!” she bursted. “Oh here we go” Jungkook said and she almost snapped her head once she turned to look at where the voice was coming from. “Fucking hell! Are you a wizard now???” “Carolina-“ Yoongi tried. “I was here the hole time, thank you very much” Jungkook answered drily. “I’m not going with him” she said to Yoongi while pointing out Jungkook. “You have to. I can’t let the guy out in the streets. He lives with me for fucks sake” Yoongi reasoned. “Either you take him or you take me” she crossed her arms. “Oh my- Are you serious???” Jungkook started “What are you? Five?” “Guys-“ “If I’m five, you’re three and shut up I’m not talking to you!” “Yes you are! You just said I was three!” The discussion kept on going, and anyone who would pass by could see Yoongi was just desperate to run away from there.
“Deo? Are you sleeping already?” Hyori called. Both of them tucked in bed after a quick shower, the lights already out “I guess she’s asleep… too bad, I had some tea to spill…” she purposely said it out loud, knowing damn well the friend she had. “Oh just tell me already!” Deo whispered in a louder manner on the other side of the bedroom making Hyori laugh. “You vixen!” “Just tell me what is it!” “Oh it was nothing, I just really wanted to tell you how great all those glances between you and the hot guy were” Hyori had a smirk on her face although Deo couldn’t see it. A silence creeped in “Deo?” Hyori asked again just to almost die of an heart attack because her roommate had thrown a pillow in her direction. It landed perfectly on her head. “Shut up!!!!!!” “Oh my God! For a second I thought I was going to die” she said gasping for air. “See?! That’s what you get for saying such nonsense” Deo complained but with a tiny smile on her face. “Wow” Hyori let out still trying to ease her heart from the jump scare. Not a minute later though she started laughing like a crazy person. “What are you laughing at?” Deo inquired. “How do you know ‘hot guy’ was Taehyung though? You must really find him hot” “Want another pillow?? I have three more!!”
Jin just wished he was on his bed right now and in deep sleep, but somehow he managed to be the one in charge of finding Taehyung. As soon as they arrived at the party and everyone said Namjoon was being held responsible for the boy he already knew something was going out wrong. Turns out that once more he was right. “Hey man, did you see my friend Taehyung? The artsy one?” he kept asking to everyone he could possibly know. “No dude, sorry!” “Namjoon I swear to God, Namjoon” he kept saying in a desperate way. “He must be somewhere- I mean, I only hope he is” Namjoon said while looking around. “Hi! Mm, hey! Sorry!” Sana called the two out “You’re friends with Tae right?” “Oh my God yes!!” Jin said dramatically “You know him?” “Where is he?? Is he ok?” “Yes! Yes!” she said looking from one to another being bombarded with questions “My friend is with him right now, he is asleep! Can you come get him? I’m not strong enough and he won’t wake up” “Lead the way”
Yoongi was now driving Jin’s jeep, both of them on the front and in the back Taehyung by the window now fully woken up screaming ‘Kangaroo’ with his window rolled down, Jungkook was squeezed in the middle and Namjoon was on the other end with Carolina curled up on his lap. The first stop was Taehyung’s dorm; As soon as Yoongi parked up, Jin got out and helped Taehyung to get to bed, he only left once he knew the boy wouldn’t go anywhere else. The way towards their apartments was a silent one. Jin was still on the passenger seat, and now both Carolina and Jungkook were at the windows, Namjoon in the middle feeling super awkward with the tension left in the air. Not even fifteen minutes later they had arrived to final destination, Yoongi parking the jeep in the garage and they all went dragging their feet until they reached the elevator. Jungkook went to press the button to their floor but Carolina was faster pressing onto the button number three. “Really?” the boy said “Couldn’t you press number two first?” “Not really” she smiled in amusement high fiving with Jin that was right behind her. “Now we’ll have to go up to the third floor only to go back down again” Jungkook kept ranting about it. “It’s ok, the elevator song is kinda nice” Namjoon said making Carolina laugh. “No it’s not!” Jungkook bursted. “Have to agree” Yoongi added. “Oh so now you’re agreeing with him?” Carolina inquired. “See?! I can’t no more, I’m going up with my own feet!” Jungkook said decided. “We’re already on level three” Jin said “I mean you can always go down taking the stairs but phew, what a waste of energy” “Have a nice night babes!” Carolina said happily giving a kiss on the cheek on both Namjoon and Yoongi. “Night” “You too!” “Ya! Let’s sleep!” Jin passed by stretching his arms while Carolina kept holding the elevator door. “Aren’t you taking the stairs?” she asked Jungkook making him clench his jaw. “Go away, you stink!” was the only thing he managed to say making her laugh in pleasure while walking away.
Some were already sleeping, some were in bed about to, others taking a shower or having a middle night snack, but Jimin… well, he kept zig zagging on the streets, even managed to frustrate himself about passing his key card on the wrong building only to fall into laughter the minute after. With much effort he arrived on his dorms, tiredly climbing up the stairs to the fourth floor because he forgot they had an elevator there. He fumbled with his keys once he got to the door with both his and Taehyung’s miniatures in cowboy hats; the key fell from his hand once, even twice. By his third tentative, a messy haired Taehyung just opened the door with a brusque yank at it, not even sparing a word at the now fallen Jimin laughing on the floor, he just went back to his bed and his sleep. “Aish Taehyungie” Jimin mumbled after closing the door and crawling over his bed; not even his shoes were off “I think I’m too tired to move now” “Mm” was the only answer he got. “Night night, Tata” Jimin said softly giving out to a deep sleep.
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swiftiemcdibbles · 4 years
Where have I been?
Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I've made, posted anything on here. ((I did FINALLY start a @taylorswift fan based Instagram, it's the same handle, SwiftieMcDibbles, but even that was very recent)) So, not like anyone cares, here's a life update I guess.
I DID have to end up selling my Lover Fest West tickets, and cried about it in the dark for a couple of nights. I feel like I broke a promise to my son, I did explain why to him and since he is the most understanding, sweet boy he was a little disappointed but understood. I have full faith I will take him to see her live one day. It is crushing though to know that because of financial problems I couldn't deliver, I knew we couldn't afford a trip from South Carolina to California, with hotel costs, food, etc. So I had to do it. And that's that. And no, I did not make any money off of them, I sold them at the price I bought them, I can't believe people think its normal to buy tickets for a couple hundred dollars and then re-sell them for THOUSANDS literally, it's kind of gross so just don't do it.
So when my fiance was deployed, about 4 months in we decided for me to stop working. I've gone back to school to become a lawyer and between that and suddenly being a "single mom", while he was gone, was just too much. I have, yes I've been diagnosed for years now, Socialized Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar 1(which is WAY different than Bipolar that people think they know). On top of that, my other illness is also an invisible one and that is Rhuematoid Arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease/deficiency. So A LOT of my days are filled with pain and worry and panic. I take my medications as well as natural remedies but it can only do so much, there is no cure. As I've gotten older, I'm 33, the Rhuematoid keeps getting worse. I'm quarantined now, because my immune system is at risk with the Coronavirus. So, since mid March, I've been at home with a Kindergartner, trying to home school and stay healthy. I'm extremely concerned about Coronavirus, and that people are not taking this seriously. I wish it would not be compared to other viruses or illnesses, but it is. Please, I beg you stay home. If you stay home, you're not spreading it. And you could save lives.
The real kicker in this too, is RIGHT before this pandemic, back in February it became apparent I needed to go back to work. My fiance made more while overseas, which is why I stopped working. And it was always just until he got home and settled. I was AGGRESSIVELY looking for a job in my field, then started looking for any job. It then became clear that COVID-19 was more serious than initially thought so guess what? No one is hiring. Bills are piling up, and accounts are dwindling. I've had to ask my parents for help a lot and they have when they could but they are feeling this economy as well.
So now, I'm cleaning houses when I can and doing anything to get through. Probably start selling some stuff soon. It's really rough right now, but we will pull through. All of us will. My son's birthday was March 26th and thank God we bought stuff for him over time so that we weren't having to spend money we don't have for him to have a good birthday. However, his party was set for tomorrow. At a local lake that has a big park and two big docks to fish off of, because he wanted a Marvel vs. DC fishing party(the mind of a then 5 year old boy is always wonderous). So yet again, he had to be told something we planned for was either postponed or not gonna happen. Once again, he's fine, so resilient. I hope it's just postponed because its paid for and with all the parks closed I can't get in contact with anyone there to see what the deal is. We could use that money!
So yeah, life is rough. I'm homeschooling my son while taking courses online myself. I'm going stir crazy, my depression is pretty bad at the moment. I just feel like I'm not holding up my side of things. All the financial burden is on my fiance and I feel terrible for that. He's considering selling his truck, that he JUST got in January because he NEEDED a new car, well it's a 2012 but new to us. I will literally die before I let him do that, this man works so hard. He's National Guard so he works a civilian job and then has to drill. The way his schedule works is he is LUCKY to get 2 SATURDAYS a month off, and that's it. So of course, I feel worthless which makes all the mental health issues I have way worse.
So yup, that's where I've been. In a dark place I'm really hoping will lighten up soon.
I truly hope everyone is doing ok. I know times are scary and hard but just be patient and do what your leaders are telling you to do as far as the Coronavirus is concerned. Love you guys! If you get too down, just throw on a Taylor album and escape for a minute, it's what has helped me.
@taylorswift you are an inspiration right now, and all the time. What you're doing to help those in need is remarkable and you have stayed the epitome of class throughout the entire past 4 years when basically half the world thought you were a liar. And instead of rejoicing in your victory, you took the spotlight away from that call and put in on The World Health Organization. Way to go! Hope your anxieties are not too bad right now, hope your Mom is doing well, everyone else too. Ok, I'm done now lol.
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mybodyliberation · 4 years
Our Marriage Story
Some of my favourite stories begin with “Once Upon A Time”, but they are stories that have a beginning, a middle and an end...our story is just at its beginning though as of right now we feel as if we have somewhat of our happy ending. 
Perhaps I’m calling this story because as of right now that’s how it feels. It still feels like a dream or like we are cosplaying some sequence from a science fiction movie, but this is our new normal. Life itself has changed. 
When I say “our” I’m talking about myself and my partner, otherwise known as Bae. On the 14th April 2019 Bae asked me to be his wife, I said a resounding yes, while simultaneously bawling my eyes out, and we have been planning our wedding ever since. 
Anyone that has been following the wedding journey will know that the date of our wedding was meant to be the 4th April 2020, and with only a few weeks to go, stationary printed, dress ready for collection, suppliers paid in full, and pretty much everything done, we were geared up to have one of the most life changing moments of our lives. 
At the beginning of March, a little worried, but mostly just doing our due diligence, we checked in with our venue and our suppliers to see where they stood on the what seemed to be the rapid escalation of changes being made by the government in relation to COVID-19. We were pretty much all in agreement that unless something major happened we were happy to carry on, knowing we would put certain measures in place to ensure everyone’s safety. 
A week later I checked in with my fellow brides online, how was everyone feeling, were they worried? Most importantly did they have their insurance in place, we had checked with our insurer and at that time as far as we were aware, we were covered. 
Then on the 14th March 2020 everything began to rapidly change. We went to the supermarket and it was like there was a visible tension, whole shelves were cleared and each person walked around tentatively.
We got what we went in for and quickly left. Then as we got into the car I checked BBC News as I had began to do every few hours, and I saw the announcement. The US were going to be closing their boarders to stop the spread of the virus. I got home and immediately called my best friend, who lives in New York, we talked about the options and we realized that NYC itself was probably days away from entering a lock down. 
Even then I think we believed everything would carry on as normal. We thought, “There will be a way to get her here”, and “We will ABSOLUTELY be able to carry on with the wedding.” We sit at the dining table eating dinner and laughing and saying we will absolutely still make it all work. 
By the Sunday evening on the 15th March we realise we might not be able to make things work. We realise that actually...we might not be able to have a wedding at all. There is barely enough time to be upset as we send an email to minister expressing the fact that regardless of what happens we still want to be married on the 4th April, and we will find a way to reschedule the wedding. 
We realised before the whole of our bodies had even caught up that we wanted to be married. Yes,weddings our beautiful, and we hoped to have one, but what really mattered to us was being married. What really mattered to us was being husband and wife and navigating this fast approaching new life, together, as a team. 
All gatherings are stopped, Monday 16th March, I phone the registry office to enquire about whether or not we can get married any sooner and we are told by a wonderful woman at the Balfron office that because our papaer work is done, we can do it whenever we want, we just have to collect the marriage schedule. I have an audition on the 17th March and before the end of the day SOLT issues a statement to say that all west end theatres will close that evening and regionally theatres follow suit. 
In what could be one breath, my entire industry shuts down, and we email our minister again asking if we could do a ceremony as soon as Tuesday 24th and then we send another email before the end of the night saying we would actually like to do it that Saturday, the 20th March 2020, then we begin emailing our suppliers to say we will be postponing the wedding. 
After my audition Bae and I drive out to our venue and further on to try and find a space we can hold the ceremony as venues begin rapidly shutting their doors to any kind of gatherings. Bae takes us to a place called Milarrochy Bay and for the first time in days we breathe a sigh of relief.
Its funny that you do’t know you have been holding your breath until you finally get to breathe. We sat there in the car as the rain came down softly, and breathed. At Milarrochy Bay there was no mention of any viruses, the world hadn’t yet touched the place and it had not yet stopped. We looked out at the Loch and marvelled at the bridge that would be perfect as my processional. We looked at the two proud trees in perfect symmetry, perfect to act as our ceremony space. This was it, this was where we were meant to be married all along. This is where our new lives were going to begin. 
A few moments later we called the registry once more, again the wonderful Lynne told us to be swift and come to her office. She was meant to close but she would hold the building open for us until we arrived. She would change our form and she would send us on our way.
I cried, as we sat in the office, witnessing the kindness of this woman who to us was a stranger. I sat in awe of how she bent and became as flexible as any tree  in the wind, to ensure that we could recognize and unionize our love. There was no time to be too overwhelmed as we got back in the car, speaking to our families to update them of our rapidly changing plans. 
By the next day, again as things rapidly progressed in our country, we realised we didn’t have the luxury of waiting until the Saturday, we would do it on the Friday. Once more we spoke to our incredible minister, she was on board. We spoke to our families, they were on board. 
We were going to elope, and we were going to do it right away. 
I barely slept the next few days, thinking of how to make things work for Friday, picking up my dress, collecting things, making sure our families had a way of getting to the Bay and saying goodbye to a wedding that would not be happening in the way we had planned. 
Then suddenly like magic, all of the stress, all of the anxiety faded away. In a blink of an eye, I found myself in the carpark of Milarrochy Bay just by Loch Lomond, stepping out of my sisters car, taking the arm of my supportive and incredible father, tears streaming down, as I walked towards the love of my life to the song “Loch Lomond”. 
It smelled like the earth was sweeter than it had ever been. The skies were bluer and the sun brighter than I ever thought possible. As I took my Bae’s hand, and my father handed me away it was tunnel vision.
It was just him and me and in that moment we felt God with us so strongly it was like the air was thick with love and joy and peace. The world stopped for us in that moment. It stopped to recognise and celebrate our love. It stopped to say that we had always been leading up to this very moment in time. 
It’s probably only now as I write our story that things are truly being processed. I sit in awe of how we managed to make it to such a crescendo and all I can think of his gratitude because if there is one thing that I have learned it is that love in the time of Chaos...is the most beautiful love of all. 
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talix18 · 5 years
November 4
If I could go back in time and tell myself anything useful, #1 would be for gods sake please keep up with guitar lessons. #2 would be something about considering carefully the fact that you're going to live out a few more decades; continuing to blow up relationships will have you living them out mostly alone. #3 would be Absolutely Fill Out the Rhodes Scholarship application, idiot. I know you don't know yet that you want to travel but I promise that the experience you would have going to school overseas would be more than worth putting up with the weather. It's a problem that opportunity arises for some people when they're too young to appreciate it – at least it was a problem for me. So play guitar, sing, write, do all those things in front of people because it can just be fun, you know. Go to school far away. Sit still and let someone love you.
Because there is a distinct possibility that you will never meet someone who you know is The One. I'm pretty sure I thought I'd met The One two or three times. Nobody is going to fit all of your edges without rubbing uncomfortably in a few areas, whether it's their tendency to cut their hair too short or their inability to take on housekeeping duties when you're laid up or their families not being people you'd choose to hang out with. It's nice to have someone to hang out in sweatpants with; it's nice to have someone around who makes you laugh. Love is just as much about action as it is about emotion. It's not just something that happens to you; it's also something that you do.
But the reality is that I did meet someone I had those heart-flips over. We had that connection I'd always hoped to find. And life got in the way. He wasn't willing to make the changes he needed to in order to be with me and I wasn't willing to wait anymore. And I had the one that I was crazy about who just wasn't as crazy about me, and the one that I thought was the Universe actually working in my favor until the long-distance of it all got too much. Maybe I've had my chances.
I just want a life where I can honestly say “I wouldn't change a single second because it got me here.” Is that so much to ask?
Is it terrible if I don't eat anything except cauliflower crust veggie pizza? I mean, if I'm not overdoing the cheese and the veggies are fresh and the sauce doesn't have sugar in it – there's no reason that it's a “bad” idea, is there?
Saturday night I was at a meeting where a friend was celebrating nine years clean. She is hilarious and outgoing and incredibly smart, and she honestly believes that all Muslims are taught to throw acid in the faces of their women. This baffles me. I have this other friend – she's Jewish and also incredibly smart, and helped vote in the current administration because she's anti-reproductive rights. The administration that normalized being a Nazi in the 21st century. I just don't get it. And this is always going to limit the extent to which I'm going to trust someone – if you fundamentally believe that some humans are less deserving of compassion and dignity and self-determination, then I have to wonder what's going to happen if I fall into one of your less deserving categories.
Anyway, what I'm learning is that my mental health depends on being around people – on being part of a community – and I need to tell the truth about myself in safe places. So I'm at a meeting Saturday sharing about how my depression manifests, the specific example being that for most of the almost 15 years I've lived in this house, there has been a dresser drawer on my bedroom floor. It hasn't always been the same drawer – I've fixed at least two or three rails in the time I've owned these IKEA dressers. And it is entirely likely that I wouldn't have this problem if I didn't stuff the drawers beyond their recommended capacity. The point is that this is how I live: walking around the drawer on the floor. I am not going to consider my shit together until there are no drawers on the bedroom floor.
After the meeting, the woman next to me, who is a successful married adult with grown children, leaned over and said “I've never felt so close to you.” And that's what it's about, gang. Those moments when we tell the truth about how we live and other people recognize themselves in it. It's scary sometimes but, for me, it's necessary. And when I have more than one broken dresser drawer, I can ask for help getting rid of the things I don't need and taking the broken things to the dump. Then I can buy a new piece of clothing storage furniture, probably from IKEA, because I'm not made of money, and this one doesn't have drawers.
Last night I drove two hours to Philadelphia to see Fleetwood('s Heartbreakers House) Mac. You have to understand what Stevie Nicks means to me. Yes, I loved “Dreams” when I heard it the first time in someone's apartment in fifth grade where I was playing some version on Spin the Bottle for the first time. (Billy Schoonmaker, where are you now?) I loved the White Winged Dove song that I didn't know the name of until I saw a song I'd never heard of by Stevie on a jukebox and played it. And I remember a cartoon of someone literally dragging a heart behind them that was in the junior high newspaper. But The Moment I got it was when my mother's second husband, who played bass in an actual, playing out band, brought home Stevie's first solo album. I remember seeing her on the cover with white roses and gauzy clothes and a crystal ball and a tambourine and thinking “you mean life can look like that all the time?” My experience of gauzy clothes and crystal balls was limited to the Renaissance Festival that came to town every summer. I don't know why I took that album cover so literally – she could have been dressed that way specifically for those pictures – but in that moment I had permission to make my life look any way I wanted it to.
So Stevie, and by association Fleetwood Mac, have been part of my soul for most of my life, and I've been lucky enough to have seen her solo and with them several times. (Not on the Wild Heart tour, though! Not when Joe Walsh was her opener and Mom refused to sit through him and I was too young to go by myself. [Learning later that Stevie considers Joe the lost love of her life just makes it easier to carry that grudge.]) I've seen them minus Lindsay plus Billy Burnette & Rick Vito, with Lindsay Buckingham but minus Christine McVie (sorry I'm not sorry this is my preferred line-up), and now minus Lindsay plus Mike Campbell and Neil Finn.
I saw them in April and had All The Emotions. All of them. There were the general Stevie emotions, of course. Then there were the Tom Petty emotions, because I'd seen Campbell with Petty and the Heartbreakers the previous summer, on that last tour. Thank god. I don't even know what made me decide to go – I didn't take pictures or buy a shirt like I almost always do – but I was there, and then Tom died. And now Stevie, who adored him, and Mike, who was his musical partner, were on stage together without him.
Then there's Neil Finn, who was? Is? The frontman for Crowded House, who I also love. But more importantly, he was one of the favorites of my friend Andrea, who died of cancer far too young, who lived in Seattle and I made it a point to fly out for her 40th birthday. Who I flew out to sit in the hospital with in the last weeks of her life. Who I met on the Internet of all the ridiculousness, along with an entire group of Webpeeps who I've been lucky enough to ride roller coasters, celebrate weddings, and baptize babies with. Andrea loved Split Enz and Crowded House and made me listen to their catalog beyond “Something So Strong” and “Better Be Home Soon” and find the pop perfection there. There he was, sounding like he was doing Fleetwood Mac karaoke but also sounding like someone I love who is gone.
Not to mention the whole Stevie and Lindsay and will he ever be able to sing again after his throat was injured after his heart surgery and what the hell happened that Stevie decided this was finally a bridge too far to cross with him after everything else they've worked through. I love Stevie but not blindly, and I see Fleetwood Mac touring without two of their three main songwriters but not without her.
All. The. Emotions.
And I went with my grown adopted niece and Stevie sang about children getting older and I was weeping, as I do.
I had decided against buying a shirt, figuring I could make a more rational decision about what I wanted the next day and get it online. And learned to my horror that no, I couldn't, and then the crazy started. The crazy that said “Look! They're going to be in Philly Friday. Get a ticket to that show and buy what you want there. And if you go alone, you can get a more expensive single seat on Mike Campbell's side of the stage and be In It.” I don't remember how long I thought about it. I do know I ran it past my sister, who said she'd done equally as outrageous things, which gave me permission. My sister is one of the sanest people I know and is one of the lines I can never color outside of.
So I bought that Mike Campbell section ticket and reserved a place on the parking lot and vibrated through half a day at work looking forward to it. Until I happened to see something about them canceling the Boston show the night before and looked further and saw that the Philly show had to be postponed due a band member's illness. I was disproportionately devastated. Which is a thing with both addiction and depression – responding to things out of proportion with their actual importance. That disappointment led to a pretty steep downward spiral during which I actually called my sponsor and allowed her to talk me through the insanity maze.
It is recommended that one have a sponsor one trusts and get in the habit of talking to them regularly so that muscle will be exercised when you're feeling crazy or like using or whatever it may be. This is not my way. My traditional way of being a sponsee was crawling through whatever on my own and calling my sponsor to tell her about it afterward, and getting together with her just long enough to work whatever my next step was before my anniversary. Then my very smart Buddhist sponsor with 20 years clean relapsed, and everything changed.
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